#but i'm always grateful for the good times i've had here :heart emoji:
merakiui · 11 days
MERA!!!! I have no one else to ramble/rant about this to since I fear it's a pretty uncommon experience, but have you ever read a wonderful piece of work by someone who unfortunately ended up deactivating/leaving most socials? ;ª;
There's this one darker Tweels fic called "Aphotic" currently listed on ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27124492/chapters/66236443 link for good measure)- which if im not sure if you've ever read, but oh. My. God. It's such a great fic that really hits the spot for darker content of the tweels. The characterization of Jade and Floyd are absolutely my favorite in this fic as they're just *incredibly* mean to the reader but in a tasteful way. Bonus points also go to how the author wrote the mc(reader) as well, everyone in this fic is just equally fucked up and reading through this story is just one incredible rocky ride..there are only two surviving chapters and one of the two is Floyd focused, but I don't wanna spoil the main plot of the fic for anyone that may be interested in reading just please take the warning that when I say the tweels are mean, they are MEAN..
unfortunately the fic is not only unfinished but as I mentioned earlier, in a devastating turn of events the author of the series completely deactivated D: they were also on tumblr once I think they went by twstedworks? But there's no longer any way to see any of their works on this platform anymore which is just so unfortunate,, I get an intense feeling of past-felt-fomo knowing I wasn't able to see any of their other stuff while they were an active writer knowing that they seemed to be active in 2020(?) Which was a time I wasn't really reading any written works for twst... but regardless of whatever reason they chose to leave the platform I do hope they're doing well now.
I'm sad that I'll never be able to see the jade centric part of Aphotic, or be able to see any of their previous dribbles or works since they've all been completely wiped. I have followed good yan/dark twst writers and blogs in the past that have deactivated or moved on for whatever personal reason in the past but it does really suck in this case not being able to at least, in the slightest , have been able to experience other stuff this author may have wrote which im sure was delightful orz...
Reminder to readers and consumers of fanfic on here to always show support and motivation to your favorite writers!! You never know when you'll never get the chance to read anything from them ever again :( and thank you esp Mera for being one of my favorite twst blogs of all time on here!! Your interpretations of the tweels have always been my favorite from any blog and the way you choose to write these characters in general never disappoints ✨️
If this does get answered, being as this is my first ever formal ask, may I be 🪆 anon? Or 🍮🥄 if that's taken ^_^
Hi hiii, 🍮🥄 anon!!! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
I know that experience... >_< it's happened to some of the stories/authors I followed. It's always so sad when writers deactivate/leave the platform or fandom/etc, but everyone has their reasons. I can only be grateful I was able to behold such enjoyable works!!! :D "Aphotic" sounds like such an interesting story!! I love mean tweels. <3 I'll have to check it out!
I think I've read some writings from twsted-works before they deactivated! It was so long ago (before I even had a tumblr account), but I remember adoring the way they wrote Octavinelle. I hope they're doing well wherever they are!!
