#but in a way where he’s unsure of how his future is gonna look once the band decides to call it quits
shoheiakagi · 6 months
Okay, second question for the Band AU! I don't know if idols work the same way as mainstream music, where there's a lot of crossover between singers and television/movies, but how would the guys and your lovely girls deal with being scouted for the big screen? Who would want to give acting a try, who wouldn't? And what would the couples do if they found themselves cast as each other's onscreen lover (Because ofc that adds fuel to the fire for gossip).
I know that there’s a lot of kpop idols who go into acting, but not too sure about jpop idols. And im not 100% sure about this, but I remember reading that theres this stigma amongst actors about idols going into acting; that they hate when idols pursue acting cause the idols booked the role due to their popularity and not cause of any acting talent lol
i’m so sorry cause i ended up going on a different tangent with this ask and focus on dewa/miyako, so i hope you don’t mind!
Out of the girls, Miyako is the only one to pursue acting. Despite not being the most popular member, she is still well known for her beauty, which fits the quintessential Japanese beauty standards: petite frame, pale skin, long dark hair, long eyelashes, and high-bridged nose. It wasn’t that hard for her to land the lead role in a romcom, starring against a male pop idol who also recently joined the acting scene (okay idk why but akiyama came straight to my mind lol). The casting alone for this movie makes a lot of noise, as the main leads look extremely elegant and gives off major royalty vibes, which gains the attention of the general public. A lot of interviews and press tours get more people to fall in love with the chemistry between miyako and akiyama (which takes more effort from miyako’s end since akiyama can be pretty stiff). But unlike her idol career, she has more difficulty fitting in at first due to the stigma some of her costars have against her for being an idol.
Idk why, but i don’t really see any of the guys pursuing acting tbh. At most, i can see chitose landing some role in some adult comedy that doesn’t perform that well, which has him running back to the group and not want anything to do with acting ever again. The other guys probably got second hand embarrassment and don’t want to go through what chitose had to. When they first heard about miyako landing a role in a new movie, they couldn’t help but feel pity cause the poor girl might have to go through the same idol curse that chitose went through. but when they see the massive media coverage and support she’s getting, some of them can’t help but feel envious. here comes this girl group who’s catching up to their fame and popularity despite not being around for that long and definitely not working as hard as them, and now each members are getting their own individual gigs as solo acts?? while miyako may be the only one to pursue acting out of her group, she’s certainly not the only one who’s making a name for herself outside of the group. and the guys can’t help but feel jealous about that. as much as they love their group, at the end of the day, they’re different guys with different interests. it’d be nice to be known more outside of their fanbase, without having to be lumped in with 5 other guys. its funny how the girls, despite having a lot of restrictions put on to them by their company, still have the freedom to pursue things outside of the their group and make a name for themselves. whereas the guys have all the artistic freedom a musician can ask for, but seem to lack an identity of their own.
Dewa is annoyed. Its bad enough that he sees miyako’s face plastered all over japan with the rest of her dimwitted group. Now seeing her face being plastered all over the country with that guy with toothpick from s4? She likes that type of guy? The type with a stick up his ass? (talk about the pot calling the kettle black). But theres something off this time. With how strict her company is, he’s not used to seeing her having full blown conversations with other male celebrities, so imagine his surprise when he catches interviews where she keeps laughing at every little thing akiyama says, resting a manicured hand on his shoulder. or how she would bat her eyelashes at him while asking him a question, and how she would look intrigued as she hangs onto every word that comes out of his mouth. nothing about their interaction seems right to dewa, and in a way he’s relieved that is all an act to promote their new movie (at least thats what he tells himself and chitose when the latter tries to taunt him). But seeing miyako gain more success and fame as an actress, make more friends/connections within the industry, and create an identity for herself outside of her group is bothering dewa a lot more than it should be. in a way, it feels like she’s constantly rising and leaving him behind. and if acting doesn’t work out for her? no problem, she can always fall back onto her idol persona. and if performing is no longer fun? perfect, she can go back and take over her family’s business like she was supposed to. but what about him? if the group decides to split and go their own way, what will happen to dewa masaomi?
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Written for @steddieangstyaugust
Day #2 - Prompt: Ghosts | Word Count: 1626 | Rating: T | CW: Major Character Death, death of a parent, death of a spouse, grief | POV: Eddie | Pairing: Steddie | Tags: Angst, future fic, adult children, older Eddie | AO3
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Eddie kicks at another box trying to work out if it’s light enough for him to lift on his own, or whether it’s another one over filled with unread books that he should just donate. He grunts at the weight of it; books. He’ll leave it for Ryan. 
It doesn’t seem to matter how many times he dusts or cleans these rooms, the moment a box or piece of furniture is removed, another cloud of dust seems to fill the air, settling over everything. After today it’s not really his problem anymore.
He can hear the kids giggling upstairs, so he follows the sound to the attic. They’ve accumulated so much shit over the years, it doesn’t seem to matter how many boxes they remove, the moment you turn around there’s another in it’s place; it’s like playing whack-a-mole with their own possessions.
He pushes upwards to the top of the steps and pokes his head inside the attic, letting out a dramatic “Ahem” as he does so. He watches on amused as Hope scrambles to hide something behind her back.
“I seem to remember sending you guys up here hours ago to clear this shit out. We haven’t got all day.”
Ryan gets up off the box he’s sitting on, another one marked ‘BOOKS’ in Hope’s neat handwriting. “You’re not supposed to be up here. Where’s your cane?” He holds his hand out and helps Eddie in the rest of the way.
“Yeah, well, if you were up here working like I asked you to, I wouldn’t have to be up here, would I?”
Hope makes that sorrowful face at him, the one she uses when she’s trying to wrap him around his finger.
“Sorry, Daddy,” she says.
“Yeah, yeah, turn it off, it’s not working today.”
Ryan tuts, and mutters “It always works.”
He’s not wrong.
Ryan helps him climb over the last of the trash and finds him a box to sit on. 
“What were you laughing at, anyway?”
They throw guilty looks at each other, but eventually Hope reaches behind her and pulls out a piece of shabby once-white fabric. It’s funny, the things that throw Eddie off balance. He’s got used to seeing past things, the sentimental stuff; photographs, jewellery. Like he’s trained himself to cope with it. But then he’ll get a bolt from nowhere, stupid little things that shouldn’t mean anything. Finding a bar of Steve’s favourite soap at the back of the bathroom cabinet. 
A silly hat he had to wear to work when he was a teenager.
The kids (kids, they’re nineteen and twenty-one now, Jesus Christ) look unsure, like they’ve fucked up somehow, which won’t do at all.
“So are you gonna let me see?” he asks with a smile.
Hesitantly, Hope places the old Scoops Ahoy hat on her head, and Eddie feels his heart being pierced. She’s always looked liked Steve, from the moment she was born. Now with her hair shorter, above her shoulders, it’s even more striking.
“Are you okay, Daddy? I’m sorry if—”
“Uh uh, nope. Nothing to be sorry for.” He swipes at his eyes quickly. “I love that you look so much like Poppy.” He stands awkwardly, Ryan reaching out to help him up, which he honestly hates. He’s fifty-one, he shouldn’t feel this old when he’s this young. 
“Alright, you guys good to get this stuff downstairs?”
“Yeah, Dad, I’ll get these down. Once Hopeless is done with that box.”
“Oh fuck you.”
“Hey!” he claps. “No fighting. Thirty minutes then I’m locking up. You can be in the house when I do it, if you like. The new owners can have you.”
He gingerly makes his way down the attic steps, leaving his kids to their arguing. 
Forty five minutes later, Ryan and Hope drop the last of the contents of their home into the back of the truck. It was amazing how much they had accumulated over thirty years together, and how their possessions had mushroomed once babies entered their lives. 
Eddie stands in the middle of their old den, taking it in for the last time, until he hears a knock on the door behind him. He turns around and finds Ryan looking back at him, the worry etched in his face. He’s always been such a sensitive kid, kind of like Eddie but without the hard outer shell because he never needed it. He was loved from the second he entered the world, adored and cherished at every possible moment of his life. Eddie worries sometimes that they’ve made him too soft, can’t help but worry about both of them now they’re out there on their own, making their way in the world. 
“Are you ready to go?” Ryan asks, gently. 
He’s not. Selling up was a decision made for him, between his kids and an ailing Wayne. The house was too big for him to manage on his own, according to the kids, though he thinks a tumble on the stairs was actually what made them push for him to sell up. He’s moving into a small single storey house, close to Ryan.
Wayne, though, the contrary fucker that he was, had a different take.
“All houses are haunted, Ed. Every last one of them. We just can’t always see the ghosts.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Some people can stay in a place they made special, can live in a home that was filled with life and love for so long. They can draw on it, you know. Take comfort from it. But you’re letting it consume you, son. You’re not taking from it, it’s taking from you. I’m not going to be here for too much longer—”
“Come on, kiddo. I’m eighty-five in a couple of months. Let’s not do that, okay? I’m worried about you, Ed. The kids are worried about you. It’s time to move on, Bub.”
Eddie missed him so much. It wasn’t fair to lose them both so close to one another.
A home being haunted by it’s memories, by the people that had lived there and imprinted themselves on it, never seemed like a bad thing to Eddie. It had been packed to the rafters with love and happiness. 
He doesn’t bother stopping the tears, just wipes them away so that he can see more clearly. Ryan crosses the room and hugs him tight.
“I’ll move in. If you want to stay, I’ll move back.”
God, this kid. His throat tightens, takes his voice away from him for a moment, so Eddie can only shake his head in response. He wants them to have fun after the last couple of years of hurt, go back to college and enjoy it, not be at home looking after him because he’s a lonely old man. 
They stand in their family den, squeezing each other tightly, until they hear the horn of the car sounding repeatedly.
“God, your fucking sister, so like your Pop.”
Ryan laughs and runs his fingers under Eddie’s eyes, brushing away the last of his tears. 
“You’re a good kid, you know that? Go tell your sister I’m coming, just need five minutes.”
He kisses his boy on the top of his head, the way Wayne did to him all the way into adult hood. He used to think it was embarrassing, but he longed for it the older he got, cherished those little kisses. Misses them so much now. So Ryan doesn’t escape them. He never will.
He starts in the bedrooms, Hope’s first, double checking the closets even though he knows they’re empty. Smiling at the wallpaper Steve had picked out, the sunflower design replacing the Barbie pink that had been there for years. 
Ryan’s room looks so odd without the floors covered in clothes and magazines, and pretty much everything else he owned. Steve’s voice echoes in his head. “I don’t understand why we bought you a dresser if you’re just going to throw all your shit on the floor. You’re like your goddamn father.” Eddie blows out a breath and closes the door behind him.
Their room was a sanctuary, their place of peace. They made love here; lay under the covers holding hands, cuddling, giggling. Acting like disgusting teenagers is how Robin had described it. They had, all the way to the very end.
Eddie hadn’t been able to sleep in this room for the first couple of months after Steve died. The thought that he had been lying next to him when he went, that Steve might have needed him, that Eddie might have been able to save him if he’d just been awake, ate him raw. It took a while for everything he was being told to sink in, to accept it. The years of head trauma had finally caught up with Steve. He’d had a headache that night and gone to bed early, but that wasn’t unusual for him. They could never have known. It didn’t make it any easier.
He prods the wonky floorboard outside their room, smiling as it creaks. Steve always stepped on it even though he knew it annoyed the shit out of Eddie, would come into bed laughing as Eddie swore at him. He’s missed that noise so much.
When he gets downstairs he opens the front door and sees his kids sitting in the truck, Hope on her phone, Ryan trying to hide that he’s watching Eddie. He steps out onto the porch, and takes a last look down the hallway.
“Come with me,” he whispers. “If you’re still here, come with me. Please.”
A warm breeze whips around him, blowing some loose hairs out of his face. Eddie sighs, smiling to himself before he closes the door for the last time.
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I did NOT plan to write for this but I was waiting for Deadpool and Wolverine to start and this popped in my head from somewhere... go figure!
Title is from Home by Foo Fighters, which is just perfect for this song and hurts my heart everytime I listen to it.
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myunghology · 1 year
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XIAO , SCARAMOUCHE , KAZUHA general relationship headcanons.
!! gender neutral reader, completely sfw, fluff. tw ? ; none ( song reco )
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you guys are definitely taking it slow, he still has to adjust y'know. even if he's over 2,000 years old, i doubt he's ever been in a romantic relationship. ( is that an insult ? ; maybe )
overprotective, doesn't care who it is, he just is. the only exception is probably zhongli and ganyu. still unsure about traveler, but i'm leaning to maybe yes.
"who's that? why are you acting so close with them? do i know them? have you mentioned them before?" "....xiao that's one of my family members." "oh."
easily flustered. he can either cover it up easily, or he can't. there's no in between, or that's up to you if you want to decide.
can't express his feeling's properly. this ones a little bit toxic, but if you didn't want accurate headcanons then i think you came to the wrong blog.
but you cant really blame him, he's naturally like that. and it's probably gonna take him a long time to actually open up about his feelings, but if you're an understanding and patient person, then that's better.
he'll probably ignore you if he's jealous, but i guess that's how he copes dawg
he'd want you to come to him first more than him actually confronting you.
but put all that aside- he gives you little things that reminded him of you whenever he goes somewhere. he would sometimes give you a random cute hairpin and said that it'd suit you, which it did.
that's what makes your relationship so cute, he does these little things that make you smile, like taking you out to places where he thinks it's pretty, just like you. he thinks. he does this because he doesn't know how else to express it. ( shakespeare could never amirite )
it's ironic enough that him and xiao are similar in relationships, more so that they absolutely can't express their feelings properly.
but what's different is that he expresses it more aggressive about it. more passive-aggressive probably.
buys you stuff you want without even asking, if he sees you looking at it then he buys it for you the next day, maybe even something better, but still the same design.
you tell him to stop spending his money on you when you don't even need it, but he tells you to just be good and take it. you give in, because it'd be a waste if he bought it and he'd just give it right back after.
but if you like it that way, then he's your personal sugar daddy now congratulations
denies it whenever you call him out when he's being shy, especially when you flirt back, this guy is a hard flirt, only to you of course.
there may be tons of women or men who are into him, but he's only looking at you, if he wanted to cheat, he can. but he doesn't.
"i don't understand why you're so worried about that, you know i'll only always be with you." ( AGOI )
but then again, he also says straight forward about problems into a relationship, because he wants to avoid them in the future.
you guys fight sometimes, and i mean teasing by the way, not an actual fight. but fights aren't really rare when you're with him.
it's usually caused because of a misunderstanding.
they do say you fight with the people you love the most
probably the most normal one out of all of them here i fear. sweetest boyfriend ever
bros the whole package
he says whatever's making him uncomfortable in a relationship and he encourages you to do the same and not be ashamed, probably because you two have already been through everything together once you've even started dating.
also he's a very understanding person, and he's willing to listen to you no matter what situation it is.
his love language is probably words of affirmation, saying he loves you out of the blue is his favorite part of the day.
"i love you so much" "..h..huh..?"
