#but it's a gut wrenching feeling
galecstatic · 10 months
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witchinatree · 5 months
i'd like to add on to my surprisingly popular magnus protocol theory, i don't think you all understand how devestating this truly is for jon and martin
jonathan "refuse to become another goddamn mystery" sims is now the mysterious text to speech glitch on an old ass computer
martin "not lonely anymore" blackwood is now (possibly) completely alone for an unknown amount of time, unaware that his boyfriend is right there with him
we all wanted the "jonathan blackwood, actually" moment and instead we don't even know if they know they're together
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blackpearlblast · 6 months
honestly one of the things that's been wild for me to learn lately is that israel was responsible for enforcing the idea that the holocaust was an unparalleled genocide that stands apart from everything else that's happened in the course of human history. even before i understood well enough how deeply interconnected all genocides are, when i was a kid, i really fucking hated it. it felt so wrong to me for the holocaust to be The Genocide of human history. it felt disrespectful to other groups who had gone through genocide and it felt like weirdly dehumanizing and tokenizing to us. i didn't want to think of jews as The Group Who Went Through A Genocide, i wanted to see us how i was familiar with in our culture our holidays our art our singing our prayers. that's how i wanted other people to see us too! not that i was ashamed of what we had gone through but i just didn't want people's perception of us to just be that we were victims and i didn't want other peoples victimhood denied to them through that either. but yeah kind of wild to learn that israel and zionist rhetoric seems fairly responsible for this pet peeve of mine from childhood before i even really had a greater consciousness of solidarity or anything.
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jsvausvqbd · 23 days
I really do hope Sol is getting some form of therapy, because girl has been through it.
She’s seen the love of her life die multiple times, all derived in some way from protecting her (making it her fault in her head), then when she finally gave in and had a grasp of blissful love, he dies again, but this time in front of her.
In the ultimate declaration of love, and resigned to the fact that Sunjae will never put his safety before her, she sacrifices their love completely in order to guarantee him a longer life. All while keeping all of their memories and having absolutely no one to talk to.
She’s grieving a loss that no one else knows about, a loss that was never hers and is yearning for a love that she didn’t receive in this timeline. How painful must it be for her.
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themetalhiro · 6 months
opinions on zolu? (asking out of curiosity- idc what ur opinion is :))
I definitely get where fans of it are coming from! And I’ve seen some cute/thoughtful takes on it, but I cant personally see Luffy in any romantic relationships. I see his individual relationships with each straw hat as deeply devoted, loving and unique to their bond. but I cant imagine one having that distinction over the others, even if the other party feels differently. I hope that makes sense!
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slurpeesoverromance · 6 months
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[me with 1 hp] mari save me… mari.. save me mari..
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dragonswithjetpacks · 9 months
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Imagine going 200 years and forgetting who you are then being abducted and having a worm shoved in your eye. But you step into the sunlight for the first time and have a clarity you never knew you missed. Only to have some stranger tell you it's going to be ripped from you and you'll turn into yet another monster, controlled yet again.
That last face is only made for a few seconds... but it breaks my heart every time.
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feyreswaterybowels · 3 months
Falling Star🌠
Azriel x Rhys’ Sister
Word Count: 4.4k
Tags/Warnings: Angst. Death. Love Confessions. Friends with benefits to fated mates. Hurt/Comfort. Not Y/N. Third Person. Probably grammatical errors.
Summary: Stella is Rhys’ little sister. Her and Azriel are best friends with benefits on the down low. The bond snapped into place and things didn’t work out the way Stella wished they had.
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Stella stood outside the heavy wooden doors of the High Lord's study. They were preparing for battle, the battle against Hybern. Tensions were high and things would either work in their favor or change life completely as they knew it.
Her hand was half raised—ready to knock but she had stopped herself twice, debating if now was the proper time for this conversation. Her heart ached in her chest at the decision she was about to make.
Just come in, little star.
The words echoed in her head. She wasn’t surprised he knew she was standing out there, she and her brother had always been in tune with one another.
