#but let’s be real Miriam deserves it
mangora · 10 months
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
I binged through all of Dragon Age: Absolution today and honestly I really really liked it! I was allowing myself only some very cautious optimism after watching the twitch premiere of the first episode, but freed from the need for infodumps and setting up the characters the rest of the show actually rapidly gets better from there (some pacing issues here and there excepted but hey they were given 6 episodes, I think they did pretty well considering those constraints)! If like me you HUNGER for, you YEARN for, you CRAVE more Dragon Age right the fuck now, this is not at all a bad thing to help keep some of that hunger down while we wait for the next game, and has a few loveable new characters to get into and some great action animation to boot.
More idle thoughts/reactions under the cut!
first and foremost I love Roland and Lacklon so much haha, a surprisingly well paced romance considering it mainly happens in quick background-ish moments! I'm especially interested in Roland's backstory, since he's very chill and openminded for what seems to be a decently well-trained/educated Orlesian? Lacklon being like 'I want to hold his hand and suck his dick 😔 fml' every time Roland did something cool in battle was just *chef's kiss* too, it was kind of smart to have their fight scenes double as foreplay as well on a writing level since they're arguably the least plot-important characters overall (though they and Qwydion are definitely the heart of the story as far as I'm concerned)
I understand why Miriam clung to Hira so much since she just lost literally everything in her life, good or bad, moments before and that relationship was the only time she had tasted anything like real love since her brother died, but girl... girl when people show you who they are, believe them. marry Qwydion instead you deserve so much better (Hira gave me the Bad Vibes right away from how she didn't respect anything Miriam said or expressed and kept pushing in ways that made me really uncomfortable, so I won't say I was shocked or anything lol.) There is the (??deliberate??) mirror of Hira hugging Miriam from behind in the blood magic dream and Qwydion coming up behind her in very much the same way to rest her hand on her shoulder in the real world afterwards, so I have hope maybe?
can you imagine Dorian watching shitshows like this go down every other week all around Tevinter and tearing at his perfectly sculpted hair because Andraste's tits if you motherfuckers would stop acting stereotypically for FIVE MINUTES! could any of you go take a PISS without resorting to blood magic! Dorian's job is a shit job and he's probably been doing it for a while by the time of Dreadwolf so y'know. get my son a drink
speaking of Qwydion, I am so glad for further support for my theory that vashoth born away from the Qun are actually some of the most well-adjusted people in all of Thedas. they've dodged the Qun from birth by definition, they don't seem terribly interested in the Chantry or grand politics of any kind, they don't have a caste system hanging over them, they can step on anyone who tries to mess with them even if they don't have magic... truly the only sane people running around out here
so you're telling me the Inquisition screws Fairbanks over no matter what you do, b/c either he dies or he's forced into Orlesian politics. Oh buddy I'm sorry we should've just let you frolic around in the Emerald Graves on your own you didn't deserve this
Poor Tessa. she is probably better off without him in the long run but that's a rough week
I was so excited to see Kirkwall again, I saw the horrific chain statues and went 'OH HELLHOLE MORE LIKE HELLHOME'. it's so grim and awful I miss it so much lol
meredith, huh. so uh. hawke really has failed at everything, pretty much, then. even the few people they did manage to kill to protect everyone didn't stay dead. I'm just waiting for the dragon they killed in the Bone Pit to come back and ravage the city as well now, just to top it off. celestial punching bag of thedas hawke. babyyyyyyyyy if it helps I still love you the most and so does your collection of bi weirdos found family
rezaren wasn't even that good a mage, as far as we can tell, so you have to wonder what the FUCK dorian's ancestor was pulling to have created this thing that he could barely control with half a dragon's worth of blood (and what someone like Dorian, who helped crack time like an egg in his student days sort of just to see if he could, it seems, could do with it if they didn't have like scruples or other pesky things like that. everything we see about tevinter magisters makes me more impressed with how comparatively not fundamentally shitty Dorian has managed to turn out (no wonder Bull is kind of impressed with him for having actual integrity, if this is the competition he's up against). can you tell I miss him lol)
I found it genuniely interesting how much rezaren and hira are thematic mirrors to each other and mutually cannot see it, right down to treating miriam ultimately as an object. same self-centered idiot, different hairstyles. what a scathing indictment of Tevinter high society that even Hira, who's family was notoriously progressive and trying to enact change, still treats people exactly the same way as the other magisters when push comes to shove.
thank u to Lacklon for pessimistic cynical bastard representation, he is right that that dragon is going to ravage the countryside and someone on the crew has to keep clear eyes for that sort of thing even when it's a downer
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venus-is-thinking · 25 days
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 19 - Venus)
Recap: Finalists' Helpers
That was a really fun episode! Obviously some of @accirax and I's assumptions about who was going where were dependent on them, uh, getting to choose from all three of them, but we still got some info! Plus, with the trailer, you can see Jake's bench. So far, it looks like I succeeded on Miriam, Aiden, Tom, Lake, and Ashley.
I think the final helpers are some really interesting choices! Fiore helping Ally will bring back some of Ally's early season woes and force her to think about the journey she's gone along. James helping Jake, similarly, will call him back to the first fuck up of many this season, allowing Jake to show off how much he's changed. Yul helping Riya will help Riya see that if you're a self absorbed jackass, everyone will hate you!
Looking forward to the finale starting this Saturday. It'll be wild to eventually see the winner get crowned in real time.
Onto the list!
1: Jake
I am still dying on this hill. Or surviving, because Jake is even more likely to win now!
I don't really see them wanting to give either Fiore or Yul the support money, so that's a point against Ally and Riya. I've already been "Jake is the winner" pilled for a while, so if he's gonna win, he can't go down as we go from final 3 to final 2.
I really do think the James selection is also to let Jake correct the major wrong this season he still hasn't. Like, he's made up with Aiden, he's working on making up with Ally, he and Tom are set up to work things out, and even Ellie was in support of TomJake endgame in the losers' motel. James was very much portrayed as the one person on the benches who still hasn't forgiven Jake, which gives Jake a great opportunity to prove why he deserves to win.
Also, Jake is totally gonna have to succeed at climbing something. I recently rewatched all of DCAS and he struggles with climbing things SO many times. Maybe James can help another twink overcome his fear of heights in the finale or something.
(Also, I think James is going to give Ally the 100k in support money.)
2: Ally
Ally is my pick for the other person in the final 2, but it's definitely possible that Jake and Riya could be final 2. Still, I think there's a lot of merit to the idea of a Jake vs. Ally final 2.
Ally and Jake were told by Connor to work together to make sure Riya doesn't win. I think that's most narratively satisfiable by having the two of them both outrank Riya and finally take her out of the competition.
There's also the fact that Kristal said that the new helpers are here for the first part of the finale. I definitely don't think it's a coincidence that we heard from both Hunter and Tom just how much it would mean to them to help out their love interests in the finale. I'm expecting that, when we hit final 2, the contestants will get to choose who they want to help them from their bench. Jake chooses Tom and Ally chooses Hunter. That also means that both of them will have had a helper from both Season 1 and Season 2, which is a nice bonus.
I also don't think Ally is going to win, for whatever it's worth. I'll save that mostly for next week, but I think Ally's arc will be more meaningful if she ends with acceptance that she didn't win the game and that people might not have seen her strategy pay off. She needs to just be happy with having people who love and care about her.
3: Riya
Speaking of people who need to not-win and instead understand that people love and care about them...
As I said earlier, I think it makes way too much sense for Riya to go down from a combo of Jake and Ally taking her down. I also have no idea who she'd choose for the second stage, nor why they would have highlighted Tom and Hunter if either of them WEREN'T going to get a chance to help out.
I think Riya's best bet is if the two part finale doesn't have the third placer go out significantly before the second placer. That's definitely possible, considering in the previews of the thumbnails we saw all three finalists dressed up in gladiatorial armor, which implies they're all still in the challenge as of the second part of the finale. It's possible it's just a Season 2 style finale where the first episode cuts off before the third placer is properly eliminated, though.
