#but im so glad to chat with you guys anyway! really grateful to have met some cool people on here
shakingparadigm · 4 months
500 followers?! Thank you for coming around! Sorry I haven't been consistently responsive for a while, my life has been really hectic lately. Regardless, I'm glad that so many people have shared their thoughts with me, it makes me really happy :)
It has also just occured to me that I never properly introduced myself....
Hello! I'm shakingparadigm! I'm not really fond of being referred to by other names, so please call me paradigm or para for short (they/them)! I like to write stuff about Alien Stage, talk about Alien Stage, draw Alien Stage.... wow, I wonder what my favorite media must be....
Usually life (+ my executive dysfunction) is beating my ass, so sometimes it takes me a while to answer asks. I promise you though, I'm really glad to receive them and I'll answer as best as I can! If you have any questions about Alien Stage or just want to share something, my inbox is always open!
Thank you again for being so kind, it's been amazing to listen to and share all these ideas with you!
I now present to you: a shitty edit of senior Till except I projected onto him just the slightest bit. He's just like me fr. This is my spirit animal
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a-very-tired-raven · 2 years
Aw dammit, you guys are makin me wanna post this now(10:05) instead of 11:00, but im strong lmao (WARNING, long post ahead)
Anyways, i wanted to start this post off, by giving a thanks to all the truly wonderful people ive met on this platform from this year, last year, when i first joined, and the years to come. Youve all made my experience here wonderful, and to be honest youve made me feel so very very welcomed, and especially loved.
I came to this (wonderful)hellsite during a really lonely time in my life. A few years ago, around the later days of june, 2019, looking for more undertale content. What i didn't expect to find at all, were all the wonderful people im so so so very glad to now call my friends.
All of you, and i mean all, of you invited and welcomed me into your blogs with open arms, kindness, and silly jokes. Even going to the lengths introducing me to your other friends and making me apart of your friend groups. And...i genuinely cannot express how thankful i am for that.
Im so serious, i feel so loved and cared for every single day now, i always have someone to vent or talk with, someone to joke and ramble with, so many people that ive intertwined into this little online family of mine.
Weve all been through..a lot these past three years. What, with covid, loss, hate, and so much more. What im grateful for, is that i havent lost any of you, which not only am i suprised about, but also so grateful. You guys make me feel like the best verison of myself, and make me feel..well..me. we've all stuck together and looked out for each other, helped each other out with our problems, and shared art and stories.
Ive had the pleasure of meeting some very fine, brilliant, and respectable people thus far, and have had the honor of talking with some astonishing young friends. Ive even had the pleasure of gaining followers, and have received fanart of my own characters!! Which, i would have never guess would have happened. Ever. And yet it did, and that means so much to me.
So i suppose what im trying to do, or well..say here, is that all of you have turned my life for the better, and id like to thank you for that.
Thank you, @let-love-run-red @ratsoh-writes @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @vrnicky @a-gods-somewhat-mortal-form @icelingbolt @shimmer-lamp and @glaucus22 for being my very first friends in here, for welcoming me so warmly, and sharing your art and introducing me to so many cool people. I wouldn't have had as good as an experienced as ive had with you to have shown me kindness in the way the way you did
Thank you @glitchysquidd for giving me the honor of seeing your artwork, and goofing off with me from time to time.
Thank you @mochamashi @kuvvydraws and @underfell-crystal for being so nice to me, and taking time out of your days to chat and listen to my stupid little jokes
Thank you @luminawithherdaemonlinh @wisteria-and-crocuses and again @mochamashi for all the fanart youve sent me iver the months, and all the kind and craziness youve shown me. Thanks for going on crazy little rants with me wisteria, and a big thank to you lumnia for supporting me and my art for so long
Thank you @shimmer-lamp for being there with me since day one, for letting me vent and trusting me enough to confide in me at times.
Thank you @rainbowut @the1920sisntaphasemom and @scienceisfood for giving me so many ideas and laughter, i really do appreciate you guys and i feel as if i dont say it enough. You guys so are hilarious- seriously, i appreciate it
Thank you so so much @hearty-dose-of-ranch @kioko-noodles @fruitsnackart @skele-fucker @sendryl and @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut taking me in your friendgroup so fast, and so warmly. Before you guys took me in, all of you inspired me and my art so much...i could hardly believe i was actually talking to you guys and was considered a friend??! My hands were shakey, my breath was wobbly, and yet you guys never thought twice about including me. You all have been there for me since ive met you, you all have (patiently)listened to my stuttering and ramblings without a second thought, youve all introduced me to so many cool things and have made me feel so so loved..i cant possibly thank you enough. Youve done so much for me
Thank you @ratsoh-writes for enduring my chaos and bad jokes. Youve made my dumbass feel incredibly welcomed, not to mention being such a big fuckin inspiration??? Youre one of the reasons i started to get confident in my art man. Ive used your art as references so much- and youve been such a good friend to me as well?? Be angry about me gettin muchy all you want, i love you ya stinky sewer varmit.
Thank you @springbon-t-art for showing me kindess even more since i joined the hellscape that is tumblr. Youve showed me nothing less then gentle smiles and kind words, and i thank you for that. Your art has inspired me for years, and most likely years to come from now. So thank you for inspiring me enough to pick up a pencil and start scribbling down on the floorboards
And a big big thank you to @let-love-run-red love...i dont even know where to begin. You've helped me through so much, you've inspired and taught me so much fuckin stuff...you've been one of the best damn friends i could ever have. You've supported me and my cringe drawings since the day i entered your inbox as that shy little anon on that late August day.
Hell, you're the damn reason i started writing. I still remember the tips you given me, all the advice and confidence. And i sincerely thank you for that. You have shown me nothing other then kindness and hardcore support. And i cannot express how much that means to me
And theres so many more people i have yet to thank but unfortunately cannot due to tag limits and my memory. Id have to make another post and make sure i havent forgotten anyone lmao, but thank you all!! To my close moots and followers, to the big inspirations ive yet to summon up the courage to talk to
I seriously, would have not made it this far without you dorks, and i sincerely, and genuinely, hope ive made an impact at least a fragment of the size you guys have made on me. Thank you all for giving me a place to call home on this little site.
Right now the time is 10:41 as i wrap this up, so im gonna go ahead and post this(probably willl be 11 or 12 by the time you twerps get to this point lmao)
And happy many years to come!!! I cant wait to see what this years brings us, what bonds strengthen and friends we'll meet. Thank you for the wild ride and for all the adventures to come!!
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motherjoel · 4 years
Leading Lady (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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chapter four- talented little thing
wc: 1.8k
summary: you get to know the team a bit more before your first tech rehearsal
a/n: hope you guys like it! im also taking oneshot requests if you guys feel like you’d like to request something :)
chapter index: chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3
It wasn’t long before your small apartment felt even smaller- the team had showed up within 5 minutes and although you were extremely overwhelmed, you knew that this was the safest you could be. Reid was frantically running around, talking to various people in FBI jackets and you felt like you were standing in the eye of a hurricane. You sat down at your kitchen table and put your head in your hands, trying to calm down when you felt a presence next to you. Looking up, you saw the blonde agent you had met the other day, Agent Jareau was her name. 
“It’s going to be okay, I know the chaos can be a little much but this is how you know we're working our hardest,” she said, resting a comforting hand on your arm. 
“I know, and I'm really grateful. You've all been great, and Spencers… he's… great,” you decided, smiling to yourself. So, hey, maybe you had a little crush on the guy. It wasn’t like you could act on it, with him sleeping on your couch, but you couldn’t help the butterflies when he rambles about facts or blushes when you notice him looking at you.
“Yeah he is,” she smiled. “And he seems to feel the same way about you. I haven’t seen him this worked up about a case in awhile,” she said, her voice sounding a little suspicious.
“Oh,” was all you could muster. Maybe he just feels responsible for you and he doesn’t want to mess up. Before the two of you could continue your conversation, the team made their way over to you with a woman on a video chat screen who you remembered to be the bubbly Garcia. Spencer had his eyes trained on the files in his hand, the rest of the team was focused on you. The woman with black hair, Prentiss, spoke first.
“Y/N, is there anyone in your life that has been acting differently recently, maybe taking more interest in you?” she asked. This was surprising to you.
“You mean… I know this crazy stalker killer?” you asked, shocked. You thought it was just some random dude who has a vendetta against thespians. Morgan spoke next.
“Well, the thing is, none of the other victims had been followed this closely. It’s a change in his MO, leaving these photos on your door. He's taking special interest in you, and we think it's possible he's killing these other women as a way of playing out his fantasies of you,” he says with a concerned look.
“So… this person is killing all of these women because of me?” you questioned, your chest growing tight. You looked to Spencer for comfort but he was still looking down at the file. You know you shouldn’t feel guilty, there wasn’t any way you could have caused this, but you couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling. It seemed like Agent Jareau could sense your panic and she grabbed your hand in hers, Morgan put a hand on your shoulder. 
“It’s a strong possibility,” said Hotch. “Which is why it's important that you continue to go about your daily schedule as usual. We don't want the unsub to panic once we're onto him and get more people hurt. Spencer will continue to live with you and go everywhere with you, it's only a matter of time before the unsub messes up and makes himself known,” he finished. This was definitely a lot to take in, and although you appreciated the comfort of Agent Jareau and Agent Morgan, the one person you really wanted to comfort you was in a different world.
“So I can still go to my rehearsal tonight? It’s important that I don’t miss it, it’s the start of tech week” you said, hoping that it wasn’t too soon to be out in public. 
“Tech week?” questioned Morgan.
“Oohhhh, how exciting!” said Garcia and you smiled at her, grateful that you still had the show to keep you sane.
“Tech week is the week before the opening performance of a production where all of the technical aspects of the show are present and used in the rehearsal process,” Spencer said, as if on instinct, without looking up.
“Yeah,” you agreed, “and it's kinda important I’m there…” you trailed off.
“Oh my gosh, I forgot we're protecting a talented little thing! Eponine is a dream role of mine!” Garcia almost shouts.
“Aw, stop you’re making me blush,” you laughed, briefly forgetting the situation you were in. That's when you noticed the stern look from Hotch and you looked back to see Garcia with wide eyes mouthing “I'll text you.” You smiled and gave her a thumbs up, returning your attention to Hotch.
“Yes, you can go. If the unsub knows your schedule, he knows that it would be out of the ordinary for you to miss this rehearsal,” said Hotch, much to your relief.
The agents soon finished up at your apartment, and Agent Jareau (who you now call JJ upon her request) gave you her phone number in case you had questions or wanted to talk, which you thought was very nice and you were glad the two of you hit it off. 
Your apartment was now empty aside from you, still seated at the kitchen table and Spencer sitting on the couch. The agents were only in your home for an hour or two but it felt like an eternity. You hadn’t eaten yet all day so you decided to ask Spencer if he wanted to get lunch with you. You walked over to the couch and sat on the opposite side from him.
“So… wanna get some food?” you asked hoping he would look up from his work, and he did, but his face didn't show the soft smile that you had grown accustomed to.
“You want to go out now? Right after a stalker left a menacing envelope on your door?” he asked, with a skeptical look on his face. His harsh tone took you by surprise and your face visibly fell.
“Well I have a rehearsal later anyway, so we have to go out eventually…” you trailed off, his eyebrow still raised at you. “Fine, I guess we can order a pizza,” you huffed and walked back to the table where your phone was.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and you turned around, surprised.
“For what?” you asked, genuinely curious. He didn’t have anything to be sorry for, it's not like he was stalking you and killing these innocent women.
“I’m sorry that this is happening to you and I’m sorry you're stuck with me as company,” he said, looking away.
“Well I guess that first part makes sense, but you're great company!” you told him. He looked skeptical. “Seriously,” you continued, “I don’t know if any of the other agents would have ‘delved deep into their psyches’ with me, or gotten me to tell them about my dead dad,” you said bluntly.
“Well to be fair, you kind of did that without me asking…” he said with a slight smile. You gasped in fake shock.
“Ohhh, so that's how it's gonna be,” you laughed, the tension in the room dissipated. “Well I'm ordering the pizza now, cheese okay?” He nodded and smiled before focusing on his files once again. You were satisfied with yourself, glad that things seemed normal again.
Hours had passed since you ordered the pizza, which the two of you shared on the couch while watching Gilmore Girls (Reid, even being the genius he is, remarked how fast they talked in that show). It was time to leave for your rehearsal, and although Spencer insisted on driving, you could use the fresh air on a walk to clear your mind (or as fresh as the city could offer). You grabbed your purse, your script and water bottle and walked out the door with Spencer in tow, locking the door behind you. He offered to hold your script and you were hesitant but ultimately gave in.
The second your foot hits the sidewalk outside of your apartment you feel off. Maybe you were overreacting, but it was a similar feeling to the one of being watched that you had experienced a few days ago. You picked up your pace and Spencer seemed to notice and he did the same, his hand instinctively resting near his holster. You tried to make small talk in case anybody was listening in.
“So, the rehearsal is probably gonna be pretty long, but it might actually be entertaining. I mean you’ve read Les Mis in a couple languages so the show should be pretty easy to understand,” you jokingly told him. He chuckled beside you.
“And it's okay that I watch? Your director wont mind?” he asked.
“No, I'm sure it's fine if I just tell him once I get there. Fantine’s boyfriend watches rehearsals all the time,” you reassured him, before realizing what you had just said. “I mean not that you’re my, you know...” you said before he leaned down and lowered his voice.
“It's okay- the cover, remember? As far as anyones concerned, I'm your boyfriend,” he told you. This did about as much to reassure you as it did to give you butterflies. You just nodded and did your best to hide your blush. It wasn’t long before you were outside the theater, and you were thankful for that. You trusted that you were safe with Spencer but you couldn’t help being on edge 
The two of you stepped inside the lobby area where your director was finishing up a phone call. He hung up the phone and turned to greet you.
