#but no really im so happy with this background on god
sarcastic-sketches · 6 months
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Sunrise of our first tomorrow
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beannary · 11 months
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*technodromes your donnie*
silly little screenshot redraw i did because thinking about the technodrome and donnie is my most favorite thing in the entire world
screenshot reference under the cut
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
Pictures from the 2023 Brazil Post-Race that made me psychologically and physcially and emotionally unwell:
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lexicog · 9 months
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goated kantaro reference
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chewysgummies · 25 days
Okay, call me whatever names but-
Has anyone ever felt sad that their WOY OC isn't actually canon, but think to yourself that they would've had the chance to be one by the show producer at one point but like- you beat them to it and now you think you might've screwed them over cause they would've been real in like 6 years later?
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outismm · 3 months
OUTIS send help, Doctor Who is the gift that keeps on giving 😭😭😭 i thought the Toymaker would be the end of it but folks in my Toymaker server made a few jokes about Six. and i had -no idea- about what kind of character Six is. holy FUCK i am in LOVE with this pompous, arrogant asshole 😖💖💖💖💖 he's so cute!!!!! so abrasive!!!! so......PASSIONATE!!!!!! i didn't know he was such a freak!!!! yes yes yes please do rewatch his era because i'm doing it for the first time and having a blast 😂💖
yes,,,, YYYYEEESSSSS. This is perhaps the best development that could have happened. I need you to know how quickly I scrambled downstairs like some sort of Ghoul to try and find the old boxsets and AUGHE!!!!
He's got such an incredible amount of drama and charisma and wild-eyed charm inside of him, I can't believe how this man has slipped to the back of my mind for so long. Even outside of his borderline regeneration-induced-mania during his first storyline, he's just. such a delight. Colin Baker is having the time of his life delivering every line, and you can TELL
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Look at him - what's not to love?
Also, this isn't directly related to our dear multicoloured man, but - thank you for giving me an excuse to Stare Affectionately at Classic Who! There are so many of those delightful quirks and silly set-pieces you can only really find in early 70s-80s sci-fi, sprinkled all throughout, I just,,, ah <3333 it has been so long
OKIE IM RAMBLING BUT >:) EHEHE I cannot wait to see you slip further and further into Doctor Who Fevers. Come yell with/at me anytime, I love seeing ppl experience Classic Who and all the wonderfully wild things it has to offer
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sensitivegoblin · 2 months
Is there anyone religious in the kink space?
I'm a Christian and I need to vent/get comfort cus I dunno what's wrong with me I'm dissociating so much and have so much anxiety and my head won't stop spinning about things
My dad says it's just anxiety hitting my body after being sick but I wish he could see inside my brain just to make sure I'm scared kinda :(
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star-sim · 5 months
"nooo! she's taken!" ☆ enha maknaes
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☆ non-idol! bf! enhypen maknaes x celebrity! fem! reader ☆ summary: you are a very well-loved celebrity, and your relationship is finally revealed to the public. ☆ genre: fluff, another poor attempt at humor, it's very silly ☆ warning(s)? none! lmk if you'd like to see this w the hyungs! hyung ver.
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sunoo ☆
so youre a famous actress
you have your official instagram account
and then your personal one, that you only allow family and personal friends to follow
sunoo, your bf, also has an account on instagram
since most of you friends and family know him, it's not uncommon for him to take your phone and post on your personal account
one of those "hai guys i stole her phone 🤭"
all in good fun
so one night, you and sunoo and cuddling
it was one of those vibey nights
the lights were dim, candles lighting up the room with their orangey hue, light music playing in the background
laying on you and sunoo's shared bed, his face buried into the crook of his neck while you run your fingers through his hair
its honestly so soft and warm and comfy :]
the two of you aren't really talking to each other, just basking in each other's presence
and eventually you begin to doze off
at first sunoo was like "baaaaabee!! why did you stop touching my hair"
but then he realized you were asleep
so after givng your cheek a soft peck, and tucking you into the soft blankets
sunoo physically goes >:]
he takes your phone and decides that he's going to spam your personal account
because tbh he does this a lot and it's funny for everyone involved
sunoo takes very silly pictures of you and him
pictures of you sleeping, ones at very silly angles (ik he takes the most FOUL 0.5s)
on your story he posts them with also very ridiculous captions
theres one of you sleeping with the caption "mimimumuimuiu"
another fisheye lens one of sunoo with the caption "hai i stole [name]'s phone 😈"
but he also posts some sweet ones
like one where you're dozing off in his arms w the caption "she's so cute"
sunoo gets mushy at some point
like his captions go from funny to "im so happy that i get to call myself [name]'s boyfriend, i feel so lucky to be with such a beautiful and talented woman"
that's great!
that's wonderful!
there's just one problem
he was using the wrong account.
he was posting all this on your official, business, 7.8 million follower, instagram account.
and not your personal account.
he doesn't notice until 20 minutes later his phone blows up with articles and text messages
and when he notices
sunoos like OH SHIT
he shakes you awake
and poor boy is so apologetic :(
"baby i'm so sorry i didn't mean to out our relationship like that i should have been more careful-"
but when he explains it to you
you kinda just laugh
and go back to sleep
sunoo deletes the stories but people already screenshotted them
yeah... so this blows up
i feel like they would become memes
like the ones of you sleeping become reaction memes or even worse part of those tiktok meme slides LMAOAOAO
a lot of people think it's adorable
and you do too
but sunoo is so embarrassed
poor boy
he was writing out entire think pieces on your instagram story oml
there's definitely articles that come out about this
and yk how on articles theres a title page with images
one of the images is of you ofc
all these news outlets use your super professional HD MODEL pictures of you
like ones where youre a goddamn SMOKE SHOW, the "who is she?" ones, the ZOOWEE MAMA ones...
