#but i remembered that bc i'm gonna ask a friend in dms too but like the more advice the better 😭🫶
jabeur · 4 months
ok but like if i genuinely ask you guys for advice will anyone listen to me orrrrr
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thevoidisback · 9 months
Let me be clear for ya'll out there real quick cuz ya'll need to know smh about me
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will do
Asked questions
Rp so put /rp in your ask
QnA any time make sure to put *📝* in there
Smh funny to put a smile on you!
will NOT do
Nsfw 🔞
Proshipping bc that's just wrong
Not talk about my irl self do to insecurity so that will be a red flag
Don't force me to do things I don't like
I will delete your ask if I don't like it
I'll redesign your oc if you pay $10 on cash app so DM me for that because I ain't gonna do it for free!
Please do respect my opinions on what I tell you on my thoughts of your ask because if you don't like then leave
Don't ask for a face reveal it's uncomfortable...same for the age I don't feel comfortable with telling
Don't try any dumbass shit and I mean that literally
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About Narrator!
She is literally my self prisona of me so of course she has adhd and autism and will probably procrastinate some times because that's how I am most likely....Womp womp I know it sounds lazy of me but bare with me here
I do love candy and chocolate! Personality I enjoy red velvet cupcakes because it's just chocolate dyed red lmao
I do some voice acting for Narrator w/ my irl friends and she honestly loves it because N.V aka Narrator void or just Narrator is actually a UK oc although in irl I was born in Louisiana then move to New Boston so Narrator has a British voice so remember that when she answers your questions
Narrator has control over Void and Silly void but she doesn't really bothers because she wants them to enjoy their void lives however they please
Do remember I have other oc's but I don't pay attention to them unless you ask who are they and I'll show you all of them!
Remember if you have any sad or just feeling down DM because I am a very caring person who will listen but if you want I can do my best to comfort you in any way
I do not have discord no more because I've done a lot of unresponsible things and got in trouble twice bc I let somebody "rp" with me and I fell for two different people and now I'm very uncomfortable that I let it happen without realizing it so I will never again plan to reinstall discord very sorry but not really
I'm very mature so I can handle g0r3, d3∆th, b1o0d, s3lf h∆rm, all that weird or crazy shit but I don't really support any of this type of act in irl so don't do it for content just go to a therapist about it now if it's nsfw or something else I can handle it but I still don't support actually doing it because there are kids on some social platforms plus the nsfw thing is just apart of humanity we can't control the internet so remember that
I dislike Gen Alpha kids it's just I personally think they are annoying af and hard to talk to without having to hear them say/text "skipitbi Gaytt rizz" type shit so you will be blocked immediately by me without no hesitation and if you don't understand why is because I'm a Gen Z girl because I was born in the 2000's when growing up so I'm some what brain rotten but not completely so remember that please and thank you!
I have a lot of different types of music I like listening to as in some: silly, random edit audio TikTok songs, Phonk songs, songs that just hit different, meme related songs, jazz/lofi because it helps me sleep at nights, Fnf songs- just a lot to keep up with
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What fandoms I like?
I'll gladly tell ya!!
Fundamental paper education school
Poppy play time!
Pressure (roblox)
Doors (roblox)
Block tales (roblox)
Gacha life/ Gacha club
Sky children of the light
Cult of the lamb (just because of that damn black ram they are just too cute don't blame me!!)
Hellva boss and Hazbin hotel
Dandy's world (cuz I keep seeing this shit everywhere and yes I've seen the game play but I didn't play it myself so stfu!)
Phighting (yes I'm very much aware of this game on roblox and yes I gave it a try with my friend it was fun and I like it wish my computer didn't crash on it womp womp!)
Cookie run kingdom
Friday night funky
Five nights at Freddy
More coming soon if I fine fandoms I like any time soon
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Who I am close with?
-> @out-of-nowhere231 <-
((she doesn't post much but I suggest you look her up...she doesn't have any asked questions also the same do and don't do apply to her as well))
That's who I fully trust online sorry @babyevenfromgovacation but idk 'bout you nothing personal just don't fully trust you is all...
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Thank you for reading all this! I had to rethink about everything but I do still love ya'll even though I don't know ya'll but stay cool!
Side note: I don't give a fuck how old you are just be honest with me and if your uncomfortable with it then I understand but still just let me know thank you!
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This User loves Halloween!
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I don't have TikTok because of the dark truth about it so sorry if ya followed me there and yes I do still have roblox but I suggest you just follow my user that way if I'm online you can join faster with me and my friends
Roblox user: Moaldr1278
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severevoiddragon · 5 months
I didn't know you were a dm, can I ask about your campaign? :00 /np
Yesyesyesyesyes you can!!!! I can't share too much behind the scenes (as much as I'd love to) BC Alien will most likely see this n Munts may see it too- Putting this under a cut purely BC this is so long bc ive ended up infodump sm-
So, it started w each character getting a letter from someone they know, an old friend for Hecate and Nivaira, and Izumi's half sibling, called Ammon. (All 3 letters were from Ammon just to be clear-) Ammon invited them to his house, as well as 3 others. Eventually, Ammon made it clear that she wanted the group (all 6) to locate an amulet, but that they couldnt SAY where it was bc. Evil can hear. BC you see, Ammon, who is a divination wizard/wild magic sorcerer had been studying the amulet, and got a dream that a great evil was looking for her and got scared. So ran away. The other 2 NPCs also left. There's a lot of plot holes but shhhh-
Anyway the party found the amulet, and the party discovered that Relania, one of the others summoned by Ammon, decided to try and take the amulet, resulting in a big battle which ended with Relania tied up and. Somehow escaping. She's still loose to this day.
The second adventure had the party meet a little girl called Ruby, and her mum. Ruby's mum was exhausted from lack of sleep so told Ruby to go to her granny's house in the woods (no this isn't a werewolf adventure). The party were asked to accompany Ruby, to ensure she got to her granny's safely. The party decided that because this nice little old lady lived in a SCARY part of the woods, she was evil. So stalked Ruby's granny, Winnie. They went down a whole rabbit hole of nettle/false nettle like plants n then decided Winnie was a night hag. And then Ruby's mum died. And so Hecate (the group's researcher), decided to see if there's any way of discovering if someone was killed by a night hag post death. There is! They just needed truesight. Noone had truesight. So, they put up a notice on the community board and hoped someone followed it.
Meanwhile, the Banducci Carnival was coming to town, and the group went to the carnival that night while waiting for the post to be found. While visiting Madame Banducci, the fortune teller (and owner of the carnival), Izumi got a lil. Hypnotised. Although he acted as normal until later :)
The next day, a cloaked figure with a kitsune mask appeared to use truesight as per the notice. They called themselves "Bob" and had an awful deep southern American Etomian (the name of the country "Bob" is from) accent. "Bob" did cast truesight on the body of Ruby's mum, and yeah, it was from a hag. And then "Bob" revealed herself to be Bella Banducci, daughter of Madame Banducci. Who then got Hypnotised!Izumi to steal the amulet for her, and give it to her. The rest of the party didn't notice.
The party went back to Winnie's house, to confront her, but. Ruby and Winnie were gone. They party then discovered how hags reproduce and then went "oh shi-" as they realised exactly what had happened.
