#but i think the only adult minor ship i like for now is garrison and kyle
chaoticevilbean · 4 years
Four In One : Chapter One
"Lance, on your left!"
The Blue Lion moved just in time to avoid a cannon blast, twisting with practiced ease. It laid cover fire as the Red Lion moved in to take out the command ship, the whole thing exploding within ticks.
A few dobashes later, all five Lions were safely in their hangars, having successfully gathered information, freed a few prisoners that were sent off in escape pods, and destroyed the rest of the fleet. The Paladins all rushed out to greet each other, giving and receiving praise for maneuvers and quick thinking.
"Well done, Paladins," Allura called out as she entered the main hangar where the team was still standing. Her white wings fluffed with pride, showing off streaks of pink and silver. "That was one of your most successful missions to date, and it truly shows off your skills as pilots."
"Wouldn't have been able to if you didn't push us so hard," Shiro replied, his dark grey and black wings fluffing as well.
"But the breaks are appreciated," Hunk added quickly, as though worried not reminding the princess would mean her reverting to the relentless training she had given them when they were still new.
"Of course," was the elegant reply. After a few more minutes of talking, the group started to head towards the lounge area. Hunk headed straight for the kitchen with Coran to make dinner, while Pidge began to decode the information they gathered. Shiro and Allura began talking quietly about the ways each paladin could've done better, and how to improve each minor weakness. Keith sat down with a book, and Lance settled on the other side of the couch, content with just thinking.
Like many times nowadays, his mind wandered to wings.
On Earth, there were scaled wings, feathered wings, and wingless. There were minor mutations, and a few major ones as well. Upon coming into space, it was found that Alteans also have wings, though Galrans do not.
Each of the Paladins of Voltron had different wings. Hugely different.
Pidge's wings were small, made for speed and agility, but still with downy spots. It was obvious that there was room for growth, and the youngest paladin made sure none of the boys, or anyone else for that matter, forgot it. But whereas most wings were shades of brown, grey, or red, Pidge's still developing feathers held an ombre pattern of bright green. Streaks of dark and light hues highlighted the wings whenever they puffed up in indignation, which was often, considering the rest of the team thought it was adorable and annoyed her just to see the adorableness. Not that they'd tell her that.
Hunk's wings were feathers as well, in golden tones that ranged from deep chocolate brown to a khaki tan. They were strong, made to hold much more than just Hunk's weight. Their softness was unrivaled, and no matter the weather, warmth radiated from the large appendages. And large they were. The longest wingspan ever recorded, they were at least twelve feet on either side, and bigger in size as well.
Shiro's wings were black with shading of dark grey throughout them. His time as the Champion caused a few light grey streaks and white feathers scattered throughout. They were streamlined, made to be fast, but not nearly as agile as Pidge's. Fully extended, they reached about eight feet on either side, meaning they were strong as well.
Keith's wings were the only ones with scales. About a movement into their time as Paladins (the space equivalent of a week), Allura and Coran did full scans of all of the humans, since they had no information on human biology. That led to a discussion of how much Keith knew about his parents, but it did allow Keith to reveal his wings, which he had previously hidden, as all humans are able to do. His scales shone with different patterns and shades of red, and were built for quick movements. Angled a bit differently than feathered wings, they cut through the air easily. And sitting just below his six foot long wings were a slightly smaller set, a slightly lighter coloring and meant to provide a boost in flight.
Allura's wings were a sight to behold, capturing the attention of the five Earthlings when they first met the Altean princess. White wings with streaks of silver and pink that caught the light, changing with each form the alien royal took. They were just as elegant as the being they were attached to.
Coran's wings were apparently as strange among Alteans as the Altean was to the Paladins. Apparently scaled wings were so rare in Altea that there were under a hundred of the population with them at once. Orange scales speckled with blue and white and brown, built for protection and endurance. Despite most scaled wings being cool to the touch, Coran was much like Hunk - always warm.
Lance sighed internally at the confidence in which each of his companions held themselves and their beautiful wings. His own wings itched to stretch, but he couldn't do it here. Even if he was willing to show his team, there wasn't enough room.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The sea glistened as the McClain family swam in the beautiful water, ran along the sandy beaches, dragging neighbors, friends of family, and even "strangers" from nearby to join in the fun. Children and adults alike took the skies.
Lance had always known this life. His wings were spread out along the sand around him, providing many of his younger family members a soft place to nestle. Despite the strangeness of them, the sheer impossibility of them existing in the first place, every community member had accepted them. Accepted him. When someone new came to town, they were kept away from Lance until it was decided they could be trusted - or they simply continued on their way. In school, fellow students would move chairs and tables around to allow him to spread his wings a bit. Rainy days would lead to little kids and even some smaller teens seeking refuge under the boy's appendages.
On days like these, when the sun was slowly setting, the air warm, the sea calm, and the entire community slowly making their way to the impromptu get-together, Lance felt a joy unlike any other. Neither flying nor swimming could compare to the pure contentedness he felt.
Leandro Charles McClain was the boy born with impossible wings. His wings were a brilliant ombre of blues, and their wingspan was a whopping four feet. At most, babies had two feet of feathers or scales, though apparently there was a two and half foot wingspan record for a Samoan child. Along with the strange color and length, there were two more features that were definitely not normal.
Lance's wings were both feathered and scaled. The feathers covered the top half of his wings, before seamlessly giving way to scales on the bottom half. And there were four of them. Four bright blue, large, half-feathered half-scaled wings, positioned along his back.
In a few months, Lance would be heading off to the Garrison. His wings would be hidden like all of the students were required to do, at least while in uniform. There was a desert nearby where he could stretch his wings without worrying about prying eyes, and his grades were good enough that he couldn't be kicked out without plausible reasons.
So, he enjoyed these days of slow sunsets, warm air, and calm seas.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lance was brought back to the present by something jumping on his back. And something else jumping on his lap. And two somethings jumping on him from either side. A yelp erupted from him, and he looked around semi-frantically. Then he groaned as loudly as possible, as his teammates laughed.
"Lance, you back on the ship?" Pidge giggled from where she clung to his back, careful of the wings none of them had seen yet.
"Yeah, bud. Ya zoned out and weren't responding when we said your name." Hunk chuckled at his friend, who now seemed mildly confused.
"Yep. You had Allura pretty worried," Shiro replied, as Keith nodded seriously, or as seriously as he could while helping Shiro hug-pin his competitive friend. Lance peered over Hunk, who was clinging to his front, in order to gaze at the princess. She offered a slightly sheepish smile, before speaking loud enough for them to hear her from where she stood across the room.
"Alteans do not 'zone out' as you say, at least, not as deeply or for as long. When you didn't respond, I was worried you were ill."
"Thanks for worrying, princess, but I'm fine. And if Hunk is here, that means dinner is either done, or close to it, so can y'all get off me. I can't exactly move, like, at all." The group laughed once more before untangling themselves and rushing towards the dining room.
Dinner was filled with jokes and praise for the mission, and it was one of the many times the group felt like a real flock. A Space Flock, but still a flock. Afterwards, Shiro announced that everyone was to gather in the nest for their nightly grooming session. Grooming was a maybe bi-weekly necessity for proper wingcare, but the Space Flock got together each night to bond and relieve some of their tension. Grooming in a group was considered an act of trust and love.
The younger four Paladins raced to the nest, which was situated in the lounge. The lounge itself was a very large room, and the nest was on a raised platform. It was big enough to hold all of the Paladins and Alteans with their wings spread out - minus Lance. A ladder was connected to the wall, installed in the first movement, when two of the Paladins still hid their wings. It was also there for if someone's wings were injured, and for Lance, who always helped the others groom.
The six other flock members never understood why he hid his wings. They had asked if he was wingless, to which he had assured them he was not. He also let them "groom" his hair and help with his skincare routine, teaching them how to do it properly so that they knew he trusted them. After all, he cared deeply about his skin and hair, much like all humans cared about their wings.
Once settled in the nest, Lance immediately began grooming Hunk's left wing, while Pidge started on the right one. Shiro forced a wiggling Keith in front of him, stopping the squirming by gesturing for Coran to let Keith groom him. The Altean quickly complied, his other wing held out to Allura.
Two vargas later, Keith was letting Lance braid his hair "for bed, now shush, Mr. Mullet McGrumpyPants, this'll only take a tick," Pidge was doing the same for Allura, Shiro was doing the same for Hunk, with the promise that he would let the boy braid his floof, and Coran was brushing Lance's hair.
