#but nice voices and amazing stories just fucking hit me
fuzzy-melonlord · 8 months
Did I stay up until 7am because I started the Bastard Warrior series and then just couldn't stop listening to it?
Yes yes I did.
But Albus said not to regret shit so I'm not gonna regret being exhausted 😤
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
happy 3.5 k you 100% deserve it !!!! please could i put forward 33 . "are you jealous" with john shelby tysm have an amazing day
@henrywinterluver Thanks so much for your kind words and also for sending this request in! I’m sorry it took me so long to write it! I hope you like what I did with the prompt you chose! I envisioned this as season 3 Michael…after he started acting cocky haha. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
Run in with a Cousin
John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language
Word Count: 1170
Summary: Michael hits on (Y/N) one night at the Garrison. Michael doesn’t know that (Y/N) is John’s girl. (Y/N) tries to figure out why John reacts the way he does…in the process she learns of a family member she didn’t know John had.
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(Y/N) was waiting for her drink at the Garrison’s counter when she felt someone slide into the empty space beside her. At first she ignored the person, wanting to get her drink and head back to the corner table she’d been occupying while she waited for her partner and his brothers to finish talking business. But the feeling of the man’s eyes lingering on her made her turn to face him just seconds later.
“May I help you?” she asked politely, wondering why he’d been staring at her.
“You might be able to,” the man said with a grin. (Y/N) tried so hard to keep her grimace internal.
“Oh yeah, how so?” she asked, deciding to humor him.
“I just couldn’t help but notice how bloody beautiful you are…and then when I saw that you were sitting here alone. I figured I’d come over and introduce myself,” he answered, inching closer to her as he spoke.
“Well thank you,” she accepted his compliment, still playing nice while making sure to add, “I already have someone though.”
The young man pursed his lips together at the added information before he looked around the room. “I don’t see him anywhere,” he commented on his observstion.
“Oh he’s here,” she assured him.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t still buy you a drink,” the man’s eyes were back on her as his grin returned, “nothin’ illegal with buying a pretty girl a drink…and maybe then we’ll see where that goes.”
A look of surprise flooded (Y/N)’s features as she heard what he had to say. “I think I may be a bit too old for you,” she pointed out. It wasn’t hard to notice that this man looked to be in his early twenties.
“Age is just a number, darlin’.”
(Y/N) didn’t know what to say back to that. So instead she just pursed her lips and nodded.
The young man was about to speak again when she caught a glimpse of her partner over his shoulder. Within seconds, John Shelby had approached them. She could tell by the scowl that had formed that he’d clocked the man she was talking to. (Y/N) tried to withhold her grin…things were about to get interesting.
“Hi, love,” she greeted him in a soft voice as he stopped by her side. He wasted no time in slipping his arm around her shoulders as she pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
“Who’s this?” he asked, nodding his head to the man that was on his right. He still hadn’t looked in his direction yet.
“Just someone I’ve been talking to,” she answered, glancing between the two as she spoke.
“This must be your man that you spoke about,” the man made his observation known.
“It is,” (Y/N) nodded.
Then John looked to his right. “Michael?” he said the name as if there was posion laced into it.
“John?” the man’s response was full of shock. “Fuck,” he breathed then, dropping his gaze to the floor.
“You were out here trying to get with my girl when you were supposed to be in the snug discussing business?” John questioned.
“I wasn’t, I didn’t know, I…we were just talking,” the younger of the two struggled to think of an answer.
“But she had to tell you that she had a man,” John pointed out.
“She’s a pretty girl!” Michael admitted, throwing his arms outward in exasperation.
“We’re leaving,” John said to (Y/N) then, his arm dropping from her shoulders to hook around her waist before he looked back to the man named Michael, “and you’d better think twice before trying any of this shit ever again. Got it?”
Michael nodded in response, clearly looking like a child who had just been scolded. Well that’s what he was though, right? He was basically still a child. That was all John needed though to turn and lead (Y/N) out of the pub.
It wasn’t until they made it to her home that someone spoke again. “I can’t fucking believe that happened,” John grumbled as he swiped his peaked cap from atop his head so that he could throw it down onto one of the chairs in the living room.
(Y/N) spun to look at him, immediately noticing that his deep scowl was still very much present. “We were just talking, John,” she told him, trying to get him to lighten up.
“Yeah, but he was talking with the intent of picking you up.”
“But he didn’t.”
“Because I came out and put an end to it.”
“You don’t think I would have put an end to it myself?” (Y/N) inquired, her eyebrows raised.
“I’m sure you would have, but that’s not…” he trailed off with a huff, running a hand down his face before he waved it out in the air, “that’s not the point, (Y/N). I just can’t fucking believe he tried that.”
(Y/N) studied her partner’s mannerisms for a few moments, wondering why this measly conversation had got him so worked up. Then it clicked. “Are you jealous?” she just had to ask him.
John’s eyes immediately snapped to her. “What?” he just had to ask, wanting to make sure he even heard her right.
“Are you jealous of me talking to him?” she repeated her previous question. “Because that’s all we were doing. Talking.”
“Fuck no, I’m not jealous of him!” John exclaimed in an incredulous manner, “why would I be jealous of my little shit of a cousin who’s got absolutely no chance with you?”
“He’s your cousin?” (Y/N) asked with wide eyes, completely shocked by this new information.
“Yes, he’s my cousin,” John answered with a nod.
“How?” the word left (Y/N)’s lips before she could think of anything else to string with it, “I mean I know how, but like…through who?”
“My aunt Pol. He’s her son.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“It would have made things much easier if you did.”
“Well if you would have told me…” (Y/N) trailed off, her eyebrows raising again.
“It never came up!” John defended himself, “and besides, I’m not the problem here, he is.”
“It’s not even a problem though, John,” she sighed in response, wishing he’d let the minuscule issue go.
“I’m gonna tell Pol about it…then it won’t be a problem anymore,” he decided how he was going to remedy the situation.
“That might make it more into a problem,” she couldn’t help but giggle slightly as she thought of her partner, who was very much an adult, going to his aunt to tell on her son - who was also very much an adult.
“It’s what he deserves,” he stayed steadfast with his idea, nodding once after he spoke, as if he was agreeing with himself.
“Whatever you think, John,” (Y/N) appeased him, deciding to let the matter rest…although she knew that this wasn’t the last time she’d hear about this situation.
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**tags in reblog so that hopefully they get sent out
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jexnkookie · 7 months
BTS: In the Secret (Idol! Jungkook x Reader) [Chapter 2]
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Summary: Big Hit announces a new season of In the Soop with a twist; one lucky Army is going to join the members for an entire summer of filming, picked by a random poll. You were selected, and ready to have an amazing summer. But what happens when you win something else that's a bit more complicated; the heart of the group's maknae?
Rating: M (18+)
Chapter Warnings: None.
Tag List: @cassies-cookies @kaitieskidmore97 @jjeonjjk7 @leetha43
Story Masterlist
The next day was beautiful. Sunshine warmed the air, and blue skies made the property feel even more open. Slow to wake up, you took your time leaving the comfort of your bed before running quickly through your morning routine, and heading out the door to see what the members were up to. 
You heard voices from a few locations, but the loudest of which seemed to be from the basketball court. You couldn’t help but smile at the antics while you walked down to see what all the fuss was about. Yoongi, shaking his head like a disappointed parent, stood by and watched Jimin attempt to make a basket. Even though you couldn’t quite make out what words were being exchanged, you knew the two were bickering like an old married couple. 
“Hey!” You shouted. The pair paused their back and forth to look at you, waving their hi’s. “What are you guys up to?” 
“Jimin’s attempting to make a shot.” Yoongi teasingly chuckled, causing Jimin to glare at him. 
“Be nice!” You giggled, before turning to Jimin. “I might know a way that can help you.” 
“Really?” Jimin smiled. “That would be great!” 
“If you’re successful, you’ll be my new personal hero.” Yoongi said to you sarcastically. 
“I know he can do it. Wanna bet on it?” You asked. Yoongi’s brow lifted and a smirk grew across his lips, clearly amused by your confidence. 
“Ok, I’ll play. What do I get if I win?” Yoongi played along. 
“If you win, and Jimin can’t make this shot, then I’ll take over cooking duties for a week. But if I win, you have to share your whiskey stash with me.” You put your hand out for a shake. “Deal?” 
“So… either I get to have a break from cooking for eight people for a week, or I get to drink?” Yoongi chuckled. “Yeah, definitely a deal.” 
“Great. Jimin, follow me.” You motioned him. Jimin’s eyes were wide, unable to believe the two of you put his basketball abilities to a bet. “My secret technique, is called B.E.E.F.” 
“Beef?” Jimin asked completely befuddled. “Oh my God, you better be a good cook, Y/N. I can’t eat just noodles for a week-”
“Jimin!” You laughed, scolding him for his pessimism. “Just trust me, ok? It’s an acronym. It means Bend, Elbows, Eyes, Follow through. I’ll show you. Watch.” 
Jimin tossed you the basketball, watching as you dibbled a few times before getting into position. Yoongi sat back and also watched, entertained by the whole ordeal in front of him. 
“So first you Bend your knees.” You explained, showing as you demonstrated. “Then, you bend your Elbows, like this. Then Eyes, meaning look at your target. Don’t look at the basket itself, aim for the little box behind it. Then, when you’re ready…Follow through!” 
