#but it's actually quite a sweet addition to their early hogwarts life
avielex · 4 months
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Don't mind me, I'll just be taking this whole side story for Jordan's lore...
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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CONSTANCE SONG is TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD and an ESCORT at FAIR FARIBAULT’S in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. She looks remarkably like NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO and considers herself  NEUTRAL. She is currently OPEN. 
Growing up in an orphanage CARMELLA DIGBY quickly learnt how to use her good looks for her own benefit. The other children and careers at the orphanage would flock to Carmella like a moth to a flame, and Carmella quickly realised how to use it to her advantage. Leaving the orphanage as a beautiful dark-haired young woman it wasn't long until she caught the eyes of FAI SONG, a rich wizard on business from China. Being introduced to the wizarding world was like having all of her dreams come true for Carmella, and living in the lap of luxury with Fai’s family money was nothing to be ignored either. Knowing an excellent opportunity when she saw one Carmella made quick of an engagement and marriage with Fai, the man was so swept up in the romance of it all he thought it was actually his own idea. Giving birth to Constance was the first time Carmella had felt true love and she doted on the girl because of it. Constance grew up wanting for nothing, her parents loved her dearly and gave her all she needed. It didn't however do the same thing it may have done to other children, where others may have become spoiled and expectant Constance remained hard-working and driven to prove herself, whether it be to master the alphabet correctly or to find the perfect hiding place for hide and seek. Constance’s life however was somewhat changed when her father passed away when she was four from a freak splinching accident. 
Now exceedingly rich beyond her belief Carmella decided to try her hand at marrying for love rather than advantage and once again caught a man as quickly as she could think it through her intriguing looks and luring aura. Falling for the sweet eyes and gentle smile of RICHARD DIGBY Carmella quickly married and had another daughter. Loving this child the same way she had loved Constance had a different effect on ELENA DIGBY. She became spoiled with love and demanded the attention of anyone in the room, speaking louder, laughing harder or gesticulating more dramatically than any that would dare to steal the spotlight. Constance allowed this of her sister, stepping back into the shadows and allowed the girl to get the attention she so clearly thrived off knowing full well that she would just have to stand and speak quietly to gain the attention back. That was how it went, there was no denying both girls were beautiful and intriguing, their mothers veela blood could account for that, but there was something more with Constance. The way she carried herself, how the words she spoke were so quiet and soft, yet the meaning behind them was always so truthful it was almost cutting. Constance thrived in an environment where she could pick and choose when, where and how she got attention, if she didn't want her mothers scrutiny she would simply disappear into the shadows with a good book and appear again when she was ready. 
Leaving for school Constance was pleased to leave the self-imposed shadow of her sister but was also well aware that she needed to cultivate relationships with people like Elena in order to continue being able to pick and choose when she wanted to deal with other people and when she didn't. Sorted into Ravenclaw she made friends with girls very much like her MAFALDA HOPKIRK and DAISY HOOKUM. Both studious girls were perfect for library studying sessions, borrowing class notes and chill nights talking and reading in their dorm. Being friends with the pair made Constance step out of her shell a bit, being more vocal she got a reputation for being quite blunt when people annoyed her. Over the years she would constantly ‘speak out of turn’ as others called it and had formed a very strong sense of what was right and what was wrong. One day in third year she was sticking up for a particularly pathetic first year who had been dangled by his ankles in the hallway when another joined in her argument. LAUREL LINWOOD was described as outspoken too, the Gryffindor was unafraid of rustling a few feathers and from that day the girls were inseparable, combing the castle floors for injustices to pick at. Laurel started most of the arguments and Constance finished them with a sharp and detailed final blow that left most opponents stuttering. 
Through Laurel she was introduced to JENNIFER VANE, KEIRA GREY, NATAN DIGGORY, ARTHUR WEASLEY and TRYSTAN WARRINGTON, and others who comprised a gaggle of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs that brought a funner side to Constance's group of Ravenclaws. Putting down their books they swapped study sessions and early nights for being out after curfew, late nights in the room of requirement and sneaking into the kitchens to get snacks for the evening ahead. Although Constance still kept her grades up being one of the top students of her year she found a new side of her personality, her new friends brought a more relaxed and open side to her. Becoming increasingly more confident through the help of her friends Constance and Laurel became even more ballsy, the people they picked to make a show of going from random bullies to students like LUCIUS MALFOY. A constant thorn in the pair's sides Lucius spent much of his time at school throwing around his Pure-Blood ideals and the two girls would spendjust as much of their time going around and proving him wrong. Popular to the many but hated by the few Constance and her group of friends got invited to most parties that Hogwarts offered, at least one of their group knowing the hosts well enough to gain an invite for all. A party that stuck in Constance’s memory as life changing was their Graduation night, the last night all her year group would be together Constance had probably a bit too much to drink. Another who had had too much to drink was Mafalda, the pair were giggling and dancing together when all of a sudden Mafalda leaned in to kiss her.
Being the silent and reserved girl she was, it did not allow for much romance. Constance spent the majority of her final years of Hogwarts holding a candle to Trystan, a boy with a hero complex bigger than her own she silently admired him. Never had she admired Mafalda however, but the months after the graduation party Constance came to a realisation. She had grown up so sure of herself, thinking she knew everything there was to know about herself and so the kiss led her to feel confused and vulnerable for the first time. Spending time after Hogwarts figuring it out she met MILA BELINSKY, a beautiful blonde she entangled herself with to come to the realisation that she was bisexual. It would seem that meeting Mila was not only meant to advance her love life but also her work life too. Working as an escort for Fair Farbaults Mila persuaded Constance to join the team. Joining with the same intentions of her mother, to marry first for advantage and then again for love she joined in the hopes of finding a husband. One man using the escort service who is especially susceptible to Constance’s charms is CHARLIE MONTAGUE, a rich Pure-Blood elitist just missing the cut for the twenty-eight, he has enough money to make Constance happy and then some. A fault in her plan comes in the form of SEBASTIEN FONTAINE, a fellow escort who has drawn her attention away from finding a rich husband and to the competition they hold between them. Both silent and still the pair are vying it out for top dog, seeing who can bring in the most money to the establishment. 
