#but ill at least out this one up here too
the-darkestminds · 3 days
why do you insist that the men of acotar are all gay lol
HAHA bc im being silly but I shall indulge you anon.
okay there's no explicit writing on the page that states these characters are Gay but there are a few curious things sjm included that give me pause (don't take this post too seriously lmao):
-we learn that the bat boys used to have sex with females at the same time, in the same room as each other. so they have all seen each other naked and erect. do with that what you will.
-they hang out in the steam shower together naked. apparently this is a thing straight men do in real life too because of sports or something. idk. but if you're naked with another man, surely the thought has crossed your mind at least once? perchance? ill let you ponder that. at the very least they are looking at each other's junk trying to decide whose is the biggest. (I am a woman so idk i'm just making this up as I go).
-cassian woke up one solstice completely naked with nothing but a wig on. he had been partying with rhys and azriel. there were no females around. this gives me pause. sir, why are you naked?
-they are OLD AS FUKKKK yo come on they must get bored. nothing can phase you after 500+ years on earth. imagine how desensitized they must get. like surely they would do it just to see what all the fuss is about.
-cassian was jealous when azriel's full attention was no longer on him. interesting.......
-azriel whispering in eris's ear. PLSSS ik he said something dirty. anon is it not so much more fun to think he was like "next time choke on my cock" instead of "I am going to skin you alive"? come on. BORING. no more tired death threats!! I need more depth to this feud. get over yourself boo. Ik you liked eris underneath you. who wouldn't
-we learn that rhys apparently taught tamlin how to bed females. how? LOL I know rhys was like "here tamlin let me show you what females like in bed" and took off all of his clothes.
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bleachbleachbleach · 18 hours
You've always been my go-to for all things Bleach lore and world-building! Do you think Shinigami all sleep in futons or beds? Or maybe it varies from character to character? We've seen the 4th division with beds in their wards, but I think every other character has slept in futons.
Haha, thank you! We do love a furniture deep-dive here, and people's headcanon speculations about shinigami life even more.
I started a list of any time we'd ever seen a character in some kind of bed (futon or frame), but it mostly just ended up being a long list of "_______ at the 4th," lol, so we'll see all those aside (almost all those aside). But canonically, there is a mixture! We see:
Hinamori in Aizen's futon
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[Bleach 100]
Ukitake in his quarters
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[Bleach e40]
Isane in her quarters
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[Bleach 179]
Hisana at the Kuchiki house
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[Bleach 179]
I think Rukia had a similar setup during the Bount Arc, as well.
Also, I'd like to note that for the record as I was retrieving *bed pictures* I got emotionally destroyed by my re-encounter with this panel. It is just SO deeply sad:
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[Bleach 180]
The incredible, isolating vastness of the room, and the way the shadow cuts across the space. ToT <33333 It also reminds me of a really excellent meta piece done by afinepiece, where she analyzed the panels from Byakuya's story about Hisana and pointed out sections where the panel visuals might suggest Byakuya's memory/headspace more than physical reality. Her journal is deactivated but I know the reblog is on B3 somewhere! I'm inclined to go with that reading here, even though I also feel like the room probably just *looked like this* because every room in Soul Society is like this. (Maybe it's also for airflow, given her illness seemed partially respiratory and possibly contagious? ngl I'm basing this off that one anime elaboration scene and my co-blogger's post about Circus Hisana and Elephant TB).
In my mind Byakuya's convalescent setup was the same as Hisana's (is this the sad Seireitei equivalent of couples' outfits) but I was wrong:
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[Bleach 180]
He's in a bed! But from the look of this building he's probably at the 4th and not at home. Put simply, this building is too brutish and workmanlike to be part of the Kuchiki complex:
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[Bleach 180]
Hanatarou's quarters (implied)
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[Bleach e259]
The tatami floor, layout, and big closet on the right-hand side seem to imply that Hanatarou uses a futon.
Abarai family quarters (implied)
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[Bleach "No Breathes from Hell"]
This is probably not the only room in this house and they could put *anything* in those cabinets, but their sheer number and the style of the room suggests that this converts to a futon-filled bedroom, regardless of what might exist in other parts of the house.
Bonus 1: Renji in jail
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[Bleach 118]
Is this at the 6th? Is this at the 4th? I always assumed the 6th, though obviously the 4th was involved. Idk, Byakuya left him on the ground. Maybe if you don't pick up your invalids the 4th just stashes them in their jail.
Bonus 2: Hitsugaya in Junrinan (non-shinigami, non-Seireitei)
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[Bleach -16 (in between 286 and 287)]
These examples are pretty skewed in favor of futons, but if we think about this collection of characters, there is an overrepresentation of people who trend more traditional in terms of aesthetic, so they might not meaningfully represent the whole. Also, half the list is the same family.
We've seen a number of different offices and meeting rooms for each division, as well as some private residences, which have been a mix of Western and traditional styles in terms of the building itself and the furniture within it. Most of the offices seem to have Western furniture (or at least, the 10th, 6th, and 3rd), whereas Byakuya and Aizen, at least, seem to prefer the traditional at home.
Though, I don't know what this big-ass room is, but given its size and feeling of formal reception, this may well be the 5th's office?
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[Bleach 100]
NB 1: I tried to look up what the office looks like under Shinji, but what is happening here:
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[Bleach "No Breathes from Hell"]
NB 2: The 2nd also has traditional receiving rooms (used by both Yoruichi and Soi Fon, wherever the division between Shihouin and the 2nd is. But I assume Soi Fon's office is not the Shihouin Family Receiving room).
