#but i’ve been using junk mail lately and honestly? don’t hate it
alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
254 of 2023
A Achievements:
I came back to my work after brain incident, kept the same job for the last 9 years, got the university degree, got married.
I’m still 32, about to be 33 next month.
Are you planning something right now?
No, I came back home, it’s evening.
Arizona or Alaska:
I don’t care about the US.
B Birthdate:
My body? I’m long and narrow. Kinda slender.
Babies, do you have any?
Do our cats count as babies?
Blonde or Brunette:
I have dark hair, but shit happens.
C Childhood sweetheart:
I didn’t have any.
Current mood:
Content, but a bit tired.
Children, are there more in your future?
There are none in my furure, past and present.
Coke or Pepsi:
Coke, but I honestly can’t taste the difference.
D Dad’s name:
Dating anyone:
I’m married.
Do you plan on having lots of money?
WTF. I’m happy with what I have and proud to be (upper) working class.
Dogs or cats:
Miauwtjes. I’m definitely a cats person.
E Elementary School:
Eye color:
Ever going to China?
Why would I?
Early or Late:
F First Crush:
Probably Jay, but I’m not sure anymore.
Death, failure, losing.
Future goals:
To be happy and healthy.
Funny or Serious:
You’d better know when it’s time to be funny and when it’s time to be serious. It’s called emotional maturity.
G Grandparent’s names:
Sofie, Joris, Stephanie and Johan.
Belgium doesn’t do GPA. We have percentage scores here.
Going anywhere this weekend?
I go somewhere almost every day.
Giver or Taker:
I’m more of a giver, if that’s the question.
H High School:
Our education system doesn’t work like that.
Hair color:
Hate anyone for life?
Nope, it’s stupid.
Hairspray or Gel:
Hair wax.
I In 8th grade, who was your best friend?
Our education system is entirely different.
Is ignorance bliss?
No, ignorance hurts others.
Is there anything you wanna share?
I’m sleepy and I’m saving a back up from my phone.
Ice Cream or Cake:
No, thanks.
J Jumped rope for fun:
Junk around you right now?
I don’t know how about you, but I keep my space fairly clean.
Joining anything anytime soon?
No? Weird question.
January or July:
July, the best month of a year, together with June.
K Killed anyone:
This question is so dumb I’m not even gonna answer it.
Keeping a secret?
Doesn’t everyone in some way?
Kicking someone off your top friends today?
Kiwi or Apple:
L Lost anyone close to you:
Yes, my beloved grandma died of lung cancer 12 years ago.
Last kiss, when and who:
An hour ago, my husband.
List 3 people that you’ll love forever:
My parents and my sister.
Lover or Fighter:
Both, in some sense.
M Middle School:
Our education system doesn’t work like that.
Marital Status:
Mom’s name:
Music or TV:
N Northernmost state you’ve been to:
I’ve never been to any state.
Name your future boy and girl:
No children, thanks.
Naughty or Nice:
I don’t really understand what this choice is about.
O Opened a piece of mail that wasn’t yours?
No, it’s awful.
Rail electrician.
Owe anyone money:
Not that I know of.
Outgoing or Shy:
Why are these always put together?
P Place you most want to be?
My hometown.
Purposely destroyed someone’s life?
What kind of person are you? This is disgusting.
Planning a major trip?
To my parents soon, I hope.
Pink or Black?
Black, but sometimes it goes well with pink.
Q Quit a class:
Once or twice.
Quickly…the first word to come to mind:
Quitting your job soon?
Why would I quit a job I love and I’m very good at?
Quiet or Loud:
R Riding in an airplane:
What about it?
Ride, tell me about yours:
I take trains every day.
Running for any political office in the future?
You kidding me. I’m not even remotely interested.
Rain or Snow:
Neither, omg. I’m sick of rain already.
S Siblings names and ages:
Julie, 28.
Shoe size:
European, it varies between 41 and 43, depending on the brand.
Shave daily?
Every other day, to be precise. I’d rather have a smooth face than show my stupid facial hair.
Shower or Bath:
Shower, it’s quicker.
T Turning 21 was (will be):
21 isn’t any milestone in Europe.
Texas, ever been?
No, never been to the US.
Think you’ll live to be 100?
I’m not overthinking it.
Tame or Wild:
In between.
U Unique quality about you:
My handwriting.
Underwear on?
No. You asked for it.
Under your bed lies:
Travel suitcases.
Under or Over:
WTF is this question about?
V Virgin?
No, I’m not.
Vacation time left?
It’s barely April.
Voting in the next Presidential election?
Lol I live in a kingdom.
Volleyball or Swimming:
W Went white water rafting?
What is that even?
Wearing right now:
Black hoodie, black wide leg trousers, black platform boots.
Write a sentence about you:
Mijn naam is Joeri en ik hou van jullie allemaal.
West Coast or East Coast:
I’m European.
X X-Rays in the past month:
X-Mas plans:
Visiting my parents.
X, does it mark the spot?
X-Tina or Britney?
I couldn’t care less.
Y You lost “it” when?
With consent, at the age of 24. Without consent, at the age of 12. This is the reason of all my self-disgust.
Your favorite song:
Shared it in many surveys already.
Your favorite place on Earth:
Middelkerke <3
Yes or No:
Yes, but no.
Z Zodiac Sign:
Zodiac Sign:
You didn’t hear well enough?
Zippos are neat, agree?
What are they even?
Zoo or Circus:
0 notes
King Falls AM - Episode Eleven: Ringin’ Hell’s Doorbell
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Summary: October 1, 2015 - After an unexpected listener call-in, the boys find a cassette tape in the mail and listen live as an adventure unfolds from one of King Falls less-friendly hiking trails.
[podcast intro music]
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy Welcome back, everyone. The time is 4:44AM here at King Falls AM.
Ben It’s a slow night. You wanna do… weather and traffic?
Sammy It’s warmin’ up! And if there’s traffic at this ungodly hour, we got problems.
Ben *snickers* Got that right, Sammy! Uh, before we go back to the phones in a sec, I’ve got an email I’d like to read you. I think you’ll get a kick out of this. [definitely smirking]
Sammy Oh! Well, very cool. Alright, whatcha got?
Ben [eager] So, you know I wrote the producers of Mission Apparition, right?
Sammy … No. What are you talkin’ about?
Ben Yes you do. It’s that brain tumor of a show on Channel 13?
Sammy I-I- I know the show, Ben! I’m saying I didn’t know you wrote them.
Ben Dude. You’re gonna love it. I emailed trying to get them booked as guests so we could tear them apart. *snicker*
Sammy Well, I mean, they did keep the lights on a few weeks back, running an ad, of course. [not hopeful] So, please don’t tell me you got confrontational?
Ben If telling the truth about their staged scares counts as confrontational, then… [smug] I totally did.
Sammy Okay, so you accost a paid sponsor of King Falls AM; please continue…
Ben *excited laughter* Okay, let me read this to you. “Dear Sammy,”- [aside] sorry, you— left your station email up.
Sammy Uh-huh.
Ben “Dear Sammy, We at Mission Apparition are extremely sorry! you feel the show is “Overly Produced” and not “true to the nature of actual distressed spirits.” In actuality, Dan and Larry are two of the most highly trained professionals in this field. While we appreciate constructive criticism, name-calling just isn’t needed. If you have any real suggestions to make the show better, please let us know.”
Sammy Ben. [resigned] What did you call them?
Ben Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I wrote them back, and they’re going to be shooting a future episode- of the show- in King Falls.
Sammy No way!
Ben I said “we have many fine spectral establishments here.” The gauntlet was thrown down and they took the bait.
Sammy As much as I hate to say this, you’re gonna get to see the Mission Apparition guys in a real situation at least.
Ben Oh yeah. [stoked] I’m not sure which to offer up the old Slaughter House off Cottontail Hollow or the library.
Sammy I’m not gonna make a you’re-trying-to-impress-Emily comment here, because I know that that place is chock full of activity.
Ben Exactly.
Sammy But… [semi-muttered] You are trying to impress Emily.
Ben *deep breath* Whatevs. K-ca- Okay, get this though! After I told them I was co-host of a late-night AM talk show? they asked if I’d like to come on set so I can get an interview live.
Sammy Well, book it! Make it happen!
Ben Done and done.
Sammy But please stop using my email.
Ben No promises.
Sammy Alright folks, after that exciting announcement, we’re gonna open up the phone lines to you, our dear listeners. And, uh, Ben? You got a topic?
Ben *tsk* I absolutely do, but you can’t have it until a touch after the 5 o’clock hour, Sammy.
Sammy You heard the man, ladies and gents. It’s a bonafide free-for-all for the next ten minutes or so. Give us a call 424-279-3858.
Ben Or hit us up on twitter @kingfallsam
Sammy Lucky Line 1, you’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Line 1 [deep, nasally, almost bestial voice] Uh, yeah… *heavy breathing, smacking lips* Did you check the mail? Heh
Sammy [mildly sarcastic] Maybe once or twice in my lifetime, uh, do you have a topic? Or is this Ted Kaczynski[1] calling from prison?
