#but it doesn't really matter as much as wanting to tell them about Nadia
ajcrowlor · 5 months
i wasn't planning to, but i came out to my nonni today
not in any specific vocabulary, but i told them that me and Nadia are together
they've seen Nadia a bunch over the last 8 years, they know she's my friend, and they know we're living together, but i was upset about something unrelated and so i told them "we're together, and we have been for 8 years and im sorry i haven't told"
and my 102-year-old nonna and 99-year-old simply said "okay", my nonna specifically saying "i accept you" to me and Nadia
my grandparents are a hundred year old catholic italian immigrants that barely speak french, my grandmother doesn't speak english at all, and they simply just said okay, we accept you, Nadia's like a granddaughter to us
im just. really glad i finally told them.
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Drabbles of MC reflecting M6's love language or doing things for their beloved that their beloved does for them?
So like, carving wood figures for Muriel and getting him new tools when his wear down too much, getting Nadia thoughtful gifts that she would appreciate, spending time with Portia and Asra, and I think Julian and Lucio would love big dramatic displays of love
The Arcana HCs: Reflecting M6's love languages
Oh. Oh my. Be still, his rapidly beating heart (he really needs to cut back on the caffeine, but at least half of this is genuinely because of you) You're giving him affection?? In the best possible way???
You're fussing over his physical wellbeing when he's had a long day and helping him wind down?
You're playing music for him or telling him a story from your past?
By far your best stunt was when you decided to visit his clinic while it was closing to surprise him with a picnic dinner date
The front door was locked when you got there, so you decided to go through the back instead with the spare key he put in your bag a while back and completely forgot about ...
On your way through the back room, you spotted some of the spare uniforms and decided to throw on one of the coats and masks (as one does) to better surprise him
The surprised fumble, dramatic "en guarde!", and theatrical flourish with his own doctor's coat that you got when you surprised him was so typical of your first meeting that you fell apart laughing
The picnic on the docks afterwards where you reminisced on your (very successful) relationship so far was delightful
Oh, they're not used to this, and it's making them feel safe and loved and grounded in ways they don't know how to handle
You're offering constant reassuring physical touch, but leaving it up to him to accept it/only going ahead if he says yes first?
You're going out of your way to make safe, comfy spaces for them to take quick catnaps and breaks from the world and bringing them tea when they're deep in thought?
You're constantly bringing home things that reminded you of him and finding new niche experiences to treat him to?
They are turning into a puddle. They are melting through the floor. If this keeps up there will be water in their eyes and there is never water in their eyes -
It's not that he's incapable of accepting love, it's that he's become accustomed to carrying so incredibly much of it for you and expecting nothing in return, finding his reward in your happiness
But now it's like you're turning it all back on them and the connection they already feel with you is vibrant and alive in ways they never dreamed of experiencing
He can't help it, he is returning every single gesture no matter what
This is a little hard to pull off, at first, given how much of Nadia's love language shows up in the way she uses her vast resources to pamper you and make you feel special and important
Unlike her, you have about as much money as you need to live comfortably in the apartment above your shop. You don't have enough to commission seven gold owls in her honor
However, what's quickly obvious about her gifts isn't how much money she put into them, it's how closely she noticed your little wants and went out of her way to meet them
And now you can do the same
Keeping a small heating surface and teapot in her suite so you can have her favorite brew hot and fresh when she wakes up
Stitching a pouch of soothing, memory and focus boosting herbs onto a decorative scarf for her to use between meetings
Tending to Chandra for a little while every day so she doesn't have to worry about her familiar going neglected for very long
Introducing her to the glorious (though not very fashionable) concept of long underwear for the chillier Vesuvian months
You doing this without making her feel small is what she loves
... help
This is so, so strange to him, he has no point of reference for this and therefore little to no means to control how he reacts
You noticed how he likes to take care of the charms around the hut and repaired one for him when it was starting to fall apart?
You spent hours sitting next to him quietly until he found the words for his troubles, and then listened to him??
You even learned how to embroider so you could start putting together a new tapestry of the life you're building with him???
What nearly breaks him is when you start to cook dinners for him when he already has a habit of cooking breakfast
Sure, having a life where food is consistent is something he doesn't take for granted, and he's held onto the value of it long enough to make sure anyone who stays a while gets something (eggs)
But now it's a whole new level of safety and care where he can trust that neither of you are going to bed on an empty stomach, and he doesn't even have to worry about there being enough
If you start carving little companions for the wooden animals he's made and set them up like they're snuggling he'll implode
Is she used to receiving affection? Yes. She's a fairly well-adjusted adult with unmatched people skills, her friend group and social network are vast and she rarely goes forgotten
Is she used to being somebody's first affection recipient? ... not so much, no. She's the person who gets called up after her important people have called up their most important people
So to be your most important person ... that's new
She's hearing something from you before you've told anyone else?
You're not deciding on whether to attend an event until you know if she's going? She's the person you look at when you find something beautiful or funny because you want to see her reaction first?
And let's not even get in to the ways you praise the efforts that usually go unnoticed or the work you've put into knowing her
Not only do you check in on how she's feeling, you don't even need her to tell you half the time. You can read it on her face
And you don't act like it's below you to support her when she's so used to supporting others. You even bring her lunch so she eats!
There's always plenty of affection when she's around, but to be noticed and known and important - that matters to her most
Just. Be proud of him? (yes, he's grown enough to know that that's a big ask, depending on the situation -)
His instinctive way to show you how much he loves you is to make a big deal out of you and what you mean to him. Bragging about what a good person you are, what a happy life you have, etc
But if you do the same for him? After years of knowing (even though he wouldn't admit it) that he wasn't necessarily someone whose fondness people would be especially proud of?
Man, you make being a good person sound amazing
If you brag about his swordmanship and survival instincts to other journeymen in a tavern after a finished job, he'll stare at you with stars in his eyes. If you call him handsome, he'll melt
Don't even get started on the massive boost to his security if you show him off. You ask him to give you a flourish while he's trying on a new red cape and compliment it to the vendor?
