#but i put a typo in my email and didn't realize so i had to call support to get em to fix it
monogramsalarm · 2 years
calling a customer support line be like “i am going to be the kindest, most polite and understanding person they’ve talked to today”
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shesoutofhere · 2 months
Meet Me in the Corner pt.3
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Peter Parker x Reader
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
Summary: Mar threatens Peter, Peter apologizes, kind of, and then Peter ambushes you with a blind date.
Please ignore typos or I'll cry <3.
Mar did in fact have an ‘I told you so’ moment. 
Lucky for you, she didn’t rub it in your face for too long. After hearing about your interaction with Charlotte, it’s safe to say Peter Parker is no longer enemy number one. 
Mar is now afraid to leave you alone, scared that you’ll be bullied again, and has insisted on the buddy system. 
You are now walking through the dining hall, with a yapping Mar behind you. 
“What am I going to do with you? I have to leave for work but you’ll still be here for revising.” Mar says with a pout. You can't help but roll your eyes at her. 
“Mar, I love you, so I say this with love and kindness, but I really need you to leave me alone.” 
Mar gasps in shock, “That is not love and kindness. That is hate and meanness, but I’ll let it slide because you're in a crummy mood.” 
You would deny that you’re in a crummy mood but you’d be lying. You and Peter decided over a very dry email thread that you’d meet up to work on revising the outline. You had told him that it was mostly your part that needed work and there was no point in meeting but he insisted until you agreed. 
You continue to bicker with Mar, when she suddenly yanks on your backpack, halting your walking. 
“Omg, do not be alarmed but there is an absolute cutie staring at us from the smoothie line.”
You turn your head to try and see who she's talking about but realize who it is soon enough. 
You both make eye contact and you dart your eyes anywhere else that isn't on him. 
Mar gives you a “subtle” shake. “He waved, oh my gosh he just jumped out of the line.”
You still refuse to look. “Mar can we go please?” 
She grabs your shoulders, not letting you move. “Um no way, he’s coming over here.” 
Before you know it, Peter is standing in front of the both of you with a sheepish smile. Still oblivious to who he is, Mar flutters her lashes in the most Mar manner. 
Peter’s got his eyes on you though. “Hey, didn’t think I’d see you till later.” 
You can feel Mar’s eyes burning a hole into your head so you speak up. “Mar, this is that guy from the Cal project.” you could’ve properly introduced him but you're too petty to care. 
Mar immediately loses all excitement. “Oh, that guy.” Peter scowls. Too bad.
You nod, “yeah, that guy.” Mar comes around from behind you and links her arm with yours, looking Peter right in the eye. “I’ve got to get to work, but if I get any sort of text message from her about you, I will be here so quick you won’t even see me coming.” 
All Peter can do is nod his head. 
She turns to look at you with a sweet smile, “Anywho, I will see you later. Please remember to shut the window if you get home before me.” you nod your head dramatically, tired of hearing about the damn window. “Yes yes, I’ll close it.” 
Mar gives you a once-over before finally saying bye and glaring at Peter while she walks away. 
Peter lightly shivers, “Okay, so I’m assuming she doesn't like me?”
You nod, “Assumption correct.” 
There’s an awkward pause.
“Would you believe me if I told you I was in line to get you an apology smoothie?”
You shoot him a look. “No, I wouldn't believe you.”
Peter sucks in a breath, “valid, I was though. But then I saw you and acted before thinking and I didn't even get to order.”
That’s kind of sweet but you are losing it with his back-and-forth behavior. Time to listen to Mar and put your foot down.
“Look, since we're both free can we just get the revision over with?”
Peter, a bit stunned by your bluntness, just nods. 
“Okay then.” you clap your hands, “ let's go somewhere quieter.” 
Peter trails behind you, as you look for somewhere to hunker down. You occasionally look behind to see if he’s still there. When you look, you see his eyes searching all over the place. You know better than to assume but you can’t help but think he’s making sure there's no one he knows.
You finally find a quiet corner table and decide that’ll do. You plop yourself down in one of the seats and Peter does the same. 
