#but it doesn’t mean u have to like . write it or anything nobody is asking u to lmao
charmedbystars · 1 year
can u do a fanfic for e-42 miles based on Super Shy by Newjeans 🙏🏽 the song is like REALLYY CUTE AND I CANT STOP LISTENING TO IT 😣😣
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e-42 miles x shy reader
summary: y/n's mind is constantly processing on how to not be awkward around miles.
content: no warnings!
a/n: both of these asks were similar so i just decided to make it into one! these requests r so sweet. thank u anon🥹🥹. also I AGREE SUPER SHY BY NEW JEANS IS SO ADDICTIVE AND THE CHOREO IS SO CUTE!!
sitting with your friends at lunch, you peeked over your shoulder to take a look at the cute boy standing with his friends. nobody knew how badly the girl wanted to make a move and claim him as hers, but there was no way of that happening. 
you were fairly new to brooklyn and visions academy. you’ve been there for a couple months and settled in fine. on your first day of school, some girl approached you and invited you to sit with her and her friends at lunch. you weren’t the most outgoing person, so you were glad that someone reached out before you had to. 
“so y/n, do you think anyone is cute at this school?” one of your friends, layla, asked you. 
that snapped you from your thoughts, turning your head to look at your friends staring at you expectantly. you opened your mouth to say something before closing it again. you were way too scared for it to get out, not that you didn’t trust your friends, you just didn’t want anyone to overhear or constantly be teased by it. shaking your head ‘no’ your friends just went back to the conversation they were having. 
you sighed, looking over your shoulder once more before going back to eating your lunch. the rest of lunch zoomed by and you went to your next class. you had biology with miles, being one of the two classes you had with him. you sat three rows behind him, most classes staring at the back of his head. he’s never turned around or noticed, you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even know you exist. 
sitting in class, you just listened to the teacher explain the direction for a project she was assigning. it was a partner project that she would be assigning. hearing her call out names, your head snapped when you heard your name being followed by miles’ name. you couldn’t believe it. this was gonna be so bad because he made you nervous, you just imagine the whole thing being awkward. you starting shuffling the stuff on your desk, making space for miles who was walking over. he pulls up a chair and slides it across from you, the desk being in between you guys. you didn’t want to make eye-contact so you just played with your hands and bit your lips. miles raised a brow at your behavior thinking it was cute, while your thoughts were going crazy thinking you bombed your only opportunity. 
“i’m miles morales, you’re y/n right?” he asked trying to break the silence. you nodded in response and he gave you a grin before continuing, “so for the project, i was thinking we do the botany and ecology unit since the molecular biology unit is really long and i don’t really wanna do the genetics part.” 
you blessed miles in your mind, thanking him for starting the conversation easily. “uh, yeah i would be fine with that,” you responded. giving you a glanced, he responded “okay, cool” before turning to write in his notebook. 
“i’m not doing anything after school so we could meet in the library, can’t go to my dorm since my roommate is a pretty loud gamer,” he said. you simply nodded. the bell rang signifying that class was over. 
the school day passed and all you could think of is how you were gonna talk to miles after school without sounding stupid. now, you were naturally shy, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t have conversations or lots of friends. it was only miles who made you really nervous and you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of him or stumble over your friends.
walking over to the library, you had two paper cups in hand containing hot chocolate. you had wanted one and decided to get one for miles too (also maybe trying to win yourself some brownie points to make him like you a little bit). walking into the library, you look over, already seeing miles at a table with books spread out around him. walking up and stopping in front of him, you gave him a smile.
“i stopped by a cafe before coming here… i hope you like hot chocolate,” you said, trying to sound as calm as possible. miles looking up at you, gave you a grateful smile before grabbing the cup out of your hands. 
“thanks, make yourself at home since we gotta work on this shih.”
you followed by sitting down and started taking your books and notebooks out. after being spread out, miles gave you a piece of scratch paper with a draft of what he kinda wants to do for the project. reading over it, you deemed everything good and nodded at him. you both discussed where to begin and he shared a powerpoint with you. 
an hour passed and you start to feel more confident in your abilities to talk to miles. discussing work and occasional small talk has slightly taken away your nervousness of talking to the pretty boy. 
“i feel like we should put more detail and description on the photosynthesis pa-” you began. 
“can you say that again?”
“that we should put more detail on this part?”
“no, say photosynthesis.”
“the way you say that is cute, ma,” he grinned. 
your head literally malfunctioned at that moment. there was no way the boy that you have been pining over for the past month just called you cute. you simply nodded, not knowing how to respond when miles kept on pushing. 
“you know, i catch you staring at me a lot,” he smugly said, resting his chin on his hand. 
“i don’t know- i mean, sorry?”
“nah, i think it’s cute. i think your cute in general.”
you felt your face flush and looked to the side, scratching your neck. “thanks miles,” you tried to sound appreciative, but accepting compliments was so hard and weird for you. you didn’t want to come off as stuck up, but also didn’t want to come off as ungrateful either. thankfully, your shyness didn’t back miles off.
“you wanna go out with me sometime? we could go to that cafe you went to earlier. whatever is comfortable for you.”
miles saying that immediately brought you out of your shell. “wait, really?” you asked with a shocked look on your face. miles leaned back in his seat, nodding, “of course, hermosa.” you nodded fast, a big smile on your face. who was going to say no to a date with miles morales?
you both forgot existence of the project in that moment and kept on talking.
the next day at lunch, you were sitting with your friends talking. miles walked by your table and you gave him a small wave, he waved back following a grin before continuing to catch up with his friends. your friends looked at you in shock.
“uhm mrs. super shy? wanna tell us what that was about?” your friend asked.
“give us all the deets. you just got the school’s pretty boy attention.” your other friend asked. you sighed knowing that even after you explain, the questions and hype from your friends will be never ending. 
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
So I really liked the Damian Wayne x reader platonic friend thingy your wrote. I really feel like there should be more of those.
Anyways, k cam where to respect something similar. Can u maybe write hc on what it'd be like to be friends w him? Like bantering n stuff and maybe u can focus a bit on how Bruce feels abt it? Oh and bonus points if the reader is awkward.
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Being friends with Damian isn’t easy in the slightest, mainly because he doesn’t make it easy for anyone to befriend him in the first place. So the fact that you managed to accomplish that was a major achievement already.
However that didn’t mean anything afterwards was made any easier for you just because you managed to make the impossible become possible. No. Why? Damian is one hell of a dry conversationalist if Titus or animals in general weren’t involved.
He’s basically an extroverts worst nightmare given a human form. For no matter how hard you tried to bait him into giving more then a one word answer out of him, it always ends with Damian not taking the bait and allowing a air of awkward silence to befall you both while everyone else was having a better time then you.
You: hey Damian.
Him: hello l/n.
You: how have you been?
Him: in peak condition, why?
You: it’s because I don’t see you that much outside of school, it’s almost as if your allergic to social interaction.
Him: Tt. why should I go out of my way to do such a thing? I have you as an acquaintance don’t I?
You: I mean yeah I guess-
Him: then I have no need to expand my friend group, for they’ll only disappoint me. Now is that all?
You: I mean there’s not much else to talk about at this point.
Him: good.
*cue to the pair of you sitting in utter, awkward silence*
When Damian says one friend is all he needs, he genuinely means it. One is enough for him. He doesn’t need anymore because he knows that he doesn’t have the time for them. Plus he might not say it out loud but he does appreciate your friendship, even if your both awkward individuals within most social situations, but he is happy that someone finally gave him a chance to be a friend.
So even if you were to ever ask why you were friends it’ll probably go something a bit like this;
You: why are you friends with me?
Him: you aren’t an idiot, plus you’re the only one who isn’t insufferable.
You: is that meant to be taken as a compliment or…
Him: take it as you see fit.
You: okay…
Damian as a friend would be protective i’d like to think? I mean you are literally the first friend he’s made so naturally he’s going to feel something when he sees you being friends with anyone else that wasn’t him.
Was it insecurity that you not day might not want to be his friend anymore? Possibly.
Will he ever admit to it though? No. This is Damian we’re talking about, of course he won’t.
Also being friends with Damian would best summed up as being two people who shouldn’t work but ultimately do either way, kind of like an ‘against all their differences they’re the best of friends’ type of duo because nobody and I mean nobody saw a friendship between you two ever happening. Ever.
Not even the great Bruce Wayne.
Speaking about him. If you ever got to visit the Wayne Manor and meet his father aka THE Bruce Wayne. Take it as a sign as you’ve made it as Damian’s best friend.
Would you shit yourself upon meeting quite possibly the most powerful man in Gotham? Yes and your sweating buckets on top of that, all the while Damian would be stood next to you completely unfazed as he introduced you to his father as his best mate.
Damian: father.
Bruce: Damian.
Damian: *points to you* this is my best friend and I expect that they get treated with respect during their visit here.
You: hi- hello it’s an honour to meet you M-Mr Wayne sir.
Bruce: tell me how you’ve come to befriend my son?
You: we were in the same art class and I noticed that he had no one to sit next to, and so I offered for him to sit with me, keep in mind I’m not that well liked and practically had a whole table to myself, and I’d like to think our friendship started with that small act of kindness Mr Wayne sir.
Bruce: and had Damian been kind to you?
You: in his own unique way sir but I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Bruce: *smiled* you’re a good kid l/n and you can go ahead and drop the formalities and call me Bruce instead. I shall go and tell Alfred to add another plate at the dinner table tonight.
Bruce, upon hearing that Damian had made a friend, wanted to meet you within immediate effect and see whether or not his son made for a good judge of character and he wasn’t disappointed.
Given the fact that you were awkward aside, you were defiantly what Damian needed for a friend, and Bruce was happy to see his son finally get to be normal for once as he watched from the window as Damian practically dragged you out to the spacious backyard with an excitable Titus on your heels as the Great Dane tried to get up and personal with you.
Alfred: they are certainly a pair, aren’t they master Bruce.
Bruce: an odd pair they may seem but they even out the other perfectly. Besides when was the last time Damian looked genuinely happy?
Alfred; can’t say that I recall sir.
Bruce: neither can I. At first I was sceptical but I’m glad being wrong. I can only hope that a friendship like theirs will stand the test of time because there will be times that will test their limits with one another. But if they’re as good a pair as I think they are then they’ll be perfectly fine.
Alfred: couldn’t have put it better myself sir *smiles alongside Bruce as they watched you and Damian act on your own within the others presence while in comfortable silence as Titus fell asleep at both of your feet.*
Yeah you’ll both be alright. You’ve got each other after all and that’s what matters at the end of the day.
