#but it takes me ageeeees
mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
A Hairy Situation
Jesse, shaving his head so that his tattoo stays nice and visible: Well well, who's that handsome devil in the mirror? -winking at himself and taking his sweet time- Hardcase, annoyed because there's only one electric shaver available due to some past unfortunate circumstances: Jess you're taking ageeeees!!! Let me have a turn! -trying to take the shaver from Jesse's hand- Jesse, startled: Hey, I'm not done yet! Back off 'Case! -pulling his arm away from Hardcase's reach so that his batcher doesn't take the electric shaver from him- Hardcase, huffing: No duh you're not done... You keep making googoo eyes at your own karking reflection!!! I gotta bounce before all the good food's gone from the mess! Jesse, rolling his eyes and grinning at him: Then you shoulda woken up earlier Casey~ Hardcase, frustrated: I DID wake up early! But Kix was already using the shaver and then you cut in line! Come on! Hand it over!!! -still trying to wrestle the shaver out of Jesse's hand- Jesse, fighting back: HEY!!! Quit it 'Case! Fives, carefully trimming his goatee and watching the mayhem unfold: Oh this is not ending well. Echo, putting on some aftershave: Oh for sure... Should we do something about it? Fives: Like the captain would say, 'Not my circus, not my monkeys'. Jesse & Hardcase, both struggling over the still working shaver and moving about in the packed 'fresher: GIVE IT UP YA DI'KUT!!! -flailing about dangerously close to Tup who's too busy talking to Dogma to notice the ongoing struggle- Fives, noticing what's about to happen: Oh kark that's not good... Jesse, Hardcase stop!!! Echo, yelping: Tup watch out! Hardcase, distracted by the Domino Twins: Uh? -lets go of Jesse's arm without warning- Jesse, accidentally shaves part of Tup's head due to over-correcting his stance and swinging his arm wildly: OH SHIT!!! Echo & Fives, gawking in horror: Hardcase, trying to process what just happened: Jesse, horrified: Oh maker! Tup I'm so sorry vod'ika!!! Tup staring blankly: Jesse, concerned: .... T-Tup? Tup, slowly turning to stare blankly at Jesse: Dogma, looking at Jesse and Hardcase and sighing because he knows what's coming: .... Run. Tup, eye twitching from sheer fury: THIS TOOK ME AGES TO GROW OUT!!! Jesse & Hardcase, both screaming and running away for their lives: Tup, running after them with murderous intent: COME BACK HERE YOU LASERBRAINED PAIR OF DI'KUTLA SHABUIRS!!! Dogma: ... Guess it's my turn with the shaver. Echo: Aren't you going to help them??? Dogma, staring at Echo incredulously: And get in between an angry Tup and the objects of his ire? No thank you. I value my life... Fives: Fair enough.
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bugsweirdworld · 2 years
So I may or may not have bought a product strictly because it's honey scented and it reminds me of Stretch.
I also may or may not use said product in my hair and pretend he sniffs it.
The self ship hours are hitting hard. Can you tell?
(Oh my gosh lol I haven’t been on here in ages, I have so many random asks piled up LOL I need to reorganise my blog and change my tags from Abby to Abel as well as change my blog name which I forgot about but all of that’ll take ageeeees so let’s ignore it all and move on 🤩)
But anyways, that’s such a slay
I don’t care if other people think that’s weird, the amount of times I almost/have bought something because it reminds me of something a character would like or what they would would wear, for example, is one time too many 💀👍
I love selfshipping so much 💫
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joe-moi · 9 months
I think he could probably grow a half decent beard if he wanted but it'd take him a couple of months lol So it'd just be like a bit of hair here and there and a mustache. Kind of like when you cut your hair short and want to grow it back but it hits that awkward stage when nothing looks good you know (I'm currently in this process pray for me)
My dad can't grow a proper beard because the sides just won't go as fast as the mouth/chin area so it takes him ageeeees to get a full beard and he hates it and only tries it once a year before he gives up again because it's taking too long
it looks like JK’s beard is very light. Which I’m not a guy, I don’t have a beard, but a lot of times I think your beard can be a different color than the rest of your hair. For example I’ve dated a guy who was blonde but his beard was red and I’ve dated a guy who was blonde and his beard was dark brown. Plus it looks like the cheeks are patchy but the chin and mustache aren’t nearly as patchy. So he could get a real nice goatee if he wanted
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puretopia · 2 years
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
I read a post of yours from Feb 3 where you said that you are stressed with keeping up with your prompts and all, and I just wanted to say that I feel you! I struggle so much to keep up with my own requests because I have attention deficit issues and general busy life, and each time I feel so guilty when I am not capable of meeting expectations, like publishing requested imagines on time. I am still working on an imagine prompt I got back in June of 2021 and I feel so guilty because a lot of people were excited for it yet it's been months! Even though I haven't gotten any complains about it, the voices in my head and the worries of what people think about me not producing work on time stresses me out a lot and makes me feel guilty.
