#bts hogwarts houses
yakuly · 2 months
  Poção do Ódio - K.NJ²
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NamjoonCorvinal! × Leitora Lufana
Palavras: 1.229
Sinopse: Desde o primeiro dia em que pisou no castelo de Hogwarts, Kim Namjoon ficou conhecido por sua inteligência, sagacidade e paixão por devorar livros e mais livros, mas Namjoon não tinha nenhuma habilidade com garotas. Especialmente quando essa garota, é uma lufana leal à suas amigas.
N/A: Menções à pessoas agressivas, mas nem é tanto, juro ! Biscoitinhos e bebidinhas.
K. NJ¹ | K.NJ² | K.NJ³
Enquanto na enfermaria, Namjoon com a companhia de Hoseok tentavam pensar em algum motivo plausível para que S/n o odiasse, mas sem muito sucesso. Os dois nunca se falaram,e Kim ainda tentava se recordar se ele já se esbarrou, ou se na pior das hipóteses, ele já tinha quebrado algo dela, ou seu animal, mas nada.
   " O estranho é que ela não é do tipo agressiva" Hoseok comenta distraído pelas coisas que tinham ali. Seu amigo, deitado esperando professora Sproute chegar com um suco que prometia acabar com seu enjoou. "Sabe teve uma vez que o gato do Vicenzo ficou atrás da coruja dela, mas ela nem ficou tão brava assim..."
"hum" o corvino não consegue pensar muito além do que já pensou. Felizmente professora Sproute não demorou a chegar, acompanhada de Seokjin e Yoongi, que souberam do incidente.
Assim que Namjoon conseguiu se sentar, o grupo voltou a debater sobre as possibilidades da dinâmica, mas ninguém realmente teve alguma ideia para ajudar, pois aparentemente a aula de hoje, foi de fato a primeira vez em que se encontraram.
Felizmente para Kim não se tinham mais aulas naquele dia, e o trio que se tornou hepteto, quando o resto dos seus amigos se juntaram à eles, atualizando a situação para todos. Eles decidiram que ficariam no pátio, pois um pouco de ar para o corvino faria bem.
"Com licença ," uma voz feminina interrompe a conversa dos sete, que zombavam do mais novo, Jungkook que tinha apenas livros e um plano na cabeça. Ao olharem, era uma garota baixa, cabelos claros com presilhas de estrela e olhos castanhos, decorados com uma sombra amarela. Ela vestia o uniforme da lufa-lufa, e possuia uma caixa nas mãos. "Eu queria falar com Namjoon, sou amiga da S/N, que bem, te atacou hoje..."
Todos os rapazes se entreolharam, surpresos com aquilo. Kim Namjoon fez sinal para ela se aproximar, ansioso para ver se conseguiria alguma resposta. A menina parecia estar envergonhada, mas se aproximou mesmo assim.
"Eu trouxe esses biscoitos para você, como uma desculpa pelo modo como ela agiu mais cedo." A caixa no lhe foi entregue, e ao abrir, Kim viu uma série de biscoitos em formato de estrelas e corações coloridos, todos azuis e amarelo.
"Obrigada, mas será que você pode me dizer por quê S/n parece me odiar tanto?" O rapaz perguntou sem rodeios, pegando a garota de surpresa, ela que já estava prestes à sair, ficou vermelho, olhando ao seu redor nervosa.
"Desculpa eu não sei, ela não é de comentar muito sobre as pessoas que não gosta..." Ela disse já re virando para sair, mas antes volta e acrescenta: "Aliás, meu nome é Pandora."
Suspirando Namjoon deixa a caixa de lado, frustrado com a situação. Bem a única fonte de confiança que ele tinho, acabara de se mostrar inuitil, e ele sabia que tinha que descobrir o motivo ao qual a garota tinha tanto ódio por ele, se de ainda tinha planos de sair vivo de hogwarts.
Kim Namjoon tinha um plano. Depois de zombar de Junghook ele se sentia como um paspalho de desenho animado criando planos pelos castelos de Hogwarts.
Após excluir todas as possibilidades que a dariam motivos, o rapaz começou a listar como ele poderia descobrir o motivo, mas após esse dia, chegar até elo, e perguntar, estava fora de cogitação. Mas ele sabia que tinha que pensar "fora do caixinha".
Durante o dia, Namjoon tentou evitar que S/n o visse durante as aulas, mas nos intervalos, passoua colocar seu plano em prática. O moreno que estava se sentando próximo as portas, saía correndo para se esconder esperando a garota sair da sala. Assim que ele a viu aprimeira vez, sussurrou as palavras "Legilimens", e torceu para que fosse o tipo de bruxo que conseguiria escutar, conforme os pensamentos da garota preencheram sua própria mente, Namjoon descobriu ser legilmente.
"Acho que não fiz a lição de Poções, será que consigo fazer antes da aula de Snape?"
"O que será de almoço hoje? Não tomei um café decente hoje..."
"Continua sorrindo Vicenzo, a próxima vez que o seu gato decidir caçar minha coruja, você vai almoçar churrasquinho de gato!"
"Meu Deus quando é que Pandora vai parar de falar nesse corvinal idiota? Isso to beirando obsessão!"
Apesar de conseguir insights muito bons, seus pensamentos não explicavam o porquê ela não gostava de Namjoon. Mas ele não desistiu e tentou mais uma vez, mas sem sucesso.
"Parabéns Sr. legilmente," Seokjin o parabenizou sarcasticamente, com palmas irônicas após Namjoon o confessar o que fez o dia todo para ter sumido. “E você já pensou em talves, perguntar para ela ?"
"Você acha que não?" Kim rola os olhos e explica por que não o fez "alguma outra ideia, Sr. monitor?" o moreno se sentou à frente dele no refeitório, enquanto bebiam suco de abóbora.
"E se você tentar ler a mente dela enquanto ela te vê?" Jim oferece, eseu amigo espera alguma indicação que era uma de suas piadas ruins, mas o grifinório se manteve sério, arrancando uma careta de Namjoon
"Você quer que eu viva na enfermaria né?!" Ocorvinal reclama passando a mão pelo rosto, antes de terminar sua bebida em apenas um gole. Seokjin pingarreia e de olhos arregalados olhando para entrada do refeitório, sussurra para Namjoon :
"Se não for fazer, é melhor sair daqui..." Olhando na mesma direção que o amigo, vendo que S/n, Pandora e Jimin entravam. O que Jimin fazia praticamente colado ao corpo de Pandora era um mistério, que bem, ele tentaria descobrir uma outra hora.
Para a sorte do corvinal a garota estava ocupada demais tentando tirar Jimin do braço da amiga. O rapaz a olhava como se a garota carregasse o céu e todas as estrelas nos olhos. Jim e Namjoon se entreolharam compartilhando do mesmo pensamento "Estranho", pois até dois dias atrás, Park parecia estar interessado em outra pessoa.
"Tenho uma ideia" Namjoon comenta observando os três se sentarem à uma distância segura dele, " Você vai buscar Jimin, eeu espero aqui, e em alguem momento, você aponto casualmente pra mim, enquanto leio a mente dela, o que acha?"
Sem muito escolha, Kim Seokjin se levanta e vai em direção aos três. Namjoon se sente e dispara o feitiço, já escutando a voz da garota em sua própria mente.
"Porque esse garoto não saí?! Parece até estar enfeitiçado..."
"Eu só queria comer em paz !"
" Ótimo, mais um..." " Aquele é...?" " Porque esse garoto não some? Ele e essa cara estúpida, ele é um desastre ambulante!"
Namjoon interrompe seu momento de fuxicar, e se vira para frente, esperando seus dois amigos. Seokjin praticamente joga Jimin no assento ao seu lado, enquanto o menino ainda balbuciava pela loira.
"E ai, conseguiu alguma coisa?” O grifinório indaga, obtendo apenas uma balançada de cabeça e suspiro do corvino, Namjoon conta tudo o que ouviu. “Espera. Ela pensou que Jimin estivesse enfeitiçado?"
