#but im kinda scared of the discourse
miles-edgewords · 1 year
*bangs hands on table*
If you wanna make headcanons based on the anime, go on ahead by all means!!! It’s a fun show with some really great takes!! But the amount of arguments I’ve seen that have started because of characters acting different in the game vs the anime (primarily regarding Manfred von Karma and his interactions with young Miles Edgeworth) are really frustrating. They are DIFFERENT PIECES OF MEDIA and while it is 100% okay to enjoy both and to use both canons when making fanworks, it gets really frustrating when the game fans start fighting the anime fans over what’s canon and what’s not. Everything is canon, because they are separate. (And also because they are fictional but I won’t get into that right now)
(All of this is lighthearted I’m not actually angry at anyone but. Please stop fighting guys I just wanna write fics in peace)
TL;DR can we all just chill pls
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hikaaa-bi · 1 month
hot take probably but i'm still skeptical about the whole "jonmartin are trapped in the computer" theory.
people are acting like it's basically canon now when it's not. just because there are some thematic connections between chester and jon/norris and martin doesn't mean they're canonically trapped in the computer. it's possible but i would personally like the story to preserve the ambiguous ending in tma.
i think it's more likely that the voices are linked to jon and martin (and jonah, or whoever else) but it's not them directly. i think it would be pretty random too for them to die in the tma world and get stuck inside a computer.
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teethcritter · 2 years
Simon and Timmy?
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its ok marcy youve got me.dogs forever
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sillygh0st · 5 months
What I always wanted to say but i was too scared to say it its that >I< think that people are getting to be kinda parasocial with the ex-admins at the same way that people are with CCs. I dont know how to explain 100% and my english is bad but I think that:
Acting like ex/current admins are saints, that they NEVER make mistakes and are ALWAYS saints with NO mistakes is bad at the same level as saying/acting like CCs are 100% saints TOO.
please DONT get me wrong, but acting like all/some of the ex-admins/current admins dont do mistakes bc they are "ALWAYS right" and not realizing that they are also human and that they can VERY well make mistakes is also just as wrong as doing the same to a CC.
This is not a direct to ANY ex/current admin, just saying this bc SOME people are being kinda parasocial with them and well.. its not good to act like that, its VERY harmful to treat them like gods/saints, they should be treated as real life PEOPLE.
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loafofryebread · 8 months
listen ok, I dont personally ship hms, that's not how I see their relationship. However I feel like a lot of people are far to worked up over the idea of it.
A lot of you (and i will not name anyone but there are a few posts that come to mind) would benefit from learning about the separation between content/characters and the creator of said thing. Death of the author and all that. And beyond that, acknowledging that boundaries are for the creator (chonny jash in this case) and not the fans. As fans you have the duty to not shove it in his face if hes uncomfortable with seeing it. But that does not mean you cannot create it or so much as enjoy it.
Im not going to go off on a massive rant, I dont have enough energy for that. But this topic has been a very prevalent discussion in mcyt fandoms for years now so I've seen this whole song and dance. It doesn't matter whether you personally enjoy it or not you do not have the right to label people as 'disgusting' and cause them to be afraid to enjoy something because you don't like it and the creator doesn't want to see it. If the creator of ship content is taggin it properly and not shoving it in cj's face then there is nothing wrong with it. Like it's really not a big deal, you can just block and keep scrolling.
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marsti · 11 months
not a huge fan of comparing scott cawthorn to jk rowling because one is a multi-billionaire best-selling author basically singlehandedly funding a genocide while the other is a popular indie gamedev who donated money to trump without saying anything publicly and sure they might both be bad but like those two things are not the same
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toonfinatic · 1 year
OCD sucks when you're online because you just can't win.
You are uncomfortable with certain types of fans interacting with you so you block them and don't talk to them because they trigger your mental illness? Someone's going to label you an oversensitive puritan omg how dare you come for my 15year old x 20year old ship!!!
You like fiction with violent content and greatly enjoy shit like enemies to lovers and characters generally being horrible people? Someone's gonna be like why are you romantizising these things???
Like god i do not want to get into any discourse because i have better shit to do and it stresses me out but like. Let people have boundaries but also stop being a moral police about everything
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animalfluidz · 2 years
Ive also had a shift in friend groups, im like, not in one specifically but I know so many ppl 1 on 1. It's allowed me to be a bit more open with who i am and finding out parts i was afraid of opening up about are some of the features people REALLY love about me.
