#but like. been having seasonal affective disorder since I was eight probably and even before but then you didn’t know
hobisexually · 1 year
#You know what’s weird?#in a way I am more steady in myself than I have ever been. I see my worth rather than pretend I see my worth but actually don’t#I see where all my shit stems from in a way I never used to. I talk about it in a communicative way I was never able to before#like all of it is lining Up and somehow? I also feel worse?#I don’t know if it’s because I’m just more aware now and also more capable of changing my habits or whatever or if it’s just less repressed#but like. been having seasonal affective disorder since I was eight probably and even before but then you didn’t know#and I didn’t put the pieces together until. what. 2014? 2015? I didn’t know it had a name#and id always count it a good winter if I hadn’t disassociated at all. that was the goal.#now 2022 is over and the months where id disassociate are also over (it always gets easier for me come January)#and I made it through without disassociating! that’s a huge win right! right? but …..#and somehow it felt like? SUCH a rough winter? and I handled it well but everything feels so heavy#and I know it’s not worse than prior years. I do. but it doesn’t FEEL like that#perhaps that’s because of everhthing that happened in December and my falling out with my dad and my owning up to how deep my trauma runs#instead of passing it off as ‘haha yeah some things were rough and winter sucks BUT I AM SO CHIPPER AND GOOD AND UPBEAT HA!’#but honestly looking at it just. is a lot. and logistically I know I genuinely am the best version of myself currently#but 2014 me was funner thinner and wilder and she was also COMPLETELY unhinged and I know I shouldn’t want that version of me back#but I’m constantly comparing current me to her?????? as if she was the ultimate goal#I know when March comes and we’re back at the summer clock I’ll have forgotten how heavy I felt now#but whew…………….. whew it’s a lot#also completely being honest with yourself about jn how many areas your anxiety is Fucking debilitating sometimes#really sucks. it sucks. I feel so raw and vulnerable and I want to stop fixing things and just live#OH THAT TOO my roommate is Living It Up and I used to be able to keep up with her when we were in uni and now I can’t and that just#makes it feel even more like i regressed. I hate it. and again I Know myself now in a way I didn’t then and that’s worth so much#but ugh!!! ugh. and also I HATE that it feels like all I’ve done since November is complain but it’s been. Well. extraordinarily rough#I haven’t even told the internet any of it and even my friends know the minimum but. sigh. SIGH.#just sucks to see where your everything comes from. you know?
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velissiamemes · 2 years
♡  Euphoria Sentence Starters - S1 Ep 1 ♡
Quotes from Season 1 Episode 1 of Euphoria! Feel free to adjust as needed.
“I was once happy.”
“I put up a good fight, but I lost, for the first time, but not the last.”
“I'd say she's suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder.”
“So, explain this shit to me.”
“Honey, it's just the way your brain was hardwired.”
“I don't remember much between the ages of eight and 12.”
“Slow down, just breathe.”
“You find yourself trying to outrun your anxiety.”
“I'm just fucking exhausted.”
“Did you see that video of the beauty queen who got acid thrown on her face?”
“It's pretty fucked up.”
“At some point, you make a choice about who you are and what you want.”
“What's with the sunglasses?”
“I didn't build this system, nor did I fuck it up.”
“I spent a good portion of the summer before junior year in rehab.”
“I had no intention of staying clean.”
“She came in yesterday lookin' all Sailor Moon and shit.”
“Ever since I gave my life over to my lord and savior Jesus Christ, things have been, like, really good.”
“I'm fucking with you. It was a joke.”
“What, you think 'cause I went to rehab, I stayed clean?”
“The world's coming to an end, and I haven't even graduated high school yet.”
“I will go ask him, 'cause I know you're full of shit.”
“The whole world's gonna be talking about how McKay threw the grimiest fucking banger of the summer.”
“What the fuck is this, Mission Impossible?”
“Would you stop worrying about your mom, and start worrying about all the fucking pussy that we're gonna smash tonight, bro.”
“She broke up with me. Fuck her.”
“Yo, how 'bout you come and ride on this dick?”
“Do you think my areolas look weird?”
“You just snap the fuck out of this. You're hot as fuck.”
“I'd settle for, like, four Corona Lights and some non-rapey affection.”
“You just need to catch a dick and forget about your troubles.”
“Can you not be a cunt for like, 15 seconds?”
“You know what? I'm gonna drug test you.”
“There's a few ways to beat a drug test.”
“I wish we could do this in a way that wasn't a complete invasion of my privacy.”
“If I could be a different person, I promise you, I would.”
[text] promise ur not a serial killer? lol
“Dude's got mad feelings.”
“Unless you're Amish, nudes are the currency of love, so stop shaming us.”
“I'm literally going to poison you in your sleep.”
“I'm sorry. Kind of spaced out for a second.”
“I wasn't being weird, was I?”
“Fuck. You always this wet?”
“Everyone on the planet watches porn.”
“Hi. Get undressed. I want to go swimming.”
“I'm just trying to get back at my really shitty ex-boyfriend.”
“What if I told you that I wanted you to fuck me, right here, right now?”
“I'm a fucking savage.“
“You're a fucking prude.“
“You've probably never sucked a dick in your life.”
“I've seen a lot of people die.”
“I could tell you one thing: this drug shit, it's not the answer.”
“You a fucking trip, bruh. I'm too high to be having this conversation right now.”
“Nobody that looks like you is minding their own fuckin' business.”
“I'm fucking invincible!”
“Where the fuck have you been? You missed the craziest shit ever.”
“I just lost my virginity.”
“Remember when I said things got weird? So... yeah.”
“Wanna get high?”
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wallofweird · 4 years
I’m so excited for season 5! What are you most excited for? 😍😍😍
And did you see they’ll bring the covid theme to this season?
I’m so sorry I haven’t answered this sooner, I think I probably read this ask while I was sleepy and decided to reply it later and then forgot there was something in my inbox. I’m really messy, so I apologize, but thank you for sending me this, I really appreciate when people come to talk to me. :)
Yes, I did see that they will bring COVID-19 to the plot! I’m glad that’s happening because even though This Is Us is all about The Pearsons, they are conscious about what’s happening in the US, the world and at each specific timeline. They’ve addressed to some extent The Cold War, The Vietnam War, racial segregation etc, even small things like fashion and musical trends (like Kate being obsessed with Alanis Morissette, this is such a 90/2000′s thing and I believe she was listening to Hanson when she was upset after her first break up?). So not addressing COVID-19 would feel wrong, I’m sure they will address the Black Lives Matter movement and maybe even police brutality and the presidential election too to some extent. Of course, the focus will still be The Pearsons and all these life-changing events happening in the big three’s and Rebecca’s lives, but they will acknowledge how the world will be affecting their lives too.
By the way, this turned out to be waaaaaaaaaaay longer than I expected it to be and I apologize for it, haha. By the way, this is in NO PARTICULAR ORDER.
So, about what I’m most excited for, well, that’s really a hard question because there are so many things left to explore and so many different places they can go. I guess one way to put it is that I’m more curious about the unseen and barely seen stuff. For example, I believe we’ve seen enough about Jack and Rebecca as parents of children and teenagers, so I wouldn’t mind if they reduced those scenes a little bit. I’d love to see them as parents of babies (which would be a great parallel with Kevison and Katoby), or when they first started dating, when they got engaged, when they were newlyweds. And I believe it’s not a coincidence that we’ve hardly seen any of those experiences regarding Rebecca and Jack, it feels like they saved it for when Kevin finally found the one (cough Madison cough).
I’d also like to see more of them before getting to know each other, their childhood and teenage/young years (we already know there will be one flashback on the first episodes at least!), maybe a little bit of their other relatives as well. Like, what happened to their parents and Rebecca’s sister? Specially Jack’s mother, he mentions she made three clothes for the babies, so she was still around when the big three were born and that was eight years after their first encounter. 
I’d love to see more of past timelines that haven’t been visited enough as well. The 20′s is my favorite episode from season 2, I loved the storylines in there and mostly loved to see Kevin, Randall and Kate in their late 20s. Show me more of what was happening in their lives back then! Also, show me more of Randall and Beth as newlyweds and first-time parents too and more parallels with Kevison, please?
Kate. I know that eating disorders and insecurity just don’t go away, that they can be a daily struggle and anytime they can haunt you back and make you relapse. I’m glad the show explores that. However, they also work on Randall’s anxiety and Kevin’s addiction really well and have given them more different stories. I want the same for her. I’m glad that she is also married and has an expanding family of hers, but it seems like she post-poned her career again and I’d like to see her working again at some point. Also, what happens to her in the future? We saw a flash-forward that was like, two years from now and she was all dressed-up and seemed to be writing a song. I hope things are going well for her. And no, I doubt she is dead. 
More about ‘the others’. Show me more of Madison, Beth, Toby and Miguel! Why isn’t Madison close with her family? How did she develop bulimia? Isn’t there really anyone who she count on in her family? Will they reconcile or has she left them for good to make her own family like Jack did (another potential for parallels, btw). I remember Beth mentioning to William that she had a lot sisters and lived with an enormous amount of people and we kind of saw it on the few episodes that centered on her, but what are her sisters like? How were their dynamic while growing up and what is it like now? Same for Toby, he has mentioned having a brother and a sister and it looks like they’re not that close, but Toby really loves and admires Kate’s bond with her brothers, so I feel like he craves that kind of relationship to himself and I’d like to know why he doesn’t seem to have it with with his own siblings. Plus, Miguel. He has biological children and grandchildren and yet he seems to be closer to Rebecca’s side of the family. And we’ve seen him with his biological family and know it is complicated, but couldn’t they fix or at least change that a little bit?
Randall’s biological family. Memphis is one of my favorite episodes from season 1 and one thing that was very satisfying and rewarding to see was Randall bonding with his biological family. The show has done a great job showing how Randall felt a vacancy in his entire life for being black in a racist world, for being black in a white family, for dealing with racism in his own family, for not having enough black references for a long period of his life, for being adopted, for being abandoned, for not knowing anything about his biological family, for not sharing genetic traits with his family, for still feeling like an outsider among some black folks he tried to connect with. He said it once that he either tries too hard or not hard enough, but he never manages to GET IT RIGHT. So when he met his biological family in Memphis, it was sort of an awakening, fulfilling moment after 36 years of dealing with all those complex feelings. And that was all, which is one of my few disappointments with the show. However, Sterling has talked about it and it seems that they will explore that again. And if they do, I hope he can introduce Beth and the girls to his uncles and cousins! Sure, he is closer to The Pearsons, but it wouldn’t hurt to have him spending time with his biological/extended family at least for one episode on seasons 5 and 6, right?
Final closure for Kevin and Sophie. I thought episode 3x16 was the perfect closure for them: Sophie talked to him about Grant and how he was her soulmate, they recognized the fact Kevin didn’t commit to their relationship as he did with his relationship with Zoe, they said goodbye without any hard feelings, he went back to Zoe and said he wanted to have a life with her and bought Sophie and Grant tickets to a concert. It was perfect. Then, I guess they wanted to play with the ‘who’s the baby mama’ question for one last time and brought her back as a plot device. It didn’t feel natural at all. They threw in two stories about a game they had imagining different endings to Good Will Hunting and her family ring out of nowhere, no previous hints, built-up or whatsoever. It felt like something made last minute to fuel them enough so she could be considered a baby mama/wife contender again after how badly their relationship played out with the cheating, hiding, lying, heartbreak and overall dynsfunctionality and the fact he dated Zoe for a year and saw himself marrying her. Even the way their relationship has been portrayed over the course of the show, it is an idealization. When Kevin is fine and happy, when his career is going smoothly, when he is life is well, he doesn’t think about her. When he gets frustrated and deluded, he runs back to her. It’s not a constant sentiment of missing her and longing for her, it’s a desperate move and Justin has talked about it and even compared it to his addiction and a unhealthy coping mechanism. So I just want them to definitely shut the door on it now. I believe they have done 50% already with them watching the ending of the movie and saying “it was better than they could've possibly imagined” and Sophie laughing at his billboard, not giving any hints of seeing him in a romantic light anymore. Now, they just need to write some closure to the ring. Give it a proper ending and move forward.
Deja, Tess and Annie. The girls are growing up! So keep giving them more things to do, specially Tess, she is one of the few LGBTQIA+ characters in the universe of the series, so I hope they explore her even more. Specially since she’s come out to her school not so long ago and it is in a phase of her life when the first crushes and relationships tend to happen, there are a lot of things they can do with that and I’m sure we from the LGBTQIA+ community would love to see it. Also, show me them in the flash-forwards! I’d also appreciate if we saw Tess having a love interest and a wlw kiss in the future. 
Deja and her biological family. She’s adopted by Randall and Beth, but she has a whole story before them, she has a mother that is apparently doing well too and is a part of her identity. Showing adoptive and biological families having a well-balanced relationship for the sake of their child would be refreshing and really important and they could show the contrast between Deja’s and Randall’s experiences. There is a lot of potential there.
Hailey. I have no idea how the adoption process works in California/the US, but I hope the little one comes as soon as possible! And adult Hailey is adorable, too, she seems to be such a devoted sister, so I hope to see more of that as well.