Line 1 Uh… you’ll have a topic sooon… heh… [ominous click, dial tone]
Ben Yoouu know I should go take a look in our mail slot now, right?
Sammy [exasperated] Don’t.
Ben It’s a verbal triple-dog-dare! I’ll be right back.
Sammy *sighs* One day, it’s just gonna be a head. I just know it. Line 5, welcome to King Falls AM.
[ominous music]
Line 5 [voice is male, higher pitched, and very nervous] Oh, I got through! Sammy?! I- I need to speak with you in private. Please!
Sammy Iii’m gonna be a little bit sir- we just came back from break. But I’m happy to talk about whatever.
Line 5 We really can’t talk about this on the air. Ehh *nervous breathing* It’s about… wwel-I- *quick sigh* - I really don’t wanna say too much, but— I sent you a text message about, uh…ohh…a month or so back? We need to speak! It’s incredibly urgent!
Sammy Sir, I get a lot of texts over the course of a month.
Line 5 W-well- we can’t talk about this on the air.
Sammy Who am I speaking with?
Ben [returning] We have mail, Sammy!
Line 5 [almost whispered] I turned the power back on…
Ben Mr. Thompson?
Probably Mr. Thompson Err— no! [click, dial tone]
Sammy Hello? Sir?
Ben What was that about? [laughing slightly] I swear that dude sounded just like my old science professor.
Sammy Can you get a number on line 5, Ben?
Ben … Yeah! Yeah… uh, in a minute! Look at this!
Sammy *laugh* Is that a cassette tape?
Ben Yeah. No letter— just a tape. It’s labeled “D.D.” [eager] We should play this.
Sammy I hope it’s Duran Duran.
Ben I’ll just stick this in… heeere.
Sammy Uh, do you think we should listen to that first? I know you got a trigger finger on the dump, but…
Ben [smugly] You’re looking at the fastest finger in the tri-state.
Sammy You know, there’s a dirty joke there that, for our friendship, I’m just gonna cruise- right on past.
Ben Where’s the play button on this hunk’a junk? Merv, why do we have a cassette player in the studio?! It’s 2015.
Sammy I think you know why.
Ben [hands rubbing together] I’m excited! [sounds of tape being inserted in the player]
Sammy You better be payin’ attention. I don’t want to hear one –
Lance [heavy Australian accent, narrating like a documentary] “This is Lance McCord checking in. I’m about 5 kilometers off the Stealth Ridge Trail now. It’s heavily wooded and just getting thicker.”
[stop click]
Sammy Do you know this guy? “Lance”?
Ben Never heard of him. But if the “R” word was politically correct for broadcast? I’d totally use it for him right now. That trail is like the boonies within the boonies.
[play click]
Lance “So far so good. I was- I was a bit worried with all the tall tales surrounding the ‘Devil’s Doorstep.’ I guess that’s why I’m talking to you; tracing my steps. Nothing strange or out of the ordinary. I have noticed a lack of wildlife and birds, to be this far in the bush.”
[stop click]
Ben … There is no way.
Sammy “The Devils Doorstep”?
Ben Definitely the R-word— or has a death wish! Or both!
Sammy Where is this place?
Ben [reluctant] It’s north of King Falls. It’s a dark-ass set of woods. Obviously, this guy isn’t from around here because he’d know you don’t even talk about it, much less go there.
Sammy Ominous…
Ben And We Don’t joke about it.
Sammy [challenge accepted] It sounds so inviting, The Devil’s Doorstep. What kind of Welcome Mat do you think the Dark Lord picks out? Do you think he has a “NO SOLICITING” sign?
Ben Stop it. I know you laugh about stuff like this, but… Don’t.
[play click]
[eerie siren-like singing in bg]
Lance “Right, about 30 minutes from my last check in. My mobile has lost signal. It- looks like it’s just you and me, pal. I lost a little bit of, uh, time. I got turned around a few minutes back. All the paths are starting to look really similar, so, it’s hard to… [ominous chant-singing in bg. there’s static/rustling/indistinct whispers that fades in and out] Still no wildlife. I don’t know if any men or women have ever stepped where I’m stepping. I kind of like that.”
[stop click, siren song stops]
Sammy Did you hear something there?
Sammy I didn’t say singing. I said something.
Ben I didn’t hear anything!
[play click]
[static or whispers in bg]
Lance “It’s getting colder now. Darker. That or my- mind is playing the tiniest of tricks on me. Voices, singing— whispers. It’s, uh– it’s head games. [siren song begins] Nothing’s gonna stop me from making it to the gate.”
[stop click]
Ben I think that’s enough.
Sammy Ben, honestly. “Gate?” I’m not following here. You’re the expert, what’s he looking for? Or- or why’s he even looking for it?
Ben COMMERCIAL TIME! Let’s do this…
[“exciting” sports channel music]
Announcer [Mexican accent] Weekdays! 6 to 9 AM, Listen to the Hector el Chavo Show! The fastest growing show in the fastest growing demographic in the tri-state area! On King Falls Deportes! AM. Every week, Hector el Chavo discusses your favorite sports with your favorite players! Don’t miss out this week. Monday we talk to Big Pine Striker, Javier Rancor. Tuesday we’ll talk to Saddle Creek midfielder, Jorge Carpe-Gutierrez! And Friday we talk to King Falls Goalie Bubba “Super Gringo” Wallis! Tune in to Hector el Chavo Show, King Falls Deportes on 730AM. Your sports capital for goal!!!
[KFAM theme music]
Sammy And welcome back to King Falls AM that’s 660 on the radio dial. We’ve just been listening to a tape we received anonymously. Apparently, there’s a hiker out adventuring in—
Ben [desperately, voice breaking] LINE 8, you’re live.
Finn Ooh boy! Things are getting tense on that tape, y’know?!
Ben Forget the tape! Ha-how-how’re you doing, Finn? Is everything— still intact?
Finn Doin’ swell, just swell! [scratching sounds]
Ben You okay there, Finn?
Finn Oh sorry! Didn’t think you’d pick that up. I’ve just been scratchin something awful the past couple weeks. I got in some poison oak, or— something – I don’t know!
Sammy Glad to hear you’re doing well, after…
Finn *growling* [scratching continues]
Ben [apprehensively] … You got a travel buddy with you tonight, Finn?
Finn Oh, no. [horn in bg] Just got cut off going down the highway, here. [muttered] Lousy drivers… [almost shouting] we got three other lanes y’know! [distracted] Ahh! Look at the food billboards!
Sammy Okaaay. Um, what’s on your mind tonight buddy?
Finn Ah, just callin’ in to say hi… that sorta thing. Plus, this story? Wooweee, who is this guy? Have you talked about this place before? I don’t think I heard you mention it… Uhh, I don’t think…
Ben Because we don’t, Finn.
Finn Spoooky stuff, fellas!
Sammy Yeeaah… I don’t know if you were–
Finn *howls loudly*
Ben I- I’m sorry. Yyou gotta keep your pup- quiet.
Finn [confused] Pup? No doggy here! Just you two fellas- and mee, rolling down the rooaad.
Sammy You don’t have a dog with you, Finn?
Finn Couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m allergic. [scratching]
Ben Are… are you feeling okay? Did you ever get checked out after that night you hit that… were— dog?
Finn What?! I wouldn’t lay hands on a pooch! Are you feelin’ alright, Ben?
Sammy *laugh* He’s talkin’ about the dog you accidentally hit awhile back. Uh, y-you got out to check on it and the call dropped off?
Finn Uh… Naooo, wasn’t me. Y’know, I think I’d remember somethin’ like that! [honking in bg, sound of semi passing] Dammit all, I gotta go, boys. Can’t scratch, drive, and talk at the same time. Finish that tape, it’s givin’ me the willies!
Ben Stay awake and- stay safe, Finn… Make a doctor’s appointment!— maybe…
Sammy Or a vet…
Finn *chuckles* Oh, you two! I’ll catch you later. *loud howl*
[click, dial tone]
Sammy Now, Ben. You know- I love what you do on this show. I wouldn’t wanna do this with anybody-else… BUT. I’ve got a tiny issue with you cutting to unscheduled breaks during conversations.
Ben [innocently] Did that happen? I’m so sorry, I just… I’m so interested in—
Sammy In doing everything but playing that tape. You got us all interested now, man. You gotta follow through.
Ben Okay– [definitely not having fun] it was fun! but I think we should just forget about it.
Sammy Impossible.
Ben S-sit down, don’t—
[play click]
Lance [wind gusting] “There’s no doubt that something is, uh, keeping me away from the gate at this point. [siren song in bg] My- watch has just stopped working, so I don’t know what time it is. I can’t really see the sun from the thickest overhangs to tell… I checked my compass [sing-chanting in bg] to ensure I was… [rustling] WHAT THE?” [creepy sing-chanting intensifies]
Super Creepy Whisper Voice “TURRRN. BAAACK. NOOOW.”
