#but let's not forget how fun the Bucktommy fandom is!!!
wenellyb · 4 months
Bucktommy & The power of positivity
I've seen some people say there was a ship war between Bucktommy and Buddie shippers and "both sides were to blame".
The way I see it, Buddie shippers started sh*tting on Bucktommy shippers the moment Tommy was confirmed as a love interest for Buck and Bucktommy shippers decided to reciprocate by being petty and making fun of some of them (especially the ones who were tagging their hate as "Bucktommy").
But Bucktommy shippers aren't the ones harrassing the cast and the crew and writing nasty comments on the 911 official instagram page.
It might be seen as a "ship war" but one of the groups is not like the other.
Whether you see this whole thing as a ship war or not, what I wanted to say to the Bucktommy fandom is not to fall in the "trap" set by Buddie shippers and be influenced by their penchant for negativity.
We're in a good place right now, and our ship is in a good place and it's one of the reasons why they're so angry, but we have no reason to be as angry as they are.
I'm not sure, of course, but I think that one of the reasons why Buddie never became canon over the past years is because of the behavior of some of the fans who were constantly harrassing the crew members and acting entitled. No showrunner likes that. These extreme stans even drove Oliver Stark off of social media.
On the other hand, we have Tommy who was only supposed to be in 4 episodes and here we have him in 6 episodes, and I think it's due to all the positivity surrounding Lou, Tommy and the Bucktommy ship.
So we should keep up posting about Bucktommy, writing fics, making edits, spreading positivity and try to ignore the negative posts as much as we can (I know it's not always easy) because it seems to work.
It's so easy to fall into the trap of Buddie shippers, because they try to provoke us with the biggest lies, just so they can get a reaction.
We have to remember that the negativity is all they have left.
I've checked some anti-Bucktommy posts and honestly the notes don't even go higher than 20 or 30 notes, so it's really not worth paying attention to it.
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We're in a good place right now and we wouldn't want to messs it all up just because we started playing the game some Buddie shippers are playing.
TL:DR: Let's not try to focus to much on the haters: they're hateful because they’re losing. Let's focus on the positivity and keep enjoying Bucktommy!!!
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outrunningthedark · 1 month
listen, i'm saying this as a neutral bucktommy fan because i'm prepared for the relationship to go either way, but can we talk about how CRAZY it is that there are people in 9-1-1 fandom (particularly in that fandom) who think it's totally necessary for tommy to address his past actions after TWENTY YEARS???? o1. the show already established he was putting in the work to do better back in season two, and was still in contact with chimney in season three, meaning the characters were moving the hell on???? o2. literally no one has talked about it??? this is not one of the firefam and their parents. there is no unresolved/lingering trauma from prior behaviors that needs to or should be addressed from hen or chimney's POVs. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE TWENTY YEARS IN BETWEEN ACTUALLY DID SOME GOOD??? i'm ngl, sometimes i see takes about this part of the story and i just wanna be like "i'm sorry for whatever apology you didn't get, but it's not the show's responsibility to provide one for you in its place." (ps. let's not forget that an apology/acknowledgment won't actually change anything for these folks. they're just using the lack of one as a "reason" for their negative feelings. marisol didn't do a damn thing besides cry over her brother who almost died and they made fun of her for weeks/didn't want her back because the scene with her brother made them feel icky 🙄)
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
One thing that I dont understand is why everyone quickly forgetting about Oliver's comments that he wants bucktommy to follow Tarlos history
Or Tim saying that he wants to write a romcom with this relationship
Also, Kenneth saying that Buck finally found love or JLH wants scenes with Tommy in the season 8
Like, I think there is a strong chance of Lou to be in season 8
Hi anon!
I’m assuming you’re asking why people aren’t more convinced of bucktommy endgame and are still shipping buddie, I’m taking this at face value with no malice behind it but I will say if your intention was to kinda discourage buddie shippers or whatever by asking this then that’s a bit impolite because I’ve been very vocal on my blog about not icking other people’s yums or put a damper on anyone’s enjoyment of a ship or fandom
Now assuming you meant this genuinely and giving you the benefit of the doubt-
About the tarlos thing I genuinely don’t think I saw that (if you can send it I’d actually wanna read it) but there was sm press around the bi buck canon ep that I think maybe it just slipped my memory if it was around that time, even saying that if he did say something about that that could still mean a lot of things, like Ive personally not watched lone star (except a few eps here and there) and only have a vague understanding of tarlos but it could be talking about wanting a dynamic similar or something like that
Like let’s not forget Oliver also spoke multiple times how his ideal for this storyline is for bucktommy to break up and remain friends and for tommy to still be this guide to buck as he goes through his self discovery
And Tim saying he wants the relationship to be a romcom can just mean what he also said about wanting buck off the hamster wheel and sort of wanting his queer arc to be lighthearted and fun, like the relationship being a romcom doesn’t necessarily mean endgame to me for me it just communicates tone, like he doesn’t want them to struggle or kinda be put through too much angst and he wants it all to be light and carefree and a good experience for buck, which even as a buddie shipper I genuinely agree with so much because every relationship with buck has ended very badly and he’s just constantly getting hurt and I feel like he needs to have a good relationship and he needs that end to be amicable and have that be a good and healthy dynamic
Again Tim also said multiple things about them being a brief relationship, called them a fling and to not expect wedding bells, etc
Kenneth is not a writer or part of the ship so his opinion is interesting to see but doesn’t really hold much bearing on whether I think buck and Tommy are endgame
I do agree that it seems like Lou/tommy will be in s8 and I actually wanna see how it unfolds and also I feel like with so many bigger storylines it makes sense to keep the relationship going until s8 when you can actually get to see their relationship and also if/when they break up give it the time it needs to have actually made this a relationship rather than like a two episode/ date arc, you know what I mean? (idk if I’m being clear with what I mean)
Thanks for the ask anon!
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bewilderedbuckley · 6 months
He not just has two holes, but he can take two cocks in one
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But yes, people are really forget what multi shipping is. I mean ofc in 911 is hard because buddie almost never has some really with great chemistry to be close to buddie, but for me personally Eddie/Shannon, Buck and Taylor 4s as friends and bucktommy (especially bucktommy 💙 mean a lot. They had/s good chemistry and dynamic
Ofc with Eddie/Shannon it's hard to see but if you actually look deeper you can see it. And even Ryan was not really happy they killed Shannon because he thought the could have better things to make and have together
Fandom is supposed to be fun! And people being salty and bitching to people who are habing fun is just so bad.
I don't know how old the people are that are being mean and angry in my friends inboxes but please just stop. You are making your own expirience in fandom bad because you can't let people be people.
We should really bring back 'ship and let ship' just let people have fun and if you don't like what someone is posting, unfollow them. Heck block them if you want to!
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