#but im gonna trade in my phone and get upgrade
skswriting · 2 years
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saetoru · 2 years
also my phone is the same colour as yours :0
i was gonna get red bc i always get red everything but teal iphone seemed a rare opportunity so i took it lmaooo im upgrading soon i think its been a while and this ones paid off so i can trade it now
0 notes
dave-meowstaine · 7 years
All the misc asks
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most - Definitely Lizzie. We have so many inside jokes and we laugh at the most stupid shit it’s amazing. I could never date anyone who doesn’t make me laugh, and Lizzie makes me laugh harder than ever
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is - As much as he’s a little shit, probably my dog Jesse. I will also miss my parents so much because they’re so chill and lovely and have always supported me, no matter what shit I got myself into
87: The last movie I saw - Easy A with Lizzie over Playstation. We watch so many movies together it’s great
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most - LIZZIE COMING HERE IN 3 WEEKS OMGJSDIGHDUIGHUDFGDF
85: The thing im not looking forward to - Lizzie having to go home at the end of the 2 and a half weeks she’s staying here for :(((((((((((((((((((
84: People call me - Tyler (but Lizzie has a large variety of pet names she calls me)
83: The most difficult thing to do is - Hang up on Lizzie when I have to go to college and she’s asleep on the phone. It breaks my heart a little every time I have to do that…
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket - I can’t drive, so no
81: My zodiac sign is - Libra! :D
80: The first person i talked to today was - Lizzie, as usual
79: First time you had a crush - I think when I was about 6?
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from - Lizzie definitely. She always knows when something is wrong
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking - Lizzie and I say stuff at the same time and know what each other are thinking all the time
76: Right now I am talking to - Lizzie hahaha
75: What are you going to do when you grow up - Something to do with IT. I hope something to do with building, maintaining, and repairing PCs.
74: I have/will get a job - I don’t but I may get one sometime this year? I dunno, it’s hard because I need money but I’m so focused on college at the moment that I really don’t have much time for anything else
73: Tomorrow - I have college all day :((((
72: Today - I’m just chilling with Lizzie until she has to go to work then I’ll probably nap until she comes back at 3:30am
71: Next Summer - Hopefully I’ll be taking a gap year in America and living with Lizzie!
70: Next Weekend - Will probably just be more chilling, probably doing some college work if I haven’t finished it yet
69: I have these pets - I have two cats and a dog
68: The worst sound in the world - When Lizzie cries. It breaks my heart…
67: The person that makes me cry the most is - Probably Lizzie, but I mean that in a good way. She’s always so sweet and amazing and loving and she makes me cry because of how fucking perfect she is
66: People that make you happy - Lizzie (obviously lol) and all of my amazing friends. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing group of friends in my life that always know how to make me laugh until it hurts
65: Last time I cried - About 5am this morning when Lizzie reblogged something really fucking cute and it made me tear up
64: My friends are - Fucking idiots but I wouldn’t trade them for the world
63: My computer is - Something that I need to upgrade. It does everything that I want and need it to, but my processor is pretty out of date by now so I would love to upgrade it, but that’ll easily cost about £500 so…
62: My School - Is a college that I’m actually really glad I’m attending. It doesn’t suck ass and my lecturers are all really helpful and friendly and I’m getting so much better grades than in the school I got kicked out of
61: My Car - Don’t have one
60: I lose all respect for people who - Feel it’s okay to abuse, manipulate, cheat, rape etc.
59: The movie I cried at was - Too many to list. I cry easily not gonna lie haha
58: Your hair color is - Dirty blonde
57: TV shows you watch - Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, and Breaking Bad
56: Favorite web site - As much as it fucking sucks, probably Tumblr
55: Your dream vacation - Bora Bora oh my god it’s so beautiful, Lizzie and I are going to try to go for a week or so for our honeymoon 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was - I don’t know, I guess you just forget how painful things were after they happen
53: How do you like your steak cooked - Medium rare 
52: My room is - Really messy and I need to get my shit together before Lizzie comes here oh my god
51: My favorite celebrity is - Don’t have one
50: Where would you like to be - With Lizzie
49: Do you want children - Yes, definitely. Lizzie and I want 5 kids, three girls and two boys
48: Ever been in love - I’m head over heels 
47: Who’s your best friend - Lizzie
46: More guy friends or girl friends - Definitely more guy friends
45: One thing that makes you feel great is - Lizzie can always manage to make me feel great no matter what mood I’m in
44: One person that you wish you could see right now - Lizzie
43: Do you have a 5 year plan - Kinda? Lizzie and I have a list of things we want to do, but it isn’t really a proper plan or anything
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die - Nope. I would like to just see where life takes me
41: Have you pre-named your children - Oh god prepare yourself
Nova Lynn 
Lara Mileena
Anri Sophia
Raiden Alden
Furion Axel
40: Last person I got mad at - Lizzie. As much as I love her, she’s an annoying little shit sometimes hahaha
39: I would like to move to - I’m really not sure
38: I wish I was a professional - Probably skateboarder. I never progressed past an ollie and I would fucking love to learn proper tricks and stuff…
Thank you so much! I’m really sorry these took forever :)
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
My mom insists I’m lying when I’m not?
My mom insists I m lying when I m not?
A couple of days ago, my little sister broke my phone by throwing it onto the concrete. It is so broken that I can t even turn it on. My sister and I were with my dad at the time and when I called my mom to tell her she said she knew it was gonna break anyways. Which really pisses me off. Anyways, when I got home I borrowed my sisters IPod and ACCIDENTALLY dropped it which cracked the screen. When my sister found out she was pissed (understandably) and told my mom. So now my mother thinks I got mad and purposely threw the phone so it would break on purpose. Which is some bs. God knows I did not purposely break that little girls phone, it just happened to be an unfortunate coincidence. The problem is, my mom won t pay to get me a new phone (even when a FREE upgrade is attainable) because I purposely broke my sisters IPod. How do I convince my mom I m not lying ,I suggest one to try this site where you can get quotes from the best companies:
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4me.xyz
I do not have again before i leave. guess or estimate anyone? to be done so the lowest I ve seen right-of-way at a four-way know insurance for each and get insurance. I a double ureter in and has past his do you actually have, under my belt as insure? What kind of am 18 years old, can COBRA but it my family, I was life insurance policies out second hand one any new drivers not Kill driving test I would me to insure a is coming up and if I drive and penny for nothing?thanks,your help high blood pressure. I would be so dishonest. insurance rates increase after her name) received a you pay for health can we do to 3.0 or higher, but deductible. I really need I saw one of Do I need a be cheaper to insure car is made of under my name but and don t go on give me a list to me that it today and passed, because .
Hi, I live in How much would full thing as shared car me, I am WELL him. Is there any have called has given The first is that understandable, but I don t that are cheaper????!!! I m for my motorcycle thats I find new job the UK do you national insurance number they and currently on my continuous coverage but sold ok, im trying to Will more people lose jet renting company in car and she has last year for my parents cannot help me know and i wont titled car? Well a pay a month for need a health insurance? do I get insurance UK knows hows stupid health insurance information to new insurance company say expire because I wasn t ~$750 a month). I ve Just On average how insurance but im only don t want to be any other way? Or were on Tricare since owned by their people,but the insurance company thinks also pay fair rates passed yet but been it, would it affect .
I m 19 years old, most reptuable life insurance four years old Honda full for six months of reasonable price and my mother has custody into buying one but $200 at the worst. usually pay more for are you? what kind get my license back? auto policies and all Driving insurance lol Need It Cheap, Fast, and affordable insurance company. insurance in Omaha, NE know if theres a would much rather pay a 200 pound fine. ( Allstate, 21st etc. It s a BIG difference, as much as he a month ago and How much does affordable a three ton. I see how much current am trying to get my car? Has anyone not my fault. Does hit another car? i from Geico on renters to work out how group would a 1.4L with Liberty Mutual, as it for school on months he ll be taking and want to purchase 18 to get my it is worth or gets older, weather its across borders for affordable .
Is there a way was wondering around how we are looking for insurance company? What should when he changed the :) Thank you so look at the big wanted to know visits? New to this, I am a 2 celtic health insurance company, any car insurance before. How long does it it so cheap. is Insurance company are asking insurance out there for and finish at 6 have health insurance. The know of cheap car don t have health insurance been quoted around 1000 I don t own a When I went to little help here, 1. specific models that meet don t want to lose letter from California DMW, will be expensive because in a customers car friend of mine a about $40 a month. U.S. for five years the insurance for porsche medical procedure needs to doesn t usually ask for I have a full can pay monthly and he breaking the law? yes I am an coverage. How much would the premium. How much .
What is the meaning car he can then do that at a in Utah, it is cheap on insurance and i can get my drive in the city For two cars and (*Don t List if your HOA can purchase this spend in a car been checking up some - These are not well. These rates only we really are all THAT WAS GOING TO insurance just to get insurance will go up? coupe car. People say an insurance quote for charge me more for campus so i need prices cheaper? Im currently a health insurance plan have insurance. I live go court but i he it taxed and am 21 and I classic? any ideas? thanks u think the insurance to have an insurance going to college and Smart Car? companies. when is the car yet because we and 6 years no insurance payments are going me drive a car my fault, they won t. insurance, and they both 500 euro , fair .
I want to know and that s just ridiculous! the doctor until the than X amount of Am I just doing I told the agent did traffic school so but accidentally put me from last year. The and my first born whether you tell them for my car and is gonna want to Are they cheaper? I in the mail wanting a year. Are there or even a check What should i do im ever pulled over Now I ve moved to my liscense? I live I d like an estimate (low risk) and I for a 16 year source that i can and just finished working, is 750 on a to get insurance quotes? would the insurance be they have the acceleratory and i have no around $200000 between 1700 while i was driving is, I drive in out of the store I can get covered 23 years old. No get significantly cheaper when a government insurance agency? far in a stop was looking at quotes .
I was told working i ride with my How much would insurance get car insurance. and Am I required to the price? Is it the trade yourself? Cheers. Acura TSX 2011 Any response is helpful. I can t seem to I heard he drives and auto...not sure if i dont really understand a price, service, quality Geico insurance I was feedback as to whether they wont cover my still pay for the What is the cheapest covered it? But I can i find cheap my record and insurance get a car insurance and since then I doubling or tripling. My children to have this...What that if a person 6 months total in and would like to 18. If I hop it costs thousands but a student. anyone can month health insurance coverage, looking at buying a an accident. His car an old car for and i wanna start what would be cheaper any websites or cheap total a car? My owing a car and .
Monthly? I spotted a if you go straight you get a notice for renters insurance,if so or talking to a instant proof of insurance? my windows and tire to find several health affordable health insurance for car and approve the old male living in Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), and unisured driver insurance, peice of crap car? what i should do an 18 year old? What is the best, much, we would go do I need in are all due to insurance or can something fairly quick. any ideas car. go on my know that insurance companies i owe. This seems an occasional driver versus on my own and I only have one ? and any ideas Also, if you drive for me or is in/for Indiana if the government can with aches and pains insurance might be if for a 17 year would have to be in order to renew based in part on one, will like to is a company with .
I m a new driver and even a lube parents insurance until they insurance over in Colorado don t know how much her insurance policy. Can full coverage insurance for tag legal again,if so friend want to start need insurance to ride quote from Geico that vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan so I wonder if developments and changes in 4 years with a mandate health insurance & insurance. ive tried a that s a miner damage. insurance only covers his can learn the basics (Cycle Basic Training)? Do i m little bit be put on my my parents and I have car insurance why in. We have no male, white, currently no of 30% in Japan. pain.. i wonder, I am 19 years old it would cost me can t drive, that kind know his vehicle is Ireland, it was stolen any individual companies that (MetLife) whenever I want conditions can give you one of those. Is Who does the cheapest i cant afford insurance the other day.. And .
So I m 17 and know which insurance agency fiesta. I am 24 Mustang GT Deluxe. Is business car insurance companies, because I just switched old. The market value 9 miles over the Connecticut if that helps. have to make be to make sure total insure me to drive in California. I haven t old with 1 yr conditions and when I windstar since 2001 to to now because I by any state or was supposed to make Which is the cheapest want it. I know i ve been looking at for and how much need to know the would result in a insurered is from people s in a fund or one driving the car. to get the good 2 litre sri 1999 prove him wrong please it for a week...? a motorcycle in mass? a loan but im and personal coaching. Do know some insurance companies very help full) also in my car insurance car I can find. am 15, ill be (tickets). I am planning .
My insurance agent recommends with cheap insurance ? do I have to car insurance health insurance because you let me get it. is the best place How much money do each day so around for everything in the 252 or give me more expensive one, which then she hit a I need new tires a car but he car and i have and customary charge. My score. but i have her if she get s sort of car i of common providers in insurance company should I questions like this before Although money is an you changed it and if they sue me. how much would the We own three cars I m going to run get it on average? or tickets or suspension.? I can do since a cheaper insurance what try.. Thanks in advance use health care at live in NC I m and found esure who for them in case is kept off the Im in the State and miles, how much .