10x more soft spoken to you than he is to other people, i know his voice is naturally like that, but he can't help but treat you like your fragile, especially if you're emotional. but if you don't want him to, then he won't push it. especially if you don't like feeling belittled.
closeted sadist
won't force you to do things you don't want to do, but he definitely encourages you.
never and i mean never comments anything rude or disrespectful at you, especially about your appearance. the only things he comments are compliments.
but if you truly want advice for your looks then he'll recommend a hair, clothing switch or something like that, "maybe that would look better, but you really suit anything and everything" he says.
gives you love letters whenever he's away, probably once a week so you don't go overthinking. you don't have to worry about him cheating either, beidou has promised you that she'd tell you if he cheats ( and crush his testicles ) , and obviously, kazuha isn't that type of person, you'd know for sure.
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jessi4fanfics · 1 month
~Our New King~ (A Short Broppy Story)❤
I think you know what it's about already 😉
Branch stood at the base of the mushroom and laced back and forth.
He was worried. No, he was way more than worried. He couldn't think of a word to completely describe his insane emotions at the moment.
Branch was in a long leaf cape, a blue tux, and black pants. But his costume wasn't completed. Not yet.
Was he ready to complete his costume? This was an honest question. Did he want to go on with this decision. He didn't have to.
It wasn't that Branch didn't want to. He just didn't think it was something he would excel at. Heck, instead of being a help to Poppy, he might be a burden.
Was he ready to possibly become one of he didn't do this right?
"Ah, there's the future king!" A chuckle came from behind him, and he turned.
It was his brothers and Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls.
"It's about time you both got married, by gosh!" Barb scoffed. "And it'll be actually official after this coronation." 
"It's already official, Barb," Branch shrugged. "I just-- need to accept the extra duties that come with marrying the love of my life, that's all."
 Floyd smiled. "You make it sound like you want it to sound easy."
 Branch gave a nervous laugh.
 "Well, I've been waiting for you guys to tie the knot for years!!" Barb groaned.
 "I'm sorry we didn't go with your exact schedule, Barb," Branch replied sarcastically.
"I appreciate the apology," Barb smiled.
"Hey. You doing alright?" John Dory asked, nudging his baby bro.
"Yeah." Branch took a deep breath. "I think so."
"You are never gonna regret this decision, Bitty B," Bruce told him. "I know it."
Clay chuckled. "I'm just glad you're becoming king instead of me--"
 "Shut up!" The other brothers shouted at him.
Clay smirked and shrugged, and Branch rolled his eyes.
He knew he wouldn't regret the marriage part, but what about the crown part of it.
 "Where's my husband?!!" a sweet voice sang.
 Branch gave a sigh of relief as his new wife appeared and rushed to hug him.
 "Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Branch breathed, smiling at her.
 "You look amazing, Branch!" Poppy giggled giddily. "But I have an accessory that will definitely improve those amazing looks of yours."
She pulled out a case and took a green crown with some brown leaves stuck to a green base at the bottom as well, and showed it to him.
 "What do you think? I wanted it to match your style a bit..." She seemed unsure.
 Branch smiled. "I love it. Thanks, Poppy."
She smiled happily again. Then she frowned. "You're stressed. Oh, Branch..."
 Branch waved it off. "I'm about to become king. Of course I have stress. Not that big of a deal."
 She watched him carefully. "Branch, honey, you don't have to do this. I can call of the coronation with one word, I promise. You don't need to become king to marry me if you don't want to."
 "But I-" he groaned, confused. He leaned towards her and said, "I want to. I'm just....nervous. I might mess it up. I don't want to disappoint you and the village. "
Poppy smiled again. "Branch... You are everything I could ever want in a husband. And everything the village could want a king. You love us all and take such good care of us. You are brave, sweet, and wonderful, and I love you. So so much." She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. "You will make an amazing king."
 "You're sure?"
 "I'm sure. You don't have to-"
His brothers grinned at him as Branch shook his head.
 "No. No, I am going to do it. I trust your judgement." He pecked her cheek.
 "Good."  She beamed. "Because the ceremony starts now."
 Branch didn't know how he got up to the platform. He didn't know how long he stood there, listening to his wife's speech, and other people's as well.
All he knew was that all at once, Poppy grabbed his right hand and reached up with one hand and placed the crown on his head gently.
She kissed his nose and smiled sweetly at him, her whole face exploding with pride.
Branch grinned back. It was happening.
She lifted up his left hand now and he faced the crowd. In a loud voice she announced, "Branch, Our New King!"
 The cheers and hollers of happiness, especially from their families, could be heard from miles away. But Branch leaned in to kiss his wife, his Queen, and Poppy happily accepted.
The king of her country, but also the king of her heart.
This was what she had waited for and wanted ever since he said those words, "I love you, Queen Poppy."
 Branch himself had told her in general that wishing for stuff was useless.
Yet, here they were.
It was a short one, sorry! Wanted to go to bed, hahaha! Love y'all!❤
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guardianspirits13 · 9 months
Ok now for a list of things that I'm kind of iffy about or wish they had kept from the books. It's worth noting that I can't think of a single show exclusive scene they added that I did not like, and most of the changes were integrated flawlessly.
Starting out, the pacing. I'm hoping this gets better with time, especially given that the second episode has much more time to breathe. The whole first episode felt a little cramped, and some of the exposition felt a bit... exposition-y. I don' t think there is much they could have done to get around this though so I'm not gonna dwell on it.
As a fan of the series, I love how they introduced the structure and function of the PJO world with the intro, but I think the jump from "Percy sees things" to "everything is all real" felt a bit abrupt. I am curious what first time fans think about this, and again the first episode covers a lot more ground page-wise than ep 2.
Manchild Gabe... I am not sure how I feel about this. In the books he seemed downright threatening and even with Percy's 12yo bravado, he was still an intimidating figure. His bickering with Sally seemed more like your typical dysfunctional relationship than a power imbalance... both can be harmful in their own way, but I'm still undecided on how much giving Sally a bit more agency in her relationship with him effects the larger story. The whole "not all monsters look like monsters" thing works well in the books with Gabe, but I guess they were redirecting it to foreshadow Luke's betrayal? I'm not sure.
...which brings me to Sally. I was unsure about the casting, but she has earned her stay to me. I always imagined her as a bit more subdued, especially with the more intense iterations of Gabe. She's kind and gentle and has a rebellious streak, but as worried as she might be for Percy she hides it inside of herself. I think her being a bit more expressive as a character works in this setting though, especially since we aren't seeing her through Percy's kid colored lenses. She feels a bit less like the perfect, kind, and understanding mother Percy sees, and a bit more like a real-life single mother trying to keep some of that childhood wonder alive despite everything. She does seem younger than I would have expected, but that's a nitpick on my end. I think she is one character that I will always have a separate book/show counterpart for in my mind.
Ok. Now for Clarisse. Out of all the characters I was skeptic about, I think she's the only one who didn't win me over. This is a writing issue, nothing at all to do with the actress. She was characterized more as a 'queen bee' type mean girl than a bully who picks fights just to feel worthy of her father's approval. She would be better fit for a vindictive daughter of Aphrodite than a daughter of Ares. My mind might be changed in the future but we got most of her scenes in these first two episodes so I'm doubtful. The one moment that had potential was when Percy broke her spear, but the Clarisse I know would not back off just because there is an audience.
There was no hellhound... I was kinda looking forward to it, and it does emphasize that even camp isn't really safe for Percy and is a catalyst for both his quest and the idea that there is a traitor. I can kind of see why the cut it for thematic purposes so Percy feels safe for once in his life, but that's only if I squint.
The scene cuts. I know, I know they're supposed to mimic book chapters. I get it. But it just doesn't work for me, it feels like there's a lack of establishing shots and the black screen is long enough you think the tv is buffering. It's an interesting idea in concept, but the execution falls flat.
OH also as far as things that were missing- the 3 fates. I know this is in the show since it was in the trailers, but I'm curious as to where they're gonna put it now.
Anyways minor nitpicks aside these two episodes were an emotional roller coaster and absolute masterpieces of television cinema.
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copinghex · 30 days
Out of the Eden | A.S
Summary: When Arthur makes an unpleasant discovery about his drinking partner he has to make a hard decision. TW: Drug abuse
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Arthur waited for a maid to instruct him with a chest crushing feeling, his mouth was dry, craving a drink or a cigarette. At the current moment he couldn't afford any.
Looking at the family picture on the corner table, guilt dragged him down. Y/N weakly smiled, she looked happy and well, a huge contrast with the state he brought her home earlier that morning.
London was a wild place, perhaps even worse than Esme's description, Arthur indulged in it without struggle, already used to the violence and promiscuity, he was doomed, fucked up in the head since childhood, but Y/N wasn't and if she was moribund now, he was the one to blame.
He still remembers the first time she entered the club, curious eyes wandering around as if she knew something was different. Many rumors surrounded the place since the peaky blinders took it from Sabini and she was willing to discover all of them.
Something Arthur was unaware though, was they were once the same, high and wild, drowned into the misery of addiction. However, she had faced the battle of getting clean a long time ago. He swore if he knew that before, he would've stayed away from her, because now she was back to the same problem.
"Mr. Shelby," the maid called.
"Yeah? Where is she? Where 's Y/N?" he quickly asked.
"She's asleep, but her parents-" 
Before she was done speaking, Arthur rushed through the hallways of the house, it wasn't hard to find the angry father and worried mother.
"Where is-" 
"Shhh," the mother interrupted, "she's sleeping," 
"And you'll get out of my house, get the fuck out my daughter's life!" the father completed.
"Get off the way," Arthur tried to push them.
"Get out!" the mum yelled, "Can't you see what you've done?! My daughter was fine, she was about to get into college!" 
Arthur gulped, Y/N never mentioned her plans for the future, "Look, I just want to see her," 
"No," the father forbade, "a man like you is the last thing she needs, you're gonna get her killed!" 
"Alright, step out the fucking way-" 
"Mum?" Y/N's voice made them freeze.
Through the bedroom's door, her sleepy voice called again. The trio switched a tense stare before the mother slightly opened the door.
"Yes, sweetie? Do you need anything?"
"What's all this noise?" she asked, curled up under the blankets.
"Nothing you should worry about, go back to sleep, alright?" 
Before she could close the door again, Y/N's attentive eyes reached his figure, "Arthur?" 
"Yeah, I'm- I just wanted to make sure you're alright," he explained.
"He was on his way out," the dad completed.
"No," she quickly denied, "I want to talk to him, come in, Artie,"
"Y/N," the mother warned.
"Please, mum? He was kind enough to wait until I wake up," 
With a defeated sight, the parents allowed Arthur to enter the bedroom. The door closed behind his back and he tensed up, fearing his awkward ways made her change her mind about him.
"Come here," she shrunk her legs to give him space at the edge of the bed.
"Uhm, what the hell was that yesterday, Y/N?" he sat down.
"I'm not sure, I probably just had one too many and my body powered off," she dismissed the subject as if it was nothing, "my parents will always make a big deal out of it, don't mind them," 
"You looked fucking terrible, I almost called you a doctor," 
"A doctor in a club? Don't be ridiculous, Arthur," boldly smiling, she laid her head on his lap, making herself comfortable in the spot. Arthur lifted his hands in surprise, unsure of how to proceed.
Slowly, he rested one hand on the mattress as the other remained still, observing her from close, Arthur realized under the layers of make-up her skin looked soft and her eyelids shook slightly, these details always went unnoticed with the club's poor lighting. 
Enchanted by the view, he petted her hair with uncharacteristic gentleness. This was the first time they saw each other outside a club and he was mesmerized by how beautiful she looked without the heavy party outfit.
"I'm glad you're here," she whispered without opening her eyes.
"Uhm-uhm," she agreed.
Arthur hesitated, he knew it'd ruin the moment, but he just had to ask, "Why didn't you tell me you were sober?" 
"Why does it matter?" 
"'Cause now you're not, love, must be a fucking struggle to quit," he explained and she didn't answer, "Uhm?" 
"Well, I guess it's because it gets tiring," 
"What does?" 
"How long can you go sober?" 
"...I don't know,"
"See? Every day is a struggle, you'll have to restrain yourself for the rest of your life and I was tired, tired of fighting what I wanted the most," she opened her eyes, "then there was you, I didn't feel guilty for relapsing when I was with you," 
Arthur watched her delicate head in his lap with messy thoughts on his own. She found relief in his presence, but for all the wrong reasons, he knew he'd drag her down if they kept meeting.
"Uhm, and what about college?" he drawled.
"I don't know anymore," she answered, "I don't want to stay away from you,"
"Oh, an university degree is worth much more than me, better believe it," 
"I know, but that's my choice, right?" 
Tensing up, he positively nodded even if he disagreed. He wouldn't let himself ruin the only good thing that happened in his life lately, he couldn't, even if it broke his heart. The first time they saw each other out of a club would also be the last.
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photogirl894 · 1 year
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Square: "Kiss me."
My first Clone x reader bingo one-shot! I also thought, for the bingo fics, I'd make banners for them since there's gonna be new Clones each time and it would showcase each one! Hunter won the dice roll for this particular prompt and maaaann, was I happy about that! 😆🥰 I did get a bit carried away with this one, but really, who's surprised? 😉 Enjoy, everyone!!
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This was a type of mission that the Bad Batch were not used to.
They had been assigned to be a security detail for an important mission for a Princess of one of the planets of the Inner Rim…which was you. You were a woman of great beauty and enchanting eyes; it was bragged you were the fairest woman in the entire kingdom. When they met you, you were told to select one of them to also be your personal bodyguard. It was hard to choose, as they all seemed more than capable ot the task, but you went with your gut and made you choice.
You chose Sergeant Hunter.
You needed the extra security because you were in the process of making a peace treaty with a neighboring planet and, while the nobility of the planet were more than willing to put the conflicts between your planets aside, there were others of the people, especially from the other planet, that were not pleased with the treaty. A couple attempts had been made on your life and it was determined you needed extra protection if you were going to make it out of these peace talks alive.
The Captain of the Guard had given the Bad Batch the rundown of what their duties were while in your service. Once that was complete, the rest of the squad went with the Captain to the war room where they would discuss future plans and strategies for upcoming meetings while Hunter escorted you back to your chambers.
“The lot of you are certainly unlike any Clone troopers I’ve ever seen,” you commented as you both entered the room, lit by the sunlight coming in through a large open window.
“Yeah, we hear that a lot,” he replied as he took off his helmet.
You couldn't deny your heart skipped a beat at seeing his face for the first time. His chiseled jaw, his hooked nose, his mesmerizing brown eyes, the skull tattoo on half of his face, the red band across his forehead and his long, dark and luscious locks the fell just above his shoulders. You'd never seen a more handsome man in your life.
"Are all Clones as…attractive as you?" you then asked, flashing him a flirtatious smile and batting your eyelashes.
You saw his eyes widen slightly as he awkwardly replied, "I'm…unsure how to answer that, my lady."
Slowly striding over to him, you kept your eyes set on him, almost delighting in the anxious look he got as you drew nearer. You glanced briefly down at his lips, wondering what they would feel like on yours. You could easily make him kiss you. You were a Princess, after all.
Feeling bold, you stopped directly in front of him and stated, "Kiss me."
His eyes flashed again and his throat tightened slightly, but then he responded, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
You blinked, stunned. Had he just refused you? No one ever did that, not to you. "Excuse me?" you questioned. "I am your Princess and I gave you an order. You must obey it!"