She sighed, reaching out to push the door open. Rhysand was already standing to greet her as she walked in. He didn’t bother with a smile or greeting to cover the frown on his face. He could read her better than anyone even without entering her head. All it took was one look at her face and he knew something wasn’t right.
What is it? What’s wrong, Stella?
She fiddled with her hands for a moment, leaning against his desk. Thinking. Trying to find the right words. Decide how much she wanted to give away. If she wanted to tell her brother that she found her mate—that said mate did not want her and she was heartbroken because she had been in love with him for years before the bond snapped into place. That she had wrongfully assumed he felt the same way.
She was wrong about a lot.
“When the war is over,” she started, pausing to choose her words, “I want you to send me…away.”
“Away?” Rhys asks, arms folded, dark brows rising high above his violet eyes.
“Yes.” She nodded. “After the war. Assuming everything goes to plan—works in our favor. I want you to send me away.”
“Why?” He asked, confusion etched all over his face.
“I can’t be…here,” she breathed, the pain in her chest tightening. That string that connected her to her mate pulled taunt as if he was pulling away as hard as he could hoping it would snap in two.
“Why?” It was more of a demand than a question. She knew that tone. He wasn’t going to let her go on a half-assed explanation. He wanted details. A reason. The truth.
She felt her eyes water, it would be easier to just let him in her mind. Show him what was wrong but then he would see too much. See things that might make him hate her fated mate, someone he loved dearly and she couldn’t allow that.
“Azriel’s my mate…” She whispered, unsure if he heard her.
“What?” Fuck, don’t make me say it again.
Her violet eyes met his, brimmed with tears and pleading.
“Azriel’s my mate,” she whispered again, her voice breaking into a sob.
Then she was being scooped into her brother's arms. Wrapped up like she was a little girl again and cradled against his chest. She didn’t know how long they stood there. She heard the faintest click of the door closing but didn’t bother to check if he used his magic or if someone else had done it. But her cries turned into soft sniffles before dying out.
Rhys pulled back, grabbed her face, and wiped away her tears. His eyes met hers, violet searching violet.
“Did he reject it?” He asks, eyes flashing with anger, Stella shakes her head.
“No. He didn’t reject it. But he made it very clear he doesn’t want it either,” she shrugs, sniffing.
“And this is why you wish to leave?” Rhys asks, hands still holding her face as she nodded.
“Where would you go?” He asked, emotions lacing through his voice.
“Tarquin has told me I’m welcome in his court. I haven’t talked to him in some time but I—I think that’s where I could go. If not, maybe Helion would be willing to let me go there…” She trails off. She had thought that far ahead. She could stay in Velaris…but to see him every day? Work with him? Just the thought was painful. Painful enough to make her gasp and clutch at her chest.
Rhys growled, taking a step away and heading for the study’s doors. Stella’s eyes widened and she stumbled reaching for him.
“Where are you going?” She asked, panicked.
“To knock some sense into his stubborn ass,” Rhys had the door half opened before she slammed herself against it to stop him.
“You can’t,” she shook her head. He looked at her skeptically as if to say, yeah he absolutely could do that. But she shook her head again. “Not with this, Rhys. Please. He has to choose or reject it on his own—you can’t make him.”
Rhys hung his head with a sigh. He knew she was right. She was forever grateful for her brother's love, his protection but not with this. It wouldn’t be real if he fought Azriel into the mating bond. She didn’t want that. She wanted it to be real.
She thought what they had was real.
“Don’t hate him, please,” Stella begged. “He’s your brother as much as I’m your sister. You know blood has never mattered. So don’t hate him. But…but when this war is over I need you to let me go. Please, Rhys.”
Rhys looked up, their eyes meeting again and he nodded.
“Okay, sweetheart.”
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
That night Stella was in her room. Packing away the last of her things. Her entire life was packed away in boxes and luggage. At this point, she and everyone she loved would die in this war or they would win and she would leave the only home she’d ever known behind. It hurt to think about.