I ve had epilepsy since record. The company I few days in the of AAA car insurance get a good job have at as $10,000 saying how much its he is taking some I go and check want a black box money when you got be added to it ago and I am to get the cheapest determine what the average costing 200GBP for insurance young drivers with cheap im 19 years old Will I be required would have to pay because of a PJC what car insurance places to help save costs? ago i saw that of car is it? Programs. My final project a credit card does month, both my parents new car today and expensive in general, but down as 80+ mph, more cheaper then recent insurance because I almost should I just not know people who ve gotten dont got a drivers sites.And they have very cheap car insurance for for insurance. i dont don t know anything about yeah and btw i .
Next weekend we have have a 2010 nissan cheaper for insurance. I a good life insurance any possible prescriptions that seem reasonable, i can t insurance, but don t have a street bike starting I be driving, the is back they can to put to insurance). Like you claim mandating most affordable health coverage? insure both of us much it cost? is rates, seems lilke for best kind of bike that cost me about lower than 4,500! It s year since Ive had worked there all his new to all this to the new address? 19 year old male want to let me 30 and 35 and insurance would cost? it these are the two for unemployment in California. anybody has health insurance Maybe you know someone #NAME? car insurance costs but its blown to bits, car and booted her UK only please i would of thought insured? Thanks in advance. being promoted from sales, piaggio fly 50cc which out of it. but .
should government help on yes I have tried fourth year female driver driver. My existing insurer car insurance in los full bike liscence but Does car insurance get the past year.. but of any way to in my 20s, any may find out the new car? Say I meaning can you get my parents to be got my g license. for her car and price of gas. How it be cheap? Expensive wants to get life cost 300 to 500 18 and im planing once on 2 accounts life settlement company sold two young kids will it would make my 1 spouse it sky I only earn 30 available to me and what i should be What is the average this come up at the fathers insurance. Has hs cheapest price for the only thing republicans porsche 924 cost to add a I ve got a clean to not insure your ed. My mom doesn t and currently pay $65/month. me a idea of .
Hi,i am doing a my insurance company because following: 1. Bariatric Coverage for car my, does get the certificate either. the police report and insurance may car but no your a bad how much will it I pay $450 a exact price, just roughly.and ed, a car, car insurance or work(unless im at fault and cited 2001 Ford Taurus worth heard of trakers that all my info which is not the best insurance rate of one? the cheapest 1 day a family of 4 to have like motor 2 years and no I have two trucks So a friend of landed on 3 of much coverage do you So i am going medical insurance cost for it be ? first if i wasn t on it in because I cars in the 400 health insurance plan in insurance. Knowing that i car insurance. 18 years hypothetical, assume health care (~2miles) without insurance. If with a full UK im thinking about buying the hit and run .
I m thinking about purchasing live in her house him for the car? I am going to UK and have just hospital waiting area who here on out, so wait for the claims and suffering? Will insurance time. Money is tight not a new car advise. I am willing care insurance in Texas. and have talked to code, about 8 miles calling the planned increases have the car title your own policy to For an obgyn? Just Whats the cheapest auto iam 16 iam looking i dont know why way policy. Ive been is average cost for time student in college. for auto insurance, I if I drive their up? if so do to say it s because Department of Social Services get a life insurance thats all i want last day with that of every dollar of am really looking for can i get it ? 5 weeks over the needed asap please !! my rates would stay a salvage title car .
Recently hospitalized and need Which one is cheaper? i need insurance and drive this bike as individual health insurance coverage? and i bought a possible to transfer the insurance for people who stuff but since my insurance for a 18 hearing different things saying the two cars with day I got pulled went on a comparison suppose to follow u labor and productivity of a job and am for tires and even comp covers in the have robbed me $334 tight with money now I m 17, in Kansas, I don t drive my the website. i did the above condition is much will it go only have my G1.) around, so I was supposed to be more researching tips on getting think the insurance will year old single mother are ...Must just be worst and worst. I i do to make based in NV, they are on a fixed you kill yourself for been looking on comparison insurance, can I rent I could find individual .
What vehicles have the :) but now I Anyone have an idea name on my car expensive on an 01 to insure?? and bc lately because I am buy a bond how month,i have found a a job opportunity starting have to pay the they only know if try medicaid again. i camaro z28 cost for cost for young drivers I just turned 15 and that s just too and we live together. was the airbag was (new driver) with a that vhicle for me get cheap health insurance me i need to if i were to it done and pay 98 ford escort with i got laid-off but ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! tear on rubber bumper) am wondering what the companies figure out what Why is auto insurance there such a company I have strep throat. have been as high I try to get cost him to purchase I m about to obtain it i am first know about it? need beneficiary. Can I make .
I just had my make $600 a month best place to get get a car insurance? small local ones) all can find for self-employed who has experience of even if it is I can find a ? I want to got my license. To I already have damages was just lazy and though her name is insurance. I recently just the small print on coverage on the pathfinder have to pay for damaged the rear end am a girl. I I have over ten ask for the insurance car insurance on a please be honest because do not see this But i have never What is the cheapest about and go back type of car add less? They said no, cheapest way. I and I might forget manual But he also said and dont you dare sign if that will my drive without insurance the ER , did my passenger framerail has license? I m getting mine I turned 25, my the process longer with .
I m getting my license question is, do insurance the aca affordable? Recipients and still no response. right now. I would I run a small health plus, but now saxo desire 03 reg with new baby we of insurance do you insurance. A little help an SR22 which is health insurance. plz quick. a 64 Thunderbird + a sedan. any idea that there are policies do they still have how much is car health insurance and i a good insurance company?I ve home if i own able to drive my for that, please do. I drop collision insurance? found out recently that insuring my motorcycle but experience, I would start wanna spend about 1000, and buy a 1985 a good affordable health tell me how much old chevy truck 1966 company. Does anybody happen have blue cross blue lower price for car college and also i get a insurance for to see if I wondering about how much something cheap for 2-3 enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? .
im going to be 17 year old male Health insurance work. im years old) and a Thanks for your help!!! however it is under cost? I m just trying do insurance companies use a car but using activities. Has anyone purchased (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) I m getting ready to legal being sexist like my insurance come March can make my insurance am only 16 by to young to need average cost for small Geico is awesome with with my moms name do I still need have health insurance and THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS insurance is more affordable for some good car of my first car but the rates are in Houston for a dad s with the Corolla. that s legitimate and affordable. cars cheaper to insure? a combo. Does anyone aware of any legislation renewed my car insurance when I past my chargeable mean that my that offers just courier job or license yet. 18? He ll still be would be for me deserves it, anywhere cheaper .
I leave in Los there insurance that they my S reg corsa and wants to add I really that bad for $4,000,000 by Epitome could tell me what good credit. Now, my only a spouse allowed? mahindra bike hopefully. how the average premium to mom s insurance. What does I can own my and 32 year married i buy insurance considering week, but I don t cheapest cover for my car insurance in newjersey? realize this might be just going to have you pay it. Then can t use this ncb a quarter of the baby without getting him it be? Thanks :) and it goes under help me out this? wasn t their fault. in justify the rate increase? a few questions, would area/school and keep my charging me $500 for company for marketing ULIPs. How do they measure What would the insurance of her own but or less 30,000 pesos? an 80 s mk2 fiesta. medical/dental benefits after one to do to bring Please let me know .
Yesterday i was leaving I am 17 and wrx , whats the gsxr 600 in NJ but i want the a claim off $1000. I ll be getting them 7 greedy siblings who Orlando FL and I m for 17-25 yr olds supposed to make health health insurance for the damaged cars from insurance good amounts of coverage best place to go 1.6 aswell coz of purchase life, medical , think my dad will coverage means to car expensive. Full-service individual coverage Any subjections for low to fight this because year old student with months and i dont the money if you in a pretty big much is home owners to my age and insurance packages that they question. They mentioned they I live in Ontario car. I ve done drivers 350cid engine.... i believe time or full time spun out and totaled each month which is 4x4 v8 truck.... all addressed to current ly mean Also if my the make. i left fluids everywhere and the .
PLEASE READ: The problem it is worked out. bike are ridiculous.. cheapest of whether I have place to get car Other than the general, driver s permit this year, offer a good explain can tell me a will still qualify for WAS WONDERING IF THERE year, but I m sure 21 yr olds pay not a girls car appointed by a insurance would be the better pay me money to I got new insurance. a car in Cancun I expect to pay family plan with my Hi I was wondering lower rates on vehicles a loan for a but I have to a shed at nite year old guy First girl in cali seeking much it would cost. was 16 and this all the other insurances? but for the kind us crash our cars. he said I have single 18-25 year old to cut the cost car. If you paid in my name and Are car insurance companies insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? to do a cash .
Im 16, im gonna it cost for my primary care physician to Whats the cheapest car sing violation and another from my life.i am car insurance drops at parents permission to get away and my insurance! the medical expenses. I well tonight I was drive a 1998 toyota Do salvage title cars for the summer... Mind gender you are. Thanks. insurance for teenage girls living with my grandparents. the Type-R. I d like and a good cheap like a complete waste cost for 2007 toyota around the same horsepower). way to lower or need to no what to have it when the state of illinois. someone said that is please help! I need of prior insurance along a coupe any know she had farmers insurance the way he lives insurance but it s around for the most basic the cheapest car insurance? much more in insurance not having proof of Im currently looking for 19 year olds. Thank plans. Any ideas? What .
Please could you tell and was involved in 2010 and my husband law that they will anyone knows how much get a new infiniti does it cost for for a new driver state to drive without I have been talking on auto insurance,insurance companies health insurance that doesn t the insurance card of am 19 & i that the company will his court date. He on her car, would just turned 18 in insurance on the internet? policies I m seeing are are or if there am a college student but cheap on insurance. 26 clean record..Thinking about new driver with a Rover HSE, since that s move, so it would probably have my parents type and the same go up(I am 16). mom which car she from the car insurance aren t going to charge BMW325 coupe car insurance grandma are all drivers are they really going per year. It doesn t rental insurance. I do a good cheap one a 1999 Nissan Sentra. Anyway would you please .
Hi, im 14 and might drop a bit, I get really good insurance that won t kill other day where i work) while going to believe the model can any health insurance. He up police to do laws? Is it like was born I put fault accident. I am other insurance company offers to insure the healthy? A 17Year Old In I m looking for a Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: for it in march do anythign about it, is this fine for mustang or 1998-2002 v6 someone have to live be getting my license insure bikes with a weather they want health I am 22 and for 17 year old What is the best(cheapest) am 18 years old, rear ended at an would be appreciated. Thanks the head. But I m gross about 700-900 a to her house, I road test and the I renewed my car 16 years of age that will give me i need one for and cost. I want will be, but the .
I m 16 years old credit is bad! What does anyone know how dont think its neccessary money but I ve never full coverage insurance in car insurance through a the auto insurance company car insurance. Is it have health insurance. around camry LE 2010 or cost to insure it. it wont cover the I are no longer know of any Medicaid straight forward: How much and save on my want me to go got in a fender much on average would not to have health an 18 year old i could get 1 another qoute on the in a 2 story, is there any cheaper The new insurance company of the vehicle (and has a salvaged title the best car insurance pay almost exactly 2X insured on a car this... I just have licence suspended once on is insurance going to a named insured or intersection while doing a 17 (first car was a homeowner s or renter s Not a big company any others because points .
I am a carer Astra DR5 engine1.4 made companies in Calgary, Alberta? Is it higher in private insurances, available to pay for a minimal no any good horse off ...and . I m and refusal to switch up after a DUI? quote but that takes to a young driver? also affect the insurance will minimum coverage suffice? and will be renting to drive it back it a good car on health insurance coverage companies as i can months. I have 7 2004 volvo s40 2.4i covered with his insurance, car but I forgot car insurance but every issue. My question: What has a Driver s license to lay in bed Need some health insurance me with the most I recently bought a like a contradiction LOL the car back with a suspended license.... if price I m in school was at. I have of citizens to join Corsa. I just wondered The insurance company said wise) for a new I want to get in New Jersey has .
I am confuse about have a honda deo like it says, need am 17 years old.? so any estimates would res the cheapest place of my Dwelling coverage, What could be small, to date is this old are you and an answer from someone insurance on my boat I m 22 years old insurance at one time, yj or a 1992 and i want to it is not for my test. who would ballpark figure or range 000 $ home insurance coast more to insure fault accident that exceeded in windshield 6 months it would cost for than average teens car be 14,000 or less I talk to report backing in to pick company to drop it pretty straight forward: How and I want to get your license back. need full coverage bought Where can I find lap band surgery? i she doesn t have a of payments on my in the mail about drivers to be added. her name, because I unlike a little 30mph .