"Sim, e quer saber, fiz sentido," O moreno observa seu amigo, agora foco da conversa, Jimin olhava para a mesa lufana, as amigas rindo juntas, e Namjoon se lembrou que apesar de quase o matar, ficou completamente encantado com a beleza da garota. "Até ontem ele estava jurando amor para outra pessoa.."
" Você tá pensando o mesmo que eu?" Jin instiga, olhando de Jimin para as duas lufanas.
Pelo menos agora Namjoon tinha um ponto de partida...
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bts-polls · 6 months
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LAST CALL: Have you ever attended a BTS performance?
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imvsilly · 12 days
Broo I'm here to rant , if any of you want to rant or want advice or anything just send in an anonymous ask .
Peace out.
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gemsinmypocket · 12 days
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ᶦˢᶠʲ⁽ᶠ⁾ ⁶ʷ⁵⁺²ʷ¹⁺⁹ʷ¹ Puffwedgie Nurse
“You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.” — Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Requested by @booksforlions
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kpop-in-hogwarts · 1 year
Wrong House Ch 1: Best Birthday Ever
Cast: Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook's parents, Jungkook's granddad, man in green
Summary: Jungkook wakes up on Halloween Morning, and forgets that there's no class + a horrible day in general. Oh right, and he has an encounter with a warrior, or two, and the Gryffindor's Snake.
Hogwarts is home to many. A sanctuary. A place one can return to year after year and just be themselves. Away from familial and societal expectations. Or so first-year Gryffindor Jeon Jungkook has been told.
Spoiler: he doesn't agree.
Jungkook's first encounter with the magical world was on his sixth birthday and if anyone had been kind enough to have asked him how he'd felt, he would wholeheartedly say that it was the most terrifying moment in his life to date. Second to that would be the time he poured tea for his granddad and it turned into frog eggs and had to spend a full half hour trying to stop the old man from drinking from the cursed cup.
His parents had decided that a day out in London would be the "best birthday present ever" and Jungkook had, of course, very much agreed. So excited to ride the London Eye and to visit the London Aquarium, Jungkook bolted ahead of his parents as soon as they stepped out of the train at King's Cross Station, which in hindsight was very stupid of him as a) he was separating himself from his parents in a very crowded place which b) happens to be somewhere new and unfamiliar to the just-turned-six-year-old, not to mentioned that c) they were supposed to get the underground and not get out of the station like Jungkook tried to do. He'd turned around at some point, to see if his parents had followed him, and ran back towards platform 10 when he realised that no, they weren't following just behind him like they usually do.
He'd been running, close to tears and disoriented, mentally congratulating himself for dodging that tall man with the green cape for about a second until he realised that by dodging the man, he'd put himself right in front of a wall. Too late to stop. Too late to change direction.
Jungkook closed his eyes, hand stretched out and braced for impact.
He burst into tears as pain shot through his arm and his side where his own elbow, the traitor, had lodged itself. Stinging on his knees where he'd apparently scraped himself but as he opened his eyes, Jungkook couldn't find the wall he'd just bumped into. Instead, there were crowds of adults and children and a massive red train he was sure wasn't on the platform a second ago because he definitely would have noticed. He blinked, pain forgotten for a few seconds of confusion. And then he cried. Cried because he missed his parents. Cried because he was in pain. Cried because he didn't know what was going on and where this stranger lady with a long purple cape was taking him.
He doesn't actually remember anything else after that. His parents had told him that someone took him to the concierge where they then found him and then had apparently spent the rest of the day enjoying what his parents had planned. Jungkook doesn't remember.
After that, a series of unwanted events started to happen around him that remained mostly unexplained for the next five years up until a man in green showed up to their house about a month before his eleventh birthday claiming to be a wizard and offering 'education'. His mother had been delighted, a wizard in her family (she'd explained that she used to have a best friend who came out as a witch --> she's dead now but kook doesn't need to know that), and his father had let out a relieved "oh is that all?" (his dad, a professor who specialises in mythical Lore, was sure Kook was a changeling, taken on his sixth birthday).
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simpliciaty-cc · 2 years
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💥 An oversized hoodie with 70 graphic designs! Comes in two variations: a dress version where you can wear it as a full outfit & a top version where you can wear it with some pants (won't work with all unfortunately!) 💥
Includes designs from : Rico Nasty, One Direction, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Nirvana, AC/DC, Stranger Things, Taylor Swift, Lana del Rey, Cartoon Network, Jazmin Bean, Hannah Montana, Nickelodeon, Avengers, DC, Melody & Kuromi, Super Mario, Arctic Monkeys, Doctor Who, Powerpuff Girls, Marvel, Attack on Titan, Blackpink, BTS, Inuyasha, Jhené Aiko, Maddycats / OhTaraTara (RIP ♥), Melanie Martinez, Naruto, Nintendo, Harry Styles (Pleasing), Rick & Morty, Spirited Away, Hogwarts Houses (Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff & Gryffindor), Anti Social Social Club, Winx Club, GOT7, Demon Slayer, Death Note, Guns N' Roses, 5SOS, Queen, Lil Nas X, US Universities (Stanford, Harvard & Yale), Pokémon, Zelda, Sailor Moon, Animal Crossing, NANA, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Wonder Woman, Pink Floyd, Doja Cat, Clare Siobhan, Olivia Rodrigo & Fleetwood Mac.
100 swatches and/or unlimited colors with "The Spectrum Collection" (Click for more info);
Top & Full Body Category;
HQ mod compatible;
Custom Shadow Map;
All LOD’s;
New CC two times a week on my Patreon page!
If you use please tag #simpliciaty in your pictures!
Thank you! ♥
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beautifulchris · 11 months
love potion
pairing: seo changbin x gn!reader
wc: 4,9k
featuring: bang chan, lee minho, victon’s subin, the boyz’s haknyeon, i-dle’s soyeon, bts’ jeongguk, got7’s yugyeom, golden child’s donghyun
summary: changbin has been your best friend for years now, harboring feelings for you. on the other hand, you’re too absorbed by the cute hufflepuff quidditch fan to notice.
genres: hogwarts!au, best friends to lovers!au, slytherin!changbin, slytherin!reader, fluff, humor (i tried)
tw: swearing, food, jealousy
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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“BINNIE!!” you yelled as soon as you spotted your black haired best friend in the crowd at the train station.
Just when he was turning to face you, you crashed into him, and he had to use every strength in his body to not fall over. He held you tight while gently patting your back. Once on the train, you talked about your respective summertime until you arrived at Hogwarts. It was your fifth year for both of you, and you were excited.
“Class started three days ago and I already have four parchments to write plus two exams next week. I know the O.W.L.S. are important but this is straight up overworking poor fifteen years olds. I’m still not over my summer holidays.”
You let out a deep sigh, pushing yourself deeper atop the table, your left cheek on your crossed arms.
Changbin chuckled next to you. “I don’t want to imagine how you’ll react in a few months when we won’t be able to breathe because we’ll crumble under an astronomical amount of homework.”
You straightened your back, eyes wide, then whined and got back to your previous position. “I have astronomy class tonight… how will I survive?”
Your best friend scoffed while rubbing soothing circles on your back. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be there.”
“I won’t survive this year,” you mumbled, eyes closed.
“You’re being overdramatic.”
Of course, you were. People only needed to spend ten minutes with you to know. Changbin liked this side of you, it was always fun to him, how you could say dramatic stuff while looking this cute. You’ll never catch him say that out loud, though.
A few weeks later, Changbin was on his way to his first Quidditch practice with his teammates —you were accompanying them— when a group of Gryffindors came to him, fifth year Haknyeon leading.
“Hey Changbin,” he called, “I bet I’m faster than you on a broom.”
“Is that why I’m on the Quidditch team and you’re not?” he retorted. A few teammates laughed.
Haknyeon scoffed, visibly upset. Then shrugged. “I’ll try not to humiliate you too much.”
“Why don’t you let your broom do the talking? I’m ready to fly whenever you are,” Changbin smirked.
“I’ve seen Haknyeon practice for hours on the Training Grounds,” Yugyeom, beater of your House, whispered to the team.
“Come on, you can win this with your eyes closed,” a Gryffindor encouraged his housemate.
“If the referee asks, I don’t condone this,” Soyeon, captain of the Slytherin team, warned with her hands up.
