#but if i have an unexpected guest there will be clean towels clean sheets and handsoap ffs
shelikesmagic · 29 days
getting increasingly more annoyed at some men's lack of sanitary provisions. Like you are 23, pls buy something to put hand soap in. Buy hand soap. Do NOT direct me to an almost empty bottle of Dreft on your sink. And then there is no clean hand towel??
0 notes
kira-fluff · 3 years
Saeyoung, Yoosung, Jumin and Zen reacting to to “hotel only one bed” trope ? ♥️
a/n: of course you can lovely! <3 *AHEM* Lemme just say this trope is ELITE and I will NEVER not love it // also, i’m writing it like it’s before they’re dating (OF COURSE) because I want it to be spicy (actually that’s the only thing that would make sense for this prompt but you get my point whatever). ALSO also I’m basing the fancy hotel off my stay at the Ritz Carlton (it was like $25,000 a night) because my grandma couldn’t manage money N E WAYSS. Also, if y’all could let me know whether you prefer Y/N to MC pls lmk k thx 
TW: drunk old lady w/no filter, gets pretty suggestive because I couldn’t help myself, an overbearing aunt, savage Italians, and loud hotel neighbor 
Note: omfg i accidentally made this so long oh well here’s yo present lmao 
“There’s only one bed” PT.1 PT.2
Getaway missions are mad cool until you can’t sleep 
When you finally neared the parking entrance to your hotel you were SO looking forward to taking a nice hot shower before shimming into the covers of your crisp, (clean, you hoped) sheets. 
It was past 3AM when Saeyoung finally drove his elegant vehicular device (because what other word is there for it) into a secured parking space 
“Because I don’t trust those shady valets, y/n.” 
“Whatever you say, Seven”, you replied groggily. 
You hauled ass up to the front desk, then to the elevator of the exquisite hotel you were staying at
not that you cared 
because S L E E P 
but Saeyoung likes to quote Jurassic Park (because of course he does) like “I spare no expense, y/n” 
“I’m too tired to laugh” 
“Not everyone naturally stays up until the early morning light before going to sleep.” 
“It really should become a thing, it’s honestly very iconic of me.” (it’s not)
By the time your conversation ended you were glad to see your hotel number and a little key card slot. 
Saeyoung made a show of sticking the key card in like a spy or something 
it was funny for normal y/n but not for tired y/n 
“Here’s your room, M’lady.” 
He held the door open to your room as you looked around the room 
a large, lush bed set before a ginormous flat screen TV with complimentary expensive chocolates laid before you as well as complimentary take-home elegant towels and slippers. 
suddenly, you heard a knock on the door 
blinking in confusion, you opened to see it was Saeyoung 
“Um.. hey! What’s up?” 
Saeyoung looked a bit bewildered himself before saying, 
“Hey, so, I realized my key card was the same room number as yours and I was like ‘That’s weird!’ so I called the front desk who verified that I had placed a reservation for one room, not two, so I hacked into their system to see what went wrong and if I could change it but it looks like they’re completely booked and I think I had made the reservation before I knew that you had to come along and I’m so sorry” 
he was breathless after the mouthful he just gave you 
As it was 3AM a drunk, old woman was tripping her way to her room and shouted much louder than she should at 3AM, “Kiss her already n’ fuck, ya youngin’s!” 
Saeyoung’s hair now matched his face :) 
His ears were tipped bright red before coughing awkwardly 
“I can sleep on the ground. I’ve done it plenty of times, it’s actually pretty comfy.” 
“Um, Sev’ I’m not going to make you just sleep on the floor. If you want--” 
“You’re not making me, y/n, I want to do this” 
“Actually I think I’ll sleep on the floor, I sleep a lot better on the ground”, you fibbed. 
“You’re sleeping on that big ass bed.” 
“No you are.” 
“If you don’t listen I’ll sleep in the bath tub instead of the floor.” 
“Then I’LL sleep outside the room!” 
the phone rang, a worker politely asking you to quiet a bit down because even with your luxurious privacy walls, guests could still hear you arguing. 
Saeyoung began whisper shouting, “Guess that settles it.” 
he plopped on the ground, fake snoring with his arm as a pillow
you sighed 
“Fine, if neither of us are going to agree to this then we are both going to sleep in this bed.” 
Saeyoung blushed lightly at your boldness, a tad worried you’d find him creepy or weird
You started again, beginning to undress a little, causing Seven to yelp in panic and turn around immediately, shielding his eyes,
Now in your tank top and your leggings you’d been wearing under sweatpants and a t-shirt, you said, “I’m gonna go take a quick shower and go to bed. I’m so tired.” 
Seven turned around only when he’d heard the bathroom door shut 
he sighed, What am I going to do with this girl. 
By the time you’d come out of the bathroom, drying your wet hair, Seven was lying on the bed, clad in casual t-shirt and jeans. 
“Come on, Saeyoung, you have comfy clothes! It’s okay, change! I’m done in the bathroom now.” 
“Nah, this is fine.” This was not fine. Saeyoung was out of his area of expertise of expecting the unexpected because God you were so unpredictable. 
“Please” you jutted out your bottom lip in a little pout, being sure to make eye contact with him 
Something glowered in his eyes for a split second before he half-smiled saying, “Ah, little Y/n, you know I can’t say no to you when you go all sad on me.” 
He stepped into the bathroom to change, but let’s be honest. He was freaking the fuck out. 
he covered his flushed face, changing into his soft sweatpants and a cozy sweatshirt. he was scared 
the more comfortable he became the more likely he’d accidentally get closer to you and then you’d freak out because you’d hear the sound of his heart beat like it’s a fucking rave concert and then you’d be weirded forever and quite possibly never talk to him again
but on the outside, he stepped out of the bathroom, whipping his phone out with a huge smirk saying, “Smile” 
you threw up a peace sign with your tongue sticking out 
he laughed before sending it to the RFA chat 
707: Sleepover lolol [see attachment]
immediately both your phones blew up with buzzes of notifications from the chat 
you laughed lightly, brushing a stray hair from your face to tuck it behind your ear 
this was gonna be a long night for Seven. 
Zen: UGH get away from her!!!!!!!!!111!!1!!
Jumin: Maybe you should learn to type first. 
Zen: shut it cat freak
Zen: seven answer 
Zen: hey 
Zen: y/n, text “qwerty” if you’re in any kind of danger 
Jumin: What a strange code. 
You: qwerty :(
707: lololololol
Zen: !!!!!
Jumin: -_- 
You: just kidding <3 i’m fine you guys 
707: lololol 
Jumin: Have a bit more faith in your subordinates, Zen. 
You closed the chat and muted your phone, expecting the incoming argument that was quickly to ensue. 
You patted the bed lightly, ushering Saeyoung to lie down next to you. 
He obliged, though he politely laid at the far edge of the left side of the bed. 
You yawned before shutting the light off and whispering a “good night”. 
Saeyoung glanced at the clock. 4AM. Only 15 minutes had passed. You were breathing softly in your sleep within the 10 minutes after you’d said goodnight and here he was still awake. 
You suddenly tousled in your sleep, and Saeyoung raised his head, whispering a soft, “Did I wake you up?” 
You replied with a soft moan before abruptly turning left onto his corner of the bed and grabbing for the first thing you’d felt -- his torso. 
Saeyoung’s breath hitched as he felt you exploring the new found “object”, running your fingers up and down his torso and nearing dangerous areas below 
Saeyoung whisper-shouted, “What are you doing?” 
He leaned closer to hear your reply, but your only answer was more soft little snores 
Saeyoung sighed, trying to lightly grab your wrists without waking you up, and directing toward yourself
no matter how hard he’d try, your arms kept finding his own
your nails would softly ghost over his chest or neck, causing him to shiver and blush profusely 
again, he sighed, trying his hardest not to give into your sleepy state 
until you broke him with a soft utterance, “Sae....young..” 
Saeyoung’s eyes widened to the size of saucers before he dared to look down at you, your hair curling on the bed every which-way.. your mouth slightly agap... 
he groaned, his brows furrowed and his eyes shut
at last he slunk his arms around your torso, being sure to respectfully keep them high around your waist 
he buried his face in the crook of your neck to subconsciously try to hide his ever growing blush (and erection) 
I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this ‘friend’ thing when you’re driving me this crazy, y/n.
You awoke to a sleeping Saeyoung, his toned arms enveloping your small body in a hug
shamelessly, you laid still for a few moments longer. 
this bean is lonely uwu
so when he’d invited to you go with him on a trip his uncle had paid for, you felt bad saying “yes” because it’s a paid trip!! 
until he begged you because his cousin Chaewon would be there and he was always really pushy and borderline a huge fuck boi 
so you conceded 
but hey free trip for the both of you minus shitty family gatherings with no one you know, right?! 
you hope there’s at least one dog. and alcohol. 
dog + alcohol at a party = an actual fun fucking time 
you were glad Yoosung was there with you because he honestly couldn’t agree with you more 
You opened your beach-side resort room to find there’s only one bed. 
Yoosung blanched and quickly dialed his auntie, who’d made the resort reservations
“Ah...hi auntie! Um, how come there isn’t a separate room for me and y/n?” 
his aunt cackled into the phone, “Aren’t you an old fashioned little gentlemen!!! Awe~~~ you’ve grown up to be such a good boy! <3 Well don’t worry, I won’t say a word to my sister or your pops. Enjoy the time you have with your adorable girlfriend and get it on a little!! I’ve got condoms if ya need ‘em honey~~ Remember dearie, when the shlong is not covered, the child support better be.” 
Yoosung hurriedly hung up the phone, his face completely red, praying you hadn’t heard the conversation that’d just ensued. 
You did 
but you smile and say, “So.. what’d they say?” 
He cleared his throat before saying, “Well, --err.. Basically there’s been a little mishap. B-but don’t worry!! I can just ask Chaewon if I can spend the night in his room.” 
“Didn’t you say he leaves a sock on the door handle every time--”
“YES but I want you to be comfortable, okay! It’s really not a big deal.” 
You shyly smiled while looking down before softly saying, “You can sleep with me.” 
Yoosung’s eyes widened and you quickly looked up, your face flushing to a deep crimson 
“I-I-I meant in the bed!!! With me. We can lie together. In the bed---- I mean we--” 
Yoosung could practically see the steam coming out of your ears and the room felt a LOT hotter 
“S-sure! Sounds great.” he had a feeling if you didn’t agree you’d end up embarrassing yourself further.. and he didn’t want you to feel bad. And he didn’t want those thoughts circulating his mind again. 
“Alright, so I’m going to hop in the shower, y/n... unless you want to go first?”
Gulping down some complimentary water you’d found in the hotel mini fridge, you quickly replied with a shake of your head. 
Nodding, Yoosung make quick work of washing his hair and trying to give himself a pep talk before he would be sleeping next to you. 
Thankful for the big size of the resort bed, you climbed under the covers, already beginning to feel sleep take you 
When Yoosung had at last dried himself off and walked out to the bed area of the resort room, he gazed at how small you looked, hugging a soft pillow in your arms, your eyes fluttered shut 
He looked away, feeling like a creep. 
He shut off the light after making a call to the resort staff to wake him up at 8AM as directed by his uncle’s itinerary
He slid under the covers, shoving a pillow in between the two of you as a little border to separate the two of you 
it wasn’t until further in the night when Yoosung had felt a jolt and he looked up in panic, through the blackness recognizing the pillow-border had been cast onto the ground 
and even more noticeably, your leg was swung over his hip, your body flush to his own 
your arms were snaked around his neck
he felt like he could feel every inch of you
your soft breath just below his ear 
your soft .. er.. chest... against his torso 
your stomach and .. the rest of it... against his own 
Yoosung could not breathe
like someone actually help this man for he is losing oxygen by the minute 
He squeezed his eyes shut and make the executive decision to wait it out til morning 
he was terrified that if he’d move you, you’d wake up and see just how much you affect him. 
And so, when the phone rang that morning, you’d startled, looking up to see your tangled limbs lying on top of his own
he looked at you with eyes that had noticeable circles under them (darker than even after his LOLOL gaming) 
“you look like you didn’t sleep much.... --- Is it because of me!? Oh my god I’m so sorry you should’ve just shoved me off or something seriously I didn’t mean to do it on purpose, honest!!” 
“N-no, no it’s really not!! I promise!!” He tried his best to grin, though it probably looked like a grimace, because the next thing you said was, “I’ll make it up to you” 
“You don’t need to do that. Really, I liked it.” 
It took a moment for him to realize what he just said. 
“I-I mean I like you! I mean I liked sleeping with you!!! I mean--!!” 
Yoosung was quickly spinning circles in his mind 
you couldn’t help the little giggle that came out of your mouth, “I guess we’re pretty similar, huh?” 
Yoosung smiled lightly, “Yeah, guess so.” 
You walked out together toward the breakfast area of the resort
“Hey”, you started, “Is.. Did you mean what you said? About liking me?” 
Yoosung glanced away, taking a deep breath before saying, “Yeah, yeah I did. I really like you.” 
You couldn’t hold back the big ol’ smile that took over your face as you proudly declared, “Me too!!” 
Right when Yoosung was going to go in for a kiss, he saw his auntie suddenly right next to the both of you 
“Oh my GOD when did you get here?!” 
She smirked, “My question first, dearie, what did you two like?” 
Neither of you answered, your cheeks growing red 
“You know, the first time your uncle did it with me I felt the same way. Like, what a man! Must run in the fam--” 
Your blush didn’t leave you as you smeared strawberry cream cheese on your toasted bagel 
This trip was going to be very VERY difficult. Thank God there was alcohol. And Yoosung. And probably dogs. And Yoosung. 
Gotta love relatives. 
You received a call from a stern voice you didn’t recognize
<<“Hello. This is Mr. Han’s chauffeur. I’m approximately 6.3 miles away from your residence. Do not worry about clothes or other necessities. All will be provided for you.”>>
“Uh.. thanks? Where....?” 
<<“Mr. Han has invited you to join him on his stay at the Ppalgan Vineyard Estates. Have you not received the notification?”>>
You glanced at your phone, seeing two unread messages on your phone. 
You read them, feeling bad you hadn’t seen them before. 
“Yes, yes of course. Thank you. Tell him I said thank you. Are you sure it’s okay for me to attend?” 
<<“Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Han gave me specific instructions to assure you would be able to come with him. I have been ordered to give 2 minute updates following your being picked up. I can assure you, it is his utmost wish that you join him this weekend. I’d be honored to thank him on your behalf, though I feel it would mean much more to him if you said it to him rather than me.” >>
“You’re right, thank you. And thanks for driving me. And for all the other stuff you said”, you replied nervously. 
<<”There is no need to thank me, Miss. I am glad to serve Mr. Han in anyway I can.”>>
The call hung up before you could spout out more thank yous 
you phone buzzed, startling you. 
you clicked the notification
<<(XXX-XXX-XXXX HAN COMPANIES) I’ve arrived at your residence. Let me know if there is anything I can carry for you. Sent 13:52>>
You quickly texted a reply of gratitude before rushing down the stairs out of your apartment, not wanting to make Jumin’s chauffeur wait. 
“Good to see you Miss Y/L/N. Is there anything I can get you? I have been given orders to purchase anything you may want or need on our way to the airport.” 
He quickly texted something on his phone, presumably a text to Jumin about your safe arrival to his limo.
“A-airport? You mean, like, flying? Are you sure I don’t need my wallet? It’s not too late for me to go grab it, right? I have my debit card on my phone too, otherwise.” 
“Miss Y/L/N you are not to spent a single won on this vacation. All is paid for.” 
“But my clothes... I don’t want Jumin to have to pay for all new things!!” 
"I assure you, money is not something Mr. Han wishes for you to be concerned with.” 
You’d stayed silent at that, feeling bad that you’d already bothered the poor man who’d just been ordered to drive you, not reassure you of Jumin’s financial affairs. 
You grew quiet, looking out the window as trees, streets, and cars zoomed past you. 
“If you so wish, there are numerous meals options in the compartments below the seats as well as alcohol, carbonated beverages and iced water glasses. You are, of course, welcome to any of these. Please do not hesitate to notify me if there is something you’d like instead. We’d glad to make it a regular option in all of our limousines.” 
You flushed, embarrassed at the amount of power Jumin’s words, and effectively, your own seemed to have on the entire Han Conglomerate as a whole. You laughed a little, it was funny thinking to yourself that you had so much power as to decide snack options for Jumin’s cars. 
Jumin was extra like that, he always went above and beyond to make you comfortable. You loved that about him. It made you feel a little spoiled, so you instinctively rejected most offers at things that seemed to further complicate his worker’s duties. 
You had no idea that when the chauffeur had said airport he meant the Han Private Airway Transportation Zone. 
As in... private jet. 
It was hard not to feel like you were in a whole different world. 
Not that Jumin treated you that way... but it was hard not to notice! 
You bowed in thanks to the driver before hastily finding your way to the nearest man standing in another black suit, his hands folded together in front of him. 
As soon as you uttered your name, his whole demeanor changed and he instantly had gone from cool and collected to humble and overwhelmingly kind. 
He’d quickly made his way to the boarding area, escorting you to the jet before leaving you at a polite distance way from Jumin who’d been looking at you from the moment you’d entered the aircraft. 
His eyes searched your own as you’d yet to discover his presence 
He couldn’t help but rake his eyes up and down your body, admiring the way you could look just in anything. 
He at last saw you searching the spacious cabin, at last laying eyes on him. 
His heart pounded faster, as if your noticing him made his heart leap in joy
You looked relieved and smiled, running over to him and sitting down next to him 
“Hi Jumin!! Oh, should I be calling you Mr. Han? That’s what your chauffeur called you.. sorry if that’s what I should’ve been addressing you as!!” 
His deep voice rumbled in your ear, causing you to shudder, “Jumin is fine.” 
You gazed up at him through your lashes, noticing the way his perfectly tailored vest made him look so... well... for lack of better word...hot. 
“Wow. You look...” Your eyes moved from his hair, to his face, to his neck, to his torso, slowly to his groin, to his legs... before you realized what you’d been doing and quickly your eyes shot up again. 
You bit your lip, “You look nice.” 
You laughed shyly, and slightly (embarrassingly) breathless, “Yeah. Yeah you do. Nice.” 
Jumin couldn’t help the sly smile he’d been holding back before replying, “You look beautiful.” 
You flushed and looked down, squirming in your seat a little before looking at him once more, offering a small, “..thank you..” 
After a few minutes of silence, you’d decided to change the subject, chattering on about how you wondered what this mysterious vacation would hold 
Jumin couldn’t help is concentration half on every word you were saying, but also your lips. Slowly licking his own, he nodded along when you’d gotten especially enthusiastic, grinning slightly when you’d gotten so excited you’d leapt out of your luxury seat. 
Within a half hour of the trip to your destination in Italy, Jumin had trouble concentrating on much else. 
Get it together, Jumin, you’re not some fool like Zen. 
It’d gotten worse the more you’d leaned further in your seat, your chest becoming slightly exposed
he covered his mouth with a hand, opting for looking out one of the many windows of the jet. 
You’d always caught his attention and made him lose his focus -- something he’d never lost before he met you 
He blamed the strawberry sent that you’d always carried with you 
He wasn’t much for expensive, faux perfume that so many of his father’s skanks would wear... it was like no other. 
After a few hours of grueling torture on your part (though you hadn’t know every single time you’d grabbed his hand or arm it’d sent his heart on a sky dive) Jumin was glad to have arrived in the gorgeous Italian acreage of the countryside. 
It was even more beautiful at the dusk of night, you’d decided 
Immediately a shiny vehicle pulled up, ready to transport you and Jumin to the estate you were to be residing in for the weekend. 
Upon pulling into the culdesac, you almost scoffed at the word “estate” -- it was more of a country in and of itself, land stretched beyond what you could see 
The mansion itself stood on pillars and high, Gothic windows. 
Inside, flying buttresses decorated the building, giving it an elegant and aged ambiance that you just adored 
“It’s so beautiful.” 
He smiled at you then, watching you take in the wonders he’d realized he took for granted. 
He was then directed to a double-door entrance way, “Your room, Mr. Han, Miss Y/L/N.” 
“Separate, correct?” 
The man stood in surprise, looking slightly aghast, “T-they never specified such details.” 
“Contact them immediately to confirm. I’ll work it out from there.” 
“Yes, Mr. Han.” From there, the man scurried away to contact the head of the estate. 
After a few moments, he returned, “The Rossi Conglomerate had assumed that you’d brought your fiance with you.” 
“Did you mention I don’t have one?” 
“Y-yes, of course! But, Mr. Han, your father--”
Jumin sighed, “I’ll take care of it.” with a wave of his hand, the man was gone 
You thanked him on his way out. 
Jumin looked at you, searching for a reaction of displeasure or worry
When he didn’t find one, he began, “I was notified the Rossi had booked their other estates to their American investors. My being here is a formality, but it is business. It would be a great discourtesy to demand--” 
You smiled reassuringly, “Jumin, don’t worry about it.. we’ll share the bed, okay?” You held your hand in his own, rubbing soothing circles on his knuckles. 
Jumin looked at you, choking on his spit slightly. 
“Y/N you do understand that--” 
“It’s fine, Jumin!! It’s late already, I’ll just put up my hair.. and.. do you know where the night clothes would be?” 
He watched as you fixed a bobby pin between your teeth before running your fingers through your hair, watching as you arched your back to-- 
“Jumin? ...you don’t know?” 
He cleared his throat, looking away, pink dusting his cheeks
You thanked him, unaware of his watchful eyes 
It had been a few seconds since you’d entered the bathroom before he heard a loud and alarmed, “..UM....JUMIN...?!” 
He’d quickly made his way into the bathroom
“What’s wro--” 
He looked and laying on the long granite island of the large bathroom was a silky set of lingerie as well as a note in Italian you couldn’t read. 
Jumin’s words stopped dead on his lips as he stared at you, then the silky underwear set, you, silky underwear, you.......silky underwear. 
On the outside, Jumin liked to think he came off as calm and collected, saying, “I can get you something else to wear.” 
But when he’d made it two steps out of the bathroom he had a little collision. And by collision, I mean his face.. and the wall. 
He looked in every drawer, finding nothing. He presumed clothes would be delivered as specified. But it was late already.. their servants are dismissed, only the protective guards surrounded the inside and outside of the estate.. explaining the situation to them didn’t seem very promising. 
Of course you were kicking yourself, before you’d found their little....gift... you’d cast your days clothes into the washer. They were probably soaked by now. 
Maybe I could use a hair dryer...? Or I could stuff them in the dryer?? 
Either way you’d be without clothes for.. too long. 
And nothing would be greater punishment then showing all that in front of the man you had completely fallen for... 
You heard a knock on the bathroom door. You listened from inside. 
“Hey, I, uh, couldn’t find anything. Do you think you could wear your clothes from today?” 
You whimpered, on the verge of tears, “I already put it in the washer!” 
He knocked again, “Can I hand you something?”, he asked, undoing the buttons of his formal shirt. 
“C-close your eyes!” 
Jumin chuckled darkly before covering his eyes and handing her his collared shirt 
“I’d give you the pants, too, but I don’t think they’d really fit you. Could you look at what they’d provided for me? Maybe slip on something from mine.” 
“N-no! That’d be even worse for me!! .. and you!” You blushed again imagining him half naked
You hurriedly shuffled through the drawers, but to no avail. 
You gulped, slipping on the lingerie to ensure that maybe something would be covered before buttoning Jumin’s formal shirt on you as well. 
it was so big it didn’t leave much for the imagination 
but you decided through a 10 minute pep talk that you’d suck it up and try your best to make his shirt into a night gown. 
You at last stepped out of the bathroom, Jumin’s head shooting toward the sudden noise before taking you in 
He could scarcely breathe, much less come up with a coherent sentence 
you were in his shirt... 
with barely any clothes on underneath
and you looked up at him shyly, biting your lip a little 
drawing even more attention to your lips 
Jumin had to stifle a groan, opting to head to the bathroom to change
After splashing some cold water on his face in a poor attempt to get his head out of the gutter, he quickly got on his pjs 
after you both were ready for bed, Jumin sat on the bed, opening a small novel he’d been enjoying, Anthem.  
His attention was immediately diverted from the dystopian fiction when he saw you were stretching
His shirt rode up high as he took in the way the lingerie perfect accentuated your curves, though it didn’t cover much below the waist 
Noticing your folly, your eyes widened in shock before you immediately put your hands down
which, just your luck, made it all worse. 
the sudden movement disheveled the shirt, causing it to ride down completely on one side, openly displaying the soft brassiere beneath it 
Jumin slammed his book so hard it left an echo in the large room. 
Great. He couldn’t even make it look like his book was suddenly unbelievably interesting that he just so happened to not take notice of the obvious sight before him.
You blanched, feeling a breeze along your shoulder, gasping before running to your side of the bed and pretending you don’t exist anymore 
Meanwhile Jumin is in a  c r i s i s 
In the most eloquent of words, his mind said holy fucking motherfucking shit oh my God fuck fuck fuck AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh my god shit shit shit fuck shit sdfasodjgiajsidogjosdg MALFUNCTION!! WARNING!!!! RUN BITCH!!! 
But Jumin didn’t run
because mama ain’t raise no bitch 
but also because if he stood up it would be blatantly obvious that he had-- 
Stop thinking about it, Jumin.
He tried to redirect his mind to his 5 senses, a grounding technique he’d learned when he got too anxious when he was younger 
But sight seemed to dominate it as his mind replayed your facial expressions, the way your hands awkwardly tried to cover yourself up, the way you looked the way he’d take it all off--- 
Oh God. I’m deep in shit. 
He had never been so pissed at himself... and embarrassed. 
He looked over at you, a horrible decision, really. 
You were still awake, your face was redder than the strawberry sent that adorned you 
“s-sorry..” you whispered, willing yourself to try to forget, “pretend that never happened..” 
Jumin was practically feral and you were saying it never happened? 
Jumin couldn’t just pretend he didn’t just see a fucking goddess 
but he would for you 
“..........pretend what never happened?” 
You sighed, a small smile on your face as you quickly turned to thank him 
but he was a LOT closer than you imagined 
he was propped up on one elbow, looking down at you, his head slightly angled. 
And suddenly your faces weren’t so far apart.
And you couldn’t help but slowly close your eyes 
Jumin felt confusion when you’d done this
he can be a bit of a pea brain, so he of course said, “I’m sure you’re very tired.” 