“Y/N, hello! Thank you for being on time,” he said, his voice laced with stress. You wondered who he was mad at for being late.
“No problem John. Oh, is it okay if my boyfriend sits in on the rehearsal? He’s visiting from out of town and he loves theatre,” you said, trying to seem as convincing as possible, although you didn’t hate the lie of Spencer being your boyfriend.
“Fine, he can take a seat in the back. Go get your costume on, mic check in 30,” he said, barely addressing Spencer before darting off and picking up a phone call. 
“So… I guess i'll see you soon. I might be able to sneak around and watch the first part of the show with you, I'm not onstage for a while,” you told him while leading him into the auditorium, seating him in one of the last rows.
“Okay,” he smiled. “Go break a leg,” he said, which sounded a little unnatural coming from him but it was really cute. The two of you laughed and you walked back out into the lobby to get changed in your dressing room, not taking notice of his eyes following your retreating form.
taglist: @mcntsee, @diesinspanishbcimhispanic, @chickens-are-life, @rexorangecouny
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arhvste · 4 years
hi! can i request a birthday fluff with osamu iwaizumi? cause i need to fill the emptiness of my heart on this kind of day 😔
of course my love!! this is my birthday present to you and for what it’s worth, i hope you have a happy birthday and know that you are loved and appreciated even if sometimes it’s easy to forget, i love you 💖💕🦋✨🐉<3
he will cook you a special birthday breakfast in bed 
it’s been a tradition for years and he’s nOT about to break it 
so when you first wake up, you can smell the aroma of perfectly cooked food drifting from the kitchen
you sigh and rest your head back into your pillows letting yourself rest for a few more minutes
5 minutes later and you hear the sound of a tray being put down beside you 
osamu is looking down at your resting form with a soft and adoring smile on his face 
he’ll lean down and press soft kisses all over your face
“mmm mornin’ baby, made ya breakfast”
you’ll give him a sleepy smile and his heart is melting 
he’s made you pancakes, bacon, syrup and scrambled eggs (feel free to change the breakfast idk if y’all have allergies or other preferences)
then he’ll also pull out a bunch of your favourite flowers 
osamu is a top tier boyfie, he went out to buy those flowers FRESHLY PICKED 😼 first thing in the morning
so, he’ll place the tray on your lap
put the flowers in a nearby vase with fresh water
give you a quick kiss on the forehead 
and climb into his side of the bed as he moves your hair out of your face so you can start eating
as you’re eating, osamu is playing with the ends of your hair and drawing little circles to the side of your body
every so often when you hum in approval of his food, you’ll feed him little bits to which he happily obliges to 
after you finish your breakfast, he’ll take the tray from you and place it on a dressing table
listen i know osamu and y/n keep their house immaculate 
so everywhere is tidy so obv he has room to put down the tray any dresser in your room
so then he crawls back into bed with you and the two of you are sharing soft kisses and just cuddling together 
then osamu pulls away from you and leans to grab something at the side of his bed 
he’s got a serious look in his eye as you raise an eyebrow at him
“y/n, you know you’re the most important person in my life, i wouldn't be where i am today without you by my side an’ i’m grateful for everythin’ you’ve done for me. you’re the most gorgeous and genuine person i’ve ever met and the one i want to wake up to every mornin’ for the rest of my life.”
he’s tearing up slightly and so are you
“osamu -what are you trying to say?”
he takes a deep breath and pulls out a small velvet box from the other side of his bed
he’s opened it and inside is the prettiest engagement ring you’ve ever seen
it’s very stylish, not over exaggerated but it’s beautiful and you love it
“y/n l/n, i love you more than anything and want nothin’ more than to have more of these moments with you by my side, will you marry me?”
you’re sobbing
he’s lowkey sobbing 
“of course!!”
he shakily puts the ring on your finger and lets out a sigh of relief when he sees it fits perfectly 
“i love you osamu”
“i love you too, y/n miya-to-be”
he’s got you pulled up close into his chest as he rakes his hands through your hair pressing delicate kisses to the top of your head
“come on, I've got a lot planned for ya today”
osamu is one of the best boyfies fiancés for birthdays 
he treats you like royalty because you are one of the most important people in his life and he wants to make sure you know 
iwaizumi is harassed suggested by oikawa to do something being for your birthday
“iwa-chan it’s the love of your lifes birthday!! 😠 do something big!!”
“shut up shittykawa! 🙄”
iwa doesn't want to go all out for your birthday at all
he’s a very lowkey sort of person he doesn't like to be extravagant and he knows neither do you
but oikawa is RELENTLESS
so he gives in and agrees to throw you a small surprise party
so everything is going as planned
iwa has taken you out for the day to go eat and little cafés and walk around the pretty streets of miyagi
oikawa and co, are setting everything up at iwa’s house
he texts iwa that preparations are done and you can come back now 
so he suggest the two of you make your way home and your both gently swaying your arms back and fourth as you grip his hand 
iwa insists you open the door first 
you’re like ???? okay???
 not very gentlemanly of you iwa 😤🤚🏽
you open it and it’s all dark until you walk in through the hall and jump back
your close family and friends are there, iwa’s direct family and the volleyball third years are there too
“you did this?” you turn to iwa with a small smirk
“well actually i-”
you and your boyfriend are staring at oikawa dumbfounded until you let out a laugh
“yes oikawa, the best boyfriend”
so you guys are celebrating your birthday enjoying the party, chatting to family and friends etc
mattsun and makki have brought karaoke 
only so they can show off their routine 
everyone’s having fun laughing and dancing together 
oikawa actually gets a thank you from iwa lmao
“i’m just so generous and kind hearted no need to thank me iwa-chan i know im great”
“shut uP or i’ll take it back 👺”
so eventually it gets late and everyone begins to gradually leave 
you say goodbye to everyone and thank them for coming 
iwa’s parents retreat up to their room saying that they’re tired but you’re welcome to stay as long as you want 
so you and iwa are sat at his dining table, confetti, streamers and balloons surrounding you
your left over birthday cake is there too
“y’know it was oikawa’s idea, i wasn’t gonna throw you a party i was just gonna do something between us two”
“i know, this isn’t really your type of thing, but thank you :) i enjoyed myself a lot today”
iwa has this big smile across his blushing face 
“you're so cute haijime, but i’ll bet you look even cuter when i do this”
you swipe a bit of icing off your cake onto your finger and dip it onto his nose 
you’re giggling and he’s blushing even more
“oh it’s on”
the two of you spend the next 45 minutes wiping icing across each other and feeding each other bits of the left over cake 
it gets to around 2am and you’re both worn out
iwa cleans you both up and carries you up to bed with him as you agree to just clean up everywhere tomorrow morning
not that there’s even much to clean because all your guests were very respectful and didn’t make a big mess 😌
it’s not how iwa planned to spend your birthday but he is glad he gave into listening to oikawa because seeing the smile on your face made it all worth it 
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Harumo:Who was that guy?
That was the last question you muttered before falling asleep and dreaming about stuff, however, this time, its different your dreaming about the time where you’ve met that stranger when you were with Ryota at the shopping street, there you could see the stranger dressed with a black jacket and blue shorts,you thought you could finally see the stranger’s true face, however the image you’re being shown is only what your mind have captured and the stranger’s face appears black being covered by its hoodie, 
Harumo:Oh c’mon!, even here i couldn’t even see it.....Why am i so determined to see this person?
With your curiosity intact while asleep,you struggled to sleep as you move around in your bed making a lot of creaking noises while the night passes by hopefully those noises won’t wake up anybody, 
Its another day at Shinjuku Academy, the place where both transients and students of Tokyo are educated and taken care off, The summoners are in Class E chatting like the usual friends they and Kengo being shouted by Shiro for sitting on top of table,Ryota tells the others about what they did back at the shopping street of Shinjuku Park and you happen to have just arrived.
Harumo: Morning Guys!
Shiro: Good Morning Harumo, you look well today.
Kengo: How you doin partner.
Moritaka: Good Morning to you too Harumo, 
Ryota: Morning Harumo!.
Toji: Good Morning to you too.
Harumo: Looks like i made it in time for the first time guys.
Shiro: Indeed, did you have a good sleep?
Harumo: Nope!, I couldn’t stop thinking about that stranger yesterday.
Kengo: What,did you guys fought or something?
Ryota: Oh yeah! When we were running in the shopping street, i accidentaly bump into someone, 
Moritaka: I see, It appears you are not hurt Ryota.
Ryota: Nah, im fit as a feedle,its a good thing it wasn;t that serious.
Shiro: Im glad to hear that, but next time be careful when go running around in crowded areas.
Kengo: You know, your starting to sound like my mom, 
Shiro: i think you mean as a responsible adult. 
Kengo:*mutter* A boring one to be honest.
Shiro: What was that?!
Ryota: Anyway, Guys!, you have got to try Ebisu’s rainbow buns,they are the best buns you could have ever tasted!
Moritaka:Who’s Ebisu?
Ryota: Oh, He’s one of the stall vendors at shopping district, Harumo is actually friends with him. Man you guys were missing out on the deliciousness those buns where giving.
Moritaka: For Ryota to praise someone’s pastry so much, must mean that those Rainbow Buns must be really delicious.. maybe I’ll join you today,is that okay Ryota? 
Ryota:Yay!, Moritaka is coming! Always,the more the merrier they say, how about that Harumo?
Harumo: With the two of you,its going to get really fun.
Moritaka:Im grateful for you acceptance. 
Ryota: How about you guys? wanna come along?
Shiro:Im terribly sorry,I have after school cooking classes today, maybe next time then.
Kengo:No can do Ryota, i have an important sparring match today.
Toji: I also can’t come as well, because, i was tasked to guard the shrine today. My apologies.
 Harumo; AWWW, I really want to spend time with you all.
Shiro; Im terribly sorry, I’ll be sure to come with you next time.
Kengo:Yeah me too.
Toji; Maybe next time then.
Ryota:All right then, its just going to be the three of us.
Harumo and Moritaka:Yeah!
Three of you are going to be hanging today and Mr Jinn has finally arrived and is now about to start his class and the next class and so. Yup a normal school day, You go on with your studies,unknowing about the events that are going to happen.
[After 6 hours}
Class has finally ended, you’ve finally have some room to stretch your arms from the long period of sitting on your chair, 
Harumo: Ah, my shoulders are starting to get tense,
Ryota:Yay!, im so excited to go the shopping area again, are you excited Moritaka?
Moritaka:Well, off course, nothing is much more excitable than going out with your friends. 
Shiro: I have to go the economics room for my cooking class, see you later everyone.
Kengo: Man, all that sitting around made my shoulders hurt, gotta get some warm up then, see ya.
Toji: I’ll be leaving now, Good luck!
Harumo: See you later Guys!.
Ryota:Okay guys lets meet up infront of the school after we put in our bags at the dorms.
Moritaka:All right Ryota, I’ll see you two later then,
Harumo: See you guys later!
{Dorm Room}
You’ve arrived at your dorm room, put down your bag at the side and took a quick lie down on your bed facing the ceiling, you reminence about whether you are going to meet that stranger again. caught up in your thoughts your butler make his entrance.
{Ring flashes}
Lil Salomon: Hello Master!, Oh,you seem to be lost in thought. 
Harumo: Yeah, i keep on thinking about that that guy we met.
Lil Salomon: You mean the stranger that you and Ryota met at the shopping area?
Harumo: Yes.
Lil Salomon: Hmm, laying down won’t do anything Master, C’mon your friends are probably waiting for you.
Harumo: Oh, yeah thanks for reminding me. 
Lil Salomon: Thats my job as your butler Master,toodles.
You changed your clothes and wore casual clothes and went towards Shinuku Park where your supposed to be meeting, 
The dark alley”s of Shinjuku is the favorite meeting spot of several criminals whether its transactions or  place to hang out, In one the alleies is one particular transient that is one to feared off, He is a guy of great strength, heartless intent, and a cold one. is seen laying down on a beaten couch snoring loudly, 
Once a comfy slumber, now turn into a hellish reality to him, as a bunch of strangers not knowing the danger they’re waiking towards.
Thug: Hey idiot, this is our turf! get lost!
Thug 2: Looks like this runt needs a wake up call.
Thug 3: Heh, How about we bash his head on then.
The trio of idiots did not know who they were messing with as they laugh at the sleeping stranger with the intent to put him in slumber forever....
Stranger: Hey,...... Thanks for the suggestion.
 Thug 1: What the......
The thug quickly had his head smacked on the stone floor, with the sudden emergence of the stranger now with a malicious grin, the other thugs could only watched in surprise as they could not register what just transpired infront of them. With a blink of an eye the other thug who was beside had his entire body thrown in the garbage pile,
Thug 3: H-hey..wHAT the hell is happening!? ,who are you?..
Panicked and fearing for what the stranger is going to do to him,a cold voice whispered to his ear and soon after, the unlucky guy ,was flung towards at a wall knocked out.
Stranger: Psst, Pathethic,man they really ruined my sleep,*yawn* it was getting good. 
Not soon after his stomach released a rumbling sound.
Stranger: I haven’t eaten in a while, maybe i should go get something from the shopping area at the Park. 
{Outside area of Shinjuku Park} 
You have arrived at a traffic stop and across it is your destination, Shinjuku Park, hom your friends are currently waiting for you at the food area, you are waiting for the traffic light to turn green as you wait the timer on it decreases over time, 
Harumo: What the...
You see an orange cat infront of you, when suddenly..
Harumo: Im not gonna make it...