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moonstruckme · 1 month
I am clean from sh for about 6 months now (yay me) and lately, idk why, I’ve just kinda been struggling with accepting my scars and the fact that I’ll have them probably forever and your writing is really comforting and actually helps, so I wanted to ask if u could maybe write something with Spencer helping reader feel ok with having them on reader‘s thighs?
totally understand that that’s a touchy topic and if u don’t wanna write it, I also completely get it, thanks anyway for even reading this xxx
Ahh yay you!!! Congrats baby, and thank you for requesting <3
cw: past self harm, some nudity that's really not sexual but they joke about it a bit
Spencer Reid x fem!reader ♡ 1.3k words
You’re sweltering. D.C. doesn’t usually get very warm, but for the last week you’ve been on a streak of record-breaking temperatures that’s made your clothes stick to your skin and has caused even your perpetually chilled boyfriend to refrain from putting on his cardigan until he gets inside his work each morning. Just walking between your car and various air conditioned buildings is enough to make you consider moving to the Arctic. 
“Oh my god,” you groan, flopping inelegantly down on the bed to peel your jeans off. “Can we turn the A/C down to sixty, please?” 
“Let’s start with seventy,” Spencer negotiates. You hear his footsteps stop halfway down the hall as he adjusts the monitor. “I think we still have some lemonade left, if you want some.”
“Ugh, yes.” You tear your jeans off your ankles with enough force to nearly send them flying across the room and sigh blissfully as the A/C kicks on. 
You change out of your sweaty shirt too, going for your pajamas despite it being hours from darkness falling. You have no plans to go out into that hellscape again until tomorrow. You hesitate over a pair of pajama shorts before slipping on loose pants instead, not quite as cool but still light enough to allow some air flow. 
“I love you,” you tell Spencer when he passes you your lemonade as you come into the living room, sitting beside him on the couch. Ice clinks inside your glass, which is already forming little beads of condensation. You have the urge to rub it on your face. “I mean, unconditionally, but especially right now.” 
“I’ll take it,” he jokes back, tilting his head back so his face is in the path of the A/C vent. When he looks up, he finds you pinching up the fabric of your pants around your knees, trying to create a pathway for the air to move up your legs. “Why are you wearing those?”
You know what he’s asking you, and you intentionally misunderstand. “I felt like it was pajama time. No way am I going outside again today.” 
“Right, but aren’t you warm?” Spencer tilts his head. He looks like a particularly cunning puppy, brown eyes soft and inquisitive.
“A little,” you admit. 
“Then why not wear something shorter?” 
“That’s awfully forward of you.” You do your best to give him a smile. It doesn’t stick around long in the face of your boyfriend’s serious expression, increasingly worried. “Maybe I don’t feel like parading my legs around for you.” 
You can see the cogs turning in Spencer’s brain, and the usually fascinating process is suddenly almost painful to watch. You know he’s thinking of what you refusing to wear shorts used to mean, how nobody ever thought anything of it because, again, D.C. doesn’t tend to get very warm. How evasive you were about it then, too. An uncomfortable weight settles in your stomach. 
“Is there a reason you don’t want them out?” he asks, and his voice is gentle but his gaze is unflinching. 
You try to hold it as you shake your head. “I’m still clean.” The words seem to take more air than they should. Your guilt and embarrassment are enough to choke on. “I promise.” 
Spencer nods. “I believe you.” 
His eyes don’t so much as twitch down to your covered thighs. Relief like a cool breeze passes through you. It’s no small thing, his trust in you. Not after you’d gone so far out of your way to hide the evidence of your hurt from him before. 
“But it’s still related to that, isn’t it?” He lifts his glass, taking a sip before wiping the corner of his mouth. You almost smile, picturing your boyfriend in an interrogation room asking questions with this same gentle tone and wide open, curious expression. You don’t think Spencer could ever be harsh. 
“Yeah,” you say. What felt like something private and humiliating a minute before you suddenly want to share with him. Spencer tends to have that effect on you; he makes divulging your most gut-twisting secrets feel natural and easy. “My scars just haven’t gone away. I don’t really want to see them.” 
Spencer’s mouth pinches. “You know they won’t ever fully go away, right?” 
“Yeah.” You sigh, but it doesn’t feel like letting anything out. “I know.” 
“They will probably fade, though.” His fingers circle your ankle loosely, calluses skimming softly over your achilles tendon. “Is it that you don’t want to see them, or you don’t want me to?” 
You rub your lips together. Shrug. “Both, I guess.” 
He tilts his head. Like your answer is expected, but nonetheless perplexing. “I don’t care if I see them,” he says. His hand coasts up your leg, over the fabric of your pants, until he grasps it by your knee. “Can I?” 
You nod. You know he’d let it go if you said no, but it’s not worth begrudging him. “Sure.” 
Spencer brings both hands to the fabric at your hips, and you lift your bum up off the couch as he pulls downwards. Your legs are happy to breathe, the cool air coming out of the vent even nicer than you’d thought it would be. Spencer keeps going until your pajama pants are balled up underneath your feet. 
“You really were hot,” he says. It’s neither teasing nor gloating, a simple statement of fact. His fingers come to rest at your ankle again, and it’s the only kind of warmth you’ll allow. “Is it actually worth it?” 
You look down at your thighs. Your skin feels better than it had covered up, but it’s also a physical reminder of things you’d rather forget. “I don’t know,” you reply. 
“I understand why you don’t like them,” Spencer says. When you look up, you expect him to be as stuck on your scars as you are, but he’s looking at your face. His stare is calm and unmoving, like they don’t command his attention the way they do yours. “But I think they may be with you for a while. It might help to start trying to get used to them.” 
You blow out a breath. “I want to.” 
“I know,” he says. Easily, the way he’d said I believe you. And you think that he probably does know. Spencer has things from his past he can’t fully leave behind, too. 
His forefinger moves slowly up and down the back of your ankle, an absentminded gesture for him and a comfort for you. Slowly, his eyes dip down to your legs. You fight the urge to squirm and hide. 
“You know,” he muses, “there’s actually one thing I sort of like about seeing them.” 
Your top lip starts to curl automatically, your brows pulling together. “What?” 
“Just, that they’re old.” Spencer seems not to have noticed your reaction. His gaze is contemplative. “I mean, it’s not that I’m looking for them all the time or anything, but it’s nice to see them and know there aren’t going to be any new ones. These ones will fade, and then that will be it.” 
Something new clogs your throat. It’s just as heavy as before, but far kinder. 
Spencer looks up at you. He looks sheepish, the corner of his mouth uptilted self-consciously. “Sorry, it’s a weird line of thinking. I don’t want you to think I’m always checking on them.”
“No,” you swallow, “I get it. That’s nice, Spence.” 
He shrugs. “It’s the truth.” 
You could almost laugh. He makes things so simple. “I’ll change into shorts.” 
“You don’t have to,” he says. “If you’re already cooling off.” 
“Oh, yeah?” You keep your voice light, grinning at him as you shuffle over to straddle his lap. His fingers brush over a couple of the lines on your thigh as he brings them around your back, and the sensation doesn’t make you feel as shuddery as usual. You hug him with your arms around his neck. “You’re cool with me just staying like this then? No pants?” 
“Not if you don’t want to wear them,” he says agreeably. 
You laugh and hug him harder. “Thanks,” you tell him sincerely. 
Spencer only makes a soft dismissive sound as he hugs you back. 
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cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
I saw u say i do hcs so i thought i should ask for some hcs 'cause ur one shots r great so ur hcs will obviously be too. Anyways, can we get hcs about Javier having a crush on a girl who's nice and reserved, a bit shy too. Like, what he'd do to impress her? How will he talk to her? It's more fluff but u can add some nsfw because ur style in writing is just *chef's kiss*
HC for Javier crushing on a shy and reserved fem!reader (smut)
warnings: smut, some humiliation
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Javier is absolutely smitten
Many people think he's some smooth talking romantic, but we saw the way he was acting around those two women at the bar in Valentine
The way he acts around women he wants is quite frivolous 
At first he think your shyness means you don’t want to talk to him or straight up don’t want anyone's company, and he’s very discouraged by it
Sometimes he’ll see you walking past and say “Why don’t you talk to me more often?” to which you laugh awkwardly to
Cries himself to sleep that night
Will very hesitantly try and talk you or ask for your opinion on things to strike conversation
When you ask what’s up he would have realized he didn’t think his bluff through so makes something up
Ends up asking what you think of his outfit
To which you say you think it's lovely and call him stylish
The compliment makes his year
He trips over his words and becomes excited, grasping at anything to get your attention and keep it
His excitement can be described as juvenile, as he finds any excuse to try and be around you
Will learn how to sew simply so he can sit there with you while you do your chores 
And so Miss Grimshaw doesn’t yell at him for distracting you while working, he’s working too he would argue
Notices you come round the campfire when he’s playing or singing, so he starts doing it almost every night
Sometimes he’ll sing love songs for you indirectly, even if people are around and nobody knows it’s meant for you, Javier will mean it in his head
Will ask you for song requests personally 
He’s pretty awkward at first when it comes to crushes but once he advances in them he’ll get more confident
For a while he sorta just stood around you and asked you mundane little questions, followed you around like a lost puppy
Your shyness would keep you from giving more fleshed out answers, but your brief responses would not discourage him
But once the two of you started talking more he makes sure he’s the one you talk to the most
Definitely the type of guy who keeps your attention by making you laugh. Anytime you two are together it's all giggles from you and it's SO obvious to anyone around you guys that y’all are flirting
Definitely the jealous type as well
If he sees you talking to another guy his anger will probably cause him to be more bold with you
Eventually starts dedicating songs to you
Once he starts getting real bold he’ll say more flirty stuff
“Can I stay in your tent with you tonight? It’s a bit cold.” 
Once you start dating he INSISTS you don’t lift a finger and will do your chores for you
His previously learned sewing skill comes in real handy
Think your shyness is so so cute and sexy
Despite his own initial nerves, he tries to be audacious for the both of you during sex
Will lead many of your sessions together
Always starts nice and slow and takes things at your pace
Unwraps you like a present but very carefully as though your skin is made of paper and he might actually tear you
His nerves shine through as he undresses you with shaky hands
Will constantly ask you questions and cup your face so you can speak to him while looking him in the eyes
His confidence increases the longer you are together and become comfortable with one another
This man can fuck rough, starkly contrasts your own shy personality
Has so much stamina, but will slow it down if you ask
Loves making you blush by talking dirty, will whisper absolute filth in your ear if it means just getting you to blush
Will nip at your earlobe while whispering to you, sees just how wet he can get you from his words alone
Praises you so much during sex “My perfect girl, you’re doing so good.” “Yes, just like that preciosa, you’re so good at this.”
