#but it is clear now years after that we misunderstood what that was
bonnysis · 2 years
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sadnymi · 4 months
「 ✦ I can fix him ( No really I can ). ✦ 」
[Mattheo riddle × reader] [TTPD Masterlist]
Summary:Y/n's obsession with Mattheo was evident; she stalked him everywhere, daydreamed about him, and planned ways to get his attention. However, even though he said he hated her, his actions didn’t quite align with those words.
Warnings: stalker!reader , unhinged!reader,obsessed!reader, misunderstood with anger issues reader too! +16 , strong language.
Words: 4.5k
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The air hung thick with the smell of spilled Butterbeer and desperation. Wedged into a corner booth of theLeaky Cauldron, I felt like a fish out of water, albeit a very determined fish. My friends, Lily and Anthony, slumped beside me,faces pale and glassy-eyed.
They were the studious type, the kind who'd rather spend a Friday night poring over Herbology textbooks than navigating the dimly lit chaos of this questionable bar. But here they were, martyrs to my grand plan.
My obsession with Mattheo riddle wasn't a recent development. It had blossomed, nurtured by stolen glances across the Great Hall and late-night eavesdropping during our Hogwarts years. Sure, it bordered on stalkerish – I knew his favorite Quidditch teams, the brand of broomstick polish he swore by, even the obscure runes tattooed discreetly on his forearm. But hey,love knew no bounds, right? Well, at least that's what I kept telling myself.
"Y/N, for Merlin's sake," Lily muttered, her voice barely a whisper above the din of drunken wizard gossip, "can't we please go back to Hogwarts? My eyelids are heavier than a dragon's hide after a full moon."
I shook my head firmly, my gaze scanning the sea of faces. "Not yet," I hissed, the anticipation bubbling in my chest. "He should be here any minute."
"He who?" Anthony mumbled, his head lolling against the worn leather of the booth.
"Mattheo, of course!" I exclaimed, my voice a touch louder than necessary. Heads swiveled in our direction, and I quickly ducked my head, mortified.
"Y/N," Anthony sighed, "I can't believe you dragged us all the way out here for a guy who wouldn't recognize you if you levitated naked in front of him."
"He will," I declared, a stubborn glint in my eyes. "Just wait and see." I straightened my robes, trying to project an air of confidence that I definitely wasn't feeling.
As if on cue, the door to the Leaky Cauldron creaked open, and a wave of boisterous laughter flooded the bar. My breath hitched. There he was. Handsome as sin, his black hair tousled, A mischievous grin playing on his lips. He was everything I ever dreamt of and more.
A collective groan escaped my friends' lips as they followed my gaze.
He scanned the room, his gaze sweeping right past my carefully constructed hiding place. "Oh, lord help her," Lily muttered, her voice laced with a mixture of amusement and resignation.
I forced a dazzling smile, willing him to notice me. But alas, he remained oblivious, his attention captured by a group of giggling witches at the bar.
"Show some respect to my man," I declared, though Mattheo was still blissfully unaware of my existence.
"He's not your man, Y/N," Anthony pointed out, stating the very obvious.
"Not yet," I corrected, my smile widening. "But he will be."
They both shook their heads, exasperation etched on their faces. "Y/N," Lily hissed, her ethereal voice taking on a surprisingly stern tone, "do you have any idea what you're talking about?"
I clamped a hand over her mouth "I can fix him," I whispered, my eyes fixed on Mattheo.
My friends erupted in laughter, the sound harsh and grating in the smoky bar. "No, seriously, I can!" I insisted, but they just kept shaking their heads.
"I can't take this anymore," she declared, her voice ringing clear. "Y/N, you're delusional, and Anthony and I are enabling you. This ends now. We're going back to Hogwarts."
"Fine, go," I muttered, my eyes still glued to Matteo. "But I'm staying for a while."
The Leaky Cauldron door creaked shut behind them, leaving me alone in a sea of unfamiliar faces and swirling rumors. I nursed my lukewarm Butterbeer, stealing glances at Mattheo across the room. He was lost in conversation with his friends, his laughter tinged with an edge I couldn't quite place.
A shadow fell across my table, and I looked up to find a burly wizard with a sly grin. "Mind if I join you, pretty lady? My treat."
I shook my head politely, my gaze still fixed on Mattheo. "Thank you, but I'm waiting for someone."
He persisted, leaning in uncomfortably close. But before I could politely dismiss him again, a loud booming voice cut through the bar's cacophony.
It was Mattheo, his handsome features contorted in a scowl. He said something that made his friends erupted in laughter, egging him on. A secret smile played on my lips. There he was, the same arrogant, trouble-seeking Mattheo I'd known at Hogwarts.
As his laughter died down, his eyes scanned the room, landing me. A flicker of surprise, then recognition, crossed his face.
He nudged his friends aside, striding towards my table with a swagger. Just as he reached me, he punched a nearby table sending the unsuspecting wizard sitting next to me flying in the air. He landed with a thud on a group of unsuspecting patrons, who shrieked in surprise.
My heart hammered in my chest. This was it. The darkness in his eyes – I knew that look. At Hogwarts, it always meant trouble. And with wands banned outside of school grounds, trouble often meant a good old-fashioned fistfight.
Mattheo reached me, his eyes narrowed. He glanced at the groaning wizard on the floor, then back at me. "Is he dead?" I asked, smiling.
My gaze darted between Mattheo and the dazed wizard. The words died in my throat as he grabbed my arms, his grip surprisingly tight.
"Who are you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
My carefully crafted facade threatened to crumble. Maybe my years of stalking – stalking? Observing! - hadn't been as effective as I'd hoped.
"Y/N," I stammered, my voice barely a squeak. "We have… two classes together… last year… remember?" I threw out the first things that came to mind, hoping to jog his memory.
He looked at me with raised eyebrows, a skeptical expression etched on his face. But before he could respond, he grabbed my arm again, his grip firm, and pulled me towards the bar's dimly lit exit.
"Okay, that's… kinda kinky," I blurted out. He stopped in his tracks, his mouth agape, as if unsure how to react to my strange comment.
"So… are you kidnapping me?" I continued, a nervous laugh escaping my lips. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind. I just wanted to know you better!"
He stared at me, incredulous. "A date first, wouldn't you say?" I added, a playful smile on my face.
Instead of replying, he pushed me against a wall, his frustration palpable. "Okay, that's a weird way to propose," I declared, a strange mix of excitement and fear bubbling in my chest. "But yes!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he said, his face inches from mine.
My mind was a whirlwind. He was close, impossibly close, and I couldn't think straight. But then again, I never could when it came to Mattheo Riddle.
"A lot of things," I mumbled, my voice barely audible. "So, which one are we talking about right now?"
His grip on my neck tightened, restricting my breath. Fear finally pierced through the haze of my infatuation. "Who sent you?" he spat. "I know you've been watching me since the beginning of the year. Tell me who sent you, or you're dead."
Dead? He thought I was a stalker, someone sent to spy on him? The truth was far more embarrassing – and much more obsessive. "Ouch," I croaked, trying to lighten the mood. "No one sent me.
He stared at me, his brow furrowed in disbelief. "Excuse me?"
"I love watching people," I blurted out, a lame attempt at an explanation. His hand tightened around my neck, cutting off my air supply. I choked back a gasp, opting not to struggle.
"You are really into a lot of things," I wheezed, my voice barely above a whisper.
"This isn't a damn game," he growled, his face inches from mine. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs.
"I know," I rasped. "And I'm telling you, no one sent me."
"So you just happen to be everywhere I'm in? Watching my every move is just a coincidence?"
"I do watch you," I confessed, meeting his gaze. The closeness was intoxicating, the scent of his cologne filling my senses.
"I, uh, I like you a lot and…" I stumbled over the words, my voice failing me.
He cut me off with a harsh laugh. "You like me a lot? So you just decide to stalk me?"
"Well, it's not… well, fine, yeah, but it wasn't that creepy, I swear!" I protested, flustered under his scrutiny.
"Go back to the castle. What did you say your name was? Y/N? Go back to the castle, and if I ever, ever saw you doing that again, I won't be this kind."
His words stung, a cold reality check washing over me. Yeah, maybe my grand plan of charming Mattheo hadn't gone exactly as planned.
"What if I don't want to?" I blurted out, blinking back tears I refused to let fall.
He sighed, frustration written all over his face. "Listen here," he said, pointing a finger between us. "This – this is not going to happen. Ever."
"Ever?" I echoed, a tiny voice in my head pleading with me to accept defeat.
He nodded. "Ever."
Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, a ridiculous statement popped out of my mouth.
"Well, I don't think so," I said, a playful smile replacing my tearful expression. "I think one day you'll be so in love with me you'll beg me to be with you."
Matteo's response was a hearty laugh. "Yeah? And what makes you think that?"
"Delusional, maybe?" I replied, mirroring his smile.
A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he finally released his grip on my neck. "Go back to the castle, Y/N," he repeated, his voice softer now. "I won't say that again."
I nodded, a bittersweet feeling settling in my stomach. "Yes, sir," I quipped, a mischievous glint in my eyes.
"What did you just call me?"
"Sir?" I repeated, a full smile blooming on my face.
"Don't you ever call me that again," he said, pushing his hair back in frustration.
"Fine, fine, I'm going," Stepping back. "But you know," I added, turning back to him, "being controlling isn't very healthy in a relationship." And with that I walked away the look in his eyes enough to make me run for my life.
A week crawled by. Every snide remark from Lily and Anthony about my "delusional crush" felt like another blow to my already bruised ego. Yet, a strange sense of pride bubbled beneath the hurt. I'd talked to Mattheo Riddle, gotten under his skin even. A win, as I kept telling myself.
The first time I saw him in the Great Hall after the bar incident, my heart did a somersault. He was across the room, his usual smirk plastered on his face as he bantered with his friends. But then, our eyes met. His gaze lingered for a fraction of a second longer than felt comfortable, and I quickly looked away, cheeks burning. Had he told his friends about the crazy stalker girl (me)? My stomach twisted in a knot.
Days blurred into one another, punctuated by stolen glances at Matteo in the Great Hall, Potions class, and even the Quidditch pitch (though I swore I wasn't there to see him play). Every time I felt his gaze on me, a wave of nervous excitement followed by a mad dash to the nearest deserted corridor. My behavior was erratic, even by my own standards.
Did that mean anything? Maybe. But probably not.
Dinner was a disaster. Every time I met Matteo's gaze, a jolt of excitement shot through me, followed by a wave of crippling anxiety. My hands trembled as I held my fork, and I managed to knock over my glass of pumpkin juice. A mortified squeak escaped my lips, and I felt the entire hall turn to stare.
I saw Mattheo. He smirked, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. My mortification reached new heights.
I whispered to Lily. "I need to get out of here."
She nodded "Go," she mouthed.
Was I crazy? Obsessed? My friends were right. This was ridiculous. I couldn't keep acting like a lovesick fool.
Today professor Flitwick's voice echoed through the Charms classroom, "Today, we'll be practicing the Patronus Charm in pairs! Choose your partners wisely, as teamwork is crucial."
My heart skipped a beat. Partnering with anyone was nerve-wracking, but the thought of working with Mattheo sent a shiver down my spine. Of course, fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor.
Just as I was about to pair with Anthony, Professor Flitwick called out, "Y/N (L/N) and Mr. Riddle, you'll be a fantastic team!"
