#but if rachel did I think she’d like lucas the most
robinsteves · 2 years
leah is SO joyce coded!!! i think shelby would like nancy the most tho
leah’s anxieties, and her refusal to back down from them, are so aligned with joyce byers that it almost personally hurts my feelings— don’t forget how almost everyone doubts them. if anything, it’s like people go along with their theories out of pity (until eventually proven wrong, of course). I forget who on here described it as a “category 5 woman moment” but I now headcanon that faber has that exact phrase, verbatim, written down about 20 times in leah’s file
I feel like shelby would be the biggest stranger things enjoyer out of all the girls. I can’t decide if she’d be someone who generally watches a lot of tv, I’m leaning towards no, but I could eaaaaasily see, like, becca being someone who did, and so she picked it up from her as a recommendation. obviously she would like nancy, she’d definitely think shes super fucking cool, but I’m not sure who her overall favorite would be? shes probably closest to will on an emotional basis but, like I concluded with leah, that doesn’t mean he would be her favorite. I think the only one of the girls who would inarguably prioritize what character(s) they connect with the most in media is nora. maybe martha too? the rest would try to ignore their emotions and focus on who they find funny or cute instead because #repression. or they just truly would not give a fuck and only watch something to be entertained, which is kinda how I view fatin… wow I wish I was normal like that. anyway, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if steve was shelby’s #1. I can hear her being like “hes so sweet now!!!!” lol. or el <3
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ilosttrackofthings · 5 years
For the shipping asks 5, 18, 25, and 26 :)
send me a ship ask
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
Friends to lovers definitely. It can be done well but 90% of the time it’s not handled well and it ruins the ship. Writers will either drag it out too long for the ~drama, giving us a million reasons why the ship doesn’t work along the way; or they’ll have one character pine for the other, whose feelings are invalid, I guess; or they ruin a perfectly good friendship with the idea that any depth of feeling must turn sexual and/or that men and women can’t be friends. 
But like I said it can be done well. For instance Phil/May neatly sidesteps all the trope’s problems by establishing that they did have mutual romantic feelings for each other from the start but that they chose not to act on them for their own reasons and that while Phil chose to remain in May’s life after she got married, he wasn’t showing up at her door with a boombox and a poster-board message. He set those feelings aside and moved on with his life like a respectful adult. So I can definitely enjoy it, it’s just that most writers choose to lean too heavily on the drama aspect and ultimately ruin the ship.
And special mention for death of the hypotenuse, when the inconvenient part of a love triangle is killed off. This, far more than the infuriating existence of the love triangle itself, is the worst. 
18. What is your favorite unpopular ship?
Well I think that’s pretty obvious. But a few of my less obvious faves are:
Spock/Christine from Star Trek - thanks a lot JJ. You had ONE JOB
Neal/Emma from OUAT - *cries in a corner*
Joey/Rachel from Friends - they were better than Ross/Rachel and we all know it
Dom/Elena from Fast and Furious - I’m not saying I’m mad Letty came back, but I still liked these two while they were a thing
25. What are your favorite ships from a dead fandom?
Emerald City - Dorothy/Lucas and Jack/Ev
The Middle - Sue/Sean
Smallville - Chloe/Davis
Lost - Shannon/Sayid
26. What are your favorite shipping scenes?
that scene where Fleur thinks at first the Weasleys are saying Bill is gonna dump her because werewolf-ness or whatever and she outright rejects the very idea she’d let him do that and then when she realizes what they really mean she gets doubly angry
“I’ve made my choice, what’s yours?” “Barbossa!”
that scene in Burn Notice where Fiona calls Michael while she’s breaking into a house and later he shows up there and it’s on fire and he freaks out and spends hours running around town in the rain trying to find her in hopes she made it out alive, only to come back to his apartment and find her there eating his yogurt
this klaroline scene
Amy’s speech to Melody/”where is my wife?!”
“I could save the world but lose you”
that moment when Shang puts aside the rule of law he has literally dedicated his life to defending in order to spare Mulan’s life
when the White Ranger is totally wailing on all the other rangers and hurts Kira so bad she detransforms and when he goes to deliver the final blow he sees her face and recognizes her as the girl he loves maybe has the feelings for and it completely breaks him
I could go on but I think that’s plenty
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Butts! Thoughts?
Lucas: Handy for sitting?
Hannah: And for shi-
Everyone (Especially Jade/Melody): NO!
Hannah: Y’all were thinking it.
Tamsin: No, we weren’t.
Rae: And even if we were-
Melody: We wouldn’t say it.
Gwyn: Is this whole response going to be one big poop joke now?
