#if you disagree with any of these then well um you’re probably right but I don’t care
vodika-vibes · 5 months
could I have Fives with garnet at night? maybe meets the reader at 79s and saves them from a creepy dude?? if that doesn't vibe with you, make it whatever you want xx
You're Worth It
Summary: You should have known better than to come to the club with your friends, they always ditch you after all. Luckily, a handsome clone comes to your rescue.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x Reader
Word Count: 637
Prompt: Garnet - Protective Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! I hope this is close to what you wanted~
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You need some new friends. The friends that you’ve been running around with since you were all in diapers are not the best friends you could have asked for. By any definition of the word. 
Seeing as they ditched you as soon as they realized that they might hit it off with some of the people here.
Leaving you, all by your lonesome, to get cornered by a man who smells like a walking brewery. 
He’s so drunk, in fact, that you’re not entirely sure what he wants. His words are all slurred together into a jumbled mess of words. Though you’re pretty sure he’s hitting on you.
That, or he’s trying to sell you speeder insurance.
You hold your hands up, trying to keep him from leaning into your personal space, and it’s…not working.
You’d sell your right arm for one of your friends to notice that you’re in need of a rescue. But you can’t even see any of them.
“Ah, there you are!” A strong arm slings around your shoulders and you’re tugged into a broad chest, “Honestly, babe, you can’t just wander off like that.”
You blink, bewildered, at the man standing slightly in front of you. A clone, with a five tattooed on his forehead. He’s handsome, but then, all of the clones are, and has a rakish grin on his face.
“Sorry,” You say automatically, and his grin softens before he tosses a wink in your direction, “I got turned around.” You add.
“Totally understandable, there’s a bunch of people here.” He squeezes you a little tighter, “Excuse us, we need to get back to our table.”
The drunk man slurs something, and apparently your savior speaks drunk, because he doesn’t look the least bit confused.
“You’re very drunk, you should probably go for a walk. Get some fresh air.”
The drunk man rears his fist back as though he’s about to punch the man standing slightly in front of you. And you hazard a glance at the clone, he looks bored, and you feel a little silly for being so worried about him.
The man protecting you, moves slightly and nudges you to the side as the drunk man finally throws his punch, and ends up toppling to the floor. “Um…”
“Come on, leave him be. Someone will come and take care of him.” He ushers you away from the toppled man, and then grins at you, “Fives.”
“Beg pardon?”
“My name. It’s Fives.”
“Oh!” You hurriedly introduce yourself, and his smile widens. He really is very handsome. And apparently you’re a little more out of sorts than you thought because those very words fall from your lips.
Fives’ grin widens, “Thank you. I happen to think you’re stunning too.”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t use the word stunning.”
“But you meant it though, I can tell.” Fives winks at you, and tugs you onto the dance floor, “Now, because I saved you from that awful drunk man, you should dance with me.”
“Is that right? Is this your payment?”
“Sure. But I’d do it anyway.”
You frown at him thoughtfully, even as you slide your arms around him, allow him to tug you closer, “You could have been hurt. What if he had a weapon?”
“Well, better I got hurt than you.” Fives replies with a small grin.
“No one is worth that!”
“I disagree. You clearly are.”
You’re struck silent by his sincerity, and his grin softens, “Now, let’s dance. And then, maybe, if you’re interested, we can go and get some caf?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah. I am.”
“Oh.” You blink at him, “...there’s a cafe not far from here that sells the tea that I prefer-” You offer hesitantly.
“Sounds like a plan to me. But first we have to dance.”
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 04
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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My parts are coming up! Thank you TLWard for letting me work with you!
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Location:  HAMA House - Lesson Room
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Ryui: (I don’t give a shit if that damn bear is getting targeted. I don’t, but…) 
(Whatever Toi wants is what I want. I’ll grant any of his wishes, even if I have to go through hell and back for it…!)
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Sakujiro: Ryui-san, you’re not bowing low enough! The most respectful bow is at a precise 45 degree angle, you must bend until you can see your feet clearly! 
Ryui: Ugh… 
Sakujiro: Keep going! 56, 57… 
Netaro: I can’t do this anymooore~
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Toi: Me neither~
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Nagi:  My lower back is already waving a white flag because Ryui won’t recite the commandments…. 
Ryui: Aaaaaahhh!! Fuck!! 
Sakujiro: Oh dear… I suppose I can offer you a short respite from your little “bowing” punishment. 
Nagi: Oof… 
Chief: I see now… So that’s why Sakujiro-san is giving you special training on servitude? 
Toi: I have a feeling this is gonna lead up to a dramatic and heartfelt scenario!
Netaro: Perhaps the Suspension Bridge effect will give birth to many many new couples! 
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Netaro and Toi: Ooh~~~~! 
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Nagi: Chief, this might get dangerous, so it’s best if you don’t get involved. This kinda work that involves the 3Es is better suited for someone like me… 
Yodaka: I believe they were, “𝓔mbrace without” looking out of place, “𝓔xposure to danger is OK”, and “𝓔asily counted on.”
Chief: Oh… To be honest, I’m extremely worried about you guys, but unfortunately, Kafka called me in earlier… I’ll need to leave for an overseas business trip tomorrow. 
Ryui: (He probably figured this was gonna be a dangerous job… I’d do the same if I could.)
Yodaka: Not only do we have the police, we even have Danny, the brawn of HAMA Tours, on our side. I’m sure it will be fine.
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Daniel: You can bet I’m gonna apply for that worker’s insurance and paid leave after this.
Ryui: —There’s something I just don’t get.
Ryui: We were only asked to escort her, I don’t see why we gotta dress up as maids or butlers and blend in as the manor’s staff. 
Sakujiro: I must disagree.
Ryui: … Go on.
Sakujiro: It would be quite unnatural to have multiple unknown faces wandering about the manor out of the blue. 
Nagi: Um, then why can’t we act as security guards instead?
Sakujiro: We must not give away that Joe-sama is the treasure. Introducing security into the picture would only bring unwanted attention.
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Netaro: Indeed… Having guards around would only rouse suspicion. 
Ryui: Tch… 
Sakujiro: I’m certain you understand the necessity of your roles. Now then, let us take a short recess. We shall continue your punishment from the 58th bow.
Sakujiro: I apologize for disturbing you all during your break time, but I have something that requires your attention.
Nagi: ? Sakujiro-san, you look pretty excited?
Sakujiro: Fufufu… Was I perhaps too obvious? Please, take a look at these.
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Toi: Wow…! It’s a sketch of butler and maid uniforms! 
Sakujiro: The moment I heard that you would all be working at a manor for your next assignment, inspiration welled up within me. Should you find these designs acceptable, it would be an honor to sew them up for you. 
Yodaka: These iterations honor the classic designs of old. I think they’re splendid.
Toi: But, I’m a maid? Not a butler?
Sakujiro: I believe being a maid would suit you better.
Ryui: You got that right. But… The hell you putting me and Hachinoya in dresses for too…? 
Sakujiro: I believe being a maid would suit you better.
Netaro: Lookie!! Daa’s gonna be a maid too!
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Nagi: Woah, I feel like that’s gonna show up in my dreams, somehow.
Daniel: Whatever… I’d rather wear a maid dress than have to bow down one more time… 
Ryui: An old man like you should know how to stand your fucking ground! There’s no way in HELL I’m wearing a dress! I’d rather bite my tongue and let it fucking bleed out!
Toi: Ah, if Ani-sama is biting his tongue off then I will too…!
Netaro: Count me in~
Nagi: That’s a lot of “Tongue-cut Sparrows”… *
Yodaka: With this response… I’m sorry to say, but we should probably shelve that idea… 
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Sakujiro: Understood… Boohoo… 
Sakujiro: Good work, everyone. Please keep in mind what you learned today. I expect you to become the absolute most perfect servants.
Location: HAMA House 2nd floor
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Ryui: (Ugh… My back’s stiff as a board…) 
Sakujiro: Ryui-san, a moment, please.
Ryui: What? I ain’t doing any more bows.
Sakujiro: No, I didn’t stop you for such a reason… I have something I need to share about Joe-sama.
Sakujiro: As I recall, Joe-sama was actually a present that the late madam Brunhild had received from her father at a tender age. 
Sakujiro: She must have been treasured greatly as a close companion.
Ryui: …..
Sakujiro: When a person senses that they are not being valued, that is when they experience true anger. The duty of a servant is to find the true meaning hidden within their master’s demands, and act accordingly.
Ryui: And? What’s your point?
Sakujiro: Please keep in mind that if you perform insincerely, the other person will know.
Ryui: Yeah yeah, thanks for the warning, or whatever. 
Sakujiro: ….. 
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Hiramei: Good morning everyone! We’re counting on you all for this mission! 
Hiramei: Please try to act natural! Samejima-san and I will be checking in on you guys every once in a while!
Ryui: ( –Is what that guy said, but… )
Location:  Manor - Bedroom
Ryui: What was next again, making the bed? How’s it even getting messed up when there’s only a plushie in here… 
Ryui: –The fuck! The heck you loungin’ around for, old man?
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Daniel: My back… it hurts… It’s as stiff as a board… Give me a break already… 
Ryui: That’s what you said last time when you were lazin’ about on the sofa! For fuck’s sake, you’re a lost cause—
*loud tumbling noises*
Ryui: … Who messed up this time… 
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Joe: My goodness! What in the world happened for the room to get to this state!
Toi: Wha- The laundry room and corridor are totally covered in foam...!
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Nagi: I’m sorry… It’s my first time using a washing machine like this, so I put in a random amount of detergent and clicked some random buttons, and this is how it ended up… 
Ryui: Ah… Hachinoya’s technology impairment rears its ugly head… 
Yodaka: Joe-sama, pardon us. We’ll clean this up right away, so please overlook this. Nagi, could you bring in the cleaning supplies?
Nagi: Joe-sama…I apologize for my carelessness… 
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*loud tumbling noises*
Joe: W-What in the world is it this time!?
Location: Manor
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Netaro: Hmm. I thought I could grow some fresh veggies for dinner, but I seem to have injected a cell-positive agent instead of a growth promotant… 
Tomato Monster: GRRR—!
Toi: Wah! There’s a cluster of man-eating tomatoes with fangs surrounding us!
Joe: The manner in which they gnash their sharp fangs is giving me a fright! I-I fear for my life!
Yodaka: Pardon us, we will promptly harvest them. Netaro, please bring a shovel and a trowel.
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Netaro: Roger that! Joe-sama, sorry about this!
Ryui: (Damn, can’t believe Natsume could clean up this mess so fast… Glad we have him around.)
Ryui: By the way, why’s Joe been on Toi’s back this entire time? You’ve even got him using a baby sling… 
Toi: Hehe, I’m Joe’s nanny right now! Joe-sama, are you comfortable on my back?
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Joe: As expected of my “nursemaid.” I am feeling quite comfortable indeed!
Toi: Ehehe~ I’m glad to hear that.
Ryui: (Well, it’s all good if Toi’s happy with it.)
Ryui: Joe, you better not work Toi too hard, got it?
Joe: …..
Joe: My, whyever could it be that you are the only one to show me such disrespect… 
Nagi is referring to an old Japanese fable "Shita-kiri Suzume" or "The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue"
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modelbus · 2 years
hiiii would you be willing to do a tommy x fem/gn reader where the reader doesn’t have a prom date and tommy offers to fly to america to be their date teehee … perhaps starting platonic and ending romantic ?
Starting platonic and ending romantic my beloved Also, uh, this got a bit long...
Pairing: CC!Tommy x gn!Reader (who wears a dress)
Perfect Prom
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“Where have you been? It’s been ages since I’ve talked to you!” Tommy whines when you join his VC.
“It’s been a day.”
“You didn’t answer any of my messages!”
“Someone is clingy.” Tubbo coughs.
“Fuck off! No I’m not!”
You sigh, opening Minecraft to join him. His stream is pulled up on your second monitor so you can see his expressions while talking to him. It seems to be a chill day today. Or as chill as it gets with Tommy and Tubbo in the same stream.
“I was busy!” You defend
“Too busy for big man Tommyinnit? What were you even doing?!”
“Helping my friends shop for prom. It’s a whole day thing, you know?”
“Oh!” Tubbo exclaims, suddenly sounding eager. “Is your prom soon?”
“A week, yeah.”
“I expect photos.” He tells you.
You give an awkward laugh, moving your Minecraft character to try and find Tommy and Tubbo’s. “Uh, I’m not going?”
“Why not?!” Tommy yells.
This was the embarrassing part, the part you were about to admit to thousands of viewers.
“I, um, don’t really have a date.”
Your popularity started and ended online, leaving you completely and utterly alone. Sure you had friends, but they all had dates. And with prom in a week… well, you had just given up. It wasn’t like you wanted to go to prom that bad.
“What?!” At least Tommy seems outraged for you. “What about your friends?”
“All have dates. I’d rather hang out with you guys and stream anyways. Right chat? You’re more important than some dance.”
Chat seems to disagree with you, but that’s fine.
“So you don’t want to go to prom at all? Not even a little?” Tubbo questions.
“Nope.” You lie. “Now where are you at? I can find you.”
“Have you ever heard of the man cave?”
The topic doesn’t get dropped forever though, coming up later off stream. Tubbo had left the VC immediately after ending stream so it was just you and Tommy now.
“Genuinely, you’re fine with not going to prom? That’s super important, isn’t it?” He asks, breaking the post-stream silence first.
“I wish I could, but the administration has rules against going alone.” You shrug despite him not being able to see you. “Besides, what’s the point of buying a dress if I’m not going with anyone?”
“So you want to go?”
“You’re just rubbing it in now.”
“I’m not! All you need is a date to prom to go?”
How many times did you have to repeat this for him to understand?
“Yeah. All I need is a date.”
“Then I’ll be your date!”
Immediately, you choke on your own saliva in shock. “What?!”
“I’ll be your date to prom! So you can go!”
“Tommy, there’s a few problems with that. I’m in America and prom is in a week, for one.”
“I’m already looking at flights.”
“Second, you do realize a date is romantic right?”
“Platonic date then.”
“Why can’t you just let me be alone?!”
“Because,” he starts earnestly, “that’s shit. Besides, it’ll make for a pretty cool vlog.”
“Tommy, you know I couldn’t ask you to-“
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. Say yes for the content if not for yourself.”
“…fuck this. Yeah. Come to America and be my prom date.”
He cheers, making you laugh.
“I’m gonna get to experience an American prom! No more content searching! There’s a flight out tomorrow.”
“Should we, like, ask Phil about this?”
“Probably, but I already bought my flight.”
“This is going to be a fucking mess.”
“This is so fucking stupid! Why won’t it stay in the fucking pocket?!”
