#but if their respectful friends will start liking (or even worse petting) each other they would go ''>:'('' and get jealous /j /lh
fluffydancer618 · 1 year
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They would like each other methinks
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globaloppaaa · 10 months
matthew things .𖥔 ☁️ ݁ ˖‧₊˚ ⋅🌹
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just because seok matthew is AN ACTUAL SWEETHEART oh my gosh i just had to share some hc’s ab him
partially based off my experience attending and performing at kcon LA!
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- outwardly he may not enjoy the cute and baby comments made towards him, and he’ll try to dismiss them or change the topic publicly, but he’s totally hiding the fact at how much he loves the attention.
- when he’s alone with you or with close friends he’s the biggesttt softy. you can always tell when he gets blushy because his ears start to turn pink no matter how much he denies it.
- “happy virus” is the perfect dubbed name for him. he’s always looking for a way to make everyone smile. whether it’s through funny jokes, gifts, even embarrassing himself, if he gets a smile from you he’s done his job.
- on the topic of smiles, his is the most contagious thing. (this may be based off my personal experience 👀) you could be feeling any kind of emotion: anger, stress, nervousness, but one look at his bright smile comforts all of your worries.
- separate note for how his cheeks do that lil squish thing when he’s happy OH MY- you get the point.
- LOVES drives with you. idk something about him getting to showcase his biceps while jammin’ out really gets him going. doesn’t care when or where to, but i feel like the atmosphere of late night drives make him feel at peace.
- he’s gonna be respectful when he drives though, mama raised him right 💪🏼 He’d be nervous to reach over to you, no matter how desperately he wants to. It’ll take him a few months just to work up the courage to hold your hand against the gear shift.
- he soooo wants to rest his hand on your thigh but he reprimands himself bc that’s your personal space 😡
- he shows off so unintentionally… at least, he likes to innocently let it on in that way. yk that thing he does where he comments those heartwarming messages, followed by the most gruesome, whore-looking pic? it’s 10x worse when it’s just to you.
- “good morning sweetheart, i hope you rested well! i miss you love, my mind only thinks of you.” and he’s shirtless curling dumbbells 🥴
- acts like a toddler when your separated from each other. you could be going off to work and he’ll stay jumping at the door waving his arms until you’re down the street and out of his sight
- so later when you approach your doorway after a long days’ work, you better believe he’s running up to the door like a puppy just to give you the biggest welcome home greeting.
- confirmed golden retriever 🦮‼️
- he’s a sucker for romance, rom coms’, etc. anything that remotely reminds him of his relationship with you he’s obsessed with. matching outfits, hugs that sweep you off your feet, and those romantic phrases that leave you a blushing mess every time. 😵‍💫💗
- his pet names can be soo precious. with the way he comments to his fans i have no doubt it isn’t any less special for you. his favorites interchangeably revolve around baby, love, darling- (i can’t write any further i’ll cry).
- pet names with matthew can also be absolutely atrocious though. stink, booger, or some nickname from an embarrassing moment of yours seem very fitting to him. as much as he loves you, making fun of you is one of his top priorities.
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that’s all i can write without making it self-indulgent ✌🏼
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fortheb0ys · 1 month
Heyyy pookie butt 🤭
How's everything going 👀👀
So I go drop by my friend's work place and when I say his boss had the BIGGEST smile on his face when he saw me🥺
We're chatting and stuff, he's laughing at all the random shit I say. We kinda talked about hooking up before and I was like I have to think about. He was completely understanding cause of the whole my friend's boss thing.
I told him in was free tonight clearly hinting that I was finally down to fuck. He's like "What made you make up your mind?"
I told him that I asked some people on the internet. He asked if it was one of those reddit posts. I told him it was worse and it was Tumblr. He's like 'That's all pretty much porn, right?' He told I got to make you guys proud.
He said even though we're just having fun that he was a gentleman and had to take me out for a drink first hsjsjxbxhzh I CAN'T EVEN HES TOO PERFECT!!😭
Went to his place and our hands were IMMEDIATELY on each other! I bottomed first cause he was a bit hesitant and I respect that.
After the first round, we took a little break. Sat on his couch and played some COD and walked his dog🙏 After a bit we started making out and he asked if he could bottom this time. Said he wanted to try before but his ex laughed in his face when he brought up the idea.
I TOOL THIS MAN'S ASS VIRGINITY AND IT WAS AN HONOR🫡 He was sooo nervous, he couldn't make eye contact.
Little detail about him is he's from Alberta and apparently they're like the cowboys of Canada which UGH I LOVE LOVE LOVE😫
I used a lot of pet names to ease his nerves and OMG I CALLED HIM COWBOY AND I FELT HIM MELT BENEATH ME!
I had to leave early in the morning and he was a little sad but said he had an amazing night and would like to do it again. He also said he'll like to try new things.
Once I was leaving he's extends his hand was like "Do men like shake hands or fist bump after sex or something?" ACTUALLY FUCKING SOBBING HE'S ADORABLE.
Ok that's all :3
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
Irene I am BEGGING you to give me some Manon & Nesta being in a poly relationship with the reader. PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME I NEED IT
Dating Manon and Nesta headcanons
Manon x Reader x Nesta 
Warnings: not proofread, some suggestiveness 
A/N: I’m trying this headcanon style, please bear with me, also if you want an nsfw version please let me know!
They would be SO competitive with each other, even over inconsequential things. Enough to drive you absolutely insane sometimes.You’d sit down with them and tell them to quit it … 
“We’re not that bad.” Nesta protested, glancing at Manon - who was stewing, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. 
“You got into a fight over who the cat likes better.” 
“There is no argument,” Manon snapped. “It’s me.”  Conveniently, said cat jumped right into your lap, turning around and purring before settling. 
“I think you’re both wrong,” you grinned, stroking the creature’s fur. Manon’s eyes narrowed as she glared at the tabby cat, and you could’ve sworn she mouthed, “traitor,” and looked to Nesta who had an identical expression on her face. 
The two would also be overprotective, to a fault sometimes. Anywhere you went, one of them would want to be with you - and if they couldn’t they’d want to know where you’re going, who you’re with, and what time you’d be back. It didn’t necessarily feel controlling to you and you could tell it came from a place of concern or care. They never stopped you from going out anywhere. If someone had the nerve to look remotely threatening to you, it would not end well for them. 
You were stumbling through the city streets, cheeks flushed from the alcohol with a cheery smile on your face, leaning on one of your friends. You saw Manon and Nesta towards the end of the road, and immediately let out a slightly-embarrassing squeal. Nesta’s mouth twitched up at the corners, and to any outsider Manon’s expression would look the same, but you saw how her eyes lightened the tiniest amount. You straightened, and started taking off ahead of your friends towards them. 
One yanked on your arm, drawing a yelp out of you as you stumbled back. “Wait I wanted to talk to you about -”  You didn’t find out what he wanted you to talk about, because he was pinned to the wall, Iron nails digging into his throat within seconds. 
“Manon,” you snapped, moving to try and pull her off. Nesta’s arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you back into her. 
“Touch her again, male,” Manon snarled, “and you’ll lose your arm.” 
He gave the tiniest of nods, and you tried to yell an apology, but he’d already darted off down the street, a few others following him. 
“It was good to see you, y/n.” One of your friends gave you a smile, and a respectful nod towards them, before heading off after him. 
“That was unnecessary.” You grumbled, and winced as you moved your shoulder. He had pulled rather hard. 
“You’re hurting.” Nesta said, carefully laying her hand on your other shoulder. “You should’ve done worse.” She commented, shifting her gaze to Manon. 
“No.” You snapped before the Witch could take off after him. “Take me home,” you followed, a bit more gently. She looked down the street, then at the blood on her nails, as if contemplating what it would feel like to rip out his throat, before giving a short nod. You exhaled slowly. Murder avoided, for the night. 
One of your favorite things is to watch them spar with each other, the sweat glistening off their muscles, Windcleaver and Ataraxia both twisting in a whirl of steel, half-hearted snarls directed at each other. Afterwards, you thoroughly enjoyed tugging them both right into your room.  
You and Nesta would call each other pet names, (darling, my love, beautiful) and Manon would make fun of you for it, so the two of you came up with the most ridiculous ones you could think of for her. 
“Baby pumpkin,” you called, wrapping your arms around Manon’s waist as she sharpened one of her daggers.
“What did you call me?” She said quietly, believing she’d misheard you at first.
“Is sweety-pie better?” You cooed. 
“It’s not.” She snarled, “I’ll cut your tongue out.” She ran the blade particularly harshly over the stone. 
“You like my tongue too much.” You could’ve sworn you spotted a light blue blush on her cheeks. 
Nesta would read smutty or romance books out loud to you, and in the beginning Manon would pretend she wasn’t interested, but the two of you noticed how she’d start paying more attention to specific books, and made a point to read those. 
The two of them fell in love with you first, and it took some time and lots of coaxing on your part for them to warm up to each other, but they slowly did.
It was your favorite thing to watch how they started falling for each other - Manon would bring home different books for Nesta, or slip in a few of her favorite flowers along with yours. Nesta would figure out what Manon’s favorite foods were and make sure they were always available. 
They’re both relentless work-a-holics, and you have to convince them to take days off at least once a week. A lot of times you resort to guilt-tripping or extra motivation, but you’re able to justify it to yourself. 
They SPOIL you. Like spoil you rotten, always bringing you home different things - whether it’s flowers, chocolates, a new dagger, a pretty bracelet, a kitten - anything you show the mildest interest in is going to end up with you. 
I feel like you’d all live in a scenic cabin somewhere, plenty of meadows full of flowers nearby for Abraxos, some space for a garden (that would grow wild because the three of you have no idea what to do with it and probably just threw some seeds in the dirt to see what happened), and a extensive library (at least for a personal one.)
