#but no worries photoshop is here to save the day
vivwritesfics · 6 months
Fire Is The Devil's Only Friend
Chapter Two
There was no such thing as making it on your own with a high profile boyfriend. That was why she kept her relationship a secret. But then after a PR fuck up, her boyfriend is forced into PR relationship and she's left on the side lines, missing him
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"Have you saved your work yet?"
Carlos knew better than anyone how hard she was working. Between writing her next book, using social media to market, and answering emails from her editor, she as flat out. He was incredibly worried about her.
She looked up at him for just a second before saving her work. The moment she did, Carlos pushed the lid of her laptop closed. "Carlos!" She cried. She went to open the laptop again, but Carlos pulled it from the table.
"One hour, mi amor. Give me on hour, and then I've give you your laptop back."
She thought on it. "You promise just an hour?"
"I promise," he said as he stepped towards her, the laptop against his chest. "We can go and get coffee together." He leaned down and pecked her lips.
She pouted as he pulled away. "You're too good to me."
"Because I just love you so much," he said and kissed her again.
The story of Carlos Sainz's relationship with Rebecca Donaldson broke in the early hours of the next morning. Neither of them were aware.
Carlos didn't check his phone when he woke up. He went on a run in the early hours of the morning and spent a few hours working out, like he did every day, all while she slept.
When he got back, she was still sleeping. Carlos made two coffees and brought them to the bedroom. Placing them down onto their bedside tables, Carlos leaned over and kissed his head. "Wake up, mi corazón," he said softly.
She stirred awake and glared at her husband. "It's so early," she groaned, pressing her face further into the pillow.
His laugh echoed around their bedroom. "It's not that early, my love. I got you coffee, drink up."
They had just a few hours together before she was having an online meeting with her publishers in her office and Carlos was meeting with the team at Ferrari.
He opened his laptop and logged into the call. He was rarely in a bad mood these days, the team at Ferrari noted. It was a surprise to all of them, especially after the story they had sold to the media that morning. "Carlos, I'm sure you've heard the news."
The smile dropped from Carlos's face, replaced by a frown. "What news?" He asked. He hadn't yet been on any social media, had seen none of the news articles flash up on his phone.
"We made a decision here at Maranello, one we felt would benefit the entire team," somebody else said. "After some recent events, all of which were out of our control, we thought it best to give the media something more digestible. To do so, it was leaked to the press that you were potentially romantically linked to Rebecca Donaldson, the Scottish Model."
All expression dropped from Carlos's face. He turned on his phone and, for the first time, saw the news. The news about him.
The photo of himself with Rebecca Donaldson wasn't obviously photoshopped, but there was no other explanation. There he was, in a picture with a woman he had never met.
"See, the things is, Carlos, what else are we supposed to do? Do you want Ferrari to crumble?"
No, obviously he didn't want that. "But what about the relationships of mine this does affect?" He asked quickly, pulling open his desk drawer and pulling out the ring box. He didn't display it on camera, fiddled with it in his lap. "What if I was in a relationship and I hadn't yet told anyone?"
"You don't want to lose your seat, do you?" It was a dirty ploy, but the Ferrari team was desperate. "You're almost thirty, you have a limited number of wins under your belt and no championships. Will any other team want you?"
Carlos's heart pounded in his chest. "So, I have to go on with this fake relationship and I'll get to keep my seat?"
He sucked in a deep breath. Just a wall separated him from the love of his life, but here he was, ready to betray her. All for his seat. "What will I have to do?"
The rest of the meeting was spent with the Ferrari team telling Carlos exactly what they wanted from him. Be seen with her at races, have her in the Ferrari garage, take her to dinner sometimes. It was easy enough.
But it wasn't. Because the woman he loved was going to be at the races too, just not with him, not in the way they wanted Rebecca to be with him.
It was too late for him to back out. The press had released several stories about Carlos and Rebecca already.
The call ended, but he just stayed there, sitting in his chair. He flipped open the ring box several times, playing with it in his hands. The ring was gorgeous, simple, elegant. But now, Carlos doubted he'd ever get to put it on her finger.
At the knock on his office door, Carlos shoved the ring back into his desk drawer. "Carlos?" She called as she entered his office. He looked to the door as she walked in. Her shoes clicked softly against the tiled floor as she walked to his desk and sat herself on his lap. "I've got news about the release. It's launching next week."
"I'll be the first to buy it," he said, his hands on her hips.
Just hours ago, this would have been welcome news. The release of her book meant they were one step closer with telling the world about their relationship. But all of that had been thrown out of the window now, and she had no idea.
"I can't wait to kiss you after a race," she said, her head against his shoulder. "I can't wait to be seen with you."
Carlos said nothing. He kissed her head and held her close, relishing in these moments they had together. There was no telling how many more there would be once she found out.
Maybe he could propose to her now. Drop down onto one knee, put the ring onto her finger and kiss her until she forgot how to breathe. But then it would hurt so much more when she found out.
And he couldn't do that to her.
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whereonceiwasfire · 9 months
Look. Look. I am as invested as the next person in a nuanced, well-developed exploration of the fractured relationship between the college trio, but I contain multitudes, and also just really need more AUs in my life where Maddie actually knows Vlad is now a ghost loser simp intent on getting Jack out of the picture and plans on ctrl-v-ing himself in his ex-best-friend's place like a badly photoshopped family picture, because I think this has the potential to be absolutely HILARIOUS.
Neither of them tells Jack because Maddie can't bear to break her husband's heart by revealing the truth about their long-lost friend, and Vlad won't tell him because, on top of the obvious reasons, Jack also keeps inviting Vlad to stuff. Family dinner? Danny's school events? Camping trips? It's remarkably convenient as it puts him in a great position to play Uncle Vlad until he can successfully enact his bonkers plan.
