#but like. I’m only 24 pls don’t call me ma’am
jocelynships · 1 year
I know people are just saying it to be polite, but having people call me miss or ma’am makes me uncomfortable bc it makes me feel. So much older than I actually am.
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sweetiepoison · 3 months
Famous Baby (social media blurb)
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@yourusername: The last two months 💛
[tagged: @Shawnmendes, @Justinbieber, @yourbff1, @yourbff2]
Load more comments…
Fan#1: the holy trinity 😇 (@yourusername, @yourbff1, @yourbff2)
-> bff1: more like the unholy trinity 😅🤭
->bff2: no fr if only you guys saw the gc 💀
->yourusername: jail immediately if it got out
Fan#2: pls I love how unserious they are
Fan#3: I would pay to see their gc
->Fan#4: literally same
Fan#5: excuse me ma’am are you and @justinbeiber making music together?!
->Fan#6: my dream collab
->Fan#7: (y/n) would be the one to get Justin to return to music
->Fan#8: Y’ALL she liked the original comment!!
->Fan#9: I can’t wait for this music to come out!
JustinBieber: My fav singing partner now and forever 🤍
->yourusername: I fangirl when I get to sing with you 🤍
->Fan#10: they are the definition of platonic soulmates
Fan#11: Okay miss girl I see you at the all stars weekend go ahead and get you a man 👀
->Fan#12: Maybe she already has one 👀
->Fan#13: yoo, don’t play with my emotions like that
->Fan#14: I could totally see Justin setting her up though #wingman
->Fan#15: I’m calling it rn, her and Matthews
->Fan#16: Idk who that even is, but if he can make our girl happy I’m down
->Fan#17: @AustonMatthews
->Fan#18: Thank you for the @ girl bc damn he is fine
-> Fan#19: Or her and @Williamnylander
->Fan#20: Literally either way’s a win 🤷‍♀️
Yourbff: my girl looking good always!
Fan#21: The fact that she went to the all star game for Justin and then sang with him for his first performance in a while, they are so wholesome
Shawnmendes: My favorite person to see in the audience
->Fan#22: I know y’all see this comment too 👀
->Fan#23: like can they pls get back together
->Fan#24: That would heal my 14 yr old heart
Fan#25: I was a team Shawn girl back when it was between him and Harry and I’m gonna be one now
Fan#26: Shawn and (y/n) holding hands was not on my 2024 bingo card
Fan#27: (y/n) is serving body!!!!!
Bff2: soooo…..same thing next weekend?
78 notes · View notes
bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 75. brb x oc
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a/n: i...am not happy with this chapter hah, i had an off day and yeah...ugh,anyway!!! sorry for this one, hopefully the next will be better
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23
Maybe if he didn’t move, maybe if he stood completely still, they’d walk away.
“Lt.Bradshaw! Sir!”
God damn it.
Rooster brings his fingers to his eyes, inhaling for patience before he rolls his shoulders and puts on a neutral face as he prepares himself to turn around and face the officers he knew without a doubt were behind him. He just turns his torso, resting his arm on the table with his eyes locking immediately with “Johnson.” He says with a brief smile, “And Faraday and McAllister.”
They were three young recruits, with Jameson being the tallest of them all, standing at Rooster’s height while Faraday was just a few inches shorter and McAllister reaching his shoulder. They were three men all from California, they were still in training and he was sure the only one who just had a callsign was Faraday…and that was his call sign, because apparently no one was that creative anymore, “Sir!” they all salute him quickly, “We didn’t know you liked tacos,sir!”
“You don’t have to call me sir all the time,guys.”
Rooster made a face, “I uh,” he looks back to where he saw Beatrice go, “I’m here with my wife and baby daughter as you,” he gestures with his hand to the stroller right by his side, Nicole’s eyes already on the three men, “Can see.”
Cue to McAllister slapping the two men on the shoulders, “I told you guys he was busy. We’re sorry,sir, we just saw you here and the guys wanted to say hi.” he sounded extremely nervous when speaking to Rooster, “And I told them not to, it wasn’t the right thing to do and we’d see you some other day at the base.”
Rooster nodded with the same neutral look on his face, ‘Yeah,well, it’s fine. Just don’t make this an habit.” 
“We come here a lot,” Faraday,who apparently couldn’t identify a cue to leave, said while pointing to the taco truck, “We’ve been here since we were kids.” to Rooster they were still kids and he refused to remember their birth year or else he’d just get very upset about it, “And it’s cool that you like it too! I mean, I don’t know why we thought you’d like fancy stuff, maybe it’s because-” cue to Faraday rambling nonstop, his friends standing close by and McAllister being the only one who tries his best to cut him off so they could go.
Rooster hears Beatrice’s footsteps returning, followed by Nicole’s happy gurgle when she sees her mother, “Roos, did I take long-oh.” she stops a few steps away from the table, “Oh, um…hello?”
The three men saluted her too, out of habit, before Johnson blinked, “Wait, no,” they drop their arms, “I don’t think she’s Navy, guys. Uh,sorry ma’am.”
“That’s…okay?” Rooster turns back at Beatrice to give her a tired look, “Um…who are you guys?” 
“Clive Johnson,” her husband replies, pointing to each young recruit, “Ryan Faraday and Oliver McAllister.” she found it endearing that they waved at her this time, offering small smiles and quick nods towards her instead of the uncalled salute from before. “They are the new recruits I told you about.”
“Ohh, hi guys! Nice to meet you,I’m Beatrice-”
“Yes,Lt.Bradshaw talks about you a lot.” Faraday smiles, then immediately clears his throat, “N-Not to us,I mean ma’am…he talks to others and we hear it and uh-”
But Beatrice just sent Rooster a look, her husband rubbing his jaw and avoiding her eyes because if she saw his face she’d be sure he was blushing. She knew he talked about her but to the point that the new recruits had an idea who she was? Now that was absolutely sweet.
Beatrice chews the inside of her lower lip, gazing upon the young recruits one more time, “Well, I’m glad to finally meet you guys too. Going out for dinner?” Beatrice knew they meant no harm, they showed up out of nowhere because they saw Rooster and wanted to say hi to him…which was fine! It was completely fine, but this was also their first night out as a family. 
So she was thinking of ways to gently tell them to leave. 
However Bradley wasn’t patient enough, turning around fully while seated as Beatrice settles back down on her seat, checking Nicole who was still staring at the three men, “Guys,” he pushes himself to his feet, approaching the young recruits with his hands in his pockets, “It was nice to see you three, but as you noticed-” he nods to Beatrice, “I’m out with my family…so.”
“Yeah! Time to leave!” McAllister adds, pushing the taller men away, “Sorry sir, we didn’t mean to intrude,sir.”
He fought back the wince from hearing that, “It’s quite alright, have a good night guys.” the three men nodded almost dumbly at him, then snapped back to attention, walking around their table - ‘good night ma’am, good night little miss’ - to get to the truck. They were still in Rooster’s line of vision but he was glad they walked away, running his hands over his eyes to get himself together.
Beatrice looks back to where the three men were, then towards Rooster again, “They seemed sweet.”
“And they seemed to respect you a lot.”
Rooster sighed, holding his head up to look at Beatrice, offering her a little smile, “They are good kids but I really don’t want to think about work right now, not when I’m on my leave.”
“Understandable.” she said, “Do you really hate being called sir?”
“Do you hate when I say it?”
He was surprised by the tone in her voice, like she was genuinely worried about his response, those green eyes with a layer of nerves over them as she waits for his response. It was a quiet question and the constant talking and music made it easier for them to talk without worrying about people eavesdropping on them, “I don’t hate when you say it.” he says just as quietly, ‘Because…well…it’s you.”
His wife blushed a soft red, then smiled at him as she ran the tip of her nail on the can’s rim, shrugging a bit, “I guess that’s good enough of an answer.” she says, “But you know the boys say that because they respect you a lot.”
“I know.”
“And you are their superior.”
“I know.” he sighs, “It’s hard to explain.”
Beatrice grins, “It’s alright, you know I won’t judge.”
Of course she wasn’t, he thought with a smile himself. He taps his finger against the wooden table, licking his lips for a second, “...I know.” he says softly, “I know you won’t.” and there was a heaviness in his words that Beatrice couldn’t identify why it lingered there.
But he didn’t elaborate and chose to continue their meal - ignoring the three young recruits still there, ordering their food and trying their best to not appear nosy - while chatting. It was going to be a nice night as long as they kept to themselves.
“Were you like that?” Rooster hears her ask, but his answer takes a while to form and when it comes out it’s a ‘hm?’ “Like the boys, amazed, starstruck over your superiors?”
