#but like I wonder if this is part of his 'disguise' for meeting Anne of Cleves????
cinemaocd · 6 months
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Damien Lewis in costume for the Mirror and the Light
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Does He Love You?
Fandom: Elvis, Elvis Presley, Elvis 2022, RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader, Elvis Presley x Ann-Margaret
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Ann-Margaret, Jerry Schilling, Joe Esposito, Red West, Sonny West, Colonel Tom Parker
Word Count: 3225
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Does he love you, like he loves me?
Tags/Warnings: Request, Requested Fic, Vaginal Sex, Kissing, Arguing, Cheating, Infidelity, Drunk Arguments, Betrayal, Angst, Hurt, Affairs, Established Relationship, Reba Song
Notes: This kinda reminded me of a Reba song at the end. It was giving me Jolene vibes but Ann Margaret knew they weren’t meant to be im sure.
Elvis Tags: @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley
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Request by @elvispresleyxoxo - yes that’s completely fine! I was wondering if you could do one where reader knows elvis is cheating with ann margaret and confront him in front of all of the memphis mafia maybe even ann margaret if your comfortable with that! she tells elvis that she loves him ,shares like smutty details about there sex life ( if ann margaret is there could reader be like does he do that to you to, but again if your uncomfortable with that you don’t have to write that) , just overall a messy argument in front of everyone. but in the end elvis lashes out and takes her into another room and makes love to her and everyone can hear them she comes back like embarrassed but yk forgives him , you can choose the ending around the ann margaret situation if your comfortable writing that part x
One would think that being in a relationship with Elvis Presley would be fun. And for the most part, it is but not always. Sometimes the glitz and the glamour of Hollywood isn't parties and shows, it's dreadfully boring meetings with studio executives that come disguised as evening dinner parties. Whilst Elvis allowed the Colonel to negotiate most of the deals he was required to be present, something that no doubt allowed the Colonel to do what he wanted whilst having the excuse that Elvis never protested even though he was ten people down the table. As long as Elvis showed up the Colonel was happy but to keep Elvis happy he needed distractions. Which was why he brought friends. Members of the Mafia or me, someone he could talk to whilst they hashed out details of contracts that didn't interest him. The upside of these meetings was that they were largely comped by the networks meaning they were almost exclusively held in fancy hotels or restaurants rather than the dreary offices of Paramount. That was why tonight we would be dining at Perino's.
As we walked into the room my eyes roved over the table that was already jam-packed full of people, as ever we were the last to arrive. The majority of it was made up of men in stiff suits, business types, and members of Elvis' entourage who always tried so desperately to fit in at these things but somehow always seemed to look like boys play acting as Hollywood bigwigs. And then my eyes landed on the end of the table. On the only other woman in the room. Ann-Margaret.
Whilst Elvis' schmoozed his way through the crowd of people that had jumped up to greet him my eyes remained locked on her. Her red-golden hair was pushed back from her face, her natural makeup accentuating her large eyes and full lips in the dim ambient lighting. She looked beautiful. She was chatting to a man I didn't know seemingly unbothered by our entrance, a fact that made my heart sink. After all, why would she? She knew Elvis well. Too well. The novelty of his presence had no doubt rubbed off for her.
A million thoughts circled in my mind. What was she doing here? Had Elvis invited her? Had the network? I didn't know which of those options was worse. Either way, it signalled that she wasn't going anywhere much to my sadness. They had just debuted their first film together, Viva Las Vegas, and it was a hit. Elvis had even seemed to enjoy himself on this production which I was ecstatic for. He seemed more lenient with the scripts, happier to sing the same old songs he'd been given and altogether more enthusiastic whenever he'd called home. It was only when I flew out to Vegas for the last few days of filming I saw why.
I couldn't blame him I supposed. After all she was a beautiful, charming and magnetic woman. The press liked her. The Mafia liked her. Elvis liked her. But I couldn't bring myself to. He'd been like this before of course. No matter what I did he couldn't seem to stay true yet none of the others ever bothered me...but she did. Because I could feel the way he felt about her. The others never bothered me because I knew he didn't love them but with her? The potential was there. Another two or three films, who knew what could happen?
Tears stung at my eyes but I forced them back, going through the motions of greeting people until I could finally drop down into my seat beside Elvis. Ann-Margaret was sitting on his other side. I didn't listen to either of them as they started to talk. Instead, I grabbed the bottle of wine that had been left on the table and poured myself a large glassful, immediately sipping it down as much as I could. Neither of them even noticed.
I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to even be here. As everyone laughed and joked around me I sat in silence nursing whatever number glass of wine I was up to and watching Elvis and Ann-Margaret talk. It was like slow torture. Every laugh, every coy smile, every touch of the hand was like another rock being placed on my chest until I couldn't breathe. I had to get out of there. I stood up from the table, gripping onto it for balance as the alcohol in my system hit me full on making me woozy.
'You alright honey?' Elvis said, finally noticing me. His hand gently touched the back of mine but I pulled mine out from under his.
'Fine, I just need the restroom,' I said. Elvis looked at me curiously but I didn't stay there long enough for him to ask any questions. I wanted to cry. Or scream. Or throw up. I fled to the bathroom and locked myself in the stall, trying to calm myself down. I knew there was no point getting upset. I couldn’t make a scene and I couldn’t go home not without Elvis wondering what was wrong so I put on my most composed expression and returned to the table trying to ignore the tears that threatened to spill over at any moment. I hurried my way back to my seat, noticing how the waiters had started arriving at the table placing our orders down in front of us. As a bowl full of pasta dropped into place in front of me a young waiter appeared at Elvis' side.
'Steak?' the waiter asked.
'Here,' Elvis said, allowing him to place the plate down in front of him. My eyes scanned his plate though where I expected to see a block of charcoal in place of steak I found a normal-looking piece of meat looking back at me.
'You should send that back,' I blurted out. Elvis looked at me for a second, suddenly realising I was back in the room, and shook his head.
'It's fine,' Elvis said as he picked up his napkin and dropped it on his lap.
'It's rare,' I said.
'Like I said it's fine,' Elvis said.
'You hate your food rare,' I said, utterly perplexed. It was true. Any who knew him knew that unless it was absolutely cremated Elvis wouldn't eat it. Before now he'd sent food back in restaurants up to three times until it was completely obliterated.
'It's not a big deal,' Elvis gritted out looking up the table. My voice had been louder than intended thanks to the alcohol meaning I was no longer the only one looking at him. He was now the spectacle of the show with almost everyone peering down the table at what was going on. He didn't flounder though and instead he cut a neat piece of meat off the end and though he couldn't stop himself from grimacing as blood oozed out onto his plate he hoyed it into his mouth and choked it down all the same.
'How is it?' I asked after it was gone.
'Fine,' he said, taking a sip of his iced water.
'See!' Ann said placing a dainty hand on his bicep, 'I told you it wouldn't be that bad.'
'What?' I said, confused. She looked at me with a smile though Elvis kept his head down sheepishly.
'Last time we had dinner he ordered this thing, it looked more like a tire than a piece of meat, and I told him all that burnt stuff was bad for his health,' she said, 'too many carcinogens. It's much healthier to have your meat medium or rare.'
'Yeah, I think I've heard that before,' Joe said from the side of me.
'The question is what isn't bad for you these days,' Sonny chimed in, 'though good on you for makin' EP change his mind about the bits of rubber he calls meat.'
'Yeah that's a feat in itself,' Joe said. Their conversation continued but I couldn't join in. My blood was boiling, the alcohol well and truly taking hold as I watched him. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. After years of moaning at him to eat someone that resembled an edible meal and him refusing he’d elected to make a change after one meal with her. It was like a punch to the gut. My jealousy took a hold consuming every fibre of my being. Elvis wasn't paying much attention and was instead scarfing down his pink steak punctuating it with sips of water to no doubt dilute the taste. My focus didn't land on him however, it landed across the table. I wanted to make her feel as bad as I did. To ruin her night like she had ruined mine. I could feel my words coming on fast and there was no way to stop them.
'Oh, I don't know. I wouldn’t say it’s that hard to change his mind,' I said taking a sip of wine as I rested back in my chair. I could feel several pairs of eyes land on me, including Elvis and Ann's.
'Remind me of that when I'm trying to pry him out of bed to go to the lot,' Joe chuckled.
'You just need to know how to handle him,' I said, 'ain’t that right sweetie?'
'You think you can handle me?' Elvis said quirking an eyebrow. He was playing along in front of the boys but I could see him hesitate, not knowing where I was going with it.
'Of course, though it seems like I'm not the only one. Right, Ann?' I asked with a fake smile. Ann glanced at Elvis and then back at me.
'Oh I wouldn't say I can handle him like you,' she said an embarrassed blush on her pretty face.
'But he listens to you,’ I said, ‘I mean you got him to eat something other than black steak. That’s some feat.’
‘Like I said it’s nothing,’ she said shifting awkwardly in her seat. I didn’t care though. I could feel more and more people staring curiously at me, wondering what the hell I was going on about, Elvis too but I didn’t pay them any attention.
‘How did you do it?’ I said.
‘What?’ she asked glancing at Elvis for help.
‘It’s a simple question,’ I said leaning forward and running my finger around the rim of my wine glass, ‘I mean I know how I’d do it. You know one time Elvis took me shopping and I found this beautiful Chanel number, you remember that right honey? The one with all the buttons? Anyway, he’s moaning about it telling me it looks like something a sailor would wear but me? I love it, so you know I did?’
‘What?’ Ann said quietly unable to ignore me as I watched her intently my gaze never wandering from her green eyes.
‘I got down on my knees and blew him right there in the dressing room,’ I said.
‘Y/N!’ Elvis snapped.
‘Soon got him to change his mind-’
‘That’s enough,’ Elvis said.
‘You know he can’t even see anything naval without sporting wood,’ I giggled.
‘Stop it,’ Elvis said standing up and yanking me out of my seat by my bicep. Though his grip was tight on my arm it was a good job he was holding me as I was unsteady enough that I would’ve toppled over if it hadn’t been for him.
‘What? We’re just swapping girly stories, right Annie? I bet she could tell me just how she gets you to do stuff don’t you think? I bet it’s not all that dissimilar, huh baby?’ I sneered.
‘You’re drunk,’ he said.
‘And you’re screwing your co-star,’ I said. Joe pushed my other side keeping me on balance as I yanked my arm out of Elvis’ grasp. Ann’s face paled before going deep crimson as she dropped her gaze to her lap. Elvis said nothing his face thunderous as everyone watched the pair of us just looking at each other.
‘Can’t even deny it can you?’ I said looking at him. I shook my head, grabbed the bottle of wine off the table and walked off out into the foyer. I didn’t know where I was going. The car wouldn’t be waiting and I didn’t feel like heading outside. I didn’t need to worry though as I felt a hand grasp my elbow, pushing me towards a door until I was roughly thrust through it into a storeroom of sorts. I fell inside, looking up to find Elvis standing by the door blocking my only exit.
‘What the hell do you think you’re playing at?!’ he snapped.
‘Me?! You’re fucking someone else and you’re angry at me!?’ I baulked.
‘It’s not like that,’ he said.
‘Yeah sure,’ I snorted.
‘Nothing’s going on,’ he said.
‘Nothing’s going on now? Or nothing’s ever happened,’ I said coming towards him. His jaw was tight as he looked down at me but my expression never changed. I was challenging him to tell me I was wrong.
‘It’s over,’ he said making me pull back shaking my head, ‘it has been for a while.’
‘Since I came to town and spoiled your fun?’ I said taking a swig from my bottle before setting it down on a shelf.
‘Since I remembered how much I love you,’ he said making me roll my eyes, ‘what you don’t believe me?’
‘Until I’m not around right,’ I said.
‘It’s not like that,’ he said coming towards me. I folded my arms across my chest to stop him from touching me, ‘you don’t think I know how pathetic I am? That I don’t know I’m weak? I know I’m not worth the ground you walk on and yet you still keep me around. I know I don’t deserve you Y/N…but I love you and I’m sorry.’
‘You always are,’ I said an errant tear trickling down my cheek. He moved to wrap his arms around me but I stayed still, letting his strong hold engulf me.
‘Do you love her?’ I said in almost a whisper. He was so close to me that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face, the heat of his body matching that of my own.
‘Not as much as I love you,’ he said pressing his forehead to mine before he placed a kiss on my cheek. His lips kissed my tears away until finally, they landed on my lips. He kissed me, waiting for my permission to take it further. I tried to stop. I knew I should. But I loved him. I always would, so I moved my lips against his. He took this as a positive sign and deepened the kiss pushing me backwards until my back hit the wall. I didn’t do much of the work. His lips were everywhere all at once, touching every piece of skin they could find and leaving fire in their wake. His kisses were interspersed by murmurs of adoration as if his words could wipe away his actions for good.
‘I love you,’ he said as his hand slipped under my dress, teasing through my folds before he moved my panties to the side and slipped inside me, hoisting me up until my legs were wrapped around his waist. The wall was uncomfortable against my back but I couldn’t focus on that as Elvis’ fingers made their way to my sensitive bud, stroking it in time with his movements in and out of me. His name was all I could manage to whimper against his neck as the feeling of ecstasy started mounting in my core.
‘Baby,’ he grunted as his hips started faltering in rhythm.
‘Oh god,’ I said trembling around him with a whimper. He moved his hips in haphazard snaps against me until he groaned loudly, his breath hot and wet against my neck as he buried his face against my skin. After a moment he came round, pressing his forehead against mine. I could feel him softening inside me yet neither of us moved, my fingers tracing small circles on the nape of his neck as our breaths intermingled.
‘I love you,’ he said after a moment.
‘Enough to stop seeing her?’ I said.
‘Like I said. It’s over,’ he said pulling away from me so he could gently place me on my feet. His hand was tender against my cheek, his thumb stroking against my skin gently. I watched his face for a moment as if I would be able to tell the future from his expression alone. I knew it was pointless. I knew that whatever was going to happen in the future would happen regardless. But I loved him. With everything I had.  So, I pulled away and nodded ever so slightly. He kissed the top of my head and then led me out of the storage cupboard. There weren’t many people in the foyer but those that were there were sure to know what had just transpired. Joe, Sonny, Red and Jerry congregated by the door of the dining room probably unsure of what they were supposed to be doing in Elvis' absence. That or they were forming a human barrier in case I wanted to head back inside for round two.
‘Give me a minute,’ he said squeezing my hand before he dropped it and headed over to the boys where they began talking in hushed whispers. I could feel the eyes of the waitstaff watching me as I stood in the foyer and so I quickly ducked into the restroom to freshen up. I looked a little messy. My tears had given me black smudges under my eyes and my lipstick was smudged from Elvis kissing me. I grabbed a paper towel and started to retouch the damage but I slowed my actions down as I noticed the toilet door opening.
Ann stepped out.
‘Oh,’ she said, ‘um sorry I didn't know-’
‘It’s fine,’ I said straightening up and tossing the paper towel in the trash.
‘Y/N,’ she said coming towards me offering to put a tender hand on my shoulder but I moved out of her way.
‘Don’t,’ I said. We stood there watching each other for a moment. I didn’t know what I was feeling. Anger. Sadness. Who knew? Whatever it was it felt awful and it was made even worse by the fact she looked genuinely remorseful.
‘I really am sorry,’ she said.
‘Just,’ I said my words disappearing. I didn’t know what to say. After all, how could I blame her? The charm, looks and appeal she had been lured in by was the one that kept me hooked. I couldn’t resist it any more than she could. How could I blame her for giving in to temptation?
‘I can’t lose him,’ I said. My hand was on the door handle now, my gaze locked on it as I refused to look up at her.
‘You were never going to,’ she said capturing my attention, ‘I’m not what he wants.’
‘Yeah, who’d want a gorgeous movie star, right?’ I said.
‘It's what he wants for a night. You get his mornings. His afternoons. You’re the one he calls when he’s had a bad day,’ she said, her eyes were sad though she was wearing a sympathetic smile, ‘you’re the one who’ll get his last name.’
‘I hope you’re right,’ I said and with that, I slipped out of the bathroom. Elvis looked around as I came out. He was standing with Jerry, waiting for me by the main entrance, the others sent to handle whatever needed fixing on my behalf.
‘Everything okay honey?’ he murmured as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me outside.
‘Fine,’ I said with a small sigh, ‘just fine.’
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Characters ask: 12 dancing princesses
Favorite thing about them: The beautiful, romantic imagery of all the princesses venturing into a magical subterranean land where the trees are made of silver, gold, and diamonds, and then dancing through the night with mysterious handsome princes. I like the imagery better than the story itself.
Least favorite thing about them: That they let all the princes who try to discover their secret be beheaded. It's no wonder that retellings tend to omit this part and just have the failed princes either sent away in disgrace or imprisoned instead.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like parties and music.
*I tend to be a freedom-seeker.
*I'm in no hurry to marry.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a very good dancer.
*I would never let even one man be beheaded just so I could attend secret parties, let alone many men.
*I don't have any sisters, let alone eleven.
Favorite line:
From the Faerie Tale Theatre version, these quotes from the eldest princess Jeanetta:
"I have no patience for hearts and flowers and young men who brag about this victory and that. There's more to life than romance."
“The man of my dreams is a prince among men.”
brOTP: Each other.
OTP: Well, I hope the eldest sister will be happy in her marriage to the soldier, and I hope the others eventually find the right princes.
nOTP: Their father.
Random headcanon: For the Faerie Tale Theatre version, where all the characters are more sympathetic than in the Grimms' tale, I like @ariel-seagull-wings' headcanon that the princesses' parents were Cinderella and her Prince, now King. The eldest princess looks especially like their mother – since in this version she's played by Lesley Ann Warren, the 1965 Rodgers and Hammerstein Cinderella – and they've all inherited her love of ballroom dancing. But since Cinderella died, her grieving husband has become overprotective of his daughters, leading to the plot.
Unpopular opinion: I don't mind the fact that this tale is so rarely adapted, because it's not a particular favorite of mine, mainly because the ending falls flat. We never learn who the mysterious dancing princes were; there's just a vague statement at the end implying that they're under a curse, and that it's extended as their punishment for having danced with the princesses, but with no explanation of who cursed them or how they suffer from it. The princesses never redeem themselves for having caused so many men's deaths – at least in other stories with similar plot points, like Turandot, the princess has a transformative "learning to love" moment which is missing here. The eldest princess is married to the soldier as his reward, with no choice for her and no sense of romance, and this is portrayed as a happy ending, even though she and her sisters were willing to kill him rather than be forced to marry him.
So far, every adaptation I've seen has been an improvement, IMHO. First and foremost by removing the "every man who fails to learn the princesses' secret is beheaded" plot point, secondly by giving the soldier an actual romance arc with the eldest princess, and thirdly by changing the ending or at least giving it more depth. My introduction to the story was the anime Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics, where the princes turn out to be disguised demons luring the princesses to their doom, and the soldier fights them off and helps the princesses escape, earning the eldest princess's love by doing so. That twist might be melodramatic, but at least it gives the story a proper climax and emotional payoff. Then there's the Faerie Tale Theatre version, where the princes are dream figures created by the princesses in a magic ritual, and where the princesses' nightly outings are sympathetic, because their overprotective father needs to learn to let them grow up, go dancing, and meet young men in their own world. That's a good alternative too. (I don't have anything to say about the Barbie version because I've never seen it.) Basically, I think it's a story with great potential, but which needs adaptation expansion.
Song I associate with them: None.
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Elenore Abbott:
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This illustration by Kay Nielsen:
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These illustrations by Erroll Le Cain:
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This illustration by P.J. Lynch:
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These illustrations by Ruth Sanderson:
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These illustrations by Kinuko Craft:
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Date- Chapter 2
pov- Leigh Anne 
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 -And for the first time at the Melon Music Awards we have now invited a British pop girl group that has over 90 gold certificates around the world, making it the most certified girl band of the decade.
We were seated, each in a chair on the stage, ready to start introducing ourselves.
-Ladies and gentlemen welcome Little Mix with their new single "Woman like me".-
They announced and then all the lights were on us.
Jesy started her part and I started with my moves. Amazing that even after years I still get that butterflies in my stomach like it's the first time. But these moments are always unique. I sing my part and feel all eyes on me.
I think about how it must be for some Koreans to see a black woman for maybe the first time in this stage. I continue my performance and in a moment I meet his eyes on me.
Jackson Wang.
He was right in front of me with his partners and other well-known k pop groups.
His gaze intimidated me.
He didn't blink, he just stared at me, licking his lips.
I sang the chorus, looking at him.
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If I told the girls, they wouldn't believe that just before the performance i bumped into him, much less that he asked for my number.
But it makes no difference to me, I've met lots of guys like him.
I don't really know what his intention was in doing that.
Interest or sympathy?
It didn't matter to me, I'm not going to lie he's fucking handsome, but I'm not going to risk it.
I'm not in the mood to play anyone's game.
I look away from him and finish the performance.
- I love you guys - In the backstage Perrie said coming towards for a group hug.
- Me too- I kissed her cheek.
We changed our clothes and went to the central area of the awarding, our seats were reserved and for my luck we were next to the GOT7.
Big luck.
I did my best not to look directly at him as we passed the group and said hello.
We sat down and I started to enjoy some songs that I liked.
-You know who I noticed who keeps staring at you?- Jady whispered in my ear.
-Who?- I asked as if I didn't know, I felt it.
- Jackson Wang- she said excitedly.
- Oh, that's nice,- I sighed.
- nice? girl that's wonderful.- She widens her eyes.
I force a laugh.
- You talk like he's a god, and he's not all that- I look up at the stage, where Red Velvet was performing.
- I'm not going to argue with you - she turns her face away.
I smile at her attitude.
I take her hand and wink as she looks at me.
At the end of the awards ceremony, all the groups stand up and say goodbye.
As we stood up , GOT7 came toward us and bowed.
-I´d like to say that you are very talented, I am glad that you are here- a blond-haired man said in English.
I couldn't tell if it was Mark or Bambam.
-Actually, we all thank you- Jackson says.
I look at him for a second. Only now, I stop to look at what he was wearing.A black velvet suit, flat pants of the same color, and Gucci shoes. Not forgetting a silver necklace with the word “Wang”.
A few buttons on his undershirt were open, which made him look tremendously sexy. I realize that he is looking at me, I disguise it and look around.
Damn. I smile.
- 우리는 이것을 듣고 기뻐요, 여기에 있고 직접 당신을 만나는 것은 큰 기쁨입니다, 당신은 또한 놀랍습니다. - (We are happy to hear that, it is a great pleasure to be here and meet you in person, you are also amazing)- I say in Korean.
I laugh when I see the astonishment on most of the members' faces when they hear me speak Korean. A while ago I dedicated myself to learning languages, I didn't give it much importance, but now I value my learning.
- 함께 사진을 찍을 수 있을까요?- (Can we take a picture together?)- Jaebum asked with a smile.
We agreed and got together.
Jackson stood next to me and with one hand held my waist as he posed. I trembled but didn't let myself be embarrassed. I smiled at the photographer.
After the pictures we waved and left with our team. I only realized that I was holding my breath when we got into the limousine. It looked like I was in bad shape.
Why is this happening to me?
Could this be his effect on me?
-Leigh, is everything okay?- Perrie asks worriedly.
-Of course, why wouldn't I be? -I force a smile.
-Leigh, I know you better than anyone, you don't have to fake a smile or lie- she hold my hand.
-I'm just not feeling very well, I think it's tiredness.-I lie back.
She looks at me for a few seconds, but gives up.
I mentally thank her for not forcing anything.
When we arrived at the hotel, I went straight to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of wine and pour myself a glass.
I lean over the sink and drink.
I close my eyes with the taste of the wine on my lips.
I needed this.
-Drinking and not even calling me?- Jesy enters and picks up a glass.
-I needed it- I say, pouring her a glass. -You know, that drink they serve at the ceremony is very weak.- I take a sip and She laughs.