My feeling is that the differences are more regional/Division-based than personal preference-based, and *when*/by whom this design language was established depends on how much time and money the people in charge want to devote to furniture.
But that doesn't necessarily mean each Division is uniform, since we can see Isane and Hanatarou, both seated officers of the 4th, have different-style rooms! Maybe this is an effect of the 4th being an early bed adopter for their general professional purposes. Unohana is 100% a futon lady. I feel like Isane just accepted whatever was originally in the room, and that if there were no bed at all in the room she would sleep on the floor before asking to remodel. Does that mean a previous 4th VC wanted to modernize the VC quarters?
Was that previous 4th VC the original bedframe proselytizer, and got permission from Unohana to do up their quarters like a model home that gave examples of both types of room? Do Isane and Unohana live in an IKEA showroom?
What are the benefits of futons?
the room can be multi-use, a general common room by day and sleeping dorm by night
don't have to make a bunch of bedframes
Given what a big deal everyone makes out of transporting goods from the Living World, I feel like they probably make all their furniture and don't import particleboard from Nitori, so this would be expensive! Plus, given the amount of building reconstruction that needs to happen, I feel like there's probably a fairly small quota of wood released to civilians and/or divisions for non-essential use.
What are the benefits of bedframes?
easier cleaning/long-term savings?
Yeah, you'd have to make the bedframes and have a whole separate common room, but having beds implies you've probably done away with the tatami in the room, since you're not really supposed to put heavy furniture on the mats. And I don't think in a barrack with heavy use you'd be able to rely on shinigami simply "being careful." Same logic as college dorms and their "IKEA, but completely indestructible" furniture.
So if you decide in the long-term that you don't want to do tatami maintenance/replacement and want wood furniture on wood floors, maybe the bed route is for you! ("You" here meaning "your division"!) At which point it'd be a matter of:
caring enough to do a cost/benefit analysis about this
whether or not you want to preserve the traditional aesthetic
whether you have the initial capital to invest in making the change
Some additional thoughts:
We know that at least a portion of the 2nd has heated floors, as financed by Oomaeda. I'm not a heated floors aficionado--though I stayed at an AirBnb once with a heated driveway--NUTS) but I feel like that would...not work with tatami? That over time the heat would dry them out too much and make them brittle? So maybe the 2nd has beds.
Despite the fact that the 10th office changes out their couch out a few times during the canon timeline, I feel like there's a 0% chance Hitsugaya has considered a bedding/architecture overhaul during his tenure at the 10th. He's spent the last 15 years developing a real filing system and an actual budget procedure. He didn't come in with extra money to put towards beds and the 46 doesn't generally approve that kind of line item. That's more of a "gift fund" expense.
Shinji is trying to get a Pod Hotel proposal approved, on the grounds that the idea would benefit more than just the 5th. They could implement it in the Tsumesho (Gotei WeWork)! And provide them in strategic outposts across Rukongai!
During what decade was the 11th briefly "HAMMOCK DIVISION" because it seemed like the cheapest, most low-maintenance option?
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daydreamer3469 · 2 days
Levi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Levi is gone, what shall you do??
Content Warning! - Illness, Prostitution, Throwing up, Perverts, Blood,
Authors note! - I wanted to write a little story so my blog didn't look so empty, you know? Anyway, this is my first post, and this will NOT have a part two because it sucks! + Found the art on pinterest, I'm not sure who the artist is sadly. (I started writing this a whole year ago, I finally got back on Tumblr to finish it, but not really.)
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You had no idea what to do, and you were doing worse than ever. You weren't physically fit, and you certainly weren't cut out for stealing. It's not like you knew how to do it in the first place. Levi never taught you anything.
You sat in an empty, but spotless, house. You were in the habit of cleaning; it was practically rent when you lived with Levi. So, at least you had the cleanest house in the underground!
Oh how you miss him...
You obviously missed Farlan and Isable, but Levi was special. You knew him for a longer time, and he saved you. He even kept saving you, providing you with food and care, but not for free. You knew a great deal about medications and illnesses.
Your mother was a doctor, a good one at that!
Though, she was at the brothel when she wasn't treating patients. She met Levi's mother there. They worked together and were good friends. Your mother took you to her work since she couldn't leave you at home all alone. Fortunately for you, you didn't have to witness any of the dirty work; you just had to hear it.
Levi was ill and pale at the time, while you just appeared only slightly better. When your mother worked, you were in a small practically empty room with one bed; you had always assumed it was an extra room they very rarely used.
But you and him always sat in that room, on that bed. In almost complete silence, just the occasional sounds of the ladies working.
You were both just too shy to start a conversation but the company was nice. Though to you, it felt like you silently knew each other.
So when Levi's mother became ill, your mother was quick to offer aid. She visited the Ackerman's house frequently, bringing medication and other supplies to try get rid of what was slowly killing her friend. She took you there with her, not that you mined. You enjoyed getting to see your mother at work. You wanted to be like her, so you observed and watched.
As a result, you got to see Levi more. He didn't go to the brothel every day as you did, only on occasion. So it was nice to see your silent companion more often. It was also adorable to witness him do his best to assist his mother.
He was definitely a mama's boy.
But sadly, your mothers care wasn't enough, Levis mother came to realize she was wasnt going to make it. She asked that your mom stop coming to her house and wasting her medication on a lost cause.