Hannah: *laughs* You said ‘big-’
Jade: No!
Aubrey: Agreed. I think we can all aspire to a higher class of conversation.
Jonathan: On a question about butts?
Angela: I guess that depends on how high-brow you think spankings are. Butts are very good for spanking.
Tamsin: And admiring.
Everyone: *looks at Tamsin*
Tamsin: What? A girl’s not allowed to enjoy a nice looking posterior? Just because I look all sweet an innocent doesn’t mean I am.
Aurora: I don’t think you look innocent.
Tamsin: Thank y- Hey!
Angela: I’m with Tamsin. After all, we do live with America’s Ass.
Lucas: Counterpoint, mine only look like America’s Ass. Our backsides come from completely different universes.
Rachel: *clears throat* Yes, well... I’m not sure I agree with Angela on her first point, but I have, on occasion, found myself enjoying a callipygian curve or two.
Dani: She knows we know what she keeps in the closet, right?
Santana: And under the bed?
Quinn: And beg-
Rachel: Moving on. 
Lennox: Never had much of a problem with impact play. So long as I’m the one doing the impacting, anyway.
Melody: Surprising no-one.
Maze: You humans are weirdly obsessed with Butts. You’re all afraid of what Demons are going to do to you, but hell is what you make it, and you should see some of the butt stuff we have to do to y-
Hannah: *giggling* She said butt stuff.
Rebecca: I think we can move on, don’t you?
Hannah: Aww, I could stand to hear more.
Melody: Surprising no-one. And that’s why I think now would be the perfect time for you to take a time out.
Hannah: Butt!
Melody: No Buts! Or Butts; don’t think I didn’t see what you did there. Rae, would you?
Rae: Sure... but why did I become Hannah’s babysitter?
Lennox: Because she’d talk the gleeks into an orgy-
Rachel/Quinn/Dani/Santana: Hey!
Lennox: -And Melody needs me to play enforcer to keep her in line and we can’t stand each other-
Melody: That’s not true. I can stand you just fine, it’s you that-
Lennox: Don’t care. Mal isn’t here, and even if she was, she’s more likely to turn Hannah into a rock as keep an eye on her, and while I’m sure most of us would be okay with that, I don’t think any of us want to set the precedent that turning our roommates into inanimate objects is okay.
Tamsin: She already turned me into a dog.
Rae: And such a cute one. Are you sure you don’t want to make that a more permanent thing?
Tamsin: Yes.
Rae: *pouts*
Lennox: Selina is useless unless she’s stealing-
Selina: I wouldn’t say useless, but if it keeps me from having to keep the horny one in check, I’ll withhold my objections.
Lennox: Hannah’s got the hots for Raven, so that wouldn’t work-
Jonathan: Doesn’t she have the hots for all of us?
Hannah: I do. I really do:
Raven: I’m fine being counted out. 
Lennox: Maze is a demon-
Maze: Says the assassin-for-hire.
Lennox: You want to take over for Rae?
Maze: No. But just because I’m a demon doesn’t mean I can’t play nice when I want to.
Lennox: Of course not. You’re just way kinkier than the rest of us with way fewer hang-ups about no-strings attached sex. Do I need to spell out why putting you two together is a bad idea?
Maze: *nods* No, I’ll give you that.
Lennox: Jade-
Jade: NO!
Lennox: Angela’s second only to Aurora in being submissive, and even then it’s a close race, can’t really see them cracking the whip when it comes to keeping Hans in line.
Angela/Aurora: *blush*
Lennox: Aubrey is too likely to crack the whip, and that’s almost as bad.
Aubrey: *nods*
Lennox: And the rest are mix of softies, subs, switches, and starry-eyed romantics that Hannah would have wrapped around her little finger--and other body parts--inside of an hour.
Tamsin/Lucas/Rebecca: Hey
Jonathan: That’s fair
Gwyn: *under her breath* been there, done that.
Lennox: Plus, *looks at Rae* You can turn into a giant wolf.
Rae: ... Werewolf, but points taken. * leads Hannah out of the room* C’mon, Hans, let’s go take a nice cold dip in the pool. 
Hannah: Yay!
Rae: With our bathing suits on.
Hannah: Boo
Jonathan: Was I the only one who didn’t know that we had a pool?
0 notes
leigh-kelly · 7 years
79. Stop hogging the blankets
A continuation of this.
After their first time together, Brittany thinks she falls even harder for Santana. There’s just something about the tentative and unsure way she made love to her that really got to her heart, and she feels so strange about the feelings she has for Santana. She’s dated lots of people, sure, but she’s never been in love before, and she has a sneaking suspicion that love is just the direction she’s headed in. It’s too soon to say it, she’s not sure of it yet, but it’s getting there, and the thought both thrills her and terrifies her.
