#dcas power rankings
accirax · 16 days
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Rankings (Round 10)
It's time for a very special episode of the DCAS Power Rankings! Previewheads know what's up.
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings ( 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9), the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Ashley's Elimination
Current Point Total: 41 acquired / 63 total
Even though I didn't particularly claim a points victory on this one, I am absolutely claiming a moral victory here. Because, I was totally right on the reasoning behind an Ashley boot! Ashley was a challenge threat, a conflict negotiator, and, overall, the most heroic hero. (Alec even said something really similar to that descriptor directly; that filled me with pride.)
As I said, if the villains had a free shot at any one in the heroes "alliance"-- if you could even call it that-- it 100% made sense for them to take out Ashley. And, given the emotional state of our would-be protagonists, they got that without even having to try.
I think Ashley served her purpose in the narrative pretty well, all things considered. Sure, she was mostly playing second fiddle to Jake. But, honestly, who isn't in this season...? She stuck around for long enough to tie up her loose ends from last season-- AKA, eliminating Fiore-- as well as establishing some iconic new relationships with Jake and Ally. And, losing such a likeable compatriot at this midpoint of the game is sure to kick the heroes (especially Jake) into high gear, reminding them just how precarious their position is. They did about as well as they could have with Ashley's character going into this season, in my opinion. I'm happy to lose her in this way.
Trailer Analysis
Another big one out of the way-- we're finally getting our returning camper this episode!!! Gosh, watching the trailer and seeing everyone back and at it again made me so happy. Why do we have to keep eliminating people again? Ah, right-- the drama. And oh, what a dramatic trailer it is.
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"I ain't no quitter!" "Ugh, I'm about to... to throw up...!" "This could decide my streaming career..." "Nothing's in our way." "What happened here?" "Do I look like I give a shit?" "Are you okay, Jake?!" "Loser!" "You BITCH!"
We got some bonus dialogue for this episode's preview! I used the color coding to attribute characters as best I could, but for the sake of clarity, the people speaking were Miriam, Gabby, Ally, Fiore, Lake, Riya, Ashley, Yul, and... someone. I couldn't really tell who was saying the last quote; sorry. It sounded like a feminine voice to me, but I couldn't place exactly who. Thoughts on each quote individually: Miriam's quote is pretty standard "get back in the game" type stuff. Gabby could be experiencing nerves or a harrowing physical experience. I assume that Ally is talking about Hunter in some capacity-- we saw in Episode 1 that Hunter has joined Ally on her streams, so if they broke up or something, that would change the trajectory of Ally's career. It could also just be about winning $3 million, though. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that Fiore is talking to Alec, trying to reignite their alliance, although the jury's out on how well Alec will respond to that pitch. Lake could be talking about a physical environment here, but, honestly, I think that quote will relate to how the Cyan Team's social connections imploded after Lake's departure. Riya is being Riya. With this quote from Ashley, I'm more inclined to think that Gabby's nausea was caused by something physically difficult/threatening, to pair with Jake being in danger. Yul is being Yul. That's what I got so far.
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Finally, Trevor and Derek are going to talk to each other again! I feel like they haven't actually had a conversation with each other since Episode 1. However, between Derek's smugness and Trevor's surprise, I'm worried that things won't go well for Trevor here. Specifically, I'm theorizing that, before Trevor can confess his feelings for Derek, Derek is going to tell Trevor about his crush on/"date" with Kristal, and Trevor will have to pretend to be supportive. Classic romance trope type stuff.
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I missed these guys so much :,)
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This entire trailer definitely supports the idea that the eliminated contestants and the surviving contestants will be participating in a challenge together, not just that the eliminated people will be fighting for themselves. Based on this screenshot (and other parts of the trailer), I think they divided themselves into pairs: Ellie and Gabby, James and Yul, Lake and Aiden, Tess and Ally, Connor and Riya, Fiore and Alec, Ashley and Jake, Miriam and Tom, and Hunter and... Grett??? Hunter and Grett being paired together makes the least amount of sense, but I think it's still viable. Let's say that the teams are decided via a schoolyard pick. If, for whatever reason, Grett gets to pick last, Hunter could be the only one left (after Ally picks Tess). I think that the surviving contestants getting to sponsor an eliminated contestant makes sense rather than the other way around because of James winding up with Yul instead of Aiden. And, of course, there's the potential for additional TomJake drama if Tom chooses Miriam before Jake can. We can't live without more TomJake drama. (/s)
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THE TEAM EVER!!!! Please don't be smirking because you're about to intentionally screw Fiore over, Alec. She's literally eight (and your daughter).
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We need Miriam back for one episode so that she can smack some sense into Jake and Tom. Specifically Tom, it seems.
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Oh, hey, I was right about Hunter and Grett being paired together. I forgot this scene was in the trailer when I wrote that other part. Yeah, those pairs are definitely correct.
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The girls are fightinggggggg. Forget Alec intentionally screwing over Fiore; I wonder if Riya will be attempting to do that to Connor so that she doesn't have to confront her relationship with him again. Probably not, though-- this is more likely that Riya is going to suggest, like, cheating or something, and Connor will tell her off for it.
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So, these teams are going to come into contact at some point. Makes sense, given how close Alec and Riya are.
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What the hell is going on in this challenge? We've got running, wrenches, motorcycles, and cliff diving. I've got nothing, honestly. Seems like a pretty physical challenge, though.
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"There's no honor among thieves." "Are we stealing something?"
Sounds like Ellie is probably trying to convince Gabby to not continue working with the villains alliance. It makes sense: working with the villains was what led to her own corruption/downfall, she still harbors annoyance towards Alec, and probably doesn't appreciate how Grett treated her girlfriend back in S1. The question that I (and possibly Gabby) have to ask, though, is... what else would Gabby be meant to do at this point? I guess it partially depends on who's coming back.
Power Ranking...?
So, obviously the Power Ranking is going to be a little bit different this week, given that, as far as I'm aware, no one is actually being eliminated. Instead, someone will be coming back into the competition. Whatever happens this episode, I don't think I'm going to score any points for it. If it so happens that someone is eliminated as well, then, so be it.
However, I am going to rank how likely I think it is that each eliminated contestant will be returning to the show! It won't affect my score at all, but I think it'll be fun. I'm going to go backwards, from least likely to return to most likely to return, this time in order to keep up suspense. So, who do I think is least likely to return...?
#9: Ashley
Yeah, I just really don't see this one. Obviously, in a real life reality TV show, sometimes the person who was just eliminated is the one who manages to come back into the game. But, when you control the script of a complete fiction, is reversing the move you just made really the best decision? In this situation, at least. It'd be one thing if, like, Gabby was eliminated and then came back swearing revenge on everyone again, but I would have to imagine that Ashley would behave much of the same. That's not very compelling TV, imo.
Along those lines (but even more importantly), I wouldn't want Ashley to come back because it would likely undermine the emotional moment that she and Jake just shared due to her elimination. The appeal of Ashley's exit was that, now, as a repercussion of his actions, Jake will be truly alone. If Ashley immediately came back, that just wouldn't be true any more. And that would really suck! So, I think that, like she said, Ashley will have to save her farm on another season, and not this one.
#8: Miriam
Although Miriam has the appeal of being one of the earlier boots of the season, meaning that we didn't get to see much of her before she went, she shares the same problem as Ashley of giving Jake a decided ally back in the game. No matter how much farther Jake goes from here, I think a satisfying ending for him will be ultimately succumbing to or conquering his problems on his own, without guidance from Ashley or Miriam or whoever. I fear that Miriam would simply solve too many problems if she were to re-enter the game now.
Also, while it's not a death sentence, it really seems like Miriam wasn't always planned to be in this season. Silly Billy (a DC YouTuber and the voice of Trevor) said in this video that (paraphrased) "there was a point where the first boot of one of the seasons was considered to be included as an All Star, but the winner wasn't." Given that the first boot of S2, Oliver, was almost certainly never considered as a competitor for All Stars, it seems pretty likely Silly Billy was talking about Will, and therefore Miriam. Obviously, plans could have shifted to both put Miriam into the season as well as giving her a larger role in it. However, it likely implies that Miriam was chosen to be included as a minor character in All Stars, especially after the focus she received in S1. I'm just hoping that all that talk about her medical issues doesn't suddenly become relevant in this episode.
#7: Hunter
After receiving a bit more context about what exactly happened to Hunter between S2 and All Stars, I feel pretty confident in saying that they wouldn't want to bring him back. Like, if his and Tess' eliminations were meant to more or less bury that trio of characters, why would they suddenly choose to unearth the most problematic one at this critical juncture? It just seems strange.
Still, I put Hunter above Ashley and Miriam because I don't think his return would bring about any genuine narrative problems. Now that he and Ally have had some time apart, and Ally has developed some other enemies, it could be interesting to see them come back together. Would they grow closer again when faced with external pressures, or would they find that the rough situation only further exacerbates the problems they're having?
Hunter's skill in immunity challenges could also be relevant in preventing members of the villains alliance from gaining immunity at certain points in time. At the very least, it could be an in-universe explanation for why the returning player wouldn't be immediately eliminated again.
There's a lot that I wish the DC writers would do with Hunter, because I like him, but I understand why they might not. I don't think that being paired with Grett is a great sign for his return, either. Not that Grett is terrible or anything, just that it's a signifier of Hunter not having a ton of important relationships (or at least ones that they choose to directly focus on) in this season.
#6: Ellie
Honestly, I'm surprising myself with how low I'm putting Ellie here. The fact that she didn't do a patron reading isn't doing her as many favors as I'd initially assumed. She also still definitely has beef with Jake and Alec which haven't gotten a ton of particular focus this season, which could be expanded upon if she were to come back. Why not Ellie, then?
The thing is, I just feel like Ellie had such a nice sendoff that it'd be really sad to undo it. We came to the conclusion that Disventure Camp is bad for Ellie. In that case, why are we meant to root for her of all competitors to come back?
Having Ellie suddenly re-enter the game would also probably be weird for Gabby's character arc. Somewhat like Jake, I think that Gabby needs to be the one in charge of her own fate at this point. If Ellie came back, there could be an interesting conflict of where the girls would land as a duo (stick with the villains or flip and work with the heroes to get revenge). But, in either case, Ellie would probably become the main decision maker again. Gabby's personal vows to eliminate Tom and Aiden would go unfulfilled-- either the situation would likely read as Ellie seizing revenge for herself, or, with Ellie back in the game, the need for revenge would be diminished.
I'm glad that we have Ellie back for this episode because, much like Miriam with Tom/Jake, I think that this is a good time for Gabby to be able to check in with Ellie and have a trusted companion to confide in. However, I don't think that that moment needs to last much longer than this one episode. Gabby needs to continue to face her fear of being alone.
#5: Lake
I really don't know how to feel about Lake.
On one hand, I understand why they'd bring her back. Lake was eliminated pretty early into the season, so it would be nice to give her some more screen time. She's also really close with Aiden, and could therefore be a useful addition to any moves in which Aiden is looking for numbers (like in a Jake or Riya elimination). Also, she's a definite physical threat. That could give her an advantage in simply winning this challenge to get back in, to the extent that matters.
However... I don't know, the more I think about it, the more it just feels wrong to me. Lake finished her character arc in S2. Other than Aiden (and I guess kind of Gabby), she doesn't have much of any other relationships to further new plotlines with. What would she be doing in this season, really?
Yeah. I don't have much else to say, which I'm taking as a bad sign for Lake's odds. I'm excited to check in with her in this episode, though!
#4: Tess
As the outcry rang following episode 9, there's definitely still more potential to be had with Tess' character. The contestants pointed out that all Tess wanted to do on this season was reconnect with Ally and Hunter, which she didn't get to do. If she got to re-enter the game, she'd get that opportunity, which would be nice. With Ashley gone, Ally is also potentially in need of someone to align herself with (god knows it will not be Jake). Giving her Tess as a partner could be useful in that sense.