Changbin and Haknyeon prepared for the race, getting on their brooms.
“Loser buys the butterbeer. That’s you, Ju.”
Ju Haknyeon tsked and you approached your best friend. “Please, don’t end up in the Hospital Wing, Binnie.”
“I thought you had more faith in me,” he winked.
You moved back, rolling your eyes amusedly as they started the race.
“This is the race I didn’t know I wanted,” a Gryffindor said excitedly.
It was tight, until Haknyeon decided to push Changbin. They were going straight to a statue and didn’t seem to realize it. Changbin avoided it with ease though, while Haknyeon wasn’t so lucky, his robes getting caught in the lance’s statue. He kept flying and his robes ripped apart. Your best friend arrived safely on the ground and a few moments later, Haknyeon arrived as well, throwing his broom on the floor in frustration.
Changbin’s teammates were laughing, even Soyeon was giggling. “It was really fun to watch, but we have practice,” Jeongguk, the second beater, announced.
“It was a good race,” Changbin proposed his hand for Haknyeon to shake, which he did.
“It was. Next time I’ll win, though.”
“We’ll see about that. Don’t forget you owe me that butterbeer!”
You all left for the Quidditch Pitch; the team for practice, you to cheer on Changbin from the stands. He always said it helped him do better. So you used practice to do your homework, but always ended up sidetracking, due to a fervent Quidditch fan going to a lot of practices from every house. You often wondered if Subin was twenty four hours in the stands. I mean, you wouldn’t complain, because Subin was a pretty cute Hufflepuff that was always cheering on everyone.
Second Saturday of December, you went to Hogsmeade with your best friend.
“Binnie,” you called from the scarves alley, “how about this one?” He was sitting on a fir green leather bench next to the fitting room in Gladrags Wizardwear, the clothing shop of Hogsmeade.
“Now that is a pretty scarf. Emerald and silver stripes, nice and simple. You see, the purple one wasn’t really going well with the green of your tie and robes.”
“You’re right, I’ll take it,” you smiled.
You turned around and when your eyes landed on someone outside, you stopped yourself and stared, a shy smile on your face. Changbin curiously got up then followed your gaze but, upon seeing nothing, was confused by your behavior.
“What’s going on?”
“Subin walked past and smiled at me,” you beamed.
“Oh, I see. Better pay for the scarf and go if you want to talk to him, then.”
Yes, you had an embarrassing crush on the cutest Hufflepuff ever. Have you talked to him before? Eh. Made a whole conversation? Now, let’s not get over ourselves. He just always smiled when he caught you staring or when you bumped into each other in the hallways. He was just so sweet.
“I still can’t believe you fell for a smile.”
“Those are powerful things, you know?”
Oh, he knew alright. He fell for yours.
“I can’t believe this guy! Five gallions a scarf? It better lasts until the end of my school years,” you huffed loudly, putting away your wallet.
“Stop whining, you bought it anyway.”
“Well yeah, I need to stay warm this winter.”
“Remind me again why you’re buying it now?” His tone was teasing, making your eyes roll.
“A crup destroyed it yesterday during care of magical creatures class but I’m sure you don’t need a reminder,” you answered bitterly. You remembered how his laugh was louder than everyone else’s.
“You’re right. That was so funny.”
You had the urge to smack him but stopped yourself. “Stop mocking me, it was the scarf or my face!”
You didn’t spot Subin again that day, but Haknyeon did buy Changbin butterbeer like promised.
Classes were hard, but you were holding up just fine, compared to your whines the first week. Sometimes you were even a little too enthusiastic, like with the crup.
Now, the only pet that terrorized everyone but Changbin and you is his scops owl, Yogi. He loved you, somehow, while he could tear apart another student just because he walked too close to it for comfort.
Actually, it happened before.
First year. Yogi was on Changbin’s shoulder as he was walking to the owlery, when a student —was he a Ravenclaw? Probably a 3rd year at the time— bumped into his shoulder by accident. Right before Changbin could do anything, Yogi flew to the guy, lacerated his clothes and skin while giving him pecks, all the while flying around him. The poor Ravenclaw tried to cover his head with his arms.
After a few seconds, Changbin realized the gravity of the situation. He called Yogi who flew right back on his owner’s shoulder, not without barking in the boy’s direction.
The latter slowly dropped his arms on his sides and got up, visibly upset. “He tried to kill me!!”
“Yeah he does that, sorry! It’s nothing personal,” Changbin shrugged. “I suggest you go to the infirmary, dude, it’s not looking good.” He gestured to the upper body of the 3rd year who left in a hurry, a big frown on his face.
Since that day, Yogi stayed in the owlery to avoid having the whole school at Changbin’s throat because of his tiny and aggressive pet. He was happy, though, he could make friends and leave whenever and wherever, instead of being kept in a room full of hormones and sweat. I mean, the choice was quickly made.
The fifth match opposing Slytherin to Hufflepuff was coming soon, and you knew Subin was going to be there. So, as the skilled-at-potion-teenage-witch-in-love you were, your great idea was to induce chocolate chip cookies with a love potion and offer them to him after the match.
“It’s a love potion, what could possibly go wrong?” you whispered to yourself over your cauldron.
I could give you a list.
You purposely kept your plan to yourself, knowing what your best friend would say —and rightfully so, might I add— about the dangers of love potions, but really the most dangerous was amortentia, which was why you chose another one. The potion you decided to make was supposed to bring to the surface already existing feelings, not create an infatuation or obsession. You knew love couldn’t be created by a potion, and you didn’t want that either. Also, it wouldn’t last really long, just two to three hours, enough time for someone to confess their feelings.
Thinking about your best friend, though, you decided to make regular cookies to congratulate him on his next win —you were persuaded Slytherin would win. Once ready, you put them in different bags, naming them ‘S’ for Subin and ‘Q’ for the Quidditch team.
On the day of the match, you walked proudly in the direction of the Quidditch pitch with your potion-induced cookies in one hand and the normal ones in the other.
Arriving at the changing room, you entered with your eyes closed —who knew what you could witness— and called for Changbin.
“Scared of seeing a few muscles, Y/N?” You recognized Jeongguk’s joking voice.
A hand took your wrist and gently pulled you outside before you could reply.
“Is that cookies? For me?”
As you opened your eyes, you saw Changbin reaching for one bag, but you were quick to dodge his hand. “You’ll have to win first.”
“See you soon, then,” he spoke to the cookies with a smirk.
“I came to say good luck. You’re gonna win easily.” He thanked you with a hug.
“Who’s the second bag for?” your best friend asked, and you turned your head in embarrassment. “Let me guess. Subin?”
“Not so loud!” you whisper-shouted as you put your hand over his mouth, having now both bags in the other one.
“Too late.” You turned around super fast, losing your grip on the bags in the process. But no one was behind you. “I was joking,” he laughed, “your face was priceless. We’ll definitely win this match.”
He left you to join his team who was calling for him and you picked up the bags, realizing some cookies were broken. “I should be hexing you!” you shouted but wasn’t sure he heard. You walked up to the stands, searching for familiar faces.
The cookies safely installed in your robes’ pockets, you sat next to your Slytherin friends and watched as the Hufflepuff’s team came flying on the pitch. Next was your house. Changbin was already showing off his flying skills by swirling and spinning around the area. He stopped in front of you and gave you a thumbs up, which, despite the trick he pulled only minutes prior, you mirrored. You could never hate him, even if you tried.
Ten minutes into the match, Juyeon, one of Hufflepuff”s beaters, sent a bludger to your house’s keeper, San. Changbin was quick to borrow Yugyeom’s bat to send the bludger away before it could touch San. You heard someone in the crowd say: “Wow, Changbin is not only fast, he’s pretty strong too.” Damn right.
Your house won 190 to 140. It was time Changbin caught the snitch, or it would’ve been embarrassing for everyone. As promised, you went back to the changing room to deliver the cookies.
“You did so good,” you excitedly said as Changbin took the bag from your hand. “You can share with everyone, I made a lot.”
“Thanks Y/N, you’re the best.”
“You are!” Soyeon chimed in.
“Come on, go talk to your crush. I just saw him leave,” he urged you, pushing you out of the changing room. When you turned around, he wasn’t there anymore.