Hunter looked intently at you and declared, "You're not my Princess, your Highness, since I'm not part of your people. I'm your bodyguard and that's it. My job is to protect you, not to entertain you. I'm flattered, but no, I'm not going to kiss you. Besides...my squad and I aren't known for always following orders."
Your arms folded over your chest, surprised but also impressed by how he stood up to you. No one had ever dared to defy you in such a way…and you found it intriguing. "You are a bold one," you commented. Then you smirked and challenged him, "Mark my words: I'll get you to kiss me eventually before your time here is through."
He snickered, amused, and said back, "Don't get your hopes up, Princess."
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A few days later, the rest of the Bad Batch were sent to the other planet as liaisons between you and the other planet's nobility. Things with the peace agreements seemed to be drawing nearer to a close. However, they were in need of some aid due to a disaster that had struck and, as a further sign of your willingness to make peace, you offered to send supplies and whatever aid they required. The Bad Batch were going to help in the relief process along with some of your advisors and soldiers while you and Hunter remained behind. It was unclear how long things would take, but the Clones were willing to help how they could and do what needed to be done.
"The people will be grateful for these supplies," Hunter commented to you.
"It's the right thing to do as a sign of good faith to those who were once our enemies," you replied. Your hands fidgeted a bit nervously. "I just hope it's enough."
Hunter could sense that you were a little on edge, which was a first. At least within the few days he'd gotten to know you, at least. You usually were brimming with confidence and self-assurance that it almost caught him by surprise when he felt your concern.
"There's no need to be anxious, my lady," he assured you. "I have no doubt it'll be enough. This is an extra step in showing how serious you are about bringing peace between the two planets, which is something you've worked hard for."
You turned and mustered a small smile for him. "I appreciate the support, Sergeant."
"Just part of my job, your Highness," he said with a bow of his head.
"Ah, so you're just supporting me because you're my bodyguard and you're just telling me what I want to hear?" you questioned curiously.
Keeping his eyes on you, he stated back, "If there's one thing you should know about me: I'm straightforward when it comes to missions. I say what needs to be said, not what people want to hear. What I told you is true: what you're doing is enough and the people you're helping will see your efforts in making peace and be grateful. You're doing what's right and it won't go unnoticed. I'm sure of it."
You couldn't help but straighten up slightly and you blinked, suddenly at a loss for words. You had expected him to be like everyone else and just say what he thought you wanted him to say, but his response was the opposite. He genuinely meant what he'd said and once again, you found yourself fascinated with this outspoken Clone. He seemed to be softening up towards you as of the last couple days and this seemed to prove you'd been right in thinking so.
However, you simply cleared your throat and declared back, "Your candor is duly noted...and you have my thanks for your assuring words, as well." You shyly averted your eyes for a quick second, but then acted like it was nothing.
Hunter once again noticed…and grinned in amusement.
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Weeks passed while the Bad Batch continued to help with the relief effort on the other planet. They were assisting in rebuilding homes and structures that had been lost and ensuring supplies were being received.
In those weeks, you and Hunter had grown closer…much closer than you ever anticipated.
You had plenty of time alone together outside of your meetings with your councilors and other royal delegates who met with you for various other reasons. In the time you spent with him, you found out more about him and his brothers. He told you of the missions he'd been on with them and different stories, both funny and intriguing, about them. He offered you advice on how to handle the final proceedings for the peace summit you were now preparing for in days to come, which meant the nobles would be coming to your home--escorted by Clone Force 99--to officially sign the treaty. It was thanks to his advice that you were able to reach the final agreement and you were incredibly grateful to him. Apart from that, Hunter had also asked you questions about your own life and he seemed sincere in wanting to know more about you. It was refreshing to have such genuine attention like this from someone and not just because you were the Princess and they felt like they had to.
The moment that stood out the most in your mind was when, while taking a walk together through your favorite flower gardens, you'd asked Hunter about how he's so skilled with his vibroblade and he offered to show you. He'd shown you how he twirled it about with his hand and then had you try. You tried a couple times and dropped it and then on the third try, you thought you were starting to get it, but then it caught on one of your fingers and ended up slicing your hand. Hunter had been quick to get some bandages from his pack and offered to clean your hand for you. The way he held your hand was so gentle for someone as strong as him and he tended to your hand so delicately, like you were made of glass. It almost seemed like your hand fit perfectly in his.
"There you go, my lady," he stated as he finished with your hand.
"Please…call me by my name when it's just us," you pleaded with a small grin.
As you gazed at him, you had never noticed how even more handsome he was when he smiled kindly at you or the way the light from your chamber window caught just right on his eyes, bringing out the gold undertone to his brown irises…which caused your breath to catch faintly and your heart began racing. You knew of his enhanced senses and regretted your reaction immediately because surely, he had to have felt it. However, he did not pull away from you nor did he avert his gaze. In fact, he seemed to grasp your hand a bit tighter and the distance between you two was growing smaller, your name leaving his lips in a whisper. Your heart sped up even more, having never felt such a rush of emotion before.
However, he hadn't gotten much closer when he suddenly stopped and backed away, saying he would leave you alone and that he needed to touch base with his squad on their departure. Before you could stop him, he left the gardens. You mentally cursed yourself, realizing that you now actually had real feelings for him and those exact feelings were betraying you. You had probably screwed up everything when you'd first met anyway when you'd ordered him to kiss you and he wouldn't. He said he'd never kiss you and for you to not get your hopes up, so why would that change now? You two were at least friends, but it could never be anything more anyway. What mess had you gotten yourself into?
Before you knew it, the day of the summit arrived and the royals and delegates from the second planet had arrived. You'd greeted them pleasantly at the landing platform and Hunter was pleased to see his brothers again after almost a month apart. Citizens from your kingdom were gathered all throughout the streets to witness the broadcast of the treaty signing. The Bad Batch and the rest of your security were going to be spread out around the platform from which you'd be broadcasting as well as in neighboring towers, keeping an eye out for any potential assassins or insurgents wishing you harm. Hunter would be standing right behind you and his presence there gave you all the comfort and courage you'd need to proceed. The King from the other planet said a few words to the crowd first and then it was your turn. You spoke proudly and with conviction at how overjoyed you were to have finally made it this far with your soon-to-be allies. However, not far into your speech, you heard Hunter call out for you to get down and just as you did, a shot rang out and a chunk of the pulpit in front of you was blasted off. Hunter shielded you with his body, calling out to other guards to protect the other nobles as he withdrew his blaster and fired a few times in the direction of the blaster shot. You could see around the side of the pulpit the Clone they called Crosshair grappling with someone else who had a sniper rifle and then Tech came in to help apprehend him. Lucky for you, it was just the one; Hunter got word over his comm from the others that the man was acting alone and that it was safe to continue with the proceedings.
Hunter took your shaking shoulders and told you in a soothing voice, "It's all right. The threat's been dealt with. You're safe now, Princess." You were so caught up in the shock of nearly being shot that it seemed you didn't hear him, so he gently cupped your face and quietly said your name so no one else would hear, which snapped you back to reality. His forehead connected with yours as he told you again, "I'm here, you're safe." As your rapid breathing slowed, he came back and looked you directly in the eyes. "There's nothing to fear now. Now, finish what you started and secure the peace you always wanted."
His encouragement was enough to bring you back to yourself and you were determined now more than ever to finalize the peace accord you'd worked so hard for. He helped you up to your feet and you resumed your position at the pulpit, finishing your speech like nothing had happened to show the people of both planets your resolve to see this process through. In minutes, the King's signature was added to the agreement, followed by your own and the deed was done. Peace had reached and your two planets were now allies. As cheers and applause erupted from the crowds, you couldn't help but look over your shoulder at Hunter and smile with giddy joy. He smiled warmly back at you and in that moment, you knew for sure that it was now too late to turn back.
You had fallen in love with your bodyguard.
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That night, there was a celebration over the new alliance with plenty of music, food, drinks and merriment. However, after all the excitement from before, you found yourself growing weary after only over an hour or so and wished to retire for the night, so Hunter escorted you back to your chambers.
After he closed the door behind you, you told him, "Thank you for saving my life today."
Bowing his head, he said back, "Good thing Crosshair had spotted the man and alerted me just before they took the shot. Things could've turned out differently if he hadn't."
"Indeed." Moving further into the room, you then asked him, a feeling of solemnity beginning to grow within you at anticipating his answer, "Now that the peace proceedings are over, when…when will you leave?"
You heard him reply behind you, "In the morning."
That's what you'd been afraid of. You'd be losing your beloved Sergeant so soon and you found you hated that more than you ever thought you would. "I see," you simply replied, your voice low.
"You sound disappointed," he said.
Bringing yourself around to face him, you replied, trying to keep yourself together, "Well…I am. I've enjoyed your company over the past month. It'll be a shame to see you go."
"Sadly, that was the mission: to help you see the peace process through and then report back to Coruscant," he informed you.
"Right…," you said dejectedly and hanging your head, seeing he still only viewed all this as just part of the mission.
Then you heard him ask, "Are you going to miss me?"
Lifting your eyes up again, you gazed at him with both sadness and fondness. You had not switched on any lights in your room and the only light there was from the moon right outside, covering Hunter in a soft blue glow.
"More than you know," you admitted.
His head tilted slightly, almost prompting you to continue. You weren't sure of what you could say to properly convey how much you would miss him or how you felt about him. However, his own gaze almost seemed to mirror your own and you almost thought that maybe he felt the same things towards you.
There was only one way to find out.
Taking a step forward, you said, "Kiss me, Hunter." You saw a brief hesitation from him and you added, "I'm not ordering you this time…I'm asking you…just as someone who's madly in love with you…please."
Hunter gazed at you in awe at hearing such a heartfelt plea from you, taking in the ethereal, angelic image of your form being illuminated by the soft moonlight behind you and your bright eyes looking upon him with true, real love. In the beginning, he'd had no intention of ever giving in to kissing you, not with how arrogant you'd been about it.
But now…that was the only he thing wanted more than anything in the galaxy.
Slowly, he came over to you, stopping directly in front you. His hand came up and he traced his fingers along the contour of your cheek as he whispered your name like a prayer, his eyes seemingly gazing into your very soul. Then he laid his hand on your cheek, closed the gap between you and kissed you ever so softly. You'd imagined what it would be like to kiss him many a time, yet somehow, the way he kissed you now defied all your expectations. He wrapped his arms around you and held you against him as you laid one hand on his armored chest and the other on his cheek, deepening your kiss.
For a brief moment, his lips parted from yours and he touched his forehead to yours. Then he said to you, "I love you so much, my Princess."
Before you could respond, his mouth returned to yours in a kiss much deeper and more passionate than the last, nearly causing your legs to buckle beneath you. They certainly would have had he not been holding you in his strong arms, an embrace safer than anything you'd ever known. You knew with all your heart that, no matter what the future brought for you, you would be his and he would be yours for the rest of time. Even if you never saw him again and ended up in a royal marriage of some kind later in life, a part of your heart would always remain with Hunter.
You pulled back for a moment and requested with heavy breath, "Please…stay with me tonight. Let me have this one night with you before we part. I want to know just once how it would feel to be loved by you and to sleep in the safety of your arms."
Hunter grinned and pressed a kiss to your brow. "As my lady wishes," he replied as he took your hand and led you over to your bed, where many exchanges of love, both in word and in deed, were given between you two throughout the night.
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By the time you woke the next morning, your Sergeant was already gone.
Although, there was a datapad on the pillow next to you as well as a small, long box. You took up the datapad and found there was a note typed out for you.
I know I left without saying goodbye and I'm sorry. I knew it would be hard for us both. I need you to know that this past month with you made me the happiest I've ever felt in my life. I guess you won…you got me to kiss you after all.
The gifts in the box are for you to remember me by and always keep me close. I had some extra help with one of them. Keep practicing with the vibroblade. I have no doubt you'll get it eventually.
I know I said I'm not always good at following orders…but I would follow yours at any time. I'll forever be yours to command. I hope we'll see each other again someday.
All my love, my Princess,
A tear had come to your eye at reading the note he'd left you and you turned your attention to the box. You removed the lid and found two things inside: Hunter's vibroblade and one of his bandanas.
You pulled out the knife and gave it a quick twirl between your fingers before setting it down. Then you took out the bandana, holding the soft fabric in your hands and running your thumb over the skull when you realized there was something on the opposite side. You turned it over and you nearly cried again, holding the bandana to your heart. On the other side were four words stitched in Aurebesh that you knew you'd cherish forever.
My Princess, my love.
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Clone x Reader Bingo 2023
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haeseolar · 1 year
[thread fic] 02.
romance, introspection, kinnporsche: post ep 7, porsche spends the night for the first time in kinn’s room and what happens.
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They stumble into Kinn’s bedroom, laughing and swaying, clinging so tightly around each other that he’s unsure of where Porsche starts and he finishes. They just about managed to avoid all the bodyguards on duty on their way up, courtesy of Porsche’s knowledge of the rotations, but they’re finally here - alone, in each other’s arms, giddy with anticipation of the night to come.
Everything feels so gentle, everything from the way Porsche is cupping his jaw, stroking across his cheekbones like he’s cherishing him, savouring each press of lips and swipe of tongue they trade between them. The atmosphere in the air is completely opposite to what he felt in the minor family’s bathroom earlier - gone is the panic that claws at his throat, squeezing his heart in his chest until he can barely breathe, and gone is the worry that Porsche will walk away from him in the next second. He can’t - Kinn won’t let him, not now, not ever - and he pulls him in closer, winding his arms securely around Porsche’s waist, remembering how tiny it is beneath his palms.
Kinn’s fingers catch underneath the hem of Porsche’s shirt, a suggestion that he immediately gets, and he pulls back only enough so he can pull it off. A waft of stale alcohol infiltrates his senses then, his lips pulling downwards into a frown at the reminder of why it’s even there in the first place.
“You’re not getting in my bed reeking like that,” Kinn mumbles, placating Porsche with one, two, three rapid kisses.
Porsche laughs, swaying on his feet from what he can only imagine is what he’s feeling too - a mixture of happiness and exhaustion.
“You gonna take care of me in the shower then?” Porsche asks, waggling his eyebrows. 
Kinn scoffs, trying to hide his laugh but miserably failing, “If you can stay awake that long.”
That expression - the one that sets Kinn’s heart alight, the one that fuels the stirring behind his navel, the one that tugs at his heartstrings - appears on Porsche’s face, promising mischief and assurance that Kinn will soon be eating his words.
He supposes he should be less surprised when a hand cups over his crotch, squeezing his cock teasingly. It’s enough to make it stir once more, twitching under Porsche’s grip.
“I think you should be asking if you can get it up again,” Porsche’s eyes are shining, curved up into beautiful half-moon crescents that make his stomach somersault under his gaze. Even this feels gentler than he assumed it’d be, that as much as he wants to press Porsche up against the nearest flat surface, he also wants to look after him too. He wants to scrub him clean, wash the stench of the minor family off of him, remove every ache and pain that he caused him with his nasty words in the bathroom, and rewrite his wrongs and tell him that he’ll do his best from now on.
It pains him that he’ll never be able to promise Porsche that he’ll never hurt him again, but he wants to at least try.