Another thing that I haven't discussed much until now is the impact of inserting another person into the current 5 villain/4 hero divide. If you add another hero, you go back to the 5-5 faceoff, whereas adding another villain could cause the villains to further steamroll. The reason why I hadn't brought it up until now is because I think it's a hard metric to determine. Giving the villains even more power seems unnecessary and unfair, but it could also be a good inciting incident for the villains turning on each other. Putting the tally back to 5-5 seems repetitive and therefore silly, but it could be giving the heroes a chance to right the record and eliminate a villain this time.
Tess would certainly be returning to the game as a hero, and a pretty loyal one. She'd be close to Ally, and has a past history of working with Aiden and Tom. Therefore, I think she could be a good addition in terms of unifying the heroes as a group. As a quick possible-but-unlikely Episode 12 pitch, let's say Tess is back, and, I don't know, Tom wins immunity. Alec, Riya, Yul, Grett, and Gabby are all going to vote for Aiden, and Tess, Ally, Aiden, and Tom are all going to vote for Yul. Jake then has to decide on whether he's going to be petty, side with the villains, and vote for Aiden, or take a stand with the heroes and join them in a Yul vote. Then Jake could be heroic and Aiden could take out Yul in a tiebreaker or something like that. As I said, unlikely, but possible. And, Tess could be a key player in bringing that about... even if it wouldn't have much to do with Tess as a character herself.
However, I don't think that Tess will come back, partially because of the whole huntessally debacle. But, more than that, it's Tess' contentment at her elimination that makes me think it wouldn't be her. She was so chill with being eliminated! I know that there are other characters with more of a passion to be back in the game than Tess, so, personally, if she was the one to return, I'd just be, like, "oh." That's probably not the reaction they want. Plus, even though she wasn't literally the last boot, she still got eliminated fairly recently. It could be more interesting to pull from someone who got eliminated a little earlier on.
#3: James
I'm fully willing to acknowledge that I might be biased here just because I miss James so goddamn much. HE DIDN'T GET TO DO THE PATRON READINGS, ALRIGHT?! IT'S A SIGN!!!!
I definitely think that there's some appeal to having the literal first boot be the one to return to the competition. Both in the sense that James has gotten to appear in the fewest amount of DCAS episodes thus far, but also just that it's satisfying to have the competitor that (placement-wise) you would least expect to return be the one who manages to do it. James got a pretty bad tribe draw landing on Magenta, so landing in the merge could be a better way to test his skills on this new season.
Pretty much any positives that Lake was bringing to the table, James could do better. On top of having a stronger relationship to Aiden, he also has connections to Yul and Riya that he could cash in on, as well as this season's animosity towards Jake. I also think it would be interesting to see Tom and James interact after everything that's happened with Tom and Aiden this season. Even if James was generally cool with Tom and Aiden kissing, there've gotta be some weird yet interesting vibes going on there, right? James is also a fan favorite that I think audiences would generally be happy to see come back. Especially if there are jaiden moments in tow. Please, let there be jaiden moments. Even if they're cringe as fuck (affectionate).
However... I don't really know what James would bring from a gameplay perspective. He, too, would be another number to the heroes alliance, and be down to work with Aiden and Ally, at least. But, James would draw an even bigger schism between Jake and the rest of the heroes, which would be... interesting. Would James be re-entering the game just to get voted out again almost immediately afterward? That doesn't seem worth it. There are also still those oddities about elimination order regarding Aiden and James that I described back in Round 7 that I still don't know the answer to. And the looming threat of James' voice actor being too busy to record too many lines for the show.
So, maybe the prospect of bringing James back into the show is too good to be true. I want him back, though. I miss my boy.
#2: Fiore
If my ranking of James was biased, my ranking of Fiore is probably even more so. It's really hard for me to tell how much this placement is an attempted manifestation as opposed to a genuine prediction. I think there are real reasons why it would make sense to have her back, though, so let me explain them.
As a big fan of Alec and Fiore's dynamic, I would be remiss to not mention how this season feels like it's lacking a true, proper conclusion to the conflict that began at the S1 semifinals. Letting them finally be at the same camp again would allow for them to definitively choose whether they're ending their DC experience on positive terms or negative ones. Additionally, Fiore has a lot of potential to develop further plotlines with other contestants! It would be nice to see more of her reactions to what's happened with Grett since S1, and reuniting with fellow Magenta teammates Jake and Ally could certainly bring some spice. Fiore also barely interacted with anyone from S2 other than Hunter and Ally, so seeing further animosity between her and Yul, for example, could be really fun.
Speaking of Yul, Fiore would also be a good choice of returnee from the villains department. I've described how Tess or Lake could make narrative sense as a heroic addition, but I think Fiore would be a perfect choice for the option where they decide to establish 6 villains instead. Namely, this is because Fiore has the potential to possibly break up the villains in a number of ways.
Scenario #1, Alec, securely having Fiore and Riya on his side, feels confident enough to slim down the villains alliance to get rid of some of the extra weight. The ramifications of sending home, say, Yul, could give the heroes an opening to exploit further weaknesses. Scenario #2, Fiore and Riya start fighting over who Alec's number one ally is, causing a schism in the alliance. They refuse to work together, so Alec has to choose whether he wants to return to Fiore or stick with Riya. Scenario #3, Fiore nominally joins the villains alliance, but hates being on the bottom. Thus, she double crosses them to work with the heroes, giving them a secret additional number to work with (maybe alongside Gabby or Alec to flip it to 4 villains/6 "heroes").
In terms of negatives, Fiore has already had a lot of time in the spotlight, so you could argue that other characters deserve that boost in screen time more. However, I would say that the biggest problem with Fiore coming back would be the indirect effect it would have on Ashley. It's a lot easier to feel good about Ashley's elimination when we know that, even if she didn't win, she got to accomplish her goal of getting revenge on Fiore. If Fiore returned to the competition literally immediately after Ashley left, it would make that victory feel a little hollow. If I were an Ashley stan, that would probably upset me. So, in that sense, I'm sort of rooting against Fiore here.
However, I am a Fiore stan, so in that sense, I absolutely want her to return. C'mon! She can weasel her way out of elimination again!!!
#1: Connor
When compiling this list, I kinda divided the contestants into three tiers of three. Ashley, Miriam, and Hunter were my "unlikely" tier; Ellie, Lake, and Tess were my "possible" tier; and James, Fiore, and Connor were my "likely" tier. There was really only one issue with those tiers for me. It was that, if I could, I would put Connor in his own tier for (in my opinion) being way more likely than anybody else.
Let's run through all of the reasons why it would totally make sense for Connor to be the one that comes back into the game. Number one: he was an early boot in All Stars and S2. I wouldn't be surprised if, out of all the DCAS contestants, he has the least amount of overall screen time thus far. Therefore, Connor would merit returning far more than, say, Fiore or James, who were both finalists on their original seasons.
Number two: Connor's elimination feels somewhat unresolved. While he isn't the only one this is true for, it is still the case. Tess accepted her elimination with contentment. Ellie learned to care more about her priceless girlfriend than the three million dollar prize. Fiore might've been mad, but, hey, at least she was a villain! She deserved what was coming to her. Connor was just... sad. He got betrayed by both the person he cared for most from S2 and the new friend he made this season. Giving him a second chance could be a good opportunity for him to turn his story around and achieve some kind of happy ending (even if I doubt it would be winning).
Number three: Connor creates possibly the most interesting camp dynamic out of any contestant that could come back. 'Cause, like, he's a hero, right? He's a nice and friendly guy, and he wants to play the game with integrity. But, also, his closest allies are both parts of the villains alliance. Hell, literally his entire former tribe is in the villains alliance, so if he wants to go back to them, he'd have to join their ranks. ...Does he want to go back to them? They voted him out!
I think that Connor is the closest we can get to a neutral party being injected into the show, which makes him unique and therefore exciting. He could also accomplish a similar thing to what I described in Scenario #1 with Fiore.
Number four: Connor is a fan favorite, in his own weird way. People seem to really like him, even if I don't totally get it. (I didn't love Connor in S2; I thought the "adultescent" thing was kinda overdone and the dynamic of "rich old white guy hits on/saves struggling young POC woman" was a little icky, but I harbor no ill will towards Connor fans. All Stars made me like him a lot more, anyways.) I've seen multiple people cite the moment that Connor was sent home as the moment DCAS "started to go downhill." I'm sure many people would be thrilled to see him come back, and maybe even regain some faith in the show's writing.
Connor coming back has character reasoning, strategic intrigue, and fan support, which is why I think it would by far make the most sense for him to be the one that's coming back at this point. Although, that's not to say that there's no evidence that he isn't. He did already do the patron reads, obviously. If he's paired with Riya for this challenge, I'm not sure what about their teamwork would propel them to the top-- if anything, I feel like working with Riya would decrease Connor's chances of winning the challenge. I do also think there are ways to give Connor a satisfying ending without having him re-enter the competition. One scenario I've been mulling over is if he could be the teammate that helps Alec to win in the finale, getting redemption for how he and Riya flamed out in S2. Things to think about, I guess.
So, those are my predictions! Lower stakes this time because we won't be scoring any points, but also higher stakes because the person that returns can really set the tone for how the latter half of the season will pan out. I can't believe All Stars is already halfway over... or, at least, it will be on Thursday. See you then!
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canonically47 · 1 month
I'd love to hear you rank all the All Stars from fave to least fave (and why)
i'll do least fave to fave since theres more to hate in this season, but here we go:
18. yul. idc how bad tom and jake get, riya can annoy me all she wants, alec could commit a crime and drastically drop down in my rankings, AND YUL WOULD STILL BE AT THE VERY BOTTOM OF MY DC LIST!!!!!!
i just... despise him. he has brought nothing of substance in any of his seasons and hes just homophobic, fatphobic and racist constantly. the only thing that annoys me more than yul are his fans defending him because hes FiCtIoNaL and because its fUnNy. bunch of idiots
17. jake. i dont like jake. fuck jake. he and tom used to be so high up in my list but oh how the mighty have fallen, i can barely remember a time when i was genuinely excited for their arc, now whenever i see them on screen i just beg for their scene to end as quickly as possible
16. tom. only higher than jake because he has a fun character arc in s1 and i love his design so much it redeems him a smidge in my head
15. hunter. so forgettable. idgaf about that emo white boy
14. ally. same as hunter but more annoying. ill give her a pass and place her higher because she was actually fun in s1. now shes just a whiny bitch whose gone from wah wah hunter doesnt listen to me to wah wah jake sucks
13. ashley. even more forgettable but at least shes bearable
12. tess. wait who? oh the prettier and more chill ally?? WAIT SHES IN THE SEASON???? oh wait shes gone? oh no!! anyways
11. lake. s2 is altogether very forgettable and i remember not giving a fuck about anything that had to do with her character arc. i wish we either got rosa maria back, or she got an actual arc in DCAS, but hey tomjake need to make up sooo... yeah.
10. riya. higher than lake because shes not forgettable but i still dislike her. her voice annoys me, her strategies are jus petty drama. her character design is awesome tho and i like her friendship with alec.