and then they use one of the foul images that sunoo takes of himself that are like 3 pixels
like the 0.5 lens ones 😭
nevertheless, there is a happy ending
everyone thinks its so sweet
including you
and when people bring it up on interviews you're able to just laugh about it
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jungwon ☆
we joke abt jay and sunghoon and sunoo having mad side eyes
but i think we forget the FATHER of INSANE SIDE EYES
you're a singer/artist
and you just released a new EP!
on tiktok, you're making promotional videos to promote your new songs
looking like a cutie, popping off, as you always do!
anyways in many of them
you're in front of a glass door
or a mirror
so as youre being an absolute cutie promoting your song, in the background in the reflection you can see jungwon making faces
but bc sometimes there's ppl walking by and being judgy
jungwon is giving them mad stink eyes and it's caught in the reflection of your videos
i don't think a lot of ppl notice it until someone points it out
and when they do
theyre like
ppl are making tiktoks simply zooming into his face LMAOAOAO
and then a few days later
the paparazzi released pictures of you walking with jungwon, holding hands and on a date
and when ppl see it
theyre like
that guy looks a lot like the guy in the reflection...
and then the dots connect
like sunoo, i think jungwon is embarrassed
everytime someone brings it up jungwon hides his face in your neck
and he wears that cute little bashful grin
but honestly it's cute
so just hug him and kiss his lil cheeks and he'll be okay
it kinda becomes viral on tiktok
so you make a few video stitches about it
you stitched the og video that pointed out jungwon's face in the background
your stitch was just a video of jungwon being embarrassed and freaking out
like bro was on the floor, hands in his hair
jungwon was in the trenches sorry 😭
there's another stitch where jungwon explains himself
he's dressed in a suit and tie and speaking so formally like he was making an apology video or something
"i would like to address a recent clip of me making inappropriate facial expressions-"
"babe you don't need to be so formal, it's a tiktok"
"you shant say that, i must do this for this is my will"
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riki ☆
youre an actress that's very popular
except some ppl hate you bc they think hating popular people makes them interesting *eye roll*
safe to say.... riki is your NUMBER ONE DEFENDER
like he is the ring leader to all of those [name] stan twt group chats
he's the one leading those discord raids on your hate groups OH MY GOD 😭
he has multiple accounts and he fights every person that dares tarnish your name
twitter is his battlefield and the keyboard is his sword
anyways one day riki is so deep into an internet fight that he GETS DOXXED 😭😭
like it wasn't even graceful
i think he'd make fun of one of your haters
and the hater goes "wanna see something funny? :)"
and BOOM
dont actually dox people guys its not funny
when riki gets doxxed they get his full name right
and the hater, his assailent, and their little posse start searching his name on social media to further dox him
and BOOM #2
now riki isn't stupid
so his ig acc is private
the profile picture of his acc is a selfie of you and him kissing
they also did research on him and found out that you and him went to the same high school...
in fact they found miscellaneous pictures posted online of you and him a few years back... holding hands n shit....
this goes viral over night
its so bad that even news headlines are covering it
i feel like the public's reaction to this would be really light-hearted
like i think mst ppl would be cheering riki on
"he's so real"
"oh my god i think i was mutuals with @[name]luver1209"
"this is what true love looks like"
you have super loyal fans and riki's mutuals so they support you too
except i do think theyd be in shambles, but in good fun
"i just found out [name] has a bf im going to flush myself down a toilet"
"i can't believe she chose @[name]luver1209 when his fancams are so shit... THAT SHOULD BE ME!!!'
"i've been here waiting in line for three years and this random @[name]luver1209 swoops in and takes my woman..."
riki's stan account gains a lot of followers
and so with your permission
he posts a selfie of you and him
probably with a cheeky caption like "KISS MY ASS!!!!"
i feel like people go back and watch old talk show interviews and stuff
and if you zoom in
you'll see riki in the front rows cheering the loudest 😭
bro is everywhere
in the future there's def a moment where like
you're at a live talk show
and the host asks you about the fiasco
and you can literally just point to him in the audience like
"yeah my boyfriend's right there-- hi baby!"
and riki from the audience, behind his phone that he's using to record you like its a fancam, is like "hi baby!" back
i dont think the media even calls him riki, he's stuck as @[name]luver1209 forever
not that he minds
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hyung ver.
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harrysarchive · 3 months
if only you knew, bunny: h.s.
dormmate!harry x dormmate!y/n
"sorry! sorry i thought you were staying out with your mom the rest of the weekend!" harry says, rustling is heard in the background before im gentle moved to over and the door is heard opening. "you can open your eyes bunny."
TW⚠️ body shaming
unhealthy relationship with y/n's mom (body shaming, controlling mom, just a shitty mom overall) also really short sorry i just wanted to tease these two
A/N: guys the way this has been in my drafts for about 4 months LMFAO lmk if you would want more dormmate!harry x y/n!
part two
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y/n's pov
The smell of peppermint vanilla carries along with the scent of books, soft chatter from the tv carries out in the small dorm, i glance over at the empty bed and a frown tugs at my lips.