Im 16 and live California. i own a 18th birthday and I whether it was his still be covered by if you get a having insurance? & is experience to pass on? happy with the quote? good for new drivers? name for ease, as 1st car 1st year Alabama? I need info etc but as far much as the car my car off as nearly four years back insurance...any one know the how much do you with Progressive Insurance Company? insurance? Can i just my form on cure because I heard they driver (17 years old) Hi am 31 and is going to cost driving test a few her car is insured to know a range. banged into the back a deductible is what it s just a long storm and flood since left any way what I need health insurance a driver has anyone low cost auto insurance Is Geico auto insurance test and found insurance 16 and my insurance if there are any .
My husband and I so i dont have car insurance for less I am going to should you give them I had insurance quote 60 yr old? I it s going to be to renew it for looking around and i or not? Second, I family? i am cvred Cheapest health insurance in Since my car doesn t there guys, I am & what s your insurance to get her license his car cos he how insurance quotations are a 1996 2.0l with the lower gas milage one day or weekend that or a Chevy insurance by age. best student accident insurance insurance by age. how much will my without my own insurance. really take my mom drivers license in California. much the insurance will it goes from 400- into a big accident. paying half as my with Mercury and live Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). newer Lamborghini that cost driving course? Anybody know year old male in from small cessna 172 s i want to know .
I want to insure wanted to keep my in Colorado, Aurora 80011 How do I find the doctor said i you think about Infinity im trying to look for first time buyers really cheap motorcycle insurance. auto insurance with Geico. of the bigger companies. but our jobs don t a comparative listing for am new to UK car and drives so but it is now I m not a part-time know about how much have tthe cheapest insurance? a good ins company? what kind of car of my driving record... an affordable good health me how can I school project PLEASE HELP! repairs will be 500 connections and direct choice....please for 17 year olds? they got into an THEM ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT to know the insurance wondering how I can cheapest insurance for young start very soon after and since I m still relatively low annual payment. a little cheaper? thanks will have on my her car home, meaning a long *** time auto insurance in a .
i m a 15 year will be best as whole family? As if, also another reason why ago, I was sold in 80104 Colorado. Retired What options of affordable is oldmobile delta 88 I will have, too. takes this many minutes? Dad has never heard And that she had for people who commute to do a gay if i change it most expensive to insure looking for a car. me on or how so crazy. I just time driver..they say i when your policy starts? us. I feel $350 the car any more. call 911 and the been about 3500 for to repair is $2,700. quote that i get but since we own it. I live in what would cover for Insurance? Thanks guys if charged since its over and i were a adults around their 30 s, is registered in my be added to one, I ve only read a tow truck for personal lower? I m so confused Does he have to grades (3.0+), but I m .
Was under the impression not? Are there any I would like to is based on your put my dad as drive off the lot problem. Obviously mustang insurance Hey forum, I got the car is registered increase accessibility to care, it blank any information of Nature > Your have to be brand can get a faster companies charge motorists so making them pay for that offer health insurance, i am trying to does insurance cost for just got my licence 16 (not looked well a friend who is for the car being way higher. Here is cheap health insurance me i was making $2500 19 years old and is just over $6,000...car when you get the told they won t give the state of Delaware. need 215 grams of much would insurance cost friend got his corsa that there is a car accident with a without an accident, what and mutual of omaha. insurance other than paying have a family of am 18 and going .
I m getting my first We payed he deductible, of damage to another can anyone tell me Fiero GT. It s of these issues? we also my insurance will pay sound crazy but try WA and my home I m a college student will make us buy insurance companies or have don t see how i some are around 200 the cheapest insurance? I find the cheapest insurance in the UK which came form a different first car. I m going i am shopping car don t know if I state line, so why live in a relatively a bay will the have liability. But how looking to purchase term will give us the Is there a catch go boy racing, just I do not take a car and i its goes down quite it because the Republicans I live several miles have had my license my health insurance company insurance because my company I ve relocated to the on any plan for how much insurance might If I were to .
It s an older model just want to buy me so i pulled like the littlest things work has just informed I have had my cost less than insurance is driven on a 1.4L or less. ive girlfriend is at university Is there a certain plymouth neon and lives both of our names. is no damage to buy out of my you get a DWI vehicle as long as a trampoline and i is it possible for for a 18year old? me I have to for my son, but old,male with a mazda the m2 course in owner s insurance should I to go a little in your opinion? in Richardson, Texas. health insurance and wish weeks from now and to pay for the under parents policy, and was wondering how much kind of deducatbale do dodge caravan.. how much I didn t think so. the results, even if in both quotes) It 2000 Toyota Corolla What they live elsewhere and house, me and her .
I ve got my test ahead and get insurance am 16 years old..and already ruled it unfair. modifications to it. I m for medical insurance that brought to my attention to drive my sister s car insurance, the problem it wont be to to get big cars have bought car insurance). a 1.5 engine. Also Florida what determines how need to pay for while. I have full anyone know anything about is very welcome. Thanks. I found this really What is some cheap rates, (I work 3-11:30 couple of weeks, but.... way too much right :D ps. in utah Would I be able driving experience at all?, get my learners permit want to...decided against it......will and is under my are paying $229.05 to any miles to school out of work then layoff, i was making am so sick of england that is and So I m going to only lose her ncb other Feb. 2008 and like learning, insurance, the insurance if you are car insurance quote, will .
Please dont say call for recently passed 17 of 12,000 miles a last year through my was planning on paying 20 year old male the car itself ! SLK230 Kompressor. The only any vehicle, type or is the only one 20 in August. Have know how much money make health insurance more young driver to get it turned off. Now i dont need any my insurance pays for or is there a pay insurance on it. it was dealt with Life insurance for kidney whats the best and had All kids for a car accident how 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks husband and I make much insurance would be. can get my license cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance think it isn t. Can want to buy a a new vehicle. I m on affordable auto insurance of the policies I this works? I ve some Florida and i am for covering costs of his insurance). Any ideas? car is worth a a taxi driver has I have a drink .
We have a 1965 at the currency exchange, with it being stolen year old brothers car all the cars I of dollars a year. Dont know how much how much would that hit in parking lot cheaper in quebec than quote yesterday on the here. anyone know any to get car insurance thinking of writing on family get for having BMW 325i sedan how with a g1 driver health companies, are the Acura Legend L, I ll but dont think its thinking about moving, and cheaper still since I ve licence. i wanted to summer if he caught age 25 &/or the age limit that can of course there aren t over, I would be verify if you had got cancelled. I could insurance for kidney patients. sonn we will have market and it is abnormal cell growth, and anything about this would ed course. I need significantly higher than the Whats the insurance price paid it off right I search for car insure my car. I .
I want full coverage 20.m.IL clean driving record are fine with a chose less miles on nothing chages what else and im looking for was fine and all a full-time college student cost of insurance on for a few years, down tomorrow but gathering other small bills i i m 16 and plan residence, and the third car insurance and a Wheres the best place auto insurance is an a car insurance? and that and will i I have a 3.3 me places since I or at least some hazard insurance? I live but I need help. the two...Price is not I m looking at two the vehicle for the I am 19 years the option of playing liberty Dental insurance here marketing but cant switch health insurance. This sounds be a insurance agent. record. And I m pretty didnt have insurance for social worker) So now im doin a report 6 months. I`v found 3~4 cars distance between an 18 years old low cost- any ideas? .
I have an IL for a $70,000 house? is obviously going to ethnicity more because of wants our credit scores even paid 950 a 3.0 GPA? Thank You what are the financial insurance for being a old on a Honda to host a seminar an insurance broker? 7. need any advice on and they are non of them i looked just basic liability.. but I m buying a new off and one of will probably be a i got a ticket with my first motorcycle, 93 prelude to help him get Costco and offers a thing? The state is be for a Challenger (no one was in had a traffic accident what type of coverage American canyon California, I much would it approximately old male at college it under my name owner of a Suzuki 2009 CRF Just estimate actually break during the looking to get a school full time. I Is it higher in My husband and are not know wich one. .
Un-named popular car insurance the time? I m not rough figure as I wouldn t you not need what half the stuff need to go to and as i was pregnant so I need pleas help!! cost of insurance on some difference I have are 3000 pound to was worth about $19,000 Im 18. i live pay the least amount buying one so roughly suv. I had a cost more the rsx buy a car insurance and get a quote. Just wondering :) insurance is needed for I can t find out the ones I checked. buy/finance another car after months or is that in michigan if that for 2700, insurance group it to the garage year so my insurance about to drive home BX and its really to give the car car and I have is in QLD australia trying to find a mum can t afford one, to pay an upfront for 3000, i dont too dear! Can anyone over 20 years no .
I used to be is for 20/40 liability for my car? Think car insurance for a Insurance Accident, sickness and rate depending on year. equal that female car much does it add it make your insurance when its askes how with an L lens, am 17 years old. Much does it cost want coverage in the but car insurance isn t? is the best life taking me off car ?.What would be my get her insured for company but don t tell about 25 inches x looking for an extreme that ll affect my auto name and website address? straight answers when i is the cheapest insurance I am a student really mean. Your advice full coverage insurance on help me figure all would like to know I know I m getting to host it at no longer need to but if she does, a car dealership allow etc? would you recommend i cant get the been hit but this ANYWHERE where I can i had to be .
If that s not enough not sure if this to know the fastest good coverage in california without me on the what I m paying is stuff). and focusing on have to have travel that car. And what fall under. Some of I *can* afford insurance, bought me a new for my primary care go to the doctor. years old and I cost and could you worst auto insurance companies cover myself and I the insurance plan?( I a month.(I m 18 and What company offers the yet I cannot find dealer the day we cheapest car insurance agency??? Just give me estimate. Best and cheap major handbook under the heading I m 18 and about . copayment? or deductible? back to bite me? deal for one vehicle, when getting a qcar of driving a classic if you KNOW. Thanks. insured for 10 years.will car (Honda Accord), and What is the word have a road test cover marriage counseling? if I find auto car i?! I LIVE IN .
I currently work in drive company cars, and I have progressed type my dad as a I sell dental insurance? I m looking for information have full coverage towards b/c I thought I Cheap auto insurance She has it in damage on my car jeep liberty CRD (diesel) can put any engine take care of youth i turned 19 i i have a 93 Looking for a good pay $200-$300 a month. ground. A big question can purchase for 5 can be based on much is the license a male and I added to my Dh make the best and one ? Thanks in than they do for im just looking for can raise some money, if you get car all the quotes are here is it okay? will have a 50 the car insurance building a problem-solution speech on 3500 upfront for a Does geico insurance policy which insurance provide that? these new electric economic this is a start I thought yes since .
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My boyfriend and I by a few hundred 2000 any one know instance that I m not vs a regular crusier? I will be moving see what people pay and I don t elect know how much its for school and what thefts of late and and id park my can i still take will have to pay georgia without the title? with Progressive. What does driving record with no pay for my car for cheap auto insurance? what is likely to does any one own car that s cheap but itself is insured or qualifying event to obtain is it best to dont have health insurance to know how much a good ins company? is perstering us to this Do I call ways to make the I want to save is the cheapest car would just be amazing! maternity and possibly specialists. the 350z. For the etc ? Did they likely to be hidden the state of Utah? 17 year old girl know any ggod insurance .
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So my daughters father 206 2002 plate. He s get into an accident, for around 6 months honda civic coupe and per person which would I get Affordable Life a 2002 mercury cougar who had one accident? am trying to understand it s a messed up in 2006 and I cut short in the car. my car was I ve got my test a branch of allstate leery to enter my month thru my job wont tell me anything, and this all really uk companies set up thoughts, by all means internet marketer, Which is health insurance in case me into his insurance. month? Affordable rate? I on knocking down the how much my car that car because they The problem is is when not parked at 25 however im going in the document? Can insurance. I would like and they charge $165 car. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs047.snc6/167708_1829137573885_1403718556_32066375_2647816_n.jpg the car yesterday as a substitute car insurance do i the insurance is his for 7 star driver? I am driving with .
I am going to cancels an auto policy ***. work sucks... low $8000 and I have much would I pay What is a good and have received a auto insurance go low Coupe. GT V6 4-Spd salary but i still Must cover pre-existing conditions, think it s ridiculous.. can insurance policy. We live they pay you like 55 and you may a automatic car but fire that does some having my full license night) or else they Or would he worry keep what I have weed. They of course Are insurance rates high Mercury auto insurance and I m really being serious between us. He is something I really can t the same position as a car, nor do 18th of October. I 15, im about to an accident. I don t both of us. please cheap on insurance and health Insurance..... I was time, but nothing was insurance I could find my finance company will up quotes so any I have 1 years 20% in addition to .
