#but lol cutie goes above and beyond
gin-draws · 6 years
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Figuring out how I want to draw our d&d party, so I doodled some Lil Cutie- our goblin fighter/tinker.. She’s a wildcard.
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harmonytre · 4 years
Comic Plans
Current Projects:
Prismtale (Mondays): An Undertale AU involving NPCs and multiverse travelling. Multi-chapter comic and ongoing.
Mistbreak (Tuesdays): A Steven Universe AU with about 5 pages left of the comic. Then it will become an ask/drabble/design blog.
Flicker of a Neon Soul (Wednesdays): An Undertale AU where monsters have colored soul traits and humans have white soul traits. 10+ chaptered comic with many plans and plot.
Taffy and Steven (Thursdays): A Steven Universe where Steven and his gem are split into different people and Taffy is a wholesome boyo. One page left of the comic, then will become an ask/edit blog with occasional comics.
Future Fandom Projects:
Pokemon Nuzlocke Comics: Multiple regions and an overarching plot. I need to finish playing and writing the first arc before starting the comic. (long term)
Who I Am: A Pokemon comic where James from Team Rocket is a were-pokemon. I need to rewrite it first. About 7 to 8 chapters. (medium length)
Other Undertale AUs: Certain AUs will be revealed in Prismtale and turn into side blogs, and others will be one time comics. (varies)
Future Original Projects:
(One of these I want to make extremely interactive. Like the audience makes choices for the characters.)
Phantulfurs: A comic about teens with powers to see creatures no one else can. I’ve rewritten the first chapter multiple times, but I need to really write it out before starting the comic. About ten arcs. (long term)
Skryculars: A sequel to the above story. (medium length)
The Journeyers: A multi-book series with my cousin. About ten books. Involves animals, powers, and romance. Won’t give information beyond that. (long term)
Unnamed Animated Series: Still need to design the two main characters, but they’ll travel through many worlds from my dream world. (long term youtube series)
Unnamed Wings Story: Decided many many characters for a high school story with wings. Lots of diversity and LGBTQ. Problem is I don’t like writing high school stories and have no plot. ;^; (medium? short?)
Unnamed Long Term Comic: A story about a space girl with wings, a nonbinary person that can shapeshift and communicate with animals, twins with water and plant powers, and an angsty wholesome skeleton bean. No plot yet. (long term)
Short Term (below the cut, any catch your interest?)
(keep in mind many of these I wrote the descriptions for years ago or based off of dreams.)
“Orphan Dog” and “Martha’s Pack” An orphan finds out she can talk to dogs and realizes they are the key to finding her missing parents. (Wrote when I was 8, rewrote partially when I was 13. So very cheezy. Would be even cheezier if I didn’t rewrite it, but still drew quality serious art XD.)
“The Agency” A girl named Jill has secrets. Major secrets. For one, she can turn into any animal at will including extinct, Fantasy, or hybrids. Don’t forget that she can also turn invisible and do telepathy. (Not to mention she runs an entire secret animal spy community…) When her best friend and spy ally, Izabella the opossum, goes missing, she must find what it means to be a true friend and showing that it’s what’s inside that counts. (Actually liked this one too. Even if it’s also cheezy.)
1. “Moos” A boy is adopted by cows and is granted the power to understand animals and turn into a cow.
2. “Moos: Vile Meat” Hoover is back and he must defeat the evil Haystack, a human entrapping calfs in little domes for eternity.
3. “Moos: Cold Cuts” Hoover finds a new ally, one who creates...snow?
4. “Moos: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey” Haystack is back and Hoover and his friends must defeat him before he turns all pigs into stone. (Cheezy series?)
“Extraordinaries” Emma, her friend, Millie, her brother, Clark, and her dog, Charlie, have to travel to a faraway land to save Emma’s mother, who has been poisoned. Along the way Emma and the team must find how to deal with their newfound powers of Imagination. (This one was also pretty good! A story from Nanowrimo a few years ago.)
“The Hummingbird Did It” A hummingbird turns a lazy boy into a dog. The boy must venture across country to find the cure. (Was kinda boring and just me having fun with google maps lol.)
“Sunshine and Rainbows” A girl is taken to another world by rainbow dust and must find her way back to Earth. (Can’t actually remember this one.)
“Nature’s Lifeforce” A boy and girl are given the power to turn into any woodland creature and talk to trees. (Also can’t remember, but sounds cool.)
“Ravens” A girl named Hannah, a boy named Billy, a boy named Cameron, a girl named Lyla, and a boy named Clark, among other students, have their wishes come true. This creates a problem as Cameron becomes a dog, Lyla becomes a cat and Hannah and Billy become ravens. They fix the problem for everyone except Hannah and Billy, but embark on an adventure to find the scientist who can help them. (Based on a dream, I think.)
“Dragon wings” Hiccup and Toothless accidentally sit down someplace weird. They switch bodies and Toothless claims to have heard someone press a button. (ASDFGHJKL WHAT?! HTTYD short story)
“Melody Dreambubble” A weird new pony arrives in Ponyville. Twilight is curious to find that she has no Cutie Mark, was raised by wolves, and bears mysterious powers. (My Little Pony, kinda self insert, short story)
“Eyes of Gold/The Tower” A Fan Fiction based on The Ever Afters series and two stories rolled into one. Rory finds that her two best friends have been poisoned by a new dragon species/As Rory is about to enter a tower to save Chase a random girl shows up out of nowhere and has a weird habit of annoying Adelaide. (Was my first ever self insert? And based on a book series unlike the rest? Cool! Oh I even wrote ten whole pages! Neat. Featuring a girl chasing a dragon with a bedpan!)
“Roadkill” A man purposely runs over a deer on a freeway. The deer’s best friend curses the man, later to regret it because he has to undo the curse himself. (Lol, this was interesting.)
“Melissa and Steven Started a Food Fight” A completely random book that takes the characters through an adventure of explosions, unicorns, and talking squirrels. (Used a random prompt generator. Very random. And funny.)
“Before it’s Gone” A snooty teen crashes in her car and finds a surprise when she wakes up. (Oh yeah, another old story. She turned into a dog and none of the other dogs believed her.)
“The Unicorn Killer” A short story about poachers and Julia. (Yep. Short story.)
1. “Feathers of Gold” A logical young bird griffin, Gabriel, wants to find a way to stop to war between bird and lion in his land, Genetica.
2. “Scales of Emerald” A shy young dragon, Emmie, tries to keep her land, Reptilia, from destruction.
3. “Hair of Crystal” A brave young unicorn, Crystal, tries to find a way to join together the leaders of the land of Equinsta.
4. “Flames of Ruby” A vain young phoenix, Flaxter, tries to capture the eyes of girls. Taken place in the land of Flamia.
5. “Gems Unite” Gabriel, Emmie, Crystal, and Flaxter find out they are The Gems, the only ones who can save their world, Animagicia, from the beings, called Humurns, that are trying to destroy it. They must come together and find who they truly are. (Might have fun with this series. I’ve always loved mythical animals.)
“The Distance from Sam” An 8 year-old St. Bernard named Barry, a 3 year-old Golden Retriever named Mick, and a 1 year-old Sheltie named Sandy set off to return to their owner Sam, after being kidnapped and sent across country. (Kinda like Homeward Bound. Came in mind when I saw these three dogs alone by a street, no humans around.)
“The Skilled” Andy and Ashley(both fifteen) and their eight year-old siblings, twins Alex and Alexa, gain powers from the sewers. All: understand animals and fly, Andy: talk to toys, Ashley: speak to plants, Alex and Alexa: psychic powers. “I used to think my toys would come to life when I was gone. I guess I was right.”-Andy. Based on a dream. (Too many “A” names, oof. Also, toy Story much?)
“The Moon’s Eye” A teenage girl named April gets trapped under a snow drift and wakes up to be a wolf. A nearby wolf pack needs her aid and calls her The Mooneye, a changeling. (Cool. Cool.)
“Unusual Forces of Omnipotence” A woman and her horse are supposedly crushed by a U.F.O. When Tanaya wakes up she finds out she has super strong senses and can run as fast as her horse. Pluto the alien knows he’s going to be in trouble if his planet finds out he crash landed and accidentally gave a human the powers of her horse. He tries to fix it. Told from Tanaya, Sunray (the horse), and Pluto’s point of view. Based on a dream. (Sounds interesting! Title came from before I knew UFO was an acronym lol.)
“The Lawn” Unknown to humans, a yard full of statues come alive at night. There is an elk, two bears, four buffalo, a wolf, an eagle, three horses, a small boy, a moose, a bighorn sheep, and a rabbit. (Based on a real lawn I’d see on the way to school.)
“Dragon Eyes” Max has an ordinary life, until his family, him, and his three friends, Alice, Peter, and Samuel, are transported to another world. His parents are then kidnapped and they have to fight against an evil Mother Nature. Based on a dream. (Interesting. The dream was freaky.)
