#but not bcus i grew tired of it
areyouwho-ithinkyouare · 11 months
obsessed with the handful of triple A game studios throwing tantrums over how Baldur’s Gate 3 is an exception and how people shouldn’t start expecting games like this to be as detailed and expansive. like. yeah when you have a committed team who are willing to spend years and years in development with constant communication and feedback from actual players, and when the studio clearly values creativity and playfulness as much as they value compelling narrative and impressive coding and beautiful artwork - it’s gonna be a good fucking game. maybe if these other studios tried… idk………. prioritising something more than turning the biggest profit as fast as possible???? maybe THEN BG3 could be just like. the standard.
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kraviolis · 11 months
Hi Krav, I have a question regarding your Little Lamb AU.
Does Eda know Luz is the princess? From what I interpreted she doesn't, and I really want to know what her reaction would be when she eventually finds out. Speaking of, just how will she find out? Will Luz come clean and tell her of her own accord, or will she be forced to? Will Lillith reveal Luz's identity and try to bring her back? Ooh that could result in your AUs version of YBOS' climax!
you're 100% right about luz's identity playing a part in this AU's version of the season 1 finale. i dont have the details planned out but i'll at least explain my idea of how eda finds out (i wanted to make it into a comic but uhhhhh i burnt out on drawing again whoops)
belos sorta protected luz's identity as she grew up as part of his whole "keep the lamb pure" thing so there's like, never any pictures of her anywhere. for luz's birthday every year the official emperor's coven penstagram account just posts the same pictures of her when she had her coronation ceremony and you wouldn't exactly recognize someone in person if you'd only ever seen grainy pictures of them as a five year old.
also, luz purposefully keeps it a secret for a long time. she doesn't want to be treated different just because she happens to be the princess!!! she's tired of it!!! she just wants to be a normal witch and learn magic!!! at first she tries to hide that she's human too but that's a bit harder and also, similarly to canon, no one really... gives a shit? everyone just shrugs it off except gus & boscha (and those two care abt it for VERY different reasons.)
at some point around the end of season 1, belos finds out from SOMEONE (torn between kikimora, lilith, & hunter) that luz is apparently masquerading as a student of hexside & living with the owl lady while learning wild magic from her.
belos, who had legit thought luz had just like gotten lost or kidnapped for ransom or something, obviously looses his fucking mind. outwardly, he's like "oh no the owl lady's kidnapped the princess!!" but he 100% knows what the fuck she's up to.
so he decides to just say fuck it and makes a whole ass national announcement that the princess has been kidnapped by wild witches as a form of revenge against belos & that the titan calls on all citizens to help aid him in finding her & bringing her home.
he includes an updated picture of her along with her full ass government name and broadcasts it to every phone & crystal ball across the isles.
this, obviously, fucks luz up severely because not only does everyone know who she was, she's also putting anyone close to her in direct danger bcus the emperor wants her so badly.
eda is eda over it. she doesn't fucking care. she's mostly just concerned about luz, who saw the broadcast at school and ran home in tears and didnt even pause before running up the stairs and locking herself in her room. eda doesnt treat her differently and she comforts luz by being like "eh im already public enemy #1 this doesnt make much a difference to me"
actually, i think it will be lillith who reveals to the emperor that luz is with eda... but not on purpose. i think that lilith and luz never knew each other and she just reported back to the emperor about her quest to capture eda and was just like "oh yeah she's got this human apprentice now-- she's named luz or something" and then belos would crack his neck from looking down at lilith so fast
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ohstcrlis-arch · 3 years
*‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎/ was talkin 2 a friend abt how lee would be when high bcus i told her abt my wild w**d plant that was growing in my backyard and how i grew it to as big as i could get it and harvested the w**d
*‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎/ and so we thought up that you'd get four different lee's when he's high. you either get tired lee, memey lee, fabulous cook lee and the rarest of the four, demonic cook lee.
*‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎/ so you could either have him cook shit like this ;
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*‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‎/ or this ;
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‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏*‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎/ there is absolutely no in between. you either get a good meal that seems to be made by a high class chef , or the spawn of satan
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cowabungacafe · 4 years
hi! could i request a tmnt matchup please? i'm rather short (1,60cm), chubby, and i look like a mix of 90's grunge and early 2000 emo. i'm anti-authority, and i am a leader, not a follower. if i don't think that a rule makes sense, or is useful, i'm not going to follow it. however, i'm mostly pretty obedient, and i don't cause much trouble. some people see me as a big brother type of person, because i protect and support when needed, and i have a 'caretaker' type persona. i can succeed at everything i *want* to succeed at, the rest doesn't interest me. i present myself as incredibly confident, hella sassy, sarcastic and like i don't have a care in the world, even though i'm really sensitive, introverted, kinda timid and insecure. i cry a lot over small things, and beat myself up relentlessly when i make mistakes. in general, i don't think highly of myself at all, but l would never outright admit that, or speak up. i just really hate having to trust someone with my emotions. i love making people around me laugh, it makes me really happy. i can be a bit petty, and teasing, but only in a joking manner. i actually get flustered really easily, and i never initiate anything, even though i adore physical affection of any kind. what most people are surprised by is my fair and unbiased way of judging. i stand up for anyone who is treated unfairly, even if i have to stand my own against authority (which makes me incredibly nervous). then again, i'm unable to protect myself, and i just quietly take everything that is said to me. i get scared really easily, and i'm afraid of being hit or yelled at. hope this was okay♡
My oh my! I have to admit this was pretty hard. And i thought about this for one whole day and then it hit me who im gonna match u up with. Thank you for requesting, i hope you got who you wanted.
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The above gif is the vibe you gave me and also i love this gif
I match you with
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Why i matched you with your result
You are leaderly and hardly wanna be a follower and an anti-authority, which resonates with raphs rebel vibes. If there's a rule that you think is wrong, you dont follow it no matter what. Just like raph, if raph thinks there some rules that literaly have no meaning he wont follow it and none can make him.
You show as if you are tough and dgaf about the world but deep down you're just a soft plushie baby who needs to be hugged tightly, same as raph, raph shows as if he doesn't care about this world and often talks about leaving his bros and starting his life separately, but the truth is quite opposite. He is very insecure and he thinks he doesn't deserve his bros.He cares and loves his brothers and the world deeeeply and can't think of a live without them. He says those stuff to maintain the "hardcore" persona. He too carries the sarcastic and sassy af vibe.
You will help someone and anyone in need no matter what the circumstances, even if its one man vs the world. Raph too will fight the demons if he have to to save someone he thinks is in need.
Just like you, raph too shows as if he doesn't get shy but thats not true, he is just a soft cinnamon roll in "badboy" skin. So any type of physical touch makes this red bandana mutant a full on tomato. Yes he is that flustered.
Raph is the most sarcastic of the brothers(i just checked that from the tmnt wiki)and will always go around throwing petty snarky comments on his smart-brain brothers(leo and donnie especially lol) so here too you resonate with him.
Raph is a pretty good brother i like to think even more reasonable than leo (as he argued with leo why mikey doesnt get a vote on the secrecy of purple ooze). Maybe thats why mikey is seen around raph more bcus raph too gives those protective big brother who may come off as harsh but will listen to your problems with open ears. (Maybe thts why he became the eldest brother in rottmnt). Here too you match with him.
Raph is reluctant on telling someone about his emotions as he thinks it will hamper his hardcore mode, until you came( read along the random hcs )
Although considered the hothead of the group, raphs sense of judgement isnt that far behind fron leos.
After mikey, raph is probably the second jokester, maybe not on the same level of mikey but pretty snarky and petty jokes lol.
Sometimes he breaks down when he realises that how the decision he took was wrong and how much it has affected not only him but his near and dear ones too. Like in the 2016, the stealing of the purple ooze from the police hqs made their existence known and April and Casey were taken into custody.
Random headcanons of both of you when together
Your first meeting is prolly when he was out on a patrol and saw u trying save an old lady who was getting mugged. He was watching from the rooftop the whole time, of how you advanced and told the robber to leave her alone with apparently no weapon in hand, until he came down when he felt like its showtimee!!
When you find some fault in Leo's plan/strategy you point them out right away and raph cant help but admire you and mouth the word "thats my girl", finally he has someone to back his ass up.
Your leadership qualities are excellent and even sensei confirmed that and raphs chest grew 4 inches wider with a permanent grin on his face and sending snarky looks towards leo, who is just rolling their eyes away.
Though he is usually the tough guy, but with you its a whole different thing. He shows a diff side to you, the side not many has witnessed. He is usually soft and goofy around you, if you're tired he will bring some food over at your place or just take you out for a lil dinner on the rooftops. He will spoil you with things you like.