I am sorry to hear that people have been complaining to you for not opening prompts on time or not writing them on time. But the truth is that whatever terms or pace you have as a writer is totally valid! We have our own lives outside of Tumblr that we cannot control, and we all are different as people. So I wish that readers understand that we are not story making machines and we are also real people who love what we do but also cannot meet every single expectation that everyone has.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself and focus on your mental health and personal life as well! Sending much love to you and I hope you will feel much better soon! <3
Hello. Yeah I haven't had prompt requests open for ageeeees because they stress me out sometimes time wise getting them done. I don't want to disappoint.
But I haven't opened them lately and won't be for a while, because I know I won't have the time to do them really. But I was getting a lot of messages asking for them to open, which was annoying and why I put the post out to explain to people why I wasn't opening them right now. To hopefully let them know why.
It is horrible the pressure we put on ourselves sometimes isn't it? Even though we tell others it's all free, for fun, there's no pressure... We can't help ourselves! lol.
I think we're all in the same boat in that regards. And we need to start taking our own advice for ourselves too.
Thank you very much. Hope you won't put pressure on yourself either!
Now that I've told everyone they won't be opening etc and have decided what I am doing, it's sooooo much better. didn't get a chance to write yesterday? No bother. No worries!
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symeona · 4 years
I’m trying to do research on Artemis,
I’m trying to find a tribe that had connections with Hittite, Scythian, Mycenean and Egyptian ppl. My best guess is that the Amazons of Bana-mighdall have Punic , Phoenician or even Iberian roots? I'm leaning towards Punic, because of Tanit and her relationship with the goddess Artemis.
TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but look where I’m basing all this work on,
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This is just middle eastern stereotypes that met pirates and had Lara Croft babies.....
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And I KNOW I get ittt. It's """""fantasy"""""" but kill me.
Where on this Earth did they find all this gold IN THE BRONZEEEE AGEEEEE
It's fantasy.
It's fine. They had contact with modern ppl. Maybe. Possibly. Who knows. Maybe it's polished bronze. Who cares. Why am I crying. Somebody help.
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bisluthq · 3 years
joe was active on ig liking his friend's post while the jet was still on air so yeah he wasn't in it lol// Thank you anon to make me laugh lol. I guess you never take planes lmao. Don’t you know people can use Wi-Fi on planes now lol
Right like literally even many domestic flights now come with WiFi like 😭😭😭😭
FWIW Tay’s boss bitch jet had it before most jets did like she’s had WiFi on the plane for ageeeees again because she’s a boss bitch. But in 2021 literally most planes have WiFi. And you’re even allowed to use your phone like during takeoff and landing you just have to unplug it from charge but probs not even that on a private jet.
Also like I feel like dragging that particular anon can get classist but at the same time I’m like “if you’re gonna be an anti you do deserve to be mocked” lol.
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I'm looking for a omegaverse fic. Sterek. Stiles is an omega, Derek is an alpha. In this fic alphas had to built homes (or just rooms?) for omegas, and the omegas would go around them and then choose the best hose/room and bond with the alpha. I've been looking for it for ageeeees. I hope youo can help me. Thank you
@kittenkakt and @ander-s and @kyrodranae found this one!
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Build Us a Home by Sourwolf and Stilinski (Kitsune_Moonstar)
(1/1 I 1,962 I Teen I Sterek)
When it came time for Stiles to take his tour, he hadn’t expected that many alphas to try and court him with the houses they built. And he hadn’t dreamed Derek Hale might build him a home that suited them both.
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legends-of-apex · 4 years
Had to split up that fic yall, the NSFW is taking me ageeeees and I didnt want to keep you guys waiting :D
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simcatcher · 6 years
57 Things About Me - Tag
I was tagged ageeeees ago by @purplepxls​ thank you honey <3
57 sounds like alot. Also why 57 ? 