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rat-rosemary · 11 months
WHAT?? Sapnap who's known for being incredibly shy and introverted around people he doesn't know well doesn't immediately and quickly react when people do bad shit around him!??!? Insane!!!!! Sapnap who grew up in a conservative place will hesitate because of years and years of living in a place where staying quiet was the safest option?!?!?!? That's crazy!!!!!! Crazy?!?!??! I was crazy once!!!!! They locked me in a room?!?!??! A rubber room?!?!?! A rubber room with RATS?!?!?!? And rats make me Crazy!!!!!! Crazy?!,!?!? I was craizy once-
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anne20055 · 23 days
i just finished watching Date Night With Dan And Phil for like the 5th time and now that we’ve all had the time to ponder and digest it, i’m going to give my thoughts
im not even going to touch on the title. they’ve clickbaited worse.
Firstly, despite this going against everything i say on here, id like to address the “this was an incredible video; they looked so happy” vs. “they were so uncomfortable; Relatable should have never made them do that” discourse, cause i haven’t really seen anyone have the same take as i do
i think that for at least the beginning of the video, they seemed a bit uncomfortable, and got better as they went on, but not for the same reason as everyone else. i also think this uncomfortability was mixed in with excitement, kind of like the incoherent videos, especially the first one, but going a bit deeper than just that. i think they felt a bit weird at the start cause they’ve never directly used the words “couple” or “partner” in a video before. they’ve gotten close several times, like dan saying “…and this is the divorce” in one of the stereo livestreams (i forgot which one) as well as the “Phivorce” segment in “Top Dan Memes of 2022”, and dan saying “his and hises joint shitties” then phil saying “ours actually face each other” in the “Dan and Phil React to Phan Memes 2”, but they’ve never said any words about each other that give absolutely no plausible deniability, even if they were just reading the game box/cards, which can obviously make them a bit uncomfortable.
there’s two main times that kind of jump out that they might be a little out of their comfort zone, both at the very beginning, both coming from dan, which is kinda suprising, given the fact that he’s always been a bit more open than phil has ever since they came out, but that’s a conversation for another day.
the first one was when after phil said his signature “Hello Dan And Phil Games ____!”, dan said “Here, at dan and phil games….”, and it almost sounded like a disclaimer. (it also reminded me of the “apology” which was i loved). as well as that, dan seemed to be laughing at himself and shaking his head while phil was doing the intro phrase, as if to hype himself up with what was to come. THAT BEING SAID, i’m really glad they kept this part in, cause it was hilarious, and even though they seemed a little weird, they also seemed excited.
the second and probably more obvious time, was when dan was reading the box, “‘The Ultimate Date Night Game: For Couples’”, specifically during the “For Couples” part, dan was blinking, laughing, and was looking at the camera in a way that was like “yeah, i know exactly how that sounded”. BUT AGAIN, this is not a bad thing. they were just as happy to be doing this as they were scared.
i think the initial weirdness wore off pretty quickly and they got to just having fun, but i think the reason why so many people were saying that it was like that the whole time was because it was at the very beginning, so they just assumed it’d be the vibe the whole way through and didn’t think much of it.
despite the slight uncomfortableness at the beginning, i think that the people who are saying that Relatable was forcing them to do it are kind of underestimating dan and phil’s ability to say no. i understand that in the past they’ve done stuff they haven’t wanted to before and were forced into things that they didn’t want to do, but this is the new era. they’re old. they’re gay. phil can say fuck. they’ve got no more fucks to give. i doubt they’d have trouble saying no. yes, relatable gave them the game to play, but i garantee you, if they didn’t want to play it on at least some level, they wouldn’t have played it. it’s not like relatable is that big of a brand for them anyway. it’s big, sure, but we all know nord vpn and dragon city will always be first. even during the second incoherent video, dan says “we have so much to lose…and very little to gain for filming this video”, and while of course it was a joke, it’s still that little bit saying that yeah we’re sponsored by these people, but it’s really not that big of a deal.
next up, the thumbnail. it is rare when a thumbnail change makes me happy instead of just annoyed. i’m not saying i don’t like that they (phil) changes the thumbnail a lot, but id just…rather not.
but this change could not have been better. i genuinely do not know of a single recent, or even non recent video thumbnail that has absolutely 0 editing. the muckbang doesn’t really look edited, but they very clearly posed, and i wouldn’t be suprised if they did something to it. but even if they didn’t, it’s still clear that this thumbnail was different.