Loves the way the praise makes you blush just as much as his dirty talk
Is so lewd when you two are going at it, always encourages you to be just as bold
Enjoys your quiet personality in front of others just to see how loud he can make you scream in private
Puts you in embarrassing positions just to see how flustered you get 
Sometimes he'll secretly grope you in public to see the way you squeak
Absolutely tease, gets so much enjoyment from watching the way you squirm because of how shy you are 
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leclsrc · 1 year
hi audreeey!!! could i get a drabble where charles and reader are on a basic (not "basic" but u get me) dinner date and they're just all capital F Fond... like maybe even pretending theyre married bc they love the other's company sm... I LOVE U
begin again – cl16
Tonight is different. Tonight is special. title from this
auds here... my quasi-apology for being mia-ish. also i am writing a long form fic it's just taking agesss as i'm traveling rn (its nearly done) but know that I LOVE U ALL... like crazy. this is p long for a drabble but i missed writing them a lot! love u guys n i hope i did this adorable prompt justice
He says something in French, pointing at something on the menu. Then he flips the page and points at a bold red image of a bottle, mouthing its name in perfect fluency. Two glasses, he adds. One for the entree, another for dessert.
“Red wine?” You ask, smiling. Charles doesn’t usually order wine.
“Well,” he says, beaming at you and then the waiter, “tonight is special for us.”
You have to wrestle with the grin that fights its way onto your lips, but you admit valiant defeat. “Very special indeed.”
The waiter departs and you recline, mind still racing. It’s only halted by a polite voice from your left—the girl at the table beside yours, asking with meek timidity: wedding tomorrow? She has this giddy smile on her face, like it’s her wedding or her dinner; her husband-or-boyfriend across her just smiles sheepishly. Sorry. I’m curious.
“Oh,” you say quietly, humming. “I got promoted.”
“And…” Charles says, lookin at you like you share a lovely little inside joke.
Your lips grow. “And?”
“This lovely girl doesn’t remember, but I proposed to her this time last year.” He gestures to your left hand. A ring, blending in with the others you usually wear, sparkles in the low light of the restaurant.
Proposed. Your eyes stay on him even as he looks away, devoting his attention to the conversation at hand. Then you nod, a few times, soft bobs of your head. “We’re having a June wedding,” you say fondly to the girl at the table adjacent. You love the way she lights up at the mention of it, at the added detail—she asks for more in accented English.
“How did you propose?” She turns to the guy in front of her, who’s smiling dopily. “We’ve been together a year, so he could use some ideas for the future, if you know what I mean.” They both share a laugh.
Charles hums, recalling the plan he’s thought of a million times over. He conjures the images of it, the memories of mapping everything out, perfecting every last minute detail. “I did it at our house. We live in Monaco, in this, ah—this nice, wide place on a hill.” You remember seeing the house for the first time, from Charles’ car. “I did not want a big fuss around it. I knew I wanted it to be just us.”
“Just us,” you murmur along, nodding. You’ve always known it’s what he wanted for both of you. Just you two against the world.
“So I bought her flowers, lit some candles, and we sat on the couch.” He pauses, like the next few moments are so sacred and so lovely that they deserve to be heard by nobody but you two. But if Charles is anything, he’s loud—loud when he talks, yells; loud when he loves. “And I played our favorite song, Harvest Moon,and I sat next to her and just talked, and I said it. I know it doesn’t sound romantic—”
“—but I cried,” you cut in, looking right at him. Cut off, his eyes flit to you, softening when they see your smiling expression. “I cried like a baby. He was… he meant every word he said. And I was lucky, I guess, that he knows me well enough to, you know—know exactly what I want.” The conversation ebbs into quiet a little bit after that, but you catch bits of how adorable and a June wedding from their own talk.
You eat in relative peace afterward—he talks about a funny story involving Carlos and stolen underwear from the gym locker room. You laugh, bubbling up your champagne, and Charles zips through two glasses of his own drink. Tonight is special, and warm, and you’re in France, and wine seems to be synonymous with the country, and everything, if just for now, makes perfect sense.
In between finishing dessert and the bill’s arrival, when the couple beside you have said their goodbyes and congratulations, and the restaurant has begun to quell its general noise, he takes your idle hand on the table. You look up from where you’d been staring at the puddle of tiramisu filling on your plate.
He’s staring. Charles is always aware of how often and how long he stares, extended gazes of your beautiful features. The awareness does not, however, cause the frequency to wane in the slightest. He still finds himself constantly enthralled by you. And even when he’s away, in a car going a million miles a minute, he finds you in his daydreams. That smile. 
Nothing, he says with a quaint smile. I love you.
The bill comes and he, of course, covers it—before you even get the chance to slide your card onto the table. You fuss over it. He stares at you like you’re worth everything and more and goes, with a little laugh, I just need a kiss.
His car is parked outside, valet this time, but the cobblestone is so inviting and quiet that he pays an extra few euros to let you both walk around first. You’re not the only couple along the Seine—in fact, you’re one of many, but your shared, hushed laughs make you both feel like you’re by yourselves. Charles knows all the detours, can pinpoint buildings from different vantage points, takes you on a voyage of Paris all his own. You will look back on this one day and think—your maps of cities, your maps of places, they’ve all been charted by him. 
He keeps insisting tonight should be special, like he’s trying to convince you. But you know just as well how special tonight is, how different it is from all the nights previous. You’re just quiet, you suppose, because you’d prefer to bask in this specialty, in Charles. You’re quiet because if you open your mouth for more than ten seconds, you’re going to spill your entire self out to the city. Tomorrow night will not be tonight, just as yesterday night was not tonight. This is just tonight. 
You’re guided through the cobblestone streets, arm around your waist. You’re so overcome with love you feel like hugging him, just now, just here in the middle of the street, breathe him in and sigh out little I love yous until somebody has to pass through, grunting about how PDA has gone too far.
“You know how…” he starts, and every time he starts a sentence that way, it’s almost always followed by something fairly nonsensical. You know how turtles can fly? You know how Van Gogh was in an affair with Mona Lisa? You know how the latest episode of The Kardashians had Kim and Kourtney fighting? You smile, laughing already, gesturing for him to proceed. “How we see the stars nearly every night?”
You hum.
“So sometimes, we forget they’re pretty. We think, oh, bah, stars. And then a few weeks, or months, later, we look up on a random evening and we’re shocked again. We go, wow, stars. They are beautiful.” He clutches at his heart to convey the emotion he’s describing.
“Yeah, what about?” You ask amusedly, turning slightly to him. 
“That is how I feel when I see you. Every time. That feeling when you see the stars after weeks.”
You breathe one, slippery inhale and then it leaves you shaky, wet, trembling. Your eyes tack themselves onto the stars. A chill rolls through you at the knowledge that you remind him of something so confusing, so beautiful, so strange. “I—God. I love you, you know.”
“Did you like my story?” He asks. He maintains his smile, his attitude, his goofiness. His little attempt to make you feel better. Unfortunately, it works every time without fail. You sniffle and roll your eyes, thankful that you haven’t devolved into a sobbing mess.
Then for the first time tonight, he breaks the precarious, near-perfect illusion: “You know, that is how I would really propose to you if I did it. I did give you that ring, remember?”
“I know,” you whisper, trying to fight tears. “I remember.”
“Don’t cry,” he quells softly. You keep freezing to dab at the corners of your eyes. He responds by pulling you into a side street so you don’t block anyone’s walk, allowing you to lean against the lamppost so he towers above you, eyes etched dark, saturated with genuine concern. “Come on, darling.”
“Charles,” you say thinly, and you’ve gone from coherent sentences to weak pleads. 
“Don’t cry.” It’s all he can say, gentle and loving and Charles. “It’s a special night.” It is a special night. It’s the night before your first day at your job across the globe.
It’s your last night in Europe, your last night before you leave, your last night before Charles becomes nothing but an apparition of your past. You’re beginning to realize how foolish this plan was, this wrecked and stupid plan, but God if you didn’t love how real it all felt. It felt like bliss, being a great big pretender.
It was—it should be a month ago now, give or take. You’d gotten the offer, accepted it, told Charles about it, and then you both had to sit with the idea of living across the world from each other. You’d wrestled with plans vis-a-vis your relationship, with timezones and the demand that came with the first year on the job. In the end it was something amicable.
In the end, it ended—but not without one last night together, stretching your dreams and future fantasies to their limit.
Charles will always love you like it’s his last chance to do so. He figures that means letting you fly, letting you pursue things that, if you didn’t, would keep you tethered to the same old things. So even if it rips him apart, and even if all he wants to do is drop everything and dance with you, to the quaint Paris traffic—he remains ever the reassuring one.
He remains, forever, the storyteller, the smiling figure that takes your hand across the table and squeezes once to say he loves you. The loud guy who would’ve, if he could, proposed in your now-sold house, surrounded by candles and music. You wish he could love you longer. You know he always will, in the same way you know the nature of his love will inevitably change when enough time passes.
“Things will change,” you say weakly.
“They will always change.”
“And will you remember me after all of it?”
“I will love you after all of it. I’ve loved you through everything else.” He says, pressing a gentle kiss to your eye. “You know that, right? I’ll just do it from afar this time.”
You swear, if love and hope and being young were ever enough to make things work, you swear—this would’ve worked. But the universe reminds you time and again that they are not.
So, when you kiss Charles for the last time, his eyes are twinkling with Paris moonlight, his lips taste like wine, and you get the special chance to relish in what once was, and what will never be again.
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meowzfordayz · 9 months
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Word Count: ~600
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content
Author’s Note: starting 2024 off w/ Kyojuro❣️ Began writing this while at work… winter makes for slow days when selling ice cream. 😆 Pt 2 coming ~soon aka prob within the next 24 hrs since my shift’s almost over lol.
emphasis-on-helpless, helplessly-in-love
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Missing your boyfriend is tough… especially when he isn’t actually your boyfriend.
“He might as well be!” Mitsuri says whenever she’s with you, “I swear you check your phone at least twice as often ever since you became friends.” The tips of your ears warm, eyes glued to the newest Snap of Kyojuro’s cheerful face. “Will you at least show me?” Mitsuri huffs, head tilting to catch a glance, “Aww, he’s so cute!” “But he’s not my boyfriend,” you mutter, quickly snapping a blurry photo of your melting ice cream. Eyes gleaming, Mitsuri hums knowingly, slinging a giddy arm around you without another word. You silently thank her gesture of respecting your privacy—something your other friend, Shinobu, rarely does—hurriedly eating a spoonful of your dessert as he snaps back: You got ice cream without me?! ☹️ I fear I am mortally wounded. 💔 You appease him with a Snap of your own frown, promising him i’ll bring u next time 🥺🍦 pointedly ignoring Mitsuri’s smooching noises when Kyojuro fires back with It’s a date! 😁😋 Sooo maybe nobody respects your privacy.
