#but like the first rule of sharing art online is to not come off overly self-conscious because then if anyone does say they like it?
muninnhuginn · 2 years
there’s caffeine in the air tonight
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trashcornertully · 8 months
other fandoms and interests i froth besides monster prom
so I post a lot about the Monster xyz series on this blog because it's been one of my Brain Problems since my wife and I got into playing it mid-lateish last year. however I feel like posting some other stuff I'm into in a fannish capacity so people can Learn About Tully™️
Read more under the cut!
I'm into lots of experimental or 'culty' musicians, composers and bands. I'm also generally into jazz, funk, prog, and jazz-influenced/adjacent styles of all kinds a huge amount
my IRL job is in linguistics and I enjoy learning about languages and grammar, sociology etc. a whole lot. I speak a handful of languages to varying degrees of proficiency
I draw furry art as well even though I haven't really posted it here, and have a roster of OCs and a fursona of sorts. my online domains don't overlap much but maybe they should!!
I don't necessarily know if I'm a part of the 'Adventure Time fandom' but I do quite like the show and have occasionally drawn and written fanworks of it (though I haven't published much online yet and none on my AO3). I'm not gonna crap on people who don't like it, of course (even if some of the things certain people hate about it are things I like, or vice versa).
I'm very much into tabletop games! I'm currently getting into a new game of DnD with some of the folks I played my first campaign with, and occasionally guest in a long-running Pathfinder campaign. I have a ruleset and shared universe I'm working on with the working title of Half Eldritch. I'm still trying to come up with a rule system that feels fresh and fun but isn't overly complicated, but I've been playtesting it every so often with wife and friends.
In a more general sense, I really love monster-type characters and terato stuff, which is probably why Monster Prom was such a big brain activator for me in the first place. I'm really fond of Undertale and Deltarune since way back. I got that ol' Undyne spear of justice in my heart still.
I used to be semi-active drawing OFF fanart when I was a wee lass. I intend to re-play it some time soon, most likely on stream! I'm going to link to my Twitch soon. I have a PNGtuber who's a dino lady named Cindy, lovingly illustrated by my friend Pooks [18+ please!].
Also, Tully isn't my real name, but a pseudonym that I feel comfortable going by in online circles. I actually have a "pseudo-full name" which I intend to publish original fantasy and sci-fi works under one day: Tully Kenneth Wynrad.
Some also know me as Frozen since I've gone by the alias FrozenFruit. This is a name from several years back, and is mostly associated with my furry and video game-related NSFW art. I tend to think of Frozen as my "furry name" and Tully as my "fandom name".
If you want to know more, just send me an ask!
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zagrean · 1 year
OOC/rules/content warnings
mun is kris. 23 as of currently writing this (24 as of may 12, 2023). they/them, anxious bastard lol
the roulxs:
18+ only
minors and personals will be soft blocked. upon following again: hard block.
if you are a personal with an rp sideblog please make it clear on your blog or just tell me because otherwise you might get blocked.
minor MUSES are fine though
i read rules pages for every blog i follow that has one but i have a shit memory so if i accidentally breach one of your rules please let me know. or block me if it’s that egregious but please for the love of god do not publicly @ me who the fuck does that. do not make a callout post for me being forgetful like a fucking weirdo. if i breach a rule that is not on your rules page then i’m sorry, i’m not a mind reader.
please tag spiders/scorpions/arachnids, hanging/nooses, and also maybe trypo/holes thanks
please please ESPECIALLY arachnids. seriously i have them blacklisted like a million separate ways. cartoony depictions, as well as spider-themed characters (i.e., vriska, muffet) are usually fine, but even like. semi-realistic art is too much sometimes.
semi-selective i will roleplay with most fandoms, ocs, and muses also not moots exclusive.
please don’t like. involve me in drama or callouts or shit. i’m just here trying to play fucking online dolls
with the above said i do reserve the right to block/cease interacting with ppl who make me uncomfortable, just like you reserve the right to block/cease interacting with me if i make u uncomfortable. i prefer to try to come to some kind of understanding first, but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way
please note that i, the mun, am mentally ill and neurodivergent. in a lot of cases, my muses will share some of my own personal struggles to sort of like. explore these things myself and shit. zag doesn’t really share anything with me in particular, except maybe daddy issues. that’s only partially a joke.
sorry if some of these seem overly detailed or serious. i’ve been around the block when it comes to rp tumblr i’m just trying to cover all my bases in at least a semi concise manner.
also sorry if any of this comes off as passive aggressive or rude. i can’t parse or regulate tone for shit like in an actual verbal conversation, trying to convey it thru text is damn near impossible for me lmao
i’m really just a tired nerd who is trying to have fun on this hellsite.
um that’s all i can think of for now may add or change more later thanks for reading have a great time
Murder, death, etc. Blood, probably.
Potentially parental abuse, mostly verbal
Greek god shit in general. These guys are… a mess.
I’ll tag these, as well as any other potentially triggering material not mentioned, to the best of my ability, usually as #[trigger] //. In some cases, just the word itself. Anything I’m unsure about will be tagged #ask to tag
Please feel free to ask me to tag anything!
0 notes
wits-writing · 4 years
Ultraman Z Ep. 1: “Chant My Name!” (TV Review)
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(Original Air Date: June 19, 2020, Director: Kiyotaka Taguchi, Writer: Kota Fukihara)
Tsuburaya Productions (TsuPro for short), have recently been making greater strides to increase their Ultraman franchise’s availability internationally. Most recently that’s been taking the form of blu-ray releases from Mill Creek Entertainment of classic and modern series. As a fan of Japanese tokusatsu (“special effects” features) in general, official releases like that have me excited for the potential of what’s to come for the international availability of the genre in general. This week has started a new step on that path. For the next two weeks, on the official Ultraman Youtube channel, TsuPro has made the first episode of the latest installment in their iconic franchise, Ultraman Z (pronounced “Zett”), available with English captions.
This first episode marks an action-packed introduction to the titular intergalactic hero in-training, Zett (voiced by Tasuku Hanaka), and rookie giant robot pilot for the organization STORAGE, Haruki Natsukawa (Kohshu Hirano). We see them going through reactions to how they’re treated by their respective superiors, deal with the threat of a giant monster and when a near-death experience for both of them requires them to merge their life energy in this efficiently paced introduction to a new story in the Ultraman legacy.
[Full Review Under the Cut]
Keeping the action going through most of the episode’s runtime establishes how the setting for this series will work going forward without slowing down for exposition. The monster attack in the cold open presents this as a world that needed an organization like STORAGE using giant robots to deal with these attacks before the titular Ultraman shows up. Details from that sequence come back later to parallel and re-establish some classic rules of the Ultra franchise, like the shared 3-minute time limit for fighting between STORAGE’s robot Sevenger and Zett himself, signaled by his Z-shaped color timer. Full explanations of how everything in this series is supposed to work will likely come later but keeping the first episode action focused helps draw the audience in and make them want to see more.
In between the action in this episode we get glimpses into the supporting cast that make up the members of STORAGE in how they react during and after monster attacks. As an organization, we get an idea of how they operate to manage the dangers of monster attacks. It’s a professional process of clearing the center of the attack of any bystanders before releasing one of their robots into the area to deal with the threat and mitigate collateral damage. There are brief looks into the interpersonal dynamics of the team, like when we see Haruki getting chewed out by his superiors after him distracting Yoko (Rima Matsuda) during the opening caused greater collateral damage and during the fights where Yuka (Hikari Kiroki) gets excited over how cool the attacking monsters are. They’re set up well as character I look forward to seeing more of, especially since the presence of STORAGE’s robots means they’ll occasionally be entering the fray against monsters alongside Haruki and Zett.
With the series being named after him, it makes sense that this first episode’s focus is in getting to know Ultraman Z and Haruki as individuals before they merge at the end. The monster attack in the opening gives Haruki a literal Save the Cat Dog moment, demonstrating where his priorities lie while doing his job. He’s clearly still new to all of this when we see him processing how his superiors tell him that while his commitment to saving lives no matter what is admirable, it’s not an excuse for reckless behavior.
With the other half of the partnership, we’re introduced to Zett as another rookie desperate to prove himself to the person he’s declared his mentor, Ultraman Zero (voiced by Mamoru Miyano). Though the elder Ultra denies it and declares Zett to be “barely one-third hero”, that doesn’t stop Zett’s determination, especially once Zero’s trapped in another dimension and leaves Zett to deal with the monster on his own. The hero being a massive fanboy seeking to inherit the legacy of his heroes and the way he mixes overly dramatic speech, like saying “I beseech you!” in the subtitles, while also saying he’s “Ultra-shocked” at Zero’s dismissal of him adds a level of comedy to the show that makes Zett amusing from the start. The sequence that officially merges Haruki and Zett, a visual callback to the first episode of the original Ultraman, shows hints at where this dynamic between Ultra and host could go in the future. Their banter, especially during Haruki’s first use of the Ultra Z-Riser, already suggests how their qualities can help them develop together.
One of the best places the two characters come together in this first episode is in the action. I keep coming back to the cold open for this episode not only for how it efficiently sets up the world and character, but for how impressive it is as a technical feat. The mix of digital compositing and suit acting to make Gomess, the first monster we see, and Sevenger appear to be on different scales, while showing them behind the running Haruki is some of the best work I’ve seen in televised tokusatsu in a while. Suit acting between Sevenger and Zett adds a sense of character to the action. Sevenger’s design, a charming look from the Showa-era of the franchise, requires a tackle and grapple style of combat and there’s the bonus of how Sevenger’s eyes switch to an angry expression when it’s time to fight. Haruki using Sevenger to fight alongside Zett lets them quickly develop a trust as Haruki can see that Zett is working to defend the city from the monster Genegar. A notable difference occurs between regular Zett, before merging with Haruki, and afterwards when he’s in Alpha Edge form, calling on the powers of past Ultras. Once Zett and Haruki are accessing those powers the pace of the fight against Genegar speeds up and Zett’s fighting style becomes more martial arts focused and more powers, like energy blasts, coming into play.
“Chant My Name!” kicks off Ultraman Z with a bang, from the characters to the action and effects work, this is the best foot forward I’ve seen an Ultraman series open on since my personal favorite series, Ultraman Geed. It’s also a stellar start for the beginning of greater accessibility to Ultraman as a franchise from TsuPro. Much of what makes this episode so effective, like the music and the cliffhanger introducing the series antagonist, I’ve barely had space to mention. If you’re in the mood for an extra bit of action in your week, checking this episode out while it’s on Youtube is the perfect chance for that.
If you like what you’ve read here, please like/reblog or share elsewhere online, follow me on Twitter (@WC_WIT), and consider throwing some support my way at either Ko-Fi.com or Patreon.com at the extension “/witswriting”
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tessmontyart · 3 years
2020 year in review
It’s funny, last year I never actually got around to doing one of these. I didn’t think it was overly interesting. Oh 2019, how I miss you so 😭Such an innocent time ....
I’ll do a quick recap, cause hey no-one but me reads these anyway. 2019 was a glorious time. I went to Italy for the first time, went on an awesome Hunter Valley trip with my friends, had a 100th birthday celebration for my pop, I got to see the show I worked on air on TV, we saw the Lano and Woodley apartment in Melbourne .... Good times!
I didn’t give a rats about being unemployed and took matters into my own hands by making loads of new merch and selling at the most conventions I’ve ever been to. I tabled at Sydney Supanova, Adelaide Avcon, Sydney SMASH, Coffs Nexus Con, Sydney Oz Comic Con and Brisbane Supanova! I did so much travelling and events, it became my full time job. It was exhausting, but it was loads of fun, it paid the bills nicely, and it was wonderful to meet followers and mutuals in person.