Unexplored or underdeveloped dynamics. I know that Jack, Rebecca, Kate, Randall and Kevin are the leading characters. I know Jack/Rebecca, Randall/Beth, Kate/Toby and now Kevin/Madison are the main couples and they will have a lot of screen time. I know Kate and Kevin have a special bond because they are twins. I know Kevin and Nicky have a special bond because he stayed with his uncle and helped him with his sobriety. I know Kevin has a special bond with his nieces and baby Jack because he is the last one to become a parent. I know all of that and I don’t want that to change. Still, it doesn’t hurt to mix it up and shake things up a little bit. Give me a little bit of Randall and baby Jack, show me a little bit of Kate and Nicky, bring back a little bit of that funny dynamic Kevin and Toby had on the early seasons (I remember one scene where the actors did a little bit of an ad-lib and it was awesome), give me a little bit of Madison and Randall’s girls, the women/men hanging out together and Rebecca and Miguel! We’ve already got confirmation about Rebecca and Miguel’s story being explored this season, so I’m excited about that.
Kevison, Kevison, KEVISON!! This is absolutely no surprise since I’ve been interested in them since season 2, Madison is my favorite character and a lot of my blog is dedicated to them. Just give me EVERYTHING. Again, one of my few complaints is how the main relationships happened way too fast on this show. Don’t get me wrong, I love the couples as much as the next person and I can enjoy every trope if they are done right. Still, my favorite are still the slowburn ones. As I viewer, I like to see the seed being planted, watered and the slowly growing like a real plant. I like rooting for something, knowing that it will happen, but not when and how it is going to play out. I like to see every single step of the journey: being acquainted, becoming colleagues, friends, confidants, best friends, falling in love, dating, getting engaged, married and BEING married. I love seeing little things and changes in their dynamic, like becoming more touchy, lingering looks, making each other blush, a little bit of jealousy... Sure, we got a little bit of those moments with Jack/Rebecca, Randall/Beth and Kate/Toby, but it wasn’t the same feeling because they were all love at first sight (which is one of the tropes I usually don’t like) and got together pretty quickly. And even when we saw their first meeting, or Jack being a little jealous/hurt when he saw Rebecca with her ex-boyfriend, it was more of a momentary thing than an example of changed dynamics and feelings becoming deeper and romantic. It wasn’t the result of months and a number of episodes in the making, it was a flashback we visited when we already knew the destination of their story, that it wouldn’t last and they would be happily married and the love of each other’s lives. So I specially appreciate that kevison will be the only main couple to have a different construction and development. I’d also love to see flashbacks of the time they slept together (it was afternoon when they met at Kate’s house and they went to Madison’s place and he only left the next morning! WHAT DID THEY DO DURING ALL OF THAT TIME?), which I’m quite confident we will get, but also before that. On episodes 4x10, 4x12, 4x14 and 4x18 I got the feeling that they were quite familiar with one another. They weren’t exactly friends, but they weren’t awkward with each other anymore, they were comfortable hanging out and shopping with Kate, he sweetly smiled at Madison’s quirks, Madison seemed unimpressed and annoyed when she opened the door to him and she didn’t have problems at all stepping inside Kate’s house as if she owned the place and ignoring Kevin when he told her it wasn’t a good time. Their dynamic really changed since episode 3x15 and Justin mentioned Kevin saw her as part of the family before their night together, so I wonder why. Also, some parallel flashbacks would be particulary nice. For example, they could have a flashback of Madison making a pregnancy test on a day that Kevin is babysitting Jack and daydreaming of having his own children. They could show parallels of Kevin and Madison struggling with addiction/bulimia in the past. Maybe she also lost a close relative and grief has impacted her as much as Kevin. So. Many. Possibilities. That. Can. Be. Explored!!!!! Those two are the characters that have THE MOST IN COMMON WITH ONE ANOTHER and there are a lot of things the writers can explore with that. Another particularly sweet thing that wouldn’t hurt or take more than a single minute would be a flashback of them meeting each other way before Kate. Like, if they had bumped into each other on the street years before and don’t remember it until they talk about it one day and realized they saw each other before? I’m watching this dizi (aka a Turkish TV show) where the characters are in a considerably similar situation, pregnant as a result of a drunk one-night stand after their first date and there was this moment where they were talking and she remembered she had bumped into him years ago when she was heartbroken over her ex getting engaged. It was such a small and fulfilling moment. It really gives the idea of COMING FULL-CIRCLE and I’d love to see something like that.
Kevison and the other couples enjoying their pregnancies. I feel like we see the characters with their children as much as we should, and I definitely appreciate that, but we don’t get to see them enjoying the pregnancy period. Last year, most of Kate’s pregnancy revolved around worry, for example. And I get that since it was a complicated pregnancy and she had suffered a miscarriage before, but still. Kate only has one biological child. Rebecca only got pregnant once. Madison is likely to be pregnant only one time too. We basically only saw Beth and Lucy giving birth and that was only one time for each character. It would be nice to see their pregnancies being fun. Documenting it, buying baby clothes, discussing baby names, building cribs, decorating the baby(ies) room etc. It would be nice to have flashbacks of that and specially to see KEVISON doing all of that, since this is the pregnancy that is happening at this current moment.
The characters having friends outside their families and marriage. Like I said before, I KNOW that the focus of the show are the big three and Jack and Rebecca. I know which dynamics will be more explored on the show and I don’t want that to change. However, Kate is the only one that has the luxury of two friends (Madison and Gregory). Randall got Jae-Won on season 3 (I actually think they only became real friends last season, tbh) and Kevin had Cassidy for a while and now doesn’t even seem to talk to her anymore (not that I miss it because I didn’t like their dynamic, specially after they slept together and I just wanted season 4A to focus on him and Nicky without anyone’s interference). Let them have some friends of their own too and hang out with them at least for an episode? Same goes to Beth, Toby, Rebecca and Miguel (I know he had Jack, I’m talking about present time).
Kevin’s career. For now I want him to focus on his children and Madison, but when it comes to his career, I’d like to see him doing different things. He played a soldier and a cop. Let him play different characters and show more versatility. Maybe doing voice-work on a Disney movie for his children to watch it and enjoy it? Dealing a little bit with fame, tabloids and paparazzi could be interesting as well. He’s not a big celebrity like Oscar-winner actors, but he is famous enough to be photographed on the street and have mean rumors about him spread on the media (they mentioned one about him being drunk and running over his daughter with his car), so there are many possibilities to explore when he comes to his career too.
Kate being there for Madison during the pregnancy and more moments of Kate helping and comforting her during difficult times, both in the present and the past years. This is not criticism. Kate helped her when she relapsed that one time and took care of her. It also didn’t make sense to focus on Madison that much because her character didn’t have such a big role back then. Now, things have changed and Madison will be needing her, so let Kate repay the favor.
The couples enjoying some adult time without children involved. One of the very few flaws of This Is Us. We only got that with Jack and Rebecca. The only times Kate/Toby and Beth/Randall tried to have a night just for themselves they had problems. Susan mentioned that she would like to see them going on a date and so do I? Hopefully we will see Kevin/Madison, Randall/Beth and Kate/Toby having some quality time without the kids as well.
If we get to see more of the big three as older children and teenagers (which I guess we are because unless that’s changed, the actors are still part of the main cast), I hope they show more moments of them bonding, having fun and helping each other. Having their own experiences and having each other’s back instead of problems that Jack and Rebecca try to solve for them or help them with. Let them be bigger characters and let them be close as siblings too. That episode where they watched Arsenio Hall together was particularly sweet and refreshing to see, same goes to Kevin helping Randall at school when he got a notification and was having a panic attack. However, for their teen years, I’d definitely love to see them being easy with their parents and those five having a good time together, enjoying each other and their parents for a change, specially since Jack passed away when they were only 17.
Jack, Hailey and the twins. Sure, they will be little, but I hope we get to see the cousins together for a decent amount of time. It is really nice that they are all close (Madison/Kevin/Kate), and NOW, FAMILY. It is nice that Hailey, Jack and the twins will be closer in age and not have a lonely childhood. I hope they explore that a little bit.
Jack Damon. I love him. He is creative, charismatic, funny and adorable. He is also one of the few representation of disabled people that was done right. He is a visually-impaired person played by visually-impaired actors. His disability is a part of who he is and his story, but not all of it. He is a successful musician. He has a big family with his daughter, wife, sister, cousins and uncles. I want to know more of him. Plus, the writing exploring accessibility. Episode 4x13 when Kate, Jack and Rebecca went to the retreat and we saw all those children playing and having fun and living a full life was amazing. We need more of that on TV.
Plus, what about Nicky? Who did he marry? I have an entire theory about this and I hope he can get a little family for himself. Don’t get me wrong, The Pearsons are his family too, his bond with Kevin is one of my favorite relationships in the entire show, but I’d want him to have a family outside of his extended family, too, you know?
Dr. K and Wlliam. We can never get enough from them! I don’t know how often we will see them due to the pandemics and the fact the actors are eldery, but they are the guest stars I will never grow tired of. A fantasy sequence with the entire family while having Jack, Nicky and William would be particuarly nice. They could’ve done it on episode 4x17 and I was a little frustrated that they missed the opportunity.
The future of the family and the future of the show. Rebecca is a grandmother now. Randall, Kate and Kevin are parents. Deja, Tess and Annie are growing up. Jack is 1. Madison is very close to giving birth to the twins. They’ll be 40 when the season premieres. Kevin is a year sober. They’ve all grown in so many different ways. And since Rebecca’s health and memory are deteriorating, I’d like them to be in the upfront of the narrative now. As I mentioned before, I know the leading characters are Jack, Rebecca, Kevin, Kate and Randall. I know the big three are some of biggest characters on the show. Still, when it comes to family, the narrative has always focused on Jack and Rebecca as parents and Kate, Randall and Kevin as children. They have always explored more the problems those three experience, whether is in the past or present time and Rebecca and Jack trying to help them navigate through them and solve things. Let’s reverse everything. Let Rebecca be vulnerable and having her children taking care of her. I’d also love to see more of the future timelines with Randall’s girls as young adults, Jack, Hailey and the twins as children and teenagers, them and their parents dealing with all of that. What will Randall and Beth do when they all go to college and move out? What will Kate and Toby do when their children have nightmares? What will Madison and Kevin do with the twins when they have problems at school? Let us see (more) of Randall’s, Kate’s and Kevin’s parenting style and what they got from their parents and are passing on for their kids and what is their own approach to parenthood. Let us see them passing on Jack and Rebecca’s legacy for the future generations of The Pearsons, but also making their own little traditions and having their own experiences. Let’s us see them making NEW MEMORIES FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES. It is a good idea to explore both on seasons 5 and 6, imo. Showing how far they have come, how this family that started with only a couple and has evolved into this gigantic fabric of people and how Jack and Rebecca will live forever though Kevin, Kate, Randall, their children, Hope and the ones from generations that are still to come.
IT’S NOT that I exactly WANT it, but iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif we really have to go there:
Kate and Toby’s divorce. I don’t want it. I love them as people. I root for them as a couple. Sure, they have faced some major problems and this season explored that, but I hope they get passed it, specially since they are about to welcome a second child. Still, I can’t come up with a good enough of an explanation why Toby isn’t wearing his wedding ring. Every possible reason that crossed my mind was either heartbreaking or underwhelming at best: there was a small incident and he will buy a new ring, they got divorced, Kate died. I don’t want any of it to happen and I bet money that Kate doesn’t die. Still, if after making such a big deal of it, it turns out that they just are buying new wedding rings or whatever, that will be so ANTICLIMACTIC. And if they do get a divorce, it will be REPETITIVE since they teased it for the entire season and they stayed married. So far, if it were for them to split up, it should have happened on season 4. If they’re reaaaaaaally gonna go there, I hope it will be done well considering there are only two seasons left, two children involved and it was something they literally played with LAST SEASON. They must find a way to make it REFRESHING AND NOT REPETITIVE. They must find a way to explore the outcome of it. Dealing with a divorce, being single again, the custody of their children and how it will change their dynamic as parents. I also want them to find a new love. Sure, it would be realistic if they ended up alone, yes, and there’s no shame in that. A lot of people don’t want to get married or never see that dream coming true and those are stories worth telling too. STILL, I’d be really frustrated with they were the only characters who ended up alone when Randall/Beth and Kevin/Madison are happily married. Even Jack and Lucy seem to be going strong! So show them finding someone else and give well-developed love stories with different people for them while exploring everything else that’s already going on too. I wanted there to be a big and plausible enough explanation why on earth Toby isn’t wearing his ring and yet is still very much married to Kate, but I recognize it is more wishful thinking.
If they still want to bring Sophie through flashbacks, then answer relevant questions than just having her there sitting next to Kevin. The divorce is a great example of storyline and it can serve as a parallel for Kevison, like, what they got right and Kevin/Sophie didn’t. Justin said Kevin cheated on her twice, so how did all of that happen? We don’t know.
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koganphrancis · 7 years
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(I saw these cropped in a similar way on eliosberm’s Twitter and I liked it because it looks like Ian’s in jail-foreshadowing the not too distant future, perhaps)
Ugh, so do I have it in me to recap the Season H8 Premiere?  
It was so boring!  If they were trying to set up an exciting season, they failed miserably-which is no surprise, I know, but what did surprise me was how bland it all was.