You’ve never considered yourself shy, but you have resigned yourself to being perpetually friendzoned, a bit too person-next-door in a would-never-date-their-neighbor way rather than a person-next-door who also is-totally-down-to-date-their-handsome-neighbor way. Like puffing out your chest while walking on the sidewalk to convey confidence and get people out of your path, you’ve mastered the art of giving off don’t-fuck-with-me vibes — despite desperately wanting to fuck.
And therein lies the problem-not-actually-a-problem with one Rengoku Kyojuro. Also known as, Mitsuri’s favorite barista. Also known as, immediately flirted with you when Mitsuri finally took you to his cafe for brunch, writing his number on your cup and everything. Also known as, might not have been flirting with you and in fact was just being nice because he has yet to properly-not-jokingly ask you on a real-official-non-platonic date. You’ve survived a blustery autumn of pumpkin spice lattes and too many free muffins, persevered through a surprisingly snug winter of It’s my special recipe hot chocolates and ice skating with the gang (Mitsuri, Shinobu, Kyojuro, and his insufferable friend Tengen), and felt wistfully hopeful as spring came and went, having your voice compared to blossoming flowers and your smile to tender sunshine… only to dream alone, his contagious grin and addictingly cozy hugs lingering even as you woke with the sensation of tears in your eyes.
“You should tell him how you feel!” Shinobu sighs, an exasperated, endeared sound as she watches you bemoan your adoration.
“Oh yeah, because he definitely feels the same after a year of literally zero signs!”
“He called your ice cream plans last week a date,” Mitsuri chimes in, rubbing your shoulders as she exchanges a they’re-both-so-helpless look with Shinobu.
“Platonically,” you shoot back, sagging into Mitsuri’s touch, “He’s so gentlemanly and sweet, I never know whether we’re flirting or he’s simply being polite! Friendly! A friend!”
“I repeat,” Shinobu deadpans, “Tell him how you feel.”
You pout, chewing on your upper lip as you mumble, “And if he doesn’t like me?”
“Nonsense!” Mitsuri declares brightly, squeezing you—Owww—a little too hard, “He doesn’t talk to anyone else like he talks to you.”
“I talk to you differently than I talk to Shinobu. Doesn’t mean anything,” you grumble.
“I’m trying to uplift you,” Mitsuri huffs, playfully pulling on your earlobe, “Trust us. Okay? He would absolutely date you if he knew you were interested in dating.”
“Since when have I said I’m not interested?!” you wail in dismay.
“You’ve never said you are interested,” Shinobu quips.
You scowl at her as she tosses a good natured pillow at you, Mitsuri clicking her tongue as you squish the pillow against your sternum, heart aching when your phone lights up Rengoku Kyojuro sent you a Snap • 🔥.
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luvsturniolo · 10 months
hi!! i rlly love ur writing and i wanted to ask if i could request something where readers reputation is ruined by a false rumor which leads reader to thinking they aren’t loveable but chris doesn’t think that cause he’s in love with her?
basically the trope “one believes they’re hard to love and someone who loves them like it’s breathing”.
ー ★ !! unloveable
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pairing : chris sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : after some bad rumors are past around social media, you begin to overthink about whether or not you’re even loveable
a/n : ok but why this is request so fucking adorable ???? like the trope u put at the end makes me want to put my blood, sweat, and tears into this. UGHHHHH no matter who it's written, i'm gonna be 100% convinced it's not good enough because i love this prompt so insanely much
wc : 3.7k
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you have been friends with the triplets for a few years now, and you all agreed to keep your face off of social media. it started when you jokingly voiced that you were a bit scared to be judged by the entire world. the triplets — mainly chris — took this seriously, though. they know how difficult it can be to have millions of eyes glued to you at all times. due to their awareness, nick suggested that you stayed off of their platforms to avoid any backlash that you're not ready for.
to be honest, at first you were a bit skeptical of his idea. i mean, you'd never had a ton of random people watching you like they always do. it seems easy enough, though. just make sure to keep your privacy hidden and don't do anything bad on camera. despite your questions, you agreed with nick's proposal. plus, the triplets are the experts here ; not you.
it's been three years since you guys came to this agreement. and it's been working out pretty well, frankly. nobody knows that you're friends with the triplets at all. nobody even has had the thought cross their mind. you're a random chick with a few hundred followers and they're famous youtubers with millions. no sane person would make that connection.
a year and a half ago, you and chris started dating. your relationship is the healthiest you've ever been in. he's caring, he listens when you talk, he hugs you a lot, he likes to compliment you, he buys 'just because' flowers.
you have had a past of toxic relationships. you told chris about them and he's been trying his hardest to heal the mental scars your exes have left behind. one of your past boyfriends was manipulative, another one was narcissistic, another was a proud cheater, and the last wasn't even present in your life.
"hey," you whisper into the darkness before you.
you're currently at the triplets' house, staying the night. nick texted you and asked if you wanted to have a sleepover — which you happily agreed to. you'd been watching a movie with nick in his room for the past hour or two, but he fell asleep a few minutes ago. you were on your way to sneak into chris's room when you heard someone rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.
overtaken by curiosity, you tip-toed down the hall to see who it was. you poked your head around the corner to make sure it wasn't an intruder. your nerves instantly calmed down at the sight of your boyfriend, hungrily searching for a midnight snack.
"hey," he answers, turning around to face you as you stand in the doorway, "why are you still up? it's late."
"i could ask you the same thing." you tell him with a light chuckle shaking your chest. you then walk into the kitchen and over to where chris stands in front of the pantry. he smiles down at you, causing your stomach to twist. its pretty crazy to think that you still get butterflies from him. most people say that you won't feel giddy forever, but you seem to have proven that theory to be incorrect. it's been nearly two years and you still get flustered when he smiles at you.
you lift your hands into the air before dramatically flopping down onto his chest. your wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face into his shirt. he smells like home, a comforting scent that always makes you relax as it meets your nostrils. chris grins down at you before wrapping his arms around your torso, holding you by the waist lovingly.
"i'm assuming nick fell asleep?" he asks you.
not in the mood to open your mouth, you simply nod in response. he feels your head shift against his chest and he accepts the answer. normally, he teases you for being lazy. but chris loves it when you're sleepy like this. he loves seeing you all delirious and disoriented. teasing you would be like taunting a lost puppy — it's not right. morally.
"he always falls asleep when you guys watch movies together." chris says as though you didn't know that. "didn't he promise to stay awake this time? i thought you guys were planning to pull and all-nighter."
"that didn't happen." you say. your voice comes out muffled from his shirt presses to your face. "he pinky promised to stay awake, but fell asleep thirty minutes into the film we were watching. i stayed up and finished it, though."
"you finished it before or after you came to find me?" chris asks with a laugh. you just roll your eyes as a smile grazes your lips. he can feel the way your mouth pulls upward against his skin. knowing that you're smiling and he can't see it kinda pisses him off. your smile is his favorite thing in the whole world and he's missing it? that's completely unacceptable.
you yawn, blinking a few times to keep yourself from succumbing to slumber. chris notices your fatigue and asks if you're ready for bed. "yes, please!" you respond eagerly, excited to lay down with him and go to sleep in his arms. chris laughs at your excitement, honestly finding it adorable that you're so impatient to sleep.
the two of you walk back to his room together and you grin at the sight of his bed. you rush ahead of him and flop down onto the mattress. your face is pointed up at the ceiling as chris plops down next to you, looking at the ceiling as well.
"is this your equivalent to star gazing?" he asks you, knowing how obsessed you are with the thought of looking at stars together. it's something you've always begged him to do with you. but chris has refused. not because he doesn't want to, but because he wants to do it right. you're looking forward to doing this so bad that he refuses to settle for anything less than the absolute best.
he thinks the stars aren't bright enough in the city. he wants to bring you out to a field and look at them. but you still complain about it constantly — unaware of his little plan.
"yeah," you say with a groan, "since my boyfriend won't look at stars with me, i have to look at your popcorn ceiling instead. my standards have been lowered for you by a lot, i hope you know!"
chris laughs, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead. he stays hovering over you before he whispers "soon, baby." against your skin. the feeling of his lips grazing your head tickles, making you giggle a little. chris's grin widens at the sound. he sits up and watches your giggles fade away, enjoying the bliss of seeing you smile like this.
"what?" you ask with a laugh, noticing the way your boyfriend is staring at you shamelessly.
"nothing." he replies with a shrug. "you're just so beautiful, i can't help but stare."
you look at him with nothing but admiration behind your gaze. it's truly surreal how far you've come in such a little amount of time. just a few years ago, you were in a toxic relationship with a guy who cheated on you with a different girl each night. and whenever you would confront him about it, he would turn it into an argument — which he would win every time. but now? now you're with chris. who is the literal epitome of perfection. you genuinely want to spend the rest of your life with him. nothing else matters but you two.
you and chris end the night in each other's arms. he holds your body against his side, your face buried in the crook of his neck.
the both of you find yourselves falling into an easy, dreamless slumber. this is your favorite place in the world — his arms. no matter what's wrong in your life, the feeling of security always patches every issue. regardless of how messy.
after a few hours of bliss, you jump awake at the sound of chris's bedroom door slamming open. the back of the door hits his wall, the sound of impact waking up chris as well. you feel his shift next to you, his arms still wrapped around your waist. you groan, not wanting to open your eyes.
suddenly, you hear chris gasp. then he pulls the blanket over your face, holding you against his chest protectively. of course, your mind jumps to the worst conclusion — someone broke in and you're all gonna die! you find out that this wasn't this case, though, when you hear chris's voice begin to scold his brother.
"nicolas!" chris shouts. the anger in his voice tells you that this is serious and you should stay out of it. "what the actual fuck are you thinking!?"
"i didn't know you guys were cuddling!" nick tries to defend himself. "if i'd known, i wouldn't have come in! you know i respect your decision to keep y/n hidden! why the hell would i ever do this on purpose!?"
"well where else would she be sleeping if she wasn't with you!?" chris argues back.
slowly, you peak your head out from under the blanket before cautiously asking, "what happened?"
"nick thought it'd be clever to start a live stream at eleven in the fucking morning! then, he had the bright idea to come in here and surprise us!" chris explains, still very very pissed off. "and of course he didn't think to knock like a normal person. he instead took it upon himself to walk right on in and record us!"
"i thought it was just chris!" nick says, stuffing his phone in his pocket now that he's ended the live. "i don't even know if anyone saw her. maybe they missed it and we can just say that it was matt?"
"why the fuck would i be snuggling matt?"
you laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "chris, lets be real. you cuddle your brother more than your girlfriend."
"i love you," chris says softly, "but it's now is not the time for jokes. this could be a huge fucking problem."
"okay, i'm sorry." you're quick to apologize, stretching up to press a kiss to his cheek before gently whispering, "i love you too." against skin.
you notice nick slowly back out of chris's room, not wanting to be around if chris decides to get angry again. you glance up at your boyfriend only to see that he's already staring at nick's departing form. chris is obviously still angry, but he doesn't seem to care enough to argue with his brother again. so he lets nick leave without giving him a hard time.
once nick is completely out of the room, you hear chris sigh. like it's a pained, saddened sigh that makes you want to cry for him. you look up to meet his worried eyes already glancing down at you.