A knock on the door sounded and opened before she could answer whether to come in or not. She wasn’t completely surprised to see Feyre entering, she knew Rhys would tell her, they didn’t keep things from one another.
“So, it’s true? You’re planning on leaving?” Feyre asks, walking over, her dark dress dragging the floor silently as she takes a seat by the open windows. Stella nodded her head in answer.
“I’m sure Rhys told you why,” She said softly, taking a seat next to her.
“He did. I could tell he was upset and demanded to know why, I couldn’t imagine it was anything like this,” She says, a frown tugging at her lips. “Does he know you and Azriel were sleeping together?”
Stella’s eyes burned with tears as she looked away from her friend. Fuck. She shook her head. If she had shared that with Rhys there would have been no stopping him, he would have hunted Azriel down.
“No. I don’t want him to hate his brother,” Stella said, swiping at her cheeks quickly.
“Are you going to tell him you’re leaving?” the High Lady asks, waving a hand for a tray of steaming tea to appear. “Azriel, I mean.”
Stella bit her lip as Feyre handed her a mug. She hadn’t thought about whether she would tell him or not. She didn’t want to just disappear but she didn’t want him to blame himself either.
“I don’t know,” she shrugged with a sigh, letting the steam from the tea waft up into her nostrils. Something floral with a hint of sweet honey. “Would you?”
“I kind of did leave, remember? I mean I was the one who wasn’t sure of the mating bond at first but that time alone helped me…process. So maybe the distance could help? I don’t know,” Feyre frowns before continuing, “Whatever you decide will be the right decision. Don't second-guess yourself. Only you know what’s right for you.”
“I—I thought he loved me,” she admitted softly. “As more than a friend. As more than family. I thought he loved me, he said—”
Stella hiccuped on a cry trying to find it’s way from her mouth, taking a sip of tea and letting it burn its way down her throat.
“He said he wanted me. We shared a bed almost every night. The way he touched me, kissed me, made love to me…was it all a lie?” I cried, my eyes meeting hers, gray-blue pools brimmed with tears.
“I’m sorry,” Was Feyre’s answering whisper, her hand reaching out to rest on Stella’s knee.
The rest of our visit was spent in silence.
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Today was the day. Stella braided her hair back, dressed in her leathers adorned with three purple siphons, and strapped her weapons to her body. She looked in the mirror, wings arching behind her. She turned around, the room now so empty, only the corner filled with boxes and luggage was occupied. The shelves and bed were stripped bare, ready for her departure.
The bed she shared with Azriel so many nights. Secret meetings, dinner and fucks. Various nights where he showed up bloody from combat and she patched him up. Drunken nights after too many drinks at Rita—stumbling into this room to undress one another. Or on the occasion one or the other had a nightmare, as they plagued them all, would lead to cuddling until the sunrise.
Stella nearly jumped as a shadow slithered up her thigh. She hadn’t noticed it, only giving her a second before Azriel appeared, dressed in his leathers, all seven blue siphons faintly glowing. She’d always loved those siphons.
“What’s all this?” Is the first thing he asks looking around the room. No hello or greeting of any kind.
She shrugs in answer. Maybe now was as good a time as any to tell him. But would her decision matter enough to distract him in the battle? She couldn’t live with herself if she was the reason he got hurt. “Are you leaving?” He asks.
“After the battle,” she nodded in answer.
“Where?” He asks, with what seems to be a concern—or was the worry?
“I don’t know yet, why do you care?” Stella snapped. Azriel’s eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re leaving because of me.” It’s not a question. She clenched her jaw looking down at the shadow still wrapped around her thigh. “You don’t have to—”
“I can’t be here. I can’t be around you,” She snarled, watching him and his shadows cringe at it. “Do you have any idea how painful it is to see you every day, Azriel?”
A look of guilt and shame passes over his features.
“Because I won’t accept the mating bond?” He says in disbelieving shock.