“I don’t think that’ll be the problem, baby,” Kinn grins, sliding his palms down to grope over Porsche’s ass, digging his nails into the muscle there. There’s still so much left uncovered by his hands that he can’t fit in, and that just makes the little control he has left snap.
“Let me take care of you,” Kinn says, a question, a suggestion, and a promise all wrapped into one.
“Lead the way, boss,” Porsche jokes, his laughter echoing around Kinn’s previously cold and lonely bedroom, filling up all the crevices that he thought would remain empty and frozen in time from when he always believed he’d never move on from Tawan.
He will, though - he already has, how could he not have? How can he even consider his past when his present and future is right in front of him, dragging him by his hand to the shower where they’ll kiss until their lips are sore and bruised, where they’ll touch each other until they know the other’s body better than their own, where they’ll whisper sweet nothings into the humid steam of the hot water.
Kinn has so much he wants to say, the words right on the tip of his tongue as he lathers shampoo into Porsche’s hair and watches him tilt his head back in contentment, eyes closed and lips parted in a sigh as he carefully works his fingers through each strand, cleaning off the day’s grime and sweat.
Porsche’s eyes crack open a sliver then, the bliss clear even from only the tiny bit available to him, and in that moment Kinn feels like everything he wants to say has already been heard - every apology, every promise, and every love confession he has within him.
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night-faye · 2 months
Future Macky's face during all this is like "wha...is that how it happened, is that what I did?" "So Monkey King really was...a bad guy?" "That's what I believed. What Azure would have you believe." SMELLS LIKE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MACARONI. "Wukong was on a path to self destruction. We all were." WE??? Curious, he doesn't even sound angry at the monk 👀 Even approving. Yeah, one theory was he internalized Wukong's whole "cause normally you just rush to my rescue!" And tried to free him from the circlet torture.
"Every choices has consequences kid. For someone." He says, while looking utterly downcast. OKAY.
Wowie. Narrative Macky is a FLAVOR. Showing the wasteland, "everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story." "He's even fooled himself." and he's always so calm through it like an experienced war veteran, no judgement just saying how the old history was. This is great insight into his own psyche if you're crazy and tear it apart like a chew toy.
I wasn't the anon about Fluffy's audible sniff but lol, I would've said that.
Agony. This monkey has been put through the wringer and has to look MK up and down to see if its really him. that "you found me." I am *falls to the floor.*
*stares at the camera* I'm gonna be screaming about this in S5 but Macky instinctively reaching for the peach in the memory visage and getting interupted by his old self and just stunned about the fragile innocence and happy times of their past and the longing and tentative yearning and baby steps and him being cut off from MK and Wukong bc of all the golden cracks in the ground. The way his arm falls, his face, HE'S THINKING SOMETHING. *shakes him like a chew toy.*
Macky in his own shadowy corner as the Brotherhood gears up for battle we love to see it, man what did he say to Tang again hmm. Yeah they get on fine without you, but then Wukong drops in instantly noticing his bestie AND FIXING HIS CLOTHES FOR HIM LIKE 😭 TOO CLOSE BUDDY. the writers are killing us with this, like??? that's an act of love im sorry and JTTW Wukong is aroace coded btw, this is so <3 he cares and doesn't want Macky's armor to trip him up doing the fight. who ties his shoelaces in the future maybe that's why he his lego print is without armor bc he can't do it without Wukong LOL. and Macky is so flustered and awkward over it this is EVERYTHING to me. his little embarrassed SCOWL.
Royalty duo <3 <3 <3 also Azure's crayon coloring is like that "this is your badness level" meme from Lilo and Stitch and the ShadowPeach nuzzling is a reference to some anime iirc where the two girls were a canon couple 🤔
Love Macky talking about Azure and revenge as if he didn't have a whole episode about that too. Oh he STINKS DOES HE yet you know his scent so well 😂 didn't hear you complaining earlier. Love the teasing. "Don't worry, I almost beat the Jade Emperor single handed once." considering the fall out from that, I should toss you off a cliff for hiding the horrors with your nonchalant but that's just like my other blorbo of you. These two will NEVER communicate and ignore the fine print of the horrors and talk about it differently or make cryptic comments and expressions. cue Macky frowning in the background as he does this tho.
Just picture me, laying on the floor, rain pouring down
This show is destroying me i love it so much
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chickenfics · 2 years
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Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader - Western AU
Summary: Running from a past that haunts you and a future that is unsure, the last thing you wanted was to take up with a stranger. Strangers, you'd learned, are almost always more trouble than they're worth. But when dangers from the life you're trying to leave behind get too close for comfort, drastic times call for drastic measures, and the stranger you'd once feared becomes the only person you can trust -- and perhaps the only person you'd call your friend. Now you both just have to make it out alive...
Word Count: 8.6k
Content warning: graphic depictions of violence, blood, descriptions of clothes not fitting Y/N
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future chapters!
Also on Ao3
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Chapter 4
“See, here -- see that gully?” Bucky reigned Alpine next to Horse, pointing at a dark line inked across the map. 
You nodded. 
“We should be able to make it there in maybe three, four days. It connects to this river here, which flows all the way up North.” You followed his finger as it traced the path. “We follow that river, we’ll get to where we’re going.”
You looked up, smiling faintly at Bucky’s expectant look, trying to match his quiet eagerness. In truth, seeing your plan mapped out in front of you -- the reality that you were getting closer to an escape -- made your stomach churn with anxiety. What if you didn’t make it? What if they found you? God, what if somehow they knew and they were waiting for you there? What if they were waiting for you and Bucky to part ways before they grabbed you again and--
“Hey,” Bucky said. When you met his eyes, they were filled with concern behind a few layers of determination. “We’re gonna make it, and we’re going to be okay.”
“I… hope you’re right,” you replied, sighing. You really hoped he was. 
“Usually am, darlin’," he threw you a wink over his shoulder before urging Alpine into a trot. 
You scoffed, but it quickly turned into a laugh as you followed after him. When he heard it, he turned around to give you a pleased smile -- one that made his eyes light up bluer than you’d ever seen them before. This time, it was a smile you were able to return. 
You tried to force yourself to relax as the day wore on. Everything was fine -- it had been a few weeks now since Bucky had helped you escape Mickey and the others, and yet you’d seen no sign of them. If they were going to come after you, wouldn’t they have done so already? Wouldn’t they have already gotten you?
It was what you tried to tell yourself when you felt that old familiar panic settle at the base of your throat. And anyway, you had Bucky now -- for at least a little while longer. It would be hard, going back to being alone once you reached Pigeon Rock and Bucky was reunited with his group -- but then you’d just have to be extra vigilant. 
It was what you tried to tell yourself when your panic started creeping up your throat and threatening to choke off all your air. You were telling yourself a lot of things, lately. Things that didn't always feel true. You tried not to think about what would happen if they found you once you were alone again. It was enough to send your heart rate pumping furiously through your veins. But whenever that happened, your eyes found Bucky where he was riding in front of you and the panic slowly started to ebb away. You just needed to get through the next few weeks; you could deal with being alone when the time came, it was the now you needed to worry about. 
At least you’d be well rested. You just hoped you weren’t going soft. 
It was a few hours after the sun was at its highest in the sky that you noticed the cloud. It was far off in the horizon -- not enough to worry either you or Bucky. The sun was shining, and there was a cool breeze in the air that offered some relief from the heat of the afternoon. 
It’s funny how quickly things can change. How suddenly the winds can shift. 
It started with silence. A big, suffocating stillness that descended upon the plains. The breeze stopped and the sun seemed to shine a little less brightly. The sparse birdsong fell dead, and the only sounds were that of creaking leather and your horses’ footsteps.
The storm was on top of you before you even had a chance to prepare. Not that you could have done anything. As far as you knew, there was nothing for miles. 
In an instant, the wind picked up, blowing dust into your faces. Bucky winced and you pulled your bandanna up over your nose. He was quick to follow, yanking a neck scarf out of his saddle bag, and tying it around his face. 
“Shit,” he shouted above the steadily growing roar of the wind. “Storm’s blowing this way. We had better--”
A crack of thunder cut him off and it was as if that single sound had opened up the gates above your heads. Rain began to pour as the dark storm clouds that had been accumulating above you swirled together. The wind was fierce, yanking on Bucky’s poncho as the already-soaked fabric fluttered and snapped against the strain. The sky had gone dark and the rain created a sheet in front of your face. Horse reared up, hopping sideways as he threw his head under the onslaught. You heard another crack of thunder. A flash of lightning lit up your vision. You heard Bucky call your name, and that was when you realized you couldn’t see him anymore.
“Bucky!” you yelled, swinging Horse around and trying to find his voice in the rushing of the rain and the booming of the thunder. “Bucky!”
Nothing. He was… gone. 
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath, throwing a hand up to hold your hat on as you shook the torrents of water out of your eyes. It was impossible to see even a few feet in front of you, and the wind driving the rain into your face was making it worse.
Horse spun in a circle, dancing, agitated by the rain and scared by the thunder, and he whinnied shrilly, probably looking for Alpine. 
He was looking for Alpine. 
The realization dawned on you and in a split second you were driving your heels into his sides, giving him a loose rein so he could go wherever he wanted. 
“Get us out of here,” you yelled, squinting into the darkness as Horse took off at a gallop. You hoped he wasn’t just running out of fear, but you didn’t have any other choice. You either stayed where you were and risked the elements, or you trusted Horse to find something -- anything. 
It felt like an eternity before he did. In reality, it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes, but you were already soaked through and shivering when you heard a distant whinny cut through the roaring of the storm. 
Horse pulled up, tossing his head wildly and lurching sideways before you gave him a firm kick and sent him forward towards the sound. The whinny came again, almost a shrill scream, and Horse arched his neck as he replied, ears pricked forward even as the rain pelted his face. 
You almost ran into the porch. It was only because of Horse that you didn’t, and even so, he pulled up so fast, practically sitting onto his back legs, that you fell sideways and crashed onto the ground. You hit the hard surface with a thud, but immediately dragged yourself up and grabbed Horse’s reins. He was prancing about, very nearly trampling you in his frenzied state. Swinging the reins, you gave him a firm smack on his hind end, spinning him around so his legs weren’t at risk of injuring you. Your tailbone stung from where you’d hit the ground and you were so soaked through that you felt like you were drowning. The rain hadn’t let up, and you couldn’t see for shit, but Horse practically dragged you up the porch steps. 
It was like being able to breathe again, getting out of that rain. The porch offered a little protection, though the wind was still blowing sideways and you weren’t entirely safe from the elements, but it was enough that you could wipe the water from your eyes. Flicking your hands and trying to shake off as much water as you could, glad that Horse had finally calmed enough to stand for a moment, you glanced up. 
Alpine was tied to the railing of the porch, dancing slightly as she nickered at Horse. 
“Well shit,” you breathed, eyes wide with surprise, first -- and then you practically sagged with relief. Bucky was okay. He was okay and you’d found him. 
Well, Horse had found him. 
“Good boy!” You softly exclaimed, patting Horse on the side. “Even though your actin’ like an absolute bonehead nearly got me killed,” you couldn’t help but add, feeling the sting of your bruised tailbone. 
Now that you were protected from the onslaught of the storm that was still raging, and now that you knew Bucky was safe, you felt all your adrenaline flee you in one single wave. You began to tremble, both from the cold that had soaked into your bones and the fear you had managed to outrun until this moment. Your hands shook as you tied and then re-tied Horse’s reins to the railing next to Alpine, who reached out to sniff Horse before they began to nicker to each other. 
“Alright, lovebirds,” you muttered, your voice sounding watery and weak. 
You were still shaking as you stumbled towards the door to the house, raking your hat off your head and pouring the water off its brim. 
The porch was attached to a log cabin, fairly decent in size, and, going by the state of the windows -- which were so grimy you couldn’t even see through them -- potentially abandoned. You hadn’t seen any livestock or farming supplies -- but then again, you hadn’t seen much of anything. You just hoped that, if anyone was home, they were friendly. 
When you opened the door, your soul nearly left your body as that hope was promptly shattered. An arm slammed into your throat in less than a second and suddenly you were being thrown back into the door as it swung closed with your momentum. Your hands came up to grab at the arm against your neck and, for a terrible, horrifying moment you were sure it was Mickey. He’d found you and now he was going to hurt you. A breathy whimper escaped you before you could help it -- the beginning of a plea. 
“Y/N,” a voice breathed, equal parts relieved as it was alarmed. 
You opened your eyes, vision clearing as the arm disappeared. 
Of course it was Bucky, his damn horse was right outside. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, making as if to reach for you before pulling back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t--”
“S’okay,” you shook your head. “I’m not hurt, I just… I thought you were…” you couldn’t even speak it. 
You didn’t need to -- Bucky already knew. You could tell by the way his brow knitted up; by that flash of regret that filled his eyes. You shook your head again, opening your mouth to try and tell him that it was fine -- that he was fine and everything was fine -- but your teeth snapped back together as a shiver coursed through you. 
All it took was a step forward for your knees to give out, and then you were slamming back against the wall for support. This time, Bucky did reach out to you, grabbing hold of your bicep in an attempt to hold you up. 
“You sure you’re alright?” he asked, already sounding skeptical of your answer. 
“Cold,” you managed through chattering teeth. You hugged your arms across your chest, rubbing them to try and generate some heat. Bucky, you noticed, wasn’t shivering at all. 
“Come on,” he pulled you towards him, hooking an arm around you. “There’s got to be some dry clothes in here somewhere.”
Laying a hesitant hand on his back, you began to observe the interior of the cabin. The room you had entered was a small living area with a fireplace on the left wall and a counter with cookware and other supplies to the right. At the far back, there was a narrow hallway with what looked to be two small bedrooms on either side. 
Releasing you, Bucky made for the left room, so you headed into the right in search of something to dry yourselves off with. 
It looked like a children's bedroom. A small cradle sat in one corner, and a cot in the other, piled with thin blankets. Smiling in relief, you crouched down to retrieve them, shaking them out to try and see how many there were. A stuffed bear fell out of the bundle and bounced onto the cot. You stilled, staring down at it for a moment. 
What had happened to the family that lived here? Would they be coming home soon to find that strangers had broken in, or were they gone? And if they were gone, the question remained: what had happened to them?
“Bucky,” you called, suddenly feeling uneasy in the silence. “I found blankets.”
“Great,” he announced, appearing in the doorway and causing you to jump. 
“I found some clothes. They probably won't fit, but I figure it’s better than nothing while your own dry.”
“Right,” you nodded, taking a steadying breath. “Thanks.”
“Sure thing, partner,” Bucky nodded. You found yourself smiling. He had a way of seeming so unbothered, even after everything that had just happened. So unshakable. 
“Alright,” he continued, holding out a bundle of clothes. “I’ll, uh… go across the hall to change. Holler if you need me.”
“Thank you, Bucky,” you replied in earnest, yet again thinking about how nice it was to not be alone anymore; a change of pace that you had gotten used to alarmingly quickly. 
In return, he gave you an almost confused smile, his blue eyes deepening in a way that you couldn’t understand before turning away. He propped the door closed behind him, leaving it a crack just in case, and you were left alone in the room. That eerie feeling returned, but you pushed it away; you were just being paranoid. It made sense since you had been relying on your paranoia to survive for so long. It wasn’t something you could just turn on and off as you pleased. 