You set your backpack on the table and pull out the outline Cal handed back to you. You slide across the table over to Peter. 
The more Peter reads, the deeper his frown gets.
With one more look over he tosses it on the table. “What the hell is up with this dude?” you assume he means Cal. 
“What? Not a fan of Cal’s critiques?” you reply sarcastically. Peter scoffs and reads the paper again. “No, our outline may not have been perfect but it was damn near it.” 
You're kind of grateful that someone is finally understanding what you meant about Cal.
You try to lighten the mood. “What are you talking about, Cal barely left any responses on your part, you should be proud.” 
Peter deadpans. 
“Nothing to be excited about if he’s gonna be critiquing us like this.” He reads it over and over again, “man you weren't lying when you said he didn’t like you.” 
You want to laugh but you're quick to remember what his friends had said about you. 
You get defensive, “Yeah well if that’s going to be an issue then you're more than welcome to request someone else.” 
You're messing with your nails when you hear Peter sigh. “I fear there's some animosity between us.”
You cross your arms and lean back in your chair. “Oh really now?” 
Peter leans forward. “I owe you an apology. No smoothie but an actual apology.” 
“I’m listening.” 
Peter fidgets with his hands, “look, those guys can be-”
“Yeah, that.” he sighs again, clearly troubled. “I met them a while back and we’ve been hanging ever since. They’re not the best but they're my friends, I guess.” 
“That” you pause, “wasn't an apology.” 
Peter nods frantically “Agreed. Okay , I really am sorry for the way they were. I should've jumped in and said something. Also, I'm sorry I told them about you and Cal.”
You sit up in your chair. “It’s fine I guess. I just don’t get why you’d want to hang out with people like that but to each their own.” you should’ve left it as “its fine'' but you really dont get why Peter is friends with them. 
“Hey, they're my friends and that's that, I don’t think I should have to explain anymore than that, I'm apologizing and that's what matters right?”
Okayy, so friends is a touchy subject, noted. 
“Okay yeah, fine, whatever.” you don't feel any better than before he apologized. If anything, you feel worse.
Peter clears his throat. “Okay, that's settled then.”
There's a hesitation between the both of you. You both go to speak and both topple your sentences over one another. Peter just points at you to go first. 
���So” you say, dragging the O. “Cal wants the revision by Friday. You can mark this copy up and I’ll just add onto the doc.”
Peter scratches his chin, while staring at the paper. “What's there to add? I meant it when I said I thought it was near perfect.” 
You sigh, “I don’t know Peter. I usually just follow Cals red mark ups and call it day.”
Peter doesn’t agree. “Well I don't wanna do that. I like what we have.” 
You stare at him, eyes wide. “You mean like not to revise at all?” Peter nods. You let out a chuckle “you expect me to turn this back into Cal, exactly how we left it? He’s going to be mad, and i'll be the one having to deal with that.” 
Peter looks like he’s thinking. “How about” he pauses “how about I turn it in with you? we’ll tag team him.”
You give him a blank stare. “Peter”
“Are you serious?”
Peter lets out an exasperated yes. “I’ll head to your class after it ends and we can talk to him together.”
He seems serious. 
Fine by you. 
“Well, if that's all, I'm going to head out. I’ll email you my class info.”
You start to pack your things up and get ready to leave, when all of a sudden Peter jumps up. “Wait!” he’s got an arm reached out while the other goes to gather his things. 
Peter stumbles to put his things away and goes to stand with you “where, uh, where you headed?” 
“The library?” you say questionably 
Peter nods, “Cool, that's cool, I was actually headed there too.”
You eyed him suspiciously, “were you?” 
“Yeah, I was. Wanna go together?”
Peter’s sudden odd behavior is throwing you off. “ I guess.” 
“Sweet, let's go.” 
Peter takes off without you. You stare at the back of his head in confusion but follow anyway. 
You trail closely behind Peter. Every now and then you catch him turning to make sure you're still following. You come up with every scenario on why he’s acting the way that he is.
Did he see his friends in the dining hall?