First I want to address the time skip-from Monica’s pre-Christmas demise to...end of summer?  Maybe?  Liam’s in school, Debbie’s in school, but Carl’s not (yet), but I doubt it’s early summer/almost the end of school for L&D, so it’s probably late summer and at least 8 months since Monica’s funeral...but Fiona hasn’t met any of her tenants till last night?  Welcome to the usual Shameless Time Warp where no one is experiencing the same passage of time.  
Anyway-yeah, Fiona.  She’s off Tinder after an opening scene with a blue dick-at first I thought it was a dildo but I guess the guy was wearing a blue condom?  For whatever reason, she’s not into...something with the guy, and after about six close ups of her looking like she’s never seen a penis before, she throws her clothes on over her underwear (no FIona tits shot?  JW must’ve been so disappointed) and splits. The only other thing she does in the episode is go to her apartment building and meet the lesbian tenant that dozens of people in the Shameless tag hope she has a “gay” relationship with (whereas Fiona isn’t gay and would either be bi or pan if it were to happen)-but spoiler alert-Emmy did say Fiona’s strictly dickly (unlike Ian got to be), so I’m doubting the show goes there.  The new tenant has a girlfriend who, so far, is coming off as a bitch, so, you know, Shameless keeping up their streak of no such thing as a happy gay couple!  Anyway-aren’t you all excited for a TV show about a woman who runs a diner and manages an apartment building?  Yawn.
Lip is being a tool-mooning over Snore who has told him she wants nothing to do with him.  He’s not taking No for an answer for some reason, and he volunteers to babysit her kid, giving her a speech that had me gnashing my teeth and thinking it was all things Ian should’ve been saying to Svetlana two seasons ago about how he likes her son and misses seeing him.  Meanwhile, he also sneaks off and pays her overdue electric bill for her (and, in typical Shameless fashion-she’s on the phone begging the electric company to let her send in $50 towards her big overdue bill-while wearing at least $50 worth of make up.  And I don’t mean they caked it on her and made her look slutty-but she DID look like she had her face done at a spa and, come on?  I know they don’t want to be as gritty and realistic as they could be when it comes to the actors’ looks, but they could pull it into the realm of possible).  But wait!  He’s also acting like a total horndog for a chick at the motorcycle shop he’s working at with his sponsor.  So, which is it?  Is he lovesick over the one that got away and would give anything to be with her again, or is he still willing to bang any chick with a good body?  
Carl is living out Ian’s dream-sort of.  He’s observing all sorts of military rules, but he’s also moving everyone’s meth and he buys the hot tub for the back yard.  And there’s a scene with all the guys in it, but there’s no steam coming off the water, so I wonder if the poor bastards had to sit in water as tepid as the overall episode was cuz that’s what it looked like.  That hot tub didn’t seem hot.  
Debbie’s going to welding school (so, she’s gotta be 18 now-look up welding schools in Illinois, LOL) and also working in a parking garage where she stuffs her kid in a pet carrier during her shift.  I wish I was kidding.  She’s got the hots for her welding teacher and for a guy she meets at a bar after school when she’s out with them after class-sticking Neil with her kid for the night.  Debbie looking at these dudes with her lust eyes makes one think of what she did to poor Matty and even to her clueless baby daddy and it’s just icky.  
Liam has lines now-who cares?  That just means less for everyone else and his storyline so far is stupid-the school that he’s going to for free keeps pulling him out of class for free “advertising” when prospective parents come for a visit.  And?  If the Gallaghers get wind of it and don’t like it, they can put him into public school.  That’ll show that evil snooty private school!  There’s a scene where Fiona is driving Liam to school and asks him how school is-so, again, first time she’s ever taken an interest?  He was going there last year too...
Frank is doing his usual schtick-it hasn’t won them an Emmy so far, but hey, why change shit up now?  He was all wasted and burned out, lost a tooth because of his insane meth usage, and now is going to try to make amends to everyone he can remember that he wronged.  Boring.  
There was stuff with Kev that would be good if I hadn’t heard the story isn’t going to be serious and now I’m just bracing myself for them to play it up for laughs.  And there was awful stuff with Vee being a real bitch to Svetlana about the bar.  Svetlana says she’s willing to take Kev and Vee back-they’ll all work at the bar, raise the kids, be the thrupple (which I was never a fan of, but they all seemed into it, so what the hell)-but she’ll still own the bar and Vee is screaming no fucking way and I think even if Svetlana said they’d split ownership of the bar Vee would still say no.  Svetlana says how they hadn’t paid taxes for two years and would’ve lost the bar anyway and it was Svetlana staying up all night doing the books that saved the place. Vee doesn’t give a shit and throws a punch and they fight and all the bar patrons look on and Kermit asks Tommy if they should stop it, but Wells is getting his boner over the girl on girl action and he says no.  Later, Vee calls ICE on Svetlana and that was a total bitch move.  Svetlana is completely in the right about the bar and it’s weird that the show is making her out as the evil Putin-loving Ruskie and expecting us to side with Vee.  
Finally, Ian.  He’s acting just like Lip-mooning over Terror and acting like a real loser about trying to get him back.  WHY?  What’s the attraction?  I get it, corporate headquarters says there has to be a trans character-but why does Ian have to be involved with him?  And why are they having him act like such a stalker?  In the first scene together he asks Trash to go out for a drink-T can’t because he has a date.  Ian says bring him.  Tragedy says he can’t-it’s a drinks and movie thing.  Ian looks gutted, says, “What movie?”  Really, Ian?  You gonna follow him to the movie theater and sit in the row behind them and jerk off?  WTF?  Why are they making it seem like Ian can’t find somebody new?  The ambulance gets a call and Ian and Sue have to leave.  After Ian leaves, one of the LGBTQ+ center’s youths (who looks a lot like Terror just without the chin hair and with a richer skin tone) gives Trumpet a hard time.  “You used to hit that?” and maybe something like “why aren’t you still” and Teabag says, “It’s complicated,” and the junior Trev says, “Why?  Because he fucked an old boyfriend?”  Yeah, that’s all Mickey was-an old boyfriend.  Not the love of Ian’s life, not the man who saved his life time and time again, just some guy Ian used to date in high school-like Ned or Kash.  Grrrrrrrr.  Anyway, I can’t even remember if there’s another scene with Trailmix, but the end Ian/Trial scene is Ian waiting outside the center like a total stalker, talking to the Jamie kid till Terror comes out and they”flirt” and it was soooooo awful.  Ian says something about being irresistible, Terror says, “No,” Ian, all flirty says, “I’m not irresistible?” and leans closer.  Terror says, “No to whatever you’re going to ask me this time.”  Ian tries to ask him out for drinks again, Terror says “no” again-what is it with the show and not knowing No means no?-Terror for some reason says if Ian’s doing okay and when Ian tries to say he’s all right Terror brings up Ian’s mom-so, again-whether it’s been five months or eight-this is the first time he’s asking?  Ian gets all sad, says something that again, he should be saying about Mickey and the way he ignored him while he was rotting away in jail :(  “I miss her.  It’s weird huh?  Never around when she was alive and I never thought about her, now she’s gone and I think about her all the time.”  And Cameron delivered those lines well, and made you believe them, but then in the quickest turn around since Jerome Valeska went from crying to Jim Gordon about his mom to laughing about killing her, Ian slides right back into flirt mode and says, “Come on, one drink!”  It was creepy and crappy and if the show was actually handling/showing him dealing with bipolar disorder, you’d think they were setting the table for him to be on the edge of trouble with his meds again.  But of course, that’s zzzzzz and he’s just a red blooded male, wanting to get back with his now-main-squeeze Treacle.  Tupperware says no to the millionth drink invite and says he’s gotta go or whatever, and Ian says, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”  It’s SO FUCKING CREEPY AND PATHETIC AND WEIRD.  Oh, and I forgot-but in the middle of the flirting and Ian saying Jamie said to buy Terror a car (cuz, yeah, that’s true love, when you have to buy someone’s affection), Ian gives Terror another “I’m sorry” and this time it really is clearly about running off with Mickey (not the retconned scene from the “previously on Shameless” where they edited Ian saying he was sorry that he didn’t answer T’s texts to make it look like he was saying he was sorry for taking off with Mickey).  THAT’S the conversation they need to have-instead of Ian merely saying he’s sorry, Terror needs to make him say what he’s sorry FOR.  Terror needs to ask, “All things being equal-if there was some miracle and Mickey was set free and could move back here-would you pick me?”  Why the fuck should Terror take Ian back, knowing he’ll never be what Ian really wants?  Why does the show think we want to see them dance around that issue?  Tragic never even says WHY he keeps turning Ian down-and of course, by the end of the episode you can see he’s thawing and it’s going to be so fucking unrealistic if they do get back together and act like a happy couple.  Ian’s a bolter!  We all know he’ll run again-hell, we all know Terror would run if he had to put up with any of Ian’s bipolar manifestations.  
The ONLY good thing the episode had to offer was when Ian was in the hot tub and it made his curls come to life.  I’m all for that-but I figure we’ll only see him in there up till the episode where he gets his tattoo and then it’ll be too much bother to let him be shirtless/wet.  Which, if that applies to being with Terror, I guess I’ll be okay with sacrificing shirtless times when he’s not with that little whiner.  
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For a long time, the Juniors have been bashed, bashed and bashed again with basically everybody doubting their ability to carry the show on from the current Seniors who appear a much stronger cast of actors and written characters due to the substantial length of time that they have spent on the show. However, I really feel that this season truly let the Junior class shine. By the end of the season, each character was developing and demonstrating those open-minded qualities which Degrassi have always advocated. Unfortunately, this is easily over-looked (and a lot of the fans are overlooking this.) but lets go into a little detail. In terms of the acting, Degrassi is sorting, we have already seen that Spencer, Chelsea (we can presume that she will be returning.), Sara, Yael and Amanda are on top of their game and Parham, in particular, is a fantastic actor. The writing has been incredible and although, I once thought that Frankie, Hunter and perhaps, Shay or Lola would replace Maya, Zig and Miles/Zoe as the ‘mains’, it’s become kinda clear that if the Degrassi team are clever about this, Lola, Yael and Saad will become the ‘mains’, since - to me at least - they are currently the strongest and most impressively written and acted characters. As for the writing and storylines themselves, I honestly do not feel as if we need to worry - as I said, the character development of the juniors has been sizzling away in the background for the entire duration of season four ! Frankie is not as unbearable a character as she is being perceived - as many have pointed out, she was the only one who was noticing and trying to help Esme’s mental state until Maya spoke with the councillor. Next, Yael’s storyline was a huge step in character development of the gamer squad. For the first time, we actually see Baaz standing up for somebody without insulting someone else and we can see how he and Vijay’s words of warning to Hunter have had some kind of effect. And yes, Hunter may have been the ‘worst’ when it came to dealing with Yael’s non-binary but without providing excuses for his actions, we need to remember that these are seventeen year old kids who have not fully matured yet and he is coming from a very masculine-dominated background - when we criticise Hunter for being selfish and becoming angry over how Yael ‘affects’ his sexuality, aren’t we forgetting Mr. Hollingsworth’s denial of Miles’s sexuality ? Come on ! If we do look at promo photos and the background of the final scene, Hunter has his ARM AROUND Yael. This is hinting that some reconciliation could have occured and after seeing Hunter and Yael’s scenes together since her coming out, I really don’t think that they have broken up and I do believe that Hunter will come around to understand, but not for another few episodes if the writers are to be realistic, based on Hunter’s past and real life situations. Before this season, Hael were my ‘OTP’ and I do still ship them but only when they can separate their differences. The OTP now, of course, is Saad and Lola - I scream every time they appear on the screen, I am not even sorry. There is no point in me elaborating on why I ship them - I will be a mess ! Both bring so many qualities to Degrassi and since we have seen so much of Lola the past few seasons, she appears to bring the most and I just feel that the writing of her character and development is impeccable. Not only is she one of the most open-minded characters on the show, she is also an amazing role model. Despite befriending the gamer squad which consists of three and boys and the non-binary Yael and other characters stereotyping her as perhaps, air-headed, Lola has never changed her her love for makeup, etc. and her quirks. I really wish that I had had a role model like that when I was younger. I also think it is interesting that Lola has a lot more cop on than the rest of the gamer squad so it shall be fun to see how that turns out. The Senior class leaving also means more potential for interesting storylines ! A lot of the Seniors had been on Degrassi since late Season Eleven and as seasons go, when a character deals with a problem it is generally unlikely for Degrassi to deal with that problem again until said character has left the show, with the general exception of mental health, bullying, coming out, sex, etc. . This means that the writers now have a broader range of issues to tackle ! Obviously, we are heading into season five with Esme and possibly Hunter leading mental health, Saad with islamophobia and Yael with coming out. I’m expecting storylines revolving around an eating disorder, drug abuse, Autism or learning difficulties, sexual assault, parental difficulties, cancer and much more. Rasha and Shay have not had too large a storyline without their significant others so next season could be interesting. Personally, I can see Shay either dealing with drug abuse (this season hinted at it.) or being valedictorian. I also agree with a lot of fans who have been speculating over whether or not she will suffer some injury that jeopardises her athletic career ? Unlike Esme, Degrassi did not forge any links between Rasha and the other Juniors before the Seniors (who she is better acquainted with.) graduated which was a little strange to me. Nevertheless, I can see she and Lola being kindred spirits and Lola’s relationship (?) with Saad holds more hope for a friendship between the two since Degrassi will probably pull the whole “all refugees know each other” backstory but where were you this season, Rasha lol ? Besides that, Rasha is definitely headed for student council president in my eyes and I am so down for this ! As for Esme, we are going to have to see her mental health and backstory dealt with and loads are speculating Personality Disorder which would be such a good storyline as I don’t think Degrassi has addressed it before ? Perhaps, they may even write a variation of Fiona’s storyline and Esme could get her entire life back on track, becoming valedictorian ! The storylines for the current characters could be interesting. I’m presuming that Saad will join the gamer squad (if the others weren’t such asses, they would probably discover that they and he could be like-minded.) and he and Lola will date. It is difficult to make a good guess of what will happen for he and Lola individually considering that as so many have noted, they are both powerfully written and acted character when carrying their own storylines AND when involved in the storylines of others. Lola and Baaz has been hinted at since Season Three so it would honestly not surprise me if the writers tried to make them endgame, however, I adore ‘Sola’ and have always imagined Frankie and Baaz as a good match. At the end of the day, Degrassi always seems to have almost all of their graduating characters coupled up ! I almost forgot that Vijay existed until Episode Eight or Nine so here’s hoping that he actually plays a decent role in a storyline of his own or someone else in the next season ? He reminds me too much of how Winston was written. I would take a guess that Vijay would become Student President or Valedictorian but I also hoped this for Winston. I am guessing that if there is time allowed for it,Frankie could suffer from an eating disorder, come out as bi-sexual or be the victim of sexual assault. Before, I thought that Lola may have been to the forefront of such storylines, however, Degrassi is still redeeming Frankie’s character from Season Two and since there is no more Jonah or even Winston, it could be said that her character is at a dead end and being such a prominent character, the writers are more likely to give her one big storyline in Season Five and let her chill in the background for most of Season Six, like they did with Zoe and Miles - two characters who Frankie reminds me a lot of. Not only this, Frankie has clearly been having an identity crisis and self-esteem issues for so long that I can see a coming out or eating disorder storyline being inevitable. I can’t see the writers just letting her lay in the dust for her two final seasons. I also forgot to mention - pregnancies ! It feels as if we have not had one of these in forever but we did with Lola last season. Now, that should be ringing alarm bells in our heads. Girl squads which come in three and are to the forefront of the show have always experienced pregancies. Emma, Manny and Liberty. Alli, Jenna and Claire. Now, Lola, Frankie and Shay. We have already had an abortion storyline which leaves for a pregnancy scare, a miscarriage or a birth. And although, I believe that Degrassi portray teen pregnancies as being way more common than they, perhaps, are, it is practically a tradition they have going here with the girl squads and I’d lowkey be so disappointed to see them break it ! Like I said, I’m expecting Yael’s non-binary storyline to continue until they graduate, as well as Hunter coming to terms with this change but I can see them being endgame either romantically or platonically. I never thought that Maya, Tristan and Miles would hang out together again but here they are on amicable terms ! Hunter and Yael are such strong characters, as are their relationships with the characters around them very strong, so I’d be so let down if the writers weren’t to play with that. Having oppositional defiant disorder myself, I’d really like some closure on Hunter’s mental health. I don’t see him developing conduct disorder but I don’t see the writers blackholing his diagnosis either. As we have seen this season, the writers have obviously acknowledged the fact that the fans detest blackholing - wooooop ! Again, who knows what will happen with Baaz and Vijay ! Serious character development is needed and appeared to be happening this season so hopefully we will see more of that soon. Also - VIJAY IS THE ONLY LGBT GUY LEFT ON THE SHOW ! WHAAT ! This means that we will have a freshman dude who is a member of the lgbt community and I can SO see a parallel of Vijay and Tristan’s awkward date in Season One happening ! Degrassi, I don’t hold a Canadian citizen, but pls hire me xo P.S I am pretty sure that Season Five and Six were written last year so whatever was big in social and cultural news around then would be a great hint. This is like predicting Leaving Cert papers, ohmygosh.
