#Love you tho Miriam
mangora · 10 months
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
Dead way before Tom arrived to their lives, but this is how Fig would react to MC's son
Fig: What a nice gentleman. And you said you weren't good with kids.
MC: He's a psychopat.
Fig: Didn't expect anything less. You raised him, didn't you? As they say, like mother like son.
Tom: *killing a poacher and rescuing kneazles*
Fig: I'm so proud of you.
Solomon: Another Sallow? And yours? I'm glad you killed me, so that I don't have to see my family name in most wanted lists. Why couldn't you've become a Gaunt. Suits you better.
Sebastian: *about to teach Tom the killing curse on his uncle*
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niredsw · 5 months
okay guys hear me out!
sbg coraline! au everyone!
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ashlyn as coraline (obv) and aiden as wybie (we love our weird obsessed boys)
the twins are the ladies (i think their names were april and miriam)
logan is either the black cat or wybie's grandma 'cuz both fits him in a way i cant understand myself
and ben is mr. bobinsky because they both love to put on shows and sing!
the other mother is either the centipede phantom or barron, you cant convince me otherwise (even tho i dont think ashlynn would fall for their lies it still fits them, also barron is a manipulator so it fits,especially the other mother being a bug-like thing and the centipede phantom is literally a centipede!)
i'm going to draw it and drop more lore about it later but i need to gather my thoughts first 'cause this literally came into my mind in the shower, so stay tuned for updates!
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
Wolfy, you have not only dragged me into the EPICS, but also now into the prince of Egypt (I'm on my first watch) I did not expect it to be this good, although I'm a little confused on what's going on This is infact an invitation so you can ramble if you please yes yes
It details the story of Moses, specifically found in the book of Exodus (aka, a departure or emigration), and also the story of Passover, a Jewish tradition. If any of my Jewish followers want to talk about that, feel free! My knowledge is very surface level and mostly from what I've read from the bible.
But so yeah at that time, the Hebrew people were slaves under the Egyptian rule, but they were multiplying too much and the pharaoh got nervous. So he ordered that any infant child be taken and thrown into the river. Moses was a baby at that time, and so he would've met the criteria of baby throwing. His mother did not vibe with that order and took Moses, placed him in a waterproof basket, and sent him down the river to hopefully find a better future than drowning. He ends up floating by the royal palace and gets found by the princess, daughter of the pharaoh(tho in the movie they changed her to be the wife instead) who takes a liking to him and decides to adopt him. In the bible, Miriam (his sister who the mother sends to follow him) asks the princess if she'd like a nursemaid, claiming to know someone (that someone being Moses' mother), and the princess agrees, so Moses gets to be with his family for a few years before going back to the palace. In the movie they don't have that and he's taken in directly with Miriam just praying he be safe and come back to them one day. So it's not very explicit in the bible but love the relationship between him and Rameses (I don't think he was actually named in the bible, but historians figured it was him based on contextual evidence) godbless and then he accidentally kills a guy and runs away. He meets tzipporah and his family and gets welcomed in and married and stuff. So the burning bush. Moses' destiny, if you will, is to save his people, and God tells him as much. Go back to Egypt and free his people. Moses doesn't think himself up to it but God says he'll be with him. So he goes back and does. Rameses refuses because that's his entire workforce, and in retaliation God sends down the 10 plagues. With each plague, Rameses hardens his heart and he refused to let Moses' people go. Until the tenth and final plague, the death of the firstborn. Any household with lamb's blood painted on their doorpost, the angel of death will pass over (AYEEE Passover). The Hebrews knew this but the Egyptians did not. Finally, at the death of his own son, Rameses tells Moses that his people are free.
They take their stuff and go. Thing is, to be actually free, they'd have to cross the wilderness. But there's a pesky sea blocking their way, which isn't very great for the whole crossing the wilderness thing. Also, the Egyptians had a change of heart and are going to get them back. So they're trapped between the sea and the enemy. God sends down a pillar of fire to stall them (though iirc in the bible it's like a cloud of darkness and a pillar of light depending on who you were) and while that's happening, Moses goes over and strikes his staff into the water. And the red sea parts before him, giving them a straight path across. You know the rest, with the people crossing and the waters coming down to drown the army and stuff. So now they're officially free from the Egyptians! But they're not done yet, because the main goal is to reach the Promised Land, and Moses is designated to lead them. They do skip ahead a few chapters and have Moses already grab the two stone tablets with the ten commandments, that doesn't happen until later and involves a golden calf haha
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pinkpiggy93 · 9 months
Good evening. I had a quick question. Are your comics drawn on paper or digital at a computer or tablet? They are magnificent!😊 love the stories.
I used to draw myself, so I know how much thought, time, effort and love goes into your work.
Greetings Miriam 😊
I love this question so thank you so much for asking!
It takes a few days for me to finish a well rendered painting digitally, on traditional medium tho, recently did a water color piece of 5x2m in 2 full days, 16 hours
For comics tho, it takes a longer time to draw a chapter, including coming up with ideas and dialogues for it and drawing the comic, since i have to keep my post coming i tend to use a simpler style so i can draw faster.
But i always try to practice with everything i do, it's fun and it's good for the art journey :3
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canonically47 · 4 months
I'd love to hear you rank all the All Stars from fave to least fave (and why)
i'll do least fave to fave since theres more to hate in this season, but here we go:
18. yul. idc how bad tom and jake get, riya can annoy me all she wants, alec could commit a crime and drastically drop down in my rankings, AND YUL WOULD STILL BE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY DC LIST!!!!!!
i just... despise him. he has brought nothing of substance in any of his seasons and hes just homophobic, fatphobic and racist constantly. the only thing that annoys me more than yul are his fans defending him because hes FiCtIoNaL and because its fUnNy. bunch of idiots
17. jake. i dont like jake. fuck jake. he and tom used to be so high up in my list but oh how the mighty have fallen, i can barely remember a time when i was genuinely excited for their arc, now whenever i see them on screen i just beg for their scene to end as quickly as possible
16. tom. only higher than jake because he has a fun character arc in s1 and i love his design so much it redeems him a smidge in my head
15. hunter. so forgettable. idgaf about that emo white boy
14. ally. same as hunter but more annoying. ill give her a pass and place her higher because she was actually fun in s1. now shes just a whiny bitch whose gone from wah wah hunter doesnt listen to me to wah wah jake sucks
13. ashley. even more forgettable but at least shes bearable
12. tess. wait who? oh the prettier and more chill ally?? WAIT SHES IN THE SEASON???? oh wait shes gone? oh no!! anyways
11. lake. s2 is altogether very forgettable and i remember not giving a fuck about anything that had to do with her character arc. i wish we either got rosa maria back, or she got an actual arc in DCAS, but hey tomjake need to make up sooo... yeah.
