#but im still trying so dont think im gonna drop and disappear lmao
t00nyah · 1 month
If you could make your own video game (think of an idea l and it just snaps into existence somehow) what would it be about and what mechanics would it consist of? What platforms would it be available for? Who's the target demographic? Or anything else you want to ramble about... I like to think of creating my own games sometimes.
haha they dont know i have a joke rpg game i made in a day to test my abilities.
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in all seriousness though, i actually did have bigger projects that i never finished... so, just gonna drop that i'm a big fan of RPG maker games, horror ones, PSYCHOLOGICAL horror ones for even better score. and i am kind of a liiiittle experienced with rpg maker.
this answer ended up containing a lot of sensitive topics(in my opinion??) and i tried my best to make sure to include them in tags AND before each idea's explanation, please check the tags and not proceed if those topics are sensitive to you personally!!
i had a project that i started making as a vent. that's the closest i had to actually making something. it was called zepphire's lair. zepphire is my sona from 2015 that had very bright neon colours that were probably UNBEARABLE to look at, then i tried redesigning her years later into something pastel. and then, umm... in 2022 i had issues with my style because i used to be VERY caught in 'oh,,,this one line is weird,,,how do people even like my art there's a stray pixel there...god.' and decided to do something about it. this 'something about it' was changing my art style to PURPOSEFULLY unpleasant to look at, messy and annoying. it was bright, i didnt care, and honestly i think it helped with being that critical to myself. anyways. sorry im rambling but it is important
so in 2022, when i had a giant relief of drawing in the most unbearable(and stunning at the same time) art style, i reused zepphire. FUCK PASTEL said me. NEONS ARE GOOD. it was a great decision.
so zepphire's lair was meant to be an rpg game where you play as zepphire. who in her head is still her young self that doesn't have to think about what happened. but in reality, her magical world she was meant to become a god of was destroyed and ruined because she wasn't responsible enough with powers granted to her. she is now the only resident of the Forbidden Location, an alternative world that people could get into by just clipping randomly. like you know when you find a spot in a videogame that doesn't have an invisible wall and you go OH. that. i wasn't sure how to continue working on it because it lacked story to tell as present. it had a past story to unfold, but i had no idea what would happen now. i had a thought of someone getting into FL somehow after long time and zepphire trying to solve this because they're clearly not meant to be there while in her head she's still stuck struggling with herself.
i want to put a little bit of assets i made for zepphire's lair, but since it's all very bright toxic neon i think i'm gonna place them at the veeeery end so you don't have to look at them if you can't stand it.
CW: cartoon blood!! a little bit of it!!
next up is my cool idea of a fangame! so, purrfect apawcalypse is one of my favourite game series. and i've been following it since first one and i have a LARGE fanmade setting set in the same universe! (in fact, two! i also made a reference for kitsune high which is set to be in an agricultural town inhabitated by foxes! it was a cool project)
the game idea was to make an rpg (because, again, that's all i know, lmao) that follows the Chatting club - a school interest club literally dedicated to rumors and just having a good time - as they unveil the secrets their school holds. cats and dogs disappearance cases? rumors of ghost around? who the heck lives in the garden and what're they up to? what is up with the Detective club's president Seraphima? there are many mysteries. it would have an overall vibe of the original novellas' series - a cutesy game about very cute furries and weird magic stuff happening, while also having a little bit...darker tone. like i was actually going to explore a very dark topic with this one but honestly? right now i really don't like the way i wrote it back then. if i were to pick up the idea again i deffo would try to rewrite it and make more sense into it. i like the detective vibe it had going though!
here are some references of the characters that are important to the plot! a lot of twists were planned for this story and i'm not going to tell them all because it's a secret tee-hee.
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also as i searched for the refs i found that the working title of the game was 'purrfect meowting'
another concept for a game i had...which is a lot.
CW: contains themes of child neglect, probably abuse, general cat mistreatment, probably a bit of ableism(im unsure about this one) and maybe a bit of weird racism because one of mc's character's parent is weird and very stupid and we are allowed to hate her for that...i hope i mentioned it all.
i have a little ocs setting with three main characters that i refer as 'kitty girls' this story is tragic and is based on idea i had about making a story...about girls...but put them into life situations that would reflect what cats sometimes have to go through bc some humans are trash, but put it through a human lens, although not exactly. it also ended up a story that portrays children who've lost their childhoods for various reasons. idk how to explain.
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these are Snowwhite, Rouge and Patches. their names were meant to be reflecting what another one's kitty sona is, but i fucked up, lol.
Showwhite is a picture perfect girl for her parents who's mostly been treated as a prize all her life, making her feel sick of herself. Rouge was neglected by her mom because 'she wasn't born red'(as in orange...like a cat...i used cat allegories every time i explained it but i think the implications are clear enough - her mother wanted her to look different.) and she lived a happy life with her grandparents. and Patches...is a deaf girl whose parents just couldn't take care of her properly so she ended up in an orphanage. she has awful attachment issues.
i won't explain the whole plot but their stories were meant to be kind of a portrayal of how some people treat animals as just objects, things they can just get rid of. a cat of specific breed, bred for specific traits which may be hurtful to it, a cat whose owner just threw it away after it not meeting the expectations, and a general theme of people not wanting to take in cats with injuries that make them 'not pretty' for them. i don't know why im tearing up right now but these make me so upset and i smh wanted to portray these issues though human characters, and while adapting them i realized that those awful stories ended up overlapping with how neglectful parents end up treating their children.
in the end they end up in cat heaven, where they all meet and get to be happy and be themselves. snowwhite learns to love herself for who she is and find out hobbies there, rouge just finally gets friends she lacked. also patches doesn't magically start hearing in cat heaven, she was given an option to but she felt overwhelmed a lot and ended up sticking to being deaf but not treating it as a bad thing, just a different thing.
i also have this unused character and concept art that i just made bc i finally felt like i could do something back in the day
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her working name was 'vogel'
so. returning to zepphire's lair. one thing i forgot to mention earlier is that i also even made OST for it (didn't feel like it would fit the text above). this one is just the theme that plays in the first playable area
main menu theme...is too heavy for tumblr apparently. huh. it's a very simple tune it just goes on for very long (bc there's an easter egg if you listen to it for too long!!!)
next section contains bright images that im gonna put even deeper below!!
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title screen!
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intro cutscene! small baby zepphire, and then zepphire acquiring her godmode key, and then ending up becoming a photoshooter!! the camera is important .
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here she is!!! the cat herself!!!
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a photo that she has in her inventory!! it's mewtona, her sister!
gameplay-wise i was gonna make it so you can collect random photos zepphire made and have to learn the implications of that and what it has to do with 'the photoshooting incident'. it would be somewhat close to omori - part of story is in reality and parts of it in headspace that explains the story.
I THINK that's all. sorry this took so long that was a lot of yapping!!!
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personasintro · 2 years
That one anon with the long paragraph about kiko did it for me. Like yeah, i don't really hate kiko but i dont agree with her actions either. She did what she thought was the best, but at the end of the day she fucked up and ruined her relationship.
Also, (and im not saying this with any ill intentions at all!) but what you wrote about her (she didn't have any ill intentions in keeping the abortion to herself) kinda sounds like sugarcoating to me? I don't know, people definitely have different thought processes and maybe I understood that part wrong, but it to me that 'she didn't have any ill intentions' translates to 'she didn't mean to hurt jk so it's ok'. (let me try to explain why my brain interprets it like that as best as i can and this is probably a stupid example: i worked really hard on this painting, hours and hours were spent and my friend accidentally dropped a whole bucket of black paint onto it. Yeah it was an accident and my friend didn't mean to at all, but i would still be angry and upset and i feel that my feelings would be justified. My friend screwed up, end of the day) I definitely think people are going overboard with the agressive hate about her though.
Also... It sucks that your other stories aren't getting as much feedback and traction as you like. I don't really plan on reading love lockdown(as zombie apocalypse isn't something I'm interested in. Not really interested in mafia either which i think you wrote a jimin story about?) but i really liked the other stories in your masterlist (need to catch up with afy)
Also this was extremely all over the place and I haven't been on tumblr for like 2 weeks, i hope you have a good day! Here's a surprised bam!!
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I never said nor implied what she did is okay, but I did say it should be taken into consideration :) she fucked up and ruined her relationship, yes, that much has been said on this blog and in the story as well.
I’m trying to explain her character and her process of thoughts, doesn’t mean I agree with what she did 😬 I do think she should’ve told jk from the start but from her point of view, she knew it’d ruin him so she chose to not tell him and then eventually caught herself into more lies because jk didn’t just disappear from her life like she expected 🫢 I’m not gonna repeat myself again but yeah, that’s what I meant in that ask (shortly said)
hahaha thank you (I love this meme he’s so cute and funny lmao)
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Find me another person who would go in the middle of the desert dressed like Jon Snow before the end of his watch and then evolve in a sparkling rainbow reflecting jumpsuit that irradiates joy and confidence!
Boyfriends? I feel like a woman? STILL THE ONE? Harry, you can’t disappear for months from the stage and then drop all this on us. There’s only a few things we can take AT ONCE.
Not gonna lie, the stub your toe line in late night talking made me think of someone’s elbow for not specific reason. Also… try google Late night talking and read what Genius say about the song lmao i dont know who wrote it but slayyyyy (FAST CAUSE THEY ARE GONNA REMOVE IT SOON SOON)
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hajimine · 4 years
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— to the lovely moots & followers who i talk to quite often (or pretty much everyday), this one’s for you.
thank u for being in my life, you made my 2020 so so much better. i’m so grateful october lex decided to make a tumblr acc 🥲
i’ll try my best to keep it kinda short 🥲👍
in alphabetical order:
@4fterh0urs — my omega phoebe 😩‼️ ily so much bc you’re both extremely stupid n extremely smart at the same time. u mean so much to me and i love talking to u even if u call me such weird as nicknames every damn day 😃 you’re so sexy n hella intimidating smfh idk how i was able to make u my bitch (JK PLS DONT KILL MEE) anyways, thanks for being a real one bae + you’re the person i block the most, so you’re special ig 😹👍 ily you’re actually such a sap but u pretend to be all tough heh <33
@archivednikes — my solar system, my wh*re (lovingly) hi bae 😣 ok yk how much i love u but. im gonna tell u again: ILYSM!! OKAY??? please know that you’re such an amazing human being and you’re SO incredibly talented. god i love u so much please take care of yourself baby, you’re always so kind to other people and i hope you can do the same to yourself. once again, i am so fucking glad you decided to slide into my inbox that day, because now i look forward to talking to you every single morning. insert grabby hands ilysm <33
@boosyboo9206 — onyx hi babes! i’m so so grateful for you omg u dont even know it. you always manage to cheer me up with your antics and you’re always here to support me 🥺 whenever i’m down you somehow aways manage to make me feel a lil better. i love talking to u whether it’s about sth as mundane as the weather or even your obsession with the word peepers. thank you for being you, please take care of yourself and stop sleeping so damn late. ilysm <33
@ch4jime — chloe bae!! 😁 hi omg ilysm you’re so cute and cool and nice urghh thanks for always checking up on me! i love love seeing you in my asks, you’re such a lovely person to be around. i seriously need to be better at dropping in other people’s inbox, so just know that i’ll work on hanging out on your blog more often this year bc ily! i wish u all the best and please never stop being you baby mwah <33
@fairyoomi — hi bae 😣😣 how are u?? i know we don’t talk much anymore, and that’s okie, but i still wanna write u this lil note because i’m so thankful i met you here on tumblr. you’re an amazing writer and u were so sweet to me even when i was a teeny blog who didn’t know anyone. i admire u a lot, yknow? thanks for being such a friendly and welcoming person, ily <33
@gu3to — mochi bestieo 🙀 idk if you’ll even see this smh so i’m just gonna text u after this (if i don’t forget to rip) okay so. hello?! you’re so mf cool and you’re a trendsetter 🤩 yes yes im fueling your god complex it’s bc ily smh. you’re so dumb i wanna choke u sometimes but i won’t bc i’m also just as dumb 😁 pls stop disappearing from the face of the Earth okay ilysm you always keep it real and i know i can always count on u to listen to uh... my shit. okay so when are we gonna make out? 🤨 oki bye <33
@hoekageyama — wifey!! maddie baby urghh yk how much i love you, you’re one of my earliest moots im pretty sure? and aaaaa i’m so so glad i decided to be weird as hell and slide into your asks that day (pancreas. sighs. iconic.) you’re my numero uno whenever i wanna bark about hot 2d boys and what i’d let em do to me coughs err yea hehe. please take care of yourself baby you’re such a sweet and kind and loving person and i’m so glad to have you in my life. smh we text each other lovey dovey texts anyway but i still wanna do this for u 😋 ilysm!!! <33
@honeyskawa — lani baby hi! i know you haven’t been super active lately, but i just wanna tell u that i appreciate u so so much!! you honestly made my goddamn week when u sent me that ask about how i inspired you bc what the heck?? never in my life have i expected to have such an impact on someone. you’re a wonderful writer honestly. i love u so much and i hope everything’s going well baby, i’m excited talk to u more whenever you decide to be active on tumblr again <33
@jougogo — kaybae hi!!! you haven’t been on tumblr much lately but hi sexc it’s me lex lol i’ve moved accs hehe 😎 i hope u see this whenever u get your phone back cries. you’re such an amazing person to be around, always so cheerful and friendly, you exude so much positive vibes and ilysm. you always manage to lift up the mood with your sexc self and i admire u for that. you’re so incredibly chaotic and fun to be around ahrgehxhh i appreciate u sm and i hope you’re taking care of yourself bby ily <33
@kemochie — my waluigi, my favorite f*rry, hi 😝 urghhh god we just started talking everyday pretty recently but god. you’re so funny??? and i love bullying u bc u give me so much material to bully u with (ok jkjk i love u that’s why i bully u smh) also, you’re so incredibly supportive and u were actually the one who pushed me to finally post that atsumu fic, even tho stupid me accidentally deleted it LMAOBSBD anw, u bring sm joy in my life, so thank u for that. we’re a small lil filf and you’re the milf to my dilf LMAO ilysm mwah!! <33
@kenmaki — gabbae! virgo bestie!! hi hi !! you’re such a talented person and you’re an amazing writer, and i hope one day u can get past your insecurities and see yourself as the wonderful person u truly are. i love how we were able to relate to each from how similar virgos think + our initial conversation of dick measurements and such will forever be seared into my memory. and congrats on getting a daily railing on the dash HSBDH i don’t look at em i promise lol 🤩🤩 jdbdhdh ilysm bby <33
@miyams — ren sweet babie hi! you’re so incredibly talented please don’t listen to stupid hate anons. i’ll stab them with a serrated knife if i have to 😠🔪 you’re so flippin cute and sweet i love talking to you, and i love love love whenever u come by my inbox to say hi. i hope we can talk even more in 2021, my dms and asks are always open for u bby (even though i suck at replying right away, sorry abt that huhu) i love u sm baby please take care of yourself <33
@miyasangel — ardie bae 😜 hi sexc!! i still cant believe we talk like everyday now lmaoo i used to think you’re so freaking cool (i still do) and now i’m friends w u whattaheck 🥲 you’re such an amazing writer wtf. i hate that we had to start our friendship on such a sour note (ehem discord ehem) but i’m really glad it brought us closer together. ily cockarden i’ll be sure to bully u even more HAHAGS IM JK makes out w u so hard bc you’re so damn hot ily 😣‼️ <33
@owlywrites — owly baby hello! ily so so much and you’re so talented, you deserve so much recognition. i hope i can read more of your fics soon bc they’re so well written ugh 😣 thanks for always checking up on me and always being so incredibly sweet. i love u so so muchhh huhu i wanna give u the biggest hug in the world :( please take care of yourself and never stop being your genuine self kith kith <33
@rilacry — milfy gorlillola 😜😜‼️ hi sexc. omfg i was so intimidated by u wtf (and i still kinda am smh) bc you’re so cool?? and your writing n carrd making skills are amazing as hell wtf. u just exude BDE bc you’re hella hot AND bc u wanna peg everyone. anyways,, i’m glad we got closer recently, even if it was out of really wack circumstances. ily bae pls stop sticking your memojis everywhere mwah <33
@rintaroll — my kue tete ☹️☹️ ilysm smh bye i can’t believe we’re close now wtf you’ve always been so cool and sexc 😩‼️ oh god i rmb when u were still on your old acc and u seemed so out of reach and i was a lil intimidated ANDBDJD SHHH but yea now ik you’re just a big h word dork and i love u for that 😣 i wish u all the best for your singing career bby you’re such a talented writer AND singer wtf. also you’re so pretty???? wtf how rude 😠 JKJK HAHHSBD ilysm kithes u so hard <33
@tetsoleil — geegee!! hi baby 😣 thanks for being such a sweet human being ily! it’s been a while since we actually talked yeah? but i still want u to know that i love u a lot and i appreciate u so much. i’m so so grateful you’re in my life because you’re such a joy to be around. you’re an amazing writer bby and i hope you get the recognition u deserve. i’m always here for u if u need anything. ilysm bby <33
@velvetfireworks — rachie bae 🤩 my bakso goreng, my golden kiwi!!! ily!! hehe im so glad i decided to slide in your dms when u asked me if i was indo. but ahhhh you’re ao sweet and cute and supportive ilysm. an amaaazing writer and i admire your work so much, but i think you’ve heard me say that multiple times before. i’m so glad we became closer recently through our love for greasy food and wonky lil faces 👁💋👁 kith kith ilysm <33
@yato-o — yato baby hi!! urgh honestly i appreciate u so so much?? i feel so lucky to be able to get to know you. i don’t even remember how we met but ahhh thank u for always stopping by and have a chat with me even though i know you’re a busy person. please take care of yourself and get some rest whenever u need to! don’t feel pressured to come on here if you’re tired baby, im so grateful to have u in my life, i luv youu <33
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kisses, lex
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kingsofneon · 4 years
ayyy its me coming in here!!! i have no requests off the bat but uhhhh ok ok hear me out. acesabo but with like. a finger kink or something? like, long pretty fingers fingering the hell out of each other or just sensually sucking on it, idk, i'll let you decide. OR, more expansion on robinkoalasabo, blease?