9. miriam. oh how the mighty have fallen. they had her here for four episodes yet they still managed to massacre her character in that time, incredible. ranked so high because her s1 self was awesome and my fav alongside alec and... tom <//3
8. connor. the fact that he is so high up should tell you a lot about the attrocity that is this season. not that i ever hated him, i just dgaf about him. this season did absolutrly nothing to make me root for him and he was useless as always, but when you have riya and yul in the same team as him, suddenly i want him to make finale. connor confuses me because jhst like fiore, he was clearly brought back to reconcile with someone (riya and alec respectively) yet he was barely given relevance or screen time and then they just eliminated him. because TOM AND JAKE GUYS!!! THEYRE STILL HERE!!! anyways yeah connor. wow
7. aiden. i used to have such deep and fun feelings about aiden and now hes just there to be toms friend. you would think getting james out gained him some independence, he would get a fun character arc outside of anyone else, but nope, hes not independent just decided to pull the lamest bitch ever. someone take him out already
6. fiore. so sad to see her so low but she was absolutely useless this season. if she doesnt come back then this show is fucked. her whole character arc built up to a reconciliation with alec yet it... never happened. radio silence. the season is still ongoing but my hopes ended with season 2
5. james. it is laughable that someone from season 2 (the second worst season) who i initially despised both for awful acting and bad morals is in the top 5 of a season he was eliminated first in but hey DCAS is really annoying me. so yeah. james!!! i miss james. do you guys think james could come back and just fucking kill jake. thatd be cool. love you james miss you sm
4. gabby. her villain arc could prove so fun but the fact that tess went all flower power at her elimination and forgave gabby for her actions might make gabby back out of her villainy which I DO NOT CARE FOR!!! I WANT MY EVIL GABBY FUCK YOU!!! anyways fun fact i also dislike gabbys voice actress because she thinks YELLING REALLY FUCKING LOUDLY = excitement so that made me dislike gabby for a long time. so now there are two characters in the top 5 whom i originally disliked. something about two nickels
3. grett. my love, she has done nothing wrong ever, my sweet little creature, my adorable cutsie patootsie, FUCKING DUMP YUL ALREADY OH MY GODDD her. i love her, ive loved her since the very beginning, i always rooted for her, if she doesnt make finale then this is rigged
2. ellie. my wife,,,, the way they treated you is abysmal come heal im my arms take as much time as you need,,, "oh but she bad-mouthed everyone on the show" IDC SO HAVE I GOOD FOR HER!!! GIRL FUCK EVERYONE THATS NOT IN MY TOP 7 IDC I EVEN AGREE WITH WHAT SHE SAID ABOUT MY FAVS!!! yall want more complex female characters but cannot handle ellie,,,, so weird to me that this trainwreck of a show has her in it someone free her
1. alec. is anyone surprised? ive loved alec since the first moment i saw him. he was the first decent, not over the top actor i heard, the best personality, the best arc, the best relationships. if he doesnt make finale then i WILL be upset because he deserves it and always has. that finale was bullshit and they pulled that thing with fiore and alec strictly for shock value. i miss them,, anyways ALEC!!! HE IS THE DISVENTURE CAMPER EVER!!!!!!! NEVER RUINED NEVER MISCHARACTERIZED PLEASE GODS ABOVE STOP GIVING ONC CRACK AND STEER THEM AWAY FROM COMMITING WRONGS AGAINST ALEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
side note: top three can sometimes mix depending on mood but they remain the same three characters just different positions sometimes :3
thanks for the ask this was fun and as you see i am so normal
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I need to hear more about genral lore or other gods
I'm so invested in this that you can't even imagine XD
Hehehhee thank you for giving me an excuse to word vomit
Also I know my style changes every time I’ve drawn the gods (as it does every time I draw any dca related thing-) but I think I’ve found a design/style I like at least for the gods so all the drawings below will be more consistent because of it (also used a more sketchy lineart here because these were supposed to just be quick doodles but that didn’t work- and then I ended up liking the brush lol)
Putting stuff under the cut so this isn’t too long for people just tryna scroll:
I’ve already introduced Lune, Scorch, and Alpenglow but there are several other gods (as well as others I am still brainstorming)
Starting off with one of the…let’s say “highest ranking” gods, Equinox
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Equinox is the god of balance and connection, always making sure the natural balance of the world is as it should be. So in other words, they have a very big job though thankfully they have helpers :)
The twins, Aphelion and Perihelion
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Aphelion is responsible for the night and the moon’s cycle whilst Perihelion is responsible for the day and the sun. They are the closest to Equinox, being their helpers and children.
They are also two of the youngest gods (“young” still being centuries old compared to any mortal)
I think I’ve mentioned him once before, Sanguine (aka Bloodmoon) the god of wrath and war and the personification of the pain and bloodshed caused by such things.
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He’s also one of the more powerful of the gods given how often mortals war with each other and resort to wrath. He’s been prayed to and worshipped for all the wrong reasons before, similar to Scorch, though unlike Scorch he’s not as inclined to answer those prays for his own enjoyment.
The “main protagonist” of this au is Harvest, the god of agriculture and abundance and one of the younger gods (being only a few centuries older than Aphe and Peri)
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Harvest is of course very popular with farmers and other crop-growers, being the most powerful and prominent during the harvesting seasons in the summer and fall.
There are others not mentioned here, I only chose some of the ones more important to the plot/story of the au (aka my favorites <3)
And as for lore…. (TW for mild gore + body horror)
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myrequestblog · 1 year
Request Rules and My Favorite Characters
I can do other characters, but if you don’t specify which characters you want I will choose from these
Undertale AUs:
Mafiafell (Sooner or Later You’re Gonna Be Mine)
Grillby AUs
Gaster AUs
Flowey AUs
City of Blank:
Claude (I will only write gay headcannons for him. Sorry notsorry)
Black Butler:
(I refuse to do Ciel or Alois, unless the reader is of similar age)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Mahito (He’s an jack@$$ and I hate what he did but he’s hot)
That one white and blue curse that almost killed Yuji, and that I’ve decided to call ‘Akuma’ (Mostly platonic and/or pet-owner type relationships (Keyword ‘mostly’))
Hunter X Hunter:
I refuse to do Gon or Killua, unless the reader is of similar age
Demon Slayer:
(I refuse to do any minors x reader, unless the reader is of similar age)
Kagaya (Platonic/parental only)
Mitsuri and Obanai (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Muchiro (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
Rui (Parental/fraternal/platonic only)
All upper ranks aside from 4 and 5
Dummy’s Dummy:
The Lalah twins
Polakov (We’ve been conditioned to hate him and have no major reason to actually dislike him)
The Toy Soldier
Jeff the Killer
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Laughing Jack (Mainly gay headcannons for him)
Ticci Toby
Masky and Hoodie (All headcannons with these two are gonna be poly)
Jason the Toymaker
Ben Drowned
Lost Silver
John Doe:
John Doe
House Hunted:
Yandere Simulator:
Gaster Gang:
The void anomalies (Pet-owner relationships only)
Welcome Home Wally AUs:
Wally Darling
Reboot Wally
Lovesick Wally
Watcher Wally
Rainbow Factory Wally
Opposite Wally
Other Wally AUs
Sally Face:
Sal/Sally Face
Fran Bow:
Only platonic relationships
Fran Bow
Mr Midknight
Suzie and Noelle (Only lesbian poly for them, sorry)
The Amulet Series:
(Too many to say, but to start with-)
The indestructible lizard
The plague doctor
SCP-914 "The Bettering Machine"
The shy guy
Deal with the devil
A LOT more
Hazbin Hotel:
Charlie and Vaggie (Only romantic options for them is lesbian poly)
Alastor (Platonic, parental, friendship only. I’m sticking with the cannon that he is AroAce. Sorry 😅)
Angel and Husk (Gay poly is the only romantic options here. If u don’t like it, just keep it to yourself.)
Valentinto (He’s the worst person in existence but he’s damn sexy (unfortunately). We can all agree on that. I won’t make my bias against him known in the requests, I promise.)
Adam (Because some people like him🤷 )
Lilith (Or my rendition of her)
Zestial (Or my rendition of him)
If you have headcanons to ask for but don’t have anything specific in mind, use some emojis:
🥰 Fluff
🥀 Angst
🔞 Smut (Smut will be kept private unless the asker wishes to share)
😎 Chaos
🤩 Reader has powers/magic
🥳 Birthday Ask
🤕 Injured Reader
🤒 Sick Reader
🙅 Platonic
🫀 Yandere
🪢 Soulmate AU
🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ
🐣 Reader is a Child
😺 animal or animal-related reader
👾 IRL reader
⚙ Using SCP-914
❤️/🧡/💛/💚/💙/💜/🖤/🤍 Reader Has a Specific Soul Color
💀 Undertale
👤 City of Blank
🤵‍♂️ Black Butler
💀 Jujutsu Kaisen
🍀 Hunter X Hunter
🗡️ Demon Slayer
🪡 Dummy’s Dummy
🔪 Creepypasta
👁️ John Doe
🏚️ House Hunted
💘 Yandere Simulator
🕳️ Gaster Gang
🎨 Welcome Home Wally AUs
👻 Sally Face
👧 Fran Bow
⚜️ Deltarune
📿 Amulet
😈 Hazbin Hotel
(Example: 🐣+😎+👤 would be ‘Young reader causing chaos in the City of Blank’)
Suggestive ideas or themes
Platonic Child X Parental figure
OC X Character
Fandom Crossovers
Character X Pregnant!Reader
Mental Illnesses
Black Lives Matter
Any and all religious beliefs are welcome, however I know very little about most religions, so please be gentle with me
Dealing with death
Pain (physical or emotional)
Traumatic accidents or happenings
Bad parenting
Commented ideas
Having characters avoid their cannon death
Nicknames for characters
Furry-related content
Trans reader
Gay reader
Lesbian reader
Bi reader
Pan reader
LGBTQ readers welcome
Readers and characters with different nationalities
Readers and characters with different skin tones
Readers and characters who speak other languages
Readers and characters who are different species
Readers and characters with disabilities
Readers and characters with autism
Readers and characters with mental abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical abnormalities
Readers and characters with physical ailments
Readers and characters with varying levels of intelligence
Readers and characters with trauma
Readers and characters with conditions like vitiligo
Readers and characters who need things like a cane, a wheelchair, or limb braces
Young reader
Pyrotechnics ❤️‍🔥
Fandom crossovers (Highly encouraged for SCP ideas)
Age regression
Settings in different countries and continents
Truth or dare
Necrophillia (Unless the person who is ‘dead’ becomes ‘the walking dead and can give permission’)
Power plays (unless sexual and with permission from the partner)
Sexual assault or r@p3
(What’s another phobia- we don’t like spiders either. Spiders are ugly)
Abuse of any kind, unless part of and/or needed for a backstory or something
Hate crimes
Human trafficking
Child abuse
Underage drinking
Death of major characters
Death of comfort characters
Smut (Suggestive stuff is a yes but a no on smut. Sorry peeps)
This account is SPECIFICALLY for requests.
Most of these will be in headcannon form or incorrect quotes but feel free to ask for something different!
I often update this post so remember to check every once and awhile.
If you have questions or concerns, let me know!
Main blog:
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blogbound · 3 months
How SEO Drives Traffic to Shuttle Service Websites
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Airport Shuttle
The transportation industry thrives on efficiency and seamless connections, especially for travelers navigating unfamiliar airport transfers. With so many shuttle services near Dulles (IAD) and Reagan National (DCA) airports, it's important to find ways to make yours the clear choice for travelers in Washington D.C.
Enter Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  This powerful digital tool plays a pivotal role in directing qualified traffic to your website. By strategically optimizing the online presence, you empower the shuttle service to connect with travelers actively searching for reliable ground transportation. Effectively utilized SEO acts as a digital magnet, attracting potential customers. This translates to a wider audience, ultimately driving increased bookings and satisfied clientele for the shuttle service.  As travelers focus on exploring the nation's capital, SEO silently works behind the scenes, positioning the service as the clear choice for a stress-free and efficient airport transfer experience.
Understanding SEO for Shuttle Services
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SEO Process
The internet is how people find things nowadays, that's why it's super important for businesses, like shuttle services, to be visible online. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a critical role in ensuring the shuttle service website ranks prominently in search results for targeted keywords relevant to potential customers. These keywords might include "IAD to DCA airport shuttle". By strategically implementing SEO best practices, you empower your website to connect with travelers actively searching for reliable and convenient ground transportation options.
The core principles of SEO involve a multi-pronged approach. Keyword research is essential, allowing to identify the specific search terms travelers use when seeking shuttle services. This data-driven approach ensures the website content, meta descriptions, and titles naturally incorporate these keywords, increasing organic traffic. Furthermore, building a strong backlink profile, where other relevant websites link to yours, enhances the website's credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines.
The transportation sector presents unique SEO advantages. Travelers often have well-defined needs, searching for solutions based on specific routes, pricing models, and convenience factors. By understanding these needs and tailoring the SEO strategy accordingly, you can attract a highly targeted customer base actively seeking services like yours. While competition within the shuttle service industry can be intense, effective SEO empowers the business to differentiate itself, connect with the ideal customer demographic, and ultimately drive bookings and growth.
Optimizing Website Content for Search Engines
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Easy to access website.