With that, you took your shot, watching as the ball bounced directly off the backboard and into the basket. Jimin smiled and nodded, excited to take his turn while Yoongi watched with parted lips, surprised that the silly sounding technique worked. 
“Ok, I think I got it.” Jimin said, bouncing the ball in front of him. “So… Bend first, right?… Then Elbows…Eyes… And…. Follow through!” 
Yoongi stared at the ball as it floated through the air. Bouncing directly off the backboard, though not perfectly in the box where Jimin was aiming, it hit the rim of the basket before falling awkwardly through the net. Jimin stood aghast with parted lips, surprised that the method worked. 
“YOU DID IT!” You squealed, running over to Jimin who excitedly gave you a hug. “I knew you could do it!” 
“Un-fucking-believable.” Yoongi shook his head, a playful smirk returning to his lips knowing he’s been bested. “Aish, I’ve been trying to teach him for so long and you immediately get a shot with a “BEEF” method? What is this?” 
“It’s me getting access to your whiskey hibernation stash.” You teased while high fiving Jimin. “So… I’ll see you later tonight with a bottle in hand, right?” 
“Fine.” Yoongi sighed, reaching out for your hand to shake. “How did you even learn to take a shot like that, anyways?” 
“An old coach of mine.” You giggled. “It’s a tried and true method.” 
“You used to play?” Yoongi asked, earning a nod from you. “Do you watch NBA, too? Who’s your team?” 
“The Bulls.” You responded, making Yoongi chuckle. 
“They suck this season.” He teased. You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed him away. 
“Yeah, don’t remind me. You know what sucks even more though? Having to share your favorite whiskey.” You teased back, making him smile bigger. Yoongi always appreciated when someone could take his teasing, and give it right back to him. “I hear the others at the main house, so I’m gonna go check out what’s happening. Bye guys!” 
Jimin waved at you as you left, before turning to Yoongi. 
“She got you good, hyung.” Jimin laughed, making Yoongi pick up the basketball and toss it towards him. 
“Beginner’s luck. I’m taking a nap.” He rolled his eyes before slowly making his way up the hill and back to his guest house. 
You followed the voices until you ended up at the pool, where Jin and Taehyung were already taking a dip. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Taehyung called, waving at you to get your attention. “Do you want to join us?” 
“Sure!” You said. “Let me go change and I’ll be right back, ok?” You said before running back to your guest house. Not paying attention to where you were going, you bumped into Jungkook, who instinctively grabbed you to steady you before the realization hit him that he was, in fact, touching you. 
“S-Sorry.” He murmured, letting go of your arms. His cheeks were a bright shade of peach from the innocent interaction. 
“No, thank you. I’m sorry for bumping into you.” You apologized. Your eyes ran up and down his outfit, noticing the change. “Are you going to work out?” 
“Yeah.” He smiled shyly. “There’s a gym in the main house, I’ve um… I’ve been dying to try it.” 
“Sounds fun!” You said. “I’m about to change too, so I can go swimming with Taehyung and Jin.” 
Not knowing Jungkook for very long, you missed the signs that any of the members would’ve caught immediately; the brown eyed man was jealous. Forever the youngest of the group, Jungkook’s pouting was almost famous in its own right among the other members. Any time he was left out by his friends, he couldn’t contain his sulking. When it came to a girl he had feelings for, it was somehow even worse, and coupled with the fact that it was you, playing with the other boys, without him… that was a recipe for a classic Jungkook pout. 
“That sounds fun.” He sulked, unconvincingly trying to hide his feelings. “I hope you have a nice time.” 
You furrowed your brows at Jungkook’s strange tone, but shrugged it off as he left unceremoniously for the gym. You went upstairs and changed into a solid black bikini, throwing on some soft shorts and a t-shirt as a cover up, alongside some waterproof slides, before going back to the pool. 
“There she is!” Jin said, waving at you as you came back. “Y/N, get in here and grab a water gun so we can attack!” 
“She’s not on your team!” Taehyung argued, his voice sounding offended. “I’m losing, so she has to help me!” 
“I don’t even know what we’re playing!” You laughed, stripping off your cover. “How do you even know you want me on your team? I might be terrible!” 
From the window of the indoor gym, Jungkook could hear and see everything. Watching you undress from your cover up to reveal a little black bikini made him freeze, unable to focus on anything else as you slowly lowered yourself into the pool with the two men. He played with his lip ring, thinking how phenomenal you looked and allowing his thoughts to drift to new places, only to have the moment stopped quickly. Hearing your giggles and Jin’s shouting brought him back down to Earth quickly with a sinking feeling in his stomach; jealousy. Continuing to torture himself, he watched on as the three of you played in the water. 
“Y/N, watch out!” Taehyung shouted, laughing with a boxy smile. “Hyung’s on your left!” 
“What?” You giggled, unable to hear him over your own laughing. You stood in the shallow end of the pool with a gun, but missed Jin swimming under the water, coming up to you quick. 
Like a hero in an action movie, Taehyung saw his chance. He sprung to action, dramatically jumping in front of you just in time as Jin rose out of the water and took aim. Taehyung stood in front of you, startling you. Your hands instinctively went to touch him, wrapping your fingers around his arms. With his back facing Jin, Taehyung took the hit of Jin’s water gun, making Jin laugh at the drama of the moment. 
It took a second for you to realize how close Taehyung was to you, and it seemed he noticed just as you did. He towered over you, and looked down at your face as you both paused as the tension in the air lingered heavy. Your hands were still on him, and you realized how toned his body was. Taehyung looked at your face with parted lips, unable to move from the uncertainty of the moment. But before it lasted too long, you awkwardly dismissed yourself from the game before leaving the pool and quickly rushing away with your cover up and towel. 
Jungkook, who had watched from the gym, was gritting his teeth. Seeing your hands on another man, even though it was clearly involuntary in your surprise, made his chest heavy with feelings of envy. The fact that Taehyung hesitated to step away, as well, choosing to linger a little too close to you didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook, either. Worked up by what he watched, the youngest member turned to the punching bag he had requested, and aggressively began throwing punches to release his emotions. 
The only thing on his mind was you, you, you. 
Next Chapter: x
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 10 months
// Why do you like Ragatha
(Unleash it. Type out the essay.)
// ... the essay warning tag really is going to apply here ^^
ragatha became my favorite character almost instantly the moment she appeared on screen . like i could remember even around the teaser for the show i was pretty fond of her , though i could chalk that up to me liking Any design that is remotely based off raggedy ann
she perfectly fits that oddly specific character type only I love , which is 'grown woman keeps failing no matter how hard she tries and it's marvelous to witness' , like i'm not sure how to explain it too well - she's not really a girlfail or a girlboss in my eyes ... she just . never wins ! and i love that , please keep fucking losing ragatha the amazing digital circus
to break it down , what's apparent in her approximately less than 7 minutes of screentime is that she's a goofy goober who's essentially the voice of reason . she's not emotional like gangle , unreliable like jax and zooble , or out of her mind like kinger . she was essentially the only one who tried to ease pomni into the circus instead of hard-hitting her with the reality as if that won't make her abstract on the spot . it's clear through her interactions with the other characters and how she talks to pomni that she acts like the Pillar of the group , with how compliant she is with caine's adventures and has a comforting presence .
the problem is ... that all of those 'positive' traits are ... Detrimental to her own wellbeing . like i'm sure a part of her positivity is genuine , but her optimism clearly hinges into toxic positivity and her selflessness is taken to the point of people-pleasing and neglecting her own needs . it's clear that she sees her own emotions as a burden that she doesn't want to put on other people .
and . she's dishonest . my girl is dishonest . she often brushes off things as not being as bad as they actually are , she picks her words to cause less conflict as possible , and it doesn't seem like anyone else is aware of her internal turmoil ... even when she's in Literal Pain she still brushes it off as being okay - and she stayed quiet instead of telling pomni that she's upset .
which is ... hilarious . there's just something about nice characters that tell the most lies to me . bonus points if it seems like they're the one who tells the most truths out of the entire group . everything about ragatha is Dishonest .
and it's funny yet again that these Really don't help her at all ! i think it's clear just from promotional material to the pilot that ragatha is meant to be a punching bag . her teaser shows a cleaver Being Thrown At Her , was tripped by jax and Literally Most Of Her Screentime In the Pilot Is Being In Pain , and that's not counting gooseworx's doodles . my girl's fucking Losing .
and it fits her avatar well since she's a Rag Doll ... she's basically never meant to win from the start . she was never the main character .
it interests me so much on how all of these will be taken in the full series since they're all very interesting setups , especially for the setting that the story is set in . i just need to see more of my girl and i wish that a lot of her content isn't limited to ship art . you guys do not understand how desperate i am to see content of ragatha interacting with either caine or zooble . i am Not normal about them .
also i want to kiss her on the mouth //
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strniohoeee · 10 months
Chris with a rockstar girl who sings and plays electric guitar 😏 like she’s very confident and can make him weak in the knees!!… also I love all your stories and writings 🫶🏻❤️
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris is madly in love with his rockstar girlfriend, and can’t stop obsessing over her🎸
Warning⚠️: None, it’s pretty short sadly. I wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be smutty. I felt like not really but IDK🥹I still hope you enjoy tho!
Song for the imagine: Feel Good Inc.- Gorillaz
Chris POV
She was hot….so fucking hot. She was mysterious and dark, mean but nice. She was my wildest dreams in living flesh. She could make me crumble just by the way she looked at me. She was so powerful, and she was all mine.
