#but it just sucks that it happens at all… it’s very frustrating
peachyfnaf · 20 hours
haven't exactly watched the show in over a month but hearing what's going on. It's like everyone in it wants to ignore moon's health, plus fans just acting like he should die because of this.
he needs help first and foremost. not like a second death
FOR REAL- THAT'S PRETTY MUCH WHAT'S HAPPENING. EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG AND NOT IN A FUN WAY, NOT ANYMORE. Not to mention that ever since his hallucination of Solar, Moon has been acting so incredibly out of character it's legit frustrating me. Hell, everyone's been out of character. He would not fucking say that. She would not fucking say that. None of them would fucking say that.
Imma use this ask as an excuse to rant about things that are making me Peeved now lmao.
First off, HERE'S THE THING, some people want this version of Moon to die rn? That, I get. I understand. Because this Moon fucking sucks. This Moon is so out of character compared to the one from like a month ago. He's acting like a villain about to twirl his damn oily mustache all like "I need to kill Ruin and Bloodmoon muahaha!1!". WHICH I COULD JUSTIFY IF HE WAS DOING IT FOR THE SAKE OF HIS FAMILY/DUE TO SHITTY MENTAL HEALTH. BUT NO. HE'S DOING IT OUT OF PRIDE AND THE SELFISH WANT FOR DEATH. HE'S NOT EVEN DOING IT FOR SOLAR ANYMORE.
And that just makes NO FUCKING SENSE because not only was New Moon's whole thing that he was going to be better, literally THE ONLY THING OLD MOON WANTED HIM TO DO WAS TO KEEP THE FAMILY SAFE AND HAPPY. AND NEW MOON IS DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THAT. I'm so upset rn jdkfhdsf
And then not to mention the way the other's are treating him- Sun is off my shitlist as of today due to the crisis he's having because, for some reason, the choice to whether or not we're killing New Moon is solely in his hands??? Wack. But. Earth and Lunar. Earth and Lunar. I'm not favorable to them right now at all. Earth, according to her, is supposed to be good at reading/understanding people, if not a "therapist". She should understand that Moon said what he said out of a place of fear, anger, ect. Not from his heart. She has every right for it to have hurt her, but for her to basically disown him? Also wack. The only thing I like about her rn is how she seemingly crushed Bm like a bug lmao. And Lunar? God, Lunar was just so unnecessarily bitchy to Moon in that one ""heart to heart"" episode. That "Fuck him!" pissed me off so very much. Dude, that is your brother who is going into a mental spiral over the death of someone he loved. That is your brother. Wack as hell.
AND not to MENTION everything going on w/ Monty- I literally love them 90% of the time but them deciding to NOT LISTEN TO PUPPET when she told them to NOT RESCUE EARTH ALONE literally made me sigh in frustration/disappointment. That is the one thing, the ONE THING she told them not to do. And Monty did it anyways. And Puppet is a MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING WITH POWERS/ABILITIES/MAGIC FAR BEYOND ANYTHING MONTY COULD UNDERSTAND, AND THE ONLY THING SHE ASKED FOR MONTY TO DO, WAS FOR MONTY TO TRUST HER. And they Didn't. They didn't trust her, and they went alone, and now they're paying the price. Sighs.
No one is talking to each other. There's too much happening at once, aka the story is so bloated. This arc simultaneously feels too rushed and too slow. I'm so fucking salty. And now I'm gonna go eat food and draw sdkfjhds
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starbuck · 2 years
by far my WORST ~mental illness symptom~ is being unreasonably sensitive about being reprimanded for something i didn’t do… someone will make a general criticism aimed at no one in particular and my brain is like “i don’t do that” and i have to be like “okay, so they’re not talking about you” and my brain’s like “no, you don’t understand, i DON’T do that!! how dare they say that??????” and i’m like “okay, but some people do do that and they’re allowed to make that criticism” and my brain’s like “but i DON’T, tho!!!!!!! why do they want me to die???????” and i’m like “YOU LITERALLY AGREE WITH THIS POINT, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?????????????”
