#but if you ask me to talk about sport 🤷🏽‍♀️
the-kr8tor · 2 months
I love love love your work!!!! This is my first time sending a request so I hope I’m doing it right 😭,, I was wondering if you could do reader x Hobie Brown,,where the reader is a HUGE bookworm and loves talking about current reads/ literature in general. The reader is worried about annoying Hobie while talking because they think he doesn’t care about books or the topic is boring, so she stops yapping about her books and Hobie finds it weird or something 😭😭🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Hihi! Thank you so much!! Hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF.
“—and you know what happens next?” You exclaim, tone high and excited. Hobie sits comfortably in between your legs, his hands tinkering with your broken clock whilst you ramble on about a new read. You answer your own question a mere second later. “She fucking fell of the tower, taking down the villain with her!” Fingers kneading softly at his nape, it's more for your pleasure than his (he loves it anyway)
You can't see it but Hobie has a huge grin on his face. He, like usual, would always sport the same smile whenever you talk about your books. He'd always find himself enamored by the plot just from you talking about it. Whether it's romance or horror, he loves it when you share your stories with him. He'd let you ramble on for hours if you want to. The clock in his hand was repaired by him thirty minutes ago, but he'll be damned if he interrupts your pleasant chatter.
His vision is filled with your face a second later, eyebrows knitted together, and a pout on your pretty lips. He resists the urge to kiss it away.
“Are you okay?” You ask, and he quirks a brow at your question.
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?”
“I've been a chatterbox all day, your ears must be ringing from my voice.” You clear your throat nervously. “Sorry, Hobs, can you tell me about your day?” You rhythmically tap his clavicle, a nervous habit of yours that he finds endearing.
“Love, my ears are perfectly fine at listening to you talk.” Hobie slithers his hand up to the back of your head, not pushing or pulling you away, just comfortably holding onto you. “And you know I love my chatterbox.”
You sigh, arms laying still on his torso, chin tucked atop the crown of his head. “I haven't given you the chance to talk, I've been blabbering the entire time about my book. You must be so bored, do you want to turn the telly on instead?”
“Love?” He calls tenderly as he leans his head down so he could see you in all your glory.
“Yeah?” You answer back with the same softness, and a small smile on your lips when you see through his lopsided smile and hazel eyes that are practically in the shape of hearts.
Hobie chuckles, hands leaving the clock to hold the side of your thighs, squeezing lightly. The pads of his calloused fingers glide down to your knees, laying there comfortably like you're a seatbelt on a rollercoaster.
“You could talk about how paint is made and I'd listen to you for hours on end.” Your cheeks warm up at his comment, it's your turn to resist a much needed smooch on his handsome face. “I'm just lucky that you're into more interesting things.”
“You're okay with me talking about my stories?”
“I'll do you one better.” He twists around on the floor to loop his arms around your waist. Pushing you close to him, chin laying on your thigh, he tilts his head, knowing that the simple act makes you melt. With a proud smirk, he taps the small of your back. “Read the book to me? You're killing me with anticipation here, love, what happens next?”
You hide your quickening heartbeat with a huff. “Okay, but don't hate me if you don't like what happens next.” You practically leap off the couch to fetch the book when he nods at you. His laugh echoes and follows you around as you rummage through your piles of books.
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more hcs on girl mom abby! x black reader pls 🙇🏽‍♀️
this is my current favorite thing ever
☆ abby took a maternity leave from all of her basketball stuff so she could stay home at take care of you, only showing up to games or social events if it was completely necessary.
☆ shes educating herself on black history, even BEFORE you were pregnant she had learned some stuff from you and your family, but now since you two have a black-presenting baby she wants to understand the best she can for you and your daughter.
☆ definitely is the kind of mom to get her kids into sport’s really young, but she would be so soft with a baby girl like, “oh you dont wanna be in sports? thats okay we can stay home and draw together!”