He knows that you're pretty sensitive and flinch and gets scared of scolding or yelling(he knew it from the first time he had a fight with you and he raised his voice then suddenly he saw your eyes filling up with tears. From then on, he is always careful around you)
Everytime you cry whether be it a sad movie or someone which made you cry, he will cuddle with you and cradle you while brushing your hair and humming some lullaby which sensei used to sing to him.
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sothisblessmysoul · 4 years
Oh shit im so glad i found ur blog!! May i request seteth angst;; like him losing the reader bcus they grew old and died akzjdmfnf thanks so much😭
༓ʚ Our Memories ɞ༓
Summary: As both of you have grown old and tired, Seteth thinks back on his memories with you.
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He lived a good life. Yes, there was hardship but every life comes with that. Seteth fell in love, not once, but twice. Which people could barely say they did once. However, it was more common to find heartbreak, despair, and unrequited love. Even he found those a few times.
Gazing out the window that shows a field of wildflowers, Seteth’s attention was caught by you after saying his name. “Yes?” He asked, getting up to walk over and sit beside you. “Do you remember our first encounter?” You said, struggling to not smile at the memory while Seteth chuckled.
“It technically wasn’t my fault.” “You spilled coffee on me.” He hummed in response, taking your hand to hold on his own as the memory came forth, like a hazy fog.
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This was during the time that Seteth was an instructor and second-in-command. Both of you were still young adults. You had just transferred to the academy to help as a part-time instructor. Neither of you spoke much, just exchanged a few words.
Seteth was exhausted from pulling an all-nighter to finish work papers and files, and the only thing that he needed at the moment was drinking his coffee. In his defense, Seteth always said, he didn’t see you or the cat.
Because one second the coffee is in his hand, and the next second is that the coffee is spilled all over you. A cat went running past with a dog chasing behind, knocking him forward while dropping the coffee everywhere. More so, everywhere on you.
You were frozen in shock, brain trying to process what happened as the coffee ruined one of your favorite shirts. When Seteth caught himself from falling and seeing what happened. He froze in surprise and shame.
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“I’m still not over my ruined shirt.” You mumbled, making Seteth sigh with a roll of his eyes. He placed soft kisses on the back of your hand, apologizing again. “But I think it was worth it.” He smirked in return, leaning a little closer and kissing the space between the under your jaw and upper neck.
Seteth’s smirk turned into a soft smile, hearing your laughter. “Stop. I’m ticklish there.” You laughed, half-heartedly and lightly smacked his arm. Hearing you laugh brought forth an old memory.
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It was two days after the coffee accident and Seteth had been trying to think of ways to show his apology, and none of his co-workers were of any help. But after that, he saw you more. He watched you walk, or rather run, past his office door. It was becoming a constant thing. You always seemed to be in a hurry.
It was difficult to focus because every minute he would hear your footsteps running towards and past his offices. Before the annoyance could finally set it and return his focus to the papers, Seteth heard a soft knock.
“I heard you needed me for something?” You looked as equally confused as he did. Seteth doesn’t remember asking or requesting you for anything. Till he saw Flayn’s head peeks around the corner and gave a thumbs up. The realization went off like a light bulb.
With the clearing of his throat, Seteth said, “Yes, actually. I have a question.” and watched as you walked closer, quietly and softly as if to not surprise anyone. “What is it?” He could hear the curiosity in your voice. “I wish to show my apology for the accident a few days ago, but I am unsure how to do it.” He said, feeling uncomfortably awkward.
You hummed, in deep thought while tapping the tip of your pen against your lips. “Ah.” You said it so loudly that it startled him. “I know what you can do for me.” You looked him directly in the eye as a sly smile came across your face. “You can go on a date with me.” He choked a little on his saliva in surprise as you laughed in response.
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“I still can’t believe how bold you were,” Seteth said, coming back to the reality of the present time. “Well, it was my only chance at the time.” You huffed in response with a slight pout. You acted more like an old, grumpy man than he did sometimes.
“If I remember, however, you didn’t seem to have a problem with it.” You huffed again, a faint blush while Seteth watched you. Subconsciously rubbing his thumb against your knuckles, he looked at you. Not in the way of looking at someone’s reaction or looking at a specific part. No. Seteth was looking at you, looking at the age lines, crows feet around your eyes, and the laugh lines.
