#but maybe his height is stated somewhere and i missed it??
carpathiians · 1 year
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reidmania · 1 month
weight of the world | spencer reid
summary; reader struggles to accept not being where or who you thought you’d be, and spencer loves every version of you, even the one yet to exist.
warnings; established relationship, early seasons spence, (s2-4) self doubt, fem reader, struggles with not reaching expectations, insecurities, self reflection, hurt x comfort, comparing achievements, comparing to SPENCERS achievements, self deprecation, uni student reader, stressed reader, reader cleans as a distraction, she is a lil mean for a moment but shes stressed and spencer loves her.
an; be kind to yourself. its okay not to be who you thought you would be.
this is not at all proof read in any way shape or form and it will not be. i am just a girl. let me live w my bad grammar and spelling mistakes. imma guess 2k words but idk man
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You had made yourself a home on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, your focus had been drawn away from the cabinets you had been wiping down, instead to the numerous other thoughts that took up an abundance of empty space in your mind.
The microfibre cloth you had been using laid still in the palm of your hand, the antiseptic spray bottle discarded next to you — long forgotten about, you didn’t notice the fact that the last time you had sprayed the cabinet door was now nearing ten minutes ago, and was left dripping down the frame — un-wiped. Leaving small puddles on the floor near where your knees laid.
Maybe it was guilt that had distracted you and led you to zoning out, guilt that you had decided to take a break from the essay due at midnight to clean. Such a mundane task yet it filled you with such guilt. Why were you sitting here cleaning bathroom cabinets that didn’t need to be cleaned rather than finishing the essay?
After sitting in the same position, legs crossed on the bed staring at the computer screen for hours that had begin to accumulate too fast, your mind needed a break, your legs needed to move and your hands were cramping. So you chose to clean. You ignored the fact that it was most likely because of your need to feel like you were doing something of worth.
Yet, you were instead sitting on your knees on the bathroom floor, mind somewhere else between the cleaning and the laptop sitting open on your bed with the half written essay still illuminating in the dark space you had hidden yourself in beforehand. Your mind was instead filled with questions, questions you desperately tried to find any sort of answer too — expect the more you thought the further from an answer you got.
In your state, you missed the sound of the front door opening and closing, you missed the sound of your lovely boyfriend calling out that he was home, and you missed the footsteps heading towards the bathroom. It wasn’t until he turned the light on and off that your attention was pulled away from your mind and to the man leaning against the door frame, eyebrow raised, a knowing questioning look of concern covering his features.
You blinked, you weren’t sure when you had last done that. Your eyes went to him, and then to the cabinet, then back to him. Oh.
“Are you okay?” He asked, he took the steps towards you, kneeling down against the floor to meet your height. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to figure out an answer to his question, but you nodded anyways.
“I got distracted” You mumbled, turning your gaze back to the door that had the liquid dripping down it, now basically dry and left with wet stained, you cursed in your mind as you absentmindedly reached out for the bottle, respraying the cabinet and wiping it down. You let out a heavy breath you weren’t aware you were holding in. “How was work?” You asked Spencer.
Spencer hummed, acknowledging your question. He shuffled slightly — obviously uncomfortable in the kneeling position he was in against the hard tiled floor. “Fine, normal. How are you going on that essay?” He asked, his hand came gently to your back to rub gentle circles over the fabric of your t-shirt.
Your mind blanked at his question, the realisation and remembrance of the essay you were supposed to have finished. You wanted to cry as the feeling of pure overwhelming stress filled every bone in your body. Your hand paused its movements against the door, head turning to face him as shame washed over your cheeks. “I haven’t finished it.”
He shrugged, “Thats okay, You still have a few hours. Do you want help?” He offered so sweetly and you were sure you could cry.
Your head shook, “No- I just- Im procrastinating.” You huffed, looking back at the cabinet as you finished wiping it down. You could feel the headache growing again at just the idea of having to return to the essay that had been kicking your ass for days.
He stood up, offering you his hand to help pull you up. “You’re taking a break. You’re allowed to do that.” He reassured, yet it didn’t do a lot to ease your mind as you took his hand, letting him help pull you to stand. You let out a humourless chuckle.
“Sure, and then I become more of a failure.”
You shouldn’t have said it, you could already hear his response without him having to say it. It was one of those things where the thoughts of your mind took over the weight of your tongue, slipping out without any real thought of the response they would get from Spencer, nor the concern.
“You aren’t a failure. Struggling to write an essay doesn’t make you a failure. We talked about this.” He mumbled out, shaking his head dismissively. Spencer hated when you drowned yourself to the point of pure self depreciation normally streaming from the stress you endured.
You hummed, not responding further than that because you really didn’t want to talk about this again, knowing the last time ended with Spencer making you stand in the mirror and say positive affirmations. You walked out of the bathroom, leaving the spray and cloth on the counter as you made your way back to the bedroom, Spencer followed and flicked the light on as he entered behind you.
You sat on the bed, pulling the laptop back on your lap as you read over the last line of what you had written, mind blanking in response to what next add. Your headache growing. Spencer frowned as he pulled his tie off. “Im serious, struggling to write an essay doesn’t make you a failure. You aren’t a failure. You can ask for an extension, you are a good student — They’d give you it” He said.
You shook your head, eyes staying focused on the screen and less to his words, or the fact he was changing which normally would have all your attention. “I don’t want to ask for an extension.” You stated. That was embarrassing, you wanted to be able to do it like everybody else, on time, without any help.
Spencer had changed into pyjamas, coming to sit next to you on the bed, his hand reached out for the laptop. “I know you don’t want to, but you can.” He mumbled, your hand stopping his from closing the screen. You knew he didn’t want to stress yourself out about this, and you couldn’t help but want to tell him its too late.
“Stop. I need to finish this” You mumbled, disregarding his previous comment, your mind both focused and in a million different places all at once.
He sighed, hand letting go and instead reaching out to hold onto one of yours. If he hadn’t talked before you could argue that you needed your hand to type, you would have pulled it away from his grasp. Not because you didn’t want to hold his hand, but because you needed to get this done. “You are not a failure, sweet girl. Its one essay”
“It’s not about the essay.” It wasn’t, sure the essay played apart in your current spiral of self deprecation but it was more than that. It was your entire life. It was where you were, or more-so where you weren’t. You pulled your hands away from the screen to rub your eyes, still not meeting Spencers gaze.
His frown deepened as his hand moved to rest against your back, “Whats it about then? Stop thinking about this.. Talk to me” He mumbled as he took advantage of your current distraction and the fact that your hands were busy to pull the laptop away from your lap, leaving it open but towards the edge of the bed.
You would’ve paid more attention to the movement if your mind wasn’t drawn in a different direction by his question. How were you suppose to explain to a 25 year old, genius FBI profiler who flew through high school and college, with three phd’s that you were simply just sick of trying and failing to reach the expectations you had set for yourself? Simple basic expectations.
“Everything- I really don’t want to talk about this with you” You didn’t mean for it to come across so rude and personal, you truly didn’t. You knew it was rude to invalidate his struggles all because he was smart, it wasn’t your intention to do so, but how were you suppose to tell your genius boyfriend that you simply didn’t like the person you were becoming, or the place you were currently in life.
He frowned, like really genuinely frowned and regret flooded into your chest, you opened your mouth to apologise but he spoke first, “You don’t have to, but Im not going to judge you, no matter what it is thats bothering you.” his hand slipping under your shirt to press against your bare skin in smoothing motion.
“Spence” You frowned as you tilted your head looking at him.
He shook his head, “Don’t apologise. You’re allowed to not want to tell me things, that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know or don’t care.” He said gently.
You could cry as your head spun. “Its just— This isn’t where I thought I’d be right now.” You mumbled out, you weren’t sure if it was loud enough for Spencer to hear or completely comprehend but you assumed so, since his movements paused on your back for a second.
Then he nodded, “I can understand that. Where did you think you’d be?” He asked.
You mulled over his question for a moment because there wasn’t a specific straight answer, it was more so that you just expected more out of yourself, you just expected better. “I don’t know.. I just feel like— For example you are nearly 26 and you are a genius, you work in the FBI, and I’m sitting here struggling to write an essay.” You compared.
He sighed, shaking his head again. “Thats an unfair comparison, thats an unrealistic standard to set for yourself. You are smart, you are so smart and so amazing and you are doing the best that you possibly can.” He said, looking up at you as he spoke so gently. You wanted to drown yourself in the sound of his voice.
You huffed, knowing he was right, because Spencer was a genius, he just was. His brain was extraordinary. “I know.. I mean— I know, but its more then that, like people doing the same essay would have already had it done and handed in, they wouldn’t be sitting here being grumpy with their boyfriends all because they are disappointed in themselves”
He shrugged, “Our brains work in funny ways. When you are stressed or even overwhelmed your brain triggers the first response it can think of because it is struggling to take anything more. It’s not your fault, it’s normal to take your emotions out on your surroundings.” He said, speaking so factually it didn’t exactly help your struggle with compassion but there was some comfort to be found in the midst of his ramble.
“You don’t deserve it though.” You mumbled out.
He nodded, “Neither do you. You’re being too hard on yourself. It’s okay to have high expectations but it’s not okay to beat yourself up for not constantly meeting those expectations, especially when you tend to create unrealistic expectations.”
You frowned at his words, despite them hitting an emotional nerve they were sweet enough to sooth the space of your mind a little more. You really wished it was that simple to quiet your mind. “It’s- Yeah. I know you’re right.. But even just me as a person.. I’m just not who I thought I’d be.. I feel like im constantly picking apart everything I’ve ever done trying to figure out if maybe I did one thing differently.. I’d be.. different— Maybe if I picked a different course I wouldn’t be struggling so much” You thought aloud.
He let out a soft breath, his hand continuing its gentle movements on your back, his head coming to press his lips against your forehead before pulling back a little bit. “Is this course what you want to be doing?” He asked, voice gentle and soft.
You nodded. It was.
“Then it’s worth it, and it will be worth it. Theres so many ways we can work out if you’re finding it too difficult right now, that doesn’t make you a failure or any less good of a student nor a person than it does anyone else. You would never be this mean to somebody going through the same issue, give yourself a break” He spoke softly.
You pondered his words, head dropping down slightly too look at your hands, he hardly allowed you a chance to think before he was speaking again, his head tilting a little as his free hand came to tuck under your chin, encouraging your face back up so your gaze was focused on his.
“And, you can’t beat yourself up for things that happened in the past, yes maybe if you did something differently then you’d be different. So would I, and anybody else, thats not a bad thing, but focusing on all those things on the past doesn’t change that they happened. You can’t hate what you have been through or you will never ever like yourself. You have your entire life to become whoever you want, just focus on being who you need to be, right now.” He spoke, gaze holding yours.
You didn’t say anything, instead just keeping your focus on him and everything he was saying. Letting the sweet comfort of his words quiet the loud voices in your head.
“I love you, and I love who you were before, i love who you are now, and I love whoever you end up becoming.” He said gently, a whisper held in the air between the two of you.
You offered him a soft smile, “I love you” You replied, deciding against adding the ‘too’ because it felt unnecessary, another unnecessary comparison that you would drown yourself in. You loved him, and he loved you. That was enough.
“Let me help you?” He asked, basically pleading.
and this time you agreed.
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scuttle-buttle · 6 months
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Nobody asked for this. I have the flu. I needed something nice to focus on and apparently this was it. Blame @lorna-d-m my partner in crime :) also kudos to winniemaywebber and sagesolscitcewrites because i def read all their stuff and was vibing it and the pet names and stuff sooo hard
Rated: 18+
Word Count: approx. 3k
Tags: MMF, fluff and reassurance, mentions of wartime ptsd, body confidence issues, mentions of having children, PiV sex, female receiving oral, male receiving oral, voyeurism, no stated use of contraception
A/N: Croz is referred to as Crosby, Harry, and Bing in this (so as not to confuse). And idk what rank Rosie is by this point so were just going with Major
The bright lights blinded you the first time you walked through New York City; tonight was no different. Flashes of neon whites, golds, blues, reds, lit up your path as you entered the lobby to the Ritz hotel. Your husband had made arrangements for you to meet him in the city much as he had a near 2 years ago during the height of the war. You wanted to meet him at the airport. Crosby insisted he find you at the hotel. And now, with Hitler defeated, he was on his way home. For good. 
His phone call had startled you. Usually, you wrote him weekly, sometimes more if you felt lonesome. Harry’s letters were less frequent, but no less loving. Little Steve kept you more than busy most days, back home safe terrorizing your mother and father while you got some rest and relaxation with your Bing in the big city. The toddler was a shining light in your dark days. He had the same dark curls, the same downturned eyes as his father. A piece of your love that was yours no matter what the war brought - or took.
You’d nearly lost your footing when you heard his voice, gruff and mellow, across the line. Darlin’ it's me, he'd said, I'm coming home but I've got some business to finish in the city, meet me there. I'm bringing Rosie, you remember him yeah? Said he'll take us dancing at the best jazz spots. I love you Mrs. Crosby. See you soon.
Now you wait in the lobby for your love and his friend.
Minutes tick by as you wait. Maybe the plane was late? Maybe they had to meet somewhere after landing to debrief? Maybe there was a problem with the engine? Just as your maybes started to drown out the chatter and bustle around you a voice rang out.
“Well ho-ly mackerel, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes Mrs. Crosby.”
The sight of your husband had you dashing into his waiting arms. Tears streamed down your face as you kissed him senseless over and over and over. Crosby couldn’t contain his laughter at your reaction, nor did he bother hiding it when he wiped his eyes dry. 
“I’ve missed you so much Bing.”
His forehead rested on yours. “God how I’ve missed you too, Darlin’.” 
Over his shoulder you notice a taller man, stylish moustache and curls neatly gelled into place, attempting to avert his eyes and give your reunion privacy. You were struck by how attractive he was. “Bing?”
“Oh!” Harry takes a step back. “Darlin’ this is Robert Rosenthal - or Rosie as us boys like to call him.”
Rosie gives a toothy smile and holds out his hand for a firm shake; “so nice to meet you, Mrs. Crosby. Croz here has told me all about you.”
Giving your husband a raised eyebrow, you ask “all good things I hope?”
Both men chuckle. “Only the best, ma’am.” 
The three of you settled into your rooms before deciding that a celebration was in order. Rosie commandeered the evening, promising only the best jazz New York had to offer. Drinks flowed, the band jived, and couples danced the night away. 
Night after night, Rosie took you somewhere new. You’d split your time whirling the dancefloor between both your husband and his pilot friend, never satisfied until your feet ached. Harry claimed all the slow dances, nestled up close to your body. But Rosie? He got the fast-paced, jumping, hip swaying swing that Crosby claimed he couldn’t keep up with. Two left feet, he’d claim. Each morning after you slept in the plush, luxurious Ritz bed until lunchtime while they attended to their military duties. 
Friday rolled around. It had been a week of this routine. You should’ve been exhausted, you should’ve wanted to slow down - after all you were no spring chicken anymore. Yet, something about being in the arms of your husband and Rosie as you swayed to Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, and Glen Miller felt so right. 
When the barkeep yelled for “last call” you knew it was time to retire for the evening.
“Say, why don’t you come have a nightcap in our room, Rosie? Crosby asked.
The three of you settle into the living room of the suite assigned to you and your husband. Bing plops into an armchair with a satisfied huff. You join Rosenthal on the loveseat, a respectable distance inbetween. A bottle of whisky sits open on the fireplace mantle. Conversation comes and goes as the trio fall from the high of the night. It’s easy. Almost makes the boys forget the horrors they endured in Europe. 
Around 1am the conversation begins to lull as you finish regaling the group with a story of the shenanigans you and your girlfriends would get up to during university days. “-You think you boys were bad flying all around in your skivvies, but it was nothing compared to us girls that night!” Laughter filled the room until all had let it trickle to a close; the silence was warm like the fireplace embers. Robert sat enraptured by your story, by your beauty, by the thought of you under that blue dress and all your curves. He knew he shouldn’t have noticed…..he was just a man after all. And with the things he’d seen? Could you really blame him?
“How long’s it been Rosie?” The question broke the man’s gaze from you and directed it towards Crosby. He didn’t know it was so obvious. 
Rosie was about to stumble out an answer, an apology for looking at you like that, he doesn’t know, when Croz interrupts again. “When’s the last time you felt the touch of a good woman, Rosie?” Harry waits for an answer. Rosenthal can feel his face heat; he runs his fingers through his hair mussing the curls out of place. This confident Crosby was much bolder than the one he’d met when he first shipped out to the 100th. “Before the war?” There is no judgment in his eyes, no disdain or hesitation towards his comrade as he asks. Rosie shakes his head in affirmation. His glass clinks against the table as he sets it down, whisky unfinished.
Crosby sighs. “Too long.”
“Too damn long…” Rosie agrees in a mumble. 
You sit and watch the boys in rapt attention before meeting Bing's chocolatey eyes. Rosenthal is a good man, a great one from what your husband’s letters proved, and he deserves kindness and softness after all he’s been through. They both do. A delicate hand moves to rest on Rosie’s knee where he sits next to you. His brow furrows. The Major flits his gaze between you and your husband.
In all seriousness Crosby says “It’s alright, I don’t mind.” He tilts his head forward in permission, a silent go ahead. 
The navigator noticed how Rosie looked at you all night, how you returned the glances like a game of chicken. Each admiring but neither willing to do anything about it. How the two of you danced around the club without a care in the world at his insistence. He hadn’t seen Rosie smile like that in ages. He knew you hadn’t laughed like that since before he announced he was heading to the front. You definitely were reveling in the attention of both men tonight. This was never something you had discussed with your husband; somehow you just knew each other well enough even after so long apart to know that it was okay. It was something you both wanted.
Your fingers drifted higher on Rosie’s thigh; not enough to be indecent, but enough to get the message across. His larger palm came to rest atop yours, stopping the movement. “You uh- you’re okay with this?” the Brooklyn native questioned. 
Without hesitation you reassure “I am.” 
In a measured, almost odd approach Rosenthal shifts towards you. His lips hover over your cheek for a moment before the softest kiss brushes your skin. The whiskers of his mustache tickle. You can’t help the grin that threatens to break. He continues to kiss along your cheek, once, twice, thrice, each getting closer to your waiting lips. Finally, his chapped lips meet yours. This kiss is awkward at first as he gathers his bearing, quickly finding a rhythm as if no time had passed since he last kissed a pretty dame.
Crosby sunk deeper into his chair as he watched. He could feel the tell-tale sign of his slacks becoming tighter as he watched his best girl and his best friend. “She loves it when you kiss her neck,” he instructed with that smirk of his. Rosie dragged his lips to your throat. “Little lower-” again he shifted “-right there.” A moan slipped from your parted lips as your body warred with the directions from your husband and the attentions from your lover. 