“Sweet Treat” Emily’s dad works at a candy factory, and one day she visits him and realizes his work is not all it seems… Based on a dream. (What? I don’t remember what was different about his work???)
“The Flight of the Supernatural” Randy thinks he is mostly a normal kid. Sure, he and his dad live inside a mountain, and sure, some flying species of human killed his mother, that doesn’t mean he can’t live normal life homeschooling and watching TV. But unfortunately, Randy’s life turns around when he finds out he can fly. Is his father telling the truth? Did his own species kill his mother? Based on a dream. (Actually REALLY loved this story.)
“Whispering Willow” A girl named Willow helps 20 wolf cubs escape a pet store and then is recruited by a zoo. Pretty soon all of the animals know her as Whisper. Based on a dream. (Cool. another animal whisperer.)
“The Invasion of Our Minds” Little black aliens invade Earth and only one person can stop them: Julia. Based on a dream. (Oh RIGHT! Yeah I remember that.)
“The Marble Island(Possibly a short story?)” Julia goes on a trip to a new marble island only to find the owner turns people into stone figurines. Based on a dream. (Links to the previous story, I think.)
“Have some candy!” Violet, an expert on strange occurrences, needs to help a group of people who mysteriously turned into animals after attempting to grab candy bars from a bin in a local store. Based on a dream. (More animal transformation.)
“The Guide to Mythical Creatures I Made Up” A guide to everything from the Mystic Melody to the Gollan. (I don’t remember either of their designs! :P )
“Trying to Get Back to Mom” Michael and Annabelle meet new friends, while they frantically try to reunite with their mother. (Don’t remember.)
“Surprise of the Future” Pearl travels to the future and has to fight her now-evil brother in his stone mansion. (Not Pearl from SU. Based on a dream.)
“All for You” A man has to overcome many obstacles, such as mermaids, yellow smoke wolves, and magic maps, to save the world and his girl. (Oh yeah, this was a cool one. Based on a song, but I can’t remember which one.)
“The Stranger at the Door” Keith and Amber have lived with their grandmother for many years, but now they live alone and nobody knows. Then a strange girl arrives at the door. She claims they will have to leave town within 2 hours or risk being stuck in a quarantine zone. There will be traffic jams and other hindrances, so it's best to leave right now without taking anything with you. Unsure about everything, including this strange girl, the teenage boy disagrees to the proposal, if all this turns out to be true, this choice will seem foolish. His younger sister does agree. But what if this strange girl can't be trusted. Or what if all this is an elaborate trap. How could an ordinary teenage girl and boy end up in a situation like this. Time to find out. (Oh, a quarantine story? How long ago was this? 2017 I think.)
“The Beginning of the Hybrid Brothers” A backstory that shines a light on how Ralph the Rat-Man and Dr. Discord came to be evil. (YES, MY TWO VILLAINS NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT BUT ARE STILL DEAR TO MY HEART HNNNNNNNG.)
“Unnamed but same as the blank” A girl named, _____, lives in a family of nine. She and her mother are the only ones who aren’t “Morhumals”, or people who can turn into one animal. After the twins mess-up and send a “Morhumals” hunter after them, it is up to ___ and her sister, ____ to rescue them.
“Song of the Siren” ____ is back after her fourteenth birthday. She finally has received her animal and must follow her family to the mythed Siren hideout.
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Could you do the chocobros (+Ardyn and Ravus) taking care of their significant other while she's on her period?
These hcs have been sitting in my google docs for a week now--but hey, they’re ready!!! I ended up with eight pages of headcanons so brace yourself lol; wrote these while i was suffering from the very thing i was writing about. what a life.
HC: The Bros + Ardyn and Ravus taking care of their SO on their period!
Noct knew that periods existed, he swore that he did, but he just kinda… forgets.
So when he came home to see you dying on your couch, he was just… ??? “Uh, babe? You okay?”
“NO, Noct, I’m not o-fucking-kay--”
It was only when he called Ignis that he figured out what was going on, with Ignis exasperatedly having to remind Noct that hey, people get periods!
It was a short phonecall, luckily
And it didn’t take Noct too long to get with the program
Softness increases to 110%
Mutual laziness increases to 70%
Caring for his SO increases to 2000%
He does his best--but he also kinda. Just. I dont wanna say it but he doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal until he sees you crying over cramps, then he realizes that periods suck and that you just need your stupid boyfriend to give you the love and support that you deserve
After that, he gets better!!!
“NoCT, can you please go get me my meds? And some water--”
“Can’t you do it yourself--” He always freezes, remembering how bad it can be, “Shit, sorry, babe--” He already started getting up, bringing out a bit of your favorite snack as an apology, “You know I’m an idiot.” He said when he handed you your meds and your fave candy bar
You know, and for whatever reason, you still loved him
He kinda has to learn what to do and what not to do just because he feels too unsure to ask anyone
Unfortunately, it was also through trial and error that he realized how sensitive you can sometimes be when your period is knockin’ at the front door
He found out through multiple crying sessions--and yes, it was usually his fault, but he was always insanely good about making it up to you with food, cuddles, and movie marathons
He’s the boyfriend who goes to the store for tampons and pads for you, sees the giant aisle of them, and while he isn’t embarrassed to be seen buying shit for his SO, he has absolutely no idea what to get and literally grabs the first shit he sees
And of course, you send him right back with a picture of the brand you actually like and a pad in his hand just so he can get it right the second time
Cue the mental image of Noctis comparing the pad in his hand to the color of pad packaging in stores
“They’re both green so it’s gotta be right… right???”
In summary: Noctis is a dumbass and can be a bit insensitive about periods simply because he’s really not around women or anyone who gets periods, but he really does try to remedy his ignorance and any mistakes he makes
Prompto, too, has never really had much experience with girls or periods or people with periods and he just. He tries so hard--he really does
He gets you a new teddy bear every single time (at some point, you know you’re gonna have to tell him that he can’t keep buying you new bears, but it’s so cute that you don’t want him to stop)
He’s the one who gets sympathy pain
I promise, the second he catches wind that you’re on your period, he’s out the door trying to find your favorite of everything
If you send him to the store for pads, he comes back with one of everything and lots of tears in his eyes, “Babe--I didn’t know what you wanted so I just bought everything im sorry oh gods”
He’s the pitiful soul who blushes as he buys all the pads and tampons and looks like he’s gonna cry
He’s the one who pulls a cart full of sanitary products to the first register he sees and is crying as he looks in the clerk’s eyes and cries, “My SO is on their period i dont know what they like help me please”
Christ, he’s a mess but he’s your mess and you love him
He comes back with every single snack he knows you so much as look at
Cravings? He’s got your back.
Like, you mention this shit you want half heartedly and then he disappears for three hours and comes back with a weighted blanket, heating pad, and three bags of those weird chips you were craving
He’s always blushing and frantic, but he blushes the hardest when you ask him to lay with you and cuddle
Ofc he does it--he loves it, but the bold, straightforward way you ask has him blushing head to toes
He once caught himself wishing people got periods more often just so he could hold you like this more often--he accidentally said it out loud, and you only snuggled into his chest more and told him to shut up and hold you tighter
Prompto is a mess but he tries so, so hard just to make you comfortable and content
He once drove for twenty minutes to find your favorite candy bar (and he would do it again, no question)
When you cry bc emotions, he starts to tear up, too
He always says, “Babe, if you cry, I’ll start crying and then we’ll both be crying and I don't think either of us can handle that on an emotional level” and then you both cry anyways
He likes to sing to you when you guys cuddle, his voice is soft but husky in the perfect way that lulls you to sleep
If you fall asleep in his arms, he falls asleep, too
He’s the extra bf who goes above and beyond unnecessarily, merely because he doesn’t know how else to help you
Holy Behemoth Batman! One of these idiots is properly aware of periods!!!
And it’s this one. Bravo, Gladdy, bravo. Fans everywhere are cheering your name.
In all seriousness, he is aware and actually knows how to handle someone who is on their period
Iris used to get some pretty bad periods, and with their mom not around and their dad always busy, it was Gladio who had to help her out and actually explain them to her in the first place (he’s never gonna forget when Iris ran up to him one morning while crying and shouting about bloody underwear)
So, needless to say, he ain’t shy during that time of the month. In fact, he knows more tips and tricks than you do, simply because he was one hell of a big bro for Iris
Heating pads? Blankets? Snacks? Damn good brands of sanitary products? He’s got it all and you didn’t even have to ask, like holy shit
Back when you guys were just starting out your relationship, you had actually gotten your period once while at his place and when you told him you’d have to go home because you forgot your products, he was like, “Oh--hang on. You prefer pads or tampons???” and pulls out a giant basket with a lobster on it, labelled ‘Menstruation Crustacean’
He said that he liked to be prepared in case Iris was over
What an absolute legend of a bf. Like, after that, you knew you weren’t letting this fucker go.