"hey," you whisper, propping yourself up on your elbow to look at him better. "it'll be okay. we'll work it out like we always do." chris smiles at this before leaning down to press a slow, gentle kiss to your lips. you kiss him back before giggling and grimacing away from it. "i have horrid morning breath. let me brush my teeth before you kiss me."
you begin to move around toward the edge of the bed, aiming to leave and brush your teeth so you can start the day. before you can even make it to the side of the mattress, you feel chris's arms wrap around your torso and pull your body backward against his chest.
"i don't care about your breath," he tells you, "i just want you to stay with me a while longer. brush your teeth later."
you chuckle, "that's so nasty."
"pleeeease," he begs, tightening his grip around you, pulling your body firmly against his own. "stay with me, baby."
chris know how you feel about pet names. you hate them. they make you cringe. but when he whispers it against the back of your neck and you feel his breath against the hairs of your skin, you can't help the butterflies that swarm your stomach. you instantly give in and twist around to hug him.
"okay. i'll stay." you inform him, returning to the position you guys were in while sleeping. you shut your eyes before continuing. "but don't ever call me baby again."
"why not?" chris asks, clearly upset. "i could tell you liked it by the way you gave in so quickly. why can't i call you a nickname every once in a while. i think they're cute."
you groan, "i'm sleepy. let's talk about this later."
chris agrees and you both fall back asleep, enjoying the comfort of being in each other's arms. you know that no matter what happens with the media seeing your face, you'll always have chris by your side. nothing else is important as long as he is next to you.
the next time you wake up, it's bright outside.
you're no longer in chris's arms with him spooning you. you're now laying diagonally across the bed with your head in his lap as he scrolls through his phone. you blink a few times to let your eyes focus to the light of the room.
"mornin' baby." he says, quickly shutting off his phone and hiding it under his leg.
the action of him hiding his phone is enough to distract you from the use of the pet name. you raise a brow at his behavior, growing a bit concerned. you trust chris more than anything, but considering your history with cheaters, you can't help the annoyance that resides in your gut.
"what were you looking at, hm?" you ask him, trying not to be rude or anything. you want to stay calm with him because it's probably nothing.
"nothing, babe."
again, you ignore the nickname and focus on his suspicious demeanor. you thin your eyes at him, trying to read his body language. but it's difficult. he doesn't seem like he was texting some random chick, but why else would he hide his phone from you? you guys always share everything because he knows how you can get with this sort of thing.
curiosity overtaking your mind, you reach over and snatch his phone out from under his leg. chris opens his mouth to argue, but doesn't do anything to stop you from opening it and going to his recently opened app.
he was on tiktok, scrolling through the comments of some random fan page. you shoot chris a weird look before reading a few of them, your heart dropping to your ass from a mix of embarrassment and shame.
"did y'all see nick's live this morning?"
"who tf was that girl w chris? lmao she's not even pretty 💀"
"i found the chick's insta and she's apparently been in some rly shitty relationships. i mean lets be real. chris has never seriously dated anyone but this girl has been cheated on, manipulated, and abused? there's a clear denominator here. she's def done smth to cause that (for attention i'm guessing) "
"guys chris won't stay w her for long anyway after he finds out ab her ugly history!"
you read through the comments with an expression of pure disgust. how the fuck are these people going to sit here and talk bad about you when you've never even shown your face on the triplets channel? it's completely unfair.
you look at chris, but he's looking away. you wonder why he hasn't defended you on this. also, he was reading these people's opinions with a straight face. you begin to worry if he believes what they're saying. you glance back down at his screen, reading the third comment over and over.
there's a clear denominator here they had said. i mean, they're not necessarily wrong about that. you've been in bad relationships whereas chris has never dated anyone for a long period of time. in this light, of course you look like the bad guy. you can't technically blame their fans for judging you. you're easy to judge.
tears begin to prick your eye and you hand chris back his phone before wordlessly standing up from the bed and leaving his room. not once did he try to stop you or ask you to stay with him. you walk down the triplets' hallway and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting down on the closed toilet seat.
you hold your face in your hands and try your hardest not to start crying over a bunch of teenagers talking shit on your name. but you can't help the intense weight on your chest and the lump in your throat.
to be honest, you don't give a shit about their insults. what you care about is the fact that they're right. you don't deserve someone like chris. he's so sweet and kind and understanding while you're irritable and skeptical of every little thing he does. you've done nothing to earn someone like him. maybe you have only ever been in toxic situations because that's what you deserve.
before you can stop them, tears begin to pour from your eyes. your cheeks become soaked with your pain. your entire body trembles as you sob into your hands, making it harder and harder to breathe correctly.
you love chris. you love him more than anything. you want to share the rest of your life with him. but you don't want to make him settle for less — the less in this case being your relationship. he deserves someone better. someone who won't snatch his phone from him when he's only trying to protect you from pain. someone who will let him call you pentanes because he loves them. someone who will be better. someone who's not you.
suddenly, you hear a knock at the door.
already knowing who it is, you tell chris to go away. your voice comes out shaky and hoarse, making it incredibly easy to know you'd been crying. the tone practically screams at him, saying that you're upset over something he tried to save you from in the first place.
"will you please let me in, baby?" chris asks. his voice is soft and gentle. you're suddenly craving the feeling of being in his arms. the feeling of being loved. the feeling of having him comfort you.
the greedy emotions you feel paired with the nickname makes it impossible to not open the door for him. you shuffle over to the door and let him in. you sit back down on the toilet seat, keeping your head downcast the whole time as to not see his face or show your tears.
you stare at the floor, watching his feet pad across the tiled floor before he stops in front of you. he drops to his knees so his face is in line with yours. you quickly turn away and stare at the shower curtain, letting your hair to cover your puffy eyes.
chris sighs before grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. he lifts his other hand to your hair, tucking it behind your ears so he can admire every inch of your beauty with no veil to cover the rawness of it. he lets out a shaky exhale, using his thumb to wipe away your tears. all the while, you keep your eyes pinned to his face. you watch every single movement he makes, knowing that you don't deserve any of the kindness he's offering you.
knowing that this relationship will not last forever, you begin to cry again. you lean forward and rest your forehead against chris's shoulder, allowing tears to pool from your eyes as he rubs a hand up and down your back.
"what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" he asks with his voice in a whisper. "i wanna know what you're thinking so i can tell you how irrational it is."
you laugh at him, but it just causes you to let out a choked sob. his humor is your favorite part about him. the fact that chris can make you laugh in any given situation is what you adore most. hearing him do it while you're thinking of how to break the news that you're leaving him so he can find someone better? this is gut wrenching.
"i love you." you tell him. "so, so fucking much."
"i love you too." he replies easily, not thinking anything of the fact that you're telling him this right now. but when you continue, chris begins to put the pieces together and he starts vigorously shaking his head in refusal.
"these past two years have been the best of my whole life," you tell him with a wavering voice. "but you deserve better. you deserve the world. and i can't offer that to you, chris."
"i don't want the fucking world." he says, grabbing you by the shoulders and pulling you to be in front of him to look you in the eyes. "i want you and only you."
"no." he interrupts. "i don't give a single fuck what anyone else thinks. and i'm sorry, but i don't even really care what you think right now. because you're all wrong. i belong with you and i don't want anyone else even if i was paid a million dollars."
you stare at him with wide eyes, your dried tears still adorning your skin. the would could be ending outside, and you would stay in this bathroom and continue to stare at chris. his eyes are so gorgeously blue that you find yourself getting lost in them.
if you guys get married and live the rest of your lives together, your bodies will change. your skin will wrinkle. your hair will grey. your lips will thin. your hands will shake. your back will hunch. nothing about your appearance is permanent. nothing except the eyes. the shade, the hue, and the iris will all stay the same until they close for the last time. and you can't wait to look into chris's eyes for the rest of your life.
"i think you would be crazy to reject a million dollars for me." you tell him with a little giggle, wiping at your cheeks to rid them of the leftover tears.
chris's heart flutters at the sight of your smile, "there she is."
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tags : @kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq
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teagballs · 8 months
I just read your Dennis fic, and if you were going to write a part 2 would you be able to make it that Dennis doesn’t immediately tell reader he likes her? He just starts acting really weird when she’s around?
Like maybe, Dennis Charlie and Mac are insulting Dee and reader says something like “that it’s not nice” then Dennis goes, “yeah that’s seriously not nice guys.” And everyone’s just confused cause like he was saying mean stuff too.
If it’s to much trouble or if you don’t wanna write this please just ignore this 🧍🧍
"like no one else" | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part one here
authors note: ur mind anon UR MIND BROOO. this prompt was amazing and i had to do it but also it took me a month cuz i was busy. OOPS. i hope i did it justice cuz i took it and ran LMAO
requests open as always!! looking to do some charlie kelly stuff, so if u have any ideas for him lmk!!
cw: fem reader, mentions of objectification of women and the D.E.N.N.I.S system ofc, lil smoochie smoo at the end but nothing nsfw, 1.4k words
Dennis stumbled out of the restaurant, abandoning his date and this old life of promiscuity behind, seemingly. He walked down the street, pulling out his phone. He entered your name into his contacts, ready to confess everything. Ready to tell you how much you mean to him. Ready to love you. But then he stopped. His finger hovered over the call button and he thought, "what am I doing?" It was the emotion of the situation that made him act with such heedlessness. He didn't even know if you felt that way about him, if you felt the same deep connection he did. For him, it was a feeling like no other. It felt like you got him in a way no one else did. With understanding and kindness too. But to you? Dennis could just be a good friend to you. And if that was the case, what was the point in risking it all? He took a deep breath, shoving his phone back in his pocket. No, he shouldn't act so incautiously.
In the following weeks, Dennis found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. Every action you took, every word you spoke. He found himself obsessing over it. He tried not to come off as creepy - although that was hard, this was Dennis. His still kept his distance as usual, but now with a growing infatuation. He believed he was portraying this neutrality to you well, but this facade was challenged today.
"Y'know what guys, I'm really excited for this date tonight," Dee began to explain as she sat at the bar with Dennis, Charlie, Mac, and you.
"Oh shut up, Dee, nobody cares about your stupid date," Mac barked. Degrading her as usual.
It was water off a duck's back for dee, "You're just jealous I have a date Mac." She rhymed off before taking another swig of her beer.
"How'd you get this one to go out with you, Dee?" Charlie began in defence of Mac, "What'd you do? Steal his dog?"
"What? God no, what the fuck are you talking about?" Dee said.