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cheerleaderman · 5 months
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Yuya Florence
A magicless human from other world seemingly with no memories or perhaps locked memories.With only a driver license and  journal that gives them some identity .Now in this new place Yuya is just trying to survive what NRC throws at them hoping to recover what they lost.
Twst- The shooting star over the castle in the beginning of movies
Kinda complicated to explain but Yuya honestly doesn’t have a consistent personality in the main story because they change to how to protect themselves or what the situation needs/happening around them it’s in the way of her trying to survive and does it subconsciously . Out of main story when there isn’t a crisis and can somewhat relax Yuya is kinda childish, sassy at times, blunt , more on the quiet side,Petty,chaotic asking the most random questions,  intrusive thoughts are likely to win but is deeply hurting on the inside.
Basic info
-Age : 18
He/her/ They
Voice claim: Eng-Veronica-Heathers the musical (OG) Jp-Ibuki mioda-Danganronpa
-height : 172 cm
-Birthday : August 8
-dominant hand : Left
-Nicknames : Srimpy(Floyd) Yu-Yu (Cater, Lilia, Kalim) Trickster (Rook) Herivore or Omnivore if ignored (Leona) Child of man( Malleus) Human/Human perfect (Sebek) Yu(everyone else) Perfect (basically everyone but main after Book 3)
-favorite food: Chili oil noodles, candied lemon, strawberry lemonade
-hobbies/likes : Rhythm games,horror movies, collecting cute bags, scrapbooking/journaling , Photography, crocheting and knitting
-Dislikes: Bland food, Green tea, Fuzzy socks, Ants ,smell of alcohol, feeling sweaty, strong smells
-Pet peeve : Forgetting things
-Favorite subject: Alchemy
-club : hopes between clubs mostly at board game club
-Talent: lock picking, Cooking, Dodging
More info
- Has a bit of an obsession photography because they represent memories and Yuya doesn’t want to and scared to forget again
-Got called a beast tamer and ran with it, can make friends or form some kind of bond with all kinds of creatures, Ghosts etc.
-Yuya sleep walks and it gets worse over time
- trying to keep it together
- Will fight like her life depends on it even outside the overblots
-Yuya was really in denial of being in other world up until the end of book 2. Getting a scar from Leona’s OB was how it really settled in for Yuya that Twisted wonderland was not a dream. Before that his thinking was “I don’t belong here so surely someday I wake up and I’ll be back where I belong “ was how they were trying to rationalize being in an another world.(Didn’t get any scars from Riddle tho)
-Yuya is insecure about the scars they get not even like to look in the mirror
- After OB will get a dream of the full movie. Will have dreams about people outside of the OB like the staff members and will get full context after 3 dreams.
- Yuya doesn’t really good out of his way to talk to people most times it was others who introduce/ be introduced but if Yuya ran into someone they’ll still introduce themselves to be respectful.
- Took a bit for Yuya to warm up going out to talk to others (Ace, Deuce and Grim are bit of the exception given how they’re always around each other tho Yuya was mostly quiet in the beginning)
-Gave up on hope of ever being able to get home after book 4 and  focus on trying to get their memories back
- Doesn’t ask for help for themselves but to help others or if Grim asks them to like in book 4
- got a staff weapon after book 2
-Starts to tired being the Perfect and having to help others is all they’re worth and scared to know what happens if they stop helping others,” will I be forced to leave Ramshackle is the only home I know”
- Skips a lot of orientation/assembly stuff. Some tried to scold Yuya “ Your the ramshackle perfect you need to set an example” along those lines but Yuya would just ignore it or respond  “ Since when has anyone respected me as a Dorm leader”(Yuya doesn’t like the memory of orientation )
-Human arm rests taller or shorter doesn’t matter (Floyd,Leona,Cater,Ace are the main perpetrators)
-“Where did you get that!?!?” “…don’t worry about it”
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Yuya after their mother passed got sent to live with her Aunt family. It was basically to make them look good and all must make it look like they were the perfect family.
Yuya didn’t really get to be their own person but the mold his aunt and uncle wanted which ties into why he doesn’t have a consistent personality
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batimagines · 2 years
¦i'𝗺 n𝗼𝘁 h𝗲𝗿ꜜ
↬ damian wayne x reader
↬ warnings: none
↬ words: 2.1k
↬ sorry for any mistakes english isn't my language, but i tried. and if you can, let me know what you think.
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                       ❝no, I'm not her, no, never will.
                            never gonna move like her,
                             never gonna look like her.
                         at least that's what I've heard❞
                               -- i'm not her, clara mae
You and Damian Wayne were an unbeatable duo. Both on the battlefield and off it.
Your friendship was a surprise to everyone, and in a way, even to you. One is the complete opposite of the other, but maybe that's why you got along so well, there was a balance between the two. Obviously, this also made it easier for you to have adverse opinions about various things, but that was what made your dynamics active. And even though you're a sweet person and Damian is…well, Damian, you complement each other. It was even nice to see.
But it was as your physics classes had taught you, opposites attract.
Damian has always treated you differently from everyone else. He had been kind - in his own way, since you joined the team and after they got close, he became a protector with the smallest things, in fact, you swear that the listener threatened Gar with death for eating your chocolate that was in the room. refrigerator once. You go Wayne's little gestures, and maybe that's what was provided for you to confuse things.
You had made one of the worst mistakes you thought you could have made. You broke rule number one of any friendship and feared it would spoil everything from there.
You fell in love with your best friend.
Even though you promised to keep it to yourself until that feeling somehow just faded from your heart, it was suffocating just imagining a reality where you could have something more. And so, after a lot of self-questioning, you decided to open the game. You convinced yourself that, if not reciprocated, your friendship was too strong to end over a teenage crush. Today you know it was another mistake, you could have avoided the pain you felt in the following days.
It was a starry night and the day had been surprisingly calm, you were on the roof watching the stars like you liked to do and although Damian thought it was kind of silly, he always kept you company. You were mentally preparing to speak when he started.
"It's going to be the sweetest thing I've ever said in my entire life, but I think our friendship is the most bearable thing in my life. I like everything about you, Yn."
"Yes. But that's the problem. You like me. I love you."
"I love you, Damian. In a really big way, I love that you have an inordinate amount of pets, I love how you hate public displays of affection and I love how you can be so stubborn and headstrong almost always. Unfortunately, the things that should make me hate you, make me love you."
"I don't believe in that kind of relationship, Yn. You should know. Relationships like that are distractions and leave us vulnerable, and in the life we lead, it can be fatal and I don't want to die. So I'm sorry."
Damian then got up and left you alone with a broken heart. On the bright side, at least he'd said he was sorry, even if a part of you insisted that your friend had only said that because he still had a little regard for you, not because he was really sorry.
After your confession, things took a turn for the worse. Damian walked away and now the two of you barely spoke and when he did, it was reduced to a few quick words. He avoided training or going on missions with you and that, of course, didn't go unnoticed by the other team members, who thank the gods decided not to intrude and try to understand what happened.
But it was ok, you respected his opinion, even if it hurt, you knew that one day you would get over it. The wrong one was you for falling in love, you knew Damian well enough to predict he'd say such a thing.
You couldn't complain about Damian's choices and again, it was okay, little by little, you'd deal with it.
But then Rachel entered the game.
You've watched Damian approach the empath from the box, watched them become friends, and faked a celebration when they started dating.
The problem was never both, on the contrary, you were happy for both of them. Rachel was kind of a friend of yours and knew she was a good person, plus you saw the change she made in Damian. She heard the hearty laughs he gave when they were together, noticed the small affectionate interactions and discreet touches. Damian was happy and that was enough.
The real issue that bothered you was that two months ago Damian had said he didn't believe in dating and all his obsession with not making himself vulnerable to the enemy. He lied to you, was the only thing you could think of. And you hated lies.
But you weren't in your talking shoes and you didn't want to be seen as the one who wanted to mess up your friends' relationship. So you kept the feeling to yourself.
You held on as long as you could but your heart was broken and no one could say you didn't try. You avoided being around when the two of them were together and spent more time in your room trying to distract yourself and training than you used to, but it still hurt. That's why you've decided to take a break from everything from Damian, Rachel and the team. You felt selfish for a while for suddenly dropping everything, but convinced yourself it was the best choice for now. You talked to Nightwing and said you needed to take some time for yourself, and he completely understood without question.
Dick has always been something of a big brother to you, and you'd expect him to notice all the change in the last few days. He didn't pressure you to tell, but he always made it clear by gestures that he was there for you if you needed him. And you appreciated it.
You decided not to tell anyone you were going out, despite being a little immature of you, just with Dick knowing it was already a good size. But you didn't plan on bumping into Damian in the hallway as you left your room with your belongings.
"What is it?" Damian asked, glancing between your face and your bags.
"My bags."
"What do you need bags for?"
"I don't think you need to know"
You tried to continue on your way, but Damian stopped in front of you preventing you from doing so. You wished more than anything you could maintain your composure in that moment, after your botched statement to Wayne, you two hadn't had a conversation for more than five minutes alone and being confronted by him wasn't the best thing.
"I guess so."
"Damian--" You took a deep breath before continuing, just wanting to get this conversation over with. "Alright, I'm taking a break from the team, okay?"
"What?" Damian's expression changed from peaceful to shocked in a few seconds and you knew that indignation would follow soon after. Like he has any right to feel that way about you.
"I'm leaving the team temporarily or maybe permanently."
"No, you can't go! Yn, we're a duo, remember? Are you going to leave me like this?"
"Now do you remember me?" You gave the boy a little shove on the shoulder so you could go on his way. You gripped the strap of your backpack tighter, walking with your head held high with no intention of looking back.