No one even knew what illness she had.
Your mother grieved for a short while, but she had to keep going.
You didn’t see Levi for a while, it made you sad but you had hoped he was doing alright.
After a while your mother was killed while in cross fire from a few gangs fighting. It devastated you. You were now all alone, in the poverty stricken streets of the underground. The only thing you had going for you was your knowledge on medicine.
One day you were in some alleyways looking for scraps of food, anything was everything to you at that moment. You were in your early teens and vulnerable.
“Hey pretty thing, what are you doing here digging through garbage, don’t you think you’re to cute for that?” Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your head to the sound. Unfortunately for you 2 older guys were standing in the alley way, looking at you like you were prey.
You gulped and stepped back, getting ready to run. Only for your back to hit a wall.
You were cornered.
“I-I… leave me alone!” Your eyes were wide with fear, you didn’t know what to do, or what to say.
“I like them scared!” One smirked evilly while walking towards you. As they got closer the more you lost hope. You could’ve done something, fight, or at the very least try to run. But you were too scared, every bone in your body was frozen, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even fight, you were so sickly and malnourished, you were practically skin and bones.
You closed your eyes as they got closer, trembling. You waited for something to happen. Getting grabbed or even stabbed, you didn’t know. But you waited.
Though, it never came.
You heard a noise but didn’t dare open your eyes. Until it stopped, you were breathing heavy but you could still hear footsteps getting close you. You peeked a eye open and gasped slightly when you saw a familiar face.
“L-Levi?!” Your eyes widen in shock, you couldn’t believe it. You thought you would never see him again. “Are you okay?” He looked concerned while scanning your body, a faint look of relief washed over him.
He looked better than the last time you saw him. His face was healthy and his body too. Unlike you.
You blush from embarrassment, he’s doing so much better than you were. “Yah I’m okay…” you look up at him again, he was cleaning the blood off his knife. But the most noticeable thing was the cut on his arm. Your eyes widen again.
“Your arm!” You rushed over to him and looked at his arm closer. You didn’t care about the situation anymore, you just wanted to treat the wound. “Oh it’s fine, nothing deadly.” He spoke while eyeing the wound.
"Kenny will be pissed though…" He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "It might get infected! Then you'll have to amputate it… or even... you'll get sick and die!" You rattle on about the various possibilities.
While you were talking, you missed the expression of fawness in his eyes, or was it familiarity? Whatever it is it helped him relax, now letting you hold his arm to examine it.
After a little pause, you elevate his arm above his heart and instruct him to keep it there. He looks at you puzzled, but he does what he is told. "We need to stop the bleeding, uhhhhh… um this could work!" You lean down and begin ripping the bottom of your tattered dress.
You begin wrapping it around the wound and tying it tightly. "That should be good until you get some water to clean it with.." You take a step back and sigh confidently at your work. He glances at you, baffled, then at the makeshift bandage.
"You didn't have to do that, it would have been fine…" he mumbles and lowers his arm. "Keep it up! It slows the bleeding!" You scold him but start coughing. You clear your throat and resume speaking more gently. "It's not that deep so no dangerous blood loss should happen." You smile gently and look him in the eyes. "Thank you for saving me Levi, I'm forever in your dept." 
He looks at you for a moment; no one in the underground was this nice and kind. In his perspective, you were oddly nice to him.
"I-It was nothing… no need to praise me." He mumbled and glanced down to the ground. It felt awkward since you didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm glad to see you're all right. After… you know… I was always worried about how you were doing." You blushed because this was the most you'd ever said to him. You were quite shy.
He didn't say anything and just stared at you. You assumed that making small chat irritated him. "I'll stop bothering you now," you said as you began to move around him, smiling. He just stood there watching you walk out of the alleyway.
"Hey," he spoke suddenly, making you turn towards him. "I want you to meet Kenny..."
That's how you officially met; he practically took you under his wing, if that's how you want to put it. He looked after you, fed you, and even comforted you when you had nightmares. Even when Kenny left, he made sure you could eat.
Through the years Levi managed to start a gang. It was small but the people were trust worthy and good at what they did. You were only really close to Farlan and Isabel other than Levi though. All the other members treated you well and with respect they sometimes even saw you like a little sister.
Farlan was like a sweet big brother, Isabel was like a sister you could gossip to. You’d stay up at night just talking about things like what you’d do if you were above ground, or how the boys (Farlan and Levi) were so annoying sometimes, but most importantly you talked about boys~ she even knew about your little crush on Levi, she wouldn’t stop teasing you ever moment she got.
Which is why it was so devastating when they went missing. The remaining gang searched for them for a while, not allowing you to go with them though, no matter how much you protested.
After a month of looking, all hope was lost. Some of the gang stopped looking and tried to get back into the swing of things without their boss. Some even kept looking, for your sake.
But no matter how long it takes or how dark the path may become, you will never lose hope in finding Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You refuse to believe that they're truly gone, clinging to the memories of your nights spent whispering dreams and secrets. Every day you search for clues, driven by the love and camaraderie you shared. The streets you walk, the shadows you pass—they all hold the promise of reunion. One day, you will see their faces again, hear their laughter, and feel their presence beside you. Until then, hope will be your guiding light, unwavering and steadfast, leading you back to your family.
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ichigoromi · 2 days
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 | 𝐌𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧
there will be no part two for this~ it's gonna be a long one!
mostly written in reader's pov and prepare some tissues!