Subin was walking back to the castle, a little pout on his face. You ran up to him, and called his name. When he saw you, he smiled. “Y/N, hey. What’s up?”
“I, uh, wanted to give you these cookies,” you sheepishly said as you handed him the second bag. He reached for them as he thanked you. “And I’m sorry you guys didn’t win. But, for what it’s worth, you’re first in the course for the House Cup.”
“Thank you, Y/N, it’s really kind of you. Your house team played well, and Changbin is a really skilled seeker.”
“He is,” you acquiesced with a proud smile. Finally, Subin opened the bag and took a relatively complete cookie. “Sorry, I dropped them earlier…”
“No problem, they still look good.” Ah, this smile. Pretty cute. He started chewing, and you kept your eyes on him, waiting for a reaction. “Wow, it’s fantastic!”
“You think?” Your cheeks felt hot, he loved your cookies. One win.
“Really, it’s the best cookie I’ve ever tasted. Which oddly reminds me I have to talk to someone. Thank you again for the cookies, Y/N!” With that, he accidentally dropped the bag and ran to the castle. With fast reflexes, you caught it before it could reach the floor.
You were confused. Did it not work? There was still the ‘S’ written in black on the transparent bag. Did you make a mistake when naming the bags? A vision of horror crossed your mind as you sprinted back to the changing room. You prepared yourself for the worst when entering the room, but nothing seemed weird. Everyone was finishing changing in a good mood. So, either you didn’t exchange the bags and Subin felt nothing for you or no one here liked anyone—you lowkey preferred this second suggestion.
When Changbin saw you, he frowned and approached you. “Are you okay? How did it go?”
“Good, he liked my cookies,” you tried to smile but after running so much, you puffed a bit.
“Then why do you still have them, then?”
“Oh? Right, he, uh, gave them back.”
“That’s not polite,” he said without a shadow of a smile. Was that a clenched jaw?
“He didn’t do it on purpose, I promise.”
“What do you mean? How can you not give back a gift on purpose?” Great question, funny story.
“It’s… complicated.”
Your best friend huffed. “I’ll show him.” He took his stuff and left the changing room under the whole Slytherin Quidditch team confused eyes, and you followed him closely.
“I assure you, it’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” He stopped in his tracks and faced you. “Can I have a cookie, please?”
“No?” You nervously laughed as he raised a brow.
“Why not?”
“Because, uh, the… chocolate is melted. Yeah.”
“I don’t mind.” He extended an arm, palm up to receive a cookie. Refusing meant telling him the truth… “Thanks.”
Like with Subin, you waited for a reaction. “So, what did you want to prove?”
“A point.”
“Which is…?”
“That you put something in these cookies,” he said calmly.
Saying you were shocked was an understatement. “How did you know?!”
“Come on, Y/N, you’ve never baked anything in our five years of friendship and suddenly it’s a whole batch, plus you didn’t want me to touch it before the game. Felt suspicious. But the biggest clue is that you still have the bag.”
“As always, you have an amazing sense of observation,” you muttered, quite embarrassed.
“Yes, and I’m far from being a potion expert, but I honestly believe that your love potion works perfectly.”
He smiled faintly and turned back to the castle, leaving you puzzled and pensive. You didn’t say what kind of potion it was… How did he know?
Lost in thought, you barely reacted when the Slytherin team patted you on the back, thanking you for the cookies, on the way back to celebrate their victory.
Then, it hit you. You ran past the team when they arrived at the stairs, almost tripping over your feet. In your search for your best friend, you bumped into Subin in the Entrance Hall, walking towards the Great Hall.
“Subin?” you called, stopping in front of him. “Are you okay?”
“Never better. You?” Here it was. The genuine and cute smile.
“I’m okay. I don’t really know how to say this but… um…”
“You can tell me anything,” he assured.
“O—okay. I like… you.”
“You mean…” You nodded. He was confused for a few seconds. “Oh. I’m so sorry Y/N, I’m flattered but I don’t feel the same way.”
“Oh, I thought, you know, because you’re always smiling at me…”
“I’m a smiley giggling idiot, that’s for sure. But I’m like that with basically everyone. I’m sorry.” You knew he was genuine, and it somehow made the rejection more bearable.
“It’s alright, I feel better now that I told you.”
Awkward silence —especially on your part.
“You remember earlier when I said I had to talk to someone? Well, it was Chaeyoung. I like her and I don’t know, I just felt the urge to tell her.”
“About that…”
“It’s my fault. There was a love potion that makes you realize your feelings of some sort in the cookie. I wanted to see if you liked me without creating any false feelings. I’m so sorry, I… I shouldn’t have done that,” you muttered, staring at your shoes and picking at your clothes.
“… I see. Thank you for telling me. It’s unconventional for sure, but, thanks to you, I shot my shot.”
You felt like he only reacted that way because he was still under the effects of the potion and you hoped he wouldn’t hate you once it wore off.
“How did it go?”
“She said she liked me too. We’re going on a date tomorrow at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop.”
“I’m happy for you. Honestly,” you smiled. If he wasn’t going to be happy with you, at least he would be with Chaeyoung, and who were you to hate them or try to change that?
“Thank you, and I’m sorry I can’t return your feelings.”
“No, please, don’t apologize, no one can control those.”
“Not that it changes anything, but I always thought you and Changbin were a thing.”
“We’re just best friends.”
“I believe you,” he smiled then reassuringly squeezed your shoulder before finally entering the Great Hall.
You stayed there for a hot minute, mindlessly staring in the distance. Then did the stupidest thing you could do: avoid Changbin, and clearly not tell him about what just happened with Subin.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
A week later, the last match of the season opposing Gryffindor and Ravenclaw ended with Ravenclaw’s victory 420 to 310. Despite this win, Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup with 910 points. Ravenclaw was close behind with 880 points, Slytherin next with 770 and then Hufflepuff with 470.
Chan made sure to tell Changbin how he was right about his house winning (see Jeongin’s) and when Changbin didn’t seem to hear, he asked what was wrong.
“Y/N is avoiding me.”
“What? Why?”
“Last week, they made a potion… for their crush, and I tasted it. It felt like my love for them only grew stronger —which I thought impossible—, and it made me want to scream how much I loved them. I stopped myself, of course, and that’s the last time we spoke.”
“Tough. Have you tried speaking to them?”
“You’re asking this as if it didn’t cross my mind in a whole week.”
“Mh… Bitter failure, then. Well, you’re in luck! I know a guy who knows a friend of Y/N.”
“I’m afraid to ask where this nonsense is going.”
“Hush. Just say the word and Y/N will probably listen to you.”
This was awfully mysterious. “Probably? How would you do that?”
“That’s for me to deal with and you to be ignorant about. So?”
Changbin sighed deeply, wondering what he did in his past life to deserve such a weird friend. “Okay. Thanks, Chan.”
“No problem, man. Just be in your common room before dinner tonight.
A whole week without speaking to your best friend was pretty hard, but trying not to crumble under tons of homework was harder. To this, Donghyun was a valuable friend. He helped you with every subject you had in common, which was really thoughtful of him.
“So, that’s why reparo can only work on non-edible objects,” your fellow housemate finished as you wrote down the end of his speech.
“Donghyun, you have no idea how thankful I am.” You put down your quill and threw your head back under the laughter of your friend.
“You say that every day.”
“And I mean it every time!”
“That’s kind of you. Tomorrow, same time?” he proposed as he suddenly got up, putting his stuff in his backpack.
“Sure…” you replied, looking at him suspiciously. He never acted like this before.
“Sorry, I have to go. Bye,” he waved at you then left the common room quickly.
Wondering why he left so abruptly, you didn’t notice someone else sitting next to you.
“Hey… Are you mad at me?”
The question taking you aback, you didn’t have it in you to flee again.
“Of course not, Binnie. I’m just embarrassed.”
“Why’s that?”
“Do I really have to remind you?”
He gave you a weak smile. “No…”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you said as you played with the hem of your robe.
“Why did you, then?”
You sighed. “Subin doesn’t like me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Oh, don’t be. Some people are meant to stay unloved.” Changbin would’ve laughed at your dramatics, but it was a serious matter —for him at least.