Without realising and being distracted by their banter and harsh tones Constance has found an attraction for Sebastien, not that would ever admit it to herself let alone him. Living with her sister in a house in Kensington the girls have gotten closer than they ever were in childhood. Constance has come out of her shell over the years and through her own Hogwarts experience Elena has learnt to share the limelight. Spending many evenings out together Constance has introduced her sister to her friends from work GEORGINE FARIBAULT, CORALINE HEATHER, DAHLIA BLACKWOOD and her son STEFAN BLACKWOOD. A collection of veela’s and vampires they attract a lot of attention from the other patrons in the bars they visit. Not only does Constance love letting loose on these nights she also uses it as a way of getting new clients in, all adding to her hopeful win against Sebastien. Living with Elena she has noticed some strange behaviour, leaving the house at odd times, hushed conversations and having people she shouldn't really know that well come to call on her. Always on the hunt for knowledge her curiosity has gotten the best of her and recently she has found herself spying on her own sister. She has seen her go to a pub in Diagon alley a lot by the name of ‘the fountain of fair fortune’ and heard the words ‘the order’ whispered a lot when her sister is having floo calls behind doors that were not well enough warded. Scared her sister has gotten herself into something that she doesn't know the extent of Constance will not stop until she knows what has taken over Elena. 
Blood Status → Half-Blood (½ Veela)
Sexuality  → Bisexual
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education → Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Ravenclaw)
Family → Elena Digby (half-sister/roommate)
Connections  → Laurel Linwood (best friend), Mafalda Hopkirk (close friend/potential love interest), Daisy Hookum (close friend), Jennifer Vane (close friend), Natan Diggory (close friend), Arthur Weasley (close friend), Trystan Warrington (close friend/object of affection), Aya Fawcett (friend), Keira Grey (friend), Molly Prewett (friend), Mila Bellinsky (colleague/romantic liaison), Charles Montague (client/potential love interest), Sebastien Fontaine (colleague/potential love interest), Georgine Faribault (boss/friend), Dahlia Blackwood (colleague/friend), Coraline Heather (colleague/friend), Stefan Blackwood (friend), Lucius Malfoy (adversary)
Future Information → Future Member of The Order of the Phoenix
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missjosie27 · 4 years
Year 3 Part 5- To Hogsmeade
Hey, guys! Another chapter is here! Hope you like it
True to her word, Professor McGonagall granted him access to Hogsmeade upon learning of his marks in charms.
“You have kept your end of the deal, Mr. Grant. With your permission slip, I will allow you to join your classmates this weekend in Hogsmeade.”
She said this with a limited smile, a rarity for the strict Transfiguration master though David privately thought she still didn’t look thrilled by the idea. He wondered if Dumbledore had been involved in this whole situation. Still, he wasn’t one to push his luck…most of the time.
“Thank you, Professor McGonagall,” he said.
“And Mr. Grant. Do try to enjoy yourself as opposed to finding more trouble.”
They had gone in a group- Rowan, Ben, Charlie, Penny, Chiara, Tonks, and himself. Some of the Ravenclaws were just in front of them while the Slytherins, predictably, were way behind.
 “You did it,” Rowan told him excitedly. “You’re going to Hogsmeade and all the bells and whistles that come with it.”
“And you’re brother too,” Ben added.
“Perfect excuse. We need to take a visit to the Three Broomsticks anyway. You have got to try butterbeer, Ben. First one is on me.”
David was still a bit miffed at McGonagall’s parting remark, but it didn’t dampen his spirits too much. His immediate mission was accomplished and now he could spend a day goofing off and find out more about Jacob. It was a win-win.
“Personally, I can’t wait to check out Zonkos,” Tonks said with a rather mischievous smirk on her face.
“What’s Zonkos?” Chiara asked.
“Only the finest supplier of prank and gag items known to wizardkind,” she responded excitedly. “And exactly what I need to surprise a certain librarian and a certain caretaker.”
“There’s also Honeydukes!” Penny pipped up. “My mom took me once when I was little. I’ve always wanted to come back and try their strawberry chocolates.”
“What do you reckon we should do first, Dave?” Rowan asked. “I know you need to talk to Madam Rosmerta. Do you have a preference?”
Up until now, David hadn’t spoken as he was mulling over that same question. They had until sundown to return to the castle which was plenty of time to both explore and talk to Rosmerta. He didn’t have to meet Hagrid until just after lunch.
“Let’s go visit some of the shops,” he said at last. “I don’t have to go to the Three Broomsticks right away. It’s pretty packed in there right now anyway.”
“I like the way you think, Dave!” Tonks grinned. “Let’s go!”
For older students such as Bill (who was with a couple of friends in his year) the novelty had worn off a bit. For those making their first visitations or only been once before, it was a wonderland. Though the day was windy, it was also bright and sunny, and those days were going to be few and far between in the highlands of Scotland as the year went deeper into Autumn.
The village itself wasn’t all that different in appearance than a standard muggle one, however there was one key difference and that was magic. Only witches and wizards lived here and it livened up the atmosphere considerably. Colorful posters announcing deals or sales adorned the little shops and taverns. Children laughed and played in the street. There was a flurry of activity every which one looked and from everything the third years had heard, the first impression did not disappoint.
Tonks had a field day in Zonkos and stocked up on items such as biting tea cups, frog spawn soap, and dungbombs. Against his better judgment, David also bought a couple dungbombs to be used at his own discretion and entertainment. The discovery of Penny’s sweet tooth was quite evident as she could barely stop eating the honeydukes chocolate and Tonks had to calm her down from an enormous sugar high. Chiara and Penny were also very fixated on Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, as it was a popular getaway for Hogwarts boys and girls looking to take each other on dates. The boys (and Tonks), however, weren’t as keen and simply allowed the girls to swoon over the potential romanticism before they moved onto a dress shop.
“I don’t get why they care so much,” Ben whispered nervously.
“It’s just girl stuff,” David muttered back. “Don’t try to understand it, just nod your head and change the subject as quickly as possible.”
“Bill says we’re going to be the ones on those dates in just a couple years,” Ben responded. “Is that true?”
“My brother is pretty popular with the ladies,” Charlie cut in. “He may tease sometimes but he doesn’t bullshit. He’s probably right. Speaking of, he told me to meet him over at the Shrieking Shack. Supposedly the most haunted building in Britain and he wants to show it to me. Anyone want to come?”
“I’m in!” Rowan said eagerly. He never turned down an opportunity to hang out with Bill. “How about you Ben?”
The blond boy fidgeted heavily with his hands.
“Haunted buildings really aren’t my cup of tea.”
“Come on, Ben. We’ll all be there,” Charlie encouraged. “Just us mates. Dave’s coming too right?”
“Actually, it’s almost past one. I can’t keep Hagrid waiting too much longer.”
Rowan nodded understandingly.
