#but it meant that they also all ate too much and had upset tummies
corrienteallita · 6 months
Just an FYI, I'm probably going to be posting a little stardew valley content on here. I've had the flu recently and the only thing I've felt like doing is curling up with a cat and playing stardew valley. So there will be a small break in sims content, but only a small break 😊
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keefwho · 2 years
October 26 - 2022
4:41 PM
I don’t like the noises my tummy is making but I’m trying not to let it bother me too much. The good thing is I’ve finished all my responsibilities today so now all that’s left to do is chill. I’m doing my best to pretend like nothing is wrong because nothing ever really is. Maybe if I can pretend like it’s a normal night with lots of possibility, it will be. I’m also gonna take some time to chill and korok hunt in BOTW with a stream on the side. I hope this doesn’t ruin bestie time, especially today. 
Its also helpful to remind myself that if anything IS wrong with me, like if I’m sick or have food poisoning, I can’t really stop it. It’s easier to accept it and get as cozy as possible than try to fight it like I’ll actually be able to stop it. I don’t think I’m either of those things right now but those are the worst case scenarios I always imagine. It’s much more likely that I’m completely fine. I don’t even feel bad, I just don’t like the noises I’m hearing in my tummy. This shouldn’t even be something I think about. 
10:54 PM
I’m still thinking about the few things in the freezer that may have become warmer than everything else because of how they were packs. Unfortunately the thermometer I’m ordering will be useless since it’s getting very cold out now. I won’t be able to tell what temperature things actually would have been. 
Logic tells me that nothing could have gotten “warm.” Surely the freezer is designed in such a way that you can’t possibly insulate something against one of the walls where it will be exposed to above freezing temperatures. The problem is I don’t KNOW that and I take zero chances. Maybe the thermometer will help me figure out how much fluctuation there is so I can go off of that at least. Also if food becomes stuck together again like this during winter then I’ll know it’s not due to partial thawing.
I hope someday I can look back on this and think I was fucking insane. 
11:52 PM
Yesterday and today I’ve been constantly reminding myself that I always have choice and that any action I commit to will yield a result. I keep intentionally pulling myself out of the idea that I’m that “character” I made up about myself. Everything is so dynamic and I have the ability to gauge my surroundings and act how I choose at any moment. I’ve also been doing this “self” exercise where I notice a person, object, or anything else and think “I am aware of [thing]. I am not [thing]. I contain awareness of [thing].” It sounds silly and feels a little silly to say it but it does force a moment of perspective taking which is the whole point. If I’m struggling to keep myself together, it can help remind me that I am me and everything else is everything else. 
I do want to get into the habit of talking about the things I did today but I often forget. 
This morning was nice. I think I did a good job on my Inktober drawing and I ate a pizza right after. I felt bad because one of my friends wanted to hang out but I was planning to stream commissions. Then I interrupted that stream to watch a Monster High movie with my other friend, so I hope friend 1 wasn’t jealous or thinks I was avoiding him. I enjoyed the movie and realized how much I like learning about the media my friends enjoy. I probably never would have learned about or gotten into Monster High on my own. THEN my friend wanted to hang out again but I had a workout to do which went well. I pushed myself like I meant to, I did more squat reps than last time and went a little further on my treadmill too. For lunch I was going to make stir fry but went for chicken, rice a roni, and green beans instead since my stomach was being strange and I didn’t want to eat something that might upset it. Then I took some relaxing me time and did some korok hunting in BOTW until my bestie joined my discord VC and we chilled in there. After she went to bed I hopped on VRchat for about 40 minutes world hopping on my own until a very drunk individual joined halfway through. For dinner I had soupies and some oatmeal with cereal afterwards. Thankfully I hit my calorie goal today. 
Tomorrow if I remember, I want to go outside for a little bit. Probably just walk around the woods for a little bit with my dog or something. 
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sickstarlight · 3 years
different causes of sickness
a friend had asked me for some advice on how I write differences between different types of sickness or reasons someone could get sick! so I typed up a reference of details I try to keep in mind in my writing. not by any means meant to be comprehensive but these are some of the more common things I see used or use myself!
eta: if you found this interesting or useful consider tipping me on kofi (/jallyns) or getting a $5 commission so I can fix my computer
drinking related:
drank too much: everyone’s threshold for this is going to be different obvs both in terms of how much alcohol they need and how wasted they’re able/willing to be before getting sick. also ime you have to be QUITE drunk for being drunk alone to make you sick, to the point where it may be dangerous, so personally I like this combined with something else - motion, something not sitting right in their stomach, etc - but it can be good otherwise too. probably the first thing the character will notice or be aware of if they have any warning is that being drunk stops feeling good at this point. they might feel flushed and/or clammy and will probably feel dizzy, their mouth might feel really dry depending on what they’ve been drinking. this is probably also the point where they recognize they have limited control of their body, feet might feel too heavy to move or head might be spinning, may feel very clumsy and suddenly become AWARE of it.
they might FEEL motion sick even if they’re not moving too because their motion sense is fucked at this point. might feel heavy but this is likely to be a whole body heaviness NOT just their stomach (though they might be very aware of it); might or might not be able to place the feeling of nausea. maybe burping but it depends on what they’ve been drinking (carbonated or not, mixed with soda, etc) and what else they ate! they MIGHT feel okay after throwing up but their friend probably shouldn’t let them drink anymore even if they do.
also this might come with very little warning, they may go from feeling fine and giggling with their friends to suddenly feeling Wrong to hurling all over the floor in a matter of minutes or even a few seconds. if they have friends with them who have been with them drunk regularly, depending on who’s more sober their friends might notice they look unsteady and/or queasy before they realize they don’t feel well.
other good things here: alcohol that tastes so strong it’s all they can taste when they throw it back up, feeling dizzy but not placing it as nauseous right away, feeling like their head is too heavy to lift. reeling on their feet when a drink hits them too hard and feeling the whole room spin.
drank too quickly - more likely to come on SUPER suddenly, but they’ll probably recognize it right away (unless they’ve already been drinking) because the alcohol hasn’t had time to get to their brain yet. so with gradually drinking more than they should they will get drunk first and THEN get sick, but if they drink too much too fast right off the bat they’ll start to feel some effects probably but they’ll also know pretty quick that their drinks aren’t gonna stay down.
hung over - throwing up from a hangover is a combination of a buildup of alcohol byproducts in the stomach, and the stomach lining being irritated + producing more acid. a headache is also a significant part of the misery of a hangover but (unlike a migraine, where the pain directly leads to vomiting) isn’t necessarily related to any queasiness, so the headache might get worse with sound, light, or movement, but their stomach likely won’t. they might feel a little like they have heartburn (or actually GET some acid reflux) from acid buildup, and their stomach might be sore or feel too warm as well as being upset. 
the only real cure for a hangover is slow sips of clear fluids and bland foods to help settle the stomach and reduce the acid, but lots of people swear by other things - certain kinds of foods, drinking more alcohol, etc, so that’s something you can have fun with! depending on how much alcohol is still in their bloodstream, they might also still feel a little drunk/tipsy and have some issues with their balance, thinking clearly, etc, which could make the nausea worse; also some people might always get sick from hangovers but others might not so consider how your character deals with that! They also might wake up sick, or feel sick right away, or might not feel sick at all until trying to get some fluids or take meds for their headache (especially since ibuprofen/aspirin also irritate the stomach lining).
food related:
ate too much -  character will likely feel bloated and tight, food might feel heavy in their stomach. depending on what they’re stuffed with there might be burping esp if there’s a lot of gas in their stomach, or a lot of gagging and unproductive dry heaving if it’s very heavy/solid. might need to drink something to get anything up, or have help from someone, or might just take a while to finally puke as their overstuffed stomach struggles to break down their meal enough that their stretched out muscles can get anything moving. any firm pressure on the stomach is gonna feel worse and likely to make them gag even if they’re not ready to throw up yet. maybe weak strained tummy noises as they try to digest. (side note if a lot of their stomach contents are liquid like soup, drinks, etc they’ll throw that up a lot faster; also a good excuse to discuss sloshing/jostling/swirling around in their tummy)
ate too quickly - ties in well to eating too much since it’s easy eating in a hurry to not realize you’re full until it’s already a little late - eating or drinking anything too fast can also make some people’s stomachs hurt or get upset in general, and is an easy way to end up swallowing a lot of air which can obviously lead to feeling much more full and tight with lots of burping that could easily bring up more!
ate something bad - this could be rotten, poorly prepared, or just something that upsets their stomach but what it is might change the feeling of it so there’s definitely variety here. probably also feels heavy but more localized, like they can feel the specific food they ate and where it’s settled in their stomach. might also be painful and cause cramping and tenderness. imo nausea from this is more likely to come in waves and recede but might also be more readily recognizable as nausea. some things I like in this scenario - character thinking about what they ate and feeling worse, imagining they can feel individual parts of their food in their stomach, burping and tasting what they ate (possibly noticing the taste having gone sour / etc in their stomach). good place to describe stuff like how greasy smt was/feeling the grease coating their stomach, or otherwise talk about the specific way the food feels in their tummy and how much it makes them want to puke. unlike with eating too much, they’re likely not to feel better until ALL of the offending food is out of their stomach (while with overeating, they may throw up a few times and then start to feel better once there’s less pressure on their stomach).
general notes - if something the character ate is what’s making them feel sick, a lot of focus on hyperawareness of how much food is in their stomach/how heavy it feels are gonna be big sensory things (as well as maybe taste, pressure/tightness, stomach contents moving around)
appendicitis - if you’re looking for something more serious than food poisoning or a stomach bug, this is sure to end up with a character in the hospital as they’ll need surgery! the big distinguishing thing is pain, which will be sharp and located on the lower right side of the abdomen (or may start near the navel and move down). any kind of exertion or sudden muscle movement can make the pain worse. if the character or one of their caretakers is knowledgeable and suspects appendicitis, they might do the rebound test, which causes pain to get drastically worse AFTER placing pressure on the area and releasing it. sickness usually begins after the pain starts and may get worse when something exacerbates the pain as well.
in addition to nausea and vomiting, other symptoms can include fever, bloating, and bowel issues (either diarrhea or constipation), which will usually get worse over the course of the infection. if the character is treated soon enough (within 2-3 days) they’ll usually feel better after surgery and recover relatively quickly, but if they’re not seen by a doctor and the appendix ruptures they’ll likely need more extensive treatment including antibiotics and a longer hospital stay to make sure they won’t develop sepsis. (in some cases, symptoms could seem to suddenly go away when the appendix ruptures because it releases pressure, but worse symptoms would rapidly develop!)
rarely, there’s also such thing as chronic appendicitis, where milder symptoms may appear and recede over the course of weeks or months before developing into acute appendicitis and prompting surgery.
coughs, colds, strep, etc - can all cause vomiting as secondary symptoms thanks to postnasal drip, throat irritation, or forceful coughing. serious enough throat irritation or buildup of mucus can make a character gag, or feel the need to, and so can coughing up phlegm from their chest. if they’re sniffly and have their sinuses draining down the back of their throat, they may end up swallowing a lot of mucus too which can make them feel nauseous as their stomach gets full of sticky snot. I think these work best as emeto scenarios for characters with weak gag reflexes!
food poisoning - separate from eating something bad because food poisoning from a virus or bacteria is a longer lasting illness with a later onset; the character may first get sick within a few hours of eating the contaminated food, or it may incubate and make them sick within a day or two. like stomach flu (also frequently foodborne) many types can cause both vomiting and diarrhea, but symptoms vary depending on specific cause. characters also might puke early on and then develop more symptoms and become sicker later as bacteria multiply and produce toxins, and may take several days to recover from the later onset where they could have persistent nausea, or might feel okay and even regain their appetite if they don’t try to eat  but be unable to keep much or any food down. most types of food poisoning also cause pain, swelling, bloating, and cramping, usually in the lower part of the stomach and upper intestines, so those are other symptoms your character might have to deal with in addition to puking!
stomach flu - character may be feverish or achy as well as nauseous while their body fights the infection, which is an additional great source of hurt/comfort fuel! can cause both vomiting and diarrhea, so even food they manage to keep down might still sting them later. because it directly causes irritation and inflammation in the stomach and lower GI tract, character might throw up frequently or after every meal, or might be able to handle clear fluids but no solids, or some bland foods but nothing with significant sugar, spices, or fat. they also might only be able to drink or eat in very small amounts without bringing it back up. their stomach may hurt and feel like it’s cramping even if they haven’t tried to eat, and they may get only very brief relief of nausea after each time they’re sick because it reduces the immediate pressure on the stomach but not the inflammation; they might feel nauseous constantly or end up dry heaving even when there’s nothing in their stomach, and might need to keep a basin of some kind nearby for a couple of days since they can’t be sure if they’re done. dehydration is a common complication and can cause headaches, weakness, and dizziness in addition to other symptoms! the most common stomach virus, norovirus, is also EXTREMELY contagious, and virus particles can aerosolize and scatter widely during vomiting, so the caretaker may not be safe either.
injury, other medical
anaesthesia - people react to this in all kinds of ways but getting sick is really common so it can be combined with just about any reaction. character might be disoriented or dizzy and have trouble with balance, walking, other coordinated movement. some might be really confused and have trouble communicating their ideas clearly or say things that might not make any sense to other characters. from the anaesthetized character’s perspective though they’re  probably making total sense so it can also be fun to include their muddled thought process and what they’re feeling or thinking that they express in weird ways! other characters might feel pretty clearheaded and be able to communicate clearly though. they might feel “light” or like they're floating, or very  detached from their body; this may cause more dizziness and vertigo. they may also be cold they might feel nauseous right away and persistently from the anaesthetic irritating their stomach, or might only get sick from moving that makes the “floating” feeling worse. general anaesthetic is usually used for surgery so if they aren’t immediately nauseous the character can also wake up really hungry from fasting before, so eating too much or too quickly might also make them realize they’re nauseous and end up with them puking.
concussion - there are a lot of reasons someone might get sick from a concussion, but the most common (non threatening) are vertigo / vestibular disturbance and headaches! the character might  get nauseous or throw up when they turn too quickly or stand up too fast if their balance center is disrupted, or might have head pain similar to a migraine that makes them sick and can have similar sensitivities. mild concussions without other complications can still last up to a week after the injury, but the character should get sick less and less often as time goes on, so the most intense phase for sickness caused by a concussion is shortly after it happens! Frequently repeated or prolonged bouts of vomiting are often signs of more serious injury though, so if you’re keeping it mild they should probably be brief and a little spaced out even early on, though a character might have intermittent nausea between them. other symptoms of concussion are important too here - big ones are short term amnesia, loss of coordination, difficulty concentrating, and confusion. they might also hear ringing in their ears or sometimes have visual disturbances like in migraines! 
migraine - the pain from migraines can directly cause vomiting, especially when it’s at its peak, but it might also be caused by aura effects on balance and vision! (some people get tunnel vision or “kaleidoscope” vision with migraines, some just get dizzy, some people even hallucinate strong smells or tastes which could also lead to nausea!) for some people, the headache gets better after throwing up, but not everyone; they also might or might not feel the buildup of nausea or persistent nausea throughout their migraine, or alternately might retch or throw up almost IMMEDIATELY when any trigger makes their pain worse (common triggers are bright or flashing light, loud or high pitched sounds, strong smells, and sudden movement, but people have lots of different triggers so they can be a lot of things!) many people can’t chase off a migraine until after they’ve slept so you might also include them trying to get comfortable only to have their head start hurting worse or their stomach get upset and make them scramble to get over the trash bin.
motion sickness - anyone can get motion sick but some people are more prone to it than others! so you might have characters who always get motion sick in any moving vehicle, or who are okay in cars but can’t travel on water, or who only get sick with intense movement like on roller coasters - or characters who aren’t prone to motion sickness in general, but discover they get it when fatigued, anxious, etc. different characters might also experience it differently - for some there may be a cycle of gradual buildup of nausea until it becomes unbearable and they throw up, while for others it might come on suddenly, or they might have low level nausea throughout a trip but only puke when there’s a more sudden or violent movement. some people also only get motion sick after a period of time, and might be fine on short trips but get sick if they’re traveling longer.
other notes: many people who get carsick don’t get sick if they’re driving! being able to get fresh air also helps many people, as well as focusing on the horizon if possible. some people prone to motion sickness will also experience the opposite when sitting still but watching movement onscreen like in a video game. likewise, reading or looking at a still object for long while moving can trigger motion sickness, even in people who are less prone to it otherwise.
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aching-tummies · 3 years
if i was your partner... I'd take you on a date to the county fair. I know you have a sweet tooth, and I promise to buy you whatever you want. When we get there, we haven't had dinner yet so we get a big meal of hamburgers and hot dogs, and some fried dough and cotton candy for you. I tell you I want to take a lap around the fair to see what rides there are, and get you as many treats as you want. Ice cream, churros, sodas and milkshakes all end up in your belly... 1/?
I’ve never been to a fair/amusement park or anything so when my beloved suggests we go I’m excited. Since I was a child, I’ve always wanted to go to these things because friends that have gone always have such cool stories about the rides or cute ones about laughing and having fun with their dates. Also…the occasional fair food item sounds delicious.
At the same time, I’m wary of the food because I’ve eaten stuff like ice cream, churros, milkshakes, and hot dogs before. Not at a fair setting and definitely not all in the same day. Past experience tells me that these are the kinds of foods that give me a queasy tummy ache individually. The idea of eating them all in the same day has me apprehensive. Absentmindedly, I press my hands to my tummy as though guarding it from the thought of such a nasty ache.
The day of the fair arrives and excitement has given way to nerves and those nerves have gone straight to my stomach. As we get out of the car and approach the fair grounds my stomach clenches and does flips. An empty growl splits the air but peters off into an inaudible, nauseous burble. I haven’t eaten much since you told me about our visit to the fair. The thought of fair-food filled me with dread since I knew we were coming and I guess I subconsciously lost my appetite in preparation…to try to give the fair-food a blank slate as though in hopes it’ll hurt less if it’s just the fair-food bouncing around in my gut. I rub my tummy with both hands, squeezing my eyes shut against the sensations rolling within it. I want to bolt. I want to go home. It’s like my tummy knows exactly where we are going and knows it’s in for something nasty.
I toy with the idea of asking that we just go on rides. I try to formulate the words, to make up a reason why I won’t be eating anything at the fair. Variations of “my tummy’s upset” or “I ate earlier and I’m full” come to mind. The latter wouldn’t be something I could fool you with. We’ve been together the whole day and you know naught but water has passed my lips all day. If my stomach weren’t sickeningly empty, I would definitely have thrown up by now. The anxiety of the impending situation twists in my gut, and I feel like a solid mass is forming inside my hollow gut…an imagined mass that sends urgent “puke” signals to my brain. I feel my stomach muscles convulse and I squeeze my eyes shut as it snarls again.
Your hand comes to my stomach and jolts me out of my thoughts.
“Aww…hungry?” You say as you pat my stomach through my clothes. You heard the hunger part of the growl and you took my hands on my tummy as a sign of a hunger pang. Or so I think.
“Uhm…n-not exac—"
“They sell food in there. Let’s grab some hotdogs before we check out the rides.” You pat your own stomach, triggering a growl that has no hint of nausea in it. “I’m hungry too.”
My stomach burbles as you all but push me forward, walking us to the entrance of the grounds. Each step brings the thought, “dead man (stomach) walking”. I had opted to eat less/not at all in preparation for this day because I didn’t want to come to the grounds with an upset tummy. My own stupid anxiety over what this kind of food does to me foiled that plan. If I had known my stomach would be upset entering the grounds regardless of whether or not I had eaten anything I would have just eaten something rather than endure hunger for so long.
“Uhm…d-darling? Hotdogs…uhm…y-you know what hot dogs do to my stom—”
“Ooh! Chilli-dogs! Yeah, those beat hot-dogs any day. We’re getting some!” It’s like you didn’t hear me. Tears prickle my lashes as I realize you’ve cut off all my attempts at telling you something is wrong. I open my mouth again but the glint in your eye shuts me up.
You know. The way your hand is snaked around my waist and how your palm is pressed up against my tummy is a new clue. The gentle, subtle rubs you’re giving me, that I haven’t noticed until now—you’ve done similar motions before. When I lost a dear family member you made those same motions on the back of my neck and on my shoulder when you put your arm around me. It’s your go to ‘comforting’ move. You know what’s on my mind. You know how upset my tummy is. You know I’m anxious about the impending stomach ache. And I know about your fascination with my stomach; we aren’t just here for the fair.
“Let’s walk and eat. Fair grounds are huge and I don’t know exactly what rides they have this year. Let’s do a lap, or two, and fill our tummies with all the different food as we narrow down which ones we want to go on.”
You’re still rubbing lazy circles on my tummy. Your voice and the gentle rubs slowly bring me out of my own head and the tight vice-like coil of anxiety in my gut unclenches just a little. The anxiety lessens just enough for a hungry growl to squeeze out. You know exactly what rides are offered. You studied the pamphlet thoroughly and I know for a fact you have a ranking order of your favorite rides. You love the fair and are a seasoned fair-goer. The walk is for my benefit. Suggesting two laps and suggesting that we slowly fill our bellies is entirely for the sake of my tummy. Starting at the fair with an already upset tummy wasn’t in the plan. You don’t just want to deal with an anxious tummy or a sickly one…the food and the fair-experience are part of your script for tonight. I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves. If I let myself throw up it’s all over—that’ll be the end of the night. I don’t want to rob you of your opportunity to enjoy the fair. It only happens once a year. I don’t want to imagine having to deal with an entire year of an anxiety-induced stomach ache—knowing that you’ll try again next year.
“O-Okay…uhm…c-could we just split the food? I-I just want a bite or two of everything.” I pat my tummy. “You know my capacity is garbage.” You grin.
“Sure! One large chili-dog it is. Wanna choose what flavor milkshake we get? Oh, and the churros at one particular truck are to die for—you gotta try ‘em!”
And…we’re off. Your hand slides away from my waist and takes my hand instead as you pull me into the fair. I slide a reassuring hand on my tummy, hidden behind my messenger-bag. I rub my tummy gently, trying to quell the upset.
2/? ... and by the time we're ready to ride a ride, I can hear your tummy grumbling noisily. I ask if you're okay, and you insist, though you look a bit nauseous. We end up on the Tilt-A-Whirl, and afterwards, your stomach is louder than ever. I ask if you're hungry, if maybe that'll help your loud, bloated aching belly, and you say yes. More treats end up in your tummy, until its aching so bad you can barely stand...
A large chili-dog, a sub-par burger, and a churro have disappeared between both our guts and I’m currently polishing off the large choco-banana milkshake we ordered. Sure, you had most of the chili-dog and the burger was because you were still hungry—I’ve let you have the lion’s share of the solid foods. I meant to let you have most of the milkshake too, but you’ve been sneakily finding ways to have it end up in my hands and to my lips.
My stomach is comfortable right now. There’s a barely-there queasiness in it but it’s slight enough to be ignored. It’s quite noisy though, churning away as it tries to break down what’s gone into it. You’ve been rubbing my tummy as we’ve been walking for the last ten minutes or so and I’m sure your rubs are the only reason my stomach is comfortable right now. Without the rubs, a normal fast-food combo has been enough to give me a twisting ache in my gut, enough to get me to cry and dash off to a bathroom to be rid of the mess.
“Oh, hey! Let’s go on that!” You gesture to the roller-coaster we’ve arrived at. I’ve never been on one. “Oh…damn…no drinks allowed on it.”
I raise my eyebrow quizzically as I rattle the empty milkshake cup. You offer a sheepish smile and hold up a full cup of cola you’ve been clutching in your other hand. “Came with the burger. Could’ja help? My tummy’s gettin’ kinda full.” You place a hand on your slightly rounded tummy.
Sure, it’s only cola…but neither of us is in the habit of wasting food. Steeling my nerves, I grab the cola and begin to suck at the straw, taking it down in gulps and thanking the heavens that it’s small as far as beverage containers go.
You pat my grumbling tummy as I finish the cola, forcing a sharp belch to pass my lips. “You didn’t have to chug it, we could have come back.” You coo as you continue to pat and rub my tummy. I groan, realizing my stupidity. My stomach sloshes sickeningly and rumbles violently at the sudden addition.
“Nah. We’ve already done two laps around the grounds. If we’re going to ride anything now’s the time.” A part of me just wants this night to be over. That cola pushed the discomfort meter in my gut higher. There’s a tight pressure inside of me right now and I want to believe it’s just the carbonation from the cola.
We share a car in the roller coaster. I grip the bar. Do not throw up. Do not throw up. Do not throw up. Repeats like a mantra in my head. Just as the coaster starts rolling, you release the bar and put both hands on my gut. You knead into my tummy, forcing burps out as I grip the rail tightly for the both of us. We have seatbelts and all that…the bar is just there for an extra level of safety. You’re experienced, you know we won’t fall even if we aren’t white-knuckling it so you put your hands to a different use. Each loop and sharp turn of the coaster causes your grip on my tummy to tighten. A particularly sharp turn sends your entire form slamming against me and your elbow meets my stomach and has me feeling something wet surge up my esophagus but I fight it down. You’ve managed to get most of the gas out of my tummy before the big loop of the coaster, at which point you offer one last pat to my tummy and turn to face forward properly. My stomach churns as we slow and watch the looming loop seeming to creep up on us. As we crawl up the loop my own hands clutch my tummy and I begin to squeeze, short and small burps burble out of me. You raise an eyebrow but are more fixated on the coaster. I want the gas out. I don’t want the inversion to cause a burp to bring up something else when we’re completely upside-down.
As we climb out of the coaster all that is left in my gut is a dense mass of thick sludge swirling around in a lake of cola. Some of the milk from the shake most definitely curdled in the acid bath of the cola. I let out a few moans as I walk and my hands have not left my tummy since we got off. I cradle my churning gut as I make my way to a miraculously empty bench.
“Babe, you okay?” Concern colors your voice as you skip after me. I need a few minutes for my stomach to re-orient itself. I can feel the thick sludge swimming in my gut and it is not a pleasant feeling. The squeals and whines from my gut betray that it doesn’t like the sensations either.
You’ve disappeared and I’m too absorbed in the activity in my tummy to care. Bathroom break, maybe. I press into my tummy cautiously, wincing at the churning grumble that is pushed forth from it. I can’t help but groan under my breath. My stomach really sick. I feel like it’s a sack of vomit churning violently rather than a stomach at this point.
I hear the crinkle of paper and I open my eyes. Something crisp and golden is shoved into my face as though you are presenting me with a bouquet of flowers.
“Is that?” My eyes widen.
“Yup! A Bloomin’ Onion! I saw a stall selling ‘em while we were on the coaster.” You announce proudly as you plop yourself down next to me.
Eagerly, I reach to tear off a piece of the treat, my nauseous tummy forgotten.
“I thought you’d need something to settle your stomach and maybe absorb some of the mess in there.” You pat my noisily churning tummy. “A-also…you’ve always wanted to try this thing, right? ‘cuz you love onion rings.”
“Mmph.” I give you an affirmative grunt as my mouth is full of the treat. You giggle and tear off some for yourself.
Once the onion has disappeared between the two of us my stomach is feeling moderately better. I’ve eaten most of it. I’ll definitely come to regret putting something so oily down the hatch, but I take your hand and suggest more rides before it has time to bloom into a full-blown sickly ache. I’m resigned to it now. We’ve got precious few minutes before my stomach begins to literally belly-ache about what’s gone into it.
We arrive at your favorite, the Tilt-a-Whirl. Nothing will stop me from letting you enjoy this ride tonight. I hope my stomach gets the memo. As I hear the screams from the ride, I notice someone off to the side of it, hurling into a convenient trash bin. I grimace, willing that not to be me.
“Babe, you sure you’re up for this?” You’re worried. I take your hand as we get in the (thankfully) short line.
“Yeah. You love this ride. It’s fine.” My tummy grumbles deeply, sounding like a dying lawn mower or something.
You slide your hands around my waist, rubbing and patting at the upset vat that is my stomach. Your hands are magic. By the time we’re at the front of the line my stomach is still churning, and aching, but not as violently as it was before. There’s a very present ache in my guts but it’s just under the threshold between a full-blown stomach ache and something that could just be classified as discomfort.
The seatbelt is tight against my tummy and I have doubts, almost caving and telling the staff I’ve changed my mind and to let me off before the ride has even begun. As the cup spins the centrifugal force causes the belt to cut into my stomach jostling it every which way. I grow steadily more and more nauseous as the ride goes on. I don’t have your miracle hands on my tummy and that thought is enough to make me want to cry. Seeking some escapism, I let my mind wander as I try to focus on anything but the violent churning in my tummy. This ride has accomplished in thirty seconds what it took your hands thirty minutes to fix.
I imagine how this ride looks from above. It must look pretty cool—my thoughts are interrupted by a new one: how this ride looks from above is how my stomach feels right now. Uneven, unpredictable churning with little bits seeming to churn within the mess. Yeah, the inventor of this thing must have seen some cruel irony in fabricating a ride that was an external representation of what it was causing internally.