The room felt stifling. Rosie’s coat, your dress, his shirt, your stockings, his trousers, your brassiere - each fluttered off to the floor one by one. Even Bing had lost his button down. 
The Major guided you onto your back along the couch, trailing open mouthed kisses down your sternum, along your breasts. A moment of clarity passed your mind that your body was different now than the last time you had been made love to, whether by your husband or not, since the baby. Your breasts weren't as pert, your stomach was softer than it used to be. Lips pursed, you let out a small sigh. 
“What’s wrong darlin’?” Bing asked. The navigator leaned towards you, brushing a strand of fallen hair from your face. “You know I can read you better than any map.” Rosie stopped and rested his chin on your abdomen to look up. 
“We can stop,” Rosie offered.
“No, It’s silly…” you tried to brush off.
Both men came to your defense immediately. Looking between the two you finally settle on your husband’s face. “It’s just that… since the last time we saw each other I’m different. My body changed and- I don’t know. I want it to be enough for you. For you both,” you add with a look to Rosie.
Crosby drops from the chair to his knees before you. “My pretty girl.” He kisses you slowly. “We’ve all changed.” From below Rosie adds nothing is the same. “You are still the most beautiful, most incredible, woman I’ve ever seen. Gosh - you’re my wife. Mrs. Crosby! I would fight to the ends of the earth to come home to you.” Softer he adds “I did fight to come home to you… and to bring this flak-happy bastard along too,” he laughed, nudging his elbow at his mate. “Now be a good girl and let us treat you right.” At your nod Rosie resumes his ascent down your waiting body. 
With a flourish your panties are gone, your dripping center exposed to his hungry stare. “What does she like, Croz? Because I'm not stopping until she comes begging all over my tongue.” He licks a deep stripe along your slit. “Sweet as sugar, babydoll.” Gone is the man unsure of himself, and in place is a god amongst men who knows exactly what he wants. It’s all you can do to hold on as Rosie devours you at your husband’s suggestions. Fingers dig into the cushions, tangle into his curls as you writhe under him. 
Rosie puts in his best effort to undo you; your husband saunters up to your face, his pants long forgotten. Cock stiff and ready, dripping with need, he runs the tip of his thumb against your bottom lip. Your teeth nibble at the pad.  “Think you can take me too, darlin’?” A whimpered please is all that comes out.
A cacophony of moans fills the air as your senses are assaulted - Rosie latched to your pussy like a lifeline and your Crosby’s cock deep inside your mouth. “That’s it darlin’, just like that. I bet you missed me, huh? I can tell you did, sweet girl. Fuck I missed you….” 
You gave him everything you had as you licked and sucked at his length. You could have sworn it was bigger than you remembered. He could tell by the look in your eyes you were getting closer, hell he was too. Lord knew he didn’t want to finish like some schoolboy in your lovely mouth. Crosby pulled himself out and you gasped for air. Cheeks flushed and sweat dripping down your temple he turned to his partner. “Use your fingers Rose, drives her wild when you crook them up inside her ‘n don't be afraid to get rough - give her a nip.” He punctuated the end of his command with a nip of his own to your throat. Rosie did exactly as instructed, sending you careening further to the edge and hips bucking.
“Oh- please Rosie- oh god don’t stop-” tumbles out as you start to fall. You swear you feel him humming against your clit as his fingers burn pleasure into your skin.
“That’s it darlin’, just let go for him. Being such a good girl for us,” croons your Bing.
When it all gets too much you gently push him from you. He goes gracefully, dropping chaste kisses to your thighs and hips. Despite feeling like a bowl of jello you remember your purpose tonight - to give Rosie a proper homecoming. 
Sitting up you demand he rid himself of his trousers. 
He grins. “Yes ma’am.” 
Just as Rosie goes to cover your body again you place your hand on his broad chest, pushing until he is in a sitting position. You quickly seat yourself over his lap, his length resting against you. Grinding down, he grunts. “Let me take care of you Rosie, it’s okay.” Kissing his temple, the corner of his mouth, his Adam's apple, you repeat “I want to take care of you dear, let me.”
With another roll of your hips he enters you. He feels different than your husband, but no less wonderful. Rosie’s hands land firmly on your hips as you rock above him. He knows he won't last long, you feel too good. “God Croz how do you do it? She’s so- ugh fuck” he grunts, head tossed back as you squeeze his length. 
“I know, Rose, I know. Just like heaven.” Your husband rubs your back as you move.
Rosenthal buries his face in the crook of your neck, his whimpers muffled so that only you can hear. There are no words for him to describe this feeling: the feeling of being comforted, the feeling of warmth, the feeling of home inside you, even if just for tonight. He almost feels a tear spring to his eyes. Circling your arms around his shoulders you remind him that you’ve got him, that he’s safe, that you're here. You pick up the pace as you ride him, bringing him closer and closer to his fate. His pelvis bucks up to meet yours with every roll.
“Honey I- I’m getting real close.”
You seal your lips on his; “I’ve got you, Rosie. I want you to come for me dear.”
With a deep groan he lifts you off his cock, his spend covering your stomachs and lap in a sticky mess. You hold him as he comes down from his high. 
“That was wonderful, thank you…just, thank you.” You kiss him once more; he knows he doesn’t have to thank you for anything, but he does because he’s Rosie. He carefully cleans you of his come with his discarded undershirt.
Crosby drops his lips to the crown of your head, beginning to pull the pins out of your carefully styled hair. “Come here, Darlin’.” He helps to lift you from his colleagues’ lap. “I wanna make love to my wife.” 
In seconds you’re on the floor under Crosby, his cock already buried to the hilt within you. Neither of you move as you both enjoy the feel of each other reunited as husband and wife. Whispered streams of I love you and I missed you and fuck you feel so good tumble from your lips, barely an inch apart. Harry would never need a map to know the curves, the sensitive spots, the constellations of beauty marks on your body - he knew it better in his memory than any map he could chart.
Besides you on the couch Rosie has slumped over to lay down, his arm hanging off towards you. Every breath of your husband’s puffs against your neck, every tickle of hair from across his chest reminds you that he’s here and he’s alive and he’s yours. Emotion overwhelmed you; “Bing, love please, I need you.”
Crosby hitches your thigh up and around his hip; “I’m here Darlin’.” With that he starts to thrust within your walls. His lithe body moves with a power you had nearly forgotten. Each roll of his hips he pounds into you harder, faster, with abandon; his dog tags cool against your breasts where they hung. Harry was a gentle man, but held so much emotion inside. He could let go with you. 
Your next orgasm was building, hotter and faster than the first. Nails raking down your husband’s back, you reached out your other to grab hold of Rosie’s outstretched palm. The slap of skin echoed around the room, mixed with the crackle of the fire and the sound of heaving breaths. 
An inferno raged within you. Every touch, every movement atop you sent sparks down every nerve ending. You didn’t know where you stopped and your husband began. “Fuck Bing mmmm- Harry please-” The rug beneath you rubbed your back raw but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as long as he kept going.
Crosby had his thumb rubbing quick circles on your clit in an instant. “Tell me you’re close, I need you to come Darlin’.” You couldn’t catch your breath so you nodded the best you could while squeezing the life out of Rosie’s fingers.  
Another snap of his hips and you’re gone, obliterated. Everything felt euphoric and white-hot. Crosby follows suit, his release filling you and your name on his tongue. Bruises will surely linger on your thighs. 
There you lay, tangled in the afterglow, your loving husband above you stroking his knuckles against your side and your new lover’s hand in yours. No words needed to be spoken. The moment you shared would be seared into your mind forever playing on repeat. God forbid another crisis happened that would ship your boys out and away from you - yet if it did you would hold on to tonight like a talisman. It had been a long four years, and longer so for them. But the war was won, with spoils a plenty. 
Lips meeting your Bing’s sweat-slicked forehead, your grip on Rosenthal tightens. “Welcome home my boys, welcome home.”  
Tags: @sagesolsticewrites @winniemaywebber @sailorscuttle @thirstyvampyr @hellfirequinnie @lorna-d-m
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missvelvetsstuff · 6 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
This story is canon adjacent except that Thanos never happened.
I try to keep my readers description vague but, as always, she's female and above average height.
****Previous chapter
At the compound they were still trying to find where Nat and Rainbow had disappeared to when Tony hollered "YES! I've got it. I know how to find her."*****
Chapter 10
Warnings: swearing, angst, violence
Bucky bolted to Tony's side to see what he had found and stared at him expectantly "Well?"
Tony turned to see him right in Tony's face "A little space, Barnes."
Bucky scoffed and backed up "Fine"
Tony looked at Bucky and Sam before glaring at Steve "Well, obviously I had FRIDAY searching for Y/N and Nat but no luck so far. Then it hit me, she left with her sister Yelena so I found some video from her visit and Friday is searching for her now, too." He grinned, pleased with himself.
Bucky nodded "Yeah, that's not a bad idea" he sighed heavily "I hope it works."
After a few hours Friday alerted them "Mr Stark? I found her, Yelena Belova was just sighted in a Kroger in Cleveland, Ohio."
Tony grinned "Send the Iron Legion to detain Miss Belova"
"Yes, boss"
"WAIT!" Bucky shouted.
Tony looked over at him, brows raised in question.
Bucky shook his head "The Iron Legion isn't very stealth. If Nat even thinks we're on to her she might pack Rainbow up and bolt somewhere and..." He trailed off before Sam spoke up
"And what?"
Bucky was lost in thought for a moment not realizing that all eyes were on him "She was raised in Ohio, with Yelena. Before her training in the red room, to acclimate her to the states and work on her accent."
He looked up to see everyone staring "What if they're staying at their childhood home?"
Sam stared "Do you know where in Ohio? Maybe we can narrow it down. Like set up in the general area before picking up Yelena?"
Bucky shook his head "No, maybe. Fuck I don't remember exactly, just Ohio."
Tony nodded "Alright, fair point. How about we just send Vision ahead since he can fly and be practically invisible? He can pick up Yelena and find a discrete place for us to meet them."
Everyone sounded their agreement and after a kiss from Wanda, Vision was on his way.
Tony looked at the team, pointedly passing Steve over "Suit up kids, wheels up in 10."
Steve headed towards the quinjet hangar before Bucky stopped him "Not a chance, Rogers, you're waiting here."
Steve started to protest before Tony nodded "Yeah, Barnes is right you can wait here. I think the rest of us can handle Nat and her sister if she gets involved. So go take a nap or whatever and we'll see you later."
Steve bristled "No way I'm sitting this out, you need me. Y/N needs me." The last part was almost under his breath but Bucky heard.
Bucky took a few deep breaths to keep from hurting him "Y/N needs you? Like when you spent most of your relationship with her off fucking Nat? Like when you helped Nat coordinate this bullshit and would be doing god knows what to Y/N right fucking now if Nat hadn't betrayed you?"
His eyes burned into Steve as he fought to keep control "It's your goddamn fault that she's in Natasha hands and I think I speak for the team when I say we can't trust you. You're just as likely to betray us and try to sneak away with her as you are to help in any way.'
A chorus of agreement followed Bucky's words and Steve deflated. "Fine, I'll go on my own."
Tony shook his head "I don't think so, can't have you coming in with your own agenda."
Steve laughed "You can't hold me prisoner here, I'll-" he looked at Tonys armored hand and grabbed at the sting in his neck "What the-' he almost dropped to the floor but Bucky caught him and threw him over his shoulder then carried him to Steve's room, dropping him on the bed.
Once Bucky left Steve's room Tony spoke up "I knew those tranq darts would come in handy. Friday. Please keep the Captain locked in until we return."
"Yes boss."
As they boarded the quinjet 10 minutes later they heard from Vision "Miss Belova is with me and we will be waiting for you..." and rattled off the coordinates.
Tony grinned, finally something good "You heard the, uh man? Friday take us to his coordinates, fast as you can. Everyone strap in."
They landed in an empty field and when they opened the ramp Vision walked Yelena into the jet, and the ramp closed behind them.
Yelena looked at the team with disdain "What are you assholes doing here? We left the city like you asked so now what do you want? Wasn't it enough to kick her out of your so called family?"
Bucky tried to keep his voice calm "It would have been plenty if she hadn't decided to kidnap Y/N on her way out."
Yelena scoffed "Why would she do that? We have enough to do to find the rest of the widows, after Natalia gets some rest. That's why we stopped here for a few days. I would know if there was another person with us."
Clint shook his head "Are you sure? She couldn't have Y/N hidden away somewhere on the property? Maybe somewhere that she's spending time to "recuperate"? She lied to you about the whole drama so maybe she's still hiding something."
Yelena started to object before her eyes widened "No, she wouldn't I mean she couldn't but........She's been hiding in the basement. Said she had some kind of project to help find the missing widows. She was so distraught about leaving the Avengers that I thought I should give her some space."
She shook her head
"I should have known she was up to something, girl never knew how to let anything go."
Suddenly Yelena's phone rang "it's her"
she paused for a moment before answering
"What's up sestra? Oh sorry I didn't realize how late it was getting, I've just been chatting with some of the locals. No I'm fine, I'll be home in a few."
They set up a rough plan and the team waited 30 minutes for Yelena to get home and settle in before converging around the property to ensure Nat couldn't get past them.
Bucky and Clint took the lead through the front door, being the more stealthy members of the team. Sam followed right behind. Wanda and Bruce stayed further back to make sure Nat didn't escape. Vision went through the outer basement door, while Tony stayed behind to make sure she didn't try to sneak out that way. Wanda set up a field surrounding the property. Bruce just stood back hoping there wouldn't be a code green for the woman he had once loved. His feelings for her were gone but he didn't know what the other guy would do to her.
Yelena let the first two into the house and showed them the door to the basement.
Clint went first hoping that their friendship would be enough to distract her so the others could get to Rainbow.
When the door opened the slight creaking caught Nats attention
"What are you doing Yelena? I told you not to come down here, I still haven't quite been able to work this properly"
She was standing at a work bench next to a wall of fresh drywall with a door. She jumped as an arrow hit the wall, barely missing her face, then quickly turned to face him.
"Clint? Very funny. It's about fucking time you remembered who your real friend is. Go hang out with Yelena, I'll be up in a little bit."
Clint scoffed "Friends, right. You need to let her go, she never did anything to you."
Nat looked at him in shock before quickly pulling herself together "She who? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm working on a way to find-"
Clint interrupted. "I know she's here, Natasha. Please, for the sake of our friendship, let her go before this gets out of hand."
She smirked at him "You gonna try to take me down? Maybe if I was alone but I have Yelena on my side and you don't stand a chance."
Clint shook his head "No one is on your side except maybe Rogers and he's not here. You've gone off the rails and taken someone who doesn't deserve your ire." He paused, sad that his closest friend had come to this.
"Besides, I'm not alone and I don't want to hurt you. None of us do. Well maybe Barnes but you can stop this madness and let her go."
Nat snapped "Fuck you Barton that little bitch is leaving here one little piece at a time and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
Bucky stepped out of the shadows
"How about me, Natalia? Anything I can do to stop you? I'm not Barton and don't have any reservations hurting you if that's what's needed."
Nat eyes grew wide with fear, knowing first hand what the soldier was capable of, before she quickly composed herself
"Aawww, the Soldat came to rescue his little princess but I'm not quite done with her yet."
Bucky bristled "You're done, Natalia. Done as an Avenger, as a SHIELD agent, as our family or friend, as a free woman. Let her go now before you're done living."
While Bucky and Clint kept Nat distracted, Vision found Y/N, bruised bloodied and half dead, and worked to release the binds keeping her in the chair. Once he had her freed he decided not to remove the knife still in her stomach so she didn't bleed out. When he went to carefully pick her up the chair fell over and made a loud noise.
Nat jumped at the noise and turned towards the door in the drywall "Dammit, you and your friends are ruining everything. Why do you even care so much about a stupid little girl?"
When she opened the door it slammed her into the wall, stunning her as Vision walked to the stairs and out of the house with Rainbow. Vision advised Bruce that he had her and was on his way, giving all the info he had on her condition.
Bucky was distracted for a moment when he saw the terrible shape she was in. He felt like his heart stopped as his eyes followed her up the stairs until they were out of view.
Then he turned to Nat, jaw clenched, face turning red, hands balling into fists and soft whirring from his vibranium arm. His chest ached and his breathing was heavy as he fought to keep the Winter Soldier at bay.
His voice was low and dangerous as he growled out "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now, Natalia."
Nat stuttered "But James muy lobuv, we can be together now. For real, in the open. I had to get her out of the way, she was dangerous. A silly child who could get us all killed. Please. Ple-"
Bucky grabbed her by the throat with his vibranium hand squeezing until she couldn't speak, could barely breathe. "Yeah, that wasn't it. You know, Steve told me we should let you live, have you sent to the raft but he is just as much of a snake as you are so I know he would try to find a way to get you out. Hell even Tony said I shouldn't kill you and maybe he's right but I don't know if I can live with the knowledge that you were out there somewhere, plotting against us. Against her. Maybe if we take you into custody you'll be tried and executed anyhow or locked up somewhere you can't escape but I just" he sighed "I just don't think I can live with that. Good bye, Natalia."
He quickly snapped her neck and let her body drop to the floor without a second thought, quickly following Visions path to the quinjet.
Clint looked at the remains of his old friend sadly before wiping a tear away and hurrying to the jet, softly apologizing to Yelena on his way past her.
Once the team was all in the jet on their way home, Bruce advised them of all Rainbows injuries before he contacted Helen Cho so she could prepare for their arrival.
Bucky sat by Rainbow on the med bed for the flight home, holding her hand and speaking words of love and encouragement softly as his tears fell onto her. She died twice in the air but Bruce was able to revive her. She was barely hanging on as they landed and Helen took over, barking out orders as they rushed to the med bay.
Bucky said a prayer to any gods, to anyone that would listen, that his Rainbow would be alright.
Chapter 11
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lithium80writer · 1 year
Bad Things (Eddie Munson Short Story)
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⚠️Warnings: Explicit sexual content. MINORS DNI. Toxic relationship. Drugs. Angst.⚠️
Summary: Modern AU. Rockstar Eddie. Nova Gray is a pop star and the on again/off again girlfriend of rockstar Eddie Munson. Both of them are at the height of their career. Fame and trouble follow these two everywhere they go. They both know they are no good for each other but can they stay away? Just a heads up that this will not be typical sweet Eddie. He's kind of an asshole. But a hot one.