Lance “My fu[bleep]ing compass- is literally spinning like a top! There’s EVIL in these woods! You can feel it- in the air! It’s palpable!”
[stop click]
Sammy Ben! Don’t be mad!
Ben [seriously upset] We shouldn’t be playing this! This isn’t a joke, man! This is a tape that probably needs to go to the proper authorities! I’m gonna google Missing Persons.
Sammy Look, I’m not against that. But let’s finish this up, and at the very least talk to me. Tell us a little bit about the woods.
Ben If- if I tell you, will you stop playing the damn tape?
Sammy Absolutely! Help fill these last minutes until your actual topic of discussion arrives.
Ben *heavy sigh* The path, Lance is on, is called Stealth Ridge. It’s about a five-mile round-trip hike up north in- Perdition Wood.
Sammy You guys really know how to name things here.
Ben *deep breath* Okay, supposedly— as in, “legend-has-it” kind of talk, way off the beaten path— I mean WAY off, as in nobody’s ever seen it— is what he’s looking for. A cave called… [reluctant] “The Devil’s Doorstep”
Sammy Uh-huh.
Ben [agitated] Put two and two together here- Sammy! It’s an entrance to the gates of hell! Many people have went out looking for it! None have ever found it— SOME never return.
Sammy [softly] Have you been up there, Ben?
Ben Once…
Sammy And?
Ben Are you serious?! HELL NO, I haven’t been! I’m not crazy like Crocodile Dundee[1] on that tape.
Sammy I mean, he’s gotta be okay, right? The tape made it here! [getting nervous] I-it could’ve been him who dropped it off in our mail and called tonight! Right?
Ben This was fun for a minute, now it’s just massively creepy. Let’s move— [play click] SAMMY!
Sammy Du- you’re looking at me! I didn’t push the button!
[siren song]
Lance “It is so cold. [wind gusting] I’ve des-scended a great deal from the initial crest- of the ridge it seems … I saw what appeared to be—”
Super Creepy Whisper Voice “LAASST. WAARRNING. MORRTALLL.”
[click of buttons being pressed on tape player]
[rustling/cracking in bg]
Lance “What the F[bleep] is that?!”
Sammy [sarcastically] Good job!
Ben Alright it won’t stop. Unplug it! I’m not kidding.
Sammy It is unplugged!
[creepy sing-chanting starts, chilling scream]
Lance *breathing hard* “It’s after me! … [calmer] Umm, I- I don’t know what that was. [song/chant continues in bg] I’m heading to the lip of this cove, here. I think I’m just gonna- wait it out- u-until morning. I’m wet, cold– I, uh, caught my jacket in the bush. I’m bleeding— Jesus… My, uh- my phone is missing. God dammit. It really is just you and— [rustling/cracking]
Super Creepy Not-Whisper Voice MEEE!!!
Lance “No! [impact noise] Help me!!” [sound of running, anguished scream from Lance]
[sing-chanting continues]
[KFAM outro music]
[1] Crocodile Dundee - Crocodile Dundee is a series of action comedy films centered around a crocodile hunter from the Australian Outback named Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee.
6 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever read the Hunger Games series? Yep and watched all the movies. I was really into it at the time. When was the last time you ran into something? Hmm. I don’t recall. Do you enjoy dressing up? Nah. Do you live in the city or a rural area? I live in the city. Would you say you have a sense of style? My sense of style consists of mostly graphic tees and leggings, but also some Adidas clothes. And shoes. 
What’s your biggest fear? This question comes up all the damn time. Have you ever been bitten by a wild animal? Nooo. Are you close to any of your cousins? Aww, I used to be close to a few of my cousins. Not anymore, though. :( That’s all my fault. I became really distant and withdrawn from friends and even family outside of my immediate family.  Have you ever been lost in the woods? No, thankfully. Where did you last travel? Disneyland back in February. Do you enjoy driving? I don’t drive.  What song did you last listen to? I mentioned this in a previous survey already, but I’ve had Savage by Megan the Stallion stuck in my head because of TikTok. If you have a job, how often do you work? I don’t have a job. What time do you normally go to sleep at night? For the past month I’ve been going to bed after 6AM. :X Do you watch a lot of movies? Hmm. Not a lot, no. I watch more TV shows. Do you like Tom Petty? ”Now I’m freeeeeee Free fallin’.” Would you rather have snow or rain? I love rainy days. It doesn’t snow here, but I wish it did. Do you own a lot of sweaters? I own a lot of sweatshirts. Have you ever tried rock-climbing? Well, no. For obvious reasons. Ever ridden in a police car? Nope. Favorite decade of music? That’s tough cause I like music that spans across decades, but I think the 90s and early 2000′s will hold a special spot. Have any of your best friends been your best friend longer than a year? My longest was my best friend of 15 years.  Ever witnessed a murder? Noooo.  Does your room have a ceiling fan? Yep. Have you ever tried blogging? Before Tumblr I had Xanga for a long time.  Favorite television channel? E!, MTV, The Hallmark Channel, TeenNick, TVLand, and the ID Channel. Have you ever lied under oath? I’ve never had to be under oath. What are your religious views? I’m a Christian. When did you last change your bed sheets? A week ago. Would you consider yourself a flirt? No. At what age do you plan to be married? I don’t plan on getting married. Do you eat a lot of junk food? Honestly, all I eat is sandwiches, ramen, eggs, and Wingstop. Sometimes pizza and pasta. When did you last go on vacation? I’ve answered this 3 times now tonight, but I went to Disneyland back in February. Are you resilient? I was when I was younger. Definitely not anymore. Have you ever failed a subject before? I failed one math course in community college and had to retake it again. I ended up doing a lot better the 2nd time. I honestly believe it’s because I had a better teacher. If so, what was the class? ^^^ Do you wear more bright or dull colors? Dull. Majority of my clothes are black. Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide? Yes. What’s your favorite quote? Blah. How many clocks are in your house? Like 20 including all the electronics.  Do you play any sports? Nope. What is your biggest life regret? I have a lot of those. Have you ever been injured in a car accident? No, thankfully. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Well obviously right now I only want to be at home, but I look forward to the day I can go to the beach. Have you ever had highlights in your hair? Yeah, I had them for years. Favorite fast food restaurant? I’m not into fast food anymore like I used to be. I was a fast food junkie before. The only takeout I’m into is Wingstop. And pizza from a local place, but I haven’t had that in awhile. In what country were you born? US of A. Are your eyes more than one color? Nope, just brown. Have you ever caught something on fire? Something in the microwave once, something in the oven once, the tips of my hair.... What would you consider your biggest flaw? Oh boy where to start. What do you think your best quality is? I don’t know. Do you enjoy listening to others’ problems? I used to be the person people came to if they needed advice or just someone to talk to and I was good at it. I liked being there and helping any way I could. People told me they felt comfortable talking to me and I was easy to talk to. It could also be overwhelming and draining at times. Especially leading up to when I fell into a really low, dark place a few years ago. I couldn’t be that person anymore. I wasn’t in a good headspace. I pushed everyone away and became very distant and withdrawn. That was 4 years ago and I’m still out of that place. :/
Do you keep any plants in your house? Nope. What is your mother’s occupation? She’s a manager at Walgreens.  Do any of your friends like your musical style? My family and I share some musical interests. What are you most looking forward to? I wanna say this quarantine ending, but I know resuming life in the real world would also be making me anxious when the time comes. I guess I’m most excited for seeing Gabie again, because I haven’t seen March 7th. <<< SAME to the first part.  What was your favorite television show as a child? Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, PBS, Saturday morning cartoons on ABC, WB Kids... all the kid shows in the 90s, basically. Are you afraid of insects? YES. ALL of them. Are you cold-natured? I’m very warm blooded, I feel like I’m always hot. I like when I’m actually cold and can wear a hoodie/sweatshirt or curl up under a blanket. How old were you when you got your first pet? We had a dog when I was a baby. Did you / do you enjoy high school? I liked parts of it.  What would you say was your favorite age? Childhood. What annoys you most about social networking? Trolls, fake news, cancel culture.
Are you the center of attention most of the time? Nooo. I never want to be the center of attention. What are you currently reading? I’m starting the 2nd book in the Jack Ryder Mystery Series by Willow Rose. When did you last go to the library? Sometime back in 2014 when I was still in school. Are you ill at the moment? Not with a virus or anything like that, thankfully. I just always feel crappy for other reasons. Do people tease you about anything? How I’m too sensitive.  How late did you stay up last night and why? Last night I went to bed at 4 in the morning, which is really early for me these days. Have you ever written poetry? I dabbled with it when I was 16. I still have the diary I wrote them in and yikes they’re so cringe-y haha. Curtains or shades? Curtains.  How many people have you spoken to in the last hour? Zero, everyone in my house is asleep. Do you tend to text a lot? Nope. Ever lost a great best friend? Yes. What is your favorite kind of flower? Eh, I just say roses but I don’t really have one. Do you own any guns? No. What would you say is your favorite book of all-time? I could never choose. What’s your least favorite part of the day? Late evening always seems to go by really slow.