He'll be thinking about it all day (he might walk into a tree)
He remembers being a source of social discomfort for his ex-wife (and worse, his mother's shame for raising him poorly) but the moment you loudly call him yours it gets just a little bit lighter
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local-critter · 8 months
I have a couple ideas for you! Obviously you don't have to do them but here are the ideas
- how m6 react to MC giving them a very expensive gift
- m6 when MC accidentally gets hurt (minor injuries)
- m6 when MC is cute and tired/sleepy or if MC gets very hyper before bed
- insomniac mc
- m6 reaction to MC ranting abt their hyperfixations
-m6 after MC worked themselves to exhaustion/overworked,
Just a couple ideas off the top of my head, would love to give more though :]
MC who rants about their hyperfixations
(I will get to the rest eventually I swear)
He encourages it 100%
They love hearing you talk, it’s one of their favorite sounds
He may fall asleep tho
If you’re already cuddling, they’re gonna clonk out in minutes
They never mean too but your voice is so soothing to them (after going so long without it)
They look at you with the most adoring gaze the whole time, hanging off your every word (they’re daydreaming your wedding)
They find passion super attractive, they love that you have things that excite you so much
They try to prompt you into a rant often, either when you're both doing things together in the same room or at night as basically a lullaby for them 
Faust lays on your shoulders and lays on you as you rant, she squeezes you a little tighter if you're very animated and talk with your hands too
She doesn't mind, she just doesn't want to fall
You are his type of person 
He is the exact same way
You two basically share hyperfixations, like if one rants about one thing for too long then the other gets into it too and you just bounce ideas off each other 
Whenever you're both free, at almost all hours can your neighbors hear you ranting 
He's a pacer, he's loud, he's dramatic; hell be throwing his arms around everywhere and running his hands through his hair until he's just a ginger blur of motion 
You take turns typically, but sometimes you two rant together and feed off each other
Malak gets startled if voices get raised 
Sometimes he gets home too tired and he just wants to hear your voice, so you'll take a seat on the couch and he'll rest his head on your lap so you can rant all you want
If you play with his hair absentmindedly, he melts into a puddle
He loves letting your voice wash over him and wash away the day’s exhaustion 
Loves it
She finds intelligence attractive, and especially if it's something she doesn't know much about
She gets a little flustered 
Sometimes if she's in a rush she shuts you up with a kiss and tells you that you'll continue later before going off to her next meeting or event 
She doesn't really care what you're ranting about typically, just that you're talking 
As in, she'll listen regardless and she'll ask questions to prompt you to keep going 
But sometimes she'll just be looking at you with hearts in her eyes after a long day
She rants to you too, occasionally
If you listen to her with the same attentiveness, she practically swoons 
Be still her beating heart 
If you give her the same treatment, like hanging off her every word and asking questions to prove you were paying attention, she falls in love all over again
Originally, she saw rants as…not very polite I guess
Unstructured, and she wasn’t the biggest fan of them
She felt like they were really emotional, and if she was too emotional she feared she wouldn't be taken seriously
But you take her so seriously no matter what she's doing and she loves you all the more for it
Loves them so long as you're not yelling 
It takes pressure off of him to talk, so he's content to let your voice fill in the silence as you both go about your days 
It takes him a while to feel comfortable enough to ask questions but he gets there eventually
He's very attentive
He doesn't rant very often, but rarely, you can get him talking about something like a rare flower or his favorite type of tree 
And if you tell him you just like his voice, his face is on fire 
He may have to take a few minutes to reboot 
Inanna finds it funny 
He loves learning new things, while he preferred his life of isolation compared to living in the city, he didn't always like it
And you ranting to him is an easy way for him to learn too
She's a lot like Julian 
You both take turns 
Typically you share a hyperfixation and the Palace library barely survives as you two tear it apart in search for more content
Nadia finds it greatly amusing, not that she’d ever say so
More than once has she gotten up in the middle of the night because she had a new point to rant about 
She gets cranky in the morning when that happens tho, she needs her full eight hours so you’ll have to gently judge her back into bed and hope she actually falls asleep
She, like her brother, is also a big blur of movement, pacing and throwing her arms around and hair flying everywhere as if it'll get her point across better 
She's just as passionate as you are if not more so; as a servant she feels her words are worth less than others, so it means the world to her that you’re willing to listen to her and she’ll give you the same treatment
She probably hangs off your every word
He found it a little weird at first but he got used to it eventually 
He tries to listen but finds it hard sometimes
He does prompt you to keep talking though, it’s good practice for him to get used to hearing what others have to say
He mostly just rants when he’s annoyed, but he likes that you do it when you’re excited
After a while together he finds himself actually listening to you and remembering what you say
Like he’d be out and see something that reminds him of our current hyperfixation and he’d buy it for you without a thought
Just because he listens to you doenst mean he always knows what your’re talking about but he does try
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
CuratedKawaii Lolita Fashion Mystery Bundle Review
So a while back, I was made aware of this etsy listing:
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I love mystery packs and lucky bags. It doesn't matter to me if it's good or terrible. I love me a lucky mystery bag. This listing had just little enough information about it to be unable to tell if it's bad or good, so I went for it. The thing about having this blog is that if something's bad, it's still good blog content.
Ordering process was pretty simple. I believe I had to pick a substyle from a drop-down list and then had a fill-in box where I could list colors and motifs that I want. I picked brown and cream classic. I paid $75, shipping non-inclusive.
Finally got the order in the mail a couple months later, and I had a whole lot of fun with this.
The idea is that the items included would be a full coordinate (minus shoes and petticoat).
Quick little economics comment: buying this is buying a service and a product. I knew going into this that I'd be paying for the curation service as part of the cost, so I was expecting to get less than $50 worth of items. The etsy seller has to make money on this, and you have to know going in that the seller has to make money on this. Expecting every item in the bag to total up to $75 is kind of stupid. This isn't like a AP lucky pack where everything is being sold at cost.
Actually, the price was one of the things that made me so interested. A full lolita coordinate for like $50 of stuff? Color me interested.
So, what did we get in the bag?
Main piece: Love Nadia JSKOP by Bodyline, in brown.
So on baby me's second ever Bodyline order, which I received Dec 31, 2012, I bought Love Nadia in purple, and was immediately disappointed in it. I then cut it up to plan to make a skirt out of it, put it in a box that's now labeled "abandoned projects", and it's still here to this day.
In that time, I've really regretted cutting it up, because I figured it probably wasn't as bad as I remember it being, and I just had a lot of confusion about how I wanted my own body to look.
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So the first thing that I checked was to see if the weird printing part was still there. It is. I'd like to let everyone know that, in the past ten years, Bodyline did not fix the weird printing part. However, they DID add a side seam pocket!
Anyway, this wasn't a review of Love Nadia. This is a mystery bag review. I was very excited that there was an actual identifiable brand in the mystery bag. It wasn't super clear from the listing exactly how much experience with lolita the curator had, so I was bracing myself for some quality sweat lolita.
Second item was a cute bolero from Liz Lisa. I did immediately have to put this in the wash because, speaking of sweat lolita, it was a used item and it had a little bit of smell adhesion. But it's a nice cream lace cardigan thingy with a front tie. Love Nadia is not sure if it's an OP or a JSK and so having a shoulder wrap helps me not have to decide if its' a JSK or an OP. I like the term JSKOP, pronounced j-s-ko-p.
All the rest of the accessories are offbrand.
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The socks are cream net socks with a little loop opening in the back. I find these so cool because they would probably look like they were trying to be really sexy on me if they were black, but they look just lovely in cream. I could go on a rant about color contrast here, but that's not why we're here. I loved getting some nice and detailed socks that I didn't have to worry about not fitting my kitten-holders.
There were two hair accessories included. Since this was supposed to be a full coord, I decided to try to wear both of them at once. One is a cute little beret with rickrack and a bow. It's got wig clips to help it stay on. I wore this yesterday in my comfy casual coord.
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The other hair accessory was a bow barrette with a little lace drape. I think this one was handmade. I don't know who made it, but I really love that there was a handmade accessory included.
Fitting both the beret and the barrette (and keeping track of how many r's are in each word) on my head was a challenge, but I did it.
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There was also a tie-on headbow. Since I already had two hair accessories going on, I opted to wear this one as a belt in the context of this coord. I do love me a good head-eating bow, so the fact that I can use this for that is very fun to me.
And then there were some little stretchy pearl bracelets. I wear stretchy bracelets all the time, and so it's good to have some new ones!
Total coord:
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I was going to take a better picture without the cat poop box and where I was looking vaguely interested in being there, but Carhartt was in this picture (having just thrown litter everywhere) so we used it instead.
As far as substyle goes, it's very sweet. It's definitely the sweet end of the classic spectrum, and I could even just say it's brown sweet. There are a lot of little details that want to push it over to the classic edge. It's definitely brown and cream.
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Functionally, there's a little bit of an issue where too many things want to take up the same space. IDK if the coord was intended to wear the headbow on your waist (but I couldn't find a better way to include it), but that bow sits right where the tie-front of the bolero wants to tie. The beret and the barrette are competing for the same real estate on the head, so I can't wear the beret like a beret without covering up the barrette. I promise that I DO know how to actually wear a beret normally.
In terms of including all the necessary parts of the coord, yeah, we checked all those boxes. Color balance is pretty good. All the colors are incorporated into the coord without leaving any weird blocks of just cream or just brown. I feel like whoever curated this box knows how to wear lolita fashion.
We knew this going in to the idea of getting a coord for <$50 of items, but there is a concern about the overall quality of these pieces. One of the fun things about lolita fashion is that you can balance things into your look. You can use a less expensive or lower-detailed accessory if you put it in a coord with more detailed items. A lot of these items are going to be really useful for me in future coords. However, I've previously addressed the idea of the "faking it" card, where you can only use so many not-quite-right items before it starts overtaking the coord. The accessories are lovely on their own, but when they're all put together, you kind of start to feel it. But this is a solid case of getting what I paid for, and I'm very happy.
Who do I recommend this for? I'm not sure I can recommend this package for a beginner that has no other items. You can build a wardrobe that's more accurate to how you want to coord things with the same money, and get pieces you know you'll use. But I do think that, if you have established pieces to later work the accessories in, it's a really fun sort of surprise gift. If you already wear lolita fashion and you want to try a new color or a new substyle, this can be really good inspiration, and fill in some gaps that you're likely to have as you branch into another direction.
A couple of things that I'd potentially like to see changed about this listing in the future: I'd really appreciate if there were photos of mystery bundles that had already been sent. I get not wanting to spoil the mystery, but taking some good flatlays of the bundles and then adding those flatlay pictures after the buyer reviews the bundle would be a really good addition. There's nothing wrong with the collages as listed, but seeing real items people have been given would help buyers a lot. I think it'd also be nice to drop something like, "This mystery bundle may contain new and lightly used items from Japanese and Chinese lolita brands, nonbranded accessories, and handmade accessories." I bought this partly because if it was terrible, that'd be funny for the blog, but I don't think that the primary audience of this was "people who want to take a gamble on losing their money." These kind of notes would be really helpful for people who were making the decision of if they want to buy.