"Done!" Lance called out as he tied Keith's french braided mullet.
"Same!" Pidge and Hunk called, both doing similar with their subjects. Lance and Keith both tried and failed to hide snickers at the fact that, while Hunk, Allura, Keith, and even Pidge sported very pretty braids, Shiro... well, he looked pretty, alright. Like a pretty little unicorn.
"Alright, alright, I get it," the man said, using his trademarked dad voice. "Now, let's help Lance with his skin and then bed for us all. After such a successful mission, we're sleeping in the nest tonight." Lance tensed slightly, and since they all were scooching closer in order to do his version of grooming, they all noticed.
"Don't worry, Lance. We all know you want your privacy, so Coran was finally able to find that blanket that hides wings." Allura's kind smile reassured Lance, and at his relaxing form the others continued with their activity. Though only being in space for a few phoebs, the others had slept in the nest a few times. Each time, Lance had gone to a different room to sleep, in order to release his wings and stretch without being seen. Coran decided to look around for a special Altean blanket that was used for situations such as these, where one wished to hide their wings during intimate activities. It was basically a miniature space pocket, warped to allow any size wingspan to stretch out fully, while practically suctioning to the body to keep any edges from lifting. Apparently, it was incredibly comfortable.
Coran did not lie.
Lance was the first one out, curled up with his arms around Pidge, his legs entwined with Hunk's, and Shiro holding him with arm. Keith was being held in the other, causing the two boys to be essentially cuddling. Allura sat curled in the spot created by Hunk's and Lance's legs, holding Pidge's legs in her lap, while Pidge's arms cradled Coran's legs. Coran was grasping Hunk's arms, and the latter was doing similarly. Wings curled around all of them, creating a warm cocoon of feathers and scales.
No one had nightmares that night.
No arena haunted Shiro, or planetary destruction to plague the Alteans.
No homesick dreams for the Garrison Trio, and no blurry figures abandoned Keith that night.
All that remained were sweet visions of all their good times, mushed together for pure bliss.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Get ready to form voltron!
Obligatory warning for a long post ahead: Whilst I know this post may be intimidating to some people. please do not let it put you off from reaching out to me :) “I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..” “Eh.... voltron?” “We’ll work on it.” Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping.......we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out. I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened. I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers......I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have. Guys.....please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you. DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains. You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just........a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters. You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with. I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have: New school defenders: the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out..... so who will? Lotor’s reign: It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small. Mirror mirror: For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans? Gamora’s guns: The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done. The chosen: Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe's greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before…...but what happens if it does? From all walks of life to the universe's greatest heroes: Shouldn’t have to explain this one too much. Forget the show paladins, bring your oc’s or next gens onto the table and let them take the stage! Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders: 1: NO REACHING OUT TO ME ASKING FOR A CANON CHARACTER SHIPPING RP! I DO NOT DOUBLE SO DO NOT ASK! 2: DONT MESSAGE ME IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH NOT VERY HUMANOID ALIENS! 3: NO GARY STU’S OR MARY SUES! GIVE YOUR CHARACTERS A PERSONALITY THAT ISN’T JUST ONE EMOTION OR TRAIT ONLY! For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a request via one of the contacts below that says who you wanna be, which lion or paladin you think you’d most likely to be if you were in voltron, which idea you liked (or one of your own) and the numbers 123 to confirm you’ve read everything. My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My telegram: Tiberionwars My hangouts: [email protected] Hope to write some awesome stories! Will accept requests as long as this ad is up.
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kcwcommentary · 5 years
VLD4x02 – “Reunion”
4x02 – “Reunion”
This is another Pidge-centered episode. As I said in my commentary for last episode, in this episode, Pidge goes off on a personal mission, separate from the other Paladins. She doesn’t get yelled at or condemned for doing so by the other Paladins. Last episode though, she was fully participating with the other Paladins in yelling at Keith for him going off on a mission separate from the group. His mission was for the benefit of the group, hers is purely personal: searching for her brother. It’s like the writers treat Pidge differently than they do other characters, like she’s unnaturally perfect and never does anything wrong. Perfect Pidge.
The episode opens with a flashback. Pidge is sitting in class. The teacher is droning, “Photons from the visible spectrum are manipulated, creating a quantum storage network. It’s the most advanced storage system available.” Pidge, unable to read the mood of the room, interjects, “Actually, the Galaxy Garrison is performing tests using DNA helixes as storage. That’s the same way genetic information is stored in our bodies.” I don’t now why I get caught up on some comparatively minor things here, but I do. Pidge’s interjection is written with the intention of showing that she’s smarter than her teacher. Her specific interjection however isn’t successfully doing that: She cites the GG trying to develop DNA data storage, so that storage system is not one that is currently available, and the teacher was talking about what is currently available for use. If these students can understand the teacher’s words about photons and quantum storage, then I think they know what DNA is, and thus don’t need Pidge’s explanation that DNA is how “genetic information is stored in our bodies,” so that part of the line sounds written to explain it to viewers who don’t know what DNA is.
Me being me, this bit of dialog triggered my creative-writers-need-to-do-research rule, so I decided to do some minor googling. From the quick search (so no where near an exhaustive or scientific database search), there are specific benefits and problems of both atomic (quantum) storage and DNA storage that make both worth exploring, but neither better than the other. DNA storage systems are slow, whereas atomic storage requires ultracold environments to function. The idea in this narrative moment is that Pidge is demonstrating that she’s intellectually superior to the teacher and other students by suggesting potential DNA storage is better than their existing atomic storage, but the nature of both storage methods means she’s not right.
“Nerd!” another student bullies her. The class laughs. The teacher does nothing. I would like to say that, since this is set in the future, the teacher would have reacted to the bullying and reprimanded the bullying students, but the show doesn’t have it happen. It’s a writing choice to have the teacher standby and let the bullying happen. The effect is to make it look like, poor Pidge, so much smarter than everyone around her, and none of them can even see her genius, we should feel sorry for her that her inferiors, adult and peer alike, resent her for her superiority.
On to Pidge’s bedroom, which I really like. Whoever did the background art of her bedroom did a really nice job. I wouldn’t mind my bedroom being a real version of hers.
Matt enters her room, without knocking, and brings her cake. He calls her “Pidge,” and she replies that she hates it when he calls her that. This makes me want to know what the origin of him calling her Pidge is, and why is it such that she hates being called that. This detail is mostly there to set up the idea that her going on to call herself Pidge comes out of her wanting to reconnect with her brother.
“What’s the point,” Pidge asks in response to Matt telling her she has to keep studying hard. As a self-identifying nerd, I would say part of what makes us nerds is that we never feel the need to ask what’s the point in studying: We like learning new stuff, we’re constantly curious, and we pursue that need the same as we breathe because we need air. This “what’s the point” line from Pidge has a hollow tonal quality reminiscent of the post-episode moral moments that a lot of 80s cartoons had. Those moments were cloying to me when I watched them as a little kid back then, so imagine how this feels to me now as an adult.
Matt tells her that he’s gotten notice that he’s been accepted to the Galaxy Garrison. Pidge responds with excitement before grabbing her text book to keep studying. This continue studying moment seems so unnaturally silly.
Back to the current day of the story. Pidge takes off her glasses. The first time I watched this (and the second time too because I had forgotten), I was baffled by why Pidge could see when she took her glasses off. Sometimes, I feel lucky if I don’t walk into walls when I’m not wearing my glasses or contacts. The end of the episode reveals that Pidge wears Matt’s old glasses, and that she does not actually need to wear glasses herself. I’ll grudgingly admit that her wearing them to try to feel connected to him is sweet.
The only concern anyone expresses over Pidge going on her mission alone is that she might need backup. There is no concern that she’s splitting the group, which was such major importance to everyone regarding Keith last episode. The other Paladins are smiling while looking at the display of Pidge during their communication, so no one is bothered by the thing they were bothered by last episode. Pidge says, “Plus you guys still have plenty to do on Olkarion.” So, she is specifically leaving while the Paladins are working on something, which was the basis of their complaints against Keith last episode. Whatever the Paladins are doing on Olkarion is not mentioned, so it feels more like a one-line excuse to sideline their characters.
