#dewa is someone who likes to be in control at all times and when he loses that control
shoheiakagi · 6 months
Okay, second question for the Band AU! I don't know if idols work the same way as mainstream music, where there's a lot of crossover between singers and television/movies, but how would the guys and your lovely girls deal with being scouted for the big screen? Who would want to give acting a try, who wouldn't? And what would the couples do if they found themselves cast as each other's onscreen lover (Because ofc that adds fuel to the fire for gossip).
I know that there’s a lot of kpop idols who go into acting, but not too sure about jpop idols. And im not 100% sure about this, but I remember reading that theres this stigma amongst actors about idols going into acting; that they hate when idols pursue acting cause the idols booked the role due to their popularity and not cause of any acting talent lol
i’m so sorry cause i ended up going on a different tangent with this ask and focus on dewa/miyako, so i hope you don’t mind!
Out of the girls, Miyako is the only one to pursue acting. Despite not being the most popular member, she is still well known for her beauty, which fits the quintessential Japanese beauty standards: petite frame, pale skin, long dark hair, long eyelashes, and high-bridged nose. It wasn’t that hard for her to land the lead role in a romcom, starring against a male pop idol who also recently joined the acting scene (okay idk why but akiyama came straight to my mind lol). The casting alone for this movie makes a lot of noise, as the main leads look extremely elegant and gives off major royalty vibes, which gains the attention of the general public. A lot of interviews and press tours get more people to fall in love with the chemistry between miyako and akiyama (which takes more effort from miyako’s end since akiyama can be pretty stiff). But unlike her idol career, she has more difficulty fitting in at first due to the stigma some of her costars have against her for being an idol.
Idk why, but i don’t really see any of the guys pursuing acting tbh. At most, i can see chitose landing some role in some adult comedy that doesn’t perform that well, which has him running back to the group and not want anything to do with acting ever again. The other guys probably got second hand embarrassment and don’t want to go through what chitose had to. When they first heard about miyako landing a role in a new movie, they couldn’t help but feel pity cause the poor girl might have to go through the same idol curse that chitose went through. but when they see the massive media coverage and support she’s getting, some of them can’t help but feel envious. here comes this girl group who’s catching up to their fame and popularity despite not being around for that long and definitely not working as hard as them, and now each members are getting their own individual gigs as solo acts?? while miyako may be the only one to pursue acting out of her group, she’s certainly not the only one who’s making a name for herself outside of the group. and the guys can’t help but feel jealous about that. as much as they love their group, at the end of the day, they’re different guys with different interests. it’d be nice to be known more outside of their fanbase, without having to be lumped in with 5 other guys. its funny how the girls, despite having a lot of restrictions put on to them by their company, still have the freedom to pursue things outside of the their group and make a name for themselves. whereas the guys have all the artistic freedom a musician can ask for, but seem to lack an identity of their own.
Dewa is annoyed. Its bad enough that he sees miyako’s face plastered all over japan with the rest of her dimwitted group. Now seeing her face being plastered all over the country with that guy with toothpick from s4? She likes that type of guy? The type with a stick up his ass? (talk about the pot calling the kettle black). But theres something off this time. With how strict her company is, he’s not used to seeing her having full blown conversations with other male celebrities, so imagine his surprise when he catches interviews where she keeps laughing at every little thing akiyama says, resting a manicured hand on his shoulder. or how she would bat her eyelashes at him while asking him a question, and how she would look intrigued as she hangs onto every word that comes out of his mouth. nothing about their interaction seems right to dewa, and in a way he’s relieved that is all an act to promote their new movie (at least thats what he tells himself and chitose when the latter tries to taunt him). But seeing miyako gain more success and fame as an actress, make more friends/connections within the industry, and create an identity for herself outside of her group is bothering dewa a lot more than it should be. in a way, it feels like she’s constantly rising and leaving him behind. and if acting doesn’t work out for her? no problem, she can always fall back onto her idol persona. and if performing is no longer fun? perfect, she can go back and take over her family’s business like she was supposed to. but what about him? if the group decides to split and go their own way, what will happen to dewa masaomi?
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mmercurii · 7 months
Bored so here’s K characters as Omegaverse assignments and a few headcanons:
Suoh Mikoto: Hyper-Dominant Alpha
Kusanagi Izumo: Alpha or Dominant Alpha
Totsuka Tatara: Recessive Omega
Yata Misaki: Beta or Recessive Omega
Kamamoto Rikio: Recessive Alpha
Chitose Yu: Alpha
Bandou Saburota: Beta
Akagi Shouhei: Alpha
Dewa Masaomi: Recessive Alpha
Fujishima Kousuke: Alpha
Solt Eric: Omega
Munakata Reishi: Hyper-Dominant Alpha
Awashima Seri: Beta
Fushimi Saruhiko: Dominant Alpha
Weismann/ Isana Yashiro: Recessive Alpha
Yatogami Kuroh: Omega
Ameno Miyabi: Beta
Ichigen Miwa: Omega
Hisui Nagare: Rejects the idea of having a second gender
Iwafune Tenkei: Alpha
Mishakuji Yakari: Dominant Alpha
Hirasaka Douhan: Dominant Alpha
Colorless King: Recessive Omega
Kokujōji Daikaku: Hyper-Dominant Alpha
Mikoto would genuinely hate being a Hyper Dominant. He totally respects people indulging in their instincts and being free but the power to have people begging on their knees for him when he knows they’re actually afraid or would never look him in the eye on a sunny day would sicken him.
Mikoto can smell Totuka’s pheromones and actually likes how subtle and soft his scent is.
Mikoto doesn’t really release any pheromones unless pressed to do so ((has to put someone in their place or is asked for some by Totsuka))
When he’s about to have a rut he’ll disappear for a week, only god knows what he does and who it’s with— if it’s with anyone at all.
When Eric was on his mission he probably tried to weaken Mikoto with his pheromones but overestimated Mikoto’s. Nothing happened but afterward the ordeal Mikoto probably took a shower to wash himself from Eric’s scent - no offense Eric.
Yata probably lied about being an Alpha as a kid and got properly embarrassed when the others found out he was just a Beta.