I wasn’t too sure how I got her, I was the total opposite of her. I was foolish, dumb and oftentimes seen as immature. She liked all this about me, and I wasn’t too sure why when she was the textbook definition of Divine Feminity.
I would say we were the black cat and golden retriever stereotypical couple. I just followed her around with hella heart eyes as she ran everything. Confidence oozing out of her pores. Most people didn’t think we were dating, but she always put it out there.
“Who’s he?” Some random band guy would ask
“That’s my boyfriend and his names Chris” she would respond with a blunt expression
Most times they would scurry away at her demeanor. She was very confident and powerful, but she was the sweetest most loving girl I’ve ever spoken to. She had my heart melting constantly.
She was a singer and played the electric guitar. She was part of a band that was pretty popular in our area. Always playing gigs, and I tagged along. Cheering her on from the front row, or from backstage. I loved my baby
Her voice when she sang….sent chills down my spine. For someone who was soft spoken with me she sure knew how to make her voice hoarse and raspy as she sang. Sending chills throughout my whole body.
The way her fingers worked quickly against the guitar, and how her head went back as she held a note. I was ready to drop to my knees for her.
Her dark red lips…so plump staining the microphone as she sang every song. The way her long hair flowed as she moved around. Her tattooed arms shining bright against the lights reflecting down on her. The way her veins would stand out in her neck as she would hit one specific note in one specific song. It was my favorite song, and she was my favorite singer.
I would find my jaw slack, my pupils blown and my knees weak. She was so fucking beautiful.
The way she ran her hands through her hair sent shock waves through my brain. How could I possibly be dating someone as talented and gorgeous as her.
I was beyond head over heels for this girl, and I couldn’t figure out how to control myself.
I was at one specific show right now standing on the sidelines watching her.
She was currently doing a cover of DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3. The way her voice flowed through my brain, I swear I was being hypnotized. How does one cover a song, and make it sound so fucking sexy.
After her set she went backstage, and I met her there
“Amazing show baby” I said walking in
“My loveeeee thank you” she said smiling bright and opening her arms for a hug
“I swore I was hypnotized” I said kissing her
“I try” she said winking at me
Fuck she was making me weak in the knees just by winking at me.
“So beautiful and sexy and dark” I said to her biting my lip
“Ouu you might want to watch how you speak, or I’ll act out” she said looking at me shyly
“Maybe you should” I said looking her her through half lidded eyes
“I have another set in five minutes baby” she said pouting
“Noo” I said pulling her in for another kiss
“I know baby, but later on tonight” she said winking
“Mmm yes watching you for another hour will work me up some more” I said rubbing my hands down her sides, snaking my arms around her back and giving her ass a squeeze
“Behave now” she said looking up at me
“I am…I promise” I said looking down at her
“Let me finish this set, and I’ll make all your wishes come true” she said running her hand down my chest
“Sounds amazing” I said winking at her
She got ready for her next set, and I sat there watching her in a trance. God this was the woman for me.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one I’m sorry it was short. I wasn’t too sure how to make it super long. I’m not really experienced as far as like a rockstar girlfriend😭😭
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samlacy · 1 year
Hii, another story, but this one is way shorter since!
Steve rogers x male reader
contains : nsft, soft steve rogers, sad male reader, size difference, insecurities, loving words, marking, not proof read sorry!, soft, fluff
words : 453
You are Steve's tall baby. Even if Steve rogers was 6'0, you managed to pass him by being 6'4. Not gonna lie, you were pretty insecure about it since the stereotypical bottoms were way shorter than their tops. Whenever you had those thoughts, steve reassured you with those sweet words he would always say, that your height doesn't say how incredable you were to him.
After all, no matter the size difference, he was able to make you feel small under him whenever y'all had the sub/dom play. Sometimes you wondered how you even deserve him? He is so precious and takes care of you so well. The thoughts only killed you more, not only you felt too manly to be a bottom, but also felt so selfish.
Tears were so close to spill out of your eyes, but suddenly a big light flashed your eyes. The door of the dark bedroom opened as the light outside made room in it. A shadow was standing in front, not sure where it looked at.
"God, what are you doing in this pitch black room? Plus.. are you crying?", the voice spoke, it was steve's voice. Smooth and warm. It was straight up caressing your back and played with your hair as it hugged you tightly. That's how Steve's amazing voice felt.
"Huh?", you asked confused, you didn't even realize the tears started spilling out more and more. God you needed him so bad, but felt so selfish. Does he even feel pleasured with you?
Steve comes closer as he settles himself in front of you. He was bending down a little to wipe your tears away and pull your head to his chest. The warmness on your wet cheeks made you feel a little better. A hug. A hug was what you needed the most.
Right after Steve shh'ed you and pulled your lips to his. His tongue was eating your mouth out. The kiss felt so good you, it was almost like you were on cloud nine. His presence, everything is so nice.
A push on the bed was everything you needed to pull yourself back more and lay straight down on the bed. The kiss broke, but instead of it, he lifted your shirt up till your chest hit the cold air and started sucking bruises around your nipples. You moaned and whimpered at the pain.
"I will make you feel so good, darling. Just relax and let me take care of you", the tears felt like spilling again, but you held them back again. He was so sweet. Your bad mood just disappeared in thin air. Now you were focused on his pleasing sucking skills.
And his fucking skills later on.
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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allycat319 · 10 months
Unlikely Affection Chapter 20: Detention With The Toad
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Authors Note: This chapter was really tough to write for whatever reason. I hope everyone enjoys the story, and it would be amazing if you would comment! Likes and comments make me want to continue on this wild ride! Xoxo
Sweat misted my naked body as Severus thrust his member in and out of my dripping core. My body was convulsing as he drove me further and further to my fourth release of the evening. He leaned down and placed open-mouth kisses on my collarbone, nipping and sucking the sensitive flesh, never once stopping his perfect assault on my most sacred body part. 
Right as I was about to tip over the edge for the fourth time, he pulled out of my weeping core. I whined at the loss of contact as my orgasm faded and he looked down at me smirking. 
“On your knees Little Star.” He commanded, his voice dripping with sex. 
I eagerly flipped so I was now on my hands and knees waiting for him to enter me again. But instead of sliding into me, he gently ran his hard cock along my folds torturously slow. The feel of his hardness rubbing along my overly sensitive flesh had me whining and begging him to have mercy on me. 
“Please fuck me,” I begged. 
He leaned down and I could feel his cotton undershirt press against my arched back. His lips ghosted along my ear as his hand trailed up my side. 
I winced as he gripped the hair at the base of my neck firmly. His hard cock glided easily into my waiting opening, and his unoccupied hand slid down the curve of my hip and around my front to press down on my little bundle of nerves. 
“Who do you belong to?” He growled in my ear, his grip on my hair tightening slightly and I moaned in response. 
“You sir.” I breathed and he rewarded me with a brutal thrust, his thumb still doing punishing circles on my throbbing clit. 
“I am very close, Darling.” He gritted, “I know you have one more in you…Cum for me.” 
His words spurred me on and before I knew it, my climax hit me like a train and my muscles clamped down on his cock. My warm walls milked him completely dry and he gripped my hair tightly as he came, leaning his head on my sweat-dampened shoulder as we both caught our breath. 
“That…was…amazing.” I panted and he chuckled against me. 
“Did I hurt you?” He asked I flopped over onto my back and he did the same, pulling me into his embrace and kissing my head. 
“No. I like it when you’re rough.” I smiled and absentmindedly played with the buttons of his undershirt that he refused to remove during sex. I never asked why but I just assumed like everything, he would open up in his own time and either show me or tell me. 
“Are you sore at all? I can give you a pain-relieving potion.” He offered but I shook my head. 
“I think I enjoy the idea of having to sit easily tomorrow due to the several incredible orgasms you’ve given me this evening.” I giggled 
“Hmm, that is a nice thought. Watching you maneuver yourself on your stool and knowing it is because of our excursion this evening.” His voice sent shivers down my spine as he pulled me and stroked my shoulder gently with his thumb. 
We lay there for a while talking and laughing, making up for the time we had lost. Until the moment that I had to go back to my dorms. I groaned as I stood from the bed and threw my robes back on. When I had finished redressing I looked over at Severus who was now sitting on the edge of the bed. He stood and walked over to me, engulfing me in his warm embrace and I sighed, inhaling his scent. 
“Will you promise me something Little Star?” He mumbled into my hair. 
“Depends on what it is,” I replied cheekly and he reached down and squeezed my bum playfully. “Okay Okay…Yes, what is it?” I giggled 
“Promise me that from now on, you will come to me with anything that may be on your mind…especially pertaining to us.” His voice was sincere as he held me and I nodded, hugging him tighter. 
“I can make that promise.” He released me from his arms and held my face in his hands, placing a soft kiss on my lips. 
“Thank you.” He spoke once he broke the kiss and I smiled. “Now…You need to get to bed, I would hate for you to be unavailable for your assistant duties because you are grumbling around like the walking dead.” 
I smiled, reaching up and pressing my lips to his, sneaking my tongue into his open mouth and deepening the kiss. He groaned into my mouth and I pulled back, biting his lip playfully. 
“Goodnight…Professor.” I smirked, turning to walk out of his room and to Gryffindor Tower. 
***The Next Day***
I ran into the DADA classroom about ten minutes after class had begun. Severus was right to send me to bed when he did because of course, I had to oversleep and miss my alarm. I knew from the rumors around the school that Umbridge was strict when it came to the rules. But as I approached her desk, my worries were confirmed. 