And you're so right!!! It's always important to show support and love to artists, creators, writers, etc! Most, if not all, writers love to receive feedback on their work. Even something like a keyboard smash or a dozen heart emojis is very flattering to us because it shows us that you've enjoyed the work. Whether you show that enjoyment by commenting, liking, reblogging, or sending an ask on here, it's always lovely to spread appreciation for the hard work and time that goes into crafting wonderful stories!!! ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Thank you so much for your sweet words!! I'm just happy to be able to write and share stories!! It's a huge honor you would consider me one of your favorite twst blogs. I'm beyond flattered!!!! ♥️✨
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mimisempai · 1 year
20 fic writer questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ineffable husbands and Mystrade
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I want it to be an "us" (905) - Good Omens fix-it season 2
The beginning of something new (881) - Dreamling
You are the reason I will always come back (770) - Dreamling
When you kiss me, you speak to my soul (731) - Lokius
Something new but not unknown (729) - Dreamiling
(Personally happy with the speed with which my fix-it Good Omens took first place)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, I feel grateful for each comment, be it a long comment full of hindsights or one emoji. Interacting with readers who enjoy what I write is something I absolutely love!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None, I can't write angst without happy ending
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard t answer but probably because it's fresh on my mind, I would say I want it to be an "us"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've had them from time to time, most in the Sambucky fandom and my first Barisi fandom. Mostly homophobic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written some, but I'm not very good at it and in the end it doesn't bring me any joy to write it. So no.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've only done it once for fun, Dreamling - Lokius - AziraCrow for Halloween (that was my first in the Good Omens fandom one year ago) - No trick, no treat, just love
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, 50 fics mostly in Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Aziraphale/Crowley (they stole my heart and never gave it back)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If it's not love, then what is it? I don't know if I will finish it because I can't connect with Dreaming at the moment. But who knows...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fluff, emotionalhurt/comfort, soft and intimate moments between the characters, I think. Don't know if it is strengths though...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
To much to describe, the biggest probably the fact that I don't like to go out of my comfort zone. Language too, because English is not my native language. The fact that I don't want to have a beta.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it. I din't use it a lot, but when it's appropriate yes, I love it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I want it to be an "us"
Tagging @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @rins-love-wins @insert-witty-user-name-here
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furinuris · 2 months
Im pretty sure you don't remember this username anymore—even tho you were the one who made it for me, nor are you actively looking into how Im doing so I know you'll never see this but in the off chance that you do, I mean every single thing I wrote here even if it's coming from a place of deep seated hurt, resentment and anger, guilt and fucking embarrassment. im not sure why im writing this, I guess I just want to dump it all here for the last time,
At one point, i know —you loved me, as best as you could and it was amazing and freeing and healing. I never knew someone would go through all that effort to try and see me and considered me, and accepted me. to be loved is to be changed and considered and seen, and you, at some point in time did. And I'll forever be grateful for that, forever hold on to those memories and cherish them for they taught me the beginnings of self love. if someone as amazing as you could love me, why couldn't i love myself the same? And to be looked at with such affection despite me feeling my body was ugly made looking at myself in the mirror more bearable. I could finally smile at my own reflection. So i know it wasn't all this bad, yes?
you will forever have a place in my heart, i believe, and somehow i will always carry a piece of you with me. you dont get to love someone as genuinely as that and not have them be a part of yourself somehow. and so i know this hate will dissipate in time, but for now, let me. Let me resent you, as you have asked so many times before so i could finally walk away from this suffocating hold you have over myself. Let me hate your choices, the way you gave up, the way you chose to keep me in the dark at the end, and let me hate you so i may forgive you. Let me hate you so i can finally stop running away from this hurt that color my days gray. Let me hate you so I can finally heal.
You said so yourself before, you fucked it up —yes you did. I did not deserve to be ghosted for a month. I did not deserve to be led on that everything was okay, and that maybe you just needed the space for yourself for the boards. I've been witness to the heaviness you carry on your shoulders N, and I didn't want to, as much as i could help it, add to it. Im sounding a bit petty now, it feels as if I'm trying to wash my hands of any responsibility i might have had a hand in this falling apart but was I not good to you?
But I get it, people grow and sometimes you outgrow the people you loved. I understand, falling out of love is no one's fault—i don't blame you, nor hate you for it either, even if that hurts like hell. I do hate you for not telling me when you could've, for running away, for being a coward at facing the truth of it. For making me think you were needing the space for it (maybe you did) but knowing you could juggle being an admin, making new friends and even going on group watches with them while I sit at home hoping you're fine and the anxiety eating at me if we're okay or if we're ever going to end up okay or if you're doing well or if you're having a relapse or just.
I have never stopped you from doing the things you want and making new experiences, yes? and so please know, im happy to know you're growing, and making new connections and putting yourself out there. This version of you looks amazing. I just really wish you had the courage to tell me you were falling out of love with me then, it would have saved me this much pain. While you had the time to walk away and mourn the death of a relationship, I was waiting on you to comeback because the last time we talked we were okay weren't we? and isnt that unfair of you?