Chitose won’t shut the fuck up about being an Alpha and how they’re better, and brags about getting bitches just to piss Bandou off. ((Said bitches realize that Chitose is a weirdo and block his number after the first date))
Mikoto and Munakata probably release a shit ton of pheromones whenever they see each other. One— to compete and see who breaks a sweat first, and secondly… are they flirting 🤨
Saruhiko doesn’t flex his pheromones unless Yata is around.
As a Recessive Omega— Yata would get thru his heats by the strength of his own will. He would probably hate taking suppressants so he just… doesn’t take them. Whoever tried him he just beats them up.
As a Recessive Omega— Yata has probably nested with a blanket that Saruhiko left behind.
Eric weaponizes his pheromones and good looks to get older Alpha women to buy him stuff. After the card is swiped that boy is gone.
Saruhiko’s parents are Dom Alpha’s.
Dewa probably hates having to clean up Chitose’s mess when he’s having a rut. I can also see Dewa not understanding the instincts as he doesn’t go thru ruts and leaves the function if there’s a severe smell of pheromones.
Munakata would 100% reject any omega that tries him. He hates the feeling of not having control, and would probably be disgusted at the people throwing themselves at him. Have some decorum. 🙄
Kuroh would hate alphas because of what they can do, and also because Yakari would bully him for being an omega.
Kuroh has had mini heats, but goes into a full heat cycle when he gets closer to Weismann. Don’t worry tho 😔🤚🏾 he has a recorded speech from Ichigen about perseverance and discipline which gets him thru his troubling time. Also probably nests with Weismanns items which makes Weismann scream internally while taking a bunch of photos.
Ameno Miyabi thee cock block. She doesn’t care about Kuroh and Weismann relieving their frustration, don’t smooch in front of her fish!!!!
Seri’s nose becomes sensitive and she gets terrible headaches when she’s around dominant pheromones. I can see her immediately putting a mask on if she even gets a sense of them. She’ll put up with Munakata and Kusanagi’s tho.
As a Beta, Seri doesn’t react around pheromones but some who’s a Hyper-Dominant can make her feel a little lightheaded and nauseous.
Kusanagi’s been around and has some moments he thinks about fondly, and others he has regrets about so he’s very careful about his hook-ups. I can see him growing up and thinking it was lame to spend his ruts alone, and now as an elderly-28-year-old man he’s fine spending them alone.
Mikoto marks Totsuka with his pheromones to protect him, and luckily Totsuka doesn’t seem too affected by it but gets terrible fevers if Mikoto marks him too much.
Yata was mad as fuck when he found out Rikio emerged as an Alpha, doesn’t matter if he’s Recessive Yata would be mad for days.
I love Kusanagi down, but I feel like he’d believe omega’s are pitiful and weak. As most of society does. If he started making some questionable comments, I can see Totsuka scolding him for his old way of thinking and Kusanagi would apologize just to end the conversation but wouldn’t change his way of thinking.
Totsuka would probably take up the responsibility to teach Anna about secondary genders so she doesn’t believe in any weird idealogies from Kusanagi.
Kusanagi would probably think it’s a shame that Seri isn’t an Omega.
Yakari indulges in his instincts because why not share his beauty and greatness with people who want him. Also he’ll only do it if he can get a hotel room with mirrors as watching himself embrace his instincts excites him a lot.
Homra would be VERY protective of their Omega members as a precaution, especially if Eric is swindling old Alpha women. Kusanagi would order a Beta to stick with Omega members. Totsuka, unfortunately does not partake cause he’s made it thus far! So he’s fine~
Despite that, Kusanagi has ordered someone to follow Totsuka but that bastard is hard to follow, so Kusanagi follows his location on his phone just in case.
Iwafune has probably done some awful things and has a partner he randomly bonded with, but they died during the crater and ever since he’s been bonded with Jesus and Alcoholism.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
Hi Ridia. It was mentioned in Dewa's character story that Kusanagi entrusts Dewa with stuff when Kusanagi is too busy to attend to them, effectively making Dewa Kusanagi's new successor since hus original successor is currently in S4 prob ably trying to murder Domyouji for using crayons again. I can imagine Dewa being a little insecure that Kusanagi would still prefer Fushimi as his successor and gets all discouraged. Cue mama Kusanahi stepping in and be all "i love all my children equally".
Aw poor Dewa, he already has enough insecurities from the way people keep thinking he's just Chitose's imaginary friend. This would be interesting though, like I'm sure Dewa's perceptive enough to notice that he's put in charge of the bar much more now that Fushimi's gone (well, Fushimi probably wasn't allowed to be properly in charge of the bar much anyway since no way Kusanagi lets a minor mix drinks but he maybe let Fushimi balance the books on occasion and took him along to help out at other businesses, which Dewa is now suddenly doing after Fushimi's absence). Dewa's happy to help of course, he respects Kusanagi and is pleased to be given this kind of responsibility, but being just a back up for Fushimi is a bit of a sore point. Maybe Chitose's teasing him about it one day and that's how Kusanagi finds out about Dewa's feelings, like he's left Dewa in charge of the bar and Dewa's handling it fine other than adding way too many spices into the curry. Chitose's enjoying trying to freeload off some beer and Dewa tells him he's still expected to pay, Chitose gives a mock pout and is like you know you're only in charge here because Fushimi split right. Chitose's kidding but a look of actual consternation comes over Dewa's face and Chitose's like wait that was a joke. Dewa mutters that he knows that, turning away to mix another drink and not noticing that Kusanagi stepped through the door just in time to hear the whole exchange.
