#but just making my stance clear
minustwofingers · 10 months
i hope that i don’t actually need to say this bc i feel like my reader base is very slay and sexy and cool but if ur one of the anons that bullied elleloquently into leaving…go ahead and unfollow u are unwanted here
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Just so we're all clear, in this house we believe:
Eddie is actually very intelligent and being actively failed by the system
Eddie is not "dirty" and his room is not "filthy"
Eddie is not deliberately mean or cruel
Eddie is not a bully
All the power to anyone who disagrees but just... Not gonna find support in any headcanons that fall under any of the above from me personally
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liauditore · 1 month
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Woe! Anything Last Life Fairy Fort related be upon ye?👉👈
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the horrible horrible pov that sent me down this path in life......
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mieczyhale · 2 years
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dodorimo · 8 months
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You know what I'm just going to say it, don’t follow my blog if you’ve dogshit gatekeeping opinions like this lol
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1shroom1 · 2 months
Marius discourse is WILD
Ive started some interesting discussions on Marius in a previous post, and what bothers me (as someone who’s enjoyed his character a lot so far) is that a good handful of people who like him advocate for Marius/Armand and then talk about purity culture like people aren’t understanding the books.
I don’t think you’re understanding the text you’re reading if you think that was ever a healthy or reasonable relationship!!!!
Yes, literature is subjective and yes it’s important to look at it with historical context. But that does not make it okay to romanticize an inappropriate relationship with a minor in any way. It’s 2024, not the 1500s, the historical context does not MATTER when it comes to shipping or advocating for Marius/Armand. That being said, yes you can use historical context to examine their relationship and explain why it was the way it was (to a certain extent ofc, it’s more complex than that)! That’s thinking critically! But there’s zero excuse for endorsing it!!
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eliotquillon · 2 months
have recently realised that the reason why i struggle to seriously ship kevin with anyone in aftg is because i find the idea of him perpetually third-wheeling to be too funny. sorry kevin
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alterigo06 · 1 year
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Late to the party as always 🫡 but happy Kagerou Day, everyone 🫡
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mochiwrites · 9 months
Idk if anyone has ask this but what are your boundaries?
mmmmmm okay. so. here’s the thing
I understand you’ve probably asked this question with good intentions. I’m also going to assume that you’ve come from twitter because that place is Insane when it comes to boundaries
anon, I am gently taking your hand and looking at you, and in the kindest way possible: you do not need to know my boundaries. I’m an adult who can curate my own internet experience. besides, I’m not a content creator, I’m a fanfic writer. I have no need to publicly state my boundaries
this whole culture of people asking about boundaries ruins the point of fandom spaces. fandom spaces are meant for us, the fans. as long as we’re not forcing our creations upon cc’s what does it matter what we do?
it doesn’t matter what my boundaries are because I’m the only one who needs to worry about them.
and I’m not saying any of this to be rude or anything like, either. it’s just, the sooner you realize that it’s not your job to ask or even enforce boundaries (generally speaking here), the much better your internet space becomes. the only one you should be focusing on is you and your own boundaries
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mathewton-cl · 1 month
As An IzuOcha Shipper…
…them not ending up together isn’t the problem.
Horikoshi taking the “leave it up to interpretation” approach and then proceeding to COMPLETELY AVOID ADDRESSING their relationship status is the problem.
Horikoshi failing to tie up that one last loose end for Uraraka’s character arc (not closing off her feelings) is the problem.
Again, I ship IzuOcha. Still do, because I’m stubborn. Would I have liked for them to end up together, even if it was only a somewhat blatant implication that could be handwaved? Obviously. But you know what? Maybe I would be upset if the story went out of its way to explicitly de-confirm any chance of Midoriya and Uraraka being a romantic pairing, but I’d at least respect it and understand it a lot more if the story let Midoriya and Uraraka actually talk about this, or at the very least SHOWED US them talking about this. I’d understand if Uraraka completed her character arc by having a heart to heart with Midoriya and telling him that her feelings have changed, her priorities have changed, and Midoriya understands and they remain good friends. Let’s be real, romance isn’t Horikoshi’s strong suit, despite his many attempts to leave romantic implications throughout the series. I’d completely understand if he just had Midoriya and Uraraka talk and they didn’t end up together, because at least then it still provides both of their characters with closure.
But no, that’s too simple. Let’s just “leave it up to interpretation,” because it clearly wasn’t that important, right?
Well, as many people on the internet have already brought up, if it wasn’t so important, why did you spend so much time putting emphasis on it? Why did you have Uraraka, up until the FINAL WAR, have her crush on Midoriya be a crucial part of her character (it wasn’t her only character trait, mind you, but it was still important)? Why did the penultimate chapter have the class come to comfort Uraraka and tell her that they can talk to her… and then come the next chapter, Uraraka apparently hasn’t done anything regarding her supposed crush on Midoriya? For literal YEARS!?
…see, this isn’t even a shipping problem anymore. This is a character problem.