Except now, in addition to Danny knowing Vlad is up to no good and being very much not on board with the Fruitloop's whole shtick, Maddie's in the same boat too. But Maddie and Danny are keeping this info from each other because she still doesn't/can't know her son is Phantom and if Danny outs Vlad, Vlad will turn around and spill his little secret too. And for Maddie's part, she probably just doesn't want her son knowing that Vlad is a ghost. It's a bad look to admit you've welcomed a specter from the afterlife into your house (on multiple occasions) when you've spouted off how dangerous these creatures are since your kiddos could walk.
This sets up a scenario where you've got Jack: oblivious, Danny: trying not to reveal his secret while also keeping Vlad from murdering his dad, Maddie: being a badass ghost hunter protecting her family and blasting Vlad into next Tuesday every chance she gets, and Vlad: just, being very...Vlad about everything. Chaos and hilarity ensues.
Can you see my vision?
Jack's humming to himself while making dinner, back turned, unaware anything is amiss as Maddie saves his life, firing a blaster at Plasmius and sending him through a wall before he can attack her husband. She immediatley hides the ecto-weapon behind her back, giving a too-enthusastic "how was your day sweetie!" when Danny walks in the door, brows raised. Jack turns around at the interruption, giving a bright, oblivious, "Where'd Vladdy go?!" which prompts a groan and a "that guy's here again?" from Danny.
Maddie and Danny can bond over their shared aversion to Vlad's general existance, though neither of them admit there's a little more to it than just "he's an arrogant asshole." Or, better yet, they're both putting on the facade, keeping up pretenses, pretending they don't despise the dude, because how are they supposed to explain why they despise the dude? Vlad is impossibly amused by the whole song and dance they're doing, because of course, he's the only one who realizes that Maddie and Danny both know he's a half ghost and are keeping that from each other. And like, as if he's going to let them in on that little tidbit unless it directly benefits him.
Sometimes Maddie and Danny run into awkward situations where they're both trying to protect Jack, but they don't realize it, and they can't be overt about it without the other person realizing what's going on. "Don't you have homework? You go do that, I'll check on your father and...uncle Vlad." "Oh, no, no, don't you worry about it, you're so busy, Mom. I can go check on them!" "That's really not necessary. I don't mind at all." Meanwhile, Vlad is in the kitchen like "why don't you check that cooking oil with your face, Jack? Oh, I know it sounds unorthodox, but I swear that's how they do it in France."
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Sparkstember day 12: In Outer Space✨
"I went to high school and majored in looking real bad, I got a real ugly mom and a real ugly dad" Are these lyrics true for you? Worry no longer: paper bags are here to save your life! Also useful for fixing up photos! No need for Photoshop, all you need is an image of a paper bag and some tape. Voilà! All your problems solved!
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nexility-sims · 10 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟑   ❛ 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚 ❜   |   NAKAWE PALACE GROUNDS, DEC. 1990
❧  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
❛ Though she had earlier found comfort in the warm embrace of loved ones, Leonor disappeared to the far reaches of Nakawe Palace’s grounds when their eyes looked away. She didn’t leave with a destination in mind, but she ended up in a familiar spot. A stream cut through the high, orange rockland. At its edge, Leonor sank down on the damp ground and pulled her knees to her chin. The water moved slowly, almost too gentle to hear, and she listened instead for the patter of rain. It fell lightly and trickled down her cheeks. Time had already stopped, but now it ceased to exist. Though still, she floated and swayed in a place far from where she sat. Her mind, once a cacophonous and groaning cavern, quieted. Peace proved elusive, but she had needed this—time to simply be.
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
❧ big huge thank you to @300yearschallenge & @sirianasims for reading a draft of this and giving me feedback ! it's much better now :^) i'm taking no feedback, however, on the piss-poor dirt photoshopping sdfsf
Minutes or days later, a voice calling her name interrupted the moment. Leonor should have been relieved or touched, but she could only muster an, “Over here,” in a tone so flat and forlorn that it pushed Arturo forward in a worried hurry.
Before anyone knew him as her boyfriend, he had been the unremarkable middle son of Uspana’s fourth most prominent conservative politician. His father led the coalition today, and some wondered if he may someday be wedded to the Crown. Yet, Leonor thought of Arturo in fonder, more intimate terms. They met before they could walk. He was the second person to kiss her and the first she asked to do so again. She had confessed she lacked time for silly things like dating, so he began accompanying his father to Nakawe Palace where they could chat in the hallways and share lunch in the gardens. Sat by the same fountain, they would devise jokes at the expense of passing aides and debate policy matters, when they weren’t gossipping about shared friends and listening to cassettes. The gardens at Nakawe Palace were also where they made love for the first time. That was how she thought of it then—in romantic terms, all enamored whispers and adoring sighs of pleasure, just like her mother had told her it could be.
Leonor infrequently dreamed of being married. When she did, on rare and happy occasions, it was to him.
He asked how she was, and his voice caught midway as he realized his mistake. They did a dance she had yet to do with anyone; those who had seen her so far were either too grief-stricken, mired in the same morass of abrupt loss, or knew it was not their place to ask.
Without a thought to the wet soil and its clinging pigments, he sat down beside her.
Leonor closed her eyes. Shoulder to shoulder as they were, she felt herself torn between irreconcilable impulses—on one hand, that they were not close enough and, on the other, that she never wanted to be close to anyone ever again. What she saw against the black wall of her mind was a scene playing on loop in vivid color. Beyond her grasp, the blue fabric of her mother’s dress whisked by. The memory stood out, perhaps because she always wore red. Leonor felt the sting in her eyes as she held onto that thought and followed it to its logical conclusion: her own days in red were over, too. Her loss would always be this blue, sharply contrasting the orange rock and the royal red alike.
Whatever he hoped to say died on his lips as he saw her shoulders begin to shake. From the corner of his eye, he watched as she struggled for composure. He understood as well as she did that the sobs had to be contained. It was a mandate they all, as Uspanians, were obligated to respect. A tear may fall, but the worst of it had to be saved. He stared ahead, now feeling that sting in his own eyes. He had cried for Safya more than once. At this moment, however, he imagined the funeral, where he would finally see the pain Leonor was saving and cry for her instead.