I could go into detail about the next couple of scenes, there are aspects that could easily be critiqued, but after writing it out, I’ve decided to just quickly summarize the events instead and move on. Pidge meets some alien on a planet because he’s one of only a few sellers of some substance that she’s identified the people in the video with Matt use. The alien and she briefly fight, and she acquires the identity of one of the people in the video. With just a couple of button pushes, she searches some database on the Green Lion and learns the last known location of Te-osh. She arrives on that moon, destroys a couple of attacking Galra fighters. She assumes that the guy running toward her as she lands is a member of the rebels (I don’t know why she makes this assumption). Lieutenant Ozar tells her that they’re trying to evacuate the base before more Galra can arrive. She tells him that the other Paladins aren’t coming (if these people need help, shouldn’t she relay that information to the other Paladins since they’re just sitting around on Olkarion doing an unidentified, and thus narratively unimportant, something?). She asks for Te-osh, who is inside a ship on top of a building, and Pidge goes to talk to her when a Galra fighter that no one could see starts blasting everything. Several other Galra ships join the attack. Te-osh’s ship takes off, pursued by Galra. Pidge jumps back in Green, destroys one Galra fighter.
With the attack on the moon over (Galra are still attacking Te-osh’s ship), the remaining rebels tell Pidge that with their one remaining ship damaged, they can’t go help Te-osh. “What about you?” Pidge asks. “We know what it means to fight the Galra. The supplies on that ship are more important than our lives,” Ozar says. I know the show thinks it’s making some dramatic statement about how the war is and how brave and awesome the rebels are, but I still don’t know why Pidge hasn’t called the other Paladins to tell them these people need help. Or even if not the Paladins, where are the billions of people that should now be a part of the Voltron Coalition that the show keeps having characters, notably Coran and Allura, brag about forming? Pidge refuses to leave them behind and yells, “Everyone aboard, now!” Aboard what? Not the Green Lion, which is what I thought they would have to board if their ship’s damaged. But later, the rebels are on, not just one, but three ships in space when Pidge tows Te-osh’s ship back to them. Whatever this performative decisive moment Pidge has right here telling them to get on board means nothing.
Pidge and Green catch up with Te-osh’s ship, she destroys the Galra fighters with the plant cannon (why not just use the regular cannon?), and boards Te-osh’s ship. Te-osh gives Pidge a transponder that every rebel has that can be used to find other rebels.
This is very important: Te-osh says, as she hands the transponder to Pidge, “He may not have his anymore, but this is his code.” This line of dialog does something very significant to this episode’s narrative: it undermines the emotion of a future scene. In this line of dialog, we viewers have learned something: Pidge will not find Matt when she finds the transponder. The entire point of “he may not have his anymore” is to set up him not having it anymore. There is no other reason to write that into the dialog. So then, when Pidge follows the transponder, and eventually finds what she thinks is Matt’s grave, we know that it’s not. The emotion of that graveside scene is totally undermined.
More flashbacks. Matt’s gotten a message from their dad on a “quantum frequency,” which bypasses Galaxy Garrison protocols. Matt says, “What the Garrison doesn’t know won’t hurt them.” So, the whole Holt family don’t care about safety protocols. For people who supposedly so eagerly want to be a part of the Garrison, this disdain they have for Garrison rules should get them kicked out of the GG. Sam and Matt Holt are characters who are pretty much just extensions of Pidge’s character. This disregard for GG rules comes from her character’s already established disregard for GG rules. That Sam and Matt are fine with violating the rules, and that they don’t get punished for doing so, is just another manifestation of Perfect Pidge.
There’s a long, unnecessarily drawn out explanation about how Sam and Matt have a special, secret, physical book-necessary encryption method to their communication. I haven’t studied encryption, but I imagine that any system that requires looking something up in a book is fundamentally not a complex encryption method. But then, there’s a second portion of Sam and Matt’s special code that involves them having memorized specific “additions and subtractions to numbers we send, so that even if someone intercepts our messages and has the same book, they still don’t know what we’re saying.” This makes no sense. Changing numbers in the message does not change the non-number portions of the message, so they would totally still know what Sam and Matt were saying.
This scene drags on way too long. It’s setting up the next step of Pidge’s journey once she realizes Matt’s not actually dead at the graveside, sure, but the scene is not interesting.
Pidge scoffs at how “low-tech” the method is. Matt responds, “You can’t rely too much on computers. The most powerful processor you have is right here,” and he points to his head. This is a giant cliché. And it’s wrong. If the brain was more powerful that computers, then we would never need computers to do calculations quickly for us. Yes, we have to program the computers to do what they do, but they can do what they do faster than we can mentally do the same processes, thus they are more powerful.
“And it can never be hacked,” Matt adds to his brain comment. Except, yeah, it can be. At this point in the show, we’ve seen Narti do so several times. Yeah, Matt wouldn’t have confirmation that psychic powers exist at this time in his story, but we viewers do. If Matt’s comment here was setting up a plot that involved something happening to hack his brain, then that might justify the inclusion of this line of dialog. But nothing like that happens for him, only for other characters. And the process of it happening to other characters – the clone of Shiro – results in everyone saying that being brain hacked makes a person evil. Knowing that future plot with the clone, I can’t help but be angry at this moment of the show.
Sam’s big message worth breaking Garrison rules and using some special actually-inferior but supposedly-superior encryption method is to tell Matt when his bedtime is. Are you kidding me!? This is neither cute, nor funny, despite the show intending it to be.
Back to now, Pidge finds the graveyard planet. The show again ignores that a planet has gravity in depicting large chunks of rock floating in the air. It’s a significant investment of resources to transport someone’s body to another planet for burial when it would be cheaper to just release their body into the black of space (assuming a space-located death), bury them on a planet in a normal graveyard, or cremate them. So, the setting of this graveyard is contrived. It doesn’t bother me too much, so I can accept it as a conceit for the sake of a good story. The problem is that I don’t feel like I’m getting a good story in this sequence.
Because again, I already know that Matt is not here.
Pidge’s armor translates engraved text: this is a monument to 127,098 warriors who died in a fight against tyranny. She runs toward the graves. The voice acting in this scene is really, really good, which is part of why it bothers me so much that the emotion has already been undermined by that line of dialog earlier letting us know that Matt’s not at the location of this transponder.
The episode overplays its attempt to create the emotion with a series of quick flashbacks that are supposed to make us upset at the idea that Matt is dead, and Pidge has failed to find him in time. Oh! the loss of their special sibling relationship! But this sequence is excessive since we know he’s not dead.
Also, it wasn’t that long ago that the rebels had been working with Matt. Having to bury 127,098 people who died in a war would take time and would have resulted in records as to when that conflict occurred. So, the underlying timing of these two events – the last time Matt was with the rebels and the conflict that killed these people and time it would take to bury them and construct the memorial to them – undermines the expectation that we believe Matt to be dead.
Again, the voice acting is really good in this scene, despite its other problems. Of course, it starts cliché raining.
Pidge says his birthday is wrong. I guess we are to assume Matt put his birthday into the grave’s information system when he buried his transponder here, and he did so specifically in case either Sam or Pidge came looking for his transponder? That is very, very contrived, convoluted, and convenient.
Pidge figures it out that hidden in the wrong birthday are coordinates, and she heads off to them. She’s being followed by the growly guy that interrogated the shopkeeper after her. Pidge makes her way to the coordinates: A large, weirdly shaped asteroid with an old mine carved down into it. Rocks are floating around as they do on this show. Green lands heavily, suggesting there’s gravity, but everything else, including Pidge, floats, which would mean no gravity. She descends further into the dark shaft. At the bottom, she picks up and drops a rock, which falls as if gravity. She’s literally in the exact same area of effect that the rock is in, but the rock is affected by gravity while she is not. This is not how gravity works. “Something must be generating gravity nearby,” she says. Yes, the giant asteroid you’re on right now would be generating gravity. Everything technically generates gravity, even Pidge’s own body. But the largest source of gravity would just be this big asteroid.
She uncovers a hatch down into a massive base with active displays and computers running. Someone attacks her. Oh, the drama, the excitement, the revelation! It’s Matt. (I’m not surprised whatsoever.) It’s supposed to be a touching reunion, but it’s not the resolution of narrative tension that it could be, so that emotion is unfortunately nowhere near as deep as the show wants it to be. “I can’t believe you found me. It doesn’t seem possible,” Matt says. Yeah, not possible except for the trail that you left that only Sam and Pidge could figure out, so not just possible, but specifically only possible for two people. I guess it could be Matt was expecting it was only possible for Sam and that Pidge was back on Earth.