Another potential option that I would love: CuratedKawaii definitely has good resources for getting fun offbrand and nonbranded accessories. I love my little beret and I love the socks and I love the tie-on bow. I love how well everything worked together. I feel like the budget here is the major limiting factor. While I don't think I'd want to spend $300 on a mystery bundle, I do think there's an untapped market that's at about the same price point as the mystery bundle. Everyone who is reading this and who has a problem where they keep buying dresses and not buying acessories, please raise your hand. Since that's most of us, let me pitch my idea: A mystery accessory bundle, where instead of saying what color and substyle we want, we just tell CuratedKawaii what main piece we want accessories for. I can write, "Hi, I just impulse bought this OP, and have no accessories for it. Please help!" This would give our curator friend a bigger budget to work with, since they don't have to budget for a main piece. I would absolutely LOVE to trust buying accessories over to another person and seeing what they come up with.
So yeah, I had a TON of fun unboxing this. I picked brown and cream because I knew that I needed more of both of those colors, and I love the flexibility of the things that I got. I got a bunch of stuff that I normally wouldn't buy for myself, and I like that I now have a bunch of cool creative items to work with in my wardrobe. I DIY a ton of things, and so I'm already planning how I can change and use the pieces I got to be a little more like I'm used to working with. I asked CuratedKawaii if they planned on putting up a listing for this again in the future, and they said they were. If anyone else out there reads my experience and thinks that it's the kind of mystery surprise that they'd want, I definitely recommend checking them out.
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gamerbot-22 · 1 year
Arcana LIs with an MC who has an Undercut
So I'm comin out of my hiatus a bit more officially with this hc list from my drafts! I have a few more ideas, as well as the third and final part to my MC with Plague Flashbacks series (Part 1 here, cough (I am so sorry to @/dameschnee123 for taking so long--))
This is super self indulgent, I started writing this not long after I got an undercut of my own. To anyone reading this who's considering an undercut get one I am so goddamn serious I love it so much.
C & TWs Include: A lil spicy (mentions of neck kisses) but nothing super explicit. Mentions of botching a haircut with a knife, but no mention of any specific wounds.
You know the drill, hcs under the cut!
🔮 Asra
- Thinks you look amazing! - Asks occasionally if it’s okay for them to touch it cause he likes the texture and the sound of it. - Jokes about getting one themself, but he’d never really give up the iconic marshmallow fluff hairstyle they’ve got going on. - Keeps pitching the idea of you getting different patterns whenever you go to get it cut again. - “Really, just picture it: you lift up your hair and surprise! It’s a little snake in a wizard hat!”
👑 Nadia
- Instantly reminded of Nahara and her side shave. - Gets really jealous of how cool your neck must be in the summer months. - Has to keep reminding herself that she can't just reach over and fluff you up without asking. (Even if you're ok with it happening unprompted, she wants to be proper about it.) - (This is a lil projection cause mine wasn't done super straight) but if you get it touched up and it doesn't fit your standards she'll insist on letting the palace barber touch it up. - "It's not an inconvenience at all, my dear! It's what we pay them for."
🩸 Julian
- Oh he used to have one of those! - When he was apprenticing under Nazali he kept his hair shorter, and part of that was having an undercut to keep the back of his neck cool. - Plays it so cool if you offer to let him touch it, but on the inside he is. Loosin it. - When you're cuddling he likes to stick his face in it and give you a couple kisses. He also likes to fake complain when it's fresh about how scratchy it is. - "Ah, you have to tell me when you get it touched up. It feels like I'm kissing a hedgehog."
🐻 Muriel
- I feel like he would find out you have one by accident? - Like you trip and when he grabs you by the back of the shirt to catch you he feels how short your hair is on your neck. - Will not touch it unless you give him express permission to. - Homeboy is super awkward for the first couple minutes cause he's so used to feeling Inanna's fur and he's pretty sure he shouldn't pet a human like he pets wolves. - "It's kinda nice, actually. I like the soft part at the top..."
🐱 Portia
- You gotta tell her where you got that done right now she wants one too. - She gets all sweaty running around the palace and town all day, she could use a little air on the back of her neck!! - The second you show it to her, she's asking to touch it. - She kinda scruffs you like a cat almost? Like that's the movement her hand is making against your head and it's way more comfortable than it sounds. - "Oh my god, I dunno how to describe it but this rules. Does it itch at all? I can scratch it if it does!"
🗡 Lucio
- How in trouble would he be if he tried to give himself an undercut to match yours? - Doesn't matter, within the week he's made an attempt and has failed miserably. - That's what happens when you try to give yourself an undercut with a knife and no adult supervision. - Makes you promise to come with him to the barber once his head recovers from the murder he just committed. - "If you're scared for me, I'll let you hold my hand when we go... No I'm not scared, I specifically said it was for you if you're scared! ... Ok, maybe I'm a little scared--"
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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They reach the second floor
It's still as unsettling as ever
The clock ticks
"It's past 9, but the clock didn't chime. Is it broken?"
"Maybe it's for the best. It was really loud"
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They see a girl get out of one of the rooms carrying various blankets.
"Hey! If that's for the blanket fort, then put them back. It's been canceled!"
"... Who are you"
"Ah, the scary judgmental stare of a teenager who's cooler than you, it should be considered a war tactic"
"I'm Detective Beebo, and this is my partner Detective Ángel, we would like to ask you some questions"
She looks at Ángel weirdly
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"Are you-"
"I am sorry for interrupting, but please do not ask if we are cops. We are not cops. We are private detectives, and we do not associate with the police department "
"Yeah! We don't care about the law!"
"That is not what I said, and I'd like that misinformation to not be repeated anywhere else"
"I see you opening twitter. Put that down"
"Fine, but I'll keep the hat for longer"
"Wha- you're not even wearing it! Give it back!"
"It's the price to pay for my silence"
"Are you guys done?"
"Ah! Yes, ahem, we wanted to ask you about your father, Mr. Coli"
"Do you happen to know anything about him? What might make him want to commit multiple crimes?"
"... Why are you asking?"
"Not you, you are Oliver Beebo, right?"
"Uh, I am. Have we met before?"
She ignores that and turns to Ángel
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"Aren't you the guy who bought the comp-"
"But that doesn't really matter right now, yeah? This has nothing to do with that, so we don't have to talk about it"
"Wha- have THEY met before?
Did they have a fight over a last product on a supermarket or what"
"... I'll only talk to Beebo"
"I have something to ask you"
"Wait, no! We asked first!"
"Please don't tell me Ángel has some sort of rivalry with a 17 year old girl"
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"So? Are you really in a position to ask for anything, 'detective' Ángel?"
"Never mind, you are right, ladies first"
"Uh, so, you'll tell me? About your father?"
"Yes. In private"
Ángel does not look happy. He and the teen are exchanging nasty looks
"He has a rivalry with a 17 year old. Ah man, I already decided to keep him, so better get used to it, I guess"
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"I guess we'll separate for a bit"
"Ah, yeah, it's fine"
"Um, were will you two be?"
"Well, she needs to out those blankets back, so, a room?"
"That's fine, don't try hearing from behind the door, you"
"Wh- I would never!"
"I'll just stay by the stairs.
That way, if anything happens, here or on the first floor, I can quickly check it out!"
"I'd prefer if you weren't alone"
"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, and I can just call Vivi if I get lonely"
"... Alright, but be safe, okay? Don't you dare not be safe"
He looks a bit sad at that
"I will. Now go get that info from Miss moody teen over there"
"Bye-bye to you too"
Oliver and Nadia enter one of the rooms, and there's not much difference between them, just window placement
She puts the blankets down
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"You know me?"
"Yes, I've looked you up online"
"Oh, do you want to hire me?"
"Not quite, I need to know something from you"
"So do I, I've been told you know more about your father than others"
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She gets quiet
"We can both get what we want"
"You're right"
"Then, let me ask you, Mr. Detective
Have you ever heard about
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House anatomy"
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
"...I think way too many fans mainly focus on their relationship instead of the reason why they're in the public eye in the first place..... their ACTING."
