#but i'm so used to netflix series being like 10 episodes a season. lol
agentemo · 7 months
Netflix's ATLA initial thoughts, ep 7: The North
My mom suddenly wants to watch after seeing Zuko blow up lmao. I love explaining lore. She has so many questions!
Pakku why are you mad?
Iroh playing the long game oh man.
I love Azula being here but I don't love the role of her sidekicks. Namely that they are sidekicks. They have no other traits except bright and dark.
I forgot Katara and Sokka existed lol.
Oh shit Yue is a waterbender? Makes sense, I guess. She deserves more characterization.
She's the FOX LUH MAO?
Finally Sokka is useful for his military knowledge lmao.
"It would've been wise to focus on your training" THAT'S WHAT I BEEN SAYIN
Oh they saved sexism to the very end, I see.
I prefer Sokka not being antagonistic with Yue's [former] betrothed. There is not much time for that and also it makes sense.
How many times they got this kid going criss cross apple sauce knuckle touch?
I still don't like Kyoshi's premonition but I like Aang talking to all the past Avatars. The differences between them and their advice are cool to see, and I really appreciate it happening now instead of during the series finale. With the retrospect, it's works. I wish we'd seen Yangchen; next season?
Okay, I like Yue as the fox. And a priestess. Seeing her with Sokka feels more meaningful this way.
Yes give Pakku motiviation that isn't just arbitrary, ancient misogyny.
I mean, Azula is kind of a baddie...
Waterbending looks weak, I'm so sorry. There's not enough power in it. Earthbenders strain to lift things. Firebenders leave ash in their wake. Water and airbending aren't doing it for me. Katara v Pakku IS a good fight from the show. It just didn't have the impact. AND WHY HASN'T AANG WATERBENDED YET?!
"Silly Avatar" Sokka is everything to me
A decent episode! So far only 5 was very disappointing because it tried to fit TOO much in and it followed mt first VERY GOOD episode in 4. I've seen people say it needed at least 10 episodes... 100%. Anyway...
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fratboykate · 1 year
As a writer, what are your thoughts on the traditional 22 episode season vs the more recent trend of 15 ep or lower seasons? I've seen conflicting things about them (some saying 22 episode series leaves people overworked, others saying it was better bc of how it was filmed and released) so I'm curious what the perspective is from people in the industry. Also sorry if you're sick of being asked about this stuff do feel free to ignore this and continue shooting the shit on our gay queens if you want
what shows have 15 episodes??? that's such an odd number. even in traditional tv it was always either 22-24 or 12-13 for midseason/summer seasons/shorter orders. right now the streaming standard is between 8-12 and they're even trying to make it 6 for some shows.
look, truth is, not everyone wants to write on "22 episodes per season" shows. my agents have asked if i want to go to broadcast because at least there's still some money there but, for better or worse, it's just not my thing. broadcast is formulaic and safe. not that this isnt what the streamers are slowly turning into but you can at least still fling a "fuck" around every so often on netflix or paramount lol. you can't do that at 8pm on CBS on some cop show. those longer series also tend to be either procedurals or comedies, neither of which i write. there are writers that are great at that. some of us aren't. some of us also like tighter stories. some of us write 10 episode shows. at the end of the day, its a matter of preference/style and everything has heavy pros and cons. ultimately, the process of the work is no different between the two. it's just the amount of time you have to do it. some people get 10 weeks to write 12 episodes. broadcast typically gets at the very least around six months to write 22 episodes. that's a decent chunk of time. unless the room is like...three people they wouldn't be any more overworked than the three writers in a mini-room trying to crank out 12 episodes in six weeks for probably 10% of the pay the broadcast writers are getting. the one undeniable truth is that there is more money and job security in broadcast.
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ritzy-biscuit · 2 years
These Chinese action dramas be like, "we only have one season"
Me: ooohh and it sound good to, I could keep up with it for once! 😊
The series: season 1, 40 episodes
Me: 🙂🙃 wat.
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leham-n-daavocado · 4 years
Formula 1: Drive to Survive, S1:E1 "All to Play For"
So I've decided to recap/ review give my thoughts for each episode of Drive to Survive in the lead up to Season 3 and the new F1 season.
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Funnily enough, this show is probably the only thing my sister and I can agree to watch and as such, we've watched it many many times cackling and fast forwarding to our favourite parts. She was really the one that got me into the show and then F1. It had been a series she'd watched before and enjoyed... but I was like why would I ever watch it ?😕 I have no interest in F1. In contrast, she watched a lot of sports growing up and was like, trust me, it's good.