Eventually, Hecate, who was in charge of the amulet, realised it was gone, and something happened that I don't remember and eventually Bella appeared like "heyyy I've got the amulet you idiots and I'm gonna sell it BC my mom wants me to but idc who to, so you guys give me 500gp and you can have it <3" the party managed to persuade Bella to join them (she hates the carnival), as they do a 500gp bounty (to retrieve an object)
The party follow the bounty to Sirraux', an expensive artifacts shop, ran by Monsieur Sirraux, a tiefling. It had the object the party needed to retrieve - a dwarf's magic pickaxe - buutt Sirraux didn't wanna give it up. In exchange, it asked the party to collect a sample of an interesting flora on an island far away. It got it's dwarf assistant to bring the party to the island. It was an island that Nivaira knew very well :). It was also infested with mushrooms. Currently they just got to Nivairas hometown, where all the people have been turned into evil myconids (evil mushroom ppl). Fun times!
There's also Eiwin Tamiel, an important NPC who hasn't been adventure relevant yet but will be! Just you wait for the Christmas special!!! He's a human cleric (???) and works in a small artifact / trinket shop. They're also definitely crushing on Ammon <3 Who is definitely not crushing on him back <3 I ship them sm- they write notes to each other in celestial and arghkejrjfkwf i cant share all the cute info bout them bc. Spoilers.
ANYWAY if you read all that well done, I'm impressed-
Now tell me bout your campaign :DDD
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Hello! Firstly I wanted to say that I'm an old fan since your overwatch days and I've always admired how much depth you're giving all the characters and relationships you touch! I'm talking like, mariana trench DEPTHS. And how confident you seem about just doing the things you enjoy and exploring the themes you want? I really respect that.
I'm having a bit of an art crisis recently and I was wondering If you could offer some advice?
I'm thinking about self-indulgence in art, particularly fanart. I like to dive in deep to expand on characters, I find it as enjoyable as creating my own work. But I fear of people getting angry at me for latching onto these characters, thay they'll say the original work wasn't THAT deep, or that I'm completely wrong or cringe or whatever. And I don't care about being right or anything, I just want to have fun here and tell my little stories? :( The fear is making me keep the work to myself and I don't know what to do. Would it be better to just enjoy it on my own?
Your blog really is goals when it comes to that, so I'll respect your opinion a lot. Thank you for your time!
holy moly thank you so much for your sincerity first of all!! Second, this is making me misty eyed ngl!! I have alot to say about this so i shall put it under a read more bc im gonna ramble
If someone cares about you fixating on your fave characters, then they're usually the fucking weirdos in this situation if they dont just block you and move on. I LOVE making shit up about my faves like i have a modern au hc that kakashi and gai are ddr competition rivals and i gave yeehan 7 dogs just for funsies!! we were in the trenches in early overwatch making up our own lore bc there was none and it was so fun
I've always been like that now that i look back bc when i first started uploading my shitty ms paint fanart on deviant art in like 2006(naruto funnily enough we've come full circle) i was still drawing cringey shit /I/ wanted to see. I don't agree with almost all of it today, but i remember the fun i had while making it, and that's really the trick. Drawing what you personally want to see then people can come and go audience wise. If they like it, they like it, if they dont? oh well! There's people who still follow me from when i was 14 and i follow them even tho we're in completely different spaces now.
The fanart part i vibe with personally bc im really bad at coming up with totally original work and premises. i much prefer having pre-established rules and worlds to work with (plus the characters i love getting massacred in the writing i HAVE to save them)
Just existing online will garner you mean comments or asks, and my best advice is its not worth it to take the bait even if its absolutely absurd and wrong, i just block and go now, and im much happier :) this all being, of course, as long as what you're doing isnt harmful, bc even with good intentions, you'll mess up/blunder eventually. If the heat gets too much for you, no one will judge you for withdrawing your art from social media. thats a perfectly safe thing to do to keep it for yourself.
As an adult, shits not that serious im 28 drawing naruto fanart bc it makes me happy after a long day of work, so have fun!! art's supposed to be fun don't let the fear win i love sharing my art with strangers on the internet!! Hope this made any sense at all and I wish you the best, my friend!!! If you ever wanna dm me, feel free
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troutfur · 3 months
Where am I from anyway?
Let's go! Response roundout! I got a couple people who got it correct but let's first review all the wrong answers.
I wanna say Australia or Oceania as a whole? Just vibes + pseudo-memory of u saying that to base it off of tbh
I used to date an Australian genderfluid guy and we were very good friends for years. I don't know if any of my speech habits in English were derived from that but I don't think so? He didn't have a super pronounced aussie accent to my ear at least. Is it that perhaps? But anyway. No. Wrong hemisphere entirely, or hemispheres rather. Next!
Well, your first language is Spanish (iirc) and I'm pretty sure you aren't from North America or Europe, which doesn't narrow it down much. I'm just gonna guess El Salvador
My beloved mutual. With so little information you actually came so close, but you missed the mark. Props for guessing Central America though. We're so ignored in the world stage unless it's to complain about how many of us are desperate enough to try our luck being smuggled up north.
Brazil? The name makes me think it's from some Latin American country, I vaguely remember something about a parrot as a reference or something, and the color scheme of it is green which subconsciously made me think of Brazil. But broadly somewhere in Latin America (I am pretty sure that includes Brazil
I... I can't believe I'm only now noticing my Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot fursona combined with my name being José makes it seem like I was deliberately referencing José Carioca from classic Disney propaganda pieces films Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballeros. Just look at them!
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But anyway, no. I am from Latin America but not Brazil. Spanish speaking Latin America.
I can't remember for sure, but for some reason when we first started interacting I think I was convinced you were some brand of non-UK European. I could not begin to tell you Why that was what my brain insisted upon, but it was swiftly corrected lmao.
This reminds me of this one time I was playing DnD with an international online friend group. As we were coordinating our timezones, our DM, who was Scottish was reviewing all our locations. He listed me as part of the Europe timezone and when I said I wasn't European he was all like "Oh it doesn't matter that you weren't born here, you're still as much a European as the rest of us" and so on and so on. And I was so confused. Turns out one of my other friends in the group just straight up forgot I told them where I'm from and assumed Spain based on Spanish being my first language. So they told our DM and our DM in turn assumed me saying I'm not European meant I was an immigrant.
I know the answer so I'm going to give a blatant lie. Nevada, USA
SO GLAD THIS WAS THE ONE GUESS THAT HAD ME BE USAMERICAN. Legitimately, I really hope I don't come across as a gringo online. I was dreading this was gonna be a majority answer since it's just standard the internet is American. But I'm pleased how it seems the Latin American vibe shines through even with people who don't know the answer outright.
peru i think. i cant. remember. something like that. evaporates
Too far south dude. But props for guessing Spanish-speaking Latin America.
And now for the correct answer!
i know you're in south america but idr if you're from argentina or guatemala it hink it was guatemala
idr if you mentioned it on the server but im pretty sure there was this name generator set that you asked for a specific region for/clarification bc Guatemala is different from other places. idr whose generators they are but yeah. Guatemala's my final answer
Yup! Guatemala, Central America. Although I like the note that you thought I could be from Argentina. It is indeed true I do reblog a surprising amount about Argentina. Blame it on their current president. Javier Milei is such a fascinating trainwreck of a man personally. It'd be funny if he wasn't running his country into the ground.
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chubbening · 5 months
OH MY GOD OKAY HEY so me and a popular artist friend who shall not be named recently got into your fic Calories and Kink and IT IS SO HOT AND SUCH A HUGE INSPIRATION!!!! I literally started my own fic bc of it and I'm trying so hard to do my own things based on my own tastes and not lift too much inspiration xD
I just wanted to ask if any of your characters (Alexa, Reggie, or anyone else) has references? We may or may not be doing gay fanart for your adorable fat lesbian comfort fic.
