#but im ngl im very easily impressed so
wolfythewitch · 11 months
This is not anon hate but a genuine question: why do people like Emily Wilson's Odyssey? I did a course on the Odyssey last semester and we had to look at a bunch of different translations and no one in the class liked her translation.
Humm dunno! I don't know anything about her translations haha, it's part of the reason why I wanted to get the books
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I wanted to write in about my thoughts on Jo as a CSA survivor separately for a couple of reasons:
I already more or less have what I have to say on the topic in order thanks to talks with @starssystem and another friend [<3]
This is a massive tonal shift from anything else I could be discussing
This Is Massive In General For The Love Of God PLEASE Help Me
Obvious CSA CW for anyone else reading; I only discuss statistics, psychology, and the aftereffects seen in survivors here, but it's worth a warning.
With the disclaimers out of the way… I'd mentioned before I've only ever added one thing to Jo's background, and you were right: this is it! To me, there's so much thematic overlap in Jo's narrative with the experience of surviving CSA it's worth it to examine his character through the lens of that being the case. Of course, there are clearly-stated reasons for it all that Aren't That, but…
It's the pervasive guilt and shame, the lifelong secret that becomes too unbearable not to tell, the faulty coping mechanisms aimed at burying the trauma without having to face it, the reluctance to be sincere [vulnerable] and the lies and half-truths used to maintain the facade of invulnerability, the pursuit of power and control and the knee-jerk anger response when it's threatened, the pursuit of mastery over his body and the indifference to what happens to it. And the way a lot of it really does stem from a deeply traumatic childhood sexual experience from before either he or Ikumi understood what they were getting into, from before they could give informed consent.
Statistically, the further below the average age someone is for their first time, the likelihood of [at best] having been introduced to sex inappropriately and [at worst] having been abused at the time or earlier rises exponentially. Jo was 15 when Masato was conceived--possibly 14, since he was saying he "met" Arakawa at 15, and by then Masato was already born. To put this into perspective, since what ages register as concerning is largely cultural, the average age in the US and UK is 16-18. But in Japan, it's over 19.
To a Westerner [or even a heavily Westernized non-Westerner], having a kid at 15 is unfortunate, but not untenable; you've seen it on TV, you might know people like that, you might even be that kid or that parent. But in Jo's case, with him being 4 or 5 years younger than average, it's like if someone told you they had their first time--had a /kid/--at 13 or under. That's the equivalent discrepancy. That /is/ concerning, to me.
It's also something that's linked to negative outcomes in adulthood, partly because of the likelihood of forming bonds with poorly-adjusted peers. Jo specifically states he and Ikumi were only together because others who came from backgrounds like his own were all he had back then. [As an aside, it's interesting to see him instinctively seek out a relationship where his pain would be understood without having to say anything--or one where he could assume it would, at any rate.]
When it comes to his relationship with Ikumi, I've always felt there was this "adult dynamic" between them--in the sense it feels like one that'd be more fitting for adults to get into than a couple of teens. It was, based on his wording, a primarily physical relationship neither of them expected to last even if they were living together. To me, it's one thing if you're fully convinced you're in love or you're experimenting or whatever and that results in an unplanned pregnancy, but it's another thing entirely to have such a bleak yet objective outlook on your relationship so young.
And it didn't have to be that way. He could've been just like Arakawa, head-over-heels in love with this girl who was The Only Good Thing He Had Going, or something like that. But the sheer contrast between how Arakawa was crazy about Akane and never forgot about her for the rest of his life, while Jo more-or-less-clearly didn't have feelings for Ikumi and can't bring himself to remember her name after living with her for at least a year and experiencing life-changing events with her…
It's notable to me that Arakawa maintains an interest in women while nearly every in-character interpretation I've seen makes Jo averse to women. Obviously, we don't really know that; it's probably just based on his general attitudes, his contrast with Arakawa, and maybe his immunity to Charm. But I think there's a reason a lot of people pick up on it and tie it to trauma rather than/in addition to a lack of interest in women.
I've talked about this through the lens of comphet already [and Jo being gay or ace or both would present other difficulties], but I can't overstate how notable it is on its own. We see Jo's response to traumatic events, and it's to become preoccupied with them, to investigate further if he has any leads. That's why he remembers every minute detail of the night Masato was born and the time he saw Arakawa attempt to comfort Masato when he was crying and hitting himself. I think it's also why he gets as far as he does when looking into Arakawa's death, and why he entrusts the search to Ichi. He never seems to manage to block them out, even if that's what he'd rather do--even if that's what he thinks he's doing.
So if he "[doesn't] even remember" the name of the mother of his child, I get the feeling there's something more going on. Like I've [probably] said in the past, Jo genuinely sounds traumatized by the relationship as a whole. More than anything else he's been through, and he's been through a lot. It's often the case that CSA survivors who are also survivors of other trauma view it as worse than anything else that happened to them.
And that's not to implicate Ikumi at all, I don't think it's a case of COCSA--everything I've said holds just as true for her, and she had to suffer the additional trauma of an unwanted pregnancy and childbirth, at that. Rather, I think it would make sense for something like CSA, which often incontrovertibly reconfigures one's relationship with sex and love, to be a factor in why they rushed into a something physical before they were mature enough to handle it.
Some victims end up having perfectly healthy experiences, some victims end up avoiding them, some victims end up re-victimized, and some victims end up with a mixed bag--there's a lot of variation. But some victims do end up having relationships like this and making mistakes like this, because that's all they know, or because they want to heal but don't [or don't know how to] go about it in a healthy way, at a healthy pace. And I definitely think if you recognize that's what the basis of your relationship was, that it all comes back to something you'd rather forget, it'd make sense to want to forget the relationship as a whole.
To that end, it's possible to come away from a relationship traumatized even if no one did anything wrong. I've [probably] talked about how the way Jo comforts her at the station feels like he's doing it for her sake and pushing his own feelings down, but neither of them is really buying it. If that's a pattern in their relationship, perhaps he wouldn't have been able to communicate if maybe what they were doing was dredging up bad memories, if he wanted to stop but didn't think she did. So to go through with it, then get the news months later…
Either way, the fact Ikumi couldn't bring herself to tell him she was pregnant until nothing could be done would, for Jo, invariably cement the feeling he has no control over what happens around him. I think the sense of powerlessness he felt is why he blew up at her when she told him, because it's really the only time we see him lash out like that at her. At the park, he objects to going back for Masato, sure, but he's passive. And I think that unbroken pattern of powerlessness in his life [which CSA would only compound on] is why he's so reactionary, why he's so emotionally dysregulated, why he expresses his rage through what basically amounts to power-tripping.
But I do think Jo does have a great deal of awareness. A lot of his wording when he's telling Ichi about it borders on poetic, or at the very least candid and effective. That requires both prior reflection and a command of language. I think there's a lot he understands deep down, at least after sitting with it for long enough, but he isn't capable of voicing--or doesn't know how to voice--what's on his mind, most of the time.
So when he joins the Arakawa Family, when he rises the ranks and has that control back, his control has to be near-absolute. If it's undermined in any way--such as, for example, a certain someone failing to answer a call within two rings--he loses it. On the other side of the coin, I do feel a lot of why his devotion and gratitude towards Arakawa goes to the extent it does, why he's so comfortable with him, is because Arakawa gave him the safety of the Arakawa Family, gave him back his autonomy, gave him the environment--and treated him with enough humanity to give him the reason--to learn to regulate himself, to better himself.
And Arakawa /gets/ trauma. He really does. Aside from his own abusive background, literally the only time the word trauma comes out of any character's mouth in this series, it's Arakawa's. It comes back to Jo saying others who came from backgrounds like his own were all he had; that never changed, did it?
Lastly, For Funsies [<- LIE. COMPLETE LIE. TURN BACK NOW] I wanted to go through the items on this [CSA] Survivors' Aftereffects Checklist I could check off with near-certainty. 19/34, by the way, give or take. Now, as I said at the beginning, there are existing concrete reasons for why he has many of these experiences… but it's like the trans allegory with Masato, To Me… If I can check off over half the list based on a very limited backstory and an hour of screen time total, that's indicative of a notable overlap… TO ME…
Note that the book this list is from was published in 1990 and focuses on women's experiences. It was a huge step forward in giving survivors a voice back when a lot of existing research indicated CSA had neutral or even positive effects on children, but it's definitely a product of its time. With that out of the way…
Wearing a lot of clothing, even in summer […]
To be fair, most male characters in RGG are fully-covered and have near-unchanging designs, and it's winter in both 2000/2001 and presumably 2019, but… when it comes to Jo, it feels a little different.
He does have Some Heavage in his twenties [although the necklace takes the attention off of his actual chest], but as time goes on, he shows less and less skin and adds more and more layers. When he has the gloves on, it leaves no skin exposed at all, and there's this direct symbolic correlation with secrecy that isn't there for other characters. And if you're wearing three layers of leather [or even one], you can neither feel what you're touching nor feel anything touch you.
Pure Speculation, but I just can't really see him underdressed for any occasion… That's why his fit in Day with the Sun is funny as hell but also… yeah…
As a behavior, if it's rooted in anything, it's probably rooted in having to hide signs of physical abuse, of course--but then he kind of already had an excuse, with how he was constantly getting into fights. I guess it depends on the specifics, but I think it's interesting to consider this as one way CSA victims attempt to regain control of their bodies, avoiding emotional discomfort at the cost of physical discomfort.
It's nothing super overt, but I see this most clearly represented in his second boss fight in particular; his willingness to wield a blade bare-handed while using enough force he could very well render his hand useless. I think it's potentially also evident in how he has severe cataracts he chooses to ignore and allow to worsen, despite having the reasons and resources to undergo surgery to restore his vision. In doing so, he literally and figuratively blinds himself to so much.
I also kind of think the assassination of Hoshino/the anonymous call and The Eye Scene are examples of self-sabotage. I mean, he literally was sabotaging himself in the former, but it's also the specific way he feels the need to be physically taken down in order to be stopped--possibly a holdover from RGGJo, who's only too happy to be beaten into a coma.
I don't know… It's hard to pinpoint, but I feel like he would be averse to most of the more "obvious" self-destructive behaviors--especially when he has people in his life who might notice and worry, like Ikumi and Arakawa. That and because many of them are addictive. He's seen what that's done to his father, and he's also developed this incredibly rigid sense of discipline he can't maintain if he doesn't have a clear head.
From how he talks about himself [as having lost his humanity and lived a half-assed life], I definitely think he's at the very least unkind to himself, but I also think he does externalize it by provoking others to harm him [in the case of physical fights] and reject him. Like he needs some kind of proxy perpetrator. For some abuse victims, this specific manifestation of self-destructive behavior is a way to regain control--whether or not you "deserved it" back then, you do now, as a direct, logical result of your actions.