"Is it because of my relationship with Rachel? Is it because I chose her over you?" His words made you stop where you were and turn to look into Damian's eyes. Now it was you who was outraged.
"No Damian. I'm doing this for me, I need some time to myself. I really don't care if you chose Rae because she seems really great and by the way I hope you treat her well because she doesn't deserve to be hurt by someone like you."
You walked through the door, now with more determination than ever, and for a long time you didn't look Damian Wayne in the face. You moved, you went to New York and you didn't really come back to the team. Years had passed and you'd only kept in touch with Dick, even though you didn't speak often. And now, you had a good job, nice friends, and a quiet life, although you admit you missed the little things that reminded you of your old life. Good things have always remained in your memory.
That is, until Nightwing's call asking for your help. He never called you without asking first, so you knew there was an urgency to that request. It looked like the villain was really tough and they needed as much help as possible. You didn't plan on going back to the heroine life, but now the world didn't need your civil citizen dilemmas, so you went to help your old friends. You'd already forgotten all about that whole Damian thing anyway, not that it mattered.
When you arrived at the T-tower and Damian looked at you after all these years, he couldn't believe that was you. You were different and for sure, time has done you good.
But the truth is, not long after you left, his relationship with Rachel was over, after all she wasn't that great and he realized he'd picked the wrong girl.
He tried to call you and talk to you, explain the situation, apologize and maybe convince you to come back, but you had changed your number and simply disappeared. Of course, he knew the bat cave had the resources to find anyone, but he still had dignity and he wouldn't do that to you, he knew he'd go overboard. However, he knew that Dick still kept in touch, and he even tried to blackmail his brother several times to get what he wanted, but the eldest never said a word about it. It was a promise he had made to you.
And now, you're here, in the same room as him and Damian wouldn't miss the opportunity to talk to you. And when you were in your old room alone, he got ready to finally strike up a conversation with you.
"Yn, can we talk?"
"Of course, I think." You said, surprising the action of the boy who still hadn't spoken to you since you arrived. You heard about Damian and Rachel's breakup from Dick, but that didn't matter to you anymore, the empath was still your friend as always and Damian just wasn't anymore because he decided to walk away.
"I'll be straight. Not long after you left, Rachel and I broke up."
"Oh, I'm sorry, you were–"
"I realized I picked the wrong girl."
"I realized it's you I want to be with until the end of time and so I think we can—" He says approaching you, but you interrupt him. God, it hadn't been a day since you'd seen him again and Damian was already making it weird again.
"No, Damian. Do you... Do you think you just come here and say whatever you want and that's it? Is everything settled?"
"Yea?" Damian replied, even though it sounded more like a question.
"Do you realize that when I told you I loved you, you said you didn't believe in relationships, and then soon after you started dating Rachel, you broke up with me? You could have been honest with me then, not after I moved out and years passed."
"I'm not asking you to stay. I want you to stay or I want to go with you, but I want you to be who you want to be and I know staying with me won't be easy, but you'd be sick if everything was easy too much."
"No... I want an easy life, okay? I want a comfortable, calm life. I went through the fire and it wasn't easy because I was so in love with you... and I can't do it again. And plus–" You're interrupted by your cell phone ringing, you pick it up and show the screen, where it showed who was calling you, to Damian. "I'm with someone now, someone who really loves me and cares about me."
And leaving no room for that conversation to continue, you leave your old room leaving a surprised Wayne.
Surprised not only by your words and by having been exchanged. But also surprised to have been replaced by the spider boy from Queens.
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leannan-sithe · 7 months
So you want to join our Godspousing Discord?
Here is a link to our standard advertisement post. Please go read it to find out more details about our 18+ Godspousing discord.
This isn't going to be our standard advertisement, partially because I'm bored of reposting the same thing. Instead, I want to enlighten folks on what happens on our godspousing discord.
The Pros:
Since it's invite-only, our community feels comfortable enough to get advice about intimate topics regarding deities and spirits, such as love, dating, and bedroom funtimes.
We have our "off-topic" area for your daily life, memes, pet pics, music discussions. We don't solely discuss our dating lives; we work to build a community of friends!
Unless there's extreme drama, what happens on this discord generally stays there. We discourage gossip about other discords and foster mutual respect. If we see each other on other discord servers, there's an understanding that we don't "out" each other without permission!
As an "older" godspousing discord (coming up on 4 years soon!), we have the benefit of past knowledge. We've been through all the varieties of godspousing drama, and we have policies in place to help prevent those from happening again.
The Cons:
Since it's invite-only, we rely on members to invite other people. This other option is literally this kind of Tumblr advertisement. In order to join, you do have to answer me these questions three in a DM. We check for all the basic red and yellow flags -- appropriation, homophobia, racism, etc -- but also take note of things that might be a problem in the future.
When people get mad at our closed community, they tend to use that against us even if the closed aspect benefited them previously. If you've seen complaints and call out posts on Tumblr before, it's usually because someone did something stupid and got banned, so now they're trying to take us down. We've gotten called a cult, I've gotten called a narcissist (derogative), people have turned around to make their own discords to compete with us. There's nothing we can really do to prevent this other than reblog and counter, but sometimes it's not worth it.
We don't allow appropriation. Lilith is Jewish, you should be Jewish or converting to work with her. Celtic is a label of multiple different nations, not just Ireland. Western chakras are appropriated and disconnected from their original dharmic practices. We're really clear on not allowing appropriation, but that's like 50% of the reason people get banned and start blasting us on Tumblr, is because we don't allow them to steal. Is it a cult if the "forced upon" belief is "hey don't steal?"
Why Being Invite-Only is Necessary:
People lie to us to join, they hide their age, their name, their past history of appropriation. They hide their godspouse or spirit partner's names and then get shocked pikachu when we're not okay with ghosts of dead murderers being around. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if our community was publicly accessible?
We aren't a zoo. Every few years, we prune our lurkers who don't reply to an activity check (after months of being warned and direct messages about it) so we know exactly how many people are around. We don't have hundreds of non-active members sipping tea and watching us confess fears and worries about our intimate lives. We don't allow people who are casually interested to join, only people who are seriously wanting to start godspousing. We don't allow researchers, we don't allow people who have only just heard of godspousing and found our post.
The community is mostly self-moderating, but on the occasions that we have problem members, the workload goes from 10% to 110%. We've had people say they're married to spirit "X" and then spirit X turns out to literally be a serial killer. We've had people who claim to be indigenous and Jewish and practice Shinto (all things we don't challenge directly, as it could be true) but then step on their own feet and admit they're not Jewish at all, they were just thinking about converting, they went to a Shinto shrine and a powwow once, so it's okay. We've had people who blamed a specific god for COVID and said it was actually a good thing. We've had people have a villainous Pop Culture partner, which is fine, but then they started posting on tumblr about how genocide is good actually. And these aren't even touching on the casual TERFs, racists, and p*dos that worm their way in without anyone noticing. These were people who were actively invited. A public server would be a billion times worse.
So, at the end of it, just go check out our regular advertisement and see if you want to join.
Maybe we have a lot of rules. Maybe we seem very wordy in all the things we do or don't allow. But, damn y'all, it's for a reason. And the reason is to keep our server safe and healthy!
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anonymousboxcar · 29 days
Moving Forward AU: Romance?
(This was something I meant to have out by Valentine’s Day, but… yeah. No spoons. The silverware drawer was empty. Apologies for the lateness, folks!)
I’m pondering what romantic shenanigans Stanley might get up to in my AU. I imagine it would be years before he felt up to pursuing that kind of relationship. But once he’s had time to settle into his new normal, process his trauma, and make new friends, he might feel more comfortable with it.
One possibility I see is that he and Duncan decide to give it a try!
I like the idea of Duncan falling for this rough n’ ready, plainspoken engine who helps him not blow up over the little things in life. And for awhile, Stanley is too busy adjusting to his new life to see it. But he feels ever fonder of his grumpy friend who makes him laugh and doesn’t ask him to be patient all the time.
Once they sort themselves out, they’re not ones for extravagant gestures. They do what they did before, watching tapes of George Carlin and cracking jokes, with the new understanding between them. It’s very easygoing and comfortable for them both.
(There’s also an ongoing competition between them to call each other the most ridiculous, nauseating pet names possible.)
Another possibility: you know how there’s a notion in the RWS of engines being paired up with coaches, almost “courting” them? I like to think Stanley scoffs at this. It seems silly and quaint to him. But he’s also rejecting any closeness due to his old, ingrained fears surrounding derailments and getting somebody hurt.
And then, at the rail museum, he meets a truck.
The truck works with Stanley in his capacity as an exhibit on trench railways. They used to carry troops and supplies during WWI, though not on the same railway as Stanley’s old wartime circuit. At the museum, they haul passengers around the grounds.
They notice Stanley’s uneasiness over this business and try to reassure him: “So what if you slide off the track? I blew up once!”
“Well, it was a ways ahead of me in the train. Got a face full of shrapnel and a bent axle. But! Point is, I’ve had worse. I can take a bump or two.”
Full of irrepressible cheer and optimism, the truck helps assuage the worst of Stanley’s anxieties. In return, Stanley — grateful and a touch bemused — does his best to give smooth rides. This wins him the trust of the truck, who never experienced such gentleness in an unpatronizing package.
They start chatting on their runs and at the end of the day about museum gossip, guests, and their old lives. The truck shares their adventures with other trucks after the war. Stanley tells the truck about operation on a more typical railway like the SKR.
Hearing about Skarloey and Rheneas’ treatment of their coaches, the truck wonders what it’s like to be treated the way a civilian engine treats their coach. Stanley, thinking of his own struggles to fit into a “normal” railway on the MSR, offers to help. The truck accepts.