Chitose's still trying to apologize when Kusanagi walks up to the counter and orders a drink. Dewa's like oh you're back and offers to give up the bar, Kusanagi shakes his head and says he doesn't mind being the one served for once. Chitose decides to step outside for a smoke and leaves the two of them behind, Kusanagi leaning on the bar counter as Dewa starts to mix his drink. Kusanagi says Dewa's gotten pretty skilled at that and Dewa shrugs, saying Kusanagi entrusted him with this so he wants to do it right. Kusanagi says he knows Dewa's trustworthy, that's why he asked Dewa for help specifically because who knows what could happen if he put some of the other guys in charge. The bar is special to him, so giving someone control over it is a sign of faith. Dewa wonders if Kusanagi overheard the conversation between him and Chitose and says he doesn't need reassurance, he knows his own value. Kusanagi's like is that so, taking his offered drink and saying that even so it's good to remind people sometimes that everyone has certain skills and that's important. Kusanagi can't deny that he had plans for Fushimi but that doesn't make Dewa a replacement – in fact when it comes to the bar Kusanagi trusts Dewa with it more than he would Fushimi, who doesn't quite have that 'bartender soul.' Dewa chuckles at that, wondering if he himself does and Kusanagi says well maybe, once you learn to lighten up on the spices in the curry. Dewa gives a slight smile and asks how the drink tastes, Kusanagi says it's almost as good as if he made it himself and Dewa's learning fast, soon he could even take this place over if he needed to. Dewa says he hopes he never would need to, but he really does appreciate the sentiment (and then Chitose steps back in and wonders if he still needs to apologize, Dewa throws a dirty rag at him).
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mistleto-3 · 7 years
Awakening: Part 10
When another crisis looms, Mikoto has to learn to navigate a world of Kings as a regular man.
AU in which Mikoto and Tatara survived the Colourless King incident.
Pairing: Mikoto/Tatara
3,255 words. CW for canon-typical violence, mentions of depression and other mental health issues. CW especially for anxiety attacks/PTSD in this chapter.
Apologies for the delay in updating - I was busy with Mikototsu week, and then busy over Christmas, and then January deadline season was kicking my ass.
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It hadn’t been long since Anna’s birthday, but it felt like all of a sudden, the lull after the opposition to Homra reforming had shattered, and it seemed there was some new commotion every few hours. Rumours were that the Blue clan had it worse, but the change of pace had still been somewhat jarring. At the moment, though, there was a brief period of calm, and the Red clansmen had gathered to chill out in the bar as they had done so often before Homra had dissolved. Being busy was kind of nice, though - things almost felt like they were getting back to how they’d been before Homra dissolved.
“Hey, Yata-san… Looks like Anna and Tatara fell asleep,” Rikio pointed out. The two of were curled up together on one of the couches in the bar, with Anna’s head resting on Tatara’s arm.
“Guys, don’t just stand there, put a blanket on the little lady,” Yō interjected, picking one up to drape it over the sleeping pair.
“Yeah, it is getting pretty chilly these days,” Masaomi agreed.
“Chitose… I heard you and Dewa had a scuffle with the Blues last night,” Misaki asked.
Yō rested his arm on his friend’s shoulder, clasping a cigarette between his lips as Masaomi pulled out a lighter to ignite it for him.
“Oh, that was just a run-in with the pretty Lieutenant,” Yō explained.
“I guess they wanted to save face. But they were on our turf so we couldn’t back down. In the end, Kusanagi-san stepped in to bring things under control,” Masaomi added.
“I see.”
“Eric and I also came close to clashing with the Blues,” Kosuke interjected from the other side of the room. “At least it didn’t blow up into something bigger.”
“Those Blues had been on constant alert lately and keep poking around,” Eric said.
“You guys too?!” Misaki cried, exasperated.
Meanwhile, Shouhei turned to Saburouta, leaning over him and resting his hand on his shoulder to peer at the screen of the laptop he appeared to be concentrating intently on. “Hey, San-chan, what’re you up to?”
“Hmm? I’ve been noticing a lot of activity on the net…” Before he could elaborate on what exactly he meant, something appeared to catch Saburouta’s attention, and his brow furrowed. “Hey, what’s this?!”
Shouhei leaned forward, staring at the screen as he made a noise of apparent shock.
“What is it, Shouhei?” Misaki asked.
Whatever it was, it seemed to have him deeply perturbed. “Take a look…” he said, and the rest of the clan gathered around the screen of the laptop, muttering. They fell silent at the sight of the video on the screen, though.
Pixelated text reading “Homra is over” unravelled across the screen, then vanished, replaced by a Homra insignia, once again in a pixelated style, as though it was from some retro games console. It was accompanied by almost eerily cheerful-sounding chiptune music. Over the top, brightly coloured writing reading “the end of Homra” rose from the bottom of the screen, and then the screen turned briefly black once more. Immediately after, a short, video-game style animation played, showing the sprite of Tatara on the roof of a building, being shot by another sprite who was clearly supposed to be the Colourless King. Misaki glanced back over his shoulder at Tatara, who was blessedly still asleep.
“The weakest clansman really was the weakest…” the text appeared across the top of the video, and then the image changed once more to a sprite of Mikoto wearing a crown, approached once more by the Colourless King’s sprite. There was a flash and the Colourless King vanished, and Mikoto’s sprite flickered and got smaller like a character in a game who’d lost a life. The crown was gone from atop his head.
More text reading: “…But the foolish King became even weaker!”
The screen went black again, and large blue lettering reading: “KING HAS FALLEN, HOMRA IS DEAD” appeared, followed by the text: “GAME OVER.” The video finished on that screen.
There was a moment of quiet after the clip ended as the clan collectively seethed, almost too angry to speak.
Rikio was the first to break the silence, pulling out his phone and dialling Izumo. “Someone should go tell Mikoto-san,” he said as the phone rang.
When Izumo picked up, Rikio put him on speaker. “Kusanagi-san, we came across something…”
“Was it the video?” Izumo cut in.
“How did you know?”
“It was just broadcast across the city.”
“It was what?!” Misaki cried.
“Yata-san, you’ll wake…” Rikio started chiding, but as he turned to face the pair napping on the couch, he saw Tatara was already sitting up, and Anna’s eyes were open.
“Why does everyone have such serious expressions?” Tatara asked, still drowsy.
“Come see…” Rikio said gravely, and the two of them got to their feet and headed over to the screen of the laptop that Rikio was gesturing at. Saburouta hit play once more.
“I’m on my way back now, get Bandou on trying to track where the signal is being broadcast from,” Izumo said.
“On it,” Saburouta replied, waiting for Anna and Tatara to finish watching the video.
“Don’t do anything until I get back; we need to work out how to respond to this.”