He rubs your stomach if you’re having really bad cramps and doesn’t even have to be asked to go grab you some pain meds--it’s like he has a sixth sense or some shit
Really, really chill about periods as a whole like he’s not scared to go to the store for you and he gets the right products!!!
Sometimes, when you get so sore and crampy that you can’t move, he’ll carry you around in his arms and doesn’t complain once
Will change your bloody sheets and isn’t the slightest bit grossed out--doesn’t mind emptying the bathroom trashcan either
Similar to Prompto, he loves to hold you and hum to you. He won’t sing, but even his absent minded humming while he holds you to his chest under one arm and reads some random book lulls you to sleep with ease
Quite frankly, probably the best of the bros when it comes to periods
He’s not scared of them. He doesn’t care if it gets messy, he knows what to do, like. Shit. Fuckin’ winner over here.
Ignis, much like everyone else, does not have that much experience with periods. Didn’t really have many folks with periods around and he’s never had a SO before
So you would think he’s a hot mess--but nO! He would nEvER
He googled and he googled and he googled and he asked coworkers (always respectfully ofc) and he googled some more
He has an arsenal of tips and tricks and guides and everything--but he does lack the hands on experience
He will help you and he will buy you everything you need and more--but there will always be the hesitation of someone who doesn’t really know what they’re doing
One time, Ignis tried to rub your belly to help with cramps, but he only succeeded in tickling you and embarrassingly had to admit he doesn’t really know where his hand should be
Ugh what a cutie pie
He’s patient and sweet and he does all these small things for you without even telling you, and when you do notice, you feel like your heart is just gonna burst and vomit affection everywhere
He’s still a little embarrassed and shy when you boldly demand cuddles, but he does it nonetheless (he fucking loves it though he will never admit to it)
He’s the SO who cleans up bloody sheets and quietly gets blood stains out of your clothes while you’re vomiting from cramps, but never, ever makes a big deal out of it and does it with the caring affection of a kind man in love
Bumps his pun game to 110% to try and make you laugh
Knows which subjects and what phrases and words to avoid to prevent your emotions from blowing up
Even if they do, he never takes rude words to heart and he always comforts you lovingly, giving you a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek
He keeps an eye on you
If you shift uncomfortably, he’s there with a heating pad
If you’re meds are wearing off, he already has more in hand
Sometimes, if you want to cuddle, you only have to look at him a certain way before he’s sighing and climbing into bed next to you, reminding you that if you were anyone else he wouldn’t go this far
He just dotes on you in the quietest ways possible
Insensitive Dumbass Part 2
Yes, he knows people get periods. Does he care? No.
Not until he falls in love with you, at least.
Cramps? Can’t be that bad. Migraines? Just mere headaches. Aches and pains? Probably nothing. He dismisses each symptom right up until you come into his life
Because when you guys get together--he gets to see firsthand just how bad everything can get
Oh gods you’re crying from it all?? VOmitting??? HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW--
He felt like a right dick (and he should)
But he was also quick to change his tune, because the love of his life can’t suffer like this
Not while he’s around!!!
He’s quick to ask Luna what to do, and thank god at least one sibling in their family is sympathetic and not a mess and a fucking half otherwise he’d be doing things through trial and error (not that he didn’t, even with the help)
He does everything by the written list Luna had given him (she knew he wasn’t gonna remember everything), even years after you two got together (he likes to use it as a benchmark of sorts to know when he’s doing everything you need)
The first few times you had sent him to the store because you ran out of supplies, he had absolutely no idea what to get and any poor employees who tried to help him earned the most aggressive, hostile glare he could muster
He ends up calling Luna, too, because how is he supposed to call you and tell you that he doesn’t know what to get??? And have you think he’s incapable??? NO! He was gonna be the best bf and get exactly what you fucking needed or so help him--
He’s just very aggressively in love. Little bit of a dick but he changes and grows as a person into the kinda man we can all love and support and who will love and support us right back!!!
He does his best but he doesn’t want to seem incapable of being helpful
Likes to remind you when your medicine is supposed to wear out so he can show that he’s some use
Anytime he gives you a massage or rubs your back or smth, he’s always giving you nervous, uncertain glances just to make sure you’re content or that he’s helping
Always giving you nervous glances just to check that you’re okay (he really loves you, he’s just not sure how to show it)
Lots of hugs and kisses but he’s embarrassed about all the skinship when you want cuddles (don’t get him wrong, he really, really loves it; he’s just… not sure what to do with all these feelings)
He learns how to be a supportive, wonderful SO when you’re on your period and maybe one day he might actually remember your favorite brand (but don’t get your hopes up too much at that)
Back in Ardyn’s day, periods weren’t exactly talked about, so the first few times you mentioned them, he was absolutely flabbergasted that you would blatantly talk about something that was considered so private
If he hadn’t been a healer, he wouldn’t have known near as much about them as he did
But even as a healer, periods were still something considered a woman’s subject and were usually left for women healers and mothers to handle so he could rarely do much
But then--Ardyn had to get pretty fuckin’ used to periods because you were pretty much out of commission when your “aunt irma” came to visit
First couple times you got your period while with Ardyn, they weren’t so bad, but then they went right back to their normal symptoms
When Ardyn came home to see you curled up in a ball, clutching your abdomen and trying to just keep your eyes shut to block out the light, he had thought you were terribly, terribly sick
“Darling--what’s wrong? What happened--” He was genuinely concerned and worried, his brow furrowed and mouth drawn in a worried frown. He hadn’t realized that your periods were so debilitating, so to see you like this, he had thought something even worse had happened
You only managed a groan when you tried to talk, and that only made him rush over even more, trying to lift your arms to see where you were injured, “Darling, please--”
“‘M fine,” you tried to say, “It’s just--fuck,” You hissed as a particularly bad cramp came your way, “--fine, jus’, that time of the month.” You wheezed, laying your head back down on your pillow
And that was when Ardyn realized just how terrible the symptoms could be
He was a worried man. Absurdly worried actually, and sometimes it made you want to laugh if everything didn’t hurt so badly
Ardyn was the kind of man to do absolutely anything and everything for his love, so that’s what he did
You never had to leave the bed for anything unless you really wanted to
Ardyn would deliver your pain meds on the clock, always accompanied by the most ridiculously jeweled goblet he could find (he was always one to be amusingly over the top and treat you like a queen, but his dramatics always cheered you up)
He was usually by your side unless you requested some alone time, and then he would respectfully kiss your forehead, say “Of course, darling. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call--I am always at your disposal,” and close the door quietly as he left
Otherwise, he would be laying in bed with you, one arm wrapped around your shoulder and the other holding some old book or resting across his stomach as he took a nap beside you
He would give you massages wherever you ached and he would provide herbal remedies from back in his day that were pretty good at relieving aches and pains
Ardyn’s innuendos and teasings would go on the back burner during this time--unless you instigated it
If you didn’t, he might tease you here and there, but always the tiniest, most light hearted things and it was always said in the softest teasing tones
All your feelings are valid to him, hormonal or otherwise, and he will listen to every word you say as though they were your last
Yes, you were usually treated like royalty by him, but it somehow increased exponentially when that time of the month arrived
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 018: Please Don’t Cut His Dad in Half
Previously on BnHA: Ochako showed that punk Kumogiri what’s what. Iida managed to escape and get help. Bakugou and Kirishima hung out together for a few pages. Aizawa was basically fucking tortured, but somehow still saved Tsuyu’s life and I’m planning to name my firstborn child after him. Deku used One for All without dying. All Might finally showed up after seven years to kick some ass.
Today on BnHA: All Might storms in to save the day, but ends up in over his head. Or under his head. There is a whole suplex thing going on which is compounded by the usage of portals. It’s really fucking weird. Deku tries not to do anything stupid but then almost does something stupid. Kacchan, Todoroki, and Kirishima descend onto the scene looking way more badass than a trio of 15-year-olds has any right to be.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 27 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.) 
oh we have another one of these little side chapter things like what we got with the last volume change
actually, there’s not much here, but this little bit is worth a gander
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these quirks are fucking wild sometimes. did this guy’s hands really turn into water spouts back when he was four. or is that just part of his costume
I suppose if he can control water then he can just make water hands like that lady from The Legend of Korra. idk, I myself like having hands. my own human hands which I have just two of and no extras and which don’t disintegrate anything I fucking touch
Thirteen is such a little cutie, I want a plush of them
that’s about it so let’s move on now
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Todoroki makes his cover debut! and surprisingly, so does Kirishima! I guess we’re gonna get some more hijinks with these two. excellent
(ETA: I actually felt like they got only minimal hijinks in the end, but it’s still nice to see them getting that cover recognition)
Facepalm also makes his cover debut. could have done without tbh
I see you in the top left corner there Bakugou
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looooool what the sunshiney hell is this
I note that this volume is called All Might! that sounds promising
this thing Deku’s riding in is wearing enormous fucking shoes for absolutely no goddamn reason
some sort of steampunk medieval chicken in doc martens
“this is no time to be drawing mixed-up junk like this!” I just. I don’t even know
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look at all these fucking hands
Iida getting dangerously close to Nazi salute territory there. just... be careful, Iida
no fucking thank you, table of contents. keep your spoilers to yourself!
finally the actual chapter!