Because Santana is a really considerate person, even though they’re now technically sleeping together, their actual sleeping habits don’t change much. Santana feels really weird about sleeping in Brittany’s room with Mike and Tina constantly there—or even hanging out there much, Brittany thinks—and she doesn’t want to be the Mike and Tina to Rachel. So they’ll still hang out every night, and Brittany will still go back to her bed to sleep, except on the occasion where Rachel actually spends the night somewhere else. 
One of those nights, after they’ve finished rolling around in the sheets, Santana is outlining a paper for her twentieth-century American literature class. Brittany is never sure how she manages to do that, since after sex she mostly wants to cuddle and go to sleep, but Santana is serious about getting her work done. So Brittany lays on her side in Santana’s bed, watching her girlfriend sit at her desk in panties and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. It’s probably one of the sexiest sights Brittany has ever seen, and she can’t understand why. Maybe it’s because Santana has grown confident enough to not fully dress immediately after sex, or maybe because girls in unbuttoned flannel shirts are just fucking sexy as hell, she has no idea. But she can’t take her eyes off of her.
“You’re really freaking me out with the staring, Britt.” Santana doesn’t take her eyes from the computer screen, switching between messaging Marley and working on her outline.
“Can’t I just appreciate natural beauty? It’s like, an aesthetic study. They should probably teach an art class on this next semester.”
“It’s NYU, they probably already have an art class that’s just looking at girls in their underwear.”
“No, I mean you specifically. You should apply to like, be a model or something.”
“Please.” Santana blows her breath out between her lips. “I’m all sweaty and gross, and you’re saying this stuff.”
“You forget that you’re sweaty and gross because you finally let me go down on you, and that was like, really hot.”
“It was.” Brittany watches Santana flush to the tips of her ears, and frantically begin hitting the keys on her keyboard.
“Are you telling Marley about it?”
“What? No! I’m talking to Marley about this dumb girl she has a crush on. I don’t tell her about our sex, that would be weird. I mean, she knows we have sex, but I don’t go into the actual specifics of it. Do you?”
“Talk to Marley about our sex life, no.” Brittany teases a little, and Santana huffs.
“You know what I mean.”
“I do. And no, I actually don’t. I always did before, if I’m being totally honest with you. But not with you, it feels special or something.”
“Or I’m just bad at it, and you’ve got nothing to share.”
“Would you quit thinking you’re bad at it? I happen to be very satisfied by you. Twice tonight, actually. I don’t talk about it because I’m not just with you for the sex. I enjoy you and respect you as a human being. That’s probably a first for me. I don’t feel like I’m settling for something that doesn’t feel right.”
“Really?” Santana quirks an eyebrow, finally looking away from the screen and at Brittany.
“Duh. This feels totally right for me.”
“Me too.”
Santana goes back to her work, and Brittany plays Candy Crush on her phone. She’s sort of bored, wanting to do something with Santana, but she gets it. She has way more work to do than Brittany ever does, plus, she spent half of the night before they ended up in bed helping Brittany with their take home paper for world religions. Still though, she’s anxious for her to be done with this damn outline, she’s anxious for her to come back to bed, and she tries not to sigh out loud about it while she waits. 
“Sorry, I’m almost done.” Santana taps on the keys. “I don’t want to have to outline it and write it all tomorrow. I want to at least have some time to hang out with you.”
“It’s fine, don’t rush. I’m just messing around on my phone.”
“I kind of want to rush. We have Beauty and the Beast to watch.”
“It’s only 8:30. Maybe you’ll make it up past ten tonight.”
“Hey, I used all of my staying up late time in high school. You have no idea how often I’d stay up until three in the morning on the Internet, and then manage to make it through class the next day.”
“And yet somehow, you still managed to pull a 4.0.” Brittany laughs, sliding over on the bed when Santana shuts her computer. “Under the covers?”
“Please. This room has two temperatures, North Pole and dragon’s asshole. Right now, it’s freezing.”
“You could put your thermal pants on.” Brittany teases, really loving the way Santana looked in them the time she’d undressed her, and found that she had them on under her jeans.
“You and those long-johns. I never should have let you see them.”
“Why? I’m super into them.”
“Because sometimes I don’t know if you really mean things, or if you’re just teasing me about how lame I am.” Santana sighs, climbing up on the bed and pulling the blanket over her legs. “Stop hogging the blankets.”