“Miss Astrill…Tardiness will not be tolerated in my class.” She snipped at me when I approached her desk. 
“I’m sorry Professor, I oversl-.” I tried to explain but she was having none of it. 
“Detention…This evening.” She interrupted, smiling and I turned to take my seat beside Edwin who was smirking at me. 
“Late night?” He whispered, raising his eyebrows up and down playfully. 
I rolled my eyes but smiled “Yes, and well worth the detention.” 
“Blah.” He mimicked vomiting and I shrugged. 
“You asked.” 
“What is he going to think about you getting detention?” Edwin whispered after a few minutes of listening to the pink toad teach us about how we would ‘in theory’ cast protago. 
“Probably just a lecture…something along the lines of ‘I am very disappointed in you Little Star.’” I mocked Severus’s deep baritone and Edwin chuckled quietly. 
The class came and went, thankfully rather quickly, and before long I was headed towards the dungeons for N.E.W.T potions. Edwin and I were babbling about his charms essay when he stopped abruptly before our normal break-off point. That's when I saw her, Marigold was leaning against the wall beside the entryway to the staircase to the dungeons. She smiled brightly when she saw us and waved.
“Shit! How do I look? Is my hair alright?” Edwin panicked, turning bright red. 
I laughed and started to walk over towards Marigold. “You like like you always do… Come on, I have class with her anyway…Come with me and say ‘hello.’” 
“Aurora…Edwin!” She called out and I smiled, walking over to where she was standing against the wall, followed by Edwin who was casually running his fingers through his hair.
“Marigold, hey!” 
“I thought I would wait for you so we could walk to class together.” She smiled “Edwin! It’s so good to see you, I was so sad that I didn’t see you in any of my classes.” 
Edwins blushed and when he tried to speak no words escaped from his mouth, which was usually running about a kilometer a minute. Finally, Edwin smiled and waved…a bit awkwardly and turned to walk to his next class. 
Marigold looked at me and sighed “Is he alright?”
“Sorry Mari, he is just overly stressed with charms…it's his worst subject.” I covered for him as I started walking down the stairs towards potions and she followed beside me. 
“He struggles with charms?” Marigold asked, suddenly smiling wide. “It just so happens that charms is my best subject…I could tutor him.” I bit my lip to suppress a smile and she caught on and quickly added “Only if he would like that.” 
I nodded, “I’ll tell him you offered…He would love the help.” The excitement I felt inside we intense and I couldn't wait to run back to the common room and tell Edwin that he might have his chance with the girl he had been nuts about for years. 
Marigold and I continued to talk until we walked into the classroom. We sat our bags and books down at our workbench and prepared for whatever Severus had prepared for us that morning. Punctual as ever, Severus walked into the classroom from his connected office at exactly 10 o’clock and began writing our instructions for the potion we were brewing on the blackboard. 
“Who can tell me the uses of veritaserum?” He asked looking around the classroom, he did not seem confident in the slightest that we would know the answer but my hand shot up and he looked at me and raised a brow. 
“Astrill?” His voice sent shivers down my spine when he said my name and I shifted in my seat remembering the multiple orgasms I was granted by him last night. “Any time in this century…” He said dryly, breaking me out of my daydream. His tone was covering the subtle smirk when he realized what my daydreams consisted of. 
“Sorry sir…It’s a truth-telling serum. Just three drops can make someone reveal their deepest darkest secrets. It its highly controlled by the ministry though.” I answered confidently. 
“Excellent...Thank you Astrill for proving to the class that you are competent enough to read a textbook.” He sneered, and the Slytherins chuckled. 
“I answered your question…” I mumbled “At least I raised my hand…Unlike them.” I gestured towards the Slytherins and Severus glared at me. 
“Enough.” He was firm when he spoke and I knew I needed to shut up. 
I said nothing for the remainder of his instruction and when the brewing began…I was suddenly reminded of the fact that, in my rush to get to class this morning I had decided to not worry about finding a pair of knickers in my drawer. Which meant I was completely bare under my uniform skirt and had the perfect opportunity for revenge at Severus’ expense. 
Marigold and I brewed the potion together, adding the ingredients one at a time and following Severus’ brewing instructions that were written out on the board by his desk. After a few moments of roaming around, he returned to his desk and sat down intending on grading papers from one of his previous classes. That is when I decided to strike…I moved around the workbench which was conveniently the one closest to his desk. I sat on the stool, balancing on my knees while my back was facing his desk. I threw in a few ingredients and stirred the potion so my classmates, especially Marigold would be none the wiser to my actual intentions. 
“Does this look right to you?” I asked Marigold, leaning further over the cauldron so my bare bottom and core were exposed to Severus. I heard him clear his throat behind me and I smirked, knowing my plan had worked. 
“Looks fine to me.” Marigold smiled and I got up from the stool and walked over to my previous spot beside Marigold. When I glanced up at his desk, Severus was staring at me intently, his jaw was clenched and he looked very flustered. I smiled to myself and continued through the rest of the lesson, knowing perfectly well once we were dismissed for lunch, when I returned for my free period to complete my duties as his assistant I was in for it…big time.
Just as I suspected, when I arrived at his office after lunch he was waiting for me. He was seated at his desk, his arms were crossed over his chest and he was looking at the door waiting for me to come through, and when I saw him…I smiled. 
“Is there a problem sir?” I asked sweetly
“You know very well what the problem is, you little Minx.” He growled and stood from his chair, advancing across the office quickly to get to me. 
I backed up quickly and to my dismay my back bumped against the hard stone wall and I knew I was trapped. He smiled viciously, his hands traveling down my sides until they reached the hem of my skirt. He flipped it up, crumpling it up and holding the fabric to my midsection, exposing my core to the cool dungeon air and I moaned. 
“Shhh.” He hissed harshly, cupping my throbbing core. His nose was pressed against mine and I could feel his breath against my lips. 
“You have been a very naughty girl my Little Star.” He purred. My knees wobbled as he stroked through my folds with one finger. “What I wouldn't give to hear you begging me to make you cum.” 
I moaned and he stopped abruptly, releasing my skirt and backing away from me. “However…Punishment will have to wait until this evening. We have much to do before class begins.” 
“Tonight?” I spoke quickly, mentally cursing myself because I had yet to tell him about my detention with Umbridge. “I-I can't tonight.” I stammered and he cocked a brow. 
“And where exactly do you plan to be?” 
I sighed and leaned my head against the cold stone wall. “I have detention.” My voice came out more as an irritated growl and I could hear him chuckle. 
“You?...Detention?” He looked at me incredulously. 
“I was late to Umbridge’s class this morning and she doesn’t take very well to being tardy,” I explained and he nodded. 
“I shouldn't be keeping you out of bed so late.” He sighed 
“Absolutely not! That is the only uninterrupted time I get with you when we don't have something else to do.” I fought back and he chuckled.
“Alright…But if it becomes too much, you must tell me and we will come up with a different arrangement when it comes to our evening activities.” He drawled returning to his desk and sitting at his desk. 
After trying for the next hour to convince Severus that he could definitely ‘punish’ me before I had to go to my next class and then detention afterward, he refused stating that patience is a virtue. I grumbled to myself about the unfairness of his decision while I graded papers and he found it thoroughly amusing. 
I walked into the DADA classroom after dinner only to find it empty. So I decided to walk up the spiral staircase that led to the attached office and when I knocked, I heard her on the other side of the door.
“Come in.” She chirped 
I rolled my eyes before I opened the door and I was met with the most uncomfortably pink room I had ever seen. Wall-to-wall enchanted cat photographs meowing and doilies covering nearly every surface, it was nauseating. 
“Ah Miss Astrill, take a seat. You’re going to be doing some lines for me this evening.” 
I sat down at the smaller desk that was attached to hers and began to fumble in my bag, looking for my quill and ink well until she stopped me. 
“You won't need your quill.” She grinned “You are going to be using one of mine.” 
“Yes, professor.” I sighed before picking up the thick dark wooden quill that was decorated with a black feather. I looked down at the empty parchment and waited for her to tell me what I was going to be forced to write. 
“I think you shall write. ‘Punctuality means perfection’.” She loomed over me and I hesitated. 
“How many times?”  I mumbled. 
“However many it takes for the message to become clear.” 
With that, I began to write ‘punctuality means perfection’ for the first time but I stopped short of the next line when my hand started to burn. I looked down at the top of my left hand and my heart thudded in my chest. Scratching its self in my own handwriting on the top of my left hand was the line I had just written on the parchment in front of me. 
That was when I noticed the ‘ink’ that was appearing on the parchment was blood red. This sadistic toad was forcing me to write lines in my own blood. I glared up at her and she gave me a false look of concern from the seat she had taken at her desk. 
“Is everything alright dear?” 
“Fine.” I gritted and she looked away, sipping her tea. 
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ninus9607 · 10 days
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Falling for her - Amelia Shepherd
Hey loves
This is my first story, so I'm pretty nervous also I'm sorry about my grammar, English isn't my first language
This story takes place during the second season but there are small changes, like Derek and Addison divorced before Derek came to Seattle so Addison won't be coming to Seattle for Derek because Richard asked her to (it will be important for the plot), lexie. The storyline in my story doesn't match Grey's one.
