#but it is disappointing lol i was hoping this season would give us something a little more solid not let it evaporate completely
densitywell · 1 year
it does feel like roman's deeply fucked up sex shit is completely absent this season which is wild when it's the last season and that was a major part of his character. and matsson and mencken are major players this season and yet roman has almost no interaction with matsson and mencken is barely there. like i understand not devoting as much time to it in the wake of logan dying but i still expected it to be like, there
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woniverse-writes · 9 months
"MOTH TO A FLAME (part 3)"
Bada Lee x Fem!Reader
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part 2 ⟵ part 3 ⟶ part 4
series masterlist
summary: y/n l/n is the youngest team member of Jam Republic, competing in the second season of Street Woman Fighter. she’s got the sweetest smile and the most vibrant personality, but she also may or may not be the biggest hothead on the show when it comes to defending her teammates. apparently that’s attractive to Bada Lee.
word count: 9.2k
warnings: swearing, suggestive at times, both Bada and reader are idiots practically already in love, reader is described as younger and small a lot, sometimes isn't very accurate to swf's actual plot, also this isn't proofread so... sorry for any mistakes lol- lemme know if I missed anything!
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All teams had gone their separate ways to begin discussing which company they were going to aim for. The only two teams securing the company of their choosing were Wolf’Lo and Lady Bounce- meanwhile Bebe, TsubaKill, and 1 Million all go for JYP; and Jam Republic, Mannequeen, and Deep N Dap all go for Hybe. When Bebe had walked into the room to 1 Million in there as well, they knew it would be interesting- then even more so when TsubaKill entered. And even though none of them outwardly said so, all of Bebe was secretly glad they weren’t going up against Jam Republic.
Jam Republic on the other hand- wasn’t worried at all when they saw Deep N Dap enter the room. In fact- when Kirsten had reported the information back to the team as they were preparing, Emma and Y/n couldn’t help but smirk and snort at how easy it would be. 
So all teams began preparing their choreography to battle against each other. Everyone was working hard and staying focused, ensuring they put out their best work to secure the company of their choosing. Bada had stepped out briefly, leaving the rest of Bebe to start choreographing. when she came back, they had yet to start anything, only having collected ideas. It frustrated the leader beyond words, yet she still tried her best to express the dissatisfaction she was feeling to her teammates.
“You guys know I’m not the only person on this team, right?” the eldest member sighed passively with her eyes shut in frustration. The others all stood in silence, too ashamed to speak up. 
“Every time we go out there, everyone calls us “Bada and her students”- aren’t you tired of that?? I’m tired of it, so why aren’t you?” she started raising her voice. Bada looked around at her teammates and felt disappointed, but was also starting to feel exhausted.
“I’m not competing by myself here… let’s get started” she sighed and everyone fell into a clump behind her, ready to follow her instructions. They begin working and eventually develop a pretty good routine, except everyone is on edge and they all keep making little mistakes. 
The Bebe members take a break and Bada grabs her phone and her water, walking out the door to get some air. She can’t help but criticize herself, wishing she was able to lead her team better- lead them in a way where they felt confident enough to work on their own. But no, Bada is still learning, yet not giving herself a break. She almost feels pathetic when she opens her messages app and her and y/n’s texts are already pulled up. She sighed reading over the last few messages they were talking about, which happened to be from the night before after they had all picked their groups. Bada had been saying how she was kind of glad their teams weren’t directly against each other, and y/n replied with something along the lines of how she agreed- saying it would’ve broken her heart. Bada types out a quick ‘how’s it going?’, not expecting a response right away but still hoping for it anyway. The leader was starting to accept the fact that the younger dancer was becoming a safe space for her, and she had a feeling that said dancer felt the same.
In the meantime- Jam Republic is having a blast coming up with choreography, their teamwork is impeccable, and the ideas flow like water. After about three hours of non-stop motion they take a longer break. Y/n sprawls out on the floor and Audrey comes to lay on top of her, causing them both to laugh- until Emma also comes to lay on top of them, and suddenly Audrey was dying laughing and y/n was groaning about how it’s not fair for the smallest to be on the bottom. The older three members sat back and admired their playfulness- Latrice began recording the chaos and Kirsten started snapping pictures. After a few minutes of messing around, Emma rolled off the two and Audrey followed, leaving y/n dramatically breathing with her eyes closed and head tilted- pretending like she was dying. Ling made her way over to the youngest with her phone and water in hand, passing them off to her as she sat up.
“Thanks Ling Ling” the younger girl appreciated with her eyes still shut, but a sweet gentle smile on her face. y/n opened her phone as she took a sip of her water to see a message from Bada. It was sent a couple of minutes ago simply asking ‘how’s it going?’ wot which she quickly replied with ‘pretty good! We’re getting a lot done and it looks pretty good too🫣😋’ totally unaware of how tragic the Bebe practice is going.
Right as Bada is about to put down her phone and start the practice back up, she feels it buzz and looks down to see it light up with a new text notification. She immediately opens it to see y/n’s reply, and smiles, happy to know at least one of them is doing well. She typed out ‘that’s great! Wish I could say the same haha… but it’s okay- I feel more motivated now after hearing that your practice is going well🩵’ and pressed send before waiting a few seconds to see if she’d get a response right away- which she did.
‘Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that love :( I hope it gets better- just remember to keep drinking water and DON’T overwork yourself! It’s important to do your best but you also need to make sure you’re in your best state of mind as well’ was the text Bada had received and truth be told, it made her a little emotional. She hearted the message and began typing again. ‘Let’s get something to eat after the battles tomorrow, okay? On me’ 
Y/n felt her face heat up and a smile began to take over as she read the latest message from Bebe’s leader. She made sure to heart the message and respond quickly with an ‘of course!! That sounds great!’ before putting her phone down and getting back to practice.
Bada felt relieved at y/n’s acceptance, sending a heart emoji then turning her phone off to head back to practice- now with a much better attitude. Her change in mood seemed to bring up the team's morale as a whole, seeing as how every member was bringing their a-game now. They finished choreographing and ran their routine into the late hours of the night before deciding to turn in and get some rest for a few hours. They came back the next morning and rehearsed a bit more, but ultimately they felt confident and were ready to compete.
As all the teams filtered in, everyone was sharing their nerves and excitement among themselves. Jam Republic was up first to battle and their three youngest members were beyond excited to take the stage. They showed their choreo, and even though they were only given a short period of time to work on, they blew everyone away with how energetic and clean it was. Audrey and Y/n once again received immense praise for their facials and explosive stage presence. The performance ended and while the other members were trying to catch their breath and process how they did, the two youngest members were skipping back to their seats giggling over how fun it was and how they hoped to keep HYBE so they could do it again
After watching Mannequeen, y/n was excited about how good it was but felt a little nervous after seeing her leader's tense expression
"Hey, let's try not to worry too much, we already danced and did our best, and we did amazing! Let's just try to enjoy the other dances right now" the youngest member softly states after putting a gentle hand on her leader's shoulder, giving her a bright youthful smile.
"y/n since when did you get so mature? You don't seem fired up at all right now and it's kinda scaring me" Latrice commented from the other side, causing y/n’s smile to widen a little.
"won't you be upset if we get eliminated?" Kirsten asked seriously before the younger girl could respond to the initial question. 
"Of course, but I'm so tired I can't even think that far ahead right now" she joked. The members all rolled their eyes and laughed. after staying up all night to perfect their piece, they could barely even process it when the votes came in and Deep n Dap was kicked instead of Jam Republic. But to be completely honest, they weren’t surprised at all.
They move on to the JYP battle section, meaning it’s time for Bebe, 1 Million, and TsubaKill. 1 million goes first and of course, y/n is hyping up her new friends- especially Redy, which Bada is absolutely not happy about. She hates it, it makes her more nervous.
y/n is even more excited while watching Tsubakill, cheering again for the member she’s closest with- Rena, but also fangirling over their leader, Akanen. This again makes Bada even more nervous- to the point where she feels like she's gonna pass out. She hated feeling jealous but she also hated how badly she wanted to please the youngest dancer from Jam Republic- and that paired with her already crushing need to succeed was tearing her apart. 
"Bada looks really tense…" Latrice comments
"oh my god I feel like I'm gonna throw up- I'm so nervous" y/n replies with her hand on her chest. Kirsten puts an arm around her shoulder, the whole pink team now feeling anxious. Bebe goes and they do amazing. Y/n is cheering and screaming the whole time, over the moon excited to see how well the routine turned out. When they finished dancing and everyone was cheering all the members bowed and turned to the various teams. When Bada had turned to face Jam Republic, y/n was already standing up throwing her hands in the air.
“What were you even worried about?? That was fucking amazing!!” the young girl scremaed with a huge smile on her face, causing Bada to share the same expression before shaking her head and turning back around to await the results. Everyone votes and the results are announced, 1 Million will be moving to another section. 
After all the teams are adjusted, it’s announced that the two teams of each company will have an hour and a half to decide who gets to choreograph each song, then they will all take a four-hour filming break for lunch, but teams were allowed to begin collecting ideas if they wanted to. Bada had already discussed with her team that they would be taking their break to relax and decompress as long as they had gotten to stay in JYP. similarly, Jam Republic had also decided to take their break if they got to keep their original group. 
Bada came waltzing over to Jam Republic’s seating with a cool smile on her face, even though she was really trying to contain an accomplished grin. y/n hopped down and met the older girl at the bottom, her teammates trying their best not to be nosy, but failing miserably.
“So I’m thinking a quick shower and then we can go?” Bada had asked looking down at the shorter girl who just smiled and nodded at first, her cheeks a little flushed already.
“Mmhm! Sounds good to me!” y/n responded enthusiastically, even though her brain was still stuck on the thought of Bada showering- or rather them showering together. Bada held up her hand like she was waiting for y/n to shake it, which she did albeit with a confused look. 
“Alright- see you soon then princess!” Bada affirmed, giving a final playfully aggressive shake to y/n’s hand, as if they had just sealed an important business deal, causing the younger of the two to burst out into giggles. After Bada is back with her crew, y/n turns around to see the rest of Jam Republic eyeing her expectantly. 
“Soooo what exactly are you gonna be doing later, princess?” Kirsten interrogated with a teasing smile. y/n just laughed some more and her smile grew wider (if that was even possible).
“Nothing crazy, we’re just going to get lunch” she had explained, somewhat calm, not entirely believing herself when she described it as “nothing crazy”. They all nodded and hummed, pretending to believe her.
“Right… just lunch… nothing crazy!” Emma repeated sarcastically with a knowing smile.
“Just don’t come back with hickeys the makeup crew won’t be able to cover-” Ling teased quietly to which everyone shot her a wide-eyed look.
“what? The way that girl looks at her is definitely not television-appropriate seventy-five percent of the time!” she exclaims, trying to defend her comment, which causes everyone to chuckle and nod in agreement.
“She’s got you there y/n… you should definitely go somewhere public, so she doesn’t pounce on you.” Emma snorts out a laugh, finding herself to be the funniest person in the room. Audrey shoves her shoulder and scoffs.
“Leave her alone- this is exciting! Y/n isn’t as delusional as we all thought!” “No Audrey- she’s still delusional, her delusions are just reciprocated by someone even more delusional that’s just really good at hiding it.” All the members look over to see Lusher standing in front of them with a knowing smirk. All of their faces drop, now looking a little panicked. 
“It’s okay- we’ve been having pretty much the same conversations with Bada.” the Bebe sub-leader reassures them with a subtle laugh and smile. They all briefly relax before turning their full attention back to the girl in front of them.
“Wait- what do you mean you have the same conversations? About y/n???” Emma excitedly speaks up, leaning forward ready for the tea. Y/n also leans forward hands resting against Emma’s shoulders, with wide eyes and a tiny curious smile.
 “Well… yes… but I don’t think right now is the best time to explain.” Lusher draws out with a teasing smile, causing Emma and Y/n to groan, but the rest to shake their heads and laugh. 
“Anyways- I actually came over to see if the rest of you would want to get lunch with us, seeing as our precious teammates decided to ditch us for a date.” The standing girl finishes off her offer by crossing her arms and landing her eyes on y/n with another teasing look.
“That sounds great!” Audrey gushes, smiling happily at the invitation before looking over at Kirsten for confirmation. The older nods her head and smiles.
“We’d love to, thank you so much.” Kirsten nods again gratefully, and Lusher smiles before heading back to her team. After the short break, all teams head into their battle rooms to decide who is going to get to choreograph a chunk of each song. Everyone else seems to have figured it out quickly, besides Mannequeen and Jam Republic, who ended up taking the whole hour and a half they had been given. After it was decided that Mannequeen would take “Dope” and Jam Republic would take “Eve, Psych, and the Bluebird’s Wife” they were finally able to go on their break. The rest of Jam Republic decided to head out and meet team Bebe for lunch right away, while y/n texted Bada to let her know she was just finishing up the decision process and that she was going to change quickly before the meeting.
Y/n rushed back to her apartment and showered before drying her hair and doing her makeup. She had kept it light but still pretty, tying the look together with her signature gloss. Her outfit was simple- well- simple for her. She had on a pink tank top paired with a khaki skirt and layered a white jacket on top. She finished getting ready and shot Bada a quick text letting her know she was leaving. They decided to meet at a cafe that was in between their apartments and happened to be really close to the studio. Once y/n had arrived she walked in to see Bada already sitting at a table looking at her phone.
“Hey! Sorry I kept you waiting…” y/n spoke up shyly as she approached the table. To which Bada looked up and shook her head immediately, signaling it was no problem.
“You didn’t keep me waiting, I actually just got here a few minutes ago” the older shared to ease the younger girl’s mind. She ‘ahh’ed and took her seat across from Bada. They exchange small talk for a moment over what they’re going to order and begin conversing more comfortably after that. Their food and drinks arrive as they continue their conversations about how each other’s day has been going. Y/n is currently retelling how the decision process went down between them and Mannequeen, and even though she's disappointed in losing dope she laughs about it openly because Mannequeen was surprisingly sweet and respectful about it (or at least most of them).
"Wait- so you’re telling me they blocked your door??" Bada asked in disbelief after taking a bite of her food, trying not to laugh.
"YES" Y/n openly laughed at Bada not fully believing her and took a sip of her drink. They continued to laugh about it for a little bit before going back to talking about how team Bebe had been doing.
“I’m just glad we were able to pull it off… I was really stressed.” Bada tried to laugh about it so she didn’t seem too troubled in front of y/n, but the younger girl still frowned and reached across the table to take Bada’s hand on hers, rubbing the back of it gently before nodding at her to continue.
“I felt horrible especially in the beginning, because it really seemed like I was the only one putting in work… but then I felt even worse after thinking about how it’s my fault that my teammates don’t feel secure enough or confident enough to lead themselves… I felt so selfish. Like I wasn’t fit to continue leading them in that moment…” the older girl continued quietly, looking down at the table. She didn’t want y/n to pity her, but it just felt too easy to open up to the girl.
“You’re too hard on yourself.” she spoke up, looking at Bada with puppy eyes. The young girl could feel her heart shattering into pieces while listening to the leader describe her stress. She just wanted to lean over the table and wrap her in a giant hug, and coddle her until she had no more negative thoughts about herself. Bada sighed and hung her head for a second before looking back up at the girl across from her.
“I know…” she began with a sad smile.
“I just feel like I have to always put out the best work- especially here. There are so many amazing dancers and choreographers, so many teams with such strong presences… I just want that for Bebe. I want them all to be strong and recognizable because believe it or not, I hate that everyone only sees me when they think of my team…” Bada finishes off her rant with her head resting in her hand that isn’t still being held by y/n’s.
“Bada-” the other starts
“You do always put out your best work. everything you do is amazing- whether it’s as a dancer, a choreographer, and especially as a leader. Your girls look up to you a lot for a reason. They wouldn't care so much about your opinion if they didn’t think you were deserving of leading them.” Y/n finishes off strong and the look in her eyes assures Bada that she means every word. She looks back down and smiles again, feeling pressure starting to build in her eyes- there is no way Bada will let herself cry in front of y/n like this. 
“You did well. I’m really proud of you.” y/n smiled and nodded gently, squeezing Bada’s hand in reassurance and that caused a single tear to slip down the older girl’s cheek, sending the younger into a slight panic. 
“Ah- don’t cry!” Y/n stood up and ran over to Bada’s side of the booth, sitting down next to her as she began wiping her tears with her jacket sleeve. The younger continued to do so until Bada had stopped crying. Y/n looked into Bada’s eyes with a pout on her face as she tucked a piece of hair behind the older girl’s ear. Her hands were still resting on her cheeks, caressing the taller dancer’s face, even though the tears had stopped flowing a while ago. The two sat there in silence, just embracing the close proximity. Bada’s breathing was shallow, still recovering from crying, but now feeling nervous after realizing how close y/n was. The younger of the two glanced down at the other’s lips and stared for a few seconds before hearing her gasp quietly, causing her to look back up. Y/n backed away slightly, to Bada’s disappointment, but only to give herself room to pull one of her hands away and kiss her thumb, before placing her hand back on the older girl’s jaw and rubbing said thumb gently across her bottom lip. Bada was so shocked by her boldness, she felt her lips part slightly and her face heat up. Y/n just smiled lightly at her reaction, once again staring at her lips. She looks up to make eye contact on her own this time, kind of loving the power she has over the older girl at this moment.
“Are you feeling better now” she whispers gently and Bada just nods in a daze. Y/n hums and nods also, rubbing her cheek one more time before standing and heading back to her own seat. Bada snaps out of her daze, still feeling dizzy at the interaction. She clears her throat and takes a sip of her drink. The rest of lunch goes on without another serious incident, but y/n’s eyes are filled with what could only be explained as “pure love and adoration” for the remainder of their time together. The two end up heading back to the studio together, sharing the backseat of a cab. 
