#but man I hope I did a good job with this for you! 😂😅
aberooski · 1 year
Oh, no worries! I don't mind spoilers at all! (Kinda spoiled myself wogwjwhwjw) So, drop tat bomb!
Well okay then! As you wish 😌
Now strap in because this is gonna be a long and wild ride through season 3 baby! And Adrian starts out pretty tame and things ramp up as the season goes so get that seat belt ready! And I'm more of an expert on the dub so we're gonna focus on that, but I'll be poking in with a couple details from the sub ever so often too.
Extremely long post ahead y'all aksskskks
Now it all starts at the very beginning of the season. We'll get into his like back story back story later, but Adrian is a student from East Academy who comes to Duel Academy along with Jesse, Axel, and Jim and his crocodile Shirley at the start of the season as exchange students along with visiting professor Thelonious Viper from West Academy.
Now I break season 3 up into 3 separate arcs because well, that's kinda how it is. There's the Survival Duel arc, (the as I call it) Zombie Apocalypse Survival Horror arc, and of course, the Dark World arc.
Viper is the villain of the Survival Duel arc, and he's up to shady shit of course. But Adrian is the secondary antagonist for the entire season. Adrian is trying to figure out what Viper's plan is and what he's up to, but he's also trying to obtain Yubel's power, aware that Viper is in league with her. (In the dub he says he's searching for a card, but nothing really comes of that. Except you can argue for something in the zombie apocalypse arc but we're not there yet so hang on lol)(also it's really only the dub that refers to Yubel as a girl, the Japanese version Yubel is non binary I believe, but I watched the dub first so Yubel is ingrained in my brain as she/her and I'm trying to break that habit so we'll see how I do throughout this aksksksksk)
So Viper introduces the survival duels as he calls them, and has all the students wear boo bands, which he says are to monitor their dueling skills and potential and all that, but of course they're nefarious. He uses them to drain the students of their duel energy which is then absorbed by Yubel to give them the power and energy to restore their physical form, but Viper believes the energy will be used to revive his son who passed away because Yubel promised him that if he helped her that she would bring his son back to life. Adrian doesn't take part so Viper confronts him and warns him he'd better participate, Viper then raises the absorption rate of the bio bands to the max, which is strong enough to kill, so he can get rid of Adrian. So Adrian, knowing this, throws this party so a bunch of students will be dueling at once so that Viper has to turn the bio bands down so he'll like, survive.
So he throws a whole bunch of students to the wolves to ensure his own wellbeing, and he ends up dueling Chazz that night, ultimately winning the duel but since the bio bands weren't deactivated just weakened, they get their energy zapped and Chazz is in the hospital for the rest of the arc, but Adrian is able to recover and resume his mission. This is when like I mentioned, he points the J-Squad in Viper's direction. He sends them to Viper's secret fortress in the old research facility (y’know the one where Wheeler the monkey came from in season 1?) To act as decoys so and take Viper's attention so he can sneak in undetected and get into Viper's like inner sanctum moment he's got set up in there. He confronts Viper and they like actually throw hands which is kinda hilarious because for some reason they decide to do this shirtless it's like full street fighter type bullshit lolol
Adrian is apprehended by Yubel's power, and Viper goes to duel Jaden. This is where we get his like full backstory which we got a taste of during his duel with Chazz.
So as a kid Adrian was adopted by the head of the Gecko Financial Group and raised then to be the heir and inherit the company, and he's basically appointed this girl named Echo to be his friend, but of course she works for him and all that y’know. Remember her because she's important later. Eventually, Mrs. Gecko has a son, and Adrian falls to the wayside in favor of the "proper heir" to the family, and he's angry and bitter about it but commits to serving his brother and their family anyway (though in the Japanese version Adrian contemplated killing him at first 😬), and even saved him from a deadly sickness at one point. All in the hopes of getting attention for their father again kinda sorta basically. He's really only loyal to himself in the end.
Eventually he breaks free from Yubel and escapes but this is when Yubel steps in after Viper loses to Jaden, kills Viper, and then transports the school to another dimension. Thus we enter the Zombie Apocalypse Survival Horror arc.
I have a whole thing about this arc and how if you take Blair's part and switch her with Atticus it would elevate the arc by like 30 points and it's already one of my favorite arcs in the show but I digress that's not what we're talking about rn aksksk
So the school gets transported to this alternate like desert dimension where duel monsters are real and so are the life points baby! And the school has extremely limited supplies, like only a weeks worth of food, and a whole lot of students stuck there too so things are pretty dire. Yubel is also lurking around.
So things get set in motion here when Bastion appears! He got stuck in this dimension some time during the interim between this point and back in episode 96 after he left to go work with professor eisenstien. He's attacked by some harpies and Jaden, Jesse, Jim, Axel, and Adrian step in to save him, since Adrian is still pretending to be on their side. So they get Bastion to the nurse's office because he's been out in that desert for a while, he needs to rest and recoup fr but they get details from Bastion about the dimension and then the shit goes down because Yubel is looking for a vessel to possess as they don't yet have a physical form, and so targets Marcel, Bonaparte's son (except nobody knows he's his son but they're not very subtle about it so we the audience know lolol). So when Blair, who is good friends with Marcel, has him come with her a la buddy system because she has to go to the bathroom but they're hiding out in the classrooms because of the real duel monsters and all that, Yubel attacks and takes over Marcel, but injures Blair in the process.
So Jaden and Jesse find Blair and take her to Ms. Fontaine, and of course the medicine she needs to help Blair, she doesn't have. So they need to make a run out to this submarine out in the desert to search for a first aid kit and any other supplies they can find. Adrian suspects that this submarine is a Gecko vessel, because well it is, and voulenteers to go with the team so that he can go and cover his tracks so that no one finds out about his mission and motives. They split up into teams, Jaden, Jesse, Jim, Axel, and Adrian head off to search the submarine while the others stay back to guard the school. And while they're on their way during a confrontation with some monsters summoned by Yubel to bar their path, Jaden falls into like honestly an equivalent of a fucking Sarlac pit and while Axel goes in to save him and pull him out while Jesse's fending off a monster, Adrian is holding the rope to pull them out. He is literally 🤏 this close to letting go and letting both Jaden and Axel get fucking eaten and like die so they won't get in his way anymore but Jim steps in just in time and grabs ahold of the rope as well, saying "almost lost your grip, mate." With an extremely suspicious and almost warning tone. Because Jim can tell he's up to something because the eye of oricalchum that he has allows him to see into people's hearts and souls, basically showing him a person's true intentions. So he knows Adrian isn't exactly on the up and up at this point.
Once they get to the sub, they split off to search for supplies. Adrian heads off to the computer room to erase any files that have anything to do with him so no one can find out about him and his plans, which was the only reason he came with the group despite his insistence that it was to repay them for saving him when he helped them retrieve Bastion. And of course then when they regroup he's just like "sorry guys, didn't find anything 🤪 computer was fried so no intel for us 🤪" like the lying bitch he is.
So okay they escape the sub, and make it back to the school but while they were gone Yubel really fucked shit up by causing the bio bands to turn the students into zombies, or rather "Duel Ghouls", when they get enough energy zapped and the students start dropping like flies. By the time the group makes it back, Chazz and Syrus have already been turned into duel ghouls and it only keeps getting worse.
And by this point Adrian then discovers Yubel having possessed Marcel after having taken Yubel's arm and hid it in the library earlier, having joined up with her. And he's bitter over Yubel choosing Marcel over him, and it's revealed that the Sacred Beast cards are also in this dimension, having been sealed away beneath the school again after season 1. Adrian is hellbent on obtaining more and more power and like, basically ruling these alternate dimensions with them, so he pursues the cards just like everybody else. He duels Marcel over who will get the cards, but the Sacred Beasts awaken during the duel and so there's no true result.
All the while back in the real world, Pegasus is trying to create the Rainbow Dragon card as they need to transport it to the other dimension so that Jesse can then use it's power to open the portal for them to return the school and themselves back home. But Echo is trying to stop him, claiming that Adrian shouldn't come back because he deserves to rule the other dimension basically. She's so loyal to him and so convinced he's as incredible and powerful and just amazing as he also thinks he is, that she's willing to go along with his plans at any cost despite the fact that as it's revealed later, she's in love with him. Remember this for later...
Okay so Yubel obtains the cards and her own physical form again and duels Jaden after Jaden duels and defeats Marcel, and Jesse obtains the Rainbiw Dragon and joins the duel and with the power of Rainbow Dragon, they defeat Yubel and are transported back home but Jesse has to stay behind to keep the portal open.
Thus we enter the Dark World arc after blaming himself for Jesse being trapped, Jaden is in a rush to go through a dimensional tear that appears to try and find him, joined by the whole squad, and there's a whole chaos control moment that sends them all as well as Crowler, Echo, Zane, and Aster who were in the area at the time, to Dark World.
Now Adrian doesn't appear again until the end so we're gonna jump ahead. But some important context before we continue!
Dark World is basically a "you die in the game, you die in real life" situation. Because when you lose a duel there, you die. Sort of. You disappear, and in the dub they call it being sent to the stars, but in the sub they say everyone's dead even though it's revealed at the very end that they're really not, but it's just easiest to say they are. So they're dead. And so Jaden, learning this, refuses to let anybody other than himself duel to keep everyone safe but also because he's so hellbent on finding Jesse he really is just trying to charge through things and isn't being very careful or thinking things through.
Also Tania is back!! Love that for Bastion!!
Because of this, eventually Alexis, Atticus, Chazz, and Hassleberry are captured and held prisoner by Brron Mad King of Dark World to be used as sacrifices for Super Polymerization. There are actually 5 sacrifices required, but his goons fail to capture Syrus so they only have 4. This is important but we're not talking about that stuff rn. But the 5 of them are embodiments of emotions that are needed for this. Alexis (sadness), Atticus (anguish), Chazz (anger), Hassleberry (hatred), and Syrus (doubt). After Chazz gets angry af and gives Jaden the business, he's the first to go and is absorbed by this book, and Jaden is told if he attacks, his remaining friends will be sacrified as well. He's going to surrender but is forced to attack and so the remaining 3 are sacrificed as well. Also during this duel Jaden is basically told Jesse is dead which then after the deaths of the 4 of them as well, Jaden just kinda loses it and fucks Brron right up and wins the duel. He then learns Syrus is safe and is mega relieved, but Syrus is less than thrilled with what he just witnessed and he and Jaden have kinda a falling out, which is really the last straw for Jaden emotionally and he's then taken over by the spirit of the Supreme King.
Jim, Axel, and Syrus end up separated and while Jim and Axel are searching for Jaden, they learn about the Supreme King, then find out that it's really Jaden, Jim gives the backstory about his eye, duels Supreme King to try and save Jaden, gets literally 🤏 this close but is defeated and fails and dies along with Shirley who jumped into the duel to try and protect Jim from the final attack. Axel is horribly shaken by this and gives in to his fear and runs away and is haunted by Jim's death, and it takes Syrus and some other shit to convince him that he really is brave and is a hero and he can do this! He can help! So he organizes a whole attack on the Supreme King's fortress to save Jaden, even covering the tracks of making sure that Jesse is searched for and the information comes to him at the perfect time that Jesse is alive. Axel, Syrus, and also Aster and Zane go to the fortress and Axel duels Supreme King, and ultimately causes the duel to end in a draw and having both gotten through to Jaden by telling him Jesse was alive and by using the eye of orichachum left behind in the wake of Jim's death, Supreme King is sealed away inside Jaden but Axel is sent to the stars. This leads us to the next Adrian plot. And the worst most disgusting thing anyone in that whole show does.
Wondering what to do next and waiting for Jaden to recover, the group is reunited with Crowler, and then subsequently meets Echo, who's been with Crowler all this time. Aster discovers a locket on the ground and after examining it, comes to the conclusion it's Echo's based on the photo of Adrian inside. Aster kinda teases her lighthearted about it and after coming to the conclusion he doesn't know how she feels, Echo says that she could never tell him and doesn't want Adrian to know because he "doesn't need another distraction." As she truly believes he is destined to rule this world and wants him to become king, and doesn't want to hold him back with her feelings. As she truly believes he always puts others before himself, and says she would do anything to see him fulfil his destiny. She even calls Adrian their "better", claiming he is stronger, smarter, and kinder than any of them.
Adrian at this point, has obtained the 5 pieces of Exodia, which had been being used previously by Marcel while he was under Yubel's control, and is attempting to unlock the seal on Exodia so that he can gain the power to rule Dark World, resolving to do so he must become completely ruthless and allow nothing to stand in his desire to rule the world. But to break the seal, someone has to offer up their duel energy willingly. But who could he find who would do that for him.....? And so he sets his sights on Echo. Knowing that her loyalty and feelings for him will allow him to convince her to offer herself up to Exodia.