Their clothes grew more damp as the rainfall increased. It was gentle, still, but they sat so long by the water’s edge that, even beneath the umbrella, his denim jeans and her linen pajamas began to cling. Leonor’s thick hair was wet. She could not distinguish her tears from the rainwater. At her side, Arturo fretted in his own mind about whether she was missed—if her bodyguards, unseen but watching, would hustle them back to the confines of the palace soon.
It was a small relief when Leonor extricated herself and stood up. It was abrupt, too, though he rose with her and attempted to shield her further from the rain drops. She wouldn’t admit that she wished he let the rain hit her. Instead, she walked quickly beyond reach of his umbrella.
“I’ll see you at the palace,” she called back to him as the distance between them grew wider and wider.
[A] Leonor?
[L] Over here.
[A] How are you? [L] I’m … here. [A] Should I join you? [L] If you want to.
[A] Leonor— [L] I know. Thank you for being here.
[L] I’ll see you at the palace.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
I have some questions
1. What do you draw on and or what program do you use
2. Do you draw other things besides ultrakill
3. Who is your favorite character from ultrakill
4. Do you have any tips for drawing
(I just want to let you know that I'm glad I get to see your cool art here I'm glad you're doing a good job on it and I look up to be as good as you one day)
thank you!!! it's always the best thing to hear i can help motivate others to draw too!! i rambled a little about the tips, so a read more!
i draw on a wacom intuos pen & touch medium that i've had....forever pretty much!! and the program i use is photoshop cs6, but absolutely any program will do since i have a pretty simple approach to my art :]
I KNOW IT SEEMS LIKE I DON'T.....but i do have other things i occasionally make art for! i really like drawing hal 9000 (a space odyssey) and am (i have no mouth and i must scream), and i also plan on drawing for persona 5 again because i've got ideas bubbling up for it. i just tend to be highly motivated to produce art for my current hyperfixation and can find it difficult to make time for other things since i can only draw so much
picking a favorite between v1 and gabriel is so hard...i usually have a character i can easily point to as a favorite even if i love several others, but these two have both made me so insane!! it genuinely depends on the day which one i like best, but overall it would probably be v1 because of my bias toward gremlin ais lol
i don't have any professional tips since i've never had actual schooling but i can tell you what works for me! the most important thing is working through a piece even if it feels like it's not turning out right - there is a certain point where things can get too frustrating and it's totally ok to drop something if it's getting to be too much, but generally if a piece is giving you trouble it's because you're pushing yourself so it's good to keep going!! i've had so many drawings i wanted to give up on in the sketching stage but powered through and loved the end result! also use refs and look for inspiration!! follow artists you love, always save images you find inspiring (could be their color palettes, their subject/design choices, their pose, anything!), and searching around on google images can be helpful, especially for references (and on that note, don't be afraid to take pictures of your own hand/pose in the mirror if google isn't helping i've done that plenty lol) and just genuinely draw what you really love because it'll make you draw a lot! just drawing for this game alone has improved me exponentially because i'm drawing as much as i can and pushing myself to learn new things simply because i love the characters that much. finally, draw for yourself - have sketches/warm ups that you don't post anywhere and have no intention of making into a "finished" piece. it's always really nice to be able to create without any expectations, pressure to make it perfect, or worry about how it will "perform" (in general try to never worry about this, but i know that can be tough!) your art is for you and so make it however you want!
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littleinkling64 · 2 years
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Getting (Slightly) Better Lineart from CSP’s 3D models--without CSP EX (Full tutorial below the cut because it’s a looong post.)
If you’re like me, you hate drawing the repetitive, straight lines of background scenes and have wanted to take advantage of CSP’s huge 3d asset library to get some decently detailed backgrounds--only problem is even if you have CSP EX’s lineart extraction, the result is really....gross.  I have CSP EX at the moment, so I’ll demonstrate below.
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This is the extracted lineart with 5px max width of line, no line texturing, no toning, 80-level line detection accuracy, and 1-level corrections.  Taking a closer look, we can see the results look okay-ish from afar, but up close...
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The software struggles to convert repeating shapes, like the wire basket, into nice, clean vector lines.  And lighter lines struggle to produce anything but strange speckles.  Ugh, ok, but how do we fix this?  Well, here’s an alterative method.
First, you have to understand that this alternative method won’t give you vector lines.  At the end of the day it’s just hard to convert an image--even with clean 3d lines--into nice vector lines.  But we can still get nice, reletively clean pixel or raster lineart that can save you some time.
For this method, you will need some kind of photo editing software with the following features: - Contrast/Brightness  - Edge Detect (this one is really important!) - Color Invert
I strongly dislike paying continuously for Adobe, so I prefer to use Affinity Photo, but honestly, most photo editors should have these fairly basic features.  However--as far as I know, Photoshop and Affinity Photo are the only photo editors that have edge detect, so check you have a software that has that function.
To start, lay out your CSP scene, and be cautious about adjusting the lighting angle so that you have decent contrast with all visible edges to the CSP 3d model.
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Sadly, you are not going to get every little detail in perfect relief.  Some details are going to get lost because they can’t all be in contrast at the same time.  Just do your best to make sure that major details, like in this case, the bench, washer doors, and vents on the roof, all have enough tonal difference to mark them apart.
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Export the canvas as a .jpg, laid out exactly the way you want the scene to be, and drop it down into your photo editing software of choice.  For me, this means Affinity Photo, and you can see our first edit: adjusting the contrast using Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Contrast/Brightness.  Good contrast gives the photo editing software the best chance of detecting the edges, so I like to crank it up about 50%.
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Now, what I’ve done here is used Affinity’s Filters>Detect>Detect Edges.  There is no pop-up panel to refine this, so we’ll work on refining it later.  Now, I’ll apply a quick Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Invert to the the result below, to get a black and white image.
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So far, we can see that the edge detect in a photo editor tends to do much, much better than CSP EX line extract with things like subtle lines and curved shapes, like the washing machine doors.  Just compare the difference with another closeup:
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Now we’re going to deal with all those funky little gaps between the lines where the program drew two thin lines close together, instead of one thick line.  But dealing with this is actually a bit easier in CSP, so let’s hop back over there.  Export the black and white image as a .jpg, and put it into CSP.  (Everything we’re doing there is totally available to Pro users, so don’t worry about having EX for this part by the way.)