Characters and intro, Chapter one
Chapter Two: Eddie Fucking Munson
****Don't matter what you say. Don't matter what you do. I only wanna do bad things to you..****
Nova's POV
You had an interview today which you were dreading already. Rebecca White was one of the most nosy people in the industry and you already knew her questions would consist of nothing but Eddie Munson.
"You're gonna do great, babe." Max says gently as he kisses your cheek. You give him a half smile as you grab your purse and sling it over your shoulder. "Fuck.. where's my phone? I'm gonna be late." you groan as you flip the blanket on your bed searching for it.
You hear it ringing in the distance and Max makes it there before you. You see Eddie's face on the screen and Max's turns to you, his eyes full of questions.
"The performance at the VMA's is soon. I'm sure that's what it's about." you lie as you take your phone. Though broken up, you and Eddie still had to perform your duet together in a few days. That should be fun.
"Yeah, I'm sure... Call me when you're done with the interview. Maybe we can grab lunch somewhere?" Max calls as you head for the door.
"Sure!" you call back slamming the door behind you. You run to the elevator as your phone continues to ring. "Hello?" you answer the phone in a rush.
"Hey Princess."
God, his voice makes me melt.
"I don't have time to talk, Eddie. I'm in a hurry." you say quickly as push open the doors to the outside world. You see your driver parked and waiting for you.
"How's my favorite girl?" he continues anyways as you slide in the backseat of the car.
"When did I become your favorite over Stacie, or Jessica, or what was the bendy one's name... oh yeah... Trixie?" you snap.
"You're stressed. What's going on... hey, no teeth.." he mumbles.
"Are you seriously getting your dick sucked while you're calling me? Fuck you, Eddie!"
"Oh come on, you're the only one I let use teeth..."
You hang up the phone and lean back against the seat with a sigh. He's literally impossible.
Why does everything in me want to tell the driver to head there instead? Why am I always craving him?
You grab your phone again flipping through your contacts.
"I fucking hate him." you say as soon as she picks up and Chloe snorts.
"No you don't. But I've told you a thousand times, come to the dark side, baby. We have so much fun." she teases.
Chloe Monroe. My only true friend in this industry. Proud lesbian and hater of most of the male species.
"I do. He's such an asshole." you groan and she sighs deeply.
"So you're trying to decide if you should go fuck him or not." she states bluntly.
"What? No!" you protest. "Shit... maybe. I miss him." you mumble.
"Suck it up, baby. You need to go to this interview and then you need to go home to your sweet hunk of a man." Chloe says sternly.
"You're right. I know you're right."
"I'm always right. But if you do go, tell me all the filthy details later." she giggles and you just roll your eyes.
"I love you. Gotta go."
"Love you!"
Your driver meets your eyes through the mirror and shakes his head with a laugh.
"You do keep an old man like me entertained." Sal laughs and you can't help but give him a smile. He pulls up in front of the building and you take a deep breath before slipping out of the car.
I can do this. Just talk about my music. Stay focused.
The fact that it's filmed in front of a live audience wasn't helping your stress level. This was your first interview since your breakup six months ago. People wanted to know what happened. Everyone wanted to know the dirty details of your life as if it wasn't breaking your heart into pieces.
These people didn't care about you. They just wanted information. It was just the business.
You made your way to hair and makeup. The guy who tended to you was a sweetheart. He kept the conversation light and focused on getting you perfect for the camera.
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And then came Rebecca.
"Nova! You look incredible!" she gushes as you stand up from the chair. You give her the fakest of smiles as she pulls you in for a hug.
"Thank you. So do you." you reply sweetly. "So I just wanted to make sure we were clear on the topics..."
"I know, dear. No talk of that handsome boy of yours... is he still yours?"
Fuck this shit.
"Rebecca, with all due respect, I don't have to do this interview."
"I'm only kidding. I received a list of all the off-topic things before the show. No Munson. No diets. No Max? Such a shame.. he's a cutie." she chatters.
"Are we clear?" you say shortly.
"I'll see you soon." she disappears swiftly and you feel even more nervous than before.
You quickly dial your manager and she answers immediately.
"You can't back out."
"She's gonna spend the entire interview talking about the breakup. I can already tell." you argue.
"Nova, you need this. You need to get back out there. You need to talk about your new album. You need to show them he didn't destroy you." Lisa pushes back.
You pause for a second weighing your options. She's gonna eat me alive.
"Put your big girl panties on. Those sexy ones, with the little bow." Lisa chuckles.
You exhale deeply and tell her you'll call her after.
Here we fucking go.
You walk out on the stage and the crowd begins with their clapping and cheers. You look out and give them all a wave as you plaster a smile on your face.
You see Rebecca seated in her chair as you make your way across the stage. She stands and greets you before you take your place across from her.
The questions start simple. "How have you been?" "What new projects are you working on?"
She lets you talk about your new album which makes you feel excited and a little more relaxed. Maybe she won't bring him up.
"Nova will be performing a song from her upcoming album for the first time for all of you!" Rebecca cheers. The crowd is filled with excitement as you make your way to the side of the stage.
The lights dim and you take the mic in your hand.
"Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I shall die before I 'wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take."
You speak the first verse slowly. You close your eyes and shut out the people around you. You feel the music running through your veins as you begin to sing.
"I, I keep a record of the wreckage of my life.
I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind.
They talk shit, but I love it every time.
And I realize..
I've tasted blood and it is sweet.
I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet.
I've trusted lies and trusted men.
Broke down and put myself back together again.
Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters.
Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger.
I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers
And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors.
"Come on, little lady, give us a smile"
No, I ain't got nothin' to smile about.
I got no one to smile for, I waited a while for
A moment to say I don't owe you a goddamn thing.
I, I keep a record of the wreckage of my life
I gotta recognize the weapon in my mind
They talk shit, but I love it every time
And I realize..
I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night.
That I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night.
No, I won't smile, but I'll show you my teeth.
And Imma let you speak if you just let me breathe.
I've been polite, but won't be caught dead.
Lettin' a man tell me what I should do in my bed.
Keep my exes in check in my basement,
'Cause kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent.
I could play nice or I could be a bully.
I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.."
You lose yourself in your song as you perform. Fuck, I missed this.
"Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware.
But I'd rather be a real nightmare than die unaware, yeah.
Someone like me can be a real nightmare, completely aware.
But I'm glad to be a real nightmare, so save me your prayers..."
You finish the song softly.
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"I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night.
That I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night."
The crowd cheers wildly as the lights brighten. You smile and give your lip a little bite. They liked it.
You start to feel a new confidence. One that's been missing these past few months. Maybe Lisa was right. This was needed.
You take your seat again across from Rebecca who praises you dramatically. She's so fake. Her personality and her entire face. It's not my business.. I'm just saying. You wouldn't recognize her if you had met her 5 years ago.
"Dark and dramatic and sexy all at once. I love it!" she purrs.
You give her a smile and thank her before glancing at the clock. It's almost over.
"Now.. a question we've all been wondering.."
Don't do it.
Your smile immediately fades.
"What happened between you and Eddie Munson? Everyone thought the two of you would be together forever. Well maybe not forever.. this is the fourth time you guys have split? The last one was pretty nasty." she flings the words out before you can even process.
This bitch. I can't overreact. It's a taping but there are people here, fans. She knows what she's doing.
There are murmurs throughout the crowd.
Calm down, Nova. Breathe.
"I like to keep some things private. My romantic life being one of them. I hope everyone here can understand that." you repeat the rehearsed lines Lisa fed to you before the show.
"Well I wouldn't call getting into a fight in a bar in front of one hundred people very private... what started that? Did he cheat?" she lowers her voice on the last word as if everyone in the room can't hear your conversation.
"Rebecca, I was in this industry before Eddie. I am an artist. My entire life doesn't revolve around Eddie fucking Munson." you spit the last words and Rebecca does a dramatic gasp.
"I think this interview is done." you quickly make your way off the stage.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
You call Sal and rush down the stairs. The paparazzi is waiting for you as you open the doors.
"Nova! Over here!" Shouts and screams surround you as the flashes blind your eyes. Sal quickly makes his way to you and helps you into the car.
He pulls off quickly as your tears begin to fall.
"Home, Ms. Gray?"
"No... I.. can you take me to see him?" you sniffle.
Sal nods and turns down the familiar street. He slowly comes to a stop in front of the apartment building.
"Want me to wait?" Sal asks as you open the door to leave.
"No. Thank you, Sal." you say before shutting the door behind you.
You walk in and the security guard gives you a nod as he lets you past him. You slip in the elevator and chew your lip as you watch the floor numbers rise.
You reach his floor and stand in front of his door. Your phone goes off in your pocket.
Max: Any requests for lunch or you want me to pick?
The door opens and you look up to see his dark brown eyes. A shit eating grin on his face.
"Hello, sweetheart."
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*A/N: lyrics from Halsey's song Nightmare
Masterlist to follow along 🖤
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maplesyrizzup · 2 years
hi, april... can i know all of them????? jfjfjgjfhf
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Height: 5’1
Age: 20
Shoe size: 6.5
Do you smoke: nope
Do you drink: yes
Do you take drugs: not yet. I would love to try some edibles but it's not legal in my state
Age you get mistake for: usually 1-3 year's younger than my certain age, depends
Have tattoos: nope. Afraid of needles. I pass out
Want any tattoos: maybe
Got any piercings: no
Want any: nope
Best friend: they are sisters and I will always be grateful for them.
Relationship status: single and pining over fictional characters
Biggest turn ons:
Biggest turn offs:
Favorite movie: the kingsman movies. Love them. Also grown ups
I'll love you if: you treat me with respect and love me unconditionally
Some you miss: no one currently
Most traumatic experience: also drowning
A fact about your personality: I like to get other people's opinions before deciding. I like to get both sides of the story. I need all the information before I do anything
What I hate most about myself: my face and how I speak before thinking
What I love most about myself: my humor
What I want to be when I get older: author was a big dream of mine but I've given up
Combining next two, relationship with parents and siblings: not good
My biggest pet peeves: leaving the toilet seat up. Not pushing in your chair. Not cleaning up after yourself
A description of the girl/boy I like: a girl, she's funny and smart, like really fucking smart. Tall. Black curly hair. Weird in a good way. A boy, I haven't liked a boy since high school but they were all wrestlers, brown hair, & glasses.
Description of the person I dislike most: I'll leave this one blank
A reason I've lied to a friend: to not hurt their feelings
What I hate most about work/school: work is fine, it's calm, most of the time. A couple assholes here and there but it's a library, the people I deal with want to be there.
What my last text message says: I wish you the best of the luck
What I find attractive in women: intelligence and kindness
find attractive in men: glasses(?) I've never gotten close with a guy I've had a crush on so idk. Being a nerd maybe
Where I would like to live: where I am now, in my home town
One of my insecurities: my dark body hair
My childhood career choice: veterinarian
Favorite flavor of ice cream: cookie dough! Though, Häagen-Dazs Caramel cone is to die for
The last thing I ate: hamburger helper tomato basil penne
Sexiest person that comes to mind immediately: cody christian
A random fact about anything: the average person has about 5 liters of blood in them. Losing 2 liters of it, there's a good chance you’ll die. Losing 1 1/2, good chance you’ll be okay. Losing 1, eh you’ll live. Losing 1/2, you will mostly definitely be okay. I also know what that person will feel like when losing that much blood, I have it written down somewhere. Good for writing
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zanrelley · 2 years
Adrift 9
 Leonardo isn’t rescued from the Krang Prison Dimension by his brothers, forced to flee from his cellmate in the void. The greatest ninja warrior of all time has to learn how to adapt to his new home, traversing low gravity, discovering the usefulness of spaceship corpses from worlds far beyond his own, and finding ways to survive such a harsh abandoned world.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
AO3 Chapter 9
Chapter Nine: Talking About Time and Space
Word Count: 2.8k
 It didn’t take long to find these shelters they had been told about. They had massive signs and people swarming all around them, hard to miss once you turned the corner.
 Donnie showed no mercy, as per usual, forcing his way through the crowd as he looked for his honorary second father. He had his goggles down to scan through all the bodies as Casey tried to follow him through the crowd of people, his own nervousness building as the crowd grew more and more frustrated with their presence. Was it worth creating an angry mob just to find one person?
 Casey forced himself not to look anyone in the eye if he could avoid it, he was beyond fascinated to see so many yokai, they weren’t a rarity in his time, but their culture had been nearly obliterated in the wake of the Krang. There hadn’t been much of their world left to share as the planet was overthrown.
 Once they got through the initial crowd outside and made their way into the building, Donnie flipped up his goggles and strode with a purpose towards a man in a big green and blue robe, dark pink hair in a ponytail, who was attending what looked to be wounded. Casey followed after, his stomach taking on a queasy feeling as he recognized familiar wounds on a few people, there was no doubt in his mind it was from Krang monsters.
 Donnie hesitated before reaching out to tap his shoulder, the man rose to his full height and glanced at him over his shoulder, the neutral expression jumping to one of surprise.
 “Donatello? What-“ Draxum tried to ask, but Donnie kept up his habit of cutting anyone in his proximity off, he had no patience left now that he felt like he was getting closer to his goal, the urgency to leave was taking over his brain.
 “I need your help. We need to go. Like, now.” Donnie stated as matter-of-factly as he possibly could, crossing his arms as he almost started tapping his foot as Draxum continued to give him a dumbfounded look. Casey took in the goat yokai’s appearance, it was bothering him that he was certain he had seen him before, maybe in a photo somewhere. Draxum snapped out of his stupor, taking a hold of Donnie’s arms as he noticed a small hint of fear in his eyes.
 “Where are your brothers? Is everyone okay?” Barry asked, ignoring how Donnie visibly squirmed under the touch, firmly holding him in place until he got his answer. Casey stepped forward as he felt an urge in him to defend Donnie, but he fought it off as he hovered nearby, his hand twitching to grab his weapon. He still hadn’t seen a reason to act, but he was a little on edge from the stress of Donnie’s mood with him and being in an unfamiliar place.
 “They’re… fine. We uh…” Donnie stopped himself as a flicker of emotion ran over his face, looking away from him. Draxum seemed to relax at the simple answer, but he refused to let the soft shell move away, concern still present on his own face as he noticed the slight change to Donnie’s demeanor.
 “I can’t talk about it here. Not right now.” Donnie forced himself, which looked like it took a substantial amount of physical struggle, to look Draxum back in the eye, “I need your help.” He repeated. The Baron raised a brow but his expression melted back into the neutral one he had before, finally letting Donnie go. Casey could see the visible shudder of relief go through the turtle as he stepped back to put a few extra inches between them.
 The large yokai put a hand under his chin, propping it on a finger as he watched Donatello, his gaze drifting to Casey, but he said nothing about him.
 “I’m helping the injured here. The infected, specifically.” Draxum nodded his head towards the yokai behind him, “There was an outbreak from a frenzied pack of humans that broke into the city. We managed to quarantine them, but…” His voice trailed off as he looked away from them, probably caught up in his own thoughts.
 “I know that already. It was the Krang, they’d been infecting people topside ever since they showed up. Look, we can deal with that later, I need you to come back to the lair-“ For the first time, Donnie got cut off.
 “No, I need to take care of these people. One of my compounds has been isolating and destroying this ‘Krang’ infection. I have to stay here to keep making it to stop this disease before it spreads further.” He didn’t give Donnie much room to respond, but Casey’s eyes widened. This Draxum guy had basically made a cure for the Krang infection overnight? How had they not heard of it in his time?
 His heart dropped along with the excitement at being in the presence of someone who claimed to have made something they desperately researched and attempted to make for decades standing right in front of him. He hated how his mind said it, but the only way this hadn’t been found before was that Draxum had to have died early on into the apocalypse.
 If the hordes of infected hadn’t stopped pouring into the Hidden City because of Leo stopping the Krang, they would have been overrun with no escape. Maybe he had died trying to protect his people, it certainly lined up with how he was acting right now. Donnie began tapping his foot as his face took on a scowl.
 The tech genius sighed aggressively through his clenched teeth, forcing his shoulders to relax as he reached around behind him, pulling out Leo’s sword. He stabbed it into the ground in front of him, this time keeping his eyes locked onto Draxum’s. It had the desired effect as the yokai’s eyes widened from the presented implication, but his face remained otherwise calm.
 “I can’t talk about it here.” Each word was ground out through Donnie’s clenched jaw as he kept a hand hovering over the handle of the blade as if moving too far away would cause it to disappear forever. His creator’s hand fell from his face as his arms remained crossed, eyeing the blade before looking to Donnie again as he came to a decision.
 “Very well. I will go with you, but you need to help me produce more of my admixture.” Barry held a large hand out to his son and Donnie begrudgingly accepted it, only allowing one shake before ripping his hand away, as if he had been burned a second time. Draxum seemed amused rather than insulted by the action, but he motioned for Donnie to lead the way as the trio left.
Donnie lifted his forearm to his face as he activated his communicator to let his brothers know they were on their way back.
 Leo's eyes slowly blinked as he overheard static tickling his ears. What was making that noise? He was in the middle of a great dream about his bed back home.
 He quickly sat up as he realized he was hearing a voice, someone was talking. He grabbed his sword and stood up as fast as he could, ignoring the small sting from his injuries. Leo turned in a complete circle as his sword ignited, looking for where the sound was coming from in the room.
 Was this a trick from Krang? Was someone else here? The voice had stopped for a moment as he waited in the silence, but he jumped when it started again. His jaw dropped when he noticed his communicator lighting up on his wrist, the speech bleeding through was choked by static.
 "Raph, we're coming-”
 “-Draxum. ETA-”
 “-Minutes." Leo could just barely make out what the voice was saying. He almost dropped his sword as he went to grab at the communicator, pressing down to activate his side of the connection.
 "Donnie! Raph! Mikey! Can you guys hear me?" Leo tried desperately, not even thinking to keep his voice low in case Krang was nearby.
 “Dad? April! Casey!” He tried all their names, tears were flooding under his eyelids, breaching their way out and down his cheeks as he listened for the device to activate again in the quiet of the room.
 Nothing answered him, the space around him filling with silence like water, he thought he might drown in it.
 It lit up again, the light blinking faintly.
 "Got it." That was all that came out of it before it went out again, that was Raph's voice. Leo felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. Why did the universe need to do this to him?
 The sweet torture of being so close but so far was eating him alive. He tried to calm his ragged breathing once he realized he was suffering full-body sobs, crumbling to his knees as he let his sword hit the ground, clutching his wrist. He thought he had been dealing with his new life pretty well so far, but apparently, all it took was a strong push in the wrong direction for Leo to break.