10. riya. higher than lake because shes not forgettable but i still dislike her. her voice annoys me, her strategies are jus petty drama. her character design is awesome tho and i like her friendship with alec.
9. miriam. oh how the mighty have fallen. they had her here for four episodes yet they still managed to massacre her character in that time, incredible. ranked so high because her s1 self was awesome and my fav alongside alec and... tom <//3
8. connor. the fact that he is so high up should tell you a lot about the attrocity that is this season. not that i ever hated him, i just dgaf about him. this season did absolutrly nothing to make me root for him and he was useless as always, but when you have riya and yul in the same team as him, suddenly i want him to make finale. connor confuses me because jhst like fiore, he was clearly brought back to reconcile with someone (riya and alec respectively) yet he was barely given relevance or screen time and then they just eliminated him. because TOM AND JAKE GUYS!!! THEYRE STILL HERE!!! anyways yeah connor. wow
7. aiden. i used to have such deep and fun feelings about aiden and now hes just there to be toms friend. you would think getting james out gained him some independence, he would get a fun character arc outside of anyone else, but nope, hes not independent just decided to pull the lamest bitch ever. someone take him out already
6. fiore. so sad to see her so low but she was absolutely useless this season. if she doesnt come back then this show is fucked. her whole character arc built up to a reconciliation with alec yet it... never happened. radio silence. the season is still ongoing but my hopes ended with season 2
5. james. it is laughable that someone from season 2 (the second worst season) who i initially despised both for awful acting and bad morals is in the top 5 of a season he was eliminated first in but hey DCAS is really annoying me. so yeah. james!!! i miss james. do you guys think james could come back and just fucking kill jake. thatd be cool. love you james miss you sm
4. gabby. her villain arc could prove so fun but the fact that tess went all flower power at her elimination and forgave gabby for her actions might make gabby back out of her villainy which I DO NOT CARE FOR!!! I WANT MY EVIL GABBY FUCK YOU!!! anyways fun fact i also dislike gabbys voice actress because she thinks YELLING REALLY FUCKING LOUDLY = excitement so that made me dislike gabby for a long time. so now there are two characters in the top 5 whom i originally disliked. something about two nickels
3. grett. my love, she has done nothing wrong ever, my sweet little creature, my adorable cutsie patootsie, FUCKING DUMP YUL ALREADY OH MY GODDD her. i love her, ive loved her since the very beginning, i always rooted for her, if she doesnt make finale then this is rigged
2. ellie. my wife,,,, the way they treated you is abysmal come heal im my arms take as much time as you need,,, "oh but she bad-mouthed everyone on the show" IDC SO HAVE I GOOD FOR HER!!! GIRL FUCK EVERYONE THATS NOT IN MY TOP 7 IDC I EVEN AGREE WITH WHAT SHE SAID ABOUT MY FAVS!!! yall want more complex female characters but cannot handle ellie,,,, so weird to me that this trainwreck of a show has her in it someone free her
1. alec. is anyone surprised? ive loved alec since the first moment i saw him. he was the first decent, not over the top actor i heard, the best personality, the best arc, the best relationships. if he doesnt make finale then i WILL be upset because he deserves it and always has. that finale was bullshit and they pulled that thing with fiore and alec strictly for shock value. i miss them,, anyways ALEC!!! HE IS THE DISVENTURE CAMPER EVER!!!!!!! NEVER RUINED NEVER MISCHARACTERIZED PLEASE GODS ABOVE STOP GIVING ONC CRACK AND STEER THEM AWAY FROM COMMITING WRONGS AGAINST ALEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
side note: top three can sometimes mix depending on mood but they remain the same three characters just different positions sometimes :3
thanks for the ask this was fun and as you see i am so normal
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lambergeier · 9 months
2023 bookpost 🥳🥳🥳
43 books read this year! about 2/3rds of last year's number, but i fell off pace in summer and for the last two months and never actually have a target or care about my pace anyways, so 43 is a good solid number imho. as last year, full list with light commentary below, recs are bolded:
Neuromancer by William Gibson
The Browns of California: The Family Dynasty that Transformed a State and Shaped a Nation by Miriam Pawel (i am punished for my desire to learn more about the two governors brown's effects on the state of california with: family hagiography. should have known tbh)
Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman (SOOOOOO GOOD. apocalyptic/religious horror in 1350's france during the black plauge. for fans of the terror, and fans of people who are in love but for whom the love won't alwayshelp!)
The Mirror and the Light by Hilary Mantel (hilary ilu u were one of the greatest novelists of the past hundred years it was an honor to be alive at the same time as you. this could have been 200 pages shorter. ilu tho)
Did Ye Hear Mammy Died? by Seamas O’Reilly (short, sweet childhood memoir of the irish writer/comedian who, famously, tweeted that story about meeting the president of ireland on ketamine.)
Either/Or by Elif Bautman (girls can i tell you. i didn't realize this was a sequel until like 100 pages into the book. that was on me.)
Two Doctors Gorski by Isaac Fellman (ah mr fellman. lol)
The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka (really cool piece of fiction, first half told from the collective viewpoint of a group of regulars at a public swimming pool, second half about the one specific swimmer who's losing her independence to dementia. short, packs a punch)
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (UNDEFEATED!)