Once you have your photo in CSP, go to Layer>Rasterize.  Importing the photo will put it in an image layer format by default, so to make edits we’ll need it as a pixel or raster later first.  Once you have a raster layer, we want to isolate the actual lineart without the white background, so go to Edit>Convert Brightness To Opacity.  Now we’re really ready to polish this stuff.
First, apply a very low Gaussian blur.  Keep in mind, this should be a very, very minimal effect--we want to apply it just enough to make the pixelated edges a little softer.  I prefer about a level 4 Gaussian Blur.  You should get something like this.
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Now, depending on your preference for how it looks, use either Filter>Sharpen or Filter>Sharpen more.  I like sharpen more, since it gets me closer to the level of anti-aliasing that I like without having to use sharpen multiple times, but do what you want.  My final version looks like this:
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Of course, if you want slightly darker lineart in some areas, like the poster board on the left wall, simply duplicate the lineart layer and erase already dark areas you don’t want darkened, and merge them together to get something like this:
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Of course, with complex interiors like this laundromat, there will be limits to what you can extract.  Some corrections will have to be made by hand.  Overall, you’ll probably get more success with this method using something simpler, like this piano:
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Hope this helps, and happy lineart-ing!
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fairydustedtheory · 2 years
Ok so here we go I guess... aka  big rant and dumpster fire life update
As you guys may have noticed, I’ve disappeared from here for a while, except for a couple hellos here and there. The last few months have been pretty hard if I’m being honest. Between exams and family issues. And... basically I now find myself with absolutely no income. I could go into a very long rant about how this wasn’t what I expected to happen and how much I hate society and how much I really hate having to post this but I think this post will be long as it is...
Long story made slightly shorter: my ex is still a shitty person and has not given me child support since august and who knows when/if he plans on ever giving it ever again. That’s basically a 900€ hole in my account that I’ve been trying to make up for by using my small savings to get by with the income I had during my course (I was earning about half the minimum wage here for a full time course so not a lot but I’m used to being on a tight budget).
The course is now over so I’m not getting any more money from that, I have no job yet, no more money saved and no money coming from the unemployment place that was supposed to give me a minimum allowance to survive for the time between the course and the future job income... and I just don’t know how I’m going to pay my bills, buy food for me and my kid. I don’t know anything. My rent payment went through a couple of days ago and my bank account is so in the red it’s scary. Especially knowing that I have no way to make it better. I have all my bills in monthly transfers so I have no way of controlling that, it’s just money going out until my bank finally decides to block my account because I keep going under my overdraft limit. And I really really wish to avoid getting to that point but I just don’t see how to avoid it with how things are going.
I mean, at least it’s not anything medical or life threatening, I know people have it worse than having no money. But being in financial crisis and not knowing how or when i’m going to be able to make things better... well, i didn’t expect that since I took the course to move toward a better life, not a worse one.
All that rambling to say that I’m putting my pride aside and posting this in the off chance that maybe anyone feels like donating to help, that would be really really appreciated. So if you ever appreciated the stories I’ve written, the gifs I made, or all the events I organized over the years, maybe you’ll consider helping out if you can. I mean, now would be the perfect time to save my sorry ass.
I have no real clue how to do this. I don’t have venmo since it’s not available where I’m from. I do have my Kofi account which seems like the simplest available option? I don’t know about fees though, fees are my enemy because I'm at a point where every cent is very much welcome and needed, I’m just clueless. 
I hate that I don’t really have anything to offer in return. I don’t know if I can offer to take prompts for ficlets or photoshop and actually have the focus and energy to follow through any of that because I’m pretty burnt out from the course/internship/exams and now this, I never feel creative when I’m exhausted and worried so I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.
Sooo if you’re still reading after all of that, thank you, it makes me feel a little less alone. Obviously I know that most people are also in financial need and my problems aren’t extraordinary so I don’t really expect a thousand dollar miracle donation that would solve all my worries. But at least I got it off my chest and that’s already something...
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internationalicon · 1 year
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How to Print a Digital Download from Etsy
The whole downloaded-file-to-framed-print-on-your-wall process breaks down like this:
- Save the file you purchased to your computer or thumbdrive.
- Take the file to a job printer and get it printed to the size you want.
- Take the printed file to a framer, and have it framed so it fits your décor.
Digital files are often much, much cheaper on Etsy than buying their physical item counterparts. Plus, when you buy a digital file, you can finetune it to the exact size you want for your own wall.  And once it’s printed, you can also choose the exact framing and matting combination you want.
Now, the details:
You were on Etsy or an artist’s website, and you fell in love with an image.  Perfect for your wall, but you’re not sure how the whole printing thing works.
Not to worry!  Lots of people use printable downloads every day for party decorations, invites, or coloring pages for kids (using their own home printer, if they have one), or for higher quality prestige printing for smashing wall art.  The following is a list of steps for accessing your digital downloads, and how to turn them into art you’ll be proud to see on your wall.
So, what’s a digital download, or ‘printable’?  It’s not a physical object; it’s an image file, in the form of 1s and 0s, saved on your computer or a thumbdrive.  You bought it, you keep it, and you can always print it, as many times as you like.  You can copy the file to two or three locations, so you don’t lose it.
Digital downloads come in various formats, including PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG, EPS, and more. Each type of file depends on what you need to use it for and how you are going to print it.  Printing services will specify which formats they need.
Etsy places the file to your account in the orders section and you can download it on a desktop.  They’ll also send you an email with a link to it.
Or, log into your account and click on “Purchases and Reviews.” Find the button that says “Download Files”.  If you run into troubles, there’s a Help page.  (Remember, you can’t access your digital download file through the mobile Etsy app.)
Now that it’s downloaded, you can open your file, just to check whether you have the right image at the right size.  You’ll need to use the right software. 
