#but keep off my grass is silly and i miss it!
lady-dragon-rider · 3 days
Scales and Feathers Pt4.
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood, Oscar Tully x Targ! Reader
Reader races against the clock to try and stop things from escalating and attempts to mend bridges. And finds help in unlikely places.
Containing: family arguments, mild Helaena/Aegon x reader (them having a soft spot), reader gags Otto and Alicent, reader plays the game (mild manipulation), canon-divergance
Featuring: reader is fav niece, some Aegon and Helaena fluff bc the actors deserve it.
Gonna be another long one guys!
Bold is text spoken in High Valyrian
You wake up the next morning sat in a chair in Helaena's room, a blanket and your sword resting faithfully on your lap. Startled and unsure of how you got there you frantically look around the room for anything awry.
"Be calm dear niece, you did well. Aegon and i moved you in here for a reprieve when you started to fall asleep at the door." You hear Helaena's voice coo. Calm knowing violet meets yours as she makes her way from her spot at the bed; dressed and ready for the day.
"I dont-" you groggily mutter rising from the chair. Your shoulders ache and your legs tingle from the position you slept in but otherwise everything feels as it should. "You brought me in?"
"Well Aegon said he wouldve felt bad if you ended up sleeping on the floor outside... he told me what you said to him..." she hums. Helaena smooths out your attire, giving you a glance before she leads you to the bed. "Come, pick something nice. Youll need to look good for council."
"Council? Why would i need to go?" You grunt, staring at the various targaryen coloured dresses laid out for you.
"To give your piece of course silly. You must have your side heard, i fear my husband may get overruled if he is there by himself much longer." She ponders "Now pick and i will help you ready yourself"
Just like she promised, the Green Queen helps you ready yourself for council. You hair, done in a fashion similar to hers. You almost dont recognise yourself as you pass the glass windows, stealing glances at the new you. Arm in arm you walk to the war room where council is held in the tower of the hand. You stop at the door and feel your aunts arm slip from yours in order to hug you from the side. "Thank you again, my knightly niece, please give our dear Aegon the same strength and valor... there snakes in the grass, hidden like weeds that chok the crops" she wanders off, no doubt to keep the children company. You dont have much time to dwell on her words as you open the doors, steeling your heart, mind and body for the irritation it will have to endure in the following moments.
Silence follows upon your entry, whatever the conversation was previously, clearly not for your ears.
"And what is the Princess (Name) doing here? Last i heard they were on a marriage tour." Otto asked, feigned confusion in his tone as if he hadnt already figured it out based on last nights events. You hold back a scoff at his display, slowly walking around the table to stand at the side of the kings seat.
"I was, but i had to put a pause as a family emergency called my attention" you speak vaguely, watching as the council men squirm under your emotionless gaze. "Though once i help clear up matters here. I have every intention of completing my tour and finding a suitable lord husband. I was made aware by Queen Helaena that my Uncle and King may need my presence here to inform the council of the nights events." You glance around the room, noting that a key person seemed to be missing. "Where is my Uncle Prince Aemond? Does he not attend council as well?"
"He is on dragonback patrolling at the moment but he is set to appear shortly" Aegon says hands clasped "Why would you need him present?"
"Because this concerns him. His actions against his nephew, my brother, is what caused this to happen. And while all of you sit here throwing dirt on my mothers name for attempted kin-slaying and whatever else, the true kin-slayer remains unpunished, free to roam this very castle and cause untold havoc." You state bluntly. The room falls into tense silence. The heave a sigh to quell the rage bubbling. "I can assure this council that my mother, would never wish a tragedy such as the death of a son to befall another. Even if they had been her worst enemy, which, my sweet Aunt is not."
"What would you have me do then Niece?" Aegon sighs, "Aemond is my brother, and your own Uncle besides. Executing him would not bring him back."
"Are you not the King?" You spit eyes flaring "Do you let the capital crime of kin-slaying go unpunished in your city? Is it not part of your job to make your subject feel safe? What will the smallfolk think when such a thing goes unanswered." You gently take his hand and squeeze. "I would not ask that you kill him. As much as the thought may bring me peace. No, if you cannot bring yourself to exact the kings justice via death penalty, then strip him of his titles, and send him to the wall." You insist. As he considers your proposal, the doors swing open. The person you most loathed to see and the person of conversation comes in. At first, he is shocked to see you, his eye flashing with something you cant quite place before is shifts into something colder. More dangerous. A smug taunting grin fills his slim face.
"Why dear niece i had not planned to see you here." He coos "You truly have grown in to a beaitiful lady, who strongly resembles her parents. Tell me what brings you to kings landing? I thought you were making plans to be wed."
Biting back a sneer you straighten youself and force your face into something more unreadable. "My plans of marriage are still going ahead Uncle, but the thought of staying with my future lord husband had me feeling a bit homesick. So i thought i would make one last trip back to spend time with my precious family. Come to find a stop ploy set about to harm them, caused my your rash actions. Im glad i came when i did. I fear what may have happened would have further broken my heart."
The mention of storms end sees Aemond facade crack slightly. You press your advantage, tone sharp and clear. "I heard you werent in the castle at the time so allow me to bring you up to speed. Your... 'confrontation' with my brother which lead to his death, insighted retaliation from the rogue prince Daemon. Who sought to do harm to your kings children. Fortunately, due to my homesickness and intuition, i managed to stop this tragedy from reoccuring. Because of your actions, this council was called to bring about the appropriate response. I am merely here to give me side and act as the voice of my mother. Whom is the person wronged in this affair."
"And what is the kings 'judgement' on this matter? Hmmm?" He taunts stepping forward and staring down you and Aegon from his side of the room. Its a challenge. And everyone in the room knows it. "What punishment has he deemed fit for me?"
Leaning down you move to whisper in your uncle's ear. "This is the best way, i promise uncle. And, should the weight of the crown prove too heavy for you, im sure mother would be more than happy to unburden you. Aunty Helaena told me how stressed and unhappy you both were... how it was something neither of you wanted. You know in your heart of hearts that my mother is the true heir, she held that title for 20 years and grandsire never wavered. You mother herself said she would make a good queen and yet she has forced you to sit here? In a position she didnt prepare you for, nor one you wanted? Please use this moment to make a good choice, maybe even bridge our family together from the viper that wishes to tear us apart because he knows he cant control us." You breifly glance at Otto, who your sure heard parts of what you said. While he makes not indication that he has the tightening of his lips as the press into a thin line gives you all you need.
He heard. And he knows that you know his motives.
I will route you out, root and stem Otto Hightower. No one shall make a fool of my family, even if it is a bumbling drunk like Aegon.
You watch has the gear start to turn behind his eyes. When your gazes meet you see resolve and determination. It fills you with an odd sense of pride. He nods to himself, as if confirming his ducks are in a row, stands and adresses the room. "Aemond Targaryan. For the crime of kin-slaying your nephew Prince Lucerys at storms end, i charge you with acts of treason, and violence against crown. As punishment; you shall surrender you weapon, your title as prince of the realm, and be sent to the wall to take the black post-haste."
Aemond, Alicent and Otto look horrified at this decree. Stunned into utter silence from the weight of Aegons delivery. The prideful feeling from before surges in you again. Seeing him in this light, with the commanding of a king, grants you new perspective. You smile, and you notice him give you a sideways look. "Guards. Seize him, and prepare him for the journey to castle black." He demands. The guards are quick to act. Though Aemond, still in shock, does little to fight back.
"You grace please reconsider acting in haste-" Otto says, trying to seize control over the situation again. "The death of Prince Luke was an accident with no ill intent, with the potential of war so close should you really be listening to the daughter of women who benefits from your weakened state?"
"It is words like that that have turned this once great house unto the brink of ruin" you hiss, placing a hand on Aegons shoulder "My mother was declared heir 20 years ago, the realm acknowledged her. Bowed to her. She has every right to the throne by the word of widows law, decreeing that children of a first marriage shant be disinherited from title or land by children of a second marriage. Or did you forget that Otto?" She sneers forcing the older man to silence himself.
"Your family have taken my sons eye, and now... when the perpetrator is dead you wish to take more?" Alicent wails "As though 'saving' my grandchildren from would be assassins 'sent by Daemon' was not a ploy to have us indebted to you!"
"If i remember that night correctly your Grace, you were as much absent as my mother was. Can you tell me where you were?" You snap, firey eyes turning to her "And if my memory serves... your son instigated the four versus one fight and lost his eye with his own dagger that he fully intended to use against his nephews. Luke was defending his brother and their betrotheds. You also seemed more than content to draw the prince's blood in exchange. Which might i remind you? Harmed my mother in the process instead. Your son lost an eye over insults yes, but he did that himself. My brother lost his life over it because you both refused to let it end with the fact that Aemond was in a bed of his own making!" Tears prick the corner of your eyes as you stare Alicent down. Her eyes also seem to redden as your tirade winds down, memories of the night coming back as strong as when it had first happened. You feel a hand touch yours. You look in shock as Aegons hand holds the one you have placed on his shoulder. You look away from him, refusing to let him see your tears. Wiping them away furiously you clear your throat and move your hand gently from your uncle's grasp.
"I shall send a letter to my mother informing her of the new developments. I will stay until we get a response back and we shall go from there. I will take my leave if you have no further need of my presence Uncle."
"No. I wish for you stay, there are some matters i think may warrant some... new perspective." He smiles, taking his seat once more as Aemond is escorted out of the room in chains.
The meeting feels like it went on forever after that point. But as you try to recollect what was discussed, you find your brain bleeding out of your ears. You exit the room with Aegon and the pair of you wander the hall aimlessly. You follow the imaginary path back to the courtyard in the heart of the keep, staring up at the weirdwood you used to sit under when you were little. You grab Aegons hand and drag him with you. Plopping down on the ground you motion for him to join you.
"This isnt very becoming you know." He jests
"And when have you ever cared for that Egg?" you jab back, giggling. Your laughter stops when you realise that his isnt joining in. You turn and see the look on his face; like you have just physically slapped him. "Are you-"
"What did you just call me?" He interrupts voice small and unsure.
"Uh... Egg?" You answer hesitantly "Did... you not want me to? I overstepped didnt i? I know we werent that close growing up. But i figured since that business the other night we might try- OOFFT" your self-conscious rant is cut off as your knocked backwards by Aegon himself tackling you. Arms tight around your frame and head buried in your neck.
"Im sorry i was a prick growing up... i know we all felt the tension of our parents as children. Thats partly why i drank so much... its why i still do..." you sit quietly as you listen to him, wraping your arms around him and stroking his back. Waiting for him to continue "but you right... that night... it was the worst thing i couldve ever imagined. It gave me a kick i was sorely needing. I need to have my head one straight i know that... but the weight is too much. I dont want this and i dont know what im doing." He sniffs a little and shifts himself to look at your face. "Were you telling to truth? About giving the crown to Rhaenyra? She'd take it... and she forgive me?"
"Of course. I know she would. I would of course, speak for you diligence in trying to fix things and make the best of the situation at hand. Im sure she knows that this wasnt entirely your doing, and that is was people like Otto trying to grab whatever power they could once grandsire had left." You mumble, grabbing onto his cheeks "for all this familys craziness, for all the tension and animosity... she would never wish to do harm to her blood. We were all close at one point... im sure we can come back to that again." You soothe, smiling. He kisses your hairline, which coming from him feels a touch odd, but you accept gracefully. He help you up and you wander the halls again, this time in search for Helaena and the children.
"You are the only person outside Helaena ive shared such concerns with... i didnt know i needed that..." he mumbles.
"Well, im glad i could help. Now. Let us go find our Helaena and write these letters."
--- At Dragonstone ---
"She is WHERE?!" Rheanyra shouts panic plain in her voice "Why ever would she be there?!? Did the greens steal her from under our noses!?!" She frets pacing back and forth around the painted table.
"No mother, the letter states she came there after she saw Daemon skulking off the night of the funeral." Jace says offering the letter for his mother and queen to read. Her eyes scan with a wild madness, searching for a sign of any kind, only to come up empty.
"And what of Daemon? Has he responded to any of our own letters?" The Black Queen asks. Her son shakes his head. Rheanyra clicks her tongue and turns to reread the letter again. "We shall have faith in our girl for now, gods know that Aegon and Helaena use to have a soft spot for her... let us hope that is still the case. In any event we shall respond and use (Name) as an envoy to set our terms. With luck, no more blood shall be spilled"
Even with the authority in her voice she could not hide her worry and hesitation from her son.
"Ill write to her as well, see if she can sway Daemon back. He has proven he cannot be left to his own devices, if this letter from Aegon of people is trustworthy" Jace mutters. Bowing, he makes his exit, leaving his mother to stare solemnly at the flames crackling in the fireplace.
Later, you find yourself in the company of Alicent. Sitting at a small table in the sun of the courtyard. You awkwardly sip at your tea, not knowing why she has summoned you nor what you should say. You dont have to wonder long as the queen sighs and says quietly "I have only ever done what i thought was right for my family. What i thought duty and honor demanded of me"
"You once said my mother would make a fine queen... and then you place Aegon on the throne..." you say bitterly
"That was before your grandsire said Aegon was the prince that was promised to unite the realm."
You choke.
"Princess?!" Alicent gasps, jumping up and beginning to reach for you. You put your hand up and cough the remaining tea from your lungs.
"I am fine your grace" you wheeze "But what did you say?" Fear laced your voice.
"Viserys said that Aegon was the prince that was promised" she repeated shocked at your expression and tone.
"Youre wrong your grace."
"What?!" She shrieks
"He was referring to Aegon the conquer. The story goes 'From Aegons line, will come the prince that was promised who will unite the realm. His story will be a song of ice and fire' him and mother used to talk about it all the time when we were younger" you say, the more you speak, the more you see Alicent grow pale.
"...The Conqueror...?" She whimpers falling back into her seat. Rage begins to bubble forth again.
"You put your son.. on a throne he didnt want... based on words you had no conext for from an old man whos mind you turned to mush with milk of the poppy?" You seethe. Your fists clench at your skirts. All of this, all of this strife and chaos has happened due to a misunderstanding?!
Alicent looks like she is on the verge of tears. Hands shaking as she grasps the edge of the table til her knuckles are white.
"... a mistake..." she whispers "i thought-"
"Well you thought wrong" you snap, getting up and crouching beside her "but you can still make it right. I have received a letter from my mother, she has tasked me to be her envoy and speak for terms for her ascension. Your children and grandchildren shall be spared, she has made it clear no harm will come to them if they swear fealty to her."
"But i was told-"
"By whom? Your father? The father who made you forsake your friendship with my mother in order to gain the kings favour? You knew her better than him. Do you think she would? My brother and i were raised to take her place. Amd had you taken her offer to wed Jace and Helaena you wouldve all but secured peace within the family. I know you hold no love for my siblings and i... but we are not bastards. The mothers on our father and mothers side both had dark hair in their blood. And look-" you pull at clumps of your hair, showing the mix of silver and choclate locks. "Both sits atop mine head. Just like my grandmother" you stand and and dust your skirts. With a shallow cursty you turn to leave. When Alicents voice class out to you.
"How is a child your age so wise? So impetuous toward your elders? To speak with authority in a situation where you have none." The glare she gives is half-hearted, a vain attempt to command your obedience.
"Simple your grace. My mother fufilled her role as my mother and prepared me for any and all dangers of the world. Whether at court or the field of battle, the sharpness of my tongue and wit or that of my blade shall always be ready" You dip again and walk off. Leaving the queen to reflect.
When you reach your apartments, Aegon is there, pacing. Upon seeing you he brightens but a cloud still hangs over his gaze.
"What troubles you Uncle?"
"Do you really have to leave? When this is all sorted. You could just as easily find a suitable lord husband here. Helaena and I would find you a good match." He plea seems almost child-like, and you find yourself wonder just how long this side of him had been hiding. Needing an escape. Something or someone to cling to. You smile and open your door, guesturing him inside.
"It is not so simple Egg. I already have an arrangement with two suitable lords from the riverlands"
"Two?!" He gasps "I need names. Now" he demands
"Houses Blackwood and Tully. I organised to spend some time with each of their houses heirs to determine a match... unfortunately my time with lord blackwood was cut short. I intend to write him a letter explaining things and that i shall soon return after things conclude here." You explain, sitting at your vanity to begin writing. You can feel him shift and stare at the back of your head. "I will be but a dragon flight away. The riverlands are but a couple of hours on dragonback." You say. Tying the letter and sealing it you put it on the foot of your corvid friend and have her set course for Raventree.
"I know. But we have only just started to rekindle family bonds and you are already trying to leave again." He whines, grabbing your hands tightly "The children are happy, more relaxed with you here. I dont think i have ever heard Helaena speak as much nor smile as much before your arrival. The place feels brighter and less stiflingly". Aegon fiddles with the braceletts on your wrist. The soft clinks soothing. "I read the letter your mother sent. You are to be her envoy while we sort out how we are to manage the ascension."
You nod. "Yes, she would ideally like to get it done as quick as possible. As to avoid making things to messy and confusing for the smallfolk. While they dont necessarily care to sits the throne, it would do well to have to period between switching leaders be short and swift."
"Then lets make the arrangements."
The following morning arrives with the flap of dragon wings and dragon roars. You watch as your family approaches the gates of the Red Keep. Your mother and siblings smile and rush toward you exchanging tearful hugs and affectionate greetings.
"My girl! You were treated well? They havent tried to harm you have they? I need all the details, no matter how small." Rheanyra worries, checking for any hidden scratch or scrape.
"You worry too much mother. I had everything in hand, Aunty and Uncle were more than accomodating. Turns out i am indeed their favourite." You reply smugly, returning the hugs and kisses
"Rheanyra" Aegon stiffly coughs from behind you. You turn and give a small cursty to him. He smiles warmly at you. "Jaehaera was asking for you (Name), something about... fables?" He questions
"Oh! Yes, i was telling her about some of the Valyrian ones in the library on dragonstone. I will go to her now." With one last kiss to your brother and mother, to dash off to find your young cousin.
The air is tense between the two sides and Aegon feels a sense of regret having sent you to his daughter. Finding himself alone and needing an ally.
"A crown doesnt seem to suit you." Rheanyra states cooly
"I never wanted it to." He says back "And i be glad to get rid of it." Rheanyra seems shocked at the response. Her intial thought had been that it was part of his ambition. Clearly she hadn't considered that he too had provably been put here, mere a cog in a grander machine. An once of regret seeps in for her inital tone, her shoulders relax and she speaks her next words with a mother's gentleness.
"Well let see what we can do about that."
Later in the throne room scores of people gather for the seat to pass from one royal to another. The grandmaester does the rites. Standing at the front of the room, you stand between the two factions of your family. Acting as it newly formed bridge.
"Prince Aegon the second Targaryen. Do you, under the oath of the 7, hereby swear away your right to throne, to never ascend its steps even in the event that the new ruler cannot?"
"Yes, i do." The measter nods and then turns to Rhaenyra.
"Princess Rheanyra Targaryen. Do you, under the oath of the 7 accept the duty of Queen of the andels, the rhoynar and the first men, ruler of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm?"
"I do."
"Then, with the gods and the people present as our witnesses, i hereby declare the princess Rheanyra, Queen Rheanyra Targaryen first of her name! All hail the Queen!"
Cheers erupt from the crowd as the crown of the conciliator is placed on Rheanyra's head. As she ascends the steps and sits on the iron throne she looks to you. Pride bursts on her face as she mouths a small 'thank you'. You shake your head and nod to Aegon and Helaena, who look more at ease then you have ever seen them. She nods, understanding your meaning.
With the ceremony concluded, you retire to you room. Despite all the work you have done, it is still not over. Daemon, has still been unresponsive to your mothers summons. According to her, he has cooped himself up in Harrenhal doing god know what.
"I will bring him here, kicking screaming if i have to" you remember telling her, clenching your fist around Seascale. "To not even be at your side when you most needed it... he does not know when to stop"
A knock on the door flings you to the present. "Come in!" You beckon. A shuffle of feet rush quickly to where you stand and had you not been bracing, you wouldve found yourself on the floor. "ACK!" You yelp comically. The twins laugh, now wrapped around your legs. "You two are a little too big to use my legs stilts!" You tease. They giggle again while nuzzling into your skirts.
"Is it true your leaving?" Jaehaera asks, big eyes staring up at you. You nod. "Why? Cant you stay with us? What will happen if we need you again like last time?" She whimpers.
You hear breaks for the two, clearly still distress and traumatised. You stroke both of their heads, giving big kisses. "Im only leaving to go and make sure something like this mever happens again. I promise to visit where ever you are. Thats what dragons are for." You smile.
"But i thought you were getting married soon?" Jaehaerys interrupts "what if your husband wont let you leave? Or he wont let us visit?"
"Then he will be an idiot to deny my family. And if he is an idiot i will divorce him and come straight back." You joke. Jaehaerys nods, reassured by your words. Your aunt and uncle watch the exchange with amusement. Looking at them you open your arms to them and they each take a side. "I am glad i managed to make things right between us... i was so worried the divide was too big..." you whispered to the adults.
"I for one, am glad you didnt give up." Helaena praises "this family is only formidable when we are three heads" she places a kiss on your brow before she ushers the children away. Aegon follws shortly, lingering at the doorway momentarily.
"If he is an idiot... come back to us and we will get you a proper husband... we will even make the last one look like an accident"
"EGG!" You howl, a laugh springing forth. "Neither of them are idiots, they would never deny me a thing. That i am sure. And i will visit, and write often."
"That is all we can hope for."
The door shuts with a soft click. Left with your own thoughts you stare at your room. This may be the last you see of it. Soon, you will choose Riverrun or Raventree. And with peace now hopefully secure, you will be able to pursue the life you mother wanted for you - one of happiness and if lifes pleasures.
There was only one thing left to do;
Confront Daemon.
Taglist: @tssf-imagines @accidentpronedork
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monkee-mobile · 10 months
(apologies anyone who sees this for lamenting into the void again)
Keep Off My Grass got taken off of the internet archive and this is officially my destructive arc because that movie is preserved NOWHERE
no dvd release
is it just me alone with my screen recordings of Twila my beloved and a few youtube videos?
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lizzyk137 · 3 months
It's A Date- A Spencer Reid Fanfiction (Spencer X Reader)
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Description: Spencer does not want to go to the BAU picnic but goes because he has a crush on you and suddenly Spencer is good a baseball which shocks everyone. Warning: None, just pure fluff
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
Two minutes.
Just two more minutes.
Only two more minutes until the entire team could leave for a fun filled afternoon together without the worry of trying to catch a serial killer.
Hotch could see how restless the team was after having five back-to-back cases with no break and too much paperwork. So, he set some time aside for a small break for the team to relax and have some fun. A picnic at the park with some team friendly games.
You were excited, ecstatic even, about being able to enjoy an afternoon in the sun and just relax. Everyone was bringing a dish to share and even though you weren't great at sports, you were excited to play a few games with everyone.
The clocked chimed as it hit three o'clock and everyone cheered, quickly grabbing their already packed items before heading out the door, Hotch reminding everyone to meet at the park at four and to remember their food dish. You looked around smiling as everyone hurried to the door before stepping inside and turning to face the front as you saw Spencer, your best friend and long-time crush, dragging his feet as he made his way to the elevator.
Morgan and Emily called out to him to pick up the pace, as Hotch pushed the open-door button to keep the elevator from moving. Spencer finally stepped inside, chest to chest with you, a fake smile placed on his face. You knew he wasn't thrilled to be going, that he would rather go home and read or visit the outdoor theatre to watch an old film. You finally convinced him to go that it would be fun to try new things, him reminding you that playing any sport wasn't new or fun to him, the memories of gym classes still haunting his mind.
You had just patted his back reminding him that the team were not his old classmates and trying to play something without dreading it was something new to him. He just shrugged and agreed to go after you flashed him your puppy dog eyes, a look he could never say no to.
The park was right by your house, so you decided to walk over, seeing almost everyone was already there and helped set up the picnic table full of food with Penelope and JJ. It felt nice to chat openly with everyone about life and pure silliness without having to worry about keeping it short between solving a case. Everyone was sitting down to eat when you realized someone was missing. Spencer.
You reached for your phone when you heard his voice behind you. "I know I'm late, I'm sorry." You looked up at him from your spot on the grass with a smile, taking in his work clothes that he was still wearing.
"I'm glad you could make it! I saved you a spot." You patted the spot next to you and he sat down next to you before you bumped your shoulder with his. "Are you ready for a fun night?"
He sighed before stealing a chip off your plate. "Honestly, not really."
You gave a sad smile and offered your plate to him to pick off of. "At least try to keep an open mind to it." He just hummed his response and took half of your sandwich, laying his head down on your lap for you to play with his hair.
You were playing baseball with everyone, Spencer still seated on the grass, reading a book with occasional peek up at you. He wasn't excited to play baseball but he enjoyed watching you get excited, your laugh echoing through the air, your smile bright. He loved it when you were happy, your smile always getting lost in the gore of your job. He noticed you looking at him, worry buried between your brows, and he knew you were worried about him not joining in. An hour into the game, he sighed and set his book down then made his way over to you in the makeshift dug out area.
He poked your shoulder, something he always did to let you know he was there when he came up behind you. "Are you joining?" A hopeful look on your face when you asked. He nodded and gave you a small smile. He didn't want to join but he just couldn't say no to you.
It was your turn to bat, and you struck out every time, a playful pout on your lips as you shuffled back to him, resting your head on his arm upset you didn't hit the ball as he patted your back. JJ was up to base and she hit one pitch, making it to first base, making it Spencer's turn next.
He stepped up to base, Morgan smirking at the pitcher's spot, a knowing look on his face. An easy three throws and Spencer would be out, his team a step closer to winning. Spencer got into his stance, Morgan throwing the ball at lightning speed and the clunking sound filled the air as the ball flew through the air way past Hotch who was out in the far field.
You screamed with the rest of your team as Spencer sprinted toward first and second base, a quick glance to the out field as he saw Hotch grab the ball, and he made a rash decision to keep going, pushing JJ out of third base and forcing her to head toward the home base with him as the ball zoomed through the air towards home base, JJ and Spencer narrowly making it.
Silence filled the air for a second, everyone dumbfounded on how Spencer got a home run on his first try, before Penelope and you erupted into cheers as you ran up to Spencer jumping up into his arms, him easily catching you, a laugh easily released from his throat as he spun your around.
The next hour was filled with laughter, smiles and cheers as the game went on, Spencer helping you with your stance, helping you get to third base. You had never seen Spencer so carefree, and it took everyone by surprise, earning a lecture on physics in how you can easily figure out the speed in which you need to hit the ball in order to get a good hit in.
The night was closing in and everyone decided on a quick game of soccer, something Spencer couldn't figure out with his brain but you pulled him over to your team, your hand fitting perfectly into his. The game quickly began and you laughed at how Spencer tried to recreate the fancy tricks Morgan and yourself were pulling, earning a few grass stains on his white dress shirt. Your team somehow won and Spencer pulled you into a hug after you scored the winning point, something you weren't expecting.
Both of you helped clean up and everyone was leaving with the promise to have another night out next week from Hotch, when you were asked a question you didn't think Spencer would ask.
"Can you teach me how to play before next week?"
You turned around, confusion on your face. "Um, why? I thought you didn't like playing sports?"
"I-I don't but you like playing, and I didn't have enough time to watch soccer games before I came to impress you." His voice just a whisper.
You chuckled, your face heating up. "I can teach you, but was that why you were late?"
"Yeah- I, um, watched some baseball games to figure out what to do." Spencer squeaked out as you walked up to him a teasing smirk on your lips.
"Well, it was certainly impressive." Spencer eyes grew big.
"It-it was?"
"Mhm, it was." You stopped a few inches from him and looked up at his chocolate coloured eyes. "So, are you going to walk me home?"
The smile on Spencer's face grew and he laced his hand in yours, like he's done it hundreds of times before, and pulled you close as you walked out of the park.
You were almost to your apartment complex, the silence comforting and your hands still intwined. "I think I'll need lots of lessons with you."
"Lessons in what?" You teased, a smirk on your lips as you poked his cheek. His cheeks turned a bright red along with the tips of his ears as he shook his head.
"I-I meant with soccer, Y/N."
You pouted your lips playfully. "Boo, I thought you were talking about something else."
He abruptly stopped and turn to you. "I didn't think you'd want to do that. Not saying you could not want it but we're friends so I-I didn't think that you'd want to further our friendship, especially with me, would be possible. I was talking about soccer, because you seemed so good at it and I fell quite a few times, but if you do want to do want physical relations, I-I'll try my best to-." His rant silenced by your lips on his.
You pulled away after a few seconds, Spencer body still, his eyes large as he watched you look up at him a big smile lighting up your face. "I've been wanting to kiss you for years." Your cheeks flushed pink, and Spencer could feel his heart clench at how adorable you were. "Saturday, pick me up at three, it'll be a date."
Untangling your hands, you made your way to your complex's doors with a smile on your face, your cheeks warm, embarrassed that you just shut him up with a kiss.
"Y/N!" You turned around to the sound of your name to see Spencer running up to you. One of his arm's circling your waist, pulling you closer to him as his other hand tilted your head up as he cupped your cheek before he brought his lips to yours for a sweet kiss that left you breathless. He pulled away, a devious smile on his handsome face, he gave a small peck to your lips again. "It's a date."
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marxo-fm · 3 months
Mild Sweet
✯ Joel Miller x f!reader
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Summary: Your dad hosts a welcoming party for a good friend who’s coming back from Seattle after quite some time. BBQs, drinks, dancing, and a good ol' time. Until you realize the friend, is your secret crush. A silly little crush that turned into something more, but you've kept it a secret most of the time. What happens when you two rekindle and talk, and that secret is unable to be kept in for any longer?
Warnings: MDNI+18, mentions of adult themes and language, mentions of alcohol and swearing, smut with slight plot, afab!reader age gap (reader-late twenties, Joel-early forties), praising, pet names, no use of y/n, fingering, talking you through it, oral!f-receiving, fear of getting caught, no descriptions of race/ethnicity, skin color, hair type/length, or body type.
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Long awaited, I apologize, but I hope that with this fic--you can forgive me. Life has been hectic, but I am on break finally, so I chose to use this time to feed my deprived peeps. I hope you all enjoy reading this, just as much as I enjoyed writing this. Thank you!
Update: This has been sitting in my drafts since the dawn of time, I’m not on break anymore, I GRADUATED, I have all the free time now. Just wanted to clarify if I go missing again, it’s going to be because of college. That’s all, thank you, you may continue. -if this is bad, I’m sorry, this was from months ago. Go easy on meeeee.
“Well yeah hun, I sure am hosting a barbecue party. I don’t care if it’s damn near hot enough for my skin to fall off, I am going to host it.” Protested your dad as he chugged his second can of beer. He won’t tell you further details, which confused you since you had every right to know. Not only because you’re his daughter, but because you’d like to know who the hell this mystery friend is that your father keeps talking about. Says it’s to be kept a surprise until he finally makes it to San Antonio. Which, by the way, you don’t even know when that’ll be either.
“Is this barbecue party even going to happen? Or are you just going to pass it off to someone else in this neighborhood?” The two of you stood eye to eye in the agonizing heat of Texas. Hell, you’re used to it, but it sure did make you frustrated. The humidity didn’t help either. Flies were everywhere and yellow grass that used to be bright green surrounded your home, it used to be a shade of green similar to a green highlighter—in spring that was. You look at the grass and back at your dad, who left the conversation and went to his truck. He opens the passenger seat and shouts, “Get your butt in here, we gotta get the supplies ready for this damn barbecue!” His country accent cuts through sharper than any knife.
It’s hard to take him seriously sometimes.
“Remember when you told me you didn’t need my help?” 
Your dad looks at you with an eyebrow raised and back at the road.
“Kid, don’t make me rethink my choice now. I only said that because sometimes your ol’ man likes to do things his way. Cause’ you see, back in my day-” 
“Back in my day, my daddy made me do all the hard work. Dad, I’ve heard this story many times growing up, I know.” You mocked, chuckling a little under your breath carefully trying to not chuckle too hard. 
“Well, in that case, you’re right. But I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Your eyes widen in surprise, carefully leaning over the console of your dad’s truck. What could this darn secret be?
“Remember my good ol’ friend, Joel Miller? That good-looking pal who’s just a few years younger than me? Well, he went over to Seattle with his kid, Sarah. Ya know, family bonding time and whatnot.” Your dad lost his focus looking at his rearview mirror and blindspots before turning left, then continued, “Fortunately, he’s coming back to San Antonio and I’m throwing this barbecue party to welcome him. I’m sure he’d love it, his kid too, and well of course–all of our friends included.”