So flash forward to the cold opening of DTS with Daniel Ricciardo and others explaining F1 with all the dramatic shots of races, crashing, highs and lows...and I'm hooked. They've got me.
Plus, how in the world did Netflix and F1 luck out on the first episode so much? Like the most charismatic guy on the grid just happens to be on a team that is ALLLLL about PR and has no qualms about having their team followed around by cameras. Oh and he just also happens to be Australian which also is the first race of the season? Annnnd triggers one of the most dramatic storylines of the season? What is that coincidence? How did it work out so perfectly? I honestly don't think people would have been as hooked if they didn't have Danny Ric in the first episode.
And of course they focus on Haas for the American audience and the train wreck begins...😦 I remember the first time I watched this, I enjoyed Haas' underdog story, but on subsequent viewings, Guenther stops being funny and his behaviour is just yiiiiikes when you think about duuuude the boss just totally told all your coworkers that you suck behind your back on camera.
DTS also perfectly provides set up and context for newbies to F1 and allows you to understand the difficulty and complexity of the sport. And of course gives us drinking game fodder with this: All Team Principles: The buck stops with me.
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Christian Horner really is a Bond Villain but damn does he set the scene well.
Rating: 9/10
A great intro to F1 and start to a series.
And now I've even hooked another friend into F1 with us lol.
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bravadoseries · 4 years
I'm a little confused about what the movies/tv shows timeline would look like for the series, could you clarify?
So, pre-Avengers I think Audrey makes a variety of cameo roles.  She’s in the Iron Man films briefly, she’s featured in an epilogue of Captain America: The First Avenger, I know this technically isn’t first but she plays a minor role in Captain Marvel.  Generally, she’s just kind of present in a lot of the movies before she becomes a lead.  
The way I structured this list is so that each movie that’s canon is just listed with its corresponding fic, but all the ones I’m making up have a little summary too lol.  Spoilers below so beware of that.  I hope this helps!
The Avengers (May 2012) – covered by Monachopsis
Cross-Country (July 2012) – this one would look like the oneshots/shorts that Marvel used to make about its side characters, but it covers Steve’s birthday and the road trip that Steve and Audrey take cross-country
Lady Liberty: Legacy (September 2012) – this covers the arc of Nodus Tollens that I just finished, which is about Audrey’s mission in Europe, DIVUS, Delphine, etc.
The Tower – Season 1 (October-December 2012) – This show focuses on the found family aspect of the Avengers and is like a dramedy.  In my head, I picture it as being filmed as a mockumentary with little talking heads because I like those and I think it suits the format well.  Content wise, I feel like it airs on ABC.  Takes place from October 2012-December 2012, runs for 8 episodes.  
Black Widow: Opus (January 2013) – Covers the Siege of Chicago, another arc I write about in Nodus Tollens.  Explores Natasha’s backstory with ballet and kind of has Black Swan meets Atomic Blonde vibes.  Set in January 2013
The Tower – Season 2 (June-August 2013) – Picks up where its predecessor left off and runs for another 8 episodes.  It also corresponds to Nodus Tollens and builds/develops Audrey’s relationship with Bruce as well as Steve’s relationship with Darcy
Thor: The Dark World (2013) – Set November 2013, also corresponds to Nodus Tollens lol (this book is long)
Agent 13 (February 2014) – Marvel oneshot about Sharon Carter, Audrey, and the transfer to DC, as well as Peggy’s legacy with SHIELD
Captain America: The Winter Soldier(April 2014) – corresponds to 
Hawkeye(s) – (May-August 2014) – Kate Bishop and Clint Barton work cases in Los Angeles, where they meet America Chavez and other members of the Young Avengers.  I’m not totally sure if I’m gonna write this or not, but basically it corresponds to Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye comics. This one is an action-comedy, like if Community met Veronica Mars
The Falcon – Season 1 (October-December 2014) – Okay I’m just a little Sam Wilson stannie but I feel like they should have done more with him, so this series focuses on him primarily, but features Steve, Audrey, and Natasha as side characters. They’re looking for Bucky, but it’s also about him living in the tower and falling in love with Olivia Perales. This corresponds to a spinoff oneshot (probably 10-15k words long) called Fear of Flying.  It airs on Netflix and receives rave reviews for its bingeability.  The tone is comparable to Scandal or other Shonda Rhimes dramas.  