.bmp (Microsoft Windows Photos, Apple Preview or Apple Photos, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW)
.doc (Microsoft Word)
.gif (Microsoft Windows Photos, Apple Preview or Apple Photos, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW)
.jpeg (Microsoft Windows Photos, Apple Preview or Apple Photos, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW)
.jpg (Microsoft Windows Photos, Apple Preview or Apple Photos, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW)
.mobi (Calibre, Stanza, Sumatra PDF, Mobi File Reader, popular eReaders)
.mov (QuickTime, iTunes)
.mp3 (Windows Media Player or iTunes)
.mpeg (Windows Media Player, QuickTime)
.pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader, Most Internet Browsers)
.png (Microsoft Windows Photos, Apple Preview or Apple Photos, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW)
.psp (Corel PaintShop Pro, Adobe Photoshop, ACD Systems Canvas)
.rtf (Microsoft Word, WordPad)
.stl (AutoDesk Viewer, Microsoft 3D Viewer, Microsoft Print 3D, ShareCAD)
.txt (Windows NotePad, TextEdit on Mac)
.zip (Usually, you can unzip a .zip file with any computer.)
.ePUB (Various eReaders)
.iBook (Internet browser or Apple iBooks)
You can print image files on home printers. This is great for low-resolution art up to 8.5” x 11”, like recipes, or sewing instructions.  The downside here is that the print will only be as good as the printer itself.  For larger wall art, the best move is to take your file to a professional printshop.
This can be done online, or it can be done in person. Local Walgreens and Costcos are often quite good.  You can upload your saved image file to them using their official website, and just pick up your image, printed the size you specify, on the paper you choose, the next time you’re in the neighborhood.  There are also online choices like Shutterfly or Vistaprint, who will ship you your prints in the mail.
You’ve got your print, and you love it.  But it’s just a big piece of paper right now; what about framing?  One easy option is to select a standard sized frame, mat and glass available at the local stores or mall shops, and insert your new print yourself.  Or maybe your print deserves first-cabin treatment, and you’ll want to check out the local frame shop for the right frame, matting and glass.  Either way, totally legit.  Then just hang it on the wall, and enjoy.
And that’s the whole process. Before you buy a digital download, you should check a couple of things:
- Be sure you have the software you’ll need to open the download at home, or be sure you know where online to find a site that will open the image (such as Photopea.com, for opening a layered .psd file, if you don’t happen to have Photoshop on your own machine).
- Be sure you understand the optimum print size of the download and its aspect ratio.  Artists generally will inform you that their image will look best at a certain size, say, 24” x 18”.  Printing it larger will seem overblown, with visible pixellation; printing it smaller will cause it to lose detail.
In other words, make sure the digital download fits your needs before you buy.
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wtwif · 1 year
Answer Transcript
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That's the Picture you can save from the video. I'll mess with it in Photoshop latter to see what I can find
Edit, found this by clicking on the fly on the "What's Welcome Home?" page.
FRANK: [Excited, with pep] These sorts of flowers, though they appear blue, don’t actually have any blue pigmentation! They have to grow in soil that is basic as well, so the pine straw should be left for the other beds-
BARNABY: [Interrupting, distant] You’re telling me that those flowers are liars, Franky?
FRANK: [Exasperated sigh] I am not telling you that these flowers are liars, Barnaby. I’m talking about how these flowers are specially selected to look this way.
BARNABY: Eh, bein’ blue isn’t anything special, pal. Don’t ya know that blue is all the rage nowadays?
FRANK: [Annoyed] I don’t think that people are painting themselves blue, frankly. Are you saying your fur color isn’t natural?
BARNABY: [Feigning insult] I beg your PARDON! I am a natural beauty as far as you know!
FRANK: I doubt you’re any sort of beagle. I’ve never seen any blue dog before in my life! Now if you don’t mind, we’d like to continue tending to my flowers in peace!
BARNABY: You’re gonna have to do more than tend to ‘em if you want ‘em to grow up nice and big. You know what they say, you gotta entertain your plants to make em happy!
FRANK: That’s true… but I am not going to let your snappy patter poison my petunias! I’d hardly call your material entertaining, much less fertilizer!
BARNABY: Oh, don’t you worry, Frank! The last thing I’ll do is overwhelm your orchids. Your plants all seem clover it!
FRANK: [Annoyed, groaning] Not with these puns again! You’re going to make all of my hard work wilt! Your humor is too dry for my impatiens!
BARNABY: Hey, hey! Not a daisy goes by where you don’t get impatient… but hey, I’m just pollen your leg!
FRANK: Will you just get out of here! My plants don’t need your ridiculous jokes to grow, go find an audience for your silly gags somewhere else!
BARNABY: [Backing away] Alright, alright I’ll grow… But every dogwood has his day! I’ll still poppy in from time to time, even if you’re still rough around the hedges!
[Frank grumbles loudly.]
FRANK: [Aggravated] Honestly with him! I don’t know how you can stand to be around him, Wally!
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psyga315 · 2 years
This one goes out to you KarenPaige23 for trying to drag me back into RWBY shit
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Randomly namedropping me on r/tumblr for no reason outside of me just being associated with @dextixer just ended up making me discover several things about the RWBY community recently. Like...
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How the fandom got pissed off about another collab but this time it's Chinese New Years related.
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Or that even Tumblr's subreddit itself was sick to death of KarenPaige23 (oh fuck it, we all know it's CanonSeeker. Who else has a hateboner for anyone who remotely "hates" RWBY and will block anyone who doesn't say nice things about it?) cramming RWBY down their face.
Speaking of, this a word cloud of their most commonly used words on Reddit:
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The left shows the words they used the most and the right is the ones that they've used less than 25 times. Feel something off about the right? Let me show you the table to get a better look:
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Yeah. You're looking at that right.
Hate is used more times than RWBY. And Block at that too. What the fuck does this indicate for a self-proclaimed RWBY fan who wants to cram as much love about RWBY into people's faces?
It's gotten to the point where r/Tumblr themselves are getting sick and tired of RWBY.
If you're wondering why RWBY is dying, it's not because of the "haters", alright?