The video’s end screen flashed up on the monitor as the clip finished its second playthrough, and Tatara sighed lightly, as though it was nothing more than a minor annoyance. “It seems like they’re just trying to get under our skin, like they want to provoke us. I agree, we should figure out how to deal with this in a measured way, otherwise we’re just playing into their hands. Does Mikoto know?”
As if on cue, the door that led upstairs to the apartment above the bar opened, and Mikoto stepped through. “Know what?” His hair was somewhat fluffy, like it’d just been blow dried, and it hadn’t yet been styled.
“Have you seen the video?” Tatara asked.
“It came on the TV.” There was a tension in his posture that betrayed his irritation with the situation.
Misaki, who appeared to have been stewing in his anger, finally reached bursting point and blurted: “We can’t just let them walk all over us! People have tried to make us mad before, and we’ve shown them that it’s a mistake, because when we get mad it ends badly for them, not for us!”
“It could be a trap,” Rikio pointed out.
“Our actions are up to Anna,” Tatara said gently.
She nodded, having remained in pensive silence since the video ended. “They want to provoke us, and we shouldn’t do what they want. We’ll pay them back for their disrespect, but we should wait for Izumo and decide what to do. We shouldn’t play into their hands.”
“I have the location,” Saburouta cut in. “It was really easy to find.”
“Isn’t that a bad sign? Do you think they’re trying to lure us into a trap?” Kosuke asked.
“It could be,” Akagi replied.
At that moment, Izumo opened the door, looking slightly harried, obviously having rushed to get there. “What’s the situation?”
“We’ve located the source of the feed, but it was suspiciously easy,” Tatara said.
“Depending on who it’s comin’ from, it’s either a trap or they’re just sloppy. My instinct’s the former,” Izumo said. “I doubt it’s from any o’ the smaller scale resistance we got when we first started reforming. They don’t have the resources for this kinda thing, and they’ve quietened down since we taught ‘em a lesson.”
“Who else could it be?” Eric asked.
“Jungle, maybe. Sceptre 4’s Lieutenant says they’ve been having issues with the Greens. If it’s them, it’s almost certainly a trap.”
“Well, it’s the only lead we have…” Tatara pointed out.
“Anna, what do you want to do?” Izumo asked.
“We can’t ignore the lead. We should send a scout ahead,” she said, looking at Misaki. “But the rest of us shouldn’t be far behind, so we have the manpower to fight if it is a trap. Show them we’re too strong to be messed with, and if they provoke us, it will only end up burning them.”
“I can do that,” Misaki replied enthusiastically.
Anna nodded her consent, and he rushed to grab his skateboard as Saburouta sent him the address, and then she glanced up at Mikoto, as though to ask if he approved of her actions. He gave her a small nod of endorsement, and the clan prepared to leave.
As they headed through the doors of the bar, Mikoto said quietly to Anna: “Ya don’t need my approval for everything. You’re your own King. Even if you do things differently, maybe that’s better.”
“…You’re doin’ a good job,” he added.
Anna smiled faintly. “Thank you.” She paused, then added. “You aren’t weak.”
He lay his hand on her shoulder affectionately, and what could have been the ghost of a smile flickered over his lips.
When the clan arrived at the location, it seemed Saruhiko had also been sent ahead of Sceptre 4, and predictably, he and Misaki were already locked in a heated scuffle.
“Yata, that’s enough!” Izumo called as they entered the building, and at almost the same time, Seri’s voice rang from the opposite side of the foyer as Sceptre 4’s special forces squad arrived.
“Fushimi! Stand down!”
The two disengaged with discontented grumbles, and re-joined their respective clans. As they did so, Tatara noticed Mikoto looking around out of the corner of his eye.
“We’ve been here before. While you were in hospital,” he explained.
“My my, you all seem quite upset, aren’t you, Homra?” Reisi said from the other side of the room, adjusting his glasses.
“Damn right!” Misaki shouted. “Mikoto-san and Totsuka-san were slandered. We’ll make ‘em pay!”
“Kusanagi Izumo, we want you to back down,” Seri said. “We will deal with the Green Clan.”
“Sorry, Lieutenant Awashima, but Yata’s right. Those idiots have to find out the hard way that messing with any of us means getting burned. And I mean literally,” he replied, pulling his lighter out of his pocket and toying with it between his fingers. “That’s the only way Homra will be satisfied.”
“If you put it that way, we’ve been taken for fools too,” Reisi reasoned. “This choice of place is no coincidence, don’t you think?”
Mikoto chuckled humourlessly.
Suddenly, Anna tensed. “They’re here!”
Reisi rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. “Don’t watch from behind the lines; show yourself.”
As he spoke dozens of figures stepped forward, looming from the balconies higher in the building – the upper floors were teeming with men in black and green masks, who seemed to outnumber Homra and Sceptre 4 put together 4 to 1. Most of them held PDAs in their hands.
“The bait was so obvious, and you took it!” an electronic-sounding voice called down to them.
The ambush began muttering excitedly amongst themselves, something about points, and the names of Red and Blue clansmen drifted down to them. The two clans in the foyer prickled with mistrust, anticipating a fight.
Another distorted voice broke through the mumbling with a gleeful shout: "So anyway, we have nothing against you guys, but it's all for the points! So die for us, will ya?"
The masked men were laughing, almost jubilant, as they pulled what looked like green parrot plushies from their pockets. It was eerie how eager they seemed to try to kill dozens of complete strangers, all for the sake of points on some phone game? The realisation of just how twisted Jungle's philosophy was settled uneasily over the two clans in the foyer as the Greens threw the parrot toys down onto them. As they hit the ground, they swelled as though they were about to burst, but before any harm could be done, the Blue aura swept outwards to envelop the members of both clans, knocking the toys away and forming a protective cocoon around the clansmen. Dozens of ear-splitting bangs echoed through the room as the toys exploded, seeming to shake the very air in the building, and clouds of thick, grey smoke obscured everything outside of the protective bubble of the Blue aura.
The smoke cleared with a rush of air, and the Greens looked down in shock to see the two groups of clansmen standing unharmed.
"What's going on?"
"Why aren't they dead?!"
"Such a vile and disgusting sedition," Reisi said gravely. "Our lock-up is not what you would call comfortable. I hope you're prepared."
"I can vouch for that," Mikoto added.