So the group gets transported to the cave where Exodia's seal is, and when Adrian reveals himself, everyone is on edge. He reveals that he chose to stay behind having not come back with them from the first dimension, and Jaden realizes that he's now in league with Yubel, having the creepy Yubel arm that Viper and Marcel had when under Yubel's power. He covers it before Echo can see, and smiles at her. Claiming it's good to see her. She's unnerved and takes a step back, but he just smiles darkly and comes forward, telling her to come with him and grabs her arm. She says he's scaring her and she doesn't want to go with him, but he insists. Saying "that wasn’t a request!" And kinda forcefully pulls her forward.
Aster is angered by this and steps up, demanding Adrian leave her alone. Adrian warns him to stay out of this, saying that this is between him and Echo but Aster won't back down, saying it's not anymore and again to leave her alone. "Didn't you hear what she just said? She doesn't wanna go anywhere with you!"
To which Adrian turns to Echo all "is that so?" Then just goes right to town with his manipulation.
"Don't you want the best for me, Echo? I can't do it alone. Without you, I can't achieve greatness." All the while smiling at her. "I need you. Won't you help?" And tells her that I'm order to be king, he needs her duel energy, knowing full well that if he tells her it'll help him, she'll do it. Aster challenges Adrian to a duel to defend Echo and thus they duel before Exodia's seal.
During the duel, Adrian activates the Ritual of The Ultimate Forbidden Lord spell card to unlock the seal, and claims that to break Exodia's seal, he must sacrifice the duel energy of someone close to him. Telling Echo that he can't do this without her. He of course, has her wrapped around his finger and he knows it, so she's cooperating. Aster objects, and even Mr. Edgelord Supreme himself, Zane, admits that he'd do anything to win a duel but he'd never cross this line. Aster begs her to stop because Adrian is just using her, but her devotion to Adrian gets the best of her and she steps into the light.
Aster's furious with Adrian, and we get a whole "how could you do this to her??" Moment because Adrian fully knows that doing this will kill her. And we get a line that goes SO fucking hard from Aster: "You may never see her again! And the only things you're gonna have left, will be her memory and Exodia! Is it really worth all that?? Is it!?"
Echo has a little thought bubble where she claims that she knows by her doing this, Adrian will achieve the power he deserves, and is scooped up by Exodia and like, it hurts her. She's actually screaming for real, like she screams in the backgrounda couples times throughout the rest of this. It's harrowing. Adrian of course doesn't give a FUCK and when Aster tries to stop the duel Adrian's like "heh, nah 🤪" and continues on with the duel, draining Echo's duel energy more and more.
Aster keeps demanding Adrian let Echo go, but Adrian only says that her duel energy now belongs to Exodia, and that nothing will stop him from ruling this world! Jaden declares that Adrian had been taken over by darkness like he was, only caring about power and not at all who he has to hurt to get it. But Adrian claims that he was always like this and is just finally showing his true colors. Who he really is.
And so we get another BANGER of a line from Aster.
"Is that right? Did Echo know who you really were? Or did she do all this for the person she thought you were!?"
Adrian literally says nothing, and then tells Aster not to feel sorry for her because she knew he had to let this side out to fulfil his destiny.
The duel continues and Echo's duel energy is ultimately spent. She drops her pendant with Adrian's picture in it, and Aster is upset by this. Basically her spirit appears to him and apologizes for him being caught up in this, telling him that all she wanted was to prove to Adrian she'd do anything for him. Telling him also that despite everything that's happened here, it's all for the best. And after he asks her how she can say that after what Adrian did to her, she disappears, and she dies. Like straight up dead. Actually for real dead. Adrian literally killed her for Exodia.
And so Adrian summons Exodia, defeating Aster who implores the others escape before it's too late, telling Jaden when he object that it's too late for him now. So the escape and Aster is now fake dead while Echo is real dead, and Adrian rides off on Exodia entirely unbothered by any of that shit because he's the actual worst ever.
Adrian then goes to challenge Yubel, who is now possessing Jesse, so he can rule the world since having Exodia makes him powerful enough to stand against them. Yubel mocks Adrian by telling him that he'll be all alone because the only person who ever cared about him is gone, and further mocks him when he says Echo is still with him because of her memory, claiming that from experience Yubel can confidently say Echo would rather be by his side. Echo's spirit however, still watches over Adrian as she's loyal to him even in death, and Yubel realizes the darkness she needs isn't in Adrian, it's in Echo, her spirit having combined with his deck after he sacrificed her duel energy. Yubel takes Echo's lingering darkness and uses it to restore their power and ultimately defeats Adrian. But before he dies, Adrian cries out that he's sorry to Echo, but it's too late. And he's also straight up for real dead. Which he fucking deserves that piece of shit.
(Also in the Japanese version he just calls out her name before he dies.)
And oh lord, that took forever but this is the tea on Adrian. He's the worst. He's kinda a regular by the numbers secondary antagonist at first, but the shit he does to Echo is just the most disgusting thing. Truly the worst thing anyone does in GX in my opinion. He's horrible and deserves everything he gets. Which is death. He and Echo are the only 2 that for real die in Dark World, almost in the whole season but Yubel kills Viper earlier so y'know. I may be a bit biased because I hate his fucking guts, as do we all in my personal experience, but Adrian deserves it.
A truly despicable human being.
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storiesfromafan · 19 days
I'm Sorry Baby - Benny x Reader
A/N: I am back! And with Part 4 of my Spitfire series. This one was fun to write...as I am throwing myself into a bit of smut 😅
Also, want to thank @strayrockette for reading and advising on my attempt at smut 😂 I appricate her opinion.
Warning: my attemtp at smut after 10+ years, which even then might not have been good. So please, go easy on me 😅 also, might be grammer and spelling mistakes.
Tag list: tagging those that previously comment, in case you were looking forward to the next part haha.
@redwitchbitch1 @bellesdreamyprofile @cherryaustin
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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A few days after his return, and you pretty much throwing him out, Benny had been staying in a motel. He had been thinking everything over, trying to work out how to get back in your good graces. So, here he was at the bar, currently sitting with Johnny. With a short glass in hand, half full of amber liquid, Benny's poison of choice. He was having a talk with the one person he could talk too. One married man to another.
“What did ya expect, kid? Her to welcome ya back with open arms?” Johnny chuckled taking a sip from his glass.
“Nuh...but I didn’t think I’d get the door shut in my face” Benny sighed.
Johnny softly laughed. “She’s hurtin’. If ya could have heard her” – a look of guilt crossed Benny’s face – “Well, ya get what I mean...”
Benny nodded, taking a sip from his glass, eyes looking off into a void.
“Look kid” Johnny began, sitting up and leaning in, “woman are tricky. Wives are trickier. In a relationship there is two of ya. Not just you, or her. The two of ya. Yeah, she told ya to leave. But it was you who made that choice”.
Again, Benny nodded his head.
“But I’m not sayin' it’s your fault. It’s both of ya's fault in some way. Why hadn’t you been goin’ home at a decent hour?”
Benny shrugged. “Dunno, I’ve always been here, I guess...”
“You guess?” Questioned the Vandal leader. “You’re crazy about the spitfire, yeah?”
“Yeah” was all Benny said.
“Then you should have been goin' home to her. The club will still be here the next day. The knuckleheads will still be knuckleheads. But your woman, she ain’t somethin’ to take for granted” Johnny pointed his finger at Benny as he said that.
And he knew Johnny was right. Benny was crazy for you, had been since he saw you. He was crazy for your sass and attitude, for your fire. But also your caring and warmness to him. You were something special, something he had taken for granted. Benny was determined to get you back, one way or another. He would fight for you, fight for your relationship.
“What do I have to do to get her back?” Benny asked the older Vandal.
“I’d say get on ya knees and grovel” Johnny downed the last of his drink. “A woman with her spirit, she ain’t gonna just roll over. Your gonna have to show her what she means to ya. Or pray for a miracle”.
Getting up, Johnny patted Benny on the back laughing. He knew his younger Vandal was in for a fun time. But he wished him luck, and hoped it all worked out. Benny stared at the last of the liquid in his glass, before downing it and placing the glass on the table. Now he had to think of what he could do to win you back.
Finally it was closing time at the salon. Your feet were aching, and you had a small headache from listening to client after client either gossip or complain about life. You loved your job, but women could be so catty. And then there was Benny, and his reappearance a couple days ago. How it weighed on your mind and heart.
Betty had called you last night to let you know where he’d been staying, and how he was going. Apparently she’d seen him that day and he didn’t seem himself, lost in his thoughts. And that he hadn’t gone to the bar for long. She thinks he was riding most of the night, or back in his motel room. She believes he was thinking of you, and your relationship. You thanked her for the information before ending the call.
Part of you felt guilty, and missed him like crazy. But that fire in you wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine, for him to realise what he did and learn a lesson. You helped the owner clean up while she handled the till and books. You both conversed on the day in the shop, laughing at bits of gossip you’d both learned about other clients.
“So, how are you doing?” Sophia – salon owner – asked peering over at you, as you swept.
“Yeah, I’m alright” you replied off handedly.
Sophia nodded. “I heard Benny’s back, I take it he came home?”
You nodded. “Yeah...but I didn’t let him back in. I need my space”.
With that you collected the hair and moved to the back, where you’d dispose of it. The conversation done with, for now. Sophia wasn’t blind. She’d see how the week without your husband effected you. And how closed in and shut off you’d been. But Sophia also saw how happy you’d been when you got with Benny. Compared to your ex, this relationship was much better and you were the happiest she’d seen you.
With all the end of day chores done, you and Sophia headed out the front door. You were the last, closing the door and locking it for your boss. She always struggled to get the lock secure, so you just do it, since it seemed to like you. Sometimes you’d even be the one to lock up, and gave Sophia an early mark.
“Well, that’s a sight for sore eyes” Sophia said softly.
You’d just secured the lock, before turning to the woman, that was looking to across the road. Following her gaze you were greeted to the sight of your husband, who was leant against his parked bike. It reminded you of when he’d pick you up after work, seeing him after you’d finish work. How he'd light up when seeing you coming towards him, and how you’d greet him with a sweet kiss. But now you weren’t sure what to do.
“Are you gonna go to him?” Sophia questioned, turning back to you.
You shook your head before heading to your car, Sophia followed, as her car was next to you. Once coming to the cars she stopped you, she gave you a soft, small smile.
“Look Hun, can I give you some advice?” – You nodded for her to go – “there will always be fights in a relationship. But I know how much that man means to you, and no doubt it’s the same for him. So, don’t let this fight stop you from being with him, alright?”
You let her words sink in before slowly nodding your head. “I’ll try not to Sophia...but right now, I need some time...”
She nodded. “I know, but don’t take too long. He’s too good looking to stay away from” she teased with a wink, which made you softly laugh.
You hadn’t laughed in a little while at a teasing remark about Benny. Maybe you were already beginning to get over it. But you would give it a little more time till you were completely ready to have Benny back in your house and your bed. With a see you tomorrow, you both got in your cars and left. Briefly you looked to Benny as you drove out of the car park, and headed home.
Benny had watched the whole time you left the salon, to getting to your car. He could see how you and your boss talked, and saw how the woman had looked to him first. And when you looked to him, he felt his breath catch in his chest. You didn’t look mad or upset, it was more a blank stare at him. And he understood you still needed time. But he would make sure to be close by, keeping an eye on you and looking out for you, ready for whenever you needed him. It was one way to show you he was there, and not going anywhere from now on.
The little things will show how I care, he told himself.
Benny watched you drive off, not moving to go after you, not yet anyways. Taking out a cigarette, he placed it between his lips before lighting it up. Taking a long drag, he removed the cigarette before releasing the smoke. Benny smoked the cigarette but didn’t enjoy it as much as he usually would, it was just a way to distract himself and fill time. It was you that he was craving more then the cigarette. Craved your attention, your smile, your lips, your warmth. He craved you wholly.
The following day you arrived at work just before nine, you knocked on the door and Sophia let you. With a morning to each other, you put away your bag and got ready for your day to begin. It was going to be a relative busy day, which you didn’t mind. It was yourself, Sophia and another woman named Ella. Between the three of you, you could get a good amount done.
When your first client showed up, an older woman who was a bit of a stick in the mud, you wasted no time in getting her set up in your chair. Draping the cape over her, you made pleasantries. Though you know she did not like you, just your work. She was a stuck up woman, who you knew talked about you behind your back. But you did your best work, that way she couldn't run you down on it.