Need to be invisible, perfect, or perfectly bad
I think each of these needs manifests in different ways for Jo. The need to be invisible can be seen with authority figures (mainly Aoki, but also Arakawa in The Yubitsume Scene, a little; how drastically he pulls back and tries to act "normal")--this relates to what you were talking about with being reluctant to intrude or take up space. If you fall under the radar, maybe you won't get hurt.
The need to be perfect can be seen in his seemingly "impossible" standards, I would say. Of course, because we see things from Ichiban's perspective, we tend to see them as unfair and often arbitrary demands. But they aren't arbitrary to Jo, are they? They're standards he holds himself to through and through. If you're good, maybe you won't get hurt.
The need to be perfectly bad can be seen in and relates to much of what I discussed under self-destructiveness [The Eye Scene and the way he antagonizes Ichiban specifically by making himself out to be worse than he is]. If you must get hurt, it can at least "make sense"--be "deserved."
Suicidal thoughts, attempts, obsession (including "passive suicide")
Obviously he's not like… Mine Levels Of Overtly And Consistently Suicidal, and he doesn't attempt suicide himself, but at the same time, I have to note his total ambivalence towards Aoki seeing him as a "bullet" (a kind of hitman sent on suicide missions). He agreed to what he himself viewed as a suicide mission and he didn't care what would happen to him afterward, as he says to Joon-gi, Zhao, and Adachi.
Aside from that, I certainly feel he's at least had passive thoughts like wanting to disappear or wishing he'd never been born. Y'know. Nothing concrete, but reflective of his mental state, and just as detrimental to dwell on long-term.
I think there's a sort of childishness [for lack of a better word] to thoughts like these [in that they're impossible], but also a level of maturity in that it probably doesn't escalate to something more actionable because he understands he has responsibilities he can't abandon. I think if he was ever seriously suicidal, it would be at the points of his life where he really didn't have any responsibility to anyone, like between Ikumi leaving and him joining the family, or after he was arrested.
Depression (sometimes paralyzing) […]
I'm trying not to over explain going forward because I Have BEEN Overexplaining It Is SUCH A Disaster… he's depressed If You Have Eyes And/Or Ears… I'll leave it at that…
Anger issues; inability to recognize, own, or express anger; constant anger […]
Rigid control of one's thought process; humorlessness or extreme solemnity
Relates back to what I was saying about how disciplined he is [and expects everyone else to be], but in general, he's incredibly, incredibly serious and focused. I don't think he's /entirely/ humorless [but then again, very few people are]; I just think his specific sense of humor is. Like. What Is Your Problem [I Know What Your Problem Is I Have Been Discussing It In EXCRUCIATING Detail But What The Fuck Is Your Problem]
Trust issues; inability to trust (trust is not safe); total trust; trusting indiscriminately
That's why he was planning on taking his secret to the grave, isn't it? It was only when faced with the realization it would soon be too late to say anything that he was able to tell Ichiban. He could've trusted Arakawa, should've been able to, but… in his mind he never could.
This book [and this checklist] is about "incest" actually, but it redefines "incest" to mean any instance of CSA perpetrated by any individual the victim trusts or has an expectation of being able to implicitly trust. Which… is most CSA as we understand it today, so I've edited some parts to just say that.
Anyway, I've never given much thought to the specifics of what Jo might've experienced--who did it, what happened, how long it went on, etc.--so there's no conclusion I can draw here [and elsewhere, I'm sure]… but even without that, to grow up unable to trust the one person who should be in his corner, his father, and to have his trust betrayed by Ikumi, it's no surprise Jo ended up like this either way. So… I'm happy he had the courage to tell Ichi, in the end.
High risk taking ("daring the fates"); inability to take risks
I think these are supposed to be mutually exclusive, but to me, Hoshino's assassination and Arakawa's assassination represent both sides of the coin, although they're not the only examples. There are risks Jo won't think twice about taking and risks that paralyze him.
Boundary issues; control, power, territoriality issues; fear of losing control; obsessive/compulsive behaviors (attempts to control things that don't matter, just to control something)
Guilt, shame; low self-esteem, feeling worthless; high appreciation of small favors by others
Lmao Even…
Feeling demand to "produce and be loved"; instinctively knowing and doing what the other person needs or wants; relationships mean big tradeoffs (love was taken, not given)
I actually think this encapsulates a lot of what I've been saying about his work ethic, his ideas of discipline, and his relationship with Ikumi, but I also think it's why Masato took a liking to him. His attentiveness. It ties back into wanting to be perfect; when you're abused--especially long-term--you become attuned to observing and responding to any shifts in mood or tone. This is another area where I can't draw any conclusions relevant to my point, but it does certainly relate to his father's abuse, at any rate.
Abandonment issues
Kind of contentious… The anticipation of being abandoned by or losing someone he cares about appears to be worse than the actual experience. He's fine with Ikumi leaving him, and he's… not Fine With, but able to come to terms with Arakawa's death and Aoki's abandonment of him. At the same time, he really does try to make Ikumi's stay in his life comfortable, and he spends almost forty years doing his damnedest to keep his family together, whatever the cost. If I were to extrapolate from RGGJo, though, /he/ does have an obsessive, unhealthy attachment to Arakawa.
Blocking out some period of early years (especially 1–12); or a specific person or place
Ikumiiiiii that's what I'm SAYINGGGG
Feeling of carrying an awful secret; urge to tell, fear of its being revealed; certainty no one will listen; being generally secretive […]
Rofl Perhaps…
Denial; […] repression of memories; pretending; minimizing ("it wasn't that bad") […]
He admits to it himself. Not much else to say. Though I don't think he necessarily minimizes what he's been through by dismissing how bad it was; rather, he tends to overestimate his ability to move past it.
Pattern of ambivalent or intensely conflictive relationships (intimacy is a problem; also focus shifted from [CSA] issues)
Also kind of contentious… we don't see a pattern of romantic relationships, as I assume the author meant here, but at the same time, the romantic relationship and non-romantic relationships we do see fit this pattern. I guess I'd say I definitely think intimacy /would/ be a problem, and he /wouldn't/ be ready to address his issues.
Limited tolerance for happiness; active withdrawal from happiness, reluctance to trust happiness ("ice=thin")
The quote that prompted this ask in the first place. It's sort of connected to the point about humorlessness and extreme solemnity; if that was the "what," this is the "why." He doesn't know how to relax ["holidays don't exist" and all], he doesn't have much to be happy about, but even rarer is the occasion where he doesn't feel too conflicted in the moment to be able to enjoy himself. That's just how I see him.
[…] verbal hypervigilance (careful monitoring of one's words); quiet-voiced, especially when needing to be heard
EXACTLY what I was talking about in this ask, so I'm leaving that one up to past me…
... That's It That's The Essay I'm going to hibernate until Infinite Wealth comes out and somehow refutes my points but UNTIL THEN. Farewell, take care, and once more, don't worry too much about matching my energy… Like I Said if I were the one receiving this ask I'd just delete my blog, so… I'll just be happy to know you read it :] If That lmao
#long post#cw csa#doublin up to add cw warnins in the tags just in case <3 lemme know if i should throw more tags down here..... im bad at cw tags....#i forget my bookmark tag for asks from you i stg if i cant find this ask in the future im kmsing (in minecraft) immediately#snap chats#THE SNORT I MADE AT THE DEADPAN 'LOL'☠️ maybe i SHOULDVE put text In The Main Text i have A Lot of Thoughts..#im leavin the main text empty since. ngl i was just gonna compare/contrast to myself again... and say a lot of what weve said b4..#UNFORTUNATELY a lot of the things listed here uhmmmm Hm <3 Uh Oh <3 i do understand. Dare I Say personally. just a bit#I DO HAVE TO DISCLAIM ive never been a survivor of THOSE circumstances or really. any abuse tbh- brain just sucks and im a baby#and i cant say no BUT ANYWAY I HAVE REASONS FOR BEIN AN EGOTIST I SWEAR its cause I Somewhat had those exps/i understand them#i can REAAAALLLYY easily see where your points are coming from.... very easily even... like very in-depth..#even if i didnt cry bout spilled milk every other day it IS clear to see the signs of abuse in sawashiro once you know them#i've def talked bout those aspects of him whether in tag rambles or in streams or have Attempted to express it via fics#so really the bits to chew on for me esp this time round is the more CSA aspects#tbh when it comes to bein unable to see him intimate or 'underdressed' i agree: incredibly hard for me to imagine#the thing with 'symptoms' of abuse is that they kinda overlap i guess ??#in that regard it can either be a need to impress or protect himself/needing to be seen less#when it comes to doing certain things because of CSA i could see it as a result of another abuse too. if that makes sense#THOUGH THAT ISNT TO DISCREDIT THE IDEA nono cause there still exists the Now That I Think About It circumstances of masato#even if we look at it through Western Norms(TM) two- essentially homeless- kids having. A Kid is still bizarre#cause again teen pregnancies generally happen as a result of Bein Irresponsible With A Schoolmate- not that other situations cant exist#but thats the most common innit so. def an aspect to consider. All Things Considered. esp jo's self-separation from ikumi#BUT YEAH i feel like if i try to respond im just gonna end up typing up a textbook bout abuse since. UNFORTUNATELY#childhood psychology is my field of interest. and aint no one readin THAT phat thing. esp when ill prob repeat myself or you ☠️#tbh remindin meself of when i said id write psyche papers on mine and/or jo.... oops 👀💋👀 savin this to steal notes from LOL#i hope yo know i WAS thoroughly intrigued reading this. As Ive Said childhood psyche is Literally My Field and this is v thorough and good#so im always interested in readin bout How X Caused Y in Z... very interesting many MANY things to think about.. ty...#forever cursed to be an idiot cause i really wish i could talk better and say somethin of substance.. ik you said its fine but still..#im always open to chat bout this more if youd like PLEASE dont think my lack of Main Text is disinterest Im Just Stupid. But We Know That
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quimichi · 4 months
Or get to know me whatever you want lol
Antonia, 18, cis female, she/her, german, medical assistant student, infp, pisces, hufflepuff
EYES: Green, blueish, grayish lol HEIGHT: 1,58m, 5'4(?) OTHER: natrually pale, lots of moles, no tattoos, natrual eye bags, fox eyes, small dimples, full lips, small mouth, long lashes, resting bitch face lol, high nose bridge, long brown hair with highlights, wavy/curly, super shiny, pretty skinny, average curves, long neck lol, no make up, long nails, small hands STYLE: comfy and oversize, but in summer i wear more dresses and skirts, more girly, bit also still girly with oversized clothes, it's grunge like but i honestly wear any style if I like it
FIRST IMPRESSION: people say i look younger than i am, I'm very polite and kind by nature but i seem like that 120% more at the beginning than later lol
POSITIVE TRAITS: I'm polite or at least try to be, I have this helping syndrome I always need to help, I'm very open minded and I like to try new things, there are specific patients who adore me so ig I'm really likable-, even the complicated ones like me?? that's a compliment ngl, my friends say im really funny
NEGATIVE TRAITS: always sleepy, sometimes really lazy, very sarcastic and i have a dark humor, small anger issues but i control them really really well, many things can annoy me easily tho, many people say I'm too quite but in reality I just give no fuck lol I'm actually really loud, like I'm both and both is depending on the situation not good--, i talk a lot and yeah-bad in class-ik when to shut up tho
LIKES: Wind, rain, the night, stars, music, video games, sleep, my cornflakes lol, watermelon and strawberries, my super soft bed, family and friends, snow, winter in general, fog cause pretty, horror movies, ducks and chickens, especially my plush duck, cacti oh and palm trees
DISLIKES: pushy people, no manners, disrespectful behavior, pineapples cause idk not my thing, strong smells, beards cause--no, alcohol, I'm strictly against that for a good reason
LOVE LANGUAGE: Quality time (giving & receiving)
DEAL BREAKERS: the basics lol, no addictions, no job, bad temper, bad behavior, bad hygiene and so on
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE...kind, respectful, honest and loyal, the basics...I have low standards
@ i have asthma @ look, ik I'm pretty, nothing wrong with confidence, but having random people telling me 4 times i look like a pinterest model made me so so happy @ I'm REALLY good at parking backwards lol @ i rarely go out, like i don't need to i love it at home but if i go out i also like it more peaceful @ i love parking lot dates, getting food and sitting in the car for hours talking, my fav @ its hard to scare me, or make me feel really disgusted. I can look at all things, even smell and i wouldn't be fazed by it at all. But touching is a no-- @ super scared of deep waters like--what if something is underneath me??? @ i love plants but plants don't love me @ i can draw really well-i think so at least @ hardcore dreamer @ I'm not really touchy. Like i don't need physical affection that much or at all. Cuddles aren't really my thing, they're ok sometimes--- @ no matter when and where, if i wanna sleep I'm out in 10 minutes or less @ I'm 18, in germany it's legal to drink beer with 16 and any other alcoholic drinks with 18. I never drank one sip and never will. Super scared of alcohol, i feel very uncomfortable with it around me. Drunk people scare me so much that i wanna distance myself. It can even get to a point where i will constantly distance myself from that person so much that our contact breaks, if they abuse alcohol.