And haven't I been nothing but honest to you? Didn't I say, tell me if you dont want to and i will gladly let you go, as long as you're happy i wouldn't beg you to stay. If that was your way of figuring out your emotions then N, wasn't I worth even an emoji back then? If you couldn't stomach telling me. Was I not worth a single update; hey, i need time to think about us, please give me time and space. Was I not worth any of that? But there's really no point in asking now right? no point in dwelling because what has happened, has happened, and we both understood this was for the better (or atleast that's what i would like to believe)
I guess, I really just want to voice that truth out—I listened to what you said; Im not being pragmatic anymore, nor am I holding you at a pedestal. I am allowing myself to see things as they are, and I am finally allowing myself to embrace the truth that yes, I do hate you for this. I hate you, I hate how even after all of this—I will still find it in me to justify everything. I hate feeling guilty over hating you. I hate how I have to resort to this to take the step at walking away from you. I hate how I have to understand and hurt at the same time. I hate how, after all this, i still love you. I hate you, N. I don't want to, but this honestly broke me in ways I didn't know I could break.
You say, dont be a stranger because at one point before all of everything we were friends and you'd like to still have that part in your life right? You say dont be a stranger, but you ended up being one anyway. Maybe, someday, when I've made peace with what happened I'll take you up on that offer, but for now I do think it's best I turn my back for now. Im sorry.
I wish you nothing but the best, N, goodluck on those exams (I know, you'll push through it because you have always pushed through life and Im proud of you for that). I wish you'd find that peace and happiness you long for and deserve. I'm happy you've found newfound love. Im happy you're surrounded by people who love and care for you and support you. Happiness looks beautiful on you, it has always looked good on you gha. I hope the days are kinder and you get to enjoy and indulge in that pink feeling of new love and to enjoy your friendships. I will always be rooting for you.
Thank you, you were a wonderful experience.
maybe next time, in another life or whatever crazy ass astrology shit they talk about—we get another chance and maybe there we get it right, but if that doesn't exist well then it's been quite a ride ;)). Take care 🍊
I will always love you, in time that may grow into something less than it is now, but know that I will always have a space for you. (and somehow i kinda hate that too lol?)
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shiningstages · 2 years
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August 2011...The first time I tried rping on this site...I just realized it’s been 11 years...
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owlsinathens · 2 years
✍, 🛒, 💌, 🧐, 🤲, 🎉
✍ Do I have a beta? On and off. For some time now, the wonderful and talented @st-clements-steps has agreed to look over my fics and ficlets, but I would say she's more my Alpha reader than a beta and I am forever grateful for all her help 🥰🥰🥰
🛒 Some common things/themes/feels etc I like to have in my fics.... hm, difficult one. I always think the readers are probably better to answer this questions than myself. Plus, I only have the one pairing I'm fixated on, so there's a finite number of fics I could write without repeating themes etc, and that point has long passed 😅 I can say though, I'll never get tired of throwing in some sort of Jon is Theon's saltwife stuff.
💌 How do I feel about comments and feedback? Love. Like, LOVE. It's my salt and bread. A huge motivation to keep me going/writing. I live to entertain, so someone telling me they liked my stuff or it made them laugh/cry/etc makes my heart soar. I get that commenting can be hard, and taking a lot of energy. I used to be bad at commenting myself (it's still HARD). But getting feedback on a labour of love is just. so. amazing. I do welcome all kinds of comments, chatty ones, rambly ones, one liners, all of them. Of course I am over the moon when I get a long comment that *engages with the story* (that is straight up ambrosia to me) but just knowing that someone took time to write ANYTHING will always fill me with joy.
🧐 Do I spend much time on research for my stuff? Depends on the story. Like for the pub AU, almost no research because I've been to the places described, have read the books mentioned, and I've had many cats lol. So that one was born mostly from experience. Another example, the vamp AU, was mostly me bullshitting until it became a story. Stories set in a canon universe require more research (gotta love the wiki of ice and fire ♥️). And then there's the behemoth of a Victorian AU that'll be my next 'modern' AU and I've been researching for months and still very much at the beginning 🙈
🤲 A snippet from a WIP - I'm choosing 1x1 (hey @november-rising you may remember this - key word "No" 😘)
“You wanted a decision,” Theon mutters, still not daring to look at Jon’s face. “I came here to ask the same of you.”