Mattheo raised a questioning eyebrow, and I swear, I could hear the unspoken accusation, "Stalking me even into Charms class now?"
I held his gaze, a wry smile playing on my lips. "I swear I had no hand in this. Total coincidence."
Matteo leaned back in his chair, scanning me from head to toe with a slow, infuriating gaze. "Brave, are we?" he drawled, his voice a low rumble.
"I know," I countered, a playful smile tugging at my lips.
"Actually," I continued, unable to resist, "this isn't the first time we've worked together in a class."
He scoffed. "Don't remember."
"Of course not," I muttered, a wry smile playing on my lips. "It was third year, Herbology, Professor Sprout gave us…"
Before I could finish, he cut me off. "Nope, still drawing a blank."
"Right," I said, pushing down a surge of disappointment.
We spent the next hour working on the charm. To Matteo's surprise, I grasped the Patronus concept quickly, flawlessly conjuring a shimmering silver stag. His own attempt sputtered out, a wisp of smoke.
"You're smart," he finally admitted, a surprised glint in his eyes.
"Yeah," I replied, a playful glint in my eyes, "I was a bit of a gifted child."
"Was?" he echoed, raising an eyebrow.
"Burnt out," I explained with a shrug. "Turns out being brilliant can be a drag."
A strange silence fell between us. He held my gaze for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features.
"You're so annoying," he finally said, his voice gruff.
"So you keep saying," I retorted, a smile spreading across my face. "And yet, here you are, looking at me like you don't hate my guts."
He averted his gaze, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "I don't like you," he mumbled.
"Whatever," I said, a mischievous glint in my eyes. "We're done, Professor!" I called out, grabbing my bag.
As I turned to leave, I couldn't resist one last look at him. He met my gaze, a smirk playing on his lips.
The following week felt like a bizarre role reversal. After our unexpected partnership in Charms class, Mattheo seemed to be the one doing the observing. It was a subtle shift, almost imperceptible to anyone else, but I felt it like a brand new tattoo – the intensity of his gaze burning into the back of my head whenever I wasn't looking.
It started subtly. During Defense Against the Dark Arts, I caught him staring at me from across the room as Professor Moody droned on about Unforgivable Curses. His gaze lingered a beat too long before he quickly averted his eyes, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
During lunch, I was engrossed in a lively conversation with Lily when I felt a familiar prickle on the back of my neck.Looking up, I saw Mattheo seated at the Slytherin table, a half-eaten sandwich abandoned in his plate . He met my gaze for the briefest of moments before scoffing and turning away to talk to Blaise Zabini.
Today as I trudged back to the castle after visiting Honeydukes. Lost in thought about the latest sugar concoction they were offering, I almost missed him. A flash of dark hair disappearing into the Forbidden Forest, followed by a flicker of red – blood.
My heart hammered in my chest. Was I imagining things? No, it was definitely blood. Curiosity, or perhaps something more, gnawed at me. Ignoring the voice of caution in my head, I veered off the path and followed him.
He emerged from the trees a short distance away, heading towards a small, ramshackle house nestled amidst the thick undergrowth. I watched from behind a large oak, my breath catching in my throat. He stumbled slightly as he reached the door, his face pale and drawn.
I should have turned around then, just left him to his secrets. But something held me rooted to the spot. A primal urge to help, a need to know what was going on.
Taking a deep breath, I approached the house, my hand hovering over the knocker. This was crazy. What if he was hurt? What if he was in trouble with someone dangerous?
The door creaked open before I could knock. Mattheo stood there, his face contorted in a mixture of surprise and anger. There was no mistaking it this time – his face was streaked with blood, and it seemed to be coming from a nasty gash on his forehead. But that wasn't all. Blood stained his clothes in several places, and a dark smear marred his cheek.
He looked like he'd been in a war.
"So, another fight?" I managed, my voice barely a squeak.
"I thought I told you to stop following me," he growled, his voice hoarse.
"I wasn't," I blurted out, ignoring the tremor in my voice. "I was just coming back from Honeydukes, and then I saw you…"
He rolled his eyes, but I could tell the anger was fading, replaced by a weariness that mirrored my own. Taking a chance, I stepped closer, ignoring the frantic beating of my heart.
"Let me help you," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "You can't go back to the castle like that."
He stared at me for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, with a sigh, he nodded. "There's a first-aid kit in the back," he muttered, stepping aside.
I pushed past him, following his directions, I found the kit and rummaged inside.
Taking a deep breath, I shrugged off my jacket, tossing it onto a nearby chair. The only light came from a single dusty window, casting long shadows across the room. Mattheo sat on the bed.
Silence hung heavy in the air as I knelt beside him. First, I cleaned the cut on his hand, the antiseptic sting making him wince.
The silence in the room was heavy, broken only by the rustle of bandages and my shallow breaths. Finally, I reached his face, the most serious injury – a deep gash above his eyebrow.
Gently, I dabbed at the blood with a damp cloth, my movements slow and precise. As I cleaned the wound around his lips, I found myself looking directly into his eyes. They were a dark storm, swirling with emotions I couldn't decipher.
Suddenly, I was acutely aware of my position – kneeling between his legs, my gaze locked with his. "Good boy, all done," I whispered, my voice barely above a squeak. His breath hitched, hot against my face.
Then, a touch. His fingers brushed my cheek, sending a jolt of electricity through me. We were impossibly close, his gaze flickering between my lips and my eyes.
"What are you doing?" I stammered, barely recognizing my own voice.
"I don't know," he admitted.
Before I could react further, his lips were on mine. igniting a passion that had been building for so long.
His hands moved possessively to my waist, pulling me flush against his body.as our kiss deepened.
He pulled back abruptly, pushing me gently onto the bed.. "You taste so good," he murmured against my lips, his breath hot against my skin. "You’ve been driving me insane."
“ what spell did you cost on me ?”
I couldn't help but smile against his lips. "No spell, just pure chemistry," I whispered back, my fingers tangling in his hair. This was everything I'd imagined and more.
His hands roamed over my body, trailing fire across my skin, igniting a passion that had been simmering just beneath the surface for far too long. "Say you want me to stop," he rasped, his voice thick with desire.
But the words wouldn't come. I arched into his touch, my heart pounding with anticipation. "I don't want you to stop," I urged, my breath hitching as his lips trailed down my neck, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.
His touch was electric, sending shivers down my spine. "I won't," he promised, his voice filled with a hunger that matched my own.
Just then, the world exploded around us. The front door creaked open, throwing harsh sunlight into the dusty room. Mattheo and I scrambled apart, guilt and confusion flooding my face.
"Well, first of all, what the hell? I thought you hated her," Blaise Zabini drawled from the doorway, his eyes wide with surprise. He shifted his gaze to Mattheo, a smirk playing on his lips. "How can you still get energy after that fight, Riddle?"
Heat flooded my cheeks as I scrambled to gather my things. "I have to go," I mumbled, my voice strangled.
Mattheo remained silent, his gaze fixed on me. Did he want me to stay? Did he...?
I couldn't bear to wait for an answer. As I rushed towards the door, I couldn't resist a final act of defiance. Stepping on Blaise's shoe with all my might, I gave him a withering look before exiting the ramshackle house.
I heard Blaise's surprised yelp “ She’s fucking crazy, man” followed by Matteo's low chuckle. A strange sense of satisfaction washed over me.
With a final shove, I pushed the rickety door shut behind me, heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs. Blaise's bewildered face was the last thing I saw before I was plunged into the cool evening air. My cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and a thrilling, exhilarating heat.
The sound of Blaise's voice, laced with confusion, drifted out from the house. "Didn't you say you hated her or something?"
A tense silence followed. Then, I heard it – Mattheo's voice, low and gravelly. I held my breath, straining to hear his answer.
"Yes," he said, a single word that echoed in the stillness of the forest. "I still do."
A wave of disappointment washed over me, so strong it took my breath away. It all meant nothing. He still hated me.
Closing my eyes, I forced myself to move. My legs felt heavy, but I stumbled away from the house, deeper into the darkening forest. Maybe my friends were right. Maybe this whole obsessive crush had been a complete delusion.
The following days were a masterclass in avoidance.My mission was clear – steer far, far away from Mattheo Riddle.
If I saw him sauntering down the hallway, I'd take a sharp turn into the nearest classroom, even if it meant enduring Professor Sprout's droning lecture on Mimbulus Mimbletonia for the fifth time.
Corridors became obstacle courses, as I scanned for his familiar dark hair, taking circuitous routes if I even suspected he might be lurking around a corner.
Tucked away in a secluded corner, surrounded by fragrant lavender and plump pumpkins, I finally pulled out the letter from home.
The familiar parchment felt heavy in my hand. Taking a deep breath, I unfolded the letter and started to read. It was a glowing report on my brother, praising his achievements at the Ministry and lauding his "brilliant mind." A bitter laugh escaped my lips. Of course. My brother, the golden child, the one who could do no wrong.
As I continued reading, the praise seemed to morph into a subtle criticism of me. There was no mention of my academic achievements, no congratulations on my recent Charms O.W.L.s. Just a vague allusion to my "potential" and a gentle reminder to "follow in my brother's footsteps."
Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring the words on the page. Anger bubbled up inside me, hot and fierce. Why were they always so focused on him? Didn't they see me? Didn't they see how hard I tried?
Pushing the frustrations down, I wiped my tears with a vicious swipe.
Just as I was about to crumple up the letter, a familiar voice startled me. "Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?"
Mattheo stood before me, his expression a mixture of concern and curiosity. I whipped my head up, startled. The mocking smile I'd planned faltered slightly.
"Well, hello there, Riddle," I managed, a slight tremor in my voice.
He ignored my shaky greeting, his gaze fixed on my tear-streaked face. He knelt down beside me, his hand reaching out to gently touch mine. Before I could pull away, he brushed a stray tear from my cheek.
"Answer me," he pressed, his voice gentle. "Did someone hurt you?"
I managed a watery laugh."Do you think anyone could actually hurt me?"
"I think they'd regret the day they were born if they tried," he said fiercely, his thumb brushing away another tear.
A choked laugh bubbled up in my throat. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he finally asked, his voice low and serious.
"Didn't that seem to be what you wanted all this time?" I retorted, my defenses slowly crumbling under his genuine concern.
He shook his head, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "But it never stopped you before, did it?"
"You hate me," I stated, forcing the words out, hoping to maintain some semblance of control.
He met my gaze, a surprising warmth melting away the usual façade. "Of course I do," he said, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
"Then why are you here, caring so much for someone who claims to hate them?" I challenged, my voice trembling slightly.
He leaned in closer, his voice a mere whisper. "Well, I don't hate you. In fact, I kind of missed you these past few days. You really know how to mess with a man's head, L/N."
My breath caught in my throat. Mattheo held my gaze, his hand still gently cupping mine.
"So?" he drawled, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Am I forgiven, or should I do that dramatic monologue you conjured up that night?"
The urge to laugh was overwhelming. His teasing, that infuriatingly familiar smirk – it felt strangely comforting after the emotional rollercoaster of the past few moments. Instead of a witty retort, I leaned in and surprised even myself by kissing him.
He responded instantly, his kiss deepening with a fervor that stole my breath away.
"That would be nice," I mumbled against his lips when we finally broke apart, "but right now, this will do." I reached up and cupped his face, my fingers tracing the sharp angles of his jaw. "This," I whispered, "is more than enough."
He pulled me closer, his hand reaching up to explore the curve of my back. The kiss was different this time, slow and languid
His hand found its way under my skirt, sending a jolt of heat through me. He pulled me closer, setting me on his lap.