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plasmasimagination · 9 months
Heyy girl hows it goingg! Congrats on ur amazinggg milestone. Totally deserved 🪼🪼 I was wondering if i cld get a matchup for genshin and hsr ! I totally loved the others u did.
I go by the she series and id love to be matched up w a hot man 🤤 my mbti is enfp and im a gemini! Im around 5’3 with tan skin and hv super grown out long dyed brown hair. I have 8 piercings total on my ears and i know im gna cop more next summer bless up. I wld say i def have a more summer oriented aesthetic i loveee me a tank top n shorts and bikini.
Im not surr what kind of personality i have .. but i think im a freak. I love to party nd go out w my friends obviii but i absolutely love spending time by myself bc im chill like dat. I think im pretty funny but i also follow my heart a lil too much and do whatever i want when i want, so i cant set boundaries w myself.. im def tryna work on that and have a healthy grindset and balance. Im down to do anything w my friends BUT im also a lil bit of bitch ngl… a lil bit of a hater if i see some weird activity in front if me
I love the beach and summer and drives with loud music playinggg. My ideal day is a warm summer day on the beach with some Js and scrolling thru the x reader tag on tumblr on my ipad.
My interests are surfing and paddleboardinf!! Im super into gymming and looking up wikipedia horror movie summaries. Im pursuing health rn too 😜 and i try to write in my free time but it never works out LOL. I also love thrifting and flea markets and im down to rage if u are 🤙
If i had a short life id probably honestly spend it at home w the fam and w my dog and w all my friends. Id love to do some epic in state road trips or have bonfires by the beach. i think itd be sick to be surrounded by all the simple things i love.
When it comes to my love life…. Erm… i definitely can be attracted SO easily but im quick to find icks tbh. I dont think i fall in love easily but i definitely get high on the possibility of it. Lets just say im hard to get and hard to want 😈 My ideal type is someone whos athletic and good at math and is FINE AF. My lovr language is quality time (i LOVE ft) so someone whos willing to do stuff w me is a plus. I think i also like someone who can match my speed and humor bc i hate miscommunication and awkwardness
Thanku sm if u decide 2 do my req! ⭐️⭐️
Hello there fellow darling >:)
As for your request, I would say I found just the right manz for you, but i didn't, so work with them a bit and they'll be vibing with u in no time(ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
So let's go
Smart collected calm and rational, just to balance you out
introvert x extrovert
He's definitely impressed by your carefree attitude, and often gets dragged into your small adventures, he might complain around a bit but he doesn't mind as much as he says he does
Hes confused as to how you have the energy to go out to parties and surfing and everything, he's just way too tired to even think about such things, so he'll prefer to watch you from the distance, in the comfort of a chair and a good book
Listen listen, I know I know, he's pissy and awkward, but I like to think he wouldn't be like that in a relationship, and is actually very good at communication and explaining his struggles and emotions
It might take him a bit to trust you but when he does, he's a good partner
He might not be able to match your humour, but he can match your speed, he's very efficient.
And if that relationship doesn't work out, do try with kaveh, because that could work out more (and yes i did just recommend to get with with your matchups roommate)
Nerd x his cool partner
This one is more to match your vibe kind off
He's a sassy and confident dude
He'll definitely be a fan of your bitchy attitude , he likes dealing with bests
Can match your energy, occasionally, sometimes not sometimes yes, but most of the time he'll just follow you around and watch you do your hobbies and interests while reading something
Cold colour dressed boyfriend x summer dressed partner, just perfection
He's an ambivert after all, so he can keep up with your trips and enjoyments, but sometimes will distance himself off to a corner to recharge his energy
Generally he's the first that came to mind when I saw your request so consider it fate
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astarionancuntnin · 4 months
Unsolicited Lore Dump
Tagged by the amazing @nyx-knox - thank u i love u💕
Do you make your bed? EH once in a while i will flip back the 2 covers i use to sleep and i call it a day
Favorite number? 24, my birthdayyy
What's your job? im a Lead QA! i have a lil team of 8 nerds QAs that I help guide throughout the day and i love them so very much <3
If you could go back to school would you? oh YEAH theres so much stuff that im interested in, i think i would go back especially for languages or continue psychology
Can you parallel park? i dont wanna brag buttttttttttttt yes, and i learned solely based on a gif i saw pass around here YEARS ago before i even learned how to drive and got it on first try. my teacher was impressed uwu
Do you think aliens are real? THEY HAVE TO, the universe is so big, it would be dumb to think that were truly alone
Can you drive a manual car? god no i had an anxiety attack last time i tried. nono, i drive an electric car, i dont stress about no manual car
What's your guilty pleasure? ohhhhhhhhhhh good question. its gonna sound very general but treating myself to anything i want regardless of the repercussions it has on my wallet.
Tattoos? so many , if i listed them, they would take the entire post, (im basically covered in tattoos) but i can say that :
right arm has a "cute/beauty that can kill" theme
left arm is personal meaning/matching tattoos
right leg is gaming
left leg is witchy vibes
+ a flower in my ear and bongo cat under my tiddy
Favorite color? PORPOL. im in my lilac/lavender phase
Favorite types of music? I'm the kind of person to listen to a lot of genres, but soundtracks really hit the spot for me. I get carried on so easily by a good soundtrack, but otherwise i enjoy a good indie pop
Do you like puzzles? OH YEAH especially escape rooms, i had a phase last year and did like 10 of those. ngl i wanna go again, i miss those
Any phobias? spiders, i wanna like them but i cant i just cant
Favorite childhood sport? Soccer and artistic swimming, i was part of two sports clubs before moving out
Do you talk to yourself? Constantly
What movies do you adore? Emperor's new grove, in french canadian version specifically. comfort movie of all time
Coffee or tea? Coffee!! Bean juice makes me sleepy in big quantities but i find it so comforting, specially a caramel latte
First thing you wanted to be growing up? A singer safkhbsaglhabs;kfg
No pressure tags! but i would love to read up your infodumps uwu @danielsbackupglasses @communistfries @vixstarria @charmandabear
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Hey! Im back and I have another idea! Xan I request the ericson gang x a reader who is like very tall and has muscles? Like visible muscles and maybe 6'0? And if you're okay with writing in a very PLATONIC SIBLING LIKE FRIEND SHIP, Tenn, AJ and Willy being put on readers shoulders or like being picked up or getting piggy back rides, IN A PLATONIC SIBLING FRIENDSHIP WAY NOT LIKE THEM X READER 😭
YEAH OK LMAO also I totally love that idea tysm for the request!!! 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖
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Was very impressed by your height and your muscles!
She loved how capable you where!
Some of the others would tease her because she’d get mesmerised by you when you where doing literally everything!
You’d definitely catch her staring at your muscles and then she’s get all embarrassed lmao
She also finds it so hot that your so tall! Like she has to look up at you when your talking and it makes you look so intimidating
She also loves it when you give tenn piggyback rides! He’s just a kid and she likes seeming him act as such :)
A little secret between you and her she’d love it if you did that thing where you trap someone by a wall with your arms this girl would be in heaven
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This man was a wee bit jealous of how tall you where
For this reason before you started dating he made sure to not stand to close to you because he didn’t want his height to be compared to yours lmao
He also loves your muscles tho
Live vi you’d catch him staring
Like a lot
Once you start dating he’d defo want to work out with you!
Also he’d get you to do all sorts! Arm wrestling, push up competitions, thumb wrestling LITERALLY EVERYTHING
also much like vi Mitch loves it when you give Willy bigggy backs! He just feels so happy seeing you treat Willy like a normal kid :)
please let this man squish your biceps it’s his only wish in life
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This man is shocked when he first sees you
But oh my god he loves it
Whenever he’s near you he’ll jokingly show of his “muscles” and do all those macho man poses
He also loves how tall you are!
He really likes looking up at you and it gives him the perfect opportunity to give you tons on kisses!
Now when he saw you giving the kids piggyback rides this man got jealous because he wanted a go!
He’d BEG that you give him one!
Oh my days this man loves it when you do stuff like that!
The gentle giant side to you gets him head over heels!