Imagine travelers searching for "Washington DC airport shuttle bus" – that's where SEO comes in! Keywords are like digital breadcrumbs, leading them straight to the website. But it's not about stuffing the content; think of it as a conversation.  Sprinkle relevant keywords naturally throughout the service descriptions, booking details, and even blog posts.
However, SEO goes beyond just keywords. High-quality content is king!  Don't just list the services - create engaging blog posts. Offer valuable travel tips, explain the offerings clearly, and help navigate the complexities of Dulles (IAD) and Reagan National (DCA) airports.  By establishing yourself as a trusted resource, travelers will naturally be drawn to the shuttle service options.
Finally, don't forget the technical side!  Search engines love informative websites. Optimize your meta descriptions (those short snippets in search results) with targeted keywords. Use clear and concise page titles.  Even image descriptions matter! Include relevant keywords so your website pops up in image searches. This two-pronged approach – compelling content and technical optimization – ensures your website stands out, attracting travelers seeking reliable airport transportation in D.C.
Local SEO and Shuttle Services
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Shuttle Bus
While traditional SEO helps you navigate the vast online world, local SEO takes things a step further.  For shuttle services like yours, catering to travelers arriving in Washington D.C., local SEO is key.  It ensures your service appears in search results for people specifically looking for transportation between Dulles and Reagan airports in their local area.
Imagine a traveler landing at Dulles International (IAD) and searching for ground transportation on their phone. Local SEO magic comes into play! By optimizing your Google My Business listing with accurate business information, clear photos, and positive customer reviews, your shuttle service becomes a top contender in their local search results.  The same goes for local directories – ensure your service is listed with accurate details across relevant platforms.
Local SEO helps you stand out in the D.C. area, making it easier for travelers searching for reliable airport shuttles to find your service.  The more local and relevant your online presence appears, the more likely you are to attract new customers seeking a stress-free way to navigate Dulles, Reagan National (DCA), and beyond.
Link Building and Off-Page SEO
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Off-page SEO, especially link building, is crucial for shuttle services. Backlinks from reputable sources, like travel websites, boost your website's authority in search engine eyes.
Craft a multi-pronged strategy. Guest blog on travel websites with informative airport navigation tips or explore D.C. attractions. Partner with local hotels, attractions, or transportation authorities for backlinks.
Social media is key too! Build a strong presence on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Share valuable travel content and engage with the D.C. travel community. This can encourage website sharing and improve search engine ranking. By consistently building backlinks and a strong online presence, you'll position your shuttle service as the go-to option for stress-free Washington D.C. airport transfers.
Measuring SEO Success
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Shuttle service success
SEO thrives on data-driven insights for continuous improvement. Key metrics like website traffic and keyword rankings (climbing search results) reveal the effectiveness of your strategy. But the ultimate goal is conversions - turning website visitors into paying customers. Track booking rates to directly measure how SEO fuels business growth.
Remember, SEO is a journey, not a destination. Regularly review data to identify opportunities for improvement. Low booking rates on a high-traffic blog post suggest revising content for better conversion. Stay on top of SEO trends and incorporate new, relevant keywords for a competitive edge. By monitoring performance and adapting your strategy, you ensure your website remains visible, attracts ideal customers, and drives bookings for a thriving shuttle service, renowned for its stress-free D.C. airport transfers.
Summary of How Shuttle Service Can Benefit with SEO
SEO empowers shuttle services to thrive online. By strategically optimizing your website for relevant keywords, you connect with travelers searching for reliable rides. This targeted approach fuels website traffic, bringing you closer to your ideal customers.
The benefits are clear: more website visitors translate to more booking inquiries and business growth.  As a trusted resource for stress-free D.C. airport transfers, your shuttle service becomes the go-to option.
Ready to harness the power of SEO? Explore online resources or partner with a digital marketing specialist. SEO is all about progress, not perfection. By monitoring performance and adapting your strategy, you ensure your website remains a magnet for new customers, driving bookings for lasting success.
0 notes
spotlightstudios · 11 months
Part 5 of Dca aus I wrote once and never again!
Demon Slayer AU! Reader is actually not a trained slayer, but their older brother was. Their brother got turned into a demon, though, and so they took up his name and rank in order to go searching for him. After a while, they and a group of other slayers come across an abandoned house that Children are said to dissappear within. Upon investigating, y/n is taken by the resident demons (they have that blood that enhances demon powers?). Y/n explains that they want to find their brother, and maybe be turned in the process, and the Demons (Eclipse, Sun, and Moon) decide that, in return for their blood, they'll prepare y/n to be strong enough to become a demon.
(More under cut)
Mostly just a fun concept!
Like, Eclipse is the elder demon, and his twin brothers begged to be turned with him, and were granted their wish. Together they care for children who are unsafe in their homes, giving them a good childhood until they're adults, in which they can choose to be eaten, turned, or to help other children find their way to the house. They're very protective over children, as they had good childhoods, if only because of eachother. Every child deserves that, they think.
Y/n is kinda like a vampire's bloodbag but for demons during the stay (which could lead to some intimate and vulnerable moments for y/n. Besides that though, the brothers take turns training y/n in swordfighting and other battling techniques, and they spend a *lot* of time tending to the kids together.
Y/n is friendly, and while weary, they can get even the most volatile kid to drop their guard around them. They just give off a "younger sibling turned unprepared adult" vibe that the kids resonate with.
And, of course, the demons start to be possessive and really adore their little human. Like, once y/n was attacked by a robber on the way back to the house w/ groceries at night, and Moon smelled their blood and rushed there. He tore the assailant apart and ate him, before (still covered in blood) scooping up the injured y/n and taking them back to care for their wounds. He didn't even feed from them.
Eclipse was always touchy and affectionate, even from the first few days. Sun was next on the affection train, and Moon was the last but he acts the most strongly on the feelings. Y/n is classic oblivious and doesn't realize they're in love until wayyyy later.
Endgame is definitely that they too become a demon, and find their brother, but they stay w/ Eclipse, Sun, and Moon.
I loved this one but barely wrote out my og draft for it lmao-
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
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Idols Performing in Groups & Idol Versus Match:
NOTE: I’m imagining this if it were a game mechanic so I apologize if it doesn’t make sense, feel free to add your thoughts.
Idols usually face against each other on separate places except they sing the same song. Their score will depend on how many people cheer for them. There is always a camera around the stage, broadcasting their performance to an online audience. The idol with the most number of cheers are declared the winner and are rewarded a styling jewel or points in order to increase idol rank.
Idol Points - These are accumulated points after winning an idol match. As the idol goes up a rank, the more idol points they need to acquire in order to advance, which means participating in a lot of matches.
Cheer Points - These are points gained from audience who watch the performance live or online. The ones who attend the venue of the idol are the base points, the ones online vote for which one they liked better. DCA is able to keep track of the points each student has and has an application that students download on their phone to keep track of their scores.
In idol group performance, the contestants will be ranked on teamwork, harmony and synchronization. This is much harder since casting illusion appeals takes more practice because it needs to be done by everyone in the team, they lose points if one member is either too early or too late in casting their illusion.
But there are group performances who are there for entertainment in order to build up their likeability to the public, same rule applies to the idols who perform solo.
Idol Groups
Students often form groups but this applies to entertainment performances, the public has a group they favor and will want to keep track off. The group name is registered by the staff by sending a form to fill out, writing down the group name, and who the members are. 
The group style is unanimous and must not stray away from the motif of their group name. This is for stabilizing their name in the public and changing styles would create confusion and lessen likeability.
Forming a group allows the students to introduce themselves to the public and gain likeability faster so if they were to perform solo or in another group, the fans who favor them will want to vote for them which can be an advantage to win the match. 
The student can be a part of more than one group. It’s a strategy to gain even more likeability among the public.
List of Idol Groups
Bravery Crest - A group who has a cool princely motif, an aesthetic of empowerment and breaking from the norm. Members are Allison, Evonie and Vidya.
Butterfly Moon - A duo who as an elegant vibe, they depict the aura of a woman who is always at the top and paves her own empire. Members are Evonie and Vidya. (Evonie performs as the Masked Maiden in this group)
Candy Shell - A duo who has a rather bright and bubbly vibe to them, showing off the carefree and whimsical world under the sea. Members are Cerule and Allison.
Spring Drop - A group who depicts the beauty of the forest with it’s simple yet warm atmosphere. Members are Elu, Perrine and Evonie.
Glass Moon - A duo that shows the beauty of maidens who hold a mysterious aura, tempting curiosity. Members are Ella and Rozeline.
Platinum Queen - A group who has an  elegant motif, to show the world the power of a queen. Members are Vidya, Briar, Cerule and Jinlong.
Passion Festa - A duo who has a cultural vibe that shows the different cultures coming together to create a unification. Members are Jinlong and Perrine.
Baroque Rose - A group with a dark gothic motif, displaying an alluring yet sorrowful performance. Members are Rozeline, Briar and Evonie.
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cladeymoore · 3 years
Loot Project: the first community owned NFT gaming platform
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Around the Block from Coinbase Ventures sheds light on key trends in crypto. In this edition, Justin Mart and Connor Dempsey explain what Loot Project is and why it’s interesting.
Pictured below, is a Loot bag: A text file consisting of 8 phrases overlaid on a black background. As it turns out, this text file is also an NFT, “Loot Bag #748,” and it sold for 250 ETH, or about $800,000 at current prices.
So what can you do with it? Not much… for now, at least.
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Dungeons & degens
On August 27th, Dom Hoffmann, who notably co-founded Vine, introduced Loot. A project consisting of 8,000 NFTs full of words that depict “randomized adventurer gear.” Closer inspection reveals items that a character might wield in a game like Dungeons & Dragons. A Short Sword, or Divine Robe of the Fox, for instance.
While we’ve seen a lot of NFT drops over the last few months, two things set Loot apart. First, these NFTs could be claimed for free. The claimee simply had to pay the standard Ethereum gas fee. The other more obvious differentiator: these NFTs are just a bunch of words.
Despite the glaring lack of chimp or penguin art, once claimed, these plain text NFTs quickly started selling for tens of thousands of dollars. At the time of writing, $230M in Loot has changed hands.
Loot NFTs under the hood
One’s knee-jerk reaction might be to dismiss Loot as just another symptom of speculative NFT fever. Loot does, however, introduce an interesting new NFT primitive. Before we get to what makes it interesting, it helps to understand a bit more about what a Loot NFT is.
Instead of just being a single provably scarce image, each of the 8 items within a given Loot bag has smart contract readable parameters. On top of that, each of the 8 items has its own rarity within the broader Loot universe.
Returning to Bag #748, while 6 of the 8 items are deemed “common”, the Short Sword and the Divine Robe of the Fox are decidedly rare. The Short Sword appears only 325 times across 8,000 Loot bags while the Divine Robe of the Fox appears only once.
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Ok, so we have NFTs with Dungeons and Dragon-ey words on them that are smart contract compatible, with some words appearing less frequently than others. So what?
A community owned gaming platform
People appear to be excited about Loot not because of what the NFTs are, but what they could be. These NFTs were released into the wild and left to the interpretation of anyone who found them interesting. Anyone can build something using Loot NFTs as a foundation.
A sound analogy comes from Avichal Garg at Electric Capital, who likens Loot with a 52 deck of cards. Where on its own, a deck of cards is just 52 pieces of paper with pictures on them. With a bit of ingenuity, it’s also the foundation for thousands of games, from Poker, to Hearts, to Crazy 8’s.
Similarly, Loot and its 8,000 NFTs can serve as the foundation of an entire gaming metaverse. The ideal end state being an entire ecosystem of games where Loot items like the Divine Robe of the Fox serve different functions: think Dungeons & Dragons in the metaverse. Whoever builds something on top of Loot NFTs can determine the function served by a given item.
By building the foundation of a game, without building a game itself, Loot leaves its fate in the hands of a decentralized community. Whether or not one thinks it will be successful, it’s an intriguing idea to many.
So what are people building?
Early Loot experiments
For one, the image I showed above ranking the rarity of Loot bag #748 comes from an application built by someone named @scotato in the Loot community. By pasting your Loot contract address into 0xinventory.app, NFT owners can see the rarity of their Loot bag (note the ranking system was also devised by the community).