Bradley noticed that he never talked too much about his time with the Golden Warriors, in fact he barely spoke about that time…not because he didn’t like talking about it, but mainly…because he wasn’t really the best mentally back then. He did a great job, but there were things he wasn’t proud of, “Nah.” he chuckles, ‘Well,maybe a little you know? Nothing too intense…I wanted to do a good job, get back, repeat, those things.”
He wipes his hand with the napkin, inhaling as he remembers his younger years, “You know, being the son of a former pilot is heavy on your shoulders. When they found out about what happened to my dad…well.”
He didn’t want pity, he never did, he wanted to show he was good just like his father was. There were times people wanted to make fun of him because of it, because of his mother’s passing - because of course they would, why wouldn’t they? The new recruit had a sad past? Well time to annoy him because of it. “And you achieved, Lieutenant.” she smiles, even more when his eyes slowly lift to meet hers, “I mean, look at you now.”
“Yeah…you know I don’t really talk to anyone from that time in VA.”
“Why not?”
Because most of them were pieces of shit and were annoyed because of his talents, and they liked to say he only got where he got because of his father. “I don’t think we ever got to be that close, not like the guys are…so when I asked to be transferred it was a no brainer, never looked back.”  Beatrice knew there was something he wasn’t saying, “I wasn’t like the guys are, I respected my superiors sure but…not to that extent. I got to where I am right now just being myself and being damn good at it.”
He had the right to be cocky sometimes, it wasn’t often, but he had the utmost pleasure of doing so, “And you don’t miss them at all?”
“Nope.” and considering how they were, they’d probably disrespect Beatrice too and that was something he couldn’t stand. “Not at all.”
Beatrice blinked, then smiled softly at him, “If you say so…can I ask you something?”
“If you weren’t in the Navy, was there anything you’d like to do?”
Rooster stopped the plastic cup from touching his lips when she asked, clearly not expecting but at the same time…not shocked about it. He opened his mouth, then closed, then opened again as he sets the cup down, furrowing his brows, “...I…” he thinks, and he thinks hard about it, waiting to find anything to tell her but “...I don’t think so.” he mutters, “I love what I do,I think I always did, even as a little boy,even when my mother and I argued about it time and time again.” he explains, spinning his wedding ring on his finger with the pad of his thumb, “And while it is stressful and tiring and sometimes the reports make me crazy…I don’t think I’d have any other profession.”
His wife just leaned on her hand as she heard him speak, her eyes focused on him and the way he was so sincerely voicing how he felt and her smile returned, “That’s really nice,Roos.”
“Hah, thanks gorgeous…why did you ask?”
Beatrice inhales, her smile dropping as she looks at Nicole, holding her daughter’s hand for a second, “...I think I was just curious…we were talking today - me,Jessie,Shells and Penny - about second choices, sudden opportunities.” she mutters, “And I guess it brought some memories I forgot.”
“Such as?”
“I almost told Shells no when she told me about the bar.” now that surprised him, even making Rooster recoil in surprise, “I know right? Crazy. But I told you how I was mentally when that happened…and like, I worked with my uncle but the pay wasn’t great and I wanted to move out…so I thought why the hell not. It was never in my plans but…I can’t see myself doing anything but working at the bar.”
“I mean,I’m happy to hear that because how else would we ever meet?” he smirks, “How else would I ask you out? Or propose to you? Or have our baby together?”
“I know.” she smiles, “And you are right.”
“Was that all that brought it up?”
She sighs, “I guess? I don’t know, I guess a lot came into perspective lately. With Nikki, with us growing as a couple, as a married couple too, you know? Like…I think we are doing fine, all things considered, we are managing everything.”
He wondered if this was because of what she mentioned about Jessie, about the things she’d miss if she wasn’t working at the bar. “We sure are,gorgeous.” he had to admit it was…going a lot better than he ever imagined it, after all he and Beatrice were first timers in everything.
And maybe that’s why Beatrice brought it up.
The what ifs still hovered them both, especially now that Nicole was four months old, with time going by fast he knew both of them had to keep it up with her. They didn’t want to miss anything when it came to her, “Do you think she’d be interested in any of our fields?” Beatrice’s question catches him off guard, “Nikki?”
It was still early to think about that but he supposed he could indulge in the future, “Maybe,why?” 
“I don’t know, curiosity I guess.” she smiles down at Nicole who just gurgles up at her, even more when her mother tickles her tummy, “Oh, I almost forgot, Marcus wants me to see him next week.”
“And he wants you to come with.”
Bradley blinked, arching his brow with a confused smile, “He does? May I ask why?”
“He said he uh, needs your second opinion.”
Rooster licks the inside of his lip, then chuckles, throwing his hand up in the air in an ‘alright’ motion, “I don’t see why not.” he smirks, “Maybe I can also see some of your work there, huh?”
“Oh everything is saved up until the collection is ready to launch.” Bea smiles, “Marcus said that it’s going to be amazing.”
“I believe him.” he smirks, “Is there anything else?”
Beatrice taps her finger against her chin, the other hand still busy with Nicole, “Oh, he wants us to bring Nicole,”she smiles,looking down at their daughter, “Because he hasn’t met her yet.” true, he was out of the country when Nicole was born. Rooster hummed, leaning on his palm as he thought about it, arching his brow at her.
“Alright,when do we go?”
“Two days before Halloween,OH! We need to go shopping for treats! And get Nicoles’ costume…and our costumes! For Penny’s party!” while Beatrice excitedly rambled, Rooster moved his eyes from her to Nicole who was just smiling up at him, waving her little hands in the air.
Younger Rooster would never dream of having something like this, and yet here he is, with the two most special people in his life. With a loving wife and a beautiful daughter and- something wet touched his head. And another landed on the table, there was the gentle sound of rain hitting the ground around them that made the two stand to their feet and protect Nicole from the cold raindrops.
Their daughter, amazingly,didn’t care, she just laughed all the way. 
At least someone was having fun with their demise.
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Out Of Time ~ 136
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,000ish
Summary: The pregnancy continues. Y/N spends time with Steve. (Read the note at the end of the chapter.)
Warning: car accident
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Week 22 was full of compliments from Tony about how Y/N had never looked more beautiful. Her stomach began to get dry and irritated. This led to Tony spending a lot of time rubbing lotion on the baby bump while talking to Morgan.
Week 23 came with worsening symptoms: leg cramps, pregnancy brain, backaches, constipation, and headaches. Y/N was very grateful that Tony was a constant and so very caring. She honestly didn’t know what she would have done without him.
Weeks 24 and 25: Y/N’s sex drive had died, which disappointed the both of them. Tony knew and respected Y/N to know not to push. Her hands also began tingling, which apparently was normal.
Week 26: sleep was definitely not Y/N’s friend. Leg cramps, frequent urination, anxiety, and Morgan’s kicking made it nearly impossible. Tony felt awful, unable to find anyway for Y/N to get rest. A few times, late night drives worked or Tony taking to the bump, but that was few and far between. This left Y/N exhausted and crabby.
Week 27 began with an exhausted Y/N and an intensely worried Tony. They were in the city for Tony to go to a few Stark Industry meetings and so that Y/N could spend some time with Steve.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay down here alone until Rogers comes and picks you up?” Tony was worrying over Y/N. But he was also worried that, if he was any later to the meeting, Pepper would literally murder him.
“I’ll be fine,” Y/N replied, swatting away Tony from the chair she was in. “I love you. Now go.”
Tony pecked her lips. “Love you girls too.” He started hurrying away. “Make sure to take it easy! Let me know if you need anything!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Y/N muttered, waving at Tony.
As Y/N tried to find a comfortable position in the chair, she could feel something was off. Looking around, no one appeared off. She checked around a few more times before just chalking it up to that half the world had disappeared. Steve arrived lot long later and went inside to meet her.
“Hey, Y/N/N,” he greeted with a smile. “Wow.” He checked her over. “That baby’s really growing.”
“She is,” Y/N responded, smiling softly as she rubbed her belly. “Somedays I can’t believe it and others I just want her out.”
Steve reached his hands out to help his sister out of the chair. She put her hands in his. “My favorite niece giving my sister trouble?”
“Your favorite niece doesn’t let me sleep.” Steve pulled her up, keeping a hold of her while she tried to balance. “It’s kind of getting on my nerves.”
“Maybe her uncle can talk some sense into her today.”
“Please, she’s stopped listening to her father.”
Steve led her out and helped her into the car. Getting in himself, he began the drive to Brooklyn.
“So, I was thinking that we could eat lunch at this diner that’s opened back up in Brooklyn,” Steve suggested. “Then maybe visit the cemetery, visit the parents and AJ?”