-Yes, and I also know that you like strong things- she drinks.
- The flavors are always better- I say with a smile. -Now, tell me how things are going with Chris.-
She smiles and picks up her phone.
It was almost midnight when my phone vibrated. It was a message from an unknown number.
 "Hi, it's me Jackson."
"I know it's late but it's the best time we have."
                                                                                                       "we ?” 
"wanna go out?”
" Its Nothing much, just talk and get to know each other a little."
                                                                                "I would love to but I don't think that will be possible."
I bite my lip.
"You are in which Hotel?"
                                                                                           "At the Lang Palace."
                                                                                           I answer immediately.
                                                              Fuck I need to get out for a while anyway.
                          "What are you going to do? You can't come here, I'm not alone."
                                                                                               My heart speeds up.
"stay calm"
It's been practically 30 minutes and his last message was useless. I was distressed. Insecure about what he might do, impatient.
I knew I shouldn't have accepted.
"If you can go to room 104 at the hotel."
I get up from my bed, put on a thin jacket over my setin sweater and put on Puma slippers.
I walk out quietly with slow steps so as not to make noise.
I can't believe I'm sneaking out to meet a guy.
I open the door with my key, went out and close it again. Each of us has a key.
 Thank God.
I take the elevator and go to the 10th floor. I get out  and in a few seconds I am in front of room 104.
What if this is a prank?
I sigh. I raise my hand to knock on the door but before I reach it the door is opened by Jackson himself.
I narrow my eyes slightly.
He is wearing a set of sweatshirts, unlike me, who is wearing sleeping clothes.I bow my head out of embarrassment. He takes my hand and pulls me inside.
After he closes the door, I turn and look at him.
- How did you do it? -
-It was the best option I could thought of, if we go out in public you already know what happens,- he looks at me seriously.
-yeah- I close my coat and sit down on the sofa.
- Do you want something to drink? - he walks into the kitchen.
-What do you have there? - I ask.
- Let's see ... champagne, wine, wiski and energy-
- Wine, please- 
- You are very different from your persona on stage- he hands me a glass and sits down facing me, leaving the bottle on the coffee table.
-Maybe I'm just a little reluctant on first dates.- I lick my lips.
- humm.- He agrees.
-What do you want to know about me?-
- each one has the right to a question, let's do it this way so it won't be so weird, ok?- He fills our glasses again.
-All right, go ahead.- I look at him.
-How many languages do you know?-
 I laugh, swearing he would ask something more serious.
-Five languages English, French, Spanish, Mandarim and Korean.-
-wow.- He smiled, surprised.
-And you?- I was sure he knew several languages, looking at him you can see, he is intelligent.
-Seven , Mandarim , English, French, Cantonese, Thai, Korean and Japanese.- He drank his wine.
This time it was my turn to laugh, and I leaned over and put my hands to my face. Still not believing.
Okay, I didn't think all that.
-You know, I was born in China so Mandarin is my fluent- he look me in the eyes.
-of course- i smile
- What were you like in school?- he ask
I lay back.
-I was a nerd.-I laugh again
He pays attention to me.
- I wore glasses and braids, as much as I always thought I was pretty I never stood out in terms of beauty, I stood out in my studies. i was very intellectual, I was one of the best students always winning trophies in math and writing olympics, the Typical teacher's darling. But I changed in my last year of high school, I started to do dance classes and attend music festivals and won a 2-year scholarship in a dance academy. Well, I didn't become popular, but I was known for my talents- I glare at him, who was looking at me impressed.
I raise my eyebrow.
He smiles, with a nostalgic look.
- I hated math, I was good in other subjects, except for exact. But I always loved physical education. My parents are athletes, so I got a taste for it,- he said with a smile on his lips
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I watched as he picked up the remote,he immediately turned on the TV and put on a random playlist.
-And how did you become an Idol?- i was curious.
- At 16 I went against my parents' preference and decided I wanted to be a rapper, they didn't approve at first, but supported me,- he laughed.- In the same year I became a Treinee.it was three very difficult years, but here I am.-
He stood up smiling and dropped the glass on the coffee table.
- Will you dance with me? - He held out his hand. I widen my eyes.
I got nervous, and didn't answer. I just took his hand.
He brought our bodies together and started to move. It was playing Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. The melody was soothing and melancholy, romantic, very cliché.
I closed my eyes as he moved his face closer to my neck, feeling his breath give me goose bumps.
I put my hands on his neck, hugging him. His smell was incredible, as if he had fallen from heaven to seduce me.
The wine I had drunk tonight was really doing effect on me.
I lifted my hands, caressing his head as he squeezed my waist and back.He stops the dance and looks at me with his face very close to mine.
I look into his eyes and close mine and We come together in a kiss.
Our tongues connected in an inexplicable way, a kiss full of lust and passion.His lips fit perfectly on mine, as if our souls were touching. He took control of the kiss and bit my lip, parting it briefly.
I took off my coat.
-You don't have to do this if you don't want to- he said, looking into my eyes and caressing my cheek.
-I want to- I pulled his mouth to mine again.
He lifted me onto his lap, and for a brief moment I broke away from the kiss.
- Promise you won't tell anyone about this- I asked, looking up at him.
- It's our little secret. -He smiled at me and led me into the bedroom.
And that's how it all began...
AN: I want to thank those who are reading, I really hope you are enjoying it. I want to apologize if the English is bad because English is not my first language, but I hope you can understand it. If you want to know more, leave me comments and I will continue.
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beardofkamenev · 4 years
The Romance of Catherine and Owen
From Elis Gruffydd’s Chronicle of the Six Ages (1552)
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Image: ‘The Seduction of Lancelot’, Le livre de Lancelot du Lac (c. 1401-1425)
This extract from Elis Gruffydd’s 16th century chronicle, Cronicl o Wech Oesoedd (Chronicle of the Six Ages), relays one of the popular theories of how Catherine de Valois, the Dowager Queen of England, met Owen Tudor, the Welsh squire who would become her second husband. In this version, Owen first comes to Catherine’s attention when she spies him bathing naked in a stream, and she later contrives to meet him in secret.
Catherine had been a widow for some years. The council forbade her to marry again, a prohibition which she openly resented. [1] At that time, a squire of Gwynedd, who was chief butler at court, [2] conceived an attachment for the queen's maid of honour.
One day in summer, he and his friends were bathing in the stream which skirts the castle walls. The Queen, observing them, saw that Owen — for that was the squire's name — surpassed the others in skill, and was more handsome of figure. Whereupon she turned to her maid and said, “Yonder then is thy lover?” “In truth,” replied the maid, “no sooner am I alone than he plagues me with his attentions.” “Let me,” replied Catherine, “take your place in disguise to-night, and he shall harass you no more.” 
Owen and the maid used to meet on the gallery not far from the queen's chamber. Thither the Queen made her way stealthily at nightfall. Owen had already arrived. Only a few words had passed between them when they saw a light approaching as though the Queen, as Owen thought, was on her way to her chamber. The maid's demeanour was strange, he thought, and he began to suspect that he was being deceived. He would have kissed her lips; but Catherine, who wished to conceal her face, struggled, and received a slight wound on her cheek. Meanwhile the light was coming nearer, and they parted. 
Next day Catherine instructed her chamberlain to command Owen to serve her in person at dinner. Then it was that Owen discovered that the Queen herself was the fair intruder, and he bent his head at the thought that he had wounded her. According to some, he would immediately have returned to his native land; according to others, the Queen herself detained him at court, and having ascertained his descent from the old British kings, married him secretly.
[Notes under the cut]
This translation from the original Welsh by J. Alban Morris can be found in Howell T. Evans’ seminal work, Wales and the Wars of the Roses (1905). Though a monumental literary achievement and wonderful example of Elizabethan Welsh language text, Elis Gruffydd’s Chronicle is “unreliable in many details.” For example, it claims that Owen Tudor was executed for marrying Catherine (he was executed in 1461 after the Battle of Mortimer’s Cross, twenty-four years after Catherine’s death), and that his marriage to Catherine took place in 1425 (it most likely took place in 1429).
There are no reliable accounts of how Owen and Catherine's romance began; there are, however, many poetical traditions. One of Owen’s contemporaries, the Welsh poet Ieuan Gethin (c.1390-1470), wrote that “on a feast day, [Owen] fell in love ... with the daughter of the king of the land of wine,” and that their meeting had been “energetic” and “passionate.” This accords with later English accounts that Owen first came to Catherine’s attention when he accidentally fell into her lap while dancing at a feast. The Elizabethan poet Michael Drayton (1563-1631) memorialised this event in his 1597 poem, Owen Tudor to Queen Katherine:
When in your presence I was call'd to dance, In loftie Tricks whilst I my selfe advance, And in a Turne, my footing fay I'd by hap, Was't not my chance to light into your lap? Who would not judge it fortunes greatest grace, Sith he must fall, to fall in such a place?
Another Elizabethan poet, Hugh Holland (1569-1633), wrote similarly:
His knee did hit against her softer thigh. I hope he felt no great hurt by the fall. That happy fall which mounted him so high.
However, as the historian R.A. Griffiths noted, “the pot-pourri of myth, romanticism, tradition and later anti-Tudor propaganda surrounding this match can rarely be substantiated with historical fact.” It would be unwise to take any of these accounts as a reliable record of the events precipitating Owen and Catherine’s romance, however appealing they may be.
[1] This refers to a parliamentary statute passed sometime between 13 October 1427 and 25 March 1428, prohibiting Dowager Queens of England from remarrying without the full consent of the king, which could only be granted once the king came of age. Any man who married a Dowager Queen without the king’s permission would forfeit his lands and possessions for the rest of his life. As Henry VI, Catherine’s son, was only six or seven years old at the time, she potentially faced another decade of widowhood. The statute was probably a response to a 1426 petition from the Commons— likely instigated by Catherine herself— requesting that hindrances to her remarriage be abolished; the petition was rejected and gave rise to the statute. It appears to have been passed with the agreement of both Henry VI’s Protector, his uncle Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and the de facto leader of the Regency Council, Humphrey’s adversary and half-uncle, Cardinal Henry Beaufort.
[2] The words “chief butler at court” appear to be an oversimplified and somewhat inaccurate translation from the original Welsh. Most scholars agree that Elis Gruffudd claimed that Owen had been Catherine’s “servant and sewer” (“yn wasanaethwr ac yn sewer”)— someone who serves dishes and tastes them. Although Elis Gruffydd’s source is unknown, his claim is not at odds with Henry VI's description of Owen as his “very dear friend and esquire” (“nostre tres cher ame et escuyer”). Owen was perhaps one of Catherine’s Esquires of the Household: a role which would have afforded him intimate access to the Queen. This also comports with the 15th century ‘Lincoln Roll’, which disparagingly refers to Owen as “a chamber servant.” The popular theory put forward by the Victorian writer Agnes Strickland (1796-1874)— that Owen specifically served as Catherine’s Master of the Wardrobe— does not appear to be substantiated. Nevertheless, it is almost certain that Owen served Catherine’s household and came to her attention that way.
Sources: Howell T. Evans, Wales and the Wars of the Roses (1905); Claire Sponsler, The Queen's Dumbshows: John Lydgate and the Making of Early Theater (2014); Ann Parry Owen, ‘“An audacious man of beautiful words”: Ieuan Gethin (c.1390-1470)’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, Vol. 34 (2014)
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muzzleroars · 4 years
Cake’s Bad End Au Part III: The Holy Grail
Here it is, the posts that will finally outline the events of my Bad End AU! I’m not a writer in any sense, but with so many people enjoying the content I create for this AU and several people asking about it, I wanted to write up a synopsis of the events that take place and, more simply, what this AU even is. This is my idea of what happens when Akira takes Yaldabaoth’s deal on Christmas Eve and all of its implications, so I hope everyone enjoys it and that it puts the pieces for my AU in context. There will be three parts: Akira, The Thieves, and The Holy Grail. This is Part III: The Holy Grail, which details how Akira is saved and how the Thieves ultimately conquer Yaldabaoth. (7,325 words)
(TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse and some descriptions of illness/pain)
When the Thieves meet again, there’s a strained sadness, close to hopelessness as they look at each other in turn and wonder if anyone has any ideas...the longer the silence hangs over them, the closer they come to saying out loud only things Goro has had the courage to say until now but, surprisingly, Ryuji speaks up. He prefaces what he’s about to say with acknowledging how stupid it’s probably going to sound and that he never really understood too much how the Metaverse worked but...with the scar on Akira’s chest, with the way it bled to summon that god, is it possible Akira’s heart was stolen and...if they get it back...maybe…? He trails off with the idea as no one speaks up, thinking it must have been SO stupid the other Thieves don’t even want to recognize it, but Ann says hesitantly that she thought of something similar. Ryuji nods excitedly to her and looks over to Makoto, their stand-in leader, and he’s hopeful by the look of concentration on her face as she considers what Ryuji says. They wait on her silence before she asks Goro about Akira’s heartbeat, how he didn’t feel a pulse, and Goro completes her thought by saying, as a being of the Metaverse, Akira’s heart being stolen has translated into something literal in a sense. His heart is actually gone...but it’s not in the way the Thieves’ had stolen them before, correct? After all, Akira is a pure being that Yaldabaoth is attempting to “perfect”, Makoto positing that perhaps his shadow was destroyed similar to a mental shutdown but Goro suspects it could be that he is severed from his shadow...and if that is the case, his shadow exists in some capacity somewhere as it seems not all of his memories are entirely lost. A rescue mission in a sense seems more feasible after seeing the god that controls him and if they were to find his shadow – or his persona – lost in the sea of souls, there must be a way of reconnecting the two in order for Akira to regain his heart.
All of this is conjecture, they understand that, but Futaba immediately begins to think on how she and her Persona might be able to find Akira’s heart...surely it must remain somewhere in Mementos and if she begins attempting to track for Arsène’s signature, maybe...maybe they could find him. And while he may have forgotten himself being stolen from Akira, perhaps, if Goro really does have similar capabilities, he could negotiate with him in the same way Akira used to in order for Arsène to remember himself. It’s a longshot and they all know it, but what in their work as Thieves hasn’t been? It will require them to face down a hostile Metaverse, perhaps even moreso now, time and time again before they may even get a hint of Arsène, but they all agree to the plan...including Goro, who mostly holds out hope that in finding Arsène, they’ll learn exactly what happened to Akira.
So with a plan in place, they push forward into Mementos once more and day after day they will spend hours roaming its halls, Futaba helping to cloak them along with smokescreens they’ve created using Akira’s old notes, but still they seem endlessly hunted with the Reaper in particular tailing them far more often than it used to. It’s grueling work, however, the team’s morale whittling little by little every day after an excursion that leaves them bone-tired but no closer to finding their answer...and what if they’re wrong? What if the god has totally destroyed Akira’s shadow and has modified him after causing a mental shutdown in him? It must be possible for an entity like that to accomplish as much...but even still, they persist because, after all, this is their best option – they can’t leave Akira as he is, and it’s either fight to the death or bet on Arsène still existing somewhere in the vast reaches of Mementos. It’s exhausting, it’s thankless, and the public continue to shift more and more due to the amounts of hearts Akira reaps, but it also reminds them every day that this cannot stand, that Akira would never have wanted this...even if he was the one that created it.
It makes all their pain well worth it when Futaba’s search finally pings late into the night in another trip to Mementos – a signature like Akira’s, like Arsène’s, wandering deep in the Depths where they know they can’t stay for long without fear of being devoured. It’s a mad dash toward that signal before they lose it, Futaba keeping a good track of it even as it moves erratically through the floor, and finally, finally, all of their patience and hard work can pay off. Arsène obviously isn’t whole, his mask cracked with broken horns and torn wings, making it clear how forcefully he was ripped from Akira in order to sever his will of rebellion and brainwash him for that god. He initially behaves similarly to the other shadows that wander the Metaverse, although his attacks are far more frenzied and disjointed, but, knowing all his weaknesses, the Thieves can easily surround him to attempt a negotiation...and it’s one that proves interesting, even difficult, given Akira’s propensity to wear masks. They must answer in a way Akira would like, the true Akira and not the one molding himself to whatever the other person might want to hear, so it takes the effort of each and every one of them coming together to answer the questions Arsène poses to them. Goro takes the helm on speaking with him, however, distinctly aware of how similar he and Akira could be if the disguise was peeled away from them both, and with that knowledge coupled with consultation between all of the Thieves, they come to reason with Arsène and in doing so, he remembers himself, he remembers Akira.
He takes up residence in Goro’s heart after thanking the Thieves for finding him, admitting that he too initially sought them out but, given his weakened state and his separation from Akira, he forgot himself. They learn from him all that happened to lead Akira here, how the false god had led him through this past year, how they had forged a powerful bond just as Akira had with all of the others here, how that trust was betrayed...how all of them disappeared and Akira was left to decide the fate of the world while held hostage under threat of death, under the coercion of his teammates being revived, under the impression of a cold and callous public that cared not for him nor any of Thieves that had been lost. In that state, he made the wrong choice – he gave in to his own desires and the god ripped Arsène from him, tore out any connection they had to each other in a bid to destroy Akira’s rebellious spirit and make room for him to take up residence where Akira’s heart had once been. Arsène was not gotten rid of himself as Akira was still human at the time and doing so would have killed him, with the false god a bumbling fool himself that has no knowledge of how the human soul works and so could never safely perform the operation himself. So Arsène was cast off into the depths instead, where Yaldabaoth knew he would ultimately forget himself and, in time, possibly expire due to his lack of a human host at that point. In other words, Yaldabaoth is arrogant, narrow-sighted, and stupid, hardly a god but instead just a being given immense power that had twisted Akira’s cognition...for all those months, in fact. Akira, locked in the Depths of Mementos under the guise of the Velvet Room, the two fused in such a way that Akira was, without knowledge, exposed to Yaldabaoth’s distortion each time he stepped foot into that cell – with no image of rebellion to protect him, he was slowly poisoned with Yaldabaoth’s influence, insidiously, to the point that it may have helped tip the scale in Akira’s decision. Now knowing the truth and knowing what their leader had suffered to bring him to this state, all that’s left was to see if the Thieves could return Arsène to him...or if it really would come down to their deaths.
Now would come the full exploration of Akira’s cathedral – the Thieves wait until there is another lull in hearts being stolen, knowing it means Akira must have returned home in order to rest. It could be their final mission, all of them knowing one of three things will happen today: They die, Akira dies, or Akira comes back to them, and while they have no idea which one it will be, they have steeled themselves for any and all possibilities. Back into Mementos, back into the cathedral, now fighting through zealous shadows that attack them for daring to step foot on holy ground again, but when they find Akira isn’t resting on his throne, they know this has become a full on infiltration. They treat it like always, sneaking over the rafters, hiding in shadowy corners, working deeper and deeper into the labyrinthine structure to find where he must rest in order to avoid the shadows that crowd his nave. Out of the public areas, they find the cathedral full of angels that serve Akira and are single-minded in his protection, particularly against the Thieves that have angered their god so. But their resolve is hardened, no longer fearful as they fight through blood and tears to carve a path to Akira’s private quarters where his personal servants launch one last stand against them. They are hellbent on destroying these invaders but it comes nowhere near the absolute rage felt by every single Thief, tearing them apart to finally find Akira once more, already awake and waiting for them. He’s exhausted now, the smile gone from his face that looks sicker than it ever has, wasting and no longer in the mood to humor them. He draws his scythe without words this time and they know it’s now or never, they would have to fight, wear down whatever resolve he still has left, and return Arsène to him just as Yaldabaoth’s control breaks but before he comes to his child’s aid.
The timing needs to be perfect, Goro having to gauge that opening as he stays in close with the others keeping him protected against any of Akira’s blows. The fight is a desperate one, Akira clearly burning himself out by fighting so soon after his punishment for defying Yaldabaoth in saving the Thieves the last they met, but it’s exactly as they had hoped even if it pains them to think what he must have gone through for it. It allows them to reach his breaking point sooner, to rip off that yoke of control where they can hear him, hear their Akira in his voice, and in that second, without a beat between them, Goro breaks through the ranks of the Thieves to summon Arsène. He rushes into Akira, the other boy dropping his weapon as Goro’s hand slams into his chest and all the Thieves huddle in around them, no clue how they could help but lending all their strength and all their pleas to Akira to accept Arsène, to remember himself if only for one second to open his heart again...and Goro feels Arsène leave him, the heaviness of his presence lighting off of his heart. The mark on Akira chest tears again, bleeds once more, but only a moment later it fades...not gone, but now a scar instead of an open wound as Arsène manifests before him once more, asking him to take back his future. The pain it causes Akira is immense, Yaldabaoth roaring in his head and attempting to drown Arsène out, drive him out of his heart once more where only one of them can stay. Akira screams and shudders, collapsing under the weight of a splitting headache...but it feels familiar, like he has been called to this before. He feels like he teeters on the edge of death but Arsène’s voice is familiar...all of their voices are familiar in that instant...he can’t put the memories together, they’re too fractured, but Arsène’s voice drives over Yaldabaoth’s reminding him that he did all of this for them, will he abandon them now and let them die?
Never. Akira will always save them, no matter the cost.
Led only by his emotions, he takes Arsène’s contract to expel Yaldabaoth from his heart in an effort that sees him fold in on himself entirely where Goro catches him, the cathedral beginning to crack and collapse around them like the Palace of a fallen ruler. They move quickly, rushing from the quickly disintegrating building and the palpable anger of a god that’s had his most devout servant stolen from him by Thieves. This is the point at which the Bad End AU splits into its good or bad ending (NO I haven’t decided on what is the “true” ending skdfd) – Akira either dies shortly after these events or he continues to live on in order to assist them in felling Yaldabaoth. If Akira dies, he does so just as they reach the end of Mementos – he tells them he doesn’t have the strength to go on in reality and even now, his body is only sustained by feeding off of Mementos, off of what Yaldabaoth continues to give him. As a last bid to help them, through pained and breathless apologies as a fever grips him and his vision begins to fade out, he uses what’s left of his strength to reopen the Velvet Room and return Morgana to the Thieves, as well as have Lavenza and Igor’s aid as Goro must work in his stead now. He apologizes for this, especially to Goro, thinking...they must have made a promise like this before, right? Goro is stained with his blood by now, coated in the smell of fresh roses as the Velvet Room door opens once more and Morgana rushes out, desperate to help, to guide, to give them hope...but he knows he’s too late seeing Akira’s limp and fading form held fast in Goro’s arms. Lavenza comes behind him, passing by Goro’s shuddering frame as he squeezes Akira, holding him tighter and tighter like that will keep him there with them, and she sits beside him. Akira apologizes to her too, in a voice so quiet only she and Goro can hear, and she forgives him, telling him she always knew he would make the right choice in the end while Morgana comes to join her. He gets in close to Akira, telling him how proud he is and how he doesn’t need to worry anymore – Morgana will lead them all to victory and he can just get some sleep...he’s tired, right? Akira nods, smiling again as Morgana presses in against him and the last things he can feel are Morgana’s comforting warmth and the safety of Goro’s arms before he leaves Yaldabaoth in capable hands.
Should Akira live, however, they reach the edge of Mementos just the same and Akira unlocks the Velvet Room as well, but he instead informs them he can’t possibly exist in reality. He asks them to just leave him to his fate for rebelling against Yaldabaoth, but Morgana and Lavenza arrive to offer him shelter in the Velvet Room which, now free of the god’s control thanks to Akira, he should be safe in as Yaldabaoth will find it impossible to reach. The Thieves know it’s their only choice, very aware that they’ll die if they stick around to think about it too much longer, and so they leave Akira in the hands of the Velvet Room before exiting the Metaverse at Lavenza’s insistence that they go home for a rest – Morgana will contact them the following day to coordinate their efforts. Akira escapes to the Velvet Room, finding himself exhausted and confused to the point that he immediately collapses and spends the next full day asleep. Morgana sticks close to him, only leaving when Akira wakes once more and he needs to go into reality to fetch the other Thieves for a full meeting after all this time.