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(ETA: I don’t feel like my initial reaction conveyed just how much I loved this part. what I love about All Might -- one of the many things I love about him -- is his empathy. he genuinely cares so much, not only about everyone’s safety, but also about their well-being. like, he doesn’t just want to keep people safe; he also wants them to feel safe, and he goes above and beyond to reassure them that everything will be okay. he doesn’t just go out there and save people, he also inspires courage and strength in others.
and he’s so upset here when he hears about everything that happened. but even now, he barely shows it on the surface (Deku is the only one who notices he’s not smiling), because he knows it’s not what the kids need. and if you look at how everyone reacts, at how the kids’ fears are immediately put to ease and they all feel like the day has been saved -- it all just goes to show that it works.)
“my colleagues did their best” somehow that sounds strangely patronizing which I don’t necessarily appreciate, given all the shit that Aizawa in particular has been through today. THEY FUCKING DISINTEGRATED HIS ARM, ALL MIGHT. HIS FUCKING ARM. AND THEN CRUMPLED IT LIKE TINFOIL
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oh shit I just noticed that
“I’ve been waiting, hero. you’re worthless trash.” whoa now. do you want to die fast or slow, son?
everyone please look at the way All Might is skipping down these motherfucking stairs
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and apparently this is striking fear into the hearts of these men
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actually he seems to have trampled like six people on his way down the stairs, so maybe their fear was justified
and now he’s checking Aizawa
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my god Aizawa is soooo tiny compared to AM in his full-blown superhero form
(ETA: okay so when I watched the anime version of this I noticed that All Might calls him “Aizawa-kun”, and I don’t know why but that just wrecked me even more. it makes me wonder how well they actually know each other? or if All Might might possibly be older than him?)
(actually, how old is All Might, anyway? his muscle form is pretty hard to judge, and his Skinny Steve self doesn’t seem that old, but if Aizawa is 30 and Might is referring to him as -kun, then he’s at least the same age and most likely older. I’m guessing mid-thirties, but that may just be because I want to date him)
he just kinda plops him onto his shoulder and turns to face the remaining bad guys
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whaaaat... the fuck...
Facepalm’s hands appear to be talking to him?????
“father...” WHAT. EWW. WHAT
“state-sponsored violence” motherfucker are you serious right now, you were about to murder two dozen innocent children and now you’re gonna go off on All Might about him being some kind of government-owned thug? don’t you dare disrespect MY symbol of peace
“you’re fast... but not as fast as expected” oh fucking shit
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this is still creepy, don’t get me wrong. but after a few chapters of him doing it once every fifteen pages, I think I’m starting to get used to it
now Deku is frantically trying to explain to All Might just how dangerous these guys are
“One for -- I MEAN, MY ATTACK” jesus Deku. I guess he can be forgiven considering how stressful the circumstances are
All Might keeps saying “fear not”, but the more he says it the more I start to worry that maybe we should be fearing :/
Carolina... well, okay, I’ll count that one as a coastal state (technically two states). still the south, but at least we’ve got ocean!
this smash is very cool-looking but sadly not very effective
“seriously?” lol AM being so shocked and exasperated is more humorous than it rightly ought to be
Facepalm says that Noumu has shock absorption abilities. “if you really want to damage him you’d be better off slowly ripping him apart piece by piece.” hoh-lee shit. what a thing to say
and of course we all know All Might is totally the type of guy to just go ripping people apart limb from limb whenever the occasion calls for it. that’s why he’s known as the Symbol of Ripping People Apart Limb from Limb
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-- wow dude I was being sarcastic. you think you know a guy
now he’s slamming him into the ground. how is that going to do anything against a guy whose powers were just established as being shock absorptive, All Might
I do not like the way Deku is carrying Aizawa here at ALL
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his arms are fucked up, Deku. please be more gentle!! you of all people should know a thing or two about fucked up arms by now!
they keep glancing back at All Might. we’re all worried about All Might, kids
I’m glad Deku seems to understand that they’d just get in his way if they went back and got taken hostage again, though
but unlike his classmates, he knows that All Might is close to reaching his limit
goddamn it, now they’re flashing back to All Might’s line in the first chapter about smiling to stave off the fear
well. I did ask the universe for All Might angst, now didn’t I
he is not looking too hot
son of a fuck now Kurogiri has gotten involved in the mix once again
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this... this is it. officially the weirdest image ever put to paper
I can’t stop staring at it
I can’t believe events in BnHA transpired in exactly the right way to make this image a reality
it’s like those fucking paradox stairs in Inception
fucking amazing
oh SHIT I just realized Noumu’s grip around All Might’s torso is dangerously close to where All Might’s secret wound is
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oh my godddd
ugh he’s just enduring it and thinking “cut it out”
both he and Aizawa are just SO FUCKING STOIC in the face of what has to be unimaginable pain and I just can’t!!
Kurogiri says he’s going to close his warp gate on All Might while he’s still halfway through and cut him in half?!
that was their plan? seriously?
why the fuck are they explaining it
fuck, it finally got to be too much for Deku
he’s turning back
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aaaaaaaand here comes the feels train!!
I think what got me this time, even more than all the usual stuff (crying Deku/running to save All Might/being afraid of losing him/not having a plan but not caring/doing something stupid and brave out of love), is the fact that there were so many panels prior to this where Deku was repeatedly trying to convince himself that he couldn’t go back, that it would be stupid and dangerous, and that he had to trust All Might. the fact that his mind knew what the “correct” decision was, and he was doing his best to try and follow that, but in the end he just couldn’t go against what his heart was screaming at him to do instead
in fact, if I may, I’d just like to point out the parallels between this scene and the All Might scene a few chapters ago, when he was on his way to work but kept running into people who needed help. and even though he knew there were others who could take care of it, and that it would only make him late and wear him out and use up his already-limited Allotted Daily Hero Time, he fucking helped them anyway, because HIS heart wouldn’t allow him to do otherwise
basically what I’m saying is that they are two of a kind and too goddamn pure and precious for this good earth
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JUST. :D :D :D!!!!!!!!!
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somehow this just seems so very awkward
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I’m sure that when I reread this later, or watch it in the anime, I will have some idea of what the hell is actually going on. but for now, Kiri’s here as well, and one or both of them is doing something to Noumu, and that’s just swell
oHHHHHHHHH. the reason I didn’t understand it is because there’s a third young chap who’s also just appeared in the nick of time who I didn’t realize was there at first!
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Kacchan looks like he’s having the time of his fucking life. this kid was born to bust villain chops
Kirishima still looks SO DAMN MUCH like Mikoshiba Momotaro to me. they’re both so cute too
Todo looks like Zuko and Hibari’s lovechild as always
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Kacchan! you other two people!!
well then, villains. how do y’all feel about taking on a few more high schoolers? fair warning that these ones are just slightly less intimidated by you than the last group
gotta say, this is a much better chapter to go to bed on than the one I fucking read 24 hours ago (16), goddamn
and I did write “Kacchan saves Deku” on my wishlist a few chapters back, but this is less angsty than I had envisioned, and is in fact really hype and badass. I guess that’s just the way Kacchan likes to do things. can’t say I’m really all that put out
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“someone who could bring the different members of the class together and bridge gaps” sooo... what you’re saying is... Yamamoto. he’s Yamamoto
no wonder people ship him with the closest thing to Gokudera this series has so far
I didn’t even notice he had a scar over his right eye. and of COURSE it comes with a long and detailed history
I really like the story, though. I honestly wonder how more of these kids didn’t accidentally maim themselves when their quirks first manifested. I still think about Thirteen’s quirk, and to be honest that shit is terrifying
those are some sneakers. looks like that auto-lace shit from Back to the Future
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simplystefanie-rae · 7 years
For the ask, Marinette (of course), Adrien, and Alya :D
Yeah I’m like days late after I said I was going to answer this like 5 times but I wouldn’t be stefanie johnson if I didn’t do this. But here you go, extra long to make up for it lol
I did Alya already, and depending on if Marinette’s is of monster length I might have to do Adrien separately. But without further ado…
Marinette, princess of my life:
do I like them: PRINCESS OF MY LIFE. I haven’t felt this attached to a character since Sakura Haruno, and I think that really says something.