Dennis didn't involve himself in verbally bullying his sister as he usually would. Usually, he would come in with the worst, most grating jabs. Instead, he silently observed how you scrolled on your phone, occasionally taking a sip of your drink, noticing how your brows furrowed ever so slightly in frustration.
"Even if you do go on this date, Dee, the only way you'll get him to stay is if you steal his phone or something!" Mac snarled.
"Yeah, you stupid bird!" Charlie said, which resulted in loud laughter from the men.
"God, would you just leave her alone, you two? Do you have nothing better to do?" You snapped at them finally. Dennis noticed your frustration and wanting to support and comfort you, he responded;
"Yeah, guys, leave her alone. You're both so sad." Dennis said in his usual 'I'm not wrong about anything ever and you're stupid for being wrong' tone.
Silence. Everyone, including you, turns to face Dennis. Did he just defend Dee? The sister he swore he hated?
"Dennis, what did you just say?" Mac asked cautiously and filled with confusion.
"I said leave Dee alone."
Dennis didn't really care all that much about Dee. Really, all her cared about was proving to you he did. He wanted to be on your side, always. To have your approval.
"Thank you, Dennis," you agreed. Dennis's heart swelled. 'God, what's wrong with me?' he thought. He had never felt this many emotions ever. Never mind for one person.
"That was weird, right? Earlier? When Dennis, like, stood up for Dee?" Charlie asked Mac.
"Oh yeah! For sure! I have no clue why he did that. I mean, just yesterday me, you, Frank, and Dennis were ragging on her for being a failed actress." Mac replied, causing laughter between the pair at the thought of this previous discussion.
"So... what changed?" Charlie puzzled.
"Everyone was there, except.. except for her." Mac hypothesised that when you were there, Dennis avoided talking poorly of Dee.
"But why? What does she change?"
Mac shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to D.E.N.N.I.S her."
"Huh. Doesn't really seem like his usual type." Charlie said.
Dennis was definitely not trying to D.E.N.N.I.S you. He made that distinctly clear in his mind. He wasn't following the steps at all, going out of his way to avoid flirtation with you, actually, to avoid raising suspicions. And the final step, 'separate entirely,' was most certainly one he didn’t want to follow. He wanted to spend forever and ever with you. Why? He didn't understand it himself. He was Dennis Reynolds, the Golden God! How come he was acting so pathetic?
You were starting to notice his weird behaviour. You had known Dennis for years. He was never this.. clingy? Not that you minded, really. You had always thought he was attractive, sure - charismatic too - but his general objectification of woman and lack of interest in a stable and long-term relationship certainly deterred you. Still, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter every time he would talk about the girl he was planning to go out with next. You had grown tougher over the years of knowing him, accepting that he would never change, and he would never see you like that. This new attention from his was definitely appreciated, but strange.
This all came to head a couple of weeks into this behaviour. You and Dennis sat in the bar together on a slow Tuesday. You had been testing him slightly. You were saying things to provoke him - small things. Things that would usually lead to a disagreement or argument or him going on a long Dennis rant. But he didn't budge. He didn’t roar obscenities or call you an idiot or react negatively at all. He would just nod and smile. And then he would agree. You couldn't take it. Was it some cruel joke? To get your hopes up or make you look stupid? You didn't get the punchline.
"Alright, Dennis, what's with you lately."
Dennis freezes. He feared you had picked up on his feelings towards you. He feared this would be the end of it all, and he had ruined it, and you would leave and he would never see you again.
"What do you mean?" Dennis replied. He was lucky he was such a good liar. He played coy well. But you didn't back down.
"You've been acting weird. You just agree with everything I say, and you're hanging around me a lot and like you keep not making fun of Dee when I'm here. You're always looking at me too. Is it some sort of joke I don't get? Are you making fun of me? That's mean."
Dennis felt emotions, oh god. He located that he felt regret and frustration and guilt and guilt and guilt. 'Mean'. He wasn't trying to be mean. She thought it was some sort of joke, but no. This was how he really felt. He really wanted to spend all his time admiring you, he wanted to agree with you on everything, that's all he could think about for the past month. And for once in his life, Dennis was at sea for words.
"I... I didn't..." Dennis attempted. But he couldn't convey his words in a safe manner. In a manner that meant if you didn't feel the same way it would be okay and you could keep being friends.
"I think I'm in love with you." Dennis sighed.
"It was after that date. With that chick. What was her name? Candy? Karen? Doesn't matter." Dennis rambled. "It was then when I realised I never want to be with anyone else, if not you. I don't think anyone had ever understood me the way you have. And I just spiralled after then? I haven't stopped thinking about you." That would be a creepy comment if it wasn't something you had always wanted to hear from him.
It was your turn to be speechless. Instead of saying anything your eyes scanned his face for any indication of falsehood. Nothing. You saw and expression on Dennis's face that you had never seen before. One that could be equated to not knowing the answer. Clueless. Maybe afraid? You open your mouth to speak again but Dennis cuts you off and speaks first. Like he's trying to drown out a negative response. Like covering your ears to block out the sound of a gunshot; the damage would still be done.
Dennis looked at you, waiting for the gunshot.
"Dennis.. I feel the same way. Of course I do, oh my God." You finally say. Your voice is small and hoarse, like you have never used it before. Quickly, before anyone can say anything else, Dennis envelops you in a kiss. A kiss that isn't filled with lust, something Dennis isn't used to. His lips lean into yours in a desperate attempt to convey his gratefulness and love and devotion to you. You grip at his sides. You understand.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
alright. Maybe I am attracted to black and white classic monsters. Maybe I did read your Adam Frankenstein fanfiction even though I don’t quite know if he’s the monster or just some other guy related to the scientist. Maybe I’ll request something.
I notice you don’t have any Jekyll and Hyde fanfiction. I can help with that. Maybe falling in love with both Jekyll and Hyde? Like, being in love with both and not knowing who to choose? Don't know if you can write something like that, but man am I thinking about it.
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╰┈➤ CARMILLAS NOTES: black and white monsters are so hot bbg nobody is blaming u 🙏 also if it helps adam frankenstein is a name for the monster given by the fandom because the creature/monster feels rlly mean. also if u have any other jekyll and hyde or frankenstein requests, i’m your girl
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: mentions of murder (its jekyll and hyde)
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oh you poor soul
falling in love with them both is a horrible, horrible, mistake
jekyll is pretty oblivious to it, he just thinks you’re being nice, but he is suspicious because you’re being a little to nice
but for the most part he doesn’t overthink it
hyde, though, knows almost immediately
and it really amuses him
will start kinda rudely flirting with you and affectionately bullying you simply because he finds your reactions funny
will very subtly compliment you in some way and have to stop himself from laughing when you turn bright red
when jekyll finds out about this he is extremely embarrassed
embarrassed at the way hyde is acting and embarrassed he didn’t realize sooner
he begins thinking, and it really explains quite a lot
it explains the way you act around both of them, how you go out of your way to do things for them, how you switch up when your alone with them than with other people
jekyll is both honoured and terrified that you actually like him
it puts both of them at an impasse because they can’t agree on what to do
hyde wants to keep tormenting you and messing with your mind into thinking he likes you (he’s not even sure if he does or not)
but jekyll wants to either politely reject you or ask you out in a meaningful way
the main issue is they don’t know if they really do like you or not
hyde is mainly just surprised and almost disgusted you actually like him, but he’s too interested to not be more curious than anything
because, honestly, him?? of all people??
jekyll is sure he also likes you, but he’s also refusing to admit it because of hyde
he’s mainly concerned of what he’ll do to you if your feeling for him are one sided, he doesn’t want you to end up hurt
he’d rather die than be the reason someone else is hurt (that’s why hyde is there, but in this case he doesn’t even want hyde to do it)
they accidentally avoid you while trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do
hydes urge to kill you (if he ever really even had one) is gone almost immediately, he just thinks your very stupid and amusing now
he almost. almost adores you
the situation is much worse for you in your perspective
you like both a murderer and a sociopath, it’s not great for you
even worse you’re convinced you have to choose just one
and they’re also both kind of avoiding you which is really horrible
they don’t even realize they’re doing it, which is the worst part
so, while you’re trying to figure out who’s the best option for you, they’re trying to figure out if they both even like you
well actually they’re sure they do, they just can’t agree on a way to move forward
once their little era of avoiding you is over, they’re both very nice (hyde is nice in his own way)
jekyll invites you over and gives you a long meaningful talk about their feelings and where they are in figuring it out, and he also gives an apology for accidentally ignoring you for a week or two
hyde is still pretty much himself, but you find him looking at you more often and offering to kill people you mentioned not liking before
he most likely does it, even if you don’t want him too
he goes back to his regular affectionate(ish, you can’t tell if he’s being really serious or not) and slightly crude flirting
but now you know he really does mean it
you all take your time in finding out how you’d like to proceed, until they both just confess to you and you use hydes idea of just moving forward and figuring everything out as you go along
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ari…… the unrequited love ask :( your takes on nobara and gojo are so good!! And!! I agree so much I think nobara is really similar to teen gojo … maybe that’s why she’s my favourite but. How do you think they would feel if it was the other way around? You realising that they have feelings for u and then distancing urself…. Not because u don’t like them back!! Just because!! Im thinking reader has some sort of intimacy issues in this scenario? Or mayb just feels like they aren’t deserving of their love :((( But yeah,, angst where someone distances themselves my beloved <33 ^_^ I HOPE UR TAKING CARE OF URSELF N DRINKING WATER !! mwah mwah !! — stsg anon 💕💕
STSG ANONNNNNN 🥺🥺 if nobody got me i know you got me ……. i’m so happy you see the vision hehe . and YES YOU GET ITTT noba is my fav too!!!! she’s so lovely :(((((( need to write her a fic soon…. (<- drowning in wips </3)
BUT OKOK . them yearning for a reader with intimacy issues …. oh you know me so well. they both approach the situation very differently, and they’re both very keen on making you feel comfortable above all else :((((( although. well… i think nobara might be a bit more overwhelming to deal with….. i see her as being a lot more direct than gojo, so she’s very likely to just. waltz up to you and ask you what’s wrong 😭😭 and she’s so sincere that you can’t help but answer!! she just wants to make sure she didn’t do anything to upset you…. but of course she didn’t. you’re just. scared. of her feelings. and your feelings. and what it could all lead to… she might not completely understand (i feel like she’s the type who’s all in with her feelings for you once she gets past a stage of denial LMAO), but she’s determined to be there for you!!!!
as for gojo…. he observes you. silently. notes down all your habits and tells. he understands your predicament without you telling him, and allows you to take things at your own pace. he’s not gonna chase you down like nobara; he waits for you to come to him, and if you really aren’t showing any signs of doing so then he makes sure the confrontation feels more like a friendly chat. he tiptoes around the subject until you tell him yourself (with a bit of poking and prodding..) and then he’s just . :) <- kind smile . he understands. he really does. he’s absolutely terrified of intimacy too. he won’t tell you that, but he tells you that there isn’t any rush, and that he doesn’t mind waiting until you’re ready. and he really means it!!!
now…. when it comes to Actually being in a relationship with them…. they’re very similar 😭 they both ease you into the relationship, and both treat you with so much care!!! especially when it comes to showing affection and other things that might feel foreign to you at first. nobara casually links her arm with yours, gojo sneakily intertwines your fingers. and they both ask if you’re okay with it because they prioritize your comfort above all else….. 🥺🥺 though i Also feel like they’re both the type to push you out of your comfort zone a bit. just a little . nobara can’t really help herself sometimes (you give her cuteness aggression and she Needs to kiss you right now or else she’ll die), and gojo is a teacher at heart LMAO. he guides you into everything!! it’s a little infuriating because he’s so good at reassuring you? and it’s like . where did this come from. you were just whining for a bite of my crêpe. 🤨
in conclusion; they both treat you very, very well <3 honestly i feel like these two are the best candidates for a touch starved reader. because they’re both casual with skinship but observant enough to Know what your boundaries are!!! and with their bouts of clinginess it won’t take long for you to get used to their touch lmao .