Stanley stumbles over calling the truck “dear,” as well as the other typical flowery compliments and language. He’s self-conscious and a little embarrassed by the time the day’s over.
But he’s also flustered by the warmth in the truck’s responses, their own compliments towards him. They’re not flowery, demure, nor outrageous, but honest and open.
The truck, seeing how red in the face he is, apologizes for making him uncomfortable. “You already made me feel respectable, proper-like, before I asked you to do this.”
Stanley admits he liked their compliments. “Just didn’t know what to with ‘em, I guess,” he says. “But… I really did like ‘em. Made me feel good.”
“Oh. Well, you can tell me that, if you like.” The truck looks Stanley in the eye. “You can tell me anything. I won’t laugh.”
“Not even if I ask you to keep doin’ what you did today?”
“Not even that. Though — if I’m honest? I’d like it if you kept up your end of things, too.”
So they keep at it. Their exchanges become more natural, more like second nature over time. They become mixed into casual conversation, become less about meeting expectations of engine-rolling stock relations and more about what they like in each other.
After a certain point, one curious child visitor asks for how long they’ve been married.
A pause follows. It’s long enough for Stanley to realize he isn’t surprised or confused by the child’s assumption. It’s long enough for him and the truck to make significant eye contact, to see his happiness and hope reflected back at him.
“A year,” they both say at the same time, smiling.
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purple-plum-petals · 2 months
so if its okay, i'd like a twst matchup plz!
personality;. I’m a 6w5 ENTP- except i dont really fit into the usual ENTP stereotype. it kind of actually relates to a lot of deeper psychology functions in each personality type. and i usually follow carl jung’s belief that each aspect of a personality is still in a person(even though it isnt common in them) and it can eventually be developed over time soooo yeah
in general, i can be pretty bright and chaotic but I can be super chill when i’m not in the mood for it. i kinda like being a menace and pranking people. sometimes, when I’m feeling extremely hyper, I like to make violent and/or flirty jokes. and i also laugh at my own jokes(but its kinda funny) and i also like to seem overly confident in myself. usually, im straightforward and blunt with people. however, with strangers, i’m more quiet and i won’t really talk to you unless you approach me first and then, i kinda of start smiling and being really friendly.
otherwise, i can actually be really responsible and smart. it’s just that i act dumb at first especially since it’s amusing to see how people would react to it
- Hobbiesss; i really, really like to research online about specific topics or listen to educational podcasts/documentaries/etc. or sometimes, im usually playing video games, or im simply talking to friends or sometimes, i like to chill and read
- dislikes; iii hate insects like i will cry at the sight of one. i dont like ppl who sugarcoat things and/or don’t actually mean what they say. I literally hate feeling bored like its the worst feeling in the world. i also tend to feel a little intimidated with overly tall people that are like over 6ft especially since i am 4”9
- likes; I rlly like horror moviesss/video games and music. i like video games in general too though and i rlly like learning. i also like mysterious and thriller stufffff. i also rlly like rings, i love them so much. anddd my birdss, i love my pets so muchhh- i also really like philosophy. i love math a lot mostly because i’m really good at it and especially because i love problem-solving and coming up with ideas
Thank you for sending in a match-up; I think that either Idia Shroud or Ace Trappola would be good matches for you!
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Idia may be quite tall but, given how bad his posture is, his height shouldn't affect you too horribly considering he's always slouching. You two surprisingly work well together despite your differing energy levels and desire to cause mischief. You both enjoy playing video games and have vast amounts of knowledge on various topics, so Idia would enjoy spending time with you (when you're not too full of energy, that is). Idia would also find your sense of humor to be funny as he seems like the type of person who also laughs at his own jokes, so you two kind of hype each other up when the situation calls for it. He's also a very straightforward person who doesn't sugarcoat things, so most people agree that you two make a great match (even if they may not always appreciate your blunt nature). Idia would enjoy watching horror movies with you, probably laughing and pointing out different inaccuracies throughout the film. He's also a big fan of animals, especially cats, so he'd probably love to be able to pet and play with yours!
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Ace would most definitely be your partner in crime. The two of you constantly get into trouble together whenever and wherever you can given that you both have fun when it comes to playing pranks on others. Ace would find your bluntness to be respectable, but also funny in certain situations since you don't sugarcoat your words (even in situations that may need a gentler delivery). He would also find it interesting that you play dumb around others, especially since he knows you’re a very intelligent and somewhat responsible person; the duality of your personality keeps him on his toes, for better or for worse. Ace, too, also hates feeling bored, so you two would probably always be doing something together whether it be visiting an amusement park or just window shopping together on Sage's Island. He also appreciates that you love horror movies since it's one of his favorite genres as well, so you two can go to the movie theatre and watch them together when you're not busy with class!
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 9 months
Encanto OC Event Week 1: Mercedes Reyes
I can't draw at all and read that picrew is okay. Does DollDivine count? 😅
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Moodboard for Mercedes. 🎨
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Full Name: Mercedes Yarisel Cordova Reyes.
DOB: October 20th, 1899. Died June 26th, 1935.
POB: Bogota, Colombia.
Likes/Hobbies: Painting, long walks, exploring, rock collecting, swimming, dancing, and reading romance novels.
Dislikes: Arguing, being bored, her mother’s dismissiveness and people mistreating others.
Height: Exactly 5 feet tall though she was an inch taller than Bruno at one point.
Hair Color/Style: Dark brown. Mid-back length and no bangs. She'd like changing the hairstyle every day and wear a pretty sunhat when outdoors.
Eye color: Jade green.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Voice: Zulay Henao.
Positive Traits: Compassionate, loyal, idealistic, easygoing, romantic and a dreamer.
Negative Traits: Self-conscious, overly private and a bit too unrealistic. Is very hard on herself when she fails.
Habits: Nibbles pencils while writing.
Talents: Skilled in watercolor and dancing.
Pets: Two donkeys named Diego and Eliana.
Favorite Food: Arroz de Lisa (rice, vegetables and salted fish, preferably mullet.)
Career: Wanted to be an artist but worked for her in-law's cantina while living in Villavicencio.
Family:  Her father, Vicente Cordova, passed away when she was 3. She has very few memories of him. Mother, Maria Reyes, who is controlling and manipulative. Armando Zaragoza became her stepfather when she was 14. She didn't like him at first but got along well with him. Half-sister Desideria was born when she was 15.
Eventually was forced into an arranged marriage with Pablo Salazar. They had twin girls, Francisca and Alejandra. Mercedes became close to her mother-in law Perla, but not with her father-in-law Arturo who's not the most sensitive person.
Backstory: After her dad died, Mercedes moved to different cities with her mom. At some point, they met a group of people who were traveling for new starts. They joined and miraculously arrived to the Encanto! Upon the first day, 10-year-old Mercedes met most of the Madrigals. She was getting used to a new home, but desired to find a library or bookstore. She wanted to find a book to a series she'd almost completed. A couple days after moving, she found one and searched for her book. The only copy she found was being read by a nervous looking boy: Bruno.
I'll save it for the Relationship week, but they were best friends. Some would say soulmates with how well they got along. Mercedes was friends with Julieta and Pepa, but she clicked with Bruno. Even when his reputation became worse and he was mistreated, she remained loyal. Bruno was grateful to her and devastated when she was forced to leave for the arranged marriage. The last time they saw each other, they were almost 20, and sadly, they won't meet again.
The marriage wasn't bad. Pablo had to leave his girlfriend due to the arrangement. He and Mercedes both understood each other's situation which led to respect and empathy. They really liked each other, but there wasn't true love. As a teen, Mercedes had always imagined different scenarios with her true love: exchanging love letters, dancing under starry skies and kiss in the rain. She had to leave the dreams behind, but her twins were the best part of her life.
When the twins were 13, Pablo and Mercedes annulled their marriage realizing they weren't content anymore. (Also Pablo was having an emotional affair.) After that, Mercedes took her daughters to Cali and secretly hoped she'd find the Encanto again. With the movie's timeline, Mercedes already passed away from a severe case of malaria. She was only 35. She left her daughters behind with no other family support. Though she's gone, her story isn't over because her children will find the Encanto and meet the Madrigals.
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zucchinibread777books · 2 months
More Than a Best Friend Book Review
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More Than a Best Friend (Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend) by Emma Alban Book Review
When Beth enters her first season, she finds that the only friend she can make is the slightly infamous Gwen, who is already a few seasons in with no sign of a match. After learning that their (recently single) parents have history with each other, they become determined to set up their own match. Little did they know that they would find their own love in the process.
The good:
I thought that this was a super cute lesbian romance! It was just the right length for this kind of story and I’ll definitely be reading the sequel when it comes out.
I really appreciate that this wasn’t some sort of enemies to lovers arc. I’ve had to avoid a lot of lesbian romances recently because they all seem to start with one character who is just absolutely horrible but is excused because of some trauma they’ll reveal later. Those romances always make it seem like the two characters would be the most toxic relationship and I just can’t stand them. There’s also usually emphasis on one of them being closeted. Despite this being a period piece, there wasn’t a lot of focus on them coming to terms with liking someone of the same gender. Gwen and Beth were a cute match from the start and I found myself rooting for them immediately. Rather than drama between the two of them, it was mostly outside issues that prevented them from being together.
Even with those outside influences, there wasn’t really any homophobia against the main characters. In fact, there was no direct homophobia against them, just mentions of how society would view them. It’s a nice break for people who are tired of homophobia being such a main theme in queer stories.
I also really loved that there was an older lesbian couple in this story too. It’s so nice to see different generations of queer characters and have them give advice and talk to one another. Gwen especially had such a great support system and I was so glad they weren’t entirely alone as they went through their issues.