it’s so chilled out and relaxed compared to anything they’ve done before. it was almost like a snapshot of an actual date. it reminds me of a thumbnail that a “third wheeling dan and phil moments” compilation video would use and i love it so so so much. it’s such a nice change of pace and i really hope they keep this vibe going
i think that’s about everything; if anyone agrees or disagrees with me, please tell me!! i’d love to have a conversation :) any kind of “controversial” dnp related opinion that anyone might have is always open to share with me!! even if i don’t completely agree, i will never discourage you for thinking one way or another. this is a safe place for everyone’s thoughts and i’d love for anyone to talk, no matter if you are on marriage hill, or if you think they’re platonic, please tell me! the only thing i will not accept is people bringing down other people’s opinions. they are not hurting you, so you should not be hurting them.
if you’ve read this far, i’m actually in love with you ❤️❤️
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tdicksupreme · 1 month
some discourse is lifesaving. Some of it is cocky BS to scare you into thinking ur friend is all-knowing & important. Trans community dynamics vary wildly by physical location. Loud clocky unhip older trans people might save your life too, are wrong about a lot, are right about a lot … it’s overwhelming. Remember we are in a pretty historically unprecedented moment as LGBT people. I hope you find housing, and coworkers that aren’t dickheads. I hope your roommate values basic hygiene. I hope ur friends don’t guilt you all the time. I hope you take a breather in the middle of the battle and hug someone you trust. You’d be surprised HOW MANY people don’t know they’re allowed to treat their current feelings as worth feeling right now. I’m almost 30. Be careful who you have kids with, life is rich and new if you treat it as an endless daily learning opportunity, people are like that everywhere & they’re also REALLY REALLY not, adulthood is a nightmare but it’s also longer and slower and sweeter and more exciting than you think & there are less rules than you think. A lot of rules are kinda useful and kinda stupid, if you care abt people & have nuance & judgment. Hug stuffed animals in your bedroom. I’m so glad to be 28 and no, I’m not rich, im not even middle class. People grow as human beings emotionally at SUPER SUPER SUPER different rates and in SUPER different contexts and along SUPER different timelines and for SUPER diff reasons. You’d be surprised how many types of human beings there are, like in real life, like over the long haul, like outside your bubble, but not too far outside your bubble, like outside the Spectacle
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sillygh0st · 6 months
the way qsmptwt expects some ccs/admins to leave is so egregious, and that behavior is as parasocial as die hard cc defenders. "i KNOW they're gonna leave," did they tell you directly?? it's been especially bad with the french cc's. the copypastas of their characters fates (where Pierre betrayed them and the rest died heroically) is so fucking weird. and don't even get me started on how people responded to etoiles not joining the qsmp awards. "he's not there cause he's leaving the server!!!" except HE WAS ON A MENTAL HEALTH BREAK. but i guess his mental health didn't matter to them, all that mattered was validating their rage/hatred. just... it's so, so bad.
I tottaly agree about what you said anon!!!! Like, we dont know the streamers (and even less the admins), so we cant expect them to react in X or Y ways just bc we act like we do know them, its simply parasocial expect that a cc/admin will react in the same way as you!!! I stoped using twitter for like now 3 weeks for mental health issues, so I didn't know that people were doing this with Pierre oh god????? Also i trought that It was obvlious that etoiles wasnt going to partcipate in the qsmp awards, he was taking a time out of livestream and stuff for mental health, so I simply dont get how those people assume this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I fell like people on twitter act like they are better than the rest, but actually they are usually the most parasocial ones lol
And I also fell like that people just were already not liking qsmp in general or stoped liking It so now they got the "excuse" to actually trown hate, bc If those type of people ACTUALLY cared about the admins situations they would be more mature about that, and wish that best will happen, not that the worse will happen
(1am for me im so fucking sleepy so probally im not thinking straight sorry lol)
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
sorry for the incoming rant.
