#but idk I have unusual opinions and I do like to see a little variety in the discussions
somedreamlove · 3 months
Controversial opinion, but Caiti hasn’t admitted enough responsibility for her actions in this. I’ve seen more blame levied at her friends for ‘allowing’ her to drink or ‘not protecting’ her, but her friends are not responsible for her behaviour. She is responsible for illegally underage drinking, for lying about her age with a 21 badge, for making the final decision to go to the party, to the hotel room, for choosing to stay when her friends left, for lying back down next to George multiple times, and for—yes, I’m going to say it—not giving George literally any indication of her unwillingness (if, indeed, she was ever actually unwilling in the moment). She actually had a lot of power in this situation and many, many opportunities for a decision that would not have put her in this situation.
This brings up an important difference between victim blaming and victim accountability:
Victim blaming is saying—she didn’t take precautions, and therefore she deserved to be hurt. <- (Obviously false and a very damaging mindset.)
Victim accountability is saying—she chose to not take precautions, and those decisions increased the danger of the situation and let it happen more than it would otherwise. I am sorry this meant she got hurt, and I don’t judge her for the stupid decisions. But we must acknowledge she did make those choices and she had the power not to.
Victim accountability thus actually gives her back her own power. It acknowledges that there were many things in the situation that were within her control, and it empowers her to know the many things she can do next time to more greatly control her situation. Conversely, I actually think her blaming this entire situation on George (or Dream, or her friends), is a disservice to herself, because then she sees him as all-powerful, and herself as totally powerless, which is not the case.
And reminder, we’re talking about a hand on a waist.
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All About the Face
What color are your eyes? Brown Do you have big eyes or small eyes? Average sized? Do you or anyone you know have a lazy eye? I used to have one and it might be coming back a little
Do you need to wear glasses or contacts? Yes, I wear glasses
Do you wear “regular-sized sunglass” or “big sunglasses”? I usually just wear my glasses because they are transitional lenses, but when I’m at the pool or something I wear big sunglasses
Do you pluck your own eyebrows or get them waxed/shaped by a professional? No Do you wear eyeshadow often? If so, what colors? I haven’t worn much during covid but usually I do, and I like a variety of colors Do you make wishes on eyelashes? No Have you ever pulled your eyelashes out before? Accidentally from rubbing my eyes How often do you have eye boogers/crusties when you wake up? Probably a normal amount?
Have you ever had pink eye before? Yes, it sucks Name some sights that are appealing to you. Cute guys, jewelry, sunsets, oceans Do you know anyone who is colorblind? My middle school crush was colorblind Do you know anyone with two different-colored eyes? I don’t think so Do you know anyone with a glass eye? No Do you know anyone who uses/wears colored contacts? Only for cosplay Do you tend to look at people when you talk to them, or look away? A mix When you cry, do tears come out? Yes, do some people not have tears come out?
How many different parts of the eye can you name without using Google? Like 3 probably Do you blink often? Yes Would you be any good at a staring contest? No, I can’t keep a straight face Do you know anyone who is blind or legally blind? There was a blind kid in one of my classes Can you do any weird or creepy eyebrow-wiggles? No, I wish Can you make yourself go cross-eyed? Yes Do you enjoy watching 3D movies, or do the glasses give you a headache? Sometimes if it’s well done, but if it doesn’t add then in it’s just annoying because I have to wear the glasses over my regular glasses
Are you able to see things from multiple points of view/perspectives? Physically or emotionally? Physically yes but I have some problem with depth perception, and emotionally yes I try to Do you get dizzy have blurred vision, or vertigo often? No Have you ever had to get something small removed from your eye or had any sort of eye surgery before? I think I might have had some tear duct thing when I was a baby? Do you wear eyeliner or mascara? Yes (just not so much during covid)
Do you have differently-shaped ears? (ex: elfin ears) No but they are slightly different heights How often did you used to get ear infections as a child? I can’t remember ever getting one Have you ever failed a hearing test? No Do you know anyone who is deaf? No, but my grandmother is very hard of hearing Are your ears pierced? How many times/what parts? Yes, just my earlobes Do you have good listening ears? Eh Have you ever lost your sense of hearing before and had it come back? (ie: had your eardrum burst) No
Do your ears hang low? Not particularly lol Can you wiggle your ears? No How do you get the earwax out of your ears? I use Q-Tips What are some sounds that would make you cover your ears? Fire alarms What are some sounds that are pleasant to your ear? Music, waves Do you or anyone you know have an auditory processing issue? Not sure Are you guilty of frequent eavesdropping? Yeah lol Have you ever gotten anything stuck in your ear canal before? If so, then what? Don’t think so
Do you have a large, medium, or small nose? Large Are your nostrils small or large? Average Do you get seasonal allergies? Not excessively How often are you guilty of digging for emeralds? Every so often What’s the highest number of sneezes that you’ve done in a row? Maybe like 4? Usually I do 2 What are some smells that are unpleasant to you? Pickles, sauerkraut, garbage, bodily fluids What are some of the best smells, in your opinion? Cookies, citrus, my boyfriend’s body wash, cinnamon Are there any unusual smells that you enjoy that most others do not? (ie: gasoline, Sharpies) The smell of a heater being turned on for the first time in the winter What’s your favorite candle or air freshener scent? Citrus Have you ever stuck anything up your nose before? If so, then what? probably Do you get frequent nosebleeds? Do you know what causes them? Yes, not sure what causes them. Maybe dryness and/or altitude Do you have any nose piercings? If so, then where? No Have you ever had a broken nose before? No, but I had to get stitches on it when I ran face first into a brick planter as a kid Have you ever lost your sense of smell before? How did it happen? Not really other than when I’m sick Do you use any sort of nasal spray? Occasionally but I don’t like it When’s the last time that you had both nostrils close up on you at once? Probably the last time I got sick Do you have a habit of being nosy and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? Maybe just a little bit Have you ever snorted any sort of drug before? If so, then what? No Do you snort when you laugh? Occasionally
How often do you get sinus infections? I’ve only had a couple in my life How long does it take you to get through an entire box of tissues when you’re relatively healthy? Like a month or two, but I’ll go through a box in two days when I’m sick
Do you have plump lips, thin lips, or one of each? Maybe on the thinner side of average Do you wear more lipstick or lip gloss? If you wear it, what shade do you normally choose? I guess lipstick lately, but I used to like gloss a lot. My favorite is like a raspberry color Do you use lip liner? No Do you remember those LipSmacker Chapsticks from your childhood? Which was your favorite one? Yes, I loved those. I think I had a cinnabon flavored one that I loved What brand of chapstick do you use as an adult now, if any? Chapstick brand Do you have a tendency to pick at your lips or chew on them? Not really Who’s the last person you kissed? My boyfriend Nick Do you lick your lips often? Yes Do you make “the fish face” often in photos? Not really unless I’m making a joke Have you ever had gingivitis in your gums? No Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? No How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day How often do you floss? Like twice a year when I go to the dentist  What brand of mouthwash do you use, if any? I don’t use any How many teeth are in your mouth currently? 26. I know I’m missing the two top laterals and I’ve had all my wisdom teeth taken out Do you have any cavities? Not that I know of Have you ever had a root canal? No What color are your teeth? Off-white, they could use some whitening What brand of toothpaste do you use? I never remember the brand, just what the bottle looks like Have you ever had any teeth extracted? Yes, my wisdom teeth and a couple baby teeth How old were you when your last baby tooth came out? 13 or 14 Do you grind your teeth at night in your sleep? Not that I know of Have you ever broken your jaw before? No Have you ever swallowed something you shouldn’t have? Yes Has your throat ever started to close up from something before? A little, I think I was allergic to something a couple years ago but I never figured out what
Have you ever choked? If so, on what? Not seriously, but I choke on water all the time How many times have you had strep throat? A few times, it sucks ass What is something that causes your throat to itch? Dryness
Have you ever lost your voice before? If so, when was the last time? Yes, on my 19th birthday. People actually listen to you more when they have to make a conscious effort to Have you ever lost your sense of taste before? How long did it take to come back? A little, the same time I had that unknown allergy What are some of your favorite foods that taste delicious to you? Pasta, cheese, chocolate Can you fold your tongue into a taco shape? How about a clover? No Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue? No What’s the last thing you licked? My lips Can you roll your R’s? No Who is the last person that you stuck your tongue out at? My boyfriend Have you ever choked on your own saliva before? Yeah lol How frequently do you experience dry mouth? I’m always thirsty Have your parents ever threatened to wash your mouth out with soap before? Not that I remember Who’s the last person that you mouthed off to, and why? My boyfriend because he beat me at chess Do you speak any other languages? I took french and italian classes in school but I don’t remember much Have you ever worn braces or retainers? Yes
Chin & Cheeks/The Whole Face
Do you need to shave your upper lip or chin? No Do you shave your entire face? If so, how often? No Do you have a moustache? No Do you have a beard? No Have you ever fractured your cheek bone? No
Who was the last person to kiss your cheek? My boyfriend Do your cheeks get extra red in any of the following instances: sickness/fever, drinking alcohol, cold/windy weather, embarrassment, or infatuation? All of the above probably, but definitely embarrasment and infatuation, and also when I get hot Do you have any relatives who are guilty of pinching your cheeks and making comments about how big you’ve grown? No
Are you mature enough to turn the other cheek? Depends When’s the last time that you said something cheeky, and who did you say it to? Probably to my boyfriend Has anyone ever slapped you across the face before? If so, what was the reason? Not on purpose Do you get a lot of blackheads or acne? If so, are there any special products that you use in order to combat this? Not really Do you wear blush or foundation? I use compact powder What shape face do you have? I think oval? Idk Do you have any scars on your face? One above my nose Would you ever consider getting a face lift or Botox? I’ve thougth about it but I probably wouldn’t
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jenomark · 5 years
idk if u already did this, but what attributes, personality or physically, do you think nct127’s would find attractive? I know they would date all types of personalities/physical appearances, but I’m just curious what u think🙈😊
+ I feel like I have answered something similar before. If I have, I guess we can see how my answers have changed, or what I have added.
Taeil: Extroversion. I can see him wanting someone that others find a little too wild. I think that kind of person would balance him out, while also keeping him interested. I have a feeling he’s drawn to people who are kind of weird. I can see him with someone who has more of a fuller figure. He’s not shallow by any means, but I think he likes big things (butts, boobs, dicks, tummies, whatever 😏).
Johnny: Assertiveness. He needs a boss. If you can’t pay your bills, if you don’t have your own opinions and life, he’s not here for it. He might be drawn to people who are smaller, sweeter, cuter, but the tall, aggressive bitch will divert his attention every time. Although, he does like and appreciate kindness and fairness. Like everyone else, I can see him liking someone chunkier, but I can also see him liking someone slim. I don’t think he cares, tbh. Low key feel like he’s obsessed with white girls but we won’t talk about that. 
Taeyong: I think he’s attracted to qualities that make him feel comfortable, or at home. People like himself are his go-to. He likes ambition, likes people who won’t apologize for what they want. More than anything, he is attracted to the people who are attracted to him. He wants to be wanted, wants to be loved. Physically, I think he likes everything. With him, personality comes way before any physical aspects.