The Bad:
If you are looking for something historically accurate, this definitely isn’t for you. There were a lot of times I noticed certain phrasing and lingo that was so modern it took me out of it a bit. Not necessarily modern slang, but definitely not language that would be used in the time period it is set in. And as much as I loved the lack of homophobia, the amount of characters who knew and accepted their relationship was definitely not realistic.
Adding on to that, the sex scenes. They were very unrealistic for the time period, especially because of how entirely public they were. Even in the comfort of their own homes, they should have worried a lot more about being caught. I also just personally wish they weren’t so integral to the story. I understand smut is really big in the publishing world right now thanks to things like booktok, but once the characters had sex it felt like that was their only motivation for anything. The constant mention of each others fingers having been inside them really took me out of the story.
I’m always iffy on relationships like the one in this book too. Where parents get together and their respective kids also get together. Step siblings being a couple just feels odd to me. It felt right for the situation they were placed in but still.
This is also a personal pet peeve but I’m really not a fan of main characters having similar names. Beth and Gwen were very easy to confuse, being the same length and the only vowel being e. They were interchangeable in my brain for a while. Mason and Montson were even worse. If it weren’t for context clues, I would’ve assumed I misread and they were the same person.
I thought this was really good, especially for a debut novel. It definitely took influence from a lot of popular stories, including Parent Trap and Bridgerton, but put its own spin on them. (It also reminded me a little of the comic High Class Homos) I enjoyed reading it a lot and it was a good break from the heavier-topic books that I was in the process of reading at the same time. I’m not sure it’s at the top of my reread list because it did hit a few of my pet peeves, but I definitely want to read the sequel. I’d also recommend it for anyone looking to read more cute lesbian romances!
3.5 Stars
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sxugaryx · 4 months
Blooming Villain (Fanfic)
New chapter from my main series 🩷
Black Cat couldn’t stop moving around he had never been so excited.
“You are starting to act like Pinocchio” His sister teased him.
“Oh come on, I know that you are just as excited”
Indeed she was, as they had finally managed to find a place to offer their services, both had left their respective factions as bastards and sweepers and they were certainly not returning after what happened, both of the factions are just as corrupt as each other and their rivalry makes things even worse. Being a stalker without a faction is hard work, aside from the Legendary stalker, it is rare to hear of someone without a faction being successful sure they weren’t as successful nor were they aiming for that sort of fame, but this was a huge deal for them.
The rent is a little high but they wanted to have their office in a secure area and one that was free from the other stalker groups so it was worth it.
“Speaking of Pinocchio I sent him a letter telling him about this, hopefully, he’ll come to say hi,” Red Fox said.
“Well, knowing him he is probably going to open that door any minute” Black Cat was confident on the matter.
The door indeed opened, so hard in fact that it slammed the wall.
“Hi guys!”
But it wasn’t Pinocchio who had come to see them.
“Jesus Christ, Blue don’t you know how to knock?!” Black Cat was not only startled but angry at her, they just bought the place, no need to damage the door or the wall.
Blue Canary, she is a friend of theirs, as the name implies her mask is one of a Canary, a blue one. She is wearing the typical bastard stalker outfit, it makes sense since she hasn’t been with them for long and it fits her perfectly with her mask.
“Sorry, sorry I was just excited for the two of you” Blue just had to come and congratulate them, “It’s a shame you left the bastards Fox but I’m so happy to see you and of course, your brother succeed on your own like this”
They had never told her why they left their factions, they can’t tell her or anyone because they are being threatened if they try to expose the truth.
“Have you ever thought about going solo Blue? I assure you it comes with many freedoms” Red Fox wanted to maybe persuade her to leave the bastards, Blue is a very kind girl and she would hate to see her being dragged into a mess like that.
“Mmm well… maybe one day but, I still have a lot to learn” She wasn’t that confident in some of her capabilities, and Blue thought that maybe it would be best to stay and learn from them.
“Don’t doubt your skills, you are climbing the ladder so fast, although I find it odd that you haven’t changed masks” Red Fox wonders why that is.
“I just really love Blue Canaries, they are my favorite animal” Blue was beaming with joy.
As is well known, stalker masks show strength, the more experienced the better animal mask you get but that’s something that you see in those groups, when you are on your own you can wear any mask you please and they understand what she means both are fans of their respective animal masks, that’s why they have kept them.
“Really? I thought you would be a horse girl considering your family owns that big stable” Black Cat doesn’t understand why a girl like Blue who comes from such a wealthy family would want to be a stalker, yeah sure Bastard stalkers do come from wealthy families in Krat but her family is almost as loaded as Mr. Moneybags Lorenzini Venigni, she could just marry another rich person and have her life set forever, hell she could stay single and have her life set forever since Lucero family basically owns a monopoly with those horses.
“My family also owns birds, not for sale but they are our pets and I’ll have you know that I’ve always taken great care of them” Blue was proud of that, some of those birds are exotic and require a great amount of care and she has been doing that ever since she was a little kid.
“Birds are wonderful creatures” Red Fox is fond of them, “Free creatures, they can just soar in the sky and do what they want”
Black Cat got closer to her and grabbed her shoulder “Be careful Blue, cats eat birds”
“Haha, very funny catboy” Blue has heard that joke so many times from so many stalkers.
“I’m not a catboy!” That’s ridiculous, Black Cat was red with embarrassment even if it wasn’t shown due to his mask.
“You are,” Red Fox said with a smile on her face, “Don’t think I don’t know about those cat ears you keep hidden in your room”
“Uh um well,” Black Cat wasn’t going to let her get away with that, “Don’t think I don’t know about all those dumb stuffed animals you hide in your closet”
“They aren’t dumb!” How dare he say that?! They are her precious babies.
“Fight! Fight! ” Blue was the one teasing them now.
“Don’t start Blue as if you don’t fight with your sisters” Red Fox knows that with a family that big, sibling arguments would be a nightmare.
“Yeah I can’t imagine fighting with 7 sisters” Black Cat doesn’t know how Blue can stand that, one sister is annoying enough.
“Actually I have 11 sisters” Blue’s family is huge, she is the 6th one, just in the middle, but with the family wealth there are no issues with raising a big family. Although her parents aren’t planning on having any more kids, not after her triplet sisters were born. They were not expecting more than just one baby and her poor mother had a rough time, although in her opinion her mother should have been prepared, she had twins before so that was possible.
“Tell your father to put his dick down”
“Brother shut up!”
“Hey me and my sisters get along greatly unlike the two of you”
“Don’t your parents ever confuse who is who?” Black Cat asked.
“It has never happened and I don’t think it will ever happen to me cause, you know” Blue pointed at her eyes, they are visible from her mask, as she is not wearing a traditional mask, but rather a masquerade mask, showing her right brown eye and her left green eye.
She prefers not to wear a traditional mask as it would be too bothersome for her hair, as she has long blonde hair, up to her waist and she has never been a fan of ponytails, well, she is a fan of the ones that actually horses have and loves to make for them but that’s not the point nor the case for her.
“I must say, your family does seem to have a strong bond with each other” A big family and also very united, Red Fox was a little jealous.
Blue Canary smiled but then she looked at the clock that was in the wall of the office.
“Oh No! I’m going to be late for my job!” Blue was panicking.
“What job? If you don’t mind me asking?” Red Fox was curious.
“You know that fancy doctor Mr. Garret?“ Blue grabbed the door handle and braced herself to rush out of there, “I’m his bodyguard”
Blue opened the door, shut it, and ran away but just a few minutes later she opened the door again with force, she was gasping for air. “Guys… forgot… Congrats!”
With that said she ran away again, that girl can be a little clueless sometimes.
“Damn working for Frederick Garret?” Black Cat was impressed.
It was quiet for a few moments before they heard a knock on the door.
“May I come in?”
It was Pinocchio because he is a polite good boy and knocks first before entering and obviously they let him in. And because he finally got over his bad habit of breaking doors… most of the time.
“Congratulations!” Pinocchio was so happy for them.
“Yeah Congrats” Gemini is standing on Pinocchio’s shoulder, he isn’t as enthusiastic as Pinocchio since he still isn’t that fond of them, although he has warmed up to them a little.
“Hey, I didn’t know your friend Pisces could walk,” Black Cat said getting closer to have a better look.
“Seriously?” Gemini looked at him back and crossed his arms, slightly moving his antennas to show his disappointment.
“Gemini can walk now but he wasn’t able before” Pinocchio explained.
“I’m glad you were able to come Pinocchio, I was worried your father wouldn’t let you see us” Red Fox knows that Geppetto doesn’t exactly like them.
“Yeah he hates us”
“Brother, why are you always so blunt like that?”
“About that…” Pinocchio took a deep breath, “I sorta lied and he doesn’t know I came to see you both”
“Look at that” Black Cat roughly played with Pinocchio’s hair, “Our little brother has a fun side”
Pinocchio started to try to fix his hair, he had just brushed it before coming here.
“You are such a bad influence on him” Gemini was scolding him.
Black Cat huffed “Come on his father should have forgiven us by now”
“Brother I don’t think it’s easy to forgive people who kidnapped you” Red Fox rolled her eyes.
“I’m joking” Black Cat doesn’t know why they don’t understand his sense of humor, “Did your old man finally teach you where babies come from?”
“I thought you said you were going to be more mature” Red Fox was also scolding him.
“Come on I’m just teasing him… um Pinocchio are you okay?”
Pinocchio was looking down at the floor, they could hear his cogs and springs moving, the boy was staying still in place.
“Yeah… my father taught me about that”
“Let’s change the subject” Not something Red Fox wanted to to talk about. “Well, why don’t you tell us how you have been doing?”
“I got a pony!” Pinocchio shouted enthusiastically, snapping from his trance. “My mother got it for me”
“Your mother is…?” Black Cat has a hard time keeping up with everyone Pinocchio knows and it’s because really he only knows the cricket and his father and with the latter, they didn’t meet in the best of circumstances.