It was just after ten, the salon bustling with activity, when a delivery man came into the shop, in his hand a lovely bunch of flowers. He stepped into the shop, a little shyly. You watched him in the mirror before you, thinking those flowers had to be from Sophia's husband for her.
Sophia spoke to the young man, taking the flowers before thanking him. He didn't waste time to leave the shop and move on to his next delivery. One of the clients, being nosey, asked Sophia if they were hers. She was looking at the beautiful flowers before spotting a card. A look of surprise crossed her face, before a small smile crossed her lips.
“Mrs Carpenter, I wish they were, but they're not for me" mused Sophia.
All the women in the shop looked to Sophia, then around at each other. All wondering which of them they were for. Some probably hoped their husbands had sent them flowers on a whim, to surprise and cheer them up as they got their hair done. But they’d be wrong.
With the flowers in hand Sophia stepped around from the counter. She moved across the room and came to stand beside you. She was smiling at you as she looked at you in the mirror. They were for you. You should have guessed from the various flowers that you liked, making up the arrangement.
“Seems these are yours Hun" commented Sophia, holding out the flowers for you. “Why don't you go put them in some water out the back. And read the card. I'll take over for you while you're gone".
Reluctantly you finished cutting the piece of hair you held in your fingers. “Ah, sure...” you replied, unsure and uneasy.
Taking the flowers from your boss, you slowly moved from the floor and into the back. All the time questioning who would have sent you flowers? You didn't wait, taking the card from the flowers and laying them on the counter by the sink. You held the small envelop in your hand, reading your name before turning it over. You took a moment, looking at it once more before shakily opening the seal.
Slowly you removed the card, and taking a breath before finally reading what it said:
Flower's for my girl, my wife.
I hope they brighten your day,
Just like you will always brighten mine.
Love Benny.
Your heart skipped a beat reading his words. Words that he couldn't always say. Word's he knew you needed to read. For Benny knew how your days at the salon could be. He had seen how you come home, tired and drained. How you would have good days and bad days. He would listen to you tell him about the bitchiest women, who were the worst to deal with. But also how joyous you were when you had a day of nothing but sweet, lovely women.
Benny sent you a reminder that you were the brightest thing in his life, just as he was yours. You smiled softly, clutching the card delicately in your hand. Your chest aching with thoughts of your husband, and missing him. Maybe it was time to start working on getting your relationship back on track. Yes, this was the start. But you would make sure that man knew he had some serious work to do if he wanted you back completely.
Fixing up the flowers in a make shift vase. You walked back onto the salon shop floor, silence rolling in when you came back. All eyes watching you as you placed the flowers on the front counter. They noticed the sparkle in your eyes, along with a small smile on your lips.
“Take it the contents of that card were good, huh?” Teased Sophia, various women giggling.
You rolled your eyes. “If you must know, it was...”
Sophia smiled brightly and giggled. “Guess he made a good peace offering".
“It's a start" you retorted before taking back over working on your client, leaving Sophia to go off to do what she had to do.
Locking up on your own tonight, you noticed no Benny waiting across the road today. Which surprised you. None the less you got into your car and drove home, the radio on softly and you hummed along. Your flowers were sitting on the seat next to you, every time you looked at them you would smile softly. You wondered where Benny was. Was he at the bar? Would you have to go to him? Or could he have changed his mind?
Turning onto your street, you slowly came closer to your house. Your concerns and worries died away upon seeing the person on your mind. He had parked his bike across the road, again he was resting against it. As you pulled into the drive way, you could see him watching you, cigarette between his lips.
Benny had chosen to wait for you at your shared home. He knew to wait outside rather then just waltzing inside. He didn't want to upset you, especially after sending you flowers at work. It could have got either way, in his favour or made it worse. He hadn’t long lit a cigarette and taken a few drags, before your car turned onto the street. He watched as you approached, and turned into the drive way. But Benny never moved, he was going to see if you would invite him in, back into the house and into your arms.
Getting out of the driver seat, you leant back in and grabbed the flowers. Once you were out and the door closed, you looked to Benny. Still he lent against the bike, but he straightened up once seeing the flowers in your hand. Looking to them, you brought them closer to you. After that you walked up the few stairs to the porch – the same ones Benny climbed before you slammed the door in his face – and came to the front door. You used your keys to unlock the door and pushed it open.
Crossing the threshold, you paused a moment. Then you turned around to look at your husband. You kept your face blank, but there was a calmness to it. You looked at Benny for a few minutes before closing the door, but kept it propped open. It was a way to tell him that if he wanted, he could come in. You were calm and ready to talk.
You crossed the lounge room and entered the kitchen. Placing your bag on the counter by the door way, you moved over to the sink. You placed the flowers down before fetching a glass vase. You proceeded to put some water into it, then began to undo the wrapping to the flowers.
Mean while, Benny had watched your every move from car to front door. When you stood in the door way looking to him, he was silently hoping you would call out to him to come in. When you didn't, and began to close the door, Benny thought he would have to try again tomorrow. But when the door was left open a bit, he released the breath he had been holding. Hope bubbled in him.
Benny stood up from his position against the bike, stretching out his arms as he began to walk towards the house. Taking one last drag of the cigarette, Benny removed it from his lips and flicking it away. The smoke slipping from his lips as he walked up the path to the stairs. Up he went, boots landing on the porch. He stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath before pushing the front door open slowly.
You weren't in the lounge room, but he could hear you moving around the kitchen. He closed the door before taking off his jacket and hanging it up the door. Benny crossed the room to the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. He lent against the wood frame, watching you silently.
You had most of the flowers in the vase, you were just putting the remaining in and moving them around when you felt his eyes on you. It sent a shiver down your spine. Who would speak first? How would this all go?
When you had finished, you picked up the vase and moved to place it by the window on the counter. You would figure out where to put them later, for now you had to have a conversation with your husband.
“Do you like them?” Benny softly asked, when you placed them down and stared at them.
“Yes" you replied, “I like them a lot, actually...”
He nodded, though you couldn’t see it. “Good...I remember you sayin’ how you liked those kinds of flowers...”
It was awkward, but it was something, right? To know Benny remembered what flowers you liked, it showed he had been listening. And he did, majority of the time. Slowly you turned around, choosing to lean against the counter. For the first time in days you took a good hard look at Benny.
He looked tired, maybe he hadn’t been sleeping properly. His clothes – different to what you’d last seen him in – were deeply wrinkled, most likely worn when sleeping or trying to sleep. From the way he was leaning, you could tell Benny was uneasy. Not because of you, but for what could happen between you right now. He was guarded, yet trying to keep his defences down just enough so you in turn would let yours down. You could tell he didn't want to fight, he wanted to sort this out like adults. No more running, for either of you.
“...I’m sorry for leavin' baby" Benny said, breaking the silence. “I shouldn’t have taken off like I did. Nor did I want to worry ya".
You nodded your head. “I know...”
“When I bring up leavin'...its somethin' in me that switches when a fight gets too much" Benny tried to explain. “I know its not an excuse, but I want ya to understand. But I promise I wont do it again...if I do, you can kick me out".
You chuckled. “Like I'd want you to go...” you said softly. “But Benny...you gotta know it did hurt. You just up and goin', no word of where ya were or if you were alright. I was worried sick".
Benny moved from the door frame to you, but stopped himself from pulling you to him, to hold you close and kiss away the hurt he caused. He looked at you with soft, guilty eyes. Waiting for you to give him the ok that he could touch you, hold you.
“I’m sorry for worryin' you, baby. If I could take it back, I would" Benny said softly, hands itching to rub up and down your arms.
“I know Benny...” your voice was soft, fragile. You looked at your husband with hurt eyes, only killing him more. You then looked to his hands and back to his baby blues. That was all Benny needed, for he stepped closer and pulled you to him.
Benny wrapped his arms around you, holding you closely to him for the first time in what felt like forever. Having you close felt right. You rested your head against his chest, your hands gripping his t-shirt. A few tears, that you hadn’t realised that had risen, escaped down your cheeks, they a mix of hurt but happiness.
“I’m sorry baby" Benny whispered into your hair.
You stood there for a few minutes, just letting Benny hold you and whisper sweet things into your ear. You felt better. You felt a part of you healing. Just like it was for Benny. Reluctantly Benny pulled back, moving to look at your face. Seeing the remints your tears left, he brought a hand up and whipped them away.
“Benny, you know we need to have a long talk, right?” You questioned softly, afraid he might get spooked.
He nodded. “I know, baby. I am ready for it...”
So, with a deep breath and standing where you were, not waiting to leave his space, you began. You told him how you'd been feeling, how him staying out effected you. That you wanted him to come home more, but not to take him away from the club. Benny heard you, he agreed to it. He told you how he adored that you respected his ties with the Vandals, and not trying to entirely change him, which made you laugh. Music to his ears after so long. Benny didn't ask much of you, as you had been perfect the whole time.
“I guess Johnny was right...” muttered Benny as he moved from you, as you crossed to the kitchen door way.
“Hmm?” you asked turning back to Benny.
“Johnny...I spoke to him the other day. I asked him what to do" Benny paused, gauging your reaction, with a nod he knew to go on. “He said I should grovel, or show ya what you mean to me...”
You held in a laugh at the suggestion of grovelling. “Is that why you sent flowers?”
He nodded, “but I meant them and what I wrote, baby. As well as watchin’ out for you, I wanted you to know I wasn't goin’ anywhere".
You smiled softly, moving to stand before your man. You cupped his cheek with one hand, thumb stroking his stubbled jaw. It was rough but soothing. You enjoyed feeling of it rubbing against your skin, be it your cheek, neck, inner thighs.
You moved your hand to back of Benny's head, gripping it firmly. You stared into his eyes. “I wouldn't mind you on your knees...but not necessarily grovellin’...”
You saw realisation flash in Benny's eyes when your words sunk in. Holding his head firmly, you pulled your husbands head down. Pulling his lips to meet your own, a firm closed lip kiss. The feeling of his lips against yours feeling like home. You closed your eyes, savouring your lips reuniting.
You moved to grip his hair, pulling a little. Causing Benny to groan in the most delightful way, which you had missed. His hands moved to your hips, pulling you close as he removed his lips for just a moment. Adjusting the angle, Benny brought his lips back to your waiting ones. This time it was a feverish, slightly open mouth kiss. Over and over, short and sweet. But soon Benny went in for a longer, deeper kiss.
He didn't wait for permission, his tongue delving into your mouth, seeking out your own. Tongues colliding, caressing the other in a fast paced dance. You moaned into his mouth, which only made Benny return with his own. Stepping forward, Benny backed you up against the small table in the kitchen. The edge digging into your backside. Without breaking the kiss, Benny picked you up and set you on the tables edge.
Your other hand moving to cradle is cheek, while its partner ran threw his hair before pulling it occasionally. That only spurred Benny on further. His hands moved to your slacks, unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper. Pulling away from the kiss, you both took a moment to get some much needed air. And in that time Benny silently instructed you to lift your hips. You did, and he removed both your slacks and underwear, leaving you sitting in bare from the waist down.
Benny wasted no time falling to his knees, as you both had mentioned. This kind of grovelling was not for forgiveness, but for your own pleasure. Benny would worship every part of you, if it would make you happy.
His rough hands moved up your calf muscles, slowly over your thighs, pushing them open wider. His eyes drinking in the sight before him, Benny placed kisses along the inside of your thighs before coming to his destination. Slowly – tongue flat – he licked at the opening of your sex. Tongue finding your hard nub, applying the right amount of pressure as he caressed it. You moaned, head tilting back, as one hand moved to Benny's hair.
Benny worshipped you with his tongue, bringing moans and praises from your lips. When he would change movements with his tongue, you would pull his hair lightly, encouraging him further. Then when he added a finger inside of you, and then a second after sometime, he had you a mess upon the table. Your free hand moved to clutch the edge of the table, trying to ground yourself. Your man knew how to worship at your alter.
“I-I need you, baby" you managed to get out, between moans.
Reluctantly, Benny moved his head back. His baby blues, now dark with desire, staring at you as he licked his lips, tongue taking in your essence that had been resting there. After a brief moment of watching you, he rose to his feet, standing between your legs. Without delay, your hands moved to Benny's jeans. Undoing the button before pulling down the zipper. You pushed his jeans and boxers down his hips.
When he was freed from its confines, you wrapped a hand around his member. Slowly moving your hand up and down the shaft. The way Benny's breath caught in his throat, before a small strangled noise came from his parted lips, such noises pleased you. He leant in and captured your lips once more, sloppily and mindlessly at your touch and ministrations.
“Baby, I want you" Benny sighed against your lips.
You hummed in approval. “I want you too".