One Man’s Terrorist: a Political History of the IRA by Peter Finn
Nightcrawlers by Leila Mottley (love to see local 22yos succeed wildly. does NOT mean this book was good god bless)
The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa
The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy
Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy (to be clear, if you are not a cormac mccarthy fan, these books will not make you his fan. they are very much about this man's incredible hopelessness regarding a world that has invented and used the atomic bomb. what can be redeemed, etc etc. i loved them, despite a major part of the plot being consensual sibling incest, they were beautiful and phenomenal, they were not light reading)
A Smile in his Lifetime by Joseph Hansen
Glory by NoViolet Bulawayo (cannot recommend the audiobook highly enough. emma read the paper copy to catch up to where i was in the audiobook so we could listen together on a car trip, and she agreesTM that the audiobook is the way to go)
Barbarian Days by William Finnegan
The Dark Lord of Derkholm by Dianna Wynne Jones
We Don’t Know Ourselves by Fintan O’Toole (really really really cool nonfiction about ireland since the 1950s, part autobiography, more parts cultural history of a very quickly changing nation. fascinating to read this within 12 months of finn's one man's terrorist, which was a very leftist history of the IRA, and keefe's say nothing, which was an only very slightly leftist history of the IRA that was most interested in like, how compelling the history is (not a drag on it). o'toole not as big on the IRA as the other two! understandable!)
The Binding by Bridget Collins
The War That Killed Achilles by Caroline Alexander (for all fans of the history of the story of the illiad!!! short and passionate!)
Flux by Jinwoo Chong (solid new debut scifi - who thought it could still happen!)
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy
The Witch King by Martha Wells (this book sucked ass!!! have mentioned this several times already this year!!!)
An Oral History of the New York Commune, 2052–2072 by Eman Abdelhadi and M. E. O'Brien (some things about this book were fun, many were infuriating, absolute worst had to be the insistence that in the future: therapy would solve even more problems that it does today :))
The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt (see my beautiful wife's post on the subject)
Stay True by Hua Hsu (beautiful, deserves the pulitzer, not 100% my thing but still very good)
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (the voice was hard to get used to for the first 50 pages, but i ended up really liking this tbh. i've never read copperfield, so not sure if that improved the experience)
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
The Boys by Katie Hafner (a mistake to read this, but at least the twist was funny! there wasn't anything else in the book, but only a partial waste of time at the end)
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (finally read this, which has truly polarized my extended social circle, but i ended up liking it. i didn't always get what it was doing 100% of the time, and didn't so much feel compelled to find out, but i tore through it and will always be a sucker for a story about that doesn't fix you but does keep you alive. can see both sides of this debate)
American Overdose: The Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts by Chris McGreal (we have to kill every sackler. solid history of the epidemic. EVERY sackler.)
The Season by Kristen Richardson (half-baked history of the debutante social ritual. but, not like there's many other histories of the subject!)
All the Horses of Iceland by Sarah Tolmie
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin (funny, contained extensive dirtbag lesbian behaviors, but lacked some heft at the end)
In Memoriam by Alice Winn (do you s2b2? do you want some solid, tome-like origfic? do you want all of those things and also siegfried sassoon rpf? well great news!)
Now We Shall Be Entirely Free by Andrew Miller (pleaseeeeeee tell me if you have read this or do read this it was SOOOOOO GOOD and i had NEVER heard of this guy before!!! fantastically written prose, everything builds with infinite dread to a single horrible punchline, i am still wowed thinking about it)
The Trees by Percival Everett (haha hey wanna get fucked up. dark dark dark comedy)
Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale (really enjoyable if slightly overlong romance novel that i got off a rec list for historical romances with disabled love interests. does a really good interesting job of giving the love interest full breadth and agency despite severe processing impairment following a stroke)
Mobility by Linda Kiesling
The Rachel Incident by Rachel O’Donahughe
Not Even the Dead by Juan Gómez Bárcena (would also like to know if anyone else has read this so we can try and figure out what the fuck was going on right at the end!! also the fact that this is primarily about mexican history, written by a spaniard, with the specter of the US very prominent in the book is like. hm i would love to be able to read some mexican press reviews of this lol)
When Crack Was King: A People's History of a Misunderstood Era by Donovan X. Ramsey (picked this up following the opioid book, which discussed but didn't go deep on how the country's reaction to the opioid epidemic was so vastly different from the crack epidemic. put a lot of stuff into context lmao.)
WAIT AT SOME POINT THIS YEAR I REREAD RUMO AND HIS MIRACULOUS ADVENTURES BY WALTER MOERS. I DON'T KNOW WHEN. DIDN'T WRITE IT DOWN. BUT I DID REREAD IT. 44 BOOKS. shout out to mr. moers for writing some extremely fucking creepy books for teenagers <3
okay i was gonna do more about like general trends and vibes of this year's books, also about the four books i am still reading rn lol, but i have been typing for soooooooooooo long so i'm just gonna reblog with more thots in the morning. stay prepared everyone
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Prince of Egypt
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Papa Bless (literally) its time for me to talk about one of my favorite animated movies, nay, one of my favorite MOVIES ever made. Prince of Egypt is a work of art. Hands down, it is one of the most incredible movies I have ever seen. I'm not even religious (I did grow up Christian and am now a Filthy Heathen but that's beside the point). The real point is that this movie is one that I think can be enjoyed by anyone reguardless of religion. At its core, they took a simple biblical story and turned it into something with raw passion and emotion and art. And I simply adore it.
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Every time I watch this movie, its such an experience for me. I always fall in love with new things, from the fantastic character designs, to the insanely lovely animation to the beautiful songs and score to the way the story is told and the emotions the characters go through with it. Everything in this movie feels huge, weighty, and important. It's very respectful to its source material while making changes that make it work better as a film, particularly the brotherly dynamic between Moses and Rameses that adds a whole new layer of drama onto the story.