"guess im on my own." i huff closing my book and tossing it to the side.
as i pick up my phone a knock makes me still, i glance at the door before walking over to it and slowly opening the door. my eyes catch sight of a lovely shade of green staring back at me.
"um sorry," he clears his throat, "my names Harry, and i think we're flatmates."
my eyes widen at what he says before my eyebrows furrow, "um im y/n, i didnt think i had a dorm mate."
"yeah 'm sorry about that i was in england for the past month, so i couldnt do all the orientation." he shuffles his bags and i snap out of it before throwing the door open.
"apologies, um i didnt think they did unisex dorms here."
"i wasnt expecting this either this is um C36 right?"
"yeah yeah you're right, well welcome to your dorm Harry..." i trail off not knowing his last name hoping he'd fill in the blank.
"styles!" he smirks holding out his hand and I place my hand in his giving it a shake.
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"oh my god! harry!" i squeak covering my eyes as i step into our shared dorm, a topless girl perked up on his bed.
"sorry! sorry i thought you were staying out with your mom the rest of the weekend!" harry says, rustling is heard in the background before im gentle moved to over and the door is heard opening. "you can open your eyes bunny."
i peak through my fingers and find our room empty, just the two of us. "i would've left har, you could've asked you know i dont mind." i mumble dropping my bags on my bed.
"nonsense i would rather spend time with you bun, though uh -if you dont mind me asking- why are you back so early?" he asked sitting us on my bed, i sit crisscross in front of him before tears start welding up in my eyes.
"god that woman is so fucking cruel to me har." i gasp out a sob as tears fall freely down my face.
"whoa bunny breathe for me." harry hums pulling me into his arms, broken sobs hiccup through me as i weep like a baby into harry.
"i do everything she wants, im trying to appease her and nothing is ever good enough it's either 'you look too chubby', 'you're face looks dull, use more moisturiser.' 'are you working out?' i'm sick of it!" i hiccup, "as soon as i got there she just starts listening all the things i embarrass her with. 'no daughter of mine should be in college, i got a nice boy down the street who comes with money and would love to be with you if you lost a couple of pounds.' i dont want that har, i've studied my whole life to be here. i want to be a librarian, have my own little bookstore that is where my happiness is and im not going to let her drag me down." i finish my rants tears and snot running down my face and into my hands.
harry stays quite for a little bit, rocking us slowly back and forth, i feel his lips press against my head before he lifts my head to look at him. he wipes away my tears before smiling lightly.
"you're a fighter, bunny. im proud of you, for not letting this woman take control of your life. for being your own goddamn person." he whispered to me before yanking me into a hug and tickling my sides, a laugh erupts from me before i start thrashing in his arms
"harry! stop!" i laugh before he lays on top of my the air literally being knocked out of me, "oof! you fat ass get off of me!"
"gasp! how dare you!" he gives me a cheeky smile before rolling off of me. "want to go get fro yo? on me obviously."
"ugh!" i fake displeasure rolling my eyes, "only because you want some and are paying sure."
harrys pov
i watch as y/n throws a hoodie over her head, i pull my bottom lip between my teeth looking at her legs on display, nice thick thighs and a ass that would make god sin. her face fresh with tears making her glow as bright as a star, a beautiful natural blush on her brown skin, lips plump.
a down right goddess.
"can we stop by a 7/11, momma needs some chips." she smirks pulling me out of thought as i burst into laughter.
"you're a clown!" i snort sliding on some shoes and grabbing my lanyard, i open the door for her and let her slide through, taking time watching her walk from behind before joining her.
" 'm so lonely i might take up that woman's offer with the boy down the street." she breaks the silence shoving her keys in her purse, my heart plummets.
fuck no.
"bunny you can do so much better than a man that will only want you if you lost weight." i sternly say and she snorts.
"well im waiting and theres no one in a 20 mile radius that would want me."
if only you knew bunny.
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-all the love,
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critterbitter · 5 months
actually actually... *pulls out whole stack of paper*...I have. a FEW,, a good few,, questions to ask. they are not many I swear 😇
OK SO FIRST OF ALL HOW DO YOU DRAW SO FAST???? everyday I log onto Tumblr I always see something new from you and I get very very happy. But then I start to question my own existence because not even I CAN SPEED RUN ART LIKE THAT. AND SO SPECTACULARLY TOO
Last question! how do you color and make it look so well?? just. How. I need to know. This is a CRY FOR HE-
anyway thank you for being one of my favorite artists that always feed my brain rot, pls keep making amazing art because like a little yamper I will follow behind and stay updated.
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(Stands there)
Response and thoughts under cut!
First question! What art program I use!
Mostly procreate, along with a handful of brushes! (Specifically the Jing Set and some custom stuff, which is really just a circle brush with the shape changed to a square.)
Second question! How do i draw so much!
Okay so. I am. Ahhah. Unemployed,,,,? No, I do freelance illustration, but hmm. A studio job would be nice.
i graduated college last year and I’m very used to eight hour art shifts. The body sort of remembers to keep working, even though I no longer have storyboards or visdev homework to do.
Also. The hyperfixation is a deep vast tunnel I STILL have not seen the end of the light to, good golly. (I have dreams now about the kids committing shenanigan crimes. I wake up in cold sweat and write them down in a journal. It’s like being the mouthpiece to an angry god.)
So the overall gist is: I was trained to be a storyboard artist with a visdev background, and I’m using that higher education to draw funny muppets because my brain’s funny.