Bada really is shocked by how bold y/n has become with her- after they finish up their meal and pay for everything, their cab arrives. Bada opened the door for y/n, which she giggled about and joked that Bada was such a gentleman to her, causing the older to roll her eyes and smile before explaining how she simply was taking care of her princess.
“Her princess…” y/n couldn’t stop thinking about that as they drove back. Once the two had both gotten in the car, they started off pretty evenly spaced out with Bada on one side and y/n on the other. But after about two and a half minutes they were side by side, and eventually, y/n had her legs lying across Bada’s lap as they cuddled and looked at the pictures they had taken together on their phones. When they had arrived back at the studio, y/n swung her legs back over placing her feet onto the car floor, opening her own door this time. Bada had followed her coming out the way, making sure to close the door behind and thank the driver. The two walked right next to each other, shoulders bumping but neither of them being brave enough to reach out and hold the other’s hand. As they both reached the lobby, it was almost the end of their allotted break time.
“I had a really great time today… so thank you” y/n began with a shy smile and blush painting her face, as she looked up at the older girl. Bada shared a similar smile, also taking on the look of “love and adoration” that y/n’s been sporting for the last hour or so. 
“Eyy you don’t need to thank me…” she began just as shyly
“I also had a great time- even if I did cry a little-” Bada joked halfway through, causing y/n to giggle and bump her shoulder.
“But I seriously love talking to you… I’m hoping we can do this again soon.” it wasn’t a question, but the younger girl’s eyes were immediately lighting up and she was nodding her head.
“Of course! I’d love to!” y/n started enthusiastically, but then she took a deep breath and continued
“I really love talking to you too” she thought she was gonna cry if she said anything else, so the younger girl just finished off with a smile and sparkling eyes, not believing what was happening. Her heart was pounding and her face hurt from how much she had been smiling. Y/n thought her stomach was going to explode from how many butterflies she was feeling- it was like a real crush now… not some celebrity crush or feeling of admiration for someone older that one looks up to… these were real romantic feelings and y/n was surprisingly ready to deal with them. And even if she wasn’t, the way Bada was smiling at her would definitely change her mind.
Rehearsals have been exhausting, especially after having learned their opponents' choreography. For some teams, it was an easy adjustment, but for others… it was definitely a challenge. 
TsubaKill had thrown in a tough acrobatic skill that was tough for even some dancers with experience in that area. Tatter was struggling to stick her landing on the double front handspring, and it was definitely bringing down the team’s confidence. Bada tried her best to stay positive as their leader, but even the members could tell she was starting to get nervous.
They’re given a longer break and Bada takes a walk, not even realizing she ended up near Jam Republic’s practice space. The pink also seems to be on break and the Bebe leader stands outside debating whether or not to knock on their door.
“Y/n…” Latrice starts suspiciously. The younger girl hums while taking a sip of her water, looking over with wide eyes.
“I think someone’s looking for you.” she finishes off with a soft knowing smile, pointing in the direction of their doorway. The younger looks over and furrows her brows, immediately standing up to head over to Bada.
“Hey- what's up? Are you okay?” the youngest Jam member asks in a concerned voice, eyes expressing how genuinely worried she is. Bada’s expression isn’t doing much to help her feel at ease, as the older hesitates for a second before sighing and closing her eyes.
“I don’t know… this practice is going terribly.” She begins, laughing pitifully, trying not to cry. Y/n pouts and makes a noise expressing her sadness and understanding. She immediately wraps her arms around the taller girl's waist, securing her in a comforting hug. Bada huffs out a sad laugh and wraps her arms around the smaller girl's shoulder, resting her head atop of hers. They stay like that for a few minutes with y/n rubbing circles on the older girl’s back. The whole time Bada was wishing she could just stay there forever, thinking that she might even fall asleep if she let herself stay any longer. She let out a sigh and stood up straight, patting Y/n's head before reaching to hold the smaller girl’s face in both hands. Y/n still had her arms loosely around the taller girl and was forced to look up at her since Bada was holding her face softly between her hands. The younger girl’s eyes glittered as she smiled softly, tilting her head slightly to lean into one of the older’s palms, looking lovingly into her eyes. In that moment Bada felt herself let out an uncontrollable giggle.
“You really are a puppy…” she stated absentmindedly with a lovestruck smile, still staring into the younger’s sparkly eyes. y/n giggled girlishly and wrapped her arms tighter around Bada’s waist teasingly, causing the older girl to laugh and squish the smaller’s cheeks playfully between her large hands. Both were giggling and clinging to each other, and the rest of Jam Republic was either smiling endearingly at them or making fake gagging noises (Emma). Bada sighed and let go of y/n’s face, placing her hands on her shoulders instead. The smaller of the two finally let go of the other’s waist and stood there waiting for her to say something.
“I should probably let you get back to practice…” Bada pouted slightly, not really wanting to go back to her own practice.
“I mean, you don’t haaaave to…” the younger dragged out her sentence with a playful eye-roll, playing around still, also not wanting the older girl to leave. Bada huffed out a laugh and shook her head.
“Okay, well I definitely need to get back to practice.” she stated, trying not to sound too distraught by it. Y/n’s eyes softened and her face fell for a split second, almost unnoticeably, before a gentle smile took over her face.
“Just please don’t overwork yourself… or the girls. Take care of each other please, your health and mentality are most important…” the younger girl pleaded looking deeply into Bada’s eyes. She patted her head and ruffled her hair a little, causing her to whine slightly. Bada laughed again and nodded her head.
“I promise we’ll all take care of ourselves… but we’re still gonna work just as hard as before. At least until we get things right.” her face dropped a little and the somber expression was back.
“No. health first, Bada… you won’t be able to get anything right if you’re injured… so please take care of yourself.” and after seeing the pleading look in y/n’s eyes while she stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, Bada really couldn’t find it in her to argue. So she let out a sigh and nodded. 
“Okay…” she nods again looking at the ground, feeling a bit emotional. Bada takes another deep breath and stands up straight, smiling again, causing y/n to smile again. 
“Alright, well i’m gonna get back to practice-” the older states, and right as y/n’s about to reply, Bada places a quick kiss atop her head, and then struts off back to her practice space, leaving the younger girl with her jaw dropped and eyes wide as ever. Once she’s taken quite a few steps and put some distance between them, Bada turns over her shoulder and throws y/n a wink paired with a teasing smile. The younger can’t help but huff out a laugh of absolute astonishment and disbelief. As Bada turns the corner and is out of y/n’s sight, the Jam Republic girl doesn’t even want to turn around to see her teammates' expressions, knowing damn well she’s gonna have to answer a lot of questions.
The next day arrives and it’s time for everyone to present their pieces to the other crews, as well as record their practice videos to send in for the artists to view. While all of Jam Republic is in a good mood and extremely excited to show off their routine, their youngest can’t help but feel a little anxious. Not for herself, but for the team sitting next to them, and more specifically for their leader.
Bebe was one of the first to go and it started off well. They seemed pretty relaxed until it came time for Tatter’s front handspring. She didn’t stick the landing and it threw everyone off, but the team didn’t falter, continuing on as if it didn’t happen. Y/n was cheering the loudest, especially for Tatter, letting her know it was okay. But when the blonde didn’t land her font walkover as well, y/n’s screams increased in volume tenfold. 
“YOU’VE GOT THIS TATTER- LET’S GO GIRL” she’s screaming so hard that her chest hurts, and the small girl can feel tears starting to sting her eyes. At this point everyone else was cheering for the team as well, wanting to see them finish off strong. The second it was over, Bada was turning to Tatter and wrapping her in a tight hug. The younger member cried and cried, while her leader petted her hair and shushed her.
“Are you okay? You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?” Bada whispered to the crying girl in her arms, who shook her head and backed away to wipe her tears. The leader pushed some hair out of her face, and pulled her back in for another hug, leading her and the rest of the team back to their seats. Everyone continued to cheer for them as loud as possible.
“You did well, it’s okay. It was just a mistake. As long as you’re not hurt, that's what matters right now.” the blonde sighs, finally calming down and she lays her head on the oldest member’s shoulder, closing her eyes for a few moments.
On the other side of them, Jam Republic is holding back their own tears, feeling immensely sorry for the team they’ve grown so close to. Except for y/n who is freely letting her tears fall, as she hides her face in her hands. Latrice rubs her back until she calms down and is able to sit back up without crying.
A couple more teams take their turns before it’s time for Jam Republic. It’s safe to say that when they do their routine and everyone goes fucking crazy. Their ability to pick up Mannequeen’s whacking section and execute it as well as they did, sent everyone into a frenzy. On top of that, their energy and expressions were beyond praise, so everyone was just screaming. 
Everyone is surprised to see that the team isn’t utilizing y/n more, or at least using her old choreography. The youngest member mostly shared the center with another member, yet was never the main focus. The only highlight she really has is after Audrey’s articulated arch, where she runs to lead the line for a brief second, her expressions and energy being what makes her stand out. The look in her eyes and the slight smirk make everyone go crazy over the visuals and stage presence.
“THAT’S MY GIRL” Bada is leaning over her teammates screaming the loudest anyone has heard her scream. Her teammates just give her the same side eye they always do whenever she starts openly fangirling over y/n. But they all have just learned to ignore it for the most part now. Jam Republic finishes their routine and are all breathing heavily as they bow and walk back to their seats. While everyone’s still clapping and the members are about to sit down, Bada discreetly lifts up her fist right when y/n is about to walk by. The younger just smirks, trying not to laugh at the older girl’s silly yet supportive action, and bumps her smaller fist against Bada’s. 
The rehearsal finishes and the following day is the pre-recording and live performance. All the teams are once again getting their makeup done, this time sharing a room with their members.
“I can’t believe we’ve been here so long already and this is only the first mission we get to do together” Latriece states while getting her eyeshadow done. The others hum and some nod.
“It feels like we’ve been here forever, but it’s actually only been a couple of months…” y/n replies as her stylist applies a gemstone to her under eye.
“Only? I feel like these have been the longest two months of my life.” Emma exaggerates in return, causing a few of the members to hum more aggressively than before. They finished up with getting their makeup done and in typical y/n fashion, the first thing she did was start taking mirror selfies. At first, she was taking them by herself, and then of course Audrey joined… then Ling joined, and soon after that it was all of Jam Republic scrunched together trying to fit in the frame of one mirror. After that, Latrice offered to take more elaborate pictures for her, knowing how the young girl loves to pose and post. Once all that is done, they have a few minutes before having to head backstage for the pre-filming. Y/n doesn’t even think twice before opening her messages app and sending Bada a few of the selfies she took, along with some of the full-body pics Latrice had taken for her.
Bada’s finishing up in hair and makeup when she feels her phone buzz. Already getting her hopes up at the familiar hum of her text notification, she can’t help but expect a message from a certain Jam Republic member. Sure enough- when she unlocks her phone, she’s met with a series of selfies and other photos of the youngest member, dressed in pink and white with glittery makeup. Bada doesn’t even feel herself smile, she’s so lost in a dream over the pretty girl on her phone. 
‘Absolutely stunning, Princess🩷’ she presses send without even thinking. Y/n hearted the message and sent the hand heart emoji right as Bada was about to be done with her hair. As soon as the stylists step away the Bebe leader is opening her camera and snapping her own mirror selfies, immediately sending her favorites to y/n.
‘Ugh how do you always look SO fucking good😩🩵’ was the response Bada got almost instantaneously from the younger girl, to which she giggled and covered her mouth with her fist trying to hide her smile. Hearing the soft sound Lusher looked over and sighed affectionately at her blushing teammate.
“Did y/n text you?” she asked, already knowing the answer. Bada looked over with wide eyes, a bit shocked forgetting that everyone else could still perceive her in the present moment.
“Oh- uhm…” the eldest tried to be cool and calm, attempting to avoid the conversation, but just as soon as her walls went up, they came right back down.
“yeah… she did” and she was giggling and smiling again, causing Lusher to burst out laughing at her leader’s openness. It was a relief to the younger girl to see Bada so relaxed and at peace, even though they still had to go out and compete in a few hours. Seeing one of her closest friends and now team leader act the way she did with and around y/n made her feel okay, knowing that there was someone to take care of her just like how she had been taking care of them.
Before the pre-recordings start an announcement is played on the monitors. It’s a member or group of members from each company, declaring who they thought was the better team during their practice. Le Sserafim chose Jam Republic as the better team, meaning they got to choose whether they went first or second during the live show- they chose to go second after Mannequeen.
During the practice/filming period- everything started out well for Jam Republic. They were all laughing and having a blast watching the other crews. They all casually made fun of wolf’lo for their uhm… “hip-hop look”… and ended up delving into a slightly more serious conversation about how crazy it is that level of cultural appropriation is still going on in 2023- the durags were already too much... whoever was styling these girls needed to get FIRED. After Mannequeen had gone it was finally their turn.
The recording started off really well until all of a sudden Latrice was on the ground, unable to get up. Y/n was right next to her when it happened, watching her go down. She stopped dancing immediately to make sure the older girl was okay and to see if she could get up. After a few moments, the team realized Latrice wasn’t going to be able to get up on her own any time soon and she was rushed to the hospital. The members halted their filming and headed back to their hideout. The members are holding it together surprisingly well at first, mostly just in shock at the situation. Audrey is the first to start crying, and it hits everyone else like a truck. Y/n is by her side in seconds, cuddling and trying to soothe her. Ling is next to start tearing up and shortly after y/n even sees Emma shed a tear. The youngest is able to hold it together until she looks up to see her leader crying. That’s when y/n feels the tears start falling uncontrollably, as she tucks her head into Audrey’s shoulder and silently cries. 
“Is there an option we just forfeit?” Kirsten asks the staff, wiping her tears. Once Y/n hears this she picks up her head immediately and the look in her eyes is one of heartbreak and the poor girl seems terrified by the idea of giving up. The staff explains that if they were to forfeit it would immediately put them in last place, meaning they’d be up for elimination. This news caused them all to fall back into tears, completely lost on what to do. After what felt like half a day, Latrice came back with a boot on her leg. The other members immediately rushed to her side and helped her sit down.
“Basically I just have to ice it for a few hours and then I’m allowed to dance on it for the performance, but after that, I’m gonna have to rest for a while.” she had explained to them, as her team all watch over her with worried eyes. She then began talking to them about how Redlic was also in the hospital at the same time as her. The others were amused but y/n just rolled her eyes.
“Of course she was” the young girl mumbled, not at all surprised with the show’s resident drama queen. Latrice looked over and shook her with a laugh, then proceeded to joke about how she was starting to see Redlic as her soulmate instead of her rival, which ended up making y/n somewhat emotional again.
After a few hours of recovery, Jam Republic quickly shot their pre-recording of the routine and went back to get some touchups done on their makeup as the audience started pouring in. After about an hour and a half of anticipation, the live performance began. All the girls could hear the audience from backstage, and some even from their dressing rooms. It made them all even more hyped to perform. 
TsubaKill does their performance first and everyone is blown away by how aggressive yet clean they are with their movements. When it’s Bebe’s turn y/n can feel her nerves increase by two hundred percent. The girl was already nervous, but knowing that Tatter had been struggling intensely with a few points really made y/n’s heart hurt for the other team. But her nerves quickly dissipated as she watched the blond stick her double front handspring, in fact- she was up and screaming immediately. 
“LETS FUCKING GO TATTER” is the small girl’s immediate reaction. She’s standing on the couch in her crew’s waiting room, screaming with the rest of her team. y/n briefly calms down for a moment and brings herself to sit next to and cling to Emma, who pats her head and laughs.
“I feel like I’m gonna cry I’m so proud of her.” and the excitement only increases as the performance goes on. There’s one moment where they all point at someone in the crowd, and when it happens the camera pans to Bada, charismatically pointing and smirking, which has y/n’s jaw dropping to the floor and all of her members immediately looking her way to catch her reaction. No one says a word until y/n looks around to meet eyes with all of them. She holds up her hand and closes her eyes, pretending to cry.
“Enough.” is all she says yet it has her members bursting out in laughter. Minah is the next victim of Jam Republic’s inhumane screams of support, when she does her jerky laugh move, once again sending them all spiraling. Especially y/n and Audrey who are now standing on the couch again, clinging to each other for dear life. And then of course, y/n pretends to faint when Bada does her peek through the other members before the end half of the song. Emma smacks her on the side of the head, asking her politely (sarcastically) to pull herself together. Bebe finishes their routine and all the members are standing in the middle of their room cheering and clapping like maniacs.
Shortly after the JYP match, Mannequeen went first during the Hybe competition and for the first time, y/n is actually nervous for herself to compete. The other team had done really well and even adjusted accordingly to the choreography Jam Republic had given them. When it was time for the pink team themselves to finally perform, y/n took a deep breath and put on her game face- ready to go. The music started and she instantly felt herself become immersed in their doll-like theme. She and Ling had taken the center for the intro, already bringing the story to life. The audience loved them and so did the other crews. Bada really did try her best to focus on the dance as a whole and was able to when y/n wasn’t seen on the screen, but any other time her eyes were focused on the youngest member.
“I’m really surprised they didn’t utilize y/n more…” Minah shares with her group after the performance ends. To which Bada explained that the girl told her how she had wanted to help mostly behind the scenes for this one instead of taking the spotlight, as she’s not the only one on Jam Republic that can look good doing kpop choreo. They all ‘ahh’ed and nodded, adding yet another thing to the list of reasons they all admire y/n l/n. 
When it’s revealed that Jam Republic won y/n bursts into tears and collapses on the ground, but she immediately gets up and hugs Latrice and they’re just crying together. The rest of the teams compete and the day ends as a success for half and a learning experience for the others.
Not even getting a day to rest and recover, the first elimination occurs the next day. Everyone once again files into the fight zone, taking their seats and waiting for filming to start. The first two battles to be announced were SM and YG, resulting in 1 Million and LadyBounce securing their safety from elimination. Next was JYP- Bebe versus TsubaKill.
“There’s no way Bebe will be up for elimination…” y/n starts off although she feels her stomach turning. Her teammates hum and nod as they focus their eyes on the screen in front of them, awaiting the results. But they all gasp when the scores are revealed.