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hopingforbabyblog · 4 years
The beginning of this week was really difficult for me. I had my surgery to remove some scar tissue from my uterus. Both my local doctor and my doctor in Seattle require my uterus be clear of all scar tissue before I can proceed with my FET in April. I’m hoping this will be the last surgery I need until then. I felt some really low lows this week, but I’m happy to say at least this week ended well.
Catch-up on Previous FET Prep Posts
FET Prep Week 1: 3.5 months until FET
FET Prep Week 2: Supplements, WTF Email, & Increased AMH Level
FET Prep Week 3: You say Future Tripping, I say Future Planning
FET Prep Week 4: Bad News from SIS Test
Countdown Until FET: 81 days (as of 02-03-2020)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for photos of our trip to Nevada and my other FET Prep photos. 
  Hysteroscopy Surgery
Bored Julie takes selfies before surgery. That teal hairnet though!
On Monday I had my hysteroscopy surgery, to clear the scar tissue from my uterus. My most recent miscarriage in September resulted in this third surgery. Three subsequent surgeries for only one miscarriage, and that doesn’t even count all the other surgeries I had before those three. When I woke up from surgery I remember saying to the nurse how painful it was, and it was more painful than the other ones. They gave me some oral pain medicine after the surgery but it didn’t kick in until I got home. Normally with my other surgeries I request hydrocodone, but this one I chose not to. My doctor said Ibuprofen should be good enough. 
Waiting for surgery in my snazzy surgery socks. 
I went to work the next day and did some physical work cleaning. But after one hour of cleaning I started to feel really wiped out and was hurting, I think I overdid it. Normally after my surgeries I take time off work, but I decided not to this time because with my SIS procedure and now this hysteroscopy, among other bills I just could not justify not working. I absolutely had to continue working to pay all the bills coming my way. I also had to clean up the house a bit before we left on vacation, and pack. I did a whole lot of bitching and crying this week from the intermittent pain. 
Kitty watches The Bachelor with me while I rest after surgery.
Kitty cuddles post-surgery.
I called my doctor’s office Thursday to ask for some hydrocodone but my doctor was out for the weekend. I could not get the medicine at all due to me needing to leave on Friday. I learned that narcotics can’t be called in to a pharmacy due to needing the paper copy to be brought in-person. So right now I only have ibuprofen to help with the occasional pain.
Kitty cheering me up after my surgery.
I’ve been dealing with a low-grade depression since September, when I had my most recent miscarriage. But with this surgery I had this week and all of the stress that comes with this process, my depression really reared its ugly head. I haven’t felt that deep of a depression in almost a decade. I think it was just an accumulation of all the miscarriages, fertility treatments, and the large amount of debt that accumulated so quickly this previous week. 
I was stressed, angry, and not getting enough sleep. I was working every day of the week after my surgery, despite the pain. I was feeling so incredibly overwhelmed and really feeling like there was very little hope of pulling myself out of it. As much as I wanted to lie in bed for the next month, I decided to do the exact opposite of how I was feeling. I pulled myself out of bed and slowly got started cleaning. I cleaned the house during the hours that my ibuprofen was working the most. I made some progress and took a step back to look at the progress. It felt pretty good to get at least something accomplished even though I felt like garbage. That was the first little glimmer of hope I had.
My to-do list was still long but I was determined to knock out one thing at a time. One-by-one I completed most of the things on my list that I wanted to do before my trip. Instead of forcing myself to get everything done, I chose to put off certain things that could wait until later. I think for anyone that is feeling overwhelmed or depressed, start with one simple task. Then prioritize just a few other tasks. Don’t worry about doing it all, because if you don’t set realistic expectations you’re just setting yourself up for failure. In the end I was able to do about 90% of what I needed to before the trip, not too shabby. 
I also got the call back from my doctors office and my nurse explained to me that they found out it was simply scar tissue and not uterine cancer. I immediately felt a huge wave of relief. This is the second time they were concerned about me developing uterine cancer and I have gotten the all clear. I’m feeling very lucky and grateful right now.
  Trip to Nevada
I had a true turnaround with how my week was going. I went from feeling so depressed at the beginning of the week, to feeling so happy and centered by the end of the week. The timing of my trip could not have been any better. As soon as my butt was in the seat of that plane I breathed a sigh of relief. My only regret with planning this trip is I wish I would have planned it for about two or three weeks earlier, due to the weather we were experiencing in Alaska. 
January is notorious for being the worst month to live in Alaska. It’s one of the darkest and coldest times of year. We had a cold snap where it was -10 to -18 at times. Although December is the darkest month, with winter solstice having about 5.5 hours of sunlight, at least there are the  holiday festivities and it is not quite as cold. In addition to my good old fashioned depression, I might have some Seasonal Affective Disorder as well. As soon as I felt the Nevada sun warming my pale arms from the window of my plane, I felt like I was starting to come back to life. 
During our hike in Tecopa, California I found these stacked rocks. 
We are visiting Kurtis’ mom and step-dad in Pahrump, just outside of Las Vegas. We’ll be staying in Las Vegas near the end of our trip. Saturday we drove out to Tecopa, California, which is not that long of a drive from Pahrump. We visited a farm where they grow dates out in the middle of the desert. Kurtis and I hiked a trail right next to the date farm. It was out in the desert, surrounded by mountains and ancient riverbeds. I have always loved the desert. I feel like I am on Mars, it’s so drastically different from Alaska. I don’t think I’d last a second out here though if it was in the middle of the summer. But it was a comfortable 70 degrees on our hike, the perfect temperature I think. 
On our hike in the desert of California, near the Nevada border.
We finished up the week with Super Bowl Sunday. Kurtis & I are fans of the 49ers so it was a big deal that our team made it to the Super Bowl. Even though our team lost, it was still fun to watch. We wore our 49ers shirts and watched the game with his mom and her friends. Kurtis is a die-hard fan. He will yell and scream with excitement for every touchdown, field goal, and any gain of yardage. When his mom’s friends left a little before the end of the game Kurtis said to me, “I hope I didn’t scare them away with my yelling,” I just laughed and said “You probably did.” Back home he would watch the games every Sunday, Monday and Thursday and be yelling at his players, the other team, and the ref’s. Even when I wear my noise-cancelling headphones I can still hear him whooping and hollering. I’m not sure if they actually make noise-cancelling headphones that truly block out all the noises of a superfan. A week or so before the Superbowl I showed Kurtis some YouTube videos of sports fans losing their s**t. I told him, “I’m happy you aren’t like those crazy guys.” We thought those videos were hilarious and we had full-on belly laughs with tears watching these. Amazingly there is a treasure trove of many videos of fans going ballistic, I highly recommend checking those out if you need a good laugh.
Kurtis & I before the big game.
Mini Victories for the Week
I did not take any time off from work after my surgery. Gotta pay those bills!
I went from being emotionally overwhelmed, to feeling a lot better by the end of the week.
Got out hiking in the sun.
Chose not to have alcohol at all this week so I can stay on track with my FET prep.
Keeping up with most of my supplements.
  Work in Progress
I’ve been a little lax with how I’ve been eating this week. I’ll allow some wiggle room with how I’m eating, so as not to stress myself out while I’m on vacation.
Opt for veggies as much as possible while on vacation, including salads, and veggie side dishes. 
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  FET Prep Week 5: Surgery, Depression & Trip to Nevada The beginning of this week was really difficult for me. I had my surgery to remove some scar tissue from my uterus.
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How Much Caffeine Powder Is Safe?
The amount Caffeine is Too Much?
We are for the most part acquainted with caffeine. It is a quick acting stimulant that advantages you up only a couple of minutes after you take it in. It can keep you livened up for a long time a short time later, also! That is the reason, as we as a whole know, it's anything but a smart thought to drink some espresso soon before sleep time. While an excess of caffeine can cause you a few issues, the perfect measure of caffeine can really benefit you! Peruse on to discover how!
How many mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee
Caffeine Effects on Hormones
A hormone that numerous individuals know about is adrenaline. Adrenaline gives you vitality and quality in crisis circumstances. This is helpful when you need to go into "battle or flight" mode. This was valuable to our predecessors when taking part in exercises, for example, escaping from predators! It very well may be useful to you in the event that you need to upgrade your games or exercise execution. Exercise alert, however! Adrenaline lifts must be maneuvered carefully. On the off chance that you try too hard, you will feel "energized" incidentally, and afterward you will feel "cleared out", however even now, you may experience difficulty quieting down and getting fulfilling rest.
Another way that caffeine advantages you up is by hindering the retention of the hormone, adenosine. This hormone encourages you to quiet down and oversee levels of pressure. In the event that you need to remain alert and be on your toes, hindering adenosine can be a positive thing. Once more, in any case, you need to relax with this. There are times when you need to quiet down, so ingesting a lot of caffeine can be extremely impeding. In the event that you devour a lot of caffeine over and expanded timeframe, it can meddle with your rest examples and cause medical issues.
When you use caffeine, it expands the degree of dopamine in your body. This can be a generally excellent thing since dopamine is the hormone that encourages you feel better. Truth be told, you can get a dopamine surge exceptionally like what you would encounter when taking amphetamines. By and by, you would prefer not to try too hard. Despite the fact that devouring caffeine can assist you with feeling brimming with vitality and large and in charge, it can likewise be irresistible. On the off chance that you become dependent on caffeine, much the same as some other substance, after some time, it will quit conveying the advantages you want; be that as it may, you will at present be dependent on it!