"What the…" a voice cut through the charged atmosphere. We both pulled away, startled, to find Blaise Zabini standing there, his jaw hanging open in a comical display of shock.
Heat flooded my cheeks "I'm going to kill him," I whispered to mattheo.
"I'd help you hide the body,"
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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frederickkittens · 1 month
Sweet Lolita through the years
Part 3
2008-2013(ish) “ott sweet”
This is what I believe to be both the most iconic era and the most misunderstood. As someone who was wearing and getting into Lolita at this time I remember it very fondly.
This is the era that really cemented lolita as what we know it as today. Due to the sheer amount of references and documentation of this era I’m going to focus less on individual items and moreso show the over all look
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The regular look at the time was very elaborate and focused on creating a fully cohesive coord from head to toe. Balance, harmony, motifs, color and detail level being carried from head to toe was more important than ever. Contrary to popular belief however, piling on a bunch of accessories was not really the look. Very few Lolita’s went for the decora inspired vibe and instead went for tasteful balanced statement accessories and a lot of cohesion. Each individual item had its own detail creating a very “ott” look when paired with the trendy hair and makeup at the time as well as the busier prints and brighter colors.
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Casual Lolita was still seen at the time though it seems what people call casual Lolita now is wildly different than what we called it back then.perhaps it was due to OTT very elaborate coords being the norm led to the casual coords of the time being quite elaborate in their own right. Usually using a skirt, cutsew, smaller or simpler accessories and a more wearable comfortable vibe.
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“Bittersweet”, I’m not here to debate whether or not this is a substyle or a “real thing” on this post, simply to acknowledge what the term refers to. During the ott era it was a micro trend to wear a mix of pastels and black- often paired with edgier hairstyles and accessories. A lot of people compare this style to pastel goth but I think a more accurate comparison is spank! Kei being the darker sibling to fairy kei. Consider this the spank kei of lolita.
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Hair and makeup typically look inspiration from another wildly popular style at the time: gyaru. With its rise and popularity, many styles in Japan used the hair, makeup, and even deco nails from the style with their own styles. This can be seen very often in lolita. Hallmarks of this being the eye droop, lashes, circle lences, big teased hairstyles, face gems and heavy rounded blush.
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Though still seen, metal jewelry was quickly becoming less common with plastic chunky jewelry becoming the popular trend for brands and wearers of lolita. Jewelry that directly matched the print really took off at the time.
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Novelty bags were at their peak at this time. You can often see snaps of girls carrying multiple bags! Plush animal bags had also come back around as a trend with the emergence of many iconic designs like ap’s horse bags and the lyrical bunny pochette. Tote bags that featured the dress’s print were also quite popular as opposed to the screen printed designs of past eras.
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Some of the most iconic and sought after prints were from this era, it truly defined what we view as lolita and so many people cite this era as what got them into lolita. The prints were honestly really varied in terms of motifs and colors though- moreso than ever before!
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While twinning has always been a thing I feel like making a 2010s sweet post without showing some of the absolutely iconic twinning coords would be a disservice to everyone. Twinning was in and of itself a trend of the time
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I often see any ott sweet coords called 2010s sweet when they simply aren’t. Deco lolita definitely existed at the time but it wasn’t the common look. So if you intend to emulate 2010s iconic sweet style try and look at and truly study the style of the time! I hope this post does help clear up some of the main misconceptions.
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If you’re interested in reading more here’s part 1 and part 2
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Dustin had been waiting this moment for months.
Mind you, Dustin isn’t one to bring up his personal life to the public at any chance he gets, but a part of him really wants everyone to know his role in one of the most important up-coming weddings of the year.
“So, I’ve heard you had a big role in all of this, what happened?” The host asks, on the edge of his seat.
“Well, I know Eddie cause we’ve done some livestreams together, we’ve met a couple of times and he seemed cool. And I know Steve cause, other than working together, he’s basically a brother to me, you know-” the audience interrupts him with a big ‘aaaaw’ sound and loud clapping.
“I think you misunderstood me, he’s the type of older brother who is no fun and makes you wish either of you was adopted.”
The audience laughs.
“Anyways, we were all at a party and I introduced them and Eddie was, you know, immediately obsessed with Steve. But Steve was engaged at the time,” Dustin decides to not dwell on this part of the story, it was a very tough time for Steve and some of it was public enough to make it worse. Dustin is just happy that he can talk about Steve’s ex-fiancé in the past tense.
“Time goes on, and as soon as the news of Steve being single again hits the public, I get a call from one begging Eddie Munson-” he wasn’t really begging but Dustin wants to sell the story “-asking about Steve once again. Like, how was he? Was he fine? Ready to meet other people? and I was like 'I don't know dude, I don't ask him about his dating prospects daily' and that's when he asked for Steve's number."
Dustin takes a small pause before going into the next part of the story "Obviously I don't go around giving people Steve's number, and I get asked a lot," the audience laughs again, "so I do the decent thing and ask Steve can I give Eddie your number? is it okay?
And Steve goes all into this theatrical performance Oi, no, mamma mia," Dustin goes strong with the Italian accent "All these men, che palle, they never leave me alone. Oddio-”
The host interrupts him “wait, does Steve have this strong Italian accent?”
“Of course not, he was born in Indiana, I’m trying to sell the story man!” Dustin pretends to be annoyed and the host goes along with it, making the audience laugh and cheer.
“Anyways, he was trying to say no but clearly meant yes. So I gave Eddie the number and whatever Eddie did with it, must’ve been the right call.”
A photo of Steve’s engagement announcement appears behind them right after: Steve and Eddie’s hands, finger intertwined and matching rings.
“Clearly he did” the host agrees after the clapping and cheering from the audience dies down.
“And what about wedding gifts? Are you doing something with the whole group? Or is it a solo thing?” The host inquires.
“Uh, I gave Steve a husband?? He should be giving me gifts”.
Predictably, the interview goes viral.
A few days later, Dustin comes back home to find a gift waiting for him.
It’s two VIP tickets for one of Eddie’s shows under his and Suzie’s name (a YouTuber friend Dustin didn’t have the courage to ask out, yet).
The note attached to the box is simple and very clear.
“Thank you, little shit. Now that we are even, the wedding gift is expected or you’ll be grounded.
See you at the wedding
Despite being a twenty something, successful and independent since he was 17, Dustin takes the threat very seriously.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
The Driftmark scene as a whole was a hot mess, courtesy of the showrunners.
So, based on the changes they made from the book, they attempted to make Alicent and Aemond the clear victims (which they’re not, not even in the show).
A 5 year old child, after being called a bastard, threatened with death, and forced to watch his demented uncle prepare to bash his 6 year old brother’s head with a rock, made a move to stop him using a knife and ended up slashing the guy’s eye.
The intention of the 5 year old was to stop this madness. It wasn’t a premeditated thing. It was the reaction of a child.
Now, moving forward to the great “assembly”, we have Alicent who found herself to be everyone’s spokesperson and although she wasn’t there, she somehow knew exactly what happened.
There were no witnesses to this child fight. The result: two girls who were bleeding, a boy with a broken nose and another who unfortunately had his eye slashed. All this shows is that the children fought, the fight escalated and one child ended up permanently damaged.
And then, you have a full grown mid-30 year old woman demanding the 5 year old child’s eye in retribution. When no one was listening to her insane ramblings, she picked up a knife and like a lunatic, lunged herself at the opposite party. At this point, we don’t even know if she was going after Lucerys or Rhaenyra. Afterwards, in a fit of rage, this mad woman slashes the arm and wounds the heir to the throne.
To recap:
1. Alicent thought herself entitled to retribution even though no one witnessed the child fight, and therefore no one could pass judgement.
2. A few dozen people witnessed Alicent hurting Rhaenyra and no consequences followed.
And I’m supposed to be convinced by this scene that what? That the Greens are poor misunderstood victims of Viserys and Rhaenyra?
The only thing this whole scene tells me is that Alicent is an unhinged b*tch.
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marengogo · 1 month
Are You Sure?! - #1: A Vampire’s Utopia
Who by Jimin focused playlist 
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello my JM & JK Loving Gurls, Bois and Enbys! 
How have we all been since Thursday? 😌 Who’s watched both episodes at least 3 times? 🤡 Who’s gonna keep watching the episodes until Thursday? 💜 Who’s been left marvelling, yet again, about how intricately beautiful human beings are 🙋🏾‍♀️…
Oh! Only me?! 👀.
... Well what can I say? If it weren’t for my undying love for movies I would have definitely chosen a job related to psychology. Now whether I would have turned out to be a help or a menace to society, is anyone’s guess, after all, there is no sense, or point, in speculating things that have no way of presently happening due to decisions made in the past. However, do y'all know what we can speculate on? The present based on actions that actually happened in the past.
I’ve admittedly rewatched both episodes of AYS for the fourth time yesterday for research purposes obviously, and what brings me here is that now very infamous moment there are presently ao3 books being written on this particular moment ? The one when my cutie-patootie twin-flame very concisely summarises his and JM’s “solo/chapter 2 relationship”, up to that point (which to be precise, is the period of time between 14 July 2022: Hobi’s Listening Party and 13 July 2023: AYS in USA… exactly 1 year: DAMN!) as per below:
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First time I saw this part, the first thing I did was snort and then I immediately thought: DRAMA QUEEN and trust me, I would know. Oh, and let it be clear, I can only attempt to speculate on my twin-flame, especially in cases like this when I strongly feel that my boi has been … misunderstood. If it weren’t clear enough from the title, this is indeed a JK post you know JM-blood thirsting vampire etc etc etc.
Let's start with the fact that I beleive that JM was simply trying to start a simple bit of banter when he said:
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And I would sincerely like to apologise to JM cause, indeed, this simple type of banter would have warranted a just as simple type of reply. Something like what JK eventually ended up saying after he allowed his thoughts to come forth and take the stage, but we will address this in a second:
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But no.
You see, homeboi over here seems to be the type to hold on to things and will not let go until he’s cleared things, or situations, in the way he has known and/or perceived them to have happened, which tend to happen a lot when you are a very emotional person, who isn’t necessarily as eloquent. The most important thing to understand here, however, is the fact that whatever topic such people decide to discuss is all according to their most sensible account of facts and perceptions. They don't mean to offend or distort truths, they just ... emote for lack of better words. For example, it is a fact that, during that period, JK & JM were both busy, it is apparently also a fact that JK didn’t call, but according to JM it is not a fact that he himself didn’t call. 
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Does that make JK a liar? In my opinion, not only can't I know what actually happened, but in fact, that is absolutely not the point of the case at hand. The way I see it, this is simply how JK has perceived this particular absence in his life, during that particular period. In fact, let’s dive even deeper.
Because of those two sentences, you’d I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT MANY DO ... think that JM and JK actually never met each other during that particular period of time 14 July 2022 - 13 July 2023. Now, I am sure we all remember him sorta/kinda pining on weverse during the period from 3 February 2023 and 14 March 2023, right?:
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But let’s quickly look at a timeline of the 14 July 2022: Hobi’s Listening Party and 13 July 2023: AYS in USA period. Below are dates when they definitely met, with other members, that we are aware of. I’ve also inserted his most relevant weverse pinings, and the period of time they were busy at the same time, just for me to have a time reference:
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・14 JULY 2022: J-HOPE’S LISTENING PARTY - OT6 (Yoongi was sick)
・1 SEPTEMBER 2022: JUNGKOOK BIRTHDAY - JM waint with Hobi to celebrate his birthday
・most likely FEBRUARY-MARCH 2023 - LIKE CRAZY DANCE PRACTICE - JK went to see JM practice
 3 Feb 2023 - 14 Mar 2023 ——— LIGHT WEVERSE PINING - The above collage period
27 March 2023 ——— HEAVY WEVERSE PINING - JK posting “I miss you”, then watching Suchita and reacting to JM content.
April - May ——— both JK & JM are travelling around the world for work and/or pleasure.