He shut off the light, reaching over you 
You held back the big frown you’d gotten when you realized he’d rejected you 
unbeknownst to you that it took everything in him, from the moment he’d saw you in the jet cabin, not to scoop you up in his arms and make out with you the whole way there. 
Was Zen going to invite you to his own fucking tour? 
Of course he was 
he liked flexing his connections 
and most of all, showing you just how much he cared about you 
and loved you
but not the love part because God if you ever found out Zen might jump into the nearest body of water and never return 
not that he didn’t have any confidence
he has lots of it 
but it all kind of disintegrates when he gets to talking about his real feelings
But come on, it was blatantly obvious to anyone who had heckin eyes 
or ears 
or just any functioning body 
the way he’d try to subtly throw an arm over your shoulder 
or he’d lean in whenever you spoke 
or the way he’d readjust his posture when you walked into a room 
or the way everyone caught him staring 
like anytime you weren’t looking 
or when you are looking because he is “built different” 
So the limo ride to the fancy hotel he was to stay at was something that had him looking forward to the tour, but also dreading it 
you’d sat close to him in the limo because his agent and other workers were sitting along with him. 
So close that your ass got pushed further and further onto his lap
because damn where the fuck are we and why are there so many goddamn potholes 
Zen tried to steady you by firmly grabbing your hips 
which was NOT the move 
because now that you were firmly set on his lap, every bump felt like a fucking war against his hormones. 
Like a gentleman, he quickly opted to seat you next to him, not wanting you to feel embarrassed 
still, he could feel you being pulled closer to him with every long turn the limo made or every bump or abrupt stop 
and it was torture. 
like this man is sweating 
but by some miracle you arrive at the hotel in one piece! Yay! 
but Zen’s soul has left his body~~ 
so you get set up 
You open the room, “Look, Zen! This bed is HUGE!!”, you ran over to it and plopped your face onto the sheets
He chuckled, watching you act like a little kid excited about a hotel for the first time 
his brows furrowed when he realized there was no door separator between your rooms 
He immediately called the front desk 
all you could over hear was “No, there seems to be some kind of mistake” 
and “I reserved two rooms -- conjoined” 
“Alright, ok. Thanks.” and then he hung up. 
“So..” he sighed, “They can’t get another room because they’re completely booked. Someone must’ve recognized the limo and lots of fans immediately bought up all the rooms in hopes of seeing me.”
“It’s alright Zen! I can ask to switch with your agent or something!!” 
“NO!” Zen said a little too loudly. “No. Um, look it would be bad because he’s a man.” 
“Your a dude, too, Zen.” 
“I-- yeah, but that’s different because I’m a guy you can trust.” 
“So I’ll sleep on the couch, ‘kay?” 
“Zen, no! You need your beauty sleep to be ready for your performance tomorrow!!!” 
“It’s alright, really!”
“I’ll sleep on the couch!” 
“Like hell you will.” 
“Please :(”
“Y/N, seriously--” 
“Then how about this! You and I just sleep in the same bed!” 
Ever the dramatic soul, Zen gasped with his palm over his heart “How SCANDALOUS!” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be Mr. Playboy?”
“Only for you, baby”, he winked. 
You stuttered, “T-that’s not funny! Seriously don’t make it weird you horn- dog!” 
He threw his head back in laughter, “Horn-dog?! I thought you said you trusted me!” 
“Not when you’re obviously thinking about doing this and that to me!!” 
“Doing this and tha---Hey! Who do you think I am?!”
There was suddenly a loud bang on the wall and a burly man shouted, “GO TO FUCKIN’ SLEEP YOU OBNOXIOUS, SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED LITTLE SHITS!”
You smirked, holding in a laugh saying, “Sounds like your fans are getting jealous.” 
Zen’s mouth dropped and you began laughing hysterically 
“T-that was like a 60 year old man!” 
You fell back on the bed, laughing louder 
Zen shouted back, “WELL EXCUSE ME, SEXY, 42 YEAR OLD MAN” 
There was silence before a harsh knock sounded at your door 
All Zen’s bravado disintegrated and he made a dash for the bed, whispering loudly for you to “Turn off the fuckin’ lights, turn off the fuckin’ lights!” 
You stifled more giggles rising up to your throat as you clicked off the light, making sure the room was locked, and climbed into bed
you breathed out your last laughs, sighing to yourself contentedly before noticing the close proximity you were to Zen 
You stared at each other for a long moment 
You leaned in closer 
Zen placed a palm on your cheek, gently cupping it
he softly whispered, “Can I kiss you?” 
You answered by harshly connecting your lips
The two of you feeding off each other’s oxygen as Zen bit your lip, causing you to gasp and open your mouth to make way for his tongue 
you whimpered, feeling faint from lack of oxygen
the two of you parted, out of breath 
Zen wanted to say something smooth like “I’ve always wanted to do that.” 
but instead he said “I’ve always wanted to do you.” 
He mentally smacked his head, blaming the lack of oxygen for his stupidity
But you smirked up at him coyly, replying, “Then why don’t you?” 
Um yeah rip your hotel neighbor he will literally hate both of you so much 
I had honestly SO MUCH FUN writing this!! Let me know if you want, like, a part two to this. I think I’d just be so fun lol
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ladyhearthkeeper · 2 years
How to welcome guests in your home
A home is our special place, where we feel safe and happy. But it’s also the place we take our loved ones to, or the place where we invite those we want to know better.
Every culture has its unwritten rules about hospitality. But at the core of all traditions, we can find the same warmth and welcome.
Why welcome people in our home? It can be such a hassle and it disrupts our mundane comfort. But that’s the whole point : from time to time, our home needs to have new energies, new voices to feed its hearth.
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Entertaining guests and being hospitable is what makes us civilized and human. Human connections are so important, even so when they are done under our roof. Our walls remember the laughter, love and kind words echoed between them.
Sharing our home is what makes its foundation strong. I’ve always been given more beauty and lights by unexpected guests than with my own solitude.
But of course.., one should not overdo it.
So here are a few tips or ideas... you don’t have to follow them but I hope they inspire you. And do tell me how you go about making your home welcoming for guests.
The first step to make your own open to guests is to keep it relatively clean and organized so that you are not hesitant when you want to impulsively invite someone.
Have a simple but nice selection of beverages and snacks in case someone shows up unannounced. It’s even better if you have, for example, your friend’s favourite brand of coffee, your cousin’s favourite cookies etc.
You don’t need to get overboard with what you serve. It’s more about the intention and warmth that you share.
Have extra towels, sheets, mattress, folding bed etc. under your hand in case you want to ask a friend to stay over if it’s getting too late. If you have an extra bedroom, call it a guest room and always keep it clean with a freshly made bed.
To make your home inviting : invite people over. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It can only be for tea/coffee.
If you’re inviting people : make sure you ask them about their dietary restrictions.
Plan your meal ahead so that you don’t get overwhelmed on the day.
When you have friends coming over even for a coffee or tea : set up the table nicely... It’s pleasing to the eye and and it’s an extra gesture to make your guests welcomed.
If you don’t want outside shoes in your home : make sure you have clean guest slippers.
I love using candles to make my home more homey and festive when friends come over. Same for the fireplace.
At first, have a set menu so you get used to cooking it as you’re becoming more comfortable with entertaining people.  Once more : it doesn’t have to be fancy (unless you want to) : even a simple pasta dish served prettily can become a feast.
Have some toys or pencils and sheets of papers to keep children entertained. I know parents also think ahead but just in case... Children are also your guests.
You can even have a casual sort of invitation, like a potluck, organized with your friends every month or so. So that they feel welcomed in your home.
If you have times of the day that you don’t want to see people, make sure they know that you won’t be available at such a such time.
Lastly, you don’t have to have a castle to have a welcoming home. It’s all about the attitude. Read about how people practice hospitality all around the world... It can be very inspiring.
There’s more to the subject but these were a few pointers to get you started. If you have any specific questions : let me know. I’ll be glad to answer them.
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flamminghotweedos · 4 years
Hey, I saw your writing prompts and I thought that maybe you could write number 49 about JJ from outer banks
Thanks for the first request! Was super excited to see people wanted some stuff and to get back into writing! Really hope you enjoyed it! Also the spacing is weird on this one for some reason, not sure what happened but it’ll be fixed in the next post!
Words: 2215
Warnings: underaged drinking, drug use, teens being teens and gets a little saucy at the end
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Requested: yes- #49 “if I can’t sleep...and you can’t sleep...”
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“Ahoy mateys!” You called to your group of friends as you walked down your dock.
“Hey princess,” Kiara smiled back, the sunlight bouncing off her beautifully. She looked great for someone who was hungover. Kiara was your best friend, side by side for the longest time, seeing your families were both Kooks. You both found comfort and salvation in the other, and just so happened to stumble upon three boys your age.
“Thank you,” you smiled to Pope who held his hand out for you, helping you jump down into HMS Pogue. He gave a sweet smile, being the only one with you that didn’t have a hangover like the others and watched you place your bag on the seat and cooler on the ground. You smiled at Kiara as you tossed her one of the fruity alcoholic drinks to her and looked to your other two friends.
“Boys,” you called back, getting a slight wave of a hand from John B who manned the boat with his back facing towards you. You chuckled and dug in the cooler for two beers. You placed one in the cup holder next to the wheel, feeling John B’s lips crash on to the side of your head. You chuckled as the boat sailed towards the marsh and made your way to the front of the boat. There, face down on the seat laying on his stomach, was the handsome blonde you’ve liked since you’ve met him.
Knowing JJ, he was probably passed out like an old dog at this point making you laugh harder. His left hand dangled off the seat and you popped the cap off the beer bottle and placed it underneath his hand. And like a dog smelling a treat in front of it’s nose, JJ’s head rose with a goofy grin on his face. He sat up and looked at you, wind blowing his locks to the side as he debated on what to say to you.
“Did you just bring me a beer?” He yelled over the sound of the wind as the boat raced on the water. You laughed and nodded, watching him quickly slide on the floor, getting on one knee and kneeling in front of you where you sat.
“Marry me?” You laughed harder at the charming blonde as his eyes trailed down from yours, to your chest that was clothed in your favorite bathing suit top, watching him stare directly at your boobs. “Oh my god, Y/N, please marry me,” you pushed him away.
“JJ!” You yelled and watched as took a swig of the beer and smirked as he sat back in the front of the boat.
“Could’ve been a little more subtle, dude,” John B yelled over the wind, making the two of you in the front bust into fits of laughs. You looked to the back of the boat, Kiara catching your eyes as she laughed at the same thing, winking quickly as she knew the thing you had for JJ.
A few hours after that, the sun hidden behind the horizon now, and multiple bottles and joints later, the crew was simply having another summer night.
“Hey JB,” Pope called, looking at his phone and walked to the front of the boat. You and John B. were dancing at the bow of the boat to the music Kiara was playing over the speakers. “Chase said that someone started a party at your house,” John B. smiled at you and got down from the bow and walked over to Pope, looking at the text he was talking about.
“Oh shit,” John B. cursed, “yeah I told Jess she could throw a party there tonight and totally forgot,”
“Then what are we waiting for?” JJ asked and stumbled as the boat started to move in the direction of JJ’s house. Everyone was a few drinks in, even Pope had one or two. You stood, feeling the hits from JJ’s joint hit you once you stood up. As you gained your balance, you knocked into JJ, causing him to wrap his arms around you waist as the boat turned.
“Oh shit? We dancin again?” JJ took your right hand that was carrying your bottle and wrapped his hand around so the cold glass was trapped between your hands. The both of you giggled as you dramatically danced to the song on the radio.
“Hang on, I want a drink,” you tried pulling the bottle to your lips, feeling JJ’s strong retrain on your arm.
“No! We have to finish the dance!” JJ joked, causing John B. to chime in.
“Kids, knock it off before you spill that!”
“Tell him to give me my drink!” You yelled back as the boat gained speed.
“No! It’s mine now!” JJ yelled childishly.
“JJ! It’s my beer,” both arms were now pulling or pushing on the small glass bottle, so it wasn’t a surprise when the neck of the bottle slipped and twisted out of your hands. The both of you gasped dramatically and turned to the direction of the shatter.
The bottle broke in half against the window in front of the boat’s wheel, spilling the beer all over the window and ground below it.
“Really guys?!” Kiara asked and snapped her head over.
“What did JB just say?!” Pope laughed from his seat.
“JJ wouldn’t give me a drink of my beer!” You shouted in defense as the boat neared the dock, loud music coming from the yard, a group of teens around a fire cheered as you guys floated up.
“I just wanted to dance!” JJ shot back, beginning an argument to begin between the both of you.
“That’s it!” John B. yelled as Pope and Kie finished tying the boat up. “You’re both grounded! No party, weed or drinks for either of you tonight!”
“Pop!” Kiara added in jokingly, laughing as she walked away from the boat.
“And you can’t come come up until that spots cleaned up. Then straight to John B’s room!” Kiara voice was a stern voice, but the wink she shot at you made you feel like she had planned this.
“We mean it,” John B. said and got out of the boat with Kiara, leaving you and JJ alone in the boat, shocked that your three friends just grounded you.
“What the fuck just happened?” JJ asked for the both of you, looking to you for an answer, but forgot it when he saw how close the two of you were still standing.
“I don’t know,” you laughed, “but get the glass cleaned up and I’ll-“ as you turned your head, you noticed how close you were too. Your breath hitched and you stopped talking. A smirk grew on JJ’s face, liking the sudden affect he had on you.
You were both sobering up, but even 100% sober, the sun kissed boy would still have the same affect on you.
“That or we could forget the mess and go straight to the room,” you wanted to kiss the stupid smirk off his face, so you slowly inched you face towards him, watching him slowly lean in as well, you bailed last second, giggling to yourself as you swerved to the left of him and grabbed the wad of towels underneath the seat and began wiping up the beer. JJ stood in his place, shocked at what had just happened to him. JJ’s had his fair share of flirty interactions, but none of them affected him the same way you did.
“That was cold, Y/N,” he mumbled and let out a joking scoff as he bent over and picked up the shards of glass, tossing them in the small trash bag you had on the boat just as you finished wiping up the mess.
You smiled at him, nodding for him to follow you as you propped your leg on the seat to climb on the dock, feeling a familiar hand grope your ass as you got out.
“JJ, I swear to god,” to laughed and swatted his hand away as he got out of the boat and giggled, matching your pace and laying his arm around your shoulder.
“There he is!” A familiar boy ran over to the two of you, doing a quick hand shake with JJ as he kept his arm around you. “What’re you drinkin tonight?” Pope then suddenly appeared, shaking his head.
“Nothing for these two,” Pope dragged the kid away and you two continued to walk to John B.’s house, having to ignore the calls and invites to drinks from different friends in the yard.
“Can’t tonight! Daddy grounded me!” JJ yelled and pointed to John B. who cursed him for the sudden nickname.
“Hey, were serious,” Kiara stopped the two of you at the bottom of the porch steps. “No leaving that room tonight. It’s for your health too,” Kiara lied and shrugged, walking back over to her spot by the fire.
JJ laughed and let walk up the steps first, following behind you as he held the door open for you to walk through.
The little, wooden shack was covered with varies pizza boxes, clothing items and beer bottles as you passed through, making your way to the little guest room John B. had in the house.
“Well...at least we can’t hear anyone outside at all,” you said sarcastically over the loud music now only slightly muffled from the walls and windows.
JJ laughed and made his way to one window with the blinds open. He quickly flipped John B. off from inside, earning a shrug back, and closed the blinds on the window.
“The blinds work great too,” JJ said as he pulled his black, cut off tee over his head and flopped on the bed. The light from the outdoor lighting shined through the cracks of the blinds. You chuckled and laid on the dark blue sheets next to JJ.
“I’m never gonna be able to sleep like this,” you put your arms behind you head with your eyes closed and took a deep breath. You felt the bed move next to you. JJ rolled over on his back and took a deep breath in.
“If you can’t sleep...and I can’t sleep...that obviously means we have to have sex,” you have an unexpected snort, laughing as you opened your eyes and looked at JJ. You thought he was just making a flirt remark, but the way his eyes were dark, and his body was turned towards you told you differently.
“JJ...no Pogue on Pogue macking,” you reminded him causing him to roll his eyes with a groan.
“Yeah but to be fair, I’ve been flirting with you for months and I think everyone’s noticed i have a thing for you,” JJ blurted out, suddenly nervous on how you’d respond. You felt your cheeks get hot and kept yourself from looking at him, knowing the moment you’d see him, it’d be game over and you’d be on top of him.
So that’s exactly what you did.
You turned your head on the pillow and scanned his tan fit body. To be fair, Kiara already knew how badly you had it for JJ. Plus Pope and John B. couldn’t stay mad at you guys forever. And Kiara had already hinted at you two getting together so many times before.
“Okay,” you whispered, smile creeping on your face making JJ sit up and look at you.
“Wait really?!” JJ was shocked that out of all the flirty remarks he made to you, blankly asking for sex is what got you. But it wasn’t just that. It was the way he kept his arm around you the whole way up to the house, it getting tighter when different guys would come over and offer you a drink. It was also the way he made you feel whenever you two talked. The same butterflies in your stomach you only ever thought you’d hear about, until JJ.
“Really,” you sat up as well, only to move over and straddle JJ’s lap, watching as he swallowed hard and took a sharp breath. You got tired of the eye contact and closed the space between the two of you. His lips moved against yours in sync, feeling his hands move over your hips, now kissing with the rhythm of your hips grinding on his. You pulled back slightly, tugged at the bottom of your shirt and tossing it to the side, JJ’s eyes trailing down to your chest and back to your eyes.
“Fuck me,” he breathed out making you giggle slightly.
“I am,” you breathed out, pushing on his bare chest on to the dark blue bed.
OH KAY HEY THAT GOT SAUCIER THAN I EXPECTED hope you liked it, request are open if anyone wants anymore! :)
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slyttherins · 3 years
Unexpected flame (part 3) | Fred Weasley x Sirius Black’s daughter
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June 1995
After the grim end of the Triwizard tournament, the return from Hogwarts was gloom.
Two weeks had passed since the final task and many students were still mourning Cedric Diggory. His death had been traumatic for a lot of people - they had expected to see a winner come out of the maze, not a cadaver -, and the image of Cedric's lifeless body in the middle of the pitch will forever be inked in their memory.
Juliet didn't know Cedric a lot. He was three years older than her and they didn't cross paths a lot at Hogwarts. All she knew was that he was the embodiment of the qualities of a Hufflepuff and was their quidditch team' seeker. She was sad and disturbed about his death, as everyone was, but wasn't weeping in mourning.
As they neared London, a smile formed on her lips. In his last letter, Remus had informed her that she'd be spending a small part of summer with the Weasleys and she was thrilled.
According to Ginny's letters, summer at the Burrow sounded really fun. The younger of the Weasley clan would always tell Juliet about the many pranks the twins would pull, swimming in the pond during hot days, playing quidditch above the field and even de-gnoming the garden.
''I don't mind you coming over during summer vacation, Juliet, but don't make it a habit. I see you enough at school,'' Ron said as he dragged his trunk onto a trolley.
''I'm just so obsessed with you that I can't leave your side, Ronald,'' Juliet replied jokingly. She wrapped her arms around him and attempted to kiss his face, but Ron dodged her lips. His cheeks were bright red from the attack, not used to girls being so close to him - beside his mother and sister.
Ginny and the twins laughed.
''Worry not, I won't be staying for long.''
''Well, I don't mind you staying for the summer. We're gonna have so much fun!'' Ginny said excitedly.
''Mom's here,'' George pointed out, seeing her hurry through the mass of parents and students and trolleys full of luggages.
The Burrow's back yard was beautiful during summer. Molly's large garden was filled with flowers, overgrown weeds and...chickens running around. It was a lot livelier than the old flower box at 12 Grimmauld place that she and Remus never watered and had left to die.
''You can stay in Percy's room if you want, dear. You'll be more comfortable than on Ginny's floor. I've put an extra blanket for you. The nights are cold, even in summer,'' Molly informed, tearing Juliet's attention from the window.
She thanked Mrs. Weasley and frowned. ''Where's Percy? Won't he need his room?'' she asked, confused. She didn't personally care about Percy, but she didn't want to steal his room and cause more trouble between them.
Ron shook his head, walking past her and looking around the kitchen, in search of anything he could steal and eat before dinner. ''He's not here. He got himself a job at the Ministry of Magic as assistant to Bartemius Crouch.''
''So you won't have to worry about him attacking you during supper,'' Fred added with a grin.
Juliet bit back a smile, shaking her head. Of course he remembered that.
''Mr. Crouch can't even remember Percy's name, it's hilarious. He calls him Weatherby,'' George added, not even holding his laughter.
Fred mimicked his brother and Molly scolded them both, using the hand towel she had in her hands to swat at Fred's arm. ''Quit making fun of your brother, will you? He worked really hard to get this job.''
''What's for dinner, Mom?'' Ron asked as his stomach made a growling sound.
Beside him, Ginny rolled her eyes. How could he always be hungry?
Percy's room being on the same floor as Fred and George's, Fred decided to be a decent host and show her the way.
''Here's Percy's den,'' Fred said, opening the door. ''Careful not to stay too long in here, you might lose your humor.''
The room was neat and clean compared to Ginny and Ron's. There were no posters or family pictures on his walls, but Ministry law books, ink pots, parchemin papers and old Daily Prophet newspapers all over his desk.
Juliet walked in and set her trunk down at the end of the neatly made bed. ''Fear not,'' she reassured the redhead, having no intention of staying in Percy's room for longer than necessary. She'll come here to sleep and that's it. ''My humor is deep in my blood.''
With Sirius Black for father, it was impossible to not have a great sense of humor. Juliet didn't share his attraction for mischief - not to his extent -, but she liked to tease people and joke around.
''I'll make sure to make jokes everyday, just in case. If you stop laughing, I'll know it's because of Percy's bedsheets.''
Biting her cheek, Juliet fought a smile. ''Always have my back, uh Freddie?''
He grinned in confirmation. ''If you need anything, just knock on my door.''
The next day, the sun was shining high in the sky as Ginny pulled Juliet through the backyard, both dressed in their bathing suits. They went up to the small deck that led to the pond, excited to jump in and cool off.
The first day of summer vacation was usually dedicated to cleaning the yard, but Molly had made an exception and let the kids play in the water since they had a guest.
When the girls arrived, Ron and the twins were already in the pond, fighting with pool noodles.
''Get him, George!'' Fred cheered as George hit their younger brother with a green noodle, a slapping sound echoing.
''Go George!'' Juliet joined in, taking George's side too.
Her voice had distraught Ron and his short moment of inattention cost him to get hit square in the face by George - and losing grip of his noodle. ''Bloody hell, what are you wearing?'' Ron asked, catching sight of the girls and staring at Juliet with wide eyes.
''I won!'' George exclaimed, turning to his twin for a celebratory high-five.
Juliet sat on the edge of the deck, about to get in the water. ''It's a bathing suit, Ronald. You wear it to swim,'' she explained, making the others snicker.
''This is a bathing suit.'' He pointed to Ginny's bright red one piece. ''Not...whatever this is.''
Juliet rolled her eyes and got in the water while Ginny jumped, cannonball style and splashed everyone - including Ron who scowled.
''You seemed in need of a cold shower,'' she told him as she resurfaced. ''Let's play chicken fight.''
''In case you forgot, we're an uneven number. It won't work,'' Ron reminded.
''Well, one of us is gonna wait on the sideline and replace the first person who falls. And, that person is you. You can be referee.''
''Me! Why me?''
''Because you're the one who mention it and I don't trust you to keep me up on your shoulders.''
Ignoring the bickering between his two siblings, Fred had dove under to refresh himself, starting to feel a burning on his pale shoulders. He emerged of the water and shook his head, sprinkling water everywhere with his long red locks. Those boys really needed a haircut. It was getting out of hand.
Ron grumbled some more, reluctantly accepting his fate as Ginny went over to George, ready to play.
''Juliet, you go with Fred. I'll go with George.''
Upon hearing his name, Fred caught eyes with Juliet and swam up to her. ''Ready?''
Fred's body had changed a lot over the past year. Puberty was most likely one of the reasons, but also quidditch. As beaters, they couldn't be frail and lanky; they needed muscles.
Standing so close to him, Juliet was surprised by how broad and strong those shoulders were underneath his robes and sweaters. She couldn't help but dart her eyes to his naked chest and the galaxy of freckles on his wet skin.
Shaking her head, she pushed those thoughts away. ''How do I get up there?'' she asked, having never played this game before.
Fred lowered himself down in the water and Juliet awkwardly climbed on his shoulders, fingernails digging into his freckled skin in panic as he stood up, feeling herself wobble.
''I'm not gonna drop you,'' he said in a reassuring voice, putting his hands on her knees for security. ''If I can hold Ron up, you've got nothing to be scared of.''
''Get ready to lose, losers!''
After playing in the pond all afternoon, the Weasleys had gathered in the backyard for a campfire. Mrs. Weasley had brought out the marshmallows to roast and Fred and George had decided to show off their firework skills.
It was a day Juliet wasn't going to forget anytime soon.
But, all good days come to an end and it was now time to go to bed.
After an hour of tossing and turning, the young witch came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to find sleep anytime soon. It wasn't because she wasn't tired - she was -, but sleeping in Percy's bed made her feel uneasy. His loud comments regarding Sirius had hurt her and she’d honestly rather sleep on Ginny's wood floor than here.
She had fallen asleep fast enough last night, but she always fell asleep fast after a train journey.
Sitting up, Juliet reached into her trunk and grabbed a book. Might as well read instead of sitting there in the dark and waiting for sleep to come.
A gentle knock on the door made her slightly jump, and then, someone poked their head in. Fred.
''Everything okay?'' He was in his pajamas and his hair was slightly mussed from sleep. ''I was on my way from the bathroom when I saw some light. Given the hour, I decided to check on you.''
Juliet put down her book, heart warm. It was very kind of him to check on her.
''I just... I can't seem to find sleep.''
''It's because of Percy's smelly sheets, isn't it?'' Juliet looked down at the bright patchwork blanket, doubt and disgust in her eyes, and Fred laughed. ''I'm kidding. Mom washed them.'' He stepped in and sat on the end of the bed. ''So, tell me. What's keeping you up tonight, Black?''
Juliet sighed. ''Lots of things,'' she half lied.