I'm 50/50 on this take caus on one hand, we wouldn't know about them without their careers but on the other, some fans and blogs are here cause of the SM presstours and their chemistry, dating or not dating a the time. Also, when some anons ask you questions about their exes or sightings, I don't think that's in bad faith. Some are new fans or just curious/nosy, lol. I will say this: After reading Zendaya's recent interviews, I'm more reluctant to keep with her because it seems she just wants to make movies and then disappear. Tom, too, but he's currently on stage, so if he wants, he'd be disappearing too.
I think what helps me as a fan is that TZ is not the only celebs that I'm a fan of. I'm a fan of musicians and football players and other actors. Weirdly enough, they are more famous, but those fandoms don't worry as much as much TZ fans here do. It helps that they are on social media more, so the content never ends, but at the end of the day, it's about the music or the game or the movie that fulfils me more on their career trajectory. I'm not on anyone's payroll.
The fears ppl have existed because Zendaya doesn't post on social media anymore. Not even for leisure.
I'm 50/50 on this take caus on one hand, we wouldn't know about them without their careers but on the other, some fans and blogs are here cause of the SM presstours and their chemistry, dating or not dating a the time.
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I kind of beg to differ that it's just about the "chemistry" Anon. Idk if you were here during the Tomdaya "Breakup Period", but a lot of fans either took sides, stopped blogging much about them altogether, or didn't have the same "energy" about them unless it was about their relationship or a possibility of them getting back together.
Their "appeal" for a lot of fans is not just because they're actors, or have great "chemistry" together, but ALSO because they're in a relationship with each OTHER. There are fans of them individually of course, so they will follow whatever Tom and Zendaya decide to do no matter if they're w/each other romantically or not (I'm one of them), but then, there are others who definitely would not like it if Tomdaya broke up and Tom decided to date someone else, or if Zendaya decided to date someone else. Look at how much hate Tom got for being with Olivia! 🥴 People called him cheater, etc. Look at all the hate that Zendaya got (and sometimes STILL gets) for being with JE! 🥴 Look at all the mocking Tom got when Z was spotted out with JE. Some fans definitely take it VERY PERSONALLY if Tom and Zendaya are not together (or even when they ARE together) because they cannot separate them from their relationship, and that's what I mean by some fans make their relationship overshadow them as individuals and their careers. JMHO 🤷🏾‍♀️ There are some who wouldn't be as interested in Tom or Zendaya if they were to break up tomorrow. It's just facts anon. You can tell by the way some of them speak. Some are strictly just Tom fans and just tolerate Zendaya. And some are strictly just Zendaya fans who just tolerate Tom because she's dating him.
Also, when some anons ask you questions about their exes or sightings, I don't think that's in bad faith. Some are new fans or just curious/nosy, lol.
I disagree. I don't think most of those questions are in good faith at all.
Because neither of their relationships with other people lasted even a year, let alone YEARS. Soooo...what's there really to be "curious" about or discuss exactly? We barely even got ANY content with Tom and Nadia as a "couple" (not even so much a picture!!), yet people bring her up all the time like she and Tom dated for years (and they didn't!) even though the woman has long-since moved on to another man lol.
And you're curious about a fling/months-long relationship of theirs that was over 4 years ago? 🥴 Like I said before, their relationships with other people didn't even last years. It's not like Tom was dating Olivia for like 5+ years and THEN he went back to Zendaya. Same w/Z. It's not like she was dating JE for like 10 years and THEN went back to Tom. Those relationships lasted MONTHS and were nothingness lol. 😅
A lot of the questions these fans are STILL asking (4 years later after a breakup) are things that can easily be searched on when you look at other blogs. Some of the stuff I've even talked about ad nauseam in my own blog years ago. All you have to do is just search my archives lol. 😅
And as a "new fan", why are you caring about a fling or rebound? Why not focus on the here and now??
After reading Zendaya's recent interviews, I'm more reluctant to keep with her because it seems she just wants to make movies and then disappear. Tom, too, but he's currently on stage, so if he wants, he'd be disappearing too.
Is that a bad thing?? 🤔 That's what MOST actors do! 😅 That's also what most actors of the past did.
I think what helps me as a fan is that TZ is not the only celebs that I'm a fan of. I'm a fan of musicians and football players and other actors.
Same! 😊 I have a wide variety of actors that I like and appreciate. Always have. I'm a fan of MANY actors. It helps to have some variety.
Weirdly enough, they are more famous, but those fandoms don't worry as much as much TZ fans here do. It helps that they are on social media more, so the content never ends, but at the end of the day, it's about the music or the game or the movie that fulfils me more on their career trajectory. I'm not on anyone's payroll.
Yea, I've noticed that too. But part of me wonders if some are so worried about where TZ are all the time because of the breakup of 2019 that none of us as fans saw coming until it was already long since established. 👀
Either way, living in fear is no way to live imo. I also don't feel that fans need to "worry" about any celebrity just because they're not on social media and providing "content" 24/7. 🙄 What kind of life is that?? Fans should be able to be perfectly FINE with celebrities living a normal life out of the public eye, and off of social media (if they so choose) and just be happy when they have a new movie (or album) coming out and they are promoting. This constant need for fans to have to know where they're favorite celebrity is 24/7 or at their beck and call (or else, they'll 'lose interest') is just really weird to me. 🥴
We can all agree to disagree though.
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
Season 2 of Russian Doll Steve Harrington-centric au
I have only some vague plot and just some scenes from the show down but I'll probably never write this and I need to get this out of my head so here we go! Another Dom's au idea dump! (I missed them)
Season 4 never happened btw but 1 through 3 did, also Eddie Munson never existed in Hawkins in this AU
Steve's mother is dying, Steve's mother is dying and he wishes he could feel something other than anger about it, he wishes he could be sad because his mother is dying but she hasn't really been a mother for him for a long time now
But she's dying and Steve still feels like the lanky teenager that observed and analyzed every breath of Cynthia Harrington to know why she hasn't loved him, or moreso why she loved him and yet it wasn't enough for her to care about him
He just wishes he had something to mourn a relationship that never was
She is dying and she's reaching out to Stevie after years of not talking after he packed his bags and moved with Robin to Chicago and haven't looked back since then
She wants him to come and he thinks it's cruel of her to want him there when all she's going to do is left him one last time
He is debating with himself whether to return to Hawkins or not when he takes his morning train to work
And that's when the time fuckery starts, he like Nadia becomes his mother(because we are keeping the gender fuckery that was Alan becoming his grandmother, like Stevie is just gender™ like that) who is very much pregnant, the baby is obvs him, unborn yet and they are in New York or some big city like that (for pain it could be Chicago and maybe Steve never knew she was born in Chicago, that somehow he followed in her footsteps) because Cynthia has always been a big city girl, it was Richard Harrington that wanted to move to Hawkins, to settle down there
When he figures it out he tries to change his fate, he thinks he is here to fix things, to give himself and his mother better life, one where she was happy, one where she maybe loved him enough to care
He knows he needs to leave, he packs her bags and tries to escape by taking the train and it just takes him back
He comes back to his apartment with Robin and spills everything to her, they have survived shit™ so she believes him, but tells him to not mess with time shit but he's determined that he can just fix it, fix everything
So he goes back and finds out that Cynthia is still with her parents, still to be married to Richard, he founds out that the escape did happen but she returned when she realized she was with a baby, has no money, no other people than her family that is pushing her to marry Richard since she is already carrying his child and she's so young, barely eighteen
She chicken out, so he tries other means and somehow somewhere there as his mother he falls for Eddie Munson, Eddie who he never heard of, Eddie who his mother never spoken a word of (his mother hasn't told him many things)
So he falls for Eddie because Eddie is so kind and free and different and he loves him, god he loves him, learns about his mother's past and it's all doomed anyway because the problem of Cynthia Harrington was that she was doomed from her birth and it's the same shit as in the show that every decision that Steve makes doesn't matter, they end up exactly the same anyway
Side plot is Robin taking the train and becoming her grandma and learning her grandma was the same as her, that she was queer, that she fell in love with Vickie, she falls in love with Vickie and it's a doomed romance, she comes back to her present time and learns that Vickie died just two years after Robin/her grandma met her and she tries to prevent that, she thinks she is there to prevent that, in the end she can't, in the end Vickie dies and Robin loved her god she loved her so much
There are obvs intermissions where Stevie and Robin are in the present together and talk and scheme and try to make it all right
Stevie like Nadia steals himself as a baby because he thinks he can raise himself better, that he and Robin can do a better job and the scene where Nadia gives Alan the baby-her and says think of all the things i could be if i was raised with love and as Robin holds baby-him "just what i was talking about" because Robin loves him and he knows she will love baby-him
Also maybe the rest of the party come to Chicago at some point because they heard the news and are there to support Steve and are sucked into the chaos but also meet a random baby and as Steve sees baby-himself surrounded by the party who even tho question from where the fuck did Robin and Steve have gotten a baby are taking care of it anyway
It's just- Steve finally learning his mother, gaining knowledge why she's like that, how she was before him, that him and her are quite similar, that they both loved Eddie Munson and lost him and it will hurt them for the rest of their life, Stevie coming back to Hawkins to say goodbye to his mom
Because he wouldn't chose her to be his mother but that's how the story goes and he knows her and understands her now and they both deserve to say goodbye
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theintrovertbean · 2 years
Tumblr now officially hates me, so I have to post this again AGAIN. I wonder who's tiddies I have to suck for my posts to show up in the tags.