I also DO have a queue, and I’ve been treating this as a sort of inktober project. I am definitely going to slow down soon though! Maybe. Hopefully. Ah… (sheepishly drops my kofi here)
Third question! How do i color!
I. I, uh. I dont know man the coloring demons have a grip on my soul and i just go along for the ride. But also, if it helps, i prefer to limit my pallets to only a few colors at a time. Lighting is king, so if you can figure out if you want to focus on either on your lights or shadows, you’ll have a much easier time composing. That, and symbolic colors— idk, something hits different about art drenched in gold with a tiny hint of a man staring into the blinding horizon, or a green leafy environment with a single dot of artificial red. I also like using blue and purple for shadows, and I’m a big fan of muting colors with only one or two that pop— one of the reasons why I was so attracted to submas in the first place is because from a design aesthetic, they’re both super funny muppet men AND really cool train guys that have a limited pallet and thematic apparel.
Overall response! THANK YOU SO MUCH. This goes out to a BUNCH of people who sent me inbox queries— sorry for not responding, it’s a tad overwhelming because some of them are story questions even I don’t really know will go yet, and others are words of praise and I’m selfish and like scrolling through the inbox to look at them when I feel down. I am more of an artist who sits in the corner and sprouts like a potato rather then a branching vine who socializes, but I really do see people’s responses and they make me go :)))))
Okay ramble over. Thanks for coming to the soapbox, and good luck on creating!
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rosedom · 2 months
I can't go off-anon because,,, sideblog ;^; but its aureramphibian hi hello non-anonymous because I'm YOUR problem now. Suffer :)
My brain is about 90% thoughts of Pretty Fictional Men and about 50% of the time, it's specifically either Tighnari, Cyno, Kaveh, or Gaming and I feel like you would appreciate this Gaming thought, so,, here! Have! :D
im a huge sucker for secret relationships idk why but having a secret relationship with Gaming, not because either of you are embarrassed but like- it's still new, and he does NOT want to have to introduce you to his whole extended family because if one of his aunties saw y'all together and couldn't keep quiet about it- oof. He's already having nightmares about the amount of calls he'd get from relatives begging him to meet you if that were to happen. So to avoid that, he suggests you keep it secret for privacy :D And it works! But also sucks because he's so busy and his family likes to do the whole... surprise drop-in thing. So to avoid any Awkward Circumstances y'all are essentially restricted to your place. And this was literally all just background lead-up that doesn't really matter but ANYWAYS
Can you imagine him being so pent up, not because he hasn't seen you but because he HAS, he's seen you practically every day and it's killing him because it's always in public and you're both trying to be careful? He hasn't touched you in ages, he hasn't had you touch him in ages and it wears on him so much he actually turns down an extra job (something he NEVER does) to make sure he has time to go see you ;-; Sweet little lion ;-; (absolutely stealing that nickname for him from you unashamedly. you were right about it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it)
But god, he'd be accidentally teasing himself too!! Not even doing anything, just that it's been so long since he's seen you and he's So Goddamn Pent Up that he keeps thinking about you,,, your hands,,,,,, your body,,,,,,, how well you kiss him, touch him, fuck him,,,,,,,,, and he realizes he's not only almost to your house, but he's hard and achy, AND he's soaked through his boxers :( poor baby :(
When he finally makes it to your house you bet your sweet ass he's immediately kissing you, grabbing you, so much more uncoordinated than how he usually is that even without how he's literally whining into the kiss, you'd be able to tell he's needy. He just wants you so badly :(((( Wouldn't even care how, just needs you Right Fucking Now and however you want that to be he's already pliant and willing under your hands, slowly blinking at you with those beautiful eyes of his already hazy- Hell, he'd be happy if you shove your hand down his pants right here against the wall, fill him with your fingers and play with his cock, already sticky from having to walk all the way here in soaked boxers. Make sure you kiss him while you do, though, he'd be a little loud :( He really can't help it though! Poor baby's just missed you so much, finally having you all over him like this is turning his brain to mush :(
Anyways hope you enjoy >:] love u Rosey, mwah
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I ENJOYED THIS SO MUCH !! i am so sorry for such a late reply omg ,,, i had been thinking about this so so much but never got down to actually thinking up a post LOL
literally anything tighnari cyno kaveh ga-ming i will readily eat up (and eat you out for) . . . pls spam me. i think this is one of if not the hottest imagine i have ever received.
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so SEE, NORMALLY, secret relationships aren't my thing ,, but oh my fcking god, ur idea? i love u. i love u so much. "it doesn't really matter," u say, then drop the absolute best lore ever. kiss me.
THE TENSIONNNNN mmmm he's already so needy, even when it's not a secret dating scenario, so to be restricted like this . . . thank god his t-dick can't cause a noticeable boner through his already thick and draping pants, 'cos if so, he'd be absolutely fucked (wishing he got fucked fr) (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
the side glances in public, the sweet smiles you give each other in those short seconds where nobody is looking . . . it gives him butterflies, makes his skin burn where your hand will brush his in passing, but it's also not enough—not nearly enough !! poor baby, havin' to touch himself to the thought of you when you're right there. it's different like this than before you two dated 'cos then he didn't know he could have you; but like this, when you've already loved him, fucked him, claimed him, how is he supposed to live without it? and his own hand—clumsy, never as good as your own fingers or, god, your cock—can only go so far.
sweet baby, sweet little lion, all hard n' wet because of you . . . pls steal the nickname idec i love pet names !!!