・25 JUNE 2023 - D-DAY in SEOUL ‘DAY 2’ - VMINKOOK at Yoongi’s concert 
・13 JULY 2023 - AYS in NYC - JK & JM (and staff) have dinner at ANTOYA 
… If you asked me, it would appear that JK’s issue is actually the fact that they didn’t get a chance to go out alone, just the two of them. Yeah … My twin-flame seems to always have had strong, almost impulsive, reactions when it comes to anything concerning JM, it is actually probably the most vocal he becomes for a non-talkative guy that is.
Can you recall any other member, other than JM, he was ever upset about because he didn’t get to hear their music? Can you think about any other member other than JM, who JK would most likely be spending time rehearsing, eating, doing nothing during band activities? Can you think of any other member other than JM, for whom he’s made a bit more of an effort during birthdays and special dates? Once again ... If you ask me ... JK truly values his time alone with JM, which is why I think his perception felt so fatalistic/dramatic we all know that for example, JM did go to the Golden Listening Party in October ... 
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And don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t believe it to be a one-way affair. Are You Sure?! exist exactly because JM would seem to also appreciate his alone time with JK, be it in front of a camera, in a hotel room, or whreever. After all, they were supposed to only go for one trip, but not only did they magically whip out time to go on two more Jeju and Sapporo, but they are now talking about doing this until they are 50. LOL I’ll be in my 60s but I’ll tune in! . And then, to top it all off … They ended up enlisting together. The way JM wanted to “make a video of their adventures and freedom” before enlistment, you’d think they’d be apart for the following 18 months because of said enlistment 😒.  
It’s actually quite funny if you think about it. Between the two of them JM is most definitely the shiest, but JM is most definitely the better one at expressing himself. Y’all can obviously disagree with me, but from where I stand, my twin-flame is actually smart as hell one day people will finally acknowledge that, but he is not the best with words. I’m sure in JK’s Utopia, the world is a place where people sing to each other in order to communicate, instead of spoken words. Alas, this is not JM-blood thirsting Vampire Utopia, and in the world where we presently live, JK seems to be the type who’s first reaction to stressful situations is finding the funny side of things and when that fails then he needs to do something about it; anything.
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Now, as always, everyone is entitled to their opinions, in fact, many have made it very clear that to them JK was feeling “off” in these episodes, but to me, not only he was being his typical weird self, but I also I discovered a few new aspects, for example, when he truly cares about something, his devotion has really no limits. But let me use some images, and some words, to better explain how I perceived JK in these two episodes. Remember how JK once substituted the word Love with Jimin, in a Boy with Luv lyric Jimin nothing stronger? Well I’d like to do the same thing and sub the word Love with JK in the following very famous biblical paragraph and associate specific moments in both episodes to each line:
JK is patient, 
If this is not the testament sequence of a man who’s been waiting to spend time with you, no matter what, then I don’t know what else is.
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JK is kind.
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He does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud.  
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He does not dishonor others, he is not self-seeking, 
LOL … one day JK will be able to pull a prank on JM; I believe in you.
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He is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs.
I shouldn’t have to say this, but ... there are no “wrongs” done between JM & JK, what they do with each other is joke, have accidents and play around - but gotta say this just in case!
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Last but not least, though JK was coughing like there was no tomorrow, wouldn’t you think that JM being vehemently sick, would be grounds for the whole show to be cancelled? In fact, we didn’t even know there was going to be a show, so nobody would have missed anything and at some point they could have used the footage in a bangtan-bomb, or during Festa, or something. … The fact that they were willing to keep going and even show us themselves in such a vulnerable state, the fact that because of it JM was so worried and doubting almost everything, and the fact that JK ultimately wasn’t worried and regretted nothing, kinda reinforced for me just how much they truly wanted to be together on that trip at that time it was basically overdue. 
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In conclusion, though my Twin-flame’s strongest suit isn’t communication, and his recollection of events may or may not be as accurate due to emotional perception, his heart is ALWAYS in the right place, sturdy, confident and ready to let JK be the best he can be, at all times. I mean, you don’t have to take my word for anything I've just said but below is JK a mere 10 days after they separated from NYC/Connecticut ... look at him ... giddy AF and hella playful if you ask me and once again … weverse pining.
I guess one alone trip wasn’t enough after all 😉.
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Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾💜,
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felassan · 2 months
Snippets. 🐺💜
Corinne Busche celebrates 5 years at BioWare! [source]
Devs Michelle Flamm and Gabe Graziani: "feels weird that 'the last game informer cover game is a game I worked on' is a thing I can say now" / "And all of the exclusive coverage we did with them is just... gone." [source, two]
Jon Renish: "It's just a coincidence but, the last cover for Game Informer is 'Dragon Age: The Veilguard', the last printed Prima strategy guide was 'Anthem'." [source]
John Epler: "christ. seeing game informer shutting down is awful. seeing them shut down literally three months after spending time with them is fucking me up. hope everyone lands on their feet. unbelievable." [source]
Jay Ingram (on GI): "Oh my gosh. It was always so exciting to see what the cover story of a month would be, and then even more so as a dev when you showcase games I've been privileged to work on. This is so sad. Thank you for everything. I wish you all the best. Truly the end of an era" [source]
Derek Wilks: "Seriously hate to see Game Informer go. They’ve been my go to for years. Always loved their magazines. They will be greatly missed. It’s a bittersweet honor to have our game as their last cover story. Wish they could have continued forever. 💔" [source]
User: "Will Briala make another appearance in the future (not necessarily in Veilguard)?" Trick Weekes: "Anyone who didn’t die onscreen could potentially show up again someday." [source]
[Here] is the link to costume builder Ladytoxie's SDCC V-log! Ladytoxie was invited to the DA:TV@SDCC Fandom party, at which they cosplayed Bellara. In the vlog, they discuss their Bellara cosplay, the process of creating it, their experience going by the BioWare booth at SDCC, and their Fandom party experience with the devs. The vlog also includes a bonus short interview with the devs from SDCC. In the vlog you can see that, along with the dragon screenshot, an alternative option for the background of the DA:TV photo booth pic was this tavern screenshot that we've seen. Ladytoxie also mentioned in the vlog that it's clear how much love and work the devs have put into the game [source]
^ The devs talked a bit about DA/the game & characters in the bonus interview. I'm not 100% sure if I heard all these details right, so apologies/correct me if I misheard, missed or misunderstood any of it (listening to the original source first-hand is of course always most advisable!!), but it sounded like: Corinne Busche feels most connected to Maevaris Tilani. Corinne Busche loves the qunari and would cosplay as Taash, as she loves the scale, armor and Rivaini gold. Her favorite companion is Emmrich. John Epler would cosplay as Lucanis, calling him so stylish and suave. It sounded like he said he wrote Bellara and a few other characters. Ashley Barlow would cosplay as Neve, saying that she has [awesome] dialogue, quick wit and is sassy. Parrish Ley would cosplay as Davrin. He said that Davrin has some awesome armor pieces, with the hands and feet being lots of interlocking pieces of metal. Parrish Ley is a big face and hands animator, so when he's animating Davrin's armor, his hands and feet get a lot of focus, so that he looks great in any pose from any angle. [source] <- Check out the vlog here!
User: "bioware, it is now the second of august." Dev Jess: "Soon 😄" [source] User: "On my knees groveling for more information on Taash" Jess: "soon :)" [source]
User: "Coming back to say Thank you so very much for Veilguard! Coming back to Thedas feels like Home!!". Derek Wilks: "It’s absolutely our pleasure. We’ve truly made something that we love, and hope you all love it too. 🧡" [source]
User on Fenris in DA2: "coolest character introduction ever". Derek Wilks: "So far 😊" [source]
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plansexualford · 1 month
As a long time billford truther (this blog may be new but I’m not.) I’m so happy to see the revival of a ship that was once so misunderstood.
Below is my not so little rant about my frustrations with “but it’s toxic” people and the disservice it does in undermining not only fans’ intelligence but lowkey the writing of the content we’ve been given. Also, a bit on how fandoms in general seem to dismiss the use of ships (unless canonized/written directly into the story) as a medium to tell complex, and sometimes uncomfortable stories.
The frustration I have towards the people that act like they’re high and mighty for saying “billford is ironic, you shouldn’t actually ship it cause it’s toxic” or some variation of treating it as a joke or untouchable that piss me off for multiple reasons.
1. We know, you are not smarter or superior for acknowledging a fact that is crystal clear to see and is literally the most common way that dynamic is explored. Like wow, congrats on providing such valuable insight that none of us saw before. The only times I ever see it not explored in that way has maybe been through pre-betrayal interactions and what ifs.
Not to say there are NEVER clear misreadings (not aus/or fixits/etc. just poor understandings) of their characters that are devoid of what makes them—them, but I fear I truly dgaf and just wince and move on.
2. It is in my opinion, infinitely worse (edit: and honestly a sign of immaturity) to want the allusions to a toxic relationship to be jokes instead of simply accepting that a relationship did happens in canon, whether it happened platonically or romantically (though there is more subtext that 12 y/o me would have never I’d ever imagined reading as an adult for that latter recently.) It should be taken seriously, given that the book clearly wants us to, otherwise the allusions in the book and thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com would not exist in the way that they do. Why would you rather something like that be a joke instead of allowing yourself to sit with and accept discomfort?
Ultimately billford is twisted, it’s horrifying to imagine, it’s a tragically awful train-wreck we can’t look away from. After all that, Ford’s resolve is honestly healing. And if we see interesting, complex stories/art/musings to tell from this dynamic, what’s wrong with that?
Lastly, the source material is a Y7-V Disney Channel show that premiered over 10 years ago, we’re (I assume mostly) adults now. Unclench.
P.S. I’m being unserious when I say this but “toxic yaoi/yuri ” is apparently trend and y’all can’t handle a yellow triangle demon and a grown man from a Y7-V series? Smh. Take every variation of that phrase out your tumblr bio immediately, you don’t deserve it.
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shygirl4991 · 4 months
Chapter 2  Boyfriend Bonding
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Cover made by @lizaluvsthis do not repost!
A Reboot of the next step! Last Chapter Next chapter Summary: SMG4 and SMG3 relationship changed after realizing their feelings in WOTFI 2023, now together the pair can take the next step together. That is until a strange gift arrives on SMG3's birthday making him face his demons from his past. 
Tags: Fluff, Boyfriends, Love Confession, Watch Wotfi 2023 before reading, first love, mention of igloo
It was morning in the showgrounds, SMG3 woke up making himself a fresh cup of coffee. The events from yesterday felt like a dream, he looks around the room he is in “Living in SMG4 castle…my..” he blushes remembering the title his ex rival now carried. If someone told SMG3 back when he was a villain he would be calling SMG4 his boyfriend, he is pretty sure he would make sure that person wouldn't be able to speak again. After he grabs his cup of coffee he decides now would be a good time to catch up on reading, he walks to the guest room of the castle and settles himself in. Relaxing in the guest room he takes a sip of his coffee, then takes out ‘redeemed super villains weekly’ a magazine series he picked up after becoming friends with his ex rival.  