You laugh, trying to adjust the pin pinning the flower in his pocket to no avail. “I told you the corsages were a bad idea!”
“Dream said to buy them. All or nothing.”
“And here we are, putting holes in your suit. Isn’t this a rental?”
“How dare you think me so low that I’d rent a suit instead of buying one.”
“Aha! The flower is on!”
You step back, taking in the sight of Tommy in his full suit. He had gotten you both matching corsages, red and white flowers that stuck out on his black suit coat and your wrist. Tommy turns to the bathroom mirror, filming with his phone.
“Oooo! Damn, I am sexy.”
“Okay, we’re going to miss the reservations.”
“Oh! The ones at Applebees?!”
“I still can’t believe you wanted to go to Applebees. We could’ve gone literally anywhere.”
“Okay, but Sapnap said-“
“Do you think Sapnap got any bitches?”
“Have you seen Sapnap?”
You stare at each other for a moment.
“He’s from Texas. Never trust a man from Texas.”
“So Applebee’s isn’t good?”
“I’ll let Applebees talk for itself.”
“Really? It’s that bad?”
“It’s… it’s something.”
With the newfound lack of courage in his choice of restaurant, you two set out for Applebees. Considering most people go somewhere nice on prom, it’s pretty dead. Maybe you’ll actually get good service for once.
“I swear the waitress just quit.” Tommy laughs, glancing around.
“Or maybe she’s disgusted by the fact you got a medium rare steak.” You suggest.
“Hey!” He yells, throwing a fry at you. “Don’t insult Dead Henry!”
“You named your food?!”
Dodging another fry, you start to throw your own back at him.
“This is fucking war!” He declares, grabbing a handful.
Under the sudden pelt of fries you half hide under the table. Tommy laughs maniacally, seemingly evil. And it’s all because you insulted his choice of steak. You should never get steak from Applebees to begin with!
“Excuse me, sir?”
Oh, of course the waitress comes back now.
“I’m going to have to ask you two to leave.”
“Oh.” Tommy says, apparently too shocked to find a response.
“I am so sorry.” You apologize, scrambling to try and find your card. Tommy’s won’t work because it’s English and Applebees isn’t refined enough to take English cards, so he promised he’d pay you back somehow.
“Yeah, you’re disrupting our other customers.”
Tommy glances around and mouths, “what customers?” to you.
“Mhm, mhm.” You hum as the waitress prints the receipt.
“…have a good day. I guess.”
The second the door closes behind you two, Tommy erupts. “What the fuck?! There were no other customers! It was just us! And she could’ve asked us to stop, not fucking kick us out!”
“It’s Applebees, Tom. What did you really expect?”
“America is the worst!” He laughs, “we really got kicked out because we threw fries, fuck.”
His words make you realize exactly how stupid the situation is. It’s prom night, Tommy came to America to be your date, and you both just got kicked out of Applebees.
Soon enough you’re both laughing at the absurdity of it all.
“How far is the boat?” Tommy asks after a little while.
Because your school was stingy on literally everything else they made up for it by going all out for prom. If you hadn’t known that then maybe you would’ve declined Tommy’s offer, but goddamn was prom meant to be cool.
“Walking?” You ask, pulling up Google maps.
“Uh, Google maps says fifteen minutes.”
He nods, offering you his arm. Without a second thought you take it, walking where he goes.
“Where are we going?”
“Prom.” He answers confidently.
“…wrong way.”
“Fuck. I knew that.”
The walk is only slightly cold, but after a few minutes you completely forget about the breeze in favor of joking with Tommy. You definitely owe him a lot. He came all the way to America just to be your date so you could go to prom!
Platonic date. You couldn’t forget that word: platonic. Because although your feelings before this were entirely platonic (were they really...?) seeing Tommy in person was changing that too fast for you keep up with your own feelings.
By the time you reach the docks it’s been well over fifteen minutes, tipping into thirty, which makes it perfect timing.
“When you said prom was a big thing I didn’t realize it was this fucking big.” Tommy says.
“Yeah, there's a lot of people." You agree, joining the line. "At least we're moving quick."
"I was more concerned about everyone dying at seeing my stunning dance moves."
"Oh, yeah, that's a pressing issue."
Soon enough you're both on the boat. It's actually really cool. There are three floors to the boat: the top one has an open-air dance floor, the middle has an indoor dance floor, and the bottom just has food and drinks.
By the time the two of you make your way to the top floor where everyone else is, prom is already in full swing. That is, to say, crowded and loud as fuck. Tommy grabs your hand so you two don't get separated in the huge sea of dancing people, pulling you a bit closer to him.
"Now what?" He asks.
"Dance, I guess?'
With a nod, he steps back and starts doing his weird dance moves. You can't help but laugh, although you do admire the confidence.
"Why aren't you dancing?! Dance with me!" He yells, eyes lighting up at a Taylor Swift song.
"Oh no no no, I am staying far away from you and your embarrassing moves."
"You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset!" He sings, grabbing your hands and forcing you to dance. After a second you give in, dancing with him.
The next songs pass so quickly in the blur of having fun with Tommy that you don't even realize he never dropped your hands. In the classic Tommy way, he's just dragging you around and forcing you to do his shitty yet wonderfully fun dance moves.
"Alright guys, we're over halfway through this thing, let's let the couples have some moments." The DJ announces.
As the current pop song fades into a much slower one, you start to head off the dance floor.
"Wait, we have to dance." Tommy quickly says. "Y'know, for the whole prom experience."
"Do you know how to slow dance? Because I don't."
"I am Tommyinnit the womanizer, of course I know how to slow dance!"
You laugh and loop your arms around his neck. "Alright then, womanizer."
He hesitates before placing his arms around your waist. The two of you just sway to the song, slowly relaxing throughout it.
"Thank you." You finally say, breaking the silence that had fallen between you two. "For coming."
"I came for Applebees, not you."
"Oh, of course, how could I not know." You roll your eyes.
He laughs, glancing around. "But of course I fucking came."
"You didn't just come though. You're in a whole suit. You're slow dancing with me."
"Because I'm your date."
"Platonic date." You correct instinctively. You've had to mentally correct yourself for a whole week now.
"...right. Yeah."
He doesn't sound entirely happy with that, and you can't help the way your heart leaps. It's foolish hope, but hope nonetheless.
"Actually, Wilbur's been telling me to make a fucking move for a while now." He suddenly says. "And that's why I offered. I know it's super shitty of me to tell you this now, but I just- you need to know, and I need to know, so I can stop getting my hopes up. I-"
Stopping your swaying, you cut his words off with a kiss. Maybe it's some Disney bullshit, but you swear this feels different than any other time you've kissed someone. Perfect, almost.
"What if I suggested we went to prom as a not-platonic date?" You ask.
"I'd say we're already fucking doing it." He responds with the stupidest grin you've ever seen him wear. "Wilbur's never gonna believe this."
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highladyluck · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 5 Liveblog
“Finished pouting?” Never. Suroth has never finished pouting in her life
Egwene says “These colors don’t run!”
I’m sorry but I laughed at Lanfear’s outfit
Grolm time! I love the Seanchan theme it’s so creepy
We have handtalk!
Ahahahahahaha damn they are really going for the Whitecloak and Rand parallels (uniting everyone under our banner to fight the shadow)
Interesting scarification(?) on Turak’s bald head- are they coding him as imperial family? I forgot what his canonical relationship to the throne was
It's manicure time for Suroth's coke nails
Oh hai, it’s our buddy Fain
I forgot that Turak knew the box code (as did book!Lanfear) and that reports of him having the Horn would have gone back to Seanchan
True Power is very useful here
Oh my god you have horse girl Moiraine killing horses (like that’ll stop Lanfear)
I like how she vaporized his head
Omg I love Lanfear’s utter disdain
Perrin is very mad right now, love to see it
“You can’t run from what you are” but the boys are all sure as hell are going to try lmao
Moiraine like ‘it’s time for very bad news, are you keeping moving? good good’
‘If they’re all released we’re doomed’ (Look I’m gonna tell you a secret, they kinda suck, you guys will probably do ok)
Hopper is like ‘I’m on babysitting duty, I have no choice’
I hope we get Gaul but I will take… holy shit that is a smoking hot Aviendha
Omg omg is that Dain Bornhald? ill-met by moonlight
Perrin’s like ‘I do not understand and I am now officially in jailbreak mode, please leave any friendly warnings with my wolf’
It’s not a coincidence that there are Aiel and Seanchan, it’s the plot lmao (also the apocalypse)
I love Lanfear talking to herself so so much! Eat that scenery, Lanfear! Eat it for the woman and the man who no longer can eat things because you sewed their mouth shut and popped their head like a pimple, respectively
Browns Browns Browns
In the Ways again…
Liandrin, are you gonna try to recruit Nyneave? Let me rephrase that. Do you think you will SUCCEED in recruiting Nyneave?
Huh, tying the oaths to Artur Hawkwing, I kinda like that
Nihilism, baby!!! Oh I love Nyneave so much
Suroth is not having a good day
“Finished pouting?” Never. Suroth has never finished pouting in her life
“And plunge the Empire into civil war?” 👀👀👀 It’s fine they have spares
Lmao Suroth in a power struggle with Ishy is very fun
If you keep calling the last battle early, no one is going to believe you when it really is the last battle, Ishy
“People shouldn’t be in cages” that’s a book line!
She is so hot help
Ooooh I love the Aiel theme
The music this season is so good!!!
Dain with his big axe and Perrin with his hammer
The camera on the battle scenes is characteristic by now- feels very ‘in it’
Lanfear like ‘ah my Tel'Aran'Rhiod propaganda is working’
Congrats Moiraine now everyone in your family thinks Rand is your boytoy
Queen Galldrian and baby boy Barthanes!
Verin is like ‘oh hi! Did you know you have massive problems? :D’
It’s important to cross-check
Verin introducing Compulsion
Liandrin I think you don’t have a ton of leg to stand on criticizing the system when you’re about to feed these girls into it
Awww look she gave Nyneave a fighting chance
Egwene says “These colors don’t run!”
Avi like ‘wow you don’t even know what toh is, hoo boy’
I like their carpet mantles
Lmao Elayne’s priorities “They’re occupiers!” vs Nyneave “who cares, we need to get the fuck out of here” al’Meara
Verin is Columboing her way through the usual suspects
Omg Moiraine is actually being honest as well as truthful
And her sister is honest back
Rand needs protection! And he needs you because you’re his magic mom who gives him complexes
UM [this is Ishy cuddling up to Rand]
Subtlety thy name is not Lanfear
HUH (re Moiraine desperation)
Because you’re King Nihilist
“The Boys” I disagree with Lanfear’s assessment of the girls (insane & vain/stupid) but she’s right about the boys, and it does set up the 'everyone in this office hates everyone else' vibes
See I told you, he’s King Nihilist
Booooooooooooo Mat’s not yours
Oh you have not seen anything yet re: breaking Rand
Oooooooooh Ishy prompted the omens for the Return?
Court of the Nine Moons mention! It's interesting having this be the first time we hear about it. Won't change things that much narratively unless certain other characters hear about it prior to the next season or so, though.
Oh man this is going to hurt
Collars and leashes confirmed
Moiraine is correct that Lanfear probably won’t hurt him physically. However, she can absolutely hurt him emotionally so I don't think he's gonna be, uh, safe
Hmmmmm I don’t think I like the lack of mystery about why Lanfear turned, but otoh no living Aes Sedai is a reliable narrator about the Age of Legends, so I’m filing this under ‘reasonable but there might be a more interesting story later’
Staking Rand out like sexy sexy bait
Oooooh it’s symbolism time
I’m sorry but I laughed at Lanfear’s outfit
Oh episode 6 is going to be very hard to watch
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 months
MerMay 2024 Day Twenty-Six The Bigger Problem
“I have managed to get a good handful of the staff on... well, I suppose on our side.” Another week, another meeting on that small island. Lise is explaining how things have changed back at TridentCorp’s C-SAHL. The others—Stacy, Ollie, Roxy, (the kids still on a boat), Chase, and Anti—listen intently. “Though I think it is not exactly the same.”
“What do you mean?” Chase asked.
“I am not sure how much to tell them,” Lise explained. “These staff members disagree with the treatment of the merms, but they do not really know that they are, ah... intelligent.”
Anti, down in the water, bristled but said nothing. It was a miracle he was here at all, with how he swam out of the last meeting.
“Well, we should probably tell them, y’know?” Ollie said. “I mean uhhh... There’s a difference between people hurting fish and people hurting, like, sentient beings. I think that would convince a lot more of them, if they knew.”
“Maybe,” Lise said. “It certainly convinced me. But it will be harder to prove, since I do not think any other merms can speak, yes?” She glanced at Chase and Anti.
Chase nodded. “It’s, um... hard.”
“Yes, I think it would be,” Lise muttered. “Your vocal cords are not designed the same way. They are somehow more fragile and also more tough than human ones. It is quite fascinating...” She trailed off as she noticed the blatant horror on Chase and Anti’s faces. “Ah, anyway. Your octopus friend can write in some German, but that is not as convincing as your clear English. Still, it is better than nothing, I suppose.”
“So what are these staff members going to do to help us?” Roxy asked.
“Don’t be so blunt, Roxy,” Stacy said. She looked back at Lise. “But, uh... she’s right. It’s good to hear that we have more allies, but we still don’t know what to do with them. Do we have a mass heist to get the five of them out?”
“That wouldn’t solve the problem,” Anti muttered.
The others all looked at him. “What do you mean?” Chase prompted.
“The humans will still want merms for their glass boxes,” Anti said. “Even after we get them out.”
Silence. Then Chase nodded. “Anti is right. TridentCorp has been going after all sorts of merms, getting close to villages and stuff. It’s only a matter of time before they find more.”
“You guys have villages?” Ollie said in surprise. “Do you have a freaking government?”
“Uhhh... not really?” Chase said. “Not anymore, at least. We used to have monarchies, but they fell. Everyone sort of... dispersed to do their own thing, and it’s still like that today.”
Lise’s eyes lit up. “Toll! Unglaublich! We have a whole civilization right under our waters!” She looked practically giddy at this fact.
“A civilization that’s going to be in danger if TridentCorp and other companies like them continue to do things their way,” Stacy said. “Anti is right. We have to do... something big to stop all this.”
Roxy blinked. “So... do we need to use that last resort?”
Anti flinched, sinking into the water until just his eyes stuck out. Chase glanced at him, then looked back at the humans. “The problem with the last resort is that we don’t know how a lot of humans will react to merms being real. And... a lot of merms probably won’t like humans knowing.”
“Yeah, what if the merms get, like, experimented on or something?” Ollie asked.
“Um...” Over on the edge of the boat, Muirin raised his hand. “We’ve been talking about stuff.”