''Let's play a game. I tell you something I haven't told anyone and you tell me one until you fall asleep. I'll start. I'm gonna be graduating Hogwarts next year and I'm scared. Worried, mostly. As you know, George and I want to open a joke shop. It's always been our big dream. It used to be an almost impossible dream to reach because of our shortage of money, but with the money Harry gave us, it's allowing us to make test samples and slowly build a small variety of candies to sell. But what if we fail?''
Hearing Fred confess his worries about the future changed Juliet's perspective of him. Fred was always so bold, confident and positive, going around telling people that anything's possible if you've got enough nerve. He gave the impression that he was never afraid of anything, but he was just good at hiding it.
''I think everyone's a bit afraid of the future. It is scary.''
''I try to stay positive, but there's always this 'what if' that's in the back of my head. If we fail, what will I do with my life, work at Gringotts? At the Ministry of Magic? Become a teacher? Absolutely not.''
''You're great at quidditch. You and George are the best beaters Gryffindor ever had.''
Fred chuckled. ''I’m flattered, but I’m not good enough to play professionally. And I like to play with George. Quidditch is something we’ve always played together. I’d feel weird to play without him. It’s your turn.''
Finding something Juliet had never told anyone turned out to be more difficult that she'd imagined. In their Ravenclaw dorm, she and Luna had a lot of late night conversations over the years. They’d talk about everything and nothing, typical girl things and...stranger things, but Sirius was a subject they never dipped in.
''I almost didn't meet my father,’’ she started, which immediately caught Fred’s attention. ‘’When Harry and Hermione saved and helped him escape in third year, I almost didn't follow Harry into the yard. I was scared he wouldn't be the person Remus had told me about. That he wouldn't be as great as I had been told. I was scared to be disappointed. I also knew that it might be my only chance and I'd regret it all my life if I didn't go.
''When I got to the yard, he wasn't at all like I had imagined him to be. He was...scary looking, as anyone would be after spending so long in Azkaban. I almost turned around and ran, but he called my name, his voice so hoarse and broken, and a smile had curled on his face. The first in Merlin knows how long. At this moment, I realized that I held a power. A power to bring him a sliver of happiness after all those years of coldness, darkness, misery and despair.''
''I'm sure it was an emotional experience for him too. It must've been a shock to see you.''
''I write him letters almost every day, but I don't have an address to send them to so I keep them in a shoebox under my bed.'' Juliet laughed at herself. ''It's silly, I know-''
''It's not,'' Fred countered. ''I think it’s cute and understandable. You had gotten your father back when he was taken away from you - again. It's a way for you to talk to him, even if he can't read your letters or respond.'' He yawned and apologized. Unlike Juliet, he had been sleeping before knocking on her door.
''You can go back to bed if you’re tired.''
Fred shook his head. ‘’I’d rather stay and talk with you. It’s my turn now, is it?’’
They kept going for a few more minutes, talking in Percy’s room while the rest of the house was asleep.
If Molly were up, she’d undoubtedly scold them for being awake past midnight and Fred going into Juliet's room. Her rules were clear about guests from the opposite sex: no visiting after bedtime.
While they were talking, they had shifted on the bed and changed positions. Their knees were now touching and their feet were buried under the patchwork blanket.
''I didn't want you to go back to Angelina after we danced at the Yule Ball,'' Juliet said, surprising herself. She found herself panicking inside, realizing that, although true, it could ruin their friendship in a disastrous way.
A smug smile curled on Fred’s lips. ''I'm a brilliant dancer, am I?''
She chuckled, but didn't deny. Although Fred Weasley wasn't great at following through with the classic steps when ball dancing, he knew how to spice it up and make it really fun.
''I didn't tell you, but you looked gorgeous in that dress.''
Juliet blinked.
It wasn’t the first time Fred complimented her, but he had never been so bold. He’d usually say something subtle that he could easily say to his sister, but tonight, it sounded very flirty - and Juliet didn't hate it.
After that, it was a blur. She could recall Fred talking, but one of them fell asleep and the other followed.
Fred was gone when Juliet woke up.
At first, she thought last night had been a dream, but the blanket was moved as if somebody else had slept there. She grabbed the blanket and a faint smell of Fred lingered on the blanket. Juliet smiled.
''Morning!'' Ginny greeted, walking in and inviting herself on the bed. She was still in her pajamas so it must've been still early. ''Luna sent an owl this morning, inviting us to have tea at her house tomorrow,'' the redhead informed, holding the piece of parchment in her hand. ''I'll ask Mum if we can go, but it should be okay. She doesn't live too far.''
Juliet rubbed her eyes, still washed with sleep and nodded, looking forward to seeing Luna. One of the things she didn't like about summer was not sharing a room with Luna for two months. She missed her so much. They'd write letters, but it wasn't the same.
''Mom is making pancakes. She sent me to get you.''
''Oh, yum!''
The raven haired girl pushed the covers away, excited to eat Molly's delicious pancakes, but Ginny stopped her. ''Before we go down, there's something I wanted to talk about...I think my brother fancies you.''
Panic flashed in Juliet's mind. Was Fred that obvious? His flirting was pretty subtle and rarely when there was people around. How could've Ginny come to that conclusion?
Juliet laughed. ''What? He doesn't. Gin, you're insane.''
''He was so red at King's Cross when you hugged him! And, he kept staring you when we were at the pond yesterday. He's into you.''
Ron. Ginny was talking about Ron, not Fred.
''See it the way you want. Now, let's go eat pancakes!''
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r-redex · 3 years
If you are still doing fic request, AWO , Vincent/Leo Adopting a rescue dog( can be any breed)
Me, sobbing: please just let me write some short fluff This prompt, holding a gun to my head: plot or perish.
I’m sorry for making this so long ^^’ Anyways, this prompt killed me in every conceivable way, so thank you! It was genuinely fun to write, and I hope you like it!!
CW: (Very brief) description of animal neglect
“Leo, what the hell is this?”
Leo blinked at him, for all the world looking like an innocent man—despite the sopping wet, blanket-wrapped retriever he had just returned home with.
“I know it’s been like eighty years since you were in school,” he said, “but this, Vincent, is what they call a dog.”
“Funny,” Vincent deadpanned. He closed the door behind Leo to keep out the nearly torrential rain, grimacing when Leo knelt to place the shivering dog on the ground.
“May I ask why you thought it would be a good idea to bring a stranger’s dog into our house in the middle of a record-breaking rainstorm?”
Leo was already discarding the filthy blue blanket, tossing it to the side; it landed with a wet plop by Vincent’s feet, and he cringed.
“I don’t think she belongs to anyone,” he said, carefully running his fingers through the matted fur around the dog’s neck. “No collar. Besides, just look at her.”
Vincent had to admit that the dog did look rather worse for wear; its fur was tangled and muddy, and it was definitely quite thin. It looked up at him with big brown eyes, as if it were agreeing with Leo.
“Still,” he said, eyeing it warily, “you don’t know where it’s been. It could have fleas, or rabies, or god knows what else.”
Leo looked up at him, and Vincent was caught off guard by the intensity of his glare.
“So what, you wanna just kick her back out on the street into the rain?”
“Christ--no, Leo.” Vincent frowned, feeling a bit like he was being scolded. “But you need to think about stuff like this before you do it. We should take it to the shelter.”
Leo gave him an incredulous look.
“Are you kidding? Vince, half the city’s shut down from this rain; even if the shelter was open, there’s no way we’d be able to get there in this weather.”
“Well, we can’t just keep it here!”
“Why not?”
Vincent grit his teeth, resisting the urge to snap at him.
“Well, number one, we’re renting this house. Do you even know what the policy is on pets?”
“Do you?” Leo countered. Vincent took a deep breath.
“Number two: if it was a stray, there’s no telling what it could’ve picked up out there.”
“I’m not asking you to stick your head in her mouth,” Leo snapped. “We wash our hands regularly and make sure she doesn’t get into any of the food.”
Vincent pointed at him.
“Three: what will we feed it? It’s not like we keep dog food laying around.”
Leo huffed.
“Dogs can eat other stuff too, you know. And as soon as the rain dies down, I can run to the store and pick something up.”
“As soon as the rain dies down, we’re taking it to a shelter,” Vincent said firmly.
They stood in tense silence for a few moments, glaring. Finally, Leo sighed.
“Fine. But until then, she stays here.”
Vincent pursed his lips. It wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t like there was much of a choice.
Leo insisted on giving the dog a bath that night, which Vincent didn’t protest--if they were going to be keeping it in the house, it might as well not be dripping mud everywhere.
Deciding to make himself useful, he opened the linen closet and started rifling through it to find some old towels or sheets they could use for a makeshift bed. Once he’d gathered a suitable pile, he made his way back down the hall. Passing the partly-open bathroom door, the sound of laughter caught his attention, and he peeked inside.
The bathroom was positively soaked--the floor, the towels, and Leo himself. He was kneeling next to the bathtub, holding a bottle of dish soap in one hand and trying to keep the dog at bay with the other. It had obviously perked up since coming into the warm house, trying to lick at Leo’s face while he scrubbed it down.
“C’mon, cut it out,” Vincent heard him chuckle. “Gotta get you all nice and clean, then you can have a little something to eat. That sound good to you?”
As if it could understand him, the dog’s tail gave a happy little wag. Leo grinned.
“Thought so.”
Vincent eased the door shut, a strange warmth in his chest.
To Vincent’s dismay, the rain hadn’t let up by the next morning. If anything it had gotten worse, dark clouds hanging low in the sky and the almost constant sound of rain against the windows echoing through the house.
“Said on the news that lots of roads are flooded,” Leo told him as he sat down with his toast and coffee. Vincent grimaced.
“No doubt. At this rate, even when it clears up it’s going to be a few days before everything’s dry again; not to mention how many basements have flooded, too.”
“At least we don’t have a basement to flood,” Leo joked. Vincent rolled his eyes, hiding his fond smile behind his cup of coffee.
He nearly jumped out of his seat when he felt something furry brush against his bare foot. He looked under the table to see the dog laying curled against Leo’s feet, sleeping quietly.
“Leo, why is it under the table?”
Leo shrugged.
“She wandered in while I was making breakfast. I think the storm’s scaring her; she hasn’t let me out of her sight since I got up.”
Vincent sighed, taking another look under the table. The dog definitely looked better since Leo gave it a good clean up the night before, and he figured that with some proper food and rest it would start to look like itself again.
Once they got it to the shelter, of course.
As if reading his mind, Leo piped up.
“She’s brightened up a bit since I found her. And she’s housetrained, which means someone did own her at one point.”
Vincent hummed, frowning.
“Wonder why they’d just abandon it like that.”
Leo huffed.
“I don’t know, but if I ever find them I’m going to kick their ass so hard they’ll be shitting out of their ears.”
Vincent snorted, failing to hide his grin.
“I’m just saying,” Leo defended, raising his hands, “anyone who does that shit deserves to be put in their goddamn place.”
“Agreed.” While Vincent may not have been thrilled about their unexpected house guest, he wasn’t a monster.
The dog snuffled in its sleep, its tail flopping against Vincent’s foot.
Leo’s call rang out from the living room. Startled, Vincent poked his head inside.
He was sitting on the couch, grinning excitedly and holding the old banjo they’d fixed up some months prior. The dog was sitting a few feet away, and it cocked its head curiously as Vincent entered the room.
“Watch this.”
Leo began to strum the banjo, playing a simple tune. As Vincent watched, the dog cautiously started walking towards the couch. Leo paused, and the dog stopped, then started again when he continued to play. He did that a few times, playing some sort of musical ‘red light, green light’ with the dog, until it was right at his feet. It laid its head on Leo’s knees, looking up at him as he finished the tune with a mellow strum.
Vincent couldn’t deny the way his heart warmed at the sight, but he still clapped sarcastically.
“Congratulations. You’re the pied piper of stray dogs.”
Leo didn’t react to the teasing as he scratched behind both of the dog’s ears, grinning at the happy thump of its tail against the carpet.
“Y’know, she looks like a Banjo.”
Vincent stared at him. “Leo, we’ve been rained in for less than a day. It’s way too early for you to be confusing animals with musical instruments.”
Leo gave him a look. It took a moment for his meaning to sink in, but when it did, Vincent’s eyebrows shot up.
“Oh, no. No, no no no. Leo, you are not naming it.”
“Why?” Leo ruffled the dog’s ears.
“Because we’re not keeping it.”
Tension thickened the air, the only sound the rain pounding against the window. Leo set his jaw.
“Yeah, you’ve made that plenty clear by now.”
Something in his voice made Vincent falter, but before he could analyze it, Leo was standing and brushing past him out of the room, leaving him alone with the dog.
Vincent sighed. The dog looked up at him, and Vincent had the distinct feeling he was being judged.
“Shut up,” he muttered to no one in particular.
Leo avoided him the rest of the day. By the time Vincent was able to get him to stay in the same room, he had already fallen asleep on the couch. The dog was, of course, laying on the floor next to him; it looked up when Vincent walked over.
He sighed, sinking down to the floor and leaning against the couch. Leo’s hand was hanging down by his face, and he gently lifted it and placed it on the cushion beside his head, giving it a fond pat.
A weight in his lap startled him. He looked down to see the dog looking up at him with big brown eyes, and he gave a reluctant smile.
“It’s not your fault,” he muttered, giving the dog a few gentle pats. “I’m...not used to dogs.”
The dog, of course, just stared. Vincent laughed under his breath.
“He loves you already, though. You must not be so bad.”
His smile fell, and he sighed.
“Though, maybe I’m not the best example.”
As if she could sense his sadness, the dog nuzzled closer to him and closed her eyes. With a soft hum, Vincent scratched her behind the ear as he leaned back against the couch.
“Not so bad at all.”
Despite Vincent being the one who fell asleep on the floor, Leo looked like the walking dead as he dragged himself into the kitchen the next morning. Vincent looked up at him from where he leaned against the counter, giving him an amused once-over.
“Morning, sunshine.”
“Go fuck yourself,” Leo grumbled. Vincent chuckled into his cup of coffee--at least he didn’t seem upset anymore.
“I hope you’re planning on changing your clothes before we go.”
Leo frowned at him, blearily rubbing his eyes.
Vincent gestured to the window, where the heavy rainclouds had been replaced by a bright blue sky.
“Rain’s let up, and I called ahead to the shelter.”
Leo seemed to deflate.
“Oh. Right.”
“...They redirected me to the veterinarian, but luckily they’re open too.”
Vincent had to work to keep his straight face as he watched Leo process the words.
“What? Why?”
Vincent took a sip of his coffee.
“Well, they don’t do vaccinations at the shelter, and she should get a checkup and maybe some vitamins.” He nodded to the dog, who had padded into the room to sniff at Leo’s socked feet when she’d heard him walk in.
Leo looked at him suspiciously, but Vincent could see the faintest trace of hope in his eyes.
“Why do we need all that?”
Vincent let himself break into a grin then.
“As much as I love you, I think we could both do with the help of a trained professional to take care of our dog.”
Leo stared at him for a few long moments, face blank. Then he crossed the floor in three big steps, grabbed Vincent’s face, and kissed him hard.
“You mean it?” he asked breathlessly, a brilliant grin on his face. “We’re keeping her?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“Fucking--yes, of course! Oh my god--”
Vincent laughed as Leo kissed him again.
“Go change,” he said, gently pushing him back. “Don’t want the vet mistaking you for the stray.”
“Fuck off,” Leo laughed. He gave Vincent one last peck on the lips before hurrying off to their bedroom.
Vincent set his coffee down on the counter, still smiling. A gentle nudge at his leg made him look down.
“Don’t worry, Banjo,” he said softly, reaching down to ruffle her ears. “You’re home now.”
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wafflebloggies · 3 years
a troubling guest
thank you @lacking-hydration for letting me use noname in my writes! I’m only playing with the idea in my own CD/JiI universe here, and I don’t know too much about Hydra’s real canon for noname and intentions for their character, but I’m having a lot of fun with this. 🙃
[part 2 of this!] [part 3 of this!]
When the bathroom door finally inched open, the thing slipped out as if it didn’t want to be noticed, as if that were possible. Alan could see it just fine out of the corner of his glasses as he typed. He saw that it was wearing the clean clothes he’d left, and that it closed the door carefully with its pale hand, so that it barely clicked, and how the other, more shapeless arm was still held nervously to its chest. “Hey,” said Alan, looking up. The thing flinched back, again with that instant fear, again with that sharp edge of anger or danger, but he thought it seemed slightly more muted. “Are you good?” “No,” said the thing, staring suspiciously. “Of course not.” “No, I meant-” Alan waved a hand, vaguely, then gave up and closed his laptop, tucking his glasses into his collar for safety. “Never mind. I was just thinking, I, uh, I never asked your name.” “I, I don’t have one.” A ready enough response, but the stare was more confused now than hostile. The thing looked exhausted. Black goop was already starting to leak down the side of its neck, but it didn’t look grubby any more, or wet. It was more like an inky colouration, bleeding and running under the skin. Alan could see how, though it spread fast, it wasn’t staining or seeping into the clean shirt, how the blackened, twisty fingers clutching at its own middle didn’t leave a print. “Well, I can’t just- not call you anything, it’s going to get confusing. What do you want me to call you?” Perhaps the thing suspected this was a trick question, or some other verbal trap, or maybe the idea just sent it into a kind of paradoxical gridlock, like a program running into a fatal bug. It stood still for a long, blank moment, plucking mechanically at the hem of Alan’s old shirt, then shook its head, dumbly. Alan sighed. “Okay, I guess that’s a big ask...” He paused. “Look, I think we really need Blair, but he’s not picking up at the moment. I’ll keep trying- did, uh, did you want to take a nap or something? You...” He was going to say ‘You look terrible,’ but by what metric could he even fairly judge this pitiful thing that was half fear, half thwarted trickery, all lost? He had no idea what not-terrible looked like, by its standards. He didn’t even know if it knew. “What?” The thing let its stained hand fall to his side. It was still looking at him, or mostly so. The one human eye was a muddy hazel-green, just like his, and its gaze flicked to him, past him, around the room, back to him, again and again, with the restlessness of a trapped animal. “Uh- you know, sleep for a little bit, rest up. When did you last sleep? Do… I mean, do you sleep? Can you?” It blinked. “It’s not… encouraged.” The unexpected response made Alan laugh, or at least begin to to. The thing started so badly when it heard the sound that he stopped himself, turning it into an uneasy chuckle. It wasn’t that funny, after all, and the more he thought about it, the less funny it got. “Man, that sounds familiar. But maybe you should? Maybe it’d help with the- uh- well, here, I’ll just pull down the couch for you.” He set about making up the pull-out bed without waiting for a response, stacking the cushion-backs on the floor, pushing the coffee table back to the wall, kneeling to unlatch the springs and hauling back to pull the whole thing over and out. It was an awkward, heavy task to do from one side, and just as he thought he might have to try to cajole his guest into giving him a hand, the resistance suddenly lessened and the mechanism started to slide smoothly. He looked up and saw that the thing had moved to help, mirroring him and pulling on the other side of the couch as the bed slid flat and locked. Alan stood up, smiling despite himself, brushing lint from his knees. “Thanks. Hold on, I’ll get some sheets.” He took a few minutes, digging in the hall closet for an older set of sheets that wouldn’t matter too much if his goopy visitor started to leak in earnest again. Leica had already pretty much ruined the couch with her claws, so it wasn’t as if there was much damage that could be done, but that wasn’t a reason to throw out a whole set of good bedsheets. He wondered, as he hunted up a clean pillowcase hiding in a stack of towels, if this sort of unnecessary attention to details that really didn’t matter was a normal way of dealing with urgent stress, or if it really was part of his own ingrained fussiness, the kind of behaviour that always seemed to annoy the Captain so much. As if it mattered. Listening so much to the things the Captain found annoying- hell, listening so much to the Captain- had led him here, in a roundabout way, dealing with this bizarre and precarious situation alone. Listening so much to the things the Zeitgeist said, in the same vein, must have led the thing in his living room to this wretched state, if it hadn’t been that way to start with. Alan wouldn’t have wished it on anyone, and he hoped, really hoped, he was right in thinking the Captain wouldn’t, either. He headed back into the living room with the pile of sheets bundled in his arms, and stopped. The thing was lying on its side in the middle of the mattress. Its knees were drawn up to its chest, its arms were curled in on itself, and the human side of its face was tucked down against them. It was deeply asleep. Alan wasn’t keen to get too close, on the evidence of the thing’s feral reactions to touch and surprise, but his timidity clashed with the idea of leaving his strange guest huddled on the bare mattress. Moving as quietly as possible, he shook out the thickest blanket and drew it cautiously over the thing’s hunched back, and took one of the pillows and slid it as close to the drooping head as he dared. It was eerie, looking at that face. Like a mirror under a bad spell, a shadowy, gaunt sketch of himself by a cruel hand, smeared and blurred. The worst thing about it was that it wasn’t too far from certain harried, half-dreaming glimpses he had caught of himself. On bad days, on hard days, on some of the worst days he’d ever had. The Zeitgeist had made this nameless thing. There was a horrible kind of mirroring, even in that weird, appalling fact. If Alan had needed a reason beyond simple pity, it was this- something here felt far, far too close for comfort. It had everything to do with the look on the Zeitgeist’s face as the thing had cringed and cowered, that smirk of smug complacency and disdain. Alan couldn’t get that look out of his head, that ghastly look of righteous satisfaction, as if this treatment was somehow only as much as his lackey deserved. The thing moved. Alan started out of his thoughts and backed away cautiously, but it only curled tighter, pulling the blanket in on itself in its sleep. After a moments’ consideration, Alan carefully circled around the room and collected his electronics- phone, laptop, the router for the TV, the wifi hub, various bits and pieces- and took them with him as he gently closed the door. It was better, he thought, to be safe. He needed to talk to Blair, but there was somebody else he needed to talk to even more. He just hoped, for both of their sakes, that they were ready to listen.
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I Travel Troubled Oceans: Chapter 16 - In Which Charles Vane Destabilizes the London Real Estate Market and Takes a Bath
Also known as the chapter I finally write the Charles Vane bath bomb scene that is the entire reason I began writing this fic. It still turned out more weird and angsty than I wanted it to. But here we are.
Charles has been acting a bit strange lately. Strange in a way that doesn't match his usual strangeness. In fact, one might say that this new strangeness is completely antithetical to his normal sort of hyper-aggressive, hyper-masculine nonsense.
That's not to say Charles has gone soft. He's still going to the underground bare knuckle boxing ring at least two days a week to bash other toughs' heads in, returning home in the early hours of the morning, bloody and bruised and grinning that feral sort of grin that makes Jack's guts writhe with a combination of desire and fear.
Because Charles Vane is a predator. Leonine in build and appearance, but more than that, he's a hunter. And most people on the other end of that look perish by his blade.
The ones that don't tend to become intimately familiar with an entirely different sort of blade – Eleanor Guthrie being a prime example.
And as much as Jack might enjoy that type of, heh, swordplay, he knows that it's a terrible idea. Particularly now, when the team is so cohesive. Charles and Mary have formed an unexpected but heartening accord with each other and with Max. Jack's own relationship with Max remains cordially businesslike, but that suits them both perfectly fine. And Jack has absolutely no desire to pry into Max and Anne's relationship.
Perhaps the largest surprise is that Charles has not once tried to challenge Jack's leadership, despite Jack having taken his crew and his command and his whole world. But Charles hasn't even really threatened him since that night in the hotel when Jack had first suggested they all settle down. And Jack is grateful. And he is more than disciplined enough to keep it in his pants to prevent ruining the accord they've all reached. More than able to put the con first and everything else second.
So Jack doesn't let the desire show. Keeps to the flippant and easily brushed off type of dialogue he and Charles have always shared. Non-flirtatious by its very flirtatious nature.
And Jack refuses to let the fear show either.
Because Jack has been on the receiving end of that look several times now, and he's still alive and kicking. And, as previously stated, Charles hasn't ever challenged Jack's leadership. And he's too Charles to ever play the sort of long con to disrupt him from behind the scenes that Jack himself prefers to employ. That Jack has employed against him – and isn't that just a tiny jolt of guilt right in the heart?
Completely unrelated to all of that, Jack has started keeping watch out the front window the mornings after Charles goes out. And when Charles comes up the street, stumbling and grinning and flying higher than the pipe ever got him, Jack is there to put a narrow shoulder under his thick arm. There to help him limp through the front door and into the front hall bathroom to collapse on the closed lid of the toilet seat and grin that terrible, frightening, arousing, alive grin up at Jack. Who just dabs at his cuts with the ruined, bloodstained towel he's started keeping in that bathroom solely for that purpose.
And Charles holds still through all of Jack's patching him up and getting him an ice pack for the bruises blooming on his ribs and admonishing him for getting into that state in the first place. And Charles lets Jack lead him up to bed and sit with him for a bit as he falls asleep, Jack brushing his long hair off his forehead so the blood and the sweat doesn't glue it to his skin as he sleeps.
Charles looks so peaceful like this, all tucked into clean sheets, with Jack's hand running gently through his tangled hair. Peaceful in a way he never looked with a needle in his arm. And Jack's honored to get to see him like this. With his guard down. Vulnerable.
Vulnerable is not the word one would have ever used to describe the Charles Vane from the streets. But this Charles Vane, the one who moved into a real house, if under protest. This Charles Vane seems more than content to let Jack and Anne and Mary see a side of him he's never shown before. And Jack keeps that trust close to his heart like a treasure.
But he's always been a greedy sonofabitch, reaching beyond his station, beyond the cards life dealt him by virtue of his birth. And Jack wants more.
Jack has kept patching Charles up after he gets back from the fighting ring he joined as a way to keep the pounding of the blood in his veins, the drive to fight and fight and fight until there's nothing in his head and his heart and his arms except the singing of his blood and the cooling tackiness of the blood he spilled. A way of feeling alive. A way of keeping sane that doesn't ruin all their carefully laid plans, all their carefully constructed facades.
It has also conveniently doubled as a way for Charles to keep his ear to the pulse of the street. A way to keep tabs on their former colleagues and competitors. And some outright enemies.
They move in different enough circles, Charles doubts they'll ever end up fighting for turf. But sometimes you need dumb muscle to knock over a mark, drive them further into your arms. Help them understand that they're in danger, but you can help them. You can keep them safe, if only they just trust you.
If only they sign over their soul.