1. I am a very tall girl with curls. I don’t make up unless I’m going out, but my job requires me to ! That’s one of the things I like about that job, it makes me feel pretty :)
2. I can spend days in my room as long as I can see the sun... Just to write. Or get inspiration. I’ll just take tea breaks and nourish myself from time to time lol.
3. I’ve been in love once or twice or more, but I’ve never really loved anyone. I never let them too close, and I get bored too easily... When the feelings are reciprocated, I mean. I long after the ones I couldn’t have more than after my actual exes, lol !
4. Loneliness never bothered me too much. I am a loner, I need my time alone to breathe. Now my friends start families and marriage and such and I’m just like wut ? nop, not at all. 
5. I used to party a lot, alot alot alot but now I’m less wild. I don’t drink much anumore except for a glass of red wine from time to time. The only leftovers of my uni years are my damn cigarettes lol. They’re sticky.
6. I have mood swings. One minute cheerful and loud, the next sad and quiet. I think all the time about plenty of things and this is a real mood trigger.
7. I’m not very trustable when it comes to dates, things you said, ‘let me know”. I don’t remember your secrets, I forget about the dates, I never ring back. I hate commitment and pressure and go for my own freedom. I do basically what I want.
8. This is starting to be long.
9. I think love hurts and this is the only battle I’ve never engaged because I don’t want to end up broken. I don’t see the point. And I hate romance lolol. Cheesy romance that is, impossible loves are my shit. 
10. I’m a sucker for horror movies. I love them. The creepier the better ! I’m not going for butchery though, I like when the story is mindwrecking. I like it even more actually. Should I have said thriller ? Ahah, Annabelle ain’t no thriller :D
11. I have my own car now ! Along with my own place, my own roomies, my job, I’ve never been this content before and when I look back at all the times I was about to give up, all the times I’ve kept on keeping on when I felt like it was useless, now I see it was all worth it, so so much worth it.
12. I don’t want to be a mom. I don’t want that responsibility, that life changing kind of committment. I want a cat. But even a cat seems hard to handle for me. I’ve had a kitty home (for a friend) for a while, and it’s... life changing. Not sure I mean it in a good way though. I really loved the part when the little baby woke me up with her meows or when she curled up against me at night or when she gave those very special head-bumps kind of hugs. God I miss her...
13. I think some events are meant to happen. Some other are meant to not happen. Sometimes when it’s not your fate it’s no use pushing and pushing again cause it only drains all your energy and you’re left flat and without substance. I’ve learnt that the hard way cause I’m kind of stubborn, I give myself 200% or I don’t. Sometimes if it’s meant to be it just happens, you DON’T have to push or rush, cause it comes to you naturally. And when it’s not for you it’s not, and the only thing to do is let go. That’s the hardest part.
14. I believe in miracles sometimes, or a little hand of Fate who knows. 
15. Looking at the night sky when there’s no one and nothing around but the wild animals outside is one of my favorite thing to do. Empty your head, breathe fresh air (well erm smoke a cig) and look up. I make up stories and find my own constellations. The last one I’ve found out is shaped like a wink / smile, and now that I got that job I dreamt to get, I can’t see it anymore in the sky. It’s still there though.
16. I don’t have a style, but if you ask my roomies they’d say ‘bohème’, which is fine by me. 
17. I like open spaces with little people. I like mountains, lakes, beaches and islands, I like big fields and feeling so small. I would love to be able to fly, but I’m afraid of heights. Since I’m afraid of heights, you can be sure I’m climbing on rooftops and trekking whenever I can (with friends. With friends, eh.) I mean, I try to fight against the fear, or no, it’s more like I want to understand it the best I can so I can know it by heart and never let it diminish me. Still a WIP lol
18. I don’t know continuity. I speak as I think, and it’s messy. Changing subjects is my specialty. Some think I don’t listen. Maybe I don’t, but I think I do, and I try !
19. I used to take anything. The anger, the sadness, anything to the point I couldn’t feel at all. Now it’s the opposite, if I’m angry I can’t (and won’t) contain myself, if I’m sad I’ll let myself cry. I’m done wearing a mask.
20. I don’t put labels on people. I don’t judge or, when I do I always try to get the other view. When ppl tell me someone has done this or that, I never take for granted that the person is a jerk. Ppl have reasons you never know about, and most of the times the issue is a communication issue. You don’t get what I mean, you twist it to fit your idea of it... anyway.