Apparently, the name of Voltron has spread throughout the universe, but the names of the Paladins have not. So, Matt knows of Voltron but is surprised to learn Pidge is a Paladin. One would think that the rebels would by now know.
The growly cliché villain shows up and attacks. He’s a bounty hunter and has been hunting for Matt. The bounty hunter says, “Looks to me like you’re made of meat, just like everyone else.” This is a good line. It’s creepy and the least cliché thing this villain does. While before he was a boring nobody, with this one line, now I’m interested in this villain.
They fight. Matt weirdly yells, “Stay away from my sister,” in a mix of cliché and patriarchy. And yes, it’s patriarchal because Matt, in knowing that Pidge is a Paladin, knows she can fight. The Holts defeat the bounty hunter.
“Good thinking,” Pidge says, “exposing that electric whip to the asteroid’s magnetic field.” This makes no scientific sense whatsoever. One does not become electrocuted due to being in a magnetic field. If that were so, we wouldn’t be able to exist here on Earth. Whatever.
“I have the coolest little sister in the whole galaxy,” Matt says. In the galaxy? This show spans the whole universe, not just one galaxy (again, I think it would have been better had it been limited to one galaxy, but it’s not). So, Matt’s compliment is lacking in scope that matches that of the story’s setting.
More flashbacks. We finally get an explanation to Pidge taking off her glasses when she puts on her helmet. They’re not hers, they’re his. And since he had vision correction surgery, he doesn’t need them anymore. I don’t understand how until this moment Pidge didn’t know that Matt had had the corrective surgery though; if they have such a close relationship, wouldn’t she be privy to when he has surgery? She wants to be called Pidge now because of missing him when he goes on the Kerberos mission. These two elements are decently written, even if I originally was confused with her taking the glasses off at the beginning of the episode.
I am curious if the Kerberos mission was Matt’s first space mission. He acts excited in this flashback before his leaving on the mission as if it will be his first time in space. But no space organization is going to send someone who’s never been in space on a mission that has the long timeframe this one does.
The music of this last scene and credits is really nice.
So, Pidge ends the episode having achieved one of her big character goals: Find her brother. I just really wish the show had managed her progression better in this episode. It really bothers me that we know from the instant she gets Matt’s transponder from Te-osh that Matt is not going to be wherever that transponder is, thus undermining the emotion of the graveyard scene. Writing a fake character death and revelation can be done in different ways. You have to write with a different set of tonal qualities if the audience already knows that the death isn’t real than you would if the audience doesn’t know. The way the graveyard scene is written, it’s with tone suitable for an audience that doesn’t know. But because we do, it makes the fake death and supposed revelation that he’s alive feel hollow. It makes it feel like we’re being jerked around by the show. It further bothers me that this was done because the voice acting on Pidge in the graveyard scene is really good. I want to feel the emotion of the moment, but I can’t because I already know going into that scene that he’s alive.
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juskla · 7 years
me, checking out a voltron blog: hm, i wonder what they’re like...?
their header: “#he’s looking at keith”
me: ...really? i mean-
me: a TRUE shipper would know the quote is “#he is looking at keith” not “he’s”
me: :D
i have always been discourse free and hate free and clearly loving lotor ships, as those of you who know me know, but from this day forth, while i am planning to remain discourse free aside from this post and any replies about this post, i want you all to clearly know my stance on the discourse: i am very strongly pro shaladin. and not just for the stance. i ship sheith. it is fantastic and shiro makes keith so happy. why don’t i have a problem with sheith? 1) i don’t see them as having more than a 3 year age gap (considering it was confirmed that shiro had just graduated when he went for the kerberos mission, keith was not a first year when he dropped out, and the GG is most likely a 4 year institution/uni) 2) i see them as both adults, even when they were at the garrison 3) i don’t think age gaps, even if they did have one, are inherently unhealthy as long as both parties are adults. 4) no, i don’t think and have never thought they are related. i’ve posted a couple sheith posts before, and had it on my ship list for months, but now it will be appearing on my blog on a more regular basis. feel free to block the tag #sheith if you do not wish to see that, along with any other ship tags you may not want to see, because i will most likely post about some ships i don’t ship as well, and who knows... maybe i’ll hop on some new other ship trains too. I understand I may lose followers for this, but I will be instead gaining friends.
are pro shaladin***
post sheith
post lotor and the generals
post galra
post about any of the girls in vld
post about/have original characters
reblog/make art
reblog/make icons
reblog/make edits
make sicc memes™
***required, everything else is just bonus :D
PLEASE EITHER REBLOG THIS + TAG WHAT YOU POST -OR- LIKE THIS + REPLY WITH WHAT YOU POST -OR- INSTANT MESSAGE (not ask) ME A HELLO + TELL ME WHAT YOU POST IF YOU’D RATHER DO IT PRIVATELY ...AND I’LL CHECK YOUR BLOG OUT! if i like your stuff, i will follow you/follow you back, and i will try to message you too so we can become mutuals... and friends!:D
(notes/faq under the cut, reading is optional, but it may answer some questions)
things to note:
make sure that you either allow IM messages from everyone, or if not, that you follow me first so that i can message you and we can start talking :D
i will NEVER condone harassment of real people and their families/children over a fictional ship, there are a couple ships in voltron that do make me uncomfortable, and i just ignore it, because i know and understand other people don’t share my headcanons and may see those characters differently than i do, so they’re just my NOTPs.
while i prefer voltron-centric blogs, you don’t have to be voltron only, but please be voltron heavy
i do ship klance, but i am much more heavy into multiship, aliens, galra and rare pairs, so even if you have #klance blacklisted, i’m still open to being mutuals and you’ll only be missing select amount of my content
i carefully tag all of my content, so anything you blacklist, you’ll be good!
i post mostly original content! anything from art, to memes to edits!
i know i may get hate now, but this blog is discourse free and hate free, any hate will simply be deleted, or respectfully replied to with kindness
no, i do not support adult/minor relationships, and if you are an adult attracted to minors, please never interact with me or my posts ever
i’m not mass blocking all antis or saying you can’t follow me/interact with my posts, but i won’t follow you back or reblog from you if you are anti, and if you send me or any of my friends hate or harassment, you will not be welcome here
while i only actively ship sheith in the shaladin umbrella, i am open to following people who ship anything as long as you are pro shaladin, i don’t need to ship your otp to appreciate it
while i’m mostly looking for shaladin/sheith mutuals on this specific post, you don’t have to ship shaladin for me to follow you in general, neutral/ship-free/hate free and pro shaladins who don’t ship it are all great too, as long as you don’t identify as ‘anti’ or harass anyone for what they ship, i’m cool with you! and you’re welcome to message me too :)
this includes ex-antis, if you drop the label and change your ways, whether you switched to neutral or pro, you’re fine too!
also know, you don’t have to ship shaladin just because i do, if it makes you uncomfortable, as i said before, you can blacklist the tags, no problem, i’m not going to force anyone to ship sheith
thank you to the people in my life, old and new, that have given me the confidence and courage to come forward with my stance: @im-so-voltdone @kcgane @marmorababy @belovedsheith @cupidlance @adenna79 @purplerubyred @tiredgaykeith @cagethestars @lotors-saltwife @blacklionshiro @just-for-voltron @flusteredkeith @keiths-stupid-mullet @vld--mess @spicyboikeith @factorysaltedpeanuts @internetfeet @jaegereska @paladinwilla thank you all from the bottom of my heart, you’re all so kind, ok? thank you.
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rollipolli-yoli · 7 years
Happy Birthday Keith!
(A little late, but) To celebrate I’ve decided to compile a list of my favorite Keith-centric fanfics! Full of well written Keith! 
Hound by Story_Monger
Chapters:11 Status: Complete Ships: None Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Horror, Team as Family, Past Child Abuse, Character Study, Platonic Relationships, Suspense, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Keith has a lot of practice being alone; you might almost say he's good at it. When he finds himself seriously injured and stranded on an unknown planet, he knows he's not alone there. And here's the worst part: even after rescue and after things return to normal, Keith gets the distinct sense that whatever was on that planet has followed him. He doesn't have proof. But he knows it's there. He knows it's not going to stop until it gets what it wants.