(cw for: mainly arophobia but also mentions of acephobia and mentions of people shipping an abuser with their victim)
praying for the teens and pre teens who think hazbin is *the* show for queer rep or progressive in any matter. it scares me immensely. not only the blatant fetishism and sex negativity and whatnot, but the fact people are being taught that labels *don't mean anything* and that they can do whatever they want (with a character).
yeah, "i gave my characters labels but fuck those labels ship whatever you want" is SURELY a great sentiment to leave behind. surely nobody would erase or discriminate against labels and identity, right? surely people WOULDN'T repsect labels and identities, right?*COUGH* *COUGH*
seriously the amount of ace- but more aro-phobia in that cult/clusterfuck in that fandom is insane. i hate how the aro tag has been poisoned/infiltrated by red twink no. 45 because of shipping discourse, and these people are being enabled by their "leader", never being lectured correctly. these people will ONLY listen to anyone who either agrees with them or isn't part of said label/identity. im so pissed. aros have little to none rep AT ALL and even then people will erase existing rep or come up with shitty excuses (if i hear the phrase "b-but aros can still date!!" one more time im breaking something. you dont care about the AROMANTIC dating experience, you only care about your stickmen kissing. period.). its more than exhausting.
i am not the only aro and aro-ace severly pissed off by this but im afraid there's nothing we can do. these people ship a severly traumatized victim and their assaulter together so im not suprised. at all.
all i came to know is that nobody actually fucking cares about representation or labels- they're all hopping around in fanfiction-shipping wonderland and bullying people relentlessly if they DARE to think otherwise. and they're being enabled.
-an exhausted and "done" aromantic. (i'm also on the ace spectrum but that's not as important to me right now- even though striker- the only one that's not horny 24/7 and clearly sex-repulsed or at least disgusted, is played as a big joke, but i believe someone else already said that. but that alone should raise eyebrows.)
Honestly, I don't even know what to add other than...this fandom kinda sucks. Like first bullying someone into killing themselves over shipping stuff and now this? And the fact that Viv doesn't call out ANY of this shit at all makes it worse.
Look, I'm of the opinion that we should not blame a creator for having a shitty fandom, HOWEVER, Viv needs to stop enabling her fans and say SOMETHING about this behavior.....but she isn't. Like, she could just say "hey guys stop doing this pls" buuuuut no. She's too busy whining about people criticizing her shows to actually do that.
Alastor is aroace guys, stop trying to erase that part of him just so you can drool over him. Just do that for LITTERALY ANY OTHER CHARACTER. It's that simple.
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antebellumite · 3 months
tumblr fake posts but it's exclusively the US congress 1830s-50s. this will probably not make sense to anyone. it barely makes sense to me: [this is a long post. press j to skip]:
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guys help three senators from my party are outside my door and its a sunday and im scared i think they want something.
they want me to blackmail the president.
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henrywisingitup Follow
ohhhh goddddd ok so the coworker that called me a slur at work a few days ago IN PUBLIC just got a duel challenge from a friend of mine aslkdf. istg i hate him so much he's so annoying and he needs to resign or kill himself immediately. i hope he accepts the challenge fucking dies or gets shot up. good RIDDENCE fucking turd pile of trash empty bladder dung beetle puppy bastard LIAR. welliamgravely Follow
what'd he call you?
henrywisingitup Follow
an aboliti*nist.
Congblr Heritage Post. #congblr heritage post #senblr heritage post #houseblr heritage post #lmao remember when abolitionist was a slur guys #thank u pierceuinfiftytwo #i hate this post #and i think u do too #mod greeley
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Anonymous asked hi i'm sorry if i'm bothering you with this ask but i'm kinda new to this whole politics thing ( was just recently elected by my constituents so this is my first term ) and i would like to know how to get started on congblr? i've been recently appt to the house and i'd love to engage more with the community. do u have any blogs you'd suggest to me? bunnybrownfrench
hi anon!!!! i'm so glad you're here and in the house too ! ( it's where i am- frankly the Better House of Congress too while we're at it ). sadly i don't know what politics or party u have and i mostly scurry round the democrat side of the aisle more than anything, so i might not be able to help u that much, but i can try to give you some good ones!
@/gowestyoungman is a good source for news, and i'm personally a fan of @/mattbradydaggeurotype but @/geopeteralexhealy has some great portraits! obviously anyone has to follow @/oldhickory if they're a dem ( or even a whig ) they have great posts, lots of drama and thought provoking articles. a vv funny scroll. @/greatcompromiser is on the opposite side as a whig, but always sophisticated in their arguments, with nice shitposts in between to lighten the mood if you're uneasy about the american system.