When the ride ends I practically stumble into you. You laugh, dizzy yourself, and we move together. I’m leaning on you, whimpering and clutching at my distressed tummy. I can feel it. I want to throw up. The vomit signals are very strong but it feels like one of the chunks of curdled whatever has blocked the path to my esophagus. My stomach convulses and I whine as it grumbles angrily.
Your hand comes to my tummy. “Aww…baby…you hungry? The most of a solid thing you’ve eaten today has been that onion. Maybe something more solid in your tummy will calm it down?”
I can no longer tell if you’re sticking to your kink-script or if you genuinely believe my sickly tummy is in need of some proper sustenance. My stomach feels too awful to care so I let you lead me by the hand wherever it is you want us to go.
I don’t protest when something is shoved into my hands. You tell me to eat and I mechanically bring it to my mouth and take bites. I don’t even know what it is you’re making me eat, but many different treats disappear into my tummy. I think there was a burrito of some sort at one point. At least two different churros have made an appearance too. A slice of pizza, dripping with grease, is definitely one of the items if the layer of grease floating in my gut is any indication.
“Ergh…ugh…” I curl, bringing my knees up and sandwiching my arms over my belly. You led me to a sort of hidden bench. We’re kind of behind one of the tents for some carnival game and there’s tree-coverage around us. You wanted some privacy while you fed me and I’m grateful for it because I’m certain my stomach is about to spill out of my mouth and I do not want an audience. Upset doesn’t even begin to cover how bad it feels. I feel like I’ve swallowed lava and the molten mass is burning away my digestive organs. The lingering ‘discomfort’ of an ache threatening to bloom finally explodes and I curl up tightly, the added pressure not doing any favors for my poor, achy tummy. “Ugh…urp…n-no more…please? Ugh…babe…it hurts. My tummy hurts so, so much…” My stomach protests just vocally as I do.
I end up flopping over onto my side on the bench, knees still curled up to press my arms into my sickly belly. You guide me to make sure my head is on your lap. You try to get me to uncurl, to grant you access to my tummy, but my limbs refuse to budge so you settle on rubbing my side and back.
“Aww…baby…maybe a walk would settle your tummy?” Your voice is sickly sweet and I groan as it goes straight to my stomach, feeling like I just guzzled another cola.
“Umph…nuh-uh—nope. Not gunna.” I curl up, my tears soaking into the fabric on your lap as I whimper a little. I try to bring up a burp, desperately trying to relieve some of the pressure in my gut. Nothing comes up. I know there’s some in there—there has to be—but each time I clench my abdomen it feels like there’s something sickly blocking the path of the gas. If I were to really push it I could maybe clear the blockage…but I’d almost definitely end up vomiting all over your lap.
“Babe…how about that walk?” You suggest again and this time I glare at you from your lap. I glare at you and uncurl just a little. You can see the pain lancing through my eyes for a split second. I watch as your gaze travels to my gut and then I jab at it with a hand. I bite back the groan of pain so that you can hear the resulting rumble. The turbulent sounds from the jab continue for a few moments even as I curl up again.
“A walk? You kiddin’ me? My tummy hurts, babe. Hurt doesn’t even begin to cover it. I can’t even stand up straight ‘cuz my tummy is imploding; and you want me to walk?!”
I’m being curt with you. I know I am and I regret it even as the words spill from my mouth. It’s the stomach ache. I haven’t had such a nasty one in a very long time.
3/3 I feel terribly you're not feeling so well, and offer to help you to the car. You lean on me heavily, and I rub your aching belly as we make our way back to the car. I have to help you in, and the seatbelt barely fits over your round tummy. I rub it as we drive home, and carry you into our house where I'll nurse your tummy back to health... or maybe give you more snacks ;)
“Oh, baby…I’m sorry.” You’re genuinely sorry and that makes me feel even worse about snapping at you. I pull a hand out from its position on my tummy, reaching over to brush against your face, to apologize in some way.
A sharp cramp shoots through my unhappy tummy and I let out an exclamation of pain. It felt like I got punched, from the inside. I whimper and close my eyes, breaths labored as I clutch at my tummy again. My stomach convulses violently and you can tell that I’m trying very hard both to vomit and to keep it in me. The struggle exhausts me and it breaks your heart to see it go down.
The fit dies down after a while and I eventually lie still on your lap. My stomach continues to churn within me and you can hear the sickly burbling. You’ve taken to carding a hand through my hair and using your other hand to rub at whatever you can reach—arm, side, back. The shooting cramps die down somewhat and I manage to uncurl. I find your hand and guide it to my stomach and you rub it gently. I’m still biting back grunts with each breath but you can tell that your massage is slowly doing something for my sickly tummy.
“Do you think you can get to the car? I think we’re done here.”
I whimper, shaking my head and guiding your hand back to my tummy. “Not yet. Ugh…please?” I look at you, silently begging for more rubs. “If I get up now I’m gonna hurl.” You continue rubbing my tummy and we continue in our positions for a while.
My stomach is fairly distended. I usually don’t eat much in a single day and you managed to cram a whole lot of stuff I usually wouldn’t touch into me today. Sugar, fried foods, salt, milkshakes. This is stuff I only allow myself to indulge in a couple of times a year…and only one at a time, usually. Like…before meeting you I was the type to see a can of cola as a treat. That was my dessert quota for the day or week. After we got together the occasional scoop of ice-cream became another dessert option—but always only one scoop. This is our first time at the fair as a couple and you really let me have it. You gave me the ‘full’ experience in more ways than one and my tummy is suffering for it.
“Urp…ugh…nachos? When did I eat nachos?” You laugh at my observation, a sign that I’m doing a bit better.
“I think it was between the second burrito and the banana split.” You inform me as I sit up.
“Second? Banana…split?” I’m surprised. I know I was out of it when you were feeding me, too caught up in the agony swirling in my tummy, but I didn’t think I was that out of it. “Wait…when was the pizza?” You laugh at my dumbfounded expression.
“I only gave you a few bites of the banana split ‘cuz I wanted it…and ‘cuz it looked like you were going to be sick at that point. You ate a whole slice of that pizza before the ice-cream.” My stomach burbles as it’s reminded and I put a hand on it.
“I don’t think that qualified as pizza. It feels like it was grease with a side of dough and cheese.” I groan, patting my tummy gently and rubbing up and down slightly. I still feel sick but the crippling ache has subsided…for now.
I take your hand and get up off the bench. You’re up immediately and drag one of my arms over to rest around your shoulders. We stumble our way toward the exit with your hands resting on my waist. My other hand on my belly is more to support the extra weight while yours provide some much-needed rubs. It’s a team effort to get to the car in my state.
You help me into the passenger seat as I moan. The cramps are building in intensity. You fasten my seatbelt and I almost push you off when you put too much pressure leaning over me to get the thing buckled. Now that I am sitting up my belly is really prominently distended. As you back up I immediately recline the seat, giving my belly some much needed room.
“Do not throw up in the car.” You admonish.
“Urgh…urp…ulp…ugh…no promises.” I whimper. You close the door and the impact jostles my belly. I clutch at it with a groan, swallowing back something thick and wet.
It’s a long drive back home. I’m reclined as far as the seat will go. You have one hand on the wheel and the other rubbing absentmindedly over the crest of my tummy when it’s not needed to steer or shift gears or whatever.
A part of you feels horrible for what we have done tonight. While both of us are into tummies, this is the first time we’ve ever done something like this. We’ve done some minor stuffings before. We’ve done other things in the realm of tummy kink before. This is a first where you stuffed me with foods that would normally cause me great distress all on their own and you decided to cram them all into me in the span of six hours.
I’m lost to the pain as we pull up to our place. I’m in the same incoherent state I was in when you fed me all those things I didn’t register. Gently, you unbuckle the seatbelt, guiding it home so that it doesn’t have a chance to upset my belly further. I groan and nearly lose my gorge as you slide your arms under my back and my knees and lift me out of the car with a massive heave.
The vertigo goes right to my tummy and I’m a groaning mess as you whisper reassurances at me. We’re almost home. Don’t throw up on you. Etc.
You set me on the couch. The bedroom is too far a walk and you don’t want to risk dropping me. The extra weight of all that indigestion is more than you anticipated.
I can’t move. My tummy is pinning me down and the threat of vomiting is extreme. I feel like a thermometer or something with the sludge going up and down my esophagus.
You set a bin within reach of me before disappearing to the kitchen. I whimper, wishing I could call out. I need your hands on my belly. I feel so sick.
I hear clattering in the kitchen. The tell-tale signs of something being microwaved. I hope it’s a heat pack or something even if the added pressure of it is sure to make me vomit. You return with a plate of pizza bites and my stomach pulls a move where it feels like it’s trying to drop out of me and run. I can’t move. I’m too full, too sick, and in too much pain. I only hope you have a night of rubs planned and that you’ve got a hair-tie somewhere ‘cuz there is no way this night ends without me throwing up.
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trashytummiez · 3 years
I don't know if I've ever asked you, and if you're not interested just ignore me, but would you maybe write some stuffing content for Giriko? ;w;
It took you a while but you eventually made it back to your apartment and his hideout with his order. The murderous chainsaw now had before him what had to be enough fast food to feed about a dozen people by the time you laid out the meal. Yet here Giriko was about to cram it all down his gullet like always.
And you couldn't be more into it.
"Fuckin' finally. I'm starvin' here!" Giriko complained and rubbed his stomach as it growled impatiently.
"Party-sized orders take a while for greedy chainsaws," you teased and sat down besides the villain.
Giriko scoffed and unwrapped his first burger. He licked his chops eagerly and opened wide giving you a nice peak at his pearly white fangs which he used to chomp down onto his burger. That had to be a solid half of his burger munched in one go. He chewed down on that very sizable portion of burger making his cheeks bulge out. Then he clenched his eyes shut and swallowed hard. You watched a thick lump press out of his throat and vanish past his broad chest. The way his throat squelched made your cheeks heat up.
The chainsaw smacked his lips and downed the rest of his burger in no time. He got to work chomping away at his next. Like a greedy pig Giriko had no pause between burgers. He was just chomping away and downing it in about as short an interval of time as his last burger.
This steadily became a pattern for the gluttonous maniac. He was practically shoving burger after burger right down his gob and demolishing it in just a few bites. Those incredibly attractive and perfectly sharp fangs Giriko had allowed him to get food down in a very quick pace.
With so many burgers getting scarfed down all at once the impact it had on Giriko's tummy was pretty blatant. His usually lean stomach was starting to press out against his sleeveless whitish tan shirt. It very quickly started getting rounder the more he ate. So much so that Giriko's shirt barely managed to contain his tummy after a while.
Your eyes struggled to pull away from Giriko's growing belly. Especially when you heard it begin noisily churning to get to work digesting so much food in one sitting.
On top of all of his burgers Giriko had a six-pack besides him to help wash all that fast food down. After swallowing such an insurmountable amount of food in one go the chainsaw cracked a beer can open and guzzled its contents like a pro. You watched his throat throb with each hefty gulp he took. Beer was rushing down his throat so fast you guaranteed he could school anyone in a drinking contest if he wanted.
It wasn't even a full forty seconds until that can was drained. Giriko crushed the can against his forehead and lazily tossed it aside while also gulping down the last of its contents. About a second later Giriko burped so hard the couch quivered.
"Excuse you," you uttered with an intense blush on your cheeks.
Giriko lazily smacked his lips and grinned cockily. "Y'know ya LOOOOOVE...it...ahhh..."
It wasn't immediately clear to you if he meant to burp the word 'love' in your face but the way he sighed after suggested he certainly wasn't embarrassed by it. And the way your blush grew worse suggested you weren't especially bothered either.
He quickly went back to stuffing himself with more burgers. His pace had slowed down a little bit clearly he was starting to get full. But even in an overstuffed state the vile chainsaw was still munching down fast food faster than anyone you'd ever seen eat so much junkfood at once.
The swell in Giriko's belly only continued grow rounder and heavier. His shirt started riding up and revealing his bare tummy. Giriko was stuffing himself so fast that it rode up enough to start peaking at his belly button. Not that such a thing bothered Giriko. And it damn sure didn't bother you either.
Giriko paused to take another beer break. He cracked another can open and chugged its contents down. Even with how much fuller he was getting Giriko never flagged in the beer chugging department. Like before he sucked that can dry in under a minute crushing it against his forehead and lazily chucking it next to the other can.
"You know there's a bin right there," you said pointing to an annoyingly unused trash bin not too far away from Giriko.
Giriko's only response was a heavy burp.
He grunted but shook his head dissatisfied. The chainsaw thumped his chest a few times until he made himself burp again. This one was a lot louder than the last one and gave him the relief he wanted. He sighed afterwards and slumped back.
"Fuck..." Giriko moaned rubbing the incredible swell in his tummy. He was looking really bloated but nonetheless shrugged and continued.
You watched Giriko's belly grow bigger and heavier. It was getting so bloated that it was really weighing down on his jeans. His shirt rode up completely to reveal the entirety of his enormous round tummy. The deep acidic noises you could hear bubbling from its depths were a clear sign that Giriko was well past his limits if his tummy was digesting that heavily.
It was so big and inviting from all the burgers and beer cans that you couldn't help rubbing it while Giriko finished the rest of his meal. Your hand rubbed circles all across that vast bubbling tummy. The roundness of it was absolutely perfect with a considerable heft in Giriko's lower stomach where everything was being digested. His tummy felt so warm from the intense digestive process which gave his normally tight flesh a much softer texture. It meant every time you patted his tummy there was a ripple in his flesh.
He cracked another can open and guzzled it down. But Giriko was so full that he actually had to stop halfway into chugging just so he could burp and make more room before chugging some more. You heard him burp again into his can as he chugged the rest of it. When he hiccuped loudly his big round belly jumped a little with a thick slosh that left him groaning and left you blushing.
It was clear that he was a little drunk despite having anything but an empty stomach.
You kept rubbing his belly to soothe how upset it was from his gorging and to help ease his stomachache enough to let him eat the rest of his food. His belly was getting so heavy that you worried his pants would burst at the seams if you didn't help him. So you fumbled with the waist of his pants and undid both his belt buckle and pants button. Giriko's big fat stomach spilled out freely from the space you'd provided it which made it bounce heavily between his legs. Girikko moaned in euphoria at how liberated he felt while you thought your eyes would bug out of your skull.
That certainly helped give him the second wind he desperately needed.
By the time Giriko was finished he almost looked like he was pregnant just with a deepened but shallow belly button and some intense sloshing erupting from his enormous tummy. With a lifeless groan Giriko slumped into his seat and held his hugely stuffed belly with both hands to unleash a massive burp.
You blushed even harder both from Giriko's burp and the way you felt his tummy ripple with the gas.
"Good one," you praised and patted the side of his giant tummy. It jiggled with each pat you gave.
Giriko hiccuped loudly from the pat then again. His tummy jiggled heavily with each hiccup he gave. He moaned and wearily nursed his aching tummy with both hands rubbing up and down his thick rounded sides.
"Unnnnngh...Hic! Woof...m'so FUUUUUUUUUULL!!!!!" Giriko moaned hiccuping again and eventually burping the last word of his sentence out.
You gave his tummy a light squeeze and caused another huge burp to blare out of Giriko's mouth.
"Unf...shit..." he moaned after. "Feels like I'mma fuckin' puke..."
"You won't," you said confidently and kneaded your fingers into the middle of his massive belly pushing into Giriko's belly button. You knew the way Giriko's tummy operated after watching him stuff his face just a few times. You were trying to push some gas out of his belly and resorted to pushing hand against Giriko's belly button deeply.
Giriko winced but then unleashed a huge deafening burp that easily dwarfed any he'd let out yet.
Your face couldn't get any redder when you felt his tummy ripple violently with that massive expulsion of gas. It ripped out of Giriko so long it could've been ten seconds for all you knew! You could pick up the scent of beer and digested burgers which wasn't the most pleasant scent in the world but it was worth it to hear a burp like that.
Giriko's eyes glazed over as his head rolled back with a moan of utter relief. "Fuckin' shit I needed that...whew..." Giriko moaned and slapped his belly with really boastful relief. His big fat tummy rippled heavily at the slap and made himself hiccup again. He was too full to care.
You just continued rubbing his massive tummy and occasionally kissed at it.
"I can't believe how much this thing can pack away," you praised getting a hold of his tummy and giving it a light jostle to hear it gurgle and slosh heavily.
The sloshing upset some of the pressure still brewing in Giriko's stomach. But the chainsaw grinned wickedly. When he felt the gas rushing up his throat he held you by the chin and made you look up at him just in time for Giriko to unleash a throaty burp right in your face.
Your eyes widened as the warm gas pelted your face stinking of beer and digesting burgers. If you had any snide remarks they quickly left your blank mind as you sat there red as a ripe tomato.
Giriko shamelessly smacked his lips and grinned. "Never underestimate how much this bad boy can pack away," he said patting his glutted out tummy for emphasis while you savored the sounds emanating from his belly with his pats. "Now keep rubbin'. I didn't eat half yer fuckin' body weight in all this greasy shit fer nothin'."
You very happily complied, rubbing that massive belly well into the night and savoring every rich sound that tummy made from the deepest blorps to more of Giriko's burps.
He wasn't right in the head but then again neither were you so it ended up being a match made in hell that you wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Afterglow - 2.
Mob!Seb x Surrogate!Reader.
Part 2 of the Afterglow series.
Run-through: The mob boss had everything one can ever want from life; power, money, fame. He was well respected and had people almost worshipping the ground he walked on. And yet, each day he came home to an empty, cold house; no warmth, no love around him. And each day, he tried changing that. Until one day he finally figured out how to; and he met you along the path. Having found each other, nothing in both your lives is ever the same again.
Themes throughout the series: mob!seb, surrogacy, fluff, smut, angst
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Within your first month of living together, things changed for the better.
You were almost halfway through your first trimester, and Sebastian and you were just as inseparable as ever. And over the first week or so, you had developed a little routine.
And you still followed it, both of you. Breakfast in bed became a thing. And he always made sure you ate right, and made sure you had healthy snacks in between each meal. He tried limiting your junk food intake but he couldn’t resist your puppy dog eyes and ended up giving in each time.
You had doctor’s appointments, which he took you to and again, glared at the doctor the moment he laid his hands on your skin.
Sebastian pampered you a lot. Too much even.
“Keep treating me like this and I won’t know how to be on my own when I go back.” You joked while Sebastian made the two of you dinner in the kitchen.
He mentioned that he liked having you around when he cooked, so you sat at the kitchen island and watched him move around.
“You don’t have to go back.” he mumbled under his breath, with his head hung low as he chopped veggies on a board.
You didn’t quite hear him. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that, what did you say?” you asked.
And he just chuckled and shook his head. “Oh nothing.”
 He had been thinking about it a lot lately. Between sharing the same bed, and waking up to your face each morning, to having you around at all times and feeling like he belonged there, beside you; he didn’t want you to leave even after the baby was born.
He’d think about it often, while you slept safely by his side at night. He thought about what it would be like to raise this baby with you. He could never stop smiling at how great of a mother you would be. You would probably raise the best-behaved child; one who would share you love for reading and poetry.
Or maybe the baby would turn out to be a little trouble maker like himself, and you would love the kid anyway.
Sebastian knew he was moving a little too fast perhaps, or that he needed to control his emotions better, but with you – everything felt right. Things made sense.
This, whatever he was feeling, wasn’t lust, or infatuation – it was something deeper. Something more meaningful. It was an unusual but comfortable bond.
 He’d spend a lot of time just walking up to you and placing his hand on your tummy during the day, always very respectful still. And he always had one question;
“When are you going to start showing?” he’d always ask.
You’d always laugh and tell him “Not until the beginning of the second trimester.” and he would pout slightly.
 He could be so adorable at times. Like each night when he’d help with getting the bed ready; removing all the decorative pillows and fluffing others to help you sleep better. Or how each morning he’d make sure that you are well looked after.
And how each night he’d help you rub oil on your belly, in sensitive spots to reduce the formation of stretch marks in the near future. Or how he’d always say, “Good night, doll.” before going to bed. And how, thinking you would never notice, each night as he slept he’d just inch closer to you.
He’d even help you with your morning yoga, even though you didn’t need any help yet. He would always assist you with everything he can. And you genuinely liked having him around. Because just like him, you’ve never ever been this close to anyone, or shared such a magical bond with anyone before.
He told you all about his life, once, when the two of you were curled up on the couch in the living room; a movie playing on the screen but neither of you paid much attention.
“I’ve never really…had anyone all my life. Friends, yes. Close friends even. But nothing I could call family, you know?” he confessed, looking down at his lap.
You felt the need to place your hand on top of his and tell him hey, it’s okay now. You’re not alone anymore, you won’t ever be alone now. But you didn’t say it, worried that it might be too soon to overstep that line.
“Well, that makes the two of us. I have a family, but we’re not close. Never have been.” You two had that in common.
Sebastian laced his fingers with yours and gave your hand a firm squeeze. But look at us now, we’re not alone anymore. We don’t have to be. You can stay with me, and we can be so much more. But he didn’t say it, scared he might cross a boundary.
Yet somehow, the two of you felt what the other wanted to say. And that’s one of the many reasons why you were always on each other’s mind. This pull, the fact that you didn’t have to voice out what you wanted to say, yet having the other understand perfectly, this invisible thread which undoubtedly linked you to one another – it drove both you and him insane.
But the two of you were too careful to even talk it out. Both of you wanted to clearly figure out your emotions and feelings, rather than dive into it head first and ruin what you have.
 Another month and a half went by, and you were in your second trimester, and had just begun showing. A little, very little baby bump. Barely there yet, but Sebastian was already obsessed with both you and the bump.
You began having late night cravings and felt a little nauseous at times. Also, since you weren’t having caffeine anymore, you were beginning to get somewhat grumpy and broody at times, and Sebastian surprised you with how well he handled it. He remained calm, and patient and everything one needs to be while dealing with a pregnant woman.
And all of it just showed how much he cared. Some days were great, some days not so. But he stayed by your side through it all.
However, as some more weeks went on, his protective manner; his possessiveness was a quite a lot to deal with. Like this one time you went out with your close friends, and accidentally didn’t pick up some of Sebastian’s calls and he went crazy when you got home.
 “Where were you all day?” he asked, quite bitterly, as soon as you stepped inside the house. You could read him well now that you had lived with him for months, and you could tell he wasn’t his usual sweet self right now. He wasn’t Sebastian, he was the mob boss at the moment, interrogating you.
You could hear the worry, the fear, the anger and the slight hint of protectiveness in his voice.
“Sebastian, I was only gone for a couple of hours. I went to meet up with some friends.” You remained calm but you could see him getting more upset.
“You weren’t picking up my calls, you didn’t reply to any messages, that’s completely irresponsible. Don’t ignore me like that next time.” He sounded like he was trying to contain his irritation, and made it seem like you had done something terrible by missing his calls. He sounded a little angry.
You sighed and looked down at the, now slightly bigger, growing bump you had. You placed your hand over it instinctively, shielding it from its dad’s sudden change in behavior.
We got this, baby. Don’t worry.
“I wasn’t ignoring you. I was living my life, Seb. I have the right to see my friends.” You hated how you had to defend yourself for doing something so ordinary. This situation wasn’t so grave, but your hormones were acting up lately and you were very sensitive.
You felt your eyes starting to water and you felt even more terrible.
“I get that. I just needed to make sure my baby’s fine. I have the right to know!” he argued, still keeping his emotions under control, still he sounded a little bitter – maybe more than he intended to. His tone was very authoritative. And the slight change in his voice made you tear up.
Also, he said ‘my baby’ which seemed to you that he only cared about the baby, which he a hundred percent should but it hurt. It felt as though you meant nothing to him, and that hurt. It created an invisible distance between you and him.
“I get that I’m carrying your child. And you’re worried all the time, but I have a life too. I wouldn’t go anywhere which would put your child in danger, I’m not stupid.” Your tears fell, rather big ones so they didn’t go unnoticed by him despite the large distance between you and him.
You purposely laid emphasis on ‘your child’ and it hurt him just as much as it hurt you. He felt the distance being created as well. And he hated it. Sebastian cared about you and the baby equally, but he had phrased his previous words wrong. He wasn’t just concerned with the baby, no. He was worried about you as well.
He opened his mouth to say something but at the sight of your tears, all his anger vanished and the guilt settled in.
Oh no. He didn’t mean to upset you, he was just worried.
“I may be pregnant with your baby, Mr. Stan, but you don’t own me. You don’t get to have a say in what I should and shouldn’t do. I’m here because we signed a legal document, nothing more.”
Not Seb, but Mr. Stan. And that caught not only his attention, but the guards’ as well. And your last sentence hit him like multiple bullets at the same time. And he’s been shot in the arm before so he knew what kind of pain he was talking about.
It hurt after you said it. You didn’t mean it. But the hormones amplified everything you felt inside and the bitter words just slipped out, no filter.
You crossed the living room, placing a hand on your bump pretending that you were blocking out the bitter words from reaching the baby, and you walked over to your room. And just before you stepped inside you turned around and faced Sebastian again; who now stood in the middle of the living room, hating himself and regretting everything he just said.
“I get that you care about your baby but don’t try to control me like you own me. The baby might be all yours, but I’m not!” You said and rather dramatically slammed the door shut.
The sound of the door echoed in the living area. And not only Sebastian, but the guards were just as stunned as him because they had never seen this side of you. The guards knew the kind, gentle, sweet you. No one had ever seen the fiery side of you.
To a point where even the guards gave Sebastian a slight glare because he was being too much and too possessive.
Sebastian noticed the dirty looks he got from his own people, and he sighed and faced the one guard he’s known the longest.
“I just fucked up, didn’t I?” he asked him. And the guard just nodded slightly and Sebastian felt terrible. He lingered around the living room for a bit, drowning in guilt but he didn’t hear you cry so that was good.
 He figured you wouldn’t want to join him for dinner so he had his people order your favorites and had someone bring it to you in your room. He didn’t go near you, because he was certain that he was the last person you wanted to see right now.
But when one of the ladies who worked in his kitchen went to give you your food, Sebastian caught a glimpse of you from afar and he wanted nothing more than to just get on his knees and beg for your forgiveness. But he didn’t want to rile you up anymore, anger was bad for both you and the baby. So he kept his distance; drowning in guilt.
Seeing you accepted the food made him feel loads better, but that relief was temporary because he realized that he wouldn’t be sleeping in the same bed as you tonight.
He tossed and turn in his cold bed at night, upstairs in his bedroom. Far from you, and his little baby. Sebastian was miserable, he missed your warmth, and your little quiet snores which he had gotten used to. He missed how you shifted around and stole all the blanket and how he’d always have to grab the spare one.
Or how you would gravitate closer to him in your sleep and how many times he had whispered, “I think I’m falling for you, doll. Hard.” and kissed your forehead before drifting off to sleep. Or how many times he had woken up in the middle of the night just to make sure you’re okay while using the bathroom. And then waited for you to come back to bed again, so he could sleep again.
He missed the smell of the oil you used every day; which he didn’t get to rub on your bump today. And the sweet smell of your hair, and your favorite body lotion. Or how sometimes you’d get up and walk to the kitchen for ice cream and Sebastian would follow, trailing behind you and starting to notice the very brief change in the way you walk. He thought it was adorable.
He missed you. All of you.
Alright, fuck this.
 He got out of bed and walked downstairs quietly. He got worried for a second, seeing that the door to your room was still slightly open and the dim night light was on. But then he calmed himself down because the guards were all there. So maybe you had just returned from the kitchen, after a late night snack. Perhaps you went for the dark chocolate ice cream you’ve been loving lately.
And his heart ached at the very thought of what he did and said to you earlier. You didn’t deserve to hear that. You were perfect, you could do no wrong.
He sheepishly walked over to your room and leaned against the door frame.
You sat on the edge of the bed, on the side where he usually slept. And you had your back to him so you didn’t notice him yet. And he caught you talking to your baby bump and he melted instantly.
“… come on now, baby. Let’s just try to go to bed. We can’t trouble your daddy for every little thing now, can we? Besides, your daddy was a real butt today. And him and I are not friends right now, but he still loves you so much. He loves you more than anything, okay? Let’s just go to bed, honey.” He saw that you caressed your bump while you talked to it.
And then he remembered that as you neared your fifth month, you said that baby was beginning to move a little. And some nights, you had trouble falling asleep. And Sebastian felt like shit again because judging by the sound of your voice, he could sense that you were a little tired.
He walked into the room and shut the door behind him. The sound of the door let you know that he was in here with you. And your heart fluttered. Your anger had vanished, and so had his. So the two of you were just mushy for each other at this point. Either of you too scared to tell each other that nothing made sense when you were apart, or when not talking.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
Both of you apologized at the same time. And you began standing up but Sebastian rushed over to you and knelt down in front of you while you remained sat on the edge of the bed.
“I shouldn’t have yelled.” He said, lowering his head and reached out to hold your hand in his.
“I shouldn’t have either.” You said, squeezing his hand gently.