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Another project called Lootmart will allow Loot holders to unbundle their Loot Bag into individual NFTs to swap items with other Loot holders, complete with AI generated images of individual items.
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Similarly, lootcharacter.com was created to generate pixelated characters based on Loot bags. Here’s Bag #748.
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A community member also spun up an ERC-20 token called Adventure Gold ($AGLD) while he was waiting at an airport. Anyone with a Loot bag could claim 10,000 $AGLD. FTX created spot and futures markets for the token and it hit a high of $7.70, meaning Loot holders were essentially gifted tokens worth $77,000 at their peak.
The idea behind $AGLD is that it can serve as an in game currency woven into a game that gets built some day. But like Loot itself, its value is up for interpretation. This didn’t stop people from incorporating it into other budding Loot projects, including a Loot themed “choose your own adventure” story, where $AGLD holders can vote on the direction of the story.
In Chapter 1 of, “Holy War Lore”, $AGLD holders were allowed to vote on whether a man wearing a Divine Robe should put on a Demon King’s crown to absorb his powers (they voted that he put on the crown). In Chapter 2, the crown gets the man into trouble and there’s currently a vote on how he should handle the situation.
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These are just a few examples of what the grassroots community of Loot enthusiasts has created so far. The Loot discord reveals wide ranging discussion with distinct channels for builders, artists, writers and a whole lot more.
Creating value from chaos
To recap, Loot is interesting because it inverts the typical gaming and community development path. The Loot creator simply built the foundation of a gaming universe and threw it into the wild to see what others would do with it. And so far, it has energized a diverse community, with a host of new Loot projects in development.
This excitement, coupled with the current NFT bull market sent Loot NFTs soaring, with the cheapest Loot bag trading for $23,000 today. There are however, no guarantees that anything resembling a real game or real utility ever gets built on Loot. Owning a Loot bag is a bet on future utility, which is up to the community to build.
This is the challenge that Loot faces. Can a decentralized community channel its enthusiasm into creating inherent utility in owning a Loot bag? That utility could come from creating strategy games similar to Axie Infinity where Loot items can be used in combat, artwork and avatars exclusive to Loot owners, or from some other application yet to be cooked up.
We are just two weeks into the project, so imagination is required today, but the appeal is tangible.
The cost of entry
A key question surrounding Loot is “Why would game developers build games that incorporate Loot bags when only a select few can afford them?” Developers build games that appeal to the mass market, but the vast majority of gamers are priced out of owning a Loot bag today.
The question of incentives lies at the heart of Loot’s future. Are there answers? Yes — a few. First, game developers who build on Loot have the benefit of bootstrapping their game with a core, passionate community of Loot enthusiasts. Second, and more importantly, there may be unique ways to incorporate Loot without pricing out the majority of the market. We can take inspiration from Axie Infinity and Yield Guild Games. When Axie NFTs got too expensive for most players to afford, lending markets emerged that let players borrow the NFTs needed to play in return for a portion of the winnings from Play to Earn games. We could see the emergence of Loot DAOs that devise similar solutions. Synthetic Loot is another solution being explored. Synthetic Loot lets anyone claim a pseudo Loot bag that can’t be sold or transferred but can be used in Loot games, should a developer choose to allow it. This in theory can open the door for more players.
While many questions remain, we’re in the early stage of a radically new kind of project that’s completely inverted the typical game development model. A self organized grassroots community is now tasked with taking Loot’s foundation and building something real, with all of the tools that crypto, NFTs, and metaverse economies have to offer. The burning questions surrounding Loot’s future make it one of the most captivating experiments in crypto; one that will be fascinating to watch play out over the coming months and years.
Coinbase news
Kate Rouch Joins Coinbase as Chief Marketing Officer
Coinbase updates investment policy to increase investments in crypto assets
Coinbase secures first crypto license in Germany
Coinbase Protocol Team Advances Crypto Community
​​Binance.US Hires Ant Group Exec to Succeed Ex-CEO Brian Brooks
Robinhood announces new crypto DCA investing feature
OpenSea bug destroys $100,000 worth of NFTs, including historical ENS name
FTX strikes ambassador, equity deal with NBA star Steph Curry
El Salvador launches Chivo wallet as bitcoin becomes legal tender
You can now mint NFTs on crypto exchange FTX
Twitter testing the ability to display Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses on profiles
FTX.US acquires crypto derivatives exchange LedgerX
Mastercard acquires CipherTrace to boost crypto security and compliance
Former CFTC Commissioner, Brian Quintenz joins a16z Crypto’s advisory team
Panama lawmaker introduces proposed crypto regulation law
Bitso Is Providing the ‘Core Service’ for El Salvador’s Chivo Bitcoin Wallet
Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa will test cross-border CBDCs
SEC Sets November Deadline for Final Decision on VanEck Bitcoin ETF
Ethereum scaling solution Arbitrum launches mainnet and raises $120 million in new funding
DeFi trading platform dYdX opens access to its governance token
Liquid staking protocol Lido now supports Solana’s SOL token
Eden, priority transaction network for Ethereum, raises $17.4 million in token sale
SubQuery, indexing protocol for Polkadot ecosystem, raises $9 million in SAFT sale
SEC is investigating decentralized crypto exchange developer Uniswap Labs: Report
Burniske on how ETH maximalists are becoming the new BTC maximalists
Avichal Garg breaks down what makes Loot so compelling
An on the ground account documenting Bitcoin Day in El Salvador
The TLDR on the growth of Axie Infinity & Yield Guild Games
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Loot Project: the first community owned NFT gaming platform was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
from Money 101 https://blog.coinbase.com/loot-project-the-first-community-owned-nft-gaming-platform-125fa1d5ffa8?source=rss----c114225aeaf7---4 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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neptunecreek · 3 years
Thank You for Speaking Against a Terrible Copyright Proposal
Last week was the deadline for comments on the draft of the so-called “Digital Copyright Act,” a proposal which would fundamentally change how creativity functions online. We asked for creators to add their voices to the many groups opposing this draft, and you did it. Ultimately, over 900 of you signed a letter expressing your concern.
The “Digital Copyright Act” was the result of a year of hearings in the U.S. Senate’s Subcommittee on Intellectual Property. Many of the hearings dismissed or marginalized the voices of civil society, Internet users, and Internet creators. Often, it was assumed that the majority of copyrighted work worth protecting is the content made by major media conglomerates or controlled by traditional gatekeepers. We know better.
We know there is a whole new generation of creators whose work is shared online. Some of that work makes fair use of other copyrighted material. Some work is entirely original or based on a work in the public domain. All of it can run afoul of ranking and promotion algorithms, terms of service, and takedowns. The “Digital Copyright Act” would put all of that creativity at risk, entrenching the power of major studios, big tech companies, and major labels.
Along with your signatures and letter, EFF submitted our own comments on the DCA. We urged Congress to set aside the proposal entirely, as many of the policies it contained would cause deep and lasting damage to online speech, creativity, and innovation. We do not only want this particular draft to be put in the bin where it belongs, we want to be clear that even watered-down versions of the policies it contains would further tip the balance away from individuals or small creators and towards large, well-resourced corporations.
One of our concerns remains a call from many a large corporate rightsholder for Internet services to take down more speech, prevent more from being uploaded, and monitor everything on their services for copyrighted material. The “Digital Copyright Act” proposal does just that, in many places and in many ways. Any one of those provisions would result in a requirement for services to use filters or copyright bots.
Filters alone do not work. They simply cannot do the necessary contextual analysis to determine if something is copyright infringement or not. But many of them are used this way, resulting in legal speech being blocked or demonetized. As bad as the current filter use is, it would be much worse if it became legally mandated. Imagine YouTube’s Content ID being the best case scenario for uploading video to the Internet.
So we want to thank you for speaking up and letting Congress know this issue is not simply academic. And letting them know this is not simply Big Tech versus Big Content. For our part, EFF will continue keeping an eye out and helping you be heard
from Deeplinks https://ift.tt/2PZ36YI
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Do you have any advice on trying to get a job as a cast member at Disneyland? I am so interested in trying it out! It seems so amazing and fun, and to make people happy? Even better! Could you tell me about your experience as well, if you're comfortable with doing so that is! Thank you ❤
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To all that come to this happy blog, welcome! I’d be happy to talk a little bit about being a Cast Member at Disneyland, California and getting hired at was I think is literally the happiest (work)place on Earth! 😊 This will be a long post! Don’t let this stuff intimidate you, it was a great experience and I can hardly imagine working anywhere else. ❤
How I got Hired:
First of all, when applying to be an in-park Cast Member, apply for whatever job opening they have, even if it’s not exactly what you want to do. After three months of doing your first job at Disneyland, it is not uncommon to transfer to a different department/area/ride. I’d recommend being a food service worker first because I think it’s a little less “center stage,” which can be crazy if you’re new, but apply for anything.
On the application, remember that customer service ranks #1 in what they are looking for when interviewing for any role at Disney, and this is the most important thing to remember when completing the online application. 
After the application, it may take a long time (it took me 6 months) for them to give you a callback, which means that they want to move to the next step which is the interview. Regardless of whether you have a phone or in-person interview, place customer service first in your values and skills. Cast Members are expected to live and work by a code of conduct known as “The Four Keys,” which are in order of importance. It may be helpful to memorize The Four Keys and work them into your interview. It’s also great to get familiar with commonly used Cast Member terms like “backstage,” “costumes” instead of uniforms, “behind the scenes,” and “guests” instead of customers. Use words like “magic,” “dreams,” “childhood,” “family,” and “experience.” These words are “magic” words, if you will, to use in your interview.
If you’re having an in-person interview, become familiar beforehand with the “Disney Look” and try to ensure that you match it for your interview. That means no visible tattoos, no dyed hair (that was hard for me) and an over “conservative” appearance. They love wholesome-looking people. Be cheerful, upbeat, sweet, kind, and pretend like you’re a Disney protagonist!
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When You Get Hired:
After hiring-in, you will join a secret website and network just for Cast Members. You’ll go to the Team Disney center to fill out legal forms and you’ll get your photo taken for your I.D. card which serves as literally the key to all of the Disneyland Resort and cast member parking lots, all the backstage entrances, discounted EVERYTHING like at every store both at Disneyland and elsewhere, and is your Main Entrance Pass (MEP) to just about every Disney resort in the world, all with just the swipe of a barcode. It’s a pretty powerful card.
Then you’ll go to several days of orientation, called “Onboarding,” where you learn cast member basics like Disney history, “The Disney Point,” and so much more cool stuff. Then you go on a walking tour of Disneyland, so I recommend wearing the most comfortable black, plain shoes you can find. I wore high heels and I regretted it sooo much. You’ll also get a special tour and orientation depending on which park you work in, like I worked in Disney’s California Adventure (DCA) so I got a special orientation and tour of that park instead of Disneyland.
A week later (usually) you’ll get to meet up with your location trainers for on-the-job training, but first, you’ll get your costume and your nametag, which was intimidating to me, but I soon learned that wherever you are backstage, it’s 100% okay to ask ANYBODY for help or directions. Your trainer will help you learn the ropes (literally sometimes, depending on where you work lol) and make friends, which is really easy when like 95% of cast members are hired because they have the same personality, so you could go up to almost anyone and you’ll instantly have like tons in common.
Some of my tips I picked up while working at Disneyland include:
DO stay in character. Think about what you’re doing, like say you are a Cast Member on the Indiana Jones Adventure. Remember that you are a 1930′s assistant to Indiana Jones himself. How would they behave and how would they talk? One of the most famous Cast Member mottos is “Every Role a Starring One.”
DO Track your steps! You’ll be amazed at how much you walk. I would get over 10,000 steps even when I took the backstage tram.
DO ask for special holiday packs at the Cast Member store October through December. There are free tickets in them.
DO take up offers to hang out in the parks with your teammates. It’s a great way to get to know them and make friends.
DO keep your I.D. card in a lanyard card-holder so you never lose it.
DO Always smile. Always, unless you work on the Haunted Mansion.
Don’t Approach the face characters (i.e. the princesses) backstage when they are in-costume and walking. This means they are trying to get somewhere and don’t talk to them about the character they are “friends with,” aka the character they play.