“Lady Antonia” Pinocchio had a huge smile on his face, “And Mr. Venigni is my uncle”
“How lucky you are” Red Fox was happy for him and Pinocchio was indeed very lucky, his father, mother, and uncle were all wealthy, Pinocchio could be swimming in money if he wanted to.
“There is also Eugéne who is also my sister” Pinocchio had a sweet smile.
“But I’m the fun sister right?” Red Fox got a little closer to him.
“You are his lame sister”
Pinocchio let out a small laugh, it was fun seeing them interact like this. They talked for some time until someone came to the door, they came to ask for their services, a doctor from Krat’s new hospital, the one Venigni had built was asking them to be their bodyguard although just for that one day, unlike Blue who seems to have been hired until her client says her duty is fully done.
Red Fox found it odd, why would a few doctors need protection? But she isn’t going to question them, she and her brother are just getting paid, this is a job. Their client did explain that there was a party being held for the hospital staff that night, and gave them the assigned time to meet, after that, their client left.
Pinocchio looked at the floor “Oh I know about that party, my uncle Venigni invited me but I’m not going”
“Mmm, why not?” Red Fox asked him.
“Well, my father doesn’t like hospitals” His father had told him that he was free to go but Pinocchio could tell that his father was uncomfortable about the idea of him being even near a hospital, he does have that appointment with him for tomorrow but… “I don’t want to upset him”
“Have a little fun, plus we will be there and your uncle will be there,” Black Cat said.
“We are going to be on a job” Red Fox playfully smacked her brother's back.
“I know that; I’m saying that he should have a little fun” Black Cat just wants Pinocchio to have a little excitement in his life, “You gotta live a little, have a few more fun adventures here and there”
“I think Pinocchio has lived enough adventures” Gemini believes that Pinocchio should have a peaceful life after everything the boy has been through.
Pinocchio thought about it, he did want to have some fun and his uncle Venigni would be the one to take him so…
“I’ll see the two of you there!”
Looks like both of them just keep getting lucky, this job is so easy and they are enjoying the atmosphere. Pinocchio came to say hi but they couldn’t talk to him as they had to keep an eye on their client, still, it was good he came, they could see that he was having a good time.
Venigni is certainly having a good time, he hasn’t stopped talking since he got here but that man never shuts up. Oven more because Pinocchio is wearing an outfit similar to him, including the glasses. They can hear from afar each new invention he has come up with, and each time he mentions how brilliant he is.
It looks like Venigni also dislikes them, as he seems to be overprotective of Pinocchio after he went to greet them.
Right, how could they have forgotten? They left the man to fend for himself at the factory with all that danger.
“Looks like we are the black sheeps of his family” Red Fox whispered to her brother.
“Maybe we should change masks” Black Cat whispered back.
They both smile they are having a good time.
Blue was also there, she gave them a small hand wave, it looked like her client didn’t want her to talk to anyone.
The party had ended, and almost everyone had left by now, they accompanied their client to the exit and got paid a good amount. They decided to wait for Pinocchio, they also wanted to wait for Blue but that doctor took her away with him.
Pinocchio spotted them and made his way towards them, Venigni was behind him and he stayed quiet as Pinocchio talked with them, the atmosphere was somewhat tense but Pinocchio didn’t seem to notice that.
In the end, they had to say their goodbyes and everyone was ready to head home.
“Pinocchio I know that you are a very friendly boy but be careful who you make friends with” Venigni was being overprotective, in his eyes with good reason as he didn’t trust them.
Unfortunately, Pinocchio already knows that because of what happened in London but those two are not like that, “They are good people they just had to do a lot of stuff to survive”
He had to do a lot of stuff to survive, bad things that he regrets and has to live with. Just like them.
He could tell that his uncle still didn’t look convinced and he couldn’t blame him for it, so he decided to cheer him up by giving him a big hug.
“Just as your father says, you are so precious” Venigni smiled, how wonderful that Pinocchio is so kind.
Blue was standing in her client's office when he told her that he was going to talk with a patient and needed her for security, she knew that she had to stay quiet and not intervene, and that after she left not a word of what happened to others, as it’s confidential.
“What gives you the right to tell that to my wife?!“ The man was shouting, he was enraged.
“Your wife was concerned about your health and asked for your medical information, so I gave her what she asked me” Doctor Frederick didn’t seem intimidated by shouting.
“What about patient confidentiality?!”
“If I recall correctly, when signing the documents you listed her as your emergency contact, did you not read that they can ask questions on your behalf?” Of course, he didn’t read it, no one reads them.
Frederick Garret gave out a sigh “And you could have spoken to me at any time and told me that you didn’t want her to know, why didn’t you do so?”
“Because you didn’t think she would ask? Your poor wife was so worried about your health and here you are yelling at me for your mistakes” Frederick didn’t let them man talk, he loves to interrupt others.
The man punched the desk with his fists in rage “You told her that I had an STD!”
“That you have multiple STDs and that you are anemic” Frederick rolled his eyes, that man is just a dumb womanizer, and he is still sick because he doesn’t take his treatment properly.
“Why did you-“
Frederick doesn't bother to try and speak with people like this “I’m not the one who constantly cheated on his faithful and loving wife, who despite everything is still willing to forgive you”
“Is this because I crossed you? Because I didn’t give you what you wanted?”
“You should have known better than to not abide by my simple request” It was simple indeed, he just needed him to give him those copies of documents that are at city hall.
“I will sue you for this! I work at city hall, I can get any lawyer to come to my side”
“Sue me and let everyone find out that you sleep around as much as a filthy prostitute?” Frederick had a smirk on his face.
The man became quiet, it was true, he couldn’t say anything, his relationship with his wife was going badly but she was willing to forgive him, but if the public found out about his activities his reputation would be completely ruined.
“You are free to change doctors if you want, I will not stop you” Frederick was now looking at one of the rings in his hand, with the shape of a salamander in this index finger.
“Oh, you bet I-“
“But the next doctor you consult is going to come and ask me for your medical history and how unfortunate would it be to inform him that you are an uncompetitive patient, who doesn’t take his treatments seriously and becomes violent easily”
The man got closer with the intent to attack, but Blue aimed her long sword at him, pointing the handle at his neck.
“Sir, you are going to have to leave,” Blue said, trying to sound intimidating, it didn’t come right but the man backed down regardless.
The man turned around and put his hand on the door handle.
“Your next appointment is next week, don’t forget that,” Frederick said with a grin on his face.
The man left feeling completely embarrassed and powerless to do anything.
Blue looked at her client, the doctor was wearing formal clothes, not the typical stuff you would see on a doctor. He has a white button shirt with black pants and brown shoes, he is also wearing a brown trench coat. His dark hair looks well kept, what she is more curious about is those rings, they are so flashy, she wonders if they have some sort of meaning.
It was quiet until Frederick let out a sigh, now looking at his other ring, the one with the lion emblem on his thumb.
“I simply asked him for documents regarding the hospital, I suspect someone is taking away money from it” That’s a lie but he doesn’t want his new bodyguard to suspect his actions, “I just want what’s best for the hospital, we have also been getting less supplies, I can’t let people in need be affected by someone’s greed”
Blue, being the naive girl she is, believes him, he only hired her because of that and because her father asked for the favor. Her father didn’t seem to want her to be in real danger and being next to a doctor would be the perfect solution in his eyes. Not to mention how he is also her father's doctor.
“Miss Cassandra” Frederick doesn’t call her by her stalker name, it’s ridiculous, the stalkers with their codes and rules are nothing but ridiculous, “When you deal with people like that, it’s best to not yell or get violent, it’s best to let them make a fool of themselves”
Blue nodded, mainly because she knew she had to agree with everything he said.
“The best way to show someone their place is to humiliate them” Frederick was not amused by that pathetic attempt to intimidate him.
Blue stayed quiet, this was just a job and maybe when she gets better she could find a new one, hopefully, a better one, she wants to help others, not because she wants to play hero or for glory, but because there is so much danger out there and others could use a hand.
She remembers when that disaster happened, she was the only one to keep her family safe, none of her sisters could fight much less her mother, and her father has been disabled for years, having to walk with a cane after an accident.
A huge carcass had entered their home, it was hard but she defeated it. Her family does know her capabilities but she knows they still worry about her, they were more worried when she left to find survivors, the streets were dangerous but it was all worth it, she found a family of a mother and her two children, the husband had unfortunately passed but she took them to safety.
She still sees them sometimes, they visit her home, and they say how grateful they are for what she did, but she was only doing the right thing. When Krat was being fixed she helped fight some of the carcasses that were still scattered around certain places.
Before that, she had been rejected to become a stalker, they didn’t think she would be a skilled fighter, she took classes at Monad to become one, yet she didn't have the best performances back then.
But she proved her worth with her actions, although now she is temporarily stuck in an office with Doctor Frederick Garret.
“You are dismissed, leave now” That was his last patient, now he has to do his real job, he has to look at the information he was sent from the Cathedral. The experiment has been having some difficulties, he needs to find a way to fix that.
“How was the event Master Venigni?” Pulcinella asked, as he was unfortunately not able to go, too much still needed to be done at their home.
“It was great! Pinocchio had a lot of fun, I had fun as well”
Venigni started talking about the event, and talking about it reminded him of something and he spoke about that, and that reminded him of something else and he spoke about it. He didn’t stop talking for two hours straight and Pulcinella listened attentively as always.
“You know… I’m glad today was a good day” Venigni’s tone had changed to a melancholic one.
Today, the day his parents were murdered. For many years it had always been so painful, as a child he would hide in his closet in fear, remembering what happened and as he grew up he was engulfed with feelings of great sadness, he wouldn’t do anything this day, he felt that he shouldn’t deserve to be happy this day.