look okay look im just. vibing with sabo/ace rn so i gotta talk abt them but real quick i love argumentative best friend/enemy / qpp koala/sabo and both of them liking robin, LMAO !!!!! bitch!!! that shit’s hilarious. robin i think would be uhh....unused to such honest attraction? yah sabo’s a lying liar but there’s a difference in his...sarcasm vs his “I’m telling a lie so you don’t know the truth I dont want to tell you”, is what i think. so idk in what i set up i guess we have ko/ro first and Kinda girlfriends (im.....ded for fro/bin tho soz so absoLUTE we have not-yet-together-kinda-feelings-but-complicated-bc-trauma robin/franky + bc theyre not together the...flattery + enjoyment of koala’s personality and company...) friends w/ benefits didn’t-really-date but like each other a lot. and koala so sunny and happy buuut also spending Lots of time with robin - just hanging out but also sexy fun times - and sabo’s like “no I’m not sulking shut the fuck up” (but he’s totally sulking because he Liked robin too, she was someone he respected highly and she! knows! luffy! he doesn’t say anything to her about it bc he’s guilty as fuck but. boii wants those strawhat stories and he can’t sneak them out of her with koala taking up all of her attention.) 
koala picks up on his grumpy mood but just figures he’s being a dick abt smth, but robin’s like nah look, pattern, and koala’s like oh. OH? 
idk what they do but w/e we be vibing with nsfw, which is sabo’s. sabo’s fucking fingers man. the tensile strength. BUT ALSO he’s not very delicate, not very good with flexibility, so robin,,ho fuck boi. when against koala the dichotomy of the roughness vs that clever stroking, but then also bRO im thinking about sabo viewing masturbation etc. pretty clinically and also Be Careful Of Strength, ain’t gotta lot of time to jerk off when you’re running the revolution u know.
so like the first time robin tops im fucking laughing. koala’s probably just as rough/efficient as he is but robin...robin can unlace him in like a minute flat and figures out real quick that sabo likes being edged. the first time robin touches his prostrate..........boi. 
anyway omfg that was longer than i thought so hand kink + sabo/ace
if you haven’t read.......second chances (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15495015?view_full_work=true).........what are you doing. look at this shit:
“You want to watch me jerk it like this?” The buckle rattled with Ace's gesturing, and Sabo's eyes immediately fixated darkly on the belt. “Then I uh, I get to make a weird request too.”
“If you must,” Sabo replied, sounding the exact opposite of beleaguered as he discretely wiped the spit off his palm. Ace cleared his throat.
“Put on your gloves.”
Ace refused, refused to look away from the devious delight spreading across Sabo's stupid face.
“Oh Ace,” he purred, those damn fucking gloves appearing in his hands out of nowhere (did he have them tucked in his pockets this entire time?). With deliberate motions, Sabo smoothed the leather over every finger, and flexed, like he was about to whip out one of his ryusoken moves. “Are you sure you just want me to jerk off in these?”
“Well if you've got any lube tucked away,” Ace shot back, “now's the time to pull it out, put on a good show.”
Sabo's consequent exhale was nowhere near the flippant-and-suave chuckle he had clearly been aiming for. Smugly, Ace counted a point in his own favor before dropping onto his back and finally—finally—undoing his pants. As his own belt fell with heavy thumps to both sides, Ace brushed aside all the pesky cloth, and applied pressure in earnest with a sigh of pleasure.
and this
And boy was it a view. The gloves were incredibly well-worn, molded so tightly to Sabo that Ace could see the full articulation of his fingers' every curve, every bend. The buttery leather, lighter in color at the fingertips, glided over Sabo with the barest whisper of friction. Ace could see his grip change, pressure shifting as he held himself tighter and tighter, grunting in frustration.
“Can I take these off?” Sabo finally requested with a hint of a whine. Ace suddenly thought of Marco, and how he might smirk at that tone, if he was here. “It's not working for me.”
“It's working fine for me,” Ace did his best to leer, thoroughly enjoying his own bare hand's capacity for friction. Sabo made another sound of protest, and Ace gave in with a snort. “Fine. Just one hand.”
“It's all I need.” The right glove disappeared as fast as it came, and Sabo arched high and satisfied into his own hand, now skin-to-skin. He obligingly let the gloved hand remain in play though, skimming teasingly up and down, grinning sharply at Ace's open mouth. “Hey,” he ordered, “go faster.”
“Anything you want,” was Ace's breathless answer. He didn't stop, even sped up, gripping hard and fast and chasing that finale. “You can have it from me.”
“I would chain you down,” Sabo snarled, practically a threat, only the blade was turned wholly inward toward himself. Like he was daring Ace to give him absolution. “I would bend you 'til you're ready to break, and keep you there for hours. I would make you beg for release, but deny you anyways. I would see your skin dark with my bruises, I would, I would—”
Ace's hands twisted hard against his binds, wanting genuinely to be free of them for the first time since they started this—and Sabo's reaction was instantaneous. A flex of haki into his fingers, and Sabo was slicing through the leather of his belt, letting Ace loose with an expression of terror.
And Ace dragged himself across the bed until he could cup Sabo's cheek in his clean palm and pull Sabo into a biting, filthy kiss. He was still hard as sin, and thrust forward into Sabo's hands to let him know—
“Anything,” he panted into Sabo's mouth, meaning it with every fiber of his being. He didn't mean for Sabo to cut open the belt; he had just wanted, so badly, to feel Sabo's touch. “You have me.”
bitch. bitch. 
idk just gonna write some prompts bc this looks long
sabo + jerking ace off while wearing his gloves + barely washing them (to ace’s embarrassment) bc he claims he likes having evidence of ace. they’re usually kept for when he’s at home tho, sabo’s gross but not that gross ;p (and ace would probably die LMAO)
 SORRY BUT THE POST I JUST REBLOGGED ABT HOLDING YOUR THUMB DOWN TO HAVE NO GAG REFLEX UM. Ace says he wants to try it but it feels weird so sabo’s like. ;) okay and runs his fingers over ace’s mouth, tapping and instructing him to hold his thumb down. tracing his teeth and teasingly not dipping his fingers down low enough, till ace glares at tries to argue smth like “this is not testing the trick” but that’s when sabo presses on his tongue, down his throat, and ace half-chokes on it. sabo just like ‘not like you have much of a gag reflex anyway’
was thinking abt this the other day but ace doing sabo’s nails and then being like dont ruin them! no touching until they’re dry but sabo’s like but idk when they’ll be dry???? bc he’s never used nail polish before and ace is like :) better not touch then as he teases sabo
ace ofc painted them gold and red bc theyre His Colours and the next day when they’re dry and pretty sabo spends ages running his hands against ace’s skin, fascinated and worshipping of how pretty ace is
before they started dating and when they were bad at handling alcohol, sabo kissing ace’s knuckles made that boi CATATONIC, his wrist would also make ace bolt bc Horny, he’s fucked when sabo kisses his wrist it’s just too...intimate. 
 headcanons, headcanons, they’re both pretty calloused in different ways...ace is like rope burns and shit, longer across his palm and knuckles, sabo has palm base bc of his pipe, but they’re confined, and then on his fingertips bc of dragon claw. AGAIN thinking about mr fast fuck brutality here like the STRENGTH in that boy’s hands wtf
ace’s hands have more scars, sabo has more callouses/micro-deposits bc he knows hand to hand/doesn’t start with a DF. 
idk where im going with that last one guess it’s just headcanons abt hands.  
that’s all fox, i like the number eight and i have so many other asks to do lmao
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 40
“They should’ve been able to talk, to say who they were, to shout for help. However, the awful thing was that somebody had cut all of their tongues off before this.” In case i havent said it enough, i hate Xue Yang!!!!
I dont have anything funny or witty to say, this whole situation is just sad
“She instinctively hated him and refused to settle. And so, whenever Xue Yang went out night-hunting with Xiao XingChen, she’d secretly follow them. Even when they were in the same house, she didn’t lower her guard.” She lived constantly on guard for, what, years?
Nobody told xxc stories when he was a kid, which I believe to be a crime
The first disciple to leave the mountain, YanLing DaoRen, was an excellent and renowned cultivator, but suddenly became a villian for some unknown reason and died under thousands of swords, according to xxc (parallels wwx a little)
“‘The second disciple was a girl and also very outstanding.’ Wei WuXian’s chest felt warm. She was ZangSe SanRen.” 🥺
“How would an outstanding and beautiful cultivator settle on a servant. This story’s so cliche. It’s probably made up by some poor scholar.” Oh little A-Qing... (wait this mirrors lwj and wwx’s love story, except of course the death part, because in my eyes they just cultivate to immortality and live happily ever after, together forever)
Shut up, wwx, you’re not a villain
Xxc describing sl makes me uuuh wanna cry “A very good friend of mine.” “A sincere man of noble nature.”
Shut the fuck up Xue Yang, no body cares
Shut up!!!! He went and got her candy!!!! And then gave her candy everyday!!!!
Sl said to A-Qing the exact same the xxc said to her, like almost word for word... hold i...
Also note that wwx said they must have been very good friends to be so much alike 
Why did he hesitate???
“Song Lan answered straight away, ‘His height is similar to mine. His appearance is rather fine. His sword is carved with patterns of frost.’” Dont ask why this drove me crazy 
Sl was looking for xxc for years....
“For some reason, Song Lan’s face was extremely pale. He stared at the door of the coffin home, as if he would rush inside if he could, but was too scared to do so.”
“The instant he heard the [xxc’s] voice, Song Lan’s hands trembled so much that A-Qing could clearly see it.”
Sl was so angry his entire body was shaking
Xy is disgusting
After the attack of Baixue temple, while injured, sl said some nasty things to xxc....sounds alot like the aftermath of Nightless City....
“Who was the one who said ‘from now on, we won’t need to meet again’? Wasn’t it you, Daozhang Song? He listened to your request and disappeared after he dug out his eyes for you, but why have you come to him now?” Shut up shut up shut up
Fuck Xue Yang!!!!
“Song Lan looked down at Shuanghua’s blade, which penetrated his heart, then slowly looked up again. He saw Xiao XingChen, who calmly held the sword.” Im gonna cry
“Slowly, Song Lan fell to his knees before Xiao XingChen.” Yup im crying
“At such a time, if Song Lan passed his sword to Xiao XingChen’s hands, Xiao XingChen would’ve immediately known who he was. He’d be able to recognize the sword of his closest friend with just a touch.” He would have known sl’s sword by just a touch....
Sl didnt pass his sword to xxc so that he didnt have to bear the burden of knowing he killed him.....
“...large drops of tears rolled from her eyes. Although she was scared, A-Qing reached out to close Song Lan’s eyes. She then kneeled in front of him and put her palms together, ‘Daozhang, please don’t blame me or the other daozhang.’”
She kowtowed in front of sl’s body....
A-Qing is smart and quick witted, pulling such a fast lie like that
“Cut a few dozens of times on her face so that she’ll never have the guts to go outside again.” 😧
How xy can say something like that and then offer up a plate of bunny shaped apple slices that he cut himself is beyond me
“Looking at the plate of cute, delicate slices, disgust filled both A-Qing’s and Wei WuXian’s hearts.” Yeah me too
(Chapter 41 & Chapter 42 below the cut)
Chapter 41
A-Qing didnt wanna tell xxc about sl...
“The blood grew more and more and eventually leaked through the bandages, trickling down from where his eyes once were.” God he’s crying ....
“Originally, the injury of his eyes would bleed whenever he had excessive thoughts or emotions, but it hadn’t recurred in quite a long while.” I hate this
“...after Xiao XingChen managed to calm down, he told A-Qing, ‘A-Qing, run away.’” I hate this so much
“I can’t go. I need to find out what exactly he’s trying to do...If I left him here alone, I’m afraid that the people of Yi City would sink into his hands.” Y’all gotta stop with this selfless,self sacrificing, being a good caring person shit man, its okay to save yourselves sometimes
“A-Qing’s sobs weren’t faked anymore. She tossed the bamboo pole to the side and clung to Xiao XingChen’s leg...”
“Xiao XingChen asked coldly, ‘Was it fun?’ Xue Yang took another bite into the apple that was still in his hand. He only replied after calmly chewing for a while and swallowing the fruit, ‘Yes. Of course it was fun.’” I hate him
Even the idea that xy did all this because he was bored...
“My finger was my own, while those lives were other peoples’. They wouldn’t be equal no matter how many lives I killed. It was only around fifty. How could it have possibly been equal to one of my fingers?” I cannot even begin to express my disgust...
This is all so sad....
“… Is that you, ZiChen?”
“Even if the two swords had just clashed, Xiao XingChen should be able to tell who the other was from only the strength of the attack...He turned around slowly and reached out a quivering hand, feeling for the blade of Song Lan’s sword.”
“… ZiChen… Daozhang Song… Daozhang Song… Is that you…?” Im crying again
And he’s crying nonstop
“… What happened…? Say something…”
“Xiao XingChen stood blankly in front of Song Lan. Putting his hands on his head, he wailed as though he was ripping his chest apart.” I cant handle this shit im about to stop reading
Fuck you, Xue Yang
“At this moment, Wei WuXian saw himself in Xiao XingChen. Him, who failed miserably as he stood drenched in blood, who couldn’t do anything except silently acknowledge the critiques and accusations, who was wholly beyond hope, who could only cry in despair!” Yeah i didnt need that in the middle of all this
“He could only whimper in pain, ‘Please. Let me go.’” Im really going through it
They all died in such horrific ways
Thank goodness thats over!!!!
Chapter 42
Wwx really implied that xy killed Chang Ping as revenge for xxc huh....wow no
Even in death, A-Qing is brave. Thank you for your contribution in ending that mf
Lwj cuts off xy’s arm when he reaches towards wwx
There was so much blood on the ground that wwx almost slipped in it, gross
Lmao i didnt think lwj would be the one to just toss a pouch to someone but here we are
Wn just squatting on the ground, chillin
Okay yanno what im still confused as hell as to why the juniors were lead to yi city...
God that makes me so angry, Xue Yang keeping the piece of candy for years and holding onto it when he died, like even the idea that he liked xxc and still decided to torture him to death good lord
“Lifting up the hem of his robes, Lan WangJi stepped over the high threshold in an elegant manner, then nodded.”  Wwx just looks at lwj do literally anything and is just like “he’s so elegant 😍 so graceful 🥰 look at my lan zhan, so pretty 🥰😍🥰”
“When he wakes, say I’m sorry, it wasn’t your fault.” Wow....
“He still wore the dark cultivation robes. Standing alone, he carried two swords, Shuanghua and Fuxue, he brought two souls, Xiao XingChen and A-Qing, and walked another path.” Wow.... i wish for you the best, Song Lan
Lsz standing and wondering if xxc and sl would ever meet again....