It is kinda weird that she has the disadvantage if she's gonna lose, because it seems predictable, but... eh.
Either way, though, I'd be shocked if Riya won. In Season 2, I actually thought she had a shot if the moral was going to be "congrats, you won at any cost. Now what?" However, I don't think that makes sense this season. Riya has already realized that she's lost her social relationships, and as of now, she's still continuing forward. Rewarding her for that doesn't make sense.
I don't really know what ending the writers imagine for Riya. If they wanted her to get fully redeemed by the end, I think she needed to be taken out of the game before the finale. But, I suppose I'll see what they have in store for her sometime soon! After all, there's only... two episodes left of the season... (insert screaming)
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hoarding-niffler · 2 years
If you could revive only one of them who would you choose: Lodgok or Fig?
You are mean :c
But that's actually a really good question and it took me a while to figure out my answer.
Fig was such a kind character, meant to become your mentor and friend along the way. Hell, depending on the ending you choose he says something that really choked me up and made me consider him family. Like a very kind (and adventurous) grandpa. He and Miriam seem to have had a truly accomplished life, a peaceful marriage and compelling hobbies... which is why I'd revive Lodgok.
Considering there is an afterlife for witches, wizards and everyone in between, Fig can now be with his wife Miriam again while Lodgok doesn't really have anyone. Yes, he had a soft spot for Miriam as well because of her kindness, but other than that he had, what, a hateful brother? Woohoo...
He worked hard to stop his brother, and he showed some character development when he figured out where he wanted to stand. He continued to trust humans and didn't get to actually experience the fruits of his labour. I feel like Lodgok could become a good friend to the MC as well (and let's not forget that Sirona is also someone who cherishes him) and be a real advocate for Human-Goblin-Relations.
So, yes, both of them are clearly deserving of a second chance, but I feel like Lodgok could benefit from it more.
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titleleaf · 1 year
What are the Bad Hannigram Takes you're encountering? I watched the show but never got too involved in the fandom so I am fascinated
Oh god I'm so sorry, I have no idea how coherent any of this will be if you haven't dipped into the fandom and even for my part I've been mainly watching and reading from afar but hereeeee... are my thoughts. Disclaimer that YMMV, let people have fun, etc., but I am a gigantic hater.
[fandom negativity and a leetle canon-related negativity behind the cut: if for whatever reason you don't want to hear me bitching about people being Wrong On The Internet About A TV Show keep scrolling, mute me, block me, whatever]
Character-specific tunnel vision where Hannibal is the center of the universe -- not just in the sense that he's, yk, the title character of the show and the most memorable character created by Thomas Harris but in the sense that all characters are evaluated by how much they support or obstruct Hannibal's God-given right to do whatever he wants to anybody ever. And my God, it is so, so boring.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, either. Delicate use of the exonerative passive voice — oh it's so sad, Will was framed, Beverly was murdered, Abigail was killed, but by whom? Hard to say! Especially funny when people whip this out regarding shit even Hannibal plainly regrets, like framing Will and then not having Will to hang out with. In general downplaying Hannibal's agency is such a weird move with a character who takes so much pleasure in doing what he wants. "To what extent are people a product of their external influences and life traumas, to what extent is Hannibal capable of not killing" is a whole other conversation but it's just a very odd reading of the character and the show as a text.
Nothing is ever Hannibal's fault, because it's actually the fault of... [scans crowd] that woman over there! Weird misogyny, often overlapping with the above (bc boy howdy, the list of women who Hannibal kills, maims, tortures, or otherwise fucks over is not short — Abigail, Alana, Bella, Beverly, Bedelia, Miriam, Margot, Georgia… I guess Freddie makes it out okay?) but sometimes seemingly just because, or to exonerate Hannibal of all blame for his own actions toward Will, as if this is the kind of show where it’s vitally important our blorbos be morally pure. Like… I’m sorry but I don’t think this is the show for you if that’s the case. People are really weird about Alana, people are really really weird about Bedelia, people are turbo weird about Molly... I'm sure there are people out there being weird about Chiyoh but I haven't encountered them yet, and I feel like there's some uhhhh other factors in play there too.
Baffling ship war stuff even once the canon's long since finished airing. I'm a big multishipper for this fandom so the weird competitive approach where Will and Hannibal's love must be the only real love (or even the only real erotic desire) they've either ever experienced ever is really off-putting. Showrunner Word of God here regarding Will's sexual orientation is in itself a take that annoys me, as a humorless bisexual man, but this is more commonly expressed via weird not-joking "jokes" about how the only reason Hannibal would ever have sex with a woman would be as an elaborate ruse (and how she'd deserve it for being stupid enough to believe he'd be into women) or how Hannibal's a better wife to Will than Molly ever could be. Dude... relax... your pairing has a literal love theme like a 1990s erotic thriller, why are you this insecure. People will do this with characters who don't even appear in the show! Now why is Clarice in it???? I need people to just be normal.
Nice polite sweet tea-sippin' Southern boy Will, and his equally annoying twin brother, Will with an inexplicable and phonetically-rendered Southern accent. 50% me being an extremely sensitive buzzkill about how the text presents Will's childhood and how the romanticized vision of the American South people draw on is superficial and rooted in white supremacist nostalgia, 50% me being a person who can hear Hugh Dancy speak dialogue in a television show and recognize basic American regional accents.
General... accrued fanon, I guess? All the tropes and memes and fandom in-jokes and fandom characterizations that build on one another to the point where their relationship to the show as a text (or to the novels, for that matter) is pretty damn tenuous.
In general, and while I know where this is coming from as a lover of dark stories/horror media/dark and destructive love stories who’s gotten flak for all of that: people getting so defensive about shipping something ~*~*~*problematique~*~* that they take other people talking about the things that textually make their dynamic fucked up (even if they’re talking about those things as something they like or something they enjoy exploring with the canon) as an attack or a sign somebody's Interrogating The Text From The Wrong Perspective. I think the show itself has some narrative weaknesses that lend themselves to this kind of fandom circlejerk but please... please Lord... I just want to write about a really weird guy getting his dick stepped on whilst classical music plays and having the time of his life, why is everyone doing this to me
On the much more benign end of things, “Will is totally normal average everyman while Hannibal is weird and pretentious and fruity” bc it just makes them sitcom parents. Show!Will is a weird fucking guy in his own right! They're both weird! And they're in love!
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alumi-san · 10 months
So season 3 will have 21 episodes, 18 contestants, and 3 teams. This means that we'll have 9 contestants from each season and 6 people in each team. Today, we'll talk about who will be and/or won't participate in this season.
Who definitely will return
S1 cast
Tom & Jake
They ended up on a good note in s1 finale, but to get together, they need to grow as people (mostly Jake). Considering that All Stars gonna air 2 years after season 1 (if we gonna believe that s1 was airing in 2021, s2 in 2022 and s3 will be airing in 2023). Jake should have his character development. (Imagine Tom in the casual outfit or police uniform). I want my gay boys to be back together(
Oh, she definitely returns! She needs to resolve things with Tomjake and money (especially money). Plus, more Gabbellie internationalizations!!
I want her back! I want more of christmas color duo! I want Gabbellie to enteract more! I want Gabby and Jake to reconcile and be on good terms (I still have hopes for queer quartet), and if Ellie returns, she definitely will, too!
Alec & Fiore
The two of them need to reconcile cus I swear to God! Alec, please get her away from those terrible parents. Plus, they left the whole "Alec has a bad relationship with his son" thing unresolved.
You know, the NPC? This season should give him justice! Just... do at least something with him!
Will & Ashley
The couple! I need more of them! I feel the season is the perfect opportunity for characters who got eliminated early.
S2 cast
Let's be all honest. We like him, but he didn't do anything besides helping James to have a character development. It would be nice to see him doing something without his bf. Like interconnecting with Lake, Riya, Yul, and Jake (maybe him giving advice regarding Tom through his experience with James).
Oh, she's returning! Her being a villain throughout the season? Yes, please!
