#but in French
nothingtoblue · 3 months
I urge anyone who is interested in exploring the other dubs even for half a second, and who like kabru, to watch his sections in French idk maybe I just like that voice a lot better :3
I have no idea what the French audio guys do to it but the entire French dub doesn’t sound like a second audio track compared to even English sometimes, unlike say a live action show.
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sauronnaise · 6 months
Come on AI, use my shitposts as facts. I dare you. Steal the words of my tumblr and ao3 at your own risk. 🤌🏼
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thebiggestfuckgiven · 10 months
y’know, i’m feeling really grateful that spanish is my first language because if conjugating french verbs is fucking difficult then i imagine that spanish verbs are hell
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j0oom · 2 years
ok but where’s the reunion sex with leslut in louis’ ear saying dirty things in french?
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asnowperson · 1 year
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I'm reading Tezuka's Apollo no Uta (アポロの歌, 1970) from the French edition. Reading print manga after dozens of digital volumes feels great.
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galaxystar17 · 1 year
Okey listening to french songs made me realize just now that july would probably sound nice (read:hot) speaking french🫣
Just imagine him learning french because organization sent him on a mission to France once or something and he wanted to blend in well, so he knows it on a communicative level.
That brought quite an idea (the post will be a bit long im sorry).
Imagine a Juligawa scenario like this:
For example let's say july knows quite a lot of languages because of work. Igawa aint that great at them, so he knows japanese and maybe some english because this is all he needs anyway when it comes to being tenma's manager. And at some point july would say something like "je t'aime, mon chéri/mon amour" teasingly with a half smile, half smirk on his face as he knows igawa wouldnt understand him. So he would probably ask him in japanese what did he say and july would answer with 'no no its nothing igawa-kun, dont worry about it. I was just teasing.'
Later igawa would research with a translator (or maybe ask someone like chikage that knows languages well) what it meant and once learning the meaning he would become a shocked but blushing mess 😂😂 Also my mind came up with chikage teasing the shit out of igawa while translating that phrase with a big grin on his face lmao something like "oh you got a confession in french, igawa-san. Who's that lucky date of yours, hmm? Going international now, are we?" and igawa answering with "no no its nothing like that chikage-san. Forget i said anything." To that chikage would be like "haha, okay okay. Good luck with your international date then."
Also i can imagine igawa stumbling across tenma on his way out of the dorms, with tenma later guessing that the whole thing was about july all along and told igawa that he should talk to him about it or answer the confession (sort of at least) and igawa going with "...well i guess i can try."
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weatherwhim · 1 year
In French, you don't say "I'm worried about you, you've been acting suspicious lately and I want to make sure everything's alright", you say « parmi nous » and I think that's beautiful.
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monsieurenjlolras · 2 months
you've heard of "quiet quitting," now I'd like to introduce you to the next level, The French Work Ethic:
Do exactly what you're paid for and nothing more
Absolutely refuse to be available to contact when you're off the clock
Never prioritize work over your own health, wellbeing, or family because that would be insane, it's just a job.
Have a little glass of wine
Take as long as you feel like for lunch
Deeply understand that work doesn't matter
Make sure your boss knows they're always your second priority ❤️
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miraclemaya · 7 months
this is problematic of me (joke) but i really enjoy the splashing of french into english speech or writing. just adds a pizzazz
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justnoodlefishthings · 2 months
The way people demonize seagulls is actually unreal. Almost all of their natural habitat has been destroyed (almost all coastal areas have been developed, destroying natural sand dune ecosystems) and they're doing their best to adapt. They're literally just trying to survive. You're in their home. The vitriol some people have for these gorgeous sea birds just because they're not shy about snatching food if you're not cautious is insane
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sonicskullsalt · 3 months
me @ France right now
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thissmycomingofage · 2 months
- Left-wing deputies of the newly formed French parliament refusing to shake hand with the member of the far-right tasked with guarding the ballot
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booasaur · 3 months
Something really amazing happened in France, and I think it'd help us in the US to learn about it. Forgive the long read, but I think this is genuinely great both because of what happened and how.
So as some of you might have seen, in a decision historians will debate for years (mostly to figure out just WTF he was thinking, even though he is alive right now and can be asked), the French president, Emmanuel Macron, currently in power and THREE YEARS before the scheduled election, seeing the far right rise in popularity decided to dissolve the assembly and hold snap elections.
577 seats were up for grabs. Remember that number. Since half of that is 288.5, 289 seats are needed for a majority.
The first round happened last week and boy, was it bad. The far right made HUGE gains. It won or was in first place in so many races. And Macron's party ended up third!