Amelia will work as an attending with Derek, also she's not the youngest shepherd and she is younger than Derek by only a few years. Derek and Meredith are not dating because of the rule (nobody cared about that but ok
1. New start
There was a voice on the plane telling us to buckle up because we were landing, finally, I thought to myself. Flying more than 6000 km is exhausting. After the plane landed successfully, I put on my backpack and collected my baggage. When I got out of the airport, a cold wind greeted me, it's chilly here, I should take a taxi. There were many taxis on the other side of the road, I took my suitcase and slowly walked to the other side, there were about 5 taxis parked there, which one should I choose? Never mind, I chose the first one I stood by.
"Could you take me to Queen Anne at 303 Comstock Street?"
The taxi driver just nodded, is every American so grumpy? All the way there was silence in the car, but I didn't mind, I was looking out the window and admiring the world around me the whole time. I can't believe it, I'm truly here, Seattle was gorgeous, and there were people all over the place, which was a big difference from my home. When the car stopped on my street, the driver turned to me and in a cold voice said, "It would be $40." I pulled my wallet out of my pocket, full of US dollars, to make sure I had enough money. I must have grabbed a little more than I needed since I could barely close my wallet.
I handed him a $50 bill. "You can ke-" He didn't even let me finish and grabbed it from my hand, then pointed to the door. At that moment, I felt like hitting him. I grabbed my stuff, and as soon as I reached for the door, his car quickly started and sped off.
I looked around to see where I was, and after taking stock of my situation I realized I was lost, fuck, I should have seen what the house looked like before. I mean, what normal person wouldn't look at the house they're buying, yeah, I didn't look. I only have his address. So I'll try to ask someone. The street was quiet, with hardly any people to be seen outside. It was probably because everyone was still at work. However, a woman was walking on the sidewalk. She looked tired, but it seemed like she was my only option.
"Sorry to bother you, miss, but can you tell me where house number 302 is located?"
She looked at me with a surprised smile. "Oh, that's the house right next to mine. You must be my new neighbor. I'm Meredith Grey" She offered me her hand in greeting. Okay, it looks like Americans aren't so bad after all. I shook her hand. "Lena Anderson, nice to meet you" My accent was a bit stronger, I still have to get used to it.
"You're not from here, are you?" I shook my head "No, I just moved here." She looked at me with an even bigger smile. "Cool, come with me. I'll show you where you live."  And with that, she takes my hand. Are Americans always this friendly? We walked for a while and then stopped in front of a pretty big house. Wow, I think I made a good purchase.
"Thank you Meredith for helping me, you saved my life."
"It's okay, I'm glad I met you. Maybe we could hang out sometime, perhaps go to a bar or something?"
"Deal," I said and waved her off, picked up my keys, and opened my new home. Wow, this house is huge!  Large kitchen, beautiful living room, 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. This place is amazing! After unpacking and enjoying a warm shower, I settled into the beautifully modern living room, complete with a large TV and a PS5. Since I was a child, I have always enjoyed playing video games. I brought my PS5 here, and it provides great fun while helping me relax from reality. I prepared my favorite fruit tea and turned on the music on the TV. I grabbed my laptop and opened my email to check for any important updates. I was eagerly waiting for news about my job and had also applied for internship programs at hospitals in Seattle. My school grades are excellent, and I have valuable work experience back home in Europe. However, I understand that this may not guarantee anything.
I've got about 30 emails popping up, mostly some ads I should clean up, I started to slowly delete them one by one so I wouldn't accidentally delete something important. until I get an e-mail from Seattle Grace Hospital. I opened it and started reading.
 "You have been accepted into our residency program"
I screamed at the top of my lungs, I couldn't believe it, it's like a miracle, I love my life. In the email, there was additional information, such as salary, hours, and more. I am supposed to start in two days, so I might as well inform Meredith. She could at least assist me in getting oriented here. I changed into something more social, grabbed my keys, and went to see my neighbor.
knock, knock
After a while, some guy opened the door. "Oh, hi? Is Meredith there?" He was a little confused, but he called out to Meredith, who came to the door.
"Hey Meredith, sorry to bother you again, but as you said we could meet sometime. If you don't have plans for tonight, maybe we could hang out?"
"Hey, Len, I was just thinking about you, join us, I'll introduce you to my friends" She led me to her living room, where I saw two other people. They looked nice.
"Everybody, this is Lena, my new neighbor. Lena, these are my friends and roommates. George and Izzie"
"Nice to meet you all." I was a little nervous, but after two hours of talking and drinking, I felt like I had made new friends. Meredith and Izzie were great, funny and George was George. Such a nice guy. But I get the feeling he's secretly in love with Meredith, he looks at her like she's a god. It is very easy to make fun of him but in a good way.
"Where do you work? Your house is huge but it must have cost a lot." George asks me
"Well, actually I bought it before I had a job"
"WHAT? ARE YOU RICH?" Izzie and Meredith shouted at the same time
"Well kind of, but now I got a job in a hospital in their program an-"
"Are you a doctor? and in seattle grace?" George quickly cut me off
"Yeah? What's the problem??"
"We work there too! me, mer, izzie and our other friends like cristina and alex"
"So, Are we colleagues?"
"YES!" Everyone in the room screamed.
"Wow, that's really impressive. Is there a bar where we can celebrate?" I asked
"Let's meet at Joe's Bar tomorrow as we always do after work." Meredith said
"If you show me where it is, we can definitely..."
I stayed at Meredith's place for about an hour and then left to go home. I changed into comfortable pajamas, sat on my bed, and picked up the book. I decided on something a little more interesting: "Haunting Adeline." (😏) I was reading for about two hours before my eyes started to close, so I put the book down, turned off the light, and closed my eyes.
AN: Wow, that was my first chapter. I apologize for every mistake, but I'm trying yk...I'm happy for every response and comment also if you have any questions, just ask. I'd be happy to answer them.
PS: By the way, if you want to read more, you can check out my Wattpad or Ao3, where my story is already uploaded.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 months
That episode just did nothing for me.
Now before I go on, it does have the potential to be saved if the second turns out to be amazing and worth all the build up. But on its own, I have to rant.
I could not care less about Sutekh. Pyramids of Mars is a great story, the villain has an eerie presence and incredibly chilling voice, but as the God of Death on its own? Just the most basic and boring of motivations. Even with that, what made Sutekh so creepy in the original story was that he Did Not Move. He's just stuck in a chair but is able to manipulate others and torture the Doctor mentally. Giant CGI Egyptian pupper does not have the same effect.
And the rest of the episode was just a lot of dragging out and build up for what was clearly not going to be revealed. The episode could have cut a lot of that and just taken a moment to breathe.
Seriously, the Susan thing pissed me off from the cold open because I knew it would be a fake lead. The fact that Ruby seemed so sure of it because of the name and the Doctor went along. "Susan was the name of my granddaughter." - you met a horse with that name in S7! It's extremely common! Not to mention the whole "I'd recognise her" - like you did the Master?
And then there's implying the Doctor never had kids and that Susan is a grandchild from a kid he has in the future. What happened to him telling Donna "I've been a father before"? Speaking of which; FUCKING JENNY! Yes, he doesn't know she's alive, I don't even think RTD does at this point but the more that's just ignored bothers me.
Not to be too mean to this episode; the actors all did amazing. It was great seeing Rose again but I'm also hoping she has a bit more of a purpose being there, it would have been nice to see her and Ruby actually talk properly. Mel telling Fifteen to pick himself up after he hits the wall was a nice little moment.
There's just too many mystery boxes for my liking and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the reveal of Ruby's birth mum has a lot more of an emotional weight. My theory though? They're going to pull a Meet The Robinsons and either have her just be some random woman who gave her up for whatever reason, or Ruby will accept she won't know and she has the mum who raised her and that's enough. Which on paper sounds lovely and was nice in Meet The Robinsons, but for here it would be a massive cop out.
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midwestmade29 · 8 months
Collaboration 🤠
Part 1
This story has been a month in the making! It’s a collab between @madhatterbri and myself that came together randomly one night. It was (and still is!) amazing to me how quickly and easily we were able to come up with something so awesome together! This story has pieces of us both in it and we are so excited to finally share it with you all 🖤 ✧ @madhatterbri's masterlist can be found here ✧ My masterlist can be found here
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Disclaimers: Cursing, intimidation, threats, unprotected sex, angst. Read at your own discretion.
Word count for part 1: 1,831
GIF credit: @cardinalbiggles
Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Stay tuned for part 2 🙂
This is 100% pure fiction.
Your past follows you around everywhere you go, but a certain cowboy tries to help you heal from it...
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Over the last few months, you had settled in to your new role on the production team with AEW nicely. You finally felt like you were coming out of your shell, finding your way around the production truck and backstage all while getting to know the rest of the team and the wrestlers! There was one person that you hit it off with right away, Hangman Adam Page. He was one of the first people to introduce themselves to you and the kindness he showed you was like a breath of fresh air! Whenever both of you had a free moment, you often found yourselves laughing and smiling together. If you weren’t mistaken, sometimes it felt like he was flirting with you too! Hangman loved to see you flustered and he enjoyed making you squirm a little with his words. You’d never admit it out loud, but you loved the way he looked at you and how easily he made you blush.