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As for that story, we all know the Exodus story by now so I'll spare you on that and discuss the things the movie does on its own. That dynamic between Moses and Rameses is at the heart of the movie and it really is just a devestating tragedy to watch them break apart and become enemies because of the huge responsibilities thrust onto both of their shoulders. The fact that tragedy ends on such a heartcrushing note too its just... god. (literally god, get it? cause this is all his fault lol jk ok)
Moses is fantastically written, a great main character to follow who has compelling drama, at first about his true identity and how he struggles to comes to terms with it and then grappling with having to oppose Rameses to set the Hebrews free. Rameses himself may just be one of Dreamworks best villains, you really do feel bad for him but you also know he's bringing so much of this suffering on himself because of his own stubborn pride. The rest of the cast is also fantastic, Tzipporah is lovely and really fun, Miriam is an absolute sweetheart, Aaron is a sassy little loser but I love how he comes around in the end, and well, God is God (the burning bush scene tho, can we talk about that? fucking INSANE)
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The MUSIC man, each song is SO damn good its hard for me to even pick a favorite. Deliver Us is such a strong opening, a wonderful way to set the stage that makes the stakes feel high right from the start. All I Ever Wanted is a great way to show the life Moses always knew cracking from the inside out. Through Heaven's Eyes is just a bop with a lovely message about change and growth. Playing with the Big Boys is delightfully sinister and the Plagues, oh GOD THE PLAGUES???? INSANE MAN SO DRAMATIC AND INTENSE AND THE IMAGERY IS JUST??!?!?! BRUH! When You Believe might be my favorite though, it starts out somber but grows into this hopeful triumph of excitement and relief and its absolutely beautiful.
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This movie is so beautiful to look at too! The composition of some of these shots, the storyboarding, the facial expressions, the set pieces, the movement of the animation, its all so expertly crafted, so entrancing to watch every second of it. Like I said at the start, this movie truly is an utter work of art in every sence of the word.
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I've been gushing about this movie for long enough I think, but I can't help it! It's honestly that good! And its so hard to believe that it came hot off the heels of a trash heap like Antz. Like bruh how were they cooking that shit and the godsend that is Prince of Egypt at the same time??? Insane, utterly insane. This studio is ridiculous.
Anyway, Prince of Egypt is the GOAT and I will fight you if you disagree.
Overall Rating: 10/10
Verdict: Tzipporah marry me pls
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Previous Review (Antz)
Next Review (Road to El Dorado)
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same guy who talked about himself in dc before. i just realised i would be 15 in season 1 lmao. imagine tom beefing with some sassy teenager. like i would constantly be roasting his ass and probably expose his "disguise" Episode 1 or 2 by calling him a solid snake wannabe and disney channel spy lmaooooo and he looks so suspicious for being mad about it. bonus points if he can't do anything about it bc were on different teams.
theres also less tomjake drama bc Jake isnt the one that exposes him and tom is way more likely to be with jake. rip main plot of dcas lmao i accidentally resolved you 2 years before the season begins lol
Anyway id be fiores number one supporter and remind everyone that she is SIX. STOP BEING MEAN TO HER. Im the bitch supporting her at the finale. my little sister now. gonna throw hands with ashley (and lose) after she makes that awful comment about fiore deserving to be burnt and exploded. LEAVE HER ALONE. Alec u suck for calling her a mistake. you are my number 1 enemy. not to mention your son. i want u to suffer.
sorry i promise im not just a hater irl its just that most of these ppl would suck irl. I would love drew, gabby, ellie, fiore and Miriam tho! and probably get along with Lill and jake after a few conversations. maybe also dan.
if i was in season 2 id probably only hate yul, James and Krystal and generally get along with most ppl there.
less tomjake drama who else cheered
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cheesecakeislazy · 1 month
Disventure Camp Episode 18 Spoilers!!
Basically just my thoughts on the episode-
Ally you dumb bitch, Jake literally gave both of his hair bands to Connor- YOU SAW IT. HOW COULD HE HAVE AN EXTRA ONE??
Although not all the blame on Ally for that miscommunication, Connor should’ve talked to Ally immediately. Explained that it was probably Riya, or literally anything instead of staying silent??
Despite my personal beef with Ally for fucking with my boy Jake, I will admit that she’s a better character than Riya… This episode alone made me dislike Riya. I don’t hate Riya, she doesn’t make me scowl or laugh at her pain. I simply dislike Riya and Ally.
As cute as it is that Jake had to dress up a mannequin like Tom- he should’ve had to dress it up like Aiden. Also that looked like season one Tom? I could be wrong though..
Connor doing the exact same fucking thing as last season?? It just seems repetitive..? I love Connor being selfless, but I just kinda dislike the fact he chose to get out like that. I think it would’ve been cooler to get everyone else to vote for him and he votes for himself? I dunno..
I was VERY neutral during this episode. Connor got out? That’s unfortunate but oh well didn’t think he would win.. Ally and Jake are beefing? What’s new.. Riya is being a bitch? Connor please punch her.
Connor needs to stop being such a gentleman, and needs to go into his wife beater arc- please I would pay actual money for Connor to beat the ever living shit out of Riya. (Pls don’t beat yo wives)
I really related to Jake when he insulted Connor in the heat of the moment- I’ve been there before. You insult someone you really care about without thinking because you’re just upset. I’ve done that exact thing and ruined a friendship over it. So I really hope my boy Jake wins this for us!
This is a really underwhelming final 3 tbh.. the only person I care about is Riya. It’s literally Ally vs Jake. Because if Riya wins this? The fans will not be happy at all!!! I really want Jake to win this, for Miriam, for Tom, for his boyfriend best friend Aiden, and for Ashley.
So far the episodes have peaked during the Aiden elimination episode.. 😭
Derek and Trevor kiss? Ngl I never shipped it, I made jokes like “oh they fucking” but I never shipped it. It’s cute tho tbh.. the way Derek looked afterwards? Bro was like “Damn.. that shit better than Kristal..” Derek is finally coming out of the closet!! Let’s goooo!!!
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rp-for-dc · 5 months
*Read first for info!*
Warnings, writing style, ship preferences, etc...
Hello! I'm Aypril, I'm ~20, and I'm looking for DC RP partners! This has no time limit, this offer applies whenever you see it!