“I didn’t think it would be that bad…” Audrey whispers with sad eyes. All of the members slowly turn to catch TsubaKill’s reaction to being up for elimination. They were surprisingly calm, still smiling and nodding peacefully. Bada had spoken about how she was proud of her team for pulling through but got choked up at the end, wishing their opponent good luck in the final battle.
When it came down to Mannequeen versus Jam Republic everyone was just about ready to throw up because they were so nervous.
“I actually have no clue how this is going to go… I have such an awful feeling about this” y/n’s shaking her head and hiding her face in her hands. The screen reveals that even though Jam Republic had won the judges' votes, Mannequeen won the audience points, and the whole pink team tensed up. They all join hands and hold onto each other as they await the final score. When it came, their shoulder sagged and they all let out a heavy breath. Jam Republic wins by a hair.
As the final team score is announced, the host reveals the final ranking with Bebe in first and Jam Republic in fourth. TsubaKill and Wolf’Lo had the two lowest ranks, so now their teams were going up against each other for one final match to determine who was going home.
The first of what would be five battles began, crew versus crew. Y/n’s already fangirling over Tsubakill, especially Akanen
“She’s so mommy-“ “I need you to actually shut the fuck up” (yet another classic argument between Jam Republic’s designated Tom & Jerry duo, Y/n and Emma). Meanwhile, Bada is just as excited but is more in favor of Wolf’lo, really enjoying their classic hip-hop dance style. Tsubakill takes the first win and everyone flips, but the second battle between them has y/n heated.
“Why the fuck is she tripping her and getting all up in her space… that’s so juvenile” She was outraged when Baby Sleek won, always hating when dancers got too touchy with each other during battles, but especially when they were dancing at the same time and one of the dancers got too reckless- aka Baby Sleek.
The leaders battle next and Jam Republic is heavily rooting for Akanen, especially y/n.
“If Akanen doesn’t win, I’m leaving” the youngest member dramatically expressed with her arms crossed, tapping her food comedically, causing her members to laugh. 
“Oh so you’ve moved on from one team leader to the next already?” Emma teases and causes y/n’s jaw to drop and her eyebrows to furrow in defense. The duo battle was another hard-to-watch experience for her, as she felt that Wolf’Lo didn’t deserve the win for simply rolling around on the floor. Then the final group battle happened. Y/n absolutely loved TsubaKill’s performance, but it upset her to say that Wolf’Lo’s was slightly more put together.
When wolf’Lo takes the final win y/n’s head immediately hangs in defeat. She’s able to avoid crying until Rena starts speaking and they’re both instantly in tears. Once they’re told to leave the fight zone, y/n rushes down the seats and runs straight to Rena engulfing her in a huge hug. The two had become close ever since the class battle mission, and it hurt to see such a talented and kind-hearted friend go so soon. After they had all said their goodbyes and TsubaKill went back to their hideout for one final time to pack up their things, the rest continued to cry and try to pull themselves together. After about 45 minutes, each team took turns going up to say goodbye to the red team, truly not ready to let go of the newfound friends they all had made. TsubaKill turned off their sign and left, then the cameras stopped rolling for the day. 
Each crew was back in their own hideout now, just discussing the events of the last few days and how they could relax briefly since they all survived the first elimination. Jam Republic’s room was eerily quiet as the small team with such big hearts sat heartbroken still. Y/n didn’t look herself, eyes tired and face puffy, and oh how it made her members feel even more upset knowing their youngest member took every blow straight to the heart- yet she never let that truly impact her as a person, always taking on every new situation with a bright smile and open-mind.
“How’re you holdin' up mama?” Kirsten asked, gently rubbing the young girl’s shoulder. Her lip quivered and she started to tear up again before leaning forward and hiding her face in her hands.
“This is so much harder than I thought it was gonna be.” Y/n cries into her hands, shoulders shaking as she sobbed. Kirsten just continued to rub circles on her back until she calmed down. Once she finally did manage to stop crying, the younger girl sat up and ran a hand through her hair, suddenly seeming a tiny bit more alive than before. She looked around at all her members and stopped at Emma.
“Fuck this shit.” she declared confidently and the members couldn’t help but chuckle and shake their heads, forever impressed by how unpredictable the girl will always be. She throws her head back to rest against the back of the sofa in their room. A few moments of silence pass then there's a knock on their door. Ling, who is sitting closest to it, stands up and opens the door, revealing a slightly-somber-looking Bada Lee. once she realizes all eyes are on her, the tall girl’s eyes widen and she clears her throat. Before anyone can even say anything y/n is up and moving. 
“Hey, what’s up?” she whispers as she meets the older girl in the doorway. Bada stutters for a second before taking a breath.
“I just wanted to come check on you… I know you take these things pretty hard.” she had clarified with a sympathetic comforting smile, causing y/n to smile slightly as well.
“Well thank you… how are you holding up?” she asked in return with her signature puppy eyes. Bada tilted her head for a second, thinking about how she wanted to word her sentence. 
“I think I just need to keep moving. Of course I’m upset about it, but I feel for me personally I just have to keep working… there isn’t any time to rest-” she starts and sees Y/n take a deep breath, knowing the young girl is about to reprimand her for not taking care of herself.
“But-” she continues, holding up her hands in defense, causing the girl across from her to sigh and cross her arms expectantly.
“I actually want to take the time I have and enjoy it… maybe with someone?” Bada had finished her statement with a question, hinting that she very much wanted to spend her free time with the smaller girl in front of her. Y/n matched her cheesy smile and looked over her shoulder to see her teammates staring (per usual). Kirsten and Latrice looked at each other for a second, having a silent conversation, before looking back towards the two in the doorway and nodding with a thumbs up. Y/n looked back at the tall girl in front of her and smiled brightly.
“Are you free now?” she asked, and Bada held out her hand for y/n to take, which she did. The two already grinning like lovesick idiots.
“For you I am.”
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note: sorry this part took so long!! i hope everyone enjoys it- next part is gonna be the pool party episode omg yay lol
taglist (open): @tinybada @angel-hyuckie @violetinferno @jesuschrist2006 @1luvkarina @uwulyn @justandloyal2961 @deadgirlwalking3 @heeheemich @squidvoldyvoid @vivzyo @ouhaika @jksjx @ocyeanicc @marianamartinsthings @jxrdxnh @luvjanexx @lorenztired @khjssss @heavenlycloud @loisje123 @starchasermyloves @zhivaxo @grinnwolph @notyourd0lly @stinkbvgs @nermandiiiii-blog @abllucena @arujee @idontknownemore @thatgayinsomniac @l-a-u-r-a--b @fruitr0llup @cgriffin9797-blog @woooooya @kaaylvst @ssc7514 @astoreea @linda-botello @kpopgirl-97 @erikook @majookim @okjaeminn @misszoldyc
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
the asks are piling up already lol so here are some initial thoughts on the trailers from today (in order of release, BL/GLs are marked with a 🏳️‍🌈, favorites with a 🌟):
Ossan's Love Thailand 🏳️‍🌈🌟: HELP this looks so chaotic lmao. I forgot about the show for a second and thought we were in for another EarthMix office romance kjdhgd. But yeah I have a very soft spot for Earth in chaotic slapstick roles and Mix fits in there just perfect as well. I have not seen the original and was concerned as a lot of people said it's not very good but I had a very good time with this trailer and I'm excited!!! .
Leap Day 🌟: I've been curious about this project ever since that casting call for younger versions of Dew and Pond lol and the trailer did not disappoint! The story seems interesting and I know Gun will eat in this role lol. It's going on my watchlist. .
The Heart Killers 🏳️‍🌈: **edit: not gonna lie, initially I was very disappointed by this. I was excited for the Jojo show but this seemed very random to me. I couldn't follow the story and the trailer just seemed like FK and JD were given a few guns and thrown into a dark setting which just seems like a clash of NLMG and OF. If JD weren't there, I would think this is a SandRay spinoff lol. I now know about the Shakespeare adaption which does change the way I view it a little bit but I still have concerns because I still have no idea what's going on lmao. I was hoping for something simpler and calmer for FK's new project so I really hope the show will be better than the trailer. .
Friendshit Forever: Legit thought this was a GL for the first 30 seconds of the trailer lmao but turns out it's another Beauty Newbie type of toxic friendship lol. I love the vibe though!!! the cast is amazing, Pat never fails to deliver and my girl Mook is back as well!! 🥺 I'm very much into the energy and the chemistries are on point as well. Sign me up!! .
Perfect10 Liners 🏳️‍🌈: If I took my glasses off I would think this is We Are season 2 lmao like do we really need another gay ensemble. And there's SO many others as well??? There were like 30 people on that stage lmao. New really said who doesn't have a job this year? done. I don't know what else to say, it looks very generic. I didn't expect PerthChimon to be part of an ensemble for their second bl and I sure did not expect ForceBook to get their 5th gig lmao. Good for them though. I'm still gonna take a look. .
Us 🏳️‍🌈🌟: YES I LOVE THIS 😩😭 I was hoping we would get another GL and I loooove the energy of this. It's giving all the COA vibes and I'm SO glad it's not another highschool romcom. 23.5 is nice but I'm so happy this is taking it one step further. I'm here for it. Emi was born for sapphic roles you can't change my mind lmao and her chemistry with Bonnie is on point. Simple story, big emotions and a strong cast - This is right up my alley. It's going on my list for sure. .
Hide & Sis: The title still cracks me up lmao but YES this is everything lol. The PLL/PSIHY vibes are STRONG and I love it. Snap25 never fails to deliver us badass girl gangs and I'm here for it. The toxic family trope is generic for these types of shows but if it's done right it works. And I think this will. Sign me up! .
Heart That Skips a Beat 🏳️‍🌈🌟: god don't even touch me this looks so lovely 🥹 I'm always down for a good idol x mundane romance lol and EstWilliam are a good pair for sure. It was kind of obvious that they would get something together but I'm still very excited. I didn't expect the whole LYKN group to be in it but I feel like this plot fits them very well. Plus the trailer is absolutely beautiful. Thumbs up!! .
Break Up Service: This looks meh to me, I'm surprised to see Jorin lol I didn't know she was acting. The story seems fun but the trailer did not catch my attention. It's a maybe for now. .
Revamp 🏳️‍🌈: Honestly I did not expect them to give us another trailer for this lol I was set on a different project for BounPrem. But yes this looks very expensive lmao and I'm hyped we're getting another vampire show this year. I also approve of the other cast members, especially Kay since I haven't seen him in forever lol and also Santa!! I will be tuning in! .
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist 🏳️‍🌈🌟: *starts vibrating violently* YES I FEEL NORMAL ABOUT THIS kjshdf call me crazy but this is my highlight of this lineup lmao. I got deeply attached to MarkOhm over the last few months and this is all I could ever ask for lmao. Ohm is my little squish and my boy Mark finally got his main role 😩 I'm so proud. The plot is not the most sophisticated lol but I am SEATED. GIMME. .
Dark Dice: This did not intrigue me whatsoever. Pass. .
The Ex-Morning 🏳️‍🌈: Anyone who spent any time on the internet in the last few months knew this was bound to happen lmao. I feel torn about it, K. is not off the hook but KS were my very first bl on-screen couple and I'm feeling very nostalgic about this comeback lol. I'm fond of the trend to bring back OG couples and I'm not gonna lie, yes, it looks good. The story is interesting and the fact that they play exes,,,, art imitates life lol. I think this genre suits them and hey, maybe this will become the second Cherry Magic. Let's see how it goes. .
Scarlet Heart Thailand: The trailer gave us next to no information, I'm guessing that if you saw the original you might have a better idea of what's going on but other than pretty costumes, this didn't give me much ground to make a judgement on lol. Let's see.
conclusion: All in all this lineup seems a lot more colorful than part 1 which is very exciting!! It had the typical light-to-dark structure that the first part (and all the previous ones) had as well but it's still more diverse than I was expecting. There are some disappointments and concerns but compared to part 1, this has a lot more promising projects that I will be tuning in for - Even the lakorns. I spent a lot of time on Twitter leading up to the event, so almost everything I put on my bingo card became reality lol. I noticed some changes in the production of the trailers where it seems that they are more carefully made and edited and I found myself connecting emotionally with them a lot more than in part 1. Overall I'm very happy with this lineup and I will be putting all of these shows on my watchlist with the exception of 1 or 2, which is something I couldn't say about part 1. Thumbs up!! 🧡
Let me know your thoughts!
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jinkoh · 4 months
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lip gloss
younghoon x fem!reader
summary: younghoon really likes your lip gloss. what he doesn't like is the silly bet his friends made about you...
tags: strangers to friends to lovers, secret relationship (kinda), fluff, a little jealousy, alternating povs, clothes sharing (v briefly), SFW
wordcount: ~4,8k
a/n: who would have thought i'm coming back after a writer's block with a completely new group--certainly not me lol 🤡 i have accidentally developed an obsession with the lip gloss mv and spent an ungodly amount of time watching it
this is my first time writing for tbz (and i also don't know them that well yet) so pls be kind 👉🏻👈🏻
also this fic is entirely to be blamed on @blizzardfluffykpop bc we came up with the idea together. thanks for brainrotting with me, kate ❤️
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Younghoon liked his friends, he really did. It was just that at times he had to remind himself of the fact. Like now, when they were making yet another stupid bet among themselves, fueled as so often by the never ending quarrel between the beach volleyball players and the surfers. Younghoon wasn’t a surfer but neither did he play beach volleyball, except for the rare occasions when they were missing a man, so he usually got out of these antics fine without picking a side. Still, this time the guys were being too much. Younghoon had already turned to Sangyeon in hopes of ending this nonsense, but to his utter disappointment even Sangyeon was in on this, confidently nodding along that his team would win.
It wasn’t that Younghoon didn’t understand the temptation—who wouldn’t want an excuse to talk to you? You’d caught his attention too when he’d come to the beach a few days ago. It was starting to get hot, spring slowly turning into summer, and the owner of the little beach bar had decided it was time to kick off the season. Instead of him though, someone else was manning the bar. You had an arm propped up on the counter and mindlessly scrolled on your phone. Younghoon couldn’t blame you, the bar wasn’t usually busy until later so it wasn’t like you had anything better to do. Without paying it any mind, he jogged down the beach to the volleyball net where he knew to find the others, the girl from the bar quickly forgotten over a very imbalanced game. In fact he didn’t think of you again until he walked back to the bar to get some soda for everyone. There still weren’t any customers around, but instead of doom scrolling you’d taken out some lip gloss, using your phone’s camera as a mirror as you swiftly applied it to your lower lip. He felt he shouldn’t be watching this, but he also couldn’t look away. There was something so captivating about this scene. Just when you were smacking your lips together (twice) you seemed to have noticed his gaze. You looked up with surprise in your eyes before giving him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, didn’t see you there. What can I get you?” The gloss made your lips look shiny. Maybe he had already been a goner then.
So, it really wasn't that he didn't understand. But betting on who’d get your number first seemed a bit much and, frankly, kind of rude too. There was no stopping them though, but perhaps he could at least give you a little warning?
He got up from where everyone was sitting on the sand, just far enough from the shore to not get wet, and jogged back to the wooden path that led further up the beach and to the bar.
“Where are you going?” Eric yelled behind him. “Not getting a head start, are you?”
Younghoon huffed a laugh. “What makes you think I’d join a silly bet like that?”
Eric grinned. “Scared of even trying, huh?”
“Mhm, sure.”
With a shake of his head he walked the last few meters to the bar, where he sat down on one of the stools at the counter. Once more, it was empty despite being late at night, but he supposed not everyone had the freedom to come out here this late on a weekday.
“So,”  you turned to him with a mischievous grin, before he could even say anything. “What kind of bet were you talking about?”
He ran his hands through his hair. “You heard that?”
“Was hard not to.”
“I’m not sure you really want to know.”
“I don’t care either way. But you guys have been stealing glances at the bar this whole time—you better not do anything that will get me in trouble with the boss.”
“They wouldn’t,” Younghoon didn’t hesitate to reply. Sure, they were silly and stupid at times, but they wouldn’t put someone’s job on the line for funsies. “But they also weren’t exactly looking at the bar.”
“They weren’t, huh?” You grinned and Younghoon couldn’t help but notice the shimmer of your lip gloss.
“It’s your number,” he said, tearing his eyes away from your lips. “They want your number.”
You nodded slowly, looking more amused than offended. There was a challenging glint in your eyes. “So, you think getting my number is silly?”
The question caught him off guard so his reply came out a little too slow to be smooth. “No, that’s far from silly. Just betting on it is.”
“Hmm, how do I know you’re not secretly in on it though?”
“Why would I butcher my chances by telling you about the bet then?”
You leaned over the counter a bit, propping up your head with your closed hand. “Maybe this is your strategy to appear upright and honest?”
He stifled a laugh. “Well, I’m honest. I don’t know about the rest.”
 “Fair enough.”
Younghoon didn’t get your number that night, but neither did anyone else and that gave him a little satisfaction. He’d offered to try and talk them out of it again, but you’d declined. “No,” you’d said with a grin. “I wanna see them try. It sounds fun.” 
He thought he possibly liked more about you than just your lip gloss.
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The guys went all out. Some attempts didn’t seem too bad while others gave him a strong sense of secondhand embarrassment. But you seemed to be having fun with it, so who was he to intervene? And maybe, just maybe, he liked the way you’d throw him knowing glances from time to time, sharing a secret only for the two of you to know.
Yet, he wondered if maybe one of them would manage to sway your heart—he’d seen Kevin steal you away during your break earlier, to take you to the wooden jump tower near the cliffs. He liked to boast about his diving, and from the way Younghoon could hear you laughing from afar you seemed to be having fun. He stalled for a moment, watching how you were sitting on the pier, your feet dangling in the water. When Kevin pushed himself up with his arms to get onto the pier next to you, you playfully shoved him back, making him go under with a splash. He was laughing when he came back up, and so were you. That was a good thing, right? You were having fun. You already knew the thing with the bet too, so if you liked Kevin in spite of that then who was Younghoon to interfere? Kevin was a good guy anyway, and bet or not he seemed genuinely interested. No, there shouldn’t be any problem.