Identified with the "flight or battle" mode is the hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is created by pressure (like that delivered when being pursued by a predator!) It is additionally delivered by a lot of caffeine! Cortisol can do terrible things to your body and your prosperity. It makes you put on weight - particularly around the midsection. Paunch fat is connected to higher circulatory strain and rate of heart assaults.
Cortisol can likewise make you need to expend mass amounts of greasy sustenances and sugar containing lousy nourishment. Also, it makes you need more caffeine. It is anything but difficult to see that this sets up a lose/lose circumstance. The more caffeine you drink, the more cortisol you make, the more fats and carbs you eat, the more caffeine you hunger for, etc! It isn't long until your wellbeing self-destructs with this example.
The amount Caffeine Powder Per Day?
With this anguish and fate, you might think about whether caffeine is protected by any means. All things considered, you might be shocked to discover that it isn't just sheltered in reasonable sums, however, caffeine is beneficial for you when it is utilized dependably.
This is what caffeine can accomplish for you:
Improve your health improvement plan.
Lift your games and exercise execution.
Increment your digestion for more vitality and increasingly effective calorie use.
Help you process fat productively and adequately.
Give your glucose levels a lift to enable you to maintain a strategic distance from craving.
The inquiry is, what amount of caffeine is excessively, and what amount is perfect? What amount of caffeine until you notice impacts, yet before it starts to negatively affect your wellbeing?
There are a few things to contemplate. Not exclusively is the measure of caffeine you devour significant, yet additionally the season of day and the manner by which you expend it. To get the most advantages in expanded vitality, digestion, and execution levels, it is ideal to devour your caffeine about a thirty minutes to an hour prior to you work out. On the off chance that you have your espresso or caffeine powder excessively far ahead of time of your exercise, you risk "smashing" previously or during your activity routine. On the off chance that you have it too in a matter of seconds previously, you probably won't get the full impact. Along these lines, basically, it may be a smart thought to have some espresso or take the comparable in caffeine powder as you are getting ready to go to the rec center or out for your run, bicycle ride or other movement.
What number of Milligrams of Caffeine are in a Cup of Coffee?
In the event that you aren't attached to drinking espresso for weight reduction, you might think about what amount powdered caffeine is equivalent to one mug of espresso? Caffeine powder is a helpful and prudent approach to get your caffeine. It is additionally extremely precise. When you devour caffeine in sustenance and beverages, you risk inadvertently getting excessively. With caffeine powder, you measure a definite sum.
You might ask yourself, "How would I realize I am not getting an excess of caffeine?" With the measure of caffeine that is found in a wide range of items, from soda pops to prescriptions to the most improbable sustenances (for instance, yogurt!) it is extremely simple to expend an excessive amount of caffeine. The response to the inquiry is, "Look before you jump!" Whenever you drink a soda pop, eat a bite, take a portion of cold medicine, etc, make sure to check the fixings. In the event that the thing you are thinking about contains caffeine, calculate that your day by day admission, and think about the season of day. On the off chance that you plan on resting, unwinding as well as dozing inside the following four hours or something like that, you might need to devour that thing at an alternate time.
Here is a convenient caffeine substance graph:
Caffeine Content of Food and Drugs http://www.cspinet.org/new/cafchart.htm
Competitors regularly prefer to take a lot of caffeine powder to help their exhibition. They may take as much as 280 milligrams at a go. This is a lot! You would need to drink three - 6 ounce cups of espresso or eight to ten jars of the normal soda pop to rise to this portion.
Numerous individuals find that it isn't important to devour a colossal measure of caffeine to appreciate a beneficial outcome. The normal individual can most likely get great advantages from what might be compared to one mug of espresso or a few soda pops (around 90 milligrams). There have been studies led that demonstrate that as meager as thirty milligrams of caffeine can positively affect state of mind and vitality levels without causing a bad case of nerves or the bite the dust disorder!
What number of Milligrams of Caffeine are in a Teaspoon?
This isn't generally a decent inquiry since it is imperative to gauge caffeine powder more cautiously than a teaspoon will permit. Since you realize how much unadulterated caffeine to take, you will need to make certain to gauge in all respects precisely. This is essential to get the best outcomes. When you purchase your caffeine powder, make sure to put resources into an exact milligram weight scale. This will assist you with keeping your caffeine utilization controlled and to make the most affordable utilization of the mass caffeine powder that you buy.
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edmondmoller · 6 years
ADHD: It’s More Than Just Too Much Sugar and Screen Time (the root is in the gut)
New Post has been published on https://womanshealthwithmegan.com/adhd-its-more-than-just-too-much-sugar-and-screen-time-the-root-is-in-the-gut
ADHD: It’s More Than Just Too Much Sugar and Screen Time (the root is in the gut)
ADHD is one of the most polarizing health topics.  Hyperactivity or inattention (ADD) have been blamed on too many electronics, lack of consistency in parenting, just boys being boys, too much structured time in the classroom, not enough structure at home, food additives, or just a normal part of childhood.
Brain Rewiring & Technology
With everything becoming increasingly ‘on demand’, there are more options for us to consider and sift through than ever before.
Studies have shown that frequent internet users can rewire how their brain processes information, which involves switching between topics more frequently and retaining less, in as little as 5 days (source).
This Time article explains, “Researchers in Canada surveyed 2,000 participants and studied the brain activity of 112 others using electroencephalograms (EEGs). Microsoft found that since the year 2000 (or about when the mobile revolution began) the average attention span dropped from 12 seconds to eight seconds.”
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Consider shopping… When I was growing up, my parents left us with a sitter one evening before Christmas, hit the mall and Toys R Us, and hauled the shiny packages home in the back of their navy blue Jeep. A doll, a truck, a new outfit, and jewelry for Grandma. They chose between 4-5 options where today on Amazon we’re choosing between dozens and dozens of very similar products.
We need to be able to filter and select quickly.
Have you ever watched someone from the older generation online shop for a home appliance? It’s often an all-day event.  Ads/clickbait are clicked on, every web page is read in its entirety, and a notebook or pad of paper often makes its appearance next to the computer to keep everything organized.
This isn’t a bad thing, but it’s also not something that we can generally sustain for every decision that we need to make, so we’ve adapted.
Those of us who have been using the internet for most of our adult lives probably have a nearly automatic selection process that looks something like this:
Google ‘cordless vacuum reviews’ Scan the first page of Google, automatically ignoring the ‘Ad’ listings at the top. Click on a review website that we’ve heard of before and we know not to be scammy. Scan the website and jump to the price range we’re looking for. See 2-3 vacuums in our price range that we want to compare prices for. Copy and paste the model number, and paste that into Amazon, Overstock and maybe one other reputable website. Quickly scan those three websites for the three things we’re looking for: Price, shipping speed, and warranty/returns process. Choose the best for our needs, and complete checkout.
Though I wrote that in 8 steps, there were about 3-5 different ‘changes in attention’ for each of those steps. Is this ADD? Is this causing ADD? or has our brain adapted to efficiently use technology?
I would argue that this is a functional change that we’ve conditioned our brain to do.  After all, we probably completed these steps in less time than I would take to drive to one store and look at one vacuum model, and we’ll probably have found a better value as well.
So is ADD a natural thing?
No. A disorder is characterized by something that impacts your quality of life in a negative way, to the point that it interferes with your daily activities.
It is useful for us to scan a dozen Amazon listings for a similar toy and pick out the lowest price/highest rating item in under 30 seconds.  But similarly, it is NOT useful for us to not complete a needed task (like schoolwork, or organizing our belongings so that we can find them easily) because we can’t concentrate long enough to get it done.
Is there more to the rise of ADD and ADHD than just more technology being used in the house and less outside time? Yes.
But a missing piece, and likely a large part of the root issue, is the gut-brain connection.
When the body is healthy, we self regulate well
When we’re healthy we can self regulate.  If we’re overstimulated, or antsy, or have watched too much TV, a healthy body will crave the opposite – a walk in nature, the TV turned off, or a book rather than checking Facebook for the 925th time that day.
Just as a healthy person tends to choose healthy foods, a healthy person will also choose to limit media consumption, and to get energy out in healthy ways.
This is why some people are so adamantly pro-self-regulation with media, and why others insist that their children need strict structure when it comes to media.  My children fall on the side of needing more structure, I personally don’t have a problem leaving my smartphone in my purse, but I do turn the wifi off if I notice I’m using the email/facebook/pinterest/email loop to procrastinate writing, much like I would have moved from the kitchen to my bedroom while doing homework in elementary school.
Being able to self regulate, concentrate in the middle of distractions, and have impulse control is the sign of a well-functioning body and mind.
It’s not just genetics, the mind-body and even gut-brain connection plays a huge part.  Yes, I’m saying that your DIGESTION affects your IMPULSE CONTROL.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is characterized by inability to focus, hyperactivity, impulse control issues and inattention.  Children with ADD or ADHD often have trouble with schoolwork, with behavior in the classroom, getting long with other children, and paying attention to instruction.
ADHD does not always present with the classic hyperactivity, but rather some children may appear calm on the outside but not be able to pay attention to what’s being said during instructions.
Scientists are not sure what the cause of ADHD is, though studies including twins may show a genetic component.
What are the conventional treatments for ADHD?
  Medications as treatment for ADD and ADHD are on the rise, being prescribed for children as young as age 3.  Before automatically judging parents and doctors for prescribing children medication, realize that this is usually after lots of thought and behavioral programs. When children can’t attend to instruction, or control impulses, it affects their ability to learn.
I hope that by starting to understand the gut-brain-impulse connection, some of these children are able to come off medications, heal, and learn as they were designed to.
Medications are usually stimulants, such as:
Adderal Concerta Focalin Ritalin Strattera
Side effects from stimulant medications like these include:
Decreased appetite Sleep problems Tics Personality changes such as appearing ‘flat’ or without emotion Increased risk of strokes, cardiovascular problems in children already at risk Increased risk of psychiatric problems such as hallucinations in children already at risk
None of these treatments are thought to cure ADD or ADHD, but rather to just manage the symptoms.
Being on a medication with side effects like these should never be a long-term solution unless all other options have been exhausted.
Why is digestion and gut health so important?
Our gut, where we digest food, keep most of our immune system, and is even home to brain tissue, is much more important than most people realize.
The gut normally is populated with a hefty balance of good gut flora (microorganisms – yeasts, fungi, and bacteria).  It normally is healthy tissue with intestinal villi that work with the gut flora to extract nutrients needed from food, and pass them through the gut wall into the blood stream. These villi move food along the digestive tract, break it into smaller pieces so that nutrients can be extracted, and secrete enzymes needed to break down food (source).
The bacteria in our gut line the gut walls, and actually pre-digest our food for us. They line our guts to prevent food from being passed through the gut walls without first being broken down sufficiently. This gut flora is also a large part of our immune system.
When our gut is unhealthy, the flora in our gut is not protecting food from being passed through, vitamins and minerals are not able to be extracted properly from food, the body is unable to detoxify normally, and the immune system is not functioning as it should.
Lastly, the pathogenic bacteria, which aren’t kept in check by the good bacteria, send out chemical signals as part of their metabolic process through the gut wall, into the bloodstream, and then make it to the brain.
This combination of chemical signals making their way to the brain from pathogenic bacteria and lack of nutrients being adequately absorbed in the gut are a horrible combination for a developing brain.  
The ‘side effects’ of a gut healing diet?
This is what I’ve seen – these ‘good side effects’ show me that rather than further harming my body in attempt to solve one problem,we’re actually bringing everything into a balance, and the body is functioning like it should.
Eliminating picky eating Food allergies eliminated Seasonal allergies lessened Better sleep Better growth
“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates
Other places that a gut-healing diet has seen to help ADHD:
Robb Wolf: ADHD: Not a Ritalin Deficiency The Paleo Mama: What is Causing the Rise in ADHD?  Evolutionary Psychiatry: Food Elimination and ADHD Study: Gluten free diet, Celiac, and ADHD
How to start balancing the gut to calm ADHD
First, I would look at sensory solutions to some of the behavior and impulse problems.  Can sitting on an exercise ball help this child to focus? How about running laps rather than being put in time out for impulse issues?  See more about sensory issues here – this is a non-medication tool that can help focus and calm children starting immediately, while we work to clean up the gut.
Next, we need to make healthy changes to our homes and reduce our toxic load – these are pretty basic steps but can make a big difference. Click here to get a free printable checklist for a 30-day plan to get this started in simple steps
Third, we try an elimination diet. It’s so common that removing foods that often are allergy-causing, inflammation-causing, and cause a leaky gut.
Elimination Diet & Balancing Gut Flora
Removing dairy and/or gluten will most often relieve symptoms drastically.  And then we can work our way back to really healing our gut with the GAPS diet. (click here for more information on working backwards to the GAPS diet)
Then once we are stabilized and eliminating common allergens from our diet, we can work on restoring gut flora balance and healing the gut. Most importantly, we clean up the gut.  (click here for the GAPS intro diet for gut healing and sealing)
Probiotics can help, be sure to go slow – we’ll be introducing these beneficial bacteria, which will in turn kill off the bad ones – when this happens we can experience a rush of symptoms, so it’s important to go slowly (these are the probiotics that I use)
When the gut flora is balanced, we should crave healthy food, have a stable mood, and feel nourished.
Depending on your symptoms, you may be able to modify this protocol and still see great results; possibly just removing gluten, any known allergens (often eggs, wheat, or dairy), and increasing probiotics for a time.
How did this work for us?