Also I was stoked to find you're trans (us too)!!! Happy for you, also just learned you're a system!!! You both rock, keep up the good work, you got some real fans here :D
I think you just broke Ava's part of the brain lmao (she'll be fine) but thank you so so so much!! We've gotten so much lovely feedback on this story, and it means so much to us that what started as a kinky little side project has so engaged folks in our corner of the internet <3 Best of luck with your fic! One thing about writing is no one else is gonna do it like you, so even if you take inspiration, it'll still be your own.
It's funny you ask about references, because we've been thinking about commissioning some art for a while, just haven't gotten around to it (*coughcough* $$$). So like, we don't have ref sheets or anything. But (speaking of lifting inspiration) Reggie was originally inspired by one of NekoCrispy's characters, Astrid. Specifically the energy of this piece sparked something. Obviously we made Reggie a maned wolf and very much our own character, but we still think of her shape as similar to Astrid's (while compensating for NekoCrispy's more stylized hips), but 6' tall and with bigger arms ;)
For Alexa, shape- and vibe-wise, we go to https://www.tumblr.com/littlestpigletann. She's been posting since she was a lot smaller, so it's handy to dig back (on various platforms) and get a sense of Alexa at various points in the story. Although, Alexa's probably a bit lankier than Ann, who if I remember is 5'1" (Alexa's 5'6").
Feel free to DM us with any questions (about this stuff or w/e), we love chatting with folks! Honestly feels surreal to have people calling themselves fans and talking about doing art of something we created, like… Obviously no pressure to follow through, but we'd love to see what y'all come up with!!
Woo, trans! Honestly if we had a do-over, the one thing we'd change is making one or both of the MCs trans. We were just at a weird place with our dysphoria when we started writing it, and by the time we got comfier with things, there wasn't enough support in the story to retcon that. That's probably why we started doing more with Ash, tbh.
Okay, last anecdote here, the system thing is so funny in relation to Calories & Kink, because we didn't know we were plural when we wrote most of it, but we 1000% wrote Alexa and Reggie as individual self-inserts. When one of our partners started reading it, she compared us (still unaware) to Reggie because I fronted more during sex, but Ava, the more frequent fronter at the time, was like, "What? No, I'm way more like Alexa."
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this message <3 We'll be giddy all day now ^^
Promise we'll work on the last few chapters soon--we really do want to give this thing a proper ending.
Take care,
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muttfangs · 1 year
story time (jk im just venting)
v. funny to see posts by this dude on my tl who I went on a few dates w/ and then would fall off the face of the earth (rinse repeat) still obsess over me months after ......................................... trying to hide the fact that he's seriously dating someone now lol like. i'm not gonna judge him harshly bc he has a lot of life circumstances going on, and clearly needs to work through a lot of stuff still. but I am gonna judge him a little lmao what happened was: > on off talking / dates sporadically for like idk. a couple years at this point now > reconnected this past summer, he became very interested in me while in IOP (we bonded over our experiences w/ therapy & IOP and it was def nice to be understood and also help him w/ his fears about treatment) >  I was giving him some time & space to adjust to IOP (bc I know that shit is DRAININGGGGGGG rough as fuck AND HE ALSO TOLD ME HE NEEDED SPACE :))))) ) > he’s a terrible communicator (this has been an issue in the past), so he interprets me giving him space as ignoring / abandoning him and never told me how he felt about it > instead I find this out bc he’s posting stuff like “I’m hotter than the boys I cry over” “this is what I get for opening up to someone” “I don’t care” etc on his tl when I check in on him here and there > I’m too old for the “teehee come chase me wait don’t chase me but actually chase me or I’ll be mad at you” high school shit so I decide I’ll keep in touch w/ him as friends, but I’m not pursuing him romantically anymore > keep in touch for the next few weeks (bc I still care about him as a person and IOP is a rough go of it), ask him how IOP is, do the usual “fall out of contact rinse & repeat” cycle again > check his tl about 3 weeks after some radio silence to make sure he’s ok in IOP since he posts about it a lot & I notice someone consistently commenting on all his posts > click their name, scroll down………………………………….. their most recent post is them saying how he “gave me permission to post about this” (YUCK :) ) and that they’re in love with him and they’re officially together as partners now (????? lol, lmao, etc) > wait a minute. > check his tl again………….. relationship status is HIDDEN FROM ME and so is the post this other person made **tagging him in it**. He went out of his way to block me from seeing both of these things lmfao > bitch, you really thought, huh :))))))))))) > send him a DM because I need him to know that I know. It’s shitty to not only me, but to the person he’s dating, to pull weird shiesty tomfoolery like that > “congrats on the relationship dude!” > “thanks bruh” he’s clearly freaked out that I know bc his response is not nearly as cheerful or warm as usual lmao > cue another 1 month and some change of radio silence > check his tl today (because I remembered him saying he’s graduating from IOP around this time of august) > mfer is **still** posting about how he “doesn’t care” and vagueposting about me > (very!) weirded out but still send a congrats DM to him regardless bc I know he’s been through a lot > no response > ok! bye I guess hey???? how come I can’t attract people who are normal about relationship shit lmao
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godtier · 1 month
"op sec (operational security) is something i'm extremely passionate about. if anyone wants a full-ass post about that, i'm more than happy to throw one together."
yeah please
(only took me 3 minutes to read u actually bc i'm a quick reader and yet i took my time)
dank, this is what i like to hear! (also it's good that you were able to handle the tl;dr bc this post will probs be a lil tl;dr too lol)
i'll try to go over this point by point.
#1: don't use the same usernames on every single platform.
this is one of great contention nowadays because people like to have "brand recognition" of sorts. they like to be discoverable. they like their friends (and in some cases, fans) be able to find their posts across multiple platforms. this is all well and good if you are cultivating a specific type of experience. for example, if you're a content creator, it makes total sense.
most people online are not content creators, though. if you have no desire to be a content creator, try segmenting your experiences. that is to say, have ONE account with a username for your personal/IRL posts, and ONE account for your fandom shitposts. make them completely different. don't use the same user icon or whatever. don't use any PII (personal identifying information) on your fandom shitpost account.
even IF you would like to be a content creator, i would still suggest segmenting your experiences. if you manage to strike it big in a content creation space, think of this: eventually, you'll get crazy stalker fans. you may get people in your DMs asking invasive shit. prevent this from happening: have a contingency plan in place. this means, again, having SEPARATE usernames for your different purposes. is this annoying? sure. but it keeps you safe.
to illustrate what i mean, let's say you do want to be a content creator. your creator name is "mcguffinthecreator" (that's what it is now, you have to use this, it's the rules). you can have your content creator twitter, tumblr, facebook, insta, tiktok, whatever else have the username "mcguffinthecreator" for brand recognition purposes. for your personal shit, make up something totally different for each one that cannot be connected back to the mcguffin personality OR to each other. "anonsworld" for one. "ilikepencils" for another. so on and so forth.
#2: don't reuse passwords
this is a basic one you may have heard and most people shrug it off because it gets difficult to remember multiple passwords when every fuCKIN WEBSITE these days bullies you into creating an account.
but you don't have to.
use firefox and it'll generate passwords for you and save them to the browser. and if you ever need to copy and paste the passwords into another browser for whatever reason, you can do that by going to about:logins in the browser bar on firefox. and, if you make a firefox account (yeah i know aNOTHER ACCOUNT), any instance of firefox that you log into will port those passwords over, even on mobile devices. this is also a function on edge and chrome, but i highly recommend firefox over those two browsers for security reasons.