Hunter, Ally & Tess
The power couple! Tho I think they'll be split out cus their too strong together. Hunter could be an unexpected antagonist cus he's the "player." Seeing Ally and Tess interact more without Hunter would be nice. Plus, you know I need Tom and Hunter to interact. If they won't be confirmed as brothers, at least make a running gag that everyone assumes that they're related.
She was robbed! I need her to be at least in the final 5. Her friendship with Aiden and rivalry with Yul are things that I want to see.
He didn't get a chance to be a real antagonist because of how early he was eliminated. So this season could redeem him.
Who definitely won't return
S1 cast
Her character arc is finished. She learned that she doesn't need to prove anything to her parents. There's no reason to bring her back.
S2 cast
Her arc ended. Just let her be happy with Kai.
Has his arc ended. There's no reason to bring him back.
It could be fun seeing him always lose control around Yul, but yet again, his arc ended.
She already made her return in episode 9. Don't see it happening again.
Characters who could return
S1 cast
She won the money, and her arc is finished, but I think she could return for Jake and Tom. I will be happy if she does cus Miriam is an icon. #MIRIAMISANICON
Maybe? Sorry, I don't really care for her.
I think they could do more with him, but eh?
The boy deserves a second chance! Drew! Drew! Drew! Drew!
S2 cast
I would like him to come back, but he already won a million and doesn't care about popularity. I don't think there's anything left for him. Maybe for Aiden, but I'm not sure. I don't want them to break up or get toxic (I have trauma from the total drama series).
Rosa Maria
She has money thanks to James. I don't think she'll return. Maybe for Lake, tho.
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devitalise · 1 year
the end up the month always sneaks up on me, i saw your message and was like "oh she's early I have plentyyy of time!" yet here we are two days into April already AHHHH how were your March reads? & i forget, are you doing a no-buy thing or minimal buying for books? how's that been going 🤨
no literally in my head it's still march the last week has been a complete blur especially with the clocks going forward only just got my bearings. but this is now a nice lil springtime treat so let's get into my
march book wrap up
milk fed by melissa broder
i had a real voraciousness when i read this, i just couldn't get enough. not necessarily the writing, but of rachel. i love her. girls with complicated relationships with their mothers. a very unapologetic read i think, i had to do a bit of googling but i love that Broder didn't shy away from presenting the ideas and themes she set out to do in their fullest forms. kind of let down by the ending at the time of reading, but i can respect what it serves the book on reflection.
music: milk fed playlist review: booksburgersandbackpacks
fight night by miriam toews
kind of laughed as i remembered i read this. went on holiday this month, so picking this as my travelling read felt a bit risky i didn't know if i'd have the time to give this the attention it deserved, or if it'd even grab me. but it did. i loved this book so, so much. crying on a 9pm flight as i'm over the English channel unlocked. shiv i just want to hug you. i'm going to try get the physical version of this, i want the physicality of it so bad. equal parts love letter and biographical in nature, made it onto my top 2023 shelf and idk if i even have the words to do this justice!
music: think this was just my liked songs? podcast: shakespeare & company
things i don't want to know by deborah levy
claxon sounds alarm rings horns blare. i read nonfiction. i've heard real high praise of levy as an author. i don't know if there was any rhyme or reason for picking up part one in her living autobiography series, but i'm realy glad i did. how do you judge a memoir? sorry, your life was boring! in levy's case it wasn't. i appreciate how vulnerable it is to unpick your memories and make sense of them almost 40 years later, to revisit apartheid South Africa and digest what that makes you as a woman now in your 60s. refreshingly candid, some real interesting threads on womanhood, displacement, motherhood and agency in this. will be picking up the next in the series.
music: just some indie pop i think (scared to update spotify i've seen there's no more genre filters in liked songs? what's that about!) no review here did some independent thinking scarily
ok i did finish a book yesterday that i want to count but it hasn't been long enough for my thoughts to settle but i'm going to link everything now before i lose it.
let it come down by paul bowles (technicality)
music: let it come down (not period appropiate but perfect for that kind of restless energy) articles: the international zone: expat writers in tangier, what was the international zone, franco-moroccan war
and that was my march reading! still at a slow and steady pace. i am trying to do a no book buy moment! other than me buying 3 books in march, i've been going pretty strong. might break it though because i've picked out two more books set in tangier also by some of bowle's contemporaries and i really want to explore a setting like that as a wider more Themed block of reading if that makes sense. so i'll be buying naked lunch by william s. burruoughs and in tangier by mohamed chouckri in the next couple of days (in tangier is a memoir)
also amazon sent me a notification like maybe its time for a new kindle! my current one isn't even 2 years old and works perfectly fine i won't be giving in
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metalsiren-a · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity! 💫
RANDOM INBOX LOVE + 🐝  *  ―  send ✨ or ( ‘SPARKLE’ ) and i’ll tell you at least one thing i like most about you, your blog, your portrayal, or your muse. // @shellcrack + ACCEPTING.
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LISTEN. i have had so much fun plotting with you and miriam, okay? let sawyer be a good and bad influence on her and let these girls have a happy ending bc they deserve it!!!! it's so clear how much love you put into her and she feels like a real-ass human and that's something i appreciate so greatly omg! so great, legit!!! i can't wait to flesh more things out!
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Finale: We Bet You Didn’t Catch These Hidden Details
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Prime Video/Amazon Studios
Looking back, they actually make perfect sense. 
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel aired its finale episode on Friday, May 26. And, quite frankly, it was marvelous. “Nothing is ever perfect, but I can’t think of a more perfect way to end [the series],” Marin Hinkle, who plays Rose Weissman, said at the show’s finale screening in Los Angeles. Said Alex Borstein, who plays Susie Myerson, “It felt like giving a daughter away at a wedding, like holy shit, my work here is done. My child is fully baked.” (Let this also serve as a warning that there are major finale spoilers ahead, so stop reading if you’re not caught up.)
The episode, titled “Four Minutes,” opens in 1965, with Lenny Bruce struggling on a small, smoke-filled stage. Susie watches from the sidelines, devastated that Bruce’s demons are getting the best of him. The real Bruce died in 1966, and it’s all but implied in this scene that the end is near. Even so, Susie tries to help him. He’s not interested, but before she leaves, he asks if Midge is there. Susie says no, but moments later we see Midge backstage. “He’s a mess, Miriam,” Susie relays.
Susie visits Lenny at a club in 1965.Philippe Antonello/Prime Video
The next scene opens four years earlier, in 1961, with Susie sleeping on a park bench. When the cops try to get her to move, she puts up a fight and is arrested. Midge is called to bail her out, which explains why she ran out of work before Gordon could tell her she’s going to appear on his show. After Susie is released, Susie confesses she asked Hedy to help get Midge on The Gordon Ford Show. Midge appreciates the gesture but quickly changes topics to talk about Susie’s personal life. It’s then that Susie admits she was involved with Hedy years earlier. “It was an unnatural pairing,” she says. “We looked ridiculous.” 
“It was tricky to do,” Borstein said of the scene. “I wanted it to still have some comedic value, like with the sugar bit, to temper her heartbreak and the delivery of that. But it was scary as an actress to be that vulnerable, and scary for Susie to be that vulnerable with Midge.”
Susie admits to Midge that she was involved with Hedy.Philippe Antonello/Prime Video
Later, Midge heads to work, where Gordon says, “You win, you’re on the show. Tonight.” He’s angry about having to put her on the show, but Midge knows big things are about to happen. And so, Midge does what anyone who’s about to make their late-night debut would do: heads to Bergdorf. 
Meanwhile, over at the Maisel factory, Moishe and Shirley break the news to Joel that after a near catastrophe in the shower and a come-to-Moses moment, they’ve decided to retire, sell the house, and get a condo in Boca Raton. “It was so wonderful how they landed the plane for Moishe and Shirley,” Caroline Aaron, who plays Shirley, told the audience at the Fonda Theater in Los Angeles. “They were really on the rocks, and they just finally had to know and acknowledge that they are each other’s people no matter what.” Kevin Pollak, who plays Moishe, was equally as thrilled with how his storyline wrapped up. “We were livid when we read the script that they were divorcing at the beginning of the season,” Pollack admitted. “We really freaked out.”