Is he trying to hide from someone? 
Does he really just need to go to the library? Or
Does he actually want to hang out with you?  
You're too busy spiraling to realize that you've already made it to the library. You're about to go in when Peter stops and turns around. 
“Maybe we shouldn't go to the library.”
“What are you talking about?”
Peter shrugs, getting looks from other people trying to walk through. 
“I just feel like it’s not the place to be.”
You want to be annoyed by his behavior, but you're weirded out more than anything. “Okay? Then you go somewhere else?” 
You start opening the door but Peter yanks you to the side and pulls you both away from the entrance. “Okay, what the actual hell are you doing?” Peter is silent. “Don't want to be seen or something?” 
That gets Peter talking, “What? No it's just" he trails off.
“Just what?” 
Peter scrambles for an answer. “Don't you ever feel like studying somewhere else?” 
“No, I like the library, that's why I go.” 
You pull Peter in close, worried that something is actually wrong. 
“I dont know whats going on but you're freaking me out. I am so close to texting Mar an SOS message and trust me when I say she meant what she said earlier.” 
Peter frantically waves his arms around. “No, please don’t do that! She actually scares me!”
“Look, can you just trust me when I say the library is not the place to be?”
You look at him like he’s crazy, you think he might be. “Now why would I do that?”
Peter fidgets with his hands, “Because I have really good intuition. Now can you please go study somewhere else?” 
“I-” you genuinely have no words. 
“Um, what's going on here?”
When you look up you see Nolan, looking equally as confused.
Peter however looks relieved “Nolan! Hey man.” 
Nolan, who looks like he’s just spent an unimaginable number of hours in the library, responds. “Hey? Why are you guys huddling in a corner?” 
You think this is your way out. “Okayy, So I’m going to leave now.” You try to shuffle past Nolan but Peter stops you.
“Nolan, remember that coffee spot hidden away by the architectural building?” 
Nolan still looks just as confused “yeah?”
Peter claps “great! You should take her there. I'm trying to convince her that the library isn't the place to be, right now, at this moment.” there’s a pause. “You know, intuition” Peter stares Nolan down and after a minute his eyes widen “OH, Oh, yeah.” Nolan turns to you. “I bet you would really like this place, it seems to be up your alley.” 
Peter is pushing you away from the entrance, “Yes I totally agree.” 
Nolan is already walking down the lawn before you can even get an opinion in. 
You turn around with an annoyed look “Peter you better explain what is going on right now.” 
Peter shrinks in your stare. “Um, Nolan” He pauses, “Nolan has a crush.” he pauses again, “on you and he needed a little push to help him out.” 
You still are just as annoyed. All of this was a ploy to get you on a date with his friend? 
Considering your past couple of interactions with Peter, you wouldn't put it past him.
“Peter, I am not going on a blind date with your friend.” 
Peter exhales, “Oh come on now, Just give the poor guy a chance, I mean look at him.”
You do just that and when you spot him, you see him standing in place kicking rocks around, waiting for you. 
You close your eyes and sigh, curse your sympathetic heart. “Fine but this was so poorly executed Peter.” 
Peter gives a sympathetic smile, “Ouch, I tried okay.” 
All you offer is an eye roll. 
With one more push, Peter sends you off to catch up with Nolan. When you do, he immediately starts a conversation. You turn around to glance at Peter but all you see is him bolting past the library. 
You try not to think too much of it. Completely thrown off by Peters antics, you hope Nolan doesn’t exude the same behavior and pray the rest of your day will go on normally.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peter and Nolan are being sketchy weirdos!
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championofravens · 3 months
My manager is making my worklife so needlessly stressful and tense since my grandfather died. While in California for the funeral, I realized I hadn't filled out my timecard and scrambled at 5am to do it on my phone. In my rush, I forgot to input the day off I had taken when I learned he passed.
What would you do, as a manager of a 2-person team, if you saw a timecard from your employee on bereavement that mistakenly didn't apply PTO hours on a day?
Her answer was to send a scathing email, CCing my coworker (completely unrelatedly) to write an official warning that we must use our PTO hours and not waste company time on time off.