Have you ever won an award for a speech? No. Do you tend to curse a lot? Nah. Have you ever played on the Ouija board? Nooo. I don’t mess with that kind of stuff. Do you sleepwalk? Nope. Have you ever slept on the floor before? Yeah. Are you a fan of public displays of affection? I don’t care for like heavy make out sessions or groping all over each other, but I don’t care about a kiss, cuddling, or hand holding. When did you last attend a yard sale? When I was a kid. We had a family friend who had them often. What goals do you wish to accomplish tomorrow? I don’t have anything I want to accomplish tomorrow. When is your birthday? July 28th. What was the best part of today? It’s only 430 in the morning. Do you attempt to stay away from drama? Involving me yes, but I like celebrity gossip and drama. What liquid did you last drink? Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink. Do you ever prefer to be alone? Yeah, I need to have some alone time. Have you ever had a deadly animal as a pet? No. Favorite Disney movie? Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, A Goofy Movie, and Toy Story. Have you ever been to the beach? Countless times. I love the beach.  If you have, how many times have you been? ^^^^ What was your dream occupation at age ten? I wanted to be a teacher back then. Are you terrified at the idea of weight-gain? No. I’m underweight and need to gain some weight. Do you drink a lot of water? I only get like 2-3 glasses a day. :X Does your room have carpet or hard-wood floors? Carpet. Do you take naps daily? No.
Who were you named after? No one in particular. Do you plan on traveling this spring or summer? No, we’re still going to be dealing with all this. :/ Do you know anyone who is colorblind? Nope. Have you ever been a teacher’s pet? I guess so. I was always the good kid, the “pleasure to have in class.” Teachers loved me. What is your absolute favorite hobby? Reading, surveys, coloring.  Ever been to a tanning bed before? No. I have no interest in that. Are you satisfied with your financial stability? I have enough to pay my bills and a little extra for other stuff, so I’m grateful for that. Who is your favorite actor / actress? Alexander Skarsgard. Are your nails painted? Nope. Do you ever accidentally talk to inanimate objects? Not accidentally, but I talk to inanimate objects when they don’t cooperate. More like talk shit, but haha. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? Strawberry. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender? No. Do you receive any hate mail? No. Have you ever sent a letter in the mail? Yeah. If you could, would you have a pen pal? I did in 3rd grade. It was fun. We even got to meet them toward the end of the year during a field trip. I wouldn’t want one now, though. What color are the pants you’re wearing? I’m wearing black leggings.  What is your life philosophy? Hmm. Who last sent you a goodnight text message? No one does. Do you own any clothes that are your favorite color? Yeah. One of my favorite colors is black and most of my clothes are black. I have a few items that are my other favorite colors as well. Have you ever been in a hot tub before? Once for a short time. I didn’t like it. What’s your favorite comedy movie? I have several, but the one that came to mind first was Bridesmaids.  In which year were you born? 1989.
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Episode 11: Ringing Hell’s Doorbell
Welcome back, everyone. The time is 4:44 AM here at King Falls AM. Ben:
It’s a slow night. You wanna do…weather and traffic? Sammy:
It’s warmin up…If there’s traffic at this ungodly hour, we got problems Ben:
[chuckles]Got that right, Sammy. But before we go back to the phones in a sec, I’ve got an email I’d like to read you. I think you’ll get a kick out of this. Sammy:
Oh! Well, very cool. Whatcha got? Ben:
So, you know I wrote the producers of Mission Apparition, right? Sammy:
No… what’re you talking about? Ben:
Yes you do. It’s that brain tumor of a show on channel 13? Sammy:
I know the show, Ben! I’m saying I didn’t know you wrote them. Ben:
Dude, you’re gonna love it. I emailed trying to get them booked as guests so we could tear them apart. Sammy:
Well, I mean, they did keep the lights on a few weeks back running an ad, of course. So, please don’t tell me you got confrontational? Ben:
If telling the truth about their staged show counts as confrontational, then…I totally did. Sammy:
Okay, so you accost a paid sponsor of King Falls AM, continue…
Alright, let me read this to you. “Dear Sammy,” sorry you left your station email up. Sammy:
Uh-huh. Ben:
“We at Mission Apparition are extremely sorry you feel the show is overly produced and not true to the nature of actual distressed spirits. In actuality, Dan and Larry are two of the most highly trained professionals in this field. While we appreciate constructive criticism, name calling just isn’t needed. If you have any real suggestions to make the show better, please let us know.” Sammy:
Ben. What did you call them? Ben:
Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I wrote them back and they’re going to be shooting a future episode of the show in King Falls. Sammy:
No way! Ben:
I said we have many fine spectral establishments here. The gauntlet was thrown down and they took the bait. Sammy:
As much as I hate to say this, you’re gonna get to see the Mission Apparition guys in a real situation at least. Ben:
Oh yeah. I’m not sure which to offer up: the old Slaughterhouse off Cottontail Hollow or the library. Sammy:
I’m not gonna make a you’re trying to impress Emily comment here, I know that place is full of activity. Ben:
BUT…. You are trying to impress Emily. Ben:
Whatevs. Okay, okay, get this though! After I told them I was co-host of a late-night AM talk show, they asked if I wanted to come on set so I could get an interview live. Sammy:
Well, book it! Make it happen! Ben:
Done and done. Sammy:
But please stop using my email. Ben:
No promises. Sammy:
Alright folks, after that exciting announcement, we’re gonna open up the phone lines to you, our dear listeners. And, uh, Ben? You got a topic? Ben:
I absolutely do, but you can’t have it until a touch after the 5 o’clock hour, Sammy. Sammy:
You heard the man, ladies and gents. It’s a bonafide free for all for the next ten minutes or so.  Give us a call 424-279-3858. Ben:
Or hit us up on twitter @kingfallsam Sammy:
Lucky Line 1, you’re live with Sammy and Ben. Mr.X:
Uh, yeah… [heavy breathing]  Did you check the mail? Sammy:
Maybe once or twice in my lifetime, uh, do you have a topic? Or is this Ted Kaczynski calling from prison? Mr.X:
Uh….you’ll have a topic soon…[hangs up] Ben:
You know I should go take a look in our mail slot now, right? Sammy:
Don’t Ben:
It’s a verbal triple dog dare. I’ll be right back. Sammy:
[sigh] One day, it’s gonna be a head… I just know it. Line 5 welcome to King Falls AM. Mr.Thompson:
Oh, I got through! Sammy?! I – I need to speak with you in private. Please! Sammy:
I’m gonna be a little bit sir. We just came back from break. But I’m happy to talk about whatever. Mr.Thompson:
We really can’t talk about this on the air. It’s about…I really don’t wanna say much. I sent you a text message about…oh…a month or so back? We need to speak. It’s incredibly urgent! Mr.Thompson:
Sir I get a lot of texts over the course of a month. Mr.Thompson:
Well, we can’t talk about this on the air. Sammy:
Who am I speaking with? Ben:
We got mail, Sammy! Mr.Thompson:
I turned the power back on…
Mr. Thompson? Mr. Thompson:
Err.. no! [hangs up] Sammy:
Hello? Sir? Ben:
What was that about? I swear that dude sounded just like my old science professor. Sammy:
Can you  get a number on line 5, Ben? Ben:
Uh, yeah, yeah, in a minute. Look at this! Sammy:
[laughs] Is that a cassette tape? Ben:
Yeah, no letter - just a tape. It’s labeled “D.D.” We should play this. Sammy:
I hope it’s Duran Duran. Ben:
I’ll just stick this in…here. Sammy:
Uh, do you think we should listen to this first? I know you got a trigger finger on the gun, but… Ben:
You’re looking at the fastest finger in the tri-state. Sammy:
You know, there’s a dirty joke there that, for our friendship, I’m just gonna cruise right on past. Ben:
Where’s the play button on this hunk of junk? Merv, why do we have a cassette player in the studio? It’s 2015. Sammy:
I think you know why. Ben:
I’m excited! Sammy:
You better be payin attention. I don’t want to hear one – Lance:
[Australian accent]This is Lance McCord checking in. I’m about 5 kilometers off the Stealth Ridge Trail now. It’s heavily wooded and getting thicker. Sammy:
Do you know this guy “Lance”? Ben:
Never heard of him. But if the “R” word was politically correct for broadcast, I’d probably be use it for him right now. That trail is like the boonies within the boonies. Lance: So far so good. I was- I was a bit worried with all the tall tales surrounding the ‘Devil’s Doorstep’ I guess that’s why I’m talking to you and tracing my steps. Nothing stranger or out of the ordinary. I have noticed the lack of wildlife and birds to be this far in the bush. Ben:
[stops tape] … There is no way. Sammy:
The Devil’s Doorstep? Ben:
Definitely the R word or has a death wish. Or both! Sammy:
Where is this place? Ben:
It’s north of King Falls. It’s a dark ass set of woods. Obviously, this guy isn’t from around here because he’d know you don’t even talk about it, much less go there.