Hound is incredible on all levels. It is an artistic, gorgeously written character study, full of suspense and horror that had me on the edge of my seat at all times. I loved the transitions between THEN (the sections of the story that take place the year Keith was alone in the desert) and the NOW. Keith’s backstory is a real mystery still, and this story uses it’s head cannons to the fullest, never feeling out of character or out of place. The wonderful platonic affection the paladins shower each other with is adorable and refreshing between the bits of heart wrenching angst and spine tingling horror, and all around this fanfic seems to know Keith even better than the show writers. It’s not only one of my favorite fanfics, it’s probably one of my favorite pieces of fiction I’ve ever read, period. 
WARNING mentions past child abuse but it stays away from graphic details.
Recoil/Release by Cheshyr 
Chapters: 13  Status: Complete  Ships: None Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Team as family, Anxiety, Insecure Keith, Panic Attacks, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sketchy Science
Summary: When Keith is bitten by an alien creature with venom that causes your dominant emotions to be amplified, the team is ready for a day of dealing with an incredibly angry paladin.
Which means they're not ready at all for what actually happens.
As a person who suffers from panic attacks and anxiety, this one really hits close to home. Keith’s insecurities and fears, amplified to an impossible measure thanks to the alien creatures venom keeps the stakes high, and is backed up with solid writing, dialogue, and character interactions (seriously I LIVE for best friend Pidge&Keith). The angst is heartbreaking, the humor will have you laughing out loud, and the heart felt moments between our favorite space team will leave you feeling warm and cozy for days. It’s not always perfect, but it’s definitely a worthwhile read.                                        
WARNING: As someone who suffers from panic attacks and anxiety I did have to take a small break from time to time. The panic attacks and anxiety are very VERY well written. The child abuse is barely mentioned and more implied than anything  (never really described or shown ) but I’ll still put a warning. 
Running Flat by SKayLanphear 
Chapters: 2 Status: Complete Ships: Klance Rating: Mature
Tags: Romance, Thought-Sharing, Pining, Longing, Silly Boys
Summary: Lance, like all the other paladins, is finally getting used to the “mind meld” they all have to indulge in when controlling their lions. Until someone’s uncontrollable crush comes in and knocks them all back in surprise. It’s a crush that circles persistently through their thoughts and only gets stronger as time goes on, until they begin to realize this might be a bit more serious than the term “crush” implies.
Meanwhile, the unfortunate paladin behind it all is trying desperately to bury the feelings away, yet failing at every turn.
-I find SKayLanphear to be a master of character, and while this fic is not completely Keith-centric (since it’s sometimes told in Lance’s POV) I believe Skay has a wonderful grasp on Keith’s voice, and who he is as a person. I love the way this story takes the interesting concept of mind melding that was introduced in season 1 and fully explores it. Add in some angst and romance,and you got yourself a great fic. Skay’s A+ writing and interesting premise makes for a short and sweet story with a hefty emotional punch, and it will most definitely leave a mark on your heart.
You can also find @skaylanphear here on tumblr
Nothing Can Breathe in Space by Idrilka
Chapters: 4 Status: Complete Ships: Sheith Rating: Explicit
Tags: Backstory, Pre-Canon, Canon Era, Mutual Pining, Unresolved Tension, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Slow Burn, First Time, Friends to Lovers
Summary: The truth is: what Keith wants or doesn’t want won’t bring Shiro back.
The truth is: nothing can breathe in space. 
(Or: the story of how Keith and Shiro come together, come apart, and come together again.)
I desperately want to know about the back story of Keith and Shiro when they were at the Garrison and this fic is a good way to scratch that itch. While the story is obviously told through a more romantic lens then it probably will in canon, it doesn’t feel overly sappy or out of character. Filled to the brim with angst, this story of discovery, loss, and re-discovery (told in Idrilka’s fantastic interpretation of Keith’s voice) will probably make you cry. But it will also fill you with hope, and an excitement for the day we get to see Keith and Shiro’s actual backstory in canon. 
WARNING: There will be feels. Also, PTSD. And some adult shows of affection. All very tasteful in my opinion, but just be warned that it’s there. 
Call Me, Beep Me by Orphan_Account
Chapters: 10 Status: Complete Ships: Klance, Minor Shallura 
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Wrong Number AU, Texting
Summary: (00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose? (00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake? (00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it? (00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy... (00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones? (00:45) What (00:46) The (00:46) Fuck??? (00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
Where Lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
This fic is hilarious. Written almost completely as an epistolary novel (the chosen form text messages) this fic has as much fun with itself as you do reading it. It isn’t always easy to keep the essence of the characters the same when placing them in alternate universes with new alternate lives, but this fic does a fantastic job. The character dialogue is fast and smart, their interactions funny and relatable, the romance is adorable and slow-burning, and the plot is great with a satisfying conclusion. BONUS: If you love Pidge and Keith as best friends the way I do, you'll love them in this fic. It is one of my biggest disappointments that I will never know who actually wrote this.
WARNING: You may die of laughter
Fragile: Handle With Care by EchoResonance
Chapters: 7 Status: Complete Ships: Sheith Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Abuse, Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Past Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Shiro's heard all sorts of stories about soulmates. He's seen the stories in action. He's seen his father knock his hip against the corner of the counter and watched the bruise bloom on his mother's. He watched his friend get a tattoo and seen another friend with the fading remnants of that very same mark. It was a magical moment for some people.
Shiro and his soulmate were not those people.
An AU in which the marks that one person receives, the other also bears temporarily. And although Shiro has had few accidents and has never been struck a day in his life, it is very rare that his skin isn't a painting of reds, blues, and purples
Although this story is actually written mostly from Shiro’s point of view, Keith is just SO Keith in it, that I had to include it in the list. I have always had an interest in Soulmate au’s, and while marks from your skin appearing on your soulmates skin isn’t exactly new, the added feature of your soulmate feeling the pain you feel kind of is (at least to me). I wanted to know how someone as private as Keith would react to this, and this fic delivered. 
This fic is beautiful. Full of all kinds of emotions, beautiful writing, an interesting premise, and a good grasp on the characters. Seeing the characters we know and love play out in this new world they’ve been put in is an emotional roller coaster that I never want to get off of. 
WARNING: There is definitely sensitive and triggering material in this fic. Please read the tags carefully. While the abuse is never grossly graphic or shown in great detail, do not continue to read it if you feel it will have an effect on your mental/emotional well being.
A Horse To Water by SKayLanphear
Chapters: 3/? Status: In Progress Ships: Klance, Minor Shallura 
Rating: Mature
Tags: Romance, rivals to friends to lovers, cowboy keith, city-boy Lance, deals with controversial subjects, Racism, Homophobia, Horses, Angst, Violence, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings
Summary: Lance moves to the country and meets a hot-headed cowboy intent on being as difficult as possible. Despite his efforts, however, Keith merely inspires Lance to wonder at the pros of saving a horse and riding a cowboy.
If anyone was going to make it onto this list twice, it would be Skay. Back with another Klance fic (once again with rotating POV), but this time in it for the long haul. This fic is so much fun and drama so far. Great premise, fresh setting, excellent writing and grasp of character,  and horses. FREAKING. BEAUTIFUL. HORSES.  But don’t worry, the angst is there, bubbling just underneath the skin, and I can’t wait for it to come in full (which it will just you wait). I am really excited to read this fic as it continues, and see how the characters we know and love interact in these new (but fitting) roles they have been given.  Plus come on guys, it has cow-boy Keith. COW. BOY. KEITH!
WARNING: Although the fic is still in its early chapters, according to the authors tags it has been tagged mature for a reason. So all you guys who shouldn’t be meddling around in the mature tag...stay out of this fic. 
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annacakes · 7 years
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Guns of Gamara - First Appearances (click for full resolution)
Instead of studying for my HSC I spent the last few days drawing this for a Guns of Gamara AU i’ve had for awhile. i tried to take things from the 84 Voltron including insp. for their outfits, leadership roles in the group, and the overall plot, as well as making parallels to Legendary Defender. 
(also, Galra!Lance was inspired by another drawing of Galra!Lance so if anyone can link me to that post, i’ll be forever grateful!)