“I – what?” Jon leans back in his chair. “I thought I made myself clear. I’m willing to go all the way, but only if you – what are you doing?”
“You can’t decide. I won’t accept it.” Theon bites down on the inside of his cheek as the first glove hits the floor with a dull thud. “Not without you knowing everything. Not without you really seeing for yourself what you’re so eager to take.”
🎉 I consider my fic a success when... yeah, when? It's different for each fic, depending on the context, and my own expectations. I have considered fics a success that had few but very meaningful comments. I have considered fics a failure despite 'good' stats. I'm working on considering a fic a success simply because it exists.
Thank you so much for the ask (and the ask about the ask 🥲) and the many emojis! ♥️♥️♥️
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jacobseedz · 6 years
Wrong - Thranduil x reader
requested by; @lucacangettathisass (sorry, luv, for making you wait for so long, but as i told you tumblr ruined everything ;_; hope you like it, i tried my best! *insert smiling face emoji*) 
summary; you’re quite younger than Thranduil, many say you only use him for his money, power and throne. 
sindarin in italics -> translated at the bottom
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You were a quite young elleth, but mature in every other way. Your family was not royal, known or rich. Many people, elves, dwarves and other creatures only knew you from your work. Like making new robes, sewing, painting or even teaching elflings. 
 Once you were working on a new robe for Lord Elrond, when King Thranduil came into your chambers in Rivendell, saying he needed a new robe. It was the most awkward moment in your life, but definitely worth it as after some months of talking, drinking wine, you from friends became something much more. Of course your love blossomed so you decided to move into Mirkwood, staying within his Kingdom. It was an adventure to say the least. You, the lover of the King, nobody knew you, they give you questioning glances, but made way for their King nonetheless. You haven't stopped working, at times even helping Thranduils people. They all appreciated the extra help, and many grew fond of you. 
 On a special night, your anniversary, you asked to see his whole face.
 "No, Meleth, I do not want you to hate me." he said calmly, but his heart was beating like he just ran a marathon. 
 The only thing he was afraid of after his wife's death is your leave. You'd have nightmares, you'd look at him like he was a disgusting orc. However, you loved him too much, so you whispered sweet nothings into his pointed ear, assuring him you wouldn't ever leave him. It was quite strange to see two tears drop into his knees, but he showed you what the dragon did. 
After he turned your way he gasped, not understanding why you were still there, with him. You just smiled and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
Today was no other day like before. It was the meeting of the Kings. Thranduil was to arrive in Dale to discuss important stuff. The dwarf King, Thorin Oakenshield, survived the battle, giving Azog a brutal death. He took over the Lonely Mountain, many dwarves came back from far lands to their rightful home.
All three kings came to an agreement, that didn't mean they liked each other, but they did sometimes give each other good advice. Like a King to another King. Simple as that.
Thorin once saw you with Thranduil and instantly fell in love. He envied the Elven King for stealing your heart, though that haven't stopped him from trying to get you. 
"Thranduil, you must be careful, that she elf of yours must not be trusted." thorin warned, lowering his gaze to the other King that stilled.
"And do tell me, why is that?" he asked, walking again.
Thorin let out a quiet growl, not liking what he was about to say next.
"It's in her eyes, your throne, your power, your money. As you told me once, she came from a poor family, what do you expect then?" he breathed out, trying to sound genuine. 
Thranduil's brows furrowed, not knowing if he's lying or telling the truth. But why would he lie? Thranduil knew Thorin longer than you and every advice given to him was true, so maybe he is right... 
"Where is Bard, I don't have all day." he changed the subject, quite uncomfortable. 
The dwarf King knew he struck a spot, the Elf is considering his words. Oh how wonderful, Y/N will finally be his, that's all Thorin wanted. 