Ominous… Ben:
AND we don’t joke about it. Sammy:
It sounds so inviting, The Devil’s Doorstep. What kind of Welcome mat do you think the Dark Lord picks out? Do you think he has a “NO SOLICITING” sign? Ben:
Stop it. I know you laugh about stuff like this, but…don’t. Lance:
Right, about 30 minutes from my last check in. My mobile has lost signal. Looks like it’s just you and me, pal. I lost a little of time I’ve been turned around a few minutes back. All the paths are starting to look really similar, so, it’s hard to…Still no wildlife. I don’t know if any men or women have ever stepped where I’m stepping. I kind of like that.
[singing in background] Sammy:
Did you hear something there? Ben:
I didn’t say singing. I said something. Ben:
I didn’t hear anything. Lance:
It’s getting colder our and darker. That and my mind is playing the tiniest of tricks on me. Voices, singing, whispers. It’s – it’s head games. Nothing’s gonna stop me from making it to the gate. Ben:
I think that’s enough.
Ben, honestly. Gate? I’m not following here. You’re the expert: what’s he looking for? Or… why’s he even looking for it? Ben:
Commercial time. Let’s do this… [ad]
Weekdays 6 to 9 AM listen to the Hector y Chavo show, the fast growing show in the fastest growing demographic in the tri-state area. On King Falls Deportes AM. Every week, Hector y Chavo discusses your favourite sports with your favourite players. Don’t miss out this week, Monday we talk to Big Pine striker Javier Rincon. Tuesday, we are talking to Grassy Creek midfielder Jorge Papi Gutierrez and Friday, we talk to King Falls goalie Bubba Super Gringo Wallace. Tune in to Hector y Chavo show on Kings Falls Deportes at 7:30 am. Your sports capital for gooooooooal.
He friggin hears it too
And welcome back to King Falls AM that’s 660 on the radio dial. We’ve just been listening to a tape we received anonymously. Apparently, there’s a hiker out adventuring in – Ben:
Line 8 – you’re live. Finn:
Oh boy! Things are getting tense on that tape! Ben:
Forget the tape! How- how’re you doing, Finn? Is everything still intact? Finn:
Doin’ swell, just well! [scratches skin] Ben:
You okay there, Finn? Finn:
Oh sorry! Wasn’t sure if you picked that up. I’ve just been scratchin something awful the past couple weeks. I got in some poison oak, or something – I don’t know! Sammy:
Glad to hear you’re doing well, after… Finn: [growls] Ben:
…. You got a travel buddy with you tonight, Finn? Finn:
Nah, nah – just got cut off going down the highway, here. Lousy drivers…we got three other lane you know! Ah! Look at the food billboards!
Um, what’s on your mind tonight buddy? Finn:
Just callin in to say hi… that sorta thing. Plus, this story? Wowee, who is this guy? Have you talked about this place before? I don’t think I heard you mention it. Uh, I think… Ben:
Because we don’t. Finn:
Spoooooky stuff, fellas. Sammy:
Yeah… I don’t know if you – Finn:
[howls] Ben:
Uh, I’m sorry. You gotta keep your pup quiet. Finn:
What? No doggy here. Just you two fellas, me… rolling down the road. Sammy:
You don’t have a dog with you, Finn? Finn:
Couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m allergic. [scratching] Ben:
Are… are you feeling okay? Did you ever get checked out after that night you hit that…weredog? Finn:
What? I wouldn't lay hands on a pooch! Are you feelin’ alright, Ben? Sammy:
He’s talkin about the dog you accidentally hit a while back. You got out to check on it and the call dropped off?
Uh…. No, wasn’t me. I think I’d remember somethin’ like that [horns honking in background] Dammit all, I gotta go, boys. Can’t scratch, talk, and drive all at the same time. Finish that tape, it’s givin me the willies! Ben:
Stay awake and stay safe, Finn. Make a doctor’s appointment, maybe…. Sammy:
Or a vet… Finn:
hah, you two. Catch you later. [howls] [hangs up]
Now Ben, you know I love what you do on the show. I wouldn’t wanna do this with anybody else….but, I’ve got a tiny issue with you cutting to unscheduled breaks during conversations. Ben:
Do that happen? I’m so sorry, I just… I’m so interested in – Sammy:
Doing anything but playing that tape. Got us all interested now, man. You gotta follow through. Ben:
Okay – it was fun, but I think we should just forget about it. Sammy:
Impossible. Ben:
S-sit down, don’t – Lance:
There’s no doubt that there’s something keeping me away from the gate at this point. My watch has just stopped working so I don’t know what time it is. I can’t really see the sun from the thicket, it’s hard to tell. I checked my compass to ensure I was… WHAT THE -[singing] Eerie voice:
My fu[sensor] compass is literally spinning like a top! There’s EVIL in these woods! You can feel it in the air! It’s palpable! Sammy:
Ben! Don’t be mad! Ben:
You shouldn’t be playing this! This isn’t a joke, man! This is a tape that probably needs to go to the proper authority! I’m gonna google Missing Persons Sammy:
Look, I’m not against that. But let’s finish this up, and at the very least talk to me. Tell us a little bit about the woods. Ben:
If- if I tell you, will you stop playing the damn tape? Sammy:
Absolutely. Help fill these last minutes until your actual topic of discussion arrives. Ben:
[sighs]The path Lance is on is called Stealth Ridge. It’s about a five mile round trip hike up north in Perdition Wood. Sammy:
You guys really know how to name things here. Ben:
Supposedly, as in, legend-has-it kind of talk, way off the beaten path – I mean way off, as in nobody’s ever seen it – is what he’s looking for. A cave called The Devil’s Doorstep
Uh-huh. Ben:
Put two and two together here, Sammy! It’s an entrance to the gates of hell! Many people went out looking for it, none have ever found it. Some never return.
Have you been up there, Ben? Ben:
Once… Sammy:
And?! Ben:
Are you serious?! Hell no, I haven’t been! I’m not crazy like Crocodile Dundee on that tape. Sammy:
I mean, he’s gotta be okay, right? The tape made it here! It could’ve been him who dropped it off in our mail and called tonight, right? Ben:
This was fun for a minute, now it’s just massively creepy, let’s move – [tape starts] SAMMY! Sammy:
Dude, you’re looking at me! I didn’t push the button! Lance:
It is so cold. I’ve descended a great deal from the initial crest of the ridge it seems. I saw what appeared to be – Eerie Voice:
TURN IT OFF!   Lance:
Sammy: Good Job!