And yet, Younghoon felt bitter about it, a greedy part of him wishing he could have that laugh all to himself.
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“So, can I have your number? In case I need a buddy to go diving with again sometime?” Kevin grinned up at you from the water, brushing back his wet hair. It reminded you of Younghoon, the way he’d run his hand through his hair every few minutes, pushing it out of his forehead just for it to fall right back into place. Maybe you should buy him some bobby pins—probably not. After all, you liked when he did that.
“Is that smile a yes?” Kevin pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Huh? Ah, sorry, left my phone at the bar,” you both knew it was just an excuse, but Kevin didn’t seem particularly offended. He swam over to the pier, resting his arms on the wooden board and propping up his chin.
“What has you so happy then?”
“Nothing much. Just a friend.”
“I can be a friend too,” he replied playfully. 
“Sure, friend,” you easily agreed, ignoring the flirty undertone that defeated the meaning of his words. Friends you could do.
To be honest, your expectations for this summer had been low. You didn't know anyone in this small town aside from your uncle and even though you had a good relationship with him, you could picture better ways to spend the hot season than helping out at his bar. To your surprise though, you were slowly starting to enjoy your time here. When you’d first heard of the bet it hadn’t left the best impression, but seeing them try so hard to impress you was a little cute and despite everything they seemed like sweet, genuine guys. And the fact that you knew about the bet made it pretty fun to watch the spectacle, even more so since you had someone to share mischievous smiles about it with. It felt like you were partners in crime, a secret friendship blooming between the two of you that had no real reason to be secret aside from the thrill of it all. 
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You weren’t the fondest of riding the bicycle. In fact, back at home you didn’t even own one. You lived in the next bigger town and you got around just fine using public transport. That seemed unthinkable here though, with two buses running a day—one in the morning and one at night. So, if you didn’t want to walk everywhere, you had to make do with your cousin’s old bicycle that he’d used before he’d moved out for college. It was a little rattly but it was holding up pretty well—or at least that had been the case until today. You weren’t sure what exactly happened, but suddenly the counter pressure when pedaling had disappeared, and you’d almost fallen forward over the bicycle’s handlebars. Now you were standing at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, not even half way back to your uncle’s place with no reception and a chain that was just loosely hanging off the gears. It being night didn’t really help you to feel better about it all. While you knew it was probably safer here than in some street downtown that was bustling with drunk people, it still felt scarier, the tall trees along the road looming over you. Begrudgingly you pushed the bicycle forward, the lamp flickering weakly and barely doing anything to lighten up the path ahead.
In the distance, you heard the sound of an engine approaching, and the thought of coming across someone on this deserted street made your stomach churn with dread. A brief glance behind you told you it was a motorcycle, the headlight almost a little blinding in the darkness. Just before it went past you, you squeezed your eyes shut, hoping it would go by fast. You wanted to let out a relieved breath once it did, but then you heard the motor stopping only a few meters ahead. Your eyes snapped open, panic rushing through your veins as you watched the driver get off. Your grip around the handle bars tightened, making your knuckles turn white. You made a point of not looking at the guy, even when he came closer, but then you heard a familiar voice.
“Y/n? You good?”
You raised your gaze in time to see him take off his helmet. He shook out his black hair before pushing it out of his forehead the way he always did.
“Younghoon.” Relief washed over you.
“Sorry, did I frighten you?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“So, what happened?” He took an examining look at your bicycle. “Chain came off?”
You shrugged helplessly. “Whatever you say.”
He nodded slowly, running his hand through his hair once more. “I can fix that for you.”
“It’s pretty simple. But maybe something for daylight. Let me give you a ride home and we’ll come back for it tomorrow?”
You glanced over to the motorcycle that was waiting a little ahead and then back to Younghoon. Your expression must have been weary because he grinned. “Don’t worry I have a spare helmet. And I’m a safe driver too.”
“I wasn’t doubting you.”
“It’s fine if you were.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Mhm, sure,” he stepped a little closer, putting the helmet on for you and closing the fastener under your chin. Your breath caught when his fingers brushed against your skin, the feeling lingering despite the fleetingness of the touch. “Ready to go?”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat, trying to get a grip of yourself. “Just a—let me just—,” instead of finishing your sentence you just gestured towards your bicycle instead. He huffed a laugh and watched as you pushed it further to the side and leaned it against a tree in safe distance to the road. Once you’d locked it, you turned back around to Younghoon who was still looking at you. 
“Ready,” you croaked.
He smiled, and despite the darkness of the night you could see the small crinkles forming in the corners of his eyes. “Good.” 
You walked the few meters to his bike in silence and you thought there was an odd tension there. Or maybe you were just nervous about the ride, you reasoned with yourself. He got out his spare helmet, pushing his hair out of his forehead once more before putting it on. With ease he swung his leg over the machine before patting the leather of the seat behind him. You got on too, certainly looking a lot less dignified than he did and shuffled back as far as you could to bring some distance between the two of you. Before starting the motor, he looked back at you once more. “Hold on tight.” Unsure what exactly to hold onto, you clung to the edges of the seat, your nails digging into the leather.
He didn’t drive too fast, surely out of consideration for you, but you still couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. When he hit a small bump in the road, you let out a shriek, your arms instinctively letting go of the seat to wrap around his waist instead. You held on tight, the distance you’d made sure of before completely forgotten. Once you’d recovered from the brief shock though, you wondered if this was okay or if you’d overstepped. But Younghoon didn’t say anything about it and you didn’t want to let go again, not when you felt so safe with your arms wrapped around him.
The ride was over way too quickly, and you almost wished you’d given him wrong directions when he stopped in front of your uncle’s house. Chances of him catching on would have probably been high though, considering he was from here while you were just here for the summer.
“Are you sure it’s this one?” Younghoon said, after he’d taken off his helmet, looking at the house questioningly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I just didn’t know you were related to the owner.”
“He’s my uncle,” you explained matter of factly. “But how do you know he lives here?”
Younghoon chuckled. “This is a pretty small town, you know?”
“Right,” you nodded. You took your helmet off too, awkwardly holding it out for him to take. “So, uh, thanks for the ride.”
He tore his gaze away from the house to meet yours. “Was my pleasure.” There was that sweet smile again, making your heart melt. You smacked your lips together, the way you did when applying lipstick—a nervous habit of yours. His gaze flickered to the movement before wandering back up to your eyes. There was something there. He took a small step towards you, just a few inches but it felt like he was suddenly way up in your personal space. You thought he was going to kiss you, but he didn't move. Instead he just kept looking at you with an unreadable expression.
Unable to hold eye contact, you lowered your head, staring at your feet instead. “I should go inside then.”
“Mhm, you should. I’ll pick you up tomorrow? Is around noon good?”
“Pick me up?”
He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “Your bicycle, remember?”
“Oh, of course. Noon is good. Should I give you my number? Maybe you can text me fifteen minutes or so before you’ll be here tomorrow?”
“Not worried that this is all just part of my scheme to win the bet?” His voice was quiet and yet there was a cockiness to it that made your heart race.
"Shut up." It was a weak comeback, but it put a grin on Younghoon's face. His gaze dropped to your lips once more before coming back up.
"Make me."
Your eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by the bold implication of his words. You swallowed around the lump in your throat, your whole body was thrumming with nerves. Your gaze flickered to his lips. You inched closer. That's what he'd meant right? You wouldn't be overstepping if you kissed him now, right? You looked up into his eyes, just to be sure that you weren't misunderstanding things. But right when you did, he cupped your jaw with his hand, pulling you in until his lips crashed into yours. 
Kissing him felt so natural, it was as if all your secret smiles and shared grins had naturally led up to this moment. You kissed him until you felt breathless and even then you were reluctant to pull away. When you finally did, he didn't let you go too far, his thumb drawing patterns on your cheek and his eyes taking in every inch of your face.
"I think I should really go now," you eventually broke the silence when you couldn't endure it anymore.
"Okay," he whispered.
"Okay," you repeated. "I'll see you around noon."
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Younghoon couldn’t stop himself from smiling on the whole ride home. You'd forgotten to give him your number, but he felt that it didn't really matter anymore. He could just ask you again tomorrow. After all, he'd gotten something way better tonight. He recalled the way your arms had held onto him tightly on the ride and your tousled hair after you’d taken off the helmet. Mostly, he recalled how warm your lips had felt against his. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
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The chain was back on in a matter of seconds. Younghoon looked as if he’d done it a zillion times before.
“And you couldn’t have done that last night?” You asked from where you were standing next to him, watching as he wiped his fingers on a cloth. Nothing had happened since he'd picked you up and you'd driven back to your bicycle together. You almost wondered if it was all an odd fever dream and he didn’t actually kiss you.
“I did say it was easy," He admitted simply, "But it’s always better to check everything with proper lighting rather than letting you ride home on a potentially broken bicycle. Can’t risk you getting hurt, can we?" 
It was just common decency but somehow the way he said it, looking up at you with a cheeky grin, made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks flush. You avoided his gaze, your focus falling onto his jaw instead. “You have a little—” you motioned to your own face, trying to mirror where he’d stained his skin with grease just below the jaw line. He tried to wipe it away with the back of his hand, his grin traded for something more innocent. “There?”
The scene captivated you a little too much, thoughts of touching that jaw, of pulling him into a kiss circling your mind. In your daze, it took you a second to snap out of it. “Yeah,” you mumbled, not really paying attention. "There."
Younghoon thoroughly made sure the bicycle was safe to ride and only then started to pack up his tools. You watched as he diligently put them away. 
“How come you know how to do this?” you eventually broke the silence.
“What, putting a chain back on?”
“Hm,” he shrugged. “I like fixing things. And it comes in handy too, doesn’t it?” He said the last bit with a smile that you couldn’t help but return.
“Yeah, it does. Thanks again.” 
He got up and dusted off his pants. “It’s nothing. Call me if something happens again.”
“I will.” Your gaze followed him as he walked back to his bike, getting his helmet from where it hung off the handle bars. He didn't put it on just yet, taking a quick glance at the wing mirror first.
“You lied!” He complained in mocked offense, before turning back around to you. He wore a pout, his finger pointing at the grease stain that was still right there below his jaw line.
You giggled. “What can I say, I’m neither upright nor honest.”
Younghoon grinned and walked back over to you, his helmet still in his hand. "Is that so?" He asked as he stepped back into your personal space. You took a tiny step towards him too, closely watching his reaction. That grin was still there. With a racing heart you tugged the cloth out from where he had messily shoved it into his pocket. Then you reached up to his jaw, slowly wiping at the grease stain until it was gone. The whole time, Younghoon was watching you intently, your eyes, your nose your lips—
You lowered your hand when you were done, but he caught your wrist to stop you from going too far.
"Thanks." His voice was barely a whisper. Your eyes flickered to his mouth.
"You're welcome," you replied just as quietly, inching just the tiniest bit closer. You felt his breath on your skin and then his lips on yours, again and again and again.
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Things between the two of you felt exciting and new and good—but there was also this looming uncertainty. Younghoon knew what it meant to him. But what about you? What was all this to you? Even though he didn't want to delude himself, he couldn't help hoping that this, that he was special to you. The secret smiles you exchanged started to feel a little different, like there was a little more. And there was: the two of you were texting a lot now that you'd exchanged numbers and you often came down to the beach earlier to hang out with him on the old lighthouse before your shift. You weren’t doing that for the other guys. Your gaze also didn't linger on them the way it did on him, no matter how much they pestered you. And of course you weren't kissing them either. That was, as far as he knew, reserved for him alone. That made it easy to endure when you were laughing and joking around with the guys. Except at times, you'd glance over to him with a cocky grin. Almost as if you wanted to make sure he was watching, as if you wanted to purposely rile him up. It made him want to walk over and kiss you right there in front of them, but you hadn't talked about these things yet and you seemed to enjoy the thrill of hide and seek. So, kissing was only allowed for when you were alone with no one to see.
Consequently he was keeping a low profile, sitting in the sand with some of the others and pretending not to watch from afar how Changmin and Juyeon were leaning on the counter, competing for your attention. Eventually he tore his gaze away to focus on the conversation in front of him instead, which only got interrupted when Jacob remarked that Changmin and Juyeon must have been unsuccessful, as they were coming back down to the beach. You on the other hand were not behind the bar anymore, a small sign indicating that it was closed for now. A feeling of worry started to spread in his guts. Did something happen? Did they make you feel uncomfortable? He knew his friends were good guys and wouldn’t ever intentionally do that, but just because it wasn't their intention didn't mean it couldn’t happen. Maybe it was nothing, but he just needed to make sure you were okay.
Without thinking further he got up from the sand, jogging past Changmin and Juyeon who looked at him in confusion, and up to the bar. You weren't anywhere to be found though, the little door locked and the space behind the counter empty. The other only place he could come up with was the lighthouse, so he made his way there, hurrying up the spiral staircase until he got to you, sitting in the middle of the steps and munching on a sandwich. You looked up at him in surprise as he stood before you, breathing a little heavy, but a smile spreading on his lips. He chuckled. He should have known he was worrying for nothing.
"You're on break?"
"Mhm," you nodded and scooted over a bit, making space for you to sit with him. "What's the hurry for?" 
There was a little sauce on your upper lip. He reached out to wipe it away and you simply let him.
"I don't know, I was wondering if you're fine."
"Why wouldn't I be?'
He shrugged. He didn't know either, after all you'd never been uncomfortable with the boys' advances. Maybe he was the only one who felt that way. 
You leaned in a little closer, bumping your shoulder against his with a cheeky grin. "Or were you maybe jealous?"
With a huffed laugh he met your gaze. "What if I was?"
He thought he saw your cheeks flush when you focused back on your sandwich. "Maybe I'd like that."
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It was late, around midnight, and you listened to the sound of the waves as you sat side by side in the sand. The bar was still open, but your uncle had taken on the night shift, giving you the freedom to spend your time out here, away from people. You hear the music and laughter from afar and if you turned around you'd see the colorful string lights too, but you much preferred the view of the ocean in front of you. At least for now.
Younghoon was sitting close to you, his hand just barely touching yours. You wondered if he was cold in his white tee while you were all wrapped up in his cozy hoodie. You inched closer, intertwining your fingers and pulling his hand into your lap. Maybe you could at least keep his arm warm. He turned to look at you with a smile, before running his free hand through his hair.
"The boys would hate this," he said with a chuckle. 
"Would they really?" Your voice sounded more serious than intended. You knew it was just an offhand comment, but it made you wonder if that could be a dealbreaker for him. You knew he treasured his friends.
He considered for a moment. "Only if I'm not serious. They care about you, you know." 
"So, are you? Serious?"
"Yeah." He didn't shy away from your gaze. "I'm serious."
You squeezed his hand in yours and he squeezed right back and even though it was such a small gesture it gave you butterflies. He was serious about you, about this. With flushed cheeks and a smile tugging at your lips, you leaned your head against his shoulder. You sat like that for a while, back to listening to the waves.
"Maybe we should end their bet," you eventually mumbled. "Since they already lost." You could imagine the surprise on their face if you were to tell them.
"Mhm, we should," he rested his head against yours, "but not now. Let's stay here a little longer."
 "Yeah, let's."
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"That actually makes so much sense," Eric exclaimed dramatically, after you'd told them a few days later. "How else would you have resisted my charm?" 
Changmin huffed a laugh. "Right, because you're so irresistible."
"Anyway," Sangyeon interrupted, "that means the bet is off."
Sunwoo looked at him with a raised eyebrow, casually resting his arm on Younghoon's shoulder. "You're only saying that because you've lost. Younghoon is clearly on team beach volleyball. He just joined in on a game the other day."
Eric shook his head and formed an X with his arms. "Nope, no, he clearly said he wasn't joining."
Younghoon rolled his eyes at their antics, wondering if he should say something to make them shut up. But then he met your amused gaze and decided to leave it be. 
"What was the wager anyway?" You asked him quietly. 
Younghoon shrugged as he intertwined his fingers with yours. "I have no idea." 
You giggled. He liked the sound of it and the happy glint in your eyes. He also liked the shimmer of your lip gloss.
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no tbz masterlist (edit: nvmnd here it is) but feel free to check out my other works if you liked this or leave a follow to keep up with future works~
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youdontneedhenry · 4 months
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It's been a whirlwind day for fans of this show, and it's clearly been a better day for some more than others. I do want to acknowledge that I see and hear and understand the disappointment fans are experiencing.
I would like to speak to my own feelings, which are ones of excitement and cautious optimism because the parts of the show I enjoy the most are still intact for Season 5. I am really excited to see where this show goes. I'll put the rest below the fold so as to be respectful to the variety of emotions.
I enjoyed the episodes that didn't feature the Duke for a variety of reasons. He often talked down to Eliza, or tried to knock bring her down in a variety of ways, and so he seemed to be fundamentally incompatible for her. By the end of season 3, I started to wonder how they could course correct to make William/Eliza believable and work for me. I just couldn't see it because I didn't like how the core issue with Eliza's ambition. That's not something I could get behind.
My favorite parts of the show were always Eliza working with partners who respected her- partners like Nash and Moses. I really missed Moses in Season 4, and one thing I hope we see more of is the diversity of Victorian London that we got to see in earlier seasons.
Look, I am obviously a hardcore #ScarNash shipper. I have loved the character of Patrick Nash since his introduction in season 2. The romantic possibility was there in season 2, and then by episode 3 of season 3 (Hotel St Marc), the chemistry was rather distracting! I liked how he respected her talents and enjoyed having her take the lead.