Don’t Lose any part of your costume as this can seriously affect your “record,” aka the point system that Disney uses that determines your good standing and employment status.
DO Pack your own lunch or snack. The backstage restaurants (i.e. Starbucks, Subway, Taco Trucks) are quite pricey. I’m pretty sure that most of the cast cafe’s have microwaves and free water.
Don’t Date Disney! This is kind of a big joke, that it’s never a good idea to date another cast member, and it’s known as “The 3 D’s”, or “Don’t Date Disney.” I personally wouldn’t recommend dating someone from your job/ride/area, but there are like 23,000 cast members, and it’s okay to date someone who’s not part of your team.
DO Be friends with your manager! They are pretty awesome.
DO go to the parks alone. It’s an experience worth trying at least once.
DO Check out the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge construction if you can. It’s really awesome!
I wish you the absolute best of luck if you choose to apply, and remember that dreams do come true! I held on to that belief during the whole hiring process, and it really helped shape the mindset I believe helped me get hired in the first place. Feel free to ask me any other specific questions you have! ❤🏰🎆
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accirax · 1 month
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 9)
Time to shoot my shot at nailing a perfect score for the next elimination. Something tells me that the power rankings game is about to change, though...
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings ( 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ), the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Tess' Elimination
Current Point Total: 34 acquired/53 total
Um. Oops.
Needless to say, Tess wasn't the only one blindsided this episode. I guess putting Tess in the direct middle point of my rankings wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, but I'm pretty sure it is my worst call of the season thus far. I had the right idea about Gabby being able to somehow eliminate one of the Cyan heroes, even if the "advantage" I was picturing was entirely different from the team-combining that wound up happening. Thanks a lot for throwing that one on me out of nowhere, Kristal.
Like I said in my initial thoughts, I do sort of wish that Aiden would have been the one to go home instead of Tess. However, I also feel like some opinions I've seen around have been... overestimating the extent to which Tess was a good character this season, in my opinion. I do think Tess' portrayal in All Stars is probably superior to S2, just because her arc wasn't solely hinging on Hunter. However, her portrayal this season was getting a little boring, at least to me. She was kind, patient, a good friend, super strong, great at claw games... what are her flaws supposed to be, again?
It was definitely supposed to be her indecisive nature; she needed to choose whether she should stick with her friends or do what's best for her game. Then again, that decision was kind of made for her by Ellie acting more villainously, such that Tess never needed to make a judgment call. (She got to stand by her friends and do what was better for her game.) I was starting to worry that she would just coast to the finale as a very likeable yet fairly bland hero-- sort of like what the show makes fun of S2 Aiden for being, but at least he wasn't solely solving others' problems as he went.
I don't want to make this sound like I'm some huge Tess anti. I like Tess! I'm sad she had to go! I found her indecision and commitment to kindness relatable, and I enjoyed her interactions with Ally and Ellie especially. I just don't fully understand all of the people bemoaning the fact that the DC writers sent some phenomenal, lynchpin character home ahead of her time when I think she served her purpose as a mid-game exit nicely. Even if you disagree, I hope you can respect me sharing my thoughts.
Trailer Analysis
Here's the big one out of the way-- it's finally the merge! Between the shared tent and everyone being present at tribal, there's really no way to argue around that. Finally, I don't have to try to anticipate when the merge is going to happen to predict where characters might go. Of course, this opens up the new can of worms that is trying to predict how everyone will act now that they're at the same camp. I feel like it should be easier, but... we'll see...?
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Here's Gabby following after the villain's alliance. The fact that she's trailing behind them could imply that they aren't fully including Gabby in their proceedings, but... I genuinely don't know why they would do that? With 10 people at the merge, six votes is a majority, so it's super important for the villains to work with Gabby to have at least five in numbers. This is probably more that the former Yellow Team goes off to do something and Gabby follows behind them, making it obvious where her allegiances lie.
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Tom and Jake are having a chat... again. Now that these two are on the same team again, this is gonna happen a lot, isn't it?
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Looks like the merge color might be black, which makes sense as the K to their CMYK. Yul has some purple paint on his chin, which may be the result of Kristal demonstrating the paint gun on him. Or, the ammo might not be paint, but instead the blueberries we see throughout the trailer-- same point either way. Also, Ashley (and maybe Grett) is the only morning person. Tracks.
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The challenge is something involving paint guns, not sure what. We don't see any footage of people covered in paint, which possibly means that shooting other people isn't part of the challenge? Or, maybe they're just trying to hide who doesn't win immunity. I imagine that, whatever it is, Ashley will be pretty good at it. Ally too. All of the guns and gear are the same color, so it seems like there aren't any inherent teams, but it is a challenge in which allies seem to be working together to some capacity.
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Everyone at tribal! Very fun. Unlike Survivor, there's no immunity necklace, so we can't tell who may be immune at this vote. People are still sitting with their tribes, but I don't think that has any meaning beyond people sitting by those they're aligned with.
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"Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will have to leave for the Bus of Losers immediately!"
The dialogue is the standard thing that Kristal says before every vote reading, so nothing particularly special there. However, what I want to look at is who was shown reacting in the flashes before the votes are read. Can they give us hints as to who is in danger? Here's who was shown in every All Stars episode prior to this one:
(no votes)
Fiore + Hunter + Ashley/Jake
Gabby/Tom/Aiden + Tess/Lake/Ellie*
Riya/Grett/Alec + Miriam/Connor/Yul*
Ashley + Hunter/Ally + Fiore
Yul/Grett + Connor/Alec/Riya*
Fiore/Ally + Jake/Ashley*
Ellie + Tom + Gabby
Tess/Aiden/Tom + Riya/Yul/Alec/Grett + Gabby*
Okay, that wasn't actually as helpful as I thought, just because 5/8 rounds showed every person on the team, which guarantees 100% chance of showing the boot. Still, in the three cases that they didn't show everyone, 2/3 showed the boot, and 3/3 of them showed people who received votes. This could imply that some of Ally, Yul, Alec, and Jake could be major vote-getters, or the eliminated person, in the tribal council.
I hoped it would help me out more, because, with unofficial lines drawn between five heroes (Ashley, Ally, Jake, Tom, Aiden) and five villains (Alec, Riya, Yul, Grett, Gabby), I think this tribal could be fairly unpredictable. Will a villain ascend to heroism, or will a hero fall into villainy? Here are my thoughts.
Power Ranking
#1: Gabby
(I guess if the merge team's color is black, I just have to leave the name black.)
She finally did it! Gabby is #1 in my power rankings!!! What could be behind much a major shift in position?
Well, the merge, basically. Not from an edit position, though: this is a direct result of her swing-voting her way to safety. Gabby was the most recent addition to the decently tight villains alliance, so it stands to reason that, if the heroes are looking for a sixth to bring to their side, they would want to work with Gabby, not vote her out. Not to mention, the villains have no reason to target Gabby at the moment, because they desperately need her vote. Sounds like no votes will be cast in Gabby's name, eh?
As the cherry on top, Gabby was the merge boot in S1, and I would imagine that they wouldn't want to give her that exact same placement again. In my mind, there's basically no way that this episode will result in Gabby's elimination.
#2: Grett
My highest placed choices this time were chosen based on the logic, "which of the heroes would be the least likely for the villains to target, and which of the villains would be the least likely for the heroes to target?" Out of all the potential threats in the villains alliance, I see very little reason why the heroes would view Grett as the biggest.
While last challenge did prove that she is a baller, Grett isn't exactly known as being a huge challenge threat. (The one individual immunity she won in S1 was basically handed to her by Alec and Fiore.) She's not a strategic mastermind or leader, and most of the relationships she had coming out of S1 lean negative. The heroes would only target her to diminish the villains' numbers, but if you have the chance to diminish the villains' numbers, why wouldn't you target someone scarier?
Grett appears to still be in the middle of her character arc, and, at this point, I see her arc ending with Yul exiting the game before she does. That hasn't happened yet, so I imagine that Grett will be camping for a little while longer yet.
#3: Jake
Listen up, 'cause this next piece of reasoning is going to be important for the rest of my power rankings this week. I think that, if the villains are looking for a sixth vote to recruit, they're going to be looking to Jake as their most likely addition. Alec already manipulated Jake once this season to vote out James and save Fiore, so Jake would probably be at the forefront of Alec's mind when coming up with plans to eliminate heroes and save villains again. Jake is also... teetering on the edge of hero and villain this season, narratively speaking, so it would make sense if he had to face that music at some point.
Whether Jake flips on the heroes or not, if the villains want to work with him, he won't be their target. And, even if he isn't their object of recruitment, why Jake? The man is a hot mess! His mere presence causes conflict between the heroes, both on the Ashley/Ally end and the Tom/Aiden end. The villains should be trying to keep him around for as long as possible.
Despite my glowing(?) words, there is one way that I could see Jake going home. If Ally, Aiden, or whoever was so sick of Jake that they were willing to work with the villains just to take him out, the villains could exploit that and eliminate him on an "at least it's not me" basis. However, I don't think that would be the plan, because I don't think Ally or Aiden would really want to agree to it, and I don't think it makes much sense narratively. I don't think Jake will be eliminated. That's why he's #3.
#4: Alec
I believe that, if the heroes could somehow magically eliminate the villain of their choosing, Alec would be the smartest option for them to shoot for. He's their leader, and without them, the alliance might crumble (such as, if Yul and Riya start going for each other's throats again).
He's also proven to be pretty good at immunity challenges. Yes, he only actually won 1/5 individual immunity challenges in S1, which was the scorpions in the cave challenge. But, let's look at a breakdown of what actually happened. Alec had mastery of both the questions and cages challenge and the zombie apocalypse challenge, handing off the win to his teammates (Grett and Fiore) for strategic reasons. While it's not a guarantee, it's definitely possible he could have won the medals in the rain challenge if he didn't forfeit the win to Ellie. And, it took active sabotage on Ellie's part to prevent him from winning the final four paired challenge. Add all that together, and... there's a possibility that Alec could have won every individual immunity challenge based on pure skill if no strategy was involved. He's scary!
However, that's only what the heroes would do ideally. In reality, I have no idea how they would bring the votes together to land on Alec. I don't know if all five heroes could count on all five of their votes to coalesce on Alec, much less pulling in one of the villains, who all seem to respect him.
For these reasons, maybe I should have put Alec even higher up on the list. I don't think it would make much narrative sense for him to go home at this point, either. However, I do understand why people would want to attempt to vote him out, which I can't say for Gabby, Grett, or (for the most part) Jake. Thus, Alec lands in spot #4... just like in S1. Smh.
#5: Yul
Kind of similarly to Jake, I think that the main reason why Yul would be voted out would be if the heroes were able to convince the villains (Alec and Riya at least) to flip Yul because he's just that annoying. However, this would be an incredibly bold move to make when the heroes have very little information as to the inner workings of the former Yellow team. As far as they know, Yul and Grett are still a happy couple. I also see Alec willing to give up one of his numbers at this point even less than Ally or Ashley, so the whole plan seems unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Anyways, Yul is still obviously involved in a plotline with Grett and the rest of Yellow, but that could be resolved in one episode at any point now, imo. I just think that's probably still coming a few episodes down the line, to break up the villains then instead of now. Yul should be thanking his lucky stars that Yellow never went to tribal again after voting out Connor. I guess he probably thinks that he is his own lucky star. Yul should be thanking himself. Yeah, that tracks with Yul's thought process.
#6: Riya
With Riya being placed here, I think you can pretty clearly tell that I think the villains are going to win this round, sending a hero home. I just think it makes more sense with my projected arc for the rest of the season. The villains will stick with their alliance and kick out a hero or two, but just when all hope seems lost for the heroes (for instance, when there are three of them left) the villains will turn on each other and start cannibalizing themselves. Therefore, at the end, we can have a mix of surviving heroes and villains for the finale. That's what makes most sense to me at this point, although I acknowledge that I'm not factoring in the status quo shakeup of a returning player. Mostly because I don't know when they're coming back. Oops.