I agree with jl, death is too light of a punishment for xy
Lmfnck ljy cried the loudest out of everyone sjnckck
The juniors light incense and burning paper money for them 🥺 they’re so sweet
ItS nOt lIkE yOuVE DiEd HoW wOuLd YoU KnOw iF DeaD pEoPle ReCiEve PaPeR MonEY
“How come? Was I really that much of a failure? Was there not a single person who burned paper money for me? Was it really because nobody burned them that I didn’t receive any?” STOOOOOP
“Looking at his calm face, Wei WuXian thought to himself, Really? Had he really not burnt anything?!” Okay i don’t remember if he actually did or not but nonetheless this shit hurted
The hunter was probably the same person who lead them together to yi city with the corpses, BUT WHY THO
Awwww wwx happy to see Lil Apple
Stop teasing jl, wwx, its not nice
Even though the lookout towers are a good idea, and benefit smaller more remote towns, i cant help but wonder if there was some kind of ulterior motive behind them
“Almost all of the dishes were covered in red. Paying attention to Lan WangJi’s chopsticks, he notes that he ate mostly from the milder dishes, rarely the bright-red ones. Even when he did, his expression remained the exact same. Wei WuXian felt something tug at his heart.” uGGgGgGHhHhH 
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comicsnas · 5 years
WARNING: eye gore!!, violence Disclaimer: this is..... an au where guy fieri isnt a cool and chill dude that just likes food. i am very sorry for what i do to him in this. i dont mean it and if the cops knock at my door i will blame it on hussie word count: about 3.7k. i am so sorry
context john gets kidnapped by his mom dave doesnt panic
Los Angeles, CA, Wednesday
“No matter what happens, nobody cancels the premiere,” you say. “Okay? No matter what’s in the news. No matter how bad it gets. The movie drops on Thursday, and people are gonna watch it. Got it? This is a scare tactic and we’re not falling for it. Even if the world is ending, we are premiering this movie and going through with the promo. With or without me.”
Catalena, your manager, has been with you for too long to think that you’re joking. She was who flew you in from Houston to LA back when you were twenty, who let you sleep on your couch until you made enough money to get an apartment, who thought that the message you had for the world was one worthy of her help. She knows that all of this is real, and that she can’t stop you.
Her face says, Dave, you’re scaring me. Her mouth says, “You got it. Could you at least tell me… what you think is going to be in the news that would make us not premiere it?”
“Something bad,” you say. “Hopefully, anyway.”
She tilts her head. “Are you faking your death?”
“Lalonde and I are gonna disappear for a sec,” you say. “How people interpret that is gonna be up to them.”
“Not like you to leave things up to chance,” Catalena says. “Some will think it’s elaborate PR.”
“That’s why I’m only telling you. Lalonde and I are gonna frame this to look serious, and no one else is gonna know what’s going on. You keep your cool, but don’t let anyone know that you’re in on it.”
“I mean, I barely am.” She gives you a Look, a capital L Look, then sighs and nods. “Fine. So if I hear about your presumed death tomorrow, I won’t freak out. At what point am I allowed to assume you are actually dead, and freak out a little bit?”
“If you don’t hear from me in a week,” you say, “then Lalonde and I have been killed by Betty Crocker.”
Houston, TX, twelve years ago
You’re blind.
That’s not true. You’re not blind. You don’t think you are going to be blind. There is no way that you’re fully blind, because the assassin only got your right eye, so it doesn’t make sense for you to be blind, but you’re blind.
The pain might originate from your right eye, but it’s engulfing your entire head by now, and there is something sticky in your left eye and you can’t open it anymore and it burns, and you’re going to go blind, and then you’re going to die in a ditch, in a pool of your own blood, and this is it. It’s over. You and your half sister fucked around on the internet a bunch, got really deep into some conspiracy theories, and barely two weeks after you made the discovery that Betty Crocker definitely, undoubtedly, literally is an actual alien, someone was sent to kill you.
They didn’t manage, so far. They got your eye, and they broke your glasses, leaving a cut on your nose, and a bunch of cuts everywhere else, and you think you cracked your head open when you fell. But you cut their knife hand off, good and clean off, watched it fall to the ground right in front of you. By the time it hit the pavement, the assassin had already turned around and ran away, leaving you to crumple and suffer here by yourself.
This is it.
“Strider?” Rose says. Before the blood trickling into your good eye ruined your vision, you managed to dial her number and call her up, and now you’re lying on your side with your phone pressed to your ear, imagining her in her college dorm room in New York. You were going to visit her there, years ago, after you ran away from your parents. It never worked out. Neither of you has the money. You really wish you could have seen her at least once.
“Yeah,” you croak. “You at home?”
“At the dorm, yes. What’s going on?”
“You gotta go. She sent someone after me, she’s gonna come for you too. If she knows that I know, she’ll know that you know.”
One of the most comfortable parts of friendship with Rose, you’ve found, is that she never asks you to clarify what the fuck you’re talking about. Either she just lets you ramble, or she knows exactly what you mean. “Shit,” she hisses, and you can hear rustling on her side of the line, hopefully from her getting ready. She probably has a getaway bag somewhere, you think. You have one, but not on you right now. It’s too late for that.
“They’ve already hit me, so whoever she sent to you can’t be far,” you say. You try to blink your eye open, but then it hurts the other more, and it burns. You can’t even tell where exactly. It just burns. “Hurry up, Lalonde.”
“They’ve hit you?” she echoes, still rustling, breathing into the phone. On the move. Good. “Are you okay?”
“No,” you say. “Gonna call an ambulance after this. Just get the fuck out and text me later, yeah?”
Rose pauses. You can hear her pause, you can hear everything go very silent for a second. She says, “You called me before you called for help?”
“Yeah,” you say. She told you, once, that there is a quick and easy way out the window of her second-storey dorm room, that lets her balance over to her girlfriend’s room only a few windows ahead. She can’t hide there, it’s too close, but it’s a start. She’ll figure it out, she always will. She was the first person to ever have your back. “Of course I did.”
On a plane, Thursday morning
“What’s on your mind?” Rose asks.
You’re leaned back, staring out the window, listening to the clicking of her knitting needles next to you. The pilot here doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, just that he is flying two rich people and their car to Washington, DC. Your Mustang is in the cargo part of the plane, a vital part of the plan. You’ll torch it later. It was the first car you bought with your own money, after SBaHJ had become big and you had finally paid off your hospital debt.
Rose’s apartment isn’t that old, she got it after Roxy was born and she decided to move to Los Angeles, so you could help each other babysit. Trashing it still felt wrong. A home is a home, but you wanted it to look broken into, to make sure that people put two and two together. This isn’t a Dave Strider marketing scheme, you both got hit. After all the work that you’ve done, at least some of the public should understand what that means.
“Us,” you say.
“That’s very sentimental,” she says. “Are you sure you aren’t mourning your car again?”
“Shut up,” you say, and blindly swat at her, hitting her elbow. She hits you back, hand slapping your shoulder. “It’s a good car.”
Rose hums. When you look at her, she’s already back to knitting. You have no idea what she’s making, but it looks like a onesie for an octopus. “We will be fine,” she says. “We have to.”
You nod, and go back to staring out the window, thinking about what Alma said. “It’s just,” you say quietly. “We gotta start thinking about the endgame, here, don’t we.”
“Start?” Rose echoes. “Dave, we know the endgame to this. We’ve known for a while. The second you landed in the hospital with a cut inside your eyeball, you and I both knew that this would end in death.”
You don’t say anything. She’s right, of course she is. You knew then, and she knew, as soon as you texted her from your hospital bed, and she texted you back from a Greyhound bus. And you tried to forget, you both did, for a very long time. You almost managed, for a whole decade, until last year, someone made you scared and angry enough to ram a sword through his throat. Until Rose came and disassembled the body on your rooftop, and then helped you burn it. Reality has caught up with you, and someone is going to die.
The clicking of her needles has stopped again. You turn your head to look at her, and she’s looking back at you, and her face seems younger than it should be. She is just as scared as you are. Neither of you ever wanted it to go this far. Neither of you wanted to kill.
“I don’t like it either,” Rose says. “But someone is going to wind up dead, and it sure as shit isn’t gonna be us.”
Washington, DC, now
)(IC: u comin or what TG: yeah about that
You’re on the hood of your car. The children -- and Sally, John’s pet hedgehog -- are with the one sitter you still trust. Rose is in position, which means she is at a remote location outside the city holding Guy Fieri hostage. She has sent you a picture of him tied to a chair and gagged, which means that it’s go time.
All according to plan.
TG: how about you come kill me somewhere else instead of home sweet home )(IC: why would i do that TG: dying mans last request? )(IC: stfu lol this is so obviously a trap TG: wow ok so is yours )(IC: fair TG: just thought that you know TG: john means something to both of us and dont try to tell me no because i know he does TG: so like can we maybe duke it out somewhere where i wont accidentally blow him to smithereens TG: innuendo intended )(IC: UG)( )(IC: gross TG: lmao TG: anyway bethany you know me and you know im comin with c4 in my backpack if im comin TG: do you really want that around your son or can you just get off your ass and meet me here so john stays safe )(IC: u reely think ya have a fighting chance to even get that far )(IC: buoy you set one foot in my house and ya get spearfished TG: yeah not really making a great point for me to come there rn TG: just thought maybe youd wanna be with your guy guy )(IC: who TG: you know TG: guy the guy )(IC: tf
You text her the picture that Rose sent, just Guy Fieri looking miserable, no indication of whether or not you or Rose are with him.
)(IC: )(-EY )(IC: motherglubber what do u think yoar doin TG: yoar??? TG: thats literally not a word. wym you oar?? what TG: anyway im gonna dismember this asshole if you dont agree to keep john safe and come here and im gonna start with the frosted tips )(IC: FIN--E )(IC: cant effin wait to be done with you )(IC: ill come krill ya if its so shrimportant just gimme the location TG: ok shrimportant is actually pretty funny TG: [coordinates] TG: see you soon
She drives a fuchsia Jaguar that looks like Xzibit threw up all over it, because of course she does. You watch it leave from your perch on your Mustang, then slide off the hood. shes gone, you text Rose. get ready to bounce
Before you leave, you turn back toward you car, and gently pat the roof. “See you soon,” you repeat, “for one last ride.”
Look, it’s a good car, alright.
Later on in the plan, once you’ve convinced John to come with you, and Rose has joined you in the no doubt brutal course out of the house littered with security guards, the three of you will pack into this car, and you will drive. You will be tailed, you know you will. Rose and you estimate two to three SUVs with more security personnel that will follow you, and sooner or later, you won’t stand a chance against them.
So, you’ll call the cops. You don’t usually do this -- even during all these years, neither you nor Crocker ever called the police on each other, and technically, you still won’t, today. You will just anonymously call authorities, and tell them about a burning car by the side of the road. Then you will hang up, and you and Rose and John will hop out of a moving vehicle as you crash your beloved Mustang and have it go up in flames. Authorities will come and find Dave Strider’s infamous car, and hopefully that’ll get people talking.
Crocker’s guys will hopefully exit their cars and go looking for you, or at least for John. It’s an easy con from there -- while they look, you will steal their SUVs and drive off toward your safehouses. Simple. No sweat.
“This better work,” you mutter to yourself, then leave your car behind and start climbing the fence around Crocker manor.
You’ve been here once before, while she was out and John was showing you around. You weren’t actively trying to case the place back then, just spending time with your boyfriend and checking out where he grew up, but you couldn’t help how curious you were. You still remember the most important spots, and you did your best to paint a proper picture of them to Rose (you drew a map in MS Paint), so now you have a pretty good idea of where you need to go.
The guard posts, of course, are randomized. You’ll have to take these as they come, and you feel prepared enough, with just your sword and a handful of knives. You’re wearing the kevlar you wore to the Oscars. You’re gonna be fine.
It’s a race against time now, knowing that there is no guarantee when Crocker will be catching on and returning to her house, and knowing that you stand no chance actually fighting her face to face. You climbed in toward the side of the house, because it’s the shortest distance between fence and wall. The front and back yards are ridiculously huge and opulent, and while you would have plenty of gaudy statues to hide behind, you’re not looking to make your way through there.
The first guard spots you right as you hop down off the fence, and your knife is in his shoulder before he even finishes drawing his gun on you. He’s also wearing a vest, but those don’t stop blades, and you take offense in knowing that she made them dress up like that. As if either you or Rose were going to show up with guns. She really doesn’t know you at all. You knock out the guard with a hit of the knife grip against his temple. Maybe you can get through this without deaths.
One of them you comfortably take out from behind a useless fountain placed in this part of the garden for some reason, appreciating how quiet and low-key you can be about it so far. The bigger the ruckus, the sooner she’ll return, so having them all go down in silence is your best case scenario.
It’s the third guard that ruins your track record. You’re almost at the house wall, and you know you’re under the right window, which means all you have to do is scale it and climb right into John’s room, but for that to work you need to have a clean path behind you. Which you don’t, you realize the second a bullet hits your back.
Your vest catches it, but the momentum still knocks you down, and you scrape both of your palms open on the weird break between lawn and pavement. You hate this fucking garden. Who lives like this? You’re gasping for breath and trying not to inhale any grass, dealing with the reality that this is the first time someone has shot at you and actually hit you, and the bullet might not have penetrated skin at all, but Jesus Fucking Christ it still feels awful. Like someone kicked you in the spine, only with a bullet instead of a foot.
Onward. You hear footsteps behind you, and now it’s your turn to kick, hitting them in the face with your boot in the same motion that you’re pushing yourself up from the ground. As they curse and stumble, you draw your sword, but they catch their footing quickly, and you know you only have a split second to act. That gun is pointing at you, again, or still, and they’re going for your head this time, and if you don’t fight now, the journey ends for you here. Someone is going to die, and it sure as shit can’t be you. Your arm darts forward.
The sword goes through their vest, their ribs, and their heart -- you wouldn’t call it smoothly, you really wouldn’t. You can feel resistance with every inch, you feel it right up to your shoulder, and you hate it, and it makes you want to throw up, but you can’t, now. You shove them off your blade and watch them crumple to the ground, and turn right back toward the wall. They are not getting up again. That’s on you, and you can deal with that later. You have to get moving.
Your phone vibrates.
You manage to pull yourself up on a balcony and crouch there, hiding from whatever is going on in the yard now. Other guards must have heard the shot being fired, so you really need to get the fuck out of sight, but this has to do, for now. If Crocker is messaging you, you have to respond, so she doesn’t think you’re in her goddamn garden.
)(IC: yo )(IC: send me proof yoar still with him )(IC: almost there this betta be worth it TG: one sec
As expected. All according to plan, so far. You hope the blood on your sword won’t make the sheath sticky. You’ll have to clean it, later. You don’t want to.
TG: shes asking for proof TG: go ahead. sorry TT: No worries. TT: I know we don’t endorse violence, but honestly, Dawon, after being in a room with him for this long, I am quite happy to do this.
She sends you a picture, and you grimace at your phone. It takes a lot to make you grimace, as a Strider born and raised -- at the same time, you’re not easily shocked or grossed out, but this isn’t great to look at. Fieri’s eye has been pulled from its socket, dangling down his cheek suspended from the nerve, a hole in the eyeball. You hope Crocker won’t be able to tell that this was done with a knitting needle, and forward the photo to her.
TG: hows this )(IC: )(--EY FUCK OFF )(IC: stop i reely like guy 38( TG: yeah well i really like john TG: eye for an eye TG: hurry it up im waiting and theres a second eye to gauge out )(IC: ten minutes )(IC: ur gonna be so sorry buoy
TG: 10 mins TT: On my way.
Okay. Crocker is on her way to a location where there will only be Guy Fieri and a set of elaborate boobytraps which you know won’t kill her, but hopefully slow her down. Rose is on her way here, to help you and John get out of here. That’s plenty of time you still have. Things are going suspiciously well, you think, before you remember the ache in your back and the fact that you killed someone.
You have to get to John.
He’s another two floors up, but you are right in front of a balcony door. For a second, you wonder if you could get into the house from here and do the rest from inside, so you don’t present yourself to the mob of people with guns in the garden. Unfortunately, before you can do that, another person with a gun appears on the other side of that door, mouths an angry what the fuck at you, and draws an assault rifle. Alright, well.
The thing that has mostly kept you from becoming too violent in the past is the fact that you’re fast, and you’re a great climber, so when you hop backward onto the banister of the balcony and pull yourself up to the next one above you, it happens so fast that nobody in the garden reacts. It’s after you’re already crouching behind the balcony, thankfully made of robust concrete, that the shots start hitting it. You do nothing, count the bullets, wait for them to get rid of half of their magazines down there. Then you pull a knife, peek over the balcony, and throw it right into someone’s bicep.
More shots. More ducking and counting. You have two more knives to throw, and you do, rinse and repeat. The people down there are very angry with you now, and very much still able to shoot, but you figure at least their aim will be off, and they’ll be slower. You hope. You haven’t held a gun yourself in fucking forever.
You take a breath, and jump up to grab the balcony you know belongs to John.
As soon as you’re in the open, another bullet hits your back, further toward your side this time, and you almost let go. You let out an undignified noise instead, and hold on harder, focusing all you have into your arms to pull yourself up. Shots are ringing in your ears, and one hits the concrete right next to your head at almost the same time that another one grazes your leg. You hiss in pain, grunt in exertion, pull, pull, and roll yourself onto John’s balcony.
Someone in the garden yells, “Motherfucker!”