☆ if you’re really connected with your culture ethnicity wise- for example my dads side is kenyan and they take alot in pride in their culture, my moms side is black-american, of course they have african roots but they’re not really connected to them- shes learning everything about your culture (aka anything she doesn’t already know) with your daughter- she definitely influences your baby girl to learn everything about her culture, the food, the clothing, the language(s), the music, everything!!!
☆ now if were talking black culture- let me just say, she is an absolute beast at cookouts.
☆ aunties are always making her extra plates in advance cus of how big she is and she dances to the music with your baby on her hip.
☆ if u have that gorgeous, amazing, wonderful hoochie mama type style shes shopping with you and you two end up with baby juicy couture, gold hoops with her name on them, and she orders a custom little gold chain with her nickname hanging from it.
☆ she finds it hilarious that your daughter knows some rap songs by heart.
☆ one time someone on her team asked why she smelled like cocoa butter and she just responded with “my girls” with that cute little dopey smile on her face.
☆ teaches you daughter to blow kisses and give fist bumps/high fives and now she just walks around the house blowing you and abs kisses/ asking for a high five.
☆ if you speak another language she asks you to only talk to her in that language so she can learn, english can come afterwards (plus she kinda wants to learn it herself).
☆ if you dont speak another’s language you two both agree to teach her, and yourselves, sign language- just in case its needed for some reason 🤷🏽‍♀️
☆ while you were pregnant you stressed her on how important hair is so she bought one of those baby bonnets to protect your baby’s hair, she ended up finding it adorable so she bought 5 more (6 in total including a cheetah print one).
☆ she’s definitely gone to nora and asked for help with her babies hair because she didn’t want to bother you- she knows how draining it is to be a stay at home mom so she insisted that you would have a day off, unfortunately so, she forgot what products to use on her hair and what order they should be put on- nora came in handy for that one.
☆ whole buncha hello kitty stuff, might be self indulgent cus i love hello kitty, buttt… the sanrio shirts for kids are just too cute.
☆ your daughter is consistently the best dressed in her school.
☆ loves to lay all cuddles up with you and your little girl, she hugs your baby close so she can stuff her face in your baby’s hair since she says it “literally smells like heaven”.
☆ if you have a fro shes asking to do your hair while you do your babys hair and asking to touch it cus it looks so soft “like a cloud”-once again, her words.
☆ short/shaved hair? shes kissing the top of your head constantly, so much that you’ve gained a habit of tilting your head back when she does, then your daughter starts to ask for head kisses too.
☆ if you have locs- your daughter probably asks to be loc’d up too, so she can be just like her mommy- and of course you agree because not only is her wanting to look like you the most darling thing you’ve ever heard, but her locs will end up benefiting her in a whole bunch of ways down the road (and abbys all for it too).
☆ if you always have your hair done, theres a 99% chance your daughter is matching in some way- abby loves how much your little girl looks up to you and admires you- sometimes your daughter even comes up to abby and asks her to do her hair “just like mommys”, abby almost cried right then.
☆ yk those big swinging hammock/hut things at hotels? yall have one in your backyard and you all lay in it and sunbathe every now and then.
☆ abbys a very educated woman, she does everything in her power to defend you and your daughter from racist internet trolls.
☆ your her girls, she wakes up every morning next to you and couldn’t be happier that she’s spending the rest of her life with you and your beautiful little girl. ☆
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romeavecryst · 1 year
My Aphmau Re-write/Headcannons PDH-Mystreet
Im doing this out of pure entertainment for myself
Character of the day: Aaron Jaxon Lycan
Art by me
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Hes Black. He has locs
Though during high school his hair was buzzed due to him bring sent to military school.
werewolf ovi
He had a close nitted friend group Zhuri(oc), Logan, Elijah(oc), Niyleah(oc), Ryan(oc), and my self instert (Crystal)
he’s dating Lily(hes like so in love with her it makes me sick)
His love language is acts of service
He loves caned peaches
When he finds out Aphmau is Sue hes nice to her and all around a mentor to her. Theyer age gap isnt gross nore wierd they are about 3 years apart but 4 grades apart idk if i want them to end up together really tbh like when it come to mystreet.