Agent Carter – Season 1 (January-March 2015)– this is what it is and it corresponds to Midsummer, which is just a series of oneshots about Audrey growing upu
Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 2015) – Corresponds to Aurora
Quicksilver & the Scarlet Witch (released June 2015) – set throughout 2015; about Pietro and Wanda’s adjustments to their new lives as Avengers.  They’re both like 19? 20? This is written like a sitcom, kind of like what they’re doing with WandaVisionbut without Paul Bettany bc I hate that little man….anyway this technically takes place at the same time as Elysian but tonally they’re very different because Elysian is about Audrey going crazy and grieving Bruce’s “death” but the show is about the twins and their relationships with each other and an assortment of other employees from the base, who aren’t superheroes but are like medics, etc.  I think the tone is like Scrubs 
Agent Carter – Season 2 (January-March 2016) – same as the above; about Peggy’s life in LA kicking ass and her romance with Sousa
Captain America: Civil War (April 2016) – this corresponds to Allegiance, while also unpacking unfinished business from Lady Liberty: Legacy and Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Falcon – Season 2 (September 2016) – this is about Sam, Bucky, Steve, Nat, Pietro, and Wanda’s life on the run, but it especially focuses on Sam and his own missions/the villains targeting him.  Tonally, still Shonda Rhimes.  
Lady Liberty and the Angels of Mercy (February 2016) – Marvel’s second R-rated film, but the MCU’s first.   Think about it like Birds of Prey in terms of general vibes.  Set immediately after Civil War and features an epilogue that connects Audrey to Thor: Ragnarok.  The story is set in Los Vegas.  Corresponds to Eternity, which is even longer than Nodus Tollens 
Defenders – Season 1 – features overlap with some of the characters from Angels of Mercy as well as Annie Esposito, a mob princess of New York.  Corresponds to Pernox
Thor: Ragnarok (November 2017) – Happens as it does, except for the part where Audrey has a short-lived romance with Loki and the part where Audrey and Thor realize that they are connected in their powers.  Considering including Lindsey Dubois in this just so I can have a romance play out between her and Valkyrie (Janelle and Tessa 4ever…) but also, I might not. Corresponds to Eternity
Avengers: Infinity War (April 2018) – So yeah they fight Thanos, etc.  I’m changing the way Thanos is portrayed though bc I could not get over how he looks like a thumb long enough to actually feel afraid of him so this time he’s played by John Hamm and he’s a lot more well-connected than we all thought he was.  Also, the children of Thanos are actually all children because um I think that ups the creep factor some more.  Corresponds to Eternity as well
The Real Hawkeye (October 2018) – Kate Bishop and America Chavez fighting crime.  After the snap, there’s a spike in crime against vulnerable people who have lost their caretakers.  Might be set in a cult that actually worships Thanos?  And promises that it’s all a very good thing, what’s happened?  Very much a noir, might even be in black and white a la The Lighthouse.  
Lady Liberty: Resurrection (January 2019) – Audrey wakes up on the other side of the universe after being kidnapped and decides to make her way home.  Featuring Carol Danvers, Loki, Nebula, and Valkyrie. Corresponds to Eternity and kind of feels like Star Wars/GotG 
Avengers: Endgame (April 2019) – Does not happen as it was written, because it was written like trash, but the same stuff needs to happen.  They fight, they win, etc.  Corresponds to Eternity.  
Black Widow: The Long Thread (whenever covid ends 2020) - just the existing Black Widow movie lol
Avengers Academy – Set 20 years in the future, Avengers Academy is a TV show that follows the next generation of heroes.  Kind of soapy, kind of witty.  Like if Riverdale was good.  Driven by an ensemble cast: Margo Banner (Bruce & Audrey’s daughter), Anastasia Barton-Romanoff (Natasha and Clint’s daughter), Morgan and Leo (Tony and Pepper’s kids), and some others I have not invented yet.  
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wynne-keyler · 5 years
A kind of review of Orphan Black Season one.
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So I literally just finished season 1 of Orphan Black and JAYZUZ what a rollercoaster this series is.
The best part is how it doesn't take itself too seriously, but it makes sure to never jump the shark either.
So these are my thoughts so far:
⚫ Delphine, aka the femme fatale.