My partner was very invested in counting up the numbers of what was selling and what wasn’t, and taking note of what was inconvenient with my setup and how to make it better. He even made a powerpoint presentation on what I could focus on for 2020, what kind of merch I could focus on and adding more conventions to my list. We were both excited about the idea of trying out Armageddon in New Zealand, which would have been my first overseas convention!
Cue 2020.
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It started off uneasy. There were still bushfires everywhere and smoke hanging around, but I was optimistic they would die soon and the rest of the year would be fine. I booked a bunch of conventions early as usual. Got a whole bunch of new things made and ordered for the first convention of the year, Melbourne Supanova in early April. Some Acrylic charms didn’t make it in time because of COVID, but I thought that’s ok I still have a whole years worth of conventions to sell them at!
COVID-19 was just a spooky mysterious thing that was happening overseas at that point. I think there might have been 1 case in Australia, so all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was sold out, but we were still able to do our usual travelling for the event. Little did I know, Melbourne Supanova was the first and last event I could do in 2020.
COVID hit Australia hard, Melbourne especially. There were lockdowns, quarantines, planes were grounded, airmail was halted, the cases kept multiplying, rules kept changing and changing and it was all so new and such a headache. Seeing every single convention I had booked cancel one after the other was hard to process. This was my main source of income in 2019 and now it’s up and vanished. Everyone were losing their jobs too, so the idea of getting a new job was completely out the window. 
I tried to cheer myself up by drawing ‘Toilet Paper Chan’, my new magical girl character who has the ability to summon toilet paper in a time of need 😅
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I made it into a Draw This In Your Style challenge, seeing as everyone was bored out of their minds in quarantine I hoped it was something people could pass the time and have fun making. 
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(here’s a handful of my favourites) I had a few entries which were all very adorable, but I admit not as many people joined as I expected. I don’t blame them though, this whole pandemic was very soul sucking and demotivating, especially hearing the constant stream of bad news when it all started.
I also made some lineart of a cute Easter girl, encouraging people to colour her in if they are bored in quarantine.
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That was really fun, and I planned to do more, perhaps whole colouring books for a small price to download. 
Then, out of nowhere, my friend from the last animation studio I worked at in 2018 contacted me. “Hey Tess, are you looking for work?”
“Um .... yes?”
Work? In 2020? What?
It turns out the animation industry is one of the only industries that are doing fine in the pandemic. Literally the only change is that animators have to work from home instead of at a studio. If you have the animation software and an internet connection you have everything you need.
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So my good friend had recently scored this job for a studio which outsources all their animation for their animated TV series. The role is just fixing up any animation errors inhouse to minimize the amount of back-and-fourth between studios. It doesn’t sound like much but it became too big a job for just one dude to handle, so he contacted me and 2 of my other animation friends to help out. We had a ball!
It was loads of fun, and the contract lasted the whole year! 
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It wasn’t just fixing up errors either, I got to animate walking/ running / jumping / flying cycles for the overseas animators to use, which was great practice for me, and we even had a whole episode to ourselves to animate from scratch which I really enjoyed.
And then ... the year just flew by, because I was busy working the whole time. It was really quite surreal!
There were a few highlights, such as being a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding and organising her hens party, which is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
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(Hens Party - it was yellow themed (her favourite colour) and High Tea.. it was adorable!)
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(The bridesmaids and the bride on the Wedding Day)
Unfortunately there were some lowlights too ... This was the last year I got to see my aunt. 
She was the craziest, funniest aunt, and still far too young to go. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be the same without her.
As always, drawing is the only way I cope with anything. My family chose a plain wooden casket, encouraging everybody to write a message or draw something on it, before it would be sent to the crematorium. I drew Spotty, her awesome horse I remember from my childhood, surrounded by her favourite flowers. Monty draw Mingus, her awesome ferret we also remember from our childhood.
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That wasn’t the only bad news either. Pat’s Grandpa passed away later in the year, and a handful of my friends had relatives who either passed away or were diagnosed with cancer or some other horrible life threatening disease. A musician who collaborated with favourite artist collaborated passed as well, and even though I didn’t know him personally, it was still horribly devastating. Not to mention all my friends/relatives pets who didn’t make it through 2020. There was just so much loss this year, and I’m still grieving my cousin and my friend’s mum who both passed last year, it’s getting harder and harder to cope. It’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about who the next person will be because I haven’t finished grieving the last ... 
All I can say is I hope 2021 is a little kinder when it comes to my loved ones. The small light at the end of the tunnel is; any suicidal thoughts I used to have frequently have all completely vanished, because I’ve been faced with the reality of it all. You really don’t realise how many people love you, people you don’t even know.
That was very dark, but it’s definitely something I needed to get off my chest.
Lets go back to a much lighter note. 
More highlights: 
🌻Animal Crossing New Horizons came out this year! I used to play Wild World back in the day so it was wonderfully nostalgic, and me and Pat have made the cutest little town with all our favourite villagers. It’s a nice way to escape from it all ^_^
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(Monty’s island when we started)
🌻Speaking of games, the brand new Crash Bandicoot came out this year too! It was actually jaw droppingly amazing seeing all the awesome new ideas and mechanics they came up with while still keeping it classicly Crash. I loved it and I’m so excited to see if they give Spyro the same treatment!
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🌻2020 brought about new and interesting ways to still enjoy Live entertainment. Lano and Woodley did a Zoom show which was absolutely hilarious, and Lights did an amazing online Dead End show which had me so pumped!
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🌻Pat and I continued our anniversary High Tea tradition, this time trying it out at the Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains!
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🌻Speaking of Pat, his sister got married this year too, despite the pandemic. Congratulations!
🌻Pat randomly bought a Miku figure for himself, out of the blue, completely unravelling years of unnecessary ‘shame’ I’ve inherited caused by a pushy mother and a crappy ex. I used to love figure collecting but was convinced by certain judgy people that it was stupid and I needed to sell them all. I kept my very favourites in a cupboard ‘just incase they increase in value’. But now I can finally display them all again knowing Pat loves them just as much as I do!
We also added a ton more to the collection to make up for lost time (and because there’s SO MANY CUTE MIKUS NOWADAYS)
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It’s a bit messy because we recently got new ones and need to make more space for them. The shelf with the Vocaloid nendoroids were my original ones hidden away in the cupboard, the rest we got this year ^_^ They make me so happy!
🌻Speaking of Pat unlocking things I’ve always wanted to do in the past: I am now planning to revive my old OCs Yui and Lotto! They were just characters of mine back in the day, but since I’m not good writing I never really came up with a story for them. But with Pat’s writer wisdom and my kawaii art style, I’m now planning a webcomic featuring the two cuties ^_^ It’s still in the very early planning stages but I’m super excited, and forever grateful for Pat, for believing in me ;w;
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🌻This year I drew 31 more Owl City songs in copic markers, to go towards my ongoing project to draw every song! I’m actually getting quite close to my goal now which is exciting! 
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🌻This year I went to a Drive-In movie theatre for the first time to see the new Bill and Tedd movie, it was glorious and now I wanted to try more drive-ins. Going out to see a movie on a big screen *without* being able to hear smart-asses or screaming babies? Yes please!!
🌻How could I forget, this was the year my idol noticed me!! Lights shared and retweeted my Deadend fanart! Life = made.
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What to to look forward to in 2021:
This is the first New Year where I actually have an idea of how 2021 will go! I managed to secure another animation job at a new studio starting January, ending January 2022 😊So thats the financial security for this year sorted! :P
As for general goals for 2021;
I’m hoping to have a decent plan, concept art, chapter ideas and hopefully even a script done for my new webcomic! I also wanted to make some cute simple animations of the characters just because c:
I’d also like to just do more of my own animation in general ... I animate every day for work but I never get to do my own animated projects. It will be hard with a full time job, so maybe this can be a 2022 goal ... but hopefully I can do at least one little animation of my own!
I suppose another goal is to make a social media accounts for my animation, too. Even if I don’t fulfil my goal, I still would like a page to showcase everything I’ve done so far.
And if all else fails .... Another goal is to draw more Miku. It’s crazy that I love her this much and haven’t drawn any fanart!
I think I’ll leave it there because I’m babbling now. 😅
I’ve done so many of these now o_o
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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rainydawgradioblog · 4 years
a covidsation with mary claire
For the first Covidsation for autumn quarter, here is an interview I did back in May with Mary Claire, my dear friend and one of my favorite local artists. Mary Claire is a singer-songwriter based here in Seattle who makes “sad girl rock” (see: Mitski, Angel Olsen, etc.). I first met them through the DIY scene and was lucky enough to book them at the finale Red Room show, a house venue I used to live at and help run. As evidenced by the picture below taken that very night, seeing Mary Claire play live is a magical, mesmerizing, captivating experience. Often accompanied with minimal, but tonally-rich instrumentals, their powerful and hauntingly stunning voice paired with visceral, poetic lyrics transport you into another realm. I *highly* recommend listening to their album Phantom Limb, which you can find on your streaming platform of choice or you can snag a physical copy at Everyday Music on the Hill like I did! Last month, they also just released an incredible stop-motion music video for their song off PL called “I Don’t Like Drinking”, directed, edited, and animated by Barb Hoffman, which you can find here! Thank you Mary Claire for these thoughtful responses and for creating such vulnerable, beautiful art <3
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Lola Gil: Tell me about your project. How has it evolved? Which artists are you most inspired by? How would you describe your sound?
Mary Claire: Hi hi I’m Mary Claire. I was never someone who was playing music since they were a little kiddo, it was something I picked up my senior year of high school. But pretty much everyone in my family has some amazing and weirdly specific aptitude for music, so I think being surrounded by that kind of allowed me to gather an eclectic, personal understanding, appreciation, and internalized feeling for music, so I never really took lessons or anything like that. I enjoyed and still enjoy that from the start, I was okay with the fact that I didn’t know “academic” theory and I just played with what feels and sounds right. And I still do that. So I played around with all those youthful punk feelings and had an angsty band in high school that was not bad for small town Sacramento. I think I learned so much from that and it gave me a flood of unhindered and unhinged confidence for recording, performing, maneuvering stage mechanics and technicalities, etc. Also it introduced me into the world of songwriting that I did for that band and for myself that just immediately poured out of me, which led me to what I’m doing now. I am extremely lyrically-focused and write mostly about lived personal experience that I surrender to and make extremely overly-wordy. I went from a solo act, to a bigger full piece crunchier band, to me and a piano player, back to a solo set, so I’m really just kind of evolving with my resources, the songs I’m currently living in and playing, and with what would bring everything to life most fully. 
I’m inspired by everyone, even if I don’t necessarily sound like them or listen to them all the time. Like, my adoration for incredibly angry punk music is what got me started in the creation of my own music, so that foundation will never leave me. Even though I won’t sound like IDLES or Shame or Pissed Jeans, their point of view and their devotion to cramming so many words into one breath is a place I also come from. We execute similar feelings in different ways. And though I currently am not anything like Yves Tumor, King Krule, or FKA Twigs, the layers in their stuff sends me so far. But I think lyrically and melodically, I pull inspiration from and sink most into Mitski, Sasami, Angel Olsen, Palehound, Big Thief, Bella Porter, Darci Phenix, Fiona Apple, Sufjan Stevens, Izumi, and Weyes Blood. 
Someone once said my tunes are “sad girl rock” and I think that sticks in a fun, quick way, so that’s what I tell people. But more recently, the stuff on my upcoming album I think is like a sad, fucked up, incredibly fast-paced nursery rhyme book (lol). I’m really excited for this album I wrote, more than anything ever. Also my good friend and twin flame Francis is helping me record it and is giving me a lot of knowledge and challenges and affirmations and inspiration. I owe a lot of this second album’s production and complexity him. There are a lot more people involved in the recording of this one, so it’s a lot fuller in a new and exciting and scary way.
LG: As an artist, how have you been affected by the pandemic? I saw most of your tour you had booked was unfortunately cancelled-- are you planning on rescheduling?