#3: don't use your real name on any account that you want to do fandom bullshit in
(or really in general, but i know that's not gonna happen for most people)
if you really wanna be low-key, don't give your real name to anyone online that you don't know IRL. yes, it is 100% possible to make real, genuine friendships with people online. i've known @sapphire-weapon for like, 15+ years and we've yet to meet in-person. i know her real name, she knows mine. but we never use them, anyway. we're just "ash n sirea" in any online shit we get up to, and it'll stay that way forever.
that might sound strange to a lot of people, but it protects both of us to do that. if we just started using each other's real names in tumblr posts, for example, that opens us both up to weirdos tryna find us. it sounds paranoid and it probably is, but we both grew up during a time when the internet was just getting big. both of us remember a time before having a personal computer in the house or everyone having internet at home or everyone having a cellphone. and we were both taught to never give out your real name to anyone online, ever.
this protects us from shit like... yknow... people calling our places of employment to tell our bosses that we're horrible people, actually. which is a thing that people do like it's normal nowadays since it's so fuckin easy to find information on more normal people. you say one wrong thing and it's easy for someone who's got a chafed enough bhole to find your deets and start harassing you IRL. keeping your PII close to the chest is the smart thing to do if you plan on getting involved in any online discussions these days.
#4: don't post any identifying pics on your fandom bullshit accounts
this means selfies, pics of your house, pics of places around your house, so on and so forth. again, this sounds restrictive, but it's extremely easy to find where people live that way AND it opens you up to AI photo manip bullshit. if you must post a pic, be sure to strip its EXIF data before posting it. you can find steps on how to do that here. and just... don't post selfies publicly. at all. even if you strip the EXIF data before posting, that doesn't prevent people from taking your selfie and running it through either a photoshop manip or an AI tool. share selfies only with people you absolutely, 100% trust. this means locking down instagram accounts where you want to post selfies, for example. this goes back to having multiple accounts for different purposes.
#5: inform your friends that, if they know your fandom bs accounts, to NOT tag you in posts that they think you would like
this is a huge hole that people often overlook. let's say you have some IRL friends that are also into fandom. let's say you've been doing your due diligence and keeping your experiences segmented. you've got different usernames, don't use your IRL info on the fandom account, you're all good.
you share these accounts with your IRL fandom friends because maybe you post insightful stuff, funny fandom memes, or maybe you're an artist. you figure "they're my friends, they're not gonna purposefully expose me."
problem is, a lot of people these days don't really "get" the concept of keeping your info on lock online. you can't assume that they'll look at a situation the same way you do.
so let's say your friend finds a funny meme for the fandom you're in. they know you have a personal account and a fandom account. they figure "well, i'll tag the fandom account because this is fandom-related." so they do.
here's the problem: let's say you've pissed off someone who's hate-following you. they see someone's tagged you on a post. maybe the friend even uses your real name rather than your handle because why would they use your handle? they know you IRL. to the friend, it's harmless and makes sense to use the name they've always known you by.
but to the hate-follower, they've just been handed a juicy dish on a silver platter. now they can use a few tricks to find your actual personal account. for the sake of clarity, let's use twitter as an example. let's also assume that on your IRL account, you're using your real name. and let's ALSO assume that your friend doesn't lock down their account because most people really don't.
they go to the friend's account who tagged you.
they look in their following list.
they look for your name.
they find the account.
they see your personal deets just sittin there, ripe for the picking.
they can now harass you and stalk you with more precision than if they just had your fandom account handle.
for that reason, you have to make a call here. do you share your fandom account with your IRL friends that you trust to not fuck you over on purpose? or do you keep that private from even them to protect yourself from unintentional exposure? depending on your friend group, some may be more diligent than others when it come to keeping your accounts properly segmented. you can tell your friends that have the account to never tag you in anything and to just private message it to you. that's one option. the other is to just never reveal that you have a fandom account and interact with fandom on a very, VERY surface level degree on your IRL account. the last is to just never post anything on your personal IRL account and/or lock it to friends only.
#5: "commit to the bit." don't break "character" if you meet someone in fandom who seems really cool
now, i say "character" as if you'd be acting differently, but what i really mean is your handle and username set-up for your fandom bs account. if you meet someone really cool, don't get starstruck and answer any question they pose to you like "what area are you in?" or "is [handle] your actual name?" because these are dangerous questions to answer when you don't know what the intent is. again, it sounds paranoid, but assume everyone you meet online could potentially fuck you over in the end. it took me a very long time to tell my closest online friends my actual name and location. i've met some of them IRL and i've sent letters/packages to others. it's not unheard of, but it's not something i do lightly. if you are REALLY keen on becoming pen pals with someone, set up a PO box.
this also protects you from common scams like pig butchering or revenge porn. online dating is more ubiquitous than ever and who wouldn't want a bf or gf who's into fandom like you are? problem is that you can open yourself up to trouble if you meet someone who's really really interested in your personal life when you're on your fandom bs account. don't give up your IRL account for anyone who asks, just because you're into them, romantically or otherwise. most people who are looking to scam or troll don't tend to pull a long game. this means being pals with someone for an extended period of time before opening up any further.
#6: don't give away personal troubles to anyone in fandom
this means shit beyond like "my mom is being an asshole" and going into providing detailed backgrounds on your tumultuous family relations. this gives people ammunition. if you're in DM with someone and it comes up in conversation, don't go into detail. treat it like a work relationship: coworkers don't need to know your personal life and neither do fandom friends.
and that's what i got for now. there's a lot to go into regarding PII opsec. there's a subreddit called /r/privacy that i'd recommend perusing for more ideas on how to protect yourself online. they tend to go into things like online tracking, advertising, VPNs, and so on, but they also have discussions about just keeping yourself as anonymous as possible online in relation to your IRL self.
i hope this helps! feel free to share it to any of your pals if you like and if you have more questions, just let me know!
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HIII this is probably gonna be the last ask i send as your swiftie exchange anon haha! also i dont know what timezone you are but ive scheduled it for 6am gmt for tomorrow if i remember correct skdkekdfk (but also you said quid which means pounds i think so im taking a wild guess that you are somewhat the same timezone as me haha)
yep im in uni! honestly kinda harsh kakdkekxfj ive got tests on the first week back but i suppose that's to ne expected haha! it is quite stressful but like c'est la vie yk? good luck on your exams!!
oh also im so glad youre feeling better!! i hope you feel awesome soon!
oh yeahh that makes complete sense! you dont have to show them to me if you dont want to btw but once i reveal myself and you are okay w it you can dm me! (only if you want tho no pressure at all!!)
yeahh thats so real actually! people always want what they dont have and that makes me kinda sad but also im one of those people so ajdeksjd i cant really say anything abt it akfkekdjf
yeahh hypocrisy is so linked like to everyday stuff!! and what you said makes more sense than what i ever couldve ajdjejsjfn and inflation is HORRIBLE ive witnessed price of stuff like cheese go up by so much and it appals me! and that is a ridiculous difference from your phone bill!
oohh i wish i was you id love to meet my online friends!!
yeah!! like the main problem with fast fashion isnt the cheap quality (i mean perhaps it is) but also the PEOPLEEEE WHO BARELY GET PAIDD!!
thats such a thought out and good answer!! climate change and the way politicians handle shit is so real like it NEEDSS to be addressed!! and i hope you get to see your doctors!!
and same im such a pushover like i wish i could not be but alas it is but a dreamm!! i think for me what you said is basically my answer and like people being assholes and thinking theyre funny? lile people who think its okay to make offensive jokes or say a slur bc they think theyre funny annoys me soo bad!!!!! and also people who manipulate other people like ewwww and just like horrible people in general. also thats horrible!! why does anyone think its okay to do that???
hmm... honestly rename strawberries fluffleberries and making bananas rainbow sounds like an awesome idea sjdjekdn hmm this is hard kakdkdskf maybe i would replace car honks with goose honks hehe i feel like thats such a silly answer but tbf i am but a silly goose!! what about you?
and my question to you: what are some things you are grateful for (see i say things not people bc i feel like people is a very general question ajfjrjdjf but you can tell me people too if you want!!)
thank youu!! i had an awesone time chatting with you you're lovely <3
have an awesome day!!!