 He didn’t want to cry. He didn’t want every thought about his family to become consumed by haunting emotions, but he couldn’t help it. He lowered his head until his wrist was flush against his forehead, softly rubbing his head against it. It was his body trying to seek comfort, he knew that much, it was the closest he was going to get to a hug from his brothers.
 Leo kept crying as he thought of their faces, thought of the voices he heard over the radio.
 Just talk again, just say something, just give me something else to hold onto.
 Leo kept begging the silent device against his head, feeling pathetic for doing so as he held it close. The quiet stretched on but his puffing inhales and shuddering cries fought against it all the same. He had forced himself to settle back into his burrow of junked fabric, getting as close as he could to a fetal position as he cradled his wrist to his chest.
 Hearing a hint of their voices was all it took to break him, he missed them more than he could ever explain, more than his body could ever ache. They’re safe. That was all he thought mattered, it was the solace he took in his breakdown.
 His family was safe, he did this for them, he was doing this for them. He tried to calm his breathing, but there wasn’t much fight left in him as he let all his emotions slowly roll their way out of his trembling body, wave after wave. Maybe he would feel better after his heart was empty after it got to give all it had.
 His mask was soaked, and his cheeks were the same. He tried a few more times to use the radio once his voice had evened out after his crying, just to amuse himself he guessed, as no one answered him. He wondered if Donnie’s tech functioned in more ways than just this, he did say he recorded everything.
 Would Donnie hear him crying like this if he went through the files when he got back if there even were any? Leo was sure he could, his genius brother had achieved crazier things than anyone thought possible. It helped him choke his sounds back down into his throat.
 He didn’t want Donnie to hear him crying if they ever got the chance to see each other again. He let an ugly laugh force its way out, his twin would never let him live down crying like a baby. Leo felt delusional, but imagining his brother making fun of him was oddly comforting, it felt normal in any other setting.
 “I miss you guys.” Leo muttered to the wrist communicator, his voice slightly gargled from his earlier emotions, but he couldn’t help it, he wanted to talk to them. Even if it was only a small device that could hear him, maybe he should talk to it in place of his brothers. Maybe he should keep a log?
 He would say a daily log, but he had no clue how much time has passed, but a log? That wouldn’t do anything for him in the long run since he wouldn’t have access to said “logs” but thinking out loud, using his voice at least, didn’t seem like it would be a bad idea. No time like the present.
 “Sorry for uh, crying, I guess.” Leo hesitantly said into the open air, forcing himself to talk through the embarrassment of speaking to no one but his own delirium. His brothers always teased him about how much of a chatterbox he could be, but without an audience to bounce off of, he felt awkward. It was a strange situation for sure, would anyone not feel weird about talking to themselves without a guarantee anyone would hear them?
 That no one would respond?
 “I definitely don’t want anyone to hear that,” He sniffled, “So Donnie, if you ever hear this message uh, don’t tell anyone.” Leo chuckled lightly, his smile fading as he thought about what to talk about.
 “I’m pretty sure I have been here for at least a day or two, I fell asleep twice…” He relaxed his position in his makeshift bed, turning to lay back on his plastron, his eyes mindlessly looking around the room, not focusing on anything in particular as he combed through his thoughts, hesitating before he started talking again.
 “My first day was pretty rough. Krang is a horrible roommate, definitely not worth how cheap the place is.” Leo let a tired laugh slip at his own joke.
 “And you think he was mad when I moved in? Imagine how I felt...” Leo continued to tell the story of what happened when he arrived in the prison dimension, how he first got away from Krang, and how he scavenged all day for food. There were a lot of pauses when it came to his desperation and his injuries, but he forced himself to talk about them anyway. If there was a chance this got recorded, he wanted every day to be remembered for what it was. Who knew, maybe it would be useful in the future.
 He felt better as he got himself talking, worrying about his shell, worrying about his arm, making a note that he needed to find a way to stitch it properly to avoid ugly scarring. It felt good to think out loud, to get out of his own head to some extent.
It made him feel like his brothers were somehow there beside him, it made him feel less alone.
 His chest felt lighter, and his mind clearer, he could get used to this, to talking to himself.
 “Oh, you would’ve hated this stuff I found from the Technodrome wreckage, and guess what, Don? It’s your favorite color~!”
 Donnie wasn’t prepared to deal with what greeted him when he got home. Apparently, April thought it was a good idea to bring Cassandra to the lair, the once foot-clan recruit was already roaring at the top of her lungs when he returned with Casey and Draxum in tow. Casey had never met Cassandra before, but Draxum obviously had, his face matching that of Donnie’s as he heard her voice bouncing off the walls.
 Donnie was going to make a comment to his new lab partner but was caught off guard by the expression on Casey’s face as they got deeper into their home. He had yet to see such a shocked look on him, it intrigued him as the trio came into the common space of the lair where Cassandra was already making a beeline for them.
 “Purple one! You will-!” She was cut off by April slapping a hand over her mouth and dragging her away, which Donnie mentally thanked her for, his personal space had been violated enough today, he didn’t need his ears being assaulted more than necessary as well.
 “Heeey guys! Welcome back, Cassandra and I were swinging by to check on your guys before we started our volunteer work with rebuilding the city.” She casually explained as Cass violently thrashed around in her grip, prompting April to start pulling her toward the exit.
 “Annnd Cassandra here got a little excited about getting some more help, but we will manage! I’ll swing by after to hang.” She did a little finger gun with her free hand and winked before dragging her friend out with her. Donnie didn’t pay them much mind as he pulled up his wristlet as Casey waved goodbye to them, Draxum went over to Raph and Mikey who seemed to be recovering from Cassandra’s outburst.
 Casey, without thinking, grabbed Donnie’s arm as he dashed over to stand in front of him. The soft shell was elated to make a remark about this, but Casey put his entire brain on lockdown.
 “That was my mom!” He could’ve choked on air.
 “There goes the space-time continuum.”
Gonna take a fat break from this, hopefully my head will refill with motivation to keep going lol
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stars-tonight · 3 months
hi lovely!! i saw ur matchups on my feed & was interested in getting a long romantic one with a male (i am female & go by she/her pronouns!!) c:. im happy to be 🩰 anon if possible x
first a little bit about myself!! i am a relatively tall girlie (5’11) and do prefer someone taller than me or atleast equal heights (im sorry my short kings i still love yall) i am currently doing classes around digital & social media with an aim to become a social media manager for a company. ive always excelled in arts based subjects aswell as english however suck at anything maths/science related. i enjoy musical theatre alot aswell (its one of my main passions) and anything with a fun song and dance!! i also enjoy just going out with the people i care about spontaneously (walks, dinner, shopping, sitting in the same room in silence, etc.) but my downtime (mainly sleeping & reading) will always be my number one priority. as for how i look, as stated before im a tall girlie, brown hair, blue eyes, light freckles on my face that have faded over time & glasses ;p. i would say to describe my personality (im a libra & isfp if that means anything to u aswell haha) i am the kinda of person who can be loud & obnoxious around my friends but will not talk to anyone without them. i also tend to need to feel in control otherwise i freak out. i also tend to distance myself when i get overwhelmed (happens more than id like to admit) so id like someone who can combat that :p. i am a self proclaimed funny person (unsure if that’s completely true) but i love to make people laugh & smile!!my love language is definitely gift giving & quality time :p
as far as my partner; i would like someone funny for sure with the same kinda humour as me, loyal & someone who isnt overly clingly bc despite how deeply i care for my friends/family/partner my me time is so important. i am not a very picky person tbh i just need someone who understands me and can take the time to understand me & who i am as a person & i can talk abt my weird goofy lil interests around.
thanks so much im so excited :D!!
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🥛 suna is lowkey obsessed with social media so it's perfect that you have a job in that industry
🥛 he is also like the king of downtime
🥛 on weekends you two could sleep until noon
🥛 you can read while he scrolls on instagram or whatever he has
🥛 if you end up getting him to actually read it'll probably just be like a webtoon on his phone lol
🥛 but he will willingly listen to your recommendations
🥛 maybe he'll give an audiobook a chance
🥛 i feel like suna is a very chill partner
🥛 if you're feeling down he'd give you just a big hug, maybe send you a nice song over text
🥛 he'll let you have your space if you need it but he'll always be there for you
🥛 whether it's with a hoodie, some food, or a hug
🥛 i think his giving love language is most likely physical touch and quality time
🥛 you could just spend hours together in bed, doing your own thing, as long as he's got his hand on you somewhere
🥛 NOT in a dirty way!! he just wants to always be holding your hand
🥛 i almost feel like suna is just too lazy to date for fun
🥛 you'll have to work to get him to dance with you
🥛 but he'll always be down to just watch you sing or dance
🥛 he doesn't talk much but he'd love to listen to your little rants
🥛 thinks you're so cute when you talk about what makes you happy
🥛 secretly records you while you do this
🥛 suna 100% has a photo album of you on his phone
🥛 he LOVES taking photos of you
🥛 his phone background is a photo of the two of you
🥛 he has polaroids in his room of the two of you
🥛 when he's away for volleyball games, he pulls his phone's photo album out when he misses you
🥛 he loves everything and anything you gift him
🥛 will take a photo of it if he can't bring it with him to games
🥛 i personally headcanon that suna just has a little drawer full of everything you give him
🥛 i can't imagine suna actually being good at STEM subjects (or any subjects, for that matter)
🥛 so you might have to get some tutoring from kita
🥛 suna will complain the whole way there and back
🥛 just another way perfect kita gets to show off
runner up for you was kuroo tetsurō!
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A/N: i hope you liked it! i know this was out super fast but to me you just fit suna too well! i love him so much he'd be like my top choice for a partner
also i relate too much to the "i can do humanities but no STEM" ;-;
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
We are in control here it's not the case and I did an assessment myself and others are like me they're assigned to do it and then they said okay so they looked at it and did an assessment and said yeah would behind
-we have a lot of stuff happening and I'm requested to put it up there there are several things we're doing today one is purchasing companies and for shares and ownership and more than just stock
*one such company is a ski company and they make k2 and other skis it's my husband's favorite and it is named after one of the world's tallest mountains and one of his goals was to see it someday and now he says maybe not that's really dangerous for him to do anything a lot of people have skied on K2 nobody has skied the whole thing and my husband says it looks like a job and yeah there's a castle below that area for John remillard's height to be somewhere around 10 miles plus and John remillard is suiting up and it begins a movie as a matter of fact nobody has skied the entire mountain of the tallest mountain on Earth and it's in India and everyone knows the name so we are going to start a new company and we are going to outfit John remillard with our skis and he won't know it and we've already begun the process and he says no he's going to use his keys even if he has to make them and keep them with him from making them all the way to the mountain and we laugh okay go to the bathroom with them and he says you suck. Don't do that to my husband then so he's proceeding and he wants to be the first person to ski the entire mountainous Mount Everest and there is a way to do it one part of it's very treacherous and it has several drops of 100 ft.
-and it will start a race to do it and people going to go up there and try and ski it and it is a challenge and my husband's character is up for it and yeah you might not be human but he's CEO for most companies on Earth somewhat of a son so they might be going up there
-better off Dead the movie will begin as he's trying to practice and there's some similar drops in about 80 ft in the Rockies and he used to do that extreme ski and nobody has tried it now several people have tried it and were injured and couldn't do it now is a good time of the year the snow is not too deep it's deep though in the soft powder suspicious he says and yeah you got help but he made a loop so it doesn't know who it is and it was the Thor and Freya to swap the skis out
-the pseudo empire and warlock are fighting and they're fighting over a whole bunch of stuff and it is very large but the fleet of theirs both of that fleets are in combat and it's heavy combat in space this a lot of death and a lot of ships are disabled and missing each side is lost another billion and it's not massively fast but it's pretty damn quick the time to 7 billion for the molex six billion for the pseudo empire it's about equal and they're fighting ability but not in their number at this rate the warlock end up out ahead by 1 billion what about the minority more luck I'll even know well in the army now.
-not only that the empire is collecting tons of them but there is a fight in almost every city no it's in every city and here in the government they tried to lay them off and couldn't and it is their kids and they're going after pretty hard
-there's a couple other things that are happening there's a massive amount of people immigrating to the United States no no this is war going on and not coming here too much they're coming to Florida and DC and places like that and here in Florida they went to court again and lost more territory need more luck except for the pseudo empire have only 20% of what they had last year and their forces are now at 35% of last year and the pseudo empire has 10% of the land in Florida and the moloch have 5% of it these pseudo empire has 50% of their Force but it is 4% of the population where is the morlock have 35% of their Force and it's 25% of the population they found number the pseudo empire. Total landmass of the whole group of morlock is 15% and they lost about 35% recently and those areas went to the big groups and there's another 10% they had and that makes it 45% of those three big groups the rest is held by others is not right so we'll have to go through the math the morlock have 25% of the land in Florida and the big three have 75% and that's what it is last year the big three had 50% but it was intermingled and now where the big three are is not and they have 25% more they're sitting out raiding parties and all sorts of other parties all day and night they do not care for the pseudo empire and they're going after them too tonight we think that the warlock will go from 25% of the population in Florida to 20% for real large number. We feel that the morlock population of Florida will go from the current roughly 27% to about 20% so they will lose a lot of persons and we expect the landmass of the molec to go from 25% to you about 20%
-we're starting up some companies it's going to be greatness Meghan Markle is going to make that rod motorcycle is going to be great we are also going to and we're going to start doing it soon and he wants to do the hard knock kicker 5150 it's just a fun thing to do and it just says you got your hard knocks and and kickers someone getting hit and it reminds you. The great part is it's fun to assemble them and ride them around and it's like a scooter it's real easy to build and you can get a 49cc and this frame is about the same weight as the early one the other metal is heavy has a little big for what they needed this is lighter because it's so smaller and the metal is not as heavy but it's stronger that's really solid solid tube and it's less by Mass the film frame weighs about 80 lb and this frame weights well 59. I'd like to do that but the shop is in the UK so I'm not sure how we can do that
Is very tired right now so you probably needs a nap this is a great idea and we're going to go ahead with it and we see how well it works it's just really easy to work with you can even heat this up and bend it real slow and it looks it looks great. I suppose we can make a frame and sell it and the hk2 frame looks pretty good it's not ginormous like the hk3 and he says name the company HK frame that's a good idea and it's a high performance high strength no it looks cheap oh my God this is the key and we have to put the saddles on and stuff I think we might do is weld up the connection and then just put the saddle on as a saddle like a complete saddle and comes in three pieces and gosh you know you can you welded and you can weld it in the middle and then weld in the middle in the middle and stronger than hell and we tried it that way it works and it takes less time I'm going to go ahead and order that to happen and we're going to make the frame and try it that way we'll get the guys on it says he wants to go to the shop and start welding it'll make it sell BG can do it we're going to try first though
Thor Freya
You know what the reasons are the steel is not as good and we know it gets made that way because it's fast I'm going to go ahead and try it not a lot of guys who weld like madness and there's some robot welders too we can use they throw it in the jig and you tack on the saddles and it was in minutes that's an awesome idea this is terrible what we're doing. And we can get him to get in the shop and weld up the first few I mean holy cow that would be awesome and yeah you can sneak up on him while he's got the mask on is that wonderful maybe in my shop though
0 notes
whoistartaglia · 2 years
driving headcanons. 
including: kaeya, scaramouche, childe, ayato, and al haitham. 
warnings: gender neutral reader, fluff, reckless driving in childe’s part.
notes: inspired by my own bad driving. 
kaeya was a good driver. a great one, even. but he was terrible, absolutely terrible, with directions.
he couldn’t make one drive without getting lost or making at least at few wrong turns, even if you were there to help.
you looked up from the map on your phone to the road before you. “kaeya! you were supposed to get off at that exit.”
“really? oh, sorry. i’ll just get off at the next one,” kaeya replied as he got into the wrong lane. you opened your mouth to tell him to merge back, that he was in the wrong lane, and the next exit was coming up—
it was too late. the exit ramp came and went.  
“kaeya!” you exclaimed, exasperated. “that was the next exit and you passed it. we have miles until another one!”
“sorry, sorry! i’ll get off at that one, i swear.”
“you said that last time!” 
kaeya, thankfully, did get off the interstate at the next exit. except that when he tried to get back on in the opposite direction, he accidently merged onto an adjacent highway. now you were headed east when you really needed to be going south. 
before kaeya could issue another applogy, you very quickly cut him off. “don’t. next exit, the very next one, you’re getting off, and i’m driving home.”
you didn’t need to tell him twice. 
scaramouche absolutely did not appreciate your comment asking if he needed extenders to reach the petals.
he was not that short. and there wasn’t anything wrong with using extenders to drive, but scaramouche didn’t appreciate that jab at his height.
“it was just a joke,” you insisted. maybe your words would have had more weight to them if you weren’t laughing as you said them. you tried, and failed, to keep a straight face as you again repeated, “i’m sorry.”
“no you’re not.”
“you’re right,“ you said, on the verge of another fit of laughter. “i’m not.” 
you were being mean, but scaramouche was mean all the time. it was about time you gave him a deserved taste of his own medicine. 
it was when you almost started crying in laughter did scaramouche decide to never drive you anywhere ever again. you wanted to go to somewhere? fine. scaramouche would go with you, but you would be the one driving.
when scaramouche told that to you, he expected you to immediately stop and actually apologize, if only to get him behind the wheel again. but without missing a beat, you only tilted you head, and asked very, very innocently, “is it because you don’t want me to see you drive with petal extenders?”
“why you—“
this was it. you were going to die. you were going to die, and your boyfriend was going be the one who did it.
“childe! that car’s breaking—“
childe slammed on the breaks just before the hood of his car collided with the one in front of you. it was slowing down to get onto the off ramp and childe—
“you can’t pass him on the shoulder!” you said, even as childe maneuvered the car onto the left shoulder. 
“it’s fine! i got this,” childe insisted. you could only watch in horror as he hit the gas petal and very quickly went around the turning car. and then he was back over the speed limit, racing down the interstate, merging in and out of the different lanes. 
“childe, please slow down— that is not an exit ramp!”
childe jerked the car back into the right lane. another car, or maybe it was several, honked at him. but you supposed that was at least better than childe accidently getting onto the on ramp… in the wrong direction. 
a wail sounded in the distance.
“are those… sirens?” you asked.
childe’s hands tightened on the wheel. 
the blaring noise began to grow louder and louder. when you turned, you saw not one but two cop cars behind you. and they were state troopers, not your local police force, either.
you buried your face in your hands. childe was about to get pulled over. again. 
“you don’t know how to drive?” you asked, surprised.
it wasn’t like you and ayato lived in a big city where you didn’t need a car. you both lived in a small town where driving was the only way to get around. 
ayato shrugged. “i never learned.” 