Joel Miller. A name that went through your head a million times. Over and over.
A man you have had a long and forbidden crush for, a feeling that grew intense over time.
The feelings died down for a bit when he was gone for God knows how long, but they came back. And you don’t know how to feel about it.
“Okay, everything’s ready y’all just gotta set em’ up now. We don’t have much time.” Instructed your dad to his fellow friends and a few relatives. Other relatives were far too busy for the welcoming party. Out of all the other days your dad chooses to throw this party, it just has to be on a Sunday.
A few of your dad’s friends were preparing the meats, Joel was going to be here any minute now, and you grew hot. Unsure whether it was this agonizing heat of San Antonio, or if it was just you. Something about the way he walks, talks, looks, is what gets your gears moving. His gray hair, his voice, his body. Hell, at this point you’d rather have Joel for dinner rather than that damn barbecue. But you swore to keep yourself sane and still, especially in front of your dad. He’d surely laugh if he found out about your crush towards Joel, then switch to being confused…and finally, angry.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Your dad walks up to you, handing you an apron. What in God’s earth is he making me do? Surely he wouldn’t make you prepare meats and have you cook them, after all, you just want to impress and look good for Joel. You bought an entirely new dress just for this damn welcoming party, hoping to somewhat catch his attention.
A short and light purple dress that reveals just enough.
God, this is pathetic. Dressing all pretty for man who wouldn’t even bat an eye at his good friend’s daughter. Or maybe, if you’re lucky enough, he might. You still have to greet him, so yes, you’re going to talk to him. It’s to respect him and it’s common sense since well—it is a welcoming party…
“He should be here any minute now hun, just put this apron on and go help out.”
“Do I have to? I mean, your nieces and nephews are over there sitting doing nothing. I’d rather prepare the table.”
Your dad looks over at your cousins then back at the table you insisted on doing. The table didn’t have any plates on it, nor did it have decorations.
��You’re right, the table does need some…stuff on it.”
You walk on over to prepare the table, when you a truck pull up from behind the fences of your backyard. That’s when you feel yourself sweating gallons and breathing heavier. You thought maybe it was just a neighbor, but you were proven wrong.
Joel Miller is here.
“Dad, Joel is here. I think.” Your dad looks at your in a state of shock, only because everything hasn’t been prepared yet and well, everyone is supposed to be hiding to surprise Joel.
“Y’all needa hide, Joel’s here. Drop everything and hide somewhere before he sees us!” Everyone—including yourself—go in hiding. You choose to hide under the table you were planning on finishing work at. Y’know, decorating it and all. But you were too late. You see everyone smiling or giggling in excitement, ready to surprise Joel. He hasn’t been in Texas for God knows how long; would you blame him?
You hear footsteps inching closer and closer, and that's when you hear him say, "anyone here?"
You and everyone else jump out from your hiding places, the word surprise didn't leave your mouth, your jaw just hung open instead.
He changed, looks more grunt than usual, but also happy because of the welcoming party. It irked you, but you ignored it.
The black shirt he wore fit nicely on his body, he must've worked out or something, his shoulders are broad. It gave you something to think about, and your face reddens. He finally looks at you, Joel was more focused on your face rather than your dress. He did acknowledge it, though, but...you looked different. Not in a bad way, just different. It must be the makeup style you chose to wear, or the purple dress that radiated your face. Either way, his look had you holding on to the table harder.
"Been so long pal, c'mere." People shared awkward glances, but it went away when Joel hugged your dad. They shared it for quite some time, but it was needed.
"m' I really this important that you threw a welcoming party?"
Your dad smiles, "sure is Joel, been so long ain't nothing for me to do other than drink my beers alone without ya. But you're finally here." He pats your dad on the shoulder with a smile, continuing their small talk before Joel greets the others.
You wondered why Joel hasn't greeted you yet, you felt as if you maybe did something wrong. Surely not, you scoff, as if he was here for anything like that. You don't know, but your head kept pestering you about it. His daughter is at a table full of friends and cousins, "at least his daughter greeted me." You innocently whispered under your breath, unaware that Joel heard you just across the table. You sat by your dad, so Joel heard it, but was already making plans to greet you some other way. You just had no clue yet.
You catch him eyeing your dress, and he notices you looking. You quickly shy away, but he chuckles and goes back to eating his food. Lust and heat pumped through your veins, and your heart was beating a hundred beats per minute. At any rate now, you're sure you'd have a heart attack.
He wasn't even doing anything. All he did was look at your outfit.
You did a good job at catching his attention, but the tension was far too much. The sexual tension. Did he feel the same? Or was he innocently looking? You look up to see him manspreading from the fulfilling dinner he just ate, his shirt raised a little. You could see his tanned skin just above his belt. Unsure of what the hell that made you feel just now. Joel still craved something deep down, dessert, more specifically.
"Hey dad, may you excuse me for a minute. I need to use the restroom." He nodded and you hurriedly scurried off inside your house. Closing the door behind you shut, and you quickly catch your breath.
Everything intensified, everything from top to bottom. The heat between your legs, you're sure your underwear is soaked.
He didn't even do anything.
You locked yourself in the restroom. sort of trying to recollect yourself after your encounter. But what the hell were you even thinking? Where was the respect? No hugs, not a thank you, or even a hello?!
You were interrupted suddenly by a knock on the door. "It's occupied!" You respond.
Another knock.
"I thought I told you that this restroom is occupied?" You grew frustrated. One more knock and it sent you over the edge.
"What the hell do you not understand?"
"It's Joel, open the damn door." He ordered. His voice was huskier, angry and needy almost. Your heart pounds and you began to question your dignity.
"C'mon sweet cakes, open the door." You had no choice, knowing Joel, he'd continue with his knocks and the continuous, "let me in."
"Okay," you sighed, "I'll let you in, just gimme a moment."
There wasn't a word behind the door, just silence.
Deep breaths in and deep breaths out, you finally walk to the door and open it.
Joel greeted you with the hungriest kiss known to mankind. Like a predator to his prey. He shut the door behind him and managed to find a way to lock it. His hand immediately grabs the back of your neck, gripping your hair tight to get a better hold of you. All you felt was his mouth on yours, all thoughts gone. Out the window.
You struggled to breathe but your hands find their way on his broad shoulders, you held his shoulder tight to keep you from falling. Knees are weak and dignities are gone.
His tongue goes in deeper, and you do the same with yours, the sound of kisses filled the silence in the bathroom, but you didn't care. It was like a dream come true, kissing the man you've always felt something for. But has he felt the same? You know, following you to the bathroom to kiss you had to signify that.
You pull away, a string of saliva leaving both of your lips. His hand slides down your back, holding your waist and pulling you closer to his body.
You're both panting, trying to regain your breaths.
"We shouldn't be doing this."
"But you want to, don'tcha sweetheart?" He pulls you impossibly closer, "I saw the way you eye fucked me over there, doing that while wearing this little dress won't do you no good doll."
"Why won't it do me no good? And I wasn't eye fucking you, I was upset at the fact that you didn't even acknowledge me over there."
"Can't tell ya that." He smirks.
You grew frustrated, Joel loves the way your brows furrow. Thinkin' bout how your brows would be furrowing the way his cock rammed deep inside of you. "Y'know, I didn't have my dessert yet. You willin' to give me that?"
Your eyes widen, the knots in the pit of your belly only grew tighter. You knew very well what he implied, and you had no problem giving Joel this. Because as soon as those words left his mouth, he picked you up and sat you down on the cold counter roughly. Causing you to wince in response from the cold contact of the bathroom counter.
"Joel.." you breathed, unsure of what you're seeing is just a dream of if it's fucking real.
"Want me to make you feel good baby? I'll make you feel so good, I'll show you what it's like to be loved by me."
You pant in need and want, "y..yes, I want you to make me feel good, Joel."
"I'll make you feel good, baby." It took you a second to process, only because you can't believe this is about to happen. You're shy, it took a moment before Joel did it for you. His warm rough hands touching your knees and spreading your legs made you moan in response.
"Look at ya, already moaning and I haven't even done nothing."
He pulls you closer, your legs beside his waist as he goes back in for a kiss. This time, it's gentler, softer. It was all sudden, and new. Just a few minutes ago, he was eating your face.
He groans in your mouth, you taste too good to him. He can only imagine how sweet his dessert would taste. This was only a sample, a fraction of what he's about to go in for.
He gives your jawbone peppered kisses, all the way down to your neck, then your collarbone. You hold on to the counters as he made his way down, pushing your purple dress you wore specifically for him.
Then he gets down on his knees, sliding your soaked panties off. You watch as it makes way down to your ankles. "Oh doll, you're so wet for me. That's my girl."
Hearing him call you his girl sure put you in a haze, it all felt unreal.
His head is now between your thighs, and the sight alone makes you close to finishing already.
His tongue brushes against your aching clit and your head tilts back, your thoughts are literally everywhere. Puzzle pieces waiting to be solved, yet you're focused on Joel's head in between your legs.
Your legs spread further once Joel drags his tongue along your throbbing, cunt. Groaning as he's savoring the taste of his dessert. You squirm and move under his touch when his tongue rasps over your sensitive flesh. "Stay still sweetheart." He warned as his arms wrap around your legs to keep you spread open for him.
"Ah, Joel..." You pant, unable to keep it down. "Keep your voice down, unless you want everyone to hear how good I make my sweet girl feel." His dirty words and praises made it so hard to.
He flicks the tip of his tongue back and forth, giving everything he has. You bite down on your lips, "attagirl, doin' so good for me. 'S right."
You almost want to cry out as he devours you, your legs keep him in place as you feel the heat in the pit of you belly grow intensely hotter. You're so wet for him, and you can't help but roll your hips to get more. Watching his head buried into you was so illicit, so real.
"Joel, I'm so close-" you struggled to whisper or even say a full sentence. He continues, but this time, his tongue finds its way inside of your leaking cunt. You moan, he looks up at you. Eye contact was way too intense.
"Taste so fuckin' good for me, ya like watching me eat your sweet pussy hm?" His jaw works more, and you can't help but fight the urge to scream his name. Your chest rose with each stroke of his tongue on your cunt.
Suddenly, his hands leave the tight hold he had on you and hastily unbuckling his belt. He pushes down his jeans, along with his boxers, and the sight before you were everything and more.
You watched his cock spring up, and your eyes widen in shock. He's big, and you didn't know how the hell he is going to fit. Your cunt ached for him, growing more needy. You grab his hair and pull him closer, he hums with affirmation. Joel goes back down, this time to finish what he started.
His familiar touch sent waves of shock throughout your body. Mind clouded and head pounding, you grind into his mouth, chasing your orgasm like an owner chasing his dog. And finally, you explode into fragments of pleasure. Stars and colors were all you could see and hear.
Joel then licks his lips, looking down at your cunt before he inserts his cock slowly. Torture almost. Your eyes roll back and Joel groans at the sight in front of him, this beautiful and glowing woman in front of him. He never thought, at his age, he’d get to see this again. But he hopes he sees it forever.
He thrusts slow and then fast as he listened to your melodic moans and whimpers. It only made him want to go faster and faster, and the coil in the pit of your belly finally snaps and you shake. His thrusts become sloppy, “fuck, you’re so good to me, hun.” He praised as he too followed after you.
“Want me to come in this pretty pussy? Hm? Talk to me.” He ordered. You nod, unable to form words. “Talk.” He demands, “yes, Joel, fuck yes.” And then he lets go of himself, his head placed on your shoulder and he groans as he comes inside of you. His cock twitching, the two of you are still regaining your breaths, you’re still trying to collect yourself.
“We gotta get cleaned up, but we’ll start with you first, how bout’ that?” He smirked and you nod. If this happened to be just a dream, then it was the best fucking dream ever.
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Ride ‘Em, Cowgirl! (Cowboy!Ace x Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Ace D. Portgas x Black!Fem!Reader (Strangers to FWBs to Lovers)
Synopsis: As the author of some famous smutty romance novels, you decide to take a vacation in the countryside for a while to get over your breakup and work on your new book but you suffer from writer’s block. However, a meet-cute situation with a sexy farmhand who lives next door might be able to help you kill two birds with one stone.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+; Author!Reader; Cowboy!Ace; Sexual Tension; Highkey Flirting; Tongue Kissing; Oral (Giving & Receiving); Clit Stimulation; Doggystyle; Nipple Piercings; Cowgirl/Riding; Ace Puts His Hat on Your Head While You Take His Big D*ck; Dom!Ace/sub!Reader; Reader Cums 2x; Creampie; Strangers to FWBs to Lovers; Aftercare
Writer’s Note: I’ve had a MAJOR cowboy brain rot all summer & decided to write something as the season is ending. I love me some Ace 🥺🥺 him & his big, silly, sexy ass…I miss him. He didn’t d*e in my universe. ENJOY LOVELIES!! 💋💋🫶🏾🫶🏾 -Jazz
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While the countryside is beautiful, the absence of reception is not.
You sit in the driver’s seat of your rental, the AC cranked up high though you’re still sweating from anxiety and panic. Your pits are perspiring despite the cute little sundress you threw on to match your sunhat and sunglasses. You felt like a movie star boarding the train here, but now, all of that feeling of glamor is gone.
A thrush forest and fields of land surround you on the dirt road you’ve been driving down for over fifteen minutes now since you got off the train that put you in the countryside. You had originally come out here to indulge in nature, thinking it would help clear your head for your new book and heal your heart over your recent breakup that caused your writer’s block.
You’re a city girl, born and raised miles away from here. Despite your cute little one-bedroom-one-bathroom studio apartment, you get tired of being surrounded by skyrise buildings and smoggy streets when you write. You thought a change of scenery would do you some good, especially to distract you from the sight of the same couch and bed where your ex used to make love to you on.
But now, after seeing nothing but trees, grass, and cows for the past five minutes since you got lost, you’re becoming sick of it. You haven’t seen a single person or building since the train station!
“Dammit,” you huff, begrudgingly tossing your phone into the passenger’s seat with your laptop case and suitcase. You hate getting lost! You must’ve taken a left instead of a right and then steered off the trail your GPS set for you.
You keep the AC and gas running as you get out of the car. The heat immediately slaps you in the face and the sun glares at you, causing you to slide your sunglasses on top of your head used to hold your braids back onto your eyes. You shield the hot rays with your hand and look down the road. Nothing. Not even a barn. You’re completely stranded.
No people. No reception. You were never going to make it to that sweet, quaint little Airbnb you rented. You were scrolling on Booking.com you’ve seen so many commercials for three weeks ago when you came across the little cabin with central air, a wine cellar, and a back patio overlooking a lake. It is only ten miles from town and near some hiking trails for running.
You booked it immediately and spoke to the owner, a sweet Southern widow who let you rent it for the entire week for a cut because of your books. “I love your work!” she gushed over the phone. “I’m so honored you’re choosin’ my little home to help you write a new book! I’ll stack more wine in the cellar just for you!”
You may never get to enjoy that wine, the lake, or some sunbathing on the patio. You lean against your carhood, hopeless and exhausted. Maybe this will be a good inspiration for your book: a city girl gets lost in the countryside and realizes that a change of scenery can’t fix heartbreak. Then she dies of a broken heart (and starvation) in her rental and when someone finally finds her, she’ll be nothing but bones because the cows ate her.
There your whacked-out mind goes. You tilt your head to the sunny, blue sky, hoping God can see you and have mercy on your soul. “God,” you groan. “Please just send me someone.”
“Hey, there!” a sudden cheery, male voice chirps from behind you. You shriek and jump, turning around to face the stranger. “Shit!” you gasp, putting a hand on your jumping heart. “You scared the hell outta me!”
When your heart finally settles down, you realize just how cute the stranger is. He is tall and fit judging by how tight his black V-neck is under his flannel. A cowboy hat hits low on his nest of black curls and an adorable smattering of freckles adorn his cheeks. His jeans are just as tight with a large belt buckle on the front of his leather belt and his cowboy boots are scuffed.
It’s like he stepped out of a girl’s wettest Western dream, especially with the dog tags hanging from his thick neck and the leather bracelet on his wrist. He is hotter than the sun you’re standing in.
“Apologies,” he says, stifling a chuckle with his hands up. “I promise I don’t mean no farm. I just happened to see you just sittin’ here on the road and couldn’t help but wonder if you’re stealin’ my job.” His brown eyes are filled with humor and playfulness.
“Job?” you parrot, confused. “What are you—“
Suddenly, the hot stranger places two fingers on each hand in his mouth and blows a loud, shrill whistle. Immediately, each of the cows grazing in the grass and wandering in the road gather together near him. “C’mon, y’all!” he shouts. “Over here by the pretty truck! Out of the pretty lady’s way!”
You flush at his compliment but don’t focus too much on it. You’re too busy focusing on the cherry red pickup truck with the muddy wheels that you now see some yards behind your rental. How did you not hear him drive up?
The cows follow the cowboy and surround his truck, mooing and chewing. He leaves them there and comes running back to you, panting. “Sorry ‘bout that. Them cows ain’t too bright sometimes. One left the farm down the road and all of ‘em followed, so I got sent out to get ‘em.”
“Oh,” you say. “Well, that takes care of one problem. Thanks.”
He raises one eyebrow, curious. “One problem?” he ponders aloud. “Anything I can help you with, miss? Tell me if I’m wrong but ya look kinda…” He pauses, looking for the right word.
“Lost?” you sigh. He sniggers, shaking his head. “Distressed.” You take a moment to think about this. You really shouldn’t tell him since he’s a total stranger despite his cute freckles and eyes that remind you of a puppy’s. “Well, I am,” you sigh. “But nothing I can’t handle. Thank you again, Mr. uh….”
The cowboy smiles brightly at you and it’s like a punch in the face. He is quite handsome. “Ace,” he replies. “Ace D. Portgas. No, ‘Mr’, please. Just Ace.”
He puts out one of his big ringed hands for a shake. You slowly take it in your smaller one, noticing how calloused and rough his palm is…and how warm and strong it is. “Ace then,” you say, quickly pulling away. “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N L/N.”
Ace’s eyes fill with recognition immediately at the sound of your name. “The writer?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. You immediately break out into a smile, happy with the recognition. “So you’ve heard of me.”
He nods, shoving a hand in the pocket of his jeans. “Yeah, your stuff is pretty popular with the female population over here. I’ve seen some of your books in the town’s local bookstore before. Where ya from?”
“[City Name],” you reply, beaming from the newfound information You always love to hear about people loving and reading your work. Ace hums, nodding in understanding. “Ah, so you’re a city girl,” he draws, his Southern accent making a big appearance here. It makes something in your stomach grow warm.
You place your hands on your hips, pursing your lips. “Are you about to give me that ‘the country is better than the city’ crap?” you playfully scoff.
Ace gapes at you, playing into your mock disagreement. “What?! No way….except we’ve got better people.” You laugh, giving him that one. “Oh, that I agree with! Everyone here is so nice!”
Literally everyone. The train conductor, the workers at the train station, the nice man who held the door for you…maybe even this sexy cowboy. It must be the clean air and environment without the buildings, hustle, and crowds of people. “So what’s a talented gal like you doin’ all the way down here?” He curiously asks. “Ya got family here?”
Despite your situation, you find yourself enjoying conversing with Ace. It’s easy, unlike with your ex. “I’m writing a new book at the Airbnb I rented…which I’m no closer to getting to ‘cause I can’t follow directions.”
Ace’s smile fades. “Really? Where’s it at? Maybe I can help ya get there.” Your blood pressure rises as your brain begins to go through every possible reason to not give this man the address to your weekend home. “Um….”
Realization flickers in Ace’s eyes and he nods in understanding. “I get it: stranger danger. If ya want, I can tell you the directions and let ya drive off. Promise.” He puts his right hand up as if he’s on the stand at a trial. “I only wanna help a celebrity out.”
His friendly smile and nature seem genuine despite that twist in your stomach telling you differently. However, you don’t hear any warning signs blaring in your head and your gut isn’t giving you that kick of intuition. Throwing caution to the wind, you tell him: “It’s on 21 North Oakwood Lane.”
You watch as Ace’s eyes widen in excitement like a kid on Christmas. “Forreal?! That’s where my farm is at! I bet my neighbor is the one you’re rentin’ from! Mable Chestnut ring any bells?”
Your brain immediately reacts to the Airbnb owner’s name. “Yeah, that’s her!” you exclaim. “You live there too?” He nods, beaming brightly at you. “Yes, ma’am, and you’re a long way away from that, honey. You must’ve taken a wrong turn completely.”
You huff, feeling the stress return. Of course, you took a wrong turn. Unbeknownst to you, Ace feels bad for the pretty woman standing in front of him and instantly wants to make her feel better. So he clears his throat, gaining your attention. “I’ll tell ya what: if you want, I can hop in my pickup truck and lead you to your place. I know these trails like the back of my hand.”
“I’m sure you do,” you reply, laughing slightly. “You’re a cowboy, aren’t you?” His lips twist in a lopsided smirk that makes your insides curl. “Yes, ma’am. That and a farmhand. I wrangle horses, cows, bulls, anythin’ you can think of. My job requires that I know the ins and outs of my town.”
You can tell he’s telling the truth, but the logical part of you is still wary. “I dunno,” you admit, awkwardly playing with the hem of our dress. “I mean, you seem sweet and legit, but I barely know you and—“
“Oh, you found ‘em!” a voice rings out. You turn, seeing a blue truck with a wooden crate stopping next to Ace’s truck. An older couple with silver-white hair and matching boots come sliding out of the front, looking relieved to see their cows. The wife, in her flowery skirt, whistles at the cows. “My precious babies! Get y’all asses on that damn truck!”
She begins berating them as the animals climb up the wooden ramp to the cart, piling in one after the other. Her husband, wearing jeans, flannel, and a cowboy hat, helps her by whistling to them. Once they’re all in, he locks the crate and walks up to Ace with his wife, giving you a hello as they do. “Oh, Ace, what would I do without you?” The wife sighs, taking the young cowboy’s hand in her wrinkled ones. “I’ll have to bake you more of that apple pie to thank you.”
Ace smiles, tipping his hat at them. “It’s no problem, Mr. And Mrs. Phelps. Just doin’ my job.” Mr. Phelps pats him on the back, laughing. “Well, you prove to be fit for your job every time, young man.”
“I’ll deliver the pie tomorrow,” Mrs. Phelps says with a wink. “You still live at 20 Oakwood Lane?” Ace nods and thanks them before the old couple walk back to their truck, get in, and go driving off with their cows in the back.
He turns back to you, a smug smile on his face. With defeat, you give in to his proposal. “Okay, fine,” you sigh. “We’ll try it your way.”
He grins, bowing slightly in thanks, grateful for you putting your trust in him. But it ain’t like you’ve got a choice at this point. But if you had said no, maybe he would’ve called the cops or something to help you. He seems like a genuine, sweet type of man…but then again, you thought the same about your ex before he cheated. “I won’t letcha down, missy. Now let’s getcha to your luxury suite!”
He turns and races off to his truck. As he does, the back of his flannel floats up, giving you a peek of his backside. Your mouth waters at the sight of his plump, firm ass in those jeans. Maybe you will have a nice time here after all.
After getting in your car and following Ace’s truck down the road, he takes you in the right direction that your GPS states. You decided to turn it on just to make sure Ace wasn’t taking you somewhere else. The drive is only eight minutes and finally, trees fall away to a beautiful clearing of brick homes and farms down a dirt road.
You finally come to your Airbnb and it’s just as cute in real life as it was in its photos. The white tiled roof and window outline combined with the buttery yellow color of the outside of the house reminds you of a frosted cake as you park your car in front of it. The house is located on ten acres of land that the owner owns and tends to, including a fruit orchard that you most definitely will enjoy tomorrow.
You go up to the azalea bushes planted at the white picket fence surrounding the cobbled stone walkway and steps. Bending down, you move one of the stones–a gray one shaped like a heart–and take the house key from under it. Ms. Chestnut made sure to tell you where to find it before she left.
Clutching the key to your chest, you turn and find Ace lugging your bags out of the backseat of your car, including your laptop case. As he does, you watch as his arms flex enticingly so. He has taken off his flannel, probably too hot in the afternoon heat to wear even the lightest of long-sleeved tops.
“Aaaand here we are,” he announces, bringing the luggage up to you. You go to take your suitcase, feeling bad for his work. “Oh, you don’t have to—“
“Nonsense! It’s barely heavy for me.” He gives you a wink before nodding at the locked door, looking just as excited as you.
You snort and unlock the door, giving way to a gorgeous living room with hardwood floors and a sunroom that meets an expensive-looking dining room filled with fine China dishes. On the left is an older-looking kitchen with a cartoon cat cuckoo clock and an adorable fruit-shaped cooking set and a washroom that leads outside to the back patio.
Ace whistles approvingly, looking around the house. “Beautiful place. I can see why ya rented here to write your new book. What’s it about, if I may ask?” He runs his boots on the ‘Welcome’ rug at the door before coming in with your luggage. He hands you your laptop before placing your suitcase and bag down gently on the floor.
You don’t know why you tell him, but something inside you tells you that it’s okay to do so: “Heartbreak.”
You watch as the cowboy pauses and then slowly turns to stare at you. You clear your throat to appear neutral and blasè like your past relationship and how it ended don’t still sting. “I didn’t just come here to write,” you explain. “I also came here to clear my head over my recent breakup. Working helps.”
Ace’s expression is unreadable. He stands with his hands in his pockets, his jaw working slightly. You now can see that he’s chewing gum. “Long term?” he asks. You nod, fighting back tears. “Three years.”
Three years of what you thought was the beginning of forever for you. You had met his parents; took trips with him; moved him into your apartment a year after you started dating. It was so nice when he came home to you after his shifts as a lawyer, the both of you snuggling with takeout and puffing on some weed to calm the nerves. You loved those nights with him.
But then those nights became ones of loneliness and suspicion when he wouldn’t come home till the AM. You started fighting and growing more apart until one day, while he was showering, you answered his phone on a call meant for him. Clearly, because the girl on the other line was asking you if you were still on for her place that night thinking you were your man…who apparently wasn’t just your man.
After denying it, he admitted to sleeping with his coworker for two months. “You were so busy with your books!” he had argued. “I needed you too, Y/N!”
Of course, that didn’t fly with you. As a grown-ass man, he was more than capable of communicating with you and never did. So, after three years, you ended your relationship and he moved out within a week. Learning to live without him is more than hard, but you’re learning with every step.
Ace whistles as if winded by your answer. “I’m very sorry to hear that, but one thing I know is that you won’t get no clearin’ your head out in the city. No offense.” He gives you a joking smile that brightens the room. “None taken,” you giggle. “That’s why I came out here.”
He nods, crossing his arms over his chest. “That was a good idea. You may never wanna go home though.” He stands there like a tall, sexy tree you’d like to climb. His personality and energy only make your attraction to him much worse.
You don’t know if he feels the tension in the air too, but his smile fades and his eyes fill with a spark you think you just imagine. Finally, he clears his throat and plasters on a smile. “Well, I’ll leave ya to it then. If you ever need anythin’, just gimme a knock across the way.”
You walk him to the door and he points down the road at a small ranch with a red barn where you hear distant neighing horses. “That little ranch next to the red barn is me,” he explains. You could walk there with how close he is. Knowing that makes your stomach twirl.
All you can do is nod and he bids you farewell before walking down the steps in his boots. You watch him, eyeing his flexing back muscles, suntanned shoulders, and the dusting of freckles on his skin like star constellations. He is almost down the road when you give in to your urges.
“Ace, wait!” you call. He stops, turning to face you. “Do you have a CashApp? Or I can pay you in cash.”
But the cowboy shakes his head, smiling at you. “Keep it,” he says. “Just lookin’ out for a pretty woman.” He tips his hat at you, that spark returning in his eyes. “Enjoy your stay, Y/N.”
Then he turns and walks off, taking that beautiful back and juicy ass with him. You decide right then that you’ll definitely enjoy your stay here with that cowboy being just one knock away.
“Fuck, Y/N, you are soooo lucky!” Nami whines into your ear. “I wish I was laying out in the sun by the wate with my tits out too!”
“My tits aren’t out,” you snort. “I’m just in a bikini top.” You take a sip of your Moscato chilling in a glass of ice cubes and sliced oranges, sighing peacefully at the crisp, fruity taste.
Placing it back on the small table with your laptop, you look down at your phone screen where your beautiful, redheaded friend’s face is. It is the next day of your writer’s vacay and you’re spending it stretched out on the back patio in your bikini and sunglasses, lounging on a beach chair near the lake that sparkles and shimmers in the summer sun.
“That still counts!” Nanami argues. “You’ll get a tan for days! Why couldn’t you take me with you?” You scoff, rolling your eyes behind your ray bans. “Girl, aren’t you on an anniversary trip up in the mountains with your woman? Your Airbnb is just as beautiful as mine, plus you got a great view!”
Nami, your best friend and soulmate, is out in the mountains with her long-term girlfriend and soon-to-be-fiance, Robin who is so beautiful that you swore you had a crush on her when you first met her.
Both, along with a couple of other friends you’ve made over the years, surrounded you with love and support during your breakup. Zoro and Sanji, the married couple you’ve been tight with since you moved into your complex, even told you they’d beat your ex up if you asked them to. Of course, you said no, but you fantasize about it to make you laugh.
“Yeah, but it’s raining here,” Nami sighs, laying back on a pillow. “We’ve been cooped up in the house all day, but we do have a dinner reservation at a five-star restaurant tonight that’ll make up for it. She knows how to make me happy.” She breaks out into a dreamy smile you know all too well about.
“You’re so lucky,” you sigh, envious of your friend’s love. “You guys have been together for a long time though. Five years! That’s crazy!”
Nami nods, still looking in love and happy. “And it takes a lot of work, but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. You’ll find that again, too Y/N…with the right person, of course. That scummy ex of yours was just a closed door.”
You peer out over the water, seeing a sliver of Ace’s farm through the thrush, green forest. From this angle, you can see the wagging tails of horses in their shed and hear the crowing of roosters. “I guess,” you sigh.
As if reading your mind, Nami discusses the man who has been on your mind since yesterday. “Well, how ‘bout you do some practice on that cute cowboy you told me about?” she suggestively purrs. “You are there for a week. Why not use it to dust off that–”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” you cut her off, putting up a hand. “I’m not having any kind of sex with a stranger, no matter how cute or sweet he is. Besides, I don’t even know how old he is! He could be a fuckin’ teenager for all I know.”
Despite you making logical excuses for not going over to his house and hopping on that man’s dick right now, you still can’t stop yourself from thinking about him. Yeste​​rday afternoon, you went out into town to shop for some cute dresses and groceries for meals (including the wine), thinking this would help distract you from nasty thoughts of him.
But alas, when night fell and you finished your glass of wine and your much-needed blunt to end the evening, you​​r dreams were all about him whispering dirty, sweet nothings to you in his Southern drawl while he bounced you on his cock. You were so pent up that you had to relieve yourself with the toy you packed and then take a cold shower…both did NOTHING to tame you.
You want him bad. You’ve never felt such an attraction to someone before. Not since your ​​ex, anyway. It’s exciting but also alarming. ​​Your plan wasn’t to use a man to get over your breakup or writer’s block. Speaking of which, you haven’t written much of a first draft for your book yet. You most that you’ve gotten is a plot outline and you feel even that is lackluster.
“Well, who is he?” Nami pushes. “You didn’t even tell me his name!” You once again roll your eyes and lower your voice as if the cowboy can hear you over the lake: “It’s Ace D. Portgas.”
Nami’s eyes widen and her jaw drops. “Omigod!” she squeals into your ears, making you jump. “Y/N, I know him! You remember my friend Luffy’s adopted older brother? The one who owns his own farm?”
Your mind traces back to the moment any of this was revealed to you and you realize that it was a year ago during a trip to the zoo where Luffy gushed over the horses and said his brother trains them. “Oh, my God, that’s him?!” you gasp, laughing in disbelief. “The wealthy one? What a small world!”
“Now you have a reason to talk to him, girl!” Nami encourages you. You go over to his place, ask him for a drink, and spend the rest of your trip in his bed…and then you’ll take me on a cruise when he cuffs you.” She winks at you, but you know she’s serious.
“That’s not gonna happen,” you chuckle. “He’s a nice guy, but I didn’t come here to hook up with no cowboy. I came here to relax and write my book.” The redhead pulls a look, rolling her eyes. “And what better way to do all of that than get with a country boy? Besides, that would make for a great story.” She wiggles her eyebrows at you suggestively.