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strawberrygiorno · 1 year
if there's one piece of advice i want to give to people playing disco elysium for the first time it's to not worry too much about passing all the skill checks. yes, succeeding at them is great. but also, sometimes failing the check gets you the better result. sometimes it doesn't matter much if you pass or fail, things will continue in more or less the same way. sometimes the game will have mercy on you if you fail the same check multiple times and give you a new way out. one of the great things about this game is that failure is often just as rewarding as success, so seriously, don't worry about it.
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girl-bateman · 19 days
One of those nights again where I try to remember things and gets facts in order while my brain hurts because of how much it wants me to stop
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plinkcat-gif · 8 months
when i voice my discomfort brought on by something related to my neurodivergency (overstimulation, headache brought on by specific thing) or my allergies i need everyone to understand that it’s either relatable or funny
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
got a new hard drive (had to, no space left 😔), so I'm using that as a reason to completely reorganise my files (mostly shows, movies etc)
I'm having such a good time 💖
#not sarcasm! it's so fun#the only thing that sucks is that I managed to break sonarr somehow. didn't touch a thing but okay sure#I'll figure it out#I've got to wait for a couple cables that we had to order anyway before I can start moving stuff around#I've been sooo frustrated with how chaotic everything has been so this is gonna be great#but yeah I've had to delete so much stuff already (not at all because I've been downloading too much John Larroquette stuff or anything...#😬😬)#and I've been complaining about it every day so my husband bought me a new hard drive 🙈#still not enough space but it'll do for now#I always think 'oh I'm not a data hoarder! I don't have nearly as much stuff as those guys on reddit or wherever!' but like. it's not#because I don't WANT to save all of it#I only have *checks* 16 TB now with the new hard drive. I'd absolutely get a bunch of 20 TB ones if I could but no instead I spend money on#dumb shit lol#anyway yay I can stop deleting movies! very exciting#lol if anything I'm a hard drive hoarder.... I've got 7 internal ones and 3 external ones now.#yeah I just add new ones and don't remove any#I don't even wanna say it because I'll jinx it but. I've never had a hard drive fail. in over 20 years of having computers. I'm scared it's#gonna happen but 🤷 so far it hasn't lol#well one external one started failing but it went gradually not all at once. so I was able to move everything off of it first#and I mean I have backups of everything that's important! but not any of the media stuff 😬 it wouldn't be awful but it'd definitely make me#sad because I'm sure there's things there's that I couldn't find anymore#personal
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spacedoutwitch · 6 months
Tumblr media
Day 16: Chains and Swift. While I was struggling for ideas, I actually did get to this yesterday and just forgot to post it. But, uh, today was busy, in a way that resulted in a Really Bad Brain Time, so. Probably gonna be another batch update tomorrow. See you then.
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scoutpologist · 4 months
really need to start taking a multivitamin again i think that would do me a lot of good
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liauditore · 5 months
hey! saw your post and just wanted to say that I'm getting much better at art and a large part is due to being inspired by u and other mcyt artists to improve every day. Thank you <3
SAME!! other fandom artists have inspired me so much truly, there's an unfathomable amount of talent amongst us fr. i need a little bit of friendly competition to keep me going.
and oughkfhlkgf me????? thank you so much im glad my art can make you want to draw😭😭 this is so sweet im going to explode <3 <3 <3 im working hard at getting better rn so let's all improve together 💪
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when i knocked on my conductor’s office door this afternoon she yelled ‘COME IN’ but it was locked so i imagine her reaction upon opening the door was probably something like ‘who left this upset and trembling chihuahua on my doorstep? oh, it’s just em.’