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Delphine is an obvious curve ball from the moment she steps on screen. She drove me up the wall but I'm glad she kept Kira (the only child borne to a clone) a secret.
I've seen some spoilers so I know she's gonna stick around but I don't like her very much right now. I want someone to cut her if she ever uses Cosima again.
She's obviously a fucked up and it's going to take a lot for her goddamn way back if that's where it's heading.
I was so fucking angry with her...but damn when that music started to swell in episode 10 when she came to ask Cosima for forgiveness again in Felix' apartment and she said I'm on your side I was like...yes please?!! Please don't be a villain??!!
Idk I'm so conflicted about her.
⚫The dudes.
All of them are kind of secondary characters, but besides Mr. effeminate,the detective, and Allison's husband Donnie; they're all psychos. Complete and utter psychopaths with cold emotionless eyes (especially Paul's).
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Speaking of Donnie, he pisses me off too but he's looks like a chubby suburban Clark Kent so I keep forgiving him.
And he did stand up for Allison eventually at the intervention, despite her torturing him for information earlier.
⚫The clones.
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I'm someone that's admittedly a bit hypersensitive to lacklustre and bad acting, but what Tatiana Maslany has achieved with the clones she plays is incredible.
HER ABILITY TO EMOTE IS OUT OF THIS WORLD. And it feels like such a rare ability these days, most actresses seem more interested in vogue-ing (like Kiera knightly in pirates of the Caribbean).
The clones all have unique mannerisms and voices, and they're all feminine in so many different ways. They truly come across as real multifaceted people. All while most other female characters in media seem to be complete cardboard cutouts.
It's almost as if these women were written as people first and women second
Sometimes I did felt like she exaggerated their unique mannerisms just a biiit too much, but it was only really noticeable when you binged the episodes.
Absolutely incredible performance!
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Allison Hendrix (the Curling/Soccer mom clone) is one of my favourite characters right now. Mostly because of her badass moment during the intervention when she told everyone off for snooping into her life!) but boy was she difficult to like in the beginning.
Also she's kind of terrifying. I don't want to be on her bad side. Ever.
What she did to Ainsley, I think they're setting it up that she actually wasn't the monitor but who fucking cares. Fuck Ainsley, she was so creepy and invasive.
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Cosima is... definitively the hot one.
Although for supposedly being "the smart one" she sure doesn't act very smart. She walked into the Delphine debacle knowingly. Idk how I feel about that. If she's horny she should have dated someone else! Goddamn it why did she have to have her heart broken?
Anyway, she's clearly got more going on than just being smart, so I can't wait to learn more about her and her background.
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Sarah Manning is of course my ultimate fave, frigging action clone, Tom boyish, a rebel, and the one actually getting shit done.
I kind of hate her drug addict past but I guess it's a necessary evil to make her stand out and explain her general devil may care attitude?
I just feel like it's unnecessary. Maybe it's because I'm a child of addicts but I just find them sympathetic or interesting AT ALL.
I feel like her being a punk rock rebel would've been enough. She clearly gets her strength and attitude from her foster mother Siobhan (who waz finally on Sarah's side again but then just...up and left what was that about I'm so worried now).
Siobhan seemed like such a genuine veteran badass, I hope she's trustworthy.
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I hope to fuck they stop with that annoying ass sound.
Also yeah I'm really curious about her life at the convent and how she was brainwashed to become a killer.
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Beth Childs is obviously dead as fuck but BOI do I judge her life choices. She just fucking GAVE UP and left her sisters AND THEIR CHILDREN to the fucking wolves.
Also Katja (the German clone) was just a dead body not sure if she's even important.
SERIOUS SPOILERS (but who cares lol)
Rachel whoeverthefuck.
Just fuck her. She seems like a pure narcissistic bitch. I hope she dies for what she's let those bastards do to her twins/clones and their CHILDREN. She seems to ENJOY the whole situation.
Jfc. Despicable.
The entire scene between her and Sarah she seemed to enjoy the power her position as a glorified lapdog gives her.
Secondly, the way Sarah and Helena's birth mother turned out to be a surrogate was FUCKING BRILLIANT.
Of course it would be surrogates that would be taken advantage of for this experiment. It avoids any one scientist getting too attached and I'm sure the sperm and eggs were from two random, healthy anonymous donors.
10/10 plot twist.
And that's pretty much it so far.
Just wOW. I've been missing out.