Yuta: Cuteness. He’s very much into typically pretty people. I don’t think he wants perfection or believes in it, but I think he is attracted to what society deems attractive a lot of the time. It’s the personality that will determine whether he truly likes someone, though. He needs a good, family-oriented person. They have to be loyal and adaptable, for sure. He’s a ride-or-die type of man, tbh.
Doyoung: He’s interesting. He has a lot of different types, but most of them are people who clash with him. I think he likes that sort of struggle, though. He needs someone a little fiery and, to be honest, a little annoying. Other than that, I don’t think he really knows what he wants, or likes. 🤣
Jaehyun: I think he’s more attracted to very active people, but also someone who isn’t as vain/doesn’t substitute their personality for their looks. He’ll want excitement, adventure, someone to pull him off of his ass. If you can compete with him and hold your own, he eats that shit up. As for personality, they can’t be loud. Someone really obnoxious would turn him off.
WinWin: I can see him being attracted to someone very strong. Like, they would have to be confident and sure of themselves. At the same time, he is more drawn to the people others aren’t drawn to. If there is anything quirky about them, he latches onto it like a safety net. That goes for physically, as well. The more interesting someone is, the easier it is for someone to grab his attention and hold it.
Jungwoo: He likes variety. I don’t think he has a set idea of what he’s attracted to. To me, he’s always seemed like someone who either dabbles in everything, or pays attention to nothing. I think he’s attracted to whatever catches his eye at the moment, but it changes every time. However, they would have to be amazing, or he’ll quickly forget about them. 
Mark: He likes sexy, but he’s more into very down-to-earth people. Being only sexy won’t keep him interested for very long. He’ll need someone virtuous, easy to talk to, with a good head on their shoulders. He can’t deal with anything too extra. Being able to understand him without talking to him is something that makes him give people a second look.
Haechan: Charming. He’s attracted to the unusual, but they’ve got to be really intelligent. He craves witty banter. Also, he’s attracted to those who don’t make him work hard for their love. I think whether they are artistically creative will factor in heavily to the person he ends up with. He’ll want someone he can relate to and depend on.
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fallencomrade-a · 5 years
                                     MUNDAY FACT SHEET.
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NAME: kristen.  NICKNAME: kb,  kay,  ten.   AGE: two - nine. SEX/GENDER: f / f. PRONOUNS: she / her. EYES/HAIR: blonde / blue. HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5′2″ / within recommended bmi.   BUILD: somewhat athletic body type.  pear - shaped.  TATTOOS: nada.  i’m way too OCD to figure out what to permanently put on my body.   SCARS: a few here and there. two on my scalp from two different incidents which required stitches. a nasty one on my ankle that every girl has from shaving. one on / above my upper lip from my loving cat ( biting me). one down my shoulder from my loving sister (scratching me). PIERCINGS: earlobes. used to have my lip pierced, but it’s closed now. 
MYERS-BRIGGS: infj ; the advocate. 
the advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population. advocates share a unique combination of traits: though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight for an idea they believe in. advocates will act with creativity, imagination, conviction and sensitivity  -  not to create advantage, but to create balance. egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to advocate personalities. few are as passionate and mysterious as advocates. advocates can easily get tripped up in areas where their idealism and determination becomes more of a liability than an asset - whether it is navigating interpersonal conflicts, confronting unpleasant facts, pursuing self - realization, or finding a career path that aligns well with their inner core. they may face numerous challenges, that at times can make them question who they really are. 
ENNEAGRAM: type 6 - the loyalist. wing 5 - the investigator.
LOYALIST.  conflicted between trust and distrust.    people of this personality type essentially feel insecure, as though there is nothing quite steady enough to hold onto. at the core of the type six personality is a kind of fear or anxiety. this anxiety has a very deep source and can manifest in a variety of different styles, making sixes somewhat difficult to describe and to type. what all sixes have in common however, is the fear rooted at the center of their personality, which manifests in worrying and restless imaginings of everything that might go wrong. this tendency makes sixes gifted at troubleshooting, but also robs the six of much needed peace of mind and tends to deprive the personality of spontaneity. the essential anxiety at the core of the type six fixation tends to permeate the personality with a sort of  ' defensive suspiciousness. ‘ sixes don't trust easily; they are often ambivalent about others, until the person has absolutely proven themselves, at which point they are likely to respond with steadfast loyalty. this loyalty is something of a two edged sword however, as sixes are sometimes prone to stand by a friend, partner, job or cause even long after it is time to move on. sixes are generally looking for something or someone to believe in. 
INVESTIGATOR.  thinkers who tend to withdraw and observe.    people of this personality type essentially fear that they don't have enough inner strength to face life, so they tend to withdraw, to retreat into the safety and security of the mind where they can mentally prepare for their emergence into the world. fives feel comfortable and at home in the realm of thought. they are generally intelligent, well read and thoughtful and they frequently become experts in the areas that capture their interest. fives are often a bit eccentric; they feel little need to alter their beliefs to accommodate majority opinion, and they refuse to compromise their freedom to think. the problem for fives is that while they are comfortable in the realm of thought, they are frequently a good deal less comfortable when it comes to dealing with their emotions, the demands of a relationship, or the need to find a place for themselves in the world. fives tend to be shy, non - intrusive, independent and reluctant to ask for the help that others might well be happy to extend to them. fives are sensitive; they don't feel adequately defended against the world. to compensate for their sensitivity, fives sometimes adopt an attitude of careless indifference or intellectual arrogance, which has the unfortunate consequence of creating distance between themselves and others. trying to bridge the distance can be difficult for fives, as they are seldom comfortable with their social skills, but when they do manage it, they are often devoted friends and life long companions.
ALIGNMENT: lawful neutral
 a lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. order and organization are paramount to her. she may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. lawful neutral is the best alignment a person can be considered because it means they are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. however, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic.    
the melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. melancholic people are often perceived as very ( or overly ) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they cannot be on time for events. melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. they are often perfectionists. they are self - reliant and independent. one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing, they forget to think of others.
KINSEY SCALE: F    the test failed to match you to a kinsey type profile. either you answered some questions wrong, or you are a very unusual person.                     hah, go figure. 
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: romantically - hopeless  /  romantically - INSECURE.   idk, maybe grayromantic ?  who knows.   SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bi sexual.  IQ: 132. OCCUPATION: IT systems administrator for an insurance company. RELIGION: agnostic PETS: an imprinted kitty cat named haley. SCHOOL: bachelors degree in information technology. LANGUAGES: english. MEDICAL: physically ?  the fittest i’ve ever been honestly.   mentally ?  downward spiral.   NEUROLOGICAL: anxiety / depression.    agoraphobia.  boarder line personality disorder.  developing symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder.  metathesiophobia.  poor self - esteem  /  sense of self - worth / identity. ETHNICITY/RACE: caucasion / american. HOBBIES: writing.  video games.  music.  movies / television.  working  out.  kickboxing.  amusement park enthusiast.  being  outside.   INTERESTS: writing.  reading.  video games.  sight seeing.  being outside.  food.  documentaries.  music.  television  /  movies.  animals.  psychology.  astrology.  science fiction. BLOGS: just this one. SOCIAL MEDIA: i have discord, an instagram and a snapchat for mutuals, if interested.
TAGGED BY: @builtagain  ages ago.    ( ♡ε♡ ) TAGGING: @dustxrgcld ;  @danversiism ; @earthshakcr ; @brooklynsoul ; @xiongsi ; @geislun  +  first  three  lovelies  on  the  dash  ( at  time  of  queue ) : @peaceinourrtime ; @torturewon ; @warwearysoldier
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I’m intrigued by the therapy one and the studio?
The Studio AU was supposed to be a three-parter Modern AU. The first part is modern deckhand!hook backstory. It’s all him and Milah and Gold. That’s the only part I’ve written so far. Part 2 and 3 were going to be Emma and Henry’s backstories, respectively. All of them are told as flashbacks and the stories dovetail into each other so Killian, Emma and Henry meet at this recording studio where Emma works and Killian is a guitar player. I may post part 1 just on it’s own, since it’s actually finished. IDK.
The therapy one though...Oh lord... *blushes* That sprung from a GIF of Bernard Curry as a high school principal.
The basic premise is that Emma is in court-ordered anger management counseling. Liam is her therapist. Emma has been angrier than usual lately because her new neighbor wakes her up cheering at football matches that air at 4 am. She also may be having a few questionable dreams about said neighbor. Little does she realize the neighbor is her therapist’s brother.
Here’s what I’ve got thus far:
“I don’t need therapy.”
The doctor slid on a pair of reading glasses, and began thumbing through her paperwork. “That may well be Miss Swan, but Judge Spencer seemed to think otherwise. Hence, making it a condition of your probation.”
Emma rolled her eyes. God, this was irritating. “Geez, you slam one slimeball’s head into a steering wheel…”
The doc paused his perusal and looked up at her, blue eyes peeking out over the top of the lenses. “Just the one?”
“I mean,” Emma gestured vaguely with one hand, “there may have been a few skips that I had to get physical with, but they all earned it.”
“Mmhmm. I see.” The doctor closed her file and removed his glasses, sitting up straight to face her fully. “Still, as well-founded as your reasons may have been, the Superior Court of the state of Maine believes that you may have a bit of an anger management problem. And they shan’t reinstate your bail bonds license until I’ve cleared you.”
“So, here I am.” Emma made a sweeping gesture with both hands, encompassing the large tufted leather couch upon which she was sitting as well as the elegant wood-paneled office in general.
He nodded, one corner of his lips tilting up slightly. “So, here we are. Anything you’d care to talk about?”
No. She cocked her head to one side and said the first thing that popped into her mind. “How did America end up calling it ‘soccer’ when the rest of the world calls it football?”
The doc’s eyebrows made a little peak over his nose. “An excellent question to be sure, but I’m afraid that discussion won’t bring us any closer to discovering the root of your anger issues.”
Emma snorted a bitter laugh. Shit. She’d meant to say something random and meaningless. But no. He was infiltrating her thoughts again.
“What’s funny?”
“It’s just…” Emma gave him a tight smile.”You’d be surprised.”
“Ah, well then enlighten me.”
Emma leaned forward on the couch, resting her elbows on her knees. “I don’t have anger issues. I, uh - I haven’t been sleeping much lately. I guess it’s making me kind of…” She leaned back on the couch again and raised her arms helplessly. “prickly.”
The doctor narrowed his eyes. “And this is somehow related to football?”
“I’m getting to that. I’ve got this new neighbor, see? He’s from your side of the pond, and no offense to your countrymen, but this one’s an asshole.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s all arrogant and smirky and clearly thinks he’s hot. Okay, so he is hot, but the point is he knows it. And he seems to have made it his life’s mission to annoy the shit out of me.”
She didn’t like the way the doc was raising his eyebrows or the tone of his, “Mmhm.”
“Look. All of that I could ignore, but it’s the damn soccer or football or whatever the hell you call it. Apparently my neighbor is a rabid fan of the English Premier League - oh, I’ve googled all of this since I’m fucking awake anyway - and what the hell kind of sport starts at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday?”