“I think it’s really cool that you do your own thing. There are like, a zillion copies of whatever everybody thinks is cool in the world, but there’s only one you.”
“You always know the right thing to say.” Santana leans her head on Brittany’s shoulder. “I guess I just find the whole thing hard to believe still, since I’m insecure about it. It’s not that I don’t have faith in you, because I do, I just never really thought I’d experience something like this with someone like you. Can I tell you something and you not make fun of me?”
“Unless you’re going to tell me that Batman is better than Wonder Woman, I won’t make fun of you.”
“Please. You know I love Batman, but no one tops Diana Prince in my heart, ever.”
“Good.” Brittany laughs. “Now that we’ve got that settled...”
“I spent most of high school with the biggest crush on the head cheerleader. I mean, I let her copy my homework and everything. It didn’t matter that she was dating the captain of the football team, I was totally convinced that we were going to live out the lesbian version of a Taylor Swift video, and she’d like...take off my glasses and kiss me or something. It was pathetic.”
“Yeah, why would she take off your glasses and kiss you when you’re perfectly kissable with your glasses on anyway?” Brittany jokes lightly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind Santana’s ear.
“I think...I was afraid to have something real, so I created this whole fantasy in my head about her. You can ask Marley the next time we Skype her, I seriously even wrote a nerd-slash-head cheerleader high school AU Rizzles fan fiction which was basically an insert for the two of us. It’s so embarrassing looking back on it.”
“Why? We all have unattainable high school crushes. I had the biggest crush on the janitor in my school. Let me tell you, he was so hot, and I spread a rumor about myself that I kissed him.”
“The janitor?”
“I know, I got brought into the office, and I had to admit that it was a lie. A stupid one too. I probably should have gone on and wrote like...Lucas and Peyton fan fiction so I didn’t end up with detention for two weeks, and a ban on going anywhere near Mr. Kidney. High school’s weird.”
“College is better.” Santana agrees. “I wonder what I’d be doing if I didn’t meet you though.”
“Still kicking ass, probably dating some other awesome girl. Not as awesome as me, but, you know, competition is steep, I can’t give up my title so easily.”
“Well I’m really glad it’s you.”
“I’m glad it’s me too.”
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crossedxlovers · 7 years
❤ ♫
Brace yourself. This is going to be a long ride.
❤  five times my muse says they don’t love yours, and the one time they admit it.
As Lucas nudged her to move forward, Ray could only bite her lip and push him back a little, not ready to go up to the edge of the field. He’d been bugging her for weeks to go talk to Santana, to admit that she ‘loved’ the Latina in a way beyond their platonic friendship. And as she looked over to the woman on the field, how she was shouting orders and had that stupid, cocky smirk on her face, the only words that came from her lips were denial. “I do not love Santana Lopez.” She walked over to the bench, snagging one of the soccer balls off of it and moving toward the practice field off to the side. “Come be my goalie Luke. So I can land half of these in your gut.”
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Prom. She never thought that a private academy would have prom. But here she was, buying a suit to match her non-existent date’s dress. Her sisters kept asking her who she was going to ask to go with her, but she didn’t see the problem in going stag, Rachel even suggesting asking ‘that girl she liked’ and immediately the younger girl’s walls shot up. “I don’t like her. Don’t be stupid Rachel.” She never told them who the mysterious girl was, or how it was her best friend and she couldn’t acknowledge how she felt about her. I don’t like Santana like that. There’s no weird unrequited love. I’m not about that life. But somehow the words didn’t seem to be as convincing as she wanted them to be. They never were.
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Football wasn’t exactly Ray’s favorite sport in the world, not by a long shot. Soccer and rugby came before it, but here she was at the homecoming football game with Santana’s jacket on like they were some couple or whatever. They weren’t, even if people thought they were and kept asking her if she’d finally replaced Quinn. She’d snap at each person, “I’m not dating Santana. I don’t like her like that.” Even if it was obvious to everyone how she looked at the Latina. There was a connection there and she knew that there was deep down, she just refused to acknowledge that maybe she did like Santana like that. Maybe it was more than just a crush she had when she first saw the girl. Maybe now it was scary. No. It couldn’t be. I don’t like Santana like that. She’s my bro, my buddy.