#conductor reading my thank you email before i told her what happened: oh she’s adorable!#conductor looking at me after the spring concert party: oh she’s traumatized!#like. at what point should i just accept that i probably have PTSD from what happened at my last group.#it’s been four years and it still affects my personal and professional relationships#to such a point where i’m just [gestures with disgust at self]#ugh i suck. but i will not hear a single bad word against my conductor. i owe her so much#it’s just. last year i didn’t feel anything bc i was too busy learning how to coexist in an orchestra again#and also i had a layer of stands to hide behind#i had very little one on one interaction with her#now it’s like i talk to her all the time#i’m sitting right in front of her. looking her right in the face#i’m feeding off her energy trying to translate her gestures into music#and all the fear comes screaming back even though i Know. objectively. i am safe#there’s so much disconnect bc i feel frustrated bc i think my fear is preventing me from being the best i can be#there are so many places in the rep this year where the seconds are very prominently featured#and every rehearsal she says we can come out more#so everyone is just following the lead of this scared little creature who still has#part of their mind stuck at sixteen crying in a corner at the vienna konzerthaus#we can come out more. dolce. dolcissimo. I KNOW. GIRL I KNOW. I KNOW I CAN READ THE FUCKING PART#ITS JJST ME THATS THE PROBLEM#but other than that she seems. so happy with me. she’s always telling me to keep up the good work#like sure it’s good work but it doesn’t feel like my Best work#and i want to give her my Best work because#fuck it she helped give me back my smile#just like how my violin teacher helped give me back my smile#so of COURSE i want to give them my Best! it’s the least i can do!#anyways. what a fucking day#em jumped up busker#music is about love#<- for journaling
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#hmm its been an interesting week i suppose#very busy in a good way. but that is always how it starts. i make myself so busy and it feels good and then i wobble and fall out of my body#so im feeling wary. also bc ive been under sleeping more than ususal but im not really tired but im also not boiling out of my skin with#energy. i just feel ok. so thats good. but also a demon in the back of my head is always like: then stay up all night. lets see how far we#can push this. which is not good. and in fact ive been proscribed like basically emergency mood stablizers to knock me out if i start like#losing my mind and not sleeping lol. bc i dont wanna b getting ready for something big and like completely unavailable to control my#ability to think. and ive also been proscribed birth control to get a handke on my fucked up hormones. so we'll see if that makes things#less all over the place. hopefully it works bc im so busy i kinda dont have time to like freak thr fuck out#but i am a lil apprehensive bc like i can count on my hormones to make me feel things when a lot of the time i dont have much emotional#range. so its like fuck finally i can cry abt this. or like fuck this is so beautiful. but then i also cant function sometimes#so i guess i just gotta see what happens. sigh. also the typical frustrating in having to read so much. like ppl hear im dyslexic and r like#oh do u want accommodation? like literally wtf r u gonna do to help me as a grad student? it just takes an agonizing amount of time to#understand thing. i have my computer read to me and i suffer. theres literally nothing else to b done abt it. and fucking next week i have#to teach a fucking lab abt reading scientific papers. they have to read a paper in class. fuck off. those r the types of exercises that make#me feel so fucking stupid. like do this thing right now. read it right here and answer questions abt it. and i fucking read it and retain#fucking nothing. im fucking 26 and literally in my grant writing class i have to apologize to every person before i give them feedback like#lol sorry i can barely fucking read. i fucking cant understand language. its fine but it sucks. theres nothing to do abt it. it just makes#me mad i have to teach a class that would have made me cry as an undergrad. so ill prob hold their hands thru it more than the other TAs#will. bc fuck u im not making them read a whole fucking paper in class. fuck u#plus the frustration of not being able to express myself well in thr moments. like theres a delay in my brain so i feel so dumb when im#trying to convey myself off the top of my head. like give me time and ill write it all out for u i just cant actually process wtf ur saying#to me. also i probably spaced out for a sec so i missed part of the convo lol. frustrating but at this point its just how it is. it makes me#more empathetic when i have to teach i guess. like listen ive got all kinds of fucking learning probs i just wanna help u learn something#how can i help? fucking dyslexia. god. i dont wanna prep for class this weekend. ive gotta show up like yea i kno reading papers is hard at#first but it gets easier! fuck u. its worth the suffering if i enjoy to topic but its always suffering. but thats what i get for going into#academia. thr dr who proscribed me stuff was like well sounds like u have a stress trigger and ur a phd student where life is stress... u#gotta figure out whats gonna work for u. sometimes thats a career change. not in like a pushy way just like: if what u do makes u suffer#then wtf r u doing? and hes got a point. but in contrast to what i was doing this is a massive improvement#well see if its manageable. ugh. i just wanna draw#unrelated
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patronsaint-prometheus · 10 months
I love having autism until I infodump about something and then I just hear “why do you keep bringing that up when you know none of us give a shit?” on repeat in the back of my head for the rest of time.