“Don’t wait another minute. We’ll rendezvous later at the Three Broomsticks later on.”
“You know where it is right?” Charlie asked.
Truthfully, David didn’t know where it was at all, but he figured he’d find his way. It was a village not the streets of London. It couldn’t be that hard.
“Yeah, I know where I’m going. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Good luck, Dave!”
The other three boys made their way north to the location of the shack while David went on his way. He figured he would come across a sign or some other landmark indicating the inn but the wind was picking up and it was taking a toll on his sight and movement. He looked up towards the sky; still sunny but clouds were rolling in and the little warmth received from the sun would soon be overcast. Zipping up his red hoodie jacket, he resolved to press forward.
Can’t be that far right?
Suddenly, a voice called out to him.
“First time in Hogsmeade?”
To his right he saw a tall, black boy regarding him with both friendliness and mild amusement. David vaguely recognized him as a Ravenclaw in his own year. He decided to approach him.
“How’d you guess?”
The Ravenclaw gave a grin.
“You have that look about you. Excited, cold, and not exactly sure where you’re going. I’m Andre Egwu, by the way.”
He offered out his hand, which David took.
“Oh yeah, I remember you from flying class. You’re also the keeper on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team if I recall correctly and pretty damn good at it. People talk about you as much as Charlie or Skye.”
“Charlie and Skye deserve the attention. Especially given that Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup pretty handily last year. But Quidditch is a passion of mine and I hope to play in the professional leagues someday. That’s why I wear my Pride of Portree scarf every chance I get to go to Hogsmeade. Best team in the league.”
David, knowing his Quidditch couldn’t deny that. Portree had won the British league for three years running.
“So they are. But you make it sound you’ve been here before.”
“It’s because I have. My parents take my sister and I to Hogsmeade even when we’re not in school. Gladrags Wizard Wear is one of my favorite places to shop for clothes.”
David resisted the urge to chuckle, instead choosing a tone of surprise.
“I didn’t think top Quidditch blokes were fashion aficionados.”
It was true. Glancing at Andre up and down it was clear that this was a person who cared a great deal about his appearance. In addition to his scarf, he wore a fleece jacket with the collars up, dress jeans, and a very nice pair of what looked like Italian shoes. In addition to that, his hair was expertly cut into a fade. To say he was stylish was an understatement.
“Clothes make the wizard,” Andre replied with gusto. “The better you look, the better you feel, the better you are at Quidditch. Or in your case, curse breaking.”
“I take it you heard about that, then?”
It was a stupid question. Almost everyone in Hogwarts had. But broad acknowledgement for the accomplishment as opposed to being seen as potentially mad still took some getting used to. But the emotion on Andre’s face wasn’t just admiration, it was gratitude.
“That cursed ice had me trapped in the Quidditch changing room until you broke that curse inside the vault. You saved my life.”
“Think nothing of it. I had plenty of help from my friends.”
Andre smiled and he reached into a bag by his side.
“Well as a token of my thanks, I’d like to offer you this scarf. It is quite blustery out here today and when I saw you shivering down the street, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”
David gladly took it. It was made of a very quality wool, patterned in dark gold and red, his house colors. Quite thoughtful, indeed.
“This is brilliant, Andre. Thank you.”
“A stylish gift for a worthy curse breaker such as yourself,” the black teen affirmed. “I’ll say this for sure: it won’t be hard for you to find a date or a girl to take to the next ball.”
He couldn’t resist laughing this time, thinking back to Penny and Chiara fawning over Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop.
“It’s a bit early to be thinking about, no? I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“Never too early to start thinking about girls,” Andre replied with a wink. “It may seem ridiculous to you now, but you’ll start to notice sooner rather than later. And when that day comes, my door is wide open.”
David’s first impression of the Ravenclaw lad was certainly unique but he certainly sensed no ill will from him. Just that his interests seemed to be ahead of most people their age.
“I’ll take you up on that someday. Thanks, Andre.”
“Don’t mention it.”
They shook hands once more and he prepared to depart. But before he did, he turned around one last time.
“Uh, by the way, where’s-”
“The Three Broomsticks?” Andre smiled knowingly. “Fifty feet up the hill to your right.”
Interesting guy that Andre Egwu
The Three Broomsticks had a reputation that preceded it. It was a cozy, lively atmosphere filled with patrons of all sorts, a bustling tavern frequented by locals and tourists alike. Inside was a building largely made of fine wood, filled with various tables and booths. There was also a second floor for private parties but most people appeared content to mingle with the crowd. In fact, it was so packed David was fairly certain it would have taken him quite a bit of time to find any standard human being.
Fortunately, Hagrid was not a standard human being and spotting him was a simple matter. As soon as they caught sight of each other he waved a huge hand.
“David! Over here!”
Sifting through the crowd, he managed to squeeze through two rather portly men, one of which had a walrus-like mustache and a glass of fine wine in his hand. Ducking underneath the outstretched jovial arm, he finally made it to where Hagrid was standing. 
“Welcome ter the Three Broomsticks!” he said in his usual cheerful tone. “What do ye think so far?”
“Seems like a lot of fun,” David remarked with a smile. “Is it always this packed?”
“Aye. It’s very popular. The students pack it even more on weekends such as this. Though ye get used ter it.”
Just then they were interrupted by an attractive, curvaceous woman with long, flowing blonde hair and a pretty face. She wore an ankle length dress and a plain apron but her cheeks were naturally rose and held a natural, festive glow.
“Hello, Hagrid! Good to see you again.”
“The same ter you, Rosmerta. Lookin as lovely as ever.”
“You’re sweet as always. Can I get you all anything?”
David couldn’t be sure but he thought Rosmerta’s eyes lingered over him for a half second longer than normal.
“A round of butterbeers, please.”
Sensing a chance to ask questions, the young Gryffindor tried to introduce himself.
“Madam Rosmerta I was wondering if-”
“Half a moment, dear,” she quickly interrupted. “I’ve got other tables to attend to. Be back soon.”
Visibly deflating at her departure, Hagrid noticed this and tried to cheer him up.
“Not ter worry, David. She’s a busy woman runnin’ this place. She knows who ye are and she’ll tell ye everything ye want ter know about yer brother.”
Realizing it would do no good to mope or complain, David supposed there was nothing more he could do until the bar matron returned.
“You’re right, Hagrid. Can’t wait to drink one of those butterbeers.”
The giant man looked down on him with a curious eyebrow.
“Never had one before? I thought ye were from a wizard family, Dave.”
“I did when I was little, but it’s been awhile. Mum won’t let me have anything in the way of sweets.”