Aarons record is pretty clean hes not some angsty bad boy who gets in fights
He thought Gene was kinda hot before he started acting like a douche to him
He plays lacrosse and hockey those are the only times he gets pretty violent. (He literally had to beg and used the excuse it will make me seem normal isn’t that what you want? For his parents to let him play)
Malissa is the only one family wise that knows about Lily.
He’s actually really good with kids.
Hes really quite on his feet so he accidentally scares people a lot
He has some acne scars bc he pick at it sick fuck.
He had piercings bc most of the time has them out due to sports he has snake bites and an eyebrow his ears are double pierced as well.
6’4 hes a pretty beefy guy
Niyleah loves designing clothes so she uses Aaron as a mannequin for masculine and feminine clothing Aaron actually enjoys it
Lily loves doing his make up when hes over at her house. He loves it
He has a major side eye problem.
Always has a judgemental face like for no reason at all so the friend group is like “boy whats your problem like do you wanna fight or sum?!”
He gets major heartburn for no reason.
He pierced lilys belly button for her bc he mom wouldn’t let her go do it professionally done and she asked aaron to do it he was like okay🤷🏽‍♀️
“Nigga what..🤨” says when he’s confused asf
He randomly will catch someone in a ‘bofa deez nuts joke’ and has a stupid grin after telling them alway get lily in them
and her face goes 😄..😀..😐 “stfu aaron.”
He likes to crochet.
Likes teaching little kids to say shit they’re not supposed to
Always has weird socks
He wears rings
Silver jewelry
hates algae/slime it makes him want to throw up.
Lily asked him if he was more interested in aphmau bc she was hitting on him after they found out they where close friends and he was like “oh girl no..” with 😟 face.
He loves princess Disney movies like oh lord wanna watch everyone with him then sit your ass down and you better know the words to the songs.
He’s actually so unorganized to normal ppl bit to him hes like “ITS RIGHT THERE OMG” like its bad
Hes a reader(romance and horror)
He has a studder sometimes like when hes talking about something he enjoys and stutters bc of how fast he talking.
Has scars on his arms from being pushed into a black berry bush in middle school by Logan.
Hes deathly allergic to blueberrys.
He knows morse code
He has very long eyelashes
He has a big birth mark on his stomach thats really light compared to his skin.
He bites his nails
If he sees someone’s elbow on the table hell flip just bc his mom made it a habit not to put elbows on the table.
I have more but ill keep it just with this!
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delicateglitch · 1 year
Ok, this is the last I'm going to say about this: I obviously touched a nerve, and I apologize for that. I didn't mean to come off as a pessimist or anti-Lewis. I'm actually a huge fan, but I dont think being a fan should require one to be delusional. 2 things can be true at one time: F1 is a toxic sport, where a number of fans celebrate cheaters, simply because those people (Alonso and RBR) happen to be anti-Lewis AND Lewis can also wrong for openly criticizing his team. No need to deflect because someone is making a solid point. Now, more than ever, Mercedes needs to put up a united front, regardless of what's happening behind the scenes. Rival teams are already laughing at our downfall. Why give them more material to work with? Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions. Have a good day.
Oh no anon. That's not on you. I totally respect your opinion. We all look at things differently and if you feel like lewis had to project a positive front, that's okay. I'm sure there will be people agreeing with you. I just hate that people are pouncing on him. When I said I was done talking about it its cos I'm tired of seeing that same article and headline on my TL a hundred times and I'm tired of all the rumours about the car concept. We are magically not going to be competing for a front row lock out anytime soon and this criticism against lewis and Merc isn't gonna stop for the next couple of races - so I'm tired of the negativity and feel a bit deflated is all.Rival teams have always been against lewis instead of celebrating their own victory. It's just that the driver's are more controlled by their team PR 🤷🏽‍♀️
We'll know what he'll say in the media next week cos he's definitely gonna be asked about it.. Msg me then and we'll see how he responds 😅 good day to you too!