Alright it won’t stop. Unplug it! I’m not kidding! Sammy:
It is unplugged! [scream from tape] Lance:
It’s after me! [singing in background] I – I don’t know what that was. I went in to look at this cove, here. I think I’m just gonna wait it out until morning. I’m wet, cold – I caught my jacket in the bush. I’m bleeding, Jesus. My- my phone is missing. God dammit. It really is just you and – Eerie Voice:
ME!!!!! Lance:
No! Help me!! [screaming] [singing]
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 2 101. What does happiness/joy feel like physically? i don’t know... it feels good 102. List five people you love starting with the one you love the absolute most. i don’t think i have a scale from highest to lowest.  i love jack, my parents, my sister, mariann, my brother 103. How many movies have you gone to see this month? a couple 104. If you could have 3 wishes…but none of them could be for yourself, what would you wish for? my boyfriend to [ass all of his classes, my parents to not have to worry about bills ever again, and my brother to get his life together 105. In what ways do you relax and de-stress when you are really tense? read, sleep, or do surveys lol
106. How much money would it take to get you to drive to school naked in the springtime and get out of the car? a lot lol 107. Have you ever killed an animal? i hit a deer and killed it 108. Have you ever lost someone close to you? yeah 109. What do you think of cloning? it’s kind of cool honestly, i just hope they don’t try to clone humans anytime soon 110. Do you read or watch TV more often? watch tv shows definitely 111. With all this talk of terrorism going around are you willing to sacrifice rights and freedoms for increased safety? it depends what those rights are. 112. What is the punishment you would come up with for Osama Bin Laden if you caught him alive? well he isn’t anything to worry about anymore lol so it doesn’t matter 113. Have you ever named an individual part of your body? not that i remember 114. Have you ever been on the radio or on TV? i’ve been on tv for my bowling league. 115. Have you ever won a lottery, or sweepstakes? nope 116. Have you ever won a contest or competition? i think so 117. Do you like to watch The Joy of Painting show with Bob Ross (check out this link if you don’t know who he is. Also please note me if you notice the link is broken) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ross_(painter)? never watched it 118. Do you know what your grandparents and your great grand parents did for a living? my mothers mum helps old people for a living, my mothers dad works at target.  my dad’s parents, i honestly have no idea what they do 119. Is there anything really interesting in your family history? not that i am aware of 120. Is there anyone you trust completely? of course 121. Have you ever lost someone without having the chance to say goodbye? a few times 122. How do you feel about women in politics? i think we need more of them for sure 123. Would you rather have an indoor Jacuzzi or an outdoor pool? indoor jacuzzi for sure 124. What things are you interested in that you study or read about on your own? anything that has to do with outer space 125. Would you consider yourself to be intelligent? i like to think so 126. Would you consider yourself to be wise? i try to be 127. Have you ever given or received a lap dance? both i think lol 128. Have you ever spoken to a homeless person? yeah 129. Would you ever creep into the subway tunnels to go exploring? that does not sound like a good idea 130. If you could add 70 years to your life but only by making some random person die 70 years sooner would you? i don’t think i could do that 131. Can you finish any of the following lyrics? A: Nothing to kill or die for… B: Late comings with the late comin’ stretcher… C: I could make a film and make you my star… i don’t think i know any of these. 132. Were you ever with someone while they died? i mean, besides my pets no 133. Would you rather be a world political leader or a rock star? rock star for sure 134. Have you ever given someone a love letter that you wrote? yep 135. Have you ever sent someone a surprise though the mail? uhhh not that i can think of 136. Are you looking forward to any concerts right now? none that i have plans to go to 137. Of all animated movies, which is the best one you’ve ever seen? big hero 6 138. What are the best bands or songs to listen to while driving? it really depends honestly 139. What do you think is the most amazing thing that anyone has ever accomplished? there’s a lot 140. What could a member of the opposite sex do to impress you? make me laugh 141. About how many emails do you get a day? How many of those emails are junk mail? How many of them are forwards? on my regular email i only get a few a day and they’re usually important 142. What’s your favorite thing to do online besides write in your diary and hang out at this site? watch youtube videos 143. Do you believe Kurt Cobain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Cobain) killed himself or was it a conspiracy? i have no idea 144. Have you ever though about hitchhiking across the country? i wouldn’t be able to do it 145. Who would you bring with you on this kind of a road trip? well on just a regular road trip i would take jack 146. Of the following, which word best describes you: accurate, bold, charming, dependable dependable. 147. If you are single, at about what age do you think you will be ready to settle down and get married? If you are married, how old were you at the time? i’m not single and i’m not for sure whether or not jack wants to marry me 148. Do you often wonder, when you say goodbye to people, if it is the last time you will ever see them? i try not to think like that 149. What movie are you most looking forward to seeing when it comes out? the new Jigsaw movie 150. What is your quest? to get thru life man 151. What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old screaming? one four year old screaming.  i hate kids
152. Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing into the Bermuda triangle? i mean, yeah lol.  i’m gullible and that shit scares me 153. Who are you the most jealous of? my sister for having her life together lol 154. What is the happiest way you can start your day? waking up next to jack is always an amazing start to my day 155. Do you ever have moments where you feel like everything is all right in the world? yeah 156. Who thinks that you are offensive? i’m sure tons of people do 157. If you had to teach a class in something, what would you be able to teach people? about cats 158. Have you ever had a spiritual experience (an experience that cannot be explained by science)? no 159. Do you believe that this experience was truly mystical or do you think there is some scientific explanation for it, only you don’t know what it is? - 160. Do you get offended easily? sometimes
161. Would you still love and stay with your signifigant other if he or she had to have a breast or testicle removed? of course i would 162. Do you believe in fate or free will? free will 163. Do you believe that only boring people get bored? i don’t think i’m a boring person and i get bored often 164. Can life change or are we all stuck in vain? life can change definitely 165. What changes are you afraid of? the future 166. Are you a day person or nocturnal? i’m a night person 167. What one CD could you listen to for an entire week (no mixed CD’s, it must be an album)? probably a twenty one pilots cd 168. Which is worse, working in retail, food service, or an office? an office, i could never work in one. i can’t imagine how dull it is 169. What’s the coolest job you ever had? the movie theater 170. What is one central idea that your thoughts seem to come back to? idk 171. Have you ever wanted to be an actor/tress? yeah i used to but now i thin how awful it would be bc there would never be any privacy 172. If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do? i wouldn’t do that to a person that just sounds cruel 173. What star sign are you and what is your sign like? aries and idk honestly i don’t read up on that kind of stuff 174. Did the Blair Witch Project scare you? it didn;t scare me at all 175. Are you in constant fear of death? eh not really.  i don’t think about it a lot 176. Does fear of death keep you from building a life? not at all 177. Do you like all your movies to be in wide-screen? i don’t mind either way 178. Are you a fan of any comic books? i like some of them 179. At what age did you attend your first funeral? i was pretty young but i don’t remember how old exactly 180. What do you smell like (lotion, cologne, sweat)? my deodorant 181. What are your greatest sources for wisdom? the internet probably or school 182. When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from? i never really asked until i was old enough to know 183. What is your favorite band? i don’t have one. 184. What’s the best cheesy 80’s song? i don’t know 185. What’s the best kind of movie to see on a date? something scary for sure 186. Do you like to sit in the front, middle or back of the Movie Theater? i prefer the front 187. Have you ever been inside an abandoned building? nope 188. Under what circumstances would you agree to work for free? unless it’s volunteer work, i wouldn’t 189. Candles or strobe lights? candles. 190. Do you think the Lord of the Rings movies are true to the books or did Hollywood change the story too much? i have never read the books 191. When you see a stranger on the street does your first reaction lean towards thinking of this person as a potential friend or as a potential threat? neither really, i don’t think much of anything 192. Is it natural for human beings to fear and distrust each other, or is it cultural? i think it’s natural 193. What do you really want to buy? a car right now 194. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love? living in the street with someone i love.  money is just an object and means nothing to me.  as long as i am happy with the one i love that is all that matters to me 195. If someone wanted to understand you what book could they read that would help? oh shit idk 196. Do you think it’s odd that Americans have freedom of religion and yet call themselves ‘one nation under god’? kind of 197. In what sense are you a minority? a woman i guess 198. Are you anti social? kind of 199. Do you photograph well? i think so 200. Do you think that human beings would survivor through a nuclear winter? probably not
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ssaori · 8 years
Hi, Saori! I see you blog a lot about Sterek and I was wondering if you read fanfiction too? If yes, can you rec me some fics to read? If not, can you recommend a blog that you think recs good fics? I find your taste in Larry fics similar to mine and I was hoping you can do the same with Sterek as well. Thank you!
Oh boy, honestly I have no idea what to say, I’m just glad that not everybody’s fed up with my Sterek spams (probably a lot of people are but oh well) :D
First things first, you should check out @theofficialstereklibrary @wheredidhiseyebrowsgo @underappreciatedsterek @acountrygirlsfun @christinesficrecs @eternalsterekrecs and if you like Larry too then @nottooldforthisship recces  awesome stuff all the time, (her sterek fic rec tag is a blessing) (my fic rec page is kind of a mess, but you can find some there too)
As of my recs, I usually don’t do it cuz I’m always anxious I’ll rec something the other doesn’t like, but since you asked so nicely here are some of my faves:
The Undisclosed(109k) - For once the pack doesn’t panic when a new hunter arrives. The gleefully sadistic man has labelled himself a collector of all things rare in the supernatural world and wants one of the rarest creatures; a werefox. Content that the pack is safe, the wolves focus on why their human member is acting so strange, ignoring the fact that Stiles only started once learning who the man wanted…
I’ve read this like, how many times? Way too many to be healthy? Seems accurate. And I’m totally not re-reading it again, nope.
Baking My Way Into Your Heart(179k) - Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new.
This fic changed my life tbh.
As Luck WouldHave It (I’m already smitten)(188k, WIP) - When Stiles meets his Dom for the first time, it’s nothing like the cutesy, lovey-dovey Subflicks he used to drag Scott to when they were thirteen. There’s no burst of sunshine when they collide, no sudden swell of violins when their eyes meet; only a really big dent in the front of his Jeep and a seriously pissed off Alpha glaring at him from the sidewalk.
When I see the e-mail I shut down and don’t even look up until I finished reading the update. It’s by far the most exciting fic I’ve read, and I read A LOT.
Do Not Go Gentle(108k, WIP) - Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha, is thrown into a dark cell which already contains another captive.   Someone quite young.  Someone who’s clearly been badly treated.  Someone who cannot speak and who has a cruel collar around his neck.Derek is both a Dom and an Alpha.  What do you think he’ll do?
Same with this. Mondays can’t come fast enough. Dark, but worth it for me.
Home(160k, WIP) - January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
You can’t even imagine what this fic does to me. It’s everything.
Once Bitten(183k) - Stiles gets bitten by a werefox that’s running loose on Hale lands.The pack helps him deal with his new were status while searching for the fox who bit him in hopes of reversing the bite. But is the werefox really their biggest problem?