“oh.” with some hesitation, you said, “i can… teach you. if you want.”
ayato looked surprised. he went to say something, but you continued before he could. “i’m… not the best driver. but i can still teach you the basics— oh, but you would need a permit first…”
you trailed off and looked up. ayato looked conflicted, and for a second, you wondered if he maybe was afraid of driving. maybe that’s why he didn’t have his license.
“it’s okay if you don’t have to, though,” you said, not wanting to pressure him further. but then a thought occured to you. “wait but… how do you get around then?”
ayato pressed his lips together, and then reluctantly admitted, “i never learned because i never needed to learn. i have a lot of… limo drivers…”
he gave you a sheepish smile, which quickly faltered and faded once he realized you were unamused. very unamused. 
ayato gulped. you were going to teach ayato how to drive, whether he liked it, or not. 
al haitham.
al haitham followed all the rules of the road, always used his turn signals, never cut other drivers off. the perfect driver really… except for one, admittedly huge, flaw.
al haitham was a little too polite on the road.
“you have time to go,” you said. al haitham was about to make a left turn, but was currently waiting for an oncoming car to pass. which would have been fine, if the car wasn’t more than a quarter mile away.
he had more than enough time to complete the turn. 
the oncoming car flashed its high beams, the signal to go. but still, al haitham did not move. the car behind you honked, and you felt like you could die from secondhand embarassment. 
“please go,” you almost begged. 
“i’ll just wait. it’s fine, really.”
you didn’t argue back, even though you kind of wanted to. you glanced at the side view mirror and saw a line of cars behind yours. 
the oncoming car was closer now and—
it passed. you let out a breath, expecting al haitham finally to make the turn but he remained still. 
“another car’s coming. i can’t go yet.”
it was even further away than the first one.
when the car behind you illegally passed you in the opposite lane, you couldn’t even blame them.
not in the slightest.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
♡ ₖᵢₛₛ & ₘₐₖₑ ᵘᵖ | n.jm (M)
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synopsis; jaemin misses date night with you to go drinking with his friends instead. he realises he missed date night with you, knowing you’ll be pissed he tries to make it up to you.
warning; arguments, jaemin is wholesome and sweet with y/n, y/n is harsh and sulking badly, kissing, soft Dom!jaemin, suggestive!, pet names, praising, mention of nct dream 00’ line, unprotected sex. (use yo condoms smh)
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
“you’re unbelievable.” you mutter watching jaemin arrive home. he pants a little as he checks your shared bedroom, seeing you dressed up with hair done and in a fancy dress and heels.
he softens his gaze knowing you’re angry. “y/n..heyy-”
“don’t hey me. why are you late?” you stand up, taking off the heels. the height shortening just by a few inches not much difference. jaemin would gulp down the anxious lump in his throat.
“i went drinking…with my friends.” jaemin utters silently, however hearing him correctly your expression gets more upsetting.
“ah, really? then continue drinking with them.” y/n said, putting the heels back down. “come on don’t be like this—” he shakes his head approaching you with arms around your waist. you immediately slap his shoulder and arm, hissing.
“get off me, do you even realise how worried i was about you?” you yell, jaemin looks down at you silently. “na jaemin- you stood me up for an hour and a half, not answering my messages or calls. I could careless about some date you missed, just tell me where you are...”
tears start to threaten in y/n’s eyes and jaemin clicks his tongue, ashamed of himself. you breathe out heavily, the anger is getting to you but now at this point you’re just sad. sad that maybe jaemin doesn’t like spending time with you or that he could’ve been murdered somewhere. he slowly pulls you into a deep hug, pushing your face into his chest where you sob a little, sometimes sniffle.
he keeps the content meaningful hug, rubbing the soft hair on the back, “i’m sorry, i am in the wrong. i shouldn’t of left you wondering where i am. i’m really sorry, y/n. i mean it.” the words were spoke slowly but cherishingly said, they hit deep into your heart knowing he is beating himself up over this.
the scent of the alcohol attached to his clothes suffocate you, he loosens the hug allowing you to look up, this time facing him with a little red nose, cheeks and swollen red eyes. he couldn’t help but still find you utterly beautiful in this state. you murmur lowly, “you smell of alcohol.”
jaemin and you hold eye contact but in the end both of you let out a small chuckle, jaemin takes off his leather jacket with the smell, lifting you into another warm hug. “i love you, you know that right?” he mumbles. you wrap arms around his waist, nodding.
no matter what happens, he does love you. jaemin kissed the top of your head. “how about i make this night still memorable?” you shake your head, “no go drink with jeno, renjun and haechan.” y/n said, pulling away. jaemin pouts, “nooo, i promise I’ll make it up to you with something good.” your eyes find his mischievous ones. “how will you do that hm?” you ask.
he smirks down at your sulking pettiness which he grew to love. y/n was lifted in the air by jaemin, thrown on the bed with him on top. his hands caress the beautiful dress that shown all your curves and edges,
“you’re so perfect.” he trails to the he pulls down, undressing your body. you blush at the comment, as jaemin soon undressed himself with you.
he catches your lips, deeply but passionately making out, he pulls away with a string of saliva connecting both of you. “so good for me, my crybaby.” he’d make sure to wipe your wet eyes that made your beautiful eyelashes point upwards, he found them super adorable. everything from face to downwards was his favourite.
“i’ll fuck you raw,” he murmurs against your body. he saw the widen eyes as you gasp at his wet kisses on your chest. “raw?… do you want to take that risk?”
he nods, moving slowly to face you from above. “anything for my good girl, i wish to marry you and have a family.”
he always told you he wasn’t ready, in fact he always was when he is with you but it took a while for him to realise it that you’re the one for him. practically his soulmate he’d say. you’re patient, understands he has flaws but you’re ready to endure and accept them rather than fix them. he knows you’re human too so he never took things fast. but when one day you mentioned family and children, also marriage— he was shocked. but not anymore, not after how you expressed your feelings tonight.
you made him sure of this decision, he wants to move the relationship into the next level.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating, copy righting and plagiarising my work. for more content check out my blog <3
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clubatsumu · 2 years
Meian Shugo meant nothing to you six months ago. He was nothing but an odd fixture at your left peripheral. He’s hard to miss, being his height and all. 
The first time you talk to Shugo – really talk – it’s because of your pathetic attempts to talk to Atsumu past your relationship's expiration. You went as far as to go to their training facility, only to be stopped by security.
Shugo found you like that, attempting to enter the building while he was on his way out. He paused, looked at you, then at the security guard, then back at you again. A crease formed in his brow line. He glanced at the glass door. You notice the moment it all clicks in his mind, because he lifts his head almost imperceptibly, a tiny Ah on his lips. He moves away without saying a word, his judgment hanging in the air like a rancid fart. Then he turns around and says a word you never knew you hated, “Kid–” breathing low, he stops. The imperious, smug man. 
Maybe – just maybe, because most likely it’s wrong – the reason why the word kid grates you is because it’s somehow true. You’ve always been level headed, mature, but next to someone as undoubtedly competent and quickly decisive as Meian Shugo, you’re demoted to an unfamiliar role of backseat driver. 
The man must be fantastic in bed.
The unwanted thought colors your cheeks horribly, and you take a large gulp of your beer to keep the embarrassment at bay. 
“Why am I even here?” you mutter into the rim of the glass. 
“You invited me,” he reminds you, taking a sip from his beer right beside yours. 
In the bar near the train station, you sit side by side, bundled up in wool and puffer jackets. The nosy-ass captain – who you now have to remember is Meian Shugo-san –  is impeccably neat. “Because you looked at me weird,” you shoot back, maintaining honorifics. “You looked at me like I was a fly in your soup.”
“Are you?” he asks, voice a deep baritone. Atsumu’s voice was as nasal as they could come. 
“Am I what?”
“A fly in my soup.”
The look on your face cannot be drawn.
He smiles. And even his smile is formal. “Don’t look so scandalized, kid. I was joking.”
“I’m not a kid,” you bristle. There goes that word again. You wonder how his teammates can stand him. No one can stand a man as composed as this. Jesus isn’t as composed as MSBY’s team captain. 
“You sure looked like one earlier,” he states simply, going back to look at the owner behind the bar. He gestures for another glass. “Do you have daikon – yes? Fresh? Great. I’ll have an omelet with that. Thank you.” He doesn’t look at your direction, doesn’t even ask you if you want one as well. 
“What if I wanted one?” You know you’re being incredibly rude right now, but you can’t help it. Something about him unsettles you. 
He moves his neck only slightly. “I doubt you like radish.”
“I do.” You hate it, actually, but you don’t tell him that. “How can you conclude something about a perfect stranger?”
“Ah, but you’re not a stranger are you?”
Your brows furrow. “Do I know you? Not from the team, I mean. From somewhere else. You’re being too familiar with me.”
“We only know each other from the team, Miya-chan’s lady friend.”
Lady friend? Is he 80? And you are not Miya-chan’s lady friend – no, you’re not Miya-chan’s anything at all. What a fucking asshole to go rub rocksalt on a still-hot gunshot wound. Asshole. Asshole. Asshole – you keep spitting on repeat in your mind, watching the man as he eats his radish. Miya-chan didn’t even go out of the facility even after the guards told him you were waiting out in the cold. And you can’t even be mad about it, because Miya-chan looks happier – freer – than you’ve ever seen him before, so you have to suck it the fuck up and move the fuck on. 
But not yet. Now you wallow. Now you lick your wounds. Now you wait for everything to unpack themselves. Now you wait until you can answer the questions that'll come. Questions like, did he just use me? Did he even love me? All while drowning yourself in work. The team captain is busting your plans.
“Then why are you acting so familiar?” you ask Meian Shugo, the last person you thought you’d be having drinks with tonight. Or ever. 
“Because we know each other from the team. You look like you need someone to… help you.”
He breathes a sigh – one you’re becoming increasingly familiar with. Either he has a lung problem or you expasperate him to a degree that he needs to expel air in his body to make room for your incompetence. “I’ve been a team captain for a lot of years, kid. Since middle school up to the pros. A crying woman outside the facility –” 
“I was not fucking crying,” you snap.
“-- is usually bad news. Athlete management for the Jackals has been below average ever since Ino-san retired, and Atsumu and Sakusa need a bit more people who care on their corner, a little more people on the look out for them, taking care of them, yeah?”
“So you took me here to see if I’m a psycho who’ll leak a story to the press?” The thought sickens you, because even though you hate Atsumu right at this moment, right on this day, you still love him with something fierce, something protective, that you’ve loved him with all your life. “Is that what you think of me? You’re here because you think I’m a potential PR problem?”
“You’re here because you invited me to drinks.”
All your questions about his motivations are answered, and you feel your soul wilt just a little bit. Someone who cares. He's someone who cares. What a wonderful person he is.
“You manipulated our conversation so that I would,” you mumble, thumbing the condensation on the wooden table. Righteousness drains out of you like a faucet leak, and you’re left with nothing but resignation, defeat, and Meian Shugo. A new patron enters the store. It’s small enough that you feel the cold air from outside brush your back. “You can be sure I won’t leak anything.”
The door settles back into its frame with a slide. 
“I’m not that kind of person, Meian-san.” 
You give him a pathetic smile. There’s a gravity around him that makes people elevate, somehow, makes them better than they are. Right now, you feel like hell, and this man makes you want to put on a brave face. Either you detest his smugness enough to put on a strong show, or it’s whatever captaincy voodoo he has going on that makes people step up. You look at him, see the curve of his lashes. You blink and look back at your spot on the table immediately. “You can go home now. No need to be here.”
He says, “No one's asking me to be here. I’m here because I find you immensely beautiful.”
“You heard me.”
For the second time in an hour, you are left speechless.
He tilts his head. “Has no one ever told you before? That your face is…” he gulps. “Surely you know. You can’t look like that and not know.”
“Know what?” you spit, still reeling. Is this man for real? Or is this one of those hidden camera pranks that they air at 11 pm? You glance around to look for any sign of a recording crew, only to be met with no one but a couple sitting near the window, eating their dinner in companionable silence. “Are you fucking with me?”
He shakes his head. “You’re the type of woman someone would stop on the street to watch. You’re someone people look at when you pass by, remember when they get home, wonder if you’re some undiscovered actress. How many men have declared their love for you after they knew you and my bonehead teammate were over?”
“None,” you reply, and: “Atsumu is–”
“Understandable.” He nods. “A lot of them probably think you’re out of their league. But I’m willing to throw my hat in the ring early, just in case you give points for that. I know you’re out of my league though. I’m incredibly self aware, in case you give points for that too.”
Disagreement is on your tongue, almost out, then you catch it. You cannot tell him he is the one who’s out of your league, because that would just be – that would just make you an imbecile, and that is not the point here. “I don’t know what to make of this, Meian-san. To be honest, this is kind of inappropriate.”
“I don’t know what to make of you either, kid.” He releases a shaky breath, almost like he's at a confessional. “I’ve never done anything as stupid as this.”
“You don’t declare your love for every other pathetic ex-girlfriend being hauled away by security? An ex-girlfriend of a current-teammate who you don’t know other than the usual formalities at parties everyone is forced to attend?”
“No,” he tells you, “Just you.”
You look away. This man cares for other people more than he cares for himself, that much is true. You can’t be around someone that unselfish; you’ll just suck the lifeblood out of him. “I can’t entertain you. You don’t make my heart flutter.” “Too bad. You make me feel like I’m about to shit my pants.” He nods, smiles. “It’s alright that you don’t feel that way right now. I’m not expecting you to return my sentiments. Not after the way I’m going about it like an idiot.”
“I’m asked out by a virtual stranger two days after my boyfriend since high school broke up with me and came out to me – concurrently, by the way – and one day after I hear he’s found the one in the form of his teammate whom he’s been working with for the past two years." You laugh derisively, looking up at the warm lightbulb. Then you swallow the saliva lodged at your throat. After the soberness hits you, you take a glance at him. He remains as inscrutable as ever.
You sigh. "I’m sorry I'm not very polite with you. I seem to just…” you frown. “Be nasty right now. I’m sorry.”
He gives you an opening to read him, just a small sliver of feeling behind his eyes. Something tender. “I’m not handling you well either. Not with tact anyway. I feel like I’m taking advantage of someone vulnerable, but I can’t seem to stop. I apologize too.” You snort. “What a lovely pair we make.”
“Hmm. Would you like some?” He slides his plate over to you, half-eaten. A small, amiable smile is on his lips.
“I’m not fond of radish.”
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Hiii it’s me, the regulus simp again- back with another Regulus x fem!reader requestt where the reader has always wanted to play the piano, and the slytherin common room just happens to have one and Regulus just happens to know how to play the piano and she hears him playing so she comes to listen and she has synesthesia so she describes to him what she sees (like colors etc) andd maybe some ultra fluff where he tries to teach her to play it💖💖✨✨ also hope your day is going well and you’re drinking water and getting enough vitamin D because you’re important <3
I LOVED WRITING THIS, IT WAS SO CUTE. LITERALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING THIS ( it made me feel better after writing the angst fic ). Also, I hope you are eating and staying healthy and safe! xoxo.
One where he teaches you how to play the Piano
Word count: 2619
[ Warning: fem!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers, first kiss, some sexual tension (not really though), hand holding, petnames such as “love” and “pretty lady/girl” ]
You pressed your ear to the door, hearing the angelic music come from the piano in the Slytherin common room. You tried your best to stay away, but you somehow always made your way to listen outside the door.
The person who played always came to the piano after supper on Wednesday nights, occasionally they would come to play on the weekends as well. You never caught a glimpse of the person, you always ran off before they noticed you were there.
Here you were, ear pressing so close to the slightly opened room as you listened to the sweetest melody you have ever heard. Your brain fogged with clarity, it felt like paradise.
A smile tugged on your face, but it quickly fell when the door leaned forward and you came tumbling into the almost empty common room.
The walls were made of bricks, making you wonder what it would feel like to slide your fingers along the creases. Your knees hit the floor, hands extended as you hear a slight cracking noise. You cringe at this simple scenario you have fallen into, how could you have possibly been so naive and fall right through the door?
The piano came to a stop when you fell, the musician taking a look towards the intruder. You stare at the ground with wide eyes, feeling too embarrassed to look up at them.
"Are you alright?" His voice was deep and delicate, much how you imagined it would sound. You look up, realizing his voice wasn't the only thing delicate about him. His face was shaped like a god, high cheekbones with thinning plain lips. You took a moment to stare at his beauty, never knowing a person could look so lovely.
"Excuse me?" He repeated himself, standing from the oak bench. His hand came into view, you took his long fingers into yours, feeling him pull you up. His hand was cold to the touch, but it only reminded you of the snowy owls you see flying.
"I'm sorry, it's just you play the piano so well, I guess I got distracted and fell... through the door," you explained, embarrassed. You took your hand from his, looking around the space accompanying you both. Everyone was out for a Hogsmeade trip, but you had stayed because you heard the piano.
"Oh," he responded, you look back up towards him, noticing his taller height. You looked over his outfit, seeing his well-tailored fit. His shoes were sparkling, making you look at your own dusted ones.
"Do you play the piano?" The musician asked, trying to get you to stay and talk for a few more minutes. You looked back up, shaking your head sadly.
"I wish, I just never gotten the opportunity to learn," you tell him, looking towards the piano left unoccupied. He watched you, making you look up towards him.
"What is your name?" He asked, taking a step back to give you some room. You fiddled with your skirt.
" [ name ] [ last name ], and you?" You asked, your eyes continuing to look towards the empty piano. He followed your gaze, a small smile on his lips.
"I'm Regulus Black, would you like me to teach you how to play the piano?" Regulus asked, tilting his body to invite you towards the piano. You instantly took a step with him, both of you walking towards the bench. He sat first, patting the spot beside him.
"Will you?" You asked, an excited tone in your voice. He patted the seat again, giving you another small smile.
" Of course, I always have time for a pretty lady," Regulus replied, his words making your stomach flutter. You sank down onto the oak bench, your eyes never leaving his.
"I'm a complete amateur, I don't even know the chords," You reason with him, blinking your eyes as you look towards the piano keys.
"That's alright, we all start somewhere," Regulus says, his fingers placing themselves against the white keys, pressing them together to make an angelic sound. You're reminded of a viridian green from the nice tone.
"Here, place your fingers against these keys," Regulus explains, letting you raise your hands before taking your fingers and placing them against the keys. You eagerly press the key, a sage green colour filling your mind.
Regulus watched you with tender eyes, seeing as you got so fascinated with the small chord. You instantly pressed another one, trying to follow the same melodies he had showed you.
Your spine tingled when a horrible chord was pressed, making the melody remind you of the colour cinnamon brown. You scrunched your shoulders, pulling your fingers back.