MC: Rescheduling feels so completely beyond me right now, so I am just considering it to be cancelled until things in the world really start to settle down to some degree of safety and responsibility. However, the silver lining in all of this ‘rona stuff is that it has given me a ton of time to recenter myself with my music and devote my own energy into recording and feeling the core of my upcoming album. I think when the world is moving so fast, it’s easy for me to feel like I’m behind, like other people are getting shit done faster and in a more “impressive way”, in a way that matters more or has more inherent value. So when we are all forced to stay at home with ourselves, not only does it remind me that all of those insecurities are completely not real and are in fact a delusion borne from a capitalistic-productivity-equals-artistic-worth-framework, but I also get time to actually enjoy and fine tune what I otherwise might have just thrown out into the ether desperately and prematurely in hopes to be current and up to date and ~with it~.
LG: Have you been working on writing any new tunes? Have you been involved in any other creative projects recently?
MC: When I was recording Phantom Limb, I wrote the majority of my next upcoming album, so while those songs don’t feel incredibly new, there is a ton of stuff I have yet to share and that I am so eager to scream to the world. It feels like some of the stuff I am most proud of making in my entire life. 
But since I left for Berlin to study abroad last fall to when I came back to Seattle this January, I really hadn’t written anything new. I think I had been going through a lot of personal and immense change and hard growth that wasn’t particularly inspiring, it just sucked and was intense and necessary, but sometimes all that bad stuff is not something you can just make art out of. Plus I had to just do something totally different and invest and surrender to techno and being a gross city Eurotrash gremlin and let that out cathartically. But recently, I wrote my first super new song in what feels like ages, and I’m so happy. I was afraid maybe I’d forgotten how to do it, but it’s pouring out of me again and I feel like me again. I have also been working a bit back and forth with a friend from the project World Peace. We just keep sending clips back and forth and weaving our separate projects together a bit, which is something I’ve never done and I’m having a ton of fun, especially because our music is so different. Besides that, I have some plans to work with another good friend Izumi after having adored them the moment I moved here. 
LG: How have you personally been dealing with the pandemic and the craziness that is 2020? What has your quarantine experience been like so far?
MC: I went home to Sacramento for a month and watched more TV than I had probably in my entire life. It was really good to see my family and siblings who I miss so much. But I came back to Seattle in April and since then have just been spending my days in a limbo of online school weirdness. But I’m so fortunate that I live with so many people who are all so unique, all of whom I feel are my best friends. So I definitely don’t get too bored:)
LG: What music have you been listening to during quarantine? What has been your go-to isolation album?
MC: Okay to be honest, when I begin to think of my next album and what it feels like inside of me, I make one single playlist with like hours and hours of songs on it and it’s the only thing I listen to for like a year. So I’m prone to listening to the same stuff perpetually forever and always, but I think I’ve always sort of been like that. It makes the feeling familiar. But since I’ve felt close to the sounds of my upcoming album for a long while now, I’ve actually pretty much been listening to what is my ~album 3~ inspo playlist, because I already feel that beast growing inside of me. I’m a planner. 
Most of the artists on those playlists are the ones I listed above in regards to who I feel are my biggest inspirations. But right when quarantine started though I would pretty much only play Man Alive!, I would just go through the whole thing and then restart immediately. When I was in Sacramento, my family had a rule I could only play it with headphones because it was literally nonstop, that’s just how I consume things; I take a bath in them until I feel every single part of what was made. But other than that, I’ve been bumping Peter Campanelli’s Pesto Baby and crying a lot about it, Darci Phenix’s (my best bud from Sac) Juniper Street which is some of the best songwriting literally ever, and Francis Farmer’s Bruised Fruit which is SO expertly recorded and thought out, I am so lucky he is my friend and wants to record my upcoming album with me.
LG: Arethere any spring shows that you were particularly looking forward to attending that got cancelled?
MC: Pretty much all of them imaginable. 
LG: How do you think the Seattle music scene is going to be like post-COVID?
MC: Hopefully, this can recenter us and remind us we’re all really really and truly in this together. It’s up to us to lift each other up and get each other on bills and spread the word and create community for those who need it most and for those whose lives rely on this art. Seattle seems like it is really good at that on a small scale, but once it gets to a little bit larger stage, it’s easy for people to forget where they came from, who supported them, and what should be at the forefront of our radars. I think shedding this cool guy persona and getting back to why this shit is so important and listening to/PROMOTING smaller artists who are making The Best stuff is something everyone could be reminded to do. 
LG: In this funky era of social distancing, how do you think artists can support each other during these weird and difficult times? How do you think social media is facilitating and/or inhibiting connection within Seattle’s overall creative community?
MC: I think people’s ability to make what seemed like such an immediate switch to social media music promotion and shows was really amazing. However, it makes me feel a bit hopeless and dystopian and sci-fi in a weird way. That being said, trying to resist the change has only proven to be detrimental to me and kind has come back to kick me in the ass. Like, I should not be turning down opportunities just because livestreams kind of freak me out in how foreign and disconnected they can appear to be. I’m no better than them, and it’s important I think to accept things where they’re at instead of pretending they’re not happening. 
That being said, I think everyone has been maneuvering with such grace and empathy and compassion for others in a way that I can really feel, and I hope that sticks around forever. 
- Lola Gil
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abri-chan · 4 years
Same concerned anon. Honestly, I really like seeing your rants and musings cause it kinda opens my eyes as both a casual writer and an avid reader. I didn't realize there was a kind of prejudice(?) going on, and it makes me sad because we're supposed to empower each other as creators. I guess that was a but naive of me. But, I'm glad you're taking charge in trying to make fandoms a more accepting place.
I guess we all have to do our part. I'm sure prejudice always existed, in some ways current fandom is less elitist than LJ days (from what I heard back then you'd have to be in the right circles or get invited, now you can just post and tag and there are are less doors to knock onto). But some people will always have elitist attitudes, even though writers are bottom feeders.
(Kinda why writers ask fans to promote them bc we are aware writing is not processed instanteously, and many don't have artist friends or acquaintances to draw art of our stories. It's hard to believe and maybe sad but popularity in writing is not as straightforward as in art, and sometimes artists are the ones that make writers popular by recommending. Obviously this takes away merit bc an artist looking for a ship cannot recommend a general writer: you can't recommend what you don't search for in the first place. Hence why a lot of writers kiss up to artists; it's not that writers are sketchy, it's that they have figured out the rules of the game. Or why some writers always write the same content over and over in different fandoms. Yes, some can do it bc they want to, others bc validation is a big motivator and we all need it.)
Social media also complicates fandom bc we start valuing what we produce by how popular it gets. It's disingenuous to say we don't want recognition.
Another thing is that people seem to not separate the complaint from the people it may concern. When someone says there's a trend in the fandom for doing X, it doesn't mean people that do X are bad (unless extreme cases like harassment, but we're talking people that don't kudo when they like a story); it just means the behavior is bad. On average we're mostly decent people, but we have bad behaviors. Someone pointing that behavior out doesn't mean to attack the people, but current fandom sees that as saying the people are bad people. That way people get defensive and they're willing to label it as a *you* problem: for example mods of a discord meant to help writers got mad at me for providing feedback that newcomers felt ignored and talked over. So they spin the tale as you must be a weirdo no one wants to talk to, thus silencing other newcomers that feel the same but don't dare speak up. Even though I never said the mods were bad people or that the people ignoring newcomers were bad. Just that for whatever reason the discord fell into a behavior that didn't allow for newcomers to feel welcome. The question is then how to fix these behaviors, not to kick people out or make it so they have no choice but to leave.
Lastly, a lot of online spaces are not as welcoming as they think to neuro-divergent people. Especially when it comes to writers, as I have pointed out before, socializing seems to come before people reading your works (at least my experience with fandom circles like discords or Tumblr, not archives like Ao3), as opposed to art where socializing happens mostly over art and over sharing art. An artist says "here I drew something" and they get some interaction; the writer does the same "hey I wrote something" and they hear crickets. The real interaction happens on the main chat, and not over writing.
But depending on the person, that kind of socializing is hell to them. Think about the popular kids and then the rest... Many of us are not the popular kids and we can't socialize as such. And sometimes if you're not the best at social clues you can also say things that come off as rude. In a recent project I was part of (won't say the name) the chat at times was a circle jerk... someone phrased the words in a way that made it sound like the mod was a certified writer on ao3 and me being autistic went and said "ao3 has no such thing". I've also had cases when I was overly enthusiastic I got accepted in some zine and shared the news on my blog, only to be reprimanded by the mod that I was parading myself (I should have known to wait until the mods made the contributor announcements). Some of us don't perceive social cues so well and people assume intentions in what we say that aren't there, and are not as sympathetic when we try to explain how we don't get it at times.
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nappinenn · 4 years
contact, wild card
Contact: how does your OC(s) feel about touch/physical contact? are they affectionate? if so, how do they display affection to others?
Ziggy - Hates it unless she's drunk or it's Ellen. Needs plenty of personal space and tends to show affection mostly by doing little things like noticing what kind of starbursts you like so she can leave them uneaten. Makes it a point to perform some sort of PDA with Ellen, so people know they're dating because she's afraid someone might try to hit on her gf.
Ellen - Uncomfortable with strangers, but very affectionate with friends and family. Loves playing with Ziggys hair, especially when they cuddle as they go to sleep. Loves hugs and often leaves notes for people to find. Also overtly concerned of others and their well-being and easily falls into Mom-mode.
Bee - Used to be a big fan, but is wary of it now. Zero interest in romantic affairs. Shows affection and intimacy by being present in the moment and by giving the person he is interacting with his undivided attention. Does engage with friendly shoulder pats and once in a blue moon if someone is willing; a comforting hug (they are VERY good).
Randall: He's a player so ake what you will from that. Has a crush on Ziggy and tries to do some flirty shoulder punches etc. while at work. She punched him back once and he lost a tooth, but at least Ziggy took it home with her which he assumed was just her way of saying she likes him even if it was weird. Very cuddly but kind of an oblivious dumbass so don't expect any emotional awareness from him.
Wild card: talk about any oc! Anything you want!
Okay!! I'm gonna use this to name a couple of them and give you some basic info, since I've never really talked about them 💕
Ziggy, 24, F, a poodle
You've met her! She is the light coloured poodle gal I draw sometimes :D
Ziggy is a complete and utter party animal, has temperament issues and she's just like when she was a teen, except now she's forced to do taxes sometimes. She isn't sociable and many people dislike her as she can be a little crude, standoffish and rude, but she is kind at heart and loves those close to her dearly...in her own way. Ziggy is a heavy smoker, but due to encouragement (read; relentless whining and deep concern) from her girlfriend Ellen, she is trying to transfer to vaping. She doesn't enjoy it as much, but the watermelon flavour has made her more willing to at least try. She also drinks a little too much, and her boss is most displeased about it (she is a bartender at a bar called Sewer Rat). She started HRT at 18.
Ellen, 22, NB, a bombay cat
Goes by she/they but prefers she, is butch, and very progressive. Many people can find her off-putting at first, because she struggles with displaying and reading facial expressions. She is however extremely kind and friendly and tends to keep her girlfriend on a leash aka out of jail for punching a cop or something similar (unless justified!). She grew up too quickly, having to take care of her father who developed bipolar after her mom left. She is responsible and sometimes plays the violin and is oddly good at ballet. Has a distressing obsession with teeth and likes to collect them so having a punch-happy gf has proven to be a real asset in that regard! She does freelancer video editing and photography.
Bee, 37, M, a schnauzer
Weird guy and overly friendly so he can come off as creepy, especially with his unkept appearance. Completely oblivious about it tho and is just overall Extremely sweet. Lonely and jobless, lives off alimony checks he gets from his rich ex-wife. Depressed and still hung up on her, but is trying to let her go since she married the man she had had an affair with for the last 5 years of their marriage. Some fridays the lesbians next door invite him over for dinner and game night. He often brings the only dish he knows how to make, lasagna, because the girls seem to only eat fast food.