When Bard arrived, everything went back to normal. Thranduil traveled back to Mirkwood, where Legolas, his only son awaited him.
"Mae g'ovannen, Adar. I am glad to see you." Legolas smiled. 
Their father - son bond was renewed. Occasionally they trained together, went riding or got rid of the nasty creatures living in the woods. They both were happy, well, Legolas only disliked you, he'd like you to leave them alone. Only his mother was meant to be with Thranduil and no one else. 
So the only thing he could think of was lying about you, one would've thought Thorin agreed with Legolas on this, though they both hadn't planned destroying Thranduils relationship. The Prince bribed his fathers most trusted adviser and member of the council, to make the King banish Y/N from Mirkwood, forever. 
"Ah, Ionneg, how did your training go?" he asked casually, nodding to his people. 
"Very well, but there is one matter I would like to talk over." Legolas said, his cheerful tone changing to a cold one.
The Elven King had enough of talking, but seeing his son's gaze it must've been something serious. He eventually led Legolas to his chambers. 
Taking a deep breath, he started, "... you know, we all worry about you and want what's best. On the other hand we cannot do that with Y/N by your side," that got Thranduils attention, Legolas tried to contain his smirk.
"Landion saw her sitting on your throne, laughing ominously , like a witch that just seduced her victim. Y/N was talking about you, about taking your throne and kingdom. Ada, you can't let her." he pleaded, obviously that made Thranduil believe him.
His golden hair flew in the air, as he turned around. His icy blue eyes, piercing Legolas'. The Elf couldn't possibly think of you doing such thing. He saw the love, adoration in your eyes. Thranduil's hands trembled, his breathing hard. Closing his eyes he breathed out a 'ego', Legolas leaving right after. He was so lost.
Help me Valar...  
Later that day you came to your shared chambers, finished with today's work you were ready to relax. Walking in the dark room the only light came from the balcony and fire. Although you heard Thranduil you didn't say anything, thinking he was asleep.
"Y/N." said a raspy voice.
Thranduil sat on the love seat, near the fireplace. He held a glass of Dorwinion wine, right from Rivendell. Elves couldn't easily get intoxicated, especially Thranduil, as if he was alcohol-proof.
Taking a step forward, you replied, "Yes, my love?". Putting a hand on his shoulder you felt him tense up. For the first time in your relationship, your touch hadn't soothed him, quite the opposite.
He scoffed, ".. My love, tell me what were you doing in MY throne room?" he emphasized 'my'. 
Confused and tired, that was all you felt.
"Thranduil, I have been at work all day, what are you talking about?" he scoffed yet again, not pushing your hand off of him. He just rejected you and you don't know how to feel about that.
"Stop acting dumb. Legolas told me about your little scene. I'm not that thick as you thought. Get out of here, you witch." he spat, throwing the glass of wine onto the wall.
You shrieked, frightened of his odd behavior. The glass shattered, wine spilled on the perfect Elf-designed floor. Thranduil stood, towering over you. His icy glare did not soften, even watching your tears stained face. It only made more furious. 
"EGO MILBO ORCH!" that struck a nerve.
Your hand made contact with his cheek, the sound echoing in the room. It was quiet for a moment, before he said, "Get out of my Kingdom and never come back, witch." 
With that you left, tears streaming down your face, blurring your vision. Taking nothing you ran as fast as you could, just to be behind those gates, in the fate of the evil creatures guarding the woods.
The trip to Rivendell took you at least four days, fortunately you were a skilled hunter, so with a pained expression you ate a small bunny, fox or bird. On your way out of Mirkwood you haven't crossed roads with those nasty, six legged demons, you doubted you'd survive.
Lord Elrond was your regular customer, only letting you make his robes. Hearing the sad news from you, broke his heart. Not only did he give you food, but a place to live. Oh, how grateful you were, nearly squishing him in the tight embrace.
"My dear child, do not fear, for you love shall win over the dark. It just takes time to realize that." he said softly, rubbing your back as you sobbed.