He looked up, his eyes glossier than earlier. He felt terrible, but didn’t glance down at your bump even once; which you found weird because normally he was obsessed with it. But Sebastian needed this moment to be between you and him. And as much as he loved his baby, he needed you as well. And he needed you to know how much you mean to him, and why he’s possessive sometimes. Or all the time rather.
He took a deep breath and began.
“My dad was… never good to my mom. Made her suffer a lot.” He took a pause and although he tried to hide it, you noticed the slight crack of his voice. And you began tearing up as well as you read in between the lines.
“He took her for granted. Things were never good between them, ever. And then one day, she just up and left.” He continued and stared deep into your eyes while he spoke. “I don’t blame her, because God knows my father was terrible. And she didn’t deserve the life he gave her, so she left him. Left me.” You could tell he was having trouble talking because you figured maybe he has never allowed anyone to see this side of him, ever.
“He didn’t cherish her like she deserved. And I was pretty young, I was barely an adult but I made a promise to myself that I will never, ever mistreat the mother of my kids like my father did.” He spoke, without breaking eye contact. And you knew what was coming.
“I can’t help what I feel for you, I just do. And I know I’m a lot to handle, and I get jealous and possessive but I- I don’t want you to leave me. I just want to keep you safe.” His voice cracked again.
And you had hot tears streaming down your face again. You were unable to find your voice to tell him that it’s okay, you’re not going anywhere.
“I love you.” he finally confessed, and looked down at your lap – where your intertwined hands laid on your warm skin. “And I’m so sorry about earlier. I got scared.” He looked up again and you saw the sadness in his eyes. “There’s a lot of… bad people out there. People who are willing to hurt everything and everyone I love. And if one of them ever hurt you and I wasn’t there to protect you, it- it would kill me.”
He brought your hand to his lips and gave it a kiss, letting his lips linger on your skin. “I got scared. I got so scared, I’m sorry.” He apologized again and kissed your hand again.
And you finally stopped crying and spoke up. “Hey,” you ran your other hand through his hair gently, affectionately. “I’m sorry too. And I love you.” You finally confessed and noticed how his entire face lit up. “But you need to calm down just a little bit, okay? I’m not careless with the baby, I promise.”
He nodded quickly and inched closer to you. And he immediately felt loads better when he caught the smell of your familiar scent; it calmed him down. “I know. You’re perfect, I shouldn’t have said that.” He admitted and you gently caressed his face to let him know that it was okay.
“I need to know, doll. Please tell me we’re more than just those legal documents.” He pleaded. And you cracked a little smile and looked down, wishing you could take back what you said.
“We are more.” You confirmed and he smiled.
 He leaned in and touched your forehead with his; it was an innocent, intimate gesture. You stayed like that for a while. Nothing had to be said, you both understood what the other meant.
“Be mine.” he said, after sometime and pulled away to look you in the eyes again.
You giggled and decided to lighten up the mood a little.
“I’m already pregnant with your child, what else do you want?” you joked, leaning in to gently rub the tip of your nose with his.
He had a big smile on his face as he finally looked down at your bump and leaned in to kiss it, caressing it with his other hand.
“Speaking of who, I heard that someone wasn’t letting you sleep.” He referred to what he had heard when he walked into the room. Sebastian gave your bump another kiss and looked up at you.
You smiled and nodded. “She’s being a bit of a trouble maker today.” You replied, looking down at your bump as well.
Sebastian gave you a funny look. “She, huh?” he pointed out.
“I have a feeling it’s a little girl. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like you’re gonna have a daughter.” It was true, something told you that it was a little girl in there.
Sebastian smiled and kissed the bump one more time, his soft lips lingering on your skin. “We, doll. We are gonna have a daughter.” He corrected you and when he looked up at you again, you sensed a shift in the air.
Everything felt warmer, and brighter. Like someone had flipped a switch and suddenly, everything was much clearer now. Like being in the shadows for long and just now discovering daylight.
“We.” You repeated.
 Such a small word, but it meant so much to the two of you.
 Sebastian seemed like he was lost in his thoughts for a moment, and you could almost see the mischief in his eyes when he looked back in yours again.
“Well, guess daddy has to make sure both his girls get some much needed rest.” He said, voice barely above a whisper as he leaned in close to you. “Do you trust me, doll?” he asked, needing your consent before he showed you just how much he loved you.
And as soon as you said yes, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours; kissing you deeply and passionately while still being soft and gentle. His hands reached up to cup your face and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss while he gently pushed you down on the bed.
He kissed you deeper again and then pulled away to look into your eyes. His body leaned over yours and he admired you for a moment, with a lovesick smile on his face. Then he got off you and knelt in between your legs again.
He gently lowered your satin PJ shorts down your legs; getting rid of it and kissed your bump again.
You giggled and tried sitting up, but he pushed you back down gently and leaned in to kiss your inner thighs. He placed both his hands on either one of your knees and separated your legs, settling in between them like he belonged there.
His hand slowly dragged your underwear down your legs and threw it around somewhere behind him as he inched his face closer to your already dripping core.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He mumbled and brushed his soft lips along your inner thighs, making you giggle and moan quietly under your breath.
Your bump hid half of his face but you could feel his warm breath hit your wet skin. He kissed his way up to your bump again and held your stare as he peppered your skin with kisses.
He kissed his way down to your core yet again and you moaned out loud when you felt his warm tongue lick from your entrance up to your clit. You felt your heart flutter and a warmth washed over you immediately.
Your hand immediately flew to his messy bed hair, and you grabbed a fistful of it, tugging on it gently as his mouth teased you. His tongue slowly circled around your clit and he earned another moan out of you. As though your senses were heightened, you felt even warmer and tingly as his mouth moved against you.
There was not an ounce of shame in his actions, he ate you out eagerly; satiating both your hunger. He looked up at you and you saw the pure hunger in his eyes. And he saw the need in yours. So he gave you his all. He had you squirming, moaning – a complete mess under him in no time.
He would alternate between kissing his way up to the underside of your bump and back down to where you needed him the most. Your skin was warm, and your scent was familiar and he was hooked to your taste almost immediately.
He did ask you the occasional, “You okay, babe?” and you would reply by tugging on his hair and he’d smirk and get back to it; pleasuring you and making up for all that happened earlier.
Your eyes shut and your legs trembled as you felt his tongue against you, and he locked his arms around your thighs and pushed your core further into his mouth and making you cry out of pleasure. The lower half of his mouth was drenched with your wetness but he still couldn’t get enough.
With a couple more strokes of his tongue, he had you coming undone; gushing out all over his tongue as he lapped up whatever you gave him; making you gasp and moan. The wet sounds erupting whenever his mouth sucked on your sensitive clit were downright sinful.
You felt tingly as the warmth washed over you. You felt him kissing his way up your body; leaving warm, wet kisses all over your skin, especially around your bump, until he reached your mouth again. His kiss was gentle. When he pulled away, you finally opened your eyes to stare into his blue orbs.
“You have no idea how much you mean to me.” He whispered, looking deep into your eyes, body hovering above yours. “You’re all I have, babe.” He spoke again, and leaned in to kiss along your jaw and down your neck.
“You’re all I have too.” You whispered, sliding your hands into his hair. He pulled away from your skin and looked into your eyes again.
“I love you.” he said again.
You smiled.
“I love you too.”
He leaned in for a kiss again. He kissed your skin; from your mouth to your neck as he lowered his sweats and carefully slid into you. Your walls welcomed him perfectly and he moaned under his breath as he filled you up entirely, inch by inch.
He knew he had to be just a little more careful and gentle, but that was okay. That only gave him more time to feel all of you, and bask in your warmth.
He gave you a few seconds, watching you intently to see if you showed any sign of discomfort or pain but when you didn’t, he slowly rocked his hips against you. Gently, removing himself from you and then pushing back into you again, just as slow as the first time.
You whined in pleasure and your back arched off the bed just a little as you felt his thick cock filling you up; snug inside you. Sebastian felt your warm bump press against him while your walls wrapped around him just right, and he wished he could spend forever there on that bed with you.
He laced your fingers together and pinned both your hands above your head as he sped up just a little into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head once he started rocking in and out of you. He leaned in and kissed your lips again, groaning and panting against your lips as he fucked you slowly.
The air around you got warmer again, his movements were gentle, and passionate and loving. His hips rolled against your body perfectly, and his body weight pressing down gently on you was comforting. His grip around your hand tightened each time you’d moan his name out loud; something told you he liked it.
He stopped at some point and let go of your hands and lifted his upper body off yours momentarily. He kept his cock buried deep in you while his hands unbuttoned the top of your PJs in a haste. As soon as the top was unbuttoned, he leaned in to kiss your skin from your collar bones to down your chest. And you giggled when he took one of your sensitive nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue.
You lowered your eyes to look at where his mouth latched on to your body, also the mere sight of his cock being buried deep within you was enough to make your arousal flow out of you even more.
His mouth left your breast and his reach out to gently massage both of them with his hands as he leaned in to kiss your lips again.
“You’re mine.” he whispered against your lips, and leaned in to kiss you deeply as he started moving his hips again; rocking in and out of you again.
You felt all of him; each inch of his skin, each vein on his cock against your walls as he deliberately stroked your walls as slowly as he could just to make you whine and whimper in pleasure.
You moaned as you looked into his eyes; his stare was intense, but loving. His lips were parted as he looked down at you like you were as important as the air he breathed.
Messy hair, a thin layer of sweat covering both your bodies, swollen lips and marks of his adoration all over your neck and chest; you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And in that moment he knew, that he would protect you with his life and never let you go.
You felt his cock hit all the right spots each time he moved against you, and his lips parted and he groaned the moment your walls started clenching around him.
His brows furrowed as he tried so hard to hold back and make you cum before he did, but it was hard. Sebastian knew he wouldn’t last very long the moment his name left your lips; sinful and hot – but also so innocent and pure; like you needed him more than anything.
He smiled and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “I’m here, babe. I’m right here.” He whispered, voice strained and gravelly; which sent chills down your body.
You felt the pressure building in between your hips. Sebastian noticed how your walls squeezed around him and he smirked as his hands reached down and grabbed your hips gently and kept you in place as he sped up into you; his cock slipping in and out of you with ease. Your bodies moved perfectly against each other.
He held you as close to him as he could, pushing his face into you and nuzzling your neck as he made you cum around him.
With a few more strokes of his cock, you came undone; gushing out all over him. You came around his cock with a loud moan; grinding against him hungrily while he moaned against your lips as he came right after you.
You felt his beard tickle your skin as he kissed your forehead and covered your tangled bodies with the soft blanket. You sighed in his arms and instinctively snuggle up to his side, and he held you close.
“I think she likes your scent. She always calms down whenever I smell your cologne.” you whispered and Sebastian chuckled and leaned in to kiss your forehead again and his hand caressed your bump gently.
He then slide down the bed a little to talk to bump like he had the habit of doing ever since you began showing.
“Think she is daddy’s girl already.” He said and gave your bump a kiss again. “I love you so much.” He said to the baby and did this adorable thing where he pressed his entire face against your bump. You giggled when he did that and you slid your hand through his hair; playing with the dark lengths of his soft hair.
“But we have to let mom sleep. She’s tired, and I upset her today. Which I apologized for, don’t worry mom and I are talking again so, we’re all good here…” Sebastian went on to talk to your bump, filling the baby in with all that’s going on but you zoned out.
Guess with all that was going on you didn’t realize that given you and Sebastian end up together, that meant that he wouldn’t be the only parent anymore. You would be a mom as well. And you hadn’t realized that you had been silently crying at the thought of all that.
The sound of you sniffling caught Sebastian’s attention. And he gave your bump one last kiss and slide his body up to you again.
“What’s wrong, babe?” he asked softly, wiping away your tears.
You bit your lip and looked at him. And you began overthinking again. What if he’s just attached to you now because of the baby? What if that goes away once the baby is here and not a part of you anymore? What if what he feels for you changes?
And you ended up asking him all those questions, unable to hold back.
Sebastian just sighed as he heard you, and wrapped his arm around you and pulled your bare body closer to him.
“Hey, don’t you dare doubt my feelings for you.” he said softly, his tone calm and gentle. “I’ve liked you since day one. So technically I fell for you even before our baby happened.” He sounded just a little playful. And his choice of words made you crack a little smile.
“I’m not in love with you just because you’re pregnant with my baby.” he caught your full attention. And held your stare while he spoke.
“The baby just amplified all that I felt for you since the beginning, babe. When I met you for the first time, I knew deep inside me that I needed you to be in my life, for a long time. I didn’t know it was love, then. But I do now. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, babe. The fact that you’ll be giving birth to my baby is just bonus at this point.” He explained and gave you another kiss on your forehead.
“I know it feels like we’re moving fast babe but, I’m sure about us, okay? I need you to stop questioning what we have. We’re okay. We’re gonna be okay.” He gave you the reassurance you needed. And you wrapped your own arm around him and pushed your face into the crook of his neck.
You sniffled again, no longer tearing up. “I love you, Seb.”
He smiled and rubbed your back gently. “I love you more. It’s late babe, go to sleep,” he mumbled under his breath and that was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep.
It wasn’t long before Sebastian heard your soft snores, and he made sure the blankets covered your bare frame well, and he held you close to him. He was grateful that you were here with him, thanking fate, or the universe or whatever it was that helped him find you.
He had never felt so happy, warm and content. He looked down at you, safe in his arms. Then he looked at the bump you had; inside which his baby was safe and growing steadily. He smiled at how he would soon have a little family.
“I love you. Both of you, more than anything.” He whispered and kissed the top of your head before he drifted off to sleep as well, excited for the coming days.
Afterglow Tag List (OPEN):
@weirdvishy @i-will-be-there-one-day @moowaa-us
Seb Tag List:
@almond-butter @chontellaa 
Permanent Tag List:
@james-buchanan-bcrnes @babyyysucc @supernatural-fanfic @buckybarnesplumwhore 
Everything Tag List:
@cherryslibrary @kenzieam
2K notes · View notes
shorkbrian · 4 years
Ahhh, if it's not too much trouble, can you do another part to that pervy sero post where he makes the reader watch porn and stuff, but this time like... fully forces himself onto reader to make sure sure learns abt the stuff he forces her to watch, or maybe he gets kaminari to join in to prove how "normal" it is for friends to watch porn together? Thank you so much!!
Hi!!! bro of course I can!
Prelude - Sero is saved the trouble of thinking up an excuse to get reader to come “hang out” with him because reader gets some bad anxiety the second he approaches her! I tried to make it clear that reader is like HECKA anxious but doesn’t realize it cause sometimes!!! you aren’t able to tell!!! and if your partner is a specific breed of awful, they’ll take your hesitance and vulnerability and swoop in and coerce you into doing something you aren’t sure about. Also, Sero knows a lot about sex and is manipulating reader and giving her false information. Don’t be like Sero.
Prompt - above babeyyy
Pairings - Sero Hanta X Reader
Warnings - NSFW, coercion, dub con, non con. Sero is a manipulative little bitch.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/7po7c8LzxTZ0ybU41qT5gD?si=5a1Bo4SURJmaQGw-gky-kA
“Hey, (Y/N)!”
You ignored the cheerful voice calling your name, continued walking through the crowd of students towards your next class, backpack slung over your shoulder.
“(Y/N)! Wait up!”
You knew who the voice belonged to. You knew Sero was just going to ask you to hang out in his room after class, or wanted to show you another inappropriate picture or video off one of the lewd sites he frequents. If you were unlucky, he’d pull you away from class, make up some stupid excuse and beg for you to come hang out with him cause he’s “lonely” and needs a friend.
Ever since he had you jerk him off (over his boxers) in his room, you’d avoided your friend like the plague. You felt so awkward around him now, embarrassed in his presence. You really felt uncomfortable spending time with him, even when the rest of your friend group was present. He had said it was a normal thing for friends to do, that he and Denki watched porn together all the time. 
Still, you just felt…. Well, weird. The whole situation was weird and you preferred not to think about it, to just avoid Sero and keep your head down, focus on school and training and your other friends.
Sero had other plans.
A hand grabbed your shoulder, spinning you around to face , almost throwing you off balance.
“Why’re you ignoring me? I called your name like, six times bro.” Sero pouted down at you, eyes big and round and you could already tell he was going to guilt you into doing something you’d rather not.
Taking a deep breath, you forced a quick smile on your face, before answering your friend.
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Aw, it’s fine.” He patted your shoulder, before guiding you (pushing you) to the side of the hallway, out of the general traffic of the other students. “Anyways, I’ve missed you. I feel like we haven’t been able to hang out, y’know… just the two of us.”
He hadn’t removed his hand from your shoulder, soothingly rubbing his thumb over your uniform. It was hard to focus on what he was saying while he was touching you, while he was pressing you closer to the wall, shielding you from the throng of other students with his body. It was so loud, everyone talking to their friends, talking about homework and the upcoming math test and-
“Are you okay dude? You seem kind of…. Out of it.”
You were kind of breathing hard, and your stomach felt bad. It hadn’t before? Maybe you were coming down with something. You shrugged, trying to knock his hand off your shoulder. His dimpled smile faltered as he drew back, giving your body a concerned once-over. 
“Actually, I don’t feel too good right now Sero… I think I’m gonna go see the nurse.” Before you could push past him and head for the nurse, Sero grabbed your hand, putting his other hand up to your forehead. His skin was cool, soft, fingers long as they pressed to check your temperature. 
“Hm, you don’t have a fever. You probably just ate something bad at lunch. I have Tums in my room, c’mon, they’ll help you feel better!” The male grabbed your wrist, tugged you away from the wall, hesitating when you dug your heels in, reluctant to go with him. 
“Ah, that’s okay!” You sputtered, “I have class and I don’t wanna miss it, and uh, I don’t know what “Tums” are, and my mom told me I should try to stay away from medicine cause-“
Sero’s abrupt laugh cut into your rambling, and you stopped talking, looking up at your friend in confusion.
“Tums are antacids that help settle upset tummies dude! I take them sometimes after I smoke a bit too much.” He winked at you, dimples showing as he smiled.
 “Plus class is gonna start any second now, you’d be late anyways. Might as well skip.”
The bell rang.
You fidgeted, looking around at the now-empty hall, not realizing that the other students had slowly dissipated, filing into their respective classrooms. Sero was right, you didn’t feel feverish, you just felt nauseous and shaky. Maybe taking an antacid would help? Sero was your friend, he was just looking out for you, it wouldn’t hurt to skip class and hang out in his room, would it?
Your stomach twinged, and another wave of nausea bubbled up inside of you. That made up your mind. 
“Alright, fine. But if I get in trouble, it’s your fault!” You conceded, smiling as Sero pumped his fist in the air.
“Yeah! Hangout time!”
“But -“ You paused, biting your lip. This was an awkward thing to say to him would he think you’re a bad friend? “Can you uh… well, can you not do anything like….. weird?”
You hoped he knew what you meant by “weird”.  
“Weird” was touching your friends in intimate places, or having them touch you.
 “Weird” was watching porn together, asking your friends which part they thought was the sexiest. “Weird” was the feeling that arose whenever Sero approached you, the sinking of your stomach, the gross taste in your mouth, the cold sweat that broke out whenever he asked if you wanted to “relieve some stress” with him.
“Of course, I’d never do /anything/ to you that you wouldn’t like. I’m your friend, (Y/N), and friends take care of each other.” Sero assured you, letting go of your wrist to give your shoulder a reassuring pat. You exhaled in relief, smiling back at him, before Sero started moving again, motioning for you to follow him. “Now, let’s go get to helping you feel better.”
Sero pulled open his desk drawer, urging you to “Go ahead and get comfortable man” with a gentle nod of his head towards the bed. You let your backpack slip to the floor, sighing when the heavy weight left your shoulders. Sero hadn’t made his bed that morning, but  you figured he probably hadn’t been expecting company.  
Smoothing out the blankets, you took a seat, watching your black-haired friend sift through his desk drawers, looking for the antacid tablets he had promised. 
 A triumphant “Aha!”  signaled that he had found them, holding the little bottle up high as he turned towards you. But  the male didn’t offer you the bottle, nor open it to measure out the tablets for you. He shook it,  but there was no familiar noise of pills rattling inside, instead the two of you were met with silence.
“Aw, shit, I’m sorry (Y/N). I guess I used them all up.” The empty bottle was placed on the desk. “But I have another idea that might work, if you’d like to try it?”
You shrugged,  hand coming to poke at your stomach “It’s okay, don’t worry. I can just go to the nurse-“
“C’mon, that’s on the other side of campus. You really gonna walk all that way? Let me help you out.”
“Really, I’ll be oka-“
“Naw, I found something you’ll probably like - It’s a good flavor.”
You could do nothing but blink at your friend as he plopped down beside you on the bed. He was holding a bottle, one that looked almost like faceewash? But he had said it was a good flavor - did he want you to eat it? You summed all your thoughts up eloquently -“What the fuck is that?”
Sero shook the bottle before he popped open the top, squeezing a gelatinous goop onto his pointer finger.
“It’s just something that tastes good, y’know? Like uh,” He thought for a second  “Jelly! Or like a Gogurt but less sweet. Might help your stomach to settle down.”
Of course Sero would still eat Gogurts. He probably had a stash of them somewhere that he saved for after he smoked, when he got - you had learned from Mina what it was called - the munchies. He offered his pointer finger, obviously wanting you to taste the goop;  you did nothing but stare at it.  
“Don’t be like that, c’mon, try it! It’s good, I promise.”
You weren’t swayed by his playful urging. And you definitely weren’t going to lick that stuff (whatever it was) off of Sero’s finger. Realizing you had no plans to move, Sero sighed, before bringing his finger up to his mouth and popping the digit in to suck off the gel.
“I swear it tastes good, you’ll like it. Here, give me your hand?”
The goop was room temperature, thick, kind of like aloe vera. You brought your hand up to your face, touching your thumb to your pointer finger to feel the gel Sero had squirted onto your finger. It smelled faintly like artificial strawberries, a bit too sweet and unnatural, similar to the fake strawberry scent of a bad candle. You tried not to wrinkle your nose. Hesitantly, you swiped a bit of the gel off your finger with your tongue, smacking your lips together as you savored the flavor.
“Haha, I was right, wasn’t I?” Sero laughed as you licked the rest of the sweetness off your finger, and you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Yeah, so shut up, you Gogurt eating baby.” 
Sero rolled his eyes as you stuck your tongue out at him. “I knew you were gonna bring that up! Let it go man, Gogurts absolutely rock.”
You ignored his statement, eagerly sticking your hand out so Sero could give you more of the gel. Despite its suspiciously artificial smell, the gel actually wasn’t too bad.  A surprise, but a welcome one nonetheless. Sero held out his hand.
“Ah, wait, I wanna try something.”
With a questioning look in your eyes, you watched Sero toss the bottle to his side, watched the male scoot backwards, spread out his legs. He reached for his pants, started unzipping them, and that’s when it clicked.
“Sero, I can’t believe you, again? This is so weird and so gross, I’m not touching your penis. It was fucking awkward the first time, and I’m not doing it again. Go find some other girl to - to do whatever it is you’re doing!”
Outburst finished, you huffed, cheeks flaming, ready to grab your backpack and stomp out of his room. The nauseous feeling was back, your stomach tight and legs wobbly.
Sero burst out laughing.
“Jesus (Y/N), do you even pay attention to the videos I send you? I mean, “penis”, really?? No one calls it that except for like, sex ed teachers or weird perverts.” You sputtered in indignation, irritated firstly at his nonchalant manner, secondly by the round-about way the male accused you of being a pervert. 
Before you had a chance to open your mouth to defend your word choice, Sero continued.
“I thought it was clear “what I was doing” when I brought out the lube. It’s like you’re not even trying to get comfortable with sex stuff. I’ve been putting all this effort into being a good friend, trying to make sure you won’t get made fun of for being a prude. I help you not look like an idiot when you don’t know what Denki’s saying when he talks about how his latest lay could deep throat. I’ve offered to teach you how to kiss like, a thousand times. Seriously, I’m just trying to help you out, and you’re acting like I’m trying to hurt you.” Sero buried his head in his hands.
“I…… That’s not….” You trail off, distinctly reminded of the last time you were in his room, when you hadn’t known what to say and ended up with your hand on Sero’s crotch; the ravenette talking you through what was happening in the porn he was having you watch. It hadn’t been pleasant, but it had been informative. You hadn’t learned much, but you knew what anal was now, so…. there’s that.
“I’m doing my best to help you learn this stuff, but if you won’t even look at the videos I send…”
You knew Sero was just trying to look out for you, but you don’t remember ever asking him to teach you about sex. You weren’t sure you wanted him to.
“Look, Sero… I just feel like this is a bit too much. I don’t wanna…. Well, I don’t want to…. y’know…”
“Fuck? You aren’t ready to get fucked so good you cry? I get that.” Sero interjected, meeting your eyes with a smirk before you could look away. “It’s really intimidating your first time, but I wasn’t going for that.”
You lifted your head. “You weren’t?” He had been unzipping his pants, what else could he have been getting ready to do? It’s not like hanging out with a friend required nudity. At least, in your experience.
“Of course not, I know you couldn’t handle something like that.”
That stung. Did Sero think you were weak? What even was going on - he was sweet one second, and then almost mean the next. Backhanded comments and rude suggestions,  you wished he was teasing. Maybe you were reading this wrong, and he was just teasing you? Him and Denki got a kick out of flustering you when the three of you met, and every time they ran into you after that, even after you joined their friend group.
“I was gonna show you how blowjobs work, and it’ll be easy since you like the taste of the lube.”
Appalled, you jerked away from your friend, eyes widening. “Woah, woah, I just said I don’t want-“
“-To fuck, I heard you.” Sero assured you. “But this is - it’s not even sex, it’s a blowjob. C’mon, it’ll be okay, blowjobs are easy.”
He was grabbing the bottle (which you now knew held lube) and shuffling his pants down, along with his boxers. You didn’t have time to protest before his cock was out, twitching in the cool air of his room. Sero hissed at the temperature difference of the lube as he squirted a generous amount of it into his palm, wrapping his hand around the reddened shaft.
 A few quick strokes left his length glistening, covered in the gel, applied so generously that a few drops rolled down, dripped onto the wiry black pubes at the base. Sero licked his palm messily, doing a poor job of cleaning off the excess lube, urging you to crawl forward and kneel between his spread legs.
“Here, see? It’s fine. We’re not even gonna think about deepthroating or face-fucking, alright? You go at your own pace.”
You felt sick. But it’s not like Sero was forcing you to do this - he wasn’t shouting or holding you down; his posture was relaxed, easy smile showing off his dimples. You didn’t like the sound of “facefucking”, and you knew what deepthroating was, and you were relieved Sero didn’t expect that of you. Taking a deep breath, you scooted forward, pausing before any part of you came into contact with the black-haired male.
“I don’t know…. What….?” You whispered, afraid of your own voice. You were blushing so hard, you wanted to cover your face, but that would just draw more attention to the fact that you were beyond embarrassed, flushed and sheepish. You’d really rather not do any of this, but Sero was right - it wasn’t sex, it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Just one friend helping out another, right?
“Just start out slow, y’know? Try to lick all the lube off.”  
His suggestion seemed easy enough, so you leaned forward, darting your tongue out to hesitantly lap at his cock. You were met with the pleasant taste of the lube, able to detect an underlying flavor of salty sweat. It wasn’t horrible.
You grew bolder, letting your tongue loll out of your mouth to lick broad stripes up the shaft, making Sero groan and fist his hands into the blankets by his hips. The sound made your insides twist, but you were fine - this was fine.
“Aw, you’re doing good. Mm - you can try putting a little bit in your mouth if you want. But watch your teeth, dicks are sensitive okay?”
You put the tip into your mouth, trying to make sure your teeth didn’t scrape or bite. Running your tongue around the squishy glans, you jumped when you felt Sero’s hand on your head. But he didn’t grab, push you down further or hold you in place. The ravenette let his hand smooth over your hair soothingly, petting at your head they way one would pet a cat.
“Fuck, can you - can you try sucking on it? That’s how you give a real blowjob.”
It was hard not to gag, hard to draw your thoughts away from what you were doing with your mouth and the soft, tight skin you were rubbing with your tongue. It felt weird, you felt weird, and you weren’t sure it was in a good way. But you wanted to try your best, not leave Sero hanging. You remember what he had said last time about teasing bitches, and you were afraid he might think you were leading him on if you stopped now..
Breathing through your nose, you hollowed your cheeks, creating a tight suction around the head of Sero’s cock. When you sucked, his dick jumped (it was hard to keep your mouth wrapped tight around his dick - you hadn’t been expecting it to move), and Sero patted your head softly.
“Yeah, just like that. Keep going.”
You did, rhythmically sucking at the glans, rubbing your tongue around the spongy head, popping off occasionally to lick up your excess saliva before it could roll too far down his length. Sero became increasingly more vocal, low moans and blissful sighs leaving his lips in between his gentle instructions.
“You, ah, you remember what we did last time? When you used your hand?”