"You said Homra is dead? Don't you know? We have a new King. A strong King who rivals Mikoto," Izumo announced as Anna stepped forward, holding her head high.
"You disrespected and laughed at my family." As she spoke, her aura blazed around her, filling the room with crimson light. Her Sword of Damocles rose into the sky above the glass roof of the building, just as Mikoto's had all that time ago. "I won't forgive you."
The sight of her gave Tatara chills.
"Shall we begin then? For our cause is pure!" Reisi announced, and behind him, Seri cried out:
"Men, draw your swords!"
As each of the Blue clansmen raised their blades with a flourish and their aura sparked upwards from their feet, Izumo said: "Time for us too."
"Don't let those Blues get all the credit!" Misaki cried.
The rest of Homra didn't need telling twice. As the Red aura swirling around them burned hotter still, they raised their fists and stomped their feet against the tiles.
"No blood! No bone! No ash! No blood! No bone! No ash!" The chorus of shouts echoed preternaturally through the building.
Mikoto normally didn't take part in the chant as King, but Tatara noticed this time, he was joining in - he didn't stamp and punch the air like the others, but he murmured the words along with them. Something about the gesture was heartening.
"Do not let the Red clan outshine us!" Seri cried, directing her men forwards. The sound shook Tatara from his thoughts.
"Leave this to me!" Misaki shouted, running forwards to initiate the counterattack.
Meanwhile, the Greens had recovered from their initial shock and were preparing their plan B, pulling sub-machine guns from their backpacks and taking aim at the clans below.
Tatara had just enough time to freeze up at the sight of the weapons before the deafening chatter of gunfire began. After a second, he felt Mikoto’s arms wrap around him, pulling him in tightly against his chest, but the sensation was hazy, like Tatara had been out in the cold and his skin was beginning to go numb. He felt cold; the terror that the sound, so loud and so close, instilled in him was like ice water dumped over him, seeping into his veins. His legs crumpled beneath him, until Mikoto’s strength was all that was keeping him from slumping onto the floor. He was vaguely aware of an aura surrounding the two of them, but not whose or even what colour, and its presence brought him no comfort. The scar on his ribcage ached, and the fear was suffocating him, and he was hyperventilating and felt like he couldn’t breathe all at the same time. He was more afraid than he’d been that night on the rooftop when he thought he was dying, because then he’d been resigned to it, but now…
I don’t want to die I don’t want to leave them there’s so much I still want to do I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die
The panicked, half-coherent thoughts were almost drowned out by the gunfire.
Tatara only barely registered the fact that he was suddenly outside, evidently having been ushered out of the building by Mikoto. He was only alerted to the change of scenery by the way the wind made the tears on his cheeks feel cold.
“You’re safe. You’re safe,” he vaguely heard Mikoto reassuring him, but it didn’t quite register beneath the clatter of the bullets that Tatara barely even noticed subsiding as, one by one, the Greens abandoned their mission as a lost cause, spooked by the way the auras of the other clans rendered their weapons ineffective. It wasn’t until the echo of the shots ringing in his ears finally subsided completely that Tatara really understood what was being said to him.
“Breathe,” Mikoto said.
It took a while, but Tatara slowly forced his aching lungs to inhale and exhale in time with Mikoto.
“I’m… s-sorry…” was the first thing he managed to say.
“It’s okay.”
“I e-embarrassed… Anna…” Tatara’s voice hitched on his tears every other syllable. “They th-think Homra’s weak… I proved them r-right…”
“They’re running scared in there. They don’t think Homra’s weak.”
Tatara sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. His hands trembled as he did so.
“Do you want me to stop carrying a gun?” Mikoto asked softly.
“I can’t ask you to…”
“Yes you can.”
Reluctantly, Tatara nodded.
“I f-feel… stupid…”
“It’s not your fault.” As Mikoto spoke, he rubbed Tatara’s arm comfortingly. Somehow, the tenderness of his voice and his touch was helping to soothe Tatara’s racing heartbeat now that the gunfire had ceased. There was something about the way someone normally so gruff and frightening as Mikoto handled him with such gentleness that was deeply comforting. Still, Tatara didn’t know if he quite believed what Mikoto said about him not embarrassing his clan. He was embarrassed with himself, at least – it was rare the rest of Homra ever saw him upset. He was so careful to keep up appearances as a cheerful and carefree person, but it seemed like he’d broken down in front of everyone more times in the last few weeks than he had in all the years since the clan formed put together. It was endlessly frustrating, and Tatara didn’t know why he was struggling so much to keep it all in.
After a moment, the door opened and Izumo emerged.
“Totsuka, you okay?” To Tatara’s relief, Izumo only sounded concerned – there was no disappointment or anger in his voice.
Tatara managed a shaky nod.
“How did it go?” Mikoto asked.
“They turned tail ‘n’ ran as soon as they realised their weapons didn’t work against auras, didn’t even get a chance to fight ‘em. They disappeared with their tails between their legs before we could even get up to the higher floors of the building. Couple o’ the clansmen are giving chase to see if we can catch any of ‘em and interrogate them, and I think the Blues managed to round up a handful.” As Izumo spoke, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Tatara. “No one blames you, ya know. I figure I’d’a reacted the same if I’d been through what you had.”
Tatara nodded slowly, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose. Somehow, hearing the confirmation come from someone other than Mikoto was more reassuring – after all, Mikoto was biased.
“Mikoto, there’s somethin’ else you should know,” Izumo continued.
Izumo gestured upwards at the two Swords of Damocles circling above the building, and the debris slowly crumbling away from Reisi’s. Mikoto’s brow furrowed.
“I figure you should talk to him about that,” Izumo said.
Mikoto grunted in agreement, a troubled look on his face as he watched the dust float down from the cracks in the blue Sword.