When you start dating he’d play you the piano then rest his head on your shoulders
How peaceful :)
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This man loved everything about you
Much like Vi he liked how capable you where
You could easily kick someone’s ass if you wanted and he was living for it
Also that man never slouched next to you he had to ass as much height to himself as possible
Once you two start dating he can’t help himself
While cuddling he,d always ask if he could touch your abs or biceps
He loves the way they felt and was low key a bit jealous
This man wants to prove his dominance tho like the alpha male he is🤬/j
So he’d try to hold you against the table or walls
However you could literally just throw this man if you didn’t like it lmao
Awww little dudes living every piggyback ride you give him!
You intimidated him at first ngl
But like Louis once he saw your gentle Giant ways he loved you!
He’d get shy asking you for a piggyback but once you’ve done it the first time he always comes back again!
You like a superhero to him (or a super cool member of authority 😎)
And he’s totally draw you giving him a piggyback ride as a thank you!
As soon as he saw you little guy was all over you asking you so many questions!
“How’re you so tall? Do you work out? How much can you life? Can you pick me up?!”
One question after another!
However if you do lift him up he’d be so star struck!
“Oh my god I’m so high up! Mitch! Mitch! Can you see me! Look at how high up I am!”
He’s just so exited!
Also if you have the energy to run around with him on your back he’d love that!
He sees you as a very trust worthy guardian :)
Oh also do that thing where you pretend your falling and you dramaticly lean in every direction
He will scream bloody murder but he’ll love it!
Was a little unsure at first but he did admire your strength!
The only reason he asked for a piggy back ride is because he saw all the other kids get ones and he was intrigued!
“Hey! Could you please life me up too? Like the way you did for tenn and Willy?”
How could you ever say no to him!
You gently picked him up and tried not to scare him
And little dude was loving it!
Will now always ask you 24/7 lmao
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Was a bit embarrassed by the fact that you where both taller and stronger than him but now he likes it!
He’s not afraid of conflict but now everyone knows not to even start on him because he’s with you now
Of course there are many other reasons why he likes you!
He loves that you always keep him company and respect his privacy :)
He’d also love to just lie on you while you both vent about your day
You make him feel so safe!
Loves everything about you!
He likes having to look up at you when he’s talking to you
It makes you look like an angle…or just a bad ass
He would also love it if you wrapped your arms around him while he cooks!
His little seatbelt lmao
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Was taken back by your size and strength but honestly loves it!
She likes that your not as scary as you look too!
She’d also bring you to the green house with her! Both for back up and so that you can reach the top shelf for her lmao!
Calls you nicknames about your height and strength like “bean stalk” and such all in good nature of course!
Loved your height and muscles so much!
Very much like Louis she’s obsessed with your gentle giant side and will always Lean on you
Also loves touching your muscles!
And when you hug her in my she feels so secure!!!
I doubt she’d ask for you to pick her up but if you did she’d love it!
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ebisul · 2 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 2 Episodes 9-11
These are shorter bc i wanted to post the Geonosis/Brain Worms arc and the Mandalore arc as their own posts and these just fall in between.
Episode 9: Grievous Intrigue
* Im gonna miss this zabrak jedi
* Oh shit thats Eeth Koth i remember him from fanfiction
* Ive been pronouncing Saleucami wrong this whole time
* Their plans being repeatedly predicted so easily is very concerning
* Fully believe Cody was the one that punched Grievous in the face
* Aw theyre holding hands:)
* Grievous escapes to Saleucami
Episode 10: The Deserter
* Another clone focused episode, im surprised at the lack of clone episodes so far ngl
* Great deductive skills jesse very impressive
* “That is not your choice to make. You swore an oath to the Republic. You have a duty” lot of judgment coming from Rex, Cut just doesn’t want to fight, he just wants to have a family and individuality and freedom
* The way Rex talks about the war and the Republic here is all sorts of red flags
* The conversation is all about choice and the illusion of choice, Cut made his choice to leave and have a family, Cut knows or assumes Rex has also , Rex says he chose to stay in the army because its meaningful, the war is a pivotal moment in Republic history
* Its against the rules for Clones to reproduce?
* Rex does genuinely care about how the future looks for the Republic it seems but Cut also mentions their programming
* Discussions of loss and family, Cut couldn’t save his brothers but he would do anything for his family
* cut trusts Rex with his families safety
* I will always love the way the clones see eachother as family, family is so personal to them
Episode 11: Lightsaber Lost
* Criminal underworld using the war and republic instability to profit from the separatists
* “Your lightsaber is your life, dont lose it” every jedi who says this routinely loses their lightsaber
War Crime Counter:
Separatists: 9
Republic: 5
Im counting the droids attacking the farm bc they are attacking civilians
Also adding the separatists using starvation against the Rodians from my earlier post
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 3 months
top 10 strongest firebenders
im on fire. cant stop making lists.
rules: no avatars included and nothing from comics or books. STRICTLY ATLA AND LOK!
lets go
honorable mentions: so i feel as though fire lord sozin should be SOMEWHERE on this list, but we just really do not see him firebend nearly enough to know where he would rank. so im just gonna play it safe and leave him off the list.
10. zhao- im ngl he’s kinda ass LMAOOO. but to be so honest there are no other firebenders that we see for a significant enough amount of time so here he is. he obv has to be kinda good bc he was an admiral/commander/whatever tf, but he gets his ass handed to him in every fight. he gets beaten by zuko in like ep 3 when zuko himself was kinda ass (sorry its true. remember this for later on so u wont be as mad as me), and in the ep with jeong jeong we see that he totally lacks restraint and discipline. zhao sucks! but idk who else would be 10! so here u go!
9. iroh II- love him! we really dont see much of him but what we do see is pretty epic! its nothing that would be able to put him any higher on this list, but again he’s a general (i think LOLLLL) so hes gotta be good. he was def a force to be reckoned with when we saw him, we just didn’t see him much!
8. mako- to be so honest i think mako is over-hated in a lot of ways, his bending being one of them. i feel like he isn’t very spiritually connected with firebending which isn’t necessarily a problem but it is one of the reasons he can’t be any higher (in my opinion). he is still a master though and is the best firebender we see in tlok (outside of pli). he can lightning bend soooo easily, has great battle iq, and he’s very shifty, and he uses his MMA style firebending to his advantage for sure. he’s definitely the pinnacle of a modern fire bender which is cool to see but i do think works to his detriment when it comes to the rest of this list. but even though he’s so low on this list, make no mistake he is an excellent firebender and i think he outbends bolin easily (im just bringing bolin up because bolin is higher on his list than mako is but i do think mako is the better overall bender).
7. jeong jeong- we don’t see much from jeong jeong so idk if this is fully fair, but he is a legend in avatar the last airbender, and when we do see him firebend, we see stuff that really no one else in the show does. he clearly has a lot of raw strength and talent, and i think a lot of his power comes from his understanding of firebending. he’s also a member of the white lotus! i just can’t put him higher because 1. he doesn’t have any sub bending feats (not that that fully matters but it is definitely a plus to have those skills) and 2. we don’t see him much.
6. zuko- im not gonna lie i think zuko is overrated as a firebender. HOWEVER he is by farrrrrr the most improved firebender we see across both series. he saw the original firebenders/the dragons/the meaning of firebending whatever tf and i think that gave him a full spiritual connection and understanding of firebending. after this he was locked tf in! i just can’t put him higher because, this is fucked up to say, he lacks the natural ability and talent that numbers 5-1 have (IN MY OPINION!!!). he started as a great firebender that works his way up and earns his spot as a master firebender, but firebending doesn’t exactly come easy to him, and honestly, his firebending just does not impress me the way 5-1’s firebending impresses me. sorry zuzu!
5. p’li- so her and combustion man are sooooo interchangeable for me like i really cannot decide who is the stronger bender. all i will say is combustion bending is OP as FUCKKKKKK and that’s why p’li is here. both combustion benders we see are insaneeeeee threats.
4. combustion man- the only reason he is over p’li is because 1. he just seems like a more booming threat that the gaang really cannot figure out how to deal with than p’li was in tlok and 2. p’li gets killed lol. combustion man does not get killed (i think…..?) so i think he’s higher for those reasons but i think they are super interchangeable and i can see why u might think they could be switched.
3. azula- so ok. if we were making a list of “firebenders with the most potential” she is number 1. imo she is the best firebender in the verse other than 1 and 2 and it isn’t even close. but she is only 14 and just is not fully realized as a firebender like 1 and 2 are even before she loses her mind. i donttttt wanna hear “well zuko surpasses her in the end” because yes ur right but literally only because she genuinely has a psychotic breakdown. i think if u take crossroads of destiny azula and have her fight sozin’s comet zuko, she still clears. she has such an immense level of skill and technique that really cannot be matched. she has an insane battle iq, and yes she’s naturally gifted but she is also extremely hardworking. she is also the most fun firebender to watch but i guess that’s not a valid point lol. i think if she gets her mental health in check in her adulthood then she can easily become the best firebender in the verse. unfortunately we dont see that tho! also BLUE FIRE!!!!!!!! blue fire. im done here.
2. iroh- ok. i know. i know. many of u think he’s number one. for me, he just isn’t. maybeeeeee in his prime but he is simply not there anymore which is what we see. with that being said he is the mf dragon of the west and he outclasses every other firebender below him on this list with ease. it was suggested that he try to fight ozai for a reason! he’s really the only other firebender that is on his level! he also easily handles azula which no other firebender can do.
1. ozai- i dont have a fun long winded reason for this one. i know we only see him bending (for the most part) during sozin’s comet when all firebenders are buffed, but even comparing him there to the other firebenders during the comet, he was an absolute MONSTER firebender. also ive used phrases like “spiritual connection” a lot to describe a few of these people, and to be honest, i feel like ozai has little to none of that, which is definitely a con for him, but this is just one of those situations where his insane natural ability, raw strength, and power make him outbend literally everybody else. lots of people argue ozai and iroh’s spots but 1. iroh says himself he isn’t sure that he can beat ozai and 2. im pretty positive bryke literally said ozai is the strongest firebender in the world. which is a boring piece of evidence, but it’s a pretty good piece of evidence nonetheless. also he kicks aang’s ass the entire final battle until aang goes into the avatar state lol. he just seems like the most overwhelming force of firebending we ever see imo!