It was at this moment that he remembered how far you’ve both come together. But also remembering that time together would end soon. “Do you remember what you said on our first date?” He chokes back tears as you lay in the hospital bed, wired up to a bunch of different machines. “No. What did I say?” You whispered, reaching out and cleaning his tears away as your own eyes started to tear up.
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If someone asked Seteth how long it’s been since he was on a date. He couldn’t answer them. Though, Flayn was beyond delighted as she danced and giggled around his office while suggesting various outfits to wear.
She almost made me late. He thought, sighing deeply while fixing his tie that it didn’t need to be readjusted. As Seteth made it to the front of the coffee shop, he saw you sitting in the back with a drink. He wonders if you were anxious about this like he is. Or if you wondered if he even would show up.
But the way your face lit up at the sight of him as the door’s bell went off, making a little melody. Seteth felt a little more at ease by your reaction, “Hello. I’m sorry for being late.” He sighed it out, as if breathless while sitting down across from you. “It’s okay. I just got here a bit ago.” That’s a lie. He could read it in your eyes and the way that your hands seemed to have been sweating.
Here we go. He thought, starting the conversation and switching between topics of interest. “So,” you began, catching his attention without looking at him, “How to have someone handsome like you stay single.” You turned back, staring directly into his eyes as Seteth almost choked on his coffee again.
“I, um, I, well.” He stuttered, trying to form words as you patiently waited, eyes never leaving him. “I’m a little bit of a workaholic and never got around to it,” Seteth explained, breathless as his heart was going back to normal speed. “If I’m not being too forward. What about you?” He questioned, now eyes glued onto your face, and without missing a beat, your answer surprised him.
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“You said that you’ve never fallen in love.” Both of you exchanged a fond smile, thinking back on how that date was the first for many to come. Your hand tightened around his, “Yes. But you changed that.” You whispered, voice getting quieter and your hold on his hand got weaker. “You became my first and for that, I will forever be grateful.” You said with eyes of love, tears at the corner, and a shaky smile.
Before Seteth could react, the sound of knocking on the door caught his attention. He didn’t want to turn around, not wanting to see who came. His face never leaves yours. “Excuse me, sir.” A voice - the doctor’s voice - called out to him. But Seteth still kept his eyes on you, never turning around. Instead, he just hummed out an acknowledgment.
“It’s time, sir.” The doctor said quietly, hovering near the door and giving them privacy. “Go.” You said, voice barely hearable, while placing your other hand on top of his. “It will be okay. I’ll be fine.” Lie. He could see it in your eyes. Yet, instead of making a scene, Seteth nodded and stood up before placing a kiss on your forehead. He mumbled a goodbye after the kiss, mindlessly turning and walking to the door as the doctor whispered an apology. You watched Seteth leave, your first and last love.
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zoofles · 6 years
! I was tagged by @writingisshithard​ to do this last sentence/paragraph thingo!! :0 might as well! I’m gonna do the last thing i wrote on the main WIP and it’ll be a bit long bcus i wanna TRYYY and lend out a bit more than i usually do ;’) I’m cringing at this save me. So there he was, sitting at his desk, -which mind you had no room to rest your hand or lay a cup down having been covered in documents and runestones. Although he was a god he still grew tired if he did not rest, and rest for Jikan’Ji was completely out of the question. His work was tiresome and laborious and had no real end due to the fact that his planet -Mul’Jik-, resided in a completely separate dimension to the other realms. This dimension had no passing of time, It was barren and filled with void, the only living things being the plants (and of course Jikan’Ji) that lived on the surface of Mul’Jik. From a distance the planet had a funny look about it, resembling that of a lollipop or ball on the end of a stick (the stick being the tower of course). In the head of the tower was Jikan’Ji’s office where he sorted through the millions of papers, files and dreadfully thick books he’d written. As the multitude of book-towers began to grow out of control, he’d crafted himself a library where he would stack the many on shelves in sorted rows from oldest to newest. This library grew tremendously quick and took up a large chunk of his tower. What waswritten inside the books would range from deaths, births, events and statistics, all having to be documented perfectly by his own hand. Some days he’d have to repair the machines he’d built some eons ago, travelling down into the muggy depths of the tower, or even below the very surface of Mul’Jik. The further you delved the hotter and more unbearable it became, though for Jikan’Ji this was no worry for his body was no different to the machines themselves and could bear almost any level of heat. He found it so very interesting that his body would absorb the heat around him and carry it back up to the surface. He would spend time eyeing the steam that danced off his arms and fingers as he entered the cooler air of the forty-sixth floor. At first the work was harsh and unforgiving, his muscles and body ached for hours after he’d finished and made even simple tasks like boiling water painful. Over time his muscles accustomed and became far more durable to the long hours of manual labour, growing in size and strength. After some hundreds of thousands of years, Jikan’Ji had finally reached the point in time he’d been reaching for so long, he had finally caught up with his lengthy fall back and sorted the whole time issue out. Now everything was up to date and the kerfuffle that had busied him so annoyingly before was over; though that did not mean he could rest, as said before his work had no end and the long hours of pain had only just begun...though he would become all the more used to it over time. But we’re getting off track, Jikan’Ji was in his office when the vision occurred, staring out the face of the clock unto the land which was vastly covered in green-life. I tag @softkittenclouds @nerdy-fangirl-art !! :D
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glasses [ ab x r ]
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fandom : Dear Evan Hansen
 by :  Summer
pairing : Alana Beck x Reader
summary : In which you are there for Alana the day she got her glasses.