Pairing: Miya Osamu (timeskip) x fem reader! (she/her)
Genre(s): angst, tragedy
Warning(s): reader's! death, mention of hospice, mention of terminal illness, brief mention of car accident, lots of sad stuff.
Please proceed with caution
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Miya Osamu 宮 治
Miya Osamu was my whole life, and my world revolved around him. All I could see in my future was standing beside him, opening up his third franchise and maybe a child or two. Now, my future was just empty, hopeless and lost. From my youth to adulthood, I dedicated my life to this man I still love very much, Miya Osamu. 
How did I end up here? I have to take you back to three years ago. 
It was my birthday and I was waiting back at home for him to come back to surprise him with a gift. The dark clouds loomed over the bright skies and I felt a chill go down my spine when the thunder roared loudly. 
Then, on my 25th birthday, I received the call that will change my whole life. 
My boyfriend of three years was in a car accident on his way home and may never have the chance to wake up, or even if he wakes up, he might not recover 100 percent. 
But I trust Samu, he would never leave me alone. 
I was the one who visited him everyday and ran Onigiri Miya, and when he woke up…he asked for my best friend’s name. 
Even when I tried to explain that I was his girlfriend but he refused to talk to me. 
I was lost and his family was confused. They knew that my best friend came to help take care of Samu but…this was all too sudden. He refused to talk to anyone unless it was her. 
So…I left. 
And three years went by, I saw him on the news, joining the same team as Atsumu. I moved back to my hometown with our twins, a girl and boy. My parents could only comfort me when I arrived back from Hyogo and my swollen belly with the twins back then. 
After I left, Atsumu tried to contact me but I cut off contact with all of them. 
I knew, sooner or later, Osamu will know about his kids but just not now. He was having so much fun playing along with his brother and…having a loving relationship with his new girlfriend. This was all too heartbreaking. 
My twins, Rei and Reki, were like the exact replica of Osamu and I. Rei is just like Osamu while Reki resembles me more. Her mannerism often reminds me of Osamu but we are just strangers now. 
I would just tell him about the twins when they are older. 
Just not now, when his life is going so well. 
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[Two years later...]
I am going to leave this world soon. Not on my own free will but the cruel fate I was destined for. 
Even with treatment, I would at least be given a good two months, but I do not want to traumatize my children with sickly appearance.
After a long and tearful discussion with my parents, I decided to place myself in hospice. My children were confused but I had to let them meet their uncle at least. So, for the first time in nine years, I called Atsumu. 
He was still a crybaby and drove to my house the minute he was off from practice. 
“Tsumu, what are you standing there for? Come and give me a hug.” I spread my arms towards him and he ran into my embrace, nearly knocking me off my feet and bawled his eyes out. Then he noticed the twins staring curiously at him and it clicked in his head. 
He pulled me up to my feet and I knew what he was going to do. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Tsumu. I want you to help me with a favour.” I tug on the tail end of his jacket, just like back in high school. 
“What is it bunbun? What do you need?” He wiped off his tears and mustered up a determined expression. 
“To take care of my children when I’m gone. I know it’s a huge responsibility but you can reject me if you want. I’m sorry for contacting you out of the blue and even pulled-” Atsumu suddenly pulls me into his arms, and I could feel my shirt dampen with his tears. 
“Are you for real? What do you mean you’re going to be gone? Where are you going? Can you please not go?” Now, the twins are also bawling their eyes out. 
You have explained to them that you might not be able to stay with them for a long time but you will always be in their hearts forever. 
“I’m going to hospice, Tsumu.” I could see the lost and broken expression on his face. 
My parents took the twins back to the room while I calmed down Atsumu. He broke down in my arms and I cried along with him. If I could, I would have avoided the Miyas forever but forever doesn’t exist for me. 
I was just starting my life and my kids, and Samu. I still didn’t get the chance to tell him about our children and all that he missed. How I miss waking up early to open the restaurant with him or just waking up next to him. I wanted to spend the rest of my life together with him. 
I wanted to stay with Samu forever. 
“Tsumu, I miss Samu so much. I still love him so much but I can’t bear to ruin his life by showing up suddenly. I really miss him, and I don’t want to leave this world this early. I didn’t even get to apologize for not staying by his side. I’m so sorry…” 
That night, we just stayed in each other's arms crying. 
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Atsumu sent me to the hospice and promised that he would visit when he was free and hopefully bring Osamu along. 
All I could do was hope. 
My days at the hospice consist of preparing my will and other necessary preparations after I leave. My kids would visit every single day with my parents, and my best friend and brother from another womb would visit me no matter how packed his schedules were. 
Not a single day has Samu come. 
Each day, I was getting weaker and the pain meds were less helping with the current pain that I have to go through. 
The hospice director allowed my kids to sleep over in my room and I hugged them to sleep everyday. They remind me of Samu constantly and it just made it harder for me to leave this world. My precious babies, I’m so sorry that I have to leave this early.
I heard from Atsumu the other day that Osamu proposed. 
Since I am dying, I do not give my blessings at all. 
“Tsumu. You don’t have to tell Samu about Rei and Reki. He is going to have his own family and…” I trailed off, as my vision began spinning and I could not hear anything before falling into a pool of darkness. 
All I remembered was Atsumu’s panic expression. Silly Tsumu, why was he so worried? I still have a few more days left. 
When I woke up, Atsumu was snoring softly beside me, holding my hand tightly as if I would just disappear if he didn't hold it tight enough. 