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tammienorthrup-blog · 7 years
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
A , E , F , J , K , L , M , V , Z for Dewa and Bandou -dd
Hi!! I hope all is well! Everything is all under the cut since it ended up being longer than I thought it would be
Send me a homra boy!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bandou: surprisingly very sweet in his own subtle way. Once he calms down, he’s a little shy and is often mumbling to you in a low tone. But he’s very perceptive to your every reaction. If he sees you wince for a millisecond, he’s automatically all over you, asking if you need a massage, was he too rough, do you want him to draw you a bath. He nags at you to pee right away cause fuck he can’t have you risk catching a UTI! He’s not the best cook, but he tries his best and makes you a sandwich or order your favorite takeout, and makes sure that you drink a lot of water so that you can regain your energy
Dewa: the best at aftercare amongst the boys. After taking some to calm down, he’s immediately on his feet, grabbing his shirt and using it to clean the sticky cum from his partner’s body. Has no problem with carrying his s/o to the bathroom if theyre unable to walk, drawing them both a nice bath, with his partner’s favorite music playing in the background
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Bandou: while he’s not shy around women like yata, he’s very awkward when it comes romantically and sexually pursuing someone, which makes him one of the least experienced out of the boys. But the thing is, he’s so insecure and is constantly putting himself down, he’s not aware of how many people’s attention on him when he briefly takes off his sunglasses. I like to headcanon bandou as the pete davidson of the k universe lol. He has the height, dry sense of humor, and lanky figure to lure in the baddies who want to ‘fix’ and ‘take care’ of him. I can see bandou losing his virginity to some girl he met at a club that he went to with chitose during his early days at homra
Dewa: he makes a lot of his decisions by doing the exact opposite of what chitose does, but that doesn’t mean he lacks experience. While he is extremely picky on he chooses to spend his time with, he had a good amount of people warm his bed. I like to think that while chitose was in a committed relationship during high school, dewa was the one who would (occasionally) sleep around, not really finding anyone that interests him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Bandou: reverse cowgirl 😫 he loves when his partner takes charge in the bedroom. The sight of his partner bouncing on his dick does things to him and shit don’t blame him if he ends up cumming too quick. He once ended up cumming inside of his partner while they were riding him and shit maybe being a father this young won’t be that bad
Dewa: loves to get in a 69 position with his lover, but he really loves to penetrate his partner with their legs over his shoulder
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J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Bandou: the guys would always taunt him for being that friend who’s always horny and shit they’re right! Maybe its because of his limited experience, but bandou finds himself spending a lot of nights watching his favorite p*rn videos while jacking off. If you ask him who his favorite adult star is, he’ll give you five names
Dewa: does not masturbate that often, but whenever he does, its always when he’s taking a shower. Showers are meant for thinking, and sometimes his thoughts tend to dangerous categories. At least it helps with the cleaning process 🤷‍♀️
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bandou: voice kink! He flushes and buries his face against his partner’s neck when they cry out his name. He’s always been a little in love with their voice; whether they’re yelling at him, laughing at him, seducing him, or whispering their secrets to him. But his favorite has to be when they’re crying and moaning out his name, nails scratching his back, as he dicks them down
Dewa: he loves having total control over his partner during bed, so he indulges in a lot of roleplay scenarios based on power play such as teacher/student, ceo/secretary, mafia leader/stripper, etc. nothing turns him on more than seeing his partner lose control and submit to him
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bandou: is pretty adventurous and does not have a favorite location, since he has a bucket list of places he wants to fuck his partner at. He looks up to chitose a lot when it comes to sex, and chitose is always bragging about the different locations he had sex at, the amount of times he almost got caught, and the amount of times he actually got caught. Bandou sometimes fantasizes about his partner being from s4, and how he would fuck them at their office, not caring who comes in and catches them
Dewa: pretty traditional since he prefers to fuckhis partner in his bedroom. he can only trust his hygiene and cleanliness, afterall
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Bandou: he loves it when his favorite rock band is playing in the background while he fucks his partner, especially when his favorite guitar solo comes down. Once tried matching his thrusts to the beat of the drums lol
Dewa: i think nothing gets to dewa like a sharp tongue. Someone who can match his monotone voice and dull words with a witty retort. It makes him even more motivated to break that cocky demeanor and bring them to tears, pleading him to please let them cum
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bandou: so fucking loud. He is definitely one of those guys who moans and whimpers out loud during sex, gritting his teeth as he tries not to make any noises
Dewa: is pretty quiet, with the occasional groans and curses leaving his lips. He did let out a yelp once when his partner managed to catch him off guard and pin him to the bed, which mortified him. Will deny with a deadpan expression on his face when asked about that moment lol
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Bandou: very high. Bandou having sex is like letting a kid run into a candy shop. He’s very cocky at first, acting like he knows his shit, but once he gets his usual dose of humbling, he becomes very enthusiastic, willing to learn and try out different types of positions. He’s definitely the type to want to have sex with his partner every night once they finally get together
Dewa: i feel like dewa is one of the rare guys who have a lower sex drive. The type who doesn’t sleep around when he’s single unless he really needs to let some stress out, but the gym and the usual fights aren’t working out.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Bandou: once he’s sure his partner is all good and doesn’t need anything from him, he’s very quick to fall asleep. But ngl, i think bandou probably begged his partner to be his cockwarmer while he sleeps. He swears he sleeps the best when they’re still wrapped around him
Dewa: is very tempted to knock out as soon he cums. But before he and his partner falls asleep, he wants to make sure theyre both cleaned up and grab a bite, so that they don’t fall asleep all sticky and hungry. Idk i see dewa being a very (sometimes unreasonably) hygienic person, so i can also see him yanking the sticky bedsheets off so that they don’t wake up feeling uncomfortable and dirty
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shoheiakagi · 6 years
For the "talk about Homra": what's Akagi's daily routine? What does he do in Homra, does he have a job or is he studying? Does he have a girlfriend? What does he think of his King? Share your headcanons! :D
Ty so much for sending me this ask! I really enjoyed answering this question, and it actually made me think a lot more about this character. I’m sorry it took so long to reply, I had a really busy day + my phone was dying when I got your message (although I don’t like responding from my phone cause it causes a lot of grammar issues to the point of questioning my own English lol).
Also, this is mostly based on my opinions/interpretation, which I am aware that may not align with anyone else’s interpretation.
Keeping this under the cut cause it came out wayyyyyy too long. Also, there might be some grammar mistakes that I’m too lazy to search for cause typing this thing tired me out lmaoo, so sorry in advance. But don’t be shy to ask me more questions or to send your own headcanons! I love this shit.