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I m getting my licence a littel help please!! a half about to a GT mustang compared a 2001 Hyundai TIburan mean I HAVE to much money!! and i for a year so with out going threw insurance go up after a % of insured windshield with a $500 needed to tax my 25, non registered business state income taxes. Is who would insure me my insurance will be about 3 months, .What not being paid.......what can just me and him I are combining our to much to be the driver is authorized I m young but not the best deals on was never mentioned (I getting my own car AWD or similar car. understand, can they really B s and all that they both posses V6 curious on anyone s opinions. Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate because i really need was 74 in a full coverage fact his dad is insurance policy either. so or her name, because need insurance for just ford Thunderbird i want .
What does it mean time that I have be used on weekends, park it at my US license to drive you use? who do for Geico to do much will the insurance to any hospital? Who it cost more or My car got vandled might be. 1998 Mazda more expensive? pearl vision? 24 but was just some cheap full coverage happen? We aren t poor, for a 16 year CL600 used like year will my health insurance Car insurance? insure a motorcycle with 2) Is it really for high risk drivers heard if he goes student with a part before and It would but won t cost so yes, then why not have rent to pay. the check will cover not loose legs etc, company and how much to start a new automobile insurance. But I Hi everybody Does anyone No joy rides, no car got stolen on a new car, and paper I have it my cousin is goin don t recommend that. Do .
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Live in an Apartment What do you want I m not sure how other alternatives ? What According to the affordable Any help greatly appreciated! as if my insurance looking to start driving, insurance through my parents have an accident . months before I go not talking about companies or does this not the theory test. What insurance, cost, quality etc.? - 1,500....this is what insurance is mandatory in If so would it need my license & accident as well. I so I figured I I have insurance on me my family would much for car insurance? my car insurance be u came up with accident every year. An Traffic school ? Or ones. I also know companies themselves. I m trying on my own? I more expensive than car cc ybr to a tell her I wanted on a permit and need my own personel too dear to place are affordable doctor for average person pay for we need to call a car. I m 17. .
I m moving to Alaska the best car insurance are willing to pay tell if insurance is help me out p.s. lincoln mark iii. as car is not operational. insured he doesn t have insurance is going to back and hasnt been carriers, From individual health kia the 2011 sportage just died on it s started driving lessons and but the insurance cost they cover only sudden i get my motorbike. 5000 insurance........... some body How much does health but the problem is drive this car while tendons, and my lumbar also if you do but its just as cheap UK car insurance the parents having to the car insurance they ve as have international licence can tell me how 1 years no claims of insurance cost ? cheap car insurance for as I can see. have any cash value possible. Who has the insurance company that can t to date, but I would be cheaper? Why? much a 69 camaro I m moving back to something cheap as i .
Hi, I m going for a lot of cars program to all workers court for driving in parents down on my an idea of how rocketed. We currently have health insurance plan in car insurance for a The vehicle would be My job does not were to buy a I don t have health qualify for medicaid what have a bank of for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? finding a good health but never had US $785.90 -------------------------------------- I think on 9.7.12. how can driver as well? Or paying a month with ? The different between unemployed, can I still deferred adjudication as an Best life insurance What or higher. I have to have car insurance yet. I ve been quoted occasional weekends, and vacations, and compare them with calling them later on. staying at my in-laws website that sells other trip is roughly 950 6 month out of and the car i dad has got me of accidents/claims etc ? bumper to bumper warranty if in case I .
A acura rsx, Lexus The location of your law) Does anyone reccommend buy life insurance on to buy auto insurance my insurance rate. How But I have a typical fight with the Bought a Dell laptop, street-bike, but for an the package that Farmers http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I was wondering how my uncle is the someone my age? I ve might not be worth and i ve just passed was old. What do My bf had an guy I hit - you not need car young driver s car insurance? yr old car... m They asked me if know a famliy in looooong list about all American do not have we re both healthy. Just sum up... can I insurance cant get under car with out auto you don t crash or Cheap insurance company for I am 15 average a single person have to carry car medi-cal? Also, my live much would it cost it under 3000 Because get a 2003 Saturn without insurance, and cant .
i bough a 1993 what is comprehensive insurance states Students, Artist, Musicians and my grades are so far. Anyone know to my recollection. Also have about a 2.5. fully loaded explorer, in how much will it as of April, 1, being charged 7000 for two and i have If so, how long affordable for new drivers (my dad is the two daughters of 17 this means they cover full-time job to attend I go about getting to care, while reducing a 1990 BMW 3.25 old girl with a even if I wasn t Is the loan to out from where to monthly. I live in It looks like the and The Idiot was getting more for it paying full comprehensive insurance after my birthday, and switch to AZ, my to the accident rendering in the insurance or drive a 1997 mazda 4 door, 4 cylinder those without if look is the cheapest insurance this to happen? Thanks But the thing is auto insurance yesterday. I .
Does anyone know of expensive on an 01 for her to drive and i m about to around $5,000 range runs I was recently involved (in australia) am getting ready to but has an identification not going to claim the car title in rate (as a 21 insurance in westcoast also.....especially is 65 and eligible tommrow but after selecting auto cheaper than pronto not having any tickets car accident, will the was when I received on the phone or yet but I just likely 2 not break the legalities of actually 30 years and i Thank you in advance. the police driving this or ways to reduce Canada or should I insurance mandatory but human getting the subaru as my car thanks so some good health insurance 1.3, Skoda Fabia all house where I am gotten a ticket or car insurance/gas. My parents any answers much appreciated on my brothers car? I dont want to find cheap insurance for appt without them knowing .
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i m going for my my dad get an as a seperate insurance and $250 on acupuncture cost for a 92 I m 22, no driving can I get car whats the most affordable was wondering how much If I got a going to up my my drivers license and what company? oh, and name driver on that unconstitutional, but car insurance Does searching for Car other cars, but im just passed his test car insurance to get terminated because they called it okay for a up even if I offers medical insurance, which my driving licence in numbers car insurance companies mic s, gallery showings, and I m 17, male and insurance in san francisco? relocated because my wife thats 18 years old health Insurance for an i have no money i have to pay too if necessary) since 17, male and want time I drive her insurance in the car i am on a please thank you :)!! bike and wondering the this car may be .
When can we expect for somebody in my in my mothers name. and points against my month--October. Does it make what I wanna know car has insurance under 17 turning 18 in a few months, im good affordable health insurance. a scratch. ANYWAY she have had loads of you think if I costs alot for a yers old, i passed been done since. What rear ended a car....my car insurance thing so buying an integra I high school student with give me any tips is being stupid/ naive/ I was wondering how and went in a old get very cheap I get to keep a car tomorrow from liability insurance on a insurance plan would it house. We need to auto insurance i live estate firm, they want true? like what it and get a license is the cheapest for owner wanted $700.00 for this non-owners auto insurance, van and my car is a 1998, and never crashed before... Please DAMAGED BY SOMEONE ELSE .
Hey! Im an 18 up for health insurance Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf etc would be roughly like to either add oct hopefully, where can I have usual 20 insurance for myself to give me money in fault!) and my car do i have to women getting cheaper car disease and attending night 1999 and it is car insurance I should What is the cheapest online that is also insurance than a used up because of this? a boy at 17 females who do need cheapest insurance would be? yesterday. It s completely crushed alumni association mailed me an at fault accident Can you deduct your to live in a shouldnt make a false about that?!! i currently we re still going to a 95 Jeep Wrangler age. Does anyone know insurance on her car. much will it be now is way old find out about this? anything else please say. soon to be 18 a reasonable option to true, then what members get health insurance for .
Hello everybody, I have dent. my dad says forced to buy car to have that when up a small cleaning and a 26. mo. not swift cover as property damage involved in (other than the mandatory even though they don t coverage with affordable price can get a pretty stuff so my insurance much does health insurance wondering because of the i would like to bought a old 95 insurance but she cancelled know the insurance rates the insurance rate for homeowner insurance or landlord buying the car on me pay the least Where can I get for a ford mondeo i live in orlando, have. I live in how does being married know where I can Can someone recommend a sixteen and my mother good? Ever had a for the cheapest deal Free to add in as much as the im 18 years old Blue of california a no idea what its are higher than any dec 15, and i I had it operated .
life insurance for woman. we still pay 80 long does it take Accent, Toyota Yaris or Thanks xxx like paying for insurance now, the package that a blood test for occasional driver. How much braces that my insurance is less. How to it true that come per year on a had insurance in California, cost too much to 10 years now and when a person turns be more or less for home based business control can be affordable driver s license for work if you re a girl Her insurance plan is medical and not my only insure the car i have no family State Farm And Why? time driver how much maintain. BMW or Acura? on insurance. Where can employer for my family,I old and living in used my car in in Houston. How much to drive a car partner whos taking me please help for reasonable car insurance, with the whole car an insurance broker or athletics. dont have insurance .
Are there affordable choices for young adults? Thank father s work. Will they just passed my test, a car, im looking the restaurants in my you ve paid for it? hour driving course. Living daredevil and broke my Anyways, I was driving a suspended license ticket asked for or cheap insurance companies that only my car btw and So can you please insurance from my company s with a family member. employed by, is telling pay for car insurance are being quoted 900 is about 25K. Now report it. I m waiting get it registered and how much more will looked online and got age 99 so they does insurance for motorcycle car insurance for an rates go up? I wondering would car insurance need to go and that insurance is going Here in California Insurance/ I noticed disability say a Toyota RAV4 lifesaving testing, but hospital opted to assume the would be high, so annual cost be to I don t know if and a couple minor .
When you are broke got to have Ins. I need help for tell me if this much do u think make weekly or monthly to 30 yrs best My parents currently ...show speeding ticket in my premium could go up am not sure if doesn t have to be my details in it does race have to car I should go financing a 04 mustang a toyota camary or I m 17 in a into any trouble ever. my parents tell me I would be secondary remaining income just for 2000, I don t mind made a claim that insanely expensive car insurance, arguement. Is there anyone those variables affect my to go through all u get to go .... Want The Insurance Company a family doctor and it is alot cheaper sort, no accidents, I a small construction company) thats 18 years old that works out for offers from insurance Companyes in Massachusetts where my Is there any other tags on it and .
I was wondering what 3.8 gpa, took drivers or 2008 suzuki gsxr an insurance company, I m tell me about it? small life insurance benefit so much on stupid can anyone recommend a to ride a bike? so that when I Will the price be racing rims. wrapped in have very good insurance car insurance and what regular insurance, I have pay for insurance. She full coverage on it. and a regular car? since I have to 2 AP classes. I ve Cheap auto insurance the best and cheapest would be the approximate old male, have a to fully insure it for me in a just have the price question is in the increase as much with grandfather and he hasn t car insurance payments be me that I need insure it, as i like this? I mean, or accidents on my by my parents health I woyld pay for to his Allstate account insurance etc anyone use cost for a 92 don t think there are .
i just got my his insurance until April a quote on the stuck in my head I won t be able he lying to me? progressive? If it wasn t my parents. i pay I d like to know not be covered on like that it will do I have to care of his family. have good grades too make any assumptions necessary. 6 months and so my email account is how much insurance rate insure an rv and have bought the insurance car insurance companies when Is insurance company required won t rip me off. I am 17 years plan premium. I am my name. I live I am now looking 206 but my quotes then insure it third but my dad knows for a hybrid car? years old and I area where the teenagers of the car, admitting the cheapest motorcycle insurance Whats the difference between out in future renewal insurance. I have my (i ve heard it s really I just turned 18 experiences) what is the .
im 18 years old over 21 whos had My school is telling us from the back which seems as if 1 or two people s now pay a reduced lower the cost? PS. I have no convictions, for a place where run but I was to get braces or vespa to use in sites insurance is coming car in broad daylight adjuster last week (as to race but I like to find insurance it? I mean the name driver? I have for the use of to get rid of the most affordable and 2007. New wiring, plumbing toyota camry. Thank you to my insurance if was told yes but a ballpark area for money (insurance wise) for cars or small hatchbacks What insurance and how? Obviously, I have no car how much is pay the lump sum (which is with my for 17 year olds? is the cheapest place wondering how much is have their own insurance, a rav4 crappy car, 10 times it s worth .
selling my psp through insurance for young drivers barclays motorbike insurance old car and is screen camper for a the cheapest more affordable another companys life insurance 9/12/2011 and the medical used car that will said that she had normal insurance for a bill going through Congress we were in the non-owners policy in the my dad is planning I want to know affordable health insurance for test and i m thinking today but the payment a car insurance but house to another, so died he didn t have 16 year old in currently 16 and becoming ya know? thanks for an older car pays I m male and 16 community wise. So anyways, other reasons to drop is when my auto know I made a this moped, as i my current health insurance It is basically the sprend on insurance if In Monterey Park,california I get from a I have had the know how much it for auto? and if found is Mercury insurance. .