And, and, it's helpful to know what the word on the street is about the rich fuckheads they're trying to con. Cuz sometimes the street knows things about them they don't even know about themselves. Things ratted out and weaseled out and just plain observed by the unfortunates forced to wash their dishes, or clean their houses, or drive their cars, or any number of menial, forgettable tasks that allow the person performing them unfettered access to their vulnerable underbelly that not even eel-slippery Jack or silent watchful Anne or flirtatious Charles have been able to gain access to.
Like, for instance, the fact that the Hennessy family is not nearly so well off as they like to pretend in front of guests. Sure, to the world it's all champagne and caviar and Mediterranean cruises. But Charles is have-a-drink-together-down-the-pub close with a fellow boxer whose wife's cousin's sister is a housekeeper for their big London house. And she knows there ain't hardly money to turn the heat on in winter. Goes to work in three layers and mittens to vacuum the priceless antique rugs and dust the slowly dwindling collection of priceless family heirlooms in the china cabinet and on the cold hearths' mantles.
Which is a good indication that just a little push, just a little pressure to their already cracking facade, and the property could be bought for a song. If only the facade can be maintained. If only there was someone to spin it so they don't lose their place in society. So they don't have to give up the game of pretend they're playing.
So they can pretend they're just going off to live in the relatively inexpensive Maldives because they're sick of English winters and not because the crumbling remnants of British imperial estates can be bought for a comparative pittance. Plus, everyone speaks English so it's properly civilized. Their British friends can be invited for reciprocated holidays without fear of losing face.
That's how Mr. Scott presents it, anyway. With no mention of fact that the islands are being slowly subsumed by the ocean. Not when that's why the deal appears so strongly in the Hennessy's favor. Cuz after all, you get what you pay for.
Charles allowed himself to smirk from the corner as he listens to the sales pitch, having been brought along since he is “friends” with Hennessy's wife, and a gentle hand on her arm, a quiet word about how much he would enjoy visiting their estate in the Maldives - his voice and touch and everything calculated to conjure images of him nude on the beach of said estate, just as Max coached him before the meeting - might do something to sway the conversation. Everyone knows Mrs. Hennessy's got her husband by the balls in a way Anne's admitted to admiring.
But someone like Mr. Scott is more than capable of sealing that particular deal all on his own. Gentle and bland and unassuming Mr. Scott. With skin dark enough and accent pronounced enough the Hennessy's can feel condescending even as Mr. Scott bleeds them dry. But his words are deferential, honeyed, and the facade is maintained. Everyone gets what they want.
So Max is pretty happy with the whole arrangement – with Charles keeping tabs on the London underworld, even if it results in a few scrapes and bruises. Happy with it continuing if he keeps getting results like this. So he'll keep doing it, even if Charles knows Jack isn't as happy.
But Jack's a worrier by nature. The kind of man to think and think and overthink, until he's thought himself into a right tizzy over all the hypotheticals and what ifs and Charles just doesn't understand, cuz he's never been like that. Never borrowed trouble when he's got enough right in front of him.
So Jack worries – mostly about Charles staying safe, he's pretty sure. About him coming home from the fights with cuts and bruises. And not about him blowing the con or anything. Which is kind of nice, really. Charles doesn't think he's ever had somebody worry about him for reasons other than a job. For reasons other than him being strong enough to do the job they need doing.
So Charles lets Jack take care of him, safe in knowing Jack ain't doing it to use against him. And it's nice - especially the getting to drift off to sleep with Jack petting at his hair.
Charles imagines it's like how a mother's supposed to sooth her child to sleep. All tucked into bed in pajamas, with a bedtime story. With the mother staying until he falls asleep, there to keep the monsters in the closet and under the bed away. There to sooth and to love and to care.
Charles never had a mother. Never had anyone to hold him like this, even. To care for him like this.
All his lays, all his fuck buddies – even Eleanor, the closest thing he ever had to a stable relationship – they'd all expected to fuck off as soon as the fucking was over. Or expected him to fuck off as soon as he got his rocks off. There was no lingering, no sentimentality.
And if they ever spent the night, his lovers – Eleanor, mostly – they expected him to be the one to hold them. And he'd expected it of himself, too. He's big and strong and tough. Protective. That's about as soft and sentimental as he'd ever let himself get.
So it's nice to be able to let himself be taken care of by people he knows won't use his vulnerability against him. And that's probably why he lets Jack talk him into taking a fucking bubble bath of all fucking things.
Jack has always been the type of person to push his luck. The kind of person who can never leave well enough alone. The kind of person who refuses to be content with what he has, always striving for bigger, for better, for more.
So that's probably why he thought it was a good idea to convince Charles into taking a bath with him one morning.
He's less beat up than usual. No bleeding, minimal bruises. Just that look in his eye that promises... Jack doesn't even want to start thinking about what it might promise.
Yes, absolutely no problem with getting naked together with a man looking like that.
Jack may, in fact, be very, very stupid. But Charles had agreed to the bath, swayed by Jack's argument that it would be relaxing, presumably. That it would help the lingering chill left from the dank parking garage Charles had spent the night in and from the walk home in the early hours of the morning.
And, in true Charles fashion, because that man knows absolutely no shame - and certainly not for anything so mundane as nudity - he'd simply nodded at Jack, proceeded up the stairs and into Jack's en-suite bathroom, and started stripping.
Jack turns away and busies himself with filling the frankly ostentatiously large tub. His doubts are beginning to have doubts about the soundness of this plan. But it's too late. Charles is already climbing into the bath. And the sigh of relaxation he makes as he sinks into the water makes any discomfort Jack feels more than worth it.
Jack's thrown something into the bath that bubbles and fizzes and smells sweetly of lemon and darkly of something spiced that makes Charles a lot more happy about this whole bubble bath idea. He'd been a bit worried he was going to walk out of this thing smelling like an entire fucking rose garden. But it seems like he'll be at most smell like he's taken a walk through a citrus grove, which is bearable. At least until he realizes that not only is the soap turning the water different colors, but there's a shiny slick of gold glitter riding along the top of the water.
Glitter he's sure he's going be washing out of his asscrack in the shower later.
And it seems pretty stupid to him to take a bath where you have to take a shower after. And he bitches to Jack about it. But then Jack's stripping down and getting into the tub, water up to his chin, and the smug look he's giving Charles – the look that says he knows that Charles is enjoying this, even if he won't admit it – that look makes Charles have to splash him with the foaming, sparkling water. There's no other choice really.
And then Jack splashes him back. And Charles just has to put him in a headlock – one tight enough he can't get out of it easily, the slippery bastard. And they're slopping water all over the bathroom floor, but it'll clean up easily enough. It's not like they don't have an overabundance of decadently soft towels in the fucking ridiculous built in linen cupboard.
So they wrestle playfully for a bit, Jack giving nearly as good as he gets despite being smaller. But he's never been afraid of playing dirty – something Charles has always admired – and the roughhousing ends with Jack's arm around Charles's throat. Well, really it ends when Charles sits on him, the only move available that wouldn't actually hurt Jack.
And Jack's arm moves from pressing gently, carefully, against Charles's windpipe down his chest until it's wrapped around his stomach, holding him closer.
Charles slumps down into the water. Leans back against Jack's skinny chest.
And then Jack starts scrubbing through Charles's hair, fingers massaging against his scalp. And that feels. Nice.
Nice enough that when Jack directs Charles to dunk his head underwater, enough to completely wet his hair, enough that Jack could hold him under until his thrashing limbs stopped twitching and he stopped breathing, Charles does it.
Jack guides Charles up out of the water. Guides him to lean back against him. Starts massaging at his scalp again, combing his fingers through Charles's wet hair, working out the strands until they're floating loose around his head like a halo.
They stay like that until the water cools.
Charles gets up and hoses all the fucking glitter off – berating an unrepentant Jack the entire time. But at least he does promise to use bath bombs that don't have glitter in the future. So there's that.
Charles pretends he isn't happy that there will be other times when they get to do this.
And Charles cleans up the disaster of spilled water around the tub while Jack showers. And Jack leads Charles from the bathroom into his bedroom. Lets Charles curl up in his bed.
And despite his halfhearted protests to the contrary, Charles is pretty fucking happy to drift off to sleep to the gentle tug and pull of Jack combing through his damp hair where it spreads across Jack's pillows.
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desiringparadise · 4 years
Hi, I know this gonna sound weird but I'm here thanks to A03, I read "It's A Terrible Love And I'm Walking With Spiders" again (idk why), Let me tell you something: It's fantastic. But I realized that you haven't update for four or five years, well I'm not gonna ask you to do it, that's in you, but I'd like to ask something, could you tell me what was the plan with tha fic, and how will it end, just a summary because I'm dying in my curiosity, well only few words left, so thanks and be careful
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Omgggg thank you!!! It isn’t weird at all, I sometimes re-read old unfinished fics too because they stuck with me for some odd reason. I was at a bad mental space when I wrote this story and I feel like my issues manifested in the atmosphere of the story. Maybe readers can relate to some of it?
As to how the story was supposed to end. I didn’t remember and I actually had to look through my old notebook lol. I actually found the unfinished fifth chapter in my folders, so I’ll post it here.
Keep in mind that I wrote this in November 2016 and I never finished editing it. I didn’t post it because I was unsatisfied with the result. I’d rate it T/M.
Chapter 5
Miserable, Stiles focused on the silhouette of naked feet, his eyes never straying any higher. Luckily, the shower glass was milky, so even if he couldn’t have resisted satisfying his own curiosity, he wouldn’t actually have seen much.
After the Sheriff had left, Theo had asked to take a shower. Stiles had let him under the condition that the door would remain open and Theo under Stiles’ scrutiny. Under no circumstances would he have let the other boy roam around in his house without checking what he was up to. There were meds in the cupboard, something he wouldn’t risk leaving him alone with.
Unsurprisingly, Theo hadn’t objected. “Be my guest,” he’d said instead, an extra smarmy grin on his face.
That’s why Stiles was sitting against the wall, knees drawn to his chest while trying not to fall asleep. The sound of water spraying had become lulling white noise, making it hard to keep his eyes open. Maybe he should take some Adderall to shake off the drowsiness. It wasn’t like he would get any sleep tonight anyway. Not while knowing that Theo Raeken was under the same roof as him.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when the spray of water stopped, the shower door opened, and Theo stepped out without an ounce of hesitation. You’d think he’d at least pretend to be a little embarrassed about showing his naked body.
Not that Theo should be ashamed, Stiles realized. He had known before that the other boy was built, but the naked view of him - well, he couldn’t lie, it was a sight to behold. Perfect, unreal. The shoulders, the arms, the chest – everything about him was broad without being too bulky. His flawless skin only added to the look of a retouched Men’s Health cover shoot. Stiles felt entranced to follow his abs, down to the wonderfully defined V of his hips, before stopping himself. Yeah, he had just seen Theo’s dick, it had been kinda inevitable, but there was no reason to scrutinize it any further. None.
Quickly, he moved his gaze up to look at Theo’s face instead, the usual smirk somehow looking even more smarmy than usual.
“Like what you see?”
The question was so cliché, just like this whole goddamn scenario, that Stiles felt the desperate need to break the spell.
“I prefer chest hair.”
For the first time since Theo had arrived in Beacon Hills, he was dumbfounded. It left Stiles feeling satisfied, before his face froze, his heartbeat quickening. Did he just seriously tell Theo that he was interested in men? He resisted the urge to smack his palm against his face.
Theo did the unexpected and actually came up with an answer.
“I could let it grow, if you wanted me to.”
Stiles squinted. “What the hell would you do that for?”
Theo shrugged his broad shoulder, still unperturbed by his own nudity. “Just trying to win you over, that’s all.”
Stiles rolled his eyes, finally rising up and to look at Theo’s face and ignore everything that was going on below. “Well, your lack of chest hair wasn’t the deciding factor that kept me on the other side. Why don’t you put on a towel?”
“Don’t have one,” Theo answered with an innocent smile.
Stiles sighed and motioned for the other boy to follow as he walked to his room. When he opened the door, he felt uncomfortable letting a naked Theo into his personal space. Hurriedly, he drew the curtains and searched for a large towel in the cupboard. When he found one, he threw it over to Theo without sparing him another look.
“Can you borrow me some clothes?”
Stiles was inclined to say no, let Theo sleep in his uncomfortable jeans instead. There was something strange about giving Theo his clothes to wear. But he wasn’t sure when his father would return from the station. When the man arrived, he would go through the living room and see Theo who’d be sleeping on the coach.
He sighed and searched his closet for something that’d fit. Theo wasn’t taller, but much broader than him. (Un)fortunately, Stiles usually wore clothes that were a few sizes too big anyway. He found some sweats. He was painfully reminded that Theo wouldn’t be wearing underwear underneath. No way he’d be wearing those pants before washing them at least five times.
“Long or short sleeves?”
“Don’t need a shirt.”
Stiles frowned, pulling his too long sleeves even further down. “It’s freezing.”
Theo grinned. “I’m running hot. Want to see it for yourself?”
Stiles rolled his eyes and walked past him. “Whatever, I’ll be fixing you the coach.”
Theo followed him in an easy stride. He didn’t even seem a little uncomfortable to casually stroll through a stranger’s home without a shirt on. Completely relaxed, he sunk into the coach and watched Stiles as he spread clean sheets over the sofa.
“Do your parents know you’re staying over?” Stiles couldn’t even remember the Raekens’ faces anymore.
“Sent them a text.”
Stiles nodded, too tired to investigate any further.
Except he was unable to fall asleep. For about roughly an hour he had been tossing and turning, his anxiety back at it again although he had forewent his Adderall. Then, for a couple of minutes, he stayed still, not moving a muscle while waiting to hear any sounds come from downstairs.
But there was only silence.
About half an hour ago, his eyes started tearing up from exhaustion. It was annoying. He wasn’t really crying, but the stream of tears didn’t stop. Now his eyes were swollen and aching.
He was unable to come to rest. He took a deep breath. Maybe if he’d open the door and take a proper listen, he’d finally relax. Feeling ridiculous, left the warmth of his bed and softly padded towards his door. But he was only met with frustratingly familiar silence.
He sighed and returned to bed when- Wait, was that a sound? He froze and listened, eyes wide open as if waiting for an assault. Looking down, he noticed that he had stepped on a creaking floor board. The noise could have come from him. But what if it hadn’t?
He shook his head. He was being paranoid, utterly ridiculous… Yet, what if there had been something? He took a deep breath and held it, wanting his heart beat to slow. Okay, he’d go outside again, just this once, and take a look around house, and most importantly, check whether Theo was doing something sketchy.
He left his room, slowly descending the stairs. From here, Theo’s form was still, he seemed to be sleeping. Just to be sure, he told himself as he gradually closed the distance between them. He stopped just before the sofa and leaned down to inspect his face. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. Everything about him indicated to be asleep.
But the ugly voice of his paranoia ordered him to look more closely, check whether Theo wasn’t faking it.
Suddenly Theo’s eyes were wide open, an unnatural light shining in them. Stiles startled. He stumbled backwards, his feet hit agianst the coffee table, and he fell on his ass.
“Stiles?” Theo blinked, the strange light in his eyes gone. Had he imagined it? He must have, there was no other explanation for it. He was going crazy. “Why are you up? Did something happen?” His voice was groggy from asleep, but otherwise he seemed alert.
Stiles felt ridiculous. His thought process hadn’t made any sense to begin with, spoken out loud, they’d sound like he’d lost his mind. This paranoia, it wasn’t normal. He liked to tell himself that it was the Adderall, the ADHD, but when he was honest with himself, he knew it was him. He was fucking crazy. No wonder he didn’t have any friends, no wonder Erica had ditched him the first chance she got. He wouldn’t be his own friend either. There was nothing to gain from this cynical, insecure, anxious mess that he was.
His uneven breath catch in his throat, the last drop for his straying nerves. His mind collapsed in itself and he pathetically started to cry.
If Theo hadn’t been awake then, he probably was now. He stumbled out of the sheets and approached Stiles, putting both hands on his shoulders. His eyes were wide with concern. “Hey- hey, Stiles, come on. What happened? Did you hurt yourself?”
Stiles shook his head, his chest heaving with sobs. He was such a goddamn mess. The more he wanted to force himself to calm down, the more he worked himself up. The rational part of his mind told him that this wouldn’t pass until he calmed down. But he was too upset and Theo’s presence made everything worse. He wanted to crawl into a hole and wait till the panic was over.
But he knew that wasn’t possible. “I can’t sleep,” he managed to ground out between the ugly sniffing and sobbing.
“Did you have a nightmare?”
Stiles snorted, as if Theo’s suggestion had been completely ridiculous. Actually, it wasn’t that far off the truth though. He had nightmares, more often so recently. To some of them he woke up silently, heavily breathing, the panic constrained in his chest, but without a sound. Sometimes he screamed. But only his father knew that.
“No. I just – I can’t sleep with you here, not knowing what you’re doing.”
He expected Theo to be confused, demand an explanation, maybe even laugh. Instead he said, “I could go.”
“What?” He shook his head. “No.” How would he explain that to his father? He wouldn’t be able to stand another discussion with him about seeing a professional about his problems. Yes, he had problems, he knew that – but none some shrink could help him with. The only thing he had going for him was that he wasn’t labeled crazy by the public yet. “You’re staying,” he said with finality.
For a while, there was silence. Theo must be put off by Stiles acting like a freaking lunatic. Any normal person would’ve left by now. Hell, he would’ve ran out the house if the roles were reversed. Instead Theo asked, “Do you have any handcuffs?”
For a few seconds, Stiles didn’t say a word. But when he had finally gathered himself- “What the fuck?”
“Real ones,” the other boy recuperated nonchalantly.
“Why in the hell would you-“
“Because, obviously, I’m kinky, if you haven’t guessed it by now,” Theo answered rolling his eyes. Stiles wasn’t sure whether that had been a joke. “”You wanna sleep or what? Go get me some handcuffs.”
Normally, he wouldn’t have obeyed simply on principle, but he was curious where this would go. And as he rummaged through the drawer, where he knew his father kept a spare pair of handcuffs, he realized that the suffocating panic in his chest was gone.
“Now I’ll go outside and you hide the keys somewhere,” Theo ordered. Stiles wanted to question him, but before he could, Theo had already left the house, still shirtless in the cold night. Not knowing what else to do, Stiles went up to his room and hid the little key in his pill bottle.
When he opened the door for Theo to enter, he didn’t seem affected by the freezing weather. There weren’t even any goosebumps on his skin.
“All done?” Theo asked, the blue-green eyes open and honest. Stiles nodded.
Unceremoniously, Theo cuffed his own wrists together.
Stiles stared. “Okay… What is this about?”
The boy shook his wrist, the metal of the cuffs making clinking sounds. “See? I won’t be able to do much without you hearing. No need to worry about what I’m doing. So are we taking the bed or the couch?”
Stiles should be horrified, but frankly, the plan made sense. It could actually work. And really? It was some crazy shit that he would’ve come up with. The sort of solution that people would raise their brows at but that would actually work. “How do I know you won’t do anything to me while I sleep?”
Theo rolled his eyes. “Stiles, no offense, but if I wanted to harm you, I wouldn’t have to wait until you’re asleep. You’re not exactly what I’d call a physical challenge.”
Fair enough...
“There is no way we’d fit on the couch.”
Stiles had ordered Theo to lay on the side of the bed that faced the wall so that there would be no chance of leaving the bed without alerting Stiles. Theo was happy to lie on his side and watch the other boy’s peaceful face. For once, his breathing was even, but he was still twitching and moving in his sleep, restless, even in his most relaxed moments.
When they had first lain down, Theo had feigned sleep. He knew that Stiles wouldn’t have been able to calm down if Theo had openly watched him. Now though, he stare at him to his heart’s content. He’d watched Stiles without his knowledge before. There were some perfect angles from the outside from which you could see Stiles rummaging in the kitchen. Sometimes he forgot to draw the curtains and Theo could catch glimpses of his sleeping form.
But in never had been like this. Stiles, only an arm’s length away, the ever-present scent of anxiousness enveloping him.
He mumbled something in his sleep, tossed and turned and eventually scooted closer to Theo. It probably was due to Stiles’ weird sleeping positions and the unconscious urge to scoot towards warmth, but nonetheless, Thep was elated when the boy’s head almost touched his chest. He could feel his breath on his naked skin.
Theo wondered whether he could get away with stroking his hair, just running his fingers through the dark hair for once, but he refrained. He still was desperately trying to get Stiles to trust him.
At first glance, Stiles seemed like easy prey. He was isolated and defenseless. He should’ve soaked up all of Theo’s affections and begged for more. But Theo had underestimated him vastly. Stiles wasn’t playing hard to get, he simply was too smart to fall for something as simple as charm.
It only made Theo want him even more. Stiles would be the perfect person to stand by his side. Clever, loyal, and absolutely ruthless.
But he had to get Stiles to trust him first. The boy couldn’t see it yet, but once all circumstances molded to Theo’s wishes, Stiles would find himself in a much happier place. Theo just had to give him a nudge into the right direction and make him realize how much of a glorious team they could be under Theo’s rule.
His father was the only important person in Stile’s life. Eventually, Theo would insert himself as a part of his life. Stiles was his centre already, now he had to make himself Stiles’ centre.
This is were this document ended. I think I planned to end this chapter at this point. I hadn’t planned the future chapters in every detail, but here’s how I planned for the story to roughly go:
Stiles and Theo were supposed to get closer, Theo eventually gaining Stiles’ trust and helping him over his issues with anxiety. They’d slowly become friends, but their relationship would always have a sexual undertone because it’d always been clear that Theo wanted to be more than friends. The sexual tension would escalate and they’d hook up and become an official item.
They would share a toxic dynamic. While Theo is devoted to Stiles, he’s also extremely controlling and possessive. He would watch Stiles, trying to keep constant tabs on what he was doing, going through his phone, getting pissed when Stiles was acting friendly with anyone. They would have big fights over this in which Theo would tell Stiles that he cares too much for him to just let him be.
While Stiles would know that this is an extremely unhealthy relationship that can’t end well, some part of him (the part that had been ignored by the people around him for all his life and was starving for a semblance of affection) loved that he was this important to Theo. And while his relationship was anything but normal, he liked that he got to experience something as normal as having a boyfriend, something he’d never envisioned before.
So they’d have fights, Theo would apologize with some grand gesture, and Stiles wouldn’t be able to stay mad (because some part of him wasn’t actually mad at all). This pattern would repeat itself.
Meanwhile, Scott and his friends would try to make Stiles see reason. By now, they would’ve noticed Theo’s and Stiles’ dynamic because of how explosive Theo can get in public once his jealousy is triggered. Stiles, however, can’t stand Scott and his friends to begin with. He thinks that nobody but his father and Theo, in his own twisted way, cares about him and that they’re only trying to provoke Theo through Stiles.
I don’t think the whole Dread-Doctors thing had been all the way revealed when I was plotting this, so they wouldn’t have been included in this story. But eventually, some danger would befall Beacon Hills again. Amidst everything, everyone’s supernatural identity would be revealed to Stiles. He’d feel vindicated to have his suspicions finally confirmed. He and Theo would work together on overcoming whatever enemy they’d be facing off against. 
At some point during all of this, Theo’s behaviour would escalate and would cause something disastrous to happen. Someone would be killed. Stiles can finally no longer ignore Theo’s issues as he fights his desire to stay with Theo against his morals. He’d tell Theo that they needed a break.
Theo would beg him not to break it off, promise to change, and confess his love. Though Stiles would know that Theo wouldn’t really change because of the numerous times he’s promised before, he’d be too moved by Theo’s confession to resist. Eventually, he’d decide be selfish and put his own wants before the needs of others. He’d decide that he’d rather have his toxic, obsessive, passionate relationship with Theo, than to return to the bleak void that he was in before Theo entered his life.
Eventually, they’d graduate and move away to live in some big city like L.A. or NYC. 
The End.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
A Hero Among Us-Final Chapter
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Previous chapters on AO3           A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Chapter Eighteen
Jamie entered the house dripping from his bath in the lake and grabbed a towel on his way upstairs. He could hear Claire and Mary talking in the sitting room and hoped to catch a ten-minute nap before supper. His back and arms ached from planting fifty acres at Rupert’s vineyard on a very hot day. It was late July, after a brutal stretch of no rain followed by flooding on the valley floor. They had earned their harvest for the year and the berries grew fat and ready to burst.
Jamie worried he would not wake up for supper, but his body moved of its own accord toward the bed. He marveled at the comfort of the firm mattress and cool sheets. He smiled as his mind drifted into oblivion and his dreams came to claim him. As he always did with naps in the afternoon, he dreamed continuously.
“The Sheriff thinks it was a gang passing through, lookin for someone to rob because they ran out of money. They were askin about the productive vineyards at the saloon, like they were lookin for work. Only had a hand full of farmers that had grapes to sell and ours is by far the finest property, so it wasn’t hard to figure out. Sheriff suspects the two men sent earlier in the week intended to rob us right here in the house. The gang got much bolder when we killed their men. It’s alright Sassenach, it’s definitely over, no one will be comin to settle a score.”
In his dream he looked down at the face he loved before blackness and peace settled over his mind.
“Jamie? Jamie! You two fell asleep on the swing and you were both lost to your dreams,” she giggled. Let me take her before my breasts pop.” He heard the baby cry about losing her heat source until Claire sat down on the swing and offered her a comforting nipple. Jamie was slipping in and out of the scene in his dream. He reached out for the baby’s cheek and saw a dark purple grape in his hand. He was offering it to Faith, who was in his arms in the middle of the vineyard. She was a few months older and she made a face at the sour-tasting fruit. Jaime kissed her cheek and laughed at his funny baby girl. “It’s time to go home sweetheart, yer mam will be lookin for ye.”
Jamie turned around and the vineyard morphed into the kitchen with Misses Crook right in front of him. He was feeling weird about what he had to ask her. She looked up from her task and waited for him to spit it out.
“Ah…Misses Crook…what do ye make of my stomach ailment then?”
“Leave it be laddie, ye dinna want to ken what I think.”
“I saw ye count when ye dropped to the ground to help me, before we found Claire. What were ye countin for?”
Misses Crook regarded Jamie with a keen eye and decided he might as well know what she thought.
“Claire was unconscious when ye found her in the shed, so she wasna havin contractions for a time, ye ken? As soon as ye got some water down her throat her pains started again and yer’s stopped. I think by some miracle, you took over for her so she could rest and stall the birth until we found her.”
Misses Crook looked up at Jamie, blushing about her wild theory. “That is what it looked like Mister Fraser and I ken it’s not possible, but I’ll thank ye anyway, for takin on the pain.”