It's because of RoosterTeeth fucking over its employees, something fans like to ignore time and time again, like that time Critter brought it up in her video only for the fans to pull a Mike Cernovich and talk about Tyrian's stinger for no goddamned reason to discredit her.
It's because of RWBY themselves not really hyping the fans up beyond just four random screenshots that barely give us anything to work with outside of Ruby's shot (don't worry, I'll talk about this later)
But most importantly, it's because of people like you attacking people left and right for daring to talk about RWBY in any way that doesn't align with your definition of praise.
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People like KarenPaige23 and, by extension, CanonSeeker, talk a big game about defending RWBY from hate but end up being the very things damaging the reputation of the show itself.
But this? This is nothing. Do I need to bring up the RWBY Twitter guy who photoshopped AdelAka onto Islamophobic imagery? Or how just about every "hardcore" RWBY fan seems to say "straight white man" in such a harsh tone that if you were to inverse just one of those words they would be instantly cancelled?
And yet Dex and I are the "hateful" bunch?
Just so you know, KarenPaige23, I barely bothered to keep up with the RWBY community in the past two days and would have made it three or even four without you. You know why?
Because I had had it up to here with the fandom and was actually going to throw in the towel and straight up just gonna leave 90% of it save for fanfiction.
But, you dragged me back in and in turn, you got yourself dragged.
Stick around though, I'll be making another meme to roast the newest "previews" for Volume 9, since you just love me making RWBY """"""""hate"""""""""""" so much.
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sumeragi-hokuto · 2 years
I fully understand if it’s impossible but do you plan on finishing this project?
Hi to you and everyone else still following this blog. It's probably been what, almost two years since I last posted anything?
Short answer: probably not, though I want to.
Long answer: So a lot happened. I got my laptop back after the water damage and everything was wiped. Everything. Not just TB. I DID have some backups of the raws for volume 5, but I lost the rest of the completed pages that I'd been working on which put me back several weeks. Combine that with the stress of starting a new semester of college with a broken laptop, in a new place, with COVID messing everything up... I basically lost all motivation to keep working on TB. Time passed and I got more and more guilty about not posting, so I told myself that I would just work in larger batches that meant when I did post, I could post a ton in order to make up for all the time when I did not. Of course, that started to stress me out too, and so all it meant was that I kept delaying everything even more because the idea of doing MORE than usual after being gone so long was so daunting I couldn't bring myself to make the first step. Time passed. I got a job and was doing both school and work, which took a lot of time, and ended up committed to a group that took 9 hours per week minimum. The semester went by, and the next, and then was my final semester and my thesis. Keep everything from before and add in *that* time commitment...
By the time I was ready to get back to TB, I'd graduated. And my school pulled my Photoshop license basically the second my diploma was in hand. Buying Photshop will take me $22-35 a month, and Adobe is so weird with their commitments and forcing you to keep it for a long time or putting a cancelation fee on you that I keep worrying I'll miss something in the fine print and end up having to pay way more than anticipated. So basically, trying to get Photoshop back would cost a lot of money that I don't exactly want to pay given how long I think it'll take me to do these scans. It's just me working on this. There is no one else. I have a lot of things I want to do in my life, and paying for another year or two of Photoshop will put me out a few hundred bucks that I would like to put in savings. I guess I could really buckle down and try to get huge chunks done at once, but I need some other life things to calm down a bit.
If this seems like excuses excuses...yeah. pretty much. I have a million excuses and none of them are great. I loved this project and it brought me a lot of joy, but now I've come to a financial decision that has kept me from coming back to this.
That and the other big thing, which was the idea of "Oh. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this." Because while I may not be earning any money by doing this, I'm also not paying anything to do this. The profits aren't going to CLAMP or anyone official. People are reading their material without them earning a single penny. And sure, I read every CLAMP manga I've ever read on unofficial online sites before buying them myself (so, I read without paying before I fell so in love that I did). But should I be doing this? What happens if CLAMP or whoever owns the licensing does a crackdown one day?
I'm already so far in it probably doesn't matter. I'm not going to go delete everything I've ever posted. So why not just finish what I started?
I think it comes down to shoving down the guilt of the absence and the worry of whether I should or shouldn't be doing this and figuring out financially (and time-wise) if it's truly worth it. Like I said, I loved this project. I love TB. I have a ton of fun making the pages. But it takes a lot. It will take more from me now than it ever has with the added financial burden and the fact that I have way more commitments than I did when I started (which was, I think, actually in high school. And here I am now with a college degree and a real world job).
So that's the long answer: Will I finish this? I don't know. I really want to. I just need to figure out a way to make it work. That'll require some shuffling on my part. Some figuring stuff out. Some weighing my options. I can't say yes because I don't want to promise something and not give it, which has historically been what I've done when promising more frequent updates that never increased in frequency.
So to both you and the few other people who've messaged me in this long gap, or to the ones who said such nice things when I first mentioned my broken laptop and losing everything and all the kind of sucky stuff that happened nearly 2 years ago now...Thank you for caring. It does mean a lot. It's really nice to know that people actually appreciated the effort I put in, and that they're still thinking about me (or at least, about what I can do for them). I've never stopped thinking about this blog. I used Photoshop for my thesis and every time I opened it I told myself, "maybe next time I open this will be for TB." It even was. I think I did one more set at some point, never posted because of that thing I mentioned about feeling guilty and wanting to make a mega post.
With that I'll finish off for now. Apologies for the giant blob of text. I don't feel like proofreading this right now. I still have stuff I need to get done today. Real life calls. I hope that one day I will be able to get back to this. I'm just not sure when, or if it's even feasible.
Thank you,
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seonashir · 1 month
Why photoshop Cut Out service Matter
Ever before scroll through your social networking sites and also seem like all the images appear the exact same? That's where Photoshop cut out service company is available in handy. It's such as giving your images a transformation. You take a regular photo, and bam! The major target is actually instantly on its personal, ready to be positioned anywhere. It is actually excellent for creating your items or even pictures really attract attention. Say goodbye to mundane histories or disturbances. Simply pure, attention-grabbing benefits.