“That all sounds wonderful, Stevie,” Y/N responded. “Morgan makes me hungry all the time, so sorry if I spend all your money.”
“Whatever makes my niece, and my sister, happy.”
Y/N was so picky yet ordered most of the menu. Steve ordered one small thing, thinking to himself that he’d finish up whatever Y/N didn’t. As they waited for their food, Y/N couldn’t help  but feel something was off again. She looked around again. Y/N could tell that the other people in there were trying not to stare at the former Avengers, trying not to glare. Studying her surroundings like she was taught, her fingers were anxiously tapping against the table.
“Hey,” Steve called out to her. “You okay?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine,” Y/N said, swallowing. “It’s just… People hate us. And I don’t blame them. We didn’t protect them like we always sworn to do.”
“Y/N,” Steve reached across and grabbed her hand. “We can’t control them and their thoughts and actions. Only our own.”
“And if they don’t move on?”
Steve sighed. “Then we don’t either.”
“So, how’s wedding planning coming?” Steve asked once the food arrived.
“Currently, it’s not moving much,” Y/N answered. “I just am exhausted all the time and I can’t even think about trying on a dress right now. I’ve mainly just created several Pinterest boards and such.”
“Well, you two are not in any rush, especially since you’re waiting for little Mo to come.”
“Little Mo?” Y/N giggled. “Is that what you’re going to call her?”
“I figured that, as the uncle, I needed a nickname for my niece.”
“You and Tony can’t just wait for her to come?”
“But it’s still too long of a wait. Like, how many more weeks?”
“I’m week 27 currently, so… I think I technically have 15 more weeks. Ugh, that’s too long! Don’t get me wrong, I have loved growing my daughter inside of me, but I’m tired of it and just want her here.”
“She’ll be here so enough and causing all sorts of problems then too.”
“I guess you’re right… She’s not going to let me sleep for years.”
“Good thing you won’t be doing this alone. You have Tony, Happy, Rhodey, Nat, Pepper, and, like always, you’ll have me.”
“Thanks Stevie. Means a lot.”
“I bought some flowers, they’re at my place,” Steve stated as they drove away from the diner. “Can we stop there and I can run in and grab them?”
“Of course, Stevie,” Y/N answered. “You mind if I just stay in the car? I’m getting tired.”
“It’s no problem. I’ll be quick.”
“It’s too bad though. I’ve never seen your new place.”
“And I haven’t seen yours.”
“I’ll convince Tony and we’ll have you over soon. Or I’ll convince him to leave and sneak you over. That probably won’t happen until Morgan’s here though. He barely let me do this.”
“He’s just scared and he cares. It’s who Tony is.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s one of the reasons why I love him.”
“I am happy for you. Even after all that’s happened.”
“Thanks, Stevie. I hope that one day you can find something that makes you happy as well.”
Steve shot a tight-lipped smile at his sister before pulling off to the side and parking. He rolled down the windows a bit, pulled out his keys, and opened his door.
“I won’t be long,” he said, heading out the door.
“And I’ll just me here,” Y/N responded.
She sighed, leaning back the seat. Taking off her seatbelt, Y/N closed her eyes and rubbed her baby bump. She was so tired and just wanted to rest, though nothing was allowing her to. Then again, Y/N felt like something was off. Her eyes opened and she began to scan the area. Something was not right, and hadn’t been all day. Sitting up straighter, as much as she could, her breath started quickening. Not able to see anything in front of her, Y/N checked the review mirror. She gasped just before a black suv came barreling into Steve’s car. 
Y/N was thrown into the dashboard, causing her to cry out. Steve’s car crashed into the car in front of it. The black suv backed up slightly before ramming into Steve’s car again. This time Y/N’s head it the windshield, cracking it. She screamed.
“P-Pl-Please!” She screamed. “My baby!”
As the black suv backed up again, another one barreled in from the side. This crashed Steve’s car into a lamppost. The window next to Y/N shattered all over her. Her vision was fuzzy from her head’s impact with the windshield and she could tell she had begun bleeding in placed because of the shattered windows.
“Because of you, my family is gone!” She heard someone shout from outside the car. “Because of you have the world is gone!”
“Please! Stop!” Y/N screamed. “Please! I’m pregnant!”
“I’m sure others were as well when they turned to ash!”
Tears were soaking Y/N’s cheeks as she tired to get out of the car. But her door was crushed into the lamppost. Her heart and head were pounding as both cars came at her again. She screamed in agony as something impaled her leg. 
“More of you should have died after failing to protect us!” The voice outside the car continued.
The black suv to her side rammed into Steve’s car again, effectively knocking her out cold.
Steve was whistling as he hurried down the stairs with the flowers. There were two boutiques, one for his parents and one for his nephew. As he exited his building, he froze. His car was totaled and two black suv’s were speeding away.
“Y/N,” he gasped. “Y/N!”
He ran to the car. Y/N was clearly unconscious, leaning against her crushed door. Steve quickly looked over her. She was bleeding, everywhere. Which was terrifying him. Looking for a way to get his sister out, he realized her door was crushed shut and stuck because of the lamppost.
“Y/N, Y/N,” Steve called. “Please answer me. Wake up and answer me.”
When he didn’t get a response, he began to tear things off the car. He needed to get to Y/N, needed to get her out of there before it was too late.
“Mr. Rogers!” An old woman came rushing out of no where. “I’ve called 911! They’re on their way.”
“Thank you, ma’am.” He ripped away the back door, finally.
“They said to wait for them to get her out.”
“Can’t do that. She’s my sister and she’s pregnant.” The sirens were then heard coming towards them.
“Please, Mr. Rogers, they’re almost here. You don’t know what damage you can cause.”
Huffing Steve reached through the shattered window to touch Y/N’s skin. “Stay with me, Y/N. Stay with me.”
“Where is Y/N?! WHERE IS SHE?!” Steve was sure that Tony’s panic could be heard throughout the whole city. Steve was sitting in the waiting room, head in his hands, as Tony, Happy, and Pepper came running in. “Rogers! Where is Y/N?”
Steve looked up, revealing his puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. “She’s—Y/N’s in surgery,” he replied, voice breaking.
“What?! How is she? How’s the baby?”
“She’s— they— I’m so sorry, Tony…”
“Rogers,” Tony growled. “Tell me what—“
“Mr. Stark,” a man called, coming out in scrubs. “I was told you’d arrived. I’m one of the doctors on your fiancé’s case.”
“How is she?” Tony turned to the doctor. “How’s the baby?”
“I’m afraid Miss Rogers was brought in with serious injuries. She was bleeding, quite a lot, and had a serious head injury. The baby was also in clear distress.”
“Clear distress?”
“We had to do an emergency c-section to deliver your baby. She’s currently in surgery as well.” Tony stumbled back, Happy steadying him. “They’re both in critical condition and still have quite a few hours of surgery ahead of us. I’ll keep you updated.”
“Thank you,” Pepper said, as the doctor left.
“Tony, let’s sit you down,” Happy said, guiding Tony down into a seat across from Steve.
“What… happened…?” Tony panted. “I thought you were with her?”
“I needed to grab something, Tony,” Steve responded, clearly feeling all the guilt. “I didn’t think that it would be an issue… I came down from my apartment to see my car completely wrecked against the car in front of it and the lamppost beside it… two black suv’s were speeding away. I didn’t get a good look at them.”
“I can’t— I can’t lose them…”
“I know.”
“If I do… I’m blaming you.”
“Don’t worry, Tony. I’m already blaming myself.”
next chapter >
I leave for Disney World this week. It is the last big family vacation that I will be on for a while. Because of that, I will not be on tumblr March 19th through March 24th. I will actually be deleting the app so that it’s not a distraction.
Most likely, nothing will be posted during that time. If something is, it will have been queued up. Things that are posted while I’m out of town will not have tag lists attached. I will put this note in all the fic posts until then.
So do not come at me for spending time with my family instead of including the tag list. (I say that knowing that people won’t care and still come at me…. be respectful and get over yourself.)
Check out the 2 ending chapter titles and possible banners here.
Also, I will be taking all of April off for job hunting and such. Please be kind and understanding. This is important to me.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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youreacowgirllikeme · 3 years
Coffee to go
Pairing: Chris Cuomo x female Reader
Warning: Swearing, Smut (only read this if you’re 18+ pls), NSFW, not edited
Note: Alright, this is my first attempt at smut so be nice pls (also I’m not a native speaker, so sorry for my grammar)
The cold November wind blows right into your face as you walk (actually, it was more of a jog) through the streets of Washington DC.
“You will reach your destination in 200 meters“ the computer voice from google maps tells you through your headphones. You break into a run, clutching your hot coffee cup tightly to prevent it from spilling over.