@/jquincy and @/oldbullion are mostly serious blogs and if you're a westward expansion fellow, they're top blogs for u to follow. a bit hard at times, but personally i think they have great humor to make up for it ( unlike @/castironman though if you're here for what he posts all the more strength to u i suppose). @/redfoxkinderhook is also a good blog but they rarely post ( and never anything personal). @/godlikedan is my personal favorite blog. they have everything on there- drama, shitposts, detailed analysis, longposts, important info, aesthetics, etc.
for the rest tho anon, i'll leave it up to you! go out and explore! find the blogs u like; i wish u the best of luck!
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greatcompromiser hey guys, look at this BEAUTIFUL new commission i just got from @/mattbradydaggeurotype! it was wonderful to work with you, matt! <333
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every day i wake up.
#body horror
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gallerywatcher Follow
why he kinda......
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robrhett Follow
this bitch thirsting over baldy mcuseless LMAO
gallerywatcher Follow
hearing strong words from a guy whos blog is devoted to john c calhoun
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i have herpes. greatcompromiser
yeah? and????? we know.
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bunnybrownfrench asked: orgies in hell over secession!! dailyaskstotheussenate
i forgot i asked for poem recommendations for a moment.
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#ask #bunnybrownfrench
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castironman follow It is with great misfortune that I continue the discourse of the past week, but due to recent actions by certain other accounts, I have to re-engage with this conflict. Again, I would like to say that I stand firm in by belief that the 2BUS should not be re-instated, and that I resent the idea that I have somehow 'flip-flopped' or 'betrayed' my past ideals or other people in regards to what I believe to only be my own rational decisions, all logical as I will prove. read more
oh you've got to be kidding me.
read more
#fucking fuck offfff JOHN #dumbass ungrateful bitch #subtreasury discource #castironman #i shouldve let oldhickory hang you
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Hello, all. The Liberator is proud to announce a new mod today to assist in spreading the antislavery message. Presenting: @/frederickdouglass! We're very glad to have a new member to the abolitionist movement, and even more so to have a new mod with us today! We're sure they'll do great work, and we hope you share our excitement as well!
-Mod Garrison and The Liberator Team
Hello, all. Disregard this post, since we cannot delete it. Frederick Douglass has been removed from the mod team.
#info #state of the blog #mod update #mod garrison
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to the anon who asked us when the gag rule is going to be repealed.
the day that john quincy adams finally snaps and decides to murder the rest of his colleagues on the floor.
or never.
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Hello all, Frederick Douglass here. As you might be aware by now, The Liberator and I have since parted. The reason for this is due to several irreconcilable differences, some political, some personal. The drama has since cooled down, but due to the blowout from our conflict, William Lloyd Garrison and I have agreed to since part ways. I am currently running @/thenorthstar on multiple platforms available in my bio.
Garrison and I are still part of the abolitionist movement together, so if you're worried about the harm this might cause to our end goal of emancipation for enslaved people in the United States and the complete destruction of the slave system as it stands today, do not worry. I will be reposting a catalogue of my speeches and writings here that were originally in The Liberator- which you may feel free to mute as you wish. My advocacy for human rights will proceed as normal.
Please do not contact me to ask about just what occurred between The Liberator and I, however, as that is something that I both do not want to discuss, and feel it is unnecessary considering this blog's true content matter.
#info #blog #the liberator #please direct any and all comments about wlg to mr smith from now on
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higherlawseward Follow
Let's settle this once and for all.
#bro's getting ratioed so hard i almost cant watch. #SEWARD #delete this sewage boy
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brecknridge Follow
fellas is it gay to bring a flower to your senate colleague as your first act in congress to express your admiration for him (also from your state)( literally the most famous senator of your era)(you plucked this flower straight from your home state and tenderly carried it all the way to washington dc to hand to him)(kinda cute too)(this is the first time you've met him)(whig party, you're a democrat)(70 yrs old)???
brecknridge Follow
fellas is it gay to bring a flower to your senate colleague who's dying in a washington dc hotel room and sit by him for hours on end talking about politics and personal life before he finally expires his last breath and you tenderly are the last person to gently readjust his pillow as he falls asleep in your arms...
oldbuck Follow
brecknridge Follow
oh ok
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A gift from a friend. ;) ;) ;)
Everyone stop reblogging this. This was supposed to go to my other blog.
#lmao get wrecked. #always knew you had a porn blog danny
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real talk everyone in this senate needs to stop having drama.