He flips through the pages and notices the hit new interview is about a villain that changed to a hero all for love. He wondered if that's what really motivated the change in him, the connection he felt with SMG4. The moment their hands intertwined, the surge of warmth he felt. Was that the moment he first fell for the man, seeing him fight not just for the world but for his friends. SMG3 hums to himself lost in thought, until his boyfriend kicks the door open “AHHH!” SMG3 lets out a high pitch scream. SMG4 blinks seeing the coffee fly in the air landing on the floor, he then stares bug eyed at his boyfriend “SMG3! Uh i'm sorry about that,” he lets out a sheepish smile. He places his laptop on the table in the room before running out to get items to clean the mess. 
SMG3 lets out a shaky breath as Four returns with cleaning products, he starts cleaning the mess as SMG3 glares at him “WHAT THE HELL?! You know not to bother me on Saturdays, it's SMG3 time where I drink coffee and do other things. So what is so important you kick the door down?” SMG4 finishes up the cleaning and gets up, giving his partner a wink. Grabbing his laptop he sits next to SMG3 showing him a list of locations, Three looks at the locations lost on what his boyfriend was up to. “Since we are planning to keep it low with our relationship, i was thinking we can do these couple challenges to warm up on being a couple!”
Three squints at the list, looking at all the challenges made the man want to walk out of the room. He turns to see SMG4 giving him a hopeful looking, Three sighs looking down “I have to ask man, Best chef? Dress me up? These challenges sound fucking stupid dont tell me you got them from wikihow?” SMG4 blushes at being caught, he looks to the side “un no?” He clears his throat in hopes that his boyfriend doesnt push the topic anymore. He points to the list determined to get Three to agree with one, he checked all over the internet and it all told him that the best way to bond with your partner is to do activities together.  He always wanted a relationship, sure he wanted a girlfriend but it didn't change that he felt lonely for so long. Finally understanding what these strange emotions were with SMG3, well he couldn't be happier. Sure they were rival’s for years, but after fighting for so long he finally understood this all happened because they misunderstood each other. Now that they are together he needs to work harder, nothing will break them apart. “Doesn't matter man, I did some research last night and these challenges help bring couples closer together!” 
He turns giving a soft look at SMG3, he blushes at the expression. With a sigh he looks at the list knowing he had lost to his boyfriend,  he then points to one of the challenges. Excited SMG4 peeks to see what was picked “We all know im the better chef, after all Marty wanted my pizza recipe! Heh I doubt a scrub like you could do better!” SMG3 smirks at his partner. SMG4 lets out a chuckle, a smug expression on his face “I remember you burning eggs when we were stuck together, I doubt your cooking is that amazing.”
The pair nod as they run out looking for judgings for the event, SMG4 notices Meggy and Tari arriving. With a bright smile he starts his approach only to be pushed aside by his boyfriend, SMG3 turns around sticking his tongue out at him before reaching the girls. Four glares at his partner watching the exchange “Hey Squid, me and smg4 are going to have a cooking competition. We need judges to try out our cooking.” SMG3 points to the castle, Tari gasps excited at the invitation “Meggy lets do it!” seeing her friend's reaction she lets out a small giggle “Okay, we are in!” Three smiles hearing the agreement. 
The girls walk into the castle ready to take their place, while SMG3 smirks at his boyfriend. With that the men go inside setting up the kitchen with the ingredients needed for the event, given this was SMG4 castle and Mario’s house they mostly had ingredients for pasta. Three looks at everything frowning “Um wont this stuff just summon Mario?” Four chuckles giving Three a pat on his back “Mario is on a vacation with Bowser, I doubt a cooking battle with pasta would bring him back!” Three rolls his eyes “You underestimate our Avatar's love for spaghetti.” 
Meggy walks to the kitchen and smiles at them “Alright ready boys? LETS COOK!” she hits a bell before leaving the room. The boys then begin to cook, SMG4 chuckles to himself as he cooks. Being friends with the plumber for so long has trained him in the arts of pasta, there was no way his boyfriend would beat him. Four turns to check on the competition when his eyes go wide,  there he sees Three picking up two cans of beans and starts to dump it in the pot. He then watches as his partner slices the tomatoes, SMG4 lets out a small smile “Oh well beans to pasta shouldn't be too bad.” 
The moment Four relaxed is when Three took out a bottle of hot sauce and started pouring it into the spaghetti sauce. Watching the sight was worse than any horror game SMG4 had to play through,  deciding to be the best boyfriend he can be, he walks up to the man. SMG3 was humming to himself as he cooks, he pauses when he feels someone grabbing his arm. He turns to see his partner giving him a small smile “Yes?” now having his attention Four points to the man's pot. Three crosses his arms staring at Four “Um Three, you do know beans and hot sauce aren't really a thing put together for spaghetti?” Three scoffs “You don’t know the true power of beans, amusing to see it will be your downfall scrub!” he then blushes slowly slipping his arm away from Four. With a sigh SMG4 walks back to his station, while he cooks he couldn't help peek at his partner hoping Three wouldn't be disappointed when no one likes his dish. 
Both men hit the bell to let the judges know they were done, as they walk out to greet the judge SMG4 gasps seeing they had an extra one. Mario was sitting with the girls waving at them, SMG3 smirks “Told you the spaghetti would summon him.” SMG4 playfully smacks Three as he grabs his plate and hands it to the judges. Three goes to the back to grab his pot, Four watches nervously as Mario vacuums the pasta in a blink of an eye. The girls took a bite and gave him a thumbs up, then noted down his dish was a seven. 
Distracted with writing the score, Mario snuck up behind them and ate their spaghetti. Meggy stares at the plate surprised before turning and glaring at him “Oh come one Red that was ours!” “Mario is hungry!” he then smacks the table demanding more pasta, Meggy sighs giving an apologetic smile to Tari. The girl just giggles at what happened reassuring Meggy. The door opened catching everyone's attention, there SMG3 walked with confidantes showing off his dish. Four couldn't help himself from blushing, if there is one thing Four loves the most about his boyfriend is that cocky confidence he has. 
To keep up the appearance of still being friendly rivals Four smirks at him “I got this in the bag, everyone loved my dish!” Three rolled his eyes amused, he then drops the plate in front of everyone . Tari tilts her head seeing the dish “Beans?” Three nods and proudly waves his hand at the dishes “Yep, It’s SMG3 special pinto beans spaghetti chili!” Each of them took a bite, Four was getting himself ready to comfort his boyfriend. To his surprise they didn't spit the meal out like he expected, instead Tari and Meggy eyes go wide as they start eating the dish as fast as Mario. The girls start crying from the spice as they finish it up, they all hold up tens for the score as Mario dashes to finish the rest of the pasta.
Four fell to his knees in shock, not only did he lose but he judged his own partner not having faith in him. He frowns, realizing how unfair he was towards the other man, slowly a plate appeared in front of him “I saved you a plate..uh! Not because I want you to try out my cooking idiot! I’m just showing off!” Three looks away blushing.
He takes the plate and slowly takes a bite, he couldn't believe how amazing it tasted. He could feel the spice burn him the more he ate, so he decided to stop eating before it got to the point he started to breathe fire. He puts the plate on the table before taking Three’s hand “This is amazing three! I had no idea you could make dishes like this, you're just so amazing.” he smiles softly at Three making the man melt. He gets closer to Four letting his own smile grow “This isn't the half of how amazing i am!”
Meggy lets out a soft cough “Hey um are we missing something here?” Mario’s stache grows as he sniffs the pair “Mario smells gay, are you two finally dating?” 
They both let go of each other embarrassed, they got so lost with each other they forgot about the others. They panic unsure what to do, as SMG3 thinks over the situation, he knew he could trust them not to spill anything. With a deep breath he takes Four’s hand surprising him “YEAH WE ARE DATING AND IF YOU TELL ANYONE THERE IS A BOMB WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!”
SMG4's face goes red, he wasn't expecting Three to make the announcement to them so suddenly. Shyly he intertwined his fingers with Three, they both stayed there waiting to see how their friends would react. Tari giggles clapping for them “Aw I’m so happy for you two!” Meggy nods “Yeah i'm with Tari, It’s awesome you guys are finally together!” she then smirks at Three “Also the threat is hard to take seriously when you're so red in the face there Three.”  SMG3 glares at her “Shut it squid!”
Mario silently stares at them, it felt like a dream for the plumber to hear those words. After years of knowing them and seeing the two at each other, even seeing the event that happened in  a certain igloo, he couldn't believe the day came that finally they were dating.  Seeing how close they were standing to each other and holding hands, slowly a huge smile grew on his face along with his mustache "YIPEE!!! Finally Mario knew you two were gay for each other!" He runs hugging the two guardians.
The boys smile hugging him back, the girls smile at the moment then run up to join the group hug. They spend the day chatting and telling the group how they got together and wanting to keep things low, as they happily talk about random topics a strange package dropped off at the castle along with other gifts. Hearing the sound outside Four nods at the girls to distract Three, he runs and smiles seeing the gifts “Finally it's here, now to figure out how to distract Three tomorrow to throw the best birthday party he’s ever had!” 
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bengiyo · 3 months
Knock Knock Boys Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the boys all went to the onsen to try to bond with Jumper, to mixed results. Almond also remains perhaps more focused on Latte than Jumper because he’s so nervous, and is determined to figure out if Latte has a birthmark on his dick. Thanwa and Peak have been vibing pretty hard, and I’m into it. Thanwa has asked Peak to help him with his job applications, and Peak wants to learn how to better enjoy food. Almond also followed Latte and Lukpeach to the sex toy store and completely misunderstood what was going on. I’m currently suspicious about Thanwa’s financial situation.
As a note, @babyangelsky warned us about extreme toilet humor between 41:30 and 42:33.
I am really enjoying these cold opens to the potential end of the episode. It’s compelling every time.
I feel like we have been in this BL house before. The porch looks familiar.
Latte remains a tease and I love it.
Wouldn’t be a proper foodie if there wasn’t a special story attached to his favorite dish.
Now why did he feed that man like that?
I went to a school with corporal punishment. I’m always surprised when I see it in Thai colleges.
I really don’t want to be disappointed in Jumper lately. I am having fun with the way it feels like he’s flirting with Peak.
Fellas, is it gay to stare into each other’s eyes and search each other’s souls while holding a computer mouse together?
Thanwa’s friend looks like a Pokémon trainer.
Oh, I don’t like this guy promising compensation as he leaves a bill to Thanwa.
I’ve not vibed with a lot of BL choices this year, but I’m glad we’re getting more sexual health PSAs in the shows lately.
I think it’s very good to give Almond condoms. I get the sense he’d be nervous about getting his own.
Almond, why are you so pressed about Lukpeach if you ain’t tryina smash.
Did Seng teach Nokia how to smile like a dork?
Yes, bring Lukpeach to the party. She needs to know that this is not just two college boys on a romance track. There’s a whole house of boys.
Small things that this show earns is Thanwa being the primary cook of the household. He doesn’t come off as bossy when he’s asking Almond to go get stuff from the kitchen while he works on other food prep. It feels natural.
Oh ho! We’ve reached the cold open around the middle.
Now, Latte, don’t get jealous of a moment you helped create.