-swiftie spring exchange anonnnnn
Hello! My country change timezones slightly I think based on clocks, but I think we're currently BST? I can never remember, a bit embarrassing imo XD It's cool that we might be close in time zones!!
Ah I have no exams cause I'm not in uni, but I am tutoring kids for exams so does that count? XD I hope your tests go well!!
Cheap quality sucks, but it'd improve if companies were willing to give up just a teeny tiny bit of their profits...I've become so increasingly anti company over the last like 5 years I think XD And thank you!! Honestly the "offensive is funny" type is SO annoying. I've met a few that were like "uhhh it's dark humour" and I've been like. You do not have dark humour, you just want to be rude.
I did however get a cookie once from a guy who realised that I had been upset by his stupid joke (I can't remember what exactly it was, but I think it was like...either homophobic or misogynistic. The apology was nice to get because it was unexpected. Alas at the time I was unable to eat gluten so the cookie part was awkward.) And manipulation just sucks?? I feel like people get away with it a lot because it's not obviously awful until you realise what's going on.
Silly answers are encouraged for that one!! (And always tbh) XD And honestly I would get rid of sparkling water. I feel like it's like marmite - people love it or hate it. And I hate sparkling water, I literally cannot handle the texture. And one time I accidentally got some instead of regular water. The memory haunts me. So yeah I'd wind up half the world by getting rid of it altogether and just watch the chaos XD
My final answer (also I know who you are now cause of when I logged on BUT I'm gonna answer this anyways on here) would be my cats (haha not people so they slip through...not things either but not people), the way life has turned out (it's not perfect, but I'm in a much better position than I ever expected even just like 2 years ago), and my art abilities (because I like that I can draw, and draw pretty decently, it's a fun and usually relaxing hobby!)
I had the time of my life answering questions with you, and I look forwards to hopefully talking more with you!!
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
For the Fic Writing ask game!
2. Favorite piece overall?
4. Which has the most "you" in it, however you'd define that?
6. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
11. If I'm showing off just one of your pieces to someone, which one should it be?
12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?
13. Are there any things that might have happened in any of your stories, but you changed them at the last minute? (So-and-so dies, they don't actually kiss, main character has long extended ballet-based dream sequence, etc.)
Yk what I will say thanks for typing out the context for the questions in the ask, my busy and eepy self appreciates not having to write it all out <3 Anyways, time for actual answering for the ask game :3
2. Hmmm. This one is hard. It's definitely not my best piece of work, but Breadcrust Crusaders (both of the fics, they come as a set, do not separate) has a very special place in my heart. Completely altered my friend group forever.
However in terms of writing quality, the one I think I did best on and therefore my favourite, I think it'd have to be Bound to be With You!
4. If I'm honest, I feel that every one of my fics is equally "me", one way or another. In most of my fics there will be something in the plot that's just stuff I've experienced (I've been through so much I'm literally a living fic idea generator). Other times characters will have the same problems as me mentally/trauma, because I find that writing fic with that sorta stuff in it is actually a really good way to deal with all my problems in a way that's not harmful. And besides, people end up enjoying my fics, so it's a win-win situation!
abort mission is "me" because of the divorce in it. NOT the other things ok.
6. I did want to write a fic about Kakyoin and the trauma Dio left on him. I don't doubt that I can write it properly, I just couldn't get good footing when trying to write it. I'll probably write it...someday...
11. As an act of intimidation, Abort Mission. I cranked out that thing in less than 5 mins and it was beautiful. The tags alone gave a friend of a friend psychic damage and she was too scared to read it, which says a lot already, not looking at the contents.
However if you wanted to seriously recommend me or smth, I would say do NOT show them that. I'd say show them your favourite fic of mine (you should really tell me what that is btw :3)
12. Well. I sorta answered this in that tag game you tagged me in so. Yeah. I don't really feel the need to do it again. I'm excited for them all, really!
13. Hmmm...I know there's been a lot of changes, but I can't really remember them that much. I know for certain that Breadcrust Crusaders originally was going to have Joseph as the antagonist. I decided against this in the end bc He Would Not Fucking Do That. I just. Couldn't even find a good reason as to why he'd do something so OOC so I scrapped it. There was also another scrapped plot for your birthday fic too! Joseph and Caesar were gonna go camping in the woods and have fun, hence why I did say originally that it was like 2 steps away from being a horror. Speaking of horrors, the silly horror fic I wrote for Halloween went through a LOT of scrapped plot stuff. Originally, it really was going to be a monster right off the bat, and a bunch of ideas spread from there which I won't go into detail here because. Long. (I can always speak abt it in dms if you want :3)
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drunktuesdays · 2 years
hi Lea! i love your blog and your fics! i got into wrestling rpf bc of you lol do u have any advice for someone who struggles with their vocabulary when writing fic? I like to think I read a lot but my fics feel very dry
This is SUCH a nice ask, thank you for sending it!!!!!
i think all of us struggle sometimes with thinking our writing is too dry. especially in opening scenes where you're trying really hard to orient your reader in that particular story's space, time, and universe, it's really really easy to focus on the function of the scene and drop style. i've DEFINITELY done it and had to go back and moisten it all up.
i think honestly the best thing you can do is read other people's stuff. read in fandoms you're not in. read anything you find interesting. make notes when you find a phrase that tickles your fancy. don't steal the entire sentence wholesale obviously, but when you like a turn of phrase, remember it. keep a google doc with odds and ends that you enjoy. halfhardtorock had a now-deleted fic where they had derek fingering stiles, and used the phrase "stiles cats into it." objectively insane, you don't really see anyone using cats as a verb like that, but it's so evocative, you can picture exactly what they mean. and i've remembered it for like ten years. and someday i'm gonna be writing the perfect scene for me to use cat as a verb in that way, and it's gonna be glorious. i won't steal the sentence obviously. literally please don't plagiarize anyone, but just appreciate great word choices!!! notice when other people are doing cool things, and take note of what you like about it! discuss it with your friends! i think it makes me a stronger and more thoughtful writer every time i finish a story and then immediately open a (PRIVATE) dm to a friend to dissect everything i liked and everything i would have done different in a work.
the other most valuable piece of advice i think i can pass on is actually a little mortifying, it's like, okay am i going to rec chuck palahniuk right now? unfortunately yes....i can't get the site with the original essay to load so i'm just going to link a tumblr post with it. I don't think it's necessary to actually go through the exercise of BANNING yourself from thought verbs, but it IS really helpful to start picking it out when you realize you're doing too many. i tend not to REALLY love doing a lot of inner monologue, and frankly i'm not that good at it, so it's really helpful for me personally to sit there and say to myself, okay what do i want to convey here and how do i convey it without just saying "dustin thought jim looked hot." it's a good exercise to police yourself about it sometimes, especially if you are worried things are coming out dry. ESPECIALLY check for the thesis statement paragraphs he talks about. that's one of the easiest things you can check and eliminate, because once you start noticing it, you realize how little you need it.