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] GOOD MORNING BESTIE I HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD REST THAN BEFORE that uneven sleep pattern sucks so bad i felt fr either waking up outta nowhere or having a hard time sleeping no matter how hard you try GRRRGHHH anyway i saw ur tier list and i just cackled so true babygirls everywhere BUT THATS NOT THE ENTIRE POINT bc it kind of genuinely caught me. when u put yae at cunt right next to ei and since i read on your impression on ei im kinda curious,....
dunno if its worth talking about but if its the same /neg then :handshake: im ngl she is a lil Eh to me for so many reasons, even if she played the good guys role theres a hecka lot to just feel Pissed on thats excused with her foxy mama behavior. yeah i know cunning yeah i know easy to tease the easily teased YEAH I KNOW SCANDALOUS SHIZ. anyway there's more to say that might as well fall into a petty essay but i do wanna know ur impression on her!! if its ok if not das oke too!! (i hav this lil thing regarding. something. idk how to sum it up without going on another paragraph. keyword post-xiaodeadgebrainrot, scnezhnaya, tsaritsa hc das all subscribe to my channel to hear more)
clicking the everloving FUCK out of the subscribe button as we speak
I HOPE UR HAVING A GOOD NIGHT BESTIE i cannot lie to u i slept So Poorly but thats okay bc i will probably take a nap bc i dont have work today god bless <3 we r shaking hands in mad sleeping problems fr fr
I FEEL SO BAD HATING ON CHARACTERS I KNOW MY FRIENDS LIKE OR LOVE DORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY its just. well. i was calling yae a cunt in the context of 3.7 being the babygirl banner and then correcting myself to say 3 babygirls and one cunt and then i was like hmmm if i had to sort them into those categories. and yae and ei go hand in hand for me in so many ways and suddenly there was a tierlist and. yeah :sob:
UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM so the thing is right. i know loads abt ei bc of the whole. yknow. archon and her two story quests and sm of inazuma revolving around her and learning abt her and etc etc. but i know So Fawking Little about yae comparatively. like the bare minimum of information on her. i havent done her story quest yet either i just. erm. well.
it is Entirely Petty on my end like part of it is literally just the association with ei and the fact that she cares sm about her that makes me hate her more than i already did, part of it is just How She Was in the inazuma story quests i did NOT like her there at all, part of it is just her overall Vibes which i hate so bad... "even if she played the good guys role theres a hecka lot to just feel Pissed on thats excused with her foxy mama behavior" THIS LITERALLY THIS !!!!!!!! idk honest to god at the end of the day she just irritates me in a very non-serious manner and i love being a hater <3333333333 like w/ ei the reason is VERY personal and very extensive but with yae its so shallow comparatively its a Little Funny tbh
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bbyquokka · 2 years
nemuuuu I'm here to pick your brain 👼🏻
1, 9, 10, 25, 27, 34 for the ask game 🫶🏻
pick my brain babe, its okay 🖤
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
peachy sunsets. i love the colours of sunsets! the gold, yellow tones in autumn and the pink purple tones in the summer, sunsets are my weakness, ngl
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? 
Seeing clouds that form into a face or object. again, im a sucker for clouds, i love how they look so soft and fluffy. they remind me of cotton candy! i just like nature okay ;cc
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
baby pink and blue. but i also love the deep colours of the milky way and northern lights! its so beautiful ;-;
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
i wouldn't say i particularly have a fave type however, i do like the soft look, especially in sketches. something about soft sketches just makes me melt. i also like unusual concepts, things you dont see that often (like maid sungie you sent me yesterday) digital art is also very impressive, ngl
27: Do you like nicknames? 
yus. idm mind nickname at all. nemu is a nickname so if you wanna give me one or call me one, go ahead, idm!!
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
lmao, yes. 😂 the child in me is like "oo, its my breath." idk, my childlike self gets easily amused by this type of stuff
ask me
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runin-reads · 4 years
How the National Japan team flirt with Iwaizumi
ATSUMU —> As soon as he sees Iwa for the first time, mf is on his knees like “owie 🥺my ankle hurts. If only 👀 Iwaizumi Hajime (27) athletic trainer👅😳 were here to help...” like its okay tsumu, the rest of us are like that too. 😌Will post pics of Iwa on private story like “mine knows how to lift 🥵” but won’t say shit in real life until much later on, because believe it or not when he gets serious about someone, mans does NOT know how to flirt. Overall very theatric and Iwa notices straight away lmao. It also helps that Atsumu vaguely reminds him of oikawa, so Iwa takes all of this in stride, remaining unbothered (ugh king 😩👑 ) stutters over his confession, does it in front of people to make a statement. People clown his crush on Iwa the most PFFT.
USHIJIMA —> I feel like after the very canon, very real fling in California, he’s confident in his abilities to get along with him. He’s also very straightforward and unashamed. Will straight up say “Are you free tonight? I would like to take you out to dinner” in the middle of practice whilst Iwa’s bandaging someone up like 🧍‍♂️🩹 and Toshi’s just there like 🧍‍♂️🗿💐 in other words:
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KAGEYAMA —> has known Iwa for the longest and has probably crushed on him in middle school. Even to this day I think his admiration remains, so he’s constantly asking Iwaizumi for feedback on his actions, and asking him for tips on how to prevent injuries etc. LOVES getting head pats, that’s probably his love language ngl. Confesses confidently whilst struggling to ease his nerves: “I-Iwaizumi San? Do you want to stay behind to help me practice?” Doesn’t even ask him to do on a date lol, volleyball IS the date. PERIODT TOBIO-CHAN!! 😤💅
HINATA —> similar to Komori since he’s always talking to everyone around him and being friendly. However 😏😏 he spent 2+ years in Brazil 🇧🇷 for what exactly? He KNOWS how to flirt and he’s confident about it too! Very smooth talker, iwa won’t realise hes building up to a pick up line until it hits him, and when it does everyone’s like 🤭😧😳 and hinata’s like 😊🤗☀️. I also feel like he flirts with his eyes. As in you’ll know he’s into someone when he gives that that intense look he usually saves for volleyball. Very straightforward confession, doesn’t care if they’re alone: “hey Iwaizumi San? Wanna go back to my place? Maybe grab some food? :D”
SAKUSA —> he does it ✨respectfully✨ he keeps his distance and admires from a far for a while. Catches feelings after Iwa treats an injury he has. Flirts by asking for his opinion on basically everything and constantly asks for advice on how to improve his volleyball plays and is eager to learn about Iwa and his profession, so asks a lot of questions about Iwa too. That’s his idea of flirting lmao, showing a lot of interest and respecting their ideas.
BOKUTO —> constantly impressed by every little thing Iwa does!! “Wow that’s so cool!!” “I’m literally just adding a bandaid but thank you”. He flirts by telling Iwa about everything that happens in his life and always invites him to hang out after practice etc. I can imagine hovering over Iwa to watch in amazement as he does the most simplest things . “I’m washing my hands, why are you watching?” “I need to make sure Im doing it properly!!”
ARAN —> Idk much about him, but I do know he’s a massive gentleman!! Will offer constant help to Iwa whether it be fetching spare towels, propping someone up whilst Iwa diagnoses their injury etc! (Ugh we love a respectful man! Iwa chan what else that brain do? 👅💦) Asks Iwa to talk in private and asks him to have food/coffee with him, and with a shy smile as well! (Wow look at him go 😊😊)
YAKU —> SUAVE MF lmao. You CANNOT look at his new hairstyle and tell me that he WOULDN’T be good at flirting, dude please- he’d probably pull his sunglasses 😎😉down his nose and give a long once over before licking his lips and rubbing his ands and- okay he isn’t a complete playboy. 😳 anyways he starts conversations easily with Iwa and slips in teasing jokes to see his reaction, before shooting his shot once they’re alone. “So are you free this weekend?” And he says this whilst looking over the top of his sunglasses, sir please 😩✋
HOSHIUMI —> EXCITED BOI!! 😤😆Eagerly asks if he needs assistance, works extra hard during practice to show off. Probably asks iwa to go to the gym with him because he’s so excited to become his friend! Confesses loudly, probably in private. The nerves cause him to shout out his confession: “I-Iwaizumi Hajime san! I like you okay?!” And he lowkey startled Iwa with his yelling lmao, baby 🥺🥺
KOMORI —> honestly I feel like he doesn’t even come off as very flirtatious until he straight up winks at Iwa after telling a joke. Lmao. He’s just very friendly to everyone so when he goes from 😊 to 😉😏 everyone’s like “....AYO🔈WE AIN’T EVER DID THAT BEFORE 🔈WHY YOU THOUGHT TODAY WAS GOOD?!🔈” lMAO please they’d be so caught off guard. 💀I think he’s the type to make small talk about anything when he’s interested in someone yk. He’ll do it in the middle of practice too right after a receive like “hey, New Years is coming up, you got plans?” and Iwa’s just there like ??? There’s another ball coming to you? Are you not gonna get it or... and then Iwa receives it which causes every bodies jaws to DROP, and komori falls even deeper because liberos just work like that. 🤪 (okay Iwa chan 😩) lowkey shy when he confesses🥺 he laughs a lot to ease his nerves
GAO —> AYO 🔇 WHO LET THE HIMBO OUT? 😹😹 LOCK HIM UP!! 🔇 okay but seriously this man tries cracking jokes with Iwa nearby and no one but Hoshiumi cracks up. Despite him being confident he’d confess in private because having a crush makes him pretty shy, believe it or not.
HYAKUZAWA —> very quiet 🥺 he would rather watch from afar, and when he confesses he does it with a lot of determination in his heart! (You got this hyaku!!) we don’t see much of him, but I just know he doesn’t shoot his shot until much, much later.
Bonus!! How kuroo would flirt with Iwaizumi
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
✨ Class 1A as OHSHC Hosts ✨
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I had so many ideas but I didn’t want to make it too long so I settled for a few points ♡ please reblog if you liked this
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☆ tamaki 2.0
☆ he’s got the blond hair, purple eyes, and has french heritage—horikoshi you ain’t slick
☆ people line up because he’s so pretty. he really is the princely type
☆ aoyama quite likes the attention that comes with being a host—guests have actually never seen him without a smile on his face
☆ very charming; despite his insecurities, guests really like him because he’s got such a shine on him that’s it’s almost impossible for you to look away
☆ uses french phrases every so often to impress the guests and it works!
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❀ mina is one of the more popular hosts because of her sociable nature; being her guest never gets boring—she’ll keep you on your toes with every conversation
❀ she’s a pretty good dancer and will often show off her moves to her guests. it’s a one woman show.
❀ loves to talk, especially about fashion and people’s romantic lives. please don’t tell her if you have a crush because she’ll definitely meddle—wants to play matchmaker like ma’am pls
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🐸 initially thought the host club wasn’t for her; tsuyu is a very blunt person, unlike others who try to butter up the guests, she would just be honest about her thoughts and feelings—which could come off as rude
🐸 either way, guests appreciate her calm demeanor, they feel at ease being around her. it’s nice to have some peace after all those crackhead hosts
🐸 probably loves tea
🐸 she’s seen as dependable so tsuyu will be sipping on some tea while people just spill their life problems. she’s just there like ??? do i look like a therapist
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༄ kyoya the second
༄ kidding. tenya tends to give off this hardass vibe but he’s actually one of the purest hosts and i mean that he has people’s best intentions in mind
༄ if he notices people looking bored, he’ll ask why and try to improve as a host since their service excellence is on the line! no it’s not
༄ kinda clueless when people flirt with him, it’s honestly a bit frustrating
༄ lacks a little in social interactions but i think that’s part of his charm and guests don’t seem to really mind
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💓 im gonna be honest, she probably joined because of the money. uraraka = haruhi.