After Joel hears the surprising news about his parents, Midge calls to tell him that she’ll be on Gordon Ford. He’s proud of her and says it’s totally fine if she wants to roast him on air for cheating. “Have I ever told you you’re amazing?” Midge asks. “More than I deserve,” he replies. Brosnahan revealed at the panel that when Midge does any of her stand-up acts, she’s always wearing her wedding ring. Midge takes it off in her everyday life, of course, but it’s always on when she’s performing. 
Midge with her wedding ring on while performing stand-up in season four. Prime Video
Back to the episode: Abe gets home and tells Rose they have to get ready to see Midge on Gordon Ford, but Rose is humiliated and annoyed that her daughter never bothered to tell her the news herself. Of course, that was only because Rose unknowingly left the phone off the hook.
Rose and Abe forever. Philippe Antonello/Prime Video
Over in the green room at The Gordon Ford Show, Midge pulls out a fortune from a fortune cookie, smiles affectionately, and stuffs it into her bra. It doesn’t actually say anything other than a bunch of “lucky” numbers. We find out later it’s the fortune Lenny gave Midge months earlier, predicting her major break. “It was nice to have Lenny find a way into Midge’s life [through the fortune],” Luke Kirby noted.
But Midge’s joy soon turns to disappointment and anger when Gordon reveals Midge isn’t coming on the show to perform. “You’re coming on as a writer,” he says sternly. She’s stunned, and Susie runs after Gordon. It’s the ultimate dick move, and now it looks like The Gordon Ford Show isn’t going to be Midge’s big break after all. 
Even Mike (Jason Ralph) tries to convince Gordon to reconsider, but his boss isn’t having it. Meanwhile, the Weissmans and Maisels arrive for the live taping (and free swag), along with Joel, Archie, and Imogene. Backstage, Midge is gutted. Still, she plans on going on the show even if it means sitting on a stool and fielding softball questions about her job from Gordon.
And even in their brief on-air exchange, Midge manages to impress and get laughs from the audience. That only bruises Gordon’s ego even more, so he throws to commercial early, declaring himself done with the bit. Only problem is he still has four minutes left of airtime to fill. Mike finally convinces Gordon to continue “stool time” with Midge. In the interim, Abe and Rose call their daughter over to the railing to tell her how proud they are of her. “It was extraordinary [to have those scenes],” Hinkle said on the panel. “When I read that Rose was going to get to celebrate Midge, I really was thrilled.”
Seeing her mother’s pride and happiness, Midge stops short of telling Rose that she won’t actually be doing stand-up on the show after all. And as she makes her way back to the stool, she looks at the microphone. The camera circles around Midge as she eyes the one thing she wants most, just as we saw in the pilot episode. And so, she walks over to Susie and says, “I have four more minutes left. Four minutes. You hearing me? Four minutes. I’m thinking about doing something, Susie. Something very reckless. Something that could go very badly for both of us. It could ruin us. Definitely me, and you by extension.” 
Susie knows what Midge is up to and takes a beat before saying, “Look, you started your career by getting up on a stage that no one told you to get up on, saying a bunch of shit that no one wanted you to say. So…tits up.” (Said Brosnahan of the emotionally charged rally cry: “We couldn’t even look at each other in that moment.”)
Midge takes her seat on the stool next to Gordon and says, “Just so you know, it was not my intention to force your hand. I had hoped you would want to put me on someday.” He repeats his rule, that his writers will never be allowed to perform on the show. And just as they come back from commercial, Midge says, “I’ve just never been great about following the rules.” 
Midge tells the audience that she never came here to be a writer—she’s a comedienne, so she’s going to do just that. Gordon tries to stop her as she gets up to walk to the microphone, but she’s defiant. And with that, she embarks on the longest and most impressive four minutes of her life, harkening back to her first time on the Gaslight stage. It’s Brosnahan at her best, reminding us that we’ve been the lucky ones getting to watch her in this role the past five seasons.
“It was so terrifying and really cathartic,” Brosnahan said of Midge’s stand-up act, which was definitely longer than four minutes. “To step onto this set and do Midge’s first prolonged mental breakdown at the Gaslight in 2016, and then to be able to do this final set was really cathartic. All the emotions are real. In true Maisel fashion, I had about 48 hours [to learn] the full script. But I was so struck how enveloped I felt in love when doing that scene. I’ve never been so uplifted by a group of colleagues in my life.” Borstein added, “Every single take Rachel did was perfect. It was phenomenal.”
Phenomenal could also be used to describe the final few lines of Midge’s act, written by creator Amy Sherman-Palladino. “They say that ambition is an unattractive trait in a woman,” Midge says. “Maybe. But you know what’s really unattractive? Waiting around for something to happen, staring out a window thinking the life you should be living is out there somewhere but not being willing to open the door and go get it, even if someone tells you you can’t.”
In that moment, Brosnahan says her final “Thank you and goodnight!” while a jubilant Midge takes in the applause. She then catches Gordon’s eye, who is standing over at his desk, completely in awe of his “lady writer.” He then gestures for her to come over to the couch for an interview. 
“Folks, I don’t think you got a proper introduction to this lady,” he says. “And I’m going to remedy that right now. Ladies and gentlemen, making her first, but definitely not last, appearance on The Gordon Ford Show, the magnificent, the magical, the marvelous Mrs. Maisel!”
Midge—and Brosnahan—barely hold it together, as Brosnahan later reveals that she sobbed when Reid Scott (Gordon Ford) said that line at the final table read. 
The marvelous Mrs. Maisel, indeedPhilippe Antonello/Prime Video
What’s interesting is that even though Midge told Susie she didn’t care if Susie needed to call in a favor to get her on the show, it really was Midge who made her big moment happen. When all the cards seemed stack against her, Midge came through for herself when it meant the most.
“[The show] doesn’t claim that success will make you happy,” Brosnahan said in response to moderator Maureen Lee Lenker asking about Midge’s ending. “Or that having it all will fulfill every need you have. But Midge and Susie did what they set out to do.”
The episode doesn’t end there. At the end of the segment, Gordon whispers “you’re fired” into Midge’s ear, but she’s fine with it. She accomplished her goal. Susie—with tears in her eyes—knows it too. 
Then we rewind six months to snowy New York as Midge and Lenny sit inside the Wo Hop Chinese restaurant. It’s right after Midge and Lenny slept together, when he said he was going to take her out for some really terrible Chinese food. While finishing dinner, he opens her fortune cookie and tells her it says, “The spotlight waits for you center stage. All you have to do is step up and claim it. Once you do, everyone will know who you are, they will know your wit, intellect, smile, great expressive eyes, they will be helpless to your charms…” Midge realizes he’s making it up, but Lenny says, “Mark my words, in the very near, not so distant future, you will be paying for Chinese food.” She takes the fortune from him, which has only those lucky numbers on it. 
Said Kirby, “I thought it was a very effective ending to this chapter. I was over the moon.” And here’s a fun fact: Brosnahan and Kirby wrote their character names on a dollar bill and stuck it on the ceiling of that Chinese restaurant. “It’s in there somewhere,” she says. 
With that, the series does its last flash-forward; it’s 2005, and Midge (in her 70s) is sitting in her office penthouse as her team relays her upcoming schedule. After they leave, she wanders throughout her expansive penthouse apartment, straightens the framed wedding photo of her and Joel, and then eats alone in the kitchen as her staff works around her. She eventually settles in for the evening in a small room, reminiscent of her old life back at the Weissman apartment, and calls Susie, who is literally among the birds, living her best life in a caftan. (“It’s very disconcerting to see yourself that old,” Borstein deadpanned.) 
Midge has called Susie so they can watch Jeopardy!together on VHS tape. (“We have to hear the answers at the same time!” Midge shouts.) Even in their lavish settings, it’s the simpleness of watching a game show together that brings these two peace. They laugh until it hurts, and then the scene fades to black. As the credits roll, images of iconic Maisel locations are shown, from Steiner Resort in the Catskills to the Fontainebleau in Miami, and viewers are left knowing that Midge and Susie have gotten what they wanted: success. 