When they arrive, all of them are ready to rush to Akira, to welcome him back and have a mini celebration for his return...but he’s not healed the way they all expect. He looks no different and he informs all of them he has no memory of them, not even a sliver beyond splintered pieces that flash without his consent that he cannot piece together, and he is not at all human. But Arsène, all of his memories were whole...Akira just shakes his head, suspecting Arsène sacrificed quite a bit in order to fight with Yaldabaoth for his rightful place, so while Akira can feel again, while his rebellious will has returned and he feels an unspeakable amount of betrayal toward his father, the specific memories of his human life are gone. He informs the Thieves that he trusts them implicitly and he will fight for them and their ideals, so they can figure out the rest once Yaldabaoth is...gone, but his voice is full of obvious reluctance and immediately Goro states he’s too much of a liability to go into battle with against his “father”. The Thieves object instantly, saying it’s Akira’s right to stand up against him just like all of them have done in the past and that they believe in his trust of them, that he initially did all of this for them. Akira nods, however, noting that Goro’s point is one based on logic and could be correct – While Akira has regained some of his heart, it is broken in a sense and he doesn’t wish to hold the group back from what they must do. The risk of him bowing to Yaldabaoth’s control isn’t minimal either, so he would ask to act as support and perhaps provide an expert source of navigation for their return to Mementos, given that he understands it as it is really just a part of himself. No one had expected Akira to jump back in as leader, exactly...but to hear him say he would act in a support capacity without fighting to go up against the one who wronged him so terribly is unnerving to the Thieves. It’s just...not how Akira would act. They try prompting him further but his response stays the same – Goro is being logical, he shouldn’t be on the frontlines. Morgana takes over for him at that point, saying it most likely is for the best to let Akira act as he thinks he should with a threat like this looming over all of them. Still, despite the Thieves being put off by an Akira that seems more like a shell than the friend they knew...they have Morgana back and Akira is there to help them at the very least, and they need to take victories where they can. Goro isn’t so easily sated, but he knows he needs to swallow his emotions for the time being too.
Truthfully, Akira knows it may not even be the best logical answer to allow him to go along with them at all as he feels Mementos churning and twisting, having already taken a small private trip before the Thieves had been gathered to see the agitation in the shadows there (just to the first floor, just out of the curiosity that has always plagued him), yet they still don’t move to attack him. He’s slightly puzzled by the development, but he knows it’s something to do with the public’s cognition along with...his father’s, but he has been cut off from Yaldabaoth’s thoughts, and so he doesn’t pursue the question any further for it is not his place to guess at the divine. Akira still believes in the divinity of Yaldabaoth, that he is indeed a god that was born of people’s will, and it’s difficult to accept the fact that he’ll soon be standing by the Thieves’ side in opposition even if he now does believe his father is wrong. Even still thinking of him as a parent, as the one that provided for and protected him...knowing that going to him now with his convictions set to aid the Thieves meaning that either they or his father will have to die. But he can’t let humanity suffer under his cruel and callous rule, he can’t let him drain humans of their independence and their right to grow and change, because Akira knows it’s not out of care for them but instead hatred for their failings. Even in his faltering resolve, he knows what is right and what is wrong...and Yaldabaoth, his father or not, is wrong.
And, though he senses love and devotion from the Thieves, he senses their discomfort with him as well, their fear of him and the way they emotionally recoil when he speaks (he doesn’t have human speech patterns down, so his intonation is still odd and flat). Goro is particularly repulsed by him, lashing out at him and criticizing him while the other Thieves quickly rush to his defense despite the obvious misgivings of their own...but he feels a depth and breadth of emotion in Goro focused solely on him that is nearly alarming to a being like Akira. And for his part, he feels love and devotion to all the Thieves, but it simply lacks context, the memories that would provide him understanding and the human capability to experience emotion to provide him clarity...and similarly, his feelings for Goro are profound and complex, ones he can barely understand and parse let alone come to label in neat categories. All of this mixed emotion dictates to Akira that he must remain strictly as a functional unit of the group, providing them aid and navigation when needed without adding anything unnecessary that may cause strife and therefor miscalculation. The Thieves themselves feel deeply guilty for their own anxiety around Akira, but...he truly isn’t their leader, he isn’t their friend, yet they understand how much of an effort he’s making now to support them. There will be time to heal after all of this and that thought keeps them going as Morgana helps bridge the gap between them, helps ease all the tension they feel in order to work with Akira the way they need to. Only Goro seems resistant to it, but they do know why he, out of all of them, would struggle the most with what’s become of Akira.
They don’t really have the luxury of waiting and getting used to each other, however, Yaldabaoth moving forward with what he had decided on Christmas Eve now that he’s lost Akira. Akira knows his plan, that he will force the real world to fuse with the Metaverse now that the bridge between himself and reality is gone – humanity was judged to be sinful and only granted a reprieve because Akira worked so tirelessly to instill Yaldabaoth’s ideals into the public. So with only some rest, the group can wait no longer as reality bends around them to resemble the Depths of Mementos and, with the Thieves receiving some guidance from the Velvet Room, they move forward to save humanity one last time. Akira does well to mind himself, assisting in tactical orders or, if he finds his mind buckling, keeping himself silent to focus on blocking out Yaldabaoth’s ideals, his insistence, his voice ringing in his ears still. He can manage with the help of Arsène and Futaba by his side but the further they go, the closer they get to his temple, the more silent he becomes and the seed of doubt planted in the Thieves grows little by little...but still, they push forward, they know Akira can overcome this. However, they know all too well that the real test starts when they reach the shrine of the Holy Grail, when they once again face the god that had held him captive and stolen his human life, the very will from his heart. Goro strongly suggests Akira leave them before they do so, but in his first show of true emotion, true conviction, he rejects the idea immediately, saying he will never be free if he doesn’t enter that temple with them...if he doesn’t find closure with his father. He can’t falter now, he can’t afford weakness, or he will surely wither when this world disappears with Yaldabaoth – and he will not betray them. The Thieves all agree after some contemplation and Morgana’s blessing, Goro the last to accept Akira’s presence but there’s something different in his eyes when he watches the other boy now before they enter the shrine.
Their final confrontation arrives, the Grail shining brilliantly in the center of the shrine surrounded by his devout followers and Akira is immediately inundated with thoughts that are not his own, Yaldabaoth’s voice booming against his skull in reprimands, in disgust, in hatred for him. He speaks to the Thieves too but Akira knows his words to them are different and they begin their fight, attacking him from every angle in blows Akira can faintly feel ghosting over his own body. He grits his teeth against the lashes, all of them paling in comparison to the fight to continue controlling his own body under the oppressive weight of Yaldabaoth’s presence encroaching on his heart. There will be a place for you, my child, there is always a place for you by my side to join in my reality...Repent. Repent and return to me if you wish to protect not just these humans but the ones scattered in every corner of the world, the ones who will suffer without you. Repent, or they die along with you. His father is growing angrier, wrathful toward the rebellious Thieves before him and the son that has abandoned him, soon no longer wishing to humor them as he takes his true form, the one they had seen come to Akira’s aid that day in the cathedral. Akira has fallen to the floor, clutching at a chest with a wound that’s reopening, little by little the flesh tears and begins to bleed around his fingers as his resolve wanes in all the pain he feels, in the guilt he feels at his betrayal and the grief he can feel in Yaldabaoth. What a terrible child, what an ungrateful child...what a cruel child to strike at the god that had protected and nurtured him so.
The Thieves stand up against him even now though, the blows they level against him growing more and more painful to Akira, his thoughts breaking apart as he forgets,  Arsène’s voice growing weak and distant and Yaldabaoth’s growing ever more powerful...and he finds the pain fading as he takes up his scythe, as the name “Akira” flickers out of his mind. Akira opens his eyes to look up, to see the Thieves bloodied and battered and still fighting as Yaldabaoth rains an onslaught of devastation onto them only for them to support one another, protect the weakened to heal them while the others attack with a ferocity that one exhausted and drained human being should never be capable of. Futaba is focused on the battle in front of her but immediately turns to see Akira as he rises, weapon in hand once more and looking too oddly calm. She calls out to him in fear, the other Thieves picking up on the shaking in her voice and those on the backlines grip their weapons in sweating hands, healing each other once more as the god mocks their sentimentality, their insistence to save those who never asked for them. Akira’s movements are unsteady, each one is fought against as that shred of his heart restored to him screams in protest and while the Thieves are forced to raise their weapons against him again, they know he’s struggling with every swing of his scythe, he’s fighting himself more than he is them. Memories flash, he remembers the fear, the dread of losing his humanity, losing the will to care for the people in front of him now that call to him, who are fighting for their lives but do no harm to him even as he attacks them just as Yaldabaoth commands. But his body is pulled unwillingly, his heart is with him again even if he’s too stupid to remember the people that love him, even if he’s too selfish to keep them safe like he once promised he would. It’s Yaldabaoth’s bid to control him but he is no longer a part of Akira...he can’t be, his heart belongs to him and him alone, and he can’t afford to cause suffering to those that would risk their very lives to return it to him...even if they go against the people and even if they are sinners. That’s what Yaldabaoth would say, but he lied, time and time again he told malignant untruths to Akira, who now does his best to keep standing even as that excruciating pain returns to him in punishing waves. It’s the least he can do, stand with them as they do all the heavy-lifting for him, lower the scythe he can raise at them but not Yaldabaoth still...he wonders if he was this pathetic in his human life, but then isn’t that just like a human? Having to lean on others?
But he is quickly punished for his endless defiance and his wicked treachery, for the very thought that he should admire human weakness. His vision shutters, the sounds around him ripped away, even the feel of the wind battering against him is stolen with such speed and such force it’s almost painful, every sense suspended. Numb even to pain he wishes would come back. Complete deprivation. Akira has felt it, it’s not the first time Yaldabaoth has taken every sense without warning as a way of breaking his hysterias...so they are not totally severed, are they? He closes him off to everything, allowing only the experiences he deems appropriate, usually just his voice, his words after Akira has experienced a loneliness so penetrating he’s on the edge of losing even the false identity of The Son. But here, the silence, the lack of existence, only lasts long enough to remind Akira of all he has suffered, of all he has had, before Yaldabaoth’s voice speaks to him, no longer roaring, no longer shaking him with the very sound of it, but instead how he would speak to him in the days they spent in the Depths alone, only together surrounded by shadows. It’s stern, but it doesn’t have that hostility, it is only for him even if he knows his father must still be striking at the Thieves, working every second to kill them while he comes quietly to his child. He will have no place with them, he is no longer human and he will only repulse those he fights for now, the ones he now swears allegiance to will abandon the unnatural child...it is in human nature to do so. He asks that he repent, that he assist Yaldabaoth is killing Thieves that will only betray him, and the child can return to his only home in the Depths of Mementos, the human who’s heart has stopped and who’s blood is now made of the Holy Grail’s ichor. They are of each other and the two cannot be split, not after Akira’s resurrection through his elixir, and no measure of rebellious will, no measure of human stubbornness, the refusal to admit loss and all the deficiencies and fallacies of mankind, can bring Akira the humanity that has died. So he faces the choice of rejoining his father now, swearing his loyalty and returning his control to the god he is bound to, or Yaldabaoth will offer him the mercy to kill him with the others, to put him out of his misery if he chooses to drive himself mad by aligning himself with humans when he can only be rejected by them. But Akira can feel Yaldabaoth’s grip loosening, not because he wills it but because Akira’s own heart is interfering, gnawing at his power over him and allowing his senses to filter in little by little. Yaldabaoth’s offer, rejoin or perish here, show that his yoke has been thrown off of Akira’s shoulders – he cannot simply kill the Thieves and take Akira for himself again, he must return willingly...and so he appealed to his emotions, threatening him with loneliness, the exact punishment he had used on him to great effectiveness time and again.
But it’s enough. Maybe Akira will always be alone like this, maybe the humans he fights for now will leave him, but he tells his father it’s okay as his sight flickers in and out, muffled, distant sounds reverberating in his ears...because as much as he is no longer human, he is not like Yaldabaoth either, is he? Yaldabaoth is disgusted by him in a way too, he hates the human parts of him that react with emotion, that are irrational and distracted by hobbies, undeserving of the halo around his head in Yaldabaoth’s eyes. Yet his father asks that he stay with him, continues to reach out to him even as he actively opposes him and it is not a functional request - Akira knows Yaldabaoth does not believe he needs him by his side to destroy the Thieves, nor does he fear his child could be his downfall if he does not rejoin him...instead, Yaldabaoth feels richer with him, a fulfillment when they speak together, and he had learned to attach himself to something so imperfect, something that angered him, repelled him, something he should hate and yet felt what, in his own heart, could be thought of as the opposite. So why not the humans too? They will reach out to him, they will feel richer for knowing him, but they will not punish him so for the things they hate about him...and Yaldabaoth has grown malignant in his hatred for humanity, those he is meant to save from suffering. Even as The Son, a being meant to believe only in the word of his father, Akira knew of this hostility, always aware in some part of himself that it was wrong no matter how many times he may have forgotten that. So...weren’t all their arguments just leading up to this? His senses continue to return, flooding into him as he admits to his father this fight is what he wants, he wants to stand in opposition to Yaldabaoth, to the father that retracts his hand now in anger, in insult, in pain of rejection. He can hear Futaba shouting frantically for him when focus returns to his features, his slack frame immediately tightening up at the pain that rushes through him again but he remains upright, spine stricken straight as pearl-like eyes stay fixed to the blinding angles of Yaldabaoth who redoubles his efforts to destroy the Thieves that have stolen the one thing he may have ever cared for.
But there’s a moment as he stands by and watches, eyes moving to follow the movements of the Thieves, that it seems they...his friends...have a chance, it seems they really may be able to stand against his father and triumph...but it’s short-lived. He strikes them all down, each one of their bodies striking the earth beneath them and they can’t move, they can’t stand even though he can feel their struggles, their desperation to just get up one last time, their despair when their bodies refuse to obey. Now only Akira stands behind them, a coward who can feel Yaldabaoth’s gaze on him, burning into whatever soul he may have left, who mocks him for rejoining these pitiful thieves, who mourns the fact that he must kill him now with the others for his foolishness...to lose his child so pointlessly, even a god must grieve for him. Akira chokes on his words, wanting to encourage them to stand again but he can’t, how can he ask so much of them when he’s contributed nothing? And yet...it rises up in him, but he realizes it’s the cognition of the people, of the public as Morgana joins him to stand again and refuses to fall before Yaldabaoth, no matter how many times he may strike him down. Human hope. Human hope, which Akira so deeply admired, now stands up to his father small...but growing. It flickers but Akira can feel it too, he can feel what Yaldabaoth stole from the people, from his friends, from himself, and he begins to straighten his stance again even against the pain blooming from his chest. It’s hope, but hope fueled by anger, by a righteous fury unlike anything he felt working for his father, and Arsène’s voice overtakes Yaldabaoth’s as he can’t bear to hear anymore of his sanctimonious lecturing when he stole Akira’s very heart. Human hope and human anger, human rage at cruelty and unfairness, it overtakes him, a sin! A sin, Yaldabaoth screams at him, a sin to feel such wrath, feel it no more! If the Thieves cause the child to commit such grave atrocities, they will die to cleanse him and force his repentance at the time of his own death.
No more. No more victims, not him, nor the Thieves that saved him, nor the humans he abandoned.
His body burns and it’s licked with blue flames, Arsène appearing at his side as shocks of black return to his brilliant white hair, light, barely there irises showing in eyes no longer blind. The public rises up behind the Thieves, Morgana standing first and the pain is fading from Akira’s body, the others rising in obvious agony as his scar stitches itself up once more and he can no longer hear Yaldabaoth in his head, his voice only on the outside now, only what the other Thieves can hear. He walks forward to join them, raising his scythe as he finally speaks, tells Yaldabaoth this must end, he is no longer in the favor of the people, and if he doesn’t heed what humanity wishes, Akira must be the one to strike him down. An ungrateful child...perhaps so, but he will never be controlled by another, he will never allow himself to abandon his ideals that he fought for and he will not allow himself to ever again forget the humanity he so foolishly lost, so let him be the ungrateful child. And it’s laughable to the Thieves, to Yusuke, to Haru, to Goro who had to do just the same as Akira does now...Goro who stands just by Akira’s side now with barely any space between them, and Akira can feel the spike in anger in his father at the display. They’re not meant for this, are they? Yaldabaoth attempts to strike down the Thieves beside him again but they refuse to fall now, still demanding Akira repent now for joining the sinful masses and Akira rejects his offer, no more salvation. If he wishes to keep humanity in the dark, if he wishes to continue to control them under a vindictive rule, then the son must punish the cruel father.
Akira awakens to his true self then, the one that still sleeps within Arsène – Satanael, the one Akira knows innately as the child of Yaldabaoth in Gnostic lore, the child that works tirelessly for his father until he learns how wrong he is, how false he is, how unfair and resentful he is toward humanity, and he rises up against him to release them before he is cast into hell for his betrayal. The chains of the shackles around his wrists are broken when Satanael is born, taking his stand before Yaldabaoth in defiance for a life lost, for putting his Thieves through so much grief, for nearly sacrificing all of humanity. He cannot take back the mistakes he made, but he can take his stand to save them all now and there’s a quiet moment in that stillness, Satanael leveling his gun at Yaldabaoth’s head, a moment of grief passing between father and son, before Akira allows his persona to pull its trigger and shatter Yaldabaoth, destroy the face that Akira once held a hand in reverence to. And the god folds in on himself, a piece torn from Akira as his life fades out over them and he says his goodbyes to his child, to the one who still somehow came to fulfill his role as the trickster against him. He loses his form, returning to his inert state as the Holy Grail that naturally finds its way back to Akira, floating quietly before him in silent moment of reflection until he reaches out his hand and it dissolves. Ripped open, taken from, and now healed just a bit again...what remains of Yaldabaoth is now a part of him, his humanity forever gone. But in this state, with the will of the Thieves that gather around him now, he can rewrite the world as it should be based on their wishes...and so it is done. The Metaverse fades, reality returns to its untouched state, and Morgana, along with Akira himself, are preserved by their wishes and their wishes alone.
Shibuya has returned to normal, the public milling around them seemingly unaware of what they all just accomplished, but Akira can feel now that they are free, at the very least. He thanks all of the Thieves and they return the sentiment instantly, the wall between them and him seemingly vanished, crumbled at least, as they all express happiness at the peeks of black hair and his clothes now changed in reality, meaning he has some solid form again. He’ll keep getting better and so will they, so they insist they’ll see him tomorrow and absolutely, no questions about it, spend some time at Leblanc to catch up (he’ll love the coffee, they know it). He smiles again, this one more full and more earnest despite his grief, accepting their offer but wishing to return to the Velvet Room for now, too exhausted to carry on and the Thieves all agree...but as the group splits off and he watches his new but familiar friends leave in contentment, in relief, in a renewed sense of trust in him, he sees that Goro doesn’t follow suit with them. He’s quiet, but only because Akira senses a weight on him, one he can’t sort through himself and while Akira can’t fathom the correct human response, he instead just asks if he’ll be there tomorrow too...at Leblanc, a name he thinks he knows, that feels safe...he adds that he hopes he will be when Goro maintains his silence at the question. There’s a moment of hesitation but there’s a shift too, a small bit of surprise, before Goro looks toward him to nod with a faint but sharp smile, adding that he hopes Akira won’t forget before he takes his leave as well. And while Akira still feels so many volatile emotions in him, something did change between them before Yaldabaoth...and he needs to understand who he was, who they were, and without knowing why or how right now, he knows Goro will be integral in regaining what he gave away. He leaves the bustling square only when Goro’s been swallowed by the crowd, exhausted but with Morgana padding along at his heels in high spirits (but sooo ready for a cat nap, he says). And while it will be slow, while Akira distinctly feels he will never be human again, he knows now each step back will be one into his old life, into his friends’ lives, into what he and Goro share, and he can take his time.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 239 “Discharge”
So… well, Noda continues with a chapter whose sense of humor makes me feel what Kikuta is feeling.
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Yeah, really, sorry, but this is not my sort of thing.
The cover is…
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… well, it’s apparently based on this video from the movie “She Hate me” by Spike Lee. I warn you, watch at your own risk.
So we go back on the story that see Usami and our wannabe ‘Jack’ that after just a moment of standoff… pardon, jack-off attack each other with the ‘weapons they have at hands’ (I’m sure you can figure what I’m talking about without having me to spell it out), Usami yelling to a shocked and grossed out Kikuta that guy is the killer before… well, ‘firing’. In a “Matrix” like scene ‘Jack’ avoids and fires back only for Usami to avoid in a beyond spectacular manner.
Jack then runs away, only for Kikuta to pull out a more conventional weapon, one of his many Nagant M1895 and fire at him multiple times before chasing him with Usami, the two going to two separate ways to try to encircle ‘Jack’.
Too bad that Jack as a horse and, with it, slams against Usami, sending him flying.
Kikuta manages to hit both him...
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and his hat, which falls.
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If the image we’re shown is reliable Jack has short hair. Kikuta then tosses his now completely discharged beloved Nagant away (his eyes aren’t shown to better deliver how this pains him... will he managed to recover her later?)...
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...and runs to ‘Jack’, managing to grab on him and climb on his horse. He then grabs another of his Nagant (honestly, if this was another manga I’ll expect Kikuta to have a hammerspace filled with them but more ‘realistically’ he has just more than one holster under his coat) and point it to Jack’s head.
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Unluckily for him ‘Jack’ still has a good hold on his ‘very personal peculiar weapon of choice’ and is reading it to fire.
Kikuta, who might face an army of Russians trained to kill him but not THIS (and I don’t blame him that’s a job solely for people like Usami though I think Ushiyama might do good as well) starts sweating and, instead than blasting our convict’s head away, tries protecting himself with poor results.
In fact ‘Jack’ gets him in the eyes and causes him to fall off the horse (I guess congratulation are in order to ‘jack’ for his ability to accurately aim behind himself while riding on a horse with such weapon).
Usami reaches Kikuta, whcih complains ‘Jack’ managed to get his eyes (trust me Kikuta, you aren’t the only one who was screaming ‘my eyes!’ through this chapter), then the two resume running after ‘Jack’ but they’re neither Koito nor the Tsukinator and so ‘Jack’ on his horse, can easily distance them. They hear a woman screaming but get there too late, only to find her dead.
Kikuta wonders if he did this while in the middle of running from them. The scene switches to a running and panting ‘Jack’ who evidently has discharged the horse and, with his already bloody knife attacks another prostitute, murdering her as well.
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I wonder if he’s panting also due to the shoot he got from Kikuta. He doesn’t seem to be blending though. On a sidenote our ‘Jack’ confirms himself to be left-handed. The first time he killed he used his left, he took care to… ‘charge his gun’ with his left and now he’s stabbing again this woman with his left.
It’s worth to point out that Japan at the time wasn’t a left-handed people friendly environment, with people being discriminated and people were afraid they wouldn’t get married if they were left handed and only from 1989 the percentage of children undergoing correction steadily began to drop -- although still around 60%... and it’s also worth to remember Japan isn’t the sole country which had bias against left-handed people.
I’ll quote Wikipedia on this just to give you a general idea as I find meaningful they even have a page devoted to this:
‘In many religions, including Christianity, the right hand of God is the favored hand. For example, Jesus sits at God's right side. God's left hand, however, is the hand of judgement. The Archangel Gabriel is sometimes called "God's left hand" and sits at God's left side. Those who fall from favor with God are sent to left, as described in Matthew 25: 32–33, in which sheep represent the righteous and goats represent the fallen: "And he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right, but the goats on his left." In 19th-century Europe, homosexuals were referred to as "left-handed". In Protestant-majority parts of the United Kingdom, Catholics were called "left-footers", and vice versa in Catholic-majority parts of Ireland and Irish America. Black magic is sometimes referred to as the "left-hand path", which is strongly associated with Satanism.’ [Wikipedia: Bias against left-handed people]
… so, if ‘Jack’ is from another country there’s a huge chance he moved from an unfriendly environment to another.