Drawing back, you nodded. “A hand job.” 
“Mmhm, good job. Do that around the part that’s not in your mouth, yeah?”
Tentatively, you wrapped your hand around the base, cringing at the slick feeling of too much lube and your own saliva. You gave the shaft a long, slow stroke, before fitting your mouth over the top again, suckling hard. 
Sero let out a throaty groan, encouraging you to move faster, tighten your grip just a bit, suck a little bit more of his length into your mouth.  His cock jumped again, once, twice - and then warmth spurted out of the tip. 
You gagged immediately and pulled your mouth back and off his length. Before you could remove your hand, Sero trapped it under his own, using your palm to jack himself through his orgasm, abs tight and head tilted back, his dark eyes closed in bliss.
When you had given him a handjob for the first time, the male had cum, but the mess was (mostly) contained by his boxer briefs. 
Thick streams of whiteish fluid (cum, you knew from the few videos that Sero had forced you to watch) streamed out from the tip, slowly bubbling over and coating your conjoined hands, making everything even messier.
Sero gradually released your hand, letting you pull back from his body, trying not to cringe in disgust at the stickiness covering your hand. You wanted to wipe it off, clean up - now that Sero had orgasmed you were going to run to the locker rooms and scrub yourself in a hot shower.
But as Sero panted, uncaring of the mess dripping to his sheets, he caught your gaze with his own, giving you a lopsided grin. “That was really good (Y/N), you’re a natural.”
The praise reached your ears, but you didn’t feel the little spike of pride that you normally associated with being complimented. 
“Uh… Thanks, I guess.”
Sero reached over to his nightstand, snagging a pocket-pack of tissues, pulling out a few for himself, tossing one to you.  You scrubbed at your cum-covered hand, sopping up the mess before lobbing the soiled tissue into the wastebasket by his desk.
“Okay, um - I’m gonna go now, I guess I’ll see you later.”
How did one leave gracefully after such an exchange? 
Sero’s hand shot out (thankfully now clean) and grabbed your ankle, swiftly pulling you towards him across the bed, causing you to fall onto your back, squeaking in shock.
“Hold on! You’ve got me off twice now, it’s bad etiquette if I didn’t try to return the favor.”
“No! No, really, I’m okay!” You held out your hands, leg wriggling to free yourself from his grasp. “I don’t mind, it’s okay!”
Sero cocked his hand, slowly beginning to rub his hand up and down your calf, in a mockery of a massage. “I know you’re okay, I want to make you feel great. I’m good at this next part.”
He winked, the hand not rubbing your calf coming to pull at your school skirt, flipping it up to reveal your panties. You whined, trying to push it back down, cover yourself, but Sero clicked his tongue, easily batting your hands away.
“Don’t be shy baby,  you got nothing to hide.”
“Sero, this is really making me uncomfortable - I don’t -“
“Shh, hey, you know I would never hurt you. I’m your friend, and I only want what’s best for you.”
Your panic was rising, blooming in your chest like a heavy flower, petals dropping and falling to your stomach to dissolve into acid that boiled into nausea. But that was just nerves, right? 
Sweat was already pooling on your back, slicking up your hands, making your hair cling to your forehead. 
Sero was your friend, but this was starting to feel a little unfriendly. But you didn’t have time to think when his hands were pulling down your panties, exposing your cunt to his hungry gaze.
“Damn, you’re real pretty.”
You squirmed, opened your mouth to protest, but Sero was hefting one of your legs over his shoulder, opening you up for easier access to your folds. He was going too fast, this was all going too fast and you couldn’t-
Long fingers swiped along the outside of your pussy, sending a twinge of sensation (pleasure?) up into your tummy.  They stroked up and down, spread your folds, tapped around the puffy pink skin until they came in contact with your clit. With a gasp, your hips involuntarily bucked, chasing the sensation. Sero grinned at you.
“See? It only gets better. Let me take care of yo, it’ll all be okay.”
His fingers continued to pet you, slowly collecting wetness as it seeped out of your pussy, shame coloring your cheeks and making your arms curl across your chest, as if to hold yourself. Sero didn’t seem to mind, not when he was so focused on touching you.
He used his other hand to pat around the bedspread, looking for the lube he had so carelessly dropped earlier. When he found it, you heard the cap flick open, and then the cold gel was squirted onto the top of your slit. You gasped, squeezing your eyes shut, trying to keep your hips from jumping forward when Sero massaged the lube onto your pussy, using three fingers to smush and spread the lube around.
It felt exquisite.
Your thighs were tensing, short, little spasms of the muscle each time his fingers came into contact with your clit, and you could feel your pussy pulsing, oozing out wetness. Breathing shakily, you whined when Sero traced a single finger around your hole, teasing.
“I’m gonna finger you open, alright? You look so sexy like this, letting me make you feel good.”
His finger entered you slowly, a long, steady press. It was uncomfortable, but not exactly unpleasant, and smooth due to the lube. You wanted him to wait, to let you adjust to the intense sensation, gather your senses, but the ravenette kept steady, drawing his finger out at the same pace before pushing it back in.
Sero’s thumb rubbed at your clit, swiping back and forth, smushing the little nub and making you (to your embarrassment) moan. It felt good, the nausea in your stomach fading as the pleasure built.
Next thing you knew, Sero was fucking you with two fingers, then three, increasing the pace on each addition.  Your hips were bucking wildly, thrusting down each time his fingers pushed up, fucking yourself on his long, slim digits.
“Sero, Sero, ah, ah-“
You cried, and your friend swore under his breath, before his hand left your cunt empty. Opening your eyes, you barely had time to look at the male questioningly before he was grabbing your hips, flipping you over onto your stomach. You squirmed, able to feel your hole clenching and unclenching rhythmically - you felt unusually empty.
Something hard and hot was pressed against you, Sero leaning over you, his legs on either side of your own as he pulled your hips up and back, putting you on your knees.
“Calm down, I’m only gonna put in the tip. It’s not sex, no need to worry.”
The tip? 
You realized what was happening, why he turned you over, what was pressing up against your folds, what the male mean’t by “just the tip”
“Wait!!-“ You thrashed, breathing heavily, clawing at the sheets to pull yourself forward, away, anywhere but pressed up against your friend.
But Sero was stronger than you, had your hips in a bruising grip as he pressed forward, his cock breaching your hole. He kept you still as he thrust shallowly, keeping to his promise of “just the tip”.
It was bigger than his three fingers had been, and the stretch burned. It quickly simmered to a slow build of pleasure in your tummy, ramping up when a hand snaked around your hip, coming to roll and pinch and slap at your clit gently.
“Sero!” Whining, you couldn’t stop your hips from moving, pushing back towards that delicious friction against your clit, the gentle thrusts just barely entering your cunt. You didn’t want him to go any further, but your body craved for more.
The male seemed to sense this, or maybe he was just too wound up, but on his next thrust, he went too far inside, kept on going, pressing, rutting inside your until he was buried to the hilt.
Sero had officially gone too far.
“This is-“ you gasped as he rubbed your clit feverishly, interrupting your thoughts., distracting you from the burning stretch of his entire cock being plunged into you. It was a struggle to regain them again. “Sero this is too-too far. It’s wrong! Stop!”
He laughed, his throaty voice trailing off into a groan.
“If it’s so wrong, why are you about to cum? Girls can’t cum if they don’t want it.”
Horrifingly, he was right - you were about to cum. The pleasure was building and rising, it wouldn’t stop. You had no time to breathe, or to even cry as Sero began hammering into your cunt, energetic, chasing after his own pleasure while speeding you towards your own.
Each thrust hit deep, his hips twisting on each thrust so his cock /swirled/  up against your walls as he pushed into you. It was entirely too much, and yet he wouldn’t stop.  He was moaning and swearing behind you, puncturing each push of his hips with a “so good baby” or “your pussy is so tight, fuck.”.
You didn’t know what to focus on.
Sero shifted, and his next thrust hit something deep inside of you, and you couldn’t help but wail as you came. Sero groaned as your pussy squeezed him tightly, his thrusts increasing in speed until he pulled out, furiously jacking his cock over your back.
You barely even flinched when you felt warmth drip onto your skin, where your shirt had ridden up.
No longer held up by Sero’s strong arms, you collapsed forward onto his bed, confused, relaxed, filled with countless emotions that you couldn’t even begin to identify. Sero flopped down beside you, utterly spent, panting heavily. There was silence between the two of you as your breathing evened, coming down from your high. You felt exhausted.
“Sex feels really good, doesn’t it?” Sero broke the silence, reaching over to rub your shoulder. “I’m sorry about going so deep, guess I got kinda caught up in the moment, y’know?”
You didn’t.
At this point, you didn’t even know what to feel.
Didn’t even know what to do.
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Prom Date (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Summary: It’s approximately 2030, and you were in the graduating high school class of 2021. Your boyfriend, Frankie, is slightly older than you and doesn’t know that you never got a prom, a graduation, any of it. Being the sweetheart he is, he decides that he needs to fix that. 
Warnings: cursing, the tiniest allusions to Frankie’s drug problem and his ex-wife, cavity-inducing fluff
WC: 3.4k
A/N: Okay, this one goes out to the kids who don’t get the chance for prom because of COVID: that sucks. This is my fix-it fic for you! This takes place after the events of Triple Frontier mainly because I didn’t want to write Tom but as if it happened a number of years after it did in the timeline so it’s maybe around 2030 here and the heist happened in like 2028ish then? So Frankie’s the age he was then, separated from the mom of his kid, and getting maybe like 50/50 custody of her. Here’s my inspo for what Luna, Frankie’s baby looks like! Her mom is only briefly mentioned but that’s where the gray eyes come from, the brown wavy hair is all him 💖. Also, I think the nickname Thumper is adorable for little kids who have lots of energy (it was also my nickname as a baby) and so Frankie most definitely calls Luna “Thumper”. I also, naturally, have inspo for the reader’s dress and Luna’s, but the outfits are never described specifically so you can feel free to imagine what you want for their outfits! Additional note: I don’t understand children’s milestones so please just suspend your disbelief if Luna is doing something that’s not fitting for a kid of 22 months, oops. Biggest thanks to @lunasblipsandblurbs​ and @ilikechocolatemilkh​ for their help- there may or may not be two characters named after them in here ;) and as always, my trusty proofreader Miki (who’s a nerd and doesn’t have Tumblr)
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Movie night was going as it usually did for you and Frankie Morales: the TV droned quietly in the background while you cuddled with him, sitting in his lap. The two of you chattered and made out instead of watching the movie. Somehow the conversation made its way to your high school experience. That was a long time ago now. Both of you were fully grown adults. Hell, Frankie had a baby, you were working on a Master’s degree, and the two of you lived in a house together. Your high school experience was far different from his, you two soon discovered. He had all of it; you had your junior and senior year during a pandemic.
Your boyfriend looks at you incredulously. “So you never had a prom?”
You shake your head. “I wish I did, but no. I cried so hard when they announced that it wouldn’t happen,” you admit with a sad smile. “My best friend and I still wore gowns and got dressed up, but we just took pictures in the park and ate Mexican food on the couch.”
“As much as that sounds like a blast, that’s so shitty,” Frankie chuckles and snuggles you closer to his chest. “Was all of your senior year like that?”
“Pretty much,” you nod. “Fully digital and everything. Didn’t even get the chance to go to my junior prom either.” 
“Jesus. And you had the shit luck to be born into the one year where you didn’t get either?” He asks, rubbing your back and nuzzling his face into your hair. 
“Class of ‘21, what a time,” you sigh. It was true- you were the one graduating class that the pandemic hit hardest. It had upset you at the time, but you had gotten over it by now. It was years ago anyway, that didn’t matter. “My luck can’t be that shit. I still have a pretty damn cute boyfriend,” you tease and lift your head, softly kissing his lips before breaking away and resting your head on his shoulder once more. 
Frankie pouts down at you. “But you got all of that taken from you! Senior year was supposed to be the time to slack off and have fun. I took, like, two shop classes and one on basic aviation. Didn’t do anything,” he laughs. 
“Even if I was at school, it wouldn’t have been like that for me, Frankie,” you chuckle softly. “I was taking a bunch of classes for college credits and everything.”
“I know, hermosa, you’re a nerd. Just play along with me this time,” he asks jokingly, jostling you around on his lap. 
“Frankie,” you squeal and cling to him, laughing. “Fine. Poor me, I didn’t get anything from my senior year. It has haunted me and made my life a living hell.” You give him a fake pout. “Is that better?”
A smile covers his face as he looks at you. “Much better. Because now that you’re upset, I’m going to get to make it better. We’re throwing you a prom.”
You immediately frown. “Frankie, we’re adults now. Prom is not important to me the way it was then,” you try to reason with him, but you know your boyfriend. If he’s got a plan, you can’t get him out of it. 
Frankie shakes his head and takes off his ball cap, setting it on your head teasingly. “Too bad. We’re having a prom for you, babe. You deserve it, a night all about you. Here, you know what?” He says, his face lighting up as another idea pops into his head. “We’ll do it for your birthday, since that’s coming up. We’ll have a birthday party-prom for you,” he says, absolutely beaming. 
“No, Frankie,” you start to protest, but he cuts you off. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun! We’ll dress Luna up, I’ll rent a tux, we can invite the boys,” he offers and the more he talks, the more you have to admit that this idea sounds like a blast. Your frown slowly eases into a smile as he talks. “Oh, you like it, this is happening,” he laughs and kisses your head, pulling you close to his chest. “Babe, will you be my prom date?”
“It’s not the most elegant of prom-posals,” you tease, “but it’ll do. Of course I will.” You nod and beam up at him. He kisses your forehead and the two of you return to watching the movie.
When the day, your birthday, rolled around, your first order of business was queueing the music for the night. Frankie had decided it was your night, and that made it that much easier for him to pin that responsibility on you. It was to ensure you liked the music that was playing, he had said, and he had half-heartedly meant it. 
As you sat on the bed you shared with your boyfriend, bouncing his daughter on your knee, you filled out the playlist for the dance. “There better be some Fleetwood Mac on there,” Frankie says with a grin as he walks into the room, fresh from the shower. Luna, his baby, reaches for him excitedly and he picks her up. “And maybe something like Baby Shark for this one,” he teases and blows a raspberry onto her tummy, earning a giggle from his daughter.
You grin up at him and his little girl, laughing. “Luna’s only in it for the pictures, come on,” you say and tilt your head as you look at him. “But you’ll be happy to know that I put down The Chain as the first song of the night.”
“Yes!” Frankie exclaims and flops down on the bed next to you, Luna giggling as the two of them fall. She crawls over to lie between the two of you, enjoying being between her two favorite people. “Aw, is that your mama?” He chuckles, and you shake your head.
“Frankie, no,” you say and bite your lip for a second, looking away from the two of them. You know she loves you, and you absolutely adore her, but it hurts your heart that you’ll probably be nothing more than Dad’s girlfriend to her. “She knows that.”
“Hey, she knows the difference in you and Maria,” he shakes his head. “But that’s her mother, and you’re her mama, right niña?” he coos to the little girl and she giggles, burying her face in your stomach. It melts your heart. “Yeah, your mama.”
“My niña,” you murmur happily and pull her up to your chest, wrapping your arms around her. Luna relaxes happily as her head meets your chest. Frankie chuckles a little at the fact that your Spanish grammar isn’t entirely correct, but he doesn’t challenge your words. “Are you gonna tell me what your daddy is planning for tonight?” You ask her, teasingly nonchalant, before looking down at Frankie.
His face holds a little bit of a red flush. “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” he says, playing it cool.
“I know you too well, Francisco,” you tease and look down at him, rubbing Luna’s back gently. “You’ve got some kind of surprise plan for tonight, and I can’t tell what it is, but I know you’re planning something. You’ve got the worst poker face,” you laugh and cup the side of his face with your hand, enjoying the feeling of the stubble beneath your palm.
Frankie shakes his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he repeats, but you can feel the way his skin warms with the lie. “I don’t have anything planned that you don’t know about,” he tells you quickly.
You simply smile at him and rub the side of his face. “That’s a blatant lie, babe. But I’ll let it slide, since I know whatever surprise it is will be a good one,” you chuckle and press your lips to his. He smiles back and cups your face too. Luna makes a noise of disgust and pushes the two of you away. You both laugh at her action and smile down at the little girl, a carbon copy of her father save for her eyes. She takes her tiny hands and puts them on either side of Frankie’s face, pressing a kiss to his nose. “Oh my god, Luna,” you laugh. “Am I not good enough for your daddy? Is he breaking up with me, is that it?”  You ask teasingly.
“I’m getting you dressed up and treating you nice before breaking up with you, yes,” Frankie retorts sarcastically and rests his head on your shoulder, picking up his little girl and bringing her to sit between the two of you, perfectly fitting in the space where your thighs press against each other. 
“You never know,” you shrug with a smile. Luna grabs your face and kisses your nose this time, and your heart melts. “Aw, thank you. We’re each getting some love, huh?” You ask the little girl and tug at her wavy brown whale-spout ponytail. “Well, I think you and I need to get all dolled up, don’t you think?” You ask her and she giggles excitedly, babbling an affirmation in her little speech pattern. 
Scooting off the side of the bed, you kiss Frankie sweetly before picking Luna up. “Alright, Thumper,” you say with a mock groan. “Wow, you’re growing so much,” you say as you jokingly grunt at the effort of holding her. “You’re gonna be as tall as your daddy soon!” Luna protests that, giggling and playfully hitting your arm, mimicking what she’s seen her father do teasingly.
Frankie watches the two of you adoringly, his heart in his eyes. The two girls that matter most to him. “Hopefully not,” he shakes his head, chuckling and simply watching the two of you interact.
Frankie and Santiago did a wonderful job decorating, and the backyard is beautiful just as the sun goes down. Twinkle lights line the perimeter of the stone patio, and the night is a wonderfully warm dream, the colors of the sky absolutely stunning with tiny cotton wisps floating through. The boys are all dressed in their tuxedos, Frankie even omitting his traditional ball cap and putting some gel into his curls, and you beam as you and their dates take pictures of the four of them. They’re making the “delta” symbol with their index fingers and thumbs, naturally, since the Delta Squadron seems to be their favorite thing to call themselves. “You look like a bunch of sorority girls,” you call out over the already-blasting music, making Frankie’s face flush slightly.
“Santi’s hot as hell, but you sure got the cute one,” Lex, Santiago’s date murmurs to you, and you laugh at that. You wink at Frankie and he winks back, right as you press the button to take the photo. “Look at that, I mean come on,” she laughs and nudges your side. You two just met tonight, unsurprising since Santiago always brings new girls around, but you find her to be easy company. The Miller boys each brought a date, neither anyone you know, but the two of them stand separately. “And you, my dear, are just as cute as your daddy,” she grins down at the little girl holding your dress. “Okay, enough of these idiots,” she calls. “Time for couples’ photos! Moraleses, you first,” she says and scoots you (and subsequently Luna) towards the fence wall, decorated for the photos with fake vines, flowers and twinkling lights.
“We’re not-” you and Frankie both stumble nervously, avoiding saying ‘married’ or any word of the kind. You both give up as your eyes meet, and a smile falls across both of your faces. You give your head a little shake and the two of you dismiss it. The men disband from around Frankie and Luna runs to his side, him squatting down to pick her up. “Mija,” Frankie exclaims as she barrels into his chest, nearly knocking him over. “Don’t you two look wonderful, all matching?” he murmurs and presses a kiss to your lips before Luna groans and pushes your face away. 
You laugh, both at his words and Luna’s actions. The toddler had insisted that the two of you match colors; your dresses were different, but the same hue, and you both had absolutely beamed at the fact that the two of you were dressed similarly, especially when she informed you that she wanted to look just like you. “And you, in your tux,” you smile and break away, straightening Frankie’s bow tie. 
The group takes photos of the two of you as you converse and kiss, especially at Luna breaking the affection up with her tiny hands. You take pictures in different poses: where you stand now, Luna standing on her own, you and Frankie in the classic and cheesy prom pose, some with just you and him, him and Luna, just you and the little girl, who absolutely thrives under the spotlight given to her by the adults. Benny comments like she’s a model walking a runway, and she giggles, hiding her face in the tulle of your skirt. You keep an eye on the level of the sun in the sky, since Frankie’s mom is coming to pick Luna up later to allow the party to last as late as you want it to.
As the pictures are finished, you go to the ledge where you set your phone, starting the first song for the dance part. Just like you promised Frankie earlier, it’s The Chain by Fleetwood Mac. All of the boys holler excitedly as they recognize the song, grabbing their dates and starting to dance with them. Frankie picks up Luna and starts swaying her along to the slow beginning; naturally, with a father like hers, she already knows the tune and shouts along to the words.  You walk over to the two of them, singing already, and Frankie takes your hand, giving you a little twirl. You happily follow along, grinning at his little girl resting against his chest. She’s tired already, and you’re not surprised; despite the excitement of getting ready, it’s past her typical bedtime. He sets her down and she runs off to find her Uncle Santi, dancing with him, and Frankie takes you in his arms, singing the lyrics at the top of his lungs with you. 
As the song draws to an end, the second song comes on: a slow one, the song you and Frankie have always loved. His heart speeds up as he thinks about what he’s about to do. He signals behind your back to the older Miller brother, who finds his way to your phone and turns it down a little. You lift your head from his shoulder at the change in volume, clearly upset. “Will, why the hell did you turn it down?” you call across the backyard, and he simply shrugs, holding the best deadpan he can. Frankie pulls away from you, probably to go knock him upside the head, you assume, but the look on his face confuses you. “What?” you ask him, looking down as you notice Luna has once again attached herself to your leg.
Frankie takes a deep breath then grins at you, and your confusion is just as strong. You ask him the same question, tilting your head, and you notice that the rest of the couples have turned to stare at the two of you. “Mi amor, you know how much I love you, right?” He asks. You nod, a small smile on your face, still confused. “I adore you, with everything in me. The most important thing in my life, my little girl, she loves you just as much. I know I’m a difficult man. I’ve done some messed-up shit, been a junkie, been a recovering idiot basically,” he chuckles softly, “but you never care about that, just about who I am now. You’re so wonderful, so perfect,” he tells you, the softest smile on his face. Your heart starts fluttering. Where did this monologue come from? What is- oh, you realize, and the smile drops. His drops too and he pauses, but you grin again, even wider, and he picks up his train of thought.
“Do you have it, just like we practiced?” He asks as he looks down at Luna, who nods and giggles excitedly. She’s holding something, something she wasn’t before. “Buena, mija,” he nods and ruffles her hair. She hands the object to her father, quickly enough that you can’t see it, then runs off to clutch at Benny’s hand, leaning against him. Your heart stops in your chest as you see what he’s holding: a small, rectangular box covered in velvet. You go to say his name but the words die before they can exit your mouth. “Will you do me the honor,” he begins asking as he falls to one knee and taking your hand, “of becoming my wife, of letting me marry you and be with you forever?” 
Tears well in your eyes at the love in your heart, your face hurting from how wide you’re smiling. He opens the box to reveal the ring inside, simple and elegant yet stunning, just like the relationship between the two of you. You go to tell him yes, to affirm the feelings inside, but your voice breaks. “Yes,” you say, your voice watery and cracking. You nod frantically and he takes the ring from the box, sliding it onto your finger. He stands and you immediately take his face in your hands, kissing him desperately and happily. You giggle into the kiss, and the men and their dates behind him break into whoops and cheers. You laugh as you break away, forehead falling to Frankie’s tuxedoed chest, before looking up through watery eyes and holding up your hand excitedly. Everyone cheers again and you laugh again too, hugging him tight. “Frankie,” you coo lovingly as you break from his chest and look up at him. “This is our senior prom. We’re just kids,” you joke. “You really want to marry me this young?”
That earns a belly laugh from him, shaking his head. “Shut up,” he teases back, spotting Luna’s excited bouncing. “Come here, Thumper,” he calls and waves her over. You both squat down and beckon her over, and she once again zooms into both of your arms.
“Mama and daddy getting married,” she squeals in her little baby voice and it melts your heart, her tone filled with contentment. You nod and squeeze her and her father tighter.
��We sure are, kid,” you laugh and stroke her head. “You’re gonna be my flower-girl-of-honor, right?” You ask and pull away from the hug. She nods excitedly. 
“Flower-girl-of-honor?” Frankie asks and tilts his head.
“Well, she can’t just be my flower girl, Frankie,” you say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “She’s my daughter, right?” you ask her, earning a happy nod. She agreed.
Later, Frankie’s mom indeed came and picked up her granddaughter, absolutely beaming and telling you that she was glad her son finally got the balls to propose. You had both laughed at that, thanked her once again for watching Luna for the night, and returned to the dance floor.
The party seemed to last all night, you and your new fiancé and the rest of the attendees having the time of your lives. “Well, this is the best prom I’ve ever been to,” you tease, grinning up at Frankie as the two of you slow dance. He just chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead and singing along to the words of the music playing. “Oh my god, it was a prom-posal,” you gasp as the pun hits you. “Jesus, why did I do that?” he groans sarcastically. “That pun is gonna haunt me the rest of my life now.” “Just like I am,” you sing happily, grinning so wide your nose scrunches. He laughs and shakes his head at that, but pulls you closer into his chest. “You just made a promise you’re not gonna wanna follow through on, Catfish,” you tease. “I’m gonna make your life so miserable.”
Frankie sighs at your sarcasm but smiles contently as he looks down at you. “I don’t think you could if you tried, hermosa,” he tells you before bringing his lips to yours for a sweet kiss. 
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Pink Crayons and Pinky Promises - Part 2
Summary: Being a super cool big brother is hard work sometimes. Especially when you don’t feel as big as usual, Vee doesn’t feel as little as usual, you parents are asleep, your baby sister’s pullup needs changing, you both need breakfast, you don’t know where crayons come from, and you miss your Mommy. But Mommy always calls Roman a clever little boy, so he’s gonna try to deal with all that stuff anyway! That can’t be too hard, right?
Word count: 7.2k
Take me back to part 1!
Also on AO3!
As much as Roman tried to enjoy colouring again, it was suddenly really hard. His head felt stuffy and his chest felt full—and not in the nice bubbly way. In the yucky balloon way. The yucky balloon always meant he was bored, and Roman hated being bored!
He threw the crayon to the carpet and pouted around his toothbrush. Not even chewing the crunchy bristles could stop the yucky balloon that was swelling in his chest. He rubbed his feet on the carpet again, but that didn’t help either. And now his fingers were feeling tingly! It was the worst feeling in the whole entire world forever and ever!
He groaned and flopped back to lie on the floor with his arms spread out. Bobbles of the carpet caught under his fingernails as he scratched it over and over again. Everything sucked!
Vee squeaked.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Roman asked, feeling a little bit… not little anymore. It wasn’t that he wanted to be big—he really, really didn’t—but it was always tricky staying so little without a grownup there to encourage it.
There was no response from Vee except some little babyish hums. Then some silence. Then an even louder sound: a chirp!
Roman raised his head from the floor just enough to see Vee’s back. Fae was wiggling around on faer butt with faer hand still held to faer mouth. Sucking sounds told Roman that fae was still eating the melon. And every couple of seconds, fae would make more squeaks and hums and chirps!
The yucky balloon in Roman’s chest deflated. “Is it yummy, Titch?” he giggled, sitting back up.
Vee always made funny sounds when she ate. Daddy called them yummy sounds, and Mommy said that was stimming too. It didn’t look much like stimming to Roman, but Mommy was super duper smart so Roman believed him. He liked this version of Vee’s stimming a lot because the noises were fun to listen to!
More chirping met Roman’s ears. Then he saw Vee’s legs kick out gently against the floor. Kick, kick, kick, quick but soft. That meant Vee really liked what she was eating.
Vee being happy made Roman feel a whole lot happier, so he picked his crayon back up to keep colouring!
The only sounds in the room were the crayon scribbles, the toothbrush bristles, Vee’s yummy sounds, and Roman’s little giggles when Vee made a particularly funny noise. He was smiling so hard and for so long that his cheeks even ached!
Then one of Vee’s squeaks got cut short by a whine. Roman looked over at his sister just in time to see faer pick a big black seed from faer mouth and drop it onto the carpet.
“You don’t like the seeds?” he asked, taking his toothbrush out of his mouth. There were a few seeds all over the carpet where Vee had apparently dropped them already.
Vee shaked faer head. “Wucky!” fae squeaked, and even stuck faer tongue out to show just how yucky fae thought they were. “Not s’posed to eat them ‘cause then Daddy can’t gwow them!”
That gave Roman a really creative and clever and funny idea! He tried to look casual, inspecting his toothbrush as if it was far more interesting than what he was about to say.
“Well they can still grow,” Roman started with a sly smile. “They would just grow in your tummy instead of the ground.”
He waited a moment—just long enough to seem cool but not dismissive—then checked Vee’s reaction.
She was frowning suspiciously, the tip of her tongue stuck out in thought. (Though she might have just been licking some melon juice from her lips. There was definitely enough dripping all over her cheeks.)