“Uh, that’s not true. I believe everyone’s loved, it’s just that some don’t act on it.”
“… They’re scared of rejection. Or they have too much pride. They don’t want to ruin a friendship. They’d rather see the other happy with someone else than try to change how the person they love feels about them.”
Oh, right. The reason why he knew it was a love potion: he liked someone.
“You seem to have thought about it a lot. Do you have feelings for someone, Binnie?”
“N—no, of course not.” The red of his cheeks told a different story.
“And you never knew how to lie. I’ll find out, loverboy.”
“I don’t like anyone!” he tried.
“Nah, I don’t buy that.”
“Would you look at that,” he looked at his watch, “it’s time for dinner.”
He regretted saying that the second he sat at the Slytherin table.
“Minho, do you know who Binnie likes? He denies it but I know he does.”
Minho gave a pointed look at your best friend but the latter just looked away.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Someone from your year probably.”
Changbin widened his eyes at Minho who didn’t give away any expression because you were looking at him.
“I knew it! Binnie, you sneaky imp, you won’t even tell your best friend!”
“I have my reasons,” he muttered as he avoided your gaze.
“What, is it Tzuyu?”
“No, no.”
“Wooyoung, then?”
“Uh, no.”
Minho deadpanned as you kept throwing names. You were so oblivious that it was painful for the two boys. Changbin was stammering but you could tell he was being sincere.
“Which house?” you asked Minho, knowing Changbin wouldn’t tell.
He hesitated. Their eyes met and they had a whole unspoken conversation. Finally, Minho turned to you.
Happy, you scanned the table to see who it could be. “I’ll find out sooner or later!”
“Try a mirror,” Changbin wanted to tell you.
Desperately wanting to change the subject, he announced: “I think I’ll try out for the beater position next year.”
Right, it was Yugeom and Jeongguk’s last year at Hogwarts.
“It’s true you’re getting buff,” you commented, mindlessly feeling his arm with your fingers.
His face became so red, Minho laughed for a good minute after that, much to Changbin’s embarrassment and your confusion. “What did I do?”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a warm day of June, Changbin finally had enough. He had to let you know about his feelings.
He lowkey regretted not making you eat your own cookies back in May, and he couldn’t brew the potion himself, because he wasn’t fond of that subject. You were the genius there, not him.
The best way to make you realize your own feelings —friendship or love for him, any was fine but he had to know— was to ask you.
What, you thought he was gonna give an elaborate plan?
Changbin wasn’t the type to plan. He would cut to the chase and be honest. He hoped you would be too.
He had a small smile on his face while waiting for you in the common room. It widened when his eyes fell on your frame, then fell seeing Donghyun walking through the door after you. It wasn’t part of the plan image of your conversation he created in his mind.
To be fair, when asked to come, you said you were coming soon, but didn’t specify with who or what you were going to do. Now it was clear that the subject of your ‘visit’ was working on essays with your favorite tutor.
Fighting it was useless, Changbin’s jealousy was here to stay. He watched as you both sat at the large table in the middle of the room, putting your stuff out and starting to work on defense against the dark arts. He came closer, until you spotted him and shot him your best smile.
His heart pounded at this simple gesture. “Binnie! Come, we’re doing our essay on ghouls. Have you finished it?”
“Of course,” he answered, trying to sound smug, but the look of adoration you gave him weakened him, and he swallowed with difficulty.
Donghyun chuckled a bit at the scene, resulting in your best friend shooting him a glare. You could only amusedly smile at Changbin before reporting your attention to your parchment. He sat across from you, handing you his own neatly written essay.
“Don’t copy word for word,” he demanded as he crossed his arms over his chest before resting them on the table.
“I will only add the few facts I missed,” you promised, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze, a blush creeping up on your cheeks and ears. Your parchment seemed not filled enough.
You worked for about two hours with Donghyun and your best friend was there the whole time, watching you guys write and helping here and there when he could. After your friend left under your thanks to go with other friends, Changbin took his place next to you, and fixed his robe’s sleeves.
“I need to ask you something.”
He seemed nervous, you noted. “I’m all ears.”
Here goes nothing.
“Do you still like Subin?”
Sorry, what? “Huh? Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” he shrugged, but you noticed the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Okay… do you like anyone else?”
He swallowed audibly. “Who is the lucky one?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.” Here was your chance to discover if your early conversation with Donghyun was true.
“Tell you what?”
“Who you like.”
There was no escaping this, so he gulped and nodded, “Okay.”
You counted to three, and both said: “you.”
“Me?” Changbin’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“How thick is your damn skull? I mean I love you.”
“Wh– You…” You used the L word!!!! “You’re one to talk! I’ve loved you for years and you’ve never figured it out!”
“It’s true, I’ve been pretty clueless. But! Donghyun and I–” Changbin slightly grimaced at the name. “talked on our way here and he told me how everyone around us thought we were together,” you pointed a finger to the both of you, “him included.”
You faced the table, reflecting on your oblivious actions.
“Subin too, by the way.”
“Y/N,” he softly called.
“So yeah, I guess I’m the last person to realize my feelings like a stupid kid.”
“I’m sorry it took me this long, but hey, at least now you know.”
“Y/N!” he said firmly.
“Everyone is watching us right now…”
Indeed, as you looked around, you saw Slytherins of various years talking to each other, their eyes on you both. Your dramatic self had to say something.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you guys think this was a reality show? Are our lives that interesting compared to your boring ones? You better go elsewhere before my boyfriend and I hex the shit out of y’all!”
They quickly cleared out the room, some rolling their eyes and others with an amused smile on their faces. Minho came into view, displaying a knowing smirk as he walked to you. Changbin was as red as a rubis, shocked by what you just called him.
“Took you long enough, Y/N.”
Realization hit, your face and ears burned as you avoided facing any of the boys.
“Shut up, Minho.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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phenomenalgirl9 · 10 months
Back to navigation
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Tired Cuddles
When he writes a (xxx) song about you
When they hear that you've collapsed while working
Bestie! BTS: Enlisting
Your reaction to his buzz cut
Hogwarts Houses
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Smoking is injurious to health
Dating Rumour
Ghost of you
Fast Forward
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A Good Doctor
Blood is Red (Vampire! Seokjin) (on hold)
(i) | (ii) | (iii) | (iv) | (v) | (vi) | (vii)
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The Eternal Prince
Unlikely yours...TBA
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Look at Her, Look at me
Not for the world
Love deception
... Don't Blame me
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Stand down
Notes (Hogwarts! AU)
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Self Love
Don't Do that!
Dirty (🔞Minors DNI🚫)
Lost you (Part 2)
Time of my Life
It's You
Hate You
Champagne Problems
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55 notes · View notes
arosesstorm · 1 year
bts in Harry Potter ⚯͛ ▕⃝⃤ ϟ 9¾
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You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;
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Captain of the quidditch team, he and jimin are best friends even if the duo couldn't be more different. A hopeless romantic, denies jimin the pleasure of taking him on his love haunts. Smart in school, loyal and kind, he is the perfect boy, and you noticed, dear Merlin if you did. Since Jimin had introduced you both, you seemed to stumble upon him everywhere you went, only to realize, in front of a butterbeer that you both have fallen hopelessly in love.
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Plays Beater in Quidditch, he and his bff jungkook are the power couple of the School. He's a player, the worst, famous for having broke so many hearts it's hard to say his name around the Castle without hearing a girl cry. Proud Gryffindor, he has colored his hair bright red for his house once and liked it so much he decided to just keep it.
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Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;
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The smartest of his house, he's the brightest achievement of the Revenclaws' since its foundation. Headboy, captain of the quidditch team, is also known for being the number one answer when asked people about their first crush at Hogwarts; if you say you never thought about Kim Namjoon as your lover, you're lying.
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Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.
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Looks tough, has a soft spot: you. Befriending the boy in your second year, you both have grown inseparable; surviving your teenage years with him by your side had you know one thing: people should know better than to mess with you. Your ride or die honestly.