And yet, as Borstein pointed out, “This show about these two strong women. They both get what they want, but they both are very much alone.” So would they say it was worth it? 
“I think the money Susie got brought her peace,” Borstein said. “She could take off the suspenders, the hat, the leather coat, and be in a big caftan where she could just breathe and be and take up all the space.” Added Brosnahan, “I think Midge thinks it was worth it. I asked Amy whether Joel and Midge would ever get back together back in season one, and she said they’d never be on the same page again and she’ll always look back at the day before Joel left her as the happiest day of her life. I love that both of those things live inside Midge. She’s never been as happy as she was, but she’s also led this deeply fulfilling and curious life that would otherwise not be true.”
Other Maisel Fun Facts:
Brosnahan says the gray dress with the red, white, and blue bow that Midge wore on her first day at B. Altman is her favorite look. 
Midge’s suit at B. Altman department store in season twoNicole Rivelli/Prime Video
All the photos on the piano in the final flash-forward were of Midge with other famous celebrities. “We spent an entire day taking photos and photoshopping me into photos that are on the piano with every famous person.”
Throughout the series run, Midge had 320 costume changes. The costume department also built over 800 hats, shopped from over 2,270 vintage shops, and fit 38,000 background actors. 
Finally, according to Emmy-winning costume designer Donna Zakowska, other than the end of season one (although we do see flashbacks to her wedding dress), Midge finished every season dressed in white, which Zakowska called “cleaning the palette.” Let’s take a look, shall we?
Midge at the end of season twoNicole Rivelli Photographie
Midge at the end of season threePhilippe Antonello/Prime Video
Midge at the end of season fourPrime Video
Midge at the end of season fivePhilippe Antonello/Prime Video
And with that, thank you and goodnight.
Jessica Radloff is the Glamour senior West Coast editor and author of the New York Times best-selling bookThe Big Bang Theory: The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series, available here.
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magicaladamlegrand · 2 years
𝕬𝖉𝖆𝖒 𝕷𝖊𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 ;; ᴛᴀʟᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴏʟᴅ ᴀꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ.
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Adam lived a quite wealthy life in France, Paris. But he wanted to have his own place with his fiancé Agatha. All things went pretty well, they were high school sweethearts that recently got engaged. Adam never thought that deciding to leave France would turn in such a nightmare. Agatha didn’t find a job and she started drinking. Not too long after the abuse started and Adam was locked up and starved. When he managed to find help Agatha was put into jail. Adam didn’t dare to leave the house anymore and had to be cared for by his mother.  Years passed and Adam finally managed to leave his apartment. He could start anew. And he did this with the support of his family by creating a role play café where people are dressed as prince and princesses, maids and butlers to serve you. It was named the Enchanted Rose Café.
It was then when a friendship blossomed into something more when he met Mary Gibbs. She is the love of his life and he cannot wait to start and get a family with her. She deserves everything this world has to offer.
When Adam got poisoned Adam was filled with a rage he could hardly suppress - a grumpiness that wouldn’t go away. When Mary eventually was hospitalized with the same poisoning signs as him, he finally blew up - he then realized he needed professional help and went into anger management courses.
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𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
A therapist that Adam frequently visits. (let's be real a therapist would aid 90 % of my muses LMAO and I think a lot of our muses in general (darned that angsty background am I right?))
Moar friends MOAR Friends!
Enemies cause why not
BELLE GEDEON: A complicated relationship between him and Belle starts as a friendship - yet sometimes he can swear he dreams of her eyes, but that can’t be right, Adam is loyal to Mary and Mary alone, then why does he get pulled towards her like a moth towards a flame? (This is due to the poisoning)
GASPARD ERIKKSON: @gaspard-erikkson​ not sure what kind of connection they would have, but I’m up for anything (maybe they both boast about their lovers to each other)
COLT PHILLIPS: @colt-phillips​ Same here, i’m open for any non-romantic connection between the two of them so hmu with what you’d want their connection to be like
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𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
Enchanted rose café staff and his closest of friends: VICTOR LUMIERE @victorlumiere & BABETTE DUST @babettedust & MIRIAM POTTS @mxriam-potts
Enemy:  TINA BELL @xaspiringbeamoflightx​
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Farley Granger and Robert Walker in Strangers on a Train (Alfred Hitchcock, 1951)
Cast: Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock, Kasey Rogers, Marion Lorne, Jonathan Hale, Howard St. John, John Brown, Norma Varden, Robert Gist. Screenplay: Raymond Chandler, Czenzi Ormonde, Whitfield Cook, based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith. Cinematography: Robert Burks. Art direction: Ted Haworth. Film editing: William H. Ziegler. Music: Dimitri Tiomkin. 
Strangers on a Train and North by Northwest (1959) are the best of Alfred Hitchcock's "wrong man" thrillers, in which the protagonist is suspected of a crime he didn't commit and spends most of the film trying to prove his innocence. They have something else in common: Both involve seduction scenes that take place on a train, except that in the latter film the seduction, of Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) by Eve Kendall (Eva Marie Saint), is conventionally heterosexual. It's the gay subtext that marks Strangers on a Train from the very beginning, when we watch the feet of Guy Haines (Farley Granger) and Bruno Antony (Robert Walker) as they board the train and eventually bump up against each other in the club car. It's Bruno's flamboyance, especially the gleaming white of his brown-and-white spectator shoes, that we notice first, before we see his lobster-patterned tie and the gold tie clasp that proclaims his name. Even the straightest viewer gets it: Bruno is cruising. And he lights upon the handsome athlete, Guy. Bruno is blatant, and he's more than a bit obnoxious, as he invades Guy's space and continues to talk after Guy has signaled that he'd be happy to be left alone with his book. Yet somehow Guy, who on the surface of it seems the kind of man who would brush Bruno aside swiftly, lets himself be talked into having lunch in Bruno's compartment. Only when Bruno makes his shocking tit-for-tat murder proposal does Guy make his exit. I think that Hitchcock is suggesting that Guy is at least intrigued by the possibility of hooking up with another man. Guy's sexuality is brought into question by his marriage to the promiscuous Miriam (Kasey Rogers, then billed as Laura Elliott) and by the obvious motive of political ambition that has led him to the daughter of a senator, Anne Morton (Ruth Roman), who looks older than he does. (Roman was, in fact, three years older than Granger.) Hitchcock goes about as far as he can under the Production Code in making his characters gay, but even this little helps heighten the paranoia that's haunting Guy.  It was 1951, after all, when homosexuality was still considered "deviance" and ferreting it out became an obsession of the FBI and other watchdog groups. That said, Strangers on a Train works even if you prefer to ignore subtext and see Guy and Bruno as a conventional hero and villain. Walker's performance is one of the best in any Hitchcock film, and his failure to be nominated for it by the Academy remains a marked injustice. Strangers received only one nomination, a deserved one: for Robert Burks's cinematography, the first of 12 collaborations with Hitchcock. Also overlooked were editor William H. Ziegler and special effects creator Hans F. Koenekamp, who gave us one of the most exciting scenes in the movies: the runaway merry-go-round. Hitchcock was deservedly proud of the film, having fought with his first choice as screenwriter, Raymond Chandler, who retained credit after he was fired and the script was rewritten, under Hitchcock's guidance, by Czenzi Ormonde and the uncredited Ben Hecht and Alma Reville, who followed an initial adaptation by Whitfield Cook of Patricia Highsmith's novel. Roman's casting is the film's major weakness: The studio forced Hitchcock to cast her, and he made no attempt to turn her into a real actress. She quickly exhausts her limited supply of anxious looks, practically the only ones the screenplay gives her; perhaps only the fear of getting lipstick on her teeth kept her from actually biting her lip. But the film launched what some think was Hitchcock's greatest decade, culminating in the amazing trifecta of Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest, and Psycho (1960).
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literarygoon · 2 years
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This picture makes me so happy. 
That's Canadian novelist Miriam Toews posing on Sunday night with the Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, which was awarded to Sarah Polley for the movie Women Talking. For those of you who haven't heard of it, her book is about a Mennonite community grappling with a string of sexual assaults.