You hurried towards the cat,that is about to be run over by a truck, everything turned slow as you see the truck getting closer and you aren’t even close to saving the poor creature from its painful death,
 A shadow appeared fast infront of you and saved the cat infront of you,however as soon as you get your bearings back,you only saw a cat running towards you,even though you didn’t save it in time,but the worked of a mysterious stranger who’s movements are so fast they appear to be inhuman.
Harumo: What...just happened? 
You realized, that was the same stranger from before and just disappeared infront of you. went on to search for him and looking left and right for him but you only see passerbies.
Harumo: What the....Where did he go? 
To no signs of him everywhere,you went on with your day and made it towards your destination.
{Shinjuku Park}
Ryota and Moritaka are sitting a bench constantly waiting for their friend to arrived and Ryota”s stomach is starting to rumble fom all the waiting and constant seeing the food placed on the passerby’s hands with its smell wafting through the air.
Harumo: Sorry guys! im late.
Ryota: You’ve made it!
Moritaka: There you are.
Ryota: Im so hungry, and seeing everyone with delicious food in their hands makes me drool.
Moritaka: Holy cow! Ryota i didn’t even notice the drool on the bench!
Ryota: That just means im very hungry, C’mon lets go.
Harumo: Right with you.
Ryota quickly dashes towards the shopping area and starts looking at the delicious food they have in stock,one by one,Ryota dashes from one store to another with inhuman speed like he isn’t affected by his hunger a moment ago. 
Moritaka: Ryota, would you please slow down?, you’re dashing everywhere.
Ryota: Heheh, sorry,...Oh,how about we go to Ebisu’s shop, i think they should be open right about now. Lets go.
Harumo: Woah! slow down, you don’t want to bump into someone again don’t you?.
Ryota: Oh yeah, sorry, Lets waik then.
Moritaka: I could never figure out,how much energy Ryota has.
{Ebisu”s stall}
Ebisu: Hi guys, its so nice to see you two again.
Harumo: HI Ebisu, 
Ryota: Heya Ebisu, I would like you to meet my friend Moritaka here.
Moritaka: Its an honor to meet you Ebisu, my name is Moritaka Shino Inuzuka i hope we could be great friends.
Ebisu: Nice to meet you Moritaka, Im Ebisu im one of the Seven Lucky Gods.
Ryota: Wait, you’re a God? 
Moritaka: Holy smokes, to think im actually meeting a God!
Ebisu: Uhm, guys.... i just inherited the memories of one of the seven luckly Gods.
Ryota: Thats still a big deal.
Ebisu: It really isn’t. ....Anyway what are you buying?
Ryota: 10 rainbow buns please!.
Moritaka: My word Ryota!, are you really eating that much?
Ryota: Don’t worry I’ll share with you guys.
Ebisu: Comin right up. Please wait a moment a please.
As you wait patiently for Ebisu’s rainbow buns, you look around the area and see a lot of people comin in and out of the area and buying delicious food, everyone in the vicinity is either seen eating takoyaki, holding a lot of bags full of food,Ryota’s nose is moving like a hound on a hunt for prey as he faces a stall with delicious fried chicken and another stall with squid on a stick.All of this different kinds of cuisine is seen one place as the smells of different foods mixed together wafting the air you currently breath and could not help but tingle your taste buds even you aren’t tasting anything, the smell alone is enough to make Ryota drool.
Moritaka: So..Many different smells coming into my nose, ,,Ahh im practicly drooling over the scents.
Ryota: I know right, we’re going to try every last one of them.
Harumo: Lets hope we brought enough money for it. 
Ebisu: All right 10 rainbow buns, order up! 
Ryota: OOOHHH! It smells so delicous Ebisu, 
Ebisu: Hehehe, Thanks for coming by, hope you come back again.
Harumo: Im going to miss you Ebisu.
Ebisu: Eh, Uhm Im going to miss you too Harumo.
Ryota: See you later Ebisu!
Moritaka: I hope we could meet again someday Ebisu, bye bye.
Ebisu: See you later Ryota! i also hope to see you again Moritaka, bye bye
Waving at Ebisu and waiking around while eating the delicous rainbow buns Ryota bought, Moritaka could not help but be in aww about how delicious it was. 
Moritaka: This rainbow buns are really delicious especially the green one. It taste like tea.
Ryota: Yeah, here,try this orange one, i bet it taste just like oranges or peaches.
Moritaka: *chewing sound* Mmmm, It taste exactly like oranges, here would like to taste it also Harumo?
Harumo: Only if you feed it to me.
Moritaka: Oh, okay then,, say ahh.
Harumo:Ahhhh * chewing sound*.........MMMMM it taste just like oranges, this is delicous.
Ryota: I think i should have a go with this white one. 
Moritaka: What do you think it would taste like? 
Ryota: One way to find out, Itadikimasu! * chewing sound*
Ryota swallows the bun and takes a second of silence, 
Harumo: Uhm...Ryota? 
Moritaka: Ryo-
Moritaka: Ahh, Ryota you surprised me, What did it taste like.
Ryota: Its White chocolate, and its so creamy!
Harumo: Really?!, Can i try it? 
Ryota: Sure, here you go. 
Harumo: All right down the hatch you g-
As you are about to enter a world of flavor, you were interrupted by a sudden scream from a woman, and quickly hurried over to check it out. 
Moritaka: There! 
Harumo: Hey stop!
You discovered a blue bearlike transient with a knife on its hands and threatening someone,  and when they saw you and Moritaka with a sword on his back, the robber immediately turns to take the poor lady hostage. 
Robber: Now you stay back!, Or else i’ll cut her throat out!.
Ryota: *gasping for air* hey guys i made it and Whoah! 
Harumo: You better stop this right now! 
Robber: Oh, how about make me then punk! 
Moritaka who was about to draw out his blade, noticed by the robber he immediately step back with the hostage using her as a human shield, The people behind him are steping back as they fear it could only worsen the situation. confident in his ploy, the robber tries to demand money from eveyone,    
Unfortunately with his head turned around and not noticing the chubby guy infront of him, 
Harumo: Take this! 
With no hesitation, you runned towards the robber and did a powerful punch to his face, all the barehand training you recieved from Kengo seems to be quite useful in this types of situations, the robber startled and confused from the blow lost grip from his prey.
Robber: Tha,,,,darn kid! 
He angrily tries to flee as you chase him,seemingly unable to grab him,one person appeared out of nowhere and suddenly knee kick the robber to the stomach and with the sheer force from his attack,the robber could not be atleast 10 meters away. 
Harumo: What the.. this speed...i’ve seen it before.
You’ve met face to face with the stranger from before and it appears his also the one whom you have met the other the day, Yes, the mysterious stranger whom you have met with Ryota the other day. has now appeared infront of you again and this time,Ryota didn’t bump him. 
Stranger: Really doesn’t know what the consequences are. 
Harumo: Wait! you’re that guy from before.
Stranger: Huh, who the hell are you supposed t- What the hell!
Harumo: Huh?
The stranger who was wearing the same black hoodie as before and its covering his face and its shocked to see you as if he saw something phenomenal. 
Stranger: Why do you?
Harumo: Do i know you from somewhere?
Stranger: Thats my question, Who the hell are you? 
Harumo: I ask you first. 
Stranger: Heh, well if you wanna know then....*shows his face*
Harumo: What the.....Why do you
Stranger: My name is.........
Everything felt silent to you as you processed the image your eyes are sending to you as you couldn’t believe the person infront of you. 
Harumo: Why do you....Look like me?
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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↪︎ firstly, i’d like to say that i have already cleared out my inbox because of the new rules i’ve set. don’t worry because i left out a few of the ones i’m working on and i promise to post them during january. i’ll be closing my requests for a bit but they’ll be re-opened by next year.
↪︎ second, i’d like to say thank you. there are many people whom i’ve met here that are so kind and sweet. all of you deserves praise for spreading such positivity and motivating me to stay here,
↪︎ but thirdly, i’d announce that i will be on a short break on tumblr, probably a few days of refreshing my mind again, hang out with my grandparents. be me. i realized just how tired i keep getting whenever i don’t see any notifications, interactions and when i do, i just am so tired to answer them. it’s unfair to all of you. to the anons who keep calling me out for the smallest things, i don’t blame you. i know i’m an imperfect person, but they just come at the times that i am so down and everything gets messed up. my mind is such a messy place that i start to realize; i am losing who i am. i can write, but i lost the passion to run this blog anymore. if i keep going up to people’s standards without standing up for myself, isn’t that such a cruel life? i wanted to deactivate, but it would just mean i’ve given up. i’m not giving up on myself, and i hope you guys won’t too.
↪︎ lastly, i’d like to thank all the people tagged under this line. you guys made me want to always log in here and do what i have always been passionate about ever since i was ten. even with this pandemic and distance, you made my days.
@/all my character anons — each one of you made me smile at least once in my lifetime and i really really appreciate you all. even if you only came here once, twice or more, thank you. thank you so so much. i will forever be grateful of each and every one of you.
@liliannyah — nia, honey, baby, my soulmate, my sister from another mother, even if we only met a month ago (wait was it a month or two?), talking to you had always made me smile. you have no idea how thankful i am that i met you and how i always look forward in chatting you. i love you with my whole heart. if we ever meet each other in japan, i’ll let you meet my future spouse and treat you sjsjns
@kuroolongtea — hi jin! i never call you any endearments bc i saw in one of your about me’s that you’d rather be called your name hehe i always take note of that :D also, i’d like to thank you for being really really kind to me and acted like an older irl friend tho you’re indeed older than me ahhaha. you, jin, are one of the most treasured friends in this app. thank you for listening to my rants and even when i broke down. i’ll always be grateful of you. i love you so much, i wish you always the best, miss jin!
@brinthie — hi brin bb!! we haven’t been talking lately but remember that i am always here for you and that i will forever remain in debt of you. because of you, i am here on tumblr. your comments on my ao3? it really pushed me to write here, and ohgod i am still surprised that you, the writer of the ao3 collection i literally binged for a lot of days, was the one who i’ve talked to almost everyday? it’s fate honey haha. let’s see each other when we can irl :D i love you forever, have a great 2021!
@deephasoceanmagic — deep baby honestly i was so shy to interact at first but omg you’re like so so so sweet and kind and i just love you so so much! let us only child’s stick together ok?? also, i’m sorry i haven’t been checking up on you for awhile but i’m always here for you ok?? if you’re feeling lonely, i’m just one chat away!
@elysianslove — sal!! you are my favorite author here and i am so glad to have been talking to you aaaa i love you so much and this is to more interactions & convos with you in the future <3 love you so much honey !!
@minibobabottle @tinytravelerkitten @giyuus-wife — you guys have my gratefulness and my heart. thank you thank you thank you always for checking up on me and making me feel special🥺🥺 kieran, ai, wifey mia, i am touched that you always check up on me daily !!!!! you guys have no idea how thankful i am for that. i promise to be good to you guys🥺🥺🥺 i love you <3
@olsenholic @animatedarchives @basketofgoldie @owlywrites @ushi-please @bokoutoe @solstxces @mrs-kuroojinguji @todominica @oikaw-ugh @kawaiinishii @tsuhika @amoroushero @hajimine — hello lovelies !! you guys are probably one of those whom i interact the most in here and i would like to say: you guys are SPECIAL and i am so happy to have the opportunity to meet all of you. i hope we could be closer and i promise to have your backs always <3 i’m here for all of you, i’m literally just one chat/ask away !! i love you all~
@osamuskitten @xxacatalepsy @lyssors — hey babies thanks so much for checking up on me and for the character anon interactions🥺 im so honored that you chose to be a character anon for me and i hope you had fun rp-ing with me👉🏼👈🏼 til next time !! ilysm~
@unlasting @sunakissses @flairlust @yamagucji @katsukichu @gg9183 @prettysetterbaby @bimbobabeyy @paradise-creator @necr0misis @bokutosworld @ordinary-ace @iwas-angel @oikawasbliss @iwaisa @unloviing — hello!!! even if we just met like almost recently and it’s really nice to meet you all!! my asks/dms are always always welcome! plus, don’t mind me stopping by your asks too because i do that often esp if i see you on my dash hehe
(part two here but they have the same content anyway so there’s no need to see it.)
also, for any of you who’s reading this, I LOVE YOU. always stay safe, hydrated, and having a decent meal daily <3 wishing you all to have a lovely day/week/year! for anyone who’d like to know my discord, it’s kengela#1783 !! do tell me thru dm’s tho if you’re sending a request so that i’ll know who you are hahah
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I'm a big sucker for our Doc Roe.... if you want to HC/drabble me something cute and fluffy for him I would be forever indebted to you! :) LOVE YOUR WORK!!
well that makes the two of us- i fucking adore doc roe and i need believe he needs more content made about him. but holy shit- thank you so much, im so glad that you love my work! 💞💕😩
i also want to thank you for requesting this @sherlollydramoine!!💞💞
Words: 1.5k (uuhh might be a little bit more than a few hundred words??)
Warnings: None, surprisingly- i mean it is just fluff with our cajun bby so-
this was one of the ideas i came up with and i even chatted with @floydtab about the idea. so now, i think this is a great opportunity for me to write about it!
Taglist: @floydtab, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes, @wexhappyxfew
Familiar (Eugene Roe x Reader)
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You didn’t know what made this medic so familiar. You just couldn’t place your finger on it. You felt like you’ve seen him before. You just… Didn’t know where. Was it his face, his dark hair, his lidded eyes, red nose, or his tendencies to be distant and quiet? 
You still didn’t know, but you definitely knew that all of him enraptured you.  Just looking at him gave you a sense of nostalgia and memories of a certain boy popped up in your mind.