Anyways, in the case that I'm wrong, I think Riya would be the most likely villain to be eliminated. This is mostly because of Aiden's vendetta against her. I'm not saying that Aiden would necessarily be the hero alliance's leader or anything, but in the case that no one else has any strong opinions on who to take out, we know that Aiden has a strong preference for taking out Riya. Tom would probably back him up, too.
Riya is in a weird spot narratively because what she has right now is, "friends with Alec, enemies with Aiden, friends and enemies with Yul." She clearly has some important relationships, but... she isn't really undergoing any kind of character development, as far as I can tell? Like, they aren't delving as deep into her character as they are with Gabby, Grett, Ally, etc. It's possible that could spell mid-game boot for her? Still, I don't think that will be now, because the villains seem far less shakable than the fractured heroes at this point. I was pretty wrong about Tess last time though, so, there's certainly a possibility that I'll be cashing in 6 points for Riya at the end of this episode.
#7: Ashley
Now that we've reached the merge, Ashley doesn't have that same sort of shield that I felt she had pre-merge. It's definitely possible that the villains would choose to snipe Ashley for the same reasons that the heroes would love to snipe Alec: she's strong and tough, as well as a calming/uniting factor between Jake and Ally. She's the most heroic hero. Take Ashley away, and the prospects of the heroes mustering any kind of alliance grow even dimmer.
However, because Ashley is so well liked, it would be really hard for the villains to convince one of the heroes to vote with them to take her out. Like, no shot Ally takes that deal, and Aiden and Tom would have to realize that it'd be a bad move for their games to do so. There's a small chance that they could manipulate Jake's jealousy to convince him to do it, but 9 times out of 10 that manipulation would result in an Ally boot instead.
Furthermore, there's a high chance that Ashley will win immunity in this country-ass shooting challenge, rendering this entire train of thought pointless. Ashley is probably still fine, but I could see her role in the narrative no longer being necessary at this point as well. It's that that landed her down here, instead of higher on the list.
#8: Tom
These next three are the ones who I believe are seriously at risk of going home. Like I said, I think that Jake is going to (temporarily) continue his chain of character degradation by letting his jealousy land him on the villains team, taking out one of the players he's been complaining about these past few episodes. And, boy, has he been complaining about Tom...!
Tom is a decently big physical threat, so I see no reason why the villains wouldn't agree to take him out if that's what they managed to get Jake on board for. If Tom, say, decided to tell Jake that he was lying about having a boyfriend in their chat on that rock, Jake could grow so fed up with Tom that he just wants Tom out. That could lead to a Tom elimination, as a result of his lies.
However, part of me still believes that it's still too early to pull the trigger on sending Tom home. Both Tom and Jake have still privately admitted that they really care about the other, and if that's how Jake really feels, he might have a hard time actually putting pen to paper. They haven't been on the same team all season thus far. Couldn't Jake still feel guilty about idoling Tom out with his own totem last time, and not be able to write Tom's name down...? I feel like there are still other characters more expendable than Tom, but I wouldn't be shocked if Tom went here.
#9: Ally
Ally is one of the people that Jake could wind up targeting, for sure. Voting Aiden out might make Tom dislike him even more, whereas, theoretically, if Ally were gone, Ashley would have no choice but to make Jake her closest partner. That could be appealing for Jake.
Whether or not Ally would stick around in a narrative sense is... difficult. Now that Tess has been eliminated, I feel like the writers would want to keep Ally around as a representative of that relationship/plot point of S2. However, without Hunter or Tess still in the game, the potential for future Ally-centric plotlines has also been slightly kneecapped.
For whatever reasons, it seems to me like the writers didn't really like the HunTessAlly relationship in general? All three of them had pretty radical personality changes since S2, and Hunter and Tess were both eliminated somewhat randomly in favor of characters who made it further the first time (Fiore and Aiden). Out of the three, I think that changed-Ally both had the most care put into her and emanates the most potential. But, it could be that all three of them were brought back into the season with minor "improvements" (subject to viewer interpretation whether they are improvements-- I think Ally is better, Hunter is worse, and Tess is a draw) mostly as plot devices/stepping stools for other, more important characters.
(I don't hate Ally, either. I like Ally. I just think that the way the HunTessAlly relationship has been handled this season has been less than ideal. I get it, because the writers wanted to prioritize other relationships, all of which I've been enjoying, but I still wish they could have gotten more focus time for themselves and not just as props to other characters. Maybe I'm explaining too much. I don't like being negative :( )
However, I also think Ally could win this challenge with her pro gamer skillz. So, there's that. Besides, I can't help but feel like there's someone Jake wants out of the game even more than Ally or Tom...
#10: Aiden
Aiden makes the most sense as the next elimination for a lot of reasons. Or, namely, the lots of people who want him out may all come together to make him the next elimination. It's striking.
The villains alliance wants a sixth vote to establish the majority, for which they will probably turn to Jake. Jake wants Aiden out of the game because he kissed Tom and they now have a rivalry. That's one person pitching Aiden's name.
The villains alliance also wants to ensure that they keep Gabby on their side-- even if they can pull in Jake, it doesn't matter so much if Gabby flips back to the heroes because she, like, doesn't want to vote out Ally or whatever. Well, no matter. Gabby wants revenge on her former Cyan tribemates, Tom and Aiden. Gabby wants to vote Aiden out. That's a second person pitching Aiden's name.
But, what if the villains themselves don't actually want to vote Aiden out...? Haha, no. Riya very clearly wants to establish dominance over Aiden once again, and even already threw out his name last episode. And, even though Yul insisted that Aiden wasn't a threat last time, it's not like he likes Aiden, either. It was James' refusal to poison the man that got Yul eliminated and really sick in S2. I'm sure he'd be happy with Aiden leaving from a karma standpoint, if not a strategic one. That could be people three and four pitching Aiden's name.
If the villains want to remain united, throwing all their votes on Aiden makes the most sense. I don't think he would win this challenge, and, still, no totem has been announced, so if he gets six votes, I think he's just toast. This is my guess as to the dominant strategy of the episode, so we'll see if I'm on the mark.
Also, I want to acknowledge that I'm aware that it doesn't have to be a 6-4 (or even 5-5) vote at Tribal council. The villains could, for example, scheme to get Ashley, Ally, and Jake to vote out Aiden, and Aiden and Tom to vote out Ally, while the villains put four votes on Ashley (4-3-2 vote). However, due to the difficulty of executing that plan, I find it unlikely that that's what's going to happen. I feel like Disventure Camp usually sticks to pretty standard voting schemes (like a four person vote going 3-1 instead of 2-1-1 or whatever), so I'm working off of that assumption. I think they did some fancier stuff with Fiore in S1, though, so it's not totally off the table.
Anyways! Those are my power rankings for this week. This episode is going to be really important for establishing the key characters and plotlines moving forward in the post-merge, so I'll surely be keeping my eyes out.
Also, this week is the season finale of the actual Survivor 46! Not really related to DC, but I'm really excited about it, so I'm mentioning it here. I'm gonna be swimming in exciting game show content this week >:) I hope you all have a nice week, too! Bye!
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elite3powerrankings · 4 years
1. Oakland (7-0) The Patriots have all the riches in Jordan James Isaiah Horton, and Patterson. They ran the clock on a good Brentwood team vaulting them back to the top spot in the rankings. Look for the Pats to be in Cookeville under the lights with all the stars.
2. Brentwood Academy (7-0) The Eagles continue their revenge tour by sliding pass Knox Catholic 27-21. They look confident as ever as they welcome rival MBA on Granny White Pk. The power 5 line looks primed and ready to make a statement.
3. Maryville (7-0) Those Rebels never forget how to compete, and all they do is play for Gold Balls. They dismantled Fulton 35-0 Next Up a 5-1 Bradley Central team. Should be lightweight for the Rebels.
4. CPA (4-0) The only thing that can stop the Lions is Covid-19 and we don’t count those forfeits in these rankings. The Lions play tomorrow for a Thursday night rendezvous with Ravenwood. This will be a great test for the Lions will they continue to be the kings of the jungle or will the birds fly away with a win.
5. Powell (7-0) The Panthers continue to dominate in high fashion making easy work out of opponents behind Potts and his wide receiver crew, the defense isn’t shabby either. Wait a minute it’s an undefeated opponent on the schedule not to far away named West who’s undefeated and looking for respect. All eyes out west but the games in the East hold on to your popcorn this will be a good one.
6. McCallie (6-1) Oh my the defending state champs in the hardest division in TN made a statement Friday with a dominating win vs rival Baylor with a 33-14 win. The Blue Tornadoes are not to be forgotten. Next up Bye week.
7. JP2 (6-1) Kenny Minchey, Kenny Minchey, Kenny Minchey. Mr. Minchey went into west end and dominated MBA and pulled off a dandy with a 38-35 win. The Knights are for real and Minchey has a bright future and SEC interest after his performance. Look for him to put up bigger numbers against MUS for all the marbles in D2 AAA West. Next up Bye Week.
8. Alcoa (6-1) Alcoa is Alcoa and they continue to dominate with their only loss being a tight one vs Maryville. The only thing keeping them from the gold ball is time.
9. Christian Brothers (5-1) CBHS looks to be the class of the west and that shouldn’t change when they host a woeful St. Benedict team after this weeks bye. Look for Dallas Hayden to have about 300 yards rushing.
10. Knox West (7-0) The Rebels of the West love to pick fights and they have one on there hands as they face the hyped and deserved Powell Panthers. This one for Knox Vegas!!!
11. MBA (3-1) The Big Red lost a tough one on West End to JP2 38-35 on a 45 yard field goal. This was the second time in school history that JP2 has beat roll red. The West End Boyz have no time to dwell as they go on the road to take on rivalry Brentwood Academy should be a good one.
12. Lipscomb (4-2) The Mustangs come back to the rankings in dominant fashion behind the touchdown machine RB Alex Broome and a stingy Dilfer defense who annilated and decapitated a good Briarcrest offense and held them to a big fat goose egg 42-0. Next up a 4-1 Rossview team.
13. Dobyns-Bennett (6-0) DBHS won big with a throttling of JCHS 42-0 next up a familiar foe in Farragut. The Cyclones will be 7-0 before you know it.
14. Bartlett (6-1) The Panthers are quietly putting together a dominant season with a great win over Christian Brothers and the only loss coming from CPA. The Panthers have some business to tend to Friday vs their neighbor a 5-3 Arlington team.
15. Elizabethton (6-0) Another win another day for the Cyclones they stay consistent. Look for another scrimmage and warm up for the Freshman to play as they take on woeful 0-5 Union County (wake me up when its over).
16. Tullahoma (6-0) Them Wildcats are nothing like the movie as they are reaking havoc in 4A. Thomas and the gang could possibly end up in Cookeville. Next up Lawrence County this one will be over before it starts.
17. Baylor (3-1) The Red Raiders took one on the chin from rival across the street McCallie and look to seek revenge and make themselves feel better against Father Ryan. Watch out Red Raiders Father Ryan is much improved.
18. Davidson Academy (6-0) Da Bears Da Bears don’t worry Davidson we see you coming for that 3 peat. Swinea, JuJu, Oliphant we got you!! Question is do you guys have USJ this week only time will tell.
19. Pearl Cohn (3-0) The Firebirds seem to be getting there feet beneath them after being quarantined for the start of the season as they beat down the over hyped East Eagles 42-21. Now they will get to work on some plays and play some freshman as they take on a woeful Stratford Spartan team.
20. McMinn County (6-0) Them Cherokees out of Athens come to play every Friday night and every Friday night they leave with a win. We see nothing different this week as they host 1-4 Notre Dame.
Bubble: Goodpasture, ECS, South Pitt, Peabody, Hardin County, Beech, Summit, Ravenwood, Brentwood, DCA, TKA, Peabody
Games of the Week: MBA vs Brentwood Academy (The Rivalry Continues) /CPA vs. ravenwood
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gunthyofficial · 4 years
Gunbot Permanent Tournament Testimonials
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Gunbot Permanent Tournament Testimonials Insider Information and Gunbot Tournament Testimonials from our Top Binance Futures Traders. Experience the Power of Fine-Tuned Crypto Trading Strategies. For those of you who don't know, Gunbot Permanent Tournament gives you the opportunity to share and learn how to use profitable strategies with the biggest traders of our community. Every month Gunbot users can join one of the sponsored exchanges competitions and win up to 50000USD and equal amount of GUNTHY tokens.