“They don’t do that…” Vee’s fingernail went back up to her sticky lips and she went quiet again. Then she whispered: “Do they?”
“Sure they do!” Roman nodded. He acted surprised and asked, “You’ve really never had a little fruit tree grow in your tummy before?”
It was pretty funny watching Vee’s eyes get slowly wider. Fae shook faer head. “No, I—Well I don’t think so.”
Roman’s lips betrayed him by pulling into a smirk, but he quickly shoved his toothbrush back in his mouth to hide it. “I fink you woulda noticed if you did. You woulda felt it for sure.”
It was less funny watching Vee’s eyes get quickly shinier. “B-because it hurts?!” Faer breathing got faster and faer eyes darted down to the seeds on the floor. Then fae pulled faer legs up into another tight hug. “I don’t wan’ a fwuit twee hurtin’ m-my tummy!” fae whimpered.
Uh oh.
“No, no, no, Vee! I didn’t—It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt!” Roman scooched on his butt to be right next to Vee and wrapped his arm around her.
“How d’you know?” Vee’s voice was really quiet. She was still scared.
Roman had to think something up real fast. And fast ideas weren’t always the bestest ones.
“I had a melon tree in my tummy once.”
It could’ve gone a whole lot worse than it did, but luckily Vee didn’t look upset by Roman’s answer. She just looked really freaked out.
“In your tummy?!” Vee squealed.
Her voice was so loud and squeaky that Roman even dropped his toothbrush on his empty plate to cover his ear! “Hey, we don’t wanna wake Mommy or Daddy!”
“In your tummy?” Vee repeated in a whisper.
A giggle bubbled up Roman’s chest and out of his mouth. His feet went brush, brush, brush. “Yeah, Titch! That’s how I know it doesn’t hurt.”
All of Vee’s attention was now on Roman. Her mouth was dropped open and she was staring at him and leaning forward. “Was it when we had the melon when it was waining?”
Roman shook his head and sat up straight with a proud smile. “Nu uh, that was only a month ago. This was way before that. Like before you lived with us.”
“Wow…” Vee gasped. “Did Daddy help you get it out?”
Roman’s eyes went wide and he hurriedly added, “No, Daddy didn’t know about it! A-and neither did Mommy, so don’t ask them ‘cause they won’t remember.” That was a close one! He didn’t wanna be in trouble for thinking of cool answers that were maybe not that true.
Vee nodded in understanding, then looked down at her fluffy socks, frowning. It looked like she was thinking hard.
After a few moments, fae hummed and nodded to faerself. “Okay, but even if they’re weally small and it doesn’t hurt, I still don’t want any twees in my tummy.” As if to prove faer point, Vee picked a seed out from one of her melon cubes and dropped it on the side of faer plate.
“Suit yourself,” Roman shrugged. Then—just to prove to his baby sister that he was a brave big boy—he picked the seed up and popped it in his mouth.
“Wo-Wo!” Vee screeched and launched herself on top of him. Her feet kicked out behind her and flung the melon and crayons all over the floor. “Don’t, it’ll gwow in your tummy again!”
Roman laughed even as Vee was crawling into his lap and getting really close up in his face. Then he stuck his tongue out to show her the seed. “I mot swawowed it yep!”
A big gasp came from Vee and her hand quickly lifted, ready to reach into his mouth! But Roman was super fast and grabbed her wrist before she could. Vee kept pushing her hand forward though, and Roman jolted back to get away from it.
With Vee’s weight in Roman’s lap, they both tumbled back onto the carpet, Vee still trying to put her sticky fingers in Roman’s mouth and Roman pushing her hands away as fast as he could.
“Eww, what are you doing?!”
“I’m gonna take it out!”
“No, don’t touch me!”
“Gimme da seed!”
“Your fingers are all sticky and—”
“We not s’posed to hab twees in our—”
“Get your icky baby hands out of my mouf!”
Suddenly, a low chuckle came from the hallway that made both of the littles freeze. They looked over at the living room door just in time to see it push open…
To reveal Nana Janus!
“You two certainly have a lot of energy this morning,” Nana said, smiling as he stepped into the room.
“Nana!” both littles squealed in unison.
“W-we didn’t know you were here!” Roman scrambled to sit up and pushed Vee off his lap. She didn’t cry or anything, she just wriggled onto her butt and held her arms up to Nana, whining. What a baby!
“Good morning to you too, little ones.” Nana looked around the floor and his smile went a bit different—like the smaller, tighter, wobblier one he had whenever Vee was throwing her toys everywhere or Roman was running around in his underwear. The tired kinda one.
“I see you’ve been busy…” he said slowly, kneeling down to where Vee was making grabby hands at him. “Looks like Nana has his cleaning work cut out for him, don’t you agree?”
Roman twisted his head round to look over the floor. There was lots of icky melon and seeds and cereal and crayons all over the carpet. He bit his lip and looked back at Nana with a giggle. “Oopsy daisy!”
That made Nana’s bigger smile come back. “Oopsy daisy indeed.” He pulled Vee into his lap and it made her stop whining. “But don’t get yourself in a fret, little prince, we can tidy up a bit later.”
What silly words! Roman giggled and brushed his feet all over again.
The baby was trying to talk! Roman and Nana both looked at faer and Vee blushed under their attention. Fae wiggled and pulled at faer pyjama shirt again. “M-m-me and Wo-Wo are habin’ fun!” Faer voice went real squeaky and happy.
“You’re having fun? Without me?!” Nana gasped dramatically and held Vee’s shoulders, jiggling them a little. 
Big giggles spilled from Vee, and then Roman joined in. They looked at each other with excited smiles. Nana was funny!
When they had gotten over their giggle fit, Nana spoke again. “I was listening to your conversation for a while. Roman, I never knew you were so knowledgeable on crayons and melon seeds.”
Electric excitement coursed through Roman’s veins and he bounced on his butt and brushed, brushed, brushed his feet and scribbled his fingers on the carpet! “Yeah, I-I-I teached Vee lots!”
“Yes, I know,” Nana said with a different smile. The sneaky kind of smile. He pointed at his eyepatch. “I could tell.”
Heat flooded Roman’s cheeks. Nana only ever wore his eyepatch when he was seeing lots and lots of yellow. And Nana only ever saw lots and lots of yellow when someone was doing lots and lots of lying.
“Um, Nana?” Vee whispered, tugging Nana’s waistcoat and making him look down at her instead.
Phew! Saved by the baby.
“Yes, little hatchling? Did you want to play with my watch chain?”
Vee shook her head and looked at Roman. Then she tugged Nana’s waistcoat again and leaned near his ear. Like she was tryna keep Roman from hearing it! But her whisper was too loud for Roman not to hear:
“Did you come down the chimney?”
It took a lot of effort for Roman to not roll his eyes. Ever since Christmas, Vee kept asking Daddy if anyone was gonna break into their chimney. And now it was summer! Roman thought it was a very silly thing to be worried about. Of course no one could come down their chimney; only Santa Claus could do that ‘cause he was magic!
And while Nana did know lots of magic tricks, it was a different sort of magic, Roman was sure. Although, Nana always bringed them lots of presents. And Roman saw him eating gingerbread cookies with milk one night when he was babysitting them… Maybe Roman would have to investigate if Nana had any links with the North Pole!
“No, darling,” Nana assured, tucking Vee’s bangs behind her ear. They were getting real long. “I didn’t come down the chimney.”
Vee sighed in relief.
“Did you, um, crawl through the dog door?” Roman laughed, knowing he was being silly. It was fun to be silly with Nana because he made cool jokes!
“Well yes, but that was last week,” Nana said, then winked at Roman.
That was his special way of telling Roman he was joking, because Roman was clever and he knew what sarcasm was! It made him feel super big and cool to be in on the grownup joke while Vee looked at Nana in shock, so he wiggled happily.
“I just didn’t go home last night,” Nana explained.
“Did you sleep in da apple twee?” Vee asked.
Nana laughed loudly and cuddled Vee closer to him. Roman hugged himself. He wished Mommy was here…
“That was the original plan, but then your Daddy said I could sleep in his bed. So I thought I might as well accept the offer.”
Roman gasped and got ready to speak—but Nana gave him the warning look and beat him to it.
“No, Roman,” Nana said sternly and raised his eyebrow—the one with the shiny piercing that Roman wasn’t allowed to poke anymore. “Before you accuse me of anything, your Daddy was not in there with me.”
Roman squinted at Nana suspiciously. You could hardly blame him for wanting to make sure his Mommy and Daddy weren’t cuddling anyone else!
Then Nana pulled a pack of baby wipes from his sleeve making both of the littles gasp—that’s the kinda magic tricks he did! “Now, why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to this morning while I clean Vee up a bit, hmm?”
The warning voice was back to a soothing voice, and Roman felt all wiggly again!
“Um, um, um!” Roman started, taking a big, stuttering breath. His chest was tight with just how much energy he had to get out, and his mind was racing with all the stuff he wanted to tell Nana! 
Like about how he stopped Vee from crying and how he offered to play without his cars so his little sister could join in. Or maybe about how he was so clever in thinking of how to get downstairs and make breakfast all without breaking any rules! Ooh, or about how brave he was for not crying when his hands got yucky and how he helped his baby sister read the crayon label! Oh but he wanted to show Nana his drawing too!
“Um, um, um, uh, um, um—” Roman babbled, his tongue struggling to keep up with his brain.
“Let’s start with what you did once you were downstairs, little prince,” Nana interrupted softly. “Can you do that for Nana?”
It was weird how Nana didn’t need to raise his voice over Roman to get the thoughts to stop zooming so fast in Roman’s brain, but it worked! Roman took a deep breath to calm down. It was really hard to talk right when he was so excited.
“Um, we-we-we—I made breakfast!” he said louder than he really meant to. He was just super happy because he knew Nana would praise him!
“Oh goodness, all on your own?” Nana’s jaw dropped in surprise as he passed Roman a fresh baby wipe.
Roman giggled with a nod and took the baby wipe to clean his hands. Then he accidentally made a weird happy, throaty sound. Kinda like Vee’s yummy sounds. He bit his lip to hold any more back and wiggled his knees as he wiped his fingers clean.
Then Nana gushed, “What a smart little boy you are, Roman!”
“Eep!” Roman couldn’t hold that sound back. “Y-yeah, yeah, yeah, I am!” He felt almost dizzy with excitement! He quickly finished cleaning his hands then screwed up the wipe and dropped it into Nana’s lap. “I was so clever and-and-and big!”
“Very big indeed,” Nana agreed while he ran his own baby wipe over Vee’s hands. He swirled his finger on Vee’s palm and she squealed and kicked her feet and twisted her head to rest it on Nana’s shoulder.
Then Nana tutted and picked off a piece of cereal that had been stuck to her cheek with melon juice.
“Eww!” Roman giggled. “Vee, you got food everywhere!”
Vee just giggled back and buried her head in Nana’s neck. It looked like she was getting even more little now that they had a grownup with them. Roman was too! He just wasn’t a baby.
“Come on, sweetie, up, up.” Nana stroked Vee’s hair as fae lifted faer head back up and looked at him with a pout. “Say ahh, baby. Ahh, ahh,” Nana demonstrated, holding his mouth open and his chin up.
“A-a-ah!” Vee opened her mouth in a little circle, and Nana quickly wiped all over her sticky cheeks.
“There we are,” Nana whispered, screwing up the wipe and dropping it into Roman’s lap. (Roman squawked and flicked it off straight away!) “Well, I certainly hope at least some of the food ended up in your little tummies.” Nana’s finger swirled on Vee’s tummy this time and fae squeaked and quickly hugged faer tummy.
“Yeah, look!” Roman blurted, remembering yet another thing he needed praise for. He hurriedly grabbed his Spongebob divider plate and held it up proudly. “Look, Nana, look!”
“Yes, darling, I’m looking. And do you know what I can see?”
Roman nodded quickly, eyes tight shut with a smug smile. He was such a good boy and he knew it! “Mhm, my empty plate! Be-because I was a good boy and eated all my breakfast!”
“Oh, it’s not quite empty.”
There was no way that was true! Roman remembered, he eated all of his food! He opened his eyes, knowing there was nothing left on his plate except his—Uh oh.
His chewed up toothbrush…
“Roman, look at Nana.”
The warning voice was back and Roman bit his lip and lowered the plate back to the floor. Keeping his mouth firmly shut, he looked up at Nana with the most innocent smile he could muster.
Suddenly, Nana’s hand darted forward, his fingertips landing on the sole of Roman’s foot and scribbling over his sock.
“Aah, Nana!” Roman squealed, immediately falling into a stream of laughter. 
He hurriedly pulled his feet under his butt so Nana couldn’t tickle them anymore. (It was really fun when Nana or Daddy tickled his feet, but not as fun as when Mommy did it. Mommy was Roman’s favourite tickle monster!)
But then Nana’s fingers held Roman’s chin up and gently pulled his lip down. Oh no! Nana had tricked him!
“Nanaaa,” Roman whined, scrunching his face up and squinting his eyes shut. His gums kinda hurt from his mouth being open… 
Thankfully, Nana dropped his chin quickly. But it was too late. Roman opened his eyes and saw Nana giving him the you’ve-been-naughty look.
“Your gums are positively raw, Roman!” Nana tutted. Then he sighed and shaked his head. “Would you care to tell me why you’ve been chewing your toothbrush when your Mommy and Daddy and Nana have all said that that’s not allowed?”
“Uh ohhh…” Vee whispered, and Roman glared at faer. Fae hid faer face on Nana’s shoulder again.
“I not been chewing it!” Roman defended with a pout. “I was just, um, lookin’ at it!”
That was never gonna work. All Nana had to do was tap his eyepatch for Roman to scramble over an excuse.
“Um, w-well I might of chewed it a little, but only ‘cause… Um, be-because—”
Vee’s head quickly poked up from Nana’s shoulder and she squeaked, “He was chewin’ on it all mornin’, Nana.”
“Little prince!” Nana scolded. “You know you’re not allowed to do that. I’m going to have to tell your parents.”
“Vee-Vee, we had a deal!” Roman whined and kicked his feet on the carpet. What a little tattletale!
Vee didn’t look sorry at all! She even had an evil little baby smile and fidgeted with her pyjamas while she giggled. “You said don’t tell Mummy or Daddy! And Nana is allowed to tell them!”
“What a cheeky little monkey,” Nana chuckled and tickled under Vee’s ear, making her squeal. “That was very clever, baby.”
Hot, heavy stuff filled Roman’s ears and head and he clenched his jaw so tight his gums hurt all over again. Two could play at that game! He crossed his arms and argued, “Well then I’m telling Nana you didn’t change your bedtime pullup!”
That stopped Vee’s giggling. Roman even felt kinda proud at how much her face dropped and how loud she gasped.
“Oh, sweetheart…”
Nana’s voice was so soft it kinda surprised Roman. His own mischievous smile dropped off his face and he looked up at Nana.
Nana was looking down at Vee’s face with a worried kinda look, and he stroked her bangs again even though they were already tucked back. “Is that true, darling?” he whispered.
Fae tugged at her pyjama top again and nodded silently. She looked like she’d done something naughty and felt really bad about it
“Can you tell Nana if it was wet when you woke up?” Nana asked gently.
It made Roman’s heart and tummy drop when he saw Vee’s eyes go wet again.
Now he probably looked like he’d done something naughty and felt really bad about it…
“Nana?” Roman mumbled, hunching his shoulders a little when Nana looked at him again. “Um… her pullup was wet but she said she didn’t wanna change it.”
Vee whined loudly. Faer body went really stiff on Nana’s lap and fae looked up at him really scared—like fae was getting ready to be told off.
“Shh, it’s alright, Vee.” Nana’s hand cupped Vee’s cheek. “You’re not in trouble.”
Even Roman sighed in relief. He never wanted to get his baby sister in trouble.
Nana continued, “But your pullups aren’t like your nappies, sweetie; we really need to change them once they’re wet. We don’t want any leaks, do we?”
All of a sudden, Vee’s wet eyes got even wetter. Fae sniffled and tugged faer pyjama shirt down. Kinda like if fae was trying to hide faer—
Oh… Roman’s tummy sinked even more.
It looked like Nana thought of the same thing, because he had a sad kinda smile now. “Can Nana please check, little one?” he asked really quiet.
Nana nudged Vee’s hands off her pyjama top and out of her lap. Then they could see a small wet patch on her pants.
Vee started whimpering and wriggling straight away.
“Oh, sweetie,” Nana cood and cuddled Vee back on his chest again, swaying her gently side to side.
She made a sad squeaky sound and choked, “Didn’t kn-know.”
“I know, Vee. Shh, it’s not your fault, darling.”
Roman’s eyes went wide. Did that mean Nana thought it was his fault?
“It’s not my fault either!” Roman quickly yelled. “She wouldn’t let me help! A-a-and she pinky promised that she wouldn’t have a accident!”
“Didn’t m-m-mean to!” Vee cried back, but it was all muffled because her face was on Nana’s shoulder again.
“Hey, hey, both of you stop for a moment.”
Both littles went quiet. Even Vee’s sniffling stopped.
Nana nodded at Roman and squeezed his arms tighter around Vee. “Very good. Now we’re all going to take a deep breath, all together. On three, ready?”
Roman’s lips twitched up at the corner and he scrunched his fingernails in the carpet again. He liked taking a deep breath with Nana, it always helped. So he nodded.
“Alright,” Nana said very quiet and soft. “One… Two… Three.” He squeezed Vee’s shoulder to let her know it was time to breathe, then they all took a big breath in.
Roman’s chest filled up, up, up with air, like a big balloon. He watched Nana and when Nana nodded with his chest puffed out really far, they all breathed out again slowly.
Once it was done, Roman’s tummy felt a lot better.
“Now—” Nana’s voice was still soft “—it wasn’t anyone’s fault that Vee had a little accident. Vee, sweetie, do you remember what we say about accidents?”
Vee’s pink cheeks puffed up like they did when she was thinking real hard sometimes. Then she looked up at Nana with her fingertip between her lips. “Um… jus’ habben.”
“They just happen,” Nana repeated with a smile. “They’re not bad or yucky or naughty. They just happen, and that’s okay.”
Once Vee nodded (and smiled when Nana kissed her cheek), Nana looked over at Roman.
“And it’s not your fault either, little prince. I know you were just trying to help your sister feel comfortable. And the most important thing is you didn’t make her do something she didn’t want to do.”
Roman’s heart felt a bit lighter hearing that. But not completely… “Fae still got wet pants, though,” Roman whispered. “I wanted to help faer stay dry!”
Nana shook his head and patted Roman’s knee. It made Roman wiggle his toes. “That’s not your job, sweetheart. And wet pants are very easy to fix, aren’t they, little one?”
For a moment Roman’s tummy flipped in excitement. Nana didn’t call him little one very much, but Roman always loved it when he did!
But then he realised Nana was looking at Vee, not him. Vee was the little one, not Roman… It made his chest feel spiky and whooshy.
“Now let’s get you in a fresh pullup and dry clothes, little love,” Nana told Vee while he reached over to pick up her pacifier from where she dropped it on her colouring. “Those ones can’t be very comfy, can they?”
“Gaga pwup?” Vee babbled with her whole thumb stuck in her mouth. She was obviously more of a baby now. Which meant she couldn’t play with Roman anymore!
“Yes, little hatchling, Nana will help you change your pullup.” He held up the pacifier and Vee gasped. “Do you want your dummy, baby?”
Vee did the grunt that meant yes please, and Nana pulled her thumb out from her mouth and put in the paci instead.
“There we are!” Nana smiled. Then he moved onto his knees like he was about to lift Vee and get up.
But Roman hurriedly grabbed Nana’s wrist to stop him from standing. “We weren’t finished colouring yet!”
Both Vee and Nana were looking at Roman surprised. He let go of Nana’s wrist and pouted grumpily to hopefully distract them from his blush.
“Little prince, I know you and your sister were having a lot of fun on your own.”
Roman nodded enthusiastically.
“But it’s time to fix a couple of things now,” Nana said slow and gentle, like he was being careful not to make Roman cry. But Roman wasn’t a baby, Nana didn’t need to be careful! “I need to help Vee change and then we’re going to tidy up.”
“No, I don’t want to! I want Vee to stay and colour and I want you to go away!”
The last bit wasn’t completely true… But if Nana was going to make Vee not play with him and make him do boring chores then Roman didn’t want Nana there!
“Listen to Nana, little prince,” Nana sighed and sat back down on the carpet, pulling Vee closer on his lap again. “I know you like to be a big boy, but today I think you’re too little to be on your own. That much is clear from the mess you’ve both made. Neither of you are in trouble,” Nana quickly added when Roman’s shoulders went tense. “I know you couldn’t help yourselves, and that’s okay. But now I think we need to give you some grownup supervision before anything else goes awry.”
“W-we’re gonna wake up Mommy?!” Roman squealed, bouncing a little on his butt. “I’m gonna show him my colouring and my plate and the cereal pieces and—”
“Not so fast, darling,” Nana chuckled. “Your mummy still needs his rest, so Nana is going to be your caregiver this morning, alright?”
It made the inside of Roman’s chest swishy and crackly and hot. Like lava! Like angry, sputtering lava!
“Now while I help your baby sister, why don’t you start by collecting all of the crayons and—”
“No!” Roman yelled.
Nana went silent while Vee whimpered. Roman knew it was bad of him to yell around the baby, and it was kinda scary to be a bad boy because he really didn’t want to be bad… But he didn’t want to clean up either! He wanted to play!
“Okay then,” Nana started, slow and gentle again. (Roman wasn’t a baby!) “Perhaps you can start by picking up the pieces of food from—”
“No!” There was no way Roman was gonna touch icky floor food! He crossed his arms tightly.
“Roman.” Nana used his strong voice. “We are not doing this today.”
The strong voice meant he wasn’t happy with Roman, and sometimes it even meant Nana would tell on him to Mommy and Daddy later. The idea of Mommy being disappointed in him made the backs of Roman’s eyes burn and his lips pull down, but he quickly scrunched his face up angrily so no-one noticed.
Nana’s voice was a bit softer when he said, “I’m sure you don’t want to clean up the mess, but I’m afraid it has to be done. If we do it together—”
“No!” Roman yelled again, his voice cracking a little.
It made Vee whine and look up at Nana, who took a deep breath.
Roman knew he was being really naughty now, and it made him feel scared and embarrassed and sad. But he was nearly gonna cry and he really didn’t want to in front of Nana, and Nana wanted to take Vee away from him, and Nana wasn’t letting Roman see Mommy! Nana was mean and Roman didn’t want to do what he said! He grabbed his toothbrush to hold it tight. It made him feel better to hold his favourite things.
“Would you like Nana to help you clean the—”
“No!” This time he even raised his foot from the carpet and stamped it back down! (It was hard because he was still on his butt, but Roman had a lot of practice stamping his feet in all kinds of situations.)
Nana ignored the foot stamp. “Well then would you like to be left alone?”
Roman’s eyes widened and he clenched his toothbrush so tight it hurt. Being left alone sounded really scary and made Roman’s throat clog, but he couldn’t let Nana know that! So he gritted his teeth and put all his strength into making his voice steady: “No, no, no!”
The look on Nana’s face wasn’t happy at all. It was tired and annoyed. “Then you’re clearly too little to make a decision for yourself. Nana is going to help you whether you like it or not.”
“No!” Roman shouted. “I don’t want Nana, I want—”
Roman gasped and closed his mouth really tight. Hot tears made his eyes wet.
Even though it was blurry from his tears, Roman could still see Nana’s face soften. Then Nana asked in a low voice, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
And that was exactly how Mommy always sounded when he was cuddling Roman and helping him to stop crying.
Without any warning, Roman suddenly felt his face crumple and his mouth made a squeaky sad sound. He quickly buried his face in his arm to try to squeeze the tears away like before, but it was too late. His sleeve was already getting wet from him crying.
“I-I—” Roman squeaked, trying to think of another clever idea. But it was too hard. He couldn’t think about anything except…
“I want my mommy!” he wailed into his arm. His tummy sinked all the way down now, and he hugged it with his free arm to try to make it feel better.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Nana cood softly.
It made Roman’s tummy swoosh so he hugged it even tighter. Then he heard some quick shuffling and suddenly a warm arm wrapped around him. Nana’s hand laid flat on his back and rubbed up and down, nice and slow. It helped Roman take a deep breath, but it was shaky and got caught in his chest. A sob broke free and he bit his lip.
“Shh, shh. It’s okay, little prince.” 
“I w-want Mommy,” Roman whimpered, spluttering on his tears.
“I know you do, Roman,” Nana whispered and Roman slowly leaned against him. It was warm to lean against Nana and it felt safer. “Oh, you poor thing.”
Another little squeak met Roman’s ear, and for a moment he thought it came from him. But then he felt small fingers wrap around his hand and knew it was Vee. Roman whimpered and squeezed his sister's hand gently. He hoped fae knew it meant thank you.
Fae squeezed his hand back.
Nana’s hand went circle, circle, circle on Roman’s back. Nice and slow. “You miss your mummy, don’t you, little one?”
Roman waited a moment to find out if Nana meant him or Vee. But then Nana squeezed his shoulder softly and repeated the question. Roman was the little one.
With a wet sniffle, he dropped his arm from his face. There was no point hiding anymore, Nana and Vee definitely both knew he was crying. He still didn’t wanna look up from his lap though.
“I just—” Roman cut himself off because his voice was all croaky and thick and wobbly. He whimpered and squinted his eyes shut and squeezed his toothbrush as hard as he could. This is why he hated crying, it made him sound like a baby! 
“Deep breath, little prince.”
Just like Nana said. Breathe in, deep… Breathe out, slow… 
That was better. Plus, Nana’s hand was still rubbing Roman’s back and Vee’s fingers were still squeezing Roman’s hand. It all felt very safe.
Roman quickly wiped his sleeve over his eyes then looked up at Nana.
It was easier to whisper when he cried, so Roman tried that instead. “I just want Mommy to see h-how clever I been.”
Nana had a sad smile. “And he will, darling. Just as soon as he wakes up.” 
Roman didn’t like that. It made his tummy sink all over again just thinking of waiting even longer to cuddle Mommy.
Then Nana’s fingers gently wrapped around Roman’s other hand and lowered it. Roman had started raising his toothbrush to his mouth without even realising! He pouted as Nana tugged his toothbrush down. Chewing his toothbrush would help him feel better right now, but he wasn’t allowed.
“Don’t you think it’ll be so much more fun to tell Mummy all about—” Nana’s eyes swept over the messy room quickly before landing back on Roman “—your endeavours after we’ve tidied up a bit? Then you can brag—uh, tell him all about how you helped to clean up, too.”
“But I want Mommy now!” Roman whined, stamping his foot again. It wasn't as hard this time though, only a soft kick. “I waited all morning a-an-and I always wake up Mommy and he’s never ever mad about it!” His lip wobbled even though he was sure he was done crying now.
The hand rubbed circles on his back again, nice and slow. It reminded him to breath in, deep, then breathe out, slow.
“I don’t doubt it for a single second, Roman,” Nana said in a bouncy voice. It was the babysitting voice and it made Roman’s tummy feel lots calmer. Even Vee perked up at the sound and wiggled happily on Nana’s lap. “But your mummy wasn’t feeling very well last night. Do you remember?”
Roman’s lips twisted in thought. Last night Mommy felt sicky and he was sad and his bedtime was really early, even earlier than Vee’s. After a moment of thought, Roman nodded his head. “Mommy was feeling yucky.”
“Wucky!” Vee squeaked and bounced in Nana’s lap with a squeal.
Roman giggled at faer excitement. Fae was just a baby, so fae didn’t really know what they were talking about… Fae probably just liked that word! It was kind of funny when the baby was excited when something not very exciting was happening!
“That’s right,” Nana said, wiggling his finger on Vee’s side. She smiled and wiggled just like the finger. “And when we’re feeling yucky, we need lots and lots of sleep to feel better.”
“But… b-but if Mommy was awake and he saw what a good boy I been then he would be happy,” Roman whined. Then he added, “And maybe I can make Mommy feel better.”
Nana’s lips pulled up in a smile and he gave Roman a squeeze. “That’s very sweet, Roman, but it’s not little ones jobs to look after their parents. That’s a big grownup job…” The hand on Roman’s back lifted away, but before Roman could pout, Nana poked his nose! “And I think we might have a very little prince this morning, hm?”
It made Roman blush and fidget. “Mhm…” he agreed quietly, then felt his toothbrush stroke across his lip before Nana tugged his hand down again.
“No, darling,” Nana scolded gently, tapping Roman’s wrist. “No chewing. Unless you want me to tell your Daddy.”
Nana was beginning to sound like Vee. Apparently being a tattletale ran in the family… With a massive sigh that he hoped would make Nana feel really guilty, Roman dropped his toothbrush back to his plate. Then he stuck his tongue out, just in case Nana didn’t realise Roman wasn’t happy about it. It made Nana laugh!