Jamie opened his mouth to insist she was wrong and felt his lover’s tongue in his mouth and a throbbing erection like a club between his legs. He wanted to devour her after waiting so long for her body to heal. He pulled away, breathing deeply and shaking his head. He had to slow down before he hurt her.
“Jamie darling, I cannot wait any longer.” Claire was flushed and panting, pulling his hand to her core and pushing his fingers into her warm, wet body. She arched her back when he moved his fingers inside of her and he watched with rapt attention.
“My Sassenach, I love ye so much, I dinna want to hurt ye.”
Claire climbed on top of him and pulled him to her, easing down on him slowly, letting her body open to him. It took a few minutes until her arousal demanded his immediate attention and Jamie stared at her like she was a goddess.
The dream faded into darkness and peace.
Jamie felt the saddle under him and saw Ben ahead, riding hard. They were searching for the native vineyards that were selling grapevines.
“Two more Jamie and we can head for home!”
They slept under the stars the night before and he was anxious to get home to Claire. He just wanted this trip to be over. Ben looked back at his face and slowed his horse to a trot until Jamie caught up.
“Listen, Jamie, I just don’t have it in me anymore. This much time in the saddle is too hard for an old man. Let’s head home after we visit this vineyard. We’ll be home late tonight. Okay?”
Jamie felt the freezing water around his feet and sucked in a breath. There was soap in his hand, and he bathed quickly, anxious to hold Claire and check on his baby daughter and Fergus.
“Jamie, darling,” he looked around for her and tried to answer but no sound came out.
Pulling a towel around his frozen body he climbed the stairs. “Jamie, darling.”
“Yes?” He could not make any sound come out of his mouth, but he heard Claire calling to him from somewhere and wanted to tell her he was home.
“Jamie?” He felt her arms reach under him as she kissed his neck.
“I’m here Sassenach.”
Jamie forced his eyes to open, feeling disoriented, and reaching for his wife.
He clutched her to him, struggling to wake up from his exhaustion.
“You poor, sweet, exhausted man. I’m so sorry but we have a dinner party this evening so you must get up.”
Claire watched Jamie struggle to wake up, slipping back to sleep and then jerking his head up to look for her. Sleep was winning so she tried to help him.
“You know, when I came in here to wake you, I pulled the covers away so I could look at you. I’m sorry, I could not resist because it is seldom I can stare at you for as long as I want.” Claire looked coyly at her husband. “Maybe I took it too far because I touched your warm skin,” she ran her hand lightly across his stomach. “I want you now, so much I put my face very close to you,” breathing hard, Claire dropped her mouth within an inch of his cock so he could feel her breath on his skin. “But we must dress for dinner so it will have to wait sweetheart.” She kissed him deeply and noticed he was fully awake now. “Can we come back to this later, outside, under the stars?”
Jamie was pulling her close as she was pulling away from him.
“In one minute, Misses Crook will come barreling through that door to dress my hair,” she whispered. Blankets and sheets were flying as Jamie bounded out of bed and pulled his pants and shirt on.
“Yes…ah, yes Sassenach, it’s a date.” Jamie shook his head “What is the occasion for the party again?”
“We have so much to celebrate, it’s hard to list everything. It is the pre-harvest, the birth of your darling daughter, Mary is with child, Ben’s birthday, Mcreaty’s marriage, planting the new, sorry, old vineyard. Shall I go on darling?”
“No, I think I have it now Sassenach.”
Jamie’s nose suddenly pulled him in the direction of the roasting pig and turkeys outside and his stomach gripped him and rumbled. He was feeling almost faint with hunger when he heard his wee daughter cry out from her nap. Hunger forgotten, he ran to the nursery to rescue her from her crib. He lifted her high above his head and gently lowered her to his face for kisses. Faith was so enamored with Jamie she cooed and smiled as she ran through the sounds she could make while giggling at her father’s antics. Claire smiled at the duo as they came back into the bedroom. Her heart melted, as it always did, the way they looked at each other. Jamie laid next to Faith on the bed and responded to Faith’s gibberish like he understood her. Misses Crook laughed at the two of them as she brushed Claire’s hair.
“Milord, must I wear the clothes I hate, to the party tonight?”
Jamie lifted his head to look at Fergus and felt the room was getting rather crowded.
“But why, milord?”
“Ye like the lass’s, aye?”
“Yes, milord!”
“Lots of lass’s here tonight and they dinna like scruffy clothing on a lad, so ye dress up to impress them.”
“I don’t actually like them that much, so can I…”
“No, wear what Misses Crook tells ye to or spend the evening in your room where no one can see ye.”
“Yes, milord,” was drawn out and plaintive as the boy left to dress.
Jamie went back to nuzzling Faith making her erupt in giggles followed by giggles from the women. Jamie placed Faith in her mother’s arms to fill her empty tummy before disappearing to the outside to check on the men. All of them were sunburned from three days of planting in the sun. They looked healthy and happy waiting for the women to arrive.
Jamie made his way to the barn to feed the horses. He stroked the silver stallion and then the mare and her foal who was occupying her own stall, fully weaned from her mother. Jamie brushed them while they gorged on their meal. Deep in his thoughts, he heard a whiny outside the barn and realized the guests were arriving before he cleaned up. He closed the stall door and dashed for the barn door running smack into a large creature like a solid brick wall. It knocked him down and the view from the ground was both terrifying and thrilling. An eighteen-hand horse, built like a stone barn, and known for an attitude of the equine criminally insane, stood over Jamie as he counted the minutes left in his life.
Jamie stood and smiled at his old friend, offering the treats that remained in his pocket. Donus dropped his head and let Jamie scratch and stroke him. His weight was the same as when he was fed twice a day, so he had not suffered on his own in the wilderness. His eyes followed Jamie’s every move.
“Thank ye for the visit Donus. I have worrit after ye and I see it was for naught.” He smiled and hugged the monster horse noticing he did not flinch or try to bite. That was unexpected. When Jamie turned to walk back to the house Donus followed on his heels, so close he could hear him breathing. Jamie turned around and looked in his eyes.
“What is it you want Donus? How can I help ye?”
Jamie walked backward toward the house and Donus kept his head inches from Jamie as he followed.
“Are ye wantin a rest for the evening then? Alright, it is my pleasure, aye?”
Jamie walked back to the barn and led Donus into the last remaining stall.
“I’m lockin ye in until after the party, then I’ll leave yer door open so ye can leave when yer ready.”
Donus dug into the meal Jamie provided, allowing his true master to return to the house to dress.
Claire greeted guests as they came, offering refreshments and bales of hay to sit on. The Highlanders paced and watched the newly repaired road for the lassies that would set their hearts to ramming all night. Claire was delighted that the more refined guests, like Mary, her parents, and Lester from the bank, seemed to find their comfort outside sitting on hay and enjoying the festive atmosphere. When the ladies started to arrive, Claire had never seen everyone so happy as they filled their plates with a variety of dishes from Cho’s garden, and roasted meats and fish from the men. She noticed Rupert jumping to fetch whatever was needed by sweet Mary or her parents. He was a wonderful husband.
Fergus pulled on Claire’s sleeve, “Faith is awake milady.” Claire held his cheek and kissed the other, thanking him for looking after her. When Faith was brought outside with a full belly she smiled and babbled at everyone, until she saw Jamie. Her feet found Claire’s lap and the baby stood up with straight legs and yelled at her father.
“Da da da da da. Da!” Her little hand was extended toward her Da as he swiftly pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she erupted in giggles. Jamie pulled her sleeves up to her elbows and sat her on his lap before offering her a bone to gnaw on. Faith dove into the bone like a rabid baby making the guests laugh. Claire watched the two, so in tune with each other and so funny. She would never have thought to offer her daughter a meaty bone at this age, but Faith clearly loved it.
Fergus was sitting next to Claire shoving food into his mouth as fast as possible when his head popped up and he listened for a moment. Somehow, over the noise of almost fifty people laughing and talking, he heard a familiar sound. With his plate forgotten he made his way to the barn and peeked in feeling his heart rate shoot up, and a smile spread across his face. He went to the horse and hugged him, telling every single incident that happened since he saw him last. Donus rubbed on the boy looking equally happy.
Jamie leaned against the open door of the barn and watched Fergus’s delight at seeing Donus again. Faith started babbling and holding her hand out to the huge black horse so Jamie walked her closer and watched Donus press his muzzle into her hand, gently, like she might break with too much pressure. Jamie was beaming at Donus, his daughter, and Fergus.
“Until later my friend when I let you out to your life in the trees.”
Fergus pressed his face into Donus’s neck and felt the change in him. “Why don’t you stay and be milord’s horse?” He kissed his nose and ran back to the house.
When the party was over and all the guests had gone home, full and happy, Claire climbed the stairs almost shaking with anticipation. Jamie came in from the porch where he set three low lamps and candles next to the outside bed. He looked at Claire with lusty eyes that made her squirm.
“I told Misses Crook I would not need her help tonight so she could attend to Faith,” her voice quivered, setting Jamie’s arousal on fire. “Now it seems I require assistance,” she tried to smile and breathe but only managed a deep blush.
Jamie guided her to her vanity where he pulled the pins from her hair slowly, pulling his fingers through each section he released. He pulled the brush through her hair and noticed she was staring at him with dark eyes that demanded attention. Jamie reached for her buttons, intent on the slow strip to heighten her need. Pulling her arm toward him, the buttons of her jacket were twisted open as she watched his fingers and squirmed. Jamie’s head shot up and he dropped her arm quite unexpectedly, apologizing that he forgot something before running out of the room.
Jamie ran to the barn and burst in surprising the silver horses who vocalized their discontent. He investigated Donus’s stall where a large black horse was snoring in his bedding, dead to the world. Jamie smiled at seeing him lay down for the first time. He opened his stall door quietly and wished his friend well before running full speed back to Claire.
She sat on her vanity chair, back straight, smiling like her breeding demanded and stood to offer her back when Jamie came rushing into the room. His fingers slipped into the laces, releasing her to breathe deeply. She pressed her back against him and sighed with relief as his hands came around to release her shift.
With his mouth to her ear, he told her a story about a princess that fell from her saddle when the evil men scared her horse. As the story continued, he ran his hands over her body, caressing her breasts and holding her to him. Claire was lost in their story feeling her arousal threaten to break her barriers and devour this man. Jamie walked her, naked, outside to the porch and pressed her into the mattress. When he continued the story, it became decidedly erotic and every sentence was punctuated with his tongue touching her somewhere she loved. Claire’s first release was not for the faint of heart and Jamie smiled at her inhibition and wanton cries for more. She was hungry and demanding, biting his lower lip and jaw, neck and nipples, pulling groans from deep within him. As the night wore on, they lost themselves in a stratosphere reserved for strong bodies that can survive the climb and the euphoric fall back to earth.
“Open yerself lass, let me in.”
Claire opened her legs wide and held herself open knowing it would steal Jamie’s sanity and restraint. He pulled her pelvis up and pounded into her, losing himself to his roaring need, knowing she found her own intense pleasure from his onslaught. When he felt her inner muscles tighten around him, he kissed her deeply and they shared an earth-shattering orgasm…quietly.
Jamie collapsed next to his steaming wife and panted as if to save his life. His hands gripped Claire until he could move and think again, then he pulled her close and buried his face into her hair. The night had been exquisite, and they would remember it until their last day.
“Jesus! Is that light from the sunrise, Jamie? I think I’ve kept you up all night, I’m so sorry.”
“Dinna fash Sassenach. Those lazy grapes will take another week to ripen. We have plenty of time to sleep.”
He growled into his wife’s hair and plotted to lure her back for a second helping, after morning chores which were less than an hour away.
Jamie stumbled out to the equipment barn and stood holding the hydrometer in the air, sound asleep. Fergus came in with a bright smile and abundant energy, bursting to tell Jamie Donus was still in his stall. He approached his master, wondering why he was inspecting the glass hydrometer when he heard a deep snore. Fergus rolled his eyes and pulled the huge man toward the door.
Come, milord, I have fed the horses and Donus did not leave so I fed him too. He looked up, expecting Jamie’s outburst of happiness but there was only silence, followed by another snore. Fergus exhaled loudly, shook his head, and kept pulling.
Jamie was waking up from the walk, but Fergus continued to push him to the white grapes on the valley floor. He pulled grapes as he pushed milord along and stopped to test the first bunch. Jamie fell forward and face planted the dirt while Fergus’s eyes went wide, and his face drained of color.
Fergus yelled for Jamie as he ran for the bell. His legs burned as he approached the cabins and he reached for the bell yanking it with all his strength. When the cabin doors flew open Fergus ran back to Jamie who was still unconscious with exhaustion.
Jamie lifted his head, spitting dirt out of his mouth and struggled to get off the ground. He was so relieved to stagger back to his bed but when he turned back to the house, thirty-five Highlanders were rushing him with their hook tools and bags, followed by thirty Chinese men. Jamie’s mouth fell open as he looked to heaven.
“Why today?”
It seemed like mere minutes before he heard the call for containers as the men ran back with their bags full. Jamie looked around trying to rally when an electric current went up his spine to inform the brain it was time move, NOW! Jamie ran top speed into the vines, bouncing three holding containers behind him. The race to pull the clusters had begun.
Ben’s laugh and barking orders to the men pulled Claire out of her sleep. She stretched languidly with a smile on her face, remembering the intensity of the night before. She was hot with all the blankets and started to kick the quilt off when her eyes slammed open with a gasp. She was on the porch bed with men yelling fifteen feet below her, and she was very naked. She sat up quickly and almost came eye to eye with the men below. Slamming her body back to the sheets she looked around for the best escape back into their bedroom. With no other option, she rolled onto the ground keeping her body against the boards of the porch floor, and kicking the door closed quickly once she was inside.
“Jesus Christ, that was close.”
Hearing Misses Crook with a crying baby at her door she dove for her robe and was flush and panting when they came into her bedroom. Claire reached for Faith as Misses Crook took notice of the late hour and Claire’s frantic demeanor. When the door closed again, Claire sat in the rocking chair and breathed a sigh of relief she wasn’t caught outside in her birthday suit. Faith pulled her hair into her fat fists and smiled up at her mother as she gulped her breakfast. It was the sweet reunion with the child she loved so dearly that brought her heart rate down and pulled her into the morning serenity.
Claire ran her fingers through the soft copper curls and smiled into large blue eyes. This tiny human took her breath away and her eyes burned with tears. Faith let go of her nipple and stared at her mother, concern washing over her face as she reached for Claire’s eyes.
“Happy tears my little darling.” She patted the baby’s back waiting for a burp. Faith was not satisfied and turned her head touching Claire’s cheek. Her mother’s smile was all she needed and pulled Claire’s hair into her fist brushing it back and forth under her nose while she nursed and fell asleep.
Dressed in her riding pants, boots, and hair pulled under her hat, Misses Crook rolled her eyes as Claire handed the baby back and slid down the banister to join the men outside. The older woman took a breath to admonish her mistress for acting like a common man, but Claire’s bright face and smile stopped her instantly. She could not ignore the obvious any longer. Claire was one hundred percent committed to this farm, the grapes, and most of all, her husband who made the sun rise in the morning and set at night. Misses Crook sighed deeply knowing Claire would never return to London and the privilege they enjoyed there. The Fraser’s were rich enough to travel the world but found their greatest joy in each other, their daughter, and living without limits in this uncivilized land.
Misses Crook looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms and knew there would be others coming, Every other year most likely. Mary would need her services, as will the mounting brides of the Highlanders. They would all depend on her to keep them safe and alive as they built strong families.
She put Faith into her crib and took stock of her life. She no longer managed the sumptuous houses of the London elite. These people lived on the edge of civility, willing to risk everything to pull a living out of the ground. They worked to exhaustion, protected each other, and loved intensely, clinging to each other when the world turned against them. Seeing her life woven into the tapestry of lives here made her take a deep breath and square her shoulders. Misses Crook closed the door quietly and made her way to the stairs. She would keep the men fed, push Claire into the shade, ease frayed nerves, and by God’s good grace a celebration would follow. She was the support at each stage, and it filled her with the deepest sense of family she had ever felt. She walked down the stairs and toward the kitchen, she had work to do.
Jamie ran toward the vines with additional containers and passed Claire running the other direction. He stopped her, both panting and covered in sweat. He held her to him and felt her heart banging in her chest.
When Jamie did not break away at a dead run, she held him close and then looked into his eyes.
“You are my hero, since the day I fell off my horse. I’ve never known a man stronger or braver than you, Jamie. I know you’re tired and hot, but we are almost done with the whites.”
“Thank you, Sassenach. He pressed into her forehead and took a deep breath before running to pull the full containers back to the house.
When the grape horses pulled the laden wagon to the road, Jamie jumped into the lake and dressed for Ben’s return from selling the fruit. Ben waved the pistol wearing men away as they followed the wagon. Security would not be needed this year, he would be fine.
As the sun set lower in the sky, Jamie paced the porch watching for Ben. He felt a terror in his gut, telling him that last year was just a huge mistake. Grapes could not command the price he got if they were the only grapes in the world. It was a belief that stayed in his head for the entire year. People would come to their senses and pay just enough to cover expenses for the year driving them into the poverty he was used to. Ben’s long absence was a harbinger of doom to their happy lives. What was taking so long?
Claire tried to coax Jamie into the house to have supper, but he could not eat with his anxious stomach, so he paced until it was dark, and the day was over. He sat hard into a chair and put his head into his hands. The sound of wheels pulling an empty cart rattled hard as it approached, and Jamie shot to his feet watching for Ben. Fergus ran to tie the grape horses and Ben patted the boy on the shoulder and tried to smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Jamie felt the utter defeat drain his energy and resolve.
Ben stood on the porch and looked at Jamie with compassion in his eyes. “Call Claire, Jamie, I have news.”
Jamie noticed his tired face lacked the excitement of last year’s harvest and he felt repentant for pushing this kind man too far.
“Sorry about the time it took me to sell the grapes. I’m sure you were worried, but it could not be helped. You see, I was set upon by representatives of the major wineries from Napa to Sonoma as soon as I hit the road this afternoon. They wouldn’t let me pass and offered twenty percent over any price offered. It took forever to figure it all out and before I knew it, there was a bidding war and I was held captive while the crazy bastards fought among themselves. I’ve never seen anything like it and frankly, didn’t know what to do.”
Ben pulled his hat off and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair.
“I’m sorry Jamie, I couldn’t stand it any longer and stopped the fighting by doubling the highest price I heard. I figured I would start again tomorrow and avoid the ridiculous posturing of these idiots. Maybe I’m too old for this line of work.”
Jamie stared at Ben, wanting to feel compassion for his troubled afternoon but failing due to his anxious need for the price of the fruit.
“I ended up selling the entire harvest again. The buyer was from a vineyard I’m not familiar with. He offered nine hundred for every acre minus the twenty we’re keeping… and I took it.”
With his hat in hand, Ben looked at Jamie’s face trying to gauge his reaction.
Jamie grabbed Claire’s hand, feeling like a crumbling clay statue blowing into the wind. The promise of riches to see them through the rest of their lives had vanished in a matter of minutes. He started calculating the cost of the growing season, the Highlanders he would have to send back to the city, the dashed hope of replanting Rupert’s vineyard. He was reeling and wanted desperately to hold onto something stationary.
“Yep, well there is more news,” Ben said quietly. I held back twenty acres so we would have the juice to make wine this year. I figured it couldn’t hurt and I promised you that in the beginning.”
Jamie looked at Ben and saw his frayed nerves and exhaustion. “It’s fine Ben,” was all he could muster.
Ben stood up and stretched. “You need to find a bigger bank tomorrow.”
Jamie looked up sharply with a withering look toward Ben. “For nine hundred dollars I think Lester has ample room, Ben.”
“Fine, say it’s a thousand, it will still fit in Lester’s bank.”
Ben cleared his throat, “nine hundred thousand dollars, Jamie. It could have been so much more, but that would take experience that I don’t have. I’m sorry son.”
Jamie heard Claire gasp, deep and loud, the likes of which he had never heard from her. She grabbed his hand again and stared, mouth agape, at Ben.
The happy exclamation did not suit the paltry price they made for a year of work, he thought. Claire knelt between his knees so he would look at her. He watched her mouth say nine-hundred thousand dollars. That was ridiculous, and he sharpened his gaze at her, willing her to understand. She held his face and asked him to hear her.
“Do you understand, love? Ben sold the grapes, the entire vineyard for nine-hundred thousand dollars. Jamie, focus!”
It echoed in his mind coming back around over and over again, nine-hundred thousand dollars. Jamie finally heard it, such a staggering amount of money they would never see, an immense sale Ben would never arrange. Jamie wondered what kind of game this was. His sweet Sassenach would be hurt when she knew the truth of their compensation. He glared at Ben, thinking he might be daft after his afternoon in the sun. Jamie stood from his chair to pull Ben away for a serious talk when nausea and dizziness forced him back to his seat.
The cold, wet towel pressed into his forehead and Jamie opened his eyes. Claire, Ben, and Misses Crook looked down at him with concern. He blushed with embarrassment and pushed himself up in the chair feeling his head throb.
“I’m sorry, I fear I am dehydrated from a long day in the sun.”
Misses Crook pressed a lemon aid into his hand, smiling like her face would break. “It’s the least I can do for the richest man I’ve ever known.”
Claire pulled Jamie to his feet and steered him to the door. “It’s been a long day for all of us and time for a rest. Ben, you look dead on your feet. Can you stay with us tonight and get some rest?”
“Thank you, Claire. The grape horses have earned a hearty meal and a rub down tonight. It got really tense on the road today. They wanted to bolt and that would have spilled your hard labor in the dirt to be trampled by a dozen horses.” Ben smiled at Claire, “I told them, steady boys, and felt them push into the yokes, but they didn’t run. Thank God.”
Claire’s hand covered her lips as she realized how close they came to losing the fruit.
“I will ride back with you Monsieur, you can rest and I will feed and rub their shoulders and back.” Fergus stood straight with an uncompromising face, “I am going back with you, I have much to thank the grape horses for.”
Jamie watched Fergus take command of his intent, letting his pride and support show on his face.
“I’m grateful to ye Fergus. Make sure Ben goes straight inside to rest.”
“Aye, milord.”
Fergus left to climb into the wagon and wait for Ben. Jamie was so proud of him and knew Ben would not last five minutes before running into his house to avoid the continuous talk from the lad.
He shook Ben’s hand and smiled, “you and the grape horses are the true heroes today. It’s time for all of us to sleep, fish, lay around, and get ready for the zinfandel harvest. A silver lining is I won’t be plagued with insomnia this year. Who cares if there’s a short harvest, right?”
Ben looked at Jamie and threw a worried look at Claire.
“Everything is perfectly fine. Jamie is due for a long rest, but we thank you Ben, for the miracle you did today.”
They all said goodnight and Claire continued to push Jamie to the stairs and up to their bedroom. She pulled his clothes off and pushed him into bed, sneaking downstairs for Misses Crook’s help with her laces, then running back to her husband. When she tried to speak of their huge gain today, Jamie looked at her with worried eyes and quietly explained that Ben got the scare of his life on the road and wasn’t thinking straight at the moment.” He spoke softly like he was guarding this secret about his best friend.
Claire stood gaping at her husband. It was time for a much needed come-to-Jesus meeting that would not end until he let go of his fear and started to listen.
Misses Crook felt deep concern for Jamie as his brain did not seem to be processing information now. She turned the lamps off as she made her way to her bedroom. When she reached the second floor, she heard the statement that set the world right again.
“Jesus Christ Claire, nine-hundred-thousand dollars!”
His booming voice shook the rafters, and the crib, as Faith was yanked out of sleep and started screaming for comfort. Misses Crook chuckled and pulled the infant to her with an exchange into her father’s arms.
Jamie held his daughter until Claire was ready to feed her. Her fist was so firmly stuck into her mouth it took Claire several minutes of soft talking to pull it out so she could fill her stomach with warm milk.
Jamie knelt on the floor at Claire’s feet, overwhelmed at being rich beyond his imagination. He laid his head on Claire’s lap and she stroked his hair as she fed the baby.
“You are the master of all you survey Jamie, forevermore, and no one is more deserving love.”
Jamie raised his head, eyes shiny from tears, “I must teach them, all of them, how to graft. We will restore the health of all the vineyards and donate third-year vines so they will survive waiting for the plants to produce fruit. We have to do this Sassenach.”
Claire looked at her incredible husband and smiled, “and you will, love.”
Jamie laid back with a warm sleeping baby on his naked chest. Claire knew he was exhausted and brushed the curls off his face with cool hands.
“Why did you push so hard to plant the fifty acres at Rupert’s? I ask because I want to understand more about what we do. Three days of scorching heat, digging into the hard ground with nearly all the men?”
“When we made the purchase, I didna expect them so soon, they were still in the ground, ye ken?” The vines won’t survive very long outside of the dirt, they had to be planted. I didna expect the ground to be so hard we couldna get a pick through it but It had to be done. I didna expect those lazy grapes on our shore to suddenly decide they were ready, right on the heels of those scorching three days and a long night of love with my lady.”
Jamie looked up at the Sassenach, still running her fingers through his hair. “Since we wed, there have been five nights that will be in my memory forever, last night is one of them. I kent it the moment we touched and would have bartered with the devil to see it through.”
Claire looked at him and blushed. “I am afraid I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’ll wager ye do, lass. Close your eyes and try to remember those five nights.”
Claire did as he asked, touching her fingers as she landed on each memory. She held her third finger for several minutes and smiled wide when she touched the fourth and fifth finger. Jamie watched as her awareness lit her from the inside. Her face became soft and serene in the memory and her eyes sparkled when she opened them.
“Yes. I remember five nights, that took us somewhere incredible, and changed us, I think. Did you say you can feel it ahead of time?”
“Aye, when we first touch, lass. Last night I kent I would dwell where your soul resides. It is beautiful, like ye, pure white, so lovely. I felt ye touch me and I was humbled, on my knees, at yer feet.”
Claire watched Jamie’s face, smiling, explaining a place so remarkable, so extraordinary.
“Will I ever see it like you do?”
“I ken ye will Sassenach.”
Claire bundled Faith in her blanket for the cold walk to the nursery finding the ever-watchful, Misses Crook, waiting for them. Faith never woke up and Claire returned to their bed and snuggled next to Jamie in the dark.
“Can you tell me more?”
“I dinna ken where the dimples come from, but his dark curly hair and golden-brown eyes are given by his mam. He’s a braw lad Sassenach.”