Sorry for posting everything twice, but that's the only way @yourguyrai can simp for me.
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Hello there 👀
I think it's pretty much canon that Nadia has like zero experience with romantic relationships. Not sure about sexual relationships, tho, but MC definitely isn't her first.
I tried to take on a more realistic approach, which means that it's not all sweet and cuddly, but instead, it includes some issues that could happen to anyone. Sexual incompatibility is a dealbreaker for many people, but I think Nadia and MC could make it work due to the wonderful love they share. (But please, correct me if I'm wrong at any point.)
I like this request a lot, and it is very inspiring! Thank you, and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Also, your MC seems very interesting and I'd love to learn more about her! I really wonder how her background would connect her to The Arcana's storyline.
Nadia with an MC who has low libido
Nadia is undeniably horny for MC, but she noticed that their sex drives might not be the same very early into their relationship. Still, she wanted to make sure, so she and MC had a conversation about it.
The Countess is a very understanding woman, and she takes the news calmly. MC's low libido is not a surprise to her. She asks MC if there are any things that she shouldn't do, if there are some things that might make them uncomfortable, etc. They needed to set some boundaries, and Nadia was okay with it. Boundaries are necessary for every relationship anyway.
At first, Nadia struggles a little. She knows that a low libido doesn't mean no sex, but she still feels nervous and frustrated. Nadia would never pressure MC into anything, and she is afraid that MC would agree to have sex only because of her and not because they want it, which would be no fun. The fear of rejection would also generate some anxiety in our favorite Countess, and that's a no no.
Nadia would feel insecure at some point, which led to another conversation. I must emphasize that Nadia is an insecure woman. She is aware of her outer beauty, but inside, she is someone who has gone through a lot. Her first marriage failed, and throughout her entire life, she felt like she was never enough. That does horrible things to a person.
Nadia needs reassurance to make this relationship work. She needs MC to tell her that they love her, they're attracted to her, and that none of this is because of her. Nadia needs to know that she is enough.
They would also have to find other ways to be intimate. Of course, sex isn't the only way, but with a libido as high as Nadia's, it can be very important to some, and that's valid. During the evenings, when they are both free, maybe they could read together or create something artistic.
Cuddles. There would be lots of cuddles and sweet kisses.
Eventually, it is not really that big of a deal for them. Nadia is a busy Countess, and a busy Countess is a tired Countess. Many times, she would be too exhausted to even think about sex, so it is nice that MC would not shake her awake in the middle of the night for a quickie.
If MC initiated having sex once in a while, Nadia would be over the moon. I imagine their sex would be a slow, passionate lovemaking rather than a quick fuck. Nadia would definitely want to savor the moment.
Also, Nadia would masturbate a lot. Even the sight of MC is enough to turn her on, and she would much rather take care of herself than pressure MC into anything. Needless to say, she thinks about MC whenever she touches herself, moaning their name as she comes.
In the end, no matter what happens, there is never any pressure. They'd find a way. I just know it. As long as both Nadia and MC love each other the same way, their relationship will work out.
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May I request some full HCs of the M6 with an ex coliseum fighter MC?
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an ex-Coliseum fighter MC
His first thought when he laid eyes on you after he broke into your shop was "wow, they must have some stories to tell!"
Oddly enough, the physical (and mental/emotional) scars you carry from your time in the Coliseum are big reasons for why he chooses to trust you - and, eventually to cherish you. You've been through it
As someone who's had quite the wild life himself, he can trust you to understand how difficult experiences do and don't define who you are. He knows if he talks about life with pirates, you'll get it
If it's his turn to have a nightmare, he doesn't have to worry that talking about his bad dreams will expose you to new horrors. If it's your turn, he's a light sleeper for good reasons
Tends to pry for stories about your time there, but in a good way that pushes you to process what it was like
Checked over all the scars you accumulated there and regularly asks after any lingering chronic pain from the injuries
Once he's gotten past the initial flirtatious comments and the awkwardness of opening up, he'd be lying if he doesn't find the scars and background very attractive. Rough him up anytime ~
They're in two minds about the whole situation and they're not totally sure how to proceed with it when discomfort isn't their thing
He's glad you're not there anymore. He often wonders if you coming back without memories was actually a merciful thing, if it meant not remembering the details of your trauma
They hate seeing all the marks of pain and violence on your body, because it's like a reminder to them of one of the many ways they somehow let you down or left you alone when you needed help
Deep down, however, it's beyond comforting to him to know what you're capable of surviving without help, because he knows he can't always be there for you no matter how hard he tries
They know that if you're ever in a situation again where your life is threatened, you'll fight viciously to preserve it. They hate that you experienced it and hope you never will again, but they're relieved
All that to say, he doesn't know how to talk about it and he's not going to broach the subject unless you do
Still committed to loving you and being open with you. They know you, they know you're good, and they want you to know them too
When she first met you, she assumed the scars must have come from fighting in a war. The Coliseum didn't occur to her
She doesn't even have the clearest memories of it, since she only really saw it after being married to the man who instated it. That doesn't stop her from feeling immensely guilty about it
This happened to you while she had the power to push back against it, and she didn't. There was so much going wrong that she never addressed because she was holed up in her tower, hiding
That only spurs her to try to make things right. You do receive a halting but heartfelt apology from her early on, and a respectful invitation to share your experience with her at your comfort
Just as you've helped her to move on and recover, she wants to do the same for you. You have a powerful skill set. To the extent that you're willing to, she'd love to see you put it to noble use
How do you feel about teaching martial arts? She'll put you in touch with Nahara, and will help you fund a teaching studio for anyone who could use the coaching
Or you could be her personal bodyguard ...
More than anything, he's just relieved he never had to kill you. He already has so much regret to live with, and the thought of ending the person who would've made life good again is horrific
That doesn't make you easy to be around at first. Everything about you brings back the memories he wants to leave behind
The scars that match his, the way you react to movement, even the way you walk to compensate for the drag of chains you don't wear anymore. You're the un-hateable mirror of everything that hurts
And that's just after the first few days. Truthfully, you scare him, and even after building a new life with you there are still moments when being perceived by you terrifies him, because you get him
You don't need words or confessions to understand the hell that's shaped him so profoundly. And even when he can't stand to carry someone else's pain on top of his own, he still understands yours
It's precisely that forced vulnerability that makes loving you so profoundly healing. He loves you for you, he loves you for the pain you've experienced, and since it's the same as his own, he's learning to love himself begrudgingly in the process
Not put off by you at all, which is extremely rare for you
She finds it attractive if anything. You look like someone who's really lived. You look like someone who gives as good as they get
It makes her a little uncomfortable to be around at first. She's so quickly caught up in the coolness and excitement of your violent past that she can get borderline insensitive with her questions
What's it like to be in a fight? Who's the biggest person you fought? Did you really have to kill all of your opponents? How many did you kill? Was there a lot of blood? What weapons did you use?
Does a complete 180 the first time she sees the emotional and mental toll it's taken on you. She's so empathetic, it takes all of five seconds for her to understand this is trauma before she's weeping
So very happy to be your anchor and grounding presence. She will hold you and grieve with you and never, ever, ever look at you differently for what you were a part of. You're not scary to her
Almost overprotective when it comes to how other people perceive you. Someone's acting like you're the scariest person in the room and making you uncomfortable? She's about to prove them wrong
After spending three years as a goat ghost, he doesn't care who you are, just talk to him - oh, his survival depends on your good graces? And he had you stuck as a Coliseum fighter? Hmmm
Tried to hide it, but he was scared at first. He was smart enough to know that you had good reason to dislike him, and therefore plenty of reason to further mess him up in such a vulnerable state
But you didn't. Which made him confused. And curious
Tell him about your time there, then! What was it like being in the ring? Being a participant in his favorite fight of yours?