Save your time to hire a photoshop cutout service company 
Today, you could be thinking, "Can't I simply do this on my own?" Sure, if you've acquired hours to extra and also a great deal of persistence. However, permits be actually true a lot of our team don't. That's why permitting the pros handle it is actually a wise step. They've got the skill-sets to make the Photoshop cutout service look soft and all-natural. Consider it: you could invest your weekend finding out Photoshop, or you might hand it over to an individual that performs this day in, day out. More time for you, far better end results for your pictures.
Endless facilities by Photoshop cutout service
Here's the trendy aspect of photoshop cutout  they're super versatile. When you've got your topic by itself, you can carry out virtually just about anything using it. Would like to transform the background colour? Easy. Need to incorporate your product to a various setting? No worry. It is actually like possessing an eco-friendly display screen for your photos, however without the inconvenience of real recording. This flexibility is gold for marketing. You may produce various try to find various systems or periods without needing brand new photograph fires whenever. Speak about obtaining additional value.
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dentisttemplestowe · 5 months
From Drills to Thrills: Exploring the Latest in Dentist Doncaster's Technology
G'day, mates! Welcome to the wild world of dental tech down under in Doncaster. We're not your average tooth fairies – we're tech wizards, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in modern dentistry. So buckle up and get ready for a ride through the latest and greatest in dental tech at Dentist Doncaster.
Laser Dentistry: Zap Away Those Cavities
First up on our tech tour is laser dentistry – the stuff of science fiction turned reality. Say goodbye to those noisy, scary drills and hello to pain-free procedures that'll have you grinning from ear to ear. With laser dentistry, we can zap away cavities with precision and finesse, leaving your teeth stronger and healthier than ever before. It's like magic, but without the smoke and mirrors!
Digital Smile Design: Your Dream Smile, Digitally Designed
Next on the agenda is digital smile design – the ultimate makeover for your mouth. With this cutting-edge technology, we can create a virtual mock-up of your dream smile, giving you a sneak peek at the stunning pearly whites that await. It's like Photoshop for your teeth – but better!
3D Printing: Crafting Custom Solutions
Who says 3D printing is just for nerds and hobbyists? Not us, mate! At Dentist Doncaster, we're harnessing the power of 3D printing to craft custom dental solutions that fit like a glove. From crowns and bridges to dentures and implants, our 3D printers can whip up precision-made restorations in a fraction of the time. It's like having a dental lab in our back pocket – minus the pocket protector!
Cone Beam CT Scans: Seeing Is Believing
Ever wish you could get a backstage pass to your mouth? Well, now you can with cone beam CT scans. These high-tech imaging machines give us crystal-clear pictures of your teeth and jawbone from every angle, helping us diagnose and treat dental issues with pinpoint accuracy. It's like having X-ray vision – but without the spandex!
Intraoral Cameras: A Close-Up View
Forget those grainy, blurry images of your mouth – it's time to get up close and personal with intraoral cameras. These tiny cameras give us a clear, detailed view of your teeth and gums, allowing us to spot problems early and provide targeted treatment. It's like exploring the Great Barrier Reef with a snorkel – but without the sharks!
Dental Implants: The Next Best Thing to Natural Teeth
Missing teeth got you down? Not to worry – dental implants are here to save the day! These state-of-the-art tooth replacements look, feel, and function just like natural teeth, giving you back your smile and your confidence. And with advances in implant technology, the process is faster, easier, and more comfortable than ever before. It's like hitting the reset button on your smile – but without the time machine!
Wrapping Up
And there you have it, folks – a whirlwind tour through the latest and greatest in dental tech at Dentist Doncaster. From laser dentistry to digital smile design, 3D printing to cone beam CT scans, we're pushing the boundaries of what's possible in modern dentistry – and having a blast doing it! So if you're ready to take your smile from drab to fab, come on down and see us – we'll take you from drills to thrills in no time flat!
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katemagic · 1 year
You don't have to answer this, it's not really a question but more of a message for you and I chose here because I didn't want to feel constrained by twitter's character limits.
Your socmed au's that you post on twitter are some of my favourite things ever. You're a master at the art form, conveying so much information and a full, rich story through what is essentially an artificially limiting medium (compared to 3rd pov fic for example). I'm always amazed at how you find ways to enrich the story with all the various chats and posts and so many little carefully chosen details. Also, your characters are just so spot on, sometimes I wonder if you're actually Changbin or Seungmin or maybe one of the manager hyungs or noonas.
I want to promise you that I am never actively waiting for an update, sitting around drumming my fingers, wondering why distantbluesky hasn't posted recently. That has literally never happened. Rather, every time you post an update it is like a delightful and unexpected surprise that absolutely makes my day. A little package of joy specially made for me, a gift that you have given me freely out of your love for the kids and this community.
It is not hard for me to keep up, even when there are sometimes days between posts. It's easy for me to skim the last tweet and then I'm immediately back in the story, ready and excited for the new update.
I feel like you give me so much with all of your stories and esp these socmed ones, which I can only imagine how much time it takes to make all these screenshots with the right timestamps and all the photoshopping and and and... I wish I could give you in return the peace of mind that there is no pressure to post on any kind of schedule and we will all be here, happy and excited, whenever life gives you the time to be able to post. (I also hope you'll mute any users that request updates or pressure you to post - I've seen that in some of the comments but I think it's really only one or two people and I wish I could mute them for you, I think they are very young and don't understand that what they're saying isn't a compliment).
Lots of love
oh my god <333333 I read this message and immediately screenshotted it to save forever because I know on rainy days reading this will be such a mood boost. yesterday was a hard day, and reading this message truly made it so much better. thank you so much for taking the time to send something so thoughtful and kind.
this both is extremely reassuring and just such an extremely kind thing to say. I am genuinely so glad to hear that you're able to jump right back into the story despite delays, that it isn't hard to follow, that my posting schedule hasn't detracted from the story. that was something I was extremely worried about, and I am genuinely incredibly reassured to hear that that's not the case for you. obviously since I'm the one writing it, it's really easy for me to remember everything that happened and follow the narrative journeys, but I worried that this wouldn't be the case for everyone reading it, so this is genuinely a huge relief. I'm so glad.