You could practically remember Eugene Roe from Bayou Chene like yesterday. He was your best friend and you two were practically attached to the hip. 
Eugene was a shy kid that mostly kept to himself, but he seemed to loosen up around you. He was sweet in his own way, and he was literally a gem you were glad to have found.
You met him when you were six and he was 8. He caught your eye with his shy yet steady demeanor and you approached him with a bright grin on your face. You enjoyed spending time with him, and he enjoyed spending time with you. 
You were glad to have been his friend, for you two shared many moments together. A fond smile was brought on your face as you specifically remembered one particular memory you had of him.
You were seated at the edge of the cement sidewalk, while Eugene was crouched in front of you with a worried look in his eyes. You sniffled lightly and the tears in your eyes have long dried after Eugene showed up.
“Did you really hurt yourself again, (Y/N)?”
“I didn’t mean to- You know that, Genie.”
“I feel like you’re doing this on purpose so I can give more ice cream.”
“It was an accident, I swear!”
Eugene pulled out a bandaid from his pocket and he gingerly laid it upon your wound. You winced a bit but Eugene was there to hold your hand. You gave him a grateful smile and the dark-haired boy gave a small grin in return. 
It was sweet of him, really. No matter how many times you’ve hurt or injured yourself, Eugene will always still treat you the best he can. 
Gene always made sure to carry extra bandages around and after you were patched up, you and Gene would try to find the nearest ice cream truck so you two could delight yourselves with the cold desert.
The two of you were seated along the side of the road, ice cream cones in hand. The tune of the ice cream truck faded away as it drove off and the two of you were left alone to sit peacefully on the curb. 
Your (E/C) eyes glanced where ever, and your little misfortune was long forgotten as you and Gene ate. As you finished your ice cream you stared contemplatively at your friend for a few seconds with your chin rested on your palm. 
You looked at him curiously as you pursed your lips in thought. Gene turned from his ice cream and he gave you a questioning look and the corners of your mouth turned upward.
“You know, Genie, with the way you’re treating me, I think you’d make a good doctor when you grow up.”
Gene scoffed lightly as he rolled his eyes in a comic manner. He turned away from you to look forward and slightly shook his head, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips. You move your body to face Eugene and you give him another inquiring look which makes him to cast a small smile. 
“Why, what is it, Roe?”
“I just find it funny that you think I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up. I think I’d rather be anything else.”
“No I’m serious, Genie. If you ever do become a doctor, I know that you’ll be the best one in town. Perhaps in the whole entire country if you try hard enough.”
He smirked lightly and the two of you averted your eyes from each other. You two got lost in your thoughts and the smile on your faces were replaced by a more serene expression. 
The breeze carried the conversation away, the ice cream devoured and long gone.  Both of you sat in silence, apparently too focused on your surroundings to feel that your fingers were intertwined with his.
And also apparently too focused to notice the spark that you two most definitely shared.
As you look back on your memories of the Cajun boy, you hear faint footsteps approaching your direction and you slowly turn your gaze to whoever was coming your way. Your (E/C) eyes widened for a split second as they landed on the medic who coincidentally looked like and reminded you of Eugene. 
“Hey, are you alright? You’ve been standing there for a while now.”
There it was- His voice. It brought you out of your temporary stupor and it sounded exactly like the boy you were currently thinking of. The medic’s was deeper of course, but the accent and the undertones of care in his voice were the same as your childhood friend’s. 
You didn’t personally know who this medic was, but you could already feel some sort of connection to him. 
You stood up quickly and you brushed any lingering dust or dirt on your trousers and soon your full attention was on the medic. He seemed to be scrutinizing you and his eyes were focused on your being. You were confused, of course, but you decided to continue and answer his question.
“Oh- yeah, I’m sorry. I was just about to go back anyways-”
“Well, that’s my name, how did you kn-”
You stopped speaking as your mind seemed to piece everything together, and it all just hit you like a bolt of lightning. Recognition lit up in your eyes and a soft gasp left your lips.
It’s… It’s Eugene. No wonder why you felt like you knew him- It all made sense now. But how were you so clueless to not even recognize your childhood friend? 
Your mouth hung open as you stared at Eugene in complete shock. Before you knew it you threw yourself forward and wrapped your arms around his neck. Warmth and joy surrounded you and you pulled Eugene closer.
You never realized how actually long it has been since you two had last seen each other. It felt so distant and the faded memories weren’t enough. But Eugene is right in front of you now, and you couldn’t help but to sink yourself deeper into his touch.
“I thought I’d never see you again, (Y/N)...”
Eugene’s deep and soft voice and accent rang out in the air, and the atmosphere soon became nothing but phlegmatic. His soft grip left goosebumps through your uniform and the blinding smile on your face somehow shone even brighter.
“You thought you could get rid of me that easily?”
You spoke teasingly into his uniform and you could feel Eugene’s arms wrapping around you as well. His hold never wavered, and the feeling of comfort you got from his touch never changed either.
 You could feel your eyes watering up from pure and utter joy and you let out a few soft sniffles. You pulled your face to look at Eugene with glossy eyes and he gave you a tender grin.
In no time, you both sat on the rummage of the destroyed buildings as you both conversed about the war and old memories you both kept safe in the back of your heads. The fact that Eugene still retained the personality he had from nine years astounded and relieved you. 
Smiles and a few light chuckles were shared between you two. It almost also seemed like you two were never separated in the first place. Time flew fast and it had already been a couple of hours since you and Eugene sat down to catch up with each other.
“Remember what you said, Genie?”
“Hm? What was it, (Y/N)?”
“I remember you saying that you’d never become a doctor, Gene. I mean, you’re not exactly a doctor, but a combat medic is pretty damn close, huh?”
“Well, to be fair, I never said anything about me not becoming a combat medic.”
Eugene pulled out a light smirk and he breathed a sigh. His dark eyes focused on your face and his heart started to beat rapidly. Like some sort of magnetic force, you and Eugene slowly start to inch closer, until both of your shoulders were touching.
Eugene’s calloused hand gingerly went out to hold yours as you both looked at the sun set behind the debris and broken buildings. He tenderly laced his fingers with yours and held on to it for as long as he could. 
It was exactly like that moment you two shared all those years ago. Except, this time, you two weren’t too focused on your environment to overlook the spark and attraction that you two held for each other. 
This time, you both finally acknowledged it and welcomed it with open arms.
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holy fucking shit- i’m sorry for taking so long on your request! i just really wanted to make sure that things were good for you and i might or might not have gotten carried away with this- 💞💞
but ahhh hopefully everyone who reads this enjoyed it! thank you, thank you, thank you so much you guys! 😩💞💕💕💕💕💕
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stonerbughead · 4 years
love in the time of coronavirus ch 5 preview
because it’s coming slow, but i think we all need a little bit of this jarchie energy in our lives rn. 
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“I promised Kevin I would call on day 10 and ask you two a question.”
“Oh, yeah, and what’s that?” Betty asks challengingly, the very mention of Kevin making her eyes narrow. Jughead grimaces; thinking of Cheryl’s knowing look the other night, he squeezes Betty’s shoulder. 
“Well, based on the sounds I heard when you answered this call-” Betty buries her head even further into Jughead’s chest. “-I feel like I already know the answer. But Kevin insisted I ask: have you two fucked already or what?” Archie says. 
Betty grabs Jughead’s phone out of his hand and aims it at the both of them. Jughead blushes: it’s truly something to see, a flushed Betty, wearing his t-shirt while very clearly straddling Jughead’s body. “What do you think?” she says sharply, rolling her eyes when both Jughead and Archie’s faces look back at her with complete surprise. “What?” she barks.
Archie whistles lowly. “Betty Cooper,” he says proudly. “Finally. Kevin will be very happy to hear the news.”
Jughead shakes his head. “If all of you thought it was this obvious that me and Betty liked each other, why wouldn’t you be your usual meddling selves and try to get us together? Because apparently we were the last to know.”
“Yeah!” Betty says, running her hand through Jughead’s hair instinctually. “We come to find out we’ve both been literally pining for each other for years. And you, our very best friend, just let us!”
Archie shrugs, though he looks sheepish. “It’s better this way,” is all he says.
“Well,” Jughead says. “We weren’t sure when we were gonna tell you but I guess you know now. We’re together.”
Archie claps his hands together and something inside Jughead collapses in relief. “The only good news I’ve heard all week.”
Betty shakes her head, removing herself from Jughead’s lap. “Thanks, Arch. But uh...nature calls.”
Jughead watches her go, waiting until the bathroom door closes behind her to face his best friend again. “You really knew this whole time?” he asks.
“Pretty much,” Archie says, shrugging. He’s relaxed back on his couch now, angling the camera so the light pours in his window and backlights him. “I mean, you’re both my best friends and neither of you are like, serial monogamists. You’ve both only really liked a handful of people, ever. It’s not hard for me to tell what it looks like when it’s…”
Archie nods. “Exactly, man.”
“This is the only time,” Jughead says. “The only time it’s ever felt real. With anyone.” The words come tumbling out and suddenly Jughead is weirdly grateful that Archie called when he did, if only to force him to say the words he was far too scared to say. 
“I’m so happy for you, Jug,” Archie says, in that genuine way that makes Jughead’s heart hurt it’s so reminiscent of the late Fred Andrews. “I’m not surprised, though,” he adds. “You two are so perfect for each other. I knew if you finally got the timing right, you’d be something special together.”
It might be one of the most beautiful sentences he’s ever heard come out of his best friend’s mouth and Jughead would stop to revel in it if he didn’t have one more thing to ask before Betty emerges from the bathroom. “Hey, Arch,” he says quickly and Archie seems to note his urgency. 
“Yeah?” he says.
“Why did you never...really tell me how you and Betty first met?”
Archie grimaces, looking a little embarrassed. “She told you the full story, huh? Get you two alone together for ten days and all the secrets come out.”
Jughead looks at Archie pleadingly through the screen. “Arch.”
“I could see the way you looked at her almost right away, Jug,” Archie says. “I’ve never seen anyone look at Betty like that. And I’ve certainly never seen you look at anyone like that. I just...I don’t know. I didn’t want you to think that for even a second I’d had any romantic interest in Betty - because, really, that’s all it was, a single drunk second before she put me in my place. Showing me why she was the most badass girl I’d met all night, but that we were much better off as friends.”
Jughead nods, taking in the information with a neutral expression on his face. “You thought I would be upset if I knew you’d hit on her once?” 
Archie shrugs. “Not necessarily upset, Jug. But think about you three years ago when you first moved here. You weren’t nearly as confident as you are now. I didn’t want you to think—I don’t know—that I was your competitor or something.”
“Archie, that’s misogynistic bullshit.”
“I know. I know it is. But that’s why I didn’t want you to think…”
Jughead shakes his head. “I get it,” he says. “I mean, you’re right. I totally would’ve short-circuited...at least a little bit, if I’d heard that shit three years ago.”
Archie shrugs. “It’s not that I thought you couldn’t handle it. It’s that I was afraid you’d use any excuse not to act on your feelings. And I didn’t want to give you another one,” Archie says. “Whether or not it was right, I’m glad you guys found your way to each other in the end. Even if it was…”
“Under the weirdest circumstances ever?” Betty says from where she’s—apparently—standing behind the couch, startling both Jughead and Archie.
“You’re sneaky,” Jughead says flirtatiously, turning to grin at her. She smiles back, patting the couch as she settles down. Jughead notices she’s slipped leggings on, though she’s still wearing his soft blue S t-shirt. He repositions himself next to her on the couch, propping his phone up on the coffee table so the camera is aimed at them once again. 
“How much did you hear?” Archie asks.
Betty shrugs. “Not everything. Don’t worry, some of your bromantic secrets are safe.”
“Oh, thank God,” Jughead says, jokingly holding a hand over his heart. 
“Anyway,” Archie says. “Have you two watched Tiger King yet?”
(thx for being patient with me, y’all! my tumblr break continues but ima drop in when i have new work to post! love you all! im still on the discord server if you wanna chat!!!!) read from the beginning / moodboard by @literatiruinedme​
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hongism · 4 years
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okay hi. so. first of all this incredible and stunning banner was made by the talented and lovely @hobiance​! the banner at the bottom was made by the equally talented and lovely thot @franklytae​, and i’m so so grateful to both of them for helping me out with this and am really touched to have their creations on this post. now. it is absolutely unreal that i am making this post. it’s crazy to see how my blog and i have grown in the past year and a half, and im so grateful for every single one of you who follows me, whether you are an active follower or not. also this is absolutely insane because in just six months you all have made my following nearly quadruple and that’s absolutely bonkers on so many levels. while 2020 has been tumultuous for us all, i cannot argue the fact that it has been my best year on tumblr so far. 
i have been able to meet so many fantastic people, grow friendships, grow my skills as a writer, gain confidence, and i have found friendships that are so treasured and valuable in so many ways. i’m really so so grateful for this platform and for the opportunity to share my work here with you all.
i really don’t know how to verbalize how i’m feeling because on one hand, followers are just a number and it’s unimportant in the long run. on the other hand i truly am grateful for every single one off you and i want you to know how grateful i am. but i really don’t want this to be about me because i really wouldn’t be on tumblr still without the people i’ve met along the way. through tumblr i have found lifelong friends who are beautiful inside and out and i will never stop being grateful to know them and walk this path alongside them. it’s truly a blessing and i feel so so lucky to get to know them. cue the ridiculously long tags of people whom i love and cherish so so much. i apologize in advance because no matter how many times i stare at this post and try to remember and get every single person who is valuable to me, i know i will inevitable forget someone so i am very very sorry if i miss anyone.