Sad because he always wanted to be a dad but couldn't have kids of his own with his ex, so he often hangs out near the fire escape he shares with the other lesbian, Ziggy, so they can chat while she's smoking out her window. Helping Ziggy with her problems has brought him such deep fulfilment he started online university and studies to become a therapist.
Bee is a nickname he was given in middle school, his full name is Bentley.
Randall, 26, M, French bull terrier
A bartender with Ziggy at Sewer Rat. Works out a lot. Doesn't really understand the woke thing and think there is still hope for him because her co-worker had a boyfriend once, even tho she's dated her girlfriend for 4 years. The girlfriend also looks a little like a guy, so maybe she's not a lesbian. Kind of an ass. Lives in a flat with 3 housemates, two being his twin Trevor and adopted brother Stephen. He is the 'middle' pup which has always left him in the shadows of his brothers, especially after Stephen because he was only a few months old when his parents adobted him. A bit bitter, and likes to play pranks. Just an average asshole of a dude. Still, somewhere deep in his heart has hopes of becoming a better person.
Trevor, 26, M, a French bull terrier
An overachiever, suffers from anxiety and wants to have a better relationship with Randall. Skateboards in competitions sometimes and works in an art gallery part-time while going to law school and taking online courses of his true passion; coding. A true busy bee, but only because he is pressured to. Keeps the boys of the household in check and is often labelled as the 'not fun' one. Loyal and kind person, just wants what's best for everyone, especially his brothers. Dislikes their parents, but respects them so keeps his mouth shut. Enjoys politics and often goes to protests and donates go charities. Just wants to sit down with a cup of tea one day and play a visual novel for a couple hours without distractions.
Stephen, 14, M, a fruit bat
Lives with his brothers because their parents left to travel the world. Secretly does graffiti and gets into fights with Trevor a lot. Thinks the world revolves around Randall. A troubled teen. Often hangs out at the youth center with his friends where they play billiard. Gets detention often, mostly for disturbing class and for playing pranks on the teachers.
Venus, 14, M, a rat
Best friends with Stephen since kindergarten. A sweet kid, but feels pressured to be rebellious by his peers. Dates a girl from another school, sorry her parents don't let her use the Facebook so you can't look her up. Videogame streamer and secretly does well in math. Sometimes sad Stephen can be a bit mean, but it's probably just because he is a bat and forced to go to school during the day. Likes salmiakki and avoids anything that isn't vegetarian friendly, but has no set rules about his diet and will down a burger sometimes. Wants to go scuba diving.
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fiery-knowledge · 6 years
The Basics:
+ Indi | Semi-Selective | Ask and/or RP blog | Novella | Multiship | Non exclusive | OC friendly | Canon Divergent friendly | Crossover friendly +
- This is a SIDEBLOG. Thus, if we send anons, they will be tagged along the lines of @fiery-knowledge, @Iggymod, etc. This also means you will not see @fiery-knowledge following you, but my main (which is @fun-sized-owl).
- This blog is semi-selective (I might decline depending on circumstances and mere time/schedule) 
- No Godmoding. Please don’t write my character, it takes away the point of me getting to write him. 
- Mod is 25+
- This blog is 21+
- No smut with minors!
- Please do not bug me for replies, I have a life outside of RP and tumblr. I also use threadtracker, so I am aware of what I owe. :)
- I only write novella (unless it’s just silly banter threads). Please don’t send one line replies. If that’s your style, then that’s fine, but I have a very difficult time working off them. >: 
- I don’t discriminate against formatting and icons (use them as you will!) but walls of text with no paragraphs can be very difficult to read and decipher (I also am severely short sighted and wear glasses at all times. Staring at a screen for a long time and reading can all start to blur, so grammar is important).
- Ignis will not get along with everyone. Please don’t take this as we don’t like you! I’m totally open to rival relationships as well! 
- Mod has 10+ years of RP experience
- Vague blogging is a huge no-no. I will unfollow immediately if I see this.
- Please don’t have your muse constantly wanting and begging for attention. Ignis is a man of his duty. It also becomes over exhausting for the mod to deal with time and time again.
- I will not RP with you if you don’t have a muse bio and rules page.
- MUSE =/= MOD. 
- DO. NOT. GUILT-TRIP. ME! I’m here to have fun, not feel manipulated.
- I run four different RP blogs, and sometimes I will concentrate on particular muses during a day. Just because I am active on one doesn’t mean I have the muse for a different one. Please be patient with me (mod also has ADHD, I can be very aloof and forgetful at times).
- I don’t mind if you want to turn asks into threads :) Feel free to! I ask that you PLEASE leave my previous reply on your reply so I can remember what is happening in our thread and it stops me from repeating myself ^^;
- All threads that have not been replied to within 3 weeks (21 days) will be dropped without contact unless specified (you’re on hiatus, personal reasons, you have a busy life schedule and routine you stick to, or I have interest in keeping the thread). This is basically just a good way to remove fizzled out threads from my tracker, especially when it comes to partners who are a little less organised than I am (I’m a bit of a neat freak so don’t take that personally! I’m just super finicky :’D). 
- OC friendly 
- Crossover friendly (so long as previously discussed and I know the universe in some detail). You can always check out my VERSES page if curious.
- Please respect my headcanons. Being a canon muse, I understand you might have your own headcanons, but that does not mean I have to share them with you (and vice versa). Please do not abuse me or force your headcanons on me. This is my blog to write on and enjoy, and if you wish for your own version of Ignis, then perhaps you should make your own blog so you can write him your way. :)
- In saying that, I do not mind people sharing and reblogging my meta posts and headcanons. If you disagree, please be respectful about it, if you agree, then you’re more than welcome to add your own support. ^^
- Please be aware that my Iggy will have my own unique twist and take on him, as everyone who writes canon muses. I will continue to write him as IC as possible and how he comes to me, but if there are some things you do not like about my version, then please reconsider RPing with us.
- Please don’t come to me with “My headcanon for Ignis is…”. I cannot stress enough how rude this is. I don’t mind if you wish to discuss and plot with me and toss ideas at me, but the Ignis I write is NOT the same Ignis as you will have in your head.
- Ignis will work off chemistry only.
- This blog will contain NSFW themes. I am very comfortable and not shy when it comes to writing smut, but don’t worry, any smutty threads will be put under a read more for your safety (and tagged) :)
- I will NOT write any smut with underage muses or mods!
- I am not exclusive, and Iggy can and will romance others. But please understand that Ignis is a man of duty to his king first. It will take a long time for him to come to terms with any emotional feelings he might have with someone.
- My Ignis is strictly gay, so I will not be shipping with the ladies (sorry!). If you’re uncomfortable with this, then please reconsider rping with us.
- I do not do pre-established relationships (unless heavily discussed beforehand).
- Mod does ship IgNoct, but this won’t mean any automatic ships. I’d still prefer to work off chemistry. :3
- I am 100% comfortable with unreciprocated feelings (on either side), so long as it’s healthy for the mods to work with. :) 
- If you’re interested in shipping, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am much more likely to ship with mods that I am familiar with and get along well with. ^^ 
- Mod is open to most things, and you needn’t tag anything for me. While I do have certain triggers, they are generally dealt with. However, I will not write paedophilia and certain kinks. Constant depressing muses are incredibly taxing on me as someone who has dealt with depression for long term. I am not here to be someones therapist and will drop threads if this becomes an issue. 
- I tag all pretty general triggers with cw: *trigger name* (ex: cw: alcohol, cw: BDSM). If you have a specific trigger, please feel free to let me know so I can tag it for you, however, I will not tag every single thing as it will simply be impossible for me to remember. I will try my best, however! 
The Mod:
NAME: Owl, K, Iggymod. AGE: 25+ GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Queer TIMEZONE: Australian E.S.T. STAR SIGN: Libra MAIN: Fun-Sized-Owl RP STATUS: Always Open LANGUAGE: English / Deutsch (IM)
- Mod does not tolerate drama, please don’t bring it here. I expect to be treated like an adult and with respect. If you have a problem, then please be civil about it.
- Have fun! <3 It’s what we’re here for! :)
- Discord is available to mutuals, however, I do not RP over IMs.
- Mod is a student and has part time work, so I am not always online.
- I apologise if any of my rules seem strict! I’m really a decent dude, I’m just being overly cautious as this is one of my first canon muses in such a long time and I want/need to be clear on my rules. I really hope they don’t deter anyone from interacting with me, but these are purely for my own safety <3 Thank you! Seriously, tho, don’t be shy, I’m generally pretty damn chill!
All art tagged as my art is mine, as is all fics tagged as my fics are mine. Do not repost, use, or claim as your own. If used as icons or something else, please credit back to this blog (will add links in later if I draw/write anything)
Other Blogs:
- I also RP in the Dragon Age community. If you’re interested in my Inquisitor, let me know. :) 
Header banner by @lustralium  Icons provided by myself, @dryadalismagicae , @ipromptography , 
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margaretbeagle · 3 years
How to Optimize Content for Maximum Traffic in 2021
With over four billion daily searches, Google continues to dominate the search engine market in 2021. More than that, its first SERP page is enough for 90% of users to find the desired results.
What does it mean for content marketers and SEO specialists?
If you want potential leads to come across your website, do your best to rank high enough for them to see it.
Searching habits change, and Google changes the criteria of what your content should look like to drive more organic website traffic and rank higher. Even the slightest modifications to content can influence your SEO and overall marketing efforts. All you need to do is play by Google’s rules and ensure that you make full use of your marketing content in 2021.
In this article, you’ll find actionable tips on how to optimize content for maximum traffic and higher ranks in search engines.
What Google Wants from Your Content in 2021
To rank high and bring traffic in 2021, your content needs to meet user search intent. While it’s not a new concept, it enjoys a new lease on life after 2020, when searcher behavior changed so rapidly.
As you know, search intent is the reason behind a user’s search. Three main types of search intent are:
informational (when a user looks for answers to how, what, or when queries);
navigational (when a user looks for a specific URL or brand);
transactional (when a user looks to purchase, download something, start a trial, etc.)
Your task is to define the search intent and optimize your content with related keywords accordingly.
Another crucial detail to consider:
Draw on Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust) guidelines when publishing your content. Google mentions E-A-T in its Quality Raters Guidelines; and while it’s not a technical ranking factor itself, appealing to E-A-T in content can help you optimize it much better to outrank competitors.
Do your best to create longer-form content in 2021. First, it allows you to meet the above-mentioned E-A-T guidelines easier. And second, it’s your chance to outperform websites publishing shorter and vague articles on their blog.
As Ron Lieback, CEO at ContentMender mentioned lately, “Throughout 2020, blogs over 2,000 words dramatically outperform blogs of 1,000 words or less. Expect this long-form content trend to continue in 2021.”
Plus, longer content will earn more quality backlinks for your website, influencing its ratings and overall traffic too:
  Content Formats That Are Working Now
Sure thing, there’s no single type of content that would appeal to every user. That’s the reason marketers vary the content formats and submit them to resources with corresponding user preferences.
And yet, some formats are more popular and traffic-potential than others. In 2021, they are as follows:
White papers. It’s your chance to engage the audience with useful information and show that you’re not just about selling but authority and trust too. White papers are about in-depth and research-based content, so corresponding writing apps can help you organize it the best way possible.
Checklists. One of the easiest content formats to create, checklists are extremely popular among the audience because of their usability.
Videos. 72% of people prefer video over text, and it makes landing pages 86% more convertible. If you don’t have video content in your marketing strategy yet, it’s high time to start.
Webinars. They help you show off expertise and demonstrate products or services at work. After the pandemic of 2020, when all the communication went online, webinars have become a must-have of most marketing strategies.