Keith is a half-Altean/half-human hybrid who accompanied Colleen and Matt Holt, and Shiro to Kerberos as a co-pilot/apprentice
Alteans found them on Kerberos due to Keith’s bloodline and they are captured
Keith gets sent to Altea as “Alteans belong to Altea”, has his Altean physical features “unlocked” through the use of distilled quintessence, and is placed in a minor fighting ring since he’s only an Altean-hybrid rather than purely Altean
Keith escaped Altea with the help of Kolivan and his team before they caused an uproar as a distraction on Altea among other things
Colleen and Matt don’t fight their captors and are simply sent to a refugee camp as they are allowed to keep their free will
Shiro attempts to defend the others from any dangers the Alteans pose by trying to reason with them. This is seen as an act of defiance and is sent to a holding prison where his free will can be taken from him (Shiro also isn’t in the pic is bc i only decided he’s in the AU while writing this sooooo)
Shiro is also Sven’s twin brother and at the age of five, were left orphaned. An American family adopted Shiro, and a Norwegian family adopted Sven, however each family let the two brother’s stay in contact with each other until Sven moved back to the US to join the Garrison.
Empress Allura uses a mixture of quintessence, Altean magic, and other lesser ingredients to keep herself, and her closest advisers alive for thousands of years, including Coran who has been acting as a secret informant for the Guns of Gamara for the majority of her reign
He acts as an informant for the Gamara bc while he was fiercly loyal to King Alfor and his family, he had worked as his adviser long enough to know that he would not approve of how Allura rules in the slightest, and so places his hopes in a group of rebels to try and stop her
He gets caught however, and flees Altea heading towards the last operative base belonging to the Guns of Gamara.
The base however, had recently been attacked by Alteans and had been kept in one piece with the bodies of the members still inside, rather than being destroyed and an act that warns those who seek out the rebels as to what would happen to them if they rebelled against Empress Allura
Coran finds Lance unconscious, and badly wounded but alive and quickly gets him to a healing pod on one of the Gamara’s largest battleships. Finding no other survivors, he destroys the base and flies towards the outskirts of the Solar System as it lies beyond Altea’s Empire.
Lance eventually wakes up and joins Coran on the bridge where he explains his situation and Lance begins to explain what happened to the Gamara
The Altean ship Keith stole interrupts their conversation as the ship heads for Earth
Not knowing where the ship came from, why the ship is in such a hurry, or who they were, Coran and Lance followed the ship to Earth
Coran camouflaged the ship in the desert whilst Lance dressed in clothes that covered every inch of his skin including his face. He takes a smaller speeder and heads towards the crash site alone.
Pidge enrolls at the Garrison under a fake name in hopes of finding her mother and brother. 
Sven helps her get into the Garrison using her fake identity because he knows what it feels like to have someone close to you go missing without a trace, and hopes that Pidge might discover something that can lead to some answers
Hunk is Pidge’s best fried at the Garrison and can occasionally calm down Pidge’s temper. When he can’t Sven acts as damage control and often gets her out of trouble
Hunk follows Pidge to the roof, worried that she might be caught out of bed after hours on the night of the crash
They sneak away from the barracks when the lock down is called but are unaware that they are followed by Sven who gives them a fright when he makes his presence known when they are spying on the Garrison at the crash site
Sven (being an instructor) tells them they should go back to the barracks despite Pidge’s protests having seen Keith on the surveillance cameras
Before they could do so however, Lance creates a distraction using a blaster/shooter/gun that was mounted onto the speeder to distract the Garrison
Pidge, Hunk, and a reluctant Sven follow him into the building where they find Lance carrying a barely conscious Keith
As Lance doesn’t know that Keith is only a hybrid-Altean, he intended to take him back to the ship to investigate whether he was on their side or not
Knowing that the Garrison will soon be returning, Lance lets Pidge, Hunk, and Sven follow him to his speeder where they all get on and head towards the Gamara battleship
The Garrison chase them for a short time, but they eventually lose them
I imagine Lance’s return to the battleship goes a little like this: Lance: Coran! I’m back open the cargo door! Coran: Did you find who the ship belonged to? Lance: An Altean apparently. I have him with me, but he’s unconscious right now Coran: Okay well- Lance: And a few others native to this planet Coran: a few native inhabitants? Bring them onboard then, I trust that you trust them of course Lance: Of course! Pidge, Hunk, Sven: ?? Alteans????? native inhabitants??????? what
Once on the ship, Lance takes Keith and puts him in a healing pod while Pidge, Hunk, and Sven meet Coran in the bridge: Hunk: y’know i always thought aliens would look more alien Coran: i don’t know, you look like an alien to me Lance: *entering the bridge while taking off his excess clothes* what did you think an alien would look like? Hunk: well, i was expec- *sees Lance* Lance: what? what were you expecting Hunk: you. i was expecting you
Keith eventually wakes up from his healing pod and gets a quick interrogation by Lance and Coran but stop once they find out he’s and Altean-hybrid that recently escaped Altea
Before deciding on what they can do next (considering that two aliens are now on Earth, Keith no longer looks human, and Pidge, Hunk, and Sven have recently been declared missing or so the radio Pidge tuned into says), an Altean ship that had been chasing Keith begins to orbit around Earth
As a group, they decide to leave the Solar System and travel to a base light years away that has been abandoned by the Gamara for millennia so the Altean ship follows them, leaving Earth alone
Now that Lance is awake, the battleship (originally of Galra design) can now “jump” to further distances at hyperspeed
They lead the Altean ship away from Earth, and eventually lose them once they make a “jump”
They land the ship on an uninhabited planet that’s nearly completely covered in forest save for a large patch of ground that used to be the landing platform
Once inside the abandoned Gamara base, they activate it’s computer system which leads them to eventually find Slav who had been hiding in the base
Both Coran and Lance finally explain in full why they are here, and what has happened throughout the rest of the universe for the past 10,000 years
Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and Sven all agree to help them fight against the oppressive rule of Empress Allura
They all eventually realise after some time that they are in dire need of both allies and weapons and so make a plan:
Sven and Slav are sent to investigate the strange wormhole and destroy it if need be (Hole in the Sky)
Keith, Pidge, and Hunk are sent to rescue Kolivan and his team who had recently been captured and sent to a holding prison
Coran and Lance are first sent to Altea to the last Galra ship that had once belonged to Zarkon that held every Galra secret including the location on where Lotor and his generals were being cryogenically frozen (in the AU, by the time Zarkon plans to destroy Altea, Lotor is an adult). They then head to that planet and unfreeze(?) Lotor and his generals
Whilst in the Guns of Gamara, Lotor is on their side as long as their goal is to take down Empress Allura, though he still is morally grey and his methods are questionable at best
Whether or not Lotor’s generals betray him in this AU is still up for debate as I began this AU before s4 came out, so they were always going to stay with Lotor but now idk
I think that’s just about all the headcanons I have for this AU now, I might add some more/save them for the next group shot of all the important characters I missed^^
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discoursecatharsis · 7 years
What DO you think the ants would do if it turned out that the K/acne (I'm keeping the typo lol) age gap was larger than he O/Y one??? More mental gymnastics on how "Y and O may have the same age gap and as K/L, HOWEVER, Y is shown to be mentally a toddler (kicking people, yelling, hugging his grandpa, etc) so it is pedophilia anyways. ALSO he is short and HASNT REaCHED PUPERTY, so if O were to date him it would be the same as dating a LIterAL cHIld. Pedophilia :///
If it turns out that K/ance has the same or a bigger age gap that 0tayuri, then I think ant/s would do either one of two things.
Most ant/s would backtrack their stance on age gap teenage ships and the definition “pedophilia.” Just completely unabashedly backtrack. And they wouldn’t even acknowledge the fact that they were wrong, and that they’re hypocrites. They would just play dumb, exactly how they acted after it was revealed that K was 18, and we pointed out that they had been screeching about how “18+/17- relationships are always wrong, 18 year olds are adults!!” They’ll do similar mental gymnastics again.
A select few ant/s who are in Too Deep are gonna stick to to guns, stay true to their word, and drop K/ance. They’re gonna whine about how Dreamw0rks lied to them, how the v0ltr0n staff “tricked” them into shipping a gross ship by not being upfront about ages from the beginning. Most of these ant/s will probably drop the show, because, let’s be honest, the only real reason they watch it is because of K/ance, and if the age gap was much larger, K/ance is now tainted and therefore ruined forever.
But I think that option 1 is the most likely reaction from ant/s if that were to happen. 
Like you said, they’ll do some mental gymnastics, such as bring up mental age or how they physically look (like “YP is child-coded, at least Lance is teen-coded!!” or some nonsense). 