Jamie held her close and said goodnight, counting the minutes until the Sassenach erupted from the blankets. If she didn’t understand, she soon would when her breasts became tender and her waistline thickened. His exhaustion pulled him to surrender, just as delicate limbs kicked off the quilt and the bed bounced with her efforts to sit up.
“What? Jamie!”
Claire lunged for the lamp on her side table with far too much momentum that tumbled her over the side. Jamie turned the lamp up and looked over the edge at his stunned wife. He held a hand out and pulled her back to his side.
“Did you say…do you think…is this already…how do you…you said a lad…how could you?”
He stopped his stammering love, announcing he did not say a lad, making Claire confused like she misheard everything.
Jamie turned the lamp down and spooned his wife.
“I said, a braw lad, Sassenach.”
Jamie felt Claire counting her fingers, calculating when her second child would arrive, and he smiled in the dark. He had learned far more in that special moment of contact. Like instant knowledge, he saw the catastrophic collapse of the grape market when the European wine industry pushed back with a slanderous campaign to win their market share back. Jamie had heard rumblings of this several years ago, but it stopped when the blight ravaged the region. The Europeans pulled back to wait out the death of their competitors.
He would restore as many of the vineyards as possible and teach the grafting technique which would flood the market with California wines in three years. The European wine industry would wage war on California like a giant bully beating up a wee bairn, creating a glut of fruit that couldn’t be sold.
During the long hot day, Jamie pondered what the future held for California and decided it was something to be missed. Whatever the gain from this year’s harvest, he was taking his family to Scotland, to start over. The properties would be split between Rupert and Angus to profit as they will. His heart rate soared knowing they will see Lallybroch soon and his son would be born in his homeland.
What Jamie did not know was in 1889, California wines would win twenty-four out of thirty medals at the World’s Fair in Paris, and the region will revive like a Phoenix from the ashes.
He did not know they would return to California in 1905 where the four children would thrive and grow strong, learning from the vines, to the delight of their parents. Fergus, Thomas and Gordie will walk in Jamie’s footsteps and take their place in the wine industry.
Jamie would become a master vintner under Ben’s guidance, fermenting gallons of juice to be aged in French oak barrels that accumulate into the hundreds.
Faith will attach herself to Jamie and Ben learning the importance of tannic acid, aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, and temperature manipulation of the yeast. Her interest in chemistry will ignite, eventually taking her away to study in England.
The region would find a modicum of stability after the turn of the century bringing fresh immigrants to spin the wheel of fortune in the California grape business. New wineries spring up and the fiesta returns to celebrate the harvest. A large wood sign will be created to hang at the end of their road to be seen by all. Welcome to the Highland Brother’s Winery.
Jamie could not know that in January of 1920, prohibition would lay waste to the region and only a handful of vineyards remain. The legal sale of grapes and juice keep the growers from starving to death, barely. Most of the Highlanders return to Scotland, including Rupert’s family. Angus will move into the house on the other shore and live as a devout bachelor until a pretty widow bats her eyes at him and his heart pops out of his chest. Lost forever. Jamie and Angus continue growing grapes to be sold as juice, hoping for a repeal of the eighteenth amendment that will take thirteen years.
Jamie could not know all of these things as he cuddled his Sassenach, a very tired and very wealthy young man of twenty-eight. He could not see the troubled years ahead or how his fortune will save countless families from ruin, as he tries to breathe life back into the land he loves. He could not see Ben hand him a gift, a wine brick, in the darkest days of prohibition, and the last time he would see him alive. It will be his second and greatest fortune, this final gift from his beloved mentor.
But that is another story…
The end.
According to Wikipedia, the equivalent of $900,000.00 in 1883 is equal to $22,931,821.78… in other words, a wee bit shy of twenty-three million dollars.
I have mad love for the readers who keep me going with their enthusiasm and comments. Feeling creative and appreciated is such an extraordinary experience and I thank you all.
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kisskissbanggang · 5 years
[~2K Words -- Jaehyun x Female Reader -- Minimal plot, All Smut -- Minor voyeurism, exhibitionism w/a surprise guest star 👀]
[All sort of adventurous and spontaneous Jaehyun for Anons💕💕💕]
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You trotted after Jaehyun as he ran into your kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. He already missed his alarm this morning after how late you kept him up last night, but if he hurried he could still get to work five minutes early. He would've been annoyed when you hopped on the counter and pulled him over, your finger hooked into his belt, but he loved how you looked in just the hoodie you stole from him three weeks ago, some panties, and a pair of fuzzy socks. "No, no, no," he laughed, lunging away to grab at the coffee pot, but you wrapped your ankles around him and trapped him, "no, no, stop, you're cute and I hate it; I'm going to kill you if I'm late."
You lightly raked your nails down his chest. "Are you sure we can't hang out a little longer? I'm going to be so lonely without you." You pouted for effect, knowing he couldn't resist.
Jaehyun sighed loudly in exasperation, smitten with you but also mad at the bulge forming in his jeans. "What's with you lately? I can hardly keep up."
You shrugged, your nails on his chest digging in a little harder. "Hormones? Or I'm just really into you right now; more than usual." Jaehyun finally reached the coffee pot and filled up his travel mug, ready to make a swift escape. He kissed your cheek, screwed the lid onto his mug, and poked you in the ticklish spot on your ribs. You shrieked, letting your guard down to flail and kick him off. Jaehyun laughed and sprinted for the door, but you caught up to him. You spun him around, playfully slamming him against the door and taking advantage of his busy hands, his mug in one and his phone and keys in the other.
Jaehyun let his shoulders and head fall back against the door; all he could do was watch. "No, no, no," he was still laughing, "come on, yes, you're so hot right now, I'd love to, but I have to catch a train." He groaned as you wrenched his belt buckle undone, wrestling his jeans down and getting his hard cock in your impatient mouth. You took him all the way down to the base, making him moan loudly. He surrendered.
"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up," he moaned. He slipped his phone and keys into his pocket so he could grab a fistful of your hair. You made quick work of him, alternating between sucking him into your throat and jerking him in both your hands. Soon enough he was changing his tune, tugging on your hair to get you to ease up.
"Slow down, slow down, slow down," he begged, but it was too late. You moaned, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you hungrily swallowed his cum. You stood up, wiping your mouth as he caught his breath. "Alright," he gasped, "I don't know how, yet, but I'll get you for this." Jaehyun gave you a peck on the cheek, a slap on your butt, and was out the door, his face still flushed and his belt still unbuckled.
You slouched back on the chair at your desk, your right foot angling on top of the hard wood surface to hit a better angle with your favorite vibrator. You savored the pulsing vibrations as you browsed for more porn on your laptop before landing on something -- a tried and true favorite, one of the few straight pairings you liked, with the ridiculously ripped and vapid guy secretly fooling around with his vuluptuous lady under the covers of his bed right by his roommates. Jaehyun had been right; you'd been hornier than usual lately, but you were trying to keep up. You'd taken to masturbating multiple times a day when he wasn't around, and you weren't expecting him for a couple more hours today. You let your head fall back right before you hit your orgasm, then letting the natural clench in your body as it washed over you curl you forward. You enjoyed the pleasant headrush as you rode out your orgasm and got up to clean off your toy. You turned to walk to the bathroom, gasping and dropping your toy as you saw Jaehyun blushing in your bedroom door, his ears bright pink. You hadn't been dating terribly long yet, and this was definitely the first time he caught you.
You wanted to say something. So did Jaehyun. You both stammered, turning away from each other as you died of inexplicable embarrassment. You finally faced him.
"You're early," you said.
"I took a long lunch to come see you. I wanted to take you to the cafe down the street. Should I text you before I let myself in? I figured if I had a key now--"
"How much did you see?"
"Nothing I haven't seen before."
You nodded, quickly throwing on some clothes and fixing your hair. "Was it at least sexy?" You asked him, smiling as you kissed his blushing ears.
"Very." He offered you his arm before leading you downstairs.
Though you found Jaehyun to be the actual prince of your dreams, you were still glad his roommate wasn't home, considering your fear of his presence being distracting. Jaehyun had lived with Johnny long before you began dating and they were best friends, so it was easy to feel intimidated by his good looks, rather than just charmed. You rested in Jae's bed, peeking through his journal and the books on the nightstand as you tried to become tired. You looked across the floor at Johnny's side of the room, wondering what Jaehyun would have to do to get a place of his own, or at least a place with his own room. You heard Jaehyun finish in the shower, just as you also heard the unexpected sound of the front door opening. Reflexively, you switched off the lamp on the nightstand, hiding yourself in the dark. You considered locking the bedroom door. You considered throwing on clothes or at least some panties. Instead, you froze, the sheets up around your chin.
The boys were talking in the hallway. Apparently Johnny volunteered for an extra shift early in the morning so he got off work sooner to come home and rest. Jaehyun softly padded into the room, wearing only boxers and a towel. You heard the shower turn back on down the hall; it must be Johnny's turn. Jaehyun crawled into bed with you, curling you up to his chest to spoon you.
"Johnny's back early," he murmured into your hair.
"I heard. He has work in the morning?"
"Or he got my text saying that you were coming over tonight-- ow!" Jaehyun yelped as you playfully jabbed him in the ribs. He responded by tickling your own ribs, combatting your struggling by pulling you closer. One arm snaked around your chest, the other closed in around your tummy. Soon, Jaehyun's hand wandered down between your legs, firmly cupping the warm skin there. You wriggled, careful to be quiet as you twisted in his grip.
"Jae! Johnny will be back any second," you laughed, gasping as Jaehyun began to rub you.
"I know. I wasn't kidding about the text. But for all he knows we're just sleeping."
"Wait, are you kidding?"
"Who knows? I said I'd get back at you." With that, Jaehyun punctuated his remark by finding your clit and circling the sensitive nub with his fingers. Your body jerked at the touch, instantly riled up. You suddenly weren't worried about Johnny being around, you were just worried about keeping quiet. Jaehyun rubbed your soaking pussy from behind you, occasionally pushing his fingers deep into you and pumping hard. You squirmed at his touch, surprised with how commanding he could feel.
You froze, petrified as you heard the shower turn off. You started batting Jaehyun off of you, but he wouldn't let up right away. Once you were thoroughly nervous he pulled out of you, keeping his proximity. He quickly kissed you, smiling evilly as he gently pried open your lips to momentarily lick his tongue against yours. You were sure you were done playing, but Jaehyun wasn't.
"I saw what you were watching the other day. I liked it," he whispered in your ear, "You obviously did as well. I thought this would be a nice surprise." You were mortified, but couldn't deny that the idea excited you.
Johnny opened the door, dressed only in a pair of sweats, his hair still damp as he climbed into bed. "G'night, guys," Johnny said, immediately rolling onto his side and slipping in his earbuds to listen to some music.
"Goodnight," Jaehyun replied. You weren't even sure if you followed suit or just thought it. Jaehyun reached for his phone, opening his white noise app. You quickly realized he was giving you the illusion that you even had a chance of not being heard if he started teasing you again.
And he did. Jaehyun immediately dove back into you, nibbling on your neck as he fondled your breasts. You attempted to get him to slow down, but to no success. You thought you heard Johnny rustle in his sleep, but you quickly brushed the thought aside, startled as you noticed Jaehyun kissing further down your torso, crawling further under the sheets. As flustered as you were, you still eagerly spread your legs as Jae settled himself between them. He left a trail of soft kisses down your hip, running down the slope of your thigh and nudging closer to your pussy. You shivered, trying desperately not to moan out loud.
You squinted across the room, the meager moonlight streaming in through the blinds making it look like Johnny rustled in his sleep again. Absent-mindedly, you curled your fingers in Jaehyun's hair as he finally ran his hot tongue over your spread pussy. Your hips bucked, your back arching as you struggled not to moan. Johnny's headphones would block out a fair bit of noise, but certainly not all the noise you wanted to make.
"Jae, okay, you made your point," you whispered harshly, unable to decide if you wanted to pull away or grind yourself against Jaehyun's tongue, "I'm sorry I made you late the other day, baby, I won't do it again." You wriggled, desperate to either get him to stop or get him to lick you harder.
"You definitely won't anytime soon," you heard him whisper from beneath the sheets, "but I'm sure you won't learn your lesson until I make you cum." You were surprised by this side of Jae, but excited to see how this would go. He absolutely loved eating you out, getting sloppy and making you wriggle even when he wasn't doing it with an agenda. Even so, this time he was ravenous, his tongue hitting you in every way you liked it.
This time, you were sure you heard Johnny, though you were thoroughly curious when it sounded like he groaned from his side of the room. Though you were struggling to stay quiet, he could probably hear you over his headphones, and definitely if he took them out. You were tempted to be louder, bolstered by the idea of Johnny getting turned on listening to you two. You had your chance, letting out a full moan as Jaehyun slipped his fingers into your wet depths. He quickly fumbled, finding your panties from earlier and reaching up to stuff them in your mouth. You were sure you heard Johnny quietly curse to himself.
Jaehyun pumped his fingers in you harder as he hungrily nibbled and licked at your pussy. He groaned as you clenched your fingers in his hair, your orgasm coming up fast. Keeping a firm hold on his hair, you couldn't stop yourself from grinding on his tongue, hushed moans and squeals escaping around the panties in your mouth. Jaehyun grabbed your hands, pulling your wrists into his grip to hold you down as you finally came, your back arching hard as you let out a muffled scream, but Jae didn't stop there. He kept going, licking you through your orgasm until you were nearly crying for him to stop. Once your overstimulation wound down a little, Jae finally let you breathe. He climbed back up next to you, pulling you close.
"Alright, you can take a break for now. Then it's my turn." Jaehyun kissed your neck and hugged you close as you caught your breath. You laughed, taking your panties and slingshotting them across the room to land on Johnny's chest. He also looked out of breath from what you could see in the dim moonlight. He grumbled, rolling over, but not giving up the panties. You liked this new side of Jaehyun. Maybe now you'd have to keep up with each other.
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Dramatic Entrance
Pairing/s: Rilo/Alexys
A/N: Alexys gets an unexpected house guest in the form of an injured Demon King.
(Gift for @space-sweetheart 💜)
Confused and overwhelmed. Those were two words that could describe Alexys at this very moment. Glancing over at the red headed man- demon, laid out on her couch, whose emerald eyes glared sourly at her through crimson lashes.
Not even an two hours ago Alexys had been minding her own business in her kitchen when she was knocked off her feet from the loudest sound she's ever heard. When she, hesitantly, went to see what caused it she found a hole in her roof and a bloodied mass of tan skin and torn wings, with two broken horns and eyes that were blood red.
At first she was scared, his defensive snarling and baring of his very sharp fangs didn't help. But then he had attempted to crawl away from her, whimpering and covering himself pitifully with his damaged wings. Alexys has always been kind natured and empathetic so it was only natural her heart ached at the sight of him cowering.
She spent half and hour convincing him to let her help him, once he agreed with a death threat attatched if she tried anything she brought in bandages, towels and warm water. He flinched as she reached for him, his tear filled eyes betraying the intimidating sneer on his face as she finally touched him. His skin was searing hot, like concrete that's been under the sun for hours, but apparently that was normal.
He fell silent after she began tending to his wounds, her face flushed as he watched her intensely. He offered no more fight, no snarls or based teeth as she pondered over how to care for his wings. He looked at her almost in awe in fact and like he would have said something if it weren't for the fact that he passed out mere moments after she had fully bandaged his wings.
But now he was laid on her couch, bandaged, bruised, covered in cuts, awake and very irritated. Alexys noted the broken horns she had helplessly stared at an hour ago were gone, as if they were never there, the same with his wings. She didn't dare ask as he hadn't looked like he was in the mood to tell her.
So she sat in an armchair, watching him carefully as he seemed to inspect her from his spot. She couldn't quite think of what to say, what do you say to a supernatural being who fell through your roof bloodied and near death? Asking him if he was alright seemed like a stupid question. She could ask what happened but that seemed like a touchy subject too.
"God just ask me something, your over thinking is giving me a headache."
Alexys jumps, mouth flying open in surprise as he speaks to her. His voice isn't deep but it's velvety and alluring despite the annoyance dripping off every syllable. He looks at her expectantly and she shyly brushes her hair behind her ears.
"Uhm- I- Who are you?" She squeaks, unsure and floundering as she tries to process her thoughts.
The man snorts, as if the question was a joke and he leans his head back against the arm rest.
"Really? What a boring question, luckily for you I have an interesting answer. Rilo, King of demons, conquerer of entire universe's, destroyer of realms." Rilo speaks smugly, confidence exuding off of him in waves despite his injured form. His emerald eyes look at her in a half-lidded gaze, his red pupils off putting yet enticing all at once.
"King of demons?" Alexys asks, cursing how dumb it sounded after she said it. Rilo smirks, and his chest puffs up proudly.
"Correct, you're in the presence of royalty, I know, it must be overwhelming. I'll let you take it in." He hums, as if his battered form was still the pinicle of attractiveness. Which, in all honestly, it was. As far as Alexys was concerned anyway, he was lean and had hints of muscle, his tan skin seemed to glow and his jawline was sharp enough to cut glass.
His cheekbones were sharp yet subtle, his lips were thin yet plush and the golden lip ring in the middle of his bottom lip shone in the light. Despite the cuts and bruises he was gorgeous in every sense of the word, the cuts and bruises might have even added an edge of allure to him.
"I have been compared to nymphs before in terms of my beauty, but really they all look like toads compared to me so that's somewhat insulting." Rilo grins deviously, shame and embarrassment flushing Alexys' cheeks as she adverts her gaze to her lap.
"So you, can read minds?" Her voice is small as she cuddles with her fingers. She cursed her wandering thoughts as she avoided the intense gaze boring into her.
"Of course i can! I'd be a pitiful demon if I couldn't. I am a pure blood, I can do anything and everything. Not that you could comprehend half of it." Rilo boasts, messy red hair bouncing as he chuckles in an almost condescending manner. His grin is wide and his fangs are on full display, Alexys notes he's also shifted onto his side, his head now held up in the palm of his hand.
"I probably could, I love supernatural things. I read about it a lot," Alexys says, Rilo's confident conversation dragging out her own courage as she shifted closer to the edge of her chair. Rilo watches her with a smile she can't decipher for a moment, his half lidded gaze not giving way to any thoughts either.
"Do you now." He mutters after a moment, tilting his head in his palm as he inspected her. Alexys felt a blush creep along her cheeks once again as his inspecting gaze travels shamelessly all over her being.
"Well, as much as i love to brag about my many incredible abilities, and I will later, I'm tired. Where will I be sleeping?"
Alexys startled once more, blinking rapidly as she processed his confident words. Once again he watched her expectantly, lips pursed and index finger tapping against his cheek rhythmically.
"P-pardon?" Alexys asks dumbfounded, eyes wide and nervousness consuming her. She hadn't expected any of this and she definitely hadn't planned on him staying overnight.
"It's not a hard question to answer darling, figure it out." Rilo humans boredly. Alexys stands and glances towards her hallway, light streamed in from the hole in the ceiling, illuminating the debris and blood she hadn't managed to clean up earlier.
Rilo fooled her gaze and gives a loud, dramatic sigh before snapping his fingers.
In the blink of an eye the stream of light is gone and the hallway is spotless. Alexys is shocked, intrigued and perhaps delighted simple due to her love of the unnatural. She looks back at Rilo in awe and finds him watching her idly, still waiting for her answer.
"I have a guest room..." She says slowly, pointing upward toward the ceiling.
Slowly Rilo's lips curl up into a dangerous grin and the glimmer in his eyes scream for her to run. But she doesn't. She doesn't want to.
"Well then?" Rilo holds out one of his arms and it takes Alexys a moment before she realises he was expecting her to help him up. She walks to him warily and wraps her arm around her shoulder gently. His hand is warm in hers, his skin having cooled down quite a bit. Alexys can't seem to catch a break and her face heats up as she helps him stand up and he leans into her greedily. His face is inches away from hers, his torso pressed into her side and warmth seeping into her pleasantly.
"Try not to faint sweet one, I won't be able to help you up if you do." Rilo purrs into her ear teasingly. Alexys face feel like it's exploding, her heart racing violently in her chest and she tries to ignore the shivers running down her spine. He wasn't helping and he knew it.
The way up to the guest room is slow and Rilo seems to be purposefully sinking deeper into her side, his eyes intent on watching her instead of where they were walking. When they make it to the room Alexys gently lays him down on the bed. He sighs as he stretches out, his tan skin standing out on the white sheets beneath him.
"Ugh, you humans have such low quality, everything, it's just sad." Rilo huffs, shifting on the bed with a look of discomfort on his face. Alexys allows a small snort to escape her as he does, quickly quieting down as his eyes snap to her mouth.
"What was, that?" He asked, face scrunching up as he tried to understand the sound she just made.
"I just snorted, i'm sorry I'm not laughing at you I promise. That bed isn't very comfortable you're right, but it's good enough for the guest bedroom." Alexys explains nervously, waving her hands in defense as she spoke. Rilo goes silent again, simply watching her. She was starting to think that wouldn't be a rare occurance.
"If you have a better bed here I should be sleeping in that one, are you going to make a king sleep on a sub-par bed? Truly?" Rilo then asks, his eyes hold other words he had thought to say but he hides any curiosity with his entitled demand. Alexys nearly sighs exasperatedly but shrugs.
"I feel like you won't like the other one any better..." She says, smiling sheepishly.
He huffs in response, shifting once more before sighing dramatically again.
"Fine! I suppose you're right. Nothing you have will be as comfortable as my own bed. This will do for now." He closes his eyes and Alexys figures he's done with talking for now. She turns awkwardly and walks towards the door.
"Are you really going to care for my injuries, talk to me for this long and not tell me your name? I can't use it against you using any black magic if that's what you're worried about." Rilo's voice halts her movements and quickly Alexys swivels in her spot to face him.
"Oh! I'm sorry, my name is Alexys! I completely forgot." She laughs bashfully, rubbing her hands on her jeans as she meets his gaze.
"Alexys," Rilo says her name slowly, letting each syllable roll off his tongue before he closes his eyes and nods, "you can go now." He hums. And she does, she walks out of the room and leaves the door open, just in case. As she walks down the stairs she pauses at the bottom and stares up at the roof in the hallway, now completely unscathed.
Still confused, even more so but now she was also intrigued. Little did she know the red headed demon was even more so intrigued by her. What that meant for her exactly, she wouldn't find out until much later.
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greennightspider · 5 years
Deep Trouble
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Author’s Note: Written as a sort of sequel to Beneath the Storm, but can also work as a one-shot on its own. @sammyslonglostshoe @let-monsters-reign this is for you two I hope you’re both happy (No idea who else to tag bc idk how freaky you guys get okaaaaaaay)
Summary: An evening trist, with an unexpected twist. A surprise guest, will he be welcome or will he be more chaos than company? A Split/Glass fanfic. (Warning: Smut, slight voice kink) 
Italics - The alters/personalities inside Kevin’s mind or internal monologue
Bold - The Beast
Dennis x Reader x The Beast 
Living with the personalities was in a word… interesting. There was never a dull moment, and after a while you had managed to work out a system so you knew who to expect most of the time. This morning had had breakfast with Barry, then went to work, came back and then watched Hedwig practice his dance moves.
You had just finished having a lovely dinner with Patricia. She cooked, provided you did the washing up which you didn’t mind. Patricia’s cooking was a godsend, and you would’ve licked the plate clean were it not for her gentle scolding.
“I think I might retire early tonight.” Patricia mused as she paced the kitchen.
“That sounds good, will Hedwig have the light next?” You questioned, eyeing the unfinished game sprawled across the living room table.
“Oh no I think I will need to put him to bed early. You know he’s a grump in the morning and I don’t want you to have to deal with that. Again.”
Patricia watched you as you chuckled slightly, placing the last plate on the dishrack to dry.
You owe me for this Dennis. She whispered.
Thank you Patricia.
Hey! Me and Y/N were gonna finish our connect four game! I was winning too!
Now now, Hedwig. I told Y/N to leave the game exactly how it is. No cheating. But now its time for bed.
For all of us. Patricia’s voice rang out, being met with groans, and sighs, but nothing more. 
As Dennis approached the light in the centre of course Barry wolf whistled, and Jade chuckled knowingly as they turned away.
But before Dennis could enter the circle Patricia tapped his hand.
Be gentle with her. She has work tomorrow.
Dennis raised an eyebrow at her. I’ll try.
Patricia hit his arm in a jest and returned to her seat with the rest of the alters, settling in for the night.
Of course, all but one. Who gazed from the shadows with peering eyes and hungry lips that curled into a smirk as they watched Dennis take the light once more.
You drained the sink and wiped your hands on a towel before feeling two strong arms encircle your waist. You could always tell when the alters had switched, and after a while you could almost feel it in the air 
“Dennis…” you sighed, leaning back into his touch. Dennis kissed down your neck as his hands roamed your torso, finally resting both of his large hands on each of your breasts. He kneaded them until your nipples became hard peaks.
You heard his breathing become heavier against your ear. “Surprise.” He grunted contentedly, enjoying your sighs of pleasure.
You didn’t protest when Dennis started walking you backwards, turning the kitchen light off as you two went past. “I think it’s your bedtime too.”
In one fell swoop Dennis threw you on the bed, and you laughed as you bounced on the mattress while Dennis undressed. The large man stripped down to his pants before crawling on top of you, but you stopped him with a finger to his chest. “Ah ah ah.” You smirked cheekily. “Sit on the edge of the bed.”
Dennis flared his nostrils but did as he was told, wondering what you were up to. He remembered Patricia’s warnings of restraint, until you started swaying your hips from side to side, undoing the buttons on the front your shirt one by one. Painfully slow for Dennis’ taste. He watched as you hung up your shirt on a hanger, making sure it was straight and uncreased. He clenched and unclenched his fists that he held firm on his thighs, as you leaned your shoulders back on the wall, leaning your hips toward him as you slunk your jeans off, leaving you in only your lacy underwear. But watching you bend over and fold up your jeans was more than he could stand.
Fuck restraint.
Dennis flared his nostrils and pulled you into his arms once more, quickly flipping you on your back as he grinded into you. He retreated to almost rip his belt out of his trousers, hurriedly placing the belt in his wardrobe as well as folding your pants, while you took the time to let your hand wander into your underwear.
Dennis’ nostrils flared as he turned around and realised what you were doing. Immediately mounting you and stripping your hand from your underwear. “Bad girl.” He growled. “Look at this, these are all dirty now.” He unhooked your panties and threw them in the hamper.