Realizing I was actively on bereavement leave when she sent this, she waited for me to return days later to push the email into my inbox again to "correct a typo".
Yesterday she pushed it again with "ACKNOWLEDGE THIS EMAIL" as the only message in the email's body. Clearly unhappy I didn't decide to grovel and cry for my mistake when I saw her email the first two times.
What's frustrating is as a fully remote employee, I could just list a random day of PTO on my next timecard to fix my mistake. I'm not exactly in a tightly managed critically scrutinized role. There's also the fact I could have been directly texted or called to fix my mistake on my timecard before it was due. Or she could have directly messaged me on my work app to inform me of my error... or to ask me to acknowledge the email she sent. Or just messaged me the contents of the email instead of dragging my coworker over to spectate me getting a lecture.
There's no going to HR either- for one, she is my manager by virtue of being the only possible person avaliable to take my boss's old position (a position that encapsulates more than just my 2-man team; we're meant to be her auxilory assistants). She has iron clad job security. For another, HR knows. My old boss knows. Everyone knows she is a cruel, petty, mean person. I was literally asked during my second interview if I had the "tough skin" to put up with her special brand of high school stereotypical acid as she was the one training me when I first got hired.
I keep applying for new jobs and they don't even reach out to tell me why I'm being ignored.
My only option, no joke, is to take her job.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I had a really nice day. I am really tired but it was a good day still. Though none of the timing was what we wanted.
I slept alright last night but James woke me up a lot. So they have decided to put an extra blanket on the couch for when they really can't sleep and want a more solid surface.
So this morning was tough. But I got dressed and felt pretty cute. I am not 100% sure I am going to keep this dress but I felt good about myself today. Though I would take off my earrings half way through the day because my lobes hurt. Ah well.
James drove us to the museum. We stopped for breakfast. That made me feel a lot better. And then we were at work. I went to get my programs set up. And Kristen was soon there to set up the other one we were doing today.
We had on our schedule that the group was coming at 845. But there was a typo in one of the emails that had been sent to them. And they weren't actually coming until 945. Oops. So we had a lot of time to chill.
So we hung out in the back and I did my embroidery for the day. Me and Kristen talked about cost per wear and trying to get the most out of the things we have. It was a fun chat. And I enjoyed making my piece for the day.
The group was still running late. So everything felt disjointed. But it was fine.
My group was excellent kids. And I really had a lovely time hanging out with them. We had city builders first and I did the story telling with their buildings at the end and I really think it helped us make connections about how neighborhoods work.
They had lunch next. I had a lot of emails to send. To Jessica and the nursery to try to figure out my schedule for the next couple weeks. And I'm going to be busy! That is good. It makes me feel more secure. Like it'll make our budget go father. But it is hard not accidently double booking things. But I got everything written down and confirmed best I can for now.
We had our neighborhood tour after lunch. And the kids were so cute. There was a regular tour happening so I had to change the order a bit. But that was fine. Because of that some of the kids ran out of coins so I started telling them they were buying things on credit. And they just did a great job listening and being patient. I have been very lucky with my groups lately.
I started really losing steam by the end though. And so I dropped them off at the lunchroom and went to the back while they waited for their bus. I had to sit down. I would sit and put away costumes and reset everything. I really wanted to go home.
I sat with James for a few minutes while I confirmed some work stuff on my phone. And then I got myself together and headed out.
I went up to the dollar store to pick up the Lego boards for the printmaking project tomorrow. And was really excited that they had the hash browns I like. I haven't been able to find them in our grocery store for a while so this was super exciting.
I had a fun little talk with the cashier about some snacks she recommended. And the. I was out and on the road again.
MLK was super backed up. So it took twice as long to get home. But that was fine because I was in such a good mood. Because that nice homeless lady was finally at the corner where I met her before!! And I was able to give her the molecar I had saved for her. I pulled over and o asked if she was who I spoke to before and if she remembered me. And I was like I have this for you and she just seemed so surprised and happy. And then I was super happy. I was like. I have been looking out for you since before Christmas!! When I drove off I looked in my mirror and she seemed to be excitedly telling the guy she was with. I hope she is doing okay right now.