While we haven’t specifically had ADD or ADHD, my daughter used to be on the autism spectrum and struggled with attention and impulsiveness (and still does to some extent). Some people think that ADD and ADHD both fall on the very mild end of the autism spectrum, and I tend to agree with them.
When we are taking care of the gut by removing inflammatory foods and adding probiotics back in, I do notice a huge issue in her impulse control. When we deal with die off, from too many of the pathogenic bacteria being killed at once (see more about die off here), I tend to see the impulsivity come start to come back.
This is always an indicator to me that something if off in her diet or sensory-wise, whether we need to be taking probiotics slower, do more detox baths, or make sure we’re getting enough fresh air.
My son, I do believe that he has normal little-boy energy and I don’t notice a difference with this when he’s on the GAPS diet or not. He has the ability to pay attention in the classroom, but also craves lots of outside time, challenges like climbing, and other behaviors that some might think are ADD-like but I believe are developmentally appropriate.
I share this just to let you know that a dietary change will not automatically make your child eager to sit still and read books for hours at a time – some children naturally are like that, some children need more activity to grow and develop, this is all within the range of normal.
GAPS and Calmness
The GAPS diet isn’t like a tranquilizer or a pill that numbs your energy or mind, but rather it gives you back normal consistent calm energy.  For young boys this variety or normal may be different than what our culture would prefer.
It’s really amazing to me to see the difference that a dietary change can make – many families find the calmness and quality of life achieved by dietary changes to be worth the initial lifestyle change.
And the health habits are a life long gift that we give our children.
Related posts:
Amino Acids for Mood Help
How to make gut-healing broth cubes
There’s a War in Your Gut! (explain the microbe-mood connection to kids)
Why Sensory Integration May Be Causing Your Child’s Meltdowns
30+ Sensory-Friendly Holiday Gift Ideas for Children
More posts in this series:
Behavioral Problems? Skin Conditions? Low Immune System? It’s What We’re Feeding Them!
Eczema: Is the Root Cause in the Gut?
The Gut-Flora and PICKY EATING Connection
Anxiety: Why It’s All in Your Gut, Not Your Head
  The post ADHD: It’s More Than Just Too Much Sugar and Screen Time (the root is in the gut) appeared first on Health, Home, & Happiness.
Read more: healthhomeandhappiness.com
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ezatluba · 6 years
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THE BEES, AS you've probably heard, are dying, in massive numbers. Termed colony collapse disorder, the die-off counts among its causes a parasite aptly named Varroa destructor. A flat, button-shaped, eight-legged critter no more than 2 millimeters long, varroa mites invade honeybee hives around the world in droves, latch onto their inhabitants, and feed on their tissues, transmitting devastating RNA viruses in the process.
The worst of these diseases is deformed wing virus, believed to be one of the largest contributors to the devastation of honeybees worldwide. Named for the shrunken and misshapen wings that develop in affected bees, DWV robs its hosts of flight, undermines their immune system, and halves their lifespan. The sicker a bee is, and the more useless its wings, the fewer plants it pollinates. What's more, what flora an infected bee does manage to visit become tainted by the virus, transmitting the infection to future pollinators. As if a bee-debilitating virus transmitted by itty-bitty parasites wasn't terrifying enough, beekeepers currently possess no effective means of battling the virus.
But in a study recounted today in Nature Scientific Reports, researchers present evidence for a surprising solution to DWV: mushrooms. The discovery has implications not just for honeybee populations, but also the food systems, economies, and ecosystems that rely on their healthy activity.
The mushrooms in question belong to the genera Fomes and Ganoderma, better known to fungus fans as amadou and reishi. The former commonly grow on trees, in the shape of a horse's hoof. The latter have long been prized in traditional medicine circles and are a common sight at Asian markets and health food stores. Both belong to an order of fungi known as polypores, extracts of which have been shown in numerous studies to possess potent antiviral properties against dangerous infections like swine flu, pox viruses, and HIV.
"I wanted to see if those extracts had a similar antiviral effect in bees," says Paul Stamets, the study's lead author. A prominent mycologist, the author of Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms, and a passionate proselytizer of all things fungal (his TED talk, "6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World," has been viewed millions of times), Stamets has long suspected that bees derive some benefit from mushrooms.
He recalls a scene from his backyard in July of 1984—the first time he noticed bees from his personal hive flying back and forth to a pile of fungus-coated wood chips. The bees, he says, were sipping droplets of liquid that had oozed from the mushroom's mycelium, the fuzzy white network of cobwebby filaments through which fungi absorb nutrients.
At the time he figured the droplets contained sugar (fungi break down wood into glucose). "But then, a few years ago, I had an epiphany—a waking dream, actually, " Stamets says. What if the bees were getting more than a shot of sugar? He began to wonder if they were in fact self-medicating.
That question led him to Walter Sheppard, chair of the entomology department at Washington State University and one of the world's leading experts on bees. With the help of researchers in Sheppard's lab and the US Department of Agriculture, they have spent the past several years dosing sugar-water feeders with extracts from the mycelium of various species of mushrooms and analyzing the effect on infected bees.
In both indoor experiments and outdoor field tests, bees that fed on mycelium extracts fared significantly better than those that drank only sugar water. In caged bees infected with DWV, the researchers observed an 800-fold decrease in virus titres (a measure of the level of virus in the bee's system) among bees dosed with amadou extract. The effect was less powerful in the field, which are less strictly controlled than lab trials—colonies fed reishi extract saw a 79-fold reduction in DWV, those fed amadou extract a 44-fold reduction—but the results were still highly significant. (In other field tests, bees fed reishi extract saw a remarkable 45,000-fold reduction in Lake Sinai virus—another disease ravaging honeybee populations.)
"It's shown a strong effect, stronger than anything I've seen," says geneticist Jay Evans, head of the USDA's Bee Research Laboratory, which analyzed the virus levels. Stronger, even, than RNA interference, another promising—but expensive—approach to fighting bee viruses that Evans himself is investigating. "I'm a little jealous," he says.
Stamets has received numerous patents on the extracts in the past year, and he plans to sell them on his website, fungi.com, a domain he says he has owned since 1994. "I'm not in this for the money," he says. "I walk my talk, and I use my business to fund further research."
More studies are always a good idea—especially for something as seemingly effective as these extracts. For one thing, it's not clear whether they will help rescue bee colonies long-term. Stamets' field studies took place over two months, in the summertime—but the hardest time of year for bees is winter. Future studies will need to examine how other colonies fed the extracts fare over six months or more, and how many survive that cold and deadly season.
It's also not clear how these extracts reduce the virus titres in infected bees. They could be boosting the bugs' immune systems. Or inhibiting the virus directly. Or affecting the way it replicates inside the bees. Or it could be something else. Whatever the mechanism, it'd be useful to understand it more fully before deploying the extracts on a wider scale. After all, there are also unforeseen consequences to consider.
"Whenever I hear about something like this, I immediately think of the risks and drawbacks," says Lena Wilfert, an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Ulm in Germany who studies the spread of viruses among honeybees. Of the known viral pathogens affecting the insects, she says, DWV poses the greatest threat of all, so she appreciates the potential benefits of powerful virus-nerfing agents. "But any time you apply a medication at large scale, you're going to have potential for resistance evolution in the thing it targets." Those questions have yet to be probed.
"We have to prove all this, you know? And thankfully, I've become more disciplined as a scientist, being around other scientists," says Stamets, who acknowledges that there's much more work to be done. "We're doing tests right now in several hundred more beehives. We're ramping up."
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incendixry-blog · 7 years
So I finally finished this.  I’m going to put it under the cut because it is long af! But please if you actually read it and think it’s a good idea give this a like, or comment maybe?  I could use the feedback but anyway enough stalling.
So since I ‘revamped’ Milo again I’ve been having… issues.  Mainly with myself but also with him.  As usual the cheeky little shit just does what he wants and flips everything I try to do upside down,  but this has been different.  Despite thinking I had developed a character I could be happy with; there were holes in his story- things that just didn’t make sense and more to the point he was acting strange, some days he could experience some extreme mood swings, sometimes at the drop of a dime seemingly.  Sometimes he would pester me for hours on end when I wasn’t in a sociable mood and others I’d have muse but he’d be unwilling to do anything.   While trying to figure out what the hell I created the term “Bipolar Disorder” crossed my mind and it seemed plausible enough at first, but the more I researched it; it began to fill in the holes I couldn’t make sense of. For starters Bipolar disorder (or manic depression if you prefer) has no specific cause but many feel that it can run in families like many other illnesses- mental or otherwise can.  This isn’t the only cause as also stress and trauma can contribute or be a cause for it, we’ll come back to this later.  With that though I must point out something else, there are technically two types of Bipolar disorder:  Bipolar I, and Bipolar II disorder.  The difference between the two are as follows: “Bipolar II disorder is not a milder form of bipolar I disorder, but a separate diagnosis. While the manic episodes of bipolar I disorder can be severe and dangerous, individuals with bipolar II disorder can be depressed for longer periods, which can cause significant impairment.” - (mayoclinic.org 2017) To compare the two would be like comparing apples to apples in my personal opinion as someone who has dealt with sever depression, either way both are life long and life altering, they affect the day to day lives of those who suffer; however it can be managed. Now how do I place Milo as having Bipolar disorder?  Well where his “highs” and “lows” are concerned he meets and serpasses the minimum qualifications for sure, and not every second of every day is someone who deals with Bipolar disorder switching between their hypomanic/manic and depressive episodes.  Each person is different; someone might rarely have an episode while someone- like Milo for example, will have several.  There are periods of time where a person can be themselves and not be affected by their illness.   Now with that said Hypomanic and Manic episodes are two separate things but their symptoms are the same.  Mania will cause more noticeable problems in a person’s life and while the symptoms may not seem that severe a manic episode could trigger a break in reality also known as psychosis which is far more concerning and will require hospitalization.  Both Manic and Hypomanic episodes need at least three symptoms to be classified as such (the severity will determine what kind of episode from what I gather) but instead of listing all of the symptoms I’m only going to list the ones that apply to Milo.
- Abnormally upbeat, jumpy, or wired - Increased activity, energy, or agitation - Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoric feeling) - Decreased need for sleep - Racing thoughts - Poor decision making (for example impulsively buying things, taking sexual risks, or making foolish investments)
In a hypomanic episode, the exaggerated self-confidence and poor decision making, could be seen as Milo just being a cheeky little shit.  But the idea that it could also be aggravated by, or aggravating his illness (with the latter being the more plausible) is just too coincidental.  As for being “jumpy, upbeat, or wired” it is more like he has a worse time staying still than normal.  If in a calm state he could very well be willing to curl up on the couch with someone, or just sit down and read.  During a hypomanic episode it takes a lot to get him to sit down and stay still, during a manic episode though; forget it you are lucky if you are able to get his attention at all.  That being said out of the eight symptoms listed on mayoclinc.org, Milo has six he only needed three for an episode to be classified as hypomanic. Now let’s move on to the opposite end of the spectrum.  For a depressive episode to be classified as such Milo needs to be experiencing five out of nine symptoms; again I’m only going to list the ones that apply to him to save some time.