 word count : 1738
warnings : cussing, ooc writing,,, ugh sorry.., mentions of sexual content (ofc bcus jared kinKMAN)
a / n : Sorry, this is a really bad and pointless fluff. I feel so self conscious about this one, like after those last two fics, this is going to be a total let down. eh. I’m begging y’all for more Alana fics, I just love her so much I swear. Any sort of support is sincerely respected: liking, commenting, reblogging, following, anything! Constructive criticism is always appreciated :) Thanks for reading, I love you.
“Alana!” you smiled cheerfully, meeting your girlfriend by her locker.
“Hey!” she pulled you into a quick hug, “What brings you here?”
You feigned offense, “What? I can’t just meet up with the love of my life whenever?”
She rolled her eyes and pressed a soft kiss on your cheek, “Oh, remind me after school I want to tell you about something.”
“Sure thing, you wanna walk back to my place then and we can hang out there?”
“That works perfectly,” she gave you a wide grin.
You took a moment to admire her. Every inch of her long locks of dark hair, coiled in small sections that bounced with her every step. The way she circled her thumb over the metal button of her jacket. How her magenta skirt swirled slightly when she swayed her hips. Her soft, full, kissable lips-
“Look, it’s high school’s gayest couple!”
You turned around to face the voice, “Jared Kleinman.”
“Hi Jared. Hey Evan,” Alana said, as you wrapped an arm over her shoulders. Evan was peeking over Jared’s shoulder from behind.
“You guys are so cute, it’s fucking gross,” Jared faked a gag and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“J-Jared, that wasn’t really-” Evan mumbled before you cut him off.
“Don’t be jealous, Jare-bear,” you teased. He scoffed.
“Please, why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know…” Alana started, “I’d be pretty jealous too knowing that the most beautiful girl in school was taken,” she looked up adoringly at you.
“Aw, babe, you are the most beautiful girl!” you tapped her nose.
“That’s not what I-” she furrowed her eyebrows.
“I know that you meant-”
“Actual barf,” Jared groaned, “I’m leaving!”
You gave Evan a sympathetic look, “I don’t know how you put up with him, Ev.”
Evan gave a small shrug and pointed behind him, “I’m gonna go, go and catch up with Jared.”
He gave us both a wave before running off. You looked back at Alana and the both of you gave in to a fit of giggles. Then the bell rang.
Class was finally over. You finished all of the homework you could during study hall so you could have the rest of the day open to spending time with Alana. You couldn’t wait to cuddle up on the couch and talk about all the cute plans you both had for the future, or watch a movie, or just take a good nap in each other’s arms. You felt a tap on your shoulder.
Turning around you were greeted with a surprise kiss on the lips by none other than your famously appreciated girlfriend. When she pulled away you felt your face burning red with affection.
“That’s one way to greet your girlfriend,” you stated, “god you’re so cute.”
She beamed up at you with a joyful look and a sparkle in her eye.
“Hey,” she smirked, “maybe we should continue our flirting at home before you know who gets jealous again.”
You let out a loud gasp.
“Not the dark lord himself!” you cried.
“Oh shit,” you whipped around, at the sound of that too familiar voice, “If you guys were summoning the devil, then look no further.”
“Jared, I swear, at this point it feels like you’re stalking us,” you glanced over at Alana who just smiled and shook her head.