You sit, curled up, and pull apart the tear in your pants with your aching fingers to check the wound. It’s not deep, certainly not as bad as the chunk of missing flesh you have in your arm from being shot at last year. It’s fine. You’ll forget about it in a second, when your newest problem will be telling your amnesiac boyfriend that he needs to come with you.
You pull yourself up into a crouch, not more. You don’t want to risk getting shot in the head as you finally face him, so you just do it like this. Hunkered down, disheveled and bloody, you lean forward and knock on John’s window.
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imnotcameraready · 5 years
chivalry is dead (16)
A/N: oh my g o o oooooooooooooooooooodddddd im so happy this is finally going up!!!! i have been excited for this chapter for so long, you wouldn’t believe. and i also think that rounds us out for all the romans :^) finally have a full cast! he’s only showing up, you know, in the second act lmao 
WARNINGS: Remus/Duke mentions, blood, stab wound, old wounds, bloody bandages, self-hatred, panic — i think that's it, but please let me know if there's anything else that y'all want tagged!
Words: 4731
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST! <– look here!! for the longterm warnings!! including sympathetic Deceit and cursing/swearing! i dont think i’m gonna be adding remus to the masterpost tags though because like. in full honesty? hes not actually a character. he’ll just be alluded to from time to time :^) 
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil​​ @forrestwyrm​​ @daflangstlairde​​ @marshmallow-the-panda​​ @askthesnake​​ @k9cat​​ @patromlogil​​ @theobsessor1​​ @ninja-wizard101​
general tag: @jemthebookworm​​
hope you like it !! <3 
Tumblr media
Thomas didn’t have a fear of heights, but he did have a very healthy fear of falling. Virgil kept his eyes squeezed shut, arms wrapped tightly around the Child, who had yet to stop hiss-screaming into Virgil’s chest. The teensy rational voice in the back of his mind told him that the Dragon’s claws were squeezing them way too tight for him to slip through, but whenever he opened his eyes, he saw only the drop. It must have been hundreds of feet. 
In truth, the flight only lasted about fifteen minutes. The Dragon did want to make it last. He loved flying, loved the wind sliding over his scales, the dewiness of flying through clouds, all of it. It was just such fun! 
He didn’t want his Virgil to get too frightened, though, so he wasn’t doing anything too crazy. He’d have to go out later and do some flips or something, because now that he was in the air, the desire to flip was strong. 
The Dragon may be the villain, but he wasn’t antagonistic. He LOVED his Virgil — he loved all of them! He’d just have to tear the twerp in his Virgil’s arms limb from limb in another room. That was fine, a drop in the bucket if you would! He’d get his Virgil, then his Deceit, his Logan, his Patton, his THOMAS, his Imagination. He’d rule it all! Just like the Prince, no, the King.
He slowed down as he reached his tower bedroom, slowly descending onto the balcony on his hind legs. The Dragon roared and the Child screamed again.
“It’s gonna be okay,” Virgil whispered, breath escaping in unwilling relief as he felt the Dragon touch solid ground. He didn’t believe those words, either, but he had to deal with a child here.
“He’s–He’s gonna kill us,” the Child responded through dry sobs, breathing still heaving without any tears. 
Virgil just squeezed him tighter. He wanted to comfort the kid, he just had no idea what to say nor do. God, he was garbage at this kinda thing. Patton’d be better suited. He just made people anxious.
Dude, he missed Patton. 
The pressure surrounding him disappeared in an instant. Virgil swore quietly as he fell about a foot onto the balcony’s ground, stiffening around the Child, who in turn balled his hands tighter into Virgil’s shirt fabric. 
“Relax, Shortstop, I’m not going to kill you,” the Dragon’s voice had a humored lilt.
He’s transformed back, sauntering closer and inspecting his two captives. The Child’s face, visible over Virgil’s shoulder, was squeezed into a shut-eyed, bitten-lip scowl. As the Dragon approached, he opened one eye, then both eyes, shock and stress written across his features. 
“Well,” the Dragon grinned, barring his sharpened teeth at the Child, “Not just yet.”
The Child squeaked and squeezed Virgil tighter. 
Virgil rubbed his back and exhaled slowly, trying to steel his shot nerves. He was definitely more jumpy than usual, if there was a usual where he wasn’t jumpy. But he couldn’t afford that right now — his instincts were torn between screaming, freezing in place and yelling bloody murder, and kicking the shit out of the Dragon right here and right now. 
Neither of those were very productive options, and the Child’s panicked breaths reminded him that he needed to focus. Needed to think. Of something.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, knees bending and pushing off of the ground so he could sit up, “No one’s getting killed.”
Virgil looked back at the Dragon with a hard-set glare. “Back off, Dragon Tales.”
The Dragon stopped. 
Virgil watched him raise his hands, as though he were trying to pretend he weren’t a threat. Why would he do that, though?
“I won’t,” he said, more serious, eyes meeting Virgil’s, “I promise.”
They held eye contact for a few seconds, Virgil searching for the Dragon’s honesty. He wanted to trust him, wanted to trust every part of Roman, of course. Roman was his friend, built quite literally to be a hero. He was….
The things Virgil was ready to do for Roman. His shoulders slumped a little. On the other hand, this guy was ready to actually kill the Roman in his arms. 
He still wasn’t super over this whole “multiple Romans” thing. One was a handful already. And he didn’t want to THINK about the implications of multiple Romans and what that might mean if one wanted to kill the others.
“Can I come closer?” the Dragon asked. 
The Child gripped Virgil’s shirt tighter, poking his head out to glare at the Dragon. “No!” he shouted, “You’re not allowed to hurt Mister Anxiety!”
Virgil opened his mouth to respond, but no sound came out. He should say something, should defend himself and the Child — oh goodness gracious, he was just a CHILD! — but he couldn’t think of what to say. 
The Child was worried the Dragon was going to hurt him?
“I’m not going to,” the Dragon said.
He was trying to level out his voice but it was difficult. His instinct was to pounce on them both and tear the Child right from his Virgil’s arms but he also wanted to give his Dark Night anything he wanted. Anything but the other Romans. But if they made him HAPPY — they couldn’t, no. They were annoying! Stupid! Useless and Worthless! 
Virgil slowly stood up, watching the Dragon with a guarded expression. 
They had to find a way out of here. 
Pain. He hissed, stumbling a little.
The Child felt his hold loosen and slowly let go himself, sliding down Virgil’s side. He didn’t want to burden him any more than he already was. Plus he could walk. He should have been walking! Why had he let Mister Morality carry him, ah, jeez. Useless.
His hand ran over a wet patch. Oh no. 
“Mister Anxiety, you’re still bleeding.”
So he was. Virgil put a hand to his side, feeling the cloth thick with blood. 
“Oh, dear.” He had done that, hadn’t he? The Dragon put his hands down and rushed over immediately, eyes wide. He sucked in a breath when Virgil flinched away, but with the adrenaline wearing off, the pain was settling in. It must have hurt. Why did he do that? 
The Child moved Virgil’s cloak to the side, revealing a fairly large spot of wet, dark blood against his dark purple shirt. He immediately turned back to the Dragon, face set in an angry scowl. 
“You hurt him,” he snapped.
The Dragon opened his mouth, stunned, stuttering. He hadn’t meant to! He swore, he would never, he didn’t want to hurt his Virgil. “I–Well, I didn’t–I–”
“You hurt Virgil!” the Child shouted again, anger building in his voice.
“Hey, kid,” Virgil hissed, putting his other hand over his ear while the other clamped over the wound.
“You HURT VIRGIL!” the Child screeched. 
He stomped his foot and the Dragon actually took a step back. 
He was wrong, the Dragon thought numbly. He was a monster, he was a villain, but he wasn’t evil. He hadn’t meant to hurt Virgil. It probably wasn’t even that bad. 
Yeah, it probably wasn’t. 
He had to be wrong.
“Shut up,” the Dragon leaned forward again, ignoring how Virgil put an arm around the Child, pulling him back.
Smoke escaped from his lips as he barred his teeth, snarling at the Child to get him to shut up. He had to! The Child was wrong, getting it all wrong! 
You’re getting it all wrong, and hurting them in the process.
“No, no, you know I’m better,” the Dragon darted forward, pulling Virgil off of the Child and grabbing him by the front of his cloak. He lifted the Child off the ground, ignoring his incoherent shouting, kicking, arms grappling to get out of his hold. But he didn’t stop shouting accusations.
“I WILL TEAR YOUR NECK OUT,” the Dragon roared, shaking the Child as he hung in the air. 
The Dragon was yanked back suddenly, jarring him into dropping the Child. Virgil yanked him back by the horn and shoved him behind, placing himself between the two. He held up two hands, two trembling hands, head turning quickly between them both as the Child pushed himself up and the Dragon regained his balance. 
Ridiculous. He was being childish, lowering himself to this. He didn’t want his Virgil to see those parts! Maybe they could go somewhere else, somewhere less out doors. The wind was really whipping around them, a storm brewing over the forrest. 
“Virgil,” the Dragon spoke, ignoring how Virgil immediately turned to glare at him, “Don’t you want to go somewhere more….comfortable, without the Child? I can take you to another room, I can have the healers dress your wound—”
“I’m not going anywhere without Child,” Virgil snapped.
The Dragon scoffed, straightening his back and resting his hand over his sword. “Come on, Virge, you can’t be serious. Look at him! He’s just a snot-nosed brat with a loud mouth,” he gestured to the Child with his elbow, who glowered in anger. 
“Well, said brat didn’t stab me, and never kidnapped me, so we’re on better terms,” the Child grinned at Virgil, brightening up immensely. 
“We are?” he asked, jumping in place and clapping, “Yay! I love you, Mister Anxiety!” 
“Shut up, Beanie Baby,” the Dragon said, cape whipping around as he glared at them all. 
He growled again at them both, ignoring how Virgil and the Child both flinched away as smoke blew up from his mouth once more. If Virgil was so adamant….
Maybe the Child was right. Maybe they were all right! That didn’t matter! He couldn’t be a monster, he was ROMAN! By Mars’ sword, he was NOT evil. Just a little impulsive, brash, self-centered. Wasn’t a little self-centeredness good when you were the ego? I mean, if I didn’t love myself then what would that say about Thomas?
The Dragon smoothed himself down, running his hand along his sash and looking out across the world. Worlds, actually. He could see the peaks of sky scrapers beyond the mountains in the distance. There were so many universes, so many stories and songs and characters and people that lived in this Imagination. His babies! His prides and joys! 
He was protecting it all. He had to do this, he had to kill the others. They didn’t know what was best for Roman! 
Virgil squeezed the skin over his wound again, one arm still bracing the Child back. If the Dragon were to attack, though, neither of them stood a chance at survival. Guess I’ll die. 
If Virgil was so adamant about staying with the Child, then the Dragon would allow him to get annoyed in his own time. He could bleed out for all the Dragon cared! Well, he wouldn’t bleed out. It was Thomas who’d be suffering a loss of Anxiety, so what was a little extra time in the dungeons?
The Child peeked around the balcony. It was large, and high up. They couldn’t fly like the Dragon could and if they jumped they’d surely fall. He could imagine something! But a lot of the things the Child imagined were unsafe, or unfinished, or scribbled out on crayon. The Child scooted closer to the balcony’s railing and peered over. It was definitely far. “What do you see?” Virgil asked, leaning over to look as well.
“Ground,” the Child said, then he sighed, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.”
“Falling would suck,” Virgil mumbled.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna. It looks far.”
“A great fall indeed!” they both jumped and turned to the Dragon.
He was at the balcony doors, throwing them open. Beyond were a few guards, who immediately turned and began towards Virgil and the Child. One guard lifted the Child by the scruff of his shirt while two guards grabbed Virgil by the arms. 
Well. Fuck. He shouted, struggling to get out of their hold. His face was gripped roughly and turned up. 
Panic met pride as the Dragon looked him over, eyes trailing across Virgil’s face with an unreadable expression, taking in the details. The Dragon had been so flamboyant earlier, what gives now?
What, was this the last time they’d see each other or something? That was a stressful thought. Virgil tried to yank his arms free again but to no avail.
“I’ll leave you with Child, my stormcloud,” the Dragon hissed into his face. 
Virgil smelt the smoke and froze in fear. 
The Dragon let of Virgil’s face with a terse smile and patted his head as he leaned away. “Take them both to the dungeons,” he waved his hands to the guards, who tightened their hold. “Throw them in with Princess Peach!”
“Lemme go!” Virgil shouted, trying to kick the guards. 
One of the guards yanked his arm and they both lifted him off the ground. Well.
The Child and Virgil were carried, dragged, and pulled all the way down the stairs. There were a lot of stairs. It must have been floors and floor of stairs because Virgil had no idea how far they’d descended so far. On every landing was a tapestry, something artsy, sometimes with a picture of Roman. 
Some were torn. Virgil winced at one that was torn to unrecognizable shreds. He wondered what that was about; it was clear that the Dragon had torn them up, given the rips looked like claws (or maybe Roman could turn into a Dragon? Who knows.) and the sporadicness of which tapestries were ripped up. But Virgil couldn’t really tell the correlation. 
The farther town they got, the colder it got, too. By the time he’d noticed the temperature changing, Virgil’s legs were weary from the long walk down. 
“Are we there yet?” he heard the Child groan from behind. 
No response from any of the guards. Guess none of them recognized the Roman in him. Well, ya know, maybe it was a fluke! They did have orders. Maybe they’d recognize him when he was idle.
At the next landing, somewhere between the fifteenth and the eighteenth, Virgil noticed the first tapestry with Remus. It was, of course, of Roman standing literally on top of him and basking in sunlight, but you know. It was the thought that counted. As they descended, more of the tapestries featured anecdotes from Remus, and more of the tapestries featured gory scenes. Some featured Roman being defeated and Remus reigning supreme. 
He could hear the Child grumbling. Honestly, he was a little scared, too. In all their hassle of trying to find Roman, none of them remembered that Remus and Roman’s sides of the Imagination had probably blended with the Imagination’s dismemberment.
They didn’t really know how the Imagination was separated between the two. Roman had always kept the Imagination under such tight lock and key that even virgil and Patton only knew certain select locations, and had never been to the town or the castle, despite the fact that all the Romans seemed to refer to it as a very regular scene. 
That hurt. Again. 
Did Roman not trust them or something? 
Did he think they were going to wreck his creations? 
Well, Virgil thought bitterly, he wouldn’t be wrong.
Virgil knew he wasn’t exactly a well of positivity, that his criticism would often leave the prince actually offended. But that was part of his job. If Thomas wasn’t putting out his best final product, then what was the point of putting it out? And then what would be the fall out? They couldn’t risk a risky video or something that wasn’t up to par with their others. 
Still. He’d take back every jab and note if it meant Roman would have never done this to himself. 
That had to be it, right? Or at least part of it. They’d all pushed him down so much he broke and now they were without their prince. “Their.” His. Yeah. 
Finally, once they were out of stairs to descend upon, the guards veered right down a corridor. At this point, this far down, Virgil was sure they were underground at least a little. 
“The dungeons,” the Child spoke quietly. 
The hall felt damp and the walls were some kind of stone. An incredibly stereotypical dungeon, but it fit in with the rest of the stereotypically Disney village and castle. Virgil could barely see anything, either, because the only light was from some torches on the walls. There were doors, thick and iron, none open. This was honestly almost his aesthetic.
They were brought down the hall, turned a left at the very end, and the walls pushed back. All of the cells down this hall had barred gates and they could barely see into each of the cells. They all seemed to have lumps. There was a tiny window at the very top of every cell, light streaming in, but with grass visible. Just barely under ground. And that was all the light down this hall, only those tiny ass windows.
Virgil did NOT like this, not in the slightest. First the fucking sewer, and now this?! Like, he would have liked this aesthetic, but he was not going to be staying down here. And these cells were TINY!
The frontmost guard opened a cell and both Virgil and the Child were tossed in, falling on top of each other. 
The Child wrapped his arms around Virgil’s waist immediately. He pressed his face into Virgil’s chest and squeezed his eyes shut. 
If he thought about it, he could imagine a different situation. They were just sitting on bed! He was Roman and he was sitting on his bed in his room and he was snuggled against Virgil’s chest and they were watching Black Cauldron and they WEREN’T in one of Remus’ dungeon rooms and he WASN’T terrified out of his fucking mind. 
“Hey, hey,” Virgil ran a hand through the Child’s hair, holding him closer and looking around at their surroundings, “It’s okay.”
It was very much not okay. Upon closer inspection, Virgil could make out a toilet, a sink, and a regular twin-sized bed. Seemed pretty clean, too. Huh. 
Honestly, the amenities were alright. The real issue was the fact that the cell was tiny, dark, a little wet now that he was sitting on the ground, cold, and that the stab wound in his side still hurt. It couldn’t have been that deep, since he wasn’t bleeding too much anymore (listen to him, bleeding too much, as if there were an acceptable limit to bleed), but it hurt like a bitch. 