Next to him, Sereia nodded. “About these.” She held up the small dark stone that was the wish talisman. “What if we wish for things to be, like, cool when merms get revealed?”
Lise raised an eyebrow. “Well that would be very helpful,” she said, in that tone adults use when they don’t believe what a child is saying but are indulging their imagination. 
Sereia bristled. “Alright, fine, maybe we won’t, then.”
“C’mon, Ser,” Muirin said. “They need us.”
“Yeah, you’re right. We can do that even if these guys don’t believe us.”
“Um...” Chase pulled himself further out of the water, looking over at the boat. “You guys be careful. Such a big wish... it will probably take a lot of energy.”
“We’ll be careful!” Sereia said.
“We promise,” Muirin added.
“Well, while the kids do that,” Stacy said. “We should work on what else we can do. Lise, do you think if you get enough staff on your side you could cause some sort of internal change?”
“We can try,” Lise promised. “But the higher-ups are very keen on this aquarium idea. You know, I have been thinking of writing some sort of paper on the merms. That would help get some backing from the more scientific community, I think.”
“Uh... are these scientists gonna experiment on the merms?” Ollie asked worriedly.
“Well, not if we can encompass merms under the code of ethics that applies to humans—which, clearly, we should do.”
“You can write the paper in your free time,” Stacy said. “We still have to focus on the current situation.”
Ollie grinned. “Ha! Current situation. Like... like water.”
Only Chase laughed at that. Lise looked surprised that he understood the pun.
After a long, long day of talking, they eventually reached a conclusion. Lise and other TridentCorp employees were going to try to change the policies from the inside. If they couldn’t do that... then it was clear there was nothing they could do on that front. They’ll have to sneak the merms out, and then... to prevent anything like this from happening again... They would use their last resort. They would tell other human organizations about the merms, organizations that could protect them.
Chase and Anti swam away from this meeting in silence. They didn’t look at each other much. They were each wrapped in their own thoughts. But, by the time they reached the shipwreck, Chase had sorted out his own thoughts enough to ask Anti a single question. “Are you... okay with this?”
Anti looked back at him. “...I don’t know. But I... I don’t know... what else to do.”
Afterwards, he went straight to his room in the ship and said nothing else.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ayato Maniac [07]
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While staying at Eden,
I find it hard to get a grasp on time. 
I do believe that a few days have passed since. 
Ayato-kun has been his same old self.
While he will no longer,
go on tantrums like he used to,
to me at the very least,
it seemed as if he had given up hope,
in these dire times. 
In the following days,
we did not receive any more messages from Ruki-kun. 
I gazed out of the window,
while quietly looking at Eden breaking down.
ー The scene starts in the guest room
Yui: ( What is the right path to take? We can’t just do nothing... )
Hey, Ayato-kun...Can’t we just...Go back to the human world and check in with everyone? 
Ayato: And what then? 
Yui: I mean...
Ayato: At this point, we’d just be wasting our time.
Yui: That’s not...!
Ayato: I mean, I had some pretty bad fuck-ups like when I blew up the manor. 
I honestly can’t blame them for no longer havin’ faith in me...
Yui: ...
Ayato: But you know, that doesn’t mean I’m throwin’ in the towel. 
I’m the one who was given these powers, and I’ve got a few people on my side too.
If they want to underestimate me, then I just gotta remind them of who’s boss. 
*Knock knock*
Yui: ...Yes? 
Azusa: Um...Food is ready to be served so...Would you like to join us? 
You, Eve...and Ayato-san as well...
Yui: ( Azusa-kun... )
→ Ask Ayato-kun (❦)
Yui: Hey, Ayato-kun. Let’s go together? 
( They were so nice as to invite us, and it might actually help Ayato-kun get his mind off things for a bit... )
Ayato: ...
Yui: I mean, it’s not like you have anything better to do here. So, please?
Ayato: ...Haah, fine.
Yui: ( Thank god... )
→ Respond to Azusa-kun
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun. I’ll be right there. Ayato-kun will be joining me as well...
Ayato: ...Why are you decidin’ that for me...?
Yui: Come on, why not? They’re being so nice as to invite us...
( It might help him get his mind off things for a bit. )
Ayato: Che...Guess I’ve got no other choice...
Yui: Well then, off we go? 
Ayato: ...Yeah.
ー The scene shifts to the big hall in Eden
Kou: Time to dig in~! Nnー Delicious!
Azusa: Ruki...I wonder when he’ll return...?
Ayato: ...
Kou: Anyway, Ruki-kun can be so cold. 
He could at least have given Ayato-kun the chance to defend himself before deciding all of this.
Azusa: I also...feel that way...
Ayato: There’s not really anythin’ I’ve got to say to that bastard. 
Nor to Reiji or my other siblings. 
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
Yuma: Oi, we don’t have to talk ‘bout them right now, do we?
Kou: Right, right. It’ll ruin the delicious meal. But I’m really starting to crave a nice plate of Vongole Bianco.
Yuma: Ah? Got a problem with the food I make? 
ー Yuma flicks his forehead
Kou: Ow~! I never said that, did I~!? I even praised it for tasting good!
Yui: Ahaha...
( Seems like they’re all trying to be considerate towards Ayato-kun... )
Azusa: I’m sorry but...I don’t think we can stay quiet forever...
Yui: ( Azusa-kun...? ) 
Azusa: I mean, Ruki is family to us so...We have to say that we disagree with his decision...
Yuma: ...Azusa...
Kou: ...Azusa-kun is right. I do believe that it’d be best if we try to talk to Ruki-kun. 
Yuma: Haah...That’s easy to say, but the dude’s not comin’ home, remember...?
Azusa: Ruki-kun is right most of the time but...I don’t think that means he can never make any mistake...
Yuma: Well, duh. That’s why there’s four of us. 
Ayato: ...
Kou: Then we should probably try to get in touch with him sooner rather than later, right? 
Why don’t we write him a letter this time? 
Yuma: Guess so...
Azusa: Speaking of letters...
What will you do, Ayato-san? You know...About the thing with the Vibora clan...
Ayato: Oh, that...
Yui: ( I believe the deadline written in the letter was... )
While listening to the Mukami brothers’ conversation,
I only again thought to myself. 
They save you when you’re in a pinch. 
They correct you when you’re wrong. 
That is what siblings (兄弟) are for. 
Right now, what Ayato-kun truly needs,
is his own brothers. 
If they were here with him,
they could have decided what to do with the Vibora after talking it over.
However, right now he cannot do that either. 
The deadline to answer, is already right around the corner (目前). 
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voraciousvore · 11 months
Big Corp Inc. (12/43)
Chapter 12: Overtime
Candy had been stuck in the refrigerator for long enough that the work day was nearly over. She had not gotten much accomplished work-wise, regrettably. Martin had done his best to clean her off, but her clothes were still soaked and reeked of gastric juices. Her shoes and socks in particular were sopping wet. Every step she took squelched and left a puddle on her desk. She decided it would be worth it to change back into her heels, as uncomfortable as they were. She swapped out her shoes and hustled to get as much done as she could. She wished she could change her clothes out too, but she didn’t have a spare set and it was almost the end of the day regardless. She decided to power through. 
As the workday drew to a close, the ominous shadow of her Giant boss stretched over her desk again. She turned around and reddened. From the surface of the desk, she was level with his crotch, and she found herself face-to-face with Mr. Hardon’s gigantic hard-on, barely contained by the fabric of his pants. 
“Caaaaandy!” he sang in his sonorous voice. “Time for overtime!” 
“I’ll get right on it!” Candy hastily assured him, spinning around so she wouldn’t have to keep staring at his huge erection, and gave her computer her full attention. However, she was startled when Mr. Hardon plucked her up off the desk between his thumb and forefinger. She looked questioningly into his Giant face. He was grinning mischievously, from ear to ear. “Mr. Hardon, what are you doing?” 
“We agreed you’d do overtime. I never said you’d be working at your desk!” he explained with undisguised glee. Candy felt her stomach drop as he took her into his office and closed the door behind him. She realized right away she was in the danger zone. This man was way too horny to have innocent intentions. 
“H-hold on!” she protested. “I never agreed to this!”  
The Giant raised his eyebrow. “I disagree. I’m your boss, and you’ll do whatever I ask of you when you’re on the clock.” 
Candy wracked her brains for any way to get out of her predicament. “Um… but I’m not wearing my sneakers! I’m wearing my heels instead. So I’m not obligated to anything!” 
Mr. Hardon shook his head. His roguish smile didn’t budge. “I gave you permission to wear different shoes. Whether you availed yourself of the privilege or not is immaterial.” 
Candy bit her lip. “Well… I changed my mind! I don’t want it anymore! The deal’s off! No overtime.” 
Mr. Hardon was beginning to get irritated with her stalling and excuses. “Why can’t you just cooperate for once?” he asked with mild exasperation. He flopped down in his chair, leaned back, and spread his legs. “I’ve been waiting for this all day!” He massaged his sizable package with his free hand as he brought Candy up close to his mouth. His large nose wrinkled up. “Ugh. What is that smell?” 
“Oh… I’m covered in vomit,” Candy confessed sheepishly. “One of the Giants in the office accidentally swallowed me earlier and had to throw me back up.” 
“Are you serious? Yuck,” Mr. Hardon remarked, full of revulsion and devoid of any compassion. “Gross. Is that why you’re all soaking wet?” 
“Yeah,” Candy admitted. 
The Giant seemed to deflate a bit. Whatever he was planning to do to her, the prospect of doing it while she was saturated with puke was unappealing. “Perhaps we can push this back to another time,” he muttered with disappointment. He set her on the floor, in between his Giant shoes. Candy seized the opportunity to scamper away, but she stopped at the Giant door to his office. She still needed a Giant to help her out of the building. She reluctantly looked back at Mr. Hardon. She really didn’t want his help, but she figured her coworkers probably rushed out for the weekend. 
“Um… Mr. Hardon? Can you help me with the elevator?” Candy asked with embarrassment. She was reminded of the last time she was in the elevator alone with him, and the pervert licked her. At least with her smelling and tasting unsavory, he wouldn’t want to do anything like that to her again. She realized Martin Maneater had unknowingly protected her from further insidious abuse by ingesting her, ironically. 
Mr. Hardon sighed. “Fine. Goodness, Candy, you’re so helpless.” He got up out of his chair and opened the door for her. Candy walked out the door, but due to her small size she was taking too long, so the Giant became impatient and scooped her up off the floor with his hand. He marched over to the elevator and hit the button. He seemed mildly disgusted with her. While Candy was grateful he wouldn’t mess with her, she was nervous about being in the palm of his huge hand when he was clearly annoyed. She didn’t think he would hurt her, but she still felt very puny and fragile. 
“Why aren’t you using the human elevator anyways? Why do I have to do everything around here?” the Giant grumbled. 
“Oh... the human elevator doesn’t work. I tried pressing the button and nothing happened,” Candy explained. She didn’t bring up to him that he had failed to show her where the human elevator was to begin with. Mr. Hardon grunted but didn’t comment anything else. Candy considered asking him if there was some way the mini elevator could be fixed, but she refrained. She absolutely did not want to ask the boss for more favors that he could demand “payment” in return for. She shuddered when she imagined what he might have done to her in the privacy of his personal office.  
Her boss at least had the decency to drop her off at the railway station, rather than leaving her at the threshold of the elevator downstairs. He stood up out of his crouch and waved at her dismissively as he strode off. Candy hustled into the railway car that pulled up, shaking her head. He was unbelievable. She couldn’t believe she had to contend with such a ridiculous boss. As she rode the railway car home, watching the Giant scenery race by in a blur, the realization sank in that she had barely managed to escape what could have been something truly horrible. 
Candy got home and cleaned herself up. She was exhausted after her crazy, strenuous week. She didn’t want to think about her horrible boss. She laid down in bed and instead found herself thinking about Martin. She was developing a crush on him, a fact which slightly scared her considering he was literally large enough to swallow her whole. However, she knew he was sweet and shy and gentle and wouldn’t eat her on purpose. She regretted not asking him for his number; she wanted to get to know him better. She wondered if she had any chance with him, as a human, since he was a Giant. Would a huge Giant like him be interested in dating a tiny girl who was not even as tall as his pinky finger? 
Candy, admittedly, did not have the best luck with love in her life. While she was blessed with a beautiful face and sexy body, her stunning physical attractiveness often left her at the mercy of sleazy men who would use her and dump her. She had a sweet, bubbly, extroverted personality, but her innocence and lack of intelligence made her easier to manipulate. She had a kind enough heart to give anyone a chance, but she tended to get in trouble with seedy men whom perhaps she should not have given the time of day to begin with. She was not the best at discerning obvious red flags and situations she should avoid, as evinced by her persistence in working at Big Corp Inc. Her love life, in this regard, was no exception. 
The weekend went by all too quickly, and Monday rolled around before Candy was prepared. She at least had time to rest her strained muscles and allow her feet to heal, though not as much as she would have liked. Her work clothes were fresh and clean, though hardly a pleasant shade with all the permanent stains they had accumulated over the prior week. She prepared for her day in the usual manner, and made sure to bring her high-heeled shoes in her backpack. She needed to be on her best behavior so she wouldn’t get in any trouble with the boss. 
When she got to the Big Corp building, she was lucky enough to run into Bianca in the lobby, who was kind enough to pick her up and give her a ride to the third floor. “Hey, Bianca,” Candy inquired, “Do you know Martin? Martin Maneater?” 
Bianca thought for a moment. “I know whom you’re referring to, but I’m not too familiar with him. He seems like a pretty quiet, introverted guy so he hasn’t talked to me much. He tends to keep to himself for the most part. Why do you ask?” 
“Oh. No reason... I was just curious.” Candy tried to shrug it off like her question was no big deal, but a rosy blush still permeated her cheeks. 
The Giantess examined Candy closely, down in her hand. “Candy! Are you... blushing?! Oh my gosh, you have a crush on him, don’t you?” 
Candy covered her face with her hands, smiling wide. “Yes. Yes I do! Bianca, is it hopeless? Would a Giant ever date a human?” 
“It depends on the Giant, to be honest. Some are open to the idea, others not,” Bianca admitted. “I don’t know the object of your affection well enough to tell you if he’d be interested.” She paused. “I’ve dated a human man before. It was... interesting.” 
“Wow, really?” Candy asked, amazed. 
“Yeah. We happened to match on a dating app and ended up meeting in person. It didn’t work out for us though. I think he was a bit too self-conscious about the size difference. I tried to explain to him that size didn’t matter to me, but he had some sort of inferiority complex about it. I believe he was above average in height for a human, so to be suddenly dwarfed by a Giantess like me was jarring and emasculating for him. He eventually ended up breaking off the relationship. Unfortunate, really. I did like him.” Bianca looked mournful at the recollection, her hazel eyes distant. Candy rubbed her palm gently to console her. 