Gunbot Permanent Tournament Testimonials
Here are some of our Top Traders Testimonials: From our Member Treddi Hi All. Lessons learned from this tournament. Bot 1- Let the bot do the job do not manual DCA did earn $2220 on a 10K investment. Bot 2- I made a lot of changes along the way. some days it did not run. I did a few manual closing due to manual over DCAs and panicking and selling has brought down all the profit in one trade to negative -650. So do not touch the bot. Bot 3- Using it for strategy testing. For a few days did not trade and a lot of manual intervention trades. All 3 bots were running the same strategies but different results. Total profit from 3 bots is $3220.188 as you see the screen dumps in 14 days. The total investment of 25K (10+7+8). All these were managed by ARS. It was a pleasure working and sharing ideas with you all. Above all, I am convinced that you can make a living by trading with Gunbot and ARS. Thanks to Gunthar, Pim. TrashDog and GB Dev Team, BestNaf, Q, Jules, Raymondo, and every GunBot user. From Murtis Macho Unit
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So here are my results. I started the tournament with a wallet balance of $257, and this morning that balance is $571. I signed up but didn't really participate for a couple of days, hence the low volume to start. I then ran a pure SupRes strat, 125X, 500 TL, and 4000 ROE (closes at S/R), and lots of DCA to bail out bad situations... Much thanks to Pim, as I based my AC file off of his work. I really have to say I'm disappointed to only finish 20th with this result (over doubling my wallet balance). Oh well, on to the next one I suppose. oh and my total investment was about $100k, so total proof that you can leverage up with a small account balance and have success. Trade with THEIR money. My "Screwed up trade" of -21 was a fat finger to due with a deleveraging setting I changed. Otherwise not a single lost trade after switching on SupRes My plan was to work on and only invest time on non-MM strategies as I won't have access outside of the tournaments. SupRes is some sweet, sweet... Happy to share my strat and settings etc., but don't please ring my phone on the weekend or blame me... again thanks to @boekenbox for the AC, results would not have been what they are without his work on that file. Thanks to all of you, a solid group of smart people here. I know we have lots of success coming our way! From M. G. My reward is 9$ from the tournament. I got free access to MM. I made a few $$ on trading. I am a simple man. I am happy. Thanks, Gun! From @hitthefan Thanks for the time and efforts Gunthar...and, of course, all participants and developers that helped me get this high ranking A Big THANKS From Gunthy LTD to ALL of Gunbot Permanent Tournament Participants and an Invitation to the Rest of our Comunity to participate in the Next Event, stay tuned for more information about it!
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  Don't forget that we have a Google Meet Live Channel Join us Here https://meet.google.com/rqf-onee-dew with your Google account or phone.   Do you like to see more Exchanges added? Have a nice experience to share? Let us know in the comments below. Read the full article
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oliviacopper-blog · 5 years
Most Profitable Cryptocurrency
What is Cryptocurrency?
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Cryptocurrency basically is the medium of exchange which is used to conduct financial transactions. A cryptocurrency is a digital form of money that exists online only as it is built on Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency is not under the control of any central authority and hence it can be sent and receive directly between two people via the use of private and public keys and this exchange can be done with minimal processing fees.
Currently, there are over one thousand plus different cryptocurrencies available in the market such as- Bitcoin, Litecoin, Namecoin, Peercoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Jings Coin, etc. Each of these Cryptocurrencies works the same that is the large data log of information namely transactions. Cryptocurrencies are purely digital and there is no option to take out these cryptocurrencies in paper or coin form. The most common one is Bitcoin as it was the first Cryptocurrency created and it is the most widely used cryptocurrency in the world.
 Some of the Most Profitable Cryptocurrencies to mine are –
Mining provides a decentralized way to issue Cryptocurrency. It ensures that the new coins are produced in every  10 mins. Which is the time to mine a single BTC block.
So, nowhere is the list of some Most Profitable Cryptocurrency to mine in 2019-
1. Bitcoin
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 Bitcoin is the world’s first Cryptocurrency which is launched in the year 2009 and it is the first Decentralized Cryptocurrency and that’s the reason people consider it as the Most Profitable Cryptocurrency still. A peer to peer computer is used to mine the bitcoin and verify its transactions on a decentralized network.
Bitcoin’s Lightning Network which is already reducing the transaction fees and also reducing the confirmation time to one second. This eliminates the biggest drawback of bitcoin.
Some of the advantages of bitcoin are-
 Lower Fraud Risks for Buyers
Bitcoin makes it possible for buyers to complete the payment without leaking any information related to their Debit or Credit cards to the seller.
 No Risk of Inflation
There is basically zero risks of Inflation with Bitcoin. Inflation usually occurs when the Government issues more money in the year, decreasing the purchasing power on the whole.
Reduced Transaction Fees
Transaction fees for Bitcoin are lower as compared to other transactions done using the debit and credit cards.
Easy to use in any Situation
Bitcoins can be used in any country without going to contact local banks for currency conversion or something.
No Involvement of Third Party
As we know the entire transaction of bitcoin is peer to peer hence there is no involvement of any kind of third party. No one can freeze or claim your coins. Bitcoins cannot be stolen nor seized by the government in any circumstances.
By all the above advantages Bitcoin is considered as one of the Most Profitable Cryptocurrency in the Market.
2. Litecoin
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Litecoin is an open-source software project which is released under the MIT/X11 License. Litecoin is ranked as the world’s 4th largest Cryptocurrency in the market as it is currently trading at the US $44. Litecoin provides the Superior storage Capacity and the confirmation of the transaction is fast and that’s the reason that makes Litecoin one of the Most Profitable Cryptocurrency to mine in 2019.
Some of the advantages of Litecoin are-
Faster Transaction-
Litecoin can process a block in every 2.5 minutes as it results in faster transaction confirmation.
Faster Network-
84 million Litecoins are expected to be produced by the Litecoin Network which is four times the circulation of Bitcoin network.
Easy Mining-
Litecoin Mining is easier to perform as it uses the script Encryption algorithm.
Better Security-
Major Platforms supports Litecoin trading including 58 coins and Litecoin is comparable to Bitcoin in terms of security and recognition.
A high upper Limit in Number of Total coins-
The upper limit to invest or to mine in Litecoin is 84 million which is high in number as compared to Bitcoins.
3. Ravencoin (RVN)
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Ravencoin is built on the code of Bitcoin and was launched on January 3rd, 2018. It is also an Open Source ‘Peer to Peer’ blockchain which is designed to handle and transfer of assets from one user to another. Ravencoin focuses on assist transfer which is based on Bitcoin and Ethereum as Ravencoin is an American made blockchain. The reason for gaining the popularity suddenly is just because of the credit goes to X16R algorithm that it uses for proof-of-work mining.
Ravecoin has no pre-mine, no ICO And No founder’s bonus, unlike other blockchain projects.  As the price has been struggling with exchanges the economics of mining Ravecoin has been challenging.
If you want to mine on a large scale then Raven could be a better strategy. Whether you want to mine or want to purchase, Ravencoin is worth picking up.
4. Monero
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Monero is one of the most advanced privacy coins, Monero is based on the algorithm known as CryptoNight. One can easily mine Monero just by downloading its software on PC and that’s the reason it is considered as one of the Most Profitable Cryptocurrency to mine as compared to others. To guard the network and validate transactions it uses proof of work mechanism. The design of Monero is resistant to the application- specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining, so that one can also mine other Cryptocurrencies.
When the first Cryptocurrency based on Cryptonote technology appeared the story of Monero started in the year 2012.
 Advantages of Monero-
Absolute Anonymity-
Monero is the perfect Cryptocurrency if you care about privacy as it mixes the Public key and makes it impossible to discover the destination address.
Resistance to ASIC mining-
Monero can be profitably mined using CPU’s And GPU’S.
As we know there is a problem in Bitcoin, as it has the limits and sometimes one, have to wait to make new transactions. There is no such problem with Monero as it is Limitless.
No Authority-
Monero is an absolute decentralized system so Nobody can stop your transaction. Nobody can allow users to do what they want.
5. Vertcoin
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 Vertcoin uses a Lyra2RE proof-of-work algorithm to validate transactions. Vertcoin is compatible with GUI (Graphical User Interface) miner that simplifies mining for both CPU and GPU users. Vertcoin supports AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards. Vertcoin offers low harsh rates as it is a Scrypt-N coin.
 Advantages of Vertcoin-
Everyone having a personal computer should be able to join the Vertcoin network.
Vertcoin is the first Cryptocurrency to implement Stealth Addresses, it is the new technology for providing privacy on the public ledger.
The difference between Vertcoin and Bitcoin is the latter’s resistance to centralized mining and long term promise of Vertcoin developers to keep in same way
Vertcoin is another version of Bitcoin using Lyra2Rev2 as an algorithm.
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JINGS COIN is one of Most Secure Cryptocurrency than any other cryptocurrency you have used before. JINGS COIN is the decentralized public platform that runs based on Blockchain. It is the currency which is based on Wonder Material, also it is an attractive way to support participation and benefits from the revolution of JINGS And that’s the reason it is considered as one of the Most Profitable Cryptocurrency to invest in 2019. JINGS COIN is the first Cryptocurrency based on Revisionist material.  
Advantages of JINGS COIN- ·     
Instant Trading-
JINGS COIN is available 24*7 and you can sell or buy it 24 hours a day unlike other traditional stock markets. ·      
Recurring Buying-
JINGS COIN uses the DCA method in a more automated fashion which will let you set the desired amount of JINGS COIN you want to purchase. ·      
Safe and Secure- 
JINGS COIN is the most secure cryptocurrency that runs on a custom-built blockchain.   ·       
Faster Transactions-
JINGS COIN features faster transaction confirmation times and also improves the storage efficiency than any other leading currency. 
JINGS COIN insurance product provides the peace of mind that is as safe as possible from theft as it is the Most Secure Cryptocurrency. There are many other coins that are best to mine in 2019 and the list of the coins doesn’t end here, In the coming future of crypto-currency, we can see many other coins in this list which will be profitable, good for mining and investing. The above list of coins is the top 6 most profitable cryptocurrency according to me and my experience.
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tapu43 · 4 years
The Effect of PPC Mesotherapy Miami, FL Compound Injections to the Localized Adipose Tissue
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PPC Mesotherapy Miami, FL compound has been recently used for the purpose of partial lipolysis and is valued in the Miami region for its efficacy and lower invasiveness compared to liposuction and dermo lipectomy used previously. Here are the details about the efficacy of the phosphatidylcholine (PPC) dissolved in deoxycholate (DCA) via an exploratory rat study model, along with recommending a useful animal experimental model for the study of adipose tissue and lipolysis.
Experimental rat’s bilateral inguinal fat pads were elevated with the deep inferior epigastric vessel as the sole vascular pedicle. Normal saline was injected on one side as a control group and a phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholate (DCA) compound were injected on the other side. After 4 days, the rats were euthanized for microscopic tissue examination. The pathology was scored by a semiquantitative system in 4 categories: normal fat amount, fat necrosis, inflammatory activity, and stage of fibrosis. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test powered by the SPSS packet program was used for statistical analysis and to examine significance.
Microscopic examination was performed on the obtained samples, and the experimental data of all 4 categories showed significant histologic differences compared to the control group. All the data also showed statistical significance by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (P<0.01).
In the inguinal fat pad rat model, the control group and the examined group had a differed notably in the quantity of normal fat tissue, inflammation, necrosis, and fibrosis. We recommend the rat inguinal fat pad model used in this study, as it is likely to be useful in related research. PPC Mesotherapy Miami, FL is basically famous for weight loss.
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optometrist0 · 6 years
Department Of Optometry
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Home Page for the Virginia Board of Optometry. Skip to … The Adult Protective Services Program at the Virginia Department of Social Services is …
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Because the number of optometrists is limited by the number of accredited optometry schools, licensed optometrists should expect good … U.S. Department of …
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