“Shit, don’t let me be late on my very first day of work“ you whisper to yourself, as you finally reach the huge glass doors of the CNN headquarters.
“My name is Y/N Y/L/N“ you tell the security guard at the entrance, showing your ID„ I’m the new intern in the politics department.“
„First Elevator on the right, then all the way up to the 10th floor.“
You pass the security check and mumble a quick “Thank you!” to the guard as you make your way over to the elevator. You have 3 minutes left.
“This is my dream job, this is my dream job. It’s finally happening.“ you repeat to yourself, alone in the cabin.
You still can’t believe that you were granted the prestigious position as an intern for the DC politics department at CNN. You graduated with a degree in journalism from Oxford, UK this summer, but with the current political climate and the presidential election coming up, you felt like DC was the place to be at the moment. When you saw there was an internship at CNN advertised, you didn’t hesitate and applied. And all the hard work you put into getting excellent grades and doing tons of extracurricular work payed off, because here you were, on your first day of work.
You try to calm your fluttering nerves one last time with deep breaths and a sip of your still fairly hot coffee.
As the mechanical voice announces the elevators arrival on the 10th floor, you practically storm out of the doors...and run straight into a wall.
“Oh Fuck!“ a deep voice exclaimes, and as you take a step back you see that the wall you ran into was, in fact, a man. A very tall, broad and handsome looking man...with your hot coffee spilled all over his white dress shirt and a furious look on his face.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry, Sir!“ you cry out, praying for the ground to swallow you up. What a perfect first impression. You reach in your pocket to grab a handkerchief, but he dismisses you bluntly with a wave of his hand.
„Just watch where you going next time.“
Giving you one last sharp glare, he walks away, disappearing into a door further down the hallway.
Still mortified, you throw your now empty coffee cup onto the nearest bin and hurry to the room you were told to go in your admission email. It’s a tiny office, where a moddle-aged woman sits on a desk loaded with paperwork.
“Good Morning Ma’am, I’m Y/N Y/L/N, the new politics intern, starting today.“ you tell her, hoping that your face isn’t beet red anymore and your jacket is free of coffee stains. The woman glances up from her computer screen and gives you a quick look over.
“About time. Welcome to CNN, I’m Susan, your supervisor.“
She rummages trough a desk drawer.
"Here is your company ID, a key to the break room, you already sent us your signed contract, didn’t you?“ she asks in a monotoneus voice.
"Yes, thank you so much.“ you say, taking the offered items. "Is there already a list of what my tasks here are going to be?“
"Yes, with the election coverage starting tomorrow, there is still a lot of preparation to do. You’ve been assigned to run errands for our anchor team today, and I guess also for the rest of the week. Paperwork, coffee, stuff like that, just be at their back and call. We expect it to be a tight race, and we need to cover it 24 hours a day. So be prepared to spend most of your time here.”
"There’s a locker in the break room, put your stuff there. The copy room is next door, make 3 copies of those papers and bring them to Chris Cuomo, he’s our lead anchor for the election coverage. His office is the last door down the hall on the right. And hurry, we don’t have a lot of time and he’s not exactly a patient man.” She starts typing something on her phone, obviously dismissing you.
You rush to the break room, hastily throw your bag and jacket in the last free locker, checking your appearance one last time in the mirror (face still a bit red, but no coffee stains, thank god) and go on to make those copies next door. You let your mind wander while the copier does it’s job.
Chris Cuomo. You know he hosts a well known daily prime time show on CNN, but you’ve never seen it as it airs in the middle of the night in the UK. You’re actually suprised they chose him for the job of the election lead anchor, considering he was originally based in the New York Office of CNN. You try to remember what he looked like, but you have no idea. And no time to google him.
So you just grab the stack of papers and bolt down the hallway to the door Susan described. There’s a provisional sign on the door, bearing the name “Christopher C. Cuomo”.
You knock three times and hear a loud "Come in“ from the other side of the door. You enter...and stop instantly, eyes going wide.
Standing in front of you is the guy from the elevator. The hot one. The one who’s dress shirt you ruined with your beverage.
Said dress shirt lies on the floor in a crumpled heap. The man, obviously Chris Cuomo himself, is wearing only a white undershirt, apparently in the middle of changing clothes . His huge, muscled arms are on full display. And he’s looking directly at you, one eyebrow arched.
“Can I help you?” he asks with a hint of annoyance in his deep voice.
You realize you are staring, and quickly try to compose yourself.
“Uhm, yes, I’m so sorry to bother you, Mr Cuomo, I’m Y/N, the new intern. I’m here to deliver those papers from Susan’s office . I’ve been assigned to assist you today...Sir” you add hastily.
“Assist me, huh? I hope this doesn’t involve any more coffee. I only have so many white shirts.”
“I’m so sorry again for that, Mr. Cuomo.”
“Don’t worry, kid” he says, now giving you a closer look. His eyes are a perfect shade of blue-green. The heat started creeping back in your face under his scrutizing gaze.
“You’re a Brit, aren’t you?”
You just give a quick nod, not trusting your ability to speak properly. He comes a step closer, arms crossed in front of his broad chest.
“Have a good start then, Y/N” he says, voice dropping a bit, still holding intense eye contact.
You feel your heart rate going through the roof and pray that he won’t detect it. This mans presence was really intense and brought all kind of distracting thoughts to your mind.
Your "Thank you so much, Sir” comes out way less confident than you intended to, and you basically flee through the office door you hadn’t even bothered to close when you entered.
“Wow!” you think to yourself, “It’s the first day, and you already made a fool of yourself and now have a giant crush on the lead anchor, who’s at least in his 40s. Good job.”
This was going to be interesting.
(Next Day, afternoon)
“Don’t stare, don’t stare.”
You chant your mantra in your head for what felt like the hundredth time this day.
The last 24 hours have been the most exciting, stressful and demanding ones of your entire life. You currently run on what feel like 5 liters of coffee, some energy bars and a two hour nap you managed to catch on the couch in the break room, the circumstances leaving you with a constant feeling of giddy exhaustion.
But no matter how much your eyes were burning, you couldn’t take them off Chris Cuomos hands. Those big, strong hands with thick fingers, holding manuscripts, fixing his tie or just opening a bottle of water. You try your best not to think about how those hands would feel like on your bare skin, grabbing your hair, pushing your tights apart. The burning feeling between your legs intensifies as you feel yourself starting to get wet.
Chris is wearing a black suit today and looks so unbelievably good that you want to cry. His confident, almost dominant demeanor in front of the cameras, combined with his sharp witted comments on the latest news only fuel your growing attraction to him.
Youre standing in the corner of the studio, holding a stack of papers and a clipboard with the latest numbers of some irrelevant county in Alabama that you need to hand over to the anchor desk.
The cameras move over to Phil on the magic wall. Chris uses the quick moment out of frame to stretch his arms above his head, his shoulder muscles clearly visible even through the suit jacket. You’re staring again. And he’s looking directly at you with a knowing smirk.
He caught you.
You feel your face flushing again and you quickly begin to shuffle through the papers in your hand in a poor attempt to appear busy.
“Thank you Phil, we’re taking a quick break now, stay with us.” Chris’ voice sounds through the studio. As soon as you made sure that the cameras are turned off, you hurry over to the anchor desk, putting down the fresh manuscripts with the latest numbers and restock the water bottles, all while trying your best to avoid Chris, still mortified that he caught you checking him out.
The commercial break only lasts about five minutes, so you quickly make your way to the studios supply cupboard to fetch some new water bottles. They were on the top shelf, just barely out of reach for you. You were already standing on your tiptoes, but no chance.
“Need any help with that?” a deep voice suddenly says right behind you. You startle, loosing your balance and fall right into the hard chest of Chris Cuomo. Strong arms sneak around you, steadying you. In that moment you become aware of the heat radiating from his huge form, his delicious smell of aftershave and coffee filling your senses.
Your pulse is like a hammer in your chest as he lets go of you, giving you the opportunity to turn around and face him.
“We really can’t have any normal interactions, Y/N?” he asks, studying you, again with that intense gaze and a little smirk.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Mr. Cuomo, I don’t know what’s up with me, I’m usually not that clumsy. Must be the lack of sleep.“ you ramble and try to return his stare, forcing your voice to sound steady and confident, something you weren’t feeling at all.
“Don’t worry, I don’t mind you falling into me at all.” He comes closer, his huge form filling out most of the tiny storage room. You take a small step back and feel the shelf behind you. You look to the floor, absolutely overwhelmed with the situation (and without a doubt, with a beet red face again) One of Chris‘ giant hands reaches out and turns your chin up to meet his eyes. His touch burns and tingles on your skin.