You guided him to your sex, Benny's hands coming to hold your hips. His tip brushed against your nub, drawing out a moan. He was teasing, but you'd allow it. You brought your hands up to his neck, one resting there while its partner tangled with the hair at the base of his neck.
Finally lining himself entrance, Benny began to enter you. The way he felt, stretching you, you sighed as you gripped his hair. That action cause Benny to buck his hips, finally sheathing himself completely in you. You both moaned in satisfaction of being one again.
Benny moved in, taking your lips into a deep kiss. He drew back his hips before snapping back into you, over and over. At first a gentle pace, but with your hold on his hair and nails at his neck digging in, Benny picked up speed. Before long you were head tilted back, moaning, as your husband slammed into you. His lips upon your neck, sucking and biting, while he too made beautiful sounds.
With the rise in pleasure that Benny was giving you, and feeling, it had to come to an end. The tension rising and twisting in the pit of your stomach. You tightened around him, only adding to Benny's please, and making him move more vigorously.
“Cum for me, baby" Benny said with a groan, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. No doubt there’d be bruises later. “Ya gotta cum for me".
You nodded your head, whimpering at his words.
Benny placed his forehead to your own, his eyes staring deeply into yours. The pressure just building inside you both. Finally he hit that spot, and you tipped over the edge. You cried out, clenching tightly around his member, while you let your release wash over you. With a few more sloppy thrusts, Benny finally found his release. Buried within you, his seed coated your insides. His hands moving to the edge of the table, while catching his breath.
You opened your eyes, which had closed at some point, to look at your husband. He looked gorgeous, breathing heavily, trying to calm down after your vigorous activity. When his baby blues found yours, the smile that graced his perfect lips, melted your heart. You smiled right back at him. You both sharing a tender moment.
Those lips met with yours once more, but this time a chaste kiss. Pulling back, Benny reluctantly removed himself from you, which made you whimper at the lose. But with a promise that he'd gladly make it up to you later, you giggled with joy.
You watched as Benny pulled his boxers and jeans back up, fastening them before turning to you. He helped you down from the table, legs a little shaky from how well he had taken care of you. With some work and help, you had your own underwear and slacks back on. You kissed Benny's cheek to say thank you.
“Remind me to thank Johnny" you said off handily.
“Why's that baby?” Benny asked, confused.
You smirked. “For givin’ you the idea to grovel" was your reply before laughing.
Benny shook his head, pulling you close to him. “Oh”.
“And Benny" you said after a moment of silence. He waited for you to go on. “Next time you leave me, and hurt me, I will castrate you". Then you chuckled.
Benny softly laughed. “But what about kid's, baby. I'm gonna need them”.
Wrapped in his arms, you pondered Benny's words. “That is true...I will just take one then. You can give me kid's with just one, after all".
“Yes ma’am” Benny said in humour.
You both roared into laughter. Though you told him, as you laughed, you were serious. And it would be smart not to test you. Benny just continued to laugh before scooping you up over his shoulder, and carrying you off to your shared bedroom. Not without a small smack to your backside at you sassing him, as he walked up the stairs.
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berylcups · 3 months
La Squadra & you go to Costco
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CW: suggestive content, condoms, pregnancy tests, nipples, alcohol,
Notes: Going to Costco is always a bizarre adventure. And I was thinking while shopping… it would be nice to have a strapping young man to help me out so I made this crack 😅 I’m not endorsing Costco in anyway- this is just my way of coping with the stress of buying bulk and dealing with the public! Well this was obviously a quick little post but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it! 💜 Beryl
Really didn’t want to come, he hates being in public and having people stare at him 👀
Has made a few kids cry just by existing 😭 he won’t admit it but it does hurt his feelings 🥺
Buuuuuut it is nice for people to clear the isles out of pure intimidation 👀 just give them dirty looks in exchange for treating your man that way
Will pick up all the extra heavy and unwieldy stuff
He’s uncomfy in the frozen section… everyone is looking at his hard nips 🥶 yes he’s still wearing his typical “clothes”
Maybe buy him a couple of shirts from the clothing section???
He’s going to ask for energy drinks or coffee. The drinks and coffee section is his favorite section. 🖤 after dealing with the public he deserves all the caffeination
He’s gonna wanna Costco glizzy from the food court to see what all the fuss is about
He rates it a 6.5/10 not bad! But he says his “Italian sausage” is better 😘
Of course his favorite section is the cheese section. Be sure to get an assortment of cheeses 🧀
He’s going to shrink everything he wants and pockets it -mostly the snack food and cookies
You find it very suspicious that he doesn’t ask for anything until you guys get home and he unshrinks EVERYTHING HE STOLE
All the frozen stuff melted though… he didn’t think that through- keeping miniaturized ice cream and frozen pizzas in a warm pants pocket 🫠
Why does he have to go? Can’t you do it? 🙄
Drag him by the pigtails in the damn store to help you pick up all the bulk items!
He’s going to complain about the lack of diversity of brands…Kirkland??? Ew! Name brands only Y/N!
Please put him in his place 🙏
He shuts up when he sees the shampoo/toiletries section
You bet your ass he’s going to steal all of that.
Despite his brattiness, he’ll make sure everyone moves out of your way when you push the cart
“ excuse you- coming through! Out of our way please.”
Very kareny about it—you’re both going to get some dirty looks but it gets the job done!
He’s more than happy to help you shop!
He has an eye for quality when you’re in the meat section
He can tell you how fresh that fish is and if you’re better off getting it frozen
Please honor his request and buy him some milk 🥺 hell buy him 2! He’s being so helpful!
He’s good at picking up all the heavy stuff.
He even insists on pushing the cart/buggy. What a sweetheart 😇
You need to give him that confidence boost to help him push his way through the isles. Everyone is in the way— show them you mean business and you aren’t a mammoni and are here to get your shopping done TODAY
Sigh why am I coming with you? You know the dynamics: I give you the money—and then you go out and spend said money. I shouldn’t have to be involved in this!
His attitude changes once he gets to the alcohol section. 😅
He just wants to give you his card and let you fill up the cart till your heart's content
He’s going to lounge about in the furniture section and just chill out.
Your gonna have to play where’s Waldo with him because he’s will purposely age himself to hide from grocery shopping 😂
It only worked the first few times. You already have it burned in your memory what a geriatric Prosciutto looks like.
He’s always dozed off in one of the recliners there with a small group of concerned people surrounding him wondering if he’s still alive. ☠️
Now time to drag his old ass to the produce section and help you find some good looking fruits and vegetables!
You want me to go shopping with you??? Di molto! I’d love to! We will…have to use your mode of transportation of course.
He’s not strong but with the both of you, you can carry the extra heavy items from the cart to the car.
6 pack pregnancy tests?! DI MOLTO! Bulk condoms??? Di molto!!!
Somebody come get this man he’s scaring the customers with his excited yelling 😬
Keep him on a tight leash—he’s looking for surrogates when we’re supposed to be looking for the everything bagel seasoning 👀
No seriously- put him on one of those child leashes. He should NOT be unsupervised with the public.
If he’s being good let him pick out some ready made meals- ramen , Mac and cheese, frozen goodies like hot pockets etc.
Why the fuck do I gotta go to Costco with you? Nothings gonna fit in my goddamn trunk. Have you seen my car??? 🚘
The place is too big and overstimulating to him…but he calms down once he sees the electronics section. 😌
He’s going to compare the specs of each TV… he might even get a gaming console too. Don’t worry he’s paying for it 👍
Do you really need a 25 lb bag of rice? I get that its versatile and you eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes even dessert—but that’s ridiculously a large ass bag. What if you get tired of it? You don’t ? Well…ok then.
Someone tell this guy about the miracle of chili peppers and air tight containers…😅 (pro tip: my Chinese teacher says airtight containers and a few dried chilli peppers keeps your rice fresh and critter-free!)
He questions why someone would need an excessive amount of certain products…but be patient with this baby and give him the million reasons why it’s perfectly acceptable to buy a 5 pound bag of shredded cheese.
He loves the spicy Korean ramen -he’ll make that fit in his trunk 😂
He also really likes the produce section but worries that the both of them aren’t going to consume the fruits/veg in time before they expire
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kaycode1999 · 1 year
Headcanons for all da Bumblebee x reader headcanons separately (like tfa, tfp, bay, 2018, rotb, rid, g1, Earthspark, cyberverse, rescue bots. How they each would be in a relationship and all that please ((So sorry I didn’t specify before pal 😅🥲))
Ok I hope I got this right😂. And no worries, and let me know if I missed anything or if there is something more specific you want to get my thoughts on
So there are a few things I think all Bee's have in common and that's being kind and a great boyfriend. Optimus raised a gentleman (bot) that's for sure. He's very much the opposite of " Oh I hate my significant other', " My significant other is my ball and chain", etc.
G1 Bumblebee: Definitely a clumsy blushing mess (if robots can blush) around his crush before they get together. He may or may not have used the same line he'd given to Spike to ask Carly out. I feel like he would also be the kind to brag to everyone about his SO and how amazing they are. Seriously, he introduces them to everyone as his SO especially at the beginning. I can see him at the very beginning having to run tell EVERY SINGLE AUTOBOT THAT WILL LISTEN THAT HE IS NOW WITH THIS PERSON. Very sweet boyfriend, and if he isn't cuddling with them he always has to be touching his SO in some way. I.E hand holding, having them in his arms or on his shoulder. The kind of relationship that it can be years down the line and they never run out of things to talk about and still learning new things about each other
TFA Bumblebee: If you got together too close to them making a home in Detroit he would have gotten in trouble for either stealing or messing up some flowers because he either wanted to get something for you and he didn't know the concept of paying for things or he was trying to pick flowers for you and he didn't realize he couldn't just pick some out of a public garden. He can be a little 💩 sometimes like you would probably expect, but he's actually a very sweet boyfriend. Always doing things like when he sees his SO carrying or trying to carry something heavy he has to rush over and carrys it for them while saying something like " Don't worry, Your boyfriend is here to help". Basically any reason to call himself your boyfriend. When Wasp did the electronic paint job with their helmets it affected him more then he let on, and once the others went to bed he asked you to stay with him. He can handle you being gone for a few days but if you're gone for more than a few days he starts becoming very sad because he misses you and the other bots don't know how to handle it. When you get back he nearly crushes you in a tight hug and he will definitely run over anyone who tries to get in the way, and don't expect for him to let you out of his arms for several hours. The other bots adore your relationship and see that you are a good influence on him. I definitely get the vibe that he would be the kind of boyfriend to do something like this
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I can see it being the kind of relationship where sometimes you don't even need to talk you can just be around each other in comfortable silence and enjoy each others company
TFP/ Rescue Bots/ RID/ Rescue Bots Academy (I'm combining because these are supposed to be the same bot): He is very sweet with his SO when they are alone but he is somewhat less comfortable with PDA. He's ok with holding hands and a few little things like that but for the most part he won't be the one instigating anything beyond hand holding ( though it also depends on who is around- if you're only around people you know well and are comfortable with he's much more open about PDA). It takes him a little while to get out of the habit of feeling like he has always be taking care of you and protecting you, you definitely make him see this is a partnership and he doesn't have to put everything on himself.
Cyberverse Bumblebee: He's probably not the kind to flirt BEFORE you get together but oh man. Once you do get together he flirts relentlessly, and with the cheesiest pick up lines. For example, if you trip or fall or something and he catches you he will without a doubt say something very cheesy like " I guess you really did fall for me."
Earthspark Bumblebee: I can see this going two ways. Either 1- he accidentally makes it seem like he hates you because it's noticeable to you that he avoids you and that you're the only one he seems to have a problem with. He's forced to admit his feelings when you confront him about his behavior. Or 2- he got close to you but didn't believe it could work between you two. He resigned himself to only being your friend until he couldn't take it anymore and he finally admitted it to you . (Everyone around you wanted you two to get together). An extremely loving boyfriend. He's not bothered at all by PDA, he'll give you a kiss, hug, hold your hand or whatever (SFW obviously) regardless of if anyone is around or not. Loves to call you pet names like; my love, sweetheart, baby (he uses a lot of pet names)
Bayverse Bumblebee: You two are so alike you can almost already tell what the other is thinking without needing to hear it. Seriously like some kind of weird mind meld/soulmate thing going on. Crosshairs once made the mistake of mocking you standing up for Bee when he was giving him a hard time, let's just say he now fears being on the receiving end of your wrath. You two have your own code for when a mission goes wrong, how bad, and where to meet after if you get separated. Also, this bots memory is very good. When you find Wheelie, he remembers what he did to Mikayla and he definitely threatened to blast him back to Cybertron if he ever tried that with you
ROTB/Knightverse Bumblebee: no surprise but he loves going to the drive in with you. Takes you to meet Charlie so that you two can be friends. He loves carrying you around in his arms because of the size difference between you two (he thinks you're so cute and small). He just wants to spend quality time with you whenever he can. Always running a finger through your hair and playing with your hair in some way it just fascinates him
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Random (Spoilers)
IWTV's the type of show you need SEVERAL hours to unpaack--this is just the odds & ends I don't have as much to comment on. (I've queued five Ep4 musings for this evening, that are way more character/plot-heavy.)