★ Warnings:
I am proship, my motto is usually idc what people want to ship, but sometimes I may not personally vibe with certain pairings for personal reasons, so just ask if unsure!
I am okay with some batcest pairings so if you do NOT agree with that please simply block and move on! I will do the same for anyone who feels this way, a mutual blacklist. This is purely RP and fiction only. (Further info down below ↓↓)
NSFW! I am very on board with 18+ RP and things like that, this can pertain to violence, sexual themes, explicit or not, kinks or fetishes (I'm pretty open minded I think), etc. For anything not listed explicitly, just ask beforehand! ^^
↑ I can do either Plot based RP or purely smut. Either is fine!
✓ Ship Preferences
I do MxM, FxM, FxF, and basically any dynamic, so long as you specify!
Batcest ✓ However, this does NOT include Damian. He is the exception. I am willing to play with the other dynamics.
★ Jaydick / Dickjay -- Nighthood. Very interested in doing this ship!!
★ Roydick / Dickroy. My favourite :)
Mostly any Dick based ship
Other ships you can ask for but I cannot guarantee they're gonna be accurately played.
Note: I do MxM most because I used to write a lot of very bad gay fanfic in my notes so there's that
× Ships I don't do:
Sladick (ask first, there CAN be exceptions sometimes)
Dick Grayson × Raven/Rachel Roth
BBRae/Garfield Logan × Raven
Supersons/Jondami (definitely will Not do it underage)
Conner Hawke × Eddie Fyers
Oliver Queen × Connor Hawke
Oliver Queen × Roy Harper
Other, not listed ships may depend on the situation. Ask first! I won't be aggressive
★ Rules & Writing Preferences:
ENG only! Very sorry but I only speak and read one language 😔🙏 (if english is not your native language don't worry, I'm totally understanding)
Literate to semi-literate please! At least make a paragraph or so, but I'm not the most picky. Anything will work!
↑ if you write a sentence, at least give me something to work with, even dialogue that incites the next action will do. Something descriptive, yk?
OOC Moments during roleplay are fine, just input it in brackets
↑ This includes fetishes especially
Timezone is UTC +10:00, but I wake up pretty early sometimes so it's not a strict time limit every day.
★ Characters I can write for:
★ Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC) – Most comfortable playing him ↑
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress (DC)**
Damian Wayne/Robin V (DC) – NO NSFW 🚫
Buddy Baker/Animal Man (DC)
Eddie Fyers (DC)
Connor Hawke/Green Arrow II (DC)
**Helena is ONLY her Bertinelli version. Not Wayne. I haven't read about Helena Wayne yet.
↓ Characters I don't like to see:
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy/Changeling (DC)
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC)**
Miriam Delgado/Mirage (DC)
Catalina Flores/Tarantula (DC)
Daniel Chase (DC)
**Slade can be used as an antagonist, but be warned I don't ship him with anyone and am not fond of him. I love seeing him fail tho so there are exceptions.
If there are any other enthusiastic NW fans out there who like RP just let me know! Always willing to chat and even make friends, too! If I think of anything else tho I'll add it to this post with an edit at the bottom ;)
Edit: Also to note, it's also in the description, but I am incredibly rusty. I haven't roleplayed with someone in about uhhh let's say two years? Since amino honestly? And I've never RPed on Tumblr before, so PLEASE have mercy on my soul 😭 Idk what standards are like here, so if I do something wrong, just tell me! I am very open to criticism :)
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weirdraccoon · 8 months
Yay! That’ll be a great way to end my day😁 I’m looking forward to reading it and thank you again so so much!
My two free hours became my boss's free hours (first coaching and gossiping and then more gossiping and scolding haha xd)
Anyway, as promised, a fic ready by the end of the day: crack treated seriously I guess. Fig catching MC and Sebastian in her bed.
Eleazar hummed as he made his way into his flat. It was small and cozy, perfect for him and Miriam while she was alive. They’d planned on moving to a bigger apartment or even a house in a magical community once they had children but, alas, between their different researches and experiments, they never got around to it.
At least not while Miriam was alive. Eleazar was one hundred percent sure she would have loved the little rascal he took in right after she passed on.
That, or she would’ve been able to keep the reckless Gryffindor in check.
Emilia Seabaugh, or Em-Sea for short, was as Gryffindor as they come: stubborn, brave, reckless, and a complete troublemaker. Eleazar didn’t know if he had as many white hairs before meeting her or if she was the reason for most of them.
Even tho, he had to admit he was so very proud of her. Refusing to absorb the power of the repository, claiming she’d tell her friends once she felt everyone was ready and they’d look for a way to destroy it. He had feared, at first, that she had been tempted, however, she only used it to heal him of his most serious injuries before sealing it and calling for help. Good thing the rest of the teachers were nearby, he didn’t know if he could’ve lived with himself if he had died in her arms.
He entered the apartment to be greeted by the clear sounds of intimacy coming from her hallway.
“Maybe I should’ve died after all,” he muttered to himself,
He sent a longing look to his own room before marching down the short hallway to her door.
“Not even a muffling charm,” he tsked, then knocked loudly on the door. “Em-Sea! I hope you used an alohomora ward 'cause I’m about to push this door open!”
“Shit,” Em-Sea’s voice echoed from inside. “Wait!”
Eleazar didn’t wait. He pushed the door open and had to close his eyes for a second to gather his wits. He took a deep breath. They were old enough to know what they were doing and old enough to use the necessary precautions that needed to be used.
“Mr. Sallow,” he greeted, opening his eyes, glad that they had the mind to pull the covers to hide themselves. “Nice to see you survived a week after graduation.”
“Professor Fig,” Sebastian stammered with a high-pitched voice. “Hi.”
“Eli!” Em-Sea exclaimed. “Weren’t you coming back next week? How was Godric’s Hollow?”
Eleazar stared her down. The Gryffindor girl stared back, although she did blush a little.
“I’ll wait in the living room, al right? You have one minute to come out,” he stated and walked out, leaving the door open.
“He’s going to kill me,” he heard Sebastian’s voice say. “Oh my god, I’m dead. I can’t believe I only made it one week out of the castle!”