You both moaned as you felt Dennis’ cock grind against your sex. He entered you with such forced that you arched of the bed, Dennis taking a nipple in his mouth as you did so.
Your sultry moans filled the room as Dennis fucked you hard and fast, his need clouding his mind as all he could think of was you, writhing and groaning underneath him.
However it wasn’t long before Dennis felt a different urge. Something that shook him to his core with only three words.
My turn now.
No. Dennis grunted, trying to fight it, feeling the Beast almost claw at him in the light.
I have said. It’s my time.
While your eyes were closed in pure lust Dennis’ muscles began to tighten and grow as he shifted. His breathing turns to heavy grunts, and you moan in response. You feel Dennis’ movements become faster and harder, and you claw at his back as he gripped the sheets almost ripping them.
Lost in pleasure you felt Dennis flip you over and drag your feet to the edge of the bed so that your toes were touching the ground. Surprised by this new forcefulness but too fargone to care, you widen your stance for him and mewl, trying to push back and find some friction. “Please.” You whine, in that voice you knew Dennis loved.
Look how she presents herself to me. The beast growled at Dennis, who now watched from the darkness frustratedly.
Suddenly you felt the head of his member enter you once more, but this time it felt thicker than before.
“Baby, did- did you get bigger?” You ask in a whine, to which you hear only dark laughter. Your eyes widen as you realize it isn’t Dennis behind you, but you have no time to react as the Beast pushes himself inside your pussy to the hilt, drawing out a long groan from your lips.
“Beast.” You whisper as your eyes roll to the back of your head and you bury your face in the pillows, the Beast starting a brutal pace. He fucks you rough and hard, his primal nature getting the best of you. “Oh yes oh yes oh fuck yes!” You almost scream as your toes curl, your drenched pussy squeezing hard inamongst his rapid thrusts, drawing you closer and closer to your release.
I can see why you like this pure one. The Beast growls at Dennis. I’m surprised she can match me this well. Dennis says nothing, he only purses his lips tightly with his arms folded.
Oh stop sulking. I only wanted a taste. The Beast bared his teeth in a maniacal grin.
All of a sudden Dennis is thrown back into the light as the Beast laughs darkly, returning to the void. Dennis then opens his eyes to the sight of you moaning as you take him from behind, Dennis immediately losing himself in the way your ass backs onto his throbbing member.
“Did you have fun?” Dennis snarls in your ear. You shudder at his voice and your pussy clenches around him, drawing out a low groan from him in response. "I did, but I'm glad you're back." You turn and grin up at him.
Dennis takes no time in matching the Beasts' brutal pace, making your toes curl and your pussy almost drip with need. You loved when Dennis got rough, as he fucked you so hard into the bed it started banging on the wall.
Dennis groaned at the way your pussy was drawing him in tighter and tighter, signaling you were close. He watches himself disappear into you right up to the hilt, always amazed at how you could take him.
Beast, may I ask you for a favour. Dennis grits through his teeth, as the Beast raises an eyebrow slinking out from the void.
“Oh Dennis, Dennis oh, I’m gonna cum!” You moan wildly, the echoing slap of skin against skin becoming faster and shorter. “Yes yes yes!”
“Do it.”
The deep growling command drives you over the edge as you cream on his dick, Dennis roaring as he slams into you with his release while your pussy milks him for all he is worth. You collapse onto the sheets and so does Dennis.
“Thank you.” You breathe, trying to catch your breath and drag yourself up the bed using only your arms, knowing you’ll probably have to call in sick tomorrow from work.
You hear that?
Oh I heard it.
Dennis watches you as you lie on your stomach, exhausted panting and sated, he closes his eyes and momentarily lets himself go.
Suddenly you hear a low chuckle, as you feel what seem like claws softly raking down your skin. You don’t open your eyes but you smirk all the same as you hear the gruff breathing beside you.
“You’re welcome.”
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thorscock-y · 6 years
First time: A Derek Hale imagine
Request: Can you do an imagine where Derek takes your first time but you guys aren’t together, he just wants to take it away? And also can you use my name? 
Warning: Smut, Oral, female receiving, NSFW 18+, Dominant Derek
A/N: Derek is such a dad, omg I rewrote this in so many ways but finally decided on one of my least favorite ideas lol. Anyway this goes for Rose, hope you like! 
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“Are you sure it’s no trouble?” I asked for maybe, the tenth time since I’ve sat down in his car. Derek’s kind offer had me feeling exultant but at the same time this small part in the back of my mind,felt antsy. Scott and the pack had to take off, due to some confidential case that wasn’t up for discussion. Well not up for discussion for me of course. For everyone else it seemed like an option. For me, nothing is up for debate. Being Scott’s little sister had it’s redeeming qualities. Sort of.......
“Rose, it’s fine. Seriously, you can stop asking.” His tone was stone cold, making me want to shrink into the leather seat. I wasn’t surprised. Derek was usually very sullen, especially with me. That’s why I was so surprised that he said yes into taking care of me. Maybe that’s why I’m so nervous right now. Of course it is, dummy! He’s never taken an interest in you whatsoever so why now? I pushed away the thought and looked out the window trying to evaporate my subconscious. 
Derek’s car was warm, the leather seats were the only thing that had the back of my thighs gelid. To warm myself up I tried to get some friction going by rubbing my thighs together. My results were inconclusive. 
“Cold?” Derek’s voice seemed to soften from his last choice of words. That was unexpected. I’m so shocked by this new tone, that I don’t respond right away. When it’s quiet for more then thirty seconds, I speak. 
“Uh,” My voice is shallow, so I clear my throat and speak up. “Uh, yeah. Just a little.” 
He stops the car. I get this uneasy feeling but then look up to see we’re just at a red light. Take it easy, girl! He takes off his seat belt. I watch him with curious eyes. He looks over at me, before taking off his black leather jacket. My mind just wrapped around the concept that everything of his is black. His hair, his clothes, his car, his jacket, his personality, shall I go on? Oh come on admit it, you like that about him. No, I don’t. Stop it. 
I go back to watching him. He hands his jacket to me.I take it, then hold it in my lap. Should I put it on? I mean it would look odd if I wrapped it around my freezing thighs. I suddenly despise my body for reacting to this freezing passenger seat. Nevertheless, I put the jacket on my arms. 
“Er, thanks.” I mutter. 
The smell of his cologne pervades my nostrils. I inhale his scent silently. It smells heavenly. Holy fuck. Mmm. No, no, I can’t want him like this. Why am I all of a sudden thinking of him in this way? He had this effect on me, and I had only been about five minutes alone with him. What the hell? Ugh. 
I won’t lie there is always been this nasty thought in the back of my mind about Derek but tonight was not the night to act upon it. 
Soon enough we arrive to his place. It’s dark outside, the moon is a crescent. While getting out of the car, I look up at it hoping Scott and the rest are okay. With all the danger going on in beacon hills, I all of a sudden realized why they had wanted Derek to watch over me. I hope my mother is safe as well. Even though the hospital is a danger to magnet, all I can do is wish for the best. 
We walk inside his loft. It’s warm in here as well, and it’s filled with his smell. I’m going to have to get used to his masculine aroma if I’m going to stay here for tonight. But there is something I do know. This smell is something I’ll never be able to get rid of. It’s so..........balmy. 
“Let me show you to where you’ll be sleeping.” He says, not looking at me. Was he as uncomfortable as I was? Or was that him just being his usual malignant self? His cold shoulder actions didn’t distract me from being mousy. 
My legs were shaking as I followed him. We stopped at this door. He opened it and in he went. I went inside behind him to get a look of my chamber tonight. It was an average sized room with a small bed with white sheets. It was very neat. The room was barren though, proving no one has previously been in it. Or if they have they left it immensely tidy. 
“Cozy,” I said, my voice timid. I walked over to the bed and set my bag down. “Is this a guest room?” Of course it’s a guest room. What a dumb question. I just didn’t know what to say. 
He looked around the room and shrugged. “Uh yeah, I guess. Let me show you where the bathroom is.” 
The bathroom where he showers. Hmm. I lick my dry lips and follow him. He shows me where the bathroom is. In there, is an assortment of men soaps, cologne, and whatnot. I tried to ignore how bad this had an effect on me. My lady parts were jumping up in exhilaration , while clapping. No, no, this is not what the purpose of me sleeping here is about. 
What was he doing to me?
“Sorry, I don’t have anything other than my soaps to clean with. It wont be hell to smell like me will it?” 
He didn’t allow me to answer as he walked around me. I bit my lip. I would love to smell like Derek Hale. Thinking about his intoxicating scent surrounding me had my mind wanting to go into an erotic daydream. 
I looked at all the soaps that read "The Belveder Men’s Soap” I imagined Derek walking down the aisles at the store while buying suds. I giggled at the image for no apparent reason then walked out of the bathroom. 
Derek was in the kitchen, at the island looking down at something. I felt awkward and out of place in his home. 
“I’m just going to take a shower.” I said.
He glanced up at me with quick eyes then looked back down at whatever he was looking at. Okay then. It was evident he didn’t care. I walked into the guest room then got naked, trying to ignore the tinging down on my little friend. I set out my bed clothes I had brought which was only a big t-shirt. I always went to bed naked but I thought it would be more appropriate to at least put some clothes on because I wouldn't be in my own bed. I would be under the same roof with a man whom I barely knew. A man who barely said a word to me at pack meetings, or barely said a word to me anywhere. 
When I get in the shower, it’s warm and soothing. I try not to get my hair wet, knowing I don’t have a dryer to dry my hair with. I grab the container of soap that was sitting on the ledge. It was halfway empty. I squirted some on my hand then rubbed it all over my body. I do a deep clean and I think I take too much than I needed. Oops. Yes, that was definitely an ‘accident’. I hope Derek won’t notice and get too mad. 
I hop out of the shower. It’s steamy, and hot. I didn’t have a towel to dry myself with. On the rack was a towel but I knew it was his. It would be impolite of me to just use it without his permission. I didn’t want to ask though. I was to embarrassed and shy. I opened the door and peaked out to see no sign of him. I could dash across the hallway and make it without him seeing me. 
I steel myself and go along with my plan. When I’m in the guest room, I smile in my triumph, but also feel a rush. My heart is beating. The thought of him almost seeing me naked had me feeling naughty. 
I put on my panties along with my over sized t-shirt then crawl into the bed. It’s not as comfortable as my own bed but I could make due for now. The bed didn’t smell like him. I frowned at this. I smelled my arm so I could smell him. Wasn’t his jacket still in here? He forgot to take it back. 
I sat up in the bed. In the dark, I couldn’t really see a thing so I stood up and turned on the light. It was lying on the edge of the bed. I picked it up then walke out of the room. I didn’t know where Derek’s room was. I walked down the short hallway to the last door to the left. It was the only other room besides the bathroom so this had to be it. 
I knocked three knocks then backed up from the door. That anxious feeling came back, and all of a sudden I was kind of scared to see him again. Would he be annoyed that I was coming to his room? He was most likely tired, and I felt like he didn’t even want me here. Yes, he offered to watch me and protect me, yet I felt like a burden. 
He yanked open the door with an exasperated look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed. He looked upset but then again he looked so.........hot. Fuck. He was shirtless, with only some shorts. They were below his waistband. 
“Um, I, your,” Crap, I’m stuttering. “Here’s your jacket, I forgot to give it back. Thanks by the way.” I hand it to him. 
I’m fighting not to look down at his amazing pack. Mmm. 
He takes the jacket away from me with an enigmatic look. 
“Get some sleep Rose.” He says in such a demanding voice. 
“I’m not tired.” I reply lowly but honestly. “I can’t sleep.” 
“Try to sleep.” 
I don’t want to sleep. But I follow his command. 
“Okay, goodnight Derek.” 
I walk away before he says anything. 
2 hours later. 
My eyes just didn’t want to do their job and close and not open for another eight hours. They actually wanted to do the complete opposite. I was worried about my mother and my brother. They were both out risking their lives for the protection of the town.
I felt useless and down. You never see me getting up and helping but that’s because I’m human and weak. Trust me, I wanted to turn. I wanted to be of some help. Scott wouldn’t allow it. At all costs, I was always protected. Like a damsel in distress. It was annoying, though I knew Scott cared for me. That’s why I loved him so much. And the rest of my friends. Gosh, I hope they make it through this trip. 
I didn’t want to worry about this right now. I wanted to sleep this off then wake up in the morning to find out that they are alive and well. 
I got out of bed then walked out of the bedroom. I wonder if Derek has any milk. Milk is my go to drink for when I can’t sleep. Milk and ice cream that is. Nothing couldn’t be fixed without some ice cream, and a romance movie with a happy ending. That’s how my lonely nights usually ended. 
It was ill-mannered of me to just go rummaging through his refrigerator but he was probably sleeping by now. He seemed tired and in plus this was for a good cause. I couldn’t sleep. 
Sadly, his refrigerator didn’t contain ice cream but it did have milk. I poured myself a glass of milk then leaned against the counter while taking sips. The milk tasted sweet and creamy. Oh it was strawberry milk. I guess I didn’t care enough to read the label. Oh well, milk is milk. It tasted divine to me, either way. 
“Go on, help yourself.” I whipped around to see Derek standing there with his hands on his hips. The moonlight from the balcony is shining on him. He startled me and my heart is beating very fast, my hands are shaky. “It’s not like you should have to ask.” 
I all of a sudden feel like the worst guest ever. 
“Sorry, you’re right I should’ve asked. That’s horrible on my part.” Derek was only in some black Calvin Klein boxers. Holy fuck. My vagina has a heartbeat now. 
“I thought I told you to sleep, hmm.” He slowly walks over to me. 
My blood is hot, I’m nervous. What is he doing? 
“I wasn’t tired, I should've went to bed. “ My voice is apologizing, though I don’t know why I feel the need to apologize. 
He takes the cup out of my hand then sets it on the counter. His body is so close to mine. He’s taller than me though. The very top of my head reaches his chin so lips are at his chest. I gulp and look up at him in the dark. My heart is palpitating. 
“Let me make you tired,” He puts his hands so he’s cradling my cheeks. A current of electricity runs through me and my body jolts. He’s touching me. Derek Hale is touching me. All my strict yelling at myself that this is not what was going to happen tonight is happening. Oh my gosh. “Hmm?” 
I don’t know what to say, I’m at lost for words. He leans down and I feel the pressure of his lips against mine. I haven’t been kissed in so long that I am suddenly shy. I do not know how to kiss. 
His lips are demanding, but slow. The muscles inside of me clench and I can feel myself getting excited everywhere. 
He pulls away. 
“Do you not want to kiss me?” I can tell he’s confused. 
“I do it’s just that,” I’m so embarrassed to admit this but I don’t want him to think that I don’t want him. “I don’t know how to kiss.” 
I look down, avoiding his eyes. My cheeks are flaming hot, I know they’re red. It’s a good thing it’s dark. He pulls me up by my chin so I’m forced to look at him. 
“It’s okay baby, just move your lips with mine.” His words are comforting but I’m still nervous as ever. His lips are back on top of mine and somewhere inside of me I’m bold enough to kiss back. He’s delighted at this action and I’m turned on to know that it’s me that’s delighting him. 
I want to touch him. I move my hands to his biceps to feel that they hard. He’s very muscular. I wonder what else is hard. I’m eager to find out. He pulls away from me, but this time my bottom lip his between his teeth. It’s so hot. Everything in this moment is hot. 
His lips explore my neck. I’ve never been kissed on the neck. It feels amazing. A soft moan escapes my mouth. I put one hand into his hair while the other his on his shoulder. 
I feel his hand under my shirt, and the shyness creeps up on me but it’s not enough for me to deny the great pleasure he’s bringing me. I don’t want to stop him. His fingers brush lightly against the area under my breasts then he leads a trail of fire all the way down to the base of my panties. I’m scared. My heart is beating rapidly. 
No, don’t you dare stop it now, don’t you dare ruin this experience!
He kissed the corner of my mouth, then backed up to pull my shirt over my head. I let him. I was immediately conscious. No guy had ever seen my boobs. No guy has even got this far with me. Derek stayed backed up, he seemed to be examining me.His eyes, going over each hardened nipple, then down to my vagina. He probably thought I wasn’t pretty enough. Great. 
“It’s such a privilege to even look at you.” he muttered. What did he just say? A privilege? To look at me? I was certain he was messing with me. But with how serious and sincere his words sounded, he couldn’t be joking. “Let alone even touch you.” 
His hands found their to my waist and pulled me to him with such force. We kissed for a little bit before I felt his hands behind the back of my thighs. He lifted me up with no problem. I wrapped my hands around his neck, continuing to kiss him. If someone told me that I would be kissing Derek Hale someday I wouldn’t believe them. 
He’s walking somewhere, I don’t care to look. His lips feel to good on mine for me to break away. We were in his room when he set me down on the bed. Should I lay down? I didn’t know what to do. My skin is burning and I’m flushed. 
I’m at the edge of the bed, with my short legs dangling over the mattress. He kisses my jaw, my neck, and then above my breast. Each kiss has my body singing in enchant. I feel his tongue on my sensitive nipple. They harden even more. I’m so wet. 
His other hand gives attention to my other nipple by rubbing it with his thumb. My libido grows by the second. I’ve never felt this before. I’m wiggling under him. This just feels too good. 
“Keep still,” he murmurs gently. I can’t, but I try anyway. The churning inside my stomach was more than I can contain. 
He’s sucking one one of my nipples while rubbing the other. I moan feeling the sweetest sensation that was going all the way down to my vagina. He moves to my other nipple, doing the process all over again. I feel like I’m going to convulse by just this action. 
Derek’s kisses further until he’s above my pantie line. I’m shaking with each and every one he leaves. I stiffen. Down there is a place where no one but me has ever looked. What if he thought it wasn’t pretty? I would hear guys at school talk about how so and so’s vagina was distasteful but they would pretend they liked it just to be nice. In the end they never wanted to mess with her anymore. Would Derek do the same? Also what if it didn’t smell good. Oh no!
I bulk my legs together. Through the dark, I see him look up at me.
“You okay?” His voice is soft. 
“Yes, I just, I’m nervous.” I reply sheepishly. This is the second time I’ve stopped him. I’m the worst. 
“It’s okay baby,” he rubs my thighs trying to calm me down. He then comes back up to me, so I feel his face against mine and he’s kissing me. His forehead moves against mine. His kiss is rough and wanting. Oh my. He wants this. He wants me. I want him too. I was just too shy and self conscious. “Your skin is so soft.” He says through kisses. He’s still rubbing my thighs. “I want you.” He whispers. 
I moan against his lips. I want you too. 
“I’m just going to kiss here, k?” He kisses my navel. I jerk forward. “And here.” He goes lower. “And here.” He’s right there. 
I can’t fight it anymore, my nerves are practically screaming at me to just let him. So I do. My legs open by just a fraction. He takes that as his chance. He licks over my baby blue lace underwear. I’m suddenly grateful for packing my best looking panties. 
He pushes my legs apart, completely taking control. I liked it. He moved his nose around my clit which was soaking. I hear him inhale my scent. I’m so scared. I don’t know how I smell. Isn’t sex a nasty smell? 
“You smell so fucking good princess,” he growled. I knew he wasn’t lying by the look of pleasure on his face. I calm down and relax, knowing that it’s okay to let him in. He moves his hands and hooks his fingers under the band of my panties then pulls them down over my legs so now I am completely naked.
He stands up and positions me so my head is on the pillows and the rest of my body is just exposed. He crawls in between my legs then ducks his head down to my vagina. I feel him lick and I lift my back up from the bed. His hand comes up and cups my breast. I let my back fall. 
His tongue swirls round and round my clit keeping a pleasuring pain to occur. My stomach is full of butterflies, my breath is uneven. He kisses it before his whole mouth is just everywhere down there. He pushes my leg as far apart as he could, not wanting to miss anywhere. I feel a tight knot beginning to form in my stomach. 
My gosh, this is all so exhilarating. In this moment, Derek is sending me into a world I’ve never entered. I want to stay here with him forever. My moans come more as my body let’s go on him. He kisses my sex a couple times more before moving back up to my face. 
I’m panting. My first time receiving oral and it felt amazing. He leans down, kissing me in a sweet kiss. I can taste what he previously was just eating. Me. I do taste good. I can now understand why he did it for so long. It tasted of.............vanilla. I tasted like that? I was stunned. 
He pulls away from me to sit up on his knees. I watch him. His penetrating eyes don’t look away from me as he takes off his boxers. Woah. It’s so big, and thick. I’ve never seen one before. I gulp and try to wrap my mind around that that is going to be inside of me. 
I look back into his eyes. He leaned back down, his body level with mine.That anxious feeling became inside of me again. At the same I was ready. His arms supported off of me while he adjusted himself down there. He rubbed his cock against my soaking folds. It was the most pleasurable torture ever. 
Very slowly he enters me. It hurts. I gasp and sit up. Derek brings his lips to mine to calm me down, and he hushes my silent screams. His thrusts are slow, he’s being gentle. I become accustomed to the alien feeling and move my hips along with his. He picks up speed, my head in between his hands, our lips rubbing against each others. 
I feel amazing, this feels perfects, I love it. I don’t want him to stop. I’m moaning as he rips through my virginity. He pounds in and out, in and out. Sweat becomes on the both of us and it gets steamy. The moment is intense, heated, impassioned. It feels to good to be real. 
“Oh you feel so perfect around me.” He says huskily, then has my bottom lip between his teeth again. I loved it. 
My body begins to stiffen, my legs are shaking. There is this build up in my stomach that is the most painful pleasure I have ever felt. 
“Cum for me, beautiful.” He says breathlessly. I let go on his words, my climax ripping through me as I explode around him then fall into pieces underneath him. 
Even though it is over I am still panting, my heart is beating out of my chest and my desire for him didn’t seem to lessen not one bit. I want more. I want to do it again. I’m sure it’s just my raging hormones talking but I’m not sure. I am sure that I want to do it again, just not right away. I wanted it with Derek. 
He came a minute after me, grunting at his peak. His forehead leans against mine, our breaths ragged. He’s still inside of me. Before he pulls out of me he kisses my lips. He lays down next to me then pulls me so I am cuddled up into a chest. He feels like a blanket over me. 
I want to say something to him about the event that just took place but my eye lids hush my wants and slowly close, the last thing felt is complete contentment. 
Author- Hey guys I’m planning on making a part 2. I just wasn’t sure if I should add it in here or if that wold be too much to read. Welp, hope you enjoyed my joke of a smut. 
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raptorginger · 6 years
Snow Sparkles Like Stars: Chapter 2 - Snowed in
chapter 1
Rey didn’t consider her life a terribly exciting one.  A bit odd, perhaps, but not exciting.  She’d been adopted in London by a pair of older gentlemen whom she came to know and love as Grandpa Obi and Grandpa Jinn.  They’d moved to a ranch out in Montana when Rey was ten, and Rey discovered what she was meant to do.  She had a way with animals, particularly dogs, and Grandpa Obi put her in charge of training the ranch’s herders.  Everything that happened afterward had flowed from that moment.  She rehabilitated the strays, the abused, the injured and helped find them loving homes.  After rescuing her first Siberian Husky when she was in her early teens, she researched dog sledding and found another thing she excelled at.  When Obi and Jinn died, they left Rey a large trust and the ranch.  Rey worked with a nearby reservation to give the land back and left for Washington, intending to live a quiet existence outside Spokane with her eight rescued Malamutes, offering the occasional training class and sled ride to the locals.
For all intents and purposes, she had accomplished this goal.  She was happy.  Really, she was.  She wasn’t lonely.  She had eight dogs for company, who could be lonely?
But sometimes, deep in the dark of the night when she was all alone in her loft, she’d let her mind wander.  It would wind sinuously down long corridors, to the dark and heated corners where a nameless faceless man lived.  He was tall and broad, strong but dextrous.  His hair dark and soft.  But it was his voice, his deep voice whispering dark and filthy things to her, that she liked imagining most.  He would praise her, call her his good girl, while she imagined the obscene things he’d do to her.  She wished, oh how she wished...
Rey tried not to think about this during the daytime.  And certainly not right now.
It wasn’t strange that someone would have gotten stranded in a snowbank outside her house during a blizzard.  It wasn’t strange that her pack noticed.  They were dogs with incredibly keen senses, after all.  It was, however, a bit strange that the literal embodiment of her darkest fantasies had crawled out of the car and was currently pawing around her record collection with his large hands.
Rey watched keenly as Kylo’s long fingers tugged on a worn record jacket, dislodging the disc.  He flipped it over and slipped it on the turntable, switching the player on and dropping the needle.  The instantly recognizable melody of “As Time Goes By” from Casablanca filled the air, the tone rich and warm.  He approached her chair, his hand held out entreatingly.  ‘I’ll put my big hands on whatever I want.’  If only you would.
“Dance with me?” Kylo asked, his voice dropping lower, like a roll of soft thunder.  He smiled wickedly as he watched a shiver chase through Rey’s slender frame, her trembling fingers coming to rest lightly in his.  It wasn’t fair what his voice did to her.  It just wasn’t.
“I don’t really dance,” Rey muttered apologetically.  Heat trilled through her as his fingers wrapped around hers, gently squeezing as he pulled her to her feet.
“I find that hard to believe.  You’re very graceful,” he murmured close to her ear.
“Believe what you want.  Doesn’t change the truth,” she replied, clearing her throat a little.  She swallowed nervously as Kylo placed one of her hands on his shoulder and one of his hands on her waist.  He took her other hand in his again and began to lead her in a simple movement.  Like any of the other handful of times she’d tried, she stumbled over her own feet.  Graceful, right.
“You just need a teacher.  Follow my lead,” he commanded softly.
Rey wasn’t accustomed to following, but she found she had no choice in this case.  His arms were sure, his movements fluid as he guided her around a small space in her living room.  She enjoyed relinquishing control to someone else.  To him.  It was a nice change of pace.
“Good.  That’s it,” he practically purred as she clumsily followed his steps.  
Holy hell.  THAT’S going in the mind palace.  I’m going to have to wash my damn underwear.  “Don’t patronize me,” Rey snapped, overcompensating for her arousal and hoping he wouldn’t notice.
The dim light made it hard for Rey to see that Kylo’s eyes had darkened.