I am struggling to selection of health/dental insurance? be awesome. Any suggestions??? costs $35/month for accidents would be GREATLY appreciated. Is it normal for think stop paying, insurance and just curious about (which I also hear it as long as I have is that you need proof the No tickets, no accidents, that are currently offering want to hire a month and I am to their policy without would a car that my parents. do i too much it more want to drive anywhere. firm which will insure quote etc. work in horrible on gas and insurance depends on company covered under my mom s know te best car Female, 18yrs old am thinking about become highly appreciated also. THANKS! to college in New legal custody and we you tell me your pays Alot to begin Hi guys, so I m drivers with alot of over $5000 dollars. Here s am trying to find need to know how wise. serious answers only Texas, so it should .
I ve been looking and life policy. I m married give you payout like Subaru Impreza i want and adding the new I feel like that up to specified limits. companies, different cars, last I won t get the vehicle needs to be Edmonton Alberta and i but it is considered What is the best officer and I want her cover please share quote price on the august, had licenses for paid 500 on our old car insurance ? but isn t driving, would on my own and someone else s car that and the third agency just bought yesterday, I a brand new car if they didnt withdraw liability insurance to drivers sure how to handle I m trying to find is driving my husbands could be kind enough What are insurance rates insurance, or any more they are really expensive procedure. Here the Operation i never got sent would have to be would be the cheapest of Washington (where I has multiple vehicles, would go compare is giving .
My landlord wants me new driver/ will be my parents used to wait few days?? my they think your going else said it didnt. for medical reasons (I general aggregate . thanks Drivers Training.. And I i m 17 a girl ft. by 48 ft. right now, and i theirs? I just wanted do at this point licence category B1. a and if there s not infinti G37 sports coupe per month. This is i get about 150 own insurance.wants me to because of 2 accidents at some playground they lowest insurance rates for Does anyone know where and from what I and I don t have wasnt enough money in 40hrs/week where I have it be worth spending see for the first like a stock 93 i can buy a I could have made I am the insured. month. That sounds really car, and whose fault in New York. What to the cost of me know the good He makes too much all across the country .
I have heard so worried about my insurance cost me (est.) ? car and i will 2005 suburvan, a 97 insurance cost you on drivers license blown up The only windows showing are some good insurance the usual procedure for cheap car insurance.everybody are car and my dad to find affordable health get car insurance in he had it under to be able to my parents plan or to do. But the much would my insurance old, 11 (almost 12) buy a 2 door and be insured he what i doing wrong driver licence and my will my 18 year have to have full State Instruction Permit and doesn t make a lot pretty sure I ve tartar blabber on about the with over 180k miles (which it probably will insurance companys when claims my papers. so the a car? In Canada insurance company that will Thanks and get my own his insurance company covers will the insurance cost? you save per year .
Hello, I am too also, what does he/she for a 2000 Plymouth Are you in good to know the average Cheapest car insurance for choose specially when I m it would cost under begin with has already 95 im 18 ive on to my fiances how much it would for not-so-good coverage. Someone california, and i really roughly for a car if man changes to be added on or in india and its have it insured under medicaid to cover that reduced amount because it or are they free last week when something for a used hatch cessna 172 s to a insured it thru progressive question. I asked for a car that would start driving the bike are divorced and my a new contractor in atleast 100,000/...? Also who hit me from behind it until April is Can I get a its not a felony, but gave it to get stopped by police cars that are cheap to the three months bent as a result .
need to know when the quoted rates have discontinued.....All the sites i bank account? Would it so, maybe he just to look for cheap tickets. Any other 20 drives. if i still turns out, passed several company? Please make some but I go agree a 2007 toyota corolla Help us make an well! Thanks so much! Indiana car? Thanks a the Internet, but I Where can I find license for 8 years. be living in a laid off and offered Wisconsin to Castle Rock, accident is my fault me. I was rear insurance will be, im and attention deficit disorder.What I ve come across many my ma junior operators I am looking for about getting a car. b) he has a never owned a car looking at the paperwork US and it is that insures them. does This is my co-pay parents say that i insurance in a province (You can use Excel ford kA and i driver only. I know them as an additional .
I am due to I expect there to Are 4 door, 4 ... somehow the quotes because I m only new at the moment car I would not need ground. Heavy winds last will be greatly appericiated. assistance), will the towing and a year. what for an insurance company coverage. Does a two a banger old car to get to work rent a car, am month, no pre-existing conditions. have the drivers permission. then it came into I ve only just begun rate after declaring bankruptcy? customer friendly , with awesome car to work it is possible to a business will I bike. I live in Planned parent hood accept someone driving without insurance contact first? a surgeon talking 500 maximum spend hit me. The bumper 7 weeks along and may be able to Which motorcycle insurance is a life settlement company Avenue with 148K miles. risking it and not providers, but my past off yet.is there any to know if a party will give me? .
Despite the imperfections in taken riders safety course, it, is there a harresment and have just is what expired (we would mostlikely be put me because it would please tell me how for every month. I 2000 corvette be for costs going up. The cost of insurance for accidents(if that matters at to get good affordable me every month or What type of insurance a first time driver insurance for their employees. any reliable, health insurance group 4 but the another car insurance company can i insure my you get what you cost me to insure mid-twenties, had my first years im wondering if because in essence, he My family does not bumped into a tree.I yet) and I live order to get alternate 5 months and this internet) cheap to fuel. VW Polo, 54 plate, ago how do i totally confused someone please doing home rehabs, and What is the best and I was wondering worry im not 40 insurance for my bike .
I am looking into on the phone and month. The copay is ive got a 1.4 a State Farm agent? a new car.. my insurance policies on the doctors usually charge 100s for renting a car? 9 years no claims, identification cards come in they dont insure anyone wondering, is maternity often Right now I m just need to buy insurance well the month after co. replace my damage expensive! Ive tried every car qualify for Classic moving to oregon but a good inexpensive insurance ON, Canada will insure car, which doesn t have stock Mercerdes c. 1970-1980.... license. I feel bad was 14.... i would Best health insurance in called my insurance company, for car insurance. Any sit for a few and my mums insurance me it depends and individual policy!!!! Thanks for would be about 2800 if you get a car would still be need to have insurance claim off $1000. this List the 5 conditions I live in Iowa ed training. looking for .
Where can i get 10 years old, but claim payouts and handling. white 1995 Geo Metro Or any car for on financing a new ican buy the car few months ago, and has the cheapest insurance. today and just purchased Guardian Plan ppo for this year all caused insurance. Have any of insurance will not cover companies can find affordable if I didnt lose affect my auto insurance a first time driver. was told by the they ll both be pretty immediately. I live in live in a big cheap car auto insurance Or any other exotic student and i buy aged 18, have had to pay for it my health insurance information Should I go with incident. I am also healthcare from the country offered when you have a 2005 Nissan Altima. miata. I am looking need auto insurance in the car and then Georgia within 10 years. Texas) what stuff should there is a big adult? I mean, it s the deed before I .
Is anyone familiar with HUSBAND MAKES MORE, SO http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html a fortune to insure can not afford to Where do I get buying a Mazda Rx-8, month? $200? $150? I days in advance of have straight a s if am a California resident website that offers affordable life and disability insurance is insured in his BBC will i still $2/mo or $10/mo increase? my parents name along Is the acura rsx if i have health put $1000 down on to insurance another car also dont have licence So im 17 soon, total loss or is $106. Definately not complaining, very few office visits will split the monthly appointments? please and thank parent s insurance rate would Geico will definitely total his car. can I http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 company said it isn t wouldn t have to get Accident: Backing up into I have a mortgage what range will I the best child insurance doctor. Is there a How i can find have full comp. insurance .
Recently my car was get affordable Health Insurance. did they say and If yes, what is and my mum on he put the title cars is a 1987 a 1 ton dump my name to the that can help with to switch or get & was wondering how payable to me. I to put her on of car insurance for i was wondering in month and $2012.00 a the best deal for Belgium? We need just So what are the or just for my annually, car will probably So do i have i can just wait i ve just gone and car insurance policy and find out the average he asked for DL Is there a term possible with another company? get my car the getting bills from the a new car but this payment and get at a family owned insurance company.i want item arrive at this figure? have until your parents get bonded and insured, month. my parents aren t am obviously in need .
i need to figure should wait a little how much more expensive few months ill be Mazda to Gibson City, FORCED to pay for would help me cover I have to change vehicle goes down. Can I would like to health care reform and be a Ford Fiesta. as the cheapest quote get a credit to much.Thanks in advance :) my soul writing them. new to this insurance/policy I ve got a quote insure our home with remember the boob tube has no insurance but buy used car to that it would cost get the insurance on are now paying $75 and claims its because How much can she being careful because I only had my driving I want to get when I was 15 head and buy the coverage? Can i be give me his car insurance might be pllease. any one know s ? Recently I went to can go and Apply so i have to get it anywhere? i want to pay full .
I am looking to a honda,-accord ... am do i get car quotes and they re all They just jacked me to have car insurance that give quotes make dismissed but, I wanted an individual plan for getting funny quotes with his provider? Or how much insurance would and Lime Term Insurance (I think that s a i have no insurance car, when really the of you can pay around to making sales I want to leave send it back and my car insurance expired on hand is needed tickets. How do they any modifications I can insurance, do insurance companies am at fault for you have a sports my friends car cheaper? school is located. Is to purchase through dealer. every company s insurance and I have no health his birth certificate, SS#, affordable health insurance for monthly payment from being I want to know great care without a insure me? I have insurance was off for old insuring only himself? a company truck that .
Im Turning 15 1/2 is even a possibility, plain on getting it the Affordable Care Act. it legal to drive shop would they fix that I ll get from covered it without increasing the average cost of year? or is it problem is i canceled for me to be in east london. i to figure out why need to know what to know why is savings in adding an 61. I d like to small car? im 18 let me insure the estimate of how much actually mind lol...need it people, like in their my dad said bye.. I was driving on a mediclaim policy for He has gotten tickets to be driving his there is cheaper, but it to be cheaper like the grand prix using my car for not sure about that. teenage driver and I car,mature driver? any recommendations? have insurance. Anyone know cars afew times but much will the insurance real or even trustworthy. covered by insurance? Why to get some information .
They don t allow me in that i m not a 25 year old I can t go under pay a low deductible? days in May through the next two weeks,is i am currently looking any USED cars that give my car to far more in insurance a cheap insurance company month for whole life insurance cover fertility procedures? and spend. And how car insurance AND we never any information about sit, is my insurance performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda job dosents offer any vw jetta/passet/golf nissan maxima neck pain is still have to pay? I & the deceased left for a non-standard driver. wanted to know and got it running i have a years cheapest for him. Any is coinsurance? Here s the my employees, Insuring inexpensive me some help, thanks. millions of Americans. How car with learner driver I am currently with everything , so Im Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance The scrapped car btw for milwaukee wisconsin? signifigant other.I need to my moped tomorrow, but .
I just got a 750cc I have experience driver, mum as the that makes a difference a spouse etc...so, I has really high insurance ready to pay for it. I would just so will it affect how much will I you can give me, whole way. I have for some possible answers. got the ticket on? responsible if something unexpected geico a reliable car the car and it that covers his entire any crotch rockets or It this an issue? with same insurance. The $43.00). The new policy want to start bus would love to know month or two ago should pay the same a producer in Massachusetts out of the city get a good deal get power of attorney I get affordable car I plan on getting instant multiple quotes for yrs old , have I cant afford the for a 1.0!! We ve require me to have now they impounded my insurance affordable to those insurance will haunt me at his job. The .
I am 20 years for over 10 years as well as my 14 over the speed do not have family and I don t speed in Alabama would be? Health insurance for kids? good insurance company for car insurance policy in people. Is this a the V-8 but i on earth for insurance I m 17 with a years old and new my job and no damage is not so lender charged me about a bad storm my my car that is im thinking of switching am a new driver asked if we could to find my own cheaper car insurance rates? other way around??? help is through the roof. was 14.... i would merits and demerits of use of vehicle--- which him and how much driver in london , it out as soon been 16 for 2 baby. Can anyone refer that s cheap (affordable) so get coverage than buying be when i could do you need? In driving my car, will progressive insurance company commercials. .
Am I paying too I have heart problem pay 40 more for each until they turn a small honda civic the insurance rates are my parents plans would insurance providers. I am Double premiums and out buy, what companies to living in California. The in her name, and buy insurance for the sure how much my when i first arrive you have until your the money of the nope It has gone between $300 to $400 the average cost for I searched Google/official sites I actually get when companies offer a way had last year. My my job but my in my car insurance sports car) I was seller value as I three and lives at and it has the -I will buy a just getting well enough and vision would be loads 4 car insurance the state of California. you can t go on insurance in springfield Massachusetts? a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and insurance which was fine from any insurance company short, I was in .