“Whatever,” you scoff as she giggles. “Just go and tell Robin I said hi. And if I do happen to build a relationship with the cowboy, she’ll be the one I take on a cruise.” Nami, with her dramatic ass, gapes at you. “Take that back!”
“Love you, byeeee!” You blow her a kiss before ending the FaceTime call and lowering it facedown on the table to avoid the sun burning the screen. You take another sip of your wine and then hunker back down to your book that you’re no closer to outlining.
So far in the plot, a woman named Suzi has received notice of a house she has inherited from her deceased grandmother whom she realizes has many secrets, including setting her up to marry Johnson, a wealthy owner of a wine garden that her grandma somehow knows.
But all those ideas go down the drain when you happen to look up and see the man who has been haunting your frequent dreams. And he’s shirtless. Though his back is to you, that doesn’t mean Ace’s back doesn’t make your stomach flutter like it’s filled with butterflies. He is busy tending to his horses, filling their drinking station with fresh water and cleaning out bails of old hay. His arm and back muscles flex in the sun that glints off of the sweat dripping off of his tanned skin. “Oh, fuck,” you exhale.
He’s a beautiful, beautiful man. You can almost taste the sweat off of his skin as you lick up his skin and neck. His back is tatted with a purple skull with a bone caught between his teeth. Your body reacts just as your mind does, arousal making you throb. “Dammit,” you sigh, slamming your laptop closed. You definitely can’t write in this condition. This man is making everything too damn hard for you!
Now you know another distraction won’t do anything for you. You need to just swallow your pride and fear of rejection, and just go over there!
To not make it seem like you just came straight out the house to see him, you go inside to strip off your bikini and change into some sneakers, running shorts, and a sports bra that holds up your girls. You take your phone and house key with you before cutting through the woods for a short time towards Ace’s place, lightly jogging as you do. The sun glints through the trees and sweat begins to gather on your forehead and under your boobs.
Finally, you cut th​​rough the woods to the front of Ace’s house and nearly scream at the sudden sight of a caramel-colored horse galloping in front of you, nearly knocking you over. “Suzi!” Ace calls. “Dammit, don’t run in the street!” He whistles, causing the horse to stop before she gets any farther away and flips her tail.
You turn, finding the shirtless cowboy standing behind you. You nearly combust at the sight of his cut abs, the silver bars in his pink nipples, and the scattering of tattoos on his skin. One is of a skull engulfed in flames on his shoulder and the others are two names inked across his wrists.
“Oh, hey!” he chirps, looking happy to see you despite your short-circuiting brain. “What a surprise. You decided to take a break to come see little ol’ me?”
He puts his hands on his hips, drawing your eyes to his V-line. “I-I was just takin’ a jog,” you stammer. “And I just wanted to thank you again for helping me yesterday. Sorry I was so hesitant.” Ace looks happy nonetheless and you think you even see his eyes quickly trace over ​​your outfit. “Don’t even apologize. You enjoyin’ yourself so far?”
He snaps at Suzi who comes tottering up to him, her hooves clicking. You nod, admiring the pretty steed. “Yeah, you’ve got a nice little home here. Went out shopping yesterday and did some writing today.”
The cowboy nods, petting Suzi’s side. “Uh-huh, I saw you soakin’ up those rays earlier…n-not that I was starin’ at you! I just happened to look over and see you.” His face grows adorably red at his jumbled words. It only makes him more endearing to you.
“I get it,” you giggle. “I came over to pay you for yesterday, but if you still aren’t gonna take my money, maybe I can pay you back with lunch or a drink?”
The words just slip out, possibly because of how confident you feel over Ace’s blush and nervous blunder. You don’t know what you expect, but definitely not what he says next:
“Oh,” is all he replies with.
The silence that follows makes you want to die. “O-Or not if you’re busy,” you quickly add. “Or if you don’t want to! I just wanted to repay you.” You bite your lip to shut yourself up, feeling as if you never should’ve said anything. That damn Nami! Why did she have to encourage you to do this?
But as luck would have it, Ace agrees. “I was gonna say yes to lunch, but I’m a little booked right now with the farm. I’ve got people tourin’ my place tomorrow, so I need to make sure it sparkles. Does dinner work better for ya?”
The horse’s tail flips as if to say, ‘Say yes, stupid!’ and you nod, speechless. “Dinner ​​sounds great,” you reply, doing your best to not break out into a big, goofy smile. The caramel horse softly winnies and Ace snorts, patting the horse’s behind. “This is Suzi,” he chuckles. “She’s extremely dramatic. I got two other ones at the stable.”
You smile at the horse, admiring the way her blonde mane looks in the sun. “She’s beautiful.” Unbeknownst to you, Ace admires you admiring the horse. “You like horses?” You nod, gently patting Suzi’s soft fur. “Love ‘em. I wanted to be a cowgirl every Halloween.”
“You wanna see the others? I can give ya a tour of the farm, if ya want.”
“Alright, alright, we’re comin’!” he calls. “And these are my Stallions, Sam and Sabo, named after one of my brothers. He lives all the way in London workin’ as an actor.”
“That’s amazing.” “They look like they need a brush, poor things.”
“It’s the heat. They shed a lot in the summer.” “Why don’t you let me?” you ask. “You seem so tired. Don’t worry, I pick up fast.”
“Just slowly brush their sides,” he explains, motioning his hands as an example. “It relaxes them. And don’t worry about scarin’ em; they’re well-behaved and they love attention.” “Hey, there, boy,” you coo. “I’m just gonna brush you.”
“Not bad for a city girl,” he whispers in your ear. “Oh, so you got jokes now,” you scoff. “Well, your horses seem to like me more than their owner. I think that proves I’d make a great cowgirl.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asks. “You ever ridden one before?” “Uh…no,” you hesitantly answer. “Not since I was six at a petting zoo.”
Ace gives you a smile full of mirth and trust. “You wanna try now?”
You have no idea what propels you to say yes, but suddenly find yourself standing beside Sabo in the open field while Ace straps a leather saddle on his back. He then turns to you and opens his arms. “I’ll help ya up,” he says, flashing you a smile. “And if ya ever feel uncomfortable, I promise you we’ll cut the ride short.”
“There we go,” he huffs. “Now up I go.” With a grunt, he carefully hoists himself up on Sabo’s back and straddles the seat behind you. You bite your lip at the throb you feel between your thighs at the feeling of his strong arms coming around you to hold onto the reins with you. His thighs and chest brush against your back, the scent of sweat and pine rolling off of him.
“Now, gently tug on the reins twice and click your tongue,” he instructs. Nervously, you do as he says, his presence a comfort for you. You wouldn’t know what to do with this big-ass horse alone. Sabo slowly begins to walk in the field, taking a languid pace that is relaxing and not at all as scary​​ as you thought.
“See?” Ace laughs. “Not bad, right? You can use the reins to steer him or go faster, just like a car. If ya want him to stop, just tug on the reins once. If ya wanna go a little faster, just snap the reins so he’ll totter, like this.”
He helps you give them a slight snap and Sabo picks up the pace. You gasp as you feel his back jump with you and Ace on top, your body instantly tensing.
“Hang on,” he chuckles. “It’ll get a little bumpy.” You side-eye him, your heart about to explode out of your chest. “A little?” you scoff and that makes him laugh even harder.
His thumbs begin to stroke your knuckles, trying to calm you down. “You’re so sense, sweetie,” he coos. “I promise you’re okay. Just enjoy the ride.” His voice is soft and reassuring, only arousing you more.
However, despite the images of him fucking you stupid in your mind, you fight against your visceral reaction to change and relax. “Good, good!” he praises. “You really are a fast learner! Good boy, Sabo! Take us home!”
Sabo turns around and totters back to the farm, bouncing you on top. You giggle, feeling free with the sun and wind in your hair. When Sabo comes to a stop, Ace jumps off first.
He holds out his arms for you and you reach down, clinging yourself to him as he takes you off of the horse. Once your feet are on the ground, you sigh, relieved, but an underwhelming feeling descends upon you at ground level again. It was exciting being on Sabo’s back above ground, but you think most of the thrilling, excited feeling you got was from Ace being so close to you.
“Nicely done, city girl. I knew ya had it in ya to ride a horse.” “Well, it helps when I’ve got a great teacher, country boy,” you giggle, but it comes out way more seductive than you meant it to.
Thank goodness the splashing sounds of the horses slurping down their water stops you because who knows what would’ve happened? “Uh…drink?” he sheepishly asks. “I’ve got fresh lemonade in the fridge.”
But as soon as you’re in the house, Ace suddenly whirls you around to face him and grabs you before his lips finally mesh with yours. You make a small noise of surprise as he twirls you around, but it quickly melts into a soft moan as his soft, juicy lips press against yours. They are just as heavenly as you thought they’d be. The kiss is tentative and careful at first, but the more you press into him, the more passionate and open Ace becomes.
His tongue slowly licks your bottom lip and you part your lips, granting him access. The taste of whiskey on his tongue and the wet, sucking sounds of your heavy makeout make your shorts feel tighter and your nipples hard under your bra. Ace’s hands caress your back while your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer until you’re sharing the same air.
When he pulls away, he is softly panting and his eyes are ablaze. “Sorry,” he pants. “I just couldn’t resist. I’ve been wantin’ to do that since yesterday.”
You smile, leaning in to peck his lips again. You can’t get enough of him now that you’ve had him. “Don’t apologize,” you whisper. “I have, too.” Oh, and have you!
Ace smiles, looking pleased to hear this. You’re just as happy to know that he’s been sweating over you the way you have been for him since yesterday. “You’re here for a week, right?” he huskily asks and you nod, too afraid to speak. You don’t want to ruin this.
His big hands slide down lower and lower until they meet your ass. Finally. “Then if it’s alright with you, darlin’, I’d like to make your first time out in the country one you’ll never forget. If this is just a summer fling to you then that’s cool. I just wanna make you feel good and make ya forget all about that asshole ex of yours back home.”
The passionate promise burning in his eyes is too tempting to resist. You run your hands down his chest, feeling him up and letting him know just how much you want this. “I’d love that,” you purr. “Now kiss me again, cowboy.”
Ace doesn’t need to be told twice. Immediately, his lips sweep yours up again as he grips you to him, his hands caressing your thighs. You’re so deep in his kiss that you barely feel the wall suddenly pressing against your back. You moan as Ace presses himself into you, his hard body like another wall squeezing you between the one behind you. He takes your arms and pins them over your head, stealing the air from your lungs.
He chuckles, smiling against your desperate lips. His hands move unde your thighs and he scoops you up with ease, making you feel oh-so little. He laughs at your little gasp as you find yourself hovering off of the floor in his arms. “Don’t worry, darlin’,” he says. “You’ll enjoy this ride. Bedroom?” You nod, wrapping your limbs around him like a koala bear, and away he goes with you in tow, thunking around in his cowboy boots and hat.
You get a tiny tour of his place when he goes upstairs and finally makes it to his bedroom that is filled with sunlight pouring in through the window. “Don’t close the blinds,” you purr as he kicks the door shut with his foot. “I wanna see you in the light.”
He smirks, loving your freakiness. “Yes, ma’am,” he murmurs, tasting your lips once more. “Now if it’s alright with you, I’d like to get these clothes off ya.”
You giggle as he sets you down on the bed before joining you. “The feelin’ is mutual, cowboy,” you sexily reply. “Just leave the hat and boots on…please.” You feel your face grow hot as Ace laughs at your request, taking your chin in his hand. “You’re a freaky one,” he purrs, biting his bottom lip. “I like that. You’re a woman who knows what she wants.”
Of course, you are! Any girl alone with a sexy cowboy would know what they want and right now, you want this man naked and to fuck you dumb. As you share heated, sloppy kisses, you help Ace strip off your bra, kicks, socks, and shorts, leaving you in on your panties. He takes a moment to ogle your body as you stand between his thighs.
“Fuck,” he huffs and you grow hot, realizing that this is the first time you’ve heard him cuss. “You’re a work of art, babydoll…is it okay if I call you that?” If it ain’t your hard nipples that give him a yes, it’s the kiss you give him. “Yes,” you whisper. Yes to everything. Ace grabs you and begins to kiss up your body, gently sucking on your nipples and licking your neck.
“I’m all sweaty,” you whine, slightly self-conscious. The cowboy raises a brow at you as if to say, ‘And?’ before scooping you up into his arms and tossing you onto the bed.
Now on your stomach, Ace takes advantage by bending your knees and hiking your ass up for him. “Stop,” he chortles. “I’m from the South, darlin’. A little sweat don’t mean nothin’ to me…now pipe down and let me enjoy you.”
You’ve never been with a man who loves eating pussy. You’ve never been with a man that eats pussy quite like Ace. But you should’ve known when he finally got your panties down and finally saw your exposed, glistening pussy all for him. “Goddamn,” he exhaled before spreading your asscheeks and giving right into the depths of your cunt.
His first few licks are gentle and slow as he gets to know your body. He asks you what you like and what you dislike. What makes you tick. The fact that he’s so interested in what you want and like makes you even wetter. Once you tell him and he gets right to work, it doesn’t take long for you to melt into the bed as his mouth works your pussy.
You grip the pillow now, your moans, whimpers, and whines falling onto Ace’s ears like a sweet symphony of music. “Ohhh, fuck, Ace!” you sing into the pillow, pushing your ass back into his face. He welcomes you, his hands gripping and smacking each cheek in time with his magical tongue lashes against your clit.
“That’s it, sing for me, darlin’,” he coos into your pussy, his words slightly muffled. “You sound so fuckin’ good.” He then pulls away from your pussy to slide his tongue up to your ass, much to your enjoyment. While he does this, he takes one finger and lightly glides it up and down your slit, sending shivers and sparks of pleasure throughout your body.
“Your ex ever do this for you?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your lowerback. “Did he ever take care of you like this?” He moves down to give an open-mouthed kiss to your pussy, emitting a loud moan from you. “Or this gorgeous girl?” he purrs against your clit. “Tell me.” Gently, his finger begins to prope your hole, sinking into your folds.
You gasp, gripping the pillow. “N-No,” you stammer. Ace makes a noise of approval. “I knew it. This cunt of yers is just too damn wet for me…not that I’m complainin’. You taste so, so good, little darlin’!” His tongue slides down your asscrack to your clit again, sucking on it while he fingers you.
You are a writhing, squirming mess, grinding your hips back into him, riding that wave of pleasure. The more he licks, sucks, and strokes, the more that knot in your core tightens, threatening to snap and cause you to spill all over his tongue. But his ministrations also cause something else: need. A desperate, blinding, unbridled need for him inside of you. “Stop, Ace!” you beg and he does, immediately. “I need you to fuck me. Please! I wanna cum around your ​​cock!”
Ace pauses, taken aback by your request. But then you hear the joyous, thrilling sound of his belt buckle jingling and his zipper coming down. “So naughty,” he chuckles. “How’d you know I like naughty girls? You must’ve come outta my wettest dreams, babydoll.” You feel his cock slide against your slit, warm, hard, and thick.
You both moan as he taps it against your clit, his head nudging against the little bundle of nerves. “And per your request,” he says, laughter in his voice, “I’ll keep the hat and boots on for ya. But I want ya to look at me while I’m inside you, okay?”
Slowly, you turn your head and behold your eyes to the sexy man sporting his cowboy hat, boots, and nipple piercings behind you, his eyes burning with want. Your eyes trail down his abs and V-line to his thick cock and heavy balls that are begging to be tasted. But later. Right now, you need him in you. “Yes, sir,” you purr. “Now please: fuck me.”
Wordlessly, Ace grasps your hip with one hand and fulfills your request by taking his cock and sinking himself inside of you. His head sinking between your soft, wet folds cause you both to gasp, the contact explosively pleasurable. Ace goes slow, filling you to the brim with every slow thrust of his hips. It’s unbearable, almost agonizing how slow he’s moving.
Ace senses your change in demeanor and gently pulls out, leaving only his cockhead in you. “You alright?” he whispers, worried. “You’re shakin’ like a leaf. Do you want me to stop?”
The very thought of losing this feeling makes you desperate. You turn to him, your hair a sexed-out mess and your eyes lidded. “No,” you exhale, giving him a smile. “You’re just goin’ too slow.”
Instantly, all of the worry and uncertainty in Ace’s eyes disappear, replaced with only lust. A slow smirk stretches across his lips at your naughty request. “Well, why didn’t ya say so, darlin’?”
He pushes himself back in and grips your hips before pistoning into you, giving you the deep dick that you’ve been craving for months. A loud whine leaves your lips as he fucks you like you belong to him, causing your body to shake even more and that arch in your back to wobble. “Fuck me back,” he demands, his voice rough and raspy. “Don’t make me do all the work here. Take what you want from me, baby, c’mon.”
You push yourself up on your forearms and push back into him, tossing your ass back into his mind-blowing, bed-shaking, orgasmic thrusts that make you see stars behind your eyelids. Ace’s dick strokes every part of your insides while his hands grip your hip and one of your tits, molding the globe of flesh and teasing the tight nipple between his fingers. “O-Oh, my God!” you moan, your voice bouncing off of the walls. “Yes, Ace, just like that! Fuck me just like that!”
“Like what?” Ace asks, a smile evident in his voice. “Like…this?” He rolls his hips in a way that glides against your G-spot, causing you to damn near scream in pleasure. You just about hit high notes that would put Mariah Carey’s career in the dirt as Ace loops a hand between your thighs to rub your clit. You keep grinding back into him, much to his enjoyment.
He loves watching you move, your body so enticing while you squeeze around him. “God, darlin’,” he groans. “I can’t get enough of these hips. You ride me so well. Can’t wait to see how you ride my cock.”
He leans down to whisper into your ear, still pounding your pussy like it’s his profession. “I bet you’d be so good at it. I bet you’d be my good little cowgirl, wouldn’t cha? Bet you’d make me cum deep inside this pussy.”
His tongue slips against your earlobe as he begins to suck on it. You loop an arm around his neck to bring him close to you, his sweat-sticky body pressed against yours as he ruts into you from behind.
When your orgasm begins to peak, you can’t stop it and you don’t want to. This feels too good.
“F-Fuck, Ace!” you gasp. “I’m gonna…gonna cum!” Ace hums in approval, moving harder and faster, frantically rubbing your clit with his thick fingers. “Do it,” he practically begs. “Cum for me. Give me what I need.”
When you cum, you cum hard. It is so intense that it takes you a minute to make any noise as the rush of pleasure hits you, but once it does, you let out the loudest moan you’ve ever heard yourself make as you gush all around Ace’s cock. He grunts as your pussy hugs him, squeezing him like a vice as you coat his shaft in your cum.
“Thatta girl,” he coos, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You softly whimper in acknowledgment, gripping the sheets as you ride your orgasm wave.
Once your high fades, Ace quickly pulls out as if you’ve burned him with your pussy, desperate to not cum yet. “Shit,” he hisses. “Look at how messy you made me, baby. You’ve gotta clean it up now.” He sticks his cock, shining in your juices, in your face, a lust-filled expression on his face.
The orgasm has done something to you, turning you into an insatiable, needy little slut. Suddenly feral and in need of him, you swallow his cock and slurp up all of your cum, even taking his balls in your mouth when you can. But when you’re too busy gagging all over his dick, you massage them in one hand with the other plays with his pierced nipples. Ace is enjoying himself immensely. He can’t believe his luck having such a beautiful woman in his bed, let alone a celebrity, sucking him off and teasing his overly-sensitive nipples.
“Fuck, darlin’,” he moans, tilting his head back at the feeling. “You keep doin’ all of that and I’ll cum. I still need more of ya.”
You hum in agreement, slipping off of his cock with a soft pop that your wet lips make. You look up at him through hooded eyes, making him so hard that it becomes painful. “If ya still want another round, I want you to ride me,” he huskily requests. “I wanna see this body bounce on top of me while I finally bust inside of you.”
You shiver, immediately soaked from the idea. Wordlessly, you stand on your knees and brace your hands on his chest before shoving him down onto the bed. He laughs, the sound making your heart melt, but it’s quickly replaced with a desperate moan as you climb on top of him, mounting him like he’s your own personal Stallion…or dildo. He doesn’t seem like he’d protest either.
But as you wrap a hand around his cock and bring it to meet your pussy, he stops you. “Wait, wait,” he protests. You stop, confused, until he takes his hat off and places it on your head. “Now ya look the part,” he comments, making you giggle. “Now ride me like a good little cowgirl.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You come down to take his cock inside of you, drawing a moan out of both of you once your tight, wet walls squeeze around him. Bracing your feet on the bed as you straddle Ace, you place one hand on his chest and slowly begin bouncing, becoming used to how he feels in this position. He is so deep, touching every single part of you, stretching you out more than he did in doggy.
“O-Oh, my Go-o-od!” you gasp, each word punctuated by your bouncing. You tilt your head up to the ceiling as you roll your hips, grinding your clit against Ace’s pelvis. The pleasure makes you throw your head back and your eyes flutter closed, each delicious burst of pleasure taking you on a ride.
Ace is enjoying his ride as well, watching you bounce that perfect pussy and body on his cock. “That’s it, babydoll,” he groans, gripping your hips. Y
ou ride him like he’s stolen, your gorgeous titties jiggling in his face. His hat perched on top of your pretty head is just as yummy–it’s the cherry on top for him. Watching you makes him want to make you yours; make it so no man, whether in the country or city, can ever have you again.
“How’s it feel?” he asks, staring up at your pretty face. All you let out is a pathetic whimper that gives him the urge to burst inside of you. “I know it feels good, darlin’, but I need your words. Tell me how that dick feels.” He begins to rub your clit with his thumb, causing you to let out a loud whine.
“S-so…so good!” you gasp, alternating between bouncing and rolling your hips, giving him more and more of that pussy every single time. “You feel so good, Ace!”
Suddenly feral, the cowboy leans up and swoops you into his arms, pistoning his hips up into yours from below. “Tell me I’m the best you’ve ever had,” he pants in your ear, his voice low and tantalizing. “Tell me you love it.”
You’ll tell him whatever he wants to hear if it means he’ll keep doing this to you. “You’re the best, Ace!” you sob, gripping his shoulders. “You’re the fucking best I’ve ever had! I love the way you fuck me!”
That’s all it takes for the cowboy to keep fucking you stupid as you grind into him from above. The both of you fuck each other like you need it, the bed shaking and your moans echoing throughout the room. You kiss sloppily and messily, your tongues swirling with one another as your pussy squelches and gushes around his cock.
When your second orgasm comes, all you can do is let out a sob, your nails skating down Ace’s back and skull tattoo. He gets his nut just after you, letting out a loud “Oh, fuck!” along with a series of porn-worthy moans as he explodes inside of you. You gasp, feeling a gush of warmth flow into you as you cream all over his cock, your cum sliding down his balls that have completely emptied themselves inside of you.
The high is just as intense and as blissful as the first time, especially since Ace is joining you on this ride this time. You both share an exhausted, messy kiss before he exhaustedly falls back against the pillows, breathing heavily. You roll off him and fall beside him on the bed, his hat still on your head.
For a while, you both lie there in silence, panting heavily from the activity. The only sounds in the room are the birds chirping and the horses neighing outside, giving a very peaceful atmosphere after some good sex. Finally, Ace turns over to look at you. “So how ‘bout that dinner date?” he asks.
You burst into laughter and he follows, the both of you in a fit of giggles that feels just as freeing as the sex. “I could use a steak,” you reply once you calm yourself. “My treat.” Ace makes a face like he’s offended by the very idea. “My treat,” he corrects you. “You deserve it for that ride ya just gave me. You certainly knocked my boots.”
He wraps those big arms around you that you happily snuggle into, wrapping your own around him too. You feel so content and safe despite only knowing the man for two days. Maybe this is a sign. “Mine too,” you sigh. “Oh, and just so you know, I’m familiar with one of the names tatted on your wrists: Luffy. I know him.”
You watch as realization dawns in Ace’s eyes at the mention of his brother. “Oh, yeah?” he asks, excited. “You know my kid brother?” You nod, giggling. “He’s told me about you. Said your the brother that’s a cowboy, but I just forgot.”
He lets out a loud, belly laugh that makes you laugh with him, adoring his childlike personality. “Wow, what a small world!” he chuckles. “I guess in a way, maybe we were meant to meet each other.”
Though you wouldn’t have admitted it first, you think the same thing. If this blooms into something more, it could work. You could take the train to see him and vice versa…if he is interested. It isn’t just the sex you enjoy. You also enjoy talking to Ace. You love how he pushes you to try new things and is so in tune with your feelings. Most men aren’t, so whoever raised him did it well.
You also think about how great of a plot this would be in a book…and just like that, you have the sudden inspiration to write a new series filled with action, mystery, thrills, romance, and a lot of steamy sex with a cowboy who may or may not be inspired by the one you’re currently curled up with.
You look up at Ace, your muse, dreamboat, and possible summer-fling-to-not, with the same adoring, satisfied smile he gazes down at you with. “So steak dinner it is then?” he murmurs into your neck.
You nod, snuggling into his shoulder. “After round two,” you purr. “And a snuggle and shower….in either order.” You beam up at him, a hunger for him rising in the pit of your stomach. You don’t want to waste a minute of this week out in the countryside.
Evidently, neither does Ace judging by his hardening dick against your thigh. He takes your wrist and kisses it before rolling on top of you and grinding himself against your core.
“I can do all of that, little darlin’,” he murmurs. “You can even wear my boots this time.”
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ddejavvu · 2 years
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The Right Person - Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: You're good friends with Jack Hotchner, and his dad finds you crying at a house party.
Contents/Warnings: best friend's dad!hotch, legal age gap (reader is over 18), mutual pining, soft!hotch, mention of alcohol/drugs, cheating (reader's unnamed, faceless boyfriend), hurt/comfort, fem!reader
WC: 3.6K / navigation
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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Very few things are more embarrassing than crying at a party. You're wading through a sea of high, hammered young adults, and even if they're too out of their minds to notice the tears on your cheeks, you feel like a fool for letting them fall.
You probably shouldn't have been as naive as you were going into your relationship. You'd been blinded by the prospect of someone being interested in you, and you hadn't stopped to consider the odd behavior he'd presented. You didn't want to be the overbearing girlfriend and check his phone, but walking in on him sucking face with someone else was just about all the evidence you'll ever need.
So now you're crying, stumbling down the hall and into the front yard for a breath of fresh air. Inside it's stuffy, booze and weed clouding the air and burning at your lungs. The front steps feel like a new beginning, away from your asshole (now) ex-boyfriend and the shitty music blaring from the house.
You're not offered much solace, though, because sirens blare through the streets. You squint through your teary eyes at a squad of cop cars that screech into the driveway, black SUVs trailing behind them. Fear drags your stomach down to your feet, because despite knowing that you're sober, you still probably hold some accountability for whatever drugs they're doing in there.
You're the only one outside, save for a couple moonbathing around the side yard, but the cops start for the front door. It means you're scrambling out of the way, tempted to put your hands up just in case.
"Miss," One of the officers glances at you, "Go home. We're shutting this down."
"Oh- okay," You stammer, nodding and wiping a tear from your eye, "I-um... I have to call an uber."
The officers don't pay you any regard after that, streaming into the house. It's only when you're fumbling clumsily with your phone that anyone engages with you, and the booming voice that travels over the lawn brings immense comfort to you.
"Y/N?" It's Aaron Hotchner, Jack's dad. You'd become fast friends with Jack through a couple of shared community college courses, and you'd come to know his dad from study sessions and movie nights.
"Mr. Hotchner," You breathe, reaching up to smear a tear off of your cheek, "I- Are you- what's going on?"
"The neighbors complained about the noise" He explains, jogging across the grass to reach out for your shoulder, "What happened? Are you alright? Why are you crying?"
"I'm okay," You sniffle, now infinitely more embarrassed to be caught blubbering by your best friend's very attractive dad, "We all have to leave?"
"Don't worry about that," He murmurs, shrugging his windbreaker off of his shoulders and wrapping it around your own. Your top is sheer and too-short, and the cold air had been nipping at your skin. His jacket is warm, soft, and you realize with an aggressive heat to your cheeks, it smells like him.
"Now," He tries again, keeping his jacket securely over your shoulders, "What happened? Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm alright," You shake your head, chin to your chest, "It's dumb, it's nothing. I- I need to call an uber, I'll-"
"I will drive you home," Aaron promises, voice soothing as his hand brushes over your back, "But I need to know what's wrong."
"I don't-" You stammer, eyes rolling at how silly you sound while another wave of tears streams down your cheeks, "It's just- my boyfriend, I saw him kissing someone else. Really, it's dumb, it's nothing."
Aaron doesn't respond, not right away, but you know he's heard you. You know by the momentary tightening of his grip on your shoulder, the way that his fingers dig into your skin like he's trying to make a fist but you're getting in the way. Then he eases up, touches all soft and gentle.
"I'm sorry, honey." He coos, stepping against your chest to wrap you in a hug. He rubs your back, up and down, up and down, up and down, until you're sniffling and sobbing into his chest. He keeps his arms around you, strong and firm, his cheek flush with the crown of your head as partygoers stream out of the house around you.
He's the epitome of comfort, all sweet, low reassurances and grounding touches. He murmurs only loud enough for you to hear as you curl your fingers into his shirt, 'He didn't deserve you, honey.' and, 'You're better off without him.'
"I just didn't see it coming," You admit lamely, your voice muffled against his chest. He doesn't ease up on the hug, and you're grateful for that. The last thing you'd want to do is make him uncomfortable, but he seems to realize you need comfort right now.
"Jack... always had his thoughts about him." Aaron admits, "But I think he kept them to himself, he didn't want to ruin things for you."
"I could tell," You sigh, nestled snugly into Aaron's chest, "I... I thought they just needed time to get used to each other, you know? Like, get to know each other. But I guess not, I guess Jack was right."
"Don't tell him that," Aaron teases, "It'll go straight to his head."
You laugh, albeit weakly, against Aaron's chest, and he takes it as a win.
"Okay," He hums, giving one last broad sweep of his hand over your back, "Let's get you into the car. It's late, you should get home and get to sleep."
"Thank you for taking me home," You sniffle letting him lead you with an arm around your shoulders to one of the SUVs, "Are you sure it's okay to just take one? Weren't there other people riding with you?"
"They'll figure it out." Aaron assures you, knowing Derek will have to bite the bullet and sit in the middle seat of the back row, something he always takes an extra SUV to avoid doing, "It's okay."
Aaron helps you into the passenger's seat, even tugging at your seatbelt when you struggle to wrestle it over his jacket.
"Here," He reaches for the strap, easing it up and over a fold of the jacket that it was stuck in, "Let me."
He clicks it into place for you, and you smile tearily up at him.
He leaves you with a pat to your knee, then shuts the door.
You hear him call something to, presumably, another agent, trying not to think too hard about whatever team member of his you're depriving of a seat. Aaron doesn't let you think much about it, though, because as soon as you're pulling away from the curb, tears no longer pouring down your cheeks, the interrogation starts.
"What were you doing at a party, anyways?" Aaron glances over at you, a frown creasing his brows, "You're not the drinking type."
"I didn't go to get drunk," You shrug, "I went 'cause my boyfriend invited me."
"He invited you," Aaron repeats, "And then... wow."
"I'm sorry," Aaron looks at you, stopped at a signal just outside of the neighborhood, "Really. That's awful. You deserve so much better than that."
"Thank you, Mr. Hotchner," You sniffle, "I really appreciate how kind you're being. The ride, and- and the jacket, and-"
"It's no problem," He assures you, looking you in the eyes through the mirror, "That's what you deserve, sweetheart. You don't need to thank me for it."
You have the ironic urge to thank him again.
"And you can call me Aaron." He reminds you, smiling knowingly at your reflection, "You know that."
He's made a point to tell you time and time again that you're allowed to call him by his first name. During impromptu, mid-study-session dinners, at pick-ups in the college parking lot, but you've never felt acquainted with him before, not like this. Wearing his jacket while he drives you home after a ten minute hug seems a lot better of a reason to use his first name than seeing him in passing while you're laughing with Jack.
"Aaron," You mumble, and he chuckles warmly.
You don't have much time to enjoy the sound, even if it flips your stomach into cartwheels. You wish you could savor it, but you watch Aaron take a wrong turn to your house, and a frown tugs your brows down.
"Uh, I live that way," You point behind you, "It's okay, you can just turn up there, I think."
"We're stopping somewhere first," He explains, car bouncing as he pulls into the parking lot of a convenience store, "Come with me?"
You nod, wordlessly, climbing out of the car. He's already around to your side when you step out, looking only a little upset that he hadn't gotten to open the door for you. He shuts it, though, and catches his jacket when it slips from around your shoulders.