“Are you kidding me? You know as much about mating bonds as I do. You know how painful it can be. Why are you pretending like we’re any different? I feel you pulling away from it every day and it feels like my heart is being ripped from my chest every time you do,” She said, voice shaking and emotional. She shook her head and blinked away the tears. “After the war, you can reject the bond formally and then I’ll leave.”
They stood there in silence. Staring at one another. His shadow squeezed around her thigh as the rest swirled and whispered around him. She stood tall, batting his shadow away, she would not break down in front of him. Not today, not now.
“I made it clear how I felt from the beginning…” He begins, trailing off and she could swear she heard his shadows hiss as if offended for her.
“Yeah, I know what you said. Just sex,” She rolled her eyes, fists clenching at her sides. “But then everything you did, every action after that said something else. The way you touched me, fucked me, spoke to me all screamed more than sex. But that was my mistake, I guess. So, you have no reason to feel guilty when I leave. It was just sex for you and I—I fell in love with you. I’ve been in love with you for years and I foolishly thought…” She stopped herself.
Azriel stepped forward, opening his mouth but a knock on the door echoed through the empty room.
“We’re all ready,” Feyre’s voice calls.
“Coming,” Stella called back. Her eyes caught Azriel’s before she stepped forward and walked around him.
Are you okay? Feyre asked once she was out of the room.
No. She shook her head, letting Feyre hug her tightly.
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
“Az,” Cassian greeted, stepping out onto the training level.
“Morning,” Azriel said from where he was seated on the ledge, overlooking the city below.
Cassian walked over, surveying his brother, leaning against the edge and crossing his arms.
“Everything okay?” He asked, watching the storming shadows slow a bit.
Azriel’s quiet for a minute before sighing, and hung his head. Cassian stayed quiet too, waiting for his brother to say whatever he needed to. It’s a long minute before he lifts his head, looking out over the expanse in Velaris.
“I fucked up,” He confessed.
Cassian’s brow raised as his spine straightened. “How so?”
“Stella’s my mate,” He breathed, the first time he’s said it out loud to anyone.
Cassian let out a low whistle. “And how exactly did you fuck up?”
“I told her I didn’t want it,” He admitted, swallowing thickly, looking over at his brother.
“I thought you two…” Cassian trails off with a vague hand gesture and an eyebrow raise. Azriel shrugs.
“We were sleeping together. But that’s it, that’s all it was,” Azriel explained, but the look Cassian gave him made him cringe away. “We agreed—”
“That girl has been in love with you for years, at least a decade, there’s no way you didn’t know that, Az,” Cassian said, remembering how those two were a couple without actually being a couple. They were more in love than anyone else he’d ever known, or at least he thought they were. “How did she react when the bond snapped?”
“She was excited,” Azriel answered, a thickness taking over his throat. “She made a big dinner. I thought it was just dinner. She kept asking questions, I guess trying to figure out if it snapped for me too, it hadn’t. Not at that time. She eventually just said we were mates, that the bond snapped for her that morning when we were in bed together—during our fucking. She was so happy. And I completely shut her down. Told her I didn’t want it, that we weren’t together, that I didn’t want to be together, and that we needed to figure out what to do about it.”
Cassian's eyes are wide. He wasn’t one to judge but he would never expect that kind of harshness from his brother directed to someone he knew the shadowsinger loved.
“Fuck, Az. That’s rough…” Cassian eventually said. “Fuck. I know that hurt her badly.”
Azriel nodded, dropping his head to his hands.
“Yeah. She cried a lot. Begged me not to leave when I got up to go. I can feel her pain all the time through the bond even with it not being accepted. I can feel her happiness when she sees me before it turns to dread. What we had was good, so good, but what if…what if the bond changes that?” Azriel’s voice broke. “I love her. Of course, I love her. But I don’t know if the bond is right for us.”
“Az, man, you’re overthinking this shit,” Cassian shook his head. “Of course the mating bond is right. The mother doesn’t make mistakes. I know you’ve always felt unworthy of love but man, that girl loves you more than anyone. You deserve love and happiness. You and Stella deserve it, together.”
“I don’t know how to fix it,” Azriel whispersed.