“We’re….We’re gonna be okay.” And now he was lying through his teeth, that wasn’t helping. He hated lying so blatantly like this, especially to Roman.
It felt like his heart was going to jump out of his throat and strangle him on its way out. Virgil was two seconds away from losing his mind already.
The Child looked up at him and scooted off his chest. He watched Virgil with a pout, eyes boring into his. “You can’t actually believe that,” he said.
Called out. Virgil’s cheek twitched and his fingers drummed against his arms as he crossed them. He could feel himself shaking.
“....Alright, well, I don’t. But I do know Logan and the Thief wouldn’t just leave us,” Virgil looked out the bars in front of them and did not say anything about how he wasn’t even sure if the Thief was alive still, since the last time they saw him, he had a giant sword slice through his chest. 
“But how’re they gonna get in? So how’re we gonna get out?” the Child hopped to his feet and ran up to the bars. 
He stuck his head between the bars — if he started panicking, that’d upset Mister Anxiety, and the Child did NOT want that! — and looked around. There was another cell across from them and the Child could have sworn that he just saw something move. Ew, did Remus’ rats get out? DID THEY EVEN HAVE CAGES?! 
Oh my goodness, where was Remus?
The Child turned his head away from the other cell, because it wasn’t helping his no-fear situation now that he was imagining his demented brother locked in with him and Virgil. Instead, he looked down the hall. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, expelling some energy. Not afraid at all. There were some guards standing at attention at the turn. They weren’t moving, they hadn’t gotten any orders. 
“Hey!” the Child shouted at them.
No reaction. 
He deflated. He wasn’t Roman. He’d never be Roman. He rested his head on the bar and exhaled. That’s okay. He knew he wasn’t Roman! It was okay.
Meanwhile, Virgil had scooted himself back against the wall. Definitely Logan and Patton wouldn’t leave them captured, that’s for sure, but Virgil had never really expected them to be fighters. Not in the slightest. So he wasn’t sure of when or how they’d get them out. 
A part of him, though, almost expected Deceit to just storm into the castle. 
Not really storm so much as phase in through the wall or something. Emerge from the shadows and unveil that he’d been there all along and was going to save him or something. He was always everywhere anyway, and when they’d been friends, he’d used that omnipresence to be helpful. 
Virgil kind of missed that. He did miss Deceit and the relationship they shared. Fuck, was he already getting cabin fever?
He leaned his head against the cold stone wall. Clear your head. You have to be perceptive. The smallest of things. This is what you’re good at. He slowed his breathing, tapping out the 4-7-8 rhythm on his leg. 
As he calmed down, he did begin noticing things. One thing in particular. 
“Child,” the Child turned around to Virgil, who motioned him closer. 
He hopped back, sliding across the ground and plopping down beside Virgil. 
Virgil cupped his hand around the Child’s ear. “Someone’s singing,” he breathed.
The Child pulled back and looked up at him with a frown. Was Virgil already getting cabin fever? He couldn’t hear any singing. 
Virgil took his hand and a deep breath. 
Slowly, the Child’s poorly hidden fear was drawn away, and he sniffed. Behind the fear was sorrow first and foremost, because he wasn’t Roman and he wasn’t Roman and Roman was never coming back and if he was he wasn’t going to be the same.
“Hey, breathe,” Virgil whispers cut through his thoughts like a sword “Just focus. Listen.”
The Child sniffed again and tugged his hands out. He rubbed his face, hid his face, and tried to focus.
Quiet. Dark. HE wanted to do some singing to fill this void. It was hopeless.
But then he heard it. 
“Far from the ones who abandoned you~”
Shiny. Moana. 
The Child looked up immediately. He looked at Virgil, who raised his eyebrows at him and nodded forward. 
The singing was coming from the cell across from them. 
“Chasing the love of the others~”
Another Roman?
‘Damsel,’ the Child mouthed.
Virgil nodded, then turned back to the cell. He squinted into the dark. The Child followed suit.
Instead of the rats that the Child thought he’d seen, he could vaguely make out someone sitting in the corner, curled into a ball with an arm around his head. 
“Who made you feel wanted.”
“Damsel?” Virgil asked.
The singing immediately stopped. The lump in the corner curled up tighter, shifting only a little, becoming smaller. 
The Child frowned. “Hello?” 
No response yet again. The Child pressed his hands into his lap, straightening his elbows. He was so frustrated. And sad. He kinda wanted to cry.
But he didn’t have any water in him. Hm. The Child smacked his lips quietly and exhaled. 
“I’m thirsty,” he murmured.
Virgil sighed. He was still watching the shadow — the Damsel, maybe?
“Sorry, kid,” Virgil said, “I don’t know how to help.”
The Child rubbed his face. 
There was a wooshing sound, and he felt something appear beside him. A….A wine glass full of water? 
Virgil squinted at the Damsel. If that was him. The more he starred the more he was certain. He must be injured, upset even. 
He wondered what part of Roman he represented. It couldn’t have been something good, not with that name and not with those experiences.
The sound of slurping drew his attention. Virgil blinked and looked at the Child, who was chugging a wine glass of water. Where’d he get that? 
“Where did that come from?” Virgil asked, brow furrowed. 
The Child shrugged, still drinking, and got through about half of it. Then he held it out to Virgil. “Thirsty?”
Huh. Virgil raised an eyebrow.  “Did you conjure that?”
The Child shook his head. 
They both looked up at the other person. Virgil slowly took the drink and sipped it a tiny bit. He couldn’t deny that he wasn’t thirsty. After he handed back the glass, he pushed himself up, then winced. 
“Mister Anxiety?” the Child asked, jumping up as well.
“I’m okay. It just hurts,” he was really trying to keep the kid from panicking, honest, but he couldn’t do that naturally. 
Plus, he’d been having a very light level of panic this entire escapade, and it was very much skyrocketing right now.
“Is it still bleeding?” the Child asked.
Virgil opened his mouth to respond, but his eyes flicked to the side. The figure had straightened up at that. 
And he got an idea. 
“Yeah. A little,” Virgil watched the figure stand up and limp to the bars. 
“You’re bleeding?” a soft, gentle, painfully familiar voice from the other cell.
The Child grinned as the other Roman entered the light, but Virgil just blanched. The Damsel was definitely in distress. He wore a black tanktop and white pants with a red stripe down the outer side, but what was truly troublesome were the wounds. A bloodied piece of white fabric was wrapped around his head, covering one of his eyes, and there were others wrapped around his arms. One of his pant legs was torn, with another makeshift tourniquet wrapped around his leg where it was torn. 
His hair and disposition were both drooping, shoulders slumped, weight balanced more on his undamaged leg. He met Virgil’s look and immediately ducked his head. “Do you need a bandage?” his voice was breathy and breathless at the same time, soft but reproachful. 
He reminded Virgil of a kicked puppy. 
Oh, Roman. 
 “If you have one to spare?” Virgil asked, pressing his lips together and thinking for a second before continuing, “Are you Roman?”
He didn’t look up, turning back to his corner and bending down. Something was tossed across the cells, which the Child caught with one hand, in sync. A torn piece of white fabric, a makeshift bandage. 
“Y-Yes. A Roman. I’ve been called the Damsel,” he returned to his corner, “But I’d prefer it if you-if you just didn’t call me at all.”
“No, I–Damsel, please,” the Child rushed to the bars, pressing into them, “Are you okay? He hurt you, right? Bard didn’t let me watch much but I saw a little and—”
“Can you please not talk about that?” the Damsel hissed, and the Child immediately shut up.
Virgil gently tugged the bandage from the Child’s hand and he let go immediately. There was something….disconcerting about this Roman. Virgil didn’t know what it was, but he was either scared of, or scared for him. 
He was hurt. That was for certain. Carefully, he began taking off his coat, then he lifted his shirt, holding it with his mouth as he squeezed his wound and covered it with the bandage.
The Damsel was watching them, tired. Somber. 
Roman was always tired. 
He exhaled and looked back up at the window. At his beautiful creation, the little light he could see. The little he could feel. And he kept singing, gentle, for the world.
“I tried to be tough~”
“But my armor wasn’t hard enough.”
36 notes · View notes
guess-ill-die-again · 5 years
top ten kagepro songs?? 0:
*rubs hands* u now i read your whole wall of text about this? well now its my turn c:
warning half of this post is just about Shinigami Record bc i’m looking WAAY too deep into it but honestly i love doing that gbdhsg that part has over 500 words and im not sorry
Disclaimer: The first few don’t have numbers bc I just CANNOT choose a favorite ok ngsdhjgs
Shinigami Record - I’m gonna start with this one because i was already planning on making a post about how underappreciated this song is… half of this post is probably gonna be about this song alone so i might as well put it as nuumbr one tbh
Musically it’s really simple and just so amazingly gentle. I feel like the slow piano and the way its played in the verses helps to convey Azami’s feelings really well. It starts as just a bunch of lonely piano notes, but then as Azami finds someone who loves her, feelings grow and change, so does the guitar replace the piano for the second verse. Then the harmonies for the part when Azami creates the Kagerou Daze make it feel not only more mystical but also give it more emotion. She creates it filled with love for her family after all, this part needed to have a lot of emotion in it! But then it quiets down and the lonely piano returns.. the guitar and piano interlace each other(i cant find a good english word for it im sorry) while Azami’s voice is growing more unsure and then ‘gasps’ with the realization, in a way. The harmonies return and we hear both the lonely piano and the love-filled guitar. Azami is really conflicted and u can HEAR that!! Then it bursts with the pitch change and you can just hear how heartbroken she is! the highest note really reminds me of when people are trying to sing but they’re crying so their technique is egh but it has so much emotion?? idk maybe its just IAs voice… and then after she sings “I still love you” theres a drop that sounds like slamming doors and the guitar is GONE. It ends on the same lonely piano we started with(different pitch blahblah i know ok) but there’s also the added noise that you can either hear traffic in, OR the sea/ocean waves. I KNOW im reading way too much into this but traffic could allude to our time, where the main story is set and the fact that what Azami did has consequences reaching much further than she could have ever imagined but also that despitwat happened, most people don’t even know about her story and everythings… well, normal. The sea waves would be just like the world she’s come to love and she’s leaving it all behind i guess lolThe way this song tells Azami’s story is uh, very simplified, but i think it works well. It gives you enough information to feel sorry for her even if it doesn’t really explain much. We only see Azami’s perspective so i’m not surprised or disappointed that reasons behind Tsukihiko’s disappearance arent really stated. Also i’m kind of glad it doesn’t delve deeper into the story, because i personally really didn’t like these chapters of the manga at all lol bc i didnt agree with the characterization and it didnt show Azami’s loneliness as much and kind of ruined the magic. I like Azami’s story when its still told as a kind of fairytale…This is also probably THE best Kagepro song in terms of tuning, too. idk what happened but i feel like here it’s much more soft than the other songs which makes it all the more enjoyable.
one day i’ll write a full essay on this…
I’m not gonna go that deep into any of the other ones dont worry
Remind Blue - Easily the best song on the Mekakucity Reload album. While i adore Additional Memory as well, my heart belongs to Remind Blue. Because the range isn’t that big, Miku’s voice and Jin’s tuning of don’t get overbearing. Im also a sucker for lyrics connecting to past events or symbols so the whole time reading the translation i was just lying in bed like kermit surrounded by heart emojis. I may or may not make a cover of this one…
Lost Time Memory - I feel like all that could be said about this song has already been said so I’ll just say i love it. I was introduced to it through Juby’s english cover(Classical Rock Arr. version!! thats important, i love this arrangement probably more than the original but the dude who made it just doesnt have a nice voice for this song… Juby’s not perfect but this cover’s good enough) an really this is the song that made me want to learn about Kagepro so there’s a lot of pure nostalgia connected to this one.
4. Ayano’s Theory of Happiness - whenever i tell someone new about kagepro i always say this is the song that makes me cry and laugh the hardest. I laugh a lot because of the tv anime version bc lmao every time i see it i LOSE IT gndnsdgs The reason i cry is quite obvious i think, but i still feel the need to specify it’s because of the lyric “so I hope you can love tomorrow”. It’s just such a simple thing but it makes me tear up 99% of the time. And like the thing is, the last couple of lines aren’t directed at any particular character either so its like she’s singing to us. She hopes we can love tomorrow as well… and just for you Ayano, I will try.
Also MARiA’s cover is the best one i barely listen to the original now lmao
5. Summertime Record - did i mention im a sucker for lyrics where the character is looking back at what happened? bc yeah i am. This song is really dear to my heart for some reason so much so that when at a camp with the choir ive been in for like 6years we were supposed to make a little song about it for the last campfire, i managed to get my friends to write the lyrics to this song with me and i think that in itself is very fitting to this song. and just.. yeah the whole thing just feels very welcoming and I love Haruka so
6. Children Record - BOYS👏 AND👏 GIRLS👏 yeah this song staight up slaps and i love it (altho i mostly listen to the version with MARiA bc the tuningin this one :’) its realy good go listen) and uh yeah its just a really good opening to the series! idk what to say exactly so uh really lets not drag this out
7. Additional Memory - so when this song came out i had to lay down for like a week bc just… woah yeah ok!! all the motifs and melodies from other songs just hit me so HARD and THE PV OH MY GOOOD i was SCREAMING! and youre absolutely right about the lyrics!! “if this were all a misunderstanding, i don’t want to hear it” just HITS and HURTS and GOD YEAH
8. Kagerou Days - ahh classic above classics…. the one where you’ve set your expectations for Hibiya to just be a good childhood friend only to have it be crushed by other media… its just a great base for angsty AUs for anytwo cahracters that care about each other really and i love it! also like when i first listenedi was like what and when i realized whats happening i was just…  poetic cinema guy but with hearts i really love angst huh
9. Headphone Actor - I don’t know what to say apart from I love Takane, I love the whole Harutaka story, I love the metaphor and the music and I have a little lesbian moment every time i listen to LiSA’s version of the song(THE WAY SHE SHINGS “Dokoka e to mukatteru”??? IM TOO GAY FOR THIS SHIT I CANT) and its 3:30am so i cant think anymore okbut god i love LiSA’s voice
10. Never Lost Word - ah the kinnie really jumps out here lmao this is the song i listened o and was just !! it me!! which… NOT a good thing if not for the last verse lol but yeah i just identify with kido a lot so like…i just really felt this song back when i first listened to it and even now i still do… just… yeah. and i just really like it in every way i guess lol
ALSO Shoutout to Gunjo Rain and Dead and Seek for beeing other tragically underappreciated Kagepro songs bc they dont have PVs
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irl-dogboy · 6 years
i have no friends to talk to so im gonna rant under the cut ignore this lmao
i dont feel comfortable anywhere. 
like.. i don’t have a bed i like to sleep in. it doesn’t have sheets on it. it’s an awful mattress, it sinks down to the point where i wake up and can’t move bc my back is fucked. i don’t have a dovet, i sleep under blankets fit for a sofa. i don’t have a space to call my own. my room looks like a storage room, because that’s what it is. i have speakers that i can’t use, i have an extra desk that my parents couldn’t afford to throw away. my cupboard is full of things that aren’t mine. i own my school uniform and like 3 outfits. i own one fucking pair of pants and they don’t! even fit me! i dont like asking for money for things like clothes and decor because the answer is always “we dont have enough money for luxuries! dont be selfish!” and i dont get it because both of my fucking parents have ipads and the newest fucking iphones. despite being the right age to get a job im not allowed to get one, im not allowed to open a paypal so i can maybe get a commission every so often. i dont even know why. they dont fucking tell me.
and like,, i dont have anywhere or anybody to talk to about this shit! school friends would never fucking understand because theyre all a bunch of rich kids who think of me as a joke. im a dumbass who isolates himself from his online friends so i cant just be like “lol we havent talked since i disappeared when i found out im going deaf help my life sucks” because who fucking DOES that? not me! my parents are procrastinating getting me a fucking psychologist for GOD KNOWS WHAT fucking reason, maybe they really do just think this is a phase. they refuse to talk about anything related to my transgenderism until it pushes their fucking political agenda or makes them LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mum, at home, behind closed doors: hey deadname
also my mum, arguing with people online: as a supportive parent of a transgender child blahblahblah
also my mum, to my school: yeah haha we’re getting there HE’s such a good BOY isnt that right NATE this has been hard on all of us but especially ME
i regret coming out so fucking much. if i could go back in time and tell myself anything it wouldnt be “do ur schoolwork” or “dont die” it would be “dont come out because every fucking aspect of your life is going to be so much fucking harder” and i get it! some of it is me being a lazy cunt! yea! but its also everybody else being a lazy cunt! my entire family? deadnaming for days! my parents? “we know you need therapy we’ll call them later” and then what do they do??? yeah not call them later. since i came out my previous psychologist DROPPED me and i get it but i NEVER talked about that shit and i wouldn’t talk about that shit bc i know shes not qualified to deal with that!! and i get it but fuck its so annoying and im weak and im a fucking asshole and i dont want to exist!!
i just dont get why my parents had me. like. my dads an alcoholic and a fucking coke addict, and yeah, he works 70 hours a week and supplies everything for our family, but hes also a fuckign criminal whos had me ASSAULTED before and thats a whole other fucking thing! and he’s trying to turn my sister and i against my mum and i DEFINITELY see why because she literally does nothing but smoke weed and do coke herself but fuck i am so tired of hearing about their shit all the fucking time! call me selfish, i would agree, but they blame me and my sister for all of their problems, and whenever me or my sister call them out on their shit they immediately go for the “we’re your PARENTS” or “im mentally ill and im an addict you know this” like yeah i do but i also know that YOU’RE NOT TRYING TO HELP YOURSELF DESPITE HAVING TWO KIDS THAT FUCKING DESPISE YOU
i just want a normal fucking family man. a normal life, really!! i want a dad that has some dumb manly hobby like woodwork or fishing and i wanna do lame things with him. i want a mum that i get along with. a sister that i fight with sometimes but its ok because im still there for her! protective big brother style! and i want them to be there for me and i want to feel safe in my own fucking house. i want a bed that i can sleep comfortably in. i dont wanna be who i am. i wanna be normal. i dont wanna have to deal with dysphoria and wanting to die every time i look in the mirror or shower or speak or do anything. friends that i feel like i could talk to. i would die just to be a cis girl or better a cis boy and just live my life without worrying about all of that shit. i want my depression to go away or take a fucking break or something. i hate it so much.
god this is long im so sorry for anybody who made the mistake of choosign to read this
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dewprisms · 6 years
ok so, it’s been a day, i think i’m ready to collect my thoughts on KH3
where to begin....the plot I guess?