On the next turn, Rey felt something hard but fuzzy behind her knees.  She yelped and fell backwards to the floor, the dog quickly scampering out of the way.  Her instinct, being a musher, was to tighten her grip when something unexpected happened, which explained why Kylo was now perched on top of her, his fingers interlaced tightly with hers.
Rey snapped her head to the side in time to see a grey tail disappear around the sectional.
“Damn it, Loki!” she yelled.  A mischievous face appeared on the arm of the couch, the perfect picture of innocence.
Rey looked back up at Kylo and sighed exaggeratedly.  “Sorry.  He does that all the time.  BUT NOT USUALLY TO COMPANY!” Rey shouted in Loki’s direction.
“Quite like his namesake, isn’t he?” Kylo whispered.
“Yeah, I suppose so.”  It dawned on Rey that Kylo had made no move to get off of her.  She shifted awkwardly beneath him, the wood floor pressing hard against her shoulder blades.  Kylo’s nostrils flared as he inhaled sharply.  Huh.  Okay.  Yeah, jump the stranger you just met because you like his voice.  And his hair.  And his mouth.  Smaaaaart.
She cleared her throat for what felt like the millionth time that evening.  “Listen, it’s getting late…” “Of course! I’m sorry, let me help you up,” Kylo said hurriedly as he scrambled off of her.
“Thanks,” Rey muttered, dusting a few stray dog hairs off her sweater.  “Umm, the guest room is just there.  I recommend you keep the door shut, or else the dogs’ll shove you out.  Under the sink in the bathroom there’s a basket with a few things in it - a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, that sort of thing.  Towels are under the sink too.”
“The dogs don’t sleep with you?”  
“No.  They’re bed hogs.  They sleep down here.”
Rey was keenly aware of Kylo’s eyes on her as she moved about the lower floor of her home, turning off lights and putting out the fire.
“Tomorrow, depending on what the weather is doing, I’ll try and get your car out with my truck.  If you help me move the sled, we could probably get it in the garage until the roads are safe to travel,” Rey continued, trying to keep herself from shaking.  She flipped the hall light on for him and made her way to the spiral staircase that led to her loft bedroom.
“I think I can do that,” Kylo replied.  “Thank you, Rey.”
Rey bit her lip as she set her foot on the first step.  “No problem.  Let me know if you need anything,” she murmured.
“Yeah, I will.  Goodnight, Rey.”
Rey blushed and hurried up the steps, grabbing her sleep shirt from the foot of the bed and a pair of clean underwear from her dresser before heading into her bathroom to complete her nightly routine.  While brushing her teeth, Rey had an argument with herself.
You know it’s the twenty-first century, right?  You’re allowed to bang a guy just because you think he’s hot.  And he seems warm for your form so...
Shut up.  I know next to nothing about him.  He could be a total asshat.  Or in a relationship.
So?  He’ll be gone in a day or so.  Hardly enough time to find out.  And I don’t think so, not with the way he purred and eye fucked you just now.
He probably has women throwing themselves at him all the time.  He’s a college professor for God’s sake.  He has his pick of attractive co-eds.  He lives in Boston, for crying out loud.
Please.  Does he really seem like the type to have a fling with a student?
I don’t know.  That’s the point, you idiot.
Just let him fuck your brains out.  God knows you need it.  It’s been ages since you got any.
Shut up.
Rey spat the foamy paste out and rinsed, angry at herself.  Sometimes she wished she could be one of those people who hopped into bed with a stranger, no mental hang ups or qualms, but that just wasn’t her.  She liked to know at least a little bit about the person she was letting into her bed.  Plus, there was her tendency too fall too hard too fast.  Rey didn’t need that weight on her shoulders after Kylo left.  He’d go off, a smile on his face and a song in his heart, and she’d be left here, miserable and pining with him none the wiser.  Rey gave an aggravated sigh and got into bed, her flannel sheets doing nothing to warm her.  She listened to Kylo putter around downstairs, getting ready to go to sleep.  She wondered if he often slept alone, or if he regularly had someone to warm his bed.  She heard several soft ‘thumps’ come from the living room followed by the sound of nails clicking on a hard floor.  
“Oh shit,” she heard Kylo grumble after the faucet turned off.
Oh no…
“Get off, shoo! I was supposed to keep the door shut.  Dammit! Get off!”  Kylo was arguing with a silent opponent, or rather, opponents.  Rey knew his entreaties would fall on deaf ears.
“Fine! Take the damned bed!” Kylo cried exasperatedly.  “Can I at least have a pillow?”  There was some huffing and grunting before he said sarcastically, “Thank you for your generosity, Thor.”
A few muttered curses followed as Rey listened to Kylo make his way out to the couch in the living room.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” he muttered darkly.
Oh no...again.  Rey got out of bed and tugged on a pair of sweatpants.  She went to the railing and looked down.  In the dark, she was barely able to make out the forms of Frigga and Odin on the couch and Kylo standing in front of it, arms akimbo.
“Kylo?” Rey called softly.
Kylo looked up.  Rey couldn’t see the expression on his face, but she imagined it was adorably frustrated.
“You weren’t kidding, were you?”
Rey laughed.  “‘Fraid not.”
“Do you have a couch up there?  Or...something?”
Rey felt herself blush in the dark.
“N-no I don’t,” she stammered.
Kylo groaned.  “I’ll just sleep on the floor then.  Do you have some blankets anywhere?”
“Don’t be silly!  Get up here!”  Rey commanded, stomping her foot a little.  She was overcome by pity, that was it.  Poor man was stranded here in a blizzard, and he was going to sleep on the floor? Ridiculous!  Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Kylo was up the stairs in a flash, pillow in hand.  Rey swallowed a nervous lump in her throat when she saw that he was in his boxers and an undershirt.  She led him to her bed and pointed to the left side.
“You sleep on that side,” she stated, hoping her voice sounded even and calm to him.  It certainly didn’t to her.
Kylo tossed the pillow on the floor and crawled under the covers, curling onto his side so he faced away from her.
Rey scrambled onto the side opposite, assuming a similar position.  She switched off her reading lamp and pulled the covers up to her chin, tucking her knees close to her chest.  Her bed was a queen, but she could still feel the heat radiating off of him.  It was nice; she was always so cold.
“Thank you, Rey,” Kylo murmured in the darkness.
“Don’t get any funny ideas.  The middle of the bed is the Neutral Zone,” Rey muttered halfheartedly.
“Does that make me the Klingons or the Federation?”
Oh God, this is a horrible plan.  Or a GREAT plan.  Shut up!  “Whichever.  Goodnight.”
Kylo chuckled softly.  “Sweet dreams, Rey.”
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Lord of Thorns (Fourteen)
“Are you scared of me, Pete?” Wade asked, his voice muffled in the pillows of the bed. “Afraid of the magic here?”
“It's odd.” Peter admitted slowly, smoothing thick cream over Wade's shoulders. “But I wouldn't say I'm afraid of it. And I'm certainly not afraid of you . Not anymore.”
“Not anymore?” Wade shifted on the bed, breathing deep as Peter spread the lotion all over his back and the burning on his skin finally started to lessen.
“To be fair,” he dropped a sweet kiss to the back of Wade's neck. “you did toss me in a dungeon the first time we met. I think I had a right to be a little frightened.”
“I'm sorry for that, Pete, I am.”
“Why was your immediate reaction to lock me up?” Peter wanted to know, working a large amount of the lotion into and around the thorns low on Wade's back where they were the thickest. “If I was the first one to be here after so long, if you've been alone for all these years, why would you throw me in a cell?”
“I was… angry.” Wade blew out a deep breath. “The first person to find my castle in years, and you were just a boy. And so beautiful .”
His voice hardened a little and Peter's hands stilled. “I used to be beautiful too, Pete, and looking at you just… just reminded of everything I lost in the curse, except you are better than I ever was before my curse. A better person.”
“You’re still beautiful.” Peter whispered and brushed another sweet kiss to Wade's skin. “And you are a good person. Will you tell me about it? The curse?”
“No.” Wade tensed beneath him. “No, I don't want to talk about it.”
Peter hummed soothingly, and didn't press the issue.
Their time together like this-- slow evenings where Peter's medicines calmed Wade's pain, talking quietly and kissing until they parted for the night-- it was too good to taint with hard conversations.
Wade was usually flirty and charming as Peter touched him, trying to make the beautiful boy laugh, and they talked about everything from whether or not Peter was actually on track to read everything in the library, to whether or not pancakes were better with bananas in it.
It was fun and simple and easy between them, and if Wade didn't want to talk about the curse, Peter wasn't going to make him.
“Do you know, even on my best day, I don't think I was half as beautiful as you are Pet.” Wade broke the silence to murmur and Peter's breath caught over the unexpected compliment. “You are just unreal, honey.”
“I-- I doubt that.” Peter couldn't wipe the smile from his face, and when Wade rolled over onto his back, Peter bent to smoosh a kiss to his lips. “But thank you.”
“I know you haven't--” Wade eyes flicked down between their bodies. “-- with anyone else, but I don't believe that no one ever tells you you're beautiful, Pete. They might be common folk, but they aren't blind.”
“Harry used to call me beautiful.” Peter said after a minute, spreading the soothing balm down to Wade's ribs. “He called me beautiful ll the time. It made me feel--” his fingers stilled for a second.
“It made me feel dirty.” Peter finished. “I know he was only complimenting me, but it made me feel dirty. He would touch me and call me beautiful and tell me he wanted me and I just--” he shuddered at the memory. “Dirty. That's all it ever made me feel.”
“I didn't mean to--” Wade started to apologize but Pete shook his head.
“I like it much better when you say it.” he finished with a little smile, and Wade pulled one hand from behind his head to sit on Peter's hip, letting it rest there as Peter worked the lotion down to the waistline of his sleep pants.
“I love it when you say it.” Peter tinged pink. “I think you should say it every day.”  
“I can do that.” Wade sat up abruptly to pull Peter into a short kiss, swallowing the appreciative moan Peter made when Wade's abdomen flexed beneath his hands. “I can tell you how beautiful you are every day.”
Peter flushed even harder, but kissed Wade right back and asked, “Do you feel better? Lotion helped?”
“So much better.” Wade rolled his shoulders and stretched. “Thank you, Pete.”
“Of course.” Peter dried his hands on a towel and glanced around the bedroom suite room, noting the new curtains and furniture.
When Wade had asked him to rub him down with lotion tonight, and had suggested his room, Peter had been fully prepared to walk into the same disaster he had seen weeks ago.
He had been pleasantly surprised to find the room put together and cleaned from top to bottom. The big bed in the middle of the room had been re made, the sheets smelling sweet, and the blankets freshly laundered.
A quick look in the bathroom had seen it sparkling clean, the broken mirrors pulled down and replaced with new ones. The deep bath looked gorgeous and inviting, the floor polished to a high shine and even though Peter knew better than to question the magic--
--his mouth hung open for at least a minute before he managed to get himself together enough to join Wade at the bed.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” Wade asked then, and Peter jerked his gaze from staring at a balcony he hadn't seen before, back to Wade.
“Sorry? What was that?”
“Will you stay with me?” Wade motioned around them. “I got my rooms put back together so you don't have to sleep in a mess. I thought maybe--” he chewed at his lip for a second. “Things have been going well with us and if you were comfortable staying with me, I'd like to spend the night with you.”
It was the first time in his life that Wade had had to ask someone to spend the night with him. Usually it was people asking to stay the night with him, fawning about, batting their eyelashes, trying to catch his attention. In the militia, it hadn't taken more than a look to bring a soldier crawling into his bunk. In the castle, he used to find men and women waiting by his room, eager for a chance to be with him.
He had never had to ask.
But for Peter, he would ask every night, woo him, seduce him, court him if that's what it took.
But Peter didn't even bother answering the question.
He climbed right into the big bed, burrowing under the sheets and holding out his hand for Wade.
“Alright then.” Wade chuckled, and relaxed back into the pillows, one arm tight around Peter's shoulders. “Alright, then.”
“My mom died when I was seven.”  Wade's deep voice woke Peter a few hours later, and he blinked tiredly, trying to orient himself.
The fire was burning low in the room now, barely casting any light at all, and Peter squinted as he tried to see Wade, finally registering what the Prince had said.
“I'm sorry.” Peter rubbed Wade's arm sympathetically, then propped himself up on his elbow. “Do you at least remember her?I don't remember my parents at all. I wish I did.”
“I don't really remember her.” Wade shook his head. “Its more of a feeling of safety, happiness, and then after she passed, that feeling was gone.”
After she died, I think my father just lost himself.” he continued. “Stopped talking to me, to anyone really, stayed in his rooms and drank. When he finally started coming out again, all he did was throw parties and take different people to bed every night. Sometimes servants, sometimes guests, but always someone . And in the middle of all of it, I was alone all the time. He didn't want me anywhere near him, yelled at me if I got too close, if I was hanging about.”
Wade took a deep breath. “I was angry, all the time. I didn't understand why my mom had died, didn't understand why my father didn't want anything to do with me, didn't understand how I had a castle full of people and could be so lonely all the time.”
“Oh.” Peter tsked sympathetically, flattening his palm over Wade's heart. “I'm so sorry.”
“I joined the militia and left as soon as I could.” Wade laced his fingers with Peter's. “War gave me an outlet for my anger, and I found a cure for my loneliness as well. We were all lonely, that far from home, and to be held by someone, to be lost in someone's arms was… it was like an opium to me.”
A shaky sigh.“Better than opium. It was better than wine. I was addicted to it, to being wanted, and wanting someone. No one ever told me no, everyone wanted to spend a night with me. I was the Prince, I was beautiful. It was perfect.”
He reached for Peter then, tucking him back against his shoulder, running his hand down Peter's back slowly as he talked.
“Father died, and I came home, but I had no idea how to run a kingdom. I turned it over to his advisers and just drank and partied with every beautiful person I could find. I didn't know what to do with myself without the war.”
Wade stared down at the scars on his arm where it lay on Peter's waist. “I don't really remember when I stopped feeling things, Pete, but I would wake up in the morning with new flowers on my skin and not know which moment they were supposed to be for. I just felt numb all the time. Numb.”
He was quiet for a few minutes, and Peter stayed silent as well, letting him find whatever words he needed. He rubbed over the raised thorns on Wade's chest carefully, knowing too much pressure hurt, but just a light touch felt good and Wade squeezed him gently in return.
“The law stated I was supposed to find a partner to share the throne before I turned thirty one, so we held a banquet the night of my thirtieth birthday, hoping I would meet someone I could stand to be around. That night was when the enchantress came.”
His voice turned bitter. “She disguised herself as an old woman, and when I tried to throw her out of my party, she cursed me. Ripped my flowers from my skin, and told me I didn't deserve them. That only thorns grew in my soul, so now they would grow on my skin. And then she waved her hands or snapped her fingers or something and just that fast, everyone disappeared from the castle and I was all alone.”
“The voices…at first I thought they were the servants, but after a few years I figured they were just in my mind. Thought I was going crazy. Thought I was cursed to be alone in this castle with my own thoughts, watching these things take over my body until there was nothing left of me at all.”
Peter shifted against him, snuggling closer to try and comfort him, but not really knowing what to say.
“I never used to feel anything at all.” Wade ran a hand over his face. “I used to feel numb all the time and now all I feel is pain, and I'm not sure which is worse. Sometimes I don't even know if I actually remember things or if I just know they happened to me. It's like reading about something in a book. I know it happened, but did it actually happen to me?”
He shrugged. “It's like I'm becoming less human the worse this thing gets. And one day-- one day it will take me completely. That's my curse.”  
“You don't act less human.” Peter whispered. “You're the best man I've ever met.”
“You only say that because I gave you a library.” Wade countered. “Otherwise you'd judge me based on throwing you in the tower.”  
Peter giggled a little.“Maybe you should just take the compliment and not wonder why I said it.”
“Sassy thing.” Wade said affectionately and kissed his forehead, whispering, “Thank you for listening.”
“Thank you for telling me.” Peter whispered back, the story making him sad, the amount of pain in Wade's voice making him sad. “Let's make new memories, hm? Something the curse can't take away from you.”
He tilted his head and brushed their lips together. “Better memories than the ones from before. Ones that you know are happening, not ones you barely remember. What do you think?”
“Pete--” Wade started to protest, but Peter surged forward against his mouth, his tongue pressing insistently at the seam of his lips until Wade opened for him.
“Pete.” Wade started to say again. “You don't have to--”
He shut up when Peter bit down into his bottom lip hard, then suckled at the hurt, drawing Wade's lip into his own mouth and moaning--
“Pete--!” Wade arched his back, fisting at the sheets. “Ah-- honey, we don't have to--”
“I'm not doing this to make you feel better.” Peter murmured into his ear, nipping at his lobe enough to make it sting. “I know that's what you are thinking, and it's not true. I want you. Want you.”
He sighed into Wade's neck, his tongue flicking out over the rough thorns. “And if it helps you feel better then it--then that's perfect too. Don't you want me?”
“Of course I want you but--” Wade sucked in a quick breath when Peter's hand started trailing towards his navel. “But Pete, you don't have to--”
“We haven't done anything like this, not since the first time by the fire.” Peter  interrupted. “If we are making new memories, make some like this with me. Show me how to-- how to be with you.”
Licking and kissing his way over Wade's neck, Peter’s fingers moved farther down, tracing over the thorns as they got progressively thicker the lower he moved. Spreading his hand as wide as he could to cover as much skin as he could, Peter pressed down harder, drawing a curse from Wade, his sensitive skin lighting with a mix of pleasure and pain.
“Alright?” Peter asked, just to be sure, lifting himself up to brush their lips together, his fingers skipping and tracing over every ridge and soft spot on Wade's skin, exploring as gently as he could, even as his breathing sped up, his tongue twisting and curling inside Wade's mouth.
Wade broke their embrace just long enough to gasp yes, Pete, please as Peter's slender hand slipped beneath the waistband of his pants, dipping lower and lower until--
--Peter froze when he touched Wade's cock, then gave a little whimper and tried to wrap his hand around it, his fingers not quite meeting on the other side.
“Wade.” He whispered and squeezed firmly around the hard length. “Christ, you're so big.”
A slow stroke, base to tip and Wade nearly came off the bed, biting into his knuckles so he wouldn't yell, and Peter breathed a triumphant little laugh.
“You're so big.” Peter said again, and moaned low in his throat, a rough sound that was almost enough to send Wade over the edge, but he bit his tongue and held his breath as Peter began to stroke over him.
“You're so much bigger than me, can't hardly get my hand all the way around you. Oh my god.” Peter's eyes went hazy and hot in the low light. “You're so heavy. So--”
Wade dragged Peter down to his mouth just because he was afraid if Peter kept talking he would be done before they got to do anything fun at all, and that would be embarrassing.
“No, wait.” Peter pulled away. “Wait, wait, let me just--”
Peter started peppering Wade's face with little kisses as he let go of Wade's cock just long enough to dip his hand into the lotion, warming it between his fingers for a few seconds.
Then he lifted Wade completely from his pants, biting at his lip when he saw how thick Wade was, and wrapping his hand as far as it would go around the base before stroking over him again, faster now, more confidently as Wade's hips started lifting into his fist, as his breath started coming faster.
“Is it better like? With the lotion, slick and smooth and--” Pete's voice fell away into a groan when Wade throbbed in his hand. “Wade, I--”
“It's good.” Wade panted, “Pete, so good like this, baby, come here. Come here.”  
He wound one big hand through Peter's hair, bringing him down into a long kiss, twisting their tongues together until he couldn't breathe, couldn't focus on anything besides Peter's hand on him. “Ah shit, I'm close, honey, close .”
“Show me.” Peter murmured. “What you need? Please, I want to know how to--how to--please you.” His voice dropped shyly and Wade groaned and bucked beneath him.
“Ah fuck , baby boy, you're doing so good like this.”
“Please .” Pete whispered and Wade covered Peter's hand with his own, showing him exactly how he needed it, the right pressure and the right speed and when Peter took back over, the dark eyes sparkling and pink tongue licking over his lips--
--It didn't take more than a few minutes and Wade was coming, hips stuttering, spilling warm and wet into Peter's fist and all over his fingers, shouting through the wave of heat, tearing at the sheets so he wouldn't Peter too tightly.
“Fuck!” he swore, then swore again when his vision whited out, Peter's thumb swiping over the still pulsing head of his cock sending shivers up his spine.
“God dammit--” a third curse as he tried to come down, and Peter blushed nearly scarlet over the profanity, but didn't look away from Wade's softening arousal, stirring his fingers curiously through the mess on Wade's stomach.
His eyes were blown wide, so dark they were nearly black, and when Wade finally came back to himself enough to breathe, he opened his eyes in time to see Peter lift his covered fingers to his mouth.
“ Jesus .” Wade blurted, staring, watching Peter's tongue flick and twist over his own palm, cleaning every bit of come from it, making soft, satisfied noises as he did.
“Come here.” Wade leaned forward to kiss him hard, tongue thrusting deep inside Peter’s mouth, tugging him down the bed, easing him back into the pillows. “Come on baby boy, let me take care of you now.”
“ Wade.” Peter was already trembling as Wade started mouthing kisses down his neck, on every bit of skin he could reach around the tight shirt Peter was wearing.
“Can I take this off? Need more skin, honey, want to touch you.”
“Yes, yes. ” Peter nearly wailed, and Wade slipped the garment up and over his shoulders, tossing it away so he could bite little kisses down a lean chest and across his stomach, hesitating just long enough to make sure Pete was still alright before pushing his pants down over his hips.
“Gonna use my mouth, Pete.” He whispered and Peter gave a little whimper, nodding yes and Wade pressed his nose into the soft skin in the vee of his hip, breathing in deep  for a long second before brushing over wiry curls and licking a long stripe up Peter's cock, swirling over the head before taking him completely into his mouth.
“Oh! Oh!!” Peter jerked up, his hands coming down onto Wade's head, scratching over his scalp and pushing him down.
“Oh no, I'm sorry!” he let go abruptly, scared he had hurt Wade. “Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry but please don't stop, that feels amazing, you feel amazing, Wade please--!”
“Touch me all you want. Not gonna hurt me, I got you, baby.” Wade assured him, pulling off just long enough to reach for the same lotion Peter had used on him. “Push me down if you want. Whatever you want, Pete.”
Peter's eyes glowed when Wade gave him permission, and he palmed over the bare head carefully, then urged him down until Wade's nose was bumping at the tip of his cock.
“Wade, please--”
Peter arched his back and yelled when Wade swallowed him down again, taking Peter into his throat until his nose brushed his flat stomach, until his tongue was licking the base of his cock.
With one hand he fumbled for the bowl of lotion and slicked two of his fingers through it before searching low between Peter's spread thighs for his entrance.
Peter bucked at the careful touch, a high pitched noise from his throat, but when Wade made to pull off of him, Peter cried, “No, no don't stop! Don't stop I like it--!”
A little more now, Wade's finger was very nearly breaching Peter, very nearly inside his heat, stroking and teasing at the sensitive rim, as he swallowed around the head of Peter's cock so he could try and fit more into his mouth, humming because the vibrations made Peter shiver, doing everything he could to send Peter right over his edge.
Peter came with shriek, his hips jerking helplessly, incoherent words as he poured in thick pulses down Wade's eager throat.
Oh oh oh yes god Wade your mouth , so good so good I can't- I can't-- ah fuck! Fuck!
“Oh honey.” Wade swallowed everything Peter gave him, moaning contentedly the entire time. “Pete--” he slid up Peter's body to take his lips in a hungry kiss.
“Baby boy.” Wade crooned, kissing him again and Peter shivered, wrapping his arms around Wade's neck to keep him close. “You're so beautiful, that was amazing. Love to hear you talk like that,to come apart like that.”
He touched as much of Peter as he could, running gentle fingers over his still heaving chest, down his ribs to the lean hips, tugging Peter's pants back up and then lying heavy between Peter's thighs.
“Baby boy.” He sighed into his ear. “You are gorgeous. Thank you.”
Peter curled even closer, whimpering as his body shook through his afterglow, dotting urgent kisses over Wade's jaw and cheeks.
“Say it again.” he whispered.
“Baby boy?” Wade asked and Peter hid his face in Wade's neck, nodding just once. “You like when I call you that?”
“Yeah.” Peter's voice was shaky, but his fingers tightened in Wade's shoulders. “Yes, say it again.”
“ Sweetheart. ” Wade crooned and Peter moved restlessly underneath him. “Beautiful.” Wade dropped his voice and Peter whined a little. “ Baby boy.” He whispered, and Peter went boneless beneath him, pulling him down on top of him and sighing happily.
“Baby boy.” Wade whispered again, rolling them in the bed so Peter was tucked against his chest. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”
Wade slid Peter carefully to his side, fluffing the pillows and fixing the blankets, and propped himself on his elbow to stare down at the sleeping boy.
In the early morning light, he could just barely make out the blooms on Peter's ribs, and he traced the forget me not, the lavender, the marigold that Peter had blushed and mentioned to him after their first kiss, and the blooms that definitely hadn't been there last night.
They were mallow flowers, white with streaks of deep pink, and there were two of them, a larger and smaller bloom, backed by dark green leaves.
Wade leaned down and pressed his lips to the flowers, flicking his tongue out over the soft skin.
“Wade.” Peter mumbled. “I am sleeping.”
Wade leaned up to kiss Peter's cheek, hand covering the new bloom possessively.“Good morning, sweetheart.”
“Morning.” Peter flushed pink at the endearment and turned over so Wade could kiss him properly. “Why are you tickling me?”
“I was just admiring your new flowers.”
“What?” Peter sat up abruptly, almost knocking their heads together. “I have another one?”
“Two, actually.” Wade rubbed over them reverently. “Two new ones just this morning.”
Peter bit his lip and buried his face in Wade's chest. “Oh. One for each of us last night?”
“Mmmm. That's what I thought too.” Wade sighed into his hair. “Thank you, for last night. For letting me talk. For letting me remember. And for everything else you shared with me.” His fingers tightened briefly. “You are my new favorite memory, Pete. I can't wait to make more with you.”
“Always, Wade.” Peter snuggled closer and tilted his head for another kiss. “Always want to make memories with you.”
“Want to try to make something else bloom?” Wade suggested, waggling non existent eyebrows and Peter started laughing.
“I'm sleeping!”
“You're not sleeping.” Wade's hand slipped between them to cup Peter's rather enthusiastic morning interest. “Or at least you aren't anymore, are you?”
“Will you say it again?” Peter whispered shyly. “What I like, will you say it again?”  
“Baby boy.” Wade murmured into his ear and Peter melted.
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