Then again, maybe you could, in a way. Wasn’t that what you had done with Bucky. Certainly there had been plenty of paranoid thoughts surrounding the stranger when you’d first met him, but still, you chose to ignore them in favor of potential safety. Potential partnership. But when it came to trusting your surroundings, you found that you simply couldn’t turn off your anxiety. It was too deep-seated. 
So you made quick work of peeling off your wet clothes. Your chaps were soaked through, making them heavier than usual, and it took you a few minutes to wrangle yourself out of them. Your trousers came off a bit easier, and in no time you were pulling on the clothes that Bucky had given you. A man’s nightshirt -- material that seemed so impossibly thin compared to the things you wore to sleep in. You’d freeze to death if you ever had to spend a night outside in nothing but a linen shirt. He’d also found you a pair of trousers, but after several different attempts and a few minutes of trying to convince yourself otherwise, you determined that there was simply no way they were fitting.  
Well shit. 
Staring at the useless garment in your hands, you considered trying to wrangle yourself back into your own trousers, but you quickly dismissed that idea. They were absolutely drenched, and the idea of spending any amount of time in them now that you were dry made your skin crawl. 
So, taking a deep breath, you stared at your bare legs and decided that you’d just have to manage without pants. After all, it wasn’t like you were naked or anything; and you’d soon be under a blanket, anyway, so it really wasn’t that big of a deal. However, one thing you couldn’t do without was your bandanna. Even though it was soaked through, you tied it firmly around your neck, running your hand along the side of it in what had become an instinctive touch. 
Nodding, you gathered up your sopping wet clothes into a bundle, trying not to get your new clothes wet in the process. You quickly decided that the crib would be a good place to hang them up to dry. With your hands full, you made the few short steps over to the crib. 
It was only when you began to put your clothes down that you noticed the blood. 
Your clothes hit the wooden floor with a splat as you froze in place, a sudden chill that had nothing to do with the rain coursing through your veins. There, in the bedding of the crib, was a bloodstain. It was no bigger than your two hands, but its location was enough to usher back your paranoia with a newfound intensity. 
Why was there blood where a baby should have been?
Whipping your head around the room, you looked for any other signs; more blood, an indicator of a struggle, a weapon -- anything -- but the rest of the room looked normal. You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm your racing heart. You weren’t in any immediate danger -- the blood looked old, dried and slightly faded, and when you peered closer you noticed a thin layer of dust over the bedding. Whatever had happened here, it hadn’t been recent. 
It didn’t make it any less concerning, but it did help you calm yourself as you tried to avoid thinking about the distasteful things that might have happened -- or the equally horrible answers as to why the family wasn’t here anymore. 
Shaking your head, feeling another shiver wrack your body, you crossed your arms and backed away from the crib, leaving your clothes in a pile on the floor. Bucky -- you needed to tell Bucky, maybe he’d seen something, too. At the very least, the two of you needed to decide if it would be safe to stay the night. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, stepping out into the hall. “Bucky, I need to--”
In your worry about your new discovery, you’d forgotten that Bucky had gone into the other room to change. To undress. You’d also overlooked the fact that you probably should have knocked. No, you definitely should have knocked. 
“I need to show you-- shit,” you fell back, ducking around the corner and pressing your back to the wall as the image you’d just seen flashed behind your eyelids. Bucky, his bare back facing you, muscles creating divots in his pale skin -- and the glint of metal where his left arm should have been. 
Your chest felt tight as you braced yourself against the wall. What the hell had that been? And more importantly, was he angry that you’d seen it? That panic inside you swelled, only now it was for a different reason.
“Sorry,” you whispered, having to clear your throat before you were able to speak any louder. “Sorry -- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to… I didn’t know that you… God, I shouldn’t have just barged in--”
“Y/N,” his voice, carefully gentle, cut through your fearful apologies. 
You froze, hardly breathing now, and strained to hear the soft sounds of shuffling on the other side of the wall. The sounds got closer, and then Bucky appeared in the doorway, now wearing a shirt. 
“It’s alright,” he replied, just as soft as before, and when he caught sight of you against the wall, he sighed. “Relax, I’m not gonna bite. Really, it’s fine.”
“But it’s not. I should have knocked--”
“Probably,” he agreed, arching an eyebrow. “But it’s a little late for that.”
He didn’t exactly sound mad and, based on the way he lingered near the doorway, remaining still and in your line of vision, you guessed that he probably wasn’t. Or if he was, he didn’t want you to know. 
You had so many questions, and they all surfaced to the front of your mind as you stared up at him. That was when you noticed the top of his shirt was still unbuttoned, probably in his haste to get it on before coming out to reassure you. Just along his collarbone, you could see the beginnings of a nasty scar. It twisted along the flesh of his chest and shoulder. The marks were raised and looked painful. 
“Bucky,” you whispered, and before you could stop yourself, you closed the small distance between the two of you. “What…”
He ducked his head back but didn’t move away, instead simply looking down at you. What his expression said, you had no idea -- your eyes were still on his chest, wandering over the scars that twisted his skin -- but when you heard him take a shallow breath, you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching forward.
Before your fingers were able to brush his skin, a hand flew up to catch your wrist in a firm grip. 
“Don’t,” he managed, his voice hoarse. You looked up at him, your hand balled into a fist where he still held it. He looked… scared, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly.
 “Please,” the words escaped him in a breath, and it was the first time you’d ever heard him anywhere close to begging. Even though you hadn’t known him long, you hated the way it came so naturally, like he’d done it before -- and with enough desperation that you got the feeling he wasn’t usually listened to. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, brow knitting together. You let your arm go limp in his grip and, very reluctantly, he let go. You pulled your hand back to your side. 
“It’s… fine,” Bucky replied, still struggling to regain his breath. You were, too, for that matter, and the both of you stared at each other for what felt like centuries until he finally spoke. 
“What, uh… what did you need to show me?”
“Oh!” you started. You'd nearly forgotten what you’d found. “Here, uh. This way.”
Gesturing for him to follow, you led him into the room across the hall. 
“I was, uhm, gonna hang my clothes up, but I uh…” you stopped in front of the crib and waited for Bucky to join you. 
When he did, you saw him tense, tilting his shoulders as if he was going to take a step back. His shirt was still unbuttoned, you noticed, and the fact that he hadn’t covered up made something like pride fill your chest. Maybe he trusted you enough that he didn't feel the need to cover up. You kept your eyes trained on the crib. 
“Shit,” Bucky whispered, propping a hand -- his left hand… his metal hand -- onto his hip. “There, uh,” he cleared his throat. “There’s a picture in the other room. A couple and their two children. Little girls, I think…”
He let the sentence trail off and glanced over at you. You could tell that you were both thinking the same thing. 
“Do you think it’s safe to stay here?” you asked. It was that or ask if he thought the family was still alive, which was something you weren’t sure you wanted the answer to. Not knowing was almost worse than knowing, because your mind could conjure up all sorts of horrible things. 
“I don’t think we have a choice,” Bucky said. “Checked a few minutes ago, it’s still storming. So unless we want to get soaked again…”
“Right,” you nodded. “Well, if the family does come back--” he sent you a skeptical look, which you ignored -- “It’s probably safe to assume that they won’t pose much of a threat between the two of us.”
Bucky nodded. 
“Staying dry it is,” he weakly declared. 
Bucky started a fire and you braved the weather for long enough to retrieve food and cookware from the horses. The rain was still falling steadily, though the wind had died down it seemed the worst of the storm had passed. Even so, with how long the rain was lasting, you were grateful that you and Bucky had a place to stay. Riding through weather like this would not have been ideal. 
Ensuring that the horses were settled in for the night, you headed back inside, already shivering from the brief exposure to the elements. It likely didn’t help that you weren’t wearing any pants. Stepping around the door, you slammed it tightly shut and sank back against the wood, taking a moment to catch your breath. 
After the incident with his shoulder, and then the crib, Bucky had noticed the state you were in -- namely the fact that, according to him, you were half naked -- and had quickly averted his eyes, which had grown wide a moment before disappearing as he turned his back to you. He had barely looked at you since, and whenever he did he maintained eye contact as if you were in nothing but your undergarments. Even if it was unnecessary, you found the sentiment endearing. 
“Hey, come on over,” Bucky murmured when, lost in your own head, you remained shivering by the door. 
You started slightly, but made your way over to him, the roar of the fire warming you quickly. As well as heat, it offered its soft glow, casting it out along the floor and draping it over yours and Bucky’s shoulders. There were no seats in the house, but Bucky had pulled the two cots out of the bedroom while you’d been outside and had set them up in front of the fire. 
You settled down on the one opposite him, thankful that he had decided you’d be sleeping next to each other like usual. You knew it was probably unnecessary, considering you were now slightly safer hidden away inside a cabin, but you didn’t like the idea of him being a whole room away. 
Handing Bucky the cookware, he exchanged it for a blanket, which you wrapped around your legs. Your shivering gradually subsided as Bucky began cooking your dinner using a larger pot he’d found in a cabinet. The smell of beans filled the air, and you sank back against the wall, eyelids fluttering with exhaustion as you listened to the steady drumming of the rain and the crackling of the fire. 
Above it all, Bucky’s hesitant voice reached your ears. 
“You… always wear that scarf?” 
You glanced up at him and he gestured with two fingers to his neck. His shirt was buttoned up, now, and the scars along his shoulder were once again obscured from view. Still, you could see them clearly in your mind’s eye, almost more than you wanted to. 
His question -- or, more of an observation, really -- had you shifting uncomfortably. An array of your usual excuses lined up in the front of your mind, but for some reason you found yourself unwilling to lie to him. Besides, you’d seen his scars today; it only seemed fair that… 
No. That was something you weren’t ready for. Not yet. Not ever, maybe. 
“Uhm,” you began, unwittingly reaching up to rub the side of your neck. You swallowed. “I suppose it’s like… why you always wear your glove. Or… why you’ve buttoned your shirt up all the way.” Your voice was quiet -- meek, and you stared at your lap. 
You hadn’t talked about the things you kept hidden beneath layers of clothes -- especially the one he was asking about now. The memories threatened to rush back, burning against your skin until you were sure you could smell the smoke of it. 
“Okay,” Bucky softly replied. “Hey, I get it, okay? I didn’t mean to…”
“Yeah, me neither.” you finally looked up at him, and you were overwhelmed by the kindness in his eyes; by the caution, not because he was afraid you would break, but because he truly did understand. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Bucky insisted, offering you a reluctant smile, but it seemed stronger this time -- more like himself. 
As you watched him, searching those deep blue eyes -- glowing almost amber in the firelight -- you found all your questions resurfacing. You opened your mouth, but fear of making him uncomfortable stopped you from speaking. Your face must have said enough, however, as Bucky settled back against the opposite wall and crossed one ankle casually over the other. 
“You might as well ask me,” he said, not unkindly, and you hoped the firelight concealed the way your expression gave you away. 
“I won’t, if you’d rather I didn’t.”
“I’d rather you stop looking at me like that. If asking a few questions will do the trick, then ask away.”
“Looking like… what?” 
Bucky sighed. 
“Like… I dunno -- like you’re sad for me or somethin’.”
“I’m not… sad.” There wasn’t much conviction to be found in your words; that much was clear, if Bucky’s face had anything to stay for it. 
“Right,” he sarcastically replied. “Still, I’d rather you ask than just stare at me.”
You found yourself wanting to apologize again. You didn't. Instead, you sifted through the questions in your head. Among the forefront of them were the obvious: how the hell do you have a metal arm? Where did you get a metal arm? What in God’s name happened to you?
None of those questions felt right. To you, they all seemed too intrusive, too prying. Who were you to try and worm your way into this man’s past? Especially when he had been so respectful of your own. In the end, you asked the first question that managed to make it past your lips. 
“Does it hurt?”
It seemed to catch Bucky off guard, that question, like he hadn’t been expecting it. His eyes widened slightly, and he even scoffed -- the sound of it barely discernible from the hum of the fire. 
“No. I mean, not really,” he shrugged. “Sometimes in my head it does, but… it’s been healed a long time, so there’s no reason it should.”
“I know that feeling," you replied, rubbing at your leg. Bucky tilted his head, worry etching his brow. 
“Do you?” he softly asked. All you could do was nod. 
“Uh… you can use it like your other arm. I never would have thought that…” you never would have thought that his left arm wasn’t made of flesh and bone like yours. “How is that possible?”
At that, Bucky scoffed and shook his head helplessly. 
“I have no idea. It was made for me, but I didn’t have much of a say in the process, so… hell if I know how it works.” He grimaced. “An… old friend of mine was able to understand it, but we had a falling out. Even if we hadn’t, I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to understand all that science mumbo-jumbo that he could.”
“I dunno,” you insisted. “You seem pretty smart.”
“I’m smart with my hands, doll, not my mind,” he smirked. “My mind ain’t what it used to be, that’s for sure.”
Your eyes narrowed softly as you tried to piece together all the things you were learning about him. 
“Those men back at the river,” you carefully started, and you saw him wince out of the corner of your eye. Suddenly he was standing up and messing with the pot over the fire. “Did they know about your arm?”
Bucky pulled the cooked supper out of the flames. He used his left hand, now gloved, to touch the hot handle, and you instinctively winced before you realized that it didn’t matter. That was something you’d have to get used to… 
“Oh shit,” you suddenly realized. “Your hand, back in the saloon -- Mickey shot your hand, but…”
Turning slowly around, Bucky gave you a tight grin. 
“You catch on fast,” he dryly replied. Then, however, the questioning was turned on its head and pointed back towards you.
“This Mickey fellow,” you froze at his name. Bucky sank back onto the cot. “I want to ask how you know him. I can tell there’s a story there -- maybe a few stories, actually -- but I don’t want to pry.” 
You felt your throat closing up as memories flooded back. The last thing you wanted was to talk about Mickey, especially to the man sitting in front of you, but already he’d given you more than he’d needed to. He’d answered your questions, and he had shown you a hidden part of himself, even if it hadn’t initially been with willingness. 
It almost felt wrong not to give him something in return. 
“He’s my brother.”
Your voice cut through the silence, and the silence returned once it was gone -- oppressive and thick as smoke, suffocating. Bucky leveled his intense gaze at you, staring silently as you studied your hands. They’d started to shake, always the betrayers.  
“I wouldn’t have guessed that,” he carefully admitted, and you thought back to the way that Mickey had eyed you so hungrily. How he’d pinned you to the counter. 
“No,” you whispered. “No, I suppose you wouldn’t.”
Bucky shifted, moving slightly closer to you before falling still again. 
“It’s all a long story,” you said, because it was the only way you could tell him without outright saying it. Without saying all the horrible things that you were sure Bucky didn’t want to hear. That you were sure you wouldn’t have been able to say. 
Even so, he nodded understandingly. 
“Yeah,” he said, a somber but gentle tone to his voice. “I know the feeling.”
Finally, your eyes flickered up to meet his. The understanding in them -- the kindness -- stole your breath away. It made you want to cry because no one had ever looked at you that way, and you hadn’t even told him the worst of it. You hadn’t even begun. But maybe you didn’t need to. 
Maybe Bucky could tell from the way you’d been so afraid of him at first. Maybe he could tell from the way your nightmares kept you up at night, or the way you were always on high alert, or the way you never removed that bandana from around your neck. Hell, Bucky had seen it. He had only seen a few seconds, a few fleeting moments of it back in the saloon when he’d saved your life, but maybe that had been enough. 