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grasslandgirl · 2 years
#for some reason thinking abt my birthday (in 3 months) and how. most likely. for the like third time in as many years. it will be a quiet#disappointment. turning 23 and knowing my friends will do the bare minimum to celebrate with me#and like. I love them both very much and they are good friends but like. last#year one friend bought me coffee and forgot the present she meant to give me as a half Xmas half bday gift. and the other fully forgot it#was my birthday at all. and it feels like every year I try to think of something I want to do and people I want to spend it with and it’s#like hearing cats and pulling teeth to try to organize anything and most of the time it still manages to fall through and it feels like. why#bother at this point when I know it’s a hassle and it’s frustrating and it makes me feel uncared for and disappointed yk#like I’m the organizer and the plan guy in almost all my friendships and that’s fine I don’t mind I love being that person. but it sucks to#have to feel like you’re cajoling people into giving a shit about your birthday and celebrating it with you#and now I feel like a fuxking self centered pity party throwing piece of shit bc it’s not that deep and it’s not that important and it’s not#even soon. but there’s always this small part of me that like. hopes for my friends to take initiative and do something and want to celebrat#with me and throw a party or even a surprise party which I would love and it’s like. it’s never going to happen. they won’t. and it’s not bc#they don’t care about me but it’s bc they won’t ever think to do that. it won’t occur to them. and I just. have to deal with that and I have#to accept my birthdays as quiet and find the personal internal joy for myself and not depend on people to show they care about me the way I#I would show for them. yk? like that’s what it comes down to. I just. I cried on my birthday last year bc it felt like I gave more of a shit#than my friends did. and that sucked. and I don’t want to feel like that again so it feels like the solution is to lower my expectations so#radically that I can’t be disappointed. and that just sucks a little bit too#anyway. it’s not that deep it’s fine I’m fine my birthdays not for months still I don’t know why I’m feeling emotional abt this
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paeonie-s · 2 years
oh im gonna scream
#constant misinterpretation of my emotions by ppl is worse then anything else ive ever experienced it’s so draining#was asking for help from a dude in the group i usually do my astronomy labs w#and i was confused asf and just didn’t understand his explanations#and i wasn’t upset w him at all i was rly grateful for his help i was just frustrated w myself for it not clicking in my brain#but he stopped mid sentence and was like it’s rly sucks when im trying to help you do things and you get angry at me#and i truly had not noticed any change in my voice or tone or body language and i had definitely not meant to sound angry w him#and so when he questioned why i was so confused and stressed out that i literally started crying.#and i tried to explain to him that i wasn’t upset w him at all and i was rly grateful for his help#and like ik why these misunderstandings happen (autism it’s always the autism) but they’ve been#happening my whole life and i’ve never understood how im supposed to express to ppl when im upset w them or upset w smth else entirely#and in this lab period alone it had already happened 2x where my TA and another of my group members thought i was angry when i was just#Asking a Question and Confused. it’s so fucking frustrating it has fr kept me from developing decent relationships w my classmates coworkers#family etc for my whole life and i Don’t Know what i can do to try and help ppl understand. god#🌸.txt#and now im posting abt it on tumblr.com for a grand total of like 2 people to skim bc im scared if i tell my (very nice and understanding)#friends they’re gonna criticize me and not understand that the only reason im even mentioning this is bc it’s been happening my whole life#and it has never changed. it has never gotten easier
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idolatries · 2 years
bro i for real am experiencing trauma symptoms all over again. this is an embarrassing cause
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