#@/castironman @/greatcompromiser... looking at you both #stop it
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menstruation sounds so cool....but why doesnt it ever happen to men???
remind me how you got elected again.
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going to @/oldhickory's inaugeral party. I expect a solemn affair.
F U CK they broug ht t cheeessseeee....
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back to work in the senate :D~~~!
dawson Follow
tf i thought we censured you??
i got reelected :) :) :)!~
#take that mofos #no blocking or muting can remove me NOW #suck my dick
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OH MY GOD I HATE this house chamber so much the acoustics are horrible and its so crowded istg I am blaming Thomas Jefferson for all of this. the room was clearly already too crowded in the 1790s and then the louisiana purchase just comes by and Fucks! Shit! UP???? by doubling the amount of people who have to be stuffed in here??? and everyone keeps on smoking and spitting tobacco everywhere and its too hot??? i think the lead is killing me. i think the air is killing me. i think my colleagues are going to kill me. I DEFINATLY THINK HENRY WISE AND HIS COMPANY IS TRYING TO KILL ME???
Kill me.
get used to it buddy.
we're making court decisions in the goddarn congress basement if that helps.
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so horny for her
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just saw william seward and jefferson davis taking a carriage together. i don't get it. am i the only one who thinks that as antislavery advocates we in the senate Shouldn't be playing nice with slaveholders??
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forthurricane Follow
breakfast is very fufilling i say as a person who's morning meal consists entirely of a carton of milk and one (1) expired bread loaf garrison Follow
everyone please stop reblogging op is literally jefferson davis.
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Not to be mean but this coworker of mine needs to get caned. 23,233 notes
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senatorero hangman foote threatened to kill me again today. can someone please tell me if this means im part of the antislavery club.
vivelasboston Follow
are you a republican? because otherwise i think it's appropriation.
oh for christs sake
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such a cruel world... so many good laps to sit on and no one to let me do so.
#SO MANY SOFT LONG CONGRESSIONAL LEGGGGS #THEY ALL LOOK SO COMFFYYYYY #ah well #no comfort or joy in life i suppose #time to bully president pierce into expanding popular sovreignty into kansas nebraska!!! :)))))) #this won't cause any issues
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pseudophan · 11 months
was there ever a time their relationship status WAS in question? I watched them in like 2010 but stopped paying attention until BIG so I missed everything
LOL this is potentially the funniest possible phannie journey. you essentially left right before everything blew the fuck up and returned as it settled like, oh hi sorry did i miss anything?
but i mean, yes. yes it was very much in question. once they properly blew up and the vday video leaked (events that, unfortunately for them, pretty much coincided) dan freaked the FUCK out and was mr heterosexuality i-don't-know-what-gay-people-are for a year or two. to the point where he was honestly a bit of a cunt for awhile, but in hindsight it's like.. that's fair. i mean, it wasn't, because he'd play along and be like lolol yea me and phil are a bit gay lol and then suddenly did a 180 like everyone kill yourselves for even thinking it ! but it all makes a lot of sense, it's fine, boy was having a sexuality crisis to end all crises and got very famous very quickly all at the same time. and everyone who made him famous was breathing down his neck asking if he sucks dick. not a great time.
this was 2012, and as any seasoned phannie will know that year is infamous lmao. a lot of it was just phannies making shit up, tbf, but also a lot of it stemmed from very real shit. like, you can TELL the vibe was off. it's pretty obvious things weren't all sunshine and happiness in the dan and phil household for awhile there. and this weird vibe combined with dan going on rants on tumblr kind of did irreparable damage to the phandom for awhile, because even after dan mostly got over it (by the middle of 2013 he had chilled out and was back to joking about phan etc, even if he was still sneaking in little 'im straight btw' mentions now and then) phannies were so afraid of scaring him off again it became this huuuuuge thing. like. on one hand a lot of us did think they were together, but tbh in 2013-2014 i don't think the majority did! a lot of people wanted them to be, but it wasn't like now when it's just kinda accepted that they actually are. then in 2015-2016 they got even bigger and by now there were enough new phannies who didn't experience 2012 that people were a bit more chilled out in regards to saying if they're together or not. and since then it's just kinda... kept evolving. generally as the years passed it became more of an occam's razor thing, like, statistically what's more likely, they're together (in some shape way or form) or they're, somehow, actually just friends who've always just been friends. then they came out and everyone was like oh ok then. and now we've kinda revived the discourse but this time it's a lot less dramatic
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
i always considered saiki aro, but you make me really rethink with kubosai. .