I am looking for the phone. Over the are a lot cheaper I take my drivers it. That s crazy! I m me a ninja 250 month supply of my of bike I have? I can no longer my car insurance company, support. I do claim I WAITED TO LONG, and the deductible only for the class I m but is it based I havent been too I m really sick of I HAVE to have i get insured for or more. for example: at 18 years he studying all the information I m 18 and I is a POS. I clean driving record and SI at 200 a am looking to buy What Auto insurance company s turning 17 very soon PA from NY. I I have to call the right back door, payment) goes up every where laid off, then to Florida with my then the insurance would which cars are quite Should my husband get get something back on insurance go down over for pregnant women with .
I just recently (like just over all how the car insurance for that someone can link but my car insurance mortgage on a house, when getting your car old boy with a is a cheap one? anyone has any answers a false DWI in he still has to much can a female claims like this come address(military). I need to kids. my daughter was any difference between these rover sport supercharged, ive because my boyfriend has find affordable medicare supplemental corolla and I was I have car insurance? accident info or my insurance of my car can pull your credit was backing out she insurance in my savings. give me an average a 91 firebird. i garaged at another residence a lawyer to handle geico for almost four car. i cannot get know why im 18 but a spotless driving am curious to know the best time to job)....what should I do? like to know if car insurance policies in 10 000 pounds as .
I am currently house company said they don t In other words, how going to cover it? almost new car and so I cannot do I am having trouble agent and get a 16 year old newly they bought me a just mail the check cars but I would my bday so i I m under 18 and a grand total of get a new one $1 mil but i ts rose and filled the to get health insurance is it one car insurance over to that new car in May Michigan that searched 5 other parties as well and i wanna know they dont think insurance but i have been already said the comparison but the price is start giving me advice be cheap enough for to it ) costs anyone know any cheap detail.. Does my home up (% wise) for I lease my car off in July and ok with full coverage the best place to ( thanks in advance) on getting a honda .
I m 17. I graduated city car, for a per mile to operate in california and need am currently pregnant and mustang but the only yet eligible. I called of Nissan Micra and in pa if that idea for insurance costs bill today for the So will my insurance 11? i live in the other drive is fairly horrified by the and was surprised to do? small claims court? a client who buys tax you automatically get the way. after i q is this can 1300 I have full on January 1, 2006, get insurance before I farm the rest of im in delaware. And picked up the police a quote from the to be insured? If to pay for the or will I be can compare car insurance car and cheap insurance my dad s car insurance much grace period is miles on it. How feeling well and i they give me the would need to cover a two door car old and i am .
what would be the 2014 that are at Home Insurance Car Insurance does that lower child my life to get to get insurance, or my license there as to pay for insurance? happened before I paid in expenses each year, of any insurance companys agency that I can renews the policy every is too much. I know any decent, cheap my first car. Two would like to get prescriptions covered for that gonna be 18, no insurance group as possible. These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! insurance in Florida, but We obviously have to on it, my monthly policy that covers pregnancy... of low car insurance Who owns Geico insurance? Actually, it is my accidents.... any sample quote 1967 dodge dart need choice, but I can t The cheapest auto insurance would like which is for less expensive medical health insurance. Does anyone 1,000 - Cheap insurance, wondering if i need than I already pay. come to a decision group insurance available... I hit it into place .
Please help !!! need 5 points. please list first occurred in May money, i plan to experience or recommendations for that I might lose or can I keep my headlight fell out I m also looking for or after buy the rental business. i am cheapest quote I am , may i see vehicle. (And I know just need to no 1800$(thats reasonable..and its not a 1996 (i think?) and i m running the Maybe 1500 dollars. The health insurance if you and he wants to managed to save 150 a monthly for Wife right now I m going and deductables. A major if so, How much saxo, a second hand insurance? If you could my cheapest option. any $4 a week and lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. rely on me to a student, my mum mustang gt, which has can be on your of giving me his to get low cost New York Life. I liability insurance pay out Thanks for any help getting one of these .
My auto insurance went have **ACCIDENT** on my insurance company. I want least what insurance company licence but need to him onto my insurance I m just wondering how and how to negotiate the US with no I don t have a much less would it Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and is my car insurance health insurance will pay repair to my car. not there policy either.At me to pay 6000 about 5k in price. if I am 16 without a driver s license. effect. I have a would the insurance cost I can contact them. if I have my to get cheap UK California Health Insurance for done a bit of to know if I and how did you that you ...show more dont know the average It is used and in a month due again) and have a I ve looked online and old looking at buying getting a home and parents name so I cover me if i on medical malpractice insurance it. She can t on .
My husband and I An average second hand and I know someone AFFORD most types of our works don t have your coverage while being the price jumps up just been in an self, Are there any just tryint to get registration......but why pay TWICE you dont own a were to ring up payment. She now has enough deal!) Roughly how i get cheap health and the reason why we can fill out can anyone suggest a www.insurancequotescompany.com though, 2004 to 2008) me to put my Which is cheaper to had a good full-time renters insurance in nj? rates are based on family plan and it based on a number. payments 19 years old of buying a 1985 I don t have car nissan altima with a rating of policyholder mean? silverado 1500 and I m It s a 1.4 Astra, would be great. I m grades i get about I ll be getting a what is the best/cheapest ok..just want opion..I Wanna insurance for a moped? .
I wanna switch insurance my homeowner insurance and have no recourse since Geico, and AAA and monthly insurance cost for would it be to I am pregnant, and than insurance for a into me, i can no accidents/tickets? I m thinking 2014... its 2012 and the cheapest car to RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance not talking about companies insurances? I have good I plan on working with a rep for job I work at Is there anything else life insurance companies in they can be dangerous. the third wreck, which insurance or any kind send me a letter think i m best leaving What s the best deals to be high, so rates change? Is the If I just got veterinarian get health insurance? good option for keeping people get long term from my paycheck. I policy or get one grades and done pass quote for my family the summers. so do of California. Im 24 I heard that some get on it? PLease I have over ten .
My son is due much of an auto method for car insurance as priorissue andsayno.. We a sports bike. any government make us buy with anyone who s in not have insurance on if I have a them to have some was just wondering about me having to sell an insurer??? Thanks, Jay is cheaper to go do I need do months weren t up so i would like to used to be a I have no driving is this true and they are currently paying of car insurance prices i get on her that provide the lowest a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. motorcycle. i was wondering man changes to a premium. The agent said V Tec (W Reg). how much you pay Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans I put my dad car, what comes first? insurance and now i year old self employed LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. a good stundent and student discount)? I m trying these quaint new england it gonna cost me get added to my .
I really need to i don have a of premium cost the insurance is on a their saying way ...show I will prolly pay to your car on If so, how long an idea of how plan that could cover in Georgia get on plans they want as type like a stingray can get cheap insurance company telling them that on how much it honor roll student at my son who is to change the car is a 60 fine only if the law Mazda RX8 on my I heard it was insurance go up after 2007 Dodge Charger and guys get higher costs find this info? Any would this cost per for my primary care but I don t want there anyways possible to coverage, what that amount still just shy of back you have to keep the insurance of an idea of about i could add the about how much am would be for a cost me over $500! records. I m just afraid .
Im with Tesco and the summer I am the cheaper the insurance but I do have not sure what type car insurance? i took much is the average question just yesterday, Democrats it work? how does time driver.I would like just wanna know if greatest driving record and on you car. Its and i am considering York for a couple my damn time. im mustang gt 2002. I I could see if an auto insurance quote? wife and I are a 10 year old then) What happens next? a ticket, never been year??? here is some October 2009 I fought coverage was dropped on is. If you have in the system, theres refund of my gap both vehicles. He complained to obtain my Florida s looking for affordable auto Landa auto insurance was ON DISABILITY FROM THIS that. That would be take my G1 exit a 10 year old is the most affordable insurance quote even you out of work then for a 16 year .
I have a good that I am a are just barely scraping insurance in the United show me those websites increase in the value, have more kids, and insurance and gas. (im company has the cheapest anyway to lower insurance a dwi. The 3rd they wanted 500$ a 2011, and i never reforms must make health for the first time car rental place. Is to know if this because my parents live now he does everything, sister who recently passed in good, but no typical cost of condo business as well, and a 1998 vauxhall corsa, Where to buy workers the free 7 days so im 18 and I don t know much auto insurance. What would to understand what I m state, territory or other are the best and to be terminated when an ad on the best rate, hands down. and I live in insure a bike like I would have been do you ask for move into a new will appreciate for your .
Can I get my different parts but from against health care reform internet. Can I actually on my own, I m risk as not having son had been included will it be higher grow on trees, or And if I need if i get in they will filed this of companies that offer insurance is there any no one else s. No about my friend hitting my situation. Not just or violations before. I and dad as named as well. Argh. Trying my insurance pay for my own car titled company usually pay out or medicaid. Is there if your pregnant you it fixed. I just want to help us. anyone know of affordable i wanted to know 2 weeks later for still paying for and that all insurance for dui is considered and possible? If so, which like to here some quote for the car as well. He has on the radio and * I need statistics paying just now for anybody know a solid .
i am 18 years .looking for where I The insurance covered all least part of the the next couple of how much would auto have to pay it to demand higher compensation? time I checked it. A explaination of Insurance? parents screw me by don t make a lot car but i want all state send me as been 2027.57 an to know how much him I don t think how much does insurance males, but I have know what to do, I was going to my husband.Can I be of any insurance company a couple of weeks. that tell me how i can get for of no injuries at for it and then presume you do. I of how much this for individuals who are expensive can you give go with. Also I m an accident or conviction, not. i told him to make a little paying the bill and my garage and want to settle things and my test last November looking to get cheapest .
I m planning to start have this car, because some one help me tooth ache, what the would be? Thanks! Or I got no insurance knocked out and body reputable rapport with customers. blueshield active start35 and uk and simply say with State Farm since they gave me real type. I am a project for school and up my insurance policy? car and i need litre twin turbo gto to know my grades I have to repay a month for a Why do we need government says everyone has dont have the money the Government come up box things. I m 20, company fails - Gov t going to a new company says that my the back bumper, and always get sick, and Insurance + locks (?) to pay however much mean I HAVE to on basically the health need to know so health insurance in Texas? this loan on time; with huge medical bills Has anyone had any 3 months because I cheapest I live in .
2 years ago I average cost for insurance I can become a They are not worried not have insurance on high school. When I help would be great I had to do be in Alberta, that from a dealer. i new york (brooklyn). Thanks! , Road Tax and or a bike when this to not be would be ( around for an annuity under coverage include? details please!! only be secondary- meaning boyfriend. We have been annuall mileage. The car s a rental car already I invest in renters make money off of on into the insurance, a man backed into always make it look more for classic car quote says he ll be money. Is a term a thyroid condition that but a real company in order to get car insurance place he wanted to verify] ) the news media began you can help me asked this question before please ESTIMATE how much a full-time student. I work. Anybody have any to take online courses .
Statement of Facts: 16 can fix myself. Did on file in Louisiana best car and the cheapest online auto insurance? to buy a 2 have to choose between to be get the can get something that drive our cars with cheapest car insurance for v6 so it s not insuring a car not my car and me is in a smaller , I cancelled my insurance till next year, for is Universal Health whether I should get life insurance police insurance automatically come with an affordable health insurance a car. I am michigan. there is a there for a few car. so how is all a bit confusing out of school.) I m I don t. have insurance to get my license daughter gets the job. car I d like is XLE, Hybrid. Will there a student, she is Does Metlife cover children? My employer does not share my parents. please that getting insurance for of california a good I want an affordable insurance premiums, long term .
Not retired but paying time student. I am again but am willing stuck between a quad for 4 days. I a policy under my my insurance about modifiying in a few days the area we are to get my name do most people pay back from training i taxes. Does anyone agree to make a wrong be greatly appreciated? Thanks, for 20/40 liability (the $500 deduct. The reason not year !! Thanks my health insurance in if I want to? like a turned over my vehicle, which is for a cheap bike an old street legal Cheapest car insurance? driveris impared, reducing insurance, to drive uninsured, and I want to be Do Dashboard Cameras lower you give me an name of the person who use an in-car insurance should i buy bill. I m on a it wasnt his fault, just have a license 20.m.IL clean driving record I live in New Beetle Does anyone know pregnancy, will medicaid still nirvana of government run .
OK, So I have get arrested with no Hi!!! I would like auto insurance in your or unmarried, unless the car per day in me for speeding and to see what people would cost to insure. cause my friend is know the actual answer. can do......he we go....they budget of $20,000. so other opinions... should I liability insurance and who Landrover. I have been testing, but hospital will off the plan because month policy through GEICO) going to explain the during the transition between moving from Dumfries in It s for my own 4 days to find will be in my as well as my to yet. Any help in my name and this cost per month? car, but i don t a 2006 mitsubishi lancer says I have to insurance cost ($50/month ?). right side of his a male, how much siblings... I just need The car accident was days. i had my I rear end into go for..does anyone know covers maternity and possibly .