I also think the likely argument that they’ll use is “well L and K met way before, when they were both minors in the Garrison. O and YP met when O was an adult and YP was a minor, so it’s wrong.” Because honestly, they already use that argument. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Let’s voltron!
“I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..”
“Eh…. voltron?”
“We’ll work on it.”
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping…….we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out.
I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened.
I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers……I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side, I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have.
Guys…..please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you.
DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains.
You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just……..a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters.
You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with.
I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have:
New school defenders:
the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out….. so who will?
Lotor’s reign:
It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small.
Mirror mirror:
For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans?
Gamora’s guns:
The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done.
The chosen:
Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe’s greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before……but what happens if it does?
Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders:
For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a message and add me on my discord, telegram, email or hangouts (contact info below).
My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187
My telegram: Tiberionwars
My email/hangouts: [email protected]
Hope to write some awesome stories!
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shipperblocklist · 7 years
(1/3) I just have something to say about the ships you deem 'unproblematic', especially Kallura. A few months ago you were running around with your heads on fire because "Kallura is problematic! It's a toxic relationship! She's racist against Galra and he's gay!" But now that Shallura is apparently 'problematic' due to ONE flippant remark that was evidently not thought through, Kallura is now one of the only ships that you let us have
(2/3) purely because she's apparently a teenager now and therefore the ship is now 'unproblematic'. What even makes a ship 'problematic' in the first place? Repeat after me: Voltron Legendary Defender is a fictional show set in a fictional universe, therefore because it doesn't exist we can ship whatever the fuck we want because we are not piss-babies who can't be bothered to simply block people who just want to ship in peace. We are allowed to headcanon the ages of the characters.
(3/3) On another note, why can't Pidge be shipped with the other paladins? I personally am a multishipper but I really ship Hidge, and I think that it is bullshit when you think that a 15 year old can't be shipped with a 16 year old. I had a friend who dated a guy two years older than her and they had a perfectly nice relationship with no toxicity or abuse. You're absolutely batshit insane if you think that teenagers aren't gonna be dating.
the reason why antis believed that k@llura was problematic prior to april was because we believed a\\ura to be an adult. the video that referred to her as a teen is currently the only indication of her age, and so antis are using that as a basis. with a\\ura being a teen, that makes k@llura no longer problematic. personal interpretations of the characters’ sexuality is up to the individual, since there is no canon evidence to support one sexuality over another (aside from l@nce being canonically attracted to feminine/female-aligned people)
in terms of our list, a ship is deemed problematic by the anti community at large, and it usually has to do with power dynamics (age, hero/villain, etc.)
the show may be fictional, but that doesn’t mean that it has no effect on reality. positive representation in media is vital to stimulating empathy with groups of people, as well as normalizing behaviors and situations. this is why minorities want positive, non-stereotypical representation in media, and it’s why people can become desensitized to certain things, such as violence (the first time you see X thing, it could be shocking, but by the time you’ve seen it 100 times, you’re used to it.)
also you’re advocating we block people whose content we don’t want to see. that’s exactly what the list is for, so i don’t understand your problem with it.
a 15yo dating a 16yo is fine, but the current age indications we have are:
p!dge is 14/15 (likely 14 in canon due to timelines, but this is up to interpretation)
hu //nk is 17/18 (the official age range is “late teens,” but his VA gave us 17 in his birthday interview which is a more solid number than “late teens,” so we’re currently working with that. if we receive contradicting evidence from a more authoritative figure working the show, we will amend our views accordingly)
ke!th and l@nce are 17 (since they have no had their birthdays they’re not 18 yet; and KHL are all in the same grade at the garrison which would put them at about the same age. again, if we receive contradicting evidence we will amend our views accordingly)
a 2-3 year difference can be very large in mentality and maturity when you’re at a young age, which is why we flag these ships as problematic. we’re also not saying that teenagers don’t date; we’re simply advocating that the dating they engage in is healthy and without power imbalances.
thanks for your concern, though!
-mod pidge
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librebananr · 8 years
What's your opinion on sheith?
hmmmm.... I’m kinda on the fence with this one. I can see the appeal as to why people ship it but it’s not something I’m really invested in myself because of the shifty age stuff but also because I’m really loving the broganes thing and I feel like the fandom could be getting luke and leia’d. So yeah, I guess I prefer them as brothers (but that’s also because k//lance is my heart and soul) but I’m not gonna rip someone’s head off for shipping them. I know we’ve had some age stuff vaguely confirmed but it’s not enough for me to want to go ape shit. Imagine bulling a sh//eith shipper to the point of them wanting to die only to find it confirmed that keith’s 19 or something. Like, if the Galaxy Garrison is a tertiary education thing, the paladins could all be different ages - maybe Hunk, 17, skipped a high school grade and went straight into uni and maybe keith graduated high school when he was 18, went looking for his dad for a year and then got noticed/scouted to join the garrison. My uni friend group is all over the place with different ages and you don’t really notice it so I wouldn’t be surprised. ANYWAY. I don’t know for sure, I’m just don’t believe there’s enough evidence to be awful to other people, especially if they’re minding their own business. So until it’s confirmed i don’t really want to be locking in opinions. that being said, if it turns out Keith is a minor, I can say I wouldn’t ship it because I feel like shiro wouldn’t date a minor. he’s a responsible adult and I think it would actually be out of character for him to want to date a minor so getting that confirmed would end sh//eith for me. At least in canon verse because the fact is people do age and people who are five years apart irl were, at one stage, a minor and an adult. But if they weren’t together then, and got together when it was all legal, no one really looks at an age gap like that like it’s bad. If it’s aged up content... it’s kinda hard to say that’s wrong?? I dunno... But back to shiro not dating minor keith:  I never had a problem with the idea of dating an adult when I was a minor but NOW when I look at high school kids (even my brothers’ friends who are all in their last year this year) they just look like kids to me. You feel so grown up when you’re in your last years of high school and then you get out, spend a couple of years in uni and working and you go... wow.... these high school kids are children, how could I date one that just feels wrong. idk maybe that’s just my opinion but I feel like you grow so much in a year or two after shedding the shackles of high school. 
tldr I prefer them as brothers but i can appreciate some good content and see the appeal so long as no one’s a minor. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Get ready to form voltron!
Obligatory warning for a long post ahead: Whilst I know this post may be intimidating to some people. please do not let it put you off from reaching out to me :) “I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..” “Eh.... voltron?” “We’ll work on it.” Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping.......we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out. I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened. I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers......I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have. Guys.....please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you. DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains. You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just........a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters. You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with. I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have: New school defenders: the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out..... so who will? Lotor’s reign: It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small. Mirror mirror: For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans? Gamora’s guns: The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done. The chosen: Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe's greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before…...but what happens if it does? From all walks of life to the universe's greatest heroes: Shouldn’t have to explain this one too much. Forget the show paladins, bring your oc’s or next gens onto the table and let them take the stage! Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders: 1: NO REACHING OUT TO ME ASKING FOR A CANON CHARACTER SHIPPING RP! I DO NOT DOUBLE SO DO NOT ASK! 2: DONT MESSAGE ME IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH NOT VERY HUMANOID ALIENS! 3: NO GARY STU’S OR MARY SUES! GIVE YOUR CHARACTERS A PERSONALITY THAT ISN’T JUST ONE EMOTION OR TRAIT ONLY! For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a request via one of the below contacts that says who you wanna be, which lion or paladin you think you’d most likely to be if you were in voltron, which idea you liked (or one of your own) and the numbers 123 to confirm you’ve read everything. My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My telegram: Tiberionwars My hangouts: [email protected] Hope to write some awesome stories! Will accept requests as long as this ad is up.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Let’s voltron!
“I say vol and you say tron! Vol…..”
“Eh…. voltron?”
“We’ll work on it.”
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and that you’ve been able to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic (and that the easing of some restrictions depending on where you are has not negatively affected you). After binge watching legendary defender on netflix I’ve had the undying and uncontrollable urge to do a voltron rp. Now I bet you’re all wondering what I want and if you’re going to get to do some shipping…….we’ll I guess you’re just going to have to read on and find out.