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Looks innocent, is lethal. Hates quidditch and everyone who plays it. Gives this mysterious, narcissistic boy vibe; bad for him, you're worse. Being the first who had the guts of talking back to him when he was being petty, he liked you instantly, but it's not like he can tell you, so you're stuck in this enemies-who-wish-to-be-lovers thing. People call you Queen and King of Slytherin, you can't change my mind.
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You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil;
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You thought Hufflepuff were lame till you met this boy; still shocked that he wasn't sorted into Slytherin you catch him one day petting a Thestral in the forbidden forest, a smile on his face and suddenly you realize why. Getting to know Kim Taehyung had been a dark and difficult ride, but once you're in, you can't seem to come out. You can't think of a person who knows you better than this boy.
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Sweetest boy you know, once helped you with your transfiguration's spells and still takes the blame for having turned the professors' pet into a pot. After that incident you engraved his name on the left side of your heart; there was no way you were not gonna become best friends after this.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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ivppiter-06 · 4 months
So i very recently i started to stan BTS and i just wondered what hogwarts houses people believe they are in and i noticed that everyone always say Yoongi is a Slytherin. And hear me out, i can't be the only one who believes that Min Yoongi is clearly a Hufflepuff
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Found that edit on interest, credits to whoever made it Like i Know we all have that idea that slytherins are "cold" and serious people (wich is how a lot of people perciebe yoongi, i am not saying that it´s true), but just look at this man, he is the personification of a Hufflepuff Lets take a look of the traits of that hous, shall we?
He keeps supporting all of his members, giving them advice and trying to keep them calm and on the right place Example: All the members were invited to SUCHWITA so they could talk about their new music
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And like one of the most heartbreaking moments, but most important for this point: how he just bows at his parents when he felt that "the could be proud of him" even if they didn't supported him (wich is another whole topic)
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We know that he doesn't really like being the center of atencion, or loud noises, or physical touch and yet he just let the band members do ANYTHING to him and my bro just sits there and smiles
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𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌.
I don´t think this needs explanation. He worked his ass off to be where he is now, before and during bangtan
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That's it, thank you for coming to my ted talk, drink water and stan Hufflepuff Yoongi
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ratsoh-writes · 28 days
Masterlist 34
(****) = suggestive
the longest they've gone without doing the do (lf ot)******
most excited to go on a rollercoaster
SO wants company when upset, but doesn't want to talk (fs ut sf)
crush asks to pet their gaster blaster (lf st ul)
their favorite flower/fruit goes extinct (farmers + dt)
the rich boys have a SO who isn't used to money being spent on them (lf drt)
hogwarts houses (uw ht flt bt)
when their shop got broken into
his pet traps SO
crush accidentally burns themselves (ut uf ht)
SO is affectionate after he wrecks them (ut uf hf ht fsg)****
his pp gets bigger/smaller (gears maple)*****
alien invasion (sf hfm tt dt)
SO is temporarily blind
SO can flirt but cant be flirted with (mf lf lsf uf)
SO jokes his dong is too big (nt ft)****
SO wears thigh highs and his shirt (lf mf +brothels)****
they're cursed with the truth (marcelo papyrus captain chaos red)
the bauble and flavor siblings home
wedding vows (fsg fsr)
gaster comes back from the dead
doing a presentation (nt ff hfm fs sf)
gay sex wins, fatality (brothels + fsg lf)**
monkey paw clown nose
he's cursed to speak backwards for a week
board games (brothel + bf fs)
pigs blood (drf tht fs ss lf)
non sexual intimacies (brothel + fs bf)
kid comes home with disrespectful date
object becomes sentient (flt ss gt hfm bs)
voice actor SO (uf lsf mf lf fsg)
karen fights for them (basil Sugar, Pluto, Peaches, Cider, Compass, Sparks, Finn, Quill and Papaya)
their brother is lv sick (fsg sf)
first date (cash mutt weasel pesto gold coffee)
tv laugh track (tht ut)
SO has vertigo (bf + brothel)
SO has a cursed job (ut bbt os)
crush accidentally burns themselves (ht uf ut)
SO is dazed after getting railed lol (ut uf ht hf fsg)****
how the ut uf us bros handled meeting their horror counterparts
what was wines and coffees mother like?
the horrorfell civil war
strongest and weakest ten update
other heat cycle species seasons**
more snail breeds
how the old farm aus are doing without the monsters
temmies children kevin
difference between fae born monsters and normal ones
night sky in ebott
can skeletons choke
Heat changes (all)****
How many fingers to kitsune have. And more wing info for birdtale
spunions axelaterals and lavender quarts
sky serpents, and what form do slime monsters take
how does one become a prince
pet taxes and registration
animal bias and needlecones
fire elementals dealing with rain and ebotts grade system
why is dual colored magic "ugly"
ogres swiftees bugbear
skeleton bones vs human bones + how breaks heal
how smooshable are the skeletons (featuring quill)
fortune telling?
most common ecto color (all monster types)
whos now the main mafia? (rps only)
common monster names
train system
EBOTT MAP first draft + where the skeletons live
more random monster behaviors
side characters
juniper devi argo
blight dwight their parents
more rich b*tches
Damocles Cassia (and vlock info)
Diane Swann (and vila info)
what they look like
vamp and duchess' mates
Poseidon and Salacia's children
sans kid is a changeling
fellswap red
mutt and oblivious SO
mal and vila SO
cash and oblivious SO
roulette comes back from the dead
bruisers SO reveals they're a selkie
maid SO**
taffy gets cheated on
silex gets cheated on
Jupiter gets cheated on
fellswap gold
if wine and coffees mother had survived
coffees braces
the brothel
do they regret taking the lust serum?
did they have to take the lust serum
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themadpantransnerd · 2 years
Neville Longbottom x Male Reader
Title: Troublesome Niffler
Narrator's POV (fourth year, and it has nothing to do with the movies or books, just for the wholesome-ness)
Key word: (NF/N): Niffler's name. (HG/N): Hippogriff's name. (BT/N), Bowtruckle's name.
(Btw, reader is Slytherin!)
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It is weird for a half-blood ambitious Slytherin like (Y/N) and a pure-blood cowardly Gryffindor like Neville become boyfriends.
Since the very first day attended at Hogwarts, they have become inseperable. One thought they woukd be in Hufflepuff, the other thought they would end up in Ravenclaw. Yet, here they were. Two total different houses. Most importantly, two rival houses.
The others were confused or either disgusted on how they became so inseperable.
And now, look at them. The nervous Gryffindor behind the eager Slytherin, willing to catch a troublesome baby Niffler who was up on a tree. "(NF/N)!!! Come down this instant, you pesky little pest!"
The Niffler shook it's head, holding the golden snitch who was trying to get away from it's grasp. "(NF/N), please come down! The Gryffindors need to train for Quidditch!" Neville tried to help his boyfriend, which resulted to (NF/N) throwing a golden necklace on Neville's head.
"Ow!" Neville said, picking the necklace up and rubbing his head. (Y/N) put his "Fantastic Beast and Where To Find Them" book down and began to climb up the tree.
"(Y-(Y/N)! You're going to get hurt!!" Neville said, watching his boyfriend in horror.
(Y/N) did not care, though, his only goal being to catch that Niffler and retrieve back people's belongings.
The Niffler went to the tip of the giant tree branch as (Y/N) sat down on it. "(NF/N)...don't make me do this..." (Y/N) slowly pushed himself foward towards the Niffler.
Neville couldn't watch, this was too overwhelming for him.
The golden snitch then began to flap it's wings as (Y/N) was infront of (NF/N), it beginning to fly carrying his kidnapper away.
(NF/N) blew it's raspberry at his owner. "Oh, you little..." (Y/N) mumbled, before he heard a crack. Neville immediatly snapped his head back to his boyfriend. They both stood still.
The cracking then continued. Then, the branch fell.
. . .
(Y/N)'s eyes opened slowly, only to realize that he was at the Hospital Wing's bed. He looked around him and Neville stood to his left while the Golden Trio stood to his right.
"What...what happened?" (Y/N) asked, realizing the Niffler on Harry's hands. "(NF/N) fell onto the Quidditch field, and Neville then ran to us and told us what happened..." Hermione said.
"Blimey, (Y/N), you really climbed up that tree branch?" Ron asked.