Every interaction you had with Hangman you tried your best to keep on the down low in fear that your ex might see you two together. Swerve Strickland wrestles for AEW too and even though you were no longer together, he still liked to keep a watchful eye on you. At work you lived with your head on a constant swivel, always looking over your shoulder for him or one of his associates. Swerve is a master manipulator, fiercely intimidating, jealous, and always delights in destroying your psyche. His words are always demeaning and harsh, well thought out and always packing a punch! All the awful things he said to you during your relationship live rent free in your head, the wounds they left on your heart have never healed. His most recent strike was when word had gotten back to him about a conversation you were having with The Young Bucks backstage. Hangman was the topic being discussed, The Bucks attributing his recent change in demeanor to you! “We haven’t seen him smile like this in a long time. Whatever you’ve been doing, keep it up Y/N! He’s a good man and deserves to be happy,” Matt expressed. As your exchange went on, you swore you saw someone emerge from behind a nearby storage crate and hurry away. The smile you had on your face was now replaced with worry!
“Boss! Boss!” Prince NaNa called out. “Y/N, and those Bucks! Th-they were t-talking about the cowboy a-again!” he tried to spit out in between his attempts to catch his breath. Swerve didn’t speak, just kept his icy stare on NaNa as he explained the conversation he overheard, sparing no detail. “What are you going to do about this, boss? You’re not going to let her get away with this are you?” Swerve only smiled a wicked smile at his associate, no words spoken as he walked in the direction where you were standing, Prince NaNa not far behind him. You were looking over your notes when you felt a shift in the atmosphere around you. Your body tensed up when a familiar voice uttered your name from behind you, “Y/N. So, I hear you’re into cowboys now, huh? A former champion at that! You trying to fuck your way to the top or something? I think your sights are set a little high with that one. The man will get tired of you just like everyone else has and ride off on his little pony in search of his next plaything. You’re damaged goods, baby. Don’t ever forget that.”
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It had been two weeks since your last encounter with Swerve, but his words still echoed through your mind. You were doing your best to ignore them, at least for tonight since it was a big night for Hangman. His championship match was set to be the main event for Dynamite, and you had promised to celebrate with him afterwards if he was able to win the belt! He made his way down the ramp while you watched on a monitor backstage with a huge smile on your face. The crowd was incredibly into the match, chanting “cowboy shit!” in support of Hangman throughout the whole thing! He was clearly the favorite to win, and he almost had it in the bag until his opponent landed an exceptionally stiff clothesline on him that left Hangman completely dazed in the middle of the ring. You stared at the monitor in shock, whispering a silent prayer to yourself that he was okay! Your heart sank when Doc Sampson slid into the ring and immediately began examining Hangman while everyone around you gasped when the replay of the incident was shown again.
Once Dynamite was off the air, Hangman was taken back to medical for further evaluation. One of your fellow production team members agreed to take over your final tasks of the night so you could go and check on him! You were practically running as you made your way to him, dodging all obstacles and people that were in your path, not caring who saw you in your panicked state. After taking a deep breath and knocking on the door, you opened it and saw Hangman sitting up on the table while Doc Sampson checked him for a concussion. “Wow, Doc! I must’ve really taken a hit to the head. I think I see an angel,” Hangman teased. His smile was radiant as you walked over to him, it helped ease some of your worry, but you knew it wouldn’t go away completely until the doctor gave Hangman the all clear. “Well, how is he doc?” you asked with your eyes locked on the cowboy. “No concussion, but he’s going to be feeling the effects of a hit that hard for a while. I recommend taking a week- maybe two off to recuperate. He’s got some cuts I need to bandage up too.”
Even Doc Sampson couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as Hangman continued to tease you, “Still have your little headset on and everything! Do you always rush to check on all the wrestlers, or am I just lucky? I don’t know about you Doc, but I think someone has a soft spot for the Hangman!” You swatted his chest playfully and he grabbed hold of your hand before you were able to pull it away. The doctor excused himself from the room when he noticed the way you both were looking at each other. Hangman held onto your hand, lacing his fingers with yours and something inside you hoped that he would never let it go! You could tell he was about to say something, but before he had the chance, the door swung open and hit the wall with a loud thud.
When your brain registered who the intruder was, you immediately pulled your hand away from Hangman’s and took a step back. Swerve sauntered into the room, eyeing you and the cowboy before breaking the silence, “Well, what have we here? A patient and his little nurse, how cute! Looks like I interrupted your exam. It’s a shame what happened out there, cowboy. Almost like those hits were stiff on purpose!” It was obvious Swerve’s presence made you uncomfortable, and Hangman took notice. His voice was dripping with annoyance when he responded, “Y/N is just making sure that I’m okay, and unless you’re here to do the same, I think it’s best if you and that Dollar Store prince leave.” Prince NaNa was standing guard at the door and whipped his head around when he heard Hangman’s comment, but he knew better than to say anything! Swerve made his way closer to you which caused Hangman to stand up protectively, but he stumbled a little when he suddenly felt dizzy. You placed your hand on his shoulder encouraging him to sit back down and it was obvious that it triggered Swerve!
“You gotta keep better company, Hangman. It doesn’t bode well for you to surround yourself with someone so…promiscuous. I think Ms. Y/N here has been everyone’s flavor of the week at some point,” Swerve spoke meticulously, making sure each word got under Hangman’s skin. It was a job well done when he jumped off the table again and immediately got in Swerve’s face, “You watch your mouth, dumbass! I already gave you the chance to leave once and you didn’t take it. This is my final offer for you to leave on your own without having my boot shoved up your ass!” You watched as both men stood with their faces mere inches from each other, neither one of them daring to back down. Prince NaNa’s words echoed through the room as he warned his boss that someone was coming and that they needed to scram before someone sees them. Swerve remained cool and collected, offering Hangman a warning of his own, “You don’t wanna fuck around with this mogul, cowboy. You have no idea what I’m capable of. Enjoy Ms. Y/N’s services.” He laughed manically as he left the room.
After that night, Hangman started to pick up on things more and more. He could tell how tense you would get whenever you heard Swerve’s name, how nervous you appeared to be when you were talking to him at work, and how often you looked over your shoulder. Whenever he would ask about the situation with Swerve, you blew it off or changed the subject. You just couldn’t bring yourself to burden Hangman with the details about your tumultuous past! Every time you looked at the cowboy, you could feel yourself falling for him more and more, which terrified you. Even though you tried your best to push him away, Hangman still stuck around. He was starting to feel like your safe place, like someone you could trust. Hangman proved that he felt just as strongly about you as you did him the night he kissed you. While you still couldn’t wrap your brain around why this cowboy stuck around, you were sure glad he did. You’ve been to hell and back, but Hangman was giving you a taste of Heaven on earth.
He does whatever he can to show you that he’s worth trusting and he refuses to give up on you even on the difficult days. He takes his time with you, showing you grace and giving you patience because he knows you deserve it. Despite his best efforts, there were moments when the voice from your past would creep in and feed you lies. There were days where you kept him at arm’s length even when you knew it wasn’t warranted. One day he left you astonished when he whispered against your lips, “Y/N, I got you. Please, give me- give us a chance. Let me take care of you and show you how wonderful you truly are. No matter how many times you push me away, I will always stand firm. I’m not going anywhere, Y/N. I’ve got you.”
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leagueofdccm · 2 months
🍒🍒🍒 sending u three because i wanna see u gush about multiple people <3
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them. ||
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PHANTOM : @citizenstarlight ugh ugh ugh like girl bye. you're def so lovely and i gotta give you some love and a reminder how much I enjoy having you on my dash, and reading your threads. you write so damn well, and bring your stories to life. i love when muns put so much heart into their muses, because you can tell how much love you put into starlight. as someone who loves the character with all her heart, I appreciate how you portray such a precious character. like sobbing. not only are you just wonderful at writing, but ooc you are such a doll. i love how we just get each other when we chit-chat xD xD ! like it's a vibe that I love. definitely thankful that the two of us have come across one another and are able to create amazing things together 😭 like please !!!! imma keep you forever !!!!
JEN : @wiredcapability SOBBING JEN PLEASE PLEASE such a lovely human being who I've known for a good ass while now !! my twin always, when it comes to us playing amazing muses such as ramsay and negan. you already know how much I love you and how much I adore having you on my dash, but I will remind you again that your negan is just chefs kiss. like you can hear his voice in your writing, and I do love that ;-; !!! you definitely know I also stalk whatever you and michi write cause it's so fucking good ? making me feel all types of way; you capture negan's character so beautifully. to rp a baddie you gotta be a baddie ;) ! lmao. thank you for being part of my life ;-; and for being such a lovely friend, i will always be in awe of your writing, and just chin hands at you cause wow. jen never change please just stay as your lovely self !!!
MOON : @awkwardcourage we may not have spoken much, I think the first thing that you ever said to me was if hughie had permission to hit homie xD xD ! WHICH LIKE DUH ALWAYS !! GO AT IT HUGIE MA BOI. lmao no fr fr. hello though, we may not talk much ooc, but I have so much nice things to say about how lovely you are to have on the dash. i know I tell that to everyone. but I mean it. all that creativity and that love you have for our sweet Hughie. keep doing you boo boo. we definitely need to talk more about ooc cause hollllla we have so many muse to work with and so a lot of dynamics to do !! I'm already excited to do A-Train x Hughie things with you, cause lbr these two lawwwd !!! so much for us to work around with !! I MEAN LIKE FR FR ! I adore your Hughie I do, and I can hear him in your threads, the rollercoaster ride his emotions go through you grasp perfectly.
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just read your ‘Welcome to the black parade’ fic and it was amazing! Could you maybe write a part 2? Only if you’re comfortable with that ofc, have a nice day! /gen
Welcome to The Black Parade part 2 - Gerard Way x reader
A/N: thank you for reading my work! And thank you even more to requesting something! I love writing requests because it’s good to challenge myself! I wasn’t sure how to add to the story but I definitely left room for more parts if people want them!