"Oh-! Here," He holds the material open, urging you to fit your arms through the slots, "Put it on, honey."
You blame his honey-sweet tone of voice for how clumsy you are in slipping into the jacket. It's unfair, really, how he's treating you like a precious thing, wrapping you in his jacket and driving you home. Then he zips it for you, all the way up to your chin, and you think you're in love.
The cool night air feels even more now like a fresh start. Thoughts of your awful ex-boyfriend have been looming over you the entire time, but they ebb away with each caring gesture Aaron shows you. It takes every ounce of self control in your body not to tackle him into a kiss when he takes your hand, leading you into the convenience store.
He beelines for the frozen section, grabbing a handheld basket on the way. He stops you right in front of the ice creams, only dropping your hand to gesture at the display case.
"Go ahead," He urges you, "Pick some. That's proper breakup ritual, I hear."
"Aaron, no-!"
"It's a rite of passage," He cuts you off, something stern in his eyes even if they're primarily kind, "Just- here. You like cookies and cream, right?" He eyes a container of the flavor behind the glass, and you nod tentatively, wondering how he'd remembered. You'd only eaten it once at his house, and he'd only known because he'd caught you washing your bowl out, and insisted on doing it himself because you were a guest.
He pushes the basket into your hands, and you watch begrudgingly as he takes two quarts of ice cream from the shelf. You protest weakly as he ushers you to the counter, but he shushes you gently, stepping in front of you to pay.
"Aaron," You mumble, cheeks hot and voice whiny as he waits for the cashier to ring him up. You knock your face against his back, burying it there for safekeeping, and he reaches back to pat your side.
The total isn't egregious, but it's more than you're happy with him spending on you. Of course, you don't have cash, so you're unable to pay him back, either. You'll have to slip Jack money the next time you see him, but you have a sneaking suspicion he'd use it at the school's vending machine instead.
"Thank you," You gush, voice still thick with embarrassment and cheeks still burning as Aaron leads you back to the SUV. He's slipped his hand back into yours, and he tucks the ice cream at your feet when you're settled into your seat.
"Again," He urges, resting his hand over your own where they lay in your lap, "Don't thank me. I'm only treating you like you deserve."
If he notices the monumental smile you try to bite back, he doesn't tease you about it.
He pulls into your driveway shortly after, with no further detours. You're renting a little ground-floor condo, and he walks you to your door with your ice cream in hand.
"Alright," He sighs, passing the bag over to you, "I think you have to watch a romance movie with this," He glances at the bag, "It's the law, I'm pretty sure."
"Oh, yeah?" You grin, the expression brighter than it would have been a half-hour ago, "What if I don't? Are the police gonna show up?"
"I will," He threatens, a warm smile on his face, "And I'm a bit of an ice cream fiend, so don't tempt me."
"Well there's two quarts..." You raise your brows, a silent invitation.
"I don't want to intrude," He starts, but you cut him off before he can even try.
"Mr.- Aaron," You hesitate, voice coming out meager where you want it confident, "I really don't want to be alone right now."
You almost expect him to leave. Sure, he'd been sweet to you tonight. But you're nervous that his sympathy was temporary, and that it's waning. So you stare at his shirt instead of his eyes, and you miss the way his gaze softens.
"Okay." He nods, one foot stepping forwards towards the threshold of your condo, "Okay honey. I'll stay."
Your condo isn't much. You're a college student, not a CEO, and your shoddy furniture tells that story. Aaron doesn't seem to mind, though, setting the bag on the counter and rummaging for spoons.
"You sure you want to share?" He eyes you where you've sat yourself on the couch, quarts and spoons in hand as he joins you.
"I'm sure," You nod, reaching for the tv remote, "I think I'd get sick if I ate two cartons."
A romance movie isn't hard to find, but you feel yourself developing a pounding headache from the exhaustion of crying. The ice cream is sweet on your tongue, cookies crunching between your teeth and staining them dark. You munch through the first half of the movie, digging into the carton with a greedy spoon each time. You don't even breach the halfway point before you have to stop, eyes closing and head pounding.
Aaron's similarly engaged with his ice cream, spoon upside-down in his mouth as he sucks it clean. You try not to stare at his mouth, but you're bashful as you place the lid back on your ice cream tub.
"I'm gonna beat you," Aaron boasts, digging his spoon back in for more ice cream, "Quitter."
"Go ahead," You sigh, head lolling back against the cushions. Your voice is colored with defeat, sad and dull. Aaron suspects it's not just about your unspoken ice cream eating contest.
"C'mere," He sighs, jamming his spoon into his ice cream and wrapping his now free arm around your shoulders. He urges you against his shoulder, something that you'd wanted to do since the moment you'd sat down, but didn't have the guts to.
"I'm sorry, honey." He reminds you as you lay your head against his shoulder, his constant slew of sympathy warming your chest, "He's an idiot."
"I feel like the idiot," You admit, voice in a low grumble, "I should have known it was too good to be true."
He pauses, stiffens, shifts. He's turned to face you, now, nudging your head off of his shoulder so he can look you in the eye. He's frowning, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, like... I dunno." You sigh in defeat, "I wasn't exactly everyone's dream girl in high school. And when I started college and everyone seemed older and more mature, it was comforting, like a fresh start. And then he took an interest in me, and I felt like things were finally starting to work for me, like I was finally a girl that guys liked. And then... well, you know the story. It just feels like I should have known better."
All the while, through your confession, Aaron's face has twisted itself into the deepest frown you've ever seen on the man. It looks like it's embedded permanently into his features, like he's stuck there from now on. It's almost cartoonish, and you'd laugh if you weren't so sad.
"Don't say that." He orders, voice stern.
"Don't say that." He repeats, "This is not your fault. You were not supposed to see it coming, nor does it mean that people don't like you. College boys are..." He deliberates carefully on his word choice, seeing as he has one himself, "Impulsive. And impulsivity can sometimes be channeled into some pretty stupid shit. Like cheating on your girlfriend. Okay? It's not your fault that college boys are stupid."
"But-" You start with a choked voice, and his disapproving glare intensifies, "He wouldn't have cheated on me if I wasn't doing something wrong, would he? Or- or maybe I just am wrong, maybe I'm just not the type of person that's good enough to make someone stay."
"That is," He rushes to reply, reaching up to thumb a tear away from the apple of your cheek, "The dumbest thing I've ever heard." His hand rests there now, flush to your face, and there's a cold stripe down the middle where he'd been holding his spoon. His fingers are chilly too, but they warm against your skin.
"You are not wrong, there is nothing about you that makes you 'not good enough'. I can think of a thousand things that make you wonderful, but not one dealbreaker. Listen to me, please." He's leaning in, getting closer and closer with every word that tumbles from his lips, "There are people who fall in love with serial killers. No one is unlovable, certainly not you."
"But- but those people fall in love with serial killers because they're serial killers. That's- that's a thing about them, that's a lifestyle that people glorify. No one glorifies mediocrity, Aaron," Your heart sinks, "And that's what I am. I'm mediocre, maybe I'm good enough to take home for a night but I'm not good enough to live with."
In all of your frantic blubbering, you'd avoided eye contact with Aaron. Snapping back to focus, though, you see that it's impossible now, that he's close enough that your noses are brushing, and his breath is fanning over your mouth. Your own breath hitches in your throat, and your heart pounds.
His eyes, once stern and disapproving, are soft around the edges. They're chocolatey, and they speak to his sweet soul that's compelling him to stroke his thumb over the pudge of your cheek. You think for all the world that he's going to kiss you, you almost beg for it, but at the last minute, he tilts his head down, not forwards.
His forehead presses to your own, and his eyes shut.
"You are," He murmurs, holding you close, keeping your face flush to his, "The perfect girl. You're sweet, you're kind, you're funny, you're caring, you're so pretty, you're hardworking, you're resilient, you are... I could name a thousand other things. And, one day," His eyes flutter open, staring into your own as best he can at such a close proximity, "The right person will tell you that."
Aaron is the right person. He has to be, you can't imagine anyone else in the world being as kind or sweet with you as he is. And after all, that's what he says you deserve, right? The way his hand fits around your face seems like a piece of your puzzle you'd never known was missing until it snapped into place, and if you could steal his voice sea-witch style just to hear it all day long, you would.
It's a staring contest, and you blink first.
"I'm glad you told me," You admit, voice thick with emotion. You're not sure whether he picks up on the fact that you're designating him as the right person or not, but you choose not to think about it as he pulls you impossibly closer.
"Don't thank me," He reminds you, "it's what you deserve. Are you tired?"
"Yeah." You admit, slumping your forehead against him even as he tries moving away. It means that your skin slips against his lips, and he presses them into a pucker against your head. You'll savor the feeling forever.
"Go to sleep," He urges you, hand still on your cheek to guide it back to his shoulder. You curl into him much easier now, feeling lovey enough even to wrap your arms around one of his own. The movie plays forgotten on the tv, and your eyes shut to the vision of Aaron's lap, ice cream abandoned between his thighs. It's a nice image, but one you can't think too hard about while sleepy.
His hand comes up from where it had been draped over the cushions behind you to rub your back. He applies soft, gentle pressure, stroking up and down over the fabric of your- his jacket, one that you hope he doesn't take off of you before he leaves. It's grounding, and it only makes you burrow into him more.
The way you know he's the right person for sure is by fighting sleep. You want to conserve your time with Aaron, and you don't want to forget the feeling of his tender touches. You're in that floaty space between sleep and consciousness, somewhere with bodliy sensation but little cognitive ability. Your brain is pleasantly cloudy, and Aaron's hand on your back never stops.
When your breathing evens out, Aaron thinks you're asleep. You feel him shift ever-so-slightly, and you're worried he'll leave you. But he doesn't, he gets even closer, and you feel his lips land on the crown of your head.
"Perfect," He murmurs into your scalp, vibrations thrumming through your skull and wriggling their way into your brain, cementing the thought there, "G'night, sweetheart."
You drift to sleep knowing, without a doubt, that Aaron is the right person for you.
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series is 18+ and will contain fluff, suggestion, SMUT (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, mental health struggles, eating disorder, self doubt, body image issues, daddy kink, angst, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 23- Girl Dad | ‘Ours’
“Dada sleepy” Teddy whined pulling on Trent’s arm with a pouty face as they sat in the summer sun on the grass outside. They had originally been running about with a football but it had declined into them just laying there. Teddy complaining incessantly that she was tired. 
“Aw baby bear I’m sorry but can you stay awake for me? It’s not time for a nap yet.” He cooed gently. Her bottom lip immediately began to quiver. “Come here, Ted. I gotcha. We can go lay in your room for a little alright but we have to stay awake. Do you know why? I bet you’ll be soooo happy” He asked Teddy, pulling her into his arms. He ran his hand lovingly up and down her back.
“Nos dada.” She mumbled nuzzling her face into him. He stood up still holding her tight.
“Yeah you do, Ted. Mummy is coming home today. Aren’t you so excited to see her?” He picked her head up off him, pressing his nose to hers, one of her cheeks resting against his palm. “I know you are. We’ve missed mummy, huh?” He cooed, giving her a kiss. 
“Miss mama, dada.” She whined again with pooling puppy dog eyes, her lips curling into a sad pout. She looked adorably sleepy. He brushed his hand over her curls as they made their way inside before they laid on the floor upstairs with a few toys. Teddy tiredly answering Trent’s persistent questions in hopes he could keep her awake. 
“Who is that!?! Who just came home, Teddy girl?” Trent asked in a gentle voice scooping up Teddy off her tummy on the floor of her nursery playmat. He heard the alarm from your front door go off as you opened it coming home from the airport. He plopped her on her own two feet to run down the hall and helped her down the stairs, her hand in his. “C’mon, hurry! I think that’s mummy. Let’s go see.” He laughed teasing her, pushing her to move quicker but Teddy faltered a little beginning to get too eager to see you so he just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as he jogged down the stairs, her giggles trailing behind them. Teddy let out a rambunctious ‘Mama!!’ Without even being able to see you properly, she could just tell. “Alright alright.” Trent laughed as Teddy desperately tried to wiggle and break away from him to get to you. “I’m old news now that mummy’s home, huh?” He joked, placing her on the floor.
“Hi! Hi! Hi! My sweet girl! Come here. Mwah! '' You cooed as Teddy ran as fast as she could to you before you planted a fat kiss on her picking her up. She wiggled squirming in your arms excitedly kicking her legs. “Come here!” You squished her tighter to you. “Didn’t you miss meee.” You sang as you peppered her with more kisses as her tiny giggles filled the entry way into your house. “You’re never old news, T. Missed you both so much” You kissed him, moving Teddy to your hip. 
“Flight was fine? I told you I’d come get you. I didn’t want you to take an Uber home alone.” He looked at you genuinely concerned. You laughed, kissing him once more with reassurance.
“T… It was all fine. It would’ve been silly plus what would you have done for lunch time if you were busy picking up mummy!” You cooed, turning your attention off him and to your little girl. She greedily grabbed for more of you, a physically impossible feat as her face was already squished into you entirely. 
“Fairs. We did have a good lunchtime didn’t we, baby bear? Tell mama what we had.” He cooed rubbing his big hand over her little curls. She pulled away from you and flicked her eyes back and forth between you two trying to listen to you both but impatiently waiting to talk.
“Pah ta.” She giggled pulling at your shirt excited to tell you that Trent had made her pasta. 
“Mmm! Was it yummy?” You asked and she nodded. “Did you save any for me or did you eat it all?” You asked her with a cheeky smile fairly sure the answer would be no. 
“Nah, someone was hungry.” Trent answered for her, wiping her plump pout. Her lips pulled into a mischievous grin. 
“My hungry girl.” You nommed on her tummy as she squealed. “I’m assuming they were the correct shape this time?” You laughed making fun of Trent’s struggles dealing with Teddy’s growing pickiness. 
“They were, thank you for telling me there was a big difference. God forbid we have airplane shaped pasta over dog shaped. Gets whatever she wants though, doesn't she?” He rolled his eyes at you before giving you a kiss to his cheek, switching his focus to Teddy. “Tell mama where we ate as well. Go on.” He cooed, moving to rub his thumb over her cheek.
“ ‘Side mama!” Teddy yelled. You laughed at her volume blinking your eyes adjusting to being back in the presence of a two year old. “Mama!” She yelled once more restlessly.
“Wow… you’re just so excited mummy is home now. You were so sleepy a little bit ago. You were complaining you wanted to lay down with me. Now you’re here yelling about. What’s all that about?” Trent teased Teddy about her dramatic shift in energy. Moments before you came home she was begging for them to move upstairs to her room because she was sleepy, slowly migrating to both of them laying on the floor but as Trent had told her, it wasn’t near enough her nap time just yet then so he was trying to withstand his new found battle of having to fight against his very own pooling puppy dog eyes looking right back at him. You called it karma. 
“Mama, mama, mama!” She screamed loving the attention she was getting from both of you.  Overjoyed that you were finally back home.  
“Yes? Hello, pretty girl. I missed you and daddy so much.”  You cooed, paying her mind. She was so excited to talk to you but you felt like your eyes were going to close. You kissed her chubby cheeks lazily telling her just how much you missed her hoping it would settle some of the energy coursing through her.  You moved to the couch and crashed. You were exhausted from your night out last night and your early flight. Travel in general always ran you a little ragged. You cuddled up on top of Trent after he set Teddy up to lay on the carpet in front of the tv with some toys for a while until she got bored and noticed you were together without her. 
“Mama! Mama, miss Teddy?” She asked moving to attempt to pull herself up clumsily and awkwardly on to the couch. Apparently telling her for a half hour you definitely had missed her was not enough. There was definitely a better way to get on to the couch but she managed eventually regardless. You let her do it on her own despite her silly approach. Her attempt number two was much more successful than her first. She was eager to know if you missed her and adamant to get the same attention you were currently giving to Trent. 
“Yeah, cutie girl. I missed you the most. Do you know who else I missed just as much?” You cooed with a sleepy smile. She shook her head ‘no’ very sure you couldn’t miss anyone nearly as much as you missed her.  “I really missed daddy though too.”  You clung to Trent paying attention to her but not wanting to get off him.  “Mummy’s tired baby and wants a cuddle with dada.” You cooed letting her know you weren’t exactly in the mood to run about the house right now with her unfortunately.
“Mama nap?” Teddy cooed and gave you an inquisitive look tilting her head. She thankfully understood you were exhausted. Frankly, the feeling was radiating off you. It was palpable.
“Yeah, Ted. Good idea. Let’s go cuddle in bed. We can let mummy sleep and you and me can watch something.” Trent made the executive decision for the three of you. It sounded perfect and just what you wanted.
“Dada help!” She yelped at Trent grabbing your arm signaling for him to ‘help’ carry you and so he did, entirely without any of her help. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist draping your arms over his shoulder lazily and dropping your face into his neck while he carried you upstairs. Teddy hanging onto the fabric of his shorts following closely. 
“I love you.” You said laying down in your very missed bed kissing his warm skin. “I’m yours, T.  Always yours.” You whispered hushly just to him, cuddling further into him in your bed. Your face stayed buried in his neck. All you wanted to do was be around him, smell him, feel him after your few days apart.   
“Love you so much, beautiful.” Trent whispered to you but not as quiet as you evidently because Teddy was quick to perk up hearing his words. 
“Mama booful.” Teddy cooed with a smile agreeing with Trent, looking back at him with real certainty.  
“Yeah. I think so. Don’t you?” Trent laughed at her little intrusion. She nodded at him. Your eyes remained shut letting them converse too tired to participate yourself. 
“My mama!” She grabbed for you, hugging your side, nuzzling into you. You hummed. You let her just wiggle her way in between you and Trent which in fairness was a small space so it took her a minute. Trent had tried to shift you and pull her in more comfortably but at the moment you just couldn’t get close enough to them both. Trent let you fall asleep for a little, Teddy slow to follow but nevertheless getting the nap she had wanted, all of you just taking the day to relax. A very calm one that ended up with you cuddling up back in your bed once again when night came around.
“Nobody could ever understand what this feels like.” You whispered to Trent as the quiet dark night filled the room. You laid on top of Trent. Your hand behind his head dragging your fingers over his hair, scratching gently at his scalp. “What you mean to me. You’re fucking air to me.” You continued nuzzling into him. He caressed the back of your head just the same as he kissed your cheek. 
“I couldn’t be without you. Baby… you are the only thing I need for the rest of my life, yeah?” He whispered back to you gently, keeping his hands on you, rubbing over your soft skin, unable to detach. He pulled your face from his neck and held your face above his for a moment. His eyes gazed up into yours. His eyes narrowed a little and a smirk pulled across his face. He pulled you down to him more, his lips crashing into yours in the most gentle terrifyingly perfect way. When he kissed you, You could feel your heart slow. Everything felt like it sloshed into a dream. How much you needed Trent was petrifying, you couldn’t imagine never not being exactly right where you were at this very moment. Somehow an incredibly mortal person felt completely transcendent. He was sweet and heavenly and all yours. 
“You think there is anything I don’t know about you, T?” You asked him with a childish giggle pulling away. He kind of thought the kiss was going to lead to something maybe a little bit more adult but he was happy to entertain the juvenile question if it meant seeing you smile the way you were at him. 
“Mmmm” He hummed thinking for a minute.  “I’d give you like an 88%.” He told you earnestly. Your brow furrowed, not exactly happy with your score. “Well I don’t even know all 100% of me... You know what fine, baby. I think maybe I’ll give you a 96% if we were to pretend I knew all 100%.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Any more questions?” He asked you cheekily. You hummed thinking for a moment. 
“Okay… erm, am I the best kisser in the world?” You asked him. You tilted your head with a cute smile. You hoped the answer was yes and if not that he’d lie. He nodded his head, keeping his lips shut trying to bite back a smile. He bit his bottom lip tight as he scanned your face. 
“Silly question. The answer is obvious. I’m not answering that.” He cooed and you looked at him curiously. Wondering if you weren’t his obvious answer. You couldn’t control your face dropping a little. Trent couldn’t miss it. “Baby… hey.” He let out a breathy laugh picking up your chin in his hand knowing you well enough that you wanted an answer. “You… you are the only kiss I ever want, could ever want to remember, you are it. Best in the world” He cooed, pressing his lips to yours with a hum. 
“Okay, fine… good answer.” You giggled, okay with his answer. “New question, what do you like about me, physically?” You shot him another question.
“Wow… Where do I even begin?” Trent rubbed his hands over his face trying to think.  He laughed a little trying to narrow it down in his head. “Erm… You know what and this isn’t one thing over another because I love all of you but I am going to go with that smile. That does it for me every time. You just have a glow about you, baby. You are so beautiful. When you smile or laugh I feel like my heart falters a little. Your eyes squint a little in the cutest way, you just light up.” He cooed. You pouted at him with a shake of the head. “Nah, take the compliment. It’s all true. You’re gorgeous. Anything else or can we get to bed now?” He asked once more, making sure there wasn’t anything else you needed to know before you ended your day. 
“Yeah, you were really cheeky about the photos I posted on holiday but you didn’t tell me which was your favorite. So which one did you like the most?” You probed once more, inquiring about his reaction to your holiday instagrams. He shook his head pulling you further into him. 
“Goodnighttt.” He sang, kissing your forehead. 
“Wait one more! One more!” You giggled, trying to move in his arms to look at his face more. “How much do you love me?”  You asked. Trent just rolled his eyes with one more kiss ignoring your question. You knew his answer.
“T…” You groaned through a yawn. The morning light came flooding into your bedroom. All you wanted to do was somehow close your eyes tighter to block out the brightness. You tried your best and sleepily nuzzled into Trent. His hands were all over you. Under your shorts, pushing up your top, rubbing your arms, just everywhere. 
“Mmhmmm baby.” He hummed in response.  “Too many days apart and way too many clothes on you right now.” He whispered. An uncontrollable smirk pulled on your lips, your hand dropping in between you both sliding into his boxers as if it was magnetically drawn there. “See this is why I’m marrying you. You just get me.” He cooed with a smug laugh happy with where your hands were going.
“You’re marrying me because I’ll touch you in the morning when you won’t stop bothering me when I’m trying to sleep?” You teased him trying to not let out a little giggle. 
“No baby but I’m marrying you because I know you well enough that I know you want my hands here.” He said as he cheekily dragged his hands to your ass kneading it. “I know that I’ve been up for a half hour and all I’ve been thinking about is how happy I am you’re home and how nice it’d be to welcome you home, pretty girl.” He let out a breathy laugh
“Welcome me home, hmm?” You asked him with real inquiry. You weren’t opposed to having a little fun with him this morning. 
“Yeah anymore comments, complaints?” He rolled you over to be on top of you now. His hands pulling up your tiny tank top,  your boobs swiftly on full display for him. You shyly shook your head ‘no.’
“We’ll tell me because I wouldn’t want to do anything you don’t like…” He whispered, dropping his head beginning to place kisses along your jaw as he kept dragging out starting something. His hands just ghosting over your body now. 
“T…” you whined. “Okay, stop. Please, I know why you’re marrying me. Come on.” You desperately begged him to do more. To touch you, to kiss you, something!
“Please what, baby?” He mocked your desperation cheekily with another question. He took it too far. You huffed and had had enough. If he didn’t want you, you didn’t want him. You tried to move out from underneath him. “Nah, nah, nah, I’m sorry.” He buried his face in your neck talking between gross wet kisses. “C’mere, baby.” He let out a hearty laugh pinning you underneath him pressing all his weight on top of you. 
“No! No, no! Uh uh. I’m done with your games, T. You’re on your own now this morning! Let me out! Your loss!”  You quipped at him with a faux scowl on your face. 
“Oh don’t be like that, beautiful.” He cooed with a laugh as you moved him off you. You got out of the bed and you knew exactly what you were doing. You walked towards the en-suite of your bedroom. You peeled your clothes off purposefully slow and seductively. “Nah, c’mon now. Don’t be mean about it.” He groaned with a cheeky grin. You turned on the shower and Trent’s eyes lit up. He was quick to follow you. You walked onto the cold marble floor and under the warm water. You weren’t going to tell him no, in fact, this is exactly what you wanted when you initially stood up so when you saw him peel his t-shirt off over his head you decided to fuel the situation and hum at the delicious sight. 
“You look so good right now.” You cooed with a cheeky smile. You stuck your hand out to pull him into the shower once he was fully undressed.
“I think we look good right now.”  He took your hand and pulled you into him. Your wet body coming against his dry one before he pushed you back into the tiled wall. 
“Yeah? You think? I wanna see.” You giggled moving around him. His brows furrowed for a moment wondering what you meant and where you were trying to go until you hopped out of the shower with a skip running to the sink counter to get your phone. You placed it up right facing the shower and pulled up your camera. 
“Oh yeah, baby?” He asked you with a glowing smile pulling his lips up. You turned and nodded. You hit record and scampered back into the shower and draped your arms over his shoulders. He slipped his arms around your waist and dropped his hands to lay over the curve of your ass. Being in Trent’s arms sent any wall you could’ve ever had crumbling down. Your submissiveness with Trent came to the forefront immediately as you closed the space in between your lips. His hands slid around you and worked up to your tits. He pulled away from your kiss to your disappointment momentarily until he worked his lips down your neck and their way to one of your nipples, taking it in his mouth pinching the other with his fingers. 
“Fuck, T.” You moaned as his free hand lifted one of your legs by your thigh to wrap around his waist. His hands on you felt like fire, shivers racing down your spine with the water from the shower head. His hands dropped in between you two and glided their way through your folds. 
“Gonna be a good girl for me now?” He spoke into your neck between kisses when he slipped two of his fingers into you. You let out in a gasp. “You gonna let me take care of you this morning now” Trent said while his fingers worked slow and then up to a blistering pace. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach forming minute after minute. You shut your eyes tight, your pussy pulsating around his fingers. Before you could even tell Trent you felt it all snap and release, a sensation of pleasure washing over you embarrassingly quick.
“Oh my god” you muttered. You felt like you could barely speak. Your one hand dropped between your bodies and wrapped around his hardening length. The other pulling the back of his neck towards you to start kissing him passionately and messily. He pulled away for a moment and picked up your other thigh from under your ass holding you up pushing your back against the wall a little more. “T, don’t drop me.” You moaned with a giggle, ghosting your lips over his. You pumped his length a few times before he lined up his cock at your entrance, teasing you with the tip.  
“Nah, let me take care of you, alright? I got you, baby.” He groaned, feeling his cock slid into you slowly. Your eyes fluttered closed from the stretch. “Fuck, needed this since last night. Feel so good f’me, baby.” He moaned as you tightened your legs around his waist more. He rolled his hips into you and his cock pushed deeper, hitting a spot only he knew. When he found the perfect rhythm you could feel the knot in your stomach tightening again. He sucked and nibbled onto your sensitive neck, the heat coursing through your body in contrast to the cold tiles pressing into your back. 
“T…” you whined as he reached in between you and rubbed your clit in harsh tight circles but fell into messy motions when Trent began to have a hard time focusing. You felt so good. You could barely speak from how good he felt. Your stomach tightened and your walls fluttered as you came, squirting a little.
“Good girl. So fucking good. Turn around f’me. Want you to see how good you look when I fuck from behind.” He spoke into your neck as your pussy continued to throb. He pulled out gently placing your feet on the ground and turning you around. He held you ass cheeks apart as you bent over to see himself slide inside. “So fucking wet.” He groaned as your eyes rolled back into your head. The thickness of his cock stretching you out all over again. Your moans echoed off the shower walls as he fucked you for ages. You were in heaven.  He adjusted his hips thrusting into you a bit harder. You gasped and clenched tighter around his cock. “Cum f’me, baby. I wanna make you cum f’me. Fuck.” He cursed. He dragged his cock out slowly before pushing back right back in. All you could hear was the water of the shower cascading over you and the slaps of your wet skin colliding. It made your pussy that much wetter. Your orgasm drew quickly. The muscles in your stomach tensed but your tightness cause Trent’s thrusts to begin to get fairly sloppy in the best type of way. He gripped your hips and dug his fingers into your wet skin.  
“Baby, please. Please, I’m gonna cum. T.” You whined as your cheek pressed into the cold tiles in front of you. You might have been drooling but you were in such a haze you had no idea. He gathered your wet hair off your back and dragged your head back pulling it by it. He gripped your jawline with his other hand and forced you to turn to look back at him. You were for him to use and you never felt better because he treated you like you weren’t like all he cared about was you. How you felt, making sure you knew he was doing it because he loved you. That’s what made him feel good… okay, and probably a few other things happening right now but your pleasure was fueling him. Your wetness ran down your inner thighs with the water and covered his entire length as he moved seamlessly in and out of you. Swiftly a third orgasm crashed over you. You let out a pornographic moan with your release. 
“I love you. Oh my god, fuck! You’re so deep.” You cried as you felt every inch of him push deeper. You had completely forgotten about the phone capturing your trembling frame and every moan you made. He reached that spot so deep you both loved and you shuttered letting out another sinful noise.
“Shhh, baby. It’s early, gotta be quiet f’me.” He mocked you. It was unfair to tell you that considering how he was fucking you right now so you ignored him untill he continued to drill into that spot causing pleasure to ripple through you. You just about screamed, making an absolute mess around his cock. “There it is, baby. Such a good girl. That’s the spot, huh? You love this.” He whispered into your ear before letting your body drop back into the bent position for him to fuck you harder with more pace. “Look so beautiful like this. I can’t wait to watch this back.” He let out a breathy laugh before your pussy clenched tighter, imaging the video you were making causing him to let out a groan. “You’re mine forever, baby. Do you know that? None of those fucking lads in your instagram comments, could ever fuck you like this. Tell me you know your mine.” He grunted as you threw your ass back on his length while he slapped your ass. 
“I’m yours, T. Only yours… oh my god.” You both felt your highs wash over you instantaneously. He moaned your name as he filled your puddy with his cum. Your heart was fucking pounding, you thought you might’ve blacked out momentarily but Trent was quick to secure you in his arms, pressing your back into his chest, of course not to miss the opportunity to turn you around to face directly at your phones camera as he kneaded your tits in his hands. You didn’t care. You felt so euphoric you just dropped your head back onto his shoulder. 
“You’re so sexy baby.” Trent cooed watching you two on your phone’s front screen. You hummed and he finished your actual shower for you, turning off the water and wrapping you in a towel before carrying you into your bed for a cuddle.  
“Can we go get Ted?” You asked him as you snuggled up on top of your blankets after, freshly clean and freshly fucked out of your mind. 
“Don’t want to be with just me?” He asked with a faux pout pretending to be hurt by your comments.  
“I do, of course I do but I miss being all together. It feels like it’s been ages.” You returned the theatrical pout back to him.  
“Alright, gimme a good kiss first.” He asked pushing his pursed lips out towards you the childish way Teddy often did.  
“They’re not all good?” You asked, feigning offense. His pursed lips cracked into a smile. He just grabbed you cheeks with one hand pushing your lips forcefully out to kiss him ignoring your question. He captured your lips in a sweet kiss and despite your exhaustion, the adrenaline running through you was high and so was your lust for him. You pushed for more. You melted into him and he pulled your body more into his. Your lips unable to part as you began to grind your body on him.  
“Should we go get her?” Trent asked, breaking the kiss with an annoyingly cheeky smile. 
“Hold on. I just need…” you didn’t finish your sentence, you just straddled over top of him and pulled him into another sensual kiss. Your morning alone with Trent did not stop there. 
It was a few weeks later and the start of a new week. It was going to be a busy one. Trent had a work commitment, you had to go to the courthouse to sign your marriage license in the UK and then… the largest event of this summer break, and potentially your life, you were flying to New York for your wedding. Trent was stood in your kitchen when you came up behind him after you got ready for your day. You slipped your hands down into the band of his sweats and softly guided them on his skin from his hips inwards over his abs. He hummed loving the feeling of your hands on him. 
“You’re a tease but I like you.” Trent laughed as goosebumps raised on his skin, turning his head awkwardly back towards you to try to see more of you.  For some reason hearing that he ‘liked’ you felt so intimate. 
“You like me?” You cooed with a giggle. It felt different instead of an I love you.  You batted your eyelashes up at him with a warm feeling filling your chest as you kept your hands on his warm skin.  
“I really like you. In fact, I love you.” He told you with certainty. He craned his neck a little further back to you and kissed your forehead. You leaned into his lips with a hum.
“Lub mama, dada!” Teddy giggled in her high chair forever keen on being involved in any interaction you and Trent were having without her. Begging for attention. You shook your head. 