“That doesn’t sound too early…”
Emma leaned forward for emphasis, slamming her hands down on the couch cushion on either side of her. “In England. 9:00 a.m. in England which is 4:00 a.m. here. I swear to God if I hear ‘Glory glory Man United’ drunkenly slurred through my wall when the sun isn’t even up yet one more time, I’m going to go over there, tear his scruffy head off, and shove it up his-”
“Right. Got it.” The doc crossed his legs and tilted his head, seeming to study her. “I don’t supposed you’ve tried asking him to keep it down?”
She fidgeted, taking particular interest in a loose thread sticking out from the seat cushion of the couch. “No,” she finally answered.
“Why not? That seems the simplest solution.”
Emma really didn’t like his insufferably reasonable tone. “That would involve talking to him.”
“And that’s bad.”
“Yes. That’s bad.”
Crap, now he was starting to look worried. “Do you find him to be threatening or harassing? If so, I can-”
“No, no no.” Emma waved his concern away. “It’s not like that. He’s not a creep, and even if it was like that I can take care of myself.” Her fingers fiddled with the thread some more. “I could definitely kick his ass,” she added under her breath.
The doctor fixed her with a wry look. “You realize you aren’t doing a lot to convince me about those anger issues, Miss Swan.”
Emma glared at him in a manner that clearly communicated she could kick his ass, too. He raised a hand in surrender and gestured for her to go on. She didn’t know how to go on. God this was stupid.
“It’s just- he just…” She exhaled heavily. “Flirts with me.”
“And you don’t like that.”
Damn, that thread just really needed to be plucked or clipped or something, and how cliche was it for a shrink to have a leather couch like this?
“Miss Swan?”
Emma pressed her lips together. “Hm?”
“You said that your neighbor flirts with you, and I asked if you don’t like it when he does that?”
Emma felt her cheeks warming. She turned her head to the side and gave a nonchalant shrug. When she glanced back at the doc, he was smiling at her like he’d made some big discovery.
“I see.”
Emma glared again, emphasizing her point with a jab of her index finger in his direction. “You see nothing.”
“Miss Swan, do you have feelings for your neighbor?”
Emma huffed in exasperation. “Of course I have feelings for him. It’s like I just told you: anger, hatred-”
“Sexual frustration?”
“Ew!” Oh, God. What am I twelve? Who says ‘ew’?
“Oh, really?” His eyes were wide and it looked like he was trying to suppress another ‘eureka’ kind of smile.
“It’s-” Emma shook her head and looked at the top of the bookshelf behind him. “It’s nothing. I’ve been having kind of a dry spell, and he’s there, and he’s-”
“Hot? I believe you said he was hot. Your word.”
“It’s nothing. I’ve been having these dreams. It’s kind of the other reason I’m having trouble sleeping.”
“And in these dreams…?” he prompted.
This was getting ridiculous. Emma exhaled sharply and sat up, looking the doc square in the eye. “I have wild crazy monkey sex with my neighbor. Who I hate. Anyway, it’s confusing and I don’t want to talk to him.”
“Fair enough, but Miss Swan, you do realize you have to deal with these issues and perhaps get some sleep before you’ll be able to resume your livelihood?”
“I don’t have issues.” Emma’s voice sounded petulant and unconvincing even to her own ears.
“Lass, I’ve known you for less than half an hour and in my professional opinion, you’ve got a fair few. Trust, intimacy, anger management, denial-”
“Okay, okay. I still don’t want to talk to him. Can’t I just move?”
“Disregarding for the moment whether that’s even a remotely psychologically healthy attitude, is moving a financially viable option for you?”
Emma slumped. “No.”
“Then I’m afraid you’re going to have to face this.” The doctor shifted in his chair, and furrowed his brow. “Now, you say you’ve been having sexual dreams about your neighbor. Have you engaged in any self-release?”
“Self-re...oh my god.” Emma’s head dropped into her hand, covering her eyes. This wasn’t happening. She wasn’t about to get the talk at age 30 from a stuffy Brit in a sweater vest and blazer with elbow patches. He must’ve taken her reaction as embarrassment, and maybe it was, kind of. The second-hand variety anyway. He kept talking. Emma checked out.
“...and that’s why masturbation is perfectly healthy.”
Emma finally raised her head. “Stop. Please. Look, I’ve… self-released before. But, I’m not feeling myself up while thinking about my neighbor. I’m not a creep.”
He extended a hand toward her in what she supposed was meant to be a reassuring gesture. “I’m not suggesting you make it habitual, only that it could be a safe way for you to confront and explore your confusing feelings for this person. Particularly since you seem so resistant to confronting the actual person causing them.”
Wait, that - that actually kind of made sense. “So…” Emma narrowed her eyes. “Like banging one out, only solo?”
“Bit of a gross oversimplification, but yes, I suppose so. Much safer at least than picking up a stranger at a bar and projecting your feelings onto him or her.”
Well, that hit close to home. “Have you been reading my diary, Doc?” Emma asked coyly, trying to make a joke out of it.
He chuckled. “Analysis is my job, Miss Swan. And you, I must admit, are a bit of an open book.”
“Huh.” Emma considered her options. As much as she thought it was dumb and unnecessary, she had to do this therapy thing if she wanted her license back, and this shrink didn’t seem like such a bad guy. A little awkward, maybe a little judgey, but not awful. He didn’t seem put off by her which was unusual enough, and she suspected he might even have a sense of humor in there somewhere. She guessed she could suck it up and deal with this. It was all confidential anyway. It’s not like he can go blabbing on her, right?
“Well, if we’re gonna be discussing every intimate detail of my life, I guess you better call me Emma.”
He smiled again. Not an ‘ah-ha!’ kind of smile like before, but a friendly one. “Very well, Emma. You can call me Liam.”
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Any Harry Potter fans here? What houses would you sort the members into if you were the sorting hat? I’m curious because there seems to be so many differing opinions on this...
This is how I’d sort them:
Seokjin: Gryffindor (”But he’s so easily startled!” you might say. Well while that is true, he’s also incredibly brave when it comes to putting himself out there for his friends. Observe him in any interview or awkward situation. He’s always ready to be his most extra self to break the ice and lighten the mood, even though he’s actually pretty shy and if you pay attention you can always see his ears going red... *whispers* so cute. Also, he’s confident and chivalrous... all things I associate with Gryffindor. And anyway, no one with as bombastic a personality as his could be in any house but Gryffindor imo). 
Yoongi: Slytherin (I feel like most of us would agree, right? Yoongi is so ambitious. He’s said it himself. He’s always setting higher and higher goals and setting out to achieve them. Also, he’s definitely cunning... anyone who’s watched Run BTS (or basically just anything where BTS have to play games) could see that. He’s a realist and again, as he’s said himself, he knows how to survive in this cruel world... Slytherin culture...)
Hoseok: Hufflepuff (Hobi was one of the hardest to place for me... I mean, I think he shows traits of all the houses tbh. In the end I settled on Hufflepuff because I see in him the sort of humble, hard working MO that I associate with Hufflepuffs. I mean, Namjoon has said that while he’s the official leader, Hobi is basically like the leader behind the scenes... quietly, without calling attention to how much he does. You can just really see how loyal and supportive he is to everyone in the group. Also he’s just a ray of sunshine... Sunshiney yellow... Hufflepuff!).
Namjoon: Gryffindor (Again, like with Yoongi, I feel most people would agree? Although, I suppose, some might say he belongs in Ravenclaw... And tbh, I can see that, but I have to go with Gryffindor on this one because Namjoon just has that strong, brave, confident, obvious leader of the pack quality of Gryffindors. Namjoon would be like Hermione; I think the hat would probably consider putting him in Ravenclaw but would decide on Gryffindor because in the end I think he values his courage and strength more than how much of an intellectual he is).
Jimin: Slytherin (I feel like half of Jimin stans would agree and the other half would be like “What??? No! Not our cute little mochi!!! He’s too soft and fluffy!” The divide in Jimin stans’ opinion of Jimin is about as stark as Jimin’s own duality as a person... which is fitting I suppose. For me personally, I see Jimin as pure Slytherin. He’s incredibly charming and he knows it and often uses it to his advantage. He can have people wrapped around his finger in seconds and he always seems to know exactly who he needs to charm in every situation to get what he wants... Adorably cunning is still cunning. Again... watch anything where the guys have to plays games and observe Jimin in action... Slytherin antics). 
Taehyung: Ravenclaw (Yeah um... I really can’t see this boy in any other house tbh. I mean, I just feel like it’s obvious. He’s such an interesting, unusual, artistic and creative person as well as being very cultured and knowledgeable on a variety of subjects... Often taking everyone by surprise with some random fact. He thinks outside the box and marches to the beat of his own drum... I’ll never forget how in BV1 he spontaneously hopped on a random bus and ended up in a field in the middle of nowhere but instead of being in anyway worried he just started frolicking around, taking pictures and blowing on dandelions... That told me so much about him as a person right there... Also, when he kept giving people the names of his favourite artists when they asked for his in BV2... Ravenclaw culture). 
Jungkook: I honestly can’t quite decide between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor... It’s a hatstall. Kookie would have to make the choice himself! I just feel like he’d do really well in either house... He’s got the daring for Gryffindor and the creative, thoughtful mind and overall quirkiness of Ravenclaw... so Idk... I can’t settle on one or the other... Hmm... I feel like given the option he’d probably choose Gryffindor for himself though. So maybe that’s where he’d end up.
Let me know if you agree or disagree with my sorting and why! Especially about Kookie since I couldn’t decide. Let’s chat about it! HP and BTS? I could go on for ages!!! 😄
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kiwisimie · 5 years
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𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐠 !! 
RULES: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
TRAITS: loner, music lover, clumsy
tagged by: the great @honeybeqr
✩ QUESTIONS 1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? um just esther is fine 2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? mum, wife, goldfish, and esti 3. BIRTHDAY? 3rd july 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? um I don’t really read series but princess diaries and dork diaries are pretty fun 5.  DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? honestly idk like I believe in the after life and there kinda has to something out there 6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? rainbow rowell 7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? I always force my dad to play capital when i’m in his car sooooo I guess its capital (?) 8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? vanilla and chocolate ( cant go wrong with the classics ) 9. WHAT WORD OR PHRASE WOULD YOU USE OFTEN TO DESCRIBE SOMETHING GREAT OR WONDERFUL? cool, good, um great as you can see my vocabulary isn’t that advanced 10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? japanese denim - Daniel Caesar, closely followed by broke - samm hemshaw 11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? pueblo, it means village/town in spanish 12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? i’m listening to the schuyler sisters as I write this 13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? modern family and the simspons 14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? the princess and the frog, it has good songs 15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? not really i’m more of a lets play watcher 16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? disappointing people and death 17.  WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i’m very empathetic/sympathetic, I try to see things from the person’s perspective 18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I tend to shut down a lot and just hide away suddenly 19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? I guess dogs but i’m not really an animal person 20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer for sure 21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? with stress? yes 22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? being able to fluently speak french 23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? um next 24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark brown 25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? its really dark brown so it just looks black 26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my family 27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? once again me family 28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my friends 29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? the half term 30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? fanfics, kpop, bullet journals and stationary ( an odd combo of things I know ) 31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? totally spies, les zinzins de l'espace, and ratz 32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? my brother, he’s a real g 33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? not really 34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I cant with butterflies I panic a bit when they fly near me 35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT? I like having the memories when i’m in front of it but I do like being behind it 36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? playing instruments, reading and making sims 37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? fangirl by rainbow rowell thoroughly enjoyed it 38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the greatest showman I think 39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? piano, some chords on ukulele and guitar, i’ve been taking violin lessons, and I have a clarinet from school that I have yet to play seriously 40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? any baby animal is my favourite animal 41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? anyone that posts is amazing 42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? teleportation because i’m a lazy bugger 43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in bed listening to music or reading 44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? memes that my friends send me and being with people 45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I play for my school’s football and netball team and we do loads of different sports during lessons 46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? orange juice 47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? I wrote little messages in all the Christmas cards I gave out last year 48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? I don’t think so, ooo do I love the feeling when you’re in a plane and your stomach does that thing when it goes down a bit ( I probably sound crazy ) 49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? ermmm slow walkers and being late for no reason 50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? no :( I really wanted to go to love yourself tour but I couldn’t get a ticket 51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? I don’t think I could ever 52. WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? an Olympian, still lowkey want to be one 53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN?  all of them 54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? exams and nearing everything I say and do ( I am a very anxious child ) 55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? kinda 56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yes but i’m definitely not talented so you’re not hearing that any time soon 57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? not without informing the school because i’m a good child 58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? good question 59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? in a city that’s maybe in another country 60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? no and i’ve never had one 61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL?  a bit of both I think 62. DO YOU LIKE SUNRISES OR SUNSETS BETTER? sunrise, gotta love golden hour 63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? no as I am underaged 64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? depends on where I am and what i’m doing 65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? no but like all of my friends have 66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? there is a wide variety 67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? mi madre 68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? do webtoons and mangas count? 69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? how ignorant someone people are 70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? definitely real books, I have brought a couple 71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? music and maths 72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? yeah I have an older sister, two older brothers and a little sister 73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? tipp-ex, a clip-on light and a new moisturiser 74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 169cm whatever that is in inches 75. CAN YOU COOK? only like the basic things 76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? family, friends and clothes 77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? CUCUMBERS and AVOCADOS 78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? my closer friends are basically all female 79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? i’m your everyday heterosexual 80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? in the east of england 81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? my mum 82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? a few days when I went to went to watch the curious incident of the dog in the night-time ( that show was a lot to handle ) 83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? bestdressed I love her personality and her sense of style 84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? occasionally 85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? tumblr, youtube, google keep and huji 86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? we are get along nicely 87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? I don’t really have a favourite I find them all pretty entertaining 88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? italy 89. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? 6 and 3 90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? unfortunately I am not that talented 91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? yes 92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? we always watch documentaries about the deep ocean in science lessons and that’s always interesting 93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? hecc no 94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? i’m like 99% i’m not 95. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? yes 96. CAN YOU WIGGLE YOUR EARS? when I raise my eyebrows they move 97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? more often then I would like 98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? forests 99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? ‘if you mess up no one’s going to notice unless you allow them to notice it’ my music teachers always say that for performances 100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? I think I can be pretty convincing 101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? Hufflepuff! 102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? all the time, it helps me sort out my thoughts and explain things to myself 103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? I am an introvert ( big surprise there ) and my personality type is isfj 104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? yes but i’ve always been inconsistent with it 105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? yes 106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? give it to some sort of authority ( like a teacher or the police ) 107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? sure 108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? very 109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yes and I love them 110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? just my ears 111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? baz and simon ( that’s two I know ) 112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? no 113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? applying for literally everything 114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? not really 115. DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS? I have glasses and I want contacts for when I do sports 116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? at some point in my life, yes 117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? I know a lot of people that are smart in different areas of life 118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? don’t really want that  on the internet 119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER?  I always end up falling asleep 120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? white, black, a lot of yellow, and red ( I have a lot more colour then I used to ) 121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? yes 122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? no but my school has been 123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 14 124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? ’ good-night, helen’ the only part of jane eyre I liked 125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? depends on my mood I encourage anyone how wants to do this to go for it :)
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wildfangz · 6 years
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@liliithvatore tagged me in that simself thing thats been goin around DAYS ago but here it finally is! also thank you for the tag this was fun :-]
I tag @slythersim @thelurgoyf @seoulchii @weicyn @solitasims @daisydezem @raha-plays-the-sims if they want to do it & anyone that just wants to do it in general! message me and I’ll even @ u directly if u want. 
anyway lets DO THIS shitload of questions under the cut u’ve been warned!!!
1. what is your name?
2. what is your nickname?
jewel, jules
3. birthday?
oct 26th
4. what is your favorite book series?
percy jackson and the olympians will probably always own my heart & soul
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes & yes. tho i do think a lot of alien sightings and conspiracy theories and what not are bullshit
6. who is your favorite author?
maggie stiefvater probably? also cornelia funke but its been years since ive read anything by her so i cant be sure BUT i loved inkheart & the thief lord so much
7. what is your favorite radio station?
ummm when i listen to the radio at all i kinda just switch between two rock stations and our popular music station.
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?
blue raspberry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tasty and i love a blue tongue
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
cool. or bitchin’.  i play it simple
10. what is your current favorite song?
hands like houses - revive
11. what is your favorite word?
roulette and inhibition which i never get to use either as much as i want !
12. what was the last song you listened to?
emarosa - givin’ up ! its a bop!
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
the new she-ra on netflix its so good. and gay
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
moana. its also like the only movie i dont have trouble getting thru despite how many times ive already seen it
15. do you play video games?
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16. what is your biggest fear?
idk... being inherently unlovable i guess n ending up alone? also spiders !
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?
im fairly open-minded and laid back. Unless someones being like, purposely nasty or something I generally don’t get defensive or aggressive. also a lot of little quirks that piss others off dont bother me im very u do u as long as its not actually harming anyone and ive had people tell me this makes it easier to open up to me so thats probably my best quality....
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?
....at the same time though i do get very sensitive when faced w/ criticism even if its of the fair variety when its not phrased really gently for various reasons and i dont like that. especially since I have a tendency to not even talk to people about it. I’ll just immediately start distancing myself. also other than that i think overall I have a really high tolerance lvl but if you cross that line I hold a grudge like a motherfucker
9. do you like cats or dogs better?
cats! dogs are good too but cats are a lot easier for me to handle...and quieter generally but even when they’re loud cat sounds dont get to me quite as much as barks do
20. what is your favorite season?
autumn but im starting to really like summer for some reason? wack :/
21. are you in a relationship?
22. what is something you miss from your childhood?
the lack of responsibility, probably. that sounds real bad lmao but for me its like...I know I’ve grown in various ways over the years but I also feel like so many of my experiences, my trauma, my mental health has held me back and I don’t think I’m mentally where I should be for my age. so all the responsibility of adulthood is just..really overwhelming for me sometimes, even though ive been given a pass from certain aspects of it and the rest is pretty simple its the idea!!!!
23. who is your best friend?
my ex
24. what is your eye color?
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25. what is your hair color?
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26. who is someone you love?
my mom
27. who is someone you trust?
not really anyone rn unfortunately...would like 2 work on that
28. who is someone you think about often?
are my OCs a fair answer because i am always thinking about my babies.....
29. are you currently excited about/for something?
my favorite webcomic (that also has two of my all time favorite characters in it) just came back!! the artist disappeared back in 2015 like the day after I binge-read the whole fucking thing & i was so disappointed but its BACK and 2018 has been redeemed
30. what is your biggest obsession?
sims probably! i could talk about anything relating to it for hours
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?
there were so damn many its hard to even think and figure out the most notable ones...i really, really liked teen titans though?
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
my ex, again
33. are you superstitious?
not terribly so but somewhat. I take certain things as signs and I mean I do believe in astrology & such to a degree
34. do you have any unusual phobias?
i used to be afraid of mirrors but thats all i can think of and its not even a thing anymore...the only other thing is tornadoes but i dont think its unusual. but it definitely sucks for me ‘cause i live in tornado alley!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it....like taking pretty pictures and dont like ppl capturing my image 2 film
36. what is your favorite hobby?
sims.....also singing!!! and drawing!!!! video editing!!!!!!!!! the works
37. what was the last book you read?
The Dream Thieves....havent finished it though because last time i went to read it a spider was lying in wait and im traumatized
38. what was the last movie you watched?
coco i think???
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?
drums, various other percussion instruments, and violin mainly
40. what is your favorite animal?
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhh @bratsims @liliithvatore @cabsim @wildlyminiaturesandwich @keysims pls dont feel bad if i didnt include u these were just the first to pop into my head and ive been following some of them since I first made my blog!! and have kept up with their stories completely and enjoy them etc check them OUT !
42. what superpower do you wish you had?
shapeshifting!!! dysphoria? gone. ugliness? gone. want to morph into a fucked up clown and scare people when they realize all the classic clown features are a real actual part of my face? possible!
43. when and where do you feel most at peace?
chillin’ at the pool in summer during the part of the day when no ones there.... swimming is always relaxing 2 me then i love just resting under the sun and drying off afterwards especially since we have a little pond nearby and i can hear the water! its nice
44. what makes you smile?
always and without fail? interacting with anyone i have a crush on. i’ll look like a dope the whole time
45. what sports do you play, if any?
i used 2 play basketball a lot. Like not seriously but it was a thing
46. what is your favorite drink?
dr pepper and monster energy (original flavor) pumps through my veins at this point. we love a carbonated beverage
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
two years ago for my ex and I’s first year anniversary... I never got it mailed but I did at least take a picture of it (with included caption because my handwriting is atrocious). i was very up front about being a romantic and see heres the PROOF
48. are you afraid of heights?
nope! very excited by them actually
49. what is your biggest pet peeve?
i cant stand passive aggressive behavior. my stance is either get over it or quit acting like a bitch because otherwise im just going to ignore you thats the scorpio way (in all seriousness I really, really do recommend not putting up with it and ignoring it until they decide to be up front with you. it can be exhausting constantly reading into conversations and its not healthy for you or them. if they have something to say they need to learn to talk about it properly, and that lack of social skills is not ever on you)
50. have you ever been to a concert?
yep! i think about....six or so? i love them...which is really funny im autistic and EVERYTHING about them should freak me out and they do in other circumstances but at a show i just live for it
51. are you vegan/vegetarian?
nope! ive thought before id like to go vegetarian...but i couldnt do it with my health problems. also i love shrimp too much
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
ive always wanted to do something creative! when i was rlly young I thought a lot about singing and acting and writing in particular...all things im still interested in.... also i wanted to be a dictator ages 4-7 because i told my mom i wanted to be president of the world and make people do what i say and she said “honey thats a dictator not a president”. i then made that known at school and that turned into a situation!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in?
pokemon universe or bust. 
54. what is something you worry about?
never being able to do things i want to do or catching up with others because of my disabilities
55. are you scared of the dark?
yes but a reasonable amount i think
56. do you like to sing?
yes :]
57. have you ever skipped school?
yes i used to play sick a LOT and as my parents caught onto it id even go all out to convince them. i was good at school but i hated it so much
58. what is your favorite place on the planet?
dunno! malls maybe i love shopping and looking at material objects i wish to own
59. where would you like to live?
oregon! portland in particular thats been my dream for a few years now
60. do you have any pets?
a cat! he lives with my dad & grandma though...hes grown up there and likes going outside so I felt bad about taking him with me when i moved out but anyway this is him hes fat and stupid and i love him his name is coffee
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl because my rhythm is all fucked up but in my heart....an early bird...if i get a good nights sleep i’ll be up early yacking your ear off and so excited for the day
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
sunsets are prettier...but sunrises feel more refreshing
63. do you know how to drive?
nope ! im gay !