"Th..thank you, Lord Elrond, for all of this." you rubbed your eyes, giving a weak smile.
Moving away from you, he whispered something you could not hear. All day you snuggled under the covers, trying to forget Thranduil and what he said, although your heart was still beating for him and always will.
A knock woke you up, yawning you stretched. Scrambling to the door, you opened it to face none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself. That was confusing, what was the Dwarf-King doing at your door...
"Good evening, my lady. I hope I do not impose?" he quirked his brow, a small blush on his cheeks though the massive beard made it nearly impossible to see. 
"Your highness, of course not, but what brings you to my chambers?"
He chuckled, embarrassed. "It is a fine evening, how about a walk, if you don't mind?" Thorin avoided your gaze. Sighting you tangled your arms together and wandered off.
Walking along the forest, a small lake found its way into your view. Awing, you let go of Thorin. The lake perfectly reflected the whole moon tonight. It was breathtaking.
 "Y/N, I wanted to tell you something for a while..." Thorin said, playing with his fingers from all the nerves. 
Not turning your attention, he continued, "The first time I saw you, i thought 'what an angel, i want her,' but I've never got the chance to talk with you, as you'd stay by Thranduils side-"
 "First of all, King Thorin," she spat, narrowing her eyes, now looking at him. "I am not some object you can possess, I also have feelings, but unfortunately I do not reciprocate yours. My love for Thranduil is strong and everlasting. You are not the first and last to hear this." you huffed, running back to your chambers, leaving a crushed Thorin.
Thranduil paced back and forth, Legolas told him everything after seeing his father heartbroken for some time. He didn't want that for him, it was selfish of him. The adviser that was paid to insult Y/N was no longer wanted in Mirkwood.
The Elven King was red from the anger, however he felt sorry for Legolas, understanding him in a way. And oh how bad he feels for his outburst, for saying the worst thing to you. It broke his heart into million pieces. 
Now, riding on his giant Elk, with five guards  galloping on their mares beside him, they were headed to Rivendell, for their future Queen and Thraduils love. 
You were siting on a branch of the largest tree in Rivendell, though at first it was difficult now you felt more confident. Observing the world from atop, you saw something moving, when it got closer you saw who that was. 
Groaning you still watched, of course Thranduil wants to insult you again, but you doubt he'd make an effort to travel from Mirkwood to Rivendell just for you. That was ridiculous. 
The King disappeared from your view, your heart was hammering, you missed him so much it hurt. Then again he popped up, now nearing the tree you were on. 
Dismounting the giant Elk, he looked up at you, with a frown. 
“Meleth nin, please, come down!” he shouted, worried of you falling. 
When he heard nothing, but still seeing you sitting there, watching his every move with those big, beautiful eyes, he tried again. 
“Y/N, I’m terribly sorry! Gi melin, my stars, my moon, my whole world!” 
“Nin gwerianneg.” you responded, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You saw him holding his own tears. 
Choosing to climb down you slowly and carefully pick each step. At last, your bare feet touched the wet grass. You felt Thranduils arms around you, holding tightly and never letting go.
“Forgive me, Y/N. I listened others and not my heart, but now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, travel with you to Valinor. I want you to be my Queen.” he finished, breathing in the scent of your hair. He let himself cry, even in the presence of his guards. 
“I love you too, Thranduil, so so much. Never doubt it.”
He smiled, “I will never.”
You became the Queen of Mirkwood, and a friend to Legolas. He wasn't jealous anymore, more happy for his fathers joy. The people adored you too. 
A year later a new elfling came to the world, that day did not go without a celebration. 
Ionneg - son 
Ego - go
Gi melin - i love you
Nin gwerianneg - you betrayed me
Ego milbo orch - go kiss an orc
Mae g'ovannen, Adar - well met (basically ‘hello’), father
Meleth - love (as in ‘my love, darling’ etc)
Ada - dad, daddy (yikes the daddy word is nasty now)
OMG i hope its okay??