I've been an enormous fan of Miriam since around 2005, when I first read A Complicated Kindness — my favourite Canadian novel. It's about a teenage girl named Nomi growing up in a restrictive Mennonite community that has excommunicated both her mother and sister. I especially loved how she depicted the relationship between Nomi and her father, who was actually modelled on her real life Dad.
For a few years I made it my life's mission to read everything Miriam had ever written, including multiple novels and a non-fiction book about her father's suicide called Swing Low: A Life. In university I was assigned to review her book Irma Voth, which was the first time I got the chance to speak to her directly. I took the opportunity to let her know that I was a giant fan, and that she'd inspired me to write my debut story "Sea to Sky", which is also about a father-daughter relationship.
"Wow, Will. You don't know how much it means to hear that. I've been in the hospital recently because my sister has been unwell, and I've been in a really dark place. It's really nice to hear that my work touched you," she said.
A few years later she produced the book All My Puny Sorrows, which is an incredibly raw and barely fictionalized account of her sister's suicide after a lengthy mental health battle. As it turns out, her sister ended up dying in the exact same fashion as their father. I was floored to realize that I'd connected with her while she was going through that traumatic series of events.
When I was at UBC a couple of years later, Miriam came to visit our fiction workshop class. Somebody asked her if she ever had memorable feedback on her work that influenced the outcome of the book. She shared that her ex-husband had given her the idea to give Nomi a friend in A Complicated Kindness, because she was floating from scene to scene as a total loner. She considered it a game-changing edit.
"Maybe I shouldn't have divorced him," she joked, with her signature dry humour.
If you had told me way back in 2005 that Miriam Toews would become one of the only Canadian novelists to have her work recognized by the Academy Awards, I would've had trouble believing you. Seeing this picture makes me feel like that kid who was a huge fan of a band while they were punk and underground, only to have them hit global success.
As it turns out, I haven't actually engaged with Women Talking yet. The subject matter is insanely heavy, and I know how wrenching her prose can be. I'm going to make a point to read it before checking out the movie, which also happens to star one of my favourite actresses from Fargo and Three Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri—Frances McDormand.
What a beautiful ending to a multi-decade story. She deserves every accolade. Congratulations, Miriam!
The Literary Goon
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phoenix-fire-ashes · 2 years
Airawabi School for girls
The Series is about a girl who is heavily bullied by three popular girls. And she and her friends make a plan to destroy their life's. I really love this series because bullies always get away with their behavior. Especially in this series. Layan always get away because her father is really famous and influential. Also her boyfriend was the son from Ms. Faten (but that's we only find out at the end). So the protagonist, Miriam is heavily bullied by Layan. Layan manipulates everyone into thinking that Miriam had touched her boobs and always looking at other girls in the changing room. Also Layan and her friends beat her up so violently that Miriam would have died if Noaf hadn't seen it and came right away to help her. So Miriam makes a plan to take revenge and yeah her plans are big and fierce but to be honest the girls deserved it and I think it's hypocritical to say that Miriam is the monster here.
First that with Ruquayya, it was a shit situation for her at the end and cruel what happened to her but to be fair, she wasn't better. She beated Miriam up and would have let her died instead of calling an ambulance. So I think she totally deserved this. After this Miriam got into the soccer team and not Layan and that made Layan so furious that she stole Miriams book and told everyone about it. She even made copies and spread it all around the school. Literally ANYWHERE. and then she made fun of her in the toilets with 10 other girls and called her a psycho. It's totally understandable that Miriam couldn't take it anymore. She even wanted to let go of her plans but HER FRIENDS wanted that she goes on with her plans. Her friends didn't want her to give up. But then when everything seems cool Noaf has a bad experience with an old man and Layan helps her and that's really sweet. But how could you forgive a person just because she helps you one time? Yeah obviously Layan has good sides like every human has but most of the time she is a total monster. I mean what she did to Miriam just because she didn't get what she wanted is unacceptable. I can understand that Noaf is really thankful that Layan was there for her. But u can't just forgive all what happens only she did a good thing once. Also she didn't change after that, I mean she would kill you if you come near her way, she would do everything to destroy you if you take one thing away from her. That's what she did to Miriam. And Noaf cannot expect that Miriam would let go of her plans when NOAF encouraged her. Also u can't expect people to forget what was, Miriams life was destroyed too even tho she didn't do a thing to Layan. After Noaf wasn't included in the plans anymore, only Rania was caught at the club and she was beaten up by her father for that. After that Noaf and Dina want to distance from the plan and even said they are the good ones because they stopped before its really began? They really think they are the good ones but they destroyed a life too. They destroyed Ruquayyas life and Ranias. They just can't take themselves out of the responsibilities. All they did was with Miriam together so it's their fault too what happened and they are hypocrites for thinking that they are the good ones. They played with feelings and they didn't cared about the other girls so they can't just distance from the responsibility.
At the end Layan isn't in school and Miriam wants to send the location of Leana and her boyfriend with Layans brother. Her friends and Rania are going to her and tell her to do the right thing and to be better than Layan. TO BE BETTER? 1. Who cares if you are better or not? Really, who cares? What is good about being better when the girls that bullied you, almost KILLED you and told everyone that you are molest girls, didn't got their consequences? Rania and Ruquayya got what their deserve but not Layan. To be honest, Layan never got real consequences because she was always so lucky. But I can understand what Miriams feels. Why would you let the girl of the hook that bullied you so heavily and made your life a living hell? To be better?? Well to be better doesn't help you at all in your life when everyone thinks you are a psycho. I don't think Miriam is the cruel one, yeah she was addicted to her revenge but Layan never feared real consequences and never was her life a living hell like Miriams.
Also at the end the girls wanted to pretend Miriam from doing her plan, but all they said was that it will be more bad than her situation when she goes on with her plan. Like wtf you should tell her that Layans Brother is crazy and has a gun and that he could kill someone and not just, it will be worse. I wouldn't belive it too like Miriam. She couldn't know what would happened because they didn't even told her what's really going on. Anyone would be furious when someone says "yeah your situation was bad but her situation is more than worse" of course she don't believe this and of course she can't let Layan of the hook. Because no one told her what would really happened. Maybe she would've changed her mind when she knew that the brother had a gun but we will never know.
Also Mrs Farten get what she deserved. I mean yeah Layan was with her son together but she can't just let Layan do what she can do. All this series, all the plans of Miriam are there because Mrs Farten, because the teachers didn't do anything about Layan. Because they were too scared or they didn't cared enough! I hate that about schools, they don't pay enough attention.
So my resume at the end is, we don't know who is killed if anyone was killed. Maybe Layan is dead or maybe her boyfriend, maybe both, maybe no one. But I will not let Miriam stand there as the evil monster. I don't say Layan deserved to be killed. But let me tell you: 1. She almost killed Miriam and didn't cared. 2. She heavily bullied everyone especially Miriam and didn't give a fuck about her reputation. 3. She sneaked out if school, and didn't feared any real consequences because she manipulates and can't accept when nothing goes like she wants it. 4. People don't change so easily. (5. Her friends just can't say, do the good and right thing. Like they encouraged her the whole time.)
Layan was cruel and is cruel. And the world is better of without her. I mean she had her problems but everyone has problems, Miriam had problems too. And that doesn't give u the right to treat other people like trash. I don't say that Miriams behavior was right but neither was Layans. When everyone thinks that Miriam is the monster, then Layan is a bigger monster. Like I said she didn't deserved to be killed (if she was killed), but the world is better without her. Not everyone's world of course. Her family and friends will be devastated. But for everyone else it will be a relief. What Layan did was more than bullying it was psychopathic. And Miriam gave her what she deserved. (Not to be killed of course but consequences).
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
i am once again telling you this story is a comedy this chapter- the duke is once again like the most iconic character ever (considerint hugh wasn't in this chapter i can grant him that easily) miriam is still a bitch with too much audacity but hopefully that's been solved now!! we can get elias and cecily back on track!!