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Go AWF, Eglee! (Now I get why she lunged at Celeste like that--she was after Eglee's man!)
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If someone don't get this Bilbo Baggins lookin arse ghoul TF off Louis' case--!
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Sure, Mr. I Do Not Consider Myself Abused.
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I hope they do, Louis, I'm not even joking. I'd love to see a whole new wave of TVC-based academia come out in AMC's wake. There's A LOT to chew on.
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Get this pretty bish off my dang screeeeen.
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At first I thought Daniel was referring to Lestat here, but Les isn't Lou's biographer. But I guess he meant because Les was commenting so much on everything in Louis' life at that time.
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That cuck chair cost 10 million dollars, Armand.
I feel SO bad for him, if he didn't realize HOW MUCH Lestat was around--I KNOW Louis hallucinated Les while they were banging. 😬
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Daniel, you gigantic unmitigated MORON. 🤦 WHYYYYYYY would you reveal your hand like that?! This dude is SLIPPING. 😩
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So Loumand kept dead victims saran-wrapped (bleh) in their flat, and let Daniel just stroll on in--"don't be afraid, just start the tape." No wonder Daniel called it a "dump."
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Who's being reported missing/dead on the news? What's Armand mean by that being "enterprising/fascinating"? Daniel's penchant for following the scoop on gritty gory crimes?
But then Armand implied that in high school Daniel raped a girl and made her wear a paper bag over her head so he wouldn't have to look at her, not caring when she cried. 😱 And it was that "splinter of coldness in you" that made him fascinating to Armand. GOD. Anne Rice would be proud.
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Louis look ready to reach over and wring Daniel's neck. 😅
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Bienecke Library in New Haven is at Yale--they collect rare books & stuff. Lemme find out the Talamasca's posted up there. "Post-war reconstruction of Paris"--that's good, nice work, COLLECT YOURSELF.
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Psst! I wouldn't touch that, knowing where it's been. 🤢🐀🐀🐀
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Not this knockoff Lestat strutting around in housecoats. 😂
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😨 I'm boycotting AMC & cancelling my AMC+ subscription.
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So Loumand/Armand's art dealing was Louis' thing initially--I like it! He needs a job. I can imagine him at Sothebys or Christies or something.
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If only Armand knew Florence told Louis "Don't come back, fragile son...." Louis and Marius both managed to capture the soul of Armand in art--I need to lay down.
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THIS CREEP'S TRYNA STEAL ARMAND'S PHOTO! 😱 What a wanker! Literally! Dang, even in the 1940s Armand's not safe from pervs! 😩
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Is this thievin pervin swindlin a-hole tryna warn MY Louis!?
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(YES, actually, Louis; you DO.) Was it that Alois creep? Did Lou EVER have the correct photos? Is there a Talamasca mole in the archival staff? (Is it Rashid, LOL?) Or, god forbid, Alderman Fenwick was right all along (boo!): "You're a dumb pimp who got robbed blind years ago." A SPY'S afoot!
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The jumpscares this episode are RELENTLESS! That startled me! 😅 And OUCH about the ageism. (NO ONE stood around clutching their pearls when Armand chokeslammed a little Black girl not THIRTY SECONDS AGO, but suddenly everyone's aghast that Armand hemmed up this old buffoon?!)
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The SOUND I just made. XD
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The coup's already happened--Loumand just doesn't know it yet. U_U
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ghostiiess · 11 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - making your apartment spooky with justin
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: some swears here and there, i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
member: justin phan
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so you guys just finished shopping
this year, with your boyfriend justin, you both decided that it would be a great thing to do a halloween party in your appartment
but of course, to make a good and unforgettable halloween party, you need to decorate the place!!
otherwise, it is not really a halloween party, it’s just….well, a party
(More under the cut!)
so jp offered his help to decorate your apartment with you!
« I’m telling you babe… in 2h, this apartment will looks spooky af! »
this man was ready.
you only asked him to bring his bluetooth speaker
this man brought your favorite fall drink, and A LOT of decorations
like this man bought stuff for like $100...
you will have enough decoration, i think.
you already had some decorations in your apartment, but this man bought even more (bc he said “what if we miss any?”)
you won’t have to go out for buying some more
at least, i hope not 😂
btw, he forgot the bluetooth speaker.
“Omg, I totally forgot!”
he would put the music on your tv or something like that
he would put a halloween music playlist
“this is the best halloween song, don’t you agree baby?”
and he would vibe so much, he would not be able to stop dancing or like sing the song
this man knows how to decorate a room!!
like idk how to explain it, but he knows where things goes
he knows how to make a great ambience with the decorations and what to buy…
i hope you understand what im trying to say 😅
“more to the left…. okay, now that’s too much.. just a little bit more to the right and you’re all set”
he would try to scare you with jumpscares
then fail.
“i bought this halloween mask just for you"
yes, you heard him.
he spent $15 for a halloween mask that didnt even scared you.
also, he would put fake spider and bats on your wall, i hope you are not scared of them…
“this is starting to look great!”
he also bought fake spider web
“spiderman will come to us!”
he would be so concentrated…
like, he would not stop until your apartment look spooky
“do you think we should add this banner on this wall?”
“you look so cute when you’re all focused like that..”
he would not be able to stop smiling
“my love, you are doing such a great job!”
“sweetie? could you help me for a sec?”
he would be the type to let you decorate for a while just bc he was busy making you something sweet to eat (or to drink)
“because you worked so well, you deserve this lil’ reward”
he’s a cutie :(
he would put LED light in your bathroom, in the living room, literally everywhere he can hahaha
also, he would tease you so much
you would put a fake monster mask and he would be like 😐😐
but then, when you would take it off, he would be like 🫨🫨
"damn, your face scared me! put that thing back on!"
he is only teasing, i promise you
but he's still a lil' bastard to say that 🤪😚😇
just kidding, ily jp
after a lot of preparation, decorations, making snacks, blablablaaaa..
it was the halloween party!!
let's say everyone LOVED how your apartment was decored
i would like to say that most of your decorations were still perfectly intact after the party, but it would be a lie…
the 4h of decoration n preparation was worth it 😌
you did a party with 7 boys (and their girls) full of energy (okay 6 if we don't count ryan bc watching animes > partying) + there was some alcohol…
phan bought soju !!
if you can't drink / not in the age to drink, he would make you juice or a special drink
drinks that taste like alcohol, but that don't have any alcohol in it?
anyways! hope your enjoyed your halloween party with jp
yes idk how to end this rip
taglist! (open! send an ask if you'd like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
bold can't be tagged.
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Anne!!! So I just watched Ghosted! 🫣 with recent events I couldn’t stand watching it when it came out. 😅 but now I’m able to stomach it again. It’s so good and cute!! I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I thought it was so good and Cole is so sweet and a lovable dork (don’t worry, Bucky’s my man🤭😉) I was entertained during the whole movie and never once thought “how much longer?” Which meant the movie did its job! Love love love Cole, I see the appeal!! ❤️
Yes, my man Cole never disappoints (I can already smell Jen's reblog 😂). But I hope you also enjoyed our friends the rocks Dwaynes and Prickle Rick the cactus 😊
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thedeathdeelers · 3 months
Helloo! I just finished lovely runner like 2 days ago and the way it has grabbed me by the throat uffff
I just wanted to talk about this scene and the way he calls out for Sol (also how it's someone else but he thinks it's Sol eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!) Just the pure devastation on his face, like look at his eyes man!!! I'm trying so hard not to start my rewatch right away 😭😭
(Also i just went through your blog and liked a bunch of stuff because I'm obsessed with the show and I need to cope 😂😅)
My friend was pushing me to watch it for a while but I just couldn't find the time to watch it. And I was a bit apprehensive at the first episode but then- but then, they showed how he liked her firsttttt!!!!!!! And then it just kept getting better and better!!! Sun jae was just such a cutie and an absolute loserrr (affectionate) and then threw in some good angst 🥹😭😭 it was just amazing!!
And then I decided, oh I need more, so i decided to look up the drama on here and see people (like you!!) writing such amazing commentary on the show that it's making me even more obsessed whew! 😆😅
This is getting long I'm sorry, but that salon drip youtube interview where the host is just squealing is literally me, they're super cute together, i hope they do more projects where they're the leads together!!! I need it!!!
Okay have a lovely day/evening! 😁
hi hello!! welcome to the “holy crap that was the best kdrama im going to be obsessed with this for a WHILE” club!
ugh yes that scene!!!! byeon woo-seok did such a good job at portraying so much just through his eyes!! it’s years and decades and timelines of memories just fully pouring in all at once — all the feelings he couldn’t explain and the weird scenes he kept seeing and the dreams!! all of them finally making sense! every puzzle piece falling into place
and then he gets hit with the emotions - falling for sol for the first time, witnessing the first timeline where he doesn’t save her on time, where she hates him and doesn’t want to live
to then jumping to the next timeline where she’s hugging him out of nowhere and knows his name- to falling for her even more and more. to more timelines and more precious moments with his sol; to confessing once twice three times and finally getting that reciprocated. it’s just-
he’s been living his entire life (4th timeline) walking this earth not realising this precious thing he’s been missing out on…even tho deep down he’s known. something was missing, was somehow longing for something but he just didn’t know what
and suddenly it all makes sense!! because of course it’s sol!!! ofc it’s her. she’s the reason. she’s what’s been missing
and he’s happy he’s remembering and devastated he ever forgot and lived 34 years without her without her memories or presence or existence. he’s so conflicted and everything is a mess but all he does know is he needs to go to her immediately. he needs to find her and hold her and never let her go.
no but honestly this show has grabbed me like no other show has in a looooong time- i know what you mean by the rewatch hahah! i tried to delay it as much as possible (i lied to myself) thinking it would feel more like watching it for the first time..but i caved so quickly
(also hahah i love that!! glad my slightly unhinged posts could help! 😂 it’s what they’re there for!)
yeah the first couple episodes are bit questionable when you don’t know what’s happening but as soon as they hit you with the end of ep2 plot twist…..you’re hooked. there’s no going back- and it’s so so worth it! so glad you kept going
please never apologise for coming into my inbox to talk about LR i’m here 24/7/365 for this
(sorry for the essay :$)
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
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@royaidaydreams I hope you don't mind that I reply in a separate post, because I think it's a very interesting question and I want to expand a little my answer 😅 thank you for asking it !
I'm sorry this kinda delved into meta 😅😂
So there are a number of reasons for me pairing Roy with Havoc and not with Hughes (who is there! I'll develop his role a little after) some come from canon and some from my own headcanon :
In canon, we know Hugues is not much of a field officer after Ishval (and in 03 he never went, and tells Roy to ask to be transferred to a desk job like he did. So that might also be me making a synthesis between 03 and the manga lol). He's smart, he's essential and he's really good at his job. So my headcanon as far as fighting is concerned is, I don't see him as bad at it, just not his thing.
Similarly, in canon, it seems it is more often Havoc paired with Roy for combat than anyone else (before he gets injured of course). Riza is his right hand (wo)man but since he trusts her so much and knows she'll do exactly what needs to be done/what he asks of her, Roy tends to put her in a separate team - mainly Riza+Fuery, since Riza's best asset is being a sniper and Fuery's communication complements it greatly.
So in this AU I figured if Roy can't fight with Riza (whom he starts with! It's only after they can't fight together anymore that Roy gets paired with Havoc and while he thinks it's good because it protects Riza, he hates it very much) he will be paired with Havoc, who in canon is the second best shot after Riza and trained in combat.
Hughes and Roy are still long time friends, and Hughes gets the role of second in command (I gave the role of Pentecost to Bradley for reasons, and thus Hughes gets Tendo Choi's role). He oversees everything and is constantly in radio contact with the pilots (with Fuery as technician and Breda for tactics). To Roy's dismay, because Hughes being Hughes he neveeeeeer shuts up.
I would also argue, and this is only my opinion, that Hughes and Roy, while being best friends still, wouldn't be drift compatible. Moreso, that Hughes is really not into the idea of drifting. The drift asks to share your memories and parts (all?) of yourself. We know Hughes is NOT the kind to do that, even with his significant other. He shares some with Roy in canon because they have shared the worst and he can't deny that, but he doesn't look like the type to be okay to relive his memories regularly, even with his best friend.