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
headphones. better sound quality also discourages people from talking to me slightly more
65. have you ever had braces?
nope! but i need them
66. what is your favorite genre of music?
post-hardcore maybe?
67. who is your hero?
every trans person living their truth and being open and loud about who they are past present & future. the worlds not particularly kind to us and our existence alone is considered a radical act, so its always given me hope to see others refusing to pretend to be someone they’re not in this environment and I’ll always have mad respect for that
68. do you read comic books?
i read manga and webcomics...ive always wanted to get into superhero comics but the amount of issues and different versions is ridiculous and makes it inaccessible 2 me 
69. what makes you the most angry?
i mean its hard to pinpoint what makes me angry the MOST...but a contender is definitely how some people feel free to treat others with cruelty and think its their god given right to deny or attack someones existence in some way, & how acts of kindness, even the most basic are branded as liberal bullshit or whatever....it goes against everything i was taught growing up
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
real book! electronic device can be easier but....rough on the eyes after a while and nothing beats the real thing for me
71. what was your favorite subject in school?
language arts...at least when we did creative writing stuff
72. do you have any siblings?
two older sisters & an older brother that passed away years ago but. still my brother u kno
73. what was the last thing you bought?
mocha frappe baby!!!!!
74. how tall are you?
75. can you cook?
a little bit....not as much as id like to though but im learning
76. what are three things that you love?
storms, cheesy breadsticks, and cat purrs
77. what are three things that you hate?
unnecessary rudeness, being talked down to or generally treated like im stupid, grapefruit which is the worst thing on this list
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends?
female i think?
79. what is your sexual orientation?
im the big bad promiscuous bisexual your parents warned you about
80. where do you currently live?
oklahoma. gofundme campaign to get me out
81. who was the last person you texted?
my friend jojo! just Now!
82. when was the last time you cried?
yesterday afternoon but im a changed man now thats behind me. i will cry about different things soon
83. who is your favorite youtuber?
the mcelroy brothers. also super best friends play. matt, pat & woolie are all great tbh
84. do you like to take selfies?
depends on whether i feel ugly or terribly dysphoric that day or not
85. what is your favorite app?
ummmm....love live school idol festival ive been playin for years its an addiction
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
dad = bad mom = okay. theres some issues that strain it but its not too bad
87. what is your favorite foreign accent?
i have no idea what the fuck australians are talking about half the time but i dig it anyway 
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Italy, Greece, Germany, Japan, Mexico, various other states (ive only been out of state three times. twice to texas and then once to kansas. for five minutes)
89. what is your favorite number?
6!! 26 also
90. can you juggle?
ive always wanted to but alas.... :-[
91. are you religious?
i suppose...but im rlly not into organized religion
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
space probably theres so fucking much of it man!
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
not to brag but sometimes i eat my mcdonalds hamburgers cold from the fridge so you can figure that one out yourself B)
94. are you allergic to anything?
pecans. not deathly allergic though so catch me eating turtle pie anyway! 
95. can you curl your tongue?
nope :[
96. can you wiggle your ears?
nope :[
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
usually as soon as i realize....unless someones being real smug and annoying then i might be stubborn about it
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach?
ive never been to the beach but i love her!!!
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
probably that you have to look at your accomplishments differently when you’re disabled or just struggling, to not be so down on yourself because its a fact that what might be a mole hill to someone else is a mountain to you and you have to judge yourself accordingly. Like maybe you weren’t able to clean the whole house, but washing the dishes and tidying your desk doesn’t usually get done but you did it. That that should be celebrated because while it would also feel good if you did more, you still did something and thats great all things considered.
100. are you a good liar?
sometimes, really depends what im lying about and if im like....into it at all. If my guts against it for whatever reason I’ll have trouble
101. what is your hogwarts house?
i always get slytherin or hufflepuff! usually with like 1 point difference
102. do you talk to yourself?
i am talking to myself right now as i fill this out
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
extrovert mainly! i used to think i was more introverted but now i think a lot of exhaustion when theres any comes from me just going the extra mile and actively trying to read people and pick up on social ques.... if I just chill im fine
104. do you keep a journal/diary?
nope...ive tried but i just cant keep up with it so i do the next best thing. shouting into the void on the internet to a bunch of strangers
105. do you believe in second chances?
depends on what you did the first time. Some people just don’t deserve taking that risk imo...but i can be a little guarded so maybe thats a bit too harsh
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
turn it in, unless there was no identifying things in it & it was found somewhere kinda random. Then I’d maybe hold onto it unless my gut challenged that
107. do you believe that people are capable of change?
absolutely. i mean thats all we do throughout our lives is change and evolve...that being said I think extremely drastic changes are maybe not entirely impossible, but extremely rare, and the residue of the former self usually sticks around in some form
108. are you ticklish?
yes, dangerously so
109. have you ever been on a plane?
110. do you have any piercings?
one day hopefully!
111. what fictional character do you wish was real?
asra from the arcana.....even if he wasn’t my boyfriend thats just a dude u could chill and eat some pomegranates with u know. Before I downloaded the app my friends kept telling me he was made for me and he really was he ticks like everything on my Favorite Characters Feature List except villain but he has that particular allure & attitude i like so much in villains so thats not a single point off hes perfect
112. do you have any tattoos?
nope...one day! hopefully!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
accepting my genderqueerness and bisexuality definitely. Self Love hasn’t been perfected just yet but that was such a huge step in the right direction
114. do you believe in karma?
yes! she doesn’t get shit done as much as id like however
115. do you wear glasses or contacts?
glasses. not contacts yet because my eye doctor is a bitch
116. do you want children?
I do....just not sure if id be a good parent. Its really important to me if I had a child itd be for the right reason and I could raise them well in a healthy environment & be able to take care of all their needs yknow
117. who is the smartest person you know?
probably my friend jojo
118. what is your most embarrassing memory?
one time i looked outside and the sunset was really pretty and i wanted to get a photo of it so i walked out.....and stood like right by the street so there weren’t trees in my way...and then i realized mid-pic 1) i am not wearing pants & my shirt is full of holes 2) id been depressed for days so my hair was a tangled mess. I tailed it back inside so i didnt even get a nice pic it was blurry!
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Tumblr media
120. what colour are most of you clothes?
black i didnt even have to think about that one
121. do you like adventures?
they are pretty swell
122. have you ever been on tv?
a few times when i was little. always photobombing the news reporters 4 what i thought would eventually lead 2 fame & fortune
123. how old are you?
124. what is your favorite movie quote?
this is technically lyrics to that lil song in moana at the end but
“ They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you.”
hits me hard every time! emotional impact? i know her
125. sweet or savory?
sweet!!!!!!!! gotta balance out my bitter somehow
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wondroussimmer-blog · 6 years
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Basically, no one actually tagged me in this, but I thought i’d give it a go anyway seeing as this is a new blog and you guys can get to now me a bit, so I tag anyone who sees this and also wants to have a go...
1. What is your full name? I’m not putting my last name on here, but my first name is Maja (Miya) 2. What is your nickname? I don’t really have one 3. Birthday? January 1st 4. What is your favourite book series? I don’t really read book series’ 5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Not 100% sure, I don’t believe in the sort of ghosts you see in films, but I think I believe our loved ones stay with us in some way. As for aliens, idk, we can’t be the only life but idk.  6. Who is your favourite author? I find the fault in our stars quite overrated, but i’d say John Green because some of his others are my favourites! 7. What is your favourite radio station? BBC Radio 1 8. What is your favourite flavour of anything? this is such a weird question, how can you have a favourite flavour for everything? but if it’s sweet, definitely strawberry! 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Again, weird question, but i use so many words for this, my most used are probably lovely and amazing 10. What is your current favourite song? this changes alll the time, but right this minute it’s probably sunflower by post malone and swae lee 11. What is your favourite word? is this a thing? 12. What was the last song you listened to? vacation by hippo campus 13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? big mouth, orphan black, queer eye, dexter 14. What is your favourite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? the breakfast club or mean girls probably 15. Do you play video games? only the sims 16. What is your biggest fear? probably the death of people close to me, and in the future not being able to have children 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? probably that i’m a friendly person  18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i’m v insecure 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? DOGS... always dogs! 20. What is your favourite season? autumn/winter 21. Are you in a relationship? yes 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? having way more friends and barely any responsibilities 23. Who is your best friend? my boyfriend 24. What is your eye colour? blue 25. What is your hair colour? brown 26. Who is someone you love? my boyfriend and family 27. Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend and closest family 28. Who is someone you think about often? okay wow, so much variety in these answers but the same as the previous two answers 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? christmas and my birthday 30. What is your biggest obsession? probably sims 31. What was your favourite TV show as a child? Probably Tracy beaker or that’s so raven  32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my boyfriend 33. Are you superstitious? only slightly 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? cracking knuckles, moths (but only indoors), realistic looking mannequins and gas masks... so not much 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind, every single time 36. What is your favourite hobby? playing sims, graphic designing, video editing 37. What was the last book you read? The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks 38. What was the last movie you watched? Muppet’s Christmas Carol 39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? I play a bit of guitar and can play the mr bean theme song on piano if that counts 40. What is your favourite animal? dogs 41. What are your top 5 favourite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I definitely have more than 5  42. What superpower do you wish you had? be able to teleport and go invisible  43. When and where do you feel most at peace? probably at home with my boyfriend 44. What makes you smile? sorry if this is becoming a boring answer... but my boyfriend! also my dog :) 45. What sports do you play, if any? I don’t at the moment, but I have done tennis, dance (ballet, tap and modern), swimming, karate, speed skating and netball 46. What is your favourite drink? water... how boring ik 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Last month, I made my boyfriend a scrap book as one of my boyfriend’s presents for our anniversary and wrote some letters as part of it  48. Are you afraid of heights? not if it’s a secure height 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? I have wayyy too many and so many grammatical ones, I absolutely hate when people incorrectly use was and were, so if someone said ‘we was going’, I think it’s quite an essex thing but I hateeee it, I can’t stand bad grammar, but also slow walkers, people who walk through the door without looking behind them to hold the door open for people behind, other drivers not indicating, people that have to be louder than everyone else, people that chew with their mouths open... basically I have a lot and this list could go on and on and on 50. Have you ever been to a concert? I’ve seen all time low, the 1975, imagine dragons, sunset sons, ed sheeran and paramore in concert so far and i’m seeing panic! at the disco in march which i’m MEGA excited about!!! 