"Hey, you've almost got it and I haven't even taught you yet, don't give up now," Regulus effused, his fingers gently grabbing yours as he placed them back over the keys.
He dragged your fingers through keys, playing the melody through you. You’re reminded of the viridian green again, seeing new colours flash through with each key being played.
"Your turn now," Regulus says, his fingers rest over yours for a while longer than normal, before tearing them away to place them on his knees. You give him a look, only being met with a comfortable expression.
You tap the keys slowly, remembering the colours and placements. Before you know it, you've completed a slowed version of the melody. Your heart jumps, excited to get it right.
"Yes, that's good! Your learning quicker than I thought, are you sure you've never played before?" He asked, leaning his head to the side. You watched his hair tilt with his head, gentle curls framing his face. You snap out of it, answering his question.
"I see colours, with each note. It's hard to explain, but when I hear things I get reminded of objects or colours, does that make sense?" You ask, feeling slightly exposed to admit your thought process. Regulus pressed his lips together, analyzing you. You feel stupid, but that feeling flows away with his next words.
"You have synesthesia?" Regulus concluded, but he asked it more like a question. You nodded your head, a small smile on your face.
"Yeah. You're familiar with the term?" You asked him, tilting your head back to the piano. Regulus kept looking at you, interpreting his final thoughts. Nothing terrible could ever possibly come from a person like her, Regulus concluded.
“I am. I heard a Professor mention it once, always stuck with me after,” Regulus explained, just as he finished talking, someone walked into the common room. You both turned your head to look, not realizing you had been infatuated with his eyes.
“Am I interrupting something?” The Slytherin teased, his eyes switching between the two of you in a suggested way. You turn your head slightly, a blush against your cheeks.
“Yes, you are,” Regulus stated plainly, flashing his eyes towards you. His hand came to your back, holding it gently. You couldn’t have flushed red any faster, your face felt like it was on fire.
“Oh,” The boy said, not expecting that response.
“It’s alright,” you chimed in, but the boy only waved his hand and walked towards the steps to the boy's dormitory. You felt foolish, you didn’t want to upset the boy.
“Don’t worry about him, he was teasing me, you’ve done nothing wrong, my love,” Regulus responded, turning his body back to face the piano, but he kept his gaze on you.
“You know him?” You perked up, looking up towards his eyes. He gave a smile, finding your embarrassed state adoring.
“Yes, he’s one of my dorm mates,” Regulus told you, leaning closer. His hand rubbed your lower back softly, soothing you.
“Oh, well that makes me feel better,” you retorted, eyes turning towards the piano. You placed your hands back onto the keys, giving him a side look. “May we continue?”
“Of course,” Regulus replied, his hand leaving your back. You felt cold without his hand but shook it off as you started to play the melody again. This time, you played it a bit quicker. You still missed some important keys, but Regulus just responded with a faint, “don’t worry, I know you’ll get it soon,”
“Can you explain what colours you see each note you play? He asked after you finished playing a slowed version of the melody. You nodded, moving your fingers to the first key.
“The thinner notes remind me of warm colours and the deeper notes are cold colours. For instance, this one reminds me of a pale yellow,” you say, pressing the higher sounding key. A ping sounded through the room before you moved your fingers to the second note.
“This one is... like a blue sky kind of colour,” You go on, explaining colour after colour. Before you know it, you reach the end of the melody.
“What does this note remind you of?” Regulus asked, pressing one of the deeper notes. You look at his dark green tie, wiggling your fingers to hold the thin material. You tug at his tie gently, signalling him to look towards it.
“It sounds like this colour,” You contort, smiling as you let go of his tie and use your palm to make it neat again. Regulus coughs from the back of his throat, shifting in his seat. You realize how insane you must be, touching the tie of a guy you just met.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have touched you,” You say sheepishly. You look up towards Regulus, but he’s turned his head, you see the faint glow of a red on his cheeks. He brings his hand to hold his face, hiding it swiftly to try and calm himself.
“It’s fine,” he mumbles into his hand, he shivers before steadying himself. Regulus turns his head back, keeping his eyes away from yours.
A growing awkward silence fills the room, looking away from each other. You grab the oak bench cushions, pressing your feeling into it through your hands. You rock back slightly, but you feel him move closer to you, his arm brushed against yours.
“Do you think you’ve perfected the melody yet?” Regulus asked his sweaty hands on his knees. He rubbed his thighs, trying to wipe the sweat away. He felt like a nervous wreck.
“I think so,” you say, moving your hands as you place them against the starting keys. You wait for a second, before pressing the keys. You go on with the melody, getting each key right. Your fingers move over the white ivory keys, the viridian green filling your mind again.
“You’re so pretty,” Regulus lets the words slip out, his eyes filled with this type of adoration as he watches you. You snap your head to look towards him, gulping slightly. The melody falls short, your fingers stopping.
“I’m sorry, I should have said that,” Regulus quickly covers up, his ears red as he can’t keep his darkened eyes from yours.
“Not that you aren’t pretty, because you most definitely are! I just shouldn’t have told you, we’ve just met and I don’t want to be a creep,” Regulus goes onto explain, feeling embarrassed himself as he fumbled over his words.
“That’s okay! I don’t mind, I think you’re pretty as well,” You replied, looking over his sculpted features again. Regulus gave you a slanted look, he has never been called pretty before.
“I mean... handsome, you’re just really mesmerizing is what I mean,” you stumble over your words, feeling your ears start to heat up, the tips red.
“Thank you,” He responded, his body leaning closer to yours. He shakes out of it before he can lean any closer, your breath slipping from the shared moment. He turned back to the piano, placing his ring clasped fingers against the keys.
“Shall I teach you another melody?” Regulus asked, looking over. You nodded, sitting back into the backless bench. You watched as he looked towards the keys, eyes closed slightly. His eyelashes fell perfectly over his cheeks as he played the new melody.
Your mind flooded with the colour deep sea blue, the chords sounded so mellow. Once the melody came to an end, he turned to look towards you.
“It’s your turn now,” Regulus states, your fingers coming to replace his. You feel uncertain, you had been distracted by Regulus's beauty, you hadn’t watched his hand placement.
You press the first key, a deep sound flowing through you. The pleasant sounds didn't last long because you had played the wrong key, making the melody uneven. You give a sheepish look towards Regulus.
“It’s alright, let me take you through the placements again,” Regulus comforts quickly, his hands coming to rest over yours. He directs your fingers back to the starting keys. Regulus moves his body, tilting it weirdly.
“Here, let’s stand up,” He says, helping you stand before pushing the bench back to give you both room. His body comes behind yours, his hands placing yours back over the piano keys.
“Is this okay?” Regulus asks his whispers sending tingles through your spine. You nod slightly, your body leaning back into his. “Yes,”
Regulus starts to help you press the keys, taking you through the beautiful melody again. His hand are much bigger than yours, covering them from view. His cheek brushes against your hair, almost nuzzling closer to you.
When the melody ends, he stays still. You both don’t move, his hands over yours, his breath fanning over your ear in a calming way. Your heart beats faster, turning around slightly. Your lips part, tilting your head back to look up at him.
“Can I kiss you?” Regulus whispered, his eyes switching between your eyes to your lips. You nod quickly, words getting stuck in your throat.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed, watching as you close your eyes shut. You felt your face boil, feeling a nervous nausea wash over you.
His knuckle brushed your warm cheek, before his fingers cupping your jaw softly. You leaned up on your toes, your hand on his chest. Regulus pulled himself down, his lips meeting yours.
You leaned further on your toes, pressing yourself closer. It felt so new, being in this secret moment together made you pull him closer, wanting it to last forever.
He felt rich, the placement of his cold hands, the way his lips tasted like mint. you grabbed his coat, fingers squeezing around the fabric. You leaned back down, breaking the kiss. You let your eyes fall looking at his shiny shoes.
“Hey, look at me pretty girl,” Regulus said with a gentle voice, his fingers lifting your jaw. Your eyes met his again, your stomach filling with butterflies. He had a grin on his face, his once pale cheeks filled with colour.
“Would you like to go on a date with me? There is a wonderful restaurant just outside of Hogsmeade, I would like to converse with you more,” Regulus invited you. You nodded your head, feeling foolish once again for not using your words.
“I would love to,” you choked out, you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling and neither could Regulus.
Regulus frowned when he took a look at his watch, he leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“I have to go, I’m meeting up with a professor,” Regulus said sadly, holding you close before letting you slip away from his hands. “I’ll see you on our date?”
“of course,” you agreed, watching as he gave a small gorgeous smile before slipping out of the Slytherin common room.
You sat on the nearby couch, resting your head in your hands as you let out a satisfied squeal. This day, could not have gone any better.
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angelguk · 3 years
dedicated to the lovely @himboksj​ happy (very late almost criminally late) bday present! so whew... there’s a lot happening in this one! return of jock!jk and his wonderful girl oc now featuring!!: squirting, creampie, oral (fem receiving), mild choking, biting, boobs in face!!, anime tiddy mentions, praise kink galore, multiple orgasms, the use of a vibrator, jaykay is sick actually, over-stimulation, mild spit kink, dommish!jk, (redacted) pet name, mentions (and watching) of porn, everybody is in love and horny, crying cause the dick too good, fingering but not really. 5k of words that should have never left my brain. listen to continuum & nothing without you by tanerelle (kindly check masterlist for the pretty boy drabble mini masterlist if you want to read the rest of this au!)
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Jeongguk didn’t mean to go snooping through your things. It was 100% accidental. He just remembered that you kept some athletic tape in your drawers because Jeongguk usually needed to wrap his knee or ankle after practice and you ensured that he always had some near (in case he came crashing at yours instead of going back to his dorm after Coach brutalised him during drills). And, anyway, you were at a point in your relationship where Jeongguk didn’t necessarily feel the need to outright ask you if he could poke around your drawers. Of course, he respected your space, but it’s not like he wasn’t nosy when you were best friends. You were in the shower too, he didn’t want to bang on the door and ask where you kept the tape.
Imagine his surprise when he reached the final drawer in your dresser, idly rummaging around for the blue athletic tape he knows is buried somewhere, and his fingers latch around a silky cloth instead. He knew what it was immediately, the shape a dead give-away. A discreet bullet vibrator, stuffed under your unnecessarily large collection of fluffy winter socks. Perhaps he stopped breathing, the twitch in his loose workout shorts undeniable. He’s not surprised that you own one and yet, his brain can’t fathom you using it. Even now, Jeongguk’s still growing used to seeing you come undone around his length, the feeling of your walls tight on his cock as your mumble his name. It drives him mad. He’s seen you in every kind of state; sobbing hysterically, laughing until tears slip from your pretty eyes, stumbling drunk in the streets, eyebrows furrowed with anger at him, that soft tiny grin you grant him on good days, the pout your lips settle into when you don’t get your way. He never fathomed he’d ever see you in that way, skin flushed with heat, eyes cloudy with ecstasy, your heat pressed against his own. He finds new ways to fall in love with you every day but it reaches new heights when he’s deep inside of you. Maybe he’s mildly obsessed with seeing you unravel, but that’s a secret he keeps to himself.
He does take a peek at your toy though, a soft velvet-like purple vibrator. It’s cute actually, something you would definitely purchase. But then the sound of water hitting the shower tiles slows down and Jeongguk swiftly tucks the toy back into your drawers.
“Oh?” You say when you open the door to him standing stiff in your room. The steam from the shower wraps around your figure in gentle wisps, sunlight filtering in from the window behind you, the image of an innocent angel appearing right before his eyes. “You’re here.”
“Practise ended early,” Jeongguk returns, his gaze trailing the droplets of water that slip down your skin. You smell good, just like that vanilla and peach shower gel that you dearly love. And the towel hiding your body is loose. It’s not his fault that he’s hard in his pants. When he moves to hug you, your face contorts, a downward tug at your lips that Jeongguk longs to change with a kiss.
“I’m wet,” you whine, brushing past him. “Go shower, you always stink after practise.”
He huffs, strong arms catching your fleeing figure and quickly wrapping you into his chest. “No. Don’t want to. I missed you and you can’t even hug me? You’re so mean to me.”
“Guk-” Jeongguk cuts that complaint with his face in your neck, lips colouring your skin rouge with a kiss that intends to leave a mark. “You can’t,” you mumble, but your fingers settle on the nape of his neck, tangling in the growing strands of his hair. “I have to get to work soon.”
“It won’t take long,” Jeongguk returns, feathering kisses across your skin as he nudges you to the bed. “I promise. Let me do this, I’ve missed you, bunny.”
Your towel is discarded somewhere in the amble to your sheets, your thighs wrapped around Jeongguk’s face a second later. He watches your body carefully, teasing your clit with purpose before he allows himself to slip his tongue deep. He notes the twitches in your thighs, the way your buck your hips against his face. He ignores his desire, for the time being, nose buried at the apex of your cunt, tongue covered in your slick, his lips latched on your clit. You like it fast, purposeful sharp flicks that make you squirm until Jeongguk has to pin your hips down, the lave on your heat brutal. His brain can’t help but wonder how you’d behave with your toy grazing your clit and his cock burrowed deep. You’re so sensitive, response to even the softest kiss he lays on your cunt. Would you be wetter than this? You’re already dripping down his face, his mouth glistening with your desire. But he wants to see if you can do more than this, squirm more than this, make a bigger mess than this. The thought surfaces as he feels your body lock, the tension in your limbs drawn high as your hands reach for his. You cum on his face with your fingers intertwined, his name falling from your lips as the afternoon sunlight hits your skin. It’s then and there that Jeongguk decides, with his mouth wet from your release, he’s going to see you squirt one day. For him and him alone.
He waits for the moment to naturally strike, silently scheming wicked thoughts every time you crawl into his sheets. It happens one evening, an empty bottle of wine at the foot of your bed and hentai porn playing brazenly on his laptop screen. Somewhere between downing the bottle and cuddling in his sheets Jeongguk had mentioned an uncanny resemblance between your gigantic chest and the anime boobies he’d grown fond of since his introduction to hentai. You’d immediately dismissed him, whacking him hard on the head and then Jeongguk had to prove it to you, opening his favourite website and pulling up a video that had your jaw-dropping.
“Your boobs do that, you know,” he says. Which grants him a sharp kick to the shin.
“Jeongguk, what is wrong with you?” He can tell you’re not annoyed, but there’s a lilt in your voice that makes him pause, doe eyes flicking to your face. You may be kicking him under the blankets but your eyes are stuck to the video, a distance glaze colouring your gaze. He can tell by the way your thighs draw together that you’re not as averse to this as you pretend to be.
“Turn it off,” you mumble.
“Why? I can tell that you like it.”
“Jeon, I’m not joking.” There’s a glare paired with that sentence, but he reads right through it.
“Fine,” Jeongguk offers, fingers already typing what’s been on his mind since the day he discovered your vibrator.
“What are you—oh.”
There’s a quiet lull. He clicks on a video that’s more familiar to him than he’ll ever willingly admit out loud. It starts the way Jeongguk prefers it to, with a man on his knees, his head buried between the thighs of a girl.
“What are you doing, Guk?” A warning. A question. Jeongguk is not sure what you mean by that and he’s too hesitant to take a look at your face to decipher the tone in your voice just yet. He takes the jump instead, hoping you don’t mind the fantasies of his mind.
“Have you ever squirted?” Somewhere between the exchange of words in Jeongguk's room, the man on his laptop screen slipped two fingers into the girl. It doesn’t help that your boobs are falling right out of your loose camisole, resting right on his bare arm.
“Jeongguk,” you return. “Answer my question.”
“Answer mine first,” he looks at you then, trying hard to read your eyes. There’s no heat in your face, just an innocence that colours your features. Wide eyes, your legs draw together, a hard swallow that he sees in the low lights that illuminate the room.
“No,” you say, bottom lip caught between your teeth. “So why are you showing me squirting porn?”
It’s then that Jeongguk realises he wants to ruin you. As horribly cliché as it sounds, he longs for that. And the urge for it doubles when your gaze falters, flicking quickly for the screen before drifting back to his. The couple is still fucking on his screen, hard quick loud thrusts that travel to the pit in his stomach fast. He’s hard in his briefs, a painful throb ebbing through his length when your hand drops to his chest.
He shuts the laptop, the moans cut off, a heated silence taking its place. The bed feels too big when he gets up, ignoring the confused look you give him.
The vibrator is exactly where he left it, oddly comforting because it means you don’t use it. You have him after all. But he needs the toy for tonight.
“What? Guk? What’s go—when did you find that?” You’re embarrassed, he knows it from the way you squirm under the blanket. He glances down at it, finger pressing the switch that turns it on. A quick run through shows ten decent vibrators at different levels, it’s rather intense even in his hands, the low buzz that it emits filling the room forbidding before he shuts it off.
“A couple of weeks ago,” he says. You groan, your head dropping into your hands.
“Put it away, Guk! And don’t go through my stuff ever again.”
“Why? I think it’s cute.”
“Cu—what is the point of this, Jeongguk? I don’t get what you’re trying to do?” And there you go, staring at him with those wide ingenuous eyes. So trusting, so clueless. He draws closer then, considers taking his underwear off so you can see just what you do to him. But when your gaze drops he halts. It’s not about him tonight. It’s about you.
The bed dips under the weight of his as he says it, the toy still in his hands. “I want to see if you can squirt.” He sees the way your back stiffens, the raise in your brow.
“I’ve never done that,” you splutter, falling back as Jeongguk crawls over you.
“I know. But you can.”
“I can’t, Guk. I don’t think I can.” Your pretty lips are drawn into a reluctant pout, but there’s a bright curiosity sparking through your gaze that Jeongguk knows all too well.
“See, you don’t think you can. You said that before. And then I made you cum five times in a row.”
“No that was different—”
“We’re just seeing if you can. We don’t have to if you don’t want to but I think it’d be fun to try.”
You pause, trying to ignore the heat blooming between your legs as you weigh the decision before you. There were times when you thought you were about to, an edge in your orgasms that felt dangerous. But your body never let you go there fully, drawing back from your slipped from heights you couldn’t handle. You can tell Jeongguk won’t grant you the same precautions. His eyes a dark, toeing a line that feels forbidding. The covers are gently pulled from you, Jeongguk staying silent as you ponder. But the moment the cool night air hits your skin you know what he’s asking for. It’s a strange level of vulnerability, a bareness that makes your skin prickle. He wants something that you’ve never given anyway else — not even yourself. It’s a lot to ask for and his directness makes you pause. The hesitation crumbles when his hand settles on your thigh, wide warm palm gently nudging your clasped legs apart.