My bright feeling was dampened a little when I got home and realized my package was stolen. I am so mad about it because the email said they left the package at the back door. We don't have a back door?? Do they mean the ally?? So I walked to the ally and didn't see anything. But it's just so stupid. I made a report with UPS. But I am slightly sad about it.
When I came back inside I had to made a new invoice for a workshop. And got cozy in bed. I wanted to nap but I was anxious about waiting for an email that never came. So I couldn't turn my brain off.
I knew we were going to have dinner at Jessica Lebowitz's house at 5. So I was prepared for that. But then James got stuck at work for a whole extra hour. And they were very stressed about that but it was fine. She ended up using the extra hour to tidy up the house and get a shower. So it worked out in the end.
And dinner over there was nice. I forgot she had a lot of animals and while I loved petting them I really should have taken allergy medicine before we left. Thankfully I was able to keep my hands off my face and didn't have a freak out.
Dinner was good. Pasta was very tasty. And I enjoyed the company though we were all tired so some of the conversation was a bit stilted. I still enjoyed it. We talked about work and memories and plans. We got a little tour of the house. And net her dog and her cats. Her roommate came down to say hi. And it was a nice night.
Around 8 we said goodbye and headed out. I was tired. And happy to be back at our little space.
I fed the aquatics. And got a shower. And fixed some stuff that needed gluing. But now we are in bed. I am texting Jess who was at a wedding tonight. And I'm thinking about having some before bed cereal.
And tomorrow I have my last workshop of the series for the national guard. It's the printmaking one and we all know I love printmaking. Wish me luck. I am excited for a good day. And then tomorrow night we are supposed to go see a professional wrestling match?? I loved wwf when I was a kid. So this will be very fun.
Sleep well my friends. I love you all.
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I read her post and i realized that she didn't tell everyone the teacher story so I probably shouldn't have done that in my previous post. I'm not happy with how she talked about me and seriously i almost replied to her post six times and deleted it because i was doubling down again because i was so angry but honestly I deserve it. I deserve the restraining order and worse. I'm sorry if my typing is shitty and full of typos but i'm shaking so hard and crying so I'm not super concerned with how my posts look right now. She was much nicer in her post than i deserved, i know that. I am going to delete every ask on my inbox so if you're scrolling through my blog hoping to see me answersomething don't even bother i haven't read them. Everything she said is true and even now I'm typing rebuttals and then deleting them and just now I deleted a whole paragraph trying to explain why I kept putting my hands into Mike's hoody pocket and why I kept grabbing his thigh and why i dressed sexy and tried to kiss him after the intervention and why i was convincing 16 year olds to do an intervention with me in the first place. God even now i just deleted another sentence that was a full on lie. An hour ago i deleted all my burner twitter and Facebook acounts that i had made to follow people that stay in contact with Mike and Anne and even deleted the emails i used to sign up with them. obviously I need help and I'm just so sorry, i honestly thought more people would fall for it and vote NTA, i fully expected everyone to skip to the TLDR and have my back, and that was wrong of me, I lied to you all and I even lied to myself. I'm going to make one final post apologizing because I don't think it should be tangled up in this post but after that I'm deleting all my asks and never logging in again. I really wish people had skipped to the TLDR and voted NTA but we can't always get what we want but maybe it was for the best to have this wake up call. I honestly don't know anymore.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
You can thank @mistyfoxsong having a typo for bringing you this evening's Kirishima thirst:
May we present to you the concept of HR Kirishima.
Office setting AU
Kiri X F!Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+ (Minors leave), sexual harassment, unsolicited pics, blood, swearing, oral (m receiving), slight angst
WC: 900
A/N: I probably made this more fluffy than I should have but I'm feeling especially soft tonight so.
You're getting dick pics sent to your work email from an account you don't recognize and so you do the block the email but, hell, this is the fourth different account this perv has made, and now they've gotten so bold as to send pictures of your own ass from various locations around the office!