By the end of Season 4, it was clear to me that Patrick Nash and Eliza Scarlet made the most sense. They were equals, and he recognized her talent from the beginning. Eliza's character seemed to have more growth through her interactions with Nash while her relationship with William had grown stale. The flashback episode really solidified that for me- they hadn't changed in personality in a decade, why would they ever? I forgot to mention the constant mirroring of WIlliam/Eliza romance with Patrick/Eliza's relationship. Talking about wanting to receive a present in a bow with a box to William and then having Nash give her exactly that in an area she wanted- a boost to her career. The way Nash always wanted her to work for him when William only reluctantly hired her. The way Nash acted in the entire Jewel of the North episode, including being there for Eliza when her office was trashed. And that's not even Season 4 where Eliza flat out says he's the only person who's ever had any faith in her!
I know what the writers have said about platonic relationships. And a Season 5 renewal with no Duke doesn't mean we automatically get ScarNash. But a girl can dream. They writers are SO lucky to have these actors with this amount of chemistry and a relationship that has developed over THREE seasons. There's been a satisfying arc with Patrick and Eliza. Rivals to friends to lovers would be satisfying. We've watched them grow individually and together. It would make sense.
My wishlist for season 5 certainly includes: a female friend for Eliza that isn't Ivy, for Moses to come back (I know this is not happening lol) and for ScarNash to be canon. I think it would be incredible, and I hope others can come around.
As a side note, it's been absolutely delightful to share this news with ScarNash fans and to find NEW people who have quietly shipped ScarNash. I sometimes felt like there were only a few of us, but truly there's so many people that love the idea of them. So while I think it's not at all guaranteed that it'll be canon, I certainly continue to hope this has opened the door to it. We'll wait and see! I'm looking forward to the new season with more excitement than I've had for any piece of media in awhile.
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dulcewrites · 8 months
New Traditions
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x afab!reader
Summary: As the first holiday season in your new home approaches, Rhett and you start new traditions and make promises (wc: 3k)
Warnings/Fic notes: mentions of unhappy childhoods (reader and Rhett probably needed more hugs as kids). Allusions to a rich!reader. Me using decorating as smokescreen for a character study lol. Daddy issues galore. The Christmas music is very self indulgent on my part too. Allusions/mentions to 18+ content
A/N: *Mariah Carey whistle note* ITS TIMEEEEEE. Lmao hiii, I hope you all are doing well. It has been a minute since I have written for a fandom outside of hotd so please bear with me on that front. I eventually want to take request soon (for Rhett, some tgm characters, and Calvin Evans) so my inbox is always open if y’all are interested - just shoot me something. If you read anything you like please reblog, like, and or comment. Also let me know when y’all put your decorations up (if you celebrate anything). I’m a staunch first weekend of December girlie myself ❤️
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As pathetic as it sounds out loud, Rhett had grown accustomed to having the rug pulled out from under him. He had a looming and painful history with differentiating the cards life dealt him and what he deserves; over time, they began to blur together. At a certain point, he just resigned himself to life just being sort of... eh. Reminding himself that though things could be better, they could also be much, much worse.
It would all combinate in this hazy, syrupy snapshot of moments that ran together. At least, that is what he thought till he met you.
He thinks you would not understand it if he told you - that you are one of those people that is easy to love, while people like him took work to want. Hard work. Something that would be likened to the type of manual labor a Wyoming, farm grown boy like him is used to doing day in and day out. If he dared to express it, you would give him a good-natured laugh and shake your head like you always did when he said something self-deprecating.
"What kind of women do you take me for, Abbott," followed by a playful eye roll. "The type that settles?"
Rhett supposes that was the conundrum with you. Because the statement is not wrong; nothing about you gave off the impression you would settle for anything. That could come from a life of having almost everything at your fingertips. But the questions still tickle his tongue and doubts still makes his brain hazy.
It has only compounded since the two of you moved in together.
It was you who posed the suggestion, a shy smile on your lips. Despite the skepticism and disappointment from your parents, it did not feel right for you to sell your grandmother's ranch, the one your father grew up on, after she passed. You insisted on keeping it yourself, clearly having a soft spot for the house you would visit whenever you had the chance to.
Our home, you called it.
Your baking kits in the kitchen, his horses in the stable, and various clothes in the closets. He should feel reassured by this all… and yet… he waits for the other shoe to drop. For the rug to once again be pulled out from under him. Everything is so warm and new, and he worries about the day it slips through his fingers like sand.
Words in general, and expressing this specifically, does not come easy for him. Though loving you comes as easy as breathing for him. Rhett puts all that stuffing emotions and feelings away to good use as he tries to focus on the present. The only thing that manages to keep his mind clear is keeping his hands busy. So, he tries to make up for it in any way he can. The pale wall color your grandma insisted on keeping but reminded you of a sterile hospital? Painted to something more vibrant. The light fixtures in the kitchen that you said were ‘far too phallic to enjoy a meal under’? Well, those new ones are the best money could buy.
He just finished the building that rocking chair you got for the porch when you stick your head out of the house to call him in for dinner, eyes alight with something he could not put his finger on.
Dinner was silent, too silent for you, who always could spark up a conversation with anyone. A tiny sense of dread sets in, and he can’t help but think it maybe something he did… or did not do.
“The chicken is good,” he tries to start any kind of conversation or joy behind the eyes, but all he gets is an empty smile.
The unnerving quietness carries on for a few of minutes, but you suddenly drop your fork on the plate with a clank.
“Did y'all go all out for Christmas?”
Along with the noise the fork made, the question startled Rhett. He blinks blankly utterly confused by how it went from silence to that.
“Oh, sorry,” your lips downturn into an embarrassed frown. “I should not have assumed y’all even celebrate it. I guess I just assumed with your mom and all.”
“No, we do celebrate,” he shakes head.
“So, did you go all out? When did you guys put the decorations out?”
Rhett shifts in his seat uncomfortably. Much like everything else that comes to his family, it is never linear or easy. He doesn’t know how to explain how one year they just stopped decorating; gifts and midnight mass were seen as hassles not the usual. Everything that the holidays stood for: family, love, gratefulness, togetherness was the antithesis of them. The joy and warmth of the holidays was sucked from the house and never came back till Amy was old enough to know what Christmas was - till Rebecca and his ma teamed up one day to make a fuss about the house being cold and sterile. What they meant is that Royal was cold… and sterile.
Rhett can still remember the look of disbelief in Rebecca’s eyes when Perry didn’t back her up on the matter. It was a look Rhett had seen from when he was a teen till the last day, he saw Becca. He still gets a rotten taste in his mouth thinking about he never got to tell her how much she meant to him. But that would also mean admitting that often his biggest advocate was a woman basically forced into the family versus the people he shared actual blood with.
Slight embarrassment burns his mouth like a hot iron down his thoat.
With a tight throat, Rhett shrugs. “It changed every year,” he lies. Then shakes his head. “It wasn’t a big deal really.”
Almost as abruptly as you stopped eating, you get up from the kitchen table. He just about calls out to see if you are ok, but you come back in the dining area carrying a picture.
“When I was cleaning out the garage, I found this.”
Rhett leans over, and he can’t help the slow grin that settles on his face. At first, he didn’t recognize the faces in the picture but then he saw a familiar crooked, mischievous smile, but this time on a younger girl. A little you. Decked out in a red, poofy dress and tiny white fur shawl. Shiny black saddle shoes that gleam even in the old photo.
“My baby as a baby,” he whispers.
Rhett continues to scan the photo. Behind you was two older people, and he can only assume they are your parents. They are exactly how he thought they would be and nothing like he thought at the same time. Your mom casually glamourous in green, your dad in a suit far too done up just for family dinner with a heavy hand on your shoulder. You wear her eyes but his nose. Right behind the three of you, a heavily decorated banister and in the foreground a Christmas tree so large that Rhett thinks it has to be a safety hazard.
You do not seem as happy or in awe of the relic as him, in fact you look sick at the sight.
“That was taken before they sat me down to tell me they were getting a divorce.”
Rhett’s heart sinks a little at the as the way your mouth juts out in bitterness.
“Looking back on it, I should have known. Dad was never home, mom was detached, probably depressed. Ya know, I remember them specifically saying that nothing would change, and naive little me not only believe that but wanted it. Not realizing something was just… off. But I guess most nine-year-old’s can’t tell the difference.”
He supposed it was easier for him to paint a rosier picture of your parents, for his sake and yours. Maybe winters in Texas were better than ones he experienced, maybe life was better. He has seen pictures of house, the compound, you grew up on. But now hearing what you are saying made pity take over the normal envy.
Rhett reaches out to grab your hand, and squeezes. “M’ sorry.”
You wave your free hand nonchalantly thought the casualness does not meet your eyes fully.
“No use crying over spilt milk,” you sigh. “I just saw the picture and tried to rack my brain for the last time we were all together for the holidays. After that one, it was one year with mama, the next with dad. And I don't think we ever decorated the house together. That was my caregiver, Jodie's job. Made me curious other people’s traditions I guess."
Rhett fiddles with the rings on your fingers while chewing on the fleshy part on the inside of his cheek.
“Maybe we can make our own,” he mutters softly. “Startin’ this year.”
You look up through your lashes, eyes fluttering away from the picture that sat on the table.
He nods. If that is what you want, he’d do it for you. Like he would do anything for you. Your gaze goes out the window across from the table. The leaves on the trees already began to change and fall to the ground. Going from green to various shades of red, purple, and brown. The season already has changed; heat melting away as the temperature dropped and cool breeze set in.
Your spirit noticeably lightens. “Do you think we can get a real tree? Mamma always said it was too much of hassle to get a real one.”
Rhett holds up his hand and extends his pinky. “As long as there is mistletoe in the house.”
Under new light fixtures, and with the sun grazing the ground as it sets, the two of you made your first promise.
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Investments are important.
Your father told you so all your life. To the giant painting he bought for the Tennessee house (the one you later realized was a Degas), the stocks he bought for you for your fifteenth birthday, or his insistence you go to his alma mater. All investments that he expected payoff for. Your father will always be the smartest businessman you know, and he still managed to be so clueless with everything else.
People are not investments. Not really, at least. Not in the way your father looked at it. You can put money and effort into something, but it is never a guarantee it will work out that way. And you can’t just leave when things do not go your way. Your poor father never seemed to understand that, and you think it broke your grandma’s heart in the process.
And maybe you are no better than him. As a child, you admittedly reaped the benefits your parents offered you, almost to a fault. They would often laugh at your ability to move on to the next thing without so much as a blink of an eye. Onto the next toy, the next piece of clothing, the next makeup item. How can you criticize behavior you gave into yourself?
“You’re a reformed brat,” Jennie, your old debutant buddy turned psychologist said over the phone. “Give yourself some grace. At least you want better yourself now.”
So, you gave yourself just that. You didn’t sell your grandma’s place for the equity or whatever bullshit your dad mentioned. You didn’t Amelia County leave though your mom offered to set you up with her in New York. And God… you’re letting your fall - fall so deeply in love with Rhett, despite the voice in your head that tells you not to.
You replay your, in your opinion, embarrassing meeting. Bursting into tears in the middle of a grocery store was not the romantic story you want to tell others. But he came up to you to say that though he only spoke to her a handful of times when she would stay in her vacation home in Wabang, he knew your grandmother was a good woman and would be missed.
A blubbery mess of grief right next to the meat aisle spiraled into decorating your grandmother's house together - your house.
With Frank Sinatra’s version of ‘Let it Snow’ playing in the background, a rush of giddiness takes over. Jodie always said you had an eye for pretty things.
"A little excited, no," Rhett eyes copious amounts of bags you brought into the house. “It’s not even December yet.”
You survey the bags and boxes laid out. So, you went slightly overboard. Like driving out of town to the nearest big city to do some more shopping. Some habits die hard.
"This is just the starter stuff," you pull reams of garland out of the bag. “Just wait till they start selling the trees. Oh! And I got ingredients to teach you how to make sugar cookies from scratch.”
Rhett is silent for a moment, and you wonder if it is too much too fast. Your mother always said that enthusiasm, especially around men, should be tempered and demure. No one likes a girl that acts like a dog with a bone, sweetheart.
“Do.. do you think we can invite Amy over for the cookies thing,” his cobalt eyes soften at the mention of his niece. “I think she would like that.”
“Of course.”
You knew how important it was to Rhett for things to stay good with Amy. Her reception of the move was the only one he seemed to care about. You could not help but think the rest of Rhett’s family was skeptical about his decision. Cecilia was always kind towards you, and she was mostly receptive to the idea, but you assume it must hurt to see her baby venture out. Something about her reminded you of your own mother. Two women clearly used to the short end of the stick, and had to find ways to deal with it. While your mother found salvation in travel and extravagant parties, Cecilia found hers in faith.
Perry was well… Perry, about the whole thing. Just based on how he handled the news, and small tidbits you picked up from Rhett, it seemed like Perry was upset about Rhett making a choice just for himself. A luxury that the eldest son had a premium on for some time.
But you think it was the patriarch of the family who took it the hardest. It may be the reality of having two less hands around 24/7 like Rhett says, but you tend to think it is something deeper with Royal. Anger, sadness, pride - all of them??? You don’t know.
But what you do know is that family tension is something both you and Rhett know far too well.
After unpacking the bags and boxes you got, the smoky coos of Frank Sinatra transition into the pop Christmas playlist you put together. You don’t remember when the bottle of red wine came out, whether it was between Britney singing about what she wants for Christmas that year or Mariah singing about a holy night. It might have been after you insisted the two of you try your hand at diy decorations. But Rhett rolled his eyes when you talked about getting glasses, taking swings straight from the bottle instead.
“I don’t know how you drink this shit,” he wrinkled his nose, but he takes another hit.
“Just like you enjoy your watery beer,” you retake the bottle from him to have some more yourself.
“Last time I checked,” he expertly ties red and green ribbon into pretty bows and knots. “You were there with me, drinkin’ said watery beer.”
You bite your lip as you watch his brows furrow, and he pokes his tongue out sweetly as he ties meticulously.
“You’re quite good at that.”
“‘M good with ropes too.”
It could be the red wine, which always made your insides warm and fuzzy. Or if could just be the Rhett of it all. Him indulging this perhaps silly childhood wound of yours in full earnest.
“Hmmm,” you shuffle closer to him. The two of you might a makeshift area on the living room floor of pillows and blankets. An almost sickly-sweet peppermint candle ablaze on the table, and the fireplace crackling nearby.
“Royal used to make me secure the lines and pull logs. Kinda got good at it.”
By this time, you’re stuck at his side, suddenly a little fixated on hair on his neck that trickles up to his jaw and cheeks. You like him like this; hair falling from behind where it is tucked behind his ears. Scruffy and soft.
“Maybe you can show me how good you are.”
Rhett’s attention still doesn’t stray from the ribbons he cuts and ties, a task he is clearly taking seriously, but he nods in agreement. You roll your eyes slightly at how oblivious he can be.
“On me, Rhett,” you spell it out for him. “You can use the ropes on me.”
He stops and turns with a look of wanton, wetting his lips for a moment.
“Yeah,” he asks, the inflection at the end of the question breathy and soft.
You nuzzle your nose into area right under his ear with a hum, kissing the skin there and taking in the smell of his cologne. A woodsy scent with sprites of magnolia and cedar. It was one that consumed the bedroom and your mind. You spent much of your formative years pretending to hate the idea of being desired or wanted - chasteness an idea drilled into your head since you were a little girl and told by the ladies of your church that the only thing worse than being ungodly is being ‘fast’. Then you spent college overcorrecting to the point of farce. Letting the guys you knew had little regard for how you felt at the end of it make decisions for you. Emotionally, mentally, and sexually.
Your first time with Rhett was a hodgepodge of giggle and sighs only to be heard by vast emptiness of the home you do sit in now. His boots and jeans askew on the floor. You eccentric grandma’s knick knacks watching you two. Most notably, the cat clock that reflected in the moonlight, the one Rhett insisted you keep when he moved in. After him eating you out until you cried, and a night that ended in you making a trip to the local pharmacy for a Plan B, you honestly expected a series of awkward moments that would single-handedly ruin the small town bliss you experienced for the first time. And yet, in the morning, his lips turned up in a shy smile and he asked if you had bacon in the fridge.
You didn’t realize how badly you were under water and needed to breathe until you came to Wabang. Your lips work their way up his jaw til you reach the corner of his mouth.
“Let’s make it another tradition.”
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Diabolik lovers S+M+T brothers at beach
Hi Love,
Gosh, I am so sorry! I hope you are still around. This took months! To everyone I am sorry for my absences, in December I hope to be less busy. I luckily found some time for writing so I decided to finish some stuff while I'm at it. :) Hope you guys like it!
Diaboys At the Beach HCS
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
General (includes everyone):
🏝They took a van altogether to get there.
🏝Or it may have been Kou’s tour van bc he’s an idol.
🏝And Yuma didn’t want to go.
🏝But he was the one who ended up driving because he thinks that Ruki and Reiji are too slow because they follow the speed limit.
🏝Carla and Shin cannot drive because they are too old so good luck explaining to them how a car works.
🏝Plus Shin drives so bad, omg.
🏝And so yeah, Yuma would get everyone there faster.
🏝Made a fake treasure map and sneaked it somewhere on the beach and Ayato found it.
🏝This way the triplets would be preoccupied and leave the damn place so he could get some freaking peace and quiet.
🏝He openly admitted to Reiji, Subaru, Ruki, and Carla who were resting on lawn chairs also.
🏝“It’s been a while since we have seen those three.” Ruki commented.
🏝“Tch, yeah they must be so busy checking out chicks.” Subaru said.
🏝Shu continued to look asleep with his sunglasses and said, “Oh, they’re not checking out chicks.”
🏝“Then why the hell are they so busy?!” Subaru looked confused.
🏝“Well, I didn’t want to say anything but I figured a fake map would do the trick.” 
🏝“You did what?!” They were all shocked.
🏝“They’re looking all around for treasure that doesn’t even exist. But I figured it was the only way to get them to shut up.” Shu grinned, knowing he had screwed them over.