Email newsletters. Not only does it help you highlight other content formats, but it can also be an independent source of traffic and conversion. Given the email’s huge ROI of 40%, you can’t ignore this content format in 2021.
“Be the Source” blog posts and content hubs. These are in-depth, research-backed content pieces that bring new, useful information to readers. According to statistics, such posts bring more traffic and get more backlinks and shares. A great reason to start a blog in 2021, don’t you agree? Just focus on validity and visualize your data for better perception. (You’ve probably noticed that all the images of this article are data visualization, haven’t you?)
Case studies. One of the most effective content formats, case studies allow highlighting your competitive advantage. They are your instrument to build authority and trust, as well as publish niche-specific content that will bring value to your target audience.
  Content Optimization Strategies:
And now, for the most interesting part: Your steps to content optimization for maximum traffic.
1) Optimize for Video- and Email Marketing
When creating video content, make sure its intro is engaging: You have only 15 seconds to make viewers decide whether they want to continue watching.
When on Youtube, remember about proper optimization:
Add keywords to titles and descriptions.
Think of eye-pleasing YouTube banners and engaging thumbnails.
Add closed captions, subtitles, and tags.
Promote your content with email newsletters. Optimize their content so that subscribers won’t have any chance to miss it. Backlinko’s Brian Dean suggests sending them exclusive content, using a blog post newsletter formula:
2) Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search
More than half of Internet traffic comes from mobile devices today, making a mobile-friendly website a must for those willing to succeed. We know that Google rewards mobile-optimized platforms with higher visibility and traffic, so do your best to produce mobile-optimized content this year:
Stay concise, write in short sentences and paragraphs, and avoid overly complicated lexical items. It will serve for more comfortable content consumption from small mobile screens.
Use mobile-optimized keywords.
Place the more engaging information to the page-top so that it would load first.
And now, for voice search. Two words:
It grows.
More than 40% of users perform at least one voice search every day, so why not optimize your content accordingly? Therefore, you’ll help them find your website and attract more traffic to it.
Include relevant questions to your content and answer them as clearly as possible. Organize content into sections with a title for each to help Google understand what’s in there.
3) Optimize for Snippets
We know snippets as Position Zero in Google. They can take the form of a paragraph, list, video, or table, and they steal tons of clicks from the first position in SERPs.
Featured snippets look like this:
By optimizing your content accordingly, you can increase your chances of getting there. For that:
Make it well-structured: use headings, subheads, step-by-step instructions, concise descriptions, etc.
Optimize for a keyword you already rank in the top 10 but not a snippet.
Design a content block on your page, looking like a snippet: add a list, draw a table, or write a definition.
4) Optimize for Common Questions
Google’s algorithms become smarter with every passing year. Not only do they understand questions and feature them in SERPs, but they also consider related concepts to answer too, therefore satisfying a user’s intent.
In plain English, Google implements semantic factors to search.
Optimizing your content for common questions, you’ll improve its organic search visibility and rankings, influence its chances of getting to featured snippets, and engage more users.
Consider “People also ask,” “People also search for,” “Searches related to,” and other tactics to find relevant questions to include in your content.
  5) Remember On-Page SEO Tricks
Revise your every content piece before publishing and make sure it’s as SEO-optimized as possible. Keywords, meta tags, inbound and outbound links’ quality — you can control all this for better visibility and traffic.
Please pay attention to a page’s URL: Make it short and use a keyword in it. (Short URLs get more clicks, and that’s why they rank better.)
Use a kind of the 80/20 rule for keywords in your content: Target 80% evergreen keywords (those adding value and solving users’ problems) and 20% trending keywords. Also, remember to mention related keywords in your content too.
Optimize meta tags: Keep a title short (40-50 characters) and a description — shorter than 150-160 (remember about optimization for mobile). Use your target keyword in at least one subheading of your content. And don’t ignore alt-tags!
Always add internal links to your content. They signal to Google about the relevance of other pages on your website.
A couple of outbound links to authority websites are worth adding too.
  6) Use Content Design Tactics
The way you format content pieces can drastically influence the dwell time and bounce rate of your page. (Both are critical to convincing Google that your information is worth higher rankings.)
These content design tactics from experienced SEO copywriters can help:
Master the art of writing opening paragraphs: use hooks, bucket brigades, and APP (agree, promise, preview) or PPB (preview, proof, bridge) introduction formulas from Brian Dean.
Remember content usability: write in short sentences and paragraphs, add a call to action in conclusion, and avoid usability blunders such as hard-to-see subheads, wrong color-contrast ratio, etc.
Use high-quality visual content: brand images, original graphs, interactive infographics.
Consider emotional writing tactics and neuro-copywriting tricks when applicable: They engage and appeal to users’ needs, therefore influencing your content virality.
  7) Repurpose and Update Content Regularly
Content standards and formats change so often that we have no time to craft all of them from scratch. However, two tactics can help to get a new boost of traffic and scale up your marketing endeavors:
Repurpose your content: Match it to different formats or reuse its specific sections for other platforms. You can also try organizing content in topic clusters for more traffic.
Update your old content pieces regularly: Google ranks new content higher; plus, users will hardly click a five-year-old article, considering its information outdated. Focus on those still relevant for your content strategy.
In 2021, content quality matters more than ever:
Searching habits and content standards change, Google’s algorithms become even smarter, and all this makes marketers wrestle with a question, “How to please both a user and a search engine? How to get both higher ranks in Google and more clicks from users?”
Proper content optimization is what can help. Even the slightest modifications can influence your marketing efforts. So, be familiar with the most recent searching habits and content optimization trends, and play by Google’s rules to win SERPs.
The post How to Optimize Content for Maximum Traffic in 2021 appeared first on Scoop.it Blog.
How to Optimize Content for Maximum Traffic in 2021 published first on https://improfitninja.weebly.com/
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ellisfinejewelersnc · 4 years
Should I Throw away My Time period Dating an “Imperfect” Chap?
Should I Throw away My Time period Dating an “Imperfect” Chap?
30 minutes. That’s about how extensive you in general have to “get to know” a man previous to deciding to experience a cup of coffee and also date by using him. People meet on the internet, or in the local traditional bank, and that’s to sort it out.
But this individual seems imperfect. He’s clearly missing amongst your must-haves. Should you fantastically decline? Not surprisingly, you have almost no time to fritter away, right?
We all have a checklist, or at the very least a vision of the perfect guy. She’s probably hysterically funny, always interested in ones own happiness, overtly shows that people rock her world, along with shares a love with art, music, astronomy, etc . Oh, and I believe he’s higher than everyone.
When you have an opportunity to meet someone, but he or she sure is not going to seem like all those things, is it some waste of your energy?
One of a blog readers sent people an email wondering that question. I perceive forms of this particular so often, so I thought I will share some of our emails. Please read on if you learn of that the adult men you’re get together aren’t lifestyle up to ones standards.
Greetings Bobbi,
My partner and i answered a contact from a man on An abundance of Fish. com He met all a minimum necessities ie: your dog contacted first, nice, not too long or soft email, mentioned on my smile and what that showed involving my attributes. I ended up being impressed. I am about out by using him despite the fact he’s less tall when i like (he’s 5’7 as am As i and with any luck he’s not necessarily stretching that! ).
He or she wrote which https://datingstatus.com/fr/5-best-vegan-dating-sites-in-2020-find-your-ripe-tomato/ it seemed I actually was looking for special someone and not a “one night time stand. ” I responded by indicating he had been right on together with his assumptions. I told him if after that he’s still interested okay know along with I will allow him this number.
He replied he was even now interested along with I gave him this number, This individual didn’t call for about 5 days nonetheless sent people a message on the website just saying he ended up being sorry he or she didn’t telephone and rapidly as he or she got your breather coming from work he’d call. He or she finally called last night and we setup a meeting meant for Friday (for a drink) at 6: 45pm.
I understand it’s a meeting, nevertheless just have your skilled opinion: So i am not overly impressed he took too long to telephone. And she’s 42 along with I am fifty-one. Am I actually wasting your time?
Thanks so much,
Hi Natalie:
In a word: NO . Age truly isn’t of which important. Life experience and additionally lifestyle usually are what usually end up checking.
I know a number of us have “rules” about grow old; but We encourage my own coaching purchasers to be opened about this. Mainly at your ages. My hubby is 10 years older than We. He had been out of your search range, but in this case I am, thrilled as a clam. (Thank rewards he did not care! )
Doesn’t this man realize your age? It obviously doesn’t bother your ex.
Don’t get much too stuck for a guy not really calling straightaway. For many of those, until people meet you they look they have no skin with the game. (Unlike us who are able to imagine by themselves married for a piece of paper. )
It’s pretty simple slide you aside due to the fact he is not going to even know you. It’s nothing related to you. And don’t think this measures your partner’s interest in any meaningful manner. How many people have shown terrific interest and next dumped ya like a popular potata? Thus don’t position much emphasis on this starting off part concerning the buy in which your dog meets most people. It’s when there is after that matters.
And, Natalie, I know most people didn’t ask, but Concerning a little more suggestions:
I want nothing at all of that “if you’re nevertheless interested” material! That is an item comes from ladies who is unimpressed and apologetic about looking for what this lady wants. You will be neither. (If you don’t feel like this now, trust us, if you get started in being aware of this, and take better attention of PEOPLE in the internet dating process, you might become a assured woman in dating. For now, fake this till everyone make it. )
Instead, I would have quite that you reacted with like: That’s a rather intuitive statement! Yes, that could be what I’m looking for. Expect you fit the bill! (This compliments him… in that case confidently informs him what you need for yourself. )
Natalie, the sole waste of energy is saying “no” to adult men because of shallow criteria and also prejudging. You should face this: very few of united states who are “well over 40” and online dating have many hundreds men available. We should get hold of our opportunities and see where we can get them.
Each and every date is often a chance to see love, or simply at least a sexy companion. At minimum it’s a chance to put into practice so you can get nearer to it. My partner and i encourage you to ultimately:
Revisit ones list in addition to decide that which you truly really need and if what you are looking is realistic. If you want a extensive head of hair, in addition to you’re internet dating 60 year olds… good luck with that! Notebook decreased ones own chances of getting “your perfect man” by way of about 70%. (A estimate. ) Remember that you know very little around these fellas you are meeting, so becoming flexible with all your judgments definitely will serve you properly. Spend more time with them – get which first and maybe the second date – and then start examining him vs your (newly created) directory. Great job and a massive atta woman for attempt to getting out generally there and doing work toward a person’s dating along with relationship targets. Remember to enjoy, and that kindness and rational thought can be your best friends.
I actually encourage that you keep reading a blog, and reach out plainly can further more support you as a result of with amongst my instructing programs.
Let me know how it goes!
You might have my love and support,
Greetings Bobbi,
With thanks for getting oh no- me which means that quickly. I DO appreciate your input. Sometimes I feel like a 15 365 days old going out on a meeting!
Your suggestions and assistance makes people feel like I’ve got my own exclusive teacher together with cheerleader. That could be exactly what I want to be able to get available feeling which confidence together with going for this!
Thank you, from the bottom from my middle,
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webmarket01 · 4 years
Weight-Loss Tips That Actually Make a Difference | Greatist
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Weight-Loss Tips That Actually Make a Difference | Greatist
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For 10 years, I’ve been the force behind MyBodyTutor.com, which simplifies the weight-loss process into practical, sustainable behaviors that help you lose weight and actually keep it off. It hasn’t always been easy, but I believed enough in my program to quit my comfortable job for it. I’ve since made a career out of working with clients who have “tried everything” but just haven’t managed to keep the weight off. One client had attempted 16 different programs before finding success with me.
The truth is, you can lose weight with almost any program, but sustaining that weight loss is a different story altogether. My program has been a success because clients can fly the nest after acquiring the necessary skills—I don’t want anyone to come back as repeat business. Here the top weight-loss strategies that make my clients so successful.