“Tsumu, wake up. I wanna go see the stars by the sea.” I lightly shook his shoulders and he was about to reject me but I just smiled at him. 
He helped me put on Samu’s high school varsity jacket and helped me to his car. The night was silent and cooling, perfect weather for a drive and a short trip to the beach to see the stars. 
I rolled down the window and enjoyed the cool autumn breeze as we drove to the beach. 
When we reached the beach, Atsumu set up the picnic mat on the floor and helped me to sit and bundled me up in another blanket. We both sat in silence and just stared at the night skies filled with bright stars. 
“Tsumu, I will be up there soon~. If you miss me, you can just look at the stars and I will be looking at you from above.” He was sobbing quietly and nodding his head. 
I suddenly recall the summer night that the five of us forced Kita-san to drive us to the beach at night to do stargazing and that was when Osamu got together officially as a couple. 
“I’m suddenly feeling really sleepy, Tsumu. Should I sleep? I feel like if I sleep this time, I might never wake up…” You leaned against Atsumu’s broad shoulder. 
Through the silent autumn night, you heard the heavy yet quick footsteps running towards your direction. 
You opened your eyes and it was Samu.
Before you could say anything, he pulled you into a hug. 
“I was the one in the wrong this whole time. I’m sorry that I came so late…” He was really here, my Samu finally came. 
Atsumu left to give us some privacy, and even after we had been separated for so long, he was still the Samu that I love and miss. 
“It’s okay. I’m glad that you came to watch the stars with me.” You smiled at him and he gently caressed my face as if he was trying to remember my face by touch. I decided to tell him about what I did after our separation and even our children. 
At the mention of our children, he could not help but burst into tears and apologized to me over and over again. 
What a crybaby, what’s he going to do when I’m not around anymore?
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We talked for the whole time until we saw the sun slowly rising. 
“Samu, I love you.” 
“I love you too, my forever moon.”He leans down to kiss my lips, and I softly kiss back. 
And I close my eyes forever. 
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Osamu’s P.O.V
My forever moon just left me. 
During those weeks that Tsumu was telling me that I was making a mistake by not following him to visit the hospice, I regretted it deeply. When I realised Tsumu was telling the truth and the person that I trusted so much was the one who betrayed me and her best friend, I drove all the way to the location my brother sent me. 
We have twins, the older twin named Rei and the younger twin named Reki. 
I promised her that I would take care of them and tell them how brave their mother was and all the beautiful memories that we have made. She told me that she prepared presents for them till their 20th birthday and got their coming-of-age ceremony kimonos prepared. And my presents too. 
I don’t need any presents. 
I…just need my moon back.
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Well, isn't it a long one? I was going through something and yeahhhh...it turned out like this. Hope y'all lovelies enjoyed this!
Stay safe and healthy:)
With lots of love,
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©️ ICHIGOROMI — Please do not plagiarise my work or re-edit and repost as your own.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 days
Love, I agree with thevoidwriting. If you need to push the next chapter back to Sunday because of your back, do it. I know how bad just the pain in that lower part of you back can be, because my back is also messed up in that region. Had a bad car wreck a little over 5 years ago now, and I'm still dealing with the issues in my back..
This was my doctor's impression after they did x-rays on me last September (I think. I know it was later half of last year) when I could barely get up and walk without my crutches after I'd done an apparently too strenuous physical assessment test for a job.
1. L4-L5 right anterior epidural cystic lesion could be a perineural cyst, some type of spinal meningocele within the epidural space versus arachnoid cyst. This marginates the descending right L5 nerve root at the lateral recess. There may be a smaller similar finding in the left anterior epidural space at this level.
2. L5-S1 disc protrusion with annular tear causing mild central stenosis, and mild left foraminal narrowing. Moderate right facet arthrosis at this level.
3. No compression fracture or subluxation.
*There's a lot of big words there that even I can't remember the meaning of.* All I can clearly make out of it without looking up every single definition is the disc between L4-L5 is screwed up, and is possibly what's causing the disc between L5-S1 to bulge.
So you got at least one follower here who knows your pain. And is telling/wanting you to take care of yourself! 🥰🥰
P.s. I consent to you responding to this as a post. I kinda don't care that people know about my messed up back because I feel that more people need to realize that not all of the things that make people physically handicapped are visible on the outside, whether the cause be physical or mental! It's still an issue that a lot of people have to deal with
Good lord 😭 I'm so sorry you went through that (and still are, I know how long those car accident injuries can linger).
We've got a back injury/back pain club here on this blog.
Thankfully I got some meds prescribed that will help with the pain and inflammation. I think the hardest part is I can't sit comfortably so I have to try and write laying down, which is hard even with a laptop lol. If my desk chair wasn't awful (which may be part of the reason I irritated my back) I'd just sit there. Unfortunately I get about 30 minutes max sitting at it before I have to get up.
I 100% agree, though. So many people think of disabilities and illnesses as things that are visible and forget they can be internal and mental as well. I always get that when I see doctors because on the outside I look healthy and then they look at scans and my lab work and my mental health history and it's...not good 😂 Just proof you can't judge people based on what you see on the outside. Wish more people understood that.