She brightened up. “I bet you and Martin would make a cute couple though!” Candy beamed and giggled at the thought. She imagined going on a date with Martin: riding on his big shoulder as he walked, snuggling up to his warm neck, rubbing the stubble on his chin with her teeny hand. Maybe even... kissing him?! She had to keep herself from squealing with delight. Her wholesome fantasy didn’t jump to the next step after that. She was a pure, sweet romantic at heart. 
“From what I do know about him... he does seem very reserved. If you wish to court him, you might have to be more forward in your pursuit. I doubt he will take the initiative, even if he is interested,” Bianca explained. She thought for a moment. “I’ve seen him eating sugary snacks around the office quite often, like cookies and pastries. He must have quite a sweet tooth. He works a lot of overtime too. Other than that, I don’t know much about him.” Candy processed this new information. Flirting wasn’t hard for her, but the issue was of course complicated when she had to hike a mile in heels to reach her crush’s desk. 
By now Bianca was at Candy’s cubicle. She lowered her hand to the desk so Candy could dismount. “Have a good day,” she said with a smile and wave. “And good luck!” The human waved back as the Giantess departed. Candy was so happy, hyped up on honeyed fantasies, she couldn’t see any way for her day to possibly go sour. 
Chapter 13
First Chapter
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vigilskeep · 2 years
Did you like mota? How do you feel about Tallis? Do you have any thoughts on her?
I personally love this dlc. I really enjoy playing it, it's interesting and fun but has serious and even dramatic moments at the same time. And it's different from the main game (in a good way). Like, I love da2 but this dlc succeeded in making us feel like we really are out of Kirkwall and having an adventure that's a bit separate from the rest of the game. And I do like Tallis as a character. I appreciate her role in the story and I like that she provides us with another point of view on the qun. But I also feel very sorry for her. She just can't break free. For me, her character theme is doubt. Idk if you know her backstory but she's an elf from Tevinter who was sold into slavery by her own parents and then captured by the qunari who deemed her an unsuitable convert because she was too "headstrong". Apparently she didn't want to be qunari at first and they wanted to use qamek on her. But Salit took her under his wing to make her a tallis so she escaped that fate. And as we see, with time Tallis changed her mind on the qun. I think it happened because of the qunari propaganda and because she had nothing and no one but also because she genuinely started to see good things in the qun. After all, among the qunari Tallis felt like her life meant something to other people, probably for the first time in her life. And she wants to believe that there is a society and ideology where people are valued and everybody has their own place and purpose. (Her line "most qunari don't even understant humans, why you act like you do. But I grew up among you. I understand perfectly well" makes me loose my mind). But she still has too much free will for a qunari so she doesn't really fit in. So she doubts. Tallis does feel that something's wrong but she just can't let the qun go. She doubts herself and the qun for years but still can't find the answers. And that's just tragic. I can't imagine what it's like, to live in doubts for so long. I'd like her to finally realize that she in fact wants to be free of the qun but at this point I'd be happy if she just found peace as a qunari. That's better than being in the state of constant inner turmoil imo.
Also the whole dialogue between Tallis and Hawke and the way they can mirror each other is super interesting like. "Just tell me: can you honestly say there's nothing to improve, nothing to strive for?" My pro mage Anders romancing Hawke may think that qun is horrible but she can't disagree with that. My Hawke and Tallis share this dedication to their believes and inablility to ignore injustices and that's where they find common ground, that is why they respect each other. Tallis' motivation in this dlc is literally saving innocent people so yeah.
Um. Sorry for such a long ask. Hope reading this isn't too boring lmao.
it was a fun dlc!!! you’re right it rlly felt like a breath of fresh air. it was nice to see what hawke and the gang are like outside of kirkwall for once just having a good time out (aside from all the deadly danger etc)
tallis was super interesting, i do like her. it was interesting to spend a lot of time with someone who was clearly on the track of her own story rather than a companion whose fate it’s up to me to decide. and i liked exploring the idea of elves joining the qun with an actual character rather than just vaguely suggesting that it happens. i don’t have any super exciting thoughts yet mostly bc i find the qunari difficult to approach conceptually but also just because i only got to know her like yesterday, i didnt rlly know much abt her beforehand except that she was qunari
my experience with her so far is obviously filtered through keir, who... did not like her at all agshsjsksk. she was incompetent and a liar, and she was picking up a blade for a belief system it was obvious she couldn’t even commit to herself. the qunari talking points didn’t help either, keir isn’t overfond of religion no matter which one it is; all he sees is the damage it does. he did grudgingly fight beside her at the end, mostly because he believed her that innocents were in danger and thought she clearly wasn’t up to the job herself, but he was happy enough to be rid of her and part ways at the end. it might have been just as in character to leave her, though, and i plan to do a second run through with other companions at some point so i might see how that turns out
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lec743 · 2 years
ME: A - Comfort (Twin Power AU)
Jaal wanted a lot of things. He wanted to save more of his people from the Kett Facility. He wanted to go home. He wanted the Kett to not be what they were. He wanted to not feel so tired.
Jaal was sitting at a little desk in his room on the Tempest, trying and failing to distract himself with upgrading a pistol he got off a Kett.
He’s already spoken with his true mother, and mothers, and with Dr. Lexi. All have helped him immensely, but he burned with so much anger. He wanted things to be different, he wanted the Kett to still be faceless enemies, not the faceless loss of his people.
Jaal rubbed his eyes as he sighed into his work.
There was a knock on his door and he was immediately irritated. He didn’t want to hear any more, “I’m sorry.”
“Go away!”
“Okay, Jaal,” Sara���s soft voice said through the metal door, “I’ll leave it by the door.”
Jaal paused at this.
Finding some sense of curiosity, Jaal went over to his door and opened it. Jaal found Sara looking around with a plate in her hand. On it, it looked like a gen-sha, or at least a poor attempt at a gen-sha. The crust looked burnt and it was concave instead of round.
Sara jumped at the sight of him, “Oh, um, hey. I hope I made this right. Can I come in?”
Jaal stared her down a bit, but she only continued to give him a small smile.
Wordlessly he stood back and let her through.
“I made gin-she--”
“--Right. Gen-sha, and I hope I made it okay.”
Sara sat it on the little table he was working on.
“How’d you find out about this dish,” Jaal asked.
Gen-sha is his favorite comfort dish that his true mother has made for him when he’s feeling especially sad, like on the anniversary of his father’s disappearance, for example.
As far as he knows, Sara hasn’t had much time on Aya to have a proper conversation with anyone, Voeld makes her unusually quiet unless she’s forcing herself to speak, and they haven’t been to Havarl since Scott and S.A.M. helped free the scientists. He wondered how she got this information.
She sucked air between her teeth, then said, “Yah. About that...” she smacked her lips together making a loud popping sound, “I hope you don’t hate me too much for this...”
Jaal quirked an eyebrow ridge at her as she hesitated.
“I hacked into your emails and gave her your mother’s contact information,” S.A.M. piped up.
“S.A.M.,” Sara whisper yelled at him, “I’m supposed to take the fall. I don’t want his trust in you to degrade. I’m less important to trust.”
“I disagree,” S.A.M. quipped, “Regardless. It’s too late now.”
Sara flung her hands up like she was shooing S.A.M. away.
Then she sighed and said, “Yah, he’s right though. I... We went behind your back to contact your mother. I figured, since we aren’t on break yet, you’re probably missing your family something fierce after what happened at the Kett Facility, and well, I asked for your mother’s advice and she gave me the recipe for gen-sha.”
Jaal was in shock. He was equal parts mad and touched that Sara decided to get his mother’s information and ask for advice on how to make him feel a little better.
“Why didn’t you ask me for my mother’s contact information,” Jaal asked, very much annoyed.
“I wanted it to be a surprise... I’m starting to think I didn’t think this through... I’m so sorry Jaal, I’ll leave now.”
Sara attempted to leave, but Jaal put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She felt very tense under his hand.
“Don’t you go anywhere,” he said firmly.
She nodded and gave a short, “Mm.”
Jaal went over to the little plate. Picked up the little treat and took a bite out of it. Jaal paused in his chewing for a moment as the taste overwhelmed him. He had no idea what he was eating. All he knew was that it wasn’t gen-sha, despite looking slightly like it. Might as well try and take a bite out of a “shoe” that humans and asari are so fond of wearing.
Jaal put the treat back onto the plate as he chewed and swallowed the food.
“That was the worst thing I have ever eaten,” Jaal stated.
Sara looked like she had physically deflated.
Jaal went over to her and she tensed up as she squeezed her eyes shut. Jaal hesitated for a moment at the sight, but went through with hugging her.
“Thank you. I would have preferred it if you had just asked me for my mother’s information, but I appreciate what you did.”
Sara didn’t relax, or hug back. Jaal wondered if he was over stepping culturally now.
“...Oh, um. You’re welcome.”
She gave him a little pat on his back.
Jaal’s convinced that he’s over stepping. Maybe her human type is only physically affectionate towards family. Or at least, “kisses” are okay? He should stop.
Jaal pulled back. She still felt very tense under his hands as they rested on her shoulders.
“What did you think of Mother, after contacting her for the first time.”
Jaal immediately felt her starting to relax as she smiled at him and said, “I hope I’m not being too weird about this, but I already love your mother so much. She’s such a wonderful woman.”
The angaran man smiled at that as he felt pride blossom in his chest. He knows his true mother is a great woman, and it’s nice when other people see the same in her.
“I won’t contact her anymore if you don’t want me too, but after I first contacted her, we’ve been talking here and there about different things, and she’s asked me to tell her what your reaction is to having gen-sha made for you by an alien,” Sara said, “If you tell me to stop talking to her, I’ll just answer her question and tell her I can’t contact her anymore.”
Jaal let go of her fully at the thought of her cutting all ties off with his mother, just if he asked her to. It didn’t sit right with the angaran man.
“Sara. I may have preferred it if you had asked for my mother’s information, but if the two of you enjoy each other’s company and words, I’m not going to tell you to stop doing that.”
“Okay. Cool... I would have missed her,” Sara said as she looked at the floor.
Jaal was silent.
This woman was willing to take all the blame for hacking into his information. Was willing to stop the blooming relationship she was developing with his mother, if he didn’t like it. And he was pretty sure she assumed that he was going to hit her. If the way she tensed up when he went in for a hug indicated anything.
Why is she like this?... How can he help?
Sara moved passed Jaal as she grabbed the plate off his table.
“Sorry, for not making it right. I probably should have ask your mother for a different idea since I can’t cook for the life of me. I... well... I just want to say you’re not alone in this, and neither are your people...”
Sara waved goodbye and walked out of his room.
Jaal stood in his empty room for a bit, before he walked over to his cot and laid down in it.
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robinsteves · 2 years
leah is SO joyce coded!!! i think shelby would like nancy the most tho
leah’s anxieties, and her refusal to back down from them, are so aligned with joyce byers that it almost personally hurts my feelings— don’t forget how almost everyone doubts them. if anything, it’s like people go along with their theories out of pity (until eventually proven wrong, of course). I forget who on here described it as a “category 5 woman moment” but I now headcanon that faber has that exact phrase, verbatim, written down about 20 times in leah’s file
I feel like shelby would be the biggest stranger things enjoyer out of all the girls. I can’t decide if she’d be someone who generally watches a lot of tv, I’m leaning towards no, but I could eaaaaasily see, like, becca being someone who did, and so she picked it up from her as a recommendation. obviously she would like nancy, she’d definitely think shes super fucking cool, but I’m not sure who her overall favorite would be? shes probably closest to will on an emotional basis but, like I concluded with leah, that doesn’t mean he would be her favorite. I think the only one of the girls who would inarguably prioritize what character(s) they connect with the most in media is nora. maybe martha too? the rest would try to ignore their emotions and focus on who they find funny or cute instead because #repression. or they just truly would not give a fuck and only watch something to be entertained, which is kinda how I view fatin… wow I wish I was normal like that. anyway, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if steve was shelby’s #1. I can hear her being like “hes so sweet now!!!!” lol. or el <3
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cinefairy · 3 years
this is such an important topic that we need to talk about and i want to address it and face it head on, ik a lot of people are currently in devastatingly hard circumstances such as in an abusive household or abusive relationships or probably dealing with some hardships within themselves like depression and anxiety.
a reminder….
you can manifest anything you want, you are not limited to what you can and what you cant manifest, you may not see it yet but eventually you will. you’re so strong, you’re so uniquely beautiful and creative and you can do anything you set your mind to i strongly believe that!
yes you might be struggling thru some dark times and you might feel that you’ve finally been beaten and you can’t do anything to change that but you CAN. you can change your life completely at ANY TIME! trust me you have all the time in the world. if i have done it, so can you.
so..how? how do i manifest getting out of this circumstance?
i say it all the time and im gonna say it again, you are AMAZING. please praise yourself on how even in the toughest of circumstances you haven’t given up. you never have, even after tons of obstacles, tons of harsh words thrown at you you’re still here, you have such power within you and i cant wait for u to use your power.
neutral affirmations:
“I can do this.”
“everyday, I am making progress and getting better and better”
“I am okay today”
“I am proud of myself for trying my hardest today”
“From now I on, I will better myself, create new habits and take care of myself”
“I haven’t figured it all out yet, but one day I will”
“My current reality is not the end of it all, i can change anything within a second”
i cant stress this ENOUGH. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF, especially if you’re in a toxic household where they call you stupid 24/7, you’re not stupid, your family is. they hate their lives so bad that they have to destroy your day and once you’ve had enough of it and you finally break down they pull this whole narrative on you as if you’re the villain this is a trick they do to make you feel bad about yourselves and feel guilty.
trust me, you’re ten times better and you dont deserve the shit that they gave you, and take it from ME who has been in that same position you can manifest getting tf out that house.
sorry, i disagree with ignoring the 3D! now you might think ignoring the 3D is crucial but i believe its not necessary and it can cause more harm than good. lets say you’re manifesting getting out of a household that does not benefit you at all, but at the same time you’re getting called ugly, stupid and fat..how are you meant to ignore that exactly? right..you cant. so heres what i do; I JUST KNOW that what the 3D is showing me isn’t the end of it all. ik this situation im in rn is gonna change and ik that what I WANT IS ATTAINABLE AND WILL HAPPEN, why? because I SAID SO.
just because you cried, just because you lashed out and “gave in” has no control on your manifestation. do not control and hold in how you feel for a sake of a manifestation, that will do you no good, as well as manifesting for a better life you can do things to make you feel good! like appreciating yourself, but dont EVER beat yourself up for feeling how you feel.