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓂𝓊𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@hobicomeholla29 @thatmultifandomhoe @yoongi-sugaglider @strawbxxymilk @meowxyoong @blondenamjin​ @dee-ehn​ @a-tiny-8iny​ @atiny-dazzlinglight​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @atiny-wooyoung​ @kesmonster​ @theredcarat​ @enchantedyeo​ @seonghwabrainworms​ @jintobean​ @jinterlude​ @joonsrack​ @moonmintrails​ @inkedxclouds​ @koophoriia​ @kimcritique​ @moonpjms​ @daechwlta​ @suhdays​ @ppersonna​ @vivpurple7​ @ironicarmy​ @joopiterjoon​ @btsxdoll​ @btsbiaswreckedwriting​ @minniepetals​ @chillingtae​ @searchingtae​ @ladyartemesia​ @staerrylights​ and many others who i literally cannot for the life of me remember right when it’s important aoifdjjioejsoi some of you guys i only really talk to on discord, but i think that’s where i talk to people the most anyways. i know im really bad at following people so i may miss a few of you here and there, but know that our friendship through tumblr and discord is so valuable and important to me and im grateful for all of you 💕
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@yolokoo​ @franklytae
hhhhh you two little shits honestly i know i won’t be able to tell the two of you how much you mean to me because words are Hard. still i am so so lucky to know the two of you and so so lucky to be able to be friends with you two. y’all know i would swing so fucking hard for you that i would dislocate a shoulder but it would be worth in. i love you both so so much and know that no matter what paths we all take in life, i will always be here to support you and cheer you on along the way
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓀𝑒𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓇𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@hobiance @miamorjoon​
lainey within ten minutes of meeting you on discord i married you iajoidfoisdjfo. honestly that’s the boldest i’ve ever been, but i’m really grateful that i stepped out of my comfort zone and interacted with you because if not i would be missing out on such a crazy crackhead amazing friendship that’s filled with rats and roaches and annoying atlas bc we love her. sometimes it’s scary how similar we are but i love our late night crazy music sessions and your passion for cowboys 🐀🤠
atlas i honestly do Not remember how we met aoidjfoij pls don’t be offended i don’t remember how i meet anyone. i only remember meeting lainey because she reminded me of it the other day. but anyways i am super glad that we started talking because you’re one of tha craziest wackiest zackiest ladiez i’ve ever met and you really unleash the inner crazy in me (in a good way i swear). even though you tell me to shut up most of the time, you are seriously one of my fav writers out there and so knowing you and being your friend is seriously w o a h and a blessing for sure 🐀
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@jamaisjoons @honeymoonjin @ddaenggtan @cest-la-tae​ @bangtiddies​ @mygsii @mindays @luxekook @floralsuga 
oh god i hope im not forgetting anyone hhafhiuehisuda oKAY you each are super duper special to me in your own special way and i could sit here for literally hours and ramble on about how much i love each of you. the basic fact of the matter is that each of you have impacted me and my life in some way.
sol, sora, bette - i am so lucky to have been able to meet you and work alongside you and talk to you daily. it’s normally extremely hard to work with friends or make friends through work, but i got so lucky with you guys and am so blessed to get to talk to each of you and know you ((special thanks to sol for Obey Me and 7 demon daddies)) ((another special thanks to backbone bette for having the courage to speak up when no one else does)) ((one more super special thanks to miss sora who is the kindest and sweetest ball of uwu i’ve ever known and Stan the Man the Icon and the limbless basketball game story remains Iconic))
dAIJA gahhh im so lucky to know you, you are such a valuable and incredible friend. you have a huge heart and you’re always looking out for other people. as much as i love screaming about hyunjin and victon with you, i really love just getting to chat with you in general because you’re so sweet and loving :ragecry:
e m i omg i wish i could remember when we first started talking bc i feel like it was some crackhead energy but honestly i feel like we have that crackhead energy 24/7. i really love listening to your stories because you have such a knack for storytelling which duh of course you do you’re an actress you know how to tell a story, but also you are just fun and exciting to get to talk to.
renae my lovely spiritual girlfriend you are such a wholesome sweet soul on every level w o w you have a heart of gold and you are so talented and wonderful as well, truly the whole package and a half, and you are such a good friend. somehow i only recently found out that you’re a multi but having listening parties with you (even if discord doesn’t tell us we’re listening together) is so fun and i just love chatting with you
reese omg i dont appreciate how you attack me with jisung and hyunjin but we are linked because we both switched to jungkook urls aoijsdfoij you’re such a fun person to talk to and i love getting to talk to you more and getting to know you better because you’re so sweet and loving and have a love of tea that rivals emi’s and mine which is crazy
monday mondayyyyyyy omg i remember the first time we talked was in a kakao chat about the flower shop story and i was Shook because i loVE your works and you were talking about how you liked mine and i was internally p a n i c k so bad ajflkjflk but after that we started getting to know each other better and we started the bee gang then we bonded over piercings and honestly you are just such a cool gal. like wow a queen. idek what else to say other than you are so cool i wish i was half as cool as you asoifjiof but really ily lots uwu
and last but really absolutely not least, mr. beau. wow i feel like it’s been such a long time since we met and started talking to each other. you were one of the very first people i talked to on tumblr, and you welcomed me so swiftly and with open arms. i know i can really rely on you and trust you, you are such a valuable friend, and i love being able to talk with you. i am so beyond proud of you, i know both alex and i are so so proud and happy for you, and i am so proud to be able to watch you grow into the person you are and deadass im crying rn just because im so proud and lucky to have been able to talk with you and help you. you know things about me that no one else does hehe and you are truly such a valuable and wonderful friend on so many levels. i will always always always be able to say that i am proud to be your friend and proud to know you 🤧
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Third Shift, Part 1
I'm still plugging away on the story I started for Robert's birthday, but here's everything up to the smut, which is halfway written. Please excuse any errors. ☺️ More tonight, I hope! It takes place on Robert's 21st birthday, in 1969, a day during which Zeppelin performed 2 shows virtually back to back.
Shout out to Robert, as always, for being the best muse I could've asked for. Happy birthday, sir. 🙌🏽🎁🎂❤️❤️❤️
"Good evening, Schenectady! The birthday boy is here!" Robert proclaimed loudly to no one in particular as he entered. The locals, rough-looking men who could appreciate what amounted to a truck stop stripper bar, suspiciously eyed the willowy hippie dandy with the British accent who bounded through the sea of wooden tables. Before the blue-collar men could return to their drinks they noticed the rest of the boy's long-haired entourage, and a chorus of grumbles and groans filled the room.
"He needs those birthday punches sooner than later," muttered Bonzo, watching his friend, in his birthday oblivion, blissfully ignorant to the bar's shifting mood. "I know I can give 'im as good as that American roadie tosser did me for my 21st."
As the rest of the band and Cole found an open table, Robert breezed his way to the bar between two men who were nursing large mugs of beer and lost in a heated conversation about the year's prospects for the New York Jets.
"Look at this long-haired freak," said the man wearing a Jets hat. "Kids got no respect for themselves today, I tell ya. No respect for themselves or this fine country."
Robert almost pointed out that he was from England, but thought better of it. A bar brawl and physical damage to his angel face would not help him win the hearts of any local girls.
The thought vanished quickly from his mind. He was too high to care after successful back to back shows that night, his revelry for his milestone 21st birthday, and a long swallow of whiskey in the car. Besides, he'd heard every negative comment about his hair and his clothes before.
"Oi love," he called loudly at the back of the bartender, who was restocking bottles of vodka and whiskey. No top-shelf brands, Robert noticed disdainfully, having acquired taste in this area under the tutelage of Cole. "A pint for the birthday boy, please?" He'd never met a beer or a cider he didn't like and figured it would be a safe bet.
"A pint of what?" she said without turning around.
"Ah, fuck," he said, quickly flashing an apologetic smile when the men at his sides whipped their heads toward him to deliver severe scowls. "America... Right. A beer, love, please? And it really is my birthday."
"Happy birthday, Mr. Out of Town," she said with sarcasm, moody from the high of catching Zeppelin's early show that night followed by the lows of the regulars' crude come-ons. "We've only got domestic," she continued. "I hope that's good enough for you."
She finally turned around and gasped. "You're the guy from Led Zeppelin, aren't you?"
"Robert Plant's the name." His smile, with its luminous, hypnotic quality, dissolved her shock and revved her desire. He liked the reaction he usually got from his smile, but he hoped that people would remember his name soon.
"Hey, you were at the first show, yeah? Front row, jean shorts, tight little T-shirt?" Somehow his smile became more intense, magnetic enough to make her face flush and her breath catch.
"You saw me?" She filled the mug with beer, higher to the top than usual, in direct defiance to her uncle's strict instructions.
Robert thanked her and sipped the beer she sat before him. He sighed. "Fine American lager, this is."
"Don't tell my uncle, but it's our best, and it's on the house for you, birthday boy."
Robert grinned broadly. "To answer your question," he said, then took another sip, "I would've been blind to not have noticed you. I couldn't resist your stare and you're, uh, rather lovely… Even now, in your work outfit."
She knew her work t-shirt was stained from a beer mug she had knocked over earlier. There was nothing she could do about that, so she toyed with her hair instead, finding a stray lock to tuck behind her ear. "Well, then, please tell me you're the prince who has come to whisk me away from all this." She waved her hands at the backs of men who might have been star high school football players in their heyday but were now graying or balding men, or both, with expanding waistlines and protracted bad moods. She rolled her eyes.
"I, uh, could be, if you want… For tonight, anyway."
"I don't get off until 2, though. Are you really going to stick around here until then?"
Robert looked around sheepishly. He knew Cole's skin must've been crawling, and he'd also heard whispers about more strippers visiting the hotel for him. "I…"
"Fucking hell, Robert, did you forget about us at the table, matey? Too busy chatting up a bird? We've eaten all the peanuts we can stand, you wanker. Get us some bloody beers, too!"
"Sorry, Bonzo," Robert said, without turning around. "Four more beers for the band and our road mom, please."
"I think you're right… We won't be closing your bar down, sweet. I think they have another surprise for me at the hotel." He gave her a puppy dog frown while she poured more beers. His wide-eyed stare went overcast in a way that he surely knew would be irresistible.
The more she stared into the depths of his stormy blue eyes, the more his gaze seemed to issue a dare. A barely perceptible upturn of his lips was the only clue that she wasn't imagining things.
She batted her eyelids and offered a similar sliver of a smile. His challenge had been accepted. "What a shame… But, you know, I have another idea…" She grabbed the strings that weighed down the corners of his shirt's V-neck opening and pulled him closer.
Robert didn't need another hint. He purred as the softness of her lips met his. Then he smirked inwardly as his tongue effortlessly teased her lips apart and swirled in her mouth with a tantalizing churn. He witnessed her bravado buckling under the heat of his kiss.
Her hands migrated to his mop of large curls as he gently grasped her shoulders. The two men seated in front of her groused and said it was time to get better seats for the show anyway. She knew they were the only ones who would care about her spectacle with Robert after having their space invaded; everyone else was too drunk or lost in conversation to care.
She eventually pulled away. She was fearful that her uncle would see her, as he was due in at any minute.
Her breathing went shallow and her heart began to race, but she found her voice somehow. "The show will be starting soon. When it does, meet me outside. I'll be on my break. You came in a car, right?"
"That I did, darlin'. A car that no one will be using during the show… Ah! An angel's face and a devil's mind. A combination I love."
She smiled. "Oh, Robert? One more thing…"
"Sure," he said without a clue of what she was going to say.
"Let's see your bartending skills… Don't forget the beers," she said, gesturing to the full tray before her.
"Barkeep! I thought you'd never come!" Cole clapped Robert on the back as he sat the tray down. Robert breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all the drinks made it to the table without one drop spilled.
"Lovely new friend you have there…" Jimmy offered before trailing off. He eyed the beer suspiciously before pushing it away from him. "I'm going to pass."
"Now, now, Pagey, you'll need it for a tick while we toast Robert," Bonzo chided. "And then you can give it to me."
Robert had finished his drink but raised his empty mug for the toast, as did Jonesy and the rest.
"Right. Percy, my mate, you wiggled your ass into something great for both of us. I am forever grateful that you thought of me for the New Yardbirds, as it were. There's a matter of a petrol bill to settle still, but let's forget about that for now, yeah? I'm glad we're on this ride together. Before we all say cheers, just know that I plan to dole out your birthday punches when you least expect it. Twenty-one of 'em. Jonesy will count to keep us honest."
"Anyway," he said, looking over at Robert, "Happy 21st birthday, Robert. Chin chin."
Everyone touched glasses. Everyone with beer took a sip, Jimmy included. Robert took a healthy swallow of Jimmy's beer before passing it over to Bonzo. As much as Robert wanted another pint, he knew he wanted to be as alert as he could for the bartender and their rendezvous.
The entertainment was announced, and Robert rose from the table.
"And just where the fuck are you going?" Cole glared as Robert pushed his chair under the table. "You're the only reason we're here right now."
"I'd say it's safe to wager that Robert has made plans for private entertainment," Jimmy commented.
"The bartender," echoed Jonesy.
"You mean you don't want to witness the finest strippers that upstate New York has to offer?" On with you, then." Cole waved a dismissive hand and lit a cigarette.
"May I borrow the car keys?" Robert asked Cole, while his eyes pleaded even more.
Robert caught the keys as they hurtled through the air in the general direction of his head.
"And don't drink all the whiskey with your lady friend!"
Robert bowed, tipped an invisible hat to Cole, and then walked briskly to the door.
"Hmmm… I may have spoken too soon about the quality of Schenectady's strippers…" Cole exchanged glances with the rest of the band as a voluptuous blonde took center stage and waited, with her hands on her hips, for the music to start. "My sincerest apologies, greater New York." Cole whistled loudly and turned his chair completely toward the stage.