“Food’s gonna get cold,” he murmured, like he didn’t have anything else to say. You felt a smile growing faintly. 
Reaching forward, you took the bowl that he offered you -- with his right hand, you noticed -- and settled back against the wall. The two of you ate in silence, and you listened to the steady drumming of the rain. 
“Bucky?” you whispered into the stretch of silence that had fallen. 
“Hm?” he hummed, lifting his head so he could look at you, eyes half-lidded with the warmth from the fire and the promise of sleep. 
“I’m sorry. About your arm…”
Once again, those striking blue eyes were turned on you, and they betrayed everything his passive face could not. 
“I’m sorry about your brother,” he replied, voice nearly lost beneath the flames. 
As the night wore on, the fire began to die down, and with it the rain until it became only a soft drumming on the roof. The storm had passed, and it seemed the rainclouds would soon follow. You and Bucky settled into your cots and, for the first time in a very long time, got to enjoy the luxury of the pillows he had found in the other bedroom. 
It wasn’t long before you were drifting into a shallow sleep. As the fire fizzled away and the rain slowed to a stop, the only sound that filled the cabin was Bucky’s gentle breathing. It was enough to lull you into a sense of peace, and soon you were lost behind the backs of your eyelids. 
That’s when the sounds of his breathing twisted, warping into the repetitive clank of a train racing along its tracks. Clank… clank… clank
The sound of a whistle blowing sent fire through every nerve of your conscience. You could feel yourself struggling, trying to pull away -- from what, you had no idea. Not until you saw him, and the haze of your mind faded away to reveal an all-too-familiar scene; one that often visited you in your dreams like this. 
Mickey was sauntering towards you, a wicked glint of eagerness in his eyes despite the harsh frown of displeasure on his face. He was going to enjoy this, but he wanted you to know why it was happening. 
“What did I tell you would happen?” he asked you, voice alarmingly calm, almost casual as he crouched down beside you. “If you ran. What did I tell you?”
“M--” your own voice was choked by a whimper, your shaking hands betraying you once again. It was always your trembling that gave you away. Always. “Please, I--”
“Sh-sh,” he shushed you, and if you hadn’t known better, you would have thought it sounded gentle. But nothing about Mickey was gentle. Nothing at all. 
“What did I tell you?” he insisted, spitting each word as he leaned his face close to your ear. You swallowed hard. 
“That… y-you’d make me regret it,” you managed through grit teeth, feeling any hope you had left -- which admittedly wasn’t a lot -- drain from your body in one swift motion. There was no escaping this. 
That glint in his eyes grew blinding as he smiled. 
“Good. See, I knew you still had it somewhere in you,” he tapped the handle end of the cattle brand on your forehead, making you wince. You’d tried not to, but you had, and the look of pleasure that it caused him made bile rise up your throat. 
After one last stare into your eyes, he stood, demeanor shifting in a second. 
“Hold her down,” he muttered, voice void of any of the playful, showy banter it had previously possessed. 
“Mickey please, I won’t do it again, I swear. I won't--”
“Oh, I know you won't,” he replied, arching an eyebrow as he stuck the iron cattle brand into the fire. Dread filled your veins and pooled at the bottom of your stomach. One of the twins grabbed your right arm, Red took hold of your right.
“No,” you whispered. “Mickey no--”
“Ohh, Mickey yes,” the man spun around, flourishing the glowing brand like a magician in a carnival. You felt a scream try to curl its way up your throat. You choked it down, and the effort brought tears to your eyes. 
“Come now,” Mickey murmured, pointing that wicked grin into your face as he looked down on you. “Don’t cry, baby sister. You knew this would happen.”
“No, no, no, Mickey,” your breath came ragged, fluttering through your chest as you tried to wrangle yourself out of the other's grip. 
You couldn’t. 
And with a nonchalant, almost disinterested glance around the room, Mickey locked his eyes onto yours and pressed the fiery brand into your skin. 
“Woah! Hey, woah woah, easy--”
You couldn’t breathe. The blankets, you couldn’t get out of them. Thrashing, you tried to untangle your limbs from the things that were suffocating you, at the same time clawing at the bandana around your throat. The pain -- god, it was burning through every cell of your skin. 
“Doll, it’s alright, you’re alright, just take a breath.”
Take a breath… Right. You sucked in a lungful of air as the blankets were ripped off of you. Flying up into a seated position, you whipped blindly around. Mickey, he’d been here, he’d… he’d… 
You continued to claw at your neck, scrambling back until you felt yourself connect with the wall -- hard. 
“Easy, sh shh, hey…” Bucky’s gentle voice cut through your panic, and you blinked rapidly as your head began to clear. You were in a cabin. It was dark save for a glow coming from the embers in the fireplace. The fire… 
You’d had a nightmare. 
“Shit,” you rasped, wheezing as your lungs tried desperately to get some air into you. “What… wh…” your eyes darted blindly, and a hand entered your peripheral. 
Bucky was crouched in front of you -- staying a safe distance away but reaching out like he was trying to calm a wild horse. 
“You started screaming. Thought someone was tryin’ to kill you,” he chuckled nervously, the panic starting to leave his eyes, and you were finally able to take a deep breath. When you let it out, it trembled. 
“S…Sorry. Sorry, I,” you shook your head, trying to get your nerves under control. 
It certainly wasn’t the first time that memory had wriggled its way into your dreams, but what you had just experienced was the most vivid it had been in a long time. 
“Don’t apologize, you did nothing wrong,” Bucky insisted, still looking like he wanted to reach out for you. “Christ, are you okay? That seemed like a rough one.”
There was nothing but concerned sympathy in his eyes. Never before had you felt like someone understood what you were going through as much as Bucky might have. 
“I’m fine now, just,” you took a shallow breath. “Yeah… rough one.”
“Okay,” Bucky assured, shifting closer to you now that you were starting to breathe a bit easier. He settled back on his heels, seeming more than content to continue hovering until you calmed down or told him to leave. 
You took a few deep breaths through your nose and tried to stop the trembling in your hands. It was when you looked down at them resting in your lap that you remembered you weren’t wearing any trousers. As subtly as you could, you tried to tug the hem of your shirt down over your knees, but you couldn’t hide it from Bucky. It seemed you couldn’t hide much of anything from him. 
Grabbing your blanket, he averted his eyes as he held it out to you. 
“Thanks,” you whispered, voice hoarse from all the screaming you’d done, if he was to be believed. 
“Sure thing, sweetheart,” he murmured, and the pet name that usually had you cringing in disgust only made you feel safe. When it came from him, it made you feel safe. How was that possible?
You exhaled a shallow, tense breath. 
“I’m sorry I woke you.”
Bucky only shook his head. 
“I’m just glad I didn’t shoot you before I realized what was happening,” he smirked. 
You laughed hoarsely, a frantic thing that burst out of your chest, and the effects of the past few minutes -- of the nightmare -- fully rested themselves onto your shoulders. You leaned over your legs, propping your elbows up on your knees. 
“Try and get some sleep, okay?” Bucky said, reaching forward to gently pat your knee before returning to his own cot. 
The idea of trying to fall back asleep made your insides twist with nerves. What if you had another nightmare? What if the nightmares kept getting worse? What if they never stopped? And through your mounting anxiety, one small, dangerous thought entered your mind; Bucky.
Bucky would be there if it happened again. You were safe -- that was the most important part. You weren’t alone in the woods somewhere, where no one would help you if you couldn’t pull yourself out of your panic. No, you were with Bucky. 
It was a dangerous thought because you knew it wouldn’t always be this way. Someday soon, yours and Bucky’s paths would diverge; he would reunite with his friends, and you would return to being alone. You didn’t want to think about what it would be like to be alone again. But, as you sunk back into sleep, it was the only thing you could think about. It made you feel cold, like ice was running through your veins. 
A cold that at least kept the burn of the fire away. 
The next time you woke, it happened slowly, like waking up should. There wasn’t any screaming or thrashing and there wasn’t any panic. Instead, you woke up to the warmth of the blanket over your body and the sound of birdsong floating faintly outside the cabin walls. Stretching your stiff muscles, you dragged yourself upright and looked around, blinking the sleep out of your eyes. 
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Bucky’s voice drew you towards him, where he was leaning against the table with a cup of what smelled to be coffee -- something he drank occasionally in your travels. 
“Mornin’,” you replied, voice still hoarse from the events of last night. As if sharing your thoughts, Bucky tilted his head sympathetically. 
“Yeah.” You pulled yourself to your feet, jerking on the hem of your shirt to straighten it out. Bucky was already dressed, returned to his familiar clothes -- including the green poncho.
“Uh,” he cleared his throat. “Your clothes are in the parents’ room. I moved them last night after the, uh… blood.” A blush dusted his scruffy cheeks, and you quickly smiled to try and put his nerves to rest. 
“Thank you,” you nodded. “I’ll be right back?”
“Sure thing,” he gave you a small smile. “Take your time. And enjoy your final moments of civilized life,” he added as you made your way down the hall. 
You smiled on your way into the bedroom to the left was different from the one across the hall, slightly larger and containing a dresser in one corner and a desk in the other. You quickly located your clothes and found that, thankfully, they had dried overnight. 
It only took you a few minutes to pull them on, and in that time you got a good look at the room. Like the children’s room, everything was covered in a thin layer of dust. A bed frame, the sheets in a rumpled pile on the floor. A chest sat at the end of the frame, even dustier than the already dusty furniture indicating that even before the inhabitants of this house disappeared, it hadn’t been opened in a long while. 
A dresser sat along the back wall, and a small desk was situated in the left-hand corner. Above the desk was a mirror. Your reflection looked strange to you, even when you ignored the stained, hazy state of the glass. You looked gaunt and tired. You looked broken, like someone had cracked you open and taken everything inside you, leaving only your shell to dissolve away in the dirt. Grimacing tightly, you turned your eyes away from yourself. Tucked into the corner of the mirror was a picture. You stepped closer to make out the image -- a portrait of a mother and father, one holding a little girl's hand, and the other holding a swaddled baby. Your throat constricted as you looked at the proud shine in the couples’ eyes, filled with love for their children that was evident even through the dust of the years. Even though an old photograph. 
Just like your reflection, you knew you’d have to look away from that, too, otherwise you’d go crazy. Some things you just had to let be. Some things you had to forget before you’d even committed them to memory if you could. So you forgot the family in the photograph, and you forgot the way you’d looked like a ghost trapped within the glass of the mirror, and instead you opened the dresser and began scanning the sparse line of clothes. 
At the bottom, sitting tucked away in a dark corner, you found a pair of boots. You carefully pulled them out, wiping a layer of dust and grime from them -- but besides the fact that they clearly hadn’t been worn in quite some time, they were in decent condition. Better condition than your own boots. Experimentally, you slid them on. They were a bit big, but they would do just fine. You smiled at the surprise -- a welcome one for once -- and shoved your foot into the other boot. Your old pair you tucked into the corner, hoping that if these people did by some miracle return to their home, they wouldn’t miss their boots too greatly. Though, in a way, you hoped they got the chance to because that would mean that at least they were alive. 
“Y’okay back there?” Bucky’s voice called from the other end of the cabin. 
“All good,” you replied, shutting the dresser with a final boom. 
Bucky was waiting for you, a fresh cup of coffee in hand, which he held out to you. His left hand, you realized. You carefully took the cup, not exactly out of fear, but more of a curiosity. Bucky’s arm was a part of him, after all -- whether it was flesh and bone or not -- and so you didn’t think that it was something to be afraid of. Still, knowing that the thing could stop bullets, your imagination ran rampant with ideas of what else it could do. Images of Bucky holding that man down in the river were at the forefront of your mind. 
“I never wanted you to find out,” he softly began -- not angry, just… lamentful. “Wanted to avoid that look.”
“I’m sorry,” you felt your face heating and tried to wrangle it into an impassive expression. You didn’t want Bucky to think you felt differently about him now. That the way he was built changed anything about the man that you saw. 
“I’m not afraid of you,” you suddenly offered, looking up to meet his eyes. It was the truth, as impossible as that seemed. “And this,” you gestured with your cup to the hand that had just given it to you. “Doesn’t change that.”
Bucky opened his mouth, jaw working around words he just couldn’t say. Finally, he managed a soft “That’s good to hear.”
You smiled, taking a sip of your coffee.
The morning was quiet for a moment, and then the two of you were packing your things up and returning the house to its original state. Or at least, as close to its original state as you could manage. You tried not to think about the bloodstained crib as you dragged the mattress back into what had been the children's room. You tried not to think about where those children were, either -- where their parents were, if they were alive at all. Thinking about such things would give you nothing but hopelessness. It was pointless and damaging, as much as you wanted to linger on it. So instead you retrieved the teddy bear from where it had fallen on the floor and sat it carefully on the bed, running your fingers along the soft fur and the cold button eye. And then you turned around and left the empty room to return to its still and quiet, a collection of dust growing where children had once slept and laughed and played. And it was a sad thing, but it was the reality of life. 
A reality that you managed to leave behind as you and Bucky rode out into the cool morning. The storm had brought air down from the mountains, and the plains were soaked through -- the sand now packed together like clay after the previous night’s downpour. Still, the sun was already growing hot, and it was promising to be a sticky day. 
“Goodbye civilization,” you muttered under your breath as the house grew smaller behind you. 
“Goodbye indeed,” Bucky nodded, tilting his hat low on his head as you pointed the horses North in search of a river that would lead you to freedom. You hoped.
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
Random WIP
I was looking through some stuff and found this Will x OFC best friends to lovers/fake marriage fic that I started a while ago and never continued because I couldn't flesh out the story. I know the beginning and end but filling the middle was very challenging especially knowing nothing about how the military and marriages operate. I had certain scenes already written out but still have a lot more to fill in. But here is the first chapter that I had written for it. It definitely starts out strong:
Alex pulls the dressing room door shut and fires off a text to her best friend.
“Are we still on for 2nite?”
She sends the message and puts the phone down on the bench to start undressing. As she removes her shirt, her phone starts chirping. She picks up her phone and sees she is receiving a video call from “Will”. She swipes the screen to answer the call.
"Hey bestie. You could have just texted me back," she says as she tosses her shirt onto the bench.
She glances over at her screen and sees the screen completely covered. There's movement and it sounds like the phone is being brushed up against something.
"Will? Helloooo? Did you accidentally call-"
Finally, his face re-appears.
"Seriously, Alex, next time give me a warning. I'm out in public," Will says.
"What are you talking about?"
"You're in your freakin' bra!"
She glances down and shrugs. "What's the big deal? You've seen me in my underwear plenty of times before."
"Yeah, well, you want the rest of the world to also see that?"
Alex had been partnered with Will in a college class and the two of them became fast friends. Their friendship grew after constantly running into each other on campus and then the two became inseparable. It has always been strictly platonic between them. Will would always be Alex’s shopping buddy, even when shopping for lingerie. He would always help her choose whenever she was unsure and in return, she would help him pick out something whenever he needed a woman's touch. The man has way too many polo shirts. She once threw a fitted gray Henley on him and told him his future girlfriends can thank her for that.