It’s worth to mention that the original ‘Jack the Ripper’ was originally assumed to be left-handed when they speculated he would kill his victims standing in front of them. Later they figured out he first would render his victims unconscious by strangling them and then kill them while they were on the ground, likely positioning himself behind them so that blood wouldn’t fall on him.
So either our ‘Jack’ isn’t the original ‘Jack’ or Noda is constructing him according to earlier theories on his modus operandi (he doesn’t strangle, he kills the victim as she’s standing in front of himself, he uses his left hand).
Now, back to the story… I got the impression Kikuta managed to hit ‘Jack’ when he shoot him… but ‘Jack’ doesn’t seem to be leaving a trail of blood as he walks so it’s hard to say if he’s panting and running that way due to a wound whose bleeding he managed to stop or just due to fatigue.
It’s the day after.
Takuboku Ishikawa, our journalist working for Hijikata, is on one of the crime scenes,
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still pesteringon details about the murder the weird policeman we met in chap 239 (remember him?)...
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...while the latter is ignoring him. The policeman has the hat lowered on his eyes.
There’s another known face and it’s the photographer.
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(Remember? He was there too and lol, in the exact some pose it looks as if Noda has copypasted him there.)
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He doesn’t seem to be left-handed but since left-handed people were corrected, in everyday life ‘Jack’ probably can’t use his left hand so it might be useless to search for a left-handed guy using his left hand in a normal situation.
Everyone else among the bystanders seems to be a new guy... okay, maybe the old and partially bald guy might be the same in both pictures but I’m not sure. In this chapter he seems curious but, who knows, he might be a different character just drawn for background. Besides his hair seems too long to be ‘Jack’s’.
Well, to be honest there’s another guy who’s not a new guy but we’ll get to this in a moment.
Kikuta comments ‘Jack’ this time killed two women and wonders if he was just trying to create chaos to escape or was merely doing it to taunt them. According to ‘sperm detective Usami’ it can be just something he decided in advance.
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It’s worth to mention the canonical victims of the original ripper were:
Mary Ann Nichols, found on the 31th of August 1888
Annie Chapman, found on the 8th of September 1888
Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes, both found on the 30th of September
Mary Jane Kelly, found on the 9th of November 1888
So yes, on his third murdering attempt Jack killed two women so we can speculate this is a copycat or, if he’s meant to be the real Jack, his backstory would include a reason to murder 2 women at his third attempt (in the real Jack’s case it was speculated he murdered 2 because he was interrupted during the murder of the first woman so it wasn’t planned).
Anyway Kikuta wonders if Jack will come back and how it’ll be troublesome for them to track him now that he has 4 ‘sacred places’.
However Kikuta now tells us something relevant. He managed to get a look at the side of his face… and at his dick. I hope he doesn’t plan to go demand people to show them to him so he could identify ‘Jack’…
Usami suggests they’ll go check the other crime scene so that Kikuta might try to spot him. Kikuta though, has spotted something else so he tells Usami to go ahead that that he’ll join him later.
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What Kikuta has spotted is the ‘fail master of disguise’ Private First Class Ariko Rikimatsu, which starts sweating as hell as Kikuta speaks to him and who tells him not to turn around and that basically he could recognize the sexy bulky build of Ariko’s body everywhere.
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Okay, Kikuta didn’t exactly said that but really, there are PLENTY of men with a bulky build so, unless Kikuta is a bulky build bodies expert, his words sounds a bit… unbelievable unless it’s Ariko’s bulky build body itself who’s special to him.
And anyway, really Ariko, don’t get so nervous. You fail at deceiving people it seems.
Kikuta says he never heard Tsurumi talking about Ariko being there so he asks him if he came there with Hijikata.
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We don’t get to hear Ariko’s reply but it’s likely he confirmed it. Still it’s interesting it was cut as well as the fact Kikuta wanted to speak with Ariko away from Usami’s ears.
Did Kikuta want clarifications on why Ariko betrayed him? Or just make sure Usami won’t attack him again? Or has Kikuta his own plan?
We’ll see.
And is Ogata overlooking that meeting from somewhere? I bet he knows Ariko isn’t trustworthy so can it be he’s keeping tabs on him? Or is Hijikata who’s doing so? Or both?
Anyway the scene switches to the coast of the sea of Okhotsk…
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and I find this interesting because we see that there’s a city there… but we aren’t given its name. As long as they weren’t Ainu villages Noda had always given us the names of the places in which the characters were from big cities to minor spots like, for example, the village of Fukagawa, regardless of them spending a lot of time on the place or just a chapter, like the coal mining town of Utashinai.
When this first happen in chap 225
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I though it was because Tsurumi was on the move, from coastal city to another, although it really didn’t persuade me… and maybe it could also be Noda for some reason didn’t have material on that part of Hokkaido so the whole thing would be edited in the volume version with the name of the place. However quite a while has gone from chap 225 and we still don’t have an EXACT idea of where he is, not even through a map.
There are big cities on that coastal area, from Wakkanai, the city ship on which Asirpa rode was supposed to reach, to Okoppe to the well known Abashiri… but also various small cities.
They could have said he’s still in the Wakkanai area instead…
Is there a reason to leave us in the dark even when Tsurumi clearly is in Japanese cities?
Is it a Watsonian reason or a Doylist one?
Anyway Tsurumi informs his men he received a telegram from Kikuta (who therefore knew in which city he was and this means either Tsurumi warned him where to find him day by day or he’s not exactly moving around a lot).
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He doesn’t tell us what Kikuta said but that he’ll only leave two men behind to continue searching for Asirpa (meaning he hadn’t figured she has long moved from the coastal area) and the rest will go with Tsurumi to Sapporo.
The final page shows both Tsurumi and Hijikata (who’s apparently outside the city looking at something… Ogata practicing with the rifle? Ariko secretly meeting with Kikuta? Sugimoto’s group ALSO coming to Sapporo?).
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The implication seems to be that Ariko has tattled out Hijikata’s presence in Sapporo and Kikuta has relied the information to Tsurumi therefore Tsurumi plans to go there and have a faceoff with Hijikata.
Tsurumi didn’t see the need to move for just a convict but if it’s Hijikata, who might have the remaining tattooed skins as well as info... well, the thing becomes much more interesting.
So with everyone being or going to Sapporo, I wonder if Sofia (currently in Hokkaido), the candy seller convict (last time seen in Utashinai) and the still missing convict (whereabouts unknown) will also go there.
Only 3 more chapters are needed to end volume 24 but I wouldn’t dislike it if, before the end, Hijikata and Ogata were to have a chat. This volume showed us some of Sugimoto’s past.
More on Ogata’s past would also be appreciated but, if I’ve to be honest, I’m also looking forward to more info about Kikuta and about Kadokura.
When Hijikata finds the room in which Inudo kept all the material he had collected about him in his fangirlish obsession to get Hijikata, we can see on the wall a list of all the convicts that had been cellmates with Hijikata but also Kadokura’s name.
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Or better ‘Kadokura Tanuki’ (門倉タヌキ), Tanuki being the nick Inudou gave to Kadokura.
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Let’s start with this.
A Tanuki (狸 or タヌキ) is a Japanese folklore animal, commonly associated with the Japanese raccoon dog,  which in folktales often played the part of foolish animal, often with really big testicles (that’s why Inudou said he pictured him as pathetic Tanuki with big balls in chap 118)… however if we compare it to the Kitsune (fox), which are the epitome of shape-changing animals, one saying is "the fox has seven disguises, the tanuki has eight (狐七化け、狸八化け)". The tanuki is thus superior to the fox in its disguises, but unlike the fox, which changes its form for the sake of tempting people, tanuki do so to fool people and make them seem stupid. Note that 8 is a lucky number, which might tied to how Kadokura is actually lucky. However it’s also worth to mention the kanji used to write Tanuki (prior to the linguistic reform of 1947) was "貍", and referred to all the middle sized mammals, especially to wild cats.
So… why all this rambling?
Well, not only Inudo didn’t write down Kadokura’s name, just the surname plus his nick but near Kadokura’s name there’s also written ‘real father’ and then what look like 4 kanji, none of them similar to the kanji used to write Kadokura’s surname.
So basically not only we don’t know Kadokura’s name but also Kadokura’s surname and we’re facing someone who, for association, is compared to an animal much more expert at disguising than the fox (Inkamart).
Now I wouldn’t question Kadokura’s loyalty to Hijikata. In vol 18 he was willing to die to save him. He also seems confident he’s unlucky… and he might have been forced to change surname because his father was on the losing side of the Boshin and therefore carrying his father’s surname would have been bad for him.
The point is if not even his surname is… well, his surname, Kadokura is a men shrouded in mystery, about whom we know nothing except he moved to Abashiri 7 years ago, with Sugimoto commenting he’d been looking over Nopperabou by 7 years… meaning he moved there when Nopperabou moved there (note that Asirpa said the gold incident happened 5 years before but then everyone when with the 7 year thing so maybe there was a retcon).
In short maybe this is all for fun and the truth behind Kadokura is nothing special… but it can also be there’s much more to him it looks like. We’ll see.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Postwoman au (Part 5)
N/A: So, here we go. I have this idea that Krampus is unintentionally stalking Kitty-well, he did a background check on Kitty. Just to be safe- while it was for professional reasons...Kitty is stalking Krampus for her own reasons. Anyway, this idea is based on a Krampus´s fics I read. I used 2 times the plot "Kitty dated a teacher" so I´m subverting.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt @muninandhugin
The envelope is has a light tone of pink as the handwriting- obviously not make by human hands as no one could perform such type of signature so perfectly- is being held by her cold fingers absently. One can see the name addressed to Kitty Pryde( Katherine Anne Pryde) and how she is cordially invited to a social gathering- the words are sophisticated, but, the meaning of those words are simple to see- know as a wedding. And Kitty can´t help herself by letting a mirthless grin graces her face. 
Peter Wisdom and Sarah Malloy will officially be a couple and Kitty is beckoned- that´s the word used. The invitation doesn´t like to repeat words- to such occasion. And Kitty fingers could rip the letter in half in no time, yet, she can´t help to notice some little things in this story.
Peter and Sarah dated for 5 years. Kitty and Peter meet each other 5 years ago- she was a student at university. She was a student in his class- and 5 years ago Peter made a proposition to Kitty...and she refused as much she wanted to say yes...one little fact rules out any possibility for Kitty to say yes. Being a teacher´s pet is one thing. Date one is another entirely.
(She still caught herself thinking in what-ifs. As harmful it is. And Kitty still holds the letter)
"Will this be like Jean and Scott´s wedding?" Kitty asked to no one but herself- a student near her listen and made the shush sound as he´s back to his book rather annoyed and perplexed. The pile of books to his side and the bags under his eyes paint an obvious picture here- and Kitty chastised herself for this thought. She can be better than this. 
She puts the envelope in her bag and leaves the table where she was and ignores the student who was picking another book in a desperate fit as some papers ended up falling to the ground - the student is now muttering something relates to equations and maybe he wasn´t as silent as he was hoping since someone made the shushed sound. Kitty is heading to the librarian with some books in her arms.
The librarian flashes a kind smile. A beautiful woman and Kitty bite her inner check as she notices her pretty face and eyes- she gentle shakes her head making her ponytail flipping around like a cute tail- "Uhm, hi...I think I´m having some trouble" she begins and the librarian- her name is Amy Lestrange. And she has a heavy German accent that is somewhat familiar- and she should show the books but instead, Kitty holds them closely and looks over her shoulders.
The Librarian. Amy. Is paying attention to her movements. Kitty looks adorable right now.
Let be know that Krampus doesn´t go head straight to torture. He did mention to Kitty how he was spies, but, sometimes the man himself likes to see with his own eyes. A request made by an old friend prompts Kurt to disguise himself and investigate a wizard who is fumbling with things he shouldn´t. So far, Kurt has a 90% certainty of his guilt. He will only act when he has 100%.
Amy´s face or the idea for this mask was based on one of his old flings- a pretty witch who made a deal with Krampus a long time ago- and well, the dead can´t sue him. The disguise work like a charm- he almost laughs at this silly pun- when his eyes noticed the silhouette of Kitty Pryde trying her best to hide some books from public view.
Krampus is too curious to end the rouse now. Her words let him even more curious and well, Kurt sees no harm done to continue to be Amy. "And what the problem would?" he asked coming a bit closer to her face- Kitty has brown and doe eyes. Full of secrets and something else-noticing her blushing. 
Kitty still hides the book and looks one last time behind her shoulders to see if anyone would peep tom on her choices of book, once proving all the others are too focused on other projects, Kitty puts the books in the balcony.
Kurt is half amused. Half embased as well. A bit of Fremdschämen 
"Uhm, do you want more hardcore porn?" Amy asked in a professional tone. Erotic is no longer a taboo theme, at least not anymore, so if Kitty wants to read something more "spicy" Kurt won´t judge her- he´s a bit flatter, to be honest- and Kitty blushing again is cute. Her checks have such lovely color.
She should blush more often!
"Ok, no, of course not!" she all but shout in a low tone. And clears her throat as her eyes notice some eyes on her figure. "I mean, really serious research" she looks too focused in a way he often has when she is doing one of her courier´s functions. "And well...those books are a bit useless" and then her face closes off, not literally. Kurt has seen people literally closed faces before.
"I want to know things about Krampus...not which Disney Princess he fucked" and she raised the book as if this is the proof of everything wrong in society.
Ah, I remember those series...
She bites her lips cutely. She can be really cute sometimes. "I don´t need to know what Elsa, Krampus, and Anna do at Christmas" she looks peeved and embarrassed. Amy is professional. Kurt is inwardly amused.
"Why the interest in Krampus?" a fair question. People who sought Krampus have two reasons to do this and Kitty is not the type who would ask for revenge or a kinky fuck...or is she?
Kitty puts a lock of her hair behind her hair. "Is a project" she replies confidently. Amy arch one eyebrow. "And is not because you´re working for him? Look, I´m a witch and we, witches, have a way to know about things...especially Germans witches" to be fair on his part, he´s not lying. Kitty´s job is not a secret.
Kitty then tries again. "Look. Yeah, I work for him...and I can´t help to feel as if he knows details about me and ...that´s not really fair" and ok, Kurt can see her side. He did look upon her past. Still is amusing she wants to know his past in this way instead of just asking.
"Well, I can give a summarize of Krampus, if you want" and she comes closer again. Kitty smells like strawberry and is a sweet aroma if you ask Kurt. Kurt can´t help himself by smiling like this- really, he can´t. Kitty is making this too easy- "Or Krampus take your kids or your wife" and Kitty blinks at this and picks a book with a dark cover.
"Like this story?" and she frowns. "I didn´t like this idea. Yeah...I can totally believe he likes sex. A lot" she blushes again and let her finger trace some of the other books. "but this one here paint him as a hypocrite...and I think he´s not ..."
Kurt can be moved by this declaration if nothing else.
"Well, many stories often show his bad side or make him a cartoonish villain..." Kurt recalls the time Hollywood makes a movie where he was cartoonish evil and was in a love triangle with the Easter Bunny...Easter Bunny was not pleased.
"So, there´s to have more about him...he can´t be just...take your kids ...and your wife...like, how old is he?"
Amy smiles. Not entirely professional.
"Old enough to not be called Krampus"
Brian Braddock is a man who used to drink a lot- to cope with his sister´s death and then resurrection- but after he made an ass of himself 2 years ago...the British man enter into AA and never touched alcoholic beverage ever again. So, right now, Brian is completely sober as he watches something that it must be a dream...or a nightmare.
A beautiful woman with long blonde hair and an hourglass figure is staring at him with a beaming smile and shining eyes. She´s beautiful. She´s innocent and she´s not real. She can´t be.
"Hello, my name is Meggan Puceanu. I´m a succubus" she says those words too calmly. And Brian is too sober for this. SO is 100% real.
"I never touched a drink again...and won´t do now" Brian states to a confused Meggan who congratulates him even if she´s missing the point. "So, are you here to kill me? Cause death by sex is as wonderful and terrifying as it sounds" he tries to joke about it. Tries.
Meggan blinks at this. "Oh no, I´m well feed, thank you, no...I´m here cause I heard you are after Shadow King...I want to help"
Brian opens his mouth and closes again and again.
"Ok. Welcome to Excalibur"
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#8 Boy-Crazy Stacey: Chapter 1
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Here we go with chapter 1! Check it all out under the cut:
We open with Stacey asking her mom how she's supposed to behave in a MANSION. She's concerned, as she remembers how they helped Kristy give her dog Louie a makeover so he would fit in with the wealthy dogs (which apparently happened in #7 Claudia and Mean Janine...I don't remember that part but I also haven’t read that one in years). Stacey's mom (who’s got it going on) tells her that Kristy is nuts sometimes gets carried away, but she'll always be a dictatorial bitch with a Napoleon complex the same. She then reminds Stacey to be careful about what she eats. Stacey gives her an *eyeroll*, as this is when her parents were still in paranoia mode regarding her diabeetus.
Being that this is an early book, Stacey starts in with the Chapter 2 crap now, when she describes the BSC and all the members. I love how the first few books were in real time and the events are all perfectly sequential. Elizabeth and Watson the Millionaire are newlyweds, the BSC held a play group last month, and they're now going on vacation (separately!) before starting 8th grade for the first of 910 times. Whatever went wrong along the way?
Stacey runs to her bedroom and tries to decide what to wear. She's looking for casual, yet sophisticated, “to look impressive in case any rich neighbors dropped by.” I'm guessing “sultry” is thrown in as well, so she can show off in front of Sam. Was anyone else weirded out by Stacey and Sam being an on-again, off-again couple? I forget if Kristy ever made any mention that she was grossed out by her friend dating her older brother.
Anyway, I wouldn't call the outfit she decides on "sophisticated," even though she says she bought the pink shirt in NYC:
“Big, bright green and yellow birds were splashed all over it. It was gigantic, so it would be cool. I put it on with a pair of baggy shorts, looped a wide green belt around my middle, and hunted up some jewelry - silver bangle bracelets and a pair of silver earrings shaped like bells that actually ring when they dangle back and forth.”
*Checks date of publication* 1987. Mind you, I was barely a year old when this book was written, but even going on what I know about 80s fashion, I am not getting a sophisticated vibe from Stacey's ensemble. More like "I'm going to the mall in August!" or "I'm on vacation in Disney World and it's luau time!"
Stacey whines a bit about how her parents won't let her get two holes pierced in each ear (they say it'll make her look like a pirate), then a car horn beeps outside. Mr. Kishi is driving Stacey, Mary Anne, and Claudia to Kristy's! Unfortunately, we're spared the details of Claudia's outfit.
Stacey runs downstairs to meet them, but her mom stops her to present her with some apple slices. Oh come on, Maureen. Stacey already said Kristy would have some diabetes-approved food for her! She also describes her diabetes and uses the word "kerflooey" to describe what would happen to her blood sugar if she ate a single jelly bean (and not one of those yucky sugar-free kinds). 
Stacey's dad (who’s also got it going on, I guess) is outside gardening, so this is obviously pre-divorce. And do the Stoneybrook dads have any other hobbies besides gardening? Well, I guess John Pike has baby-making. Ed waves goodbye and warns his daughter to be careful. Stacey mentally *eyerolls* again, and reassures herself that they aren't as bad as they used to be. And I think he added the "be careful" in there as a reminder in case she gets near Sam, if you know what I mean. Safety first!
They arrive at the MANSION, and everyone is in awe. Because, you know, it's a real, live MANSION! And they're brought back to reality when they see Kristy hanging out front, in shorts and a t-shirt, eating a Popsicle and reading People. It's a crazy concept, but yes, girls: "normal" people do live in MANSIONS. And People? I could see Stacey or Claudia reading that. Something like Sports Illustrated would be more Kristy’s thing.
Dawn arrives, and the girls head upstairs, with Stacey marveling at how big the MANSION is. She compares it to her apartment in NYC, which was considered big because it had four bedrooms, though Stacey doesn't seem convinced that's big. Um, a four-bedroom apartment in NYC? That's fucking HUGE. And if the McGills could afford an apartment that big, I think Watson the Millionaire has some competition...
They get to Kristy's room and Stacey asks Kristy where her brothers are. Clever way of disguising your interest in knowing where Sam is, Stacey! Unfortunately, getting to third base will have to wait, as Kristy says Sam and Charlie are at their neighbor's house, using the pool. Kristy adds that she and her mom made a ton of sandwiches for dinner, including some plain tuna fish ones for Stacey. What's wrong with the others if Stacey can't have them? Are they chocolate frosting and peanut butter M&M sandwiches? Actually, that sounds like a Claudia creation.
Stacey says she and Mary Anne are spending the next two weeks together and she's nervous about it. Mind, meet gutter. No, they're going to be joining the Pike Army for two weeks as mother's helpers, and Stacey's nervous because they're oh-so different. Stacey brags about her sophistication and "couple of boyfriends," while calling Mary Anne young (you two are the same age! Geez!) with no interest in boys (this is obviously pre-Logan). Well, aren't you so worldy and grown-up, Miss McGill! Do you want to join me for cocktails later?
The other girls express their envy at spending two weeks at the beach; I laugh because Stacey says they'll be chasing after the Pike kids and lists them, including everyone's favorite red-headed, glasses-wearing dweeb. Oh, the days when Mallory was still a babysitting charge. No wonder they still kind of look down on her.
Also, are the Pikes paying for Stacey and Mary Anne to come along, therefore giving them a free vacation apart from the babysitting? If so, pretty sweet deal, even if it means having to endure Mallory for two weeks. Like I asked before, how loaded are the Pikes? 
And if anyone cares, Dawn and Jeff are going to California to visit their dad (leaving Sharon alone to throw the pot party to end all pot parties), and Claudia's going with her family to a mountain resort in New Hampshire. Elizabeth and Watson the Millionaire, however, want to get some family bonding time in with everyone, so they're staying in Stoneybrook. More like Watson the Millionaire's a cheapass, so they're staying in Stoneybrook.
Elizabeth brings the sandwiches and some sodas to Kristy's room and the girls scarf down their dinner. Stacey later tries on some of Kristy's clip-on earrings to see how she'd look with extra piercings, and I'm left wondering what the hell Kristy Thomas is doing with clip-on earrings.
Later, Mary Anne gets a Great Idea (don't tell Kri-, oh wait) for everyone to exchange addresses so they can send postcards. Then Kristy tops that idea with one of her own. She asks Stacey and Mary Anne on penalty of death to write her daily postcards as notebook entries so they can keep the BSC notebook up-to-date. Creepy. And what a wonderful way to waste a ton of stamps! Dawn says she might babysit for her old clients while in California, so she'll send some notebook entries too. Um, WHY?!? Does the BSC honestly give a shit about Stephie, or Clover and Daffodil?
David Michael calls up to them that everyone's parents have arrived. Then Kristy starts to cry, followed by everyone else. So not only is Kristy crying, she's the first one, even before Mary Anne, who cries at everything. WHAT?!? I have a feeling the moon isn't in the seventh house, and Jupiter is not aligning with Mars here. The girls sob into tissues and hug because they're going to be separated for OMG two whole weeks! Geez, the way they're carrying on, you'd think they were going to be apart for two years and heading to opposite ends of the earth. Drama queens. The girls head home and Stacey's still all emo about being separated from everyone for two whole weeks until she looks at her new bikini, which makes her think of the beach and cute boys and she gets excited. Of course she would.
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wearesuchstuff1 · 4 years
Star Crossed
What happens when you take a Star Wars obsessed nerd who is getting a graduate degree in Shakespeare Studies and you put her in quarantine with three essays to write for almost two months?
A Star Wars/Shakespeare AU for every one of Shakespeare's plays!
Read on AO3.