Oh. Oh, it was that bad? ..... oh.
He carries guilt for every painful repercussion you experience. It was shame, and now it looks more like remorseful responsibility, but he doesn't need it rubbed in his face to know it was wrong
What he also knows is a valuable lesson you taught him, which is both the importance and possibility of making things right
You will never have a nightmare he won't be ready to comfort you for. You will never have an injury he won't be getting his clothes dirty for treating it. You will always, always have him by your side
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perfectarmony · 2 years
just curious, do you think Nadia is still married to Robert? this whole marriage thing doesn't make much sense. either way, I hope it signals the end of her marriage to Arman (finally). please keep doing your reviews!
I think so, anon! 👀
Simply because: why would it even matter if they were married and had a divorce - how is that supposed to affect the characters? 👀
Again, I could be wrong, this is just how I see things
Nadia kept that information from Arman - it's a matter of interpretation, but I don't think she lied - she just omitted that (big) truth.
If they're not married anymore, Arman will be mad, hurt - and then what? I'm sure Nadia would have a good reason to not have told him, one that he would understand - and none of that would move the storyline forward 👀 or at least with we have right now I don't see it.
But if they didn't get a divorce and still are married - this would mean that Arman and Nadia's marriage was never valid on paper. And here, it shakes things up, and the storyline is affected - how is to be seen - but it does change the dynamic between Arman and Nadia, Arman and Robert, Robert and Nadia, and Arman and Thony.
I'll have to go back and watch some scenes again with the thought in mind that Nadia and Robert actually are married - it should be interesting.
What I really don't understand - and it is driving me nuts because I feel like it is the missing piece: why on earth didn't Robert tell Arman about it?
Was it just because he knew he would never have a chance to get Nadia back if he caused trouble for her directly? Does he, for some reason, need to keep Arman and Nadia close enough? What did he really do to scare her away? Why didn't he try to win her back if they were still married? There are so many questions, but we shouldn't have to wait for long to get those answers though since Arman confronts Nadia in 2x09. I feel like there has to be so much more behind this storyline, and I'm quite excited to see where it takes us. As for Arman and Nadia - their marriage is toast either way. They'll still care about each other but I think we definitely are moving away from Mr and Mrs. Morales.
Also. Am I paranoid, or is anyone else worried about Nadia's ring now that we saw the tracker that was hidden in Maya's bracelet? This could have been just a way to get the ''FBI mole hypothesis'' out of the way - and they blamed Cortés for it, not Kamdar - but still, my thoughts immediately went to the ring Robert had in his possession long enough to have put something inside of it. 👀
~~~ Concerning my little asks/opinion posts, I'm so glad you guys appreciate them - and as long as you all keep me on my toes, I'll keep sharing my thoughts as much as possible 🥺
I feel like I kinda need to explain myself a bit as to why I haven't been spontaneously posting them here anymore. I haven't really mentioned it, but I have committed to review the show for SpoilerTV - and these usually have to be posted within 48 hours. Which is why I (more or less) disappear after the episode airs, and until my review is done and scheduled - because I don't want to get influenced.
Anyway, my life is kinda messy and busy lately - and because I absolutely love writing for Stv - I get really frustrated with myself when I don't have the time needed to really dive into everything that's going on with this amazing show that deserves so much more love. So unfortunately, when I'm not happy about it and feel like I had to rush things, I'm simply choosing not to share it here because it just feels blant 👀
All of this to come to the point that while you guys appreciate these posts - I appreciate you all even more for reaching out, and forcing me to sit down to turn my feels into words ❤️
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werewolfheads · 1 year
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this is an idea i had for a show :)
when she was 10 years old, Kathryn was a magical girl. along with her 3 best friends, she protected the world from alien monsters, using the amazing powers granted to them by the princess of the moon, and her emissary, a funny little purple guy called, like, Yorbo
after a few years Yorbo told them that their work was done. it was time to give back their power wands and go back to being normal girls. a new group of heroes would be chosen to take their place.
except you, Kathryn. the princess wants you to stay on the team for a bit.
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it's been 20 years and Kathryn is still on the team, no matter how many times she has begged to be let go. she's so sick of this. she's a grown woman! she works in insurance! why is she still spending all her free time fighting monsters with a bunch of ten year olds?
she's not, like, the team mom or anything. she's not their coach, or even, like, Yorbo's teaching assistant. he's made that very clear. as far as the princess of the moon is concerned, she's just one of the girls.
it's really embarrassing.
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every time they fight some giant octopus from jupiter she can see how excited the kids get about it. they're having fun, and building confidence, and learning about themselves! and the whole time she's thinking, really? another giant octopus? this has gotta be, like, the ninth giant octopus
but she can't say that, y'know? cause she remembers what it was like being one of those kids, and how exciting and scary and fun everything was...
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she's still friends with the girls from her first team, but it's become very obvious how different their lives are. it's hard to hold down a steady job when you have to keep running out of meetings to beat up a robot pterodactyl. and it's exhausting. she doesnt have the limitless energy of a ten year old. but you know who does? the three ten year olds she has to spend all her free time with. fun!
also, if it wasn't clear, the magical girl stuff doesn't pay
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so the series would start around the time of Kathryn's 30th birthday. one of her old teammates, Nadia, is moving back to town to start uni. she's studying giant alien monsters, and the local uni has one of the best giant alien monster programs, because this is where all the giant alien monsters keep attacking.
Kathryn never went to uni. she was putting it off until she finally got to stop doing the magical girl thing.
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once Nadia discovers Kathryn's still on the team, she makes it her mission to help get her out. and, y'know, Nadia's fiery Gen Z energy clashes with Kathryn's depressed millennial and it's very, like, classic odd couple.
meanwhile Kathryn is battling crazy creatures while trying to manage the very delicate team politics
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like any 21st century gal she is also trying to balance work and dating. work is going bad because she sells insurance, and she has had a string of terrible luck where the places she sells policies to immediately get destroyed by a giant monster the next day.
dating is going bad because she's a mess
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and the giant monsters aren't helping either. she starts dating a single mum, but she can't tell her about the magical girl thing. not because there's a rule against it, it's just too embarrassing.
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and then it turns out the woman she's dating is the mother of one of her teammates, which kicks off a bitter rivalry between the two of them. and as much as Kathryn tries to convince herself that she's above getting in a fight with a ten year old... she's really not.
in case its not clear this is all kind of a metaphor for being in your late twenties/early thirties and feeling like you've fallen behind all of your peers and you don't know what you're doing with your life. obviously thats something i think about a lot, which you can tell because I'm posting ideas for a sailor moon parody series on tumblr
each episode would revolve around some event in Kathryn's personal life (30th birthday, vying for a promotion, high school reunion etc) and her battle to get through it alive and unhumiliated while struggling with her ten year old teammates, Nadia's enthusiastic attempts to help, awkward brunches with her obliviously condescending childhood friends, and whatever monster of the week Yorbo wants her to deal with.
it's a lot. she's very tired.
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kinghijinx22 · 1 year
The Skullgirls comic returns with some good Filia backstory and the Egrets teaming up with Lab 8 in episodes 17 and 18
So the Skullgirls comic came back a couple weeks ago and I check out the episodes. I feel like they maybe got a new artist again? Or at least changed their style which was especially noticable in episode 18. Unless it's just my imagination, but either way it still looks good.
Episode 17 was especially great with the introduction of Filia into the story. Was really interesting getting more on her backstory before she lost her memories and Samson jumped on her head. She seems like she was always a sweet and caring person and it was nice to get a mention of Carol. It's always been clear that they were close in the past, either as friends or maybe even romantically and it's tragic knowing what Filia is talking about. Carol has already been taken by Lab 0 by this point and is being turned into Painwheel by Valentine. This episode tells us a lot about Filia and her backstory and answers a lot of questions regarding her relationship with the the rest of the Medici's. In the game I remember it being an interesting twist that she was related to them, and it was made unclear just how much she knew about evil stuff they get up to and how her own parents might be involved. As it turns out she does seem to know that they get up to shady stuff but isn't aware of the details and her dad didn't want to involve himself in that stuff and eventually cut ties to protect his family. Which doesn't really say much about his morals but he at least doesn't seem as bad as the rest of their family.