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? vegetarian 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? This would change all the time, it went from radio dj, to dancer, to teacher when I was really young, then architect when I was a teenager, and now it’s clinical psychologist which i’m slowly working towards 53. What fictional world would you like to live in? I’ve not got a clue 54. What is something you worry about? EVERYTHING! I get a lot of social anxiety, so basically whenever i’m out of the house i’m worrying about absolutely everything and it’s the worst and gets me super down, so yeah, love that 55. Are you scared of the dark? okay so I don’t like leaving the dark, i’m fine being in the dark but I hate when i’m home alone and have to turn the lights off in the living room, kitchen and hall to go to bed... if that makes sense 56. Do you like to sing? i’m someone that, at home, is constantly singing, and when it’s only my boyfriend around, if one of us says a sentence that can in some way relate to a song, i’ll immediately sing it, but I suck so I won’t ever sing in public 57. Have you ever skipped school? in school I faked being ill a few times to get off of school, but in uni i’ve skipped way too many lectures over the past 3 years 58. What is your favourite place on the planet? I absolutely adore Spain, but also Belgrade (i’m half Serbian) 59. Where would you like to live? If not my current home town, i’d love to one day live somewhere like Norway or Sweden 60. Do you have any pets? yep, i’ve got a french bulldog 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? I wake up pretty early, but I hate to start the day early 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets. 63. Do you know how to drive? Yep 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? the sound of headphones but I normally use earbuds 65. Have you ever had braces? nope, thank god 66. What is your favourite genre of music? this really ranges from charts, to indie rock, to ‘former emo kid’, to early 2000s r&b, to musical theatre 67. Who is your hero? probably my boyfriend 68. Do you read comic books? no 69. What makes you the most angry? as we’ve already gathered, I have a lot of pet peeves, so a lot! 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?a real book! 71. What is your favourite subject in school? I currently study psychology which has been my favourite subject since A levels, but during GCSEs I enjoyed maths  72. Do you have any siblings? 1 younger brother 73. What was the last thing you bought? some christmas presents for my boyfriend’s cousins 74. How tall are you? 5ft4 75. Can you cook? yes 76. What are three things that you love? spending time with people I love, travelling, collecting photos  77. What are three things that you hate? busy places, cheats, confrontation 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? I actually barely have any so this is kind of hard to answer 79. What is your sexual orientation? straight 80. Where do you currently live? England 81. Who was the last person you texted? my mum 82. When was the last time you cried? I’m not actually sure, which is funny because I cry all the time and super easily 83. Who is your favourite YouTuber? I have so many: in terms of sims: lilsimsie, urbansims, sophsims, simkim, plumbella, in terms of lifestyle: louise pentland, in terms of fashion and beauty: samantha maria, tati westbrook, busybee carys, patricia bright, antonio garza, and others: shane dawson, sarah baska, kendall rae, jaackmaate, and loads more! basically, if i’m not on tumblr, i’m on youtube, if i’m not on youtube i’m playing sims, and if i’m not on sims i’m on tumblr... 84. Do you like to take selfies? rarely 85. What is your favourite app? any social media  86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? fab 87. What is your favourite foreign accent? Australian and Scottish 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? I have so many but I won’t bore you with another long list, so just a few: Sweden, South Africa, Iceland and Canada 89. What is your favourite number? 1 90. Can you juggle? no 91. Are you religious? I was baptised but don’t really consider myself religious 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? both as interesting as the other 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not really 94. Are you allergic to anything? no 95. Can you curl your tongue? yep, one of my weird ‘party tricks’ is I can actually curl it 180 degrees 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? not as often as I should 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? probably the forest 99. What is your favourite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?my dad probably gives the best life advice but there’s too much to put here   100. Are you a good liar? It depends 101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff 102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I N T R O V E R T, i’m so introverted to the point I hate it but seriously struggle to change it 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no but I have in the past 105. Do you believe in second chances? it depends 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Hand it in 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? It depends 108. Are you ticklish? VERY 109. Have you ever been on a plane? manyyyy times 110. Do you have any piercings? nope, I have but not anymore 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? no idea  112. Do you have any tattoos? nope 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? I’m really not sure 114. Do you believe in karma? to an extent, but at the same time bad things seem to happen to good people, sooooo 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither 116. Do you want children? yes 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my cousin 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? omg my whole life is filled with embarrassing memories that I seem to always remember at the most inconvenient times or when i’m about to go to sleep that just haunt me out of nowhere...fun 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes 120. What colour are most of you clothes? black or white 121. Do you like adventures? yep 122. Have you ever been on TV? no 123. How old are you? 20 - nearly 21 124. What is your favourite quote? not really sure. 125. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? sweet
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All of them
1. Think of your three closest friends - would you have sex with any of them? Have you already?
It’s a no from me thanks haha, no I haven’t.
2. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve masturbated?
I’m boring haven’t tried elsewhere
2. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve given head? Received head?
Don’t think I’ve done it anywhere unusual
3. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
The edge of a cliff
4. What’s your favourite position to give oral? Receive oral?
Love a good 69 lol
5. What’s your favourite sex position?
Don’t think I have a favourite, but variety is the spice of life
6. What’s your fantasy celebrity threesome?
Lol me, cara delevigne and lynn gunn
7. What’re your biggest turn-ons while making out?
Bum grabbing and teasing teehee
8. What’re your most unusual turn-ons in general?
If I told you I’d have to kill you
9. What’s your darkest fantasy?
Knife things, blood things
10. If you could have one fantasy fulfilled right now, what would it be?
Probs not sexual, money lol
11. Would you rather have sex on a beach, on a plane, or in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant?
Plane or bathroom haha
12. What are your hard limits?
Pee/poop stuff no thank you
13. How often do you masturbate?
Probs like once a week-ish don’t really need to now
14. Have you ever been caught masturbating or having sex?
Yup lol
15. What’re some songs that you want to have sex to?
I have a playlist haha
16. Folks who like dicks - where’s your favourite place for your partner to cum?
17. Are handjobs boring or underrated?
18. What’s your opinion on anal?
19. Folks with a dick - does your cum shoot out far, or dribble out? What’s its colour and consistency?
Can’t relate
20. Folk with a vagina - can you squirt?
Don’t know how but I have done yeah
21. Have you tasted yourself? If so, then what did you think?
Lmao yeah it was alright
22. Are you vocal during sex?
When I can be
23.Do you like being rough with your partner? Do you like when your partner is rough with you?
I do and I DO
24. Do you like being restrianed? Do you like restraining your parter?
yup yup
25. What’s your opinion on sexting?
As long as everything’s legal go for it
26. What are your favourite parts/features on each gender you’re attracted to?
Eyes, hips/thighs
27. Have you ever tried something sexual and decided you weren’t into it?
Not overly I don’t think, everything I have tried I like tbh
28. What are your erogenous zones?
29. What’re the most effective ways to tease you in public?
oh god The Look™️
30. What’re your favourite ways to tease your partner in public?
I’m shit idk
31. What’s your biggest sexual pet peeve?
I’m not sure! Don’t really have one
32. If you could dress/style someone to be as attractive to you as possible, what would they look like?
Androgynous with sexy af matching underwear pls
33. If you had to put on an outfit to turn-on your partner the most during a date, what would it be?
Something boob-y probs
34. What are your favourite pet names/dirty names to call and be called during sex?
baby is always a winner
35. Have you ever hooked-up with a stranger?
36. What’s the best sexual compliment you’ve ever received?
You’re the only one to make me finish like that
37. Do you enjoy it when your partner has piercings and/or tattoos? Are there any particular body parts where you like your partner to have them?
Tattoos are boyoooo, the more the better
38. What’s your funniest and/or most embarrassing sex story?
I have too many haha
39. If your partner was going to send you a video of themselves, what could they do to make it turn you on the most?
Turn the volume up and keep the sound on heh
40. Are you a screamer, a grunter, a moaner, or a groaner?
Probs the last 3 hah
41. Is “vanilla” sex boring or underrated?
Nah it’s not boring, nice to change it up from that tho
42. What’s the best orgasm you’ve had in the past few months?
Whilst high lmao
43. Would you ever participate in an orgy?
If single and it was all girls probs hahaha
44. Do you enjoy seeing your partner have sex with others? Would you want them to do all of the same things that they’re willing to do with you, or would some be off-limits?
I think I’m a jealous little shit if it came to that but at the same time I suppose I’d be intrigued? Who knows. Some stuff would be off limits but I’d have to establish that if we both agreed but I’m a greedy gal
45. Do you mostly prefer giving or receiving oral?
I prefer giving but both are beaut ofc
46. Do you like going commando?
47. What are your top five favourite blogs to reblog porn from?
I don’t reblog porn
48. What’s your favourite sex scene from a movie/TV show?
Lip Service has some v good ones
49. Do you own any sex toys? Do you want any?
I do own some and more would be cool in time
50. Have you ever cum without having your genitals directly stimulated?
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butchspace · 7 years
I’m butch as heck and I think I might be nb? I feel more like I have my own distinct type of womanhood that’s outside of traditional womanhood, and I don’t really like being called a girl or a woman (I’d prefer ‘person’ but also I’m very sensitive to being patronized so idk???) I’m just a little confused about how to explain my gender identity as a gnc lesbian. Sharing your own experience would be really helpful :-)
For me, I came at it from the other direction— I identified as a bi/pan nonaligned agender person between the ages of like, 14-17. It wasn’t until I figured out that I had no real interest in men and was instead solely into women that I began re-questioning my gender, and I eventually settled into identifying as a woman-aligned agender lesbian.
I still wasn’t really secure in my identity until I learned about and started identifying with butch lesbianism, which remains one of the very few contexts in which I’m comfortable identifying with womanhood (although, like you, I’m only comfortable being referred to as a “woman” in very select contexts).
I don’t think this is an unusual narrative for butches; many of us have a rocky relationship with womanhood because we’re not only automatically considered “failed women” for our lack of attraction to men, but we also feel most comfortable when rejecting the ways that women are ~supposed~ to dress and act, so that a lot of society struggles to see us or treat us as women. (This is of course a bit of a superficial analysis of things, but you see my point.)
In a lot of ways butch is a fringe gender identity; we’re women, but not “legitimate” ones. We push the boundaries of what “woman” means and challenge gender expectations every day, but this also has the effect of alienating many of us from womanhood. It’s hard for even us to conceive of ourselves as fully women due to the pushback and erasure we face, and I think that leads to many of us identifying partially as nonbinary.
To be clear, I’m not saying this to delegitimatize nonbinary identity; obviously, I’m nonbinary and consider that an important and very real part of myself. It’s important for me to not conceive of myself entirely as a woman, as this has a very suffocating effect on me. It’s also important to me because I do view myself and my body as inherently agender, even though this is obvious and maybe even universal (as all gender is socially constructed). I claim nonbinary identity as a rejection of the gender binary and as a reminder to myself that, though I may choose to align myself politically with womanhood, womanhood does not define me and that I’m allowed to have an inner life beyond gender.
There are people who feel similarly to me who identify differently; they may find butch identity alone to be sufficiently defiant of the oppressive nature of womanhood, or they may claim a different brand of nonbinary identity, including ones that reject womanhood entirely. There’s no one right answer here, and whatever you choose as right for you is an extremely personal decision.
I hope my thoughts on this were some help; I’m still learning and growing, so they may be subject to change in the future. I’m sure the other mods and our followers will have plenty of thoughts on this, too, so you should get a variety of opinions/experiences.
-mod p
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tagged by @dunmerhealer​ i lov u but this is so long
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
Chupa, Chupacabra, fancy Lancey!