     All's Well That Ends Well  
Kylo as the King and Rey as Helena.  Kylo has been stabbed by a lightsaber.  Who stabbed him?  Totally not Rey, what are you talking about??  Rey offers to heal Kylo with the Force (because that’s apparently a thing you can do?).  Kylo doubts she can do it, but Rey offers to make him a deal - either she fails, in which case Kylo can kill her, or she succeeds, in which case she gets to choose her husband.  Kylo agrees to this, secretly hoping that if she does manage to cure him that she will choose him as husband and not that annoying Rebel pilot or that ex- Storm Trooper.  Rey does manage to heal Kylo, but instead of throwing herself at Kylo, Poe, or Finn, Rey decides she’s a strong independent woman who doesn’t need a man and this way none of them can push the issue because she gets to be the one who ultimately chooses who, or if, she marries.  Sorry Shakespeare, this play’s super annoying and I am not inflicting most of this plot on my Star Wars babies.  
     Antony and Cleopatra  
Leia as Mark Anthony, Han as Cleopatra.  Leia is a very busy, powerful, accomplished leader of the Resistance.  Everyone looks up to her and she has lots to do as her Rebel forces battle the Empire.  If only Han Solo weren't so damn sexy and distracting…
     As You Like It  
Ray as Rosiland and Finn as Orlando.  After escaping from Jakku, Ray must seek her family in the Forest of D'Qar.  Finn, in love with Ray and fleeing the wrath of the new, hostile government, also ends up in the Forest.  There, Ray finds her family, learning that family does not begin or end with blood, and learns to find “tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones and good in everything.”  
     Comedy of Errors  
Anakin managed to avoid the temptations of Palpatine but when Palpatine discovers that Padme is pregnant they, with Obi Wan’s help, agree that the children must be kept safe from the Sith Lord.  In the wake of Order 66 Padme takes Leia and C-3PO on one ship and Anakin takes Luke and R2-D2 on another.  The twins are raised apart but when Luke comes of age, he sets out with R2-D2 to find his twin.  Hijinks and hilarity ensue, but in the end Luke and Leia, R2 and 3PO, and Anakin and Padme are all reunited.  
Obi Wan as Ophidius, Palpatine as Menennius, and Anakin as Coriolanus.  Palpatine is intent on shaping the warrior Anakin in his political image.  Anakin would much rather stab things with his lightsaber and rail against the establishment than put up with politics.  Obi Wan and Anakin are gay for eachother.    
Leia is Imogen, Anakin is Cymbeline, Palpatine is Anakin’s evil lover, Palpatine's clone son is Cloten, Han is Posthumus.  Leia married Han but Anakin doesn’t approve because Anakin and Palpatine want Leia to marry Palpatine’s clone son.  After Han has been kicked out he goes to Jabba’s palace and sends Jabba the Hutt to try to seduce Leia because Jabba tricks Han into betting that Leia won’t betray him.  Jabba brings “proof” to Han of Leia’s supposed infidelity and Han sends Chewie as Pisonio to lead Leia to the deserted deserts of Tatooine to kill her.   However instead Chewie brings a disguise for Leia to dress up as a boy to keep her safe from Han.  Dressed as a boy, Leia gets separated from Chewie and meets Obi Wan (as Belarius) and Luke (as Guiderius/Arviragus).  Leia doesn’t know that Luke is her brother and after she falls ill she takes a potion given to Chewie by Palpatine that ends up making her fall into a dead sleep.  I can’t be bothered to explain why.  Thinking her dead, Obi Wan and Luke plan to bury her until Palpatine’s clone son, dressed as Han and looking for Leia, arrives and, because he is rude, gets his head cut off by Luke, who lays him (headless) next to Leia.  When Leia wakes up she thinks that Han is dead and, in great despair, Leia goes off and pledges herself as a page to Tarkin, who is leading the Empire’s fleet against the Hutts.  There is a big battle where Luke, Obi Wan, and Han kick ass, and at the end all mistaken identities are revealed, Palpatine dies and confesses his sins (not in that order), Han and Leia discover they were only tricked into thinking they didn’t love each other, and Leia still gets to strangle Jabba.  In conclusion, this is a batshit play.  Thanks Shakespeare.    
Well it’s not Anakin because he doesn’t take any time to ponder anything before killing the people who killed his parent.  He just kills them.  And not just the men, but the women, and the children too…
Ben Kenobi tells Luke that Vader killed his father.  Horrified by this information, Luke sets out across to Galaxy to confront Vader.  By act five Luke has stabbed the Emperor through a curtain (thinking him to be Vader), Vader and Luke have both been stabbed with a poisoned lightsaber, General Tarkin has drunk poison intended for Luke, and Princess Leia is knocking on the doors of the death star.  With his dying breath Luke tells his school friend Biggs (who Luke is not-so-secretly gay for) that he gives his vote for Leia to run the Galexy after he is dead.  At this point Ben Kenobi is beginning to wonder if maybe he shouldn't have lied to Luke about his father after all.  Also, R2 and 3PO are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.  
     Henry IV, Parts I and II  
Han as Hal and Jabba the Hutt as Falstaff.  Hanging out with Jabba and his other lowlife friends has given Han a bad reputation.   Despite Jabba's insistence that they be partners in petty crime and enjoy all the entertainment and Corilian Rum the credits from their crimes can buy, Han must grow to realize that his friend is holding him back from his true place in the Galaxy and that he ultimately must turn away from his old (large) friend in order to become a General in the Rebel Alliance and to stand by its Princess's side.    
     Henry V  
Jyn and Cassian know, as their small band of brothers lands on the beaches of Scarif, that they are outnumbered ten to one.   Nevertheless, as they prepare to head once more unto the breach they are determined to make ten men feel like a hundred.  They know that if they are mark’d to die, they are enough to do the Rebellion loss; and if to live, the fewer men, the greater share of honour.  They fight valiantly and are able to bring the Rebellion hope by sending the plans for the Death Star to Princess Leia, but in the end none of them outlive that day, nor come safe home.  
     Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III  
Despite the threats posed by the Clone Wars, the Jedi look above all else to their religion, leaving the path open for their enemies to take from them their power and, ultimately, their lives.
     Henry VIII  
Obi Wan is Anakin’s first wife and Padme is Ann Bolyn.  Anakin cheats on Obi Wan and the Jedi Order with Padem.  When the world finds out (youngings’) heads will roll.
     Julius Caesar  
Snoke, Kylo, and Hux as Caesar, Brutus, and Mark Anthony.   Despite his pledged allegiance to Emperor Snok, Kylo turns against his master and stabs him with his lightsaber, inciting a power struggle between Kylo and Hux and some impassioned speeches to the gathered Storm Troopers.
     King John  
Palpatine as King John, Mace Windu as the Pope, and Anakin as the archbishop (and Hubert).  Palpatine, in order to assert his influence over the Jedi and to continue to bring Anakin under his power, insists that Anakin be appointed to the Jedi Council.  Mace Windu is furious that Palpatine would interfere in this way and attempts to “excommunicate” him from the Republic.  Anakin turns on Mace Windu and the Jedi Order, and Palpatine sends him to the Jedi Temple to kill the younglings (specifically a youngling named Arthur).  However, when actually faced with the task Anakin is unable to do so.  Instead he lies to Palpatine and tells him the younglings have been killed.
     King Lear  
Lear/Cordelia as Vader/Luke.  Vader is slightly (maybe a lot) crazy and angry and he tries to give his son, Luke, part of the Galaxy, providing Luke pledges his allegiance to Vader and the Dark Side of the Force.  Luke is not having it so Vader cuts Luke’s hand off.  In the end, after some battles, Vader realizes Luke is in the right just in time to die.
     Love's Labour's Lost  
By swearing off attachments and secluding themselves in their Temple, the Jedi believe they will better be able to learn from and serve the Force.  But then Qui-Gon Jinn meets Shmi Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi meets Satine Kryze, Ahsoka Tano meets Lux Bonteri, and Anakin Skywalker meets Padme Amidala.  Together they learn that attachments are not so easily avoided.
The Nightsisters, led by Mother Talzin, predict greatness for Darth Maul.  In fact, when he is apprenticed to Sidious, Talzin predicts that Maul will become the most powerful Sith Lord and that he will soon become the master, no longer the apprentice.  Fueled by this promised power, Maul, encouraged by his wife Lady Ventress, plans to kill Sidious.  However, he is disturbed by Talzin's predictions that while he may become more powerful than even Sidious, it is Sidious's future apprentice, Darth Vader, who’s children will defeat the power of the Dark Side.  Thinking himself invincible thanks to Mother Talzin's predictions he sees no reason to fear the two Jedi who arrive at the Naboo palace of Dunsinane in a ship called the Birnam Wood.
     Measure for Measure  
With the Empire not giving a fuck about the Outer Rims, Jabba is left to his own devices on Tatooine.  When Jabba captures Luke and tries to feed him to his pet Rancor, Jabba proposes a deal with Leia that if she stays with him he will let Luke go.  Already feeling that she is married to the Rebellion, Leia is torn between her love for the Alliance and her love for Luke.  Ultimately Leia decides she’s better off strangling Jabba while Luke blows up his ship.  Even though this isn’t what Mariana actuall does in the script it’s what she should do becasue fuck the patriarchy.    
     Merchant of Venice  
In a last-ditch attempt to save the Republic she loves, Padme comes before the senate and reminds them that 'the quality of mercy is not strained'.  She advises them that mercy 'is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes the throned Emperor better than his robe: his lightsaber shows the force of temporal power, but mercy is above the lightsaber's sway".  Her impassioned speech reminds the senate to see past the blood lust fueled by Palpatine and the Clone Wars and Padme single handedly manages to avoid the death of democracy to thunderous applause.    
     Merry Wives of Windsor  
Jabba the Hutt is Falstaff.  That’s all.
     Midsummer Night's Dream  
Finn and Poe, both thinking they are in love with Ray, follow Ray to a forest planet.  Rose, in love with Poe, follows him.  In the forest R2-D2 and his young companion BB8 use trickery and (Force) magic to help the humans sort out this love triangle mess (yes, this does make C-3PO Titania). Finn and Poe realize that they are actually in love with each other and Ray reaffirms that she is a strong independent woman who doesn’t need a man.  Rose gets left in the woods because J.J. Abrams forgets about her.  
     Much Ado about Nothing  
Leia/Han as Beatrice/Benedict.  Despite the seemingly daily war of words between Princess Leia and Han Solo in the hallways of Hoth’s Echo Base, it seems every Alliance member except the Princess and the smuggler knows that the two are in love.  While the verbal battles continue (some more sophisticated than others - Han’s only available comeback to Leia’s rather weak “scruffy looking nerf herder” jab being “who’s scruffy looking?”) Chewbacca, Luke, R2-D2 and a relatively confused and unwilling C-3PO ‘undertake one of Hercules' labours; which is, to bring Han and the Princess Leia into a mountain of affection the one with the other’.  By the end both Han and Leia are separately convinced the other is madly in love with them and relent (purely out of the goodness of their own hearts and not at all because of any feelings they might have) to save the other from their suffering and agree to marry them.  Also Jar Jar Binks is Dogberry - do not question it.    
In order to serve his own purposes, Palpatine manages to turn the righteous and lauded warrior Anakin Skywalker against his wife, Padmé Amidala, with whispered lies and deceits, resulting in Anakin choking and, ultimately, killing the woman he loves.  That’s it.  That’s the film.
Anakin as Pericles, Padme as Thaisa, and Leia as Marina.  After fleeing from Mustafar with Padme, Obi Wan and Bail Organa watch helplessly as Padme gives birth to twins then, seemingly, dies.  Afraid to bring more attention on themselves from Sidious and his new apprentice, the men place Padme’s body in an escape pod and eject it near Jedha.  What they don’t know is that Padme is only mostly dead (which means she is a little bit alive).  When her escape pod is found by a young local force user named Chirrut Imwe he brings Padme back from the brink.  Knowing that her husband is dead to her and with no way to contact her children, Padme decides to dedicate herself to the Force at the ancient Jedi temple Chirrut and his husband Baze Malbus brought her to.  Meanwhile, Leia is raised by Bail and, when she is old enough, dedicates herself to the Rebellion (sorry guys, I just can’t bring myself to have Bail try to kill Leia).  However, when Leia is captured by the Empire she is brought before Vader.  They talk and compare stories, and through their connection in the Force they realize that they are father and daughter.  At the descovery of his daughter Vader decides ‘you know what, fuck the Emperer’ and casually destroies the Empire.  Then the Force leads Anakin and Leia to Jedha (which hasn’t been destroyed because of reasons).  There they discover Padme living in the temple of the Jedi.  After a tearful family reunion with Anakin, Padme, and Leia, the three eventually decide they had better go save Luke from spending the rest of his life as a moisture farmer on Tatooine.  
     Richard II  
Ben Solo as Bolingbrooke and Luke as Richard II.  Luke, hoping to raise Ben Solo in his image, is heartbroken when he senses the dark side in his nephew.  In a sudden and desperate attempt to keep the dark side from the world Luke banishes Ben (with his lightsaber).  Furious at Luke’s betrayal Ben turns to the dark side and destroys everything Luke has sought to build.
     Richard III  
Turning against his own family, Kylo Ren murders and betrays in order to obtain the position in the First Order he believes his lineage affords him.  Hux is Ann.
     Romeo and Juliet  
Finn has been raised to be a Storm Trooper since before he can remember.  All his life he has been taught to hate the Resistance.   Poe’s parents were Alliance members during the time of the Empire.  They raised him to stand against the First Order.  Finn and Poe thought they knew their beliefs, until the two meet and, despite all they have been taught to believe, fall desperately in love.  They are, quite literally, star crossed.  BB8 gets drunk off fermented oil and delivers a Queen Mab speech in exclusively beeps and whistles.
     Taming of the Shrew  
The Alderaanian Princess is a bit of a firecracker and has no time for anything in her life but the Rebellion.  So when a smuggler shows up and decides to try to win her over Anakin, who did not turn to the Dark Side, laughs and says he’s welcome to try.  Meanwhile, Bodhi Rook, Wedge Antilles, and Biggs Darklighter (yes, this IS his last name…) are all vying for Luke Skywalker’s attention.  When Luke goes to Anakin and wines ‘but daddy, I want to get married’ Anakin makes a new rule: “YOU’RE NOT GETTING MARRIED UNTIL LEIA GETS MARRIED!”.  In order to have a chance at marriage Luke must team up with Chewbacca to help Han tame Leia.  It doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone except Han that it is actually Leia who ends up doing the timing.  
In (self-imposed) exile a grumpy, gray haired Luke hangs out on an island strong with the magic of the Force.  Ariel is a Porg.  
     Timon of Athens  
Despite the Clone Wars, Obi Wan Kenobi is glad to be well liked and surrounded by friends he trusts.  Then one day his friends (specifically his best friend and a bunch of clones) betray his ass.  So what does he do?  He runs off to the Outer Rim to the sandiest fucking planet he can find (because his ex-best friend hates sand) and spends the next 19 years being poor and grumpy.
     Titus Andronicus  
Seriously, the only story I know with more severed limbs that Titus Andronicus is Star Wars…
     Troilus and Cressida  
When Padme married Anakin Skywalker they exchanged vows, of course, but they also exchanged pieces of clothing.  It’s an old Naboo tradition that Padme’s mother loved and Anakin found cute, so why not?   It was a silly thing, but the sleeve Anakin gives her stays with Padme, folded neatly in a small box, as Anakin fights the Clone Wars throughout the Galaxy and Padme fights them in the Senate.  But then Anakin falls to Darth Sidious’s powers and when Padme confronts him he almost chokes her to death.  Almost.  After giving birth to two healthy children Padme, Obi Wan, and Yoda agree that it will be safest for the twins to be raised apart in order to better hide them from the Dark Side.  Obi Wan takes the boy to Tatooien and Padme’s friend Bail Organa takes the girl to be his adopted daughter.  Padme, seperated from her children, spends the next several years traveling the Galaxy, doing good where she can and keeping herself away from her children, afraid that her presence will endanger them.  But Darth Vader finally catches up with her.  She is captured by the Sith Lord and taken prisoner and her already shattered heart breaks once again when she is brought before him.  Her captor demands that she be his, insisting that she love him and give up her foolish affection for the foolish boy she met on Tatooine all those standard years ago.  To prove her new supposed devotion to Vader, the Empire, and the Dark Side of the Force, Vader demands Padme supply him with a token of her affection.  From her small pack Padme draws out a box with an old but neatly folded sleeve within. She hands it to the Sith Lord, a token of her love, in the hopes that it might remind Vader of the love Padme bears for another man.    
     Twelfth Night  
After escaping Darth Vader with the plans to the Death Star, Luke and Leia, twins raised together as royals on Alderaan, crash in their escape pod on Tatooine.  Believing her twin brother to be dead, Leia dresses as a man to better hide from the Empire.  She is hired by a handsome smuggler named Han Solo, who sends her as an envoy to the palace of Jabba the Hutt, hoping Leia can gain information about Han’s lost love Qi’ra.  Han is intrigued by his new hire and his apparent aversion to the Empire while under her disguise Leia finds she is falling in love with Han.  Jabba is confused about why this petite boy Solo keeps sending wants to know about someone named Obi Wan Kanobi, Chewie is considering changing up his single munitions belt style with some fancy cross-gartering, and somehow Luke ends up at Jabba’s in a slave bikini.
     Two Gentlemen of Verona  
Lance and Crab - Ray and BB8 on Jakku.  Ray, having no family to speak of, designates her left shoe to be her mother, her right shoe to be her father, her staff to be her sister, her hat to be their maid and she is the droid.  No, the droid is herself, and she is the droid - O, the droid is her, and she is herself.  Ay, so, so.  She plays out her imagined family life with shoes and staff, bringing herself to lonely tears. Now the droid all this while sheds not a tear nor speaks a word; but see how she lays Jakku’s dust with her tears.
     Winter's Tale  
Abandoned after his family exited pursued by a (space) bear, Baby Yoda finds a new protector and adopted father in Din Djarin, the Mandalorian.    
     Cardenio and Love’s Labour’s Won  
These two are the 6 hour uncut Phantom Menace because they are lost and I would give my first born child to see them.
     Sir Thomas More, The Spanish Tragedy, and Edward III  
All the books/legends - not because of the plot, but because although George Lucas had very little to do with them they are really only known, by those who know them, in association with him and his works.  There is a large debate by ‘scholars’ as to whether they should be accepted as canon or not.
Chewbacca is ecstatic when he hears that an Alderaanian princess has taken up residence in the detention block of a nearby moon space station.  He hopes that this princess might be the perfect match for his handsome yet headstrong smuggler friend.  After all, it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single Alderaanian princess in possession of a good fortune of Credits, must be in want of a husband.
I must give a huge thank you to my friends who put up with me while I did this and contributed fabulous ideas!  Vaxildamn, Dazingparadise, Kaethe, and Eric, I couldn't have done this without you!
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greetthedawn · 4 years
I set out with the intention to write 6 chapters over 6 weeks. It turned into 16 chapters over 6 years.
I got Black Flag on my 17th birthday, and now at 23 it remains my favorite story, full stop. I'm ready to move onto other projects, but I know I'll come back to these characters in time. Never at this length or with this attention to detail, probably, but I'm pleased with what I've accomplished here.
At the risk of sounding Oscars speech-y, I want to thank you all for giving this story the support that kept me coming back to it time and time again. I'd also like to thank my college roomie who has been beta-reading and cheer-leading for me these past two years. I never would have finished this story in a vacuum.
I hope you enjoy this last chapter of Come With Me Now!
So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light
‘cause oh that gave me such a fright
but I will hold as long as you like
just promise me we’ll be all right
Edward's final act as governor of his own little cove was to finally affix a proper headstone to his late wife's false grave.
He had delayed the task longer than he had originally intended when he had buried the box of her letters just over a year earlier. This was in part because he had grown rather fond of the grave marker Mary had fashioned from an old stool seat. The carvings had held up quite well in that time and it had individuality to it. The time had come, however, to leave Caroline with a memorial that would last in the absence of his care.
The date was October 1723. Edward and Mary had tied up their loose threads in the West Indies. The Assassins had finished shifting their base of operations to Great Inagua. There were no longer any pressing matters keeping them tied to the Americas, and their agreed-upon year had come to an end. The day had come to sail for England.
Edward had truly pushed off this task until the last available moment. Their crew – what men who had chosen to leave with them – were at the docks preparing the Jackdaw for the departure. Mary was in the manor giving each room a last comb-over to ensure they hadn't forgotten any necessary or treasured belongings in their packing. Meanwhile, Kenway was elbow-deep in the dirt with a trowel.
When the hole was reasonably deep enough to hold it firm, Edward shifted the tablet stone away from the tree where it had been propped up and lowered the bottom third into the earth. With a huff, he sat back on his knees to admire his work.
He reached out to brush his fingers across the engraving and muttered, "Two years, I promised you. It turned into eleven, but I'm leaving now. I'm coming back, and I'll come to visit you when I get there. That's a promise I'll keep. I do that these days… I'll find your real resting place, and I'll sit with you whenever I'm in Bristol, just as I have here beneath this tree the past year." He pulled his fingers back from the lines that traced out her name. "I'll see you so soon."
When he had finished repacking the earth around the new headstone, he rose, dusted himself off, and tucked the stool seat under his arm. He made for the house, taking in his lovely garden for the last time as he went. He was satisfied, on Ah Tabai's word, that the false grave would remain in place for as long as the Brotherhood held the cove.
He entered the main hall of the manor and was struck, as he always was, by the grandeur. His eyes fell over every painting and trinket he and his men had won on their travels and brought back there to adorn the walls of their base with. Every trophy, every scuff on the woodwork, every empty bottle told a story of a sailor truly living. He had built something out of this room, something he was proud of. Each of his finest deeds had come together in some way to scaffold what this cove had become.
Beyond the memories he shared with his crew in that house, it had been the cradle where his relationship with Mary had found its legs. She had been at his side when they'd taken the cove, had led him to the manor through the tunnel she'd found in its bowels. It had been in the office where she'd first urged him to the aid of the Assassins, at the docks where she'd invited him to Tulum, and on the patio where they'd finally torn down their defenses and begun to stitch their hearts into one.
He imagined, perhaps, that giving over guardianship of this cove and all its memories to his Assassin brothers would be a small glimpse of what he might one day feel when Jennifer was grown and married and starting a new life with a partner of her own. I cared for her. I watched her grow. I gave her what I had, and she turned it into something greater than myself. She has been my life's great joy, and now I trust you to treasure her the same.
He gave a bittersweet sigh, trailing his fingers over the rough, paint-chipped grain of the back of his usual chair at the head of the long banquet table. He allowed himself five long breaths to imprint the room in his mind's eye. Then, he left through the door opposite the one he had come in.
His heart smiled when his eyes fell on his wife. Mary sat at a small, round table in the sunshine just outside the door. On its surface rested two cups, a bottle of rum, and the journal that held her research and communications on Precursor artifacts. Her hair was tied up in her disguise as James Kidd, but she held herself as Mary. She had an easy set to her shoulders and mouth that told him she was relaxed, present in the moment, unconcerned about who was looking or how she was perceived.
"You didn't nearly forget that was locked in my desk, did you?" he asked, pulling out a chair for himself and gesturing to her notebook.
She offered him a warm smile and poured a drink into the empty cup, sliding it across the table. "I rather had a mind to keep it under lock and key 'til we were ready to sail." She shrugged. "It's too valuable to leave unattended on deck. It's a good job it didn't slip my mind though." She nodded toward the wooden grave marker he'd leaned against the leg of the table. "You bringing that along?" Her tone was amused.
He nodded with a humble grin. "I found it strangely difficult to part with," he answered around the rim of his cup. "Much like this here cove." He gestured generally with his gaze at the grandeur of their surroundings. He imagined their accommodations in London, once they'd settled, would be spectacular. There, however, in Great Inagua, he was a king, and a beloved one at that. He wondered if his heart would ever be graced by that feeling again, to be a leader among men alike in mind and purpose. He hoped he would, in some capacity or another. For all he knew though, he was leaving it behind on the docks.