“I would appreciate it if you would look at me when I’m talking to you.“ he says in a intense and stern tone that sends a hot throb to your center and makes you take a sharp breath. You feel your nipples hardening under your blouse, wetness gathering in your pussy.
„Yes, of course, please forgive me, Sir.“ You look up to meet his eyes.
His pupils are dark and dilated as he lets out a deep, shuddering breath. The tension between you is almost palpable.
„Come to my office after the shift is over. Alone.“ he says and storms out of the storage room, leaving you behind in a horny, confused mess, waterbottles totally forgotten.
The next few hours are agonizing. Not only is the election a really tight race, your nerves are in a total frenzy because of what happened in the storage room. You keep replaying the interaction in your head and try your best to not stare over to where Chris was sitting, failing miserably every time. One time, your eyes meet his, but he just arches his eyebrows and looks back onto his laptop screen.
The dominance with which he had talked to you stood in a total contrast to the gentle touch of his fingers on your face. You are confused, and more turned on than you have ever been by anyone else.
You want to kiss him, want his hands all over your body, touching your naked skin, claiming you. Why does he want you to come tonhis office? The uncertainty was driving you crazy.
Time was creeping at such a slow pace, but finally the day shift is over. You ask an extremely tired looking Susan for a break which she begrudgingly grants you.
After quickly freshening up, you make your way through the empty hallway to Chris office, heart almost jumping out of your chest. What the hell was going to happen?
Straightening your blouse one last time, you knock on the door, waiting for the allowance to enter.
”Here goes nothing.”
Chris sits behind his desk, both suit jacket and tie hanging over the chair.He’s looking at you, as if he’s expecting you to make a move.
There was a prominent vein in his temple that became more noticeable the longer you stood there, failing to get a word out, hands trembling at your sides.
His shirt sleeves were turned up, and the view of his defined forearms sends a throb of want directly to your core. Finally, Chris breaks the silence and adresses you.
“Y/N, why are you here?”
His arms are crossed in front of his chest, accentuating his biceps. You just stand there, unable to move a single muscle.
He gets up from behind his desk and makes his way over to where you are, stopping directly behind you. A shiver goes down your spine because of the close proximity.
His next words are spoken with his lips so close to your ear that you can feel his hot breath against your cheek, his deep voice making the hair on your arms stand up.
“I asked you a question, little one. Answer me.”
You gathered every ounce of courage you had.
“I want you to touch me.”
He doesn’t move.
“Please, Sir.”
Suddenly, two strong hands grab your shoulders and spin you around.You stare directly into Chris’ face, his dark pupils are blown, there is a look of unhinged lust on his face.
A second later, his lips come crashing down on yours. The kiss isn’t gentle, all tongue and teeth and passion, making your head spin and your knees weak.
One of Chris hands sneaks around your back and grabs your ass, giving it a rough squeeze. You moan loudly as he holds you even closer, his hard bulge pressing against your abdomen. His big, hot body pushes you back against his desk and he effortlessly lifts you to sit on top of it.
Chris takes a step back, his large hands sprawled on your tights. You can feel the heat of his skin all the way through your trousers, the need to have him is so strong that you feel like your whole body is on fire.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me, little one?” He says in low, throaty voice, holding your tights in a hard, almost bruising grip. “Staring at me, biting those pretty lips, undressing me with your eyes, making me hard every time. You’re just begging for it, aren’t you?”
He kisses you again, and starts to trail hot, wet kisses down your neck. You can’t focus, your hands clutching at his back, little gasps of pleasure coming out of your mouth.
“Yes, please, I need you” you exclaim, admitting what’s on your mind since the moment you saw him wearing that undershirt. His hands leave your tights and start opening the zipper of your trousers, pulling them down your legs in one smooth motion.
His hands are now roaming up and down your bare legs, slowly coming closer to the pool of heat and want between them.
“Oh my God, please touch me.” you beg, longing to finally feel his fingers on your aching pussy.
One of his large hands leaves your leg and gives you a hard smack on your ass, the pain causing you to utter a sharp cry and sending a pulse of heat straight between your legs.
“Ah, be polite, little one. Use your words and ask me properly for what you want.” Your face is burning, why was hearing this so incredibly hot?
“Please touch my pussy and fuck me, Sir, I need your cock.”
You can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth. But this was an exceptional situation, and right now you’d say anything if it would result in Chris cock buried inside you.
He smiles a devious grin. “I wanted to do this since the moment you stepped into my office yesterday. Take off your panties, now.” he commands, giving you another slap on your ass.
While you’re hurrying to get rid of your underwear, he starts unbuckling his belt, opens his fly and takes out his cock. It’s long and hard, already leaking precum. You were in for a treat. He pulls a condom package out of his pocket and rolls the rubber over his length.
“Turn around and bend over” he said, you quickly obey and a moment later you feel one of his thick fingers parting your wet folds and entering you, while another finger rubs your aching clit. A needy whine breaks out of your mouth and you throw your head back in pleasure .“God, you’re already so wet for me, little one.” Chris groans, adding another finger.
You almost can’t take it anymore, feeling like you might go insane if he doesn’t fuck you right now.
“I need you in me, Sir, please” You’re begging now, totally beyond caring.
Chris removes his fingers, lines up his huge cock at your opening and starts slowly pushing in, inch by inch.He groans, grabbing your hips, and once he’s fully settled in your tight heat he starts a brutal, deep pace.
You let out a hiss as he stretches you and hold onto the desk, trying not fall over with the force of his powerful thrusts. The pleasure is overwhelming, his large cock filling you perfectly over and over again, a bruising grip on your hips, his deep voice groaning dirty things into your ear. You’re ability to form coherent sentences is long gone, only moans and short breaths are coming out of your mouth.
Behind you, Chris is breathing heavily as one of his hands reaches around you to rub your clit.
“Fuck, You feel so good baby, so fucking tight around my cock.” he swears as his thrusts are starting to become faster and more erratic.
His rubbing on your clit intensifies, and you can feel your climax approaching.
“Come for me baby, come on my cock.“ Chris leans forward, biting the tender the spot where your shoulder meets your neck.
Pleasure and pain surge through you as you hit your peak, Chris‘ name on your lips. You feel his body going stiff behind you, his grip on your hips tighening almost painfully as he finds his release with you.
For a while, the mix of both your ragged breaths is the only sound in the office, then Chris carefully pulls out, the sudden feeling of emptiness making you whimper.
Strong arms embrace you, and you hear a small chuckle as a kiss is being pressed to your neck.
But the gravity of what you’ve just done still hits you like a punch to the gut and you whirl around, eyes wide with shock, head still spinning from the intensity of your orgasm.
“Oh, oh no” you mutter to yourself, breathing heavily as you see your crumpled trousers and panties lying on the office floor along with several papers who fell from the desk during your activities. What did you do?
“Hey, hey, little one, calm down.” Chris says, sensing your anxiety right away. He cups your jaw and leans down to press a gentle kiss to your trembling lips. Your worry eases a bit as you kiss him back.
“How about you lie down on my couch and I go and get us snacks and something to drink. Maybe even some coffee?” he asks after pressing a final kiss to your head.
You manage a shaky nod and a small smile, looking up at Chris’ handsome face.
He flashes you a toothy grin, forehead still shining with a thin layer of sweat, his hair tousled.
He looks breathtaking.
“You’re staring again, Y/N.”
“I know.”
39 notes · View notes
ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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Harvest Moon, pt. 5
Steve Rogers x Reader, Summer AU
A/N: Every chapter will have a designated song to it, so please take a listen! Will be linked below. I don’t own any Marvel characters.
Summary: For five summers, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and you had been a trio; spending the summer at a lake with your families. While Bucky tagged along, there had always been a special bond between Steve and you. Every summer the lake had been something to look forward to until you stopped going and life moved on. Now as adults, Steve and you return at the same time, for different reasons. Can you rekindle that friendship or was it just youthful summer magic?
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Chapter Five: (They Long to Be) Close to You
The bar was exactly how he pictured it would be years ago when he was 13, but what took him by surprise was Patsy Cline crooning from the jukebox – it was making him feel as though he was a kid again, walking by this place with Bucky and you; the three of you always trying to sneak a peek in. Or at least that’s what he was telling himself – the truth was, that song always reminded him of you. It was the same song you had made him listen to a long time ago, declaring it was your future heartache song. The song had embedded itself into Steve’s memories and he often found himself seeking it out in the most tiring times in his life – like after his first real break up and his mother’s funeral.
Bucky was saying something as they walked toward the counter, but Steve’s eyes wondered to the only other patron. It was the woman who walked by the cabin earlier, he recognized you and gave a quick smile in your direction before following Bucky to the bar. The two ordered drinks and decided to play a few rounds of pool, but every so often Steve’s attention would go back to you sitting alone. After the second round, he couldn’t help but say something. 