A post shared by Adam Gilbert (@mybodytutor) on Jan 17, 2017 at 4:22pm PST
1. Schedule fun for yourself.
Tension relief is one of the top reasons we overeat and make poor food choices. When something causes us to feel tense, we seek to alleviate that feeling… often with overly indulgent food and drinks. As we get older, we make less time for fun, which leads to burnout.
What defines fun for you? Consider signing up for art classes, salsa lessons, volunteering, board games, meditation, yoga, even cooking healthier spins on your favorite foods. Focusing on fun might sound trite, but there’s a good reason my most successful clients create time for it: The more fun we have, the less we’ll rely on food and drink to create it for us.
2. Learn that food isn’t what you’re really craving…
…what you’re craving is avoidance. When we indulge, we’re after the experience of eating—the escape and distraction. So when you want to eat an entire pint of ice cream, what you’re really after is that sense of reward. But food won’t give you what you’re truly looking for, so when you’re craving something that will hamper your goals, ask yourself: “If I could use a magic button to change something in my life right now, what would I use it for?” This will help you identify what’s really bothering you. For example, if you’re unhappy with your career, or you’re seeking a better relationship with your partner, identifying these issues will help you map out a plan of action instead of covering up a desire with temporary relief in the form of dessert.
3. Understand that 80 percent of weight loss is diet.
You know how some people can work their butts off in the gym—even with a trainer—and they don’t end up looking any different? You can’t out-exercise a poor diet; what you do between exercise matters most. While exercise is the key to energy and a better mood, diet is the key to weight loss.
A post shared by Adam Gilbert (@mybodytutor) on Feb 19, 2015 at 3:35am PST
4. Plan and prepare meals ahead of time.
We often have to battle between our short-term, irrational mind and our long-term, rational mind. When we’re hungry, stressed, or tired, it’s harder to make good choices. Besides, when was the last time you were “in the mood” for grilled chicken and vegetables when you felt ravenous? Sure, you might not always follow through with your healthy-eating plans, but the chances you’ll do so increase dramatically when you actually have a plan in the first place. You don’t get any bonus points for using heroic willpower rather than simple planning, so why not make it easier on yourself? My most successful clients always have healthy food ready to go in the fridge—this just makes good choices easier.
5. Choose a truly sustainable path.
This might sound like common sense, but it’s not common practice. You can’t expect to stick with a plan that won’t work in the long run, but people keep attempting absurd fad diets. Forget about them! You can only follow a cookie, shake, grapefruit, cabbage, no-carb, and no-fun diet for so long—and my most successful clients avoid these diets. Before you start any weight-loss program, ask yourself, “Can I see myself eating like this in five years from now?” If the answer is no, then the diet you’re thinking about starting isn’t going to work. Give yourself a chance to succeed from the start.
6. Determine if you’re actually hungry before you eat.
One of the top reasons people are overweight is because they eat when they’re emotionally hungry, not physically hungry. Physical hunger comes on gradually and can be satisfied with any food. It passes what I call the “Broccoli Test.”
Emotional hunger comes on suddenly. It feels urgent and is marked by specific food cravings. You can have snack after snack, and nothing hits the spot. This is because you’re not hungry for food—you’re hungry for something else. So when you’re about to eat, pause and ask yourself, “Am I hungry or am I eating to change the way I feel?” This will allow you to catch yourself if you’re about to eat for emotional reasons, not out of true hunger.
A post shared by Adam Gilbert (@mybodytutor) on Jul 16, 2015 at 4:06am PDT
7. Plan your indulgences.
I’ll never forget when a client told me that before starting one of her many failed diet attempts, she was told to sign a contract stating she’d never indulge in any of her favorite desserts again. If only it were that easy—that’s like saying “Don’t be sad” to someone who’s depressed. It’s ridiculous. Never indulging again isn’t sustainable… or even desirable.
You should eat treats when they’re special to you. My rule is that your special indulgence should pass the “Will I remember this in two weeks?” test. Most of the indulgences we eat aren’t remarkable—they’re bags of chips or boxes of stale-tasting cookies from a convenience store. The idea is to make the most of routine meals and indulge when it’s truly worth your while. Wait for a memorable treat like a high-quality pastry from your favorite shop.
The real secret to sustainable weight loss is that there is no secret. It’s about eating well, exercising… and doing these consistently. Understanding what gets in the way of consistency—and how to be more steady in your efforts—is the only way to stick with a plan and get the results you really want.
Adam Gilbert is the founder of MyBodyTutor.com, an online program that solves the lack of consistency faced by chronic dieters. You can follow Adam on his blog, Instagram, and Twitter.
This content was originally published here.
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Dog Training Northumberland | Effective Solutions
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Dog Training Northumberland | Effective Solutions
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Behavioural Modification A Pet’s Breakfast Jump to Navigation When will you be able to trust your puppy to wander loose throughout the home? Scott, John P.; and John L. Fuller (1965). Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Marlo, Shelby (1999). New Art of Dog Training, Chicago: Contemporary Books, ISBN 0-8092-3170-0 HOW WE CAN HELP AS A DOG BEHAVIOURIST Horticulture · 30 April 2018 Cart Be the Pack Leader Vet Visit Program Rescue and Rehabilitate Make a lifesaving difference to animals by becoming a foster carer, donating, fundraising, joining an event, volunteering and more. Email a Friend PEDIGREE® Dry Dog Food Adult Roasted Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Flavor Locations Whether you train your new puppy or dog yourself, take classes, or hire a private trainer, some basic training tips should be tackled right out of the gate. These top 10 tips from professional dog trainers at the top of their game will help get you going. Puppy Training ⟶ The proper training of your dog will build a lasting foundation for a rewarding, lifelong friendship. Urban Dog Training can help you acquire the knowledge and skills to train your dog to become a confident, happy and well behaved companion. Home What we do Care for Animals Dog Care Dog Training Tips and Videos Blue Mountains Shelter Urns and Keepsakes A further follow-up session will allow you to fine tune the training under expert guidance. Firstly a canine health profile is required to exclude physical reasons for the dog’s behaviour. This is available through Redgum Vets. On payment of the behavioural training package, Redgum’s Amichien Bonding consultant will make contact with you to arrange a time when she can view your dog in its everyday environment. Chicken Show all Phone: (08) 8642 3308 CONTACT US Contact SitDropStay Dog Behaviour Australia on Messenger Bedding Older Puppy Training Doggy Bootcamp Place a treat in both hands. Adoptions · 30 April 2018 Animal Care amp Information Meet The Team Enforcement Rates PPGA Construction Motivating Miracles Workshop Council business, news and information Jump up ^ Slabbert, J. M.; O. A. E. Rasa (1997). “Observational learning of an acquired maternal behaviour pattern by working dog pup: an alternative training method?”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 53 (4): 309–316. doi:10.1016/S0168-1591(96)01163-X. Charities we’re proud to donate to FAQ – The costs of veterinary care 11 References Training Advice Leashes for Active Dogs 32 Greenaway St, Bulleen – Harry Hampson Innovation and research Rally’O Training Leave it Jump up ^ Burch, Mary R; Duane Pickel (1990). “A toast to Most: Konrad Most, a 1910 pioneer in animal training”. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 23 (2): 263–4. doi:10.1901/jaba.1990.23-263. PMC 1286234 . PMID 16795731. Weekend: Which Level do I start in? Classical conditioning[edit] Goodog dog and puppy training Northern Beaches Our Infomercial 571 Montague Rd Dog training and puppy training Waiting at gate/door Turramurra Recreation Centre Location Anxiety Training Certificate III In Engineering – Maintenance – Fitting and/or Turning Our drop-in playgroups are a perfect complement to your vet’s puppy preschool class, particularly for owners looking forward to an adult dog who is comfortable, relaxed, and on her best manners around people and other dogs. Plus we guarantee puppy playgroup will be the best 30 minutes of your week – what could be better than a room full of puppies playing? Guided by a professional dog trainer, your pup learns her social P’s and Q’s while burning off excess energy in play – which means a better night’s sleep for you. Level 1 Basic Dog Manners 7 week course – Upgrade $295.00 Standard $235.00 At the request of our many dog-loving friends owners and partners across the nation, we’d like to share the following information, addressing a wide variety of dog care, training tips, and much more! Here you will find full color public information handouts ready for printing. Engineering Jump up ^ Wogan, Lisa (November 2010). “The Mirror Method”. The Bark. Retrieved 3 December 2012. Related Articles Community and education Urban Dog Training Ground Rules Report a Cruelty Case Location: AWL Wingfield, 1-19 Cormack Rd Wingfield 5013 Food & Treats Dog registration Outdoor classes will only be cancelled in the following situations: Good Leadership and Communication
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); I love dogs they are so cute AND Contact us now for a FREE 10min phone consultation You are here: Home Enrol or Call Us Now on 07 3342 0568 Book Orientation Session Phone: Access to the password protected section of our website with the following benefits: Our crazy vizsla is now happy and calm – cannot recommend George highly enough. Pricing & member benefits Our Approach 1 Hour Personal Training Session Pet information videos Domestic animal businesses Animal First Aid Dog Grooming Frequently Asked Questions Puppy training classes, private training training, dog training classes, and private dog training in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills, covering the Adelaide Hills Council (including Balhannah, Lobethal, and Stirling), the Mt. Baker Council (including Burnside, Kensington, and Rose Park), the City of Mitcham (including Belair, Colonel Light Gardens, and Mitcham), the City of Unley (including Fullarton and Unley), the Campbelltown City Council (including Magill and Rostrevor), and the City of Tea Tree Gully (including Modbury and Tea Tree Gully). Location & Training Times ABC TV Education Policies and Class Information Course Resources Where To Go For Class Dogs and animals Loading… Home / 5 essential commands you can teach your dog The 1980 television series Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way made Barbara Woodhouse a household name in the UK, and the first international celebrity dog trainer.[25] Known for her “no bad dogs” philosophy, Woodhouse was highly critical of “bad owners”, particularly those she saw as “overly sentimental”.[26] She described the “psychoanalyzing of dogs” as “a lot of rubbish”.[27] Her no-nonsense style made her a pop-culture icon, with her emphatic “sit” and catch cry of “walkies” becoming part of the popular vernacular.[28] 25 Sep 2017 3:32:27am Featured Scott, John P.; and John L. Fuller (1965). Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Click here to book a class Privacy, Terms and Conditions SA 5700 Typical positive reinforcement events will satisfy some physiological or psychological need, so it can be food, a game, or a demonstration of affection. Different dogs will find different things reinforcing. Negative reinforcement occurs when a dog discovers that a particular response ends the presentation of an aversive stimulus. An aversive is anything that the dog does not like, such as verbal admonishment, or a tightened choke chain.[39] our services Treats All classes are held at Hays Paddock with a car park in Lister St, Kew East. No events Lots of work to do still but an overwhelming and uncertain future for our fur babies has turned in an afternoon of learning, to an exciting adventure we feel capable of tackling and coming out on top. General Information Course Content: QBCC Approved Managerial Course for Trade Contractors Blue Dog Training User Login News about Cesar FREE STANDARD SHIPPING will automatically be calculated on your cart upon reaching a value of $25 or more in eligible products that are collectively under 45kg in weight, after all other discounts are applied. Training Information Konrad Lorenz, an Austrian scientist who is regarded as developing the foundations of ethological research,[14] further popularised animal behaviorism with his books, Man Meets Dog and King Solomon’s Ring.[15] Lorenz stated that there were three essential commands to teach a dog: “lie down” (stay where you are), “basket” (go over there) and “heel” (come with me).[16] Sydney Shelter and Veterinary Hospital Maths Courses All Ages (Part 2) United Kingdom FAQ – Transporting a bird to the vet Dog to dog interaction Tell people what you think Online Course -Basic Dog Manners – Level 1 Pet Boarding Best Dog Obedience Training | More Details Here Best Dog Obedience Training | More Information Here Best Dog Obedience Training | More Info Available Here Legal | Sitemap
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filipeteimuraz · 5 years
The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Scannable Content
Rarely do people read content from beginning to end.