2. What is your zodiac sign?
3. What is your favorite book series?
the harry potter books. i’m questioning ron as well
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes!! absolutely!! i 100% believe in both. 
5. Who is your favorite author?
i used to really be into jerry spinelli, especially the book smiles to go. 
6. What is your current favorite song?
lowlife by poppy omg
7. What is your favorite word?
lonely, bismuth, charismatic are my favorite words. 
8. What was the last song you listened to?
bliss by muse!
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
pretty little liars and izombie!! both are incredible. 
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
ummmm deadpool omg
11. Do you play video games?
yeah!! skyrim is a big special interest for me!!
12. What is your biggest fear?
suffocation and people i care about being disappointed in me. 
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
i’m always willing to try my best and i’m passionate!
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
ummm i’m too hard on myself all the time and i give up easily. 
15. What is your favorite season?
16. Are you in a relationship?
nope!! but i am crushing on someone.
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
my parents not hating me lmao
18. Who is your best friend?
um probably sage, miles, scout, or my friend tj! i hope the people i mention consider me their close friends too ;;; 
19. What is your eye color?
brown and gold !!
20. What is your hair color?
caramel brown
21. Who is someone you love?
my best friends! see #18. 
22. Who is someone you trust?
my bestest friend in the whole world tj
23. Who is someone you think about often?
see question 18 and also keith kogane
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
voltron season 4 and grand rapids comic con!
25. What is your biggest obsession?
skyrim !!! oh my gosh i love skyrim so much
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
i don’t know... i didn’t watch a ton of tv as a kid.
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
i am terrified to death of ants!
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
either! usually behind but w/e
29. What is your favorite hobby?
uhhh i collect books in skyrim and i enjoy thinking about death
30. What was the last book you read?
the harry potter books!!!
31. What was the last movie you watched?
uhh either deadpool or sleeping beauty
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
uhhh i sing but i can play bass clarinet fairly well
33. What is your favorite animal?
an octopus hands down. or a bulldog idk
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhhh @dunmerhealer​ @gta-v​ @cryptidquill​ @depressionmeal​ and @sayakuro​ are all lovely
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
shape shifting or getting a good nights sleep
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
while playing skyrim, singing
37. What makes you smile?
my friends and my dog!
38. What sports do you play, if any?
i do competitive swimming and avoiding my emotionally abusive parents 
39. What is your favorite drink?
cherry cola or root beer from mug n bun
40. Are you afraid of heights?
eh not really
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
people talking/making a bunch of noise during my tv shows
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a potion maker!!!
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
tamriel or w/e universe the sims takes place in 
45. What is something you worry about?
besides literally everything? whether people hate me or not
46. Are you scared of the dark?
depends, it scares me at times
47. Do you like to sing?
yes yes yes i love to sing
48. Have you ever skipped school?
yeah, a couple times;;; 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
my bed. 
50. Where would you like to live?
ideally? the arctic circle bc it’s cold and dry without mosquitoes but probably somewhere like canada or something where im not gonna be a victim of a hate crime
51. Do you have any pets?
uhhhh yeah! i have a dog and a cat and one fish!
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl, definitely. 
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
uhhh sunrise when i’m awake for them
54. Do you know how to drive?
yeah but i don’t like it...
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
earbuds are easier for me but either way idc
56. Have you ever had braces?
nope! my teeth are the only straight thing about me
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
i like everything except reggae and country, but i usually listen to rap, pop, and alt rock/pop
58. Who is your hero?
ummmm maybe marsha p. johnson...
59. Do you read comic books?
sometimes, i prefer graphic novels. 
60. What makes you the most angry?
a lot of things but mostly people who are mean to ppl in the service industry (servers, customer service ppl, etc)
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
it totally depends on what i’m reading.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
history probably. i love ancient history. 
63. Do you have any siblings?
just one. but.... i don’t like him much. 
64. What was the last thing you bought?
scab blood and liquid latex. 
65. How tall are you?
5′6 i think?
66. Can you cook?
yeah! i love to cook!!! :3
67. What are three things that you love?
tes (especially skyrim), my friends, and my dog
68. What are three things that you hate?
people talking during my shows, clusters of bugs, and the bubbling thing pancakes do
69. What is your sexual orientation?
im a gay ol boy
70. Where do you currently live?
71. Who was the last person you texted?
ummm tj
72. When was the last time you cried?
like yesterday oh my god
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
i like dan and phil, and i like buzzfeed for buzzfeed unsolved.
74. Do you like to take selfies?
... yeah
75. What is your favorite app?
when i had a smartphone, i loved snapchat
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
..... no comment. 
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
i don’t have one....
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
petra in jordan!!
79. What is your favorite number?
420 ayyyyyyy
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
deep ocean but i’m scared of both bc i’m scared of wide open spaces
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
at best an adrenaline junkie? 
82. Are you allergic to anything?
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
yeah! i taught myself how. 
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
not often. blame it on the fact that im a taurus
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
the forest. i’m not a fan of the beach...
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
that i need to figure out other people’s love language to have better relationships with people
87. Are you a good liar?
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
im hufflepuff as huffle-fuck
89. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah, or i talk to teeny. teeny is a voice in my head ig?
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
im actually really extroverted!
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
no. i’m not very good at keeping up with one
92. Do you believe in second chances?
no, but i give them to people anyways
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
not really.
94. Are you ticklish?
not if anyone asks!
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
yeah! i love flying on planes actually!
96. Do you have any piercings?
yeah i used to but all ear piercings get infected.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
shiro. i think.... i think he would be proud of all i’ve done...
98. Do you have any tattoos?
yeah! i have a moon on my inner arm near my elbow, harry potter tattoos on my inner ankles, and a bee on my outer left ankle. all small, all stick and poke
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
coming out as trans ig?
100. Do you believe in karma?
yeah, kinda. i more believe “talk shit, get hit”
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
102. Do you want children?
not really...
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
i don’t know. 
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? (EMETO WARNING FOR THIS ONE)
chugging a 20oz mountain dew in choir and then puking it up less than 10 minutes later
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
106. What color are most of your clothes?
i have a variety of colors but a lot of black and blue
107. Do you like adventures?
108. Have you ever been on TV?
no, i don’t think so!
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
We never taste perfect joy; our happiest successes are mixed with sadness. - Pierre Corneille
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
i like both, but i love sweet
112. Have your friends ever badly disappointed you?
113. What is your favorite scent?
rain, lemonade, fresh washed strawberries, green apple shampoo
114. Random fact you know?
uhhhhhhhhh im gay? 
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
i am in a lot of them bc im ugly irl
alright!!! i’m not tagging anyone bc i don’t want anyone else to be like me and spend over 45 minutes doing this
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reitziluz · 7 years
get to know me meme!
..... a mutual did this and said people feeling up for it should do it so....
i’m not tagging anyone but feel free to do these
1. What is your full name? Rene
2. What is your nickname? Rellu, Rensku
3. What is your zodiac sign? Virgo
4. What is your favorite book series? uhhh ASOIAF maybe
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? i like the idea of residual energy... and ofc there’s other lifeforms floating in the endless space
6. Who is your favorite author? ME MYSELF i’m honestly not sure, there’s no-one whose all works like to the same degree 
7. What is your favorite radio station? ... rock/heavy metal station
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? mmm choco? or like this salsa/cheese combo. also cola.
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? excellent, gorgeous, fucking perfect
10. What is your current favorite song? this one
11. What is your favorite word?  i don’t... have one. maybe しまう?
12. What was the last song you listened to? this one
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?  in the flesh, mushishi
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?  i don’t like movies that much? ... one piece movies
15. Do you play video games? yes occasionally
16. What is your biggest fear? death, heights
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion?  insight/confidence combo?
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? arrogance... small-mindedness, as in not being able to throw myself as deep into stuff as i feel like i should....
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?  cats
20. What is your favorite season? winter or late fall
21. Are you in a relationship? mmmm when aren’t you in relationships?? but yea i’m in several relationships as this question seems to be angling for...
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? structure and relatively low pressure
23. Who is your best friend? poronen and also revy my dearie. there’s a couple more conventional/old past besties too that i still hold close to my heart.
24. What is your eye color? dark-ish gray-green-blue
25. What is your hair color? dirty blonde, dyed red
26. Who is someone you love? my friends my family my datemates... myself...
27. Who is someone you trust? i trust p much everyone until proven wrong
28. Who is someone you think about often? bisexualwinry and poronen again lmao, also... uhhh whichever characters i’m obsessed most recently
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? next installations of friends’ fics, my own fic chapter lmao, a homewarming party of an ex i’m friends with...
30. What is your biggest obsession? currently a couple vocaloid producers and mp100. long term.... ffvii and vampires.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? pokemon and moomins
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? fuck your idea of there being an opposite!! i don’t have an opposite!! i can tell my dearest friends anything, regardless of gender or lack of it!!!!
33. Are you superstitious? not really, tho i like some of the practices
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? no
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? front~
36. What is your favorite hobby? writing, drawing, weightlifting
37. What was the last book you read? i’m not sure but i’m going to say villon’s testament
38. What was the last movie you watched? uhhhh maybe ghost in the shell? the first one.
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? tiny bit of guitar
40. What is your favorite animal? cats
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i can’t really say, i like following my friends (you know who you are i’ve msg you all basically)
42. What superpower do you wish you had? i always answer these the same way: absolute shapeshifting. 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? in my own room around midnight OR with good friends anywhere
44. What makes you smile? anything exciting, really
45. What sports do you play, if any? uhhhh i did medieval swordfighting for a while but nowadays i dream of getting back to lifting and running
46. What is your favorite drink? water, coke, all coffee drinks, wine
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? probs within a week, we communicate between flatmates with these lil post-it notes
48. Are you afraid of heights? yes holy shit so bad
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? when people are allergic to fun/are contrarians
50. Have you ever been to a concert? yuppp a couple times
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? yes
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? an author, but before that a paleontologist, and before that a circus princess
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? eugh idk almost none of them??? somewhere where it’s p idyllic
54. What is something you worry about? planet dying, economy crashing, getting back to my own two feet after this horrible mental crash i’ve been going through all spring...
55. Are you scared of the dark? a lil bit, puts me on edge
56. Do you like to sing? hell yea!!
57. Have you ever skipped school? so many times
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? my parent’s house, this one street in kyoto...
59. Where would you like to live? honestly? in the center of the city i’m living in now, or the capital... ... or kyoto or tokyo...
60. Do you have any pets? no, flatmate has cats tho
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl but a fairly balanced one
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? either is good
63. Do you know how to drive? yes
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones!! but i use buds more, more practical.
65. Have you ever had braces? yes.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? metal. like the sorta frilly vampiric neoclassical metal tons of jrock bands do?? but i like a huge variety of genres.