So what....even happened. like, Xehanort seems to have done a change on why he’s doing all this, but i’ve seen examples that it’s not far-fetched but idk it just seems like poor writing if “i love darkness” xehanort was really trying to bring back the light...there’s stuff that never got explained with so many characters too so i’ll just
sora: him hiding his pain was always implied but a lot of people really are too dumb to realize that and called him OoC in this game, like Coded and DDD were leading up to all this. I joked that he died but then it turns out he really did fucking die. and then he died again to bring back kairi. and now he’s in shibuya??? do i gotta play twewy now cause i dont care about that game
riku: why did they not let him interact with kairi. why. their relationship got shafted hard. its like, are they even really friends anyway? or just with sora? the soriku in this game was strong af despite being the one where sokai was made canon
kairi: GOD WHERE DO I BEGIN Kairi I’m so fucking sorry Nomura did all this shit to you. Hype you up with keyblade training. helping with the final battle. then what happened? needing rescue, everyone getting hurt because you need saving. getting your ass beat by xion (at least in my game, jfc she died faster than donald ever did), getting kidnapped immediately after, again. then GETTING KILLED BY XEHANORT SO SORA CAN HAVE HIS MAN PAIN then having Sora die so he could bring Kairi back so she can cry about being lonely. why the FUCK isn’t she the one looking for him, why are they having Riku do it? why does nomura fucking hate her. she deserves better than this. i’ll never be over this even if Kairi gets redeemed in every subsequent game. they fucked up real bad with her and I’m so fucking pissed off.
roxas: my boy. where is the convo about him and ven. we just saw them notice each other but no words exchanged. this is the guy who’s been having an identity crisis since he was born. and nothing at all? come on.
xion: my girl her new outfit is so gosh darn  f r e s h like damn son. but, why is she back? why was she with the orgxiii? how did they even get her when she was inside sora’s heart???
lea: i still dont like him. he kidnapped kairi and hurt her friends and he makes kairi call him axel, the name he had when he did all that, so he could project his faded memories of xion onto her. he was abusive to xion and roxas, i knew they were gonna reunite because they’re friends but he NEEDS to apologize for what he did to them, the constant lying, attacking xion because she ran away from her abusive situation because he didn’t want to be lonely, and the writers turned his threat into a heartwarming scene? no fuck that. everyone forgave him for everything far too easily.
isa: APOLOGIZE TO ROXAS AND XION TOO YOU FUCK. especially xion. now he’s suddenly friends with them? fuck that. he needs to make up for how he treated them.
x: it would’ve been great if they had brought her up in days, it just comes so out of left field that isa and lea were trying to find and save some girl who’s name they dont even know. why the fuck is Skuld even in the present, cause that’s likely who she is. more forced ties to the money hungry gacha game i can’t bear myself to leave.
ven: my son, i have nothing bad to say about him
terra: my son, i’m surprised the guardian = terra’s heartless theory was true, and like damn, he got messed up so bad his heart, body AND soul/mind got split? but, where was his interactions with riku. he did bequeath his keyblade to him. but nothing is said between them, they don’t even interact outside of a small race in the ending.
aqua: why do people say they wrote her bad? i mean yeah she just immediately gave up against the heartless swarm instead of fighting it but she was trapped in the realm of darkness and taken over by the darkness for 10 years like just a few hours before hand.....she still got off pretty good in the end.
namine: i swear i was worried they forgot about her, she helped LW find terranort which brought terra back, and she came back. that ending? she and xion are def dating.
replica riku: replinami is fucking canon i dont care what you say. im still sad, he could’ve had the replica body anyway, it was implied there were many more, and even could’ve just made more. roxas and ven, and kairi/namine/xion can exist despite being identical, why can’t he and riku?
demyx: what the hell even happened to him? he dropped off the replica body and ansem the wise then disappeared from the rest of the game. we legit have no clue what happened to him. all we know is that he got benched from the nort 13, then xemnas confirmed he was also a keykid in the age of fairytales, but even khux hasn’t revealed that yet, larxene just got revealed like 2 months ago. i feel like him being revealed as a keykid should have jossed the theory of him being the master of masters but people still going at it. then again....(far below)
luxord: also a keykid even though he looks too old (prob the beard), his characterization seems to be in line with days, how he resigned to his fate that he was just gonna serve the org til the end because he had nothing left. also what the hell was that “wild card” he gave to sora, it never got brought up again.
marluxia: he also forgot his past like them all too, only remembering when sora beat him. i’m guessing he’ll never find strelitzia, she was in the final world too so she’s def dead. although namine was there too.....
larxene: god i love this absolute bitch. saying “ugh xemnas” to his face is such bad bitch energy. all of her scenes were so good. she only went along because of marluxia though....and yet neither of them remembered their past as keykids but stuck together anyway. they’re canon hush.
ienzo: what a good boy. he’s really trying hard to atone.
vexen: i’ll admit i didn’t trust him, but he was sincere in wanting to repent.
aeleus/dilan: lmao the former got like 1 line and the latter got like 1 grunt and nothing else. they were just kinda there. weird considering what Xaldin was like in 2/days.
ansem sod: uh.....what was with the attempted redemption in his defeat, literally nothing ever implied he was wanting to quit because he suddenly always knew they would fail
xemnas: same as ansem, literally nothing implied he was sad over being lonely because nobody actually liked him or his authority
young xehanort: imagined getting burned by freakin woody of all people. also what was his deal. he’s like the only one who didn’t get some kind of sad or redeeming cutscene. and he was the one who implied sora would die if he abused the power of waking outta nowhere. idk, something about him seemed off compared to like. every other nort.
donald and goofy: donald straight up decimated Terranort in the first/failure timeline, like dude literally died from zettaflare
Mickey: I wish he had died instead of Kairi :/ just because she was already being treated like shit
Eraqus: He apologized to Aqua and Ven but not Terra :/ at least he’s with his boyfriend in the afterlife
Xehanort: All the fights were easy as shit and the finale was anticlimatic. I actually like him less because of the fucking Kairi bullshit. Also his new VA just doesn’t work. He suddenly has an accent, his voice is nowhere near as deep and he lacks emotion in most of his lines. And people thought Terra and Aqua’s voices were emotionless? At least Xehaqus is canon ig
braig/xigbar/luxu’s getting his own post
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obannthepunished · 6 years
uhhhhhh notes HURT WEEK im pains
"They call me eagle-eye fjord where i come from." "maybe raven. i dont know." that theory about Fjord being the Hawker is suspicious rn (Apparently theres a third i missed whoops) sam apparently similar thoughts maybe bc Nott brings it up
Jester finally teaching kiri basic phrases, like "go fuck yourself"
Beau + Fjord taking first watch
Caleb checking out the dodecahedron
(Unrelated odd point: i have a current dislike/distrust for liam, which is bullshit bc... i love liam. and caleb and vax. but apparently smt is wrong.)
Dodecahedron is Very Old, and has been shaped/polished Cay uses the haversack as a pillow
BEAU/FJORD Beau: "I think I messed up. I think I should apologise." I HURT? Oh beauregard. oh marisha. "i wanna try, I guess" F: I think he deserves that. He's been good to us. i regret not writing fic now 8(
"OOH, terrible" "YEP." "five" "five" (collective "ooh")
Nott + Jes second. they roll not great.
Tinkle tinkle "nnhnohfishnott"
Kiri is poofed up asleep aAW
trident goin for FRUMPKIN NOOO (pause whilst they look for range on dismissal)
Kiri wakes up "Go fuck yourself :("
Theyre waiting for fish head they could just reappear Frumpkin tho...
Jester is sacred flaming, Molly has a sword active + stabs, Caleb fire bolt, Nott fires an arrow, Fjord eldritch blast, Yasha stabby
Molly + Nott + Caleb miss Fjord hits, Beau hits, Yasha hits dunno bout jes
frumpkin poofs back but doesn't see anything else.
???? alarm lasts 8 hours, not until triggered yall it should still be up. they need to look up the spells smh
Nott messaging to tell yash to hide the bodies
LAst watch is Yash and Caleb i need to stop shortening names
Caleb asks Yasha for people advice :') He's writing it down... i love him Yashas advice is basically "Fucking Bathe" And cay confirms he keeps himself gross because people ignore him more that way 8( Baby
C: "Do you know what i miss? shaving." Y: "I could shave you right now with my sword. I've done it before, you know, to... not have hair on my arms-" Omg shes doing it omg theyre doing it omg I DONT HAVE TO DRAW FACIAL HAIR IN MY FANART ANY MORE FUCK <3333
cay forgets he has a dagger jesus fucking christ
i love everyone making comments + taliesins just amazed like, borderline heart eye emoji look at this whole scenario
M: (to Caleb) "Well done, she [yasha] likes you!"
Nott is Not Happy About Water N: I'LL STAY WITH KIRI everyone else: Convincing her to come N: I'll stay with kiri, and if there's any trouble... we'll see what happens
Fjord goes first, he sees, with his 60ft darkvision, architeture of room. mistly natural, some bits not.
Fjord botches his stealth roll but matt botches his perception even worse. and my thing crashed im so mad.
Fjord is Not a good swimmer. hes like. 30ft swimming speed. Things being left: Caleb's books (2) Molly's coat
travis willingham going "kiris gotta die" then dragging everyone who gasped through the dirt
beau gets fucking 37 on her stealth check Matt: "That's some vax numbers right there!"
The visual aid is... so extra. lights. smoke. what the fuck matthew. (note: when ur best friend is called matthew this is a phrase you say too much)
Surprise round for erryone but Molly and Yasha (purrsonally, i think they were too busy talking abt how beautiful cay is now ;3c)
everyone rolled shite for initiative tho
Caleb casting haste on molly O:
Fjord is very very adept at everything
everyone on crit role can do maths better than me 8(
the marrow fuck beau and fjord royally
watching call lightning forming + marishas face as she slowly realises :)
jes gets the first hdywtdt + crushes a fish with a lollipop
Caleb is taking blind potshots with the glove of blasting boyy. One even hits!
moll gets 3 attacks i love my beautiful devil child
N: Are you guys alive and do you need anything? you can reply to this message~ C: FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK N: oh,, alright.
Taliesin's relief when ashley actually hits is very good.
Beau goes down! D:
hi unrelated taliesin sticking his tongue out at sam fills me with indescribable joy
NEW: Horny twink gets double penetrated by feisty wet ones.
... which is to say two fish dudes stab molly.
Jes heals Beau, but we all know fine fucking well if she hadn't, Yasha would have done it on her next turn. still might since she's only on 11
Cay using dispel magic O:
Molly gets the second hdywtdt "I'm literally just a windmill at this point"
FJORD gets the third F: "I see Molly loojin' around, give him a little wink-" (murders) M: Fucking arsehole F: (witty comment) PEACE OUT (blinks out again)
"Sevens are scary" - Taliesin
Yash gets the next hdywtdt Xorhasian Neck Tie Jesus christ
I was right tho Yasha was seriously considering healing beau, it just takes her action
Two more fishfucks 8(
More call lightning
Sams flask says "lost my best friend over a bowl" and that hurtie
caleb is boutta die. Yasha is boutta die first lmao oh no. i love taliesin jaffe an inhuman amount. Yash gets pulled OVER beau and marisha makes like grabby hand motions which is VERY cute
ok NOW caleb boutta die. he Shield's, and then fragments "Caleb will remember this"
Beau looks at Yasha, looks at Caleb, and goes to CALEB (sobs) blasts a ki point and everything
Molly gets a nat 20 oh he's such a babe
Nott spending her turn justifying herself to Kiri
Fjord blinks back in and fucks up ANOTHER fishfuck
Yasha casting healing hands on HERSELF good.
"You dont have a printout of your character sheet????" "Oh yeah I do after you asked me nine times" liam wh
both yash and caleb are at ONE hp
B, spening her last ki point: HEYCALEBWESHOULDTALKLATER
Beau gets the HDYWTDT tho
Molly is Very Sick from losing haste
Caleb goes the fuck down Fails his first save
everytime tal says "im gonna try something weird"  i heart eyes emoji shame he cant do jack fuck though
Nott Burning Bolt shoots the fishfuck for 24 damage jeeeeez doesnt die but drops lightning
Fjord: (appears, fails, disappears)
if Caleb permadeaths i WILL cry
PLEASE YASHA PLEASE GOD JESTER PLEASE THEY KILL IT IM CRYING SO HARD no like literally i am actually crying bc matt very deliberately did that so that he didnt kill Caleb
Jester uses her pearl of power to regain a slot, and use it to cast prayer of healing for SHIT rolls.
Jester goes back to Kiri <333 baby. baby bird.
Matt mercer keeps using words ive only ever seen written and im ALWAYS ???? about their pronunciation
Fjord finds some L00t Like boxes and longswords and a pool of water with dozens of metallic objects mostly outlawed diety symols. changebringer moonweaver. others i forgot. stormlord. everlight. asmodeus ooh, bane strife emperor. and tiamat.
"a little black bird that's fluttering to try and get dry" fuck thats so damn cute. Marisha has the :D face
Calebs books are dry
wooden box + pool are magic. like. WITHIN.
Enchantment in the box. Molly collecting the moonweaver pieces
JESTER FINDS TWO SYMBOLS FOR THE TRAVELLER? HOLY SHIT Different make, pure silver one, burnished bronze another door arch with the road
Molly gets 12-13 symbols
Nott mage hands just so good even drunk
in the box is a blade, gold, jewel encrusted Molly shoves Nott aside to get it cause its a scimitar style
Caleb finds the arch-heart symbol? Takes one
Yasha takes 4 symbols for the storm god.
Bane/strife emperor symbol Fjord is curious about chained coffin he throws it into the pool. nothing happens.
JEster goes to pll it out and gets a big catseye yellow gem,  magical, but not a school of arcane magic. it has a line groove in it, very deliberate, an oval.
"something about that [orb] is very familiar"??? (Matt to Travis)
i was right about the orb being familiar
C: (abt the gold sword) This blade is called Summer's Dance C: "Mr. Mollymauk," M: "Mr. Caleb."
Blade allows user to cast Blink basically, and is stronk
official-europa replied to your post: uhhhhhh notes HURT WEEK im pains “They...
i think its probably misty step and not blink 
official-europa replied to your post: uhhhhhh notes HURT WEEK im pains “They...
on the sword i mean
caleb tries to ID the orb
fjord touches it "sky is moonlit + cloudless, clothes not your own, nor body, overcoat + human skin. thick calloused skin. left hand stone. look down, see body of previous owner, dead in blood. natural landmass seawater night. flash. right hand grasps falchion. voice booms. potential. jams the stone into gut, cCONSUME. vanishes into belly. looks into water. REWARD." "Vandrin."
i dont kn ow what the fuck is going on.??? everyone else sees this o shit
oh shit is the eye the symbol of Fjord's patron?