“That she would like to invite you for tea tomorrow,” Lucie said, stealing a look at the lines. “But I think you’ll be more interested to hear—” first of all i love that cherie trusts her enough to just read her letters and also that lucie is once again being a real one and telling her her secret lover is there also talking about secret lovers love story by once again taylor swift IS them i mean it even has romeo & juliet as references in it?? okay im getting off topic but still-
“He’s with your brother and your brother said you’re welcome to join them if you wish.” elias i know you're trying to get the tea but you're joining the club of people accidentally assisting anthony in seducing cherie
Lucie reached out to fix your hair and smiled. “You look very beautiful my lady.” okay maybe the people saying lucie has a crush on cherie are right but also my girl deserves a requited love 🥺🥺
“Hyacinth is the loudest, apparently she wants an identical arrow hair pin as Lady Y/N.” okay but this is actually so cute i love how much hyacinth loves cherie
“I refuse to,” Elias said. “I do not want to read more of Miss Cecily’s courtship with Mr Randolph, thank you. It was already torment, seeing that.” well elias whose fault is THAT
Your eyes narrowed like a cat’s while Anthony raised his brows at Elias and shook his head fervently as if trying to warn him but Elias did not see it. well at least he tried?? also i love these two idiots ATTEMPTING to assist each other in regards to women but both failing miserably
“Well unfortunately that’s impossible, I’m shorter than her.” i know that this was in the sneak peek but arguably the funniest line ever written
“Lady Miriam is here to see you, my lord.”
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It was almost strange, the impact of your words and how they managed to turn Elias into someone completely different in mere seconds. His head shot up and he slowly turned to you, the usually cheerful light in his eyes getting dimmer before it was replaced by a shadow, making you pull back slightly, taken by the sudden change. hmm bestie this is literally you ONE day ago it's a family trait!!
Perhaps it was because you and Elias hadn’t exactly had the chance to grow up together but this was the first time you were seeing him like this. i just KNOW that anthony does know this exact expression and on one side it makes me glad that elias at least had some sibling figures but also sad bc they didn't get to grow up together when they should have :((
“This is incredibly improper, I hope you know that,” Anthony taunted you as you shot him a look. anthony you literally can't say ANYTHING about impropriety shut UP
You made a face and felt Anthony tense up beside you. “What exactly did she say about your father?” he asked, his voice low as if he was trying to keep his anger under control and you stole a look at him, then shrugged your shoulders. “Nothing half the ton does not assume already, now hush.” i love anthony and elias being all defensive over her while she's literally like no shut UP i'm trying to hear the drama over here!!
Your jaw dropped and you covered your mouth with one hand while you reached back to grasp Anthony’s arm with the other, shaking him. in which cherie is literally me like if anyone was standing beside me while i was reading this-
“To repeat, I’m literally standing beside you—I’m going to need my arm after this, just in case you are trying to rip it off.” yes he probably needs it in order to do his marital affairs cherie letting him keep it is also for your OWN sake!!
“Lady Miriam,” Anthony’s voice cut through like a knife. “I suggest you show more respect to the lady of the house you’re standing in, you’ve already outstayed your welcome.” pretty sure that if bitchass miriam hadn't left after that his voice wasn't gonna be the only thing that cut like a knife-
Elias plopped down on the sofa, pressing his palms on his eyes and Anthony stepped closer to him before pulling him upright by his arm. i love these brotherly moments between them tbh they deserve it!! like yeah cecily and cherie are absolute bestie goals but these two definitely are too 😭😭
“The Parisian again?” Elias asked as he fixed his coat and you looked at Anthony before snapping out of it and nodded. god i am OVER pierre i bet his poetry skills suck as much as sinclair's and tbh at this point i'm almost as annoyed by him as literally everyone but cherie
“The bastard is nothing if not persistent,” Elias commented before walking to the door while Anthony just kept frowning at the bouquet as if it personally offended him. i love anthony just having one-sided beef with any object that came from pierre like those flowers themselves did NOTHING to you bestie!! and they never will!!
“No,” you said. “They can just stay here, I don’t need them in my room.” lol cherie is so savage without even meaning to be
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me,” he murmured more to himself while you played with the ring on his finger, twisting it just so that you could be busy with anything else. THE RING THE RING THE RING ANTHONY IS THINKING ABOUT MARRIAGE I DON'T CARE IF I'M READING TOO MUCH INTO IT THIS IS THE ONLY CANON INTERPRETATION NOW!!
Anthony thought for a moment. “Uh—marital affairs.” i swear to god- this man is just as stupid as elias around his crush only in like different ways
“Right,” he said, trying to control his impression. “I agree, I don’t think it’s your dowry either.” anthony you brought this on YOURSELF not everyone is horny 24/7 around cherie maybe you're just projecting onto pierre 😒😒
You quickly made your way to the drawing room where the voices were coming from, then stepped inside, the sight instantly making you feel at comfort. The Duke was talking with Lady Bridgerton while Benedict, Simon and Colin were by the corner with Elias. Francesca was busy with Hyacinth and Gregory, and Eloise and Daphne were in a deep discussion. no but do you know how cute it is that this sight immediately makes her feel comfortable?? her own family and the bridgertons?? i'm telling you she and anthony were MEANT to be- more and more i'm suspecting you put this chapter here on purpose because everyone was switching to team hugh
“Yes!” she said “And I embroidered this for you, look!” okay but this is literally the regency equivalent of a young child handing you a drawing and it's the absolute cutest
You undid her hair quickly before you started braiding it, and Eloise leaned back. no but this friendship between hyacinth and cherie is absolutely adorable and underrated also i'm betting anthony walking in on this interaction had complete heart-eyes too
“I think you should do it again to make sure she understood,” Eloise pointed out and Daphne gasped. you know what i think eloise is right and she should say it!! i for one think someone should get to punch miriam too but that's just my opinion-
“Thank you my lord,” you said airily, forcing yourself to repress the giggle and you entered the dining room, Anthony taking a deep breath right behind you as if your scent lingered in the air as you passed him—which it probably did. anthony is way too obsessed with scents i'm telling you is this explained in the books or is he just.... like that??
You turned to look at the Duke who seemed to be glaring at Anthony from the other side of the table, completely ignoring the quarrel that got just a little quieter, Elias and Simon continuing it in whispers in full speed. ohhh i'm getting the feeling that we'll be getting a lot more of disapproving duke these future chapters-
“You can continue your meal here yes. Margaret can bring your plate here—Gregory, you wouldn’t mind changing seats and sitting beside your brother, would you?” lol okay i know i've said this before but i LOVE the duke being a petty drama queen like bestie this was a bit much and unneeded??
“Of course not!” Gregory said and you stole a look at Anthony who was glaring back at the Duke with an annoyed expression on his face, drumming his fingers on the table before he forced a humorless smile upon hearing Benedict cough. lol anthony dueling the duke when?? also love benedict trying to have anthony save face here while everyone has probably already noticed 😭😭 at this point i'm surprised if elias hasn't noticed-
anyway thank you for this wonderful chapter as always!! i'm very curious about future disagreements between anthony and the duke- i hope you have a wonderful day!!