He and Hagrid grabbed a table and talked like this for about fifteen minutes, sharing details of each other’s lives not previously known, though the latter was a tad more vague with his answers. David thought nothing of it, however and was content to laugh and share companionship with the gamekeeper, who was good company. He made a silent note to interact with him more often.
Soon enough, Rosmerta returned with a tray of butterbeers in hand.
“Cheers, Dave!” Hagrid said, clinking their glasses, almost toppling over the contents of his friend’s butterbeer. Taking a sip, a wave of sweet, warm, frothy goodness engulfed his senses. It was easily one of the tastiest concoctions ever invented in the history of wizard kind.
“Just as good as I remembered,” he said, giving a satisfied sigh.
“I’m glad you like it, dear,” Rosmerta said kindly. “I apologize for hurrying off earlier. Busy weekend. What would you like to know about your brother?”
David was slightly surprised.
“How did you know who I was?”
“It wasn’t hard to figure out,” the bar maiden said with a knowing twinkle in her blue eyes. “You and your brother look very much alike. That look of surprise you gave me just now was reminiscent of what he used to do. Plus, I must admit Hagrid filled me in a bit beforehand.”
Though siblings, David never came across many people who commented he and Jacob looked similar. His older brother was much broader, with a different shaped nose along with brown eyes as opposed to his own hazel-blue. Nevertheless, he supposed it would make sense Rosmerta might recognize him. Perhaps she saw something others did not. 
“David wanted ter ask ye a question or two about Jacob,” Hagrid explained. 
“I can spare just a few minutes,” Rosmerta smiled. “What would you like to know?”
Where to start? So much of Jacob was a mystery to him now and any information he could garner was a boon not merely in the quest to find the vaults but to satiate his own desire for that knowledge. 
“Madam Rosmerta, I heard you knew him in his time at Hogwarts. What was he like? Did mention anything about the Cursed Vaults?”
A nostalgic look came across her pretty features.
“I remember Jacob quite well...quiet boy. Very sweet. He spent a lot of time at the bar scribbling in notebooks.”
That certainly perked his interest.
“Notebooks you say?”
“Aye. Then one day a pair of Ministry officials showed up, grabbed him by the hood of his robes and dragged him out the door. They demanded he hand over any information he held on the vaults, but they found nothing. Only thing he left behind was a black quill.”
Another black quill
“Madam Rosmerta do you still have that quill? I’ll do anything to have it, I swear.”
That emitted a chuckle from the curvy innkeeper.
“Settle down, Dave. I’ll go look in the back. I never throw anything anyway so it should be around somewhere.”
“Thank you so much!”
“Think nothing of it,” she replied kindly. “Though it may take awhile longer. There are still a lot of customers to service and it’s quite cluttered in my office.”
“I’ll wait as long as I need to, Madam Rosmerta.”
“Very well then. I’ll score up another round for your table while I’m at it. Be back soon, dear.” 
David did his best to engage in further conversation with Hagrid to temper his impatience. It was best not to push his luck while he still retained some of it. If the gameskeeper suspected or believed he might be after the vaults again, it wouldn’t take long for Dumbledore to find out and that wouldn’t be good for anyone. Which also begged the question once more: was he still interested in the vaults themselves? Or just his brother? Perhaps the two were intertwined.
Before he could think about it more, Rosmerta returned about an hour later, black quill in hand. 
“Here you are, hun. Sorry it took me a little while to find. But it’s yours now. Use it well.”
Ecstatic happiness surged through David and he took the quill a little too quickly.
“Er...sorry. Thank you Madam Rosmerta.”
But the blonde woman took it in stride with understanding.
“Any time, David. And next time you’re here I may need some help. Would you be okay waiting tables now and again?”
“Think nothing of it.”
She gave one last sweet smile and waved goodbye.
“It was very nice to meet you, David. When you find Jacob, tell him I said hello.”
He nodded while Hagrid beamed at him. 
“Fine woman, Rosmerta is. Yeh can always trust her ter help people when they need it. Just promise me you won’t do anythin reckless with that quill.”
David nodded even if he had no idea what information the quill possessed, he was quite convinced in the moment nothing ill fated could come of knowing its contents.
“Of course, Hagrid.”
“You know, Dave, you should come by me hut some time. Fang’s gettin big now and we love havin guests over. I could bake a batch o’ me rock cakes.”
He had no idea what rock cakes were or even how good Hagrid was at cooking but he couldn’t help but appreciate the genuineness of the man. In the course of his Hogwarts career, he single handedly saved him from Devil’s Snare, alerted him to the spreading cursed ice, and helped him whenever he asked for it. The least he could do was return the favor.
“I’d love to, Hagrid. Just send me an owl and I’m there.”
The giant man clinked his glass once more, this time sending the contents all over his new scarf.
He reunited with his friends a short time later as the sun settled into the west, signaling that it was time to return to Hogwarts. Charlie, Bill, and Rowan were discussing their foray into the Shrieking Shack while Ben preferred not to talk about it. Penny and Chiara continued to giggle over Madam Puddifoot’s (and boys they’d take there which David didn’t really pay attention to). Tonks hung back with David, talking loudly over the wind about the black quill.
“So the Ministry found nothing on him?” the pink haired witch snickered. “That is the ultimate prank.”
“More so than that. It means they never knew what he was truly up to. He must have somehow hidden his notes within this quill.”
“You can do that?”
“Professor McGonagall’s been teaching me about all kinds of transfiguration this year, including switching spells in our advanced lessons. Definitely possible to turn a book into another unidentified object.”
“That’s some pretty advanced transfiguration,” Tonks said, clearly impressed.
David shrugged.
“Guess it runs in the family. McGonagall says I’m the best she’s seen in a decade.”
“Well I’m already a master at transfiguration,” the Hufflepuff said waggling her eyebrows, changing her appearance to that of a duck, to a koala bear, to that of Celestina Warback. 
“You got original material left?” David yawned.
“Wanker. Anyway what do you think the quill contains? Can I see it?”
He obliged by pulling it out of his left jacket pocket. 
“Nothing too out of the ordinary. All we have to do is use ‘repifarage’ to untransfigure it and…”
“You lot aren’t going to be untransfiguring anything.”
Out of the shadows in front of the entrance to the school stepped Argus Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker, looking as grouchy and unpleasant as ever. And judging by his expression he’d overheard everything they were talking about. Quick as a flash for someone who clearly suffered from rheumatism, he snatched the quill out of David’s outstretched hand.
“Hey! Give that back That belongs to me!”