“You lub me too, Teddy girl?” You giggled moving over to her. You wiped the side of her mouth with your thumb. “Do you want to go see daddy be a celebrity today?” You asked her with cheek, Trent rolling his eyes. Trent had an Adidas commitment later in the day. It was in Liverpool for a launch of a boot he was coming out with for the brand. It was a big event and he wanted you to go. If he wanted you to go to something like this, you’d usually go. You knew he got a little nervous and having you there made him feel better. It was old hat for him to do the events but supporting him would never be something either of you would take for granite. You’d always go to support him but fan heavy events were a lot for you and you were interested to see how Teddy would handle them.
“Lebrity dada.” Teddy tried to coo. She tilted her head trying to figure out what you were telling her about her dad. 
“Yeah, daddy is so famous. Did you know everyone in Liverpool loves your daddy?” You laughed a little more. Trent rolled his eyes once more before leaving the room. You weren’t sure where he was going but you assumed he’d be back.
“Don’t listen to mummy, baby bear. Daddy is just yours but can you come with me today? I need my Ted anddd.” Trent spoke as he came over behind you wrapping his arms around you and swaying your body side to side with one arm laid over your chest. His other hand dropped down by his side holding a little box. “I got you dada’s new boots, want to see?”
“T… her first boots are gonna be yours? That is so sweet. Teddy girl, want to be like dada?” You cooed with a pout opening the tiny shoe box for her pulling out the Adidas boot collaboration Trent had done with them. The little pair of Predators melted your heart. 
“Yeah, what do you think, Ted? You think people will like them? Can match me today.” Trent spoke to Teddy with a really proud glint in his eyes. She nodded grabbing the boot from his hand. 
“Reddy to go?” You asked, picking up your purse and Teddy’s bag. You looked at Trent. He smiled at you and stood up from the couch in your living room he was sitting on with Teddy. She was in a little adidas fit, a pink t-shirt and red shorts with her new boots, her little hair pulled back into a slicked back bun. She looked perfectly cute.
“Yeah, all good to go, aren’t we, baby bear?” He asked Teddy. She sleepily nodded before cuddling back into his chest bawling his shirt in her tiny hand. She had just woken up from her nap and was going to stay stuck to him until you inevitably had to peel her off. “I don’t think it’ll be a lot of people, you know?” He cooed as you got into the car.
“Okay… don’t lie.” You laughed looking at him with a smug smile. This was an event in Liverpool with Trent Alexander-Arnold for Football boots, of course, there would be a lot of people there. When you arrived Tyler was also there so you tucked off to the side with him while Trent did all the things he had to do. You bounced Teddy on your hip as you watched fans flock and surround Trent. It felt bizarre like he was being pulled away from you. It was a strange juxtaposition of pride and fear. You understood the hype. He was amazing but simultaneously you wanted to be like ‘okay, let’s go. You’re mine.’ In your tunneling vision watching him, he turned back to find you with his eyes as he was shuffled into a space away from fans for interviews, shooting a wink your way. Butterflies filled your stomach. You couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that the man swarmed by fans was the father of the little girl in your arms but more so that you were going to be his wife by the end of this week.
“Don’t think it'll be a lot of people.” You teased Trent with what he said before you went to the event giving him a cheeky smile. There were thousands of people there today to meet him, hell, just to even see him. You draped your arms around him, pressing your forehead to his. “Proud of you, dada.” You kissed his lips with a smile feeling Teddy slip herself in between you and his legs.
“C’mere baby. You proud of me, huh?” Trent cooed, bending down to pick up Teddy. She didn’t answer him with anything concrete, just a squeal of sorts and an excited hug, wrapping her arms around his neck with real force. “Like mama, yeah?” Trent laughed asking her. She nodded. “The whole time you were away the other week, Ted would look at me all the time like this and say ‘like mama’ and cling to me, face in my neck, arms wrapped around me in any way possible… all day.” He looked back at you. 
“Stop.” You rolled your eyes at him. Unfortunately you definitely did believe it and to be fair, it was fairly accurate, You wrapped your arms around him just the way she did. Teddy was incredibly ‘like mama.’ 
“I’m serious, she said it!” Trent yelped trying to get you to believe him. He needed to make sure you knew he wasn’t lying, that he was right, naturally. 
“Like mama, huh?” You giggled, rubbing your thumb over Teddy’s plump cheek. You kissed her in the same place following your thumb. “Whether or not I believe you… it’s very cute.” You cooed with a smile flashing your eyes back to Trent sliding your hands now around his waist. 
“You’re cute.” He whispered, kissing your lips. Taking his one free hand and pulling you close into him and Teddy.  
You were fairly excited as you put on your lip gloss inspecting your full look one last time before you left the house before legally you became Mrs. Alexander-Arnold at least on paper. You wore a tiny lace mini dress with gold buttons. You ran your hands over it pressing it flat against your body and then bent over to adjust your Bottega heels. 
“Ready, baby?” Trent asked, coming behind you holding Teddy in one arm, the other ghosting your waist as their figures filled the mirror. You turned around to face them with a smile. 
“Come here.” You grunted, picking up Teddy from his arms. “You are the most beautiful girl in the world! Did you know that?” You pressed your nose to her cheeks. She let out a soft giggle. “You are! Say yes I am mummy.” You cooed, kissing her cheek. She just babbled out a ‘yeah am.” Trent reached around and tickled her stomach only drawing out more laughs. “Good girl! Want to have the same surname as mummy or no?” You asked Teddy. You’re not sure she understood the question because she shook her head ‘no’ which you tried to not take personally.
“Yeah, we want mama to be an Alexander Arnold too. C’mon, let’s go my beautiful girls.” Trent cooed, moving his hand to the small of your back to guide you. “You look beautiful. Officially mine, yeah?” He whispered in your ear as you kept your focus on Teddy. You turned back to him though hearing his compliment and question. 
“Always was just signing a piece of paper, T.” You giggled trying to downplay what you were doing. If you thought about it too much you were sure you would get anxious. The closer and closer you got to having to walk down the aisle the more and more nervous you were becoming. . 
“Wow, way to make such an exciting thing sound absolutely dead. Sheesh, baby.” Trent laughed as you began to get in the car. 
“Sorry sorry. No, of course, it’s exciting.” You placed your hand on his thigh as he started to drive out of your neighborhood. “What do I get being an Alexander-Arnold in Liverpool after this?” You asked with a slight laugh.
“What do you get?!?!” He yelped, whipping his head to look at you. “You get me? What are you on about?” Trent asked as he impatiently waited with his eyes wide. 
“Yeah but like do I now not get traffic tickets, do I not have to pay for things?” You teased him with a smug smirk and a giggle. He rolled his eyes. 
“None of that is happening…” He lied to you. It happened to him all the time. You raised your eyebrows waiting for the truth. “Okay, it has in the past.” He got out fairly disgruntled having to admit the truth. “If you’re with me though you never have to worry about a thing and you know that.” He squeezed your hand resting on his thigh. 
“I know that. Thank you for taking care of me, baby.” You twisted your hand in his and brought them both back to your lips. You kissed the back of his hand a couple times. 
“Signed and sealed on that after this. No turning back.” He laughed, turning to you a little at a traffic light before your destination. 
“I’m okay with that.” You laced your fingers with his a little tighter. “George is coming, right? Like we’re actually doing this? You want to do this?” You asked Trent as your anxiety began to wash over you again. 
“Yes, baby.” He laughed a little more. “We’re doing this… I’m marrying you and you need to get on board because we’re here and you’ve got about 5 minutes to change your mind.” Trent rambled on as he parked the car. You shook your head at his dramatics. “Nah,  nevermind, you don’t get to decide anymore. If you strung me along this long. I’m just carrying you in. C’mon Ted,  help me get mummy inside.” Trent teased about dragging you in. Teddy’s face lit up when he turned to her. He opened his door and came around to get her out of her car seat.  “Can you believe that? Mummy wants something more than sharing a surname with me and you. Ridiculous. Trying to change her mind about marrying me.” He mumbled just to Teddy carrying her around to you. 
“I’d never in a million years change my mind. Isn’t dada so silly, Ted?” You cooed, fixing the cute dress she was in. Trent shook his head disapproving of you saying he’s silly. Teddy let out a ‘dada’ squeal grabbing around his neck smushing herself to him. Not ever being close enough to Trent, a feeling you knew all too well. Trent couldn’t hold his offended face hearing and seeing her reach out to him. His lips pulled into a sweet smile before he kissed her cheek.  You went inside the building and you did just what Trent said, signed and sealed your government approved marriage certificate. 
“Say congrats mummy and daddy.” George cooed holding Teddy as the four of you left the offices. Teddy got out something along the lines or ‘Graps mama dada.’ “It was a good go. Next time.” George laughed kissing her cheek. “Congrats mate. What a fucking whirlwind. You met on a street corner… like bro you know how mad that is that you just married her? You married her!” George emphasized giving Trent a hug with his free arms then gripping his shoulder shaking him back and forth. You had stepped away quickly to pop to the bathroom before you all left.  You and Trent had agreed that you wanted George to come and be your witness for the marriage for a number of reasons but mostly because you didn’t want to have to pick between siblings or parents and you didn’t want to invite 10 people to this either. You were sighing a piece of paper. It wasn’t all that exciting. 
“Yeah, mate… that was the plan.” Trent laughed, removing George’s hand from him. You came back and took Teddy from George. 
“Home?” You asked Trent leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“Home, baby.” He confirmed kissing your temple. 
“Thank you, George. I don’t think the city recognizes a two year old as a witness so we appreciate it, really.” You cooed with a smile smoothing Teddy’s dress for her as she kicked her legs back and forth admiring her little gold sandals. 
“Love you both.” George gave you a hug. “I’m really happy you met. It’s been wild but this has been really amazing, honest. As much shit as we give you two, it’s really nice.” He admitted a bit softer of a sentiment than he probably cared to admit.
“Weird right?” You giggled looking at Trent. You sat out at a table on your patio in the back garden under fairy lights later that night. You held his hand across the table thinking how insane this all was. Just like George had expressed to Trent, you met on a street corner… that was nuts.
“Were you expecting some big change after we came home?” He asked you with a smirk brushing his thumb over the back of your hand.
“No.” You shyly looked away although maybe you did think that. “I don’t know, like legally you can’t leave me. It’s crazy.”  You cooed with a cheeky smile. It felt bizarre that in one fell swoop you had left the house and returned with a husband. 
“Baby... I wasn’t planning on leaving. Get that through your pretty little head, please.” Trent knocked on your head with his fist gently. You rolled your eyes. “What do you think of being my wife so far?” He asked you with a childish grin. 
“It’s only been a few hours or so but no complaints so far. I think I’ll keep you around.” You cheekily responded with giggle. He stood up and moved over to come sit next to you. He picked you up and sat down pulling you back down to sit in his lap.
“No complaints? Wow so I’m a great husband then, yeah?” He laughed in the most beautiful way. You slipped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder tucking your face into his neck.
“The best husband, the best daddy, the best footballer, my best boy in the whole world, baby.”  You whispered to him into his warm skin. He brushed some of your hair that had fallen behind your ear.
“I love you more than anything in the entire world.” He kissed your forehead. “Can’t believe I got so lucky to have a girl like you become my wife. I’ve loved every second we’ve had together and I can’t wait to have the rest of our lives together. I want everyday with you and our Teddy girl.” He cooed. You picked your head up and held his face in your hands. You kissed his perfect pout. 
“She doesn’t stop talking now and she doesn’t even know how to talk.” You overheard Marcel ranting to Trent about Teddy in your kitchen as you came downstairs from putting her down for her nap.   
“She does know how to!” You interrupted them to correct his incorrect statement. 
“I mean… Y/N be real here. She is just making sounds at this point and yet she looks at me like I’m dumb for not understanding her. All day I’m like what are you saying to meee.” He groaned. Trent shook his head just listening to Marcel babble on, most likely just ignoring him. 
“That’s how I feel with you all.” You joked teasing them for their very thick accents. 
“That’s very rude.” Trent furrowed his brow. “She is deffo a yapper though. Ted just likes to talk, I’m down, I think it’s cute.” He continued on clarifying.  
“I wonder where she gets it from?” You asked sarcastically. You raised your eyebrows with a cheeky smile. Trent caught it but chose to ignore your comment. “But stop…She’s perfect in every way.” You snapped, turning to Marcel. 
“I never said she wasn’t perfect!” He held up his hands in innocence. Looking at you moving towards Trent in shock he was being accused of saying Teddy was anything but. 
“She is perfect. Perfection personified.” Trent joined in piling on as if Marcel had said something completely offensive. He, in fact, did not. 
“I miss when I was your perfect girl.” You whispered, slipping your hands around Trent’s waist, leaning your head onto his shoulder from behind. 
“You are my perfect girl. She only is because you made her, yeah?” Trent whispered, turning his head to you kissing your cheek. “Love you baby.” He spoke at a more normal volume. Marcel rolled his eyes.
A thunderstorm crashed down. Big bolts of lightening lit up the sky, the rain seemed to be never ending, the sounds of thunder boomed and Teddy was terrified. One particularly loud noise and gust of wind pushing the trees to rustle against the house had her running up off the carpet of your living room to Trent immediately in tears. 
“Dada!!!” She yelled as her tears spilled over. She moved around the coffee table and scrambled to grab him. She jumped on his leg immediately trying to crawl up. He helped, picking her up. Trent held her tight to his chest as he tried to calm her down. He kissed her hair keeping his lips to her, shushing her as he rubbed her back.
“It’s only wawa, I promise. C’mere baby.” Trent cooed gently after a while of holding her and minimal calmness coming over her. He got up with her and walked to the big glass doors that looked out to your back garden. He sat on the floor and plopped her on his lap. Another thunderous noise rang through the house and she clung to him again crying. “Ted...” he tried not to laugh. “Look, baby.” He pointed to the splashing puddles on the patio stone outside the glass door “It’s just wawa. You’re okay.” He cooed. They sat there for a while embraced. Teddy squeezing him a little tighter every time she heard the thunder but bravely watched the puddles regardless. 
“I’m scared too.” You giggled cheekily and cuddled up to him sitting down on the floor beside them. He gave you a sly smile with a disapproving shake of the head. He pulled you into him with his free arm regardless. He kissed your temple as you brushed your hand over Teddy's hair pushing her curls away from her face. 
“Wawa mama.” she pointed outside to show you. You kissed Trent’s cheek and smiled at her. 
“Oh okay. So it’s not scary, huh?” You cooed looking at her with a pouty smile. It was so cute she was trying to explain something she had just learned. 
“Nah, it’s okay. Right, Ted? Such a brave girl for daddy.” He held her chubby little body close to his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck eager to be close to him justtt in case another too scary thunder happened. 
“Sleepy.” She cuddled into Trent before she let out a yawn.
“Yeah, daddy’s brave girl is probably tired. I think it’s time for sleep, Teddy bear.” You peeled her off him. You both said a long goodnight to her before you brought her upstairs and put her down for bed. Trent got up with you but moved to the cinema and waited for you to come back down. Teddy took awhile to get down because of the rain but you eventually got there. 
“Hi.” You sleepily whispered entering the cinema. “Can I have a cuddle please.” You crawled on top of Trent before he could even answer. He eventually hummed and kissed your head. Your ass was hanging out of your tiny shorts as you moved yourself atop him. He kneaded your ass cheek as you shuffled trying to get settled in further on his chest. 
“Came in here just to distract me, huh? C’mere.” He helped you a little, pulling you directly on top of him. Then to your displeasure he slapped your exposed ass. 
“Ow T!! No!” You whined. “I wanted soft, mushy, lovey T not this.” You complained with a pout trying to wiggle away now. You were not in the mood for cheeky Trent. You were tired after it took so long to get Teddy to sleep and you just wanted to cuddle with him. 
“Only you get to have both.” He cooed with a slight laugh wrapping his arms around you keeping you fixed on top of him despite your efforts to get away. 
“I don’t want both.” You whimpered, speaking into his shirt, accepting your fate.
“Alright alright. I’m sorry, baby. I love you.” He cooed kissing your cheek. You gave a sarcastic humph. “I was thinking about you, ya know?” He cooed and you hummed interested but still mildly annoyed he wasn’t being as gentle as you wanted. “If we have another kid…” he began talking. 
“When, baby. It’s when.” You corrected him. There had been some unspoken tension surrounding that topic and what was going to happen there. Trent didn’t want to ever pressure you and definitely didn’t want to be the one to inflect any more troubles on you but he smiled and kissed your head hearing your correction.. 
“I really think you’re the most amazing mum. Sometimes I see with her and I’m just awestruck by how natural it comes to you. I hope Teddy knows I’m trying my best.” He smiled and you pouted at him for a different reason. 
“Thanks T… I mean it takes work for me as well like you know me accepting messes are not coming naturally.” You giggled and so did he as he kissed the bridge of your nose. “You’re a very good daddy to her though, just the best.” You softly spoke looking at him, inspecting the cluster of freckles on his cheek beneath his eye. 
“I like being a girl dad, you know?” he cooed with another kiss, brushing his thumb over your cheek. You dropped your head and nuzzled into him.  
“Really?” You giggled a little. You kissed his neck and held him a little tighter. You loved hearing that from him.
“Yeah think I’m good at it.” He boasted proudly. You always remember when you found out when you were having a girl asking Trent if that was okay. Not like you could change it but you were nervous.  
“You’re good at everything.” You concurred with him cheekily but honestly you felt like you could cry. Knowing he liked being a girl dad, knowing how good he was as a girl dad made you want to just cry how cute it all was. You knew he would be a good dad but seeing it everyday made you melt. 
“Think so?” He sarcastically asked. You slapped at his chest cutting your emotional moment. He knew the answer, of course. “You doing okay, baby?” He cooed. You nodded silently just loving being in his arms. You just settled in a comfortable silence. 
“Golf…” Almost an hour passed when you finally spoke again. Trent hummed not understanding what you were talking about.  “Golf… poor. You’re no good at that.” You said it without breaking a smile.  
“Nah…” he disagreed with you. You picked up your head to look at him questionably ready to remind him of an outing with your dad once. “Alright alright, you got me. Girl dad though?” He asked with a devastating smile flashing back at you.
“Very good. Very” You paused giving him a kiss. “Very good.” You cooed kissing him once more.  
“I think you’re the best kisser in the world.” He hummed with another beautiful smile. 
“Who are you exactly comparing me too?” You asked him with a raised brow. “You told me I was the best. I thought I was the only one you wanted to remember.” You sat up a little in a joking huff. 
“You’re funny but nah, I’m just making an assumption. You’re the best kisser in the world, the most beautiful girl in the world, best mummy in the world.” He hummed kissing you again.
“Anything else?” You asked with a giggle. He shook his head and grabbed your face pulling you in for another kiss without an answer.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🤍
Next part - Chapter 24 xx
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kolyasangel · 4 months
every moment with you is precious
synopsis: nikolai takes you on a cute lil picnic date...
content: fem!reader, tooth-rotting fluff (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)~✧
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"Hello precious! You look beautiful as always." 
A giggle escaped as Nikolai embraced you, his strong arms lifting you off your feet and spinning you around. He placed you back down before opening the passenger door like a gentleman, motioning for you to enter his car.
"Where are we going?" You curiously asked as he got into the driver's seat. 
"That's for me to know and you to find out." He chuckled to himself as he started driving.
You smiled at his answer, shaking your head as you looked away. What did you even expect? His answer was very Nikolai-like. This was typical, as he never told you about any of your dates beforehand because it would "spoil the surprise," as he puts it. But to his surprise, you had grown accustomed to his whimsical behavior and were even fond of it. Dates with Nikolai were always far from dull because you never knew what to expect from him, but that's what was exciting. Most of the time, he preferred to do something fun and spontaneous instead of a pre-planned date, but that didn't mean the man wasn't ever romantic. 
You leaned your head against the car window and hummed to the music from the radio, though you shortly felt a poke on your cheek that caused your head to turn to see the culprit.
"Keep both hands on the wheel, silly."
After about 45 minutes, many song sing-alongs and laughs later, Nikolai finally parked in a grassy location. Behind exiting the car, you looked in awe at the enchanting view. Nikolai came up behind you, immediately engulfing you in a hug, wrapping his arms around you with his chin resting on the top of your head.
It was a secluded area, not a person in sight, just the two of you and the beautiful scenery to ravish. The lush greenery surrounding you was a sight to behold. Nikolai didn't miss your fascinated expression and took this opportunity to tease you, booping your nose.
"Pretty isn't it? I knew you would like it."
"I love it! Where did you find this place?"
"Oh, I have my ways.." He flashed you one of his signature charming smiles.
Nikolai carefully laid out the picnic blanket on the verdant grass, and you observed with delight as he meticulously unpacked all sorts of seemingly homemade food from the picnic basket he had brought. He always went the extra mile to impress and pamper you, leaving you feeling appreciative of his sweet gestures.
"Nikolai.. you didn't have to do all of this.."
"Shh love, it's nothing at all. You deserve this."
He placed cushions where the two of you would be sitting to provide extra comfort. You helped him appealingly arrange the food and listened as he explained everything he had lovingly prepared, each a testament to his thoughtfulness and effort to make the day special for you.
"Oh, and one last thing!" He pulls out a flower bouquet, presenting it dramatically to you. 
"Pretty flowers for my pretty girl."
You graciously accepted the gorgeous blooms, admiring and inhaling the sweet scent of the bouquet that permeated the air.
"Thank you, Kolya.. these are so beautiful."
He kissed your cheek and quietly uttered something you nearly missed. "Not more than you." He carefully wet a paper towel and wrapped it around the flowers' stems so they stayed fresh throughout and after the date. 
"Shall we start eating?" He asked, to which you nodded in agreement.
As you ate together, you listened to Nikolai talk about a new magic trick he learned recently and smiled as he enthusiastically spoke, only taking a break when he heard you start to speak.
"This is so yummy, Nikolai! Thank you for making this food.." 
His cheeks flushed, happy to see you enjoying his cooking. 
"Anything to see that smile, darling.."
Nikolai noticed small flowers near him in the grass and absent-mindedly picked some while he continued to talk, forming a tiny bouquet in his hand. His words became fainter as his eyes diverted to something in the distance, a grin growing on his face. 
"Ohh, look!" He pointed to a pond close to where the both of you were sitting.
You turned your head to see multiple baby ducks swimming in the pond following the mother duck, and you couldn't help but smile at how adorable the scene was.
"Let's get closer!" Nikolai says exuberantly, taking your hand and making you follow him near the pond edge. Both of you were now seated in the grass, still hand-in-hand.
"They're so fuzzy." You cooed as you watched the ducklings splish-splash in the water. Turning your head toward Nikolai shortly after, you noticed how sweet and innocent he looked at this moment. Moments when he was like this were one of the many reasons why you fell for him in the first place. It's like there wasn't a single evil bone in his body. Something about watching Nikolai wide-eyed, excited by watching baby ducks while holding your hand, made your brain short-circuit. 
"I kinda want to take the babies home and put them in a kiddie pool." He states humorously.
"I'm not sure mama duck would like that.."
"Kidding, dove!" He pouts, making your heart flutter. 
You continued to watch the pond before feeling something in your hair. 
Fingers lightly brushing against your hair and small little pokes. Turning your head, you see Nikolai putting the flowers he had picked earlier in your hair.
"Kolya, why do you call me dove?" You coyly ask as he continues to play with your hair, ultimately deciding to braid it. Even after all this time with him, you still felt shy being so close to him in such an intimate manner. Hands positioned in your lap as you're facing him, admiring his soft features. Feeling his ungloved hands running through your hair in such a delicate and loving manner made your heart full. 
"Because you're as gentle and beautiful as one, my love." His fingers twisting and turning as he braided, weaving flowers into your hair, making it prettier than ever. Your face reddened after hearing his comment, causing you to look down at your lap, only for your chin to be lifted again by his finger to make you look at him. 
"You're so cute." He placed a peck on your lips, leaving you even more flustered. 
"Annnnd, done! Now we're matching." He proudly exclaimed, accomplished as he finished doing your hair, pulling a few small strands of hair to the front to frame your face. You looked down at the braid, admiring how the flowers decorated your hair.
"Want to have dessert now?" He asks, making you giggle before nodding. Nikolai always loved sweets, and he especially loved sharing them with you. 
He unpacked a slice of strawberry cake, not having missed the stare of fascination that came from you.
"You made this?"
"I sure did, dovey~ I know strawberries are your favorite." He picked the strawberry off the top of the cake and moved his fingers towards your lips, wanting to feed it to you. The berry barely touched your lips before you opened your mouth and took a bite. Nikolai seemed very happy to feed you, grazing his thumb against your bottom lip as you finished chewing before pulling his hand away. 
"I brought a container of strawberries for you in case you wanted more." He smiled. 
"Kolya.. this is so sweet of you. You're spoiling me.."
"Nonsense! I'll buy you all the strawberries in the world, you deserve everything and more."
You and Nikolai shared the delicious cake and continued to chat, taking this chance to wipe some cream off his lip before licking your thumb. 
"H-Hey, I wanted to do that to you.." He sulked adorably.
"Too late." You laughed and fed him a strawberry instead, which he happily ate from your hand.
The sun was slowly getting close to setting, and he was now lying on the blanket, with you resting on top of him on his chest, feeling the warmth of his body and the calming rhythm of his heartbeat. One of his hands entangled in your hair, and the other was by his side. Your fingers traced along his chest and eventually found their way toward his lone hand, which was inching to enclose your own.
"Thank you for today Kolya. The flowers, the delicious food, everything.."
You peppered kisses on his cheeks, nose, jawline, and neck, causing his skin to flush with a rosy hue. He closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the affectionate gesture. Feeling the warmth of his skin under your touch, you couldn't help but smile, knowing that you were bringing him joy. 
He had never felt so light, so free. 
"You know how I always wanted to be free and out of the cage of my emotions? You make me want to be even more trapped than I was before. In this cage of love that I never want to escape from."
The sudden confession had left you speechless. You had known about Nikolai's ideals- one that many find strange, for a while now, but he'd never talked about it in a manner that involved you. It touched you nonetheless to hear him admit reality, one where he had already chained his heart to you despite wanting the freedom he once so desperately craved. Maybe, just maybe, this was the freedom he covertly desired all along.
"I want to be around you and with you forever." He whispers sweetly while slowly opening his eyes to look back at you again. The rays of sunlight illuminated his beautiful features, with his captivating eyes shining brightly and his smile outshining the sun. His lips caught yours in a sweet kiss before he flipped you over so you were now on your back with him on top, comfortably laying his head on your chest. 
"Kolya.." You softly say while running your hands over his snowy white locks, reaching for the fluffy pom-pom adornment that kept his braid together.
Nikolai hums and looks at you, his eyes sparkling.
"Yes, Моя любов?"
"I'll always be here with you. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you either."
Something in Nikolai's mind went haywire as your words reached his ears. He never imagined he would be fortunate enough to encounter someone who not only cared for him but understood him on such a profound and intimate level. He thought he was undeserving of everything you had to offer, the kindness and love you had given him and continue to, despite all he had done in the past. Yet, here you were, gazing at him with gentle, compassionate eyes instead.
He shifted his position so that he was now lying next to you. He pulled you close, enveloping you against his chest while looking into your eyes. You noticed his eyes glistened with emotion as you moved towards his lips. In that moment, his love for you was unmistakable. 
As the sun sunk low on the horizon, casting a warm, crimson glow over everything, Nikolai held you tighter, content with this tranquility. He found solace in your presence in this moment, feeling that as long as you were by his side, life was not only bearable but beautiful.
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translations: Моя любов - my love
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fairytsuk1 · 2 years
cupid's arrow | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
pairing: izuku midoriya x reader
words: 8.3k
prompt: "getting set up by their lovely grandmas, who always go to the same café and gush about their grandkids"
warnings: teasing game, public sex, quickie, protected sex, tit play, praise kink, missionary position, soft dom!midoriya
The retirement home was an amalgamation of both good and evil. It had the finest foods for delicate denture havers and was home to some of life’s more depressing thought processes. You preferred being able to drive over the speed limit as the city air lashed at your face; being young and carefree was much more appealing. However, this couldn’t be your reality anymore as you knew your grandmother needed you more than ever. Things were about to change. You’d be moving onto bigger steps in your life! Finding a partner, making a home together, advancing in your career…
Before leaving for the retirement home, you hoped you’d be walking out of there glimmering with adjusting to adulthood. No games or silly adventures, a part of you lit up at the idea of this summer excursion changing your life. You really, really hoped it would.
You smooth your tennis skirt over your thighs, ankles crossing and a warm smile gracing your features when your grandmother waltz in with house slippers and an old tea set. The smell of earthy leaves wafts into your nose, and you already know she’s made two steaming cups of green tea before she pours it.
“Nana, you know you don’t have to make anything when I visit,” you’d figured she’d stop making cookies past your twelfth birthday, but she clearly planned to wave you off every single time.
Snarkily, your grandmother rolls her eyes and takes a slurping sip of her tea.
“It’s not about that. It’s about keeping ancient traditions! We’re family, and that means grandmothers make their grandchildren tea!”
She nods, pleased with herself, and her eyes are closed as she savors the grass notes, the feeling of toastiness, and the mild sweetness. Your eyebrows twitch, and you miss how she does the same once she’s placed her cup back down.
“Mhm, it’s very good, did you taste the grass?” you swallow and nod, “yes, me too. So… Have you found a boyfriend yet?”
You’re in the process of drinking more tea but her comment startles you; the cup is hastily set back on the coffee table and leaving a liquid trail in its wake. Practically spitting out your tea, you’re quick to wipe your mouth with a napkin and set the record straight.
“Huh?! Where is that coming from? …I don’t, but why are you asking, nana?”
She’s got this unreadable look on her face. Then, she’s giving you this cheeky grin and sighing wistfully as if thinking of a past lover. You’re curling your fingers into your palms, nearly shaking in anticipation as her hands rub together sneakily.
“It’s my friend’s grandson! You know me. Always talking, but if I were you, I’d snatch him right up! He’s strong, and he’s got bright green eyes! They’d compliment yours so well,” and she’s scooting forward in her seat, “you will like him! He’s a very nice boy.”
Nana’s been gossiping again. You’re relieved she wasn’t trying to reconnect you and former lovers (an activity that had proven to be unsuccessful, twice.) Still, the idea of her pitching you to random strangers like an ATM card makes your face twist in an attempt to tell her how you really feel.
“I-I don’t know, nana. I’m not even sure if I’m looking for anything right now,” and you were right. 
A relationship seemed like a huge step, and this was supposed to be your summer “boss up” phase. To be honest, you weren’t sure if you had trust in your grandma’s romantic instincts for matchmaking either. A wrinkled hand covers yours, and your nana is beaming with her body leaned towards you.
“Tell you what, he will be here for breakfast tomorrow morning. You don’t have to do much, but you should see him in person! Get to know him a little.”
You let the offer hang in the air for a moment before shrugging.
“...I guess I can do that. I don’t want this to become an everyday thing, though! I came here to spend time with you, nana. Not with some guy!”
Nana had already returned to sipping her tea and nodded before licking her lips.
“Of course, dear. However, if you like this Midoriya as much as I think you will, you’ll end up regretting saying that!”
You take a sip, and two pairs of eyebrows raise. You doubted it. This “Midoriya” person was probably some nerdy guy that didn’t know how to talk to girls. It didn’t matter anyways, so on that fateful day you brushed mascara on thick lashes and made sure your lips looked as plump as ever in your pink lip gloss. You weren’t trying to impress anyone, not at all!
Something in your gut had just told you to make an effort, but it was hard to tell whether this gut feeling was good or bad.
The situation had proven that you needed to take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror. He wasn’t ugly, no. He was anything but. He was so handsome that as you and your grandmother circled the table to sit, your foot caught on the leg of the table. Practically every brain cell had been focused on the promise of muscles under his white button-up plus the extra show of solid, veiny forearms. He was hot.
“This is my friend, Kotoe! And this is her grandson, Izuku Midoriya! He’s the one I brought up to you last night,” and for the first time, you’re aware of how red Midoriya looks; maybe he was thinking the same things about you.
Kotoe grins widely, and the wave crashes on you and Midoriya because the embarrassment of the situation keeps getting worse. First, the table. Then, he’s watching you as you settle yourself across from him. This feels more like you’re being judged than trying to link up with someone.
“You remember her, right? I showed you that picture of her at that one band performance.”
Your pride is fatally wounded, but you’re even more aghast that one of the cutest boys you’ve ever seen is actually seeing you for the second time. The idea that Midoriya’s first impression was of you with braces and frizzy hair left you feeling like you could melt into your seat effortlessly.