Warnings: death, swearing?, being shot, internal judgement of others, drug overdose mentioned, Frank being annoyingly cute 😭
yes, I know the photo is of Frank but it matches the story so 🤷‍♀️
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It didn’t take me long to get changed into the black and silver uniform. It fit tightly against my body extenuating the features I already had. Gerard and the others had waited outside the room while I’d gotten changed and I could hear them whispering harshly. 
“I’m done,” I mumble, pushing back the curtain to see a vast gray landscape and what looked like a city on the horizon. The air smelt like a mixture of a hot, humid summer day and New York City. Don’t ask how I got there. 
“Woah.” I dart my head in the direction of the voice to see Ray punch Frank in the arm and flash him a disapproving look. They both lead the way while we walk towards the city, Mikey trailing behind them. Gerard and I walk a little further back, slower than the others. I look forward but reflect on Gerard’s change of look. His hair is still black, longer than it was when it was white, more scruffy and grown out. I wonder what he looked like before he died or if he chose his image. 
“Technically both,” he speaks, turning to me. I try to hide my shock that he knew what I was thinking. “Sorry. It’s a habit. When I got here I could read people’s minds. I don’t really know how it works but it’s hard to shut off.” I try to smile but being reminded that I’m dead and not on Earth makes it a struggle. 
“It’s okay. You know, you’re really not as scary as I thought you’d be. Other than the skeleton hand.” We finally reach what looks like a parade float and the others climb up on it. Gerard jumps up and offers me a gloved helping hand. 
“Thanks? I promise my hands were normal when I was alive.” We all sit down and the float starts moving in the direction of the city. 
“Wait, so how did you guys die?” I ask. Mikey lets out a sigh, pointing to himself,
“drug overdose.” Ray speaks next. 
“Natural causes.” To this Frank laughs and Ray shoots him a look similar to the one from before. 
“Well I got shot. 13 times.” I feel shock run through my face. “Don’t worry babe, it was 100% my fault. It was 15 years ago anyway.” I nod, trying to not pass judgment. He looked like the type of person to be involved in crime, yet somehow I believed there was more to his story. Yes, he had black gauges in his ears and was covered in tattoos but he seemed kind, almost lighthearted. My mother used to warn me about people like him. I grew up utterly terrified of people covered with tattoos until I actually met some and realized an irrational fear of tattoos was ridiculous. Then I got my own, a little music note on my wrist and a ghost on my thigh. We all turn to look at Gerard to hear his story but he simply shakes his head. His hair jumps across his face as he does this. It somehow looks unclean and pretty at the same time. 
“We don’t talk about how I died. It’s not something I talk about nor ever intend to talk about.” 
“Wait really?” I ask, tilting my head. The leader of this group doesn’t even tell his own death story yet feels like he can be the savior of everyone who comes in here dead. 
Frank scoffs, “The only one who knows other than Gee is Mikey because he was fucking there. But what I really want to know my dear, is how you so kindly hit the grave.” This is when I realize. The moment I try my hardest to reflect on every moment before I woke up here. The deadline of the heart rate machine and the white curtains of what I believe was a hospital room, the sounds and smells of the room. But then it dawns on me. 
I have no idea. 
Gerard rests a hand on my arm with a concerned look plastered on his face. 
“Oh that’s not good,” Ray remarks, clearly noticing Gerard’s reaction. 
“That’s never happened before,” Mikey notes. Gerard grips my arm firmly.
“It’s okay Y/N we’ll figure it out. I’m sure you’ll remember soon it’ll be oka-”
“And if you don’t then consider yourself lucky!” Frank interrupts, a large grin strung across his face. I nod trying to seem calm but really, I’m freaking out. I take a deep breath and put on a brave face as I look out at the city which moves continuously closer as the parade float moves along the infinitely flat ground. I wonder what’s in the city, who lives there. But something tells me it’ll be nothing I can imagine. And that very same feeling tells me that things are gonna change pretty soon. 
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request fics!
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empressofthesunwriter · 3 months
You and I 03
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Whether in canon or in fantasy, whether already in love or falling, whether naughty or nice, You and Izuku always find your way to each other.
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I do not share J.K. Rowlings disgusting views on Transpeople and all the other shit she is sprouting about people in the LGBTQ+ community.
That woman may have written Harry Potter, but it belongs to us fans now.
Miss Rowling, if you ever read this fuck you and your bigoted views!
The story takes place in the Hogwarts Legacy-Vers.
I freaking love this game!
I tried to not say what House the reader belongs to, so you can be in the House you want.
Now on with the story.
Hogwarts Legacy AU NSFW
Quiet giggles could be heard around the empty halls of Hogwarts.
A male voice shushed a female and the female just giggled more.
Well, you couldn't help yourself.
After, begging for weeks you finally got Izuku to be daring and to break into the Prefect Bathroom to take a bath.
Sometimes you wonder how he landed in Gryffindor, then you remember how he practically fought with Bakugo from Slytherin during Quidditch for the Golden Snitch and you got it.
Under the Disillusionment Spell, you avoid without problems the Prefects who made their rounds.
Finally, you enter the bathroom and dispel the spell.
"Oh I still think this is a bad idea.", mumbled Izuku, while you were busy putting a locking spell on the door.
No one should disturb you.
"Come on Izuku, baby, it will be fun.", you grinned. "Besides Sebastian and Demeter break her in regularly to take a bath and probably to fuck."
Your boyfriend made a face.
"Of course, Sallow gave you this idea."
"And Demeter gave me the Spells."
"Hufflepuffs seem so nice, but all are horny!"
You winked at him and took slowly your clothes off.
Izuku blushed and started to undress as well.
"Love, sleeping in a bed together or at the Room of Requirements is something different than the Prefect Bathroom! If they catch us, Black will give us hell!"
"I would more worry for Professor Weasley, but relax Izu, okay?"
Naked you embrace him and kiss his cheek.
"It will be okay, alright?"
Your boyfriend signed and hugged you back.
Finally, he follows you in the water.
Oh, it was amazing and with all the bubbles, you two had fun making them poop.
Then you washed each other, which of course led to heavy petting and sooner than you could shout Expelliamus, you rode Izuku in ecstasy.
"Oh, baby! Just like that!", you purred.
His dick filled you up completely and hit your G-Spot.
"You are so beautiful, my love.", he moaned, his hand wandering over to your clit, rubbing it in time with his hard trusts.
Oh fuck, you would never get tired of this.
You were addicted to Izuku.
You were so happy his family had moved in your Third Year to Scotland and you both literally crashed against each other.
Best. Day. Ever!
Your lips found each other as you reached your climax together.
Izuku cums filled your pussy, making you purr in delight.
You both enjoyed the aftermath of your session as you heard how someone used Alohomora on your lock spell.
Like two deers Izuku and You turned your heads towards the door.
Oh no, they got you!
"Sebastian! See, I told you I heard noises!"
It was Demeter Somerset, your friend, beside her Sebastian Sallow, her boyfriend, who dramatically closed his eyes with one arm.
"Wow, you kids! Shouldn't you be in bed and not fuck in the Prefect bathroom?!"
Demeter hit him with her elbow in the side.
"Sebastian you gave her the idea and don't play the saint, we are here often enough as well."
The Slyterhin boy just smiled, while his girlfriend rolled her brown eyes behind her glasses.
"[Your Name], Izuku, we are so sorry, we will leave you be."
"Yeah, sorry and try not to get caught!", saluted Sebastian as he followed Demeter out of the bathroom.
You and Izuku turned to each other and couldn't help but laugh.
You had luck that it was just your friends, however it was for the best to call it a night.
Fast you dried and got dressed.
Then like always Izuku escorted you to your Common Room and you said good night with a kiss.
Hogwarts was truly magical mostly because you have found the love of your life there.
Demeter Somerset is my Hogwarts Lecagy Character/Self-Insert, proud Hufflepuff and of course, dating our favourite Slytherin boy Sebastian Sallow.
I made the timeline intentionally vague.
Only that you aren't Third Year more.
Same with Demeter and Sebastian they aren't Fifth Year anymore, but are they your classmates or your elders or one of them your House Mates you decide. ;D
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timeofjuly · 8 months
i keep thinking of the scenario if electrician were to run into ppl of her past like izzy from new years… i like imagine her going “ bunny it’s been so long you look better then ever “ and electrician is like 😀 do i know you..? due to their gaps in memory (i’m also interested how much their memory will affect them as the story progresses, i myself suffer from the issue and being young it’s kinda scary sometimes 😞)
This ask made me write something! This is set pre-RTC in the earlier days of MC’s sobriety. They’ve just moved to New Ebott here. 
Read it on AO3 or read it below!
You’re leaving the DMV, of all the fucking places, when it happens. 
Most people hate the DMV but you had practically skipped into the place for your eleven am appointment, overcome with joy at the thought of getting your driver’s licence back. The public transportation in New Ebott is great and your ass looks amazing after all the cycling you’ve been doing when the weather is nice, but there’s something about the independence of a car that you’ve missed. With your licence back, your employment prospects won’t be limited to the boundaries of public transport and your stamina when pedalling. 
With your licence back, you’ll be able to go to school. 
That’s the thing you’re most excited about. School. College. University. Whatever. You just want to learn something, to use the brain that you’ve let go to shit. You don’t even care what - at this point, with your dismal record and embarrassing results from high school, you’ll take what you can get. 