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socialismformilfs · 6 years
Mutual appreciation post
So a lot of people did one so here I am hoes
@jungkooksbuttons Hafsa there is no word to describe how much you mean to me, for real I could write a novel about how I feel about you but I’m sure you already know that with all the paragraphs I sent you mon cœur lol: did you know you’re the only person in my life that I wrote paragraphs for? That’s how much you mean to me. I don’t know you’re just amazing and you inspire me to try harder because I know that even if times get harder for both of us we got each back’s and i don’t plan on giving up now that i found you my other half: you’re so damn amazing like I can’t put it into words but you’re funny, pretty, thoughtful and I feel so comfortable with you?? It’s like we can do and say everything to each other without judgment and that’s something I never done before with anyone else but you, i also love how we’re both crackheads and we can talk for hours about nothing but still have fun somehow. Seriously you became such an important part of my life, I actually didn’t expect that when I first joined the gc but now I realized that was the best decision I made this year because I got to meet you. I have so much to say but I’m going to stop now because it’s not a Hafsa appreciation post djjdj seriously babe I love everything about you: your qualities and your flaws and nothing will ever change that
@bloomingjiminie I have so much to say about you didi oml i don’t even know where to start, you were the first person that talked to me in the gc and we got along so well?? I was chocked because I usually get hated easily lol but no with you, it was so easy it’s like you have a power to make people feel comfortable talking to you and that’s amazing, you’re amazing. Honestly I was a bit sad when we stopped talking for a while but then we did our gc and BAAM you became one of my closest friends and soulmate. I’m so glad I honestly made this gc because it brought me closer to you and the others. You’re an incredible writer and I have the best ideas with you and joking around with you is so easy because you have a great sense of humor so I’m not scared to say the dumbest things to you because I know you’ll end up saying dumb stuff too. You also know when to stop joking around and being caring to me when I feel upset and that means a lot. I love you chicken to my frog legs even if you clown me but it’s fair because I clown you too lmaoo
@chen-stans-are-the-best KERI you living legend and my partner in crimes, you’re so damn cool like everything about you is wow, you’re so sweet and loving but at the same time we know we can count on you if we’re in trouble to defend us. You laugh and put up with my dumbass like no one else and that means a whole lot because I know that it doesn’t make everyone laugh like it does with you and I tend to be annoying. I know we tease you a lot about you driving for example but you never get mad and that’s nice to know I can joke around without making you upset. Also you’re a genius, the ideas you create and the evil plan we did once was hilarious and wonderful to do with you. You’re a cutie (even if you say you’re not) and I love talking to you my soul sister because I know you’re here to listen if necessary. Even if I’m bad at expressing how I feel, I want you to know that I won’t leave this gc even if I get banned somehow because you guys became my family and you’re dear to me Keri, I love you (I wanted to make it dark purple cause it’s your favorite color but I don’t know if it’s dark enough lol)
@little-bunny-jungkookie Rae the queen of moodboards and my close friend, honestly you’re so friendly and creative and kind to me, I’m honored?? You’re an angel and I’m not joking even if you may disagree and I’m so happy you consider me as your friend. I know I can talk to you about serious situations without hesitation and go to you anytime to ask you for some advices and I’m forever grateful for that. You might have joined recently but it’s like we’ve been friends for a long time and I can talk to you in vc or send you random pics without thinking about it twice because you have such a comforting and peaceful presence for me, I know I can trust you. You may have flaws but know that it doesn’t make you less of a good person because your qualities have more impact on others than your flaws and your feelings are valid no matter what anyone say. You’re a great person and friend to me and I love you very much Rae and sorry I pronounced your name wrong at first djdj
@seokjinownsmyass My bro Mina, you’re so talented with what you write and we have so many moments together like the time we were teasing Simon and Dee about their “platonic” relationship was iconic or the whole thread we did with the « 🌚🌝 ». I love listening to you rant because that’s so cute (Raena is thriving) and it makes me feel closer to you, I’m happy you’re my bro and I know I joke around a lot and tease you but you’re really an important friend to me and I miss you a lot when we don’t talk. I care about you Mina and I’ll fight you if you doubt yourself because I love you so does Rae and others and you and your memes are the best so don’t ever think for a second that we’ll stop loving you bro because that won’t happen, I’m stubborn af after all. I hope you’ll join the vc soon tho I want to hear you voice Mina jkjk you don’t have to if you don’t want to
@killcomet Starlight, you’re so precious I literally can’t, you always tag me in cute things and I just melt because that’s how adorable you are and I appreciate it because it feels like you’re thinking about me even if we’re not talking that much lately so it makes me feel better and your voice is beautiful, I could listen to it for hours. You may say you’re annoying but that’s not the case hon: your flaws, your insecurities, your doubts, everything about you matters to me and don’t ever hesitate to text me because you might believe you’re annoying, personally it makes me happy to know I can be here for you and I’m always here if you want to talk Drew. I may not be physically present but I still will do my best to help you in any way. I love you and talking to you until 5 am was goal (Simon was here but he kept leaving so technically it was just the two of us dhdh)
@lofisapphic Bee omg you’re so fun to talk to you because we do so many icon things together first it started with the Simon protection club then the crush squad and finally the pickup lines war, I can’t I’m actually screaming everytime you send a pickup line to me jdjdjd im still surprised honestly we haven’t been banned but I’m not complaining. Also you’re so pretty like stop sis that’s not fair and you’re great because even if we have different opinions sometimes, we still respect each other and you’re very mature and respectful on a lot of subjects and that’s impressive, i stan. Anyway I love you and your gay panicking ass
@puppieseokie fay sis you’re iconic seriously, l miss you ranting about your girlfriend on the gc and I was kind of sad when you and bee left but it’s understandable. Your mind is a gift from the god seriously: you love hoseok and bts, you ship shrek and Yoongi and you’re a gay legend. I respect you ma’am and if you have cute moments with your gf, don’t hesitate to talk to me about it~
@simonbunnyjunior SIMON my French talking little bro, you’re the kinkiest person I met in a while but that’s goal honestly. You’re kind af and you do your best to help and make everyone feel better. You’re shameless but at the same time you’re still respectful so i live for that. ALSO the nickname you gave me is so fucking cute, I’m screaming. I admire you for not giving up even tho things are hard for you sometimes and I hope you know you can talk to me anytime if you feel like things are getting too difficult for you to handle. Love you
@bangtansoftboys Robin it’s been a while since the last time you were in the gc, I hope you’re okay and I hope you know that we’re joking when we’re teasing you because we’re crackheads anyway love you cute king~
@sundaetae Dee I own you a lot honestly because without you I wouldn’t have joined this gc so thank you so much and you were the first person I directly ever talked to so I think it’s cause of you I was able to not be shy anymore and I’m grateful for that Dee love u sis
@diamondjoonie Andrea hello~ i know we interacted like once but you sound like a great person to hang out with because the only time we talked we did memes and I wasn’t feeling awkward talking to you so if you ever feel like chatting again, don’t hesitate to message me
@busted-aesthetic MEL you’re so cool seriously, I know we just started talking recently but you’re so funny and you have like an aura that says don’t fuck with me cause I’ll hunt you down djjd talking to you until 6 am with mon cœur was hilarious especially when you guys started teaching me how to pronounce things correctly, iconic. Anyway I hope things get better and love you queen
@kingdomzeldaquest LOTTe my murderer and non-existent friend, I love our inside jokes that we had because now we can confuse others for no reason and that’s goal. You’re funny af and talking to you is nice because you’re an intellectual and your taste in music is great. Love you and don’t get arrested lmaoo
@spraklecrackle Thomas heyyyy i remember talking to you once? When we created the « Simon protection club » and you were super nice and you join the club so you’re a legend. We should talk sometimes and I saw you’re French too so hell yes French squad
@alien-the-magician Yasemin you’re so djdjjd literally you join the gc once in a year but everytime you’re here it’s hilarious for example the Dracula is your ancestor thing and when you were drunk lmaooo I love you and your drunk ass
@justramblingaboutthings HEYYY Raquel how are you? It’s been a while since I saw you, I miss screaming about Dia’s talent with you. Take care of yourself and hope you’re okay
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sacrisomnia · 5 years
❤ + nomither, bich
come get y’all’s positivity // not accepting !
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fr fr though, the amount of love and effort and care he’s poured into david is just astounding and super admirable, and i just love seeing how much he adores david bc man, seeing someone care so much for their muse is just really heartfelt, you know??
also just?? he’s been a really good friend and im really glad we’ve stuck together for so many months…he’s the one who got me into roleplaying in the first place and if it wasnt for him i wouldnt have met so many cool and sweet people, nor gotten a chance to develop my writing like this. im really just super fucking grateful to him for that
there really isnt anyone else i’ve met who’s quite like him. i always love seeing him on my dash and getting to chat with him and goof around bc he’s just such a genuine and swell guy…
anyway this is really ramble-y but, im so glad i met you king, and i wouldnt trade my experiences with you for anything else
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xllxxrbxg · 3 years
hmmm gold digger prank yaya call my aliens from mars and tell them to get the gold
hmmmm idkkkk. update ko lang sa life rn may bebe na me. karlo is his name. he's a nice guy. takes me out (not as a hitman) occasionally. I like how he treats me; he gives me freedom. And it only means he trusts me very well. I dont have any idea where he gets the energy to trust me, but that's how it goes. Kinda shocking ba na may bebe na me hihi kakasabi ko lang sa las entry ko na ayoko maging taken GAGI tapos here i am parang clown. Pero anyways, masarap lang din sa feeling na may nakakaappreciate sayo nang ganun. Tho we just met palang and since day 1 of that meeting him personally, magkalandian na kami agad AHSDHAHDHA kasi sa chat di naman kami nag flirt in any way usap lang lagi. And di ko rin sya feel non sa chat kasi parang ang kulit na ewan, pero LOOK AT ME. So ayon naglaplapan kami the other other week pa. Make out game strongk naman kahit papano pero man his hands ... they long asffff. Anyway ayon I asked for a hickey, gave me one, and the next morning I was scolded by mom lmfao WAS FUNNY TBH BECAUSE i didnt even try to hide it. And my tito also saw it he was like "ano yang nasa neck mo? bat may pasa" and i was like "ah hehe yung ano kasi yung necklace" AHASDHHADHASH AND MOM WAS THERE SHE WAS LIKE "yung necklace nya nagtala sa pagtulog nya *sips coffee bites bread* HAHAHAHHAHAHA OMFG but later on when we went to camalig she noticed it was a real hickey and yeah I got scolded because Im so pasaway daa. Anyways LOVE YOU MOM UWU! HEHE. So ayon nga ayoko na magpromis na maglolog in ako dito daily kasi di naman natutupad. Pero kahapon kwento ko lang mars nagsakay ako sa big bike GARA PAREH as in lahat nakatingin sa tormots nung kasama ko. Nameet ko lang din sa bumble tho tig vibe check ko man sya for several weeks. And sya rin kausap ko nung time na suicidal ako so goods naman. Ok naman sya may dead air lang kaso sometimes baka nagkakahiyaan and stuff. nilibre nya ako ng milk tea, AND HAHA KASI ang weirdt tho nagtanggal ako mask. Di ako usually natanggal mask, heck si jeff na bff q never pa ako nakita personally na walang mask HAHAHAHA Anw ayon was fun tho napa Holy Mary ako habang nakasakay sa likod niya. Kasi first of all the ride was bumpy, second of all the seat was small ASS!!! and walang hawakan sa likod. Anyway people were staing hihi I DO LOVE ATTENTION! I was wearing a tank top, cargo pants, combat boots, and on top of it all I had a tatt on my arm. DAMN SHAWDDIE @ ME. LOL. Loved the temporary feeling of royalty. Gara ba naman ng motor. It was green and black in color and it was a cool ass expensive motor !! it was worth 300k+ if irc. ANW ayun had fun naman. Tho I mostly did it so that I would stray from depression but I am still depressed. I have to do something about it INTERNALLY and deal with it with myself. And stop going out with people as a shortcut to heal the depression. But anw ayun I am glad there are people that go out with me because I am sad. Plus I am grateful Karlo allows me to go out with my other friends despite that they are guys. Man that guy trusts me so much, I will not break it. Anyways he's a nice guy, but at the same time you cant have it all yk. I dont like it when he walks ahead of me just cause he has longer legs and bikes, but we can work on that. Anyways, people underestimate people on bumble. Some guys don't look like it but theyre actually rich. First example i have is AJ. he aint lookin rich man. If anything, he looks like he smokes 8 packs a day. But I was wrong he actually smokes 9. CHAROT. Mans was like teasing me most of the time and I GOT PISSED SO I FIRED BACK. but days passed he sent me 1.3k--- LIKE WHAT FOR WHAT????? I was mean yet he knew I needed something to cheer me up and HE SENT MONEY?? WHO THE FUCK SENDS 1.3K AHAHAHHAHAH SHET GANDALANGTALAGAMINSANMARS Then the other one I met just yesterday was dustin. He goes to school at UST manila and he treated me outside too. He owns the 300k motor BUT TELL YOU WHAT HE AINT LOOKIN RICH ON HIS PROFILE. If anything, I wouldnt swipe right tbh but apprarently, I did. So lesson here is dont judge people by their looks,
actually try to have a conversation with them, and treat them fairly and not be mean just because its online. Also, mostly the goodlooking ones on these dating apps are the asshole ones lmfao. Tho there are guys who look like literal shit and are assholes too. Lol anyway the third one is Karlo which I started seeing a month ago. I met up with him because I was visiting Naga temporarily and then I got bored. Supposedly I would meet up with miki because we were talking for sometime already but he was not making things happen so I just grabbed whoever was available that time and it was Karlo. Was hesitant at first, because I didnt match the vibe he had online and was too makulit for me. But to my surprise on our very first meeting, he picked me up with a fortuner. I thought he'd bring a clanky ass car or somn when he said he'd borrow from his father. Anw, was nervous when I entered the car because I was unfamiliar with the person and it was sinking into me that it could be my last day on earth. So I was like yeah he might have a car yada yada yada didnt pay much attention just yet. So we went to this field apparently people call it naga view. not much too see just overlooking the city. IT WAS A DAMN FIELD!!!!!! IDK WTD BUT HE TOOK ME THERE I WAS READY TO FIGHT FOR MY LIFE I HAD A CUTTER WITH MEEE anways.... was fun date. we had to return the car by 3 we were kinda late. so we went to his house was a nice house it had an office. was then again surprised to see a signange with their surname on it and it entailed they had a realty firm. And also turns out they own a damn resort. bro. both of his parents are engineers and are real estate brokers. and it ain even show on the pfffppp man people on bumble really be keeping it lowkey. Pero yeah he isnt rich, his parents are. that makes him a rich kid. But anw di ko naman habol money ew im not like that. I may like free stuf, but I dont chase people for money unless theyre my client or if i lent money lmfao. Just surprises me how people be rich. like damn his bike is like 130k...... man what in the wealth.... also theres zef. another good friend of mine. his dads a lawyer. idk but they seem rich plus his bike costs 65k...... thats cheper than karlos but like........... yall underestimate bikers too. man they RICH. tho you can get budget bikes but idk how youll keep up with guys that has feather weight expensive ass bikes that they hoist up single handedly LMAO. eat the rich. anyways i guess this is what this entry is all about. Me making kwento about people that are rich. I will get rich soon too. I know God will help us get what we deserve after all that losing, it is time to win. <3333
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wanna-17 · 7 years
sisterzoned ft. kang daniel (pt. 2/end)
summary: you’re sisterzoned by your crush the moment you two meet, will you ever have a chance?