“We really don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” Jeongguk says, honey eyes locked on you. You know he’s being honest; he wouldn’t push it if you said no. And yet, something twists in your stomach. You want this. The realisation is sudden and you don’t know if it’s because of how perfect Jeongguk looks tonight. Chestnut curls a messy halo on his head and his shirt hanging loose from his broad shoulders. Or maybe it’s how he looks at you as if this is the only he’s ever really wanted in the world. As if you’re the only thing he’s ever really wanted.
“I want to—I mean I want to try.” You let yourself fall open then, something clicking as Jeongguk slots right against you perfectly, your sleeping shorts bunching up when his hips roll with intent. His lips land on your neck a moment later, a kiss so soft that you don’t feel it at first, lost in the way he hits your clit when he bucks into you. Jeongguk draws you back with a bite, one sharp enough to leave you gasping, your back arching from the sheets. He lets his hands slip under then, the vibrator momentarily forgotten as he maps your skin, lips feather-light once more, kisses gentle enough to leave you delirious.
“So good to me,” Jeongguk mumbles, eyes drifting to your lips. He draws close then, mouth fitting yours in a dreamlike perfectness. It’s flavoured with wine and want, a clear hunger in how he parts your lips. The hands that grip you are hard but his lips are gentle, savouring the taste of you against his mouth as if he wants to commit it to memory. The softness of the act has your skin tingling, bright and wild yet slow like the turning of the Sun. When you part, the air is different — charged, the current that swims through the atmosphere finding a home in your body as it settles in the depth of your gut. Jeongguk doesn’t give you time to ponder, mouth trailing from the corner of your lips to the hollow of your neck where he bites. It hurts enough to shock your senses, sweeping you back from the heavenly haze to the alarming reality of what he’s about to do to you. Your whimper hits the air as his tongue presses into the mark, painting your skin dark. A pointed reminder. You’d thought Jeongguk would be possessive, but sometimes he surprises you with it. The purposeful touches, the harsh bruises he likes to leave high on your neck. Or anywhere on your body, really. There are times he’d press his fingertips into them when you’re willing enough to let him choke you, the flash in your eyes spurring his hips forward.
For now, he busies himself with breathing a new one to life, one you know he’ll play with tomorrow — or later tonight if you give him the chance. Your brain can’t think that fair, zoning out as his mouth works a claim on your skin. Eager fingertips are drifting down your thighs, brushing past the band of your sleeping shorts. It’s expected that you’re already wet, but Jeongguk delights in his find with a muted moan in your neck. His fingers don’t go further though, grazing light against the damp fabric of your underwear. The swivel of your hips is automatic but Jeongguk quickly stills it with a hard press of his palm into your skin. You’re forced into the mattress, freezing when he finally wanders from your neck to your chest. So slow, wet lips idly trailing until his face lands between your chest.
“Gukkie,” you hadn’t realised how gone you already sounded until you spoke, voice wavering. He hums in response, non-committal, his hands shifting from your hips as he focuses on freeing you from your top so he can get your boobs in his mouth.
“Don’t tease me today.” You’re trying to sound firm, pliantly raising your arms so he can get you bare. But that firmness shrinks when your eyes land on his. So dark in the dwindling moonlight bleeding through your half-open blinds.
“Why?” There’s that smile of his, one corner hung higher than the either. You’ve sunk yourself in a sea brimming with sharks. “You sound cute when you whine, bunny.”
“Jeong — fuck.” There’s no point in protesting when he’s buried himself between your chest, tongue already toying with your nipple. Too many guys before him had misunderstood how to touch you there, but Jeongguk knew — he had learned. Studied your body so that he knows when to nip or kiss, shifting from pain to pleasure until the line blurred and so did your vision, until the only sound filling the room are harsh breaths and the quiet murmur of his name. Your hands eventually stray to his head, the heat in your core demanding attention as you guide him down. Jeongguk complies, not because he doesn’t want to tease you any further, but because he loves tasting you too much to ever say no.
The sight he finds sends an ache down his length, already hard but now leaking into the fabric of his grey sweats. You spread yourself so easily for him, light pink panties coloured dark with your wetness.
“Cute,” Jeongguk whispers, falling naturally into his place between your legs. It wasn’t meant to grace the air, but he’s glad it did when he notes the bashful smile tugging at your lips and how you twist to shift your head into the pillows the closer he gets. Which, honestly, makes him pause. He wants you to watch, needs you to. Something in the base of his brain needing constant affirmation that he’s making you feel good driving his next set of movements.
The hand on your chin is unexpected and adamant. You can’t help but give in, wide-eyed when Jeongguk forces your gaze onto him. “Need you to look bunny, can you do that for me?” The nod you give him is instinctual, heat blossoming in your bones when Jeongguk smiles, satiated and proud. Perhaps you should have put up more of a fight, but how could have known what he would do with only the tender touches he’d lift as your guide. Even the quick kiss he plants on your clothed cunt revealed nothing of what’s to come. So gentle as he pulls he fabric down your hips, discarding it somewhere in the sheets, his eyes never leaving the wetness on your lips.
“My pretty girl,” he says, nipping the inside of your thigh. You squirm at that, futile because Jeongguk just held you closer. “All mine, right bunny?”
“All yours,” you return, voice far and your mind slipping from your hands. Jeongguk apparently takes that to heart because he devours you, nose burrowed in the apex of your cunt, breathing you in as his tongue mapped the velvet of your walls. It doesn’t take long for your legs to wrap around his head, back raising from the bed and the drip of your slick coating your inner thighs. Yet, Jeongguk relishes it, forgoing breathing as he eats you open, toying with your clit as if that was his sole life purpose. You forget the world with a speed that should concern you, thighs trembling with each determined swirl of his tongue over that bud. Again and again, until you spill into his mouth, wet and creamy, creating a mark of your own on his lips. He keeps you there, unrelenting even when your whines hit high and your chest heaves. There’s a ringing in your ears as the high wanes away, which is swiftly placed by a quiet mumbling that sinks into your skin.
“Tastes so good,” Jeongguk murmurs, licking between your folds. “So fucking good.”
“Jeon,” Something twists in your gut when he drops a final kiss onto you as if he was thanking you for letting him do that when you should be the one on your knees thanking him. When he softly drops your leg to the soiled sheets you decide it quickly, already shifting onto your elbows.
“Yes?” Such innocent eyes staring back at you like he didn’t just fuck you open with his tongue.
“I want you too,” you’re already shifting but Jeongguk is quick, fingertips hard on your jaw when he halts you. He knows what that means, reads it in how your gaze drops to the crotch of his pants, wet just like you were. But that’s not what he wants, besides, he’d rather save that for other places.
“No.” When he says that you almost deflate, but then Jeongguk drops his hand from your jaw, swiftly dragging his shirt over his back and off his body. There’s nothing that can suffocate the desire that blooms in your chest. He’s so beautiful, hard lines and warm skin, kissed by the Sun herself. There’s an itch in your palm instantly, and you hastily register that if you don’t touch him you might die. Yet, your eager hands are pinned over your head, wrists wrapped tightly in the grip of one of his wide calloused palms. There’s a brief moment where his attention is caught by the bounce of your chest before you’re suddenly overwhelmed by the fact that you’ve never asked Jeongguk to fuck your tits before. But as you stow that away for later concern, Jeongguk’s other hand drifts to the discarded vibrator, sinister now in his command.
“Don’t want to fuck your mouth, bunny. It’s not about me tonight, it’s about you.”
“But—” Jeongguk swallows that protest with a quick kiss, the taste of you on his tongue igniting a fire that crackles and consumes until you feel nothing but heat and want, all fuelled by your erratic lovesick heart. You kiss until the only thing filling your lungs is him, like a heavy smoke that envelopes you, travelling through your body until you pull away, warm chest flushed against his. There’s a stupid twinkle in his eyes and it makes you feel sick, swaying dangerously when he shifts away. You don’t want him to go, but you don’t move when he gives you that look. The devastating ache dissipates when his pants drop from his hips, hard cock meeting the cool air. The twitch that travels down his length echoes between your walls, eagerly clenching around nothing. Jeongguk just smiles, stripping bare leaving himself vulnerable to your eager eyes. You wait, behaving good because you want to for him and Jeongguk notes this, delivering a pleased slap to your cunt when he pulls you close, one hard enough to jolt through your spine when his palm hits your clit.
“I’m kind of sensitive,” you whisper, shy again. Which is funny because weren’t you begging for his cock down your throat a second ago?
“I know,” Jeongguk returns, uncaring. The vibrator comes to life a moment later, buzzing low through the room. He knocks it up to the second-highest level.
“Jeongguk! Start low then work it up. I can’t take it like that directly, it'll chafe me.” Which is right, your clit is already feeling dry, slick staying solely between your walls. Jeongguk notes that, pausing before sinking two of his fingers deep. You squeak, hips lifting when they brush against that spot in your walls. He works you open deftly, pleased when you grind your hips into his hands, spurred on by the feeling of something finally inside of you. But it’s fleeting, Jeongguk dragging his fingers out and over your clit before raising his fingers to his lips and licking them clean.
“Now it won’t,” he states, and before you can open your mouth and deliver a retort the vibrator is pressing against that bundle of nerves, tremors echoing in your bones as your legs squeeze shut in an attempt to get away. Jeongguk pins them open, cock leaking against your thigh and he rolls the edge of the toy over your clit, before you jolt so hard the sheets shift and he knows exactly where to place it. He works it out of you, praise naturally falling from his petal lips when you give in, eyes shut tight and your heart stuck in your throat. The vibration feeds the heat in your gut, drawing it to the surface of your skin, sweat beading along your forehead and a dampness forming down your spine. It feels both quick and slow, coaxed out of you with steadfastness. Jeongguk’s gaze never strays from your pussy, locked there as he etches this moment into his memory. You look gorgeous, whining and twisting underneath him. He can tell that this is a lot for you, judging from how you bury your face away from him. He would have forced your eyes on him, if he wasn’t already so enthralled by how perfect you look like this, moans low colouring the air bright with their sound. His own want multiples when your body freezes, strung tight, the edge beckoning you over.
He pulls the vibrator off then, depriving you of your release because his brain demands that he feels this one around his length.
“Jeongguk!” You’re on your elbows, eyebrows furrowed together in frustration. “Why-w-why would you do that?” There’s a waver in your tone, a lilt so pretty he can’t help but smile.
“When you squirt you’re doing it on my cock.” He states it like it's final. And it is from how he draws you close, vibrator momentarily lost in the sheets, the head of his length brushing against your wetness.
But what catches your attention is when. A loaded promise. A determined one.
You spread your legs open, shifting until he slips past walls stretching to accommodate his welcoming presence. “Okay then, make me.” You say it with your gaze on his, watching as his eyes glaze over hips already bucking deeper, before your words register in his brain and Jeongguk’s gaze shifts into a dangerous glint.
He tugs you hard, pulling close enough so that he sinks in deep, cunt already moulding to the curves of his cock. “With pleasure.” Those words are warning, painted right into the heat of your skin as he sheathes himself inside of you. The groans in the air belong to both of you melting into one distinctive sound. It’s cut by the lewd squelch of your wetness coating his length, one that settles in Jeongguk’s gut, release already creeping into the corner of his vision. But he holds it back by knocking your legs further apart, mouth returning to the bruise he left earlier, teeth sinking into the sensitive skin. You arch into him, shifting as pain bleeds through your nerves. The motion allows the last inch of him to slip past your walls, spearing you open, before Jeongguk draws himself out and returns with a hard slow thrust. He fucks you deep, right into the bed, the frame creaking with each loud meeting between the two of you. You can’t do anything but cling onto him, eyes fluttering as his cock drives into you, determined with every piston of his hips to see you unravel. And you do, with a sickening quickness, already weak with the remembrance of your past edge. You feel soft underneath him, pressed against his skin like you hope you find a home for yourself there. And Jeongguk provides — lips mapping your skin gently and a pride in his tone that makes you want to do anything for him.
“That’s it, good girl.” You can’t say anything but his name, whining with every drag of his length along your walls. “So good to me,” he whispers, sweet, unlike his unforgiving hips. “Pretty girl and she’s all mine.”
“Yes,” you gasp, wanting this more than ever. “All yours—a-all—hnghhhh—y-yours! Jeongguk, please! P-please, please, please.”
He slows, smiling into your neck. “What bunny? What do you want?”
“Wanna cum, Jeongguk p-please let me cum.” When he moves away you feel your gut drop. The vibrator is flicked back one, humming dangerously. “Guk—” you start; he shushes you with a purposeful thrust.
“You said you wanted to cum. Remember what you promised me, bunny?” You nod, slow, nervous but your need overriding your fear. Jeongguk just smiles, shifts himself a little deeper, and then places the vibrator where you need it most. It’s not instant, but it’s quick and violent, travelling through your bones and Jeongguk rocks himself deep, curls damp on his forehead and his shoulders tense but his body still giving. You match his movements with your own, shuddering the closer you feel it creep, ripping itself right out of your limbs, drawn to the surface with no remorse, your eyes falling shut and hips seizing. The vibration paired with the feeling of Jeongguk fucking you full is intoxicating, and unlike you he doesn’t hesitate, playing with your clit unforgivingly.
You don’t even hear yourself, mouth agape and your back high from the sheets, all you know is heat, burning from the inside out. No air in your lungs as it spills from you, right onto his length, walls drawn tight. It hits his abdomen, leaving his muscles wet and glimmering as the moonlight greets his skin. Jeongguk shuts down, hips moving automatically, the vibrator thrown aside, still buzzing forlornly. He couldn’t give a damn about it, bending your legs back and fucking into you hard as you coat his cock in your wetness. If it was loud before, it’s obscene now. The nails in his back spur him further, a need he’s never felt before consuming him whole. It’s already there, the white of his desire clouding his vision, but his brain suddenly stills.
Jeongguk’s hand on your chin draws you back to Earth, mind nothing but mush as he continues to fuck you open. They’re erratic thrusts, and with them, you slowly release that your cheeks are wet. Jeongguk realises it the same time you do, thumb gingerly brushing the tears falling from your eyes away. There’s a strange new awareness buzzing through your body, like your bones feel new, limbs reformed. But nothing could prepare you for that thumb on your cheek travelling down, grazing your lips until they fall open. He slips it past, lets you flick your tongue against it, before demanding. “Open.”
And you do, because what wouldn’t you do for him.
“Can I?” He questions, and somehow you know what he is asking. Another claim. Something else you’ve given nobody but him.
There’s a fall in his shoulders as if he was afraid you would deny him. But how could you ever? His thumb leaves your lips, hand drifting until it settles on your neck, pressing firmly but not tight. And then his own lips part, hips unwavering, for what he sends down your throat. You swallow, oddly thrilled by it while Jeongguk watches silently, almost in marvel. It does something to you, the way he stares, like he cannot believe you’re his. And you feel that sentiment in how he kisses you next, desperate, pleading, thankful. You return it, tongue soft against his as you feel his back draw taut, a low groan spilling down your throat when Jeongguk finally snaps, euphoria bleeding through his brain. You feel it hit your walls, warm and wet, painting you white, a strange satisfaction settling through your body.
When he eventually rolls over, quiet like he’s still recovering, you can’t help but squeeze your thighs together, an attempt to keep his love locked in. His hand cups your own, guiding you back into reality with a gentle squeeze.
The still buzzing vibrator is what you hear first, followed by the joint panting of your lungs. You move to grab it, hoping to hide the revelation in your eyes by glaring at him. Jeongguk is still too lost to care, face flushed a vibrant rouge.
“Turn this stupid thing off,” you mutter, legs still stuck, fused to the bed from the shock of your orgasm. Jeongguk snatches it up, waving it through the air as he turns it off, before giving it a fond kiss.
“Gross,” you comment, smacking his hard chest.
“No,” Jeongguk returns, dropping it. He plants a ginger kiss on your forehead. “I quite like it actually, we should order another one. Do you think they do vibrating panties?”
You hit him again, rolling over until your leg swings over his. He keeps looking at you like that, and it keeps clawing right through your heart. “You’re so sick and evil,” you say instead of the annoying comments that flutter in your delirious brain. You want to call him pretty, beautiful, perfect, maybe the best thing you’ve ever had. But you can’t let Jeongguk know he has all that power over you — not when already made you squirt and spat down your throat in one sitting. “Can you clean me up? I’m getting sticky.”
Jeongguk stills like he’s suddenly remembering what he just did, where he just came. And then you feel the rise of his chest, gaze flicking up to meet his. Bright and full of something akin to adoration, before he blinks it away.
“Give me a moment, I think I just saw God.”
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mooncademia · 3 years
Ref:rain — Gojou Satoru x reader
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Pairing: gojou x reader
Genre: fluff! + slightly spicy make-out session that gets interrupted (oops! ☺️) (warning: slight language!)
a/n: ive had this in my draft for months but im suddenly reminiscing jjk and finally got around to edit and finish it. i hope you guys enjoy it :)
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[12:57 a.m.]
You should have been sleeping right now, but instead, you were on the bed in front of Gojou with your hands cupping his face. You’ve managed to lock Gojou against the bed frame and cradled his lap. Your knees were lifted at just the perfect height to kiss him tenderly on the lips and you could feel his hands massaging rhythmic circles on your hips as you kissed him passionately.
This evening, Gojou texted you that the earliest he could come and see you from work was next week, but of course, being the sly tease he is, he surprised you at night with a spontaneous fumble of your doorknob, your favorite flowers in his hand, and that classic fucking smirk that he always have on whenever he sees your cute shocked look.
And being too swooned and shock to even get a smidgen mad at your boyfriend for almost making you blast out your “emo playlist” (aka: all the sad and emotional songs by Daughter) you ran to your door and threw your arms around him, snuggling your face in his jujutsu uniform.
You closed your eyes are you wrapped your arms tightly around him, inhaling his scent like a warm summer breeze. Wrapping your arms around him was one of the biggest things you’ve missed for the last few months it, it was just like puzzle pieces finally coming together. It fits.
When you broke away, you still had your arms around his neck, and when your eyes met your boyfriend, you shot him your perfected death stare--the kind that always leaves Gojou largely unaffected by your glare and instead chuckle.  
“Miss me?” Gojou asked, peering down at you with a charming smile on his face. You could barely see his eyes through his dark sunglasses but you could tell they were glistening with excitement.
“After three months of not seeing you?” You tilted your head and shrugged playfully. “Hmm......Maybe.” You looked up at him and gave him a sneered eye and a pout. “I don’t think I can trust your word anymore, Gojou Satoru.” You teased.
Gojou cocked his head to the right and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “A little surprised doesn’t hurt, babe.”