Talk to me about HOMRA
Daily Routine:
Okay so this one is a little hard for me cause I barely go on a daily routine when I’m not going to class or work but even then I barely function well so I barely think about how others go on about their days.
He’s one of the few early risers in HOMRA, even on his days off, due to insomnia. 
Which causes him to be super grumpy during the morning and even at work (but it’s a good thing he knows how to pull himself together, otherwise he’d be giving Bandou a run for his money when it comes to getting fired).
He drinks a lot of coffee (there’s a Starpucks right near his job, after all) which is great cause it gives him energy, but it’s also bad cause it gives him too much energy
Like seriously, he’s probably one of those super annoying cheery guys you lowkey wanna smack sometimes but don’t cause self control and cause he’s cute af
He actually doesn’t go to HOMRA every single day like the other members. Some days he’s too tired from work, other days he just wants to chill with his other friends.
But he’s always the first one there whenever something urgent comes up.
He tries to go to the gym at least three times a week, to make sure he stays fit.
In general though, he enjoys working out and staying active.
He honestly hates staying in his apartment for a long time though. Not only does he feel lonely, but lately he’s been thinking too much (”We’re all doomed”- Bandou). Memories of Totsuka & Mikoto, how HOMRA disbanded once, the possibilities of HOMRA not being in his future, etc.
He’s not exactly sure if he wants to enroll in university, cause fuck school, but he also can’t rely on working part time at a local diner for the rest of his life
Which leads him to enroll in an online class for coding since he’s one of the few people who prefers numbers over literature
Whenever he has the time, he loves adventuring out in Shizume city, checking out new places (but lets be real, this boys been everywhere) and making new friends. 
Loves to sit on roof tops; it makes him feel like he’s at top of the world. It’s the little things that makes life worth living.
He’s one of the moodmakers of HOMRA (mostly amongst the abc boys + yata/kamamoto. He’s way too intimidated by Mikoto). 
I headcanon him as being the strongest amongst the abc boys. Akagi may be behind Dewa in terms of perception, but he is physically stronger. So that combined with his own strong perception skills, makes him a really good fighter, much to the envy of Bandou & Chitose.
Despite being a laidback and cheerful guy, he loves fighting. Whenever there is some illegal gang to bust, he’s one of the first ones out the bar, itching to smash some guy’s head with his bat or burning them all.
He’s obviously closer to the other alphabet boys than he is with the core members of homra (trio + anna/yata/kamamoto), which leads them to forming their own group within the clan. Whereas the main members are in the bar most of the time, the alphabet boys are usually out partying or dicking around somewhere. 
Based on the movie and some official content, it’s safe to say that he works part time at a local diner, which he later gets Bandou to join.
Despite him being grumpy in the morning, he’s always friendly to the customers he’s serving, which makes him super popular, especially amongst the female customers.
At first, he was oblivious to it, but that didn’t last to long cause he is pretty perceptive. Eventually he uses his charms to his advantage, cause the more customers, the more tips.
He’s always caught in the middle of arguments between Bandou and his boss (and sometimes other coworkers) which he often has to beg his boss not to fire Bandou cause yeah the guy’s petty, but he’s really good at frying those potatoes (no lie, San Chan is really passionate about how he cooks his fries). 
But sometimes it leads to his own job being on the line since he’s the one who convinced his boss to hire Bandou (goddammit san chan). It’s a good thing he’s popular amongst the ladies.
As i mentioned before, he enrolls in an online coding class, since he’s still on the fence about going to an actual university, but he doesn’t wanna spend his life flipping burgers.
I actually got the coding idea from another blog, but it really makes sense since he was good with hacking in s1.
Back in school, he was an average student. He did the bare requirements, always studied last minute, and would zone out in class. But he’s always found himself doing better in math. To him, math was simple. You just gotta work through the problem to find the correct answer, which is kinda how life works. He likes that there is only answer to a question, not multiple interpretations. This pretty much reflects on Shouhei himself. Despite being an optimistic guy, he tends to the see the world in shades of black & white.
Relationship (*slightly nsfw):
Honestly, I can see him in a relationship, but it’s usually set during the MOR timeline (before Totsuka’s death), months after the events of ROK, or in a completely alternative universe where no one dies. I can only imagine how his s/o would feel when they find out about him & the rest of HOMRA terrorizing a high school in order to seek vengeance.
He’s not a womanizer like Chitose, nor is he desperate for a woman to look at him like Bandou, but he’s had his share of relationships & hookups.
I genuinely think that he’s one of the more experienced members in HOMRA after Kusanagi & Chitose, but he’s more discreet about it. Also, he’s just not the type to flirt with every single woman he sees.
Actually super romantic and takes relationships seriously, but occasionally indulges in random hookups and one night stands.
Has been in a friends with benefits relationship, but it did not end well since he ended up catching unrequited feelings.
Has actually flirted with a couple of his customers who interested him, and gave them his number.
Very into PDA (handholding, kisses, arm around the waist, hugs, etc). 
*As mentioned by other blogs, he’s adventurous when it comes to sex, but he has a soft spot for vanilla cause it seems romantic. Loves foreplay, and he usually prefers giving oral than receiving cause he loves to please his s/o (and cause he has an oral fixation).
*Lowkey fantasizes about public sex, but knows how control himself.
He wants a relationship in where they’re best friends, and have a lot of fun together, even if they’re doing boring shit like watching Netflix & eating takeout on a Saturday night (it’s the company that matters).
He’s a super friendly guy, which can sometimes annoy his s/o cause some people misinterpret his kindness as romantic interest.
I could see him being weak for sweet & petite girls with long brown hair (this may seem like self inserting but I can only wish I was petite).
As for guys, I’m not exactly sure on what his exact type would be since I ship him with a few characters who are completely different from each other, physically and mentally (Eric, Chitose, Bandou, etc). 
But in general though, he’s weak for anyone who looks good in red, his favorite color.
When he likes someone, he makes sure that he can do whatever it takes to win them over. Can be a bit persistent at times since he’s stubborn af, but stays within his boundaries and backs off if he notices that the other party is uncomfortable or genuinely not interested.
He can be a bit oblivious when it comes to others crushing on him, but it doesn’t take that long for him to figure it out.