Getting into TV series is so much easier when you can just pirate episodes instead of having to wait for Nordic Netflix to give them to you 3 years after premier.
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imnoexpertblog · 5 years
I'M BACK, (maybe insert something here a little less aggressive than BITCHES) ... Nah
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Ahhhh... It’s been a while, huh?
I had an Engagement/Housewarming party to prep for and host a couple weekends ago AND my best friend ever (ABBIE) visited from (the middle of no where) North Carolina! She was only here for a week so I took off a couple days of work to see her as much as possible. I figured it was the least I could do because she flew here just for my party. That sweet thing. (Honestly she’s kind of harsh and not sweet at all but she is sweet to me LOL).
You know what I love about my blog? I write it because I like it. I write it when I want to. It’s not something I have to get done, that I have a deadline for, etc. Dishes? Need to be done at some point every single day in my house. Laundry? Weekly chore that NEEDS to be done. My blog? Definitely something I do to relax and soothe me. Something that makes me feel good. Its not something I am obligated to do. Much like my modeling! But when I need a break, I need a break.
I took a little break because I was wearing myself thin a little bit. Not with writing, but with everything. I took a break from modeling when we bought our house because, well, I had to. I wasn’t getting enough sleep during the day because of the buying process; going to the bank when it was open, meeting with my lender when he was available, house hunting during the day, being awake for inspections, etc. Modeling was something that needed to be put on the back burner for about 5 or 6 weeks. Baby (my fiancé) is the one who pushed me to get back into it in July. Things started to slow down and I had time again! I have an issue though. I do this thing where I get very ambitious and excited to get back at something or start something new to the point that I overdo it. I booked about 8 shoots in the matter of 2 weeks and a lot of them were out of the area. I overdid it for sure and burnt myself out all over again. That wasn’t all that did it though; Abbie was about to visit, the house needed to be in order, having Nugget (my soon to be step-son) every other week, weddings and birthday parties to attend, we had our engagement photos done, etc. Honestly, adulthood was getting in the way. I am glad I booked so many shoots though because I am putting out my best content right now.
The engagement pictures are GORGEOUS. I am in LOVE. If you've read my two posts about how I began modeling, how I continue to do so now, and my advice for how to get into it, (A Model Was Discovered and Modeling a Year Later) you will recall my first real photoshoot. I posed as the bride in a wedding styled shoot for a photographer named Linsey Goodson here in Green Bay. She started it all for me and I've always been a huge fan of her work. It was such a treat for her to capture the love Baby and I have for one another in pictures. If you'd like to see more of her amazing work, go to https://linseygoodsonphoto.com/ to check it out! The wedding styled shoot we collaborated on is on her website, too. You can find her on social media platforms. I know I put a bunch in this post but if you want to see more, follow me on Instagram! @sabrinadwieland 
Any who, I have a lot of requested blog-topics to cover right now. I picked 3 just to start off with this week. I’m just gonna let you in on what they are, right up front: Religion in my personal life, my love for the show FRIENDS, and being friends with the opposite sex.
Starting off pretty heavy with the religion thing, aren’t we? A follower of mine on Instagram asked me to touch on this and I found it to be an interesting inquiry. I feel like the new age of religion is that there isn’t much of it. Or am I just not paying attention? Or are people just private about it? I’d be surprised if you told me people are just private about ANYthing in this day in age. I just had a different follower of mine tell me that she feels like she knows me just because of what I post and how often I post. I thought that was pretty cool to hear actually; that people pay attention and find my content enjoyable. Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I’m not religious at all. It’s most-likely from the fact that I wasn’t raised religiously. Now, some of my family members are genuinely bothered with me “not believing.” It’s irionic because these family member who are bothered are some of the ones who raised me on a daily basis. It’s as if they forgot they never took me to church or taught me anything about the Bible. My mother and I would recite the “I lay me down to sleep…” prayer before bed but that was about it. And that didn’t last very long anyway. I wouldn’t say it’s that I “don’t believe.” I just don’t see much proof of the actual … THING I am supposed to believe in. An all-powerful man somewhere in the sky that controls everything. It’s hard for me to grasp, but it’s not for me to say it doesn’t exist. I’ve always been a bit more scientific in my beliefs. I do, however, think that we all need something to believe for our own sanity. Whether that something is real or not. It’s nice to think that Baby, Nugget, and I can go to an afterlife of some sort and be together forever. It’s nice to think that everything happens for a reason and someone or something is taking care of us, and has plans for our souls. I wish I could know if this all was real. I just don’t know if it is and I can’t count on it. I can’t say I haven’t prayed to something in times of need or hoped that there was someone/something greater than all of us taking care of me. Like I said, I have a hard time believing that it’s a real thing. Crazy things have happened in my life, miracles have taken place; horrible things have also happened, too. I’m kind of stuck in the middle with religion. I don’t know what I believe, and I’m okay with that uncertainty. I live my life with reason and logic while also trying to hold faith in SOMEthing. Even if I don’t really know what that thing is.