💓 girl was afraid to eat the refreshments and the confectionery thinking it was gonna be docked off her pay... sweetie please eat something
💓 money aside, uraraka is very well liked amongst the hosts and guests; she’s just like a bubble of positivity
💓 she has this air of comfort that people can’t get enough of; because she attracts so much clients she can sometimes overwork herself
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ツ ojiro is a gentleman. he’s like a more down to earth prince with his noble personality
ツ although he looks and acts like a prince, he’s actually quite bashful when it comes to receiving too much attention
ツ very popular with the guests despite his efforts to stay on the low. we stan a humble king
ツ i see him as a great listener; gives good advice.
ツ if he likes you enough, he’ll let you touch his tail which is like the biggest honor
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⚡️looks and acts like a f boy but he’s actually a pretty good host; due to his friendly nature, there’s lots of people drawn to him
⚡️ has a lot of energy to go around so he’s one of the few hosts who can last hours socializing with guests
⚡️although denki interacts well with everyone, he sweeter on the gals. loveeees to flirt and has to be constantly reminded that he shouldn’t go too far and give them false hopes
⚡️denki isn’t the best at academics but has an interesting amount of knowledge on art, music, and literature (he uses that impress the ladies)
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💪 the type of person that makes you think “chilvarly isn’t dead”
💪 is very respectful but will get flustered quite easily; men can’t help but shower him in compliments because kiri is such an admirable guy. girls swoon at his muscles, and non-binary peeps love his personality (his pretty face too)
💪 one of the most outgoing hosts— it’s easy to get along with him and has a knack for making the hardest people (bakugo) open up
💪 always trying to assist others because “that’s the manly thing to do”
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🔥 oh my gosh, you see him and think “does he bite?”
🔥 ngl he’s got a nasty attitude and yet gets a lot of guests. i swear, all of them are masochists
🔥 i think what people admire about bakugo is his tenacity to be the best—which is why, if he overhears guests trash talking him, he’ll get revenge by ranking as the №1 host ... pls he’s so petty
🔥 horrible bedside manners but an incredible cook. his guests literally get foodgasms, even though he’ll mostly make nutritional meals rather than the sweets they serve at the club
🔥 behind that bitch boy personality he’s another pretty face, so you’d be surprised how much guests are willing to forgive
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nobodies-png · 3 years
Okay. So this is like, the funniest prompt that I found, wrote a bit for, and forgot about. I wrote it for a different fandom, and then thought "Organization XIII would be funny for this..." Org. XIII is turned into children and now the Reader has to (make sure they don't die) take care of them. Ages like... 4-9 because that's when children are the funniest. Do what you will with it
ngl im a sucker for old cliche prompts like these, every fandom has at least an au for this specific setting or some kindergarden au lolol
anyway here’s some HCs as to how they’d act and stuff !
Xemnas :
One of the oldest kids, but you don’t really know what to make of him. You were expecting Xemnas to still lead the rest, scare them into submission with a simple glare or something - turns out he’s rather timid. Barely speaks, you get the feeling he’s ignoring you on purpose, just makes a lot of faces and noises to indicate what he’s feeling. 
Somewhat clingy too, but unlike Demyx and Xigbar who want to get your attention through any means possible, Xemnas just grabs onto the hem of your shirt and follows you everywhere in silence. Doesn’t cause much trouble, but he doesn’t help you keep the others in check either, a true neutral I guess. 
Sometimes, he will just disappear and show up whenever you least expect him. Loves to climb and sit on tall places. Spaces out a lot. Compared to the rest, you can probably leave him to his own devices, as long as he’s not left alone with Xigbar or Larxene. 
Xigbar :
Actually the oldest, but pretty annoying and high maintenance. If he got on your nerves as his regular self, then you’re in for a fucking ride - this Xigbar is here to cause problems on purpose. He likes to talk, a lot. And it’s sucks because it’s usually endless and mindless chatter or pointing out everything that he sees. 
If he starts to get bored, he’ll scurry off to bother someone else, but it usually ends with someone crying or hurt. Don’t even bother keeping him on a leash, the bastard is too smart to be contained. 
Xigbar is one of those kids that can be extremely useful if you get him on your side, as he has no problem snitching and ratting out the others. The best way to keep him from losing his other eye or gouging out someone else’s is to bribe or trick him into helping you (just know that he can also be bribed by the other kids, Xigbar WILL betray you). 
Xaldin :
You expected Zexion to be the loner type, but turns out it’s Xaldin - he’ll always be on his own or avoiding the others, usually around the kitchen since you’ve banned everyone from going in there until they return to normal (not that they listen to you, but oh well). 
Xaldin is pretty much like those kids who hate being treated like kids and who pretend to be above the rest. While he might seem calm, it’s really easy to get him riled up, a simple “I bet you can’t do this or that” and he’s off to prove himself. 
Oddly enough, he gets jealous easily - if you give Roxas a cookie or whatever for behaving, then you GOTTA give Xaldin one too or else he’ll throw a fit. The best thing you can do with him is be honest and confess that you need him to chill the fuck out and Not Die :tm: while you take care of the others, he’ll feel all grown up because you told him the truth and will calmly stay in his room. 
Vexen :
One of the oldest kids, the stereotypical kid who only has ONE interest and won’t shut the fuck up about it, which is cute but not everyone has the patience to sit through a 6 hour talk about dinosaurs. You never expected this baby Vexen to be so into dinosaurs out of all things. Of course, just because he only talks about them, doesn’t mean he’s not curious about all that shiny lab equipment. 
You can’t keep him distracted with dinosaur books all day, he still has the heart and mind of a scientist ! Because he’s a very obvious nerd, he’s the target for a lot of members in the organization, namely Larxene - and when Vexen gets flustered or frustrated, he freezes up. Literally. He WILL freeze the entire room too.
Your best bet is to pair him up with Zexion or Xion, since they’ll gladly sit down to listen and learn. The three will gladly stay locked up in the library learning and reading. You just gotta hope Vexen doesn’t instantly crush Zexion and Xion’s dreams by ruining their fairytales with facts and logic.
Lexaeus : 
Also one of the older kids and the tallest too. This Lexaeus is just as stoic and intimidating as the original, but apparently he’s also very sensitive. Everytime he speaks to you it sounds like he might be about to cry. But he looks fine ? So you really don’t know what to do about him. 
Either way, Lexaeus is also very helpful and responsible, so you can trust him to watch over the rowdy kids and keep them relatively safe, just try not to pair him with the suuuper loud ones. 
Probably the type to take the blame and responsibility for any pranks gone wrong under his watch, even if you fully know there’s no way he’s responsible. Lexaeus is the epitome of “I just want everyone to get along”. Somehow, he’s very gentle with the others (as gentle as one can be when straight up dragging Xigbar out of the ventilation system) but he’ll break any toys and other items given to him.
Zexion :
Zexion is very very small, so you can probably understand the stress he’s going through, surrounded by these animals. Like Xemnas and Demyx, he’d be pretty clingy but he wouldn’t be able to follow you around or cling to you with all the others pushing and fighting around. 
So you can either just carry him on your shoulders or leave him with Lexaeus or Vexen as mentioned before. If not, Zexion will wander and either fall asleep in the Grey Area or find the library on his own. 
Not a problematic child, really. Zexion lacks the energy and the feralness to join any shenanigans - he's also smart enough to know that he’ll be better off listening to you and staying clear out of safety hazards. Though there’s always the chance of other members taking advantage of Zexion’s naive and curious nature.
Saix :
You were expecting him to be a tiny version of his regular self, bitter and strict. Surprisingly, he’s way more fun as a kid, glued to Axel by the hip too. They’re the duo you should look out for - Axel is the one who gets them in trouble and Saix is the one who makes sure you never notice they were behind it all. 
The one with a TERRIBLE temper right after waking up. Saix won’t hesitate to bite and claw anyone who tries to wake him up, even Axel knows better than to try. If it’s nap time, let him go, don’t even try to stop him. Don’t let anyone else near him.
Other than that ? A very nice kid in general, he feels a sense of responsibility when it comes to the younger members, so he’ll be the one to keep Axel in check whenever Zexion, Roxas or Xion are around. As for the older ones ? They’re on their own.  
Axel :
Axel is the first one to say “fuck” and it spreads like wildfire. So if you start hearing a bunch of kids swear at the top of their lungs, you know who caused it. You’ll also know because you’ll find him laughing and wheezing on the ground. 
Somewhat naive, if you tell him he can’t say “invertebrae” because it’s a swear world, he’ll believe you. But SURPRISINGLY he’s very aware of how dangerous his fire powers are - like, Axel wants to cause trouble on purpose, but he doesn’t really want anything to escalate and get anyone actually hurt. Unless it’s Vexen. If it’s Vexen, then it’s fine by him. 
You might hear “Y/N, LOOK” before seeing Axel in the kitchen casting fucking Firaga on a bag of Totinos or something. He and Demyx somehow keep getting targeted by the Dusks, who love to play pranks on them. 
Demyx :
Most likely to eat food off the ground, or anything shiny and colorful, really. He has the exact same vibes as the little brother who likes to follow people he thinks are cool to try and impress them, just to be considered a cool kid too. 
Demyx is very clingy but also a sneaky kid, he can easily cry his heart out so you’ll pay attention and protect him from people he’s pissed off. This is literally why most of the kids don’t like to be around him, cause he’s THAT kid who will ruin everyone’s funs by calling the responsible adult if he gets upset.
Instead of being musically inclined, Demyx just makes a lot of noise - constant loud humming, blowing raspberries, stomping his feet or tapping/hitting things, repeating funny noises or phrases he picks up. Probably has an old ass iPod or an MP3 you can distract him with.
Luxord :
DO YOU KNOW THOSE LITTLE KIDS WHO ARE SMARTASSES ? The ones who act like they know the mysteries of the world and give you a look of superiority because you clearly don’t know what tubby custard really is ? Yeah, that’s Luxord.
Full of fun facts that he LOVES to brag about, but most of them are fake and he’s none the wiser. You cannot correct him either because it’ll be like telling an 8 year old that Santa isn’t real. Thankfully, you don’t HAVE to correct him because that’s what Xaldin is for. 