Mary thumbed the handle of her mug thoughtfully. "I feel like I'm parting with Nassau all over again, though I didn't know that's what I was doing the last time I was there. I didn't know that was a final goodbye, the way I do now."
Edward nodded in mournful agreement. "I think I did. When Vane and I broke through that blockade with his fireship, there was something final about it. Perhaps I might return to the island, I had thought at the time, but our Republic, the community we had built with Thatch and Hornigold and all the rest, that had died the very day Rogers brought the King's Navy to our shores."
She reached across the table to give a reassuring touch to his hand that was picking at the grain of the wood. "At least we know this community here will stand long after we've left it to our stern."
He gripped her hand tightly in return and cast his gaze out over the valley below. From where he sat, he could just barely see the crosstrees of the Jackdaw and the rooftops of the trim shanties and huts of the village. The air buzzed with life and opportunity. The morning was late, and the sun shone high over the liveliness of his dominion. Its warmth was reflected in the pride he carried in his heart; no longer pride for who he was, but rather for what he had helped create.
A short distance down the patio, Assassins and pirates drank together at a large table by the banister. Smiles and friendly jests seemed to waft among them like a gentle breeze. For an endless moment, the scene shifted in Edward's eyes to one he had always dreamed of making a reality, but which had never borne fruit: his fellow devils of the sea, all gathered amicably at his manor, sharing a bottle with not a care in mind.
He saw Stede Bonnet, all draped in merchant's finery and smiles. The portly old chap had carried such a heart for adventure and contempt for domesticity, though perhaps piracy had not been the optimal way for him to explore those sentiments. Such a kind-hearted man had not deserved to meet his maker at the hangman's noose. Edward prayed, wherever his widow and children were, that they were well and remembered Stede fondly.
At Bonnet's side sat Vane. As brash and uncorked as he'd always been, Edward had truly liked Charles and counted him as a friend. The man had had a clever eye for mischief and malfeasance that he expected would not find its parallel in their lifetimes. That was how he wanted to remember Vane, and that was how he envisioned him at that table. His eventual madness and betrayal were long forgiven and forgotten.
The counterbalance to Vane's cockiness that had thrown Edward's life expertly askew was Jack Rackham's wildness. A true beast with a bottle, he'd been, and there was little love lost between them. So many evils of past years had been set in motion by that catalyst of a man. Edward could forgive him for all but that which had cost Anne and Mary so dearly. That grudge was not yet ready to die. Despite it all, Calico Jack had been an influential figure in Nassau and Kenway's youth all the same, and they'd shared more than a few jovial pints in the golden days of their pirate republic. He appeared at the table in Edward's mind's eye with the rest, his cheek propped on his fist and a tipsy, peaceful grin on his face.
His feelings about Hornigold, seated across the table, were perhaps the most complicated he held for any of his old friends. None of the men he'd killed before or since had cursed him with as many sleepless nights. He respected Ben, truly, in spite of how things had ended up. The mentor to his mentor, he'd been a man of true esteem and poise. He'd always been searching for something bigger, something more meaningful than even Nassau could provide. They'd had that in common. Regrettably, however, Hornigold had found it in the Templars. Edward knew his friend believed he'd found the answer to poverty, disease, oppression, all of it, and that Torres had held the key to prosperity for every man. Perhaps there was some kernel, some seed of goodness to the world their Order sought to bring forth, but Kenway was equally convinced that no mortal man could hold such a powerful key and not be corrupted by it. It was that corruption that had led Benjamin to his end on Edward's blade, but as the Assassin reflected on the days the old man had spent carefully training him to command the respect of his crew and fear of his victims, he knew he would only remember Hornigold in fond terms.
At Ben's side, he pictured Anne. Sweet, sweet Anne, with flowers in her hair and a confidence in her manner that the most lush and arrogant man in their ranks could never hope to rival. She'd been a perplexing blend of crass and elegant that had brought joy to all who were blessed to have known her. In truth, her death had rattled him to his core because he had truly thought her invincible against all the particular evils these islands had to bear. She'd been an angel in a hellhole and had not earned her fate. Her loss had been the final, great failing of Edward's greed and hubris. If he was cursed to live in a world where her absence echoed so loudly, he would do his very best to honor her with his life.
Bernard Kenway had been an outstanding father, as they come, but Edward had been a less than exemplary son. For the boy that he had been when he'd reached the West Indies, however, Thatch had been the father he'd needed. He saw him then, sitting at the head of the table where he belonged, just as he had sat at the head of Nassau. Edward still felt his absence in every room of important people. When decisions were being made, plans being laid, he often found himself pausing to give space for the gruff words of wisdom that would never again come. Fuck this world and fuck its gold, Edward thought, remembering his mentor's final words. You were always a hero to your men, Thatch. He and everyone he'd known and loved in the past decade would be forgotten by history as scoundrels and traitors, he knew that, but Jenny and any siblings she might have would be raised on bedtime stories of Blackbeard, the most fearsome and admirable pirate who ever lived. If his descendants knew the name, that would be enough. Edward Thatch deserved a legacy.
Mary squeezed his hand lightly, jarring him out of his reverie. She gave him a sad, knowing smile. "The ghosts haunt you too, do they?"
He nodded, blinking against the stinging in his eyes. The men at the table morphed back into their brothers and crewmen. "In every tavern. At every party."
Her gaze was sorrowful and understanding. "Any place where men are drunk and merry." She raised her glass a little higher before bringing it to her lips, a small, private toast to those lost. "London society could never appreciate the pleasures of frivolity as they did."
He tapped his mug to hers. "Of the things we're leaving behind, I think I'll miss them most of all."
"You don't think they'll follow us to England?" Her tone was sad, but unsurprised.
"They belong here. If we'd died a handful of years back, we'd belong here too. Our memories will go where we do, but their spirits will remain in these jungles." He paused for a moment. "Perhaps one day we'll join them." He was almost hopeful they might.
Mary smirked. "If we live long enough to come back here, I doubt I'll want to live long enough to leave twice." She stood, pulling him to his feet by their linked hands. "But until then, we're needed a long way from here. Come on now. It's time we're off."
Edward picked up Caroline's makeshift headstone and Mary pocketed her not notebook. Leaving the bottle on the table behind, they descended the steps toward the gate that led to town. He stopped them there to turn back toward the manor for a final time. He pictured the ghosts at the table once more, imagining himself almost able to hear Anne's singsong voice and Thatch's wheezing laughter on the wind. It would have been a privilege to sail away with any one of them, but he was taking the one friend he truly had to have at his side. That would have to be enough for this lifetime.
He turned and kissed his wife, long and gentle. "The only place I'm needed is wherever you happen to be."
So lead me back
Turn south from that place
And close my eyes from my recent disgrace
‘Cause you know my call
We’ll share my all
Now children come
And they will hear me roar
A small crowd had gathered on the docks for their departure. Their crewmen were saying goodbye to their loved ones, having a last cup of rum with their friends, pleading with their favorite dancers to stay in their arms just a moment longer and cry a little when they left port. A number of them, Edward knew, had intent to return after a year or two, but none seemed to be able to resist the sentimentality and celebrity of such a departure.
He and Mary made a point to stop and shake the hand of each captain in their fleet as they pushed toward the Jackdaw. At the gangplank of their vessel, Ikal and Glenna were helping load the last crates of supplies. Glenna gave them polite smiles but moved out of their way without a word. It was as warm of farewell as Kenway had hoped to receive. Ikal, in contrast, passed off the crate in his arms to another sailor in order to address them. Edward placed the stool seat on top of it as the man passed him to board the ship, intending to collect it later once he had his crew settled on the open sea.
"I wouldn't worry about her, were I you," he said with a touch of affection and a smirk about his partner. "She bears you no ill will anymore, though I doubt your absence will be greatly noted."
"I would expect nothing more," Mary laughed. She pulled him into an amicable embrace. "I'm glad to part as friends, truly."
"I am, as well," he agreed, releasing her.
Edward offered his hand, which Ikal took without hesitation. "I can never repay you for the service you did our family in helping to find Jennifer."
Ikal smiled pleasantly. "No, I don't suppose you can." With a last nod to Mary, he followed Glenna down the docks.
Edward and Mary exchanged an amused glance and boarded their ship. He greatly doubted they'd ever hear from that pair again.
The deck was all a bustle of activity as final preparations were made for departure. Massey darted in front of them, doing his best to chase the black and white cat that hunted their rats down below deck where it would not get under foot. Jenny toddled over to them, awkwardly carrying the fluffy gray tabby that loved Mary so well. The animal was nearly as long as the girl was tall, and it hung limply with its forelegs stuck straight out ahead. Its expression was unsettled but it didn't make any effort to wriggle free of her grasp. Edward had never met such a tolerant animal, though he'd still rather have a dog. Cats might be better mousers on ships, but wouldn't do much in the way of protecting an estate, he expected.
"What a wonderful helper you are! Thank you for catching that kitty!" he praised his daughter. Mary scooped the cat up and Edward bundled Jenny into his arms.
"Uncle Muh-see not help!" she pointed out, clearly amused by her babysitter's lack of success. She was all smiles that morning.
"No, he's no help at all, is he?" he encouraged, nuzzling his nose against hers, making her scrunch up her face and giggle.
A frazzled Massey worked his way back toward them after securing the first cat below deck. Mary passed the other off to him and it leaned into his embrace eagerly. "I don't suppose you'd stay on as our governess when once we've established ourselves in England?" Mary chided warmly.
The lad gave a playful huff. "As it happens, I've secured employment already." The news clearly excited him. "Bell's sister was recently married to an horologist's son in the city, and the family was gracious enough to offer us positions at the shop. We'll mostly be running errands, delivering clocks and the like, but I'm hopeful the old man will teach us the trade one day." He cast their daughter an affectionate grin. "We'll cross paths at the London bureau though, I'm sure, and I imagine I'll call on you often. Any chance to see the little Lady Jenny." The girl clapped at the sound of her name. She reached out her arms for him and Edward passed her over.
"Well, we're glad you're coming with us all the same," Edward patted Massey on the back as he and Jenny made their way to the upper deck. The young sailor nodded to Adéwalé and Ah Tabai as they passed on the stairs.
"It's hard to believe you won't be here tomorrow," Adé greeted his old captain with a firm hug.
"I'm in as much disbelief about it as you are, mate," Edward breathed.
"Have you decided on a heading?" his friend asked.
"Bristol!" he declared. "I've got some business I need to settle there before I can truly begin my life anew. Once we've finished, we'll find somewhere to settle for good."
"If the wind ever carries you to England, you'll have a warm bed and a seat at our table," Mary assured him as they hugged as well. "You need only ask. Both of you."
"I do not think our kind would be welcomed in such a corner of the world," Ah Tabai sighed. "but there will always be a home for you and your family in these waters if you find yourselves dissatisfied with the stillness of high society."
She smiled warmly. "I doubt either of us will ever be truly still. We'll keep that close in mind, though." She turned to Adé again and procured the small notebook from her coat. She pressed it into his hands. "These are all the notes I have from my communications with our brothers in the colonies. I've written ahead for you, so they'll know of my departure by now. They're chasing some fascinating leads on Precursor sites at the moment. I expect you'll enjoy the work."
He took the notes with a grateful nod. "Perhaps we're due for a meeting, too. I would like to see more of the Americas before my days are done." He clasped Mary and Edward by the shoulders, like he had when marrying them. "My dear friends, you'll write when you've safely landed. Understood?"
They smiled and nodded, hugging him together once more.
Edward turned to Ah Tabai and they clasped forearms in farewell. "Mentor," he started. "I must thank you. You gave me a final chance to prove myself, and I hope I've done justice to the faith you placed in me."
Ah Tabai laughed and held up his hands. "I cannot accept your thanks. In truth, I had given up on you, Edward Kenway. It was Mary who forced my hand, and I cannot say I am sad to see that her instinct continues to prove fruitful." He bowed his head. "Safe travels. May you honor the Creed, and may it bring you honor." He left them then, and Adéwalé followed him off the ship.
Mary and Edward waved them off. "I must say, I'll dearly miss his gravitas," he laughed. She rolled her eyes with a small smile.
Around them, the bustle was beginning to quiet. Preparations were largely finished and those who were not leaving with them began to disembark. The two of them moved toward the starboard side so as not to stand in the way. Men said their fond goodbyes as they passed. Edward knew each by name and did his best to etch their faces into his memory. He glanced over at Mary and could see by the set of her face that the weight of their departure was setting in for her.
Her hand went to her belt, settling on the ruby hilt of the dagger he'd gifted her so long ago, Venganza. Revenge. She pulled it free, balancing the weight between her palms, and looked at him. After a quiet moment, she said, "I don't need this anymore…" The words lingered on her tongue, like she was coming to grips with them in that very moment.
He laid his hand over hers. The steel between their fingers chilled his skin. "Then don't bring it with you."
She nodded and pulled back. Her fingers wrapped naturally around the well-worn leather grip and she paused, indulging in the sensation of its weight in her hand for a moment. Then she turned on her heel and pitched the dagger over the side of the ship, far out into cove. It sliced quietly through the gentle waves and sank, taking pains of the past along with it.
He set a hand on her shoulder and she sighed, seeming to release a weight off her heart. She looked back at him and there was new light in her eyes. "I'm ready now."
He smiled and led the way to the helm.
Jenny had settled to the right of the wheel with a toy. Looking at her then, Edward could scarcely believe he'd ever worried he might not love her. She had so much Mary in her, and a spirit uniquely her own. Every small thing she did or said was a marvel to him.
He was, for a moment, plagued by self-doubt, as he was more occasionally than he would have liked. The Atlantic crossing was not an easy journey. The life that waited for them on the other side was hardly safe, either. His mind went back to his argument with Mary on the evening of their marriage. A choice, he reminded himself, that was their agreement. In spite of his concerns, he could never quite bring himself to feel guilty for taking her away from the safety of the family that had once adopted her. He knew that, had she stayed with them and grown up as Maria Reyes, she would have known nothing but the easy and proper life he wished for her. A small part of him did mourn that loss for her. At his core, though, he must admit that he was still too selfish to truly regret taking it away from her. She belonged with her mother, and with him. In that sense, paired against that alternative, a choice was a blessing. A choice was enough. He couldn't wait to see what she would someday do with it.
"Captain!" Bell called, interrupting Edward's thoughts. The young sailor came to join them, Massey on his tail. "The men are ready to depart. Would you like to take the helm today, or shall I?"
Edward waved him off. "If this is the last time we'll steer the Jack out of this port, I would prefer to do it myself."
"You two go help at the mainmast," Mary suggested. 'We'll handle things up here.
"As you command, Master Kidd," Bell nodded. The set of his mouth was eager, excited. "We'll wait for your call." The two lads descended to their posts.
Edward huffed and tentatively curled his fingers around the underside of one handle on the wheel. He glanced down to his right palm and the long, white scar that ran across the skin there. It was the one Mary had given him when he had attacked her in his desperate panic at the Assassin graveyard, thinking her a ghost. The memory seemed so far away, though the mark was among the more recent that adorned his body. He pulled his gaze away from the thin, pale line and onto his wife at his side as she lifted their daughter to her hip. Jenny grabbed at the beads in Mary's hair – twins to those he still wore on his necklace – making her smile and shake her head to toss them around for the toddler's amusement. She noticed his stare as she did so and paused, giving him a puzzled look. He smiled back at her and touched his hand to her shoulder in their familiar gesture of trust and reassurance.
"I'm ready now too."
With a grin, she clasped his shoulder in return and glanced out over the deck. "Ready, lads!" she called out. "Loose all! Let's catch the wind!"
And the ghosts that we knew will
Flicker from view
And we’ll live a long life
Song: Ghosts That We Knew - Mumford & Sons
13 notes · View notes
Outside the Rain - Harry Styles Series (Part 2)
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Part 1
Harry felt a warm body press against him as he slept in his hotel room. The familiar scent of lavender took over his senses. He mumbled something that was completely inaudible to the person laying next to him. His arm made it’s way around their waist and pulled them closer to him. He nuzzled his face into their hair, taking it all in subconsciously. The person next to him turned over, so they were face to face. 
He opened his eyes to see you laying naked, next to him. You were still sleeping  and while he felt a little bit like a creep staring at you, but he couldn’t help it. He reached up moving a stray strand of hair from your face. Harry was just about to lean over and press his lips to your forehead, when the alarm on his phone starting going off. 
“Fucking hell,” he mumbled reaching over to turn it off. 
Only it wouldn’t turn off. 
“What the fuck?” he said sitting up as he kept trying to hit the stop button. 
Still nothing. 
Speaking of nothing, he looked back over towards you to see if he had woken you up, however, you were nowhere to be found. There wasn’t even a single trace of you being there.
 No heat radiating off your side of the bed. 
No wrinkled bed sheets. 
No piles of discarded clothing on the floor. 
What the fuck was going on.... 
Harry jolted awake at the sound of his alarm going off on his phone. He pressed the stop button and it fell silent. He looked around the room and it appeared just as it did the previous night when he went to bed. There was no evidence of anyone else being in the room with him, especially you. 
“It was a fucking dream,” he groaned falling back onto the silk sheets, his hands covering his face in both embarrassment and disappointment. 
“At least it wasn’t a wet dream,” he muttered to himself. 
After laying in bed for a few more minutes, he finally pulled himself up and headed for the shower. He was meeting his mother for breakfast before going sightseeing with her. She loved New York City and wanted to visit her favorite spots in and around the city. Since Harry was essentially free from work now that the Hall of Fame was over and done with, he agreed to spend time with his mother, something he felt like he hadn't done in ages. 
While in the shower, Harry pressed his hands against the back wall  as the almost scolding water ran down his skin. He had, had a dream about you. A girl he only met last night. And it was just like a dream that you happened to be in. You know the ones that usually don’t make sense but there’s like every face of everyone you’ve ever seen all wrapped up in one. 
Anyway, you were in his bed, cuddled up against him... naked. His face got hot just at the thought of it. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t attracted to you. In fact, he was very, very attracted to you. However, his attraction for you was more than just your looks, but also your talented and your personality. 
He meant what he had said in that text. He did have a great time. He enjoyed talking with you and learning about you. He wanted, no he craved, to know more about you. He would also be lying if he said he didn’t want to bring you back to his hotel and not sleep in his bed until he had to get on his flight tomorrow morning. 
But what he was currently feeling inside about you, was more that lust and looking for a quick fuck. He actually wanted to spend time with you and talk with you. He wanted to talk to you for hours and even then he was sure it wouldn’t be enough. 
“Okay, slow down, boy,” he said to himself, shaking his head out of his thoughts. 
Harry finished his shower right as the water started to turn ice cold. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked back into his room. His phone dinged, signaling a text message. He dried off his hair before picking up and seeing your name. 
Good morning! If you’re still game for coming to the show tonight, a car will pick you up at your hotel around seven. Just let me know! :)
Oh and I had a good time last night too. 
Harry smiled as he read over your messages. He wiped his hand on the towel just in case there was any water residue and typed in his response. 
See you tonight. 
Harry threw his phone down on the bed and went over to his suitcase to grab his outfit for the day. He chose a simple trouser and button up shirt before slipping on his loafers. He ran his hands through his hair before sliding his rings onto his fingers. He put his wallet, keys, and phone into his pocket heading down to meet his mother at the hotel restaurant. 
You were sitting at the table in your parent’s hotel room. Room service at brought breakfast up a few minutes ago and you all were taking a few bites of your food. 
“So, Y/N, how was your night, last night?” You father asked sticking a bite of pancake into his mouth. 
“It was a good night,” you said. “The dinner was delicious.” 
“And the company?” He asked. 
“Also, delicious?” Your mom asked. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned. “What is up with you two?” 
“Your father said you went out with Harry. He seems like a nice young man and you can’t deny that he’s also good looking,” she said. 
“Mom! You’re in your fifties!” You groaned. 
“What is that supposed to mean? I can’t say a young man is good looking?” She asked taking a sip of her mimosa. 
“Please strike me down right now and save me from this embarrassment,” you groaned looking up at the celling. 
“Are you seeing him again? Are you two chatting it up?” Your dad asked. 
“I’m not talking about this,” you mumbled. 
“So, you are,” your mom smirked. “You and Stevie always answer questions by not actually answering them.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Okay, fine, if you must know, yes, we exchanged numbers last night. We’re going to the Jonas Brothers’ show tonight, but as far as “chatting it up” that’s a no.” 
“Why don’t you give it a chance?” Your Mom suggested. 
“Mom, we only just met last night... please don’t start planning a wedding already,” you sighed. 
“I’m not!” She defended. “And I only did that one time. It’s a shame he was such a dick though.” 
“You know sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have normal parents,” you groaned.
“Sweetheart, this is normal,” your father smirked. “Especially compared to us in our twenties.” 
“Oh, look at the time,” you said. “I gotta go.” 
“Good luck, baby,” they smiled. “We know you girls are gonna rock it again!” 
You laughed, “Thanks. I love you. I’ll let you know how it goes!” 
“Morning, sweetheart,” Anne smiled wrapping her arms around Harry once he got to the table. 
“Morning, Mum,” he smiled. 
“You did wonderful last night,” she smiled. “I’m really proud of you.” 
He blushed, “Thanks. And thank you for coming. It meant a lot to me that you were there.” 
“Of course, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world,” she smiled. 
Both of them order some food and handed their menus to the waiter. Anne took a sip of her tea looking over at Harry. 
“So, did you have fun at dinner last night? I heard you went out with Y/N,” she smiled. 
Harry’s cheeks flushed again, “Well, I mean, I uh.. I invited her to dinner, yes, but it wasn’t just us or anything.” 
“She seems wonderful,” Anne said. “Her parents are quite... interesting, but I got on with them really well.” 
“Wait, wait, wait, you hung out with her parents? When?” Harry asked looking at his mother. 
“Last night. We all went out for dinner,” she said. “Stevie was there too.” 
“Oh my god,” he groaned running his hands over his face. “What did you talk about?” 
She shrugged,”Different topics.” 
Harry shook his head and took another sip of his tea. 
“Are you going to see her again?” She asked. 
He nodded, “Tonight actually.” 
“Is it a date?” She asked.
“For fuck’s sake, Mum, “ he whined. “I just met the girl last night.” 
“That doesn’t mean anything,” she said. “People go on dates with people they just met all the time. It’s not like it’s unheard of.” 
“Well, not us. It’s not a date. She just invited me to her friends show and I’m going,” he said. 
“Do you like her at least?” She added. 
“I-I done talking about this,” he groaned. “Even if I did... I literally just met her. I don’t even know her enough to have feelings for her.” 
“True, but you would know if you were attracted to her,” she pointed out. 
“Fine, fine, yes, there is an attraction, but it doesn’t mean anything,” he groaned. 
She smirked at him, peeking over the top of her tea cup, “We’ll see.” 
You were sitting at the large square table turning your oversized leather chair from side to side. You were sipping on a Berry refresher tea from Starbucks while you scrolled through your phone. You debated on texting Harry, seeing what he was up to that day. Your meeting wouldn’t last all day, at least you hoped it wouldn’t, so maybe you two could grab lunch or something. 
No. You told yourself. You were already seeing him tonight, you didn’t need to turn into an all day affair. You weren’t exactly sure what drew you to him, but you found yourself feeling giddy and a stomach full of butterflies just thinking about him. 
“And where’s mine?” Daisy asked sitting next to you, pointing to the practically empty Starbucks cup in your hand. 
“At Starbucks,” you smirked. 
“You’re such a bitch,” she laughed. 
“Admit it, you wouldn’t have it any other way,” you smirked. 
“Not even a little,” she smiled. 
“So, where’s everyone else?” She asked. “Shouldn’t we be starting already.” 