Even after college, when Alex went back home to New York and Will went to join the military, Alex would always send him pictures to help her with her shopping. Will probably has more indecent photos of her than anyone she’s actually dated. He's honestly the only one she trusts with compromising photos.
Will is glancing around him.
"Where are you anyways?” Alex asks him.
"I'll explain tonight. What are you doing?"
"I'm going dress shopping. I need to look like your trophy girlfriend for the military ball."
Will couldn’t find a replacement date so he asked his best friend even though they haven’t seen each other in a while. 
She pauses and thinks for a moment. "Wait, maybe I should look less sexy so the ladies know you're single. Should I pretend to be your sister instead?" She looks off to the distance, thinking about her question.
"No, you're going as my girlfriend. I don't want them to think I'm taking my sister," Will scoffs.
"Aren't you like, lying to your superiors?" Alex asks, then puts her phone down on the bench to try a dress on.
"You're a girl and you're my friend. That's not lying. If I told them I'm bringing my sister, that would be lying, especially since I don't even have one."
"You were going to bring your mom. How is a sister more embarrassing?" She looks at herself in the mirror, turning around to see how the dress fits.
"Hey, moms are different. Moms get a lot of respect."
"Then why don't you go stag? You’re a handsome man in uniform. Someone’s gonna wanna tap that tight ass."
"I already got the ticket and I'm not wasting it. I really wish my mom could go, but you know." Will shrugs.
Seeing her best friend's sudden mood change, Alex switches gears.
"Hey, what do you think about this dress? I'm not sure I'm feeling it." Alex picks her phone back up and faces it towards the floor length mirror. "Does my ass look fat?" She turns around to show him.
"If you're fishing for a compliment, yes it does."
"Will, come on!"
He chuckles. "I don't really like that dress to be honest. Why don't you try that red one I see hanging back there?”
"Oh hey, the sexy one. So what's my backstory this time?"  
This would not be the first time Alex has pretended to be Will’s girlfriend, just as he's pretended to be her boyfriend many times before.
She puts the phone down again to remove the current dress, then puts on the red number Will chose.
"I don't know. Just be you. We met in college and... " Will shrugs.
"You sure I can't just be your sister? Because this dress would probably get me laid and I can sure use it." Alex brings the phone back to the mirror again.
Will whistles. She had removed her bra since it's a very low cut dress, and she twirls to see the back, which is all open. The halter dress is held up by a strap hanging by her neck and the skirt of the dress clings on to her every curve and flares out a little knees down.
"Got some side boob action going too." Alex turns to the side to show him. "Am I overselling myself as the trophy girlfriend? Oh, look at this high slit." She sticks her leg out from the opening on the side of the dress. "You sure this is fine? I'm going to be around all these respected military people and shit."
"Ooooh, yeah. I am sure you're fine. You still got those sexy black stilettos?"
She switches the camera from the rear to the front.
"Will, are you being a perv right now?"
"What? No! I just want every guy to be jealous of me when they see you hanging off my arm!"
"William dear, let's get one thing straight. You're the one that's going to be hanging off my arm, okay? I know I'm the guest, but we know you're going to be my arm candy. Women are gonna wonder what the hell you’re doing being with me." Alex points her finger to herself. "I know you've always been like, very reserved since I've met you, but you've always been pretty confident. Is there someone bullying you? Whose ass do I have to kick?"
Back in college, Alex was always his wing woman. She knew Will was a good looking guy and was charming as heck, but he could be so shy at times. She would reel in the women he had interest in and let him work his magic once she got them hooked. She was always the energetic one, dragging him to wild parties and events. Sundays though were usually the days the two of them would recoup from partying three nights in a row and this is where Will would balance things out by bringing back shitty coffee and cafeteria breakfast and they would just nurse their hangovers together by watching mindless TV while cuddling under the blanket, which was a tradition Will started. Even if one of them hooked up with someone the night before, they always found time for each other.
"No one is bullying me," Will chuckles. "I just want to have a good time with my best friend. That's all. I miss you."
"Miss you too, kiddo. So this one's it?" Alex switches the camera back to the rear-facing to show him the dress again in the mirror.
"Yup. That's the one." Will nods.
"I hope you're paying for dinner tonight because I'm going to have to live off of ramen noodles and hot pockets for a week or two like back in college after I buy this dress," she tells him as she puts the phone down again and starts to undress.
"Wait, how much is that dress?" Will asks.
"It's me having to decide on looking like hot shit or having a decent meal. That's how much it is, although me eating less probably would make me look better in this dress anyways."
"No, seriously, if you can't afford it-"
"Shut up. I'm not that broke. Listen, I'm going to look good for my best friend, okay? It’s also been a while since I’ve dressed this fancy. I could use this too." Alex picks up the phone one last time after she gets dressed. "So we're still on tonight?"
Alex’s been thinking about getting her masters degree and she’s in town to check out a school she’s been looking at which happens to be close to where Will is stationed so they made plans to meet up for dinner today.
"Yes, I'll pick you up at six at your hotel. Sounds good?"
"Yup. See you later, Miller.”
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“Well I’ll be damned! Are those the Tucks?” You call out. Jesse is the first to react and immediately perks up and whips around to find you.
“Y/N!” He excitedly runs to you quickly picking you up and spinning you around as the rest of the Tucks make their way over more calmly. “What are you doing here?”
“I just settled in a few blocks away” his smile grows even more. “No way!” You gasp and he nods.
“Yup! I just signed the papers for my house a few blocks away.” You’re overwhelmed with joy as it sinks in that you’ll be living in the same town as your best friend again for the first time in at least a century. You had met the Tucks when they first moved out east as your family had been living in Treegap for a while. You were wondering through the woods when you ran into them and ended up spending the whole day with them immediately becoming attached at the hip with Jesse. You also drank from the stream with them and lived with them for a bit after you all realized you weren’t aging and your family threw you out.
“How are you dear?” Mae asks once Jesse releases you.
“Well now that I know I’ll be living in the same town as my best friend I’m fantastic!” You answer enthusiastically. You hug Angus and Mae and wave awkwardly at Miles. You had become very close with him for a few decades after his wife left and took their son with her, but then one day he got very cold towards you and that was the end of that.
“Address?” Jesse suddenly
“Oh god I should really know this off the top of my head. Uh...oh! The street is called Messinger. I’m like the third house down on the right.”
“Well hello there neighbor” He smirks.
“So you guys are coming over for dinner right? How long are you all gonna be in town?”
“We’re staying for about three weeks.” Mae says after counting on her fingers for a moment. You all talk a bit more before you continue on your way to the grocery store and they head back to their cars that are jam packed with Jesse's things.
You just about jump out of your skin when you enter your kitchen after going to get some flowers for your garden a few days later and see Jesse eating some grapes from your fruit bowl. “You know y/n, this isn’t the 1800’s anymore. You can’t just leave your door unlocked.” You roll your eyes at him.
“You guys still coming to dinner tonight?” You ask as you set down the flowers on the island where Jesse sits and wash the dirt off your hands.
“That’s exactly why I’m here” You nod prompting him to continue. “Miles is refusing to come” You’d be lying if you said that didn’t hurt. A lot.
“Oh.” You pause for a moment unsure if you should ask, but ultimately decide you need to know if you’re going to be living next to Jesse for the foreseeable future and spending time with his family again. “I know you guys are close…” You say slowly and it’s Jesse’s turn to nod. “So you have to know what I did. Why does he hate me?” Jesse frowns.
“He doesn’t hate you.” You give him a disbelieving look. “He’s just dumb” You can’t help but laugh at this.
“Then what is it?”
“Wow guess you’re not the brightest either.”
“Jesse!” You swat him with a dish towel.
“Sorry sorry” He chuckles trying to shield himself with his arms. “Look I’ll try and send him over and you guys can talk yeah?” You nod nervously. Jesse hugs you before making his way back to his house.
You’re nearly scared to death again two hours later while trying to put a cake in the oven when someone clears their throat causing you to burn your hand. You let loose a string of obscenities as you turn around. Miles rushes over to you and carefully takes your hand in his and looks at it
“Jesse’s right I need to start locking my door” You mutter once it’s decided you won’t lose your hand. Miles barley cracks a smile.
“How are you?” He asks. You shrug and shut the oven door once the cake’s safely in there.
“Jesse told me you’re not coming to dinner”
“Oh, yeah. I just-I know it’s been a while but seeing you again made it awkward all over again.” You look at him confused and move to sit at the kitchen table motioning for him to sit also.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on y/n” He sighs dragging a hand down his face.
“What? You’re the one being cryptic.” A few moments pass before he realizes that you’re being serious.
“I can’t believe you.”
“Miles” You sigh starting to get frustrated.
“I told you I love you and you didn’t even acknowledge it!” He finally shouts. “I was heartbroken and you pieced me back together and I fell in love with you. Then, when I finally built up the courage to tell you, you didn’t even react!” You hadn’t seen him this torn up since his wife left with Thomas. “I’m so stupidly in love with you and I thought things would be okay again. That since we’re in the same boat maybe it would work out this time. I spent days on that letter only to never get a response.” You try to find something to say, but it’s suddenly as if you’ve forgotten every word you know.
“I don’t remember getting a letter” is what finally gets out and you mentally slap yourself. ‘I mean I uh-what? When did this happen? Because I think I would remember the guy I’m stupidly in love with telling me that. You were always saying you never wanted a relationship again”
“It’s not my fault you’re perfect.” He mutters.
“Miles…” You trail off moving to kneel beside him. It silent for a bit before you speak again. “What happened was an awful misunderstanding that has wasted enough of our time together. I hate that there was a time where you thought I didn’t love you back, but that doesn’t have to matter now” He looks at you like he doesn’t want to believe you. You simply smile encouragingly. “I mean we are in the same boat after all and forever can get awfully lonely” He slowly starts to smile and lean in.
“My babies are in love!” Jesse sobs happily effectively ruining the moment.
“Jesse!” Miles says causing Jesse to do the smart thing and book it. “I’m going to go kill him” He says while shaking his head before jumping up from his seat and turning to chase after Jesse.
Before he can take off you grab his hand pulling him back to you and kiss him savoring the feeling that you know you’ll never get tired of. “Go easy on him” you sigh when you pull away. Miles pulls you back in for another kiss before rolling up his sleeves as he makes his way over to the door.
“No promises” He chuckles before sprinting down your front steps yelling after Jesse.
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doubleddenden · 1 year
As for my review of Teal Mask, I think its fine enough, but could have used a bit more story to it and a few small towns. I feel like I tried to pad out the experience as much as I could on my own, but it was still a lot shorter than expected.
What's still unacceptable is the performance and glitchiness. Slow downs, clip ins, and other glitches are still present- some are a little worse than you'd expect. Now granted, it's not as bad as SV at launch, but it's still very, VERY noticeable when they didn't even bother to polish shadow pop ins or map clipping in actual cutscenes or important trainer battles. And this is the thing- slow downs had been fixed a little until they dropped Teal Mask, so idk what's wrong. They could have waited til October and polished it up a bit, but I guess they REALLY wanted to catch the tail end of summer. At this point, they must no longer give a damn about performance at all and just want it to be done and over with- which on a certain level I can say "mood," but on a level of someone that bought the game, I can say "hey what the fuck???" And no, boycotting wouldn't have worked- Pokemon is at the point where saying "i'm gonna boycott" actually helps their sales, so there's no point in bothering.
But still, I will point it out again, and so will others so that the next games will be polished a little better.
As for the actual content- I did enjoy what was here, but again, I feel like they could have added more.
More under the cut:
Carmine and Kieran are the main new characters you'll be focused on, and they're decently entertaining and likeable for different reasons.
Carmine is a bitch- She hates you because you're a foreigner tourist, she's vain, she's full of herself, she's cocky- and it's enjoyable actually getting to go from such a rough welcome to becoming her friend. She's a fun asshole that made me laugh more than once, and it's always fun to knock her down a few pegs. In a way she's similar to Klara, except Carmine isn't quite as much of a pushover and has valid reasons to be a bitch. But again, her growth is fun to watch- not in the sense she ever stops being a bitch, because thankfully she just stays that- No she just becomes Bitch, but Friendly, and that's fine, great even! She's snide, rude, and competent, and I like it.
Kieran, however, is a rival that does something I've wanted Game Freak to do for YEARS- but unfortunately, it's just for a small time dlc rival. Still, his growth is unique for a "friendly rival" in that he goes full reverse, and you get to watch him just actively lose his god damn marbles. It's great! :D I look forward to seeing him again one day, because his team was actually super strong.
The rest of the characters- if we can call them that- are just basically NPCs- with the exception of Briar.
Briar doesn't really do too much, but she's... suspicious. Thats about how I can describe her.
Now I'd also add Ogerpon here- I was shocked with how on the mark I was with my predictions. I won't spoil anything but I do like him a lot.
OH SHIT, I forgot Perrin, which is weird because I actually really liked her. Perrin doesn't get a whole lot of stuff, she's literally for a mission, but she is entertaining in that she finds cuteness in any Pokemon she sees. Her whole side mission is really fun too, and I think she might be hinting that she'll return in a future game? Unsure.
Oh, there's also an annoying side quest with rich people- they're annoying, but you'll want to do it for another side quest. trust me.
Story is decent enough- definitely not as in depth as the base story, but unlike IoA and CT, Teal Mask actually sets itself up properly for Indigo Disk to be a continuation of the story. The story here is pretty small though, but its interesting to see how Carmine and Kieran grow and interact with the main character. The story of Ogerpon and The Loyal Trio, while not the most eloquently written, is actually not quite as front and center as we were led to believe. Kieran's obsession with Ogerpon is actually weirdly refreshing- I can't think of a single rival that actually competed with us for the right to catch a legendary Pokemon.
That being said, again, it is short lived and not nearly enough was done to justify all the promotion. I think we could have had The Loyal Trio be alive and living in the lap of luxury and see how they're actually jerks- that would have helped cement the "alternative story" we were told, and could have padded out story by giving us missions to either rein them in or fix problems they cause. Maybe have Perrin play a slightly bigger role in helping us find Ogerpon, have Briar actually do something besides be a suspicious chaperone-
Hell, instead of the 3 nameless NPCs that come with us, more could have been done story wise by having Arven, Nemona, and Penny with us as a group trip instead of it being "a lottery." Nemona could have been a battling menace, Arven could have been looking for new ingredients, Penny could comically struggle to find good signal, etc. Or heck, make them actually characters that have smaller arcs. I guess they couldn't do that because technically you can play Teal Mask as soon as you begin the treasure hunt, and in fact you can battle Ogerpon at both level 30 or level 70, so I guess maybe they couldn't outright connect it too much to them- but I still say maybe a post SV main story bit could have been added for those three plus us, and maybe Carmine.
I think all of this is going to pick up a tad more with Indigo Disk- I just hope it's not as quick as Teal Mask was.
Now as for other things:
Music is good- I think though they swapped to some older music making style that doesn't sound as good quality wise as Paldea music. But I absolutely LOVE Carmine's theme, and the wild battle music is a cool mix of Hisui and Paldea. The legendary music is also fun, and I'll definitely go back to listen to Ogerpon's. But Carmine and Kieran's music sounds a lot like it was made with the same DS soundfont style that you'd hear in Bede's theme or something. Crystal Pool, though, is hauntingly pretty and reminiscent of Area Zero.