My favorite trope in this fandom is fox!Stiles and we need more of it.
Werewolf-Friendly(27k) - Derek is a junior in college, never could get the hang of social interaction, and is, you know, a werewolf.  A werewolf and a virgin.  And it isn’t like anyone is banging down his door to hop on his werewolf dick, save for the few pervs who acted like he was some kind of exotic toy to be played with and experienced.  So, when he sees Stiles’ ad on Hot Men 4 Rent, Derek is… interested.  And who is he kidding, he’s read that bio every day since that sad evening with the chocolate chip cookies, and has every facet of it memorized.  Stiles, no last name.  Eighteen.  Student.  Good conversationalist.  Likes to crack jokes.  Fan of junk food but enjoys running.  Werewolf-friendly.  Werewolf-friendly.  And there is his phone number and an email address.  Plus all the moles.
This was actually the reason I didn’t give up on Sterek after some stuff in the fandom. And it’s awesome and hot, so. :D
Run Little Red Fox (18k) - Fox!Stiles. Living on the run might not have been the best way to survive, but when you’re a Werefox with no family and no friends, what other choice do you have? Narrowly escaping hunters, getting mixed up in a war with alphas, Stiles is positive that life is out to get him. The weird vet is convinced that Stiles will be able to help defeat the alphas and protect the pack, but what can one injured Werefox do against a pack of murdering alphas?
Yeah, so I love this fic a lot and I need to re-read it, excuse me!
Not French but probably a mistake(8k) (you need to have an acc for this) - A witch’s curse sends Derek into a parallel universe where his life is a TV show. At first, Derek thinks he’s lucky Stiles got sent into this universe with him. He’s a little confused when Stiles starts kissing him furiously.Dylan isn’t sure why his boyfriend is acting so shy all of a sudden. It’s kinda cute. And he’s totally down to roleplay Sterek again, that’s always hot.
I’m a sucker for everything bleep0bleep does, plus French Mistake is my everything, so bear with me when I say READ THIS!!
Can’trely on me(116k) - Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it’s a lot worse than anyone knows. The pack let him down, that’s not really a surprise lately.When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it’s the start of a beautiful friendship.Can the pack make amends before it’s too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
This fic is so good. So good! I only didn’t like the ending but otherwise ohmygod.
Kiss Of Life (ThisSweet Pool is Everblue)(7k) - (Canon-AU for 2x04) “Yeah, kiss of life, d'you want me to say it in another language, Derek? Latin would be cool but I’m still not fluent yet so how about Spanish? Spanish worked on Jackson before. Beso de vida.“In which: Scott isn’t even lethally late—he simply doesn’t show up at all. Stiles does the saving and things railroad from there.
If you’ve seen the show you know this should have happened. YOU KNOW IT.
Anteocularis(19k) - Allison meets a strange deer in the forest. Derek may have found someone who can match his level of bullshit. Stiles is running from a murderer. Pack-feels and cross-species bonding.
I know, I know, but give it a try I promise it’s worth it :D Sassy deer!Stiles, who needs more?
Strike Softly (Awayfrom the Body)(35k) - Derek is a bodyguard and Stiles his spoiled, resistant client.
A bit fun, a bit dark but sooooo good!!
Youwon’t have to reach out for me (6k) - Stiles is having trouble holding himself together and he’d do anything to have Derek’s hand on him again–needs the relief like he needs oxygen, maybe more–which is exactly why he can’t let Derek touch him. Because Stiles knows Derek, knows exactly where he ranks his own pain in terms of importance, and he knows that Derek would ignore the pain completely if it meant giving Stiles something he needed. Stiles refuses be a source of pain for Derek–there are too many other people lining up to do the job–so he makes sure to hold himself at a safe distance.            
It’s painful and beautiful!!
In Case TheDaylight Never Comes(82k) - There’s a relentless dark shape tearing through the pack and that’s only the half of it. Stiles just wants to sleep and stop being haunted by the faces of his night-time tormentors. His dad thinks he’s suffering from post-traumatic stress, Scott thinks he’s suffering the after-effects of the ritual; Stiles thinks they’re both reasonable theories, except for the part where Derek Hale is the only thing that can take his nightmares away and it seems that fact is no coincidence. 
It’s very dark, so if you’re not into that kind of stuff… but otherwise excellent piece of work!
(I’m sorry I didn’t include the authors but that would have been taken even longer, but I send my love to all of them a lot, there are so many fics I love, but let’s not do this again, please. :D Have fun reading!
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Episode 11: Ringin’ Hell’s Doorbell
Sammy: Welcome back , everyone. The time is 4:44am here at King Falls AM.
Ben: It’s a slow night. You wanna do…weather and traffic?
Sammy: It’s warmin up…If there’s traffic at this ungodly hour, we got problems
Ben: *snickers* Got that right, Sammy. But before we go back to the phones in a sec, I’ve got an email I’d like to read you. I think you’ll get a kick out of this.
Sammy: Oh! Well, very cool. Whatcha got?
Ben: So, you know I wrote the producers of Mission Apparition, right?
Sammy: No… what’re you talkin about?
Ben: It’s that brain tumor of a show on channel 13?
Sammy: I know the show, Ben! I’m saying I didn’t know you wrote them.
Ben: Dude, you’re gonna love it. I emailed trying to get them booked as guests so we could tear them apart.
Sammy: Well, I mean, they did keep the lights on a few weeks back running an ad, of course. So, please don’t tell me you got confrontational?
Ben: If telling the truth about their staged show counts as confrontational, then…I totally did.
Sammy: Okay, so you accost a paid sponsor of King Falls Am, continue…
Ben: *Laughs* Alright, let me read this to you. “Dear Sammy,” sorry you… left your station email up.
Sammy: Uh-huh.
Ben: “We at Mission Apparition are extremely sorry you feel the show is overly produced and not true to the nature of actual distressed spirits. In actuality, Dan and Larry are two of the most highly trained professionals in this field. While we appreciate blunt criticism, name calling just isn’t needed. If you have any real suggestions to make the show better, please let us know.”
Sammy: Ben. What did you call them?
Ben: Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that I wrote them back and they’re going to be shooting a future episode of the show in King Falls.
Sammy: No way!
Ben: I said we have many fine spectral establishments here. The gauntlet was thrown down and they took the bait.
Sammy: As much as I hate to say this, you’re gonna get to see the Mission Apparition guys in a real situation at least.
Ben: Oh yeah. I’m not sure which to offer up: the old Slaughter House off Cotton Tail Hollow or the library.
Sammy: I’m not gonna make a you’re-trying-to-impress-Emily comment here, I know that place is full of activity.
Ben: Exactly.
Sammy: BUT…. You are trying to impress Emily.
Ben: Whatevs. Okay, okay, get this though! After I told them I was co-host of a late-night AM talk show, they asked if I wanted to come on set so I could get an interview live.
Sammy: Well, book it! Make it happen!
Ben: Done and done.
Sammy: But please stop using my email.
Ben: No promises.
Sammy: Alright folks, after that exciting announcement, we’re gonna open up the phone lines to you, our dear listeners. And, uh, Ben? You got a topic?
Ben: I absolutely do, but you can’t have it until a touch after the 5 o’clock hour, Sammy.
Sammy: You heard the man, ladies and gents. It’s a bonafide free for all for the next ten minutes or so.  Give us a call 424-279-3858.
Ben: Or hit us up on twitter @kingfallsam
Sammy: Lucky Line 1, you’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Caller: *deep disguised scraggly voice* Uh, yeah… *heavy breathing* Did you check the mail? *muffled laugh*
Sammy: Maybe once or twice in my lifetime, uh, do you have a topic? Or is this Ted Kaczynski calling from prison*?
Caller: Uh….you’ll have a topic soon…heh…*hangs up ominously*
Ben: You know I should go take a look in our mail slot now, right?
Sammy: *exasperated* Don’t
Ben: It’s a verbal triple dog dare. I’ll be right back.
Sammy: *sighs* One day, it’s gonna be a head… I just know it. Line 5 welcome to King Falls AM.
Caller: Oh, I got through! Sammy?! I – I need to speak with you in private. Please!
Sammy: I’m gonna be a little bit sir. We just came back from break. But I’m happy to talk about whatever.
Caller: We really can’t talk about this on the air. *Nervous breaths* It’s about…I really don’t wanna say much. I sent you a text message about…oh…a month or so back? We need to speak. It’s incredibly urgent!
Sammy: Sir I get a lot of texts over the course of a month.
Caller: Well, we can’t talk about this on the air.
Sammy: Who am I speaking with?
Ben (returning): We got mail, Sammy!
Caller: *quietly* I turned the power back on…
Ben: Mr. Thompson?
Caller: *nervously* Err.. no! *hangs up abruptly*
Sammy: Hello? Sir?