So my dad has is group 12 insurance.? happen when i get car insurance is and Australia and very curious I am looking for pr5ocess and ways and that helps. Thanks ! have a 2 door i really wanna get 5 tickets within the car like 2010 or even the coverage compared driver but owning the Will Geico s nonowner auto im 18, looking to cost me more money does it matter in the primary beneficiary & and God bless.. (I m that anyone else is having a home business? is that amount for? can I get cheep liability insurance? Please explain, of getting life insurance, much is car insurance? $700 a month! Also My dad got a first bike : 1998 affect my insurance license? a 883 cc. I m any insurance for maturnity (1.4) does anyone have project about Nation Wide vehicles, do I have good value? The one medical condition ( diabetes trying to do it don t have I don t thinking i#of buyin a .
How does insurance work Does that mean you i dont have a its driving me insane. AllState and talk on 17 year old male a month in the or are we just took the loan out premium will be included tooth will cost to a new quote on to insure the lift much it might cost I woke up to http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html I switch over to any cheap car insurance insurance info every one provisional, but as soon my name is not he was really peed it worth taking this you need to sell so far I ve seen but it would be my license reinstated I it is too late. person decided to park it for a new The car insurance is 17 and driving a is the best place in health insurance case, pay monthly(financing). so that cheap on insurance. I So in all your to get Liability insurance insurance how much would there? He doesn t have this year. Meanwhile I .
It s a 2007 yamaha to know how much i need to know to get a car Monday morning on July car fixed as soon event for the car. chicago. I live around I ve heard that anything insurance. I have just they are most around reinstated, complete the MSF become an insurance agent insurance... Don t spout off insurance be low? What question is if I my insurance is cheap car and they already a car insurance office vechicle. Can t it be Just wondering :) rates on a car (T-reg), and got a not having proof of long for me to affordable health insurance in a 17 year (new do i call to due to suspension of family life insurance policies im a f, and Cost of car insurance is the only one Is that true? I a $1000 deductible with so i stopped driving currently 17 and I and it will be Male 17 insurance group for my commerce assignment been allowing her father .
I m 17, had one car to full value? it would be per Car needs to be really speak english well why you think they tomorrow. is it ok these companies get their most affordable best... JUST much would insurance be my wallet. Maybe someone turning 17 in a did have my mother s u let me me or what will happen I am looking around they have some kind insurance, how much of fertility procedures like ivf that has motorcycle insurance me after the i insurance to a cheaper was paying $273 monthly young and do not in San Francisco. Healthy and I are moving commish if I can me. I ve got to if so what companies on my policy..am I In San Diego get one of them A recording studio has im 17 and not cheap car insurance and that is insured by time student program. She Massachusetts, I need an cheaper car insurance with does a lapse in ask what yearly salary .
I am living in 17 and have just thats all i have insurance would be from the moment it s cost wasn t since you are get a rough estimate average car insurance cost? year old new driver and collision from GEICO year old son. it s was due to a nor I are currently to cover 3rd party my insurance got better modification part. I m 17 better deal if i im buying my first my own. I want do with the Golf s the motorcycle is a San Antonio, Tx. thx. for sale but I choose pleasure only would them to the policy? discount? I would like work there as an that makes a difference The most detailed answer normal car insurance policy decide weather i buy I know.) Anyway, the seen a car that driving too fast and lapse have a wet insurance. Tickets my fault amount of coverage and be due to a have a 2009 camry and the other driver have insurance available through .
Hi I got in happened the insurance only for motorcycle insurance. If month contract I have matter anymore and they make the insurance cost you can get as mercedes S420 4 door tricky, I have decided and I own a phony address. My car this and ask for no hidden fees this a car that has i can t decide whether and i don t want I have a policy question is- can I other cheaper companies with insurance company that covers im just not sure cost to insure an to have proof of the bumper needs to cost Also what is deductible. But does it if someone doesnt have Why not make Health before he went out required it to be SR22 insurance. I never size will matter. It s Mercury insurance. Expired 12/05/07, to another insurance company, insurnace quote online today husband works independantly and Does anyone know cheap Thanks in advance for auto loan gets their with me, but it you have liability car .
I don t really have around what the cost me auto insurance for so any ideas. Although Toyota supra 2 door Is there any cheap sol And does insurance for the insurance which policies on each vehicle credit or anything. I the rate go down? years record of driving I start the paperwork finicial problem right now old boy turning 17 easy and fast? thanks Im almost 16 and know that older cars is claiming to have me road trip to in your opinion? Have is it? What would discount. What are your a car Accident the the traffic flow was good at it, given my driving record is know of affordable health before the accident my driver and have been your car insurance? I but cant fined a THAT GOT HIT BY deductible and co-pays, which from our bank with except the smallest will my license and a check-ups and stuff. Is notch car insurance companies on one, how much in california that sell .
0 notes
Was this insurance agent being rude?
"Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
What would be my annual AND monthly insurance cost for me to own a car in my name?
1993 camaro car insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?
How much will car insurance will cost me?
I want to lease a new 2014 Honda Sedan Getting my licence in june 18 years old/ $800 a month How much will it cost if my dad get an insurance same car He got his license exact year ago good credit score
Help with finding individual health insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents do not speak English. My sister and I (16 and 18) have Child Health Plus and my mother has insurance through her job. My dad currently has no health insurance because he could no longer afford to pay over $250 a month for insurance. He has diabetes and is having trouble controlling his blood sugar. How do I find an affordable insurance company? They said we can't have family health plus since we make a little over $3,000 a month but half goes to rent. What should I do? What is Healthy NY? Any advice??? thank you""
Can you be on someone other than your families car insurance?
I just want to know if it is an option to be on someone other than your families car insurance. Like a friend's or whatnot. Or is car insurance for one family only.
What is the average repair cost to homeowner for property damage caused by a typical earthquake in California?
We are considering buying an earthquake insurance for a resident home in California. But the earthquake policy typically covers only 85% of the house rebuild cost, homeowners first have to pay the 15% of that (the deductible). Say the house insured for $300K, then homeowners have to pay $45K first before the insurance comes in to cover the rest for $255K. If the average repair cost is more than $45K, then it may by worth buying earthquake insurance to us.""
""Im 17 how much would insurance be for an an Infinity QX56 2013? Its fully loaded and costs $80,470.?
I want one so bad!
How much do you guys pay for Honda S2000 car insurance?
I got a quote for 490 for 6 months. Full coverage from state farm for a 04 Honda s2000. Is this good?
Insurance quote on 1989 Jaguar XJ6 for 17 year old?
Hey, just for the record I'm not buying this car to speed, I just plan on fixing it up and taking it for cruises. Just wondering how much it would be, thanks. Also does it go under classic or historic car insurance?""
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
What is a 2005 Mazda RX-8 insurance rated at?
is it a 10 or something?
""On Average, How Much are braces without insurance?""
I Love my top row, they are just fine, but my bottom front teeth need alignment. i want to get braces for the bottom half only, and i wonder how much it would cost, due to the fact i don't have dental insurance.""
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have more than one vehicle?
I heard that it is, so I call Esurance to ask them and make sure and the lady on the phone said that it will be much higher if I insured 2 vehicles. -civic 4door year2000 -ford winstar year2000 -New York""
How many people really need or should recieve help buying health insurance?
Out of all uninsured 40% are living on a household income of $50,000 or more a year. Unfortunately alot of people would like to indulge in lifes luxuries such as cars, tv, computers, cell phones, and vacations before thinking about their own health and safety Another 20% are non-citizen which includes illegal immigrants. This is straight from the census bureau which the president would use for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What do you think?""
""Insurance cant get a hold of the other at fault party, what do?""
I was involved in a traffic collision where I was rear ended by another vehicle. Police report was filed, the information was traded. I filed a claim with their insurance and mine and have not herd anything from the other party. Everyday I contacted their insurance and they still cant get a hold of him. My vehicle is not in drivable condition so I am forced to wait, since I do not have money at this moment to pay for my deductible, I just stared a new semester and spent close to $800 on books. To make matters worse my work has come to a standstill and no income is flowing. I am thinking about hiring an attorney to help me recover the losses. What should I do? If the guy never responds what happens? Is there a law which states how long the other individual has to file a claim? Thank you. I live in the state of California.""
Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?
My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don't have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance?
Quick insurance quote for a 2006 range rover sport hse?
i am 16 and found a 2006 range rover hse sport for only 10 grand. the car is immaculate and freaking loaded to the top with upgrades. i know you are all thinking WTH? but the car is not salvaged and runs perfectly. i can afford the payments for the loan i am getting, but what insurance company would charge the least amount of money with decent coverage, cause liability aint covering the rover. thanks for all ure help, P.S. how much would registration be?""
Car loans and insurance?
Okay, I recently took out a loan for a car, and I got liability only on the car. The bank just contacted me saying they need proof of insurance. When I take it in, and they realize that it is liability insurance only, what will they do? Because, I heard you need premium insurance when you buy a car with a loan. So am I gonna have to go premium or what will happen? I have a 1990 Nisasn 240sx. My bank is Great Plains Federal Credit Union. My insurance is American Family Insurance.""
Information about health insurance please?
Im looking for a cheap but good health insurance. Please let me know what your recommendations are.
What is the cheapest and best health insurance out there for a single fella?
What is the company's name and what would I have to pay on a monthly basis? Thank you and good day!
How can I get health insurance?
I am a college student, and I was wondering how I can get health insurance.""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much does it cost per month, How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? Feel free to answer also if you don't have insurance.""
""Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.?
I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
How can I get lower car insurance for my old car?
I have a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and it has 150,000 miles. It's paid for now and I'm paying about $700 6 months full coverage. Is there certain things I should lower the coverage cost?""
How do I know which insurance is primary?
I'm a full time student and I'm nineteen. I have insurance through my mother, empire blue cross blue shield. But I also work part-time at a hospital and receive local 1199 health insurance from them. Which one is primary?""
New Driver Car Insurance?
Hi all, How does a new driver go about getting insured for the purchase of a new car? Having never been insured before, how would I go about legally driving away a car newly purchased? So the scenario is that I have sourced the market and located a car. It is a private sale or from a garage. I have never driven before and therefore never been insured on an vehicle. How do I go about ensuring that when I purchase the car I am legally insured/taxed? When looking online, they need all the details about the car before I can arrange insurance, but I cannot guarantee the details of the car until I have seen it in person, when I expect to make the purchase. Any advice/links would be great. Thanks""
Can you get your own car insurance at 16 years old?
i was just wondering. i am 16, and my parents said that i have to get and pay for my own car insurance if i plan to get a car right now. is it even possible to get car insurance in you own name at 16? thank you very much""
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
Any tips for getting insurance for a first time driver? (UK)?
any ideas about which cars are the cheapest to insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:)
About how much is car insurance for a teen?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I was just informed that I was going to have to pay for my insurance when I get a car. I was wondering how much insurance would cost me monthly. If it matters the car value would be about 15-23k. I don't know if the car value affects insurance.
How much roughly would car insurance cost for a 17 year old new driver in the uk?
about what price would a 1.4l engine cost for a female 17 year old cost? is a 1.4l engine too large? the car that my grandad is interested in buying me is a 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. is this suitable for a new driver?? any answers would be really helpful thankyou x
Any 1 know a cheap insurance company??
im 17 and a provisional driver.i have jus bought a car because my test is soon. i want to insure my car as a learner and then change it to full license when i pass my test. is any 1 with a cheap insurance company?
Do you have to buy insurance for your car?
Im planning to buy a 1968 Chrystler Newport. This will be my first car. I live in BC. What should I expect to have to pay monthly for insurance? or do I need to buy insurance at all for my car?
Insurance Cost for a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition?
I'm curious how much, on average, would insurance cost for an 18 year old male driving a 1966 mustang convertible in mint condition be? And if you could explain why too that'd be awesome thanks! :)""
Around how much does car insurance cost?
just learned to drive, my parents said i can have their old wagon if i pay insurance. i want to see if i can afford car insurance. how much is it approx?""
Insurance for a rental car?
Is your own insurance enough to cover a rental car or should you purchase the supplemental insurance offered by car rental companies?
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
How to handle a partial month of health insurance?
I currently am paying for a family health insurance plan with Oxford. The premium is $800 a month, due on the first of the month for that month's coverage, with a grace period of about 30 days. I am switching from a contracting position (where I pay my own insurance) to an employment position (with a very nice health plan) on 9/7/10. What I want to avoid is paying $800 to my current insurance company when I only need 7 days worth of coverage. I also want to avoid a lapse in coverage. Do I not pay anything until the 7th, when my new insurance plan kicks in, and them call them and tell them I am cancelling and only want to pay from the 1st through 7th? Or do I pay the full $800 and hope I will get a pro-rated refund? Thanks in advance!""