Most likely to steal Xigbar’s eyepatch for himself and somehow convince everyone else that it was HIS eyepatch in the first place. How ? We don’t know, we just don’t know. Also Luxord might just steal little trinkets from everyone and stash them under his bed like the little creacher he is. If you can’t find your keys, you know who’s got em.
Marluxia :
A natural big brother figure. Very understanding too, even if you’ve heard from Larxene that he’s tired of everyone pulling his hair and that he might shave it all off just so they all stop. Yeah, there’s some lingering resentment in there. He’s 50/50 on being a little bastard and an angel.
Marluxia volunteers to help you take care of the other kids, mostly because he likes bossing others around and because he also likes reading books to Zexion and Xion so they fall asleep. 
LOVES to leave trails of petals and flowers wherever he goes, but REFUSES to clean up. Always seen with Larxene - Marluxia is also lowkey competitive so he sees the Axel + Saix duo as rivals. In what, exactly ? Who knows. VERY picky with food too. Actually, just very picky and petty in general.
Larxene :
The one kid who develops a personal vendetta against you from day 1. Larxene DESPISES being told what to do, so if you’re constantly telling her not to do this, to do that and whatever, she will make your life a living hell and do the opposite out of spite. 
You didn’t hear this from me, but Larxene is GENUINELY upset that she keeps accidentally zapping people whenever she plays with them. It’s really hard for her to apologize too, so you’ll have to step in a lot to de-escalate the situation.
Larxene sticks forks in outlets JUST to scare others, since she cannot get hurt at all by electricity. She just seems to enjoy making others afraid.
Roxas :
One of the youngest, Roxas doesn’t KNOW what “using your indoor voice” means, he’s either DEAD quiet or SCREAMING about how he’d like to have ice cream as a treat, please and thank you. It’s really fucking funny to see honestly. Just make sure he doesn’t sneak up on you and scare you shitless.
The type who gets dragged into shenanigans rather than cause them - he’s a very neutral and calm kid otherwise. The worst thing he can do is just steal everyone’s dessert or something because of that intense sweet tooth he’s got.
A lot of the older kids LOVE trying to get him and Xion to laugh, because Roxas has this permanent poker face AND because they both have really funny snort giggle laughs. 
Xion : 
Also one of the youngest, very sweet, patient and polite ! Xion also tends to be very clingy, always needing to hold hands with someone whenever she walks around Castle Oblivion. No one has the heart to tell her no, either.
Can get VERY VERY irritating and angry when someone tries to make fun of her or Roxas. Like a little hurricane of puppies - Xion won’t stop pestering all the meanies until she’s received a proper apology. If she somehow ends up hurting someone, she’ll insist on making up too.
Xion also tends to copy people she likes, similar to Demyx. You might catch her imitating your movements or way of speaking, or even copying the Dusks’ movements - but just make sure she doesn’t see you, Xion will explode out of embarrassment.
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wihyuned · 3 years
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mun info .
name/alias: eun age: 21+ pronouns: she, her, hers timezone: kst discord: just ask me! little trivia fact about yourself: i function on min 6 cups of coffee every day
character info .
character name: hyun woorim age: thirty, 30 zodiac sign: capricorn group/band/position: founder & editor-in-chief of RiTZ info links or quick points about your character: stats / bio / headcanons
despised music until he went to college / before woorim was born, his father used to be a hotshot, famous songwriter, but later got exposed (framed? who knows) for plagiarism, which ended up fragmenting his family (father, a sad alcoholic, and mother, an overworked pediatrics nurse)  
used to be a real mama’s boy until she passed away bc of breast cancer when he was in high school / relied on his older brother a lot, who married off into a rich family + works for a conglomerate company (subtle inferiority complex)
attended hongik university, but not much interest in studying / main focus was his girl and later, RiTZ magazine that eventually blew up
the girl he met in college aka the reason why he started to love music (and started RiTZ!)
breakup burned him but the magazine got famous so who’s the real loser here 
tldr on personality ; cunning, selfish, ambitious, insensitive, methodical, charismatic ; he’s quick-witted and good with his words, a real sweet-talker, and can be extremely persuasive when he wants to 
hates being looked down upon and disrespected, and fully (with emphasis, fully) enjoys the power the magazine allows him to hold in the hongdae scene / it’s always fun for him to see desperation scurry up to him in human form and ask for a little praise
but all in all, everything bad (and good) about him makes him a good boss / organized down to a t and fiercely protective of his own employees unless they cross him
and he’s honest (to some extent) when it comes to his reviews / if you’re good, then he’ll tell you, you’re good ; just don’t be bad  
plots or any development you’d like to see for your character 
definitely the past ex who’s a musician, the heroine of his “i now love music” story! he was 22 when he met her and in college / she can be younger than him, but only by (max) 3 years
and other exes like from high school or maybe that three-month relationship he probably had after his heroine (that crashed and burned terribly) 
someone from RiTZ who helped out with the magazine since the very beginning and saw it take off
musicians/artists/fashion designers who consistently keep trying to catch his attention maybe they have something they can trade for a little praise in the magazine, like secrets or bought time?
a stalker-ish fan (or just plain stalker) would be fun ngl 
antagonistic relationships / always a sucker for angst and with a personality like his, it’s easy to make enemies, esp during first impressions
an ongoing or future love line(s) / he def has commitment issues but is too easily reeled in when he gets hooked on someone (and wears his heart on his sleeve in front of the person he’s fond of)
that one person woorim actually takes care of (despite him emphasizing independence) / like, are you going to burn the house down, and do you need him to cook? are you stuck in a dangerous part of town, and do you need him to pick you up? 
he’s a good fighter / maybe he saved your ass one time a few years back, and you’re one of the few people that’s seen him without all the power-hungry, insensitive facade 
would also love a one-sided crush thing !! which woorim fully knows about, doesn’t reciprocate, but never really cuts off bc he loves the manipulation and the attention
this can also go the other way, with him having his tongue and heart in a twist and he absolutely hates it
+ more bc i’m always down to plot and brainstorm so pls hmu if you would like to :’) you can always ask me for my discord acc or reach out through im 
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softer-ua · 4 years
in regards to what you pointed out a few posts ago, ngl one of my least favorite fandom things is when they make Kaminari the Har Har Stupid Joking ADHD Bi Playboy Who Is Never Serious Trope. like, he's very smart, 'worst in ___ area of a UA course' is very impressive and I don't remember if it even said that or just that he was studying with some other students, worried about his grades overall, calls himself stupid with implied insecurities about it, and didn't think he was very smart compared to the other people in the course. quirk overuse makes him loopy, incoherent, and think everything's funny. and yeah, he's a bit of a flirt and made a few perverted comments and actions that he clearly didn't think through that well. I'm pretty sure he's not ever stated to be bi in the manga because it was written by a coward, so I think people should think more about why they're associating and pairing together the idea of "hot flirty playboy who if legally able would sleep with everyone he meets" with emphasis or joke in the captions of whatever the content is on him being bi. I don't think this is inherently bad, even put together, but the execution feels kind of :/ and shallow. and I mainly just wish they'd pause to consider if there's any reason (subconscious or intentional) why one of those makes them think about the other, and at the very least lean back to see if they're blatantly making those traits centric around each other and tweak how they're showing them a little. Part of this is also because it's basically his fanon sexuality, but then they stick together "oh he's bi and everyone thinks that" and "he's made flirty or perverted comments and actions in canon at some point" and then mentally exaggerate and have this Canon Image of him as *waves hand at above* and I don't think that's happening consciously in most cases but. again. Cookiecutter Bi Party Playboy Who's Made a Date Offer to Everyone In The Building. not a flirty Person or a Playboy who is bi and flirts with more than one genders
I myself headcanon him as adhd and while the exact sexuality depends on my mood I think of/have him as bi in a lot of my content, but it's the same thing with why non adhd people see how he acts and label "adhd!" Especially about comprehension speed and derpy acting and intelligence and attention span jokes/tropes. Again, not bad in and of itself, but the specific parts of his behavior that make them think he's adhd, or that they start making jokes about or Ha Ha ADHD'ing, or that they think is why we project ADHD on him, (which they aren't necessarily wrong about, but like right in a really disrespectful look at how funny this is oh look squirrel way that's only funny when adhd people are doing it and it isn't all mocking like that) when they see other people calling him adhd, are the wrong ones, I think, and it shows in their characterization of him.
I'm not saying that any of those traits are bad in a character, but as a queer adhd girl with very high annual test scores and Gifted Kid Intelligence but extremely poor grades, focus, and brain damage (admittedly nothing like his, it was a longterm passive thing that mainly just made me have a Lot of Really Bad headaches, and closest thing it did to me was make me sluggish and emotional on bad days and also techincally have the potential kill my language bit if left untreated or the surgery messed up, which it didn't, and it won't be a problem again. but even after explaining that it wasn't cancer or any sort of tumor, and after seeing it do very little at all to affect my behavior outside of irritability and performance, because y'know, constant migraines, gone after the surgery but this was before that, Certain People I Was Vaguely Kind Of Acquaintances With started to treat my like I was a fragile glass thing going to to drop dead and revive myself speaking like a comic relief cartoon crazy person at any moment which was. patronizing.) I've since had surgery for, the way the fandom combines them into stereotypes and portrays them really just rubs me the wrong way- "Flirty Bi(tm) Playboy" "Har Har ADHD Can't Focus Or Get Things After They're Explained To Him, He's Still Confused And An Idiot" "Stupid Person With Brain Damage Who Can't Take Care Of Or Think For Themself And Acts Stupid And Funny For People To Laugh At" which tbh is super ableist even and especially when people irl do fit that description, and also reminds me of the Autistic Person Freaking Out And Being Dramatic sense of humor. And I know it's not helped by canon, because it done for comic relief and to limit his powers, but explored more I think it as a limitation could have been used way more interestingly than canon did and also call me biased but that quirk induced brain frying sounds at least as concerning as Izuku's quirk's backlash.
And it's a shame!! Because he's so much more interesting than that! Instead, the fandom gives me the Cookicutter Funny Bi ADHD Flirt Who's An Idiot and I am sad about it.
tbh it reminds me of what happened to percy jackson, esp with the ADHD Idiot Trope thing. which sucks because apparently it originated in the author making up stories around characters like his adhd and dyslexic kid inspired by Greek myths to tell him after running out of actual myths because it was his special interest and he wanted more. and then the series got kind of all over the place and the fandom processed that the adhd and dyslexic main character who does dumb things sometimes but is very combat smart and great at strategizing and leading gets bad grades and has trouble focusing and has, y'know, adhd, and made him the ADHD Idiot and erased his Gifted Kid girl friend's traits and ADHD and dyslexia into No Nonsense Calls Him an Idiot And Thinks He's Stupid And Has To Tell Him What To Do And Manage His Life For Him and honestly that just kind of sucks and it reminds me of what happened to fandom Kaminari. and now that I think of it people have jirou like that around him a lot too.
im fine with you answering this publicly if you want or have something to add but probably tag as ableism and maybe a biphobia mention content warning for people who don't have the energy to deal with thinking about those kinds of negative things rn because I kind of Went Off About It
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences 💚(and double thank you for tag suggestions)💚
I couldn’t agree more that a lot of fandom has messed up Kami’s character, which is why I’ve kinda been posting more about him cause he’s just stuck in my head.