FRIENDS. Holy cow if you even know what my name is, you also already know I’m the biggest FRIENDS fan in the universe. I know every word of the script, I swear. It’s almost sickening and I am super okay with it. LOL. People think it’s a little odd that someone as young as me (22) is so obsessed with a show that aired from 1994 to 2004. It’s actually been in my life since I was born because my mother watched it from the beginning. I obviously didn’t understand any of it until I was older, but I’ve been watching since as long as I can remember. My mother and I have had quite the history and we struggled with our relationship when I lived with her (and that is putting it mildly). But Friends was one thing that brought us together, rather than caused issues. I’ve noticed watching/listening to the show soothes me. This sounds really weird, but because of the positive connotation it has, it seriously de-stresses me and calms me down. I have this show playing on some electronic of mine at a point during almost every day of my life. It’s on when I’m cleaning, when I’m getting ready for the day or a photoshoot, when I used to do homework in college, when I cook, when I need something to fall asleep to, when I actually just want to watch it, etc. I know the show so well that I don’t even need to physically watch it, I just want to listen to it so I listen to it at work and even when I shower. I kick some serious ass at Friends trivia because I’ve watched the series (10 seasons. 236 episodes) over 50 times. I’ve done estimates and if I watch a certain amount of episodes every day on average (which I do), I have easily seen it all way more than that, even. I’ve owned season on VHS and DVD. I literally only have Netflix for the ease of FRIENDS watching. The day it leaves Netflix, I will be heartbroken and a huge mess. It’s like a security blanket for me. I laugh at it harder the more I watch it. I feel like I know the characters personally. I own a bunch of FRIENDS merchandise. I know an unhealthy amount about the show. I just have a really deep and strong connection to the show and it may be weird to some people but I love it.  I recommend the shit out of it. I’m not even sorry for swearing, that was just passion.
Being friends with the opposite sex. From my perspective. I just talked to Baby about this so it’s coinditental that I write about it today. The wedding he and I attended on Saturday was actually for a long-time female friend of his. He was talking about how he was thinking of all the times they had and memories they shared. I found myself feeling… I don’t know the word exactly… I couldn’t relate. I have had two very close male friends and it was a constant struggle because they both wanted to be more than that when I was friends with them. Other standard male friends of mine that I never got very close to always eventually hit on me, asked me out, or flirted with me in some way. That isn’t me being conceited or anything, it’s just how it always went. I have one male friend that has never tried anything with me and I’ve never even met him. We lives a little bit out of my area and we met through friends on Facebook. He’s a great guy and I trust him a lot. I still can’t relate to Baby with the friendship because I haven’t even met my closest guy-friend. We don’t talk much anymore, either unfortunately. My best friend from work is a man, but he is also gay. We tell each other everything and we have a lot of fun together. Obviously there is no room for any possibility of something happening. I know straight men and straight women can be just friends, I just have yet to experience it myself successfully. I have no problem with Baby having close female friends; I trust him completely. I think I might not be close to any straight men because of my previous experience with those relationships. I’ve only seen the dangerous side of being friends because of who my friends were, and not the innocent side. I do believe you can be just friends, but I know there is possibility for something more to occur and I just try to steer clear of that in my own life.