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rurulilhaulsies · 13 days
Do you have any cvș tips? Thank you!
im bouta tweak out this is my 3rd time writing this bc it wasnt saving. sb send a nuke to my house rn😣😣😣!!!!! ANYWAYS
1. USUALLY WORKERS DONT CARE!! Most workers don’t, they aren’t allowed to do anything either. C\/$ has no chase and confront policy. They can’t ask to check your bag or for you to come with them, UNLESS its LP.
But that doesn’t mean you should start shoving mad shit in your bag infront if them. Just don’t make it obvious that you mysteriously palmed all hk makeup palettes.
2. LP rotates regionally, usually working two, 8-hour shifts per week at specific stores.
3.CAMERAS. Most of the cameras are fake!!! I believe only the one in the pharmacy and register are real. But they almost never get checked!!
4. They put RFID on some makeup and some medicine (mascara or some weird high-end medicine). But that usually depends on location. Things at my location that are supposed to be tagged arent. But the RFID tags are so easy to pull off.
Its so random cs at my usual location,t hey would put like a RFID on one single product n the others would be untagged. 🌚 umm???
Also, at SOME locations the secruity towers don’t even work…
5. Honestly, c\/$ is one dry ah store. Take your time, don’t be greedy, check your items because you never know.
There really is no concealing tips for this store, just simple common sense. Grab what you want, conceal it, walk around like a normal customer. Trust me nobody is worried bout you. Just do it, don’t act like a shoplifter—trying to memorize all the tips n tricks.
Just conceal it and call it day. A simple “toss item in a bag/or body conceal will do)
There’s really no time-limit for this store, just don’t make it an obviously quick exit or a painfully long exit. Cause walking out a store you were just in for 30 mins empty handed and being a store n zooming out is lowkey sus imo. Ponder, give it some minutes, do you!!
cs u are shopping ur js not paying😊😊!!
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mister-mickey · 1 year
Hi, if possible do u think u could do outsiders hc, on the topic of little quirks they would all have? Like for example idk maybe someone has like lots of stuffed toys in their bed, or like someone who enjoy weird food combos ykwim? Love love love ur writing and ty!
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- He used to eat glue 💔
- Like, he thought it tasted really good! His dad had to confiscate all the glue for a month because of him.
- If anyone ever mentions this he pummels them into the ground
- He likes to collect flowers and plants and tear them apart
- Not in a destructive way, in a “I need to keep my hands busy” way
- He especially likes tearing everything except for the spine off of a leaf, it’s his fave
- he walks in circles while listening to music
- He just paces around the kitchen for actual hours and honestly it worries darry a bit
- He’s having the time of his life though, even if he looks crazy doing it
- he refuses to drink things normally, he always chugs whatever he’s got
- His record is 20 seconds for a gallon of milk
- He feels awful afterwards but it’s worth it to him for some reason
- He still plays with the toy cars that Mr. Curtis got him as a kid
- Secretly of course, but soda knows and just doesn’t say anything
- But he’ll be in his bedroom going “vroom!” With them. He loves mimicking car crashes
- he LOVES those tiny glass animals!
- He steals a bunch of them every-time he sees them, just because they’re so TINY AND THEY FIT IN HIS FIST SO EASILY
- He doesn’t play with them or anything but he still likes looking at them. He’s got them shoved in his dresser with his underwear.
- he collects things from the schools lost and found lmao
- He’s not usually much of a thief, but he can’t help himself. He loves all the weird clothes especially
- Sometimes he wears the clothes he took to school to see if anyone recognizes them (so far nobody has. He would be scared shitless if someone realizes)
- he doesn’t wear pajamas, he straight up goes to sleep in the clothes he wore all day
- Like, jeans and leather jacket. He has woken up multiple times to see that his arms are both asleep
- He says it’s because he doesn’t care, but he actually outgrew all his pajamas and doesn’t want to get new ones
- she steals peoples pets
- Sometimes she returns them for money, but usually she keeps them until either they run away or Tim kicks them out
- She’s an animal girlie what can I say. She names them all variations of Angela too (Angel, Angie, lala, etc…)
- he still sleeps with the stuffed rabbit he had as a kid
- It’s got one ear completely gone because he chewed it off as a kid
- Tim and Angela tease him to no end but he knows they wouldn’t ever tell anyone. He hopes that at least.
- mf hates cats
- He’s not superstitious at all, but he’s convinced taht they’re bad luck
- Maybe they just remind him of Angela idk, but he will scowl and groan if he sees one (loser alert!)
- he loves worms so much man
- He picks them up and holds them in his hand until he eventually drops it. He goes digging for them sometimes
- he is a hero and saves them after it rains! He picks them all up and puts them back in the grass
- adores porcelain dolls. She isn’t really a materialistic person, but she used to have one and she still loves them
- The outfits? The hair? She wants one so bad but she doesn’t ever buy one because it’s “a waste” and she’s “too old for them”
- But she stares at them for so long when she’s in the store
- he gets cold so easily!!! Warm this boy up!
- He wears jacket after jacket but still gets cold, his bed has a million blankets on top, it’s like a mountain
- Ofc, this means winter is his least fave season, this kid turns straight up blue in winter
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kleenexwoman · 8 months
I'm finally getting out of my fog and writing again!
Naturally, I'm writing about brain chemicals more. This time it's Steve and Eddie, and there might be a surprise mentally ill guest star I will make you feel unexpectedly bad for. (@thorniest-rose you are literally the mortal inspiration for me writing this all tbh)
Sneak preview:
Billy oozes by Eddie’s locker after lunch, and Eddie expects him to say something about Steve, but he doesn’t.
“Need some white heat,” is Billy’s opening line.
“Dude, your dealer in Los Angeles might know what the fuck you mean, but you gotta be a little more specific with us hicks,” Eddie says. “That could be, like, anything.”
“Nose candy, moron.” Billy rolls his eyes.
“Are you fuckin–” Eddie stuffs his books into his locker and lowers his voice. “What are you, a narc? You can’t just buy cocaine off me in the hallway, idiot!”
“I’m so bored, man,” Billy whines. “What, do I gotta come to your special little goblin rock in the woods or whatever for anything halfway decent?”
“Look,” Eddie says. “It’s pizza day. I have oregano, ‘cause the pizza here is basically grilled cheese, and then I have antacids so you can concentrate in class. And I have some aspirin for girls on their periods. If you want anything more interesting than that, you gotta come to my place.”
“I thought you delivered,” Billy says.
“You can walk to my place,” Eddie points out. “I don’t deliver when I can hear you blasting Speedwagon across the park.”
“There’s nothing wrong with Speedwagon,” Billy says.
“Didn’t say there was,” Eddie says. “I’m just saying, you can walk. Or drive, or whatever.”
“Fine,” Billy says, and points at him. “Five-thirty, sharp.”
“Yeah, whatever, man,” Eddie says as Billy walks off.
Whatever. He’ll be at home or he won’t. It’s not like Billy has that much money, not unless Hagan is sending him to get the drugs, which seems like a reversal of dynamic on their part. But the world has changed, who knows what bright new social order blah blah.
It’s a little more of a surprise when Eddie closes his locker ten seconds later and Nancy Wheeler, of all people, is standing there.
“I don’t sell study pills to bitches,” Eddie says.
“Yeah, I’m fine on the… study pills,” Nancy says, wrinkling up her nose like she’s not going to be slamming Mother’s Little Helpers come her frosh year of U of C or wherever the fuck she thinks she’s headed. “It’s about Steve.”
Eddie points at himself, then at Nancy, then raises his eyebrows.
“Please, please don’t sell him anything,” Nancy says.
Eddie angles his whole body towards the retreating Billy, looks back to Nancy, back to Billy, shakes his head, and then turns back to Nancy.
“That’s Billy over there,” Eddie says, “unless I’m very much mistaken.”
“I saw you sitting with him at lunch,” Nancy says.
“Yeah, well, nobody else was,” Eddie says. “Can I go to class now, hall monitor, or do we need to take this to the interrogation chamber?”
“I’m just saying that he’s been through a really hard time,” Nancy says, and raises her hands defensively, “and yes, I know I was part of that–”
“So you understand the unfeasibility, nay, the pure absurdity of your negotiating position here,” Eddie says.
“–but just because we’re broken up doesn’t mean I don’t care about him,” Nancy says. “I mean, six kids? Who has that many children in one lifetime?”
“Mormons?” Eddie blinks slowly. “I’m sorry. Are you coming to me to ask me not to engage in the commerce that is my trade, or are we discussing birth control now?”
“I’m saying that it’s probably unethical for you to target Steve for, like, drug-selling reasons when he’s just been through a really bad weekend,” Nancy says. “So please? Like, please? I don’t want to have to call his parents and explain why their son is in a straitjacket at Central State Hospital.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have called the guy ‘bullshit’ in front of all his friends then,” Eddie chirps. He opens his locker door, shoves his math book inside, and rattles it around for a few seconds just to make a point. “Seems like anything I’m gonna do after that is just gravy.”
“Look,” Nancy says from behind the locker door. “It wasn’t my best moment.”
“It wasn’t,” Eddie agrees. “Neither is this. But I’m willing to do you a favor and forget it.”
“But I’m really serious,” Nancy says. “You have no idea how much harm it could do–”
“Rule One of the Munson Doctrine.” Eddie slams his locker. “Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.”
“What?” Nancy tilts her head forward in that way smart girls do when they’re not sure if they’re hearing you wrong or they just think you’re stupid.