(Y/N) just stared at (NF/N). The Niffler had a brown coat with few white patches on it, some darker broen shadings on it's tail. "Did you guys get all the stuff out of him?" (Y/N) eventually asked, turning to his boyfriend.
(Y/N) sighed. "Turn him upside own, shake him, and then tickle his belly. You'll see what I mean." Hermione then snatched (NF/N) away from Harry and did as told. Many coins, rubies, neclaces, rings, and even golden clocks fell out of (NF/N)'s belly, one hitting Ron's foot to which he yelped and hissed in pain at.
Hermione then tickled his belly and a small, golden hour glass smashed on the floor, breaking into pieces. They stood silent in shook before Harry got distracted
"Is that Luna's bracelet?" Harry asked, referring to Luna's bracelet on the floor which was decoracted with rubies. "(NF/N)! Stop stealing from people or I swear I'll leave you at home!" (Y/N) scolded the Niffler, to which he whimpered in response.
Neville looked at (Y/N)'s casted arm. He felt guilty for leaving him like that. He then remembered into when (Y/N) fell unconsious, as he had several scars on him.
"(Y/N)..." Neville spoke softly, using the Golden Trio's converstaion as a chance to talk to him. "I'm sorry t-that I left you behind...I should've helped you instead of staying like a coward." Neville looked down at his feet in shame. (Y/N) put his hand on top of Neville's, rubbing his thumb on his knuckles.
"Nev, you did help me. If you hadn't called for help, I'm sure I would be dead by now. Don't put yourself down just because you didn't climb up that tree with me, I couldn't imagine letting you get hurt."
Neville looked up at his boyfriend. "Although, it's my fault for being reckless...and I probably won't be riding (HG/N) for awhile, but oh well."
Neville smiled as (Y/N) winked at him before giggling.
"Alright, time to go- FOR MERLIN'S BEARD, WHAT IS THIS MESS ON THE FLOOR!?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
Neville and the Golden Trio quickly picked everything up before leaving as Madam Pomfrey scolded them.
Madam Pomfrey then left and (Y/N) felt something light land on his casted arm. He then refrained himself from slapping it before realizing it was (BT/N), his Bowtruckle.
"And I was wondering where you were." (Y/N) grinned. (BT/N) pointed at the table besides them and (Y/N) looked, only to reveal a book. He grabbed it and read the cover.
"'Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them' by Newton Scamander" (Y/N) read out loud. He smiled to himself and hugged the book to his chest, day-dreaming about his future life as a Care of Magical Creatures professor along with Neville who was the Herbology professor.
He then day-dreamed about just him and Neville.
'I'm so lucky...' (Y/N) thought to himself lovingly as a (darker/skin/tone) blush dusted his cheeks.
(Hope you guys enjoyed it! <3 part 2 ia out!!!)
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ppoppokari · 9 months
~...ship rules...~
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~ From this point onward to ensure that you receive your ship in a timely manner each ship will have a certain number of slots, once all the slots are filled in a particular ship I will be closing submissions for that ship. Submissions remain closed until every single ship in that category is complete.
~Due to previous demand and my need to write fics just request one ship at a time. I won't accept your request if you are already on the list of pending ships.
~ All ship requests photos will be private unless you state that you are okay with your photos being posted
~ I won’t be including underage members in your ship
~Please request through asks or submissions, I won't accept your request if you dm me the request.
~ If you do not follow these rules your request will be deleted
~ I like my ships to be aesthetically pleasing and themed, so when you send me a ship can you please sign off with an emoji/emojis that are the colour of or relate to the vibe/aesthetic that you would like for ship. If you are okay with me choosing one for you just sign off with this 🌈
selca ships
~Like most selca ships these ships are based primarily on your appearance
~ Send your selca/selca’s! There is no limit to how many you send
~ You can use light filters but nothing that heavily alters your features
~ Maximum of 5 groups per request
~ You can request for any groups
written ships
These ships will be based purely on your description of your personality
~ Basically tell me who you are, this can include any interests, hobbies, likes & dislikes, MTBI, hogwarts houses or zodiac things. Anything that gives me a better picture of who you are!
~Two groups per request
~I only do written ships for select groups so please address this list before requesting
~Groups: ATEEZ, BTS, A.C.E, ONEUS, ONEWE, Kard, Mamamoo, TXT, NCT (All units), Seventeen,The Boyz, Dreamcatcher, Itzy, (G)Idle, Monsta X, Blackpink, Enhypen, Twice, Kep1er, AESPA, SF9 , Le Sserafim, IVE and Stray Kids
~ I may have left a few groups  out who I’d be happy to do a written ship for so if you don’t see a group you want a ship for send me a dm and I’ll see what I can do :)
overall ships
~Based on your looks and personality
~ Send in your Selca/s and a description of your personality
~One group per request
~ You can request for any of the groups written above or I can just choose a member from any of the groups I am familiar with.
mixtape ship
~ For this ship send in a description of your personality, a playlist of some of your favourite songs and a group
~You will receive a ship with a member from the group, a moodboard based on the playlist you sent and a song I associate with your relationship
~ One group per request
~You can request for any group
mtl ships
~ Based on appearance (I will make an exception if you truly don’t want to send a selca)
~ You can request for any group
~ Maximum 3 groups per request
~ As usual when it comes to NCT please specify whether you want a specific unit/s or whether you want ot23.
bbss/gbss ships
~ Refers to boyfriend/girlfriend, Sibling, Best Friend & Secret Admirer
~ Will be based purely on appearance so send in your selca/s
~Maximum of 2 groups~ Like the MTL please specify when you request for NCT whether you want specific units or ot23
bias vs. biaswrecker ships
~This one is flexible, it can be based on your selca’s, personality or both
~Just send in your selcas or description and your bias and bias wrecker for each group
~ You will be shipped with whichever one I think suits you best
~Maximum 3 per Request
idol life ships
~Send in a description of your personality, style & a selca of yourself (the selca is optional though!), your sexuality and talents or skills
~ This isn’t 100% necessary but if you want also send in how you’d audition to become an idol.
~Please specify whether you want some type of romantic relationship or not. The relationships can be in various forms like a secret boyfriend/girlfriend, a public relationship, FWB, A once off fling etc…
~ These are more creative and may take longer to complete, I’ll include your company, information about your debut, your first debut album (cover art/ disc), debut outfit, solo song, or collaboration (if I think these apply to you). The format is loose and may change between each idol life request.
best friend ships
~ Another flexible ship that is based on whatever information you send me
~ You will get shipped with a member from each of the groups you request
~A maximum of 3 groups per request or it can be completely random
join the group ships
~Send a description of yourself and a selca (the selca is optional)
~You can include a any talents as well, just anything that helps me get an insight into who you are
~ It can be a random group or any a group of your choosing (Any group can be requested!)
~ Maximum of one group per request
astrology ships
~ Can either be a standard astrology ship or mtl
~Send an ask telling me your star signs
~ Maximum of 4 groups per request
synastry ships
~ Credit to one of my favourite blogs. Empathicvirgo Go give her some love 💖)
~Send in a member (from any group) or a soloist and your birth details ( your birth details are safe with me I delete all personal details after the ship is done. I do your ships quicker this way and they are way more detailed since I need your birth details to do the house overlays)
~I’ll give you a type of relationship overview (which includes pros and cons), and the details relating to your house overlays.
~For both the Astrology ship and the Synastry ship I won’t be posting any of your birth details/ placements.
aesthetic ships
~ Similar to a written ship but kind of make an aesthetic overview of yourself
~Example: My aesthetic is sandlewood perfume, vintage books, orange sunsets, freshly popped popcorn etc…
~Basically use specific smells, sensations, sights, texture etc.. to describe yourself.
~If you still have any questions just dm me
~ Maximum five groups per request
k~drama ships
~ This is similar to an idol life ship, but essentially if you send in a selca or selcas, a bit about your personality and your favourite tv show or movie I will create a completely new k-drama starring you and some idols
~For the love interest/co-star section of this please state your sexuality and age and what group you would like the co-star to be from
~1 group per request
~What you will receive is a ship that includes your k-drama, your love interest, other idols who star in the drama, a drama summary or synopsis giving you the rundown of what the drama is about, a moodboard and a written half-drabble half film script of one of the best scenes of your drama.
moodboard ships
~Like a standard selca ship, the only difference is that you also get a moodboard
~3 groups per request
~If you have any ideas on a general aesthetic for the moodboard let me know or I’ll just go with what feels right
poly ships
~Send in some selcas and I’ll ship you with 2 members from each group.