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wakasa-wifey · 3 years
Okay so umm it's 14th Feb here so it's already Valentine's Day!! It's nothing much but I just wanna show some appreciation to several mutuals that I've been talking to!! I don't tag all my moots I'm sorry T-T but these ppl are the ones that I interact with the most. Heads up its gonna be so fcking long.
Here's a love letter for you guys <33
@iz-ana - Sarabi my twin flame <33 bb i remembered me asking u why u followed me gszgxyx and u said its bcs of my vibes. just for u to know, i appreciate ur existence in my life like fr. u also the kind of person that comes to check up on ur moots if u don't see their posts AND PLS I WILL CRY bcs i just felt cared for T-T. I love our conversations bout TR theories, drabbles and thoughts about them (PLS I LOVE YESTERDAY'S BRAINSTORM THE MOST) AND THE WAY WE'RE PROTECTING IZANA . i sucks at writing love letter here shush but do know i appreciate you popping in my notifs and ur dms always gave me lots of serotonin. and hajsheyd just adding here i love how u are like "encouraging" me more to be a bitch to those who messed with my irl friends. what did u call me again- AH "scary dog privilege" bye hskxhxnx i love chatting with u bcs our convo can starts with a matured aura but then randomly we go into crack mode lmaoooo then kaboom espresso depresso bcs we missed izana :( ily okie don't stop shining!!!
@sanzu-sanzu-sanzu - ANRI, MY FELLOW HORROR MOVIES/STORIES ETHUSIAST! okay so we don't really interact much these days bcs we're both busy with outside life yes yes BUT I AM REALLY REALLLLLYYY HAPPY that we got to bond over our love on horror stuffs. and i'm really happy that you take my Thai horror movie suggestions for your to add into you to watch list. i followed u back then bcs of the Songs for the Toxic People fics and i don't remember when u followed me back lmaooo but u were the 3rd followers of mine AND i remembered our first interaction was me asking how u incorporated arts into ur story. always happy that u appreciate my barking in the reblogs lmaooo. just remember that u are talented okay? anri, u are one of the softest, gentle person i ever known and even if u are older than me istg i will squish u if we ever meet. and i'm gonna be part of ur protection squad <33 yhanks for existing in my life
@roczdust - DEI MY CRACK PARTNER!! my dude pls step on me u are literally stunning😭💕 and anddddd let me tell u, ur writings??? IMMACULATE. i first followed u due to that vulnerable drug addict Sanzu i remembered that but my first read was the Kaku's sniper s/o!! i hadn't manage to go thru all ur series yet due to uni and a certain grade a a-hole prof BUT I'M ON A BREAK SO I WILL GO TRHU EVERYTHING. PLS EXPECT THE BARKINGS IN TAGS. OH OH EVERYONE!! IF U GUYS WANNA READ ANGST, CRACKS FICS, EVEN POEMS PLS GO TO DEI'S WRITING ACC RIGHT HERE @rozcdust THEY HAVE SO SOOO MANY GOOD UNGOING/FINISHED SERIES!! my fave one forever gonna be Sanzu's and i don't accept other criticism. OH AND I REALLY DO APPRECIATE UR EXISTENCE IN MY LIFE FRFR I LOVE UR CRACK HEADEDNESS IN THE CJATS AND THE WAY WE BOTH FORGOT TO REPLY TO EACH OTHERS TEXTS LOLOL ILY PLATONICALLY pls do take care of urself n dms always open if u need me or wanna ask stuffs!!
@arosora - AVAAAAAAAA <33 i don't think u gonna expect this but hajshsjz PLS yes we don't talk too much since we just started being moots a week or two ago(?) BUT i like that u randomly popped into my inbox after the message i sent in ur gform lmaoooo <33 AND!!!! AND THEN WE FOUND OUT THAT WE'RE BOTH COSPLAYERS?!?!?! PLS THE CONVO STARTS BEING ME SIMPING OVER YOU (praise the lord i can't get ur wakasa cosplay outta my head) PLS PLS PLS TAKE CARE OF URSELF AND UR HEALTH!!! if one day i'm able to travel, i'll definitely go and visit u and we can go to a con together!! i stalked both ur cosplay tiktok n insta hhh and pls i'm dying over each cosplay. they're so so soooooo good <33 ALSO LISTEN UP EVERYONE!!! AVA HAS A WAKASA SERIES THAT YA'LL MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN!!! SHE'S DEPICTING WAKASA'S PERSONALITY LIKE MIKEY! (with the dark impulses) she's currently on hiatus due to a con BUT YES DO GIVE IT A READ ISTG!! oh and ava, take care at the con n take care of ur health <33 thank u for existing <33
@p-antomime - KIKI, MY PIE, MY SOULMATE, MY WIFE, MY EVERYTHING, THE MAIN CHARACTER IN MY LIFE. Ik u know this BUT i will tell u over and over again. U are talented. don't let others bring u down just bcs they're jealous of ur talent. don't be sad of not being chosen for performances bcs that's just bs (who knows if the chosen ones actually bribed the instructors/j) just unleash ur talent bitch don't hide it in. again ik u know this but i love you🙄❤️ yes i do bully u a lot but take it as affections will ya? and andddd i really realllllyyy love our conversations. i love the way u just stop typing and let me rant bout my cats and the shitty day i had. i REMEMBERED that message when u hit 2k followers, u were so soooo happy and i am so happy that u texted ME to tell bout it. andddd ah what else.. Oh kiki u are one oblivious person pls 😔✋it's funny that u still don't get the idea of my bday gift to u although it's literally written in the convo. u are a dumbass but u are my dumbass so ily -_- bitch if u didn't followed me back then, fr i would had missed my chances to interact with u and thus i really appreciate ur random follow (heads up ur my first follower bye) n ur existence in my life <33 oh and our convos always somehow ended up being fruity bye ur theatre kid ass ain't straight don't try to act like one -_-
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limelocked · 4 years
Quick rundown of sapnap's visit as I watch it for you bc this entire lore stream was unplanned (it's "Working on new lands" in sapnap's vods)
- sapnap follows all of sam's instructions like immediately to the point where it's kind of cute. He says he's "not sure if he's my dream anymore"
- they get to the lava lake and before Sam lets sapnap cross, he says "good luck getting him to talk". Sapnap is the first person I've seen who didn't freak out while crossing the bridge.
- there's crying obsidian in the walls.
- he gets to dream and dream passes him a book that says "I'm not talking". Sapnap asks why, and asks if dream is sad. Dream doesn't respond, just passes the book back with no edits.
- dream puts the clock on the wall. The clock is labelled "DO NOT BURN".