Of course this is just all my thinking and if anyone wants to write an AU where they pair Roy and Hughes together it'd be awesome! I just have to chose a path lol
I think I will stop there and I'm sorry it got so long! You or anyone can feel free to ask more about this! Thank you again 🥰
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Dangerous Romance Ep 5:
1. Wow. Grandma IS aware of Kanghan's issue with his dad. Good for grandma giving Kang the motivation (and inspiration) he needed to improve himself. 😊
2. Kanghan and Sailom testing the bounciness of the bed. I kennat 😂😂😂
3. Oooh, share bathroom and connected bedrooms. So many dirty thoughts forming already lol 😅😅😅
4. Grandma using Kanghan's old shirt to fix Sailom's bag and selling Kang every chance she gets. If she isn't a shipper, I will lose my sh*t 😅😅😅
5. Sailom, why are you behaving like a blushing maiden? But Kanghan, why are you stripping? 🤣🤣🤣
6. Gods, if I was the driver, the bickering at the back will definitely piss me off lol It's hard enough to concentrate on the road
7. Oh, so June (Nabdao) is a trainee teacher? Man, I don't like romance between student and teacher (even if she is a trainee). On the other hand, Pimpah looks fascinated already.
8. What's with Kanghan and his propensity to phone snatching (only applicable to Sailom's device)? 😅
9. Ah, Engineering. Should have known since this is a BL lol But Kanghan not having a dream is just plain sad.
10. The fvck, Kanghan? It's cute he still thinks he likes Pimfah more than just a friend. But I also just love Sailom's sassiness and turning the sh*t around on Kanghan. Introvert, my ass lol.
11. Saifah calling his little brother out lol But I think it hurt my soul a little when Kanghan seemingly not notice Sailom's getup. Also, Pimfah scoring an unintentional date with Teacher Nabdao is smooooth.
12. Well, that lasted about 5 seconds. But seriously, only 20,000 baht a month for engineering jobs? Damn and here I thought earning only 30,000/mo in my home country's currency as a Science grad is effing laughable.
13. Hmm, there are hints of Sailom getting a uni scholarship abroad in future eps.
14. Whaddya mean it's scary? The bearded dragon looked cute. Although, pooping on Kanghan's shirt ain't cool lol
15. Oh, Teacher Nabdao, as much as I agree with you on Sailom's future his present does not allow him to quit being Kanghan's tutor. Romance aside, he cannot afford to lose this job if he wants to save himself from the loan sharks.
16. I'm sure, after some time, both Kanghan and Sailom will be aware that they are wearing a couple's shirt lol.
17. Uhm, pretty sure everybody else is still pumping their partner's chest, Kang. Just CPR, no mouth-to-mouth resuscitation happening in this open house 😳🫣
18. Guy and Nava. Just literally kiss (each other) and make up lol.
19. Oh, so Sailom originally wanted to be a musician/performer, but due to financial reasons, chose Engineering instead? 😭
20. Kang, you do realise this performance fully demolishes your claim that Sailom is introverted lol Also, where is Pimfah? Did she sneak away to find Teacher Nabdao? 😅 <after a few seonds> oh, nvm, there she is in the audience.
21. And here I thought for a hot minute the Kang forgotten Pimfah. Ah, gods dammit.
22. Wait, I'm confused. Does Pimfah like Sailom??? When? How? Why??? 😭😭😭 This is a love triangle that I didn't expect nor need 😶‍🌫️
I hope the preview kiss is not Kanghan trying to prevent the (im)possible romance between Sailom and Pimfah 😑
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papa-evershed · 1 year
from the first episode of the show it's obvious that they are showing that Daniel is suspicious, you know with his first sort of lack of reaction to his father's death, to little things he says like "my mum" then "our mum", the banged up car, not finding out who the company's are and then needing money (and his bloody coat, maybe he's hiding something in there) ofc the show is throwing us of, when I first watched the episode I wasn't paying attention to the other characters because I was just thinking what is Daniel up to (and why is rob James collier so good looking) but I've been thinking about who the murderer could've been, it could've been the wife, the best friend, or any of the siblings or ex boyfriends, or it could be a situation where they all helped to kill the dad, and they all had their own motives. But I completely agree with you on your other post, all of them or some of them have drinking problems. Part of me feels like the murder wasn't a 1 man job tho.
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Alright guys, just for the sake of saving myself some time and people's dashes from being flooded I'mma answer all of these at once and under a read-more, hopefully that's cool. Plus, I'd probably answer them all fairly similarly and a read-more may be for the best in case anyone out there doesn't want any spoilers/speculation.
I've definitely seen a few people now speculating that there could be more than one person responsible for their father's death. And it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility. I lean away from it being all three siblings (but still could be two of them or a nonsibling involved) for a few reasons though.
First, I really don't think Daniel did it. Like one of you said, I believe we're supposed to the suspicious of him but based on a few things I just don't think it was him. I felt like his reaction to finding his father's body was more of an "oh shit, who is going to bail me out now" mixed with a bit of shock, most likely. RJC said in an interview that Daniel is quite selfish, has used his father his entire life, and has taken from the family pot on the regular. Someone else hypothesized on Discord that the accounts their father has been sending money to could very well be Daniel's and I think it's a great catch and probably likely based on RJC's quote and the fact that Daniel was quick to take those papers and offer to figure it out...while never actually doing so. If his father has been bailing him out on the regular, I don't see someone jumping to murder for more money, especially since getting an inheritance can take a long time to be sorted. Daniel really has no motive, his father was worth more to him alive than dead, and even if he'd learned of the will change, I'd definitely hold off on killing him if I needed the money asap (which Daniel clearly does).
Could it still be him? Sure. But I really hope it isn't because that just seems too easy and also nonsensical at the same time to me. I think most of his behavior can be blamed on how he's scrambling now without his financial safety net.
Which leaves Chloe and Sian for the siblings and Chloe is still sus af to me. Why was she cleaning? I feel like these small details are usually added in for very specific reasons, they're supposed to be anyway, so I wonder if 'ol girl needs to remove some evidence. 👀 And if by some chance I'm right, then I really, really don't think Daniel is in on it because he was the one to ask her why she was doing it. Plus, like I said earlier, she's just too quiet but her eyes are so knowing. Mind you, they're all supposed to have secrets according to the official plot so perhaps I'm reading too much into this girl's poor face. 😂
I still don't know what to make of Sian. She seems more detached than the others but that's just how some people grieve. Could also be a red flag. Maybe the ladies teamed up and took out dear Dad for some reason. 😅
I do really like the idea that there are clues hidden in the home videos and that sinister things were accidentally captured. The creeper in the caravan I'm still clueless on, none of the characters introduced so far seem the sort to hide out in creepy caravans, except perhaps the father's ex-best-friend. I do wonder if the caravan scenes could perhaps be on a different timeline that we need to catch up to though and in that case it could be one of the siblings or well...anyone, still.
I'm reminding myself of the fact that this is a mini series, so it's all got to be summed up in only three more episodes which seems like a lofty goal to me. But I will say the pacing on this show has been amazingly executed so far, it definitely feels like there's zero filler (although I wouldn't object to Daniel related filler) which is also why I think every tiny detail is placed there for a very specific reason. Their time is so very limited, I don't see anyone wasting time on throw away scenes or even lines. As mentioned above, even the music choice seems exceptionally intentional, more so than most shows, so I'm just going to continue to assume everything is being said or done for a reason until I'm proven wrong. 😂
Maybe we're all wrong and the dad killed himself because he was tired of these damn kids. 🤪
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I created Shane 5 years ago now, in February it will be 6 years so... So I might as well say that this little guy has been through a lot! I wrote a story about him and his husband, a story that I shared on another platform, but which had a good number of chapters (more than 60, if I want to be precise). I've exposed him a lot everywhere, but I haven't talked about him much here... So, I thought I would give here some more info about my favorite sim, who is also the most complete character I could make (at the same time, with 5 years of existence, if his story wasn't rich, there is a problem 😂)
-At the very beginning, he is straight. Before marrying Nolan, he was even in a relationship with Nolan's older sister. -He was born from a rape. His mother was 16 years old when she got pregnant with him, she was in a relationship with the father of the child, but he forced a report after drugging her. When the teenager found out about the pregnancy, the father abandoned him. As a result, Shane never had a fatherly presence, he didn't want to know anything about him either, all he knew was that he had inherited his gray eyes (which he hates...) and that the more he grew up, the more he looked like his father. -In spite of himself, his father has always been his greatest inner and invisible demon. And learning the circumstances of his birth had really destroyed him... However, he met his father by pure chance many years later (at 23 years old, he is now 25). It's enough to say that it's quite tense between them, even if since then, they have been able to get closer following some events... -He was a street fighter in a group during his late teens and early adulthood (at 14, he was doing karate and boxing, so that helped a lot!) -He quit school at 16 -He did several jobs, like worker, bouncer in a night club, maintenance man, model, etc... Today he is back on the construction site. -He was born on october 25th, so he is a scorpion... And yes, he is a little pervert! (he calls his crotch "the cobra" 😅😂) -He always assumes everything, even his worst nonsense. -He pierced his own lip! -He can play the guitar and more recently he learned the piano as well. -He has a brother at heart named Urian, a 42 year old man of Greek-Russian origin with whom he works. He calls him "Papa Bear" or "Big Ass".
Anyway, I don't know if this information is interesting for you, or if you just wanted to know him a bit more... But it's done anyway! Sorry for my broken English, I'm not an English speaker at all, it's not even my second language (I'm Belgian, so I might as well say that English is not the language you learn automatically 😅), so I helped myself with a translator... I hope it doesn't look too weird, but in any case, sorry for that 😅
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theyluvkarolina · 6 months
hi hi!!
i just read your lando angst fic. so good ahhhhhh😩🤌🏻
um.. and if your requests are open… could i request a max verstappen x manager! reader where she is real madrid’s or mancity’s social media manager or something and she’s sorta famous herself and has a really good relationship w her team. and max goes to one of the games and meets her and all the guys are teasing her (like how brothers tease their sister over things haha) and they get together after a while ?
sorry if that was so specific😅 love your works!! and i understand if you don’t want to do it!! have a lovely day <3
masterlist / rules / requests & talks with me!
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SUMMARY౨ৎ Meeting a f1 driver at your job wasn’t on the bucket list. However, crushing and getting teased by your new team members as if you were their little sister makes this much more worse interesting.
PAIRING ౨ৎ max verstappen x fem!reader
WARNINGS ౨ৎ GOOGLE TRANSLATED SPANISH!! Y/n is a major fangirl for Max 😭, sex jokes again
A/N ౨ৎ i’d like to apologize for how long this took and that i definitely could have done this request better than this considering how happy I was to do this but my writers block has been out of control lately :( as for the teasing, i went the more “over-protective brothers” route. I hope that’s okay with you!
A/N 2 ౨ৎ … safe to say i did NOT plan for this to be finished and come out on the one race max got a dnf 😭😭
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid ¡Al Real Madrid FC le gustaría anunciar a nuestra nueva gerente de redes sociales, la Sra. Y/N L/N! Nos gustaría felicitarla por esta increíble oportunidad y por su dedicación no solo al Real Madrid, sino también al equipo. ¡Bienvenido Y/N!
Real Madrid FC would like to announce our new Social Media manager, Ms. Y/N L/N! We would like to congratulate her on this amazing opportunity and her dedication to not only Real Madrid, but to the team. Welcome Y/N!
fabriziorom ✔︎
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fabriziorom ✔︎ Who’s gonna win 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞? 🏆
Atlético or BVB 🆚 Barcelona or Paris Saint-Germain.
Real Madrid or Manchester City 🆚 Arsenal or Bayern.
username1 Real hardest matchup again
username2 Let's all laugh at vardrid we're going to see 5-1 aggregate again 😂
→ username3 bro thinks barça has been doing shit for the past 5 years 💀 → username4 at least we don’t rely on VAR → username5 at least we have 14 champion league wins
username6 Real Madrid revenge arc coming soon.....