“Actually, we’re still a few minutes early. You know Kacey and Rem are always walking in at the time we’re supposed to have our asses in the chairs,” you laughed. 
“This is true,” she nodded. “So, since we got time, how last night go?” 
“It was... incredible,” you smiled. “Definitely a once in a lifetime thing.” 
“Unless your Stevie Nicks,” Daisy laughed. 
“Touché,” you laughed. 
“You met Harry Styles, right? You two presented her with the award.I saw pictures online and girl, you two looked quite cozy,” she smirked. 
You rolled your eyes, hoping to disguise your very obvious red tinted cheeks, “I did meet him and he’s exactly how everyone, especially my Aunt Stevie, describes him.” 
“Hot, single, with washboard abs?” She smirked. 
“You know for someone who isn’t single and hasn’t been for a while, you are very interested in someone else,” you laughed. 
“For you!” She pointed out. “It’s been what? Over a year since you’ve been with anyone... and that person was-” 
“I know. We don’t have to bring it up,” you sighed. 
“Please tell me you are over him and that situation?” She asked. 
“I am,” you nodded. 
“Good,” she smiled. “But if you are looking for someone... Harry just may be your guy.” 
“Who’s her guy?” Rem asked walking into the conference room. 
“No one,” you groaned. 
“No one what?” Kacey asked. 
“Nothing! Can we just drop this?” You asked. 
“Yes, because now that you all are finally here we can get this meeting started,” your manager, Marie, stated walking in with a few of the record label people. 
Harry and his mother were walking through Central Park. They had gone shopping for a bit and were now walking back to the hotel through the park. They had stopped for ice cream at one of the little carts. 
“You know when I was asking about Y/N earlier, it’s because I want you to be happy,” she stated. 
“I am happy, Mum,” he sighed. 
“I know, but you have such a big heart, Harry. I want you to finally be able to share it with someone. Now, I’m not saying you should or that if Y/N is eve the one for you, but I am saying that you feel something and you think she feels something, you should give it try,” she said. 
“I understand what you’re saying, Mum,” he said. “But again, we only met last night and I’m not trying to rush in anything right now.” 
“I know, I know, and I don’t want you to,” she agreed. “But just promise me that you’ll stop trying to put finding love on the back burner for at least a little bit.” 
He sighed, “I promise.” 
After getting back to the hotel, Anne went up to her room, while Harry met with Jeff for lunch and once again the topic of conversation moved right back to you. 
“You can deny all you want, but I saw the way you were looking up at her the entire night and you are definitely infatuated,” he smirked. 
Harry groaned, “I had a dream about her last night. A fucking dream. I don’t even remember the last time I had a fucking dream about someone like that.” 
“What kind of dream?” He asked raising his eyebrow. 
“Fuck, it wasn’t that kind of dream,” Harry rolled his eyes. 
“Just checking,” Jeff said holding his hands up. “So, I’m right then.” 
“Yes, you’re fucking right,” he mumbled. 
“I knew it,” he smirked. “I mean you two were having your conversations had a table full of people last night.” 
“I was being polite,” Harry said. 
“Anyway, so are you going to ask her out tonight or put the moves on her?” He smirked. 
“I’m going to pursue anything other than a friendship with her right now,” Harry said. “One day that might change, but I want to get to know her a little more before I even think about that. Like you said, I was infatuated with her, doesn’t mean there’s anything else there.” 
“My boy is growing up,” Jeff smirked. 
“Fuck off,” Harry laughed shaking his head. 
It was almost seven o’clock which meant you would need to be leaving soon. You decided since you had invited Harry, you would be there when the car picked him up. You were basically finished getting ready, but you just wanted one more look in the mirror. 
You were wearing a pair of ripped jeans with an old, worn out Jonas Brothers shirt from the tour your band was apart of, a pair of Steve Madden Slinky Sandals, and your hair was in high ponytail. You grabbed your crossbody bag filled with your phone, keys, and other little odds and ends before heading down to the car that was waiting for you. 
About ten minutes later, the driver pulled up in front of Harry’s hotel. You saw him standing in the lobby looking down at his phone. He was wearing jeans and a sweater, vans, and a hat. He walked towards the car and just as he was about to open the door, you smirked opening it for him. 
“Shit!” He jumped. 
“Oops,” you laughed. “Did I scare you?” 
“No,” he lied getting in. “I just... wasn’t expecting you being here.” 
You laughed, “Yeah, sorry. I thought I’d keep you company on the way to the venue.” 
“Nice shirt,” he smirked. 
“Nice hat,” you smirked. 
He laughed turning his gaze forward, “How did your meeting go this morning?” 
“It went well,” you smiled. “I won’t say much, but there are some exciting things coming along.” 
“Does it involve a new album?” He asked. 
“Perhaps,” you nodded. “Speaking of new album, are you working on anything?” 
“Perhaps,” he smirked. 
The rest of the ride to the venue was spent having a small talk conversations. The driver pulled up to the back of the venue and you two got out, heading inside.  
“Have you ever met the boys before?” You asked. 
“Not really,” he said. 
“Well, I will warn you that they’re going to bust your balls a little bit,” you said. 
“Lovely,” he joked.
“Anyway, just so I know, didn’t you and Joe used to date?” Harry asked. 
“Yes, he was actually my first serious boyfriend. We dated for a while,” you said.  
“Do you mind if I asked what happened?” He asked. 
“If you’re looking for the tea, there really isn’t any,” you laughed. “When we started dating we were like fifteen or sixteen, I think. We just grew up, you know? At some point our relationship just sort of moved into a friendship or something and that’s how it’s been since we broke up.” 
“Wow,” he said. 
“Yeah, probably not what you were expecting,” you laughed. “I’m pretty sure the tabloids made it out to be this huge scandal, but it wasn’t even close to one.” 
“Gotta love the tabloids,” he laughed. 
“There she is!” Joe smirked when the two of you walked in. “And repping the old merch, nice.” 
“She’s repping more for herself, I feel,” Nick smirked. 
“You know it,” you smirked hugging him and then Joe and Kevin. “Anyway, boys this is Harry, Harry this is Nick, Kevin, and you met Joe last night.” 
“Yeah, we heard about your little date last night,” Kevin said. 
“Someone’s got a big ass mouth,” you mumbled. 
“So, Harry, welcome to our show,” Nick said. “But first, we must ask, what are your intentions with Y/N?” 
“Seriously? What the fuck?” You groaned grabbing a grape from the Kraft table and throwing it at him. 
Harry laughed, “I believe I came for a Jonas Brothers Reunion show, so I guess that’s what my intentions are.” 
“Someone’s a smart ass,” Joe smirked. 
“Don’t y’all have something to do? Like warming up or getting your makeup done?” You asked. 
“Actually we do,” Kevin laughed. “We’ll see you after the show? The girls are looking forward to seeing you. They should be here soon.” 
“Yay! I haven’t seen them in forever!” You smiled. 
“It was nice to meet you, Harry,” Kevin added. 
“Same here,” Harry nodded. 
The boys left and you looked over at Harry, “So, about that...” 
“You did warn me,” he laughed. 
“I did,” you nodded. “But honestly, they’re tame compared to my brother and his husband.” 
“Are you saying I’m going to meet your brother?” He smirked. 
“Maybe, if you play your cards right,” you smirked popping a grape into your mouth. 
After spending some more time backstage and visiting with Dani and the girls, you all headed to your seats. Luckily, the lights were dimmed, so you and Harry were able to sneak to them without really being seen. 
“You’re really close to everyone here aren’t you?” He asked. 
“Pretty much. I mean, we basically grew up together. We were on tour together for over a year. We were part of the same record label with Disney, plus I was with Joe, so anytime I’d see him on tour, I’d hang out with everyone,” you shrugged. 
“Does it ever feel weird knowing he’s your ex or anything?” Harry asked sipping his beer. 
“Sometimes, but it’s only when someone else brings it up and it’s more of them trying to make it awkward,” you said. “I mean it’s been almost ten years since we were even together, so it’s not like it’s been recent.” 
“That’s true,” he nodded. 
“What about you? Are you friends with any of your exes?” You asked. 
“Technically yeah, but it’s more of a cordial thing. If I see them, I see them. I don’t necessarily seek them out,” he said. 
“To be honest, I’m like that with everyone else,” you laughed. “Not that there’s this long ass list of exes.” 
The lights went out signaling the start of the show. Screams erupted through the venue, including your own. Harry laughed deciding to join in on the fun. As soon as the first few notes of Burnin’ Up start playing. 
Throughout the whole show, you were dancing and singing your heart out with the rest of the crowd. Harry peeked over at you, smiling as he saw you having the time of your life. He felt a little jealous wishing you were at one of his shows, wearing a shirt with his face on it, and belting the lyrics to his songs. 
Woah, there. It wasn’t that deep, he told himself. 
You looked down at your watch, “Hey, I’ll be right back.” 
“Do you want me to come with you?” Harry asked. 
“No! Just going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a bit,” you told him. 
He nodded and watched you weave your way out of the crowd. About fifteen minutes had passed and you still weren’t back. Harry was about to text you to see if you were okay, when Joe came over the microphone. 
“How about we take it back to the good ole Camp Rock days?” He smirked. 
The crowd went insane. The sound of a guitar playing took over and you ended up walking out on stage. 
‘It’s like, he doesn’t a hear a word I say. His mind is somewhere far away, and I don’t know how to get there,” you sang with a smirk. 
Harry watched you up on stage. He smiled and his eyes widened when you hit the note towards the end of the song. 
“NYC How are we doing tonight?” You smiled once the song was finished. 
The crowd, once again went crazy with cheers, screams, and crying. You laughed, “How about one more, yeah? Then I’ll these three get back to their show. This is This is Me.” 
When the show was over, you and Harry made your way to the car. 
“Nick said they were going out after and invited us. Do you want to go?” You asked. 
“Sure,” he said. 
“Great,” you smiled. “So, what did you think of the show?” 
“It was better than I expected I’ll have to admit,” he laughed. 
“Don’t let them hear you say that,” you joked. 
He laughed, “Noted.” 
“You brought down the house tonight,” he smiled. “I mean wow.” 
“Don’t act so surprised,” you smirked flipping your hair. 
“So, where are we going?” He asked. 
“Oh! It’s the really cool bar. It’s sort of like not well known, but also really well known. It’s basically a crappy karaoke bar, however, it’s like cutthroat karaoke. Instead of like signing up and hearing people drunk sing their favorite songs, the DJ plays a song and then people rush the stage and grab the mic to start signing. The game is called If you know it, sing it. It’s hilarious, especially after a few drinks,” you laughed. 
“That’s sounds... fucking fantastic,” he laughed. “I’m pretty damn good at karaoke if I do say so myself.” 
“Yeah, well, you better be prepared to take me down, Styles, because this is my thing,” you smirked. 
As soon as you got to the bar, you and Harry went to find a table and sat down. 
“I’m starving! I’m ready for food and drinks,” you said picking up a sticky menu. 
Harry grabbed one for himself and surveyed its contents. 
“Whatever you do, don’t get the nachos,” you told him. “They always look a bit sketchy. I’m probably going to get a veggie pizza, so if we could share if you want, or I can just take the leftovers back to the hotel.” 
“I’ll share. I don’t mind,” he smiled. 
“Cool,” you said. “Oh and I don’t know if you’re a beer guy, or like a mixed drink guy, but they have this house drink that’s amazing. I’m not entirely sure what it’s in it, but it’s called a Brain Blaster and it’s blue.” (10 point to whoever gets this reference! :) 
“Is that your way of telling me I need to try it?” He asked. 
“Pretty much,” you smiled. 
He nodded and ordered one once the waitress took your order. Nick, Joe, and Kevin arrived soon after you two had gotten there sitting down the table next to you and Harry. The waitress walked over handing Harry his drink and you a whiskey lemonade. 
All four of you discreetly looked over at Harry as he took the first sip of his very blue drink. 
It didn’t take long before you could tell by the look on his face he was not enjoying it. 
“So, what do you think? Amazing, right?” You asked. 
He gulped the sip down and quickly recovered his expression, “Yeah, it’s uh... great.” 
You and the boys bursted out laughing, “Harry, it’s fine. We know it’s terrible.” 
“For fuck’s sake, that’s bloody awful,” he groaned downing his entire glass of water. “What’s in there?” 
“Honestly, no one knows, and I’m pretty sure the bartender himself doesn’t know,” you laughed. 
“I thought you said it was amazing,” he said. 
“Well, I couldn’t exactly tell you it was horrible or you wouldn’t have ordered it,” you shrugged. 
“I should have known something was up when you didn’t order it,” he laughed. 
“But it was sweet of you to act like you liked it,” you giggled. “Of course, your face gave it away as soon as you took a sip.” 
“I can’t believe you did that,” he shook his head. 
“It’s required,” you laughed. “Anyone that’s new here has to try. I mean it’s not really required, but it’s pretty much an unwritten rule.” 
Harry nodded, “You do realize this means I’m going to get you back one day for this.” 
“I’d love to see to you try,” you smirked staring at him before taking a sip of your own drink. 
Twenty minutes went by and everyone had gotten their food. You were stuffing your face with your first slice of pizza when the Host came on stage. 
“Alright! Alright! Alright! How’s everyone doing tonight?” They said. “It’s 11:00, which means it’s time for “If you know it, Sing it!” Karaoke! For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, or anyone who might need a refresher of the rules because they’re too drunk to remember, here are they are.” 
“We’re going to play a song. Any song from any genre, decade, country, etc. We’ll play it for 10 seconds and then we’ll say Sing It. When we say Sing It, if you know the song, then you’ll run yourself up here and try to be the first one to grab one of the two mics. Then we’ll let the first two people sing it out and then you the audience will vote who wins. The attendee with the most votes by the end of the game wins. Now who’s ready to get down!” 
“First song will play in 3...2...1...” 
The entire room goes silent as you all await the playing of the first song. As soon as it starts, you instantly know it. Harry sees you inching out of your seat. 
“SING IT!” The host screamed. 
You rushed to the stage and grabbed the mic and someone else grabs the other, and you both sing. 
Harry laughed as you watched you move around on stage being super extra with your movements. You really were serious when you said that was your thing because you did win. After a few songs had been played and you had gone up most of them, Harry felt like he finally got the hang of it and planned on making his way to the stage as soon as he could. 
The next song was being played and Harry quickly recognized and he, of course, saw you getting ready to make a dash for it. As soon as they said SING IT, you and Harry got up and rushed to the stage. However, Harry decided to cheat a little, by wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you behind him. 
“YOU BASTARD!” you laughed chasing after him and grabbing the second microphone just as he grabbed the first. 
“That don’t impress meee,” you harmonized together. 
“Okay, that was interesting...” the host said. “You know what time it is... whenever I point to contestant you’ll scream your little hearts out.” 
“Contestant number one!” They said pointing to Harry, causing the crowd to, in fact scream their little hearts out. 
“And contestant number two,” they said pointing to you, again causing the crowd to scream super loud. “Well, I’ll be damned, we have a tie... and you know what that means.” 
“What does that mean?” Harry asked looking over at you. 
“Sudden death,” you said. “We have tell them how many seconds it will take for us to sing the next song and who can ever do it in less time wins.” 
“Bring it on,” Harry smirked. 
“Oh, I already do, love,” you smirked at him. 
“8 seconds,” Harry said, when they asked him how long it would take him. 
“3 seconds,” you smirked. 
“I don’t think so,” Harry said. “I’m going to challenge that.” 
The next song quickly started playing and the three seconds were up, everyone looked at you. 
“Baby girl, what’s your name, let me talk to you, let me buy you a drink, I’m T-Pain,” you smirked looking at Harry the entire time. 
“And we have a winner!” They said. “Here is your prize!” 
You laughed taking the mini trophy back to the table.
 “Good try,” you smirked as you both walked to the car, after saying good bye to the other boys. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have underestimated you,” he laughed. 
“Yeah, well, now you know,” you smirked getting inside the car. 
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sj-thefan · 5 years
As a child, one of my favourite weekly events were the concerts. Each Saturday would be spent getting ready to go to the Opera House. My mother would have my nurse and a ladies maid spend the morning curling and styling my hair before dressing me in my most elaborate puffy gown.
Then, after an early afternoon tea, father, mother, Victor and I would climb into our carriage and go to the show.
I would always run out of the carriage as soon as the door opened, Victor trailing behind me. We would stand in the middle of the lobby and watch all the people coming in. Some nights the Carlyles would come. Those were the best nights. Phillip would join Victor and me as we made up stories for each of the people who entered. Eventually, just before the show would begin, my parents would come over and send Phillip back to his parents. My father would pick up Victor and carry him to the seats while mother scolded me for running and other improper lady behaviours before grabbing my hand and marching us to our seats.
Some nights we would watch a singer, others an orchestra. Each time I was filled with magical music and fell into a blissful state that would last the entire night.
Unfortunately, Jenny Lind's performance did not last.
Jenny came to America a week after we returned. Many of the circus cast was fairly excited and I was too. I hadn't been to the Opera House since my mother got pregnant with Thomas and said the loud noise wasn't good for a baby's ears. For many, this would be their first show.
Lettie, Anne, and a couple of the other girls, including myself, went to get dresses for the day. Lottie choose a tight blue dress with a black belt and fingerless gloves. Anne picked a dress with a blue skirt and a sheer top with butterflies covering her chest and shoulders. She also had a blue and green hat which matched her dress. I decided to stick with their blue theme and choose a simple light blue dress with long sleeves that almost reached my wrist but a less puffed skirt then the dress I had worn in England.
As the time for the show came near I headed to the circus. Lettie, Anne, and several others from the circus were going to meet up beforehand and go all together. Walking through the halls to the front door of the Barnum's house, I passed Caroline struggling to pin part of Helen's hair back.
"Would you like some help?" I asked.
She jumped at my words but replied "Yes please," with a grateful sigh.
I moved into the room and pushed the pins into place. Helen was wearing a greenish-blue dress. I picked a green pin off the table and placed it in her hair.
"There," I said. "Perfect."
"Thank you Y/n!" Helen shouted.
"Yeah, thanks," Caroline added. I looked at her pink dress before grabbing a bright pink headband with a little bow and handing it to her.
"No problem," I said. "I'll see you two at the show."
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When we arrived at the Opera House, we were greeted by Phillip. He quickly ran off to see where we were sitting. As we were waiting, I began people watching.
In the middle of deciding if a man was a secret agent or a master criminal in disguise, I spotted the Carlyles. They were nicely dressed and didn't bother paying attention to our group. Mr. Bennett followed slightly behind, taking in all of his surroundings. As his eyes glazed the room they landed on mine. He sent a small smile to me before realizing who I was standing with and turning his smile into a smirk.
Phillip returned and showed us to the standing room mumbling something about 'visibility'. I stood between him and Lettie, Anne on his other side and everyone else piled around and behind us.
The lights went down and Mr. Barnum walked onto the stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience. I recently had the privilege of hearing the most divine voice I've ever heard. Now, I know that sounds like Barnum humbug but I have a 100 bottles of good champagne on ice that says that this is not just another sideshow novelty. May I present, the Swedish Nightingale," he paused for dramatic effect, "Miss Jenny Lind."
Applause filled the room as the curtain rose.
Once the room was silent, the orchestra began playing and she started to sing, "I'm trying to hold to my breath, let it stay that way. Can't let this moment end. You set off a dream with me. Getting louder now. Can you hear it echoing?"
I noticed Phillip stir slightly.
"Take my hand. Will you share this with me? 'Cause darling without you."
Anne had stiffened.
"All the shine of a thousand spotlights. All the stars we steal from the night sky will never be enough, never be enough. Towers of gold are still too little. These hands could hold the world but it will never be enough, never be enough-"
I noticed Anne was relaxed and had a ghost of a smile creeping up her face. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. I turned to my other side to see Lettie mesmerized by Jenny's song.
"-for me! Never, never. Never, never. never for me. Never enough, never enough, never enough, for me, for me, for me."
"All the shine of a thousand spotlights. All the stars we steal from the night sky, will never be enough, never be enough."
As she continued singing, a man sitting in front of us turned around and whispered to the women beside him. I recognized them immediately as Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle. I followed their gaze to Phillip and Anne.
"These hands could hold the world but it will never be enough-"
All of a sudden, Anne left the room, her smile completely gone. I gave a confused glance at Phillip and, when I didn't get a response, followed Anne.
"-Never be enough!"
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"Anne!" I called. "Anne! Stop running."
"What!" she snapped. I had been chasing her and when she stopped I ran into her.
As she helped me up, I got a good look at her face. It was red and tears were slowing sliding down it. "What happened?"
"Nothing," she said quietly. Her voice was completely different from usual. The confidence which had always accompanied it before was completely gone.
"Okay," I said, giving her a hug.
"Wha-what are you d-doing?" she stuttered.
"Hugging you," I stated. "Something's wrong, but you don't want to talk. That's okay. When I'm upset, a hug always makes me feel better, so... I'm hugging you!"
She smiled and wrapped her arms around me, finally letting the tears fall.
After a few minutes, I managed to move her to a bench in the lobby. I sat there holding her hand and occasionally wiping away her tears with my handkerchief.
After a while, she spoke. "Thank you, Y/n."
"Don't worry about it."
"It's just, when he grabbed my hand and - I thought - maybe he's different. But then he let go and - and I saw these people looking at us - he's not different!"
Phillip. She was talking about Phillip. I felt a tightness in my chest.
"It's okay," I whispered as I consoled her. "Phillip- he's- well, he's new to this kind of life. He grew up like me. He learned that different is bad and that he should only be around people who were the same as him. As an only child, it was probably more enforced in him than it was for me." I looked over at Anne. She was watching me closely. I smiled at her. "I'm sure he just got scared. It's nothing to worry about."
"People are always going to look at us like that. Like we're dirt."
"Those two that were looking at you in there, they are his parents," I told her.
"Ha!" she laughed sarcastically. "Face it Y/n, Phillip and I aren't meant to be. The world is against us."
I knew there wasn't anything I could say or do to make her change her mind. But I knew someone who could.
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The after-party was atrocious. All the rich families were present, excluding mine, and they were all walking around and saying things like "wasn't she absolutely marvellous" or "Mr. Barnum is quite the surprising man."
The only positive thing to happen was meeting Jenny Lind. She was very pleasant when Mr. Barnum introduced me. But our time was short as she was soon whisked away into the sea of high-value fans each wishing to converse with a European celebrity.
I was in the midst of picking up a particularly delicious looking chocolate when Mr. Barnum's voice rang out through the room.
"-Yes, yes, those are your granddaughters."
He was standing in a group with Jenny, Charity, Caroline, Helen, and two people I assumed must be their grandparents. Charity stepped forward and whispered something to P.T. before he started to raise his voice again.
"-Not here? You are afraid that I'm gonna embarrass your parents in front of their fancy friends? I really don't think that I have that power." He turned to look at the man. "An insignificant man like me... was clearly destined to lead an insignificant life."
"All that fortune and still just a tailor's boy," the man replied.
"Get out."
As the two walked out, loud laughter and shouting was heard from the hallway. I immediately recognized Lettie's laugh and ran to the door to see my friends.
P.T. beat me to the door, holding so it was blocking the group.
"Lord, that lady can sing." I heard Lettie say.
"I kno-"
"Thinks she likes a man in uniform?" Tom interrupted P.T.
"I'm sure she does. What are you doing here? You got a show in an hour, OK?" P.T.'s voice had a surprisingly accusing and rude tone.
"That's enough time for us to have at least three drinks, right? Come on-"
"No no. Lettie," he said blocking the way.
"What?" Lettie asked, just as confused as I.
"It's very crowded in here, okay? And I can't have you mingling. Who's gonna pay admission if you are out there for all the world to see." He began shutting the door. "Have a great show."
I heard someone say "Wait..." as the door closed.
Without looking at me, Mr. Barnum turned around, grabbed a glass of champagne, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, a toast. Jenny, America may not know it yet, but they are going to love you. To Miss Lind."