“Not anymore it don’t,” Filch leered towards him. “I’ll be addin it to the collection of confiscated contraband to my office. Professor Snape’s orders of course…”
David highly doubted the cantankerous old man had any such orders and seizing one of his legitimate belongings was surely out his purview. Feeling himself becoming furious, he gripped his wand in blind rage before Tonks gripped his arm and shook her head in an effort to calm him.
“Now beat it ya nasty scallywags. On with ya!”
They ducked a swipe from Filch and ran off, but not before David cursed up a storm once they were far enough away.
“Language, David. I didn’t know you knew such colorful phrases.”
“You would too if you had an older sibling...and just had the one chance of finding said sibling robbed from you by a quivery old git.”
“Patience, my hot blooded Gryffindor friend,” Tonks told him. “All we have to do is simply get the quill back.”
“Yeah? And how exactly do you plan to do that?”
Tonks grinned at him with a smile that practically radiated mischief. 
“Leave that to me. If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s taking the mickey out of Filch.”
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missnight0wl · 5 years
Can you give an in-depth analysis of the Chiara friendship side quest, the Beauxbaton side quest, the Celestial Ball side quest, and the First Date Sidequest?
Oh my… “in-depth analysis”? I’m not even sure I know what you’re expecting. But I’ll try my best!
“Lone Wolf” TLSQ
It was a good side quest overall.
The situation with breaking through to Chiara was pretty similar to Talbott, but at the same time, her backstory was unique enough that it didn’t feel like repetition. And Chiara is an interesting, well-rounded character. I also really liked Snape’s role in all of that and his relationship with Chiara.
There were two things that I didn’t like. First, the fact that the quest triggers both for people who didn’t complete the previous Halloween TLSQ and those who did. As a result, they had to adjust the plot to situations where MC knows and doesn’t know about Chiara being a werewolf. And in my opinion, if MC knows about that, it took them way too long to connect the situation to Chiara, simply making them look dim. I think it could’ve been avoided by making Chiara’s quest trigger only if you completed the Halloween one – so the way it is for Talbott. Of course, then we run into a problem because the Halloween TLSQ activates only once a year when it’s also Halloween in real life, but it wouldn’t be a problem if it triggered simply when you reach a certain point in the story – as it should be.
The second thing I’d like to talk about is Remus Lupin. I know a lot of people were very excited to see him, but for me? Eh, I could live without it. It just was a bit strange once you realised it’s Tonks’s future husband. But more importantly, I think that his reaction and advice for MC were kind of odd and irresponsible. I mean, yes, the whole talk about the power of friendship was sweet and whatnot… But your friends weren’t spending the nights with you in their human forms, Remus. That was the reason why they became Animagi – because werewolves are far less dangerous for animals. Lupin didn’t know if MC is an Animagus, and MC themselves clearly didn’t think to use it. Telling a kid to spend a night with a transformed werewolf who shouldn’t have any control over herself could end up really bad. Lupin was the most qualified to help Chiara to not hurt herself or anyone else, so I believe he should’ve been the one to stay with her. Sure, it could create stupid implications that an adult man is spending the night with a teenage girl, but like… we’re risking the kid’s life otherwise. Or they could’ve come up with an entirely different solution. Just, don’t tell me Lupin’s advice was to tame a werewolf with the power of friendship…
“Hosting The Beauxbatons” TLSQ
It was… all right? It might not be my favourite, but it wasn’t bad.
I was a bit annoyed by Penny’s involvement, but it’s mostly because of her general overexposure. Still, I believe she could’ve been easily replaced by another character. Also, I think that the whole cover about the transfer to Hogwarts was unnecessary and, in fact, should’ve worked in Aurélie’s disadvantage. Rowling actually stated that Hogwarts, in particular, serves only Britain and Ireland, so technically, such transfer was rather unlikely to happen. I think they could’ve said that it’s simply the exchange. Rowan would notice that Aurélie acts weirdly anyway. Oh, and MC was pretty dim with figuring it out again. I’d just like them to be a little brighter sometimes, y’know.
While I can’t say I’m Aurélie’s biggest fan, she definitely grew on me as a character throughout the story – and I suppose it was the intention so I’d say it’s a job well done here. The addition of her brother as the motivation for her research was a pretty neat idea, even if comparing it to MC and Jacob felt a bit like a reaching, in my opinion. Part of me also wishes Aurélie was a boy, simply to remind people that Beauxbatons is not a female-only school, despite what was shown in the movie.
Finally, I quite enjoyed the whole plot with Nicholas Flamel. It was a pretty good mix of small mystery and fanservice. I’ve also seen a theory that it could be the Philosopher’s Stone that’s in the final Cursed Vault (check it here!). Personally, I prefer if anything that’s inside there was an entirely original idea – just as the Vaults themselves – but still, it’s something worth to consider.
The Celestial Ball TLSQ
I enjoyed a big part of this quest, and my biggest complaint about it is that they turned it into the romance quest when the majority of it was simply about friendship.
The part I enjoyed the most was probably Rowan and Ben, and I actually don’t see it as “forcing” them to go the Celestial Ball. In my opinion, it was shown well that the main reason why they didn’t want to go at first was because they thought they’re not good enough: they talked about things like nobody would want to go with them, that they’re too awkward. And that’s what MC was working on later – not just on changing their minds, but mainly on their self-confidence. Both Rowan and Ben definitely need that so it was pretty great to see it. Another character who was treated nicely here was Bill who overcame his rejection from Emily Tyler. It was just delightful to watch if you ask me.
Unfortunately, it was kind of ruined by the requirement of choosing a date for the last part. I still think that it’s such a shame that we didn’t get a route where MC could decide that they just want to have fun with all their friends. Especially that everyone else went single. Jam City basically said that you can’t enjoy the school dance without a date, and it’s kind of ridiculous.
I also think that placing this quest in year 4 was rather an odd decision, even if only because both Merula and Ismelda were datable options. Don’t get me wrong, I do love Ismelda as a character, and if you want to romance Merula – you do you. However, MC’s relationship with both of those girls was still definitely more negative in the main story at that time, so it just is rather out of place. It’d make more sense to happen in year 5, although, then we have a problem with Beatrice being trapped, and it’d be odd to organise the ball when all school is afraid of the Portrait Curse… which brings me to the next point.