Maybe Roman wasn’t that annoyed. It actually felt really nice and soft and warm and bubbly and safe that Nana was trying to help him stop chewing the toothbrush, even if Roman really wanted to. His gums were super sore now anyway. And no matter how clever Roman was, he was still only a little boy! He knew that grownups usually knew more than he did. That was okay though! It meant Roman could just play and have fun and leave the big responsible stuff to the grownups.
“Gaga?” Vee whispered.
When Roman looked down at Vee, it was obvious she was pouting behind her paci. And she was tugging at her wet pants.
Nana’s cold fingers unwrapped from Roman’s wrist so Nana could cradle Vee’s head. “Sorry, sweetie. Let’s get right on that.” His thumb stroked over Vee’s cheek and she hummed and closed her eyes. She looked kinda sleepy.
Then Nana paused and looked back at Roman softly. “I know you’re worried about your mummy, little one, but I was with him for an hour or so last night. I promise you that he’s okay.”
Normally Roman believed Nana (unless Nana winked at him, which meant it was a big kid joke!) but this was very important. So Roman needed Nana to make a very important promise.
“Pinky promise?” Roman asked, holding his little finger up.
Nana’s pinky wrapped around his without hesitation. “Absolutely. Pinky promise,” he said very clearly, and Roman believed him. Then Nana’s hand dropped and his smile was back—the happy, soft one! “And I bet once he’s all rested up, your mummy would love to play with you later.”
Obviously! Mommy always loved playing with Roman because he was such a clever and creative little boy! Roman’s legs vibrated just thinking of all the fun he would have with his mommy. “Maybe-maybe-maybe playing lots!”
“Lots and lots!” Nana gasped, then he shuffled Vee around in his lap to start getting her ready to stand up. (She whined, but she always whined when she had to use her legs.)
Roman giggled, “A-and maybe he will play cars with me!” 
“Oh, I’m certain he will.”
“And Nana you’re allowed to watch us play cars!”
A big chuckle came from Nana as he stood from the floor and helped Vee stop from tumbling over. “Thank you for your generosity, little prince. I would adore being a spectator for the hundredth time.” Once Vee was standing upright, Nana unwrapped his arm from her shoulders to hold her hand
“W-well, now you get to be a vip spectre!” Roman assured Nana, bouncing up onto his own feet. He jumped up so fast his head went all spinny and he had to hold Nana’s arm to help stay balanced.
“A V.I.P. spectator, sweetheart,” Nana corrected. (But Roman didn’t like saying each letter on its own. It took too long.) “As I said, I would love to do that later. But for now—” Nana held his empty hand out to Roman “—will you please come with me and your sister upstairs?”
Roman pouted at Nana’s hand. It was nice to hold hands, but it felt like Nana thought he was a baby who couldn’t walk on his own. Like Vee.
“Um…” he muttered, wringing his hands to avoid holding Nana’s. “But I’m a big boy. I can stay here on my own and clean the mess.”
Roman didn’t want to be on his own or clean the mess, but he did want to sound like a good big boy.
“That’s very true,” Nana nodded slowly, lowering his hand. “But you see the thing is, I seem to have forgotten all of the rules to your special car game. So I need you to explain it to me all over again, otherwise I’ll be completely lost when I watch you play with your mummy.”
“Awober again,” Vee whispered.
“Nana,” Roman giggled. How silly of Nana! “You always forget the car game rules!”
“I know, it’s funny how that happens. Now could you be a good big brother and hold Vee’s other hand for Nana?”
Yay! Now Roman got to hold someone’s hand and still feel like a big boy! Roman quickly bounced to Vee’s free side and took her empty hand, very happy that it wasn’t sticky anymore.
“Wo-Wo!” Vee cheered, smiling up at him past her paci and hugging his hand to her chest.
“I’m gonna help you walk, Vee-Vee!”
“Good boy,” Nana praised from Vee’s other side. “Now, are we all ready to head upstairs?”
Roman and Vee both nodded at Nana. It was fun when they were on their own, but it felt better to have a grownup to help them with grownup stuff. At least Roman thought so.
“Alright, here we go, little ones,” Nana announced, and they all started walking toward the hallway hand in hand. As they stepped carefully to make sure Vee didn’t trip up, Nana asked, “So will you be so kind as to tell me about your cars again, sweetheart?”
Roman’s cheeks bunched in a big smile. It was good Nana kept forgetting the car game, because it was Roman’s favourite thing to talk about!
“Okay! For the billionth time!” Roman laughed, his chest bursting with excitement for the day ahead.
“For the billionth time. I think I remember a little though. It’s the blue car who always wins the race, right?”
“Nana, it’s the red one!”
“Oh, of course. How silly of me.”
“Yeah, Vee, Nana is silly!”
“I suppose I am. What else can you tell me about the red car, little prince?”
I really hope you enjoyed the latest fic for this ongoing series! If you did, please consider reblogging, leaving a comment, or sending me an ask or message! They really keep me motivated to write more!
Thank you for reading! ヾ(ᴖ๑ᴖ)ノ゙
Take me back to part 1!
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hungry-tum-stuff · 3 years
Hateno Village
BOTW Regional Food Series - Part 3
Description: Link has spoken to Purah regarding his memories, and he’s decided to settle down in Hateno for a bit to think about his next move. On a particularly calm night in, Link decides to try and re-create a recipe he remembers from before the Calamity.
Contents: Hunger, Stomachaches
//TW: Descriptions of Hunger, Amnesia, descriptions of stomachaches/sickness
Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert in memory loss/amnesia. If any of my depictions of Link’s memory loss are incredibly inaccurate, I apologize, and please reach out to me if you believe there is any way I can improve.
Link’s memories were returning.
He’d gone to Hateno to speak with Purah, who had taken more of an interest in his Sheikah Slate than him, if he was being honest. But in her interest, she was able to repair the device and add a new rune: the camera. She’d recovered a few pictures as well, which had sent Link’s mind racing. Every place seemed so familiar, but he had no idea where they were, and even less of a clue as to what had happened there.
He would find each and every place in these pictures, no matter how long it took him.
Especially now that he knew the effects of the shrine were mostly reversible. Purah had told him that his memories would come back in chunks, and that certain people, places, and things would trigger certain memories. She’d also told him that his memory would never completely return, but he still didn’t know how to feel about that.
Considering he could hardly remember anything from 100 years ago, he wasn’t sure if there was anything worth remembering.
He wasn’t even sure if there was anything he missed.
Small things came back to him the more time he spent traveling, however. Things like the names of settlements he knew he hadn’t visited yet, or fighting styles he’d never learned but somehow instinctively knew. The thing he kept remembering the most about though, was Zelda. He heard her voice a lot, and in turn he’s started to remember a few things she’s said to him. He remembered her saying that she was allergic to Chickaloo Nuts, he remembered her shouting ‘be careful!’ a lot. He remembered her face. And despite remembering these things, he still didn’t really remember her.
Link sighed and tossed the Sheikah Slate on the table, rubbing his eyes. He couldn’t look at those pictures anymore, not when he couldn’t remember anything.
His stomach growled.
Impa was right, he couldn’t remember anything on an empty stomach, either.
Link had set up shop for the night in an old, vacant house just outside of Hateno Village. Which he guessed was his house now, seeing as the local construction company had decided to sell it to him. It was better than paying to sleep at an Inn every night, but something about the house was a bit eerie. Almost like there was something missing from it.
On the bright side, a memory had come back to him during the time he’d spent here. He remembered helping someone make stew. And if he remembered the taste correctly, it had been a thick, hearty cuckoo stew. He just had to try making it.
And according to the noises his tummy was making, he also had to stop stalling.
Link looked over the ingredients he had. Hyrule Herb, milk, rock salt, a hearty radish, but no cuckoo meat. Hell, he didn’t even have non-cuckoo meat, he hadn’t exactly stopped to hunt lately. He frowned and dug through his bag some more before his land landed on something squishy. He poked it again before pulling it out, and then scrunching his nose up in disgust.
Bokoblin guts.
He had an excess of them after basically fighting his way here, and they were technically meat, right? They were just a little more, purple.
It certainly couldn’t hurt to try.
Link stepped outside cautiously with his ingredients gathered in his arms, looking around. The men from the construction company were sleeping nearby, was it really that late? Oh well, that meant nobody would be sitting around the cooking pot and watching him.
He stalked over, started the fire beneath the pot, and got cooking.
Everything else went well, except for dicing up the bokoblin meat, which was still a little a little slimy. But he decided that the work wouldn’t be for nothing, and he tossed it into the pot anyways.
His stew immediately turned purple.
Link briefly worried if malice would end up infecting him when he ate this, especially since it was so purple. But the bokoblin was dead, surely eating it’s guts would have no effect on him.
He just hoped it tasted good.
Link ran to get a bowl as the stew began to bubble over, and he helped himself to a generous serving before sitting beside the fire. It was strange, the stew didn’t really smell like anything. His stomach growled at him as he sat and waited for his stew to cool off, and he took a spoonful, blew on it one more time, and took a bite.
It wasn’t bad.
It tasted like stew, just with some slimy chunks in each spoonful. And his stew being edible was all the motivation Link needed to begin scarfing it down by the spoonful. He didn’t waste time in going for seconds, either.
He was comfortably full after his second serving, and there wasn’t much left in the pot anyways, so he sat for a moment before getting up to stomp out the fire and head inside.
The trouble started as soon as he stood up.
His stomach sloshed uncomfortably, and Link looked down a bit worriedly as it grumbled noisily.
Maybe bokoblin guts hadn’t been the best choice.
He hurried inside, one hand pressed against his belly as if he was trying to keep the contents inside from moving around. Unfortunately it didn’t work, because as soon as he shambled up the stairs and flopped down onto the bed, his stomach churned painfully. Link grimaced and wrapped both his arms around his tummy, holding his breath until the cramping passed. After it did, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief before unwrapping his hands from around his belly and then feeling it gently. It was slightly distended, and very grumbly. As soon as he pressed lightly on where his stomach was, it burbled uncomfortably before cramping up again.
Link lied there for awhile, curled up on himself with both hands around his upset and loudly complaining stomach. And when he eventually tried to get back up, a wave of nausea washed over him and he was lying back down in seconds.
He’d made a bit of a mistake. He couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty about it, too. Wasn’t he supposed to be a hero? That’s what everyone kept telling him, at least. But what kind of hero cooked monster parts into his stew and made himself sick because of it?
His stomach churned again, and Link couldn’t help but grunt in pain. He could feel his stomach twisting right beneath his hands, trying in vain to digest the mess of a meal he’d eaten.
He certainly didn’t feel like any kind of hero right now.
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wolves-willow · 2 years
TRIGGER WARNING: weight, dieting, body insecurities
I really hate how fashion is made for skinny people.
At 180lbs, I consider myself mid size because I’ve got a tummy, really thick thighs, large chest, and wider upper arms.
It frustrates me so much to see all these girlies on tiktok or whatever wearing cropped shirts and all these adorable 90s-type clothes. But when I try it, I feel so ugly because I’m so insecure about my tummy. I wish I could be one of those confident girls and wear whatever I want despite my insecurities, but I just can’t.
Every mannequin you pass is shaped for a 120lb girl and it’s so upsetting because big girls are never represented. The plus size area doesn’t even have mannequins. How hard is it to make clothes that aren’t just for skinny people? How hard is it to make clothes that aren’t baggy and meant to hide a fat person’s body?
Also why is a size 12 pant different in every brand? Talk about fucking with people mentally, I went shopping and felt so shitty about not fitting into a pair of shorts from one brand when the other brand fits me just fine. Make it make sense.
Shopping is so frustrating when you’re not a thin person. I can’t just look at the size ans throw it in the cart. I have to try everything because my chest might make the buttons strain or my upper arms are too fat for the sleeves or the material sticks to my tummy and shows every contour.
And everyone’s answer is: exercise, diet, starve yourself, do better. NO. I should be able to love myself in clothes that are made to fit my body type! This cookie cutter clothing industry sucks!
This isn’t about disregarding skinny people’s insecurities. This is about the fact that being bigger fucks with your head at every turn because wearing baggy clothes makes you look frumpy then being confident and wearing a crop top makes other people think you’re gross and you should hide your stomach. All because you’re not 120lbs. All because American society thinks being extra thin is the only way to be beautiful.
I was so close to developing an eating disorder after I had Covid because I was so sick I only ate 1 or 2 bites of food a day. I lived off one applesauce cup and a pack of gummy snacks. And I lost 10lbs because I wasn’t eating. A voice in my head said this is the key: starve yourself and you’ll lose weight.
I immediately shut it down because I know it’s not okay. But every now and then, that voice tries to pipe up and tell me not to eat. I’ve even considered throwing up after eating too because I feel so sick afterwards.
All because I want to feel beautiful enough.
This ideal is so fucked.
I’ve been mentally unstable for a long time and after working really hard to help myself, I understand the triggers and immediately squash something before I let it get the better of me. But not everyone can do that. Hell, I don’t know if I’m even that successful at it anyway.
Listen: if you’re struggling to feel pretty and loved in your own skin… I see you. I’m with you. And it will be okay. We weren’t put on this earth to be perfect. We were put here to be ourselves.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Being a role model SUCKS (Inuyasha)
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Spending time in the future was usually fun and a break from the stress that the feudal era gave out but the bucketful. Usually but not this visit. Inuyasha should of known something was up when Kagome A) kept talking about how upset and babyish Souta felt needing bedtime diapers as of late (and some day time pull ups, there had been little leaks) but also B) was giving Inuyasha all the instant ramen noodles he could handle and more.
Sadly, nothing quite clicked till they had arrived and then he'd been cornered not only by Kagome, but her mother as well while Souta was playing out behind the house.. and from there everything had gone downhill.
After a long talk (Well the women had talked, Inuyasha had argued but they seemed to ignore any points he made) Inuyasha found himself making a deal that he would give Souta the confidence boost he needed by having someone bigger then him be more BABYISH then him.. and in return Inuyasha got whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it next time he visited.
"And let me tell you right here and now, My list of demands are gonna be HUGE!" Inuyasha growled.
Kagome however just smiled and patted his head like he was already just a huffy baby and had lead him off to get dressed for the part.
Souta huffed as he kicked the soccer ball at the goal post, catching it and kicking it back over and over. It just wasn't fair that his bladder was betraying him like this when he was -9- years old! without a doubt in his mind, he was the biggest diaper baby in the whole town, heck maybe even the whole freaking country!
That thought was interrupted as he heard a LOUD crinkling noise and turned to see what it was.. and his ball hit his shin as his jaw almost hit the ground.
Waddling out behind behind Kagome dressed in a red onesie that did NOTHING to hide the thick, massive diaper(s) he was wearing and a pair of sandal's was Inuyasha!
The Half demon was beet red and seemed to be tugging on Kagome's arm, making it clear he'd rather go back inside even as he looked this way and that until, heh, she stopped and gave him a swat on his padded backside and shook a finger at him, talking clearly.
"No Inuyasha, you've been hiding inside for 2 weeks now, you need some fresh air and that's why we're in the future." She scolded.
"But..but.." Inuyasha whined.
"It's ok Inuyasha, I'm sure Souta won't tease you just because you can't control yourself right now." Kagome said in a motherly tone, then turned back to Souta. "Isn't that right Little guy?"
"heh..hehehehe yeah no, I won't at all Little yasha!" Souta said, a big silly grin breaking out on his face now."What even happened though?" he asked, coming over to the pair.
Kagome let go of Inuyasha's hand though gave him a look and the huffing diapered half demon plopped his butt onto the soft dirt of the back yard.
"Oh, we got attacked by a crazy priest who figured the only way to redeem demons was to teach them humility." Kagome started, a well practiced lie. "Basically Poor little Inuyasha, heh, or yasha as you called him..I like that! Anyways, he lost a lot of power and well control of his tinkles and uh-oh's for 3 weeks.Not to mention he's become a lot more..childish as you might of noticed." As Kagome said that with her back to the half demon Inuyasha stuck his tongue out at her and Souta covered his mouth to keep from giggling. Kagome turned to see what was so funny but Inuyasha had stopped JUST in time and was looking away, trying and failing to whistle. "...Anyways..I've been trying to deal with it in the past but frankly he's been stinking up his cabin and I'm sick of washing his diapers. figured why not let him spend the last week of it here and enjoy the freedom to play outside AND the wonders of disposable diapers." she finished.
"oh well, shucks , Little yasha could of came here sooner! I would of helped look after him!" Souta said, swelling with big boy pride since heck he was just in a nice and slim pull-up AND he didn't stink up his diapers! "If you wanna take a little break I'll even watch him for you right now." Souta added.
"Will you? that'd be great!" Kagome gushed and ruffled his hair. "Oh, one thing, with Inuyasha starting to get his control back, you'll have to keep asking him every so often if he need to potty or needs a diaper change. about once a hour. I'd worry more on the diaper change though myself."
the fact that Souta was suppose to be doing a potty check himself once a hour flew right over his head and the little 9 year old nodded and gave a thumbs up.
"Don't worry sis, I got this!"
Inuyasha was mentally adding heaps on his list of demands as his new nick name caught on and Kagome went out of her way to make him seem even more helpless.
with his 'darling' girlfriend retreating inside, Souta came over to him and smiled, then bent down and sniffed, confusing Inuyasha for a second.
"Hmm, you SMELL clean for the moment at least." Souta said and then patted Inuyasha's head. "Good boy!"
If he made it thought the week without having to kill someone Inuyasha wanted all the good damn treats.. but knowing the role he was SUPPOSE to play he gave a silly grin (And the heat pats kinda sorta maybe felt nice too.)
"Well little yasha, what do you wanna do? I was playing some soccer but if your muscle control and stuff is all messed up I don't think that's a good idea. sides you likely can't move too fast in your diapies." Souta said.
'So nice but still being a jerk..it must run in the fucking family.' Inuyasha thought then put a thoughtful look on his face. "Ummm we could play hide n seek!" Inuyasha offered up, putting a doopy childish twinge to his voice.
"ok, You hide and I'll seek. I'll give you to the count of 20." Souta said and went to cover his eyes when Inuyasha tugged at his shorts. "Hmm? what's wrong?"
"How many is 20?" Inuyasha asked, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, not having to force a blush as the pure humiliation of this all was taking care of it for him.
A big grin broke out on Souta's face and he bent down and took Inuyasha's hands in his.
"20 is this many.. and then" and Souta let go of Inuyasha's hands and tapped a finger on the exposed toes since Inuyasha had gone sockless in the sandals. "and this many. Can you keep track of that?"
"Ummm I think so!" Inuyasha said and nodded his head, having to admit that was all sorts of cute.
"Ok then, when I hit 20 you'll hear me say, ready or not, here I come anyways in case you lose count." Souta said and with a last head pat, he stood up and closed his eyes, starting to count.
Of course Inuyasha could of scaled a tree or taken to the roof top even with the bulky diapers he had on, he decided to play fair and also, knew it would ruin the whole plan and he hadn't of put up with it THIS far just to fuck it up now.
He needed what would seem like a good hiding spot to a toddler but clearly wouldn't work for him and now up on his feet he scanned the yard.
Jesus, this wasn't like a life or death battle but for Inuyasha he found himself frozen on the spot, trying to figure out what would work, his natural instinct to win was messing up his need to lose!
ok this was just getting stupid! he fought the urge to face palm and then spotted a narrow opening under the steps to the back porch, it would hide him from Souta's direct line of sight but would of gotten him caught as soon as the little guy came close.
"Eight...nine...ten, That's half the count yasha!" Souta called.
'heh, he really is a fair sport.' Inuyasha thought, then as stealthy as he could (read, not at all) waddled his way over to his chosen hiding spot even as his tummy started to feel a little bit weird.
'Must be that glass of icky juice they insisted I drink before coming out so I don't get dehydrated.' Inuyasha thought, crinkling loudly and having to speed up.
"Fourteen...fifteen...sixteen..." Souta called out, a big goofy grin on his face.
Waddling with all the speed he muster and keep up the lie, Inuyasha drove to get into the hole.. and found out that while he had been right he could of squeezed in there normally.. he hadn't taken into account the triple diapers. His upper half was in, but his padd butt and legs stuck out and he knew if he tried to force himself in,he'd end up losing them.
'fuck my life..'
"seventeen, eighteen..nineteen...twenty! Ready or not here I ..pffft.. come..heh. Did you get stuck little yasha?"
Inuyasha had been about to push himself back out but with Souta's suggestion, figured that worked and started to give out a sheepish yes, but his tummy cramped and it came out much more panicked.
"Yeah! Uh.. Please help me git out!" he said, one hand keeping him from going into the dead leaves and the like under the step but the other was on his tummy, and he kicked his legs a little more to try and work out the cramp.
"hey, it's ok! don't worry! I'm coming over, though you have to stop kicking your legs. I'm gonna grab you at the waist and pull you back, so watch your head!" Souta called, and Inuyasha could hear him running over.
"O-Ok." The half demon whimpered, the cramps were getting worst and he semi pushed back a little giving Souta a better place to grip though he didn't take into account with the building cramps he might not want someone wrenching on his midsection.
'oh god, this feels like that time I ate those clam's that had gone bad right before I..I..Oh those fucking bitches!' Inuyasha thought, cluing in to why the ladies of the house had grinned so big when Inuyasha had downed his drink to get the icky tasting thing over and done with.
he had a brief second to think about just calling this off, he'd get himself out and whine to Souta that his tummy hurt and try and shit himself somewhere private, but by then it was far, far too late.
Souta's little arms and hands were trying to pull him out and the extra force on his tummy tum meant that while he did get free, pushing himself back to make it look like it was all Souta, he banged his head on the step knocking him loopy for a split second and also started to filled his diapers.
As he loudly farted and giggled, he wore a blissful stupid derp face.
Souta was shocked at just how strong he was as he freed the poor trapped little guy, though it was soon replaced with amusement and disgust as Inuyasha started to let out massive wet fart and then more then that, a stupid look on his face.
"Uhhh yasha, are you going boom boom?" Souta asked, holding his nose. it was rhetorical question at this point as the diaper was starting to swell, so Souta didn't figure he was gonna need to do a sniff check.
"Hehehe Ya! Going PBBBBBBTTTT!" Inuyasha giggled and stuck his tongue out, blowing a raspberry.
"heh, you surrrre are buddy. but it's ok. You uh.. stay here and finish up and I'll go get Kagome ok?" He said/asked, coming over and patting Inuyasha's head.
"OOOOOOTAYYYY!" the diaper pooping derp coo'ed.
"heh..wish Kagome would of worked me you went all derp when you unload. kinda cute." Souta giggled, then dashed up the step's to stick his head in the back door.
"Kagome! You need to come and get your boyfriend, he's pooping himself silly, Literally!" Souta called.
Yeah, wearing pull-ups sucked, but as Souta pulled his head back out of the back door and looked down at Inuyasha, at least he was a stinky diaper derp.
The end..for now
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Onsra- Chapter 36: With You...
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banner created by: @envity ♥️
pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader (also vamp!tae x ga-in oc & vamp!jimin x yuri oc)
genre: E2L, romance, drama, horror, angst
warnings for this chapter: fluff but also some sad shiz. sad koo and y/n, and some language
word count: 6k
Onsra: ML, Previous
I want to thank you all for being so patient, I'm sorry it's so late. I hope the fluff makes up for it :')
You are the sunlight, risen again in my life.
The second coming of my childhood dreams.
I don’t know what these feelings are.
Whether this too is in a dream.
“Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Your eyebrows scrunch together, the soft melodic voice that was in your dreams quietly slipping away as you try to grasp it with the last bits of unconsciousness in your mind. When you let out a tired little sigh of disappointment, a tiny chuckle sounds right next to you.
Your eyes open slowly, the heavy feeling that they’re being weighed down by bricks making you groan before rubbing them. When they finally open all the way, you’re met with Jungkook’s pale face, looking down at you sweetly. 
His big crimson eyes watch you carefully, and you’re reminded of how truly innocent they look when he’s happy; despite the disconcerting color that would make any normal person draw back in fear. As you stare into them, you feel like you can almost see a flicker of life, and you imagine what they must have looked like before he was bitten.
You’d bet they used to hold all the stars in the sky.
Jungkook reaches out a finger and brushes a sweaty strand of your hair from your forehead as he whispers, “Hi, little flower.”
“Hi.” You blink a few times, a crooked smile forming on your face at the sight you get first thing in the morning.
“How did I end up here?” You ask tiredly, rubbing your eyes again and stifling a yawn. You look around your room with curious eyes. Jungkook smiles, his fingers still dancing across your cheeks as he gets all your hair out of your face.
“You fell asleep in the backyard last night and I brought you up here.” He says, watching you with so much interest that it makes you fidget awkwardly. You’ve never seen someone stare at you with so much awe and love, especially first thing in the morning when you must look half dead.
“T-thank you.”
“Am I making you nervous again? Sorry.” Jungkook breathes out, embarrassed as he moves back a little so you can sit up.
You shake your head, trying hard to swallow. “No, it’s okay. I’m just awkward.” You laugh nervously and Jungkook’s eyes squint in fondness.
“Are you hungry? Everyone already ate breakfast.” At Jungkook’s words, you frown unconsciously, disappointment seeping into your mind at having missed another family mealtime. Jungkook takes your hand quickly when he sees that you’re upset, “I’m sorry. Seokjin hyung and I thought you needed the rest since you were sleeping in, even after the food was done.”
You swallow your disappointment and shake your head, forcing a small smile onto your face. “I needed the extra sleep, I guess.” Jungkook nods and smiles, still gently holding onto your hand, making your heart skip a beat.
“I’ll get you something to eat, you just stay here and rest, alright?” Jungkook stands up before kissing the back of your hand and setting it down, “I have a lot of things planned for us to do before-“
He cuts himself off and you frown at that, “Before what?” You ask curiously. Jungkook just shakes his head. “Nothing, I just meant since you’re feeling better, I have some things planned…that’s all.”
“O-oh, alright.” You give him a bright smile, which he returns before scurrying out of the room, then you hear his footsteps bounding down the stairs, his voice echoing in the old house as he searches for his eldest brother.
“Cute.” You mumble, your cheeks tinted pink while the feeling of his kiss on your hand lingers.
Not five minutes later, Jungkook is coming back in, a tray in his hands as he kicks the door shut behind him with his foot, carefully bringing the tray full of food over to you.
“Oh, Kook. You didn’t have to do this.” Your cheeks start to flame again as he chuckles, sitting next to you and putting the tray on your lap. “Hyung helped me. Eat up y/n, you need your strength.”
You thank him before digging into the food, not wasting a second in case he decides to try and feed it to you himself if you don’t hurry up.
When you’ve finished breakfast and gotten dressed, you make your way downstairs to find Honey in the living room with Hoseok and Yoongi. The little girl is sitting on Hobi’s lap on the couch while Yoongi is on a chair in front of them, a children’s book on his knee as he reads the story, holding the book for Honey to be able to see the pictures. Your heart melts at the sight of them, Yoongi trying his best to do different voices- much to Honey’s delight- and Hobi smiling brightly while he carefully brushes the small girl’s wisps of golden hair.
Honey’s eyes drift over to you and she squeals happily, sliding off Hobi’s lap and running to you. “Flower! Flower!” Her tiny voice shouts happily, despite not quite being able to pronounce the word correctly, her ‘r’s sounding like ‘w’s. She had overheard Jungkook call you that at some point and ever since, that has been her nickname for you.
“Honey, hi!” You scoop her up in your arms, not noticing Jungkook coming out from the kitchen after hearing your voice. He smiles softly at the sight of you cuddling with the tiny girl, something aching in his stomach, which he immediately tries to push away. He blinks rapidly, shaking his head to clear it before walking over to the two of you.
“Koo.” Honey whispers, looking at him over your shoulder, her bright blue eyes shining. Jungkook smiles sweetly at her and waves, “Hi, little one.” He says to her as you turn to see him.
“Oh, hi Kook! Sorry I took so long getting ready.”
Jungkook looks at your messily brushed hair and oversized black t-shirt, that no matter how much you try to wash and iron, refuses to get unwrinkled. His eyes trail down to your ripped blue jeans and dirty sneakers.
He feels his tummy tickle, wanting to just cover you in bubble wrap and keep you safe forever. Jungkook clears his throat and shakes his head, “You didn’t take long at all. Are you up for some fun today?”
“Fun, fun, fun!” Honey squeals, wriggling out of your arms and wrapping her arms around Jungkook’s leg, holding on for dear life. Jungkook looks down at her in surprise and you see his lips twitching up into a smile.
He crouches down as she finally lets go of him, so now he’s eye level with her. “You’re having fun with Hobi and Yoongles, aren’t you, Honey?”
“Yah! I told you to stop calling me that you little shit- I mean brat, she’s going to pick it up!” You hear Yoongi shout from the living room, causing a burst of giggles from all of you at the older boy trying his best to control his habit of cussing. The smallest one picks things up quite easily as you all learned yesterday when she shouted an expletive at the dinner table, causing Jin to scold everyone for their terrible mouths while trying his best not to laugh.  
Honey nods vigorously, then she shocks Jungkook further by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. “Good boy, Koo.” She whispers before her little cheeks turn pink and she runs back to hide in Hoseok’s lap.