“Or maybe,” he paused dramatically, “you two are the ones stalking me,” he used his hands to mimic an explosion while crossing his eyes.
“If you don’t mind Jared, my girlfriend and I would like some time alone to talk about-”
Jared cut you off, “Talk about what? You gonna calculate how many orgasms you can have within two hours?”
Alana flushed red slightly, “No!” she exclaimed.
“Woah, chill out,” Jared raised his hands defensively before gasping, “are you gonna discuss endless drama over a certain Jared Kleinman, who has always been the center of your attention since th-”
“Jared,” you stopped him, “You’re not the only boy in our lives.”
“Yeah,” Alana supported, “there are plenty of other guys in our lives.”
“Really?” he raised his eyebrows, “Name one.”
You scanned the crowd of students, singling out a certain boy in a blue striped shirt.
“Evan!” you called out. Said boy turned around with a facial expression of fear and surprise.
Jared’s face grew warm, “Evan doesn’t-”
“Ooh look,” Alana interrupted, “Jared’s blushing,” she sang.
Letting out another shrill gasp, you beckoned Evan over, “Evan! Jared’s in loooove with you!” you dragged out the ‘o’.
Alana hiding her giggles behind her hand, Jared shot you a deathly glare.
“You two are the worst,” he growled, while running away.
Evan timidly walked over to us.
“W-What’s the, um..,” he stuttered, “Who’s, uh, wh-why is-”
“Just teasing Jared is all,” Alana answered him.
“Oh,” he mumbled, confusion still evident on his face.
“Yeah,” you waved it off, “Well, ‘lana and I are gonna head over to my place. See you tomorrow Evan.”
Alana said her goodbye and you both started your way home, hand in hand.
“and I still had her phone in my hand and Zoe was like-” you were telling your girlfriend about the time you dropped Zoe Murphy’s phone playing bumper cars at the amusement park, until you realized Alana had swayed off to the right of the sidewalk.
You quickly took her by the elbow before she veered into the street.
“Hey, are you alright?” you questioned her, clearly concerned.
“Sorry, I, uh,” she scratched the back of her neck, “I guess my backpack is a little heavy.”
“Aw, babe I’ll carry it for you,” you held out your arm to her.
“No, really, i-it’s fine,” she blushed.
“I wasn’t asking,” you said, slipping her bag off of her shoulders and almost falling over once you registered how heavy it was.
“Woah!” you breathed out, “How many books can one person carry?”
She chuckled.
You and Alana had finally arrived home and you dropped your bags onto the couch. Your shoulders were achy from the weight of both bags, but you didn’t want to admit it and make Alana feel bad. The both of you headed to your bedroom. Laying down in bed, you stared at the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling while Alana was making herself comfortable. You remembered what Alana had told you earlier that morning.
“So what’s so important you have to tell me about?”
“What?” she responded with a yawn, looking a little drowsy.
“Tired?” you asked with a short chuckle, and she nodded, “This morning you told me to remind you that you needed to talk to me about something.”
“Oh, yeah. Well, I guess…,” she paused, “I mean, my vision hasn’t been too great.”
“Well no wonder! You’ve always got your nose in a book and ten more books in your bag,” you flung your arms out to exaggerate your statement.
“Heh,” a small smirk formed its way on Alana’s face, “I’ll still need to get glasses.”
“Wait, is that why you were trailing off the sidewalk?”
She nodded. You propped yourself against your elbows and leaned up.
“Well why didn’t you just say so?” you questioned.
“I wasn’t in the mood to embarrass myself,” she said almost too bluntly.
“What’s so embarrassing about needing glasses? Especially on a pretty face like yours?”
She blushed, “I mean, I guess I’m just scared that everyone’s going to think I look weird or seem like a nerd? What if the lenses make my eyes bulge out? Or what if the frames give me weird tan marks?” And what i-”
“Hey, hey. Slow down,” you placed your arm around her, “there’s nothing unnatural about glasses at all.”
“And I, for one, am more than excited to see how gorgeous my girlfriend is going to look in her glasses.”
She rocked back and forth slightly, grinning.
“It isn’t fair,” she complained.
“What’s not fair?”
“How easily you can make me happy.”
“You do the same for me, babe.”
You both layed flat on the mattress, snuggling closer into each other’s arms. She told you about how she should’ve expected to need glasses soon. Bad vision ran in her family. From there she mentioned some other traits she earned hereditarily, like her double-jointed thumb. Then you both ended up thinking about what mix of both your traits would make the cutest child.