“First Date!” TLSQ
Dating was never very high on my priority list for this game. I thought it could be fun but no pressure from me, y’know. But now, I see that Jam City is not handling it very well, reducing romanceable options etc. So to be honest, I think it’d be better to not introduce romance to the story at all. Just leave it to people’s headcanons. Of course, you can say that the players were demanding that, but I believe it was mostly because the devs declared very early on that there will be dating. And it was a mistake, in my opinion, as it created expectations they’re not prepared for.
I simply think that it’d be better to invest time and work from dating content into something everyone can enjoy, and what could potentially have a bigger impact on the main story. Develop characters in general, develop their friendships with MC AND between each other. Show us our friends who rarely interact with each other. Perhaps there’d be some conflicts between them, or on the contrary, they’d discover that they get along surprisingly well!
But that being said, let’s move to the quest since that’s what the question was about. I played it myself only recently on my replay account. In general, I’d say that it was a mix of cringy and adorable, and to be fair, I suppose it’s pretty much how teenage romance is. I was probably the most bothered by the whole note situation, yet I know it’s something a teenager could do so… The quest could’ve been initiated differently and better, but I can accept it. Surprisingly, I wasn’t really troubled by the situation with Tonks. I mean, yes, it wasn’t the right thing to do. However, I feel like friends/older siblings checking on a protagonist’s date is a pretty common cliché in teenage stories, and the quest is basically a bunch of such clichés, so I guess I can as well just deal with them all.
 I hope I covered at least part of the things you were expecting. If I didn’t address something you’re interested in, feel free to ask!
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killinbills · 5 years
so going off your explanation for your story titles, can you give us the themes for all your books and their titles? i think it’s super interesting and i always love your story titles
i was talking about chapter titles lol but i can expand upon that along w story titles!!! (i’m only gonna do go lightly up until recent for chapter titles because i didnt use to do this) (also i don’t acc remember how i thought of blue/briar/bones so i can’t talk about that lol sorry!!)
mean spirits is actually a rereleased title of a mediator book from meg cabot’s series. originally it was called something else but they redid the whole series (personally i think bc it was around the time twilight came out,,, it was to market towards twilight fans lol Anyway) and i remember i was planning mean spirits,,, and i remember looking across at the book spine for this book and i already had the last line in my head?? and it kind of stuck
the rest is gonna be after the cut because this is really long!!
go lightly sort of has a theme with the old hollywood/50s sort of vibe?? like because it’s called go lightly it’s named breakfast at tiffanys i tried to keep a 50s sort of theme with some of the chapter titles. not all of the titles have a theme, but the ones for the old hollywood theme include: in cold blood (truman capote’s other book!), greetings from, morning glory, blue hawaii, house of flowers (lmao a short story by truman capote!!), and some others that sort of… sound similar?? at least to me??
so like,,
pretty please
on the tight-rope
path to power
… there are some chapter titles that were named after songs:
babe with the power (magic dance by david bowie)
blow ‘em away (ill ray the king by kasabian)
comeback kid (also kasabian)
sweet like cinnamon (radio by lana del rey)
and brand new moves (hey violet) are all from this.
tbh though with go lightly a lot of the time it was phrases used in chapters that sort of fit the chapter titles?? honestly i don’t even know how to explain how the chapter titles, to me, seem to have a correlation, because i think a lot of it is me being able to identify a pattern that isn’t *really* there. (also for christmas chapters i really liked making plays on words with holly’s name. (i am forever annoyed i never used the name ‘holliday madness’ bc i love that one but i thought of it after finishing it lol)
clueless!!! so clueless is different in the way that,, for go lightly,, i had a list of potential chapter titles so if i was ever struggling, i could use one of those, and since they were all quite ambiguous, they’d be fairly easy to give to a chapter. but anyway. with clueless, i didn’t actually make a list? i think i had a lot of chapter titles in mind from when i wrote briar and also when i wrote the first version of clueless (so a good ten chapter titles) (and then like three attempted revamps… so a few more title ideas from that) but again, the thing is, with clueless i can see a pattern, but then i don’t know if others can?
for clueless, the best way i can describe it is, playful but also a little flirty. if that makes sense. like there are some chapter titles that are a little more “playful,” and by that i mean they’re a little bit jokey??? which again doesn’t make much sense but hear me out:
thank merlin for maxime
weird, weird, weirder!
… golden girl? (right after a chapter that’s just ‘golden girl’)
pretty in pink… no, blue?
i feel like they’re a little more fun compared to the other ones, if that makes sense. like even the fact that chapter thirteen is “a lost chapter,” like i feel like it adds a sense of playfulness that briar,,, arguably also has.
but then i feel as if the other chapter titles, a lot of them have a sort of flirtiness to them, with the sort of romantic imagery and language?? like,,, there are two chapter titles that include “pretty,” one with “angel,” one’s named after flowers w “in bloom,” arguably the sibilance in “soft to be strong,” and then “crush culture.” buuuuuuuuut, there are a lot of chapter titles that reference either briar, a draft of clueless, or something in the plot iteself. so:
in bloom was a chapter in the original clueless
hogwarts… beauxbatons references briar’s ~struggle~ and moving on from her life at hogwarts
totally clueless links back to the actual title (also links to the last chapter in part one!!)
pretty in pink… no, blue? is a reference to the original clueless because there was a chapter called ‘pretty in pink,’ but ofc bc briar’s dress was blue i added the other part
blue hawaii references laurel’s old au (also go lightly??)
the weirdest dream references the conversation briar and fred had earlier on in part one
NOW chapter nineteen is included in this but chapter nineteen is SPECIAL. chapter nineteen is called briar, and there is a whole reason behind this. SO. chapter nineteen. in the original briar, she dies at nineteen, so for clueless chapter nineteen had to be SPECIAL. in my mind the number nineteen represents briar; it represents her vision of her death, it represents how she dies so young, it represents how briar’s life was not only cut off so early but also she knew it was going to happen and the vision itself killed her. SO. chapter nineteen had to be called briar. like. i couldn’t not name it briar. the additional part of the chapter title is “her spindle wheel…?” and that is IMPORTANT.
so. the last chapter of briar is “her spindle wheel.” super duper important for Reasons but that is not why we’re talking about that rn. so. her spindle wheel. her spindle wheel are her visions. BUT. in chapter nineteen – the number that’s important because it links to her death – briar, in clueless, decides she isn’t going to let the vision happen… it does happen, but her reaction to what happens is the complete opposite to what happens in briar. in clueless, chapter nineteen cements the moment when briar realises she does not have to let visions come true, and therefore if she wants to change the future then she will. SO. the additional part being “her spindle wheel…?” is a question. the “…?” at the end is a way of showing that maybe her visions won’t be her spindle wheel…. wink wink nudge nudge
i haven’t written enough of morningstar nor most noble to answer this for them in this much detail, but believe me they’ve got their title lists and ugh i am READY. but yeah. i don’t think you wanted it in this much detail. but hi my name is lucy and i’m doing english lit and uni. i’ve also lowkey really wanted to talk about chapter nineteen so lol yeah. so. i hope someone finds this of use lmao
send me fic questions!!