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
hi dream 🫣 what about more headcanons on how anthony and cherie “will they wont they” relationship if they did grew up together? im such a sucker for childhood friends trope 🫠🫠🫠
Anon my darling, I cannot thank you enough for this! ❤ I absolutely love that trope and I have so so so many ideas for how it would go for Cherie and Anthony and it’s going to be very long AAAAAA I’M SO EXCITED LET’S DO THIS! ❤
So since we’re not having an extra scene today, I’m trying something different with this HC, so send me more ideas with this trope if you like it as much as I do! ❤
So first of all, I think when they were kids, Anthony and Cherie absolutely hated each other. Neither of them was willing to share Elias and they got into so many arguments which usually ended with Cherie snitching on Anthony “being mean to her” to their parents.
It got slightly better when they were older, Anthony and Elias went off to Eton and only came home during the breaks, they got a bit more civilized relationship but when Elias and Anthony attended Oxford and came back for good?
That’s when Cherie fell hard for him. Up until that point, she had seen him as Elias’s friend who she grew up with and she always thought he was too arrogant, too disagreeable but Anthony got off the carriage with Elias, joking around with him and she was almost hypnotized.
Anthony on the other hand probably didn’t even pay attention to her, she was just “Elias’s sister” to him for years. He became “the infamous rake” in the meantime and it was only a couple of months before her debut into the society that he actually did notice her.
And love hit him like a truck.
The month before her debut into the society was actual torture for him, and while their families were having dinner together, he had to excuse himself when the subject of her “future marriage” came up, and Cherie one hundred percent followed him without raising any suspicions to find him in the garden smoking, and she went like,
“I hate how cigars smell.”
“Hello to you too.”
“If you’re smoking that, you cannot sit beside me when you come back inside.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Will you tell me what bothers you so much or will I hate to annoy you into confessing it?”
“What makes you think something is bothering me?”
“You have that look on your face you used to have when I insisted on joining you and Elias while you were fencing.”
“You should go back to dinner. They were talking about how you’ll be the diamond this season, I know how much you like that topic.”
“I don’t think I will be.”
“I think I won’t be the diamond.”
“…You know, for a person who spends so much time in front of the mirror, it’s beyond me how you come up with such nonsense.”
“I don’t spend so much time in front of—what on earth is that supposed to mean?”
“It means of course you will be the diamond.”
And of course their parents noticed it, right away. Cherie’s little crush had been happening forever and it had devolved into actual love in those years and anyone could see how Anthony was looking at her, so probably Cassie asked her about it after she had so so many suitors and danced with some of them at the ball, and she went like,
“Any suitor caught your interest, dearest?”
“Um— Monsieur Allard was not so bad. He is handsome and he made me laugh during our dance.”
“No one else?”
“I merely danced with what, five suitors mama?”
“You danced with Anthony as well.”
“Yes and he annoyed me for the whole dance, coming up with reasons why all of my suitors had so many tragic flaws.”
“And would you like him to be your suitor?”
“Anthony? Anthony would never be my suitor. I doubt he notices my presence when I’m in the room.”
“Oh I’d say he notices your presence just fine.”
But it would be only when Cherie actually started liking a suitor that Anthony would start spinning out of control, and Cherie would approach him to go like,
“Did you just come to the ballroom to sulk?”
“I’m not sulking.”
“Yes you are. You’re also glaring at my favorite suitor, so stop that.”
“Allard is your favorite suitor?”
“Yes. Did you hear what he called me?”
“He called me a beautiful angel.”
“You? An angel? The devil more likely.”
“You’re the only man in this ballroom who thinks that.”
“Well, I watched you throw a fit and cry and throw a vase to the wall when you didn’t like how your dress looked on you, so probably that’s why. None of these idiots actually know you.”
“Well, none of the ladies who gaze at you longingly know I had to distract Lady Bess while you went off to a room with Miss Charlotte unchaperoned so I suppose we’re even.”
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Let Me Show You - Bucky Barnes x F! Reader (smut)
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Gif by @buckysbarnes
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for a few months now, and the man has given you everything - literally. One night, Bucky encourages you to let go of your anxiety and let him show you just how sinful that mouth of his can truly be.
Warnings: 18+!!! Brief mention of drinking, Swearing, smut!!: Oral - f receiving, fingering, praise kink, arm kink, (Bucky kink?), unprotected PinV sex, fluff, encouragement
Word Count: 4k+ - I got carried away. 
A/N: Aaahhhh, my first ever request from @kaylee-krystal  I hope I did your idea justice and this is what you were hoping for. I added my own ideas for backstory and such, so I hope it’s okay 🙊thank you again, so, so much for requesting!!! I have reread this a couple times, but I’ve no doubt missed something somewhere, so apologies in advance. 
Permanent Taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @mypedrom @undiscovered-misunderstood
James Buchanan Barnes. 
Now there was a topic you could talk about day and night. 
And probably even in your sleep. 
You’d been dating for a few months now, and everyday was better than the last, even it did sound cliché. 
You’d met in a local Brooklyn bar, having frequented it now and then with your friends for relaxed nights out or after work drinks. 
The first time you’d seen the soldier, he’d been sitting at the bar alone, brooding over a beer. 
It had taken you a few moments, but you’d suddenly realised who it was. 
Bucky Barnes, ex-Winter Soldier, Avenger and now often seen with Sam Wilson. 
THE Bucky Barnes was sitting in your local. 
And instantly he had taken your breath away. 
A set of cheekbones that could cut glass with a jawline to match. Plush lips that looked irresistibly soft - and sinful. 
A tangle of dark hair that was begging to have a pair of hands run through to mess it up. 
You could see the broad line of his shoulders from where you were situated in the booth, and you went home that night imagining everything else about him. 
The next time you saw him, it was about a week later. You were waiting for your friend to arrive and had gone up the bar to get drinks ordered. 
And there he was, just like the last time. 
Only now, you saw that he had a pair of gorgeous eyes, a blue like the Arctic Ocean and just as deep. 
And they were settled on your face with a cheeky little smile, which only grew when you looked at him. 
Moments later, you were seated next to him, lost in conversation about whether the Hobbit was better than Lord of the Rings. 
After laughing at one of his jokes, he’d asked you out on a date, instantly enamoured with the way your eyes lit up like the Brooklyn Bridge and you radiated goodness. 
And the rest was history. 
One date fell into two, and then three, and then just like that... you were dating. 
Boyfriend and girlfriend. 
Picnics in Prospect Park and afternoons at the Smithsonian. 
Nights watching all the movies and tv shows he still needed to catch up on and mornings where you joined him on a run. 
It was beautiful. Sure, you had a few tense moments where you might disagree, or he might have a bad day where memories crept up and he lashed out, but you never backed down. Never ran from him or looked the other way. And he did the same for you. Holding you when you needed him to but firmly expressing himself if you ever went too far. 
It was healthy, enriching and you had both grown so much in just a few months. 
Especially in the intimacy department. 
You weren’t lacking knowledge or experience, not by any means but it was just... some things you were a little uncomfortable with. 
It wasn’t that you had bad memories of the past or had been hurt, it was more a personal thing. 
And you had explained some of these hang-ups to Bucky, who’d taken them all in his stride and been amazing about it. 
When you were in these moments, he would ask if you wanted to try something and if you said no, he respected it and moved on. And if you said yes... well. Then you got a lesson in just how good he could make you feel. 
Bucky had learnt your body in no time at all and... He was mindblowingly good. He knew exactly how to make you cry out his name like a plea, a prayer and a sin all in one. 
It had gotten to the point where you’d drift off in the day, your mind taking you back to the way his lips mouthed over your skin, the way his fingers arched and curled inside your walls just right to reach that spot that hard you arching from the bed all the whole those baby blues were locked onto yours, watching you fall apart with an adoring fire blazing in the blue depths. 
The man only had to give you that killer smile and you’d be instantly soaked. 
He was going to be the death of you one day. 
The sound of his name bounced around the walls of your bedroom, high and keening as the fingers of his vibranium hand stroked your inner walls with a relentless rhythm and pleasure. 
“C’mon baby, that’s it..” he mumbled the sweet nothings against your chest, his mouth pressing kisses across your hot skin, over your collarbones and breasts. 
His hair tickled your neck as your tipped your head back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth  parted in pleasure. 
He was working you to your second orgasm of the night already. 
The man had practically pounced on you when you walked through the door of your shared apartment and you were only too willing to drop everything - underwear included - and lose a few hours. 
Your hips jerked against his hand, bucking in time with his fingers. The heel of his hand was pressed to your clit, applying delicious pressure with each pass of your hips as you chased down your release, feeling it coil tighter and tighter in the base of your spine. 
You slid a hand up into his hair, knotting your fingers in the silky chocolate locks “Fuck-“ 
God, you were so close, so, so close-
Bucky already knew, and he scissored his fingers inside you, sucking at your nipple and triggering your orgasm, gently pushing you over that edge. 
Pleasure tore through your body, making your blood sing and his name bounce through the room again. Every single orgasm he gave you made your body catch fire, and you felt it from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. Through the haze, you heard his lust roughened voice, cooing those praises that only succeeded in making you come harder, “Good girl. Look at you... you look like a goddess. A fucking goddess that deserves to be worshiped every single day.” His hot breath fanned over your skin, “Make me want to do this all the time, give you everything, baby.” 
He kept moving his fingers inside you, the noise filthy and almost forbidden as your slick coated his vibranium fingers. He moved and moved until you pushed lightly at his hand, the sensation almost too much. 
Bucky met your eyes when they opened, and he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking at them and he moaned low at your taste, a wicked grin spreading around them when you groaned. “I’ll never get tired of this.” 
Of your taste. 
You let out a soft huff of a laugh, feeling your body hum still as you beheld the sight of your boyfriend sucking your juices off his fingers, all dark eyes and ruffled hair. “You will be the death of me one day, you know that right?” 
His chuckle was husky and he kissed your neck gently, “Oh, I know. But you will too, so the feeling is definitely mutual, doll.” 
His lips brushed over your belly button and a ripple of apprehension tickled down your spine and you struggled a little to focus on his words. “Every day since, you just blow me away. Everything you do. The way you’re so determined, the drive you have.” His kissed above your hip bone, tracing his tongue over the skin and he drew a little heart with his saliva, “You make me want to be a better person. You make me feel brave enough to make amends, to let go of my past and accept it.” His words were so heartfelt, so meaningful that they threatened to bring tears to your eyes. 
But then his lips brushed lower, and you knew where this was going. 
He had tried before, a couple of times now in the last few months and each time you’d stopped him. 
And each time, he did so without hesitation and just moved on. 
Your eyes snapped open, spine locking up, “Bucky.” 
Instantly, he stopped. His head lifted as he heard the hesitancy in your voice, the apprehension, “What is it, baby? Are you okay?” His lust-blown eyes were wide, a frown between them as he looked over your face for the cause of you stopping him. He realised what he did and his face softened, “Shit, baby... I’m so sorry.” He pressed a soft kiss to the inside of your thigh. 
Your heart was pounding through your chest and you were convinced he could hear it. “No, I’m sorry. It’s not you... I just... um..” 
Oh, you wished the ground would swallow you up. 
Bucky’s warm, broad hand rubbed soothingly over your thigh and he felt the tremble in your body, “Hey... relax. It’s okay, you don’t need to tell me... .”  
You swallowed, shame tinting your cheeks and you stared at the ceiling light, too afraid to look at him. But he had shared so much with you... and you wanted to share this with him, “No one... no one has ever...” a cringe took over your features, “Gone down on me before.” 
Oh, god. 
Your voice came out quiet, hesitant, “Bucky...?” Gathering your courage, you peered down at him. 
He was staring at you, that frown still between his eyes as he looked over your face. He had his suspicions as to why you didn’t like it, but he was never sure. “Is it because... Have people refused to? Because if they have, they were not worth your time. You are beautiful, completely and utterly beautiful and deserve to have someone worship you like that.” there was a tone to his voice, like he would go and tear into anyone who refused to give you such pleasure. 
Shaking your head quickly, you sat up on your elbows, “No! No, it’s not that. They’ve asked to it’s just... me.” 
It was true. 
You had partners who asked to go down on you all the time but... something in you just couldn’t. You weren’t sure entirely why. 
Whether it was the idea that someone would be so close... there. 
What if you weren’t... pretty enough?
What if you didn’t taste good?
What if.... you did something wrong?
It had always been a bit of a hang-up, and even when your friends described how unbelievable good it felt... you just couldn’t do it. 
Bucky’s eyes danced between your own, as if he could read all of this in your expression. He let go of your thigh, crawling up your body and he slide a hand around your jaw, his fingers resting behind your ear, “Baby... you have nothing to worry about. You are absolutely gorgeous, so, so beautiful. Every single thing you do, it blows my mind.” He stroke his thumb over your cheek, “You can walk to me in sweatpants and my hoodie and I’m struck dumb.” 
You laughed a little despite yourself and he copied you, eyes lighting up when you did, “Having someone go down on you... it’s like the ultimate act of worshiping. You are in control. You tell me when to stop, pull me closer or push me away... On my knees for you, tasting you and taking you to that edge.” He cocked his head, “It’ll feel a little odd at first but when you’re used to it... Oh, doll, it’ll feel so good.” 
His words filtered around you, moving through you. 
You knew he was good at his craft, at reading your body. And you also knew he would never make you feel uncomfortable and he would always stop if you asked him to. 
And god, there was a part of you that so desperately wanted to feel it, to feel someone’s tongue between your folds, moving inside you, between your thighs...
An image came to you, his dark locks nestled between your thighs, rumbling moans vibrating against you as you arched above him...
He blinked, perhaps not having expected you to accept so quickly., “Are you sure? If you’re not-“
You swallows, lifting your hand to his on your cheek, “I... I want to. Show me. Show me how good it feels.” 
Bucky looked deep into your eyes, checking for himself and when he seemed satisfied, he nodded gently. “Okay... Okay. If you feel uncomfortable, if it hurts or it’s too much, please tell me to stop. Use the safeword, hit the top of my head, kick me, anything. Okay?” 
God, he just cared so much didn’t he. 
Heart melting, you nodded again, a smile mixed of anticipation and a little bit of nervousness on your lips, “Okay. I promise.” 
Sndjcidks djcocks djckc
The approach of your impending third orgasm was almost painful, the heat in your belly tightening impossibly, every single muscle in your body locking up and screaming for release. 
Bucky was there, already reading it in your body and his free arm lifted from across your waist, reaching up and sliding through yours. 
You tightened your fingers around his cool metal ones, your hips now free. 
An instinct came over you, and you began to rock your hips against his face- 
Heat and shame flushed your cheeks and you opened your mouth to apologise, to try and stop your hips from moving - 
But then Bucky let out a rough moan that reverberated through your walls, through your clit and you realised - he liked it. He liked you fucking yourself on his tongue, smearing your slick over his chin and lips. 