You talked until you fell asleep.
It was Saturday when Alana had texted you, telling you about getting her glasses. You immediately begged her for a picture, but she refused, saying she’d prefer to show you in person.
You were waiting anxiously at the door, waiting for the moment she would knock. You had been staring so intently at the door, it felt as if the walls began closing in. Your eyes burned at the pointless staring contest. Rubbing your eyes, you were caught by surprise at a loud noise.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Scrambling, you bolted forward almost slipping and falling in the process. Turning the door handle, Alana stood there. Your wide smile fell. She wasn’t wearing her glasses.
Inviting her in, you rambled and urged her to finally put on her glasses. She payed no mind to your comments and took a seat on the couch. You sat down next to her, leaning forward, and she whipped out her glasses dramatically.
You excitedly held out your hands to examine them. They had wide lenses in a rounded square shape. The frame was a dark wine red color, fairly thin, and horn rimmed. The ceiling light shone in its reflection. You looked back up at a sheepishly smiling Alana and held up her glasses, slowly pushing the temples of them up over her ears. When they were fully on, you leaned back to admire the masterpiece in front of you.
Alana was right, they did make her eyes look bigger, but not in a ridiculously abnormally large way. Her eyes looked more adoring, with a bigger shine to them. The contrast of light on her onyx pupils was like looking at the gemstone itself.
“You know,” you breathed, “I think you look beautiful when you put on your glasses.”
She smiled a wide, toothy grin. The apples of her cheeks lifting proudly, and stretching the sides of her mouth heavily defined her happiness.
“You know,” she said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “I think you look beautiful when I put on my glasses too.”
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disabledwarrior · 7 years
Im honestly so pissed tbh,, the bias doctors have against girls is so real and i grew up experiencing it,,, my mom took me to doctor after doctor trying desperately to find answers while watching her once physically strong and active child become too in pain to move and so worn down and depressed and it killed her to not be able to help me Now i finally have answers and am starting treatment but im so worn down and in pain i have no will to live or do anything anymore. Fuck the many doctors who shrugged me off. Ive had chronic lyme for almost 10 years and just found out recently and now i have a heart problem bcus it went untreated for so long. I attempted suicide two or so years ago bcus of this shit. Im so tired and so pissed the fuck off and treatment is terrible and i hate living.
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Yet another HP FT AU
Okay so I know this has been done hundreds of time and well. idk tbh :D. I always see Natsu in Gryffindor, but to me he always felt for like a Hufflepuff, cus the stem for all of his violence and the main point of his actions is family. To find his family, to protect it, and he gets most upset when he sees people disrespecting their family. Not to mention how level headed Natsu can be when he wants to, and the strategy he uses. What I’m saying is that I disagree with fanon Natsu lol.
 And ofc if I see Natsu I have to think of Lucy and then this spiraled and welp. 
(Shout out to @thehexperiment for letting me beta her own beautiful hp au and planting the seed for me to do this lmao)
Hufflepuff and hoo boy does that child have issues with it at first.
He was raised by Igneel after his parents were killed at the age of 3 by his homicidal and power hungry brother, Zeref, who claimed that Natsu was his by birth right and the only family he had left bcus he’s literally insane
Igneel was a dragon keeper and World Renowned Gryff, an expert and the only one who had ever successfully communicated and had been brought into a nest. He later taught his team of dragon experts the language and they too were adopted.
before The Accident
He lived with Igneel until Igneel died a week after he went to Hogwarts.
The sorting hat said Hufflepuff within seconds and Natsu had a loud fight with it before storming away in tears. His last letter to Igneel was one complaining, and he didn’t even ask Igneel how the trip was going
Natsu never forgave himself for ‘being a terrible son’
He remained closed off and had loud but shallow relationships with everyone, bcus no one believed that Igneel was still alive even though Natsu swore it
He was also mocked bcus of his punk hair which was a result of Natsu accidentally spilling one of Igneels dragon scale cleaning potions of his head while trying to get chocolate. It was specialty from an exotic island and it made the person breath fire. It was Natsu’s favourite
He eventually finds friends with all of the Strauss family in his house, and if something explodes/is a minor inconvience they know Natu had something to do with it. 
His pet is a salamnder named Happy who he enchants to be able to chnage shape, including having wings and speaking, but bcus the magic is forbidden to anyone under seventh year and Natsu did it in second, well, no one is really allowed to know.