“Shush, Sebastian,” Em-Sea used the tone she usually used when rolling her eyes. “He’s not going to kill you. Not here at least.”
“Forty seconds!” He called and he could hear them fumbling out of the bed and into some clothes. “So, they can follow instructions.”
Both young adults came out looking sheepish and still a little flushed on the face. Eleazar only smirked. His girl might be a grown-up now but he was still his responsibility and the wizarding world would be exposed before he let her (or the boy currently hiding behind her) fool around without making sure they were prepared for consequences.
Like getting caught by a parental figure and then threatened. He couldn’t wait to show Aesop the memory in a pensive.
"Mr. Sallow, do you know how to brew a contraceptive potion?" Eleazar asked as soon as they were in the living area.
"Yes, sir, of course," Sebastian nodded.
"I know how to brew it, too," Em-Sea rolled her eyes.
"I know you know, cupcake," Eleazar offered a shit-eating grin when he saw her face. Oh, how she hated it when he called her pet names. Was she like that when Sallow called her pet names too? "Anyway, could I have a few words with Mr. Sallow? Go get his backpack, I saw it at the feet of your bed."
Sebastian sent her a puppy-eyed look, begging her to stay, asking to stay, who knew? Eleazar was tired and was in no mood for sleepovers.
"Sebastian, Sebastian," Eleazar paced in front of the young man. "You know I love Em-Sea like my own child, right? We have a bond, Sebastian, one that makes me want to protect her from the world itself," Sebastian only nodded. "However, I know I can't protect her from the world, especially seeing how she looks for trouble in every corner," Sebastian wasn't fast enough to hide the smirk that formed on his face. Eleazar stepped closed, voice lower, and magic crackling around them. "What I can do, though, is protect her from boys like you. If she ends up hurt, injured, or even pregnant before she planned it, I will have your head and the Headless Hunt will gain a new member."
Sebastian gulped, wide-eyed and a little pale.
"I understand, sir," he said. "I swear on my magic I won't ever hurt her on purpose and I will be careful- we will be careful."
Eleazar glared into brown eyes for a second, simply enjoying the thrill of shovel-talking someone. Then he nodded and took a step back.
"See that you do," he said. "And I'm sorry but the flat is not big enough to hold sleepovers. I'm sure you'll find somewhere to stay."
"Will you?" Em-Sea asked worriedly, returning with Sebastian's bag.
"Yeah, I'll just crash with Ominis," he smiled. "Talk later?"
"Yeah," Em-Sea promised and she and Eleazar saw him leave through the front door before apparating away. "You suck."
"From what I saw, you suck," Eleazar chuckled, shaking his head.
"Ugh!" Em-Sea turned on her heel and proceeded to her room.
"If you show me a month's worth of the potion and a good wand work of the spell I promise I won't tease you," Eleazar called, "too much," he added.
"I'm moving out!" She replied dramatically. "You'll never see me again!"
"I certainly hope so!" Eleazar laughed, holding back laughing tears. "I already saw too much of you, Em-Sea! Way more than I expected to see. And of Sallow too. I'm so glad you're not my students anymore. Classes would've been so awkward!"
Em-Sea slammed the door shut, but Eleazar could hear her snort before the door closed behind her. She was not really mad. She was probably finishing business in there.
Still laughing, Eleazar turned to his room. He kinda missed being that age.
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td-frog · 7 months
thoughts on disventure camp e4:
tom and jake
seeing people complain about tom being a hypocrite for snarking at jake here and i agree that it is hypocritical. but i don't think it's bad writing (i honestly really like it?)
like. tom and jake are messy. they have no communication. they overreact to everything. that's like their whole thing.
idk why tom ghosted after the first season, or while he's continuing to be distant (and now, more openly hostile). this is because the show hasn't told us yet. i assume, given that it's only episode 4 and this plot is getting a lot of attention, that there will eventually be some explanation. it doesn't really feel out of character to me at this point, just that we're missing information.
also specifically the reason i like this interaction is because it makes it very clear that tom is also being shitty here! like imo that was clear from the very start with the ghosting and dodging confrontation stuff, but more recently the focus has been on jake's jealousy. and while i do think jake is being unreasonable as well, tom is not innocent. as before, they are messy!!
villians' alliance and elimination
first off: i so called miriam being out this episode. didn't know the exact context, but in order for the alec helping fiore plot to work long term she needed to be out of the picture.
i like that she played well here though. like she did exactly what she should have done in the situation and it just didn't work out. sad to see her go, but not surprised.
poor connor tho :( my man's all alone now. i'm hoping that with grett turning on yul (you go girl) that maybe he'll last a bit longer
also yet again reminded why i love alec as a player and a villain. he's so good at planning and thinking things through, and he's not just thinking in terms of his own best interest. man plays this game like chess.
like. the rest of yellow team would have happily let ellie or fiore lose and get booted despite the alliance. alec's main goal was to get rid of miriam, but at the same time he was proving to ellie (and less so fiore) that he was also looking out for them.
i also like that it's not working out as cleanly as he'd like. miriam exposing him may not have been a problem here, but it will be later. in s1 he was able to largely fly under the radar for a while, and now is having to change tactics.
other thoughts
aiden and tess made me smile :) i want them to be friends
like ally's apology and hunter's non-apology (and fiore's wtf response). i think ally's really sweet and i get why fiore doesn't buy it but i'm glad someone on this team was like "maybe bullying a child is wrong"
ashley's backstory :(
predictions for next episode
elimination is harder to predict because the teams are even again. i'm thinking yellow team again makes the most sense, given the inevitable fallout of the villain reveal and the vote for yul. my guess would be connor vs. yul (vs. alec?) and of those three i see yul as most likely.