21. I love pizza and chocolate, but pizza more. Summer of 2015 was the sweetest summer of all for me. It was bright and warm. I was 21.
22. I feel so much. So, so so much some days it’s hard to keep up with the world. I feel so much and yet it’s like I’m the greatest self-absorbed person you’ll know. It’s always about me, about me, about me, and I guess that’s why I can’t be in a relationship and don’t really want to.
23. I read books in english and in french. Depends. Also I never read a book. I read plentuy, all in the same time, I start them in the middle, I go past and forward, there’s no written law about how to read a book but my roomate still thinks I’m weird.
24. I’m still 24 for a bit
25. But I’m turning 25 soon
26. Do you want to know when ?
27. No ?
28. Yes ? Well, that’s the 28th. Funny joke ain’t it ! the 28th of November, therefore a Sag lady here.
29. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going.
30. I feel empty and depressed if I don’t have something to fight for. Something I love to fight for I mean. When it’s something I don’t love, I still fight but it takes loads more of energy and I don’t know if I could do it again. 
31. Sometimes I feel like an old lady, sometimes like a little girl, but best is when I feel like a woman. A pretty red-lips/dark har young lady. It’s a nice feeling.
32. Where will I be when I’m 32 ?
33. I would really want to smoke a cigarette right now but I have to control myself cause I only have 4 left and I don’t have a car for now and where my parents live you need a car if you want to purchase cigarettes cause countryside means countryside we only have a hairdresser and a bakery around here
34. Mu little brother must be the person I love most in the whole damn universe, and though he drives me crazy like no one else I would go to the moon and back for him, he means the world to me
35. I have the best parents in the whole world
36. I wouldn’t trade my childhood memories for all the gold in the world
37. I’m quiet when you don’t know me, a little (hem, little) less when you do. 
38. I consider myself a fighter, cause though I try not to fall, I get up when I do and I don’t complain much.
39. I think I’ll stop at 41
40. I hate social media so much, I hate how they control our lives, I hate how the kids got smartphones and such and I wish they would still go out and play in the dirt like I used to cause those are the best memories I have and sometimes good memories are a good fuel to keep on
41. There we go
42. I love thunderstorms. They fascinate me. They make me happy for some reason. I love it.
Thank you, have a nice night, a nice day, a nice nap, a nice cookie and a nice life. Cheers <3
(I tag the ones who haven’t done it and would want to cause I’ve seen it on many blogs already ?)
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parochena · 7 years
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I’m extremely excited about this update because I’ve been saving for this for ageeeees and my other tablet was almost 10 years old and starting to malfunction. It’s going to take me ages to set up properly because there are just SO many things to customise and getting used to it has already been weird as you move things from one window to the other but EEEEEEEE!!! From an old #Intuos3 to a #Cintiq27QHD!!!! The thing is absolutely massive and I still need to set up the ergotron arm for better movement so that I can still use it while in a better position to not aggravate the POTS but EEEEE!! Also... I think my workspace makes it really clear that I have a very visible disney problem... 😂💕 I’m so excited to start creating things on it! Such a different feel to my baby A5 external tablet it’s unreal! 😂
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remnantsofhersoul · 5 years
Today felt like a week. I’m so sore. I went to uni this morning, leaving at about 5:40am so I could get some coffee & something for breakfast on the way. I only slept about 3 hours last night.
I came home & sort of napped a little bit but not much. I went to my psych appointment & we didn’t get very far but enough to start feeling like rubbish again.
I then had to take my dog, in the rain, to the vet for his C5. He was terrified given everything he’s been through lately. I actually worried he might bite the vet, he was that scared in there. On the plus side, they did it for half the price of the vet we’ve been to for his broke paw.
The vet was also lecturing me on how to look after his bandage & to keep him contained with his broken paw. I’m like dude! I just told you this happened labour day weekend. We’re on the home stretch, a couple of days left. We’ve managed to cope this long without it getting wet. The other vet said it’s healing well. Wes has gained a kg in 7 weeks because he hasn’t been able to go for walks or do zoomies, despite him eating half as much as is normal for him. I’m keeping him contained! Fuck off mate. They also made me stand around for ageeeees while they did all this other stuff, I’m like ‘let me tap my card on your pay thing & then I can go & you have one less thing to do’. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Also, the manager at the shitty chemist from last week called me today. He was just grumpy that I didn’t want his stupid meds & I went somewhere else. He went into all this stuff like??? I said I didn’t need an explanation, I just don’t want it.