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buwheal · 2 months
I'm sorry, Spamton. I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry we hurt you.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
#its so weird. i feel like march 5th went on for more than a day somehow. i guess that's just bc we were awake for just abt all of it#my dad wanted to start doing things immediately so he was calling and scheduling all day. we went to the funeral home we went to the store#and it was weird bc as we were moving around it was like wow we r a 4 person family now. this is it. and theres so much to do after a person#dies. or at least there is when they were loved so much and jesus christ my mom was one of the best ppl a LOT of ppl knew. she did so much#for so so many ppl. and with her childhood she had every reason to b a fuck up but no she was kind and selfless and amazing. her mother is#trying to bask in the attention of her death when its like: truely go fuck urself. her being such a good person has nothing to do with u. u#treated her appallingly. fuck off. and fucking everyone knows it. god. she is a product of her grandparents kindness. and it sounds like her#dad was amazing like her. but he tragically died in a car wreck when she was 3. she was in the car. no one in my mums family believes in a#god now. too many bad things happened to the shining gems in a collection of wild alcoholics. but its not all bad. my family's staying close#my dad is taking it hard bc this means hes alone now and my mum took care of so many things bc she was so smart and he feels so dumb. he#feels he didnt deserve her. hes working on giving more hugs now. and hes using us to anxiously talk things out the way he did with mom#which is good. i cant imagine if this happened when we werent 3 adults and he was windowed with 3 kids to raise himself. and its funny. were#saying things we never would have told her. we looked thru pictures of her and she was so so beautiful. a total smoke show. my parents were#a cute couple who produced cute kids. and my mom had trouble communicating and being affectionate tho we knew she loved us there was#distance. theres a pic of my dad pulling her close and shes being tippef towarf her while standing away and thats indicitive of their#relationship. they were 2 partners who lived together independently and that worked but its sad bc my mum couldnt b vulnerable in her#expression. ppl r being so kind tho. ill be in ohio now for like 2.5 more weeks as the funeral stuff shakes out. we have to have 2 bc she#grew up away from her and so many ppl loved her in both locations. she was a popular lady. its so weird to b here on pause. but i feel clear#in my head. i think this will change a lot of my outlook on life. its nice to focus on the person she was and not the horrible 12hrs where i#saw her half dead. i cant imagine how awful it was for my sisters and dad to see her downslide into death. she didnt expect this to b The#Fever that killed her but it did and now she'll never finish a million things. and the house is full of pill bottles and all her junk and#unopened amazon packages and a truck with the fuel left on empty. bc she was an absent minded goofball. ay. well miss her so much#unrelated
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cuz-reasons · 2 months
What if I exploded? What then?
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penisbilt · 1 month
the bittersweet but absolute flood of relief that comes from admitting defeat at living independently, to have to move back in with parents. we tried! we gave it our best shot for almost 3 years! but living like this (being on our own) is just not possible for us at this time of our lives. we've finally proved it to ourselves that we can't do it. it'll be okay to let ourselves rest now
#latimers parents not mine!!!! i am NOT moving back to florida LOL#really hope that the changes will be good for my mental health. this apartment is toxic to us#ive been on the verge of meltdowns Kind Of A Lot lately. imnot doing great#extremely dependent on substances. just to reach a baseline level of functioning. but even that isnt working as much anymore#the only things i do on my phone or tablet these days is like. 2 mobile games. and skirting past my dms to check latimers blog#its too overwhelming to even open discord these days yknow. everything on earth is too much for me right meow#i havent been drawing i havent been social online OR irl i havent been cooking or creating#i havent been keeping up with personal hygiene like at all im particularly ashamed about that one#i've been really bad about doing my T the past few months which is a HUGE shame because im SO fucking hyped to be on it#theres just. too many obstacles in getting it done half the time. and the other half of the time i just forget#anyway. anyway.#our lease ends in july so between now and then we're just gonna try our best to tolerate our living situation enough to get by#there's a light at the end of the tunnel. and its called 'i only have to be in charge of like 2 rooms at most. and not a household!'#we're gonna try to slowly comb through all our things between now and then so the process of moving wont suck as bad#cuz listen. its pretty fucking bad right now#maybe not for other people. but it is for me. and its okay to let myself come to terms with that#im just. so relieved. still very stressed! but theres at least light at the end of the tunnel and its only like 2 months away#ill be able to draw guilt-free again. ill be able to just EXIST guilt-free#i dont think ive felt guilt-free for just existing the way i do since like. turning 20#i know my mom wouldve loved if i stayed home forever. and im sad i cant be there for her#but ever since i had a fight with my dad at 15 or 16 it just really felt like he didnt want me there more and more#maybe as the youngest he was resenting that i was preventing him from becoming an empty nester or something. i dont know#because all the other kids had been moved out and on their own at least once but i had never left home before#i dont know if he'd be heartbroken or not to hear that i feeling like he was resenting me. but thats the energy i was picking up for years#i dunno. i dont know#anyway. back to housing. for now im going to try to relax and store energy for the moving process#the huge pile of things by the kitchen? i dont have to worry about that becoming permanent because we're leaving in 2 months#the general discord of the state of our possessions? we have to go through everything to pack it all anyway. we can move in RIGHT this time#when we moved in here we didnt have a car or license so we were dependent on latimers 3-hr-drive-away parents to help us move#just /across town/. and we had a whole month between leases! but it still had to be done in a weekend
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spearxwind · 1 year
Hi Alex! I was wondering, since there's leviathans of all fuck off sizes, are there other species in this world? Like Wyverns that can fly above and swan dive to say hi to their leviathan buds?
Hiya! There arent any dragons if that is what youre asking, nor any other massive species.