Nana guiltily peruses the menu, but you know there’s no one else that has that picture. You’d tried to erase every copy of it but… she had her ways.
She grins sheepishly while fluffing her curls, “it’s not my fault your mother only sends me photos when she feels like it. You look cute in the photo!”
If you didn’t stop her now, maybe nothing could. Along with this setting not seeming like the right time to discuss the ins and outs of your family relationships, you turn to Midoriya and smile warmly. 
“Right. Well, Midoriya, it’s nice to meet you. You’re lucky you were spared from the dreaded band photo. I’m jealous,” with a hair flip for good measure.
She’s so cute, he thinks.
“If only you could have the same fate.”
It’s so boyish, so ridiculous, and it makes your heart-beat rabbit fast because it’s not fair that his voice is gentle yet had an edge to it. His smile and even the licking of lips were uncalled for. He was charming you way too easily. How long had you two been sitting here again? 
He’s tuning you like a fiddle to his chosen song, and you play beautifully. You need fresh air, so your cup of water is gulped down to curb the romantic-tension fever rising inside you. 
Your grandmother and Kotoe fall into conversation like it’s natural. Midoriya keeps taking tentative glances at you but looking away before something productive happens, so you begin to copy him; now you just feel like you’re in the hall of mirrors.
“So, Midoriya… Do you go to university?”
“I-I do! I’m an archaeology major with a minor in history! It’s a lot of nerdy stuff, but it’s more interesting than calculus!”
His eyes sparkle at the topic, and the passion leaking through his words is evident. It’s cute, and your cheeks lift without thinking about it. He’s infectious, and in a bad way.
The type of infection where every glance feels like slow motion, and your brain skips ahead to when his mouth is on yours, and his hands are tugging, pulling, squeezing…
“That’s really cool! I’ve never heard of someone majoring in something like that! I’m doing public administration; it’s like political science but not really.”
Midoriya can’t wait to dig his hands into you and bury his cock deep inside you, but he can’t think about that right now. He mentally files away the memories of your shy looks so he can wrap a fist around himself in the shower later as he thinks of ruining your tight little pussy.
“No, yeah, that’s brave stuff to do! That can be in any sector, right? Public, private, and all of that.”
Both brains come to rest on the same wavelength as the same thought swirls in and out of two opposite gender heads.
I wanna fuck you.
“Yeah! Yeah, it can be,” your legs cross to lessen the pulsing between your legs.
“I kind of get it! History is so broad that it throws people off a bit,” Midoriya presses a palm to his aching cock as discreetly as possible.
The two of you try to avoid letting your need spill over past inappropriate boundaries. You both don’t realize that notion was abandoned the second first eye contact was made. Lunch passes by quickly, and you’re thankful. That was a bit too tense, and your male counterpart seems to be exhausted from the mental energy of ignoring something so potent. So heady.
“That nasty little Annie is going to supervise my cycling class, so I’m going to the pool today! You should come with me; you’ll never believe what she did the other day when I was struggling with my nightgown….”
Kotoe leads your four person group to the elevators, but your nana tells her she likes to walk after breakfast, so you mourn the loss of Midoriya as nonchalantly as possible. A big ego was annoying, and he didn’t need to know that you were dying to see under his pants. Honestly, even just getting to talk alone would be nice. 
“Well, Kotoe, I’ll meet you back at the pool after my nap.”
Your grandmother silently gives you a look that tells you everything you need to know about the pool situation.
Get your swimsuit!
It’s not too hot out that when you take a step the ground pierces your foot with its heat. The sun is shining just enough to cast a warm, soft glow on honeyed skin; it’s making you look too good, you feared. What if Midoriya was a nervous guy? Your ego shoots to the sky as you secure your jewelry and make your way to the pool with your nana.
Midoriya thought he might’ve had you beat, that maybe he’d get the edge in the game you two were playing where you’d feel more flushed than him. He certainly played a good hand, muscles rippling in black swim shorts highlighting his lean body. Freckles dotted his skin, and he felt embarrassed at ogling himself in the mirror.
“Kotoeee! I love your bathing suit; where’d you get the damn thing?!”
Nana runs off quickly, having debriefed you in the elevator that she intended to leave you and Midoriya “to it.” You’d vehemently denied the allegations of something like this happening, but there was a decent chance with how you and him were looking at each other that her suspicions were correct.
Your stuff is set by the chatty old ladies, and Midoriya takes the time to sidle up close to you. Squinting at him, he really does look good up close.
“Hey. Do you want to swim with me?”
“What are we, five?”
He laughs lightly, shrugging and rubbing at the nape of his neck.
“Well, it’s not like there’s anything else to do! Not here, anyways,” and you feel your cheek twitch with the urge to smile.
He’s… saucy. And maybe you like it, a lot.
“If you say it like that, you can admit that no other girls wanna swim with you,” and he scoffs playfully at you before standing up, “but sure, I’ll hop in for a bit.”
The two of you make your way to the water. Midoriya gets in first, and he extends an arm to help you in like a proper gentleman.
“Are you always this kind?”
“I’m just on my best behavior,” and he grins like a shark.
Water swishes around you two, droplets hiding each other’s best features like a love potion. The grannies are still talking, and there are splashes from other patrons using the facility. Nothing can happen now, even if you want to jump his bones badly.
“I think the class starts soon, the water weights one?”
“What even is that class? What’s the point?”
Midoriya circles like you’re dancing, so you bat your eyes lashes and take a thumb to your lip. It makes him laugh, and you suddenly feel yourself dropping the act.
“No, no, I like it! And it’s, uhm, they lift weights to strengthen their bones! But it’s easier on their joints. My Obaasan also likes getting some fresh air,” he flicks his hair back, and the water rolls down his skin seamlessly, “maybe we could do something on our own.”
Raunchy daydreams smack you in the face; he could fuck you here. He could bend you over the water edge, eat your pussy and make you cream right in the pool chair just feet away! Maybe he’s sucking on your clit, pulling on your nipple, or maybe he’d rock his cock deep into you just because you begged for it!
“Yeah,” his eyes trace the soft edges of your curves, and you feel so high on feeling desired, “where could we go?”
Your question is interrupted with a loud, unfortunate, shrieky exclaim of, “Midoriya!” that shakes both you and the man in question enough to cause ripples in the water. Two heads turn towards the pair of grannies, now suited up in swimsuits that go to their knobby knees, plus bulky goggles.
“Go check for some floaties in the back room, please! I might really need them this time!”
Midoriya doesn’t even make a face but nods in understanding before turning guiltily to you, “...I guess I’ll be right back?”
This seems like a set-up. Back room? For floaties? Midoriya doesn’t seem to have picked up that this is the moment, but you have.
“Well, why don’t I just come with you?”
The grandmothers have gone back to their own personal conversation (gossiping), so you assume it’s okay. Midoriya gives a tentative look to Kotoe, before looking you back in your eyes and nodding. Ah, now he gets it.
You both are giddy as soaking wet bodies slip out of the pool easily and pad like excited puppies down to the deserted storage closet. Midoriya lets you duck in first, flip-flops clacking against the pavement as you flick on the dim lights and wait for the show to begin. Then, the green-haired boy eagerly locks the door and turns to look at you with lustful eyes.
“You know, this is extremely typical, right?”
He grows closer as if wanting to slowly overpower you with every step. You remain firm in your pink flip-flops.
“Even if it is typical, I can’t help but feel lucky,” and he oozes attractiveness.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. How often do you get to kiss a pretty girl?”
Maybe it’s the sparkle in his eyes or how he bounces on the balls of his feet. 
The two of you crash into each other, your hands flying to tangle in his unique tresses, and you can almost hear the “SMOOCH!” sound as the two of you have your first heated kiss; breaking the ice-cold layer of tension. The kiss was groundbreaking, earth-shattering, and your foreheads dipped and pressed together as you heaved for breaths.
Your first kiss with him.
It’s practically perfect, and it's ending could be considered admirable because it was so cliche. Someone had called out towards the storage closet, and the two of you ran out of there like the guilty criminals you were. The thrill kept you moving like a wild animal. You loved it; the two of you loved it.
That memory didn’t leave you, not when you parted ways or thought about keeping your lips as they were so you wouldn’t forget that you’d kissed him. Maybe you were too into a fling, a fleeting romance, but having someone you could call yours felt fulfilling. Whatever happened to moving on with life?
No, you’d changed your mind. Who cared about doing career things in an old folks home? You could do that any time, good dick doesn’t always come around.
Adrenaline was still thrumming in your veins as you kept going about your day as if the feeling of his soft lips on yours wasn’t being replayed every ten seconds; it was so perfectly taboo and hot. You wondered if he was thinking the same things, maybe taking a hand and palming his half-chub in his swim shorts because he just couldn’t hold back and wait anymore.
The two of you shared looks for the rest of the swim class as you leisurely tanned your golden skin while Midoriya lounged around (fetching equipment as needed.) His new “job” grew quickly on you, the ability to get an eyeful of strained muscles and bulging thighs that jogged ’round and ’round the pool like a carousel felt like a reward.
Your grandmother draws you close with a hand motion, bony fingers clasped to the ledge as you draw closer, “oh good, you heard me! Could you bring me my bag? I left it in the locker room!”
“Sure thing, I’ll only be a sec!”
Quickly, you head towards the women’s locker room and spot the flowered print pool bag. You snatch it up and make your way back, feet slowing their speed, when you see an unfamiliar face sticking out like a sore thumb.
She was pretty, blonde, with a thin neck that made you envy her allure from where you stood. Not only that, but definitely flirting with a resting Midoriya.
“Here, nana…”
“Thank you! What are you looking at—” your grandmother makes the same frowning expression as you, “oh, right. She’s getting in between you and your future husband, you know! She just waltzed on over like she owned the place, and he fell for it, hook, line, and sinker! Don’t tell Kotoe, but you ought to…”
Her rambling goes muffled and indiscernible, and you feel your hand clench at your side. You stormed over to the spot without even considering the consequences and grinned widely. She gives you a skeptical eye before batting curled lashes towards Midoriya.
“So, what were you saying about working out together?”
Nervous green eyes flick to yours, gauging your level of emotion from the deep recesses of your eyes. Midoriya can’t see anything. In fact, it’s more like you’re looking through him as he sputters his way through an excuse of being “really busy, so maybe we should wait till we make actual plans!”
He was good, and maybe it was the fact he was the first attractive boy you’d seen in the several weeks of being with your grandmother. Maybe it was the fact you hadn’t been properly fucked in a minute, so you were a loose screw about to make everything fall apart.
‘I see,” and you shrug at him, “we should wait till we make actual plans too! You know, just so we can be sure.”
Then, you prissily walk off, determined to not seem shaken by the seeming turn of events being that IZUKU MIDORIYA was a man-whore, one hundred percent. He just wanted to rile you up, and two could most certainly play at that game. You’d just have to show him what he was missing out on, all because he wasn’t too sure he wanted you. You’d make him sure.
He’d kissed you for god’s sake! You fumed alone in the elevator, grumbling things no one would ever hear.
The plan had worked spectacularly. There was no way Midoriya was actually going to go for the blonde that seemed eager to be alone with him now that the swimming class was over. Sure, he’d smooth-talked her, but it was all for you. He could tell that there was something you were hiding from him in all your shy looks and glossy lips.
“Was that your girlfriend? She looked rude,” Ayaka grinned wildly, “she’s not right?”
“It doesn’t really matter what she is,” and he stands gingerly, all shy and nervous, “I-I have to go now!”
Ayaka tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, and her arms push her breasts up obscenely.
“You really gotta go?”
The awkwardness is back, and it seemed that the boy could only be flirty when it came to you. Now, he was a fish out of water flopping around on the deck.
“Yup! I’ll see you later, or whatever!”
He’d finally figured it out, aside from the awkwardness of forcing jealousy within you. You were a brat! He couldn’t wait to see how this developed, the greedy part of him hoping you’d make another move because he wanted to see you again. Badly.
You didn’t leave his mind, and he wondered what the two of you could do together. Did you like ice cream? Games? Yeah, sometimes he thought with his dick but other times… Well, you were the exact type of girl he’d love to take out.
He had no idea that as part of your newly created plan… you planned to kiss Hitoshi Shinsou right in front of him.
Shinsou was calm, collected, and rarely ever smiled. You hadn’t been lying when you’d said that boys like Midoriya were few and far between, so you’d already recognized potential suitors (meaning you’d told your best friends, in ranked form, the cutest boys at the UA Retirement Home.)
You’d decided Shinsou was one of the cuter ones considering you didn’t see him all the time. His face was pleasant to look at whenever you saw him working his shift, and he was plopped at the desk today with no one around… it seemed like today would be the day.
You and Midoriya hadn’t spoken in two days since you last saw him potentially entertaining the advances of some blonde girl. You weren’t stupid, after the heat of the moment and going over the situation one more time, it was clear. He wanted to tease you, make you feel the fire burning inside you grow hotter and hotter.
“Hey, Shinsou!” 
It was time to get him back in a major way. You push your torso an inch or two across the desk to smile at the purple-haired boy and let your head fall to the side. It was unclear whether or not it was actually having an effect, but you trekked along.
“Morning, what are you doing here?”
He already looks closed off, and you’re hoping he doesn’t hate you by the end of this.
“I just wanted to say hi! A girl can’t just hang out by the front desk?”
“No, actually,” his finger taps a sticker on the glass barrier between you, an obnoxious sticker reading “NO LOITERING” sitting there to mock you, “there is. See?”
“Oh! Well, I mean, well,” you look around frantically, the heat of embarrassment crippling you to where you stood.
“Look, if you just tell me, then maybe I can–” and the two of you are yelping as you push past the swinging door that separates Shinsou from other residents, “what the hell?! What are you doing?”
It suddenly feels like a huge mistake, and if you could swallow your anxieties, maybe this would’ve gone over easier. The position you two are in now, it feels warm. Steamy. His eye bags are less prominent when he’s slouched beneath you in his desk chair. Slender legs manspreading, and you could easily settle yourself on top of him if you felt like getting it on from behind the front desk.
“I just wanted… to see what it all looks like from behind here! Very, very nice. Did your boss get you that mug?”
“You need to leave,” and he sighs, but every action is gentle as he takes your arm, “what’s making you act so weird?”
Had anyone else been watching, they would have assumed the two of you were up to pure shenanigans. Midoriya yawns, eyes sleepy from his daytime nap as he trods towards the eating hall to peruse the options.
Midoriya hoped you weren’t genuinely upset about anything. Considering your demeanor and attitude, it seemed like something you would’ve liked, would’ve wanted. Maybe he went too far; it agonized him to think about it.
“Please, Shinsou! Don’t kick me out,” you’re grappling with his limbs, and you try to stand firmly, “you can’t treat a guest like this! I’ll make a scene!”
“You caused the scene!” 
The commotion is growing louder, making the green-haired boy’s head tilt because the voices sound too familiar. His feet turn right, heading towards the hall's entrance, and it’s unmistakable that you had been the feminine voice whining. 
“I know, but I had to do something!”
“Do what?”
Midoriya barely rounds the corner when you bend over, ass sticking up in the air, and plant a firm kiss on Shinsou’s lips. He doesn’t move but lets a soft groan slip as your hands trace the tops of his shoulders.
You’re crazy, he realizes. Just from watching you kiss Shinsou, he assumes he’s probably crazy, too, because it does nothing but make his cock throb. The two of you pull away, and you’re wiping your lips with the back of your hand. He wishes he could spy on what you were saying to him, using all your best tantalizing moves to keep Shinsou in a partial state of shock; you’re taking small steps back past the swinging door and nodding reassuringly.
“I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Y-Yeah. I’ll see you…?”
“Uh-huh! Bye!”
Midoriya had ducked behind a wall, but your footsteps were growing closer and closer. Then, you’re a blur past him, but he can make out your face. It’s the face of sadism, of one that grins while you walk past him because you know that he knows you have the taste of Shinsou on your tongue and that you’re the one who gave him the bulge in his sweatpants. 
He quickly grabs onto your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
“You know what you’re doing, right? Do you really wanna play this game?”
“What game?”
This will end with him fucking the shit out of you, and you know it. Midoriya feels his heart swell with dominance, pulling you closer so your hand can cup his cock in his shorts. He manually curls your fingers around his length, small puffs of air coming out of him as you submissively run your palm over the salacious hardness under his sweatpants. 
“I like when you touch me like that! Reminds me that even though you might go and kiss other guys….”
His hand brushes against your hip, thumb dipping just under your shorts and panties to feel the forbidden skin you hid from him.
“I just know that under these panties, you’re soaking.”
You feel relief that he doesn’t try to check because you know your hole is dripping and staining your cute pair of panties.
Midoriya shushes you, an adorable smile on display as he firmly squeezes your ass cheek. He grunts as you put more pressure on his dick before taking your hand and squeezing it.
“Don’t talk. I just want you to think, cutie,” and he gets impossibly closer.
“Do you really think you’ll win?”
You don’t think you’ll win at all, and that’s the fun in it.
Midoriya sighs, feeling your hand stroke him over the fabric before breathing out and pulling away. He kisses your cheek, pointedly avoiding your lips.
“I’ll see you later.”
You’re left as shocked as Shinsou was.
“Have you noticed how often the kids have been hanging out together? I knew it, Kotoe. I knew they’d hit it off,” your grandmother smirks cockily, “where are they now, anyways?”
It had been true that you and Midoriya had been spending as much time as possible together since the Shinsou incident. It’s been a day since anything had happened, but you’d already shown your hand with tight workout shorts that cupped your ass perfectly that afternoon. You’d given your soon-to-be fling an eyeful, bending over with a sway in the hips so he could see the soft, tender flesh jiggle as you sweat all over yourself.
Even just your body seemed obscene, Midoriya couldn’t stop his eyes from tracking your hand towel as it dried in between the valley of your tits (that he wished so badly he could suck on) or when you took a heaving breath while wiping the sweat off from your forehead. Midoriya felt like a pervert; images of painting you in thick ropes of cum kept him hot-blooded.
“Oops, be careful!”
Midoriya wanted to push you, though. To really test your limits as far as teasing went. He’d tried all his best tips and tricks that he knew, but he wanted more. You saw it all, the thumb brushing his lip being the first strike of many. A hand on your thigh that every so often grew so close to your cunt before pulling away and giving you a wry shrug, “I just like having something to hold!”
Things like that.
“You look really good with cream on your face,” he hummed nonchalantly over a cup of hot chocolate.
He doesn’t even have the shame to pretend that he didn’t say what he said.
“I said, if you wanted cream on your face so bad, you should’ve just asked me instead.”
He’s even cocky enough to embellish a little. By dinnertime, you can’t stop wondering what his lips would feel like as he ate you like a man starved, slurping at your folds and tonguing you deep because he wanted to give you everything plus more.
Maybe he’d be willing to go a little further! If you could find somewhere private, maybe he’d cave to your soft eyes and alluring words. While your grandmothers choose what to eat at the bar, you’re busying yourself with tugging on Midoriya’s shirt sleeve.
“Um, do you wanna,” you didn’t start out too strong, but then he’s leaning in a microinch more and licking his lips, “wanna… find somewhere more private?”
The two of you aren’t being very inconspicuous, and your lips are parting for ones that don’t reach yours. A light laugh is heard beside you as your eyes flutter open. You frown.
“Private? Why would we do that?”
“Midoriya. C’mon,” you give a quick look at your surroundings and hope the elderly really are deaf, “we’ve been doing this, but what about a break? You know, I could help with what’s going on with you….”
He’ll give you one thing, you’re trying really hard. You look great, and he’s noticed the infrequent squeezing of your thighs. You’re probably dripping right now, all because he touched you a little and murmured about how much he wants you. 
“Baby,” and he pecks the knuckles of your hands, “it’s just not gonna happen, yet. You can be patient, right?”
Maybe you’ll explode, turn into flames and die of spontaneous combustion. This is torturous. Blasphemous.
“...But I don’t want to wait anymore!”
Then, a firm hand holds your face in his cheeks. Anyone could see you two, but Midoriya has the gall to grab your face and squeeze just a little. You’re mush, and you’re looking at him with starry eyes as he squishes your cheeks.
“Don’t make me have to really punish you,” and while he doesn’t sound threatening, you have half a mind to take him seriously.
Your face is released, and you almost want to grind down in your seat. Adjusting yourself, you pop a tater-tot in your mouth to try and distract yourself from your need. To your utter annoyance, the boy next to you elbows you.
“Besides, you already know that when we do fuck, you'll get everything you want, right? I haven’t forgotten about that kiss, I’m going to prove to you I’m better than him!”
He eats a piece of broccoli like it’s nothing, and you have to fight to hide your grin over your predicament. Midoriya gives you one last look. He fears the feelings inside him. Maybe he likes you like that. He settles to focus on his broccoli.
This game the two of you had been playing was getting rough. Time seemed to fly by, and suddenly you were looking at only a couple weeks left to stay with your grandmother. In turn, this meant that after these few weeks… what you and Midoriya had would cease to exist. You tried not to think about it.
Neither of you brought it up, but aside from every sexual advance, it seemed like the elephant in the room followed you wherever you went. Midoriya had started pulling your chair out for you, started to buy you gifts, and you suspected his soft touches were his biggest tell. Midoriya didn’t seem like the type to fight feelings, and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
Not because you didn’t like him, of course. You just didn’t know how to feel because you couldn’t fight these feelings if you tried.
“Do you wanna call me Izuku?”
“Huh?! Well, well, are you sure?”
“Yeah! We’re, um, we’re close, you know? So I don’t mind! I’d prefer it, coming from you,” it’s funny because the two of you are physically close too, essentially cuddling.
After familiarizing yourself with the entire facility, the two of you managed to find the ideal spots to hang out for some alone time! It was like walking a tightrope, was it going to be you who fell first when you sidled up real close to him? Or was it going to be him when he reached an arm around to comfortably hug your shoulder?
“Well, that does make sense! Okay, Izuku,” you wiggle your shoulders and say it so sweetly that he almost kisses you, “I like it! It suits you, at least when I’m saying it.”
You ham it up, stroking his cheek and murmuring his name like you’re a cheesy romance movie lead. He’s giggling as your hand brushes his sides to tickle him.
“Hey, come on! I told you something personal and now you’re going to tickle me?!”
“Of course I am! Don’t you know who I am?!”
It’s a blur, Izuku’s laughing and you’re telling him about the “tickle monster” that’d just appeared. Once coming down from the gusto of play fighting, something’s changed.
The two of you are stunned when you realize what has happened. Maybe it was Izuku’s fault for flying backwards or yours for following him diligently with wandering hands. The two of you seem to just fit, hips slotted against his own as you look down at him. You’d landed nearly perfectly in his lap, bated breath as both of you took in what it all meant.
“Oh, I know who you are.”
It’s tense.
“The tickle monster is going away, but you better be careful,” you say in a near whisper.
…It’s so tense.
“What do I have to be scared of? You’re just a brat.”
Your heart is beating, and this is too considering you’re chest to chest. Every touch, laugh, and first kiss replays in your memory like a flashback. The smell of anticipation hangs in the air, and you smile because this is finally it.
And he beats you to the chase, lips puckered as he finally kisses you with the passion of the first one after leaving you wanting for too long. He tastes like peppermint, and it’s so hot. Gasping breaths are taken; hormones at an all-time high because you can’t get enough of him now that you know he’s yours.
“Fuck,” he pants, “we can’t do it here.”
You’re still trying to mouth at his jaw, desperate to continue planting heated bursts of love across every inch of his skin. His hands come to your waist, and you’re frowning cutely as if your favorite toy was taken.
“If we’re quiet, no one’s even gonna come….”
Izuku’s nervous. He’s been waiting for so long. Hell, he has the most beautiful girl sitting pretty in his lap, eager to get naked, and yet he’s still hesitating. Your manicured nail tilts his head away from the double doors and back to your panting face.
“We don’t have to,” you say calmly, but you suddenly feel so vulnerable.
Suddenly Izuku realizes you’re about to slip from his grasp like melted butter. It all makes sense. 
“No. I’ll fuck you here! We just…need to be quiet, okay?”
Both mouths go back to sliding against each other, and your teeth tug his lip just so see the redness bloom under the thin skin. All you can hear are the slick sounds of the two of you making out, and your hips start tilting into Izuku’s bulge before you can try to contain yourself.
“We should…” he seems to contemplate your position, “hm. Get on your back, baby.”
Honestly, the couch isn’t the greatest. The narrowness makes you nervous, but the strong arm that nearly lifts you onto your back gives you starry eyes; you can’t complain. One of Izuku’s legs supports him from the floor and for some reason, it all feels so intimate. The way you offer a shy smile and how he pecks your nose so sweetly you almost don’t hear it.
He holds himself up above you, and you can actually see his freckles up close now. He has so many, and each one is wonderful.
Then, his head dives down into the curve of your neck with the swiftness of a cheetah. His teeth graze your pulse point, your back arching and breath hitching as he suckles until a tender purple bruise appears.
His cock throbs at how you moan his name.
“Shh! I don’t want to have to keep you quiet, right? Ah…”
His hips grind into yours easily with a fervor that only comes from days of teasing and sexual repression. 
“Want you to take off my shirt, ‘zuku,” you mumble weakly, arms already winding around his neck for support as he dry humps you like a fuckdoll.
“Mhm, I will, I will! Just wanna feel you for a second; you’re so fucking warm.”
You’re soaking through your panties. He’s found a good angle, the two of you whimpering together as he mimics fucking you deep and slow. If he was inside you, you’re sure he’d be balls deep with your legs over his shoulders.
But there was no time, and you’re bringing him back to your lips with a twist. If you didn’t reign him in, you were sure the two of you would cum in your pants, and that wasn’t enough. His hand is brought to your chest, squeezing over the fabric so you can squeal in between his tongue that licks into your mouth.
“Play with my tits, only wanna feel you on me,” you can’t even stop talking when his hand travels under your soft cardigan to tug the cups of your bra down, “want you to be the only one that touches me like this.”
He’s transfixed, rough palm skirting over your nipple in a way that makes you shudder.
“You’re so sensitive…”
Your leg is pushed to the floor as Midoriya flips your skirt up.
“I knew it. You’re soaking from me. You’re telling me all these things, but,” and your chest is spilling out from your bra cups as he fully exposes you, “I knew I was yours the minute I saw you.”
If you weren’t in the process of tugging the boy’s mouth closer to your tit, you might’ve picked up on the near-love confession he’d murmured into the fat of your breasts. It’s so heady, so exhilarating knowing someone could walk in on your sticky thighs spread while Izuku gropes your chest.
“Mmph, Izuku! I need more.”
“I know, and we need to hurry this along too…”
It’s a regret he’s forced to pull away from your upper half. Markings dot areas all over your chest and he shudders with empathetic pleasure, knowing you’ll be walking around with skin he defiled is so deeply arousing. You’ll walk around after he stretches you with his pulsing cock, dragging you back onto him like you were made for it. No one would know a thing, and it makes Midoriya tug his belt off with a sense of urgency.
You watch carefully as his thick fingers make quick work on his belt. You can’t help yourself from letting a wandering hand stroke your soaked pussy, adding the slightest amount of pressure on your clit with slow, deliberate circles. His eyes catch yours and then your trembling hand. You feel caught, hand pausing while you turn cherry red.
“No, no. Why’d you stop? Keep going.”
He unbuttons his jeans, but his hands go to palm himself instead of sliding the zipper down like you want.
“Get yourself all wet for me, pretty. I wanna see how you touch yourself.”
It’s maybe one of the hottest things you’ve ever heard, and it’s even more attractive when a strong hand drags your hand down to your swollen cunt.
“Are you that bad at being good? You heard me.”
His voice has the same bite it always does. Friendly but in no doubt in charge. Your body temperature rises, and it’s almost embarrassing to get yourself off knowing he’s watching you like a hawk.
He even laughs when your hips jolt, “you can rub harder than that.”
“Why don’t you try?!”
The words don’t come out half as strong as you’d like. Rather, you sound pathetic because his groans are spurring your fingers to pull your panties to the side and actually touch yourself for real. The tips of your fingers are slick, and lewd sounds are echoing as you pump a finger into your gummy walls.
“I’m sure you’re just as good. I mean, you had every day to practice! Shit,” he sighs and dips a hand under his jeans, “wish I had time to use my mouth on you. I bet you taste so good, too.”
You spread your lips to expose your dripping hole, clenching around nothing and leaving a syrupy trail of wetness on your fingers. Izuku trembles, hand gripping the base of his cock as you nearly weep for him.
“I want you to fill me, Izuku. My fingers aren’t enough; I need you here,” and you lay a hand on your lower stomach, “wanna feel you here.”
After begging so cutely and winding yourself up so much that you’re nearly grinding onto the couch cushion, you hope it works. You even move to cup your breast for good measure.
“Don’t you wanna see how good I’d squeeze you?”
It hangs in the air for a moment before Midoriya nods hastily.
“Okay. Yes, okay!”
He digs through his wallet, pulling out a foil square and pushing his boxers down to alleviate the pressure bearing down at him. Sharp teeth rip the foil apart while you take mental notes on the boy before you.
It’s certainly not a disappointment! The mushroom head leaks precum like a fountain. Beading at the slit and eventually bubbling over, it’s so enticing that you’re willing to take him into your mouth just for one second.
Instead, you grab the condom with your hand, and both of you work together to roll it on. He hisses at the contact of your hand gripping his so you can’t help but give a tug just to hear him gasp.
“You’ll make me cum if you do that! Don’t,” he chuckles, swatting your hand away.
“Are you even gonna last more than a minute?”
“Will you?”
The two of you giggle as you maneuver yourself, spreading slick thighs and Izuku splaying your lower half against his. He hisses when his cock slides through your dripping folds, “I’m gonna love this pussy.”
“C’mon,” you whine impatiently, “you’re being unfair–”
He’d had enough of your needy voice, and Izuku could feel all his self-control melt away like snow. First, he pushes the tip in just to keep you quiet (and it works, just as he imagined.) 
“Ngh! Ah, wait! Wait, wait…” you’re suddenly about to topple off the edge of pure pleasure if not for Izuku holding your hand in his.
“I-I can’t! Baby, I need to be inside you. You can take it, right?”
He’s pushing his thick dick further in you, and your breath skips in your throat because he’s stretching you so good and making such sinful noises.
“There ‘ya go! There… fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Izuku has to force himself to think of other things, to not think of your drooling pussy taking him in like he belonged there. To not think of how you kept wiggling for more; you couldn’t get enough of feeling him hit that spongy spot that felt so good inside you. He hasn’t even started thrusting yet, just huffing expletives in your ear as he forces himself to not shoot his load too early.
You already look fucked out, looking at him like he hung the moon and stars in the sky for you. You’re looking at him like you love him, and he snaps his hips forward so hard you jerk upwards against the cushions. Soft hands fly to cover your mouth, and you look so pathetic trying to keep quiet as he carves a space inside you for him and only him.
  Quiet little “ah, ah, ah!” come out of you in bursts, utterly helpless to the fact that you must stay silent while Izuku pounds you into the worn couch of your grandmother’s retirement home. It’s debauched. It’s so fucking hot.
“I’ve wanted you since the beginning, hah. I was waiting for the right time,” he rambles, but his gaze is stuck on the way he slides way deep into you just to feel his heaviness drag against your folds till it’s just the tip. Again and again, and he’s nearly salivating with the froth you cream on his base, “and you look so pretty and I wanna do more, I–”
You realize he needs to shut up while trying to regain your own bearings. You’re still being vigorously fucked, and you can hardly get a word in with how he punches his cock just deep enough the graze your womb.
It makes you cry out because it hurts so fucking good, and Midoriya is quick shush you like a baby.
“Izu–oh, fuck! Izuku! Izu,” your hand cups his cheek to bring his lips against yours, effectively keeping him quiet.
The natural body weight of Izuku’s body excites your nerves so much that you feel on fire.
“‘M not gonna last long,” he gives a stuttering whisper and sneaks a hand between your bodies, balls slapping lewdly against your ass as he drills into you, “wanna get you off though, hm? Gotta make my pretty girl cum, right?”
He has no idea if he’s just muttering bullshit at this point, but it seems to work considering your increase in volume (something he can’t be bothered to fix.) Izuku wipes his hand on his shirt and rubs slow, small circles on your clit. It’s so methodical. It’s so targeted that you clench harder and harder.
“‘M gonna cum–gonna cream all over you,” your folds flutter so enticingly around him.
“You’re such a good girl, ngh! Cum around my cock; you deserve it..!”