“That’s the woman from earlier, the one you said hello to.”
Bucky glanced up from his shot. “She’s here alone?”
“Seems like it,” Steve said, noticing that you were getting up from the booth. It was abundantly clear how inebriated you were by the way you struggled to stand still as you flung your bag over your shoulder. He watched with concern as you slapped a few bills onto the table and started toward the door, holding onto the tables and chairs as you made your way out. “She’s fucking smashed.”
“It would be weird for a pair of dudes to go after her, huh?”
Steve understood Bucky’s hesitation, it would look a little unseemly if they went after her, even walked her back to her cabin but the good intention was all there too. He looked to his friend who seemed to come to the same conclusion and nodded for him to go ahead. “I’ll buy out the tab and catch up.”
Leaving the pool table, Steve rushed out the bar and looked to his left and then to the right, where he saw you two stores door walking into the ice cream shop. He walked calmly passed the late evening crowd, a few families getting dinner in town, and came to the shop. Staring inside, he saw you talking to the woman behind the counter, you seemed agitated and the woman looked a little nervous. Throwing the little cautious he had left to the wind, Steve walked inside.
“You don’t understand, I need to see those photos, please.”
“Lady, like I said earlier, I don’t have access to them.”
Not even 24 hours had passed since your arrival and you officially had hit the lowest of the low – accosting a waitress over some photos…but it wasn’t just some photos, it was a specific photo. Tears welled in your eyes as you explained again, in your drunken slur, that you just needed one picture.
“I just need one picture, please. I can look for it, I promise I won’t cause any trouble. ” you cried out, fully aware of the audience surrounding you – the place was packed and even though the Carpenters was playing loudly in the background, everything seemed so quiet. The pain in your voice was evident and the waitress had a look of empathy in her eyes, but it wasn’t enough.
“I just need my picture back!  I just need it back, it’s the last time we were happy! Please,” you yelled, slamming both hands on the counter. The woman flinched and reached for her cellphone, but then someone said something behind you.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, she’s clearly had a little too much to drink next door.”
Lifting your hands off the counter, you turned to see the blond man from the bar; there was something so familiar about him – his eyes, but you couldn’t put a finger on it. It might have also been the fact that   the room was suddenly spinning. He asked if you were okay and if you remembered him from the cabin.
“My friend and I were sitting out when you walked by, we were also in the bar…”
“I just want my picture back…. that’s all,” you said, jaw unclenching as you turned back to the waitress. Shame was written all over your face as you quietly apologized and brushed passed the man to leave the shop. Outside, your emotions got the best of you and you began to cry – you felt like a child who had gotten separate from her family, lost in a crowd of strangers. Tears fell down your face and you stumbled over to a light post, holding on to it with one hand. It was getting dark; people were walking around. You wanted to feel embarrassed, but you had nothing left inside you, it had been that way for a while. Nothing made you happy, mostly you were just sad. Friends stopped calling to go out, work became mundane, even your own mother kept her distance – it was true, evident now, as you stood alone in a crowd of happy souls, drunk and emotionally gutted; you were a half empty girl.
“Miss, you okay?”
You looked up from the ground and wondered how drunk you were, because the face in front of you seemed to morph into someone you used to know – which would seemed absurd considering the man talking to you was about your age and the man you remembered would be much older today.
“Mr. Barnes?”
It was uncanny how much this man looked like Bucky’s dad, except this guy had much longer hair. In fact, you were sure he was one of the guys from the bar – god, everything was such a blur.
“Excuse me?”
You felt stupid and quickly apologized. “Sorry, I’ve had too much to drink and obviously living my best life. I…better go.”
“No, don’t go,” he said, holding back a smile. “You called me Mr. Barnes, no one calls me that. That’s mostly reserved for the old man.”
Your heart raced as you really looked at the guy in front of you and it seemed to sober you right up – this wasn’t Mr. Barnes but it was someone you hadn’t seen  in nearly 15 years. It was so surreal to be standing in front of the ice cream shop with Bucky, two full fledge adults.  
His face softened and he shook his head with a huge smile. “What are the odds, huh?”
Unable to hold back, you laughed and when he reached out for a hug, you held him tight. “Holy shit, I can’t believe this.”
It was strange because the last time you saw him, he was fifteen – you were fifteen. You gasped at the thought, as he pulled away, and before you could ask about Steve, Bucky spoke to someone behind you.
“Punk, you won’t believe who the drunk chick is.”
Turning your back to Bucky, you found yourself staring into the eyes of the man from inside the ice cream shop, the one in the bar that smiled at you and you knew then why you had felt at ease with him.
Your looked at him, nerves building up in the pit of your stomach so badly you would have thought you were having an anxiety attack. His blue eyes went wide as he too realized what was going on and as he stepped forward toward you, your voice cracked as you spoke his name.  “Steve?”
HM tags:  @itzmegaaaaaaan  @evanstush @blackoffeeandgreenteaforme @jennmurawski13@castiels-sunflowers @letmebeyoursforever @its-forevermore @a-blog-maybe@kitkatgaming @teller258316 @jamielea81 @honeybres @beardburnsupersoldiers @taliarosej00@bananzaa @seigfried-nisa @minesig @baebeepeach @celthics @officialmarvelwhore@assemble-avengers-blog @laneygthememequeen @kcd15​ @breezy1415 @beardburnsupersoldiers @taliarosej00 @ncrediblelove @findawaytoglow @cosmetologynerd @wastedavenger @torntaltos @samsobsessed​ @between-the-pages-ofa-book​ @captain-pikas-world​ @letsthedogpackandthecats​
@tommyhoe​ @thefridgeismybestie​
Forever tags:
@theweirdlunatic @supernaturallymarvellous @dancewaterdance02@yeahbutmarvel @infinity1321  
@my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @melonberri @superisatomboyuniverse@dracsgirl @moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily@milkywaybarnes @goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike @foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass @flirtswithdanger
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
CRAVE by Tracy Wolff thoughts: Ch 22 - ch 48
Full video here.
CH 22: Baby, it’s hot in here
Like, baby it’s cold outside?
Sooooo much internal monologuing about her first boyfriend and how no one has made her feel like Jaxon does…
“The big picture is that the most popular boys in school are obsessed with you”
“He looks at you like it physically hurts him not to be touching you. Baby, if he wanted you anymore he’d spontaneously combust”
Macy wants the tea about her and Jaxon
She says flint and him had a “massive pissing contest over her” lmao
“Are you trying to be reassuring or scare me?” “yes”
She tells heather ttyf? Am i stupid??? What does that mean?
TALK TO YOU FOREVER?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
“It sounds like every cliche in the book, but he’s different around you. Somehow less intense, but more intense.”
“You can trust me, we’re family” and grace almost starts crying :(
CH 23: never bring an ice cream scoop to a gunfight
Macy FINALLY comes clean re: flint and jaxon are mortal enemies
“What is this the breakfast club? Even they figured out they could all get along” grace just be quiet and let the girl who actually knows wtf is up at this school tell you wtf is up. You been wanting her to talk for so long, be quiet.
Ooh something big happened a year ago that made them all break up into factions
It’s about hudson jaxon’s brother!
Or is his name spelled Hyudsin because stupid spellings
Ooh macy warned grace not to become the chew toy between flint and jaxon
CH 24: waffles are the way to a girl’s everything
I want to hate this but i fucking love waffles so like…
Someone’s texting her about her ankle...i thought it was jaxon...AND IT IS!
“I don’t know the punchline to whatever knock knock joke you’re setting up” I BURST OUT LAUGHING BECAUSE “he’s funny over text” ma’am...this isn’t funny? Maybe a lil snarky, but funny?
Now she’s telling jokes over text and we’re having a whole long stupid text fucking exchange….i hate this so much
Then he tries, “what do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite” and my soul leaves my body because what in the 8th grade twilight fanfiction is happening…
She texts him brb instead of just responding when when she was done peeing and then he stops answering her, this used to happen to me with the toxic dudes i talked to in high school...am i reading too much into this? Idk yet
And then she’s spiraling about why he stopped texting and UGH I REMEMBER THIS FEELING!!!!!!!!!
Jaxon has food sent up to her room from the...cafeteria? Wtf…
He says he doesn’t like the food and she says “So what do you like to eat” and then is like “wow that sounded suggestive” lmao
And he says “i don’t think we’re there yet but let me know when we are” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
CH 25: truly madly deeply bitten
And we’re really just gonna keep texting 21 questions
She loves tatbilb...i mean same lana condor is the loml, but
Jaxon loves rogue one………
“I wish i could ask the real jaxon vega to please stand up” i rolled my eyes but i also giggled
“You suck” “you have no idea how much” i threw up in my mouth.