Holy fucking god. 
You wanted this, you wanted this all the time, him all other time. 
Bucky rubbed harder at your clit, running tight circles and his tongued slide over your folds and then speared inside you, like white hot fire. The tip of his tongue stroked that spot, that spot that he seemed to have a direct route to and then - you were falling apart. 
Your orgasm barrelled down into you relentlessly, searing through your body and turning you to light and stars and something entirely ethereal. 
It felt like every cell in your body exploded, sending shockwaves of pleasure through you that just didn’t end. 
Bucky took it all, took every ride of your hips, every clench of your thighs around his head and he worked you through it, tongue lapping up your juices like a man starved as you came apart above him. 
He didn’t let you go, holding you steady in the whirlpool of pure sensation as you ever so slowly came down back to Earth. 
You panted softly, your eyes slowly opening to the familiar ceiling of your bedroom. 
Fucking hell. 
Fucking. Hell. 
A stunned laugh escaped your lips and you unclenched your fingers from Bucky’s hair, rubbing over your face. 
He pressed soft kisses to your thighs, trailing up your body and then lightly pressing his lips to yours. 
You could taste yourself on him, and it was intimate and a little filthy and god - you loved it. You loved him. 
Kissing him back with equal fervour, you couldn’t stop grinning. 
Bucky matched your wide smile, his body held up over yours and he brushed back your damp hair, “How do you feel?” Always looking out for you. He pulled away gently from your lips, trailing his mouth over your jaw. 
You chuckled again, breathlessly, “I feel... amazing. Like my body is singing.” You shook your head just slightly in awe, “I don’t know how I’ve gone so long without that. You’re fucking good...” 
You felt his shit-eating grin against your jaw, his teeth lightly nip your skin, “See... I told you. You deserve to be worshipped, baby. And I plan on doing it again and again, on my knees, under you, over you... like the goddess you are.” He brushed his lips over the shell of your ear, his voice a rough, husky whisper, “And I plan to carry on right now.”
The rest of the night fell away as he slipped back inside you effortlessly, and you climbed to the sky together again and again, and all you could think was... This was it. 
You’d only been with him for a few months but in that time he had shown you more than anyone ever had. He had lovingly and carefully peeled back your layers and revealed such a shining light beneath, the light that had always been there and he had seen since that first meeting. 
You wanted this forever, all the time. His love, his trust...
And his lips and tongue. 
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mandos-sluts · 3 years
The Apology
The Mandolorian x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, dubious consent, degradation, daddy kink, dirty talk, alcohol consumption
Summary: You cause Mando’s negotiation to break down seek a way to make it up to him
A/N: Please message us or comment if you want to be on our tag list!!
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You and Mando have been working as partner bounty hunters for about six months. The two of you just apprehended and turned in a bounty that was incredibly difficult to catch. But Mando was especially driven to catch her not because the price on her head was super high (though it was), but because there was a possibility the two of you would be able to collect the payout in beskar. The agency that put the bounty on her has a considerable reserve of beskar, and Mando has heard that they have paid out in beskar before.
The two of you arrive at the cantina where you’ve arranged to meet with a representative from the firm to negotiate your payment. You are exhausted and extra irritable— that bounty put up a grueling fight. You and Mando slide into a booth as a waiter approaches your table.
“Your strongest spotchka please.” You tell the waiter.
Mando turns his head and looks at you. “Y/n.” He says in a low, warning tone.
“What, Mando? We just turned in a bounty which we spent over a week hunting. I’m allowed to have a drink.”
The waiter returns with your drink and it’s gone within the minute. You set your empty glass on the table as a frail middle-aged man walks up to your booth.
Mando rises eagerly to his feet. “Hello sir, thank you for coming.” He says, shaking his hand. You don’t bother to stand, instead offering him a silent smile. You and Mando are partners, but this whole beskar exchange is his forte, and you’re fine with letting him take the lead.
“I understand that you would like to negotiate for your payment to be in beskar.” The man says sitting across from you and Mando.
“That’s correct sir. Thank you for meeting with us.” Mando returns. You’ve never seen him be so polite and formal with someone before.
“My consortium pays out in beskar very rarely. And that is typically only when the value of the Imperial Credit or the Calamari Flan are especially volatile. But both currencies are stable right now, why should we pay you with our limited beskar reserves?”
Mando begins his argument. *see gif* You pretty much zone out, slouched beside him. You know he’s saying something about how beskar is sacred to Mandalorians and how the amount you’re willing to accept in beskar is much less than they would pay you guys in a different form.
“Well, we would like to be in good standing with you.” You hear the man say as you zone back in. “And you must be one hell of a bounty hunter if you’re able to afford escorts as young and pretty as her.” The man says pointing at you. “Maybe I'll use the credits we don’t pay you to pick one of them young things up for myself.”
You lift your head and sit up straight. Being a woman bounty hunter, you get sexist comments like this all of the time. You usually ignore them, especially in high-pressure situations like this. However, you downed that spotchka you ordered and the alcohol is overriding the voice in your head that tells you to keep your mouth shut.
“I’m not a sex worker, I’m his hunting partner.” You assert, completely unamused.
“Hahahaha oh that’s cute. Sure you are, sweetheart.” The man cackles.
“And ya know….you probably wouldn’t need to pay women to be around you if you weren’t such a creepy pervert.” You say harshly.
Instant regret.
The tone in the booth immediately shifts. Shock and offense cover the man’s face.
“...Excuse me?” He says slowly rising from his seat with his palms on the table.
Mando quickly stands. “Sir, I’m sorry, she didn’t mean that. Please we–”
“Who the hell do you think you are?! You come in here asking for a favor and then disrespect me!?” The man yells down at you. “Here!” He tosses a bag of coins on the table. “Enjoy your Imperial credits!” He spits before turning and storming away.
“Wait sir, the beskar–” Mando pleads, but the man is already out the door.
You feel the guilt rise in your stomach. “Fuck! Mando I’m so sor–”
“Shut up. Let’s go.”
“Mando wait let me go talk to hi–”
“Let’s go!” He barks at you, making you jump.
You spend the walk back to the Crest profusely apologizing to Mando. He stays silent and doesn’t even acknowledge you. He’s walking so fast you’re running to keep up with him.
You desperately seek a response from him, but Mando enters the ship without saying a word. He makes his way up the ladder and you follow.
“Mando! I fucked up, I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have said anything. I know how important recovering beskar is to you, and I’m so sorry. I was drunk and….and I’m so so sorry!” You plead as your eyes fill with tears.
“Mando.” You beg, voice cracking as tears begin rolling down your face, “Please, please say something.” You cry as you pull on his arm. He yanks away from you and walks silently into the cockpit.
Mando has been livid with you before. You guys have engaged in plenty of screaming matches throughout your six months working together. They typically stem from you doing things he doesn’t think are safe, or the two of you disagreeing on what strategy you should employ to catch a bounty. But you’ve never seen him like this before. He’s more upset than angry; he’s disappointed. So much so that he doesn’t even want to yell at you. This is his creed, his religion, his people’s stolen commodity, and you just fucked up a chance for him to get some of it back.
Mando sits down in the pilot’s chair. You’re standing in the door to the cockpit behind him.
You take a deep breath. Your eyes are glossy and streaks of tears stain your cheeks. “Is–is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
Mando spins around in his chair so that he is facing you. “Yeah.” He says shortly.
Your eyes widened. “W-what is it?”
“Get on your knees.” Mando says in a low, rough voice.
“You heard me. Get on your knees.”
Your knees shake as you slowly lower yourself to the floor. You sit on your knees and stare up at Mando with wide eyes and a confused desperate look.
“Take your hair down and take your dress off.” He commands flatly.
“Um, wh–”
“Are you gonna make me tell you again?” He interrupts you.
You pull your hair tie out of your hair, letting it fall down past your shoulders. You look up at Mando sitting in the chair, and see that he’s rubbing an unmistakable bulge over his pants.
Arousal shoots through your core and you can feel your panties become damp. He takes off his gloves and drops them to the floor. You begin slowly unbuttoning your dress, and Mando unbuttons his pants, removing his hard thick cock as he stares at you. He starts slowly stroking his length with his hand, sitting there, unapologetically watching you undress on your knees in front of him.
You can’t believe what’s happening. You’ve fantasized about Mando almost every night since you became a team, but you never envisioned something like this.
You pull your dress over your head and set it down on the cold metal floor next to you. You weren’t wearing a bra, so you’re completely naked except for a thong. Mando stands up and starts slowly creeping toward you, his cock in hand. Your head tilts higher and higher as he nears you with your gaze on his visor.
He stops when he’s standing directly above you, pumping his cock just inches away from your face which is still fresh with tears.
“M-Mando, I–”
“Shut up.” He snaps, grabbing your chin with his other hand. He runs his thumb along your bottom lip. “I only want your mouth open if my cock is in it.” He pulls your face toward his member and you instinctively part your lips as Mando pushes it into your mouth.
You’re in shock by what’s happening, but you manage to gather your composure and you begin sucking his dick. In any other situation, you would tease him by licking his length or starting only with the tip, but you figure it’s best to jump right in.
“Fuck.” Mando says under his breath, surprised at how readily you started bobbing your head.
You take a deep breath through your nose and move one of your hands to his thigh to steady yourself and the other to the bottom of his shaft and move it up and down along with your head.
Mando’s breathing picks up. “You’re such a fuckin brat.” He spits, weaving his hand into your hair on the back of your head.
You swirl your tongue around his tip and begin to take more of his length. “F-fuck your mouth feels so good.” Mando breaths out.
You let out a whimper and look up into his visor. His words encourage you to bob your head faster.
“Shit, y/n. You’re sucking my cock better than I thought you could. You do this a lot before, little slut?”
You feel arousal shoot to your pussy at the vulgar things that he— your hunting partner, your colleague— is saying to you. You can feel that your panties are soaked.
Mando’s grip on your hair tightens and he begins thrusting his hips. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about shoving you to your knees and forcing my cock into that annoying mouth of yours?”
Breathing through your nose, you try your best not to gag as you let him take control. You want to show Mando how good you are at this— how much you can satisfy him.You bring your hand up and start kneading his balls, and Mando grunts. He can’t believe how submissive you’re being.
“Pfft, you’re a– a desperate little whore, letting– letting me fuck this delicate little throat of yours.” Mando says between thrusts. “You know you could tell me to stop, but you like this don’t you? You like being treated like a slut.”
You let out a pathetic whimper, signalling how right he was. You love that Mando is using you and fucking out his frustrations on you.
“Bet your panties are soaking wet.” Mando says. He takes his cock out of your mouth and grabs your upper arms. “In fact, let's see.” He says as he pulls you up off your feet. Mando sits down in the pilot’s chair and throws you over his lap.
Your head is near the ground and your ass is perched up on his lap. Mando spreads your ass cheeks apart and peers down at the drenched thin fabric covering your pussy. He grabs the top of your thong and wraps it around his hand. He pulls it up, making the fabric pull against your clit. You let out a yelp but he doesn’t relent, pulling it so hard until it snaps. He tosses the stretched broken panties to the ground and gazes down at your glistening, soaking wet cunt.
“Ha. I knew it. Fuck. Look at this desperate pussy.” Mando runs his middle finger through your folds. “Poor little girl. That why you’re being such a brat? Huh? You needed someone to fill your neglected little hole?”
Without warning, Mando plunges his middle finger into your hole and starts pumping it fast. Your mouth opens and whines begin to fall from your lips. Mando’s other hand slaps your ass. And you scream out. He spanks you a few more times, each harder than the one before.
The sounds of your whimpers, the sounds of his hand striking your soft skin, and the sounds of your obscenely wet pussy gushing as his fingers pump it fill the otherwise silent cockpit.
“Fuck your pussy is tight, y/n.” Mando spits. “You did such a good job with my cock in your mouth, let’s see how your pussy takes it.” He says flipping you around so that you are straddling him.
“Mando, I-I don’t know if it’s gonna fit!” You cry as you bring your hand down to cover your hole.
“I’m gonna make it fit.” Mando growls back, shoving your hand away and lining his member up with your entrance. But then, noticing the genuine worry in your eyes, he changes his tone.
“Come on, baby girl, open up for me.” Mando purrs softly. With his hands on your hips, he slowly guides your hips down so that just his tip enters you. He can feel your body relax.
You let out a breath and stare deeply into his visor, your hands are wrapped around his neck. You begin moving up and down his length, each time taking more of it into you as your moans become louder and your mouth falls open.
Mando lets out a grunt once his cock is fully engulfed by your walls. He can’t help but thrust his hips up as you begin to pick up your pace. Your moans become screams as his harsh thrusts upward coincide perfectly with the drop of your hips.
Mando is driving deep into your cunt as fast as he can. He moves one of his hands to your throat and squeezes it. “You– you gonna behave now, you little brat?”
“Y-yes, daddy.” You whimper back.
“Yeah? You gonna be a good girl for me?” Mando says as he aggressively spanks your ass.
All you can do at this point is nod in response. Your mouth agape and uncontrollable wails fall from your lips.
“You’re a dirty little slut, aren’t you? Letting me fuck the shit out of this prestine cunt of yours. Calling your partner daddy. Do it again.” He commands. “Call me daddy.”
“Daddy! D-daddy please– please don’t stop.” You cry out, gripping his shoulders and neck for dear life.
“Fuck, this pussy is– is so good. I might just have you sit on my cock while I– while I pilot the fucking ship.” Mando says.
He moves his hand back down to your waist and pushes your back so that he’s holding you up against him. His cold beskar feels so good against your nipples. Mando starts thrusting even faster and his grip on you tightens as he feels his orgasm approaching. Then Mando abruptly lifts you off his lap and drops you onto your knees in front of him. He stands up, pumping his member with his hand.
He’s panting. “I’m gonna cum on that pretty face of yours.”
You close your eyes and stick out your tongue, just as you feel Mando’s warm juices rain onto your face. “Ahhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkk.” He moans, looking down at your docile expression as he paints your skin with his cum.
“You look good like this.” Mando says with a slight chuckle as he bends down. He runs his thumb across your chin and then puts it in your mouth. You obediently suck his finger before he pops it out and grabs you a rag.
You wipe your face off. “Mando, I’m sorry.” You say flatly.
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry too.” He says sincerely. “That guy was an asshole.”
@pinkninja200 @raspberrymama @stevie75 @tacticalsparkles @kenoobiwan @shark-s @theamuz @blackrose8425 @beskarboobs @smutslutz
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nari-nim · 3 years
Treasure legal line kink thoughts
nari note: anyways, so I decided to compile a bunch of my kinky thoughts from my matchmaking hours event. This is a live doc, I’ll be adding and moving things around so lmk if you agree/disagree/have any suggestions 
Soft dom. 