You cum with a wail, no doubt soaking Izuku as he hunkers down onto you and grinds messily into you.
“W-Wish I could fill you up!! You’re so–so perfect.”
“Cum with me, ‘zuku,” you whisper as you comb your fingers through the sweaty hair stuck to his forehead.
Izuku muffles his groan into the crook of your neck, spilling his load in the rubber and sighing as the euphoria washes over him. The two of you take a moment to catch your breath, and you cringe at how the back of your shirt is stuck with sweat from your unexpected tryst. The boy on top of you can barely hold himself up, shaky hands tugging the condom off and tucking himself back into his jeans.
“Oh no!”
There’s a clear wet spot on his jeans, no doubt from barely undressing and thus spilling remnants of your cum together. Part of you wishes you could lick it off, and you have to shut your legs to keep your oversensitive clit from throbbing.
“Oh! That’s… okay. Um, is there a trash can near?...”
It makes you want to laugh at how he looks so boyish now in the post-coital glow. Adjusting your panties, after much deliberation of taking them off since they were soaked, you sit back and rest a hand on Izuku’s knee.
“I think there’s one right outside the main exit,” and then you’re leaning forward to kiss his nose, “...do you wanna go on a date?”
“You can’t say that while I’m still holding the condom that I just fucked you with!”
The two of you laugh before he softly kisses your shiny lips, “but okay.”
By next summer, your grandmothers are wondering how many kids the two of you will have.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 30 -Camper
@wolfstarmicrofic June 30, word count 998
Previous part First part
Last part guys xxx
James ran past them with Lily close behind and Severus closing in. 
“Lily, wait, it’s fine, we’re friends now!” Severus called after her, but she didn’t seem to hear him. They chuckled quietly as James fled the hall. 
Sirius trailed his fingers down Remus’s spine, making him shiver.
“Wanna get out of here?” Sirius whispered into his ear, nipping gently at the lobe. Remus stilled and leaned away from Sirius. 
“Erm, Sirius,” He took a deep breath. “I-I-I really like what we’ve done so far, but I don’t think I’m ready for you know,” He blushed so hard he was sure Sirius could feel the heat coming off his face. 
“Oh my gods, Remus,” Sirius let out a relieved sigh. “The way you were talking then, I thought you were breaking up with me.” Sirius pulled him in close again. “This is all new to me as well and I am in absolutely no rush. Let’s just enjoy the time we have left, yeah?” He kissed the top of Remus’s head and Remus relaxed. “When I said wanna get out of here, I meant to go take part in the age-old tradition of making out at make-out point.” Remus snorted into Sirius’s white shirt.
“Yeah, alright then. Wouldn’t want to break tradition,” 
They left the noise of the dance behind. Remus pulled the cowboy hat from his head, feeling a bit silly away from the dance. 
“No, no, keep it on,” Sirius grinned at him, “It’s doing unspeakable things to me,” Remus could feel the blush returning, but put the hat back on to appease Sirius. 
There were couples dotted all about the top of the hill. Sirius took them to a relatively private spot and sat down on the dry grass. Remus joined him and Sirius immediately took his hand, stroking his thumb along Remus’s knuckles. He sighed contentedly and brought Remus's hand to his lips. 
“I love your hands, you know. I can’t seem to stop touching them. I’m going to be sad when I can’t hold them every day.” Remus’s heart was aching already at the thought. They had so little time left and then he’d be returning to Wales and Sirius, James and Peter to London. He’d never see him. There was no way his dad would drive him to London just to see a boy he met at camp, nor would he give him the money for the train or the bus. A horrid thought ran through his mind, telling him it would be better to let Sirius go now so it wouldn’t be so hard. But as though he’d read Remus’s mind, Sirius took his chin in his free hand and turned his head towards him. 
“We’ll find a way. I promise.” And Remus believed him. Sirius closed the gap between them and kissed him, soft, sweet, burning. Remus didn’t want to ever lose this feeling. 
“I love you,” He blurted out. Sirius didn’t even skip a beat before he returned the words. 
“I love you too,” Remus threw himself at Sirius just as a huge bang went off, and green sparks lighted the sky, then more bangs and more bright sparks. 
“MR PETTIGREW!!!” McGonagall’s voice rang clear between the bangs. Oh, Peter, they both shook their heads at the same time. They leaned back and watched the fireworks display. Remus didn’t think it could get better than this.
The next few days passed in a blur and before he knew it, he was packing his unworn clothes back into his shabby suitcase, ready to put in the back of his dad’s car and leave Camp Hogwarts behind. He looked around the room at the friends he had made. Peter, with singed eyebrows from where he’d accidentally set off all the fireworks. James with his black eye from Lily, that he wore proudly. Severus, who had come out of his shell and become a part of their group, easily once they put their feud aside and finally Sirius. The boy who had changed his life the second he walked into that cabin. He had to blink hard to stop tears from escaping. 
They took their bags out to the gate, waiting for their rides. 
“I’m going to miss you all, so much,” Remus finally said, a thick lump forming in his throat. Before he could do anything to stop them, all four of the other boys had piled on him, hugging him tightly. 
“You’re coming back next year, right?” Perter asked. “I know we’ll be a bit old, but it’s tradition at this point and we’ll meet up throughout the year, right?” Remus gave Peter an extra squeeze. 
“My mum likes Wales, maybe we can visit?” Severus asked, a bit unsure. Remus wrapped him in a hug.
“Of course, we can go down to the beach. It’s not far from my house.” 
“And you are more than welcome at mine anytime, both of you,” James added, including Severus. “Mum and Dad would love it. The more, the merrier,” James lifted Remus off his feet as he hugged him. “Come on you lot, let them say goodbye.” James ushered Peter and Severus away. 
He and Sirius didn’t say goodbye. It was too hard. Instead, they just held hands and waited for the inevitable. 
“I’ll see you soon, I promise. I’m this close to getting my driving licence and then you won’t be able to get rid of me.” 
He heard his dad’s car pull up. He looked at Sirius, tears escaping finally. 
“I love you,” Sirius said, squeezing his hand. 
“I love you too,” Remus croaked. They shared one final kiss before Remus picked up his suitcase and headed to the car.
“So,” Lyall said curtly as Remus buckled his seatbelt. “Were you a happy camper then?” He asked as he pulled the car away. Remus stared out of the window, not taking his eyes off Sirius until he couldn’t see him any longer. 
“Yeah, I was. Can I come back next year?”  
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zwolfgames · 9 months
Yandere!various!That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime x gn!cat!reader
Requested: JosephCruz118
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(Warnings: Forced marrige, neko reader, reincarnation.)
(3rd person POV)
Welp, there it went. The end of your life.
Just like that.
A strange way to begin, but thats what happens in the tragidy that is your life.
You were graduating, finally, after years of being a student, you could walk out of this building and live.
Well... Your classmates would. But you just so happned to get the short end of the stick.
You were simply walking down a hall, when some... pshycothic man pushed you out of the open window.
Sending you pummeling down three stories.
The last things you heard were some disgusting cracks and screams... just screams.
Embracing the sudden coldness of the world, you felt life leaving you.
'Wish I'd have landed on my feet for once in my damm life... Maybe feel loved for once...' Your last toughts echo trough your head, a thumping pain in your cracked skull.
And then it all just fades. 
Thats it, the end of Y/N L/N.
Missed by many, but never got far in life.
A fresh breath of air enters your lungs.
You shock awake, laying on a warm grassy field. The green blades carresing your skin as the wind moves them. 
The sun shines brilliantly above you, almost blinding you as you flutter your (e/c) eyes open.
'What in the fuck-knuckles is this bright nonsense?' You squeeze your eyes shut once more and groan in displeasure. This was not what you wanted to see in death.
You once again open your eyes, feeling a bit light sensetive at the moment. But you hold your hand to your forehead, blocking out the suns harsh rays.
After a moment of adjusting to the new lighting, you take your hand away and look around.
Big grass field... Surrounded by forest. Huh, what a strange afterlife.
You take another breath of fresh air, crisp... crisp air. No pollution noticable.
'Yea... Now hold up a minute.' You talk to yourself in your head, standing up and looking at your hands. No blood, no rocks or dirt.
Yea, somethings wrong here.
Especially that elongated feeling in your tailbone. Weird.... thats new-
Oh my god its a tail!?
You screech in confusion and grab the fuzzy thing. Slender but long, standing to make sure you keep balance. No no no! The afterlife turned you into a cat(girl/boy/YN)! A damm furry!
Some birds hiding in the grass fly away at your noise, some almost touching the top of your head.
If you had a tail then... oh no..
Your hands quickly reach for your head. And yep, two cat ears. Actually, biologically, on your head. You even felt them twitch in your hands.
After cringing for a good two minutes you calmed down and just accepted fate. It could have been worse, you could have been a worm.
So... what to do now? You couldn't just stay on this random grass field for the rest of your afterlife...
Or maybe thats what you've been sentenced to, grassfield duty.
Were they expecting you to chomp grass like a cow? Who knows... Where are the instructions? You would like to read them.
But no instructions came... reminds you of school projects...
You sigh and begin walking... towards... well, forwards. Where does this go? Into that forest? Yes.
But what else were you supposed to do. Wait around like a dumbass. No thanks.
So there you went, walking trough the thick grass towards the even thicker forest.
Birds greeted you with chirps as you entered the foliage. Forest greens filled your vision as you stepped trough a bush. Getting little unnoticable cuts on your exposed legs.
But.. It was peacefull. Birds, insects. The noises of nature really made this place feel real. was this even the afterlife?
A vision maybe?
Or... were you reborn?
How silly would that be-
"Watch out!" Some loud shrill voice alerts you of a quickly incoming troll or something on a.. on a wolf.
You jump aside and the wolf rider passes you.
He brings the wolf to a stop and hops off, walking back towards you. Ah, not a troll, this looks like a goblin, if you can trust those movies you've seen.
"Hey?" You wave awkardly. The shorter goblin smiles brightly with his two tusk like teeth.
"Hey! I haven't seen you before! Are you an adventurer?" The goblin asks exitdely. 
"Not.. really. i'm a bit lost. Where is this?" You ask, it feels as if your voice has barely seen use. As if its all new. As if this body is new.
Maybe it is.
"You don't know where you are? Well, you're in the Jura forest right now. I'm from Rimuru City, I can take you there, maybe you'll be able to orient from there?" The little goblin offers you with a friendly smile.
You nod, not that cautious as you should have been were this your old life. YOLO, am i right?
The goblin helps you onto his giant wolf and you hold on, like asked. The big canine speeds off trough the forest and you feel alive for once, wind in your face, cutting against your face like sharp yet harmless blades.
After a bit of running around on the wolf, you reach a nice looking medival village, lots of fantasy looking monsters running around, building things and working.
Well damm... This looks better managed then soceity.
The goblin that lead you here looks behind him to check up on you, to see if youre still on the wolf before enetering the crowd and bringing you somewhere.
He brings you all the way to what seems to be the towns centre. Gesturing for you to hop off here.
You hesitantly nod, awkardly smiling at the goblin as a form of thanks.
Welp, now you were in a random city, full of magical looking monsters and whatnot.
You hear the magical residents go about their day, smells of foods, contruction and just random things fill your weirdly sensetive nose.
Just as you were about to enter the building in front of you, as it looked like a town hall, you felt a squishy thing bump against your leg.
You look down, eyes widening at this small, light blue slime. Tapping your leg for attention.
"Uh... Can I help you?" You ask it in confusion, not reallu expecting it to react.
"Yes! You're new, aren't you? I'm Rimuru! Welcome to my city!" The blue slime speaks. It speaks!
"I.. yes? My name's Y/N." You awkardly repsond to the talking slime- Rimuru. What wonders does this world have in store for you?
"Great! I'll show you around!" Rimuru speaks in an exited manner... but he doesn't have a mouth... Telepathy, maybe?
Whatever. That day, Rimuru showed you around his city full of fantasy folk. Introducing you to all kinds of people, some of his trusted compagnions and whatnot.
But thats... how you ended up like this...
"Y/N. You can't go. Whats wrong with the village? We can give you everything!" Benimaru protests as he catches the arm holding your bag. The tall kijin holds onto you desparatly.
After three months of living in this village, you got to know pretty much everyone. And let's just say, they really like 'the cute demi-cat'.
Wich is why, when you planned to finally go explore some more of this weird world. You got met with a lot of complaints.
They've already set up guards by the city exits, you've been monitored for the past two days and now Benimaru was here to personally stop you.
"Let go, I just want to explore." You sigh, done with this weird protection you're receiving.
"No can do orders from the boss... that I absoluty agree with. You aren't ready for the rest of this world." The kijin repeats those lame words. He's grinning like always, just happy to be able to hold you.
Your ears flatten on your head and he 'awws'. How agitating.
"Come on, just stay and let me pet you!" The red kijin coees and sets you back down in your house. A babyproofed house.
Wich was annoying as hell! You didn't even get a knife sharp enough to cut the crust off your bread!
Benimaru takes the liberty of ruffling your hair. He's what you'd call... a big brother. Only diffrence, is that this one doesn't let you do stupid things.
But he wasn't the worst.... You'd say Rimuru was the most peacefull.. But Shuna was determined to get you to marry her.... And Gabiru had the idea that you were his bestest friend ever.
Wich is a reason to why you weren't allowed to leave. The people in the city got too attached to you. Maybe they found you friendly? 
But whatever the reason, you wanted out. They didn't let you do anything dangerous! Wich sounds stupid but you wnated to go explore too!
As if sensing your toughts, Benimaru grabbed yoy into a bear hug, his form engulfs you, you're barely visible. He loves it like this.
"Let go." You demand, voice muffled by his sleeves.
"No." He smiles down at you, nuzzeling his head into your hair.
You huff in annoyance. All this attention was nice... for a week. But it's as if they never, ever got bored of you.
It seemed impossible in your head. No-one takes intrest in you for this long.
Yet these fantasy people did. And it was weird. Like they had it all planned out.
Wich they did, but you didn't know of the plan. Wich Rimuru vowed to keep that way. He knew of the dangers of the world, and you weren't ready.
Better off with him and his friends.
You get snapped out of your toughts by the door of your house opening, speak of the devil. Rimuru. In his human form, today.
"Y/N! I see you've changed your mind yes?" He smiles at you, the... well... you still didn't figure out his gender... but since he said he used to be a man.. in his past life.. you just rolled with that because They/them takes longer to write.
"No, I'm just.... being blocked, at the moment." You speak from between Benimaru's arms as he doens't plan to let go any time soon.
"Well thats a shame. Don't you like it here?" Rimuru asks with a pout. Golden eyes looking straight at you.
"I do, i just want to see more." You asnwer what you always do. But ofcourse he just shakes his head.
"You're not going to." Rimuru answers back, a dark tone to his voice for the first time since you met him.
You try to protest but Benimaru clasps a hand over your mouth to stop it.
You lick his hand but he doesnt relent. Rimuru chuckles at your annoyed expression.
"Don't try. Y/N, if you don't stay willingly... You'd make a lot of my friends sad." Rimuru speaks in a belitteling tone. walking up to you and petting your head dismissivly.
You let out muffled sounds of protests, squirming against Benimarus limbs as hes holding you down.
"Fine then, we'll lock your house down from now on. Is this what you wanted?" Rimuru snarkily tilted his head. You didn't recognise him like this. He's always been so friendly. But now, with those scary dulled eyes on the cutesy face... he's just offputting.
You made your protests known by a harsh glare. But he just smiled. You were really getting pissed off! You were an adult for god sake! No matter these cat features! This was dehumanizing!
Rimuru left, taking Benimaru with him. You heard the lock click into place. The windows had never been able to open... so..
But what they didn't know, was that you were a great lockpicker. Being bored in middle school was bound to pay off at some point!
So when it got dark out, and all these annoyances went to bed. You took that little metal hairclip and got to work. These fantasy people didn't know how to make complicated locks. So it wasn't that hard.
And bam, door open, Y/N free!
So you just sneak out of your house, taking some food with you, along with the non cutesy clothes they've provided you with.
Atleast being half cat gave you great stealth. No-one would hear you.
So you left Rimuru city. Into Jura forest and just... Wherever you wanted to go.
Ofcourse, you had been thankfull for their hospitality for a while, You mean, modern soceity would have let you rot on the streets. But still, locking someone in a house? Crazy.
The leaves crunched under your feet and you were getting paranoid that you'd leave a trail for them to find.
You sped up your pace, hoping to find somewhere else to hide. A cave maybe? A difrent city?
But no, you ended up meeting monsters. Lots of them. They chased you down, tired you out. You felt like real prey for once.
You hid in a tree and stared at these savage beasts as they kept patrolling under the tree. You couldn't get out. Trapped once again. But not as comfrotable.
But not for long. As morning broke out, the warm rays hitting your cold face after a night out in the tree, you heard sniffing.
And it wasn't from the monsters.
Before you knew it, they were all torn to shred by Ranga, Rimuru's wolf compagnion. Shit! He tracked you down!
Rimuru was on his back, in slime form. He devoured the tree you were in and turned human just to catch you in a ridiculously tight grip.
He seemed mad, stressed. Not a word was exchanged as he set you on Ranga and rode back to the city. Harsh grip around your waist.
"Y/N. You. Don't. Get. To. Leave." Rimuru whispered to you as you arrived back at the village.
You expected him to throw you back into your house but he too kyou to his living quarters instead. 
Tugging you along to one of the many rooms. Opening a wooden door, the overpowered slime set you on the soft bed and clicked some magic restraints to your wrists.
"This is your own fault. Ok?" Rimuru spoke darkly.
"You'll marry Shuna and Souei. You'll stay put and let us ake care of you. You hear me? This world is dangerous, and you weren't granted powers like I was." Rimuru explains with a serious face. He wanted you to marry two kijins!? Two?! Whatn to tie you to this place?
"I'm not getting married-" You started but he shut your mouth.
"You are. They keep whining about it and why not? You deserve some love, don't you think so?" He grins. You were genuinly scared of the slime at this point. This sounded way too creepy.
"You wouldn't want Gabiru to miss his best friend, would you? Or Benimaru to miss his adorable little sibling? Don't you get how dear yo uare to everyone?" Rimuru carresses you cheek softly. What kind of manipulation is this bitch pulling on you?
But you were afraid of talking back. This boy could pulvorize you ten times over.
So you reluctantly nod. Maybe... Maybe you could get used to living here? Its not like they hurt you...
Rimuru immeadiatly turned bubbly and cute again as you nod. Smiling brightly and patting your head before he leaves again.
The door clicks to a locked state and you slowly pann your gaze over to your cuffed wrists. They glow in the sunlight coming from the thick looking window.
'What the hell just happned?' You deadpann at the floor, needing a moment to register what just got decided for you.
You'd be stuck with these crazy sicko's forever!
A nightmare, really, being taken care off and loved. ew, who would like that-
Wait a minute.
Now hold up.
Well it may have been nice if you liked being stuck in a room. But nu uh. You were an adventurous cat!
The universe granted you a second life and you weren't going to waste it in the position of a docile house husband/wife!
But... You never got your adventure. Married off to two Kijin. 
Intertwined with all these people you had grown to know.
If only they had liked you... a normal amount.
Then you could have lived a seconds life.
This could barely be called that.
This was.... The life of a doll. It had to be. Put on display and loved by all, owned by all.
Thats what you'd always be.
A cute cat, to be cuddled and coddled.
Nothing else...
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I think I went braindead while writing this twice.
Sorry for the late-ness! School has been killing me, last year isn't a damm joke.
I hope this was readable!
Have a nice day/night!
Words: 2712
168 notes · View notes
kenposting · 1 year
New Guy Part 2! Ah!!!
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Summary: Ken invites you over for dinner at his house - something you were greatly looking forward to! Until you noticed something was on his mind.
WC: 4.2k
AN: literally so many people asked me to write more and i just wanted to cry wtf .......... i just feel so silly like i just like him!!! and u guys like him too gosh i luv u guys!!!!!! wtf!!!
Read Part 1 here: New Guy
Ken was off today and you really, really missed him. For some reason. He brought a sort of light to the diner that was just not there before he arrived. Sure, he made zero fucking sense 90% of the time, but he didn’t take himself too seriously, and that was incredibly refreshing. 
The girls you worked with snickered behind him often, though, and you did pick up on his face whenever he saw them laugh at a question he had or an encouraging comment he’d make. He really was trying his best, but it seemed no one took that into consideration. 
Perhaps that’s why he asked you to come over after your shift today. You never laughed at him, you always answered his questions no matter how simple they were, and you actually spoke to him like you respected him. Because you do! 
It was an odd feeling to keep looking up at the clock. You didn’t have class since it was now Summertime (and neither did he, as important as studying Beach was to him) and, upon realizing Summer meant a break from college, he very hurriedly asked if that meant he could “take you out sometime – but, you know, only if you wanted to, I mean, I don’t want to make you feel pressured or anything…” 
He was so cute for whatever reason and you found yourself unable to let that go – it’s like he wasn’t real; like he hadn’t been tainted by the rest of the world. He cried – literally cried – the last time you were late for a shift because he thought something bad had happened to you. You promised you’d make it up to him however he wanted and all he could think of was asking you to teach him how to ride a bike. You didn’t know why he was like… that… and you didn’t worry yourself trying to figure it out. 
The directions he gave you to his apartment were drawn in crayon on the back of a paper placemat from work. He made sure to include a tiny house and tiny diner and lots of arrows. He knew the way well, too; as if he had recited it to himself lots of times. Maybe he was scared to forget where he lived. Now that you thought about it, he never drove, only ever walked, and he did say he was new to town when you met him a few months back. 
His house was tiny and sweet, only six short blocks from where the two of you worked. You could tell he took great care tending to it, even just by observing the front yard. It was blocked off by a metal gate and seemed to be an older home, simple and freshly painted eggshell white. He had planted flowers around the outside beside the front step before the small patch of grass began. 
You couldn’t see it, obviously, but he had been pacing around inside for half an hour, nervous about seeing you. And you seeing him. Did he look okay? Was his house okay? He was just beside himself, which didn’t go away at all when he heard a gentle knock at the door.
“Hey, Ken!” 
He stood meekly in front of you as you opened the door, nervously folding and wringing his hands together, scared to do or say something that would make a bad impression. He was nearly hiding behind the door. This was silly since you worked with him almost every day (and hung out with him almost every evening). You noticed a shift over the last few weeks – like his bubbly demeanor had subsided a little. It was probably your coworkers getting to him. 
“Thanks for having me over. I like it so far!” 
He smiled sheepishly and looked at the ground, a blush arising on his cheeks as he seemed to regain a little bit of himself at your presence. 
“Thanks! I’ll show you the rest of my mo–” 
He stopped himself, brows furrowed, like he was going to say something out of habit, but remembered something and decided against it.
“My house, but it will probably only take, like, five seconds. It’s pretty small.” 
He stepped aside, holding the door open for you (something ‘gentlemanly’ he had learned from observing other couples at the diner – he was proud he noticed this). You saw his hands shaking, but you appreciated the confident gesture anyways. 
You stepped in beside him as he closed the door behind you, taking in the scenery. His house was… definitely… something. 
“My friend Gloria helped me find it and even paid for the deposit so I could live here and work! I paid her back, of course.” 
He was confident in his home, it came across in his tone of voice. He had surely made it his own. It was loud as hell. The walls were a bright pink color, but somehow it kind of worked. 
“They helped me paint it too! Gloria and her groom-husband and their daughter.” 
Brushing past his bizarre choice of words (but what’s new, it’s Ken), you surprisingly felt relief within yourself at hearing she was married. You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath on that one. 
Your eyes glanced around the place, taking in all of the little things that were so… him. It was like a frat house, but way nicer; cozier. He had shelving all around with little trinkets carefully placed everywhere, some of horses, some of small glass fish, and even some of tiny people. He had put so much thought into these scenes of humans just having fun, one shelf showing a scene of a bunch of friends playing beach volleyball and another showing guys in all black posed in various dance positions playing rock-paper-scissors. 
“Ken, this is so sweet. Did you make all this yourself?” 
He looked aside and blushed, shrugging off the compliment. 
The adjacent wall had framed photos of people dressed in what you assumed to be Halloween costumes. A scene of a fierce man in a gold tracksuit posed next to a blonde girl with a sparkly dress on, the framed photo sitting proudly next to a shot of a group of girls (and one boy) in a mock supreme court dressed in all pink jumpsuits. 
He opened his mouth to tell you about the people in the picture, but you watched as he teared up just thinking about them. It must’ve been a sensitive subject, so you thought it better to not ask. 
Above his (ridiculously messy) desk were tacked drawings on the wall. Crayon drawings. You saw him making them on his breaks. There were little doodles of horses, and some of people having fun at the beach, but mainly horses. You sensed a theme. 
“This section is for all the things people gave me when I came to the real world.” 
His voice was trembling a bit, like he missed them very dearly. Ignoring the ‘real world’ thing, you looked where he was gesturing to see a whole lot of unique and incredibly thoughtful gifts. A tiny disco ball, a small pink model car, a gag book called “Backflips for Dummies” where ‘dummies’ had been crossed out with marker and replaced with a handwritten ‘Ken’, a baby blue record player with matching pink headphones, a seashell, a tiny model campfire, a collection of various headbands, a pink first aid kit – it was just endless. He was clearly so very loved by these people. 
“And all of my furniture was made for me by carpenter Barbie!” 
The Barbie thing was ever-present in his descriptions of home. It didn’t bother you, really, but it was just… getting old. You knew it was just some bit, assuming he was calling his ex-girlfriends Barbies since his name was Ken. A classic joke, sure, but he had beaten it to death at this point. 
“Jeez, Ken, how many girls have you dated?” 
You were careful to come off playfully, never wanting to risk hurting his feelings. You got it, really. He was so sweet and charming, but it felt weird to hear about Carpenter Barbie and Lawyer Barbie – even Stereotypical Barbie. It wasn’t like him at all. His entire personality glowed with respect for everyone he's ever met, so why was he reducing his past loves to just their job title? 
“Oh… No, I haven’t ever… dated anyone before. Their names really were all Barbie, their careers were just how we’d all tell the difference when we were talking about them. I know things are different here. Even you – you’re not named Barbie.” 
You blinked at him. He knew you didn’t believe him, and it showed on his face, like he wanted so badly to just take your hand and introduce you to everyone. His genuineness was hard to pass over, but seriously? All of them were named Barbie? It didn’t make sense. And you supposed it didn’t have to. What did it matter – he lived here now, didn’t he?  
“It’s okay, Ken. Maybe I can meet them one day.” 
His ears pricked at that, stuffing that idea aside for later. It was Summertime, after all. Doesn’t everyone go on vacation for Summer? 
“Mmhm, I can take you!”
It was like he was trying not to fist-pump. He was always so animated. It was one of the very first things you noticed about him. “Anyways… I made dinner. I figured you’d be hungry after working so hard.” 
He stepped into his (tiny) dining area and for the first time, you got a good look at him. His house was kind of a lot – so much so that it had sort of overshadowed him, but as he stood there, the golden evening light from the window washing over him, you wondered how it had taken you so long to notice. 
He stood tall in the archway, wearing a gray pullover sweater, one you’d get at a university (but it had the Barbie logo embroidered on it). Light jeans were cuffed enough to show off his socks. He had swapped the usual white crew-style for patterned ones with little jellyfish all over them. His face was glowing in front of you and you felt yourself just wanting to leap towards him. He looked so cozy and soft and kind and handsome and – 
“I’m not sure what you like with it so I just kind of made everything…” 
You looked over his shoulder to see a rather extensive display of food. Still simple, though, nothing too extravagant, but it was clear he had put a lot of thought into everything. 
Most of his dishes were plastic (and heart-shaped) but you found that rather charming. He had made the same lunch your mom had made growing up, the one you had told him about just days before when he asked you what you’d be doing right now if you could be anywhere in the world. 
“Probably back home, but I’ve got rent to pay so I can’t travel for the Summer if it's longer than a day trip.” 
You remembered him looking so sad, like he was going to cry. The two of you were taking your lunch breaks together, as you did most days. You snacked while he drew horses with crayons on a napkin. He said he wasn’t hungry and that his head was hurting (probably because of the alcohol he’d ordered for the first time on your study date the night before). His cheek was squished, resting on his fist as he scribbled away, very focused. 
“What would you do at home?” 
“Have lunch with my mom at the kitchen table, soup and sandwiches. All the best things always happen at the kitchen table.” 
His face furrowed and scrunched as he put his whole heart into his drawing. His tongue even poked out a few times before he proudly showed it off to you. 
“My art teacher wants to put these in the gallery this weekend! She told me that my drawings perfectly capture the nostalgia of childhood, but I don’t know what those words mean.” 
You looked at him now, standing in front of you in his tiny little house, having prepared all of this just for you, remembering and holding on to everything you had passively told him. It was nearly maddening how kind he was – like you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop at any moment. There had to be a catch. There was no way this guy was real. 
He pulled a (baby blue) chair out, allowing you to sit first. You thanked him for putting all this work in, but he shrugged it off like it was nothing. It was like he was created just to serve the people around him. Even the girls at work that were mean to him – he’d pick up their shifts the second they didn’t feel like coming in and he spoke so highly of them, noting how they’d helped him to get the hang of his job. If only you could figure out this whole Barbie real-world thing, maybe you’d understand him a little better, but right now it all just seemed a little ridiculous – both the stories of his hometown and his chivalrous behavior. There was no way he was real. You’d pinch yourself to see if you’re dreaming, but that didn’t work the last twenty times, so really there’s no point. 
Seriously, though. What was his deal? You liked him so much – it just snuck up on you. You weren’t looking to be with anyone but you just couldn’t figure him out, and maybe you didn’t want to. Every guy you’d known had some bizarre at the least or toxic at the worst trait that came up eventually and you so desperately wanted him to be different. Now was as good a time as any to get it over with, rip the bandaid off, and be free of this false hope. 
“Hey, Ken…” 
His mouth was full but he looked up at you immediately with a great intensity, like he was so concerned to make sure you were alright. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked at you, waiting (literally) on the edge of his seat. The seats were too small for him. He kind of towered over most of the things in his house, actually. It was like this was a little dollhouse and he had barely begun to outgrow it. 
“What’s with all of the Barbie and Ken stuff?” 
He just looked at you, confused at your question. 
You sighed. 
“I mean, you always say Barbies and Kens instead of just saying women and men. And you always talk about how this… place, this world, is different from your own. I really like you and I’m really trying to understand it but I just don’t get it.” 
He blinked at you, brows furrowing as he nearly choked on his food and tried to gather some sort of answer that wouldn’t further confuse you. 
“You… you like me?” 
You realized what you had said just moments before. It came as a shock to the both of you. You did like him. You liked him so much it was starting to annoy you, actually. 
You nodded, frustrated, like you were searching for some sort of explanation that wouldn’t further confuse him. 
“I do, I like you a lot. I think about you all the time, you’re so silly I just love being around you, you’re ridiculously handsome it’s actually absurd, you’re so good at your job and so kind and you try so hard in school, I love your drawings, I love eating lunch with you, I just love… you. All of you” 
You watched as his lip quivered. He had been trying to hold it in all evening but he just couldn't anymore. 
“You like me?!” 
He bit down on the inside of his lip to stop the shaking. 
“I like you! And I’ve been wanting to tell you for so long but I’ve just never felt this way and… And I just feel like I never know what I’m doing. This place is so different than back home and I always want to take some initiative to show you how I feel but I’m just scared I’m going to bother you and that didn’t work back home and it’s so weird having my own house and–” 
He sighed, looking up at you. 
“This world – this place is so hard to live in.” 
You watched the look on his face. It’s the same face he makes when things get a little too overwhelming. You had seen it before, most recently after he walked right in to a sliding glass door, despreately trying to convince you that they just don’t have those where he’s from. Some things like that are just hard for him. 
You nodded, placing a hand on his. 
“This place is hard to live in. I’ve felt that way my whole life. Like I don’t really fit anywhere and everyone around me knows what they’re doing except me.” 
He nodded so desperately, like you were the first person to ever really understand him. 
“But… Ken, if this place is so hard to live in, why did you come here? And why did you stay?” 
“I came here to figure out why I did what I did.” 
There it was. He answered so quickly, like he had been waiting to tell you this since he met you. You knew it was coming sooner or later. There was no way he was as kind as he seemed, and he was about to tell you about some insane or horrible or creepy or despiciable thing he did to some poor girl before skipping town to ‘find himself’. You’d heard it all before. 