You cupped his right cheek and let out a puff of air through your nose, shaking your head slightly with a grin. You were still in disbelief that after so many weeks being away, your boyfriend was finally here.
Your eyes slowly soften as your eyes trailed down to his lips, your thumb ran through his lips and you knew that Gojou was already aware of what you were thinking at the moment because before you could even say anything, he leaned down to capture your lips against his. The kiss was so deep and so long, that it had your knees weak and before you knew it, he’s managed to magically carry you to the bedroom in a blink of an eye.
You were often the one following Gojou’s leads in the bed, but after so many days without seeing him, your kisses increasingly grew more needy and hungry. Heat flushed to your cheeks when Gojou responded with a slip of his tongue into your mouth as he hugged your body tighter from below. You let out a soft mewl when you felt his tongue flicker in your mouth, making Gojou reply with a soft groan, adoring your whimpers in your deep kiss. He opened his eyes a bit to see your eyes squeezed shut in bliss through his shades. Your eyebrows were softly tightened in delight as if you were on cloud nine and immeasurable pleasure seeped into you as you continued to kiss him with your arms wrapped around his neck, gripping his snow white hair softly.
But as lust filled the night and kisses grew more heated, a loud gurgling sound in your stomach broke the tension like a knife. Your eyes immediately snapped open and you pulled away, sputtering out a cough from the surprise and embarrassment coming from your belly.
You heard Gojou laugh aloud. He tucked his chin down so you could see his piercing blue eyes behind his shades lock directly with yours. He arched an eyebrow up and a coy smirk was plastered on his face.
“You hungry?” He asked, voice lush and teasing.
“Gojou!” Your face flushed with embarrassment as you clutched one hand over your stomach and another hand over your mouth, wiping away the string of saliva from your swollen lips  that connected the two of you. Gojou let out a chuckle, caressing your thighs up and down. You looked so cute with your face flushed where a minute ago your eyes were glazed with lust and now you looked like an adorable innocent puppy.
“Do you want to go grab something to eat?” He asked, leaning in to plant his lips on your neck. You could feel the light chuckle dancing on his lips on your neck, making you feel even more embarrassed.
You didn’t want to abruptly stop everything. There was still fiery passion in your heart and a pool of heat waiting to be released so you bit your lip and shook your head in response.
“Let’s continue,” you said timidly.
Gojou chuckled and he moved his hand up to cup your cheek, admiring your features as you looked at him somewhat shyly now. His laughter began to fade as he caressed your right cheek tenderly, eyeing your still-swollen lips once more before tilting your chin downwards to taste it once again. But before he could press his lips against yours, another gurgling noise from your stomach echoed the room and you pulled away, head turning to the side giving everything up while Gojou lets out abrupt fits of laughter.
“ARGH! I can’t kiss like this!” You cried frustratedly, shifting your hips around his lap in disappointed. The intense makeout session was now replaced with Gojou laughs that were so infectious that even your lips couldn’t help but twitch a smile.
“Hey!” You pouted at him, still clutching your stomach.
“Awe its okay, it’s cute! We can always continue later. You just tasted something too sweet,” Gojou stated with a smirk, making you playfully push his shoulder away. He wraps your waist and lifts his knees up once more so you were propped higher.
“Come on, let’s go out then. Mind as well stop by somewhere to aid that stomach of yours ,” He said giving you a quick peck on the lips to wipe away that cute embarrassed look that you still had.
Your eyes slowly brightened and a smile began to form.  “Now?”
“Now,” Gojou mirrored back your smile as you clapped happily and got off his lap, grabbing your coat.
You pondered for a bit at the thought and a big grin flashed across your face. “Convenient store junk it is!” You happily squealed making a quick twirl in the room. It was past midnight but eating the goodies from the convenient store during this time of day was just as special as a fancy dinner out. It has been one of your common shared memories with Gojou and you couldn’t have anything better planned.
Gojou propped himself up and watched you jump up and down already listing all the things you wanted to buy out loud, even counting all the items with your fingers. His heart swells up with a soft feeling and his cocky smirk was replaced with a soft one. Only you could make him feel such a feeling…the same exact feeling when he sees you smile, laugh, or even when you were talking about something so passionately. He realized he was probably lost in his thoughts for a while because when you turned around to see him still sitting on the edge of the bed, your eyes laced in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
Gojou blinked behind his shades shook his head.
“Nothing…” he said in a surprisingly low voice. You saw a soft gentle smile form on his lips which made you bit your lip in awe.
You slowly made your way over to him and your laced your fingers through his hair once more, caressing it in a way that he likes. You hummed in satisfactory when Gojou wrapped his arms around you again.
You looked down, and in that moment, you lifted a hand to take off his shades, revealing his ice blue eyes and white eyelashes at its full beauty and glory. His eyes were soft…not in lust or sadness…but rather….pure euphoria.
“Hm?” You responded with a smile, gently gliding a thumb right below his eye.
“I love you.”
You froze, staring down at him in suprise with your eyes widened. This wasn’t the first time Gojou had said this to you, but every time he does it shows his soft side. A side he doesn’t normally show to others. His words always sends something so special to your heart, something that couldn’t be replaced. You weren’t used to hearing it but oh, how you loved it so much.
You smiled back and leaned down for a sweet kiss on the lips. You pulled away to admire your boyfriend’s face once more.
“I love you too, Satoru~”
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urlkssknt · 3 years
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nanami kento x fem!reader (2.9k)
nsfw!! mdi!!
warnings; unprotected sex, it’s just very soft and vanilla
a/n; this is a scene from a series i might write, i’m not sure if i want to commit to it, please let me know your thoughts, feedback is much appreciated!
The marriage announcement caught you off guard, it felt like someone had thrown you into the deep end of a pool and you didn't know how to swim, drowning slowly in the snarky whispers from the attendants of the party that reached your ear - wasn't he married to Y/n? Poor girl, I wouldn't be able to show my face if I was her. Many eyes around the room turned towards you in anticipation, waiting for some display of anger or a rage-induced outburst. Much to their disappointment, you stood your ground. You wouldn’t let the perfectly crafted mask fall from your face, especially not now, you couldn’t let the woman, who held a leash over your ex, know she caused an effect on you.
From a distance over, Satoru watched you closely through the peripheral of his sharp vision, you leaned further into the dark long haired man standing beside you to whisper something into his ear. Suguru handed you a small rectangular box discreetly. He was equally as shocked as you. Satoru expected Toji to pull a stunt like this, maybe another pregnancy announcement or a business merger. He never expected it to be announced publicly, in a Gojou family setting. Whilst claps of congratulations sounded around the hall, Gojou's cold gaze threw daggers towards your ex-husband, standing beside your parents with a hand on the waist of his fiancée. The sight of gleaming smiles across your parent’s faces made Satoru feel sick to his stomach. The white haired man also took a mental note of the people who seemed genuinely happy for the wretched couple. Those people didn't realise that they had gotten onto Gojou Satoru's bad side and ruined any promising positive relationship with the businessman.
There was a chill in the evening air as you stood on the balcony, you were grateful no one else was outside to witness the devastation on your face, only the night sky being witness to the single teardrop that fell along the expanse of your cheek. The cold air nipped at the bare skin of your arms and neck, raising the fine hairs which run all along your skin. As a thought of regret for not bringing a jacket along with you popped into your mind, you opened the cigarette packet that Suguru handed to you, bringing one up to your lips to rest as you fish for a lighter in your purse, praying that you had one despite having quit the disgusting habit years ago.
The temperature of the chilling air around you rises as a warming presence pressed against your back, you only relax when the familiar scent of rich cologne mixed with cinnamon infiltrates your senses, allowing yourself to melt into the heated hands that run along your naked arms.
"Do you even have a lighter?" Kento questions as you continue to search through your bag, which was so small, the blond was sceptical about it being big enough to fit any necessities.
Peering up through your lashes, your azure eyes narrowed at him as your lips formed into a deep scowl. Kento was right, you didn’t have a lighter, specifically for scenarios like this, where your fingers are itching to grab at the first intoxicant to cloud your mind. Smoking would help calm the stress that scratches the walls of your brain as the tobacco fills your bloodstream.
“Suguru probably has one-“ you mutter under your breath, speaking with the white stick sitting comfortably between your lips before a hand quickly reaches for it and throws the small object off the balcony, out of sight and out of reach. “What the hell-“ there was little time to process the sudden action as your words are cut short with kento’s palms encasing your face to tilt your head slightly and allow him to lower his lips onto yours in a short kiss. The anger that rushed through your veins quickly dissolved, leaving as fast as it was produced.
A small smile creeped along your lips, “maybe I should take up smoking again.”
Kento couldn’t help the chuckle that let up his throat, his eyes crinkling in the same way that the twin’s did. His hands dropped from your face to hold your hips over the silk material, pulling you closer towards him, your breasts pressing against his chest.
“Let's get out of here.”
Earlier, before he followed your footsteps to check on you, Kento felt a strong grip latch on his arm to prevent him from moving further. The culprit was your brother. Satoru held an intimidating aura, his sapphire eyes bearing a look cold enough to pierce skin. The older man whispered short words to Nanami, advising him to take you away from the party, in order to protect you.
As Kento was texting the babysitter he had hired for the night, making sure his kids were safely sleeping in their beds, you were checking in with the two Zen’in girls that were looking after Megumi for the night. Maki and Mai loved spending time with you, when you announced the divorce with their cousin, they were undeniably upset, not because Toji’s heart was broken but it meant they wouldn’t be able to see you as often.
It wasn't as difficult as you thought it might be to locate the hotel room. Thankfully, both of you were in a conscious state of mind, avoiding the sparkling alcoholic beverages being served in crystal flutes. The hand on the curve of your waist held you close to Kento’s embrace. Just from a short glance, any onlooker would be able to know you were his, there was a loving atmosphere surrounding you two which was hard to miss, from the pearly smile painting your glossy lips to the radiant sparkling of gold among the hues of brown. The booked room was found quickly. Anticipation began to bubble in your stomach, you felt excited to spend the night with such a handsome man, again.
All of your hair was pushed to one side on your shoulder, exposing the tender flesh of your neck. A beautiful and plain canvas just waiting to be painted with deep and dark shades of pinks and purples. The plain sight caused a stir in Kento’s mind, he desired to mark you, in a way he knew no one ever would. Acting on impulse, the father of two kissed a spot where your neck met your shoulder so lightly it felt like petals brushing against your skin. A smirk found its home along Kento’s lips when you craned your head to the side, offering more of yourself to him. The innocent kisses progressed into deep bites, a sudden sharp nip against your pulse point causing a gasp to slip into the air. You couldn’t care less if a horrible bruise formed from Kento's lustful ministrations, his scent clouded your mind like a drug, your thoughts swirling into nothing. Your attention was fixated on the hands wandering from their place on your hips to groping your breasts through the silken material of your dress, sending arsoul to pool in your panties.
A deep timbre tone filled your ears, you turned to face the man speaking. “Would you like to know my new favourite colour?” Kento doesn’t wait for your answer, his hands squeeze at your chest again with more pressure, sadly eliciting another gasp from your lips. The corners of Kento's lips turn downwards ever so slightly, he had hoped that his ears would have been graced with a moan. “Sage green.”
The blond guides you to the queen-sized bed, lined with the finest material he had ever seen, Kento didn’t expect anything less from your brother, who handed him the key card. The hotel room was grand, almost as big as his own apartment, which was quite large.
Kento sits himself against the headboard with his suit jacket and tie discarded somewhere on the floor, falling victim to your travelling hands, eager to undress him. The clothing was no longer his concern as you situated yourself in his lap, thick thighs straddling his waist the best you could in the confinement of your dress. “Tonight,” Kento's eyes move from the swells of your breasts, your cleavage in his direct eye line, to meet your gleaming eyes. He was surprised to find his own reflection in them. “I'm yours.” The words felt heavy on his tongue and heart, it felt like he was confessing to you again, proving to himself that it was you that his heart yearns for.
Slowly, you clamber off of the blond man’s lap without voicing your intentions, not missing how his hands reach out to hold onto you for a moment longer, you giggle lightly at the display of clinginess, never expecting such a stoic man to behave like that. It was refreshing. It reassured the persistent whispers in the back of your mind that Kento wanted you like you wanted him. as you stood at the foot of the bed, you kicked off your nude heels, dropping your height by a few inches. A laugh fell upon your ears, Kento was amused, his smile hidden from your eyes behind his palm. However, the light atmosphere shifted when the sound of a zipper filled the room. Swiftly, the dress dropped to the floor from the pull of gravity, leaving you exposed except for the black lace thong, which barely hid anything from his eyes. Kento wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse.
Finally, it was your turn to smirk when your sharp eyes caught the growing tent of Kento's trousers.
Slowly, you crawled along the bedsheets at an agonising pace, it felt like hours before you finally reached your destination. Within an instant, you felt two large palms squeeze at the pudgy skin of your hips. You couldn’t help but press your hands against Kento's chest, fingers running aimlessly as you met his lips, kissing him with such desire, as if you had planned to devour him.
“Do you know what good boys get, Mister Nanami?” you say in a sultry tone, the touches of the small pads of your fingertips tracing unrecognisable shapes along his chest becoming distractive.
The words registered into the blond’s mind, you had previously asked the same question to the three toddlers, in hopes of containing their erratic behaviour in the kitchen. This should have been degrading, yet, despite using the childish question, a rational voice in Kento’s mind screamed at him to just give in for once.
“Rewards,” it was the same answer Sukuna gave you, it was the correct answer. However, Kento's voice only managed to speak just above a breath, finding himself unable to trust his own voice.
“Well done daddy,” you praised him with a sweet kiss, a shiver running up his neck, before making an effort to unbutton the shirt, “treat me nicely and I’ll reward you.”
All the remaining pieces of clothing were thrown off hurriedly, desperate to feel the pure heat of Kento's unbelievably hot body. It stunned you how he was constantly warm, maybe you could make him your personal heater.
Kento couldn’t help but groan loudly as your hips grinded against his dick, coating him with your wetness, he felt himself throbbing against your folds, ever so desperate to fill you to the brim. As if reading his mind, the teasing touches paused as you lined your entrance up with his cock, only after giving the hard member a few pumps with your hand. The broad shoulders of the businessman were used as an anchor, you cling onto him desperately as you sink onto his dick. In the span of a few hours, you had completely forgotten the thickness of kento’s sex, surprising yourself as you struggle to relax yourself to take him in. Wanton moans fell from both parties as you stayed still for a few seconds to get used to the burn from his fat cock stretching you. The hands on your waist squeeze tightly to help Kento ground himself from rutting up into you. Being enveloped with your warm cunt felt too good, especially when the gummy walls clamped around him, you were all he could think about.
Just from the position alone, the soft tissue of nerves which caused you to see stars were grazed upon, you couldn’t stop the moan escaping from your lips. “I could cum like this,” you relish in the feeling of the palms coaxing the movement of your hips and the mouth that latches onto your mound. A sharp nip against your peak leads to you arching into Kento's mouth, desperate for more of his touches. Despite spending the night before together, the pair of you couldn’t get enough of each other. Not when your tits would bounce as you raised your hips and begin a steady rhythm of grinding against Kento’s lap, each slam against his hips hitting a spot that causes your head to spin. The vision of you on top of him, riding his cock like your life depended on it, spurred the coil tightening in the pit of his stomach. The wetness that pooled between your thighs now began to drip down onto the pelvis of the man below you. A mixture of juices squelching and low moans sounded throughout the room. You had no time to feel embarrassed by the pornographic noises as you desperately chased your high.
“You’re making me feel so good angel,” a sense of pride blooms in Kento's chest as he feels you clenching around him from his praise. His hands stretched lower to graze his fingers over your ass, they latched onto you, his nails creating deep crevices in the area that would still be there in the morning.
You could no longer think straight, completely drunk off of Kento's cock, filling you up so well you wished he’d never leave. A numbness started to form in your thighs, creating a painful burn as you continued to move up and down, pushing through the pain and reaching for your high. From the hand gripping his hair and the way your walls were spasming, Kento knew you were so close to cumming, you just needed a little push. The brush of his thumb circling your clit leans you over the edge and causes your orgasm to hit you like a wave. Kento groaned loudly as you creamed his cock and gripped onto him like a vice. The man felt kind enough to let you catch your breath, he was still painfully hard and so close to his own high.
“As much as I’d like to be rewarded,” a cheeky smile spread through Kento’s lips, chocolate eyes sparkling at you with excitement. His playful and cheery expression leaves as quick as it comes, you almost whine in protest as he uses his strength to pull you off of his lap, and gently lays you down against the bed. The giddy look in Kento's eyes darkens to a lustful stare as your blown out eyes meet his. “Daddy wants to cum, so be a good girl and help daddy out.”
It hadn’t been longer than a few moments since your climax, you had barely calmed down. Without a second thought, Kento thrusts into your sopping entrance, your cum still coating his dick which makes it easier for him to slide back into your cavernous walls. A cry emmits from you due to the overstimulation. The feeling of being filled up again overtook the discomfort you experienced, it felt so good that you could cry from it, it was as if kento was made to fit inside your cunt so deliciously. The hands on your hips migrate to your thighs, pushing them up so that your knees are almost next to your head. Somehow, the angle of the position allows Kento to hit deeper into you.
“Fu- fuck,” your mind is lost for words as it completely blanks, no longer have the ability to form a coherent sentence.
A layer of sweat covers the blond’s body. The slapping sound returns as Kento's heavy balls hit against you with every rut. It was astonishing that the bed frame didn’t move with his frantic movements. Each thrust of his hips were more calculated than the next, earning a cry from you each time as his cockhead continuously came into contact with your g-spot. Kento knew he’d only be able to last through a few more thrusts. From the way your thighs quivered, your second orgasm was closer than he thought.
“Cum with me angel,” Kento's lips found yours in a haste of teeth clashing against each other, desperate to feel closer to you. As soon as the coaxing words fall on your ear, your walls clench around him as another climax ripples through you, this one hitting you much harder. The tension finally snapped, a growl ripped through his throat, no longer being able to hold back, as ropes of his cum shot inside your pussy, hips faltering slightly.
Your eyes flutter shut from exhaustion, trying your best to catch your breath and calm your erratic heart. Gentle hands help drop your legs so they could wrap around Kento’s waist instead of being folded in the air. Kento noticed the drowsy haze you were in. He took it upon himself to find a towel in the bathroom to clean up the mess between your thighs. Exerting his strength, the stoic man helps you to move into the sheets, the cold air no longer able to nip at your naked body.
“We need to buy plan b,” you shifted yourself close to Kento.
A kiss is pressed to the crown of your head. “We can worry about that in the morning.”
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