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Ray didn’t know what the hell she was even doing walking up to Santana’s home, knowing that she probably wasn’t even home. But the small brunette hadn’t seen Santana in nearly a week, which was unusual for the duo. They saw each other nearly every day, or at least spoke. But they hadn’t even had that yet. Knocking on the door, she half expected there to be no answer, but what she got was actually worse than that, even if she didn’t really know how or why it was worse. But as a pink haired Quinn Fabray answered the door, she felt like she was now two foot three and not five three. “Berry. What do you want?” The former blonde snapped, eyes glaring daggers into her small form. “I just wanted to see if Santana was home or not, I hadn’t seen her in a few days and I thought we could shoot some hoops. You’re not her keeper Quinn.” That’s when it hit her, Quinn was there. Why was Quinn at Santana’s? She never was there unless Santana had the kids and that had only been to drop them off typically. Then as her friend’s voice rang from the house ‘Babe, come back the movie’s on,” something came over Ray and she bolted, not wanting to think about her heart shattering for no apparent reason, or the way her stomach twisted in knots. She didn’t want to admit that maybe she had a reason to feel this way. She didn’t have a reason, she couldn’t. But there it was, that feeling of jealousy rising in her throat. I don’t love Santana, I do not.
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Berry. Get your head in the game. She’s out there, she’s watching. Just play. You need to keep the team in the lead. Stop making it a big deal that Santana took time out of her busy life and her girlfriend’s demands for attention to come to your stupid soccer game. She’s just your friend and there’s nothing that you should be excited over. She’s come to plenty of your games, granted not while she’s dating Quinn but still. She cares. She’s your best friend. Ray’s inner monologue was going nuts as the brunette kept getting distracted during her match, almost costing them a point or two. All to search for the Latina that had been rather distant for the past two weeks. Sure it wasn’t too terrible because they still were in the same Chemistry class, picking each other as lab partners. But it still kind of stung that her friend ignored her, even if the feeling in her gut wasn’t just that it stung. It rang more of a jealous tone to it. but that didn’t matter, she couldn’t think about that. She had a game to focus on.
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Ray took in a sharp breath, walking up to Santana in the middle of the dance floor they’d turned the roof into, “Would you like to dance?” She asked quietly, hands trembling slightly as she tried to push her nerves back. She was asking Santana Lopez to dance, it wasn’t like it was someone like super intimidating or that she could possibly impress. Santana had seen her at her very worse. But she’d also seen her at her very best. And the fact that she stuck around might be the very reason Ray was so nervous. Or the fact Quinn Fabray was glaring daggers at her as she held her hand out to her best friend. “It’s just a dance Quinn, I promise. One dance and she’s back to you.” That was when Quinn snapped, accusing her of trying to win Santana over, that she was in love with her or something of the sort, to which the small brunette felt all her walls shoot up at. “I-I don’t love Santana. She’s my best friend Quinn. Grow up and get over it.” But something in her voice showed she didn’t really even believe her own words, so how could everyone else. Did she love Santana? She couldn’t.
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Things hadn’t been adding up this entire time she’d been sitting across from Santana and Quinn, the girl she’d brought on this ‘double date’ having dipped about twenty minutes prior. She wasn’t comfortable bringing someone else and she didn’t know why. It wasn’t that she was ashamed of her sexuality or anything. It wasn’t even that it was a situation with Quinn. It was how overly affectionate the punk girl was with Santana, how over the top everything was and how it made her stomach twist in knots. Each kiss they shared, Ray ducked her head, wanting to melt into the booth. And each time she’d try to excuse herself so they could enjoy their date, Santana had asked her to stay, seeming to be sincere. So she did, she didn’t know why, Santana was just a friend and she should be able to tell her friends no, but something about how Santana looked at her made her want to stay. And as she stared off into space she began to day dream about Santana and her, romantically. That was off the wall sort of thinking however and she snapped back to attention, turning bright red and once again saying she could excuse herself, only to be met with Quinn asking if she was uncomfortable with their relationship. Her main accusation once again being that she was in love with Santana. And before she could stop herself, Ray snapped, “Maybe I am. What’s it to you Fabray.” Slamming her hand over her mouth, she darted out of the building without looking back, wallet and jacket still on the seat beside her.
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♫  five times my muse swears it’s not a date, and the one time it maybe is.
They were walking through the park in the middle of the afternoon, sun beating down and birds chirping. Ray had that silly picnic basket and they were heading towards the small duck pond. It was just her and Santana and it felt weird because she was used to at least someone else tagging along and making things seem less intimate. But something about today felt different. Ray had brought her art supplies, some of them at least, and packed them a decent lunch. It was sort of an apology for missing Santana’s game she’d promised to be at, and the Latina seemed okay with that. But it wasn’t a date, she made that clear to Quinn when she was approached, they were just friends. The Fabray didn’t like Ray, and she never had approved of their friendship really, but Santana evidently didn’t care. But as the afternoon wore on, and they slowly slipped closer, Ray found her mind trying to convince her heart it wasn’t a date, even as she cuddled into Santana. Even as Santana took her hand as they walked back.