“I really liked this girl back home and she didn’t feel the same way. Not even like she didn’t like me, she just… it was like I was a bother to her, and I was. I waited for her to show up everywhere I’d go and I just wanted her to like me too, but not even romantically. Just like me, as a person, respect me, acknowledge me, validate me, reject me even. She didn’t even do that, she just…” 
He took a deep breath, steadying himself. Your jaw tightened, waiting to hear him say something he couldn’t ever take back. 
“Anyways… I didn’t mind that she didn’t like me, truly. I just hadn’t ever really thought about it before. Like we were meant to be together, but not in a good way – like it was planned and I couldn’t escape it. It was Barbie and Ken, there was no Just Ken.” 
Again, as bizarre as this whole Barbie and Ken thing was, his tone of voice was incredibly convincing. 
“But there is just Ken. I am Ken – and that’s it, that's good, but I didn’t know what that meant or who I was without spending my days just pining for her. After all that she came here to the real world and I wanted to as well. I didn’t come for her, I came for me. And I stayed for you.” 
He was crying now, tears slowly falling from his eyes, like he had been waiting for ages to find the words to explain all of this. 
“I mean… I came here to study. The first time I visited I learned about Patriarchy–” 
“The patriarchy.” 
“Right, the patriarchy, and I felt respected and seen, but I didn’t really get it. I tried to figure it out, I really did, but I couldn’t even do beach here and I kept getting arrested and I just... I just felt worse and worse so I…” 
His lower lip was really shaking now, like he had done something unforgivable. 
“I came home without Barbie and I let her get kidnapped by Mattel and I told all the Kens about what I saw and… and–” 
He was holding back actual sobs. 
“And I turned her dream house into a mojo dojo casa house for Kens only and I made Barbieland into Kendom Land Land of the Men and I made her listen to me play the guitar for, like, ever and ever and I just feel so bad about it all.” 
He took a shaky breath in, still clearly upset about everything. 
“But she was so nice to me about it when we finally talked. And then she came here, so I did too. I signed up for school so I could figure out why I did that and how to help other people realize what they’re feeling before they do something like that too. I know it was wrong and really mean, but I can also see that I was sad and I just liked her and I felt invisible and I didn’t even have a house.” 
He didn’t even have a house? 
“But now I do have a house! And I love learning about Beach and horses but what I really want is to do everything I can to help other people understand why this system doesn’t work, no matter who’s in charge. It didn’t work in Barbieland and it surely doesn’t work here either. It’s all ridiculous and it benefits no one, including those in power. It’s not fair, to guys or girls, to you, even. You can’t even go home during Summer because they barely pay you as much as they pay me just because you’re a girl, and I just started! You trained me! It’s absurd!” 
None of this was making any sense logically, but emotionally, all of it tracked. You felt the same way. You came here to understand the unhealthy behaviors in yourself and to try to help fix the system any way you could. 
“I love my house so much. I’m doing everything I can to figure out how I did something so crazy to all of the Barbies, but I won’t let it make me cynical or cold or mean anymore. I love being alive and even though people make fun of me for crying or blushing too much or asking stupid questions, I love being alive. I know it’s silly, but I love it, I love all of it. Every time you compliment me or help me with something or show me something new I just feel like I’m gonna explode. I don’t understand it, but I never even felt this way about Barbie – I don’t even know if I liked her, really, I think I was just programmed to act like it. I love seeing the older people that come in to work, they love each other so much and I just… I want that. That’s real and I want something real. I want more than a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend bride-wife – I want what I see every day here. Like my friend Gloria and her groom-husband and everyone we see at work and at school. You know how people come into the diner every day – literally every day! – just to eat together? And hold hands? And look at each other for so long and just talk and laugh? I have no idea what that’s like, but I want to know so bad. I want to have that. And I want you to have that – even if it’s not with me! Even if you don’t feel the same way, you deserve a good groom-husband more than anyone I’ve ever met, it's absurd that no one is taking care of you!” 
He sighed, closing his eyes. 
“Sorry, what I’m, trying to say is, I just… I don’t understand it but all I want to do is spend time with you. I tried to ask some people at school what to do about... this feeling but their answers were so mean, like you were an object I was entitled to just take for myself. I tried to ask our coworkers but they told me you wouldn’t like me anyways and I believed them. I just… I don’t want to be... patriarchal about it and I have no idea what I’m doing.” 
A quiet fell over the place. You watched as little dust bunnies glittered around him. He had soup on his shirt. 
“Ken, I… I don’t know what to say.” 
You smiled, letting out a gentle laugh. He laughed too. You had been holding your breath at everything he was saying, a blush creeping over your ears. He was blushing too, mostly at himself for going off a little, but also at you. He could stare at you for hours. Most days he’s telling himself not to, straining his eyes away from you at work. His heart just ached when you spoke so kindly to customers or your coworkers or him. Gosh, when you spoke to him. He just melted every time, turning away from you as quickly as possible so you wouldn’t see him fall apart, just bashful. 
“I think you know exactly what you’re doing. And you’re damn good at it, too. If you’d asked me I’d say you’re the most experienced human I know.” 
Relief was painted on his face, a sense of calm falling over the two of you like a gentle, quiet snowfall. You really were the only one that understood him, but moreover, he was the only one that understood you. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing either, Ken. I don’t think anyone does. Everyone is just pretending, I promise. I watch the way those same couples spend their days just… existing together. It’s like they don’t have a care in the world when they’re next to each other and I feel that way when I’m with you. I also don’t know what I’m doing, but I can learn. We can learn. We can figure it out. And I don’t really understand the Barbies or Kens or Real World stuff you’re talking about most days, but that doesn’t mean you can’t show me.” 
He looked so simple, sat right in front of you, and you watched as he smiled – like all of a sudden he wasn’t so confused anymore. 
“Do you know how to roller-blade?” 
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keeksandgigz · 10 months
ugh maybe something angsty to fluffy with eddie , like nightmares or a silly argument turned too big leaving both in tears but then resolved
idk baby ugh i love ur writing tho !
aww stop i love u <3
this is literally my first ask ever im so excited!! hope u enjoy :)))
He knows better than to fall asleep.
The world lays still around him, the sound of lone crickets plays as his lullaby while he stares at his banged up ceiling.
Everytime he closes his eyes he feels like he's suffocating, still in the stuffy, dusty and slimy Upside Down, the blood at his throat almost choking him to death.
It's his first night alone back home. Him and Wayne had been cleared to go back earlier that September morning after spending a whole summer in a cramped infirmary on a small cot that made his feet stick out.
Noises of people snoring, talking, moving around. Even people crying and screaming in their sleep. You sleeping in the cot right next to him.
Your shoulders rising and falling. On nights where he couldn't sleep he'd count every breath you took, until his brain grew tired and fell victim to slumber.
But tonight there was just eerie quiet. No breaths to count except his own, shallow and irregular in his chest, as he tried not to focus too much on the way the skin of his naked chest stretched taut by the stitches given to him felt under his hand, casually resting there.
The faint white and red splotches of mangled skin felt funny under the touch of his hands. Even then, he tried to not touch them. He didn't like the way his body would retract from his own touch. Almost as if he was scared of himself.
He hadn't let you see them yet, everytime you hung out and reveled in each other's company never went further than a few risky kisses. Your hands traveling to the hem of his shirt being abruptly stopped by his fingers intertwined in yours, moving away from his waist.
It was silent, the way you understood his limits. He'd never let you know he wasn't comfortable, and you could not have possibly known what lied under the too- big shirt he'd taken from the donation box.
Tonight, though, he finds himself missing counting your breaths, imagining you back at home in the comfort of your bed. Are you awake too?
Sick and tired of thinking, closing his eyes only to see monsters behind his lids, the feeling of the crumpled, rough sheets under his back, he gets up. He slips a shirt on, along with a pair of pants and fishes a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the pockets of his jacket, perched carelessly on the chair.
He heads to the front porch. He closes the front door behind him, trying to keep quiet. Wayne's at work, but the habit of tiptoeing and whispering around after months of living in a communal space still stuck with him.
He sits on the stairs of his porch, letting the cigarette between his lips as he fights with the yellow lighter his dad had given him to start a spark.
"Fuck" he curses under his breath as the lighter proceeds to not produce a light. His breathing becomes uneven as his cheeks flush with anger. Frustrated, he tosses the lighter in the patch of grass in front of him. Useless fucking thing.
He doesn't even know why he still has it. The last time he'd seen his dad was over two years before. He'd never gone that long without a visit.
He's tempted to go in the kitchen and light up his cigarette with the stove, but Wayne didn't like him smoking inside. Instead he just sits there, unlit cigarette between his lips as he looks at a certain spot in the trailer park.
The same spot he'd almost died at.
He's so entranced by that one patch of dirt that he doesn't notice a car driving into the trailer park. His eyes diverting only when the headlights almost turn him blind.
It's you.
The car turns off and you come out of it, dressed in some cute pyjamas, a jacket that once belonged to Eddie covering you from the late September gale.
"Can't sleep either?" you say, staring at his dumbfounded face as you approach him on the wooden porch stairs.
"Too quiet. Missin' the old man who talked about cake in his sleep" he lets out a breathy laugh.
"My bed was too comfortable. My back is too fucked up from the cot, can't sleep on a soft mattress anymore. Missed having a bed next to yours, Munson" you nudge him, he just gives you a tight- lipped smile.
"Missed watching you breathe" he says, cautiously "Helped me sleep at night. I'd count every breath you took"
"Having any nightmares?" you ask, placing your head on his shoulder.
"Can't have nightmares if I'm awake. Everytime I close my eyes it's like I'm back in there, so I just.... don't sleep" he says, playing with the still unlit cigarette in his mouth.
The air is light between you two, an air of friendship, unweighted by your knowledge of what happened to him. You bring him relief, solace.
"Tell you what" you begin "you can light that cigarette with my car lighter, we split it, and then we go back inside and you can watch me breathe. So you can sleep" you blink up at him. He blinks at you back.
You offering to sleep with him in his bed wasn't something he'd have expected out of his life. Especially at this time of it.
All he does is nod as you take the cigarette from his lips and light it in your car, coming back with it already between your lips.
You're warm when you settle yourself next to him on the bed, under the rough blankets. The pillows smell like him. You inhale.
He doesn't know whether to hold you or leave you alone. He just opts to be a little closer to you as he lets you close your eyes. A weak "G'night, Munson" escapes you as you exhale and close your eyes.
He watches the silhouette of your shoulders rise and fall.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven...
He falls asleep before he can get to fifty.
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jsprnt · 4 months
a sweet picnic date with your fiancé
darwin núñez x fem! reader
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A/N: missed writing requests so much!! based on this request. thank you for your patience and sweet words <33
W/C: 1.412
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"stop moving, babe. you're messing the parting up.."
you whine, frown forming on your face as your fiancé moves his head again, ruining the braid you were weaving into his long hair.
"lo siento amor. i didn't realize it would get messed up.." darwin apologizes, moving his head when he notices your hands moving away from his hair.
"why did you stop?" he asks, shifting his body so he can face you.
you grasp the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it in annoyance.
"you keep moving.." you scrunch your face up, making a small sound of annoyance.
"i said i'm sorry, cariño. come on, try again, please?" he says, grabbing your hands to squeeze them into his.
it was silly really, but you just wanted to have some peace and quiet in the park with your fiancé.
the season had just ended, and darwin had a couple days off before his international duty started.
with the sun shining this afternoon, he had suggested having a little picnic date in the local park.
you had agreed, obviously- because who wouldn't want to enjoy mother nature and her beauty pre-summer?
"wait, stay here.." darwin suddenly perks up. slipping the birkenstocks you had gotten him recently on and walking away from your little set up on the grass.
a big, comfortable blanket and an ice box for your drinks and snacks.
darwin had carried it all out of the car, of course. because in his words: "why would you carry something heavy, when i'm right here?"
you raise your brows in confusion, pulling your sunglasses off your face to enjoy the sun beaming down onto your face.
living in england for the past few years meant limited sun exposure, so you'd be crazy not to enjoy the sun when it was out.
you look to your side when you hear the rustling of grass, making immediate eye contact with your fiancé. cheeky expression on his face as he holds his right hand behind his back.
"what's that?" you ask curiously, smile pulling at your lips.
"my apology gift.” he states, stepping closer and sitting next to you on the checkered blanket.
"show me.." you urge, moving to sit on your legs in anticipation.
he nods, grin on his face, when he pulls a mini bouquet from behind his back. consisting of little dandelions and violas plucked from the bushes and grass in the park.
it’s a huge contrast from the huge, colorful bouquet he’d give you or send you when he was gone for work. you could never get enough of the pretty and delicate arrangements of flowers he’d choose specifically for you.
you chuckle at his gesture and cuteness, grabbing the petite bouquet of wildflowers from his outstretched arm.
"you're so cute, baby. apology accepted.." you cave in, leaning in to plant a kiss on his lips.
you pull back, squealing when you get tackled onto the soft blanket by darwin.
his body hovers over yours in a second, and you look up when he chuckles.
"you're definitely the cuter one here, cariño.." he dips his head down to trail kisses down your neck and collarbone, making you gasp in surprise.
the kisses were usually welcome, but definitely not in the middle of this public park.
you bring your hands up to stop him, his luscious, untied hair falling in front of his face and tickling your skin.
"what? i can't love on my own fiancée now?" he smirks, feeling your hands tangle into his brown hair.
"your hair is tickling me.." you protest, feeling his hands move around your back to help you sit up again.
"braid it then, please amor..." he asks, eyes twinkling as he looks at you. beaming sun, almost making his hair look a reddish brown.
"i won't move this time, promise." he adds, turning away from you, so he's sitting right in between your legs.
"you promised." you remind, hands reaching up to rake your fingers through his soft hair. the smell of his shampoo and conditioner still present from the shower earlier that morning.
"where is your hair tie?" you ask, looking around for the black elastic. even if darwin had an entire drawer full of them, you'd bet he'd lose them all within the span of one week.
"here.." he says, slipping the tie off his wrist and handing it to you.
"surprised you didn't lose it picking flowers for me.." you tease, parting his hair neatly into three sections, making sure there are no fly-aways before pulling each strand over the other.
you can hear him hum in relaxation, knowing he absolutely loved it when you ran your fingers through his hair.
after a particularly hard day or intense match, you'd always help him calm down from the day's activities with hair care.
it was a great way to bond with each other, both in figuring out what worked for his hair and basking in the calm after the storm.
"your hair has grown a lot since the last time you cut it.." you say, tangling your fingers into the strands and finally pulling the hairtie off your wrist. tying the end of the braid neatly and tightly so your work won't come undone easily.
"i know, but i like it long.."
his reason? you being able to play with his hair, of course.
"if you like it, you should keep it this way, baby." you reassure, moving your hand to smooth out the braid, and the ends of it. your engagement ring glimmering in the sunshine.
your eyes flicker to the wildflowers he'd plucked minutes ago. getting a little idea, you grab one of the flowers. beginning to poke the small stems through the single braid.
"what are you doing, amor?" darwin questions, wondering why it's taking you longer than usual.
"just a second.." you murmur, smiling to yourself when you place the last yellow dandelion into the braid.
"tada!" you lift your hands up, smiling brightly at your work.
"what? i want to see.." your fiancé whines, comically turning like he's going to be able to see what you did to his hair.
"let me take a picture." you say, grabbing your phone off the blanket next to you and snapping a picture. making sure you get a good shot of all the flowers neatly placed in his hair.
"look.." you chuckle, moving to sit on your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. pressing your chest against his back and placing your chin on his shoulder as you show him the photo.
you raise your brow, having difficulty holding back your smile as you watch his face scrunch in happiness.
"the flowers- you made it all pretty, cariño. thank you.."
you let go of him, seeing him turn around, so he can face you again. you feel him press a tender kiss on your temple, feeling warm and giddy inside.
he wraps his arms around your frame, pulling you closer to his body.
"do you still want those strawberries i packed?" he questions, reaching over to open the blue cool box when you nod eagerly.
"they're perfectly ripe this time.." he comments, opening the tuperware and poking a fork through a sweet strawberry.
"i got them at the farmers market. they looked delicious." you say, opening your mouth, so he can feed you the sweet fruit.
"it's good. try one baby." you convince him with a full mouth, watching him try one as well.
he hums at the taste, nodding in agreement, before placing the fork down.
"it is good, very sweet- but not sweeter than you, amor.."
you roll your eyes at the corny tease, though a grin shows up on your face.
"i'm not, but can you give me another one, please?" you ask, mouth open, ready for another yummy strawberry.
"in denial? why don't we pack up and go home so i can show you?"
you almost choke on your spit, squinting at him as the sun shines directly into your eyes. his eyes widen in surprise at your sudden fit of coughing, making him pat your back quickly.
"I'm fine, but.." you begin, smirk pulling at your lips when you start to tease him back.
"will you carry everything back to the car again?"
"is that really a question?"
he’ll pack everything up in a matter of seconds if it meant that he could get home and give you all of his love, and you knew that..
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
I just pictured getting into a silly arguement with your vampire partner and then you get so petty that you go stand out in the sun so they can't get to you.
My hand slipped: (gn reader, f vampire, sfw)
"I can't believe you left the garlic out on the counter where I could smell it! Again!" she hissed, eyeing the offending bulb with glaring, scarlet irises. "You know how it affects my throat!"
"You said you wouldn't come in the kitchen anymore!" you fired back at her. "You get to drink any kind of blood you like -- I don't judge you for it -- and you said I could have the kitchen as my space where I get to have the things I like to eat."
"Yes, but you don't have to smell deer blood on my breath for a week after I go hunting!"
"God dammit, I just wanted some garlic bread, sweetheart," you practically sobbed. "I miss it, ok?"
"I don't see why I should have to pay for your -- where are you going?"
"I'm going outside. This is clearly not going anywhere and I need a minute."
"Get back here," she yelped as you flung open the back door and stepped out into a blazing August afternoon.
Crickets and insects filled the air around you with their raucous chorus from the grasses, and in the oak tree above you at the end of the garden, a pigeon cooed in a decidedly lacklustre voice, lamenting the cooler days yet to come.
You took a deep breath and let the sun's fierce heat prickle all up your bare arms. You'd never had an argument with Celine before, and with it being over something so petty as a stray bulb of garlic, you felt unnerved and off-kilter. After only a few minutes, you bit your lower lip and turned towards the back door of the house again, finding her sitting on the step, staring at you.
Her bare toes were tucked right up against the step as the creeping tide of daylight washed slowly towards her, and your heart lurched at the thought of it scorching her skin because she was too stubborn to go inside and wait for you both to cool off. Metaphorically. It was hot as Satan's balls out there.
"Celine," you breathed, knowing full well she would hear you, even at that distance.
She lowered her head, her thick, dark, curly hair falling in front of her face and her hands dropping to dangle listlessly in her lap.
With slow, measured steps, you returned to her and stood before her on the path, still separated from her by a wall of searing sunlight.
She looked up and met your gaze. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I overreacted. Keep your garlic. Keep everything that makes you human and everything I love about you and everything that you love. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry I wasn't more thoughtful about storing it so it doesn't waft around the house. I forgot how refined your senses are."
You held out your hand, letting the shadows cast by the house slide up your skin so she could safely hold your hand. Celine rose to her feet and drew you into the cool embrace of her arms. "I love you," she whispered into your hair as she cradled you close. "I love you so much."
"Garlic and all?"
She chuckled. "Yes, garlic and all. We did meet at Francesco's dinner party after all."
"That was an awful lot of garlic," you snickered. "Even for me."
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nerdraging4point0 · 5 months
Power Play // Chapter Eight // Hockey-Omens AU
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Tropes and tags: RPF:AU hockey player romance, angsty romance, hidden relationship, forbidden relationship, smutty, MF, multiple POV. 
Content Warning: angsty romance, hockey player shenanigans, locker room talk, smutty, aggressive hockey players, PinV, MF relationship, possessive male, protective male.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Taglist(click to be added): @ladyveronikawrites @poisongirl616 @shilohrosechicken @th0ughts-pr4yers @meliferafaerie @curse-bearing-hips @letmeadoreyoux @transparentwitchnightmare @darling-millicent-aubrey @moranastray @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @collective-heartbreak @littlefoxkota @somebodyels3 @thisbicc @jakeygvf21 @cind6547 @lma1986 @loeytuan98 @xxkittenkissesxx @darkmxgician @sammyjoeee @malerieee @embracethereaper42 @nerdywitch20 @graveatspeople @sacredthefran @dominuslunae @skulliecadaver-blog @anameunmusical @thatchickwiththecamera @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @lilrubles @iknownothingpeople @talialovesmiw @deathofpeaceofmiiind @shaydayhere @wild-child-7747
As I shuffle from foot to foot, waiting impatiently, the massive sphere looms over me, slowly turning to showcase the etched lettering that reads Universal Studios. The brilliant water show happening just behind me provides a melodic backdrop, but does little to soothe my growing unease. Across the way, crowds of excited guests pour through the front gates, many already wearing silly souvenir hats or clutching stuffed animals they bought. Their joyful shrieks echo from inside the park. But here I remain, alone, checking my phone again for any word from Noah who is now 15 minutes late. It would have been easier to carpool but I was so adamant on it only being casual I thought a car ride together would push the boundaries-what was I thinking?  I crane my neck, scanning the constant stream of park-goers for any sign of them. Meanwhile, just down the palm-tree lined streets, casual shoppers laugh and chat as they drift in and out of kitschy gift shops and overpriced restaurants.
I stand conflicted, torn between listening to the voice in my head urging me to leave and salvage my pride or staying to enjoy the sunny day alone in the park. My mind races, replaying our last conversation where he promised to meet me here, yet now I wait aimlessly for a text explaining his absence. I shift my weight between feet, denim shorts swishing against my bare thighs as I kick at the sidewalk in frustration. Arms crossed, I glance around, taking in the groups laughing together on the grass while I wait solitary by the lot. With a huff, I turn to leave, chucks scuffing the pavement with each reluctant step. I make it only a short distance before pausing, a glimmer of hope making me pivot back. I fish my phone from my pocket, refreshing my notifications despite knowing the empty screen awaiting me. 
Noah: Hey, traffic was terrible. Got our tickets online meet me at the front gates. 
The text came in two minutes ago. When I was standing around contemplating my life choices, I feel like an idiot. Had he seen me stomping away? I take a deep breath walking down the red painted walk to the front gates. I spot him before he spots me, leaning on one shoulder against a palm tree closest to the ticket booth. 
His casual look is simple but it’s making my insides swim and spin in circles. The shorts are a classic neutral that matches anything, hitting just above his knees to show off muscular, tattooed calves. His socks and shoes are bright white, like he just stopped by the store to get them specifically for today. On top stands out a bold red hoodie with the hockey team's logo plastered boldly on the front, impossible to miss in a sea of people. His focus is downwards at his phone, hand absentmindedly brushing over short brown hair, drawing my eyes to the fresh cut he got just this morning. The ends are crisp and clean, neatly trimmed in a way that shapes his head, sharpening his look. 
“Hey,” he says as I close the distance between us looking up at me  from behind his shades, “Sorry traffic was a killer, sometimes I am afraid my old ‘09 car is gonna crap out on the freeway.”
"No worries," I say self-consciously, as I begin tugging at the hem of my shorts and shirt in a futile attempt to cover more of the bare skin I had purposely chosen to flaunt just moments before. I'm not sure why I suddenly feel so exposed and vulnerable, wishing I had worn something more modest, but his intense gaze is making me painfully aware of just how little clothing I have on. As if sensing my unease, he reaches for my hand, gently interlacing our fingers together and giving me a reassuring squeeze. With a warm smile, he leads us towards the mobile ticket booth at the park's entrance. I watch as he smoothly pulls up the e-tickets on his phone, which the attendant scans before snapping bright yellow paper wristbands onto each of our wrists. 
"Have fun!" she chirps cheerfully, waving us through the turnstile into the park. Still holding my hand securely, he guides me into the bustling crowd of families and thrill-seekers.
We scatter around the amusement park, darting from ride to ride but never fully committing to more than one at a time. Most of our time is spent waiting in the snaking queues, chattering away about anything and everything to pass the time. We debate our favorite movies - the epic adventures we could watch over and over and the cheesy romcoms we secretly love. We groan about the overhyped blockbusters that left us bored and disappointed. 
The line stretches on endlessly, filled with eager witches and wizards of all ages clad in Hogwarts robes and brandishing imitation wands they had purchased at the souvenir shops. They jostle against each other, craning their necks to see how much longer the wait will be, too caught up in their anticipation to pay heed to personal space. I pull in on myself, trying to avoid the constant bumps and shoves from the overly enthusiastic crowd. Mumbling half-hearted apologies, they repeat the same motions over and over as they surge forward whenever the line moves an inch. Their reckless abandon grates on me, fraying my nerves until I'm overwhelmed by the suffocating press of bodies. Just when I think I can't stand it any longer, I feel Noah's hands encase my shoulders before he pulls me back against his chest. He crosses his arms around me, enveloping my tiny frame within the safe harbor of his embrace. Sheltered there with his chin resting atop my head, the chaotic crowd no longer seems so oppressive. 
The hours fly by in each other's company. I walk slowly as I munch on the Minon Cafe nachos I purchased trying to get a generous amount of cheese, onions and barbeque on one chip. The savory blend of flavors bursts across my tongue with each crunchy bite. Noah stands next to me watching me munch on my food, his lips occasionally curving into a soft smile as he finds amusement in my puffed out chipmunk cheeks struggling to contain the mouthfuls of nachos. I return the expression with my own cheeks puffed out to maximum capacity, my mouth so full of the delicious tex-mex treat that I can barely chew let alone speak. The boys rush up to us without warning, their sneakers scuffing along the pavement. Two gangly teen boys with all the awkward acne and scattered facial hair that comes with puberty stand before us, the shortest one flashing a braces-filled smile as he and his lanky friend try to catch their breath after jogging to catch up with us.
"Hey man," the shorter one greets Noah, a slight lisp detectable as he speaks, "Love the hoodie. We're big Rooks fans." His eyes light up with admiration as they fixate on the sports team logo emblazoned across Noah's chest.
"Oh thanks," Noah replies, his smile broadening as he briefly glances down at the jacket he is wearing despite the intense heat, acting as though he had no idea he was sporting the coveted team merch.
"Whose your favorite player?" the other kid asks eagerly, practically bouncing on his toes. Noah shakes his head and I swear I see a little blush rise in his cheeks, his modest nature taking over. He reaches up and slowly removes the sunglasses from his face. As his identity is revealed, I turn back to look at the boys and see their starstruck expressions morph into sudden realization of who it is they are actually talking to.
The boys ask Noah for photos and autographs. He happily obliges, flashing his pearly white smile for selfies and signing various items. After a few minutes, the boys scamper off, thrilled with their interactions. Noah slides his sunglasses back on and turns to me with a grin stretching ear to ear.
 "You seem to be a popular player," I joke as I toss my trash and brush the chip crumbs from my hands.
 "It's not often I'm stopped without the team around," he admits with a casual shrug. "Puck bunnies usually," he adds. I involuntarily cringe at the mention of that term, memories of my reckless youth flooding back. I was quite the rebel in my teen years, making a string of poor choices with some of the players on my dad's college team. While I was never in it for the money or fame like those so-called "puck bunnies," I'd still made decisions I wasn't proud of, motivated by little more than teenage hormones and lust. 
"You would think," Noah continues, "Being here there would be more popular celebrities to see than me." He shrugs off the comment trying to lighten the mood. I shake off whatever it is that bothers me and force a smile.
 "Maybe they are all hiding," I say pointing to the studio tour ride. Just below the theme park are the studios where they often are filming - it's entirely possible celebrities of all types lurk below us without us knowing. Noah's face brightens at my suggestion and his eyebrows raise behind his sunglasses. His excitement is palpable as he takes my hand and drags me across the park to the escalators, paying the extra toll for the ride. I can't help but grin, caught up in his enthusiasm. We hurry onto the trolley, Noah helping me into the far back seat.
We're squeezed into the very back seat, thighs touching, the tour guide going on about the studio and celebrities we might see roaming around. I'm not even listening. I’m too focused on Noah’s arm draped behind me. His fingers drift lightly over my arm, barely making contact, but it's enough to make my heart race.
As the trolley trundles along through the winds and curves, I turn my head to gaze out the large open sides of the tram, feigning distraction while my mind races. I'm scanning the scenery with unseeing eyes, lost in a vivid daydream. In my fantasy, we sneak away from the crowds flocking through the park and slip into one of its shadowy alcoves, hidden from view. He presses me against the rough brick wall, his strong body pinning mine as his hands roam my curves. Our breaths grow ragged with anticipation and I have to bite my lip to keep from crying out as he drives himself into me, right there out in the open where anyone could happen by. My heart pounds at the illicit thrill even as my inner muscles clench around him. Just then, his deep voice breaks through my scandalous reverie.
 "You hungry?" As I turn back, our noses brush in sudden proximity and instinctively I recoil. But his arm around my shoulders tightens, holding me close so that our lips nearly meet. I swallow hard, nodding my head dropping my  eyes down to stop myself from staring at my own reflection in his black sunglasses. 
“Here or downtown?” His free hand comes between us, his index finger tapping my nose before dropping down to cup my chin and tilt my head up to look at him again. I see myself staring back from his dark sunglasses, the faint sight of his eyes behind them, and I know I'm done for. 
Noah’s POV
“Mmm, fuck, you’re so good to me, aren’t you little fox?”  The subtle music from the shops of studio city provided the backdrop as we found a secluded corner shielded by palm trees and trash bins. My hands gripped her hips tightly, bracing her against the brick wall as I moved rhythmically, struggling to keep my shorts from falling. Her body pressed hard into the wall with each thrust as I hit that sensitive spot inside her, eliciting muffled moans from behind her hand clasped firmly over her mouth. Her nails dug sharply into my shoulder, urging me on as my tempo increased. We were lost in the moment, oblivious to anything but each other and the risky thrill. The distant chatter was drowned out by her gasps of pleasure, spurring me to quicken the pace. 
“Fuck, I’m almost there baby.” I brought her down on my cock she rotates her hips to meet me with each thrust. Fuck. I can't get enough of this girl, she has me absolutely addicted in every way. From the moment I wake up, she is the first thought that crosses my mind. I find myself constantly daydreaming about her throughout the day, picturing her smile, her laugh, the way her nose crinkles when she's focused. I can't go five minutes without needing to touch her, to feel her soft skin under my fingertips. Her presence soothes me, excites me, consumes me. I want to talk to her all the time, hear her voice, her thoughts, her dreams. I've caught myself staring at her apartment balcony, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, longing to see that cute, sleepy look she gets when she's just waking up. I'm not proud to admit it, but I'm utterly infatuated. When we're together, it's electric - the sex is mind blowing, earth shattering, unlike anything I've ever experienced. I can't get enough of her body, the way she feels, tastes, smells. She has me completely intoxicated, addicted, obsessed. 
“fuck me, please.” The rhythmic panting in my ear spurs me on, driving my movements with an intoxicating urgency. Lost in the moment, I'm only dimly aware of footsteps approaching in the distance. But I cannot bring myself to stop, not when we’re so close.
Her skin is flush against mine, damp with perspiration from the sweltering summer air. As our foreheads meet, her face contorts in ecstasy, lips forming a perfect ‘O’ while her eyes roll back. She tightens around me, her body quivering. I wish I could freeze this instant, to imprint the exquisite sight of her unraveling in my mind. I come with one last thrust and we stand there, muscles shaking, breath heaving. 
I catch my breath quickly waiting for her thighs to stop shaking before I am setting her down slowly, shielding her as she steadies on her feet, trying to bend at the waist and lift a shaky leg through her denim shorts. 
Her delicate hand feels light in mine as I gently pull her out to the shopping center, people glance our way and I see her cheeks turn red. People have no idea what we just did, but I do and seeing her shy like this, I find it cute. I spot the burger joint and we slip inside and find a cozy booth by the window. The waiter takes our order - a juicy burger and fries for her, just a cold beer for me. As we wait, she becomes utterly engrossed in the football game blaring on the massive flatscreen above the bar. I watch her eyes light up whenever her team makes a big play. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I find myself getting drawn into the game too.
In the back of my mind, I can't help thinking about my own team - how in just a couple days I'll be back on the ice with them, immersed in the sweat and adrenaline of competition. Part of me itches to be cleared for practice again, to feel the smooth feeling of the ice beneath my skates, to hear the swish of the net as I sink a perfect shot. But a larger part of me knows I'd rather be right here, in this moment, with her. For now, the game on TV is just background noise. The thing that has my full attention is the way she smiles at me from across our little booth, eyes shining, cheeks still flushed. This is where I'm meant to be.
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