#but mostly just goofing off
bonojour · 11 months
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INT: To be totally honest, coming here, I didn't know who I was going to meet. From a personality perspective, you read all sorts of things about you. RUSSELL: You do, don't you? INT: Do you feel that this image of 'Hollywood's bad boy' is overblown? RUSSELL: Here's the thing mate, I'm not from Hollywood. I go there to work. But it's all made up and I'm sorry to burst your bubble. What do you think the whole tough guy thing is? I put makeup on for a living, brother. That's all. That's what I do. But it's not an act. It's a perception that somebody writes and then the next person goes on top of that and goes on top of that. You know, I'm in no way, shape or form like an angry person, you know, but if you do my job. And you don't get irritated by certain points of it, right? There's something wrong with you.
#russell crowe#quotes#russellcroweedit#crowedit#croweedit#gilles gifs#if you do not want my cringe analysing then do not read further yadda yadda#but there are a couple things to note here#i think the most important one is his body language#he invited this interviewer to his farm and his safe space and they seemed to have a lot of fun#but nothing really cut deep at first#it was mostly just talking about projects and the farm and goofing off on the quad bikes#and then towards the end they end up discussing more serious matters#i do not know how it is cut but this subject seems to be dropped a bit out of nowhere#and russell is REALLY obviously not comfortable with the subject#he builds up walls & he's dismissive in his answer & trying to deflect and not feed the interviewer too much at first#his 'you do do you?' is really like a laughing scoff that in a way tells the interviewer Okay Do Not Go Here#and then during his reaction to the image of hollywoods bad boy and the image being overblown#he slowly eases a bit#first of all because the interviewer allows him to explain himself and share his thoughts without too much judgement#which helps a lot as russell deals Really Poorly with people who have their judgements ready#and i think he was afraid of that#so he starts off a bit colder with the 'here's the thing mate'#but then he removes his sunglasses and he seems a bit more... thoughtful#and imho saying Everyone Else Is Wrong etc is still a bit... a deflective statement#but at the same time his whole body language went through a Huge transformation already in the span of 15-20 seconds#I think it is fair that people ask him tougher questions and I think he is very capable of handling them these days#but you can just... tell that this subject will always be kind of elephant-in-the-room-ish#and that in many ways russell is trying to carry himself with pride while simultaneously looking like a guilty dog#ALSO i do think he is right and justified in saying this
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mechahero · 8 months
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//i got back from the store! anyways i'm asking you to hand over your muses so i can assign them a gem from a list of the available gem types found in gem gal.axies! it's just a fun little thing to do so feel free to reply with a muse if you want!
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heartslobbf · 1 year
yj is fascinating to me. i watch the silly finale. i giggle. i think huh that's interesting. i go yepyep they're still not interrogating race and disability and consequently having some racist and ableist implications in their narrative. i whoop and cheer when coach ben says fuck them kids and tries to burn down their little cannibalism cottage, not because i think they deserve to die but i think it's deeply funny that ben Did That. what a guy. coach 'i can excuse burning like 12 children to death but i draw the line at survival cannibalism' ben. yes thats his legal name <3 anyway misty girls stay winning
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starlitangels · 1 year
Continuing on me being silly today
People always joke that Erik is lurking here on Tumblr. And if that’s true, I hereby give him my express permission to put the Imperium Season 1 summary and Cataclysm plot summary that I wrote on the official website until he writes his own summaries for them
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Oh... I wonder if I should post any of my botw dark link fic I never talk about before totk comes out because it’s post botw so it’s going to be utterly destroyed by it
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arcaneyouth · 22 days
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lobotomy-maybe-bestie · 10 months
finding a new podcast to listen to is so fucking hard when you have specific ass taste and are scared of things that might disappoint you
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pancakes-talks · 4 months
I have no issues with them changing the way the Percy Jackson characters look in the show. I have no issues that Percy is blonde in the show. I diffidently have no issues with Percy being blonde with curly hair. I DEFINITELY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUES WITH THE FACT THAT PERCY IS BLONDE AND THEY PUT HIM IN THE WILL FIT.... no issues whatsoever. I'm so normal about it.
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sysig · 2 years
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Good friends who share a flat together and have a dog together and maybe kiss a little (Patreon)
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mezzomorendo · 3 months
What's their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
[ Weirdly Specific but Helpful Character Building Questions ]
What's their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
I think based on what we've seen, Zack tends to try and fawn. Which is honestly pretty fascinating. He tries to talk down Angeal, Genesis, even Sephiroth. I think if he's genuinely afraid - if he's scared and worried - he tries to talk himself out of it. He's trained himself to fight through the fear in most cases (fear of monsters, fear of death) but when it's something he can talk to, he will talk.
As a military guy, that sort of thing did take a while for him to train out. It's hard to change your instinct, and when your instinct is to try and talk to your enemy or appease them, that can get you killed on the battlefield.
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
So I almost started typing out the opposite to this question (something he's expected to hate but actually loves which is learning new things) but to answer this one, I think people expect him to be a complete and utter musclehead? Like, no brains, no nothing, just pure brawn. And I think that does a disservice to him. Like he enjoys working out and being in shape, but it's not everything about him. He squats as a stim, and he loves to run, but he does get annoyed that people assume that's all he enjoys.
He also is expected to love killing and violence, but he kinda doesn't? He loves the thrill of a fight, loves challenging himself, loves reaching new physical heights, but he doesn't actually enjoy the violence of it. Aerith's comment to him long ago really got to him, because he thought he enjoyed it. But when he thought about it, it was just the thrill of the challenge, not the bloodshed itself.
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dandyshucks-moving · 7 months
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woah rare other system part sighting lmao, here's a Guz drawn by not-Juno
#I was working with the base they laid out so I had to fudge some shit because they'd laid out the neck and shoulder weirdly RIP#like the head is too far over to the right lmao but I didn't feel like erasing a bunch of it to fix that#the hand behind the wrestling box corner thing is also goofed lmao#turning rbs off but Juno (Dandy is vaguely a cross-system name so it feels weird calling them that) might post the art later better#I don't know how they edit their photos but I think I maybe got close lol#this guys fun to draw tbh love a rough n tumble boy lol he's got the same body type as one of my OCs except Stasis is mostly a robot LMAO#dandyshucks#dandy doodlebugs#<- I'll add these just in case ig ?? idk Juno do what u want with this even if it means deleting it lol hope this is fine for me to post#ALSO THIS WONT BE A REGULAR OCCURRENCE LMAO I was just super bored tonight and happened to switch in during Juno drawing this guy#probably won't ever happen again lol#our drawing styles arent super different I think but also this is using a base they laid out so I would've done it differently lmao#maybe it is different though - apparently I'm not a good judge of shit like this bc they say I write and play accordion differently somehow#but I thought I was doing a pretty good job the other day of doing it like they do lmaooo but nah they said it was all noticeably different#I'm chatty tonight sorry lol been a hot minute since I've had any time in front but I'll scoot off now#💜so good at being in trouble
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Doodle of Desynchronized!White that I wanted to post.
I haven't been drawing as much as I'd like lately, but I've been thinking about Desynchronized a bit, and how I'd like to pull it back into being a light-hearted comedy. I think the first step towards that is making sure White doesn't turn into the worst guy ever, again.
But he can still be a little terrible. As a treat.
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meatsound · 1 year
my twitter circles is in shambles rn
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froqgy · 1 year
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
i was gonna try to make some stuff on photoshop, but i can already tell i'd waste all my time finding images i'd like bc i'm a silly little perfectionist, so! i'm gonna try my best to get some writing done uvu
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lorillee · 1 year
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