I think a lot of fandoms have trouble with characters like this, people have a hard time with duality in characters and fast/fun posts are easier to make if you flatten a character down.
The did it to Kami, they did it to Percy, they did it to Ron Weasley, they do it to Thor, the list goes on. If being the Smart One ™️ isn’t your thing and you can be goofy than you get pigeonholed into the idiot trope.
I feel for Kami a lot(probably because I have adhd/brain damage too)
It sucks when you’re smart but it’s not the traditional, measurable kind of smart(even if by national comparison Kami technically is).
I got terrible grades growing up, and I pretty much got the absolute lowest gpa you can get and still graduate. But absolutely no one would have known if I didn’t tell them, because I’m not dumb.
(It’s okay if you are “dumb”, I love me a head empty just vibes friend. You’re 100% valid, stil worthy of joining discussions, and should be listened to and taken seriously. This just isn’t about that tho)
I joke sometimes that I’m clever and witty but not smart, because that’s exactly what it feels like.
I have lots of thoughts and ideas that I think I articulate pretty well, I am excellent at finding the humor in things and expressing it in a way that’s funny to others too, and there is almost zero problems I can’t find a work around. And the people in my life love it, and they love to use it.
But eventually everyone in my life finds out that I’m not smart. They see the way I have to pause to Google how to calculate a tip, that I don’t know the name of all 50 states or even where to find them on a map, or I legitimately just can not spell (if you ever see a post where it looks like I used a weird word choice it’s probably because I tried 4 times and autocorrect+Google couldn’t help me and voice to text wasn’t an option)
No one ever questions my intelligence until they find out about my adhd and/or catch me struggling with it. After the mask comes off it’s like they can’t even hear me anymore, nothing I say could be true or matter because I’m now just the goofy accident prone spacy girl. My family literally calls me Spacy
And ya know what sometimes I just let people think that because it’s easier, it’s easier than explaining that I’m dyslexic and that I didn’t have a single geography/history clas until 10th grade and shocker the capital of Iowa doesn’t come up much by then. And it’s easier for me to laugh off losing my keys again than dwell on the fact that sometimes it feels like I’m losing my marbles.
And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if after this post I get a lot more “fact checkers” and push back on anything else I post.(not talking about people who want to genuinely engage,y’all are always welcome, I’m talking those people who don’t wanna look it up themselves but no longer trust me to know what I’m talking about)
Kami is a sweet brilliant boy. He’s in a nationally high ranking school, he loves the weather channel, he’s careful about his quirk that could easily hurt his friends in combat, he has a very high emotional intelligence level, he wears dorky shirts with electricity puns on them, and he pays attention to his friends and remembers a lot of little things about them.
He wants to be a hero and he takes that seriously, and the series has tried time and time again to tell y’all that smiling and laughter are an important part of that. Kami excels at this part! So what if his history grades don’t rival the top of the class, the top 5 students would struggle hard to do what Kami does.
Iida can’t relax, Momos rather shy, Todo struggles with social cues, Midoriya is canonically not funny, and jfc where to even begin with Katsuki. I’m certain they’ll all grow up to be excellent heros in their own right, but none of them are going to bring the level of joy and camaraderie that Denki can. You can’t test that into someone.
Kami also just notices people differently and has any easy way of joining in with them, he doesn’t struggle approaching Katsuki or Shinso. Sure he doesn’t hit the the nail on the head the same way Deku does but he’s the only one who has the guts and skills to try. Also he’s not that kinda friend, he’s not looking to a save these guys but pal around with them
I think Kami 100% realizes what a special case and tough nut to crack Bakugo is, I don’t think he’s just careless or too dumb realize his life’s at stake or whatever.
I think he’s purposely testing Bakugos boundaries all while trying to not be a threat to Katsukis actual ego and calling Bakugo out when he needs it in a way that not to serious. Kami knows how to be just goofy enough that he’s approachable. He’s also keyed in that the way to Bakugo is through Deku, meanwhile everyone else is stuck believing the opposite.
Kami also realized how important music is to Jiro and saw an opportunity to let her display her skills and combin the two worlds she lives, and he wasn’t afraid to get some back lash from her for it.
Like Deku Kami isn’t afraid to be uncomfortable. You really can’t teach that level of social ease, you can teach the posture and feed people a couple of lines but it’ll never hit the same. Funny approachable people have spent a lifetime learning the craft, usually out of necessity.
It’s actually what gives me the biggest adhd vibes from him, because adhd is (speculated to be) a dopamine deficiency disorder. People with adhd are constantly trying to raise their dopamine levels, and that means looking for praise and reward and nothing makes the human brain light up faster than postative human connections.
Adhd children struggle a lot with connecting with peers and often find making people laugh a fast way into people’s circles and makes it more likely people will overlook being interrupted or spaced out on.
Also adhd people are pretty much forced by their own brain structures to be genuine in all they do, low dopamine levels make it very hard to do things you don’t enjoy because there no promise of dopamine from the activity and you don’t have enough to spare, plus impulsiveness makes it really hard to not show when you do or don’t enjoy something.
I agree that Kami is also painted as overly perverted at times, he’s a little flirty but in a fun casual way but it’s not the foundation of his personality and it’s really mellowed out over the course of the series.
And while I subscribe to the bi hc from his interactions with Jiro and Shinso, we should all be very mindful that we don’t lump these characteristics together. The are separate facets of his personality that are not dependent on each other in anyway.
Kami deserves all the respect and love, I can’t wait to see our electric king again 🖤⚡️🖤
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shoyouth · 4 years
aa hi !! i just found your blog and i love your writing sm it’s sooo cute 🥺🥺 is it okay if i request hcs for how the ikevamp suitors would react if they tried to pursue the mc romantically only for her to tell them that she had a girlfriend in present day ?? idk if i explained it well im sorry </3 tysm for everything :D youre the best 💕💕
You explained it perfectly fine, don’t worry! And no problem, tysm! I hope you enjoy :)
napoleon ; blink, blink; oh. He just stared at you for a moment, his hand still on top of your head as he registers your words. He’ll then laugh—his bad!—and then continue to act charming and nice with you. It’s not an issue nor is he embarrassed, he just takes it down a notch to make you more comfortable. He probably was just naturally flirting anyways, but either way he separates his feelings and actions rather well to be your friend until you go back through the door.
arthur ; he may make some bad kind of joke but then quickly apologize after realizing how cringey and rude it sounds. Overall he’ll respect it rather well and won’t be too hurt—he has plenty of other women in town he can pursue, but he may be a bit embarrassed by how he acted for a bit. He’ll try to cover it up and be friendly until you go though.
mozart ; he’ll feel dumb. like maybe he should have known even though there was no evidence to point to you already being taken??? he’ll do the whole cough-to-cover-his-embarrassment and then will be rather curt with you for a while while he calms down/sorts himself out. May even be a little more open (like, closed off but not actually pushing you away) bc he doesn’t have to worry about impressing you/your thoughts of him anymore.
leonardo ; his brows will raise slightly in surprise but then he just puffs out smoke from his cigarillo, a smile crossing his face. He’ll apologize for coming onto you and if you were ever uncomfortable, and it would gloss over rather quickly. He doesn’t have any issue with it and tbh it’s easier for him to brush off his feelings and not get invested bc now he had a reason not to.
vincent ; his eyes widen and then he’s apologizing with a sheepish smile, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. One of the quickest to go back to normal after; it’s not a big deal, really! It wasn’t like he already had a crush formed or anything, so he’s back to being a kind, friendly angel. Will be fast friends with you until you return to your time, and his attempt at flirting will be forgotten history.
theo ; he’s frozen, he’s gone. Because he’s usually pretty suave and in control, but for him to kind of flirt and then have it backfire like that—he feels so awkward. He straightens up and scoffs to cover the teasing words he used on you, trying to pass it as him mocking you rather than flirting. He’ll respect you and will keep his guard up from then on, making sure he doesn’t push his limits or embarrass himself again, though you may not even notice the difference.
issac ; his face blushes crimson. Dumbass! He normally doesn’t even have the desire nor ability to flirt, but when he took the chance and then realizes you’re taken, he’s quite literally mortified. Apologizes profusely and you’ll have to laugh and tell him he’s fine; he’ll treat you normally, but you’ll notice he’s a little stiff and shy when you’re alone. May breathe easier when you go back to your time bc he doesn’t have to worry about making a fool of himself again in front of you.
dazai ; oh, okay. Even you’ll be confused by how nonchalant he is about it. He possibly even flirted to pass the time like Arthur does. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and even if he did flirt bc of real interest, he wouldn’t be looking to start a relationship. Your love life isn’t a real worry for him, so it’ll be easy to gloss over and simply be friends. The epitome of ‘doesn’t care’.
jean ; shocked. like frozen solid where you’re worried and put a hand on his shoulder to make sure he’s breathing kind of shocked. his flirting was probably VERY minimal or most likely you just had to say it in passing while he says you’re nice to talk to bc I don’t see him flirting lol. But yeah it takes him a minute to grab his bearings and then he’ll be the one trying to avoid the topic bc talking about romance is too much for him. Will respect you ofc but kind of at a loss when you bring up your relationship in the future, like wth is he supposed to say?
comte ; like Leonardo, his brows raise and his lips part in surprise, but a gentle grin easily overtakes it. “My apologies,” he’d say, and kiss the back of your hand quickly. Making you uncomfortable is the LAST thing he wants to do, esp as the head of the mansion when you’re the special guest. He’d keep your relationship strictly platonic, maybe even professional, but you know he’ll still treat you like a princess. Will watch his actions more as to not come off romantic, but the little hiccup will be a thing of the past.
sebastian ; He’s rather stoic and put together so he may simply apologize and then return to work, back to the professional/platonic relationship you had. Internally, he is kind of dying; he’s scowling at himself for even saying those words in passing, thinking it was suave. Will flawlessly cover it so you continue being friends, but he’s actively checking every word that comes out of his mouth before he says it now.
shakespeare ; ngl he’d probably use it for inspiration for his plays omfg. Absolute unrequited love, one completely impossible due to sexual orientation. His interest in you was already probably superficial (since he didn’t know you long/interact much) but he may convince himself into fully liking you so it hurts more when you leave to go back home. Never interacts again after you tell him.
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