"he was my mentor, a captain of mine. a man named Vandrin." Y: What happened to Vandrin? F: I'm not sure. he captained the ship i worked on for many years, and their was an incident. an explosion, terrible weather, waves, "i was knocked overboard" when f woke up he was back on shore
"how did you survive" "I'm not entirely sure."
explosion was sabotage.
the pool is saltwater.
Molly shoves Fjord's head into the water
comes up "You okay???" "Do it again" "Tap three times when you're done!" Fjord drowns
they take as much as possible up and out and decide to dynamite everything in. dramatic exit..
They take the bodies down and lay them in the swamp to rest and decompose.
Beau tries to pull Caleb aside and he just stonewalls her until she actually apologises.
Caleb "I give beauregard a hug and say 'idont know what im doing. just. go with it." BEau very AWKWARDLY hugs him back Beau consulting Fjord, Caleb consulting Yasha The entire other side of the table clapping.
Beau: UH. GOOD TALK. FRIEND. (awkward silence) Beau: Seriously though. Friend? (pause) Caleb: Uh. Ja. (brb dying)
there is a single yellow eye on the hilt of the falchion.
episode END
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
lifeguard! jinyoung
a/n; im so sorry i posted this hella late,, and this will be the last installment of my part of the xmas collab wink wonk:(( i hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing them, have a merry merry christmas❤ these two weeks have been a blast, writing for wanna one with two of the most talented writers, xuan and l! i hope to collab with them again soon,, and if anyone wants to work with myself, drop me a message and i'll reply to it as soon as i can and also! dedicated to my wife,, tina,, @whatabrightplace i hope you like it bby happy birthday💕💕💕💕
this is part of the xmas collab wink wonk with @wannawrite and @hwinkinghwi t/w; drowning
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-wild wild wet,, the better of the two major waterparks in singapore -having a bigger variety of thrill waterslides than their counterpart, adventure cove -also the cheaper one cough cough -jinyoung's a resident lifeguard at wild wild wet -clad in red sleeveless top and red bermudas, ray ban sunnies -and wet hair occasionally slicked to a comma style, jinyoung is the lifeguard that almost every female visitor has a crush on -lets be real here, some of them even come often just to have a glimpse of him -me -likes to stay at the wave pool so that he doesnt have to deal with visitors who hesitate to go on the ride,, holding up queues -sometimes has rotational shifts every hour, sometimes has rotational shifts every 2 or 3 hours -fellow lifeguard!jihoon and himself have the same duty slots, hence he isnt always the only one on duty -and has fun laughing at dumb jokes jihoon makes,, pushing him into the pool ever so often to mess with him too -has never really done cpr before, even tho he was trained for it -despite being the lifeguard almost everyone crushes on, theyre scared to approach him because either 1. they think he's attached 2. hes somewhat scary?? -just eyecandy uknow -some have bravely approached him and he heartlessly brushed them off, "im sorry im on duty, this can also hinder the safety of fellow visitors" -ouch -you were at wild wild wet thanks to your friend, who offered a free ticket to the waterpark
-and also because you had nothing to do on christmas, no partner, family doesn't celebrate christmas anyway
-you have heard from your friend that the waterpark was not only known for their rides, but also this super cute lifeguard who was working there
-you just rolled your eyes, you were beginning to think your friend was indirectly asking you to help her ask him out
-instead of just spending time with you
-anyway, the both of you went there fairly early, not wanting to be stuck in the queues for the rides
-the first ride the both of you went to was this ride called scorpion
-a straight drop from a chamber instead of your conventional slide
-you were lying if you said you weren't intimidated 
-there was no queue, to your surprise
-you had to climb up like 10 flights of stairs to reach the top,, to much for a 5 second ride
-when you reached the top, you were immediately regretting your life choices -the two chambers side by side, looked intimidating
-your friend then nudged you, pointing towards the lifeguard on duty, "that's the one, bae jinyoung."
-at this point of time, your brain had lost all forms of rational thoughts and was working on auto pilot
-you took a glance at the lifeguard busy tapping on his phone, he was indeed cute
-his jawline, and jet black hair made him super attractive
-it didnt help that the lifeguard had really toned arms too, but your brain directed your attention back to the ride, and you felt scared again, forgetting his name
-being the thrill seeker she was, your friend went ahead first
-as the trap door below her collapsed, you gasped in shock, making the lifeguard look back at you
-you soon noticed his gaze on you, and blush soon reached your cheeks
-"are you ready?" the lifeguard tilted his head as he watched you shiver in fear
-"i'm not too sure actually, im scared" you confessed
-"to be honest, this is actually less scary than the other ride," he pointed towards the steep, tall yellow slide right opposte, "this will be done in like, 5 seconds."
-you gulped, as you stepped into the chamber, looking down at the height you will be plummeting down in a few moments
-"it'll be fun, don't worry." the lifeguard smiled, closing the door
-you had no idea why, but with his smile, you were immediately assured and calm
-"lock your arms behind your head and hold your breath, you will be fine." he pushed the button, which began the countdown for the ride
-5, 4, 3, 2, 1
-followed by an eerie, menacing laugh, the trap door below you collapsed, and you were out in about 5 seconds, just like how the lifeguard depicted
-and it was much more fun than you imagined, as your friend cheered for you at the sidelines
-"y/n! i thought you were gonna back out!" your friend patted your back, "what made you ride it?!"
-"nothing," you smiled, "i just felt like it."
-after a few rides, both you and your friend were tired, and decided to laze at the wave pool
-it was almost 1pm, the sun blazing down on the waterpark
-you had been through almost 5 rotations of lifeguard changes, and you were beginning to get tired from threading water at the deeper end for almost an hour
-your friend promised that it was the last one, and the both of you would be back to riding the rides
-when the wave came, suddenly you felt a cramp in your foot, not allowing you to thread water anymore
-you felt yourself sinking, and trying to gasp for air but to no avail
-you tried to get your arms above the surface of water, but you had no strength in your arms as well
-you felt darkness close in around you soon, and you blanked out
-back on the surface, your friend was screaming for help
-and jinyoung was on wave pool duty
-just as the wave started, he saw a head disappear into the depths of the pool, and flailing arms, and also someone screaming for help
-immediately, he took off his top, and dived into the pool and swam towards you
-he managed to get you pretty quick, as your friend tried to swim against the tide to the surface 
-jinyoung checked for your breathing, luckily you were still breathing so he didnt need to administer the chest compressions
-all he needed to do was to supply oxygen into your lungs,, he hesitated for a moment, before going ahead to do the,, mouth-to-mouth resurrection(?)
-your friend was watching at the side, hoping you were okay
-within a few breaths, you were coughing out water as jinyoung tried to reposition you in an upright position
-he patted your back, to make sure all of the water was expelled
-"are you okay?" his eyes showed worry, as he frowned
-"y-yeah, i am." you hiccuped, your senses then clicking together, it was the same lifeguard from the first ride
-"i'll get some water for you, stay here." was all he said before running off to somewhere
-your friend then hugged you, sobbing, and in between you could only hear "i thought you were dying" and "i didnt want to lose you."
-you laughed, and assured her that you were fine
-then she stopped crying and smirked, "you know, that guard, bae jinyoung, was so worried for you earlier, almost crying when you didn't wake up by 3 breaths"
-just then, jinyoung came back with two bottles of water and a towel, your friend going away to somewhere and mumbling that she doesn't want to play gooseberry
-"here," jinyoung opened up the bottle, handing it to you, "are you okay?"
-you nodded, taking 2 gulps of the water as jinyoung drapped the towel around you, "thank you for saving me."
-jinyoung blushed, scratching his head, "its my job, dont mention it."
-the both of you ended up talking, and having lunch together, jinyoung forgetting about the shirt he abandoned at the guard post earlier
-attracting a whole lot of attention with his body lmao
-hearing whispers from girls saying, "she's so lucky", "is that his girlfriend?"
-the both of you had mac and cheese, the waterpark's signature dish
-after talking for a while, jinyoung then went silent
-"what happened?"
-"i don't know if this is too fast for me to say this but," jinyoung paused
-"i was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime, like a d-date."
-you pinched yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming, and you felt pain, so you weren't
-"i'd love to, since i owe you one anyway," you grinned, "and you're cute too."
-"i'm cute?" jinyoung's eyes widened, and you immediately regretted your words, "thank goodeness im not the only one..."
-"only what?" you raised your eyebrows, as jinyoung suddenly stood up, "i have duty, i gotta go, kthxbye"
-you were puzzled, but jinyoung left behind a note, which was his number written on it, with "let's meet up soon^^"
-just then, your friend took the seat opposite you, putting her hand on her chin, "don't you think you owe me a meal too? for bringing the both of you together..." 
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
ho hum lets see, what the fuck did I do today?
I know I had a dream last night about goin around doing whatevr stimmin and acting dumb in front of a lot of people, and I specifically remember saying “I'm autistic, you asshole, you're not allowed to make fun of me” and like skjhagsdfjkha. first off I have adhd not autism (probably) second this is something I would say lmao. but uhhh I don't remember doing jack shit in the morning. I took a shower and washed my hair in preparation to go out and do some errands, and it felt really nice to just hang out in the bathroom and brush my hair. midday shower supremacy. when my sister was ready I made her go with me to the store, but we say our dad’s car there too lol. she stayed in the car and made me shop, and my mom asked for stuff they didn't have. so stopped by dollar tree, dropped off groceries, and headed to joann’s to finally get a zipper for my sewing project. we almost forgot it until we were already in line lol. I also picked up a pattern tracing marker that’s supposed to disappear with water, but when I tried it at home, it didnt even show up. it was only like 4 dollars so im not gonna bother trying to return it. I also got 2 little blue butterfly appliqués I may or may not use. after checkout we sat in the parking lot for a moment, texting mom about food, and I took the weirdest way possible to get to hardees. my sister and I ate in her room and then I laid around in my room for a while, looking up a couple things for my sewing project. because the marker I bought didnt fuckin work, I went around my house trying to find something that would, but ultimatey didnt really find anything. then I remembered dollar tree had chalk pens, so I went over there in their last 15 minutes of being open to get 2 different colors of chalk and more tiny jars and a strawberry lemonade. I tested the 2 markers on a scrap piece of fabric, drawing a line and then rinsing it under water, and when it dried I couldn't tell which side I had marked which means it worked :D hell yeah. so now I know if there are any markings left on the final product I can just throw it in the wash on delicate to get rid of them all. (cass if ur reading stop it because birthday spoilers) I also sat on my bed and filled the tiny jars with more rose petals and baby’s breath and crushed up leaves. these jars were even tinier than the ones I got a couple days ago because they were out of that size. my dad brought home the tiny tiny drill bits I asked for, so I baked the shrinky dink fairy wings to go with my friend’s birthday gift and very carefully drilled the TINIEST holes in them. I might have to remake one wing because I drilled too close to the edge, but I think it should be fine? I think im going to end up reinforcing them all with resin anyway. but they shrank really nicely and I used a book to smash them down completely flat which worked surprisingly well. the backs had cloudy lines from the baking paper they were resting on, so I found some old glitter paint to add a bit of sprkle and hopefully un-cloudy them. I was going to add the uv resin but the sun was setting and I didnt trust that my resin would fully cure before nightfall so I'm just waiting until tomorrow. (irl friends pls dont read past this point please, I’m trying to keep SECRETS!) while I was just hanging out after doing those other projects, I looked through all my dress pattern pieces again, trying to find some tutorials that might help about how to hem a sweetheart neckline, until I realized the bodess will be lined and hem itself. but I did find some good tutorials on how to hem a circle skirt that I'll probably end up using later. I looked at the clock and realized yeah I could finally start patterning and cutting my pieces today. I was still nervous about cutting into the main patterned fabric, and felt like I wouldn't have time to deal with all those pieces at once, so I grabbed the lining fabric and started tracing. I made myself a tiny cardboard template for seam allowances because the circle one I made earlier wasn't going to work with the dollar store markers. at first I thought I was only going to cut out a couple pieces, but I cut and pinned and sewed the entire bodess lining! it was really fun and I felt very cool and accomplished until I tried it on and it didnt fit how I wanted like at all. I realized my problem was that I had traced everything out to a size 46 when all my measurements kept bouncing between 44/46, but I was also measuring hip stuff for pattern pieces I ended up not needing, which pushed me to make everything a 46, when really all my upper body measurments probably would have me at a 44 instead. I so got kind of discouraged. ive been building up this idea of what this dress was gonna be and how perfectly it’ll fit and I'll be so cool rolling up in this dress I made all by myself, but it’s gonna look like ass if it doesn't fit right. I went ahead and cut the pattern templates to the 44 lines, and I set the bodess aside and just made the pockets. I actually really like how those turned out! I used a ~French seam~ so they would have finished edges on both sides with no chance of fraying and feel good against my hand in the pocket and my legs in the skirt. the shape and the blue fabric makes it look like a big squid ward nose tho lmao. im not sure how I'm going to fix the lining other than maybe take in all the seams later? but im not gonna do anything to it until I've cut out and sewed the outer bodess and see how that turns out. I made more progress today than I thought I would, which means I can work faster than I thought and I dont need to worry at all about getting this dress done before my friend’s picnic party. tomorrow I get VACCINATED, HEALL YEAH and then I work the day after that for about four hours. I hope side effects aren't too shitty and subside by the time work starts... wish me luck gamers. 
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Requested by @missspookyskeleton: I'M GONNA REQUEST IF YOU'RE TAKING REQUESTS BUT TAKE YOUR TIME HONEY *slams hands on a table that randomly appeared, grabs the mic that also magiclcally appeared and breath in really loudly (ew gross)* wolf!woozi PLEASE THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG THERE'S NOT ENOUGH WOOZI OKAY BYE
okay this turned out alMOST AS LONG AS WOLF!WONWOO AND IM SCREAMING BC THAT WAS SUPER LONG SO??? GET READY TO READ A LONG SCENARIO AGAIN Y IKE S but anyways this is what yall have been waiting for since last month whOOPS IM SORRY!! here it is happy reading my children!!! <33333
warnings: this is a piece of garbage like wolf!wonwoo, brief mentions of gore but its barely anything bc i dont like gore/horror, mentions of violence, lots of flashbacks whOOPS, lots of vanilla ice cream!!!
His eyes are trained on his opponent sitting directly across from him
“Your move,” his voice drops an octave, a slight edge detected in it
The other man’s hands remain clasped in his lap until he slowly stretches one out
His eyes follow the man’s hands with bated breath as he grasps the smooth marbles in his fist
“No, no…. nO!!”
“GODDAMMIT,” he frustratingly runs his fingers in his blonde locks
“You guys really need to chill,,,,, it’s just mancala,” Seungcheol calls over his shoulder in the back of the room as he reads the papers
“Okay grandpa,,,, you’re no fun,” Jeonghan retorts, a sly grin on his face, “and don’t be so pouty, Jihoon”
“Whatever,” Jihoon mumbles as he and Jeonghan put away the board in its box, “there’s not much we can do if we’re in this dump so might as well do something a little less boring, like reading the news”
“Hey! I’m scouting for updates on our pack, you ungrateful punk. Need I remind you guys why we’re here in the first place?”
“To protect us from the hunters and keep a low profile,” everyone chorused
“Huh. Nice to know you punks are listening,” Seungcheol clucks his tongue and resumes scanning the pages
“Anyways, Jihoon and Wonwoo are gonna be the ones to restock our food supply today. You know the drill”
“Ugh fine,,,,,” Jihoon grabbed his coat on the rack while Wonwoo set aside his latest novel on the table
After securely placing a beanie all the way to their ears with a hoodie on top of it, they set out
“We look ridiculous,” Jihoon sighs
“C’mon, we have to do it,,,, and plus we can use the cold weather as an excuse,” Wonwoo reminds him
Jihoon merely shrugs and darts his eyes around the store as they round the corner, “let’s just get the stuff and leave”
When jihoon and wonwoo are lined up in the checkout aisle, jihoon suddenly hears a small gasp
“Oh my god. You got the last vanilla tub,,,,”
He turns around and sees someone pouting, pointing at the ice cream on the conveyor belt
His initial thoughts were wow. How cute -- wait we really need to lEAVE
Jihoon: *sigh* do you want it?
“But… you’re literally just about to buy it….”
“It’s fine, you’re the one who wants it more out of the both of us” he says as he screams internally
“I feel bad though,,,, ahh just forget I said anything,,,,”
Too late, he’s already thrusted it in your hands
By this time Wonwoo is looking at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised, the groceries in his hands already
He sighs again and blurts out, “if you really feel bad just take it and don’t say another word.”
He grabs the other grocery bags and leaves you staring at the tub
Hm, hoodie boy sure is grumpy, you note as the cashier scans your items
Jihoon and Wonwoo arrive back at the rundown storage warehouse lmao i know how cliche???