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🍿Another Astro Notes🍿
🧚🏽‍♂️People with libra/pisces/scoprio placements will show their emotions and vulnerability outwardly. Libras do not like to hide things and above all they like to share things that lie on their souls with others. Pisces don't like to keep their emotions to themselves and like to process them at the same time, but pisces don't know how to keep their emotions to themselves because there are too many of them. They get lost in all their emotions.Scoprio is the only one who wants to keep his emotions to himself. Scorpio does not like to show that he is vulnerable and likes to have his own power and control.
🌙🫧Moon says a lot about how you express yourself and what kind of person you are. How you express your feelings to others! And it’s more important than the rising sign because the moon is your emotions, instinct and memory.
🌊The water moon will show emotions in a deep way. Emotions will be imprinted in your memory and always give you that feeling and sense of people. You will experience things more deeply and with a lot of understanding. Because of this sensitive nature, they are deeply in tune with others. You experience and express your feelings with intensity. And for some reason I notice that people with a water moon love places by the water and give them special energy.
🌸The air moon will always perceive emotions by thinking about them and understanding them. Emotions will be more based on rationality. While air signs can have a head-in-the-clouds reputation, they also live inside their head a lot. So, dealing with your emotions means talking out your feelings and experiences a lot.
���The fire moon emotions are fiery and maybe they can angrily express emotions. Sometimes they think of themselves first and how they feel earlier than others. Fire moons are full of passionate energy and rely on instinct. They tend to react first and ask questions later. That means that your emotions might come with a dramatic—and impulsive. You might show your feelings rapidly, or you might reach a quick boiling point before spilling over the edge. Also they are emotionally fulfilled when they go somewhere, travel, put energy into a sport.
💕The earth moon look at emotions practically and don’t like to waste time with emotions that don’t suit them. Also have trouble expressing them. Earth moon centers on things that are concrete and predictable. Earth is about what's tangible, and these signs use reason and react to what they are physically experiencing.
💎Aquarius loves strange, unassuming people whom others find very strange. People who stand out from society. So when Aquarius cheats on you it will be with someone who is very unusual. I think you never know what their next step will be because they always surprise you with something else. Anything that you will find ugly ,for them will be pretty🤷🏽‍♀️ For me, they are a sign that is difficult to determine or their purpose. Sometimes I don’t understand why they do some things cuz are confusing. It’s my opinion for people who have a strong Aquarius in their chart.
🦋The strongest friendship u will have will be if their pluto falls into your 11th house. This person will always come back into your life.
🍿Signs u have in your 2nd & 6th you won’t find them as fun. The relationship will be too formal and practical with them. More or less work can connect you with them.
🧼The sign in your 6th house represents your work and daily life. How healthy you live and how you maintain your routine. Gemini in 6th house your day is something different every day and it is changing. It's hard to keep a routine because you like trying new things. Your days can be very energetic and fun. You like it when things are spontaneous and something new always happens. Your work can contain a lot of energy and social networks, you can also write because you can express yourself. 6th house scoprio routine can be exploring new things and hidden things. You can invests a lot into your rutine and daily life. When you find a routine you are obsessed with it. The work you do can be emotionally connected and contain the soul.
🎈You can learn a lot from the sign you have in your 9th house.
⚡️Mercury says a lot about how you express yourself and your thoughts and how you share them with others. It also shows how quickly you perceive things and how smart you are.
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ballplayersxo · 2 years
Ben needs to hire me as his public relations manager cause that press conference and everything that happened in the last 6 months wasn't it.
Ben should've been partnering with different mental health organisations for the past few months. As a way to get his name out there in a manner that's not completely negative and using his IG/platform to empower other athletes to talk about their struggle like Liz Cambage(a fellow Australian basketballer) and Kevin Love or Derozan.