Besides the leviathans and all the regular sealife, fauna in CD is mostly avian (primarily seafaring birds and jungle fowl on the islands)
There are some bigger birds around but they are nowhere near as big as the leviathans are. I think the max size for birds would roughly be around cutter class sized (the smallest leviathan class), and those DO dive for fish like ospreys, though leviathans might chomp at them if they get too close (the same would happen with wyverns too)
As a note, there's a non-lore adjacent reason for it too, it's that I do not want the focus to shift away from the ocean and the leviathans. If I made giant flying things there would have to be logistics around that and I would not want them to interfere with what I already have.
Though now that I'm thinking about it, it could be really swag to have hunters who ride on big birds (I am immensely biased), though as much as I like it idk if I can make it work without pulling too much focus from the CD vibe haha
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
ok but do i want to actually sit and read through all the clockie animation stuff so i have better foundation for what i want to say? i guess
#avil plays hsr#idk if i actually want to write this ramble because i started rewatching a bunch of scenes that i needed to figure my thoughts out#but the more i gather the more im getting lost with myself so im like MMMMM#i gotta line these pieces up first#i think the trickiest thing about gallagher is wondering how much of what he says is true vs false#UH#ill just tag this as#hsr 2.1 spoilers#because thats the ramble in the tags#but like as a follower of enigmata hes prone to lying and conjuring even more riddles to confuse you#so i just have to wonder too#and if his whole facade as gallagher is fake. then how did he actually become part of the bloodhound?#sunday points out how gallagher stoles features from so many members of the family so. i just have to wonder#he couldnt have changed his identity without being noticed#so thats where i get confused. like How did you get in here in the first place using your disguise?#how did you fool people?#ANSWER MY QUESTIONS MAN (SHAKES GALLAGHER)#at the very least though: i think what he says about mikhail is true#i want to believe those are true even despite his false front#the things i want to talk about is like#well first i wanna make a whole timeline of the historical events of penacony#and that will give me a better idea of how things led to one another to present time#and THANKFULLY i rewatched because now i understand what gallagher meant possibly by traitor#but how did the family come to be?#how did the dreammaster come to be? (SHAKES THE GAME)#ok so i have to read more. so this will take longer#unfortunately maybe by the time i get all the information i want itll be too late and someone else wouldve said#SOMEONE PROBABLY DID#but i like the satisfaction of pulling the pieces together myself. thats the satisfaction of solving cases and puzzles ✨#my desk looks ridiculous now because its like. sticky notes everywhere because im like I HAVE TO MAKE NOTE OF THIS
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killjoy-prince · 1 month
Vendors at my job love me so much there's fighting amongst them in one company over who gets to deliver to my store that week
#prince's talk tag#my secret is i dont wanna deal with people any longer than i have to so i get them in and out as quickly as i can#and the vendors and drivers love that bc they got other places to be#the vendor that told me this said the other receivers will take their time and dilly dally too much leaving a line of trucks outside#but im usually on top of that#there are days where i cant help it but i go as fast as i can bc i really dont want to deal with people#and i can avoid that by taking them in check in their product sign the receipts and get them outta there#vendor also said at least with his company the dispatcher will be like 'here this store needs a delivery done'#and the vendors will go 'no im not doing that store' which will make the dispatcher go to one & say 'well its your route so you gotta do it'#and it was like that for my store before I took over#now the dispatcher will be like 'hey Prince's store needs a delivery' and the vendors are actually fighting like#'ill do it' 'no imma do it!' 'no me!'#ngl it made me happy. i didnt think i was that well liked#like some drivers have showed their appreciation to me about my speed and ability to handle the job but to have people fight over me? wow#and this was like an hour after a manager complimented how i run shit around here bc i know what im doing#and when im not here it all falls apart#which does suck bc i wish the mess wasnt left to me to clean up if im not here#but i am training someone rn who will cover for me when im not around so hopefully that helps a little
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astriiformes · 1 year
Me, gritting my teeth as I do my best to ignore the fact that I have been battling my own brain particularly intensely (a mental health crisis that is ongoing, due to life circumstances that cannot be changed) and the many other responsibilities that have been stressing me out as of late so I can instead throw myself into the middle of a complex, inflammatory conflict between two groups I care about that is threatening to have a horrific amount of emotional collateral in part due to the fact that no one else has been willing to step up as a mediator: Wow, just like in Pentiment
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bootyful-seventeen · 9 months
hey y'all, anyone have any good stress relief tehniques or habits they'd like to share cuz I've been more stressed in the last 3 weeks then I was in the last 6 months
#to cut the long story short my mom had to sell the old house cuz her broke ass couldnt afford to keep it up#eventho it is a whole ass hoarders house and was in shambles with a flooded basement a collapsing ceiling in at least 2 rooms plus mold#and the stench a dirt and dog piss and shit all over the floor really made it worse then it was#but yeah so shes been staying with me and my grandma and its been awful#she hasnt been taking any of the medicine the doctors gave her when she snapped and started a fight and also started screaming at neighbour#so shes been terrorizing us here while the house has become her second hoarders den since she dragged so much crap here#my backyard side entrance and front porch are full of her shit and my grandma hates it since she can barely step into the house#so since she kept looking for places way out of her budget i had to go do house hunting since my useless sister is busy getting lit again#so ive been showing her shit in her price range that was under 420k cuz im not a moron who looks at 800k homes when i