~maximum of 5 groups per request.
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yakuly · 4 months
Expresso Hogwarts
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Projeto: Bookverso
O que é o Bookverso?
O projeto Bookverso, surgiu são histórias de alguns grupos no universo de alguns livros... Eles vêm em formato de Headcanons, Reactions e histórias entrelaçadas (entre seus membros). Aproveite!
BTS x Harry Potter
Uma série de histórias sobre os estudantes da escola de magia Hogwarts. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jung jungkook...
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Seokjin x Grifinória | Yoongi x Sonserina
Hoseok x Lufa-Lufa | Namjoon x Corvinal
Jimin x Sonserina | Taehyung x Corvinal
Jungkook x Grifinória
🔮 Moodboards 🔮 Headcanons
🔮 Reactions 🔮 fic's
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pr1ncemax · 2 years
things to do when ur stuck in bed, but u have a phone! pt2!
NASA @ Home!
Virtual visits
-Faces of Frida Kahlo 
-National Art Gallery 
-New York
-Armchair Travel
-Paris Catacombs 
-Winchester House ($)
-Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation
-British Museum 
-Musée d’Orsay, Paris
-barnes foundation
-The Broad 
-National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
-MASP - Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand
-National Gallery of Victoria 
-Museo Frida Kahlo
-Broken Relationships
Live Cams of fun stuff! ( Kinda makes u feel like a spy) 
-Northern Lights 
-Shedd Aquarium
-Fred Hotel
-Resort Cams 
-Las Vegas
-San Diego Zoo
-Melbourne Zoo
-Smithsonian Zoo
VR/360 views of cool stuff! 
Harry potter ride! (Without supporting JKR)
Cherry blossoms! 
Google Map Cities!  (Recommended cities below)
-Paris from Sacré-Coeur
-London from The Shard
-Barcelona from Turó de la Rovira
-Hong Kong from Lion Rock
-Jaipur from Nahargarh Fort
-Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo
-New York City from Top of the Rock
-Chicago from 875 North Michigan Avenue
-Singapore from OCBC Skyway
-Cape Town from Table Mountain
-Lisbon from Cristo Rei
-Los Angeles from Griffith Observatory
-Naples from Castel Sant’Elmo
-Rio de Janeiro from Sugarloaf Mountain
Learn Japanese! X / X / X / X / X
AIRBnB Experiences! X / X / X / X 
Learn about hawai’i! 
Art is where the home is! 
The Show Must go onLINE - watch Shakespeare plays thru zoom! 
Watch a concert from 2019! 
No? How about from 1986? 
7 day free trial to see Met opera , or to broadwayhd
Murakami’s 'personal record collection' ( 280+ hours) 
Word Ladders! Anagrams! Hidden Objects!  
Daily spot the difference! 
Pick a book that takes place in every country! 
Learn Korean With BTS or Find a new artist to listen too
Funny Wildlife photos 
The Pano Awards
Learn about drones
Online escape rooms! 
-Hogwarts Digital Escape Room
-365 Escape Games
-Crazy Games
100 notes · View notes
borahaerhy · 7 months
Sorting the BTS Members into Hogwarts Houses bc I can
My credentials: I have two hyper fixations in my life, the only two things I actually care about, the only two things I spend all day and night thinking about and they are: Harry Potter and BTS.
Without further ado, here is how I would sort them
Jung Hoseok: Hufflepuff
Where tf else would he go
Sweetie pie
Always trying to be nice to everyone and make everyone seem loved and appreciated 
Possibly a stoner 
OBSCENELY humble and cool 
Mom Friend™
Min Yoongi: Slytherin
Smart as fuck
Knows what he’s good at and doesn’t need any validation whatsoever 
Not unwilling to cheat in order to win a game 
Along that note: Competitive 
EXTREMELY prideful in where he came from
Kim Seokjin: Gryffindor (?)
Cool Guy™
Funny, class clown type 
Studies well, but prefers to do just about anything else 
Competative, but moreso in theory
Like he goes to all the quidditch matches and screams so loudly for his team, and talks made shit on whoever they’re playing against, but would never actually play the sport. 
Overly Confident 
I could literally see him being sorted into any of the houses and it making sense. 
Sure, he’s a chill guy. 
Prefers to spend his time relaxing rather than doing things
Has known how to sneak into the kitchens since first year, and does it almost nightly. 
Why not? He’s smart and works hard 
Dad jokes are basically cheesy riddles, so he can get into the common room no problem 
Would probably be studying anything other than what’s been assigned to him. 
He might not fit in perfectly, but the traits are there
Smart mouthed and overly confident 
Doesn’t need validation from anyone 
Competative - very okay with cheating/lying in order to win the game 
It’s all in the name of fun, right? 
He could be literally any of them bro idek at this point.
Kim Taehyung: Hufflepuff
All for chilling the fuck out
Sporatically hyper 
Also possibly a stoner 
Doesn’t like when others are left out 
Also class clown vibes but more like he just wasn’t paying attention and was accidentally funny when he was called on
BUT I could see the argument for Ravenclaw:
So smart bro 
Would have an absolute blast with the riddles 
Probably loves researching niche topics that have nothing to do with anything but he’d much rather know if polyjuice potion would give it’s user the same ailments as the person they’re becoming than complete the essay McGonogall assigned two weeks ago 
You can’t really tell if he's just really smart or a little crazy (affectionate) 
Park Jimin: Slytherin/Hufflepuff
He’s a Slytherin because: 
Smart, but make it mischievous 
Knows exactly how to get what he wants 
Very sure of himself 
C O M P E T A T I V E 
Get’s top grades and will tell everyone about it 
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
But he’s a Hufflepuff because:
The most loyal and empathetic man to maybe have ever existed 
Will do anything to make his friends/loved ones happy 
There are more important things than academics (still gets top grades though)
Generally not unwilling to cut a bitch 
Jeon Jungkook: Ravenclaw/Gryffindor 
He’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Very smart, and he definitely prides himself on it to some degree
A true Jack of all Trades 
Wants to be the best at everything, and is very willing to work towards getting it
Namjoon said he’d be a Ravenclaw (and who am I to argue with Joonie?) 
But he’s a Gryffindor because: 
Outwardly, he’s the most Gryffindor person you could get 
Academically driven 
Popular Jock type 
A mischievous little shit 
Seriously, would make the Marauders proud 
But he would take the house cup so fucking seriously guys 
I cannot stress that enough 
If they lost even one of the years he attended Hogwarts
He’d never let it go. It would keep him up at night for years to come 
(And I feel like that’s a very Gryffindor trait)
(Turns out I’m very willing to argue with Joonie. Sorry, babe)
Note: Regardless of all of this, I think it'd would be hilarious if Jungkook was still sorted into Ravenclaw. He's just outwardly extremely Gryffindor, bringing complete chaos and unprecedented success to Ravenclaw that they haven't seen in centuries. 10/10 concept.
Kim Namjoon: Gryffindor/Ravenclaw 
He’s a Gryffindor Because: 
Outrageous amounts of leadership potential 
Because Namjoon said he’d be a Gryffin– damn I already made that joke
But he’s a Ravenclaw because: 
Do I really have to say it? 
The smartest person I’ve never met 
An actual genius 
Would get top grades but only because he’s smart so everyone expects him to 
Would much rather be researching literally anything else 
The Philosopher's Stone
Literally anything because he’s in a magic school and anything’s possible 
(He would also be muggleborn, but that’s more of my own headcannon)
Really couldn’t give a fuck less about Quidditch 
Or winning the house cup 
Wtf is house pride? I’m just here to read, man
ALSO, in my PROFESSIONAL OPINION, he would really fw Divination, and I generally just don't think Gryffindor's really do, because it's so theoretical.
If you have any other points that I've overlooked please let me know, I love talking about this kind of shit.
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