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ WTF
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ guys i can’t do this
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m stressing
username6 someone check on Y/N rn
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ me because we are versing Man City in Champions League.
judebellingham ✔︎ what is that photo of me.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ art.
username7 DON’T REMIND ME
username8 girl aren't you supposed to believe in your team?? 💀
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ even it's okay to admit defeat once in a while. → judebellingham ✔︎ BE CONFIDENT BLOODY HELL 😭 → y/n_l/nmadrid IT’S DIFFERENT WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE WATCHING 😞😞
tonirudiger ✔︎ BELIEVE IN US 💪 💪 🔥
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i wish I had your positivity toni 🥹 → tonirudiger ✔︎ don’t worry y/n! we will win! 💪 💪 🔥 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i think you can stop with the emojis → tonirudiger ✔︎ 👍
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y/n_l/nmadrid you guys are in a crisis…. i’m on my way.
camavinga ✔︎ jude has been influencing you too much.
→ judebellingham ✔︎ and? supernanny is a good show. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ someone is jelly they haven’t seen peak british tv. → judebellingham ✔︎ it’s telly you fake 🙄
vinijr ✔︎ those headphones look familiar 🤔 🤔
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ shhhhh
username9 what even is the “crisis”???
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ man city. → rodrygo ✔︎ stop this rn.
y/n_l/nmadrid has posted a story 1 hour ago!
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid up up and away! ✈️ Onto Manchester 👊
username10 i still forget it’s y/n making these posts for the team 😭😭
username11 i love how she does a whole 360 with the actual team insta posts than her own 💀
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ I WOULD BUT THE OLD MAN IS GETTING ANNOYED BY IT → judebellingham ✔︎ yeah because you have an entire album dedicated to him and then cry when you think about him retiring??? → username13 EXCUSE ME??? → username14 y/n crying because of modrić being close to retiring 🥹🥹 → username15 WHY ARE WE IGNORING THE FACT SHE HAS AN ALBUM DEDICATED TO HIM??? →username16 because who wouldn’t cry about him retiring → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ @ username16 is right → judebellingham ✔︎ @ username16 i second that → rodrygo ✔︎ @ username16 make that 3. → camavinga ✔︎ @ usernme16 4. → fedevalverde ✔︎ @ username16 5 😅 → lukamodric10 ✔︎ I’m retiring not dying 😓
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realmadrid ✔︎
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realmadrid ✔︎ Miss Y/N hard at work! What do you think she is writing? 🤔 ✍️
username17 how to win against Man City
username18 how to not piss herself watching the game.
ardaguler ✔︎ she works?! 😧 😧
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ you get playing time?! → username19 SHOTS FIRED 😭 → ardaguler ✔︎ :( → username20 WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU 😭😭 → judebellingham ✔︎ be nice to the baby he hasn’t been here that long to know your harmless 😞 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ @ judebellingham don’t say that as if you haven’t been here for less than a year either. → judebellingham ✔︎ this is what you sound like: wah wah wah
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ congrats to my favorite boys!! onto the quaters! 🫶🫶
username21 she’s actually so unserious 😭
pablogavi ✔︎ imagine not believing in your own team
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ imagine being on a team that lost 7-2 in the champions league against bayern munich → pablogavi ✔︎ you won’t let barca live this down will you? → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ nope. 🫶
judebellingham now you believe in us??? 😒 😒
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ shush. be happy i even posted about you guys.
tonirudiger ✔︎ working hard! 💪 🔥
lukamodric10 ✔︎ great teamwork! 👏
toni.kr8s ✔︎ what a game 😮
username22 toni and luka are such parents 💀
y/n_l/nmadrid has posted a story 1 hour ago!
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judebellingham replied to your story!
judebellingham Y/N YOU ARSE LOOK AT THE GROUP CHAT PLEASE y/n_l/nmadrid … y/n_l/nmadrid should I be scared? Read at 5:32 PM y/n_l/nmadrid wowww okay i see how it is
mxverstappen1 has posted a story 5 minutes ago!
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f1 ✔︎
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f1 ✔︎ Max wins it in Silverstone! 🦁 An outstanding performance once again by the Dutchman! 👏
username22 another day, another gp max ate.
→ username23 no way homegirl didn’t recognize THE max vertsappen 💀💀 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ damn i’m sorry my entire sports knowledge is the one i work for 😞
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ lowkey… he kinda fine 🤭
→ judebellingham ✔︎ bloody hell → camavinga ✔︎ we need an intervention for her rn → fedevalverde ✔︎ euthanize her. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ FEDE??? → usernme24 y/n gets the appeal → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ when you do work with men in sports your forced to see apeal.
username25 DU DU DU DU 🔥 🗣️🔥 🦁 MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏎️🔥 🗣️
maxverstappen1 ✔︎
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maxverstappen1 game of padel before race day!
tagged ; landonorris, fernandoalonso, danielricciardo
username25 f1 is just a jobby for him at this point 😭
username26 the goats and some guy named lando
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ is he single
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ that’s a handsome man right there 🥴
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ he can paddle me anyday 😊😊
→ username27 MA’AM ??? → username28 the Real Madrid boys are NOT gonna be happy → judebellingham ✔︎ WHAT IS THIS??? → rodrygo ✔︎ i wish i can bleach my eyes out rn. → camavinga ✔︎ tell luka to giver her meds now. → tonirudiger ✔︎ already messaged him! 🔥 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ CAN I THIRST IN PEACE???
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ fun trip to manchester and london!
judebellingham ✔︎ we should have left you at the flower shop
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ but then who will make you guys do silly dances that the fans demand 😞
lukamodric10 ✔︎ kćeri moja ❤️
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ lukita 🥹 → username29 the day luka leaves is the day i die.
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ very pretty lady 🙃
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ 🤭 🤭
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ is she single by chance 🤔
→ brahim ✔︎ woah woah woah → aurelientchm ✔︎ what do you think you are doing? → vinijr ✔︎ back up dutchie → judebellingham ✔︎ away from our girl → tonirudiger ✔︎ no she’s not actually ! → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ yes i am very much single 😚 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ don’t listen to them!
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ ; Date #1
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ karting and fifa is my kind of date 🏎️ 🎮
tagged ; y/n_l/nmadrid
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ ofc you use Barcelona 🙄 🙄
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ is it bad to support my favorite team? 😅 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ if you wanna be with me then it is 🤨 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ noted.
toni.kr8s ✔︎ is this why you took the day off??
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ …noooo… → rodrygo ✔︎ she’s lying lock her up in the locker room. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ no thank you i don’t need to smell you stinkers → camavinga ✔︎ okay we don’t smell THAT bad after a game. → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ 😬 about that..
username30 HELLO???
username31 the sports collab we didn’t know we needed
username32 this was NOT on my 2024 calendar…
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ Date #2
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y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ busy trying to make a new Madridista 🤍
tagged ; maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ you’d look good in blue and red 🥴
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i was going to agree until i realized what you were doing. → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ i don’t know what you are talking about.
username33 they are lowkey so cute
judebellingham ✔︎ why are you collaborating with the enemy.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ he literally drives fast cars and is not a barca player?? → ardaguler ✔︎ that’s what he wants you to think 🤫
pablogavi ✔︎ why convert him if you can join him? 😉
→ vinijr ✔︎ get out of OUR pr managers comments. → pablogavi ✔︎ make me → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m literally gonna block both of you if you don’t stop acting like kids. AND THAT’S COMING FROM ME → vinijr ✔︎ …yes ma’am. → pablogavi ✔︎ 😶
rodrygo ✔︎ stop acting like a couple in the stands. it makes me wanna puke.
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maxverstappen1 ✔︎ Date #3
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maxverstappen1 my good luck charm 💙
tagged ; y/n_l/nmadrid
y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ stooopppp you’re making me blush 🫣
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ liefje 🫶 → vinijr ✔︎ ew 🤢 → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ sounds like someone is sad and single. → landonorris ✔︎ what’s wrong with being sad and single 😞
redbullracing ✔︎ wonderful job out there 👊 🔥
→ ferrari ✔︎ hey @ redbullracing ! please stop winning so some of us have a chance! 😊 → realmadrid ✔︎ no thanks @ ferrari! we like that the newest golden boy of the family i winning :) → judebellingham ✔︎ oh! → ardaguler ✔︎ :( → lukamodric10 ✔︎ since when was there a new golden boy?!
username33 DU DU DU DU 🔥 🗣️🔥 🦁 MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏎️🔥 🗣️
username34 it’s them against the world
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f1 Max Verstappen and his #1 Fan! 👫❤️
tagged ; maxverstappen1 & y/n_l/nmadrid
landonorris ✔︎ okay maybe i am sad and single
→ ameliadimz ✔︎ ??? i’m right here 🙄 → landonorris ✔︎ your right my bad 🫶
judebellingham ✔︎ …fine i’ll let this relationship slide.
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ am i bellingham approved?? 😮 → judebellingham ✔︎ don’t get your hopes up mate. i’m doing it for her not you 😑 → y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ jude 🥹🥹
lukamodric10 ✔︎ ti razbiti ona srce, odrezat ću ti kurac.
→ y/n_l/nmadrid ✔︎ i’m → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ yes sir. → username35 ✔︎ HELLO??? → username35 ✔︎ LUKA?? → rodrygo ✔︎ i don’t know much croatian but i know that is not good.
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cro: ti razbiti ona srce, odrezat ću ti kurac.
eng: you break her heart, i’ll cut your dick off.
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1K notes · View notes
wonwoosthetic · 1 year
🌱 IS BACK FROM THE DEAD (part 2) skdjskks
I literally dipped from the last time I was here 🥲 but you know life's been all over the place then suddenly it's 4 months since reading chap 15 and now I'll be bingeing the new ones akjsksks I MISSED CEO WONWOO SO MUCH (ngl I got reminded to get back to tumblr ever since I started watching king the land 😎)
I'll continue where I left off from the last time I was here... I'm pretty good but I did change jobs around April so I didn't have time to read or even be here but since I have finally adjusted to work I can finally be back!! I'm also hoping I get the energy to write again bec I miss it too
I kinda get you with dating tbh. I feel like people today tend to rush relationships and I don't do well with that bec I want a connection first before jumping into labels and whatnot. we all have different ideas about love and dating so I hope you don't see it anymore as being "broken" all these love shenanigans are just complicated as it is
I personally don't date women but I do agree dating men are a pain in the ass AKDJSKKS so go ahead and do what you feel is better for you! a partner should be someone you can feel calm and safe with.
this went longer than expected 😅 congrats on your work/hustles (I wanna see the press-ons you make though bec I love love wearing them) and I hope you have/had a great day!! I'll be reading ah&co for now
— 🌱
hey, don’t worry, if there’s anyone that’s dipping and boom suddenly coming back, it’s me😅😭 and I don’t even do it on purpose😭😭
Oooooh I saw a few clips of King the Land, I guess now I have to watch it too👀
Omg congrats on landing a new job!👏🏼👏🏼 Do you like it so far?? Is everyone treating you well?? I‘m currently looking to switch jobs as well😭 bc my working times do NOT correspond with my uni times AT ALL, and all the drama that’s going on at work… too much🫥
Love is so freaking complicated and tbh rn, I’ve “given up”. I let one man get kinda close to me, only to be let down once again a few weeks ago, so I’m really just at a low with that rn. I’ve obviously not completely given up, but I’m so tired of looking for it and shit like that, so idek… ANYWAYS, I have all of you here and my little imagination that’s keeping me occupied and happy, so I’m gonna stick to that for now🥰🥰
I’ve tried going on dates with women, but I feel like I’m so not obvious bisexual😭 like I truly think those women thought I just wanted them as friends… I don’t know how to change that 🥲 and YES I agree, a partner is someone you should be able to feel comfortable and safe with… kinda like with watching gose😂😭
I have an Instagram account for my press-ons! For anyone that’s interested: love.millinails 🤗
Thank you for dropping by and thank you for you love and wonderful words, I’m always happy to hear from you babes🥹🩷🩵
0 notes
look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! It's gossip girl!! ❤️First off I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to respond back! I saw this a bit earlier I was honestly going through a bout of anxiety when I did see it, and then I just haven't had time to sit down and respond to this all at once!! But I hope you're doing well! This is for the first of the responses you posted! I am on summer break now. I have been for a few weeks but I was moving back home and then getting set up at a summer job that keeps me busy most of the day now! It's fun though! I'm really enjoying it! ❤️❤️❤️
And so for that idea we've been talking about I'm definitely finished with it and it sitting in my drafts with about 6 other ideas I need to publish😂 I'm still just waiting for the right time. I think I'm just really nervous about posting it because of the nature in the fic. 😅 And I'm sure that I'll post it and then immediately find three more grammar errors and be unable to fix them because tumblr is stupid😂😅
And I do the same thing with word count or at least I try😂 I'll look at old parts and try to make my word count meet that but then when I'm writing I'll lose track or I will just keep going until I feel like the story is over! And I really like that motto! 🥰🥰🥰
But yeah, the ideas not posted yet, but I have made a few other things I ended up putting ahead for that story😅😅people seem to like them well enough! And I'm happy with them all so...😉
And back to that idea for what reasons could he could have for what he did, I promise if you read it it'll make sense! I think it comes not from a man who's been physically hurt himself, but one who's been hurt through someone else's pain if that makes sense?