I’m looking for literate rper’s only. That means people who write in third person past tense, can give me at the very least one well thought out and fleshed paragraph (as well as be willing to write more when the situation calls for it) and has a decent grasp on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. I will not yell at you for the occasional bout of typonese but one liners, one worders, poorly written responses and lazy writing in general will not keep me around. If I can’t read what you’ve written and you’re not willing to put some effort in or correct it then there’s no point in me sticking around. I also require rper’s who’ve actually watched voltron whether it be legendary defender, defender of the universe or voltron force. If you’re someone whose a stickler for canon accuracy then I’m probably not the rper for you. When I rp in a fandom setting I treat it a bit like a base as in there’s rules to follow but I don’t have to follow them as if I’m reading the show script. To put it simply I value creativity and ideas that allow a different take on the characters and what could’ve happened.
I only rp male alien or alien hybrid characters and they’re premade but flexible in how they’re written. I do not have pictures nor do I desire to spend endless hours of time to find a face claim of a creature that isn’t the typical different coloured humanoids you see in voltron. I have descriptions and that’s it. I do not care if your character is made up on the spot or if you prefer to rp as a canon character. Shippers……I’m sorry but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side, I do not rp them as mains so if you were looking for some sheith or klance I’m sorry to disappoint you. That being said you are free to play as any canon character you desire or an oc as I’m open to oc x oc pairings or oc x canon pairings (you being the canon character) and I do either MxM or FxM pairings. Romance and non fade to black smut will both occur in the rp but it must be slow burn. I do not do fast paced love at first sight as it’s just not something that holds my interest. No sub dom dynamics, switch dynamics only and please no characters whose entire personality is just one emotion or one trait they have.
Guys…..please don’t call my aliens furries or whatever. I don’t rp generic spray painted humans and we’re rping in a world full of wacky and crazy aliens that have fur,scales,tails,multiple arms, etc so I find it Incredibly annoying to have a label forced on my character like it’s a bad thing. Alien means something not from earth, if a human was to be born on altea or daibazzal, it’d be considered an alien despite probably being a hundred percent human. If your view and comfort zone is restricted to aliens that look like an altean and nothing else then you needn’t not message me. I’m not going to make you rp with me if this is a dealbreaker so if you don’t heed this warning then you do not be rude after pulling a shocked pikachu. Be mature about it if you realise it’s a deal breaker rather than just blocking or suddenly deciding you no longer want to talk to me and that you’ll just ignore me till I unfriend you.
DO NOT COME TO ME SAYING OR ASKING YOU WANNA DO A SHEITH RP/ DO YOU RP AS THESE CANON CHARACTERS! I cannot stress this enough. I don’t know how I can make it any clearer that I do not do canon character mains nor do I do rp’s solely for the purpose of shipping said rp characters. As I’ve said before, if you wanna play a canon character go ahead but I will not rp a canon character as anything other than a side. My oc’s are my mains.
You and your characters must be 18+. I’m in my twenties and will not rp with a minor, especially since I have mature and adult themes in my rp’s that I do not want to get into trouble for Rping them with someone whose underaged. Underaged characters are just……..a big no for the sole fact that my characters are adults and that i do not feel uncomfortable playing against underaged characters.
You must be able to give me one or more responses a day. If it’s been two weeks since the last response and you’ve mysteriously disappeared then I’m not going to stick around for the day you decide to answer me. I do not like having my time wasted for any reason. My time zone is the eastern Australian time zone but I’m available and awake at odd hours so time zones aren’t too big of an issue for me. Remember that I’m looking for a long term partner, someone to carry an rp with for more than just a few days or a week and someone to write multiple stories with.
I have tonnes of ideas and head cannons for the rp but I’m open to brainstorming and ideas. We can mix and match ideas till we get something we both like. I want this to be a shared job, don’t expect me to be the one to carry everything just cause I’m the one supplying the idea. Down below I’ve decided to list a couple of ideas that I have:
New school defenders:
the paladins of voltron have been defending the universe for years. Many stories of their countless victories, battles and struggles are something that every parent who was alive during the war told their children. Once the main three were taken out (haggar, lotor and zarkon) the paladins settled down to teaching the garrisons new generation of cadets. The new change in curriculum was welcome for many as well as a new change in ship style. To make sure that peace could be maintained in every quadrant of every galaxy the paladins of voltron has trained the cadets to fly animal styled space ships like the lions. The animal ship a pilot was assigned depended on their personality, strengths, weaknesses, how well they worked in a team and their style of fighting and piloting skills. The importance of team bonding was something the paladins basically preached. When news of the return of an old foe forces the paladins to return to their jobs as voltrons warriors and they suddenly disappear many write them off as dead or perhaps in distress. None of the superiors are interested to find out….. so who will?
Lotor’s reign:
It was unbelievable. It couldn’t be true. It had to not be true. Voltron taken down by lotor, son of the mighty emperor zarkon himself, and the paladins were now working for him without question as his top generals?! When the news had first hit many people had panicked whilst countless others had been slain for daring to believe and protest that it was all just some lie made up by the half galran prince who was now an emperor like his father before him. Princess Allura herself was locked away in an unknown location after refusing the cruel man’s hand in marriage so she is no help for what is now a lost hope. Lotor’s reign had well and truly begun all those years ago and it was holding steady. People had forgotten long ago that even in complete and utter darkness….one can always find a speck of light that burns bright no anger how small.
Mirror mirror:
For many years people believed the galra were a race of cruel, vicious, animalistic thinking beings whose only goal was to destroy and conquer words. No one would’ve ever believed that it was the peacekeeping alteans that had been working to plot the galaxy’s downfall. Voltron, belonged to the galrans, they’d been the ones who’d built it after all despite letting alfor pilot voltron’s right arm. When the king had been turned down on his idea to share the mighty robotic war machine he simply built his own. Five dragons that formed dracotron were what the alteans used as their voltron and weapon to conquer the galaxies. Emperor zarkon, under the advice of Haggar the witch, was one of the few world leaders who managed to get his people to safety. Ever since watching the great kingdoms that he’d known for almost ten thousand years fall under the alteans greed and obsession for power over peace, he prayed for miracle in whatever form he could get it in. When two young stragglers end up stranded on the galra’s second home world, the cards of fate are laid according to haggar, much to everyone else’s confusion. What could two lost souls possibly do to bring back what was lost to the alteans?
Gamora’s guns:
The guns of Gamora was a rebel group with the goal of foiling any plans of the altean empress allura. Led by the brave commander Sven and his somewhat neurotic sidekick Slav, the gun’s were spread far across the galaxy in little pockets of altean dominated space to keep tabs on the empires schemes and try their best to counteract them. The new recruits were aliens and humans from far and wide working together hand in hand to try and prevent a reign of terror from truly taking over. When plans for creating a super weapon fall on the ears of a trusted source, the newest batch of recruits are sent to locate, find and bring back the blueprints. Of course, such things are easier said than done.
The chosen:
Keith.lance.hunk.shiro (or Sven, depends on whether you want this to follow a legendary defender type story arc or one of the older series). Allura. Pidge. These were names that belonged to the universe’s greatest heroes. Legends beyond all compare. They were champions of the universe and paladins of the mightiest robotic warrior to have ever been built: voltron. The great robot and the lions that formed it were well over ten thousand years old…..sadly for the paladins, they knew that they wouldn’t live to or beyond the great age their lions and oldest enemies had. The galaxy garrison had worked extra hard on ensuring that the next generation of pilots would be suitable candidates for the possibility of becoming voltron’s future paladins. Each paladin chose a student whom they felt like would be the most suitable to take their place and trained them with the knowledge that they were not the ones who had the final decision as to who flew who…..or even if they’d fly at all. What happens when one student fails and is rejected by not one but all the lions? What becomes of them and what is their place on team voltron? What happens to the rest of the team? Only time will tell, according to coran, such a thing has never happened before……but what happens if it does?
From all walks of life to the universe’s greatest heroes:
Shouldn’t have to explain this one too much. Forget the show paladins, bring your oc’s or next gens onto the table and let them take the stage!
Before we reach the end of the post, here are some important reminders:
For those who’ve read this thoroughly thank you and congratulations! If you’re at all interested please send me a request via one of my contacts that says who you wanna be, which lion or paladin you think you’d most likely to be if you were in voltron, which idea you liked (or one of your own) and the numbers 123.
My discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187 My hangouts and email: lleo [email protected] My telegram: Tiberionwars
Hope to write some awesome stories!
Will accept requests as long as this ad is up
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