I sent him a glare. His behaviour was unacceptable. He was the one who told them they were important. He is not allowed to treat them like the worthless "freaks" everyone thinks they are.
"Mr. Barnum!" I pulled him aside. As much as I was angry, I wouldn't cause a scene.
"Y/n," he said as if he hadn't noticed me when he kicked the others out.
"What was that?" He gave me a confused look. "They are people - real people - they believe in you! You better be careful, before they stop." As soon as I finished, I stormed out of the room to go find my friends.
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urcadelimabean · 6 years
Strange Pairs
In Philadelphia, Anne thinks about a conversation she had with Flint in Nassau.
(read on ao3 –  kudos or comments are loved)
Anne remembered being on deck that night, with the moon hung above the sea behind a cloud like a hidden jewel. Captain Flint had startled her–he had been so still she had thought he was just a shadow, and then he moved into the half-moonlight, and suddenly he was no longer an apparition but a man. Anne had slowly taken her hand off her sword hilt and approached him.
He had wordlessly offered her the bottle he was holding. She’d taken a swig and passed it back, not knowing what to make of this encounter. They could just stand there in silence and drink as the ship drew closer to the Maroon camp–that’d be fine with her.
“The cache of gems,” Flint had begun, voice level as he could make it, but Anne thought she heard it tremble, the sound of the greatest effort to maintain control beginning to fail. “That contains more than just those physical objects locked inside, as Rackham described it…”
If she was expected to reply, Anne didn’t know what the fuck she’d say. The anger and hurt when she thought of Max was mixed with a bitter longing unlike anything she’d ever known. Everything they’d sacrificed was in that stupid chest, and right now Anne would rather see it rotting at the bottom of the sea.
"Your lost love,” Flint continued, voice quieter now, “and mine, as well.”
Anne could hear her own heart beat. That secret should be safe in the cache. She tried to pierce the darkness with her gaze but Flint’s face was disguised in shadow…just the shuddering of his shoulder betrayed a heaved breath, as if he was the one about to lay himself bare.
“Why you tellin’ me this,” Anne began, feeling suddenly like she should offer him an out, and it wasn’t often she felt the need for courtesy. She wondered how much he’d been drinking, leaned in and sniffed. 
Flint inhaled an unsteady breath. "He…” Something in him seemed to crumble and he brought a hand to his face with one stifled sob, then held onto the railing, barely making a sound between short anguished breaths. Anne stilled, changed by that single word, and the man before her was also changed, revealed in the darkness. 
“What happened to ‘im?” Anne asked, keeping her voice low, words almost lost in the waves. Whatever this was deserved to be treated gently, to be protected, like Max had protected her.
“He’s dead. Thomas is dead.” Flint’s voice was even again– the same voice she’d heard him use to order men to plot their course or fix something about the rigging. “Miranda is dead. Both of them were killed, literally or…driven to it.”
“Men who did it…got what was coming to them?”
Flint considered her words. “I made sure they did, yes.”
Anne let out a quiet breath, slowly, shifting slightly to look out over the sea, thinking about the men she’d killed for Max and the how many more she’d be willing to kill. The silence felt peaceful now, but heavy with the weight of what had been confided between them. “I’ll ask again. The fuck are you telling me this for.”
“Because,” Flint replied, “I know you won’t tell anyone. Eleanor’s love…she was your love, wasn’t she.”
Anne said nothing, just let Flint’s words be washed away in the wind, stood next to him and looked at the sea, thought of Nassau and how some part if her would always be there no matter how far she left it behind.
Flint passed her the bottle again. “Perhaps I’m telling you this because…because our most basic instinct is to tell a story about our lives that makes sense, and tell it to people it makes sense to. Or perhaps I’ve simply had too much to drink.”
Anne drank the last drops from the bottle. “I ain’t never needed a story to make sense of shit. World don’t make sense anyway. Don’t see how shit can change that.”
Flint shook his head. “Because it’s not inevitable for the world to be as it is, it only seems so. And it matters what stories we tell.”
“Problem with trying to change the world is the whole fucking world.”
Flint turned to her, silhouetted against the dimly lit sea, and gave a strange little laugh, then sighed. “Fair enough.”
Anne had never given much thought to what sort of man he was, where he came from. She watched him slowly transform from a lost, grieving man back into the Captain Flint she had known like he was donning a disguise, bandaging the wounded parts of himself until they were invisible once more. 
But she still remembered that man after, the one weeping for his dead lovers into the sea.
It was a long time later, when Jack returned to Philadelphia, and Anne sat with him and Max by the fire, that she heard how Captain Flint had been unmade and how Lord Thomas Hamilton had come back from the dead. 
Jack thought it was likely that McGraw would escape Savannah, but believed he would present no problems for Nassau.
"Fuck’s the point of that?” Anne had asked. “Why would Silver do it knowing he’ll escape?”
Jack had sighed, raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps Mr. Silver could not have done it if he had believed he was truly sentencing Flint to serve the rest of his life for crimes that surely we’ve all committed. It would not be the first time love and betrayal were tangled together in such a way.”
Anne thought about the feeling of Max’s hand in her own, only a few nights past–she couldn’t keep her thoughts from drifting back to Max, like a tide always returning to the land. She looked at Max’s hands folded in her lap where she sat beside her.
Anne fiddled with the bandage wrapped across her palm. “So Flint–McGraw–is with him, this Thomas Hamilton?”
“Yes,” Jack replied, glanced briefly between Max and Anne. “He was reunited with his love.”
“And the cache?” Anne asked.
“In the ground,” Max said, “never to bother us again, and Nassau is ours.”
Jack did look self-satisfied about that.
Slowly, Anne placed her palm on the back of Max’s hand, felt Max turn her palm up and close her fingers around the bandage. Anne looked up and saw Jack looking at her tenderly. He came to sit on her other side and placed a kiss on her brow. Max’s hand in hers felt like all the world’s gold.
There was an old piece of flint beside the fire. Anne thought about McGraw putting aside his disguise. She’d never needed one. Well…she glanced at her old battered hat beside the door. Maybe she’d put her disguise away more slowly.
Jack’s head nodded down onto her shoulder.
"This story about McGraw…it touched you.”
Anne looked up at Max’s words, and felt Max’s fingers stroke the back of her hand.
“Somethin’ Jack said once, it’s from some story–a play I think. ‘Journeys end in lovers meetings.’ Thought it was all some fucking nonsense at the time.”
A tear fell down Max’s cheek. She shook her head, and wiped her eye quickly. “It’s not nonsense.” She moved in close under Anne’s arm and pulled a blanket over them, then found Anne’s hand again.
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YA & School Love in LGBTQIA+ Historical Romances
First off, I’m glad to say that the YA novels of today are teeming with LGBT characters, many of them MCs. That said, this is just a taste of a few that I really enjoyed or by authors you might not be aware of yet. @lgbtqreads is an excellent resource for more exhaustive lists, and also companies like Book Riot.
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens throughout the Ages. Short story anthology of LGBTQIA teenagers throughout history, from across the spectrum. Ed by Sandra Mitchell
- Take a journey through time and genres to discover stories where queer teens live, love and shape the world around them. Seventeen young adult authors across the queer spectrum have come together to create a collection of beautifully written diverse historical fiction for teens. From a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood set in war-torn 1870s Mexico featuring a transgender soldier, to two girls falling in love while mourning the death of Kurt Cobain, forbidden love in a sixteenth-century Spanish convent or an asexual girl discovering her identity amid the 1970s roller-disco scene, All Out tells a diverse range of stories across cultures, time periods and identities, shedding light on an area of history often ignored or forgotten.
Hayden Thorne novels are being reissued. She specializes in YA LGBT romance novels, many with fantasy elements, but all of them well constructed and inventive. I’ve read almost all of her novels in this genre, and several are mentioned elsewhere on this blog. Just, please, check out this amazing author’s work for some very creative takes on some of your favorite tropes, and ideas I’ve never read anywhere else.
A Place for Wolves by Kosoko Jackson
- Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe meets Code Name Verity in this heartbreaking and poignant historical thriller. (YA!!)
James Mills isn’t sure he can forgive his parents for dragging him away from his life, not to mention his best friend and sister, Anna. He’s never felt so alone. Enter Tomas. Falling for Tomas is unexpected, but sometimes the best things in life are. Then their world splits apart. A war that has been brewing finally bursts forward, filled with violence, pain, and cruelty. James and Tomas can only rely on each other as they decide how far they are willing to go—and who they are willing to become—in order to make it back to their families.
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee (Review)
- A young bisexual British lord embarks on an unforgettable Grand Tour of Europe with his best friend/secret crush. An 18th-century romantic adventure for the modern age written by This Monstrous Thing author Mackenzi Lee - Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda meets the 1700s.Henry "Monty" Montague doesn't care that his roguish passions are far from suitable for the gentleman he was born to be. But as Monty embarks on his grand tour of Europe, his quests for pleasure and vice are in danger of coming to an end. Not only does his father expect him to take over the family's estate upon his return, but Monty is also nursing an impossible crush on his best friend and traveling companion, Percy.So Monty vows to make this yearlong escapade one last hedonistic hurrah and flirt with Percy from Paris to Rome. But when one of Monty's reckless decisions turns their trip abroad into a harrowing manhunt, it calls into question everything he knows, including his relationship with the boy he adores.Witty, dazzling, and intriguing at every turn, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue is an irresistible romp that explores the undeniably fine lines between friendship and love.
Don't miss Felicity's adventures in The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, the highly anticipated sequel!
Pantomine by Laura Lam (Micah Grey Trilogy Book 1)
- In a land of lost wonders, the past is stirring once more . . .
Gene's life resembles a debutante's dream. Yet she hides a secret that would see her shunned by the nobility. Gene is both male and female. Then she displays unwanted magical abilities - last seen in mysterious beings from an almost-forgotten age. Matters escalate further when her parents plan a devastating betrayal, so she flees home, dressed as a boy.
The city beyond contains glowing glass relics from a lost civilization. They call to her, but she wants freedom not mysteries. So, reinvented as 'Micah Grey', Gene joins the circus. As an aerialist, she discovers the joy of flight - but the circus has a dark side. She's also plagued by visions foretelling danger. A storm is howling in from the past, but will she heed its roar?
Ash by Malinda Lo
In the wake of her father's death, Ash is left at the mercy of her cruel stepmother. Consumed with grief, her only joy comes by the light of the dying hearth fire, rereading the fairy tales her mother once told her. In her dreams, someday the fairies will steal her away. When she meets the dark and dangerous fairy Sidhean, she believes that her wish may be granted. The day that Ash meets Kaisa, the King's Huntress, her heart begins to change. Instead of chasing fairies, Ash learns to hunt with Kaisa. Their friendship, as delicate as a new bloom, reawakens Ash's capacity for love--and her desire to live. But Sidhean has already claimed Ash for his own, and she must make a choice between fairy tale dreams and true love. Entrancing and empowering, Ash beautifully unfolds the connections between life and love, and solitude and death, where transformation can come from even the deepest grief.
The Unbinding of Mary Reade by Miriam McNamara
- A clever, romantic novel based on the true story of a girl who disguised herself as a boy to sail with the infamous pirates Anne Bonny and Calico Jack—and fell in love with Anne Bonny.
There’s no place for a girl in Mary’s world. Not in the home of her mum, desperately drunk and poor. Not in the household of her wealthy granny, where no girl can be named an heir. And certainly not in the arms of Nat, her childhood love who never knew her for who she was. As a sailor aboard a Caribbean merchant ship, Mary’s livelihood—and her safety—depends on her ability to disguise her gender.
At least, that’s what she thinks is true. But then pirates attack the ship, and in the midst of the gang of cutthroats, Mary spots something she never could have imagined: a girl pirate.
The sight of a girl standing unafraid upon the deck, gun and sword in hand, changes everything. In a split-second decision, Mary turns her gun on her own captain, earning herself the chance to join the account and become a pirate alongside Calico Jack and Anne Bonny.
For the first time, Mary has a shot at freedom. But imagining living as her true self is easier, it seems, than actually doing it. And when Mary finds herself falling for the captain’s mistress, she risks everything—her childhood love, her place among the crew, and even her life.
Breathlessly romantic and brilliantly subversive, The Unbinding of Mary Reade is sure to sweep readers off their feet and make their hearts soar.
Deviant Desire by Jackson Marsh (Just came out March 7th!)
- The Victorian East End lives in fear of the Ripper and his mission to kill rent boys. Silas Hawkins, nineteen and forging a life on the streets could well be the next victim, but when he meets Archer, his life changes forever. Young, attractive and rich, Archer is The Viscount Clearwater, a philanthropist, adventurer and homosexual.When Archer suspects the Ripper is killing to lure him to a confrontation, he risks his reputation and his life to stop the madman's murders. Every man must play his part, including Silas.A mashup of mystery, romance and adventure, Deviant Desire is set in an imaginary London of 1888. The first in an on-going series, it takes the theme of loyalty and friendship in a world where homosexuality is a crime. Secrets must be kept, lovers must be protected, and for Archer and Silas, it marks the start of their biggest adventure - love.
The Prince and The Dressmaker by Jen Wang
- Set in Paris, this graphic novel follows Sebastian, a prince with a secret. By day, Sebastian laments his parents' fervent search for his bride-to-be, but by night, Sebastian transforms into fashion icon Lady Crystallia! Sebastian's best friend and dressmaker, Frances, has kept his secret, but when the secret becomes too hard to keep, she may risk their friendship and Sebastian's trust for her own shot at the spotlight.
A Light Amongst Shadows (Dark is the Night series Book 1) by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood
This whole series is gold, but here is the information on the first novel...
James Spencer is hardly the typical troubled youth who ends up at Whisperwood School for Boys. Instead of hating the strict schedules and tight oversight by staff, James blossoms, quickly making friends, indulging in his love of writing, and contemplating the merits of sneaking love poems to the elusive and aloof William Esher. The rumours about William’s sexuality and opium reliance are prime gossip material amongst the third years…rumours that only further pique James’ curiosity to uncover what William is really like beneath all that emotional armor. And, when the normally collected William stumbles in one night, shaken and ranting of ghosts, James is the only one who believes him. James himself has heard the nails dragging down his bedroom door and the sobs echoing in the halls at night. He knows others have, too, even if no one will admit it. The staff refuses to entertain such ridiculous tales, and punishment awaits anyone who brings it up. Their fervent denial and the disappearance of students only furthers James’ determination to find out what secrets Whisperwood is hiding…especially if it prevents William and himself from becoming the next victims.
Originally, this list was going to include professors too, but they were already on a list and May/December romances will be on the list for May.
Adding a link for a list of best LGBT fantasy romances in the YA genre, because they have several novels with historical themes that I know friends/fellow readers I know, have enjoyed.
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nexttrickanvils · 5 years
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Day 5 of @shuharuweek: AU/Song & Dance
Yup it’s time for more roleswap AU. So enjoy Haru starting up the Empress Confidant. ;)
Title: Foolish Empress: Empress Confidant Rank 1
Characters: Fool!Haru, Empress!Akira, Morgana, others are there briefly
It was official… the Phantom Thieves were low on money.
Then again Haru shouldn’t be too surprised. After all between buying new weapons for everyone and buying a cell phone for Yusuke so he could actually communicate with the rest of the team it was no wonder that their funds were low.
Haru pulls up the group chat to let everyone know what was going on.
HARU:  Some bad news. I just looked at our funds and we’re running low. We may have to make do with our current equipment and supplies.
ANN: Can’t we just hold up some Shadows in Mementos?
RYUJI: Yeah but we just finished up Madarame’s palace. I wanna take a break before we get back to work.
HARU: I agree with Ryuji-kun, I don’t want you all to overwork yourselves.
YUSUKE: I apologize. I know you three had to use that money for this phone and equipment for me.
ANN: Yusuke, don’t. You needed a phone and like hell was Madarame gonna give you one.
RYUJI: Yeah and we couldn’t let you face shadows without good stuff. Plus we all bought new junk so it ain’t all on you.
YUSUKE: I appreciate your words but that still leaves us with our current situation.
HARU: I guess the best option would be take a job. I saw some job postings at the subway, maybe I can take a look at those.
ANN: You sure Haru? You just said you didn’t want us to overwork ourselves.
HARU: I’ll be fine Ann-chan, thank you.
With that Haru closed the app and put her phone away. From his spot next to her on the bed, Morgana gives her a concerned look.
“I think Lady Ann has a point. You can’t lead Les Fantômes if you exhaust yourself.” said Morgana
Haru smiles in response and starts petting her (not) feline companion
“I appreciate that you’re all looking out for me but we can’t solely rely on the Metaverse for our money. I promise that I’ll be looking for something that’s simple and won’t take too much time.”
“...Well I should come with you and help, just in case.”
Haru briefly thinks of saying to Morgana that he’s always with her outside but instead she just thanks him.
“How about this one? It’s that beef bowl place in Shibuya.” Morgana said as he looked at the flyer from over Haru’s shoulder
“I don’t know. I’ve been there with Ryuji once. It was so crowded and there weren’t a lot of people working that night.”
“Maybe it won’t be so bad if they hired more people.”
“I suppose, let’s consider it a “maybe.””
So far the job search turned out to be more difficult than Haru thought. There certainly wasn’t a lack of openings but for one reason or another they simply didn’t fit what Haru was looking for. One didn’t work because she was too young to apply, another was too strict with its scheduling, and so on.
“This one won’t do at all.”
But she refused to give up.
“Hm… not this one.”
There had to be something…
...Just right…
“Oh! Mona-chan look at this one!”
Rafflesia Flower Shop Now Hiring!
Located in Underground Mall at Shibuya Station
Looking for charming employees to build and give our customers their dream bouquets.
Willing to provide flexible hours
Starting salary is 3200 yen.
Haru smiles as she pulls out her phone and calls the number on the flyer.
“Thank you for taking this position, Kurusu-chan. I can tell that you’ll be a very good fit for Rafflesia.”
Haru gave her thanks to Hanasaki-san as she tied the apron around her waist.
“Now Kurusu-chan since this is your first day, I’m going to ask you to shadow me and Amamiya-kun. We’ll do the work and you observe us and try to learn the ropes.”
“Another employee, he’ll be here soon. Just keep your eye out for a young man about your age with dark hair and glasses. Now let’s get to work shall we?”
Haru did as she was told for the shift, learning as much as she can about the job from Hanasaki-san, and all the while keeping her eyes out for someone matching her co-worker’s description.
She was in the middle of watching her boss put together a bouquet of scarlet roses, care-nation, and justice jasmines when Amamiya-san arrived.
He was just as Hansaki-san described though Haru couldn’t help but giggle a little over how his headband was just barely containing his mess of hair. Thankfully he didn’t seem to hear (or mind) Haru’s laughing and instead went straight to their boss.
“I apologize for taking so long Hanasaki-san.”
“It’s no problem. Kurusu-chan, this is Ren Amamiya. Amamiya-kun, this is our new hire, Haru Kurusu. She’ll be shadowing you for the rest of the shift. So give her a good example to follow, alright?”
“Heh, heh, don’t worry I will.”
Amamiya then turned to Haru and smiled. For a brief moment she felt her breath caught in her throat.
“It’s nice to meet you Kurusu-chan. It’s good for have an extra set of hands here.”
“Oh! I-I I’m glad to be here.”
For the rest of the shift, Haru watched and followed Amamiya-kun. His passion for the job was something to be admired. He happily explained the different meanings of each flower, connecting those meanings to the type of bouquets people wanted, and really laid on the charm for the customers.
Honestly Haru found herself blushing more than once.
She was so focused on him, that she almost didn’t notice when Hanasaki-san approached her with an envelope of money.
“Here’s your pay for today. It’s just standard wages. Good work, Kurusu-chan. Come back again when you have the time.”
“Thank you, I will.”
She waved good-bye to her co-workers and made her way to the train back to Yongen-Jaya
As soon as the bell rung, Haru made her way upstairs to meet with Ann and Ryuji to discuss going into Mementos today.
Just as she reached the second-year’s floor, Haru found herself nearly crashing into another student.
“Oh, my apologies...!”
“It’s fine Kurusu-chan I wasn’t looking where I was going and...”
Wait “Kurusu-chan?”
Haru looked up to face the student and found herself at a loss for words.
The boy in front of her wore a black sweater over his school turtleneck but what caught her attention was his messy dark hair and grey eyes. If he pulled his bangs back and wore a pair of glasses he’d look just like...
“I-I’m sorry! Y-you must have me mistaken for-for s-some... ” and with that the boy rushed downstairs.
The next day, Amamiya-kun didn’t arrive at work. Hanasaki-san had said that he called in sick but after what happened yesterday, Haru couldn’t help but worry. Why did he run away when she recognized him? Not to mention how different he was from the charming confident young man at the flower shop. Was he hiding something?
Whatever was wrong, she wanted to help him. She wasn’t going to let someone struggle in silence.
For the next few days at school, Haru kept her eyes open for Amamiya. She tried to ask around about him but anyone who was actually willing to talk to her only seemed to vaguely know who she was talking about.
She finally found him one day, exiting the library with a small stack of books.
“There you are!”
The dark-haired boy froze and looked at Haru with a nervous expression.
“Please don’t run away. I just wanted to talk, I’ve been worried about you.”
“Wait… Worried? About me?”
“You haven’t been to work since we bumped into each other the other day. Is there something the matter Amamiya-kun? Please whatever it is, I want to help...”
With some hesitance, Amamiya walked toward Haru.
“I’ll explain, just follow me.”
The two make their way outside the building and eventually sat down in one of the alcoves by the vending machines.
Amamiya looks around to see if anyone was near, takes a deep breath, and faces Haru.
“The truth is… my name isn’t Ren Amamiya. It’s Akira. The glasses and the headband are part of the… mask I wear for lack of a better word.”
“Why use a fake name? Why disguise yourself… are you in trouble Ama… I mean Akira-kun?”
Akira sighs, “No but I would be. Certain people in my life… wouldn’t approve of my choice of hobby. They want me to be more of a proper gentleman and well “proper gentlemen ” don’t plant and tend flowers. So I came up with the disguise so I could just get away from my regular life and do something I love. When you recognized me here, I was afraid that word would spread and everyone would find out.”
Haru sadly stares at him. She can’t imagine what it must be like to hide your passion in such a way. Without even thinking, Haru places her hand on top of Akira’s.
“Please, just call me Haru. And I promise Akira-kun, your secret is safe with me. You obviously care about working at the shop and it makes you happy. I never want to take that away from you. And if you ever need someone to confide in, I’ll be there.”
A tinge of pink covers Akira’s cheeks before he smiles.
“I… thank you Haru-chan.”
Haru squeezes Akira’s hand as she can feel a new power within her and time seeming to stop.
She felt dizzy, her mouth was dry, and everything hurt.
Haru faced Niijima-san who seemed to pondering something.
“One of your later jobs involved probing into a certain conglomerate. There’s a possibility you even infiltrated their company building. Perhaps you had some sort of connection… Tell me about this person.”
Just as before with Niijima-san’s previous questions about her confidants, Haru stayed silent.
I am thou, thou art I…
Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion
That breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Empress Persona,
I have obtained the winds of blessing that
Shall lead to freedom and new power…
Akira cleared his throat and Haru immediately pulled her hand away.
“I’m sorry, I just kind of...”
“N-no it’s fine. I just… I know I already said it but thank you. I’ll be back at Rafflesia in a couple days. Then… then maybe I’ll take you up on your offer. I should head home now, my father’s… well I don’t want to worry him. I’ll see you later, Haru-chan.”
“See you later, Akira-kun.”
She waved goodbye as Akira walked away. However she soon heard a familiar laugh from her bag. Haru quickly opened it up and found Morgana grinning like… well like the cat that caught the canary.
“Mona-chan, I thought you were napping! How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone about your boyfriend.”
With that Haru zipped her bag back up, stood up, and made her way to the station. All the while ignoring Morgana’s protests.
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