Niall horan reference, hozier reference, rhianna reference
Gambino reference, beethoven reference???, and then brown-eyed girl which personally offends me because my mom used to sing that to me
This makes her hands shake
She plays brown eyed girl a bunch of times
Then another woman comes to deliver a package to grace...from jaxon...it’s a library book
It’s twilight
Insert snap of me screaming stfu here
Macy is laughing her ass off about this because she isn’t stupid, she knows what jaxon is
And grace says she never read it when it was popular all those years ago…
Baby you said you liked reading. No way did you survive middle school without reading it.
And then he shows up!!!!!
She makes a shitty joke to lighten to the mood
He’s massaging her hurt ankle...oh shiiii
They ALMOST kiss
He gives her a little note wrapped in a ribbon
“I wonder how i’m going to keep this beautiful, broken boy from cracking my already battered heart wide open”
Hades voice: we were so CLOSE!
CH 26: the uniform doesn’t make the woman, but it sure brings out the insecurities
He ripped a page out of anais nin’s journals that says some shit like “i dreamed you, i wished for you”
So cute sentiment but you ripped a book my dude? Cardinal sin
Grace is finally going to class
The cafeteria is goth as fuuuuck
The music is “creepy af”
Jaxon sits next to her in front of everyone
CH 27: 10 degree weather gives a whole new meaning to “the cool kid’s table”
He sits in the super ornate chair backwards and it makes her horny
The order is kind of ragging on jaxon about being cute to grace which is funny
We get all the dude’s names at one - raphael luca liam mickey?? I think
“A dark and devastating desperation” in his eyes
And then we got byron who’s more angsty than jaxon - “mad bad and dangerous to know” just like his namesake
CH 28: “to be or not to be is a question, not a pick-up line”
Jaxon walks her to class
Wanting him feels like opening a vein
“I love the way your hair smells”
“My heart is beating like a heavy metal drummer”
We were so close!!!!!!!!!
We’re doing hamlet in class ofc
The teacher says “although you look like the shy type despite your association with katmere’s most notorious student”
Instead of just saying the halls are like playing frogger she describes the old video game where you try to get the frog across the road...is it just people in the south that say playing frogger when describing crossing traffic? Or is this a well known phrase??
Apparently there’s hidden tunnels so flint takes her to them
Her intuition is like BITCH DON’T GO IN THE TUNNELS but she ignores it AGAIN
CH 29: with friends like these, everyone needs hard hats
There are beds with shackles?!?!?!?!
Leah shows up and turns out they’re going to the same class? But flint insists on walking her to class…
Leah and flint are NOT friendly
Damn she offends flint with a buffalo bill joke
There’s bones in the tunnels and a giant chandelier in the rotunda that’s also made of bones…
There’s an earthquake!
CH 30: you make the earth shake under my feet, and everywhere else too
And it stops as soon as they get out of the tunnel
Jaxon is there and being a dick to flint and grace has HAD it
CH 31: big girls don’t cry, unless they want to
Grace gets hit with a basketball in gym
All the order has been walking her to class because jaxon knew she was mad at him
Does jaxon cause the earthquakes somehow?
She finally reads the texts jaxon had sent and feels bad for being mad at him when he was just worried - no he acted like a dick. Be mad.
She’s making sooooo many excuses for his anger: the earthquake, the fact that he’s already rescued her before so of course he’s worried…
Aww a student is playing autumn leaves which was her dad’s favorite song :(
She starts to boo-hoo “grief is a wild thing within me”
Civil twilight AGAIN
Jaxon is standing there when she finally stops
CH 32: it’s not a coincidence that denali and denial use all the same letters
He opens the door in the alcove and it’s like a clubhouse? Oh it’s his dorm room???? Confusion
So it’s like the living room and NOW he’s leading her into his bedroom
She says she’s terrified of him touching her because of the intensity but then says she has no trepidations about doing or being anywhere with him...ya just said...nvm
They go out to the roof
CH 33: Madonna’s not the only one with a lucky star
Please decide if grace is a silly teen who doesn’t know what frogger is or an old soul who loves madonna pls
She asks if he’s an alien…
And she tells him he’s the hottest person ever and that his scar makes him sexy as hell and he's all like “me?!” which is a nice role reversal
This is his favorite place
And there's a meteor shower!!
CH 34: all’s fair in love and earthquakes
Thanks i hate this
When she touches him she realizes how cold he is and thinks it’s from being outside which makes him act all weird
Someone please just tell this girl what’s going on!!!!!!!!! I HATE when the reader is 8,000 steps ahead of the MC
“A craving in his eyes” WE’VE SAID THE TITLE FOLKS!
She makes the move to close the space and says she’s dazzled, GUYS
She’s making the MOVE! “Did you ever want something but you were scared of taking it?” “yes” “what did you do” “i took it anyway” and then he kisses her!!!!!!
The kiss is as soft as a snowflake, as delicate as the permafrost
Then “his mouth goes crazy on mine lips tongue teeth, it’s a cacophony of sensations, a riot of pleasure”
“My knees go weak at his tongue on mine, just like one of those heroines in a novel”
His hands are vices on my biceps...his hands were around her back at first which seems way more romantic than manhandling her arms??
There’s an earthquake...and jaxon is like you have to go
A window breaks and cuts her and then she blacks out????
CH 35: baked alaska is more than just a yummy dessert
Intimidating af is the nurse
The glass nicked her artery!!!!!! The FUCK. or did jaxon bite her?????
Her mom died like that… yikes on bikes
He fucking bit her...this is a lie...i’m calling it…
FINN ABOUT TO COME CLEAN!!!...but the nurse stops him.
Macy is an OG bff she is the best
Or is grace the one making shit happen??
Grace notices the sheets are fixed but that macy never went to the bed
Macy asked what they were doing when the earthquake hit...WHY
CH 36: no harm, all foul
Grace goes after Jaxon and he’s like “our kiss didn’t matter”
He says he put her in a lot of danger by being around her, a “target on her back” and wants her to stay away from him but he can’t pull himself away
But then he does
CH 37: don’t ask the question if you can’t handle the answer
Leah drops the bomb that she and Jaxon are expected to carry on like a family dynasty sitch since Hudson died
CH 38: nothing says “i like you” like a fang to the throat
She’s freaking out of course
Mickey says jaxon def didn’t bit her and she’s even more confused and me too
Jaxon is in the mountains...he wants her to wait but she’s pissed
“I take a deep breath and hold onto it with both hands” ….?????
Because i have to hear it out loud, “what did make these marks?”
Say it, out loud
CH 39: there’s never a hallucinogen around when you need one
She’s furious and she should be! I’m glad she’s not replying to Jaxon
We finally get to the bottom of it all!!!!!!
Macy admits Jaxon is a vampire
Leah is one too!!!!
Flint is a dragon!!!!! CALLED IT
He’s got fire? With a name like flint how could he not PUKE
“Who needs LSD when you go to monster high?” Shut UP
Macy is a witch DUH
“You should have been one too”
CH 40: be careful what you witch for
Grace’s dad was a warlock but he lost his power when he fell for grace’s mom...oh no was their accident like a magical mafia hit??
“What kind of witch are you if you can’t do something an 11 year old can?” “the kind that doesn’t come from JK Rowling’s brilliant imagination”...THAT aged poorly…
“This is a less bloody version of game of thrones” shut UP
The school nurse bit her because jaxon used his vampire venom to heal her cut, and it worked too well so she needed to cut through the healed skin with her vampire teeth
Because this is twilight satire so of course they have venom…
“So vampires can just override each other’s venom?”
Most of the vamps would have had a hard time not draining you dry, but not jaxon
I absolutely called it: witches, vampires, dragons, and werewolves confirmed.
CH 41: Vampires dragon and werewolves, oh my
This physically hurts
She’s kind of categorizing the students now that she knows which is totally something i would do
God almighty is flint just a jacob clone…
CH 42: good thing pancakes aren’t on today’s menu
The chandelier is falling onto her and someone pushes her out of the way - it’s jaxon!
His eyes smolder at her
She dresses his cut on his head and his arm
“I wouldn’t have had to save you if you were in your room where i told you to be” he grinds the last part out through clenched teeth
He finally lays it out that someone has been getting her hurt on purpose
CH 43: what doesn’t kill you still scares the hell out of you
Her uncle wants to talk to her before she sees jaxon again and i smell an info dump coming
Dangerous af
“Macy told me she spilled all the tea” said her UNCLE with no hint of like “is that what you kids say these days”. GTFO
“I wait for the other shoe to drop even though 100 have already fallen” that’s not how that idiom works
She’s like “how could he think i wouldn’t figure it out i knew something was wrong” no ma’am! No you didn’t!! You kept shrugging it off until chapter 24 at the EARLIEST when you settled on aliens
Getting the tea on the turf war between dragons and vampires - so it’s not like twilight because it’s not the werewolves. Whatever.