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Okay, Coon. I was about to send you a simple message wishing you a good day, but I've found that post about the as*hole commenting on your fic on ao3 and now I want to slap some faces. I hope you forgive me for answering back to that person, but this kind of thing makes my blood BOIL. I can't stand it even less since you are one of the most positive and nice people in the ffxv fandom. I'm sorry you had to deal with that immature garbage. *hugs you*
Thank you so much, Hana.
It means a lot, mostly because you know what it’s like to receive that sorta comments, but you’ve had it infinitely worse. So really that you’re standing up for me for something that could easily be a kids’ joke for you, it really means a lot to me, and speaks so nicely about you. 
Then again, it’s exactly because you know what it’s like why you’re doing it.
Those sorta comments make me very angry too, though I had never received one before. It’s so rude and immature that someone knows how hyper anxious I’m about that particular story, how much I struggle with lack of feedback sometimes, to not once in THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PLUS words in say a SINGLE thing, not even a heart or smile emoji, but when I take long, in the ONE chapter I SPECIFICALLY SAID I had surgery and I’m STILL recovering so that’s why I’m taking it easy, they go Zoccola Aggiorna. 
Well, fuck you too? I’ll just be sure to tell them what I think. I shouldn’t because, as you say, it’s just immature garbage I’m dealing with and I’ll just waste my time, but I’ll still write to them back too.
And don’t worry about you replying back to them!
It actually made me very happy, and made me feel…safer? :)
I was actually hoping that a couple people said something to them too, just to see if pointing out how unwanted they are here they’d leave the fic for good, but I was too shy and i feared that it could look like a call for harassment, when it wasn’t that, so I didn’t say anything. 
So waking up to your comment, it was both unexpected and incredibly nice. I’ve never felt alone in this fandom, but to see you actually stand up for me, and writing back in italian (which I know will be much more impacting to them), it made me feel many things. I partly feel a little guilty because I feel I hide behind you, but I mostly felt happy and protected and cared for. 
Thank you, Hana. The coon is smol, but it has big friends to punch the bad guys. ( ˙꒳​˙ )
Really, thank you. It really means more than I can say that you did it. Besides an EPIC artist, you’ve always been such a nice and good person, what sort of creature are you and how are you real??
Thank you once more, Hana, this is one of the nicest things someone’s done for me! Thank you for being brave and for standing up without fear and for caring. I know you know how it feels, so that you’re fighting back for and with me, that means a lot and is very touching. 
I’m sorry that you had to see that because it made you angry, though, even if for the right reasons. >_
You too are one of the sweetest and kindest people I’ve ever encountered in this fandom, and it marvels me truly. 
But that’s just because I’m giving you ALL MY LOVE, OKAY(」°ロ°)」
Once more, thank you so much more than I can say, Hana!! 
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day, buddy! All the warmiest, fluffiest, most loving and super grateful raccoonie hugs for you! Thank you so much! (ɔˆ⌣(ˆ⌣ˆc)♡♡♡
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hedaswarrior · 8 years
I'm the anon who asked for dating advice. First, you are so BRAVE for opening up like that. It was very touching and I'm proud of you :) Second, thank you. So much. For making me feel like I'm not alone, I've never talked to anybody about that and I feel like time's come to seek help. I fear I'll be diagnosed with something that can make me gothrough prejudice (like autistm) but I have to find ways to deal with that. I feel so judged bc even if I'm not into this guy that's at the moment talking
(part 2) to me (he got my number saying it was bc of a college file he had to send), people just say (my bestie) “well at least you could use some experience” ….I’m still trying to find a way out, but I’m insecure, he keeps saying I’m cute, gorgeous, beautiful and adding all those heart emojis and it all makes me feel even more anxious and pressured and awkward. I wish I had the guts to be like ‘I’m not interested’. You are brave :)
Thank you, and I'm glad my opening up was able to help you in some way.