And I have written more ideas but I haven't finished half of them😅😅 and yes that's exactly it "focus the main idea over another character" that's honestly what I do with a good number of my ideas, or so I feel like that's how they go! And yes! Thank you for the tip! I have noticed that about not all posts showing up in a dashboard and stuff! I think in my case too I sometimes end up posting right in the middle of when everyone else is posting stuff to so I've noticed things get lost then too. Especially if I haven't been on tumblr all day and there are 67+ new things on my dashboard😅
And yes i think I want to send that story on a possible cliffhanger! So if people do actually like it enough and they maybe want more I can lead in to it, but also it can be read as a stand-alone to! And it think this one I could maybe make into a mini series, but honestly I have like three or four other stories I already need to finish the sequels or next parts too, so I think this actually may be one I see how much people like before I start another part 😅😅
And yeah!! I'm glad the Photoshoot series is going well and Look at the Soul too!🥰🥰🥰 And I hope all your other writing is going well too🥰🥰 Don't worry! I believe you can do it🥰🥰🥰 
"Tommy with a water gun?"" Wait which one was that? I think I missed that one, but I already know that's an idea I'd love to see! I did see your blurb about Tommy when Alfie becomes his daughter's godfather 😂😂😂 I adored that one!
Once again I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to this! I'm going to try to get to the other one by tonight or tomorrow hopefully!! I have bits of that one started too but still need to do the whole thing!
And ohh I haven't seen Heart of the Sea (it's not super my type of movie😅) but I have seen the interviews with Tom Holland and Cillian and love them😂 I kept seeing the clip where the interviewer asks who they'd eat from the cast if they really were stranded on an island😂
And I hope seeing your friend went well!!🥰🥰🥰
It's good that's it's done now, but now if got my summer job, which isn't too bad but it's still long😅
And YES!!!! I did see those photos 🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭 and they were glorious!!! 
Hope you're having a great week too! ❤️❤️ xoxo GG
Gg! Hello again 😊
No please never apologize for taking long to reply as I’m the worst at it 🙈
Oh no dear, what happened? Is everything better now? I hope it is, you know you can always reach out to my inbox, I know you prefer to keep this under anon, but maybe you can make a side blog if you think a chat could help you ❤️‍🩹
Hope your summer break has been good! Have you had the time to write during your break from school? Either way I hope your time has been amazing! Ah being back home is always great 😊 and hopefully the summer job is going good? Are you having a good time? 💖
Oh I really hope you get to post that story, it was so interesting and eye-catching! Look you can always do this; open your drafts, place the mouse over the post button and close your eyes when you click 🤭 no, just kidding I’m sure you’ll do it at your own time, when you think it’s right… ahh so true about the grammar mistakes it’s like they turn into capital letters in color red once you post it right?
I love it when a part makes me forget about the word count, like I get lost in the chapter and let the words flow freely, it’s a great feeling! 🥰🥰
Oww I wonder if I’ve read your posts! Idk because you’ve been hiding so well GG 🕵🏻‍♀️ you’re like Sherlock! I need to catch up on my reading and sometimes I don’t see a post in my dash but days later someone else reblogs a story and I save it in my ♥️ to read later. But I’m sure you have done a wonderful job!!! And I’m looking forward to see what else you create!
I think you’re leaving little clues 🕵🏻‍♀️ and hints and I honestly would love to see it (are you in some marketing department? You really know how to leaving hanging in there, wanting to know more! But pain really does change people…
I’m happy to hear that! You know sometimes I feel frustrated with the WIP list I have in my drafts, wish I could write faster… but there are days when I simply don’t have the energy to pour my soul and heart into a chapter I’m just so so tired (is it a consequence from covid? The endless tiredness because I’ve never felt it before..) anyways I do try my best but words won’t come out sometimes so I just start reading instead haha yeah!!! It either gets lost between so many posts or for different time zone and people are sleeping so that’s why reblogs are so important! I’ve found some great stories like that.
See? You know how to seek things! I love the idea of the part ending in a cliffhanger! So clever! And that will definitely make us readers want to know more, like: “nooo! And then what?!” 👀
Haha true! It happens you already have ideas but there’s a queue of four others WIP you already started! 🤣 I need to finish my Lenny series because I have an idea for a Tommy series.. it’s an endless cycle haha
Thank you! I honestly adore those two Cillian series, they’re so close to my heart ♥️ and it makes me so happy to imagine new adventures for them… I already have the idea for the next part of the photoshoot and I did a little summary for the next 6-7 parts for Look at the soul(the hardest part is finding the right song that fits the chapter haha) but your lovely words means so much to me! 💕✨
Yes the water gun was a fun idea to write, it was early summer days and the thought of Tommy with one was so tempting it’s this story “ xx” Oww that little story had been in my drafts for so long! Until I found it was so fitting to add to the idea (I have another Tommy x Alfie endless war, I can’t honestly have enough of them and their endless teasing).
No, it should be me apologizing for taking so long to answer, days are going so fast! 🤔
I will try to answer your other message these days but this week is going to be full (I’m catching up with my friends and we’re celebrating an engagement party later) so I will be more likely to type bits here and there and over the weekend send the response so please don’t worry 🥰
Really? I used to think the same so never saw it when it came out, I only watched it because Cillian was in it and I have to admit it was really good! Loved the historical background and of course, Cillian’s character (I will be posting about it in the Photoshoot later).. hahahahahh that video is hilarious! Cillian is so serious when he says he wouldn’t be picky or I think he used the word fussy -and I believed him!) 🤣🤭 did you notice the little earring? I’m obsessed with it!
Oh that was amazing! She’s a great person 🌷
Best of luck on your summer job!!! Hope you have a good time but also have some rest you will need it to go back to study again… 🙂🙂 is it related to your career or something totally different?
Did you see Oppenheimer yet? I loved the promo they did!!! Lots of Cill content!
And a little about my trip: avoid Vegas during the F1 changes, the strip is a mess plus it is so hot! Everything was melting, there are a lot of shows amazing but I do enjoy the free stuff in the hotels like the Wynn and Bellagio season display. We also did the Titanic exhibition (I definitely recommend it), I like it because it’s pet, kids and wheelchair friendly - I saw a couple carrying a dog in a little wagon so cute!), great food for all budgets, bring comfort pair of shoes and you can walk or use the deuce for the entire Strip, would love to take the Great canyon helicopter ride one day, and it’s great you can stay up late and everything is open 😅 Adele show is beyond words, amazing, brilliant, everything I dreamed of! 🥰
I hope your week will be amazing! Sending you a big big hug and I wish you your anxiety will be at bay these days ❤️‍🩹 (and always) remember you’re not alone xx
Lots of love, M.✨
0 notes
jjungkookislife · 2 years
I finally had the time to read Bad Decisions and I read it as soon as I woke up. This might look all over the place cause as I read the story, I wrote in My Notes the comments and reactions I had of the scenes so sorry ‘bout that 😅
i want to have MC and Jimin’s friendship where they are so close that she can just casually wax his junk when he asks. That’s real friendship right there. Love that lol 😂
Also, Spider 🥹 that sassy and bratty cutiepie but she loves Yoongi more which was sad yet hilarious but honetly, same 🤷‍♀️
The matching shirts 🥺 they’re like a whole-ass family 🥰 plus possible matching tattoos of their fur baby’s initials? 😩
Orange haired Yoongi 👀
These two were so adorable. They get along really well together, they were practically bf&gf by the time they became Spidey’s pur parents 🙄😂
Idk if I’m stupid or what but I’m having difficulty imagining this scene: “You turn to look at Yoongi but he’s engrossed in a conversation, his phone in a woman’s lap.” Is it like Yoongi holding his phone and that hand that is holding his phone, is on the woman’s lap? Cause idk why the phone would be on the woman’s lap. This isn’t really a big deal, I’m just curious 😂
Jikook flirting 🥴🤭🫣
Wait, forget my question above. I understood it now. He was showing them pics in his phone. Stupid me, this is why I should really shut up and finish reading first before having questions 🙄
Yoongi being so clueless when he practically was showing off pics of MC and their cat together with him looking like a happy family, like it’s completely normal for “just roommates” 😂 Both of them are ignorant fools, just date already 😤
Yoongi admitting he had feelings for her when he moved in or maybe even before that 🥺
I love how he is so casually just calling her princess. Cute 🥺
MC simping on how pretty Yoongi is and how soft and fluffy his hair looks. Same girl 😉 I also want to run my fingers through his hair 🫣
Spider ruining their moment 😂
Ah, I love this Jimin 🥰 he’s that type of chaotic bff that also loves to meddle especially since he knows that they both like each other but just won’t see it and that there won’t be any progress if he doesn’t do anything. He represents us readers who wants to just make them kiss already 😂
Long and Shaggy Black-haired Yoongi 🙃
Yoongi asking her on a date and being all shy and nervous about it 🥺
Yoongi’s visuals in this fic is just 🤤
Their date was so 😍 their interactions were so cute, can’t get enough of them ☺️
But then they went to the bar/club and things finally got more interesting 👀
The first kiss 🫣
FINALLY! The confessed 🥹😭
That “Always,” from Yoongi 🫠
And then there’s Spider, ruining the moment again cause she’s HUNGRY 😂
I love every moment when they finally did the deed. As always, it was both 🤤🥴😛 and 🫠🥺☺️ and I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH THEM 🥰 They just became part of my list of fav couples in your works too, man the list is getting long 😅
And the last part where Jimin walks in the apartment while they’re doing the nasty and takes her “cat niece” to get her away from there was so hilarious 😂 he was like, nope, this is not the kind of environment she should be in 🤣
All in all, this was an amazing read as always. I know I’ll never get disappointed with your writing. Good job in making me fall in love with your stories and its characters, AGAIN. And also, sorry if this is so chaotic cause I literally just woke up when I read this and honestly just wrote what I felt about the scenes 😂 I hope you didn’t overwork yourself with this one, take care always ☺️
Spoiler warnings for Bad Decisions!
I’m so glad you were able to read it so soon (ah as soon as you woke up!) 💜 ah Jimin and oc are something else lol I don’t think I could ever help someone wax 🤣
I love that you mentioned Spider being bratty bc she’s based off my cat lmao she’s a cutie but man she’s got an attitude and I love her for it but yes I am constantly fighting for her attention cause she loves my husband more 🥲
I think they’re next tattoos will be Spider’s paw print on their rib cage 😭 and orange haired Yoongi! I will never get over him 😭 and i totally brainstormed most of this at work and the matching swimsuits had to be included cause it gives couple vibes before they’re a couple and Yoongi was already so into her that he couldn’t say no and he didn’t want to say no bc everyone at the party would see they were matching like a COUPLE and know she was his 😭 (or assume at least and who’s he to correct them 👀)
No i totally get it! I reread it and I could have written that better lol but yeah he was showing everyone pictures of oc and spider when they’d stop to chat and they’d be like oh he’s taken 😅
Ah i live for the soft moments between them and of course jikook flirting at the party and Jimin being nosy. I think I project a lot onto Jimin just bc I’m nosy af and I like including myself that way 🤣
I’ve been working on this for months and every time Yoongi posted with his hair getting longer I just lost it and I HAD TO INCLUDE IT IN THE FIC plus cat!dad Yoongi dyeing his hair to match his kittys fur 😻
Yes! Him asking trying to be casual about it like ha it’s just dinner but if you say date I’m in lol im so bad at writing first dates or dates in general lmao but I tried to give them the best opportunity to kiss and get together and writing about the ride HOME and Yoongi’s hand on her thigh 😭😭😭😭
Lmao Spider ruining the moment is everything! She’s like hello, you’ve been gone for a few hours I require treats and attention and then she’ll sleep for twelve hours straight 🤣
I definitely think they’re one of my favorite couples know as well! They were fun to write for and I hope I can write a little drabble later on with Spider in it as well lol
Ah yes that was written before I even started the story. Another idea I had while at work lmao Jimin just coming over unannounced and lettting HIMSELF in bc what could they be doing lmao certainly not THAT lmao he was in shock! And he scooped his cat niece out of there 🏃🏻 I imagine Jimin would text oc and Yoongi once he gets home with a picture of Spider calling them nasty or maybe he sends a video of him baby talking to Spider saying “yeah your parents are nasty aren’t they, poor baby. You live here now” 🤣
Thank you so much! I always look forward to your reviews 💜 I’m so glad you enjoyed it and I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest 💜💜
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