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kurojiri · 5 years
away from expectations
Fandoms: Harry Potter; Merlin (TV Show) Gen: Charlie Weasley & Draco Malfoy & Merlin Summary: Like how life was usually described by the majority, it didn't go as planned. Prompt: Staying up all night A/N: written for June’s prompt for @hp-coffeehouse Word Count: 1,534 Or read on: ao3 | ffnt
It started out as a whim. Draco had been needing more than the tea that his mother had packed for him before he left to his new job. It hadn’t been like he didn’t love the sweet flavors or the softness they made his magic feel afterwards; it was just that he needed a pick-me-up that coffee always gave him. A powerful caffeine trip that Weasley was able to provide when he noticed that Draco was waning off during their breaks.
That had been an interesting combination in his life. Working with another Weasley, but one that had been the very definition of what he pictured what Gryffindors would do outside Hogwarts. Taming, studying and overall, protecting such creatures like dragons.
Dragons. Tall, fire-breathing, very incredibly dangerous creatures. Why would Draco Malfoy of all people would start working at a dragon enclosure in Romania someone would ask? Simple, the ministry over there hadn’t cared too much about his business or the war. They just liked how high his scores had been for healing and potions. (The number of retired workers had also flexed that Draco would be a great asset for their enclosure given that he knew how to properly use all the equipment and ingredients without them fearing that he would waste all their materials and funding.) He had been thoroughly trained for that position as a means to get out of England in general for a position that didn't scam him out his pay for reparation that the war caused.
And if that meant that he had to work alongside a Weasley that didn’t look disgusted by him, who actually had been very decent with him, then who was he to deny his life in Romania?
It had been a whiplash in the beginning with people—a lot of strangers that glanced at his last name and not spit on him. There had been many neutral parties that understood his age, his name and why the war had happened.
Were there was still a minority that didn’t like him? Of course. But they had also loved to pretend he didn’t exist and didn’t jinx him either. He had called that a win. He needed all the kinder parts of what reality could afford him when he had been doing his best to send as much money to help his mother where she stayed in France. Most of their British roots had taken a downward spill, as their assets had barely placed them in a zone where they had to be careful about future investments.
Although they had been lucky. Some families that were heavily based on the British soil had ended worse than them. He knew some of them, and they had left long ago before the mobs could get to them. Draco, had been in the middle where he left as soon as he was able for his education after the trials concluded. When his mother was safe in France, and he could breathe momentarily in peace.
In those months turned into two years, he had met the inspiration of overcoming his fear of fire, while also going as far as he could in Europe to find a calling for himself. The dragon enclosure had ended up being that place. Where he could walk there, to feel himself herding a lock of courage when he interacted with his coworkers. Namely, Charlie Weasley. Their friendship had been a core extension when he stayed up from a breakthrough when he tweaked a potion. Or when he helped organize report logs from the various peers, he could bring himself to tolerate (then tentatively befriend).
When he had found a niche there, it became quite clear that the coffee shop closest by the dragon enclosure had been the perfect place for Weasley to entrap him. The first cup had been divine. Had been the very taste that woke every cell of his body.
(He had ignored the smug grin of Weasley’s when he finished the drink in record time.)
After that cup, Draco had requested for Weasley to take him to the shop after their shifts. The road had seen better days for muggle’s standards, but for many magical folks, the dirt patches had such a wild—very welcoming allure. Like what all the forests he ever stepped into before had in common, where the magic was at its purest form. The buzzing of insects and the silence of a semi empty road prickled at his ears. The aged wooden door opened to an old-fashioned shop. Its style did not come to Draco’s former likes, but the warmth of it all had been inclusive for anyone that needed to unwind.  
By the counter, there was one man.  
His curly black hair was messy, his blue eyes were piercing as if he could read Draco's thoughts, but had been polite enough to never dig deep. He had a growing beard that made him rugged and cheekbones that had made Draco himself jealous. Besides his outward appearance, Draco hadn't felt any malice coming from the man. And that, that had been a nice feeling to have after being stuck outdoors for half the day when he had been collecting samples for some of the potions, he would need to make next week. Their first conversation had a mixture in the tone. Where Draco felt like he had been speaking to a man far older than he appeared.
As if the barista had a knack of talking and understanding the older generations or old souls better. Not completely unfair for the first couple of assumptions, but then, Draco had softened up a bit for calmer conversations that he could appreciate them when they shared that together. Especially when Weasley had that type of air of himself to build fires into his stories that children tended to flash when their excitement knew no bounds. But it all fit perfectly as they all chatted. With Draco drinking up the details every time he visited since then.
The shop had seen better days, with the wood being aged and the frames of photos lining up in the walls. He could tell that it had seen a lot of history when he sat down on the love seats or chairs by the tables. Yet, that had been why he kept coming back, in part of the coffee that enabled him to stay awake during long hours. Whether in early mornings where he gathered most of the usual ingredients or in late nights when he needed to do certain time-based potions. The coffee had been cataloged with the perfect hours for the wizarding world that thrived in the location, seeing that most of the muggles left in hurry to their homes or temporary lodgings that were a couple hours away.  
By the third month since he had walked into the coffee shop, he had acquired a table where he liked to work on his paperwork. Where the sun rays didn’t hinder the parchment coloring and the ink pens he used when writing. The view of the tall green trees and mountains weren't bad either when compared to the open skies. It had reminded him of the times he got lost at the beauty of how remote Hogwarts felt when he had strolled where the black lake had been. The rest of the customers had also the same unspoken rules of maintaining hushed conversations and the barista (who he later learned was actually the owner), would come around the shop to talk to anybody that seek a second ear. Like a friend that remembered when someone gained a promotion or had family visiting. A living and breathing home to go back to when the rest of the world was harsher.
It had become a place that Weasley and himself went to in daily trips, given that Draco always wanted to rest in a place that didn't leave him in a stuffy mess. Merlin (and Draco really spat his coffee when he told him his name) had been an addition to his Romanian chapter in his life that he didn’t know he needed. His quips had the same fondness Draco used to hear when he had been younger in Hogwarts, his blue eyes (still so bright and mysterious) covered for his limitless expressions when he laughed. Half the time it felt like Draco gained another uncle figure in his life. What with him calling him out whenever Draco felt comfortable to display any of his old ‘git-like retorts’ when his posh background came up.