“I’m happy to hear that,” Pulcinella said, this day was also always painful for him. But today was different, today was finally a good day.
Venigni looked at the clock, it was late and he was tired, it’s best to get some rest and he already had promised Pulcinella that he would try to have a better sleep schedule.
Before going to bed, the sound of loud ringing interrupted him, who could be calling his home at this hour? And he doesn’t give his home number to anyone, only the one at his office back at the Union.
Venigni was annoyed but he had to answer.
“Yes? This is Lorenzini Venigni speaking”
Venigni’s heart sank when he heard the voice coming from the other line.
“Did you miss me?” Said Arlecchino The King of Riddles.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
genuinely curious, how could louis be having a more respectful or open relationship with armand when armand started his whole relationship with louis by luring him towards himself with mind control and by doing away with everyone else (claudia, even lestat) who louis loved? lestat is an easier target to criticise because he opens himself up for that, but the implication that the armand/louis relationship is somehow built on better foundations doesn't make sense to me
MY FRIEND these are some very excellent points LOL.
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If this is in reference to the post I made yesterday I want to qualify first of all that I did say in the post that “even though it's LMAO ALSO QUITE FUCKED UP but it's VC so heyyyy” and I also did say I was edging a little bit into headcanon territory so I want to ask before we continue that everyone buckles their seatbelts and gets ready to accept VC lore & canon as “People who live for a very very long time and have more space for atonement and forgiveness in their relationships because they have TIME for it where regular humans typically do not.”
On that note I’m also not interested in denying that any of the ships in VC aren’t somewhere on the scale between “toxic” and “abusive” LOL so like. No excuses here!!!!!!!!!!! Armand killing Louis’s daughter/lover is Not Great LOL but I wanna get into why I still think this is better than what he had with Lestat. (If it helps, please remember that I'm not a big Lestat fan so basically you just can’t do worse imo, take me with as many grains of salt as you need.)
So Armand and Lestat are both traumatized abused people who are doing their best and tend to fuck up. Because I think at the end like, VC is ultimately about how people just want to be loved, and I think one of the big themes of the books is that, by making all of these characters terrible people, we still always ask like, do our worst deeds define us and are we still worthy of being loved?
On Armand’s end sometimes I think about like how we see this progression in the way he treats his lovers (starting with Nicki, leading up to Louis, then Daniel) and alongside we get some insight to how he treats his human pets (Denis, (also Daniel), and then Benji & Sybelle.) He grows a lot and it feels like his emotional growth is super stunted when we meet him in TVL because he’s like this feral cult creature who has not been allowed his own identity or feelings for hundreds of years and it takes meeting Lestat to inspire him to cut the shit.
Even then, freed from the cult, he stays with the theatre. It’s this baby step of like, not feeling he needs to adhere to weird religious zealotry that he doesn’t quite believe, but also not exactly ready to be independent or live his life without the role of the leader. (He learned this from Marius lmfao.)
When Lestat meets Louis, from what he tells us, he loves him immediately because he’s ? beautiful and grumpy? And Louis lets us know that it was because Lestat wanted his home. (Put a pin in this because it goes towards the WHO WAS LYING drama between the two of them because I don’t put it past Louis to make excuses like that instead of being truthful about their feelings.) Lestat is freshly bereaved and super traumatized. He’s also an abuse survivor, caring for his ailing abuser, and it’s very normal for abused people (especially children) to try to CONTROL others so that they feel some sense of control over their lives. Lestat isolates Louis, lies to him, babytraps him, and in all their years together—even times when they’re being otherwise kind to each other—he never gives Louis the answers he needs. Lestat also has drunk from Marius and Akasha at this point and knows how it works to drink older Blood and boost your power, and he never offers it to Louis. He even knows Louis is so weak that he doesn’t even have the Mind Gift. We know from later canon that Louis never drinks from other vampires until Merrick so we know that Lestat never shared his blood and that he kept Louis weak and dependent on him as a means to possess him.
(If we get into later canon I also want to point out other ways in which Lestat treats Louis like an object, comes and goes in Louis’s life as he please, expects Louis to be there when it’s convenient, and doesn’t seem to care that people have entire lives when he’s not around. It’s like having object permanence for other people.)
When Armand meets Louis, though, I just think there’s this moment of spiritual growth for him and he SHARES it with Louis. Whether Armand nudged him to get him there at all, I think it goes towards Armand being imperfect and reckless with people but I don’t think it makes his love and admiration less real. Armand at this point (that we know of) has never been in a respectful relationship with someone who loves him, so I really don’t think he knows how to behave. So Armand, like Lestat, is a wounded abuse victim and his bad behavior shows it in some ways, but there’s a mutual respect between them even though they got off to a rough start. Louis shows up and treats Armand like a person, and respects him, and gives a fuck about things, and Armand wants that. He’s spent the past whatever fuckin 400 years in a cult or in the theatre with these useless tools and Louis walking into his life is like such a breath of fresh air. A REAL PERSON! And it’s kind like the way Marius was Armand’s first vampire, this like elegant man who lived like a regular person, and then when he meets Lestat it reminds him that they’re allowed to live like real people, and then Louis shows up and he’s doing the same but he’s this like, softer version of those two idiots who might actually be his friend.
And on the flip side, on Louis’s end, he’s a bit broken & despondent for the early parts of his relationships with Armand and Lestat both. I think this parallel is important because we can see the way Armand and Lestat each respond to it, even if Louis isn’t completely present.
Lestat: lies to him, isolates him, controls him, etc blah blah mentioned all this already.
Armand: Cares for him, travels around the world to show him things and learn with him, and most importantly at THE INFAMOUS GRASS EATING BREAKUP SCENE, Armand accepts it and LEAVES. He’s like, do you need anything else? Bye.HE LEAVES!!!! He sets Louis free when Louis wants to be free!!!!!!! I’m bawling lmao
That just shows me a lot about the way each of them treat Louis and whether they see him as an object/accessory or not or something to be controlled. A lot of this is like very subjective reading because it’s kind of subtextual/off screen but I think these parallels are important and it’s important to compare Lestat & Armand’s differences and similarities here.
I think it’s important to look at the way the story frames love/abuse and like the way we sometimes love our abusers. And like this is something I’ve talked about at length before so don’t let me add an extra 10k to this post LOL but like I think IWTV does a great job at like portraying the messy feelings after an abusive relationship and how much you mourn the IDEA of the person even when it doesn’t match reality. (It’s something Anne kinda got sloppy with in the later books and I’ve complained about it a ton but I think it’s shows a lot of goodness and strength in Louis to see the good in Lestat even when it’s an I CAN FIX HIM victim mindset.)
Like  the first half of the book we get to see how much he dislikes Lestat, he’s NOT charitable in the way he talks about Lestat, calls him a fool etc lol, and yet the moment Claudia rescues him from that relationship, he spends the next quarter of the book mourning Lestat and feeling guilty about the way it ended. He also starts really seeing that Claudia is a monster and his feelings towards her become very complicated.
SO MY UNPOPULAR OPINION HERE is that Claudia was ALSO quite abusive to Louis. The power dynamic between them is fascinating, because she’s small and dependent on people for help navigating the world, and yet she has Louis COMPLETELY under her thumb because she knows how to push his buttons and weaponize his own guilt against him.
In that light, you can also view Armand disposing her as another way he’s been liberated from an abuser.
Of course the complication here is like, she was ready to head off with Madeleine so it’s possible that they could’ve just broken up like regular people and she didn’t have to die LOL. Oops!
But the way he checks out mentally after he loses Claudia isn’t unlike how he checks out after he loses Lestat. And again this is a parallel—Claudia keeps him around and continues to use him, and Armand actually cares for him and shows him respect. (AT LEAST I LIKE TO THINK SO LOL.)
Was KILLING CLAUDIA the best way to resolve this? Probably not. But we’re gonna circle back to Armand being a messy & imperfect person who is trying his best to learn how to behave. I think there’s a few things here that are pretty telling:
-       He also kills Denis (who, while not as close to him as Claudia was to Louis, still perhaps they are framed in the text as these children/pets)
-       He spends half the convo with Louis telling him how most vampires are useless and can’t survive immortality. I think he looks at Claudia and immediately knows she isn’t going to survive, and so I wonder if his approach has the mentality of euthanizing a pet.
(Were he and Nicki lovers? Stay tuned, don’t let me talk about that right now, but I think he loved Nicki so if he treats people he LOVES like that, if he thinks the resolution is tough love and to euthanize pets. Well. ??? )
Listen he is my son he’s done nothing wrong.
I think Louis and Armand must have had plenty of time to talk through all of this. They were together for a super long time! Louis’s entire attraction to Armand began with the idea that he could learn about their kind and have meaningful conversations. I can’t imagine a version of them where Louis didn’t understand this about Armand, and even though he’s devastated that Claudia was killed, I wonder if it’s the same way he was devastated when he thought Lestat was dead. He’ll be okay, he’ll get over it lol. It’s the guilt talking.
I’m gonna stop here because this is getting ridiculous but like I’VE ONLY GOTTEN INTO PART I OF LOUIS/ARMAND. I was talking in my post about IWTV era L/A and tried to focus MOSTLY on IWTV information even though some extra series-wide context popped up but like. This isn’t even getting into when they try again in THE 21ST CENTURY with a Post-Merrick Ultra Louis. 
Part II: TRINITY GATE ERA , after they’ve both been further traumatized, have each attempted suicide, and can come together in peace in the modern world. Armand has had even MORE practice being human with Daniel, HAS LOVED & LOST, and Louis…………… Anne didn’t really tell us that much about him tbh but we know he was having a rough time and feeding on drunk people on purpose so idk man. Lestat is bouncing around harassing him and David and it just feels like Trinity Gate is this oasis, this quiet space where people can go when they need a Lestat break.