67. Who is your hero? gotta be my own hero
68. Do you read comic books? rarely, if we don’t count manga
69. What makes you the most angry? petty pointless shit
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? on my phone
71. What is your favorite subject in school? languages/literature
72. Do you have any siblings? four of them, two big sisters and two lil brothers
73. What was the last thing you bought? .... some food? uhhh boxers?
74. How tall are you? 168 cm ish
75. Can you cook? yes
76. What are three things that you love? storytelling, good food, good laughs
77. What are three things that you hate? generic bad injustice shit in the world, people who make fun of others for things they like, lmao my current writer’s block towards my main fic ahahaha ;;;
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? seriously fuck these questions? most of my friends are nb
79. What is your sexual orientation? queer and complicated
80. Where do you currently live? Turku
81. Who was the last person you texted? a friend
82. When was the last time you cried? i have no clue, i don’t cry often
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? everyone who subs vocaloid stuff
84. Do you like to take selfies? yessss 
85. What is your favorite app? just my JED fhgadhadh
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? a bit distant (due to physical distance) but warm and friendly and supportive
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? .... this seems strange but uh. no specific preference? throaty languages, french and arabic and russian come to mind...
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? TOKYO ive been to japan twice and lived there for a while but never managed to visit tokyo
89. What is your favorite number? 11
90. Can you juggle? a lil bit?
91. Are you religious? anti-religion more like ahaha
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? both, both is good
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not really but then again i do tend to take things as challenges...
94. Are you allergic to anything? this one is a weird one. there’s a chemical that does cause some sorta reaction? it’s in some cardboard boxes and used in treating hemp rope..... 
95. Can you curl your tongue? yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? yes
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? anytime i can’t wiggle out of it like “oh true yes that’s what i meant i was almost correct the first time” lmao
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? ... forest
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? it’s okay to half-ass things, it’s better than not doing anything
100. Are you a good liar? i think so
101. What is your Hogwarts House? gryffindor not slytherin shut upppp
102. Do you talk to yourself? sometimes
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? ambivert? sorta more extrovert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? nahh not really
105. Do you believe in second chances? yes
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? if there was no-one nearby who could have obviously dropped it... or who could see... i would pocket any cash and take the wallet itself to lost and found.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yea.
108. Are you ticklish? no
109. Have you ever been on a plane? yes, several times
110. Do you have any piercings? fourteen and planning to get more 
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? not really anyone...
112. Do you have any tattoos? yup a big fat nb koi on my left calf
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? going ahead with transitioning
114. Do you believe in karma? no
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses! really strong ones too lmao
116. Do you want children? no. wouldn’t mind co-parenting someone else’s kids if that sorta person wandered in my life tho.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? well myself of course - no but really ahh vrow has me beat in my category of intelligence.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? i sorta picked on a kid for no reason in elementary school. it was a singular incident and i apologized a year later.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yessss currently doing one
120. What color are most of you clothes? black
121. Do you like adventures? yea to a degree? 
122. Have you ever been on TV? nope
123. How old are you? 24
124. What is your favorite quote? hhhh i don’t have all-time faves but currently just. “Just stay by my side, it doesn’t matter even if it’s a lie.”
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? just give me all the food
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kelasparmak · 7 years
Naruto for 001?
Favorite character: Kakashi
Least Favorite character: Probably the Sandaime? Like, at least most of the villains are upfront about it, but I felt like Hiruzen made a lot of bad choices that he treated as if they were ~a necessary evil~ but they were really not necessary; I think he very deliberately decided ‘there’s nothing I can do about this’ when there were things he could have done and he was just too cowardly to do them.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Gai and Kakashi, of course! I’m also pretty invested in Ino and Sakura, Naruto and Gaara, Kakashi and Yamato, and Anko and Kurenai. I am also big into team triads, which would in practice probably not be a good idea, but which I imagine would in reality happen a lot and would at least be definitely healthier as a team dynamic than love triangles. (Out of these, I’m probably most invested in poly Team 8, but poly Team Gai is also very close to my heart.)
Character I find most attractive: I feel a little weird thinking about Naruto characters in these terms, I guess because I went from being the same age as or younger than the child characters when I started reading it to almost as old as the adult characters initially were now. I’m pretty sure Anko is the most attractive to me personally, but I think if we assumed age-appropriateness Neji and Temari would also be contenders since I had pretty big crushes on both when I was a kid.
Character I would marry: I mean, it would be an odd relationship no matter who it was, but thinking about I guess I’d probably most like to marry Kurenai and help her raise Mirai? But also there are so many characters I’d be happy marrying, so.
Character I would be best friends with: I would love to be best friends with Anko, but probably Shiho, the ditzy code-breaking nerd lady.
A random thought: I think a lot about how fucked up it is that even in Konoha (which IIRC in canon has a reputation for being the bleeding heart softie village? I might be wrong) up until recently it was apparently normal for kids to make genin and chuunin super young. Like, idk if Kishimoto wasn’t thinking about how dark it was and just wanted to emphasise that Kakashi and Gai are super talented, but according to the databooks didn’t they make genin at 5 and 6 respectively? And when Kakashi puts Team 7 up for the chuunin exams he tells Iruka he made chuunin at half their age (which was either 12 or 13, so yeah, he’d have been six). Like, just thinking about what being a genin requires in terms of mental and physical discipline, let alone the kind of risk involved in going on missions, that is super fucked up, and it is absolutely impossible that they were well-prepared enough after a maximum of two possible years of education. Maybe it was because it was wartime but it’s still like… wow. Goes double for Kakashi making chuunin the year after making genin. Shit’s fucked. Also it adds a new level of hypocrisy to the Sandaime acting like a friendly old grandpa to Naruto and Iruka, and acting appalled when he found out about Root, when not long before he’d presumably been personally sending a 6 year old the same age as his son off to kill or be killed. Like it’s bad enough sending a 12 year old off to do that, but at least by that point they’d been in training for it (in terms of physical training, knowledge and probably most importantly psychological/emotional training) for longer than Kakashi had been alive when he graduated the Academy. Like, yikes.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know if it’s unpopular per se, but I don’t think I really like either Naruto or Kakashi being Hokage. From what we see of Naruto as Hokage he doesn’t really change anything and I think it is actually a relatively popular opinion that that’s disappointing. I would have preferred it if he’d never become Hokage at all and had changed the world as a hermit not affiliated with any village and helping everyone he could to believe in the Power of Friendship instead. Or if that’s too naive even for a shonen manga, started his own village with a hugely different system or something. And I don’t think Kakashi should have been Hokage either - he didn’t want to be, and while obviously he is intelligent and all, I think he’s much better as a solo operative than as someone with that kind of responsibility; as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t even cut out to be a teacher, he was way too fucked up and it’s canon that he didn’t sign up for it voluntarily. I don’t think he did a terrible job, but I think if Team 7 had been led by someone who knew how to be a human and interact with humans and had experience of being a normal twelve year old, things might have worked out a lot more happily. He could (and should!) still have been in their lives, but like… not with that level of responsibility, it wasn’t any good for them or for him and there’s no way the Sandaime could have reasonably expected it to be.
My canon OTP: I mean, Kakashi and Gai basically are canon at this point, for which I am eternally grateful. I guess out of the canon pairings that are explicitly romantic, I liked the bits we saw of Minato and Kushina’s dynamic, which looked like it was mostly Kushina beating people up (especially Jiraiya) while Minato watches dreamily with big heart eyes and his chin in his hands, going ‘that’s my wife’, and everyone around is mildly horrified by her violent fury. Also the housework sharing (feat. Minato in a pink apron) in the canon AU where they lived, which ought to be a basic requirement but is actually unusual enough to stand out.
Non-canon OTP: Ino/Sakura, I think. I know I always think things are ~obviously gay~ when they’re not meant to be, but even leaving romance out of it their rivalry over boys was very clearly demonstrated in the chuunin exam arc to be a way of them proving their worth to each other despite their insecurities. Not a smart or healthy way, but it was made clear that their competition over Sasuke was about their relationship to each other more than about Sasuke himself. Even if they never got together, I would fight to the death for my lesbian Ino headcanon.
Most badass character: A lot of the characters are way more badass in their potential than in canon, which maybe goes in part with it being a shonen manga (and a lot of the badassery comes from things that wuld actually be way too dark for kids) and partly just from it being a very big cast. In terms of canon though, I guess I’d probably say Gai or Tsunade.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Kakashi/Iruka, which I don’t have a problem with per se, I just don’t get it really. It doesn’t seem to be as prominent these days as when it used to be everywhere, but I just don’t really feel like it would work out very well as a relationship. I also really don’t like the idea that Rin, after watching from the afterlife as Obito murdered so many people, including Minato and Kushina, ~in her honour~, would go ‘aww! look how much you loved me! as a reward for turning back to the light side in the end, we are now in love’. Like, she was a medic, and she was one of the sweetest characters in the manga and stubborn as hell when it came to her principles - she wouldn’t see that as a sign of how much he cared about her, she’d be horrified.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I mean, pretty much all of them. Yamato in particular was screwed over more than screwed up, and Anko too - I think Kishimoto just forgot about them both. As for actively screwing a character up, I think Sakura probably? I don’t mind the idea of a lot of the ninjas retiring relatively early and raising kids, because a) it’s the kind of job where you and your body would get worn out pretty fuckin quick so early retirement ought to be the norm since even with specialised medical care and constant training you’d lose your edge by 40 most likely and losing your edge means dying, b) if you’re gonna have kids at least one parent needs to retire from active duty to raise them on account of the hours and the high death rate. But at the end of the Shinobi War arc Sakura was just coming into her own as a hugely talented combat medic and I don’t think it was in-character for her to settle down yet, especially since Sasuke wasn’t ready to or made to. I’d have been happy with her settling down and leaving active duty for a high-profile medical position once Sasuke was done adventuring, but I honestly can’t see her being satisfied with giving all that up so young, given her drive throughout the series up until then to prove herself as a combat medic.
Favourite friendship: I mean. Kakashi and Gai. Again. Their dynamic is so good and they understand each other so well and they support each other so much (Gai in particular stands out, especialy because he’s the most vocal about it and lbr Kakashi is a mess all the way through the series and so he’s the one we see needing support most often, but it is a mutual thing). But in the interest of variety I’ll pick one I haven’t mentioned yet, and say the Sandsibs. Even while they were terrified of Gaara and he kept going on about how much he hated them, they clearly did also care about him, and all of the flashbacks to them as children are heartbreaking. And after the chuunin exam arc when he decides to let them in, they’re always so sweet and they love each other so much.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
♧ but I know we dont much abt each other yet |ʘ‿ʘ)╯
You’re my: ur my cool mutual idk ur just super cool n it makes me almost envious,,, almost How I met you: the adult discord server ??/ hehe Why I follow you: ughghjkks all ur sideblgs r super cool n ur very nice n funny Your blog is: super cool n poggers i like ur funky little writings keep it up ur aesthetics r cute af n u write for a wide variety of characters Your URL is: the nsfw sideblog one is my favorite LMFAOOOOOo bc like so true bestie so true Your icon is: mY MELODY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sobs loudly A random fact I know about you: u make memes that r actually funny thank u for the anti-monsterfucker charm it seems to be working (until regis comes back LMFAOOOO regis if ur seeing this ily pls do not summont he unusual hilichurl ppl again) General opinion: u r very, as the elders might put it, swag A random thought I have: what if everyone on the earth all jumped at the same time. i dont think anything would happen but it would mean we all had fun jumping together, right? jumping is fun. ppl do not jump enough. anyways we cant even get ppl to take their vaccine theres no way ppl would all jump at once so some dreams must remain dreams
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