5 good qualities:Her cleverness. I wouldn’t be able to make head or tails of half the lucky charms she has to make do with but she manages it every time. She’s just such a good strategist that I can’t believe she’s only 14. The way she’s able to think ahead of the game and plan under pressure is definitely something special. She’s going to be a force to be reckoned with when she’s older because of that sharp mind of hers alone.She’s so ride or die for someone in trouble. Marinette takes charge and stands up to injustice with an enthusiasm that screams ‘hero’. Like, Max got his robot confiscated, and Marinette immediately is just like ‘I got you’ and gets herself in trouble with her sass so she can pull a rescue operation. It’s a shame she didn’t have time to do it because I wanted to see her sneak it back. She’s just really nice. Like, realistically nice without being a pushover or appearing to be some kind of martyr about it. I know calling a character ‘nice’ seems lame and obvious, but it’s just really ingrained in her character to treat people with respect and kindness, obviously because of her parents and how they raised her. And sometimes Marinette has her moments where she doesn’t always act with grace because there are her own wants and desires that she wants to put first, but this is why I say she’s realistically nice and why I value this over someone who’s portrayed as a constant angel. It just adds that layer of humanity to her and makes her acts of kindness more special. Her bravery shouldn’t be understated either, in all things. Her drive to protect people who aren’t able to protect themselves pushing her to go above and beyond to help is important, but so is her ability to assess her own mistakes and own up to them, and more importantly, fix them. Not a lot of people do it with the ease she does, it just makes things a lot less complicated for her in the long run and shows that she cares how her actions effects others. I think my favorite thing about Marinette though is her professionalism, for lack of a better word. She takes her duty to Paris seriously and with this air of professionalism that goes well beyond a 14/13 year old girl. The best example I can think of is in Audimatrix, when Chat was telling Ladybug that the price of being a star was being asked inappropriate questions, Ladybug’s immediate response was ‘We’re not stars, we’re superheroes! Instead of doing our jobs, we’re looking like idiots on tv!’ Granted, I know part of her was flustered and embarrassed at the questions, but in this scene she acts and looks very serious about what she’s saying. Her behavior throughout the whole show supports this mindset she has anyway; She doesn’t mess around with Chat when things are serious, wants to be smart about her decisions, Bonus round: She’s a cutie patootie. Butt wiggle dance : )
3 bad qualities:My girl has a jealousy problem.Which isn’t surprising; she has big emotions, and new emotions I don’t think she figured out how to navigate yet. But I can only get into this problem of hers while also getting into her her main issue, which is that sometimes she has zero chill. The two go hand in hand; I think if she had a better handle on when something really upsets her and gets her emotions high in any way, than she would be able to hold back her jealousy too, or at the very least not react as awfully as she had before. But these are definitely issues she needs to work on. Marinette typically has a level head, the only time she doesn’t is when something really bothers her, and we’ve seen this effect her ability as a hero and other people negatively. Volpina says a hearty hello. Her zero chill combined with her inability to see Adrien seemingly interested in another girl is a scary cocktail. Riposte showed a step in the right direction for her, hopefully she continues that road uphill. Her 3rd issue is her time management/ forgetfulness. Honestly I don’t know which it is. She does have a lot to do so I don’t blame her for often forgetting other appointments she has, but maybe if she jotted it all down in her phone and set reminders for herself she wouldn’t have this problem. It would certainly save her a lot of trouble. Bonus round: Here’s a bad quality she doesn’t have despite what Antibug tried forcing on us, and that she’s too stubborn to listen to others. This is the biggest lie the show ever tried to tell us and people need to stop believing it lol.
favourite episode/etc: All where Marinette is particularly awesome. It’s hard to choose lol. I do love Origins in particular though because Marinette displayed a vulnerability in it she doesn’t often show us.
otp: The love square, obvi, with an extra softness for Adrienette.
brotp: Marinette/ Alya, of course.
ot3: ….if I had to choose, HAD to, Marinette, Nino, and Adrien. The whole dynamic I see people coming up with just seems super cute.
notp: None. I don’t really ship her with anyone else (Except Felix who doesn’t count imo) but I’m not a hard no for other ships either. I’m just not really interested.
best quote: “A superhero listens to her head!” That encompasses everything about Marinette’s brand of heroism and I love it to bits.
head canon: I have so many. So. Many. But I like the idea of her growing up with a bunch of cousins around her age, and sometimes she was picked on by them because she was an easy target and children can be terrible. But it would be something they all grow out of eventually, as kids do. I’m going to have to do Adrien’s separately lol
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
Digimon Stage Play - Part One
Sorry, my friend introduced me to Tiger and Bunny, which is why this was delayed ;;; This is everything up until curtain for half time, rest will be up within the next 12 hours, sorry!!! Aight, so tl;dr: great show, actors are perfect, Yamato is beautiful beyond belief, Mimi is UGHHHHHH in the good way and I’m bitter that the whole show isn’t sold out and whoever was in charge of promotion should be forced to eat nothing but the hottest of hot chillies for the rest of their life.
Venue/Goods: a little out of the way, small. You couldn’t buy goods unless you had a ticket, which sucks. Goods were sold on the inside, line was small pre-play, massive after. My store clerk couldn’t count to save her life. People were trading, everybody hated that everything was random and there were so many types of things. Friend and I ordered dvd – no blu ray option, it’s being released in December. Had to downpay 2000 yen, which this and dvd only option has never happened before when I’ve seen other stage shows – not a good sign. No postal option, so my friend has to pick mine up for me – poor form again. (Pick up is only at animate – my nearest one is 2+ hours away :/)
Promotion/sold out: four shows sold out. Tickets reduced to 7000 yen, which is insulting for us who went through lottery. They advertised low prices at fes too. Promotion was done badly. Digimon isn’t massively popular, but Toei isn’t small either. Get a cast twitter, post rehearsal pics etc. Promotion doesn’t need to be costly. Fes advertisement (last weeks vid) was too little too late. Theres events with Miyazaki and AiM and seiyuus, which also seems last minute and an attempt to sell out. Again insulting to those of us to preordered. Shonichi didn’t sell out. Must be tough on actors. Promotion video (August 5th? 6th?) is kinda bad quality – the stage itself looks and sounds better than the video may lead you to believe.
Seating: nice, comfy. We were second row, left hand side, aisle. If we had been one or two more to the left it would have been really bad (same if you’re too overly right). The cast faces back/sideways too often, so we saw a lot of backs. Need to work on being diagonal, basic stage stuff there. However, pros of our seating were: Yamato being right in front of us when he sang, Jyou fishing in front of us and making eye contact with Etemon to the point where it was creepy lmao
Play Y’all. Y’ALL. THIS IS THE GOOD SHIT. A+ A+ A+ A+!!!!!! Agumon is twitchy in the start, scene is a little long. He’s basically like ‘my body can’t move/is moving on it’s own???? Wat? Why???’ (both happen, not a bad translation on my part). He wakes up and Gabumon’s like ‘yeah me too’ and some of the other Digimon agree but Palmon’s like ‘yeah same but it’s because I’m not a morning person lmao’.
They all go to where the kids are. So this is set sometime after Koushirou makes the cyber space for them. Mimi and Koushirou talk about camping and Mimi ends up throwing his laptop on the FLOOR. Koushirou looks heartbroken and the entire audience was ?!?!? but sasuga Mimi and Koushirou’s like … well, moving on. Mimi is perfect beyond belief. Right voice, face, mannerisms. I know that’s what acting is, but she NAILED IT. She’s all like ‘camping is about feeling the breeze~’ then acts like she has wind her face, ‘about being hot’ (ahhhh, it’s hoooooot, she says), about monsters! (she says as she stalks towards the Digimon). We then get the scene where Sora talks about the importance of August 1st. While she speaks, on the left and right sides we see actual scenes from the original anime, which is really touching. Sora mentions that although there were good times, there were bad ones too (CUE GIF OF LEOMON DYING BECAUSE THEY HAD TO HAVE IT SOMEWHERE) All the mons wanna go camping which obviously, is cool.
Hikari invites Taichi and they talk. Jyou calls Hikari but Taichi answers and Jyou doesn’t realise. ‘Damn that Taichi, he isn’t coming? Leave it to me!’ Eventually Taichi is like ‘it me moron’ and Jyou convinces him to come after Taichi’s like ‘I BET UR NOT COMING’ because Jyou, as always, has exams. Jyou is a smart ass? He’s like ‘Taichi, next year, you’ll be in my position. And if it’s you… well… you’ll be in trouble.’ SUCH A GOOD SCENE JYOU IS MVP IN THIS PLAY Y’ALL. He gets his creep on here and it’s so funny.