he'd turn down the new mission, the possibility of that extra mora, saying to himself he just wants to spend time with you—not anything else, nothing indecent, nothing of the sort !—except he's halfway to your house, and here he is, achy between his thighs and halfway in a trance because thinking about you has him thinking about your body, has him thinking about your hands, your hands on him, in him, and his cunt is just so empty, now, weakly clenching around nothing as he's lost in a daydream about you.
the idea of ga-ming bumbling through liyue all quiet, all serious looking, when he's normally so bubbly, loud—i want to have the mind to wonder what the folks on the street would say, but i also just. don't care. this is about ga-ming ! not them !!
and then he's at your door, barely giving you the chance to welcome him in and greet him before he's on you, clutching desperately at any part of you that he can reach and kissing you all sloppy. he's so so needy, and so so wet, and he's parting from your lips to look up at you so docile yet so fucking aroused, eyes blown wide and hazy . . . :( he deserves your touch after so long starved of it.
he'd keep going in for kiss after kiss, and he'd be whining so prettily, soft and breathy and high in his throat. i love him so much. pls ,, all of this happening not even two steps from the door . . . he just needs you so bad !!
slipping your hand down his pants between kisses, during kisses, hearing his moans tumble out of him only to be swallowed up by you immediately . . . just the thought of how fucking soaked ga-ming would be is so mmmmm; your fingers would slip inside oh-so easily, his cunt fluttering and welcoming one, two, three fingers in as your palm is left to grind against his cock rjjfhfkr
and you're kissing him as you do it all, keeping him quiet and pinned tight between you and the wall. 'cos he'd be so desperate for you, but you're just as desperate for him <333
be my problem. please. pls. i love you. i love this. this was so (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪ !!!!!
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all444miles · 11 months
Hiii, I just saw that you were doing requests so I was wondering if you could do e-42 miles with black readers hair? Like helping her pick out different braiding and natural styles, maybe some wash day headcanons as well?
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— pairing: e-42 miles x fem!black!reader — genre: fluff — summary: just miles loving you and your hair ‹3 — a/n: tyyyy for this req, i am squealing rn + i alr had this idea in my prompt list but u gave me a reason to start it !! ‹3 my hcs always got miles saying sum outta pocket then the reader calls him out then he goes “my fault”, its a lil funny motif ima keep on adding 😭 also the n word is used a bit in this, js sayin!! enjoy ♡ ᖭི(ˊᗜˋ*)ᖫྀ
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we all know n we've established this, miles is more than happy to pay for ur shit, esp if its your hair.
he wouldn't think twice before sending you the money for you to get your hair done. he wont listen or care if you say no, either.
"miles, bae, why u sendin me 200?" "what else? so you can get your hair done, mami." "baby, you know damn well that's too much." "buy yourself some other stuff too, if you wanna, but that money yours now, i ain't takin it back." "you.. you do too much." "mhm, make sure to show me a pic of when you get it done, you heard?"
he's always your hype man, for sure.
i got a feeling he a major fan of faux locs or boho/godess braids, so if you got that on? he'll fold.
"dayum ma, that shit looks good." "i cant even lie, Aaliyah did real good on this. she sure was tryna make me go broke though.." "worth every cent, cuz you look fine as hell with them faux locs." "miles." "im just saying, mami, your hair, like.. lord have mercy." "miles!" "my fault, i ain't lying though."
when your hair’s all natural, he loves to watching you style your hair for school, events, etc.
one time you let him style your hair, and you couldn’t even lie, it actually looked pretty good.
“these edges.. how do y'all do this shit every day?” “miles, baby, it ain’t that hard. look, lemme show you.”
you had to show him a quick tiktok tut on how to do edges, took him 2 videos before he got it 😭
“see that? like a c shape, and swoop it.” “..like this?” “yeah! you gotta do that like, 4 more times though.” “ay, dios mio. (oh my God). Mama, i ain’t doing allat.”
and wash day? his absolute favorite.
(short drabble ahead!)
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Good Days by SZA played from Miles' speaker, blasting in the background, the gentle splashes of the warm water from the shower onto your curls.
You relaxed, your head leaning back further into the bathtub, your lover grabbing your scalp massager and rubbing it into your scalp carefully, shampoo mixed in, the rest of your products on the end corner of your bathtub.
"Ma, you know you really needed this wash. Your hair was tangled as shit, like a lion or sum.” he says, laughing halfway through his sentence. You scoff at him jokingly, "Miles, when you have hair as long and thick as mine, you can violate my hair."
Miles protested, adding the conditioner to your hair, setting your scalp massager aside. "Baby, my hair is basically almost as long as yours."
"Yeah, almost." you spoke, putting your fingers up to his face in pinching motion, the gems on your acrylics just an inch close to touching his nose, a grin on your face. He backed up, pushing your hands out of his face, continuing your wash routine. "Princesa, lemme finish washing yo hair without your hands all up in my face."
About 3 and a half hours later, your hair was washed and in overnight twists with your bonnet on. You laid with Miles in your bed, legs on top of each others, tired.
"Y'know, you actually good at dealin' wit my hair." you spoke, giving Miles a kiss on his forehead. “When you got a mama like mine, you pretty much have to.” Miles chuckled, shaking his head. “You should let me do it more often.” You smiled in response.
He buried his head into the crook of your neck, slowly dozing off by the way you'd play with the silk of his durag. "I love you Miles."
He mumbled words once again into your neck, half asleep, but you knew what he said.
"I love you more, mi vida."