“Ethics,” Eddie says. “You mentioned ethics. I have ethics, and I’m sorry they don’t line up with yours, but that’s a big one. Rule Eight: Do not complain about that which you need not subject yourself.”
“Those are the Satanic Rules of the Earth,” Nancy says slowly. “I saw Anton LaVey on Geraldo too, y’know.”
“Okay, you got me.” Eddie throws up his hands. “Twenty bucks and I won’t sell anything to Steve this week. Are you happy?”
“Fine.” Nancy visibly sets her jaw, like she wasn’t the one just accusing Eddie of preying on the weak-minded for sport and profit, and digs a crumpled twenty out of her purse. “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
“And I appreciate making a sale without even having to move any product,” Eddie says, stuffing the money into his pocket. “Break up with a few more guys, and I might be able to get into Warhammer.”
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klausysworld · 2 years
Hey! Could I request a Klaus x Reader where Klaus wants to do something that could get him killed and the reader is adamant about stopping him and when Klaus explodes and asks why they want to sabotage his plans, they tell him they're in love with him and couldn't stand to lose him?? How it ends is up to you but I've wanted to see this idea written for a while and your writing is so so good <3
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I don’t want to lose you
“I’ll go in and ‘negotiate’ with Mikael for the white oak while you two go in and look for Elijah, father won’t have hidden him well and once he sees me he probably wont bother keeping Elijah. Y/n if you could stay here and watch Hope that would be great, right are we good?” Rebekah and Hayley nodded and discussed how they would sneak in, Klaus walked off towards his art room and i just kind of stood there.
Worry boiled inside of me at the thought of Klaus being right in-front of Mikael who has a white oak stake just waiting to kill him. I quietly made my way back upstairs and straight to where i knew he was
“i don’t think you having a chitchat with your homicidal stepfather is the best plan if i’m honest” i spoke lazily as i sunk down onto the chair in the corner and watched as he got his paints out onto his palette and picked out his brushes
“mm while thankfully nobody really requested your opinion on the matter” i rolled my eyes and trailed my eyes down him, his grey henley and dark jeans fit him perfectly if anything maybe a tiny little too tight as i watched his shoulder blades through his shirt and sucked my bottom lip
“still i think it’s stupid, i mean whatcha gonna do? it’s basically a suicide quest” his head was turned a bit so i knew he was listening, his hands tighter on the palette in his hand
“perhaps if you had a smidge of faith in me it wouldn’t be a suicide mission but an act of valour.” he sounded mad. that was good, it meant my words were affecting him and he would rethink his decision
“faith or not what’re the odds yanno? i mean you were running from him for what was it?..oh yeah a thousand years!” that seemed to do something as he dropped any artsy stuff and spun round to face me, his eyes were cold and his expression was angry, offended but i kept up my ‘does it look like i give a fuck’ face and stared blankly at him. He eyed me for a minute, his eyes darting across my face to catch any expressions i could be hiding, i was nervous. but he didn’t seem to notice that at all and viewed me as purely arrogant
“look love, i’m not entirely sure why you seem to think your voice has any sort of importance but it doesn’t so unless you actually have something nice to say u suggest leaving” i rolled my eyes but didn’t move to leave
“so you only want me around when i’m kissing the ground you walk on? maybe you should go on the trip it might be a little quieter without you around smashing all of your shit every time you throw a temper tantrum” my voice got harsher, i watched the emotion swirl behind his eyes
“who do you think you are!?” he practically growled as he got closer to me, i stood from the chair so i could get out of the room just incase he went full rage mode
“i think i’m the only person in this home with a brain! especially now that Elijah’s gone its like talking to idiots” his eyes bled into gold and he took long strides towards me, i stepped backwards until i was flush against the wall, his face just above mine looking down at me and his hands either side of my head
“what the actual fuck is wrong with you! i have a plan! i know what i’m doing, i think i should how to survive after what was it? ah yes a thousand bloody years! you don’t get to sit there as though you are high and mighty, you’re weak and pathetic, you are nothing so how daw you come here, insult me to my face and try to change the trip I’m about to take! it’s not a fucking holiday y/n! i know it’s dangerous but i’m doing it to save my oh so wonderful brother!” his chest was heaving as he huffed in face
“and what about you! Elijah’s going to be too weak to come back and save you if Mikael gets you and what if just murders you on the spot? You know that he would! Rebekah and Hayley are going to be too busy with your stupid brother to come back for you and i can’t do shit as i’m so fucking weak and pathetic! you’re going to die klaus, die!” tears slipped down my face despite trying to fight them back and i avoided his eyes suddenly finding the wall opposite much more interesting
“i’m not going to die y/n, you know that i wouldn’t let that happen i have to come back to my incompetent siblings and my daughter and you” i sniffed and shrugged
“you can’t just expect to walk out of every scenario untouched, you’ve faced your father before, you personally have told me literal horror stories of Mikael, i don’t want you near him” his hand came up to hold my jaw as i slowly looked back at him
“i’ll be right back, i can give you my word on that” i shook my head and let the tears fully stream
“i don’t want to lose you” i whispered, my voice breaking at the end
“i’m not leaving” he whispered back and went to kiss my cheek but i turned my head a little and caught his lips with mine, it was only a peck as he pulled away with a surprised look on his face and i gulped in the fear of his rejection. He hesitated before pressing his mouth back against mine, i brought my hand up to the back of his hand and pulled his closer as i pushed my tongue between his lips and poured my every emotion into this kiss, he reciprocated my passion and cupped both my cheeks.
We slowly parted, i kept him close and pulled his head down to rest our foreheads against each others
“please don’t do something stupid, i love you too much for you to die, it’s not fair” i mumbled with my eyes still closed, his thumbs caressed my skin and he gave me another small kiss
“we’ll think of a different plan okay? you come with me and lets talk to the others yeah?” i stilled when he didn’t say it back and tears filled my eyes once more
“right…yeah okay” i whispered and dropped my hands from his hair
“i do love you…i have for ages i thought you knew that” i breathed a laugh and shook my head
“you think if i knew that i might’ve done something sooner?” he smiled and chuckled before kissing my head
“i figured you were holding out on me love”
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qevillous · 1 year
hai hello i wanted to ask abt how u view shadow s5 and any hc's you have for them as sort of both individuals and as a group :3 go as in depth as you like im a sucker for long detailed explanations
OH MYG OD okay hey
shadow s5 as a dynamic is so interesting to me because its very similar yet very VERY different all the same because of exactly who gets changed.
so first on like individual levels heres how i take the shadows ahem clears throat (STINKS that we dont have canon aloarmy but okayyy hinodeya)
shadow rider is canonically a coward, hes nervous and self doubting. hes verrrry exaggerated in the manga so i like to exaggerate him in writing. i think hes more of an incompatible follower who cant get picked by anyone instead of a compatible loner who chose to be alone like normal rider.
shadow army has no canon interp so i interpet them similarly to how eging jr was flipped but in reverse. theyre less organized, they dint fuckin button their shirt right they wear their coat unzipped shitty tie shitty facepaint yk the deal. i also interpret them as more aggresively rebellious where normal army is more of a passive stickler. that basically means they’re more laid back and explicit. 
shadow aloha ALSO has no canon. so i interp him as a loooserrr LMAO very sarcastic but very pessimistic, where normal aloha is more of a sarcastic optimist. he comments on shit in the background like hes talkin to someone even tho nobody gives a fuck what he thinks and he doesn’t particularly care about his surroundings. overall just the loser in the corner of a party sitting down holding a drink instead of the main focus. 
shadow mask is silly. silly guy. they’re obviouslt exaggerated a LOT in the manga so i like to tone them down just a bit, acting more happy for the sake of being happy instead of high energy. that contrasts masks ideal of being cynical for the sake of being cynical. i think both are sarcastic but on shadow masks side xe doesn’t mean it, and they come off as insincere, explaining how their excitement at the battle felt like excessive overkill despite it not being so.
shadow skull is very similar to normal skull in expressiveness, but is different in awareness. i think shadow skull is very aware of his surroundings but not very emotionally empathetic. i think what he lacks in empathy is made up for in his directness. 
shadow s5 is interesting because it pretty much completely throws the social dynamic of s5. normal s5 is 1 extrovert 1 ambivert 3 introverts, and instead of shadow s5 being 4 extroverts 1 ambivert 1 introvert, shadow s5 is ACTUALLY 2 extroverts 3 introverts. which makes it even more interesting because of just how much more balanced it makes their social interactions split into duos.
for example shadow raimask is very chill since they both share a similar mindset, where shadow raimask is chaos because they have directly oppising mindsets. on the flip side shadow alomask is direct opposites, and normal alsomask is ALSO direct opposites but swapped over. i could talk about it for a while but i think i would start rambling like a crazy person. i like the idea of shadow s5 in a more casual light instead of the manga’s exaggerated one. it would give more insight to their personalities and interactions but we cant have Anything can we bcz hindodeya haaaates meeeeee.
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Heyyy I was wondering if u were able to write some general hcs for underfell sans <3 if not that’s completely fine!
Absolutely! general hcs for red, coming up!
warnings: nothing I think
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✧ GENERAL HCS FOR underfell sans ✧
Aka Red
✧ Red literally lives in self-doubt and sadness
You're his saving grace
He sometimes randomly just insults himself under his breath and you have to remind him that he means the world to you 
(And then he gets all teary eyed and embarrassed but also really happy)
✧ He looks and acts tough but he’s just a big softie, to you, that is
he’s very much hostile to anyone else (except for his brother, but he still gets along better with you)
Nobody dares insult you, it happened once and the next day, the monster was beaten up and apologizing profusely to you 
Red was standing behind you making sure you got the apology you deserved
✧ he's a little possessive and loves showing you off
 so, he’ll have an arm around you in front of others constantly 
✧ he also really likes to hold you while he's watching tv 
It sorta grounds him and reminds him that you’re really there with him 
✧ He's actually very jumpy, but he doesn't show it to others 
Typically hides it with an angry face or an out-of-place deadpan look
if you tease him about it, he's caught off guard and he'll make a squeak (don't do this in public please, for his pride)
✧ he binge eats a lot, from either stress, boredom, or sometimes both
His favorite food to binge is anything he can have with mustard, mostly being chicken nuggets
he'll say he won't share with you if you ask (ask again and he'll be fine with it)
✧ he often has night terrors
but he doesn’t like to talk about them
says he doesn’t know what you’re talking about if you mention it
If you insist enough, he sorta talks about them when they get really bad
✧ Red's used to being so closed off that having someone who's willing to wait for him to be ready to be more open is a huge comfort for him
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I'm so glad that people like my writing! I have a few requests and seeing you all request for stuff makes me happy! keep requesting and I'll get to it as fast as I can (I also answer my requests as what would be easiest to write abt first, so I get it out for you guys and you won't have to wait too long, in case anyone was wondering)
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