Next is Knife of Day. Yamato sung and you could tell he was nervous but he did really well. Yamato talks technical stuff (music wise) and then he high fives and fist bumps one of the band mates?? CUTIE PATOOTIE ALERT!!!! Honestly, he’s so pure and beautiful? One of the band mates tried to go ‘Knife of Day is… well, the name isn’t…’ ‘HAVE CONFIDENCE IT’S ALL GOOD FRIEND!!!!’ ‘Yamato that’s not what-‘ ‘WITH THESE MEMBERS WE’RE KNIFE OF DAY! WE’RE GOOD!!!’ ‘but the name-‘ ‘THESE FOUR MEMBERS. KNIFE OF DAY. HAVE CONFIDENCE!!!!’ Takeru comes along and talks about camp. Yamato is very cute toward Takeru who is worried a little about him. Very sweet scenes. Yamato explains both the band and August 1st are important to him. Later, Takeru buys Yamato a pink sleeping bag because he’s a shit head lmao
Everyone’s at camp, Mimi forgets everything. She’s adorable. People set up camp, which is cute. Yamato runs the kitchen and Hikari is chased by Agumon because she has meat. Etemon is the camp ground guardian? (What do you call these guys??) He takes their money (OF COURSE) and keeps going ‘there are MONKEYS around here!’ and everyone’s like k cool story. Eventually he’s like YOU WANNA SEE A MONKEY?!? But everyone’s like nah bro we good, so he runs off dejected.
The kids talk about the future. Mimi just wants to be a kid forever, but Palmon says she wants to be an adult lol. Koushirou isn’t sure what he wants to do, but says he likes computers. Jyou really talks about why he wants to be a doctor and it’s such a good speech! Yamato and Taichi are both like ‘well, I like my hobby I guess??’ Sora deflects the question, Hikari doesn’t know.
Yamato and Taichi try to converse later (it’s just the two of them because Koushirou said something to ruin the mood so Takeru dragged him away even though he was like ‘I’ll stay awake as long as you’re up bro’). It’s mostly Hey Yamato Yeah? …. … . … Yeah?! …Nothing -silence- We have a lot to talk about, huh Yamato? -plays harmonica-
dumb morons lmao
Mimi: Sora, you awake? …SORA Hikari: aye what up Mimi: GHOST STORY TIME Hikari: starts telling an old experience Mimi: NO TOO SPOOKY STOP STOP LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE!!!!!
She tries to get info out of Hikari who tries to get info out of her back. They both start going ‘what about Sora’ who stays asleep but Mimi is about to ‘reveal’ who Sora likes when she shoots up and is all like I DON’T LIKE ANYONE!!! They’re all lying down in sleeping bags, so Hikari and Mimi were jumping around in their sleeping bags and Mimi does the CUTEST wiggle!!!
They talk about their dreams and Mimi is like ‘I like lotsa stuff??’ but she thinks it’s stupid and is kinda embarrassed but they’re like?? No? it’s cool to have multiple interests and dreams? WHICH IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Jyou leaves early for his exam the next morning. Shit goes down and people split up to solve the problem. Etemon ends up revealing himself to Taichi and co. He’s super strong and is basically like “it’s been six years your time BUT I’VE BEEN SUPER SUPER LONELY FOR 100 YEARS I JUST WANNA CHILL”
Anyway, there’s a fight and Etemon wins and gets the above group together and the bbq happens. Etemon is super happy to see Hikari (“oniichan!” “eh? You’re the only dude… YOUR SISTER?! HOW ADORABLE!!!”) and she’s like ‘stop fighting’ and he’s like ‘girl? That’s all I want???’ but later they eat all the food and Etemon whips out yakisoba and offers some to Hikari.
“No. I don’t want it?” –awkward silence- Etemon 1: Eh? Why? Etemon 2: -idk- Etemon 3: Don’t push her! Etemon 4: Is it… you’re dieting? If that’s it… I totally understand…
Hikari is done with their shit. She wants to go home. Mimi wants a bath. Sora’s done with this bullshit. They realise time has gone whack. Tai and Sora have a tiff, Mimi makes Sora back down when she tries to comfort him so Hikari can do it instead. Time is whack so they’ve been there forever, Etemon is like I SAID I WAS LONELY YOU CAN’T LEAVE EVER!!! He then tries to make Taichi be his bestie.
By forcing him into a kiss.
Curtain close.
(Honestly it was the funniest thing – it was a non-sexual kiss, but y’all, consent is consent. I mean, you probably shouldn’t take dating advice from a man in a monkey suit who low key resembles Piko Taro, but like. This is a weird site, Idk where some of you learnt to romance. I feel I need to say that.)
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fvllxaway-blog · 8 years
Calennie for the meme thing
eats breakfast food for dinner
I feel like it would be Caleb more than Annie here.
turns the radio volume up until their ears bleed
Both of them. And they probably dance together to the loud af music too.
waves at random animals
Both of them. They’re such cuties!!
binge-watches shows until 2 in the morning
Again, both. Like I’m just now realizing how much they have in common, wth?? lmao
takes all the pillows
Caleb, but he doesn’t mean to lol
plays with rotating doors
Both of them. They probably annoy the absolute fuck outta other people by doing this too lol
would 100% fight with a sword if they could
forgets every little thing
Probably Caleb as well.
loves the thought of a double-date
Both would, I feel like. Maybe if things between Ant and Annabelle work out.....ya know.......;D
has to eat fast food, like, three times a week
I feel like neither tbh. Caleb’s not a fast food kinda guy, and somehow I feel like Annie wouldn’t be either. 
enjoys hugs
Both uwu
could kill with a stare if their partner is flirted with
Caleb will punch someone out if they flirt with Annie. I feel like Annie could punch a bitch out if someone was flirting with Caleb too though. So both .
remembers all the holidays and goes above and beyond on gifts
I know I’ve said both for a majority of these, but fuck, it’s true!! Both lmao
would cosplay as their favorite character
........Both. They’re BOTH huge frickin’ nerds, okay???
stares dreamily at their partner like they’re the sun and stars
Both because they’re so fucking in love, it’s sickening lmao
could fall and still look annoyingly perfect
In Caleb’s opinion, it’s Annie
loves pumpkin spice, like so much
.........................Both lmao
would fight for their partner’s honor
Both, got damn it!!!!
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Mystery Queen Eps 01 & 02
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
This is a one-time special review. We will not be reviewing the whole show.
Whether the Mother-in-Law Sleuth Squad is far more efficient than the cops.
Whether Seol Ok’s civilian consultant role is realistic.
Whether the Detective + Ajumma premise works out.
Whether faking constipation is the best excuse to escape your Mother-in-Law.
Whether Lee Won Geun is an absolute cutie.
The Rule(s):
Yes. Cops often use civilian consultants based on areas of expertise.
Yes? It sounded a bit crazy in the plot description, but somehow it works in this drama.
100% It’s the most effective excuse!
Absolutely. Let’s face it, half of us are watching this drama for his cute smile!
RedRosette J:  I wasn’t planning on watching or even reviewing this drama, but then exam time procrastination kicked in and I found myself watching this and liking it! So much so that I decided to do a special review on it. Initially the premised seemed totally wacky and I wrote it off, but I think that’s the exact reason that drew me to the show. I really liked how it’s set in a small neighborhood and the story revolves around these quirky characters who live there and the local police station. It’s totally cute. Choi Kang Hee is the queen of quirky characters (if anyone has not watched Heart to Heart and Protect The Boss, you need to watch them), and she’s absolutely hilarious. So her portrayal of an ignored housewife secretly wanting to be a detective is totally believable. I love that she’s so observant that she’s a mentalist of sorts and uses her skills to do basic ajumma things like figuring out where the grocery store is going to have its flash sale. I love how they filmed the scenarios of her explanations of the crime scene as she changed them. It was super quirky and funny. I also loved her hilarious attempts to lie to her mother in law and act like nothing is going on: that scene with the fish. I’m dead. So funny.
When you notice things other people don’t
The Ajumma Batcave
That dude’s face says it all LOLOLOL!
This girl is hilarious!
The other characters are equally endearing. There’s the bitchy(?) Mother in law who actually really likes Seol Ok but pretends to be difficult to live up to the Mother in law expectations. She’s totally adorable. She even defends Seol Ok when her friends are convinced that she’s cheating. I also especially liked how we weren’t introduced to the husband character yet. He takes a back seat which is better for Seol Ok’s character development. The sister in law also has some drama going on which I am excited for (that making out in the car thing and the blackmailing). And as always there’s the lovely best friend who goes above and beyond and has the best resting stank face! <3
Trying not to get catty about the food
What’s the bet this dude is married?
Being blackmailed like…
The main character Wan Seung played by Kwon Sang Woo is your typical tough guy who is actually a plushie on the inside and has a sad, heartbreaking back story. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really care so much for the gang back story and the fighting, because I’m more interested in Seol Ok’s dynamic with the family and Lee Won Geun’s character, so I didn’t really bother to pay that much attention to it. I especially liked how the drama used the two introductory episodes to show the same event, but from the POVs of the two leads. It created a nice synergy which explained a lot of what was going on and made the first meeting of the two leads organic. There isn’t a forced, in-your-face kind of romantic chemistry between the leads, but there’s a little something something there. I can’t wait for the show to explore it further and perhaps throw a wrench in it when the husband shows up!