So we finally got some answers regarding Filia's backstory so that was cool. Then the Skullgirl Marie attacks Maplecrest because she's hunting down all the Medici's in her quest for revenge no matter who they are while creating an army of the undead along the way. Filia and her family try to escape but are cornered by Marie in the park but are saved by Filia's dog getting involed. Filia's dog and apparently Samson who is attached to Filia's dog? Or is there no dog and it's all Samson which is kind of what it looks like to me. Either way this was a pretty interesting twist and although I wonder when Samson is going to jump from the dog to Filia. We also get a really cool moment after Marie recognises Samson's voice, which I imagine is actually the Skull Hearts memories from when they had fought in the past. Filia rushed by Samon's side, seemingly still beleiving that it's just her dog and Marie not only has memories of Samson but also sees his previous partner the legendary Delilah when she looks at Filia. Delilah always seemed like a really cool character and is talked up as being one of the stronger characters in the lore so it was cool to kind of see her here.
Marie is shocked from this encounter with Samson and the dead ringer of Delilah and so she decides to let them go. Episode 17 was honestly one of my favourites so far, and from there we move on to episode 18. I feel like not a lot happens in the episode when it comes to big events but we get some really good set up and character interactions. Eliza and Cerebella continue their search for Nadia and the Fishbone gang and we get the usual friction between them. Meanwhile Lorenzo sends Black Dahlia to get the job done, kind of undermining Vitale's methods. I've been sensing some animosity between father and son here. With Vitale wanting to take over the Mafia and Lorenzo not taking his son seriously I'm kind of guessing that Vitale has no intention of returning the life gem so Lorenzo can die of old age. Now that I think about that could be the real reason Lorezno send Black Dahlia, because he can sense his sons betrayal.
Parasoul, the Black Egrets and Big Band head out to find the Skullgirl with Molly at the wheel and end up running into Peacock along the way who joins them. Parasoul does a great job at keeping everybody on the same page, and Molly is an endearing character that's always nice to see. We get some fun interactions between all these characters and when they arrive on the scene to stop Marie we get one of the coolest shots of everybody together. Also a nice Peacock fourth wall break that's fitting of her. And speaking of Peacock, it looks like we are finally going to get an interaction between her and Marie which is going to be potentially heart retching. This was a good couple of episodes and I'm excited for the next.
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thefandomtraveler · 1 year
Everything I liked about Shadow and Bone season 2 (warning: much comments about the crows + fangirling about the cast):
- first off all the new characters are amazing, I'm in love with Nikolai, still not over how perfect Jack is as Wylan, and Tolya and Tamar were so god damn cool I can't
- also everyone looked so good
- loved the whole part where they were in Bhez Ju (and the story about Sankta Neyar)
- Freddy Carter I bow down to you that performance was amazing, seriously I couldn't picture a better kaz
- also Daisy was so good too, like I was crying everytime she was on screen
- and basically everyone else, I'm so amazed by this whole cast, they really all brought these characters to life
- while wesper pining is like one of my favourite things in the books, i still really enjoyed what they did in the show
- just Wylan looking at Jesper like he is the only person that matters
- Jesper's reaction to Wylan playing piano had me smiling like an idiot
- AND THE KISS i gasped so loud... i was giggling and kicking my feet in the air and had to replay the scene
- also kanej was everything this season, we got so many scenes from the books and more (really glad they didn't kiss, though... netflix really had me worried at some points that it would happen)
- Nina Zenik was amazing the whole time, just her comments and looks whenever Kaz was being an idiot
- helnik had me in chokehold
- Kaz' reaction at wesper kissing was so funny (also not him cockblocking them in the morning, a really Kaz thing to do + Jesper's "No!" had me rolling)
- "I kinda like your face." just let me die here and now
- Tolya talking about poetry and him helping wesper
- Jesper realizing he HAS met Wylan before, only when he was LAYING ON TOP OF HIM... in the middle of a FIGHT
- Wylan talking about butterflies while everyone is dying, please he just wanted to tell Jesper they are so cute
- Jesper meeting his mother again I CRIED
- just Kaz' whole backstory, already hung on every page when I read it, my emotions were all over the place seeing it on screen
- Kaz talking to Pekka Rollins, just that whole performance deserves an Oscar thank you
- literally every fight scene
- first meeting of Nikolai and Kaz/Jesper (and Kaz figuring Nikolai out SO FAST and him side eyeing Jesper)
- Jesper calling Kaz his brother... this show wants me dead
- Nina and Inej friendship
- Jesper in a Kilt for like half of the season
- Nikolai revealing who he really is had me on the floor, i love that man so much (also Alina punching him in the face for keeping it a secret lol)
- Alina being a badass queen. That's it.
- felt so bad for Mal this season, my man was really going through it damn
- Ben Barnes' performance as the darkling was so good, but we already knew that
- Genya and David had my heart... I was already emotional every time they were on screen together but when Genya found the ruby and the scetch of the ring I was bawling my eyes out
- everytime Genya and Alina hugged
- Tamar and Nadia just being happy lesbians in the background, good for them (wish we would have seen more of them)
- just every Tolya and Tamar interaction (especially the hug when Tolya came back), also wished we could have seen more them
- Jesper hugging Inej and twirling her around (they are best friends i love them so much)
- the whole sequence of Alina and Mal at the end destroying the fold
- Matthias seeing the wolves and feeding them + the scene at the end where he doesn't fight against them and they stand next to him instead
- the difference between Nina telling everyone Matthias is the love of her life and him being in hellgate, having the worst time of his life, because he hates her but also really doesn't
- Inej killing the shadow monsters with the sword (what a queen)
- Zoya just being herself
- "And how will you have me?", that whole scene had me holding my breath....
- "I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I won't have you at all." screaming into my pillow
- Jesper shouting "That's my man!" when Wylan threw the bomb at the shadow monsters (+ him saying that they don't have to put a label on it just after realizing what he said)
- Jesper trying to figure out how to get things right with Wylan (and failing rip)
- Wylan and Jesper standing in the background holding eachother after they talk and make things right
- Wylan trying to hide the fact that he is the son of one of the richest man in Ketterdam
- and him trying to convince Kaz that it isn't Alby's fault, who his father is because Wylan knows how that feels
- Genya looking for David's heartbeat
- David telling Genya she does not need to be fixed
- Baghra casually breaking out of her prison, because really, what did Kirigan thought? Leaving her and Genya without a supervisor and assuming she would sit still in her cage... really wasn't his smartest move
- "Someday, someone is going to sweep you off your feet so hard, you won't know what hit you." / "I could fix him." I can't WAIT for Zoyalai (if we ever get another season)
- Jordie and little Kaz 🥺
- Nina getting waffles and Kaz giving her a look of pure confusion
- also their whole interaction at the tea shop
- Inej not being able to leave Kaz after him panicking
- Wylan telling the others he wants to know the plan too and then crossing his arms (i'm sorry babes all you do is looking adorable we need to work on that one)
- "You guard against pain. You guard against joy. But when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love... two hearts make a universe" her whole speech had me in tears
- Neyar and Jesper's talk about his powers and that he has a lot to catch up to
- over all him slowly accepting who he is and not wanting to hide anything (including Wylan)
- Wesper healthy communication is all I needed actually, they mean so much to me you don't understand
- Wylan and Jesper breaking into that landhouse and pretending to want to fix the piano
- Nina getting the information about the office so easily and Kaz being impressed (i love her)
- Wylan looking away whenever he smiles
- "What you did back there, made you a Crow" and "When was the last time you ate"... Kaz Brekker you aren't beating those dad crow allegations
- the moment when you think Nina actually betrayed Kaz but then realise it was the plan all along because obviously, it's Kaz Brekker
- Tolya and Nina bonding over food (mood)
- Wylan being so offended when Jepser calls him a total stranger (i'd be too tbf)
- "Are you worried about me Jesper Fahey?"