(could also be connor but the letter from miriam might save him somehow; i'm mainly doubting that they'd take him out of the competition here bc that'd be pretty unsatisfying for the connoriya drama. kind of leaning this actually bc yul being betrayed but not eliminated could also be juicy.)
if it's not yellow team... i could see gabby on cyan, mostly through process of elimination. tom and aiden need to stick around for the drama with jake, ellie's got the villain thing, and tess hasn't really gotten to do much other than be stuck in the middle of things.
gabby also hasn't really gotten to do anything besides support ellie, but i wouldn't be surprised to see her go early- like with james and lake, it feels like her character so far this season has been more in support of another character, and the impact her elimination would have on ellie feels like the most likely plot direction for this team to take.
that said idk why anyone would vote gabby out at this point. but i digress.
i really doubt it'll be magenta. fiore and jake have their own plots happening that i doubt will be wrapped up next episode, hunter and ally's relationship feels like it needs slightly more focus and deterioration before either of them goes home, and ashley just doesn't really seem likely?
aside from elimination
jake's gonna be sad about miriam. i think tom might be too, but unclear how exactly he'll react. will definitely make their whole thing worse, because for some reason they decided miriam should hold the brain cell of their relationship.
yellow team is definitely gonna have drama: fallout from miriam telling everyone alec was untrustworthy, the whole situation with grett and yul's relationship, connor being the only outsider to the alliance.
not sure what else- hunter and ally might have some plot progression, but i think those top two bullets will be the main points.
also whatever advantage connor got will definitely come up- seen speculation that it's like the "make people switch teams" card riya got in s2 but idk how that would play out
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biitchcakes · 5 months
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NAME : Rory / Aurora
PRONOUNS : she / they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : It depends ⸺ if we've not interacted much, definitely here on tumblr. But I don't mind giving my discord out after we've chatted or interacted a bit back and forth.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Jessica Miriam Drew
BEST EXPERIENCE : I honestly couldn't tell you just one ! But I think the answer to go with is just getting to meet so many new people I otherwise wouldn't be able to ⸺ and in some instances, becoming friends.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I honestly don't have any that wouldn't be like, standard, yk ?
MUSE PREFERENCES : Are they a lil chaotic ? Maybe a lil roguish ? Are they a big softie no matter how hard they deny / pretend they're not ? A flirt ? A rebel ? Yes ? Then I'd write 'em.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Both ! Sometimes my brain is better at plotting, sometimes it's better at memes.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I love writing paragraphs when my brain allows it, but short things are great and fun too. On that note, this feels like a good time to say that as my rp partner, you NEVER have to match my length ⸺ be it long or short. That said tho, I would prefer at least a few sentences. ( That also said, I do definitely sometimes like one or two sentences back and forth. )
BEST TIME TO WRITE : It varies for sure ⸺ if I'm busy the next day, I might do most of my writing between 8pm to midnight. If I'm free tho, I suppose the times I prefer are really any time from 1am to about 7am ?? I'm both a night owl and an early bird, so really any time that isn't mostly daytime I guess 😭
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : We have our moments for sure. Funny enough, the place I say we differ the most is actually our food preferences ?? I write Ms Ham-Sandwich Woman herself and yet I personally don't even like ham all that much, or really any pork in general outside of sausage. I don't like the taste of butter unless I'm using it to cook or putting it on some toast. Meanwhile, she can eat 16 sticks of it.
tagged by : @danversiism 💖 tagging : steal it and tag me !
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canonically47 · 9 months
Share the Disventure Camp thoughts Geo. Also, now that you've seen both seasons, what are your All Stars predictions?
oliver was one of the best parts of the season and i loved him so much ohhh the skrunkle
aiden & james were my favorite characters i think! <333 i really liked their development i love gay people i screamed at their first real kiss
it took a while for me to get used to every character because of their mics and acting. some of the acting was not believable at all and was the reason i dislikes some characters for a bit (cough rosa maria cough) before eventually warming up to them. it’s clear they improved a lot and found better actors for season 1. i’m curious how the S2 actors will be in S3.
maggy was genuinely annoying and not just because of her voice. sorry :(
lake was amazing!! i loved her arc!
connor was a good guy and i liked him, but i wouldn’t have brought him back for all-stars and i definitely wouldn’t have paired him with riya. that 21 year age gap is not looking good.
WHY IS YUL YELLOW 💀 also i hated his ass “a latina stealing why doesn’t that surprise me” NAH MF YOU CANNOT BE REDEEMED I’M SORRY MAN YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN 💀
anyone wanna talk about how weird some challenges were? no? like making people kiss other people just for a challenge? i know it’s fiction but? what if someone is uncomfortable with it? yk? my aro ass couldn’t watch most of those scenes like ik it was to make some ships kiss and probably appeal to the fans but nah. you lost me brah. and outing aiden (while not specifically saying his name but yk) like. wow. this is. not fun! weird episodes
karol fuck you
riya, thin ice, i like you for your assholery but leaving aiden hanging left ME hanging as a fan of both. sadge
ally should’ve been a scene kid that’s all i came here to say
fuck you yul hope ur the first boot of S3
why was nina there. /vvvneg
now for predictions/wishes:
if i don’t get gabellie & tessally alliance i will actually cry myself to sleep for those entire ten months the show will be airing i mean it guys i’m so fucking serious /j
alec and fiore need to make up or i will actually go bonkers and die
yul first boot
trevek do gay shit & krystal breaks them apart every time because they’re so cringe every time they flirt or something not in the high school couple way but just sooo fucking bad at flirting that it is physically damaging to everyone around them
nina dies in a fire YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! PARTY!!! (seriously she was the most annoying gimmick of the season hope she just disappears and its not brought up ever)
maybe. if connor is there. and he gives advice. he can give alec and fiore advice. right. right guys. I MISS MY FATHER-DAUGHTER DUO OKAY WAAAAAAA
jake will be a fucking idiot and hate aiden for NO reason because he is a fucking idiot. love him tho but i was hoping he wouldn’t be as insecure in s3 like girl get a therapist cmon
if i don’t get james-tom friendship.......
miriam early boot 😞 sorry queen 😞 i got this feeling 😞 inside my bones 😞
ashley early boot (pleasepleaseplease WHO ASKED FOR HER TO BE HERE i wanted nick or kai back so bad omfg)
this is more based on a fanart i saw but fiore should totally terrorize aiden and aiden just hates her ass
i want the teams to form then switch a bit so that there’s both s1 and s2 contestants on both teams bc wdym the teams are s1 and s2. thats the worst decision yet and the season hasnt even started
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the-dance-of-italy · 7 months
Ok you all asked for it:
(Well one person did so far)
For all porpouses, im naming mine The Last Testament or TLT, and it's something if a reincarnation AU.
anyway, here's the ideas/HCs or whatever:
Jésus 🇵🇸 🇲🇽:[Still woking on Him]
-One of his parents is a refugee from Palestine into Mexico (Im respecting that fact abt him on account of the aprox. 13,000 refugees living in Mexico) (Haven't decided who tho, probably Miriam)
-Lives in Mexico City...kinda. Isn't really from there. (will elaborate later).