🏝“It is unbelieve that you even bothered to do something productive, let alone beneficial to us all.” Reiji commented while adjusting his glasses.
🏝Getting him to come was hard, it was only because Reiji said that there would be steak so he agreed to come.
🏝Wears his damn cardigan in this hot @ss heat.
🏝Rei does not understand this at all and can’t stand it.
🏝And he’s shirtless and probably has some beach necklace on.
🏝He makes sure to leave his cardigan open tho, that way chicks can check him out.
🏝But he does wear his swim trunks (they’re yellow) and sunglasses.
🏝And he’d sip out of a f*ckin’ coconut and you know it.
🏝Spends most of his time on the damn lawn chair or on a beach towel under the umbrella shade.
🏝This just gives him the excuse to be lazy.
🏝While he lays on the beach towel if girls walk by in their bikinis, he looks up.
🏝He is still listening to his music tho, that will never change.
🏝Probably got a tan, which might be funny if he had his choker on through it all so it’ll leave that shape on his neck now.
🏝He’s a little annoyed by it and the triplets find it funny.
🏝He might complain about the sun being too bright tho, lol.
🏝Once the day is over, he literally does not carry anything back to the van.
🏝Reiji has everything ready before they leave.
🏝And he’s just trying to make sure everything goes smoothly.
🏝He’s hoping he can relax a little because the beach will keep his brothers busy.
🏝He goes for a swim because it's good exercise.
🏝He and his brothers drag Shu to go but Shu will only go if a hot chick catches his attention and she’s by the water.
🏝Reiji and Ruki are responsible for the food because we know that the boys can’t cook for sh!t.
🏝So they are in charge of the barbeque, and they fight over how to do things, such as how to season things, what temperature the meat shout be cooked at, when they should flip it, and when it’s done, etc.
🏝Azusa tries to help them negotiate but they just end up yelling at him and he becomes disappointed because they haven’t hit him. Yet.
🏝Apart from this he does try to relax by sitting on a chair and reading some things.
🏝 Reiji is probably wearing some swim trunks and button-up shirt that is somewhat undone, so girls can catch a glimpse of his chiseled chest.
🏝I mean have you seen this man?????!!!!
🏝He only takes off his shirt when he’s going to swim tho.
🏝 And he wears his sunglasses here, probably the kind that also works as glasses so he doesn’t have to have two with him.
🏝The triplets are always trying to sabotage things for him like they unscrewed the screws in the folding chairs just so he’d fall out of it.
🏝Oh and if he ends up falling asleep in the chair, they steal his sandals and hide them while he’s sleeping.
🏝They’ve also stolen his towel and gotten it wet in the ocean and then returned it to him.
🏝He was so annoyed and scolded them about their behavior while Shu was amused.
🏝He will not build a sandcastle but if he sees that Ruki is, it will lead to competition between the two about who can build a better castle.
🏝Reiji is also constantly telling his brothers to not cause trouble.
🏝If he’s near the shore but is only getting his feet wet, the triplets will just push him in.
🏝He doesn’t allow the triplets to use the yacht they have.
🏝“No, there will be no parties on father’s yacht.”
🏝And if they are making a fuss about getting ice cream, he gives them money because he won’t hear the end of it if he doesn’t.
🏝Sometimes Laito tries to coax him into looking at chicks with him but Rei tells him he’ll pass.
🏝He’ll be sitting in his lawn chair with his shades, reading a book or science article of some sort. So Laito will approach him and say, “The women you take interest in are no fun, now lighten up brother.”
🏝Reiji would sigh and take his shades off, “That’s because you have little regard for what a woman is. The females you take an interest in are far beyond from being ladies. They are young and incompetent girls.”
🏝“Ohhh, then perhaps you're into older women~”
🏝“Do not say such nonsense.” He’d say adjusting his glasses.
🏝Reiji may even participate in a sport with his brothers. In fact, he’s probably the one telling them to get good exercise and having them play volley ball.
🏝Is really looking forward to going and can’t wait to see girls in their swimsuits.
🏝He and Ayato are trying to undo the strings on girl’s bikins.
🏝And their main goal is to pick up chicks.
🏝He wore a speedo, and I’m betting it's zebra or leopard print. 
🏝Or even worse, green.
🏝Ayato said his outfit was silly and Subaru thought it was ridiculous but he simply told them they knew nothing about fashion.
🏝“Laito you look like sh!t.”
🏝Sits on a hammock and Subaru sabotages it.
🏝He brings rollerskates but he falls a lot.
🏝He does go in the water and he goes a little far in.
🏝However if he doesn’t realize what is on him, like seaweed for instance, he might freak out.
🏝I also see that he left his hat on his beach towel cause he didn’t want to get it wet.
🏝But knowing Ayato and Kino they’d use his damn hat as a freezbe and do it across the water in hopes of getting wet.
🏝Meanwhile, Laito is trying to stop.
🏝And it’s basically a monkey-in-the-middle situation because he can’t catch it.
🏝If he’s in a pool or in general if he plans to look underwater he brings goggles with him.
🏝He kinda looks like this dude → click here
🏝Oh and I bet he goes snorkeling and thinks the fish are cool.
🏝He’ll try to take pics of them and then put them in a scrapbook or something.
🏝He will laugh if the fish try to tickle him, and literally if he saw two fish mating he’d take a photo of it cause he thinks it's interesting.
🏝And then he’d show it to Subaru. “Don’t they look interesting? They are so innocent when they procreate, it isn’t like our kind.”
🏝“Shut up, idiot!”
🏝He plays volleyball with his brothers and Subaru makes sure they're on opposing teams just so he can win against him and possibly hit him with the ball.
🏝Although even if they were on the same team he’d still aim the ball at him when he’s getting on his nerves.
🏝Will complain about the water being pretty cold too.
🏝Ayato will make jokes about him being a mermaid and Laito becomes offended/upset.
🏝“That is just cruel brother, very cruel.”
🏝Wore a lilac button-up shirt and some white and purple swim trunks.
🏝He has the top somewhat button-down.
🏝Teddy and him have matching outfits.
🏝And he’s got nice black shades, with a tint of purple.
🏝Picks up chicks with his nice outfit.
🏝Spends time building a sandcastle but he honestly doesn’t have the patience.
🏝Especially if Ayato ended up kicking it because he was playing sports or something.
🏝He was so annoyed and made sure not to mess with Teddy’s sand castle ever again.
🏝Literally I could see him throwing seashells/sand at him and anyone who walks by.
🏝Laito might participate in helping him build it because he finds it fun but Ayato will just say its for kids.
🏝And Kanato doesn’t like it when someone calls him a kid
🏝But if they make a game out of it he wants to compete because Oreo-Sama is the best.
🏝He brought a little backpack where he keeps the sweets Reiji packed for him to avoid any possible tantrums he may give if he didn’t.
🏝And god forbid if a seagull swooped down and took any candy.
🏝He’d be enraged.
🏝And you can best bet that this little purple goblin would curse at it.
🏝He may even cry over this bc he’s such a child.
🏝If Ayato laughs at him he’ll just chase after him.
🏝I think he likes putting his feet in the water but if a seaweed came near him he’d be annoyed.
🏝Get’s sunburned easily (idk if vampires can actually get sunburned but whatever.)
🏝Brings a f*cking metal detector to check if he can find valuables in the sand.
🏝Subaru sees this and just thinks he’s an idiot.
🏝You know how his pants are rolled up on one side?
🏝His swim shorts are the same deal.
🏝Wears ugly neon green alien sunglasses and matches with Kino.
🏝He plays monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato and Kanato is in the middle.
🏝Kanato gets fed up in two seconds and probably pops the beach ball.
🏝Tries to pick up chicks with Laito and Kino.
🏝But he just embarrasses himself.
🏝He and Kino bring their skateboards and try to do tricks.
🏝Knowing Ayato he has tripped over seaweed and even sand.
🏝He tries to go surfing and he fails miserably.
🏝He goes in the water and I’m not surprised if Kino and Shin schemed something together and made Ayato think there was a shark in the water.
🏝He was well convinced and completely left his surfboard due to fear.
🏝He really wants to use the boat his family owns so he can fish.
🏝He did this once over the bridge and fell over the railing and it was hilarious.
🏝Overall, he’s mostly just making a fool of himself throughout it all.
🏝I mean from how many girls he’s asked out or flirted with and he’s like tripped in front of them it just makes me laugh.
🏝Oh and he’s going all over with the “fake” treasure map he found with Kanato and Laito.
🏝And it’s just hilarious how they went around the whole town.
🏝If he’s in charge of grilling Shu’s special stake he’ll burn it and start a fire.
🏝And he will put out the fire by pouring a bottle of water over the stake because he’s lost all hope.
🏝And Shu hates him after that.
🏝He carries most of the supplies and stuff since Reiji asks him. 
🏝He will complain slightly but after being able to trip Kou along the way he’s all for it.
🏝Will go out for a swim cause it will relax him.
🏝He wears a black tank top and swim trunks.
🏝Girls stare at his arms and he’s embarrassed.
🏝Laito literally even introduces him to girls he met and Subaru just gets flustered.
🏝He will look at girls in their bathing suits but try to cover up the fact that he’s looking.
🏝And if Laito catches, omg he will not hear the end of it.
🏝He will try to him his little bro get her attention.
🏝"Oh, I see you need some help in getting a girl's attention?" Laito would say.
🏝"Shut up!"
🏝"Well, a little push never hurt anyone." He’d say to his little brother before actually pushing him forward to bump into the chick.
🏝"Ok, you know what to do brother, take it from here."
🏝Meanwhile Subaru just wants to kick his @ss for pushing him forward and bumping into the chick.
🏝Having drinks with chicks.
🏝Causally joins other people’s parties and bonfires.
🏝He comes with only his weird printed swim trunks and skateboard. 
🏝He thinks the pattern looks cool but Ayato and Shin dis him about the f*cking print.
🏝Brings a boombox.
🏝Does any sport possible, so he’s definitely doing surfing and power cursing. 
🏝Brings a polaroid camera, and f-ing films the whole time on his phone. 
🏝Tries to make vines with Ayato and Shin.
🏝Will flip sh!t if Ayato eats a hot dog in front of him.
🏝He literally gasped before chucking the thing straight into the ocean.
🏝Right in front of Ayato’s eyes, leaving him speechless only to respond with, “Bruh.”
🏝He and Ayato play video games and literally argue.
🏝In fact, when they play volleyball they argue about who lost or who was out of bounds.
🏝He honestly doesn’t do much, he's just really obnoxious.
🏝He wears those white polo shirts that are short sleeves so you can see his muscular arms.
🏝And it’s just one of those tight shirts they put on models, he looks good with it.
🏝Anyways, this boring @ss brought a book with him, of course.
🏝He will occasionally look up if he’s interested in some girl specifically.
🏝He’d be focused on his reading when the voice of girl caught his attention, causing him to lower his gaze on the female.
🏝He does get a little involved with playing sports if his brothers ask him or if he’s being challenged.
🏝Ruki is mostly busy reading, relaxing, or competing against Reiji in something.
🏝If he has a partner, he’d become more involved in the sense of messing around with her and pushing her into the water.
🏝but those are hcs for another time. ;)
🏝If he really wants to do something different he might build a sand castle.
🏝Other than that he doesn’t do too much but he does sometimes get in nerd debates with Reiji.
🏝He carried almost everything in like a few trips.
🏝He builds sandcastles with Azusa.
🏝Plays volleyball and makes sure Azusa is on his team and that Kou is on the opposite side.
🏝 He literally make sure the ball hits him down each time 😂 
🏝Feeds the seagulls because he feels bad.
🏝But will get mad if they follow him.
🏝“Hey, look I was trying to help out. Now that’s enough.”
🏝Although if his brothers are not watching he will be more friendly towards them. 
🏝“Huh, you guys really like bread, don’t ya?” He ask, petting one of the seabirds.
🏝 He’s not trying to but he gets a tan.
🏝 He’d be shirtless the whole time, he tried to even arrive shirtless but Ruki told him it wasn’t proper.
🏝 So he put a beach sweater on but then instantly took it off.
🏝 I say this because he probably thinks it’s hot a lot of the time.
🏝 I really can’t imagine the attire but probably orange swim trunks? Idk, just look at dive to blood when I don’t give a description 😂.
🏝 Will swim far out in the ocean.
🏝Is basically anywhere where Kou isn’t.
🏝Has a hard time relaxing bc he can almost never sit still.
🏝 Although once his brothers convince him enough to relax and he is finally able to and he’ll check out chicks even if his facial expression doesn’t display any hint of that.
🏝Though I say most of his time is spent watching Azusa and ambushing Kou.
🏝He wore a light pink bucket hat and Yuma didn’t want to be around him cause he thought he looked dumb with it.
🏝”The only thing you are hurting right now are my feelings.” I see it like in this clip here. (idk if the clip is still in there, I hope)
🏝He also wore pink swim trunks and Yuma just can’t talk to him.
🏝And I see that he’s got wacky sunglasses like it’s just ridiculous.
🏝Subaru flips him off his flamingo floaty. (If they were at a pool anyways)
🏝 he’s honestly everywhere and his brothers just hope the disguise is enough knowing he’s an idol or he just might ruin everyone’s vacation.
🏝Which as you can imagine, that is exactly what happened.
🏝And believe me they were not happy about it at all.
🏝“Oh come on guys you know I didn’t mean to do this.”
🏝“That ain’t the point man, you always do this. This is why no one wants to bring you on trips.” Yuma would say annoyed by Kou’s excuse.
🏝He builds really nice sandcastles with water and stuff.
🏝He’s really good it, and people take photos of his work.
🏝Azusa will try to get stung by a dead jellyfish and Yuma has to constantly watch him to make sure he isn’t to far out into the sea to get eaten or something.
🏝“Azusa, get the hell out of there!”
🏝Azusa is pretty calm most of the time, he might sun tan because he hears it's relaxing.
🏝Although he’s mostly trying to find ways where he will feel pain.
🏝So everyone kinda worries about where he wanders off to sometimes or if he’s been gone for too long because he’s probably doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
🏝He’d literally stay in the water when there's a shark.
🏝He might even give it a name and try to pet it.
🏝Meanwhile Kou is screaming at him to get out of the water.
🏝Azusa would also probably try to throw himself on the boulders that he sees just to feel something and Yuma would constantly have to pull him away. 
 🏝He’s just trying to relax, but Shin won’t allow him.
🏝Because he’s either pulling pranks on him or he made some girl’s bf upset and now Carla has to fix things.
🏝Girls look at him but he’s not focused on this.
🏝He might be trying to paint the ocean tho.
🏝And he’ll probably paint a girl he found attractive too.
🏝He’s mostly exploring around the nearby gift shops and possibly buying souvenirs.
🏝Because he’s trying to “relax”.
🏝He’ll probably try to read or something and Shin is telling him to either get in the water or get a tan.
🏝Or get a girl.
🏝Shin wants to turn into his wolf form but Carla gets mad at him and tells him no.
🏝“What’s it going to look like if there is a wolf running around on a beach?” He’d ask his younger brother.
🏝Shin looked at him before shaking his head. “No one will notice.”
🏝”No, no wolf form.”
🏝“Fine, then I’ll turn into a snake.”
🏝 “No.” Carla anwsered.
🏝“A bat.”
🏝“An eagle.”
🏝”No. No, no, no! You will not turn into anything. Just stay in your regular form!”
🏝Overall, Carla’s really got his work cut out for him lol.
🏝Came shirtless, and was about to come in his wolf form but Carla stopped him.
🏝 He’s doing some type of sport and tries to drag Carla into it.
🏝 Like Shin would try anything and Carla doesn’t like the idea because it’s usually reckless.
🏝 I could see Shin wanting to try power cruising and Carla is worried that Shin will just crash somewhere, leading him to be the one to cover the damages because he’s the oldest.
🏝 He’d also go cycling most likely, but he’d never wear one of those outfits.
🏝Idk if you guys are familiar with cycling at the beach but I live in a beach town and that’s what everyone does. Especially tourists, so yeah I could see that Shin rented a bike. 
🏝That’s usually how it works, at least at the beach town I’m at. 😂 
🏝And honestly the whole time Carla is just hoping nothing crazy happens.
🏝Aside from this if Shin is not cycling he’s probably doing stupid with Kino or checking out girls.
🏝That’s what the whole trip consists of.
🏝But if he turned in his wolf form it’d be another story.
🏝 It’d be so chaotic and Carla would be freaking out bc everyone is wondering why there is a wolf at the beach. 😂 
🏝It’d get so bad that Carla would have to fake it and say that Shin is his husky 😂. This way no one will question.
🏝And then in the van he can give a long lecture about it and why he will never do this trip ever again.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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minimoefoe · 5 days
Rewatch Thoughts: The Legend of Ruby Sunday
(and some finale hopes)
Them being like obviously it says TARDIS wtf do you take us for is pretty funny
That ‘except the obvious’ line is defo about Elon Musk, right?
Saw someone say that they shoulda been there specifically about Ruby and then the Susan stuff ended up taking over and I think I agree like maybe it woulda been better if they went there with the intention of finding out about Ruby’s mum but then as they were doing Mel returns to UNIT after being with Susan and the Doctors asks about her and they show her face and the Doctor and Ruby are like now hold on a second. And then the Doctor is like okay clearly you’re already on it with the Susan stuff and I wanna be in on that with you but for now back to my pal Ruby
Kate’s ‘I love Davina’ is so strange 
‘It keeps snowing around her’ it actually hasn’t happened in quite a while??? Idk why they didn’t keep that going for the whole season like maybe not EVERY ep but I swear it happened in the first couple and then hasn’t happened since. Woulda been better if it was spread around the series imo
66 metres being 73 yards... does it mean anything? Is it just a fun lil reference?