I’m so sore & tired. I at least finally changed my sheets tonight. I feel accomplished having done that. Most of the time, I don’t mind when my sheets aren’t super freshly cleaned, but this time I’m just like.. I really need clean sheets. I feel gross at this point. I think given now I have Wes who spends some time on the bed, it’s more important to clean them more regularly.
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darrenmackphoto · 7 years
A Danby castle wedding in North Yorkshire
  Heyyy! sometimes I look through the wedding pictures on a night when I get home from the wedding and think “Boom, Nailed It” This was definitely one of those times. These sunset pictures on the Yorkshire Moors are some of my favourite I have taken, along with the ones we got on their Engagement Shoot to! You can check those out here: Yorkshire Engagement Shoot
Sammy and Nathan booked me for their wedding ageeeees ago, and Sammy wrote on her booking form ” The dream is to get some epic Sunset Pictures on the Moors”
Just Call me Dream Weaver.
Sammy and Nathan had their wedding at the wonderful Danby Castle (Esk Valley Weddings) near Whitby, and they had a nod to Harry Potter, Halloween, dogs, magic, music and just plain Awesomeness.
  Danby Castle
  Danby Castle is one of those venues where you pull up in the car and just think “Oh wow”. From the amazing views, to the ruins, it is a photographers dream, plus the staff are amazing, and kept me fuelled with coffee.
From Danby Castle “Nestled on the edge of the North York Moors, Danby Castle is a Bespoke Wedding Venue. The Castle was built by the Latimer family in the early 1300’s.  It’s lords included some of the most powerful nobles of medieval England.
?In the 16th century John Neville, Lord Latimer of Danby, who owned Danby Estate and Danby Castle, married Catherine Parr, (Henry VIII’s last wife) and their marital home was Danby Castle.”
Sammy and Nathan chose to get married in October because they just LOVE autumn, and October is a beautiful month, they didn’t have a particular theme for their wedding, they just chose to go with things they like, plus Danby Castle lent it self to rustic and glitz.
They said about choosing Danby Castle for their wedding “Who doesn’t want to get married in a castle??? Ok it’s a ruin but it’s beautiful, atmospheric and Carolyn and Phil (owners of Esk Valley Weddings are just the most lovely people). The venue suited us and is just gorgeous. Perfect for a laidback but gorgeous day. The newly renovated barn is the stuff of wedding dreams”
  The Wedding
  The wedding took place on a Thursday, and it was a beautiful day, with an amazing sunset at the end. Sammy got ready at her mums in Whitby and then headed over to Danby Castle for the ceremony followed by the reception.
These guys had the very talented Mark Waddington to perform magic for the guests, and he blew mind mind whole. A top class guy. Following this the Ceilidh knights had everyone up on the dance floor.
I asked Sammy and Nathan what their favourite part of the day was “All of it!!! Honestly. It really does go in such a blur but we loved it. Having all our friends and family together is also wonderful and priceless.
Do things your way. Choose the venue you want, he dress you want and get a good photographer!!”
  Wedding Pictures
  I asked Sammy and Nathan how they found having their pictures taken during the day, and if they had any tips for future couples, they wrote this amazing piece about me. Its all true.
“Daz was just part of the day, he could of been another guest. He was great and everyone loved him. Looking back we have so many photos of situations I didn’t even know Daz was there and it was so worth taking half an hour out to get photos of just the two of us. They are so amazing and it really helped us chill out and have some time together! Tips? Don’t worry and just relax! I have a sneaking suspicion Daz knows exactly what he’s doing!!”
  Dream Team
Sammys mum made the Cake and the Flowers. Wowzers!
Suits – Dandy Threads
Hair – Alison Boocock (bestie and one of the bridesmaids)
Flowercrown – Florence and Flowers
Magician – Mark Waddington
Makeup – Laura Atkinson
Styling – Perfectly You Events
Band – Ceilidh knights
  I Did Wedding Video Too!
  [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs6_RCUq88U%5B/embedyt%5D
  This really was an amazing day, that was just loads of fun and a pleasure to photograph, plus it was set in an amazing venue, if you are having a wedding at Danby Castle, or just want some awesome fun pictures, Get In Touch for a sexy brochure!
  Danby Castle Wedding – North Yorkshire A Danby castle wedding in North Yorkshire Heyyy! sometimes I look through the wedding pictures on a night when I get home from the wedding and think "Boom, Nailed It" This was definitely one of those times.
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