-Has a Pitbull he rescued named Angel
-Likes cumbias, bolero and regional. Is neutral abt banda. Hates corridos. (Music genres)
-Trans FTM and AceAro.
-Works at his parents artisan shop making traditional crafts based on both cultures.
-Went to college for psychology, then dropped out almost two semesters before graduating.
-Autistic and has ADHD. -Artisan / Gaphic Designer. Went to college for political studies and psychology, but dopped out. -Does Gaffiti with Tadeo and Juan often. -Meeting the guy who's supposd to be the antichrist is like a doppelganger sitation for him. -Meets his heavenly parent during a weed trip.
Tadeo (Thaddeus) 🇲🇽: [Woking on him]
-Also lives in Mexico City.
-Has worked both as a taxi driver and as a microbus driver.
-Is a Chivas fan (football soccer team).
-Obv believes quesadillas don't have to contain cheese in them. [Wrong, but he's from the capital so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯].
- Definitely has gotten into heated arguments with Jesús abt it.
- Loves cumbias and rap. Doesn't like banda too much. Hates corridos of all types.
- Definitely a cholo. -Owns a volkswagen beetle. -Has a torta and taco food stand.
Simon P 🇰🇷🇬🇷 (lives in 🇺🇸):
-Works as a butcher or has a fish shop (haven't decided)
-Didn't go to college because he had a child at 19 (almost after highschool graduation. He did love his wife very much despite marrying so young and both still inmature then.
-Becomes a widower after she dies in a fire.
-They had 3 kids that he is left alone to raise.
-Currently 28 y/o and third eldest of the group.
-Very conservative until his eldest child tried to come out to him as trans. Didn't go well at first, with him believing someone put ideas in their head.
-Meets Jesús in a forum online asking fo help about his kid. J' is the one who knocks some sense into him.
Andrew 🇬🇷🇰🇷 (Lives in 🇺🇸):[Still woking on Him]
-23 y/o studying to become an obstetrician, since their mother died giving birth to him, due to a doctor's malpractice.
-Learned about reproductive rights after meeting Juan and Jesús in a forum.
-Closeted gay because of Simon.
Felipe (Philip) 🇪🇸:[Woking on him]
-Runs a bakery with his family in Barcelona. -Besties with Nathaniel
Nathaniel Bartholomew 🇵🇭:[Woking on him]
-Neurologist -Meets Felipe in Spain after going to study abroad there
Thomas 🇮🇳 (Lives in 🇺🇸) : [Woking on him]
- Architect. -Is studying abroad in LA -Has a drug addiction problem - Meeting Jay makes it slightly worse. -His best friend is Lil' James.
Mateo (Matthew) 🇨🇱 (Lives in 🇺🇸): [Woking on him]
-Used to work in border patrol.
'Zi' (Simon Zee) 🇧🇷: [Woking on him]
- They all call him that on account of his name being Simon and the zi in Brazil. -Has Vitiligo
Mary (Magdalene) 🇦🇫🇺🇲: [working on her]
- Drag queen or Trans Woman (Haven't decided, fuck it, why not both)
- Parents disowned her after coming out and kicked her out at 16 y/o.
-Became friends with Jay after meeting him at a shelter. Worked odd jobs with him until they could afford an apartment together.
-Works in the same bar as him.
Jay (Judas)🇪🇬🇺🇸: [Woking on him]
-Went to college for political studies, dropped one semester before graduation and switched to psychology. Dropped two semesters in and switched to Art.
-Has a black cat named Baphy. (Yep, edgy motherfucker.)
-Works at a local gay bar near his neighborhood.
-His parents disowned him after he came out as Gay. Later he discovered he's Pansexual.
-Used to be a sex worker. Sometimes still does it even though he doesn't need to anymore.
- Listens to 80's and 90's music the most. Likes MJ, Bowie, Twisted Sister, Queen, ABBA and Elton John... -Doesn't know what to do with his life -Puts others peoples needs before his own. Cant say no to others. -Great at math, good at administrating money. Actually ends up buying the bar he worked at (with illicit money).
L. James 🇺🇸: [Woking on him]
-Is a Oncologist.
Sean (John) 🇮🇪 : [Woking on him] -Immature -Doesn't know what to do with his life. -younger brother. -Does mostly wheatpaste and sticker art
B. James🇮🇪: [Woking on him] -Punk -Friends call him Jay. Closest friends call him shaggy. -Always starting ending fights with the police -Has moderate alcoholism. -Does gaffiti and wheatpaste.
Juan (John TB) 🇵🇷 🇲🇽: [Still woking on him]
-Obv. Jesús' cousin.
- Left home to backpack travel around Latin America [refuses to go to Europe or the United States, but would love to visit Asia and Africa. Terrified of Australia.]
-Has dreadlocks and they're incredibly well taken care of despite traveling without much rest.
-Meets Andrew and Felipe during a spring break vacation in Colombia. (Already knew Andrew through the forum but didn't know it was him until they met there).
-Vegan probably. -Get's kidnapped by a cartel after messing someone's bussiness. He get's brutaly murdered afterwards by them to get rid of him. Eleazar (Lazarus) 🇺🇸/?? : ryu -Has and incurable illness. -Is always hospitalized, if he's dispached for a while, he's in a wheelchair.
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