length: 2.3k
a/n: PART 2 IS HERE IM SO OVERWHELMED BC PART 1 GOT MORE THAN 100 NOTES THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! this is a lil long and i’m honestly unsure how you guys will find this :// so please please send me asks to let me know what you think or just talk to me in general heheh i really hope you guys like this!!!
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please read part 1 here if you haven’t already! i also suggest reading both parts to get you in the mood!! 
so continuing on it’s been 5 years and you thought you were over your camp crush on daniel 
however this completely proved to be wrong when you came across a picture of daniel kissing this girl’s cheek 
and your heart felt messed up 
so you decided to REALLY actually move on 
so you started doing a whole bunch of things to distract yourself 
you started to take the initiative in hanging out one on one with friends to catch up 
you watched a lot of kdramas and shows
you helped your parents at home a lot with stuff 
you took your younger siblings on drives and tutored them 
you even managed to go out for a run a couple of times a week 
you were feeling so much better
more happy more refreshed and you were doing things for yourself too
occasionally treating yourself and also trying new things like planting and arranging flowers which you never ever thought you’d enjoy 
you had a party coming up and at first you were hesitant to go 
bc you weren’t close to the girl hosting the party as she was only someone you met through group work 
and secondly it was pretty fancy as it was gonna be like on a cruise and you had to dress up and you were really lazy with that stuff
but you decided hey why not go as there wasn’t much to lose
all you had to do was force yourself to wear a dress and chip in $10 for the birthday gift and you got to be on a cruise, have unlimited food and maybe even make some new friends 
so here you were at this party on a cruise in your dress from a couple years of back that you wore for graduation without any make up on and a purse which had your thongs that could save your feet for the night 
you had small conversations with many people and everyone was generally nice 
people offered you alcohol but you declined as you had to drive home and you also secretly hated alcohol 
so now anyways onto the important stuff
FOOD who doesn’t like free food at parties omg
the food was a buffet style so it was always available and you could get as much as you wanted anytime 
as you were reaching for the salmon i love salmon a girl also reached for the tongs thing to pick up the salmon at the same time as you
“omg i’m so sorry! here you can go first!” said the girl apologetically as she offered the tongs to you 
“ah thanks!” you replied as you took them from her and took some salmon 
you offered to put some on her plate and she was grateful 
then it got awkward as you didn’t have in mind where to go after getting your food and it seemed the same to the girl 
so you decided to strike up a conversation with her bc why not she seemed really friendly 
“hey so what’s your name?” you asked 
“oh my name is yoojung! what about you?” 
“i’m y/n! nice to meet you!”
“nice to meet you too! i’m so glad that you talked to me as i haven’t really met anyone new here” said yoojung 
“oh are you only close with chungha?” lets say its chunghas birthday party on a cruise lol
“no i actually don’t know her...my boyfriend bought me here as a plus one so i thought why not as i love food on cruises” explained yoojung “ahhh this is kinda embarrassing” lets all guess who yoojung’s boyfriend is lmao
you laughed
“you’re so cute and its not embarrassing i would do the same as you if i had a boyfriend that took me to parties for the food” you replied assuring her
you and yoojung bonded instantly due to both your love for food and you really enjoyed talking to her bc she was so sweet and genuine and cute and you guys found out you were the same age too and even swapped contact details 
however for some odd reason yoojung looked a teeny bit familiar but you couldn’t pinpoint from where or what 
you asked her and after comparing primary schools high schools tutoring places and everything there was nothing common but whatever 
you guys continued to chat about other things 
after like half an hour of just chatting suddenly a guy came and snaked his arm around yoojung’s waist and gave her a kiss on the forehead as he said “little kid where have you been?” 
you couldn’t see the guy’s front but his backview somewhat seemed familiar and so did his voice 
but it couldn’t be who you thought it was right?
“stop calling me that omg” said yoojung as she shoved him playfully 
the guy finally turned around and his eyes widened and so did yours
yes it was daniel 
who you’d tried so so damn hard for the past two months or more like 5 years to get over 
and here he was standing in front of you with another girl who was cute and sweet 
yoojung hadn’t yet caught on that you two probably knew each other as he introduced you two “hey daniel, that’s my new friend y/n and y/n that’s my boyfriend that bought me here, daniel” 
daniel suddenly smiled showing his bunny smile that you had not seen in five years and it was still the same
you realised he’d lost some weight, grew taller and had dyed his hair light brown 
“yoojung that’s my younger sister that i mentioned to you before” exclaimed daniel “SIS I MISSED YOU” 
daniel suddenly engulfed you in a hug and you awkwardly stood their frozen hoping that he did not hear your heart burst 
yoojung laughed “omg what a coincidence! that’s so sweet how you guys reunited thanks to me” she clapped her hands happily 
daniel finally let go of you 
“awww y/n its been ages i’m so happy to see you” said daniel 
“yeah me too” you replied awkwardly as you tried to avoid eye contact and keep calm
it was crazy you’d been going out of your comfort zone for the past two months to get over daniel because he got a girlfriend but all that effort had been wasted as daniel and his girlfriend were standing in front of you right now
you were on a freaking cruise so you couldn’t even escape 
“well i need to go to the restroom why don’t you guys catch up?” said yoojung 
daniel gave her another kiss on the forehead and yoojung left smiling at you two 
yoojung was a literal angel you couldn’t even hate daniel’s girlfriend because she was so nice and cute and you guys even swapped contact details 
no wonder she looked familiar as you’d seen the photo on facebook....
and now it was just you and daniel and he had that bright smile on his face 
“y/n let’s go outside to the cruise balcony its so pretty out there!” exclaimed daniel 
you nodded in response unsure what to say 
suddenly daniel placed his hands on your shoulders and started to steer you in the direction of the cruise  balcony 
as his hands made contact with your shoulders you literally felt electricity run up your entire body 
even though the straps on your dress were really thick you still felt your skin crawl up due to the contact 
when you guys reached the cruise balcony he let go of your shoulders and leaned against the railing looking at the ocean and the night sky above
you stood next to him keeping a rather large distance between the two of you 
you looked towards him and couldn’t help but admire his sideview and the way he shone under the moonlight 
but you couldn’t fall for him, you couldn’t be distracted by his actions towards you and the smiles
he had a girlfriend for goodness sake 
you wanted to escape so bad but you also couldn’t help want to spend more time with him like this
the wind was pretty strong and you unconsciously folded your arms in an attempt to keep yourself warm 
daniel glanced over at you as he asked “dont you have a cardigan or something?” 
you shook your head 
please don’t do something that will make me all fuzzy please don’t please don’t you chanted in your head 
too late daniel had already taken off his jacket and he wrapped it around your shoulders 
you felt your cheeks burn up and luckily you guys were outside so he couldn’t see 
“you need to look after yourself” said daniel as you ruffled your hair
you were suddenly getting annoyed
this guy had a girlfriend and he kept doing sweet things to you that made your heart go crazy 
all of a sudden an unfamiliar amount of courage took over you as you shook off the jacket around your shoulders and looked at daniel right in the eye 
“why are you doing this to me?” you asked bluntly
you were so out of character as you were usually the type of person to follow others and endure rather than be straightforward and bring up uncomfortable topics like this
“huh what do you mean?” replied daniel confused as he still had his bunny smile on 
you shoved the jacket in his arms as he looked at you in surprise 
“this, everything that you do to me and say to me. aren’t you dating yoojung?” 
“yeah i am but how’s that related to my actions towards you?” asked daniel still confused 
“have you ever considered how yoojung might feel knowing how you treat me?” 
“she’s fine with it because she knows that you’re my sister -” 
“i’m not your sister and maybe have you thought about how i feel?” 
“wait what...” said daniel as he tried to figure out what you meant “no way...it can’t be what i’m thinking right?” 
“well yes it is” you replied
and then you realised you had basically confessed and never in your imagination would you have expected yourself to confess to someone 
especially in a ridiculous situation like this where daniel already had a girlfriend 
daniel looked at you wide eyed as he was lost for words 
silence filled the atmosphere between you two and you really wanted to run away 
but since you had already embarrassed yourself you thought you might as well make your feelings clear
“look daniel i actually liked you since that camp we met on ages ago and i’ve been trying to get over you ever since i found out you had a girlfriend. i was pretty much over you but it didn’t help that you appeared in front of me like this being all sweet and nice” you let out basically in one breath 
he looked at you in shock “you liked me on the camp?!” 
you bowed your head down in embarrassment regretting everything you had blurted out 
“you know what just pretend i didn’t say anything bye” you said quickly about to leave
“no no wait y/n” said daniel “it’s just that...why do we have such bad timing?” 
your eyes widened at what daniel said resorting in you staying to finish hearing what he wanted to say 
daniel rubbed the back of his neck furiously 
“seriously this is so messed up...” said daniel rubbing the back of his neck “to be honest i liked you at the camp back then too...”
“WHAT” now it was your turn to exclaim and be shocked
“then why did you call me your sister and all that?” you asked
“well at first i noticed you and had the feeling of wanting to protect you since you were like a little kid so i made up the excuse of us having the same last names so i could get to know you better. but i didn’t think i would end up liking you and i thought there was no way that you would like me back...” 
you couldn’t believe it because daniel had liked you back then too...
“and well back then i probably could have told you that i liked you but we were so young back then i was afraid of messing up and also since you were transferring schools it wouldn’t work out anyways so i just kept it to myself and enjoyed my time with you” 
you were speechless you didn’t know how to respond and to take in this new information
you could feel your knees go weak and tears forming in your eyes 
“but well as you know i have a girlfriend right now and i really love yoojung a lot...i’m so sorry y/n...i’m so sorry that it turned out like this and that i misled you i should have been more careful i’m so sorry” said daniel 
daniel felt so terrible 
“no it’s okay it’s not your fault...i overthink and overanalyse everything...” you replied 
“no y/n it’s my fault...but i hope that you can get over me and i’m sure there is someone out there who will love you way more than how much i loved you back then and treat you with sincerity and understand you better” said daniel 
you felt a stab in your heart as tears started to really fall 
daniel took out a pack of pocket tissues from his pocket uh duh 
and instead of wiping your tears which would be his normal behaviour towards you he handed them to you instead
“y/n i know this is selfish of me but it would be nice if you could still be my sister...maybe when you get over me and find a great guy you are always welcome to come and be my sister but it’s entirely up to you” 
you nodded as the tissues soaked up your tears
daniel gently ruffled your hair one last time before walking away 
you watched his back view getting further and further away and he finally disappeared back inside 
fate was so cruel to you 
omg the ending the ending this was my first attempt at angst so i really don’t know ??? but i love daniel sm!! well this is the end of sisterzoned. i think the moral of this story is that timing is pretty important bc here if y/n didn’t have to move schools she probably got to get to know daniel better and that by the end they would be together. feelings can come and go especially when we are young so it’s important to cherish every moment! OH AND PLS LET ME KNOW WHETHER U LIKE THIS WRITING STYLE OR NOT so i know if i should keep doing scenarios in the future i love you all 
masterlist is here
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herestoallmydreams · 4 years
Been A Whileeeeee!
it’s been 6 years since I’ve written anything & a lot has happened in this time! 
-graduated college
-worked at a private school
-it became toxic
-jobless/ on the huntttttt ---- in my feels & connected with art again
-worked at a public school 
-was burdened & sick from mistreatment of a student & me (employee)
-decided to leave bc no benefits & fulltime with that mistreatment
-got a full-time & stuck it out
-CORONA virus & q’s of job again with possible district switch
I think that is a pretty accurate timeline of major events that have happened in my life over the span of 6 years. I also have grown so much in self discovery & development.... Grown stronger in my confidence, abilities, financial literacy, and understanding what I like/ don’t in relationships and dating.