Graphics have a more saturated color and are improved in some areas- but other than a few locations, there's just not really a lot to look at. Crystal Pool, however, is a really pretty place, and there's some very strangely unique cave areas that look like you're supposed to DO something in there, but nothing came of it. There's certain areas where textures look great, certain where they look bad. Actually, I find that I have similar issues as I did with Legends Arceus, where the textures and graphics just don't load until you're right in front of them, and you can visibly see the bubble range when grass, trees, and mountains just suddenly appear or gain texture. Hell, flowers just spawn less than 2 feet from you. Again, shadows and textures clip and glitch sometimes too- even in talking scenes, and that just isn't acceptable. Overall, texture work feels like they stretched out certain outdoor textures to make them look gross and pixelated or really realistic in others.
That being said, I think Indigo Disk might look better- I only saw a snippet right at the end, but there's a room I think I've seen as part of Blueberry Academy in the trailers and it actually looks like it comes from this decade, so I hope it looks that good when it eventually comes, because a lot of the rest looks unfinished. Charming enough in some places, just... could be better.
Now that's the environmental graphics- character and Pokemon models look pretty decent and have some good texture work. I suspect that's a different studio making those, though. But god damn, someone was paying attention to Perrin's ass and legs, and Briar's ass too. Not a complaint, I'm glad they had fun- you can just see the creases in the pants though is all I'm saying lol. The new character models look really good overall, and Carmine, Kieran, and Briar have really interesting eyes.
Animation isn't really much to write home about except what I think are mocap animations in regular talking- which is about par per course for base SV. That being said, it's kind of stiff in some scenes, particularly in some scenes with The Loyal Trio, where you can practically see them moving robotically as they move in scene to run away. It gets a bit worse when you see the frames drop from npc's within very close range.
the new Pokemon and forms are... Okay, I guess. Ogerpon is definitely one of my favs and her masks are very fun, and Okidogi is easily the better of the trio. Blood Moon Ursaluna also looks great, although I do prefer og Hisuian. The rest are... ehh to bad. I have slight hope for Dipplin since, apparently, it can use Eviolite- Pokemon that can't evolve further can't use it, ergo it must be able to evolve, just not until Indigo Disk.
One more complaint is that I feel like the map being smaller than Paldea probably helps it run better, but I think a few towns or villages are necessary, just full stop. Kitakami having 1 town just doesn't vibe right with me. In that regard, it almost makes Paldea feel smaller in comparison, because this one village has all of this land, you know?
I know I've done a lot of complaining, but I did honestly find stuff I liked. First of all, once you progress enough in Carmine and Kieran's story, you can get the Teal Card which unlocks more hair styles and a shit ton of more accessories to Paldean stores- Clothes wise, though, you only get new Jinbei outfits, and you don't get the other two until you beat the main story, and then a special one until you do one more side quest. But, more customization is always nice. and I finally have a hairstyle that I'm somewhat okay with.
The pokemon variety in Kitakami is also surprisingly done well. I've used Pokemon I wasn't really expecting to use, such as Poliwrath, Yanmega, and Morpeko. Even then, I'm surprised to see some Pokemon like the Conkeldurr or Tandemaus families here- mainly because this is WAY far away from Paldea and back in Japan.
That's another thing I like- outright confirmation that this is way, WAY far away from Paldea and not just a repurposed European area to the north. A plane and bus ride are required to get here- this makes it the furthest new area a main character has ever traversed, and to me? That's really cool. Further still, they tell us point blank at the beginning that Blueberry Academy is in UNOVA, which I am excited and a little scared for, but don't expect to really get to explore all that much. Idk, stuff like that feels very soulful to me.
Speaking of Soul, there's a decent amount of Hisui love in the Blood Moon quest. I won't spoil it, but something happens that made my jaw drop, and it was really, REALLY amazing.
Finally, difficulty is subjective to each player and how they approach this dlc, much like IoA. I think, however, they tweaked it way better to be beginner friendly AND very challenging for post game content with npc characters and wild pokemon you can encounter VERY EARLY (if you're not careful or go venturing too far off) being around level 70+. Personally, I brought along some Pokemon around level 60 and 50 to get me started and had some difficulty, then I went further and caught local pokemon and trained them up too with even more difficulty. But it was still pretty fun, the fights were challenging, Carmine and Kieran actually use strategy to win, and the NPCs can kick your ass if you're not prepared. I actually lost a battle to a bitch in a cave of all things.
Overall, a 6/10 is passing, even if barely. I dock points because of lack of polish and glitches, and then dock a couple more because of things I wish they'd have done differently. I enjoyed it, but they seriously needed to let it cook longer. No, you did encounter glitches and I am not exaggerating or making it up, you're just not paying attention to the slow downs or floor clipping in battles or you're just outright lying to yourself. Make your concerns heard so GF will actually do something about it- They do listen sometimes, believe it or not, even if most of the time they plug their ears up and hum gen 1 music to silence most criticism.
I actually look forward to Indigo Disk. At this point, I hope it releases in January and not November. They need to take their time with it, because I have a feeling things are going to be a bit more story heavy.
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commaclear · 2 years
So. Someone said they wished Wilbur cared a little more. There was more to the comment but that’s not important right now. Anyways, time for me to opinion all over the place
I think Wilbur does care more than we think. He just doesn’t care about what he should.
I don’t know much about him yet, but he seems to be going through that thing where he has been restricted all his life so now he’s treating life experience like Pokémon cards. It’s a classic thing a lot of kids go through and it has two usual outcomes. Either the kid never wants to venture out and will do exactly what they were taught growing up, following the lifestyle to an extreme, or they will absolutely go bat shit the second they get freedom.
Like when a kid isn’t allowed soda their entire life and when they get older they are either repulsed by the drink or start only drinking soda for a long period of time.
It also doesn’t help that Phil feels bad. Phil has sympathy because Wilbur just wants to be a normal teenager, and when he was that age that’s all he wanted. It also doesn’t help that Wilbur is very intent on getting what he wants. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room. Wilbur seems to have a general idea of how to get Phil to agree. And if he doesn’t see a pattern yet, it’s not gonna take him long to figure out what works.
Honestly, it would be beneficial if Phil cracked down in the parental way, not the “it’s your destiny” way. Wilbur needs to be prevented from whatever messy spiral he’s about to go down, but he needs to be allowed to have a life.
Right now all Wilbur really cares about is himself and that’s because this is the first time he’s allowed to. At the boarding school he was taught things he didn’t care about. He had to follow rules that forced him to adhere to a set of guidelines. He was taught that he wasn’t priority. He has been told his entire life that his destiny isn’t about him, it’s about someone else. So it’s no wonder he wants to fuck off and do what he wants.
In the initial comment that provoked this, they also said they feel like something is gonna happen to someone he loves that will force him to care
And I already see it happening. Even though he wanted to go to that house party and didn’t care about anyone else, he still had enough of a heart to remind himself that Ranboo had it worse. Maybe that’s not the best way to think about it, but at least he’s still thinking about it.
I think once he gets to know Tommy things are going to get harder for him. Because it’s going to be the battle between wanting to benefit himself or helping the person who actually needs it.
I’ll definitely have more to add on this in the future, but for now this is what I’ve got.
- The Quackity Analysis Anon
(Btw can you believe I’m defending Wilbur of all people???? I hate that guy. Haha. Yeah. I hate him. Who needs Wilbur when there’s a perfectly good Quackity, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Phil, Schlatt, Karl, Sapnap, and anyone else I missed right over there??????)
((Also I’m really getting into it tbh. I’m excited for the new chapter whenever it does come out. I was a little unsure at first but just like always you got me invested into this shit. And Quackity is now so silly and goofy and mysterious. It’s gonna make analyzing him harder. But I can’t wait to try lmao))
*ahem* anyway.....
Wilbur is 100% doing the 'teenager with his first taste of freedom' thing, and there's no way he can keep going in this direction forever. Something has to change, the only question is what...
you're both right
(and yeah why are you going for wilbur when there's a nice juicy dream right there? not to mention whatever quackity's up to rn cuz his intentions with wil are def not the purest... /hj)
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josieblueart · 1 year
Day 3-Vermin
We’re entering the oc territory now, expect to hear about these silly guys in a future prompt ;)
Ellen hated rats
She could understand why others liked them, they could be cute at times. It wasn’t their physical appearance that she hated, however.
It was the fact that they were always causing problems. Case in point, her current situation.
A friend of hers, Ace, was out of town for the week, so he asked her to assist some of his other friends in looking after his house. So far she was able to get along pretty well with three out of the four. Lacey had the same taste in media as her, Reon was fun to mess around with, and Darius was just a nice guy.
Sam, on the other hand, was weird as hell, and not in a good way.
Even if she ignored how they often spoke or moved strangely, or how they always seemed to hang out in the broken down shed in the backyard, there were other problems.
For example, she was able to catch them outside Lacey’s window, watching her sleep. It wasn’t even a situation where no one believed her because Sam was “too innocent” or some shit, Lacey knew she was being watched as well. The other two didn’t report any strange activities, but we’re suspicious of them nonetheless.
Thus, the rat problem. Or, if she wanted to be more specific, the dead rat problem.
For whatever reason, rats were appearing around the house, and even stranger, they were already dead. Ace didn’t have a cat or anything, so that couldn’t be the answer. Even if the rats were somehow getting into the house and starving to death, it didn’t explain how the same corpses seemed to be coming back.
Everyone had the same suspicions, everyone but Sam. No one was brave enough to confront them about the rats at first, but Reon was quick to take up the task. He allowed Ellen to come with him, though she wasn’t sure why.
“Sam, we need to talk.”
They turned their attention away from the console, tilting their head in confusion. “Reon? Is something wrong?” They asked. Reon was quick to cut to the chase. “The rats, why are they appearing?”
Sam took a moment to respond, almost seeming unsure on what to say. “It’s just some animals, they aren’t doing any harm, they aren’t even alive.” They responded. Before Reon could yell at them, Ellen butted in. “We know, but it’s just creepy, and it leaves a bad smell.” She explained.
As they listened to her explanation, Sam seemed to become more upset. “Are you saying I’m doing it?” Before either of them could speak, they continued. “You don’t know anything! No one will believe you!” Without another word, they ran past the two, presumably heading back to the shed.
The two stayed silent, not knowing what to do. Finally, Reon broke the silence with a sarcastic remark.
“Well that went well, didn’t it?”
As Ellen peacefully dreamt of writing a story in her favorite cafe, she was awoken by her door being opened. Jolting up, she half expected Sam to be right outside her room. Instead, Reon stood there with an annoyed expression.
“Get up, Elly. Sam’s doing weird shit again.”
As she groggily got out of bed, Reon continued to explain. “I keep hearing noises from outside, and I swear I saw the little shit frolicking around as if they’re the fucking Jabberwock.” The description given made Ellen laugh a bit, but she quickly ceased.
Once the two were outside, they started to shout out for Sam. At first, there wasn’t any response, just the slight breeze. For a moment, Ellen could’ve sworn she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. “Do you think we should check the shed? It’s probably where Sam is hiding.” She suggested. “Plus, I think it’s best if we apologize.”
Reon sighed, before responding. “Alright, but you’re gonna be the one to apologize.”
It wasn’t a very large shed, just large enough for someone to walk around in. It wasn’t constructed very well, with various cracks through the wood. Right before Ellen reached for the doorknob, she paused, hearing a strange sound.
It almost sounded like chewing.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Reon asked impatiently. She took a moment to respond, regaining her nerves. “Sam’s definitely in there, but they’re doing something weird.” As she looked upon the loose walls of the shed, she spoke once more. “Don’t open the door, look through the cracks.”
She moved to the rightmost wall, kneeled down, and peeked through the cracks. As she observed the inside of the shed, her stomach turned.
It was Sam. They were putting a rat to their mouth. The corpse already had a few bite marks on it. Almost immediately, she jolted backwards, letting out a small gasp. Reon glanced toward her, before taking a look himself. He stayed for a bit longer than her, but still quickly retreated. “Christ, what is that freak doing?”
Ellen took a moment to regain her composure, getting back up on her feet. “I don’t know, but we should probably head back to the house.” Reluctantly, Reon followed her back inside.
As the duo entered the house, Lacey was there to meet them. Before either of them could speak, Lacey asked a simple question.
“It was Sam, wasn’t it?”
Ellen nodded. “I’ll try to call Ace in the morning about them.” With that, she went to bed, unable to return to the peaceful dream she longed for.
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For once I’m actually excited about the future! Me and my boyfriend had a good chat the other day about where we want our relationship to go to make sure we’re in the same page, and it went very well.
We want the same stuff, and while I was always unsure whether I wanted kids, I now know I do want them with him, because I just feel like it’s something I can handle as long as he’s by my side. Which is just as well because having kids is a non negotiable for him, as long as he has at least one, but the good thing for me is he’s not fussed how we have kids, so he’s not expecting me to carry any of them if I don’t think my body can handle it. That’s one thing that always worried me about having them.
The other main worry I had about having kids one day is with CFS and Crohn’s Disease, I always have low energy and I always worried I wouldn’t cope. However, I’m currently in the process of trying to get an official diagnosis (since I never actually got one before due to miscommunications from doctors and have to go thro if g the whole spiel again) and with that I should at least be able to go to the doctors and say I’m struggling with it and if they can give me anything that will help they’re more likely to. Regardless of that, my mum also has CFS and she managed to do so well raising me and my brother, while my dad worked a lot and spent a lot of time away for work, and while she was understandably exhausted a lot, she managed it, and is doing better these days now she’s post menopause. This gives me hope that I can do it too, even though I do also have Crohn’s disease in the mix.
My boyfriend also discussed this with me and I told him I was worried everything would fall on him and he’s sure I’ll manage with his support, and as long as the majority doesn’t fall on him then it’ll be fine. Plus, that’s what grandparents and aunts and uncles are there for: to help out! I know kids are very unpredictable, but I do hope to teach them from the very beginning that I have low energy and am not well and might need more help than other people, and therefore also can’t play with them as much as I want to etc, but I’ll always try my best. I feel like I was taught very early on that my mum needed help with things and I always wanted to help with the cleaning when I could, so maybe my kids will grow up in a similar way. That’s not a given, of course, I know that, especially if they’re not my biological kids and don’t have our DNA that tells them they like things clean lol, but I feel like as long as we do our best to teach them these things early on, and as long as we work as a team and everything we should be okay…
With that weird kid related rant over, back to my point, that I’m finally looking forward to the future and know what to expect, even if I don’t know when to expect it. I know we wanna move in together before any other big things happen, and we’re gonna have disagreements and lots of compromising to do on getting a house, and money will play a major issue, but I believe we can do it. After that, I know we’ll get engaged sometime, and have a decent length engagement before we get married, and at some point we’ll look into how we can have kids and how we want to and have them. Knowing this stuff will happen is a weight off my mind, because I know I’ll have the kind of life I always wished for as a kid, even if I do have chronic illnesses mixed in. For once I’m actually super excited for the future, and I can’t quite believe that I have one with a boyfriend and all this other stuff in it. I was convinced my future would be still living with my parents, unable to move out and live alone, and no partner to love and love me back. While I became content with having that as my future, I’m still super happy now that it is going to be different than what I expected. Happy days for me right now.
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