How old are we? 7 minutes in heaven?? At least they played that well right out the gate.
A game about going into closets together to see what might happen. These jokes write themselves.
Oh no. I am close to the trigger warning. This is about to be the worst scatological humor I’ve been subjected to by Thai BL. I can feel it.
Girls….I am disgusted… Trust the warning. Props to Pak, Nokia, and Jaonine for playing that all the way through, but I don’t need to see that ever again.
What the hell is going on in that closet though??
I just know it’s hot as hell in this closet.
I appreciate this show giving me some kisses after that vomit scene. It’s what I deserve.
Okay, I really like this apology and reestablishment of consensual boundaries. Excellent kiss the homies content.
Welcome back, Jane. I hope you give us some answers next week.
This show is really assured, and I’m having a great time with it. I really love when a show has two couples and has them on similarly-paced advancement tracks. It offers up a lot of fun comparison. It’s clear at this point that Almond and Latte like being around each other, and Latte is becoming jealous of Almond’s interest in Jumper. It also works that Thanwa was the one to have kissed Peak already and has been waiting for him to sort it out. That was a really excellent episode. Having Jumper be such a sloppy mess on top of Almond like that is a good way to kill much of the enthusiasm he might have there, opening a lane for Latte. Good shit, Knock Knock Boys.
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AITA for sending "anonymous hate mail" to someone on Tumblr?
The title sounds extremely horrible, i get it, but let me explain. Also this isn't recent what occurred but got brought up which is why I'm asking.
I was 17nb when this started. This woman was 7 years older then me. We met through a charity event me and my brother went to. We became friends as I kept volunteering there. She was shy but charismatic. She asked if my brother was my boyfriend which had made me cringe, but was an interesting start to a conversation.
She became my friend, as stated. She would text me every day. When I turned 18, me and my twin rented a place. I went to this woman's house a few times, but she would come to my place quite a bit. I would hold biweekly dinners at my house and I'd invite my other friends and my siblings (20m who I volunteered with, and well my twin but she lived there).
For 3 years this woman would text me every day. She was the first person I came out to as nb and she actually cut my hair for me and helped me buy androgynous clothes. She constantly talked about love and romance to me. She practiced flirting with me, usually I'd flirt and she would coach me. She almost kissed me once, barely missing my lips. I noticed some of the moves i would do, she would do to my brother during these dinners. Not a big deal to me or my brother. My twin thought it was weird but decided it didn't hurt anyone.
We started fighting a bit over small things. She would misinterpret what I said and would get upset, and then I'd defend myself and try to explain, all while she would cry. She would say something extremely rude and then say I misunderstood what she said. Just small things.
My twin was understandably upset. My brother was frustrated but stated it was between me and this woman.
It came to a head when my brother's girlfriend came to a dinner. She is super sweet and super kind and absolutely shy. This woman would constantly speak over her, cursed st her, and actually physically pushed her out of the way.
That night she called my brother and told my brother she had always had a crush on him and liked him. My brother told her he had a girlfriend and he never liked her like that. I called her and told her off for treating someone like that, and I want to make it clear I had no clue she called my brother until weeks later.
We grew more distant. If j said anything she didn't like, if I tried to tell her how I felt or bring up an argument and try ro resolve it, she would claim I was confronting her and being overemotional and would not text me back for days. I got blocked and unblocked multiple times. I decided I was going to stop being her friend.
now, during all this I had gotten a Tumblr because this woman convinced me. I ended up getting locked out after I had gained over 1000 followers (more then she had). I have suspicions she changed my password when we had hung out, because i had my login saved and it was always logged in and when I had went to get back in, it was logged out and my password didn't work.
It sucked but I didnt get back on. This woman would bring up Tumblr memes and trending things where we volunteered at and I would have no clue. She took this as proof I wasnt on Tumblr anymore....and I wasnt.
Except I remembered her account and decided to search it, because she brought these amazing cookies to where we volunteered (please note, the reason she brought them was because It was a going away party for me as I was no longer volunteering. This was the last time I saw her in person and I never had contact with her after) and told me she had found the recipe on Tumblr. I remembered these cookies when my friend decided to have a bring your own cookie Christmas party months later. I went to the woman's Tumblr to see if I could find the cookie recipe.
Well I found more then I expected. I found her talking shit about me and my siblings. She claimed my brother led her on and had attempted to have a ONS with her. She claims that he would constantly text her and flirt.
She claimed I was a bitch and that I purposely caused her to lose friends (people i had invited to these dinners that I was friends with). She gave us nicknames, so I didnt really care, but I could tell who was who because well it was about me. Everyone is allowed to vent, and I didnt go through every post because it just seemed to me she was using Tumblr as a diary.
But then I saw an ask she answered and I broke out in a cold sweat. Someone asked if my deadname was my nickname she had used. This woman confirmed they were one in the same. I was shook and didn't even understand what I was reading, and clicked the link she had added.
The link was to her writing blog. It was a link to her original story, with the main character as herself. She had written fucking fanfiction about us. I couldn't make this up if i wanted to. She used MY ACTUAL DEADNAME for me, as well as describing me to a tee and including identifying info (such as my tattoos). She used my brother's real name and also my twins. In the story, my twin wasnt my twin but just a sister. There was enough information though that if someone irl who knew us read it they could absolutely say who was who, especially since it used OUR REAL NAMES.
She also wrote blurbs and AUs of this story that was ongoing. There was more then one blurb where my character died. She killed me off. In one story my character was SA'd. It was very creepy to me. She also happened to post in an update to the main story that my brothers character moved. She described where he moved, describing the house the street etc. She didn't name streets but it was the EXACT location my brother moved. I dont know how she knew because my brother NEVER posted it and had moved within the past week of her update.
I did tell my brother and my twin immediately. Both were weirded out and my brother ended up getting a security system because we think she stalked him (he was receiving weird messages at his work and on his car). My twin and I moved and got one as well *we didn't move because of her but because rent was cheaper elsewhere*.
On her writing blog she answered an ask that basically said these were based on real people. She even jokingly said that "they'll know exactly who they are if they read this, they're described perfectly". After that confirmation where she admitted, j sent her a few anonymous messages. I never cursed her out, I never called her names, and I never said she should kys.
In one ask i said if she was writing about real people maybe she should describe them differently as it seemed identifying. In another I told her it seemed unhealthy and she had issues. In the final one I told her to seek help.
But I guess my asks made people wake up and realize. She got multiple messages apparently and then deactivated because of the anon hate.
I didnt mean to start the onslaught but apparently I caused it.
Just recently I went back to where I used to volunteer. I found out that apparently she had gotten online hate and had a decline in mental health. She quit her job and quit volunteering and ended up voluntarily admitted herself to a psych hospital. She is out now, and apparently doing good, but she has stated how she almost died during that time.
I never intended for that to happen and feel bad. My twin says I didnt even send hate and that I couldn't control what other people did.
So aita?
What are these acronyms?
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mtkay13 · 7 months
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The peach blossoms are blooming
Lol @the fancy title, haha. Yesterday I promised "two hoboxu's today!" but I'm an inconsistant liar so the second is today and not yesterday, HAH.
Anyway, another painting of my very beloved; more about this piece below!
So aside of the obvious joke, what I really wanted to work on and represent on this picture is, as the title makes it clearer, grief, and what it looks like for ZZS.
The idea came from imagining ZZS setting off, happy with his disguise, and passing by a peach tree orchards and seeing all the peach blossoms blooming, and what it would entail.
...So let's talk about what TYK is about again, shall we?
(usual caveat: those are my thoughts and interpretations etc etc)
Little is known of the four years that separate the end of QY and the beginning of TYK. Even less is obviously stated when it comes to the reasons why ZZS has put in the nails, besides the obvious "requirement to leave Tian Chuang" part.
So, trying to leave all headcanons and other suppositions aside, and looking at what the text gives us, one of the main "storylines" of ZZS' personal journey across both books seems to be: dealing with the loss of LJX, first of their relationship, and later, of LJX entirely.
>I'm going to boldly announce that (I think) TYK is in great parts a story about getting over grief, or rather, properly living with grief.
Needless to say that it is clear that ZZS has a bunch of issues he's dealing with, including "the void after meeting your goals; what's next?" and some form of burnout from completely over-exerting himself and going way beyond what he thought he could sustain mentally; but also. Four years after he lost LJX, ZZS is still deeply grieving. Still seeing him in crowds, still thinking about him frequently, still hallucinating him, dreaming of him. He couldn't resist taking in ZCL because ZCL reminded him of LJX. Nearly every single thought of his own past ends up rooting back to LJX.
The first time he mentions LJX's name out loud in TYK, chapter 41, is the first time he mentions it at all in four years, and to quote the text:
Speaking out his name hadn't been that big of a deal, in the end; it had only felt like something had been pulled out of his chest—like he was now missing a piece, like it left behind an empty void.
(TYK ch41, TL by me)
The next scene is when it hits ZZS that he's going to die; from that moment on, ZZS starts feeling stupid, ZZS slowly starts wanting to find a solution, influenced by WKX... and the story culminates with ZZS making the opposite decision that he made in QY: instead of risking never seeing WKX alive again, and against WKX's decision, he goes to meet him, unlike LJX whom he was too scared to go meet, and lost forever without even saying goodbye.
>I think that ZZS essentially took the nails because he couldn't manage to live with that grief, basically. (I know, I KNOW there are other reasons, but for the sake of analyzing this theme, I find interesting to look at it from this angle; how the narrative shifts towards ZZS putting in the efforts to stay alive at the exact same times he starts letting go of LJX literally.) And then, as he learns, as he rediscovers life differently, the story becomes about getting free from the nails, about actially living with that grief rather than dying because of it.
*coughs* so, hum, yes. This is what I wanted to represent. What grief looks like, at this stage of melancholic, happy, self-deprecating acceptance of freedom through death—freedom of the burden of grief and guilt. It's a bittersweet feeling, but the way I see it, he smiles out of what he thinks is inner peace, resignation, and once again, self-deprecation.
I would go even deeper, in that ZZS' relationship to death with regards to LJX is quite complex and difficult, given how he was told by LJX himself that he ought to die for what he's done (or misunderstood LJX saying so), but that's a whole other can of worms and I don't have the brain juice to go there again (since it wouldn't even be the first time iirc). SO YEAH, again, grief, but ZZS style: turned into a bit of a melancholic, silly, but gentle joke, and with a smile on the face. On brand with TYK as well.
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
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Bath time!
Soul fanfic <3
Warnings: Cute Cringe
Synopsis:Soul begs you to accompany him while he's in the bath and you share some interesting conversations.
Word count:1,055
Not proof read
A/N: yup I'm into P1harmony now…surprise! I've scanned them for a little over a week now but I didn't want to write any fanfics for them before had a good grip on their personalities
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We all know Soul can still be a little childish sometimes. A little weird, a little loud, a little misunderstood. All those terms suit both Soul and a kid. Throughout the two years you've been dating him you've gotten used to his weirdness so you're not surprised this scenario happened today.
You were using the bathroom while Soul was getting a bath, as any normal human would do. But Soul isn't normal now is he. You two were just chatting a bit when you were heading for the door when he called out your name.
"Y/N," he said. You came back over to the curtain and said,
"Can you stay here with me?" He asked in his sweet little voice. You chuckled.
"Why?" You said sitting back down on the closed toilet seat.
"Because I love you," despite dating for two years everytime those three words come out of his mouth you can't help but blush and kick your feet.