You laugh at the pure astonishment on the vampire’s face at the affection from the tiny human. “Aww, I think someone has a crush on you, Koo.” You tease as he laughs and gets to his feet, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
Jungkook grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his before leading you to the front door. “Let’s just go.” He mumbles in embarrassment. You’re positive that his face would be a bright pink right now if he was a human, the thought making you giggle.
“So, what are we doing today?” You ask as Jungkook leads you through the forest. He just turns and smiles at you but doesn’t say a word. You roll your eyes playfully at his ability to keep a secret when he wants to.
When the two of you arrive in the cave where you first found Koko, you smile happily. “Oh! We haven’t been here for a long time.” You drag your fingers along the cold walls that are slightly damp. Jungkook walks over to a bag in the corner of the dark cave, he pulls out a flashlight and turns it on.
Then he points to a dry spot on the floor, “Sit.” He says simply, then he smiles when you oblige his request. Jungkook moves to sit next to you, his knee brushing yours and making goosebumps break out on your arms. You fight the urge to slink away from him, fearing that he can tell your heartbeat has sped up considerably.
But Jungkook doesn’t make any indications that he knows you’re trying not to combust, so you take a few breaths to calm down. You watch as Jungkook turns the flashlight to face one of the cave walls and props it against some rocks so that the beam will stay fixed on the empty wall of the cave.
“What is this about?” You giggle and he looks at you, his eyes shining with excitement. Then he puts his hands in front of the flashlight, projecting a giant shadow of his hands on the wall as he makes them look like a little dog, opening and closing its mouth.
Delighted giggles spill from your lips as Jungkook announces triumphantly, “A shadow show! See?? I remembered today when I used to do this as a kid all the time with my mother.” The look on Jungkook’s face as he watches his hand shadows on the wall is exactly how you feel.
You smile sadly and pat him on the head, “You’re adorable, Jeon Jungkook. And you know exactly how to make my day.” Then you put your hands in the beam, making a little bunny to hop over to Jungkook’s dog. You two keep playing around with the flashlight and shadows for longer than you thought you would, making up silly stories and laughing your heads off. You’re not sure how much time has passed when Jungkook announces that it’s time to go.
“I have more planned for today.” He states matter-of-factly, making you laugh again.
When you look back at him, your laugh cuts short seeing the way he’s watching you. “What is it?” You ask nervously, afraid something is on your face.
Jungkook gives you a half smile as he scoots closer, leaning in slowly. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest as he gets closer. No matter how many times he’s kissed you, it always feels like the first time, and the butterflies in your tummy always freak out on you.
“I know you won’t believe me.” He whispers so quietly you barely hear him, the only reason you do is because he’s only a few centimeters from your face. “But you’re beautiful when you laugh, it just makes me so happy to see you happy.”
And for the first time in forever, you don’t feel the need to argue with him.
Jungkook smiles at your silence and leans in, pressing his lips to yours gently.
The flashlight beam still shines against the cave wall, projecting the shadows, taking a fleeting picture of the exact moment that you realized, maybe you aren’t so unlovable after all.
~                 ~                 ~
“Ok, read.”
You laugh at Jungkook, who’s settled himself comfortably on the soft grass with his head in your lap as you lean against the willow tree in the clearing.
“I’m serious, y/n! I’ve been waiting for so long, read to me.” The pout evident in his voice makes you bite your lips to keep from smiling. “Ok, you little baby.”
Jungkook sighs in satisfaction and snuggles his head more in your lap, one of his hands reaching up to play with the hem of your shirt as you open your copy of Beauty and The Beast and start to read.
As you read, you run your fingers through Jungkook’s thick locks, massaging his head and making him sigh in content. Jungkook doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy, sitting here with the most important person to him as she reads to him and plays with his hair gently.
This is what heaven is like, he’s sure of it.
When your voice starts to crack a little as you’ve been reading for so long, Jungkook reaches up and takes the book out of your hands gently, smiling at your sleepy expression. “I don’t think I’ve ever talked that long in my entire life.” You mumble tiredly, making his smile widen even more.
“Lie down, y/n.” He whispers, then he helps you to scoot away from the tree enough to lay on the grass as you close your eyes. Jungkook lies next to you, putting one of his arms under your head as a pillow for you and another wrapping around your waist. He pulls you closer and snuggles his face into your neck.
“I’m scared.”
He lifts his head to see that you’re still keeping your eyes closed, “What are you scared of, love?” He asks, concerned.
“I’ve never been so happy, and I don’t want it to end.” Your sleepy voice is laced with tears and it makes his throat close.
“It won’t, I promise.”
“How can you be so sure?” Your eyes are open now, one little tear slipping down your cheek before Jungkook wipes it away.
“Please, don’t cry.” He breathes out, desperate to make you happy. “I know that no matter what happens, I’ll always love you, that can never change.” Jungkook’s hair is draping over his face as he leans over you, his eyes scanning your features.
“Why do you love me?”
Jungkook knew this was coming, so he takes a deep breath to keep himself from crying. “I love you because you have a beautiful heart, but you’re far from perfect. That makes me love you even more, because you’re just you, and I love that. You never hurt me, even when I was so cruel to you, you always found it in your heart to be kind to me.”
You sniffle as he continues, “I love your eyes, and your nose and your mouth.” Jungkook lightly kisses each and every part of your face as he names everything on you. “I love your hands, and fingers. I love how silly you are, and I love how unpredictably predictable you are.” You laugh at that, “That doesn’t make sense, Kook.”
“It does when we’re talking about you.” He smirks before going on, “I love your laugh.” He tickles you a little, making you giggle, then he kisses your lips, “That’s the one, alright. And I love your dirty hair.” He plants one last kiss on your hair, making you laugh harder. “You’re gross, Kook.” You look away from his piercing gaze.
“You see the good in people, y/n. Sometimes when they don’t even deserve it. And I love you for that.” Jungkook lays his head on your chest, placing his ear over your heart as he listens intently to the rhythm it makes.
It only takes a few minutes for the sounds of a heartbeat and steady breathing to lull the two of you to sleep, the warm air enveloping you both as you lay in the shade of the willow tree, lying safely in each other’s arms.
~                 ~                    ~
“No, no. You’re doing good, try again.”
You smirk at the sight you’re met with when you walk into the kitchen to see if Seokjin needs any help with dinner.
It turns out he has plenty of help already.
Sooyoung is muttering to herself as she awkwardly maneuvers the knife she’s holding, trying her best to cut an onion the way Seokjin showed her earlier. She sighs and sets it down, her tiny hands looking even smaller next to the big knife.
You’re about to walk in to help her when Jin moves next to her again, neither of them seeing you in the doorway. You watch with a smile small as he takes the knife, “Aren’t you a nursing student?” He asks.
“Yes?” Sooyoung’s quiet voice responds, and she pulls at the sleeves of her long shirt over and over anxiously. Jin takes her hand, his own looking massive next to hers, and places the knife in it again, then he moves behind her and holds the onion with one hand over hers, and the knife, one hand over hers once again.
You start backing into the hallway, not wanting to interrupt them, then you hear Jin speak gently.
“Since when do nursing students, of all people, give up? Try again now, come on. I’ll help you.”
You’re biting your lip so hard so as not to giggle as you turn to run the other direction, when you run into a hard chest. A tiny squeal escapes your mouth and you look up to see Jungkook smiling down at you.
“What are-“
You clap a hand over his mouth and push him into the downstairs bathroom. Locking the door and breathing deeply, you turn to tell Jungkook why you were sneaking around when you see him smirking at you.
“W-why are you looking at me like that?” You look away from his gaze, not being able to keep it for very long.
“I never took you for this kind of girl, y/n. If my hyungs found us in here, we’d be in big trouble.” Jungkook muses tauntingly.
“You little-“ You seethe, your cheeks burning as you try to find the words you need. “Shut up, you pervert!” You hiss, making Jungkook chuckle. “I’m not the one that gagged you and dragged you into the bathroom, now am I?” He asks innocently.  
You blink, “W-well no…b-but I have a good reason!”
“And that is?” One of his eyebrows quirks up and he crosses his arms in front of his chest. You have to peel your eyes away from the veins on his forearms that are extremely visible when he crosses his arms like that…
No, not now!
“Well, I think Seokjin likes Sooyoung.” You blurt out, instantly feeling bad for possibly outing one of their secrets. Jungkook’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline and his mouth drops open in surprise.
“SHhhhuddup!! Stupid!” You smack your hand over his lips again and he breathes a chuckle, then he reaches up and moves your hand off his mouth.
“Don’t be mean, y/n. I’m not stupid.” He pouts, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
“Well, I’d hate to see what you’d do if you were then, if this is you being smart. Don’t you know how to be sneaky? Unless you want the whole house to know we’re in here then be quiet!” You whisper sharply as you look at the door anxiously, not wanting anyone to barge in and get a completely and utterly and totally wrong idea about this situation.
“Ok, ok. I’m sorry. Now, tell me what you saw.” Jungkook’s eyes are practically shining with excitement to hear the details and you soften instantly.
“Ok, so. I went in there and Seokjin was being really cute and sweet with Sooyoung and-…what’s the matter?” you look at Jungkook in confusion, not understanding why he suddenly looks upset as he pulls away from you.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You’re scared that the dark cloud in his mind might have come back, but then Jungkook scoffs in annoyance. “You called hyung sweet and cute…” He looks away and you laugh in disbelief.
“Seriously? You’re jealous of Jinnie when I’m literally telling you about how cute I think him and Sooyoung are together? That doesn’t even make sense, Kookie!” You start to laugh harder and he glares at you.
“It isn’t funny. What if I was the one that saw it and I was telling you that I thought Sooyoung was so sweet and cute and whatever. How would you feel?” He snaps back and you feel your blood heat up at the thought of it, then you snap out of it.
“Ok, I’m sorry. I get why that would upset you, I won’t do it again.” You smile at him, but he still glares at you. “And stop calling him Jinnie!” He huffs, leaving you shocked at his behavior.
You frown and cross your arms, moving to the door to lean against it as you pout. “You don’t have to be so controlling, Jungkook. Geez, you just ruined the whole mood.” Jungkook softens and walks over to you, putting his hands on either side of your face as he leans in to kiss your nose. “You’re right, that wasn’t very thoughtful of me. You can call everyone whatever you want, baby. I’m sorry.”
You try to bite back your smile but break when Jungkook keeps pecking your nose, “Ok, ok. I’m not mad. And if I had known it bothered you, I wouldn’t have done it. I just don’t like it when you tell me what to do like that, it makes me feel like you’re controlling me, and that doesn’t feel very good.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was controlling you. I just got overwhelmed and I said what I wanted without thinking.” Jungkook frowns guiltily.
“Hey, I forgive you. Do you forgive me for being inconsiderate about my wording?” You ask him gently, not wanting the mood to be sour anymore. He nods and you smile brightly, which makes him smile again.
“Ok, now tell me what you saw them do-”
Knock, knock.
You and Jungkook jump away from the door when someone knocks on it harshly, then a voice comes from the other side, “Jungkook, I need to use the restroom. Are you done yet?  You’ve been in there forever.”
Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes, neither of you know what to do in this situation. Then Jungkook clears his throat, “Uh, yeah. G-gimme a sec, please.”
A loud sigh comes through the door and you try to stifle a nervous laugh.
“Fuck.” Jungkook breathes out, running his hand through his hair. “It’s not funny, y/n! You want to know who’s going to get skinned alive if they find us locked in the bathroom together? Well, spoiler alert, it isn’t going to be fucking you.”
You bite your lips, his words only making you want to laugh harder.
He points an accusing finger at you, “This is your fault, you remember that.”
Then Jungkook pushes you behind the door and cracks it open, smiling nervously at his older brother. “H-hyung, sorry.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Ok, it’s fine. Just let me in now, please?” He looks at the young vampire expectantly. Jungkook clears his throat, “Uh, yeah, ok. Oh! Hobi hyung is calling you.”
“Hoseok knows I was going to the bathroom.”
“Did I say Hoseok hyung? I meant Joon hyung.”
“Get out of my way you little shit, what are you hiding?” Yoongi pushes past Jungkook and opens the door, making you shuffle back until your back hits the wall. Then Yoongi looks behind the door and scowls when he sees you standing there.
“Hyung! Why’d you do that?” Jungkook seethes, but Yoongi just shakes his head and smiles. “Get out of here, you idiots. I know you weren’t doing anything, what do you think I’m stupid? Kook is too nervous to even look at you for more than a few moments, I doubt he’d try anything scandalous.”
“I have to use the restroom! Get out before I tell Seokjin you’re getting frisky in here!” Yoongi scolds you two, pushing you both out after sending you a quick wink. Jungkook is sputtering in humiliation at his hyung’s usage of words while you try to stop laughing at his expression.
“H-he’s an idiot, y/n. Don’t listen to anything he ever says.”
“Alright.” You try your best to stay calm and not burst into another round of giggles. Jungkook just shakes his head in annoyance and stomps towards the living room.
~                       ~                        ~
“Oh shit, Jin hyung is whipped.”
Jungkook giggles when you shove his arm, trying to hold in your own laughter. He looks back at the eldest who is kindly and calmly talking Sooyoung through the making of dinner.
“Seriously though, he is totally falling for her.” Jungkook whispers.
Both of your heads are peeking around the corner of the kitchen, watching the pair cook dinner. You have a moment of wondering if maybe this is a bit creepy, then you shake your head and decide that it isn’t.
Look, it’s cute ok?
You can’t help but watch them and root for Jin. He deserves to be happy, he’s always putting others first before himself, never taking much time to take care of his own needs and wants. Sooyoung coming and befriending Jin couldn’t make you any happier. He’s finally got someone to hang out with all the time, and it brings a sense of relief to you knowing he isn’t lonely when you can’t be there to hang out with him.
“You better be nice, Kook. Don’t tease him and make things harder for him, ok?” You turn and glare at Jungkook, who looks at you, offended. “I wouldn’t dare.” He scoffs and your glare gets harder.
“I’ll deal with you myself if I find out you’ve done anything to make him uncomfortable, you understand?” Jungkook laughs internally at the stern look on your face as he nods. He finds it amusing that even when you’re really nothing compared to him with strength, you can still make him do whatever you say.
You’ve got him wrapped around your little finger, and he loves it.
~                             ~                                ~
After dinner that night, you offer to do the dishes, to which Jungkook automatically volunteers to help you with.
You’re scrubbing a plate and rinsing it as Jungkook twirls the dish towel in the air, busying himself while you clean the dish for him to eventually dry.
“I feel bad that you always help with the dishes, Kookie. You don’t use them, so it isn’t fair.” You frown and hand him the now clean plate. Jungkook takes it and smirks, “Do you want to give me a kiss to make up for it?” He asks playfully, making you roll your eyes.
“Goodness, you’re incorrigible.” You mutter before dipping your hands back into the soapy water to find more dishes. Jungkook just laughs and puts the plate away, then turns back to watch you wash.
“Kook, you’re giving me heart eyes again.” You say simply, handing him a cup and diving back in the sink for more. He giggles, “And? Something wrong with that?”
You shake your head, “Not at all, but when you’re looking at me like that as I’m elbow deep in dishwater it’s kind of a strange combo.” You laugh to yourself as his smile brightens.
“You know it takes a certain kind of girl to look as beautiful as you do while cleaning dirty dishes, I’ll give that to you.”
“And I’ll take it.” You say with a smile, handing him the last of the silverware to dry and put away. “Do I really not get a kiss though?” Jungkook pouts and you shake your head in amusement, “Ok, a quick one. Close your eyes.”
Jungkook obeys instantly, squeezing his eyes shut and puckering his lips.
When the cold and wet feeling of dishwater touches his lips, he flinches back, spluttering and coughing. “Agh! You did not just put dishwater on my mouth you little brat.” Jungkook wipes his lips aggressively as you laugh. Then, he scoops up a handful of bubbles from the soapy water and plops it right on your head.
“Hey!’ You scream and grab more bubbles of your own to attack him with. You two end up squealing and running around the kitchen, covering the whole place with bubbles until Jin finds you making a mess and scolds the two of you for being foolish.
But you can tell he doesn’t mind when he sends you a quick wink before grabbing a handful of bubbles and practically slapping Jungkook in the face with them.
“Yah! Why me??”
~                             ~                                ~
The house creaks quietly as you make your way to your bedroom door, pausing to look back at the girls sleeping in the bed and on the floor.
All of them are sleeping soundly, so you smile and turn the knob, slipping out quickly and closing the door silently.
You knock softly on Jungkook’s bedroom door, waiting to hear his response. You frown when he doesn’t answer right away like he usually does. Instead, a long silence drags out, making your stomach turn.
“Kookie?” You whisper softly, trying not to wake the whole house.
When your call goes unanswered, you crack open the door slowly and look in the room. Moonlight shines through the blinds and cascades across the floorboards. By the tiny amount of light, you can already see that Jungkook isn’t in his bed. The covers are all messed up, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
Sighing and closing the door again, you turn to go down the hallway and towards the stairs. The stairs groan when you descend them, and you cringe at the sound. When you make it to the bottom you flinch when you hear a small sound coming from the living room.
This time you know exactly what it is, so you don’t hesitate as you hurry into the living room to see Jungkook sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. A pained sigh leaves your lips at the sight of how broken he looks, suffering alone.  
He looks up and you see the tear streaks down his cheeks, his deep red eyes reflecting pain and regret. “Jungkook-" You breathe out before he cuts you off. “Y/n, I don’t want this. Y/n, I want to be a human again. I don’t want to die a monster.”
“Jungkook, you won’t die, and you’re not a monster.” Your heart clenches.
Jungkook doesn’t seem to hear you as another choked sob leaves his throat.
“I’m sorry I found you…I’m sorry I brought you back…I’m sorry that I fell in love with you.” You walk over to him, gently taking his slumped shoulders in your hands and making him look up at you.
“Don’t say that Jungkook. I’m grateful I met you. I’m glad you love me.” His eyes shine with a fresh wave of tears and he pulls you into his lap. “Don’t ever apologize for loving me, Kookie. Because loving you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I know now. You’re the one thing I never knew I needed.”
Jungkook bites his bottom lip, his eyes shining with unfallen tears as he takes a shaky breath. “Why aren’t you sleeping, love?” He wipes his eyes and clears his throat, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you closer on his lap.
You stroke his hair gently while he tucks his head into the crook of your neck. “I couldn’t sleep.” You murmur softly, closing your eyes and laying your head on his as you whisper, “I just missed you.” Jungkook sniffles at your words and you feel his hand searching for yours, giving it a tight squeeze when he finds it.
“There’s something bothering you.” You say as you lift your head, watching him left his slowly, meeting your eyes. He looks away and you take his chin, pulling him back to look at you.
“It’s me, Kookie. You know you can tell me anything. Besides, I’ll just find out anyway and then it’ll be worse if I don’t hear it from you.” Jungkook sighs at that and pulls you to lay down on the couch.
“I’m just trying my best not to give up.” Jungkook whispers brokenly, his eyes closed as he lies next to you. You feel your heart stop in your chest at that.
“I hate everything that I am.” Jungkook continues, his voice low and full of emotion. “But when I’m with you, I feel human again.”
Without opening his eyes, Jungkook reaches a hand out to caress your cheek with his fingers, his other arm still wrapped around you. You shiver slightly at the cold touch of his skin. “Your skin is so warm.” He chuckles quietly. You smile sadly and take his hand in yours as he keeps talking, “What I wouldn’t do to be a human again, just so I can feel everything like you do. I want to feel, y/n. I want to be a human again.”
“I know, Kook.”
“I feel like there’s always a thin curtain separating us, and it kills me. I just want to feel my heart pounding for you like I know yours does.”
When you open your eyes to look at him, you see his crimson orbs gazing out the living room window, his eyes have a faraway look to them as he lets himself say what’s been on his mind.
“That’s one thing that I know I always took for granted.”
“What?” You ask after he doesn’t speak for another minute. Jungkook blinks slowly, “We know that when we die, everything stops. When there’s no pulse, we’re gone, done. So, I took my heartbeat for granted, I never thought I would lose it until the day I die. It’s something so simple, but I miss it so much.”
You blink back burning tears and take a deep breath, then you take his hand, “Close your eyes, Kookie.” He looks at you curiously before closing them like you requested.
You gently put his hand over your heart, letting him feel the steady and strong beating, watching as his lips curve into a small smile. He sighs happily and pulls you closer to him to the point where there isn’t any space between you at all anymore.
“My heartbeat belongs to you too, Koo. You’ll always be a human at heart, no matter what you look like on the outside or what any voice inside tells you. The most beautiful part of humanity is when a human is broken and doesn’t give up. Humans were never meant to be perfect. We’re made to be broken and rebuilt again and again.” Your words reach into the deep crevices of his mind that have been untouched for as long as he can remember. He lets out a shaky breath as you continue, “I love all of you, Kookie. And I’ll always be here, I promise.”
Jungkook lets himself melt into the couch, focusing all his attention on the beating of your heart through his palm while your words gently flow through his aching mind. He imagines that his heart beats at the same pace, joining in time with yours. Jungkook eventually falls asleep, for the first time in a long time, his mind is clear as he lets himself relax into a deep slumber.
Dreams of beating hearts and warm caresses fill your heads as you sleep away all the fears that will eventually come crawling back into the depths of your minds.
But for now, an escape is all you can ask for.
The next morning, Namjoon is the first awake, and the first to jump back in surprise when he finds the two bodies tangled together on the couch, puffy eyes and messy hair a more human and beautiful picture than he ever thought he’d see in this household.
He smiles and quietly grabs his book from the shelf, glancing back once before moving himself out of the room, ready to explain why no one can go in the living room for now.
Because even if it’s just for one more hour, he wants to let you two dream.
a/n: im weak for soft vamp kook :')) tysm for being so nice ;-;
taglist: @jjungkook99 @ditttiii @fekitza @rubinora @xxxanimangxxx @jkhey97 @your-best-behaviour @adelina1299 @lettersforjoon @karissassirak @krystle1990 @elliegrace1999tvd @hopeworld-baseline @nikikookie @howbizarre @squidyelmosquidbutt @jeonjungkookismyfuture
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rq-s · 4 years
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Title: Perfect
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo / F!Reader
Genre: Fluff & American College/University AU
Word Count: 2.9k+
Warnings: None.
Summary: You’re nearing your college graduation, your photography degree is practically in your hands already. But every time you look through your portfolio, something is missing. And you knew exactly what it was. 
My Masterlist 
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I couldn’t help but stare. A boy with eyes that piercing and teeth that shiny was hard to come by, and he was just who I needed.
I eyed him for my entire lunch break, watching him as he sat in the grass with his back against one of the few birth trees on campus. I watched as he shoved vending machine popcorn in his mouth while reading a textbook like it was a bestseller. It was surprisingly interesting. From what I heard around campus, he was as stoic as they come, but I wondered if that was just rumor when he sucked on his slightly fingertips to get the butter off them instead of using a napkin.
“Your boyfriend knows Wonwoo, right?” I asked after getting my friend’s attention. She was directly in front of me, making it easy to look over her shoulder to the man in question without seeming too obvious.
“They’re both in music theory I think, why?” She answered just as absentmindedly as I’d asked. I shrugged and took my phone out to search my contacts for her boyfriends’ name.
“I’m gonna ask him for Wonwoo’s number.” I said, bracing for the reaction I knew I’d get.
“Oh I see~ You finally over that dry spell?” Our group of friends joked and cooed at me, teasing the fact that maybe their “frigid friend” was warming up. I resigned to let them think whatever they wanted, knowing they wouldn’t take my real reason to get close to Wonwoo seriously. He’s just the type of handsome that I needed for my portfolio.
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The sun was falling, signaling that evening classes were going to start soon. For me though, the rest of the day was mine. I fell back into my bed with a thump, fingers laced over my forehead as I fought between wanting to get work done or just lazing in bed for the rest of the day.
My phone rang before I could decide.
“Hey, what did you need?” A heavy but hurried voice spoke as soon as I answered. There was no caller ID, but it could only be one man. I was taken aback at his directness; I’d just sent a text saying my name and that I wanted his help with a project. He must be an opportunist to call a stranger after so little information.
In my slow register of the situation, I heard him speed walking somewhere, mumbling “excuse me” as he went.
“If you have time, I’d like to take some pictures of you.”
“For photography? Sure, I’ll text you when I’m free, alright?” He rushed, hanging up before I could finish saying okay. How did he know it was for photography? Sure, I carried my camera with me everywhere I went, but how could he know?
“Back to back classes that are across campus from each other are the worst.” He texted me an apology a few minutes later. I assured him that it’s fine, and added a gentle pester for him to focus during class. Something about him seemed to conflict: his naturally intimidating aura clashed with his lack of formality.
I was only becoming more certain that he was who I needed.
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Nearly 3 hours later he texted me that he should be free for the rest of the evening. Knowing the rules against having a guy come into the girls’ dorms, especially after sunset, I invited him to a small diner near the middle of the campus where we could talk about specifics. Luckily, he agreed.
When I arrived, he was already there with a half empty glass of soda and 2 menus laid on the worn-out table. It seemed like he’d been here a while, scrolling his phone mindlessly while he waited for me. I checked my phone just to be sure for the 5th time tonight that I wasn’t late but seeing him there alone made me feel guilty anyway.
I weaved though tables of happy couples, study groups, and families to meet him at the burgundy leather booth. He smiled once he noticed me, adjusting his beige cardigan that hung on his broad shoulders and pulling the cuffs down to cover his thin wrists - it was as if he was surprised to see me here.
“I hope you haven’t been here for too long.” I said concernedly, sitting across from him and setting my bag beside me.
“I… have. I figured it would be easier than going all the way back to my dorm for a whole 2 minutes before I had to head back down here.” He grabbed his glass with one hand but didn’t pick it up, instead he tapped his fingernails against it, making the ice hit the sides in a surprisingly rhythmic way.
“That’s smart, actually. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.” This was a place I went often for dinner, so I didn’t need to look through the menu. This meant looking at each other awkwardly while we waited for the waiter to come by.
I tried to be discrete as I looked him over. Seeing him up close was so much different than watching him from across the park or the hallways. He was thin, but still appeared strong, that was clear even with the slightly oversized clothes he was wearing. His skin seemed silky smooth but also like it could start smoking like dry ice at any moment.
He was looking at me too, his deep brown eyes wandering my face and torso casually. The shape of his nose, his eyes, his jaw… everything was perfect. Even they way his bangs fell over his brow and how his glasses left red marks on the bridge of his nose was perfect.
“Why did you say I have ‘the look’?” He asked blatantly, but from his tone I could tell he wasn’t bothered by it.
“Oh, that… Basically, your face shape, features, stature, body type, all of that stuff is pretty much exactly what I’ve been looking to add to my portfolio.” I could already feel that awkward warmth creeping up my neck and towards my cheeks.
“You think I’m perfect?” The smirk was audible in his voice, it wasn’t the cocky smile I was used to seeing from college boys, but instead was one of delight.
“Yes.” I didn’t hesitate, and for a moment, I wish I had. His smirk fell instantly, and after his eyes darted over my face in search of something, he turned his head completely to look out the window, his slender fingers covering his mouth.
28… 29… 30… 31-
“Thanks.” He had sat still in that position before he spoke, shifting in his seat. At the same time, the waiter finally approached us. Wonwoo ordered first, and it looked as if his skin was paler than before, like his circulation suddenly dropped. I ordered my regular and the waiter left as swiftly as they’d came. He sighed as they walked away, as if he’d been holding his breath.
“So, what would I need to do?” Wonwoo asked with a hint of meekness.
“I just need you to do simple poses and let me take pictures of you. We can work together for what to have you wear and where would be best, I have some ideas already though.”
He put his arms on the table and held his hands together and fidgeted. I was truly at as loss for words with him, I know it’s impolite to stare, but it’s as if his aura was drawing me in like a magnet. He bit his cheek in thought, then took a deep breath before speaking.
“I'm not sure, I’m really busy with essays for the next few weeks.” He was hinting at something, and I picked up on it instantly.
“Oh, you wouldn’t be doing it for free, by the way. I’m not sure how long it would take so I can pay you by the hour,” His face lit up again, and his eyes caught mine. How could someone with such a chilly reputation seem so warmhearted? “Does 15 dollars an hour sound okay?”
“If you can take at least 5 hours, sure.”
After that, talking became easier and we even laughed at silly jokes as we ate, taking the time to get to know each other. It was easy to let my guard down with him, and I hoped it was the same for him. Everything I overheard people whisper about him behind his back was wrong, I knew that for sure.
“I really don’t know though, I feel like if you go to a fancy masquerade wearing a wolf mask, going around asking strange question about peoples agendas, you have to accept that everyone is going to think you’re the murderer!” Our plates had been taken back to the kitchen, we’ve gotten 3 drink refills, and we’re now both picking at a shared slice of no-bake chocolate cake while figuring own what mask each of our professors would wear to a Clue-esk masquerade.