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© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
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hanrinz · 1 year
CHRISTMAS WITH THEM . . . ! winter and lights, spending your christmas day with bnha boys :3
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✦°.feat : izuku, bakugou, shouto, dabi & hawks
✦°.content : headcanon! fluff!! and a little bit of cussing, badly written izuku, shoto's part is very short(im sorry) lowercase intended! not proofread.
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a christmas day with his mother and you! inko was so happy to finally meet you, there was a lot of food, it was probably the tastiest meal you have ever had in your life. hoping to get the recipe, inko was very enthusiastic about giving it to you, whispering the secret ingredient into your ear.
seeing you getting along with his mother makes his heart swell. he was rather nervous before taking you to meet his mom. which was very ironic, you should be the one nervous. you reassured each other that it would be fine. he was glad it went well, now all he has to worry was his gift.
shit, now he's even more worried. he was relieved that he didn't lose it, but will you like his gift? he hopes so, he really had a hard time looking for the perfect gift for you, he feels like it was a very basic choice. but then, he was reminded of kirishima's advice (and maybe a little bit of bakugou's),
"she will like it midoriya-kun! the thought is what counts!", kirishima does know what to say.
"ha?? it's from you isn't it, what are you worrying about!?" bakugou says as he shouts it to his face, it may seem a little nonchalant, but it did help to ease his nerves.
and when the time came to open up the gifts, he hands were sweating, really nervous about his gift.
"izuku, you know i'll love anything you give me right?" he nods. yeah, he knows that. he just can't help himself.
handing you the gift he bought you, a bracelet with yours and his initials that was carved in it. his knees now bouncing up and down from the nervousness.
"omg, izu this is so cute!" hugging him and placing a peck on his cheeks — calm down yourselves please, inko is right there.
god, he's relieved you like his gift. he'll definitely bring you home again next christmas.
a christmas with bakugou would be the most unexpected one. he would wake up very early and already be preparing breakfast, you often wonder how he could walk around the house without any slippers, with the cold settling in the marbled floor tiles of your house prickling your feet.
as you rose up from the bed dragging the blanket around you, making your way to the kitchen. an aroma hitting you, as you see his back turned to you, engulfing him in a warm hug with the blanket still in your grasp. followed by a low rough voice,
"shitty hair and the others are coming by later." he gruffed, while giving you a glance.
you hum, nuzzling to his back. "did they say what time?", you questioned. it was low but he understood.
"they'll be here in two hours," still working on the food that will be served later.
"okay, lemme wash my face i'll help you", you said as you unwrap your hands around him, giving him a peck on the cheeks.
a flash suddenly went off, caught off guard the both of you turned around as you see four people in your kitchen in an elves outfit. denki accidentally flashes another one, blinding you for a second.
"denki run!" kirishima shouts.
scrambling to escape a seething bakugou, "fucking delete that, dunce face!", his voice booming, on his way to chase after denki, but not before handing you the spatula and apron he was wearing. (the apron was yours, with hearts and bears design on it)
it was definitely a chaotic christmas.
ahhh ice skating with shoto on a local rink! he would also invite fuyumi and natsou to spend christmas with them. and together with his siblings, y'all went skating.
this was his first time doing this, he says. he had never done skating before, with the background of his childhood, his father finding no importance in participating in such activities. but even though he claims he hasn't skated before, his quirk does manage to help him skate.
holding his hands while he gets the hang of skating, while laughing as you saw natsou slip on ice with fuyumi beside him trying to get him up. and as he looks around, everything just kind of slows down, a smile creeping up to his face.
he has something to look forward to every year now.
and maybe when the time comes he could spend another christmas with you with his mom.
you would be staying in for the whole day, in your little apartment, with his presence warming up the walls and your heart. it would be a very simple christmas, but he's here. alive and well with him beside you, that was the only thing you ever wished this christmas.
though you got him a little something, you were very nervous, not knowing if he would like it. snapping out of your thoughts as a small beautifully wrapped box was chucked into your hands, looking up to the cerulean eyes watching you,
"dabi, what's this?" you questioned, visibly confused.
"what else would it be?" raising one of his eyebrows.
"it's christmas, thought i'll get ya a lil something, ya know?" he sat beside you on the couch.
"open it, doll."
unwrapping the gift, revealing a black box, opening it, a maroon sling bag you have looked at the mall one time you went out with him in a disguise, immediately forgetting it back then because of its price.
"how did you-", shocked with his gift, your mouth hung open.
"saw you looking at it, so why not buy it?", his hands coming up to your chin, closing your mouth.
"but, it's very expensive!" you said, now you feel stupid with the gift you bought for him.
" s' not that expensive, shigaraki pretty much gave us some bonuses. you worry too much, doll. now, gimme the gift you have for me." he says as he opens his hand, expecting your gift.
as you hand him your small gift for him, he immediately opens it. a necklace, you got him a necklace. his name is carved in it, and yours is also carved behind it.
you were embarrassed, hiding your face into your hands. it was a very childish idea, you wanted him to have something that was a mark that he was taken.
dabi thinks it was cute, it was a very you gift. it was cute, immediately wearing it around his neck, kissing you on the lips as a thank you, hehe.
this guy would hang all the mistletoe all around the house, just so he could kiss you everywhere. oh you're in the kitchen cooking something? he'll kiss you, probably burnt the food because of him.
please kiss him, he's so clingy, he never has someone to spend christmas with. this was the first time spending christmas together ever since you got together.
he would definitely buy you a lot of gifts and as much as you appreciate them, you always remind him to not spend so much money on you.
he would always act so offended — he's dramatic like that — like not buying you a gift?? nope. it was official that he would spoil you, since when he asked you to be his partner.
and plus he's not always around all the time, he makes it his mission to compensate for the time he missed while being a hero. it's not very often he gets to take a break and he makes sure no one would interrupt your alone time together.