"Alright," you said "I'll stay,"
He then cheered and you heard the water from his bath splash around at his sudden movement. He then started opening the curtain, "Shota what are you doing?" You said grabbing the white cloth.
"I wanna see you," he whined.
"But you're in the bath! That's weird…" you cried out.
"Your my girlfriend, it's okay you've seen me naked before," he said as if it were nothing, while your cheeks got red.
"Fine," you said, letting go of the curtain allowing him to swing it open. He let out another little cheer before opening it, and there he was. The tips of his sandy hair clumped together, dripping wet, all over his shirtless chest. His childish smile beaming at you accompanied by his dreamy eyes looking up at you. After taking a moment to look at you, he sunk back down into the bubbles in his bath. His phone was on the edge of the bathtub, it seemed as though he was playing cookie run before you came in.
"What scent is your bubble bath? Satsuma?" You asked striking up a conversation.
"Yep!" He smiled innocently, he looked so cute and you were so tempted to comment on it but it just wasn't the right time."you've always had a keen for smelling things," you laughed at his attempted compliment.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You chuckled.
"Your good at knowing what something is just by its scent," he said simply. You thought about his words for a moment.
"I suppose your right," you said kinda shocked. "I think I get it from my childhood," you said leaning a little closer to the side of the tub.
"How so?" He asked.
"Well when I was younger I used to smell everything, especially things that were new to me. Then later on I'd smell that same thing and know what it was instantly!"
"Oh my God, that reminds me of one time when I was like eight there was a fire in my school and I thought I was gonna die!"
•You two somehow got lost in conversation about school stories and people you knew when you were younger•
"And I remember the whole class laughing while the janitor cleaned it up," you laughed as you told a story from your elementary days when you noticed Soul staring at you from the side of the tub. "Why're you looking at me like that?"
"You remind me of a character from a show I watched…" Soul said while his expression made it seem like he was looking around his brain for some more information. "Claire…from the tales of Arcadia series," He said, still looking up at you with the whole world in his eyes.
"Oh I remember that show, you've talked about it a lot," After you told him how you remembered it his face lit up. It was clear he loved this show and he was dying to rant about it to you again. As he was doing so he was talking about the main love interests.
"That's when he drove Claire up to this little hill after the dance and all the lights from the city could be seen. Then he put on some music and started dancing with her! It was so sweet," he said leaning against the side of the tub, staring off into space thinking about it.
"Sounds kinda like us," you said looking up at the ceiling. You were now on the floor with your back facing the inside of the tub. One of your knees was up with your arm resting on top of it. Soul's expression turned a little surprised as he looked at you. "I mean we haven't really done anything like that, for many reasons, but it just sounds like something you'd do for me," you smiled up at him as you tucked your knees up and hugged them with your arms. He looked at you shocked.
"Yeah, you're right. I've thought about doing things like that for you," he admitted.
"Really!? Why didn't you?"
"Just too busy, chaotic, I couldn't find a good place. Just not a good time you know?" Shota said, setting his chin on the side of the tub with his right arm under it and his left next to his jawline.
"Yeah, that makes sense," you said, tucking some of the stray hairs away from Soul's face. His cheeks got a little pink from your soft action. If that wasn't enough you kissed him on the head, which caused him to show you his squishy smile. You went to back away from the kiss but he just pulled you back in for another kiss. You squirmed around during the kiss and when he let you go you whined "Soul your hands were wet! Now my face and shirts all wet," he just laughed and you ended up joining in. "Anyways you should get out because your fingers are as wrinkled as a prune and the water's freezing," You laughed getting up off the wet floor.
"Awe okay," he said, scooting over to the tap.
"Cuddles in bed after?" You smiled back at him with the door handle in your hand.
<discamler> this is a complete work of fiction and is not intended for anything other than p1eces imagination and daydream fuel.
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beanghostprincess · 19 days
Not to keep beating a dead horse so to speak, but circling back to how the anime handles the Shuggy breakup it is personally the first time I've fully understood people who say the manga is way better & the "true" story because on the whole I think the anime is a really good adaption....except for this omg. I haven't read the manga fully either yet so now I'm wondering what else got a totally different vibe than intended & how that colors the perception of the story & characters. For instance, I'm already seeing anime onlys completely misinterpret Buggy's feelings in the shuggy breakup probably because of how brief it was.
I've had arguments in comments sections about people who do not think Buggy wanted to be Pirate King himself & his anger with Shanks isn't tied to him secretly sacrificing his OWN dream to follow him. To me the manga made it very clear that Buggy was making a great personal sacrifice in order to stay with his friend & how that all ties into his own insecurities, but a ton of anime onlys only saw it as Buggy being a whiny baby & not realizing how deep of a conflict Shanks refusing to look for the One Piece was for them 😭 and it's so frustrating! They just think Buggy is being "ungrateful" for everything Shanks did for him. I'm tired of the Shuggy dynamic being viewed so one sidedly in Shanks's favor & Buggy's detriment because they both narratively hold equal amounts of significance to each other. We just haven't been allowed to explore Shanks's side of it...yet. Oda kept Shanks's face obscured for a reason I'm sure.
And since the anime didn't frame it correctly Buggy's speech to Cross Guild about reigniting your dreams & setting sail for Laugh Tale loses all seriousness & comes off as just another gag instead & it breaks my heart because in the Manga while there is humor in it Buggy's tears are REAL & you can literally feel the spirit of One Piece flow through his speech. That speech shows us Buggy is a TRUE pirate! He ALSO inhereted Roger's will! I could literally feel the "I'm gunna become king of the pirates" OST from the anime play as I read it, but the anime framed it like another one of Buggy's "upward fialures" 💔 and it breaks my heart anime onlys don't get that. Imagine if Luffy gave up on his dream & finally after 30 years decided to believe in himself again? Imagine If Usopp really did give up in Water 7 & we didn't see him find the will to believe in himself until 39 years later? Buggy is an example of forgotten dreams & a lesson on it never being too late to go after them.
So I completely agree with you that it doesn't matter how little panel time a moment gets because if Oda can convey all of THAT in like 3 panels then the anime can do so and then some in a minute or 2. I also can't help but think this will confuse viewers later on because I'm certain Buggy is going to get to do some really cool & meaningful stuff in the last arc & a lot of them will feel blindsided because the set up was executed weirdly.
Sorry for sending such a long post & feel free to ignore If ur tired of discussing this I just wanted to give you some validation &let you know you're not the only one who thinks this way. Adaptation has a lot more going into it than just copying manga panels & the a good anime should definitely know when to expand on brief scenes & how to set the correct mood for them.
Oh, please, if it's not a negative ask you can keep sending me stuff about the episode and the breakup all you want!!! I'm just tired of having to defend my opinion. As if it wasn't just that, an opinion. But I'm sooo open to talk about it!!
And you're right!!! It bothers me so much to just think about how Anime Onlys are going to perceive this episode... If Buggy is already misunderstood within the fandom, I can't imagine what's gonna happen now that HIS episode has gotten this awful pacing and explanation (I complain but I've watched the episode so many times already lmao)
People misunderstand their relationship so much and in such levels... I don't get it because it's literally right there. You can't miss it. They're canonically crucial for each other no matter how you see it. It IS mutual whatever they have going on. I know we don't have much of Shanks' POV but you don't even have to read between the lines to see it.
And Buggy being seen as whiny because he has... Feelings... And is emotional... After his whole life crumbles down... Idk about you but if I lived in my best friend's shadow for years and gave up on my dream to trust in his instead, and suddenly when our captain dies he says he won't follow it... I'd be pretty fucking emotional too tbh. I could defend Buggy all day long and explain his character, but I believe I've done that already... So many times... (I love it it's my favorite thing ever)
I love your comparisons to other characters giving up on their dreams because it's so real. Buggy is the representation of people who once gave up on their dream and now are getting the courage back to follow it again. His speech is so emotional I think I know it by heart at this point with how many times I've read this chapter. I always cry-- Every time-- And I'm sooo angry Toei made the episode for laughs basically. It frustrates me in unimaginable ways.
Buggy is gonna do something incredible and people will complain and say it was out of nowhere because his speech in the Anime seems for jokes and like one of his schemes to get away from his problems. But this man was literally having a breakdown in the middle of a torture session and made an impulsive, emotional decision that came from the depths of his heart, because he had been holding onto it for his whole life. That's what bothers me about the animation. The pacing is bad and the way they treat him is even worse...
Don't apologize!!!!! I loved reading this. You expressed yourself sooo well and in such a polite way!!! Basically, you wrote everything I thought about the episode and I'm so glad to finally talk to someone with my same views 😭💖💖
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locklylenerd77 · 1 year
Aziracrow kiss scene analysis
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Okay, so we've all seen it.
But what does it mean? Today I'm going to talk about Aziraphale and Crowley's kiss.
Firstly, there are numerous ways to view this scene, including assault, romance, desperation, and an attempt at communication. I won't be talking about all of these, but I do want to delve deeper into the body language of Aziraphale and Crowley.
It's not "cute".
Firstly, this kiss wasn't romantic, gentle, or tender. Crowley grabs Aziraphale by the collar and basically smashes his lips onto Aziraphale's. It's quite an aggressive kiss, throwing them both off-balance. They sway a little, both of them very still, and neither of them pull away or deepen the kiss. It's obvious neither of them know how to kiss, and I think this makes it unpleasant for them both. We see Crowley holding Aziraphale for quite some time but nothing happens. He doesn't pull away to see if Aziraphale is okay, or use body language to make Aziraphale feel more comfortable. He's got no idea what the purpose of the kiss is, but its the last thing he can do. The kiss wasn't romantic, it was a culmination of the prior 6000 years.
Aziraphale's reaction
Secondly, Aziraphale is very clearly in shock. He gradually closes his eyes and places his hands on Crowley's back. It seems to me that this is him trying to "kiss back", except he obviously doesn't know how, and he's confused and angry at the same time. He looks distressed, which could be because of the situation, but also because he's trying to decide what to do. He doesn't want to hurt Crowley by shoving him away in disgust, or kiss him passionately back. They're both in new waters.
It's important to note that Crowley seems to release Aziraphale and not the other way round. He's the instigator of the kiss. Aziraphale is breathing heavily afterwards, on the verge of tears, and this signals to the audience that he's panicking slightly. I think this is because it couldn't be more clear now that he and Crowley are in love. There's no room for ambiguity or questioning- Crowley's defined his feelings (and their relationship) now, and through a human action.
Although they were both aware of their love, they were also both comfortable in their relationship, and perfectly happy going on dates, sharing property, calling each other pet names, and hearing others refer to them as a couple (at least, they don't deny it most of the time). To summarise, the kiss wasn't needed. Defining their relationship by human means was unneeded. Aziraphale is upset and disgusted because the action is so unnecessary, so unlike them. Crowley's trying to fit them into a mould as a desperate attempt of preserving the relationship. Crowley's confession might have been a way of indirectly asking for reassurance, or making their pre-existing relationship more physically intimate, but its's not a get-down-on-one-knee "will you go to nandos with me" imogen-from-heartstopper. His confession also clearly doesn't change anything, because Aziraphale doesn't recoil in shock, or even react much. He knows Crowley loves him, but he doesn't communicate that. So Crowley, thinking Aziraphale has misunderstood him, tries again.
Why kiss?