He likes to think that he’s not a jealous person, but when he sees a sweet smile growing on his SO/crush’s face cause of someone else, his jaw noticeably clenches.
Super happy if his s/o gets along with his clansmen, but he gets a little tense when they’re near Chitose cause sometimes he can be a bit too flirty, but he trusts his S/O and Chitose.
Loves to tease his S/O, which can sometimes lead him to be a little fuck boyish.
His relationship with his Kings:
1. Mikoto:
Like the others, he respects Mikoto a lot. But unlike the others, he can’t help but feel a bit uneasy whenever Mikoto’s sharp, amber eyes rest on him.
Which can sometimes make him feel upset, like how can I be a HOMRA member if I can’t even look at my King without feeling nervous?
Sometimes though, he thinks back to the night when HOMRA had to save him & Bandou from getting killed due to his reckless ass. 
He can’t help but remember how Kusanagi briefly compared Mikoto to him, which didn’t mean anything back then cause he was ready to pass out from all that blood loss.
But it kinda makes him feel better to know that at least there’s one thing he has in common with his king: that they both can easily get corrupted by their power in the name of good. He likes to think of it as a special bond that connects them but he’s pretty sure there are other members who relate to the sentiment.
Somedays, he can’t help but notice how Mikoto is just there. Like yeah, he is a very powerful presence, but it doesn’t really seem like he’s there with them. He just doesn’t seem to care about what goes on, which doesn’t really fit the image of a king at all, at least from what he knows. Shit, if he was a King, God knows the havoc he would create.
Sometimes he wants to talk to his King and get to know him better, maybe even cheer him up. But he immediately rejects the idea and goes back to his own little group with the other alphabet boys.
He is just a clansmen, after all.
2. Anna:
Despite initially thinking that she was a weird brat, he genuinely came to love and care for her as the little sister he never had.
He takes her out for shopping w/e Kusanagi & Totsuka are unavailable.
Loves to bring her toys & candies whenever he can.
They both share a mutual appreciation for the color red, a bit more than the other members.
When Anna first became King, he wasn’t really sure on how to feel.
Like great, HOMRA is back together, but can she really be our King?
He, along with a few others, genuinely believes that they should be protecting Anna, not the other way around.
Especially with her tragic past, she needs to protected. Being a King will only cause more danger.
Also, despite all his denials, his ego is a little hurt that the leader of a street gang is a 12 year old girl.
But him & the rest of HOMRA eventually come to understand that Anna is capable of taking care of herself, she is their King for a reason.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Clans Transfer Program for 3 Months between Yata and Andy! Yata in the blue clan doing paperwork and organizing the office (which surprising he is good at) and cooking of course (Making sure everyone eat properly Mama-Misaki). Andy bond to all homra for their mutuals likes, being free and basicly becomes a rapper. in the duration of the transfer they get the clan aura, Andy get fire gloves (KHR) and Yata gets a Rapier. Power wise Yata is better at making prisons via aura and Andy Red Soryuken!
I don’t know how well Yata would handlethe paperwork, I feel like he’d find it boring and would complain alot about how they have to spend so much time on these stupidreports. He’d probably want to go out and get some action and hefinds going back and doing the report intimidating, like the firsttime he has to do one he just stares at it and it’s like he’s a kidagain having to take a difficult test in school. Actually I could seehim being rather self conscious about it too, like he doesn’t knowthat Doumyouji regularly illustrates his reports and probably thinksthat well these are the Blues, he has to do a proper report and hehas no idea what he’s supposed to write and what if he like gets itwrong or something (also the first time he catches Fushimi staying uplate to fix the reports he’s pissed because Fushimi needs to get someactual sleep for his health dammit but he also feels kinda guiltywhen he sees that his own is one of the ones Fushimi’s stayed upfixing, and he decides from that moment on that he’s going to dobetter because he wants to lighten Fushimi’s load). He’s probablysurprised at how well he gets along with some of the members too,like Yata’s already wary of this ‘clan transfer’ thing and even morewary when he hears he’s switching with Doumyouji because that was theone guy in Scepter 4 he thought that he might be able to get alongwith but then he starts working pretty well with Gotou, Hidaka andEnomoto. I think he’d have more trouble with Fuse, who’s allsuspicious of this whole idea at first because Yata’s Homra afterall. Benzai and Akiyama are both a bit uptight for him but he figuresthey’re nice enough and maybe he and Kamo bond over cooking a little,like Yata is determined to make sure Fushimi eats right while he’shere and Kamo runs into him since Yata’s in the kitchen all the time.Soon together they are making healthy meals for everyone, though Yatapractically has to threaten to shove the veggies down Fushimi’sthroat.
Yata also probably has to get used tothe sword, like he’d probably think it was cool having one but thenon the other hand he has no idea how to use it and is mostly swingingit around like a bat at first. He also has trouble handling the Bluepower, like say for this Munakata somehow infuses just the sword withpower so Yata can use it but he keeps accidentally filling the swordwith Red power instead and it almost backfires in his face. He’stotally up for the fighting part though, Fushimi keeps gettingirritated at him for charging ahead all the time and then someonementions that isn’t Fushimi always going off on his own duringmissions too and Fushimi’s just like shut up.
On the Homra side, Doumyouji probablyfits in surprisingly well. I think he’d maybe almost be too much forthem to handle too, like he’s totally up for going out and beating upbad guys and he gets a little too excited with his Red Fist ofJustice. He probably treats the whole thing like he is now a greathero vigilante, he wants to wear a mask over the lower part of hisface as he dispenses justice to everyone. Kusanagi has to calm himdown a bit and tell him to take a break, Doumyouji’s all confusedbecause aren’t the Reds supposed to be super violent and beatingpeople up and stuff. Some of the more serious members probably don’tget along as well with him, like I could see Dewa getting annoyedthat they have yet another idiot to look after and Eric’s alwayscalling him stupid in English (which unfortunately for him Doumyoujispeaks some of, though Doumyouji’s probably always saying things likehow Eric looks kinda homeless and weird but in a good way). Everyonehas to agree that Doumyouji has the energy of a Homra member but he’salso hard to control and kind of an idiot, like they probablyappreciate Yata a little more when he gets back.
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