- Depressed mood - Loss of interest or feeling no pleasure in any or most activities - Significant weight loss or weight gain/decrease or increase in appetite - Sleeping too much - Fatigue or loss of energy - Excessive and inappropriate feelings of guilt/worthlessness - Thinking about/planning/attempting suicide
Now addressing the elephant in the room, Milo will have thoughts of suicide, and at his worse he will plan it but he at this point he has only attempted once, and that was during his first experience with psychosis. (more on this soon) There are other symptoms for bipolar disorder, such as psychosis which I briefly mentioned before, and anxious distress both of which Milo has, had or will experience.  Unlike the weight loss and gain symptom- which I admit I added because it made him feel more human to me, the anxiousness as well as other symptoms listed are like some quirks he had back when I first made his blog.  Moving on it’s said the illness can be considered as “mixed” or “rapid cycling” with mood swings/episodes being affected by a number of things- “triggers” if you will, such as the seasons.  As far as Milo goes what I can tell is that the time of day actually affects his mood swings/episodes.  Long of the short is he tends to better at night than during the day, which when I think about the lifestyle he leads makes sense.  Speaking of which it’s kinda funny, while Milo is aware he is bipolar he does pretty much everything he’s been warned NOT to do because of his illness. Let’s start back at the beginning, the probable cause.  His mother Ann has been dealing with Bipolar II Disorder which more than likely was part of what caused the divorce between her and her husband.  However the fact his mother had the illness isn’t the sole reason why Milo has it as well.  Because Ann never was treated- never having been formally diagnosed, she dealt with her mood swings in her own way.   But at the cost of her son, Ann feared what she’d do to Milo in her mood swings, during her hypomanic episodes her son became a nuisance getting in the way of her work and her life, and during her depressive episodes she’d guilt herself for not being a better mother both episodes she’d been known to have a temper and to lash out.  Fearing physically harming her son after she’d fought so hard to get custody of him (which in honesty was a in part of hypomanic episode, and not solely out of spite) she locked herself in either her room or study to work through her mood swings.  Leaving Milo to whoever she’d hired to care for him, this lack of affection and later on aggression towards Milo would cause him to seek the attention he yearned for in other ways.  I won’t go into the nitty gritty details but until he met his now ex, Milo struggled with bipolar II his depressive episodes being far more frequent than his hypomanic, and his self-worth.  However upon getting with Asher things took a turn for Milo, until this point he at least had a positive influence and support in Wes @timidshot but Asher made sure he never saw his friend again after taking control of Milo’s life.  His illness became worse as he began suffering manic episodes, and this lead me to the biggest hole that just irritated me.  Milo leaving Asher, see a person subjected to so much abuse just doesn’t leave their abuser, so what would make Milo leave?  Suffice to say I found my answer, you see at one point after Wes left Milo had to face the reality he was horrifically alone.  He’d let Asher ruin everything from his education (forcing him to drop out), to his mental state getting worse and worse.  The one time he saw his mother after he’d moved in with his “boyfriend” he had been at his lowest and needed something to keep him going.  But she met him with utter indifference, Ann had accepted Milo abandoning everything as her own fault but seeing him again she assumed was him trying to piss her off- as he was prone to do.  Unable to find it within her to be angry, she just acting indifferent when in reality if she had acted angry even if she had acted happy to see him in some way, it would’ve made him want to live just because in his mind someone cared.  But indifference, killed the last flicker of hope Milo saw as an escape.  His mind snapped and that night slit his wrists not caring who saw or what happened because at that point death was the only escape possible to him.  He has few memories of the next few weeks but when he came too he was in a crisis center.  He underwent psychiatric evaluation and was diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder, it was this time he realized how out of control he really was from his life.  So when he was released into his mother’s care.  He begged Ann to let him move to New York, claiming it was to get away from Asher, in reality it was to get away from everyone.  She allowed it again unwilling to fight when she wanted to try to fix their relationship after almost losing her only son, she bought his ticket and gave him enough money to get started.  But now left to his own devices he doesn’t take his medications, and instead lives as he wants lying to himself that he needs to be in control for a while before he can listen to some doctors.  If you asked him about Asher he’d lie and say he left on his own accord, it’s too the point he’s convinced himself that the relationship he had with Asher wasn’t toxic and abusive and it “failing” was his fault.   This is where I wrap things up, I’ll be updating the blog pages within the next week or so.  But honestly I don’t do justice for Milo or for the illness as a whole because it’s a lot more than how I make it seem.  Anyway, thanks for taking the time to check this out! ^ w ^
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Being a Night Owl Is Linked to Depression
Being a Night Owl Is Linked to Depression by Dr. Mercola , articles.mercola.com April 27, 2017 Everyone has a chronotype that dictates when they are naturally predisposed to sleep and wake. For people with evening chronotypes, otherwise known as night owls, new research suggests your mental health could be influenced by the associated staying up late and sleeping in. The study, which was presented at the Endocrine Society's 2017 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, analyzed data from nearly 500 people with type 2 diabetes . 1 Those with a later chronotype had more symptoms of depression compared to those who go to bed early and wake early, 2 a finding that could also influence their diabetes outcomes, since depression is linked to diabetes complications. 3 , 4 It could be possible, then, that strategies to regulate your circadian rhythm, like exposure to sunlight during the day and avoidance of blue light at night, could also benefit your mental health. However, some people may have a hard time trying to live out of harmony with their chronotype. In this case, if you're a night owl and have no intention of trying to go to bed earlier, wear blue light-blocking glasses after the sun goes down to help protect your health. Regardless of chronotype, the study also found poor sleep quality was associated with depression symptoms — an important link that everyone should be aware of. The Link Between Sleep, Light Exposure and Depression Lack of sleep has long been linked to depression, but the new finding linking night owls with depressive symptoms could have its roots in light exposure at night. An animal study conducted at Ohio State University Medical Center found, for instance, that chronic exposure to dim light at night can cause signs of depression after just a few weeks. 5 The study also showed changes in hamsters' hippocampus similar to brain changes seen in depressed people, with researchers pointing out that rates of depression have risen along with exposure to artificial light at night. The link could be due to the production of the hormone melatonin , which is interrupted when you're exposed to light at night. There are many studies that suggest melatonin levels (and by proxy light exposures) control mood-related symptoms, such as those associated with depression. For instance, a study published by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University found that melatonin relieved seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is sometimes known as "winter depression." 6 The study found insomniacs have a circadian misalignment in which they are "out of phase" with natural sleeping times. While your body will begin to produce melatonin only after it's dark outside, the level of melatonin produced is related to the amount of exposure you have had to bright sunshine the previous day; the less bright light exposure the lower your melatonin levels. Yet another study about melatonin and circadian phase misalignment found a correlation between circadian misalignment and severity of depression symptoms. 7 Studies have also linked low melatonin levels to depression in a variety of populations, including multiple sclerosis patients 8 and post-menopausal women. 9 Is Exposure to LEDs Turning You Into a Night Owl? The other side of the coin is that we're in the midst of an unprecedented light experiment not only because of the widespread use of artificial light in general but also because over the past 20 years powerful blue LED (light-emitting diode) lights have been added to electronics like smartphones, computers and flat-screen TVs. LED lights are rapidly replacing earlier lighting technology, including incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The problem is that when your brain "sees" blue light at night, the mixed message can add up to serious health issues, and widespread ones at that since the use of TVs, computers and cell phones close to bedtime is so pervasive. In 2011, researchers found that evening exposure to LED-backlit computer screens affect circadian physiology. Among 13 young men, exposure to five hours of an LED-lit screen at night significantly suppressed melatonin production along with sleepiness. 10 Separate research revealed "blue light from light-emitting diodes elicits a dose-dependent suppression of melatonin in humans." 11 Looking at a tablet for even two hours in the evening is enough to suppress your body's natural nighttime rise of this hormone, 12 while bumping it up to four hours leads to reduced feelings of sleepiness, increased time to fall asleep (by about 10 minutes) and lower quality sleep compared to those who read paper books for the same period. So while the featured study didn't address this, it's quite possible that one reason why night owls have more depressive symptoms could be due to the increased exposure to blue light at night, and its corresponding effect on lowering melatonin levels. Sleep Therapy May Be Helpful for Depression The modern world does not cater to people with evening chronotypes, which means, if you're a night owl, you likely still have to get up early anyway. This means there's a good chance you're skimping on sleep as a result. This lack of sleep — whether by choice or due to a condition like insomnia — also increases your risk of depression. While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases and may even double your risk of becoming depressed. 13 Recent research also found that sleep therapy resulted in remarkable improvements in depressed patients. One study found that 87 percent of depression patients who resolved their insomnia had major improvements to their depression, with symptoms disappearing after eight weeks whether the person took an antidepressant or a placebo pill. Study participants received four biweekly talk therapy sessions, known as cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) , to treat their insomnia. 14 Unlike sleep hygiene therapy, which focuses on regular exercise, avoiding caffeine and alcohol at night and promotion of other healthy habits for restful sleep, CBT-1 teaches people to reserve their bed only for sleeping and involves the following guidance: Establish a regular wake-up time Get out of bed when you're awake Avoid eating, reading, watching TV or performing similar activities in bed Avoid daytime napping The study found that those who overcame their insomnia using this program recovered from their depression at nearly twice the rate of those who did not. If you're having trouble getting to bed on time because you're a night owl, it's possible that sleep therapy could help you to adjust your sleeping schedule as well. Tip No. 1 for Night Owls: Wear Blue-Blocking Glasses After Sundown If you regularly stay up late, I'd first recommend trying to adjust your sleep schedule so you're asleep by 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. — this is typically when your brain starts progressively increasing melatonin to make you sleepy. However, if you're awake after sundown, be sure you're wearing blue-blocking, amber-colored glasses. Red and amber lights will not suppress melatonin, while blue, green and white lights — the wavelengths that are the most common outdoors during daytime hours — will. Once you have your glasses on, it doesn't matter what light sources you have on in your house. I typically put them on around dusk, but if you struggle with sleep issues it would probably be wise to put them on even earlier, especially if your light exposure during the day has been limited. Alternatively, you could also shift to a low-wattage bulb with yellow, orange or red light at sundown if you need illumination. A salt lamp illuminated by a five-watt bulb is an ideal solution that will not interfere with your melatonin production. If using a computer or smart phone, install blue light-blocking software like f.lux. The program automatically alters the color temperature of your screen as the day goes on, pulling out the blue wavelengths as it gets late. Wearing the blue-blocking glasses is the simplest solution, however, and it's also effective. Studies have confirmed that when using blue-blocking glasses, people produce as much melatonin as they do in dim light, even if they're in a lit room or using light-emitting technology. 15 Other studies have shown that people using blue-blocking glasses had major improvements in both sleep quality and mood. Shift workers who use them before bedtime (i.e., in the morning when it's bright out) also report improved sleep. 16 How to Reset Your Body Clock It may not be possible, or advisable, to try to alter your innate chronotype. However, there are certainly some people who identify more as night owls primarily because of environmental factors and not necessarily because they're "hard-wired" that way. If you think the latter may apply to you, I recommend realigning your circadian rhythm to the natural rhythm of daylight and nightfall. Without this synchronization, aspects of your waking/sleeping system will be working at the less-than-ideal time. The following three factors will help "anchor" your biological rhythm, which will make falling asleep easier while promoting body clock synchronization and optimal health. Get bright daylight exposure, ideally around solar noon, for at least half an hour or more each day. This will "anchor" your circadian rhythm and make it less prone to drifting if you're exposed to light later in the evening. Then, in the evening, put on blue-blocking glasses and/or dim environmental lights and avoid the blue light wavelength (this includes LED light bulbs, TVs and most electronic gadgets) When it's time to go to sleep, make sure your bedroom is pitch black. I recommend installing blackout shades for this purpose or using a sleep mask. Also keep in mind that digital alarm clocks with blue light displays could have a detrimental effect, so if you have to have an LED clock, opt for one with a red display, and set it on its dimmest setting. Are You Ready to Get Some Sleep? Small adjustments to your daily routine and sleeping area can go a long way toward ensuring you uninterrupted, restful sleep — and thereby better health, both mental and physical. In addition to what was already discussed above, the following suggestions can also be helpful if you're having trouble falling or staying asleep. You can also review my 33 Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep for even more tips. ✓ Address mental states that prevent peaceful slumber A sleep disturbance is always caused by something, be it physical, emotional or bothAnxiety and anger are two mental states that are incompatible with sleep. Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities is another common sleep blocker. To identify the cause of your wakefulness, analyze the thoughts that circle in your mind during the time you lie awake, and look for themes. Many who have learned the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) find it is incredibly useful in helping them to sleep. One strategy is to compile a list of your current concerns, and then "tap" on each issue. To learn how to tap, please refer to our free EFT guide. ✓ Keep the temperature in your bedroom below 70 degrees Fahrenheit Many people keep their homes too warm (particularly their bedrooms). Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. ✓ Take a hot bath 90 to 120 minutes before bedtime This raises your core body temperature, and when you get out of the bath it abruptly drops, signaling your body that you're ready for sleep. ✓ Be mindful of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in your bedroom EMFs can disrupt your pineal gland and its melatonin production, and may have other detrimental biological effects. A gauss meter is required if you want to measure EMF levels in various areas of your home. Ideally, you should turn off any wireless router while you are sleeping — after all, you don't need the Internet when you sleep. ✓ Develop a relaxing pre-sleep routine Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day helps keep your sleep on track, but having a consistent pre-sleep routine or "sleep ritual" is also important. For instance, if you read before heading to bed, your body knows that reading at night signals it's time for sleep. Calming music, stretching, or doing relaxation or mindfulness exercises can also be helpful. ✓ Use a fitness tracker to help you get to bed on time and track which activities boost or hinder deep sleep To optimize sleep you need to make sure you're going to bed early enough. If you have to get up at 6:30 a.m., you're not going to get enough sleep if you go to bed after midnight. Many fitness trackers can now track both daytime body movement and sleep, allowing you to get a better picture of how much sleep you're actually getting, as opposed to the time you spend in bed. Newer fitness trackers can even tell you which activities led to your best sleep and what factors resulted in poor sleep. Original Page: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2017/04/27/being-a-night-owl-linked-to-depression.aspx Shared from Pocket
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sherristockman · 7 years