Sensory deprivation - Obsessed with tying you up, or putting a blindfold on you, or using headphones playing the filthiest songs he produced for you to increase the intensity of sex. You look so innocent like that...maybe feeds into a corruption kink here?
Oral fixation - Big on giving. He will eat you out with any chance he gets. He will be so down to spend hours going down on you, lapping at your core, arms wrapping around your thighs, pulling you close, hands helping you arch your lower back, making sure he’s sucking into your favorite pleasure spots, not satisfied until you’re crying out from those good, good orgasms. He also just likes to see your lips wrapped around him, whether it be his cock or fingers, he loves they way your expression changes when he fucks into you or presses his finger against your tongue.
other members under the cut
Hard dom.
Daddy kink - he loves the rush of pleasure and control that surges through him when you follow anything he says with a sweet, “yes, daddy” as you absolutely let him have whatever which way with you. Whether it be him spanking you as he pounds into you so hard, calling you his cumslut as he fills you up or his whore as he squirts all over your face, or when he makes you orgasm over and over again until you are screaming
Strength kink - Hah he basically could cum from the way you grab onto his biceps when he rails you. Also um he loves manhandling so fucking much like he loves the rush of throwing you onto the bed or moving your body in various ways so he hits that spot just right. Loves the way you look up at him, eyes wide, breath caught at your throat and all. 
Overstimulation - Oh my god he tries to do this basically every time. Likes to see if he can push the two of you past your usual limit. Likes to fit in at the very least 3 rounds, even it’s supposed to be quick. Experiments with a variety of positions to achieve this, with a strong preference for deepthroating and facefucking. Will want you to sit on his face :)
Begging - he loves it when you to hear you beg. Feeds a little into power kink, daddy kink, and all but he just loves it when you are crying and begging for him uwu
Cum play - Sorry not sorry he loves cumming all over you and smearing it all over so you’re basically covered in him by the end. Likes to see you swallow his cum, so will fuck his cum back into you (if he doesn’t pull out) with his fingers and feed you the mixture of his cum and yours. Likes to cum down your throat or give you a facial if you’re giving him a blowjob. Likes watching his cum slide down your torso if he cums on your boobs and smear it over your stomach for a good measure. Likes how it marks you as his and how much of a mess you look like that 
Also into making you cry (:
Soft dom.
Breeding kink - Yoshi loves fucking you raw, cumming into you again and again, seeing him cum roll down your inner thighs, fucking it all back into you again, loving how he continuously fills you up to the brim. He loves hearing you encourage him, asking him to fill you up, telling him how much you love feeling his cum in you. Yoshi also just loves leaving marks all over your body, his favorite would be your inner thighs and upper chest region. He loves the way you just let him do what he wants with you and the way you cave into his touch.
Sir/master kink - not necessarily a daddy kink, I see him more as someone who likes to be addressed with that level of authority in the bedroom which feeds a little into a bit of a praise kink. He knows he’s good and he wants to hear it. It fuels him as he becomes the most perfect service top. 
Face sitting - Ohhh, I think he really likes face sitting! Loves hearing the way you are screaming for him as you come undone from on top of him. Loves grabbing at your thighs and ass to control your squirming. Just loves making you feel so good and hearing all of your load moans. 
Eye contact - He demands eye contact when he fucks you. Will prioritize positions where he can look into your eyes and see how fucked out you are while pounding into you. Will grab your chin and tilt your face up while you suck him off. Likes the heightened level of intimacy that eye contact gives
Switch with sub lean.
Praise kink - Loves to drawl filthy praises or rasp degradations into your ear turns you on. And honestly, he loves it too. The dom part of him loves to praise you while snapping his hips into you in a fast pace, groaning out how beautiful you are and how much he loves you. Loves slipping his hands into yours as he thrusts into you, moaning your name into your ear and telling you how good you feel, how beautiful you look taking him so well, and just what a good girl you are. He loves praising you when you suck him off extra good, egging you on as you take him again and again, and asking you if you liked that when he rails into you. But also loves it when you compliment him, tell him how well he is doing and how good he’s making you feel and feel the way his cock twitches inside you in response. He’s also pretty vocal, with lots of low moans and whines, so he’ll probably shyly ask you to be kind of loud as well. Nothing boosts his ego like you reversing the attention and telling him how hot he is. He is a sucker for being the best at what he does and wants to hear that from you in particular. 
Ice play - Something about the sting of the ice followed by your warm tongue drives Junkyu batshit. The sheer contrast feels so good for him and he will be a moaning mess under you. When giving, he loves to use it especially during oral sex, watching the way you squirm and whine as he teases you before eating you out.
Marking - loves to leave hickeys on you, and for you to leave marks on him but only where the two of you will find it. He’s proud of the bruises on your neck and hip area the next day. In his slightly possessive mindset, likes how that marks you as his and will ward off anyone who even dares looking at you 
Breath play - Even if it’s not full on choking, likes for either one of you to wrap your hands on the other’s neck to exert control. Likes the feeling of your delicate neck in his hands and the way your lips part in lust when he wraps his huge hands there...and also likes the full control he places in your hands when you start to squeeze. 
Switch with dom lean.
Lingerie kink - oh man is this man into visuals. I think he definitely has a lingerie kink because you? in that sexy thing he got for you? You definitely always have him weak in the knees and horny as hell for nothing.
Edging - mentioned this in my MTL, but yeah Mashiho strikes me as someone who is secretly into this kind of control in bed. Whether he is giving or receiving this treatment, he gets off on the neediness that just continues to build and build and build towards the final release that comes with either one of you screaming, and then not being able to move too much for a few minutes from being way too fucked out.  Likes doing this a lot, no matter if he’s subbing or domming
Orgasm control - he would be really, really into controlling when you cum. Likes the rush of power he feels and the way you listen so well to him.
Toys - Would use it more of you than the other way around, but likes to use toys to help him edge you and tease you to make you more and more needy for him
Soft dom.
Cum play - likes seeing his cum on your body, likes to smear it around you, fuck it back into you, make you clean it off his fingers. Thinks it’s so fucking hot watching you covered in him
Thigh riding - Um he loves watching you trying to get yourself off on him. A little flattered you would choose to use him like that, but mostly just likes to tease you a little while you are a needy, moaning mess on top of him. Likes to rest a rough hand on your hips while you rut into him, watching your face intently with a sinful expression
Finger sucking - likes to place a few fingers in your mouth and feeling the way your tongue swirls and sucks around him, because it helps him anticipate what’s to come
Body worship - He thinks you are beautiful and will be very vocal about it in bed. Will spend so much time appreciating every part of your body and make sure you are feeling so pleasured the entire time. Type to stand you in front of a mirror and compliment you as his runs his hands over your body, circle your clit, and dips his fingers into you.
Switch with no lean.
Bondage kink - Loves tying you up sooooo much oh my god something about the way you look squirming so desperately for him makes him a little lightheaded. He probably won’t mind being tied up either haha. He likes seeing it as a challenge to get out of the restraints and put you in them.
Power exchange - I see him as someone who will dom the shit out of you but also find a lot of fun in giving you the power to see what you would do with it. Loves it when either one of you just gives control to the other and establish that sense of trust as you rail each other uwu
Cumplay - Every time you go to the bathroom to flush out the load he leaves in you after a particularly eventful session, he always makes sure to watch how his cum trails down your thigh, biting his lip as he considers the possibility of yet another round
Cockwarming - Also, he is obsessed with cockwarming oh my god. He also loves the comfort of having your presence in his room as he mixes away at his beats. Once he finishes a part he is satisfied with, he’ll sit you on his lap and help you into his headphones, giving you the warmest back hug as you appreciate the pure talent this man has. Good luck trying to come up with proper feedback as he presses gentle, loving kisses on your shoulder, making you melt at the tenderness of the moment.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Kind of Girl You Take Home to Mom (part 3 - FINALE) | Andy Barber x reader
(part 1) (part 2)
summary: andy knows how to take what he wants, and he wants you.
word count: 5.6k 
warnings: SMUT, subtle dubcon elements, loss of virginity, infidelity (obviously), wedding ring kink (shocking!!! jk), 
Tumblr media
a/n: wow, after all this time I FINALLY finished this series.  sorry it took so long.  I still have an alternate ending that I want to write... but I wanted to go ahead and get this out first.  thank you everyone for your patience!  I kind of expect this to flop despite being the most requested thing ever, but idgaf.
“Honestly?  I always had this weird fear that he was going to try to seduce one of my girlfriends.”
For the second time that day, you choked.
“Wh— are you okay?” Jacob gasped, running over to you as you coughed up water.
Your attempt to respond was useless as you could only sputter and cough, trying to communicate that you were fine with a casual wave, but only managing to flail your arm wildly.
“Was it something I said?” he pressed.
“No, I just—” you wheezed, but interrupted yourself with another coughing fit as your eyes watered from the lack of air.
He slapped your back to try to help you along but it wasn’t very effective, just adding one new source of pain to your predicament.  I always had this weird fear that he was going to try to seduce one of my girlfriends, that was what he’d said.  What does that even mean?  Did he mean it like “I always had this fear, for no good reason,” or did he mean it like “I was always afraid of this, and now it’s come true”?
The way Jacob was looking at you— kind, concerned, patient— it didn’t seem like he suspected you of anything.  He probably would’ve led with that if he knew something, right?
When your airways finally cleared and you were able to start catching your breath, you finished getting ready for bed quickly and hopped into bed.  You couldn’t handle any long conversations with Jacob, though you tolerated some cuddling before you fell asleep.
You dreamt that night that you were drowning.  Andy was holding you, his arms wrapped around you from behind as he pulled you to shore.  Or was he pulling you under?  Either way, you figured you’d had enough water in your lungs for one day.
You probably should’ve let them win at Scrabble… you just couldn’t help yourself.
“I have…” Jacob trailed off as he counted in his head, “177 points.”
“209,” Laurie announced, reaching over to rub Jacob on the shoulder sympathetically.  “Sorry, honey.”
“384,” Andy grinned, setting down his pen and pad triumphantly and looking to you for your score.
“Um,” you stalled, almost embarrassed to say now.  “I got, uh, 559.”
Laurie and Jacob erupted into sputters of confusion, demanding that you recount your points as if they hadn’t all seen you play ‘quixotic’ on a triple word space.
“Good game,” Andy murmured with a soft smirk as he stood up and left the table.  You smiled back at him quickly, the other two too busy recounting the numbers on your pad to even notice.
So, that was the end of board games for the night.  Jacob suggested a movie but you just knew that would just be you and him cuddling under one blanket… while Laurie and Andy cuddled under another.  You weren’t sure you could take that.  Instead, you decided to read your book outside— even though you figured Laurie was disappointed you didn’t want to do anything more social.  Complimenting her beautifully landscaped backyard eased the blow, though.
It was hard to get comfortable on the patio couch, not because of the couch itself but because you knew it wouldn’t be long until somebody bothered you.  When you heard the door open, you were a little disappointed to see Jacob approaching you.
“Hey,” he smiled, sliding in next to you on the couch and wrapping an arm around you.  
“Hey,” you greeted in reply, slightly flat in your affect as you immediately dove back into your book.
“You’re feeling okay, right?  We could go for a drive if you need some space,” he offered, rubbing your shoulder gently.
“No, I’m alright,” you mumbled.  “You know me, I like my peace and quiet when I can get it.”
“You… like them, don’t you?”  He must’ve sensed that you didn’t understand what he was referring to at first.  “My family, I mean.”
“Oh!  Yeah, that’s not the issue, really.  I know we’re going back home tomorrow but I still need to decompress a little bit.  I’ll be more social tonight, promise.”
When you looked up at him, his face was closer than you’d anticipated.  It reminded you of when you two met, at a party where the music was so loud that you’d had to stand about this close to be able to carry a conversation.  Well, technically that wasn’t the first time you met, because you had him in one of your classes that semester, but it was the first time you’d talked.  He was fun, he was new, he was friendly.  I can’t stay long, I’ve got a test in the morning, you’d yelled your explanation.  You’re gonna ace it anyway, he had dismissed at the time, so you should stay and have fun!  You deserve to have fun.
Maybe that was what had made you attracted to him: you couldn’t think of anyone else who had been so worried about what you deserved.  But now, Andy was added to that list.  You hated to imagine that Jacob had inherited that nature from his father.  Is he treating you right? Andy has asked you that night, and you really weren’t sure even now what the answer was.  He certainly wasn’t treating you poorly, but was that enough?  
Back in reality (and not in your whizzing, anxiety-ridden thoughts), Jacob leaned in and kissed you softly.  The kiss was just like him: patient, gentle, but also somehow energetic.  It was… nice.  Comfortable.  Feeling a surge of boldness, you set your book aside and leaned into him, pushing the kiss a little deeper.
He let out a tiny little noise, nearly a moan, as your tongues began to slide together.  His hand reached up to cradle the back of your head— you remembered that he did that a lot when you were making out, but all those times felt so foreign now.  Your hands reached up to rub against his chest through his t-shirt; that dark maroon one he wore all the time, so much that it was forming a few holes at the hem.  His hand slid down to your back and—
“Am I interrupting something?” Andy’s voice tore you both from the moment and from each other’s arms.
“Dad!” Jacob protested, sounding particularly immature with the way his voice rose to a shrill yelp of shock.
“I was just coming out here to let you know that your mother wants your help with dinner,” Andy explained, “but I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to embarrass you like that go by.”
“You never do,” Jacob sighed, giving you a quick kiss to the cheek as a goodbye as he stood up and walked inside.  You felt Andy’s eyes on you as you looked to the ground awkwardly, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.  A few seconds after the door was shut, he spoke again.
“I couldn’t let you two get too hot and heavy, and besmirch this innocent patio couch.”
“You’d better not be mad at me for kissing my boyfriend,” you frowned as you stood up.  “That’s the most normal thing that’s happened all weekend.”
“I’m not,” he assured, beginning to step closer to you.  “Jealous?  Slightly.  Not that I see him as competition or anything.”
“Uh, you probably should,” you disagreed, raising your eyebrow in a mix of confusion and challenge.  
“Honey, I saw you kissing.  It was nothing to write home about,” he laughed.  “He doesn’t seem to realize that, since he brought you here.  Can’t blame him—-” he stepped closer to you and ever-so-delicately brushed his fingers against your arm— “but you know you can do better.  You know nobody can make you feel like I do.”
“Andy,” you murmured, trying to step back as you glanced to the window by the backdoor, through which the both of you were clearly visible to anyone who sat in the living room.  It was empty now, but it was too close for comfort.  “Someone could see…”
“They’re in the kitchen, don’t worry,” he soothed, leaning down to ghost his lips over your cheek and neck, “nobody’s gonna see us, angel, s’just you and me…”
You didn’t want to, but you melted into his touch anyway.  Just those little circles that his fingers drew on your back made your entire body erupt in shivers.  “Andy,” you found yourself whispering as if you needed to remember who was doing this to you.