Looking totally sketch
When unplanned shit goes down!
How did you guys first meet? Uhhh….
And then there’s Lee Won Geun’s Officer Hong who is this totally adorable newbie on the job and totally awed by Seol Ok’s sleuthing skills. Their dynamic is so cute and its adorable how he hangs on every word she says. OMG. I can’t wait for more!
So cute!
Issue 1: Whether the Mother-in-Law Sleuth Squad is far more efficient than the cops.
RedRosette J: We need to talk about how this particular Sleuth Squad is super effective! The Mother in law and Co meet at their “seminar” and instantly its all gossip about Seol Ok that each one has heard and/or seen. Read: having an affair with the cute young police chief at the local station. LOL! The stealth by which they go around trying to catch her in the “act” is absolutely hilarious. They are quite possibly more effective than the cops. Too bad they are foiled by Seol Ok being one step ahead of them. Its funny how in their own ways the characters are all solving mysteries in this drama. Please give us more of the Mother in Law Sleuth Squad. Thanks.
When you’re busy at a ‘”seminar”
Tryna be stealth like…
Gathering intel
Sleuthing is a tough job
When you tryna be cool but your friends have no chill
Bonus: Ajummas shoving ddeok down this boy’s pants LOL!
Issue 2: Whether Seol Ok’s civilian consultant role is realistic.
RedRosette J: It is realistic for cops to have civilians assist on cases. It’s not always considered an obstruction of justice or whatever Wan Seung accuses Seol Ok of. Sometimes, civilians have more expertise on a subject area that the police might need help with and they can bring them in as consultants. This is what I think Seol Ok’s role is with Officer Hong. She just goes around the crime scenes with him and helps him deduce what happened. The only problem is that she’s an ajumma with no specific expertise per se. I think this is what makes it hard for Wan Seung to wrap his head around LOL! He’s convinced that she’s just a bored housewife and is just being nosy. I’ve been trying to predict how her role with the police will change in the next few episodes and it’s a tough call. This drama is quite well written (as opposed to that garbage Whisper where you can pretty much predict everything that’s going on).
More consulting..
Issue 3: Whether the Detective + Ajumma premise works out.
RedRosette J: Honestly, I wasn’t sold on this. But oddly, I can kind of see it working out well. I think it might be because the casting is very well done. Choi Kang Hee and Kwon Sang Woo are the perfect people to play these roles. The comedy in this show is not forced and slapstick and comes across very well. Its all about the subtleties and I’m sure that going forward as more ridiculous antics ensue, its going to keep being funny. The clash of the two worlds is what makes this premise work out. The housewife and the detective teaming up to solve local crimes. I like that this show is focusing it small scale so that we see the housewife’s familiarity with the neighborhood and the people coming together to help the detectives’ larger operations. All in all, odd as it might be, it works.
With these two it works
When you tryna take the pain like a boss
What a lovely way to arrest someone LOL!
Issue 4: Whether faking constipation is the best excuse to escape your Mother-in-Law.
RedRosette J: This was hilarious. The best part is that she went around telling everyone that she used constipation as an excuse to escape her Mother in Law: the detectives, the 911 guys etc. It’s also so funny how she manages to get their help to avoid the Mother in Law being suspicious! Who knew constipation could be so effective?
Trying to be stealthy while pretending to be constipated part 1
Trying to be stealthy while pretending to be constipated part 2
When you should be at home constipated but you doing dangerous things instead…
Faking constipation like…
Issue 5: Whether Lee Won Geun is an absolute cutie.
RedRosette J: So remember how earlier I said I wasn’t planning on watching this drama? Yes, I mostly decided to watch it because I found out that Lee Won Geun was in it. OMG. How can someone have such smiley eyes? How is this possible? The cuteness is unending. He’s like a walking smiley emoji! OMG. I can’t wait to keep seeing him twice a week! Super excited! Who else is here because of him? ;)
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (These episodes were very well written and well produced! The cast is also on point! Keep on going this way!)
Special File No: Mystery-Queen-EPs-01-&-02 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Mystery Queen Eps 01 & 02 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
Digimon Stage Play - Full
Aight, so tl;dr: great show, actors are perfect, Yamato is beautiful beyond belief, Mimi is UGHHHHHH in the good way and I’m bitter that the whole show isn’t sold out and whoever was in charge of promotion should be forced to eat nothing but the hottest of hot chillies for the rest of their life.
Timeline: It’s set after Koushirou creates the cyber space for them, but before the reboot. Clearly on/around August 1st ;p
Venue/Goods: a little out of the way, small. You couldn’t buy goods unless you had a ticket, which sucks. Goods were sold on the inside, line was small pre-play, massive after. My store clerk couldn’t count to save her life. People were trading, everybody hated that everything was random and there were so many types of things. Friend and I ordered dvd – no blu ray option, it’s being released in December (average wait time since Japan is very slow on physical releases). Had to downpay 2000 yen, which this and dvd only option has never happened before when I’ve seen other stage shows – not a good sign. No postal option, so my friend has to pick mine up for me – poor form again. (Pick up is only at animate – my nearest one is 2+ hours away :/)
Promotion/sold out: four shows sold out. Tickets reduced to 7000 yen, which is insulting for us who went through lottery. They advertised low prices at fes too. Promotion was done badly. Digimon isn’t massively popular, but Toei isn’t small either. Get a cast twitter, post rehearsal pics etc. Promotion doesn’t need to be costly. Fes advertisement (last weeks vid) was too little too late. Theres events with Miyazaki and AiM and seiyuus, which also seems last minute and an attempt to sell out. Again insulting to those of us to preordered. Shonichi didn’t sell out. Must be tough on actors. Promotion video (August 5th? 6th?) is kinda bad quality – the stage itself looks and sounds better than the video may lead you to believe.
Seating: nice, comfy. We were second row, left hand side, aisle. If we had been one or two more to the left it would have been really bad (same if you’re too overly right). The cast faces back/sideways too often, so we saw a lot of backs. Need to work on being diagonal, basic stage stuff there. However, pros of our seating were: Yamato being right in front of us when he sang, Jyou fishing in front of us and making eye contact with Etemon to the point where it was creepy lmao
Play Y’all. Y’ALL. THIS IS THE GOOD SHIT. A+ A+ A+ A+!!!!!! The puppets look quite nice tbh. Sometimes a little weird and maybe the cast should have worn the traditional black instead, but it was done well. Agumon is twitchy in the start, scene is a little long. He’s basically like ‘my body can’t move/is moving on it’s own???? Wat? Why???’ (both happen, not a bad translation on my part). He wakes up and Gabumon’s like ‘yeah me too’ and some of the other Digimon agree but Palmon’s like ‘yeah same but it’s because I’m not a morning person lmao’.
They all go to where the kids are. So this is set sometime after Koushirou makes the cyber space for them. Mimi and Koushirou talk about camping and Mimi ends up throwing his laptop on the FLOOR. Koushirou looks heartbroken and the entire audience was ?!?!? but sasuga Mimi and Koushirou’s like … well, moving on. Mimi is perfect beyond belief. Right voice, face, mannerisms. I know that’s what acting is, but she NAILED IT. She’s all like ‘camping is about feeling the breeze~’ then acts like she has wind her face, ‘about being hot’ (ahhhh, it’s hoooooot, she says), about monsters! (she says as she stalks towards the Digimon). We then get the scene where Sora talks about the importance of August 1st. While she speaks, on the left and right sides we see actual scenes from the original anime, which is really touching. Sora mentions that although there were good times, there were bad ones too (CUE GIF OF LEOMON DYING BECAUSE THEY HAD TO HAVE IT SOMEWHERE) All the mons wanna go camping which obviously, is cool.
Hikari invites Taichi and they talk. Jyou calls Hikari but Taichi answers and Jyou doesn’t realise. ‘Damn that Taichi, he isn’t coming? Leave it to me!’ Eventually Taichi is like ‘it me moron’ and Jyou convinces him to come after Taichi’s like ‘I BET UR NOT COMING’ because Jyou, as always, has exams. Jyou is a smart ass? He’s like ‘Taichi, next year, you’ll be in my position. And if it’s you… well… you’ll be in trouble.’ SUCH A GOOD SCENE JYOU IS MVP IN THIS PLAY Y’ALL. He gets his creep on here and it’s so funny. A couple of time it’s acknowledged that Hikari should have been there on August 1st but was sick. I believe at one point they were like ‘yeah we’re low key looking for Meikuumon’ so they’ve all met Meiko and plot stuff has happened. Whether you like Meiko or not (and the 02 kids), they aren’t relevant here – August 1st is for the original kids and I’m very glad they kept it that way.