Everyone knows
Happy likes being a cat best, but he can turn into a small dragon.
His best class is Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is taught by Gildarts, and his worst class history of magic bcus it’s just so??? boring??? who cares about the war or who Mavis was. 
His favourite class is Magical beasts bcus of his dad, but he doesn’t get the best marks due to constantly cuddling the animals and trying to smuggle the babies back to his room. Does Natsu run an underground beast babysitting service? Who knows.
the answer is yes 
He has a room alone due to a lack of boys in his year, which is fine bcus the boy is a hoarder. He also has a painting of Igneel that he talks to in his room, and sometimes its almost like his dad is still there.
She comes from a long line of pure blood slytherins
Her mom came from the most prestigious of bloodlines, the Heartfilias, and there was a minor scandal when she married a man from a much lower, tho still pure and respected, family.
When her mother died Jude threw himself into meeting the standards of the family and in turn became cold hearted and ignored his only daughter in favour of his own pride
Lucy became an embarrassment when she broke the long chain of Slytherin by being chosen as Ravenclaw, a decision the hat came to immediately
even though after five minutes there was still a debate with Lucy as she tried to understand if he had a soul or not. The hat considered hufflepuff when Lucy asked if he was doing well, but that was quickly extinguished  by her winding questions and her love of solving riddles/proving her point.
Her father all but disowns her and scoffs at her blue scarf and books, instead setting up marriages to maintain his image and trying to keep ‘her worth’
Is best friends with Levy, fellow Ravenclaw, and is somehow always partnered with the Hufflepuff boy who makes things explode ala Seamus Finnigan
Her fave class is potions bcus she always finds a way to improve them, and is easily led astray by Natsu’s questions until the two have created a new horn cleaning serum that helps with growth rather than the simple potion they were supposed to. Porlyusica loves/hates them.
Lucy’s worst class is also History of Magic, but that’s bcus she gets too involved in it and never actually answers the essay question.
Lucy wasn’t allowed to get a pet and was supposed to use the family owl, but her father banned it from her when she was put into Ravenclaw.
So she enchanted a stuffed animal her mother had gotten her.
Plue constantly shakes, Levy saying bcus the spell is fighting to stay connected. Natsu says it’s cus he’s cold.
Lucy loves her tiny shaky not-dog
Her mother is constantly called the brightest witch of her age, and Lucy struggles to live up to that namesake. Lucy uses her mother as proof that not all Slytherins are bad. 
All the celestial professors love her bcus of this, as they were very fond of her mother. Especially Aquarius, the astronomy teacher. (Aquarius hates the dual Astrology/divination teachers, the pieces twins. No one knows why)
Slytherin along with Cana. Cana doesn’t really care about bloodlines, and Gray’s father was disowned and torn from the family portait for marrying a muggle born Mika. His parents died in an earthquake that followers of Zeref set off trying to summon their master.
He and Lucy are family friends, as Lucy can relate to being throw aside. 
He and Natsu are frenemies and have ganged together to beat up other bullies before trying to beat one another up.
His pet is an owl named Ice Beak bcus he was ten and it is pure white.
He and Natsu get into little passive agressive spats in which Gray will freeze Natsu’s entire room and Natsu, in turn, will pour an entire packet of fire beans into Gray’s soup.
Lucy is Tired
Gray tried to doge Juvia the first two years after she transferred to Hogwarts from Drumstang their third year. She was placed into Hufflepuff as well, much to everyones confusion. They eventually started dating after Gray grew attached to her presence and hopefulness. He still doesn’t know how to show affection, but Juvia has an unmeltable ice heart she keeps beside her bed.
Natsu teases Gray about it constantly.
Gray retaliates every time Lucy has another little fluffy animal poking it’s nose out of her robe pocket.
head of Gryffindor house 
literally everyone is terrified of her, even those not in her house.
orphaned at a young age and stolen by a group of Zeref’s followers to eventually be used as a sacrifice with hundreds of others to summon Zeref.
Escaped and was taken in by Hogwarts Headmaster Makarov at age 9.
Raised alongside fellow Gryff Laxus
Pet is a red owl that was the runt of the litter. He likes to sleep in Erza’s hair.
No one can find it in themselves to let their fear be diminished as Erza is hunting them with a sleeping owl nested in her hair 
Even Makarov is terrified of her when she’s in a rage
Natsu is usually about to die get detention
This got long but whoops it was fun :D
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