Maybe it’s because of our “microwave,” instant gratification culture. Maybe it’s because millions of other articles are vying for people’s attention.
Or maybe it’s because reading from screens takes about 25% longer than reading from paper. Research has even indicated that readers experience an unpleasant feeling when reading online text.
Whatever the case may be, it’s crucial to take the right approach when writing for online readers—a new approach.
There’s a certain art to digital writing that differs significantly from writing traditional paper text.
If you expect to convert more of your audience into actual customers, you need to crack the code.
You need to switch up your game plan.
In my early days of writing, I didn’t realize this. I had an eye for visual appeal, but I was unsure of how this applied to blogging. There I was, blogging away every day without realizing how people were viewing my articles.
Now, I have a better idea of how people interact with written content online.
What you’re viewing right now is a result of my research and testing.
It’s about scannable content.
What you’re up against
First, let me set the stage for the idea of scannable content.
Did you know that 55% of people spend fewer than 15 seconds actively on a page?
That’s not ideal when your goal is to keep visitors exploring and to get them interested in your product/service/brand.
You’ve got only a small window to grab their attention and motivate them to read your content. And it’s not realistic to expect visitors to read it in its entirety. Hardly anyone does that anymore.
In fact, research on the way people read websites found that only 16% of their subjects read a webpage word by word. Most participants—79% of the test subjects—scanned new pages they came across.
The takeaway is that less than two out of 10 people will actually read an entire blog post. The vast majority will be highly selective about what they read and will merely scan through it.
Another interesting thing is that just because content gets shared doesn’t mean reading engagement increases.
Chartbeat analyzed 10,000 articles shared on social media and found “that there was no relationship whatsoever between the amount a piece of content is shared and the amount of attention an average reader will give that content.”
This graph illustrates this phenomenon:
What’s the solution?
It’s simple. You need to become adept at writing scannable content. This is what the modern digital reader is looking for (whether they consciously know it or not).
What exactly is scannable content?
According to Forbes,
“scannable content is short, sweet and to the point. Sentences and paragraphs are brief. Bold text and bullet points highlight key points. Links to other content are used to provide your readers with supplemental information.”
This writing format is geared toward 21st century readers, who primarily read content on a screen as opposed to a book or any other print publication.
It’s specifically tailored to streamline the way readers absorb information to keep them interested.
And it works.
Dr. Jakob Nielsen even found that scannable online content boosted readability by 57%. If you’re used to conventional writing (e.g., large blocks of text), you need to throw that approach out the window.
You need to embrace scannability. Fortunately, there’s a step-by-step process you can follow.
1. Write short paragraphs
You might have noticed that I prefer to use short paragraphs in my content.
Really short. In fact, a lot of my paragraphs are only a single sentence in length.
That’s not by accident.
I would say that this technique is perhaps the most important when it comes to creating scannable content.
Allow me to provide you with an example. Here’s a large, ugly block of text:
You probably find yourself straining your eyes to read through it.
And here’s some text broken down into much smaller, more digestible chunks:
Which do you find more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read?
I would bet you’d say the second one.
It’s broken up in a way that allows you to move seamlessly from one point to the next without it taxing your brain in the process.
The key is to include only one idea per paragraph and make it a maximum of four sentences. However, I try to stick with just one to three.
Remember that white space is your friend, so use plenty of it to break up text into smaller chunks.
2. Keep your sentences short
There’s no reason to drag your content out by writing long-winded sentences and using PhD-level vocabulary words that only the academic elite will understand.
You need to remember that your audience will consist of a lot of different readers with varying levels of education (and vocabulary).
If readers have to continually check the dictionary just to understand what you’re trying to say, it defeats the whole purpose.
That’s why you’re better off keeping your sentences fairly brief and not getting overly wordy just for the sake of sounding smart.
As a rule of thumb, any more than 16 words per sentence is too long.
Be practical, and try to simplify complex information as much as possible so that everyone can understand it. “Dumb it down” if you have to, but keep the value high.
3. Follow the four-syllable rule
A simple strategy to ensure your writing isn’t wordy is to avoid using any words with more than four syllables.
For instance, you would want to stay away from:
You get the idea.
Your readers should be able to maneuver their way through your content without becoming exhausted during the process.
4. Use subheaders
Most readers won’t be interested in every single point of your article.
Instead, most readers would prefer to bounce around to seek out the few pieces of key information that interest them the most.
You can accommodate this desire by including several subheaders throughout the body of your content.
This breaks it down in a logical way that makes your content “flow.”
If you read posts from any of my blogs including Quick Sprout, Crazy Egg, and Neil Patel, you’ll notice that I take full advantage of subheaders.
They serve as a quick and easy way to locate main points and accelerate the scanning process. Just make sure that each subheader encapsulates what the following paragraphs cover.
Also, try not to get too clever or cute about it. Instead, keep your subheadings simple and practical.
5. Use bullet points
Who doesn’t love bullet points? I know I do.
They seamlessly break down information so readers can extract key data without having to think too much about it.
Here’s a good example of bullet points used to perfection:
Rather than writing out your list in a sentence, separating your points by commas, create a bullet list, and your readers will love you for it.
6. Sprinkle in images
Images serve two distinct purposes.
First, they serve as an eye candy and fulfill your reader’s subconscious desire for visual stimuli.
Second, they provide periodic breaks between blocks of text.
Both help keep readers on your site for longer and encourage them to engage with your content.
I try to throw in an image at least every few paragraphs or so because I know the images I use enrich my content with information and add validity to my points.
I recommend using data-driven pictures (like graphs) or images to serve as examples, rather than merely using “placeholders,” because these will really add to the overall depth of your content.
7. Add links to external sources
To add authority and credibility to your writing, it’s a good idea to include quotes, data points, graphs, etc. from reliable sources.
I do this with pretty much every piece of content I write. It backs up my argument and proves that I’m not just pulling statistics out of thin air.
But since it’s not practical to include every gory detail, you’ll want to simply include a key sentence or two and insert a link to the original source.
If your readers wish to learn more about a certain topic you cover, they can simply visit the link. As a result, this won’t bog down your content with extraneous information.
8. Create lists
I love lists.
There’s something about breaking down content in a logical, sequential order I find satisfying. It keeps things neat and tidy.
Apparently, I’m not alone.
A study performed by Buzzsumo and Okdork analyzed over 100 million articles to determine which received the most shares. According to their findings, lists were the second most shareable format (only infographics were shared more).
If you really want to maximize the scannability of your content, use plenty of lists.
I’m not saying do this for every single piece of content you create because it will become redundant, but 50% or so should be a good number to shoot for.
Lists are a great weapon to have in your arsenal because they lend themselves to being scanned naturally.
Creating scannable content has arguably never been more important than it is today.
By accommodating the modern online reader and presenting information in a streamlined, visually appealing way, you can improve the reader’s experience.
This technique is also effective for preventing “cognitive overload,” which can drain a reader’s mental energy.
The end result is happier readers who spend more time on your site and who are more likely to convert.
http://www.quicksprout.com/the-step-by-step-guide-to-creating-scannable-content/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-step-by-step-guide-to-creating.html
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lindyhunt · 5 years
14 Copywriting Examples From Businesses With Incredible Copywriters
You all know the Old Spice guy, right?
The years-old "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign was memorable for many reasons, but one of them was that it gave Old Spice a voice -- voice that came through in every video, commercial, tagline, Facebook update, tweet ... you name it.
And do you know who is behind all of that marketing collateral?
Copywriters. The ability to find the exact right words to tell your company's story isn't an easy feat, and it's even harder to do so consistently.
So when we come across companies that are doing it successfully, we think their copywriters deserve a pat on the back (and a raise?). Take a look at some of the companies we think have stellar copywriting, and if you're looking, maybe get some inspiration for your own brand, too.
Copywriting Examples
First Round Capital
Velocity Partners
Intrepid Travel
Cultivated Wit
Cards Against Humanity
Ann Handley
1. UrbanDaddy
UrbanDaddy has mastered the art of getting me to open emails. And when I click into them, they don't disappoint.
Below is the copy from an email they sent me with the subject line, "Fun."
There are a couple things in this email that caught my eye.
First of all, there's no long preamble. The writers get straight to the point -- a wise choice for something as simple as a rubber band gun lest the reader feel cheated reading sentence after sentence for something so common.
Secondly, take a look at the purposeful sentence structure. This copywriter eschews conventional grammar rules by combining run-on sentences and traditional product promotion copy in sentences like:
Lock and load with Elastic Precision, a Kansas City-based workshop that manufactures high-powered weaponry except not at all because they actually just shoot rubber bands, now available online."
Keep reading, and you see a conversational tone that mildly mocks the silliness of the product, but also loops the reader in on something kinda fun.
And then, of course, they close with badgers. And how can you go wrong with badgers?
Best of all, UrbanDaddy's unique tone is found in every single piece of copy they publish -- from emails, to homepage copy, even to their editorial policy:
This company clearly knows its audience, which jokes to crack, and has kept it consistent across all their assets.
2. Articulate
Articulate, a HubSpot Agency Partner based in the U.K., is an inbound marketing agency, and their website copy is full of witty, confident copy on pages where you wouldn't think you'd find it. Here's exhibit 'A':
The copy above introduces Articulate's "Meet the Team" page -- not a page you'd think can pull off witty copy, right? Well, Articulate's page goes beyond employee photos and their job titles.
In addition to the playful header, "not the usual blah blah," the copy above takes on a farm theme, assuring visitors that employees aren't simply "caged hens." Rather, they're a "free-range, artisanal, cruelty-free team." Funny on the surface, but helpful to job seekers who, much like food, want to know where their work comes from and how it's made.
3. Moosejaw
Not many brands are brave enough to touch the products they're selling with unconventional copy ... but Moosejaw isn't afraid to have a little fun.
The outdoor apparel outlet store uses humor as a way to sell their products without being overly forward about it. By appealing to people's emotions, they're more engaging and memorable.
Here are a few examples:
Same goes for the call-to-action buttons that show up when you hover your mouse over a product photo -- like this one, which reads, "Look This Cool."
Does their brand voice carry over to the product descriptions, you ask? See for yourself:
If you think the brilliant copy stops at their homepage, think again. They extend it to their return policy, too. Here, they do a great job of not sacrificing clarity for humor. Their copywriters successfully made people laugh while still being helpful.
4. First Round Capital
While a sign of great copywriting is making people smile, another is making people feel understood. The copywriters at First Round do a phenomenal job at letting the value of their offerings for their customers sell themselves.
For example, they hold over 80 events every year connecting their community together. Instead of just explaining that they have events and then listing them out, they begin that section of their website with a simple statement that hits close to home with many entrepreneurs: "Starting a company is lonely."
Using words like "imperfect," "safety net," and "vulnerable" encourages readers to let their guards down and feel understood by the brand and their community.
Plus, you've gotta love that last line about stick-on name tags. Those things get stuck in my hair.
5. Trello
Do you know what Trello is? If the answer is no, then behold the copywriting on their website. Their product description -- like most of the copy on their site -- is crystal clear:
And then check out how clear this explainer content is:
Some of the use case clarity can be attributed to how smart the product is, but I think copywriters deserve some credit for communicating it clearly, too. They call it like it is, which ultimately makes it really easy to grasp.
And I couldn't write about the copywriting talent at Trello without including the clever references in the microcopy of their login page:
Each time you refresh the login page, you see a different, equally clever example email belonging to a fictional character, like Ender from Ender's Game and Dana Scully from The X-Files -- a great example of nostalgia marketing. This is a small detail, but nonetheless a reminder that there are real humans behind the website and product's design. Delightful microcopy like this kinda feels like I just shared a private joke with someone at the company.