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◞♡ merry christmas everyone <33 likes & reblogs are highly appreciated!
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catwyk · 4 months
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(notes and comments next, tumblr will not let me add a cut no matter how hard i try!!!!!!! killing and maiming!!!!)
silt verses wips, some will get finished and some wont :p which is which?? who knows !!! not me !!!!
1) thurrocks and faulkner on their quest to the endless drear, with jasp, tapper and wallace in the background (or at least thats the idea). most of my time on this one has been spent adjusting values on the hills in the background, and its absolutely too vibrant and green for how i imagine the scene lol theyre also really shitty hills if you look at them for less than a second so. dont do that please LMAO
2) faulkner in his katabasian garb, sat in a river for to maximise his solo slay. this one is kinda old atp but the design hasnt changed much. ive mentioned the open-mouthed epaulettes referencing the mouth delivering/returning before, but the green uhhh idk thing is dried and woven seaweed :) the rest of the robes will be more decorated with abstract woven patterns and embroidery if i ever start working on this one again
3) now THIS is the relgious faulkner that was giving me brain damage a couple days ago, that ive since realized wont be fixed with the ideas a couple people offered because of the perspectice. its pretty obviously mimicking a guillaume dufube sketch intended for a ceiling that i absolutely love. the parts ive produced, im really happy with, but i cant work out the composition fully so its gonna be abandoned at least for a while. not to mention the absolute misplacement of a sky motif. its one of those paintings i wish i had thicker/oil paint or gouache style brushes on medibang for
4) my mercer design!! heavily inspired by paleoart from various sources. everything she and gage have is organic, except a very few, like her sheath (oblong metal with a leather "cap" around the tip of the blade, a real ancient design i found references for on google) and her rifle. the original image also features gage playing their flute while squatting, but both of those things are hard poses to draw and hard to find refereces for, and im not willing to put in THAT much effort god lord i draw for FUN if its hard im giving up baby
5&6) snare dog!!!! i love these silly guys but i dont like this design, its too wolfish and i imagine them sorta borzoi/greyhound aligned. i also dont like the way the face opens, since i imagine that as more of a twist. i do like the flopping tongue though and i liked the half assed rendering
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arlowthenacho · 9 months
꧁༺ 𝓱𝔂𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓲𝓮-𝓭𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 ༻꧂
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(spencer reid x reader/platonic!bau x reader)
summary: spencer isn’t drinking enough water when you’re away on a case. you call him, the team hears, chaos ensues.
warnings: fluffy! set in early s5, mention of getting shot, use of y/n, some cursing, pet names (baby, babe, sweetheart), intended lowercase. if i missed any, please let me know!
a/n: hi there! this is my first fic, so rlly any interaction/feedback is appreciated! this is also extremely self indulgent, but enjoy! the ending is kinda shit, apologies 🙇‍♀️
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the soft rustling of paper and the quiet buzz of chatter is all that can be heard on the plane. the team had been presented a new case and have been flying for about an hour. they had been filling the silence by going over the details of the case, chatting with each other, or in your case, trying to convince your boyfriend to take a goddamn sip of water.
“spencer, for the love of god, i’m not asking you to throw your coffee machine out the window! please, take but a sip of water, i beg of you!” you’re practically hissing into the phone, trying to keep your voice down and failing miserably.
“y/n, im fine, i swear! i’ll just drink some later, i’m just really busy-” spencer’s reply comes out slightly crackly through the phone. he had been shot in the leg on a recent case and was not cleared to travel, therefore being left in penelope’s care, and only being able to communicate through phone calls.
“i left you a bottle of water on pen’s desk, it’s literally right in front of you!” you can hear emily snickering in the background and give her a half-hearted glare.
“yeah, pretty boy, why don’t you drink your water?” derek decides to chime in, a smug look plastered on his face. you shoot him a glare and whack his arm. “ow!”
you roll your eyes at derek’s whining and go back to your conversation with spencer.
“spence, please. just finish one bottle of water and then i’ll let you off the hook.” your tone is teetering on begging him and demanding him. at this point, the entire team can hear your conversation and are all snickering not-so-discreetly.
“spencer, please just listen to y/n. i don’t want to listen to this for another 4 hours.” this time, it’s rossi who interrupts you. his tone is so serious it’s funny.
spencer blushes a bright red on the other end and you can hear penelope teasing him relentlessly.
“ok, ok, fine! i’ll finish the water. happy?” his reply comes out in a high-pitched voice, clearly showing his embarrassment.
“very. thank you, spence,” he can hear the smile in your voice as you say your goodbyes and hang up the phone.
pretty much immediately after the fact, emily pipes up.
“you guys are so adorable it makes me ill,” she feigns annoyance by rubbing at her temples, concealing her smile quite terribly. you roll your eyes and go back to the file in front of you.
“that’s really unfortunate, em. feel better!” you teased, huffing out a chuckle.
“okay, the case?” hotch’s stern reply earns a groan from the rest of the team as your eyes drift back down to the folder in front of you.