Rose being like 'they never give me proper work’ that'll be bc you're 15 
‘Sometimes we can hide ourselves away’ ‘I’m always hiding myself away’ .. TELL ME THAT MEANS SOMETHING RUSSELL. MRS FLOOD WHO ARE YOU
The whole ‘I dont have kids yet’ thing is very strange like what are you on about. Does he just mean timeline-wise like, 'we’re 2024 and I don't have kids in this year' or does he mean 'in my lifetime right now I don't have kids yet' bc that second option doesn't make sense bc he obviously does bc the Doctor has spoke about being a parent before.. I think they’ve done stuff like that before, had moments where it’s like 'ohh well I don't have this thing yet technically bc time travel' but the ways it's been phrased this time feels so strange for no fuckin reason like bro just say yeah I've been a parent what the hell is going on
The Doctor laughing at their shitty time window lmao 'you have LASHED this together' I love Ncuti’s laugh
Idk why but I feel like the reason we're gonna get for why Ruby can make it snow is gonna be kinda shit
Then what is a memory of a time machine.. You will be finding out soon I fear
I like that we were all like lol this bitch walks slow only for this ep to be like um she stopped and had a cry bc she just abandoned her daughter and feels like shit 
Is she pointing at the doctor or is she pointing at the TARDIS/Sutekh? Either way, that’s sus behaviour from Ruby’s mum like. There’s surely no way she can just be some random human woman. She has to be an alien of some kind. The odds of Ruby just being some regular human girl get smaller and smaller by the day I fear. tbh if she does turn out to be a human I might be kinda disappointed
It’s the Beast? Carla what are you waffling about
Rose being considered essential staff omg dpmo
Rose also is still not an actual character I fear like what's the point in her other than existing to be a reason why Donna's brain didn't fry in The Star Beast
The last five minutes or so go so hard and I love the CGI dog and I love the skull faces and the vibes are so cool but low-key if I think about it too much I'm like now why would Sutekh, God of whatever tf, care enough to do all this anagram bullshit. I haven't seen his Classic story but with how he's presented now I'm like there's no way that massive angry af demon dog thing has it in him to spend time cooking up a tech company scheme to get the Doctor like what's the point in all of that. I don't see why he would be interested in it or why he would even need any of it?
I also found the Susan Foreman stuff to be like.. let's be fr. There kinda wasn't a single part of me on first watch that thought Susan was gonna be the Doctor's Susan and I think if he hadn't told Ruby about Susan earlier in the season and therefore Ruby didn't say 'hey that's your granddaughter's name' there the Doctor probably wouldn't have even thought for a second that Susan Triad was gonna be his Susan, let alone low-key got his hopes up that it might be her
Overall a good ep I think but the last five mins hype defo made me rate it higher than it is. Gave it 4 stars this time round
Empire of Death Hopes/Predictions
If we don't find out who Ruby's mum is I'm gonna be annoyed. I have hope that we will tho bc yknow, it's supposed to be the series arc
I don't think Ruby's mum is human. Or maybe her dad isn't human. Something about Ruby isn't human
I don't think we're gonna get Mrs Flood answers which like. kinda makes sense bc she hasn't really done anything this series. I imagine maybe she'll have a bigger role/actually do something next series and we'll get answers then. I feel like she's a Time Lord purely based on the connecting 'hiding myself away' lines
I want that CGI dog to actually move around and do something, I don't wanna just see it perched in one place for the entire episode bc that's boring af
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Okay so now that the season is over and the dust has settled… and also to give us all something to do over the hiatus: what are your five favorite chenford scenes/moments from season 6?
Thanks for making some fun for us, Diana! I have enjoyed reading everyone else's lists so much over the last few days.
I responded to a similar ask earlier this season, so I decided to not include any repeats for this answer for the sake of variety.
17st place trophy. This and everything else Tim does in 6x03 to support Lucy as she prepares for her exam is just so heartwarming and shows his unconditional love and care for her. This move in particular with the trophy is just so incredibly sweet and sentimental and is something that I never, ever would have pictured Tim doing, which makes it all the more meaningful. He knows Lucy loves trophies (lol), and he believes in her so much, he gets her a first-place trophy. And when she comes in nearly last place, he makes her smile with his goofy trophy and reminds her that she could never disappoint him.
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"Good to have you." This is maybe the strangest and smallest moment I have on here, and I am definitely reading way too much into it, but this is my list, so you have to put up with it. There is something about this line Tim says in 6x10 as he hands Lucy a vest that makes me want to chew the walls a little. The wording of the line sounds to me like Tim is saying he values Lucy. Him giving her a vest also seems like one of the "small kindnesses" he intends to show her going forward. It's a teeny tiny moment, but the expressions on Tim's, Lucy's, and Angela's faces really make it significant to me.
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Tim's elevator speech. Which leads us nicely into this moment, Tim's heartfelt speech to Lucy in 6x10. His words to her clearly show that he has a long way to go with regard to gaining some perspective on his actions toward her and why he did what he did and why it's screwed up, but they also show that he values her beyond the extent of their romantic relationship. Her unconditional love and grace have been so indispensable to his growth and happiness over the years, and he's going to do what he can to show her that he doesn't take her for granted, and I think that's huge. I also just love the build-up to his speech, first with the light bantering outside the elevator, followed by him sincerely thanking Lucy for saving his ass earlier that day. Just very sweet and heartwarming, in light of what they've both been through recently.
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Kojo being the best delivery boy. I legitimately teared up in 6x08 when Lucy swung her door open to reveal Kojo, clutching a birthday card for her in his mouth. Absolutely nothing on earth could have prepared me for the cuteness of that moment. Tim finding the perfect way to acknowledge Lucy's birthday and let her know he still cares about her while still respecting her clear boundaries about not wanting to revert back to completely amicable territory warmed my heart beyond measure. And oh my god, the lyrics of the incredible song playing: "All this trouble's only gonna last for a while / Yeah, we're gonna be all right, oh, child." This moment uplifted me and gave me such hope and left me feeling like this really is just a temporary separation.
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Healing elevator hug. Lucy hugs Tim in this scene in 6x09, but it feels more like she's hugging me. This scene makes my heart grow ten times in size. This scene washes away so much of the angst that plagued me following 6x06. This scene reminds me of the deep-seated love that is still there for both Tim and Lucy and how it transcends anything keeping them apart in the present. Just. This scene. Am I okay? I am now.
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Thanks so much for the ask!
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deadaccount1211 · 4 months
Disventure Camp All Stars: Thoughts and Opinions
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I was scrolling through TD Twitter while eating my lunch and I noticed this. Disventure Camp might be getting cooked idk.
Disventure Camp is similar enough to TDI. So I decided to post my thoughts on here.
James- Absolutely terrible in DC2. Somewhat tolerable here. "Listen boytoy" was a funny line.
Lake- One of the few decent-ish characters from DC2 that did absolutely nothing here. Felt like she was just added to have a shock value elimination.
Miriam- Expected early boot but respect for going down swinging.
The Remaining Players:
Aiden- Boring asf in DC2. He's okay here. Not really rooting for him but he exists.
Ally- Abysmal in DC2. Okay here. After finishing ep 1 of DCAS. I hoped that Ally and Hunter would be the "toxic couple". Something like Chase and Emma from the reboot. But they seem pretty chill so far so that's disappointing.
Ashley- One of my faves from DC1 and she's still good here. I like the friendship she has with Jake. I think it's a little dirty that out of all the Disventure couples. Her relationship with Will happened off screen and got like 0 development. Maybe they should've just saved Ashley and Will for like an underdogs season? Idk.
Alec- The goat. The Alecmeister. The head honcho the villains alliance. I hope Alec getting all this screentime isn't a fakeout and he genuinely makes it far. If he does win, he needs to spend some of that money on therapy, lol.
Connor- I don't really get the hype. He's ok I guess. I wonder what was that card that Miriam gave him?
Ellie- Her move to get out Lake was impressive. But after episode 4, I could easily see Tess switching sides to Aiden and Tom. Ellie's gonna need that villain alliance to come in clutch.
Fiore- Getting that TDA Heather treatment. I hope since she's not the main villain anymore they actually give her a little bit of development. I've seen some ppl don't like the fact she's getting bullied. But I personally find it amusing.
Gabby- Hasn't really done anything interesting or entertaining so far. Then again it's only episode 4. Maybe she'll be better down the line.
Grett- I think her and Yul will be the toxic couple. Hope they both go far.
Hunter- Him bullying Fiore is funny. Other than that, eh.
Jake- I hope he goes off the deep end and enters his evil incel arc. Then like midway through the season he gets over Tom and they become enemies who used to date. Could be peak.
Riya- Her whole arc of pretending to be mean for the cameras and the whole persona she puts up is cool. Reminds me of what they did with Julia in Reboot S1. But here it feels a bit more serious.
Tess- Literal NPC. The Rematch Nichelle of this season. She needs to start doing something quick.
Tom- He's being a dickhead to Jake. But Jake is part of the reason he got eliminated so understandable.
Yul- The closest thing Disventure Camp has to a comedic relief character. NEEDS to go far. He seems to be a mixed bag, since I've seen some ppl dislike him because of his racism. But I personally view it like this, no one agrees with what he's saying and he usually either gets called out or physically hurt for saying it. So I don't have a problem with it. Shows need assholes. He's like an Eric Cartman type of character.
Bonus Notes: I predicted a Miriam elimination for Ep 2 and Ep 3. Then I tried to switch things up and predict Riya going home for Ep 4. Should've just went with my gut.
Prediction for Episode 5: Based off their convo, I think Ally and Hunter are gonna team up with Fiore. In which case, I could see Ashley going home since she's a bigger threat and one of Fiore's biggest haters.
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lookingforcactus · 6 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog (ep 2)
Okay listen. Whoever wrote and whoever is voicing the little kid Yusuke saves has never heard an actual six year old talk in their lives
Also forgot to say last ep but liked the move to age yusuke up a bit. Also Botan's digital file of Yusuke talking back at her is hilarious
Botan's voice (Eng dub) isn't quiiiite as expressive as would hit the mark for me compared to the anime but whatever she's adorable I forgive her
Also forgot to say last ep "Maybe it's better you're dead" BOTAN STOP ASDLKFJADS I love her your honor
Fights and vfx on Goki are actually kind of shockingly good, esp given how much I Did Not like him in the anime
VERY annoying and unfortunately typical that the darkest-skinned guy we've seen so far is. very specifically. the demon that eats children and that the anime makes uh iirc a lot more directly than I ever wanted to watch into a Certain Allegory
Interested that Reikai doesn't seem to know who Kurama actually is. Was that the case in the anime/manga?? I feel like no, they knew who he used to be from the initial briefing on the thieves but idk season 1 wasn't exactly my favorite to go back and rewatch literally ever
My favorite was 2 and 4. If you even care. lol
Kurama standing there during the fight like a creeper go
Actually fight with Goki is very epic. Again super creative and impressively believable way for Yusuke to survive and fight back against a guy with WAYYYY superior strength
Also wow is Yusuke underqualified for these fights rn lol. I mean we knew that but he's lucky he pulled that one out in the end. And esp lucky that Kurama won't want to fight, obv
Her wig is sadly Not as impressive as Botan's, and I'm not a fan of what looks like her contacts. Did they make her eyes green??? Bc her eyes being red is kind of narratively. you know. Relevant
Wait is that guy helping Yukina Hiei???!!! Human-form Hiei??!!!
Wait no of course not Hiei would've just killed everyone and gotten her out
(Listen we don't have any good shots of his face yet okay. That little sister line made me think!)
Interesting new jagan origin + (presumably?) moving up Yukina as Hiei's motivation. Makes sense given how everything about Hiei's first manga/anime appearance was ignored afterward lol when he was too popular to kill off
I hope they got rid of his original plan/motivation, anyway. I hated the mind control arc thing with him esp on Keiko. Dickhead
Well. Eyehead. Technically. But yknow
Pfft Kurama 100% staging that entire encounter and stalking ep meaning Yusuke thinks he's being sooo sneaky
Kurama's outfit is really pretty actually btw. I like it better than his anime outfit by a lot. The pink always clashed with his hair sooo bad
Also the pink in the preview images made me think/hope he was a girl (who actually got to fight in a shounen anime!!!!) and you have no idea how disappointed I was when I realized that wasn't true
Pfft Kurama using his demon powers to?? Pull a quickchange?? Amazing
His hair continues to not work nearly as well as in the anime but that was a lost battle from the beginning let's be real. At least it's better than Hiei's
(Which is so actively bad what was that shadow with his hair in the knife scene what)
Shiori benefits a lot from being played by like. an actually human person who also is older and has visibly aged. Gives her Character, makes her less of Just An Archetype
Momma's boy Kurama excellent as always. Meanwhile Yusuke's just flat out not replying to a single thing Shiori is literally saying to him lol
Wait does the quickchange imply that Kurama only uses that outfit on demon business. Bc in the show it's just his (ugly) school uniform but here it's clearly not. I really desperately want that to be his On Demon Business outfit in this show lol
Also makes the fact that he had Yusuke stalk him in that outfit funnier. then. boom. quickchange. Mom can't see the Demon Business Outfit
Hmm something about Kurama and his delivery isn't rly landing for me here. But to be fair he is being super Performative and Deliberate about all of this so that may be on purpose
I hope it's on purpose. Bc Kurama's great and I'd REALLY like to buy him/his lines as a character in this
He does successfully pull off "casually menacing" (you know, without murdering someone first) much more easily than his anime counterpart tho so that's cool
Meanwhile, Yusuke's face. Great face-acting there. Also great face
The scrapes on Yusuke's face really are v aesthetically arranged lol. but still look legit enough. I'm a fan
Okay I'm buying Kurama now. Excellent
"I've been deceiving that woman for many years" genuinely love that he put it that way. He's come to care about her so much but he's not trying to make himself sound better or lying to himself about the situation
It is killing me that he used the phrase "fertilized egg" in this explanation. It's killing me. It's also raising Fucking Questions. (But does at least give an explanation for how Kurama didn't like. Kill the original Shuichi's soul when he took the body.)
Oh the pattern on Kurama's outfit is roses!!! love it
Kurama: Sees Kuwabara following them
Kurama: ...Anyway.
The mirror of darkness looks like a fucking ipad. I can't take it seriously why does the mirror of darkness look like an ipad!!!
What's with the weird scifi aesthetics here and on the other artifacts? This is a fantasy show, fantasy aesthetics would fit better
The mirror-realm life-taking sequence is just. so much. lol it's so much once again I am unable to take it seriously!
Wait Shiori! You don't know there was magic saving you!! Don't take off your oxygen mask without a doctor's permission!!! Practice self-care!!!
Okay Kuwabara looks super different from his anime/manga self-from the front, but from the back he has the EXACT same silhouette as anime!Kuwabara, so much it's EERIE. I'm learning lots of things about what pompadours look like in real life-
hsb, ig???
HIEI HAS BLUE EYES?!!??!?!?!!!!
I mean at least they didn't only change Yukina's
But this is WEIRD
Also making the jagan not purple anymore, just an actual third eye, was the correct choice
Hmm I don't like how they translated Hiei's outfit as much as I do the others. (I like how they translated literally everyone else's outfits. This is so disappointing, esp since Hiei's aesthetics go off. There's too much white and too much detail in his outfits. Give me his cloak!!! Also changing the scarf into a turtleneck is highkey Not Working For Me
Anime!Hiei would literally never wear a turtleneck
Why is he wearing a turtleneck, he's a FIRE DEMON, it's not like he can get cold
The scarf is okay because it was clearly not primarily for keeping him warm
Give him the cloak I want the cloak!!
And he should be wearing all black underneath it! I mean I know he wears other color shirts under it in the dark tournament arc iirc. But live action won't have the control over the cloak for that lol
At least give him something all black (except the scarf or something similar) (NOT a turtleneck) with a similar silhouette to the cloak
And idk compared to the others I think his costume looks kinda cheap
OOF effects on the Toguros are NOT convincing. Oof. I admire their commitment to taking their physicalities literally but uh. They should've been less ambitious and focused more on translating the vibe. Imho
Okay! Time for episode 3!
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masterwords · 6 months
Hi Angela
It's your favourite neighbourhood anon! I've been gone for a bit but I'm back now.
I love what you're doing with the epic sweeping romance I requested all that time ago. I must admit that I was a bit disappointed it's not following the linear route that I thought it would but having read the explanation for the change and caught up with everything I understand!
Anyway I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to hungrily devouring more of the words across all the stories that you give to us dedicated Hotchgan shippers 😊 ❤️❤️❤️
Heya! Happy New Year! <3
I am having a very very busy season (holidays are just the tip of the iceberg...I have kids and they are in sports and...yeahhhhh) but it's all been very good. I hope yours has been as well!
I knew it would be less than ideal to change it up, but ultimately it's the best way to keep me writing. LOL I don't do well with huge linear stories, but if I can jump around you get better quality overall. I'll link the couple of other times I've done something similar too, if you'd like to see them.
However! I posted a new story for the series, tackling a little Foyet time. And I know I kind of did an evil thing with it but I promise it all works out, just gotta wade through some trauma first.
So, here is the new addition: uncharted territory (masterlist post & moodboard coming soon)
And here is my first version of a big sweeping romance for them (if you haven't read it): Like Falling Sand. And I think it's pretty clear after reading that why I would want to switch it up and not go linear because you can tell I was rushing things toward the end and I really don't want to do that again. I stay engaged better when I can jump around.
Anyway! Hi, hello, I hope you like this new story and I hope you're doing well and thank you for all of the encouragement! Much love!
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murphallo · 1 year
Your thoughts on Chenford and their relationship moving forward?