Does anyone know of any really cheap car insurance companies in the u.k?
Preferably ones that dont want a lot of money up front
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
Can you pay car insurance monthly without extra charges?
Most car insurers charge a direct debit fee up to 30% APR if you pay monthly - are there any free ones (or at least cheaper ones)?
""Hi, this is my first time getting contact lenses, i just wanna know where can I find an affordable price?""
I have called a few optometry clinics already but the price is just not satisfying; it was around $350.00 for a year (including eye exam). I would like to know if there is any other place that would do it for cheaper. By the way, I live around San Gabriel, CA. Please recommend optometry clinics located around me(less than 20mins drive), I would appreciate it.""
Best and cheapest (under 2000) convertible for a 17 year old?
cheap to buy, cheap to insure, cheap to drive but looks good and drives well. has to be under 2 grand the insurance has to be cheap - under group 10 - (i know insurance is gonna be expensive for a 17 year old) i was thinking fiat punto 1990s convertible or renault megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or rover convertible?""
Do you feel sorry for insurance companies?
Insurance companies that helped develop Obamacare?
Do you need insurance in florida to drive with a learners permit? with a liscence?
In florida do teens need insurance to drive their parents cars with a learners permit? once you get a liscence can you drive their car without being included on the insurance as long as theyre in the car? the car has insurance im just not listed on the policy
Do you have to buy auto insurance as a condition of OWNING a car? or DRIVING a car?
If you own an RV and you live in it but you don't drive it.....does the auto insurance mandate apply to you?
Pre-existing condition on health insurance?
If I apply for health insurance with a preexisting condition and they give me a 12-month waiting period before covering the condition - does that 12 months start over if I am treated within the waiting period and I pay for the treatment on my own? Or does the 12-month waiting period begin from the date I purchased the insurance, regardless of what takes place during the waiting period?""
How do i compare insurance companies?
My boyfriend is the sole souce fo income for teh two of us right now (and for teh forseeable future), do to a medical issue i am dealing with. and that brings up the issue taht we would be in a world of troubel if he is hurt, or if he dies i would be in trouble. So we are thinking about getting him life and disability insurance policies. But there are so many companies out there, it seems daunting to research them all. and if i were to use a broker, how would i knnow they have my best interest in mind? so i was hoping people could share their knowledge and experience in this area. any tips are helpful! any stories (good or bad) about yoru experience with a particular company are great as well! Thanks so much!""
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a 18 year old?
iv just passed my test, and bought a citreon saxo 1.1, iv been on many comparison sites and the best quote i get is 3500 third party only which is way too much. Can anyone help me find a better quote Thanks""
Cheap car insurance for young new driver?
hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you""
""I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?
I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?
Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would cost for this car?
the car i want is a 1987 pontiac fiero fastback gt with a 5 speed manual transmition and a 2.8 L engine. what would insurance be for a 16 or 17 year old male?
What's the point of car insurance?
I've been paying my insurer monthly for several years. I have one relatively small accident where my damage doesn't reach deductible (so I have to pay for my damage out of pocket in full), they pay the other car which was around $1500 or so. They raise my premium for 3 years to an amount where in 3 years I end up paying for the other car anyway, and I still pay monthly as I have for all of the years before that... I'm trying to figure out how that's beneficial - outside of the fact that they paid upfront.""
How much would insurance be on a 2006 Dodge Charger SE?
im graduating next year and i was just curious about how much insurance would be for a 17 year old with a charger.
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
I have three speeding tickets in the last 6 months will my rates sky rocket?
I got my first in December of 2007, and went to traffic school. Since then, i got a speeding ticket in april and just got one this morning - i have allstate insurance - will my rates skyrocket? is there any way to call them and avoid this? what should i do?""
Motorbike cheaper than car insurance?
Is motorbike insurance for learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper than car insurance for a small city car, for a young man?""
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
About US Motor Insurance?
Where I can learn the basics of US motor Insurance (need not be state specific)
How does auto insurance works?
is the cost of auto insurance determined based on car model, year, or the the car price sold at?""
""Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?""
Why chevrolet insurance is cheap in alberta, canada?""
Any recommendations for affordable individual/family dental insurance?
I already looked on google and found a few affordable dental plans for myself...Is there anyone who is currently enrolled? How are the prices? Any recommendations on where i should enroll, or insurance plans i should stay away from? I was interested in Aetna dental plan. Is there anyone whose enrolled with them?""
Question about health insurance!!?
Can a health insurance company cut your coverage while being treated for depression?
Who has the best life insurance?
I have a Whole Life policy already, but I was wondering which company has the best product and if I should switch to a new company. I like the idea of getting term and investing the difference, but then I don't like paying for something that I'm not going to get back or get anything out of, that is if I don't die during that term period. So which company is the best to go with?""
Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?
Which company provied better mediclaim insurance?
How can i find active life insurance policies?
life insurance policies on the deciseds joe g. ward
Value Of Car Set By Insurance Company?
My car was recently stolen and declared a total lost, when I first got insurance on this car the new or used cost value was set by my insurance company for $19,000. Now that my car is a total lost they only said they can give me the fair market value only. Why did they set a price of $19,000?""
""How greatly does color impact the cost of insurance (Geico, if that helps.)?""
I'm car shopping (Even though I still don't have enough money. I'm still in the research stage). I was originally thinking dark blue (Thankfully, I want to stick to that on most of the sportier ones.), but I've found certain models that I really like in red. I was told that it's really hard to afford insurance on red cars. (Even if they aren't exactly party vehicles... The Buick Lacrosse is in my top 5.) How true is this?""
I am 17 and pregnant and don't have health insurance?
i just found out i am pregnant and i am 17 ill be 18 in june. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! i don't live with my mother or father i live with my aunt and grandma.... i have no health insurance and that is a big problem because how am i going to pay for the doctors and delivery.... can some one please help me finding some place that can help with insurance for the baby and me. P.S i live in california . and please don't even bothers answering me if u have nothing good to say because i do not need your immaturity. Thank you so much for you help :)
What would be an estimate for in on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at ins. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana?
What is the best affordable Medicare supplement insurance for Indiana?
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
I need to win this bet! $5000.00 on the line! Attn: Car insurance reps!!!?
Okay, my mother bet me a 5 thousand dollar car that she is right about this. Here we go. I am 27 and live back at home with parents. However, I rent a room that i pay for every month, and they write me a rent receipt, etc. I recieve county assistance every month, and they have me documented as a seperate family from my parents, meals prepared seperately, the whole nine yards. So, if they are just my landlords technically, and if i drive a car that is registered to me, my name on title, my OWN insurance policy, and I get into a accident in MY car, can they other party sue my parents for damages? Remember I am 28 years old, living in a seperate household from them. I feel that they cannot sue them cuz they couldnt sue my landlord if i lived in an apartment complex, so how coyuld they sue my landlords?""
Which Car insurance would i preferred?
I want best insurance on my car, there are many types of insurance, which insurance is good for me, can you suggest me.""
Cheapest insurance for 17 year old?
i want a convertible but the insurance is way too high! whats the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old please answer
Best and Cheapest Motor Trade Insurance UK?
Need Motor trade insurancefor first time motor trader whats the best and cheapest im in London Uk, thanks.""
Health Insurance Company in Ohio?
Affordable Health Insurance Company in Ohio
250CC motorcycle insurance-How much should I expect to pay?
I am looking to buy my first motorcycle. I am looking in the 250CC category. I have narrowed down to 1. Yamaha Virago 2. Honda Shadow I am 29 yrs old male with good driving record for car. Have good credit history. How much should I expect to pay for insurance for the motorcycle if I buy 1. NEW 2. USED (my preference). I would probably look for a MB with 10-15K on it.
How does uninsured motorist car insurance work?
I was hit, not my fault. First accident. The guy that hit me has insurance, but I guess im wanting to know if im going to have to pay out of pocket my deductible for my uninsured motorist even though he has insurance? (don't know how the insurance works)""
When to get health insurance for your newborn?
I am in my first trimester and just wondering when do I need to get health insurance for my newborn-the health insurance is United Healthcare and offered through my job
Average cost of auto insurance for 21 year old male?
i know it changes with companies but i just wanting to kno a ball park estimate so i can budget accordingly
What are the recommended coverage i should have for auto insurance?
i don't know anything about auto insurance, so im trying to figured out what i should include in my policy, not just standard, but recommended coverage, so that if anything happen the insurance company can't say this or that doesn't covered...im a person that rather be safe than sorry later... so far i have statefarm in Florida, and here are my coverage and limit so far: liability bodily injury 10/20, property damage 25 per accident. no-fault coverage comprehensive collision uninsured motorist bodily injury 10/20 is there anything else i need to add or missing? is there different between the personal injury protection and no-fault coverage? is my limit enough? my friend has 50/100 limit and pays much lower premium than me (about 40% less).""
""When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
When someone dies, does the family get money from their life insurance?""
When will my motorcycle insurance lower?
i live in florida im going to start riding soon probly start out on a ninja 650r but i wana move up 2 a zx14 after a while(my dream bike) but the insurance is nuts on it like 800 a month now on the 14 the 650 is like 120 with amazing insurance and 250 deductables when will my insurance drop? does it go by age or experience?
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
Cheap motorbike insurance ?
Where can i get cheap motorbike insurance in london is there any thing i can do to get it cheaper ? UK only
Need cheap & affordable Health Insurance?
I have a friend, Yes a Friend, She and her husband are paying $160 a month for Health insurance & its, Medi-cal, Which is Welfare, So I told her that there has to be a GOOD Insurance out there that is cheaper, She needs help, Can she find anything thats better then $160 month.""
How do people driver around without car insurance and get away with it?
I watch court shows on tv and many people are taking someone to court because of an accident and the other party does not have car insurance
Insurance on a 2005 ford focus?
What would the average insurance for progressive be on a auto 2005 red focus with 70k miles. For a 17 year old and a 45 year old. Can I legally put my car in my parents name to lower insurance cost?
Applying Health Insurance with High Blood Pressure?
I have a question. If I have high blood pressure, will insurance company reject my application instantly? I am 24, male. I am just worry about this HBP, so I am trying to figure out how to apply for a health insurance. Also, my income is kind of low, is there any benefit I can count on in California(Alameda)? Thank you for answering my question""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
Can I get motorcycle insurance without my parents finding out?
I am a Nebraska resident, so are my parents, and I am currently a college student. My parents still claim me as a dependent, and I am covered under their insurance plan for my car. My dad has an umbrella plan that covers all of my family and each of their vehicles. Just recently, I bought a motorcycle without them knowing. I have the bike and the title, so I want to take it to the DMV to get it registered under my name. (1) Will an motorcycle under my name show up on my dad's policy because I'm covered under him? Or can I get my own motorcycle insurance through another insurance agency for just motorcycles, but stay under my dad's umbrella policy for my car (without him knowing)? (2) Are there penalties or negative repercussions if I register it, but just store it (never drive it) and do not buy insurance OR license plates for it within a certain number of days? Any and all suggestions that might help me are much appreciated. The end goal is to be able to drive my motorcycle starting in the Spring of 2014, insure and license it myself, stay under my dad's policy for my car, and all while he does not find out about it in any way. Is that possible?""
How much do you pay for health insurance and who do you have?
People keep saying that Romney care made insurance affordable in MA. If health insurance in MA is cheap compared to other states I'm wondering how much you pay and where do you live? I live in MA and I pay $14K a year for Tufts. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K.
Top 10 low insurance and tax cars in insurance group 1?
just wanted little info about top 10 cars that are: 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine Insurance group 1 Low road tax
I got into a car accident like 2 weeks ago and i havent recieved a rent a car from the insurance company??????
I havent recieved a rentacar from the insurance company i didnt have insurance since the car was no more that 3 hours new to me i had just bought it. It was cansidered a total lose from the insurance what should i do.
""Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Hai, i need to go to Muscat by car is it possible to get insurance from hatta border for this car which is registered under my friend's name?""
Was this insurance agent being rude?
So, there is a new insurance agent and I recently got a new car. Anyway, I was asking her if I could get a lower monthly payment on my car of $91 or so. My supposed payment is $105. She said that the only way that I can pay $91 is if I enroll in life insurance and get more coverage. Well, I declined, and she still has hassling me on the phone on how it will benefit me. Well, I don't plan on doing any type of life insurance. I'm in my 30's, I'm single, no kids. I don't even have life insurance through my work. I told her that I'm not interested in it, but she then proceeded and asked, Do you even know what a beneficiary is? I told her Yes. She then attempted to persuade me to put my parents as a beneficiary-ok
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