Horikoshi, for whatever reason, chose not to include a romance for the main character and his supposed love interest. And again, that’s fine, not every story needs to be a romance. Two problems with it here though (well, one problem and an observation):
1) Choosing to not at least address the romantic subplot with a “I think we’re better off as friends” encounter, thus actually concluding the subplot and providing a sense of closure, not only leaves the result feeling underwhelming and frustrating, but also actively damages Uraraka’s character arc. We can have her address the problem that caused people like Toga to exist, but heaven forbid she talks about romance with Midoriya.
2) Despite his supposed aversion to romance, Horikoshi still went out of his way to give Gentle and La Brava wedding rings… he’s willing to establish a side romantic pairing without bringing too much attention to it, but he can’t be bothered to do something similar for the arguable MAIN pairing? It’s the “Togata has special clothes so he doesn’t end up buck naked, but Hagakure’s still gotta go commando” debacle again…
I’ma go ahead and wrap this up ‘cause I don’t wanna keep y’all much longer, but like… being optimistic, this ending was… functional. I’ve got my problems with it, obviously, I don’t think it was BAD bad… but it certainly wasn’t good. It works. Barely. And it’s ‘cause of stuff like this.
Midoriya and Uraraka didn’t need to end up together, truly. All Horikoshi had to do was put the smallest amount of effort and give us something of substance, something with closure. Instead, we got what we got.
I get that he was exhausted and wanted the manga to be over… but that excuse only holds up for so long.
#14 August 2024#bnha critical#mha critical#bnha 430#mha 430#bnha spoiler#mha spoiler#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#should I put this in the main tag?#...screw it#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#i'm pretty basic/casual when it comes to how i consume media but like...#this was NOT it chief#horikoshi decided to not put in the work (even if it was somewhat understandable) and that backfired. HARD.#midoriya doesn't get to be a hero? well at least he's a respectable teacher at an accredited academic institution!#...except the story frames that as all midoriya was doing for that time period. no consulting on hero work. no helping with investigations.#just teaching. which is all well and good... if all of the teachers/mentor figures throughout the series weren't various levels of garbage.#that's a different discussion tho#or how about this new development in hero society will mean the heroes will finally have some serious free time... except they don't.#even with the lowering villain count they're all still too busy to have more than a few of them get together at a time.#at least actually reading makes it clear they didn't outright ghost Midoriya but like... something about that feels wrong.#“bUt It'S rEaLiStIc” AFO was defeated after a second resurrection by the power of friendship and other ghosts#edgeshot bakugo and gran torino survived despite all the fatal hits they took. this series doesn't know its stance on realism.#bakugo's finally got some serious character development! except y'know... he's still okay with telling off civilians.#y'know... the same thing that caused him to fail the provisional license exams? something he should have really figured out YEARS later?#at this point I can't even take him leading the charge on the power suit project seriously... it feels less like natural growth for
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peeks out cause it's safe now you guys were really weird about Depp v Heard
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I think the theme of "home", while not always in the forefront, is something that interests me about the Sonic Movie Universe (in a similar way it interested me during Prime)
For Movie!Sonic, home is where you make it first and where your family is second. After his guardian died, he presumably jumped from place to place, and it was a while before he had a stable home. He made himself a home on earth and fell in love with the land and the culture. But you get the sense that as long as he's in hiding and ostracized all the time, it never fully feels like home. So it's important that he got to really experience earth and living in Movie 1 with Tom. It's important that he made earth his home, and then made the Wachowski household his base. No matter where he goes on earth and beyond, he has a family he chose and who chose him he can come back to and be himself around. "Home" for Movie!Sonic began with necessity, progressed due to his growing attachment to earth and what it offers, and fully settled in with him having a more permanent place in this world and support.
For Movie Tails, I surmise that "home" to him is where Sonic is. He was ostracized (possibly even bullied/picked on) back home for his two tails. After listening to some of his lines in movie 2, Tails read to me like a character who'd been treated as weird or an outcast and ended up isolating himself as a result. I got the impression that when he wasn't indulging in his love of technology/mechanics (or perhaps even at the same time) he was holed up in his base, watching a live stream of Sonic and his adventures, even after the conclusion of the first movie's events. He knows everything about Sonic, down to knowing that he doesn’t take showers, before even meeting him properly. Tails is not at home on earth nor particularly entranced by earth itself (in opposition to Sonic, who became entranced with it). He only even goes there to warn Sonic and to help him out. But Sonic's place—Sonic's home—is on Earth, in Green Hills, with Tom and Maddie, and Tails has formed an actual bond of friendship with the hedgehog he formed a possibly parasocial relationship with used to watch on a screen. Before, I think Tails was just content with watching or being helpful. But now? Now that he's spent time with Sonic, Sonic makes him feel normal. Sonic makes him feel like even "weirdos" can do great things. Sonic makes him feel valued. He's no longer content just watching because Sonic is more his home than the place he grew up in ever was. Home to him is with the people you choose, the people who make you feel at home, the people you want to be around. The Wachowski household is Sonic's home because he loves earth, green hills, and because he has mutually taken Tom and Maddie as his parents. Earth and the Wachowski household are only Tails' home as long as Sonic is there.