How was your weekend? I had s’mom things going on. Baby is 27 and has a 3 year old brother (yep, that’s right!) and Nugget (who is 4) looooves playing with him. They get along really well. He came over and I watched those two boys for a few hours on Friday. Baby made us all dinner and then retreated to our den to play his new Madden 19 I got for him as our one year anniversary present. He loves it and I’m glad he does. The little ones and I played outside for the evening. Saturday was booked tight, as well. Baby helped his parents demo their new home while Nugget and I went to my sister’s 6th birthday party. Yep, I have a really young sibling, too. She and Nugget also are very close so they had a blast bowling. The future husband and I had a wedding to attend Saturday evening so Nugget spent the night at his soon-to-be grandparents’ house! He and my sister (we’ll call her Kin) had a blast. Then, the dreaded Sunday hit. Pick-ups and drop-offs with Nugget are not consistent each week (which I struggle with because I’m very much a fan of schedules and planning far ahead of time), getting back into the third shift groove isn’t easy, and it’s usually the day that Baby and I need to do our weekly grocery shopping. It’s my toughest day because I need to find a 4-hour block that I can sleep during to prep for my first third-shift of the week. That means that it needs to be later in the day, but not directly before I go to work (because I also need to sleep as soon as I get home Monday morning). It also needs to be quiet in the house, of course. I think my body knows it’s Sunday when it rolls around because Sundays are also the days I get migraines the most. I was having a pretty hard time today, but Baby is very attentive and spoils the heck out of me in the ways I need on Sundays. He often times makes me breakfast when we get up, does the dishes, makes sure I get that long nap in, he tucks me in beforehand, makes sure it’s quiet the whole time I am sleeping, gets me up on time, has dinner ready for when I wake up, gets me meds when I need them for my head, gets me water, etc. Sundays are my least favorite but he really makes them entirely tolerable for me. I can’t thank him enough. He pays such close attention to me and I am incredibly grateful.
That felt GREAT to write. Wow. I missed this. I don’t know what I’m writing next, but stay tuned for more posts SOON! (P.S. I would super appreciate if you shared this to your Facebook page and on Tumblr or both!)
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ashley-virginia · 8 years
Alright I'm gonna be "that guy" and be totally annoying, but for the unusual asks thing, answer all of them (or whatever ones you want to/have time for) bc I'm honestly genuinely curious :)
Ahhhh thank you so much! I actually love you a whole bunch, because this was so fun and I never really get to do things like this!!
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify
is your room messy or clean? my room at home is messy as hell, but my dorm is pretty neat and pretty.
what color are your eyes? brown, but like a nice chocolate brown!
do you like your name? why? i guess i like it, i think it’s kinda adorable when people mess up the pronunciation and add an extra syllable in the middle. so they say ash-uh-lee instead of just Ashley.
what is your relationship status? s i n g l e 
describe your personality in 3 words or less calm, friendly, shy
what color hair do you have? brunette
what kind of car do you drive? color? white ‘99 solara. i named him caspar :)
where do you shop? target, forever21, kohls (if i’m feeling like dropping big bucks), lush
how would you describe your style? terrible. i have zero style whatsoever. but i guess it’s classic? trendy? what words do you even use to describe style??
favorite social media account tumblr or twitter
what size bed do you have? queen i think
any siblings? only child!
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? somewhere warm so i don’t freeze my butt off, and my skin gets super dry when it’s cold out. so like maybe florida or cali. the outer banks is pretty nice in the summer, they have great beaches
favorite snapchat filter? the butterfly crown thingy
favorite makeup brand(s) COLOURPOP, maybelline, ulta brand?, nyx, too faced…(i have a ton of favs)
how many times a week do you shower? usually 7 because i work out quite often so i don’t want to go to work or class smelling gross like some people do 
favorite tv show? gotham, the flash, supergirl, ouat
shoe size? 6 or 7
how tall are you? 5′3
sandals or sneakers? sneakers because i have ugly, wide feet
do you go to the gym? not really, i usually go on runs or use the treadmill/elliptical that i have in my house. but since there’s a gym on campus i might start going, but it’s also out of the way so idk
describe your dream date cute lunch or dinner at a cute cafe. i’m sipping some hot chocolate and munching on a soft pretzel or muffin. and my date, whoever he or she is, is munching on their snack, telling me about a book their reading or something that makes them happy. maybe afterwards we’ll go on a walk and find a quite place to read
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? maybe like $30? about to be like 10 after i get my lab notebook
what color socks are you wearing? maroon and white
how many pillows do you sleep with? at home: two regular pillows, a body pillow, two pillow pets. at school, one pillow, three decorative pillows.