Yea, I said relationships & dating!! bahahaha I think this is the biggest one here! I didn’t include this in my life update bullets but this has def been a large area of growth for me over this span.... starting with the fact that I actually have some experience to talk about that is “real.” Not to say that college crushes, summer fun romances & a “friendly” first make out are not real, but I actually fell in love.... with an older guy overseas in the summer of 2015. I was 23 and he was 31(8 year difference) and we were in love. I resisted the whole way through but it grew strong for me and I lost myself a bit in the process. 
Essentially, what I was afraid of happened... I didn’t wanna love him more, care more and feel unloved and uncared for. but that is what happened after 2 years together. I was all in and pulled back from flesh temptation bc I knew If we’d be together in person the expectation would be there so I treated it like if i wanted it to be my forever and resisted. That created more distance & made me feel more unloved. It hurt like hell in short. I turned to manipulation and I cried way more than I should have. But it’s done. I miss the companionship but I missed it months before we were “officially” done. 
Then oddly enough years later online dating apps has become a huggge industry and a really big trend. Hope & Ayo both met their  bf’s on their and encouraged me to get out there and date.
In 2018 and 2019 I still was “getting over” my ex in a way, but each year I felt better. By 2019 winter, I made a profile & started swiping. It was good to think of myself and dating.... experiment and get out there in a way. I went on A LOT of first dates and chatted with numerous guys to potentially date. It was fun and exciting. I found different people brought out different sides of me and I enjoyed getting to know new people and myself in the process. 
3 guys stood out most in my short 6 or so months of dating, Atabek, Mark & Tolga. 
-----First off Atabek was a beautiful man. I was most attracted to him but when we dated I think I was too unsure of what I wanted. He asked what I was interested in & I didn’t say one way or the other. I wanted to see him more (most of everyone I went out with but sadly it didnt really work out. I didnt hear from him.) 
------Mark was a black guy and a good person to text with. I enjoyed conversation but he didn’t seem ready to really date me. IDK if it was he didnt want things to be to serious or what.... He took forever to go out with me but i think it was an alright date all n all. With him i learned to let the guy be the gentleman--- if he tries to do something for me, don’t resist. Also, be myself but don’t be too much myself to scare him. (blew out my afro and it was hugely huge that day hehehe 
------Lastly was Tolga, ohhh Tolga. He was really good looking too like Atabek.... but in a more youthful kind of way. He was younger and very eager to date me. I think it was really that he was really eager to have a girlfriend. We went out 4 times in a couple weeks but texted/knew each other for a long time. With him I learned that I shouldn’t be too much in my head, but also if my gut is telling me something is missing then listen too.
 With him there were little things that i noticed as “red flags.” He associated with black culture & felt knowledgeable enough to speak on things bc he had black friends. also he was “pressed” to be exclusive. I should have let him kiss me at some point (ie get outta my head with it) but also i think a part of me knew that he was more superficial and I wanted to be with someone i connected with more on a deeper level. Mark i connected with more on a deep level but he was to wishy washy. Atabek I connected more on a physical level with him and some on a deep/ cultural level but I was the wishy washy one. 
Throughout all of this I know more of myself & what I am looking for. I am someone who takes time to grow to really like someone.... enough to want to call them and talk. I have to connect on a deep level and in order for my real attraction to develop for someone. I am also a bit fearful that I will let my guard down and love someone but their love wont be as strong and true as mine.
I want to be in a relationship where the love grows stronger and isn’t fleeting. One where he is patient and kind to me and takes the time to get to know me and love me. I want a slow roasted marinated kind of love, not a microwave minute kind of love. I want to be in a relationship with a man who is sure of himself and secure in himself in a way that he is cool with waiting to woo me and for me to let my guard down. Lastly, I want a man who will communicate with me when something is not working. One who can communicate gently but firmly what he wants and needs and is open to hear the same for me. I want to be clear in what i want and need too & be able to communicate that in a way that is gentle & firm too. 
Building security in a personal relationship with self allows for building security in a personal relationship with someone else. Being vulnerable with yourself and facing those things helps you to do so with your partner too. I saw that with each of these connections I built over the last few years too & I’m so grateful for what I’ve learned & how I’ve grown. 
I think at this point in life I have certain ideas about what my life should look like & where I wanna be when I meet/date the right guy, but honestly, heaven only knows. In my mind I want it to be in a couple years still, but in my heart, I think I’m really ready to be in a committed relationship. I saw myself being in a short dating relationship and getting married after a year or so of courting.... but I am open to dating for a little more of an extensive time (2-4 years) to get thing in order financially from this point in life. 
I’m 28 years old. Age is only a number but it does feel different when friends around you start to pair of and start their new lives together. It’s a beautiful thing. Most of the time I am happy for people but i have to watch myself. I have noticed at brief times quick flashes of jealousy like “how did they get to buy a home on their own” or wow, i can’t believe that they are getting married, having kids, or ohhh gosh another person from college is married. It has been interesting at times. Even people younger than me, finding love or being in a relationship. Sometimes hope complains but Im like hey, it’s something great ya got there. 
I know everyone is different though and I am def not Hope or Ayo or Morgan or any of my other friends. I am me & I gotta keep faith that someone right is out there for me & trust in God’s timing and plan. He works things so that I can learn along the way & this way, when it is time for me to be with the right person, I will be the right person.
Anyways, this post was very very long but it’s been a while. :) kinda glad i have a space for this bc quarantine has been making me a lil loopy the last couple weeksssssss. That and period hormone thingssss mehh. 
the end for now!
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outrowings · 7 years
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sorry for the lame gif
Nitya here! I’ve had this blog for 900 years and some of you guys have seen me through one direction, years of regret superwholock, marvel and dc, the 100, sense8, star trek, star wars, and my final form: kpop. the best part of this has been seeing all my old favs also turn into kpop trash blogs  how we’ve stayed together for so long through all this.  anyway here’s me being gross and loving my mutuals (long post ahead)
favs: im sappy so heres me trying not to cry about how much i love you as i type these (idgaf if we only talked once i still love u)
@artificialskyway : veronica! i’m so bad at replying but ur always asking how i am and sending me pics of my favs and im forever grateful <333 i hope you continue to write in the future ur work is amazing!
@beinfired : my favorite (and only) hoobae. tk thanks for putting up with me LMAO and always sending me the freshest memes and hyping me up like no one else. ur finally making edits and i love them!!!! keep going !!!!! i cant properly express my undying love for u so ill leave it at that.
@blameblamebts : hana u trash queen the most beautiful and ethereal being ever i love you so much.  u always hoeing in the chat and hyping me up i love you for it <333333 ur face and ur writing are both truly an inspiration to me
@fightitigniteit : brit, we haven’t talked in a while but i miss you and im always hoping the best for u. u are one of the strongest people i know and i know you will always come out on top <3333333
@itschims : celine! we’ve talked one (1) time but ur so sweet and funny! i look forward to seeing u on my dash every time i log on. lets talk more!
@kimseaokjin : den! we haven’t talked in forever but u were so welcoming when i first became a switched over to a bts blog and im forever grateful for how warm u were towards me.  tysm and lets talk more!
@lyselena : my big sis, hey alicia.  Thanks for putting up with me and taking care of me and sending the best tumblr memes.  I still haven’t finished goblin.... anyway i love u to the moon and i know youll be amazing at college!
@makeu-ssi : MARY an amazing writer who freaking destroys my soul on a daily basis i love you to pieces. seems like a cinnamon roll but is a sinnamon roll. pls keep writing and inspiring me ily :*
@marks-angel-imagines : sienna! u absolute cutie. we started talking when you made that cute post about mutuals and i completely died omg.  l love your writing! let’s talk more <3333
@minmayhem : Kennnnnn, #1 at sending heart emojis.  always? sends? the sweetest? messages? in the gc??? i love you you make my day better!!! ur art legit makes me sob its not possible to be this talented tf ken?
@mvpgyu : BRYN, #brynya forever. I feel like ive known u forever even though it’s just been a few months.  Ur so genuinely nice and i consider you a close friend at this point!! so grateful to have you and i wish you good luck with your personal endeavors im always cheering for u!
@pasteljoon : michaela, it’s been a while since we talked but u were so kind to me and messaged me after i replied to one of ur posts. u asked me about pride and stuff and i felt so loved? i love your hobi airport piece u posted i hope u make more art soon <3 
@pbandj-hope : christina! a fellow khh stan and the only (only) person who reblogs my non bts content.  I love talking to you and I’m really grateful to have you as a mutual :D *finger guns*
@qwertydashiell : isha! im always missing you and sorry for being horrible at replying :(((( i’ll always support you in ur academic endeavors and im so proud to call someone so kind and intelligent my friend.  looking forward to ur next visit!
@taenecesito : caitlin, we haven’t talked much but ur so incredibly kind and accomodating im grateful to be mutuals with such a wonderful person! 
@sugaaoii : ali! we haven’t talked in a bit but please! keep! making! gifs! ur original work gives me heart pain???? its so good??? ur one of the most genuinely nice people ive ever met and ily
@uniave : my irl bestie. im glad u made a tumblr because i can send u dumb hockey and chris evans posts here instead of texting u links. SO grateful to have had u in my life for like 6 years now <333333333 im gonna stop cuz we’re not mushy
@vanillalattaes : FAHREEN. whose purpose on earth is to tag me in posts with the intention of stopping my heart? i love you so much ur tags make my day <3333 lets talk more babe :D
@withnosuchgrace : tahira! wow can words explain how much i love you? nope. u really out here boosting my self esteem and giving me love. queeen of making me weak in my knees im so grateful for u *ugly crying in the club*
@wolfhgang : ramasha <3 can’t believe we’ve been mutuals for 2 years and it took bts to bring us together.  i love bonding over our shared love for collarbones and seeing them happy <33333
mutuals bolded: we never talk but im silently loving u from far away keep doing u babes! (feel free to message me anytime im a lonely loser)
non mutuals: some of the raddest blogs ever; some of them ive been following for years now
#-E: @02busanboy @1aeyong @43hy @4joshua @4oclockvmin  @adamparrsh  @agustdia  @anthcny @arigathanksgozaimuch @arkhamdevil @babybird @babyseguin @baekhypcy @bane-magnus @bangtoori       @bang-tan @barrnes @bbarryallen  @blondekimseokjin @booptae @bwichim @coedkard @cosyjeon @bfjhs @blushguk @buckycap @cabeswatre @cassadnracain @chambaeq @chewymoustachio @cho-chang @cinnawon @clarksalive @commandtrek @cowjimin  @cypherkookie @cyquerslut @daefsoul @daegunotes @daegusoftboys @deamus @denimin @dianacprince @dreamjimn @dreamyoongi @epiloguejimin 
F-J: @fluffyliontae @flyera @forceawoken @fragrantae @gamjin @gaylando  @gftae @gifmebangtan @glittergyeom @got7doubleb @gothamroques @gotjhope @guksuu @gxnnylovegood @happy-kirk  @hcwkeyes @heathenz @hey-uta @hisbarnes @hixtae @hixtxpe @hi-xtape @hobieism @hobikookie @hocusqocus @holyfuckmark @hoseokskitten @hqleetaeyong @h-sh @imdbgenius @isitkpop   @itskimtaehyung   @jakeperallta   @jamescarstairs @jcmesbcrnes   @jeonbegins  @jeonpetals @jessicajcncs @jeyne @jhaviguk @jikookinky @jiminboi @jinmini @jinsweater @jjptv @jnghobi @juliushonks @junghope @jungkookio @jyncassian
K-O: @kazbkker @kimdaily @kimyugy @kinkyoongs @kookmint @kook-tae @kpop-bunnyjungkook @kths @leivorgana @letterstokook @lenarise @lgbtae @lgbtleia  @lthyl @lukemagnus @lupitanyonqo @m1nqyus @makkeuga @maknaebun @makomoriz @markleetrashh @marksseunie @mellonjin @mindykahling @mintyjihoon @mintyugbam @moonlightmaia @moonlignt @mylovejhs @namjjooni @nctokki @nctsjeffery @nejighafa @newtsckamander @nickyhenmick @nochuie @nyvta @ohastraeus @ohmyamysantiago @okjb @oliverfreakingwood @otteryj 
P-T: @park9495 @parkejimins @parkgaetrash @parkjiminbiased @parkjiminer @peachyhimchan @perhalta @pjmjjk @prettymochi  @prettytae @psteezy @pvedameron @rapnamu @ravehclaw @reecekinqs @remusmoopin @reysolo @richardgansvy @royalkpop @rude--jude @safejimin @samwwise @seoulscapes @shakepaere @shownx @skywalkuer @smolsamberg @smolstevie @softesthobi @softestpoem @softjiminstan @softmarkbum @softykook @soft-jihoonie @spicysiren @stilesxmartin @study-ksj @sugamuse @sunflowhobi @sunlewis@sweaterpawsjimin @sweethyung @sxmberg @syubbed @taexguk @tae-all-the-way @taetaetuan @tahyungs @teahyngie @the-porcelain-doll-xo @the-princejinyoung @thiccsidney @tuanever
U-Z: @ultbusans @ungiis @unmarvel @velvethoseok @velvethoseok @vernonymous @wondersdiana @workofteaguk @wpnderwoman @xseokjiin @xtaexhyungx @yeolology @yes-knope @yoonggi @yoongi-jin @yoonmin @yoonseok @youngforevers @yutaf
Networks: 95linenet bang7net busanboys-net daegulinenetwork gguknet gotbang-net got7snet got7hyungnet got7maknaelinenet honeyboynetwork jinminnetwork jhope-network kimtaehyung-net knjnetwork kpopwritingnet monbebe-net nctinc seokjin-network taeguknetwork thekpopnet
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