- the scene of Baghra and Kirigan where she sacrifices herself (I really like that this scene shows that there is still something human about the Darkling)
- "My demolitions expert." / "Expert? I mean, yes, expert." Never change Wylan
- Nikolai and Dominik bromance
- Tolya and Tamar knowing the other is there and alive by their necklaces
- Jesper embracing his grisha powers
- Inej and Zoya fighting together is something I didn't know I needed
- the five of crows joke
- the parallel of Matthias seeing Nina in the beginning of the season and ignoring her vs both of them screaming eachother's names while being dragged away at the end
- Mal and Nikolai just getting along and trusting eachother
- the teasers about Jurda Parem, the ice-court heist and Sankta Lizabeta
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thememoriesofaqueen · 2 years
I’m trying to understand, so you feel like instead of talking about their problems it makes more sense for a woman who believes she was abandoned by the man she loves and left to die, alone, and nearly did… and for a man who learned of his mistake who has been looking for her for months tortured essentially believing her to be dead, and isn’t sure he has truly found her… the thing that makes sense for these two is to go out to dinner? After one meeting. Help us understand :)
Thanks for trying to understand :) I try to explain:
I think Elijah's position is easier to understand so I start with him first. As you already pointed out, Elijah tortured himself the last past months because he wasn't there to help her when she needed him and feared she might be dead by now. He would do anything for her if he finds her again. He would protect her, give her everything she needs, or - in the worst case - leave if that's what she wants.
I think I haven't explained why exactly I wanted them to have dinner. I usually try to be vague because I don't want to spoil too much and I sometimes change directions / little details so I don't want anyone hoping for something which might doesn't make it into the finished chapter.
But anyway. It's past midnight and Elijah is at the fountain and is having an emotional moment. There, to his great surprise, he meets Katherine again. The reason why she's out there is because she's hungry (simplified told - I don't want to go into too many details yet). Let's call it a nightly ravenous appetite (again something I want to explain some time later).
She got herself some food, but it’s something she calls 'toxic poison' on the show if you know what I mean. Aka not really healthy/good food.
Now remember that Elijah would do anything for her. She's obviously hungry and she has gotten herself bad food that will most likely result in stomach pain. He wants to help and make sure she is capable of sleeping without getting stomach pain hence why he offers to take her out for dinner (something small, no fancy four-course meal).
Okay, now I come to Katherine and my (initial) plan.
The situation is of course the same as mentioned above (the reason why she even meets him is that she was out to get herself something for her nightly ravenous appetite).
Katherine isn't entirely sure how it could be that he's there because she is aware that she isn't drunk (this time). She, therefore, isn't sure if he's real (she's not sure if it is a sign of starting delusions or if it's some kind of waking dream / somnambulism?).
She's not pleased to see him and tells him she doesn't need him anymore. But they talk and it results in her challenging her to do something that Elijah would never do under normal circumstances. But he does it for her which shows that at least some of his words from their previous talk are true.
She also knows that the food she has gotten herself will most likely result in stomach pain if she eats too much of it (which she doesn't care about at that moment because she's hungry af). He then makes the offer to take her out for dinner and she considers it. She doesn't trust him entirely, no matter if he's real or not, hence why she makes that 'kidnapping-comment' I mentioned a few days ago. She doesn't trust him but she sees that his offer is beneficial for her. It would also be a chance to test if he's a) real or indeed a product of her imagination and b) if he means what he said.
Why do I have the focus on a hungry Katherine? That's simple, I want to show the challenges she faces with being human. Even in canon, she's an extremely hungry person (as shown when she was kidnapped by Nadia // when she went to Whitmore Collage to pretend to be Elena where she immediately asks where the food was + she did it for Elena's meal card // when she orders herself an entire table of food after she survives being fed to Silas). Her priorities have changed in some aspects.
Why does she agree to come? Katherine still has a motto: "Wait. How do you think I survived 500 years? It wasn't because I was a vampire, it's because I never looked back. Don't be dumb. Survive." I mean yes, she's currently not in a situation in which she will starve or die but she sees it's advantageous for her. Even if it's only so that she won't have stupid stomach pain. I also think that she had been in a situation in which she was constantly starving /famishing before she turned up at the Salvatore's for help so accepting the chance of food is probably a (new) survival instinct.
But it's Elijah? She doesn't trust him, especially not emotional-wise. She's not keen on having him around. BUT at the same time, she still feels something for him although she doesn't know why or what it is. I'm inspired by her reaction to Elijah in 5x11 in which she was happy to see him. He left and broke her heart and trust, yes, but she doesn't blame him for her current situation. She blames Elena for forcing the cure down her throat, she blames Damon for being horrible to her, she blames Silas for existing and being after her, and she also to some point blames herself for having lost control over her emotions because she was so damn jealous of Elena. She does not blame Elijah for her near death-experiences because he wasn't involved in this. Besides, he accuses her of playing games with him and deceiving him? Fine, now she's doing just that (or CAN do just that). Perhaps he can spot the difference. I also think that due the fact that she's not entirely sure if he's indeed here or if it's some kind of dream, she might be more ... laid back? I know some say it's not possible to move places or go to a restaurant if it's only a dream but I know realistic dreams exist - up to the point that some locations feel like a Déjà-vu when visited in ‘real life’. Chances (for her) are high that she wakes up in bed the next morning with the food she has gotten the night before and has only dreamed the entire encounter.
What do I promise myself out of that dinner? I want to give Elijah an opportunity to show that he truly cares for Katherine and that he's willing and able to help her if she accepts his help. I want to create an atmosphere in which it's easier for them to talk and have an actual conversation. For Elijah to carefully address some topics (Is she okay right now? Does she need anything else? Is she currently safe (aka does she feel safe)?
I hope that perhaps explains my initial thoughts behind it? :s
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
hihi!! i wanted to ask if you could write for a really cuddly mc who likes to hold the main6 whenever and wherever they can? like they could be walking in the halls of the palace with lucio and theyre grabbing his arm/biceps (in a not flirty way) just for the sake or being close to him? or just sitting in the rowdy raven with jules and having their hand on his just because, for no real reason?
tysm for writing!!!
(and could i be "♡ anon"?)
yes, I can!! and you can absolutely be ♡ anon!
Mc likes to hold them all the time (Main 6)
Tumblr media
he's used to it by now
sure, when it first started happening once you could do everything on your own they were surprised
that didn't mean it wasn't welcome
he'll let you hold onto him any time you want!
if he can't be there then Faust is your buddy, she'll give you nice and firm squeezes that remind you of Asra <3
in the shop you're always welcome to hold them, most people in town wouldn't mind anyways
people in town think you two are absolutely adorable no matter what
don't even worry about people being rude, the whole town would obliterate them
Everyone labeled you as the best couple in town
he's the same way, you don't even have to ask to hold onto him
he'll practically melt anytime you randomly hold onto him, it's really cute.
Mazelinka says you spoil him with it, Julian denies it but it's definitely true
Portia loves teasing you both mercilessly, it's revenge for teasing her
the only time you can't hold onto him as if he's working or writing something
don't think you will ever have peace, even in your sleep Julian has some part of his body touching yours.
he gets very touchy near the Rowdy Raven- it gets a little rough so he likes knowing you're right there
thinks it's sweet!
she's more than alright with you holding onto her in some way as long as she can still work and you don't mind following her around
Nadia loves having you near her while she's working, it gives her a comfortable silence
she likes to trace shapes on your hand when you hold onto her <3
she's gonna let you hold onto her even in a meeting, no one really wants to talk back to the countess. Especially a countess as pleasant as Nadia
Chandra gets a little jealous of Nadia sometimes- so she'll perch on your shoulder waiting for you to give her attention
the easiest to cling to, why?
he's just built so large that he won't even notice until you actually ask him if you can
he doesn't mind you holding onto him unless he's doing something involving anything sharp or lots of movement
if you can't hold onto Muriel, then Inanna sneaks her way into your arms-
it flusters him sometimes, especially if you do it in public often
he never tells you no unless necessary though, he enjoys having you holding onto him <3
Asra teases you both a little, it's fun and lighthearted but Muriel still turns red all the same
she'll be so excited that you wanna hold onto her
just be careful, Portia has that instinct to squeeze anything she thinks is cute
she'll shower you in as much affection as you give her, no matter where you are
even Nadia isn't spared, though she does tone it down if she's working
if she's in a rush though and can't be near you for a minute she just- throws Pepi into your arms and gives you a kiss before running off
Portia is so sweet, a ray of sunshine in a human form. She lets you hold onto her however you'd like, even if she's cooking
her favorite way of affection is to just- shower you with kisses after the day is over.
he's gonna brag about it a lot
can you blame him? he's got the person who saved the world holding onto him
Lucio is actually very happy when you hold onto him, especially around the palace
sometimes he is denied affection by the puppies though (mainly Melchior)
if you hold his hand he's gonna do the thumb thing every time
if you spoil him too much he'll want you to always be touching him in some way
not that you mind
everyone in the palace knows you make Lucio a better person, they think it's funny to see how much your touch changes his mood
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