Not that he missed how Merlin’s smile gave Draco the impression that he had been missing someone that had similar backstory of being born in a high-class society.  
He didn’t know when it came to finding himself sleeping at the coffee shop as a normal side effect, but knowing his coffee intake and Merlin’s hospitality and growing friendship, a second bed had been prearranged whenever Draco had to stay up all night.  
Because when Draco thought about where he once started after Hogwarts, he couldn’t bring himself to care where he worked and who importantly were now inside his circle of friends. Not when he started to smile genuinely again.
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inversionrp-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
fifth year | gryffindor | pureblood | he/his
after struggling for so long to conceive, euphemia and fleamont decided to adopt. they adopted you when you were about six months old, their miracle child, a perfect addition to the family. an energetic child with no boundaries, your mischievous nature ran wild. despite not having very much money, euphemia and fleamont struggled to gives you everything you ever wanted, every toy, every game - any sacrifice was worth it, anything for their little prince. letting you go to hogwarts was difficult for them, but you longed for the next adventure of their life. you arrived only to find that hogwarts was a school, not a playground brimming with monsters to slay and treasures to be uncovered. your need for thrills and boredom with the school has you pursuing darker and darker things in the name of fun - just how far will you go?
Is it possible to be loved too much?
It is one thing to be spoiled, to have everything you have ever wanted handed to you on a silver platter with the world at you heel asking, what are we doing next? It is another to think yourself a boy king, and to be treated as one too.  At home he was told that he was perfect, that he had no flaws. Every time that James did something which would usually warrant a good-old-fashioned telling-off, his parents would wind up blaming themselves. He quickly learned how to make his parents forgive him, he knew just what to say to make them see him as nothing but their sweet boy. He learned to tug on their heart strings in just the right way, and he learned that even the slightest mention of wanting to meet his birth parents (he absolutely did not care to do so) could get him almost anything he wanted. They raised him in an unhealthy fashion, giving him everything and requiring nothing from him. It made him heavily expectant of the rest of the world to do the same.
The thing is, as easy as it made his life, he felt suffocated. They had strict rules and kept him isolated, but they never relly punished him. He could do no wrong. There was nothing on earth he could think of that would have a negative consequence, nothing that could possibly backfire. The atmosphere was so opressive to live in, they controlled him and didn’t let him have the experiences that he should have gained in his childhood. He felt trapped for years and therefore, he grew up craving something more than their nice home in Cambridge. He craved danger.
At the age of eleven is life so far has been sheltered, he was home-schooled, and his parents never really schooled him on life. The real world did not exist to him before Hogwarts, only the bubble which had been created by his parents, the bubble in which he was a boy king. He never learned about the prejudices of the world, pure bloods and half bloods. He only learned that if asked, he was their real son. He didn’t learn much about acceptance or love, because he’d never had to accept anyone or love anyone but his parents. Even at a young age, this sheltered world was not enough for him. At home he’d started to push boundaries, purposefully breaking his parents expensive fine china (they eventually said it was their fault for not paying more attention to him), refusing to eat anything that wasn’t chicken, stealing his parent’s money. He pushed and pushed, needing a reaction from them. He needed to be shouted at and given boundaries, but he simply never was.
All of this frustration, the feelings of being suffocated and oppressed, that had been building within him came out the night before he was due to leave for Hogwarts. That evening his parents insisted he go to bed early, and being an essentially good child, he obeyed, but he was restless and wild within his bed. Hours passed in which he couldn’t sleep for excitement and adrenaline coursing through his body, the prospect of getting out into the world thrilled him so much that at two am he was still wide awake and went to find something to do. When his parents woke up they found him asleep on a sofa, having thoroughly trashed the living room in his evenings play session. The TV had been broken in a sword fight, a few vases had been smashed and he’d managed to burn a hole in the carpet when he attempted to light candles to make the medieval scene more realistic. That was the first time they ever actually told him off, and it was refeshing to him.
He arrived at Hogwarts the next day, feeling like a tough guy who could take a telling off. He was sorted into Gryffindor, and he was ready to take on a magical experience, to fight dragons and save people and be a hero. Sadly, that is not what he got. He went from being an only child with the full attention of two adults to just one in a class. He began to push boundaries again, constantly vying for the attention of anyone at all who would look his way. Most of the time it worked, his clown behavior drew him a sizable group of admirers. He had no prejudice, as long as people paid him mind he repayed them with loyalty. He made a name for himself in school, not as a rebel but as James Potter, someone unlike any other. His experiments with magic got more and more outrageous as time went by, creeping over the border from pranks to bullying… And further. Nothing feels too far for him, and he always manages to get away without a scratch on his perfect record, and so he will continue to push at those boundaries until something snaps.
James Potter has had so much love that he is saturated, full to the brim with it. Somehow, instead of it spilling over to be shared as the laws of physics would dictate, being so full of love can make the world seem empty. He’s desperate to fill himself with anything and everything new.
[ HOOKED ] James has dabbled in drugs in the past, socially and just for a good time. His favorite is a magical herb, which gives a similar effect to muggle Acid. He’s also tried muggle drugs from his muggleborn friends and drinks a lot. I would like to explore the possible addiction / getting into trouble for this. He takes drugs for the rush that they give him with little thought of consequence and it would be interesting to play out how he would react to actual consequences in his life.
[ EXPOSED ] James is cocky and thinks of himself as perfect but he is far from it. He’s selfish and conceited and can be incredibly cruel due to his lack of care for others. I would like to see James develop the type of relationship where someone just calls him on his bullshit. A relationship where they straight up tell him that he’s not all that would be interesting because he might hate them for it at first, but he might also listen.
suggested connections:
sirius black: while you were initially suspicious of the slytherin, you formed a fast friendship with sirius, and the pair have been inseparable ever since. only sirius understands the value of a good adventure. emma vanity: emma is fun enough to be around, and you enjoy showing off for them and dragging them along on various escapades. sometimes you gets the feeling emma isn’t being entirely honest with you, but you’re not concerned unless it affects her ability to accompany you in your mischeif.  mary macdonald: mary is quite obviously unstable, and you find it fascinating. you love to watch mary work and are often tempted to join in. mary has a way of provoking your dark side, introducing them to pleasures that you previously thought forbidden.
james is portrayed by reece king and is closed.
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