Next is Knife of Day. Yamato sung and you could tell he was nervous but he did really well. He seemed to try and do too much of a Yamato voice instead of his natural voice). Yamato talks technical stuff (music wise) and then he high fives and fist bumps one of the band mates?? CUTIE PATOOTIE ALERT!!!! Honestly, he’s so pure and beautiful? One of the band mates tried to go ‘Knife of Day is… well, the name isn’t…’ ‘HAVE CONFIDENCE IT’S ALL GOOD FRIEND!!!!’ ‘Yamato that’s not what-‘ ‘WITH THESE MEMBERS WE’RE KNIFE OF DAY! WE’RE GOOD!!!’ ‘but the name-‘ ‘THESE FOUR MEMBERS. KNIFE OF DAY. HAVE CONFIDENCE!!!!’ Takeru comes along and talks about camp. Yamato is very cute toward Takeru who is worried a little about him. Very sweet scenes. Yamato explains both the band and August 1st are important to him. Later, Takeru buys Yamato a pink sleeping bag because he’s a shit head lmao
Everyone’s at camp, Mimi forgets everything. She’s adorable. People set up camp, which is cute. Yamato runs the kitchen and Hikari is chased by Agumon because she has meat. Of course, Yamato finds out about his sleeping bag and runs after Takeru. Etemon is the camp ground guardian? (What do you call these guys??) He takes their money (OF COURSE) and keeps going ‘there are MONKEYS around here!’ while posing ridiculously and everyone’s like k cool story. Eventually he’s like YOU WANNA SEE A MONKEY?!? But everyone’s like nah bro we good, so he runs off dejected.
The kids talk about the future. Mimi just wants to be a kid forever, but Palmon says she wants to be an adult lol. Koushirou isn’t sure what he wants to do, but says he likes computers. Jyou really talks about why he wants to be a doctor and it’s such a good speech! Yamato and Taichi are both like ‘well, I like my hobby I guess??’ Sora deflects the question, Hikari doesn’t know.
Theres a scene where Jyou sees a shooting star. Nobody else can see it. It’s cute.
Yamato and Taichi try to converse later (it’s just the two of them because Koushirou said something to ruin the mood so Takeru dragged him away even though he was like ‘I’ll stay awake as long as you’re up bro’). It’s mostly Hey Yamato Yeah? …. … . … Yeah?! …Nothing -silence- We have a lot to talk about, huh Yamato? -plays harmonica-
dumb morons lmao (all KoD stuff and Yamato’s harmonica is live. It sounds much better than what the video leads you to believe!!!!)
Mimi: Sora, you awake? …SORA Hikari: aye what up Mimi: GHOST STORY TIME Hikari: starts telling an old experience Mimi: NO TOO SPOOKY STOP STOP LET’S TALK ABOUT LOVE!!!!!
She tries to get info out of Hikari who tries to get info out of her back. They both start going ‘what about Sora’ who stays asleep but Mimi is about to ‘reveal’ who Sora likes when she shoots up and is all like I DON’T LIKE ANYONE!!! They’re all lying down in sleeping bags, so Hikari and Mimi were jumping around in their sleeping bags and Mimi does the CUTEST wiggle!!!
They talk about their dreams and Mimi is like ‘I like lotsa stuff??’ but she thinks it’s stupid and is kinda embarrassed but they’re like?? No? it’s cool to have multiple interests and dreams? WHICH IS A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Jyou leaves early for his exam the next morning. Shit goes down and people split up to solve the problem. Etemon ends up revealing himself to Taichi and co. He’s super strong and is basically like “it’s been six years your time BUT I’VE BEEN SUPER SUPER LONELY FOR 100 YEARS I JUST WANNA CHILL”
Anyway, there’s a fight and Etemon wins and gets the above group together and the bbq happens. Etemon is super happy to see Hikari (“oniichan!” “eh? You’re the only dude… YOUR SISTER?! HOW ADORABLE!!!”) and she’s like ‘stop fighting’ and he’s like ‘girl? That’s all I want???’ but later they eat all the food and Etemon whips out yakisoba and offers some to Hikari.
“No. I don’t want it.” –awkward silence- Etemon 1: Eh? Why? Etemon 2: -idk- Etemon 3: Don’t push her! Etemon 4: Is it… you’re dieting? If that’s it… I totally understand…
Hikari is done with their shit. She wants to go home. Mimi wants a bath. Sora’s done with this bullshit. They realise time has gone whack so they’ve been there hours. Tai and Sora have a tiff as Tai is trying to keep the peace (doesn’t want to keep fighting, Sora realises they’ve essentially been kidnapped by Etemon 5), Mimi makes Sora back down when she tries to comfort him so Hikari can do it instead. Time is whack so they’ve been there forever, Etemon is like I SAID I WAS LONELY YOU CAN’T LEAVE EVER!!! He then tries to make Taichi be his bestie.
By forcing him into a kiss.
Curtain close.
(Honestly it was the funniest thing – it was a non-sexual kiss, but y’all, consent is consent. I mean, you probably shouldn’t take dating advice from a man in a monkey suit who low key resembles Piko Taro, but like. This is a weird site, Idk where some of you learnt to romance. I feel I need to say that.)
Part Two. Curtain stays shut. Jyou is wandering around the audience. Gomamon says it’s cool he failed his test. Jyou is very dramatic but eventually he reveals he did perfectly. Very cute moment. Etemon comes out after Jyou leaves (curtain still shut) and tries to get the crowd to yell his name. This happened earlier and nobody responded. He asked Taichi what his name was and got no response either ;;;; This time, the audience gave a lukewarm result so we got called weak lol. He then asked us again and we said his name louder, so he was very happy. The curtain was drawn and he almost got pushed away by it.
There’s more of a fight and we see all the groups are separated. The Digimon start feeling affected like how Agumon was at the start. A lot of the discussions they have are mostly about understanding the importance of August 1st, but also realising they can’t stay there forever. Life happens. They need to move on.
A gate appears so everyone is stuck in a barrier. Bar Jyou. Because he understands August 1st, is in the past, but still treasures it. Jyou and Yamato have a really good conversation, and it’s really nice to see Yamato being over the top and emotional around someone who isn’t Takeru or Taichi.
But before that, when everyone realises something is weird Koushirou’s like ‘Jyou is our last hope!’. Yamato and Takeru aren’t… too enthusiastic about that ;;; Anyway, Jyou comes in the barrier like no problem, Takeru tries to show him there’s a problem and Jyou’s like ‘are you miming something? There’s no barrier lol’. Koushirou becomes distrustful that Jyou isn’t the real deal, so he’s like ‘nvm you can leave’ and Jyou does. Only to come right back.
I’m leaving! OKAY BYE!!! –leaves-….-comes back- I’M SERIOUSLY GONNA LEAVE!!! Go right ahead!! …Really?
This exchange goes on for a while and it’s soooooooo funny. Eventually Koushirou and Takeru leave so Yamato and Jyou have their talk, since Yamato is so frustrated he can’t do anything for Gabumon who is clearly unwell.
There’s a fight and Taichi gained confidence from Agumon who is also feeling the effects of the time warp thing. Agumon digivolves into Greymon, and it’s so cool shit. It starts off with a screen and the music and then the big walls move to cover Agumon and BAM life size Greymon!!! It was done soooooo well!!!!
Etemon reveals he isn’t the villain after fighting. (This is kinda spaced out with talking, so like fight talk fight type thing, with having discussions by different groups) It’s kinda like all the previous villains (Dark Masters etc) all merged to form Venommyotism/ Venomvamdemon who is trying to take his revenge. Or something. It’s a little vague. Roll with it. But since that would be hard to make a pupper out of, Etemon just digivolves to King Etemon. It’s so weird because they take off his head???
He struggles with Etemon and eventually Etemon turns into the villain (Venom is just shown on the walls as a projection) and Greymon can’t do much since Venom is too fast/strong, so he digivolves to MetalGreymon. Being in the front row meant I was blast with a lot of icy smoke/fog, which was fun but also… smoke ;;;
Anyway, he still struggles until Yamato comes along with MetalGarurumon. They get their shit together and Omegamon comes out. The Omegamon puppet isn’t the best. It’s from the shoulders up, but it looks slightly too cartoony. Taichi and Yamato stand on his shoulders and end up beating the villain (duh).
Everyone and everything is back to normal, but everyone realises they’re suddenly in their uniforms again. It turns out that everything from when they were wearing casual clothes was a bug. I guess like in the Digital World… sort of? It’s kinda written off as ‘just a dream’. It happened, so everything is canon, but it wasn’t in the digital world but it wasn’t in our world so time was behaving differently.
That means Jyou has to do his test again.
It’s vague on how this time bug was created, as is how the villains came back from being dead. That’s not the point of this play. The point is helping the kids to understand that the past is the past, but they need to move on.
It was a really good play, and I encourage you to buy the dvd if you can. If you’d like merch, hmu!
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