“Just talk to her man. Tell her how you feel. The bond doesn’t have to be accepted right now, maybe tell her you need to think about it not that you don’t want it,” Cassian offered, reaching out to grab his brother's shoulder, squeezing it.
“I—I’ll talk to her before we leave…”
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The next time Stella saw Azriel was in the midst of battle. High in the sky. After meetings and marching onto the field were done. It was nothing but fighting after that. It had been a long time. Many soldiers are dead or injured already. More would be too.
Stella knew Rhys and Feyre had something up their sleeve with talk of the Bonecarver. They needed any help they could get. They didn’t have as many men as Hybern.
Little Star? Echoes in her head as she shoved a Hybern warrior away, slashing at him with her sword.
I’m fine. You? Is her answer, plunging straight through his heart.
Me too. Then her head is silent again. Turning her attention to the next warrior to approach her. They came quick enough, when one fell, another was immediately there to take its place.
She looked around, there were many warriors in the sky but it wasn’t hard to spot Azriel. Something felt wrong as she watched Azriel, not with him but with the Hybern warriors around him. She wanted to tug the bond and alert him to something being wrong but that could distract him and put him in a dangerous situation.
Stella slit the throat of the warrior approaching her and shot through the sky before the next one could approach. She had to dodge and swerve around fighting pairs, missing swords and fists landing in all directions.
She was closer to Az, there are fewer warriors around him now. She stopped where she was, with no immediate danger around them, and tugged on the bond. She saw him freeze and tugged again. He whirled around searching for her.
She could see the panic on his face as he scanned the sky for her. He spins around and their eyes meet. She tugged the bond, trying to gauge if he’s okay, something still felt wrong, but he must have understood because he nodded—and for the first time he tugs back.
Her heart leaps in her chest and if she was standing her knees would have gone weak. But something was still wrong. Instead of a warm feeling spreading through her at that tug it was something cold and icy. Worry? No, not worry. Warning.
Their eyes met again, hazel orbs wide and his shadows storming violently. She swore the bond tugging in her chest felt like it was trying to pull her forward. Just as she was about to follow it she stopped.
Azriel’s face is one of pure pain when she fely a force behind her and then everything went numb. She felt a heavy weight in her stomach. She drop her eyes from Azriel’s to her stomach and there sticking from her stomach was…a sword?
Stella’s eyes meet Azriel’s again, a sob tearing from her throat as the sword ripped from her stomach.
“NO!” Azriel’s voice rips through the space and she felt the world around her shake. She felt the warmth spreading over her abdomen and the wetness there when she touched it.
She heard a pained sound behind her but before she could turn to see what happened her wings gave out. She knew she was falling but she couldn’t do anything to stop it. She saw Cassian shove a body off his sword, a panicked-pained look on his face when their eyes met.
Her eyes find Azriel again, flying to her. She tried to reach for him but he was too far away. Then he was gone, nowhere in her sight. She squeezed her eyes shut, and felt the tears leak down her temples. Not like this. I don’t want to go like this.
Stell’s body smashes into something hard and she knew it had to be the ground. Dead. Am I dead? She sobbed and pain radiated from her wound all over her body.
“Sh.” A voice rumbled into her hair and she realized she hadn’t smashed into the ground. She smashed into a body, into Azriel who had her wrapped tightly in his arms, flying faster than she had ever felt.
His shadows wrapped around her tightly as they flew before everything disappeared as he winnowed. She grabbed him tightly, shoving her face against his neck and praying to the Mother to just let her stay in the warmth of his arms a little longer.
Another body quaking shake wracked through her as they landed harshly on the ground.
“Thesan!” Azriel’s voice thunders around her. Screaming desperately for someone, anyone to heal her.
Stella heard voices around them but couldn’t make out what they were saying. The sunlight is gone but as she’s laid down she realized they’ve been brought to a tent. She tried to grab Azriel, sobbing for him not to leave her.
Sh, little star we have to heal you. Rhys coos in her head but she can hear the emotion that he tries to cover.