(also please omg Ultra Louis has mind gift like that will make it so much easier I’m BAWLING)
Look they’re a great ship I love them so much. 
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belanova · 2 years
Idk Man I love fucking neurona duo (c!rubius & k!Quackity) so much they're those duos where it's obviously toxic and there Is no doubt about one of them on the Verge of stabbing the other, but they're so fucking petty that its actually hilarious
Like Quackity Will break a random thing in rubius' house and Rubius kills him only to turn around and suddenly aware that Quackity killed all of his pets accidentally
Like hell even in the stream where Quackity got his memory erased he couldn't do his monologue properly cause he was stuck under Rubius' basement, why? Because he had a thing from Rubius inventory so he kept him so he Couldn't break out when he was offline and keep him there forever until he got the ítem
They don't even trust each other in the revolution where they need to team to beat luzu Quackity wants to keep him obeyed by taking titi hostage and his picture until the mission Is over and if he doesn't keep the promise Rubius is allowed to kill him
AND THEY STILL STICK TO EACH OTHER, despite burning rubius' store and kidnapping his pets, despite rubius constantly killing and sending Quackity to jail for whatever inconvenience, or their constant backstabbing of each other they STILL go back to each other
Its the most ironic part that at this point of the series the only people these two trust are each other after Rubius making him the most hated of all and Quackity only person to be able to remember Is him, they tell each other more than each respective's love interest
in quackity's mind when you feel like the person Is terrible or worse than you then why feel bother to act better? So It makes Quackity comfortable not presenting a fake versión and hell even doing terrible things together with Rubius cause who else Is he going to tell him? (vice versa with Rubius he likes Quackity for his codependency and viewing him as Easy to manipulate)
Because they both need things from each other Rubius Is the only one usually awake when Quackity wants to be online and such they talk to each other, so fufilling Quackity's need for companionship and smooches off of his stuff while for Rubius its also companionship because EVERYONE hates him even sapo peta doesn't like him for his constant so despite how much brags about Quackity being under his thumb he needs him as well due to being his only friend on the server, so they both feel safe to act terrible in each other's presence when they can't in with their love interests (Luzu & Vegetta)
They hated each other completely at the beginning! All k!Quackity wanted to do is get revenge on C!rubius for exploding him with a mine and taking advantage of him not knowing anything, so he then his first thing Is explode him with a mine as well AND THAT'S WHAT STARTED THE DYNAMIC! Completely trying to get revenge in each other and trying to show up the other in minor ways like dressing up better than other or just plain ol who can kill this one person better than the other
ultimately they both need to get away from each other cause even tho i see Rubius as the more manipulative of the two in the friendship due k!quackity's actions against him either being on accident or in self defense K!Quackity knows he's terrible for him, he searches the Bear for that reason because he likes that Rubius will abuse his power as a cop so i don't know if Quackity can be entirely removed of the responsibility in the dynamic due to him encouraging It for his sake so that's why i phrase It as both instead of just rubius
after 6 months of doing this they've felt completely comfortable in each other's toxicity and somehow found It to Fit in each other perfectly that way, that its probably the strongest relationship in karmaland due to nobody being able to break them up only themselves due to their constant rivalry companionship and mutual feeling of having nobody else so they might as well be terrible together so they make this weird system now with the horn that makes i when Quackity is seriously in trouble Rubius will drop all of his usual acts and be Quackitys personal bodyguard so despite anyone's Best efforts these guys are never going to leave each other anytime soon
I realize this sounds extremely horrible to Outsiders (Or people not that good to spanish) and yeah that's kinda the point, i want to clarify this all of this plays out tonally like if Tom and Jerry were humans LOL
Tldr: i'm a k!Quackity apologist first Quiero ese rata noruega alejos de el 🤬 funny duo
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Jared's stans were so hateful this weekend, even bad things for Jensen's kids have wished, it makes me think they're horrible, no better than anyone, I say this because they're constantly saying they're better than Jensen's fans or MC, spend all day insulting Jensen, making fun, for example I saw a Stan blog from Jared these days that its content is practically Jensen and his fans, she has a bad habit of posting screenshots of JA fans and the ridiculing
I mean, I expected that. The worst part of that side of the fandom usually gets piqued every Jibcon because they're only somewhat less riled by Misha and Jensen breathing air in the same room than the hellers are. Add that a lot of them don't like (or don't feel the need to pretend anymore to like) Jensen post-prequelgate and that Jared wasn't there? So their only interest in following is hoping for positive mentions of him and dissecting everything looking for insults to him? Voila, here we are.
Imagine that the fandom was a preschool class. The worst of the hellers would be psycho future serial killer little Harper. The one not allowed to have scissors or glue unless constantly supervised, has a cubbyhole in an entirely different part of the room from the other students to avoid further thefts, has caused one teacher and two cafeteria workers to quit, one expensive call to get shit scrubbed out of the walls, and is the reason there's no longer a class pet (RIP).
The worst of the AAs and minions are also hellers, but the more midrange ones? Are more like the worst Jared stans, and let's call them respectively Avery, Max, and Parker. They're not always causing trouble. Sometimes they just hang out with their friends or play quietly liking what they like and ignoring each other, but you have to make sure to keep a weather eye out. Especially in any circumstance where less than all three of them get a treat at the same time! But even sometimes when one is just in a bad mood for no apparent reason, because they head towards the others like a heat-seeking missile to start something. There will be a lot of crying, hair pulling, a fair few lies and accusations - their complaints will be startlingly similar but each will insist theirs is different. Still, no one's going to be traumatized by an empty pet habitat or end up covered in literal shit from their outbursts. Furthermore, they all have little gangs of friends who are generally not acting out as much, but will jump to get involved when their buddy gets upset, which amplifies the situation. Lets call those Ashleys, Masons, and Pats.
Parker and the Pats will insist that they're literal angels comparatively - because they're comparing themselves to Harper. The As and Ms will insist they're literal angels comparatively, because some of them will even side with Harper if they get mad enough at the Ps and if you can justify that, what can't you self-justify as a-okay? Clearly, the other side is The Worst.
The rest of the class, aside from edging carefully around Harper? They're just trying not to get in the middle of all the squabbling and don't particularly care who started it or who is some minor degree worse when recess is ruined for the day regardless.
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wvbaandtheboys · 2 years
I lied. New Punch Out OC.
[Boxer Profile] Stage Name: Nessie yknow like the loch ness monster Actual Name: Magnus Findlay Age: 33 Native Tongue: Scottish Gaelic (Speaks English, accented) Nationality: Scottish From: Edinburgh, Scotland Record: 26-22 (10 KO) Height: 6’6 Weight: 220 lbs
[Personality] Nessie is usually a friendly guy. He’s approachable and polite, not to mention a good guy to go to if you need some cheering up. (Do also go to him to hear about Scottish folklore. He has a TON of stories.) Although, you may not think that when his face barely changes to express emotions. Any at all. But don’t think you’ll mess around with Nessie and get away with it, or you’re gonna regret it. He appears incredibly tough skinned/strong willed and won’t tolerate any insults hurled at him, but it takes quite a bit to get him violent (he’s mostly argumentative.) He’s short tempered and won’t hesitate to shut you down the moment you try and start anything with him. Outside of his snappy nature, he also has a strong sense of independence and thus doesn’t ask for help even if he truly needs it. On the outside, he seems like a typical man who helps others but refuses help for himself. On the inside though, he’s actually not as strong as he appears.  [Extra Information/Background] Tw// Mentions of verbal abuse, minor physical abuse -He’s from the capital of Scotland. His home life wasn’t exactly pretty, with Magnus having lived in a male-oriented household (house fully occupied by men.) Being subjected to harsh living conditions in the mountains alongside his 9 brothers with his father, the message of being a strong individual with no weaknesses to show (and the bite to replace fear with) was ingrained into his mind at an early age. His father was a drunkard, and the only parental figure they had as their mother was killed in one of his drunken rages. He would often leave Magnus and his siblings to fend for themselves in their little home while he slugged back drinks in the town pubs. His father vehemently berated Magnus and the rest every chance he got, but especially Magnus. Magnus would argue with his father multiple times over the course of his life because he was fed up with his treatment of him and his brothers, and would suffer the consequences physically. But he refused to let up. And it only got worse. His brothers pleaded with him to stop, but he never listened. -One cold night, Magnus locked his father outside to freeze in the winter snow after he came back from the pub, and put up the façade that the doors were frozen over that night and he came home late. From then on, Magnus became the sibling parent of his brothers. He put in the extra effort to make sure they were able to live comfortably like they deserved to. After years of him caring for them, they were able to slowly heal with each other’s support. -Magnus felt righteous in doing what he did, but on the inside he still felt like a scared little boy. He wanted to get rid of that feeling, to feel as if he was worth something more, that he was strong. And boxing felt like a way to exhibit his skills, and become a new man.  -He’s a homoromantic. (leans towards one gender, but lacks sexual interest.) -Definitely, definitely rivals with Aran. Friendly or not? Depends on the day. Somedays they’re buddies that hate to love each other, other days they want to rip each other apart limb from limb.  -Friends with Bear Hugger. They share folklore stories, go hunting together and offer support to each other. Magnus also gets to pet his bear and squirrel. (named Pine and Maple respectively.) -Decent mutual with Little Mac. Doesn’t see him around that often, but is polite and friendly whenever he comes around. Even gives him head pats.  -Loves haggis and sweets. But mostly haggis.  -Always gets pestered to ice/patch himself up after matches, but doesn’t listen most of the time. Does it either to be an asshole or just because he can’t be bothered to. Will pester others to take care of themselves though.
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