Oh Cherie trusts her with her life! ❤ Like, they’re so close and I think Lucie is the only person who knows everything about Cherie❤
Elias has done nothing but help Anthony and Cherie get together ever since she arrived there and he has no idea😂 When he finds out...😂
Aww Lucie has a crush?❤
Hyacinth would be so happy for Anthony and Cherie if she heard they’re together 😂❤
Elias’s fault for sure! 😂
Omg yeeees! Anthony was really trying to save him over there like “No no, don’t tell her that, don’t tell her that!” 😂
“The audacity of this bitch” LOLLLL 😂😂
hmm bestie this is literally you ONE day ago it's a family trait!! Exactly! Like, the way they show their anger is usually the opposite, Elias turns cold while Cherie unleashes fire on the person BUT the signs! The signs are completely the same! ❤
He really can’t 😂
i love anthony and elias being all defensive over her while she's literally like no shut UP i'm trying to hear the drama over here!! She doesn’t even notice them being protective, she has other priorities 😂
Anthony was ready to have her dragged out if she insulted Cherie again 😈😏
I love their brotherly moments too! 😱❤
Wait you’re over Pierre already? 😂😂
Anthony hates him and everything he sends Cherie 😂
The ring, you say...😈😏❤
He one hundred percent is projecting! 😂 Like, he is sure he imagines her “inappropriately” and like...Anthony....🤦‍♀️
i'm suspecting you put this chapter here on purpose because everyone was switching to team hugh WHO KNOWS 😂😈
It was so adorable AND Anthony definitely got heart eyes ❤
anthony is way too obsessed with scents i'm telling you is this explained in the books or is he just.... like that?? Lolll nope! He’s just like that I think 😂 No explanation 😂
We are definitely getting more disapproving duke in the following chapters 😈 He does not trust him at allllll😏
lol anthony dueling the duke when?? OOOH MY GOD😂
Thank you so much honeeeey, you’re amazing! 😱❤❤
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Rate the following Poly, or possible/could be Poly Relationships (1-5, then why)
TriMabMob: 4/5 for not being entirely canon. I love this pairing so much more than I should. Just... just look at them! The devoted twins, the darling Tri, they could take such good care of him. All fingers crossed, but without hope, for season 2!
NeoShinMiw: 5/5 Canon poly! CANON POLY! Also, just... great vibes, great energy, adorable pairings, they make it work because a bi boy in the middle helps everything work better. Just grand. Please do more poly.
KaengPuthPayu: 3.5/5 I like the idea because I wanna see Kaeng and Puth take Payu apart and make him scream... but I really feel like two players and one sweet boy wouldn't last as well as I'd like. I want it, but I mostly want it as fanfic.
MorkPiNan: 0/5 Gotta be honest, I've really soured on Mork and Mueng Nan hasn't helped a lot. I don't think they could be good to Pi or understand him... and Pi deserves that.
TumHinGene: 2.5/5 I want to like this but poor Nubsib. If you add Nubsib in, everything would be perfect! Fourway! Total poly. A square of poly.
MarkKitYu: 5/5 Because Thanu and Pha can both go to hell. Let Mark and Kit take care of Yu and he'll be fine in no time. Pha and Thanu are just going to hurt the boy. Still hoping for Gen Y season 2, though, even if I have to tough it out with these idiots.
MingYoKit: 4/5 Slightly less into it than MarkKit but only because MingKit feels a lot more... exclusive and fragile and gentle, honestly. Also because that Pha is a lot kinder and more loving than Gen Y Pha. But I wouldn't mind it.
ForthYoPha: 4/5 Two tough tops together? Definitely down for it. Yo would be SO spoiled.
RamDuenKing: 3/5 Honestly I think Duen should be single at all time. He's just not ready for a relationship. Ram and King could help and support each other. But... eh, not really my jam.
AiNiMiriam: 1/5 I love AiNi and I love Miriam but I also love friendship and I think they work best as besties.
FongTineOhm: 3/5 Uh. I barely remember 2gether most of the time, okay? But Tine and his friends were adorable and they were so supportive and I'm down for it, no hesitation.
TannBunnM: 2.5/5 I'd be down with it if M hadn't started flirting with Oak at the end. But that adorable flirtation? Cannot resist. But otherwise, it'd be fine. He'd fit right in.
PuthMonThurs: 2/5 Only casual. Like, this is what players were made for. Casual fling that breaks up as they each find their own boyfriends? Sure. Actual relationship? Nah.
SaiZonTor: 3.5/5 You know, I could see it. If Fighter hadn't fought so hard at the end, I'd even be more down for it, frankly. But I think they'd take good care of Tutor and be very soft and he could snuggle right in.
DewBlueChamp: 5/5 Yeah, I'm down for this. I wish they'd make some extras with them the way they did for SaifahZon! I would love to see where this was going to go.
UnThirdTwo: 5/5 Yeah. Hell yeah. It'd be adorable. I would absolutely love this, honestly. No denials, no hesitation.
TeamPharmManaow: 1/5 I just... maybe just as experiment? But as a real relationship? Nah. Friends are friends and sometimes friends are best as friends.
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butimacommander · 5 years
Thought I’d share some of my favourite wlw movies, please feel free to add your own favourites and i’ll reblog them!!! Lets share the gay.
But i’m a cheerleader (1999)
This crazy satirical comedy is, as mentioned, a satirical comedy, but between the laughs it makes many comments on the ridiculousness of the society, the dangers of conversion therapy and the importance of accepting yourself. Natasha Lyonne and Clea DuVall play girlfriends that meet at conversion camp and RuPaul plays a camp leader with a “straight is great” shirt. What else do you need?
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D.E.B.S. (2004)
This is the early 2000s bad but amazing queer comedy that i always wanted but took me way too long to find. D.E.B.S. is a clandestine paramilitary academy for girls that are recruited through a secret test in the SAT - they basically wear ridiculous outfits and live in a sorority house while working as spies for the US government. The star student finds herself in a romance with the number one bad guy, who in fact is not a guy but a girl played by Jordana Brewster. The movie is directed, written, edited and produced by women so extra points for that.
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Children’s Hour (1961)
Two friends open a private school for girls and get accused of having an affair, which leads to parents taking their children away from the school and the women becoming societal outcasts. In the end the other woman admits to herself and to her friend that she in fact does have feelings for her friend. The movie does have an extremely tragic end (as all wlw themed movies in that time had to have), but works as a strong reminder of how far we’ve come, both in the society and in wlw movies.
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The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018)
Set in the 90s, this movie shows how destructive conversion camps were, and still are. This movie is absolutely beautiful, my only critisism being that a disabled person is not played by a disabled person. Chloe Grace Moretz also got a lot of critique for playing a queer character, but SURPRISE she is queer and we all just assumed she wasn’t. Her queerness shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone after watching this movie tho, as she is convincing (and hot) as hell.
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Imagine Me and You (2005)
The bride falls in love with the florist of her straight wedding. Cheating happens in this movie, but it’s actually handled very well and the husband is the most sympathetic man in wlw movie history. This movie is one of my all time favourites, it’s warm, cute, funny and very English. Also Lena Headey.
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Mädchen in uniform (1958)
Set in the 1910s Germany, the movie is about an all girls strict boarding school in which almost everyone is in love with one of the teachers, Miss von Bernburg. The new student (played by the absolutely gorgeous Romy Schneider) falls especially deep for the teacher, declaring her love multiple times and even kissing her. The movie does not have the happiest of endings, but no one dies which was, i guess, progress.
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Kyss mig/With every heartbeat (2011)
This beautiful Swedish movie takes the whole cheating thing to a new level, but it’s one of the most beautifully shot wlw movies with some of the most gorgeous shots in movie history. Many have probably seen some of the scenes of this movie on youtube, but i highly recommend watching the whole thing, as it has a great storyline and spoiler aller, a happy ending.
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The world unseen (2007)
This movie is set in the 1950s South Africa during the apartheid, tackling racism, classism, sexism and homofobia all at once. It follows the love story Amina and Miriam, one of which is actively challenging the laws and regulations while the latter is scared to make any demands and follows all conventions. This movie has an almost exclusively POC cast and gives an interesting (even though depressing) glimpse at a place and time that deserves all the screen time it can get.
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Anatomy of a love seen (2014)
Two actresses fall in love while playing a couple in a movie, break up in real life, and are called back to reshoot a love scene. This movie is very raw, full of feelings, great sex scenes and good chemistry. It does feel a bit like fanfiction coming to life, which i fully say as a positive thing. Maybe don’t watch this movie if you’ve just broken up, or just go for it if you feel like crying your eyes out.
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Saving face (2004)
A surgeon and a dancer fall in love in New York, having to deal with the expectations and prejudges of their Chinese-American families. The early 2000s really knew how to make romcoms, since this movie has rightfully claimed its place as one of the classics.
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Tumblr won’t let me add more than 10 pictures, so i’ll start with these! Please add your own, or send me your entries and i’ll add them as a reblog :)
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