You’ve wasted enough of your life and you don’t want to squander a second more. 
After tucking your brand new licence safely in your back pocket, you leave the DMV, still smiling, and make your way to the bus stop. You’ll miss catching it; all the drivers are lovely and it’s nice to be driven around the city, like your own personal tour. 
You’ve got time to kill until the bus arrives, so you open your phone and start scrolling through hundreds of second hand car listings. 
You’re not picky; you have a tight budget and will probably hit your fair share of curbs in it anyway, but it’s nice to look at the fancier ones and dream. A convertible sounds nice; there’s a bright red one for sale, way outside of your budget. You imagine the wind in your hair, the sheer cool factor of rolling down the street with the top down. Oh, or maybe a motorbike; you had loved your stupid, ugly little scooter, and a motorbike would be even better. And you’d get to wear all the sexy leather gear. Double win. 
“Oh my stars, do my eyes deceive me?”
The cold hand of panic twists through your ribcage and wraps around your heart, fingers taking hold and squeezing. 
You know that voice. 
You turn around.
On the sidewalk are two people staring at you with equally ecstatic expressions and you only recognise one of them. 
Izzy looks… well, she looks good, you suppose, clothes fashionable and scales polished to a sheen, though you can see a few of them are missing. The spines on her head are droopy, a little paler in colour than what you remember, and there’s a beadiness to her eyes that you never noticed before. 
You haven’t seen her in months but from how unfamiliar she looks, it feels more like years. 
“Damn, you’re looking good!” says the man you don’t recognise. 
And you know that you knew this person once, can hear the echo of his voice through the fog of your memory, even recognise his hands for the way they’d felt on your skin, but there’s something missing, something your stupid, ruined, useless brain is unable to grasp.
“Hey,” you say, affecting your brightest party-girl smile. “Long time no see.”
“Fucking hell, no shit!” the man laughs. He’s handsome, tall and very blond. “How’ve you been? You look so different.”
With each month you add to your sobriety, you’re told that with increasing frequency. You don’t really see it yourself - you feel like the exact same person most of the time. Worse, even. You’re horrible to be around when you’re in pain. 
“Good, really good,” you say. “How have –”
“Dude, I thought you were dead!” Izzy crows, looking delighted. “You just disappeared, like that.” She snaps her fingers, a jarring scrape of scale-on-claw. 
“Yeah, we all thought that Jesse threw the bunny out with the bath water,” the man says. His tone is light, like it’s a fucking joke or something. 
This person is a stranger to you. You couldn’t even guess his name if you tried. And yet he knows about that —
You tense. Pull a smile to your face. Do your best to shake off the phantom feeling of ice crystallising on the tip of your nose. “Nah, I’m not that easy to get rid of.”
And he laughs and so does Izzy and you laugh too, even though it feels like glass in your throat, because what else can you do?
“Well, I’m glad,” says Izzy and then she sweeps you up into a hug. She smells like old perfume clinging to unwashed clothes and you can feel a faint tremble in her hands as they grip your back. 
You hug back, even though you suddenly feel strange and unwieldy, like your arms aren’t your own. 
I want to go home, you think. Another thing you’d be able to do if you just had a fucking car and hadn’t lost your fucking licence in the first place. 
Izzy pulls back but then the man swoops in to take her place. You’re pressed to the line of his body, and though you’ve probably seen it naked, touched it all over, the feel of it is foreign to you. 
You let go first. 
“What’re you doing in New Ebott, anyway?” Izzy asks. 
“Just passing through,” you lie, because fuck if you’re letting her know that you live here now. “What about you guys?”
“Same thing,” Izzy says. “We’re crashing with Palyso at the moment, remember him?”
“Oh, yeah, totally.”
“Yeah, good guy, really funny. Hey, he’s actually having a party tonight, you should come! Just like old times.” The stranger waggles his eyebrows at you. 
You don’t need to remember the specifics to work out what he means. 
“Yeah, come with us,” Izzy begs. “Everyone’ll be so happy to see you. I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
The itch you’re not allowed to scratch burns. It’d be so easy, so fucking easy, to say yes. What’s one night? You don’t even need to use; who says you can’t have fun sober?
The word yes sits in your mouth like a hot coal and then the memory of water, cracking with thin shards of ice, washes over it. 
The desire is gutted out. Not even smoke remains. 
“I’ll sit this one out,” you say. 
“Aw, c’mon, bunny! You’ve gotta—“
The sound of an engine rumbles behind you and your soul sings with relief. 
Thank you, timely public transportation of New Ebott. 
“This is me,” you say, hoping you sound apologetic. “It was nice seeing you guys!”
You don’t wait for a reply, practically flinging yourself onto the bus. The driver gives you a concerned look - you’re a regular and most of them know you by name  - but you just give her a reassuring grin, because you’re fine. You’re fine. You’re completely, one hundred per cent fine. 
You take a seat near the front and stare down at your hands. You think of the way Izzy's shook. The way yours had once. The way they don’t anymore. You hadn’t noticed that until now. 
God fucking damnit. 
Stupid, unwarranted tears prickle hot at your eyes and worse, there’s something sharp poking you in the butt. 
Fearing that you’ve sat in something that’ll rip a hole in your pants - wouldn’t that be your fucking luck - you lift your hips and grope blindly at your ass. 
Oh, right. 
You forgot that you wedged it in your pocket after leaving the DMV. 
You look down at your brand new licence, turning the shiny plastic card around in your hands. Your own face stares back up at you. 
You dig around in your purse and from the very bottom, unearth the remains of your old licence, kept purely for sentimental reasons. It’s cut clean down the middle, made unusable the moment you’d lost it, but the image of your face is still intact. 
You compare the two, side-by-side. In the new one, your face is fuller and your skin smoother. Your lips have colour to them and your eyes are bright and awake, the whites white rather than bloodshot yellow. 
In the new one, you’re smiling. 
Huh. You see it, now. 
You do look different after all.
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
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"For someone who loved words as much as I did, it was amazing how often they failed me."
-- If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
“Because freedom, I am told, is nothing but the distance between the hunter and its prey.”
-- On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
and as for poetry, i like to talk about "Written in my Dreams by W. C. Williams" by Allen Ginsberg with other people because it's short and rolls over the tongue nicely and i like to come back to it, puts a smile on my face, you know?
i'll also never forget "A Carcass" by Charles Baudelaire from when we read it at school years ago and then again in high school and i have now chosen Les Fleurs du mal as one of the books for my oral school leaving exam, so it's definitely one of those authors i read once and was never able to get out of my head
and last but not least, Louise Glück (may she rest in peace) and her "Theory of Memory" which includes the ending "Right now you are a child holding hands with a fortune-teller. All the rest is hypothesis and dream." and i simply don't have a choice but to love this one
i have so many more favourites, but these are the ones i can think of right now hehe <33
what r ur favourite poems and quotes??
those are brilliant actually
mine are quite, different to what one may think but i like finding meaning in things that other people think are only surface level :
思い出なんか いらん - we don't need memories
this is from the anime haikyuu LMAO which is a fucking volleyball anime and it is the team motto of one of the teams. It is quite honestly my life motto at this point. I used to live in the past, excused people for thing they do now because they were different in the past. they were different in my memories. I was so focused on the past i forgot to enjoy my present. I am done doing that. My memories hold me back. I am tired of it.
"to love and lose and still be kind" - warsan shire
this is pretty self explanatory. i dont think I've had a hard life. but i certainly haven't had an easy one. i have a habit of giving too much of myself to people. I'm working on rectifying that whilst still being kind.
"but i cut people out like tags on my clothing" - conan gray
I LOVE people watching its one of my favourite songs. but this line is really important to me. I've cut the tags off of my clothing for as long as I can remember. ever since i was a kid. I also have a habit of cutting out people the second they break my trust. as easy as cutting off tags from my clothing. I don't think its a good habit or a bad habit. it just. is.
"It's always the ones who are quietest who often have the greatest things to say" - TJ Klune, Wolfsong
This is from one of my favourite books of all time. I was a quiet child for a while. I never got excited for anything and after a while my parents suspected I had childhood depression, we still don't know for sure if I did. It makes a lot of sense though. It took me a while to become confident in my own voice and my own opinions. this quote is really important to me.
"Men don't cry. My daddy taught me that. Men don't cry because they don't have time to cry.
I must not have been a man yet because I cried. I bowed my head and cried." - TJ Klune, Wolfsong
This isn't personal to me in anyway, I just really, really love this part of the book and these two lines in particular.
"I'll be your hands." "I'll be your sanity." - TJ Klune, Ravensong
love has always been something I've read about. but this quote takes the damn cake.
as for poems,
At a Funeral by Dennis Brutus
I analyzed this poem for an English Lit class and the story behind why it was written really stuck with me. It was written after the death of Valencia Majombozi who was shot on the day of her graduation from nursing school. Its a protest poem and it just hits really fucking hard.
Death of a Naturalist by Seamus Heaney
This was the first poem that i ever took inspiration from. I had of course written before, but I really enjoyed Heaney's writing style so it strongly influenced my poem Quietude, which I am planning to submit to the empty inkwell publication...hopefully lol
Identity Card by Mahmoud Darwish
This poem is written as a form of protest poetry as well. Mahmoud Darwish was a Palestinian poet, for those of you who do not know and he wrote this poem about being asked for his identity card by Israeli Officers. Its really, really good.
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