have 570k#and each time she has a new complaint saying its too expenive or its too small or its too old when she said she wants to do renovations#but shes saying she wants to renovate a newly renovated place instead of an old one#so i just showed her a house near my sisters uni and she liked the inside & backyard but she complained that 400k for newly renovated 3 bed#that is literally a 9 minute drive from my sisters uni is too expensive when shes the one who was looking at an old ass unrenovated bungalo#that is a street over from us that is 800k and she says it looks like garbage cuz an old lady previously owned it before dying#like no shit it looks old cuz older people lived those decades and like it and she just keeps doing her bullshit again & again#cuz when i tell you her mind is gone i mean it is GONE and she starts up all these wild stories to just explain some shit#like something goes missing? the neighbours are hungarian and stole it and left the hoard of junk in her old house#she has more stupid stories to harass and stress us out with but if im gonna share that ill have to write a book about it cuz fuck#and you know its bad when no one else can stand being in any contact with her cuz she starts screaming at people about it#so the only one who even likes her anymore is my sister and thats cuz shes deep in denial about just how insane she is & how abusive she is#so yeah i need some stress relief help that maybe isnt constantly hitting up maryjane cuz i dont do weed often especially since shes here#cuz weed 'burns your brain & makes you crazy like this' when shes the only one whos ever infuriated me to astronimical levels#i know retail therapy helped before she came here but i dont want to keep spending money i dont really have#it would be great tho but shes refusing to give me the 70k she said was mine from the house sale so i can cut her out for good
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synthshenanigans · 2 months
there’s one on here currently and they’re bringing back up old controversy (jashshipping)
Yeaa I saw that. They also seem to post a bunch of CJ related things, so I might make the daily photos one since there isn't one for just CJ screenshots/photos
#im gonna be a fait bit busy today so I cant make it rn#also wont be making it tomorrow as there's another strike happening then [ill make a post on that later too btw]#but i want there to be an account just of stuff from the vids or of the ones he posts on twitter#as for the shipping thing#i wish ppl wouldn't be so rude with things sometimes man#my stance is basically the same as CJs. interpret it however you'd like just don't show it to ppl who are uncomfortable with it#also don't harass or be a dick to people who do or don't ship it#im glad it died down since then at least & that there's not a bunch of hate going around#this fandom is simultaneously really nice to be in & also really draining sometimes#tho it definitely isn't the worse. ive been in a lot of ones that are a LOT worse than here. big & small#place is actually quite nice mostly. despite some things that deserve needing to be called out [like some of the ableism toward Heart]#I think things would be a lot better if people just let others do their own thing. as long as its not like. fuckin illegal or offense#or against CJs boundaries. just let others vibe out in there own corner#ain't that what we all said when TH purists complain about CJs covers? No ones forcing you to consume the content. is all good#just stay where you're comfortable! if anyone's forcing you to look at their stuff then they're the issue. and that goes both ways#again just listen to what the guy said. don't show it to people that don't like it. don't harass people who do it don't like it. an like#just be groovy#sorry for the rant this has just been on my mind for months now#im generally very neutral on things but i hate everyone just yellin at each other when there doesn't need to be yelling in the first place#again this place is hell of a lot better than other spaces ive been in#its a main reason this is the first fandom I've actively participated a shit ton in#im actually using discord & talking [a bit] to other ppl for once lol#idk man i like it here. Just don't make a reason for people not to like it here#again apologies for the rant op. this has just been on my mind for some time & i really don't want shit being blown up again#also apologize if anythins spelled wrong or sounds like nonsense#shitty keyboard + dyslexia + not being able to edit tags can make dumb results lol#moss rants#[atlas asks]
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scaredofmyocs · 7 months
I love it when i accidentally stay up on the night im supposed to be catching up on sleep it totallly doesnt make me feel horrible all week long
#talk post#i love this blog i want to live here#I cant!!! i just cant!!! go to bed at a normal fucking time istg#but noooooo the wild grinders wiki no some stupid bullshit no one has ever cared about before#WHEN I DONT GET ENOUGH SLEEP MY MENTAL HEALTH GETS WAY WORSE!!!!! IF I DONT FIX IT WE ARE GOING TO GET TOO SILLY#(yelling at a mirror)#seriously bothers me tho that Im always worried about how intense my negative feelings have been lately#and im like “oh ill just get more sleep” and then immediately fuck it up the next night making me tired all week#making me feel SO bad in the mornings and at night and increasing my paranoia and other such thoughts#and in trying to tune it all out just forget about it again leading to me fucking it up again#this is a bit dramatic its only happened 2 weeks in a row#but that feels like a lot because thats like 10 nights where i felt like i blinked and i had to wake up and go to school#and not only deal with my shitty social skills but the results of said thing#and also try to fight the thoughts that are like “this shits pointless im not doing this” LIKE PLEASE pretend to be normal for one year#and also that one teacher i have who demands every students attention while he teaches like i already finished the work sheet shut it#like i do well in that class just let me do what i want im not being distracting like girl i have at least an 87 dw about me#PLUS most of the time im not even on my phone he just really wants me to look at the board but girl as i said I ALREADY DID WHATS ON THERE#i feel like i never get to relax but i do all the time so i dont know what i mean#i keep saying “its ok as long as i can bury all my thoughts and just keep going while filling what free time i have with things i enjoy”#but things only work for so long#i hate the passage of time#anyawy erm wrong my guitar is in my mind (stupid ass guitar riff)#walks over to my bed and trips on the way falling asleep on the floor#ramble#hit post
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