- dream passes sapnap a book that says "you took so long". Sapnap tells dream that he hurt him, and that it took him a little bit to decide to come and see him. Sapnap says "you're better than this". Dream doesn't respond
- "if you can talk to anyone you can talk to me". Dream tells sapnap he's on strike. Sapnap asks why, dream doesn't reply. Sapnap asks him why the cell looks so run down. Dream writes that "it's a security measure"
- sapnap tells dream he should talk to him, tells him that he has to stay here for now. Dream writes "I'll get out someday" and Sapnap says no, dream has to stay, and that he loves him but this is where he belongs for now. He expresses hope that one day dream will be released.
- dream writes "I spent days. I broke the lecturn, I was making a portal, and he did this" meaning that the crying obsidian was implimented so dream couldn't turn the cell into a portal.
- sapnap tells him he can't try and escape, says he misses dream, but what dream did means he belongs here for now. He says he'll visit dream, that they'll still be friends and that he's sorry, but he has to stay.
- dream burns the clock. Sapnap tries to stop him, fails and says that his time in the prison is gonna suck, but dream can get through it. Dream writes "eventually".
- sapnap says "I don't think you're leaving here". Dream tosses the "eventually" book back. Sapnap says no, passes it back and dream passes it straight back. This goes on for a bit.
- "what you did, the things you did, this is what got you here. So you've got to sit here until— however long you need to be. And if you try and break out early, dream, you only have one life left. I don't think it's gonna be tommy, I don't think it's gonna be techno, dream. If you break out of this prison, it's gonna be me who takes your final life."
- dream asks sapnap to pass a message. Sapnap asks to who, dream tells him "he stopped visiting". Sapnap asks who again. Dream says ranboo, and asks sapnap to say ":)"
- sapnap agrees, assuming it's harmless. Chat is freaking the fuck out. Dream says "thank you". Sapnap says he doesn't have to talk, but he'll only pass the message if dream stops throwing his clocks away. Dream verbally agrees for the first time this stream, passing the book back with "yes" written as well.
- sapnap promises to visit more, and asks if dream wants george to visit. Dream passes the book back, confirming he wants to see george and asking sapnap to tell Sam that he needs a new clock.
- dream gives sapnap a signed thank you for visiting book.
- sapnap asks sam who the last person to see dream was, and asks when it was. Sam says it was ranboo, and that the visit was "quite a while ago now".
- sam asks if dream told him anything other than "yes". Sapnap lies and says no, and sam obstructs sapnap's spawn point bed, tells him it's weird that dream would only talk to him, so he'll have to run back to the prison gates. Sam kills him and sends him back to spawn.
- sapnap messages ranboo, and ranboo comes online. They get in VC and Sapnap tells ranboo that he and karl have been building their own place. Ranboo warns them about the hole he dug
- they meet in the community house. Sapnap says that dream doesn't talk anymore and that he was told ranboo was the last person to see him. Ranboo says he doesn't remember, because he doesn't write down what happens when he visits dream, because he doesn't want to remember.
- sapnap tells ranboo that dream wanted him to pass him a message, and dms ranboo the smiley face. Ranboo stops talking, and appears to go into the ender walk state. Sapnap watches him run off for a bit, confused, before going to look for him.
- sapnap ends stream after failing to find ranboo.
God this was a lot lmao
this is such a good recap post tf, not gonna answer too much because this deserves to be in the main tag as like reference material but i read this after i watched the stream as died a lil
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domjaehyun · 3 years
WHAT an HONOR😭🙏🏾🙏🏾 top 5 most used tag on here…I had no idea I sent in that many asks! I’m so happy! :) we’re good friends❤️ also we love hearing ur horny thoughts girl that was hot asf you have good taste in…sex. Idk if that makes sense. But I like your style. Now I’m looking at Haechan a lil different…😏😏 but I can’t! Omg he’s Mark’s bestie! …now I imagined a ménage a trois with them… hot. Mark would be flustered and jealous. Haechan would be cool and teasing. Heheheh. -👄
KJDFLSGD i just posted the actual year in review post and . YEAH you're actually the 3rd top tag fgsdkj so . a win for u i guess hehehe and yes we are good friends 💖 (under the cut is a surprisingly long rant from me abt . the rest of ur message gsdfljdk)
and . hHhHhhH okay i DO hear u..... my thoughts are welcomed here..... but . at the same time, like, if someone came here on some fuck shit and were like "tHat'S wEiRd / cRiNgE / uNhEalThY" i'd feel the urge to rip their throat out w my teeth.... like these are My Fantasies....... on My Blog...... that I Run..... regarding My Interests......
like, i'm gonna be honest... when i was talking to y'all abt fiending before i posted it and was like so...... dubcon........ i did Not Like some of the responses djfkgskd like it's one thing to be like "i'm not into that" which is totally fine !! we don't have to agree !! there's SO much stuff i don't like !! it's not like that would be 100% my content forever, i can write a bunch of diff stuff y'know?
but i remember at LEAST 3 anons being like "that's so unhealthy what's wrong with you blahlbhalbahbkahbk pbbtt i'm a whiny baby and i don't like to let people have fun" (i am paraphrasing but . we get the gist, yes? they were unaccepting and Super Judgmental and Accusatory, like. shut tf up pls i asked how y'all felt abt it to be nice but now i no longer care abt your opinion bc you don't know how to act)
like i remember so clearly that i made a poll asking if ppl were into it? (bc i was gonna put it in my fic) and at least 1 person (i'm p sure there were 2 ppl but for now i'm saying 1) like . attempted to spam vote "no" and i was like . okay well now your votes are entirely deleted and you get No Say At All because you don't understand how democracy works 😒 1 vote per person... this is not the presidential election.... popular vote/majority rules.... and even if the majority HAD said no.... it's still my fic sdjkgskdf like at the end of the day i'm gonna do what i want regardless ://// i just wanted to see where ppl's heads were at !!
tbh maybe this is kinda like the US gov't but like... where a bunch of ppl (like congress or smth) write a bill and then are like "hey, president, what do you think abt this?" and then the president either goes "yeah this sounds good" and makes it a law... or they go "mmm no vibe check failed" and then . vetos it 💖 y'all are following, right? y'all are congress, the bill is the fic idea, i am the president 💖 except this is my world and there are no checks and balances if y'all say no and i say yes, then it's yes 💖 if i say no and y'all say yes, then it's no 💖 i am taking suggestions, not orders y'know?
and DJFKSGKLD "you have good taste in...sex" you WOULD think that pls omg i'm having flashbacks to the time i went on a rant in your dms abt . one of my fantasies . that was fun . i would write that some day i think (i'm sorry to ppl who are reading this that are not 👄 anon and want to know the fantasy; it is . private atm gfdjsglk maybe one day i will talk abt it) but yeah i think that you and i do have similar, like, things that we like so that's dope for me hehehe at least i know One Person will probably like the things i am thinking of !!
"i'm looking at haechan a lil different" *softly* don't. don't do it. don't do this to me 🧍🏽‍♀️ i can't... i'm too insane for this woof woof bark bark grrr but OH?! mark...hyuck... threesome... i've done a markhyuck threesome once before, i did a mark/hyuck/jaemin foursome once, and . i am currently doing a fivesome with markhyuck and other ppl.... but markhyuck threesome.... inchresting.... if you want to,,,, uhh,,,, elaborate at all,,,,,, i am all ears........ 👀 like a... setting, perchance,,,, maybe a plot.... maybe...