Then when the press conference comes and he's asked about his mental health he can mention how he took time off last season and came back for the team but wasn't okay and still got thrown under the bus. While also mentioning how sports fandom needs to do better because he was getting death threats in his IG comments and people calling sports radio threatening him. Despite the fact that he's mentioned since March of last here he's mentally not okay and he reiterated that after the Atlantic series, using that to bring up how sports fans can see players as products not people.
Then finally if he wants to he can go on LeBron's barbershop show or maybe JJ's podcast and tell his side of the story of how everything went down.
I swear if Ben had followed that I think most people would be on his side but it's alright once he starts playing and reminds everyone how talented he really is then a lot of this stuff will be forgotten except for Philly stans but they're crazy🤷🏽‍♀️
THANK YOU!!!! you nailed it! there were so many chances for him to spin this whole situation to make himself look better to the public and he fucked it all up. his team just isn’t serious at all either. imagine if he actually went with the narrative that people see athletes as commodities and not real people? imagine the dialogue we could’ve had? the praise he would’ve got for bringing light to a real issue that we don’t address? i’m sorry but anyone with critical thinking skills could’ve seen how this situation would’ve worked in his favour with a few comments/actions here and there but they all fumbled. the ingredients were right there. you hate to see it
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f1notebook · 3 years
do you watch or like any other sports or motorsport ?
Oh take a seat it’s my time to shine.
Well let’s put the boring part behind us, I only watch F1 and young series for motorsport.
Now the others sports !
I am a football fan, but you can’t imagine how much !! Football is MY sport, so I enjoy football way more than F1 or whatever other sport. It’s really the sport that makes me feel alive, that rhythms my days. My first ever memory of football I was 4 years old, it was when the team I support won the champions league, I can remember my dad’s joy, he took me outside, with a pan and a big spoon and just told me : “Tonight we are in the top of the world, make as much noise as you want, we are champions”
And I just remember been there, with my pan and my big spoon making as much noise as I could, happy and I didn’t even knew why.
It’s my first memory, but I cant tell you at which point I really realize what football was because it’s been part of my life since I can remember.
I have 2 siblings, and I can tell you, when your team plays, it’s total silence home, eyes focus on the tv screen.
I am 21 years old now, it’s been 16 years with football, and honestly if I had to chose a sport in the world it will be it.
Since Friday night I watched 9 football games and I am ready to watch another one in 45 minutes because it’s Europa League night.
More than supporting my team, I have every year one or two clubs I chose to follow during the season.
Like 3 years ago it’s was Juventus year, I follow every game, 2 years ago it’s was Bayern and last year, I didn’t chose any one and try to follow a little bit of everything but it wasn’t fun so this year I chose 3 teams more than mine : Chelsea, Wolves and Braga, it’s really my little pleasure football.
Of course I follow the young teams as well (the young league and the B teams are my paradise !)
Additionally I enjoy watch handball as well, I played it a little bit so it’s really cool watching it now, principally the football team I support has an handball team so I enjoy watching them in the national league, I enjoy watching the EHF champions league and the world and euro cups, and the Olympic cup as well (<- is this how it’s call ?)
We are talking about the Olympic Games, it’s something I enjoy watching as well, it’s often sports I don’t watch in my daily life so when it’s the Olympic Games I just enjoy watching everything I can, just keeping in touch with everything going on.
Changing subject, I watch tennis sometimes, but only the big games, I am not a big fan, I just enjoy it when I have time and find the game interesting so I am not really a “fan” just a watcher.
And I am into MotoGP as well (forget that in the motorsports category 😂), I enjoy watching it, but here I only watch Quali and the race. Before I watched randomly the young series as well but I stopped after what happened in Mugello.
So here are the sports I follow and enjoy !
As you could see, Football is a big part of my life and it’s been a long time, F1 comes after, than MotoGP, handball, tennis occasionally and the Olympics Games 🥰
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