It really makes me sick when men do this. They realize that society shits on a woman’s self-esteem so much that women often cling to these words of affirmation from them. Often times men get this gross kinda ‘high’ off of making a woman blush or it makes them feel more important. I had a few guy acquaintances (i wouldn’t exactly call them ‘friends’) that I saw do this in college and told me straight up that “the easiest way to get a girl is to complement the fuck out of her.” I realize, believe me, how hard it is to have the guts to speak up and say “no dude, not interested.” You are worried about the reaction he will give, you second guess if you should just go through the motions and get to know him more…that maybe he isn’t a bad guy and that he is the first guy that has really been interested in you so…shouldn’t you just be “thankful” and go on a date or something. I might be projecting, but these are all things I have felt when the first guy ever showed interest in me – which was my freshman year of college. If you have felt any of the things in regards to this boy, let me tell you, you aren’t alone in these questions and it is society that often tells girls to give “guys a shot” but never really guys to give girls a shot. This goes back to decades before where a girl should be “grateful/lucky that a man would want to take care and provide for her”. Well, times have changed and woman are more independent and that is just not the case. However, society still puts these sick notions on a woman that they should be “grateful/thankful” that a man is interested in them. 
I don’t know what words I can offer you, but I can just tell you what I tell myself… Don’t settle and sell yourself short. Don’t devalue yourself and put others constantly over yourself in every aspect of your life. He wants you, but you don’t want him. There is nothing wrong with that. Now, if you do rally the courage to express your disinterest in being more than friends and he gets mad and attacks you because of your denial, that his him acting out like a child and he just proved that he doesn’t deserve you. I do understand the anxious, pressure, and awkwardness of the situation when someone is coming onto you and the butterflies you are feeling aren’t the good kind. It is more like “ESCAPE!! EJECT!!! LET ME BORROW YOUR TIME TURNER HERMIONE AND GO BACK AND TIME AND PREVENT THIS SITUATION FROM EVER MANIFESTING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!” 
I can kinda tell you what I do? I would just start giving off the vibe of “not gonna happen” when you are texting. I would throw in “Bros, and dudes” into the conversation? Like, the next time he says “You are gorgeous” you would just say “thank, bro.” Idk, that’s kinda what I did and a guy thankfully got the message. And if he asks “why did you call me bro?” just respond… “bro (broʊ, brʌ) n. Slang.1. brother.2. friend; pal; buddy.”  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ as you can tell I’m terrific at giving advice on such matters.  But you can always rally up the courage and stand up for yourself and what you want. I will offer the knowledge that once you do this, it is much easier the second time and the time after that to stand up for yourself. You could always just be honest too and write something like, “Hey, Joe, I’m gonna be honest with you, okay? I don’t want to lead you on if you are wanting more than just a friendship with me. As of right now, I’m not ready or interested in dating or getting involved with anyone. If you still want to talk with me and get to know me, you are more than welcome to, but I just don’t want to lead you on thinking that there is something more here than just friendship. Thank you for the wonderful compliments and conversation. If you aren’t interested in talking with me anymore now that you know I don’t want anything more than friendship, I understand. And I wish you the best.” This way it gives him more of an out and it boosts his confidence slightly and you are less likely to get some sort of verbal attack back. This is probably terrible advice but hell, it is what i would do? 
I’m not even sure if I even answered your ask with my rambling. I just want you to know you aren’t alone with these feelings. Don’t force yourself into dating or being in a situation you don’t want to be to please another person. Also, I guess there is always avoidance as the last resort? Like don’t respond to his messages? (yes, it is a coward way out but…lol…I’ll admit I have done it before) Also, the “I didn’t get your messages, see look? *holds up phone*”. If you want to avoid his messages but have proof that you aren’t an asshole (when you are lol) you can delete individual messages he sends you off your phone. If you have an iPhone just hold down on the message he sends you, select “More” and then select the message you want to delete and then delete it. You now have “proof” that you never got his messages. …..okay if you are judging me, I know it is pretty cowardly and horrible but drastic times call for drastic measures when you don’t have the confidence to deny someone’s advances yet. Best of luck anon. And again, I’m probably not the best person to get relationship/dating advice from…I can just give you my experiences and how I have dealt (poorly) with things. lol.  
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