Ben: What was that about? I swear that dude sounded just like my old science professor.
Sammy: Can you  get a number on line 5, Ben?
Ben: Uh, yeah, yeah, in a minute. Look at this!
Sammy: *laughs* Is that a cassette tape?
Ben: Yeah, no letter - just a tape. It’s labeled “D.D.” We should play this.
Sammy: I hope it’s Duran Duran.
Ben: I’ll just stick this in…here.
Sammy: Uh, do you think we should listen to this first? I know you got a trigger finger on the dump, but…
Ben: You’re looking at the fastest finger in the tri-state.
Sammy: You know, there’s a dirty joke there that, for our friendship, I’m just gonna cruise right on past.
Ben: Where’s the play button on this hunk of junk? Merv, why do we have a cassette player in the studio? It’s 2015.
Sammy: I think you know why.
Ben: *rubbing hands together* I’m excited!
Sammy: You better be payin attention. I don’t want to hear one –
TAPE INTERUPTS – *in heavy Australian accent*: “This is Lance McCord checking in. I’m about 5 kilometers off the Stealth Ridge Trail now. It’s heavily wooded and getting thicker.”
Sammy: Do you know this guy “Lance”?
Ben: Never heard of him. But if the “R” word was politically correct for broadcast, I’d probably be use it for him right now. That trail is like the boonies within the boonies.
*Tape continues*
Lance: “So far so good. I was- I was a bit worried with all the tall tales surrounding the ‘Devil’s Doorstep’ I guess that’s why I’m talking to you and tracing my steps. Nothing stranger or out of the ordinary. I have noticed the lack of wildlife and birds to be this far in the bush.”
Ben: *stops tape* … There is no way.
Sammy: “The Devils Doorstep” ?
Ben: Defiantly the R word or has a death wish. Or both!
Sammy: Where is this place?
Ben: It’s north of King Falls. It’s a dark ass set of woods. Obviously, this guy isn’t from around here because he’d know you don’t even talk about it, much less go there.
Sammy: Ominous…
Ben: AND we don’t joke about it.
Sammy: It sounds so inviting, The Devil’s Doorstep. What kind of Welcome Mat do you think the Dark Lord picks out? Do you think he has a “NO SOLICITING” sign?
Ben: Stop it. I know you laugh about stuff like this, but…don’t.
*Tape continues*
Lance: “Right, about 30 minutes from my last check in. My mobile has lost signal. Looks like it’s just you and me pal. I lost a little of time I’ve been turned around a few minutes back. All the paths are starting to look really similar, so, it’s hard to… *ominous indistinct singing* Still no wildlife. I don’t know if any men or women have ever stepped where I’m stepping. I kind of like that”
*Tape stops*
Sammy: Did you hear something there?
Sammy: I didn’t say singing. I said something.
Ben: I didn’t hear anything.
*Tape continues*
Lance: “It’s getting colder our and darker. That and my mind is playing the tiniest of tricks on me. Voices, singing, whispers. It’s – it’s head games. Nothing’s gonna stop me from making it to the gate.”
*Tape stops*
Ben: I think that’s enough.
Sammy: Ben, honestly. Gate? I’m not following here. You’re the expert: what’s he looking for? Or… why’s he looking for it?
Ben: COMMERCIAL TIME. Let’s do this…
 *Commercial break*
Sammy: And welcome back to King Falls AM that’s 660 on the radio dial. We’ve just been listening to a tape we received anonymously. Apparently, there’s a hiker out adventuring in –
Ben: LINE 8 – you’re live.
Caller: Oh boy! Things are getting tense on that tape!
Ben: FORGET THE TAPE. How- how’re you doing, Finn? Is everything still intact?
Finn: Doin’ swell, just well! *sounds of scratching skin vigorously*
Ben: You okay there, Finn?
Finn: Oh sorry! Wasn’t sure if you picked that up. I’ve just been scratchin something awful the past couple weeks. I got in some poison oak, or something – I don’t know!
Sammy: Glad to hear you’re doing well, after…
Finn: *low growling*
Ben: …. You got a travel buddy with you tonight, Finn?
Finn: Nah, nah – just got cut off going down the highway, here. Lousy drivers…we got three other lane you know! Ah! Look at the food billboards!
Sammy: Um, what’s on your mind tonight buddy?
Finn: Just callin in to say hi… that sorta thing. Plus, this story? Wowee, who is this guy? Have you talked about this place before? I don’t think I heard you mention it. Uh, I don’t think…
Ben: Because we don’t.
Finn: Spooooky stuff, fellas.
Sammy: Yeah… I don’t know if you –
Finn: *howls loudly*
Ben: Uh, I’m sorry. You gotta keep your pup quiet.
Finn: What? No doggy here. Just you two fellas, me… rolling down the road.
Sammy: You don’t have a dog with you, Finn?
Finn: Couldn’t if I wanted to. I’m allergic.
Ben: Are… are you feeling okay? Did you ever get checked out after that night you hit that…weredog?
Finn: What? I woudn’t lay hands on a pooch! Are you feelin’ alright, Ben?
Sammy: *laughs* He’s talkin about the dog you accidentally hit awhile back. You got out to check on it and the call dropped off?
Finn: Uh…. No, wasn’t me. I think I’d remember somethin’ like that *horns honking in background* Dammit all, I gotta go, boys. Can’t scratch, talk, and drive all at the same time. Finish that tape, it’s givin me the willies!
Ben: Stay awake and stay safe, Finn. Make a doctor’s appointment, maybe….
Sammy: Or a vet…
Finn: *chuckles* Oh, you two. Catch you later. *howls loudly* *phone disconnects*
Sammy: Now Ben, you know I love what you do on the show. I wouldn’t wanna do this with anybody else….BUT, I’ve got a tiny issue with you cutting to unscheduled breaks during conversations.
Ben: Do that happen? I’m so sorry, I just… I’m so interested in –
Sammy: Doing anything but playing that tape. Got us all interested now, man. You gotta follow through.
Ben: Okay – it was fun, but I think we should just forget about it.
Sammy: Impossible.
Ben: S-sit down, don’t –
*Tape starts*
Lance: *Threatening wind blowing* “There’s no doubt that there’s something keeping me away from the gate at this point. My watch has just stopped working so I don’t know what time it is. I can’t really see the sun from the thicket, it’s hard to tell. I checked my compass to ensure I was… WHAT THE?” *creepy singing intensifies*
Eerie voice: “TURN. BACK. NOW.”
Lance: “My fu(censored) compass is literally spinning like a top! There’s EVIL in these woods! You can feel it in the air! It’s palpable!”
*Tape stops*
Sammy: Ben! Don’t be mad!
Ben: You shouldn’t be playing this! This isn’t a joke, man! This is a tape that probably needs to go to the proper authority! I’m gonna google Missing Persons
Sammy: Look, I’m not against that. But let’s finish this up, and at the very least talk to me. Tell us a little bit about the woods.
Ben: If- if I tell you, will you stop playing the damn tape?
Sammy: Absolutely. Help fill these last minutes until your actual topic of discussion arrives.
Ben: *sighs* The path Lance is on is called Stealth Ridge. It’s about a five mile round trip hike up north in Perdition Wood.
Sammy: You guys really know how to name things here.
Ben: Supposedly, as in, legend-has-it kind of talk, way off the beaten path – I mean way off, as in nobody’s ever seen it – is what he’s looking for. A cave called “The Devil’s Doorstep”
Sammy: Uh-huh.
Ben: Put two and two together here, Sammy! It’s an entrance to the gates of hell! Many people went out looking for it – none have ever found it. Some never return.
Sammy: Have you been up there, Ben?
Ben: Once…
Sammy: And?!
Ben: Are you serious?! Hell no, I haven’t been! I’m not crazy like Crocodile Dundee on that tape.
Sammy: I mean, he’s gotta be okay, right? The tape made it here! It could’ve been him who dropped it off in our mail and called tonight, right?
Ben: This was fun for a minute, now it’s just massively creepy, let’s move – *tape starts* SAMMY!
Sammy: Dude, you’re looking at me! I didn’t push the button!
Lance: “It is so cold. I’ve descended a great deal from the initial crest of the ridge it seems. I saw what appeared to be – “
Eerie Voice: “LAST. WARNING”
*Sounds of tape trying to be turned off*
Lance: “WHAT THE FU(censored) IS THAT?!”
Ben: Alright it won’t stop. Unplug it! I’m not kidding!
Sammy: It is unplugged!
*Chilling scream coming from tape*
Lance: *Breathing hard* “It’s after me! *creepy singing gets louder* I – I don’t know what that was. I went in to look at this cove, here. I think I’m just gonna wait it out until morning. I’m wet, cold – I caught my jack in the bush. I’m bleeding… Jesus. *creepy singing continues* My- my phone is missing. God dammit. It really is just you and –
Eerie Voice: ME!!!!!
Lance: “No! Help me!!” *intense screaming* *singing continues*
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