do you have a job? what do you do? i work part time at an agriculture company, currently at school though, so i work during breaks. but i help with harvest and such, i don’t really know how to explain it without going into major details
how many friends do you have? not a lot. it’s kinda embarrassing to put a number to it 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? give my phone to two of my friends while they prank called some guy that had called one of them while he was very drunk (the dude not my friend). it turns out he was in a very high position in our state, and we all got in a shit ton of trouble :/
whats your favorite candle scent? classic vanilla i suppose. or anything fall themed
3 favorite boy names noah, adam, jonathan (and any variation of it)
3 favorite girl names carrie, zoe, dorothy 
favorite actor? river phoenix or cameron monaghan. i could go on and on about why i picked them
favorite actress? i don’t really have one, but i like emma watson and elizabeth taylor
who is your celebrity crush? probably cam or river
favorite movie? stand by be, the mummy, and et are all collectively number 1 on my list
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i’ve read 7 books in january so i guess i read a lot. and right now my favorite would probably be The Raven Boys (i’m patiently waiting on the rest of the series to arrive so i can binge read it)
money or brains? brains
do you have a nickname? what is it? sadly i have a very plain nickname. It’s Ash, just the first three letters of my name. but i do like it, usually on my family and few friends call me it, so it’s kinda special to me
how many times have you been to the hospital? oh yikes, proably like 15-20
top 10 favorite songs 
sexual by NEIKED
shout out to my ex by little mix 
anything that dodie calrk sings lol
all i ask by adele
make you feel by love (the glee version)
the dear evan hansen sounddtrack (it hasn’t been released yet but you know i’m gonna love it)
human by darren criss
driftwood by cody simpson (basically the whole album, free, is a bop)
last night on earth by green day
girls like girls by hayley kiyoko
do you take any medications daily? yep, nothing serious just stuff to keep me healthy
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) usually oily, but during very cold days, it can get very very dry
what is your biggest fear? probably being alone in life.
how many kids do you want? maybe 2 or 3
whats your go to hair style? well considering i have short hair, i just shower and let it dry
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) i guess it’s small, but before i left for uni, i was in the process of moving into a slightly bigger house, so now i guess it’s a medium sized house
who is your role model? lea michele
what was the last compliment you received? some girl in my psych class complimented my blue jacket
what was the last text you sent? “i love you” to my dad
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 7, i saw one of my presents that had yet to be wrapped in the back of my dads truck, and then on christmas day, i opened the exact gift and it had said it was from “Santa”. i didn’t let my parents know for a couple more years.
what is your dream car? idk, i kinda like the one i have now.
opinion on smoking? it’s bad for you and your health, you shouldn’t do it
do you go to college? yep, just started my first semester on monday
what is your dream job? either a writer or an actress, i’m going to school for neither of those things
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs was always the dream, but i am starting to like more rural areas.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no, but my mom does
do you have freckles? yep, on my shoulders and face, though the latter are more prominent in the summer
do you smile for pictures? usually
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 37
have you ever peed in the woods? yep!
do you still watch cartoons? not really, but sometimes i’ll watch old pokemon episodes on netflix
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? i don’t think i’ve ever had wendy’s nuggets, but i’m sure they’re much better than McDonald’s
Favorite dipping sauce? BBQ or ketchup
what do you wear to bed? usually sweatpants and a tank top, but i’ll switch to shorts if it gets too hot
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never been in a spelling bee
what are your hobbies? singing, acting, writing, reading
can you draw? nope
do you play an instrument? ukulele and a bit of guitar
what was the last concert you saw? hunter hayes in 2014
tea or coffee? tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks
do you want to get married? yeah, i’d like to
what is your crush’s first and last initial? JC
are you going to change your last name when you get married? maybe
what color looks best on you? i’ve been told dark green and blue?
do you miss anyone right now? yeah, my dog and family
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed, i like to think that it keeps the bugs out
do you believe in ghosts? hell yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve? body odor
last person you called my dad
favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla or pistachio 
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow sprinkles
what shirt are you wearing? not wearing a shirt ;) lol i’m actually just wearing a sweatshirt
what is your phone background? my date for prom and i
are you outgoing or shy? depends, if i’m with good friends, i’m outgoing, if not, i’m usually very very shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? not really
do you like your neighbors? not really
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? morning and night
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? nope
last thing you ate? a granola bar for lunch
favorite lyrics right now literally the entirety of Waving Through a Window. like i relate to that so much it makes me cry half the time i listen to it
summer or winter? i guess summer, but i prefer fall to all seasons
day or night? day
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? october
what is your zodiac sign cancer
who was the last person you cried in front of? probably my dad
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