Uncle says it was probably some witch who got too loose with her powers and grace is like yeah no absolutely no one is trying to kill me it was yet ANOTHER freak accident
Uncle wants to sent her back to cali
CH 44: Sweet home alaska
So she doesn’t wanna go because of jaxon, not because her only family in the world is in Alaska….
It’s only been a WEEK
“I know jaxon can be...seductive” says her UNCLE
the guys in the order are born vampires, not made, it’s a v big deal
Info dump city re how vampirism is a genetic mutation…
There are 6 ancient families of vampires...this all sounds like the first draft of my new wip where I was trying to figure out how the secret society worked…
Then he says he’s not in the habit of talking students with other students….we just did...this whole chapter…
Another earthquake???
Ch 45: I always knew there was fire between us, I just didn’t know it was your breath
Dude shut up
She goes to the library and wonders if the books about vampires etc would be under non fiction or biology lmao
The librarian is a native Alaskan with elemental magic….yikes
She does a weird eye swirling “you’re more than you think you are” thing to grace
Flints in the library and she asks him about dragons and I swear to god if we get a chapter devoted to learning about each species via info dump I will burn this place to the ground
He singes the marshmallow with his fire breath, loves it
And he can breathe ice? He cools the water down
He can bloom flowers in his hand????
“They’re beautiful” “you’re beautiful” “but I’m not hitting on you??”
Because when I hit on you, it’ll be because you want me to!!!!! We Stan flint!!!
Ch 46: I’ll get you and your little dog too
Dry throat around flint now, oh shiiiiiii
Oh shit the order is on the move!! There’s trouble
She chases them into a classroom and sees jaxon making shit fly everywhere with just his mind...is he a vampire and a witch??
There’s a werewolf vampire brawl
Damn jaxon can freeze everyone with his mind!
She tries to stop him but he’s put up a barrier
She breaks through!!!!
And jaxon bites cole!!!!!!! ALMOST KILLS COLE!!!!!!!!!!!
“This is your only warning”
CH 47: the first bite is the deepest
Jaxon pulls grace away, this whole time grace’s inner monologue is her feeling responsible for the carnage
“I won’t hurt you” “I know” “you know? do you have a death wish?”
But jaxon is so disgusted at himself that she's just like “well did he deserve to almost be killed?” She has accepted this shit with sociopathic speed
“The power you wield...it’s unfathomable” sis has turned the corner
“You don’t scare me jaxon”
They flipped the script and she breaks down his defenses and it’s kind of hot ngl
She tells him she needs him and he bites her??????
Ch 48: is that a wooden stake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
They’re getting worse
But it’s not a hurting bite it’s like a sex bite…like she describes an orgasm basically..
Then they kiss
The earthquakes are jaxon! Called it
At this point I am sooooo annoyed because just make him a witch!!!! We really wanted the twilight combo so badly we made him a telekinetic earth-shaking vampire?????????
They go to his room...and she goes to his drum kit instead of his bed, you dumb bitch
Now they’re talking in the bed
The jokes are just so fucking bad
He cuts them off by pulling her on top of him and kissing her!!! In bed!!!! We ain’t in twilight no more henny
“The kiss curls my toes but the yank curls everything else” wut
“I don’t want you anywhere near that world, and I sure as hell don’t want that world anywhere near you” - someone. Anyone. Take a second pass
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silvxr-speedster · 7 years
A/N: This was a lyric request that was sent in! Pls keep sending these because I absolutely love them! Thank you!
Prompt: @supernatural-pants: “Say you’ll be my love don’t be a liar” song: higher by Lemaitre
You stood on the bridge looking down at the water. The wind was beating against your face and blowing your hair in every direction. Cars drove past you, sending even more wind. You looked down at the water below, wondering what was stopping you from jumping. The water swayed beneath you and you knew the height would probably kill you.
You didn’t necessarily want to kill yourself. You didn’t walk to the bridge at midnight just to kill yourself. In fact, you walked to the bridge to clear your head. It felt clear here. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. Despite not wanting to kill yourself, truly, you didn’t really want to walk away from the bridge either.
“Hey there, ma’am,” a voice spoke next to you. You jumped, nearly losing your footing, but the stranger gripped your wrist. “Woah, be careful.”
You turned to look at this stranger. You recognized the man next to you from the news. The Winter Soldier, or Bucky Barnes, had been on the news for almost a year after the events of the Sokovia Accords. His arm reflected the headlights of the passing cars on the bridge. You had always had a fascination for Captain America and his best friend. You couldn't believe that he was standing next to you on the edge of the bridge. “H-hi,” you stammered.
“What’re you doing on the bridge?” You looked down at the water. The waves were calming and you hoped it would help you think of an answer to give to him. “Are you going to kill yourself?” Your head whipped up to look at him. You stared up at the look of understanding on his face. His blue eyes scanned your face. “I’ve been here so many times in the last three years. There’s been times were I even let my foot slip. I convinced myself that if my foot slipped, it was fate to jump.”
You looked down at the water and shook your head. “I don’t want to kill myself,” you rasped. “I just wanted to clear my head and now I’m here.”
Bucky nodded. “Come on, let’s go somewhere else, okay?”
Bucky helped you step off the edge and led you towards a 24 hour diner. The two of you sat down in a back corner, across from each other. “I’m Bucky, but I’m sure you know that already,” he chuckled. In the light, you could tell that he had kept his hair long, but it didn’t look as messy as it had during those months of news coverage. His face was scruffy, but it was well kept. You noticed that he looked healthier than he did on the news and some part of you was happy for him. “What’s your name, doll?”
“Y/N,” you spoke, looking down at your hands. “Why’re you being so nice to me?
Bucky shrugged with a small smile. “Because I had a stubborn friend when I was where you are. I’m sure you’ve heard of Captain America,” Bucky laughed. “I don’t think I’d be here without him. I just want to be that for someone else and it looked like you needed a friend.”
You smiled at Bucky. He was right. You needed someone to remind you to keep living and what it was like to be happy. “Thank you,” you rasped.
“There’s no need to thank me.”
Months had passed since you had been saved by the Winter Soldier.  The two of you frequently went out onto dates around the town and eventually started dating. It was easy and effortless to be with Bucky. He understood anything that you had to say and if he didn’t, he didn’t argue. He was patient when it came to your mental stability and he was calm whenever you had a meltdown.
You stood in the living room running your hands through your knotted hair. Today had been a rough day. Work had been stressful, your mom had been having health problems, and Bucky still hadn’t returned any of your texts or calls. You felt your cheeks flush as your breathing quickened. You didn’t know why you were feeling so anxious. Bucky always told you he loved you, your mom wasn’t dying, and work would be better tomorrow.
You felt tears pool in the corner of your eyes. What if Bucky was ignoring you because he didn’t love you anymore? You shook your head, trying to remain calm and rational. Bucky loved you, he promised he did. But why wasn’t he calling you back? Maybe he was on a mission, you rationalized. You sent Nat a quick text, hoping she’d let you know where Bucky was.
he left here an hour ago. is he not home?
Your fear intensified as you began to worry. Bucky could be anywhere with anyone. Your brain told you that this was the end of your relationship with Bucky. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you expected the worst.
The front door opened, causing you to silence your tears. You didn’t want Bucky to hear you cry. You wanted to hear what he was going to do before giving away your location.
“Darling? I’m sorry if you texted me, my phone died.”
Bucky’s voice echoed towards the living room. You knew that he was lying. This had to be a lie. You walked towards the front door with your hands on your hips and glared at him. He stood on the welcome mat, wearing workout clothes and holding a bouquet of roses. “I know you hate it when I don’t text you back so I bought you some flowers.” He smiled at you and held them out.
“I don’t believe you,” you murmured as you sniffled. Bucky’s face fell when he noticed you’d been crying. “Were you with another girl?”
Bucky shook his head. He knew that sometimes you got a little anxious and your mind would wander towards the worst case scenario. “Darling, I was only at the Avenger’s base. I walked home, which you know is a long walk, and then I bought some flowers from Matt down the street.” You stared at Bucky as he looked at you, calmly. “You know I love you. I love you so much, darling.”
You sniffled. “Don’t lie to me, please.”
Bucky took a step closer and wrapped his arms around you, immediately calming you down. “I would never lie to you, my love.”
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