You'd tried to catch them in the act. Looked in the background of the images to try and figure out who the hell was doing this but, in the end, you needed some help.
That was how you ended up in the HR office, telling Kirishima how you wanted to handle this by yourself but you couldn't figure out who the sender was.
He'd always been a kind man, despite looking intimidating as hell, Kirishima was always ready with a hearty laugh and a thousand-watt smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts.
It was odd to see the large man look anything other than cheerful and pleasant but as he looked at the emails you had saved for proof, his lips had set into a dangerously thin line, his brows knitting together. He was quick to school his features when he handed you back your phone.
"I don't take these things lightly," He told you, his voice slightly lower than you were used to, "Thank you for telling me, you shouldn't have to deal with this." Kirishima slid off his suit jacket, draping it over the back of his black leather chair. "I'll make sure this gets sorted out right away and doesn't happen again. You have my word."
He walked you to the door, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. You'd went back to your cubicle, went back to work as usual, and for the first time in weeks, weren't harassed!
It wasn't until much later that you saw Kirishima again after everyone had left the office and just as you were shutting your computer down for the day.
There were flecks of something now splattered across his crisp white shirt and the maroon tie he'd been wearing was undone, hanging around his neck. He had a handkerchief in his hands, rubbing something away, something red, but the man is smiling so sweetly at you.
"I'm glad I caught you, I am happy to report your problem has been taken care of."
"Y-you didn't have to do, whatever it is you did... I just wanted the messages to stop." You told him, clearly able to see the blood he was covered in.
He perched on the edge of your desk. "I kinda did. The person was put on probation once before and I gave them a second chance after they swore they wouldn't do it again. It's my fault this happened to you and I'm very, very sorry about that."
"Hey, it's not your fault for wanting to see the best in people, it's a hard quality to find nowadays, actually." Kirishima smiled sheepishly, unable to maintain eye contact. "Could I buy you dinner as a sort of thank you?"
"Oh. You don't have to do that, I was just doing my job, plus, I now have to file termination papers for the guy."
"Order in?" You suggested with a shoulder shrug and he agreed with thanks.
Dinner arrived and you chatted in his office, pulling a chair around to watch him work and before you knew it, you were thanking him for what he'd done in a different manner; on your knees behind his desk, choking on his fat cock.
Those bruised fingers fisting your hair while he cooed about how pretty you looked in between muttering how he really shouldn't be doing this.
That didn't stop him from pulling you off his dick though before he could burst.
You'd had the ache between your legs since you'd realized what he'd done for you. Something about a man defending your honor was far more attractive than it should have been!
He bunched your skirt off before pulling your panties down your legs, over the heels you still wore. "W-wait." Kirishima stopped instantly, his chest rapidly rising and falling.
"'M sorry, I got carried away, I'm-"
You rested a hand against his bare chest. "It's not that at all! Could we- how would you feel about doing this on their desk?"
It took a second to click but then Kirishima was lifting you off his desk and through the empty office. With a broad sweep of his arm, he scattered all the papers and files to the floor giving you a place to sit while he aligned himself.
Your eyes fluttered closed, feeling the head of his cock trail against your most intimate parts. He waited for the subtle nod of your head, the permission he clearly wanted before pushing forward.
He had to be quick about things, not able to give you the attention he not only wanted to give you but he damn well knew you deserved because the cleaning crew would be coming around any minute now.
That didn't stop him from taking his time with you later at his place though. Off the clock, on his cock. Then again, work hours didn't really matter either. Kirishima found every spare minute he could to block off his schedule, pull you into his private office, and lock the door. Making it a point to break every HR code he could think of with you.
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charlesoberonn · 4 years
AAHHH!!! I JUST SENT IN AN OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT FORM AND DIDN'T NOTICE UNTIL I LOOKED AT MY CONFIRMATION EMAIL I FUCKED UP MY NAME! I had to send in a picture of my photo idea so hopefully they realize my name was typoed and they don't put my messed up name on the certificate I was applying for.
I believe you could call them and have it fixed.
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