Being a Night Owl Is Linked to Depression Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Everyone has a chronotype that dictates when they are naturally predisposed to sleep and wake. For people with evening chronotypes, otherwise known as night owls, new research suggests your mental health could be influenced by the associated staying up late and sleeping in. The study, which was presented at the Endocrine Society's 2017 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, analyzed data from nearly 500 people with type 2 diabetes.1 Those with a later chronotype had more symptoms of depression compared to those who go to bed early and wake early,2 a finding that could also influence their diabetes outcomes, since depression is linked to diabetes complications.3,4 It could be possible, then, that strategies to regulate your circadian rhythm, like exposure to sunlight during the day and avoidance of blue light at night, could also benefit your mental health. However, some people may have a hard time trying to live out of harmony with their chronotype. In this case, if you're a night owl and have no intention of trying to go to bed earlier, wear blue light-blocking glasses after the sun goes down to help protect your health. Regardless of chronotype, the study also found poor sleep quality was associated with depression symptoms — an important link that everyone should be aware of. The Link Between Sleep, Light Exposure and Depression Lack of sleep has long been linked to depression, but the new finding linking night owls with depressive symptoms could have its roots in light exposure at night. An animal study conducted at Ohio State University Medical Center found, for instance, that chronic exposure to dim light at night can cause signs of depression after just a few weeks.5 The study also showed changes in hamsters' hippocampus similar to brain changes seen in depressed people, with researchers pointing out that rates of depression have risen along with exposure to artificial light at night. The link could be due to the production of the hormone melatonin, which is interrupted when you're exposed to light at night. There are many studies that suggest melatonin levels (and by proxy light exposures) control mood-related symptoms, such as those associated with depression. For instance, a study published by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University found that melatonin relieved seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is sometimes known as "winter depression."6 The study found insomniacs have a circadian misalignment in which they are "out of phase" with natural sleeping times. While your body will begin to produce melatonin only after it's dark outside, the level of melatonin produced is related to the amount of exposure you have had to bright sunshine the previous day; the less bright light exposure the lower your melatonin levels. Yet another study about melatonin and circadian phase misalignment found a correlation between circadian misalignment and severity of depression symptoms.7 Studies have also linked low melatonin levels to depression in a variety of populations, including multiple sclerosis patients8 and post-menopausal women.9 Is Exposure to LEDs Turning You Into a Night Owl? The other side of the coin is that we're in the midst of an unprecedented light experiment not only because of the widespread use of artificial light in general but also because over the past 20 years powerful blue LED (light-emitting diode) lights have been added to electronics like smartphones, computers and flat-screen TVs. LED lights are rapidly replacing earlier lighting technology, including incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The problem is that when your brain "sees" blue light at night, the mixed message can add up to serious health issues, and widespread ones at that since the use of TVs, computers and cell phones close to bedtime is so pervasive. In 2011, researchers found that evening exposure to LED-backlit computer screens affect circadian physiology. Among 13 young men, exposure to five hours of an LED-lit screen at night significantly suppressed melatonin production along with sleepiness.10 Separate research revealed "blue light from light-emitting diodes elicits a dose-dependent suppression of melatonin in humans."11 Looking at a tablet for even two hours in the evening is enough to suppress your body's natural nighttime rise of this hormone,12 while bumping it up to four hours leads to reduced feelings of sleepiness, increased time to fall asleep (by about 10 minutes) and lower quality sleep compared to those who read paper books for the same period. So while the featured study didn't address this, it's quite possible that one reason why night owls have more depressive symptoms could be due to the increased exposure to blue light at night, and its corresponding effect on lowering melatonin levels. Sleep Therapy May Be Helpful for Depression The modern world does not cater to people with evening chronotypes, which means, if you're a night owl, you likely still have to get up early anyway. This means there's a good chance you're skimping on sleep as a result. This lack of sleep — whether by choice or due to a condition like insomnia — also increases your risk of depression. While it was long thought that insomnia was a symptom of depression, it now seems that insomnia may precede depression in some cases and may even double your risk of becoming depressed.13 Recent research also found that sleep therapy resulted in remarkable improvements in depressed patients. One study found that 87 percent of depression patients who resolved their insomnia had major improvements to their depression, with symptoms disappearing after eight weeks whether the person took an antidepressant or a placebo pill. Study participants received four biweekly talk therapy sessions, known as cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), to treat their insomnia.14 Unlike sleep hygiene therapy, which focuses on regular exercise, avoiding caffeine and alcohol at night and promotion of other healthy habits for restful sleep, CBT-1 teaches people to reserve their bed only for sleeping and involves the following guidance: Establish a regular wake-up time Get out of bed when you're awake Avoid eating, reading, watching TV or performing similar activities in bed Avoid daytime napping The study found that those who overcame their insomnia using this program recovered from their depression at nearly twice the rate of those who did not. If you're having trouble getting to bed on time because you're a night owl, it's possible that sleep therapy could help you to adjust your sleeping schedule as well. Tip No. 1 for Night Owls: Wear Blue-Blocking Glasses After Sundown If you regularly stay up late, I'd first recommend trying to adjust your sleep schedule so you're asleep by 9 p.m. or 10 p.m. — this is typically when your brain starts progressively increasing melatonin to make you sleepy. However, if you're awake after sundown, be sure you're wearing blue-blocking, amber-colored glasses. Red and amber lights will not suppress melatonin, while blue, green and white lights — the wavelengths that are the most common outdoors during daytime hours — will. Once you have your glasses on, it doesn't matter what light sources you have on in your house. I typically put them on around dusk, but if you struggle with sleep issues it would probably be wise to put them on even earlier, especially if your light exposure during the day has been limited. Alternatively, you could also shift to a low-wattage bulb with yellow, orange or red light at sundown if you need illumination. A salt lamp illuminated by a five-watt bulb is an ideal solution that will not interfere with your melatonin production. If using a computer or smart phone, install blue light-blocking software like f.lux. The program automatically alters the color temperature of your screen as the day goes on, pulling out the blue wavelengths as it gets late. Wearing the blue-blocking glasses is the simplest solution, however, and it's also effective. Studies have confirmed that when using blue-blocking glasses, people produce as much melatonin as they do in dim light, even if they're in a lit room or using light-emitting technology.15 Other studies have shown that people using blue-blocking glasses had major improvements in both sleep quality and mood. Shift workers who use them before bedtime (i.e., in the morning when it's bright out) also report improved sleep.16 How to Reset Your Body Clock It may not be possible, or advisable, to try to alter your innate chronotype. However, there are certainly some people who identify more as night owls primarily because of environmental factors and not necessarily because they're "hard-wired" that way. If you think the latter may apply to you, I recommend realigning your circadian rhythm to the natural rhythm of daylight and nightfall. Without this synchronization, aspects of your waking/sleeping system will be working at the less-than-ideal time. The following three factors will help "anchor" your biological rhythm, which will make falling asleep easier while promoting body clock synchronization and optimal health. Get bright daylight exposure, ideally around solar noon, for at least half an hour or more each day. This will "anchor" your circadian rhythm and make it less prone to drifting if you're exposed to light later in the evening. Then, in the evening, put on blue-blocking glasses and/or dim environmental lights and avoid the blue light wavelength (this includes LED light bulbs, TVs and most electronic gadgets) When it's time to go to sleep, make sure your bedroom is pitch black. I recommend installing blackout shades for this purpose or using a sleep mask. Also keep in mind that digital alarm clocks with blue light displays could have a detrimental effect, so if you have to have an LED clock, opt for one with a red display, and set it on its dimmest setting. Are You Ready to Get Some Sleep? Small adjustments to your daily routine and sleeping area can go a long way toward ensuring you uninterrupted, restful sleep — and thereby better health, both mental and physical. In addition to what was already discussed above, the following suggestions can also be helpful if you're having trouble falling or staying asleep. You can also review my 33 Secrets to a Good Night's Sleep for even more tips. ✓ Address mental states that prevent peaceful slumber A sleep disturbance is always caused by something, be it physical, emotional or bothAnxiety and anger are two mental states that are incompatible with sleep. Feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities is another common sleep blocker. To identify the cause of your wakefulness, analyze the thoughts that circle in your mind during the time you lie awake, and look for themes. Many who have learned the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) find it is incredibly useful in helping them to sleep. One strategy is to compile a list of your current concerns, and then "tap" on each issue. To learn how to tap, please refer to our free EFT guide. ✓ Keep the temperature in your bedroom below 70 degrees Fahrenheit Many people keep their homes too warm (particularly their bedrooms). Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. ✓ Take a hot bath 90 to 120 minutes before bedtime This raises your core body temperature, and when you get out of the bath it abruptly drops, signaling your body that you're ready for sleep. ✓ Be mindful of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in your bedroom EMFs can disrupt your pineal gland and its melatonin production, and may have other detrimental biological effects. A gauss meter is required if you want to measure EMF levels in various areas of your home. Ideally, you should turn off any wireless router while you are sleeping — after all, you don't need the Internet when you sleep. ✓ Develop a relaxing pre-sleep routine Going to bed and getting up at the same time each day helps keep your sleep on track, but having a consistent pre-sleep routine or "sleep ritual" is also important. For instance, if you read before heading to bed, your body knows that reading at night signals it's time for sleep. Calming music, stretching, or doing relaxation or mindfulness exercises can also be helpful. ✓ Use a fitness tracker to help you get to bed on time and track which activities boost or hinder deep sleep To optimize sleep you need to make sure you're going to bed early enough. If you have to get up at 6:30 a.m., you're not going to get enough sleep if you go to bed after midnight. Many fitness trackers can now track both daytime body movement and sleep, allowing you to get a better picture of how much sleep you're actually getting, as opposed to the time you spend in bed. Newer fitness trackers can even tell you which activities led to your best sleep and what factors resulted in poor sleep.
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jadirp · 7 years
What is being healthy?
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." It is more a goal than a state, for several reasons. First, because the physical state varies from one time (one age) to another in the same person depending on his or her activity, diet, or the hours of sleep that she offers or refuses , Its environment, etc. Then because the human body is not static: it changes permanently. Between conception and adulthood, organs develop almost continuously (brain development is considered to cease only around the age of 25). After adulthood, the body continues to change according to whether it is stimulated or leaned; And of course it ages under the combined effect of physical activity, environment, diet, normal events (pregnancy (s), breastfeeding) or accidental life events. Yet one can say if someone is, or is not, "healthy". And it's relatively simple. In developed countries, people born without a disability and without chronic illness are most often healthy because they are properly fed and receive the basic vaccines that prevent the most serious illnesses of childhood (diphtheria, polio, measles , Tetanus). When they are "sick", it is temporary - they have a cold or bronchitis or gastroenteritis, which heals spontaneously in eight days because their immune system does the work. Some people born with a disability are, in spite of this, in very good health. A person who is deaf or partially sighted or even born without an arm can be otherwise perfectly healthy. Even when the disability is very embarrassing and compromises their social life, it does not necessarily affect their overall health or psychological health. Similarly, some people affected by chronic disorders (seasonal allergy to pollen, migraine) may otherwise be in perfect health and remain so. Allergies may disappear by changing region (or with appropriate treatment); Migraines may subside after menopause (for women) or after changing jobs or resolving family concerns (for both genders). People with a seasonal allergy or a migraine are not in poor health. They carry a physical characteristic that sometimes causes painful symptoms but does not affect their future health. Good but when you have nothing special, how do you know if you are healthy? More often than not, one worries about one's health only in two circumstances 1 ° one does not feel well 2 ° we do not feel bad but we want it to last. I do not feel well, am I sick? Let us take the first instance. You may feel ill (or sick) occasionally (as in the above-mentioned cases of a benign respiratory or digestive infection). But from a general point of view, all benign diseases heal spontaneously in one to two weeks. So anything that lasts less than eight days is, a priori, benign. (Between eight and fifteen, it is also very likely.) Some frequent symptoms are painful but do not mean that we are in poor health: "Mechanical" pain: having a pain in a limb or back is not necessarily a sign of ill health (or illness). When this pain appears in certain positions or after certain movements, it is very probably muscular and not serious. The muscles of the body hurt when they are over-stressed. Pain is a warning, and not necessarily a symptom of ill health or disease. Occasional pain (especially when it is brief) is not worrying Digestive disorders (constipation, accelerated bowel movements, heartburn). Their brevity (once again - less than eight days) is a sign of their benignity. Beyond eight days (or if they are so important as to interfere with everyday life) they justify a consultation but it does not make them serious.
Fatigue: this is not a sign of ill health, it is a signal that the brain sends us to tell us that we make (or that we undergo) too much. In other words, we do not heal fatigue, we cure the causes of fatigue. The first treatment of fatigue (when possible) is rest and sleep. Sometimes you do not know how to stop to rest. We must ask his relatives to force us to stop. Lack of appetite: everyone has the right to skip a meal (including children over two years old when they are too busy to eat). Skipping a meal was (is) serious when the population suffers from starvation. This is not the case in plethora countries such as Western Europe or North America. Moms will always have an interest in not fighting with their child who is not hungry. As one of my pediatrician patrons used to say to a worried mother: "Your fridge and cupboards are full. I have never seen a hen let hungry on a pile of grain. What are the signs that you may be sick? Fatigue, which is not repaired by sleep and rest, and a considerable lack of energy in the morning at rising for several weeks; - a lack of appetite which does not concern a single meal but several, for several days or weeks; - a regular and marked weight loss (several kilos in a few weeks) in someone who does not diet - a disappearance of sexual desire whereas before it was good (NB: in a woman, the temporary disappearance of desire can be linked to many benign things, starting with an inappropriate hormonal contraception ... In a man, before sixty years, The lasting disappearance of desire is never benign.) These symptoms should prompt you to consult. I feel good but I would like it to last. What should I do about it? - You feel good, since always (you happen to have bad here or there or to be seized but it never lasts long) - Your weight is stable, neither too high nor too low - You eat to your hunger (no more) and with good appetite - You sleep well, and when you sleep less, you catch up on the following night (s) - You have never been hospitalized for anything other than appendicitis or a minor accident - You do not take long-term medication - You are not completely sedentary (you walk half an hour a day at least) - You do not smoke - You have regular and pleasant sexual activity - Your parents are in fairly good health and / or have attained the age of seventy years without major health problems - You get along quite well with your spouse - Your children (if you have any) tanned you but "fart the form" - You do not (too) worry about money or work So, reasonably, you have good reason to think that it will last. Enjoy life. You do not know how long it will last (nobody knows it) but as long as you live it, do as much as you can to be good ...
What is being healthy? from Blogger http://ift.tt/2mUh5Mv via IFTTT
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