I also thank you for pointing out the extensive amount of work this takes!!! I've gotten the hang of it, but truly the ratio of "time it takes to write a social media au post" versus "time it takes to read a social media au post" is devastating alkajsdf;laskdjf;lasdjkl it's just.... it is a labor of love for sure and I've gotten the hang of it and am having a great time, but it is a lot of work. and you noticing the specific details I put into it really means a lot. deciding on timestamps, thinking about photo choice, making subtle callbacks and running jokes does take a lot of thought and consideration, as does, of course, the main challenge of a social media au: how to tell a compelling emotional narrative while getting no direct line of sight into the character's heads and also not being able to show SO much on screen. it's a really challenging thing, and I'm genuinely very proud at how I've tackled it!!
writing these aus has been such a good thing for me- I have never harbored any illusions that my prose fics are that impressive (I promise this isn't fishing- just awareness of my own limits as a writer) because there are a lot of things about prose stories that are tough for me based on some of my limits as a writer. social media aus are a great medium for me, though, because they remove the things I find extremely tough about prose fics (DESCRIPTION mainly a;ldjfalksd) and what's left is the stuff I feel pretty confident in- dialogue, humor, emotional beats, that kind of thing. I think I've found a good niche. I want to return to prose fics at some point and definitely have plans to, but aus like this really work well for me and bring me a lot of joy to create.
but seriously, thank you. as you said I don't really get a ton of comments telling me to update, so I can ignore them pretty easily, but I do tend to feel guilty when I don't post on a regular schedule (even though the reasons for it have been because of work OT and dealing with a very challenging personal situation and are completely understandable- though obviously even if the reason was 'eh not feeling it' that would be valid too!!) and worry about people losing interest. I'd keep the story going until the end even if no one was reading it, don't get me wrong, but it is really nice that so many of you have stuck around and are as invested in this story as me :')
okay this is SO long but you seriously made my day with this, truly. thank you so much for messaging me this, it means the world. I'm very excited to spend the rest of the weekend writing, because getting lost in this story is so lovely, and I'm just so glad that you're having as good of a time as me :') I truly appreciate this more than I can say, you are so lovely, thank you so much.
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iamvector · 1 year
Compress Images Online Without Losing Quality – FREE Image Compressor
Summary: In this article, we are sharing a free online image compressor to condense images without losing quality and the steps to do so.
Compress JPG, PNG or SVG Without Losing Quality
Having a high-quality image is beneficial, but if it takes an eternity to load, it fails to create a positive impression on your users-especially in an era where people consume more visual content than ever before. However, fret not, we have devised a solution for you to compress the image online and free without losing its quality.
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Faster File Handling: Photoshops files are usually large, which makes them challenging to work with. After having your images compressed, you can open, save, and edit them quickly.
Improved Performance: The performance of an image very noticeably improves when you compress it without losing much of its quality. A compressed image does not strain your computer’s memory much and allows your software to run more smoothly and efficiently.
Easy Sharing and Collaboration: Compressing files makes them easier to share and collaborate on as they occupy less storage space or cloud storage. This is especially useful when collaborating with clients or team members who require remote access to the files.
Reduced Storage Requirements:  Compressed files don’t take up much storage space on your system. If you have limited disk space and work with a large amount of data, compressing the size is imperative. You can optimize and keep your work storage organized.
Faster File Uploads: If you need to upload Photoshop files to websites, online portfolios, or social media platforms, but the file size is too big. That’s where compression swoops in to save the day. By compressing the file size, you can speed up those upload times and breeze through the process.
How to compress?
Here are steps to compress any of your images for free.
Visit iamvector.com/image-compressor
Click on browse file
Select an image
Your image has been compressed and is ready to download
Compression Rate
You will experience the power of a high compression ratio with our Image Compression Service, delivering up to an impressive 70% compression rate for your images. Compress your images and enjoy a significant reduction in file size without compromising on quality.
In addition, the tool is capable enough to handle large files. For example, if you have an image of 50MB, Image Compressor does the work for you and lets you download the file for absolutely free.
Do not worry, the tool does not change the format of your file, it remains the same. You can compress the image/SVG icons of every format such as JPG, SVG, or PNG.
Above we have shared how you can compress images without going through the hassle of downloading and installing heavy software. Our online tool is a solution for those people who want to execute such tasks quickly and easily.
Download Free SVG Icons in various formats
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firstladyjbko · 2 years
Helpful Hints For Improving Your Photography Skills
If you have no prior experience, getting started in photography can seem like a daunting task. The subject can quickly become overwhelming due to the multitude of information that photographers have access to. This article offers a variety of tips that can benefit your photography techniques and allow you take more artistic pictures.
Don't try to pose your subjects for every picture. Candid, action shots are often times some of the best. You will capture a person in their natural setting, in their natural mood, and the picture will look more "real" because of it. Take lots of candid pictures and you're sure to get a few that are great.
People often believe that bright, sunny days are perfect for taking pictures. However, you are almost guaranteed to get flawed images if you take your shots in the direct glare of the sun. It causes odd shadows and glare, and direct sunlight in the eyes of the photographer or the person being filmed is never good. If you want to take photographs outdoors, it's far better to do so just before sunrise or near sunset so that the sun's light won't interfere with your photograph.
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Adjust the white balance on your camera manually when possible. Indoor lighting can sometimes cause your pictures to look yellow and off colored. It's rather difficult to fine tune artificial lighting, but luckily, the white balance feature on your camera is here to save the day. This can help your photos appear more professional.
A great photography tip you should keep in mind is to never compare yourself to someone else. If you're constantly comparing your work to someone else's, you're selling your own work short. You must learn to value and appreciate your own work, and not worry too much about everyone else.
In conclusion, you want tips on how to improve your photography skills but do not wish to involve yourself in any sort of formal training or in depth instruction. The tips and tricks explained in this article should give you just the right amount of detail to improve your current situation.
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