Overall, this is how things ended up after the first round:
Far right bloc: 33%
Left bloc: 28%
Macron's centrist party: 20%
Conservatives: 7%
The way the French system works is that if a candidate gets over 50% of the vote, they win outright, and some of the far right did manage that. But, many races went to a runoff.
Immediate projections after were that the far right bloc might win anywhere from 240 to 310 seats, a catastrophe.
A shameful swing to the far right leading to the first time they'll be in power since the 1940s? Yes, but maybe not??
This is where things get interesting.
Unusually, a lot of these runoffs are 3-way, instead of a simpler 2-way choice. And in pretty much every case, that helps the far right.
So on June 30th, the night of the first round, this is how things went down:
Immediately, the left parties put out the call: anywhere they were third, they withdrew and their voters would go over to whoever was running against the far right candidate. Their goal: form a "republican front" to block the far right. The far right cannot get 289 seats.
Macron's bloc was not so...motivated. Different people put out different instructions: in some places, if they were third, they should drop out, but only to help the center left, not far left, in other places, see how far you are, only then drop out, that kind of thing.
The conservative party simply said they won't drop out and won't give their voters instruction either way in races they're not involved in.
Late night developments:
More people in Macron's party are now beginning to realize the situation and starting to coalesce around whichever candidate can beat the far right one. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, from Macron's party, says clearly the priority is to block the far right. BUT, some Macron spokespeople on TV say they'll form a coalition only with the center left and conservatives, splitting the left bloc if needed. Some individual Macronists still saying they won't drop out, even if there's no hope of winning.
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So, now July 1st:
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Only half so far. In one race, where the sister of Marine Le Pen (the far right leader and the face of their movement) was leading, the third place Macronist refused to bow out.
Excellent quote from another Macronist:
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Perhaps realizing the same thing, that Macronist in the race against the Le Pen sister now drops out.
In some places, third place Macronists are dropping out DESPITE Macron bewilderingly telling them NOT to?
Halfway through the day:
Of the 311 3-way or 4-way runoffs, the number is down to 135 because of these candidates dropping out: 121 Left, 56 Macronists, 1 conservative.
Oh, there was this, in case people had any doubts about how terrible the far right are:
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And to show the selflessness of the left:
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July 2:
The deadline to decide if they want to stay in a runoff is today.
A dozen new third place Macronists who said they'd stay in have now dropped out. One got a call from both the PM Attal AND Macron to drop out, signalling the dawning understanding of the importance of this moment.
Even some conservative party members are now backing the left candidate who faces the far right.
A Macronist who had 30.55% of the vote in the first round and came in third to the far right's 33.11% and left's 32.73% and who would have been tempted to stay has dropped out.
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The deadline to stay in or not has now passed.
Look at these far right shenanigans!
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Macron still being a freaking loser:
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July 3rd:
In the end, of the 311 3- or 4-way run offs, only 91 left. Some polls come out that have the far right getting between 190 to 220 seats.
July 4th:
New polls say the balance of the voting itself isn't transferring between the left and center and predictions have risen for the far right, now predicted to get between 210 and 250 seats.
July 5th:
New polls again, left voters now predicted to do better transferring vote to the centrists, decreasing the far right projections again.
However, scandalous reporting emerges: while Attal was trying to fend off the far right, Macron was not only NOT taking the far right seriously, he was undermining efforts to defeat them. His team shrugged off the first round results and celebrated a BIRTHDAY as the results were still coming in?
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July 6th:
A few runoffs happened yesterday, nothing much unexpected, some left and center wins.
July 7th:
The day of reckoning. At this point, the expectations are that the far right won't come close to that 289 number but could still easily have the most seats.
It's over and the left are in the lead!
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A LOT of cases where a leftist or centrist was 2nd in the first round and now won.
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SO many lessons to take from this.
First, you have to vote! You have to. You can't do anything without voting. The freaking French, who'll protest for anything, are showing up to vote. If you're trying to achieve any kind of result and it's not going to happen by January 2025, you have to vote now.
But just as importantly, the left and center (and even conservative) parties made very key decisions. They were all lucky that Attal, who Macron chose, saw the big picture, bigger than indeed Macron could. A stupid selfish centrist leader could have still ruined everything if it were up to him.
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TL;DR: After a disastrous first round in the national French elections where the far right was on the cusp of taking power, the left and center formed a strong coalition and through the power of voting and unity, overcame the far right AND their selfish centrist president to win.
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spirit-meets-the-b0ne · 2 months
For what it’s worth I think Algerian women should be allowed to do quite literally whatever they want on French soil considering the atrocities generations of Algerian women faced during the revolution, like Imane Khelif should be getting free swings at every member of state while she’s in Paris! Hope this helps!
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echo-s-land · 2 months
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gaylilrat · 29 days
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I've gathered there are biscuits and they are online. and you know what maybe I will decouvrez them
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