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Movies were something friends went to together, and were never specifically a date like activity. But going to a horror movie together? When one of you always grew scared during them? That was a more date like scenario. Right? No, it couldn’t be a date, at least not tonight. Sure Ray didn’t always get scared during horror movies, but this one was scary, and she couldn’t help but curl into Santana. The Latina’s arm was around her, it was a natural feeling to cuddle into someone when that happened. This was totally a platonic situation, they were kind of in the middle of the theatre, watching Lights Out, so it shouldn’t be absolutely without a doubt a date. They were just best friends. Maybe closer than most best friends really were, but there was nothing between them. Santana had Quinn, and Ray had… well she had her art. But even as Santana left a kiss to her cheek, Ray had to remind herself that this wasn’t a date, it couldn’t have been a date. They were friends. Nothing more.
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It was just a late night homework session, but the atmosphere was something completely different from what she was used to. She was surrounded by candles and Santana had made her homemade food, but that’s everything that she usually did. They’d meet up at Santana’s place and watch TV or do homework and Santana would always insist to cook for her, even though they both made plenty of money to order take out now and again. It was kind of romantic if she thought about it, but she didn’t think about it she refused to let herself think about her best friend in anything other than a platonic light. That would just lead to her fucking up her friendship with the Latina. But there was something about tonight, and the way that Santana looked that suggested maybe that wouldn’t mess stuff up.
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Prom. They’d gone as friends, nothing more. That’s what they’d both insisted but as she stared into Santana’s eyes during the last slow dance of the night, Ray couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach. There was such a connection between them, she couldn’t deny that she was feeling something for Santana beyond friendship. Being the proud woman she was however, she refused to admit it out loud when she was alone, so saying it directly to the Latina was beyond the scope of things. She was going to swallow her feelings instead of her pride and insist that they were just friends, even as the distance between them continued to shrink, and the smile on her lips was one only the latina could give her.
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Ray wasn’t stupid,, she knew that she was in love with Santana Lopez. She also knew that there was no way Santana would ever love her back, after dealing with the mess that the Berry girl was for the past two years. However, one night when she showed up for a jam session, the usual crowd wasn’t there, Santana was dressed up nice, and had announced that they were going to dinner first. Looking down at her clothes, Ray felt mildly underdressed compared to Santana, but the Latina had evidently prepared for that, as she thrusted an outfit toward her to change into. This wasn’t like the woman, but Ray didn’t argue, changing and letting herself be taken to dinner. She’d expected they’d split the bill like normal, but as they pulled up to a higher end restaurant, her eyebrows raised. Was this what she thought it was? Throughout the dinner Santana took her hand, or made eye contact that left Ray a flurry of butterflies. And when Santana paid for the meal? Ray couldn’t help but read even further into it, letting her mind think maybe it was a date. But the deciding factor came as Santana dropped her back off at home at the end of the night, and the light kiss to her lips confirmed that it was, indeed, a date.
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ran-satori · 7 years
RE: Stranger Things Characters Getting the X-Men Treatment
I’ve really enjoyed graphic artist's @bosslogic's giving the Stranger Things characters an X-Men makeover. And I bet we fans can’t also help but give our own input on the matter. So here’s my take of/reactions to it:
Eleven/Jane Ives as Jean Grey/Phoenix - I guess this was a no-contest to begin with. Part of me was also wondering if the Phoenix part meant more of Jean Grey’s daughter Rachel Grey/Summers who also went by that name for a time. Well, Jane’s bitchin’ look towards the end of the second season does resemble Rachel’s back when she still sort of had an unlimited access to the Phoenix Force’s powers. She currently goes by the code name of Prestige in the comics these days. Either way, I bet when we first saw Eleven’s abilities, most of us were reminded of this iconic X-Men’s character sans the nosebleeds.
Mike Wheeler as Scott Summers/Cyclops - This was a no-brainer too IMO. Scott Summers and Jean Grey were an item in the X-Men comics to begin with although it wasn’t immune to bouts of infidelity and separation anxieties. Heck, the X-Men characters did grow up with the times - for better and worse for us avid fans. And I sooo like what the artist did with Mike’s hair. On a different note, IRL Finn Wolfhard has curly hair whereas Millie Bobby Brown’s hair is straight. So it’s kind of amusing that these two actors had to sport hairstyles that mirrored the other.