“I’m gonna fuck you tonight,” he whispered against your ear.  
Your breath caught in your throat.  
“Are you scared?” he teased.  “Afraid my cock’ll split you in half?”
Embarrassed, you nodded.
He grinned, pulling back from your neck to force you into a deep, dominating kiss.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and clung to his shoulders, eagerly allowing his tongue access as it pressed into yours.  A little moan escaped you, causing him to pull your body even closer.  You had worried that kissing the two of them in a row like this would lead to an inevitable comparison, which would be beyond disgusting.  But nope, this kiss made you forget that you’d kissed Jacob at all.  Not that that exactly stopped it from being disgusting.
You knew if you didn’t stop yourself now, you wouldn’t be able to soon… and you really needed this kiss to end before you two got caught.  Pushing on his chest, you pulled back with a sigh.
“We shouldn’t—” you began.
“No, you’re right,” he agreed with a reluctant nod.  Still, you missed his touch now that it was gone.  “We’ll have plenty of time for that later.  It’s just hard to keep putting on a happy face when all I want is to grab you and bend you over the table and—”
“Oh god, you can’t talk like that,” you laughed nervously.  “You’re gonna drive me crazy, I swear.”
“Haven’t I already?” he smirked.
You nodded, because he was completely right.  With a quick wave, you opened the door to step into the house.  He called your name, getting your attention as you turned around.  In his hand, arm outstretched, was your book.  “Almost forgot this,” he smiled.
“Right, thanks,” you nodded, taking it and going back inside.
You spent the rest of the day reaching new heights of anxiousness.  Shaking your leg, chewing your lip, scratching your wrist— how could you relax after what Andy had said, how could you act casual?  You were just waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the obvious opportunity to arise and for Andy to be inevitable like he always was.
You weren’t sure how he did it, but he did.  He got Laurie and Jacob to leave you two alone in the house.  With his influential career, he was probably used to getting what he wanted, but you hadn’t anticipated that he was so good at the hard work it took to get those things.
He got you, though.  Not that that took all too much hard work.
“Enjoy the movie you guys!” you told them as they were making their way out the door.  Jacob leaned in for a goodbye kiss, and softly asked one last time if you wanted to come.  
He pulled your shirt up over your head, and you hadn’t even gotten it all the way off before he undid your bra with a quick motion.  You hated to think about Jacob in that moment, but those few times you’d fooled around with him to this extreme, that part of the process had taken quite a bit longer.
When your breasts were free his hands latched onto them instantly; the rough pads of his fingers felt good against the sensitive skin, and his hands were so damn big.  You felt your back arching into his touch.
“Can’t wait to get my mouth on these,” he purred, “but I need to see all of you first.”
You yelped as he picked you up and tossed you back onto the bed.  He took off your socks first, which made you feel a little hot for some reason, and then reached down to pull at your shorts.  You lifted your hips to make it easier, looking up at him and gnawing on your bottom lip nervously.
As he tossed your shorts and underwear aside, you suddenly felt very naked compared to his clothedness.  Probably because you were completely naked and he was completely clothed.  He smiled down at you before grabbing your ankles and resting them on his shoulders, starting to kiss up your leg slowly while never breaking eye contact.
You whined impatiently.  “Andy, please, need you…”
“Shh,” he soothed, “we’ve got time baby, I finally got you all to myself and I’m gonna savor it.”
His lips moved up your calf and thigh, but irritatingly skipped anywhere salacious to get straight to your hips and belly.  “Hnng, Andy—” 
You choked on your words when he licked over your nipple, swirling his tongue around it before sucking it into his mouth.  It instantly hardened between his lips and he smiled.  “Baby, you’re so sensitive,” he cooed against your skin as he kissed his way to the other and did the same.
Your hips bucked up and made contact with his clothed thigh; you let out a high-pitched moan and did it again, rubbing yourself against his suit pants.  The rough material sent shocks of pleasure through you as Andy smiled and left little love bites along your neck.
"Look at you, such a needy little girl," he tsked.  "Rubbing your cunt on me like a whore.  You're gonna make a mess, baby."
"'m sorry I just— oh, fuck," you sighed, your head falling back onto the pillow with a soft thud.
"It's only fair," he shrugged.  "I don't mind spending the rest of the night with your come on my slacks.  So long as you spend it with my come still in your cunt."
You gasped, trying to imagine how you would hide that from Laurie and Jacob…
But you couldn’t keep on that train of thought for very long as he started to kiss down your stomach again.
“Please, Andy, need— fuck, I need you to— um, taste me, please,” you whimpered.
“Hmm, beg a little more,” he smirked.
It was a long line of nonsense after that; some barely-intelligible string of ‘please’ and ‘Andy’ with a little flair of embarrassing whining.  He laughed a little before he finally did what you’d asked, latching his lips onto your swollen clit.  Your back arched instantly as your hands clenched at the comforter beneath you.
It wasn’t at all like you’d imagined it would be— it was so warm, and he alternated between surrounding you with his mouth and teasing you with the tip of his tongue.  You let out a long, deep moan when his tongue slipped inside you, twisting and massaging your walls so perfectly.  Your hands carded through his hair, accidentally tightening and pulling when he licked right over your clit.  He didn’t seem to mind, though, just moaning against you and doing it again and again and again until your legs were quivering. 
Just as you were about to tell him that you were close, he instantly pulled away to speak.  “I can tell you’re close,” he purred as if he’d read your mind.  
“Please, don’t stop,” you begged, but he continued to sit up and started to open his belt.
“It’s not time to come yet, honey.  It’s gonna feel so much better when you come while I’m inside you— for both of us,” he grinned.
As his sweater was discarded and his trousers were pushed down, you bit your lip.  You weren’t sure you would ever get used to seeing his cock, especially when it had leaked enough pre-cum to leave a wet patch on his boxer briefs.
He was on you the second he’d finished stripping, caging in your body with his, growling as he started to kiss your neck.  You whined and arched your back, your heart racing as you tried to cope with the fact that this was happening, this was really happening.  It was surreal, or maybe it was more than real— you were going to lose your virginity.  To Andy fucking Barber.
“I think you’re ready for me, don’t you?” he asked teasingly, his hips moving forward to press his cock against your inner thigh.  You nodded as you swallowed thickly, gasping as he reached down and started to rub his swollen head through your folds.
“Please…” you sighed, even as your chest tightened with distant fear.
You had wondered if what he'd said about his marriage to Laurie being sexless was true.  It certainly would be a convenient lie to garner your sympathy and make him look better.  But you had no doubts it was the truth when he pushed his cock into you; he moaned like a man who had dreamed of this moment for years, who had been so deprived of affection for so long.  
It hurt less than you’d expected, although it was certainly overwhelming.
“Oh fuck, Andy,” you moaned,
“Say my name again, baby,” he demanded with a groan.
“Andy!” you repeated, a little louder right as the tip of his cock hit so deep inside you that it hurt— and for some reason, you wanted him to do it again.
“Fuck, you need to be quiet, or the neighbors’ll hear you,” he hissed as he pumped into you deeper and faster.  “Can you do that or do I need to choke you to shut you up?”
You whimpered from fear at that idea and he laughed a little.  
“Don’t act so innocent, baby, I know who you really are: you’re my dirty little slut.”
“No I’m—” you began to disagree.  A quick slap to the face, not too hard but stinging nonetheless, shut you up.
“You know you are,” he hissed, “so say it.”
You could barely carry this conversation, his cock filling you so completely that you couldn’t think about anything else.  “Andy, I—”
“Say it.”
You gulped but managed to pant between heavy breaths, “I’m…  I’m your dirty little slut, Andy…”
He grinned and began to move faster, deeper, somehow.  You clutched at his shoulders, kissing him and groaning into his mouth.  When his hips slammed into yours, you moaned louder than maybe you ever had before.  "You want it rough, honey?” he taunted.  “Want me to fuck you hard?"
"Yes, please!" you sobbed, your voice hoarse and desperate now.
He grabbed your hips and made good on his offer of brutality, and then some, making you nearly scream.  He kissed you again, perhaps in an attempt to keep you quiet, although it didn’t work that well, as you mouth fell open with every cry.  His teeth captured your lip as he growled above you, holding your hips up so the angle was perfect to send his cock right into the end of you, so deep— too deep, in the most perfect way.
His cock stroking against your walls was indescribable; each thrust made your entire body erupt in shivers.  The stretch was difficult but you loved it, you loved the way his body pushed yours to its limits.  
"Gonna come inside you, honey," he moaned, "gonna fill you up so good, gonna mark your body with my come and make you mine."
"Oh god, Andy, please," you sobbed.
"You gonna come for me, pretty girl?” he encouraged.
“Yes, so close—” you cut yourself off as you choked on nothing, you entire body beginning to tighten and seize up as pleasure spiralled higher and higher.
“Just like that, come on my cock,” he demanded, but you couldn’t do anything else even if you tried— the coil snapped as your vision went spotty.  Just as you started to close your eyes, he held your neck and stared down at you.  “Look at me when I make you come.”
You struggled to keep your eyes open with the intensity of sensation washing over you, but you didn’t want to know what would happen if you disobeyed.  Those blue eyes pierced through you as you shivered underneath him, and with your walls constricting his cock just felt even thicker inside you.  “Andy,” you whimpered, your fingers and toes erupting into pins and needles as you felt him flexing inside you— and he must have been coming in you in that moment, with the way he sighed and his thrusts pumped deeper yet more erratically.
Warmth spilled inside you as numbness decorated your extremities and fogginess clouded your mind.  You lost focus as he collapsed beside you— even when he pulled out, you still felt full, due in part to his come inside you and in part to being ruined so thoroughly by him.  Maybe you’d feel normal again tomorrow, or next week, but right now it was impossible to forget that you were fucked, in every sense of the word, by Andy Barber.
He pulled you into his arms and kissed your neck slowly, his breathing slowly returning to a stable pace as his chest pressed against your back.  He was mumbling something about how you were his girl, how you did so good for him, but you were already drifting into sleep even though it was barely nine o’clock.
You woke up the next morning in the guest room with Jacob beside you, who informed you that he’d found you already asleep when he got back from the movie he’d gone to see with his mom.
You left just a few hours later, waving goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Barber as Jacob pulled the car out of the driveway.
three months later...
The sun was just starting to set as you made your way home after your last class of the night.  Campus was gorgeous at this time of day, but you weren’t really taking the time to notice it as you focused instead on how wonderful it would feel to kick your shoes off, slip off your bra and slide into bed.  What you didn’t anticipate when you unlocked your dorm room’s door was to find Andy sitting on your bed as he waited for you.  You shut the door quickly so none of the girls mulling about the hall would see him.
He looked so out of place in your dorm.  He was so… adult, and yes, everyone there was an adult, but he was a whole new level of adulthood compared to the other residents of the honors dorm.
“You shouldn’t be here,” you reminded him.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” he questioned casually.
“Because your son is on the other side of the hall,” you explained, unamused.  “What if he sees you here?  What if he sees your car in the garage?”
“You worry too much.  I don’t give a fuck if my son lives nearby, if I wanna visit my girlfriend then I’m gonna do it.”
He’d never used that word for you before— or at least, not in front of you.  It made you feel nervous, glancing to the floor as he stepped closer towards you.  "I think I'm too young to be your girlfriend,” you decided.
"Perfect age for a mistress, though."
You stammered as you tried to balance the way that word made you feel sick with the way it made you feel aroused.  He lifted your chin with a finger, his other hand pulling you closer at the waist.  "Are you trying to act innocent, honey?” he smirked.  “Do you think I didn't realize that it turns you on?"
"Wh-what turns me on?"
"The sneaking around.  The secrets, the lies; the fact that it's wrong, forbidden, taboo.  It's why you haven't broken up with my son yet and it's why you stare at my ring all the time— yes, I noticed."
You frowned, crossing your arms impatiently.  “I haven’t broken up with Jacob because my relationship with him makes a great cover for my relationship with you… I’m doing that for us.  And do you think I like the ring?  I hate that stupid chunk of silver, seeing it on your hand makes me so livid because it just reminds me that I don’t have you all to myself and—”
“Baby, you know I’m all yours,” he purred, kissing down your neck as your back began to arch.  “Meanwhile, I have to share you with him.”
You were amazed that he could refer to his own son with such disdain, but then again, you knew how jealous he could get.  
“If you’re mine then take the ring off,” you suggested between panting breaths.
“If you’re mine then take it off for me,” he countered.  His left hand was travelling up your neck and you grabbed it by the wrist.  He pulled back to look at you as you brought his fingers to your mouth, kissing the tips of them before sucking on his ring finger, deeper and deeper, until it was poking down your throat and the ring was at your lips.  Lubricating it with your spit and spinning it with your tongue, you used your teeth to pull the ring slowly off of his finger.  He gasped a little as you opened your mouth and displayed it for him on your tongue, before spitting it out and across the room; it made a tiny little clinking noise as it hit your floor.
“Fuck,” he growled, the sound deep in his throat and dripping with desperation.
It felt like his hand never left your neck that night, like he was trying to claim you in every way he could all at once.  He was so possessive over you, ironically.  It was hard not to feel like your whole life was waiting.  Waiting for the semester to end so the next one could begin.  Waiting to graduate and get a job and finally begin your real adult life.  Waiting for the marks Andy left on your skin to fade so you didn’t have to wear a turtleneck in June.
Waiting for Jacob to find out, like he inevitably would.
Waiting for Andy to leave Laurie, or at least do something to make it seem like this was going somewhere.  
The thing about Andy was that he had this magical ability to make you stop worrying, in a way nobody and nothing else could.  When you were apart, reality would set in again and you’d decide you needed to confront him the next time you saw him.  It wasn’t even that you needed him to commit to you, specifically, you just needed to know what was going on— because how could he stay married through all this?  He needed to leave her, not for you but for himself.  You would get yourself all worked up and then he’d show up and soothe you until you forgot what you wanted to say in the first place.  When you were together, the future didn’t matter anymore, and neither did everything that was wrong about what you were doing.
It was like living in a dream, a really strange dream.  You were drowning in him, just like you’d known you would, but you didn’t want to stop.  You didn’t want to stop the secret dates when you gave your friends and boyfriend some excuse about having to study, the rendezvous in the back of his car, the midnight phone calls where he was whispering so his wife wouldn’t hear.
You figured that after all this time of being a good girl— the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect girlfriend, the kind of girl you’d take home to mom— you deserved to let go.  You deserved to have fun.
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