#but like c’mon
imuncreativesorry · 27 days
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When I tell you I audibly gasped
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akuikami-a · 7 months
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finally got the high quality panels and i just hate him sm
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tytoalbion · 1 year
Not looking forward to work tomorrow cause my boss called me 3 times after 5:30 and I ignored them all 😬
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griffinsboyfriend · 1 year
The bad decision of Elementalists, don't make the whole team LIs, like the blonde one! They're hot
I was fine with the whole friend group (sans Zeph) being LI. I wish they could’ve given each LI their time. It’s clear the writer(s) self inserted a bit because they favored Beckett over the rest from the very beginning. Fine, whatever. It happens. But their book and characters suffered for it. They did. Nobody is gonna convince me otherwise.
They could’ve chosen to put more effort into giving screen time to the other characters and they decided not to. That’s a fact.
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colossalsquidz · 2 years
So annoying when people add rb bait to their art like do you want people to only share your art bc they pity you or feel obligated to
“Don’t like without reblogging” cool I’m doing neither then
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rdr-addict · 2 years
My toxic trait is knowingly opening incomplete fanfics that haven’t been updated in years and reading all the way through them. Then subscribing as if there’s a chance they’ll be completed.
Why am I like this.
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grassbreads · 2 years
I’m certain this isn’t an original thought, but every time I see that one dude from Encanto, he just reminds me of Jon Archivist, and I just found out that apparently he’s some sort of spooky misunderstood prophet too?
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omegasamwilson · 3 years
Hot take: people hate Tony Stark so much that they accidentally contradict their own ideologies.
Disclaimer: I’m Tony Stark neutral and think he’s a fun character that’s also military propaganda and I’m a pretty big leftist.
Currently arguing with someone who thinks Tony Stark is selfish for not paying the Avengers. While I do think, the Avengers should be paid, it is fucking dangerous for a private entity (whether a corporation or an individual) to pay a team of US-based special operatives that have the freedom to go where they want and interfere with whatever crisis they decide to. Like, that is so incredibly dangerous that I’m surprised people are angry at Tony Stark for not doing that. It sets a horrifying precedent.
See also: defending american military intervention in sovereign nations with no oversight
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laurellament · 4 years
Y’all with the way this year is going I am thiiis close to picking up smoking again cuz like, why not? I have worse things to worry about what’s one more
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maleksrami · 5 years
Do you think Harry might have another sweet creature or any other song for Louis in HS2 ?! I feel this album is gonna be more about Harry 😕
I know it will be truly devastating if his own album, which definitely will have themes about identity, was just about himself...that’d be so awful
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hockeybooty · 5 years
Okaaaay I just got a pic of a dm a girl sent to a player and it was a whole freaking story about their future together. Like dates, moving in together, getting pets, wedding, kids, life after his retirement. I’m not kidding. Even total thirst dms would be better. Like girrrrrrl u gotta chill.
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lady-kate-noir · 5 years
I was absolutely not here for all the flashbacks and no fight with stormy weather their budget must’ve been in the dirt to have reused all that old footage but anyway
And then I thought the ep had redeemed itself with Adrien connecting the dots with Marinette’s handwriting and that she has a obsession crush on him
I’m v sad about this
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feelingloved247 · 6 years
MHA Crew: Yes we have confirmed that Dabi is a Tordoroki and here’s what happened
Us: All right! *Drawing even more Touya/Dabi fan art*
MHA, on their way out a door: Oh yeah one more thing
Us, not really paying attention: Yeah?
MHA Crew: Izuku’s Dad is AFO and here’s his face and Inko and him in love bye now
Us: okay thanks- wait WHAT
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