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you’re now a couple days into the case, and everything’s going to shit. you’re no closer to finding the scumbag of the month and the team is losing hope.
after a few seconds of thinking, you’re suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when your phone rings, spencer’s name lighting up the screen. you answer near immediately, holding the phone to your ear.
“spence? baby? you got some good news f’me?” a smile touches you’re lips as soon as you answer, standing up and walking to the evidence board.
“yes and no, which do you wanna hear first?” spencer’s biting his lip in excitement and vibrating in his chair.
“lets hear the bad news first, baby,” you deflate at his words, leaning your back against the nearest wall.
“well, the trail we though we had on the unsub went cold,” spencer winces when he hears you sigh. “but we found a relative, penelope’s sending the address right now,” your smile soon returns as you kiss the phone, making an obnoxious sound in the speaker.
“im kissing your lovely little brains spence, thank you!” you make a few more kissing noises before spencer talks again.
“um-thank you, y/n,” his cheeks are flushed and he stutters through his sentences, biting his lip and smiling. “i-uhm…i also…finished my water…” you can barely make out what he’s saying, his whispered words slurring together.
“what was that, sweetheart?”
“i-i finished…i finished the water you gave me,” he speaks a bit louder, enunciating his words slightly better. you light up at his confession, smiling so wide your cheeks ache.
“thats great, spence! im very proud of you,” you gush, positively beaming.
“th-thank you, y/n, really,” he’s blushing even more now, his stammering worsening by the second.
”of course, babe. now, i gotta go, but i’ll call you when i’m back at the hotel, ‘kay? love you spence, bye!” you wait until spencer says goodbye to hang up the phone, smiling like a kid on christmas day.
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after a couple more days, the case was finally over. the criminal being caught and locked away.
the jet ride home was uneventful, other than some light chatter and a well-deserved nap.
you’re soon stepping off the jet, along with the rest of the team, and hailing a cab to take you back home. soon, someone pulls over and you hop into the backseat. you give the driver your address and pull out your phone to text spencer.
spencie poo 💌
im omw home right now, see you soon :)
his reply comes back almost immediately.
okay, see you then!
you snap your flip phone shut and wait the remaining few minutes to get to your house.
after about 10 minutes, the ride is finally over. you pay the cab driver and thank him for driving you before speeding over to the door of your apartment building. you open it and buzz yourself in, walking to the elevator and pressing the button to get to your floor.
after getting off the elevator, you pull out your keys and unlock your apartment, dropping your things and toeing off your shoes.
“spence? you in here?” you call out into the seemingly empty apartment, plopping down on the couch and feeling around for the remote.
“here, y/n! just a minute,”
after a few seconds, spencer comes out and sits down in the spot next to you. you immediately curl into his side and sigh in contentment and exhaustion.
“‘m so tired, spence…” your words slur together, the drowsiness in your voice highlighted.
“i know…this case was a rough one.” he wraps his arm around you, drawing lazy circles on your shoulder. you let out a soft groan and cuddle closer to him.
“y’know, you really need to drink more water,” you giggle, limp in his arms.
“yeah…i know…” he has a guilty look on his face as he leans down to kiss your hairline. “i did finish that bottle of water you left me though,” he laughs breathlessly.
“hmm, thats good. ‘m very proud, spencer.” you can barely process what he’s saying, even though your words are sincere.
“okay baby, lets get you to bed,” spencer effortlessly picks you up and makes the short walk to your bedroom, laying you down on the plush bed.
after making sure you’re comfortable, he climbs in next to you and turns off the light.
“i love you, spence.”
”i love you too, y/n.”
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roaron · 1 year
- YES I CAN. I’m so sorry if this is a little late, I’ve had about 14 million different requests to work on and im only now being able to post some of them. im just busy af BUT I really love denki and felt obliged to make this. HOPE YOU ENJOY ML ! (^ー^)
soft denki hcs
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- I truly think that denki just listens to this song while he does anything. is he sleeps it’s in the background, if he does homework it’s on his speaker, if he’s walking to UA it’s in his headphones. also, he associates the song with you, which is cute and shit.
(just some SFW soft hcs of when denki would be like in a relationship)
- denki is a big movie night lover as cliche and boring as it is. but if it’s a scary movie, instead of you being huddled at his side for protection, he’s huddled against you. his head is on the side of your chest with his arms wrapped around you waist and with your arm wrapped around his shoulder. it is what it is. god forbid a jumpscare comes on because he will most definitely accidentally electrocute you then apologise with tears afterwards.
- denki gets sick really easily, so whenever he has his weekly cold you have to baby him. and even when he’s completely recovered, he still pretends to be ill so that you’ll continue taking care of him. he really appreciates how you continue to stay beside him even if there’s a chance you could get sick too, it’s one of the many things he adores about you.
- he charges absolutely everything for you, your phone, your hairdryer, your laptop, everything. he’ll even push past his limits just to make you happy. you often come back to your dorm to see about 50 of your cables in his mouth, electrical currents sparking from his head and a dopey smile on his face.
- when denki’s tired, he crawls onto you and puts his head under your shirt, where he ends up falling asleep. he also drools a lot, so instead of the drool landing on the cover of your shirt, it lands on your bare skin. which to you is absolutely vile but you’ll never tell him because seeing his face so peaceful while you stare down the hem of your shirt makes it all worth it.
- whenever denki sneezes and he needs to wipe his nose he just uses your shirt. he doesn’t care at all if you find it horrid. he doesn’t even use his own shirt, it’s always yours. if you make a comment about it, he’ll just tell you it’s his way of saying he loves you.
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