Thoughts on 5.13?
i’m having a bad time lol
i’ve been ranting and raving about this in detail for the better part of two months so i’ll try to keep this to bulletpoints. i think the way they got together was rushed (yes, rushed), poorly written, and i think they cut the burn off before the part a LOT of people waited so long for (angst, pining, arc, plot whatsoever) i think it was a bonkers decision to get such a well set up ship together in the midseason bc they were just like “eh fuck it here is good” and i have no beef with people who are satisfied with how it went down but i think when people who are disappointed express their gripes on their own damn account, people tend to purposely misunderstand. examples include “how can chenford be rushed if they took 4.5 seasons to get together?” to which i’d answer a. we are not saying chenford is rushed we’re saying the way they got together was rushed. b. it’s funny to me how people think that investing years of time and effort and heart to a ship should make us LESS invested in how they get together. c. bruh i’m asking myself the same question it’s actually kinda impressive that they managed to rush a ship after that long.
as for the story going forward, i’ve kinda lost hope in 5b at least. it’s beautiful to see them so enamored with each other and i will watch the scenes and smile at them bc they are adorable in a vacuum but as for the big picture, i find the writing overall to be quite dumb lately. i find it dumb that their biggest boundary to being together was work and they solved that in one episode in the most boring way they could muster. i find it dumb that it seems like we did not get to see the team find out they’re together. i find it dumb that we were given no reason for them “taking it slow” and then giving in after a couple weeks even though that pre sex makeout was hot as hell ngl (see what i mean?? in a vacuum!!) i find many many things dumb and weird and even though the scenes give me buzz, chenford used to have chem and story for me and tho the chem remains higher than it’s ever been, the story has, in my opinion, been shot in the face.
last week with the work thing was kinda my last straw so i am taking a break from the rookie and watching the chenford scenes on twitter bc i was getting way way too hateful watching week to week. i’d rather be a positive presence in a fandom im in so i don’t go out of my way to stare my displeasure publicly, i only do to reach out to other people who feel the way i do and want to vent bc nothing starts internet friendships like a good bitching session. i do feel like because the relationship is hitting the gas like this, we might??? be on our way to the other shoe dropping and me personally………. my prayer is a breakup lol i’m hoping they break up and then we’re actually given some proper angst and pining (even though i think we should’ve gotten that BEFORE they went canon but what do i know) now… i don’t know what they would break up over with the work issue out of the way and it would probably be something, say it with me, DUMB, but i would be willing to consider tuning in again if my trust miraculously grew back lol so YEAH those are my thoughts.
if you’re happy with how they got together, i truly honestly do not care and i’m happy you’re satisfied lol at a certain point it all comes down to personal preference, and for me personally, it feels like they went out of their way to miss every box on my checklist which is a bummer bc i used to love literally every scene interaction and bit of writing between them and now… not so much. i still love them, and i love the first four seasons, i just think the writing took a huge ass stumble at the literal worst time possible. but it would take a stronger person than i to turn my nose up at gifs of the 5x12 makeout so if absolutely nothing else, at least i’ll always have that 🤡🤡
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I get the angst… don’t love it but yeah (INSERT EYE ROLL)
Excuse the length of this post!
So initially at the beginning of the season I really thought there was no need for angst. You want something, you go for it. And I still stand by that. Except now seeing how this relationship has developed between Tim and Lucy it’s clear to me they don’t recognize what they feel. When I say they don’t recognize, all I’m saying is that they are in the “examination” phase. They are looking at the entirety of their relationship and saying “where, what, how, when did this person become the center of my world. ” The kisses really spawned realization that their feelings are more and the angst is them coming to the understanding holy shit this isn’t just lust or attraction. You could argue for Lucy it was earlier but the pull backs from each scenario (hug in S4 and proposal) just tell me they really are doing what we all do to protect ourselves. We insulate ourselves w/ the “it’s not possible” mentality to preserve our ego, to save ourselves from rejection. And yes they both think the other doesn’t feel the same and it wouldn’t be a dramatic show without that foolishness. But what can I say… it’s a tale as old as time.
The being in love part is new to both of them & they don’t recognize it’s love. Again I don’t think Tim loved Isabel like this. I’m not naive enough to think they don’t suspect it but they just keep saying “no it’s not possible” because it’s life altering. This person that’s your closest friend actually becomes the love of your life would obviously shake up your whole world. Two people very unfamiliar with being taken care of, loved, and supported by their respective partners would probably not be able to verbalize that deep feeling after two kisses. This angst phase is the realization there is more under the surface and it takes time to examine what they’ve been burying deep. It leads me to believe they’re really pushing for this deep love/ relationship with these two. So it feels like they’re going in on that note and I hope they do these characters justice. Let them love honestly, fully, and blissfully when the moment comes. Writers I’m talking to you. Lucy and Tim don’t know how to contextualize what they feel at this moment. They yearn for one another, they have this overwhelming feeling of need, protection, care, trust for one another. Life put them in scenarios where they showed up for one another with deep care and respect. That respect and care grew to an honest feeling. To us the viewer it’s clear it’s love. To the characters, Tim and Lucy it’s not something they can pinpoint so I now get the need for the angst. I don’t love it. It’s slightly innately cynical and sure gets the ratings pull but I kind of also get it from a character development perspective. And like everyone I can’t wait to get those moments of open love and domestic bliss for Tim and Lucy. I think Chris will show true colors soon too esp with the Elijah Stone Rico case happening. Manifesting he’ll be an ex soon! He is DelMonte’s buddy and I just think he’ll need to be a disappointment to further hit the point he’s not the right guy. She knows it but obviously there is the guilt, the safety of him wanting her, the miscommunications so I hope he takes off the mask soon.
I have to say one thing I like about The Rookie because it’s not really my type of show (at all) actually, it’s that it’s unabashedly optimistic or somewhat upbeat. It can come off corny or cheesy at times but I like that it doesn’t take itself seriously and gives you true escapism for 50 minutes. I think Ted Lasso was that in S1 and very few shows lean on that note. Especially police procedurals unless they are full comedy. It’s not a perfect show by any means but it’s nice. Don’t know what other way to describe it except it feels like a warm bowl of soup. LOL. I was talking to a friend the other day and was like man I just binged watched Five Days at Memorial, got to watch The Rookie for levity. It’s really levity that I get from this show. Even on difficult topics it doesn’t wallow as deep. I can’t describe it. You know what I’m talking about right? I’m not the only one right?
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genevievemd · 2 years
Like the Leaves
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure), F!MC (Genevieve McClure) x M!OC (Ryan Ozwell) Word Count:  Rating: T Category: angsty fluff Trope(s): and they’re with someone else (sorta - in the past), and there’s a birthday
Summary: Gen discovers that not everything is like it used to be.
Warnings: language
A/N: For the longest time, I’ve wanted to do a fic where we see G with Ryan and then with Ethan in a similar situation and see the difference and now here we are. I felt like today, Gen’s birthday, was a great day to do it lol 
Submitting this to @choicesficwriterscreations for Naughty and Nice (prompt in bold) and @choicesmonthlychallenge​ for Picktober (flufftober - forehead kisses and falltober - pumpkin) 
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October 14, 2011
Autumn had finally descended on Pennsylvania. The trees on Genevieve’s college campus had slowly begun to change into various, and beautiful, shades of red and orange. Though, the beauty of fall at UPenn was nothing compared to her hometown in Maine. 
She’s been hoping to be able to go home for a long weekend for her birthday tomorrow, but with the workload of her second year of undergrad, it would be impossible. But maybe, she could bring a taste of home to Philly for her 19th birthday and convince her boyfriend of almost a year to go apple picking with her. They could even get pumpkins to carve and have the full seasonal experience, with the man she was almost certain she loved. 
Genevieve walks across the courtyard towards Ryan’s apartment, textbooks and outfit change in hand, knocking on his front door a few minutes later. 
“You’re late.” He opens the door without hesitation, walking away without another glance in her direction. 
Gen quickly follows him into the apartment, dropping her things onto the kitchen table. “I know, sorry. My class ran over. Well, technically it didn’t, I just stayed behind to ask my professor about the —“ 
“Yeah, I don’t really care, Velvet. Go make yourself decent for the party.” 
“I told you, I don’t like that nickname.” 
“And I told you, that I don’t care, I’ll call you whatever the hell I please.” Ryan smirks, kissing her cheek before slapping her backside, with more force than she likes. “Now, go get ready. Don’t make me ask again.” 
“Okay.” She nods sheepishly, walking into the bedroom to change. 
She hates going to parties with his friends, they were crass and always drank too much. Treating her more like a maid or waitress rather than Ryan’s girlfriend. She sucks it up and goes, mostly to avoid a fight with him and always with the hope that he’ll do something like that for her. Though record shows he probably won’t. But that won’t stop her from hoping, praying and doing whatever she can to try and get what she gives in return. 
“So, you know how my birthday is on tomorrow?” Gen calls out as she finishes putting on her dress, zipping up the side and checking herself in the mirror. 
“What about it?” 
“I was wondering if you’d go apple picking with me? Or maybe we can get pumpkins to carve? I used to at home every year and since I can’t go back to Portland this weekend, I thought —“ 
“Are you serious?” Ryan enters the room, eyebrow raised in disbelief as he leans against the doorframe. “Are you five?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Grow up, Velvet. That shit’s not cute, or fun for a grown ass adult. I’ll take you to dinner if I don’t have plans, but there ain’t no way in hell that I’m taking you to and wasting my Saturday at a fucking apple orchard.”
“Oh,” She does her best to hide the disappointment on her face as she finishes doing her makeup. The way her stomach twists at his words. “Is it really that childish? I see couples that do it for dates on pictagram all the time. I just thought…”
“Pictagram isn’t the real world. Gotta step outta that fantasyland you keep getting stuck in. Grown men, with any ounce of self respect, don’t do that shit. Now, get your ass ready so you don’t make us late like always.” 
“Forget I said anything.” 
Ryan laughs, turning towards the living room, “I wouldn’t have to if you keep those stupid thoughts to yourself, honey.” 
“Yeah.” Gen looks back at her reflection, wondering the thousandth time why she ever bothers to speak or think. 
Things are always better when she doesn’t, and it’s not as if she ever comes up with anything worthwhile — at least that’s what Ryan says and he's usually right. 
9 years later, October 15, 2020…
Ethan opens the door to his luxury apartment, stepping to the side to let Genevieve in before following close behind her. 
As far as birthdays go, this one has been a top favorite. Ethan surprised her with dinner at a diner that served poutine that could rival her beloved grandfather’s recipe and then an escape room with a Hocus Pocus theme. Not to mention the bouquet of her favorite flowers that he’d given her before they left the hospital. 
It was more than any boyfriend had done for her birthday in a very long time, and made her all the more thankful to have someone as thoughtful as Ethan. 
“Do you want a drink? I may have gone against my better judgement and bought you a bottle of rosé.” Ethan guides her into the kitchen, a gentle hand resting on the small of her back. 
“Did you really?” Gen sits at the kitchen island, watching as Ethan moves towards the fridge. 
“Of course. Anything for you, G.” He smiles wide, closing the refrigerator door and moving to the liquor cabinet to grab them two wine glasses. 
“Is that why you agreed to dress up as the Prince Charming to Cinderella for my party on Saturday?” 
“Absolutely.” He hands her the wine glass, his playful smile melting into something softer as he raises his own glass. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you.” Gen clinks her glass against his before taking a sip, blushing slightly when he doesn't take his eyes off her. 
“So, aside from this costume party, is there anything else you want to do this weekend?” Ethan grabs her hand, gently leading her to the couch. 
Its then she remembers a conversation from years past, with another man – whom she thought she loved – about her birthday. The way he dismissed her and teased her. Demeaned her every thought and desire and couldn’t be bothered to even take her to dinner on a day she so adored. 
It was a wonder how she’d gone from that to this. To someone as kind and thoughtful as Ethan, who even knowing her past treats her like a precious jewel, a gift. Someone who indulges every thought she has, no matter how childish or silly it may seem. 
“G? What is it?” Ethan’s brows furrow at her silence, head titled with concern. He places his wine glass on the coffee table then reaches for her hand, thumb stroking it gently. 
“I… I was just thinking.” 
Three months had past since she told him about Ryan, since she sobbed on this very couch feeling unworthy and tainted, and she still hesitates. Is still scared that with every detail she shares, Ethan may grow to regret his decision to stay. 
But, she knows she has to lean into the trust she’s placed in him, the unspoken love they share and continue to be honest about herself. 
“My birthday, nine years ago.” Gen swallows down the rock of anxiety that begins to form in her throat, shifting to place her glass beside his on the table. 
“That would have been when you were with that bastard, Ryan Ozwell, correct?” 
“Yeah.” Unconsciously, she moves closer to Ethan, looking down at their still joined hands. “I had asked him to do something with me, for my birthday because I couldn’t go back home, and he told me it was stupid. And maybe it is, but I still want to do it.” 
“And what’s that exactly?” There’s a patience in his voice, so rare that it forces her eyes up to meet his own. 
He’s so different with her than he is with the rest of the world, as if leading with his heart makes him softer, kinder. Offering a version of himself that only the most deserving of souls gets to see. 
“He was right, it’s stupid and childish. You’ll probably laugh at me too.” 
“Never.” Ethan offers her a smile, letting go of her hand. He pulls her into his lap, letting her settle before gently cupping her cheeks in his warms hands. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, myself included, you’re safe with me. Whatever it is just tell me, I highly doubt that it’s as juvenile as he had claimed it to be.”
“Okay,” Genevieve nods, resting a hand against his heart. “I want to go apple picking, and then get pumpkins and carve them.” 
“That,” He blinks rapidly, letting go of her face. “That’s what you want? That’s what he said was childish?” 
“Yeah. You agree, don’t you?” 
“Rookie, the day I agree with anything that man has ever said or done to you is the day the world ends. He has the cognitive abilities of a rock.” 
“So, you’ll do it? We can have an apple orchard date?” 
“Of course, I haven’t gone since I was a kid, I think it will be fun. Actually, I’ll even add to your desires and when we get home after we can turn the apples into a pie, roast the pumpkin seeds and watch our favorite Halloween movies.” 
“Ethan…” Despite herself, she can feel her chest warm with hope, the tiny ember getting larger with every word said. Feel her eyes well with tears of joy and surprise. 
Everyday, he proves all her worst fears wrong, shows her that every thought her ex had placed in her head was wrong. That, just like the leaves of Ethan’s favorite season, things change and become even more beautiful than they were before. 
He was turning her once dull and grey world into a kaleidoscope of bright reds and sunny yellows, and hopefully she’s doing the same for him. 
“Thank you.” Her words are no more than a whisper, too overwhelmed to utter them any louder than that. 
Ethan pulls her impossibly closer, arms wrapped tightly around her small frame, kissing her forehead gingerly before his own against it. “Always, G.”
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A/N: And then they go the day after her party and have the best time. Look at our girl, having all her dreams come true. You love to see it. 
tagging separately 
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voteformightyclocks · 8 months
Rebels Season 1 Rewatch
Let's start off with Rebels being an awesome show. It was a major part of my life ever since I was 14 (which was when Season 3 came out), and I remember actively checking the library website daily when Season 4 came out, desperate to reserve it or get on the waitlist for it as early as possible. It was the first show I was immensely invested in, and as such it holds a special place in my heart. So, I decided to (FINALLY) rewatch it after all these years, and wow am I not disappointed
I've always defended Season 1, saying it's not as bad as people say. Sure, it's got a lot of issues, and it's definitely not the best Rebels has to offer, but it's at least good. I think I underappreciated it last time I watched it though. The show is clumsy, but only because it fails to balance being a kids show with being a deep show with complex themes like the Clone Wars did. Each individual episode was good, everything built up to a satisfying finale, and characters were fleshed out really well. I can't really complain too much about it because quite frankly, it's only fault is experimenting and trying to be something amazing
But, there are two changes I would make to Season 1 if I got to redo it. And it's worth noting that neither would change the overarching plotline, and most episodes would remain as-is, they're more minor changes that would've had a much stronger impact
Ezra Isn't Kanan's First Padawan
This is the biggest change I would make. Kanan has renewed hope by the start of Season 1, and he's fighting hard, so it would've been cool if we had the show hinting at a former padawan prior to Ezra. In Episode 10 "Path of the Jedi" when Yoda and Kanan talk, have Kanan admit he's scared of failing Ezra like he failed his other padawan. Leave the other padawan's fate ambiguous of course, so you could potentially bring them back. Likely as an Inquisitor for the Ahsoka show so that you don't have to use an animated suit of Inquisitor armor. This would add so much depth to Kanan's pain and trauma, and it would add a lot of gravity to Ezra's training for older audiences, but for kids it would just be a cool fun fact about Kanan's past
2. Kanan Taps Into The Dark Side
In Episode 15, we get the finale, "Fire Across the Galaxy". Ezra saves Kanan, and the two end up facing off against the Grand Inquisitor. This is an epic Star Wars battle, and it shows off the Grand Inquisitor's power, as he defends against opponents on either side of him. He gives Ezra his iconic cheek scars and knocks him off the platform. Ezra's fine, of course, but Kanan (and maybe a couple of audience members? But that's a stretch lol) believes Ezra was killed.
K: "That was a mistake." GI: "Why? Because you have no one else to die for you?" K: "No, because I have nothing left to fear."
EPIC leadup to Kanan tapping into the Dark Side, but instead the show squanders their opportunity. Kanan is stronger than ever in the Light Side, and instead of the Grand Inquisitor being killed in a fair fight at his full power, he's killed by his own failure to recognize the flaw in his lightsaber design. It feels unsatisfying when rewatching it. I wish Kanan tapped into the Dark Side, calling upon it for power, and using it to destroy the Grand Inquisitor. I wish Ezra witnessed that, and saw the darkness within Kanan, yet still chose to learn from him. It could be a cautionary tale for Ezra, who now understands what the Dark Side is, and in early Season 3 when Ezra taps into the Dark Side himself, and when he talks to Kanan about it, have him say something like "I understand why you used it. It makes sense now" or something
Rebels Season 1 is amazing and heavily underrated, but it fails to balance it's themes efficiently, which pushes more mature audiences away and damages the show way more than it should
If you have yet to watch Rebels Season 1, please give it a chance, and continue on to the end of Season 4
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