“I need these leathers removed,” An older voice said, Madja. It’s got to be Madja. A pain radiated from her stomach and she sobbed again.
Hands worked to remove her leathers, she opened my eyes. Feyre and Rhys stand above her, unbuckling armor and removing layers to allow Madja to work.
She yanked the bond hard. Azriel. She wanted Azriel. And then he’s there crouching next to her head, hazel eyes wet and pained, a hand stroking through her hair.
“Sh, don’t speak,” He strokes her hair. “I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you.”
Stella felt Madja’s hands on her stomach, the warmth of her magic and it hurt. She screamed over the hushed hurried speaking around her.
And then there’s nothing but black darkness.
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
When Stella opened her eyes she was at the river house, curled up in her favorite chair. Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion and nearly sobbed when she realize what this was.
“Hey, little star,” Rhy’s voice echoed around the room before he appears on the couch across from her.
“How bad is it?” She breathes, wrapping her arms around her middle. “Don’t lie, please.”
“It’s bad,” Rhys breathed quietly after a moment. Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. A heavy sigh leaves him. “Madja couldn’t heal you. You aren’t healing on your own. Feyre and I both tried and nothing.”
“Madja’s gone to retrieve him but there’s a chance even his power may not heal you,” He said, and she could hear the emotion in his voice.
“Is it faebane?” She asked, chin wobbling, he nodded. “I took the antidote, I don’t understand.”
“Neither do we, we’ve asked Thesan but he doesn’t understand either. No one else has been affected by the faebane,” Rhys explained, eyes flashing to her.
“So…I’m going to die?” Her voice cracked.
“I’m going to do everything in my power to save you—”
“I don’t think you can,” She whisper, holding his gaze. She could see it in his eyes, he knows as much as she doesn’t three powerful healers can’t save her there’s not much hope. “Wake me up, I need to say goodbye to him.”
Rhys looks at her and nodded. He stood and she followed. She couldn’t stop herself from throwing her arms around him. Hugging him tighter than she ever had before.
“Tell everyone I love them,” she whispered against his shoulder. “I love you, Rhys.”
His hand cupped the back of her head, holding her tight, his body shaking with silent cries. “I love you, Little Star.”
˖ ݁𖥔.☁︎.𖥔 ݁ ˖
Warmth. That’s the first thing Stella noticed. She was warm and comfortable. She blinked her eyes open with a soft groan. She turned her head and saw Azriel, eyes shut and forehead pressed to his hands clasping hers.
“Hey there,” She whispered, squeezing his hand. Reaching out through the bond relieved when it was open and welcoming. She melted into the cot, not in much pain. She was sure her brother was to thank for that.
Stella looked down over myself, covered in a thin blanket up to her waist, eyes landing on her bandaged abdomen—on the blood-soaked bandage.
“Hey back,” He whispered, keeping a grip on her hand with one of his while the other reached out to stroke her hair. She let herself relax into the touch, nuzzling against his hand.
“Rhys says I’m not healing,” She breathed, voice cracking.
“I know, baby,” Azriel answered softly with a nod. Eyes wet and lips bloody red from being bitten. “Come here.”
He lifted her easily, placing her in his lap and cradling her. She could vaguely feel his shadows curling over her skin, through her hair, trying to comfort her as much as he was.
“I’m gonna die,” She cried, pressing her face to his chest.
Azriel shushed her, continuing to stroke her hair as he rocked them back and forth. “I’m sorry,” he cried, looking down at her. “I was wrong. I was so wrong to tell you I didn’t want the mating bond. It had nothing to do with you, my love. You are the perfect mate. I was trying to deny it, thinking I didn’t deserve the love of such a perfect mate. I’ve been in love with you for years, fighting it as hard as I could. And I was afraid. Afraid I would love you and it wouldn’t be enough. Please, forgive me my love, my mate. Please. I love you.”
His broken sobs were painful. His body was shaking hard. All Stella wanted to do was kiss him. So she did. She grabbed his face, pulled him down, and kissed him. Her lips were dry but she didn’t care.