Tumblr media
I AM NOT GUARANTEEING I'LL WRITE ANYTHING FOR JUST THOSE TWO!!!! i just . am curious . abt ideas . if it unlocks smth, it unlocks smth, and if it doesn't, then it's not a problem fdgkljsfjs i have my current wip that's literally at 18.6k rn and is not even close to being finished, so . markhyuck content will def appear in there at some point... their dynamic is not very prominent though, heads up :p BUT YEAH OKAY SORRY I WENT ON A RANTY-RANT-RANT anyway . yes 💖 haechan 💖 i love him 💖 i am gonna answer any like newer messages i have now and then i'm gonna go back to writing i am Thinking A Lot about haechan now and the thoughts need to leave my brain and land on this document!!!!!!
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datingdonovan · 3 years
Hello Cece!! I just saw your new hq game and was thinking it i could join if its still open :)
My pronouns are she/her
Im an INFJ, 6w5 and a taurus, i would describe myself as an ambiverted because my mood changes a lot depending on the vibes i get from the environment, im also very independent but love to be with my close ones, i really like laughing too and im always trying to be nice to people, i also have a crackhead side and smile or cry very easily (im quite sensitive).
My relationships usually dont start bc i feel like something isn’t right, i have some trust issues and i need someone who is always there even if it’s bothering me but never pressures, the biggest red flags that cause me to not want to be with someone are 1. feeling too sexualised, 2. feeling pressured to things and 3. feeling that they don’t care about me, i tend to distance myself without realising so i need someone who is present and makes me feel nice about myself in all aspects
Neway, this game is quite fun and interesting since it makes you realise about how you feel and how you are so i really liked it!! I hope i did it right but if not please let me know through dm :) im also open for chatting anytime!! I hope you have a great week and please remember to hydrate yourself and stay safe <3
a/n: oh my word. took me a sec to think of who to pick but all I have to say is I feel like I have so many random vibes about this man that are maybe not canon compliant at all. I don't really know lol. but he is like, my comfort character ok???? and I feel like In my mind he really really does a lot of what you need and I just had this thought that he's it!!! he's it!! for you so here I give him to you take care of this boy <3 I hope you really enjoy!! im so glad you liked the game and thank you so much for your well wishes! come into my ask box anytime :):)
ok Elena I know it's been a while since you've felt comfortable enough to be with someone and I totally totally get it. I would NEVER try to set you up with someone unless I seriously knew he was a good guy, and I just feel like it's time. it's time for you to try dating again, and you need someone really safe to do that with. so... a little begrudgingly... im gonna get you in touch with my bff... koganegawa
I swear. he is the best. like, the best the best. like, I'm almost sad he'll be spending more time away from me if I set him up with you, but here goes nothing. okay, TOP of the list of why you two should be together: The man is the most easygoing, happy go lucky guy you will literally ever meet. he is so CHILL I swear he's literally so sociable and fun and kind and would never ever ever get annoyed or like frustrated if you were largely calling the shots on what you're comfortable with, the pace you want to go, etc. he's just so laid back he'd be cool with anything as long as it means he gets to spend fun times with a person he enjoys!! and FUN it will BE im telling you!! this man will absolutely indulge every silly and hilarious idea you have and he WILL crack you up on a daily basis. you can 100% expect him to be doing goofy antics with you and all your friends and enjoying every minute of it :):):) he's also super social and very very emotionally attuned to the people he loves, and I think a HUGE thing for him Is making sure that everyone around him is comfortable and having fun, so he definitely would take note of any nervous or stressed behavior from you and try to respond to how you're feeling without being weird about it. truly he just wants his s/o to be enjoying your time together as much as he is so whatever that means for you, he's willing to try it. oh my gosh I think you'd just love him I mean from the calm and comfortable and totally relaxed getting-to-know-you phase to the endless laughs and calming smiles and quiet low-key nights you'll share once you get closer to the totally attentive way he'll always take your feelings and your unspoken mood changes into account, he is truly THE GUY!!! I think you'd love him because he's always down to be funny and make new friends and try new things, but his way of interacting with the world is so welcoming and energizing like he is SO SO chill and stable and so OPEN to suggestions and new ideas and he has this encouraging laid back approach to anything that comes his way and nothing is gonna shake that openminded, open-armed, curious and awed way he lives his life. so like, he will match your energy when you're at your most extroverted and silly and carefree, but he's also soooo open and in tune and ready to help you and respond to your needs when you're feeling down in whatever way works best. like he'd be so fine if you need space or attention or you want him to try some different way of expressing his feelings like as long as you can communicate to him what you need and sometimes even if you can't he'll just figure it out lol perceptive MAN!! he will try it bc he just wants you to be comfortable and be yourself in everything you do including your relationship. never wants you to feel pressured or stressed about being with him. ugh he is a KING. anyway I love him. brb inviting him over to meet you now.
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rahleeyah · 3 years
I'm feeling very frustrated with myself because no matter how much I want to write, I never seem to find a rythym. But then I remembered you saying something about writing your one shots all in one go and it taking you a long time to get back to that place and I thought it might be smth like that, yk? And the truth is for me to get anywhere close to 2 or 3 uninterrupted hours, I'd need a veritable miracle. Why do you figure some people need so much time to get into the proper headspace?
the simple answer friend is that life is loud. i have a quiet life. i live by myself, i'm home from work before 4:30 most days. the trade off is i go in early, but i'm an early bird by nature. i pay more in rent than i probably should so that i can have a short commute. i see my friends on the evenings, the weekends, but during the week mostly i get to decide what to do with every minute of my time. i don't even cook during the week; i cook on sundays so i literally come home, write a full chapter, and then microwave some leftovers. i have a lot more time than most people do and a lot less responsibilities. most people don't have three hours on a friday night and three hours on a saturday morning to sit very still without any sort of interruption and bang out a 10k fic. i am spiders georg; i am able to put out a lot of work bc my circumstances are very different from a lot of people's and so i should not be used as a baseline or an example of how people write fic.
do you know i counted it up, and between writing, making gifs, answering asks, replying to DMs, etc, i spend about 10-20 hours a week on fandom stuff? i got like a part time job for no pay doing this stuff. most people don't have that much extra time to spend. and that's okay.
most people aren't updating two fics twice a week and churning out one shots on the weekend. once a week updates are more common. sporadic updates are more common than that.
so i say all this to say: please don't beat yourself up for having a life and finding it hard to make time for fic.
now i understand that you want to make time for it, and that it's frustrating when you want to do something but it just isn't coming together. and maybe because you can't find enough time to finish the thing in one go, it feels like the thing is too big to get it done, and so it feels impossible to start?
this is where mama comes in. whenever we were overwhelmed, facing a task or a problem that seemed so insurmountable we wanted to give up before we even started, mama always said the same thing, and i'm gonna say it to you now.
you know how you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.
so. we don't look at the elephant. we just look at the next bite.
you don't have 2-3 hours. you only have a few minutes. so you're not gonna finish the chapter. but you can write a paragraph. you can't do 2,000 words, but maybe you can do 200. you can do a lot, with 200 words. maybe you can even do 500. and then you have to walk away, but you come back, you take the next bite, and you'll get there. a story is built a few words at a time. 200 words here and there adds up to something meaningful. it will have taken me almost exactly 6 months to finish hell of a view. and it will have been done in pieces, and your fic, whatever it is, will be built the same way.
take notes on your phone when you have ideas. if you know what you want the chapter to be but you don't have time to finish it, knock up a quick bullet point outline so you know what you need to write the next time you sit down. think about what you're going to write while you're in the car, in the shower. if you know what the scene looks like before you sit down, it will be easier to get some words on the page.
but most of all, keep at it.
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