“Here’s your feast,” jihoon says, dropping the bags on the table
Everyone scrambles to snatch a bag of chips or the assorted candy
Joshua and vernon are like,,,, where’s the vanilla ice cream
“Jihoon gave it to some other person,” Wonwoo nonchalantly mentioned as he put the other dairy and red meat products in the fridge
Everyone freezes and stares at Jihoon
“He gave up… vanilla ice cream?”
Jeonghan is like um what jihoon being generous??? And sharing vanilla ice cream out of all things???? What happened to him
“Stop making such a big deal,” Jihoon says, exasperated as he situates himself in front of the bookshelf, “seemed like they wanted it a lot more so I just let them”
Seungcheol clears his throat and tells everyone to go back to what they were doing
He quietly approaches Jihoon and stands next to him to also “browse” the shelf
“You know why the guys are like that, Jihoon…. You know better than anyone else,” his voice drops to a barely audible whisper
Jihoon drops his eyes briefly and slightly nods, “I know… I know.”
Seungcheol sadly smiles at him and claps his shoulder, “We’re just looking out for you. That’s all we do around here, so don’t get too riled up by their antics. They have good intentions. We’re just worried about you.” He lightly pats his shoulder and leaves
Jihoon grabs a random book and settles on an old leather couch fully knowing he’s not gonna read a word of the novel he’s opened up
All he can do is try not to think about Vanilla Tub Stranger
And brush off the uneasy stir of his stomach every time he does
You go to the supermarket weekly in hopes of meeting Jihoon along the way again
And little do you know he starts to volunteer getting the food more
The guys: we see u jihoon
Jihoon: what i just wanted to,,,, get some cheese
“We’re eating steak though???”
“Shut up mingyu i’m not making you that grilled cheese then”
“???? i make those for you while you stand there and complain”
But alas!!! You guys don’t meet anymore :(((
You end up going at different times than him but it's sO CLOSE YET SO FAR
Like an hour after he leaves you enter smh
But you notice that every time you go to the ice cream aisle, there’s always one vanilla tub,,,, coincidentally,,,,
Jesus christ how many vanilla tubs do ppl buy in this au
And you can’t help but to smile to yourself
One day as you’re walking down the street you spot a familiar blonde haired boy
!!!!! it’s hoodie boy!!!!
You’re nearing each other and you smile really widely and put up your hand to wave at him
But he simply ignores you and strides right past
You’re like,,,, what,,,,, did he not remember me?
You turn around and tug on his arm
“Hey you’re hoodie boy from the supermarket right?”
He still avoids eye contact and remains stiff as cardboard
“,,,,I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“You offered me your vanilla ice cream??”
“Must have been someone else; doesn’t ring a bell,” he coldly shakes you off and stalks off
You stare at him until his back disappears around the corner of the street and you’re a deflated lil puppy :(((
Jihoon is hiding behind the nearest building, his balled up fist on the wall
“This is for the best,,, this is for the best for the both of us,” he keeps repeating
The slight worry your voice hinted, the anxious look in your eyes,,,,
It was too familiar
Jihoon only shook his head and continued on his way
He was using that day to clear his mind since there wasn’t anything really major happening
Plus he kept thinking about you
It was well into nighttime and he decided to take a detour back home
You had to run to the supermarket really quickly for a last minute meal
You ran out of ramen packs and needed to hit up the closest store
You were skeptical of going out late at night without another buddy with you but you really needed food and had to continue studying asap
“It’ll just be for a little while,” you calm yourself as you’re grabbing your coat and keys
You successfully go to the convenience store a few blocks down and you’re on your way back when the hairs all over your body start tingling
You turn around but you don’t see anyone and you’re just like,,, yI KE S and start power walking
You’re walking a little inward where a good amount of trees surround you but you can still see the city on your left
You still have one or two more blocks left when someone drAGS YOU to the side and pins you against the closest tree trunk
“You won’t scream if you know what’s good for you”
You’re just frozen in shock and terror, your arms held on top of your head and your breath hitched in your throat
The man lets out a low chuckle at your fear
“Don’t be scared… it’s just protocol,” his deep voice sends shivers up your spine as he traces your face and neck with his hand
You just want to punch this jerk and use your pepper spray but he has too much of a strong grip on you
You lift your leg to knee him but he easily stops it with a hand
“Ah ah, don’t hurt the goods,” he laughs disturbingly similar to shattered glass
You turn your head and bite down the arm that’s pinning your arms and now he’s like ok looks like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way
“You just won’t stay still, will you? This should do the trick,” he menacingly cackles as he pulls out a blue fluid glowing in a syringe
He jams his arm up your neck so you don’t easily escape and to stop whatever screams that may escape
Your eyes widen and you’re about to blindly kick his legs when the syringe gets dangerously closer to your neck
“Just… hold… still!” He presses you more against the wall as you squirm more under his touch
You can feel the needle on your skin and he’s about to push the plunger but one second your oxygen circulation is cut off and the next you hear a grunt
You can only look down at your feet where the predator is now at, holding his side
A boy is bent over the body and spits out, “still taking orders from that crap boss you have?”
“Jihoon… We meet again.”
“Like the first time wasn’t enough. Looks like you never learn from your mistakes”
“That girl didn’t have a chance anyways. Now look at where she is now,” he sneers
You see the boy’s frame tense up and his hands balling up
“Guess we’ll just have to pick up where we left off,” the boy smirks
And right before your eyes he goes from a two legged human to a wOLF ON ALL FOURS
And the man does the same thing and you’RE LIKE W HA T THE
You can’t tell who launches at who first but you’re just like o KA Y I GO TT A JET AND STUDY BYE
You’re sprinting across the dirt when one of them stops in your way and you can’t tell which one it is
He’s growling at you, his eyes gleaming in bloodlust that would match his red coat if his eyes could change color
You back away and you turn in a different direction but the other one is there too and you’re like oH JESUS CHRIST COME ON
The first one tries lunging at you but the other one tackles him first
“At each other’s throats” has never been so literal,,,, and gory yikes
The fight just continues on like that for what seems like half an hour but is probably just ten more minutes
Every time you turn to escape someone is always stOPPING YOU AND YOU’RE LIKE P L S OH MY GOD
You hear one of them snort and you’re like um excuse u. I have ramen and i’m not afraid to thROW IT AT YOU
The one with the light brown fur is lowkey rolling his eyes at you
“Ok well if y’all are done fighting i gotta get home lmao so can you like,,,,, move”
Both of them revert back to their human form heavily panting
Bruises and scratches scatter all over their bodies with some black eyes and swollen cut lips
“F...fine… you’re not even worth it,” the man mutters and struggles to get up
It takes him a while to leave and you tentatively crouch down next to the blonde boy
“Okay i have absolutely no clue what just happened but,,,, thank you”
He coughs on his side as he weakly responds, “just go home. You weren’t supposed to see any of that, and now you might even be more in danger”
“.....hoodie boy?” you’re taken aback as the guy who so generously gave you up his dessert is now beaten up on the ground
“.....Go. Home.”
“But your wounds,,,,”
“We heal fast.” And sure enough you can see the majority of his scrapes and scratches slowly disappearing
“You at least owe me a good explanation to what just happened back there”
“Don’t worry about it. Go home. Now. And that’s not a suggestion”
“Just tell me--”
“I can’t have you ending up like her!”
And his tone just leaves you speechless
The amount of emotion that surged in just those words,,,,,
“I can’t…. Let that happen to you….” he says much softer
After a moment of silence, he continues
“He turned her into a wolf,,,, and brainwashed her into entering his pack. Once she had done all the orders, they disposed of her. Drained out all of her blood for their own meal and discarded her body in front of my pack’s doorstep.”
“But she was your,” you pause and try to grasp for the proper term, “love and i’m just,,,, someone who you gave ice cream to. Why are you so concerned?”
“,,,,,You’re Y/N, right?”
You’re like ??? how did you know
“You helped us out a lot. Donating food, blankets, utensils,,,, you were also the person who made us that special soup when all of us fell ill to the virus, right?”
You’re racking your brain bc you don’t remember doing that at all
But then you’re like,,,, wait a minute
“Hey, y/n, can you make that soup of yours?” Your family friend asked you, “I know a bunch of people who got sick and the cure for it needs a lot of ginger, which you incorporate so nicely without making it overbearing”
“The same guys are in refugee right now,,,, they’re just all over the place trying to seek shelter.” “Oh, they can have a couple of spare blankets I have and some plates and bowls.” “But,,,, you’re living here by yourself,,,,” “No biggie, I don’t even use half of these!” You say as you’re already dumping 4 blankets in her arms and packing a good chunk of your utensils in a bag. “Plus, you needed someone to do something, so you came to me, right?”
She only smiles to herself. “It’s no wonder he’s so smitten by you…”
“You were a part of that group?”
By now he’s healed considerably and begins sitting up and leans against the trunk
“She would always tell me to look out for you when she was unable to because of her work”
“Did you scare off those kids who picked on me?”
“Did you drop off my USB in the office that one time I had a presentation and forgot it?”
“That’s right”
“Did you coincidentally buy those shoes I told her I’ve always wanted?”
“U-um…. No. Okay maybe”
You laugh in spite of yourself
“Guess I finally see you as a woman now”
You stiffen at the familiarity of those words
“Jihoon, when will you see me as more than just a little sister?” you pout
“I don’t know shortie, maybe when you can take care of me?” he ruffles your hair
“Just wait until I’m able to buy a house and have a lot of money!”
He laughs and shakes his head, “we’ll see, shortie ;)”
It only hits you now that this is the same jihoon who you lost in touch after all of these years, the one who was always in the back of your mind
Wow he glowed tf up
“That…. That was when we were little kids”
“Yeah,,,, i never would have admitted it but i liked you, lopsided pigtails and all”
You notice the past tense and you look down
“....Liked? But you just said….”
“That’s right, liked.” He gently reaches out to grab ahold of your face
“Because i realized that,,,,,, i might be in love”
As you stare in his resolute eyes, you’re suddenly getting a wave of nostalgia
The same eyes who would only look at you jokingly to tease your choice of clothes
Or how you couldn’t tie your shoelaces
They’re now looking back at you with newfound feelings
Or maybe they’ve always been there
“I pretended to not recognize you because well,,,, i didn’t want you to be caught in this but looks like it’s a little too late for that. And you’re wrong”
You cock your head to the side, “about what?”
“You called her my love. If she was really my love, I wouldn’t do this”
And you’re like do what--
And he seals his words wITH A K I SS
You’re like O H W HAT IS HAP PENI NG
But you realize that this is literally what you have been waiting for all your life
You’re kissing him back fervently, your hands gripped tightly on his shoulders to reassure yourself he is not a dream and he’s actually real and this is actually happening wo w o h go d
You’re both panting when you break away
“Wait but who’s the shORTIE NOW”
“shUT UP,” he pouts and pulls you in agAIN
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thegeminisage · 8 years
all right i got about ~3 hours to get my shield and beat zelda lets fucking do this
the temple of time music is breaking my heart
this is one place where i'm mostly ok with them not using a classic tune for it tbh
like this music has so much grief and tranquility
i used to think the plateau was SO huge and really it's almost miniscule
i know it's a bit of a waste of time but i'm making the final trek on foot, no fast travel, temple of time to the castle
So Many Guardians
i can fight them now but only if theyre in the right place too close or far away and i cant do it
on a side note: yesterday (?) i found a beautiful pink spring i took many pictures of
today i saw that glowing spot on the map and realized i'd never figured out what it was!
dropped a pin bc i was curious, and it's the pink spring
temptation to warp over, check it out, and warp back: astronomical
but i'm on both a mission and a time limit, so it'll have to wait
ok. ok. im Here. its Time. lets go. shield first. that is My Shield, and the stalnox Cannot have it
there's a door i can't figure out how to open :/
ah, i see the stalnox
but i want that door!
google isn't helping me so i guess i have to leave it??
ok, all abilities fully charged, 3 fairies, plenty of food. i can do this. i almost killed one by accident once. that is MY SHIELD.
oh my god its got SWORDS stuck all in it jesus FUCK
my first shot did a lot of damage! but im wearing the atk+ armor which i can't keep on, it's a glass cannon
oh my god that was so EASY?
i kicked its ASS LMAO
holy shit when my swoprd strikes something in here it sounds like cannon fire! steady glowing too
i don't think there's one right way to go here so i'm gonna try to explore as much as i can
i've been spoiled by the fact that zelda has a diary laying out somehwere so i wanna find it for myself
ohhh the remains of the red carpet in here
i'm actually next to the tower i climed before, apparently i was just shy of exploring all there was to see up there...i'll see if i can have another look
lol i decide that and it IMMEDIATELY begins with the lightning storm
i found it!!! oh god was this her bedroom ;_;
he's quiet and persostent and can't resist a good meal
and it talks about why he never speaks ;_;
omg she even talks about her mother ;_;
the goddess hylia or was it fi?? oh my god.......
found the guard chambers ;_; this all hurts my heart, so much was just Lost
oh my god no THE BLOOD MOON...
huh. no cutscene here
honestly fighting my way thru moblins in hyrule castle...haha man
ohhhh the library ): i bet zelda loved it here
oh my god they even had docks under the castle!!!
oh NO i found the king's journal
he hated being cruel to her and was gonna be kind when she got back but instead the last time they really saw each other they were fighting!!!
still doesn't give him an excuse tbh but i can find a SLIVER of sympathy now
okay so........now i've explored all the insides. i go out?? i.......fight ?????
oooohh god im scared again ))):
oh shit oh Shit i found it oh god
im looking up a walkthru to read after the fight starts i dont need any more surprises
ooh he has guardian weapons
ok yes walkthru
GOD LMAO if you dont free the divine beasts you have to fight the minibosses here
oh god this is gonna be tough
haha "guardian weapons will break your shield" NOT MY SHIELD
i mean yes it can break but its Highly durable and replacements can be made if it does
i mean i know. they had us fight a manlike thing in ss AND tp but. i miss him
oooh down to 25%
im ready for phase 2 baby
there's gotta be one right there ALWAYS is
YES here we go
oh no i dont have epona though just a different horse im sad i should have left her out
I DID IT!!!!
oh my g o d
"may i ask, do you really remember me"
oh my god...oh my god
ohhh the credits showed a bit of everybody and despite myself when they played the trailer song and showed the old man/the plateau i welled up we've come so far
awww that was the last song of the trailer
ohh my god 
jesus christ, old man disappeared last too, my HEART
theyre gonna restore hyrule!! they're gonna travel together again!!
okay i GOTTA load my file and see what's what
awww it's the one i saved right before the battle i thought there was post-game content...?
it does have a little star next to it tho
ah well
that was.......incredible
and i cried
so there's that
man!!!!! im so, so glad
what a good game
honest crit: no, it wasn't PERFECT
i could have stood more classic tunes to punch me in the feels more often and give us more of that old #aesthetic since they changed SO much about everything else - at times it didn't even quite feel like a zelda game, though the reminders that it WAS were always heartbreaking and wonderful
also maybe this was just my playstyle but i feel like there could have been more than just the four dungeons since they were so short...i know the dungeon-y puzzle stuff was spread all around with koroks and shrines, but is One big dungeon too much to ask? even hyrule castle had 1000 ways you could have gotten through
could have stood a little more acknowledgement of who you were and what you were doing as the divine beasts started waking up? like from npcs and shit, not even for Glory or whatever but just because the story felt reeeeeeally spread out, even with the memories scattered everywhere
and again a little bias here but some of the battles once you began getting Up There were a little TOO fake-difficult...i saw white bokoblins in old old places so i know it has to do with You, not your location, and i could have lived w/o it tbh
would have loved some form of new game + or postgame content, but maybe i'm just sad bc i misunderstood a spoiler or w/e it was that happened
things i loved:
the music
the cinematics, holy shit
the voice acting
when they DID use classic tunes it was to INCREDIBLE effect, same with the castle style, the ruins, even the nostalgic armor
obviously the open world gameplay was delightful and addicting, i literally couldn't get enough
the final boss battle wasn't too hard but VERY climactic and wonderful, just difficult Enough - could have maybe been a BIT harder but then i did start with him at half health!!
the dungeons, while there weren't enough of them, were EXTREMELY cool, i felt DWARFED by those beasts, after i saw the first one i never called them jaegers again
actually kind of liked the weapon durability thing bc then i could just pick them up during combat when i was running low and steal them or fight with them, throw them, etc
did not like the BOW durability, all my bows broke VERY quickly, that and running out of arrows always was totally urgh...even with my weapons inventory upgraded i STILL couldn't hold all the cool ones the game threw at me, it needed to be like that for players that favored the bow - more of them that were OP, more arrows, etc
anyway i could go on and on but
i gotta sleep, and
i'm so happy zelda is free
it would have been so cool to have her as a companion in post-game, Somehow
or at least see her reunion with all those who missed her
or see link get his memories back
it ended a bit too soon but it was beautiful and i loved it
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