“Maybe that was the point? Maybe someone else used that expectation against him and would frame him! Do you know how scary crows can be when they’re upset? I think it would be her.” Wonwoo seemed in his element when in a debate, even one as silly as this. I shook my head and chuckled, taking a bite of the cake with a happy hum as he finished off this ice water. We’d spend the entire evening chapping about things we both liked, and we bonded over Shakespeare. Truthfully though, I could only talk about what I had to read in high-school English.
“Excuse me? It’s getting late. We have to close soon.” A waitress I didn’t recognize came up and got our attention. We both seemed surprised, looking outside to find the sky was completely dark, the orange glow of the streetlights lining the winding sidewalks of the campus.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize the time,” Wonwoo stood up just enough to grab his wallet from his back pocket, “I’ll take the check, now.” The waiter nodded and handed it to him, clearly tired from her shift. The diner was empty save for the few members of staff and the two of u. It kind of scared me how easily I’d gotten lost in conversation.
“Let me pay for half, okay?” I fumbled with my bag trying to find my wallet.
“No, I’ve got it, if you can cover the tip though, that’d be great.” He was already standing and making his way to the front where he’d pay. He paused for a moment though, sliding the check towards me with a kind smile before he left. His appearance paired with the amazing diner we’d shared made my mind go blank. Butterflies to spawned in my tummy and they dared to fly up my throat, making it tighten as if I could cry.
I took a deep breath and stood, placing a little more cash than was necessary on the table and went to catch up with Wonwoo. I stood to the side as he paid, thanking the waitress when they were finished.
“Thank you for spending time with me tonight.” I said shyly, hugging my arms close to myself to stave off the cold.
“You’re welcome. I’ll text you the date and time that I’ll be free. I trust your judgement, so just text me with what I should try to wear and were I should be.” It took me way too long to realize what he was talking about.
“Ahh right! Of course.” I hadn’t meant to sound so disappointed, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“My dorm is this way, so I’ll see you later, okay?” He stopped abruptly at a crossroads, pointing into the opposite direction where my dorm was. I nodded and thanked him again before he began to jog off.
I stood there under the lights for a few moments, watching as his slender legs and clean dress shoes took him away and into the night.
My breath hitched in sudden realization.
“I just went on a date with Jeon Wonwoo.” I whispered to no one.
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“Right there! Don’t move a muscle.” It was a week later that I got to see him again. It was the weekend, and I’d decided on going to a park nearby. We stood at a small bridge that crossed a small stream that would eventually reach the river where families were fishing and having a barbecue. The weather was perfect, with bright fluffy clouds, warm sunshine, and a soft breeze.
Somehow Wonwoo wore almost exactly what I’d envisioned: a lightweight shirt over a white t-shirt, light wash jeans and sneakers. A perfect day and a perfect boy made for a perfect picture.
“Can you look up a little bit more? Think something wistful.” He was great at following instructions, and whatever wistful thing he was thinking made the sweetest smile spread over his cheeks. I knelt at the end of the bridge and took a few pictures of his profile as he gazed at the sky.
“Now look at me.” It was as if he looked through the camera lens and directly into my soul. It nearly took my breath away how naturally be could put on the boyfriend act. Luckily, my camera was my shield, and I was able to get the shot without fumbling like a starstruck schoolgirl. Mostly.
“Alright, I think that’s good.” We’d been at it for hours, wandering around the park looking for the best places. We’d been at the river where the trees gave enough shade to emphasize his features. We’d been to the swing set where he played up the careful style that I didn’t know he had. We’ve been to the rock garden where I learned he knew a surprising amount about geology.
“You think this’ll be enough?” He came around to look at the pictures with me, putting his arm around my shoulders, the sudden contact made me jump, nearing dropping my camera. I turned to look at him only to find me wasn’t looking at the pictures at all.
“Uh... Yeah I think so.”
“I’ve always admired you, you know?” My mouth hung open in shock. Surely, I’d have remembered if we shared classes together or knew each other before this. fear bloomed in my chest. Had we known each other before??!?
“Sometimes during lunch, you’ll take pictures of the flowers or of birds, and you have a sense of focus that I don’t usually see in girls our age.” He clarified, waving off my worried thoughts with his free hand. Yet again he surprises me. 
“And I always notice when you stare.” He added as one final blow to my heart, a killing whisper. My breath caught in my lungs and I looked away from him, only to feel his throaty laugh against my ear and neck. 
“I- thank you? and also I’m sorry?” I didn’t know what to say or how to react.  He let go of my shoulders and took a step away, moving in front of me.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m flattered.” His smile was otherworldly. When I didn’t respond further, however, that beautiful smile began to fall.
“I’m sorry, was that unwarranted?” He asked, gesturing to my shoulder. I still couldn’t say anything, as much as I wanted to. I could still feel pressure where his fingers pressed onto my skin, and how his breath against my neck gave me shivers. 
“I just thought that after our date that you were interested and so I-”
“What?” I blurted out, surprising even myself. His eyes went wide, and he stumbled back as if my words had hit him physically.
“Was that wrong? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed!” He bowed his head slightly in what I assumed was an apology. Before I could correct him, he began to leave.
“I’ll text you with my PayPal info, okay? See you around.” He really was the flight in fight or flight when it came to social situations.
I sent a length voice memo after I got home, explaining that I wasn’t upset and that I thought I had begun to have feelings for him, or at least that I liked him and his company. He never replied. In fact, I barely ever saw him again. It was only a little over a month until graduation, so I assumed he was busy. At least I hoped so, that way I didn’t depress myself with the idea that he was purposefully ignoring me, despite the signs.
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Perhaps it was because his image was the shining star of my portfolio, but I never could forget about Jeon Wonwoo.
“Alright, thank you for introducing yourself, you can go ahead and have a seat at your desk.” My supervisor says kindly, gesturing to the only un-decorated desk in the room. The older woman next to me smiled and shook my hand, and the meeting went on in what I assumed was business as usual.
Everything was clean and new and mine. My own desk in an actual company building for an actual newspaper. I tried to focus on what was being said, but I was too giddy to even sit still. 
“Excuse me, are you busy?” A heavy voice spoke up from behind me after the supervisor left the room. My throat tightened as if I could cry.
“No, can I help you with something?” I said as I pretended I was fine.
“I just wanted to introduce myself. Jeon Wonwoo, I’m a columnist.” He smiled at me smugly, extending his hand for me to shake. I did so and he winked at me. Instantly, the entire world fell apart until it was just us.
I couldn’t help but stare. A boy with eyes that piercing and teeth that shiny was hard to come by, and he was just who I wanted.
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Jack has an upset stomach. So Prefect gives him ginger ale for him to chug and makes him really gassy.
Yuu always loved cuddling with Jack on the couch together. The musclebound wolf was such a sucker for physical affection that he always kept Yuu firmly wrapped in a protective and loving embrace. This made it easier to rest her head against his broad chest and rub his muscular tummy from beneath his shirt which always made his gray tail wag merrily.
Jack's stomach was pressing out tightly and his perfect abs were thinned. He'd just had a very big meal and was enjoying some post-food tummy rubs from his girlfriend. The wolf always loved having his belly rubbed by Yuu it came with being a wolf boy. Canines always loved having their tummies rubbed.
And Yuu loved Jack's tummy a whole lot. It was a win win for everyone.
But then Jack's stomach uttered a sickly deep bubbling. The kind that was both loud and really unpleasant sounding.
Jack grimaced and sat up from his side of the couch along with Yuu.
"Are you alright?" Yuu asked.
Jack bared his fangs and winced with a hand gripping his stomach hard.
"Ungh...my stomach's been bothering me for an hour actually..." Jack confessed.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Yuu asked.
"W-Well it's not like I couldn't handle it or anything," Jack said back defensively. But an even sharper churn made him recoil with pain. "The belly rubs were helping but they were just dulling the pain not making it go away..."
Poor boy.
Yuu just smiled and patted Jack on the back. She hopped up from the couch and went to the fridge and eventually pulled out a two liter bottle of Ginger Ale. She gave the bottle to Jack and told him to drink up that ginger ale always helped with an upset tummy.
At first Jack was dismissive of the idea pulling that macho silliness that he was a wolf and that he could handle a little bellyache. But when his belly started aching just a little too much with another intense churn he caved and took the bottle.
Jack brought it to his lips leaned back and began chugging a hearty amount of the soda all at once. His throat bobbed with really thick gulps that squelched loudly from his throbbing Adam's apple.
Yuu watched with heat in her cheeks while her beefy boyfriend slugged down a great deal of soda in a short timespan. Jack being a wolf meant he had an intensity to his appetite that most students couldn't match. It also meant he could down liquids a lot faster than everyone else except Leona and Ruggie. The sound of every thick wet gulp Jack gave was like music to Yuu's ears.
She listened and watched as the soda drained from the bottle at a remarkable pace. When she looked down she saw Jack's tummy beginning to stretch out. It was growing more bloated the more soda he downed and getting tighter by the second.
After getting a third of the ginger ale down Jack pulled the bottle aside and gasped heavily. He needed to catch his breath for a second there. But then Jack uttered a big rumbling burp that Yuu could feel reverberate beneath her.
Jack panted then winced as more gas bubbled in his belly. He gave the side of his stomach a firm pat and uttered another large gassy burp. An even louder burp followed right after that then a weaker one.
"Unnf, man," Jack huffed and patted his belly with relief.
Yuu blushed so intensely at that action.
"...Excuse you," she uttered.
Jack simply grunted and gave his tummy a gentle inquisitive rub. "Huh. Starting to feel a little better," he admitted.
Then he went right back to chugging more ginger ale.
He was sucking a great deal of the beverage with heavy gusto. Little golfball sized lumps rippled down Jack's throat with the amount of soda he was chugging all at once. His tummy continued expanding a little from all that soda filling him up along with the meal he already ate.
Jack paused to catch his breath after getting a good amount of soda down then once again burped so hard that Yuu could feel her bones rattle. Then he went right back to chugging while Yuu fawned over him.
Jack's tummy swelled out enough that his shirt started riding up. By the time he finished his abs were barely visible anymore from how bloated and taut his stomach had become. But the unpleasantly sour and sharp gurgling in his belly was being overtaken by a noisy deeper burbling from being so full of soda.
Oddly enough the latter was much easier for Jack to deal with. Anytime the bubbling got too intense Jack would pull the bottle away and let out the deepest burp Yuu had ever heard. Jack's burps were so strong that Yuu felt it each time he erupted with one. The sound alone turned her on but the feeling of reverberation was a whole new level of stimulation which riled her up.
But eventually Jack Howl finished the soda and tossed the crinkled bottle into a nearby trash can.
Then Jack threw his head back with the loudest and longest burp Yuu had ever heard him utter.
Yuu's face couldn't get more red by that point as she counted each second in her head. That was a ten second long burp easily!
"...That was a really good one Jack," Yuu expressed. The arousal in her voice was not at all subtle.
Jack moaned and slumped back on the couch lazily rubbing his bulging belly with both hands.
"Ungh...I'm so full..." Jack huffed moments before releasing another rumbling burp for Yuu to delight in.
Jack's belly was round and so incredibly tight looking. He was so bloated that his shirt lifted up enough to expose his belly button.
Yuu settled down besides Jack and put her hand on his expanded tummy. It felt so warm and taut. The way it gurgled so heavily beneath her hand suggested Jack's stomach was in flux from all that soda going down at once.
She rubbed Jack's belly in tension-reducing circles. Her soft delicate hand gingerly glided across that rock hard burbling tummy in wide circles that left Jack huffing. Yuu's hand ran up and down the side of that expansive stomach right around Jack's firm ribs. Her hand firmly ran from side to side to feel up the rounded crest of Jack's stomach.
Like before the soda chugging Jack's tail was once again wagging from the tummy rub. Yuu giggled and gave Jack's tummy a teasing pat which caused Jack to hiccup.
With so much pressure in his belly Yuu decided to help by applying a little more pressure to Jack's stomach.
The added pressure was enough to make Jack release a tremendous burp.
The air had a semi-sweet smell from the ginger ale Jack consumed.
All that soda in his belly was making Jack really gassy and Yuu was loving every second of it. She pushed on Jack's belly again and the wolf gave another big throaty burp in response. He panted and couldn't help letting out another one right after that.
"You're really letting them out today huh," Yuu teased while she rubbed her hand over Jack's belly button.
"Hmph yeah yeah," Jack grumbled and blushed. He knew all about his girlfriends fetishes and even though he didn't get any of them he was begrudgingly okay with indulging them.
Though in this case, it really was just all that soda settling in his tummy.
Yuu continued fondling Jack's rounded belly pressing and kneading into it while she rubbed. And every time she did another forceful burp would erupt from Jack's throat. Sometimes a few in a row would come out whenever one got stuck and a big one rolled out freeing the others.
Finally she squeezed out one final burp that lasted almost as long as that ten second monster Jack let out earlier. After that Jack panted and went limp. Yuu fawned and giggled cuddling up besides Jack and more gently rubbing his bubbling tummy.
"Hows your tummy feeling now?" Yuu asked while delicately tracing her finger across Jack's tender lower stomach.
"...Exhausted..." Jack panted.
Yuu giggled and kissed Jack's belly button.
The young wolf blushed hard and looked away with a flustered grumble.
Jack sure was easy to fluster. But given how enamored Yuu was with his big tightly packed tummy and all the sounds it was making, Yuu figured it was about a tie for who flustered the other more.
Jack burped one last time and thumped his chest with a softer burp.
"Unf...'scuse me."
...Okay, scratch that. Even though he wasn't even trying to, Jack definitely out-flustered Yuu.
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lostbutterflyutau · 4 years
The Best Medicine
Note: While this does fit the first Ship Week prompt, it’s actually an excerpt from a longer fic that I’ve been working on behind-the-scenes for awhile (I’m trying to finish it before considering posting). Context is that when Mateo and Carla get sick at the same time -- a time when Elena and co. are planning for a royal visit and her family is away on diplomatic matters -- Rafa is brought in to care for them. Unfortunately, Carla proves to be a very stubborn and resistant patient until someone else drops by to lend a hand.
Also featuring the smallest bit of Rafa and Mateo family fluff.
Despite the occasional nagging worry in the back of her mind, Rafa had fun putting lunch together. Once she explained the situation to the cook, he gave her free reign of part of the kitchen. The only stipulations were that she kept to that section, focused on only Mateo and Carla’s meals and didn’t get in his way.
She smiled to herself as she finished the tray off, hoped that Carla would at least try what she made. Having never cooked for her before, Rafa wasn’t sure if the girl was picky or not, but figured that the plain dishes she had made were a safe bet, both for Carla’s tastes and health. Unfortunately, despite being up by the time she made her way back to the room, Carla wanted nothing to do with the food. She had looked from it to Rafa and back again before rolling over and refusing to move.
“Come on, Carla,” Rafa coaxed as she sat down, set a hand on Carla’s back. “You have to eat something.”
Carla didn’t respond, only pulled the blanket up and over her head in a vain attempt to make Rafa go away. She wasn’t interested in the food, and even less in arguing, she just wanted to be left alone.
Rafa sighed to herself. She didn’t want to push too far, but also knew she couldn’t just give in to Carla’s stubbornness. Even if she didn’t want to, she needed to eat at least a little something for her health.
“How about you just take a small bite? See if you like it?”
“Go away,” Carla muttered, gripped her blanket tighter in case the older woman decided to try and pull it off the same way Abuela did when she was being stubborn.
“You know I can’t do that,” Rafa replied, moved her hand up and down along Carla’s back.
Carla ignored her, hoped that if she kept quiet, Rafa would eventually give up. Nothing she said was going to make her want to eat, not when her stomach was still turning. She was afraid that anything she ate would just come back up and the last thing she wanted was to experience that again.
Her lack of reaction drew another frown from Rafa as she considered her options. Being forceful wasn’t an option, nor was it her style, but waiting it out didn’t seem like a good choice either. Finally, she gripped the blanket with intent to carefully pull it back and at least make Carla look at her, but before she could even make the first tug, she was stopped by a soft rapping.
“Knock knock,” A soft, masculine voice said and Rafa turned.
“Gabe?” Carla said to herself, pushed the blanket off as she shifted and sat up.
Unable to help himself, Gabe gave a small smile at her ruffled appearance. Of course, he wasn’t happy that Carla was sick, especially not after hearing from Elena how she’d actually gotten worse overnight, but her mussed hair and the way she held onto her blanket were too adorable. Though, the novelty quickly wore off when he caught how rundown she looked. She had already looked bad the night before, but now there was more than tiredness in her eyes. Despite the way she smiled at him, he could tell from the way the smile – which quickly faded – didn’t reach her eyes that she was miserable.
He made his way over, took Rafa’s spot when she stood and stepped aside. “Hi, Cutie,” He teased, gently tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Cutie?” Rafa echoed, her eyes filled with curiosity.
Gabe winced. He wanted to kick himself for not thinking. He’d been so focused on Carla that he forgot for a moment that they weren’t alone, and that she wasn’t in her own room. He rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish look washing over his face. But, before he could even think of an explanation, Carla turned, her narrowed eyes locking onto Mateo’s mother.
“Don’t even think about it. And don’t you dare tell anyone, got it?”
Rafa opened her mouth to speak, but immediately shut it again when realised she had nothing to say in response. The look in Carla’s eyes, as feverish as it was, made it clear how important keeping the secret was to her. Finally, she nodded. “Of course.
Carla kept her glare in place, her eyes roving over the older woman’s, looking for any hint of deceit. While she didn’t know Rafa well enough to say so with complete certainty, she knew enough about spotting lies to know she meant what she said. She thought to speak again, but any thoughts she had of doing so faded away when she felt a hand settle on her cheek.
Gabe smiled at the way she instinctively leaned into his hand, asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Sick,” She replied as she toyed with her blanket.
“Sick like how?” He already knew she was sick. Even without being told, that fact was obvious. But no one had told him yet exactly what she had.
“I’m hot and everything hurts and my stomach won’t stop turning.”
“But you’re not sneezy? No sniffles this time?”
Carla shook her head, part of her wishing that she did have those things instead. She didn’t like being any kind of sick, but a cold was far easier to manage than whatever stomach bug she had caught.
“She has a tummy bug,” Rafa interjected. “And she was already sick twice this morning.”
Gabe blinked, looked from Rafa to Carla – who turned her gaze down to the blanket – as he processed the words. “You threw up?”
Carla nodded, kept her focus on the blanket as the awful memories from that morning came back. She hated him knowing that and hated Rafa for telling him.  
He gave her a sympathetic smile, reached over to take one of her hands and whispered as he gently ran his thumb over the back, “My poor, sick Cutie.”
She flicked her eyes up at him briefly and then quickly turned them back down again just as his own gaze fell on the table nearest to them.
“What’s that?” He asked.
“It’s supposed to be her lunch, but I can’t get her to eat. She just ignores me,” Rafa explained. She tried not to take it too personally due to the circumstances but couldn’t help the small sting that tugged at her at the fact that Carla hadn’t wanted to even taste her food.
Gabe nodded once, turned back to Carla. “Carla, you need to eat.”
Carla pretended to be interested in a piece of fuzz on the blanket.
“Carla,” Gabe pressed gently.  
“I’m just going to throw it up,” She said.
“I know that’s not fun. But you’ll never get better if you don’t eat even a little bit. Besides, it’s better to have something in your stomach. You’re going to be sick regardless, but it will feel a lot worse with an empty stomach,” He tried to explain, sighing lightly when she didn’t answer. He then turned to Rafa, motioned with his hand for the small bowl on the food tray. “Can I have that?”
Though she was hesitant, Rafa handed over the bowl, watching as he carefully stirred the broth around before taking a small spoonful and holding it up to Carla.
“Come on, Cutie. At least try it,” He encouraged, hoping that using her affectionate name would make her more agreeable. It was more than her stubbornness, though. He knew that she was probably upset about not being in her own bed and all of her usual caretakers being either gone or busy. Her refusal wasn’t meant to be rebellious or annoying, she was genuinely bothered by being looked after by someone she wasn’t used to and he felt awful for that. If he didn’t have so much on his plate, he’d take on the role himself, if only to make her more comfortable.
Glancing up, Carla considered her options. She knew his concern was nothing but honest, as it always was. Rafa’s was too, but there was something about the way Gabe regarded her that finally made her lean forward and accept the spoon he was offering her.
“Good?” He asked, knowing from the way her eyes had widened slightly when she caught the taste that it was. Still, he watched as she nodded and then offered her another spoonful, saying as she took it, “I’m not going to sit here and feed you. But I will sit with you while you eat if that’s what you want.”
“Can you?”
“Of course.”  He smiled at the eagerness in her gaze, stood to return the bowl as she shifted around in order to give him room to sit and settle himself. Once he did, she crawled over, slid into the space between his arm and the cushions.
Rafa gave her own smile at the sight, part of her wondering how, with just his presence, Gabe was able to get Carla to cooperate after she’d struggled so much with her. She grabbed the tray, carefully handed it over to Gabe, who held onto it after giving Carla her soup bowl.
Carla ate slowly, carefully, pausing every so often to make sure the food would stay down before either taking another bite or switching dishes. The meal was extremely simple, consisting of only warm broth, plain rice and a banana that Gabe cut into sections for her, carefully handing one over when she asked.
With Carla settled, Rafa resumed her chores from earlier, deciding to leave the couple alone while she bustled around the room, tidying up little things and finishing the laundry she had been folding. Only once that was done did she turn to her own belongings and start unpacking the clothing and various small items she’d brought for Mateo, including a small stack of storybooks that she set on the table she’d moved near her own side of the sofa. Instead of staying in a separate room, she decided that it would be easier to stay with Mateo and Carla and opted for the sofa that Carla wasn’t sleeping on.
She glanced back briefly when she heard clattering dishes followed by footsteps as Gabe stood with the tray in hand.  
“She ate about half,” He said when he caught Rafa’s eyes.
“That’s about what I expected,” She replied, moved to take the tray from him. “I’ll take this back. You stay with her.”
“Gabe!” Carla said, reaching over to pull at his shirt when he returned to her side. When he looked down, she pointed over to Rafa’s table, “She has the kitty book!”
He blinked, turned to where she was pointing and, upon seeing the stack of books, finally connected the dots. Sensing what she wanted, he headed over, picked up the picture book entitled “The Lost Kitten” from the top of the stack. He’d learned of her love for it the first time he’d looked after her when sick and caught her flipping through the palace library’s old copy. She had told him then that it was her favourite childhood book and that she actually loved kittens. Then, a few days later, she cuddled up with him while they read the book together since she still wasn’t well enough to attend the first night of Festival of Love and Friendship.
When he returned to her side, she immediately snuggled up to him, looked up with eager eyes as he opened the book.
“Am I reading this to you or with you?” He teased while he brought his arm around and settled his hand on her back.
Carla grabbed the other end of the book. “With.”
He smiled at her enthusiasm and kissed her head before reading the first line, enjoying the way she nestled herself into his side and read the pages in a soft voice as he turned them. Though she was obviously still sick, she was at least relaxed and resting until, just as he finished off the last page, he felt her tense against him, the fingers of the hand that had been gripping the book curling even further around it.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he gently closed the book, frowning when he didn’t get a response as she slunk down beside him. He went to speak again and stopped when he finally registered the sound of footsteps as Mateo made his way around his bed. As he moved into the attached bathroom, Gabe thought for a moment about Carla’s reaction and quickly realised that the whole sharing situation was probably uncomfortable for her, particularly since it was Mateo she was rooming with. If it was one of the girls, she’d probably be more comfortable.
He brought his hand up, ran it over her hair. “This is weird for you, huh?”
Carla nodded, curled into him further. “Very.”
Gabe ran his hand over her hair again, pressed another soft kiss to her head. “I’m sorry. But you know they didn’t do it to make you purposefully uncomfortable.”
He felt Carla’s head shifting as she nodded and mumbled something incoherent. For a second, he thought about asking what it was she had said, but she didn’t seem to be looking for a response.
She wrapped her arm around him, let out a soft sigh as she curled even further into him, the mix between his soap’s faint smell and his natural scent calming her. With his soft t-shirt, he was almost like a big stuffed animal, except with a gentle heartbeat that sent a slow wave of peacefulness through her like a soothing lullaby.
Feeling her relax completely against him, her breathing deepening and steadying as time went on, Gabe decided to stay put for awhile, a warm calmness slowly spreading through him as he closed his eyes, moved his hand down to softly rub her back.
“Why are you two in my bedroom?”
Though the voice hadn’t been particularly loud, both Gabe and Carla flinched when it broke through their peaceful moment. They looked up at the same time, saw a confused Mateo – who had apparently returned from the bathroom – standing next to the sofa. They then exchanged the same unsure look, wondering how neither had registered his presence as he approached.
“And why does Carla look like she’s been sleeping here?” He said it as if it was an afterthought, eyes looking first to the sofa – his sofa – that had been taken over by sheets, blankets and pillows in various shades of purple and then Carla curled up next to Gabe in what looked like a nightgown.
“Because I have?” Carla replied, the statement coming out like a question as she tilted her head slightly. Had nobody told Mateo? And if not, then why? It seemed like something he should know, especially considering his temporary roommate was a woman.  
Mateo opened his mouth to speak again, but barely got a word out before he was interrupted.
“Mijo! What are you doing out of bed?” Rafa said as she crossed the doorway, laundry basket in hand.
“What is Carla doing here?” Mateo asked, ignoring the fact that his mother even asked a question.
Rafa set the basket down, stepped over and sat a careful hand on her son’s back, explained as gave him a gentle push towards his bed. “Carla is here because she’s sick too. And it’s easier to have her stay here then for me to have to run up and down the hallway all day.”
He gave a slow nod in response, climbed back up into bed and waited while his mother adjusted and pulled up his blanket. Usually, he would do it himself, but she was so happy taking care of him that he let her do it.
“Can I get you anything?” She asked, smoothed the covers down one last time.
Mateo thought for a moment, the sudden realisation that he was hungry hitting him as his stomach grumbled. “I guess I could use a snack.”
Rafa kissed his head “Alright. I’ll get you something after I take care of Carla.”
Hearing her name, Carla sat up slightly, glanced from Gabe to Rafa. “Take care of Carla how?”
“By brushing your hair,” Rafa said, pulling a brush from one of her dress pockets as she descended the stairs. “I want to tie it back so –”
“No,” Carla cut her off, buried her head back into Gabe’s shoulder. She didn’t want Rafa even touching her hair. There was no way she would know how to do it right. And, even if she did somehow know exactly how she liked it brushed, Carla still didn’t want a near-stranger’s hands near her hair, especially when that person wasn’t a professional stylist.
“But, Carla…” Rafa tried to start.
“I said ‘no,’” Carla repeated. Her voice was muffled by Gabe’s shoulder, but they both still caught the gist of her answer.
Gabe turned to Rafa, who looked slightly offended, and gave her an apologetic smile. He knew that Carla could be difficult from time to time and that because she struggled with expressing her feelings, she wasn’t always the easiest to figure out, especially when she was sick or distressed. He wished for a moment that he had the same telepathy powers Carla did, if only so he could tell Rafa what he thought Carla was feeling without betraying her trust. But, since he didn’t, he turned his attention back to Carla instead.
Running a gentle hand over her back, Gabe coaxed, “Carla, look at me.”
Carla stayed put for a minute, seemingly contemplating her options before lifting her head to look him in the eyes.
“There’s my Cutie,” He teased. “Look, I know this hasn’t been easy for you, but if Señora de Alva says your hair needs to be tied back, it needs to be tied back.”
“Then you do it.”
“You know I’m not good at that kind of thing. Just give her a chance.”
“But that’s not even the right brush!”
Rafa looked down at the plain brown brush in her hand, raised an eyebrow. As far as she knew, a brush was a brush. Were there different kinds she didn’t know about? She thought to ask, but was interrupted by Gabe laughing as he played with a piece of his girlfriend’s hair.
“That’s an easy fix,” He said and then turned to Rafa again. “I can show you where she keeps her brush and hair accessories.”
Carla’s face fell as she clung to him tighter. “You can’t go! You just got here!”
Gabe smiled, gently patted her back. While she loved affection and kissing and cuddling in private, it was rare that Carla got so clingy. He’d only seen it a handful of times, all of which were when she was either scared or not feeling well. If he was honest with himself, he didn’t particularly like leaving her like this, especially when she was asking. The way she looked at him with those sad, pleading eyes always tugged at his heart just slightly, in part because he knew how real they were. She might have been able to use her eyes and bat her lashes to trick other people, but not him. Never him.
Instead of resisting, he knew it was best to be soft and play along a little. “I know you need me, but I don’t think you want someone going through your stuff unsupervised.”
Her eyes widened slightly at the idea as she realised that the thought had never crossed her mind. In order to get her brush, Rafa would have to go in her room and look for it not knowing which drawer it or her ponytails and ribbons were in. Finally, she murmured, “No.”
“I thought so,” Gabe said, carefully scooting away as she loosened her grip. “I’ll be back in a bit, I promise.” He left her with a soft kiss on the head, motioned for Rafa to follow him.
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