6. Velocity Partners
No post from me about excellent copywriting would be complete without mentioning the folks at Velocity Partners. A B2B marketing agency out of the U.K., we've featured co-founder Doug Kessler's SlideShares (like this one on why marketers need to rise above the deluge of "crappy" content) time and again on this blog because he's the master of word economy.
What is "word economy"? It's taking care that every word you use is the right word. It means getting your point across concisely and not dwelling on the details when you don't have to. In a world of shortening attention spans, this is the ultimate goal when communicating your message.
And since we're talking about word economy, I'll shut up and let you check out one of Kessler's SlideShares for yourself:
Source: Velocity Partners
Whereas SlideShares are typically visual, Kessler's is heavily focused on copy: The design stays constant, and only the text changes. But the copy is engaging and compelling enough for him to pull that off. Why? Because he uses simple words so his readers understand what he's trying to say without any effort. He writes like he speaks, and it reads like a story, making it easy to flip through in SlideShare form.
The copy on Velocity Partners' homepage stood out to me, too. Check out, for example, how humble they are when introducing their case studies:
I also like how casual and honest they kept their email subscription call-to-action. The header is especially eye-catching -- and it plays off of the popular SlideShare about crappy content we mentioned earlier.
In fact, Velocity Partners' Harendra Kapur recently wrote a blog post on what goes in to great B2B writing -- starting with this disclaimer, of course.
7. Intrepid Travel
The copywriters at Intrepid Travel, a Melbourne-based adventure travel company, are on this list because they're at the intersection of interesting and informational.
I love seeing copy that is totally and utterly functional -- that delivers critical information, but is so pleasant to read that you actually keep reading. Quite a feat on the internet these days.
Take a look at their company description, package names, and package descriptions below for some examples of this fantastically functional copywriting in action:
Of course, they do benefit from quite a lovely subject matter, but still -- hats off you to, Intrepid Travel.
8. Cultivated Wit
The copywriters over at the "comedy company" Cultivated Wit do a great job of embracing their own brand of quirk throughout their site. They already have one of the best "About" pages in the game, but their delightful copy is spread throughout their site -- sometimes in the most unexpected of places.
For example, take a look at the copy around contact information at the very bottom of their homepage:
This section of the homepage is an afterthought at best for most companies. But for these folks, it was an opportunity to have a little fun.
They also have two, unique email subscription calls-to-action on different pages of their website. They're very different, but both equally funny and delightful. Here's one from the homepage:
And one from the "About" page:
9. Cards Against Humanity
You may or may not be familiar with Cards Against Humanity, the self-declared "party game for horrible people." It's a card game -- one that's simultaneously entertaining and inappropriate. The copywriting on the cards themselves are guaranteed to make you laugh.
The brand voice is very distinctive, and can seem a little abrasive, and even a little offensive. But that's their whole shtick: They're not trying to appeal to everyone, and that's perfectly okay. What they do do a great job of doing is appealing to their target audience.
One look at their FAQ page and you'll see what I mean:
Here's a sneak peek into some of the answers to these questions. You'll see they make fun of both themselves and the reader -- which is exactly what the card game is about.
10. R/GA
With the exception or UrbanDaddy, I've been focusing a lot on site copy so far, so I wanted to check out some examples of excellent social media copywriting.
I know you all like to see some more B2B examples in here, too, so I surfaced one of the best examples of the holy grail: Twitter copy, from a B2B company, that's funny. Behold, some recent highlights from the R/GA Twitter account:
— R/GA (@RGA) May 24, 2016
Your extended family going all caps with the Facebook posts like, hey we're all just people here and I've got some OPINIONS
— R/GA (@RGA) May 24, 2016
Imagine living in a time when horrible music wasn't pumped into every square inch of public/commercial space.
— R/GA (@RGA) May 19, 2016
Just saw a list of top tech talent referred to as "poachables," which sounds delicious. Like sophisticated Lunchables.
— R/GA (@RGA) May 16, 2016
If only audience segments knew how they were referred to in strategy decks.
— R/GA (@RGA) May 11, 2016
11. innocent
Check out U.K.-based drink makers innocent, and you'll see a language, style, and tone that matches their philosophy, product, and even their branding and design. It's all just clean, straightforward, and simple. And believe it or not, simple is a really, really hard thing to nail in copywriting.
This stands out best on their "Things We Make" page. (Isn't that page name even beautifully simple?)
This same straightforward-but-charming copywriting philosophy extends to their site navigation:
Their meta description is pretty awesome, too:
And my personal favorite:
12. GymIt
I've always loved the copy at GymIt. In fact, I check their site and social profiles all the time to see if they've freshened anything up. Luckily, they're no one-trick pony. They continue to keep their site fresh with captivating copy.
Here are some of my favorites, all of which hit on the pain points of gym-goers that they try to solve -- and actually do solve with their customer-friendly policies.
I can vouch for that one. I know how much of a hassle it is to move far away from your gym -- and how refreshing it must be to be able to walk in and just ... quit.
All of this rolls up to their philosophy, espoused eloquently on their "About" page, that gyms should just be about working out:
Talk about having an understanding of their core audience. The copy both in its value proposition and across its marketing materials reflects a deep understanding of their customers.
And how did their copywriters choose to make sure everyone knew what this new gym franchise was about if they didn't read that "About" page? This tagline:
Doesn't get much clearer than that.
13. ModCloth
ModCloth is a brand that has always had an excellent grasp of their buyer persona, and it comes through in their pun-filled copywriting. All of their products are silly plays on words -- check out this screen grab of some of their new arrivals, for example:
Dive into their product description copy, and it's equally joyous, evocative, and clever -- just like their customers. Often, it'll also tell the story of what you'll do while wearing their items:
After reading their descriptions, one can imagine what their life would be like if they owned this product. That's Copywriting 101, but so few brands can actually pull it off like the folks at ModCloth do.
14. Ann Handley
When it comes to building up your own personal brand, it can be easy to get a little too self-promotional. That's where the copywriting on your site can make a big difference.
On Ann Handley's personal website, she added bits of microcopy that shows, despite her many accomplishments (like being a best-selling author and award-winning speaker), that she still doesn't take herself too seriously.
Check out her email subscription call-to-action, for example:
Anyone can be a successful copywriter with the right brand voice -- and a little editorial guidance along the way. Want to learn how to write awesome copy for your business? Grab the free ebook below. 
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Why Take the SAT 10 Important Reasons
 Why Take the SAT? 10 Important Reasons
SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips
The SAT is a daunting exam. Plus, it's not a direct part of your schooling, so why take the SAT? Well, as it turns out, there are plenty of good reasons.
On of the most significant reasons is how the test affects your college options, though there are other considerations, too. In this article, we'll talk about all the reasons to take the SAT, including why it might be a better test for you than the ACT.
#1: Most Colleges Require SAT Scores
If you're applying to college, you will almost certainly need to submit SAT (or ACT) scores. Now, any college that requires these scores will accept the SAT or the ACT (or both, if you're so inspired). No school will accept one, but not the other.
You should also be aware that there's a growing number of test-optional and test-blind schools out there—schools that either don't require or else don't even want your test scores.
However—and I really want to stress this point—these schools remain the exception, not the rule. For the most part, schools want (and even demand) to see those SAT or ACT scores.
Taking the SAT or ACT thus means keeping a considerable number of options open that would otherwise be closed to you.
#2: Some Scholarships Are Based Off SAT Scores
Some schools guarantee significant scholarship money based on qualifying SAT or ACT scores. This is huge: college price tags are not cheap, and you may as well give the SAT your best shot if it stands a chance of netting you a huge chunk of cash—or maybe even a full ride.
Despite what this picture suggests, money does not simply grow on trees.
#3: Some Jobs Require SAT Scores
This doesn't apply just to jobs in the test prep arena, either; a surprising range of companies ask job-seekers, from entry-level consulting applicants to senior-level banking applicants, to cough up old SAT or ACT scores.
It may not be standard practice, but you don't want to pass on the perfect job because an employer wants test scores and you don't have them.
#4: The SAT Does Not Have a Science Section
So far, we've focused on reasons you should take a standardized test, but this is one of the big reasons you might prefer the SAT specifically: it doesn't include a dedicated science section—while the ACT does.
Granted, the SAT does include some scientific reading passages and a little bit of data to interpret, but if every science class is your own personal nightmare, it might be wise to skip the ACT's 40-question, 35-minute Science section and take the SAT instead. For those who are not scientifically inclined, it's definitely the lesser of two evils.
#5: The SAT Is Taken at a Slower Pace
Now, the SAT is a little bit (and I do mean a little bit) longer than the ACT: five minutes longer without the essay, fifteen minutes longer with the essay. Given that, though, consider the following data on how many minutes and seconds are allocated to each question on either test. What you'll see is that the ACT is much more rushed.
If you get nervous or overly stressed under time constraints, the SAT is the test for you. You'll still have to compete with the clock, but it won't be as frantic as the ACT.
Time is precious on a standardized test.
#6: The SAT Organizes Its Reading Questions
SAT Reading questions come in the order of the progression of each passage, complete with line numbers to help you find the point of reference. The ACT is lacking these features; it involves a lot more scrambling to situate what the questions are even discussing. If the extra help that the SAT provides is important to you, consider taking the SAT rather than the ACT.
#7: The SAT Is Heavy on Algebra, Light on Geometry and Trig
Geometry and trigonometry are present on the SAT, but they are not as prevalent as they are on the ACT. Algebra, on the other hand, takes center stage on the SAT.
Almost everyone has some preference between algebra and geometry; if algebra is your favored subsection of math, the SAT will let you shine.
#8: The SAT Doesn't Cover As Many Math Concepts
For instance, logarithms, matrices, and graphs of trigonometric functions are all absent from the SAT (but present on the ACT). If you struggle with a few nitty-gritty topics like these but have mastered algebra reasonably well, the SAT might be the perfect test to take.
#9: The SAT Essay Is a Literary Analysis Task
You don't have to argue a personal opinion or pass a judgment about any argumentative case's moral superiority on the SAT essay. Instead, you're producing commentary on a piece of source text. With the ACT, on the other hand, you have to argue the relative merits of solutions to complex issues.
If you excel at literary analysis but shy away from debates, the SAT may just be the way to go.
Some people thrive on debate; others do not.
#10: Some States Require the SAT
If you're living in a state that requires the SAT, you don't have a whole lot of say in the matter — you'll have to take it. Since you'll likely spend some time class time practicing, you'll probably want to focus your test prep on the SAT as well.
You can reference our complete list of states requiring the test to see if you live in one of these states.
Conclusion: So Why Take the SAT?
Today, taking the SAT (or ACT) seems to be the decision most college-bound students make. There is, in fact, very good reason for this pattern; as discussed above, these tests can help you find your way into college, get a scholarship to pay for college, and even land a job down the road.
There are also some distinct reasons that the SAT may serve many students better than the ACT.
Whether you're wondering whether to take any standardized test or second-guessing your past decision to sign up for the SAT in the first place, you can use this article to review and consider the many merits of the test.
What's Next?
Wondering what all this means for the ACT? Take a moment to read about whether you should take both tests or only one.
This article has touched on how the two tests are different, but do also take some time to investigate the issue in more detail. We've got a comparison chart that should do just the trick.
Since math is a point of especial concern for many students, you may want to read a more detailed analysis of how ACT and SAT math are the same and different.
Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article!
Vero is a firsthand expert at standardized testing and the college application process. Though neither parent had graduated high school, and test prep was out of the question, she scored in the 99th percentile on both the SAT and ACT, taking each test only once. She attended Dartmouth, graduating as salutatorian of 2013. She later worked as a professional tutor. She has a great passion for the arts, especially theater.
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