“I forgive you,” She whispered against his lips. “Reject the bond.”
“What?” He asked, eyes squinted in confusion.
“Reject the bond, it—it will hurt less when I go,” She said, she wanted to save him from that heartache.
“No,” He shakes his. “No, I won’t put you through that pain. I won’t let you die like that.”
“It’s okay, Az—”
“It’s not,” He growled, sobbing when she touched his face. “You’re my mate, I won’t reject it.”
He leaned down to kiss her again, his lips were soft but tasted like blood. The kiss was a mere pressing of lips, she was too weak to fully kiss back.
When Azriel pulled away her eyes stayed closed, breath slow and shallow. He could feel her life slipping from her body. But it’s not when she’s limp in his arms and chest no longer moving that he knows she’s gone. It’s when he feels the emptiness in his chest. When that place in his chest that connects them is no longer there
“No,” he whispered. Shaking his head. Tears falling onto her beautiful pale face. He held her tighter to his chest. “Stella, please. No, please come back to me, baby. Please, come back.”
But her eyes stayed closed. Her chest stayed still. And that space stayed empty. It hurt. It hurt so fucking back.
And all he could do was scream.
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wolfywolfy · 3 months
Obsessed with the fact that dnd Elves have canonical Soulmate bonds and almost nobody knows it or utilizes it in Astarion and/or Halsin fics
"red string au" "fated mates au" guess what besties. ur favorite trope is built in!!!!!
The best part is it's dnd so it literally doesn't even matter if ur tav is an Elf or not. U can make Thiramin whatever u want it to be. It can even be a temporary soul bond (bc that is A Thing!!!) to add to angst if u wanted. So much potential!!
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
Riz being hit with “dominate monster” is just so disheartening. Especially because Adaine HAD a bardic but she used it to try to hit Grix and that didn’t work by that same roll WOULD’VE worked to save Riz but she ALREADY USED IT
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mrcowboydeanwinchester · 10 months
sometimes you watch late seasons supernatural and you're like yeah okay the colours are bright and i feel no fear and the only person trying is jensen ackles. other times you watch late seasons supernatural and you are vibrating in your fucking seat because dean winchester says something as insane as i'm furious. to know that all my life, i've been nothing but a hamster in a wheel, stuck in a story. and it ain't just me. we're all trapped. sam and cas and jack and even you. and he's saying it to god's sister as she's paying the bill in a shitty restaurant
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murderofcrow · 10 months
sometimes you just have to lay down on the floor and stare at the ceiling in the dark to really get the full Sleep Token experience (being emotionally overwhelmed).
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astraystayyh · 8 months
israel bombed a HOSPITAL in gaza murdering so many children and newborns and women and elderly and men i feel so sick to my stomach i just saw a video and they're all scattered on the ground lifeless my god how can you still stand with that evil evil state? how can you still have the audacity to utter to even think 'Pray for Israel'?? why did the world give up on its humanity where are the international laws where are the fucking repercussions?? israel won't stop until it wipes off the entirety of gaza i am so angry and sad and i feel so fucking powerless im shaking what has our world come to
"Intentionally directing attacks against hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected is prohibited under international humanitarian law, provided they are not military objectives. Any such intentional attacks are WAR CRIMES." LIKE WHY ARE WE WATCHING AS ISRAEL COMMITS WAR CRIME AFTER WAR CRIME???? to attack a hospital murdering more than FIVE HUNDRED people and for it to go unpunished????? what is this what the fuck is going on why is this not maddening anyone
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
the problem with marvel is that they think i care about weighty things like "the fate of the universe" when in reality i just want characters to have dialogue that lets you see into their souls. the only inconvience of the world blowing up or some dude eviscerating the planet is that these bitches won't get to talk about their feelings.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
If you could ship Toby with anyone that's not clockwork or e.j, who would that be?
i think toby x nina is super cute !!!
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teakoro · 11 months
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Day 7: train/subway
"Stand clear of the closing doors please!"
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