Dustin Henderson as Hank McCoy/Beast - I honestly had to chuckle at this since it was most likely based on a first impressions perspective. I hope it wasn’t because Dustin does look the part. Dustin IS smart and tends to be the more diplomatic one in the party which reflects how Beast is in the X-Men. And both characters do share an immense scientific curiosity - which does get the better of them at some point, e.g. Beast experimenting on his appearance and turning blue and furry and Dustin adopting and treating “Dart” like a pet.
Lucas Sinclair as (Lucas) Bishop - I guess this one did get me thinking that there’s only a handful of X-Men that are POC. Thunderbird, Forge and Bishop being one of the more notable ones. At least it was obvious from the get-go that Lucas would end up being drawn as another Lucas. My speculation, while waiting for the rest of the characters to be re-imagined (only 3 of the re-imagined characters began surfacing at the start) , was that he’d be David Alleyne/Prodigy.
Will Byers as Bobby Drake/Iceman - Well, the Mind Flayer did say that he likes it cold... so I’m guessing that that’s just beside the fact that the two of them are LGBT characters - Will is being hinted at as being LGBT and the younger, time-displaced Iceman arrived at the realization that he’s gay through team mate Jean Grey’s help. Here’s hoping that Season 3 should at least address Will’s sexuality one way or the other.
Max Mayfield as Emma Frost/White Queen - I was really surprised that the artist went with Emma Frost instead of a spunky rendition of Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat. Max and Kitty are quite smart for their age. I was quite impressed with her portrayal in Season 2 and I’d like to see more of her  
Steve Harrington as Remy LeBeau/Gambit - I’m not really surprised that Steve got re-imagined as Gambit. It’s a perfect fit.
Jonathan Byers as Sam Guthrie/Cannonball - This was more of a lead-in to the upcoming “The New Mutants” film but it does baffle me a bit because Charlie Heaton plays such a meek character on “Stranger Things” but he’ll be playing a literally loud character like Cannonball. So psyched for April 13 next year.
Nancy Wheeler as Anna Marie/Rogue - Honestly, I think Natalia Dyers’ dyeing her hair blonde was part of the inspiration to her being re-imagined as Rogue. I even speculated that she’d be Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat since she’s quite smart - something that she also shares with Max.
Jim Hopper as Victor Creed/Sabretooth - I had to LOL at this when I first saw it. I thought @bosslogic would portray him as Cable but David Harbour is a dead ringer for Tyler Mane (the actor who portrayed Sabretooth in the first X-Men film).
I’m guessing that there’s still more to come. I haven’t seen Joyce Byers’ yet. If she does get re-imagined I’m thinking she’d either be Lorna Dane/Polaris or even Neena Thurman/Domino. Heck, she can be even be Mystique or Sage.
The overall look of Kali/008 is reminiscent of a pre-Siege Perilous Psylocke. The purple streaks and her psionically-induced illusions were somewhat of a giveaway for me.
Billy Hargrove reminds me of Arkady Rossovich/Omega Red. But if he’s ever up for some redemption he could be Sean Cassidy/Banshee.
Martin Brenner could easily be Max Eisenhardt/Magneto or my personal fave Nathaniel Essex/Mr. Sinister.
I’m looking forward to other characters getting re-imagined. 
This was so much fun.
As always Bob Newby, Benny Hammond and Barb Holland are all in a league of their own.
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woefulwendy-blog · 7 years
It Wouldn’t Be The Same | Parker and Wendy
Tagging: Parker Smythe and Wendy Anderson.
Timeframe: Monday night.
Location: Wendy’s dorm.
General Notes: Wendy has a break down and Parker helps her through it.
Warnings: TW for panic attacks, blood, and mentions of death.
Wendy was the real life Wednesday Addams, usually. There were rare occasions where emotions came through. Moments like when she was with Danny, but even then, she was still Wednesday, she was just Wednesday once she met Lucas Beineke. There were other moments though, moments like when she lost her family, when she had to move to America, when she had to start life over again at 13 years old. Moments like when she found out what their uncle had done to Blaine. She was pretty sure at this point of her life, she didn’t have to worry about any of those character-breaking moments. Then Carter showed up at Blaine’s party. To say that Wendy was actually having a panic attack, it was an understatement, it was like every emotion she’d refused to let herself have for nearly five years came flooding in all at once and she was in no way capable of handling it. She was panicking, but she was in denial about it. She didn’t do that. She was Wednesday Addams. All she needed was to make a cup of tea and she’d be alright. But her hands were shaking, and she knocked the mug over, and that was the straw that broke the camels back. Picking the mug up she threw it across the room, watching it shatter as it hit the wall. Then she threw another... and another... 