THATS SO LOVELY, i know you didnt ask but.. im going to take this opportunity to talk a little about my stance on kubosai and saiki's sexuality.. i mean i have talked about it multiple times but still, lots of people dont see what i see in these things sooo im gonna keep talking about it lol..
(under the cut cuz i made this WAYYY longer than i meant to, sorryyyy..)
i still see saiki as aroace personally !! just not romance repulsed aroace, rather just on the aroace spectrum.. i think hes the type of person to use 'queer' and 'aroace' as umbrella terms for himself instead of caring about specific labels, but if i had to, i would say he fits best with demi based on my interpretation.. (i usually see him as with no preference, but based on the text its easy to see him as having a preference for men too..)
i do get why people would see him as romance repulsed and its a lovely hc, but i see saiki as mlm, at least in the way i interpreted it.. i mean, he almost straight up says he has a crush on satou in the manga.. its great if people interpret it as a 'squish,' but i personally dont see that,, he kinda blatantly threw them in a romance chart together, blushes every time he sees him, etc. HOWEVER aroace people who relate in some way and project their experiences onto saiki will ALWAYS be valid, so i dont care !! i literally do that lmfao im an aroace lesbian,,
anyway, saiki has a lot of silly tsundere moments that lots of people who dont really look at the show past surface level (and usually dont read the manga) see as him literally hating his friends, family, romance, etc when its very much shown how hes being a tsundere and he LOVES his friends, family, AND romance.. (canonically loves romance not as in he definitely experiences romantic attraction, but as in he just is weirdly into love stories and such but wont admit it lmao, i talk about that chapter where he gets obsessed with those strangers love story he saw with psychometry but its just so good lol..) so i think that misinterpretation is where a lot of the discourse in this fandom comes from, like people who think he GENUINELY hates teruhashi ? they r literally best friends he cares about her so much..
kubosai is a ship i started loving, not really from seeing their canon interactions, but from analyzing the characters in the manga and seeing who i think would actually fit together and have a good dynamic..
im very weak for characters who are ashamed of their dark past, afraid of their own strength and that they might hurt the people they love, scared to tell their loved ones their secrets, etc.. and kuboyasu and saiki fit the bill perfectly, so i looked at them and immediately thought BOOM what if they were in love..
their dynamic is fun, even though we didnt get a lot of canon interactions.. theyre so similar yet SO different at the same time..
they both have pretty tragic pasts and family lives, both VERY protective of their friends and family and would do anything for them, both have bad coping mechanisms (mostly refusing to acknowledge that anything is really wrong at all), etc.. and yet, theyre almost opposites in the way they actually carry themselves..
saiki appears apathetic at all times in front of others even though his internal monologue or how he expresses himself when hes alone can be really emotional.. kuboyasu is pretty happy all the time even though he has pretty thinly veiled anger about half the time..
kuboyasu is just a human boy who was taught to take up as much space as possible for his survival, defend himself with his fists, honesty and loyalty and trust are essential, etc, while saiki is an almost-god whose upbringing taught him to try his best to take up NO space at all for his survival, dont get involved unless its from afar, dont get close with anyone, dont trust anyone, etc..
saiki prefers to protect his people from in the shadows, going as far as to literally stalk them to make sure theyre okay without their knowledge, while kuboyasu is unafraid to show how much he cares and prefers to literally come out swinging to protect his people.. put them together and you get two silly guys who will literally protect the other with their life despite knowing damn well that theyre both fully capable of protecting themselves..
kuboyasu is also like.. one of the only people in the cast other than saiki who can be like.. a voice of reason sometimes.. he would be so good for saiki and would make damn sure he knows when hes being irrational or dramatic (because cmon, its saiki.. hes such a drama queen all the damn time..) and i just think he needs that in his life..
yasu would reign saiki in when it comes to his everyday dramatics, and in turn saiki would reign yasu in when it comes to his over the top romance standards (and probably his anger issues and overreactions too..) and yet at the same time they would take comfort in each others silliness.. saiki may be like "we cant just drop out and get married, thats not how it works" but isnt it so refreshing for him to have someone that cares about him so unconditionally ?? unlike his own family ?? itd scare him at first, but hed make yasu tone it down to a healthier extent and itd become soo comfortable..
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