I think it's crucial that we understand that the kiss isn't a confirmation of their love. Crowley has already stated that they could've been "us", and that "he would like to spend" his existence with Aziraphale. The kiss is a reinforcement of what's already been said, and Crowley instigates it because he's trying to communicate with Aziraphale through human behaviours to bridge their contrasting perspectives.
This fails.
Crowley and Aziraphale already know they love one another. The kiss was a "stay with me, I love you" from Crowley, and an "I know, it's more complicated than that" from Aziraphale in response, but neither of them see it that way. Crowley was trying to make it clear how he feels, when that wasn't the problem. Nothing was unaddressed after Crowley's speech, and the kiss was an unexpected and confusing event for them both. Crowley never planned this- their bad communication has just reached a point where he's desperately trying to make Aziraphale understand him using any tool he can.
My thoughts
I think the true function of this kiss is to highlight their dysfunctional relationship. They can't communicate, so they fill in that gap with apology dances, protecting one another, and human interactions like kissing. They're so far apart in perspective and worldview that the only way to communicate is through a common thing they are both familiar with, which is human behaviour.
The reason Aziraphale is so upset, from my interpretation, is that the kiss changes nothing. They're both talking at one another and not listening, not compromising or attempting to understand each other's views. Aziraphale and Crowley both talked the talk, and the kiss is just Crowley repeating his earlier words. Essentially, Crowley's still not listening. They still aren't communicating.
We view kissing as a romantic interaction between two people to show mutual affection. For Crowley, it's not that. It's a final, desperate resort. "This is how I feel, can't you understand? I'm going to make you understand in the only way I know how that I have left!" But Aziraphale does understand, and he agrees. He just wants them to be together under different circumstances because he's in a toxic relationship with heaven and he thinks he can change it for better.
-the kiss wasn't romantic, it was just passionate
-Aziraphale isn't disgusted, he's confused and devastated because they've failed to communicate again, and they can't reach an understanding
-The kiss doesn't change their relationship, it just defines it, and neither of them really wanted to define it. We see multiple people pressure them into a "relationship", from calling them an "item" to interrogating Crowley about their status (he's not anybody's "bit on the side"!), and this causes Crowley to want reassurance, especially after their relationship has weakened slightly due to the stress of recent events concerning heaven, hell, Gabriel and Beelzebub, and poor communication. He confesses due to not only insecurity, but others changing his viewpoint of his relationship.
Thanks for reading my essay I have too much free time
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paperweight91 · 9 months
Okay here is random thought that popped up in my head and it might fit a little the The Other Side Of Tomorrow universe if you want to but it doesn’t necessarily need to.
You are Lloyds assistant for a few year now. The only one that didn’t run away after a few months and he keeps you and is just not as awful as he is with the others (he still is awful, he is Lloyd) because you do such a great job! You somehow developed this crush on him and starts calling him Lloyd in your head. One day you are in his office, getting instructions for the next day as it is awfully late again. He just expect you to do overtime and you have no choice as to do so if you wanna keep the job. So he asks you in the end if everything is understood. And you answer. But not the usual “Yes sir” or “yes Mr Hansen”. Instead you say “Yes Lloyd”.
How does he react?
Toeing the Line
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x reader
Warnings: smut, oral (m receiving), mean!lloyd hansen, slight dub/con 18+ minors DNI!
A/N: oooookay this was supposed to be a short little thing, but apparently drabble is not in my wheelhouse yet. Thank you for this great request I had sooo much fun with it and I really hope you enjoy lovely ❤️ feedback and reblogs are humbly requested!!!
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“Okay sweetcheeks, you got everything that I need for tomorrow?” Lloyd didn’t even look at you. He was busy sorting through paperwork that he needed to sign. The muscles in his arms bulged as he sifted through the pages. You could see the strain on his tight black t-shirt. He seemd extra stressed lately. You knew things had been weird in the office.
You had become infatuated with the man so easily. His authoritative attitude had commanded your attention from the moment you met him. You were normally someone who was in charge, and easily got your way, but not with Lloyd.
And so what if you had started calling him by his first name. It was just to yourself. A harmless crush on your boss. Nothing more, nothing less. You were nothing if not profrssional.
You were pulled from your internal drooling over Lloyd by him clearing his throat. “I’m sorry, is your work too much today? I thought you were actually capable.”
Warmth flooded your face at his remark, “I’m sorry Lloyd, I just got a little side tracked making my mental list of tasks, it won’t happen again.”
The moustachioed man smirked at your faux pas. You still hadn’t caught on to your mistake, growing nervous at his delighted expression. “Hmmm didn’t know we were on a first name basis cupcake.”
You blanched. Shaking your head, you mentally went over everything you had said to him. Your mouth fell open as you realized you had in fact said his first name. “Oh God I’m- I’m so sorry sir. I didn’t mean to cross any boundaries. That’s just what I-“ you cut yourself off. There is no way you could tell him that little piece of information. He’d never let you live it down. By the look on his face, you already were in for more trouble then you bargained for.
“‘That’s just what you’ what? Sugar plum, come on. Tell the truth.” His eyes narrowed and his lips curled in a sinister grin. You had seen Lloyd threaten enough people to know when you were on the receiving end of it. He stood to his full height behind his desk, his eyes never leaving yours as he walked around to the other side where you were standing. He pointed to one of the chairs, and you scrambled to sit lest you piss him off further.
“I’m sorry,” you covered your face with your hands, tears springing into your eyes. In moments like these you only wish you weren’t such a terrible liar. “It’s what I call you in my head.” You mumbled the words, hoping they were loud enough for him to hear, but also hoping he completely misunderstood you.
“You what? I didn’t catch that, gonna have to speak up pussy cat.” His rough hands pulled yours away from your face. Putting both of yours into one of his, he placed a single finger under your chin. “You look me in the eye and you tell me the truth.”
When you finally dragged your eyes away from staring at the floor to reach his face, you saw mirth dancing in his eyes and his signature smirk on his plump lips. You licked your own, before shaking your head slightly. “I said, ‘it’s what I call you in my head.’” You were proud for a moment of how clear and strong your voice came out. That was until you took in Lloyd’s expression. His face took on a look that scared you. One that you had never seen before. He looked like a predator that had finally cornered his prey.
“And why, oh why, would you call me that in your head.”
You blinked up at him. Trying to assess what he had already guessed. At this point it looked like Lloyd was well past done with you. Behind his taunts and jabs, you thought you saw real anger in his face. You closed your eyes and sucked in a breath. Here goes nothing. “I, well I seem to have developed a bit of a crush on you.” You let your breath out through your teeth.
You heard Lloyd tsk, and he let go of your hands and jaw. He walked around your chair and stood behind you, his large hands dropping to your shoulders. “Poor little lamb, has a crush on the big bad wolf.” You could hear the smile in his voice. He leaned down so his mouth was even with your ear, and you shivered as his breath fanned across your neck. He smirked at your reaction and let his hands rub up and down your shoulders. “Now what am I to do with such a poor little thing?”
You gulped, not actually sure if he was looking for an answer. Knowing Lloyd, even if he wasn’t he always expected some kind of response. You wracked your brains trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to hear. The silence of the room seemed to fill your brain. His touches were intoxicating, making you slower to process. Lloyd tsk’d again, growing impatient with your silence. “I don’t, I don’t know. I’m sorry.” You could feel the tears stinging your eyes. This was not at all how tonight was supposed to go.
Lloyds hands stopped as he reached your exposed collarbone beneath your blouse. Lightly tapping the spot. He was thinking, you could tell. Suddenly he removed his hands from you and stood again. He clapped them together, from his reaction you knew he had a brilliant idea. “This. Is. Perfect.” He circled back around to his seat behind the desk, gracefully resuming his prior position.
His joyful proclamation only set you on edge more. “It is?” You asked as you wriggled in your seat. Having him so close just a few moment before had left you yearning for more.
“Yup.” He popped the ‘p’ as he spoke. “You like your job?”
You nodded, not quite sure where he was going with this. “And you're always so eager to please…” he trailed off and waggled his eyebrows. You sat there not quite getting what he was alluding to. He rolled his eyes, “Get up and come over here.”
He held his hand out to you as you hesitantly walked around his desk. “I think we’ll be adding a few lines to your job description honey pie.” He spread his thighs and glanced to the floor between them. You followed his gaze dumbstruck. Was he saying…?
Lloyd huffed when you didn’t move fast enough, “I can keep your secret pumpkin, I’m just going to need a little…persuasion.”
Heat returned to your body, shooting through you from your face to your core. Without thought you dropped to your knees between his thighs. Looking up at him through your lashes, you slowly dragged your hands from his knees to his hips to undo his belt. “Now, now pussy cat, don’t be a tease.”
Nodding you hastened your movements to undo his belt and pants, while also trying to rub your thighs together to get yourself some much needed friction. You eagerly pulled his stiff length from beneath his trousers, because of course Lloyd went commando. You could feel yourself drooling already as you admired his length and girth, he was much bigger than any man you had been with before. Lloyds words fresh in your mind you stroked from the base to the tip twice before guiding him into your mouth, careful to keep your teeth covered.
“Ahhh I knew you took direction well.” He sighed as he resumed going through his paperwork. He crowded you back until you were fully underneath his desk. “Better make sure I come before I get the last signature down princess, or your not going to like the consequences.” His voice took on a sinister note that had you pausing briefly before continuing your task with vigour.
He was so large you couldn’t take all of him, so you employed both your hands to take care of the rest of him. As you sucked and bobbed on his cock, your right hand pumped at the inches you couldn’t swallow. Your left hand came up to roll his balls. You heard him suck in a breath above you, and his hips canted up. Sensing his approval you kept up your motions. Knowing you wouldn’t have long until he finished signing all of the pages on his desk.
His left hand dropped from its previous task to pull your hands free, and then knotted in your hair. You looked up at him through your lashes to see him glance down and wink at you. That was all the warning you had before he was using your mouth like a toy. His hips jerked up with each thrust causing the wheels of his office chair to squeak with the movement. You felt the tears gather in your eyes as he forced himself further down your throat. You struggled to tamp down your gag reflex.
He groaned as he looked down at you again. “That’s it. Take it. This mouth is so good, I can’t wait to see if your cunts any better.” You moaned at the thought of Lloyd fucking your drooling pussy, rather than your mouth. “I knew you’d like that.” He grunted. By his movements you could tell he was getting close. You focused on your task, eager to gain your bosses approval in yet another area. You felt his cock swell slightly in your mouth before his orgasm exploded down your throat. He was panting and had a slight sheen of sweat on his brow.
“Well pussy cat. I think we’re done for tonight. I expect my coffee and dry cleaning first thing in the morning.” He looked down at you and made a shooing motion. You scrambled back to your feet. Hopping from foot to foot in your arousal. “Was there something else?” He said dully.
You shook your head and straightened your clothes. “N-no sir. I’ll make sure everything is perfect in the morning.” You gathered your items, and readied yourself to leave his office, saddened by his quick dismissal. You were stopped at the door by him calling your name, and you turned around, unable to look him in the eye.
“Make sure there’s no panties under your skirt tomorrow, I better have easy access.” You nodded. “And when it’s just you and me, you can call me Lloyd.”
Your gaze shot to his, unable to hide your hopeful expression. As your eyes met, what could only be described as a smile crossed his lips. You ducked your head before responding, “I’ll be thinking of you all night Lloyd.” You swept from his office and heard his muffled groan from the other side before you got too far. Deciding you needed to make an extra stop on the way home, none of your toys could ever prepare you for Lloyd Hansen.
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