And for Knuckles... He has the set up to fall in love with earth in a similar way Sonic did. He grew up/was born in a similar place to him. And yet, all of the beautiful nature on earth doesn't matter to him. Knuckles, as of the beginning of the Knuckles series, had adopted a different approach to Sonic. Sonic tried to make home for himself wherever he could, no matter how many worlds he'd jumped to. In contrast, Knuckles never bothered to do this. He only pursued the mission, never bothering to make a home when he'd be off to the next world soon enough (especially if it seemed trivial in the face of his life's mission). And it's pointed that although he's able to participate in what earth offers the same way Sonic is in movie 1 (Knuckles learning how to bowl or Sonic going to a bar), he is not at home because of those things. He's able to slow down and appreciate what earth offers, the same things he couldn't bring himself to acknowledge before, and yet he's not at home on earth because it's beautiful or because it has food he likes or whatever. He very pointedly makes a connection with Wade and his family. The Whipple family is home. Not the earth, not even the house itself. He feels comfortable when with them, he enjoys the time on earth he spends with them, and he is able to appreciate Earth better when he experiences it with them (in contrast to Tails, who never had any sort of arc of appreciating what one can experience on earth to me). Home to Knuckles isn't easily quantifiable (more of a feeling really), but it’s about the people who make you feel at home. It's about the people who helped him relax and feel more comfortable not always putting his focus into the mission.
Sonic, who can make home anywhere, who always appreciated what was great about living on earth, and whose "home" was finally made permanent when he spent time with Tom and Maddie.
Tails, who never truly felt home until he spent time with Sonic, who doesn't particularly care for what earth has to offer, whose home is wherever Sonic is.
Knuckles, who never allowed himself to feel at home or tried to make a home until he began to travel with Wade and open up to new experiences, who began to enjoy earth and yet considers his home with the Whipple family specifically.
Sonic would protect the earth he lives on even if everyone he cared about was gone. Tails would protect the earth he lives on so long as it's Sonic's home. Knuckles would protect the world he lives on not just to keep the master emerald secured, but so long as this place is home to the Whipple family, with whom he enjoys experiencing Earth with.
Do you... Do you get me?
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brekwrites · 4 months
Ew u another apologist of those aroace fuckwads and celestial family-obsessed fucktards. U not gonna write solarmoon cuz of us? Good! We don't need no fics from the likes of u. U really thought ur fics are worth missing? Bffr! There more solarmoon writers who writes better than u and writes better sex scenes
LMFAO Die mad about it, bitch.
To be clear, my stance on the issue is: do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not being an asshole.
I put that in big, bold font so your stupid ass could easily find and read it, since you so clearly missed the point the first time around.
You don't want to ship anything and like the family dynamic? Great. You don't like a certain ship because it makes you uncomfortable, so you block the tag and make other content? Good for you. You ship the same things as me and want to talk to me about it? Hmu let's be friends. But don't go into my space, or anyone else's, and harass people for doing something that literally does not hurt anyone or involve you in any way. What are you, a fucking cop?
I also never said I was going to stop writing solarmoon. I said if you can't behave yourself, I'm blocking you and putting my work on private because nasty, hateful people like you don't deserve to have fun until you learn to shut up and quit bitching. I'm going to write whatever I damn well please, and unless you're going to reach through the screen and pull my hands off this keyboard, you're going to have to resign yourself to that fact.
Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to promote Tension, my Solar-centric, celestial family piece that has no ships and focuses on Solar's relationship with his new family. The canon celestial family dynamics are great and I enjoy them!
Finally, someone should shoot me a list of these other solarmoon writers who are better than me and write better sex scenes! If I haven't already seen their work, I would love some more reading material. :)
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demodraws0606 · 11 months
I don't talk about serious stuff like this usually but I do wanna say something since I primarly watch cc!BBH's POV on the QSMP.
His entire response to the grooming allegations while disappointing and definitely stressful, is not something that will stop me from engaging in his content (of course unless the situation escalates to a certain level).
As much as I wish Dream would just shut his trap and people would just turn his back on him already, it's not fair or realistic to expect people who have been friends with him for years to just stop believing him.
It's just an unfortunate shitty situation but I'd rather target my frustration towards the groomer rather than the potential friends he lied to.
It also is made infinitly worse by the fact that people like BBH and others (Sapnap, Skeppy, etc...) have been hit with actual fake allegations which ends up muddying the waters even more.
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squipdop · 1 year
is it too much to ask if i just want to see two guys in a mutually destructive consensual relationship making each other worse and squashing all potential redemption and driving away anyone who could ever help them escape from their self damning circle of violence and hubris
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ehhgg-art · 6 months
i don’t talk about this often but i just saw someone complain about “teen works” taking up space in fanfiction works and i was a little baffled. you know a lot of fan works come from kids right? a lot of what keeps fandoms alive are just kids running around and being creative? why are we so mean to them?
i’ve seen people get nearly bullied out of fandoms (non nsfw, mind you) for being under 18. i’ve seen the entire age group of kids get blamed for someone losing their life. what is going on? i don’t remember fandom always being like this.
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