Parker was surprised by Rachel’s text. Wendy always seemed so put together, but he supposed after the whole thing that happened at Blaine’s party last night, even the most together person could be struggling. He figured she was probably just worried about Blaine. It never really sounded from the way she talked like she was all that close to Cooper, so he doubted any of this was messing with her. She was probably just having an over protective sister moment, which was understandable with how upset Blaine seemed to have gotten at the entire situation last night. He was happy to be there for Wendy though, just think of all the times she’d been there for him. When he opened her door however, he was shocked to see her throwing mugs across the room. There was broken glass all over the place and the noise was starling. Without any hesitation, he ripped the sling off in a flash and threw it down to the floor, rushing over to her. “Hey, hey!” he said as he wrapped his arms around her so she couldn’t continue with what she was doing. “Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself!”
Wendy struggled against Parker, forgetting in that moment about his injuries. She grabbed another mug and hit it against the desk, knowing she wouldn’t really be able to throw with Parker holding onto her but she had to do something. When it finally hit her, that she’d just ruined a ton of perfectly good mugs (some of which were her favorites), that Parker was literally holding her in an attempt to get her to stop, that Blaine thought Carter was Cooper, that Cooper knew her secret, that Blaine might say something about Wendy’s secret to Carter thinking he was Cooper, and then Carter would know. Even if he was trustworthy, even if he didn’t repeat it to anyone, Wendy wasn’t sure she could take this anymore. Everyone knowing, the more people who knew, the more real it became and that was the exact opposite of what she wanted. Unable to do anything else, she broke down crying. She didn’t notice the broken mug pieces everywhere, she didn’t notice the blood on her hands from those broken mug pieces. In this moment she just wanted to disappear.
Parker held onto Wendy as she broke down, not wanting her to collapse or something. “It’s okay...” he said as he held her up, not really sure if it actually was okay or not, he wasn’t even a hundred percent sure what had brought this on, but it just seemed like the only thing he could say in this moment. What else could he really do except hold her and be there for her and maybe help clean up all the broken mugs when she was feeling a little better. This didn’t seem like the kind of upset a person got when something happened, this seemed like every big of emotion that Wendy had bottled up all exploding out at once. He could understand that, Parker tended to keep his feelings to himself until they blew up too.
Wendy would’ve been really embarrassed having gotten like this in front of Parker if she weren’t so upset. “Blaine thinks Carter is Cooper... he told him-- Cooper knows things that Carter doesn’t and if Blaine tells him thinking he’s Cooper--” her voice cracked and she felt as though she were going to be sick. “He can’t tell him, what am I meant to do? I can’t tell Blaine he told a stranger... it’ll kill him, but Blaine can’t tell Carter, it’ll kill me!” she wasn’t even sure if she was making sense, or if Parker could even understand what she was saying through all the sobbing, but she couldn’t stop. 
Parker had no idea what Wendy was talking about. Even if he did, he was pretty sure he still wouldn’t because he could barely understand her, and this was one of those moments where her accent certainly didn’t help. His arm was starting to hurt, so he carefully moved so that they were sitting on the floor, hugging her and letting her get out whatever it was that she needed to get out. He couldn’t really contribute since he didn’t understand, but he had a feeling Danny would. “It’s okay... does Danny know?”
Wendy felt like she couldn’t breathe. Danny knew. But that was her choice. Kane knew. That was out of her control. If Carter found out... she wouldn’t even get to be a part of it. She’d have zero control over the entire situation, even more so than when Kane found out. What was she suppose to do? At least Parker was there, and while he really didn’t know what to do in this situation (how could he, really?) he was trying to help and that did mean something. Attempting to catch her breath, she nodded at his question.
Parker exhaled at Wendy’s nod. “Okay.” he said, using one hand to play with her hair in an attempt to calm her down, it worked for him after all, and using the other to text Danny. “Danny’s on his way over.” he said, he was sure Danny would be a lot more useful in this situation than he would. “He said to remind you that you’re not alone... and you’re not. You’ve got Danny, and you’ve got me, always no matter what, okay?”
Wendy really was doing her very best to compose herself. The problem was in this situation, her best was no where near good enough. Hearing what Parker said she felt more tears run down her face. It was so difficult, having to choose between herself and Blaine. Blaine always came first, of course, but this was the first time that doing so could result in ruining her life at Ashwood forever, ruining the way everyone around here looked at her, and spoke to her, and interacted with her. If people talked to her like she was made of glass, if everyone asked her what it was like to be adopted, if things went back to the way they were when she was a child and people knew, she doubted she’d be able to take it. But in this moment, her fate was completely out of her hands, and all she could do was hold onto the fact that at least she wasn’t alone.
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